import concurrent |
import concurrent.futures |
import copy |
import http |
import textwrap |
import types |
from unittest import mock |
import freezegun |
from google.api_core import exceptions |
import google.api_core.retry |
import requests |
from google.cloud.bigquery.client import _LIST_ROWS_FROM_QUERY_RESULTS_FIELDS |
import google.cloud.bigquery._job_helpers |
import google.cloud.bigquery.query |
import google.cloud.bigquery.retry |
from google.cloud.bigquery.retry import DEFAULT_GET_JOB_TIMEOUT |
from google.cloud.bigquery.table import _EmptyRowIterator |
from ..helpers import make_connection |
from .helpers import _Base |
from .helpers import _make_client |
class TestQueryJob(_Base): |
JOB_TYPE = "query" |
QUERY = "select count(*) from persons" |
DESTINATION_TABLE = "destination_table" |
@staticmethod |
def _get_target_class(): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJob |
return QueryJob |
def _make_resource(self, started=False, ended=False, location="US"): |
resource = super(TestQueryJob, self)._make_resource( |
started, ended, location=location |
) |
config = resource["configuration"]["query"] |
config["query"] = self.QUERY |
return resource |
def _verifyBooleanResourceProperties(self, job, config): |
if "allowLargeResults" in config: |
self.assertEqual(job.allow_large_results, config["allowLargeResults"]) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.allow_large_results) |
if "flattenResults" in config: |
self.assertEqual(job.flatten_results, config["flattenResults"]) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.flatten_results) |
if "useQueryCache" in config: |
self.assertEqual(job.use_query_cache, config["useQueryCache"]) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.use_query_cache) |
if "useLegacySql" in config: |
self.assertEqual(job.use_legacy_sql, config["useLegacySql"]) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.use_legacy_sql) |
def _verifyIntegerResourceProperties(self, job, config): |
if "maximumBillingTier" in config: |
self.assertEqual(job.maximum_billing_tier, config["maximumBillingTier"]) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.maximum_billing_tier) |
if "maximumBytesBilled" in config: |
self.assertEqual( |
str(job.maximum_bytes_billed), config["maximumBytesBilled"] |
) |
self.assertIsInstance(job.maximum_bytes_billed, int) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.maximum_bytes_billed) |
def _verify_udf_resources(self, job, config): |
udf_resources = config.get("userDefinedFunctionResources", ()) |
self.assertEqual(len(job.udf_resources), len(udf_resources)) |
for found, expected in zip(job.udf_resources, udf_resources): |
if "resourceUri" in expected: |
self.assertEqual(found.udf_type, "resourceUri") |
self.assertEqual(found.value, expected["resourceUri"]) |
else: |
self.assertEqual(found.udf_type, "inlineCode") |
self.assertEqual(found.value, expected["inlineCode"]) |
def _verifyQueryParameters(self, job, config): |
query_parameters = config.get("queryParameters", ()) |
self.assertEqual(len(job.query_parameters), len(query_parameters)) |
for found, expected in zip(job.query_parameters, query_parameters): |
self.assertEqual(found.to_api_repr(), expected) |
def _verify_table_definitions(self, job, config): |
table_defs = config.get("tableDefinitions") |
if job.table_definitions is None: |
self.assertIsNone(table_defs) |
else: |
self.assertEqual(len(job.table_definitions), len(table_defs)) |
for found_key, found_ec in job.table_definitions.items(): |
expected_ec = table_defs.get(found_key) |
self.assertIsNotNone(expected_ec) |
self.assertEqual(found_ec.to_api_repr(), expected_ec) |
def _verify_dml_stats_resource_properties(self, job, resource): |
query_stats = resource.get("statistics", {}).get("query", {}) |
if "dmlStats" in query_stats: |
resource_dml_stats = query_stats["dmlStats"] |
job_dml_stats = job.dml_stats |
assert str(job_dml_stats.inserted_row_count) == resource_dml_stats.get( |
"insertedRowCount", "0" |
) |
assert str(job_dml_stats.updated_row_count) == resource_dml_stats.get( |
"updatedRowCount", "0" |
) |
assert str(job_dml_stats.deleted_row_count) == resource_dml_stats.get( |
"deletedRowCount", "0" |
) |
else: |
assert job.dml_stats is None |
def _verify_transaction_info_resource_properties(self, job, resource): |
resource_stats = resource.get("statistics", {}) |
if "transactionInfo" in resource_stats: |
resource_transaction_info = resource_stats["transactionInfo"] |
job_transaction_info = job.transaction_info |
assert job_transaction_info.transaction_id == resource_transaction_info.get( |
"transactionId" |
) |
else: |
assert job.transaction_info is None |
def _verify_configuration_properties(self, job, configuration): |
if "dryRun" in configuration: |
self.assertEqual(job.dry_run, configuration["dryRun"]) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.dry_run) |
def _verifyResourceProperties(self, job, resource): |
self._verifyReadonlyResourceProperties(job, resource) |
self._verify_dml_stats_resource_properties(job, resource) |
self._verify_transaction_info_resource_properties(job, resource) |
configuration = resource.get("configuration", {}) |
self._verify_configuration_properties(job, configuration) |
query_config = resource.get("configuration", {}).get("query") |
self._verifyBooleanResourceProperties(job, query_config) |
self._verifyIntegerResourceProperties(job, query_config) |
self._verify_udf_resources(job, query_config) |
self._verifyQueryParameters(job, query_config) |
self._verify_table_definitions(job, query_config) |
self.assertEqual(job.query, query_config["query"]) |
if "createDisposition" in query_config: |
self.assertEqual(job.create_disposition, query_config["createDisposition"]) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.create_disposition) |
if "defaultDataset" in query_config: |
ds_ref = job.default_dataset |
ds_ref = {"projectId": ds_ref.project, "datasetId": ds_ref.dataset_id} |
self.assertEqual(ds_ref, query_config["defaultDataset"]) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.default_dataset) |
if "destinationTable" in query_config: |
table = job.destination |
tb_ref = { |
"projectId": table.project, |
"datasetId": table.dataset_id, |
"tableId": table.table_id, |
} |
self.assertEqual(tb_ref, query_config["destinationTable"]) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.destination) |
if "priority" in query_config: |
self.assertEqual(job.priority, query_config["priority"]) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.priority) |
if "writeDisposition" in query_config: |
self.assertEqual(job.write_disposition, query_config["writeDisposition"]) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.write_disposition) |
if "destinationEncryptionConfiguration" in query_config: |
self.assertIsNotNone(job.destination_encryption_configuration) |
self.assertEqual( |
job.destination_encryption_configuration.kms_key_name, |
query_config["destinationEncryptionConfiguration"]["kmsKeyName"], |
) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.destination_encryption_configuration) |
if "schemaUpdateOptions" in query_config: |
self.assertEqual( |
job.schema_update_options, query_config["schemaUpdateOptions"] |
) |
else: |
self.assertIsNone(job.schema_update_options) |
def test_ctor_defaults(self): |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertEqual(job.query, self.QUERY) |
self.assertIs(job._client, client) |
self.assertEqual(job.job_type, self.JOB_TYPE) |
self.assertEqual(job.path, "/projects/%s/jobs/%s" % (self.PROJECT, self.JOB_ID)) |
self._verifyInitialReadonlyProperties(job) |
self.assertFalse(job.use_legacy_sql) |
self.assertIsNone(job.allow_large_results) |
self.assertIsNone(job.create_disposition) |
self.assertIsNone(job.default_dataset) |
self.assertIsNone(job.destination) |
self.assertIsNone(job.dml_stats) |
self.assertIsNone(job.flatten_results) |
self.assertIsNone(job.priority) |
self.assertIsNone(job.use_query_cache) |
self.assertIsNone(job.dry_run) |
self.assertIsNone(job.write_disposition) |
self.assertIsNone(job.maximum_billing_tier) |
self.assertIsNone(job.maximum_bytes_billed) |
self.assertIsNone(job.table_definitions) |
self.assertIsNone(job.destination_encryption_configuration) |
self.assertIsNone(job.range_partitioning) |
self.assertIsNone(job.time_partitioning) |
self.assertIsNone(job.clustering_fields) |
self.assertIsNone(job.schema_update_options) |
def test_ctor_w_udf_resources(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJobConfig |
from google.cloud.bigquery.query import UDFResource |
RESOURCE_URI = "gs://some-bucket/js/lib.js" |
udf_resources = [UDFResource("resourceUri", RESOURCE_URI)] |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
config = QueryJobConfig() |
config.udf_resources = udf_resources |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client, job_config=config) |
self.assertEqual(job.udf_resources, udf_resources) |
def test_ctor_w_query_parameters(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJobConfig |
from google.cloud.bigquery.query import ScalarQueryParameter |
query_parameters = [ScalarQueryParameter("foo", "INT64", 123)] |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
config = QueryJobConfig(query_parameters=query_parameters) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client, job_config=config) |
self.assertEqual(job.query_parameters, query_parameters) |
def test_from_api_repr_bare(self): |
self._setUpConstants() |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
"id": self.JOB_ID, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"configuration": {"query": {"query": self.QUERY}}, |
} |
klass = self._get_target_class() |
job = klass.from_api_repr(RESOURCE, client=client) |
self.assertIs(job._client, client) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
self.assertEqual(len(job.connection_properties), 0) |
self.assertIsNone(job.create_session) |
def test_from_api_repr_with_encryption(self): |
self._setUpConstants() |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
"id": self.JOB_ID, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"configuration": { |
"query": { |
"query": self.QUERY, |
"destinationEncryptionConfiguration": { |
"kmsKeyName": self.KMS_KEY_NAME |
}, |
} |
}, |
} |
klass = self._get_target_class() |
job = klass.from_api_repr(RESOURCE, client=client) |
self.assertIs(job._client, client) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
def test_from_api_repr_with_dml_stats(self): |
self._setUpConstants() |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
"id": self.JOB_ID, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"configuration": {"query": {"query": self.QUERY}}, |
"statistics": { |
"query": { |
"dmlStats": {"insertedRowCount": "15", "updatedRowCount": "2"}, |
}, |
}, |
} |
klass = self._get_target_class() |
job = klass.from_api_repr(RESOURCE, client=client) |
self.assertIs(job._client, client) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
def test_from_api_repr_with_transaction_info(self): |
self._setUpConstants() |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
"id": self.JOB_ID, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"configuration": {"query": {"query": self.QUERY}}, |
"statistics": {"transactionInfo": {"transactionId": "1a2b-3c4d"}}, |
} |
klass = self._get_target_class() |
job = klass.from_api_repr(RESOURCE, client=client) |
self.assertIs(job._client, client) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
def test_from_api_repr_w_properties(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import CreateDisposition |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import SchemaUpdateOption |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import WriteDisposition |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
RESOURCE = self._make_resource() |
query_config = RESOURCE["configuration"]["query"] |
query_config["createDisposition"] = CreateDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED |
query_config["writeDisposition"] = WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE |
query_config["destinationTable"] = { |
"projectId": self.PROJECT, |
"datasetId": self.DS_ID, |
"tableId": self.DESTINATION_TABLE, |
} |
query_config["schemaUpdateOptions"] = [SchemaUpdateOption.ALLOW_FIELD_ADDITION] |
klass = self._get_target_class() |
job = klass.from_api_repr(RESOURCE, client=client) |
self.assertIs(job._client, client) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
def test_cancelled(self): |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
job._properties["status"] = { |
"state": "DONE", |
"errorResult": {"reason": "stopped"}, |
} |
self.assertTrue(job.cancelled()) |
def test_query_plan(self): |
from google.cloud._helpers import _RFC3339_MICROS |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryPlanEntry |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryPlanEntryStep |
plan_entries = [ |
{ |
"name": "NAME", |
"id": "1234", |
"inputStages": ["88", "101"], |
"startMs": "1522540800000", |
"endMs": "1522540804000", |
"parallelInputs": "1000", |
"completedParallelInputs": "5", |
"waitMsAvg": "33", |
"waitMsMax": "400", |
"waitRatioAvg": 2.71828, |
"waitRatioMax": 3.14159, |
"readMsAvg": "45", |
"readMsMax": "90", |
"readRatioAvg": 1.41421, |
"readRatioMax": 1.73205, |
"computeMsAvg": "55", |
"computeMsMax": "99", |
"computeRatioAvg": 0.69315, |
"computeRatioMax": 1.09861, |
"writeMsAvg": "203", |
"writeMsMax": "340", |
"writeRatioAvg": 3.32193, |
"writeRatioMax": 2.30258, |
"recordsRead": "100", |
"recordsWritten": "1", |
"status": "STATUS", |
"shuffleOutputBytes": "1024", |
"shuffleOutputBytesSpilled": "1", |
"steps": [{"kind": "KIND", "substeps": ["SUBSTEP1", "SUBSTEP2"]}], |
} |
] |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertEqual(job.query_plan, []) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertEqual(job.query_plan, []) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertEqual(job.query_plan, []) |
query_stats["queryPlan"] = plan_entries |
self.assertEqual(len(job.query_plan), len(plan_entries)) |
for found, expected in zip(job.query_plan, plan_entries): |
self.assertIsInstance(found, QueryPlanEntry) |
self.assertEqual(found.name, expected["name"]) |
self.assertEqual(found.entry_id, expected["id"]) |
self.assertEqual(len(found.input_stages), len(expected["inputStages"])) |
for f_id in found.input_stages: |
self.assertIn(f_id, [int(e) for e in expected["inputStages"]]) |
self.assertEqual( |
found.start.strftime(_RFC3339_MICROS), "2018-04-01T00:00:00.000000Z" |
) |
self.assertEqual( |
found.end.strftime(_RFC3339_MICROS), "2018-04-01T00:00:04.000000Z" |
) |
self.assertEqual(found.parallel_inputs, int(expected["parallelInputs"])) |
self.assertEqual( |
found.completed_parallel_inputs, |
int(expected["completedParallelInputs"]), |
) |
self.assertEqual(found.wait_ms_avg, int(expected["waitMsAvg"])) |
self.assertEqual(found.wait_ms_max, int(expected["waitMsMax"])) |
self.assertEqual(found.wait_ratio_avg, expected["waitRatioAvg"]) |
self.assertEqual(found.wait_ratio_max, expected["waitRatioMax"]) |
self.assertEqual(found.read_ms_avg, int(expected["readMsAvg"])) |
self.assertEqual(found.read_ms_max, int(expected["readMsMax"])) |
self.assertEqual(found.read_ratio_avg, expected["readRatioAvg"]) |
self.assertEqual(found.read_ratio_max, expected["readRatioMax"]) |
self.assertEqual(found.compute_ms_avg, int(expected["computeMsAvg"])) |
self.assertEqual(found.compute_ms_max, int(expected["computeMsMax"])) |
self.assertEqual(found.compute_ratio_avg, expected["computeRatioAvg"]) |
self.assertEqual(found.compute_ratio_max, expected["computeRatioMax"]) |
self.assertEqual(found.write_ms_avg, int(expected["writeMsAvg"])) |
self.assertEqual(found.write_ms_max, int(expected["writeMsMax"])) |
self.assertEqual(found.write_ratio_avg, expected["writeRatioAvg"]) |
self.assertEqual(found.write_ratio_max, expected["writeRatioMax"]) |
self.assertEqual(found.records_read, int(expected["recordsRead"])) |
self.assertEqual(found.records_written, int(expected["recordsWritten"])) |
self.assertEqual(found.status, expected["status"]) |
self.assertEqual( |
found.shuffle_output_bytes, int(expected["shuffleOutputBytes"]) |
) |
self.assertEqual( |
found.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled, |
int(expected["shuffleOutputBytesSpilled"]), |
) |
self.assertEqual(len(found.steps), len(expected["steps"])) |
for f_step, e_step in zip(found.steps, expected["steps"]): |
self.assertIsInstance(f_step, QueryPlanEntryStep) |
self.assertEqual(f_step.kind, e_step["kind"]) |
self.assertEqual(f_step.substeps, e_step["substeps"]) |
def test_total_bytes_processed(self): |
total_bytes = 1234 |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertIsNone(job.total_bytes_processed) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.total_bytes_processed) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.total_bytes_processed) |
query_stats["totalBytesProcessed"] = str(total_bytes) |
self.assertEqual(job.total_bytes_processed, total_bytes) |
def test_total_bytes_billed(self): |
total_bytes = 1234 |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertIsNone(job.total_bytes_billed) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.total_bytes_billed) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.total_bytes_billed) |
query_stats["totalBytesBilled"] = str(total_bytes) |
self.assertEqual(job.total_bytes_billed, total_bytes) |
def test_billing_tier(self): |
billing_tier = 1 |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertIsNone(job.billing_tier) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.billing_tier) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.billing_tier) |
query_stats["billingTier"] = billing_tier |
self.assertEqual(job.billing_tier, billing_tier) |
def test_cache_hit(self): |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertIsNone(job.cache_hit) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.cache_hit) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.cache_hit) |
query_stats["cacheHit"] = True |
self.assertTrue(job.cache_hit) |
def test_ddl_operation_performed(self): |
op = "SKIP" |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertIsNone(job.ddl_operation_performed) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.ddl_operation_performed) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.ddl_operation_performed) |
query_stats["ddlOperationPerformed"] = op |
self.assertEqual(job.ddl_operation_performed, op) |
def test_ddl_target_routine(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.routine import RoutineReference |
ref_routine = { |
"projectId": self.PROJECT, |
"datasetId": "ddl_ds", |
"routineId": "targetroutine", |
} |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertIsNone(job.ddl_target_routine) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.ddl_target_routine) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.ddl_target_routine) |
query_stats["ddlTargetRoutine"] = ref_routine |
self.assertIsInstance(job.ddl_target_routine, RoutineReference) |
self.assertEqual(job.ddl_target_routine.routine_id, "targetroutine") |
self.assertEqual(job.ddl_target_routine.dataset_id, "ddl_ds") |
self.assertEqual(job.ddl_target_routine.project, self.PROJECT) |
def test_ddl_target_table(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.table import TableReference |
ref_table = { |
"projectId": self.PROJECT, |
"datasetId": "ddl_ds", |
"tableId": "targettable", |
} |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertIsNone(job.ddl_target_table) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.ddl_target_table) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.ddl_target_table) |
query_stats["ddlTargetTable"] = ref_table |
self.assertIsInstance(job.ddl_target_table, TableReference) |
self.assertEqual(job.ddl_target_table.table_id, "targettable") |
self.assertEqual(job.ddl_target_table.dataset_id, "ddl_ds") |
self.assertEqual(job.ddl_target_table.project, self.PROJECT) |
def test_num_dml_affected_rows(self): |
num_rows = 1234 |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertIsNone(job.num_dml_affected_rows) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.num_dml_affected_rows) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.num_dml_affected_rows) |
query_stats["numDmlAffectedRows"] = str(num_rows) |
self.assertEqual(job.num_dml_affected_rows, num_rows) |
def test_slot_millis(self): |
millis = 1234 |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertIsNone(job.slot_millis) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.slot_millis) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.slot_millis) |
query_stats["totalSlotMs"] = millis |
self.assertEqual(job.slot_millis, millis) |
def test_statement_type(self): |
statement_type = "SELECT" |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertIsNone(job.statement_type) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.statement_type) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.statement_type) |
query_stats["statementType"] = statement_type |
self.assertEqual(job.statement_type, statement_type) |
def test_referenced_tables(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.table import TableReference |
ref_tables_resource = [ |
{"projectId": self.PROJECT, "datasetId": "dataset", "tableId": "local1"}, |
{"projectId": self.PROJECT, "datasetId": "dataset", "tableId": "local2"}, |
{ |
"projectId": "other-project-123", |
"datasetId": "other-dataset", |
"tableId": "other-table", |
}, |
] |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertEqual(job.referenced_tables, []) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertEqual(job.referenced_tables, []) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertEqual(job.referenced_tables, []) |
query_stats["referencedTables"] = ref_tables_resource |
local1, local2, remote = job.referenced_tables |
self.assertIsInstance(local1, TableReference) |
self.assertEqual(local1.table_id, "local1") |
self.assertEqual(local1.dataset_id, "dataset") |
self.assertEqual(local1.project, self.PROJECT) |
self.assertIsInstance(local2, TableReference) |
self.assertEqual(local2.table_id, "local2") |
self.assertEqual(local2.dataset_id, "dataset") |
self.assertEqual(local2.project, self.PROJECT) |
self.assertIsInstance(remote, TableReference) |
self.assertEqual(remote.table_id, "other-table") |
self.assertEqual(remote.dataset_id, "other-dataset") |
self.assertEqual(remote.project, "other-project-123") |
def test_timeline(self): |
timeline_resource = [ |
{ |
"elapsedMs": 1, |
"activeUnits": 22, |
"pendingUnits": 33, |
"completedUnits": 44, |
"totalSlotMs": 101, |
} |
] |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertEqual(job.timeline, []) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertEqual(job.timeline, []) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertEqual(job.timeline, []) |
query_stats["timeline"] = timeline_resource |
self.assertEqual(len(job.timeline), len(timeline_resource)) |
self.assertEqual(job.timeline[0].elapsed_ms, 1) |
self.assertEqual(job.timeline[0].active_units, 22) |
self.assertEqual(job.timeline[0].pending_units, 33) |
self.assertEqual(job.timeline[0].completed_units, 44) |
self.assertEqual(job.timeline[0].slot_millis, 101) |
def test_undeclared_query_parameters(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.query import ArrayQueryParameter |
from google.cloud.bigquery.query import ScalarQueryParameter |
from google.cloud.bigquery.query import StructQueryParameter |
undeclared = [ |
{ |
"name": "my_scalar", |
"parameterType": {"type": "STRING"}, |
"parameterValue": {"value": "value"}, |
}, |
{ |
"name": "my_array", |
"parameterType": {"type": "ARRAY", "arrayType": {"type": "INT64"}}, |
"parameterValue": { |
"arrayValues": [{"value": "1066"}, {"value": "1745"}] |
}, |
}, |
{ |
"name": "my_struct", |
"parameterType": { |
"type": "STRUCT", |
"structTypes": [{"name": "count", "type": {"type": "INT64"}}], |
}, |
"parameterValue": {"structValues": {"count": {"value": "123"}}}, |
}, |
] |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertEqual(job.undeclared_query_parameters, []) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertEqual(job.undeclared_query_parameters, []) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertEqual(job.undeclared_query_parameters, []) |
query_stats["undeclaredQueryParameters"] = undeclared |
scalar, array, struct = job.undeclared_query_parameters |
self.assertIsInstance(scalar, ScalarQueryParameter) |
self.assertEqual(scalar.name, "my_scalar") |
self.assertEqual(scalar.type_, "STRING") |
self.assertEqual(scalar.value, "value") |
self.assertIsInstance(array, ArrayQueryParameter) |
self.assertEqual(array.name, "my_array") |
self.assertEqual(array.array_type, "INT64") |
self.assertEqual(array.values, [1066, 1745]) |
self.assertIsInstance(struct, StructQueryParameter) |
self.assertEqual(struct.name, "my_struct") |
self.assertEqual(struct.struct_types, {"count": "INT64"}) |
self.assertEqual(struct.struct_values, {"count": 123}) |
def test_estimated_bytes_processed(self): |
est_bytes = 123456 |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
self.assertIsNone(job.estimated_bytes_processed) |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.estimated_bytes_processed) |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
self.assertIsNone(job.estimated_bytes_processed) |
query_stats["estimatedBytesProcessed"] = str(est_bytes) |
self.assertEqual(job.estimated_bytes_processed, est_bytes) |
def test_bi_engine_stats(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job.query import BiEngineStats |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
assert job.bi_engine_stats is None |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
assert job.bi_engine_stats is None |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
assert job.bi_engine_stats is None |
query_stats["biEngineStatistics"] = {"biEngineMode": "FULL"} |
assert isinstance(job.bi_engine_stats, BiEngineStats) |
assert job.bi_engine_stats.mode == "FULL" |
def test_dml_stats(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job.query import DmlStats |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
assert job.dml_stats is None |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
assert job.dml_stats is None |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
assert job.dml_stats is None |
query_stats["dmlStats"] = {"insertedRowCount": "35"} |
assert isinstance(job.dml_stats, DmlStats) |
assert job.dml_stats.inserted_row_count == 35 |
def test_search_stats(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job.query import SearchStats |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
assert job.search_stats is None |
statistics = job._properties["statistics"] = {} |
assert job.search_stats is None |
query_stats = statistics["query"] = {} |
assert job.search_stats is None |
query_stats["searchStatistics"] = { |
"indexUnusedReasons": [], |
} |
assert isinstance(job.search_stats, SearchStats) |
assert job.search_stats.mode == "INDEX_USAGE_MODE_UNSPECIFIED" |
def test_reload_query_results_uses_transport_timeout(self): |
conn = make_connection({}) |
client = _make_client(self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
job._transport_timeout = 123 |
job._reload_query_results() |
query_results_path = f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/queries/{self.JOB_ID}" |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="GET", |
path=query_results_path, |
query_params={"maxResults": 0}, |
timeout=123, |
) |
def test_result_reloads_job_state_until_done(self): |
"""Verify that result() doesn't return until state == 'DONE'. |
This test verifies correctness for a possible sequence of API responses |
that might cause internal customer issue b/332850329. |
""" |
from google.cloud.bigquery.table import RowIterator |
query_resource = { |
"jobComplete": False, |
"jobReference": { |
"projectId": self.PROJECT, |
"jobId": self.JOB_ID, |
"location": "EU", |
}, |
} |
query_resource_done = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": { |
"projectId": self.PROJECT, |
"jobId": self.JOB_ID, |
"location": "EU", |
}, |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
"totalRows": "2", |
"queryId": "abc-def", |
} |
job_resource = self._make_resource(started=True, location="EU") |
job_resource_done = self._make_resource(started=True, ended=True, location="EU") |
job_resource_done["configuration"]["query"]["destinationTable"] = { |
"projectId": "dest-project", |
"datasetId": "dest_dataset", |
"tableId": "dest_table", |
} |
query_page_resource = { |
"totalRows": "1", |
"pageToken": None, |
"rows": [{"f": [{"v": "abc"}]}], |
} |
conn = make_connection( |
job_resource, |
query_resource, |
job_resource, |
query_resource_done, |
job_resource, |
job_resource, |
job_resource_done, |
query_page_resource, |
) |
client = _make_client(self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
job = self._get_target_class().from_api_repr(job_resource, client) |
result = job.result() |
self.assertIsInstance(result, RowIterator) |
self.assertEqual(result.total_rows, 2) |
rows = list(result) |
self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1) |
self.assertEqual(rows[0].col1, "abc") |
self.assertEqual(result.job_id, self.JOB_ID) |
self.assertEqual(result.location, "EU") |
self.assertEqual(result.project, self.PROJECT) |
self.assertEqual(result.query_id, "abc-def") |
self.assertEqual(result.total_rows, 1) |
query_results_path = f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/queries/{self.JOB_ID}" |
query_results_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=query_results_path, |
query_params={"maxResults": 0, "location": "EU"}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
reload_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/jobs/{self.JOB_ID}", |
query_params={"projection": "full", "location": "EU"}, |
) |
query_page_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=query_results_path, |
query_params={ |
"location": "EU", |
"formatOptions.useInt64Timestamp": True, |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
conn.api_request.assert_has_calls( |
[ |
reload_call, |
query_results_call, |
reload_call, |
query_results_call, |
reload_call, |
reload_call, |
reload_call, |
query_page_call, |
] |
) |
def test_result_dry_run(self): |
job_resource = self._make_resource(started=True, location="EU") |
job_resource["configuration"]["dryRun"] = True |
conn = make_connection() |
client = _make_client(self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
job = self._get_target_class().from_api_repr(job_resource, client) |
result = job.result() |
calls = conn.api_request.mock_calls |
self.assertIsInstance(result, _EmptyRowIterator) |
self.assertEqual(calls, []) |
self.assertEqual(result.location, "EU") |
self.assertEqual(result.project, self.PROJECT) |
self.assertIsNone(result.job_id) |
self.assertIsNone(result.query_id) |
def test_result_begin_job_if_not_exist(self): |
begun_resource = self._make_resource() |
query_running_resource = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": { |
"projectId": self.PROJECT, |
"jobId": self.JOB_ID, |
"location": "US", |
}, |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
"status": {"state": "RUNNING"}, |
} |
query_done_resource = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": { |
"projectId": self.PROJECT, |
"jobId": self.JOB_ID, |
"location": "US", |
}, |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
"status": {"state": "DONE"}, |
} |
done_resource = copy.deepcopy(begun_resource) |
done_resource["status"] = {"state": "DONE"} |
connection = make_connection( |
begun_resource, |
query_running_resource, |
query_done_resource, |
done_resource, |
) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=connection) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
job._properties["jobReference"]["location"] = "US" |
job.result() |
create_job_call = mock.call( |
method="POST", |
path=f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/jobs", |
data={ |
"jobReference": { |
"jobId": self.JOB_ID, |
"projectId": self.PROJECT, |
"location": "US", |
}, |
"configuration": { |
"query": {"useLegacySql": False, "query": self.QUERY}, |
}, |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
reload_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/jobs/{self.JOB_ID}", |
query_params={"projection": "full", "location": "US"}, |
) |
get_query_results_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/queries/{self.JOB_ID}", |
query_params={ |
"maxResults": 0, |
"location": "US", |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
connection.api_request.assert_has_calls( |
[ |
create_job_call, |
reload_call, |
get_query_results_call, |
reload_call, |
] |
) |
def test_result_with_done_job_calls_get_query_results(self): |
query_resource_done = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
"totalRows": "1", |
} |
job_resource = self._make_resource(started=True, ended=True, location="EU") |
job_resource["configuration"]["query"]["destinationTable"] = { |
"projectId": "dest-project", |
"datasetId": "dest_dataset", |
"tableId": "dest_table", |
} |
results_page_resource = { |
"totalRows": "1", |
"pageToken": None, |
"rows": [{"f": [{"v": "abc"}]}], |
} |
conn = make_connection(query_resource_done, results_page_resource) |
client = _make_client(self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
job = self._get_target_class().from_api_repr(job_resource, client) |
result = job.result() |
rows = list(result) |
self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1) |
self.assertEqual(rows[0].col1, "abc") |
query_results_path = f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/queries/{self.JOB_ID}" |
query_results_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=query_results_path, |
query_params={"maxResults": 0, "location": "EU"}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
query_results_page_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=query_results_path, |
query_params={ |
"location": "EU", |
"formatOptions.useInt64Timestamp": True, |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
conn.api_request.assert_has_calls([query_results_call, query_results_page_call]) |
assert conn.api_request.call_count == 2 |
def test_result_with_done_jobs_query_response_doesnt_call_get_query_results(self): |
"""With a done result from jobs.query, we don't need to call |
jobs.getQueryResults to wait for the query to finish. |
jobs.get is still called because there is an assumption that after |
QueryJob.result(), all job metadata is available locally. |
""" |
job_resource = self._make_resource(started=True, ended=True, location="EU") |
conn = make_connection(job_resource) |
client = _make_client(self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
query_resource_done = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
"rows": [{"f": [{"v": "abc"}]}], |
"totalRows": "1", |
} |
job = google.cloud.bigquery._job_helpers._to_query_job( |
client, |
"SELECT 'abc' AS col1", |
request_config=None, |
query_response=query_resource_done, |
) |
assert job.state == "PENDING" |
result = job.result() |
rows = list(result) |
self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1) |
self.assertEqual(rows[0].col1, "abc") |
job_path = f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/jobs/{self.JOB_ID}" |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="GET", |
path=job_path, |
query_params={"projection": "full"}, |
) |
def test_result_with_none_timeout(self): |
job_resource = self._make_resource(started=True, ended=True, location="EU") |
conn = make_connection(job_resource) |
client = _make_client(self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
query_resource_done = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
"rows": [{"f": [{"v": "abc"}]}], |
"totalRows": "1", |
} |
job = google.cloud.bigquery._job_helpers._to_query_job( |
client, |
"SELECT 'abc' AS col1", |
request_config=None, |
query_response=query_resource_done, |
) |
job.result(timeout=None) |
job_path = f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/jobs/{self.JOB_ID}" |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="GET", |
path=job_path, |
query_params={"projection": "full"}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
def test_result_with_max_results(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.table import RowIterator |
query_resource = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
"totalRows": "10", |
"pageToken": "first-page-token", |
"rows": [ |
{"f": [{"v": "abc"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "def"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "ghi"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "jkl"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "mno"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "pqr"}]}, |
], |
} |
query_page_resource = { |
"totalRows": "10", |
"pageToken": None, |
"rows": [ |
{"f": [{"v": "stu"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "vwx"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "yz0"}]}, |
], |
} |
job_resource_running = self._make_resource( |
started=True, ended=False, location="US" |
) |
job_resource_done = self._make_resource(started=True, ended=True, location="US") |
conn = make_connection(job_resource_done, query_resource, query_page_resource) |
client = _make_client(self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
job = self._get_target_class().from_api_repr(job_resource_running, client) |
max_results = 9 |
result = job.result(max_results=max_results) |
self.assertIsInstance(result, RowIterator) |
self.assertEqual(result.total_rows, 10) |
rows = list(result) |
self.assertEqual(len(rows), 9) |
jobs_get_path = f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/jobs/{self.JOB_ID}" |
jobs_get_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=jobs_get_path, |
query_params={"projection": "full", "location": "US"}, |
) |
query_results_path = f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/queries/{self.JOB_ID}" |
query_page_waiting_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=query_results_path, |
query_params={ |
"maxResults": max_results, |
"formatOptions.useInt64Timestamp": True, |
"location": "US", |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
query_page_2_call = mock.call( |
timeout=None, |
method="GET", |
path=query_results_path, |
query_params={ |
"pageToken": "first-page-token", |
"maxResults": 3, |
"location": "US", |
"formatOptions.useInt64Timestamp": True, |
}, |
) |
conn.api_request.assert_has_calls( |
[jobs_get_call, query_page_waiting_call, query_page_2_call] |
) |
def test_result_w_custom_retry(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.table import RowIterator |
query_resource = { |
"jobComplete": False, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
} |
query_resource_done = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
"totalRows": "2", |
} |
job_resource = self._make_resource(started=True, location="asia-northeast1") |
job_resource_done = self._make_resource( |
started=True, ended=True, location="asia-northeast1" |
) |
job_resource_done["configuration"]["query"]["destinationTable"] = { |
"projectId": "dest-project", |
"datasetId": "dest_dataset", |
"tableId": "dest_table", |
} |
connection = make_connection( |
exceptions.NotFound("not normally retriable"), |
job_resource, |
exceptions.NotFound("not normally retriable"), |
query_resource, |
exceptions.NotFound("not normally retriable"), |
job_resource, |
exceptions.NotFound("not normally retriable"), |
query_resource, |
exceptions.NotFound("not normally retriable"), |
job_resource_done, |
exceptions.NotFound("not normally retriable"), |
query_resource_done, |
) |
client = _make_client(self.PROJECT, connection=connection) |
job = self._get_target_class().from_api_repr(job_resource, client) |
custom_predicate = mock.Mock() |
custom_predicate.return_value = True |
custom_retry = google.api_core.retry.Retry( |
initial=0.001, |
maximum=0.001, |
multiplier=1.0, |
deadline=0.1, |
predicate=custom_predicate, |
) |
self.assertIsInstance(job.result(retry=custom_retry), RowIterator) |
query_results_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/queries/{self.JOB_ID}", |
query_params={"maxResults": 0, "location": "asia-northeast1"}, |
timeout=mock.ANY, |
) |
reload_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/jobs/{self.JOB_ID}", |
query_params={"projection": "full", "location": "asia-northeast1"}, |
) |
connection.api_request.assert_has_calls( |
[ |
reload_call, |
reload_call, |
query_results_call, |
query_results_call, |
reload_call, |
reload_call, |
query_results_call, |
query_results_call, |
reload_call, |
reload_call, |
query_results_call, |
query_results_call, |
] |
) |
def test_result_w_empty_schema(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.table import _EmptyRowIterator |
query_resource = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"schema": {"fields": []}, |
"queryId": "xyz-abc", |
} |
connection = make_connection(query_resource, query_resource) |
client = _make_client(self.PROJECT, connection=connection) |
resource = self._make_resource(ended=True, location="asia-northeast1") |
job = self._get_target_class().from_api_repr(resource, client) |
result = job.result() |
self.assertIsInstance(result, _EmptyRowIterator) |
self.assertEqual(list(result), []) |
self.assertEqual(result.project, self.PROJECT) |
self.assertEqual(result.job_id, self.JOB_ID) |
self.assertEqual(result.location, "asia-northeast1") |
self.assertEqual(result.query_id, "xyz-abc") |
def test_result_w_timeout_doesnt_raise(self): |
import google.cloud.bigquery.client |
begun_resource = self._make_resource() |
query_resource = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
} |
done_resource = copy.deepcopy(begun_resource) |
done_resource["status"] = {"state": "DONE"} |
connection = make_connection(begun_resource, query_resource, done_resource) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=connection) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
job._properties["jobReference"]["location"] = "US" |
job._properties["status"] = {"state": "RUNNING"} |
with freezegun.freeze_time("1970-01-01 00:00:00", tick=False): |
job.result( |
timeout=1.125, |
) |
reload_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/jobs/{self.JOB_ID}", |
query_params={"projection": "full", "location": "US"}, |
timeout=1.125, |
) |
get_query_results_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/queries/{self.JOB_ID}", |
query_params={ |
"maxResults": 0, |
"location": "US", |
}, |
timeout=google.cloud.bigquery.client._MIN_GET_QUERY_RESULTS_TIMEOUT, |
) |
connection.api_request.assert_has_calls( |
[ |
reload_call, |
get_query_results_call, |
reload_call, |
] |
) |
def test_result_w_timeout_raises_concurrent_futures_timeout(self): |
import google.cloud.bigquery.client |
begun_resource = self._make_resource() |
begun_resource["jobReference"]["location"] = "US" |
query_resource = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
} |
done_resource = copy.deepcopy(begun_resource) |
done_resource["status"] = {"state": "DONE"} |
connection = make_connection(begun_resource, query_resource, done_resource) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=connection) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
job._properties["jobReference"]["location"] = "US" |
job._properties["status"] = {"state": "RUNNING"} |
with freezegun.freeze_time( |
"1970-01-01 00:00:00", auto_tick_seconds=1.0 |
), self.assertRaises(concurrent.futures.TimeoutError): |
job.result(timeout=1.125) |
reload_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/jobs/{self.JOB_ID}", |
query_params={"projection": "full", "location": "US"}, |
timeout=1.125, |
) |
get_query_results_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/queries/{self.JOB_ID}", |
query_params={ |
"maxResults": 0, |
"location": "US", |
}, |
timeout=google.cloud.bigquery.client._MIN_GET_QUERY_RESULTS_TIMEOUT, |
) |
connection.api_request.assert_has_calls( |
[ |
reload_call, |
get_query_results_call, |
] |
) |
def test_result_w_page_size(self): |
query_results_resource = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
"totalRows": "10", |
"rows": [ |
{"f": [{"v": "row1"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "row2"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "row3"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "row4"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "row5"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "row6"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "row7"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "row8"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "row9"}]}, |
], |
"pageToken": "first-page-token", |
} |
job_resource_running = self._make_resource( |
started=True, ended=False, location="US" |
) |
job_resource_done = self._make_resource(started=True, ended=True, location="US") |
destination_table = { |
"projectId": self.PROJECT, |
"datasetId": self.DS_ID, |
"tableId": self.TABLE_ID, |
} |
q_config = job_resource_done["configuration"]["query"] |
q_config["destinationTable"] = destination_table |
query_page_resource_2 = {"totalRows": 10, "rows": [{"f": [{"v": "row10"}]}]} |
conn = make_connection( |
job_resource_running, |
query_results_resource, |
job_resource_done, |
query_page_resource_2, |
) |
client = _make_client(self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
job = self._get_target_class().from_api_repr(job_resource_running, client) |
result = job.result(page_size=9) |
actual_rows = list(result) |
self.assertEqual(len(actual_rows), 10) |
jobs_get_path = f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/jobs/{self.JOB_ID}" |
jobs_get_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=jobs_get_path, |
query_params={"projection": "full", "location": "US"}, |
) |
query_results_path = f"/projects/{self.PROJECT}/queries/{self.JOB_ID}" |
query_page_waiting_call = mock.call( |
method="GET", |
path=query_results_path, |
query_params={ |
"maxResults": 9, |
"location": "US", |
"formatOptions.useInt64Timestamp": True, |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
query_page_2_call = mock.call( |
timeout=None, |
method="GET", |
path=query_results_path, |
query_params={ |
"pageToken": "first-page-token", |
"maxResults": 9, |
"location": "US", |
"formatOptions.useInt64Timestamp": True, |
}, |
) |
conn.api_request.assert_has_calls( |
[jobs_get_call, query_page_waiting_call, jobs_get_call, query_page_2_call] |
) |
def test_result_with_start_index(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.table import RowIterator |
query_resource = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
"totalRows": "5", |
} |
tabledata_resource = { |
"totalRows": "5", |
"pageToken": None, |
"rows": [ |
{"f": [{"v": "abc"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "def"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "ghi"}]}, |
{"f": [{"v": "jkl"}]}, |
], |
} |
connection = make_connection(query_resource, tabledata_resource) |
client = _make_client(self.PROJECT, connection=connection) |
resource = self._make_resource(ended=True) |
job = self._get_target_class().from_api_repr(resource, client) |
start_index = 1 |
page_size = 10 |
max_results = 100 |
result = job.result( |
page_size=page_size, |
max_results=max_results, |
start_index=start_index, |
) |
self.assertIsInstance(result, RowIterator) |
self.assertEqual(result.total_rows, 5) |
rows = list(result) |
self.assertEqual(len(rows), 4) |
self.assertEqual(len(connection.api_request.call_args_list), 2) |
tabledata_list_request = connection.api_request.call_args_list[1] |
self.assertEqual( |
tabledata_list_request[1]["query_params"]["startIndex"], start_index |
) |
self.assertEqual( |
tabledata_list_request[1]["query_params"]["maxResults"], page_size |
) |
def test_result_error(self): |
from google.cloud import exceptions |
query = textwrap.dedent( |
""" |
SELECT foo, bar |
FROM table_baz |
WHERE foo == bar""" |
) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, query, client) |
error_result = { |
"debugInfo": "DEBUG", |
"location": "LOCATION", |
"message": "MESSAGE", |
"reason": "invalid", |
} |
job._properties["status"] = { |
"errorResult": error_result, |
"errors": [error_result], |
"state": "DONE", |
} |
job._query_results = google.cloud.bigquery.query._QueryResults.from_api_repr( |
{"jobComplete": True, "jobReference": job._properties["jobReference"]} |
) |
job._set_future_result() |
with self.assertRaises(exceptions.GoogleCloudError) as exc_info: |
job.result() |
self.assertIsInstance(exc_info.exception, exceptions.GoogleCloudError) |
self.assertEqual(exc_info.exception.code, http.client.BAD_REQUEST) |
exc_job_instance = getattr(exc_info.exception, "query_job", None) |
self.assertIs(exc_job_instance, job) |
full_text = str(exc_info.exception) |
assert job.job_id in full_text |
assert "Query Job SQL Follows" not in full_text |
debug_message = exc_info.exception.debug_message |
assert "Query Job SQL Follows" in debug_message |
for i, line in enumerate(query.splitlines(), start=1): |
expected_line = "{}:{}".format(i, line) |
assert expected_line in debug_message |
def test_result_transport_timeout_error(self): |
query = textwrap.dedent( |
""" |
SELECT foo, bar |
FROM table_baz |
WHERE foo == bar""" |
) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, query, client) |
call_api_patch = mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.client.Client._call_api", |
autospec=True, |
side_effect=requests.exceptions.Timeout("Server response took too long."), |
) |
with call_api_patch, self.assertRaises(concurrent.futures.TimeoutError): |
job.result(timeout=1) |
def test_no_schema(self): |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
resource = {} |
klass = self._get_target_class() |
job = klass.from_api_repr(resource, client=client) |
assert job.schema is None |
def test_schema(self): |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
resource = { |
"statistics": { |
"query": { |
"schema": { |
"fields": [ |
{"mode": "NULLABLE", "name": "bool_col", "type": "BOOLEAN"}, |
{ |
"mode": "NULLABLE", |
"name": "string_col", |
"type": "STRING", |
}, |
{ |
"mode": "NULLABLE", |
"name": "timestamp_col", |
"type": "TIMESTAMP", |
}, |
] |
}, |
}, |
}, |
} |
klass = self._get_target_class() |
job = klass.from_api_repr(resource, client=client) |
assert len(job.schema) == 3 |
assert job.schema[0].field_type == "BOOLEAN" |
assert job.schema[1].field_type == "STRING" |
assert job.schema[2].field_type == "TIMESTAMP" |
def test__begin_error(self): |
from google.cloud import exceptions |
query = textwrap.dedent( |
""" |
SELECT foo, bar |
FROM table_baz |
WHERE foo == bar""" |
) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, query, client) |
call_api_patch = mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.client.Client._call_api", |
autospec=True, |
side_effect=exceptions.BadRequest("Syntax error in SQL query"), |
) |
with call_api_patch, self.assertRaises(exceptions.GoogleCloudError) as exc_info: |
job.result() |
self.assertIsInstance(exc_info.exception, exceptions.GoogleCloudError) |
self.assertEqual(exc_info.exception.code, http.client.BAD_REQUEST) |
exc_job_instance = getattr(exc_info.exception, "query_job", None) |
self.assertIs(exc_job_instance, job) |
full_text = str(exc_info.exception) |
assert job.job_id in full_text |
assert "Query Job SQL Follows" not in full_text |
debug_message = exc_info.exception.debug_message |
assert "Query Job SQL Follows" in debug_message |
for i, line in enumerate(query.splitlines(), start=1): |
expected_line = "{}:{}".format(i, line) |
assert expected_line in debug_message |
def test__begin_w_timeout(self): |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs" % (self.PROJECT,) |
RESOURCE = self._make_resource() |
conn = make_connection(RESOURCE) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
job._begin(timeout=7.5) |
final_attributes.assert_called_with({"path": PATH}, client, job) |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="POST", |
path=PATH, |
data={ |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"configuration": { |
"query": {"query": self.QUERY, "useLegacySql": False} |
}, |
}, |
timeout=7.5, |
) |
def test_begin_w_bound_client(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.dataset import DatasetReference |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJobConfig |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs" % (self.PROJECT,) |
RESOURCE = self._make_resource() |
del RESOURCE["statistics"]["creationTime"] |
del RESOURCE["etag"] |
del RESOURCE["selfLink"] |
del RESOURCE["user_email"] |
conn = make_connection(RESOURCE) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
config = QueryJobConfig() |
config.default_dataset = DatasetReference(self.PROJECT, DS_ID) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client, job_config=config) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
job._begin() |
final_attributes.assert_called_with({"path": PATH}, client, job) |
self.assertIsNone(job.default_dataset) |
self.assertEqual(job.udf_resources, []) |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="POST", |
path=PATH, |
data={ |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"configuration": { |
"query": { |
"query": self.QUERY, |
"useLegacySql": False, |
"defaultDataset": { |
"projectId": self.PROJECT, |
"datasetId": DS_ID, |
}, |
} |
}, |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
def test_begin_w_alternate_client(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.dataset import DatasetReference |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import CreateDisposition |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJobConfig |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryPriority |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import SchemaUpdateOption |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import WriteDisposition |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs" % (self.PROJECT,) |
RESOURCE = self._make_resource(ended=True) |
"query": self.QUERY, |
"allowLargeResults": True, |
"createDisposition": CreateDisposition.CREATE_NEVER, |
"defaultDataset": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "datasetId": DS_ID}, |
"destinationTable": { |
"projectId": self.PROJECT, |
"datasetId": DS_ID, |
"tableId": TABLE, |
}, |
"flattenResults": True, |
"priority": QueryPriority.INTERACTIVE, |
"useQueryCache": True, |
"useLegacySql": True, |
"writeDisposition": WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE, |
"maximumBillingTier": 4, |
"maximumBytesBilled": "123456", |
"schemaUpdateOptions": [SchemaUpdateOption.ALLOW_FIELD_RELAXATION], |
} |
RESOURCE["configuration"]["query"] = QUERY_CONFIGURATION |
RESOURCE["configuration"]["dryRun"] = True |
conn1 = make_connection() |
client1 = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn1) |
conn2 = make_connection(RESOURCE) |
client2 = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn2) |
dataset_ref = DatasetReference(self.PROJECT, DS_ID) |
table_ref = dataset_ref.table(TABLE) |
config = QueryJobConfig() |
config.allow_large_results = True |
config.create_disposition = CreateDisposition.CREATE_NEVER |
config.default_dataset = dataset_ref |
config.destination = table_ref |
config.dry_run = True |
config.flatten_results = True |
config.maximum_billing_tier = 4 |
config.priority = QueryPriority.INTERACTIVE |
config.use_legacy_sql = True |
config.use_query_cache = True |
config.write_disposition = WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE |
config.maximum_bytes_billed = 123456 |
config.schema_update_options = [SchemaUpdateOption.ALLOW_FIELD_RELAXATION] |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client1, job_config=config) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
job._begin(client=client2) |
final_attributes.assert_called_with({"path": PATH}, client2, job) |
conn1.api_request.assert_not_called() |
conn2.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="POST", |
path=PATH, |
data={ |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"configuration": {"dryRun": True, "query": QUERY_CONFIGURATION}, |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
def test_begin_w_udf(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJobConfig |
from google.cloud.bigquery.query import UDFResource |
RESOURCE_URI = "gs://some-bucket/js/lib.js" |
INLINE_UDF_CODE = 'var someCode = "here";' |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs" % (self.PROJECT,) |
RESOURCE = self._make_resource() |
del RESOURCE["statistics"]["creationTime"] |
del RESOURCE["etag"] |
del RESOURCE["selfLink"] |
del RESOURCE["user_email"] |
RESOURCE["configuration"]["query"]["userDefinedFunctionResources"] = [ |
{"resourceUri": RESOURCE_URI}, |
{"inlineCode": INLINE_UDF_CODE}, |
] |
conn = make_connection(RESOURCE) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
udf_resources = [ |
UDFResource("resourceUri", RESOURCE_URI), |
UDFResource("inlineCode", INLINE_UDF_CODE), |
] |
config = QueryJobConfig() |
config.udf_resources = udf_resources |
config.use_legacy_sql = True |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client, job_config=config) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
job._begin() |
final_attributes.assert_called_with({"path": PATH}, client, job) |
self.assertEqual(job.udf_resources, udf_resources) |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="POST", |
path=PATH, |
data={ |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"configuration": { |
"query": { |
"query": self.QUERY, |
"useLegacySql": True, |
"userDefinedFunctionResources": [ |
{"resourceUri": RESOURCE_URI}, |
{"inlineCode": INLINE_UDF_CODE}, |
], |
} |
}, |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
def test_begin_w_named_query_parameter(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJobConfig |
from google.cloud.bigquery.query import ScalarQueryParameter |
query_parameters = [ScalarQueryParameter("foo", "INT64", 123)] |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs" % (self.PROJECT,) |
RESOURCE = self._make_resource() |
del RESOURCE["statistics"]["creationTime"] |
del RESOURCE["etag"] |
del RESOURCE["selfLink"] |
del RESOURCE["user_email"] |
config = RESOURCE["configuration"]["query"] |
config["parameterMode"] = "NAMED" |
config["queryParameters"] = [ |
{ |
"name": "foo", |
"parameterType": {"type": "INT64"}, |
"parameterValue": {"value": "123"}, |
} |
] |
conn = make_connection(RESOURCE) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
jconfig = QueryJobConfig() |
jconfig.query_parameters = query_parameters |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client, job_config=jconfig) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
job._begin() |
final_attributes.assert_called_with({"path": PATH}, client, job) |
self.assertEqual(job.query_parameters, query_parameters) |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="POST", |
path=PATH, |
data={ |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"configuration": { |
"query": { |
"query": self.QUERY, |
"useLegacySql": False, |
"parameterMode": "NAMED", |
"queryParameters": config["queryParameters"], |
} |
}, |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
def test_begin_w_positional_query_parameter(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJobConfig |
from google.cloud.bigquery.query import ScalarQueryParameter |
query_parameters = [ScalarQueryParameter.positional("INT64", 123)] |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs" % (self.PROJECT,) |
RESOURCE = self._make_resource() |
del RESOURCE["statistics"]["creationTime"] |
del RESOURCE["etag"] |
del RESOURCE["selfLink"] |
del RESOURCE["user_email"] |
config = RESOURCE["configuration"]["query"] |
config["parameterMode"] = "POSITIONAL" |
config["queryParameters"] = [ |
{"parameterType": {"type": "INT64"}, "parameterValue": {"value": "123"}} |
] |
conn = make_connection(RESOURCE) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
jconfig = QueryJobConfig() |
jconfig.query_parameters = query_parameters |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client, job_config=jconfig) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
job._begin() |
final_attributes.assert_called_with({"path": PATH}, client, job) |
self.assertEqual(job.query_parameters, query_parameters) |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="POST", |
path=PATH, |
data={ |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"configuration": { |
"query": { |
"query": self.QUERY, |
"useLegacySql": False, |
"parameterMode": "POSITIONAL", |
"queryParameters": config["queryParameters"], |
} |
}, |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
def test_begin_w_table_defs(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJobConfig |
from google.cloud.bigquery.external_config import ExternalConfig |
from google.cloud.bigquery.external_config import BigtableColumn |
from google.cloud.bigquery.external_config import BigtableColumnFamily |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs" % (self.PROJECT,) |
RESOURCE = self._make_resource() |
del RESOURCE["statistics"]["creationTime"] |
del RESOURCE["etag"] |
del RESOURCE["selfLink"] |
del RESOURCE["user_email"] |
bt_config = ExternalConfig("BIGTABLE") |
bt_config.ignore_unknown_values = True |
bt_config.options.read_rowkey_as_string = True |
cf = BigtableColumnFamily() |
cf.family_id = "cf" |
col = BigtableColumn() |
col.field_name = "fn" |
cf.columns = [col] |
bt_config.options.column_families = [cf] |
"sourceFormat": "BIGTABLE", |
"ignoreUnknownValues": True, |
"bigtableOptions": { |
"readRowkeyAsString": True, |
"columnFamilies": [ |
{"familyId": "cf", "columns": [{"fieldName": "fn"}]} |
], |
}, |
} |
"sourceFormat": "CSV", |
"maxBadRecords": 8, |
"csvOptions": {"allowJaggedRows": True}, |
} |
csv_config = ExternalConfig("CSV") |
csv_config.max_bad_records = 8 |
csv_config.options.allow_jagged_rows = True |
bt_table = "bigtable-table" |
csv_table = "csv-table" |
RESOURCE["configuration"]["query"]["tableDefinitions"] = { |
} |
want_resource = copy.deepcopy(RESOURCE) |
conn = make_connection(RESOURCE) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
config = QueryJobConfig() |
config.table_definitions = {bt_table: bt_config, csv_table: csv_config} |
config.use_legacy_sql = True |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client, job_config=config) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
job._begin() |
final_attributes.assert_called_with({"path": PATH}, client, job) |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="POST", |
path=PATH, |
data={ |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"configuration": { |
"query": { |
"query": self.QUERY, |
"useLegacySql": True, |
"tableDefinitions": { |
}, |
} |
}, |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, want_resource) |
def test_dry_run_query(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJobConfig |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs" % (self.PROJECT,) |
RESOURCE = self._make_resource() |
del RESOURCE["statistics"]["creationTime"] |
del RESOURCE["etag"] |
del RESOURCE["selfLink"] |
del RESOURCE["user_email"] |
RESOURCE["configuration"]["dryRun"] = True |
conn = make_connection(RESOURCE) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
config = QueryJobConfig() |
config.dry_run = True |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client, job_config=config) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
job._begin() |
final_attributes.assert_called_with({"path": PATH}, client, job) |
self.assertEqual(job.udf_resources, []) |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="POST", |
path=PATH, |
data={ |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"configuration": { |
"query": {"query": self.QUERY, "useLegacySql": False}, |
"dryRun": True, |
}, |
}, |
timeout=None, |
) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
def test_exists_miss_w_bound_client(self): |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs/%s" % (self.PROJECT, self.JOB_ID) |
conn = make_connection() |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
self.assertFalse(job.exists()) |
final_attributes.assert_called_with({"path": PATH}, client, job) |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="GET", path=PATH, query_params={"fields": "id"}, timeout=None |
) |
def test_exists_hit_w_alternate_client(self): |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs/%s" % (self.PROJECT, self.JOB_ID) |
conn1 = make_connection() |
client1 = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn1) |
conn2 = make_connection({}) |
client2 = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn2) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client1) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
self.assertTrue(job.exists(client=client2)) |
final_attributes.assert_called_with({"path": PATH}, client2, job) |
conn1.api_request.assert_not_called() |
conn2.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="GET", path=PATH, query_params={"fields": "id"}, timeout=None |
) |
def test_reload_w_bound_client(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.dataset import DatasetReference |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJobConfig |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs/%s" % (self.PROJECT, self.JOB_ID) |
DEST_TABLE = "dest_table" |
RESOURCE = self._make_resource() |
conn = make_connection(RESOURCE) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
dataset_ref = DatasetReference(self.PROJECT, DS_ID) |
table_ref = dataset_ref.table(DEST_TABLE) |
config = QueryJobConfig() |
config.destination = table_ref |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, None, client, job_config=config) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
job.reload() |
final_attributes.assert_called_with( |
{ |
"path": PATH, |
"job_id": self.JOB_ID, |
"location": None, |
}, |
client, |
None, |
) |
self.assertNotEqual(job.destination, table_ref) |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="GET", |
path=PATH, |
query_params={"projection": "full"}, |
) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
def test_reload_w_alternate_client(self): |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs/%s" % (self.PROJECT, self.JOB_ID) |
DEST_TABLE = "dest_table" |
RESOURCE = self._make_resource() |
q_config = RESOURCE["configuration"]["query"] |
q_config["destinationTable"] = { |
"projectId": self.PROJECT, |
"datasetId": DS_ID, |
"tableId": DEST_TABLE, |
} |
conn1 = make_connection() |
client1 = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn1) |
conn2 = make_connection(RESOURCE) |
client2 = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn2) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client1) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
job.reload(client=client2) |
final_attributes.assert_called_with( |
{ |
"path": PATH, |
"job_id": self.JOB_ID, |
"location": None, |
}, |
client2, |
None, |
) |
conn1.api_request.assert_not_called() |
conn2.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="GET", |
path=PATH, |
query_params={"projection": "full"}, |
) |
self._verifyResourceProperties(job, RESOURCE) |
def test_reload_w_timeout(self): |
from google.cloud.bigquery.dataset import DatasetReference |
from google.cloud.bigquery.job import QueryJobConfig |
PATH = "/projects/%s/jobs/%s" % (self.PROJECT, self.JOB_ID) |
DEST_TABLE = "dest_table" |
RESOURCE = self._make_resource() |
conn = make_connection(RESOURCE) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn) |
dataset_ref = DatasetReference(self.PROJECT, DS_ID) |
table_ref = dataset_ref.table(DEST_TABLE) |
config = QueryJobConfig() |
config.destination = table_ref |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, None, client, job_config=config) |
with mock.patch( |
"google.cloud.bigquery.opentelemetry_tracing._get_final_span_attributes" |
) as final_attributes: |
job.reload(timeout=4.2) |
final_attributes.assert_called_with( |
{ |
"path": PATH, |
"job_id": self.JOB_ID, |
"location": None, |
}, |
client, |
None, |
) |
self.assertNotEqual(job.destination, table_ref) |
conn.api_request.assert_called_once_with( |
method="GET", |
path=PATH, |
query_params={"projection": "full"}, |
timeout=4.2, |
) |
def test_iter(self): |
begun_resource = self._make_resource() |
query_resource = { |
"jobComplete": True, |
"jobReference": {"projectId": self.PROJECT, "jobId": self.JOB_ID}, |
"totalRows": "0", |
"schema": {"fields": [{"name": "col1", "type": "STRING"}]}, |
} |
done_resource = copy.deepcopy(begun_resource) |
done_resource["status"] = {"state": "DONE"} |
connection = make_connection(begun_resource, query_resource, done_resource) |
client = _make_client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=connection) |
job = self._make_one(self.JOB_ID, self.QUERY, client) |
job._properties["status"] = {"state": "RUNNING"} |
self.assertIsInstance(iter(job), types.GeneratorType) |