# HTTP client functional tests against aiohttp.web server import asyncio import datetime import http.cookies import io import json import pathlib import socket import ssl import sys import time from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Type from unittest import mock import pytest from multidict import MultiDict from yarl import URL import aiohttp from aiohttp import Fingerprint, ServerFingerprintMismatch, hdrs, web from aiohttp.abc import AbstractResolver from aiohttp.client_exceptions import ( InvalidURL, InvalidUrlClientError, InvalidUrlRedirectClientError, NonHttpUrlClientError, NonHttpUrlRedirectClientError, SocketTimeoutError, TooManyRedirects, ) from aiohttp.pytest_plugin import AiohttpClient, TestClient from aiohttp.test_utils import unused_port @pytest.fixture def here(): return pathlib.Path(__file__).parent @pytest.fixture def fname(here): return here / "conftest.py" async def test_keepalive_two_requests_success(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): body = await request.read() assert b"" == body return web.Response(body=b"OK") app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=1) client = await aiohttp_client(app, connector=connector) resp1 = await client.get("/") await resp1.read() resp2 = await client.get("/") await resp2.read() assert 1 == len(client._session.connector._conns) async def test_keepalive_after_head_requests_success(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): body = await request.read() assert b"" == body return web.Response(body=b"OK") cnt_conn_reuse = 0 async def on_reuseconn(session, ctx, params): nonlocal cnt_conn_reuse cnt_conn_reuse += 1 trace_config = aiohttp.TraceConfig() trace_config._on_connection_reuseconn.append(on_reuseconn) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) app.router.add_route("HEAD", "/", handler) connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=1) client = await aiohttp_client( app, connector=connector, trace_configs=[trace_config] ) resp1 = await client.head("/") await resp1.read() resp2 = await client.get("/") await resp2.read() assert 1 == cnt_conn_reuse @pytest.mark.parametrize("status", (101, 204, 304)) async def test_keepalive_after_empty_body_status( aiohttp_client: Any, status: int ) -> None: async def handler(request): body = await request.read() assert b"" == body return web.Response(status=status) cnt_conn_reuse = 0 async def on_reuseconn(session, ctx, params): nonlocal cnt_conn_reuse cnt_conn_reuse += 1 trace_config = aiohttp.TraceConfig() trace_config._on_connection_reuseconn.append(on_reuseconn) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=1) client = await aiohttp_client( app, connector=connector, trace_configs=[trace_config] ) resp1 = await client.get("/") await resp1.read() resp2 = await client.get("/") await resp2.read() assert cnt_conn_reuse == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize("status", (101, 204, 304)) async def test_keepalive_after_empty_body_status_stream_response( aiohttp_client: Any, status: int ) -> None: async def handler(request): stream_response = web.StreamResponse(status=status) await stream_response.prepare(request) return stream_response cnt_conn_reuse = 0 async def on_reuseconn(session, ctx, params): nonlocal cnt_conn_reuse cnt_conn_reuse += 1 trace_config = aiohttp.TraceConfig() trace_config._on_connection_reuseconn.append(on_reuseconn) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=1) client = await aiohttp_client( app, connector=connector, trace_configs=[trace_config] ) resp1 = await client.get("/") await resp1.read() resp2 = await client.get("/") await resp2.read() assert cnt_conn_reuse == 1 async def test_keepalive_response_released(aiohttp_client: Any) -> None: async def handler(request): body = await request.read() assert b"" == body return web.Response(body=b"OK") app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=1) client = await aiohttp_client(app, connector=connector) resp1 = await client.get("/") resp1.release() resp2 = await client.get("/") resp2.release() assert 1 == len(client._session.connector._conns) async def test_upgrade_connection_not_released_after_read(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request: web.Request) -> web.Response: body = await request.read() assert b"" == body return web.Response( status=101, headers={"Connection": "Upgrade", "Upgrade": "tcp"} ) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") await resp.read() assert resp.connection is not None assert not resp.closed async def test_keepalive_server_force_close_connection(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): body = await request.read() assert b"" == body response = web.Response(body=b"OK") response.force_close() return response app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=1) client = await aiohttp_client(app, connector=connector) resp1 = await client.get("/") resp1.close() resp2 = await client.get("/") resp2.close() assert 0 == len(client._session.connector._conns) async def test_keepalive_timeout_async_sleep() -> None: async def handler(request): body = await request.read() assert b"" == body return web.Response(body=b"OK") app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) runner = web.AppRunner(app, tcp_keepalive=True, keepalive_timeout=0.001) await runner.setup() port = unused_port() site = web.TCPSite(runner, host="localhost", port=port) await site.start() try: async with aiohttp.client.ClientSession() as sess: resp1 = await sess.get(f"http://localhost:{port}/") await resp1.read() # wait for server keepalive_timeout await asyncio.sleep(0.01) resp2 = await sess.get(f"http://localhost:{port}/") await resp2.read() finally: await asyncio.gather(runner.shutdown(), site.stop()) @pytest.mark.skipif( sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 11), reason="https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/10763", ) async def test_keepalive_timeout_sync_sleep() -> None: async def handler(request): body = await request.read() assert b"" == body return web.Response(body=b"OK") app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) runner = web.AppRunner(app, tcp_keepalive=True, keepalive_timeout=0.001) await runner.setup() port = unused_port() site = web.TCPSite(runner, host="localhost", port=port) await site.start() try: async with aiohttp.client.ClientSession() as sess: resp1 = await sess.get(f"http://localhost:{port}/") await resp1.read() # wait for server keepalive_timeout # time.sleep is a more challenging scenario than asyncio.sleep time.sleep(0.01) resp2 = await sess.get(f"http://localhost:{port}/") await resp2.read() finally: await asyncio.gather(runner.shutdown(), site.stop()) async def test_release_early(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): await request.read() return web.Response(body=b"OK") app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert resp.closed await resp.wait_for_close() assert 1 == len(client._session.connector._conns) async def test_HTTP_304(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): body = await request.read() assert b"" == body return web.Response(status=304) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert resp.status == 304 content = await resp.read() assert content == b"" async def test_stream_request_on_server_eof(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text="OK", status=200) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) app.add_routes([web.put("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async def data_gen(): for _ in range(2): yield b"just data" await asyncio.sleep(0.1) async with client.put("/", data=data_gen()) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status assert len(client.session.connector._acquired) == 1 conn = next(iter(client.session.connector._acquired)) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status # Connection should have been reused conns = next(iter(client.session.connector._conns.values())) assert len(conns) == 1 assert conns[0][0] is conn async def test_stream_request_on_server_eof_nested(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text="OK", status=200) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) app.add_routes([web.put("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async def data_gen(): for _ in range(2): yield b"just data" await asyncio.sleep(0.1) async with client.put("/", data=data_gen()) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async with client.get("/") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status # Should be 2 separate connections conns = next(iter(client.session.connector._conns.values())) assert len(conns) == 2 async def test_HTTP_304_WITH_BODY(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): body = await request.read() assert b"" == body return web.Response(body=b"test", status=304) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert resp.status == 304 content = await resp.read() assert content == b"" async def test_auto_header_user_agent(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): assert "aiohttp" in request.headers["user-agent"] return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_skip_auto_headers_user_agent(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): assert hdrs.USER_AGENT not in request.headers return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/", skip_auto_headers=["user-agent"]) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_skip_default_auto_headers_user_agent(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): assert hdrs.USER_AGENT not in request.headers return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app, skip_auto_headers=["user-agent"]) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_skip_auto_headers_content_type(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): assert hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in request.headers return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/", skip_auto_headers=["content-type"]) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_post_data_bytesio(aiohttp_client) -> None: data = b"some buffer" async def handler(request): assert len(data) == request.content_length val = await request.read() assert data == val return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("POST", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with io.BytesIO(data) as file_handle: async with client.post("/", data=file_handle) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_post_data_with_bytesio_file(aiohttp_client) -> None: data = b"some buffer" async def handler(request): post_data = await request.post() assert ["file"] == list(post_data.keys()) assert data == post_data["file"].file.read() post_data["file"].file.close() # aiohttp < 4 doesn't autoclose files return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("POST", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with io.BytesIO(data) as file_handle: async with client.post("/", data={"file": file_handle}) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_post_data_stringio(aiohttp_client) -> None: data = "some buffer" async def handler(request): assert len(data) == request.content_length assert request.headers["CONTENT-TYPE"] == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" val = await request.text() assert data == val return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("POST", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.post("/", data=io.StringIO(data)) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_post_data_textio_encoding(aiohttp_client) -> None: data = "текст" async def handler(request): assert request.headers["CONTENT-TYPE"] == "text/plain; charset=koi8-r" val = await request.text() assert data == val return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("POST", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) pl = aiohttp.TextIOPayload(io.StringIO(data), encoding="koi8-r") async with client.post("/", data=pl) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_ssl_client( aiohttp_server, ssl_ctx, aiohttp_client, client_ssl_ctx, ) -> None: connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(ssl=client_ssl_ctx) async def handler(request): return web.Response(text="Test message") app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app, ssl=ssl_ctx) client = await aiohttp_client(server, connector=connector) resp = await client.get("/") assert 200 == resp.status txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "Test message" async def test_tcp_connector_fingerprint_ok( aiohttp_server, aiohttp_client, ssl_ctx, tls_certificate_fingerprint_sha256, ): tls_fingerprint = Fingerprint(tls_certificate_fingerprint_sha256) async def handler(request): return web.Response(text="Test message") connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(ssl=tls_fingerprint) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app, ssl=ssl_ctx) client = await aiohttp_client(server, connector=connector) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.status == 200 async def test_tcp_connector_fingerprint_fail( aiohttp_server, aiohttp_client, ssl_ctx, tls_certificate_fingerprint_sha256, ): async def handler(request): return web.Response(text="Test message") bad_fingerprint = b"\x00" * len(tls_certificate_fingerprint_sha256) connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(ssl=Fingerprint(bad_fingerprint)) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app, ssl=ssl_ctx) client = await aiohttp_client(server, connector=connector) with pytest.raises(ServerFingerprintMismatch) as cm: await client.get("/") exc = cm.value assert exc.expected == bad_fingerprint assert exc.got == tls_certificate_fingerprint_sha256 async def test_format_task_get(aiohttp_server) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(body=b"OK") app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app) client = aiohttp.ClientSession() task = asyncio.create_task(client.get(server.make_url("/"))) assert f"{task}".startswith(" None: async def handler(request): assert "q=t est" in request.rel_url.query_string return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/", params="q=t+est") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_drop_params_on_redirect(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler_redirect(request): return web.Response(status=301, headers={"Location": "/ok?a=redirect"}) async def handler_ok(request): assert request.rel_url.query_string == "a=redirect" return web.Response(status=200) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/ok", handler_ok) app.router.add_route("GET", "/redirect", handler_redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/redirect", params={"a": "initial"}) as resp: assert resp.status == 200 async def test_drop_fragment_on_redirect(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler_redirect(request): return web.Response(status=301, headers={"Location": "/ok#fragment"}) async def handler_ok(request): return web.Response(status=200) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/ok", handler_ok) app.router.add_route("GET", "/redirect", handler_redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/redirect") as resp: assert resp.status == 200 assert resp.url.path == "/ok" async def test_drop_fragment(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler_ok(request): return web.Response(status=200) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/ok", handler_ok) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/ok#fragment") as resp: assert resp.status == 200 assert resp.url.path == "/ok" async def test_history(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler_redirect(request): return web.Response(status=301, headers={"Location": "/ok"}) async def handler_ok(request): return web.Response(status=200) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/ok", handler_ok) app.router.add_route("GET", "/redirect", handler_redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/ok") as resp: assert len(resp.history) == 0 assert resp.status == 200 async with client.get("/redirect") as resp_redirect: assert len(resp_redirect.history) == 1 assert resp_redirect.history[0].status == 301 assert resp_redirect.status == 200 async def test_keepalive_closed_by_server(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): body = await request.read() assert b"" == body resp = web.Response(body=b"OK") resp.force_close() return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=1) client = await aiohttp_client(app, connector=connector) resp1 = await client.get("/") val1 = await resp1.read() assert val1 == b"OK" resp2 = await client.get("/") val2 = await resp2.read() assert val2 == b"OK" assert 0 == len(client._session.connector._conns) async def test_wait_for(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(body=b"OK") app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await asyncio.wait_for(client.get("/"), 10) assert resp.status == 200 txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "OK" async def test_raw_headers(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.status == 200 raw_headers = tuple((bytes(h), bytes(v)) for h, v in resp.raw_headers) assert raw_headers == ( (b"Content-Length", b"0"), (b"Content-Type", b"application/octet-stream"), (b"Date", mock.ANY), (b"Server", mock.ANY), ) async def test_host_header_first(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): assert list(request.headers)[0] == hdrs.HOST return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.status == 200 async def test_empty_header_values(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.Response() resp.headers["X-Empty"] = "" return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.status == 200 raw_headers = tuple((bytes(h), bytes(v)) for h, v in resp.raw_headers) assert raw_headers == ( (b"X-Empty", b""), (b"Content-Length", b"0"), (b"Content-Type", b"application/octet-stream"), (b"Date", mock.ANY), (b"Server", mock.ANY), ) async def test_204_with_gzipped_content_encoding(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse(status=204) resp.content_length = 0 resp.content_type = "application/json" # resp.enable_compression(web.ContentCoding.gzip) resp.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip" await resp.prepare(request) return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("DELETE", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.delete("/") as resp: assert resp.status == 204 assert resp.closed async def test_timeout_on_reading_headers(aiohttp_client, mocker) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse() await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await resp.prepare(request) return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError): await client.get("/", timeout=0.01) async def test_timeout_on_conn_reading_headers(aiohttp_client, mocker) -> None: # tests case where user did not set a connection timeout async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse() await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await resp.prepare(request) return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector() client = await aiohttp_client(app, connector=conn) with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError): await client.get("/", timeout=0.01) async def test_timeout_on_session_read_timeout(aiohttp_client, mocker) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse() await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await resp.prepare(request) return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector() client = await aiohttp_client( app, connector=conn, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(sock_read=0.01) ) with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError): await client.get("/") async def test_read_timeout_between_chunks(aiohttp_client, mocker) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = aiohttp.web.StreamResponse() await resp.prepare(request) # write data 4 times, with pauses. Total time 2 seconds. for _ in range(4): await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await resp.write(b"data\n") return resp app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) # A timeout of 0.2 seconds should apply per read. timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(sock_read=1) client = await aiohttp_client(app, timeout=timeout) res = b"" async with await client.get("/") as resp: res += await resp.read() assert res == b"data\n" * 4 async def test_read_timeout_on_reading_chunks(aiohttp_client, mocker) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = aiohttp.web.StreamResponse() await resp.prepare(request) await resp.write(b"data\n") await asyncio.sleep(1) await resp.write(b"data\n") return resp app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) # A timeout of 0.2 seconds should apply per read. timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(sock_read=0.2) client = await aiohttp_client(app, timeout=timeout) async with await client.get("/") as resp: assert (await resp.content.read(5)) == b"data\n" with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError): await resp.content.read() async def test_read_timeout_on_write(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def gen_payload() -> AsyncIterator[str]: # Delay writing to ensure read timeout isn't triggered before writing completes. await asyncio.sleep(0.5) yield b"foo" async def handler(request: web.Request) -> web.Response: return web.Response(body=await request.read()) app = web.Application() app.router.add_put("/", handler) timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=None, sock_read=0.1) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.put("/", data=gen_payload(), timeout=timeout) as resp: result = await resp.read() # Should not trigger a read timeout. assert result == b"foo" async def test_timeout_on_reading_data(aiohttp_client, mocker) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() fut = loop.create_future() async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse(headers={"content-length": "100"}) await resp.prepare(request) fut.set_result(None) await asyncio.sleep(0.2) return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/", timeout=1) await fut with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError): await resp.read() async def test_timeout_none(aiohttp_client, mocker) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse() await resp.prepare(request) return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/", timeout=None) as resp: assert resp.status == 200 async def test_readline_error_on_conn_close(aiohttp_client) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async def handler(request): resp_ = web.StreamResponse() await resp_.prepare(request) # make sure connection is closed by client. with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError): for _ in range(10): await resp_.write(b"data\n") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) return resp_ app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) server = await aiohttp_client(app) session = aiohttp.ClientSession() try: timer_started = False url, headers = server.make_url("/"), {"Connection": "Keep-alive"} resp = await session.get(url, headers=headers) with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientConnectionError): while True: data = await resp.content.readline() data = data.strip() if not data: break assert data == b"data" if not timer_started: def do_release(): loop.create_task(resp.release()) loop.call_later(1.0, do_release) timer_started = True finally: await session.close() async def test_no_error_on_conn_close_if_eof(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp_ = web.StreamResponse() await resp_.prepare(request) await resp_.write(b"data\n") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) return resp_ app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) server = await aiohttp_client(app) session = aiohttp.ClientSession() try: url, headers = server.make_url("/"), {"Connection": "Keep-alive"} resp = await session.get(url, headers=headers) while True: data = await resp.content.readline() data = data.strip() if not data: break assert data == b"data" assert resp.content.exception() is None finally: await session.close() async def test_error_not_overwrote_on_conn_close(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp_ = web.StreamResponse() await resp_.prepare(request) return resp_ app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) server = await aiohttp_client(app) session = aiohttp.ClientSession() try: url, headers = server.make_url("/"), {"Connection": "Keep-alive"} resp = await session.get(url, headers=headers) resp.content.set_exception(ValueError()) finally: await session.close() assert isinstance(resp.content.exception(), ValueError) async def test_HTTP_200_OK_METHOD(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text=request.method) app = web.Application() for meth in ("get", "post", "put", "delete", "head", "patch", "options"): app.router.add_route(meth.upper(), "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) for meth in ("get", "post", "put", "delete", "head", "patch", "options"): resp = await client.request(meth, "/") assert resp.status == 200 assert len(resp.history) == 0 content1 = await resp.read() content2 = await resp.read() assert content1 == content2 content = await resp.text() if meth == "head": assert b"" == content1 else: assert meth.upper() == content async def test_HTTP_200_OK_METHOD_connector(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text=request.method) conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector() conn.clear_dns_cache() app = web.Application() for meth in ("get", "post", "put", "delete", "head"): app.router.add_route(meth.upper(), "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app, connector=conn) for meth in ("get", "post", "put", "delete", "head"): resp = await client.request(meth, "/") content1 = await resp.read() content2 = await resp.read() assert content1 == content2 content = await resp.text() assert resp.status == 200 if meth == "head": assert b"" == content1 else: assert meth.upper() == content async def test_HTTP_302_REDIRECT_GET(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text=request.method) async def redirect(request): raise web.HTTPFound(location="/") app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) app.router.add_get("/redirect", redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/redirect") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status assert 1 == len(resp.history) async def test_HTTP_302_REDIRECT_HEAD(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text=request.method) async def redirect(request): raise web.HTTPFound(location="/") app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) app.router.add_get("/redirect", redirect) app.router.add_head("/", handler) app.router.add_head("/redirect", redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.request("head", "/redirect") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status assert 1 == len(resp.history) assert resp.method == "HEAD" async def test_HTTP_302_REDIRECT_NON_HTTP(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def redirect(request): raise web.HTTPFound(location="") app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/redirect", redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.raises(NonHttpUrlRedirectClientError): await client.get("/redirect") async def test_HTTP_302_REDIRECT_POST(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text=request.method) async def redirect(request): raise web.HTTPFound(location="/") app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) app.router.add_post("/redirect", redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.post("/redirect") assert 200 == resp.status assert 1 == len(resp.history) txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "GET" resp.close() async def test_HTTP_302_REDIRECT_POST_with_content_length_hdr(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text=request.method) async def redirect(request): await request.read() raise web.HTTPFound(location="/") data = json.dumps({"some": "data"}) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) app.router.add_post("/redirect", redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.post( "/redirect", data=data, headers={"Content-Length": str(len(data))} ) assert 200 == resp.status assert 1 == len(resp.history) txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "GET" resp.close() async def test_HTTP_307_REDIRECT_POST(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text=request.method) async def redirect(request): await request.read() raise web.HTTPTemporaryRedirect(location="/") app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) app.router.add_post("/redirect", redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.post("/redirect", data={"some": "data"}) assert 200 == resp.status assert 1 == len(resp.history) txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "POST" resp.close() async def test_HTTP_308_PERMANENT_REDIRECT_POST(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text=request.method) async def redirect(request): await request.read() raise web.HTTPPermanentRedirect(location="/") app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) app.router.add_post("/redirect", redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.post("/redirect", data={"some": "data"}) assert 200 == resp.status assert 1 == len(resp.history) txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "POST" resp.close() async def test_HTTP_302_max_redirects(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text=request.method) async def redirect(request): count = int(request.match_info["count"]) if count: raise web.HTTPFound(location=f"/redirect/{count - 1}") else: raise web.HTTPFound(location="/") app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) app.router.add_get(r"/redirect/{count:\d+}", redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.raises(TooManyRedirects) as ctx: await client.get("/redirect/5", max_redirects=2) assert 2 == len(ctx.value.history) assert ctx.value.request_info.url.path == "/redirect/5" assert ctx.value.request_info.method == "GET" async def test_HTTP_200_GET_WITH_PARAMS(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response( text="&".join(k + "=" + v for k, v in request.query.items()) ) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/", params={"q": "test"}) assert 200 == resp.status txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "q=test" resp.close() async def test_HTTP_200_GET_WITH_MultiDict_PARAMS(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response( text="&".join(k + "=" + v for k, v in request.query.items()) ) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/", params=MultiDict([("q", "test"), ("q", "test2")])) assert 200 == resp.status txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "q=test&q=test2" resp.close() async def test_HTTP_200_GET_WITH_MIXED_PARAMS(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response( text="&".join(k + "=" + v for k, v in request.query.items()) ) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/?test=true", params={"q": "test"}) assert 200 == resp.status txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "test=true&q=test" resp.close() async def test_POST_DATA(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() return web.json_response(dict(data)) app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.post("/", data={"some": "data"}) assert 200 == resp.status content = await resp.json() assert content == {"some": "data"} resp.close() async def test_POST_DATA_with_explicit_formdata(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() return web.json_response(dict(data)) app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) form = aiohttp.FormData() form.add_field("name", "text") resp = await client.post("/", data=form) assert 200 == resp.status content = await resp.json() assert content == {"name": "text"} resp.close() async def test_POST_DATA_with_charset(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): mp = await request.multipart() part = await mp.next() text = await part.text() return web.Response(text=text) app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) form = aiohttp.FormData() form.add_field("name", "текст", content_type="text/plain; charset=koi8-r") resp = await client.post("/", data=form) assert 200 == resp.status content = await resp.text() assert content == "текст" resp.close() async def test_POST_DATA_formdats_with_charset(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): mp = await request.post() assert "name" in mp return web.Response(text=mp["name"]) app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) form = aiohttp.FormData(charset="koi8-r") form.add_field("name", "текст") resp = await client.post("/", data=form) assert 200 == resp.status content = await resp.text() assert content == "текст" resp.close() async def test_POST_DATA_with_charset_post(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() return web.Response(text=data["name"]) app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) form = aiohttp.FormData() form.add_field("name", "текст", content_type="text/plain; charset=koi8-r") resp = await client.post("/", data=form) assert 200 == resp.status content = await resp.text() assert content == "текст" resp.close() async def test_POST_MultiDict(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() assert data == MultiDict([("q", "test1"), ("q", "test2")]) return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.post( "/", data=MultiDict([("q", "test1"), ("q", "test2")]) ) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_DATA_DEFLATE(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() return web.json_response(dict(data)) app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.post("/", data={"some": "data"}, compress=True) assert 200 == resp.status content = await resp.json() assert content == {"some": "data"} resp.close() async def test_POST_FILES(aiohttp_client, fname) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() assert data["some"].filename == fname.name with fname.open("rb") as f: content1 = f.read() content2 = data["some"].file.read() assert content1 == content2 assert data["test"].file.read() == b"data" data["some"].file.close() data["test"].file.close() return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with fname.open("rb") as f: async with client.post( "/", data={"some": f, "test": io.BytesIO(b"data")}, chunked=True ) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_FILES_DEFLATE(aiohttp_client, fname) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() assert data["some"].filename == fname.name with fname.open("rb") as f: content1 = f.read() content2 = data["some"].file.read() data["some"].file.close() assert content1 == content2 return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with fname.open("rb") as f: async with client.post( "/", data={"some": f}, chunked=True, compress="deflate" ) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_bytes(aiohttp_client) -> None: body = b"0" * 12345 async def handler(request): data = await request.read() assert body == data return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.post("/", data=body) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_bytes_too_large(aiohttp_client) -> None: body = b"0" * (2**20 + 1) async def handler(request): data = await request.content.read() assert body == data return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.warns(ResourceWarning): resp = await client.post("/", data=body) assert 200 == resp.status resp.close() async def test_POST_FILES_STR(aiohttp_client, fname) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() with fname.open("rb") as f: content1 = f.read().decode() content2 = data["some"] assert content1 == content2 return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with fname.open("rb") as f: async with client.post("/", data={"some": f.read().decode()}) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_FILES_STR_SIMPLE(aiohttp_client, fname) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.read() with fname.open("rb") as f: content = f.read() assert content == data return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with fname.open("rb") as f: async with client.post("/", data=f.read()) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_FILES_LIST(aiohttp_client, fname) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() assert fname.name == data["some"].filename with fname.open("rb") as f: content = f.read() assert content == data["some"].file.read() data["some"].file.close() return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with fname.open("rb") as f: async with client.post("/", data=[("some", f)]) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_FILES_CT(aiohttp_client, fname) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() assert fname.name == data["some"].filename assert "text/plain" == data["some"].content_type with fname.open("rb") as f: content = f.read() assert content == data["some"].file.read() data["some"].file.close() return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with fname.open("rb") as f: form = aiohttp.FormData() form.add_field("some", f, content_type="text/plain") async with client.post("/", data=form) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_FILES_SINGLE(aiohttp_client, fname) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.text() with fname.open("rb") as f: content = f.read().decode() assert content == data # if system cannot determine 'text/x-python' MIME type # then use 'application/octet-stream' default assert request.content_type in [ "text/plain", "application/octet-stream", "text/x-python", ] assert "content-disposition" not in request.headers return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with fname.open("rb") as f: async with client.post("/", data=f) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_FILES_SINGLE_content_disposition(aiohttp_client, fname) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.text() with fname.open("rb") as f: content = f.read().decode() assert content == data # if system cannot determine 'application/pgp-keys' MIME type # then use 'application/octet-stream' default assert request.content_type in [ "text/plain", "application/octet-stream", "text/x-python", ] assert request.headers["content-disposition"] == ( 'inline; filename="conftest.py"' ) return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with fname.open("rb") as f: async with client.post( "/", data=aiohttp.get_payload(f, disposition="inline") ) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_FILES_SINGLE_BINARY(aiohttp_client, fname) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.read() with fname.open("rb") as f: content = f.read() assert content == data # if system cannot determine 'application/pgp-keys' MIME type # then use 'application/octet-stream' default assert request.content_type in [ "application/pgp-keys", "text/plain", "text/x-python", "application/octet-stream", ] return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with fname.open("rb") as f: async with client.post("/", data=f) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_FILES_IO(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() assert b"data" == data["unknown"].file.read() assert data["unknown"].content_type == "application/octet-stream" assert data["unknown"].filename == "unknown" data["unknown"].file.close() return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with io.BytesIO(b"data") as file_handle: async with client.post("/", data=[file_handle]) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_FILES_IO_WITH_PARAMS(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() assert data["test"] == "true" assert data["unknown"].content_type == "application/octet-stream" assert data["unknown"].filename == "unknown" assert data["unknown"].file.read() == b"data" data["unknown"].file.close() assert data.getall("q") == ["t1", "t2"] return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with io.BytesIO(b"data") as file_handle: async with client.post( "/", data=(("test", "true"), MultiDict([("q", "t1"), ("q", "t2")]), file_handle), ) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_FILES_WITH_DATA(aiohttp_client, fname) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.post() assert data["test"] == "true" assert data["some"].content_type in [ "text/x-python", "text/plain", "application/octet-stream", ] assert data["some"].filename == fname.name with fname.open("rb") as f: assert data["some"].file.read() == f.read() data["some"].file.close() return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with fname.open("rb") as f: async with client.post("/", data={"test": "true", "some": f}) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_STREAM_DATA(aiohttp_client, fname) -> None: async def handler(request): assert request.content_type == "application/octet-stream" content = await request.read() with fname.open("rb") as f: expected = f.read() assert request.content_length == len(expected) assert content == expected return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with fname.open("rb") as f: data_size = len(f.read()) with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): @aiohttp.streamer async def stream(writer, fname): with fname.open("rb") as f: data = f.read(100) while data: await writer.write(data) data = f.read(100) async with client.post( "/", data=stream(fname), headers={"Content-Length": str(data_size)} ) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_POST_STREAM_DATA_no_params(aiohttp_client, fname) -> None: async def handler(request): assert request.content_type == "application/octet-stream" content = await request.read() with fname.open("rb") as f: expected = f.read() assert request.content_length == len(expected) assert content == expected return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with fname.open("rb") as f: data_size = len(f.read()) with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): @aiohttp.streamer async def stream(writer): with fname.open("rb") as f: data = f.read(100) while data: await writer.write(data) data = f.read(100) async with client.post( "/", data=stream, headers={"Content-Length": str(data_size)} ) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_json(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): assert request.content_type == "application/json" data = await request.json() return web.Response(body=aiohttp.JsonPayload(data)) app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.post("/", json={"some": "data"}) assert 200 == resp.status content = await resp.json() assert content == {"some": "data"} resp.close() with pytest.raises(ValueError): await client.post("/", data="some data", json={"some": "data"}) async def test_json_custom(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): assert request.content_type == "application/json" data = await request.json() return web.Response(body=aiohttp.JsonPayload(data)) used = False def dumps(obj): nonlocal used used = True return json.dumps(obj) app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app, json_serialize=dumps) resp = await client.post("/", json={"some": "data"}) assert 200 == resp.status assert used content = await resp.json() assert content == {"some": "data"} resp.close() with pytest.raises(ValueError): await client.post("/", data="some data", json={"some": "data"}) async def test_expect_continue(aiohttp_client) -> None: expect_called = False async def handler(request): data = await request.post() assert data == {"some": "data"} return web.Response() async def expect_handler(request): nonlocal expect_called expect = request.headers.get(hdrs.EXPECT) if expect.lower() == "100-continue": request.transport.write(b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n") expect_called = True app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler, expect_handler=expect_handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.post("/", data={"some": "data"}, expect100=True) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status assert expect_called async def test_encoding_deflate(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.Response(text="text") resp.enable_chunked_encoding() resp.enable_compression(web.ContentCoding.deflate) return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert 200 == resp.status txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "text" resp.close() async def test_encoding_deflate_nochunk(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.Response(text="text") resp.enable_compression(web.ContentCoding.deflate) return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert 200 == resp.status txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "text" resp.close() async def test_encoding_gzip(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.Response(text="text") resp.enable_chunked_encoding() resp.enable_compression(web.ContentCoding.gzip) return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert 200 == resp.status txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "text" resp.close() async def test_encoding_gzip_write_by_chunks(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse() resp.enable_compression(web.ContentCoding.gzip) await resp.prepare(request) await resp.write(b"0") await resp.write(b"0") return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert 200 == resp.status txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "00" resp.close() async def test_encoding_gzip_nochunk(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.Response(text="text") resp.enable_compression(web.ContentCoding.gzip) return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert 200 == resp.status txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "text" resp.close() async def test_bad_payload_compression(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.Response(text="text") resp.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip" return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert 200 == resp.status with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientPayloadError): await resp.read() resp.close() async def test_bad_payload_chunked_encoding(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse() resp.force_close() resp._length_check = False resp.headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked" writer = await resp.prepare(request) await writer.write(b"9\r\n\r\n") await writer.write_eof() return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert 200 == resp.status with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientPayloadError): await resp.read() resp.close() async def test_no_payload_304_with_chunked_encoding(aiohttp_client: Any) -> None: """Test a 304 response with no payload with chunked set should have it removed.""" async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse(status=304) resp.enable_chunked_encoding() resp._length_check = False resp.headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked" writer = await resp.prepare(request) await writer.write_eof() return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert resp.status == 304 assert hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH not in resp.headers assert hdrs.TRANSFER_ENCODING not in resp.headers await resp.read() resp.close() async def test_head_request_with_chunked_encoding(aiohttp_client: Any) -> None: """Test a head response with chunked set should have it removed.""" async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse(status=200) resp.enable_chunked_encoding() resp._length_check = False resp.headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked" writer = await resp.prepare(request) await writer.write_eof() return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_head("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.head("/") assert resp.status == 200 assert hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH not in resp.headers assert hdrs.TRANSFER_ENCODING not in resp.headers await resp.read() resp.close() async def test_no_payload_200_with_chunked_encoding(aiohttp_client: Any) -> None: """Test chunked is preserved on a 200 response with no payload.""" async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse(status=200) resp.enable_chunked_encoding() resp._length_check = False resp.headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked" writer = await resp.prepare(request) await writer.write_eof() return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert resp.status == 200 assert hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH not in resp.headers assert hdrs.TRANSFER_ENCODING in resp.headers await resp.read() resp.close() async def test_bad_payload_content_length(aiohttp_client: Any) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.Response(text="text") resp.headers["Content-Length"] = "10000" resp.force_close() return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert 200 == resp.status with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientPayloadError): await resp.read() resp.close() async def test_payload_content_length_by_chunks(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse(headers={"content-length": "2"}) await resp.prepare(request) await resp.write(b"answer") await resp.write(b"two") request.transport.close() return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") data = await resp.read() assert data == b"an" resp.close() async def test_chunked(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.Response(text="text") resp.enable_chunked_encoding() return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") assert 200 == resp.status assert resp.headers["Transfer-Encoding"] == "chunked" txt = await resp.text() assert txt == "text" resp.close() async def test_shortcuts(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text=request.method) app = web.Application() for meth in ("get", "post", "put", "delete", "head", "patch", "options"): app.router.add_route(meth.upper(), "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) for meth in ("get", "post", "put", "delete", "head", "patch", "options"): coro = getattr(client.session, meth) resp = await coro(client.make_url("/")) assert resp.status == 200 assert len(resp.history) == 0 content1 = await resp.read() content2 = await resp.read() assert content1 == content2 content = await resp.text() if meth == "head": assert b"" == content1 else: assert meth.upper() == content async def test_cookies(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): assert request.cookies.keys() == {"test1", "test3"} assert request.cookies["test1"] == "123" assert request.cookies["test3"] == "456" return web.Response() c = http.cookies.Morsel() c.set("test3", "456", "456") app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app, cookies={"test1": "123", "test2": c}) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_cookies_per_request(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): assert request.cookies.keys() == {"test1", "test3", "test4", "test6"} assert request.cookies["test1"] == "123" assert request.cookies["test3"] == "456" assert request.cookies["test4"] == "789" assert request.cookies["test6"] == "abc" return web.Response() c = http.cookies.Morsel() c.set("test3", "456", "456") app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app, cookies={"test1": "123", "test2": c}) rc = http.cookies.Morsel() rc.set("test6", "abc", "abc") async with client.get("/", cookies={"test4": "789", "test5": rc}) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_cookies_redirect(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def redirect1(request): ret = web.Response(status=301, headers={"Location": "/redirect2"}) ret.set_cookie("c", "1") return ret async def redirect2(request): ret = web.Response(status=301, headers={"Location": "/"}) ret.set_cookie("c", "2") return ret async def handler(request): assert request.cookies.keys() == {"c"} assert request.cookies["c"] == "2" return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/redirect1", redirect1) app.router.add_get("/redirect2", redirect2) app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/redirect1") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_cookies_on_empty_session_jar(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): assert "custom-cookie" in request.cookies assert request.cookies["custom-cookie"] == "abc" return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app, cookies=None) async with client.get("/", cookies={"custom-cookie": "abc"}) as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_morsel_with_attributes(aiohttp_client) -> None: # A comment from original test: # # No cookie attribute should pass here # they are only used as filters # whether to send particular cookie or not. # E.g. if cookie expires it just becomes thrown away. # Server who sent the cookie with some attributes # already knows them, no need to send this back again and again async def handler(request): assert request.cookies.keys() == {"test3"} assert request.cookies["test3"] == "456" return web.Response() c = http.cookies.Morsel() c.set("test3", "456", "456") c["httponly"] = True c["secure"] = True c["max-age"] = 1000 app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app, cookies={"test2": c}) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_set_cookies(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): ret = web.Response() ret.set_cookie("c1", "cookie1") ret.set_cookie("c2", "cookie2") ret.headers.add( "Set-Cookie", "ISAWPLB{A7F52349-3531-4DA9-8776-F74BC6F4F1BB}=" "{925EC0B8-CB17-4BEB-8A35-1033813B0523}; " "HttpOnly; Path=/", ) return ret app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with mock.patch("aiohttp.client_reqrep.client_logger") as m_log: async with client.get("/") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status cookie_names = {c.key for c in client.session.cookie_jar} assert cookie_names == {"c1", "c2"} m_log.warning.assert_called_with("Can not load response cookies: %s", mock.ANY) async def test_set_cookies_expired(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): ret = web.Response() ret.set_cookie("c1", "cookie1") ret.set_cookie("c2", "cookie2") ret.headers.add( "Set-Cookie", "c3=cookie3; " "HttpOnly; Path=/" " Expires=Tue, 1 Jan 1980 12:00:00 GMT; ", ) return ret app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status cookie_names = {c.key for c in client.session.cookie_jar} assert cookie_names == {"c1", "c2"} async def test_set_cookies_max_age(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): ret = web.Response() ret.set_cookie("c1", "cookie1") ret.set_cookie("c2", "cookie2") ret.headers.add("Set-Cookie", "c3=cookie3; " "HttpOnly; Path=/" " Max-Age=1; ") return ret app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status cookie_names = {c.key for c in client.session.cookie_jar} assert cookie_names == {"c1", "c2", "c3"} await asyncio.sleep(2) cookie_names = {c.key for c in client.session.cookie_jar} assert cookie_names == {"c1", "c2"} async def test_set_cookies_max_age_overflow(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): ret = web.Response() ret.headers.add( "Set-Cookie", "overflow=overflow; " "HttpOnly; Path=/" " Max-Age=" + str(overflow) + "; ", ) return ret overflow = int( datetime.datetime.max.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp() ) empty = None try: empty = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) + datetime.timedelta( seconds=overflow ) except OverflowError as ex: assert isinstance(ex, OverflowError) assert not isinstance(empty, datetime.datetime) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status for cookie in client.session.cookie_jar: if cookie.key == "overflow": assert int(cookie["max-age"]) == int(overflow) async def test_request_conn_error() -> None: client = aiohttp.ClientSession() with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientConnectionError): await client.get("") await client.close() @pytest.mark.xfail async def test_broken_connection(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): request.transport.close() return web.Response(text="answer" * 1000) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientResponseError): await client.get("/") async def test_broken_connection_2(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse(headers={"content-length": "1000"}) await resp.prepare(request) await resp.write(b"answer") request.transport.close() return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/") with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientPayloadError): await resp.read() resp.close() async def test_custom_headers(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): assert request.headers["x-api-key"] == "foo" return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.post( "/", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json", "x-api-key": "foo"} ) as resp: assert resp.status == 200 async def test_redirect_to_absolute_url(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(text=request.method) async def redirect(request): raise web.HTTPFound(location=client.make_url("/")) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) app.router.add_get("/redirect", redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/redirect") as resp: assert 200 == resp.status async def test_redirect_without_location_header(aiohttp_client) -> None: body = b"redirect" async def handler_redirect(request): return web.Response(status=301, body=body) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/redirect", handler_redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get("/redirect") data = await resp.read() assert data == body async def test_chunked_deprecated(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler_redirect(request): return web.Response(status=301) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/redirect", handler_redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): await client.post("/", chunked=1024) INVALID_URL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGE_YARL_NEW = ( # yarl.URL.__new__ raises ValueError ("http://:/", "http://:/"), ("http://example.org:non_int_port/", "http://example.org:non_int_port/"), ) INVALID_URL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGE_YARL_ORIGIN = ( # # yarl.URL.origin raises ValueError ("http:/", "http:///"), ("http:/example.com", "http:///example.com"), ("http:///example.com", "http:///example.com"), ) NON_HTTP_URL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGE = ( ("call:+380123456789", r"call:\+380123456789"), ("skype:handle", "skype:handle"), ("slack://instance/room", "slack://instance/room"), ("steam:code", "steam:code"), ("twitter://handle", "twitter://handle"), ("bluesky://profile/d:i:d", "bluesky://profile/d:i:d"), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("url", "error_message_url", "expected_exception_class"), ( *( (url, message, InvalidUrlClientError) for (url, message) in INVALID_URL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGE_YARL_NEW ), *( (url, message, InvalidUrlClientError) for (url, message) in INVALID_URL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGE_YARL_ORIGIN ), *( (url, message, NonHttpUrlClientError) for (url, message) in NON_HTTP_URL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGE ), ), ) async def test_invalid_and_non_http_url( url: Any, error_message_url: Any, expected_exception_class: Any ) -> None: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as http_session: with pytest.raises( expected_exception_class, match=rf"^{error_message_url}( - [A-Za-z ]+)?" ): await http_session.get(url) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("invalid_redirect_url", "error_message_url", "expected_exception_class"), ( *( (url, message, InvalidUrlRedirectClientError) for (url, message) in INVALID_URL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGE_YARL_ORIGIN + INVALID_URL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGE_YARL_NEW ), *( (url, message, NonHttpUrlRedirectClientError) for (url, message) in NON_HTTP_URL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGE ), ), ) async def test_invalid_redirect_url( aiohttp_client: Any, invalid_redirect_url: Any, error_message_url: str, expected_exception_class: Any, ) -> None: headers = {hdrs.LOCATION: invalid_redirect_url} async def generate_redirecting_response(request): return web.Response(status=301, headers=headers) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/redirect", generate_redirecting_response) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.raises( expected_exception_class, match=rf"^{error_message_url}( - [A-Za-z ]+)?" ): await client.get("/redirect") @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("invalid_redirect_url", "error_message_url", "expected_exception_class"), ( *( (url, message, InvalidUrlRedirectClientError) for (url, message) in INVALID_URL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGE_YARL_ORIGIN + INVALID_URL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGE_YARL_NEW ), *( (url, message, NonHttpUrlRedirectClientError) for (url, message) in NON_HTTP_URL_WITH_ERROR_MESSAGE ), ), ) async def test_invalid_redirect_url_multiple_redirects( aiohttp_client: Any, invalid_redirect_url: Any, error_message_url: str, expected_exception_class: Any, ) -> None: app = web.Application() for path, location in [ ("/redirect", "/redirect1"), ("/redirect1", "/redirect2"), ("/redirect2", invalid_redirect_url), ]: async def generate_redirecting_response(request): return web.Response(status=301, headers={hdrs.LOCATION: location}) app.router.add_get(path, generate_redirecting_response) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.raises( expected_exception_class, match=rf"^{error_message_url}( - [A-Za-z ]+)?" ): await client.get("/redirect") @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("status", "expected_ok"), ( (200, True), (201, True), (301, True), (400, False), (403, False), (500, False), ), ) async def test_ok_from_status(aiohttp_client, status, expected_ok) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(status=status, body=b"") app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/endpoint", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app, raise_for_status=False) async with client.get("/endpoint") as resp: assert resp.ok is expected_ok async def test_raise_for_status(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler_redirect(request): raise web.HTTPBadRequest() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler_redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app, raise_for_status=True) with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientResponseError): await client.get("/") async def test_raise_for_status_per_request(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler_redirect(request): raise web.HTTPBadRequest() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler_redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientResponseError): await client.get("/", raise_for_status=True) async def test_raise_for_status_disable_per_request(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler_redirect(request): raise web.HTTPBadRequest() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler_redirect) client = await aiohttp_client(app, raise_for_status=True) async with client.get("/", raise_for_status=False) as resp: assert 400 == resp.status async def test_request_raise_for_status_default(aiohttp_server) -> None: async def handler(request): raise web.HTTPBadRequest() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app) async with aiohttp.request("GET", server.make_url("/")) as resp: assert resp.status == 400 async def test_request_raise_for_status_disabled(aiohttp_server) -> None: async def handler(request): raise web.HTTPBadRequest() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app) url = server.make_url("/") async with aiohttp.request("GET", url, raise_for_status=False) as resp: assert resp.status == 400 async def test_request_raise_for_status_enabled(aiohttp_server) -> None: async def handler(request): raise web.HTTPBadRequest() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app) url = server.make_url("/") with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientResponseError): async with aiohttp.request("GET", url, raise_for_status=True): assert False, "never executed" # pragma: no cover async def test_session_raise_for_status_coro(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handle(request): return web.Response(text="ok") app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handle) raise_for_status_called = 0 async def custom_r4s(response): nonlocal raise_for_status_called raise_for_status_called += 1 assert response.status == 200 assert response.request_info.method == "GET" client = await aiohttp_client(app, raise_for_status=custom_r4s) await client.get("/") assert raise_for_status_called == 1 await client.get("/", raise_for_status=True) assert raise_for_status_called == 1 # custom_r4s not called again await client.get("/", raise_for_status=False) assert raise_for_status_called == 1 # custom_r4s not called again async def test_request_raise_for_status_coro(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handle(request): return web.Response(text="ok") app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handle) raise_for_status_called = 0 async def custom_r4s(response): nonlocal raise_for_status_called raise_for_status_called += 1 assert response.status == 200 assert response.request_info.method == "GET" client = await aiohttp_client(app) await client.get("/", raise_for_status=custom_r4s) assert raise_for_status_called == 1 await client.get("/", raise_for_status=True) assert raise_for_status_called == 1 # custom_r4s not called again await client.get("/", raise_for_status=False) assert raise_for_status_called == 1 # custom_r4s not called again async def test_invalid_idna() -> None: session = aiohttp.ClientSession() try: with pytest.raises(aiohttp.InvalidURL): await session.get("http://\u2061owhefopw.com") finally: await session.close() async def test_creds_in_auth_and_url() -> None: session = aiohttp.ClientSession() try: with pytest.raises(ValueError): await session.get( "http://user:pass@example.com", auth=aiohttp.BasicAuth("user2", "pass2") ) finally: await session.close() @pytest.fixture def create_server_for_url_and_handler(aiohttp_server, tls_certificate_authority): def create(url, srv): app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", url.path, srv) kwargs = {} if url.scheme == "https": cert = tls_certificate_authority.issue_cert( url.host, "localhost", "" ) ssl_ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) cert.configure_cert(ssl_ctx) kwargs["ssl"] = ssl_ctx return aiohttp_server(app, **kwargs) return create @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["url_from", "url_to"], [ ["http://host1.com/path1", "http://host2.com/path2"], ["http://host1.com/path1", "https://host1.com/path1"], ["https://host1.com/path1", "http://host1.com/path2"], ], ids=( "entirely different hosts", "http -> https", "https -> http", ), ) async def test_drop_auth_on_redirect_to_other_host( create_server_for_url_and_handler, url_from, url_to, ) -> None: url_from, url_to = URL(url_from), URL(url_to) async def srv_from(request): assert request.host == url_from.host assert request.headers["Authorization"] == "Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz" raise web.HTTPFound(url_to) async def srv_to(request): assert request.host == url_to.host assert "Authorization" not in request.headers, "Header wasn't dropped" return web.Response() server_from = await create_server_for_url_and_handler(url_from, srv_from) server_to = await create_server_for_url_and_handler(url_to, srv_to) assert ( url_from.host != url_to.host or server_from.scheme != server_to.scheme ), "Invalid test case, host or scheme must differ" protocol_port_map = { "http": 80, "https": 443, } etc_hosts = { (url_from.host, protocol_port_map[server_from.scheme]): server_from, (url_to.host, protocol_port_map[server_to.scheme]): server_to, } class FakeResolver(AbstractResolver): async def resolve(self, host, port=0, family=socket.AF_INET): server = etc_hosts[(host, port)] return [ { "hostname": host, "host": server.host, "port": server.port, "family": socket.AF_INET, "proto": 0, "flags": socket.AI_NUMERICHOST, } ] async def close(self): pass connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(resolver=FakeResolver(), ssl=False) async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector) as client: resp = await client.get( url_from, auth=aiohttp.BasicAuth("user", "pass"), ) assert resp.status == 200 resp = await client.get( url_from, headers={"Authorization": "Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz"}, ) assert resp.status == 200 async def test_async_with_session() -> None: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: pass assert session.closed async def test_session_close_awaitable() -> None: session = aiohttp.ClientSession() await session.close() assert session.closed async def test_close_resp_on_error_async_with_session(aiohttp_server) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse(headers={"content-length": "100"}) await resp.prepare(request) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): async with session.get(server.make_url("/")) as resp: resp.content.set_exception(RuntimeError()) await resp.read() assert len(session._connector._conns) == 0 async def test_release_resp_on_normal_exit_from_cm(aiohttp_server) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(server.make_url("/")) as resp: await resp.read() assert len(session._connector._conns) == 1 async def test_non_close_detached_session_on_error_cm(aiohttp_server) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = web.StreamResponse(headers={"content-length": "100"}) await resp.prepare(request) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) return resp app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app) session = aiohttp.ClientSession() cm = session.get(server.make_url("/")) assert not session.closed with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): async with cm as resp: resp.content.set_exception(RuntimeError()) await resp.read() assert not session.closed async def test_close_detached_session_on_non_existing_addr() -> None: class FakeResolver(AbstractResolver): async def resolve(host, port=0, family=socket.AF_INET): return {} async def close(self): pass connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(resolver=FakeResolver()) session = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector) async with session: cm = session.get("http://non-existing.example.com") assert not session.closed with pytest.raises(Exception): await cm assert session.closed async def test_aiohttp_request_context_manager(aiohttp_server) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app) async with aiohttp.request("GET", server.make_url("/")) as resp: await resp.read() assert resp.status == 200 async def test_aiohttp_request_ctx_manager_close_sess_on_error( ssl_ctx, aiohttp_server ) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app, ssl=ssl_ctx) cm = aiohttp.request("GET", server.make_url("/")) with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientConnectionError): async with cm: pass assert cm._session.closed async def test_aiohttp_request_ctx_manager_not_found() -> None: with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientConnectionError): async with aiohttp.request("GET", "http://wrong-dns-name.com"): assert False, "never executed" # pragma: no cover async def test_yield_from_in_session_request(aiohttp_client) -> None: # a test for backward compatibility with yield from syntax async def handler(request): return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.status == 200 async def test_close_context_manager(aiohttp_client) -> None: # a test for backward compatibility with yield from syntax async def handler(request): return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) ctx = client.get("/") ctx.close() assert not ctx._coro.cr_running async def test_session_auth(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.json_response({"headers": dict(request.headers)}) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app, auth=aiohttp.BasicAuth("login", "pass")) r = await client.get("/") assert r.status == 200 content = await r.json() assert content["headers"]["Authorization"] == "Basic bG9naW46cGFzcw==" async def test_session_auth_override(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.json_response({"headers": dict(request.headers)}) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app, auth=aiohttp.BasicAuth("login", "pass")) r = await client.get("/", auth=aiohttp.BasicAuth("other_login", "pass")) assert r.status == 200 content = await r.json() val = content["headers"]["Authorization"] assert val == "Basic b3RoZXJfbG9naW46cGFzcw==" async def test_session_auth_header_conflict(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app, auth=aiohttp.BasicAuth("login", "pass")) headers = {"Authorization": "Basic b3RoZXJfbG9naW46cGFzcw=="} with pytest.raises(ValueError): await client.get("/", headers=headers) async def test_session_headers(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.json_response({"headers": dict(request.headers)}) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app, headers={"X-Real-IP": ""}) r = await client.get("/") assert r.status == 200 content = await r.json() assert content["headers"]["X-Real-IP"] == "" async def test_session_headers_merge(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.json_response({"headers": dict(request.headers)}) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client( app, headers=[("X-Real-IP", ""), ("X-Sent-By", "requests")] ) r = await client.get("/", headers={"X-Sent-By": "aiohttp"}) assert r.status == 200 content = await r.json() assert content["headers"]["X-Real-IP"] == "" assert content["headers"]["X-Sent-By"] == "aiohttp" async def test_multidict_headers(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): assert await request.read() == data return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_post("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) data = b"sample data" async with client.post( "/", data=data, headers=MultiDict({"Content-Length": str(len(data))}) ) as r: assert r.status == 200 async def test_request_conn_closed(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): request.transport.close() return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError) as excinfo: resp = await client.get("/") await resp.read() assert str(excinfo.value) != "" async def test_dont_close_explicit_connector(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) r = await client.get("/") await r.read() assert 1 == len(client.session.connector._conns) async def test_server_close_keepalive_connection() -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() class Proto(asyncio.Protocol): def connection_made(self, transport): self.transp = transport self.data = b"" def data_received(self, data): self.data += data if data.endswith(b"\r\n\r\n"): self.transp.write( b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" b"CONTENT-LENGTH: 2\r\n" b"CONNECTION: close\r\n" b"\r\n" b"ok" ) self.transp.close() def connection_lost(self, exc): self.transp = None server = await loop.create_server(Proto, "", unused_port()) addr = server.sockets[0].getsockname() connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=1) session = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector) url = "http://{}:{}/".format(*addr) for i in range(2): r = await session.request("GET", url) await r.read() assert 0 == len(connector._conns) await session.close() await connector.close() server.close() await server.wait_closed() async def test_handle_keepalive_on_closed_connection() -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() class Proto(asyncio.Protocol): def connection_made(self, transport): self.transp = transport self.data = b"" def data_received(self, data): self.data += data if data.endswith(b"\r\n\r\n"): self.transp.write( b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" b"CONTENT-LENGTH: 2\r\n" b"\r\n" b"ok" ) self.transp.close() def connection_lost(self, exc): self.transp = None server = await loop.create_server(Proto, "", unused_port()) addr = server.sockets[0].getsockname() async with aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=1) as connector: async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector) as session: url = "http://{}:{}/".format(*addr) r = await session.request("GET", url) await r.read() assert 1 == len(connector._conns) closed_conn = next(iter(connector._conns.values())) await session.request("GET", url) assert 1 == len(connector._conns) new_conn = next(iter(connector._conns.values())) assert closed_conn is not new_conn server.close() await server.wait_closed() async def test_error_in_performing_request(ssl_ctx, aiohttp_client, aiohttp_server): async def handler(request): return web.Response() def exception_handler(loop, context): # skip log messages about destroyed but pending tasks pass loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.set_exception_handler(exception_handler) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) server = await aiohttp_server(app, ssl=ssl_ctx) conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=1) client = await aiohttp_client(server, connector=conn) with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientConnectionError): await client.get("/") # second try should not hang with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientConnectionError): await client.get("/") async def test_await_after_cancelling(aiohttp_client) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async def handler(request): return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) fut1 = loop.create_future() fut2 = loop.create_future() async def fetch1(): resp = await client.get("/") assert resp.status == 200 fut1.set_result(None) with pytest.raises(asyncio.CancelledError): await fut2 resp.release() async def fetch2(): await fut1 resp = await client.get("/") assert resp.status == 200 async def canceller(): await fut1 fut2.cancel() await asyncio.gather(fetch1(), fetch2(), canceller()) async def test_async_payload_generator(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.read() assert data == b"1234567890" * 100 return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.post("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async def gen(): for i in range(100): yield b"1234567890" async with client.post("/", data=gen()) as resp: assert resp.status == 200 async def test_read_from_closed_response(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(body=b"data") app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.status == 200 with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientConnectionError): await resp.read() async def test_read_from_closed_response2(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(body=b"data") app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.status == 200 await resp.read() with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientConnectionError): await resp.read() async def test_read_from_closed_content(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(body=b"data") app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.status == 200 with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientConnectionError): await resp.content.readline() async def test_read_timeout(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): await asyncio.sleep(5) return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(sock_read=0.1) client = await aiohttp_client(app, timeout=timeout) with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ServerTimeoutError): await client.get("/") async def test_socket_timeout(aiohttp_client: Any) -> None: async def handler(request): await asyncio.sleep(5) return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(sock_read=0.1) client = await aiohttp_client(app, timeout=timeout) with pytest.raises(SocketTimeoutError): await client.get("/") async def test_read_timeout_closes_connection(aiohttp_client: AiohttpClient) -> None: request_count = 0 async def handler(request): nonlocal request_count request_count += 1 if request_count < 3: await asyncio.sleep(0.5) return web.Response(body=f"request:{request_count}") app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=0.1) client: TestClient = await aiohttp_client(app, timeout=timeout) with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError): await client.get("/") # Make sure its really closed assert not client.session.connector._conns with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError): await client.get("/") # Make sure its really closed assert not client.session.connector._conns result = await client.get("/") assert await result.read() == b"request:3" # Make sure its not closed assert client.session.connector._conns async def test_read_timeout_on_prepared_response(aiohttp_client: Any) -> None: async def handler(request): resp = aiohttp.web.StreamResponse() await resp.prepare(request) await asyncio.sleep(5) await resp.drain() return resp app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(sock_read=0.1) client = await aiohttp_client(app, timeout=timeout) with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ServerTimeoutError): async with await client.get("/") as resp: await resp.read() async def test_timeout_with_full_buffer(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): """Server response that never ends and always has more data available.""" resp = web.StreamResponse() await resp.prepare(request) while True: await resp.write(b"1" * 1000) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) async def request(client): timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=0.5) async with await client.get("/", timeout=timeout) as resp: with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError): async for data in resp.content.iter_chunked(1): await asyncio.sleep(0.01) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) # wait_for() used just to ensure that a failing test doesn't hang. await asyncio.wait_for(request(client), 1) async def test_read_bufsize_session_default(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(body=b"1234567") app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app, read_bufsize=2) async with await client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.content.get_read_buffer_limits() == (2, 4) async def test_read_bufsize_explicit(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(body=b"1234567") app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with await client.get("/", read_bufsize=4) as resp: assert resp.content.get_read_buffer_limits() == (4, 8) async def test_http_empty_data_text(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): data = await request.read() ret = "ok" if data == b"" else "fail" resp = web.Response(text=ret) resp.headers["Content-Type"] = request.headers["Content-Type"] return resp app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.post("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with await client.post("/", data="") as resp: assert resp.status == 200 assert await resp.text() == "ok" assert resp.headers["Content-Type"] == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" async def test_max_field_size_session_default(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(headers={"Custom": "x" * 8190}) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with await client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.headers["Custom"] == "x" * 8190 async def test_max_field_size_session_default_fail(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(headers={"Custom": "x" * 8191}) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientResponseError): await client.get("/") async def test_max_field_size_session_explicit(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(headers={"Custom": "x" * 8191}) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app, max_field_size=8191) async with await client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.headers["Custom"] == "x" * 8191 async def test_max_field_size_request_explicit(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(headers={"Custom": "x" * 8191}) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with await client.get("/", max_field_size=8191) as resp: assert resp.headers["Custom"] == "x" * 8191 async def test_max_line_size_session_default(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(status=200, reason="x" * 8190) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with await client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.reason == "x" * 8190 async def test_max_line_size_session_default_fail(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(status=200, reason="x" * 8192) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientResponseError): await client.get("/") async def test_max_line_size_session_explicit(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(status=200, reason="x" * 8191) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app, max_line_size=8191) async with await client.get("/") as resp: assert resp.reason == "x" * 8191 async def test_max_line_size_request_explicit(aiohttp_client) -> None: async def handler(request): return web.Response(status=200, reason="x" * 8191) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get("/", handler)]) client = await aiohttp_client(app) async with await client.get("/", max_line_size=8191) as resp: assert resp.reason == "x" * 8191 @pytest.mark.xfail(raises=asyncio.TimeoutError, reason="#7599") async def test_rejected_upload(aiohttp_client, tmp_path) -> None: async def ok_handler(request): return web.Response() async def not_ok_handler(request): raise web.HTTPBadRequest() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/ok", ok_handler) app.router.add_post("/not_ok", not_ok_handler) client = await aiohttp_client(app) file_size_bytes = 1024 * 1024 file_path = tmp_path / "uploaded.txt" file_path.write_text("0" * file_size_bytes, encoding="utf8") with open(file_path, "rb") as file: data = {"file": file} async with await client.post("/not_ok", data=data) as resp_not_ok: assert 400 == resp_not_ok.status async with await client.get( "/ok", timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=0.01) ) as resp_ok: assert 200 == resp_ok.status @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("value", "exc_type"), [(42, TypeError), ("InvalidUrl", InvalidURL)], ) async def test_request_with_wrong_proxy( aiohttp_client: AiohttpClient, value: Any, exc_type: Type[Exception] ) -> None: app = web.Application() session = await aiohttp_client(app) with pytest.raises(exc_type): await session.get("/", proxy=value) # type: ignore[arg-type] async def test_raise_for_status_is_none(aiohttp_client: AiohttpClient) -> None: async def handler(_: web.Request) -> web.Response: return web.Response() app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", handler) session = await aiohttp_client(app, raise_for_status=None) # type: ignore[arg-type] await session.get("/")