import contextlib import json import shutil import socket import socketserver import tarfile import tempfile import threading from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler import pytest import docker from ..helpers import requires_api_version, requires_experimental from .base import TEST_IMG, BaseAPIIntegrationTest class ListImagesTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): def test_images(self): res1 = self.client.images(all=True) assert 'Id' in res1[0] res10 = res1[0] assert 'Created' in res10 assert 'RepoTags' in res10 distinct = [] for img in res1: if img['Id'] not in distinct: distinct.append(img['Id']) assert len(distinct) ==['Images'] def test_images_quiet(self): res1 = self.client.images(quiet=True) assert isinstance(res1[0], str) class PullImageTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): def test_pull(self): try: self.client.remove_image('hello-world') except docker.errors.APIError: pass res = self.client.pull('hello-world') self.tmp_imgs.append('hello-world') assert isinstance(res, str) assert len(self.client.images('hello-world')) >= 1 img_info = self.client.inspect_image('hello-world') assert 'Id' in img_info def test_pull_streaming(self): try: self.client.remove_image('hello-world') except docker.errors.APIError: pass stream = self.client.pull( 'hello-world', stream=True, decode=True) self.tmp_imgs.append('hello-world') for chunk in stream: assert isinstance(chunk, dict) assert len(self.client.images('hello-world')) >= 1 img_info = self.client.inspect_image('hello-world') assert 'Id' in img_info @requires_api_version('1.32') @requires_experimental(until=None) def test_pull_invalid_platform(self): with pytest.raises(docker.errors.APIError) as excinfo: self.client.pull('hello-world', platform='foobar') # Some API versions incorrectly returns 500 status; assert 4xx or 5xx assert excinfo.value.is_error() assert 'unknown operating system' in excinfo.exconly() \ or 'invalid platform' in excinfo.exconly() class CommitTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): def test_commit(self): container = self.client.create_container(TEST_IMG, ['touch', '/test']) id = container['Id'] self.client.start(id) self.tmp_containers.append(id) res = self.client.commit(id) assert 'Id' in res img_id = res['Id'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) img = self.client.inspect_image(img_id) assert 'Parent' in img busybox_id = self.client.inspect_image(TEST_IMG)['Id'] assert img['Parent'] == busybox_id def test_commit_with_changes(self): cid = self.client.create_container(TEST_IMG, ['touch', '/test']) self.tmp_containers.append(cid) self.client.start(cid) img_id = self.client.commit( cid, changes=['EXPOSE 8000', 'CMD ["bash"]'] ) self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) img = self.client.inspect_image(img_id) assert '8000/tcp' in img['Config']['ExposedPorts'] assert img['Config']['Cmd'] == ['bash'] class RemoveImageTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): def test_remove(self): container = self.client.create_container(TEST_IMG, ['touch', '/test']) id = container['Id'] self.client.start(id) self.tmp_containers.append(id) res = self.client.commit(id) assert 'Id' in res img_id = res['Id'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) logs = self.client.remove_image(img_id, force=True) assert {"Deleted": img_id} in logs images = self.client.images(all=True) res = [x for x in images if x['Id'].startswith(img_id)] assert len(res) == 0 class ImportImageTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): '''Base class for `docker import` test cases.''' TAR_SIZE = 512 * 1024 def write_dummy_tar_content(self, n_bytes, tar_fd): def extend_file(f, n_bytes): - 1) f.write(bytearray([65])) tar = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=tar_fd, mode='w') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: extend_file(f, n_bytes) tarinfo = tar.gettarinfo(, arcname='testdata') tar.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj=f) tar.close() @contextlib.contextmanager def dummy_tar_stream(self, n_bytes): '''Yields a stream that is valid tar data of size n_bytes.''' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tar_file: self.write_dummy_tar_content(n_bytes, tar_file) yield tar_file @contextlib.contextmanager def dummy_tar_file(self, n_bytes): '''Yields the name of a valid tar file of size n_bytes.''' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tar_file: self.write_dummy_tar_content(n_bytes, tar_file) yield def test_import_from_bytes(self): with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=500) as f: content = # The generic import_image() function cannot import in-memory bytes # data that happens to be represented as a string type, because # import_image() will try to use it as a filename and usually then # trigger an exception. So we test the import_image_from_data() # function instead. statuses = self.client.import_image_from_data( content, repository='test/import-from-bytes') result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1] result = json.loads(result_text) assert 'error' not in result img_id = result['status'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) def test_import_from_file(self): with self.dummy_tar_file(n_bytes=self.TAR_SIZE) as tar_filename: # statuses = self.client.import_image( # src=tar_filename, repository='test/import-from-file') statuses = self.client.import_image_from_file( tar_filename, repository='test/import-from-file') result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1] result = json.loads(result_text) assert 'error' not in result assert 'status' in result img_id = result['status'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) def test_import_from_stream(self): with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=self.TAR_SIZE) as tar_stream: statuses = self.client.import_image( src=tar_stream, repository='test/import-from-stream') # statuses = self.client.import_image_from_stream( # tar_stream, repository='test/import-from-stream') result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1] result = json.loads(result_text) assert 'error' not in result assert 'status' in result img_id = result['status'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) def test_import_image_from_data_with_changes(self): with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=500) as f: content = statuses = self.client.import_image_from_data( content, repository='test/import-from-bytes', changes=['USER foobar', 'CMD ["echo"]'] ) result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1] result = json.loads(result_text) assert 'error' not in result img_id = result['status'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) img_data = self.client.inspect_image(img_id) assert img_data is not None assert img_data['Config']['Cmd'] == ['echo'] assert img_data['Config']['User'] == 'foobar' def test_import_image_with_changes(self): with self.dummy_tar_file(n_bytes=self.TAR_SIZE) as tar_filename: statuses = self.client.import_image( src=tar_filename, repository='test/import-from-file', changes=['USER foobar', 'CMD ["echo"]'] ) result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1] result = json.loads(result_text) assert 'error' not in result img_id = result['status'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) img_data = self.client.inspect_image(img_id) assert img_data is not None assert img_data['Config']['Cmd'] == ['echo'] assert img_data['Config']['User'] == 'foobar' # Docs say output is available in 1.23, but this test fails on 1.12.0 @requires_api_version('1.24') def test_get_load_image(self): test_img = 'hello-world:latest' self.client.pull(test_img) data = self.client.get_image(test_img) assert data output = self.client.load_image(data) assert any(line for line in output if f'Loaded image: {test_img}' in line.get('stream', '')) @contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_http_file_server(self, stream): '''Serve data from an IO stream over HTTP.''' class Handler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-tar') self.end_headers() shutil.copyfileobj(stream, self.wfile) server = socketserver.TCPServer(('', 0), Handler) thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) thread.daemon = True thread.start() yield f'http://{socket.gethostname()}:{server.server_address[1]}' server.shutdown() @pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="Doesn't work inside a container - FIXME") def test_import_from_url(self): # The crappy test HTTP server doesn't handle large files well, so use # a small file. tar_size = 10240 with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=tar_size) as tar_data: with self.temporary_http_file_server(tar_data) as url: statuses = self.client.import_image( src=url, repository='test/import-from-url') result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1] result = json.loads(result_text) assert 'error' not in result assert 'status' in result img_id = result['status'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) @requires_api_version('1.25') class PruneImagesTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): def test_prune_images(self): try: self.client.remove_image('hello-world') except docker.errors.APIError: pass # Ensure busybox does not get pruned ctnr = self.client.create_container(TEST_IMG, ['sleep', '9999']) self.tmp_containers.append(ctnr) self.client.pull('hello-world', tag='latest') self.tmp_imgs.append('hello-world') img_id = self.client.inspect_image('hello-world')['Id'] result = self.client.prune_images() assert img_id not in [ img.get('Deleted') for img in result.get('ImagesDeleted') or [] ] result = self.client.prune_images({'dangling': False}) assert result['SpaceReclaimed'] > 0 assert 'hello-world:latest' in [ img.get('Untagged') for img in result['ImagesDeleted'] ] assert img_id in [ img.get('Deleted') for img in result['ImagesDeleted'] ] class SaveLoadImagesTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): @requires_api_version('1.23') def test_get_image_load_image(self): with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f: stream = self.client.get_image(TEST_IMG) for chunk in stream: f.write(chunk) result = self.client.load_image( success = False result_line = f'Loaded image: {TEST_IMG}\n' for data in result: print(data) if 'stream' in data: if data['stream'] == result_line: success = True break assert success is True @requires_api_version('1.30') class InspectDistributionTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): def test_inspect_distribution(self): data = self.client.inspect_distribution('busybox:latest') assert data is not None assert 'Platforms' in data assert {'os': 'linux', 'architecture': 'amd64'} in data['Platforms']