Asib27's picture
try 1
065fee7 verified
history blame
24.5 kB
# Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import base64
import copy
import hashlib
import http.client
import io
import os
import google.auth # type: ignore
import google.auth.transport.requests as tr_requests # type: ignore
import pytest # type: ignore
from google.resumable_media import common
import google.resumable_media.requests as resumable_requests
from google.resumable_media import _helpers
from google.resumable_media.requests import _request_helpers
import as download_mod
from tests.system import utils
CURR_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(CURR_DIR, "..", "..", "data")
PLAIN_TEXT = "text/plain"
IMAGE_JPEG = "image/jpeg"
ENCRYPTED_ERR = b"The target object is encrypted by a customer-supplied encryption key."
NO_BODY_ERR = "The content for this response was already consumed"
b"No such object: " + utils.BUCKET_NAME.encode("utf-8") + b"/does-not-exist.txt"
SIMPLE_DOWNLOADS = (resumable_requests.Download, resumable_requests.RawDownload)
class CorruptingAuthorizedSession(tr_requests.AuthorizedSession):
"""A Requests Session class with credentials, which corrupts responses.
This class is used for testing checksum validation.
credentials (google.auth.credentials.Credentials): The credentials to
add to the request.
refresh_status_codes (Sequence[int]): Which HTTP status codes indicate
that credentials should be refreshed and the request should be
max_refresh_attempts (int): The maximum number of times to attempt to
refresh the credentials and retry the request.
kwargs: Additional arguments passed to the :class:`requests.Session`
EMPTY_MD5 = base64.b64encode(hashlib.md5(b"").digest()).decode("utf-8")
crc32c = _helpers._get_crc32c_object()
EMPTY_CRC32C = base64.b64encode(crc32c.digest()).decode("utf-8")
def request(self, method, url, data=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
"""Implementation of Requests' request."""
response = tr_requests.AuthorizedSession.request(
self, method, url, data=data, headers=headers, **kwargs
response.headers[_helpers._HASH_HEADER] = "crc32c={},md5={}".format(
self.EMPTY_CRC32C, self.EMPTY_MD5
return response
def get_path(filename):
return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, filename))
"path": get_path("image1.jpg"),
"content_type": IMAGE_JPEG,
"md5": "1bsd83IYNug8hd+V1ING3Q==",
"crc32c": "YQGPxA==",
"slices": (
slice(1024, 16386, None), # obj[1024:16386]
slice(None, 8192, None), # obj[:8192]
slice(-256, None, None), # obj[-256:]
slice(262144, None, None), # obj[262144:]
"path": get_path("image2.jpg"),
"content_type": IMAGE_JPEG,
"md5": "gdLXJltiYAMP9WZZFEQI1Q==",
"crc32c": "sxxEFQ==",
"slices": (
slice(1024, 16386, None), # obj[1024:16386]
slice(None, 8192, None), # obj[:8192]
slice(-256, None, None), # obj[-256:]
slice(262144, None, None), # obj[262144:]
"path": get_path("file.txt"),
"content_type": PLAIN_TEXT,
"md5": "XHSHAr/SpIeZtZbjgQ4nGw==",
"crc32c": "MeMHoQ==",
"slices": (),
"path": get_path("gzipped.txt.gz"),
"uncompressed": get_path("gzipped.txt"),
"content_type": PLAIN_TEXT,
"md5": "KHRs/+ZSrc/FuuR4qz/PZQ==",
"crc32c": "/LIRNg==",
"slices": (),
"metadata": {"contentEncoding": "gzip"},
"path": get_path(""),
"uncompressed": get_path("brotli.txt"),
"content_type": PLAIN_TEXT,
"md5": "MffJw7pTSX/7CVWFFPgwQA==",
"crc32c": "GGK0OQ==",
"slices": (),
"metadata": {"contentEncoding": "br"},
def get_contents_for_upload(info):
with open(info["path"], "rb") as file_obj:
def get_contents(info):
full_path = info.get("uncompressed", info["path"])
with open(full_path, "rb") as file_obj:
def get_raw_contents(info):
full_path = info["path"]
with open(full_path, "rb") as file_obj:
def get_blob_name(info):
full_path = info.get("uncompressed", info["path"])
return os.path.basename(full_path)
def delete_blob(transport, blob_name):
metadata_url = utils.METADATA_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
response = transport.delete(metadata_url)
assert response.status_code == http.client.NO_CONTENT
def secret_file(authorized_transport, bucket):
blob_name = "super-seekrit.txt"
data = b"Please do not tell anyone my encrypted seekrit."
upload_url = utils.SIMPLE_UPLOAD_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
headers = utils.get_encryption_headers()
upload = resumable_requests.SimpleUpload(upload_url, headers=headers)
response = upload.transmit(authorized_transport, data, PLAIN_TEXT)
assert response.status_code == http.client.OK
yield blob_name, data, headers
delete_blob(authorized_transport, blob_name)
# Transport that returns corrupt data, so we can exercise checksum handling.
def corrupting_transport():
credentials, _ = google.auth.default(scopes=(utils.GCS_RW_SCOPE,))
yield CorruptingAuthorizedSession(credentials)
def simple_file(authorized_transport, bucket):
blob_name = "basic-file.txt"
upload_url = utils.SIMPLE_UPLOAD_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
upload = resumable_requests.SimpleUpload(upload_url)
data = b"Simple contents"
response = upload.transmit(authorized_transport, data, PLAIN_TEXT)
assert response.status_code == http.client.OK
yield blob_name, data
delete_blob(authorized_transport, blob_name)
def add_files(authorized_transport, bucket):
blob_names = []
for info in ALL_FILES:
to_upload = get_contents_for_upload(info)
blob_name = get_blob_name(info)
if "metadata" in info:
upload = resumable_requests.MultipartUpload(utils.MULTIPART_UPLOAD)
metadata = copy.deepcopy(info["metadata"])
metadata["name"] = blob_name
response = upload.transmit(
authorized_transport, to_upload, metadata, info["content_type"]
upload_url = utils.SIMPLE_UPLOAD_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
upload = resumable_requests.SimpleUpload(upload_url)
response = upload.transmit(
authorized_transport, to_upload, info["content_type"]
assert response.status_code == http.client.OK
# Clean-up the blobs we created.
for blob_name in blob_names:
delete_blob(authorized_transport, blob_name)
def check_tombstoned(download, transport):
assert download.finished
if isinstance(download, SIMPLE_DOWNLOADS):
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
assert exc_info.match("A download can only be used once.")
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
assert exc_info.match("Download has finished.")
def check_error_response(exc_info, status_code, message):
error = exc_info.value
response = error.response
assert response.status_code == status_code
assert response.content.startswith(message)
assert len(error.args) == 5
assert error.args[1] == status_code
assert error.args[3] == http.client.OK
assert error.args[4] == http.client.PARTIAL_CONTENT
class TestDownload(object):
def _get_target_class():
return resumable_requests.Download
def _make_one(self, media_url, **kw):
return self._get_target_class()(media_url, **kw)
def _get_contents(info):
return get_contents(info)
def _read_response_content(response):
return response.content
@pytest.mark.parametrize("checksum", ["md5", "crc32c", None])
def test_download_full(self, add_files, authorized_transport, checksum):
for info in ALL_FILES:
actual_contents = self._get_contents(info)
blob_name = get_blob_name(info)
# Create the actual download object.
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
download = self._make_one(media_url, checksum=checksum)
# Consume the resource.
response = download.consume(authorized_transport)
assert response.status_code == http.client.OK
assert self._read_response_content(response) == actual_contents
check_tombstoned(download, authorized_transport)
def test_download_to_stream(self, add_files, authorized_transport):
for info in ALL_FILES:
actual_contents = self._get_contents(info)
blob_name = get_blob_name(info)
# Create the actual download object.
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
stream = io.BytesIO()
download = self._make_one(media_url, stream=stream)
# Consume the resource.
response = download.consume(authorized_transport)
assert response.status_code == http.client.OK
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc_info:
getattr(response, "content")
assert exc_info.value.args == (NO_BODY_ERR,)
assert response._content is False
assert response._content_consumed is True
assert stream.getvalue() == actual_contents
check_tombstoned(download, authorized_transport)
def test_download_gzip_w_stored_content_headers(
self, add_files, authorized_transport
# Retrieve the gzip compressed file
info = ALL_FILES[-2]
actual_contents = self._get_contents(info)
blob_name = get_blob_name(info)
# Create the actual download object.
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
stream = io.BytesIO()
download = self._make_one(media_url, stream=stream)
# Consume the resource.
response = download.consume(authorized_transport)
assert response.status_code == http.client.OK
assert response.headers.get(_helpers._STORED_CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER) == "gzip"
assert response.headers.get("X-Goog-Stored-Content-Length") is not None
assert stream.getvalue() == actual_contents
check_tombstoned(download, authorized_transport)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("checksum", ["md5", "crc32c"])
def test_download_brotli_w_stored_content_headers(
self, add_files, authorized_transport, checksum
# Retrieve the br compressed file
info = ALL_FILES[-1]
actual_contents = self._get_contents(info)
blob_name = get_blob_name(info)
# Create the actual download object.
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
stream = io.BytesIO()
download = self._make_one(media_url, stream=stream, checksum=checksum)
# Consume the resource.
response = download.consume(authorized_transport)
assert response.status_code == http.client.OK
assert response.headers.get(_helpers._STORED_CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER) == "br"
assert response.headers.get("X-Goog-Stored-Content-Length") is not None
assert stream.getvalue() == actual_contents
check_tombstoned(download, authorized_transport)
def test_extra_headers(self, authorized_transport, secret_file):
blob_name, data, headers = secret_file
# Create the actual download object.
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
download = self._make_one(media_url, headers=headers)
# Consume the resource.
response = download.consume(authorized_transport)
assert response.status_code == http.client.OK
assert response.content == data
check_tombstoned(download, authorized_transport)
# Attempt to consume the resource **without** the headers.
download_wo = self._make_one(media_url)
with pytest.raises(common.InvalidResponse) as exc_info:
check_error_response(exc_info, http.client.BAD_REQUEST, ENCRYPTED_ERR)
check_tombstoned(download_wo, authorized_transport)
def test_non_existent_file(self, authorized_transport, bucket):
blob_name = "does-not-exist.txt"
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
download = self._make_one(media_url)
# Try to consume the resource and fail.
with pytest.raises(common.InvalidResponse) as exc_info:
check_error_response(exc_info, http.client.NOT_FOUND, NOT_FOUND_ERR)
check_tombstoned(download, authorized_transport)
def test_bad_range(self, simple_file, authorized_transport):
blob_name, data = simple_file
# Make sure we have an invalid range.
start = 32
end = 63
assert len(data) < start < end
# Create the actual download object.
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
download = self._make_one(media_url, start=start, end=end)
# Try to consume the resource and fail.
with pytest.raises(common.InvalidResponse) as exc_info:
b"Request range not satisfiable",
check_tombstoned(download, authorized_transport)
def _download_slice(self, media_url, slice_):
assert slice_.step is None
end = None
if slice_.stop is not None:
end = slice_.stop - 1
return self._make_one(media_url, start=slice_.start, end=end)
def test_download_partial(self, add_files, authorized_transport):
for info in ALL_FILES:
actual_contents = self._get_contents(info)
blob_name = get_blob_name(info)
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
for slice_ in info["slices"]:
download = self._download_slice(media_url, slice_)
response = download.consume(authorized_transport)
assert response.status_code == http.client.PARTIAL_CONTENT
assert response.content == actual_contents[slice_]
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
class TestRawDownload(TestDownload):
def _get_target_class():
return resumable_requests.RawDownload
def _get_contents(info):
return get_raw_contents(info)
def _read_response_content(response):
return b"".join(
_request_helpers._SINGLE_GET_CHUNK_SIZE, decode_content=False
@pytest.mark.parametrize("checksum", ["md5", "crc32c"])
def test_corrupt_download(self, add_files, corrupting_transport, checksum):
for info in ALL_FILES:
blob_name = get_blob_name(info)
# Create the actual download object.
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
stream = io.BytesIO()
download = self._make_one(media_url, stream=stream, checksum=checksum)
# Consume the resource.
with pytest.raises(common.DataCorruption) as exc_info:
assert download.finished
if checksum == "md5":
EMPTY_HASH = CorruptingAuthorizedSession.EMPTY_MD5
EMPTY_HASH = CorruptingAuthorizedSession.EMPTY_CRC32C
msg = download_mod._CHECKSUM_MISMATCH.format(
assert msg in exc_info.value.args[0]
def test_corrupt_download_no_check(self, add_files, corrupting_transport):
for info in ALL_FILES:
blob_name = get_blob_name(info)
# Create the actual download object.
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
stream = io.BytesIO()
download = self._make_one(media_url, stream=stream, checksum=None)
# Consume the resource.
assert download.finished
def get_chunk_size(min_chunks, total_bytes):
# Make sure the number of chunks **DOES NOT** evenly divide.
num_chunks = min_chunks
while total_bytes % num_chunks == 0:
num_chunks += 1
chunk_size = total_bytes // num_chunks
# Since we know an integer division has remainder, increment by 1.
chunk_size += 1
assert total_bytes < num_chunks * chunk_size
return num_chunks, chunk_size
def consume_chunks(download, authorized_transport, total_bytes, actual_contents):
start_byte = download.start
end_byte = download.end
if end_byte is None:
end_byte = total_bytes - 1
num_responses = 0
while not download.finished:
response = download.consume_next_chunk(authorized_transport)
num_responses += 1
next_byte = min(start_byte + download.chunk_size, end_byte + 1)
assert download.bytes_downloaded == next_byte - download.start
assert download.total_bytes == total_bytes
assert response.status_code == http.client.PARTIAL_CONTENT
assert response.content == actual_contents[start_byte:next_byte]
start_byte = next_byte
return num_responses, response
class TestChunkedDownload(object):
def _get_target_class():
return resumable_requests.ChunkedDownload
def _make_one(self, media_url, chunk_size, stream, **kw):
return self._get_target_class()(media_url, chunk_size, stream, **kw)
def _get_contents(info):
return get_contents(info)
def test_chunked_download_partial(self, add_files, authorized_transport):
for info in ALL_FILES:
actual_contents = self._get_contents(info)
blob_name = get_blob_name(info)
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
for slice_ in info["slices"]:
# Manually replace a missing start with 0.
start = 0 if slice_.start is None else slice_.start
# Chunked downloads don't support a negative index.
if start < 0:
# First determine how much content is in the slice and
# use it to determine a chunking strategy.
total_bytes = len(actual_contents)
if slice_.stop is None:
end_byte = total_bytes - 1
end = None
# Python slices DO NOT include the last index, though a byte
# range **is** inclusive of both endpoints.
end_byte = slice_.stop - 1
end = end_byte
num_chunks, chunk_size = get_chunk_size(7, end_byte - start + 1)
# Create the actual download object.
stream = io.BytesIO()
download = self._make_one(
media_url, chunk_size, stream, start=start, end=end
# Consume the resource in chunks.
num_responses, last_response = consume_chunks(
download, authorized_transport, total_bytes, actual_contents
# Make sure the combined chunks are the whole slice.
assert stream.getvalue() == actual_contents[slice_]
# Check that we have the right number of responses.
assert num_responses == num_chunks
# Make sure the last chunk isn't the same size.
assert len(last_response.content) < chunk_size
check_tombstoned(download, authorized_transport)
def test_chunked_with_extra_headers(self, authorized_transport, secret_file):
blob_name, data, headers = secret_file
num_chunks = 4
chunk_size = 12
assert (num_chunks - 1) * chunk_size < len(data) < num_chunks * chunk_size
# Create the actual download object.
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
stream = io.BytesIO()
download = self._make_one(media_url, chunk_size, stream, headers=headers)
# Consume the resource in chunks.
num_responses, last_response = consume_chunks(
download, authorized_transport, len(data), data
# Make sure the combined chunks are the whole object.
assert stream.getvalue() == data
# Check that we have the right number of responses.
assert num_responses == num_chunks
# Make sure the last chunk isn't the same size.
assert len(last_response.content) < chunk_size
check_tombstoned(download, authorized_transport)
# Attempt to consume the resource **without** the headers.
stream_wo = io.BytesIO()
download_wo = resumable_requests.ChunkedDownload(
media_url, chunk_size, stream_wo
with pytest.raises(common.InvalidResponse) as exc_info:
assert stream_wo.tell() == 0
check_error_response(exc_info, http.client.BAD_REQUEST, ENCRYPTED_ERR)
assert download_wo.invalid
class TestRawChunkedDownload(TestChunkedDownload):
def _get_target_class():
return resumable_requests.RawChunkedDownload
def _get_contents(info):
return get_raw_contents(info)
def test_chunked_download_full(self, add_files, authorized_transport):
for info in ALL_FILES:
actual_contents = self._get_contents(info)
blob_name = get_blob_name(info)
total_bytes = len(actual_contents)
num_chunks, chunk_size = get_chunk_size(7, total_bytes)
# Create the actual download object.
media_url = utils.DOWNLOAD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(blob_name=blob_name)
stream = io.BytesIO()
download = self._make_one(media_url, chunk_size, stream)
# Consume the resource in chunks.
num_responses, last_response = consume_chunks(
download, authorized_transport, total_bytes, actual_contents
# Make sure the combined chunks are the whole object.
assert stream.getvalue() == actual_contents
# Check that we have the right number of responses.
assert num_responses == num_chunks
# Make sure the last chunk isn't the same size.
assert total_bytes % chunk_size != 0
assert len(last_response.content) < chunk_size
check_tombstoned(download, authorized_transport)