# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier (mtrier@gmail.com) and contributors # # This module is part of GitPython and is released under the # 3-Clause BSD License: https://opensource.org/license/bsd-3-clause/ from io import BytesIO import os.path as osp from pathlib import Path import subprocess from git.objects import Blob, Tree from git.util import cwd from test.lib import TestBase, with_rw_directory class TestTree(TestBase): def test_serializable(self): # Tree at the given commit contains a submodule as well. roottree = self.rorepo.tree("6c1faef799095f3990e9970bc2cb10aa0221cf9c") for item in roottree.traverse(ignore_self=False): if item.type != Tree.type: continue # END skip non-trees tree = item # Trees have no dict. self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, tree, "someattr", 1) orig_data = tree.data_stream.read() orig_cache = tree._cache stream = BytesIO() tree._serialize(stream) assert stream.getvalue() == orig_data stream.seek(0) testtree = Tree(self.rorepo, Tree.NULL_BIN_SHA, 0, "") testtree._deserialize(stream) assert testtree._cache == orig_cache # Replaces cache, but we make sure of it. del testtree._cache testtree._deserialize(stream) # END for each item in tree @with_rw_directory def _get_git_ordered_files(self, rw_dir): """Get files as git orders them, to compare in test_tree_modifier_ordering.""" # Create directory contents. Path(rw_dir, "file").mkdir() for filename in ( "bin", "bin.d", "file.to", "file.toml", "file.toml.bin", "file0", ): Path(rw_dir, filename).touch() Path(rw_dir, "file", "a").touch() with cwd(rw_dir): # Prepare the repository. subprocess.run(["git", "init", "-q"], check=True) subprocess.run(["git", "add", "."], check=True) subprocess.run(["git", "commit", "-m", "c1"], check=True) # Get git output from which an ordered file list can be parsed. rev_parse_command = ["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD^{tree}"] tree_hash = subprocess.check_output(rev_parse_command).decode().strip() cat_file_command = ["git", "cat-file", "-p", tree_hash] cat_file_output = subprocess.check_output(cat_file_command).decode() return [line.split()[-1] for line in cat_file_output.split("\n") if line] def test_tree_modifier_ordering(self): """TreeModifier.set_done() sorts files in the same order git does.""" git_file_names_in_order = self._get_git_ordered_files() hexsha = "6c1faef799095f3990e9970bc2cb10aa0221cf9c" roottree = self.rorepo.tree(hexsha) blob_mode = Tree.blob_id << 12 tree_mode = Tree.tree_id << 12 files_in_desired_order = [ (blob_mode, "bin"), (blob_mode, "bin.d"), (blob_mode, "file.to"), (blob_mode, "file.toml"), (blob_mode, "file.toml.bin"), (blob_mode, "file0"), (tree_mode, "file"), ] mod = roottree.cache for file_mode, file_name in files_in_desired_order: mod.add(hexsha, file_mode, file_name) # end for each file def file_names_in_order(): return [t[1] for t in files_in_desired_order] def names_in_mod_cache(): a = [t[2] for t in mod._cache] here = file_names_in_order() return [e for e in a if e in here] mod.set_done() assert names_in_mod_cache() == git_file_names_in_order, "set_done() performs git-sorting" def test_traverse(self): root = self.rorepo.tree("0.1.6") num_recursive = 0 all_items = [] for obj in root.traverse(): if "/" in obj.path: num_recursive += 1 assert isinstance(obj, (Blob, Tree)) all_items.append(obj) # END for each object assert all_items == root.list_traverse() # Limit recursion level to 0 - should be same as default iteration. assert all_items assert "CHANGES" in root assert len(list(root)) == len(list(root.traverse(depth=1))) # Only choose trees. trees_only = lambda i, d: i.type == "tree" trees = list(root.traverse(predicate=trees_only)) assert len(trees) == len([i for i in root.traverse() if trees_only(i, 0)]) # Test prune. lib_folder = lambda t, d: t.path == "lib" pruned_trees = list(root.traverse(predicate=trees_only, prune=lib_folder)) assert len(pruned_trees) < len(trees) # Trees and blobs. assert len(set(trees) | set(root.trees)) == len(trees) assert len({b for b in root if isinstance(b, Blob)} | set(root.blobs)) == len(root.blobs) subitem = trees[0][0] assert "/" in subitem.path assert subitem.name == osp.basename(subitem.path) # Check that at some point the traversed paths have a slash in them. found_slash = False for item in root.traverse(): assert osp.isabs(item.abspath) if "/" in item.path: found_slash = True # END check for slash # Slashes in paths are supported as well. # NOTE: On Python 3, / doesn't work with strings anymore... assert root[item.path] == item == root / item.path # END for each item assert found_slash