{% set name = "azure-iot-deviceupdate" %} package: name: "{{ name|lower }}" version: {{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} source: url: {{ environ.get('DEVICEUPDATE_SOURCE_DISTRIBUTION', '') }} build: noarch: python number: 0 script: "{{ PYTHON }} -m pip install . -vv" requirements: host: - azure-core >={{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} - azure-identity >={{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} - msrest >={{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} - pip - python - six - requests-oauthlib >=0.5.0 - aiohttp - isodate run: - azure-core >={{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} - azure-identity >={{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} - msrest >={{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} - python - six - requests-oauthlib >=0.5.0 - aiohttp - isodate test: imports: - azure.iot.deviceupdate - azure.iot.deviceupdate.aio about: home: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/main/sdk/deviceupdate/azure-iot-deviceupdate license: MIT license_family: MIT license_file: summary: "Azure Device Update for IoT Hub client library for Python" description: | The library provides access to the Device Update for IoT Hub service that enables customers to publish updates for their IoT devices to the cloud, and then deploy these updates to their devices (approve updates to groups of devices managed and provisioned in IoT Hub). Please see https://aka.ms/azsdk/conda/releases/deviceupdate for version details. doc_url: dev_url: extra: recipe-maintainers: - xiangyan99