.. _guide_migration_ec2: Amazon EC2 ========== Boto 2.x contains a number of customizations to make working with Amazon EC2 instances, storage and networks easy. Boto 3 exposes these same objects through its resources interface in a unified and consistent way. Creating the Connection ----------------------- Boto 3 has both low-level clients and higher-level resources. For Amazon EC2, the higher-level resources are the most similar to Boto 2.x's ``ec2`` and ``vpc`` modules:: # Boto 2.x import boto ec2_connection = boto.connect_ec2() vpc_connection = boto.connect_vpc() # Boto 3 import boto3 ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2') Launching New Instances ----------------------- Launching new instances requires an image ID and the number of instances to launch. It can also take several optional parameters, such as the instance type and security group:: # Boto 2.x ec2_connection.run_instances('') # Boto 3 ec2.create_instances(ImageId='', MinCount=1, MaxCount=5) Stopping & Terminating Instances -------------------------------- Stopping and terminating multiple instances given a list of instance IDs uses Boto 3 collection filtering:: ids = ['instance-id-1', 'instance-id-2', ...] # Boto 2.x ec2_connection.stop_instances(instance_ids=ids) ec2_connection.terminate_instances(instance_ids=ids) # Boto 3 ec2.instances.filter(InstanceIds=ids).stop() ec2.instances.filter(InstanceIds=ids).terminate() Checking What Instances Are Running ----------------------------------- Boto 3 collections come in handy when listing all your running instances as well. Every collection exposes a ``filter`` method that allows you to pass additional parameters to the underlying service API operation. The EC2 instances collection takes a parameter called ``Filters`` which is a list of names and values, for example:: # Boto 2.x reservations = ec2_connection.get_all_reservations( filters={'instance-state-name': 'running'}) for reservation in reservations: for instance in reservation.instances: print(instance.instance_id, instance.instance_type) # Boto 3 # Use the filter() method of the instances collection to retrieve # all running EC2 instances. instances = ec2.instances.filter( Filters=[{'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['running']}]) for instance in instances: print(instance.id, instance.instance_type) Checking Health Status Of Instances ----------------------------------- It is possible to get scheduled maintenance information for your running instances. At the time of this writing Boto 3 does not have a status resource, so you must drop down to the low-level client via ``ec2.meta.client``:: # Boto 2.x for status in ec2_connection.get_all_instance_statuses(): print(status) # Boto 3 for status in ec2.meta.client.describe_instance_status()['InstanceStatuses']: print(status) Working with EBS Snapshots -------------------------- Snapshots provide a way to create a copy of an EBS volume, as well as make new volumes from the snapshot which can be attached to an instance:: # Boto 2.x snapshot = ec2_connection.create_snapshot('volume-id', 'Description') volume = snapshot.create_volume('us-west-2') ec2_connection.attach_volume(volume.id, 'instance-id', '/dev/sdy') ec2_connection.delete_snapshot(snapshot.id) # Boto 3 snapshot = ec2.create_snapshot(VolumeId='volume-id', Description='description') volume = ec2.create_volume(SnapshotId=snapshot.id, AvailabilityZone='us-west-2a') ec2.Instance('instance-id').attach_volume(VolumeId=volume.id, Device='/dev/sdy') snapshot.delete() Creating a VPC, Subnet, and Gateway ----------------------------------- Creating VPC resources in Boto 3 is very similar to Boto 2.x:: # Boto 2.x vpc = vpc_connection.create_vpc('') subnet = vpc_connection.create_subnet(vpc.id, '') gateway = vpc_connection.create_internet_gateway() # Boto 3 vpc = ec2.create_vpc(CidrBlock='') subnet = vpc.create_subnet(CidrBlock='') gateway = ec2.create_internet_gateway() Attaching and Detaching an Elastic IP and Gateway ------------------------------------------------- Elastic IPs and gateways provide a way for instances inside of a VPC to communicate with the outside world:: # Boto 2.x ec2_connection.attach_internet_gateway(gateway.id, vpc.id) ec2_connection.detach_internet_gateway(gateway.id, vpc.id) from boto.ec2.address import Address address = Address() address.allocation_id = 'eipalloc-35cf685d' address.associate('i-71b2f60b') address.disassociate() # Boto 3 gateway.attach_to_vpc(VpcId=vpc.id) gateway.detach_from_vpc(VpcId=vpc.id) address = ec2.VpcAddress('eipalloc-35cf685d') address.associate('i-71b2f60b') address.association.delete()