import datetime |
import typing |
from io import StringIO |
from math import ceil |
from test.utils import pandas_only |
from unittest.mock import Mock, PropertyMock, mock_open, patch |
import pytest |
from redshift_connector import Connection, Cursor, DataError, InterfaceError |
IS_SINGLE_DATABASE_METADATA_TOGGLE: typing.List[bool] = [True, False] |
description_warn_response_data: typing.List[typing.Tuple[bytes, str]] = [ |
(b"ab\xffcd", "failed to decode column name"), |
] |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("_input", description_warn_response_data) |
def test_get_description_warns_user(_input) -> None: |
data, exp_warning_msg = _input |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_cursor.__setattr__("ps", {"row_desc": [{"type_oid": 1043, "label": data, "column_name": b"c1"}]}) |
with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=exp_warning_msg): |
mock_cursor.description |
fetch_df_warn_response_data: typing.List[typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[typing.List[bytes]], str]] = [ |
(None, "No row description was found. pandas dataframe will be missing column labels."), |
] |
@pandas_only |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("_input", fetch_df_warn_response_data) |
def test_fetch_dataframe_warns_user(_input, mocker) -> None: |
data, exp_warning_msg = _input |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor._getDescription", return_value=[data]) |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.__next__", return_value=["blah"]) |
with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=exp_warning_msg): |
mock_cursor.fetch_dataframe(1) |
@pandas_only |
def test_fetch_dataframe_no_results(mocker) -> None: |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor._getDescription", return_value=["test"]) |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.__next__", side_effect=StopIteration("mocked end")) |
assert mock_cursor.fetch_dataframe(1).size == 0 |
def test_raw_connection_property_warns() -> None: |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_cursor._c = Connection.__new__(Connection) |
with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="DB-API extension cursor.connection used"): |
mock_cursor.connection |
def test_get_description_no_ps() -> None: |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_cursor.ps = None |
assert mock_cursor._getDescription() is None |
def test_execute_no_connection_raises_interface_error() -> None: |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_cursor._c = None |
with pytest.raises(InterfaceError, match="Cursor closed"): |
mock_cursor.execute("blah") |
get_procedure_arg_data: typing.List[typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[str], ...]] = [ |
("apples", "blueberries", "oranges"), |
(None, "laffytaffy", "gobstoppers"), |
("chocolate", None, "coffee"), |
("pumpkin", "spaghetti_squash", None), |
(None, "a%", None), |
(None, "_b_", None), |
] |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("_input", get_procedure_arg_data) |
def test_get_procedures_considers_args(_input, mocker) -> None: |
catalog, schema_pattern, procedure_name_pattern = _input |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.execute", return_value=None) |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.fetchall", return_value=None) |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Connection.is_single_database_metadata", return_value=True) |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_connection: Connection = Connection.__new__(Connection) |
mock_cursor._c = mock_connection |
mock_cursor.paramstyle = "mocked_val" |
spy = mocker.spy(mock_cursor, "execute") |
mock_cursor.get_procedures(catalog, schema_pattern, procedure_name_pattern) |
assert spy.called |
assert spy.call_count == 1 |
assert catalog not in spy.call_args[0][1] |
for arg in (schema_pattern, procedure_name_pattern): |
if arg is not None: |
assert arg in spy.call_args[0][1] |
catalog_filter_conditions_data: typing.List[typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[str], bool, typing.Optional[str]]] = [ |
("apples", True, "oranges"), |
("peanuts", False, "walnuts"), |
(None, True, "pecans"), |
(None, False, "pistachios"), |
("blue", True, None), |
("green", False, None), |
(None, True, None), |
(None, False, None), |
] |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("is_single_database_metadata_val", IS_SINGLE_DATABASE_METADATA_TOGGLE) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("_input", catalog_filter_conditions_data) |
def test__get_catalog_filter_conditions_considers_args(_input, is_single_database_metadata_val) -> None: |
catalog, api_supported_only_for_connected_database, database_col_name = _input |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_connection: Connection = Connection.__new__(Connection) |
mock_cursor._c = mock_connection |
with patch( |
"redshift_connector.Connection.is_single_database_metadata", new_callable=PropertyMock() |
) as mock_is_single_database_metadata: |
mock_is_single_database_metadata.__get__ = Mock(return_value=is_single_database_metadata_val) |
result: str = mock_cursor._get_catalog_filter_conditions( |
catalog, api_supported_only_for_connected_database, database_col_name |
) |
if catalog is not None: |
assert catalog in result |
if is_single_database_metadata_val or api_supported_only_for_connected_database: |
assert "current_database()" in result |
assert catalog in result |
elif database_col_name is None: |
assert "database_name" in result |
else: |
assert database_col_name in result |
else: |
assert result == "" |
get_schemas_arg_data: typing.List[typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[str], ...]] = [ |
("lipbalm", "cherry"), |
("lavender", "chamomille"), |
("pumpkin", None), |
(None, "volcano"), |
(None, None), |
] |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("is_single_database_metadata_val", IS_SINGLE_DATABASE_METADATA_TOGGLE) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("_input", get_schemas_arg_data) |
def test_get_schemas_considers_args(_input, is_single_database_metadata_val, mocker) -> None: |
catalog, schema_pattern = _input |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.execute", return_value=None) |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.fetchall", return_value=None) |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_cursor.paramstyle = "mocked" |
mock_connection: Connection = Connection.__new__(Connection) |
mock_cursor._c = mock_connection |
spy = mocker.spy(mock_cursor, "execute") |
with patch( |
"redshift_connector.Connection.is_single_database_metadata", new_callable=PropertyMock() |
) as mock_is_single_database_metadata: |
mock_is_single_database_metadata.__get__ = Mock(return_value=is_single_database_metadata_val) |
mock_cursor.get_schemas(catalog, schema_pattern) |
assert spy.called |
assert spy.call_count == 1 |
if schema_pattern is not None: |
assert schema_pattern in spy.call_args[0][1] |
if catalog is not None: |
assert catalog in spy.call_args[0][0] |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("is_single_database_metadata_val", IS_SINGLE_DATABASE_METADATA_TOGGLE) |
def test_get_catalogs_considers_args(is_single_database_metadata_val, mocker) -> None: |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.execute", return_value=None) |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.fetchall", return_value=None) |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_cursor.paramstyle = "mocked" |
mock_connection: Connection = Connection.__new__(Connection) |
mock_cursor._c = mock_connection |
spy = mocker.spy(mock_cursor, "execute") |
with patch( |
"redshift_connector.Connection.is_single_database_metadata", new_callable=PropertyMock() |
) as mock_is_single_database_metadata: |
mock_is_single_database_metadata.__get__ = Mock(return_value=is_single_database_metadata_val) |
mock_cursor.get_catalogs() |
assert spy.called |
assert spy.call_count == 1 |
if is_single_database_metadata_val: |
assert "select current_database as TABLE_CAT FROM current_database()" in spy.call_args[0][0] |
else: |
assert ( |
in spy.call_args[0][0] |
) |
get_tables_arg_data: typing.List[typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[str], ...]] = [ |
("apples", "oranges", "peaches"), |
(None, "blocks", "legos"), |
("trains", None, "planes"), |
("lions", "tigers", None), |
(None, None, None), |
] |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("schema_pattern_type", ["EXTERNAL_SCHEMA_QUERY", "LOCAL_SCHEMA_QUERY"]) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("is_single_database_metadata_val", IS_SINGLE_DATABASE_METADATA_TOGGLE) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("_input", get_tables_arg_data) |
def test_get_tables_considers_args(is_single_database_metadata_val, _input, schema_pattern_type, mocker) -> None: |
catalog, schema_pattern, table_name_pattern = _input |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.execute", return_value=None) |
mocker.patch( |
"redshift_connector.Cursor.fetchall", |
return_value=None if schema_pattern_type == "EXTERNAL_SCHEMA_QUERY" else tuple("mock"), |
) |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_cursor.paramstyle = "mocked" |
mock_connection: Connection = Connection.__new__(Connection) |
mock_cursor._c = mock_connection |
spy = mocker.spy(mock_cursor, "execute") |
with patch( |
"redshift_connector.Connection.is_single_database_metadata", new_callable=PropertyMock() |
) as mock_is_single_database_metadata: |
mock_is_single_database_metadata.__get__ = Mock(return_value=is_single_database_metadata_val) |
mock_cursor.get_tables(catalog, schema_pattern, table_name_pattern) |
assert spy.called |
if schema_pattern is not None and is_single_database_metadata_val: |
assert spy.call_count == 2 |
else: |
assert spy.call_count == 1 |
if catalog is not None: |
assert catalog in spy.call_args[0][0] |
for arg in (schema_pattern, table_name_pattern): |
if arg is not None: |
assert arg in spy.call_args[0][1] |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("indexes, names", [([1], []), ([], ["c1"])]) |
def test_insert_data_column_names_indexes_mismatch_raises(indexes, names, mocker) -> None: |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.fetchone", return_value=[1]) |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_cursor._c = Mock() |
mock_cursor.paramstyle = "qmark" |
with pytest.raises(InterfaceError, match="Column names and parameter indexes must be the same length"): |
mock_cursor.insert_data_bulk( |
filename="test_file", |
table_name="test_table", |
parameter_indices=indexes, |
column_names=names, |
delimiter=",", |
) |
insert_bulk_data = [ |
( |
[0], |
["col1"], |
("INSERT INTO test_table (col1) VALUES (%s), (%s), (%s);", ["1", "2", "-1"]), |
), |
( |
[1], |
["col2"], |
("INSERT INTO test_table (col2) VALUES (%s), (%s), (%s);", ["3", "5", "7"]), |
), |
( |
[2], |
["col3"], |
( |
"INSERT INTO test_table (col3) VALUES (%s), (%s), (%s);", |
["foo", "bar", "baz"], |
), |
), |
( |
[0, 1], |
["col1", "col2"], |
( |
"INSERT INTO test_table (col1, col2) VALUES (%s, %s), (%s, %s), (%s, %s);", |
["1", "3", "2", "5", "-1", "7"], |
), |
), |
( |
[0, 2], |
["col1", "col3"], |
( |
"INSERT INTO test_table (col1, col3) VALUES (%s, %s), (%s, %s), (%s, %s);", |
["1", "foo", "2", "bar", "-1", "baz"], |
), |
), |
( |
[1, 2], |
["col2", "col3"], |
( |
"INSERT INTO test_table (col2, col3) VALUES (%s, %s), (%s, %s), (%s, %s);", |
["3", "foo", "5", "bar", "7", "baz"], |
), |
), |
( |
[0, 1, 2], |
["col1", "col2", "col3"], |
( |
"INSERT INTO test_table (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (%s, %s, %s), (%s, %s, %s), (%s, %s, %s);", |
["1", "3", "foo", "2", "5", "bar", "-1", "7", "baz"], |
), |
), |
] |
@patch("builtins.open", new_callable=mock_open) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("indexes,names,exp_execute_args", insert_bulk_data) |
def test_insert_data_column_stmt(mocked_csv, indexes, names, exp_execute_args, mocker) -> None: |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.fetchone", return_value=[1]) |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
spy = mocker.spy(mock_cursor, "execute") |
mock_cursor._c = Mock() |
mock_cursor.paramstyle = "qmark" |
mocked_csv.side_effect = [StringIO("""\col1,col2,col3\n1,3,foo\n2,5,bar\n-1,7,baz""")] |
mock_cursor.insert_data_bulk( |
filename="mocked_csv", |
table_name="test_table", |
parameter_indices=indexes, |
column_names=names, |
delimiter=",", |
batch_size=3, |
) |
assert spy.called is True |
assert spy.call_args[0][0] == exp_execute_args[0] |
assert spy.call_args[0][1] == exp_execute_args[1] |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("batch_size", [1, 2, 3, 4]) |
@patch("builtins.open", new_callable=mock_open) |
def test_insert_data_uses_batch_size(mocked_csv, batch_size, mocker) -> None: |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.fetchone", return_value=[1]) |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
spy = mocker.spy(mock_cursor, "execute") |
mock_cursor._c = Mock() |
mock_cursor.paramstyle = "qmark" |
mocked_csv.side_effect = [StringIO("""\col1,col2,col3\n1,3,foo\n2,5,bar\n-1,7,baz""")] |
mock_cursor.insert_data_bulk( |
filename="mocked_csv", |
table_name="test_table", |
parameter_indices=[0, 1, 2], |
column_names=["col1", "col2", "col3"], |
delimiter=",", |
batch_size=batch_size, |
) |
assert spy.called is True |
actual_insert_stmts_executed = 0 |
for call in spy.mock_calls: |
if len(call[1]) == 2 and "INSERT INTO" in call[1][0]: |
actual_insert_stmts_executed += 1 |
assert actual_insert_stmts_executed == ceil(3 / batch_size) |
max_params = 32767 |
@patch("builtins.open", new_callable=mock_open) |
def test_insert_data_bulk_raises_too_many_parameters(mocked_csv, mocker) -> None: |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.fetchone", return_value=[1]) |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_cursor._c = Mock() |
mocker.patch.object( |
mock_cursor._c, "execute", side_effect=DataError("Prepared statement exceeds bind parameter " "limit 32767.") |
) |
mock_cursor.paramstyle = "mocked" |
indexes, names = ( |
[0], |
["col1"], |
) |
csv_str = "\col1\n" + "1\n" * max_params + "1" |
mocked_csv.side_effect = [StringIO(csv_str)] |
with pytest.raises(DataError, match="Prepared statement exceeds bind parameter limit 32767."): |
mock_cursor.insert_data_bulk( |
filename="mocked_csv", |
table_name="githubissue165", |
parameter_indices=indexes, |
column_names=["col1"], |
delimiter=",", |
batch_size=max_params + 1, |
) |
@patch("builtins.open", new_callable=mock_open) |
def test_insert_data_raises_too_many_parameters(mocker) -> None: |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_cursor._c = Mock() |
mock_cursor._c.execute.side_effect = DataError("Prepared statement exceeds bind " "parameter limit 32767.") |
mock_cursor.paramstyle = "mocked" |
prepared_stmt = "INSERT INTO githubissue165 (col1) VALUES " + "(%s), " * max_params + "(%s);" |
params = [1 for _ in range(max_params + 1)] |
with pytest.raises(DataError, match="Prepared statement exceeds bind parameter limit 32767."): |
mock_cursor.execute(prepared_stmt, params) |
@pandas_only |
def test_write_dataframe_handles_npdtyes(mocker): |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.execute", return_value=None) |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.fetchone", return_value=[1]) |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_connection: Connection = Connection.__new__(Connection) |
mock_cursor._c = mock_connection |
mock_cursor.paramstyle = "mocked_val" |
for datatype, data in ( |
("int8_col", np.array([1], dtype=np.int8)), |
("int16_col", np.array([1], dtype=np.int16)), |
("int32_col", np.array([1], dtype=np.int32)), |
("int64_col", np.array([1], dtype=np.int64)), |
("uint8_col", np.array([1], dtype=np.uint8)), |
("uint16_col", np.array([1], dtype=np.uint16)), |
("uint32_col", np.array([1], dtype=np.uint32)), |
("uint64_col", np.array([1], dtype=np.uint64)), |
("float16_col", np.array([1.0], dtype=np.float16)), |
("float32_col", np.array([1.0], dtype=np.float32)), |
("float64_col", np.array([1.0], dtype=np.float64)), |
("complex64_col", np.array([1 + 1j], dtype=np.complex64)), |
("complex128_col", np.array([1 + 1j], dtype=np.complex128)), |
("bool_col", np.array([True], dtype=np.bool_)), |
("string_col", np.array(["hello"], dtype="U")), |
("object_col", np.array([{"key", "value"}], dtype=object)), |
): |
spy = mocker.spy(mock_cursor, "execute") |
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data) |
mock_cursor.write_dataframe(df=dataframe, table=datatype) |
assert spy.called |
assert spy.call_count == 2 |
assert not isinstance(spy.mock_calls[1].args[1], np.ndarray) |
assert isinstance(spy.mock_calls[1].args[1], list) |
assert len(spy.mock_calls[1].args[1]) == 1 |
assert not isinstance(spy.mock_calls[1].args[1][0], np.generic) |
@pandas_only |
def test_write_dataframe_handles_pandas_types(mocker): |
import pandas as pd |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.execute", return_value=None) |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.fetchone", return_value=[1]) |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_connection: Connection = Connection.__new__(Connection) |
mock_cursor._c = mock_connection |
mock_cursor.paramstyle = "mocked_val" |
for datatype, data, _type in ( |
("int64", pd.Series([42]), int), |
("float64", pd.Series([3.14]), float), |
("object", pd.Series(["Hello, Pandas!"]), str), |
("bool", pd.Series([True]), bool), |
("datetime64", pd.Series([pd.Timestamp("2022-01-01")]), int), |
("timedelta64", pd.Series([pd.Timedelta(days=5)]), int), |
): |
spy = mocker.spy(mock_cursor, "execute") |
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data) |
mock_cursor.write_dataframe(df=dataframe, table=datatype) |
assert spy.called |
assert spy.call_count == 2 |
assert not isinstance(spy.mock_calls[1].args[1], pd.core.base.PandasObject) |
assert isinstance(spy.mock_calls[1].args[1], list) |
assert len(spy.mock_calls[1].args[1]) == 1 |
assert isinstance(spy.mock_calls[1].args[1][0], _type) |
@pandas_only |
@pytest.mark.parametrize( |
"datatype,data,_type", |
( |
("int", 42, int), |
("float", 3.14, float), |
("str", "H", str), |
("bool", True, bool), |
("list", [1, 2, 3], list), |
("tuple", (4, 5, 6), tuple), |
("set", {1, 2, 3}, set), |
("datetime", datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc), datetime.datetime), |
), |
) |
def test_write_dataframe_handles_python_types(mocker, datatype, data, _type): |
import datetime |
import pandas as pd |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.execute", return_value=None) |
mocker.patch("redshift_connector.Cursor.fetchone", return_value=[1]) |
mock_cursor: Cursor = Cursor.__new__(Cursor) |
mock_connection: Connection = Connection.__new__(Connection) |
mock_cursor._c = mock_connection |
mock_cursor.paramstyle = "mocked_val" |
spy = mocker.spy(mock_cursor, "execute") |
dataframe = pd.DataFrame({col: [data] * 1 for col in (datatype,)}) |
mock_cursor.write_dataframe(df=dataframe, table=datatype) |
assert spy.called |
assert spy.call_count == 2 |
assert not isinstance(spy.mock_calls[1].args[1], pd.core.base.PandasObject) |
assert isinstance(spy.mock_calls[1].args[1], list) |
assert len(spy.mock_calls[1].args[1]) == 1 |
assert isinstance((spy.mock_calls[1].args[1][0]), _type) |