"""Schema processing for discovery based APIs |
Schemas holds an APIs discovery schemas. It can return those schema as |
deserialized JSON objects, or pretty print them as prototype objects that |
conform to the schema. |
For example, given the schema: |
schema = \"\"\"{ |
"Foo": { |
"type": "object", |
"properties": { |
"etag": { |
"type": "string", |
"description": "ETag of the collection." |
}, |
"kind": { |
"type": "string", |
"description": "Type of the collection ('calendar#acl').", |
"default": "calendar#acl" |
}, |
"nextPageToken": { |
"type": "string", |
"description": "Token used to access the next |
page of this result. Omitted if no further results are available." |
} |
} |
} |
}\"\"\" |
s = Schemas(schema) |
print s.prettyPrintByName('Foo') |
Produces the following output: |
{ |
"nextPageToken": "A String", # Token used to access the |
# next page of this result. Omitted if no further results are available. |
"kind": "A String", # Type of the collection ('calendar#acl'). |
"etag": "A String", # ETag of the collection. |
}, |
The constructor takes a discovery document in which to look up named schema. |
""" |
from __future__ import absolute_import |
__author__ = "jcgregorio@google.com (Joe Gregorio)" |
from collections import OrderedDict |
from googleapiclient import _helpers as util |
class Schemas(object): |
"""Schemas for an API.""" |
def __init__(self, discovery): |
"""Constructor. |
Args: |
discovery: object, Deserialized discovery document from which we pull |
out the named schema. |
""" |
self.schemas = discovery.get("schemas", {}) |
self.pretty = {} |
@util.positional(2) |
def _prettyPrintByName(self, name, seen=None, dent=0): |
"""Get pretty printed object prototype from the schema name. |
Args: |
name: string, Name of schema in the discovery document. |
seen: list of string, Names of schema already seen. Used to handle |
recursive definitions. |
Returns: |
string, A string that contains a prototype object with |
comments that conforms to the given schema. |
""" |
if seen is None: |
seen = [] |
if name in seen: |
return "# Object with schema name: %s" % name |
seen.append(name) |
if name not in self.pretty: |
self.pretty[name] = _SchemaToStruct( |
self.schemas[name], seen, dent=dent |
).to_str(self._prettyPrintByName) |
seen.pop() |
return self.pretty[name] |
def prettyPrintByName(self, name): |
"""Get pretty printed object prototype from the schema name. |
Args: |
name: string, Name of schema in the discovery document. |
Returns: |
string, A string that contains a prototype object with |
comments that conforms to the given schema. |
""" |
return self._prettyPrintByName(name, seen=[], dent=0)[:-2] |
@util.positional(2) |
def _prettyPrintSchema(self, schema, seen=None, dent=0): |
"""Get pretty printed object prototype of schema. |
Args: |
schema: object, Parsed JSON schema. |
seen: list of string, Names of schema already seen. Used to handle |
recursive definitions. |
Returns: |
string, A string that contains a prototype object with |
comments that conforms to the given schema. |
""" |
if seen is None: |
seen = [] |
return _SchemaToStruct(schema, seen, dent=dent).to_str(self._prettyPrintByName) |
def prettyPrintSchema(self, schema): |
"""Get pretty printed object prototype of schema. |
Args: |
schema: object, Parsed JSON schema. |
Returns: |
string, A string that contains a prototype object with |
comments that conforms to the given schema. |
""" |
return self._prettyPrintSchema(schema, dent=0)[:-2] |
def get(self, name, default=None): |
"""Get deserialized JSON schema from the schema name. |
Args: |
name: string, Schema name. |
default: object, return value if name not found. |
""" |
return self.schemas.get(name, default) |
class _SchemaToStruct(object): |
"""Convert schema to a prototype object.""" |
@util.positional(3) |
def __init__(self, schema, seen, dent=0): |
"""Constructor. |
Args: |
schema: object, Parsed JSON schema. |
seen: list, List of names of schema already seen while parsing. Used to |
handle recursive definitions. |
dent: int, Initial indentation depth. |
""" |
self.value = [] |
self.string = None |
self.schema = schema |
self.dent = dent |
self.from_cache = None |
self.seen = seen |
def emit(self, text): |
"""Add text as a line to the output. |
Args: |
text: string, Text to output. |
""" |
self.value.extend([" " * self.dent, text, "\n"]) |
def emitBegin(self, text): |
"""Add text to the output, but with no line terminator. |
Args: |
text: string, Text to output. |
""" |
self.value.extend([" " * self.dent, text]) |
def emitEnd(self, text, comment): |
"""Add text and comment to the output with line terminator. |
Args: |
text: string, Text to output. |
comment: string, Python comment. |
""" |
if comment: |
divider = "\n" + " " * (self.dent + 2) + "# " |
lines = comment.splitlines() |
lines = [x.rstrip() for x in lines] |
comment = divider.join(lines) |
self.value.extend([text, " # ", comment, "\n"]) |
else: |
self.value.extend([text, "\n"]) |
def indent(self): |
"""Increase indentation level.""" |
self.dent += 1 |
def undent(self): |
"""Decrease indentation level.""" |
self.dent -= 1 |
def _to_str_impl(self, schema): |
"""Prototype object based on the schema, in Python code with comments. |
Args: |
schema: object, Parsed JSON schema file. |
Returns: |
Prototype object based on the schema, in Python code with comments. |
""" |
stype = schema.get("type") |
if stype == "object": |
self.emitEnd("{", schema.get("description", "")) |
self.indent() |
if "properties" in schema: |
properties = schema.get("properties", {}) |
sorted_properties = OrderedDict(sorted(properties.items())) |
for pname, pschema in sorted_properties.items(): |
self.emitBegin('"%s": ' % pname) |
self._to_str_impl(pschema) |
elif "additionalProperties" in schema: |
self.emitBegin('"a_key": ') |
self._to_str_impl(schema["additionalProperties"]) |
self.undent() |
self.emit("},") |
elif "$ref" in schema: |
schemaName = schema["$ref"] |
description = schema.get("description", "") |
s = self.from_cache(schemaName, seen=self.seen) |
parts = s.splitlines() |
self.emitEnd(parts[0], description) |
for line in parts[1:]: |
self.emit(line.rstrip()) |
elif stype == "boolean": |
value = schema.get("default", "True or False") |
self.emitEnd("%s," % str(value), schema.get("description", "")) |
elif stype == "string": |
value = schema.get("default", "A String") |
self.emitEnd('"%s",' % str(value), schema.get("description", "")) |
elif stype == "integer": |
value = schema.get("default", "42") |
self.emitEnd("%s," % str(value), schema.get("description", "")) |
elif stype == "number": |
value = schema.get("default", "3.14") |
self.emitEnd("%s," % str(value), schema.get("description", "")) |
elif stype == "null": |
self.emitEnd("None,", schema.get("description", "")) |
elif stype == "any": |
self.emitEnd('"",', schema.get("description", "")) |
elif stype == "array": |
self.emitEnd("[", schema.get("description")) |
self.indent() |
self.emitBegin("") |
self._to_str_impl(schema["items"]) |
self.undent() |
self.emit("],") |
else: |
self.emit("Unknown type! %s" % stype) |
self.emitEnd("", "") |
self.string = "".join(self.value) |
return self.string |
def to_str(self, from_cache): |
"""Prototype object based on the schema, in Python code with comments. |
Args: |
from_cache: callable(name, seen), Callable that retrieves an object |
prototype for a schema with the given name. Seen is a list of schema |
names already seen as we recursively descend the schema definition. |
Returns: |
Prototype object based on the schema, in Python code with comments. |
The lines of the code will all be properly indented. |
""" |
self.from_cache = from_cache |
return self._to_str_impl(self.schema) |