import asyncio |
import inspect |
import io |
import os |
import time |
import pytest |
import fsspec |
import fsspec.asyn |
from fsspec.asyn import _run_coros_in_chunks |
def test_sync_methods(): |
inst = fsspec.asyn.AsyncFileSystem() |
assert inspect.iscoroutinefunction(inst._info) |
assert hasattr(inst, "info") |
assert inst.info.__qualname__ == "AsyncFileSystem._info" |
assert not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(inst.info) |
def test_when_sync_methods_are_disabled(): |
class TestFS(fsspec.asyn.AsyncFileSystem): |
mirror_sync_methods = False |
inst = TestFS() |
assert inspect.iscoroutinefunction(inst._info) |
assert not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(inst.info) |
assert inst.info.__qualname__ == "AbstractFileSystem.info" |
def test_interrupt(): |
loop = fsspec.asyn.get_loop() |
async def f(): |
await asyncio.sleep(1000000) |
return True |
fut = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(f(), loop) |
time.sleep(0.01) |
out = fsspec.asyn._dump_running_tasks(with_task=True) |
task = out[0]["task"] |
assert task.done() and fut.done() |
assert isinstance(fut.exception(), fsspec.asyn.FSSpecCoroutineCancel) |
class _DummyAsyncKlass: |
def __init__(self): |
self.loop = fsspec.asyn.get_loop() |
async def _dummy_async_func(self): |
await asyncio.sleep(1) |
return True |
async def _bad_multiple_sync(self): |
fsspec.asyn.sync_wrapper(_DummyAsyncKlass._dummy_async_func)(self) |
return True |
dummy_func = fsspec.asyn.sync_wrapper(_dummy_async_func) |
bad_multiple_sync_func = fsspec.asyn.sync_wrapper(_bad_multiple_sync) |
def test_sync_wrapper_timeout_on_less_than_expected_wait_time_not_finish_function(): |
test_obj = _DummyAsyncKlass() |
with pytest.raises(fsspec.FSTimeoutError): |
test_obj.dummy_func(timeout=0.1) |
def test_sync_wrapper_timeout_on_more_than_expected_wait_time_will_finish_function(): |
test_obj = _DummyAsyncKlass() |
assert test_obj.dummy_func(timeout=5) |
def test_sync_wrapper_timeout_none_will_wait_func_finished(): |
test_obj = _DummyAsyncKlass() |
assert test_obj.dummy_func(timeout=None) |
def test_sync_wrapper_treat_timeout_0_as_none(): |
test_obj = _DummyAsyncKlass() |
assert test_obj.dummy_func(timeout=0) |
def test_sync_wrapper_bad_multiple_sync(): |
test_obj = _DummyAsyncKlass() |
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): |
test_obj.bad_multiple_sync_func(timeout=5) |
def test_run_coros_in_chunks(monkeypatch): |
total_running = 0 |
async def runner(): |
nonlocal total_running |
total_running += 1 |
await asyncio.sleep(0) |
if total_running > 4: |
raise ValueError("More than 4 coroutines are running together") |
total_running -= 1 |
return 1 |
async def main(**kwargs): |
nonlocal total_running |
total_running = 0 |
coros = [runner() for _ in range(32)] |
results = await _run_coros_in_chunks(coros, **kwargs) |
for result in results: |
if isinstance(result, Exception): |
raise result |
return results |
assert sum(asyncio.run(main(batch_size=4))) == 32 |
with pytest.raises(ValueError): |
asyncio.run(main(batch_size=5)) |
with pytest.raises(ValueError): |
asyncio.run(main(batch_size=-1)) |
assert sum(asyncio.run(main(batch_size=4))) == 32 |
monkeypatch.setitem(fsspec.config.conf, "gather_batch_size", 5) |
with pytest.raises(ValueError): |
asyncio.run(main()) |
assert sum(asyncio.run(main(batch_size=4))) == 32 |
monkeypatch.setitem(fsspec.config.conf, "gather_batch_size", 4) |
assert sum(asyncio.run(main())) == 32 |
@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt", reason="only for windows") |
def test_windows_policy(): |
from asyncio.windows_events import SelectorEventLoop |
loop = fsspec.asyn.get_loop() |
policy = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy() |
assert isinstance(loop, SelectorEventLoop) |
assert isinstance(policy, asyncio.DefaultEventLoopPolicy) |
def test_running_async(): |
assert not fsspec.asyn.running_async() |
async def go(): |
assert fsspec.asyn.running_async() |
asyncio.run(go()) |
class DummyAsyncFS(fsspec.asyn.AsyncFileSystem): |
_file_class = fsspec.asyn.AbstractAsyncStreamedFile |
async def _info(self, path, **kwargs): |
return {"name": "misc/foo.txt", "type": "file", "size": 100} |
async def open_async( |
self, |
path, |
mode="rb", |
block_size=None, |
autocommit=True, |
cache_options=None, |
**kwargs, |
): |
return DummyAsyncStreamedFile( |
self, |
path, |
mode, |
block_size, |
autocommit, |
cache_options=cache_options, |
**kwargs, |
) |
class DummyAsyncStreamedFile(fsspec.asyn.AbstractAsyncStreamedFile): |
def __init__(self, fs, path, mode, block_size, autocommit, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(fs, path, mode, block_size, autocommit, **kwargs) |
self.temp_buffer = io.BytesIO(b"foo-bar" * 20) |
async def _fetch_range(self, start, end): |
return self.temp_buffer.read(end - start) |
async def _initiate_upload(self): |
self.temp_buffer = io.BytesIO() |
async def _upload_chunk(self, final=False): |
self.temp_buffer.write(self.buffer.getbuffer()) |
async def get_data(self): |
return self.temp_buffer.getbuffer().tobytes() |
async def get_data(self): |
return self.temp_buffer.getbuffer().tobytes() |
@pytest.mark.asyncio |
async def test_async_streamed_file_write(): |
test_fs = DummyAsyncFS() |
streamed_file = await test_fs.open_async("misc/foo.txt", mode="wb") |
inp_data = "foo-bar".encode("utf8") * streamed_file.blocksize * 2 |
await streamed_file.write(inp_data) |
assert streamed_file.loc == len(inp_data) |
await streamed_file.close() |
out_data = await streamed_file.get_data() |
assert out_data.count(b"foo-bar") == streamed_file.blocksize * 2 |
@pytest.mark.asyncio |
async def test_async_streamed_file_read(): |
test_fs = DummyAsyncFS() |
streamed_file = await test_fs.open_async("misc/foo.txt", mode="rb") |
assert ( |
await streamed_file.read(7 * 3) + await streamed_file.read(7 * 18) |
== b"foo-bar" * 20 |
) |
await streamed_file.close() |