import gc |
import os.path as osp |
from pathlib import Path |
import random |
import sys |
import tempfile |
from unittest import skipIf |
import pytest |
from git import ( |
Commit, |
FetchInfo, |
GitCommandError, |
Head, |
PushInfo, |
Reference, |
Remote, |
RemoteProgress, |
RemoteReference, |
SymbolicReference, |
TagReference, |
) |
from git.cmd import Git |
from git.exc import UnsafeOptionError, UnsafeProtocolError |
from git.util import HIDE_WINDOWS_FREEZE_ERRORS, IterableList, rmtree |
from test.lib import ( |
TestBase, |
fixture, |
with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo, |
with_rw_repo, |
) |
random.seed(0) |
class TestRemoteProgress(RemoteProgress): |
__slots__ = ("_seen_lines", "_stages_per_op", "_num_progress_messages") |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self._seen_lines = [] |
self._stages_per_op = {} |
self._num_progress_messages = 0 |
def _parse_progress_line(self, line): |
self._seen_lines.append(line) |
rval = super()._parse_progress_line(line) |
return rval |
def line_dropped(self, line): |
try: |
self._seen_lines.remove(line) |
except ValueError: |
pass |
def update(self, op_code, cur_count, max_count=None, message=""): |
op_id = op_code & self.OP_MASK |
assert op_id in (self.COUNTING, self.COMPRESSING, self.WRITING) |
if op_code & self.WRITING > 0: |
if op_code & self.BEGIN > 0: |
assert not message, "should not have message when remote begins writing" |
elif op_code & self.END > 0: |
assert message |
assert not message.startswith(", "), "Sanitize progress messages: '%s'" % message |
assert not message.endswith(", "), "Sanitize progress messages: '%s'" % message |
self._stages_per_op.setdefault(op_id, 0) |
self._stages_per_op[op_id] = self._stages_per_op[op_id] | (op_code & self.STAGE_MASK) |
if op_code & (self.WRITING | self.END) == (self.WRITING | self.END): |
assert message |
self._num_progress_messages += 1 |
def make_assertion(self): |
if not self._seen_lines: |
return |
assert len(self._seen_ops) in (2, 3), len(self._seen_ops) |
assert self._stages_per_op |
for _op, stages in self._stages_per_op.items(): |
assert stages & self.STAGE_MASK == self.STAGE_MASK |
def assert_received_message(self): |
assert self._num_progress_messages |
class TestRemote(TestBase): |
def tearDown(self): |
gc.collect() |
def _print_fetchhead(self, repo): |
with open(osp.join(repo.git_dir, "FETCH_HEAD")): |
pass |
def _do_test_fetch_result(self, results, remote): |
self.assertGreater(len(results), 0) |
self.assertIsInstance(results[0], FetchInfo) |
for info in results: |
self.assertIsInstance(info.note, str) |
if isinstance(info.ref, Reference): |
self.assertTrue(info.flags) |
self.assertIsInstance(info.ref, (SymbolicReference, Reference)) |
if info.flags & (info.FORCED_UPDATE | info.FAST_FORWARD): |
self.assertIsInstance(info.old_commit, Commit) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(info.old_commit) |
def _do_test_push_result(self, results, remote): |
self.assertIsInstance(results, list) |
self.assertIsInstance(results, IterableList) |
self.assertGreater(len(results), 0) |
self.assertIsInstance(results[0], PushInfo) |
for info in results: |
self.assertTrue(info.flags) |
self.assertIsInstance(info.summary, str) |
if info.old_commit is not None: |
self.assertIsInstance(info.old_commit, Commit) |
if info.flags & info.ERROR: |
has_one = False |
for bitflag in ( |
info.REJECTED, |
): |
has_one |= bool(info.flags & bitflag) |
self.assertTrue(has_one) |
else: |
if info.flags & info.DELETED == 0: |
self.assertIsInstance(info.local_ref, Reference) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(info.local_ref) |
self.assertIn(type(info.remote_ref), (TagReference, RemoteReference)) |
if any(info.flags & info.ERROR for info in results): |
self.assertRaises(GitCommandError, results.raise_if_error) |
else: |
results.raise_if_error() |
def _do_test_fetch_info(self, repo): |
self.assertRaises(ValueError, FetchInfo._from_line, repo, "nonsense", "") |
self.assertRaises( |
ValueError, |
FetchInfo._from_line, |
repo, |
"? [up to date] 0.1.7RC -> origin/0.1.7RC", |
"", |
) |
def _commit_random_file(self, repo): |
"""Create a file with a random name and random data and commit it to a repo. |
:return: The committed absolute file path. |
""" |
index = repo.index |
new_file = self._make_file(osp.basename(tempfile.mktemp()), str(random.random()), repo) |
index.add([new_file]) |
index.commit("Committing %s" % new_file) |
return new_file |
def _do_test_fetch(self, remote, rw_repo, remote_repo, **kwargs): |
"""Specialized fetch testing to de-clutter the main test.""" |
self._do_test_fetch_info(rw_repo) |
def fetch_and_test(remote, **kwargs): |
progress = TestRemoteProgress() |
kwargs["progress"] = progress |
res = remote.fetch(**kwargs) |
progress.make_assertion() |
self._do_test_fetch_result(res, remote) |
return res |
def get_info(res, remote, name): |
return res["%s/%s" % (remote, name)] |
remote_repo.head.reference = remote_repo.heads.master |
res = fetch_and_test(remote, **kwargs) |
for info in res: |
self.assertTrue(info.flags & info.HEAD_UPTODATE) |
rhead = remote_repo.head |
remote_commit = rhead.commit |
rhead.reset("HEAD~2", index=False) |
res = fetch_and_test(remote) |
mkey = "%s/%s" % (remote, "master") |
master_info = res[mkey] |
self.assertTrue(master_info.flags & FetchInfo.FORCED_UPDATE) |
self.assertIsNotNone(master_info.note) |
rhead.commit = remote_commit |
res = fetch_and_test(remote) |
self.assertTrue(res[mkey].flags & FetchInfo.FAST_FORWARD) |
new_remote_branch = Head.create(remote_repo, "new_branch") |
res = fetch_and_test(remote) |
new_branch_info = get_info(res, remote, new_remote_branch) |
self.assertTrue(new_branch_info.flags & FetchInfo.NEW_HEAD) |
new_remote_branch.rename("other_branch_name") |
res = fetch_and_test(remote) |
other_branch_info = get_info(res, remote, new_remote_branch) |
self.assertEqual(other_branch_info.ref.commit, new_branch_info.ref.commit) |
Head.delete(new_remote_branch.repo, new_remote_branch) |
res = fetch_and_test(remote) |
self.assertRaises(IndexError, get_info, res, remote, new_remote_branch) |
stale_refs = remote.stale_refs |
self.assertEqual(len(stale_refs), 2) |
self.assertIsInstance(stale_refs[0], RemoteReference) |
RemoteReference.delete(rw_repo, *stale_refs) |
res = fetch_and_test(remote, refspec="master:refs/remotes/%s/master" % remote) |
self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) |
self.assertTrue(get_info(res, remote, "master")) |
res = fetch_and_test(remote, refspec="master") |
self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) |
rtag = TagReference.create(remote_repo, "1.0-RV_hello.there") |
res = fetch_and_test(remote, tags=True) |
tinfo = res[str(rtag)] |
self.assertIsInstance(tinfo.ref, TagReference) |
self.assertEqual(tinfo.ref.commit, rtag.commit) |
self.assertTrue(tinfo.flags & tinfo.NEW_TAG) |
Reference.set_object(rtag, rhead.commit.parents[0].parents[0]) |
force = None |
if rw_repo.git.version_info[:2] >= (2, 20): |
force = True |
res = fetch_and_test(remote, tags=True, force=force) |
tinfo = res[str(rtag)] |
self.assertEqual(tinfo.commit, rtag.commit) |
self.assertTrue(tinfo.flags & tinfo.TAG_UPDATE) |
TagReference.delete(remote_repo, rtag) |
res = fetch_and_test(remote, tags=True) |
self.assertRaises(IndexError, get_info, res, remote, str(rtag)) |
other_repo_dir = tempfile.mktemp("other_repo") |
other_repo = remote_repo.clone(other_repo_dir, shared=False) |
remote_repo_url = osp.basename(remote_repo.git_dir) |
remote_repo_url = Git.polish_url("git://localhost:%s/%s" % (GIT_DAEMON_PORT, remote_repo_url)) |
other_origin = other_repo.remotes.origin |
with other_origin.config_writer as cw: |
cw.set("url", remote_repo_url) |
rw_repo.head.reset(remote.refs.master, working_tree=True) |
try: |
self._commit_random_file(rw_repo) |
remote.push(rw_repo.head.reference) |
res = fetch_and_test(other_origin) |
finally: |
rmtree(other_repo_dir) |
def _assert_push_and_pull(self, remote, rw_repo, remote_repo): |
lhead = rw_repo.head |
try: |
lhead.reference = rw_repo.heads.master |
except AttributeError: |
lhead.reference = rw_repo.create_head("master") |
lhead.reset(remote.refs.master, working_tree=True) |
self._commit_random_file(rw_repo) |
progress = TestRemoteProgress() |
res = remote.push(lhead.reference, progress) |
self.assertIsInstance(res, list) |
self._do_test_push_result(res, remote) |
progress.make_assertion() |
lhead.reset("HEAD~1") |
res = remote.push(lhead.reference) |
self.assertTrue(res[0].flags & PushInfo.ERROR) |
self.assertTrue(res[0].flags & PushInfo.REJECTED) |
self._do_test_push_result(res, remote) |
res = remote.push("+%s" % lhead.reference) |
self.assertEqual(res[0].flags & PushInfo.ERROR, 0) |
self.assertTrue(res[0].flags & PushInfo.FORCED_UPDATE) |
self._do_test_push_result(res, remote) |
self.assertRaises(GitCommandError, remote.push, "hellothere") |
progress = TestRemoteProgress() |
to_be_updated = "my_tag.1.0RV" |
new_tag = TagReference.create(rw_repo, to_be_updated) |
other_tag = TagReference.create(rw_repo, "my_obj_tag.2.1aRV", logmsg="my message") |
res = remote.push(progress=progress, tags=True) |
self.assertTrue(res[-1].flags & PushInfo.NEW_TAG) |
progress.make_assertion() |
self._do_test_push_result(res, remote) |
new_tag = TagReference.create(rw_repo, to_be_updated, reference="HEAD~1", force=True) |
res = remote.push(tags=True) |
self._do_test_push_result(res, remote) |
self.assertTrue(res[-1].flags & PushInfo.REJECTED) |
self.assertTrue(res[-1].flags & PushInfo.ERROR) |
res = remote.push("+%s" % new_tag.path) |
self.assertEqual(res[-1].flags & PushInfo.ERROR, 0) |
self.assertTrue(res[-1].flags & PushInfo.FORCED_UPDATE) |
res = remote.push(":%s" % new_tag.path) |
self._do_test_push_result(res, remote) |
self.assertTrue(res[0].flags & PushInfo.DELETED) |
new_head = Head.create(rw_repo, "my_new_branch") |
progress = TestRemoteProgress() |
res = remote.push(new_head, progress) |
self.assertGreater(len(res), 0) |
self.assertTrue(res[0].flags & PushInfo.NEW_HEAD) |
progress.make_assertion() |
self._do_test_push_result(res, remote) |
force_with_lease = "%s:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" % new_head.path |
res = remote.push(":%s" % new_head.path, force_with_lease=force_with_lease) |
self.assertTrue(res[0].flags & PushInfo.ERROR) |
self.assertTrue(res[0].flags & PushInfo.REJECTED) |
self.assertIsNone(res[0].local_ref) |
self._do_test_push_result(res, remote) |
res = remote.push(":%s" % new_head.path) |
self._do_test_push_result(res, remote) |
Head.delete(rw_repo, new_head) |
self.assertTrue(res[-1].flags & PushInfo.DELETED) |
res = remote.push(all=True) |
self._do_test_push_result(res, remote) |
remote.pull("master", kill_after_timeout=10.0) |
TagReference.delete(rw_repo, new_tag, other_tag) |
remote.push(":%s" % other_tag.path, kill_after_timeout=10.0) |
@with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo("0.1.6") |
def test_base(self, rw_repo, remote_repo): |
num_remotes = 0 |
remote_set = set() |
ran_fetch_test = False |
for remote in rw_repo.remotes: |
num_remotes += 1 |
self.assertEqual(remote, remote) |
self.assertNotEqual(str(remote), repr(remote)) |
remote_set.add(remote) |
remote_set.add(remote) |
refs = remote.refs |
self.assertTrue(refs) |
for ref in refs: |
self.assertEqual(ref.remote_name, remote.name) |
self.assertTrue(ref.remote_head) |
for opt in ("url",): |
val = getattr(remote, opt) |
reader = remote.config_reader |
assert reader.get(opt) == val |
assert reader.get_value(opt, None) == val |
self.assertRaises(IOError, reader.set, opt, "test") |
with remote.config_writer as writer: |
new_val = "myval" |
writer.set(opt, new_val) |
assert writer.get(opt) == new_val |
writer.set(opt, val) |
assert writer.get(opt) == val |
assert getattr(remote, opt) == val |
other_name = "totally_other_name" |
prev_name = remote.name |
self.assertEqual(remote.rename(other_name), remote) |
self.assertNotEqual(prev_name, remote.name) |
for _ in range(2): |
self.assertEqual(remote.rename(prev_name).name, prev_name) |
self._assert_push_and_pull(remote, rw_repo, remote_repo) |
if remote.name == "daemon_origin": |
self._do_test_fetch(remote, rw_repo, remote_repo, kill_after_timeout=10.0) |
ran_fetch_test = True |
remote.update() |
self.assertTrue(ran_fetch_test) |
self.assertTrue(num_remotes) |
self.assertEqual(num_remotes, len(remote_set)) |
origin = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
assert origin == rw_repo.remotes.origin |
remote_repo.create_head("myone_for_deletion") |
origin.fetch() |
num_deleted = False |
for branch in remote_repo.heads: |
if branch.name != "master": |
branch.delete(remote_repo, branch, force=True) |
num_deleted += 1 |
self.assertGreater(num_deleted, 0) |
self.assertEqual( |
len(rw_repo.remotes.origin.fetch(prune=True)), |
1, |
"deleted everything but master", |
) |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD", bare=True) |
def test_creation_and_removal(self, bare_rw_repo): |
new_name = "test_new_one" |
arg_list = (new_name, "git@server:hello.git") |
remote = Remote.create(bare_rw_repo, *arg_list) |
self.assertEqual(remote.name, "test_new_one") |
self.assertIn(remote, bare_rw_repo.remotes) |
self.assertTrue(remote.exists()) |
self.assertRaises(GitCommandError, Remote.create, bare_rw_repo, *arg_list) |
Remote.remove(bare_rw_repo, new_name) |
self.assertTrue(remote.exists()) |
remote._clear_cache() |
assert not remote.exists() |
for remote in bare_rw_repo.remotes: |
if remote.name == new_name: |
raise AssertionError("Remote removal failed") |
bare_rw_repo.create_remote("bogus", "/bogus/path", mirror="push") |
def test_fetch_info(self): |
fetch_info_line_fmt = "c437ee5deb8d00cf02f03720693e4c802e99f390 not-for-merge %s '0.3' of " |
fetch_info_line_fmt += "git://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython" |
remote_info_line_fmt = "* [new branch] nomatter -> %s" |
self.assertRaises( |
ValueError, |
FetchInfo._from_line, |
self.rorepo, |
remote_info_line_fmt % "refs/something/branch", |
"269c498e56feb93e408ed4558c8138d750de8893\t\t/Users/ben/test/foo\n", |
) |
fi = FetchInfo._from_line( |
self.rorepo, |
remote_info_line_fmt % "local/master", |
fetch_info_line_fmt % "remote-tracking branch", |
) |
assert not fi.ref.is_valid() |
self.assertEqual(fi.ref.name, "local/master") |
fi = FetchInfo._from_line( |
self.rorepo, |
remote_info_line_fmt % "subdir/tagname", |
fetch_info_line_fmt % "tag", |
) |
self.assertIsInstance(fi.ref, TagReference) |
assert fi.ref.path.startswith("refs/tags"), fi.ref.path |
fi = FetchInfo._from_line( |
self.rorepo, |
remote_info_line_fmt % "remotename/tags/tagname", |
fetch_info_line_fmt % "tag", |
) |
self.assertIsInstance(fi.ref, TagReference) |
assert fi.ref.path.startswith("refs/remotes/"), fi.ref.path |
tag_path = "refs/something/remotename/tags/tagname" |
fi = FetchInfo._from_line(self.rorepo, remote_info_line_fmt % tag_path, fetch_info_line_fmt % "tag") |
self.assertIsInstance(fi.ref, TagReference) |
self.assertEqual(fi.ref.path, tag_path) |
fi = FetchInfo._from_line( |
self.rorepo, |
remote_info_line_fmt % "remotename/branch", |
fetch_info_line_fmt % "branch", |
) |
self.assertIsInstance(fi.ref, RemoteReference) |
self.assertEqual(fi.ref.remote_name, "remotename") |
fi = FetchInfo._from_line( |
self.rorepo, |
remote_info_line_fmt % "refs/something/branch", |
fetch_info_line_fmt % "branch", |
) |
assert type(fi.ref) is Reference, type(fi.ref) |
self.assertEqual(fi.ref.path, "refs/something/branch") |
def test_uncommon_branch_names(self): |
stderr_lines = fixture("uncommon_branch_prefix_stderr").decode("ascii").splitlines() |
fetch_lines = fixture("uncommon_branch_prefix_FETCH_HEAD").decode("ascii").splitlines() |
res = [ |
FetchInfo._from_line("ShouldntMatterRepo", stderr, fetch_line) |
for stderr, fetch_line in zip(stderr_lines, fetch_lines) |
] |
self.assertGreater(len(res), 0) |
self.assertEqual(res[0].remote_ref_path, "refs/pull/1/head") |
self.assertEqual(res[0].ref.path, "refs/heads/pull/1/head") |
self.assertIsInstance(res[0].ref, Head) |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD", bare=False) |
def test_multiple_urls(self, rw_repo): |
test1 = "https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython" |
test2 = "https://github.com/gitpython-developers/gitdb" |
test3 = "https://github.com/gitpython-developers/smmap" |
remote = rw_repo.remotes[0] |
remote.set_url(test1) |
self.assertEqual(list(remote.urls), [test1]) |
remote.set_url(test1) |
self.assertEqual(list(remote.urls), [test1]) |
remote.set_url(test2, add=True) |
self.assertEqual(list(remote.urls), [test1, test2]) |
remote.set_url(test3, add=True) |
self.assertEqual(list(remote.urls), [test1, test2, test3]) |
remote.set_url(test2, delete=True) |
self.assertEqual(list(remote.urls), [test1, test3]) |
remote.set_url(test2, test3) |
self.assertEqual(list(remote.urls), [test1, test2]) |
self.assertRaises(GitCommandError, remote.set_url, test2, add=True, delete=True) |
remote = rw_repo.create_remote("another", url=test1) |
remote.add_url(test2) |
self.assertEqual(list(remote.urls), [test1, test2]) |
remote.add_url(test3) |
self.assertEqual(list(remote.urls), [test1, test2, test3]) |
remote.delete_url(test2) |
self.assertEqual(list(remote.urls), [test1, test3]) |
remote.delete_url(test1) |
self.assertEqual(list(remote.urls), [test3]) |
self.assertRaises(GitCommandError, remote.delete_url, test3) |
def test_fetch_error(self): |
rem = self.rorepo.remote("origin") |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(GitCommandError, "[Cc]ouldn't find remote ref __BAD_REF__"): |
rem.fetch("__BAD_REF__") |
@with_rw_repo("0.1.6", bare=False) |
def test_push_error(self, repo): |
rem = repo.remote("origin") |
with self.assertRaisesRegex(GitCommandError, "src refspec __BAD_REF__ does not match any"): |
rem.push("__BAD_REF__") |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_set_unsafe_url(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
urls = [ |
f"ext::sh -c touch% {tmp_file}", |
"fd::17/foo", |
] |
for url in urls: |
with self.assertRaises(UnsafeProtocolError): |
remote.set_url(url) |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_set_unsafe_url_allowed(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
urls = [ |
f"ext::sh -c touch% {tmp_file}", |
"fd::17/foo", |
] |
for url in urls: |
remote.set_url(url, allow_unsafe_protocols=True) |
assert list(remote.urls)[-1] == url |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_add_unsafe_url(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
urls = [ |
f"ext::sh -c touch% {tmp_file}", |
"fd::17/foo", |
] |
for url in urls: |
with self.assertRaises(UnsafeProtocolError): |
remote.add_url(url) |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_add_unsafe_url_allowed(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
urls = [ |
f"ext::sh -c touch% {tmp_file}", |
"fd::17/foo", |
] |
for url in urls: |
remote.add_url(url, allow_unsafe_protocols=True) |
assert list(remote.urls)[-1] == url |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_create_remote_unsafe_url(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
urls = [ |
f"ext::sh -c touch% {tmp_file}", |
"fd::17/foo", |
] |
for url in urls: |
with self.assertRaises(UnsafeProtocolError): |
Remote.create(rw_repo, "origin", url) |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@pytest.mark.xfail( |
sys.platform == "win32", |
reason=R"Multiple '\' instead of '/' in remote.url make it differ from expected value", |
raises=AssertionError, |
) |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_create_remote_unsafe_url_allowed(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
urls = [ |
f"ext::sh -c touch% {tmp_file}", |
"fd::17/foo", |
] |
for i, url in enumerate(urls): |
remote = Remote.create(rw_repo, f"origin{i}", url, allow_unsafe_protocols=True) |
assert remote.url == url |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_fetch_unsafe_url(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
urls = [ |
f"ext::sh -c touch% {tmp_file}", |
"fd::17/foo", |
] |
for url in urls: |
with self.assertRaises(UnsafeProtocolError): |
remote.fetch(url) |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_fetch_unsafe_url_allowed(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
urls = [ |
f"ext::sh -c touch% {tmp_file}", |
"fd::17/foo", |
] |
for url in urls: |
with self.assertRaises(GitCommandError): |
remote.fetch(url, allow_unsafe_protocols=True) |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_fetch_unsafe_options(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
unsafe_options = [{"upload-pack": f"touch {tmp_file}"}] |
for unsafe_option in unsafe_options: |
with self.assertRaises(UnsafeOptionError): |
remote.fetch(**unsafe_option) |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@pytest.mark.xfail( |
sys.platform == "win32", |
reason=( |
"File not created. A separate Windows command may be needed. This and the " |
"currently passing test test_fetch_unsafe_options must be adjusted in the " |
"same way. Until then, test_fetch_unsafe_options is unreliable on Windows." |
), |
raises=AssertionError, |
) |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_fetch_unsafe_options_allowed(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
unsafe_options = [{"upload-pack": f"touch {tmp_file}"}] |
for unsafe_option in unsafe_options: |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
with self.assertRaises(GitCommandError): |
remote.fetch(**unsafe_option, allow_unsafe_options=True) |
assert tmp_file.exists() |
tmp_file.unlink() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_pull_unsafe_url(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
urls = [ |
f"ext::sh -c touch% {tmp_file}", |
"fd::17/foo", |
] |
for url in urls: |
with self.assertRaises(UnsafeProtocolError): |
remote.pull(url) |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_pull_unsafe_url_allowed(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
urls = [ |
f"ext::sh -c touch% {tmp_file}", |
"fd::17/foo", |
] |
for url in urls: |
with self.assertRaises(GitCommandError): |
remote.pull(url, allow_unsafe_protocols=True) |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_pull_unsafe_options(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
unsafe_options = [{"upload-pack": f"touch {tmp_file}"}] |
for unsafe_option in unsafe_options: |
with self.assertRaises(UnsafeOptionError): |
remote.pull(**unsafe_option) |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@pytest.mark.xfail( |
sys.platform == "win32", |
reason=( |
"File not created. A separate Windows command may be needed. This and the " |
"currently passing test test_pull_unsafe_options must be adjusted in the " |
"same way. Until then, test_pull_unsafe_options is unreliable on Windows." |
), |
raises=AssertionError, |
) |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_pull_unsafe_options_allowed(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
unsafe_options = [{"upload-pack": f"touch {tmp_file}"}] |
for unsafe_option in unsafe_options: |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
with self.assertRaises(GitCommandError): |
remote.pull(**unsafe_option, allow_unsafe_options=True) |
assert tmp_file.exists() |
tmp_file.unlink() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_push_unsafe_url(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
urls = [ |
f"ext::sh -c touch% {tmp_file}", |
"fd::17/foo", |
] |
for url in urls: |
with self.assertRaises(UnsafeProtocolError): |
remote.push(url) |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_push_unsafe_url_allowed(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
urls = [ |
f"ext::sh -c touch% {tmp_file}", |
"fd::17/foo", |
] |
for url in urls: |
with self.assertRaises(GitCommandError): |
remote.push(url, allow_unsafe_protocols=True) |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_push_unsafe_options(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
unsafe_options = [ |
{ |
"receive-pack": f"touch {tmp_file}", |
"exec": f"touch {tmp_file}", |
} |
] |
for unsafe_option in unsafe_options: |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
with self.assertRaises(UnsafeOptionError): |
remote.push(**unsafe_option) |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
@pytest.mark.xfail( |
sys.platform == "win32", |
reason=( |
"File not created. A separate Windows command may be needed. This and the " |
"currently passing test test_push_unsafe_options must be adjusted in the " |
"same way. Until then, test_push_unsafe_options is unreliable on Windows." |
), |
raises=AssertionError, |
) |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD") |
def test_push_unsafe_options_allowed(self, rw_repo): |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
tmp_dir = Path(tdir) |
tmp_file = tmp_dir / "pwn" |
unsafe_options = [ |
{ |
"receive-pack": f"touch {tmp_file}", |
"exec": f"touch {tmp_file}", |
} |
] |
for unsafe_option in unsafe_options: |
assert not tmp_file.exists() |
with self.assertRaises(GitCommandError): |
remote.push(**unsafe_option, allow_unsafe_options=True) |
assert tmp_file.exists() |
tmp_file.unlink() |
@with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo("0.1.6") |
def test_fetch_unsafe_branch_name(self, rw_repo, remote_repo): |
bad_branch_name = f"branch_with_{chr(160)}_nbsp" |
Head.create(remote_repo, bad_branch_name) |
remote = rw_repo.remote("origin") |
branches = remote.fetch() |
assert f"origin/{bad_branch_name}" in [b.name for b in branches] |
Head.delete(remote_repo, bad_branch_name) |
class TestTimeouts(TestBase): |
@with_rw_repo("HEAD", bare=False) |
def test_timeout_funcs(self, repo): |
default = Git.AutoInterrupt._status_code_if_terminate |
Git.AutoInterrupt._status_code_if_terminate = -15 |
for function in ["pull", "fetch"]: |
f = getattr(repo.remotes.origin, function) |
assert f is not None |
_ = f() |
with pytest.raises(GitCommandError, match="kill_after_timeout=0 s"): |
f(kill_after_timeout=0) |
Git.AutoInterrupt._status_code_if_terminate = default |