""" Modified from the pyrsistent test suite. Pre-modification, these were MIT licensed, and are copyright: Copyright (c) 2022 Tobias Gustafsson Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from collections import abc from operator import methodcaller import pickle import pytest from rpds import HashTrieMap def test_instance_of_hashable(): assert isinstance(HashTrieMap(), abc.Hashable) def test_instance_of_map(): assert isinstance(HashTrieMap(), abc.Mapping) def test_literalish_works(): assert HashTrieMap() == HashTrieMap() assert HashTrieMap(a=1, b=2) == HashTrieMap({"a": 1, "b": 2}) def test_empty_initialization(): a_map = HashTrieMap() assert len(a_map) == 0 def test_initialization_with_one_element(): the_map = HashTrieMap({"a": 2}) assert len(the_map) == 1 assert the_map["a"] == 2 assert "a" in the_map empty_map = the_map.remove("a") assert len(empty_map) == 0 assert "a" not in empty_map def test_index_non_existing_raises_key_error(): m1 = HashTrieMap() with pytest.raises(KeyError) as error: m1["foo"] assert str(error.value) == "'foo'" def test_remove_non_existing_element_raises_key_error(): m1 = HashTrieMap(a=1) with pytest.raises(KeyError) as error: m1.remove("b") assert str(error.value) == "'b'" def test_various_iterations(): assert {"a", "b"} == set(HashTrieMap(a=1, b=2)) assert ["a", "b"] == sorted(HashTrieMap(a=1, b=2).keys()) assert [1, 2] == sorted(HashTrieMap(a=1, b=2).values()) assert {("a", 1), ("b", 2)} == set(HashTrieMap(a=1, b=2).items()) pm = HashTrieMap({k: k for k in range(100)}) assert len(pm) == len(pm.keys()) assert len(pm) == len(pm.values()) assert len(pm) == len(pm.items()) ks = pm.keys() assert all(k in pm for k in ks) assert all(k in ks for k in ks) us = pm.items() assert all(pm[k] == v for (k, v) in us) vs = pm.values() assert all(v in vs for v in vs) def test_initialization_with_two_elements(): map1 = HashTrieMap({"a": 2, "b": 3}) assert len(map1) == 2 assert map1["a"] == 2 assert map1["b"] == 3 map2 = map1.remove("a") assert "a" not in map2 assert map2["b"] == 3 def test_initialization_with_many_elements(): init_dict = {str(x): x for x in range(1700)} the_map = HashTrieMap(init_dict) assert len(the_map) == 1700 assert the_map["16"] == 16 assert the_map["1699"] == 1699 assert the_map.insert("256", 256) == the_map new_map = the_map.remove("1600") assert len(new_map) == 1699 assert "1600" not in new_map assert new_map["1601"] == 1601 # Some NOP properties assert new_map.discard("18888") == new_map assert "19999" not in new_map assert new_map["1500"] == 1500 assert new_map.insert("1500", new_map["1500"]) == new_map def test_access_non_existing_element(): map1 = HashTrieMap() assert len(map1) == 0 map2 = map1.insert("1", 1) assert "1" not in map1 assert map2["1"] == 1 assert "2" not in map2 def test_overwrite_existing_element(): map1 = HashTrieMap({"a": 2}) map2 = map1.insert("a", 3) assert len(map2) == 1 assert map2["a"] == 3 def test_hashing(): o = object() assert hash(HashTrieMap([(o, o), (1, o)])) == hash( HashTrieMap([(o, o), (1, o)]), ) assert hash(HashTrieMap([(o, o), (1, o)])) == hash( HashTrieMap([(1, o), (o, o)]), ) assert hash(HashTrieMap([(o, "foo")])) == hash(HashTrieMap([(o, "foo")])) assert hash(HashTrieMap()) == hash(HashTrieMap([])) assert hash(HashTrieMap({1: 2})) != hash(HashTrieMap({1: 3})) assert hash(HashTrieMap({o: 1})) != hash(HashTrieMap({o: o})) assert hash(HashTrieMap([])) != hash(HashTrieMap([(o, 1)])) assert hash(HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4})) != hash(HashTrieMap({1: 3, 2: 4})) def test_same_hash_when_content_the_same_but_underlying_vector_size_differs(): x = HashTrieMap({x: x for x in range(1000)}) y = HashTrieMap({10: 10, 200: 200, 700: 700}) for z in x: if z not in y: x = x.remove(z) assert x == y # assert hash(x) == hash(y) # noqa: ERA001 class HashabilityControlled: hashable = True def __hash__(self): if self.hashable: return 4 # Proven random raise ValueError("I am not currently hashable.") def test_map_does_not_hash_values_on_second_hash_invocation(): hashable = HashabilityControlled() x = HashTrieMap(dict(el=hashable)) hash(x) hashable.hashable = False with pytest.raises( TypeError, match=r"Unhashable type in HashTrieMap of key 'el'", ): hash(x) def test_equal(): x = HashTrieMap(a=1, b=2, c=3) y = HashTrieMap(a=1, b=2, c=3) assert x == y assert not (x != y) assert y == x assert not (y != x) def test_equal_with_different_insertion_order(): x = HashTrieMap([(i, i) for i in range(50)]) y = HashTrieMap([(i, i) for i in range(49, -1, -1)]) assert x == y assert not (x != y) assert y == x assert not (y != x) def test_not_equal(): x = HashTrieMap(a=1, b=2, c=3) y = HashTrieMap(a=1, b=2) assert x != y assert not (x == y) assert y != x assert not (y == x) def test_not_equal_to_dict(): x = HashTrieMap(a=1, b=2, c=3) y = dict(a=1, b=2, d=4) assert x != y assert not (x == y) assert y != x assert not (y == x) def test_update_with_multiple_arguments(): # If same value is present in multiple sources, the rightmost is used. x = HashTrieMap(a=1, b=2, c=3) y = x.update(HashTrieMap(b=4, c=5), {"c": 6}) assert y == HashTrieMap(a=1, b=4, c=6) def test_update_one_argument(): x = HashTrieMap(a=1) assert x.update({"b": 2}) == HashTrieMap(a=1, b=2) def test_update_no_arguments(): x = HashTrieMap(a=1) assert x.update() == x class HashDummy: def __hash__(self): return 6528039219058920 # Hash of '33' def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def test_iteration_with_many_elements(): values = list(range(2000)) keys = [str(x) for x in values] init_dict = dict(zip(keys, values)) hash_dummy1 = HashDummy() hash_dummy2 = HashDummy() # Throw in a couple of hash collision nodes to tests # those properly as well init_dict[hash_dummy1] = 12345 init_dict[hash_dummy2] = 54321 a_map = HashTrieMap(init_dict) actual_values = set() actual_keys = set() for k, v in a_map.items(): actual_values.add(v) actual_keys.add(k) assert actual_keys == {*keys, hash_dummy1, hash_dummy2} assert actual_values == {*values, 12345, 54321} def test_repr(): rep = repr(HashTrieMap({"foo": "12", "": 37})) assert rep in { "HashTrieMap({'foo': '12', '': 37})", "HashTrieMap({'': 37, 'foo': '12'})", } def test_str(): s = str(HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4})) assert s == "HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4})" or s == "HashTrieMap({3: 4, 1: 2})" def test_empty_truthiness(): assert HashTrieMap(a=1) assert not HashTrieMap() def test_iterable(): m = HashTrieMap((i, i * 2) for i in range(3)) assert m == HashTrieMap({0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 4}) def test_convert_hashtriemap(): m = HashTrieMap({i: i * 2 for i in range(3)}) assert HashTrieMap.convert({i: i * 2 for i in range(3)}) == m def test_fast_convert_hashtriemap(): m = HashTrieMap({i: i * 2 for i in range(3)}) assert HashTrieMap.convert(m) is m # Non-pyrsistent-test-suite tests def test_more_eq(): o = object() assert HashTrieMap([(o, o), (1, o)]) == HashTrieMap([(o, o), (1, o)]) assert HashTrieMap([(o, "foo")]) == HashTrieMap([(o, "foo")]) assert HashTrieMap() == HashTrieMap([]) assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}) != HashTrieMap({1: 3}) assert HashTrieMap({o: 1}) != HashTrieMap({o: o}) assert HashTrieMap([]) != HashTrieMap([(o, 1)]) def test_pickle(): assert pickle.loads( pickle.dumps(HashTrieMap([(1, 2), (3, 4)])), ) == HashTrieMap([(1, 2), (3, 4)]) def test_get(): m1 = HashTrieMap({"foo": "bar"}) assert m1.get("foo") == "bar" assert m1.get("baz") is None assert m1.get("spam", "eggs") == "eggs" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "view", [pytest.param(methodcaller(p), id=p) for p in ["keys", "values", "items"]], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "cls", [ abc.Set, abc.MappingView, abc.KeysView, abc.ValuesView, abc.ItemsView, ], ) def test_views_abc(view, cls): m, d = HashTrieMap(), {} assert isinstance(view(m), cls) == isinstance(view(d), cls) def test_keys(): d = HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4}) k = d.keys() assert 1 in k assert 2 not in k assert object() not in k assert len(k) == 2 assert k == d.keys() assert k == HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4}).keys() assert k == {1, 3} assert k != iter({1, 3}) assert k != {1, 2, 3} assert k != {1, 4} assert not k == {1, 4} assert k != object() def test_keys_setlike(): assert {1: 2, 3: 4}.keys() & HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() == {1} assert {1: 2, 3: 4}.keys() & HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() != {1, 2} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() & {1: 2, 3: 4}.keys() == {1} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() & {1: 2, 3: 4}.keys() != {2} assert not HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() & {}.keys() assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() & {1} == {1} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() & [1] == {1} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() | {3} == {1, 3} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() | [3] == {1, 3} # these don't really exist on the KeysView protocol but it's nice to have s = (1, "foo") assert HashTrieMap({1: 2, "foo": 7}).keys().intersection(s) == set(s) assert not HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys().intersection({}) assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys().union({3}) == {1, 3} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4}).keys() < {1, 2, 3} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4}).keys() <= {1, 2, 3} assert not HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() < {1} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() > set() assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() >= set() def test_keys_repr(): m = HashTrieMap({"foo": 3, 37: "bar"}) assert repr(m.keys()) in { "keys_view({'foo', 37})", "keys_view({37, 'foo'})", } def test_values(): d = HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4}) v = d.values() assert 2 in v assert 3 not in v assert object() not in v assert len(v) == 2 assert v == v # https://bugs.python.org/issue12445 which was WONTFIXed assert v != HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4}).values() assert v != [2, 4] assert set(v) == {2, 4} def test_values_repr(): m = HashTrieMap({"foo": 3, 37: "bar", "baz": 3}) assert repr(m.values()) in { "values_view(['bar', 3, 3])", "values_view([3, 'bar', 3])", "values_view([3, 3, 'bar'])", } def test_items(): d = HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4}) i = d.items() assert (1, 2) in i assert (1, 4) not in i assert len(i) == 2 assert i == d.items() assert i == HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4}).items() assert i == {(1, 2), (3, 4)} assert i != iter({(1, 2), (3, 4)}) assert i != {(1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5)} assert i == {1: 2, 3: 4}.items() assert i != {(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)} assert i != {(1, 2)} assert not i == {1, 4} assert i != object() def test_items_setlike(): assert {1: 2, 3: 4}.items() & HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items() == {(1, 2)} assert {1: 2, 3: 4}.items() & HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items() != {(1, 2), 3} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items() & {1: 2, 3: 4}.items() == {(1, 2)} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items() & {1: 2, 3: 4}.items() != {(3, 4)} assert not HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items() & {}.items() assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items() & [(1, 2)] == {(1, 2)} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items() & [[1, 2]] == set() assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items() | {(3, 4)} == {(1, 2), (3, 4)} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items() | [7] == {(1, 2), 7} s = ((1, 2), ("foo", 37)) assert HashTrieMap({1: 2, "foo": 7}).items().intersection(s) == {(1, 2)} assert not HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items().intersection({}) assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items().union({3}) == {(1, 2), 3} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4}).items() < {(1, 2), (3, 4), ("foo", "bar")} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2, 3: 4}).items() <= {(1, 2), (3, 4)} assert not HashTrieMap({1: 2}).keys() < {1} assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items() > set() assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).items() >= set() def test_items_repr(): m = HashTrieMap({"foo": 3, 37: "bar", "baz": 3}) assert repr(m.items()) in { "items_view([('foo', 3), (37, 'bar'), ('baz', 3)])", "items_view([('foo', 3), ('baz', 3), (37, 'bar')])", "items_view([(37, 'bar'), ('foo', 3), ('baz', 3)])", "items_view([(37, 'bar'), ('baz', 3), ('foo', 3)])", "items_view([('baz', 3), (37, 'bar'), ('foo', 3)])", "items_view([('baz', 3), ('foo', 3), (37, 'bar')])", } def test_fromkeys(): keys = list(range(10)) got = HashTrieMap.fromkeys(keys) expected = HashTrieMap((i, None) for i in keys) assert got == HashTrieMap(dict.fromkeys(keys)) == expected def test_fromkeys_explicit_value(): keys = list(range(10)) expected = HashTrieMap((i, "foo") for i in keys) got = HashTrieMap.fromkeys(keys, "foo") expected = HashTrieMap((i, "foo") for i in keys) assert got == HashTrieMap(dict.fromkeys(keys, "foo")) == expected def test_fromkeys_explicit_value_not_copied(): keys = list(range(5)) got = HashTrieMap.fromkeys(keys, []) got[3].append(1) assert got == HashTrieMap((i, [1]) for i in keys) def test_update_with_iterable_of_kvs(): assert HashTrieMap({1: 2}).update(iter([(3, 4), ("5", 6)])) == HashTrieMap( { 1: 2, 3: 4, "5": 6, }, )