import asyncio import base64 import os import socket import ssl import sys from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256 from pathlib import Path from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from typing import Any from unittest import mock from uuid import uuid4 import pytest from aiohttp.http import WS_KEY from aiohttp.test_utils import loop_context try: import trustme # Check if the CA is available in runtime, MacOS on Py3.10 fails somehow trustme.CA() TRUSTME: bool = True except ImportError: TRUSTME = False pytest_plugins = ["aiohttp.pytest_plugin", "pytester"] IS_HPUX = sys.platform.startswith("hp-ux") IS_LINUX = sys.platform.startswith("linux") @pytest.fixture def tls_certificate_authority(): if not TRUSTME: pytest.xfail("trustme is not supported") return trustme.CA() @pytest.fixture def tls_certificate(tls_certificate_authority): return tls_certificate_authority.issue_cert( "localhost", "xn--prklad-4va.localhost", "", "::1", ) @pytest.fixture def ssl_ctx(tls_certificate): ssl_ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) tls_certificate.configure_cert(ssl_ctx) return ssl_ctx @pytest.fixture def client_ssl_ctx(tls_certificate_authority): ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH) tls_certificate_authority.configure_trust(ssl_ctx) return ssl_ctx @pytest.fixture def tls_ca_certificate_pem_path(tls_certificate_authority): with tls_certificate_authority.cert_pem.tempfile() as ca_cert_pem: yield ca_cert_pem @pytest.fixture def tls_certificate_pem_path(tls_certificate): with tls_certificate.private_key_and_cert_chain_pem.tempfile() as cert_pem: yield cert_pem @pytest.fixture def tls_certificate_pem_bytes(tls_certificate): return tls_certificate.cert_chain_pems[0].bytes() @pytest.fixture def tls_certificate_fingerprint_sha256(tls_certificate_pem_bytes): tls_cert_der = ssl.PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(tls_certificate_pem_bytes.decode()) return sha256(tls_cert_der).digest() @pytest.fixture def unix_sockname(tmp_path, tmp_path_factory): """Generate an fs path to the UNIX domain socket for testing. N.B. Different OS kernels have different fs path length limitations for it. For Linux, it's 108, for HP-UX it's 92 (or higher) depending on its version. For for most of the BSDs (Open, Free, macOS) it's mostly 104 but sometimes it can be down to 100. Ref: """ if not hasattr(socket, "AF_UNIX"): pytest.skip("requires UNIX sockets") max_sock_len = 92 if IS_HPUX else 108 if IS_LINUX else 100 """Amount of bytes allocated for the UNIX socket path by OS kernel. Ref: """ sock_file_name = "unix.sock" unique_prefix = f"{uuid4()!s}-" unique_prefix_len = len(unique_prefix.encode()) root_tmp_dir = Path("/tmp").resolve() os_tmp_dir = Path(os.getenv("TMPDIR", "/tmp")).resolve() original_base_tmp_path = Path( str(tmp_path_factory.getbasetemp()), ).resolve() original_base_tmp_path_hash = md5( str(original_base_tmp_path).encode(), ).hexdigest() def make_tmp_dir(base_tmp_dir): return TemporaryDirectory( dir=str(base_tmp_dir), prefix="pt-", suffix=f"-{original_base_tmp_path_hash!s}", ) def assert_sock_fits(sock_path): sock_path_len = len(sock_path.encode()) # exit-check to verify that it's correct and simplify debugging # in the future assert sock_path_len <= max_sock_len, ( "Suggested UNIX socket ({sock_path}) is {sock_path_len} bytes " "long but the current kernel only has {max_sock_len} bytes " "allocated to hold it so it must be shorter. " "See " "for more info." ).format_map(locals()) paths = original_base_tmp_path, os_tmp_dir, root_tmp_dir unique_paths = [p for n, p in enumerate(paths) if p not in paths[:n]] paths_num = len(unique_paths) for num, tmp_dir_path in enumerate(paths, 1): with make_tmp_dir(tmp_dir_path) as tmpd: tmpd = Path(tmpd).resolve() sock_path = str(tmpd / sock_file_name) sock_path_len = len(sock_path.encode()) if num >= paths_num: # exit-check to verify that it's correct and simplify # debugging in the future assert_sock_fits(sock_path) if sock_path_len <= max_sock_len: if max_sock_len - sock_path_len >= unique_prefix_len: # If we're lucky to have extra space in the path, # let's also make it more unique sock_path = str(tmpd / "".join((unique_prefix, sock_file_name))) # Double-checking it: assert_sock_fits(sock_path) yield sock_path return @pytest.fixture def pipe_name(): name = rf"\\.\pipe\{uuid4().hex}" return name @pytest.fixture def create_mocked_conn(loop: Any): def _proto_factory(conn_closing_result=None, **kwargs): proto = mock.Mock(**kwargs) proto.closed = loop.create_future() proto.closed.set_result(conn_closing_result) return proto yield _proto_factory @pytest.fixture def selector_loop(): policy = asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy() asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(policy) with loop_context(policy.new_event_loop) as _loop: asyncio.set_event_loop(_loop) yield _loop @pytest.fixture def netrc_contents( tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, request: pytest.FixtureRequest, ): """ Prepare :file:`.netrc` with given contents. Monkey-patches :envvar:`NETRC` to point to created file. """ netrc_contents = getattr(request, "param", None) netrc_file_path = tmp_path / ".netrc" if netrc_contents is not None: netrc_file_path.write_text(netrc_contents) monkeypatch.setenv("NETRC", str(netrc_file_path)) return netrc_file_path @pytest.fixture def start_connection(): with mock.patch( "aiohttp.connector.aiohappyeyeballs.start_connection", autospec=True, spec_set=True, ) as start_connection_mock: yield start_connection_mock @pytest.fixture def key_data(): return os.urandom(16) @pytest.fixture def key(key_data: Any): return base64.b64encode(key_data) @pytest.fixture def ws_key(key: Any): return base64.b64encode(sha1(key + WS_KEY).digest()).decode()