# Tests for streams.py import abc import asyncio import gc import types from collections import defaultdict from itertools import groupby from unittest import mock import pytest from re_assert import Matches from aiohttp import streams DATA = b"line1\nline2\nline3\n" def chunkify(seq, n): for i in range(0, len(seq), n): yield seq[i : i + n] async def create_stream(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() protocol = mock.Mock(_reading_paused=False) stream = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) stream.feed_data(DATA) stream.feed_eof() return stream @pytest.fixture def protocol(): return mock.Mock(_reading_paused=False) MEMLEAK_SKIP_TYPES = ( *(getattr(types, name) for name in types.__all__ if name.endswith("Type")), mock.Mock, abc.ABCMeta, ) def get_memory_usage(obj): objs = [obj] # Memory leak may be caused by leaked links to same objects. # Without link counting, [1,2,3] is indistinguishable from [1,2,3,3,3,3,3,3] known = defaultdict(int) known[id(obj)] += 1 while objs: refs = gc.get_referents(*objs) objs = [] for obj in refs: if isinstance(obj, MEMLEAK_SKIP_TYPES): continue i = id(obj) known[i] += 1 if known[i] == 1: objs.append(obj) # Make list of unhashable objects uniq objs.sort(key=id) objs = [next(g) for (i, g) in groupby(objs, id)] return sum(known.values()) class TestStreamReader: DATA = b"line1\nline2\nline3\n" def _make_one(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("limit", 2**16) return streams.StreamReader(mock.Mock(_reading_paused=False), *args, **kwargs) async def test_create_waiter(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one(loop=loop) stream._waiter = loop.create_future with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): await stream._wait("test") def test_ctor_global_loop(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) try: stream = streams.StreamReader(mock.Mock(_reading_paused=False), 2**16) assert stream._loop is loop finally: # Otherwise an unstopped/unclosed loop affects the next test # Cleanup, leaks into `test_at_eof` otherwise: loop.stop() loop.run_forever() loop.close() gc.collect() async def test_at_eof(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() assert not stream.at_eof() stream.feed_data(b"some data\n") assert not stream.at_eof() await stream.readline() assert not stream.at_eof() stream.feed_data(b"some data\n") stream.feed_eof() await stream.readline() assert stream.at_eof() async def test_wait_eof(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one() wait_task = loop.create_task(stream.wait_eof()) async def cb(): await asyncio.sleep(0.1) stream.feed_eof() loop.create_task(cb()) await wait_task assert stream.is_eof() assert stream._eof_waiter is None async def test_wait_eof_eof(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_eof() wait_task = loop.create_task(stream.wait_eof()) await wait_task assert stream.is_eof() async def test_feed_empty_data(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"") stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b"" == data async def test_feed_nonempty_data(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(self.DATA) stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert self.DATA == data async def test_read_zero(self) -> None: # Read zero bytes. stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(self.DATA) data = await stream.read(0) assert b"" == data stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert self.DATA == data async def test_read(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Read bytes. stream = self._make_one() read_task = loop.create_task(stream.read(30)) def cb(): stream.feed_data(self.DATA) loop.call_soon(cb) data = await read_task assert self.DATA == data stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b"" == data async def test_read_line_breaks(self) -> None: # Read bytes without line breaks. stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line1") stream.feed_data(b"line2") data = await stream.read(5) assert b"line1" == data data = await stream.read(5) assert b"line2" == data async def test_read_all(self) -> None: # Read all available buffered bytes stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line1") stream.feed_data(b"line2") stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b"line1line2" == data async def test_read_up_to(self) -> None: # Read available buffered bytes up to requested amount stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line1") stream.feed_data(b"line2") data = await stream.read(8) assert b"line1lin" == data data = await stream.read(8) assert b"e2" == data async def test_read_eof(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Read bytes, stop at eof. stream = self._make_one() read_task = loop.create_task(stream.read(1024)) def cb(): stream.feed_eof() loop.call_soon(cb) data = await read_task assert b"" == data data = await stream.read() assert data == b"" async def test_read_eof_infinite(self) -> None: # Read bytes. stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_eof() with mock.patch("aiohttp.streams.internal_logger") as internal_logger: await stream.read() await stream.read() await stream.read() await stream.read() await stream.read() await stream.read() assert internal_logger.warning.called async def test_read_eof_unread_data_no_warning(self) -> None: # Read bytes. stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_eof() with mock.patch("aiohttp.streams.internal_logger") as internal_logger: await stream.read() await stream.read() await stream.read() await stream.read() await stream.read() with pytest.deprecated_call( match=r"^unread_data\(\) is deprecated and will be " r"removed in future releases \(#3260\)$", ): stream.unread_data(b"data") await stream.read() await stream.read() assert not internal_logger.warning.called async def test_read_until_eof(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Read all bytes until eof. stream = self._make_one() read_task = loop.create_task(stream.read(-1)) def cb(): stream.feed_data(b"chunk1\n") stream.feed_data(b"chunk2") stream.feed_eof() loop.call_soon(cb) data = await read_task assert b"chunk1\nchunk2" == data data = await stream.read() assert b"" == data async def test_read_exception(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line\n") data = await stream.read(2) assert b"li" == data stream.set_exception(ValueError()) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await stream.read(2) async def test_readline(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Read one line. 'readline' will need to wait for the data # to come from 'cb' stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"chunk1 ") read_task = loop.create_task(stream.readline()) def cb(): stream.feed_data(b"chunk2 ") stream.feed_data(b"chunk3 ") stream.feed_data(b"\n chunk4") loop.call_soon(cb) line = await read_task assert b"chunk1 chunk2 chunk3 \n" == line stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b" chunk4" == data async def test_readline_limit_with_existing_data(self) -> None: # Read one line. The data is in StreamReader's buffer # before the event loop is run. stream = self._make_one(limit=2) stream.feed_data(b"li") stream.feed_data(b"ne1\nline2\n") with pytest.raises(ValueError): await stream.readline() # The buffer should contain the remaining data after exception stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b"line2\n" == data async def test_readline_limit(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Read one line. StreamReaders are fed with data after # their 'readline' methods are called. stream = self._make_one(limit=4) def cb(): stream.feed_data(b"chunk1") stream.feed_data(b"chunk2\n") stream.feed_data(b"chunk3\n") stream.feed_eof() loop.call_soon(cb) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await stream.readline() data = await stream.read() assert b"chunk3\n" == data async def test_readline_nolimit_nowait(self) -> None: # All needed data for the first 'readline' call will be # in the buffer. stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(self.DATA[:6]) stream.feed_data(self.DATA[6:]) line = await stream.readline() assert b"line1\n" == line stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b"line2\nline3\n" == data async def test_readline_eof(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"some data") stream.feed_eof() line = await stream.readline() assert b"some data" == line async def test_readline_empty_eof(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_eof() line = await stream.readline() assert b"" == line async def test_readline_read_byte_count(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(self.DATA) await stream.readline() data = await stream.read(7) assert b"line2\nl" == data stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b"ine3\n" == data async def test_readline_exception(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line\n") data = await stream.readline() assert b"line\n" == data stream.set_exception(ValueError()) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await stream.readline() @pytest.mark.parametrize("separator", [b"*", b"**"]) async def test_readuntil(self, separator: bytes) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Read one chunk. 'readuntil' will need to wait for the data # to come from 'cb' stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"chunk1 ") read_task = loop.create_task(stream.readuntil(separator)) def cb(): stream.feed_data(b"chunk2 ") stream.feed_data(b"chunk3 ") stream.feed_data(separator + b" chunk4") loop.call_soon(cb) line = await read_task assert b"chunk1 chunk2 chunk3 " + separator == line stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b" chunk4" == data @pytest.mark.parametrize("separator", [b"&", b"&&"]) async def test_readuntil_limit_with_existing_data(self, separator: bytes) -> None: # Read one chunk. The data is in StreamReader's buffer # before the event loop is run. stream = self._make_one(limit=2) stream.feed_data(b"li") stream.feed_data(b"ne1" + separator + b"line2" + separator) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await stream.readuntil(separator) # The buffer should contain the remaining data after exception stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b"line2" + separator == data @pytest.mark.parametrize("separator", [b"$", b"$$"]) async def test_readuntil_limit(self, separator: bytes) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Read one chunk. StreamReaders are fed with data after # their 'readuntil' methods are called. stream = self._make_one(limit=4) def cb(): stream.feed_data(b"chunk1") stream.feed_data(b"chunk2" + separator) stream.feed_data(b"chunk3#") stream.feed_eof() loop.call_soon(cb) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Chunk too big"): await stream.readuntil(separator) data = await stream.read() assert b"chunk3#" == data @pytest.mark.parametrize("separator", [b"!", b"!!"]) async def test_readuntil_nolimit_nowait(self, separator: bytes) -> None: # All needed data for the first 'readuntil' call will be # in the buffer. seplen = len(separator) stream = self._make_one() data = b"line1" + separator + b"line2" + separator + b"line3" + separator stream.feed_data(data[: 5 + seplen]) stream.feed_data(data[5 + seplen :]) line = await stream.readuntil(separator) assert b"line1" + separator == line stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b"line2" + separator + b"line3" + separator == data @pytest.mark.parametrize("separator", [b"@", b"@@"]) async def test_readuntil_eof(self, separator: bytes) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"some data") stream.feed_eof() line = await stream.readuntil(separator) assert b"some data" == line @pytest.mark.parametrize("separator", [b"@", b"@@"]) async def test_readuntil_empty_eof(self, separator: bytes) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_eof() line = await stream.readuntil(separator) assert b"" == line @pytest.mark.parametrize("separator", [b"!", b"!!"]) async def test_readuntil_read_byte_count(self, separator: bytes) -> None: seplen = len(separator) stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data( b"line1" + separator + b"line2" + separator + b"line3" + separator ) await stream.readuntil(separator) data = await stream.read(6 + seplen) assert b"line2" + separator + b"l" == data stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b"ine3" + separator == data @pytest.mark.parametrize("separator", [b"#", b"##"]) async def test_readuntil_exception(self, separator: bytes) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line" + separator) data = await stream.readuntil(separator) assert b"line" + separator == data stream.set_exception(ValueError("Another exception")) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Another exception"): await stream.readuntil(separator) async def test_readexactly_zero_or_less(self) -> None: # Read exact number of bytes (zero or less). stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(self.DATA) data = await stream.readexactly(0) assert b"" == data stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert self.DATA == data stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(self.DATA) data = await stream.readexactly(-1) assert b"" == data stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert self.DATA == data async def test_readexactly(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Read exact number of bytes. stream = self._make_one() n = 2 * len(self.DATA) read_task = loop.create_task(stream.readexactly(n)) def cb(): stream.feed_data(self.DATA) stream.feed_data(self.DATA) stream.feed_data(self.DATA) loop.call_soon(cb) data = await read_task assert self.DATA + self.DATA == data stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert self.DATA == data async def test_readexactly_eof(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Read exact number of bytes (eof). stream = self._make_one(loop=loop) n = 2 * len(self.DATA) read_task = loop.create_task(stream.readexactly(n)) def cb(): stream.feed_data(self.DATA) stream.feed_eof() loop.call_soon(cb) with pytest.raises(asyncio.IncompleteReadError) as cm: await read_task assert cm.value.partial == self.DATA assert cm.value.expected == n assert str(cm.value) == "18 bytes read on a total of 36 expected bytes" data = await stream.read() assert b"" == data async def test_readexactly_exception(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line\n") data = await stream.readexactly(2) assert b"li" == data stream.set_exception(ValueError()) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await stream.readexactly(2) async def test_unread_data(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line1") stream.feed_data(b"line2") stream.feed_data(b"onemoreline") data = await stream.read(5) assert b"line1" == data with pytest.deprecated_call( match=r"^unread_data\(\) is deprecated and will be " r"removed in future releases \(#3260\)$", ): stream.unread_data(data) data = await stream.read(5) assert b"line1" == data data = await stream.read(4) assert b"line" == data with pytest.deprecated_call( match=r"^unread_data\(\) is deprecated and will be " r"removed in future releases \(#3260\)$", ): stream.unread_data(b"line1line") data = b"" while len(data) < 10: data += await stream.read(10) assert b"line1line2" == data data = await stream.read(7) assert b"onemore" == data with pytest.deprecated_call( match=r"^unread_data\(\) is deprecated and will be " r"removed in future releases \(#3260\)$", ): stream.unread_data(data) data = b"" while len(data) < 11: data += await stream.read(11) assert b"onemoreline" == data with pytest.deprecated_call( match=r"^unread_data\(\) is deprecated and will be " r"removed in future releases \(#3260\)$", ): stream.unread_data(b"line") data = await stream.read(4) assert b"line" == data stream.feed_eof() with pytest.deprecated_call( match=r"^unread_data\(\) is deprecated and will be " r"removed in future releases \(#3260\)$", ): stream.unread_data(b"at_eof") data = await stream.read(6) assert b"at_eof" == data async def test_exception(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() assert stream.exception() is None exc = ValueError() stream.set_exception(exc) assert stream.exception() is exc async def test_exception_waiter(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one() async def set_err(): stream.set_exception(ValueError()) t1 = loop.create_task(stream.readline()) t2 = loop.create_task(set_err()) await asyncio.wait([t1, t2]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): t1.result() async def test_exception_cancel(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one() async def read_a_line(): await stream.readline() t = loop.create_task(read_a_line()) await asyncio.sleep(0) t.cancel() await asyncio.sleep(0) # The following line fails if set_exception() isn't careful. stream.set_exception(RuntimeError("message")) await asyncio.sleep(0) assert stream._waiter is None async def test_readany_eof(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one() read_task = loop.create_task(stream.readany()) loop.call_soon(stream.feed_data, b"chunk1\n") data = await read_task assert b"chunk1\n" == data stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b"" == data async def test_readany_empty_eof(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_eof() read_task = loop.create_task(stream.readany()) data = await read_task assert b"" == data async def test_readany_exception(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line\n") data = await stream.readany() assert b"line\n" == data stream.set_exception(ValueError()) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await stream.readany() async def test_read_nowait(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line1\nline2\n") assert stream.read_nowait() == b"line1\nline2\n" assert stream.read_nowait() == b"" stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b"" == data async def test_read_nowait_n(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line1\nline2\n") assert stream.read_nowait(4) == b"line" assert stream.read_nowait() == b"1\nline2\n" assert stream.read_nowait() == b"" stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert b"" == data async def test_read_nowait_exception(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line\n") stream.set_exception(ValueError()) with pytest.raises(ValueError): stream.read_nowait() async def test_read_nowait_waiter(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line\n") stream._waiter = loop.create_future() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): stream.read_nowait() async def test_readchunk(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one() def cb(): stream.feed_data(b"chunk1") stream.feed_data(b"chunk2") stream.feed_eof() loop.call_soon(cb) data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"chunk1" == data assert not end_of_chunk data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"chunk2" == data assert not end_of_chunk data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"" == data assert not end_of_chunk async def test_readchunk_wait_eof(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one() async def cb(): await asyncio.sleep(0.1) stream.feed_eof() loop.create_task(cb()) data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"" == data assert not end_of_chunk assert stream.is_eof() async def test_begin_and_end_chunk_receiving(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"part1") stream.feed_data(b"part2") stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"part1part2" == data assert end_of_chunk stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"part3") data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"part3" == data assert not end_of_chunk stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"" == data assert end_of_chunk stream.feed_eof() data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"" == data assert not end_of_chunk async def test_readany_chunk_end_race(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"part1") data = await stream.readany() assert data == b"part1" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() task = loop.create_task(stream.readany()) # Give a chance for task to create waiter and start waiting for it. await asyncio.sleep(0.1) assert stream._waiter is not None assert not task.done() # Just for sure. # This will trigger waiter, but without feeding any data. # The stream should re-create waiter again. stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() # Give a chance for task to resolve. # If everything is OK, previous action SHOULD NOT resolve the task. await asyncio.sleep(0.1) assert not task.done() # The actual test. stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() # This SHOULD unblock the task actually. stream.feed_data(b"part2") stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() data = await task assert data == b"part2" async def test_end_chunk_receiving_without_begin(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() async def test_readchunk_with_unread(self) -> None: # Test that stream.unread does not break controlled chunk receiving. stream = self._make_one() # Send 2 chunks stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"part1") stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"part2") stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() # Read only one chunk data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() # Try to unread a part of the first chunk with pytest.deprecated_call( match=r"^unread_data\(\) is deprecated and will be " r"removed in future releases \(#3260\)$", ): stream.unread_data(b"rt1") # The end_of_chunk signal was already received for the first chunk, # so we receive up to the second one data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"rt1part2" == data assert end_of_chunk # Unread a part of the second chunk with pytest.deprecated_call( match=r"^unread_data\(\) is deprecated and will be " r"removed in future releases \(#3260\)$", ): stream.unread_data(b"rt2") data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"rt2" == data # end_of_chunk was already received for this chunk assert not end_of_chunk stream.feed_eof() data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"" == data assert not end_of_chunk async def test_readchunk_with_other_read_calls(self) -> None: # Test that stream.readchunk works when other read calls are made on # the stream. stream = self._make_one() stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"part1") stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"part2") stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"part3") stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() data = await stream.read(7) assert b"part1pa" == data data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"rt2" == data assert end_of_chunk # Corner case between read/readchunk data = await stream.read(5) assert b"part3" == data data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"" == data assert end_of_chunk stream.feed_eof() data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"" == data assert not end_of_chunk async def test_chunksplits_memory_leak(self) -> None: # Test for memory leak on chunksplits stream = self._make_one() N = 500 # Warm-up variables stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"Y" * N) stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() await stream.read(N) N = 300 before = get_memory_usage(stream) for _ in range(N): stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"X") stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() await stream.read(N) after = get_memory_usage(stream) assert abs(after - before) == 0 async def test_read_empty_chunks(self) -> None: # Test that feeding empty chunks does not break stream stream = self._make_one() # Simulate empty first chunk. This is significant special case stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"ungzipped") stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() # Possible when compression is enabled. stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() # is also possible stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b" data") stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_eof() data = await stream.read() assert data == b"ungzipped data" async def test_readchunk_separate_http_chunk_tail(self) -> None: # Test that stream.readchunk returns (b'', True) when end of # http chunk received after body loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one() stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"part1") data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"part1" == data assert not end_of_chunk async def cb(): await asyncio.sleep(0.1) stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() loop.create_task(cb()) data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"" == data assert end_of_chunk stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"part2") data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"part2" == data assert not end_of_chunk stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"part3") stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"" == data assert end_of_chunk data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"part3" == data assert end_of_chunk stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(b"part4") data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"part4" == data assert not end_of_chunk async def cb(): await asyncio.sleep(0.1) stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_eof() loop.create_task(cb()) data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"" == data assert end_of_chunk data, end_of_chunk = await stream.readchunk() assert b"" == data assert not end_of_chunk async def test___repr__(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() assert "" == repr(stream) async def test___repr__nondefault_limit(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one(limit=123) assert "" == repr(stream) async def test___repr__eof(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_eof() assert "" == repr(stream) async def test___repr__data(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"data") assert "" == repr(stream) async def test___repr__exception(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one(loop=loop) exc = RuntimeError() stream.set_exception(exc) assert "" == repr(stream) async def test___repr__waiter(self) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = self._make_one() stream._waiter = loop.create_future() assert Matches(r">") == repr(stream) stream._waiter.set_result(None) await stream._waiter stream._waiter = None assert "" == repr(stream) async def test_unread_empty(self) -> None: stream = self._make_one() stream.feed_data(b"line1") stream.feed_eof() with pytest.deprecated_call( match=r"^unread_data\(\) is deprecated and will be " r"removed in future releases \(#3260\)$", ): stream.unread_data(b"") data = await stream.read(5) assert b"line1" == data assert stream.at_eof() async def test_empty_stream_reader() -> None: s = streams.EmptyStreamReader() assert str(s) is not None assert s.set_exception(ValueError()) is None assert s.exception() is None assert s.feed_eof() is None assert s.feed_data(b"data") is None assert s.at_eof() assert (await s.wait_eof()) is None assert await s.read() == b"" assert await s.readline() == b"" assert await s.readany() == b"" assert await s.readchunk() == (b"", False) assert await s.readchunk() == (b"", True) with pytest.raises(asyncio.IncompleteReadError): await s.readexactly(10) assert s.read_nowait() == b"" async def test_empty_stream_reader_iter_chunks() -> None: s = streams.EmptyStreamReader() # check that iter_chunks() does not cause infinite loop iter_chunks = s.iter_chunks() with pytest.raises(StopAsyncIteration): await iter_chunks.__anext__() @pytest.fixture async def buffer(loop): return streams.DataQueue(loop) class TestDataQueue: def test_is_eof(self, buffer) -> None: assert not buffer.is_eof() buffer.feed_eof() assert buffer.is_eof() def test_at_eof(self, buffer) -> None: assert not buffer.at_eof() buffer.feed_eof() assert buffer.at_eof() buffer._buffer.append(object()) assert not buffer.at_eof() def test_feed_data(self, buffer) -> None: item = object() buffer.feed_data(item, 1) assert [(item, 1)] == list(buffer._buffer) def test_feed_eof(self, buffer) -> None: buffer.feed_eof() assert buffer._eof async def test_read(self, buffer) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() item = object() def cb(): buffer.feed_data(item, 1) loop.call_soon(cb) data = await buffer.read() assert item is data async def test_read_eof(self, buffer) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() def cb(): buffer.feed_eof() loop.call_soon(cb) with pytest.raises(streams.EofStream): await buffer.read() async def test_read_cancelled(self, buffer) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() read_task = loop.create_task(buffer.read()) await asyncio.sleep(0) waiter = buffer._waiter assert asyncio.isfuture(waiter) read_task.cancel() with pytest.raises(asyncio.CancelledError): await read_task assert waiter.cancelled() assert buffer._waiter is None buffer.feed_data(b"test", 4) assert buffer._waiter is None async def test_read_until_eof(self, buffer) -> None: item = object() buffer.feed_data(item, 1) buffer.feed_eof() data = await buffer.read() assert data is item with pytest.raises(streams.EofStream): await buffer.read() async def test_read_exc(self, buffer) -> None: item = object() buffer.feed_data(item) buffer.set_exception(ValueError) data = await buffer.read() assert item is data with pytest.raises(ValueError): await buffer.read() async def test_read_exception(self, buffer) -> None: buffer.set_exception(ValueError()) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await buffer.read() async def test_read_exception_with_data(self, buffer) -> None: val = object() buffer.feed_data(val, 1) buffer.set_exception(ValueError()) assert val is (await buffer.read()) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await buffer.read() async def test_read_exception_on_wait(self, buffer) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() read_task = loop.create_task(buffer.read()) await asyncio.sleep(0) assert asyncio.isfuture(buffer._waiter) buffer.feed_eof() buffer.set_exception(ValueError()) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await read_task def test_exception(self, buffer) -> None: assert buffer.exception() is None exc = ValueError() buffer.set_exception(exc) assert buffer.exception() is exc async def test_exception_waiter(self, buffer) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async def set_err(): buffer.set_exception(ValueError()) t1 = loop.create_task(buffer.read()) t2 = loop.create_task(set_err()) await asyncio.wait([t1, t2]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): t1.result() async def test_feed_data_waiters(protocol) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) waiter = reader._waiter = loop.create_future() eof_waiter = reader._eof_waiter = loop.create_future() reader.feed_data(b"1") assert list(reader._buffer) == [b"1"] assert reader._size == 1 assert reader.total_bytes == 1 assert waiter.done() assert not eof_waiter.done() assert reader._waiter is None assert reader._eof_waiter is eof_waiter async def test_feed_data_completed_waiters(protocol) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) waiter = reader._waiter = loop.create_future() waiter.set_result(1) reader.feed_data(b"1") assert reader._waiter is None async def test_feed_eof_waiters(protocol) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) waiter = reader._waiter = loop.create_future() eof_waiter = reader._eof_waiter = loop.create_future() reader.feed_eof() assert reader._eof assert waiter.done() assert eof_waiter.done() assert reader._waiter is None assert reader._eof_waiter is None async def test_feed_eof_cancelled(protocol) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) waiter = reader._waiter = loop.create_future() eof_waiter = reader._eof_waiter = loop.create_future() waiter.set_result(1) eof_waiter.set_result(1) reader.feed_eof() assert waiter.done() assert eof_waiter.done() assert reader._waiter is None assert reader._eof_waiter is None async def test_on_eof(protocol) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) on_eof = mock.Mock() reader.on_eof(on_eof) assert not on_eof.called reader.feed_eof() assert on_eof.called async def test_on_eof_empty_reader() -> None: reader = streams.EmptyStreamReader() on_eof = mock.Mock() reader.on_eof(on_eof) assert on_eof.called async def test_on_eof_exc_in_callback(protocol) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) on_eof = mock.Mock() on_eof.side_effect = ValueError reader.on_eof(on_eof) assert not on_eof.called reader.feed_eof() assert on_eof.called assert not reader._eof_callbacks async def test_on_eof_exc_in_callback_empty_stream_reader() -> None: reader = streams.EmptyStreamReader() on_eof = mock.Mock() on_eof.side_effect = ValueError reader.on_eof(on_eof) assert on_eof.called async def test_on_eof_eof_is_set(protocol) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) reader.feed_eof() on_eof = mock.Mock() reader.on_eof(on_eof) assert on_eof.called assert not reader._eof_callbacks async def test_on_eof_eof_is_set_exception(protocol) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) reader.feed_eof() on_eof = mock.Mock() on_eof.side_effect = ValueError reader.on_eof(on_eof) assert on_eof.called assert not reader._eof_callbacks async def test_set_exception(protocol) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) waiter = reader._waiter = loop.create_future() eof_waiter = reader._eof_waiter = loop.create_future() exc = ValueError() reader.set_exception(exc) assert waiter.exception() is exc assert eof_waiter.exception() is exc assert reader._waiter is None assert reader._eof_waiter is None async def test_set_exception_cancelled(protocol) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) waiter = reader._waiter = loop.create_future() eof_waiter = reader._eof_waiter = loop.create_future() waiter.set_result(1) eof_waiter.set_result(1) exc = ValueError() reader.set_exception(exc) assert waiter.exception() is None assert eof_waiter.exception() is None assert reader._waiter is None assert reader._eof_waiter is None async def test_set_exception_eof_callbacks(protocol) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) on_eof = mock.Mock() reader.on_eof(on_eof) reader.set_exception(ValueError()) assert not on_eof.called assert not reader._eof_callbacks async def test_stream_reader_lines() -> None: line_iter = iter(DATA.splitlines(keepends=True)) async for line in await create_stream(): assert line == next(line_iter, None) pytest.raises(StopIteration, next, line_iter) async def test_stream_reader_chunks_complete() -> None: # Tests if chunked iteration works if the chunking works out # (i.e. the data is divisible by the chunk size) chunk_iter = chunkify(DATA, 9) async for data in (await create_stream()).iter_chunked(9): assert data == next(chunk_iter, None) pytest.raises(StopIteration, next, chunk_iter) async def test_stream_reader_chunks_incomplete() -> None: # Tests if chunked iteration works if the last chunk is incomplete chunk_iter = chunkify(DATA, 8) async for data in (await create_stream()).iter_chunked(8): assert data == next(chunk_iter, None) pytest.raises(StopIteration, next, chunk_iter) async def test_data_queue_empty() -> None: # Tests that async looping yields nothing if nothing is there loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() buffer = streams.DataQueue(loop) buffer.feed_eof() async for _ in buffer: assert False async def test_data_queue_items() -> None: # Tests that async looping yields objects identically loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() buffer = streams.DataQueue(loop) items = [object(), object()] buffer.feed_data(items[0], 1) buffer.feed_data(items[1], 1) buffer.feed_eof() item_iter = iter(items) async for item in buffer: assert item is next(item_iter, None) pytest.raises(StopIteration, next, item_iter) async def test_stream_reader_iter_any() -> None: it = iter([b"line1\nline2\nline3\n"]) async for raw in (await create_stream()).iter_any(): assert raw == next(it) pytest.raises(StopIteration, next, it) async def test_stream_reader_iter() -> None: it = iter([b"line1\n", b"line2\n", b"line3\n"]) async for raw in await create_stream(): assert raw == next(it) pytest.raises(StopIteration, next, it) async def test_stream_reader_iter_chunks_no_chunked_encoding() -> None: it = iter([b"line1\nline2\nline3\n"]) async for data, end_of_chunk in (await create_stream()).iter_chunks(): assert (data, end_of_chunk) == (next(it), False) pytest.raises(StopIteration, next, it) async def test_stream_reader_iter_chunks_chunked_encoding(protocol) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() stream = streams.StreamReader(protocol, 2**16, loop=loop) for line in DATA.splitlines(keepends=True): stream.begin_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_data(line) stream.end_http_chunk_receiving() stream.feed_eof() it = iter([b"line1\n", b"line2\n", b"line3\n"]) async for data, end_of_chunk in stream.iter_chunks(): assert (data, end_of_chunk) == (next(it), True) pytest.raises(StopIteration, next, it) def test_isinstance_check() -> None: assert isinstance(streams.EMPTY_PAYLOAD, streams.StreamReader)