[pytest] | |
addopts = | |
# `pytest-xdist`: | |
--numprocesses=auto | |
# Show 10 slowest invocations: | |
--durations=10 | |
# Report all the things == -rxXs: | |
-ra | |
# Show values of the local vars in errors/tracebacks: | |
--showlocals | |
# Autocollect and invoke the doctests from all modules: | |
# https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/doctest.html | |
--doctest-modules | |
# Dump the test results in junit format: | |
# --junitxml=.test-results/pytest/results.xml | |
# Pre-load the `pytest-cov` plugin early: | |
-p pytest_cov | |
# `pytest-cov`: | |
--cov | |
--cov-context=test | |
--cov-config=.coveragerc | |
# Fail on config parsing warnings: | |
# --strict-config | |
# Fail on non-existing markers: | |
# * Deprecated since v6.2.0 but may be reintroduced later covering a | |
# broader scope: | |
# --strict | |
# * Exists since v4.5.0 (advised to be used instead of `--strict`): | |
--strict-markers | |
doctest_optionflags = ALLOW_UNICODE ELLIPSIS | |
# Marks tests with an empty parameterset as xfail(run=False) | |
empty_parameter_set_mark = xfail | |
faulthandler_timeout = 30 | |
filterwarnings = | |
error | |
# FIXME: drop this once `pytest-cov` is updated. | |
# Ref: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-cov/issues/557 | |
ignore:The --rsyncdir command line argument and rsyncdirs config variable are deprecated.:DeprecationWarning | |
# https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/10977 and https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/pull/10894 | |
ignore:ast\.(Num|NameConstant|Str) is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3\.14; use ast\.Constant instead:DeprecationWarning:_pytest | |
ignore:Attribute s is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3\.14; use value instead:DeprecationWarning:_pytest | |
# https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/usage.html#creating-junitxml-format-files | |
junit_duration_report = call | |
# xunit1 contains more metadata than xunit2 so it's better for CI UIs: | |
junit_family = xunit1 | |
junit_logging = all | |
junit_log_passing_tests = true | |
junit_suite_name = yarl_test_suite | |
# A mapping of markers to their descriptions allowed in strict mode: | |
markers = | |
minversion = 3.8.2 | |
# Optimize pytest's lookup by restricting potentially deep dir tree scan: | |
norecursedirs = | |
build | |
dist | |
docs | |
venv | |
virtualenv | |
yarl.egg-info | |
.cache | |
.eggs | |
.git | |
.github | |
.tox | |
*.egg | |
testpaths = tests/ | |
xfail_strict = true | |