from __future__ import absolute_import |
import os |
import pathlib |
import shutil |
import nox |
CURRENT_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() |
BLACK_VERSION = "black==22.3.0" |
UNIT_TEST_PYTHON_VERSIONS = ["3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11", "3.12"] |
nox.options.error_on_missing_interpreters = True |
@nox.session(python=UNIT_TEST_PYTHON_VERSIONS) |
def unit(session): |
"""Run the unit test suite.""" |
constraints_path = str( |
CURRENT_DIRECTORY / "testing" / f"constraints-{session.python}.txt" |
) |
session.install("mock", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-asyncio<=0.14.0", "brotli") |
session.install("-e", ".[requests,aiohttp]", "-c", constraints_path) |
line_coverage = "--cov-fail-under=0" |
session.run( |
"py.test", |
"--cov=google.resumable_media", |
"--cov=google._async_resumable_media", |
"--cov=tests.unit", |
"--cov=tests_async.unit", |
"--cov-append", |
"--cov-config=.coveragerc", |
"--cov-report=", |
line_coverage, |
os.path.join("tests", "unit"), |
os.path.join("tests_async", "unit"), |
*session.posargs |
) |
@nox.session(python="3.10") |
def docs(session): |
"""Build the docs for this library.""" |
session.install("-e", ".") |
session.install( |
"sphinxcontrib-applehelp==1.0.4", |
"sphinxcontrib-devhelp==1.0.2", |
"sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==2.0.1", |
"sphinxcontrib-qthelp==1.0.3", |
"sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==1.1.5", |
"sphinx==4.5.0", |
"alabaster", |
"recommonmark", |
) |
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("docs", "_build"), ignore_errors=True) |
session.run( |
"sphinx-build", |
"-W", |
"-T", |
"-N", |
"-b", |
"html", |
"-d", |
os.path.join("docs", "_build", "doctrees", ""), |
os.path.join("docs", ""), |
os.path.join("docs", "_build", "html", ""), |
) |
@nox.session(python="3.10") |
def docfx(session): |
"""Build the docfx yaml files for this library.""" |
session.install("-e", ".") |
session.install( |
"sphinxcontrib-applehelp==1.0.4", |
"sphinxcontrib-devhelp==1.0.2", |
"sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==2.0.1", |
"sphinxcontrib-qthelp==1.0.3", |
"sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==1.1.5", |
"gcp-sphinx-docfx-yaml", |
"alabaster", |
"recommonmark", |
) |
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("docs", "_build"), ignore_errors=True) |
session.run( |
"sphinx-build", |
"-T", |
"-N", |
"-D", |
( |
"extensions=sphinx.ext.autodoc," |
"sphinx.ext.autosummary," |
"docfx_yaml.extension," |
"sphinx.ext.intersphinx," |
"sphinx.ext.coverage," |
"sphinx.ext.napoleon," |
"sphinx.ext.todo," |
"sphinx.ext.viewcode," |
"recommonmark" |
), |
"-b", |
"html", |
"-d", |
os.path.join("docs", "_build", "doctrees", ""), |
os.path.join("docs", ""), |
os.path.join("docs", "_build", "html", ""), |
) |
@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) |
def doctest(session): |
"""Run the doctests.""" |
session.install("-e", ".[requests,aiohttp]") |
session.install("sphinx==4.0.1", "alabaster", "recommonmark") |
session.install( |
"sphinx==4.0.1", |
"sphinx_rtd_theme", |
"sphinx-docstring-typing >= 0.0.3", |
"mock", |
) |
session.run( |
"sphinx-build", |
"-W", |
"-b", |
"doctest", |
"-d", |
os.path.join("docs", "_build", "doctrees"), |
os.path.join("docs", ""), |
os.path.join("docs", "_build", "doctest"), |
) |
@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) |
def lint(session): |
"""Run flake8. |
Returns a failure if flake8 finds linting errors or sufficiently |
serious code quality issues. |
""" |
session.install("flake8", BLACK_VERSION) |
session.install("-e", ".") |
session.run( |
"flake8", |
os.path.join("google", "resumable_media"), |
"tests", |
os.path.join("google", "_async_resumable_media"), |
"tests_async", |
) |
session.run( |
"black", |
"--check", |
os.path.join("google", "resumable_media"), |
"tests", |
os.path.join("google", "_async_resumable_media"), |
"tests_async", |
) |
@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) |
def lint_setup_py(session): |
"""Verify that setup.py is valid (including RST check).""" |
session.install("docutils", "Pygments") |
session.run("python", "setup.py", "check", "--restructuredtext", "--strict") |
@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) |
def blacken(session): |
session.install(BLACK_VERSION) |
session.run( |
"black", |
os.path.join("google", "resumable_media"), |
"tests", |
os.path.join("google", "_async_resumable_media"), |
"tests_async", |
) |
@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) |
def mypy(session): |
"""Verify type hints are mypy compatible.""" |
session.install("-e", ".") |
session.install( |
"mypy", |
"types-setuptools", |
"types-requests", |
"types-mock", |
) |
session.run("mypy", "-p", "google", "-p", "tests", "-p", "tests_async") |
@nox.session(python=SYSTEM_TEST_PYTHON_VERSIONS) |
def system(session): |
"""Run the system test suite.""" |
constraints_path = str( |
CURRENT_DIRECTORY / "testing" / f"constraints-{session.python}.txt" |
) |
missing = [] |
for env_var in SYSTEM_TEST_ENV_VARS: |
if env_var not in os.environ: |
missing.append(env_var) |
if missing: |
all_vars = ", ".join(missing) |
msg = "Environment variable(s) unset: {}".format(all_vars) |
session.skip(msg) |
session.install("mock", "pytest", "google-cloud-testutils", "brotli") |
session.install("-e", ".[requests,aiohttp]", "-c", constraints_path) |
if session.python.startswith("3"): |
session.install("pytest-asyncio<=0.14.0") |
session.run( |
"py.test", "-s", os.path.join("tests_async", "system"), *session.posargs |
) |
session.run("py.test", "-s", os.path.join("tests", "system"), *session.posargs) |
@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) |
def cover(session): |
"""Run the final coverage report. |
This outputs the coverage report aggregating coverage from the unit |
test runs (not system test runs), and then erases coverage data. |
""" |
session.install("coverage", "pytest-cov") |
session.run("coverage", "report", "--show-missing", "--fail-under=100") |
session.run("coverage", "erase") |