# Copyright 2018 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import itertools import pytest import proto def test_message_constructor_instance(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=1) foo_original = Foo(bar=42) foo_copy = Foo(foo_original) assert foo_original.bar == foo_copy.bar == 42 assert foo_original == foo_copy assert foo_original is not foo_copy assert isinstance(foo_original, Foo) assert isinstance(foo_copy, Foo) assert isinstance(Foo.pb(foo_copy), Foo.pb()) def test_message_constructor_underlying_pb2(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=1) foo_pb2 = Foo.pb()(bar=42) foo = Foo(foo_pb2) assert foo.bar == Foo.pb(foo).bar == foo_pb2.bar == 42 assert foo == foo_pb2 # Not communitive. Nothing we can do about that. assert foo_pb2 == Foo.pb(foo) assert foo_pb2 is not Foo.pb(foo) assert isinstance(foo, Foo) assert isinstance(Foo.pb(foo), Foo.pb()) assert isinstance(foo_pb2, Foo.pb()) def test_message_constructor_underlying_pb2_and_kwargs(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=1) foo_pb2 = Foo.pb()(bar=42) foo = Foo(foo_pb2, bar=99) assert foo.bar == Foo.pb(foo).bar == 99 assert foo_pb2.bar == 42 assert isinstance(foo, Foo) assert isinstance(Foo.pb(foo), Foo.pb()) assert isinstance(foo_pb2, Foo.pb()) def test_message_constructor_dict(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=1) foo = Foo({"bar": 42}) assert foo.bar == Foo.pb(foo).bar == 42 assert foo != {"bar": 42} assert isinstance(foo, Foo) assert isinstance(Foo.pb(foo), Foo.pb()) def test_message_constructor_kwargs(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=1) foo = Foo(bar=42) assert foo.bar == Foo.pb(foo).bar == 42 assert isinstance(foo, Foo) assert isinstance(Foo.pb(foo), Foo.pb()) def test_message_constructor_invalid(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=1) with pytest.raises(TypeError): Foo(object()) def test_message_constructor_explicit_qualname(): class Foo(proto.Message): __qualname__ = "Foo" bar = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=1) foo_original = Foo(bar=42) foo_copy = Foo(foo_original) assert foo_original.bar == foo_copy.bar == 42 assert foo_original == foo_copy assert foo_original is not foo_copy assert isinstance(foo_original, Foo) assert isinstance(foo_copy, Foo) assert isinstance(Foo.pb(foo_copy), Foo.pb()) def test_message_contains_primitive(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=1) assert "bar" in Foo(bar=42) assert "bar" not in Foo(bar=0) assert "bar" not in Foo() def test_message_contains_composite(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=1) class Baz(proto.Message): foo = proto.Field(proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message=Foo) assert "foo" in Baz(foo=Foo(bar=42)) assert "foo" in Baz(foo=Foo()) assert "foo" not in Baz() def test_message_contains_repeated_primitive(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.RepeatedField(proto.INT64, number=1) assert "bar" in Foo(bar=[1, 1, 2, 3, 5]) assert "bar" in Foo(bar=[0]) assert "bar" not in Foo(bar=[]) assert "bar" not in Foo() def test_message_contains_repeated_composite(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=1) class Baz(proto.Message): foo = proto.RepeatedField(proto.MESSAGE, number=1, message=Foo) assert "foo" in Baz(foo=[Foo(bar=42)]) assert "foo" in Baz(foo=[Foo()]) assert "foo" not in Baz(foo=[]) assert "foo" not in Baz() def test_message_eq_primitives(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) baz = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=2) bacon = proto.Field(proto.BOOL, number=3) assert Foo() == Foo() assert Foo(bar=42, baz="42") == Foo(bar=42, baz="42") assert Foo(bar=42, baz="42") != Foo(baz="42") assert Foo(bar=42, bacon=True) == Foo(bar=42, bacon=True) assert Foo(bar=42, bacon=True) != Foo(bar=42) assert Foo(bar=42, baz="42", bacon=True) != Foo(bar=42, bacon=True) assert Foo(bacon=False) == Foo() assert Foo(bacon=True) != Foo(bacon=False) assert Foo(bar=21 * 2) == Foo(bar=42) assert Foo() == Foo(bar=0) assert Foo() == Foo(bar=0, baz="", bacon=False) assert Foo() != Foo(bar=0, baz="0", bacon=False) def test_message_serialize(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) baz = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=2) bacon = proto.Field(proto.BOOL, number=3) foo = Foo(bar=42, bacon=True) assert Foo.serialize(foo) == Foo.pb(foo).SerializeToString() def test_message_dict_serialize(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) baz = proto.Field(proto.STRING, number=2) bacon = proto.Field(proto.BOOL, number=3) foo = {"bar": 42, "bacon": True} assert Foo.serialize(foo) == Foo.pb(foo, coerce=True).SerializeToString() def test_message_deserialize(): class OldFoo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) class NewFoo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT64, number=1) serialized = OldFoo.serialize(OldFoo(bar=42)) new_foo = NewFoo.deserialize(serialized) assert isinstance(new_foo, NewFoo) assert new_foo.bar == 42 def test_message_pb(): class Foo(proto.Message): bar = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) assert isinstance(Foo.pb(Foo()), Foo.pb()) with pytest.raises(TypeError): Foo.pb(object()) def test_invalid_field_access(): class Squid(proto.Message): mass_kg = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) s = Squid() with pytest.raises(AttributeError): getattr(s, "shell") def test_setattr(): class Squid(proto.Message): mass_kg = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) s1 = Squid() s2 = Squid(mass_kg=20) s1._pb = s2._pb assert s1.mass_kg == 20 def test_serialize_to_dict(): class Squid(proto.Message): # Test primitives, enums, and repeated fields. class Chromatophore(proto.Message): class Color(proto.Enum): UNKNOWN = 0 RED = 1 BROWN = 2 WHITE = 3 BLUE = 4 color = proto.Field(Color, number=1) mass_kg = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) chromatophores = proto.RepeatedField(Chromatophore, number=2) s = Squid(mass_kg=20) colors = ["RED", "BROWN", "WHITE", "BLUE"] s.chromatophores = [ {"color": c} for c in itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(colors), 10) ] s_dict = Squid.to_dict(s) assert s_dict["chromatophores"][0]["color"] == 1 new_s = Squid(s_dict) assert new_s == s s_dict = Squid.to_dict(s, use_integers_for_enums=False) assert s_dict["chromatophores"][0]["color"] == "RED" s_new_2 = Squid(mass_kg=20) s_dict_2 = Squid.to_dict(s_new_2, including_default_value_fields=False) expected_dict = {"mass_kg": 20} assert s_dict_2 == expected_dict s_dict_2 = Squid.to_dict(s_new_2, always_print_fields_with_no_presence=False) expected_dict = {"mass_kg": 20} assert s_dict_2 == expected_dict s_dict_2 = Squid.to_dict( s_new_2, including_default_value_fields=False, always_print_fields_with_no_presence=False, ) expected_dict = {"mass_kg": 20} assert s_dict_2 == expected_dict s_dict_2 = Squid.to_dict( s_new_2, including_default_value_fields=True, ) expected_dict = {"mass_kg": 20, "chromatophores": []} assert s_dict_2 == expected_dict s_dict_2 = Squid.to_dict( s_new_2, always_print_fields_with_no_presence=True, ) expected_dict = {"mass_kg": 20, "chromatophores": []} assert s_dict_2 == expected_dict s_dict_2 = Squid.to_dict( s_new_2, including_default_value_fields=True, always_print_fields_with_no_presence=True, ) expected_dict = {"mass_kg": 20, "chromatophores": []} assert s_dict_2 == expected_dict s_dict_2 = Squid.to_dict(s_new_2) expected_dict = {"mass_kg": 20, "chromatophores": []} assert s_dict_2 == expected_dict with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Arguments.*always_print_fields_with_no_presence.*including_default_value_fields.*must match", ): s_dict_2 = Squid.to_dict( s_new_2, including_default_value_fields=True, always_print_fields_with_no_presence=False, ) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Arguments.*always_print_fields_with_no_presence.*including_default_value_fields.*must match", ): s_dict_2 = Squid.to_dict( s_new_2, including_default_value_fields=False, always_print_fields_with_no_presence=True, ) # TODO: https://github.com/googleapis/proto-plus-python/issues/390 def test_serialize_to_dict_float_precision(): class Squid(proto.Message): mass_kg = proto.Field(proto.FLOAT, number=1) s = Squid(mass_kg=3.14159265) s_dict = Squid.to_dict(s, float_precision=3) assert s_dict["mass_kg"] == 3.14 def test_unknown_field_deserialize(): # This is a somewhat common setup: a client uses an older proto definition, # while the server sends the newer definition. The client still needs to be # able to interact with the protos it receives from the server. class Octopus_Old(proto.Message): mass_kg = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) class Octopus_New(proto.Message): mass_kg = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) length_cm = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=2) o_new = Octopus_New(mass_kg=20, length_cm=100) o_ser = Octopus_New.serialize(o_new) o_old = Octopus_Old.deserialize(o_ser) assert not hasattr(o_old, "length_cm") def test_unknown_field_deserialize_keep_fields(): # This is a somewhat common setup: a client uses an older proto definition, # while the server sends the newer definition. The client still needs to be # able to interact with the protos it receives from the server. class Octopus_Old(proto.Message): mass_kg = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) class Octopus_New(proto.Message): mass_kg = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) length_cm = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=2) o_new = Octopus_New(mass_kg=20, length_cm=100) o_ser = Octopus_New.serialize(o_new) o_old = Octopus_Old.deserialize(o_ser) assert not hasattr(o_old, "length_cm") o_new = Octopus_New.deserialize(Octopus_Old.serialize(o_old)) assert o_new.length_cm == 100 def test_unknown_field_from_dict(): class Squid(proto.Message): mass_kg = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) # By default we don't permit unknown fields with pytest.raises(ValueError): s = Squid({"mass_kg": 20, "length_cm": 100}) s = Squid({"mass_kg": 20, "length_cm": 100}, ignore_unknown_fields=True) assert not hasattr(s, "length_cm") def test_copy_from(): class Mollusc(proto.Message): class Squid(proto.Message): mass_kg = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) squid = proto.Field(Squid, number=1) m = Mollusc() s = Mollusc.Squid(mass_kg=20) Mollusc.Squid.copy_from(m.squid, s) assert m.squid is not s assert m.squid == s s.mass_kg = 30 Mollusc.Squid.copy_from(m.squid, Mollusc.Squid.pb(s)) assert m.squid == s Mollusc.Squid.copy_from(m.squid, {"mass_kg": 10}) assert m.squid.mass_kg == 10 with pytest.raises(TypeError): Mollusc.Squid.copy_from(m.squid, (("mass_kg", 20))) def test_dir(): class Mollusc(proto.Message): class Class(proto.Enum): UNKNOWN = 0 GASTROPOD = 1 BIVALVE = 2 CEPHALOPOD = 3 class Arm(proto.Message): length_cm = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) mass_kg = proto.Field(proto.INT32, number=1) class_ = proto.Field(Class, number=2) arms = proto.RepeatedField(Arm, number=3) expected = ( { # Fields and nested message and enum types "arms", "class_", "mass_kg", "Arm", "Class", } | { # Other methods and attributes "__bool__", "__contains__", "__dict__", "__getattr__", "__getstate__", "__module__", "__setstate__", "__weakref__", } | set(dir(object)) ) # Gets the long tail of dunder methods and attributes. actual = set(dir(Mollusc())) # Check instance names assert actual == expected # Check type names expected = ( set(dir(type)) | { # Class methods from the MessageMeta metaclass "copy_from", "deserialize", "from_json", "meta", "pb", "serialize", "to_dict", "to_json", "wrap", } | { # Nested message and enum types "Arm", "Class", } ) actual = set(dir(Mollusc)) assert actual == expected def test_dir_message_base(): assert set(dir(proto.Message)) == set(dir(type))