# Copyright 2017 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import http.client import io import google.auth.transport._aiohttp_requests as aiohttp_requests # type: ignore import mock import pytest # type: ignore from google._async_resumable_media import _download from google.resumable_media import common from tests.unit import test__download as sync_test EXAMPLE_URL = sync_test.EXAMPLE_URL class TestDownloadBase(object): def test_constructor_defaults(self): download = _download.DownloadBase(EXAMPLE_URL) assert download.media_url == EXAMPLE_URL assert download._stream is None assert download.start is None assert download.end is None assert download._headers == {} assert not download._finished _check_retry_strategy(download) def test_constructor_explicit(self): start = 11 end = 10001 headers = {"foof": "barf"} download = _download.DownloadBase( EXAMPLE_URL, stream=mock.sentinel.stream, start=start, end=end, headers=headers, ) assert download.media_url == EXAMPLE_URL assert download._stream is mock.sentinel.stream assert download.start == start assert download.end == end assert download._headers is headers assert not download._finished _check_retry_strategy(download) def test_finished_property(self): download = _download.DownloadBase(EXAMPLE_URL) # Default value of @property. assert not download.finished # Make sure we cannot set it on public @property. with pytest.raises(AttributeError): download.finished = False # Set it privately and then check the @property. download._finished = True assert download.finished def test__get_status_code(self): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc_info: _download.DownloadBase._get_status_code(None) exc_info.match("virtual") def test__get_headers(self): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc_info: _download.DownloadBase._get_headers(None) exc_info.match("virtual") def test__get_body(self): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc_info: _download.DownloadBase._get_body(None) exc_info.match("virtual") class TestDownload(object): def test__prepare_request_already_finished(self): download = _download.Download(EXAMPLE_URL) download._finished = True with pytest.raises(ValueError): download._prepare_request() def test__prepare_request(self): download1 = _download.Download(EXAMPLE_URL) method1, url1, payload1, headers1 = download1._prepare_request() assert method1 == "GET" assert url1 == EXAMPLE_URL assert payload1 is None assert headers1 == {} download2 = _download.Download(EXAMPLE_URL, start=53) method2, url2, payload2, headers2 = download2._prepare_request() assert method2 == "GET" assert url2 == EXAMPLE_URL assert payload2 is None assert headers2 == {"range": "bytes=53-"} def test__prepare_request_with_headers(self): headers = {"spoonge": "borb"} download = _download.Download(EXAMPLE_URL, start=11, end=111, headers=headers) method, url, payload, new_headers = download._prepare_request() assert method == "GET" assert url == EXAMPLE_URL assert payload is None assert new_headers is headers assert headers == {"range": "bytes=11-111", "spoonge": "borb"} @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test__process_response(self): download = _download.Download(EXAMPLE_URL) _fix_up_virtual(download) # Make sure **not finished** before. assert not download.finished response = mock.AsyncMock(status=int(http.client.OK), spec=["status"]) ret_val = download._process_response(response) assert ret_val is None # Make sure **finished** after. assert download.finished @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test__process_response_bad_status(self): download = _download.Download(EXAMPLE_URL) _fix_up_virtual(download) # Make sure **not finished** before. assert not download.finished response = mock.AsyncMock(status=int(http.client.NOT_FOUND), spec=["status"]) with pytest.raises(common.InvalidResponse) as exc_info: download._process_response(response) error = exc_info.value assert error.response is response assert len(error.args) == 5 assert error.args[1] == response.status assert error.args[3] == http.client.OK assert error.args[4] == http.client.PARTIAL_CONTENT # Make sure **finished** even after a failure. assert download.finished def test_consume(self): download = _download.Download(EXAMPLE_URL) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc_info: download.consume(None) exc_info.match("virtual") class TestChunkedDownload(object): def test_constructor_defaults(self): chunk_size = 256 stream = mock.sentinel.stream download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, stream) assert download.media_url == EXAMPLE_URL assert download.chunk_size == chunk_size assert download.start == 0 assert download.end is None assert download._headers == {} assert not download._finished _check_retry_strategy(download) assert download._stream is stream assert download._bytes_downloaded == 0 assert download._total_bytes is None assert not download._invalid def test_constructor_bad_start(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, 256, None, start=-11) def test_bytes_downloaded_property(self): download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, 256, None) # Default value of @property. assert download.bytes_downloaded == 0 # Make sure we cannot set it on public @property. with pytest.raises(AttributeError): download.bytes_downloaded = 1024 # Set it privately and then check the @property. download._bytes_downloaded = 128 assert download.bytes_downloaded == 128 def test_total_bytes_property(self): download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, 256, None) # Default value of @property. assert download.total_bytes is None # Make sure we cannot set it on public @property. with pytest.raises(AttributeError): download.total_bytes = 65536 # Set it privately and then check the @property. download._total_bytes = 8192 assert download.total_bytes == 8192 def test__get_byte_range(self): chunk_size = 512 download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, None) curr_start, curr_end = download._get_byte_range() assert curr_start == 0 assert curr_end == chunk_size - 1 def test__get_byte_range_with_end(self): chunk_size = 512 start = 1024 end = 1151 download = _download.ChunkedDownload( EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, None, start=start, end=end ) curr_start, curr_end = download._get_byte_range() assert curr_start == start assert curr_end == end # Make sure this is less than the chunk size. actual_size = curr_end - curr_start + 1 assert actual_size < chunk_size def test__get_byte_range_with_total_bytes(self): chunk_size = 512 download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, None) total_bytes = 207 download._total_bytes = total_bytes curr_start, curr_end = download._get_byte_range() assert curr_start == 0 assert curr_end == total_bytes - 1 # Make sure this is less than the chunk size. actual_size = curr_end - curr_start + 1 assert actual_size < chunk_size @staticmethod def _response_content_range(start_byte, end_byte, total_bytes): return "bytes {:d}-{:d}/{:d}".format(start_byte, end_byte, total_bytes) def _response_headers(self, start_byte, end_byte, total_bytes): content_length = end_byte - start_byte + 1 resp_range = self._response_content_range(start_byte, end_byte, total_bytes) return { "content-length": "{:d}".format(content_length), "content-range": resp_range, } def _mock_response( self, start_byte, end_byte, total_bytes, content=None, status_code=None ): response_headers = self._response_headers(start_byte, end_byte, total_bytes) content_stream = mock.AsyncMock(spec=["__call__", "read"]) content_stream.read = mock.AsyncMock(spec=["__call__"], return_value=content) return mock.AsyncMock( content=content_stream, headers=response_headers, status=status_code, spec=["__call__", "_content", "headers", "status"], ) def test__prepare_request_already_finished(self): download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, 64, None) download._finished = True with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info: download._prepare_request() assert exc_info.match("Download has finished.") def test__prepare_request_invalid(self): download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, 64, None) download._invalid = True with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info: download._prepare_request() assert exc_info.match("Download is invalid and cannot be re-used.") def test__prepare_request(self): chunk_size = 2048 download1 = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, None) method1, url1, payload1, headers1 = download1._prepare_request() assert method1 == "GET" assert url1 == EXAMPLE_URL assert payload1 is None assert headers1 == {"range": "bytes=0-2047"} download2 = _download.ChunkedDownload( EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, None, start=19991 ) download2._total_bytes = 20101 method2, url2, payload2, headers2 = download2._prepare_request() assert method2 == "GET" assert url2 == EXAMPLE_URL assert payload2 is None assert headers2 == {"range": "bytes=19991-20100"} def test__prepare_request_with_headers(self): chunk_size = 2048 headers = {"patrizio": "Starf-ish"} download = _download.ChunkedDownload( EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, None, headers=headers ) method, url, payload, new_headers = download._prepare_request() assert method == "GET" assert url == EXAMPLE_URL assert payload is None assert new_headers is headers expected = {"patrizio": "Starf-ish", "range": "bytes=0-2047"} assert headers == expected def test__make_invalid(self): download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, 512, None) assert not download.invalid download._make_invalid() assert download.invalid @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test__process_response(self): data = b"1234xyztL" * 37 # 9 * 37 == 33 chunk_size = len(data) stream = io.BytesIO() download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, stream) _fix_up_virtual(download) already = 22 download._bytes_downloaded = already total_bytes = 4444 # Check internal state before. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == already assert download.total_bytes is None # Actually call the method to update. response = self._mock_response( already, already + chunk_size - 1, total_bytes, content=data, status_code=int(http.client.PARTIAL_CONTENT), ) await download._process_response(response) # Check internal state after. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == already + chunk_size assert download.total_bytes == total_bytes assert stream.getvalue() == data @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test__process_response_transfer_encoding(self): data = b"1234xyztL" * 37 chunk_size = len(data) stream = io.BytesIO() download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, stream) _fix_up_virtual(download) already = 22 download._bytes_downloaded = already total_bytes = 4444 # Check internal state before. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == already assert download.total_bytes is None assert not download.invalid # Actually call the method to update. response = self._mock_response( already, already + chunk_size - 1, total_bytes, content=data, status_code=int(http.client.PARTIAL_CONTENT), ) response.headers["transfer-encoding"] = "chunked" del response.headers["content-length"] await download._process_response(response) # Check internal state after. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == already + chunk_size assert download.total_bytes == total_bytes assert stream.getvalue() == data @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test__process_response_bad_status(self): chunk_size = 384 stream = mock.Mock(spec=["write"]) download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, stream) _fix_up_virtual(download) total_bytes = 300 # Check internal state before. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == 0 assert download.total_bytes is None # Actually call the method to update. response = self._mock_response( 0, total_bytes - 1, total_bytes, status_code=int(http.client.NOT_FOUND) ) with pytest.raises(common.InvalidResponse) as exc_info: await download._process_response(response) error = exc_info.value assert error.response is response assert len(error.args) == 5 assert error.args[1] == response.status assert error.args[3] == http.client.OK assert error.args[4] == http.client.PARTIAL_CONTENT # Check internal state after. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == 0 assert download.total_bytes is None assert download.invalid stream.write.assert_not_called() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test__process_response_missing_content_length(self): download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, 256, None) _fix_up_virtual(download) # Check internal state before. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == 0 assert download.total_bytes is None assert not download.invalid # Actually call the method to update. content_stream = mock.AsyncMock(spec=["__call", "read"]) content_stream.read = mock.AsyncMock( spec=["__call__"], return_value=b"DEADBEEF" ) response = mock.AsyncMock( headers={"content-range": "bytes 0-99/99"}, status=int(http.client.PARTIAL_CONTENT), content=content_stream, spec=["headers", "status", "content"], ) with pytest.raises(common.InvalidResponse) as exc_info: await download._process_response(response) error = exc_info.value assert error.response is response assert len(error.args) == 2 assert error.args[1] == "content-length" # Check internal state after. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == 0 assert download.total_bytes is None assert download.invalid @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test__process_response_bad_content_range(self): download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, 256, None) _fix_up_virtual(download) # Check internal state before. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == 0 assert download.total_bytes is None assert not download.invalid # Actually call the method to update. data = b"stuff" headers = { "content-length": "{:d}".format(len(data)), "content-range": "kites x-y/58", } content_stream = mock.AsyncMock(spec=["__call", "read"]) content_stream.read = mock.AsyncMock(spec=["__call__"], return_value=data) response = mock.AsyncMock( content=content_stream, headers=headers, status=int(http.client.PARTIAL_CONTENT), spec=["content", "headers", "status"], ) with pytest.raises(common.InvalidResponse) as exc_info: await download._process_response(response) error = exc_info.value assert error.response is response assert len(error.args) == 3 assert error.args[1] == headers["content-range"] # Check internal state after. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == 0 assert download.total_bytes is None assert download.invalid @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test__process_response_body_wrong_length(self): chunk_size = 10 stream = mock.Mock(spec=["write"]) download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, stream) _fix_up_virtual(download) total_bytes = 100 # Check internal state before. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == 0 assert download.total_bytes is None # Actually call the method to update. data = b"not 10" response = self._mock_response( 0, chunk_size - 1, total_bytes, content=data, status_code=int(http.client.PARTIAL_CONTENT), ) with pytest.raises(common.InvalidResponse) as exc_info: await download._process_response(response) error = exc_info.value assert error.response is response assert len(error.args) == 5 assert error.args[2] == chunk_size assert error.args[4] == len(data) # Check internal state after. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == 0 assert download.total_bytes is None assert download.invalid stream.write.assert_not_called() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test__process_response_when_finished(self): chunk_size = 256 stream = io.BytesIO() download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, stream) _fix_up_virtual(download) total_bytes = 200 # Check internal state before. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == 0 assert download.total_bytes is None # Actually call the method to update. data = b"abcd" * 50 # 4 * 50 == 200 response = self._mock_response( 0, total_bytes - 1, total_bytes, content=data, status_code=int(http.client.OK), ) await download._process_response(response) # Check internal state after. assert download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == total_bytes assert total_bytes < chunk_size assert download.total_bytes == total_bytes assert stream.getvalue() == data @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test__process_response_when_reaching_end(self): chunk_size = 8192 end = 65000 stream = io.BytesIO() download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, stream, end=end) _fix_up_virtual(download) download._bytes_downloaded = 7 * chunk_size download._total_bytes = 8 * chunk_size # Check internal state before. assert not download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == 7 * chunk_size assert download.total_bytes == 8 * chunk_size # Actually call the method to update. expected_size = end - 7 * chunk_size + 1 data = b"B" * expected_size response = self._mock_response( 7 * chunk_size, end, 8 * chunk_size, content=data, status_code=int(http.client.PARTIAL_CONTENT), ) await download._process_response(response) # Check internal state after. assert download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == end + 1 assert download.bytes_downloaded < download.total_bytes assert download.total_bytes == 8 * chunk_size assert stream.getvalue() == data @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test__process_response_when_content_range_is_zero(self): chunk_size = 10 stream = mock.AsyncMock(spec=["write"]) download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, chunk_size, stream) _fix_up_virtual(download) content_range = _download._ZERO_CONTENT_RANGE_HEADER headers = {"content-range": content_range} status_code = http.client.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE response = mock.AsyncMock( headers=headers, status=status_code, spec=["headers", "status"] ) await download._process_response(response) stream.write.assert_not_called() assert download.finished assert download.bytes_downloaded == 0 assert download.total_bytes is None def test_consume_next_chunk(self): download = _download.ChunkedDownload(EXAMPLE_URL, 256, None) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc_info: download.consume_next_chunk(None) exc_info.match("virtual") class Test__add_bytes_range(object): def test_do_nothing(self): headers = {} ret_val = _download.add_bytes_range(None, None, headers) assert ret_val is None assert headers == {} def test_both_vals(self): headers = {} ret_val = _download.add_bytes_range(17, 1997, headers) assert ret_val is None assert headers == {"range": "bytes=17-1997"} def test_end_only(self): headers = {} ret_val = _download.add_bytes_range(None, 909, headers) assert ret_val is None assert headers == {"range": "bytes=0-909"} def test_start_only(self): headers = {} ret_val = _download.add_bytes_range(3735928559, None, headers) assert ret_val is None assert headers == {"range": "bytes=3735928559-"} def test_start_as_offset(self): headers = {} ret_val = _download.add_bytes_range(-123454321, None, headers) assert ret_val is None assert headers == {"range": "bytes=-123454321"} class Test_get_range_info(object): @staticmethod def _make_response(content_range): headers = {"content-range": content_range} return mock.Mock(headers=headers, spec=["headers"]) def _success_helper(self, **kwargs): content_range = "Bytes 7-11/42" response = self._make_response(content_range) start_byte, end_byte, total_bytes = _download.get_range_info( response, _get_headers, **kwargs ) assert start_byte == 7 assert end_byte == 11 assert total_bytes == 42 def test_success(self): self._success_helper() def test_success_with_callback(self): callback = mock.Mock(spec=[]) self._success_helper(callback=callback) callback.assert_not_called() def _failure_helper(self, **kwargs): content_range = "nope x-6/y" response = self._make_response(content_range) with pytest.raises(common.InvalidResponse) as exc_info: _download.get_range_info(response, _get_headers, **kwargs) error = exc_info.value assert error.response is response assert len(error.args) == 3 assert error.args[1] == content_range def test_failure(self): self._failure_helper() def test_failure_with_callback(self): callback = mock.Mock(spec=[]) self._failure_helper(callback=callback) callback.assert_called_once_with() def _missing_header_helper(self, **kwargs): response = mock.Mock(headers={}, spec=["headers"]) with pytest.raises(common.InvalidResponse) as exc_info: _download.get_range_info(response, _get_headers, **kwargs) error = exc_info.value assert error.response is response assert len(error.args) == 2 assert error.args[1] == "content-range" def test_missing_header(self): self._missing_header_helper() def test_missing_header_with_callback(self): callback = mock.Mock(spec=[]) self._missing_header_helper(callback=callback) callback.assert_called_once_with() class Test__check_for_zero_content_range(object): @staticmethod def _make_response(content_range, status_code): headers = {"content-range": content_range} return mock.AsyncMock( headers=headers, status=status_code, spec=["headers", "status_code"] ) def test_status_code_416_and_test_content_range_zero_both(self): content_range = _download._ZERO_CONTENT_RANGE_HEADER status_code = http.client.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE response = self._make_response(content_range, status_code) assert _download._check_for_zero_content_range( response, _get_status_code, _get_headers ) def test_status_code_416_only(self): content_range = "bytes 2-5/3" status_code = http.client.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE response = self._make_response(content_range, status_code) assert not _download._check_for_zero_content_range( response, _get_status_code, _get_headers ) def test_content_range_zero_only(self): content_range = _download._ZERO_CONTENT_RANGE_HEADER status_code = http.client.OK response = self._make_response(content_range, status_code) assert not _download._check_for_zero_content_range( response, _get_status_code, _get_headers ) def _get_status_code(response): return response.status def _get_headers(response): return response.headers async def _get_body(response): # TODO(asyncio): This code differs from sync. Leaving this comment in case # this difference causes downstream issues. wrapped_response = aiohttp_requests._CombinedResponse(response) content = await wrapped_response.raw_content() return content def _fix_up_virtual(download): download._get_status_code = _get_status_code download._get_headers = _get_headers download._get_body = _get_body def _check_retry_strategy(download): retry_strategy = download._retry_strategy assert isinstance(retry_strategy, common.RetryStrategy) assert retry_strategy.max_sleep == common.MAX_SLEEP assert retry_strategy.max_cumulative_retry == common.MAX_CUMULATIVE_RETRY assert retry_strategy.max_retries is None