"""Test attribute selector.""" from .. import util from soupsieve import SelectorSyntaxError from bs4 import BeautifulSoup class TestAttribute(util.TestCase): """Test attribute selector.""" MARKUP = """
""" MARKUP_CONTAINS = """ """ # Browsers normally replace NULL with `\uFFFD`, but some of the parsers # we test just strip out NULL, so we will simulate and just insert `\uFFFD` directly # to ensure consistent behavior in our tests across parsers. MARKUP_NULL = """ """ def test_attribute(self): """Test attribute.""" self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP, "[href]", ["2"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_with_spaces(self): """Test attribute with spaces.""" # With spaces self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP, "[ href ]", ["2"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_multi_attribute(self): """Test multiple attribute.""" self.assert_selector( """ """, "span[id].test[data-test=test]", ["5"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_equal_no_quotes(self): """Test attribute with value that equals specified value (with no quotes).""" # No quotes self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP, '[id=\\35]', ["5"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_equal_with_quotes(self): """Test attribute with value that equals specified value (with quotes).""" # Single quoted self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP, "[id='5']", ["5"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_equal_with_double_quotes(self): """Test attribute with value that equals specified value (with double quotes).""" # Double quoted self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP, '[id="5"]', ["5"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_equal_quotes_and_spaces(self): """Test attribute with value that equals specified value (quotes and spaces).""" # With spaces self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP, '[ id = "5" ]', ["5"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_equal_case_insensitive_attribute(self): """Test attribute with value that equals specified value (case insensitive attribute).""" self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP, '[ID="5"]', ["5"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_bad(self): """Test attribute with a bad attribute.""" self.assert_selector( '', '[ id = "5" ]', [], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_escaped_newline(self): """Test attribute with escaped new line in quoted string.""" self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP, '[id="pr\\\ne"]', ["pre"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_equal_literal_null(self): """Test attribute with value that equals specified value with a literal null character.""" self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP_NULL, '[id="\x00pre"]', ["\ufffdpre"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_equal_escaped_null(self): """Test attribute with value that equals specified value with an escaped null character.""" self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP_NULL, r'[id="\0 pre"]', ["\ufffdpre"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_invalid_tag(self): """ Test invalid tag. Tag must come first. """ self.assert_raises('[href]p', SelectorSyntaxError) def test_malformed(self): """Test malformed.""" # Malformed attribute self.assert_raises('div[attr={}]', SelectorSyntaxError) def test_attribute_type_html(self): """Type is treated as case insensitive in HTML.""" markup = """ """ self.assert_selector( markup, '[type="test"]', ["0", '2'], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_type_xml(self): """Type is treated as case sensitive in XML.""" markup = """ """ self.assert_selector( markup, '[type="test"]', ['2'], flags=util.XML ) def test_attribute_type_xhtml(self): """Type is treated as case insensitive in XHTML.""" markup = """ """ self.assert_selector( markup, '[type="test"]', ['2'], flags=util.XHTML ) def test_attribute_start_dash(self): """Test attribute whose dash separated value starts with the specified value.""" self.assert_selector( """ """, "[lang|=en]", ["0"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_contains_space_middle(self): """Test attribute whose space separated list contains the specified value in the middle of the list.""" # Middle of list self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP_CONTAINS, "[class~=test2]", ["0"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_contains_space_start(self): """Test attribute whose space separated list contains the specified value at the start of the list.""" # Start of list self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP_CONTAINS, "[class~=test-a]", ["pre"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_contains_space_end(self): """Test attribute whose space separated list contains the specified value at the end of the list.""" # End of list self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP_CONTAINS, "[class~=test-b]", ["pre"], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_contains_cannot_have_spaces(self): """Test attribute `~=` will match nothing when spaces are included.""" # Shouldn't match anything self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP_CONTAINS, '[class~="test1 test2"]', [], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_contains_cannot_have_empty(self): """Test attribute `~=` will match nothing when value is empty.""" self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP_CONTAINS, '[class~=""]', [], flags=util.HTML ) def test_attribute_contains_cannot_have_escaped_spaces(self): """Test attribute `~=` will match nothing when escaped spaces are included.""" self.assert_selector( self.MARKUP_CONTAINS, '[class~="test1\\ test2"]', [], flags=util.HTML ) def test_none_inputs(self): """Test weird inputs.""" soup = BeautifulSoup('text', 'html.parser') soup.span['foo'] = None self.assertEqual(len(soup.select('span[foo]')), 1) def test_numeric_inputs(self): """Test weird inputs.""" soup = BeautifulSoup('text', 'html.parser') soup.span['foo'] = 3 self.assertEqual(len(soup.select('span[foo="3"]')), 1) soup.span['foo'] = 3.3 self.assertEqual(len(soup.select('span[foo="3.3"]')), 1) def test_sequence_inputs(self): """Test weird inputs.""" soup = BeautifulSoup('text', 'html.parser') soup.span['foo'] = [3, "4"] self.assertEqual(len(soup.select('span[foo="3 4"]')), 1) def test_bytes_inputs(self): """Test weird inputs.""" soup = BeautifulSoup('text', 'html.parser') soup.span['foo'] = b'test' self.assertEqual(len(soup.select('span[foo="test"]')), 1) def test_weird_inputs(self): """Test weird inputs.""" soup = BeautifulSoup('text', 'html.parser') soup.span['foo'] = {'3': '4'} self.assertEqual(len(soup.select('span[foo="{\'3\': \'4\'}"]')), 1) def test_nested_sequences(self): """Nested sequences will crash and burn due to the way BeautifulSoup handles them.""" # The exact exception is not important as it can fail in various locations for different reasons with self.assertRaises(Exception): # noqa: B017 soup = BeautifulSoup('text', 'html.parser') soup.span['foo'] = [['1']] soup.select("span['foo']")