from .. import utils from ..errors import InvalidVersion from ..utils import check_resource, minimum_version, version_lt class NetworkApiMixin: def networks(self, names=None, ids=None, filters=None): """ List networks. Similar to the ``docker network ls`` command. Args: names (:py:class:`list`): List of names to filter by ids (:py:class:`list`): List of ids to filter by filters (dict): Filters to be processed on the network list. Available filters: - ``driver=[]`` Matches a network's driver. - ``label=[]``, ``label=[=]`` or a list of such. - ``type=["custom"|"builtin"]`` Filters networks by type. Returns: (dict): List of network objects. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error. """ if filters is None: filters = {} if names: filters['name'] = names if ids: filters['id'] = ids params = {'filters': utils.convert_filters(filters)} url = self._url("/networks") res = self._get(url, params=params) return self._result(res, json=True) def create_network(self, name, driver=None, options=None, ipam=None, check_duplicate=None, internal=False, labels=None, enable_ipv6=False, attachable=None, scope=None, ingress=None): """ Create a network. Similar to the ``docker network create``. Args: name (str): Name of the network driver (str): Name of the driver used to create the network options (dict): Driver options as a key-value dictionary ipam (IPAMConfig): Optional custom IP scheme for the network. check_duplicate (bool): Request daemon to check for networks with same name. Default: ``None``. internal (bool): Restrict external access to the network. Default ``False``. labels (dict): Map of labels to set on the network. Default ``None``. enable_ipv6 (bool): Enable IPv6 on the network. Default ``False``. attachable (bool): If enabled, and the network is in the global scope, non-service containers on worker nodes will be able to connect to the network. scope (str): Specify the network's scope (``local``, ``global`` or ``swarm``) ingress (bool): If set, create an ingress network which provides the routing-mesh in swarm mode. Returns: (dict): The created network reference object Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error. Example: A network using the bridge driver: >>> client.api.create_network("network1", driver="bridge") You can also create more advanced networks with custom IPAM configurations. For example, setting the subnet to ```` and gateway address to ````. .. code-block:: python >>> ipam_pool = docker.types.IPAMPool( subnet='', gateway='' ) >>> ipam_config = docker.types.IPAMConfig( pool_configs=[ipam_pool] ) >>> client.api.create_network("network1", driver="bridge", ipam=ipam_config) """ if options is not None and not isinstance(options, dict): raise TypeError('options must be a dictionary') data = { 'Name': name, 'Driver': driver, 'Options': options, 'IPAM': ipam, 'CheckDuplicate': check_duplicate, } if labels is not None: if version_lt(self._version, '1.23'): raise InvalidVersion( 'network labels were introduced in API 1.23' ) if not isinstance(labels, dict): raise TypeError('labels must be a dictionary') data["Labels"] = labels if enable_ipv6: if version_lt(self._version, '1.23'): raise InvalidVersion( 'enable_ipv6 was introduced in API 1.23' ) data['EnableIPv6'] = True if internal: if version_lt(self._version, '1.22'): raise InvalidVersion('Internal networks are not ' 'supported in API version < 1.22') data['Internal'] = True if attachable is not None: if version_lt(self._version, '1.24'): raise InvalidVersion( 'attachable is not supported in API version < 1.24' ) data['Attachable'] = attachable if ingress is not None: if version_lt(self._version, '1.29'): raise InvalidVersion( 'ingress is not supported in API version < 1.29' ) data['Ingress'] = ingress if scope is not None: if version_lt(self._version, '1.30'): raise InvalidVersion( 'scope is not supported in API version < 1.30' ) data['Scope'] = scope url = self._url("/networks/create") res = self._post_json(url, data=data) return self._result(res, json=True) @minimum_version('1.25') def prune_networks(self, filters=None): """ Delete unused networks Args: filters (dict): Filters to process on the prune list. Returns: (dict): A dict containing a list of deleted network names and the amount of disk space reclaimed in bytes. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error. """ params = {} if filters: params['filters'] = utils.convert_filters(filters) url = self._url('/networks/prune') return self._result(self._post(url, params=params), True) @check_resource('net_id') def remove_network(self, net_id): """ Remove a network. Similar to the ``docker network rm`` command. Args: net_id (str): The network's id """ url = self._url("/networks/{0}", net_id) res = self._delete(url) self._raise_for_status(res) @check_resource('net_id') def inspect_network(self, net_id, verbose=None, scope=None): """ Get detailed information about a network. Args: net_id (str): ID of network verbose (bool): Show the service details across the cluster in swarm mode. scope (str): Filter the network by scope (``swarm``, ``global`` or ``local``). """ params = {} if verbose is not None: if version_lt(self._version, '1.28'): raise InvalidVersion('verbose was introduced in API 1.28') params['verbose'] = verbose if scope is not None: if version_lt(self._version, '1.31'): raise InvalidVersion('scope was introduced in API 1.31') params['scope'] = scope url = self._url("/networks/{0}", net_id) res = self._get(url, params=params) return self._result(res, json=True) @check_resource('container') def connect_container_to_network(self, container, net_id, ipv4_address=None, ipv6_address=None, aliases=None, links=None, link_local_ips=None, driver_opt=None, mac_address=None): """ Connect a container to a network. Args: container (str): container-id/name to be connected to the network net_id (str): network id aliases (:py:class:`list`): A list of aliases for this endpoint. Names in that list can be used within the network to reach the container. Defaults to ``None``. links (:py:class:`list`): A list of links for this endpoint. Containers declared in this list will be linked to this container. Defaults to ``None``. ipv4_address (str): The IP address of this container on the network, using the IPv4 protocol. Defaults to ``None``. ipv6_address (str): The IP address of this container on the network, using the IPv6 protocol. Defaults to ``None``. link_local_ips (:py:class:`list`): A list of link-local (IPv4/IPv6) addresses. mac_address (str): The MAC address of this container on the network. Defaults to ``None``. """ data = { "Container": container, "EndpointConfig": self.create_endpoint_config( aliases=aliases, links=links, ipv4_address=ipv4_address, ipv6_address=ipv6_address, link_local_ips=link_local_ips, driver_opt=driver_opt, mac_address=mac_address ), } url = self._url("/networks/{0}/connect", net_id) res = self._post_json(url, data=data) self._raise_for_status(res) @check_resource('container') def disconnect_container_from_network(self, container, net_id, force=False): """ Disconnect a container from a network. Args: container (str): container ID or name to be disconnected from the network net_id (str): network ID force (bool): Force the container to disconnect from a network. Default: ``False`` """ data = {"Container": container} if force: if version_lt(self._version, '1.22'): raise InvalidVersion( 'Forced disconnect was introduced in API 1.22' ) data['Force'] = force url = self._url("/networks/{0}/disconnect", net_id) res = self._post_json(url, data=data) self._raise_for_status(res)