# Release History ## 2.0.1 (2024-06-26) ### Other Changes - This package is no longer being maintained. Please refer to the samples in the [Bing Search for Python repo](https://github.com/microsoft/bing-search-sdk-for-python/tree/main) instead. For additional support, please open a new issue in the [Issues](https://github.com/microsoft/bing-search-sdk-for-python/issues) section of the Microsoft Bing Search SDK for Python repo. ## 2.0.0 (2020-01-12) **Breaking changes** - NewsSearchAPI main client has been renamed NewsSearchClient **General Breaking Changes** This version uses a next-generation code generator that might introduce breaking changes if from some import. In summary, some modules were incorrectly visible/importable and have been renamed. This fixed several issues caused by usage of classes that were not supposed to be used in the first place. NewsSearchClient cannot be imported from azure.cognitiveservices.search.newssearch.news_search_api anymore (import from azure.cognitiveservices.search.newssearch works like before) NewsSearchClientConfiguration import has been moved from azure.cognitiveservices.search.newssearch.news_search_api to azure.cognitiveservices.search.newssearch A model MyClass from a "models" sub-module cannot be imported anymore using azure.cognitiveservices.search.newssearch.models.my_class (import from azure.cognitiveservices.search.newssearch.models works like before) An operation class MyClassOperations from an operations sub-module cannot be imported anymore using azure.cognitiveservices.search.newssearch.operations.my_class_operations (import from azure.cognitiveservices.search.newssearch.operations works like before) Last but not least, HTTP connection pooling is now enabled by default. You should always use a client as a context manager, or call close(), or use no more than one client per process. ## 1.0.0 (2018-05-02) **Features** - Client class can be used as a context manager to keep the underlying HTTP session open for performance **General Breaking changes** This version uses a next-generation code generator that *might* introduce breaking changes. - Model signatures now use only keyword-argument syntax. All positional arguments must be re-written as keyword-arguments. To keep auto-completion in most cases, models are now generated for Python 2 and Python 3. Python 3 uses the "*" syntax for keyword-only arguments. - Enum types now use the "str" mixin (class AzureEnum(str, Enum)) to improve the behavior when unrecognized enum values are encountered. While this is not a breaking change, the distinctions are important, and are documented here: At a glance: - "is" should not be used at all. - "format" will return the string value, where "%s" string formatting will return `NameOfEnum.stringvalue`. Format syntax should be prefered. - New Long Running Operation: - Return type changes from `msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller` to `msrest.polling.LROPoller`. External API is the same. - Return type is now **always** a `msrest.polling.LROPoller`, regardless of the optional parameters used. - The behavior has changed when using `raw=True`. Instead of returning the initial call result as `ClientRawResponse`, without polling, now this returns an LROPoller. After polling, the final resource will be returned as a `ClientRawResponse`. - New `polling` parameter. The default behavior is `Polling=True` which will poll using ARM algorithm. When `Polling=False`, the response of the initial call will be returned without polling. - `polling` parameter accepts instances of subclasses of `msrest.polling.PollingMethod`. - `add_done_callback` will no longer raise if called after polling is finished, but will instead execute the callback right away. ## 0.1.0 (2018-01-12) - Initial Release