import os |
import random |
from glob import glob |
import json |
import numpy as np |
from astropy.io import fits |
from astropy.coordinates import Angle |
from astropy import units as u |
from fsspec.core import url_to_fs |
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download |
import datasets |
from datasets import DownloadManager |
from tqdm import tqdm |
def lris_read_amp(inp, ext, redchip=False, applygain=True): |
""" |
Modified from pypeit.spectrographs.keck_lris.lris_read_amp -- Jon Brown, Josh Bloom |
cf. https://github.com/KerryPaterson/Imaging_pipelines |
Read one amplifier of an LRIS multi-extension FITS image |
Parameters |
---------- |
inp: tuple |
(str,int) filename, extension |
(hdu,int) FITS hdu, extension |
Returns |
------- |
data |
predata |
postdata |
x1 |
y1 |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
function lris_read_amp, filename, ext, $ |
linebias=linebias, nobias=nobias, $ |
predata=predata, postdata=postdata, header=header, $ |
x1=x1, x2=x2, y1=y1, y2=y2, GAINDATA=gaindata |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Read one amp from LRIS mHDU image |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
""" |
if isinstance(inp, str): |
hdu = fits.open(inp) |
else: |
hdu = inp |
head0 = hdu[0].header |
precol = head0["precol"] |
postpix = head0["postpix"] |
binning = head0["BINNING"] |
xbin, ybin = [int(ibin) for ibin in binning.split(",")] |
precol = precol // xbin |
postpix = postpix // xbin |
temp = hdu[ext].data.transpose() |
tsize = temp.shape |
nxt = tsize[0] |
header = hdu[ext].header |
detsec = header["DETSEC"] |
x1, x2, y1, y2 = np.array(load_sections(detsec, fmt_iraf=False)).flatten() |
datasec = header["DATASEC"] |
xdata1, xdata2, ydata1, ydata2 = np.array( |
load_sections(datasec, fmt_iraf=False) |
).flatten() |
predata = temp[0:precol, :] |
if not redchip: |
xshape = 1024 // xbin |
else: |
xshape = xdata2 - xdata1 + 1 // xbin |
if (xdata1 - 1) != precol: |
errStr = "Something wrong in LRIS datasec or precol" |
print(errStr) |
if (xshape + precol + postpix) != temp.shape[0]: |
errStr = "Wrong size for in LRIS detector somewhere. Funny binning?" |
print(errStr) |
data = temp[precol : precol + xshape, :] |
postdata = temp[nxt - postpix : nxt, :] |
if x1 > x2: |
xt = x2 |
x2 = x1 |
x1 = xt |
data = np.flipud(data) |
if y1 > y2: |
yt = y2 |
y2 = y1 |
y1 = yt |
data = np.fliplr(data) |
predata = np.fliplr(predata) |
postdata = np.fliplr(postdata) |
gaindata = 0.0 * data + 1.0 |
return data, gaindata, predata, postdata, x1, y1 |
def load_sections(string, fmt_iraf=True): |
""" |
Modified from pypit.core.parse.load_sections -- Jon Brown, Josh Bloom |
cf. https://github.com/KerryPaterson/Imaging_pipelines |
From the input string, return the coordinate sections |
Parameters |
---------- |
string : str |
character string of the form [x1:x2,y1:y2] |
x1 = left pixel |
x2 = right pixel |
y1 = bottom pixel |
y2 = top pixel |
fmt_iraf : bool |
Is the variable string in IRAF format (True) or |
python format (False) |
Returns |
------- |
sections : list (or None) |
the detector sections |
""" |
xyrng = string.strip("[]()").split(",") |
if xyrng[0] == ":": |
xyarrx = [0, 0] |
else: |
xyarrx = xyrng[0].split(":") |
if len(xyarrx[0]) == 0: |
xyarrx[0] = 0 |
if len(xyarrx[1]) == 0: |
xyarrx[1] = -1 |
if xyrng[1] == ":": |
xyarry = [0, 0] |
else: |
xyarry = xyrng[1].split(":") |
if len(xyarry[0]) == 0: |
xyarry[0] = 0 |
if len(xyarry[1]) == 0: |
xyarry[1] = -1 |
if fmt_iraf: |
xmin = max(0, int(xyarry[0]) - 1) |
xmax = int(xyarry[1]) |
ymin = max(0, int(xyarrx[0]) - 1) |
ymax = int(xyarrx[1]) |
else: |
xmin = max(0, int(xyarrx[0])) |
xmax = int(xyarrx[1]) |
ymin = max(0, int(xyarry[0])) |
ymax = int(xyarry[1]) |
return [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]] |
def sec2slice( |
subarray, one_indexed=False, include_end=False, require_dim=None, transpose=False |
): |
""" |
Modified from pypit.core.parse.sec2slice -- Jon Brown |
Convert a string representation of an array subsection (slice) into |
a list of slice objects. |
Args: |
subarray (str): |
The string to convert. Should have the form of normal slice |
operation, 'start:stop:step'. The parser ignores whether or |
not the string has the brackets '[]', but the string must |
contain the appropriate ':' and ',' characters. |
one_indexed (:obj:`bool`, optional): |
The string should be interpreted as 1-indexed. Default |
is to assume python indexing. |
include_end (:obj:`bool`, optional): |
**If** the end is defined, adjust the slice such that |
the last element is included. Default is to exclude the |
last element as with normal python slicing. |
require_dim (:obj:`int`, optional): |
Test if the string indicates the slice along the proper |
number of dimensions. |
transpose (:obj:`bool`, optional): |
Transpose the order of the returned slices. The |
following are equivalent:: |
tslices = parse_sec2slice('[:10,10:]')[::-1] |
tslices = parse_sec2slice('[:10,10:]', transpose=True) |
Returns: |
tuple: A tuple of slice objects, one per dimension of the |
prospective array. |
Raises: |
TypeError: |
Raised if the input `subarray` is not a string. |
ValueError: |
Raised if the string does not match the required |
dimensionality or if the string does not look like a |
slice. |
""" |
if not isinstance(subarray, (str, bytes)): |
raise TypeError("Can only parse string-based subarray sections.") |
sections = subarray.strip("[]").split(",") |
ndim = len(sections) |
if require_dim is not None and ndim != require_dim: |
raise ValueError( |
"Number of slices ({0}) in {1} does not match ".format(ndim, subarray) |
+ "required dimensions ({0}).".format(require_dim) |
) |
slices = [] |
for s in sections: |
if ":" not in s: |
raise ValueError("Unrecognized slice string: {0}".format(s)) |
_s = [None if x == "" else int(x) for x in s.split(":")] |
if len(_s) > 3: |
raise ValueError( |
"String as too many sections. Must have format 'start:stop:step'." |
) |
if len(_s) < 3: |
_s += [None] |
if one_indexed: |
_s = [None if x is None else x - 1 for x in _s] |
if include_end and _s[1] is not None: |
_s[1] += 1 |
slices += [slice(*_s)] |
return tuple(slices[::-1] if transpose else slices) |
def read_lris(raw_file, det=None, TRIM=False): |
""" |
Modified from pypeit.spectrographs.keck_lris.read_lris -- Jon Brown, Josh Bloom |
cf. https://github.com/KerryPaterson/Imaging_pipelines |
Read a raw LRIS data frame (one or more detectors) |
Packed in a multi-extension HDU |
Based on readmhdufits.pro |
Parameters |
---------- |
raw_file : str |
Filename |
det : int, optional |
Detector number; Default = both |
TRIM : bool, optional |
Trim the image? |
Returns |
------- |
array : ndarray |
Combined image |
header : FITS header |
sections : list |
List of datasec, oscansec, ampsec sections |
""" |
hdu = fits.open(raw_file) |
head0 = hdu[0].header |
precol = head0["PRECOL"] |
postpix = head0["POSTPIX"] |
preline = head0["PRELINE"] |
postline = head0["POSTLINE"] |
if head0["INSTRUME"] == "LRISBLUE": |
redchip = False |
else: |
redchip = True |
dsec = [] |
osec = [] |
nxdata_sum = 0 |
binning = head0["BINNING"] |
xbin, ybin = [int(ibin) for ibin in binning.split(",")] |
n_ext = len(hdu) - 1 |
xcol = [] |
xmax = 0 |
ymax = 0 |
xmin = 10000 |
ymin = 10000 |
for i in np.arange(1, n_ext + 1): |
theader = hdu[i].header |
detsec = theader["DETSEC"] |
if detsec != "0": |
x1, x2, y1, y2 = np.array(load_sections(detsec, fmt_iraf=False)).flatten() |
xt = max(x2, x1) |
xmax = max(xt, xmax) |
yt = max(y2, y1) |
ymax = max(yt, ymax) |
xt = min(x1, x2) |
xmin = min(xmin, xt) |
yt = min(y1, y2) |
ymin = min(ymin, yt) |
xcol.append(xt) |
nx = xmax - xmin + 1 |
ny = ymax - ymin + 1 |
nx = nx // xbin |
ny = ny // ybin |
precol = precol // xbin |
postpix = postpix // xbin |
if det in [1, 2]: |
nx = nx // 2 |
n_ext = n_ext // 2 |
det_idx = np.arange(n_ext, dtype=np.int) + (det - 1) * n_ext |
elif det is None: |
det_idx = np.arange(n_ext).astype(int) |
else: |
raise ValueError("Bad value for det") |
if not TRIM: |
nx += n_ext * (precol + postpix) |
ny += preline + postline |
array = np.zeros((nx, ny), dtype="uint16") |
gain_array = np.zeros((nx, ny), dtype="uint16") |
order = np.argsort(np.array(xcol)) |
for kk, i in enumerate(order[det_idx]): |
data, gaindata, predata, postdata, x1, y1 = lris_read_amp( |
hdu, i + 1, redchip=redchip |
) |
if not TRIM: |
buf = predata.shape |
nxpre = buf[0] |
xs = kk * precol |
xe = xs + nxpre |
array[xs:xe, :] = predata |
gain_array[xs:xe, :] = predata |
buf = data.shape |
nxdata = buf[0] |
nydata = buf[1] |
xs = n_ext * precol + nxdata_sum |
xe = xs + nxdata |
nxdata_sum += nxdata |
section = "[{:d}:{:d},{:d}:{:d}]".format( |
preline, nydata, xs, xe |
) |
dsec.append(section) |
array[xs:xe, :] = data |
gain_array[xs:xe, :] = gaindata |
buf = postdata.shape |
nxpost = buf[0] |
xs = nx - n_ext * postpix + kk * postpix |
xe = xs + nxpost |
section = "[:,{:d}:{:d}]".format(xs, xe) |
osec.append(section) |
array[xs:xe, :] = postdata |
gain_array[xs:xe, :] = postdata |
else: |
buf = data.shape |
nxdata = buf[0] |
nydata = buf[1] |
xs = (x1 - xmin) // xbin |
xe = xs + nxdata |
ys = (y1 - ymin) // ybin |
ye = ys + nydata - postline |
yin1 = preline |
yin2 = nydata - postline |
array[xs:xe, ys:ye] = data[:, yin1:yin2] |
gain_array[xs:xe, ys:ye] = gaindata[:, yin1:yin2] |
obzero = head0["BZERO"] |
head0["O_BZERO"] = obzero |
head0["BZERO"] = 32768 - obzero |
return array.T, head0 |
def make_split_jsonl_files( |
config_type="tiny", data_dir="./data", outdir="./splits", seed=42 |
): |
""" |
Create jsonl files for the GBI-16-2D dataset. |
config_type: str, default="tiny" |
The type of split to create. Options are "tiny" and "full". |
data_dir: str, default="./data" |
The directory where the FITS files are located. |
outdir: str, default="./splits" |
The directory where the jsonl files will be created. |
seed: int, default=42 |
The seed for the random split. |
""" |
random.seed(seed) |
os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) |
fits_files = glob(os.path.join(data_dir, "*.fits")) |
random.shuffle(fits_files) |
if config_type == "tiny": |
train_files = fits_files[:2] |
test_files = fits_files[2:3] |
elif config_type == "full": |
split_idx = int(0.8 * len(fits_files)) |
train_files = fits_files[:split_idx] |
test_files = fits_files[split_idx:] |
else: |
raise ValueError("Unsupported config_type. Use 'tiny' or 'full'.") |
def create_jsonl(files, split_name): |
output_file = os.path.join(outdir, f"{config_type}_{split_name}.jsonl") |
with open(output_file, "w") as out_f: |
for file in tqdm(files): |
image_id = os.path.basename(file).split(".fits")[0] |
with fits.open(file, memmap=False) as hdul: |
if len(hdul) > 1: |
data, header = read_lris(file) |
dim_1 = data.shape[0] |
dim_2 = data.shape[1] |
header = fits.header.Header(header) |
else: |
dim_1 = hdul[0].header.get("NAXIS1", 0) |
dim_2 = hdul[0].header.get("NAXIS2", 0) |
header = hdul[0].header |
ras = header.get("RA", "0") |
ra = float( |
Angle(f"{ras} hours").to_string(unit=u.degree, decimal=True) |
) |
decs = header.get("DEC", "0") |
dec = float( |
Angle(f"{decs} degrees").to_string(unit=u.degree, decimal=True) |
) |
pixscale = header.get("CD1_2", 0.135) |
rotation = header.get("ROTPOSN", 0.0) |
exposure_time = header.get("TTIME", 0.0) |
item = { |
"image_id": image_id, |
"image": file, |
"ra": ra, |
"dec": dec, |
"pixscale": pixscale, |
"rotation_angle": rotation, |
"dim_1": dim_1, |
"dim_2": dim_2, |
"exposure_time": exposure_time, |
} |
out_f.write(json.dumps(item) + "\n") |
create_jsonl(train_files, "train") |
create_jsonl(test_files, "test") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
make_split_jsonl_files("tiny") |
make_split_jsonl_files("full") |