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import sys
import os
import os.path as op
import tempfile
from subprocess import Popen, check_output, PIPE, STDOUT, CalledProcessError
import pickle
from contextlib import contextmanager
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import psutil
from cloudpickle import dumps
from subprocess import TimeoutExpired
loads = pickle.loads
TEST_GLOBALS = "a test value"
def make_local_function():
def g(x):
# this function checks that the globals are correctly handled and that
# the builtins are available
assert TEST_GLOBALS == "a test value"
return sum(range(10))
return g
def _make_cwd_env():
"""Helper to prepare environment for the child processes"""
cloudpickle_repo_folder = op.normpath(op.join(op.dirname(__file__), ".."))
env = os.environ.copy()
pythonpath = "{src}{sep}tests{pathsep}{src}".format(
src=cloudpickle_repo_folder, sep=os.sep, pathsep=os.pathsep
env["PYTHONPATH"] = pythonpath
return cloudpickle_repo_folder, env
def subprocess_pickle_string(input_data, protocol=None, timeout=TIMEOUT, add_env=None):
"""Retrieve pickle string of an object generated by a child Python process
Pickle the input data into a buffer, send it to a subprocess via
stdin, expect the subprocess to unpickle, re-pickle that data back
and send it back to the parent process via stdout for final unpickling.
>>> testutils.subprocess_pickle_string([1, 'a', None], protocol=2)
# run then pickle_echo(protocol=protocol) in __main__:
# Protect stderr from any warning, as we will assume an error will happen
# if it is not empty. A concrete example is pytest using the imp module,
# which is deprecated in python 3.8
cmd = [sys.executable, "-W ignore", __file__, "--protocol", str(protocol)]
cwd, env = _make_cwd_env()
if add_env:
proc = Popen(
cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=cwd, env=env, bufsize=4096
pickle_string = dumps(input_data, protocol=protocol)
comm_kwargs = {}
comm_kwargs["timeout"] = timeout
out, err = proc.communicate(pickle_string, **comm_kwargs)
if proc.returncode != 0 or len(err):
message = "Subprocess returned %d: " % proc.returncode
message += err.decode("utf-8")
raise RuntimeError(message)
return out
except TimeoutExpired as e:
out, err = proc.communicate()
message = "\n".join([out.decode("utf-8"), err.decode("utf-8")])
raise RuntimeError(message) from e
def subprocess_pickle_echo(input_data, protocol=None, timeout=TIMEOUT, add_env=None):
"""Echo function with a child Python process
Pickle the input data into a buffer, send it to a subprocess via
stdin, expect the subprocess to unpickle, re-pickle that data back
and send it back to the parent process via stdout for final unpickling.
>>> subprocess_pickle_echo([1, 'a', None])
[1, 'a', None]
out = subprocess_pickle_string(
input_data, protocol=protocol, timeout=timeout, add_env=add_env
return loads(out)
def _read_all_bytes(stream_in, chunk_size=4096):
all_data = b""
while True:
data =
all_data += data
if len(data) < chunk_size:
return all_data
def pickle_echo(stream_in=None, stream_out=None, protocol=None):
"""Read a pickle from stdin and pickle it back to stdout"""
if stream_in is None:
stream_in = sys.stdin
if stream_out is None:
stream_out = sys.stdout
# Force the use of bytes streams under Python 3
if hasattr(stream_in, "buffer"):
stream_in = stream_in.buffer
if hasattr(stream_out, "buffer"):
stream_out = stream_out.buffer
input_bytes = _read_all_bytes(stream_in)
obj = loads(input_bytes)
repickled_bytes = dumps(obj, protocol=protocol)
def call_func(payload, protocol):
"""Remote function call that uses cloudpickle to transport everthing"""
func, args, kwargs = loads(payload)
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
except BaseException as e:
result = e
return dumps(result, protocol=protocol)
class _Worker:
def __init__(self, protocol=None):
self.protocol = protocol
self.pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
self.pool.submit(id, 42).result() # start the worker process
def run(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Synchronous remote function call"""
input_payload = dumps((func, args, kwargs), protocol=self.protocol)
result_payload = self.pool.submit(
call_func, input_payload, self.protocol
result = loads(result_payload)
if isinstance(result, BaseException):
raise result
return result
def memsize(self):
workers_pids = [ if hasattr(p, "pid") else p for p in list(self.pool._processes)
num_workers = len(workers_pids)
if num_workers == 0:
return 0
elif num_workers > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected number of workers: %d" % num_workers)
return psutil.Process(workers_pids[0]).memory_info().rss
def close(self):
def subprocess_worker(protocol=None):
worker = _Worker(protocol=protocol)
yield worker
def assert_run_python_script(source_code, timeout=TIMEOUT):
"""Utility to help check pickleability of objects defined in __main__
The script provided in the source code should return 0 and not print
anything on stderr or stdout.
fd, source_file = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="")
with open(source_file, "wb") as f:
cmd = [sys.executable, "-W ignore", source_file]
cwd, env = _make_cwd_env()
kwargs = {
"cwd": cwd,
"stderr": STDOUT,
"env": env,
# If coverage is running, pass the config file to the subprocess
coverage_rc = os.environ.get("COVERAGE_PROCESS_START")
if coverage_rc:
kwargs["env"]["COVERAGE_PROCESS_START"] = coverage_rc
kwargs["timeout"] = timeout
out = check_output(cmd, **kwargs)
except CalledProcessError as e:
raise RuntimeError(
"script errored with output:\n%s" % e.output.decode("utf-8")
) from e
if out != b"":
raise AssertionError(out.decode("utf-8"))
except TimeoutExpired as e:
raise RuntimeError(
"script timeout, output so far:\n%s" % e.output.decode("utf-8")
) from e
if __name__ == "__main__":
protocol = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index("--protocol") + 1])