--- ci: autoupdate_schedule: quarterly repos: - repo: https://github.com/python-jsonschema/check-jsonschema.git rev: 0.27.3 hooks: - id: check-github-workflows files: ^\.github/workflows/[^/]+$ types: - yaml - id: check-jsonschema alias: check-github-workflows-timeout name: Check GitHub Workflows set timeout-minutes args: - --builtin-schema - github-workflows-require-timeout files: ^\.github/workflows/[^/]+$ types: - yaml - id: check-readthedocs - repo: https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint.git rev: v1.33.0 hooks: - id: yamllint args: - --strict - repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8.git rev: 7.0.0 hooks: - id: flake8 alias: flake8-no-wps name: flake8 WPS-excluded additional_dependencies: - flake8-pyi ~= 24.1.0 - flake8-pytest-style ~= 1.7.2 - repo: local hooks: - id: top-level-tests-init-py name: there must be not top-level `__init__.py` in `tests/` language: fail entry: >- The `tests/__init__.py` module must not exist so `pytest` doesn't add the project root to `sys.path` / `$PYTHONPATH` files: >- (?x) ^ tests/__init__\.py $ types: [] types_or: - file - symlink - id: changelogs-rst name: changelog filenames language: fail entry: >- Changelog files must be named ####.( bugfix | feature | deprecation | breaking | doc | packaging | contrib | misc )(.#)?(.rst)? exclude: >- (?x) ^ CHANGES/( \.gitignore |(\d+|[0-9a-f]{8}|[0-9a-f]{7}|[0-9a-f]{40})\.( bugfix |feature |deprecation |breaking |doc |packaging |contrib |misc )(\.\d+)?(\.rst)? |README\.rst |\.TEMPLATE\.rst ) $ files: ^CHANGES/ types: [] types_or: - file - symlink - id: changelogs-user-role name: Changelog files should use a non-broken :user:`name` role language: pygrep entry: :user:([^`]+`?|`[^`]+[\s,]) pass_filenames: true types: - file - rst - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-mypy.git rev: v1.7.1 hooks: - id: mypy alias: mypy-py313 name: MyPy, for Python 3.13 additional_dependencies: - types-docutils - lxml # dep of `--txt-report`, `--cobertura-xml-report` & `--html-report` - pytest - Sphinx >= 5.3.0 args: - --python-version=3.13 - --txt-report=.tox/.tmp/.mypy/python-3.13 - --cobertura-xml-report=.tox/.tmp/.mypy/python-3.13 - --html-report=.tox/.tmp/.mypy/python-3.13 pass_filenames: false - id: mypy alias: mypy-py311 name: MyPy, for Python 3.11 additional_dependencies: - types-docutils - lxml # dep of `--txt-report`, `--cobertura-xml-report` & `--html-report` - pytest - Sphinx >= 5.3.0 args: - --python-version=3.11 - --txt-report=.tox/.tmp/.mypy/python-3.11 - --cobertura-xml-report=.tox/.tmp/.mypy/python-3.11 - --html-report=.tox/.tmp/.mypy/python-3.11 pass_filenames: false - id: mypy alias: mypy-py39 name: MyPy, for Python 3.9 additional_dependencies: - types-docutils - lxml # dep of `--txt-report`, `--cobertura-xml-report` & `--html-report` - pytest - Sphinx >= 5.3.0 args: - --python-version=3.9 - --txt-report=.tox/.tmp/.mypy/python-3.9 - --cobertura-xml-report=.tox/.tmp/.mypy/python-3.9 - --html-report=.tox/.tmp/.mypy/python-3.9 pass_filenames: false - id: mypy alias: mypy-py37 name: MyPy, for Python 3.7 additional_dependencies: - types-docutils - lxml # dep of `--txt-report`, `--cobertura-xml-report` & `--html-report` - pytest < 8 - Sphinx >= 5.3.0, < 6 args: - --python-version=3.7 - --txt-report=.tox/.tmp/.mypy/python-3.7 - --cobertura-xml-report=.tox/.tmp/.mypy/python-3.7 - --html-report=.tox/.tmp/.mypy/python-3.7 pass_filenames: false ...