__all__ = [ |
"fixture_path", |
"fixture", |
"StringProcessAdapter", |
"with_rw_directory", |
"with_rw_repo", |
"with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo", |
"TestBase", |
"VirtualEnvironment", |
"TestCase", |
"SkipTest", |
"skipIf", |
] |
import contextlib |
from functools import wraps |
import gc |
import io |
import logging |
import os |
import os.path as osp |
import subprocess |
import sys |
import tempfile |
import textwrap |
import time |
import unittest |
import venv |
import gitdb |
from git.util import rmtree, cwd |
TestCase = unittest.TestCase |
SkipTest = unittest.SkipTest |
skipIf = unittest.skipIf |
ospd = osp.dirname |
GIT_REPO = os.environ.get("GIT_PYTHON_TEST_GIT_REPO_BASE", ospd(ospd(ospd(__file__)))) |
GIT_DAEMON_PORT = os.environ.get("GIT_PYTHON_TEST_GIT_DAEMON_PORT", "19418") |
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
def fixture_path(name): |
return osp.join(ospd(ospd(__file__)), "fixtures", name) |
def fixture(name): |
with open(fixture_path(name), "rb") as fd: |
return fd.read() |
class StringProcessAdapter: |
"""Allows strings to be used as process objects returned by subprocess.Popen. |
This is tailored to work with the test system only. |
""" |
def __init__(self, input_string): |
self.stdout = io.BytesIO(input_string) |
self.stderr = io.BytesIO() |
def wait(self): |
return 0 |
poll = wait |
def with_rw_directory(func): |
"""Create a temporary directory which can be written to, remove it if the |
test succeeds, but leave it otherwise to aid additional debugging.""" |
@wraps(func) |
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): |
path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=func.__name__) |
keep = False |
try: |
return func(self, path, *args, **kwargs) |
except Exception: |
_logger.info( |
"%s %s.%s failed, output is at %r\n", |
"Test" if func.__name__.startswith("test_") else "Helper", |
type(self).__name__, |
func.__name__, |
path, |
) |
keep = True |
raise |
finally: |
gc.collect() |
if not keep: |
rmtree(path) |
return wrapper |
def with_rw_repo(working_tree_ref, bare=False): |
"""Same as with_bare_repo, but clones the rorepo as non-bare repository, checking |
out the working tree at the given working_tree_ref. |
This repository type is more costly due to the working copy checkout. |
To make working with relative paths easier, the cwd will be set to the working |
dir of the repository. |
""" |
assert isinstance(working_tree_ref, str), "Decorator requires ref name for working tree checkout" |
def argument_passer(func): |
@wraps(func) |
def repo_creator(self): |
prefix = "non_" |
if bare: |
prefix = "" |
repo_dir = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="%sbare_%s" % (prefix, func.__name__)) |
rw_repo = self.rorepo.clone(repo_dir, shared=True, bare=bare, n=True) |
rw_repo.head.commit = rw_repo.commit(working_tree_ref) |
if not bare: |
rw_repo.head.reference.checkout() |
prev_cwd = os.getcwd() |
os.chdir(rw_repo.working_dir) |
try: |
return func(self, rw_repo) |
except: |
_logger.info("Keeping repo after failure: %s", repo_dir) |
repo_dir = None |
raise |
finally: |
os.chdir(prev_cwd) |
rw_repo.git.clear_cache() |
rw_repo = None |
if repo_dir is not None: |
gc.collect() |
gitdb.util.mman.collect() |
gc.collect() |
rmtree(repo_dir) |
return repo_creator |
return argument_passer |
@contextlib.contextmanager |
def git_daemon_launched(base_path, ip, port): |
from git import Git |
gd = None |
try: |
if sys.platform == "win32": |
daemon_cmd = [ |
osp.join(Git()._call_process("--exec-path"), "git-daemon"), |
"--enable=receive-pack", |
"--listen=%s" % ip, |
"--port=%s" % port, |
"--base-path=%s" % base_path, |
base_path, |
] |
gd = Git().execute(daemon_cmd, as_process=True) |
else: |
gd = Git().daemon( |
base_path, |
enable="receive-pack", |
listen=ip, |
port=port, |
base_path=base_path, |
as_process=True, |
) |
time.sleep(1.0 if sys.platform == "win32" else 0.5) |
except Exception as ex: |
msg = textwrap.dedent( |
""" |
Launching git-daemon failed due to: %s |
Probably test will fail subsequently. |
BUT you may start *git-daemon* manually with this command:" |
git daemon --enable=receive-pack --listen=%s --port=%s --base-path=%s %s |
You may also run the daemon on a different port by passing --port=<port>" |
and setting the environment variable GIT_PYTHON_TEST_GIT_DAEMON_PORT to <port> |
""" |
) |
_logger.warning(msg, ex, ip, port, base_path, base_path, exc_info=1) |
yield |
else: |
yield |
finally: |
if gd: |
try: |
_logger.debug("Killing git-daemon...") |
gd.proc.kill() |
except Exception as ex: |
_logger.debug("Hidden error while Killing git-daemon: %s", ex, exc_info=1) |
def with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo(working_tree_ref): |
"""Same as with_rw_repo, but also provides a writable remote repository from which |
the rw_repo has been forked as well as a handle for a git-daemon that may be started |
to run the remote_repo. |
The remote repository was cloned as bare repository from the ro repo, whereas the rw |
repo has a working tree and was cloned from the remote repository. |
remote_repo has two remotes: origin and daemon_origin. One uses a local url, the |
other uses a server url. The daemon setup must be done on system level and should be |
an inetd service that serves tempdir.gettempdir() and all directories in it. |
The following sketch demonstrates this:: |
rorepo ---<bare clone>---> rw_remote_repo ---<clone>---> rw_repo |
The test case needs to support the following signature:: |
def case(self, rw_repo, rw_daemon_repo) |
This setup allows you to test push and pull scenarios and hooks nicely. |
See working dir info in :func:`with_rw_repo`. |
:note: We attempt to launch our own invocation of git-daemon, which will be shut |
down at the end of the test. |
""" |
from git import Git, Remote |
assert isinstance(working_tree_ref, str), "Decorator requires ref name for working tree checkout" |
def argument_passer(func): |
@wraps(func) |
def remote_repo_creator(self): |
rw_daemon_repo_dir = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="daemon_repo-%s-" % func.__name__) |
rw_repo_dir = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="daemon_cloned_repo-%s-" % func.__name__) |
rw_daemon_repo = self.rorepo.clone(rw_daemon_repo_dir, shared=True, bare=True) |
rw_repo = rw_daemon_repo.clone(rw_repo_dir, shared=True, bare=False, n=True) |
try: |
rw_repo.head.commit = working_tree_ref |
rw_repo.head.reference.checkout() |
rw_daemon_repo.daemon_export = True |
with rw_daemon_repo.config_writer() as crw: |
section = "daemon" |
try: |
crw.add_section(section) |
except Exception: |
pass |
crw.set(section, "receivepack", True) |
d_remote = Remote.create(rw_repo, "daemon_origin", rw_daemon_repo_dir) |
d_remote.fetch() |
base_daemon_path, rel_repo_dir = osp.split(rw_daemon_repo_dir) |
remote_repo_url = Git.polish_url("git://localhost:%s/%s" % (GIT_DAEMON_PORT, rel_repo_dir)) |
with d_remote.config_writer as cw: |
cw.set("url", remote_repo_url) |
with git_daemon_launched( |
Git.polish_url(base_daemon_path), |
"", |
): |
rw_repo.git.ls_remote(d_remote) |
with cwd(rw_repo.working_dir): |
try: |
return func(self, rw_repo, rw_daemon_repo) |
except: |
_logger.info( |
"Keeping repos after failure: \n rw_repo_dir: %s \n rw_daemon_repo_dir: %s", |
rw_repo_dir, |
rw_daemon_repo_dir, |
) |
rw_repo_dir = rw_daemon_repo_dir = None |
raise |
finally: |
rw_repo.git.clear_cache() |
rw_daemon_repo.git.clear_cache() |
del rw_repo |
del rw_daemon_repo |
gc.collect() |
gitdb.util.mman.collect() |
gc.collect() |
if rw_repo_dir: |
rmtree(rw_repo_dir) |
if rw_daemon_repo_dir: |
rmtree(rw_daemon_repo_dir) |
return remote_repo_creator |
return argument_passer |
class TestBase(TestCase): |
"""Base class providing default functionality to all tests such as: |
- Utility functions provided by the TestCase base of the unittest method such as:: |
self.fail("todo") |
self.assertRaises(...) |
- Class level repository which is considered read-only as it is shared among |
all test cases in your type. |
Access it using:: |
self.rorepo # 'ro' stands for read-only |
The rorepo is in fact your current project's git repo. If you refer to specific |
shas for your objects, be sure you choose some that are part of the immutable |
portion of the project history (so that tests don't fail for others). |
""" |
def _small_repo_url(self): |
""":return: A path to a small, clonable repository""" |
from git.cmd import Git |
return Git.polish_url(osp.join(self.rorepo.working_tree_dir, "git/ext/gitdb/gitdb/ext/smmap")) |
@classmethod |
def setUpClass(cls): |
"""Dynamically add a read-only repository to our actual type. |
This way, each test type has its own repository. |
""" |
from git import Repo |
gc.collect() |
cls.rorepo = Repo(GIT_REPO) |
@classmethod |
def tearDownClass(cls): |
cls.rorepo.git.clear_cache() |
cls.rorepo.git = None |
def _make_file(self, rela_path, data, repo=None): |
""" |
Create a file at the given path relative to our repository, filled with the |
given data. |
:return: An absolute path to the created file. |
""" |
repo = repo or self.rorepo |
abs_path = osp.join(repo.working_tree_dir, rela_path) |
with open(abs_path, "w") as fp: |
fp.write(data) |
return abs_path |
class VirtualEnvironment: |
"""A newly created Python virtual environment for use in a test.""" |
__slots__ = ("_env_dir",) |
def __init__(self, env_dir, *, with_pip): |
if sys.platform == "win32": |
self._env_dir = osp.realpath(env_dir) |
venv.create(self.env_dir, symlinks=False, with_pip=with_pip) |
else: |
self._env_dir = env_dir |
venv.create(self.env_dir, symlinks=True, with_pip=with_pip) |
if with_pip: |
command = [self.python, "-m", "pip", "install", "--upgrade", "pip"] |
if sys.version_info < (3, 12): |
command.append("setuptools") |
subprocess.check_output(command) |
@property |
def env_dir(self): |
"""The top-level directory of the environment.""" |
return self._env_dir |
@property |
def python(self): |
"""Path to the Python executable in the environment.""" |
return self._executable("python") |
@property |
def pip(self): |
"""Path to the pip executable in the environment, or RuntimeError if absent.""" |
return self._executable("pip") |
@property |
def sources(self): |
"""Path to a src directory in the environment, which may not exist yet.""" |
return os.path.join(self.env_dir, "src") |
def _executable(self, basename): |
if sys.platform == "win32": |
path = osp.join(self.env_dir, "Scripts", basename + ".exe") |
else: |
path = osp.join(self.env_dir, "bin", basename) |
if osp.isfile(path) or osp.islink(path): |
return path |
raise RuntimeError(f"no regular file or symlink {path!r}") |