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<title><![CDATA[ 2005�� ������........? ]]> </title> |
<link>http://birder.egloos.com/1214595</link> |
<description> |
<![CDATA[ |
<a title="" href="http://birder.egloos.com/855791">2004�� ��������?</a> 15��<BR> |
<BR> |
<strong>2005�� ����å LIST</strong><BR> |
<BR> |
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0817 �̿���������� ���<BR> |
0905 ����ΰ� 1, 2<BR> |
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]]> |
</description> |
<category>�̺з�</category> |
<pubDate>Sat, 24 Dec 2005 12:05:03 GMT</pubDate> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title><![CDATA[ �� ���� ���� �Ƹ��ٿ� ������[2005.10.25] ]]> </title> |
<link>http://birder.egloos.com/1162539</link> |
<description> |
<![CDATA[ |
����̶� ����. �� ������ ���̿�! - ��ü!</strong><CENTER><IMG CLASS=IMAGE_MID SRC="http://pds2.egloos.com/pds/1/200510/26/02/a0000002_1025380.jpg" BORDER=0 WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=718></CENTER><strong> |
]]> |
</description> |
<category>Book & Movie</category> |
<pubDate>Wed, 26 Oct 2005 01:16:55 GMT</pubDate> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title><![CDATA[ �ѱ������� �����̷� ]]> </title> |
<link>http://birder.egloos.com/1149313</link> |
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<![CDATA[ |
<A HREF=http://www.aladdin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?ISBN=8985989839&partner=egloos TARGET=_NEW><IMG CLASS=IMAGE_LEFT SRC=http://image.aladdin.co.kr/coveretc/book/coveroff/8985989839_1.jpg BORDER=0 ALIGN=LEFT>�赵���� �ѱ�����</A><BR> |
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<BR> |
<B><font color="#ff0000">��� �� ��ü�Դϴ�...<font></B> |
]]> |
</description> |
<category>Book & Movie</category> |
<pubDate>Tue, 11 Oct 2005 11:26:14 GMT</pubDate> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title><![CDATA[ ���İ� ������ ��� �ٸ��� ]]> </title> |
<link>http://birder.egloos.com/1134770</link> |
<description> |
<![CDATA[ |
<font color="#6600cc">������ ������ڸ� ������ �ǹ̸� �����ϴ� ���� �ּ����� �νĴ����̰�,<BR> |
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<BR> |
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<BR> |
- ��¸�ŭ �����Ѵ� �� -</font> |
]]> |
</description> |
<category>�ۿ�</category> |
<pubDate>Sun, 25 Sep 2005 12:21:53 GMT</pubDate> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title><![CDATA[ [2005.7.05] ������� ����϶�! ]]> </title> |
<link>http://birder.egloos.com/1057986</link> |
<description> |
<![CDATA[ |
Ʈ���带 â���ϴ� �� <B>�̳뺣����</B>�� ��ġ��...<BR> |
<BR> |
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<BR> |
<A HREF=http://www.aladdin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?ISBN=8959243876&partner=egloos TARGET=_NEW><IMG CLASS=IMAGE_LEFT SRC=http://image.aladdin.co.kr/coveretc/book/coveroff/8959243876_1.jpg BORDER=0 ALIGN=LEFT>Ʈ���带 â���ϴ� �� �̳뺣����</A><BR> |
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<BR> |
<BR> |
]]> |
</description> |
<category>�ϻ��� ȲȦ</category> |
<pubDate>Tue, 5 Jul 2005 13:23:00 GMT</pubDate> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title><![CDATA[ ������ ������� 7���� ���� (���ϰ��� 2005�� 07�� 01��) ]]> </title> |
<link>http://birder.egloos.com/1053379</link> |
<description> |
<![CDATA[ |
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<BR> |
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<a href="http://inews.mk.co.kr/CMS/global/all/real/mk/6746434_3352.php">< Copyright �� ���ϰ���. �������� �� ����� ���� ></a> |
]]> |
</description> |
<category>Scrap</category> |
<pubDate>Fri, 1 Jul 2005 00:02:56 GMT</pubDate> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title><![CDATA[ �Ҵ��� ���� ���ο� �־���. (���ϰ��� 2005�� 07�� 01��) ]]> </title> |
<link>http://birder.egloos.com/1053374</link> |
<description> |
<![CDATA[ |
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<BR> |
[������ ����] <BR> |
<a href="http://inews.mk.co.kr/CMS/global/all/real/mk/6746433_3352.php">< Copyright �� ���ϰ���. �������� �� ����� ���� ></a> |
]]> |
</description> |
<category>Scrap</category> |
<pubDate>Thu, 30 Jun 2005 23:54:03 GMT</pubDate> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title><![CDATA[ [2003.6.30] Think Different ]]> </title> |
<link>http://birder.egloos.com/1052052</link> |
<description> |
<![CDATA[ |
'�ٸ��� �����϶�' - ��Ƽ���⽺�� ���� CEO�� �����ϸ鼭 ���ɾ��� ���ΰ��̶�� �ϴ±���<BR> |
<BR> |
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<BR> |
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]]> |
</description> |
<category>�ϻ��� ȲȦ</category> |
<pubDate>Wed, 29 Jun 2005 15:28:05 GMT</pubDate> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title><![CDATA[ ǰ���� �⺻! ]]> </title> |
<link>http://birder.egloos.com/1052003</link> |
<description> |
<![CDATA[ |
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<BR> |
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<BR> |
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<BR> |
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<BR> |
<A HREF=http://mars.egloos.com/1051841 TARGET=_NEW>ǰ���� ������ ���ؼ�</A> |
]]> |
</description> |
<category>���!</category> |
<pubDate>Wed, 29 Jun 2005 15:02:42 GMT</pubDate> |
</item> |
<item> |
<title><![CDATA[ [2005.6.29] �Ҿ�ģ���� �湮 ^^; ]]> </title> |
<link>http://birder.egloos.com/1051911</link> |
<description> |
<![CDATA[ |
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]]> |
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<category>�ϻ��� ȲȦ</category> |
<pubDate>Wed, 29 Jun 2005 13:38:22 GMT</pubDate> |
</item> |
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