{% set name = "azure-schemaregistry" %} package: name: "{{ name|lower }}" version: {{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} source: url: {{ environ.get('SCHEMAREGISTRY_SOURCE_DISTRIBUTION', '') }} build: noarch: python number: 0 script: "{{ PYTHON }} -m pip install . -vv" requirements: host: - azure-core >={{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} - azure-identity >={{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} - msrest >={{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} - pip - python - six - requests-oauthlib >=0.5.0 - aiohttp - isodate run: - azure-core >={{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} - azure-identity >={{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} - msrest >={{ environ.get('AZURESDK_CONDA_VERSION', '0.0.0') }} - python - six - requests-oauthlib >=0.5.0 - aiohttp - isodate test: imports: - azure.schemaregistry - azure.schemaregistry.aio about: home: "https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/main/sdk/schemaregistry" license: MIT license_family: MIT license_file: summary: "Microsoft Azure Schema Registry Client Library for Python" description: | Azure Schema Registry is a schema repository service hosted by Azure Event Hubs, providing schema storage, versioning, and management. The registry is leveraged by serializers to reduce payload size while describing payload structure with schema identifiers rather than full schemas. Please see https://aka.ms/azsdk/conda/releases/schemaregistry for version details. doc_url: dev_url: extra: recipe-maintainers: - xiangyan99