import datetime import enum import logging import typing from import tzutc from packaging.version import Version from redshift_connector.auth.aws_credentials_provider import AWSCredentialsProvider from redshift_connector.credentials_holder import ( ABCAWSCredentialsHolder, AWSDirectCredentialsHolder, AWSProfileCredentialsHolder, CredentialsHolder, ) from redshift_connector.error import InterfaceError, ProgrammingError from redshift_connector.idp_auth_helper import IdpAuthHelper from redshift_connector.native_plugin_helper import NativeAuthPluginHelper from redshift_connector.plugin.i_native_plugin import INativePlugin from redshift_connector.plugin.i_plugin import IPlugin from redshift_connector.plugin.saml_credentials_provider import SamlCredentialsProvider from redshift_connector.redshift_property import RedshiftProperty _logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class IamHelper(IdpAuthHelper): class IAMAuthenticationType(enum.Enum): """ Defines authentication types supported by redshift-connector """ NONE = PROFILE = IAM_KEYS_WITH_SESSION = IAM_KEYS = PLUGIN = class GetClusterCredentialsAPIType(enum.Enum): """ Defines supported Python SDK methods used for Redshift credential retrieval """ # SERVERLESS_V1 = "get_credentials()" # IAM_V1 = "get_cluster_credentials()" # IAM_V2 = "get_cluster_credentials_with_iam()" @staticmethod def can_support_v2(provider_type: "IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType") -> bool: """ Determines if user provided connection options and boto3 version support group federation. """ return ( provider_type in ( IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType.PROFILE, IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType.IAM_KEYS, IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType.IAM_KEYS_WITH_SESSION, IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType.PLUGIN, ) ) and IdpAuthHelper.get_pkg_version("boto3") >= Version("1.24.5") credentials_cache: typing.Dict[str, dict] = {} @staticmethod def get_cluster_credentials_api_type( info: RedshiftProperty, provider_type: "IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType" ) -> GetClusterCredentialsAPIType: """ Returns an enum representing the Python SDK method to use for getting temporary IAM credentials. """ _logger.debug("Determining which Redshift API to use for retrieving temporary Redshift instance credentials") FAILED_TO_USE_V2_API_ERROR_MSG: str = ( "Environment does not meet requirements to use {} API. " "This could be due to the connection properties provided or the version of boto3 in use. " "Please try updating the boto3 version or consider setting group_federation connection parameter to False." ) if not info._is_serverless: _logger.debug("Redshift provisioned") if not info.group_federation: _logger.debug("Provisioned cluster GetClusterCredentialsAPIType.IAM_V1") return IamHelper.GetClusterCredentialsAPIType.IAM_V1 elif IamHelper.GetClusterCredentialsAPIType.can_support_v2(provider_type): _logger.debug("Provisioned cluster GetClusterCredentialsAPIType.IAM_V2") return IamHelper.GetClusterCredentialsAPIType.IAM_V2 else: raise InterfaceError(FAILED_TO_USE_V2_API_ERROR_MSG.format("GetClusterCredentials V2 API")) elif not info.group_federation: _logger.debug("Serverless cluster GetClusterCredentialsAPIType.SERVERLESS_V1") return IamHelper.GetClusterCredentialsAPIType.SERVERLESS_V1 elif IamHelper.GetClusterCredentialsAPIType.can_support_v2(provider_type): if info.is_cname: raise InterfaceError("Custom cluster names are not supported for Redshift Serverless") else: _logger.debug("Serverless cluster GetClusterCredentialsAPIType.IAM_V2") return IamHelper.GetClusterCredentialsAPIType.IAM_V2 else: raise InterfaceError(FAILED_TO_USE_V2_API_ERROR_MSG.format("GetClusterCredentials V2 API")) @staticmethod def set_iam_properties(info: RedshiftProperty) -> RedshiftProperty: """ Helper function to handle connection properties and ensure required parameters are specified. Parameters """ _logger.debug("IamHelper.set_iam_properties") provider_type: IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType = IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType.NONE info.set_is_cname() # set properties present for both IAM, Native authentication IamHelper.set_auth_properties(info) if info._is_serverless and info.iam: if IdpAuthHelper.get_pkg_version("boto3") < Version("1.24.11"): raise ModuleNotFoundError( "boto3 >= 1.24.11 required for authentication with Amazon Redshift serverless. " "Please upgrade the installed version of boto3 to use this functionality." ) if info.iam and info.is_cname: if IdpAuthHelper.get_pkg_version("boto3") < Version("1.26.157"): _logger.debug( "boto3 >= 1.26.157 required for authentication with Amazon Redshift using custom domain name. " "Please upgrade the installed version of boto3 to use this functionality." ) # consider overridden connection parameters if info.is_serverless_host: _logger.debug("Redshift Serverless host detected") if not info.serverless_acct_id: info.set_serverless_acct_id() if not info.serverless_work_group: info.set_serverless_work_group_from_host() if not info.region: info.set_region_from_host() if info.iam is True: if info.region is None: _logger.debug("Setting region via DNS lookup as region was not provided in connection parameters") info.set_region_from_endpoint_lookup() if info.cluster_identifier is None and not info._is_serverless and not info.is_cname: raise InterfaceError( "Invalid connection property setting. cluster_identifier must be provided when IAM is enabled" ) IamHelper.set_iam_credentials(info) # Check for Browser based OAuth Native authentication NativeAuthPluginHelper.set_native_auth_plugin_properties(info) return info @staticmethod def set_iam_credentials(info: RedshiftProperty) -> None: """ Helper function to create the appropriate credential providers. """ _logger.debug("IamHelper.set_iam_credentials") klass: typing.Optional[IPlugin] = None provider: typing.Union[IPlugin, AWSCredentialsProvider] if info.credentials_provider is not None: _logger.debug("IdP plugin will be used for authentication") provider = IdpAuthHelper.load_credentials_provider(info) else: # indicates AWS Credentials will be used _logger.debug("AWS Credentials provider will be used for authentication") provider = AWSCredentialsProvider() provider.add_parameter(info) if isinstance(provider, SamlCredentialsProvider): _logger.debug("SAML based credential provider identified") credentials: CredentialsHolder = provider.get_credentials() metadata: CredentialsHolder.IamMetadata = credentials.get_metadata() if metadata is not None: _logger.debug("Using SAML metadata to set connection properties") auto_create: bool = metadata.get_auto_create() db_user: typing.Optional[str] = metadata.get_db_user() saml_db_user: typing.Optional[str] = metadata.get_saml_db_user() profile_db_user: typing.Optional[str] = metadata.get_profile_db_user() db_groups: typing.List[str] = metadata.get_db_groups() force_lowercase: bool = metadata.get_force_lowercase() allow_db_user_override: bool = metadata.get_allow_db_user_override() if auto_create is True: _logger.debug("setting auto_create %s", auto_create) info.put("auto_create", auto_create) if force_lowercase is True: _logger.debug("setting force_lowercase %s", force_lowercase) info.put("force_lowercase", force_lowercase) if allow_db_user_override is True: _logger.debug("allow_db_user_override enabled") if saml_db_user is not None: _logger.debug("setting db_user to saml_db_user %s", saml_db_user) info.put("db_user", saml_db_user) elif db_user is not None: _logger.debug("setting db_user to db_user %s", db_user) info.put("db_user", db_user) elif profile_db_user is not None: _logger.debug("setting db_user to profile_db_user %s", profile_db_user) info.put("db_user", profile_db_user) else: if db_user is not None: _logger.debug("setting db_user to db_user %s", db_user) info.put("db_user", db_user) elif profile_db_user is not None: _logger.debug("setting db_user to profile_db_user %s", profile_db_user) info.put("db_user", profile_db_user) elif saml_db_user is not None: _logger.debug("setting db_user to saml_db_user %s", saml_db_user) info.put("db_user", saml_db_user) if (len(info.db_groups) == 0) and (len(db_groups) > 0): if force_lowercase: _logger.debug("setting db_groups after cast to lowercase") info.db_groups = [group.lower() for group in db_groups] else: _logger.debug("setting db_groups") info.db_groups = db_groups if not isinstance(provider, INativePlugin): # If the Redshift instance has been identified as using a custom domain name, the hostname must # be determined using the redshift client from boto3 API if info.is_cname is True and not info.is_serverless: IamHelper.set_cluster_identifier(provider, info) # Redshift database credentials will be determined using the redshift client from boto3 API IamHelper.set_cluster_credentials(provider, info) # Redshift instance host and port must be retrieved IamHelper.set_cluster_host_and_port(provider, info) @staticmethod def get_credentials_cache_key(info: RedshiftProperty, cred_provider: typing.Union[IPlugin, AWSCredentialsProvider]): db_groups: str = "" if len(info.db_groups) > 0: info.put("db_groups", sorted(info.db_groups)) db_groups = ",".join(info.db_groups) cred_key: str = "" if cred_provider: cred_key = str(cred_provider.get_cache_key()) return ";".join( filter( None, ( cred_key, typing.cast(str, info.db_user if info.db_user else info.user_name), info.db_name, db_groups, typing.cast(str, info.serverless_acct_id if info._is_serverless else info.cluster_identifier), typing.cast( str, info.serverless_work_group if info._is_serverless and info.serverless_work_group else "" ), str(info.auto_create), str(info.duration), # v2 api parameters info.preferred_role, info.web_identity_token, info.role_arn, info.role_session_name, # providers info.profile, info.access_key_id, info.secret_access_key, info.session_token, ), ) ) @staticmethod def get_authentication_type( provider: typing.Union[IPlugin, AWSCredentialsProvider] ) -> "IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType": """ Returns an enum representing the type of authentication the user is requesting based on connection parameters. """ _logger.debug("IamHelper.get_authentication_type") provider_type: IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType = IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType.NONE if isinstance(provider, IPlugin): provider_type = IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType.PLUGIN elif isinstance(provider, AWSCredentialsProvider): if provider.profile is not None: provider_type = IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType.PROFILE elif provider.session_token is not None: provider_type = IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType.IAM_KEYS_WITH_SESSION else: provider_type = IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType.IAM_KEYS _logger.debug("Inferred authentication type %s from connection parameters", provider_type) return provider_type @staticmethod def get_boto3_redshift_client(cred_provider: typing.Union[IPlugin, AWSCredentialsProvider], info: RedshiftProperty): """ Returns a boto3 client configured for Amazon Redshift using AWS credentials provided by user, system, or IdP. """ _logger.debug("IamHelper.set_cluster_credentials") import boto3 # type: ignore import botocore # type: ignore session_args: typing.Dict[str, str] = { "service_name": "redshift-serverless" if info._is_serverless else "redshift" } for opt_key, opt_val in (("region_name", info.region), ("endpoint_url", info.endpoint_url)): if opt_val is not None: session_args[opt_key] = opt_val try: credentials_holder: typing.Union[ CredentialsHolder, ABCAWSCredentialsHolder ] = cred_provider.get_credentials() # type: ignore session_credentials: typing.Dict[str, str] = credentials_holder.get_session_credentials() _logger.debug("boto3.client(service_name=%s) being used for IAM auth", session_args["service_name"]) # if AWS credentials were used to create a boto3.Session object, use it if credentials_holder.has_associated_session: _logger.debug("Using cached boto3 session") cached_session: boto3.Session = typing.cast( ABCAWSCredentialsHolder, credentials_holder ).get_boto_session() client = cached_session.client(**session_args) else: client = boto3.client(**{**session_credentials, **session_args}) return client except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: _logger.debug("ClientError when establishing boto3 client: %s", e) raise e except Exception as e: _logger.debug("Other Exception when establishing boto3 client: %s", e) raise e @staticmethod def set_cluster_identifier( cred_provider: typing.Union[IPlugin, AWSCredentialsProvider], info: RedshiftProperty ) -> None: """ Retrieves the hostname of a Redshift instance using custom domain name using boto3 API """ import boto3 # type: ignore import botocore # type: ignore client = IamHelper.get_boto3_redshift_client(cred_provider, info) try: _logger.debug("Redshift custom domain name in use. Determining cluster identifier.") response = client.describe_custom_domain_associations( cluster_identifier: str = response["Associations"][0]["CertificateAssociations"][0]["ClusterIdentifier"] _logger.debug("Retrieved cluster_identifier=%s", cluster_identifier) info.put(key="cluster_identifier", value=cluster_identifier) except Exception as e: if info.cluster_identifier is None or info.cluster_identifier == "": _logger.debug( "Other Exception when requesting cluster identifier for Redshift with custom domain: %s", e ) raise e else: _logger.debug( "User provided cluster_identifier. Assuming cluster is using NLB/custom domain name. Using cluster_identifier" ) @staticmethod def set_cluster_host_and_port( cred_provider: typing.Union[IPlugin, AWSCredentialsProvider], info: RedshiftProperty ) -> None: """ Sets RedshiftProperty attributes for host and port using user configured connection properties and AWS SDK API calls. """ import boto3 # type: ignore import botocore # type: ignore try: # we must fetch the Redshift instance host and port name if either are unspecified by the user if is None or == "" or info.port is None or info.port == "": _logger.debug("retrieving Redshift instance host and port from boto3 redshift client") response: dict client = IamHelper.get_boto3_redshift_client(cred_provider, info) if info._is_serverless: if not info.serverless_work_group: raise InterfaceError("Serverless workgroup is not set.") response = client.get_workgroup(workgroupName=info.serverless_work_group) info.put("host", response["workgroup"]["endpoint"]["address"]) info.put("port", response["workgroup"]["endpoint"]["port"]) else: response = client.describe_clusters(ClusterIdentifier=info.cluster_identifier) info.put("host", response["Clusters"][0]["Endpoint"]["Address"]) info.put("port", response["Clusters"][0]["Endpoint"]["Port"]) _logger.debug("host=%s port=%s",, info.port) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: _logger.debug("ClientError when requesting cluster identifier for Redshift with custom domain: %s", e) raise e except Exception as e: _logger.debug("Other Exception when requesting cluster identifier for Redshift with custom domain: %s", e) raise e @staticmethod def set_cluster_credentials( cred_provider: typing.Union[IPlugin, AWSCredentialsProvider], info: RedshiftProperty ) -> None: """ Calls the AWS SDK methods to return temporary credentials. The expiration date is returned as the local time set by the client machines OS. """ import boto3 # type: ignore import botocore # type: ignore from botocore.exceptions import ClientError client = IamHelper.get_boto3_redshift_client(cred_provider, info) cred: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[str, datetime.datetime]]] = None if info.iam_disable_cache is False: _logger.debug("iam_disable_cache=False") # temporary credentials are cached by redshift_connector and will be used if they have not expired cache_key: str = IamHelper.get_credentials_cache_key(info, cred_provider) cred = IamHelper.credentials_cache.get(cache_key, None) _logger.debug( "Searching credential cache for temporary AWS credentials. Found: %s Expiration: %s", bool(cache_key in IamHelper.credentials_cache), cred["Expiration"] if cred is not None else "N/A", ) if cred is None or typing.cast(datetime.datetime, cred["Expiration"]) < # retries will occur by default ref: # _logger.debug("Credentials expired or not found...requesting from boto") provider_type: IamHelper.IAMAuthenticationType = IamHelper.get_authentication_type(cred_provider) get_creds_api_version: IamHelper.GetClusterCredentialsAPIType = IamHelper.get_cluster_credentials_api_type( info, provider_type ) _logger.debug("boto3 get_credentials api version: %s will be used", get_creds_api_version.value) if get_creds_api_version == IamHelper.GetClusterCredentialsAPIType.SERVERLESS_V1: # get_cred_args: typing.Dict[str, str] = {"dbName": info.db_name} # if a connection parameter for serverless workgroup is provided it will # be preferred over providing the CustomDomainName. The reason for this # is backwards compatibility with the following cases: # 0/ Serverless with NLB # 1/ Serverless with Custom Domain Name # Providing the CustomDomainName parameter to getCredentials will lead to # failure if the custom domain name is not registered with Redshift. Hence, # the ordering of these conditions is important. if info.serverless_work_group: get_cred_args["workgroupName"] = info.serverless_work_group elif info.is_cname: get_cred_args["customDomainName"] = _logger.debug("Calling get_credentials with parameters %s", get_cred_args) cred = typing.cast( typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[str, datetime.datetime]], client.get_credentials(**get_cred_args), ) # re-map expiration for compatibility with redshift credential response cred["Expiration"] = cred["expiration"] del cred["expiration"] elif get_creds_api_version == IamHelper.GetClusterCredentialsAPIType.IAM_V2: # request_params = { "DbName": info.db_name, "DurationSeconds": info.duration, } if info.is_cname: request_params["CustomDomainName"] = else: request_params["ClusterIdentifier"] = info.cluster_identifier _logger.debug("Calling get_cluster_credentials_with_iam with parameters %s", request_params) try: cred = typing.cast( typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[str, datetime.datetime]], client.get_cluster_credentials_with_iam(**request_params), ) except Exception as e: if info.is_cname: _logger.debug( "Failed to get_cluster_credentials_with_iam. Assuming cluster incorrectly classified as cname, retrying..." ) del request_params["CustomDomainName"] request_params["ClusterIdentifier"] = info.cluster_identifier _logger.debug( "Retrying calling get_cluster_credentials_with_iam with parameters %s", request_params ) cred = typing.cast( typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[str, datetime.datetime]], client.get_cluster_credentials_with_iam(**request_params), ) else: raise e else: if info.db_user is None or info.db_user == "": raise InterfaceError("Connection parameter db_user must be specified when using IAM authentication") # request_params = { "DbUser": info.db_user, "DbName": info.db_name, "DbGroups": info.db_groups, "AutoCreate": info.auto_create, } if info.is_cname: request_params["CustomDomainName"] = else: request_params["ClusterIdentifier"] = info.cluster_identifier _logger.debug("Calling get_cluster_credentials with parameters %s", request_params) try: cred = typing.cast( typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[str, datetime.datetime]], client.get_cluster_credentials(**request_params), ) except Exception as e: if info.is_cname: _logger.debug( "Failed to get_cluster_credentials. Assuming cluster incorrectly classified as cname, retrying..." ) del request_params["CustomDomainName"] request_params["ClusterIdentifier"] = info.cluster_identifier _logger.debug("Retrying calling get_cluster_credentials with parameters %s", request_params) cred = typing.cast( typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[str, datetime.datetime]], client.get_cluster_credentials(**request_params), ) else: raise e if info.iam_disable_cache is False: IamHelper.credentials_cache[cache_key] = typing.cast( typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[str, datetime.datetime]], cred ) # redshift-serverless api json response payload slightly differs if info._is_serverless: info.put("user_name", typing.cast(str, cred["dbUser"])) info.put("password", typing.cast(str, cred["dbPassword"])) else: info.put("user_name", typing.cast(str, cred["DbUser"])) info.put("password", typing.cast(str, cred["DbPassword"])) _logger.debug("Using temporary aws credentials with expiration: %s", cred.get("Expiration"))