import base64 import collections import json import os import os.path import shlex import string from datetime import datetime, timezone from functools import lru_cache from itertools import zip_longest from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse from .. import errors from ..constants import ( BYTE_UNITS, DEFAULT_HTTP_HOST, DEFAULT_NPIPE, DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCKET, ) from ..tls import TLSConfig URLComponents = collections.namedtuple( 'URLComponents', 'scheme netloc url params query fragment', ) def create_ipam_pool(*args, **kwargs): raise errors.DeprecatedMethod( 'utils.create_ipam_pool has been removed. Please use a ' 'docker.types.IPAMPool object instead.' ) def create_ipam_config(*args, **kwargs): raise errors.DeprecatedMethod( 'utils.create_ipam_config has been removed. Please use a ' 'docker.types.IPAMConfig object instead.' ) def decode_json_header(header): data = base64.b64decode(header) data = data.decode('utf-8') return json.loads(data) @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def compare_version(v1, v2): """Compare docker versions >>> v1 = '1.9' >>> v2 = '1.10' >>> compare_version(v1, v2) 1 >>> compare_version(v2, v1) -1 >>> compare_version(v2, v2) 0 """ if v1 == v2: return 0 # Split into `sys.version_info` like tuples. s1 = tuple(int(p) for p in v1.split('.')) s2 = tuple(int(p) for p in v2.split('.')) # Compare each component, padding with 0 if necessary. for c1, c2 in zip_longest(s1, s2, fillvalue=0): if c1 == c2: continue elif c1 > c2: return -1 else: return 1 return 0 def version_lt(v1, v2): return compare_version(v1, v2) > 0 def version_gte(v1, v2): return not version_lt(v1, v2) def _convert_port_binding(binding): result = {'HostIp': '', 'HostPort': ''} if isinstance(binding, tuple): if len(binding) == 2: result['HostPort'] = binding[1] result['HostIp'] = binding[0] elif isinstance(binding[0], str): result['HostIp'] = binding[0] else: result['HostPort'] = binding[0] elif isinstance(binding, dict): if 'HostPort' in binding: result['HostPort'] = binding['HostPort'] if 'HostIp' in binding: result['HostIp'] = binding['HostIp'] else: raise ValueError(binding) else: result['HostPort'] = binding if result['HostPort'] is None: result['HostPort'] = '' else: result['HostPort'] = str(result['HostPort']) return result def convert_port_bindings(port_bindings): result = {} for k, v in iter(port_bindings.items()): key = str(k) if '/' not in key: key += '/tcp' if isinstance(v, list): result[key] = [_convert_port_binding(binding) for binding in v] else: result[key] = [_convert_port_binding(v)] return result def convert_volume_binds(binds): if isinstance(binds, list): return binds result = [] for k, v in binds.items(): if isinstance(k, bytes): k = k.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, dict): if 'ro' in v and 'mode' in v: raise ValueError( f'Binding cannot contain both "ro" and "mode": {v!r}' ) bind = v['bind'] if isinstance(bind, bytes): bind = bind.decode('utf-8') if 'ro' in v: mode = 'ro' if v['ro'] else 'rw' elif 'mode' in v: mode = v['mode'] else: mode = 'rw' # NOTE: this is only relevant for Linux hosts # (doesn't apply in Docker Desktop) propagation_modes = [ 'rshared', 'shared', 'rslave', 'slave', 'rprivate', 'private', ] if 'propagation' in v and v['propagation'] in propagation_modes: if mode: mode = f"{mode},{v['propagation']}" else: mode = v['propagation'] result.append( f'{k}:{bind}:{mode}' ) else: if isinstance(v, bytes): v = v.decode('utf-8') result.append( f'{k}:{v}:rw' ) return result def convert_tmpfs_mounts(tmpfs): if isinstance(tmpfs, dict): return tmpfs if not isinstance(tmpfs, list): raise ValueError( 'Expected tmpfs value to be either a list or a dict, ' f'found: {type(tmpfs).__name__}' ) result = {} for mount in tmpfs: if isinstance(mount, str): if ":" in mount: name, options = mount.split(":", 1) else: name = mount options = "" else: raise ValueError( "Expected item in tmpfs list to be a string, " f"found: {type(mount).__name__}" ) result[name] = options return result def convert_service_networks(networks): if not networks: return networks if not isinstance(networks, list): raise TypeError('networks parameter must be a list.') result = [] for n in networks: if isinstance(n, str): n = {'Target': n} result.append(n) return result def parse_repository_tag(repo_name): parts = repo_name.rsplit('@', 1) if len(parts) == 2: return tuple(parts) parts = repo_name.rsplit(':', 1) if len(parts) == 2 and '/' not in parts[1]: return tuple(parts) return repo_name, None def parse_host(addr, is_win32=False, tls=False): # Sensible defaults if not addr and is_win32: return DEFAULT_NPIPE if not addr or addr.strip() == 'unix://': return DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCKET addr = addr.strip() parsed_url = urlparse(addr) proto = parsed_url.scheme if not proto or any(x not in f"{string.ascii_letters}+" for x in proto): # parsed_url = urlparse(f"//{addr}", 'tcp') proto = 'tcp' if proto == 'fd': raise errors.DockerException('fd protocol is not implemented') # These protos are valid aliases for our library but not for the # official spec if proto == 'http' or proto == 'https': tls = proto == 'https' proto = 'tcp' elif proto == 'http+unix': proto = 'unix' if proto not in ('tcp', 'unix', 'npipe', 'ssh'): raise errors.DockerException( f"Invalid bind address protocol: {addr}" ) if proto == 'tcp' and not parsed_url.netloc: # "tcp://" is exceptionally disallowed by convention; # omitting a hostname for other protocols is fine raise errors.DockerException( f'Invalid bind address format: {addr}' ) if any([ parsed_url.params, parsed_url.query, parsed_url.fragment, parsed_url.password ]): raise errors.DockerException( f'Invalid bind address format: {addr}' ) if parsed_url.path and proto == 'ssh': raise errors.DockerException( f'Invalid bind address format: no path allowed for this protocol: {addr}' ) else: path = parsed_url.path if proto == 'unix' and parsed_url.hostname is not None: # For legacy reasons, we consider unix://path # to be valid and equivalent to unix:///path path = f"{parsed_url.hostname}/{path}" netloc = parsed_url.netloc if proto in ('tcp', 'ssh'): port = parsed_url.port or 0 if port <= 0: if proto != 'ssh': raise errors.DockerException( f'Invalid bind address format: port is required: {addr}' ) port = 22 netloc = f'{parsed_url.netloc}:{port}' if not parsed_url.hostname: netloc = f'{DEFAULT_HTTP_HOST}:{port}' # Rewrite schemes to fit library internals (requests adapters) if proto == 'tcp': proto = f"http{'s' if tls else ''}" elif proto == 'unix': proto = 'http+unix' if proto in ('http+unix', 'npipe'): return f"{proto}://{path}".rstrip('/') return urlunparse(URLComponents( scheme=proto, netloc=netloc, url=path, params='', query='', fragment='', )).rstrip('/') def parse_devices(devices): device_list = [] for device in devices: if isinstance(device, dict): device_list.append(device) continue if not isinstance(device, str): raise errors.DockerException( f'Invalid device type {type(device)}' ) device_mapping = device.split(':') if device_mapping: path_on_host = device_mapping[0] if len(device_mapping) > 1: path_in_container = device_mapping[1] else: path_in_container = path_on_host if len(device_mapping) > 2: permissions = device_mapping[2] else: permissions = 'rwm' device_list.append({ 'PathOnHost': path_on_host, 'PathInContainer': path_in_container, 'CgroupPermissions': permissions }) return device_list def kwargs_from_env(environment=None): if not environment: environment = os.environ host = environment.get('DOCKER_HOST') # empty string for cert path is the same as unset. cert_path = environment.get('DOCKER_CERT_PATH') or None # empty string for tls verify counts as "false". # Any value or 'unset' counts as true. tls_verify = environment.get('DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY') if tls_verify == '': tls_verify = False else: tls_verify = tls_verify is not None enable_tls = cert_path or tls_verify params = {} if host: params['base_url'] = host if not enable_tls: return params if not cert_path: cert_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.docker') params['tls'] = TLSConfig( client_cert=(os.path.join(cert_path, 'cert.pem'), os.path.join(cert_path, 'key.pem')), ca_cert=os.path.join(cert_path, 'ca.pem'), verify=tls_verify, ) return params def convert_filters(filters): result = {} for k, v in iter(filters.items()): if isinstance(v, bool): v = 'true' if v else 'false' if not isinstance(v, list): v = [v, ] result[k] = [ str(item) if not isinstance(item, str) else item for item in v ] return json.dumps(result) def datetime_to_timestamp(dt): """Convert a datetime to a Unix timestamp""" delta = dt.astimezone(timezone.utc) - datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc) return delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600 def parse_bytes(s): if isinstance(s, (int, float,)): return s if len(s) == 0: return 0 if s[-2:-1].isalpha() and s[-1].isalpha(): if s[-1] == "b" or s[-1] == "B": s = s[:-1] units = BYTE_UNITS suffix = s[-1].lower() # Check if the variable is a string representation of an int # without a units part. Assuming that the units are bytes. if suffix.isdigit(): digits_part = s suffix = 'b' else: digits_part = s[:-1] if suffix in units.keys() or suffix.isdigit(): try: digits = float(digits_part) except ValueError as ve: raise errors.DockerException( 'Failed converting the string value for memory ' f'({digits_part}) to an integer.' ) from ve # Reconvert to long for the final result s = int(digits * units[suffix]) else: raise errors.DockerException( f'The specified value for memory ({s}) should specify the units. ' 'The postfix should be one of the `b` `k` `m` `g` characters' ) return s def normalize_links(links): if isinstance(links, dict): links = iter(links.items()) return [f'{k}:{v}' if v else k for k, v in sorted(links)] def parse_env_file(env_file): """ Reads a line-separated environment file. The format of each line should be "key=value". """ environment = {} with open(env_file) as f: for line in f: if line[0] == '#': continue line = line.strip() if not line: continue parse_line = line.split('=', 1) if len(parse_line) == 2: k, v = parse_line environment[k] = v else: raise errors.DockerException( f'Invalid line in environment file {env_file}:\n{line}') return environment def split_command(command): return shlex.split(command) def format_environment(environment): def format_env(key, value): if value is None: return key if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode('utf-8') return f'{key}={value}' return [format_env(*var) for var in iter(environment.items())] def format_extra_hosts(extra_hosts, task=False): # Use format dictated by Swarm API if container is part of a task if task: return [ f'{v} {k}' for k, v in sorted(iter(extra_hosts.items())) ] return [ f'{k}:{v}' for k, v in sorted(iter(extra_hosts.items())) ] def create_host_config(self, *args, **kwargs): raise errors.DeprecatedMethod( 'utils.create_host_config has been removed. Please use a ' 'docker.types.HostConfig object instead.' )