202,Airy plane,335,Story,813,2017-03-14 14:25:31 UTC,2017-03-14 14:25:31 UTC
201,One of the Curly elms of St. Pancras gardens,335,Story,812,2017-03-14 14:23:11 UTC,2017-03-14 14:23:11 UTC
200,Hardy Ash,335,Story,811,2017-03-14 14:21:14 UTC,2017-03-14 14:21:14 UTC
10747,"Some of the oaks around here have hairy caps and look like burr oak or Turkey oak, but not sure(quercus macrocarpa or cerris). Photo from autumn 2019.",6227,Story,29008,2020-05-21 13:38:44 UTC,2020-05-21 14:05:55 UTC
93,A Norway maple and two troublemakers,179,Story,638,2017-02-18 15:59:53 UTC,2017-02-18 15:59:53 UTC
45,Lovely silvery leaf on this tree,254,Story,531,2017-01-26 14:13:51 UTC,2017-01-26 14:13:51 UTC
10660,Tree has been removed,6170,Story,28876,2020-05-17 20:06:10 UTC,2020-05-17 20:06:10 UTC
10661,Tree is dead,6170,Story,28877,2020-05-17 20:24:20 UTC,2020-05-17 20:24:20 UTC
254,A beautiful oak and great to see iTree in action #iTreeTrail #torbay,179,Story,904,2017-03-30 11:02:02 UTC,2017-03-30 11:02:02 UTC
1075,This tree is 450 years old,1042,Story,2301,2017-07-27 11:38:50 UTC,2017-07-27 11:38:50 UTC
1984,This is an evergreen member of the Rosaceae family and is a native of the Catalina Islands off the coast of California,2375,Story,4521,2018-01-10 16:14:38 UTC,2018-01-10 16:14:38 UTC
1985,An evergreen member of the Rosaceae family and a native of the Catalina Islands off the coast of California.,2376,Story,4522,2018-01-10 16:23:25 UTC,2018-01-10 16:23:25 UTC
1461,Beech wood is favoured by furniture makers as it is fine grained and knot free.  The beech has a dense canopy so the ground underneath is shady and dry. Jays like to eat fallen beech nuts. The seeds are two triangular nutlets in a four-valved husk ,1934,Story,3197,2017-10-23 17:36:51 UTC,2017-10-23 17:36:51 UTC
1468,I think it's just normal form?,1915,Story,3218,2017-10-24 13:12:33 UTC,2017-10-24 13:12:33 UTC
1462,The flowers are white with lovely smell,1934,Story,3198,2017-10-23 17:39:54 UTC,2017-10-23 17:39:54 UTC
1463,"The London Plane was possibly created by John Trandescant in the 1650s by crossing an american plane with an oriental plane.  The female flowers are red and the male flowers are yellow.  round, spiky fruits which stay on the tree during the winter.",1934,Story,3199,2017-10-23 17:43:08 UTC,2017-10-23 17:43:08 UTC
1464,Considered by the Druids to have powers of renewal and purification. The twigs are made into besom brooms.  The seeds are small and winged ,1934,Story,3201,2017-10-23 17:49:57 UTC,2017-10-23 17:49:57 UTC
1465,"Most trees in the UK are male and came from cuttings taken in Lombardy, Italy.  crimson catkins in spring",1934,Story,3202,2017-10-23 17:52:25 UTC,2017-10-23 17:52:25 UTC
1473,"In Japan the fruits are roasted and used as a hangover cure.  Fossils of the tree have been dated as 250 milllion years old
male flowers are like catkins and female flowers are small and round
fruits are look like small green plums
",1934,Story,3237,2017-10-25 19:42:37 UTC,2017-10-25 19:42:37 UTC
1471,"Known as the Tree of God and in India is a symbol of fruitfulness and durability.  It has fragrant wood which was used for building temples and palaces.
female flowers are small and green, the male flowers are upright and brown
The cones are large and barrel shaped and take two years to ripen.
",1934,Story,3235,2017-10-25 19:17:44 UTC,2017-10-25 19:17:44 UTC
1470,"Silver birch was considered a holy tree by the Druids who named a mid winter month after it.
Male catkins are brown.
The seeds are small and winged 
",1934,Story,3234,2017-10-25 19:14:31 UTC,2017-10-25 19:14:31 UTC
1466,Worshipped by the Scandinavians as sacred and considered to have medicinal properties.,1934,Story,3203,2017-10-23 17:55:20 UTC,2017-10-23 17:55:20 UTC
The wood is good but not often used. It tolerates pollution well.
The early spring flowers are a good source of food for bees
Yellow flowers appear before the leaves
winged seeds
",1934,Story,3238,2017-10-25 19:47:04 UTC,2017-10-25 19:47:04 UTC
1739,En vacker skogsek i kreaturshage,1818,Story,3764,2017-12-08 16:05:58 UTC,2017-12-08 16:05:58 UTC
1738,A Quercus robur in my garden .,1818,Story,3763,2017-12-08 16:02:06 UTC,2017-12-08 16:02:06 UTC
1786,Gold rush,1818,Story,4165,2017-12-15 13:58:32 UTC,2017-12-15 13:58:32 UTC
1790,"A veteran oak kept to increase biodivercity.
Found at rosenholm.",1818,Story,4183,2017-12-17 11:27:19 UTC,2017-12-17 11:27:19 UTC
1796,Really nice climbing tree,1818,Story,4230,2017-12-19 08:50:18 UTC,2017-12-19 08:50:18 UTC
1798,Great climbingtree,1818,Story,4241,2017-12-19 11:24:51 UTC,2017-12-19 11:24:51 UTC
1787,På lavendelgården,1818,Story,4167,2017-12-15 14:58:49 UTC,2017-12-15 14:58:49 UTC
1797,Good climbing tree,1818,Story,4239,2017-12-19 11:06:51 UTC,2017-12-19 11:06:51 UTC
2641,"Mulmholkar on a naturreserve in knösö .
It is a artificiell tree trunk for beetles an other invertebrates.For example Lucanus cervus the largest beetle in europe.
Read more @",1818,Story,5341,2018-02-12 15:00:13 UTC,2018-02-12 15:00:13 UTC
2027, Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 7,1818,Story,4625,2018-01-24 17:14:52 UTC,2018-01-24 17:14:52 UTC
2028," Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 30
skada av gräsklippare",1818,Story,4626,2018-01-24 17:16:51 UTC,2018-01-24 17:16:51 UTC
2029, Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 14,1818,Story,4627,2018-01-24 17:21:12 UTC,2018-01-24 17:21:12 UTC
2030, Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 9,1818,Story,4628,2018-01-24 17:32:05 UTC,2018-01-24 17:32:05 UTC
2022,"Vämö kyrkogård TrädID 29
Skada gräsklippare",1818,Story,4620,2018-01-24 17:02:25 UTC,2018-01-24 17:02:25 UTC
2023,Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 2,1818,Story,4621,2018-01-24 17:03:44 UTC,2018-01-24 17:19:24 UTC
2024," Kyrkogård Bryggarberget
 TrädID 3",1818,Story,4622,2018-01-24 17:04:00 UTC,2018-01-24 17:20:09 UTC
2025,"Vämö Kyrkogård TrädID 31
Skada av gräsklippare",1818,Story,4623,2018-01-24 17:07:19 UTC,2018-01-24 17:07:19 UTC
2026, Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 28,1818,Story,4624,2018-01-24 17:09:34 UTC,2018-01-24 17:09:34 UTC
2031, Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 12,1818,Story,4629,2018-01-24 17:34:40 UTC,2018-01-24 17:34:40 UTC
2032, Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 11,1818,Story,4630,2018-01-24 17:35:44 UTC,2018-01-24 17:35:44 UTC
2033, Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 26,1818,Story,4631,2018-01-24 17:36:58 UTC,2018-01-24 17:36:58 UTC
2034, Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 25,1818,Story,4632,2018-01-24 17:37:41 UTC,2018-01-24 17:37:41 UTC
2035, Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 19,1818,Story,4633,2018-01-24 17:38:40 UTC,2018-01-24 17:38:40 UTC
2036, Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 18,1818,Story,4634,2018-01-24 17:39:38 UTC,2018-01-24 17:39:38 UTC
2037, Kyrkogård Bryggarberget TrädID 17,1818,Story,4635,2018-01-24 17:40:54 UTC,2018-01-24 17:40:54 UTC
2038,Träd ID 52,1818,Story,4636,2018-01-24 18:38:27 UTC,2018-01-24 18:38:27 UTC
2039,Träd ID 51,1818,Story,4637,2018-01-24 18:39:16 UTC,2018-01-24 18:39:16 UTC
2040,Träd ID 50,1818,Story,4638,2018-01-24 18:39:58 UTC,2018-01-24 18:39:58 UTC
2042,Träd ID 53,1818,Story,4640,2018-01-24 18:41:29 UTC,2018-01-24 18:41:29 UTC
2054,Träd ID 41,1818,Story,4652,2018-01-24 18:50:54 UTC,2018-01-24 18:50:54 UTC
2079,TrädID 84,1818,Story,4677,2018-01-24 19:30:18 UTC,2018-01-24 19:30:18 UTC
2089,TrädID 79,1818,Story,4687,2018-01-24 19:39:02 UTC,2018-01-24 19:39:30 UTC
2093,TrädID 22,1818,Story,4691,2018-01-24 19:47:01 UTC,2018-01-24 19:47:01 UTC
2094,TrädID 21,1818,Story,4692,2018-01-24 19:47:28 UTC,2018-01-24 19:47:28 UTC
2103,TrädID 28,1818,Story,4701,2018-01-24 19:53:59 UTC,2018-01-24 19:53:59 UTC
2104,TrädId 29,1818,Story,4702,2018-01-24 19:54:27 UTC,2018-01-24 19:54:27 UTC
2109,TrädID 37,1818,Story,4707,2018-01-24 19:59:39 UTC,2018-01-24 19:59:39 UTC
2116,TrädID 124,1818,Story,4714,2018-01-24 20:12:01 UTC,2018-01-24 20:12:01 UTC
2117,TrädID 125,1818,Story,4715,2018-01-24 20:12:39 UTC,2018-01-24 20:12:39 UTC
2122,TrädID 130,1818,Story,4720,2018-01-24 20:15:49 UTC,2018-01-24 20:15:49 UTC
2127,TrädID 219,1818,Story,4725,2018-01-24 20:18:52 UTC,2018-01-24 20:18:52 UTC
2041,Träd ID 49,1818,Story,4639,2018-01-24 18:40:30 UTC,2018-01-24 18:40:30 UTC
2043,Träd ID 54,1818,Story,4641,2018-01-24 18:42:04 UTC,2018-01-24 18:42:04 UTC
2046,Träd ID 57,1818,Story,4644,2018-01-24 18:43:47 UTC,2018-01-24 18:43:47 UTC
2047,Träd ID 48,1818,Story,4645,2018-01-24 18:46:14 UTC,2018-01-24 18:46:14 UTC
2050,Träd ID 45,1818,Story,4648,2018-01-24 18:48:18 UTC,2018-01-24 18:48:18 UTC
2055,TrädID 40,1818,Story,4653,2018-01-24 18:51:21 UTC,2018-01-24 18:51:21 UTC
2056,TrädID 39,1818,Story,4654,2018-01-24 18:52:04 UTC,2018-01-24 18:52:04 UTC
2059,TrädID 60,1818,Story,4657,2018-01-24 18:54:55 UTC,2018-01-24 18:54:55 UTC
2063,TrädID 64,1818,Story,4661,2018-01-24 19:10:50 UTC,2018-01-24 19:10:50 UTC
2064,TrädID 65,1818,Story,4662,2018-01-24 19:11:31 UTC,2018-01-24 19:11:31 UTC
2069,TrädID 71,1818,Story,4667,2018-01-24 19:21:04 UTC,2018-01-24 19:21:04 UTC
2070,TrädID 72,1818,Story,4668,2018-01-24 19:21:37 UTC,2018-01-24 19:21:37 UTC
2073,TrädID 90,1818,Story,4671,2018-01-24 19:26:57 UTC,2018-01-24 19:26:57 UTC
2074,TrädID 89,1818,Story,4672,2018-01-24 19:27:39 UTC,2018-01-24 19:27:39 UTC
2084,TrädID 76,1818,Story,4682,2018-01-24 19:34:22 UTC,2018-01-24 19:34:22 UTC
2090,TrädID 25,1818,Story,4688,2018-01-24 19:44:49 UTC,2018-01-24 19:44:49 UTC
2099,Träd ID 17,1818,Story,4697,2018-01-24 19:51:27 UTC,2018-01-24 19:51:27 UTC
2100,TrädID 16,1818,Story,4698,2018-01-24 19:51:54 UTC,2018-01-24 19:51:54 UTC
2112,TrädID 34,1818,Story,4710,2018-01-24 20:05:50 UTC,2018-01-24 20:05:50 UTC
2113,TrädID 35,1818,Story,4711,2018-01-24 20:06:26 UTC,2018-01-24 20:06:26 UTC
2119,TrädID 127,1818,Story,4717,2018-01-24 20:13:41 UTC,2018-01-24 20:14:02 UTC
2124,TrädID 222,1818,Story,4722,2018-01-24 20:17:31 UTC,2018-01-24 20:17:31 UTC
2044,Träd ID 55,1818,Story,4642,2018-01-24 18:42:44 UTC,2018-01-24 18:42:44 UTC
2048,Träd ID 47,1818,Story,4646,2018-01-24 18:46:44 UTC,2018-01-24 18:46:44 UTC
2053,Träd ID 42,1818,Story,4651,2018-01-24 18:50:20 UTC,2018-01-24 18:50:20 UTC
2061,TrädID 62,1818,Story,4659,2018-01-24 18:55:51 UTC,2018-01-24 18:55:51 UTC
2062,TrädID 63,1818,Story,4660,2018-01-24 18:57:09 UTC,2018-01-24 18:57:09 UTC
2071,TrädID 73,1818,Story,4669,2018-01-24 19:22:06 UTC,2018-01-24 19:22:06 UTC
2072,TrädID 91,1818,Story,4670,2018-01-24 19:26:28 UTC,2018-01-24 19:26:28 UTC
2080,TrädID 83,1818,Story,4678,2018-01-24 19:31:39 UTC,2018-01-24 19:31:39 UTC
2083,TrädID 75,1818,Story,4681,2018-01-24 19:33:16 UTC,2018-01-24 19:33:16 UTC
2087,TrädID 81,1818,Story,4685,2018-01-24 19:35:52 UTC,2018-01-24 19:35:52 UTC
2091,TrädID 24,1818,Story,4689,2018-01-24 19:45:21 UTC,2018-01-24 19:45:21 UTC
2092,TrädID 23,1818,Story,4690,2018-01-24 19:46:00 UTC,2018-01-24 19:46:00 UTC
2101,TrädID 26,1818,Story,4699,2018-01-24 19:52:40 UTC,2018-01-24 19:52:40 UTC
2102,TrädID 27,1818,Story,4700,2018-01-24 19:53:06 UTC,2018-01-24 19:53:06 UTC
2108,TrädID 38,1818,Story,4706,2018-01-24 19:59:04 UTC,2018-01-24 19:59:04 UTC
2111,TrädID 33,1818,Story,4709,2018-01-24 20:05:14 UTC,2018-01-24 20:05:14 UTC
2120,TrädID 128,1818,Story,4718,2018-01-24 20:14:54 UTC,2018-01-24 20:14:54 UTC
2125,TrädID 221,1818,Story,4723,2018-01-24 20:17:55 UTC,2018-01-24 20:17:55 UTC
2045,Träd ID 56,1818,Story,4643,2018-01-24 18:43:20 UTC,2018-01-24 18:43:20 UTC
2051,Träd ID 44,1818,Story,4649,2018-01-24 18:48:47 UTC,2018-01-24 18:48:47 UTC
2057,TrädID 58,1818,Story,4655,2018-01-24 18:53:43 UTC,2018-01-24 18:53:43 UTC
2060,TrädID 61,1818,Story,4658,2018-01-24 18:55:24 UTC,2018-01-24 18:55:24 UTC
2077,TrädID 86,1818,Story,4675,2018-01-24 19:29:24 UTC,2018-01-24 19:29:24 UTC
2078,TrädID 85,1818,Story,4676,2018-01-24 19:29:51 UTC,2018-01-24 19:29:51 UTC
2088,TrädID 80,1818,Story,4686,2018-01-24 19:37:09 UTC,2018-01-24 19:38:12 UTC
2095,TrädID 20,1818,Story,4693,2018-01-24 19:47:54 UTC,2018-01-24 19:47:54 UTC
2096,TrädID 19,1818,Story,4694,2018-01-24 19:49:10 UTC,2018-01-24 19:49:10 UTC
2105,TrädID 30,1818,Story,4703,2018-01-24 19:55:01 UTC,2018-01-24 19:55:30 UTC
2106,TrädID 31,1818,Story,4704,2018-01-24 19:56:03 UTC,2018-01-24 19:56:03 UTC
2114,TrädID 122,1818,Story,4712,2018-01-24 20:11:03 UTC,2018-01-24 20:11:03 UTC
2115,TrädID 123,1818,Story,4713,2018-01-24 20:11:36 UTC,2018-01-24 20:11:36 UTC
2118,TrädID 126,1818,Story,4716,2018-01-24 20:13:04 UTC,2018-01-24 20:13:04 UTC
2123,TrädID 131,1818,Story,4721,2018-01-24 20:16:19 UTC,2018-01-24 20:16:19 UTC
2128,TrädID 218,1818,Story,4726,2018-01-24 20:19:43 UTC,2018-01-24 20:20:19 UTC
2049,"Träd ID 46
",1818,Story,4647,2018-01-24 18:47:20 UTC,2018-01-24 18:47:20 UTC
2052,Träd ID 43,1818,Story,4650,2018-01-24 18:49:22 UTC,2018-01-24 18:49:22 UTC
2058,TrädID 59,1818,Story,4656,2018-01-24 18:54:12 UTC,2018-01-24 18:54:12 UTC
2065,TrädID 66,1818,Story,4663,2018-01-24 19:16:01 UTC,2018-01-24 19:16:01 UTC
2066,TrädID 67,1818,Story,4664,2018-01-24 19:16:29 UTC,2018-01-24 19:16:29 UTC
2067,trädID 68,1818,Story,4665,2018-01-24 19:19:25 UTC,2018-01-24 19:19:25 UTC
2068,TrädID 69,1818,Story,4666,2018-01-24 19:20:12 UTC,2018-01-24 19:20:12 UTC
2075,TrädID 88,1818,Story,4673,2018-01-24 19:28:28 UTC,2018-01-24 19:28:28 UTC
2076,TrädID 87,1818,Story,4674,2018-01-24 19:28:55 UTC,2018-01-24 19:28:55 UTC
2081,TrädID 82,1818,Story,4679,2018-01-24 19:32:07 UTC,2018-01-24 19:32:07 UTC
2082,TrädID 74,1818,Story,4680,2018-01-24 19:32:41 UTC,2018-01-24 19:32:41 UTC
2085,TrädID 77,1818,Story,4683,2018-01-24 19:34:52 UTC,2018-01-24 19:34:52 UTC
2086,TrädID 78,1818,Story,4684,2018-01-24 19:35:20 UTC,2018-01-24 19:35:20 UTC
2097,TrädID 18,1818,Story,4695,2018-01-24 19:49:34 UTC,2018-01-24 19:49:34 UTC
2098,TrädID 17,1818,Story,4696,2018-01-24 19:50:04 UTC,2018-01-24 19:50:04 UTC
2107,"TrädID 32
",1818,Story,4705,2018-01-24 19:56:35 UTC,2018-01-24 19:56:35 UTC
2110,TrädID 36,1818,Story,4708,2018-01-24 20:03:41 UTC,2018-01-24 20:03:41 UTC
2121,TrädID 129,1818,Story,4719,2018-01-24 20:15:22 UTC,2018-01-24 20:15:22 UTC
2126,TrädID 220,1818,Story,4724,2018-01-24 20:18:25 UTC,2018-01-24 20:18:25 UTC
2129,TrädID 216,1818,Story,4727,2018-01-24 20:21:12 UTC,2018-01-24 20:21:12 UTC
2130,TrädID 215,1818,Story,4728,2018-01-24 20:22:07 UTC,2018-01-24 20:22:07 UTC
2131,TrädID 213,1818,Story,4729,2018-01-24 20:23:13 UTC,2018-01-24 20:23:13 UTC
2132,TrädID 214,1818,Story,4730,2018-01-24 20:23:38 UTC,2018-01-24 20:23:38 UTC
2133,TrädID 223,1818,Story,4731,2018-01-24 20:24:24 UTC,2018-01-24 20:24:24 UTC
2134,TrädID 224,1818,Story,4732,2018-01-24 20:25:35 UTC,2018-01-24 20:25:35 UTC
2135,TrädID 225,1818,Story,4733,2018-01-24 20:26:07 UTC,2018-01-24 20:26:07 UTC
2136,TrädID 226,1818,Story,4734,2018-01-24 20:26:32 UTC,2018-01-24 20:26:32 UTC
2137,TrädID 227,1818,Story,4735,2018-01-24 20:27:01 UTC,2018-01-24 20:27:01 UTC
2138,TrädID 228,1818,Story,4736,2018-01-24 20:28:27 UTC,2018-01-24 20:28:27 UTC
2139,TrädID 233,1818,Story,4737,2018-01-24 20:28:54 UTC,2018-01-24 20:28:54 UTC
2140,TrädID 232,1818,Story,4738,2018-01-24 20:29:21 UTC,2018-01-24 20:29:21 UTC
2141,TrädID 231,1818,Story,4739,2018-01-24 20:30:02 UTC,2018-01-24 20:30:02 UTC
2142,TrädID 229,1818,Story,4740,2018-01-24 20:30:49 UTC,2018-01-24 20:30:49 UTC
2143,TrädID 230,1818,Story,4741,2018-01-24 20:31:37 UTC,2018-01-24 20:31:37 UTC
2144,TrädID 234,1818,Story,4742,2018-01-24 20:32:47 UTC,2018-01-24 20:32:47 UTC
2145,Träd ID 237,1818,Story,4743,2018-01-24 20:33:26 UTC,2018-01-24 20:33:26 UTC
2146,TrädID 235,1818,Story,4744,2018-01-24 20:33:54 UTC,2018-01-24 20:33:54 UTC
2147,TrädID 236,1818,Story,4745,2018-01-24 20:34:32 UTC,2018-01-24 20:34:32 UTC
2148,TrädID 169,1818,Story,4746,2018-01-24 20:48:29 UTC,2018-01-24 20:48:29 UTC
2149,Träd ID 170,1818,Story,4747,2018-01-24 20:49:02 UTC,2018-01-24 20:49:02 UTC
2150,TrädID 171,1818,Story,4748,2018-01-24 20:49:44 UTC,2018-01-24 20:49:44 UTC
2151,TrädID 179,1818,Story,4749,2018-01-24 20:51:44 UTC,2018-01-24 20:51:44 UTC
2152,TrädID 178,1818,Story,4750,2018-01-24 20:52:27 UTC,2018-01-24 20:52:27 UTC
2153,Träd ID 177,1818,Story,4751,2018-01-24 20:53:00 UTC,2018-01-24 20:53:00 UTC
2154,TrädID 176,1818,Story,4752,2018-01-24 20:53:55 UTC,2018-01-24 20:53:55 UTC
2155,TrädID 175,1818,Story,4753,2018-01-24 20:54:36 UTC,2018-01-24 20:54:36 UTC
2156,TrädID 174,1818,Story,4754,2018-01-24 20:55:35 UTC,2018-01-24 20:55:35 UTC
2158,TrädID 172,1818,Story,4756,2018-01-24 20:56:51 UTC,2018-01-24 20:56:51 UTC
2159,TrädID 248,1818,Story,4757,2018-01-24 20:59:10 UTC,2018-01-24 20:59:10 UTC
2163,TrädID 244,1818,Story,4761,2018-01-24 21:01:16 UTC,2018-01-24 21:01:16 UTC
2164,TrädID 243,1818,Story,4762,2018-01-24 21:02:13 UTC,2018-01-24 21:02:13 UTC
2167,TrädID 240,1818,Story,4765,2018-01-24 21:04:41 UTC,2018-01-24 21:04:41 UTC
2168,TrädID 239,1818,Story,4766,2018-01-24 21:05:11 UTC,2018-01-24 21:05:11 UTC
2172,TrädID 263,1818,Story,4770,2018-01-24 21:08:19 UTC,2018-01-24 21:08:19 UTC
2173,TrädID 262,1818,Story,4771,2018-01-24 21:08:55 UTC,2018-01-24 21:08:55 UTC
2157,TrädID 173,1818,Story,4755,2018-01-24 20:56:16 UTC,2018-01-24 20:56:16 UTC
2161,TrädID 246,1818,Story,4759,2018-01-24 21:00:19 UTC,2018-01-24 21:00:19 UTC
2162,TrädID 245,1818,Story,4760,2018-01-24 21:00:48 UTC,2018-01-24 21:00:48 UTC
2175,TrädID 254,1818,Story,4773,2018-01-24 21:11:11 UTC,2018-01-24 21:11:11 UTC
2160,TrädID 247,1818,Story,4758,2018-01-24 20:59:55 UTC,2018-01-24 20:59:55 UTC
2165,TrädID 242,1818,Story,4763,2018-01-24 21:02:51 UTC,2018-01-24 21:02:51 UTC
2166,TrädID 241,1818,Story,4764,2018-01-24 21:03:18 UTC,2018-01-24 21:03:56 UTC
2180,TrädID 257,1818,Story,4778,2018-01-24 21:13:24 UTC,2018-01-24 21:13:24 UTC
2169,TrädID 238,1818,Story,4767,2018-01-24 21:05:42 UTC,2018-01-24 21:05:42 UTC
2170,TrädID 260,1818,Story,4768,2018-01-24 21:06:53 UTC,2018-01-24 21:06:53 UTC
2171,TrädID 264,1818,Story,4769,2018-01-24 21:07:40 UTC,2018-01-24 21:07:40 UTC
2176,TrädID 259,1818,Story,4774,2018-01-24 21:11:38 UTC,2018-01-24 21:11:38 UTC
2178,TrädID 258,1818,Story,4776,2018-01-24 21:12:32 UTC,2018-01-24 21:12:32 UTC
2179,TrädID 256,1818,Story,4777,2018-01-24 21:12:57 UTC,2018-01-24 21:12:57 UTC
2174,TrädID 261,1818,Story,4772,2018-01-24 21:09:26 UTC,2018-01-24 21:09:26 UTC
2177,TrädID 255,1818,Story,4775,2018-01-24 21:12:02 UTC,2018-01-24 21:12:02 UTC
2202,TrädID 236,1818,Story,4811,2018-01-27 17:32:39 UTC,2018-01-27 17:32:39 UTC
2203,TrädID235,1818,Story,4812,2018-01-27 17:33:09 UTC,2018-01-27 17:33:09 UTC
2204,TrädID 234,1818,Story,4813,2018-01-27 17:33:53 UTC,2018-01-27 17:33:53 UTC
2182,"TrädID 212
",1818,Story,4791,2018-01-27 17:10:11 UTC,2018-01-27 17:10:11 UTC
2183,TrädID 211,1818,Story,4792,2018-01-27 17:17:16 UTC,2018-01-27 17:17:16 UTC
2184,TrädID 210,1818,Story,4793,2018-01-27 17:18:19 UTC,2018-01-27 17:18:19 UTC
2185,TrädID 209,1818,Story,4794,2018-01-27 17:19:26 UTC,2018-01-27 17:19:26 UTC
2186,TrädID 208,1818,Story,4795,2018-01-27 17:20:20 UTC,2018-01-27 17:20:20 UTC
2187,TrädID 207,1818,Story,4796,2018-01-27 17:21:09 UTC,2018-01-27 17:21:09 UTC
2188,TrädID 206,1818,Story,4797,2018-01-27 17:21:49 UTC,2018-01-27 17:21:49 UTC
2189,TrädID 205,1818,Story,4798,2018-01-27 17:22:44 UTC,2018-01-27 17:22:44 UTC
2190,TrädID 204,1818,Story,4799,2018-01-27 17:23:56 UTC,2018-01-27 17:23:56 UTC
2191,TrädID 222,1818,Story,4800,2018-01-27 17:25:23 UTC,2018-01-27 17:25:23 UTC
2192,TrädID 221,1818,Story,4801,2018-01-27 17:25:53 UTC,2018-01-27 17:25:53 UTC
2193,TrädID 220,1818,Story,4802,2018-01-27 17:26:30 UTC,2018-01-27 17:27:08 UTC
2194,TrädID 219,1818,Story,4803,2018-01-27 17:28:05 UTC,2018-01-27 17:28:05 UTC
2195,TrädID 218,1818,Story,4804,2018-01-27 17:28:41 UTC,2018-01-27 17:28:41 UTC
2196,TrädID 217,1818,Story,4805,2018-01-27 17:29:11 UTC,2018-01-27 17:29:11 UTC
2197,TrädID 216,1818,Story,4806,2018-01-27 17:29:43 UTC,2018-01-27 17:29:43 UTC
2198,TrädID 215,1818,Story,4807,2018-01-27 17:30:11 UTC,2018-01-27 17:30:11 UTC
2199,TrädID 214,1818,Story,4808,2018-01-27 17:30:40 UTC,2018-01-27 17:30:40 UTC
2200,TrädID 213,1818,Story,4809,2018-01-27 17:31:11 UTC,2018-01-27 17:31:11 UTC
2201,TrädID 237,1818,Story,4810,2018-01-27 17:32:05 UTC,2018-01-27 17:32:05 UTC
2205,TrädID 233,1818,Story,4814,2018-01-27 17:35:08 UTC,2018-01-27 17:35:08 UTC
2206,TrädID 232,1818,Story,4815,2018-01-27 17:35:57 UTC,2018-01-27 17:35:57 UTC
2207,TrädID 231,1818,Story,4816,2018-01-27 17:36:29 UTC,2018-01-27 17:36:29 UTC
2208,"TrädID 230
",1818,Story,4817,2018-01-27 17:37:24 UTC,2018-01-27 17:37:24 UTC
2209,Träd ID 229,1818,Story,4818,2018-01-27 17:38:30 UTC,2018-01-27 17:38:30 UTC
2210,TrädID 228,1818,Story,4819,2018-01-27 17:39:04 UTC,2018-01-27 17:39:04 UTC
2211,TrädID 227,1818,Story,4820,2018-01-27 17:39:29 UTC,2018-01-27 17:39:29 UTC
2212,TrädID 226,1818,Story,4821,2018-01-27 17:40:31 UTC,2018-01-27 17:40:31 UTC
2216,TrädID 388,1818,Story,4825,2018-01-27 17:55:11 UTC,2018-01-27 17:55:11 UTC
2219,TrädID 358,1818,Story,4828,2018-01-27 17:58:29 UTC,2018-01-27 17:58:29 UTC
2233,"TrädID 337
",1818,Story,4842,2018-01-27 18:11:37 UTC,2018-01-27 18:11:37 UTC
2236,Träd ID 333,1818,Story,4845,2018-01-27 18:14:09 UTC,2018-01-27 18:14:09 UTC
2238,TrädID 331,1818,Story,4847,2018-01-27 18:16:06 UTC,2018-01-27 18:16:06 UTC
2242,TrädID 327,1818,Story,4851,2018-01-27 18:19:59 UTC,2018-01-27 18:19:59 UTC
2247,trädID 322,1818,Story,4856,2018-01-27 18:28:22 UTC,2018-01-27 18:28:22 UTC
2251,TrädID 316,1818,Story,4860,2018-01-27 18:33:26 UTC,2018-01-27 18:33:26 UTC
2259,TrädID 341,1818,Story,4868,2018-01-27 18:40:14 UTC,2018-01-27 18:40:14 UTC
2266,TrädID 313,1818,Story,4875,2018-01-27 18:57:13 UTC,2018-01-27 18:57:13 UTC
2271,TrädID 294,1818,Story,4880,2018-01-27 19:00:38 UTC,2018-01-27 19:00:38 UTC
2276,TrädID 299,1818,Story,4885,2018-01-27 19:03:26 UTC,2018-01-27 19:04:03 UTC
2281,TrädID 304,1818,Story,4890,2018-01-27 19:06:40 UTC,2018-01-27 19:06:40 UTC
2286,TrädID 1,1818,Story,4895,2018-01-27 20:11:07 UTC,2018-01-27 20:11:07 UTC
2291,TrädID 6,1818,Story,4900,2018-01-27 20:13:34 UTC,2018-01-27 20:13:34 UTC
2296,Träd ID 11,1818,Story,4905,2018-01-27 20:16:34 UTC,2018-01-27 20:16:34 UTC
2301,TrädID 367,1818,Story,4910,2018-01-27 20:21:14 UTC,2018-01-27 20:21:14 UTC
2306,TrädID 362,1818,Story,4915,2018-01-27 20:23:43 UTC,2018-01-27 20:23:43 UTC
2313,TrädID 374,1818,Story,4922,2018-01-27 20:31:17 UTC,2018-01-27 20:31:17 UTC
2317,TrädID 376,1818,Story,4926,2018-01-27 20:35:55 UTC,2018-01-27 20:35:55 UTC
2322,TrädID 380,1818,Story,4931,2018-01-27 20:39:51 UTC,2018-01-27 20:39:51 UTC
2213,TrädID 225,1818,Story,4822,2018-01-27 17:41:29 UTC,2018-01-27 17:41:29 UTC
2220,TrädID 357,1818,Story,4829,2018-01-27 17:59:11 UTC,2018-01-27 17:59:11 UTC
2226,trädID 351,1818,Story,4835,2018-01-27 18:04:50 UTC,2018-01-27 18:04:50 UTC
2227,TrädID 350,1818,Story,4836,2018-01-27 18:05:17 UTC,2018-01-27 18:05:17 UTC
2237,TrädID 332,1818,Story,4846,2018-01-27 18:15:26 UTC,2018-01-27 18:15:26 UTC
2239,TrädID 330,1818,Story,4848,2018-01-27 18:17:04 UTC,2018-01-27 18:17:31 UTC
2243,TrädID 326,1818,Story,4852,2018-01-27 18:26:23 UTC,2018-01-27 18:26:23 UTC
2248,TrädID 321,1818,Story,4857,2018-01-27 18:28:49 UTC,2018-01-27 18:28:49 UTC
2252,TrädID 317,1818,Story,4861,2018-01-27 18:34:00 UTC,2018-01-27 18:34:00 UTC
2256,TrädID 344,1818,Story,4865,2018-01-27 18:37:51 UTC,2018-01-27 18:37:51 UTC
2261,TrädID 339,1818,Story,4870,2018-01-27 18:41:20 UTC,2018-01-27 18:41:20 UTC
2264,TrädID 311,1818,Story,4873,2018-01-27 18:56:11 UTC,2018-01-27 18:56:11 UTC
2269,TrädID 293,1818,Story,4878,2018-01-27 18:59:15 UTC,2018-01-27 18:59:15 UTC
2274,TrädID 297,1818,Story,4883,2018-01-27 19:02:07 UTC,2018-01-27 19:02:07 UTC
2275,TrädID 298,1818,Story,4884,2018-01-27 19:02:58 UTC,2018-01-27 19:02:58 UTC
2278,TrädID 302,1818,Story,4887,2018-01-27 19:05:09 UTC,2018-01-27 19:05:09 UTC
2283,TrädID 306,1818,Story,4892,2018-01-27 19:07:40 UTC,2018-01-27 19:07:40 UTC
2288,TrädID 3,1818,Story,4897,2018-01-27 20:12:01 UTC,2018-01-27 20:12:01 UTC
2293,TrädID 8,1818,Story,4902,2018-01-27 20:14:36 UTC,2018-01-27 20:14:36 UTC
2298,TrädID 13,1818,Story,4907,2018-01-27 20:17:35 UTC,2018-01-27 20:18:33 UTC
2302,TrädID 366,1818,Story,4911,2018-01-27 20:21:55 UTC,2018-01-27 20:21:55 UTC
2307,TrädID 361,1818,Story,4916,2018-01-27 20:24:08 UTC,2018-01-27 20:24:08 UTC
2320,TrädID 379,1818,Story,4929,2018-01-27 20:38:20 UTC,2018-01-27 20:38:20 UTC
2214,TrädID 224,1818,Story,4823,2018-01-27 17:42:00 UTC,2018-01-27 17:42:00 UTC
2221,trädID 356,1818,Story,4830,2018-01-27 17:59:44 UTC,2018-01-27 17:59:44 UTC
2223,TrädID 354,1818,Story,4832,2018-01-27 18:02:43 UTC,2018-01-27 18:02:43 UTC
2228,TrädID 349,1818,Story,4837,2018-01-27 18:06:07 UTC,2018-01-27 18:06:07 UTC
2230,TrädID 347,1818,Story,4839,2018-01-27 18:07:20 UTC,2018-01-27 18:07:20 UTC
2232,TrädID 345,1818,Story,4841,2018-01-27 18:08:26 UTC,2018-01-27 18:08:26 UTC
2244,TrädID 325,1818,Story,4853,2018-01-27 18:26:55 UTC,2018-01-27 18:26:55 UTC
2253,TrädID 318,1818,Story,4862,2018-01-27 18:34:35 UTC,2018-01-27 18:34:35 UTC
2258,TrädID 342,1818,Story,4867,2018-01-27 18:39:19 UTC,2018-01-27 18:39:19 UTC
2262,TrädID 309,1818,Story,4871,2018-01-27 18:55:14 UTC,2018-01-27 18:55:14 UTC
2267,TrädID 291,1818,Story,4876,2018-01-27 18:57:55 UTC,2018-01-27 18:57:55 UTC
2272,TrädID 295,1818,Story,4881,2018-01-27 19:01:10 UTC,2018-01-27 19:01:10 UTC
2279,TrädID 301,1818,Story,4888,2018-01-27 19:05:33 UTC,2018-01-27 19:05:33 UTC
2284,TrädID 307,1818,Story,4893,2018-01-27 19:08:17 UTC,2018-01-27 19:08:17 UTC
2289,TrädID 4,1818,Story,4898,2018-01-27 20:12:43 UTC,2018-01-27 20:12:43 UTC
2294,TrädID 9,1818,Story,4903,2018-01-27 20:15:18 UTC,2018-01-27 20:15:18 UTC
2299,TrädID 14,1818,Story,4908,2018-01-27 20:18:06 UTC,2018-01-27 20:18:06 UTC
2304,TrädID 364,1818,Story,4913,2018-01-27 20:22:49 UTC,2018-01-27 20:22:49 UTC
2311,TrädID 372,1818,Story,4920,2018-01-27 20:28:52 UTC,2018-01-27 20:28:52 UTC
2315,TrädID 382,1818,Story,4924,2018-01-27 20:33:13 UTC,2018-01-27 20:33:13 UTC
2318,TrädID 377,1818,Story,4927,2018-01-27 20:37:02 UTC,2018-01-27 20:37:28 UTC
2323,TrädID 381,1818,Story,4932,2018-01-27 20:40:16 UTC,2018-01-27 20:40:16 UTC
2215,TrädID 223,1818,Story,4824,2018-01-27 17:42:34 UTC,2018-01-27 17:42:34 UTC
2217,TrädID 360,1818,Story,4826,2018-01-27 17:56:03 UTC,2018-01-27 17:56:03 UTC
2222,TrädID 355,1818,Story,4831,2018-01-27 18:00:12 UTC,2018-01-27 18:00:12 UTC
2224,TrädID 353,1818,Story,4833,2018-01-27 18:03:13 UTC,2018-01-27 18:03:36 UTC
2225,TrädID 352,1818,Story,4834,2018-01-27 18:04:21 UTC,2018-01-27 18:04:21 UTC
2229,TrädID 348,1818,Story,4838,2018-01-27 18:06:50 UTC,2018-01-27 18:06:50 UTC
2231,TrädID 346,1818,Story,4840,2018-01-27 18:07:55 UTC,2018-01-27 18:07:55 UTC
2234,TrädID 336,1818,Story,4843,2018-01-27 18:12:20 UTC,2018-01-27 18:12:20 UTC
2235,TrädID 334,1818,Story,4844,2018-01-27 18:13:36 UTC,2018-01-27 18:13:36 UTC
2241,TrädID 328,1818,Story,4850,2018-01-27 18:18:47 UTC,2018-01-27 18:18:47 UTC
2246,TrädID 323,1818,Story,4855,2018-01-27 18:27:52 UTC,2018-01-27 18:27:52 UTC
2250,TrädID 315,1818,Story,4859,2018-01-27 18:32:54 UTC,2018-01-27 18:32:54 UTC
2255,TrädID 320,1818,Story,4864,2018-01-27 18:36:14 UTC,2018-01-27 18:36:14 UTC
2257,TrädID 343,1818,Story,4866,2018-01-27 18:38:40 UTC,2018-01-27 18:38:40 UTC
2265,TrädID312,1818,Story,4874,2018-01-27 18:56:45 UTC,2018-01-27 18:56:45 UTC
2270,TrädID 294,1818,Story,4879,2018-01-27 18:59:48 UTC,2018-01-27 18:59:48 UTC
2280,TrädID 303,1818,Story,4889,2018-01-27 19:06:14 UTC,2018-01-27 19:06:14 UTC
2285,TrädID 308,1818,Story,4894,2018-01-27 19:08:40 UTC,2018-01-27 19:08:40 UTC
2287,TrädID 2,1818,Story,4896,2018-01-27 20:11:29 UTC,2018-01-27 20:11:29 UTC
2292,TrädID 7,1818,Story,4901,2018-01-27 20:14:08 UTC,2018-01-27 20:14:08 UTC
2297,TrädID 12,1818,Story,4906,2018-01-27 20:17:10 UTC,2018-01-27 20:17:10 UTC
2303,TrädID 365,1818,Story,4912,2018-01-27 20:22:24 UTC,2018-01-27 20:22:24 UTC
2310,TrädID 371,1818,Story,4919,2018-01-27 20:28:12 UTC,2018-01-27 20:28:12 UTC
2312,TrädID 373,1818,Story,4921,2018-01-27 20:29:24 UTC,2018-01-27 20:30:01 UTC
2316,TrädID 375,1818,Story,4925,2018-01-27 20:34:24 UTC,2018-01-27 20:34:57 UTC
2319,TrädID 378,1818,Story,4928,2018-01-27 20:37:54 UTC,2018-01-27 20:37:54 UTC
4023,"Our footlocking practise three at Hvilan .
Not a very funny three to play in but close 😉",1818,Story,18344,2018-04-09 17:36:57 UTC,2018-04-09 17:36:57 UTC
2218,TrädID 359,1818,Story,4827,2018-01-27 17:57:48 UTC,2018-01-27 17:57:48 UTC
2240,TrädID 329,1818,Story,4849,2018-01-27 18:18:20 UTC,2018-01-27 18:18:20 UTC
2245,TrädID 324,1818,Story,4854,2018-01-27 18:27:24 UTC,2018-01-27 18:27:24 UTC
2249,TrädID 314,1818,Story,4858,2018-01-27 18:32:06 UTC,2018-01-27 18:32:06 UTC
2254,TrädID 319,1818,Story,4863,2018-01-27 18:35:29 UTC,2018-01-27 18:35:29 UTC
2260,TrädID 340,1818,Story,4869,2018-01-27 18:40:40 UTC,2018-01-27 18:40:40 UTC
2263,TrädID 310,1818,Story,4872,2018-01-27 18:55:45 UTC,2018-01-27 18:55:45 UTC
2268,TrädID 292,1818,Story,4877,2018-01-27 18:58:38 UTC,2018-01-27 18:58:38 UTC
2273,TrädID 296,1818,Story,4882,2018-01-27 19:01:40 UTC,2018-01-27 19:01:40 UTC
2277,TrädID 300,1818,Story,4886,2018-01-27 19:04:30 UTC,2018-01-27 19:04:30 UTC
2282,TrädID 305,1818,Story,4891,2018-01-27 19:07:10 UTC,2018-01-27 19:07:10 UTC
2290,TrädID 5,1818,Story,4899,2018-01-27 20:13:10 UTC,2018-01-27 20:13:10 UTC
2295,TrädID 10,1818,Story,4904,2018-01-27 20:16:00 UTC,2018-01-27 20:16:00 UTC
2300,TrädID 368,1818,Story,4909,2018-01-27 20:20:45 UTC,2018-01-27 20:20:45 UTC
2305,TrädID 363,1818,Story,4914,2018-01-27 20:23:14 UTC,2018-01-27 20:23:14 UTC
2308,trädID 369,1818,Story,4917,2018-01-27 20:26:30 UTC,2018-01-27 20:26:30 UTC
2309,TrädID 370,1818,Story,4918,2018-01-27 20:27:29 UTC,2018-01-27 20:27:29 UTC
2314,TrädID 383,1818,Story,4923,2018-01-27 20:32:38 UTC,2018-01-27 20:32:38 UTC
2321,TrädID 380,1818,Story,4930,2018-01-27 20:38:45 UTC,2018-01-27 20:39:15 UTC
2325,TrädID 388,1818,Story,4952,2018-01-28 20:31:06 UTC,2018-01-28 20:31:06 UTC
2324,TrädID 389,1818,Story,4951,2018-01-28 20:29:04 UTC,2018-01-28 20:29:04 UTC
2326,TrädID 387,1818,Story,4953,2018-01-28 20:31:37 UTC,2018-01-28 20:31:37 UTC
2327,TrädID 386,1818,Story,4954,2018-01-28 20:32:06 UTC,2018-01-28 20:32:06 UTC
2328,TrädID 385,1818,Story,4955,2018-01-28 20:32:41 UTC,2018-01-28 20:32:41 UTC
2329,TrädID 384,1818,Story,4956,2018-01-28 20:33:06 UTC,2018-01-28 20:33:06 UTC
2330,TrädID 390,1818,Story,4957,2018-01-28 20:34:02 UTC,2018-01-28 20:34:02 UTC
2331,TrädID 391,1818,Story,4958,2018-01-28 20:34:29 UTC,2018-01-28 20:34:29 UTC
2332,TrädID 392,1818,Story,4959,2018-01-28 20:35:04 UTC,2018-01-28 20:35:04 UTC
2335,TrädID 395,1818,Story,4962,2018-01-28 20:37:22 UTC,2018-01-28 20:37:22 UTC
2333,TrädID 393,1818,Story,4960,2018-01-28 20:35:42 UTC,2018-01-28 20:35:42 UTC
2334,TrädID 394,1818,Story,4961,2018-01-28 20:36:17 UTC,2018-01-28 20:36:17 UTC
2336,TrädID 396,1818,Story,4963,2018-01-28 20:37:58 UTC,2018-01-28 20:37:58 UTC
2337,TrädID 397,1818,Story,4964,2018-01-28 20:38:20 UTC,2018-01-28 20:38:20 UTC
2338,TrädID 398,1818,Story,4965,2018-01-28 20:38:45 UTC,2018-01-28 20:38:45 UTC
2339,TrädID 399,1818,Story,4966,2018-01-28 20:39:09 UTC,2018-01-28 20:39:09 UTC
2340,TrädID 400,1818,Story,4967,2018-01-28 20:39:32 UTC,2018-01-28 20:39:32 UTC
2341,TrädID 401,1818,Story,4968,2018-01-28 20:47:07 UTC,2018-01-28 20:47:07 UTC
2342,TrädID 402,1818,Story,4969,2018-01-28 20:47:41 UTC,2018-01-28 20:47:41 UTC
2343,TrädID 403,1818,Story,4970,2018-01-28 20:48:14 UTC,2018-01-28 20:48:35 UTC
2344,TrädID 404,1818,Story,4971,2018-01-28 20:49:10 UTC,2018-01-28 20:49:10 UTC
2345,TrädID 405,1818,Story,4972,2018-01-28 20:49:33 UTC,2018-01-28 20:49:33 UTC
2346,TrädID 406,1818,Story,4973,2018-01-28 20:50:01 UTC,2018-01-28 20:50:01 UTC
2347,TrädID 407,1818,Story,4974,2018-01-28 20:50:47 UTC,2018-01-28 20:50:47 UTC
2348,TrädID 408,1818,Story,4975,2018-01-28 20:51:09 UTC,2018-01-28 20:51:09 UTC
2349,TrädID 409,1818,Story,4976,2018-01-28 20:51:43 UTC,2018-01-28 20:51:43 UTC
2350,TrädID 410,1818,Story,4977,2018-01-28 20:52:09 UTC,2018-01-28 20:52:09 UTC
2351,TrädID 411,1818,Story,4978,2018-01-28 20:52:37 UTC,2018-01-28 20:52:37 UTC
2352,TrädID 412,1818,Story,4979,2018-01-28 20:53:05 UTC,2018-01-28 20:53:05 UTC
2353,TrädID 413,1818,Story,4980,2018-01-28 20:53:38 UTC,2018-01-28 20:53:38 UTC
2362,TrädID 445,1818,Story,5000,2018-01-29 20:03:06 UTC,2018-01-29 20:03:06 UTC
2359,TrädID 448,1818,Story,4997,2018-01-29 20:01:30 UTC,2018-01-29 20:01:30 UTC
2360,TrädID 447,1818,Story,4998,2018-01-29 20:01:58 UTC,2018-01-29 20:01:58 UTC
2361,TrädID 446,1818,Story,4999,2018-01-29 20:02:28 UTC,2018-01-29 20:02:28 UTC
2363,TrädID 444,1818,Story,5001,2018-01-29 20:03:36 UTC,2018-01-29 20:03:36 UTC
2364,TrädID 437,1818,Story,5002,2018-01-29 20:05:28 UTC,2018-01-29 20:05:28 UTC
2365,TrädID 443,1818,Story,5003,2018-01-29 20:06:42 UTC,2018-01-29 20:06:42 UTC
2366,TrädID 442,1818,Story,5004,2018-01-29 20:07:34 UTC,2018-01-29 20:07:34 UTC
2367,TrädID 441,1818,Story,5005,2018-01-29 20:08:10 UTC,2018-01-29 20:08:10 UTC
2368,TrädID 440,1818,Story,5006,2018-01-29 20:08:37 UTC,2018-01-29 20:08:37 UTC
2369,TrädID 438,1818,Story,5007,2018-01-29 20:09:27 UTC,2018-01-29 20:09:27 UTC
2371,TrädID 415,1818,Story,5009,2018-01-29 20:12:24 UTC,2018-01-29 20:12:24 UTC
2375,TrädID 419,1818,Story,5013,2018-01-29 20:14:25 UTC,2018-01-29 20:14:25 UTC
2381,TrädID 436,1818,Story,5019,2018-01-29 20:19:17 UTC,2018-01-29 20:19:17 UTC
2383,TrädID 427,1818,Story,5021,2018-01-29 20:20:22 UTC,2018-01-29 20:20:22 UTC
2388,TrädID 432,1818,Story,5026,2018-01-29 20:22:48 UTC,2018-01-29 20:25:54 UTC
2391,TrädID 435,1818,Story,5029,2018-01-29 20:27:36 UTC,2018-01-29 20:27:36 UTC
2401,TrädID 516,1818,Story,5039,2018-01-29 20:54:50 UTC,2018-01-29 20:54:50 UTC
2412,TrädId 524,1818,Story,5050,2018-01-29 21:00:50 UTC,2018-01-29 21:00:50 UTC
2413,TrädID 525,1818,Story,5051,2018-01-29 21:01:15 UTC,2018-01-29 21:01:15 UTC
2417,TrädID 526,1818,Story,5055,2018-01-29 21:03:17 UTC,2018-01-29 21:03:17 UTC
2420,TrädID 568,1818,Story,5058,2018-01-29 21:09:06 UTC,2018-01-29 21:09:06 UTC
2421,TrädID 569,1818,Story,5059,2018-01-29 21:09:28 UTC,2018-01-29 21:09:28 UTC
2422,TrädID 570,1818,Story,5060,2018-01-29 21:10:20 UTC,2018-01-29 21:10:20 UTC
2423,TrädID 571,1818,Story,5061,2018-01-29 21:10:41 UTC,2018-01-29 21:10:41 UTC
2424,TrädID 577,1818,Story,5062,2018-01-29 21:11:25 UTC,2018-01-29 21:11:25 UTC
2425,TrädID 576,1818,Story,5063,2018-01-29 21:11:51 UTC,2018-01-29 21:11:51 UTC
2429,TrädID 574,1818,Story,5067,2018-01-29 21:14:06 UTC,2018-01-29 21:14:06 UTC
2440,TrädID 557,1818,Story,5078,2018-01-29 21:19:52 UTC,2018-01-29 21:19:52 UTC
2370,TrädID 414,1818,Story,5008,2018-01-29 20:11:31 UTC,2018-01-29 20:11:31 UTC
2372,TrädID 416,1818,Story,5010,2018-01-29 20:12:47 UTC,2018-01-29 20:12:47 UTC
2376,TrädID 420,1818,Story,5014,2018-01-29 20:14:52 UTC,2018-01-29 20:14:52 UTC
2384,TrädID 428,1818,Story,5022,2018-01-29 20:21:03 UTC,2018-01-29 20:21:03 UTC
2392,TrädID 449,1818,Story,5030,2018-01-29 20:31:09 UTC,2018-01-29 20:31:09 UTC
2396,TrädID 511,1818,Story,5034,2018-01-29 20:51:59 UTC,2018-01-29 20:51:59 UTC
2397,TrädID 512,1818,Story,5035,2018-01-29 20:52:47 UTC,2018-01-29 20:52:47 UTC
2400,TrädID 515,1818,Story,5038,2018-01-29 20:54:25 UTC,2018-01-29 20:54:25 UTC
2402,TrädID 517,1818,Story,5040,2018-01-29 20:55:27 UTC,2018-01-29 20:55:27 UTC
2406,TrädID 521,1818,Story,5044,2018-01-29 20:57:28 UTC,2018-01-29 20:57:28 UTC
2407,TrädID 522,1818,Story,5045,2018-01-29 20:57:52 UTC,2018-01-29 20:57:52 UTC
2410,TrädID 530,1818,Story,5048,2018-01-29 20:59:38 UTC,2018-01-29 20:59:38 UTC
2411,TrädID 523,1818,Story,5049,2018-01-29 21:00:30 UTC,2018-01-29 21:00:30 UTC
2416,TrädID 527,1818,Story,5054,2018-01-29 21:02:54 UTC,2018-01-29 21:02:54 UTC
2426,TrädID 575,1818,Story,5064,2018-01-29 21:12:20 UTC,2018-01-29 21:12:20 UTC
2427,TrädID 572,1818,Story,5065,2018-01-29 21:13:05 UTC,2018-01-29 21:13:05 UTC
2431,TrädID 566,1818,Story,5069,2018-01-29 21:16:08 UTC,2018-01-29 21:16:08 UTC
2438,TrädID 559,1818,Story,5076,2018-01-29 21:19:04 UTC,2018-01-29 21:19:04 UTC
2439,TrädID 558,1818,Story,5077,2018-01-29 21:19:31 UTC,2018-01-29 21:19:31 UTC
4065,Jenny on a limbwalk . @hejanorrland,1818,Story,18418,2018-04-22 06:49:17 UTC,2018-04-22 06:49:17 UTC
2373,TrädID 417,1818,Story,5011,2018-01-29 20:13:07 UTC,2018-01-29 20:13:07 UTC
2377,TrädID 421,1818,Story,5015,2018-01-29 20:15:20 UTC,2018-01-29 20:15:20 UTC
2378,TrädID 423,1818,Story,5016,2018-01-29 20:16:03 UTC,2018-01-29 20:16:03 UTC
2386,TrädID 430,1818,Story,5024,2018-01-29 20:22:04 UTC,2018-01-29 20:25:17 UTC
2389,TrädID 433,1818,Story,5027,2018-01-29 20:26:25 UTC,2018-01-29 20:26:25 UTC
2394,TrädID 451,1818,Story,5032,2018-01-29 20:32:06 UTC,2018-01-29 20:32:06 UTC
2403,TrädID 518,1818,Story,5041,2018-01-29 20:55:49 UTC,2018-01-29 20:55:49 UTC
2404,TrädID 519,1818,Story,5042,2018-01-29 20:56:40 UTC,2018-01-29 20:56:40 UTC
2405,TrädID 520,1818,Story,5043,2018-01-29 20:57:04 UTC,2018-01-29 20:57:04 UTC
2428,TröädID 573,1818,Story,5066,2018-01-29 21:13:31 UTC,2018-01-29 21:13:31 UTC
2430,TrädID 567,1818,Story,5068,2018-01-29 21:15:43 UTC,2018-01-29 21:15:43 UTC
2432,TrädID 565,1818,Story,5070,2018-01-29 21:16:33 UTC,2018-01-29 21:16:33 UTC
2433,TrädID 564,1818,Story,5071,2018-01-29 21:16:59 UTC,2018-01-29 21:16:59 UTC
2374,TrädID 418,1818,Story,5012,2018-01-29 20:13:56 UTC,2018-01-29 20:13:56 UTC
2379,TrädID 424,1818,Story,5017,2018-01-29 20:16:34 UTC,2018-01-29 20:16:34 UTC
2385,TrädId 429,1818,Story,5023,2018-01-29 20:21:31 UTC,2018-01-29 20:21:31 UTC
2393,TrädID 450,1818,Story,5031,2018-01-29 20:31:36 UTC,2018-01-29 20:31:36 UTC
2399,TrädID 514,1818,Story,5037,2018-01-29 20:53:58 UTC,2018-01-29 20:53:58 UTC
2409,TrädID 531,1818,Story,5047,2018-01-29 20:59:12 UTC,2018-01-29 20:59:12 UTC
2415,TrädID 528,1818,Story,5053,2018-01-29 21:02:29 UTC,2018-01-29 21:02:29 UTC
2419,TrädID 578,1818,Story,5057,2018-01-29 21:08:38 UTC,2018-01-29 21:08:38 UTC
2434,TrädID 563,1818,Story,5072,2018-01-29 21:17:26 UTC,2018-01-29 21:17:26 UTC
2435,TrädID 562,1818,Story,5073,2018-01-29 21:17:49 UTC,2018-01-29 21:17:49 UTC
2380,TrädID 425,1818,Story,5018,2018-01-29 20:16:59 UTC,2018-01-29 20:16:59 UTC
2382,TrädID 426,1818,Story,5020,2018-01-29 20:19:58 UTC,2018-01-29 20:19:58 UTC
2387,TrädID 431,1818,Story,5025,2018-01-29 20:22:25 UTC,2018-01-29 20:25:39 UTC
2390,TrädID 434,1818,Story,5028,2018-01-29 20:27:14 UTC,2018-01-29 20:27:14 UTC
2395,TrädID 452,1818,Story,5033,2018-01-29 20:32:28 UTC,2018-01-29 20:32:28 UTC
2398,TrädID 513,1818,Story,5036,2018-01-29 20:53:12 UTC,2018-01-29 20:53:12 UTC
2408,TrädID 532,1818,Story,5046,2018-01-29 20:58:51 UTC,2018-01-29 20:58:51 UTC
2414,TrädID 529,1818,Story,5052,2018-01-29 21:02:03 UTC,2018-01-29 21:02:03 UTC
2418,TrädID 579,1818,Story,5056,2018-01-29 21:08:07 UTC,2018-01-29 21:08:07 UTC
2436,TrädID 561,1818,Story,5074,2018-01-29 21:18:12 UTC,2018-01-29 21:18:12 UTC
2437,TrädID 560,1818,Story,5075,2018-01-29 21:18:39 UTC,2018-01-29 21:18:39 UTC
2461,TrädID 497,1818,Story,5111,2018-01-31 18:25:08 UTC,2018-01-31 18:25:08 UTC
2443,TrädId 486,1818,Story,5090,2018-01-30 20:52:18 UTC,2018-01-30 20:52:18 UTC
2444,TrädId 485,1818,Story,5091,2018-01-30 20:53:02 UTC,2018-01-30 20:53:02 UTC
2445,TrädID 486,1818,Story,5092,2018-01-30 20:53:35 UTC,2018-01-30 20:53:35 UTC
2446,TrädID 484,1818,Story,5093,2018-01-30 20:54:00 UTC,2018-01-30 20:54:00 UTC
2447,TrädID 483,1818,Story,5094,2018-01-30 20:55:35 UTC,2018-01-30 20:55:35 UTC
2448,TrädID 482,1818,Story,5095,2018-01-30 20:55:59 UTC,2018-01-30 20:55:59 UTC
2449,TrädId 481,1818,Story,5096,2018-01-30 20:56:42 UTC,2018-01-30 20:56:42 UTC
2450,TrädID 480,1818,Story,5097,2018-01-30 20:57:19 UTC,2018-01-30 20:57:19 UTC
2451,TrädID 479,1818,Story,5098,2018-01-30 20:57:54 UTC,2018-01-30 20:57:54 UTC
2452,TrädID 480,1818,Story,5099,2018-01-30 20:58:36 UTC,2018-01-30 20:58:36 UTC
2453,TrädID 487,1818,Story,5100,2018-01-30 21:02:33 UTC,2018-01-30 21:02:33 UTC
2454,TrädID 488,1818,Story,5101,2018-01-30 21:03:04 UTC,2018-01-30 21:03:04 UTC
2455,TrädId 489,1818,Story,5102,2018-01-30 21:03:27 UTC,2018-01-30 21:03:27 UTC
2456,TrädID 490,1818,Story,5103,2018-01-30 21:03:54 UTC,2018-01-30 21:03:54 UTC
2457,Kontroll av träd med justering av kronstabilisering och dödvedning .,1818,Story,5107,2018-01-31 13:32:55 UTC,2018-01-31 13:32:55 UTC
2459,"TrädID 499
",1818,Story,5109,2018-01-31 18:23:44 UTC,2018-01-31 18:23:44 UTC
2460,TrädID 498,1818,Story,5110,2018-01-31 18:24:17 UTC,2018-01-31 18:24:17 UTC
2462,TrädID 491,1818,Story,5112,2018-01-31 18:25:34 UTC,2018-01-31 18:25:34 UTC
2463,TrädID 492,1818,Story,5113,2018-01-31 18:25:57 UTC,2018-01-31 18:25:57 UTC
2464,TrädID 496,1818,Story,5114,2018-01-31 18:26:46 UTC,2018-01-31 18:26:46 UTC
2465,TrädID 493,1818,Story,5115,2018-01-31 18:28:02 UTC,2018-01-31 18:28:02 UTC
2466,TrädID 494,1818,Story,5116,2018-01-31 18:28:52 UTC,2018-01-31 18:28:52 UTC
2467,TrädID 495,1818,Story,5117,2018-01-31 18:29:26 UTC,2018-01-31 18:29:26 UTC
2468,TrädID 500,1818,Story,5118,2018-01-31 18:46:22 UTC,2018-01-31 18:46:22 UTC
2469,TrädID 501,1818,Story,5119,2018-01-31 18:46:46 UTC,2018-01-31 18:46:46 UTC
2470,TrädID 502,1818,Story,5120,2018-01-31 18:47:12 UTC,2018-01-31 18:47:12 UTC
2481,TrädID 582,1818,Story,5131,2018-01-31 18:57:49 UTC,2018-01-31 18:57:49 UTC
2484,TrädID 602,1818,Story,5134,2018-01-31 18:59:52 UTC,2018-01-31 18:59:52 UTC
2490,Träd ID 606,1818,Story,5140,2018-01-31 19:39:34 UTC,2018-01-31 19:39:34 UTC
2494,TrädID 610,1818,Story,5144,2018-01-31 19:42:30 UTC,2018-01-31 19:42:30 UTC
2498,TrädID 624,1818,Story,5148,2018-01-31 19:54:17 UTC,2018-01-31 19:54:17 UTC
2507,TrädID 617,1818,Story,5157,2018-01-31 19:59:36 UTC,2018-01-31 19:59:36 UTC
2512,TrädID 628,1818,Story,5162,2018-01-31 20:02:51 UTC,2018-01-31 20:02:51 UTC
2518,TrädID 635,1818,Story,5168,2018-01-31 20:11:13 UTC,2018-01-31 20:11:13 UTC
2526,TrädID 643,1818,Story,5176,2018-01-31 20:17:04 UTC,2018-01-31 20:17:04 UTC
2530,TrädID 650,1818,Story,5180,2018-01-31 20:19:15 UTC,2018-01-31 20:19:15 UTC
2535,TrädID 675,1818,Story,5185,2018-01-31 20:24:52 UTC,2018-01-31 20:24:52 UTC
2541,TrädID 667,1818,Story,5191,2018-01-31 20:30:30 UTC,2018-01-31 20:30:30 UTC
2545,TrädID 666 The number of THE beast.......,1818,Story,5195,2018-01-31 20:33:51 UTC,2018-01-31 20:33:51 UTC
2552,TrädID 659,1818,Story,5202,2018-01-31 20:41:48 UTC,2018-01-31 20:41:48 UTC
2553,TrädID 658,1818,Story,5203,2018-01-31 20:42:17 UTC,2018-01-31 20:42:17 UTC
2568,TrädID 679,1818,Story,5218,2018-01-31 21:13:44 UTC,2018-01-31 21:13:44 UTC
2573,TrädID 686,1818,Story,5223,2018-01-31 21:16:08 UTC,2018-01-31 21:16:08 UTC
2577,TrädID 690,1818,Story,5227,2018-01-31 21:17:47 UTC,2018-01-31 21:17:47 UTC
2582,TrädID 457,1818,Story,5232,2018-01-31 21:22:21 UTC,2018-01-31 21:22:21 UTC
2587,TrädID 474,1818,Story,5237,2018-01-31 21:24:34 UTC,2018-01-31 21:24:34 UTC
2592,TrädID 462,1818,Story,5242,2018-01-31 21:27:50 UTC,2018-01-31 21:27:50 UTC
2600,TrädID 470,1818,Story,5250,2018-01-31 21:31:02 UTC,2018-01-31 21:31:02 UTC
2471,TrädID 504,1818,Story,5121,2018-01-31 18:47:56 UTC,2018-01-31 18:47:56 UTC
2473,TrädID 505,1818,Story,5123,2018-01-31 18:49:12 UTC,2018-01-31 18:49:12 UTC
2475,TrädID 507,1818,Story,5125,2018-01-31 18:50:03 UTC,2018-01-31 18:50:03 UTC
2477,TrädID 509,1818,Story,5127,2018-01-31 18:52:48 UTC,2018-01-31 18:52:48 UTC
2489,TrädID 605,1818,Story,5139,2018-01-31 19:39:03 UTC,2018-01-31 19:39:03 UTC
2493,TrädID 609,1818,Story,5143,2018-01-31 19:41:56 UTC,2018-01-31 19:41:56 UTC
2496,TrädID 625,1818,Story,5146,2018-01-31 19:52:08 UTC,2018-01-31 19:52:08 UTC
2500,TrädID 621,1818,Story,5150,2018-01-31 19:55:34 UTC,2018-01-31 19:55:34 UTC
2503,TrädID 614,1818,Story,5153,2018-01-31 19:57:33 UTC,2018-01-31 19:57:33 UTC
2508,TrädID 632,1818,Story,5158,2018-01-31 20:00:52 UTC,2018-01-31 20:00:52 UTC
2513,TrädID 627,1818,Story,5163,2018-01-31 20:03:17 UTC,2018-01-31 20:03:17 UTC
2516,TrädID 633,1818,Story,5166,2018-01-31 20:10:14 UTC,2018-01-31 20:10:14 UTC
2521,TrädID 638,1818,Story,5171,2018-01-31 20:12:39 UTC,2018-01-31 20:12:39 UTC
2524,TrädID 645,1818,Story,5174,2018-01-31 20:15:42 UTC,2018-01-31 20:15:42 UTC
2533,TrädID 648,1818,Story,5183,2018-01-31 20:20:40 UTC,2018-01-31 20:20:40 UTC
2534,TrädID 676,1818,Story,5184,2018-01-31 20:24:23 UTC,2018-01-31 20:24:23 UTC
2549,TrädID 660,1818,Story,5199,2018-01-31 20:39:46 UTC,2018-01-31 20:39:46 UTC
2560,TrädID 250,1818,Story,5210,2018-01-31 20:53:32 UTC,2018-01-31 20:53:32 UTC
2562,TrädID 252,1818,Story,5212,2018-01-31 20:54:33 UTC,2018-01-31 20:54:33 UTC
2566,TrädID 677,1818,Story,5216,2018-01-31 21:12:48 UTC,2018-01-31 21:12:48 UTC
2571,TrädID 682,1818,Story,5221,2018-01-31 21:15:06 UTC,2018-01-31 21:15:06 UTC
2576,TrädID 689,1818,Story,5226,2018-01-31 21:17:25 UTC,2018-01-31 21:17:25 UTC
2580,TrädID 455,1818,Story,5230,2018-01-31 21:21:36 UTC,2018-01-31 21:21:36 UTC
2585,TrädID 476,1818,Story,5235,2018-01-31 21:23:36 UTC,2018-01-31 21:23:36 UTC
2590,TrädID 460,1818,Story,5240,2018-01-31 21:26:34 UTC,2018-01-31 21:26:34 UTC
2597,TrädID 467,1818,Story,5247,2018-01-31 21:29:50 UTC,2018-01-31 21:29:50 UTC
2472,TrädID 503,1818,Story,5122,2018-01-31 18:48:43 UTC,2018-01-31 18:48:43 UTC
2474,TrädID 506,1818,Story,5124,2018-01-31 18:49:33 UTC,2018-01-31 18:49:33 UTC
2476,TrädID 508,1818,Story,5126,2018-01-31 18:50:29 UTC,2018-01-31 18:50:29 UTC
2479,TrädID 580,1818,Story,5129,2018-01-31 18:56:18 UTC,2018-01-31 18:56:18 UTC
2482,TrädID 600,1818,Story,5132,2018-01-31 18:59:01 UTC,2018-01-31 18:59:01 UTC
2487,TrädID 603,1818,Story,5137,2018-01-31 19:05:01 UTC,2018-01-31 19:05:01 UTC
2488,TrädID 604,1818,Story,5138,2018-01-31 19:38:14 UTC,2018-01-31 19:38:14 UTC
2492,TrädID 608,1818,Story,5142,2018-01-31 19:41:12 UTC,2018-01-31 19:41:12 UTC
2499,TrädID 620,1818,Story,5149,2018-01-31 19:55:03 UTC,2018-01-31 19:55:03 UTC
2505,TrädID 618,1818,Story,5155,2018-01-31 19:58:39 UTC,2018-01-31 19:58:39 UTC
2510,TrädID 630,1818,Story,5160,2018-01-31 20:01:52 UTC,2018-01-31 20:01:52 UTC
2520,TrädID 637,1818,Story,5170,2018-01-31 20:12:13 UTC,2018-01-31 20:12:13 UTC
2527,TrädID644,1818,Story,5177,2018-01-31 20:17:32 UTC,2018-01-31 20:17:32 UTC
2531,TrädID 649,1818,Story,5181,2018-01-31 20:19:40 UTC,2018-01-31 20:19:40 UTC
2538,TrädID672,1818,Story,5188,2018-01-31 20:26:31 UTC,2018-01-31 20:26:31 UTC
2540,TrädID 663,1818,Story,5190,2018-01-31 20:29:04 UTC,2018-01-31 20:29:04 UTC
2544,TrädID 669,1818,Story,5194,2018-01-31 20:32:23 UTC,2018-01-31 20:32:23 UTC
2548,TrädID 657,1818,Story,5198,2018-01-31 20:37:35 UTC,2018-01-31 20:37:35 UTC
2554,TrädID 654,1818,Story,5204,2018-01-31 20:48:32 UTC,2018-01-31 20:48:32 UTC
2556,TrädID 655,1818,Story,5206,2018-01-31 20:49:30 UTC,2018-01-31 20:49:30 UTC
2559,TrädID 249,1818,Story,5209,2018-01-31 20:53:08 UTC,2018-01-31 20:53:08 UTC
2561,TrädID 251,1818,Story,5211,2018-01-31 20:53:59 UTC,2018-01-31 20:53:59 UTC
2567,TrädID 678,1818,Story,5217,2018-01-31 21:13:16 UTC,2018-01-31 21:13:16 UTC
2572,TrädID 685,1818,Story,5222,2018-01-31 21:15:44 UTC,2018-01-31 21:15:44 UTC
2579,TrädID 454,1818,Story,5229,2018-01-31 21:21:13 UTC,2018-01-31 21:21:13 UTC
2584,TrädID 477,1818,Story,5234,2018-01-31 21:23:11 UTC,2018-01-31 21:23:11 UTC
2589,TrädID 459,1818,Story,5239,2018-01-31 21:26:05 UTC,2018-01-31 21:26:05 UTC
2594,TrädID 464,1818,Story,5244,2018-01-31 21:28:36 UTC,2018-01-31 21:28:36 UTC
2599,TrädID 469,1818,Story,5249,2018-01-31 21:30:38 UTC,2018-01-31 21:30:38 UTC
2602,TrädID 472,1818,Story,5252,2018-01-31 21:32:42 UTC,2018-01-31 21:32:42 UTC
2478,TrädID 510,1818,Story,5128,2018-01-31 18:53:14 UTC,2018-01-31 18:53:14 UTC
2485,TrädID 612,1818,Story,5135,2018-01-31 19:03:16 UTC,2018-01-31 19:03:16 UTC
2495,TrädID 611,1818,Story,5145,2018-01-31 19:42:53 UTC,2018-01-31 19:42:53 UTC
2502,TrädID 622,1818,Story,5152,2018-01-31 19:56:39 UTC,2018-01-31 19:56:39 UTC
2504,TrädID 615,1818,Story,5154,2018-01-31 19:58:07 UTC,2018-01-31 19:58:07 UTC
2509,TrädID 631,1818,Story,5159,2018-01-31 20:01:23 UTC,2018-01-31 20:01:23 UTC
2515,TrädID 640,1818,Story,5165,2018-01-31 20:04:48 UTC,2018-01-31 20:04:48 UTC
2517,trädID 634,1818,Story,5167,2018-01-31 20:10:43 UTC,2018-01-31 20:10:43 UTC
2522,TrädID 639,1818,Story,5172,2018-01-31 20:13:18 UTC,2018-01-31 20:13:18 UTC
2523,TrädID 651,1818,Story,5173,2018-01-31 20:14:23 UTC,2018-01-31 20:14:23 UTC
2528,TrädID 641,1818,Story,5178,2018-01-31 20:17:55 UTC,2018-01-31 20:17:55 UTC
2532,TrädID 647,1818,Story,5182,2018-01-31 20:20:12 UTC,2018-01-31 20:20:12 UTC
2537,TrädID 673,1818,Story,5187,2018-01-31 20:26:02 UTC,2018-01-31 20:26:02 UTC
2539,TrädID 671,1818,Story,5189,2018-01-31 20:28:18 UTC,2018-01-31 20:28:18 UTC
2543,TrädID 668,1818,Story,5193,2018-01-31 20:31:47 UTC,2018-01-31 20:31:47 UTC
2547,TrädID 665,1818,Story,5197,2018-01-31 20:34:47 UTC,2018-01-31 20:34:47 UTC
2551,TrädID 661,1818,Story,5201,2018-01-31 20:41:09 UTC,2018-01-31 20:41:09 UTC
2555,TrädID 656,1818,Story,5205,2018-01-31 20:48:59 UTC,2018-01-31 20:48:59 UTC
2557,TrädID 652,1818,Story,5207,2018-01-31 20:50:05 UTC,2018-01-31 20:50:05 UTC
2558,TrädID653,1818,Story,5208,2018-01-31 20:51:04 UTC,2018-01-31 20:51:04 UTC
2563,TrädID 253,1818,Story,5213,2018-01-31 20:55:23 UTC,2018-01-31 20:55:23 UTC
2565,trädID 683,1818,Story,5215,2018-01-31 21:11:52 UTC,2018-01-31 21:11:52 UTC
2570,TrädID 681,1818,Story,5220,2018-01-31 21:14:40 UTC,2018-01-31 21:14:40 UTC
2575,TrädID 688,1818,Story,5225,2018-01-31 21:17:01 UTC,2018-01-31 21:17:01 UTC
2581,TrädID 456,1818,Story,5231,2018-01-31 21:21:59 UTC,2018-01-31 21:21:59 UTC
2586,TrädID 475,1818,Story,5236,2018-01-31 21:24:07 UTC,2018-01-31 21:24:07 UTC
2591,TrädID 461,1818,Story,5241,2018-01-31 21:27:26 UTC,2018-01-31 21:27:26 UTC
2595,TrädID 465,1818,Story,5245,2018-01-31 21:29:01 UTC,2018-01-31 21:29:01 UTC
2598,TrädID 468,1818,Story,5248,2018-01-31 21:30:15 UTC,2018-01-31 21:30:15 UTC
2603,TrädID 473,1818,Story,5253,2018-01-31 21:33:05 UTC,2018-01-31 21:33:05 UTC
2480,TrädID 581,1818,Story,5130,2018-01-31 18:56:53 UTC,2018-01-31 18:56:53 UTC
2483,TrädID 601,1818,Story,5133,2018-01-31 18:59:31 UTC,2018-01-31 18:59:31 UTC
2486,TrädID 613,1818,Story,5136,2018-01-31 19:03:52 UTC,2018-01-31 19:03:52 UTC
2491,TrädID 607,1818,Story,5141,2018-01-31 19:40:48 UTC,2018-01-31 19:40:48 UTC
2497,TrädID 619,1818,Story,5147,2018-01-31 19:53:33 UTC,2018-01-31 19:53:33 UTC
2501,TrädID 623,1818,Story,5151,2018-01-31 19:56:06 UTC,2018-01-31 19:56:06 UTC
2506,TrädID 616,1818,Story,5156,2018-01-31 19:59:12 UTC,2018-01-31 19:59:12 UTC
2511,TrädID 629,1818,Story,5161,2018-01-31 20:02:21 UTC,2018-01-31 20:02:21 UTC
2514,TrädID 626,1818,Story,5164,2018-01-31 20:03:42 UTC,2018-01-31 20:03:42 UTC
2519,TrädID 636,1818,Story,5169,2018-01-31 20:11:41 UTC,2018-01-31 20:11:41 UTC
2525,TrädID 642,1818,Story,5175,2018-01-31 20:16:31 UTC,2018-01-31 20:16:31 UTC
2529,TrädID 646,1818,Story,5179,2018-01-31 20:18:42 UTC,2018-01-31 20:18:42 UTC
2536,TrädId 674,1818,Story,5186,2018-01-31 20:25:30 UTC,2018-01-31 20:25:30 UTC
2542,TrädID 670,1818,Story,5192,2018-01-31 20:31:09 UTC,2018-01-31 20:31:09 UTC
2546,TrädID 664,1818,Story,5196,2018-01-31 20:34:24 UTC,2018-01-31 20:34:24 UTC
2550,TrädID 662,1818,Story,5200,2018-01-31 20:40:23 UTC,2018-01-31 20:40:23 UTC
2564,trädID 684,1818,Story,5214,2018-01-31 21:11:19 UTC,2018-01-31 21:11:19 UTC
2569,TrädID 680,1818,Story,5219,2018-01-31 21:14:10 UTC,2018-01-31 21:14:10 UTC
2574,TrädID 687,1818,Story,5224,2018-01-31 21:16:33 UTC,2018-01-31 21:16:33 UTC
2578,TrädID 453,1818,Story,5228,2018-01-31 21:20:42 UTC,2018-01-31 21:20:42 UTC
2583,TrädID 478,1818,Story,5233,2018-01-31 21:22:45 UTC,2018-01-31 21:22:45 UTC
2588,TrädID 458,1818,Story,5238,2018-01-31 21:25:37 UTC,2018-01-31 21:25:37 UTC
2593,TrädID 463,1818,Story,5243,2018-01-31 21:28:12 UTC,2018-01-31 21:28:12 UTC
2596,TrädID 466,1818,Story,5246,2018-01-31 21:29:28 UTC,2018-01-31 21:29:28 UTC
2601,TrädId 471,1818,Story,5251,2018-01-31 21:32:18 UTC,2018-01-31 21:32:18 UTC
2607,Kontroll av rotsnurr. Ingen strangulering. Rötterna har växt ihop och allt ser bra ut lämnas utan åtgärd .,1818,Story,5262,2018-02-01 08:29:59 UTC,2018-02-01 08:29:59 UTC
2632,"Reduction of some Limbs on this Tilia .
This should have been made a long time ago so it was not possible to do in a better way .
This is a big problem with trees that have been left for to long time without proper care .",1818,Story,5307,2018-02-09 15:20:32 UTC,2018-02-09 15:20:32 UTC
4095,Female,1818,Story,18483,2018-05-04 16:06:52 UTC,2018-05-04 16:06:52 UTC
4094,Male,1818,Story,18482,2018-05-04 16:05:51 UTC,2018-05-04 16:05:51 UTC
4093,An old pine tree keept for biodiversity .,1818,Story,18480,2018-05-04 11:57:57 UTC,2018-05-04 11:57:57 UTC
4096,This tree is grown from a seed brought from china by Ulf Carlsson on one of his boattrips .,1818,Story,18484,2018-05-04 23:48:02 UTC,2018-05-04 23:48:02 UTC
2642,An old oak left for biodiversity in knösö .,1818,Story,5343,2018-02-12 15:02:51 UTC,2018-02-12 15:02:51 UTC
2643,An old oak left for biodiversity in knösö .,1818,Story,5344,2018-02-12 15:02:52 UTC,2018-02-12 15:02:52 UTC
2645,"Mulmholkar on a naturreserve in knösö .
It is a artificiell tree trunk for beetles an other invertebrates.For example Lucanus cervus the largest beetle in europe.
Read more @",1818,Story,5346,2018-02-12 15:04:14 UTC,2018-02-12 15:04:14 UTC
2646,Another biodiversity oak in knösö,1818,Story,5347,2018-02-12 15:06:41 UTC,2018-02-12 15:06:41 UTC
2644,"Mulmholkar on a naturreserve in knösö .
It is a artificiell tree trunk for beetles an other invertebrates.For example Lucanus cervus the largest beetle in europe.
Read more @",1818,Story,5345,2018-02-12 15:04:13 UTC,2018-02-12 15:04:13 UTC
2662,"Female flower on ”Hassel”
Allergy season 2018 has started the male flowers are allready spreading its pollen in south Sweden .",1818,Story,5391,2018-02-19 18:54:23 UTC,2018-02-19 18:54:23 UTC
4104,"Moderplantan till alla dodong rönnar.
1976 ledde Tor G. Nitzelius en nordisk expedition till Japan men gjorde ensam en avstickare till den sydkoreanska ön Ullung-do som ligger ett bra stycke ut i havet öster om Sydkorea. Under sin vecka på ön såg han rönnar som liknade japansk rönn, Sorbus commixta, men som avvek genom att vara större i de flesta egenskaperna. Tor såg prydnadspotentialen och samlade fröer. Ullungrönnen, som den kom att kallas på svenska, visade sig vara ett förträffligt park- och trädgårdsträd och har efterhand blivit ett vanligt träd i Sverige. Säkert har vi nu fler träd i vårt land än de ca 2000-2500 st som uppskattas finnas på Ullung-do.

Under 1980-talet ingick ullungrönnen i “Projekt 80 – Nya träd och buskar” på Alnarp. Många ullungrönnar planterades ut och utvärderades. Några namngavs och sorten ‘Dodong’, döpt efter huvud-hamnen på Ullung-do, blev den dominerande sorten i Sverige och gavs elitplantstatus. Men ännu fanns inget artnamn på rönnen utan den kallades bara Sorbus ‘Dodong’ E eller ibland Sorbus sp. aff. commixta ‘Dodong’ E för att beteckna att den mest liknade S. commixta.

",1818,Story,18533,2018-05-07 10:36:57 UTC,2018-05-07 15:34:06 UTC
4135,The only natural habitat in Sweden,1818,Story,18586,2018-05-14 11:16:39 UTC,2018-05-14 11:16:39 UTC
4144,This tree is set up for the workclimb at the swedish treeclimbing champioship 2018,1818,Story,18603,2018-05-17 11:00:04 UTC,2018-05-17 11:00:04 UTC
4142,This tree is the ascent event on swedish tree climbing championship.,1818,Story,18601,2018-05-16 15:46:39 UTC,2018-05-16 15:46:39 UTC
2786,Linne’s lind,1818,Story,5687,2018-03-21 11:34:21 UTC,2018-03-21 11:34:21 UTC
4166,Viscum album is starting to grow 😍,1818,Story,18665,2018-05-27 19:16:03 UTC,2018-05-27 19:16:03 UTC
4197,"Polyporus squamosus on this tree .
Fjällticka",1818,Story,18810,2018-06-20 13:54:47 UTC,2018-06-20 13:54:47 UTC
4228,"This tree is infected with stybbdyna Kretzschmaria deusta

#Kretzschmariadeusta",1818,Story,18876,2018-07-02 11:33:23 UTC,2018-07-02 11:33:23 UTC
4229,"Polyporus squamosus
Fjällticka on this hamlade ulmus.",1818,Story,18877,2018-07-02 11:37:43 UTC,2018-07-02 11:37:43 UTC
4369,Swedenmark second biggest taxus in the wild.,1818,Story,19118,2018-08-22 16:06:31 UTC,2018-08-22 16:06:31 UTC
4652,This tree is now  down .To be replaced with new tree asap.,1818,Story,20114,2018-12-14 12:57:07 UTC,2018-12-14 12:57:07 UTC
4639,Kronstabilisering och reducering av krona samt dödvedning utfört,1818,Story,20063,2018-11-18 21:35:09 UTC,2018-11-18 21:35:09 UTC
5179,Minnesträd för Arborist 2017 klassen på Hvilan .,1818,Story,21255,2019-05-08 08:27:22 UTC,2019-05-08 08:27:22 UTC
5203,"ARB17, stående från vänster: Daniel Montan, Thomas Davidsson, Martin Robertsson, Simon Brante, Elin Ingemarsson, Gustav Andersson, Henning Nilsson, Jan Espinoza, Joel Öberg, Moa Pyk Kenntoft, Sigrid Stern, Miro Westlund Radestedt, Valentin Lindblom Knudsen, Jens Jonsson, Isak Nilsson, Ola Ledel, Simon Rosäll, Jenny Långkvist, Andreas Rellfelt, Simon Skåre och Marcus Karlsson. Sittande från vänster: Thorbjörn Höjer och Maximiliano Gonzalez. Examensdagen 8 maj 2019.",1083,Story,21359,2019-05-10 09:48:39 UTC,2019-05-10 09:48:39 UTC
12406,2020-08-11 Nr 13,5552,Story,31405,2020-08-11 10:16:51 UTC,2020-08-11 10:16:51 UTC
12409,2020-08-11 Nr 16,5552,Story,31411,2020-08-11 10:36:08 UTC,2020-08-11 10:36:08 UTC
12452,"TM19 undersökte naverlönnarna 14/8-20, samt räddade hästgården från förgiftning av tysklönnar. Med stor inblandning av vår lärare och ciceron Eric Danell.",4845,Story,31460,2020-08-14 07:52:32 UTC,2020-08-14 07:52:32 UTC
13565,"Hydrangea quercifolia

Planterad 2021",1818,Story,34019,2021-06-26 17:30:33 UTC,2021-06-26 17:30:33 UTC
13566,Planterad 2020 ,1818,Story,34020,2021-06-26 17:34:11 UTC,2021-06-26 17:34:11 UTC
13567,Magnolia meganolia ,1818,Story,34022,2021-06-26 17:37:43 UTC,2021-06-26 17:37:43 UTC
13568,Acer griseum x pseudoplatanus,1818,Story,34024,2021-06-26 17:49:40 UTC,2021-06-26 17:49:40 UTC
13569,Cercis canadensis ”ruby falls”,1818,Story,34027,2021-06-26 17:58:26 UTC,2021-06-26 17:58:26 UTC
13570,Euonymus sacrosantus,1818,Story,34031,2021-06-26 18:12:22 UTC,2021-06-26 18:12:22 UTC
Elaeagnus xebbingie",1818,Story,34035,2021-06-26 18:19:45 UTC,2021-06-26 18:19:45 UTC
13572,Acer palmatum ” Krazy Krinkle”,1818,Story,34037,2021-06-26 18:23:19 UTC,2021-06-26 18:23:19 UTC
13573,Acer shirasawanum ”Moorise ”,1818,Story,34038,2021-06-26 18:28:28 UTC,2021-06-26 18:28:28 UTC
13574,Acer palmatum ”Villa Taranto”,1818,Story,34040,2021-06-26 18:32:00 UTC,2021-06-26 18:32:00 UTC
13575,Acer platanoides ”Paldiski”,1818,Story,34041,2021-06-26 18:35:19 UTC,2021-06-26 18:35:19 UTC
13576,Cornus controversa ”varierata”,1818,Story,34047,2021-06-26 19:23:58 UTC,2021-06-26 19:23:58 UTC
13577,Carpenteria californica ,1818,Story,34056,2021-06-26 19:46:39 UTC,2021-06-26 19:46:39 UTC
13578,Acer negundo ”Tadeusz szymanowski”,1818,Story,34057,2021-06-26 19:49:08 UTC,2021-06-26 19:49:08 UTC
13579,Loropetalum,1818,Story,34059,2021-06-26 19:52:24 UTC,2021-06-26 19:52:24 UTC
13582,Prunus persika ”Red haven”,1818,Story,34067,2021-06-27 11:20:45 UTC,2021-06-27 11:20:45 UTC
13583,Rosa ”sympathie”,1818,Story,34070,2021-06-27 11:27:03 UTC,2021-06-27 11:27:03 UTC
13584,Prunus persica ”Melred”,1818,Story,34073,2021-06-27 12:51:15 UTC,2021-06-27 12:51:15 UTC
13585,Sorbus chinese lace,1818,Story,34077,2021-06-27 12:57:09 UTC,2021-06-27 12:57:09 UTC
13586,Asimina triloba ”Potomac”,1818,Story,34080,2021-06-27 13:04:32 UTC,2021-06-27 13:04:32 UTC
13587,Asimina triloba”Summer delight”,1818,Story,34081,2021-06-27 13:05:23 UTC,2021-06-27 13:05:23 UTC
13588,Asimina triloba ”Martina”,1818,Story,34082,2021-06-27 13:06:22 UTC,2021-06-27 13:06:22 UTC
13589,Pyrus communis ”conference”,1818,Story,34084,2021-06-27 13:08:52 UTC,2021-06-27 13:08:52 UTC
13591,Skimmia confusa ”kew green”,1818,Story,34102,2021-06-27 16:53:37 UTC,2021-06-27 16:53:37 UTC
",1818,Story,34111,2021-06-27 17:07:02 UTC,2021-06-27 17:07:02 UTC
13593,Pseudolarix amabilis,1818,Story,34115,2021-06-27 17:13:50 UTC,2021-06-27 17:13:50 UTC
13594,Tilia insularis,1818,Story,34116,2021-06-27 17:17:01 UTC,2021-06-27 17:17:01 UTC
13602,Euonymus oxyphyllos,1818,Story,34130,2021-07-03 14:47:01 UTC,2021-07-03 14:47:01 UTC
13603,Elentherococcus henryi,1818,Story,34132,2021-07-03 14:55:31 UTC,2021-07-03 14:55:31 UTC
1448,#ophelia ,1921,Story,3130,2017-10-17 08:07:06 UTC,2017-10-17 08:07:06 UTC
1447,#ophelia,1921,Story,3129,2017-10-17 08:06:30 UTC,2017-10-17 08:06:30 UTC
1497,#fungus,179,Story,3322,2017-11-08 12:31:23 UTC,2017-11-08 12:31:23 UTC
1498,#fungus,179,Story,3323,2017-11-08 12:32:11 UTC,2017-11-08 12:32:11 UTC
Carpinus betulus

• Form: träd, 25 m 
• Blad:  smalt äggrunt, fint dubbelt sågtandad, parallella nerver
• Bark: slät, tunn, mörkt gråbrun, åsbildningar 

Avenboken är trots sitt svenska namn närmare besläktad med björk och hassel än bok. Ett annat svenskt namn på växten är just salbjörk, av sala=slöjda. Virket är mycket segt och hårt och har också många specialanvändningsområden inom snickeri där slitstyrka krävs, som t.ex. bultar, verktygsskaft och valsar. Avenboken har dock många liknande preferenser som bok vad gäller krav på växtplats och de påträffas därför också ofta tillsammans. De är båda gynnade av skyddade förhållanden, speciellt som unga plantor, vilket betyder i lövskogens skuggor där konkurrens från örtartad växtlighet och betande djur uteblir till större del. Avenboken finns inhemsk i södra Sverige med nordlig gräns ungefär mellan Öland och södra Halland och växer oftast som inslag i lövskog men bildar på några få lokaler enhetliga skogar. Stammen bildar ofta åsar som skapar ett spännande och muskulärt intryck med slät mörkgrå bark. De mycket snygga bladen är spetsigt äggrunda med dubbelt sågade bladkanter och parallella nerver och frisk grönska. Den är mycket vanlig som formklippt häck och en snygg karaktär är att den då låter de vissna bladen sitta kvar. Detta är ett juvenilt, alltså ungt drag som försvinner med åldern, men om man håller den nere med formklippning går den aldrig in i adult- och därmed fruktsättande, vuxen fas. Knopparna är små och spetsiga och sitter tryckta an mot det smala skottet. De könsskilda hängena vittnar om björksläktskapet och senare på sommaren bildas karaktäristiska fruktställningar med vingförsedda nötter.

Hembygdsforskaren Gunnel Mattson skriver att den förste Kortedalabo som står antecknad i längderna hette Måns Bengtsson, ”arbetskarl”, och flyttade in 1812. Hans hustru hette Elin Andersdoter och dom hade tillsammans ett barn som dog i ung ålder. Vid 75 års ålder är Måns ensam utan arvtagare och erbjuder ett ungt par vid namnen Peter och Anna att ta över torpet. Tre generationer senare bekräftar barn-barns-barnet Nils Johansson, född 1917, att torpet i fråga låg precis vid platsen där spårvagnshållplatsen Runstavsgatan nu ligger, alltså precis där du står. Nils växte upp på platsen där torpet låg, hemmet hade nu byggts om och här fanns trädgård med fruktträd samt odlingar och höns för husbehov. Bostaden revs 1953 tillsammans med de andra små gårdarna i trakten i samband med bygget av ABC-staden som nu var i full fart. 

",1772,Story,5491,2018-02-28 14:29:34 UTC,2018-02-28 14:29:34 UTC
Betula pendula

• Form: träd, 25 m
• Blad:  4-6 cm, triangulära, dubbelsågade
• Bark:  vit med svarta strimmor

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
Björken behöver nog ingen närmare presentation hos de allra flesta. Alla känner vi den vita stammen med svarta streck. Björken kan bli ca 30 m hög men når sällan någon ålder att tala om utan landar ofta kring 80 år innan det är dags att kasta in handduken, men enstaka träd kan nå 130 år eller mer. Förknippat med kort livslängd är ofta snabb växttakt, och björken är inget undantag. Vårtbjörken finns över hela landet förutom fjällen och har en stor mängd användningsområden. Den ljusa veden är energirikt bränsle och vackert virke för hantverk, saven är söt och kan jäsas till vin och lövruskor doftar gott i bastun. I Sverige har vi två förväxlingsarter och det är glasbjörken (Betula pubescens) och vårtbjörken (Betula pendula). De hybridiserar gärna med varandra i naturen vilket skapar förvirring för den som söker artbestämma.

Artskiljande karaktärer:
Vårtbjörk (B. pendula) – Årsskott kala, med små hartsvårtor. Stambas ofta djupt fårad, svart skorpbark på äldre träd.

Glasbjörk (B. pubescens) – Årsskott mer eller mindre sammetshåriga utan hartsvårtor. Stambas oftare slät ända upp i hög ålder. 

Individen och platsen
Denna björk har en s.k vril som vuxit sig stor. Vad som orsakar detta är oftast ett genetiskt fel, en mutation. Detta kan jämföras med en godartad tumör vilken inte utgör något problem för växten såvida den inte bildar så stora eller avvikande strukturer så att stammens hållfasthet påverkas. En mutation är en förändring i cellers genetiska uppsättning (DNA) och kan inträffa helt slumpartat eller genom yttre påverkan av till exempel strålning, kemiska ämnen eller virus. Vrilar är hett eftertraktade inom hantverk eftersom spännande mönster bildas i veden, sådan ved kallas masurved.
Vrilar kan lätt förväxlas med sprängticka som bildar liknande strukturer. Om man sågar i en vril ser man dock levande ljus ved medan man i sprängtickan finner en homogen, mörkt brun, mer porös struktur. Denna svamp är en parasiterande och vednedbrytande svamp vars struktur kan malas ner till ett pulver som man kan göra ett mycket gott och antioxidantrikt te utav – kallat Chaga. Hade sprängticka orsakat en knöl i storleken av vrilen framför dig så hade det varit en mycket stor risk att rötan gått så långt att trädet skulle kunna knäckas.
",1772,Story,5494,2018-02-28 14:32:40 UTC,2018-02-28 14:32:40 UTC
Robina pseudoacacia

• Form: träd, ca 20 m
• Blad:  parbladig, 9-19 småblad som är ovala och ca. 1,5-4 cm långa
• Bark: grovt fårad

Växer naturligt i Appalacherna i USA. På vinterhalvåret kan man ofta se de torkade ärtbaljorna hänga kvar som resultat av den krämvita och doftande blomningen på våren. Det latinska artnamnet betyder ”falsk akacia” vilket länge också var det svenska namnet. Detta sirliga träd är relativt vanligt i parker och gatumiljöer i södra Sverige.
",1772,Story,5490,2018-02-28 14:28:11 UTC,2018-02-28 14:28:11 UTC
2715,"Blå ädelcypress
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Alumii’

• Form: Träd, konisk, pelarlikt, 20 m
• Blad:  Fjäll-lika, blåaktig färgton, städsegrön
• Bark: rödbrun till askgrå, vertikala strimmor som flagnar, äldre träd grovt uppsprickande

Ädelcypress är ett formstarkt träd som lätt kan blandas ihop med tuja (Thuja occidentalis) som är ett minst lika vanligt inslag i våra svenska trädgårdar och parker. De skiljs lättast åt genom kottarna, som hos ädelcypress är klotrunda och hos tuja avlånga. Ädelcypressen växer vild endast i Siskiyoubergen mellan Sierra Nevada-bergen och Kaskadbergen i västra USA. Dom kan där bli imponerande träd med en höjd på 75 m. 
",1772,Story,5488,2018-02-28 14:27:03 UTC,2018-02-28 14:27:03 UTC
Pyrus communis

• Form: träd, 20 m
• Blad: 5-9 cm, äggrunda till elliptiska, långskaftade, mörkgröna, glänsande, helbräddade
• Bark: mörkt brun, uppsprickande i fyrkantigt mönster

Vad kan vara ett mer spännande och passande i den lilla trädgården än ett gammalt päronträd? Med sin mörkbruna, i rutmönster uppspruckna bark och spännande krona bildar den ett mysigt litet klätterträd med välsmakande frukt. En klarvit blomning om våren och djupgröna glänsande blad utgör en säregen prakt. Detta träd står mitt i lekens epicentrum när sommarens hetta slår till, mitt på bostadsgården vid de svalkande plaskdammarna. Efter leken bildar den ett skönt skuggande parasoll för vila. 

Detta träd är åldrat och ”förgubbat”. Uttrycket är både förklarande och ger en beskrivande bild av fenomenet. På päronträd och andra fruktträd finner man skott som är ämnade för blomning och fruktsättning (fruktved) respektive dem som ger tillväxt och bladmassa. Ett äldre eller stressat träd ägnar allt större del av sin energi till att tillverka det förra, nämligen fruktved för att få ut så mycket avkomma som möjligt och därmed gynna artens fortplantning. Detta bildar en tät krona fylld av knubbiga små skott som återger den gamla krokiga gubbens gestalt.
",1772,Story,5495,2018-02-28 14:33:54 UTC,2018-02-28 14:33:54 UTC
1491,The last days of Autumn,179,Story,3291,2017-11-06 11:43:57 UTC,2017-11-06 11:43:57 UTC
11724,"Tilia ssp., probably T. cordata",4273,Story,30389,2020-06-19 16:39:23 UTC,2020-06-19 16:39:23 UTC
Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala 

• Form: buskträd, ca. 9 m
• Blad:  treflikiga, 7-9 cm långa
• Bark:  gråbrun, slät eller uppsprickande

Sirligt litet buskträd vildväxande i norra och nordöstra Kina, Nordkorea och Japan. Älskad liten parkpärla med spännande bladform som passar att odla där utrymmet är snävt.
",1772,Story,5512,2018-03-01 03:44:54 UTC,2018-03-01 03:44:54 UTC
4106,Arb 16 examensträd,1772,Story,18536,2018-05-09 08:28:34 UTC,2018-05-09 08:28:34 UTC
4129,"Arboristexamen på Hvilan den 9:e maj 2018. I bakgrunden nyplanterad japansk zelkova (Zelkova serrata). 

Från vänster stående: Frederik Pettersson (Svenska trädföreningen, ARB13), Björn Vollbrecht (lärare), John Berger Grönros, Isabella Jakobsson, Jan Holmgren, Nicklas Grevstad, Daniel Ljungkvist, Matilda Albacke Eriksson, Markus Wilkman, Emelie Simeonov, Joy Fransson, Johan Danielsson, Jakob Yttersjö (lärare), Johanna Ericson, Anna Westöö, Simon Åkesson, Sigrid Stensson och Niclas Forssblad. 

Från vänster sittande och liggande: Eric Danell (lärare), Johanna Knutsson, Tomas Wester, Ofelia Ovik, Rickard Svensson och Emil Ridderstolpe.",1083,Story,18569,2018-05-11 12:22:53 UTC,2018-05-11 12:22:53 UTC
4457,What kind of tree is this??,2044,Story,19291,2018-09-15 09:42:09 UTC,2018-09-15 09:42:09 UTC
1939,I thought this tree had a beautiful form,2090,Story,4444,2018-01-01 19:01:17 UTC,2018-01-01 19:01:17 UTC
1949,This tree has a very large crack probably caused by cold damage during a very cold winter.,2090,Story,4477,2018-01-07 13:57:43 UTC,2018-01-07 13:57:43 UTC
1565,Irish yew,2090,Story,3446,2017-11-18 09:03:50 UTC,2017-11-18 09:03:50 UTC
1568,An Irish yew,2090,Story,3449,2017-11-18 14:44:08 UTC,2017-11-18 14:44:08 UTC
1570,One of many Irish yew in the old poor burial ground,2090,Story,3451,2017-11-18 14:47:03 UTC,2017-11-18 14:47:03 UTC
1569,An Irish yew,2090,Story,3450,2017-11-18 14:45:19 UTC,2017-11-18 14:45:19 UTC
1611,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew.,2090,Story,3508,2017-11-19 20:57:56 UTC,2017-11-19 20:57:56 UTC
1609,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew.,2090,Story,3506,2017-11-19 20:56:36 UTC,2017-11-19 20:56:36 UTC
1606,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew.,2090,Story,3503,2017-11-19 20:54:20 UTC,2017-11-19 20:54:20 UTC
1600,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew,2090,Story,3497,2017-11-19 20:50:25 UTC,2017-11-19 20:50:25 UTC
1597,This horse chestnut has bleeding stem cankers,2090,Story,3490,2017-11-19 12:22:03 UTC,2017-11-19 12:22:03 UTC
1607,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew.,2090,Story,3504,2017-11-19 20:54:55 UTC,2017-11-19 20:54:55 UTC
1603,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew.,2090,Story,3500,2017-11-19 20:52:17 UTC,2017-11-19 20:52:17 UTC
1608,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew,2090,Story,3505,2017-11-19 20:55:44 UTC,2017-11-19 20:55:44 UTC
1604,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew,2090,Story,3501,2017-11-19 20:52:55 UTC,2017-11-19 20:52:55 UTC
1602,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew,2090,Story,3499,2017-11-19 20:51:40 UTC,2017-11-19 20:51:40 UTC
1599,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew,2090,Story,3496,2017-11-19 20:49:30 UTC,2017-11-19 20:49:30 UTC
1615,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew,2090,Story,3512,2017-11-19 21:00:39 UTC,2017-11-19 21:00:39 UTC
1613,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew,2090,Story,3510,2017-11-19 20:59:02 UTC,2017-11-19 20:59:02 UTC
1605,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew,2090,Story,3502,2017-11-19 20:53:42 UTC,2017-11-19 20:53:42 UTC
1601,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew,2090,Story,3498,2017-11-19 20:51:05 UTC,2017-11-19 20:51:05 UTC
1621,This tree has died. The bright orange spots are a fungus that breaks down dead wood and is not the cause of death which is unknown.,2090,Story,3540,2017-11-21 09:01:15 UTC,2017-11-21 09:01:15 UTC
1614,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew,2090,Story,3511,2017-11-19 20:59:58 UTC,2017-11-19 20:59:58 UTC
1612,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew,2090,Story,3509,2017-11-19 20:58:31 UTC,2017-11-19 20:58:31 UTC
1610,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew,2090,Story,3507,2017-11-19 20:57:17 UTC,2017-11-19 20:57:17 UTC
1598,Castletown house is fronted by a row of Irish yew.,2090,Story,3495,2017-11-19 20:48:39 UTC,2017-11-19 20:48:39 UTC
1595,This plane tree regenerated from a stump after damage.,2090,Story,3487,2017-11-19 11:21:01 UTC,2017-11-19 11:21:01 UTC
1589,One of the many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3474,2017-11-18 22:14:39 UTC,2017-11-18 22:14:39 UTC
1588,One of many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3473,2017-11-18 22:14:03 UTC,2017-11-18 22:14:03 UTC
1587,One of many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3472,2017-11-18 22:13:22 UTC,2017-11-18 22:13:22 UTC
1586,One of many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3471,2017-11-18 22:12:47 UTC,2017-11-18 22:12:47 UTC
1585,One of the many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3470,2017-11-18 22:11:46 UTC,2017-11-18 22:11:46 UTC
1584,One of many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3469,2017-11-18 22:11:04 UTC,2017-11-18 22:11:04 UTC
1583,One of many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3468,2017-11-18 22:10:27 UTC,2017-11-18 22:10:27 UTC
1582,One of many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3467,2017-11-18 22:09:52 UTC,2017-11-18 22:09:52 UTC
1581,One of many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3466,2017-11-18 22:09:17 UTC,2017-11-18 22:09:17 UTC
1580,One of many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3465,2017-11-18 22:08:41 UTC,2017-11-18 22:08:41 UTC
1579,One of many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3464,2017-11-18 22:08:01 UTC,2017-11-18 22:08:01 UTC
1578,One of many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3463,2017-11-18 22:07:11 UTC,2017-11-18 22:07:11 UTC
1577,One of several Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3462,2017-11-18 22:06:12 UTC,2017-11-18 22:06:12 UTC
1576,One of many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3461,2017-11-18 22:05:22 UTC,2017-11-18 22:05:22 UTC
1575,One of many Irish yew planted on the old poor burial ground.,2090,Story,3460,2017-11-18 22:04:24 UTC,2017-11-18 22:04:24 UTC
1566,A very old oak,2090,Story,3447,2017-11-18 10:37:36 UTC,2017-11-18 10:37:36 UTC
1564,This plane tree lost its top during storm Ophelia,2090,Story,3445,2017-11-18 08:49:25 UTC,2017-11-18 08:49:25 UTC
1574,A birch tree with witches brooms caused by fungal infections,2090,Story,3459,2017-11-18 15:33:06 UTC,2017-11-18 15:33:06 UTC
1573,An Irish yew planted in the poor burial ground,2090,Story,3458,2017-11-18 15:25:20 UTC,2017-11-18 15:25:20 UTC
1567,An Irish yew,2090,Story,3448,2017-11-18 14:43:09 UTC,2017-11-18 14:43:09 UTC
1684,This Sorbus is leaning precariously,2090,Story,3611,2017-11-25 15:21:36 UTC,2017-11-25 15:21:36 UTC
1791,"This lime is over mature.
The fruiting bodies are a sign of internal decay and it will soon need to be felled.",2090,Story,4188,2017-12-17 14:39:45 UTC,2017-12-17 14:39:45 UTC
1596,This maple has attractive autumn foliage,2090,Story,3488,2017-11-19 11:22:54 UTC,2017-11-19 11:22:54 UTC
1572,Some kind of birch tree,2090,Story,3455,2017-11-18 15:19:50 UTC,2017-11-18 15:19:50 UTC
1571,Some kind of birch tree,2090,Story,3454,2017-11-18 14:51:45 UTC,2017-11-18 14:51:45 UTC
2618,"En fin robinia på en sluten innergård. Ett luftigt och ljust träd som passar bra som stadsträd. God tolerans för varma och periodvis torra förhållanden. Blommar i juni med krämvita, doftande blomställningar.",2478,Story,5281,2018-02-06 12:02:49 UTC,2018-02-06 12:02:49 UTC
Crataegus x media ’Paul’s Scarlet’

• Form: Litet träd, 10 m
• Blad:  2,5-6 cm, djupt flikade med 3-5 flikar
• Bark: gråbrun skrovlig, ibland utstående kammar

Rosenhagtorn är en rosablommig och fylld* sort av korsningen mellan de i Sverige vilt växande rundhagtorn (Crataegus laevigata) och trubbhagtorn (Crataegus monogyna). Den uppstod genom mutation i England under 1800-talet och har sedan dess odlats för sin vackra blomning. Rena arterna av hagtorn korsar sig ofta och bildar i naturen oftast buskage, men kan också bli mindre träd. Dessa får ofta ett djupt åldrat och trolskt uttryck med sina tornar och knotiga stammar.

* ståndarknappar i blomman ombildade till kronblad vilket skapar en blomma med fler dekorativa och färggranna kronblad än rena arten.

",1772,Story,5509,2018-03-01 03:41:43 UTC,2018-03-01 03:41:43 UTC
Prunus maackii

• Form: Träd, ca.15 m
• Blad:  ca. 10 cm, ovala, spetsiga, fint tandade
• Bark:  slät, glänsande gulbrun, tunt flagnande

Näverhäggen kommer från nordöstra Kina, Korea och sydöstra Sibirien och har sitt latinska namn efter den ryske växtsamlaren Richard Maack. Karakteristiskt är den kopparfärgade barken som efter tiden flagnar lite skimrande. På våren pryds den av vita blomklasar med blommor så små att de påminner om släktingen spirea.
",1772,Story,5510,2018-03-01 03:43:09 UTC,2018-03-01 03:43:09 UTC
2738,"Amerikansk strimlönn
Acer pensylvanicum

• Form: buskträd, ca 10 m
• Blad:  Antydan till handflikigt eller treflikig, 10-15 cm långa
• Bark:  slät, grön med vita strimmor

Olika arter av strimlönnar finns i Nordamerika och Asien. Denna art har sitt ursprung i östra USA där den bl.a. växer tillsammans med rödlönnen som vi sett tidigare på Ramsdalsskolans innergård. Arten bildar ett mindre, flerstammigt buskträd med snygga blad och förstås den speciella strimmiga barken. Känner du igen klyvfrukten som kännetecknar lönnsläktet?

",1772,Story,5511,2018-03-01 03:43:37 UTC,2018-03-01 03:43:37 UTC
Salix alba

• Form: träd, 25 m
• Blad:  5-10 cm, lansettlika spetsiga
• Bark: grovt längsgående uppsprickande, gråbrun

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
Vitpilen har sin naturliga utbredning i stora delar av Europa utom Skandinavien. Efter att människan tidigt tagit hit den från resor eller som bosättare finns den förvildad här, då den sedan länge har använts för tillverkning av korgar och möbler. Det är ett gammalt bruk att hamla träd för att få tillgång till färska skott till lövfoder för djuren och av framför allt pil till korgflätning. 
Pilar trivs vid vattendrag och friska marker och är ett s.k. pionjärträd som snabbt omsätter markens resurser i tillväxt både på höjden och rötter i jorden. Speciellt för många pilarter är att de har en bra förmåga att sätta rötter från grenar och skott som faller till marken och således kan de få en snabb spridning. Inom släktet sker en hel del hybridisering vilket gör jobbet med identifieringen knepig och inom arten finns även flertalet varieteter vilket kan skapa ytterligare huvudbry. Vitpilen blir snabbt ett stort träd som kan nå 25 m på höjden och nära på samma bredd. Bladen är lansettlika och långt tillspetsade, fint håriga och svagt sågtandade. Skotten är ofta grön-gula och knopparna täcks av ett endaste knoppfjäll såsom hos alla andra videväxter (Salix). Barken blir grov och fårad och kronstrukturen saknar ett lättorienterat, upprepande mönster vilket kan resultera i speciella och vackra former. 
",1772,Story,5513,2018-03-01 03:45:27 UTC,2018-03-01 03:45:27 UTC
Prunus serrula

• Form: träd, ca. 8 m
• Blad:  ca. 10 cm, smalt elliptiska, fint sågade
• Bark:  Glänsande, mahognyfärgad, tunt flagnande

Detta körsbärsträd har sitt ursprung i västra Kinas bergsregioner och Tibet. Kännetecknas förstås som namnet skvallrar om av sin vackra glänsande bark i mahognytoner som flagnar i tunna strimmor. Bladen är smalare än hos många andra körsbär och ger ett sirligt intryck med en krona som breder ut sig nästan lika vid som hög. Strax efter bladutspringet får man, om man tittar in bland bladen, en diskret vit blomning.
",1772,Story,5515,2018-03-01 03:47:03 UTC,2018-03-01 03:47:03 UTC
Juglans sp.

• Form: Träd, 17-18 m
• Blad:  Motsatt parbladig
• Bark: Grå, uppsprickande ofta bevuxen med gula lavar

Valnötssläktet omfattar omkring 20 arter varav minst 5 är odlingsbara i södra Sverige. Att skilja dessa åt kan vara knepig uppgift speciellt under vinterhalvåret utan blad vilket varit fallet under identifieringen av vissa träd till denna vandring. Därför väntar artbestämningen tills sommaren då en uppdatering kan ske. Gemensamma karaktärer för valnötsträd är parbladigt sammansatta blad, trekantiga bladärr (avtryck på platsen där fjolårets blad suttit) som liknar getansikten och s.k. ”kamrad märg”, vilket innebär att skottens märg är ihåliga med avgränsande sektioner som tydligt syns när man täljer sig in till dess mitt.
När man talar om valnöt är det främst den äkta valnöten (Juglans regia) man tänker på. Det är den som ger den finaste och mest välsmakande nöten. Den skiljer du ut i mängden genom att dess mycket aromatiska blad har ett förhållandevis stort ändblad jämfört med de sidoriktade småbladen.
",1772,Story,5516,2018-03-01 03:48:08 UTC,2018-03-01 03:48:08 UTC
Tilia platyphyllos

• Form: träd, ca 30 m
• Blad:  strödda, snett hjärtlika, sågtandade, hårtofsar i nervvinklar
• Bark: grå-brun, slät som ung sedan grov, uppsprickande. 

Kännetecken och ståndort
De tre lindarterna som växer naturligt i Sverige och Europa hör ihop genom att två av dom är föräldrar till den tredje. Barnet, är en hybrid som mycket sällan förekommer naturligt där de båda föräldrarna växer tillsammans och har ärvt så många positiva egenskaper av sina föräldrar att den snabbt blivit det populäraste stadsträdet – parklind (Tilia x europaea). De två föräldrarna är skogslinden (Tilia cordata) och bohuslinden (Tilia platyphyllos). Skogslinden växer vild i Götaland och Svealand samt på gynnsamma platser i södra Norrland, medan bohuslind är en i vårt land mycket sällsynt växt som endast förekommer i enstaka exemplar på Öddö och Sydkoster utanför Strömstad. De parklindar som förekommer i naturen är ofta förvildade rymlingar från parkmiljö.

Gemensamt för dessa lindar är ett friskt, grönt, hjärtformat och sågtandat blad med långt skaft. I nervvinklarna på baksidan av bladet sitter små håriga tofsar kallade domatier vilka bildar husrum åt nyttodjur som svampsporätande kvalster. De äggrunda knopparna sitter strödda och består av 2-3 knoppfjäll varav det översta är särskilt stort och bildar en tumvante-lik form. Dessa är liksom skottet gröna men skiftar till röda på den mest solbelysta sidan. Barken är på unga exemplar slät och blir med åren uppsprickande och grov. Linden blir ofta anklagad för att vara giftig mot sina pollinerande insekter vilket är ett obevisat påstående. Den troligaste förklaringen till att många bin ramlar ner döda från sitt jobb just i en lind ofta beror på att lind vid den tidpunkten är den huvudsakliga födan. Den vitgula, femtaliga och tvåkönade blomman sitter på ett långt skaft som vid basen har ett vingliknande förblad. Dessa ljusare förblad med blomma, som förvandlas till en kapsel med frön kan lätt urskiljas mot det mörkare lövverket på sensommaren in på hösten.

Artskiljande karaktärer
Skogslind (T. cordata) - Höjd ca 30m. Skogar, snår, gårdar, kyrkor alléer. Blad ca. 4-7 cm långa, skevt hjärtlika, spetsiga och sågtandade. Kala skott. Fruktkapsel liten, går att krossa med fingrarna, utan eller nästan utan åsar. Domatier rostfärgade.

Bohuslind (T. platyphyllos) - Höjd ca. 40 m. Udda lokaler i strömstadstrakten samt parker och alléer. Blad ca. 10-12 cm långa, rundat hjärtlika och håriga. Hårigt skott. Fruktkapsel med tydliga åsar, mycket svåra att krossa. Domatier ljusa (men blir mörka framåt sensommaren).

Parklind (T. x europaea) - Höjd ca. 35 m. Park, gator och alléer. Blad ca. 6-10 cm långa. Annars ett mellanting av sina föräldrar.

Individen och platsen
De allébildande träden är ett viktigt inslag på landsbygden såväl som i staden som skapare av korridorer för rörelse av olika djurarter. Det som kallas en allé är oftast två trädrader utefter en väg och har sin historiska bakgrund i att bilda pampiga entréer till herresäten och städer eller dämpa vinden längs landsvägar för omkring fyrahundra år sedan. Ur ett biologiskt perspektiv är dessa miljöer så pass viktiga att de i miljöbalken har ett generellt skydd. Kriterierna för vad som är en allé i detta avseende beskrivs utförligt i Naturvårdsverkets förordningar och kan innebära att ägaren inte får fälla alléträd utan tillstånd. 
",1772,Story,5517,2018-03-01 03:48:46 UTC,2018-03-01 03:48:46 UTC
13490,Troligen Stjärnmagnolia (M. Stellata) ,8061,Story,33748,2021-05-31 06:25:24 UTC,2021-05-31 06:25:24 UTC
891,"Acer triflorum – klöverlönn

Unikum! Säkert för Sverige i stort. Sällan skådat en så stor samling klöverlönnar, särskilt inte formellt radade. Kul då att det antagligen är resultatet av en fel leverans.

Klöverlönnen är ett litet träd med ursprung i norra Kina, Manchuriet och Korea, där som underskikt i bergsskogar. Arten förs till en särskild grupp lönnar, sektionen Trifoliata, där du återfinner en handfull likar med sammansatta blad sittandes i par om tre. Detta gör dem lätta att känna igen, men svåra att skilja från varandra. Speciellt som unga. Kopparlönnen – Acer griseum är med sin glansiga bark utan tvekan sektionens slagskepp och den art som gått mainstream. Den finner du bla i Folkets park (anemisk) eller något mer välmående i praktrabatten vid Inga Marie Nilssons gata. Gissningsvis var tanken att kopparlönnen även skulle pryda denna rabatt, men då de som valpar ofta inte utvecklat huvudkaraktärer sker förväxling för jämnan. Istället fick Malmö Sveriges kanske enda klöverlönnsallé. Succé i min mening.

Tills skillnad från kopparlönn bär inte klöverlönn en glansigt flagnande bark utan istället en grov, skrovlig och fnasig, men trots ordvalen, förtjusande sådan. Dock avantgarde. Så att alla förstår: om kopparlönn är IPA är klöverlönn Gueuze, är kopparlönn naturvin är klöverlönn Chateau Musar. Klöverlönn fodrar en förvärvad smak, medan kopparlönn faller folk flest på läppen. Nåväl, när väl hösten inträder är det klöverlönn som står för publikfrieri med sprakande färger i varma toner.

Vill du själv undvika en såhär lyckosam felleverans rekommenderas en studie i de bådas småblad då tandning, textur och behåring skiljer dem åt. Levereras växterna vintertid (vilket är kosher) är rekommendationen istället att välja pålitlig plantmånglare. Detta då samtliga arter i sektionen är långsamvuxna, så eventuella fel kan ta åratal att upptäcka.

Anledningen till dessa individers något prekära utseende är då de tidigare var klämda underståndare till smalbladiga askar. Askarna fick för några år sedan stryka på foten, till utsiktens och klöverlönnarnas fördel. (på/i Topp till tå skönhet och hälsa i Malmö)",330,Story,1840,2017-06-16 14:37:00 UTC,2017-06-30 11:42:15 UTC
885,"Calocedrus decurrens – cedertuja

PANG! Malmö har blivit med ny art, jag har blivit bönhörd. I och med cedertuja har jag efter år av tjat, längtan och teoretiserande kring cedertujans lämplighet äntligen fått referensexemplar. Även om den planterats i parklika förhållanden (min hypotes är att den vore lämplig för den långt mycket tuffare gatan) har startskottet knallat och det är upp till bevis. Calocedrus GO! Calocedrus huserar vanligtvis i tuffa habitat i Kalifornien med omnejd. Gärna låglänt i soldränkta, snustorra tall- och cypressklädda bergskogar. Även på högre höjder, på terpentinjordar, något som vittnar om artens läderartade tryne. Tack vare gatukontorets Magnus Svensson finns det även att betrakta i den nyinvigda cementparken i Limhamn. Hela parken bär tydlig karaktär av Svensson, där allsköns ovanligheter får komma till tals. Med cedertujan får Mangan en virtuell hi-5 av undertecknad.

Förutom sitt mycket förvirrande trivialnamn (cedertujan har inget med varken ceder eller tuja att göra) är denna nykomling en ögonsten bland barrväxter. Det som för det otränade ögat kan se ut som vilken tuja eller ädelcypress som helst, kommer med lite optiskt kalibrerande inse att det är som att jämföra äpplen med päron. Ett friskt grönglänsande barrverk utgör i rufsiga vippor denna frodiga uppenbarelse. Barren underlåter sig en annars vanlig brunaktig vinterfärg utan håller sig friskt gröna året om. På sikt kommer dessa småttingar utveckla en makalöst vacker mahognyröd och stripigt flagnande bark. Bark i kontrast barrverket blir utan att överdriva fenomenal. No joke. 
Förutom artens tolerans för tuffa miljöer gör även dess form denna planta lämplig för den trånga gatan. Plantan håller sig smalt cylinderformad upp i mycket hög ålder. Det är först som +200-åring som den utvecklar en mer oregelbunden krona, dock fortfarande snäv. Ett icke platsskrymmande städsegrönt träd för hårdgjorda miljöer, har du någonsin önskat dig något mer?

Skall något negativt nämnas, är individerna i cementparken i det minsta laget. Detta skylls bristen av denna art på den Europeiska marknaden. Supply and demand. Hoppas detta även är startskottet för ännu en förändring. (på/i Cementa I Limhamn)",330,Story,1834,2017-06-16 14:12:27 UTC,2017-06-30 11:42:15 UTC
884,"Cornus mas – körsbärskornell. Glöm allsköns vårlökar, det är lignoserna som verkligen vittnar om en välkomnad vår. Tidigast bland dem är nog körbärskornellen. Detta drygt 10m höga buskträd slår det mesta i Malmös dendroflora när det kommer till att vara tidigt ute, en första plats den delar med papegojbusken. Videungen snarkar högljutt än. Så för dig som tröttnat på att gå med mobilnacke i jakt på decimeterhög vintergäck (Eranthis hyemalis), nu kan du äntligen räta på halskotorna, våren är i ögonhöjd. Ulliga och gulliga, klargult kycklinglika små blommor står för vårfloret, och även om den enskilda blomman är liten är de tallösa i mängd. Masseffekten hänför. Men körsbärskornellen är mer än bara blom, den är en riktig multikonstnär. Förutom överdådigt vårflor bär arten vackert flagnande grafitgrå bark och högblankt friskt gröna blad, propert parallellnervigt prydda. Om hösten färgas samma blad vackert orange-lila. Men den i min mening största skrällen (förutom flådigt flor förstås) inträder strax innan höstfägring. När körsbärskornellen mognar. Otaliga suedis brukar oroligt undra varför babbar klänger i träden var sensommar. ”Vad är det för buskar?”, ”Vad har dom i våra prydnadsrabatter att göra?”, spörsmål som säsongsenligt ställs. Du med rötter från SÖ Europa, Azerbajdzjan, Kaukasus och stora delar av Mellanöstern vet vad jag babblar om. Då är den sötsyrliga rödglänsande frukten mogen. En C-vitaminrik, körsbärslik frukt som passar lika bra i bakverk som till sylt, gelé och likör. För den modige även au naturel, även om det gärna får vara fallfrukt för att andelen sötma ska ha överstigit syrligheten. Döm om min glädje när frågeställarna året efter muntert tävlar om de eftertraktade frukterna, samtidigt som recept utväxlas. Vips, är ett utländskt träd inte bara det träd som inviger den svenska våren, utan även ett träd som förenar kulturer. Men än är det länge innan de dagsaktuella klargula blommorna blir läcker frukt. Innan dess en lång och härlig sommar. Men för all del, punktmarkera gärna era objekt redan idag. Cornus mas är talrik i Malmö. Stora plantor finns att finna i Magistratsparken, i Kungsparken, på Upplandsplan och här, i Folkets Park. (på/i Malmö Folkets Park)",330,Story,1833,2017-06-16 14:04:12 UTC,2017-06-30 11:42:15 UTC
889,"Sorbus aucuparia ’Fastigiata’ – pelarrönn

Jag är kluven. Snyggare kultivar av vår inhemska rönn är svår att hitta. Allt som är vackert med rönnen har tweakats till att bli lite vackrare i pelarrönnen. Bladverket är mörkare, lite större, lite grönare, lite tätare och betydligt frodigare. Blomningen är något vitare, något fluffigare, aningen mer framträdande. Frukten är starkare röd, nästan lackad, och kontrastverkan mot det mörkgröna bladet är tamam. Även avklädd är det hatten av för denna planta. Tjocka skott utgör en välordnad, snäv krona. Och efter en del balanserande med sekatören i trädets unga år behåller pelarrönnen en kronstruktur som får växttekniker att salutera.
Slasktrattsnamnet ’Fastigiata’ till trots (där annars allt som är mer eller mindre pelarformigt och därför skiljer sig från normen samlas) är Sorbus aucuparia ’Fastigiata’ häpnadsväckande konstant i sitt utryck, alla individer är lika snygga. Vanligtvis noterar jag endast träden i ögonvrån när de passeras, men pelarrönnen fodrar ett uppehåll, ett längre ögonblick, något som annars endast bevärdigas det ovanliga.

Tyvärr är dess ursprung höljt i dunkel. Blad, blommor och frukt har till och med fått kunniga att diskutera om den faktiskt skall föras till vår S. aucuparia, detta då attributen påminner mer om nordamerikanska släktingar. Allsköns hortikulturella floror som rådfrågats iom detta inlägg har ryckt på axlarna. Det enda som egentligen nämnts om kultivarens historia är ”a distinct plant with a confusing history”. Tack för det Televerket.

Pelarformen av S. aucuparia är en liten och kompakt planta, långt ifrån platskrävande. Med ynka 4m i höjd och en Ø på dryga metern är detta ett träd att plantera där utrymme saknas. Något det vanligtvis gör i den tätnande staden. När jag rådfrågas i växtval är betingelserna så gott som ständigt att träden absolut inte får bli mer än fjuttiga i storlek. Så VAD gör denna knatte till rönn i detta enorma gaturum? VARFÖR har ett träd som fodrar plats likt en lyktstolpe använts i ett rum där jättar lätt skulle kunna möblera det? Jag är kluven. För trots att jag gillar pelarrönnen har den längs kalkbrottsgatan ingen funktion att fylla. (på/i kaka på kaka)",330,Story,1838,2017-06-16 14:28:38 UTC,2017-06-30 11:42:15 UTC
888,"Cercidiphyllum japonicum – katsura

I senaste laget, men går du trädpromenad i dagarna finns fortfarande tid. Katsuran har i mångt och mycket fällt sina blad, men visar sig fortfarande från en av sina bästa sidor och är därför väl värda ett besök. 1958 skrev Nitzelius att detta var ”de östasiatiska lövskogarnas kanske hittills värdefullaste bidrag till våra parker”. Och det gäller än idag. I Östra Kyrkogårdens katsuralund förstår du varför.

Ur en sparsmakad familj, endast innehållandes ett släkte, ryms två arter, C. japonicum och C. magnificum. Medan den sistnämnda lyser med sin frånvaro i våra städer är den förstnämnda väl representerad. Härstammandes från Japan (med omnejd)- ett medelstort träd med brett rundad krona, brun, tunt uppsprickande bark och tunna välordnade skott. Längs dess skott sitter runda, i utspringet röda, därefter blågröna blad. Bladen är arrangerade i par men påminner till viss del om krukväxten “Plättar i luften”, även om trädet i stort ger ett betydligt frodigare intryck.
Trots grandiosa prydnadsvärden året om är det alltid artens höstskrud som predikas. Starkt lysande i allt från vackert gul till karminröd och violett. Som om inte detta vore nog ackompanjeras färgsprakandet av en omissigenkännlig doft. Vad vi tycker det doftar som går dock så gott som alltid isär. Medan vissa menar nybakta kakor, tycks andra känna en bouquet av sirap eller spunnet socker. Hursom, alla är överens om en sak: det doftar ljuvligt. Men inte är det höstlöven som luktar, något som många potpurrifantaster bittert fått erfara. Nä, doften utsöndras i och med att bladen fälls, därför känner du den när du står i närheten av katsuror, men inte när du luktar på dess blad.

För bäst utveckling fodrar katsuran rika, jämnt friska jordar i skyddat läge och det sägs att du i trädets hemvist alltid hör vattnet porla när du finner dem i naturen. Detta har vi i mångt och mycket tagit med oss när vi väljer växtplats för träden, men ibland kan du se träd planterade på platser långt ifrån optimala. Utanför Paulibron finns exempel på detta, där ett annars skirt träd istället ser friterat ut. Krumt, risigt och med brunbrända blad. Besök dem hellre på Ö. kyrkogården! (på/i Östra kyrkogården, Malmö)",330,Story,1837,2017-06-16 14:24:29 UTC,2017-06-30 11:42:15 UTC
886,"Larix kaempferi – japansk lärk.

Sällan sedda här i söder, lärkarna. Det är för maritimt, och för varmt. Men är det en lärk som skall pryda Malmö så är det denna. 
Den japanska lärken, endemisk på Honshu, tillhör ett litet släkte bestående av 11 arter. Samtliga lärkar är av nordlig proveniens eller bundna till höga bergstoppar. Släktet är cirkumpolärt och återfinns över stora delar av Alaska, på Alperna och Karpaterna, över stora delar av Sibirien, på Kamtjatka och Sachalin, längs kinesiska Himalaya och som nämnt centralt på den japanska ön Honshu. På samtliga lokaler råder kalla, snörika vintrar och svala, fuktiga somrar, och lärkarna är inte ovanliga på lokaler där permafrost råder. Växer de på berg är det på hög höjd som sagt, antingen tangerar de trädgränsen eller utgör den. Ibland forceras den till och med, men då utvecklas de vanligtvis högvuxna träden till krumma och lågvuxna rishögar. 
Det som skiljer vår protagonist från övriga lärkar är att den sägs vara något kräsnare gällande ståndort, vanligtvis knuten till friska och näringsrika vulkaniska jordar, sällan på mossar och annat surt, och den vantrivs på dåligt dränerad mark. Antagligen anledningen till att individen på bild ser något skröplig ut.

Detta lövfällande barrträd bryter om våren med blågröna drygt 3 cm långa barr. Barren är arrangerade i kransar om 20-35st kring korta kortskott. Längs nytillväxt sitter de dock enkelt arrangerade, där utgör de vacker kontrast till de lysande rödbruna/violetta årsskotten. Äldre bark färgas svalt grå, uppsprickande i tunna plattor, men årsskottens färg går igen, om än svagt, i innerbarken.

Sent om hösten lyser lärkarna till, strax innan barren fälls. Vanligtvis i gula toner och sällan är väl den europeiska lärken (Larix decidua) vackrare än i ljust smörgul höstskrud. Den japanska lärkens årsskott ger trädet en något djupare gul ton, torftigt porträtterat på bild. Färgen gör sig bäst IRL, yani live. Passa gärna på i dagarna, för nu börjar barren sakta singla till marken. När du väl är där kolla då även den japanska lärkens kottar. Lika höga som breda och med vackert utmejslade kottefjäll ser kotten närmast ut som en utslagen teros. (på/i Slottsparken)",330,Story,1835,2017-06-16 14:14:18 UTC,2017-06-30 11:42:15 UTC
890,"Stymphnolobium japonicum (tidigare Sophora japonica) - pagodträd.

Kärt barn på återseende - Pagodträdet återuppträder på Malmöträd. Inte för att jag har slut på träd att skriva om, utan för att vissa träd gör en så himla glad.

Minns du våren? Minns du den värmebölja som sköljde över oss och provocerade fram en växtkapprustning värre än kalla kriget? Den ställde till det skall du veta. Allt rusade igång och blommade ikapp i en kakofoni utan dess like. Det sägs att sommarens högtid är mellan syren och hägg, men i år blommade de samtidigt. Själv var jag aktuell med en blomningskarta i Sydsvenskan, baserad på tidigare års blomning. Självklart skulle vädret gå på högtryck och sätta käppar i hjulen. Men motgång till trots gjorde värmen denna säsong extra spännande. För de växter som stod pall våren, de växter som snällt väntade på sin tur och istället blommade sent, är de växter som vi bör satsa på för att få blomning under sensomrar. De växter står ju för den så kallade nattmackan för våra surrande stadsbor.
Sist pagodträdet figurerade här var den 29 juli 2013, då i blom. Idag, tre år senare står det åter i full flor. Sicket superträd. Tamam.

Denna i naturen bergsbundna Kines (och Korean) återfinns i rasbranter på soldränkta och torra lokaler, något som gör den extra lämplig för att berika våra soldränkta och torra gator. Sitt artepitet till trots (japonicum) är den inte naturligt förekommande i Japan, utan endast odlad. Där ett välanvänt träd planterat kring högaktade tempel. I Malmö står den att finna vid likvärdigt viktiga tabernakler, såsom kring korvmojen på Triangeltorget, längs södra promenaden utanför Hansa, och här vid Folkets parks Babylon grill. Malmös mäktigaste är dock utan tvekan de individer som pryder Pildammsparkens entré vid Carl Gustavs väg. De sistnämnda är riktiga åldringar som bör besökas omgående då de sakta men säkert börjat degenerera.

Krämvita ärtblommor kontrasterar vackert mot mörkgröna ärtblad och pryder denna vecka kronorna på denna ärtväxt. Och trots att pagodträdet har haft is i magen och snällt väntat tills nu med att blomma, brukar blomningen sällan vara så rik som i år. Kanske ett resultat av heta vårtemperaturer ändå? (på/i Babylon Grill Malmö)",330,Story,1839,2017-06-16 14:33:55 UTC,2017-06-30 11:42:15 UTC
883,"Prunus avium ’Plena’ – fylldblommigt fågelbär.

I gränslandet mellan öst & väst påträffas denna bredkroniga trädrad. Likt åtskilliga platser i Malmö. Detta är ett av Malmös vanligaste träd, tillika den körsbärsart som rundar av Malmös drygt månadslånga hanami. Nu överlämnas facklan till hagtorn och prydnadsaplar. En sanning med modifikation, än har vi serrulata-hybriderna och doldisen vejksel kvar. I vid mening även häggarna, men sett till Malmös cityscape är det efter att de fylldblommiga fågelbären blåst fanfar som körsbärens högtid är överstökad.

Ur släktet som ger oss mandlar, persikor, nektariner, plommon, krikon, mirabeller och körsbär förknippas dessa med det sistnämnda. Arten Prunus avium är i Sverige ett kärt barn. Så kärt att det räknas till våra ädellöv. Och som vida känt har kärt barn många namn. Vanligast som körsbärsträd men fågelbär, sötkörsbär och bigarrå är alla tilltalsnamn för samma art. Namnet baseras delvis på växtplats och funktion.

Vild är det ett fågelbär, där de söta bären med glädje slukas och fröna sprids av bevingade namnar. Sötkörsbär eller bigarrå är odlade kultivarer, främst för vår konsumtion. 
Men den som väntar på att Spånehusvägens träd skall bära frukt väntar förgäves.

Här har blommans könsdelar istället både ersatts och dolts av kronblad, och surrande pollinatörer står lottlösa. Kornorna pryds i dagarna med små teros lika snövita körsbärsblommor i fylliga knippen. Men istället för efterföljande körsbär, brunar istället blommorna missprydande längs grenarna, som att trädet straffar oss för att vi avlat den för att inte få ligga. För anledningen till att denna namnsort är talrik i stan är (förutom tjusig blomning förstås) just för att de inte sätter frukt. Ingen frukt, ingen nedskräpning. Därför står fylldblommiga fågelbär i Malmös gator. Tyvärr är detta inte en växtplats arten föredrar, och ser du längs exempelvis triangeln hittar du flera toppdöda trädruiner. Dessa arma stackare fälls med all rätt i allt större utsträckning, allra senast individerna utanför Dr. Fisk. Denna art bör hellre vara föremål för friska och syrerika jordar. (på/i Rut och Ragnars Vandrarhem)",330,Story,1832,2017-06-16 13:57:05 UTC,2017-06-30 11:42:15 UTC
2652,Planted by Trees for Cities' volunteers in November 2017,414,Story,5364,2018-02-14 14:01:14 UTC,2018-02-14 14:25:56 UTC
4077,Spring crabapple blossom,414,Story,18458,2018-04-30 14:11:05 UTC,2018-04-30 14:11:05 UTC
2651,Crab Apple planted by Trees for Cities in November 2017.,2511,Story,5363,2018-02-14 14:00:02 UTC,2018-02-14 14:00:02 UTC
2765,Brentside yr9 planted this tree! 13.3.18!,2473,Story,5542,2018-03-13 12:33:27 UTC,2018-03-13 12:33:27 UTC
2775,Newly planted tree.,2503,Story,5555,2018-03-17 10:33:03 UTC,2018-03-17 10:33:03 UTC
3387,Planted on 17.3.18 by the Trees for Cities team,414,Story,17678,2018-03-26 11:46:14 UTC,2018-03-26 11:46:14 UTC
2783,Swedish whitebeam planted with Marybrook nursery on 19.03.18,2473,Story,5673,2018-03-19 11:46:19 UTC,2018-03-19 11:46:19 UTC
2784,Planted on 19.3.18,2473,Story,5674,2018-03-19 13:45:10 UTC,2018-03-19 13:45:10 UTC
2789,Planted on 22.3.18 by the local community.,2473,Story,5692,2018-03-22 12:20:00 UTC,2018-03-22 12:20:00 UTC
2795,"Planted by Rory, Tony, Cathy, Marcin, Marcio.",2472,Story,5706,2018-03-24 12:54:35 UTC,2018-03-24 12:54:35 UTC
2767,Petts Hill Primary yr1 planted this quince tree on 13.3.18!,2473,Story,5544,2018-03-13 14:42:27 UTC,2018-03-13 14:42:27 UTC
2798,"Planted by Trees for Cities with Tony, Rory and Cathy",2472,Story,5710,2018-03-24 17:01:30 UTC,2018-03-24 17:01:30 UTC
2797,"Rory, Cathy and Tony planting with Trees for Cities",2472,Story,5709,2018-03-24 15:38:51 UTC,2018-03-24 15:38:51 UTC
2788,Planted on 21.3.18 by the local community in Tower Hamlets.,2473,Story,5691,2018-03-22 12:17:08 UTC,2018-03-22 12:17:08 UTC
2766,Brentside high yr9 planted this tree!@,2473,Story,5543,2018-03-13 12:49:56 UTC,2018-03-13 12:49:56 UTC
4614,Planted bt Trees for Cities,2585,Story,19961,2018-10-30 11:03:18 UTC,2018-10-30 11:03:18 UTC
4615,Magnolia planted by Seven Kings Primary,2473,Story,19965,2018-10-31 12:32:53 UTC,2018-10-31 12:32:53 UTC
4616,Magnolia planted by Seven Kings Primary,2473,Story,19966,2018-10-31 12:33:45 UTC,2018-10-31 12:33:45 UTC
4617,Tulip Tree planted by Aldborough Primary,2473,Story,19967,2018-10-31 14:34:55 UTC,2018-10-31 14:34:55 UTC
4670,"Planted by Trees for Cities, November 2019",2473,Story,20162,2019-01-11 10:14:14 UTC,2019-01-11 10:14:14 UTC
4671,"Planted by Trees for Cities, November 2019",2473,Story,20163,2019-01-11 10:14:17 UTC,2019-01-11 10:14:17 UTC
4672,"Planted by Trees for Cities, November 2019",2473,Story,20164,2019-01-11 10:18:11 UTC,2019-01-11 10:18:11 UTC
4673,"Planted by Trees for Cities, November 2019",2473,Story,20165,2019-01-11 10:22:15 UTC,2019-01-11 10:22:15 UTC
4674,"Planted by Trees for Cities, November 2019",2473,Story,20166,2019-01-11 10:22:18 UTC,2019-01-11 10:22:18 UTC
4666,"Planted by Trees for Cities, November 2018",2473,Story,20158,2019-01-11 09:31:52 UTC,2019-01-11 09:31:52 UTC
4668,"Planted by Trees for Cities, November 2019",2473,Story,20160,2019-01-11 10:07:32 UTC,2019-01-11 10:07:32 UTC
4667,"Planted by Trees for Cities, November 2018",2473,Story,20159,2019-01-11 09:31:54 UTC,2019-01-11 09:31:54 UTC
4669,"Planted by Trees for Cities, November 2019",2473,Story,20161,2019-01-11 10:07:33 UTC,2019-01-11 10:07:33 UTC
256,"This magnificent tree is listed as a Lucombe Oak, a cross between Turkey Oak and Cork Oak.  It was measured at 34m tall and 1.78m diameter in 2012.  More information about Lucombe Oaks is at ",319,Story,911,2017-03-30 17:12:15 UTC,2017-03-30 17:12:15 UTC
323,Being on the Triangle in Sidmouth this is wired up so it is lit at night.,319,Story,1009,2017-04-19 14:51:05 UTC,2017-04-19 14:51:05 UTC
412,Very poor health which is a shame for such a potentially magnificent tree.,319,Story,1160,2017-05-01 18:11:44 UTC,2017-05-01 18:11:44 UTC
391,One of a stand of Lombardy Poplars at the southern end of the Byes Riverside park.,319,Story,1131,2017-05-01 10:48:19 UTC,2017-05-01 10:48:19 UTC
390,One of a stand of Lombardy Poplars at the southern end of the Byes Riverside park.,319,Story,1130,2017-05-01 10:47:53 UTC,2017-05-01 10:47:53 UTC
410,On its last legs which is a shame for such a potentially spectacular tree (see the one in the grounds of Hunters Moon 1417192),319,Story,1158,2017-05-01 17:58:31 UTC,2017-05-01 17:58:31 UTC
446,#young Oak,383,Story,1239,2017-05-08 09:40:45 UTC,2017-05-08 09:40:45 UTC
445,Twinned stemmed sweet chestnut,383,Story,1235,2017-05-08 09:30:08 UTC,2017-05-08 09:30:08 UTC
444,Probably the largest tree at The Knowle - an absolute cracker!,383,Story,1234,2017-05-08 09:24:26 UTC,2017-05-08 09:24:26 UTC
447,Sad looking horse chestnut,383,Story,1241,2017-05-08 09:47:46 UTC,2017-05-08 09:47:46 UTC
448,Happy horse chestnut!,383,Story,1242,2017-05-08 09:49:23 UTC,2017-05-08 09:49:23 UTC
519,Must be a great view from the top of this! It's huge!,383,Story,1365,2017-05-22 14:06:45 UTC,2017-05-22 14:06:45 UTC
520,Must of been a giant before it was reduced.,383,Story,1366,2017-05-22 14:11:56 UTC,2017-05-22 14:11:56 UTC
518,6 Poplars still hanging on!,383,Story,1364,2017-05-22 13:57:00 UTC,2017-05-22 13:57:00 UTC
9136,Red oak?,2192,Story,26407,2019-10-24 14:00:55 UTC,2019-10-24 14:00:55 UTC
9165,Very deeply lobed - Turkey?,2192,Story,26483,2019-11-05 13:07:35 UTC,2019-11-05 13:07:35 UTC
9166,Elder growing from base,2192,Story,26484,2019-11-05 13:13:12 UTC,2019-11-05 13:13:12 UTC
9313,Found underneath - Atlantic or Deodar? ,2192,Story,26779,2020-01-11 13:15:56 UTC,2020-01-11 13:15:56 UTC
9314,These taken in October/November 2019. Needles from fallen branch (no other cedars nearby),2192,Story,26780,2020-01-11 13:51:11 UTC,2020-01-11 13:51:11 UTC
9547,One of the first trees in this park to come into leaf :-) #spring,2192,Story,27402,2020-03-19 10:02:31 UTC,2020-03-19 10:02:31 UTC
9569,Poplar? ,2192,Story,27483,2020-04-04 16:01:19 UTC,2020-04-04 16:01:19 UTC
9589,465cm circumference ,2192,Story,27528,2020-04-24 11:47:47 UTC,2020-04-24 11:47:47 UTC
10174,8th May 2020,2192,Story,28281,2020-05-09 18:20:36 UTC,2020-05-09 18:20:36 UTC
10175,8th May 2020,2192,Story,28282,2020-05-09 18:21:14 UTC,2020-05-09 18:21:14 UTC
11215,Cordoned off after bough failure.  ,2192,Story,29627,2020-06-05 15:34:27 UTC,2020-06-05 15:34:27 UTC
12943,Some have turned...,2192,Story,32213,2020-10-22 15:06:56 UTC,2020-10-22 15:06:56 UTC
12944,Some still green,2192,Story,32214,2020-10-22 15:07:50 UTC,2020-10-22 15:07:50 UTC
12945,Some half way,2192,Story,32215,2020-10-22 15:08:45 UTC,2020-10-22 15:08:45 UTC
12990,200+ years old and still producing acorns.,2192,Story,32513,2020-11-22 11:51:50 UTC,2020-11-22 11:51:50 UTC
13076,170 cm girth in 2021,2192,Story,32735,2021-01-30 15:51:44 UTC,2021-01-30 15:51:44 UTC
13195,"Apparently, this young memorial Lucombe (planted as a heavy standard in 2009 I think) near our giant Lucombe, is actually the ""Wageningen"" cultivar. It seems to hold its leaves in winter, but they don't stay green.",2192,Story,33107,2021-03-04 09:26:44 UTC,2021-03-04 09:26:44 UTC
13553,Fire damage to one side of trunk - Spring 2021?,2192,Story,33934,2021-06-22 13:16:38 UTC,2021-06-22 13:16:38 UTC
14266,Moved to near mature female ginkgo 2022 :-),2192,Story,36050,2022-05-25 15:02:58 UTC,2022-05-25 15:02:58 UTC
1210,Detta är en prydnadsapel med sortnamnet 'John Downie'. Den har vackra vita blommor i maj ock koniska små äpplen i september. På just detta exemplar har man sått in Viscum album (mistel) som är en halvparasitisk växt. Den är fridlyst i hela landet och det finns bara ett vildväxande exemplar kvar i Skåne (Limhamn). ,1083,Story,2474,2017-08-11 06:21:09 UTC,2017-08-11 06:21:09 UTC
1705,Blågran,2153,Story,3641,2017-11-29 12:00:47 UTC,2017-11-29 12:00:47 UTC
1106,Står i en avenbokshäck. Bakom denna en gräsmatta och bakom denna en syrenhäck (Syringa vulgaris).,1083,Story,2358,2017-08-08 06:16:12 UTC,2017-08-08 06:16:12 UTC
1156,Hane.,1083,Story,2415,2017-08-08 10:32:27 UTC,2017-08-08 10:32:27 UTC
3991,Knopp Acer pseudoplatanoides,2116,Story,18296,2018-04-04 08:32:05 UTC,2018-04-04 08:32:05 UTC
2683,"Invasiv, ej inhemsk lönn",2552,Story,5434,2018-02-27 12:40:58 UTC,2018-02-27 12:40:58 UTC
1195,Svenskt namn enligt SKUD är röd tysklönn.,1083,Story,2458,2017-08-10 07:50:25 UTC,2017-08-10 07:50:25 UTC
1216,Denna prydnadsrönn med djupt finflikiga småblad heter ' Chinese Lace'.,1083,Story,2480,2017-08-11 07:08:39 UTC,2017-08-11 07:08:39 UTC
1212,Denna sort heter 'Nidiformis' (fågelbogran).,1083,Story,2476,2017-08-11 06:30:16 UTC,2017-08-11 06:30:16 UTC
1213,Hos denna rönn är uddbladet sammanvuxet med de två närmaste småbladen. Som underplantering växer Origanum vulgare (kungsmynta eller oregano) som är en viktig pizzakrydda tillika omtyckt nektarväxt.,1083,Story,2477,2017-08-11 06:46:49 UTC,2017-08-11 06:46:49 UTC
1834,"Underplantering med Geranium 'ROZANNE', Actaea simplex 'Pink Spike', Galanthus nivalis (snödroppe), G. nivalis f. pleniflorus 'Flore Pleno' (fylld snödroppe), G. woronowii (grön snödroppe) och Crocus tommasinianus (snökrokus).",1083,Story,4306,2017-12-22 12:32:52 UTC,2017-12-22 12:32:52 UTC
3990,Unikt och majestätiskt träd lämpligt i parkmiljö. 15 meter hög och 15 till 20 meter bred. Trivs bäst i mineralrik jord. Direkt sol kan ge upphov till barbränna.,1120,Story,18295,2018-04-04 08:31:08 UTC,2018-04-04 08:31:08 UTC
3992,"Stora knoppar, fjällrika, håriga/ ludna i knoppbasen",2153,Story,18297,2018-04-04 08:32:19 UTC,2018-04-04 08:32:19 UTC
2685,"Sort av den vanliga boken, men med hängande grenar.",1137,Story,5436,2018-02-27 12:44:59 UTC,2018-02-27 12:44:59 UTC
4013,"Knoppar brun gröna, något behårade knoppefjäll längst ut på fjället. ",2153,Story,18321,2018-04-04 08:59:25 UTC,2018-04-04 08:59:25 UTC
4004,"Höjd 5-7 meter
Upp till zon 5

Smalt upprätt växtsätt med god förgrening Vita blommor i maj-juni Tidigt mogna blanka lackröda rönnbär, mognar tidigt och sitter kvar länge Bladverket är friskt mörkgrönt med ljusgrå, filthårig undersida, mer smalbladigt än hos oxel. Gulaktig höstfärg, men ej iögonfallande. Sol-halvskugga. Anspråkslös. Väldränerad jord. Bästa oxelhäcken, till buskage och vindskydd. Ska ej användas till träd, som uppstammat träd är S. intermedia E/S. austriaca E bättre. Motståndskraftig mot skorv. Betas ej av vilt. Tål vind och salt. Tål fuktigare växtplats än S. intermedia. Den bästa oxeltypen till häckar (både klippta och friväxande) och till buskage.",1120,Story,18312,2018-04-04 08:44:39 UTC,2018-04-04 08:44:39 UTC
2692,Lik vanlig oxel men med något längre blad och fler bladnerver,1137,Story,5443,2018-02-27 12:49:51 UTC,2018-02-27 12:49:51 UTC
1217,Bladen liknar rönn men frukterna är vita och liknar snöbär.,1083,Story,2481,2017-08-11 07:12:59 UTC,2017-08-11 07:12:59 UTC
4015,"Mer hårig knopp, röd. ",2153,Story,18323,2018-04-04 09:02:16 UTC,2018-04-04 09:02:16 UTC
4014,"Blomning: vita-mjukt rosaanstrukna, relativt stora 1 cm breda, i stora samlingar, maj-juni. Attraherar bin, fjärilar, humlor m. fl.
Blad: fylligt gröna, parbladigt sammansatta med 17-19 skarpt sågtandade småblad, röda vinterknoppar
Frukt: vita, runda bärlika, drygt 1 cm i diameter, i hängande klasar, sitter kvar länge på vintern. Ätliga-föda för djur och fåglar 
Höst: orange till gul

Odlingsråd: anspråkslös och tålig i de flesta lägen men föredrar sol till halvskugga, i väldränerad näringsrik jord. Går också bra att odla i kruka och forma till bonsai",1120,Story,18322,2018-04-04 09:00:43 UTC,2018-04-04 09:00:43 UTC
2694,Rönn med vit-rosa bär.,1137,Story,5446,2018-02-27 12:51:24 UTC,2018-02-27 12:51:24 UTC
1155,Sorten heter 'Osakazuki'.,1083,Story,2414,2017-08-08 10:28:16 UTC,2017-08-08 10:28:16 UTC
4040,85 mm såryta 16 april 2018,1818,Story,18375,2018-04-17 08:05:08 UTC,2018-04-17 08:05:08 UTC
4041,85 mm såryta 16 april 2018,1818,Story,18376,2018-04-17 08:05:30 UTC,2018-04-17 08:05:30 UTC
4042,45 mm såryta 16 april 2018,1818,Story,18377,2018-04-17 08:07:18 UTC,2018-04-17 08:07:18 UTC
3981,"Härstammar från Kina, stora sammansatta blad, gulgröna vippblommor, blå baljfrukter. Död mans finger.",1862,Story,18284,2018-04-04 08:06:26 UTC,2018-04-04 08:06:26 UTC
2693,"Frukterna är ätliga, tro det eller ej!",2550,Story,5444,2018-02-27 12:50:39 UTC,2018-02-27 12:50:39 UTC
1163,Krossade blad doftar mango.,1083,Story,2422,2017-08-08 12:25:32 UTC,2017-08-08 12:25:32 UTC
1159,"Blommar i april, mycket frostkänslig.",1083,Story,2418,2017-08-08 12:10:11 UTC,2017-08-08 12:10:11 UTC
3986,Lika hög som Isak Nilsson.,1862,Story,18291,2018-04-04 08:22:42 UTC,2018-04-04 08:22:42 UTC
4001,Knopp,2116,Story,18309,2018-04-04 08:41:09 UTC,2018-04-04 08:41:09 UTC
1169,Underplantering med Geranium sanguineum (blodnäva).,1083,Story,2432,2017-08-08 13:17:06 UTC,2017-08-08 13:17:06 UTC
1170,Underplantering med Crocus angustifolius 'Cloth of Gold' (strimkrokus).,1083,Story,2433,2017-08-08 13:20:20 UTC,2017-08-08 13:20:20 UTC
1150,Underplantering med Pachysandra terminalis.,1083,Story,2409,2017-08-08 10:11:58 UTC,2017-08-08 10:11:58 UTC
1151,Hybridgullregn planterade i ring.,1083,Story,2410,2017-08-08 10:16:36 UTC,2017-08-08 10:16:36 UTC
3983,"10 individer planterade i ring, stamomkrets cm på 1m höjd. Korsning mellan L. alpinum och L. anagyroides. Gula hängande blomklasar i maj. Baljfrukt. Kvävefixerande.",1862,Story,18288,2018-04-04 08:17:35 UTC,2018-04-04 08:17:35 UTC
1255,Detta är den rödbladiga sorten 'Purpurea'.,1083,Story,2530,2017-08-15 12:45:45 UTC,2017-08-15 12:45:45 UTC
4155,"This tree is going down.
The species are a problem because of the invasive spreeding . 
So now some of the Acer pseudoplatanus species are leaving us to make room for other more interesting trees.
Bon voyage ✨🙏🏼✨",1818,Story,18634,2018-05-22 10:33:28 UTC,2018-05-22 10:33:28 UTC
4010,Knopp,1938,Story,18318,2018-04-04 08:50:50 UTC,2018-04-04 08:50:50 UTC
1146,Rödfruktig sort.,1083,Story,2405,2017-08-08 09:58:32 UTC,2017-08-08 09:58:32 UTC
1211,Sorten 'Linn' har fått sitt namn efter Hvilan läraren Ingvar Manns dotter.,1083,Story,2475,2017-08-11 06:26:56 UTC,2017-08-11 06:26:56 UTC
1167,Svenskt namn: Kinesisk strimlönn,1081,Story,2430,2017-08-08 13:03:30 UTC,2017-08-08 13:03:30 UTC
1196,"Denna häckväxt kallas bukettapel. Frukterna är egentligen små äpplen, som är en typ av skenfrukt. Notera att flera blad är flikiga, ett ovanligt drag i apelsläktet.",1083,Story,2459,2017-08-10 07:58:21 UTC,2017-08-10 07:58:21 UTC
1702,"Cornus kousa var. chinensis ´Milky Way´ , kinesisk blomsterkornell. Familj: Cornaceae – kornellväxter.  Varieteten växer vild i Kina men 'Milky Way' är inte en ren klon, utan härstammar från en grupp fröplantor vid en postorderplantskola i Ohio, USA. Kraftigväxande lövfällande buske med utbrett växtsätt (2-4 m hög och bred). Skotten är gaffelförgrenade med stora och rundade spetsknoppar med utdragen topp. Enkla, motsatta blad med bågböjda nerver och vackra höstfärger. Mycket rikblommande med fyra vita högblad som omger blomställningen i maj-juni. De ätliga fruktförbanden liknar röda smultron och mognar i september. Den är en bra brynväxt och kan också odlas som solitär i sol – halvskugga i skyddade lägen och i lundar. Trivs bäst i fuktig, näringsrik och väldränerad jord. Etymologi: Namnet Cornus kommer från latinets cornu, som betyder horn, och namnet syftar på den hårda veden. Kousa är latiniserad japanska, och är det japanska namnet på växten, ett ord som också betyder begrundan. Zon 3.
",1083,Story,3637,2017-11-29 07:37:44 UTC,2017-11-29 07:37:44 UTC
1166,Sorten heter 'Milky Way'.  Kanthäcken är Buxus sempervirens (buxbom) och på väggen växer Hedera helix (murgröna).,1083,Story,2425,2017-08-08 12:50:34 UTC,2017-08-08 12:50:34 UTC
3996,Knopp och gamla fröställningar ,2116,Story,18303,2018-04-04 08:36:48 UTC,2018-04-04 08:36:48 UTC
2684,Inhemsk ej invasiv,2552,Story,5435,2018-02-27 12:41:47 UTC,2018-02-27 12:41:47 UTC
1153,"Denna sort heter fliksumak, Rhus typhina ' Dissecta'.",1083,Story,2412,2017-08-08 10:21:42 UTC,2017-08-08 10:21:42 UTC
9095,"Detta är den vackra namnsorten 'Dissecta' som har flikiga småblad, och som på svenska därför kallas fliksumak. Sorten är en hona.",1083,Story,26329,2019-10-06 19:10:38 UTC,2019-10-06 19:10:38 UTC
1145,Med åren liknar klotrobinians habitus mer en sliten kvast än ett klot.....,1083,Story,2404,2017-08-08 09:55:24 UTC,2017-08-08 09:55:24 UTC
1253,"Då detta är en naturlig hybrid mellan Cotoneaster melanocarpus och Sorbus sibirica från Yakutsk i Sibirien, skall namnet skrivas X Sorbocotoneaster pozdnjakovii. Den är härdig till zon 8.",1083,Story,2528,2017-08-15 11:53:58 UTC,2017-08-15 11:53:58 UTC
1162,Högervriden lian med strödda parbladiga blad. Giftig men med stora väldoftande blommor i maj.,1083,Story,2421,2017-08-08 12:22:56 UTC,2017-08-08 12:22:56 UTC
1692,"Abies nordmanniana (Pinaceae) - nordmannsgran. Svartahavsområdet (Turkiet, Kaukasus, Georgien, Armenien). 

På bilden är det skottet till höger som är nordmannsgran. Skottet till vänster är Abies amabilis - purpurgran. Nordmannsgranen är en omtyckt julgran, ofta saluförd som kungsgran, en julgran som inte barrar. Bra läträd. Anekdotiska rapporter om att stammen kan nå 85 m. Barken är rutligt uppsprucken med ålder. Städsegrön, enbarrig, bladärr runda. Barr med vita vaxlinjer undertill. Korta, breda, platta, strödda barr som kröker sig nedåt om man betraktar skottet framifrån, doften påminner om rabarber. Knoppar knubbiga, bruna.

Honkotten är 10-20 cm med tillbakaböjda täckfjäll, sönderfallande vid frömognad som hos alla ädelgranar. Etymologi: Latin abies=barrträd, av Akkadiska abin. Alexander von Nordmann (1803-1866) var finsk botanist, chef för botaniska trädgården i Odessa, professor i Helsingfors. Zon 4.

",1083,Story,3623,2017-11-27 09:48:44 UTC,2017-11-27 09:48:44 UTC
1693,"På gräsmattan invid nordmannsgranarna växer i november Clavulina rugosa, rynkig fingersvamp.",1083,Story,3624,2017-11-27 09:52:46 UTC,2017-11-27 09:52:46 UTC
1157,Säljs som kungsgran i julhandeln.,1083,Story,2416,2017-08-08 10:42:04 UTC,2017-08-08 10:42:04 UTC
1704,"Viburnum x bodnantense ’Dawn’, hybridkejsarolvon. Familj: Adoxaceae – desmeknoppsväxter. En korsning mellan V. farreri (från västra Kina) och den storblommiga V. grandiflorum som inte klarar svenskt klimat (från Himalaja, Bhutan). Korsningen har vackrare habitus än V. farreri och blommar mer än sina föräldrar. Lövfällande buske (3 m hög och bred) med bruna skott och motsatta knoppar. Blad motsatta, enkla, elliptiska, sågtandade och nästan veckade som plisserade kjolar. Blommar på bar kvist i november-mars. De rosa-vita blommorna doftar syren, femtaliga, sambladiga, i klase. Föredrar skyddade platser i sol eller lätt skugga. Röda-svarta bärliknande stenfrukter som är sällsynta pga vinterblomningen. Etymologi: Viburnum=parkolvon, ytterst ett umbriskt ord. Bodnant Gardens i North Wales var hybridens födelseort 1935. Zon 3. 
",1083,Story,3639,2017-11-29 08:42:57 UTC,2017-11-29 08:42:57 UTC
1165,"Blommar från augusti genom vintern. Underplantering med bl.a Geranium 'Rozanne', Actaea simplex 'Pink spike' (höstsilverax) och Daphne mezereum (tibast). Vårblommande lökväxter är Galanthus nivalis (snödroppe), Galanthus nivalis f. pleniflorus (fylld snödroppe), Galanthus woronowii (grön snödroppe)  och Crocus tommasinianus (snökrokus).",1083,Story,2424,2017-08-08 12:46:09 UTC,2017-08-08 12:46:09 UTC
1104,Högvuxet exemplar vid nordvägg men röta i huvudstammen.,1083,Story,2356,2017-08-08 05:56:48 UTC,2017-08-08 05:56:48 UTC
1149,Bladen är inte lika finflikiga som sorten ' Dissecta' som finns utanför sal 2.,1083,Story,2408,2017-08-08 10:07:18 UTC,2017-08-08 10:07:18 UTC
1103,"Acer platanoides, skogslönn.",1083,Story,2355,2017-08-08 05:43:40 UTC,2017-08-08 05:43:40 UTC
1160,Planterades i maj 2015 på examensdagen för ARB13.,1083,Story,2419,2017-08-08 12:16:26 UTC,2017-08-08 12:16:26 UTC
3998,Ägglika blanka knoppar,2153,Story,18305,2018-04-04 08:38:19 UTC,2018-04-04 08:38:19 UTC
4000,"6-10 meter högt
5-7 meter bred
Upp till zon 3

Få träd har ett så unikt uttryck som pagodkornellen. Den är enkelt uppbyggd med en rak central huvudstam varifrån stora grenkransar går ut som tydliga våningar likt en asiatisk pagodbyggnad. Tillväxten är snabb i ungdomen med långa, blanka, röda årsskott. Äldre träd tappar lite av den extremt tydliga våningsbyggnaden men har kvar sin typiska grenföring där alla småkvistar riktar sig uppåt. Med lite uppstamning blir det möjligt att gå in under trädet och uppskatta den arkitektoniska kronan. Även vintertid är pagodkornellen mycket vacker både med och utan rimfrost. En bra placering är i blandad vegetation men så att grenvåningarna får plats att breda ut sig och synas. Planteras den i tätare system sticker den snabbt på höjden och kvistrensar sig själv till en lång rak stam med slät bark. Men det är också mycket vackert eftersom man då kan se upp på dess fina krontak.",1120,Story,18308,2018-04-04 08:39:35 UTC,2018-04-04 08:39:35 UTC
2688,"En kornell som har ett trädaktigt växtsätt, väldigt fin på våren.",1137,Story,5439,2018-02-27 12:46:56 UTC,2018-02-27 12:46:56 UTC
1174,Häck. Svedalas kommunträd där den enda svenska vilda populationen växer. Motsatta handflikiga blad. Äldre skott ofta vingade med korklister. Knoppar ullhåriga.,1083,Story,2437,2017-08-08 13:49:28 UTC,2017-08-08 13:49:28 UTC
1215,"Under denna finns ett buskskikt med bl.a.  Lonicera xylosteum (skogstry), Cornus sanguinea ( skogskornell) och Symphoricarpos albus ssp laevigatus (snöbär). Alla dessa kan uppträda som vedartade ogräs, men i ett woodland kan de snabbt skapa miljöer viktiga för fåglar och småvilt.",1083,Story,2479,2017-08-11 06:57:43 UTC,2017-08-11 06:57:43 UTC
1829,Underplantering med Crocus chrysanthus 'Romance' (bägarkrokus) och Geranium sanguineum 'Elke' (blodnäva).,1083,Story,4300,2017-12-22 12:06:38 UTC,2017-12-22 12:06:38 UTC
1158,Denna sort av asklönn har mer rosa i bladen än sorten 'Variegatum' som står vid södra Kattekärrsstranden.,1083,Story,2417,2017-08-08 12:03:08 UTC,2017-08-08 12:03:08 UTC
3984,"Asklönnen är ett nabbväxande träd med bred krona. Den har ett elegant bladverk som får vackra höstfärger i gult, orange och rött. Trivs bäst i näringsrik, kalkrik och väl dränerad jord, tål torka och ogillar blåsiga lägen.",1052,Story,18289,2018-04-04 08:20:50 UTC,2018-04-04 08:20:50 UTC
18 mm den 16 april 2018 på nedre snittet",1818,Story,18378,2018-04-17 08:14:15 UTC,2018-04-17 08:14:15 UTC
1828,Underplantering med Geranium sanguineum var. striatum (jungfrunäva) och Crocus etruscus 'Zwanenburg' (toscanakrokus).,1083,Story,4299,2017-12-22 12:05:15 UTC,2017-12-22 12:07:59 UTC
1148,Flera höga exemplar,1083,Story,2407,2017-08-08 10:01:18 UTC,2017-08-08 10:01:18 UTC
3982,"På bilden syns 3 st exemplars varav 1 har en dubbelstam. Den nordligaste av dubbelstammarna mäter i April 2018 1,39m runt stammen medans den södra av de två mäter 1,3m

Den västra av singelstammarna mäter på samma höjd vid samma tillfälle 1,47 och den östra 1,4",1793,Story,18286,2018-04-04 08:16:37 UTC,2018-04-04 08:16:37 UTC
1110,Sortnamnet efter Hvilanläraren Ingvar Manns dotter Lina.,1083,Story,2362,2017-08-08 06:30:35 UTC,2017-08-08 06:30:35 UTC
4007,"""alkottar"" förvedad frukt ställning. ",2153,Story,18315,2018-04-04 08:47:28 UTC,2018-04-04 08:47:28 UTC
4005,"Litet träd med flikiga blad. Höjd 8-12 m, bredd 5-6 m. Bör ej placeras för torrt, men är annars relativt anspråkslöst. ",1788,Story,18313,2018-04-04 08:45:22 UTC,2018-04-04 08:45:22 UTC
4009,"Skaftade knoppar, rödbruna aningen violetta. ",2153,Story,18317,2018-04-04 08:50:05 UTC,2018-04-04 08:50:05 UTC
2690,En gråal med flikiga blad.,1137,Story,5441,2018-02-27 12:47:36 UTC,2018-02-27 12:47:36 UTC
1105,Detta träd planterades samtidigt som avenbokshäcken intill.,1083,Story,2357,2017-08-08 06:08:30 UTC,2017-08-08 06:08:30 UTC
1154,Olika storlekar pga ojämn tillgång på vatten.,1083,Story,2413,2017-08-08 10:24:08 UTC,2017-08-08 10:24:08 UTC
1171,"Underplantering med Geranium 'Philippe Vapelle', Crocus speciosus 'Conqueror' (höstkrokus) och Colchicum autumnale (tidlösa) och C. autumnale 'Waterlily' (fylld tidlösa). Crocus har tre ståndare medan Colchicum har sex.",1083,Story,2434,2017-08-08 13:27:09 UTC,2017-08-08 13:27:09 UTC
3999,Knopp,2116,Story,18306,2018-04-04 08:38:26 UTC,2018-04-04 08:38:26 UTC
1164,Klättrande buske med variegerade blad. Skott med kamrad märg. Bladärr tydligt upphöjda (typiskt för släktet Actinidia).,1083,Story,2423,2017-08-08 12:28:08 UTC,2017-08-08 12:28:08 UTC
1254,Svenskt namn är silveroxel.,1083,Story,2529,2017-08-15 12:30:48 UTC,2017-08-15 12:30:48 UTC
1152,Strödda parbladiga blad med aromatisk doft. Uddbladet större än övriga småblad. Skottets märg kamrat som hos Pterocarya i samma familj Juglandaceae.,1083,Story,2411,2017-08-08 10:19:52 UTC,2017-08-08 10:19:52 UTC
1173,"Häck. Avenbok har dubbelsågade bladkanter medan bok har helbräddade om än vågiga bladkanter. Sidoknopparna hos avenbok är korta (7 mm) och tryckta mot skottet, men är hos bok långa (20 mm) och står ut i 45 graders vinkel. Avenbok har fått sitt namn från have, alltså trädgård på danska. Salbjörk är ett gammalt skånskt namn för avenbok. Sala betyder slöjda.",1083,Story,2436,2017-08-08 13:43:26 UTC,2017-08-08 13:43:26 UTC
1214,Söder om denna uppströms bäcken växer en perenn som blommar vitt: Anemone sylvestris (tovsippa).,1083,Story,2478,2017-08-11 06:51:32 UTC,2017-08-11 06:51:32 UTC
1208,"Detta är Rosa (Rugosa-Gruppen) 'Louise Bugnet'. Den blommar maj-september med doftande, vita och fyllda lommor med rosa stänk. Skenfrukterma (nypon) är utmärkta för nyponsoppa.

Planteringen har en bård av Buxus sempervirens (buxbom) och Salvia nemorosa ( stäppsalvia).

Här finns även Actaea simplex  (höstsilverax).",1083,Story,2472,2017-08-11 06:01:46 UTC,2017-08-11 06:01:46 UTC
1209,"Den helt rosablommiga buskrosen heter Rosa (Rugosa-Gruppen) 'Thérèse Bugnet'. Intill står en annan vitblommig buskros med sortnamnet 'Louise Bugnet'. Här finns också Buddleja davidii (syrenbuddleja eller fjärilsbuske), Buxus sempervirens ( buxbom), Salvia nemorosa (stäppsalvia) och rödbladigt höstsilverax (Actaea simplex).",1083,Story,2473,2017-08-11 06:11:01 UTC,2017-08-11 06:11:01 UTC
13331,Söt småbladig,7892,Story,33459,2021-04-15 07:04:34 UTC,2021-04-15 07:04:34 UTC
1108,"Vackert exemplar. Underplantering med Stephanandra incisa 'Crispa', liten stefanandra.",1083,Story,2360,2017-08-08 06:27:29 UTC,2017-08-08 06:27:29 UTC
1109,Två unga individer vid nordvägg.,1083,Story,2361,2017-08-08 06:28:50 UTC,2017-08-08 06:28:50 UTC
4008,Knopp,1938,Story,18316,2018-04-04 08:49:37 UTC,2018-04-04 08:49:37 UTC
1168,"Underplantering med Geranium psilostemon (armenisk näva), Geranium macrorrhizum (flocknäva),  Geranium himalayense 'Gravetye' (praktnäva), Geranium pratense 'Striatum' (ängsnäva), Geranium 'Patricia' och Geranium ROZANNE. Vidare finns där funkiorna Hosta 'Touch of Class' och Hosta  (Fortunei-Gruppen) 'Fortunei Hyacinthina' och ormbunken Dryopteris affinis (raggträjon).

Sorter av Crocus vernus (vårkrokus): 'King of the Striped' (lilavitrandig), 'Pickwick' (fint blåvitrandig), 'Flower Record' (mörklila) och 'Jeanne d'Arc' (vit).",1083,Story,2431,2017-08-08 13:15:19 UTC,2017-08-08 13:15:19 UTC
1142,Detta är den gulbladiga sorten ' Frisia'.,1083,Story,2394,2017-08-08 08:06:03 UTC,2017-08-08 08:06:03 UTC
1295,Denna individ är angripen av gelésvampen judasöra (Auricularia auricula-judae). Den är en svag vitrötare som utnyttjar den blottade veden. Gelésvampens svenska utbredning omfattar endast sydvästra Skåne där den kan hittas på stammar av bok (Fagus sylvatica) och fläder (Sambucus nigra).,1083,Story,2612,2017-08-23 13:11:17 UTC,2017-08-23 13:11:17 UTC
1107,Två exemplar. ,1083,Story,2359,2017-08-08 06:24:10 UTC,2017-08-08 06:24:10 UTC
1172,"Syrenhortensia. Underplantering med Geranium pratense 'Mrs Kendall Clark' (ängsnäva), Anemone hupehensis 'Splendens' (höstanemon), Lamprocapnos spectabilis (löjtnantshjärta), Dicentra (Rokujo-Gruppen) 'King of Hearts' (rokujohjärta) och Eranthis hyemalis (vintergäck).",1083,Story,2435,2017-08-08 13:34:54 UTC,2017-08-08 13:34:54 UTC
1562,Sorten Squarrosa har utspärrade blad. Normalt har arten korsvis motsatta och fjällika blad. Fröplantor brukar ha utspärrade blad så denna sort har fastnat i ett juvenilt stadium.,1083,Story,3443,2017-11-17 12:12:28 UTC,2017-11-17 12:12:28 UTC
6299,"Årets (2019) blomning av chimärsyren (Syringa ’Correlata’) vid alnarpsslottet uppvisade en spektakulär blomma som var hälften Syringa vulgaris (vit) hälften Syringa x chinensis (lila), och där t.o.m. ett kronblad innehöll en tydlig uppdelning av de två individerna. 

En chimär är en extremt sällsynt dubbelorganism, där celler av två individer (från ibland olika släkten) blandas i vävnaderna som ett resultat av ympning. En chimär ska inte förväxlas med genetiska mosaiker där alla celler är genetiskt identiska men där olika celler avläser olika alleler i olika kromosomer i kromosomparen och därför får olikartat utseende. Normalt sett yttrar sig chimärer som blandningar, men där enskilda skott är rena arter.

Chimärsyren beskrevs av Alexander Braun 1873 som en egen art baserad på en planta upptäckt i Berlins botaniska trädgård. Först 1947 framkastade lundabotanisten Hakon Hjelmqvist att det rörde sig om en chimär, där de vita blommorna är syren medan bladen och de lila blommorna är parksyren. Här och var bryter de lila parksyrenblommorna fram i exemplaret vid slottet, medan exemplaret i Alnarps sortiment enbart tycks bestå av S. x chinensis. Därför har chimären med sortnamnet ’Correlata’ ibland felaktigt avfärdats som Syringa x chinensis, men det beror alltså helt på vilka celler som fanns med vid sticklingsförökningen, vissa exemplar saknar celler av S. vulgaris.

Informationen om chimären är knapphändig, men sammanfattas väl av Trees and shrubs online:

1.	Braun, A. 1873. (titel saknas) Sitzungsber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin:69.
2.	Hjelmqvist, H. 1947. Eine Periklinalchimäre in der Gattung Syringa. Hereditas (Beijing) 33:367-376.

Eric Danell, Hvilan utbildning",1083,Story,22805,2019-05-31 09:55:58 UTC,2019-05-31 09:55:58 UTC

Beatiful flowers on this Hamamelis seen mid march 2018",1818,Story,5547,2018-03-14 16:36:25 UTC,2018-03-14 16:36:25 UTC
4179,"Pretty awesome 😍Receptors for florigen Is the key to where the plant flowers.
Sometimes it is on the foliage. Like Helwingia .
Far out 👊🏽",1818,Story,18707,2018-06-06 04:40:47 UTC,2018-06-06 04:40:47 UTC
4600,"Daedalia quercina fruitbody on collapsed branch and brownroth in the tree.
Korkmussling på död gren som fläkt ur trädet.
",1818,Story,19919,2018-10-25 18:11:53 UTC,2018-10-26 06:42:23 UTC
1722,I'm not sure the species because I can't even see the bark XD,2215,Story,3701,2017-12-03 14:14:03 UTC,2017-12-03 14:14:03 UTC
1769,Naked,2282,Story,4047,2017-12-14 14:31:59 UTC,2017-12-14 14:31:59 UTC
1759,Our favourite !!,2294,Story,4027,2017-12-14 14:30:41 UTC,2017-12-14 14:30:41 UTC
1762,Evergreen tree,2282,Story,4031,2017-12-14 14:30:48 UTC,2017-12-14 14:30:48 UTC
373,1 0f 100 oak planted in 2016,219,Story,1112,2017-04-30 22:10:11 UTC,2017-04-30 22:10:11 UTC
377,group of  100 oak planted in 2016.,219,Story,1115,2017-04-30 22:22:33 UTC,2017-04-30 22:22:33 UTC
376,group of  100 oak planted in 2016.,219,Story,1116,2017-04-30 22:22:33 UTC,2017-04-30 22:22:33 UTC
374,1 of 100 oaks planted in 2016.,219,Story,1113,2017-04-30 22:11:11 UTC,2017-04-30 22:11:11 UTC
368,2016 oak. 1 of 100 oak.,219,Story,1107,2017-04-30 21:45:04 UTC,2017-04-30 21:45:04 UTC
267,"One of 100 oaks grown from acorns collected locally in 2013 and planted in 2016
 around the village to commemorate 1916.",219,Story,926,2017-04-01 19:31:59 UTC,2017-04-01 19:31:59 UTC
370,"Group of oak planted in 2016, part of 100.",219,Story,1109,2017-04-30 22:05:29 UTC,2017-04-30 22:05:29 UTC
378,group of 100 oak planted in 2016.,219,Story,1117,2017-04-30 22:28:51 UTC,2017-04-30 22:28:51 UTC
379,1 of 100 oak planted in 2016.,219,Story,1118,2017-04-30 22:30:42 UTC,2017-04-30 22:30:42 UTC
409,One of the many Horse Chestnuts that grace the parkland of The Knowle.,319,Story,1157,2017-05-01 17:52:13 UTC,2017-05-01 17:52:13 UTC
324,"Horse Chestnut, Aeschylus hippocastanum, one of a group of seven.",319,Story,1010,2017-04-19 14:55:58 UTC,2017-04-19 14:55:58 UTC
281,"Oak tree, more when it comes into leaf.",319,Story,943,2017-04-09 12:43:52 UTC,2017-04-09 12:43:52 UTC
973,One of the many Monterey Pines planted around the Sid Valley in Victorian and Edwardian times.,319,Story,2067,2017-06-30 19:51:41 UTC,2017-06-30 19:51:41 UTC
972,A younger version of the Monterey Pine which will catch up with the older trees planted around the valley in Victorian and Edwardian times.,319,Story,2066,2017-06-30 19:49:21 UTC,2017-06-30 19:49:21 UTC
953,One of the many large Monterey Pines that adorn the Sid Valley.,319,Story,2025,2017-06-27 14:03:43 UTC,2017-06-27 14:03:43 UTC
954,One of the many huge Lime trees dotted around Sidmouth.,319,Story,2026,2017-06-27 14:11:31 UTC,2017-06-27 14:11:31 UTC
942,Blue Atlas Cedar Cedrus atlantica f. glauca,319,Story,2004,2017-06-26 17:23:58 UTC,2017-06-26 17:23:58 UTC
943,"Wonderful old Sweet Chestnut, close to station 5 on the Sidmouth Arboretum Tree Trail.",319,Story,2006,2017-06-26 17:43:15 UTC,2017-06-26 17:43:15 UTC
407,One of the many Horse Chestnuts that grace the parkland of The Knowle.,319,Story,1155,2017-05-01 17:48:04 UTC,2017-05-01 17:48:04 UTC
406,"Slippery Elm is an import from Canada, this one seems to be immune to Dutch Elm Disease.  The inner bark has a slimy chemical said to be good for easing sore throats.",319,Story,1154,2017-05-01 17:33:34 UTC,2017-05-01 17:33:34 UTC
392,Magnificent Blue Cedar,319,Story,1132,2017-05-01 10:52:16 UTC,2017-05-01 10:52:16 UTC
319,#multistem oak in Seaton wetlands,180,Story,1003,2017-04-18 15:48:06 UTC,2017-04-18 15:48:06 UTC
318,Multistemmed Oak,319,Story,1002,2017-04-18 15:47:26 UTC,2017-04-18 15:47:26 UTC
317,Oak outside hide,376,Story,1001,2017-04-18 15:47:02 UTC,2017-04-18 15:47:02 UTC
475,"Powys house was one of the foremost gardens of Victorian Sidmouth, it is now  an assisted living community and so public access is granted only rarely.  Some of the trees can be seen from the road and this tall Black or Corsican Pine stands proudly opposite the Woodlands Hotel in Station Road.",319,Story,1299,2017-05-17 22:37:32 UTC,2017-05-17 22:37:32 UTC
493,Named because of its very hard wood. In early spring the tree is covered in male flowers with their deep red stamens. Autumn leaf colour is also spectacular.,319,Story,1332,2017-05-21 10:13:58 UTC,2017-05-21 10:13:58 UTC
491,Splendid Monkey Puzzle with lower branches intact that creates a secret space in which children can hide.,319,Story,1330,2017-05-21 10:00:40 UTC,2017-05-21 10:00:40 UTC
483,Judas Tree,319,Story,1319,2017-05-19 14:21:45 UTC,2017-05-19 14:21:45 UTC
481,Alder tree,319,Story,1315,2017-05-19 14:12:43 UTC,2017-05-19 14:12:43 UTC
482,Alder,319,Story,1316,2017-05-19 14:14:28 UTC,2017-05-19 14:14:28 UTC
492,Absolutely amazing tree said to be one of the largest specimens in the country.  Probably planted by Mr Fish who owned Knowle in mid-victorian times.,319,Story,1331,2017-05-21 10:09:51 UTC,2017-05-21 10:09:51 UTC
940,This Cedar must have been spreading over the ford since Bridge House was built.,319,Story,2002,2017-06-26 12:32:33 UTC,2017-06-26 12:32:33 UTC
1544,You can see why it is sometimes called a Strawberry Tree ( compare with  Arbutus unedo),319,Story,3406,2017-11-14 22:18:17 UTC,2017-11-14 22:18:17 UTC
933,"Cornus capitata, Bentham's Cornel, lovely creamy bracts protect the small flowers which develop into sweet red fruits.  This is very similar to Cornus kousa, Starwberry Dogwood.  The leaves and fruit are  similar to Arbutus unedo, the Strawberry Tree, but flowers very different.  
One of four in this garden.",319,Story,1976,2017-06-24 13:39:12 UTC,2017-06-24 13:39:12 UTC
941,"Weeping Lime, possibly Tilia tomentosa 'Petiolaris'.  Tree number 8 on the Sidmouth Arboretum Tree Trail",319,Story,2003,2017-06-26 12:45:29 UTC,2017-06-26 12:45:29 UTC
976,One of the best of the Monterey Pines planted around the Sid Valley in Victorian and Edwardian times.,319,Story,2071,2017-06-30 20:01:00 UTC,2017-06-30 20:01:00 UTC
989,"The old house Powys has many fine trees in the private grounds, this Holm Oak is one of the ones you can see from the road.",319,Story,2091,2017-07-01 15:05:27 UTC,2017-07-01 15:05:27 UTC
1004,Monterey Pines,319,Story,2128,2017-07-05 12:41:43 UTC,2017-07-05 12:41:43 UTC
308,Magnolia flowers late March.,319,Story,990,2017-04-16 15:39:16 UTC,2017-04-16 15:39:16 UTC
320,Willow,319,Story,1004,2017-04-18 15:49:46 UTC,2017-04-18 15:49:46 UTC
326,The smaller of two Wellingtonias in the gardens of Knowle.,319,Story,1012,2017-04-19 22:50:24 UTC,2017-04-19 22:50:24 UTC
325,At 18m (59ft) tall this Western Hemlock stands guard at the goods entrance at the back of East Devon District Council's offices at Knowle Drive in Sidmouth.  The top is looking a bit thin.,319,Story,1011,2017-04-19 22:46:35 UTC,2017-04-19 22:46:35 UTC
329,"A mountain of pastel yellow in spring, one of several superb specimens around Sidmouth although this picture was taken rather late in the season.",319,Story,1018,2017-04-20 12:39:19 UTC,2017-04-20 12:39:19 UTC
357,One of the many specimens of Cabbage Palm (Cordyline australis) around the town that highlight the mild climate of Sidmouth.,319,Story,1066,2017-04-27 12:45:23 UTC,2017-04-27 12:45:23 UTC
473,One of several Judas Trees (the myth is that Judas hung himself from one and it sheds his blood each spring) around Sidmouth that put on a beautiful display of pink pea like flowers each spring.  This one is right beside the footpath in Station Road and so easy to see and admire.,319,Story,1297,2017-05-17 22:27:13 UTC,2017-05-17 22:27:13 UTC
975,One of the many Monterey Pines planted around the Sid Valley in Victorian and Edwardian times.,319,Story,2070,2017-06-30 19:53:40 UTC,2017-06-30 19:53:40 UTC
974,One of the many Monterey Pines planted around the Sid Valley in Victorian and Edwardian times.,319,Story,2069,2017-06-30 19:53:25 UTC,2017-06-30 19:53:25 UTC
394,Foxglove tree,319,Story,1136,2017-05-01 11:22:30 UTC,2017-05-01 11:22:30 UTC
393,Majestic Horse Chestnut gracing the Lawns area of the Byes Riverside park in Sidmouth.,319,Story,1135,2017-05-01 11:02:06 UTC,2017-05-01 11:02:06 UTC
1051,This Yew has grown and grown and now dominates the Summerhouse.,319,Story,2228,2017-07-20 19:08:21 UTC,2017-07-20 19:08:21 UTC
1050,"The tree on the right, lovely flaking bark.",319,Story,2227,2017-07-20 18:04:48 UTC,2017-07-20 18:04:48 UTC
1049,"Glorious autumn colour.
",319,Story,2226,2017-07-20 18:00:16 UTC,2017-07-20 18:00:16 UTC
408,One of the many Horse Chestnuts that grace the parkland of The Knowle.,319,Story,1156,2017-05-01 17:49:38 UTC,2017-05-01 17:49:38 UTC
1080,Another of the wonderful examples that abound in the Sid Valley thanks to the Victorian and Edwardian garden owners.,319,Story,2309,2017-07-27 21:29:18 UTC,2017-07-27 21:29:18 UTC
1079,Small tree so too young to produce the strings of wingnut fruits.,319,Story,2308,2017-07-27 21:20:39 UTC,2017-07-27 21:20:39 UTC
1479,Possibly a Mexican Cypress Cypresses lindleyi,319,Story,3247,2017-10-27 11:00:19 UTC,2017-10-27 11:00:19 UTC
1480,"Picture taken in autumn so does not do the tree justice.  Sometimes called Chichester Elm, Ulmus x hollandica or Huntingdon Elms were first raised in a Huntingdon nursery in 1760, they have some resistance to Dutch Elm Disease and this one is healthy despite its mature size.",319,Story,3251,2017-10-27 16:58:27 UTC,2017-10-27 16:58:27 UTC
1481,2012 Survey records that this splendid tree is in poor health  and needs monitoring but  it seems okay now.  The picture was taken in autumn with half the leaves already shed.,319,Story,3253,2017-10-29 15:55:40 UTC,2017-10-29 15:55:40 UTC
955,Victorian and Edwardian  people planted many Monterey Pines around Sidmouth and now Sidmouth Arboretum has designated them as the Feature Tree of the Valley.,319,Story,2027,2017-06-27 14:17:46 UTC,2017-06-27 14:17:46 UTC
977,One of the many fine Monterey Pines planted in the Sid Valley during Victorian and Edwardian times.,319,Story,2072,2017-06-30 20:03:09 UTC,2017-06-30 20:03:09 UTC
978,This Monterey Pine was stripped of branches on one side to avoid power and telephone cables.  Sadly it is now starting to lean over the river and worried residents want it removed.  If it is removed the Sidmouth Arboretum wish to replace it with another Monterey Pine grown from seeds collected in the valley.,319,Story,2073,2017-06-30 20:06:18 UTC,2017-06-30 20:06:18 UTC
998,"Another of the magnificent Monterey Pines planted by the Victorian and Edwardian landowners, this one is on the northern boundary of Powys and so cannot be reached except on the Sidmouth In Bloom Secluded Gardens weekend through the domestic garden at the head of Sidlands.",319,Story,2107,2017-07-03 11:39:27 UTC,2017-07-03 11:39:27 UTC
786,Quercus Palustris - Pin Oak,538,Story,1683,2017-06-02 14:36:49 UTC,2017-06-02 14:36:49 UTC
906,NFL  game  day at Wembley Park on Wembley Park Boulevard outside the London Designer Outlet. ,595,Story,1879,2017-06-19 10:32:31 UTC,2017-06-19 10:32:31 UTC
904,Pyrus Chanticleer (Callery Pear),538,Story,1871,2017-06-18 20:29:35 UTC,2017-06-18 20:29:35 UTC
1814,Multistem,677,Story,4279,2017-12-21 11:46:57 UTC,2017-12-21 11:46:57 UTC
1817,Multistem,677,Story,4282,2017-12-21 11:51:36 UTC,2017-12-21 11:51:36 UTC
1819,Multistem,677,Story,4284,2017-12-21 11:52:44 UTC,2017-12-21 11:52:44 UTC
1815,Multistem,677,Story,4280,2017-12-21 11:49:01 UTC,2017-12-21 11:49:01 UTC
1816,Multistem,677,Story,4281,2017-12-21 11:50:56 UTC,2017-12-21 11:50:56 UTC
1818,Multistem,677,Story,4283,2017-12-21 11:52:10 UTC,2017-12-21 11:52:10 UTC
1836,Multistem,540,Story,4310,2017-12-22 13:46:21 UTC,2017-12-22 13:46:21 UTC
1837,Multistem,540,Story,4311,2017-12-22 13:47:22 UTC,2017-12-22 13:47:22 UTC
1838,Multistem,540,Story,4312,2017-12-22 13:53:32 UTC,2017-12-22 13:53:32 UTC
1944,multi-stem growing from a stump,540,Story,4459,2018-01-03 16:25:23 UTC,2018-01-03 16:25:23 UTC
1942,Multistem growing from stump,540,Story,4448,2018-01-02 15:42:34 UTC,2018-01-02 15:42:34 UTC
1943,pleached,540,Story,4451,2018-01-03 11:25:40 UTC,2018-01-03 11:25:40 UTC
1953,box-head topiary crown,540,Story,4482,2018-01-08 11:58:40 UTC,2018-01-08 17:09:20 UTC
1954,Box topiary,540,Story,4483,2018-01-08 11:59:21 UTC,2018-01-08 11:59:21 UTC
1955,Box topiary,540,Story,4484,2018-01-08 11:59:24 UTC,2018-01-08 11:59:24 UTC
1956,Box topiary,540,Story,4485,2018-01-08 11:59:27 UTC,2018-01-08 11:59:27 UTC
1957,box-head topiary crown,540,Story,4486,2018-01-08 12:00:13 UTC,2018-01-08 17:09:07 UTC
1958,box-head topiary crown,540,Story,4487,2018-01-08 12:00:59 UTC,2018-01-08 17:08:26 UTC
1959,box-head topiary crown,540,Story,4488,2018-01-08 12:02:44 UTC,2018-01-08 17:08:40 UTC
1960,box-head topiary crown,540,Story,4489,2018-01-08 12:04:10 UTC,2018-01-08 17:08:54 UTC
1961,box-head topiary crown,540,Story,4490,2018-01-08 12:07:38 UTC,2018-01-08 17:07:43 UTC
1962,Box topiary crown,540,Story,4491,2018-01-08 12:08:12 UTC,2018-01-08 12:08:12 UTC
1963,box-head topiary crown,540,Story,4492,2018-01-08 12:08:16 UTC,2018-01-08 17:07:58 UTC
1966,Verity TBC,540,Story,4496,2018-01-09 11:20:37 UTC,2018-01-09 11:20:37 UTC
1964,November 2016: lost 3m leader section (reason for loss never determined),540,Story,4494,2018-01-08 17:16:07 UTC,2018-01-09 11:59:51 UTC
1965,Variety TBC,540,Story,4495,2018-01-09 11:08:16 UTC,2018-01-09 11:08:16 UTC
1967,Decay at base of trunk -  recommend removal of this tree,540,Story,4497,2018-01-09 11:36:34 UTC,2018-01-09 17:10:23 UTC
1968,Tight group of three tilia,540,Story,4498,2018-01-09 12:14:56 UTC,2018-01-09 17:38:13 UTC
1969,twin stem,540,Story,4499,2018-01-09 12:35:12 UTC,2018-01-09 12:35:12 UTC
1970,Two stems. Poor form.,540,Story,4502,2018-01-09 13:22:55 UTC,2018-01-09 17:56:15 UTC
1971,Decay in trunk,540,Story,4503,2018-01-09 13:24:13 UTC,2018-01-09 13:24:13 UTC
1972,Possibly sycamore. Four stems growing out of the same root zone,540,Story,4504,2018-01-09 14:32:30 UTC,2018-01-09 14:32:30 UTC
1974,Sapling,540,Story,4508,2018-01-09 15:04:58 UTC,2018-01-09 15:04:58 UTC
1973,Multiple stems,540,Story,4507,2018-01-09 15:03:07 UTC,2018-01-09 15:03:07 UTC
1979,Young sycamore tree behind the group of three,540,Story,4513,2018-01-09 16:10:17 UTC,2018-01-09 17:02:51 UTC
1980,Young lime tree behind the group of three,540,Story,4514,2018-01-09 16:10:23 UTC,2018-01-09 16:10:23 UTC
1981,Bifurcated into two stems at ~50cm above ground level,540,Story,4516,2018-01-09 17:40:45 UTC,2018-01-10 15:31:27 UTC
1975,Sapling,540,Story,4509,2018-01-09 15:05:35 UTC,2018-01-09 15:05:35 UTC
1976,Sapling,540,Story,4510,2018-01-09 15:05:44 UTC,2018-01-09 15:05:44 UTC
1978,Tight group of three saplings,540,Story,4512,2018-01-09 16:09:00 UTC,2018-01-09 16:09:00 UTC
1977,Sapling,540,Story,4511,2018-01-09 15:05:53 UTC,2018-01-09 15:05:53 UTC
1982,Tight group of three,540,Story,4518,2018-01-09 17:53:39 UTC,2018-01-09 17:53:39 UTC
1983,Bifurcated into two stems just above ground level,540,Story,4519,2018-01-10 15:30:06 UTC,2018-01-10 15:30:06 UTC
1986,"Poplar, Hybrid",540,Story,4523,2018-01-10 16:39:10 UTC,2018-01-10 16:39:10 UTC
2002,"05-Planted Tuesday 6th February, 2018",540,Story,4599,2018-01-24 15:33:16 UTC,2018-02-06 12:39:13 UTC
2003,"06-Planted Tuesday 6th February, 2018",540,Story,4600,2018-01-24 15:33:26 UTC,2018-02-06 16:47:20 UTC
2004,"04-Planted Monday 5th February, 2018",540,Story,4601,2018-01-24 15:33:34 UTC,2018-02-05 13:10:48 UTC
2005,"02-Planted Thursday 1st February, 2018",540,Story,4602,2018-01-24 15:33:44 UTC,2018-02-02 16:11:29 UTC
2006,"03-Planted Friday 2nd February, 2018",540,Story,4603,2018-01-24 15:33:54 UTC,2018-02-02 16:12:00 UTC
2007,"01-Planted Thursday 1st February, 2018",540,Story,4604,2018-01-24 15:34:05 UTC,2018-02-02 16:10:52 UTC
2008,"12-Planted Monday 12th February, 2018",540,Story,4605,2018-01-24 15:34:14 UTC,2018-02-13 14:04:01 UTC
2009,"08-Planted Thursday 8th February, 2018",540,Story,4606,2018-01-24 15:34:30 UTC,2018-02-08 14:09:28 UTC
2010,"15- Planted Wednesday 14th  February, 2018",540,Story,4607,2018-01-24 15:34:42 UTC,2018-02-14 15:37:18 UTC
2011,"07-Planted Wednesday 7th February, 2018",540,Story,4608,2018-01-24 15:35:08 UTC,2018-02-07 15:15:29 UTC
2012,"20- Planted Friday 16th February, 2018",540,Story,4609,2018-01-24 15:35:16 UTC,2018-02-16 17:01:19 UTC
2013,"10-Planted Friday 9th February, 2018",540,Story,4610,2018-01-24 15:35:28 UTC,2018-02-13 12:18:44 UTC
2014,"19- Planted Friday 16th February, 2018",540,Story,4611,2018-01-24 15:35:47 UTC,2018-02-16 14:13:17 UTC
2015,"11-Planted Friday 9th February, 2018",540,Story,4612,2018-01-24 15:35:57 UTC,2018-02-13 12:19:10 UTC
2016,"18- Planted Thursday 15th February, 2018",540,Story,4613,2018-01-24 15:36:08 UTC,2018-02-15 16:50:14 UTC
2017,"09-Planted Friday 9th February, 2018",540,Story,4614,2018-01-24 15:36:24 UTC,2018-02-13 12:18:00 UTC
2018,"17- Planted Thursday 15th February, 2018",540,Story,4615,2018-01-24 15:36:34 UTC,2018-02-15 14:49:41 UTC
2019,"13-Planted Tuesday 13th February, 2018",540,Story,4616,2018-01-24 15:36:42 UTC,2018-02-13 14:03:41 UTC
2020,"16- Planted Thursday 15th February, 2018",540,Story,4617,2018-01-24 15:36:51 UTC,2018-02-15 14:48:58 UTC
2021,"14-Planted Tuesday 13th February, 2018",540,Story,4618,2018-01-24 15:37:03 UTC,2018-02-13 17:28:00 UTC
2608,"02-Planted Thursday 1st February, 2018",540,Story,5265,2018-02-01 17:20:40 UTC,2018-02-02 16:11:20 UTC
2609,"01-Planted Thursday 1st February, 2018",540,Story,5266,2018-02-01 17:20:52 UTC,2018-02-02 16:10:38 UTC
2610,"03-Planted Friday 2nd February, 2018",540,Story,5268,2018-02-02 15:28:30 UTC,2018-02-02 16:11:49 UTC
2615,"04-Planted Monday 5th February, 2018",540,Story,5275,2018-02-05 12:55:39 UTC,2018-02-05 12:56:16 UTC
2628,"08- Planted Thursday 8th February, 2018",540,Story,5295,2018-02-08 14:14:34 UTC,2018-02-08 14:14:51 UTC
2620,"06-Planted Tuesday 6th February, 2018",540,Story,5284,2018-02-06 16:46:48 UTC,2018-02-06 16:46:48 UTC
2657,"17- Planted Thursday 15th February, 2018",540,Story,5378,2018-02-15 14:50:21 UTC,2018-02-15 14:50:21 UTC
902,"Platanus Hispanica (London Plane)
Planted 2012
Semi Mature at time of planting #semi_mature",538,Story,1865,2017-06-18 17:15:56 UTC,2017-06-18 17:15:56 UTC
903,Prunus Avium (Wild Cherry),538,Story,1870,2017-06-18 20:24:16 UTC,2017-06-18 20:24:16 UTC
917,Planted in 2013,595,Story,1919,2017-06-20 15:27:03 UTC,2017-06-20 15:27:03 UTC
787,Quercus Palustris- Pink Oak,538,Story,1685,2017-06-02 14:39:32 UTC,2017-06-02 14:39:32 UTC
Unfortunately, Tag 11, planted 21-06-2019, has not survived (for reasons unknown). It was replaced by Tag 15 on 09-08-2019",540,Story,23380,2019-06-21 13:46:22 UTC,2023-02-01 13:27:29 UTC
6713,Tag ?? - 22-06-2019,540,Story,23404,2019-06-24 13:14:21 UTC,2019-06-24 13:14:21 UTC
6714,Tag 14 - 22-06-2019,540,Story,23405,2019-06-24 13:15:36 UTC,2019-06-24 13:15:36 UTC
6715,Tag 13 - 22-06-2019,540,Story,23406,2019-06-24 13:16:18 UTC,2019-06-24 13:16:18 UTC
6716,Tag 17 - 22-06-2019,540,Story,23407,2019-06-24 13:17:09 UTC,2019-06-24 13:17:09 UTC
6717,Tag 18 - 22-06-2019,540,Story,23408,2019-06-24 13:17:46 UTC,2019-06-24 13:17:46 UTC
4601,"planted Thur 25th Oct, 2018",540,Story,19927,2018-10-26 16:19:19 UTC,2018-10-26 16:19:19 UTC
4602,"Planted Wed 24th Oct, 2018",540,Story,19928,2018-10-26 16:19:57 UTC,2018-10-26 16:19:57 UTC
4603,"Planted Wed 24th Oct, 2018",540,Story,19929,2018-10-26 16:20:10 UTC,2018-10-26 16:20:10 UTC
4606,"Planted Fri 26th Oct, 2018",540,Story,19932,2018-10-26 16:23:40 UTC,2018-10-26 16:23:40 UTC
4604,"Planted Wed 24th Oct, 2018",540,Story,19930,2018-10-26 16:20:22 UTC,2018-10-26 16:20:22 UTC
4605,"Planted Fri 26th Oct, 2018",540,Story,19931,2018-10-26 16:22:07 UTC,2018-10-26 16:22:07 UTC
4676,"01 – Planted Tuesday 15th February, 2019",540,Story,20170,2019-01-16 16:59:01 UTC,2019-01-16 16:59:01 UTC
4683,"07 – Planted Friday 18th February, 2019",540,Story,20177,2019-01-18 15:53:31 UTC,2019-01-18 15:53:31 UTC
4680,"05 – Planted Thursday 17th February, 2019",540,Story,20174,2019-01-17 12:52:38 UTC,2019-01-17 12:52:38 UTC
4686,"08 – Planted Monday 21st February, 2019",540,Story,20180,2019-01-21 11:38:04 UTC,2019-01-21 11:40:43 UTC
4681,"06 – Planted Thursday 17th February, 2019",540,Story,20175,2019-01-17 12:53:40 UTC,2019-01-17 12:53:40 UTC
4679,"04 – Planted Wednesday 16th February, 2019",540,Story,20173,2019-01-16 17:04:19 UTC,2019-01-16 17:04:19 UTC
4677,"02 – Planted Tuesday 15th February, 2019",540,Story,20171,2019-01-16 17:01:11 UTC,2019-01-16 17:01:11 UTC
4678,"03 – Planted Wednesday 16th February, 2019",540,Story,20172,2019-01-16 17:03:20 UTC,2019-01-16 17:03:20 UTC
4723,The Caucasian Wingnut on Olympic Way outside Tipi HQ,2505,Story,20287,2019-03-03 21:35:59 UTC,2019-03-03 21:35:59 UTC
4724,The Hop Hornbeam outside Boxpark Wembley on Olympic Way,2505,Story,20288,2019-03-03 21:39:01 UTC,2019-03-03 21:39:01 UTC
4751,"09 - Planted Thursday 14th March, 2019",540,Story,20372,2019-03-18 11:28:22 UTC,2019-03-18 11:28:22 UTC
4752,"10 - Planted Thursday 14th March, 2019",540,Story,20373,2019-03-18 11:28:56 UTC,2019-03-18 11:28:56 UTC
4753,"11 - Planted Friday 15th March, 2019",540,Story,20374,2019-03-18 11:29:21 UTC,2019-03-18 11:29:21 UTC
4754,"12 - Planted Friday 15th March, 2019",540,Story,20375,2019-03-18 11:29:37 UTC,2019-03-18 11:29:37 UTC
4755,"13 - Planted Monday 18th March, 2019",540,Story,20376,2019-03-18 11:30:10 UTC,2019-03-18 11:31:04 UTC
4756,"14 - Planted Monday 18th March, 2019",540,Story,20377,2019-03-18 11:30:32 UTC,2019-03-18 11:30:32 UTC
5469,"In the middle of all the carefully orchestrated tree planting which is taking place within the Wembley Park Estate, this little fellow has appeared. Self-seeded and defiantly getting on with the business of growing tall and strong amidst the hustle and bustle of urban life.

P.S. We've called it Monty :)
",540,Story,21707,2019-05-20 10:59:50 UTC,2019-05-20 16:51:06 UTC
7862,"Quercus palustris

Tag 15 - 08-08-2019",540,Story,24711,2019-08-09 13:13:53 UTC,2019-08-09 13:13:53 UTC
8273,"Quercus palustris :

Tag 12 - wc 19-08-2019",540,Story,25145,2019-08-23 10:53:10 UTC,2019-08-23 11:03:50 UTC
9001,"Carpinus betulus 'Frans fontaine'
b) planted 24-Sept-2019",540,Story,26168,2019-09-24 15:16:44 UTC,2019-09-24 15:16:44 UTC
9002,"Carpinus betulus 'Frans fontaine'
c) planted 24-Sept-2019",540,Story,26169,2019-09-24 15:17:48 UTC,2019-09-24 15:17:48 UTC
9000,"Carpinus betulus 'Frans fontaine'
a) planted 24-Sept-2019",540,Story,26167,2019-09-24 15:15:46 UTC,2019-09-24 15:15:46 UTC
9008,Carpinus betulus 'Frans fontaine' d) planted 25-Sept-2019,540,Story,26185,2019-09-25 12:52:32 UTC,2019-09-25 12:53:01 UTC
9028,Carpinus betulus 'Frans fontaine' e) planted 26-Sept-2019,540,Story,26218,2019-09-26 14:57:33 UTC,2019-09-26 14:57:33 UTC
9030,Carpinus betulus 'Frans fontaine' f) planted 26-Sept-2019,540,Story,26221,2019-09-26 16:14:22 UTC,2019-09-26 16:14:22 UTC
9029,Carpinus betulus 'Frans fontaine' e) planted 26-Sept-2019,540,Story,26219,2019-09-26 14:58:30 UTC,2019-09-26 14:58:30 UTC
9031,Carpinus betulus 'Frans fontaine' g) planted 26-Sept-2019,540,Story,26222,2019-09-26 16:15:59 UTC,2019-09-26 16:15:59 UTC
A little corner of Italy in Wembley Park",540,Story,27372,2020-03-13 10:31:10 UTC,2020-03-13 10:31:10 UTC
A little corner of Italy in Wembley Park",540,Story,27373,2020-03-13 10:32:41 UTC,2020-03-13 10:32:41 UTC
Photinia serrulata 'red robin'",540,Story,27378,2020-03-13 13:32:26 UTC,2020-03-13 13:32:26 UTC
9539,13-03-2020 Osmanthus aquifolium ( x Fortunei),540,Story,27390,2020-03-16 11:00:01 UTC,2020-03-16 11:00:01 UTC
9540,16-03-2020 Photinia serrulata 'red robin',540,Story,27392,2020-03-16 13:59:53 UTC,2020-03-16 15:49:11 UTC
9541,16-03-2020 Osmanthus aquifolium ( x Fortunei),540,Story,27393,2020-03-16 15:48:04 UTC,2020-03-16 15:48:04 UTC
9542,16-03-2020 Osmanthus aquifolium ( x Fortunei),540,Story,27394,2020-03-17 14:00:23 UTC,2020-03-17 14:00:23 UTC
9543,17-03-2020 Osmanthus aquifolium ( x Fortunei),540,Story,27395,2020-03-17 14:00:39 UTC,2020-03-17 14:00:39 UTC
9544,17-03-2020 Osmanthus aquifolium ( x Fortunei),540,Story,27396,2020-03-17 14:00:47 UTC,2020-03-17 14:00:47 UTC
9545,17-03-2020 Osmanthus aquifolium ( x Fortunei),540,Story,27397,2020-03-17 14:00:56 UTC,2020-03-17 14:00:56 UTC
9548,17-03-2020 Osmanthus aquifolium ( x Fortunei),540,Story,27409,2020-03-20 15:27:34 UTC,2020-03-20 15:36:28 UTC
9549,20-03-2020 Osmanthus aquifolium ( x Fortunei),540,Story,27410,2020-03-20 15:39:59 UTC,2020-03-20 15:39:59 UTC
9555,One of the Avenue of Champion Trees of the World at Wembley Park ,538,Story,27423,2020-03-25 08:00:17 UTC,2020-03-25 08:00:17 UTC
12509,Bird nestbox! ,540,Story,31645,2020-09-02 14:41:41 UTC,2020-09-02 14:52:45 UTC
12510,Bird nestbox! ,540,Story,31646,2020-09-02 14:42:14 UTC,2020-09-02 14:52:17 UTC
12511,Bird nestbox! ,540,Story,31647,2020-09-02 14:51:47 UTC,2020-09-02 14:51:47 UTC
12974,"The Wembley Elm -",540,Story,32378,2020-11-04 11:38:10 UTC,2020-11-04 11:38:10 UTC
13616,The morning after the Euros 2020 (sic) 2021 final,538,Story,34147,2021-07-13 14:05:29 UTC,2021-07-13 14:05:29 UTC
13885,"Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii

",540,Story,35100,2021-10-27 13:20:32 UTC,2021-10-27 13:20:32 UTC
13924,The full set of 24 trees in matched pairs on the Avenue of Champion Trees of the World. #OlympicWay #WembleyWay #Autumn ,538,Story,35177,2021-11-20 13:11:01 UTC,2021-11-20 13:11:01 UTC
14005,Magnolia salicifolia 'Wada's Memory',540,Story,35333,2022-03-01 15:38:50 UTC,2022-03-01 15:38:50 UTC
14185,"Sadly, the original Corylus colurna (planted Feb-2018) perished for reasons unknown. There were no obvious signs of pest or disease, and the bottom of the tree pit was found to be dry when it was excavated - sometimes trees just die for no good reason :(",540,Story,35793,2022-05-04 11:59:36 UTC,2022-05-04 15:15:32 UTC
15176,Blossom watch Market Square,538,Story,41382,2023-05-03 09:36:09 UTC,2023-05-03 09:36:09 UTC
15173,"I was forced to remove the original Pyrus in May 2022 due to a structural failing in the base of the stem, namely some form of soft rot which had compromised its stability. Roll on 12-months and this sucker is looking very healthy.",540,Story,41338,2023-04-27 13:56:44 UTC,2023-04-27 13:56:44 UTC
14999,01-Feb-2023 - Tag 15 was a replacement for the original tree. I suspect there's an issue inside the tree pit :(,540,Story,40066,2023-02-01 13:25:22 UTC,2023-02-01 13:28:19 UTC
15175,"Paulownia tomentosa 
Foxglove or Empress Tree
Looking particularly spectacular in the run up to the Coronation of King Charles",538,Story,41381,2023-05-03 09:34:13 UTC,2023-05-03 09:34:13 UTC
1744,Noice,2183,Story,3901,2017-12-13 12:28:14 UTC,2017-12-13 12:28:14 UTC
1990,"It's a large tree
Possibly multiple tall trees ?",2189,Story,4532,2018-01-11 14:19:44 UTC,2018-01-11 14:19:44 UTC
1991,Very hard to see,2189,Story,4545,2018-01-11 14:31:04 UTC,2018-01-11 14:31:04 UTC
4513,What species is this?,180,Story,19562,2018-10-06 14:16:32 UTC,2018-10-06 14:16:32 UTC
1711,Only an ould narrow yoke,2182,Story,3660,2017-11-30 14:28:59 UTC,2017-11-30 14:28:59 UTC
3,This tree is absolutely covered in this moss or lichen,180,Story,445,2016-12-20 12:43:57 UTC,2016-12-20 12:43:57 UTC
1910,One of a pair of street trees on East Street at the entrance to St Martin's Street. Still some green leaves even on 24th December 2017!,2315,Story,4397,2017-12-24 15:58:13 UTC,2017-12-24 15:58:13 UTC
1514,I an not sure on this one. Could be p. Strobus?#whatspecies #Bad condition ,2005,Story,3347,2017-11-10 14:16:14 UTC,2017-11-10 14:16:14 UTC
9149,В полянката,5156,Story,26423,2019-10-26 07:42:06 UTC,2019-10-26 07:42:06 UTC
9334,Tree 3,5420,Story,26907,2020-01-22 15:17:08 UTC,2020-01-22 15:17:08 UTC
9358,Unable to identify the new specie,5328,Story,27016,2020-01-24 09:41:29 UTC,2020-01-24 09:41:29 UTC
9335,Perhaps a palm tree. In between Jordan and Biltmore,5421,Story,26924,2020-01-22 15:18:34 UTC,2020-01-22 15:18:34 UTC
2,I love that this tree is a triangle.,180,Story,442,2016-12-20 12:34:35 UTC,2016-12-20 12:34:35 UTC
118,#bloom,178,Story,678,2017-02-23 10:10:49 UTC,2017-02-23 10:10:49 UTC
120,This tree has a #whitebark ,178,Story,680,2017-02-23 10:14:01 UTC,2017-02-23 10:14:01 UTC
121,#witchesbroom,178,Story,682,2017-02-23 10:57:21 UTC,2017-02-23 10:57:21 UTC
4290,#crownraising ,2717,Story,18991,2018-07-22 20:17:24 UTC,2018-07-22 20:17:24 UTC
2774,This horse chestnut looks great when it’s in leaf. Pretty pathetic the rest of the year though,180,Story,5552,2018-03-16 07:29:00 UTC,2018-03-16 07:29:00 UTC
124,Completely #topped,180,Story,687,2017-02-23 18:13:12 UTC,2017-02-23 18:13:12 UTC
9,Some pretty nice tree decorations by the kids in the local school,240,Story,454,2016-12-20 16:43:01 UTC,2016-12-20 16:43:01 UTC
9114,New little wildflower patch by the tree,180,Story,26359,2019-10-10 14:48:01 UTC,2019-10-10 14:48:01 UTC
245,Ståtligt träd!,361,Story,887,2017-03-29 11:54:38 UTC,2017-03-29 11:54:38 UTC
244,"Paul, Fausto and Tim testing out our new Missions feature",179,Story,886,2017-03-29 11:54:02 UTC,2017-03-29 11:54:02 UTC
928,Big Ilex,284,Story,1933,2017-06-21 10:19:32 UTC,2017-06-21 10:19:32 UTC
44,Thujopsis dolabrata,196,Story,528,2017-01-25 13:07:45 UTC,2017-01-25 13:07:45 UTC
55,Is this what they call witches broom? #witchesbroom,178,Story,552,2017-02-03 10:25:38 UTC,2017-02-03 10:25:38 UTC
51,Looks like nests but isn't!,178,Story,541,2017-02-03 09:04:35 UTC,2017-02-03 09:04:35 UTC
414,Leaves just starting to appear 🌱,178,Story,1163,2017-05-02 10:08:10 UTC,2017-05-02 10:08:10 UTC
47,Pretty cool tree !,178,Story,533,2017-02-02 17:55:21 UTC,2017-02-02 17:55:21 UTC
284,#blossom,178,Story,948,2017-04-10 12:52:33 UTC,2017-04-10 12:52:33 UTC
46,Some kind of #fir maybe?,178,Story,532,2017-02-02 13:55:57 UTC,2017-02-02 13:55:57 UTC
288,A serious haircut for this 🌲😁,178,Story,956,2017-04-10 13:13:17 UTC,2017-04-10 13:13:17 UTC
52,#winterflowers,178,Story,542,2017-02-03 09:05:52 UTC,2017-02-03 09:05:52 UTC
53,#evergreen,178,Story,544,2017-02-03 09:08:28 UTC,2017-02-03 09:08:28 UTC
416,Horse chestnut flowers pink and yellow in the centre #blossom 🌼🌻🌲,178,Story,1165,2017-05-02 10:11:40 UTC,2017-05-02 10:11:40 UTC
1390,Chessies season,178,Story,2847,2017-09-18 12:10:15 UTC,2017-09-18 12:10:15 UTC
54,#chestnut,178,Story,548,2017-02-03 09:13:43 UTC,2017-02-03 09:13:43 UTC
58,I guess this guy used to be just a little bit taller,179,Story,556,2017-02-05 16:38:34 UTC,2017-02-05 16:38:34 UTC
204,#blossom,180,Story,816,2017-03-15 09:10:48 UTC,2017-03-15 09:10:48 UTC
732,Are these leaves being eaten or is there something else going on with this oak? #deadleaves,180,Story,1609,2017-05-25 09:52:39 UTC,2017-05-25 09:52:39 UTC
7245,Can someone please advise on this ash? After a very heavy snowfall in late March 2018 it began to get long fissures in the trunk. It seemed to be doing ok but this year it really hasn’t leafed out well (see bare branches near canopy top). It has however started sprouting fresh green shoots at the base of the canopy. What’s going on?,180,Story,24024,2019-07-15 09:04:00 UTC,2019-07-15 09:04:00 UTC
11217,This ash has been looking a little less healthy each year. Very little activity higher in the canopy,181,Story,29632,2020-06-06 13:51:31 UTC,2020-06-06 13:51:31 UTC
11738,Had to take the top off this as it was dying back so badly. We’ll see what happens,180,Story,30412,2020-06-20 14:27:11 UTC,2020-06-20 14:27:11 UTC
1729,Loads of tiny #birds zipping in and out of each #birdhouse on these birch trees,180,Story,3708,2017-12-05 11:24:31 UTC,2017-12-05 11:24:31 UTC
2686,Trots sitt namn som vitt mullbär kan bären även vara röda och svarta.,2542,Story,5437,2018-02-27 12:45:27 UTC,2018-02-27 12:45:27 UTC
4012,Omkrets 1m upp 37cm 180404,1821,Story,18320,2018-04-04 08:56:12 UTC,2018-04-04 08:56:12 UTC
2704,Bild från nätet via creative commons.,2542,Story,5465,2018-02-27 13:16:20 UTC,2018-02-27 13:16:20 UTC
2705,"Långsmala blad på sommaren, rosa blommor på våren och ifall vi har tur lyckas det komma frukt på hösten.",2542,Story,5466,2018-02-27 13:16:58 UTC,2018-02-27 13:16:58 UTC
4016,Omkrets 1m upp 11cm 180404,1821,Story,18324,2018-04-04 09:02:33 UTC,2018-04-04 09:02:33 UTC
1730,Tree next to Santo Domingo Church in Oaxaca MEXICO,268,Story,3719,2017-12-06 00:40:49 UTC,2017-12-06 00:40:49 UTC
418,Now it's a little moorhen family living in the shade of a tree,179,Story,1168,2017-05-02 10:26:49 UTC,2017-05-02 10:26:49 UTC
355,A moorhen's #nest in the shade of a tree #stretchingthings,179,Story,1064,2017-04-27 10:33:09 UTC,2017-04-27 10:33:09 UTC
364,2016 Oak 1 of 100,219,Story,1103,2017-04-30 21:35:25 UTC,2017-04-30 21:35:25 UTC
365,"2016 oak, 1 of 100 planted.",219,Story,1104,2017-04-30 21:41:08 UTC,2017-04-30 21:41:08 UTC
369,Group of oak planted in 2016 . Part of 100 planted around village.,219,Story,1108,2017-04-30 22:04:02 UTC,2017-04-30 22:04:02 UTC
371,1 of 100 oak planted in 2016.,219,Story,1110,2017-04-30 22:08:19 UTC,2017-04-30 22:08:19 UTC
375,group of oak planted in 2016.,219,Story,1114,2017-04-30 22:13:34 UTC,2017-04-30 22:13:34 UTC
383,#mature ,403,Story,1122,2017-05-01 04:43:54 UTC,2017-05-01 04:43:54 UTC
386,Scoparia,405,Story,1125,2017-05-01 05:52:58 UTC,2017-05-01 05:52:58 UTC
397,Willow wonders in Bunclody!,269,Story,1145,2017-05-01 16:03:57 UTC,2017-05-01 16:03:57 UTC
399,#mature #private ,403,Story,1147,2017-05-01 16:25:00 UTC,2017-05-01 16:25:00 UTC
404,#mature ,403,Story,1152,2017-05-01 16:31:45 UTC,2017-05-01 16:31:45 UTC
405,#mature ,403,Story,1153,2017-05-01 16:33:23 UTC,2017-05-01 16:33:23 UTC
411,Some #deer feeding on the fresh new leaves,179,Story,1159,2017-05-01 18:03:45 UTC,2017-05-01 18:03:45 UTC
413,Little leaf linden,384,Story,1162,2017-05-02 09:04:01 UTC,2017-05-02 09:04:01 UTC
417,Check out the wood pigeon mid flight! 🐦,178,Story,1166,2017-05-02 10:15:05 UTC,2017-05-02 10:15:05 UTC
1391,#whatspecies anyone know what species this is?,178,Story,2848,2017-09-18 12:14:26 UTC,2017-09-18 12:14:26 UTC
421,Cool #willowarch in Wexford Educate Together NS,180,Story,1175,2017-05-03 13:24:20 UTC,2017-05-03 13:24:20 UTC
1252,Planterad år 2017 av Christian Bentzen som samlade in fröna i Grand Junction i Colorado i USA.,1083,Story,2527,2017-08-15 11:39:52 UTC,2017-08-15 11:39:52 UTC
1241,Hard at work on this London plane,180,Story,2515,2017-08-14 11:44:49 UTC,2017-08-14 11:44:49 UTC
1248,"Denna sort av rosmarinmargerit heter 'Siska'. Den tillhör familjen Asteraceae, alltså de korgblommiga asterväxterna. Arten kommer från södra Sydamerika och går att odla i fuktiga miljöer upp till zon 5 (norrlandskusten).",1083,Story,2523,2017-08-15 08:29:22 UTC,2017-08-15 08:29:22 UTC
126,Oak tree at malahide castle,248,Story,691,2017-02-26 16:09:18 UTC,2017-02-26 16:09:18 UTC
1118,Sort av asklönn med vit- och rosavariegerade blad pga virussjukdom.,1083,Story,2370,2017-08-08 06:53:18 UTC,2017-08-08 06:53:18 UTC
1175,Planterades våren 2017.,1081,Story,2438,2017-08-08 14:43:34 UTC,2017-08-08 14:43:34 UTC
1143,Svenskt namn enligt SKUD är tysklönn. Hela trädraden framför kallhallen är tysklönnar.,1083,Story,2397,2017-08-08 08:44:41 UTC,2017-08-08 08:44:41 UTC
1147,Sort: 'Contorta',1081,Story,2406,2017-08-08 10:00:20 UTC,2017-08-08 10:00:20 UTC
1178,Detta är en av de vanligaste häckväxterna i England. Blommar sällan så man får inte en massa vedartade ogräs som hos Ligustrum vulgare (liguster).,1083,Story,2441,2017-08-09 13:03:57 UTC,2017-08-09 13:03:57 UTC
1188,Sponsor Stångby plantskola.,1083,Story,2451,2017-08-09 13:50:59 UTC,2017-08-09 13:50:59 UTC
1182,"Pyramidalm, tre exemplar.",1083,Story,2445,2017-08-09 13:30:47 UTC,2017-08-09 13:30:47 UTC
1181,Två exemplar som lever i ektomykorrhizasymbios med Paxillus involutus (pluggskivling).,1083,Story,2444,2017-08-09 13:27:44 UTC,2017-08-09 13:27:44 UTC
1183,"Enligt SKUD ska trädgårdstok numera heta Dasiphora Fruticosa-Gruppen, men det äldre namnet Potentilla fruticosa används i plantskolekatalogerna.",1083,Story,2446,2017-08-09 13:34:39 UTC,2017-08-09 13:34:39 UTC
1186,FK (frökälla) Polen. Sponsor Stångby plantskola.,1083,Story,2449,2017-08-09 13:48:47 UTC,2017-08-09 13:48:47 UTC
1177,"I denna upphöjda rabatt invid markbyggnadshallen växer också Hypericum 'Hidcote' (vinterhyperikum), Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora' (fylld kerria) och Hamamelis x intermedia (hybridtrollhassel, som ej får förväxlas med den obesläktade Corylus avellana 'Contorta' (ormhassel)).",1083,Story,2440,2017-08-09 12:54:40 UTC,2017-08-09 12:54:40 UTC
1180,Detta är Prunus padus 'Colorata' (blodhägg). Här växer också Rosa rugosa (vresros).,1083,Story,2443,2017-08-09 13:15:29 UTC,2017-08-09 13:15:29 UTC
1191,A cool park on the coast of castletownbere harbour. There's some kind of cool moss on it! Puxley castle!,178,Story,2454,2017-08-09 14:34:01 UTC,2017-08-09 14:34:01 UTC
1185,"Tre exemplar, alla hanar.",1083,Story,2448,2017-08-09 13:42:49 UTC,2017-08-09 13:42:49 UTC
1176,Lombardy,261,Story,2439,2017-08-09 09:51:55 UTC,2017-08-09 09:51:55 UTC
4743,"Denna asp är en hona, bekräftat med stereolupp. 14/3 2019",4190,Story,20352,2019-03-14 13:03:54 UTC,2019-03-14 13:03:54 UTC
4742,Denna asp är en hona,4190,Story,20351,2019-03-14 12:58:11 UTC,2019-03-14 12:58:11 UTC
4052,"Male flowers 
Very late blooming this year",1818,Story,18391,2018-04-18 08:58:48 UTC,2018-04-18 08:58:48 UTC
1179,Korrekt svenskt namn är asp. Pelarasp är Populus tremula 'Erecta' som växer SV om aulan.,1083,Story,2442,2017-08-09 13:06:44 UTC,2017-08-09 13:06:44 UTC
1190,Sponsrad av Splendor plantskola.,1083,Story,2453,2017-08-09 13:53:52 UTC,2017-08-09 13:53:52 UTC
423,#flowers ,182,Story,1177,2017-05-04 02:17:32 UTC,2017-05-04 02:17:32 UTC
1201,New Zealand Lauri pine on garnish island,178,Story,2464,2017-08-10 15:12:52 UTC,2017-08-10 15:12:52 UTC
Gleditsia triacanthos",1208,Story,2607,2017-08-23 10:48:44 UTC,2017-08-23 10:48:44 UTC
81,Eucalyptus cornuta can grow up to 25m and can have a life span of  more than 250 years in the wild. The leaves are rich in eucalyptus oil that is used for treating cold and flu. I was able to smell the leaves of this tree before I saw it! Great example of a very #usefultree 🤓🌳 #eucalyptus #yate,178,Story,622,2017-02-18 13:35:34 UTC,2017-02-18 13:35:34 UTC
307,Still here in spite of it all,180,Story,989,2017-04-16 08:39:51 UTC,2017-04-16 08:39:51 UTC
1484,Survived the first couple of big winter storms of 2017. Still hanging tough,180,Story,3257,2017-10-30 20:06:53 UTC,2017-10-30 20:06:53 UTC
145,More #stormdamage all along this stretch but this guy keeps on truckin',180,Story,729,2017-03-04 12:55:22 UTC,2017-03-04 12:55:22 UTC
56,A few more metres of beach washed away but this guy's still standing,180,Story,554,2017-02-04 14:35:53 UTC,2017-02-04 14:35:53 UTC
37,Still standing,180,Story,514,2017-01-14 10:06:39 UTC,2017-01-14 10:06:39 UTC
21,Happy Christmas bendy tree. Not sure you'll survive another storm season. Best of luck to you. #coastalerosion,180,Story,482,2016-12-24 16:35:43 UTC,2016-12-24 16:35:43 UTC
12,"This whole area has been ravaged over the past 3 years by tidal action. Dozens of trees have been washed away as the pint gets eroded. This tree is pretty mega, with its heavy, forking limbs. I'll be amazed if this lasts the winter.",180,Story,457,2016-12-20 23:49:04 UTC,2016-12-20 23:49:04 UTC
224,Beginning to #bud,180,Story,849,2017-03-23 17:53:12 UTC,2017-03-23 17:53:12 UTC
26,These three old trees were preserved when this housing estate was built. They look amazing,180,Story,491,2016-12-27 15:47:47 UTC,2016-12-27 15:47:47 UTC
96,Tree growing by the old town walls in Wexford,180,Story,644,2017-02-19 13:54:17 UTC,2017-02-19 13:54:17 UTC
101,"Some serious #lopping been happening in the park over the winter, not sure how the crowns will look after this",180,Story,652,2017-02-19 14:17:45 UTC,2017-02-19 14:17:45 UTC
98,Would you look at the size of this thing! #Huge ,180,Story,649,2017-02-19 14:05:16 UTC,2017-02-19 14:05:16 UTC
99,#forkedtrunk on this holly,180,Story,650,2017-02-19 14:09:20 UTC,2017-02-19 14:09:20 UTC
104,Jacaranda mimosifolia,298,Story,661,2017-02-19 22:06:29 UTC,2017-02-19 22:06:29 UTC
106,En hibernar,298,Story,663,2017-02-19 22:07:00 UTC,2017-02-19 22:07:00 UTC
105,En hibernación,298,Story,662,2017-02-19 22:06:44 UTC,2017-02-19 22:06:44 UTC
108,#bloom,178,Story,666,2017-02-22 13:44:59 UTC,2017-02-22 13:44:59 UTC
",178,Story,667,2017-02-22 13:45:59 UTC,2017-02-22 13:45:59 UTC
114,"I wonder what kind of tree this is? The flaky,  peeling bark is pretty cool",179,Story,674,2017-02-22 14:26:35 UTC,2017-02-22 14:26:35 UTC
",178,Story,679,2017-02-23 10:12:03 UTC,2017-02-23 10:12:03 UTC
4291,#crownraising ,2717,Story,18992,2018-07-22 20:19:02 UTC,2018-07-22 20:19:02 UTC
1293,"På våren bjuder Oxeln insekterna på nektar med sina klasar av  gräddvita blommor. På hösten dignar trädet av röda bär som till exempel sidensvansar,  flyttfåglarna på väg söderut, gärna mumsar i sig ",1263,Story,2610,2017-08-23 12:47:04 UTC,2017-08-23 12:47:04 UTC
1306,Blodbok,1452,Story,2627,2017-08-24 07:03:58 UTC,2017-08-24 07:03:58 UTC
1727,"Viscum album, mistel, det största exemplaret i detta äppelträd är en hona. Familj: Santalaceae - sandelträdsväxter. Inhemsk, endast ett vildväxande exemplar kvar i Skåne (på en Rosa invid Limhamns kalkbrott). FRIDLYST! INGA MISTLAR FÅR PLOCKAS PÅ SKOLANS OMRÅDE! Halvparasitisk städsegrön buske, angriper i synnerhet Populus eller Malus. Grön och gaffelförgrenad stam. Blad enkla, motsatta,  parallellnerviga, helbräddade, spatelformade och läderartade. Växten är dioik (tvåbyggare) med fyrtaliga och mycket reducerade blommor i gupper om tre. Vit stenfrukt, sprids med fåglar. Stora exemplar kan skada sin värdväxt, och centraleuropeiska äppelodlare ser misteln som en skadegörare. Går att odla från frö. Etymologi: Viscum=mistel, album=vit. Zon 2.",1083,Story,3706,2017-12-05 06:41:29 UTC,2017-12-05 06:41:29 UTC
14496,Handelsnamnet för denna sort är GRÅPÄRON.,1083,Story,37017,2022-08-25 10:37:59 UTC,2022-08-25 10:37:59 UTC
1737,oak in Uffmoor woods,1915,Story,3762,2017-12-08 13:44:31 UTC,2017-12-08 13:44:31 UTC
1202,Some kind of pine tree I reckon . #massive,178,Story,2465,2017-08-10 15:28:22 UTC,2017-08-10 15:28:22 UTC
1203,Can live in excess of 1000 years in its natural habitat,178,Story,2466,2017-08-10 15:43:24 UTC,2017-08-10 15:43:24 UTC
1197,Japanese maple on garnish island.,178,Story,2460,2017-08-10 14:46:39 UTC,2017-08-10 14:46:39 UTC
1198,It says from Chile.,178,Story,2461,2017-08-10 14:48:51 UTC,2017-08-10 14:48:51 UTC
1199,Myrtus lechleriana,178,Story,2462,2017-08-10 14:58:39 UTC,2017-08-10 14:58:39 UTC
1200,Carpodetus Serratus,178,Story,2463,2017-08-10 15:06:27 UTC,2017-08-10 15:06:27 UTC
1205,#cheslynhouse&gardens,180,Story,2469,2017-08-10 21:59:58 UTC,2017-08-10 21:59:58 UTC
1219,#cheslynhouse&gardens cool little cypress - not sure if it's small or far away!,180,Story,2483,2017-08-11 11:55:22 UTC,2017-08-11 11:55:22 UTC
1206,#cheslynhouse&gardens,180,Story,2470,2017-08-10 22:01:33 UTC,2017-08-10 22:01:33 UTC
1218,#cheslynhouse&gardens,180,Story,2482,2017-08-11 10:29:33 UTC,2017-08-11 10:29:33 UTC
1374,Hassel,1692,Story,2813,2017-09-13 12:09:25 UTC,2017-09-13 12:09:25 UTC
4202,Looks like some kind of tilia but not sure,180,Story,18825,2018-06-23 17:10:17 UTC,2018-06-23 17:10:17 UTC
1233,"Korrekt namn enligt SKUD är bergbambu. Bambu är förvedade och städsegröna gräs (Poaceae). Till skillnad från många andra bambu sprider sig inte denna art med underjordiska utlöpare. Vissa asiatiska arter kan bli över 20 m höga men räknas ändå inte som träd pga den ihåliga stammen. En kinesisk gentleman ska leva sitt liv på samma sätt som en bambu, d.v.s. huka i stormen men alltid resa sig igen.",1083,Story,2502,2017-08-13 09:58:56 UTC,2017-08-13 09:58:56 UTC
1232,Denna manoliasläkting (Magnoliaceae) har fyra bladflikar. Trädet är Lunds botaniska trädgårds symbol och flera har planterats vid Lunds domkyrka.,1083,Story,2501,2017-08-13 09:43:38 UTC,2017-08-13 09:43:38 UTC
1230,"Denna nordamerikanska rödek finns planterad här och var i det skånska skogslandskapet. Till skillnad från vår svenska skogsek (Quercus robur) så har rödeken tagglikt utdragna bladflikar och slätare stam. Många, men inte alla, rödekars blad får röda höstfärger.",1083,Story,2499,2017-08-13 09:28:09 UTC,2017-08-13 09:28:09 UTC
1236,Baby acorns!!,179,Story,2510,2017-08-13 12:46:56 UTC,2017-08-13 12:46:56 UTC
1237,Branch down!! Maybe it came down in a storm,179,Story,2511,2017-08-13 12:52:00 UTC,2017-08-13 12:52:00 UTC
1231,"Detta kinesiska träd har runda blomställningar med två långa, hängande och vita högblad som liknar näsdukar. Blomställningarna kan beundras i slutet av maj.",1083,Story,2500,2017-08-13 09:36:58 UTC,2017-08-13 09:36:58 UTC
1246,"Nice to see a spreading birch,  also like the square root, from its previous planting pit- and now extended! ",261,Story,2521,2017-08-14 17:56:43 UTC,2017-08-14 17:56:43 UTC
2695,Dessa har ARB16 tagit med sig från Island och planterat 2017 på hösten.,2541,Story,5449,2018-02-27 12:55:19 UTC,2018-02-27 12:55:19 UTC
3985,"Fjällbjörk är numera kategoriserad som en variant eller underart av glasbjörk som återfinns i fjälltrakterna, vanligtvis som skogsgräns vid trädgränsen. Arten är ett mellanting mellan träd och buske beroende på växtförhållandena och rådande snödjup.",1818,Story,18290,2018-04-04 08:21:37 UTC,2018-04-04 08:21:37 UTC
1243,Fjällbjörk från södra Island planterad av ARB16 år 2017.,1083,Story,2517,2017-08-14 13:39:03 UTC,2017-08-14 13:39:03 UTC
1239,Odd pinnate leaves with serrated edges and bright red berries. I think it must be a mountain ash!,178,Story,2513,2017-08-14 08:02:01 UTC,2017-08-14 08:02:01 UTC
1242,Fjällbjörk från södra Island planterad 2017.,1083,Story,2516,2017-08-14 13:37:15 UTC,2017-08-14 13:37:15 UTC
1260,This #fallen willow isn't for giving up.,180,Story,2545,2017-08-16 16:54:42 UTC,2017-08-16 16:54:42 UTC
2701,Fina låtsasblommor för att imponera på insekter.,2541,Story,5458,2018-02-27 13:01:06 UTC,2018-02-27 13:01:06 UTC
4002,"Japanskt olvon

Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum ’Mariesii’
En av Zetas särdeles mest vackra buskar blommar just nu. Den har ett utbrett spännande växtsätt och grenarna sträcker sig horisontellt med vackra gröna blad. I maj-juni täcks hela busken av vita flata blomskyar. Blommorna liknar klätterhortensians och tittar man närmare på blomman kan man erinra en vit stjärnhimmel. På hösten får bladen en lysande brunröd färg innan de faller till marken av frostens nypor. Busken brukar nå en höjd av en meter , men kan med åren bli fyra meter bred. Planteras med fördel i ett vindskyddat läge med mustig väldränerad jord.",1818,Story,18310,2018-04-04 08:43:46 UTC,2018-04-04 08:43:46 UTC
1249,"Detta är Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum ' Mariesii', japansk snöbollsbuske.",1083,Story,2524,2017-08-15 10:44:24 UTC,2017-08-15 10:44:24 UTC
4158,"This beech is no longer.
It has met its maker",1818,Story,18645,2018-05-24 16:39:08 UTC,2018-05-24 16:39:08 UTC
2689,Stammar i glansig röd färg.,2542,Story,5440,2018-02-27 12:47:16 UTC,2018-02-27 12:47:16 UTC
4046,66mm den 16 april 2018,1818,Story,18382,2018-04-17 08:27:57 UTC,2018-04-17 08:27:57 UTC
3994,Omkrets 1 m upp 54cm 180404,1821,Story,18300,2018-04-04 08:35:07 UTC,2018-04-04 08:35:07 UTC
3995,"Mått 1 meters höjd, 54 cm, 20180404
Se bild för mätpunkt.",2679,Story,18302,2018-04-04 08:36:28 UTC,2018-04-04 08:36:28 UTC
1385,Du ser att det är en klotlönn på ympärret strax under kronan. Och på toppen såklart,1793,Story,2825,2017-09-14 16:58:37 UTC,2017-09-14 16:58:37 UTC
1387,Robinia pseudoacacia,1572,Story,2829,2017-09-15 20:03:54 UTC,2017-09-15 20:03:54 UTC
1261,Leaves turning on all the horse chestnuts way before anything else.,180,Story,2546,2017-08-16 18:05:46 UTC,2017-08-16 18:05:46 UTC
1262,Hästkastanj,196,Story,2549,2017-08-17 08:45:16 UTC,2017-08-17 08:45:16 UTC
1386,Robins pseudoacacia,1572,Story,2828,2017-09-15 20:00:49 UTC,2017-09-15 20:00:49 UTC
129,Winter in brooklyn bridge pk,190,Story,703,2017-02-26 18:35:15 UTC,2017-02-26 18:35:15 UTC
128,#winter ,190,Story,702,2017-02-26 18:34:53 UTC,2017-02-26 18:34:53 UTC
127,Brooklyn bridge pk,190,Story,696,2017-02-26 18:22:55 UTC,2017-02-26 18:22:55 UTC
1250,"Dessa plantor kommer från frön insamlade i Alnarpsparken av Ingmar Mann. Normalt sett brukar man inte samla in frön i botaniska trädgårdar, eftersom risken är att fröna är hybrider mellan olika arter. När botaniska trädgårdar vill förnya sitt material skaffar de frön från den naturliga ståndorten. Juglans ailantifolia, J. mandshurica och J. cathayensis räknas dock idag som en och samma art, även om plantskolor och SKUD behållit separata artnamn av traditionsskäl.",1083,Story,2525,2017-08-15 10:54:22 UTC,2017-12-04 14:32:47 UTC
4289,#crownraising ,2717,Story,18990,2018-07-22 20:16:38 UTC,2018-07-22 20:16:38 UTC
2639,Awesome oak,252,Story,5330,2018-02-11 15:13:20 UTC,2018-02-11 15:13:20 UTC
152,This is the tree with the (metal) crutch. ,339,Story,742,2017-03-05 09:08:22 UTC,2017-03-05 09:08:22 UTC
125,Oak tree at main entrance to malahide castle . Branch propped up by metal pole ,248,Story,690,2017-02-26 15:56:44 UTC,2017-02-26 15:56:44 UTC
60,A strange little palm tree and a whole lot of swans,179,Story,559,2017-02-15 12:34:20 UTC,2017-02-15 15:38:45 UTC
61,This tree is a fire assembly point,178,Story,566,2017-02-15 17:00:47 UTC,2017-02-15 17:00:47 UTC
",178,Story,568,2017-02-15 17:02:35 UTC,2017-02-15 17:02:35 UTC
110,#bloom ,178,Story,668,2017-02-22 13:46:36 UTC,2017-02-22 13:46:36 UTC
4178,"Classic Irish #hedgerow wars - hawthorn, ash and ivy (Hedera hibernica) punching it out",180,Story,18700,2018-06-05 19:09:01 UTC,2018-06-05 19:09:01 UTC
293,#blossom ,180,Story,963,2017-04-11 13:33:48 UTC,2017-04-11 13:33:48 UTC
70,"This hawthorn has been so completely engulfed by ivy that I'd kind of forgotten it lived here. Who knows what its doing in there?! Hopefully turning into some gigantic, timber butterfly",180,Story,595,2017-02-15 21:57:46 UTC,2017-02-15 21:57:46 UTC
64,#overhead_cable ,178,Story,584,2017-02-15 17:13:42 UTC,2017-02-15 17:13:42 UTC
72,#springflower,178,Story,603,2017-02-17 08:58:45 UTC,2017-02-17 08:58:45 UTC
18,South mall Christmas tree looking worse for wear #christmasshopping,178,Story,464,2016-12-22 15:37:44 UTC,2016-12-22 15:37:44 UTC
76,Just popped into blossom over the past couple of days. #flowers,285,Story,612,2017-02-17 13:47:06 UTC,2017-02-17 13:47:06 UTC
9140,"Tree in bloom, early 2019
#mappinggreendublin",5147,Story,26413,2019-10-25 13:15:43 UTC,2019-10-25 18:57:21 UTC
77,Pear Tree in The Digital Hub,289,Story,613,2017-02-17 14:06:43 UTC,2017-02-17 14:06:43 UTC
75,Fine specimen in good condition.,285,Story,611,2017-02-17 13:44:56 UTC,2017-02-17 13:44:56 UTC
78,"A 30yr old Eucalyptus that was an offer from Euthymol toothpaste. It was only ever meant to be a bush but it has such a lovely form, it seems a shame to cut it.",288,Story,615,2017-02-17 15:57:02 UTC,2017-02-17 15:57:02 UTC
79,Tree at heuston station,178,Story,620,2017-02-18 11:32:48 UTC,2017-02-18 11:32:48 UTC
88,A baby magnolia tree with one of the nicest views in the gardens! #mappingcork #fotagardens,178,Story,631,2017-02-18 15:18:35 UTC,2017-02-18 15:18:35 UTC
80,#flowers finally starting to come through! 😊,222,Story,621,2017-02-18 12:41:18 UTC,2017-02-18 12:41:18 UTC
91,A japapanese Niko maple 🍁 70 years old! #mappingcork #fotagardens ,222,Story,636,2017-02-18 15:33:13 UTC,2017-02-18 15:33:13 UTC
92,An English yew tree! 🌲🌳🌲 #mappingcork #fotagardens ,178,Story,637,2017-02-18 15:49:57 UTC,2017-02-18 15:49:57 UTC
527,This tree had two different colours of flowers in spring and now it has 2 different colour leaves. 🌱🌷🌼🌻🌲🌳,178,Story,1381,2017-05-22 19:06:59 UTC,2017-05-22 19:06:59 UTC
95,2 different colour flowers 🌺 on this tree! #mappingcork,222,Story,640,2017-02-19 12:19:45 UTC,2017-02-19 12:19:45 UTC
1102,Kentucky coffeetree,1074,Story,2354,2017-08-07 16:40:42 UTC,2017-08-07 16:40:42 UTC
1363,Oxel ,1387,Story,2766,2017-09-10 10:11:03 UTC,2017-09-10 10:11:03 UTC
1112,En flikbladig vårtbjörk som blivit det svenska nationalträdet. Producerar få hanhängen och därmed små mängder pollen.,1083,Story,2364,2017-08-08 06:38:25 UTC,2017-08-08 06:38:25 UTC
2696,"Hiiiiibaaa! Hönseben, kallas den också. Titta på undersidan av bladen, de är vita och fina!",2541,Story,5450,2018-02-27 12:56:31 UTC,2018-02-27 12:56:31 UTC
3987,"Hiba är en cypressväxtart som först beskrevs av Carl Peter Thunberg och Carl von Linné d.y., och fick sitt nu gällande namn av Philipp Franz von Siebold och Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini. Hiba ingår i släktet hibor, och familjen cypressväxter.",1818,Story,18292,2018-04-04 08:24:40 UTC,2018-04-04 08:24:40 UTC
1121,"Det svenska namnet är hiba. Kallas också hönseben på svenska.
",1083,Story,2373,2017-08-08 07:02:18 UTC,2017-08-08 07:02:18 UTC
1125,Står rakt söder om en sumpcypress.,1083,Story,2377,2017-08-08 07:13:55 UTC,2017-08-08 07:13:55 UTC
2698,Njut av tidig blom!! Gult är inte fult!,2541,Story,5452,2018-02-27 12:58:25 UTC,2018-02-27 12:58:25 UTC
3989,"Körsbärskornellen blir ofta en mycket stor buske men kan lätt stammas upp till små träd med yvig, bred krona. Stam och huvudgrenar är grova och robusta med mycket hård ved. Barken spricker upp och blir flagig. Blomning kommer tidigt på våren, långt innan bladen, och består i skyar med skira gula blommor. Bladen är äggrunda och släta och kan få rödaktiga höstfärger. Om grupper planteras kan skörden av de ätliga, avlånga, röda bären bli riklig. De mognar sent och uppskattas av människor och fåglar.",1818,Story,18294,2018-04-04 08:30:44 UTC,2018-04-04 08:30:44 UTC
1128,"Stor buske med delikata, röda och avlånga stenfrukter.",1083,Story,2380,2017-08-08 07:20:58 UTC,2017-08-08 07:20:58 UTC
1129,Snabbväxande exemplar.,1083,Story,2381,2017-08-08 07:25:13 UTC,2017-08-08 07:25:13 UTC
1134,"Bladen har drabbats av almpunglus, Tetraneura ulmi.",1083,Story,2386,2017-08-08 07:35:32 UTC,2017-08-08 07:35:32 UTC
5205,Detta träd planterades av ARB11 på examensdagen 2013.,1083,Story,21362,2019-05-10 11:40:12 UTC,2019-05-10 11:40:12 UTC
5202,Denna art börjar blomma kring den 10e maj. Trädet planterades av arboriststudenter på examensdagen 2009 (ARB07).,1083,Story,21358,2019-05-10 09:30:32 UTC,2019-05-10 09:30:32 UTC
1138,SKUD förordar det svenska namnet körsbärsoxel.,1083,Story,2390,2017-08-08 07:48:55 UTC,2017-08-08 07:48:55 UTC
1117,"Blommar vackert i juli - augusti. De brytbönslika kapslarna med papperstunna vingade frön syns stora delar av året, vilket lätt skiljer den från det snarlika tempelträdet Paulownia tomentosa som har äggliknande kapslar.",1083,Story,2369,2017-08-08 06:50:59 UTC,2017-08-08 06:50:59 UTC
1111,Plantering med flera individer. Enstaka skogslindar finns också. Mykorrhizasvampar som Paxillus involutus och Scleroderma bovista.,1083,Story,2363,2017-08-08 06:35:01 UTC,2017-08-08 06:35:01 UTC
2702,Rolig att klättra i!,2541,Story,5461,2018-02-27 13:07:13 UTC,2018-02-27 13:07:13 UTC
4006,Kaukasisk vingnöt är ett träd som blir cirka 15-20 m högt. Efter hand bildas rotskott som tillsammans med huvudstammarna kan bilda en dunge med spännande växtsätt. Den vanligaste användningssättet är som parksolitär.,1818,Story,18314,2018-04-04 08:47:12 UTC,2018-04-04 08:47:12 UTC
1115,Släktet Carya liksom släktet Juglans har kamrad märg i skottspetsarna.,1083,Story,2367,2017-08-08 06:46:35 UTC,2017-08-08 06:46:35 UTC
1116,Mångstammig.,1083,Story,2368,2017-08-08 06:47:51 UTC,2017-08-08 06:47:51 UTC
2700,"Skrapa lite på barken, då luktar det Jenka-tuggummi!",2541,Story,5456,2018-02-27 13:00:37 UTC,2018-02-27 13:00:37 UTC
3997,"Cherry birch is also variously called black birch for its dark, shiny bark, and sweet birch for its wintergreen-smelling twigs. Saplings of this tree are often among the earliest colonizers of newly logged ground in southern New England. Once the source of birch beer and oil of wintergreen (methyl salicylate, a preservative and medicinal rub), this tree is now used primarily as a shade tree and occasional source of dark wood which is difficult to work but ages to a deep finish reminiscent of mahogany.",1818,Story,18304,2018-04-04 08:37:29 UTC,2018-04-04 08:37:29 UTC
1113,Nordamerikansk art vars kvistar luktar root beer om de skrapas.,1083,Story,2365,2017-08-08 06:40:50 UTC,2017-08-08 06:40:50 UTC
1127,Krona något skev pga sydvästliga vindar.,1083,Story,2379,2017-08-08 07:18:48 UTC,2017-08-08 07:18:48 UTC
1123,"Detta är Betula pubescens var. pumila, alltså fjällbjörk. Hämtades på södra Island av Eric Danell, Ofelia Ovik och Emil Ridderstolpe i april 2017. Står i hönsnätsbur i skrivande stund (augusti 2017).
",1083,Story,2375,2017-08-08 07:11:12 UTC,2017-08-08 07:11:12 UTC
1132,Riv inte av barken på detta vackra träd.,1083,Story,2384,2017-08-08 07:30:43 UTC,2017-08-08 07:30:43 UTC
1124,Två exemplar.,1083,Story,2376,2017-08-08 07:12:35 UTC,2017-08-08 07:12:35 UTC
1161,Korrekt namn enligt SKUD är Prunus (Sato-zakura-Gruppen) 'Kanzan'. ,1083,Story,2420,2017-08-08 12:20:11 UTC,2017-08-08 12:20:11 UTC
4011,Omkrets 1m upp 133cm 180404,1821,Story,18319,2018-04-04 08:53:53 UTC,2018-04-04 08:53:53 UTC
1240,Frösådd 1987 och planterad 1988.,1083,Story,2514,2017-08-14 08:30:33 UTC,2017-08-14 08:30:33 UTC
1144,"Blommar i juni med stora himmelsblå zygomorfa blommor med mockafärgat sambladigt foder. Kapseln äggrund, smalt avlång som en böna hos snarlika Catalpa bignonioides.",1083,Story,2403,2017-08-08 09:50:49 UTC,2017-08-08 09:50:49 UTC
5204,"ARB12. Stående från vänster: Miriam Löwenstein, Gunilla Malmqvist, Jonatan Axberg, Mårten Schuman, Sven Jinton, Joel Bergelin, Kim Andersson, Charles van Helleputte, John Pettersson, Sara Johnsson Falck, Linda Svensson och Rasmus Lindblad. Sittande från vänster: John Gustavsson, Reginka Danielsson, Mikael Grönlund och Per Gustavsson. Frånvarande: Marion Ceder. Examensdagen den 30e april 2014.",1083,Story,21360,2019-05-10 10:15:43 UTC,2019-05-10 10:15:43 UTC
1130,Planterad i april 2014 till minne av arboristklassen ARB12 som tog examen.,1083,Story,2382,2017-08-08 07:28:11 UTC,2017-08-08 07:28:11 UTC
1126,Tre exemplar,1083,Story,2378,2017-08-08 07:15:07 UTC,2017-08-08 07:15:07 UTC
1133,En levande koja!,1083,Story,2385,2017-08-08 07:32:38 UTC,2017-08-08 07:32:38 UTC
1136,Levande koja,1083,Story,2388,2017-08-08 07:40:55 UTC,2017-08-08 07:40:55 UTC
1137,År 2015 hade dessa angrepp av blåsvart björkstekel Arge pullata.,1083,Story,2389,2017-08-08 07:43:45 UTC,2017-08-08 07:43:45 UTC
1141,"Detta är sorten pelarbjörk, Betula pendula 'Fastigiata'.",1083,Story,2393,2017-08-08 07:57:49 UTC,2017-08-08 07:57:49 UTC
528,#blossom,178,Story,1383,2017-05-22 19:09:18 UTC,2017-05-22 19:09:18 UTC
1348,"This species of Pine is native to the coast of California, and therefore thrives near the sea, being tolerant to salty soils and the exposure associated with the sea. The Monterey Pine is distinguishable from other similar pines as its needles grow in groups of three, as opposed to pairs. There are a number of these pines along the route, so keep an eye out and see how many more you can spot!",178,Story,2727,2017-09-05 14:00:43 UTC,2017-09-11 15:13:03 UTC
1400,#threeneddles ,1029,Story,2873,2017-09-20 09:54:55 UTC,2017-09-20 09:54:55 UTC
1267,Anyone know what species this is? Some kind of pine maybe?? #whatspecies ,178,Story,2564,2017-08-17 17:43:47 UTC,2017-08-17 17:43:47 UTC
1266,Plenty of chessies around here in the next few weeks i'd say! #fruitandnut,178,Story,2562,2017-08-17 17:38:41 UTC,2017-08-17 17:38:41 UTC
1264,Loads of #fruitandnut at this time of year 🍇🌰,178,Story,2560,2017-08-17 17:33:40 UTC,2017-08-17 17:33:40 UTC
415,#blossom on a lovely day!,178,Story,1164,2017-05-02 10:09:41 UTC,2017-05-02 10:09:41 UTC
1273,Vild ölandstok heter numera Dasiphora fruticosa. Trädgårdstokarna som ofta är ett resultat av hybridiseringar heter numera Dasiphora Fruticosa-Gruppen följt av sortnamn.,1083,Story,2577,2017-08-19 08:15:47 UTC,2017-08-19 08:15:47 UTC
1279,"Ordet naver avser torrbacke. I Sverige finns arten endast vildväxande i Svedala, och ingår därför i Svedalas kommunvapen.",1083,Story,2583,2017-08-19 08:46:59 UTC,2017-08-19 08:46:59 UTC
1278,Rödbladig perukbuske har blad som luktar mango. Båda tillhör familjen sumakväxter (Anacardiaceae).,1083,Story,2582,2017-08-19 08:44:01 UTC,2017-08-19 08:44:01 UTC
1280,Smalbladig ask av sorten 'Raywood' får vackra röda höstlöv.,1083,Story,2584,2017-08-19 09:02:18 UTC,2017-08-19 09:02:18 UTC
1270,Detta är skogstry. De röda tvillingbären är lätt giftiga för människor men bra fågelmat. Busken kan uppträda som ett vedartat ogräs i trädgårdar.,1083,Story,2574,2017-08-19 07:57:22 UTC,2017-08-19 07:57:22 UTC
1271,"Häggen blommar vackert i maj. Bladens sidonerver är förenade med varandra via bågar, och bildar s.k. kyrkfönster. På bladskaften finns knölar som är extraflorala nektarier. De utsöndrar socker för att belöna sina legosoldater myrorna. Sådana körtlar är utmärkande för många träd i körsbärssläktet Prunus.",1083,Story,2575,2017-08-19 08:03:10 UTC,2017-08-19 08:03:10 UTC
1277,"Trädet bok har gett oss ordet bokstav, som härleds ur det faktum att stavar av boketrä användes för att snabbt rista skrivna meddelanden. Ordet inkorporerades i engelska språket under ockupationen av danska vikingar. Boketrä är också använt för tillverkning av glasspinnar. Alla medlemmar i bokfamiljen (Fagaceae), t.ex. ek, bok och äkta kastanj, lever i mutualistisk symbios med vissa storsvampar, s.k. ektomykorrhiza. Under sådana träd kan man därför hitta t.ex. soppar, kantareller, tryfflar, kremlor, riskor och flugsvampar.",1083,Story,2581,2017-08-19 08:40:34 UTC,2017-08-19 08:40:34 UTC
1389,Ash trees seeds look like a bundle of keys,178,Story,2846,2017-09-18 12:04:36 UTC,2017-09-18 12:04:36 UTC
1388,Joe's Oak Tree,282,Story,2841,2017-09-17 15:13:38 UTC,2017-09-17 15:13:38 UTC
1276,Denna sort av idegran är krypande och unga barr gulbladiga. Vilda svenska idegranar är upprätta och mörkgröna. Bladen är mycket giftiga men används för att framställa bröstcancermedicin. Virket är segt och anses vara det bästa för tillverkning av pilbågar. Id är ett gammalt svenskt namn för pilbåge. De enfröiga kottarna hos honindivider bär på ett ätligt rött hölje som kallas arillus.,1083,Story,2580,2017-08-19 08:30:39 UTC,2017-08-19 08:30:39 UTC
1394,Mini-forest!!!,179,Story,2851,2017-09-18 12:51:23 UTC,2017-09-18 12:51:23 UTC
1274,"Detta kinesiska träd är varken en blomväxt eller barrväxt utan en ginkgo. Familjen uppstod för ca 260 miljoner år sedan, och fossil av dessa har hittats i stenkolsförande lager i bl.a. Höganäs. Denna art kan i Kina och Japan bli många hundra år gammal. Frön från honträd anses förbättra minnet, men i Sverige odlas mest hanträd pga frönas stank av smörsyra.",1083,Story,2578,2017-08-19 08:21:57 UTC,2017-08-19 08:21:57 UTC
1395,Gråen 40,866,Story,2865,2017-09-19 08:48:05 UTC,2017-09-19 08:48:05 UTC
1275,"Denna städsegröna buske kan klippad till en vacker häck. Stenfrukterna har ett oförtjänt rykte att vara giftiga, men de är ganska osmakliga. Bladen är rika på cyanid som skydd mot hungriga insekter.",1083,Story,2579,2017-08-19 08:24:32 UTC,2017-08-19 08:24:32 UTC
1281,Normalt är körsbärskornellen ett litet träd med skyar av gula blommor på bar kvist om våren. Här klipps den som en häck. Mogna och djupt röda stenfrukter är mycket delikata.,1083,Story,2585,2017-08-19 09:05:54 UTC,2017-08-19 09:05:54 UTC
1827,Looks like more #damage has been inflicted on this existing weakness. Death by a thousand cuts!,180,Story,4298,2017-12-21 13:30:08 UTC,2017-12-21 13:30:08 UTC
1356,"Wow, the back of this tree tells a very different story to the front. Significant #compressionfork damage by the look if it.",180,Story,2736,2017-09-06 09:44:39 UTC,2017-09-06 09:44:39 UTC
1334,Plocka riktigt mogna bär och koka marmelad.,1371,Story,2693,2017-08-26 17:47:29 UTC,2017-08-26 17:47:29 UTC
1333,Körsbärskornell,1371,Story,2692,2017-08-26 17:46:13 UTC,2017-08-26 17:46:13 UTC
1066,A magical tree garden,179,Story,2272,2017-07-27 09:50:56 UTC,2017-07-27 09:50:56 UTC
1086,Some notes people left on the magical fairy tree garden,179,Story,2315,2017-07-28 09:53:22 UTC,2017-07-28 09:53:22 UTC
1322,A new addition to the fairy garden tree! 🍃,179,Story,2674,2017-08-25 12:55:49 UTC,2017-08-25 12:55:49 UTC
35,Just a tree getting a new year's trim,179,Story,508,2017-01-03 09:16:18 UTC,2017-01-03 09:16:18 UTC
1335,Äppelträd,1556,Story,2694,2017-08-27 06:07:33 UTC,2017-08-27 06:07:33 UTC
1415,"Grown from an acorn taken from the famous “Robin Hood” oak in Sherwood Forest, England.",1881,Story,2956,2017-10-01 17:13:26 UTC,2017-10-01 17:13:26 UTC
1417,This tree was sadly felled in 2015,1882,Story,2958,2017-10-01 18:03:54 UTC,2017-10-01 18:03:54 UTC
1419,"Striped maple. A small one, but one of the few examples on the ESF campus.",1881,Story,2978,2017-10-03 17:30:25 UTC,2017-10-03 17:30:25 UTC
1418,"Salix cordata, sand dune willow. Growing on the Gateway Center green roof, with a planting and hardscape pallette reminiscent of a dune ecology.",1881,Story,2977,2017-10-03 17:29:02 UTC,2017-10-03 17:29:02 UTC
1731,Found this sneaky little number hiding in the #hedgerow,180,Story,3720,2017-12-07 19:04:56 UTC,2017-12-07 19:04:56 UTC
1732,Three birches completely hidden in this #hedgerow until the leaves had fallen,180,Story,3721,2017-12-07 19:06:51 UTC,2017-12-07 19:06:51 UTC
1734,Planterad 2013,2047,Story,3723,2017-12-08 07:49:51 UTC,2017-12-08 07:49:51 UTC
1733,Corylus avellana 'pendula' ,2047,Story,3722,2017-12-08 07:49:10 UTC,2017-12-08 07:49:10 UTC
1364,Swamp white oak,1074,Story,2769,2017-09-10 19:07:54 UTC,2017-09-10 19:07:54 UTC
1365,Finns i BRF Visenten japanska trådgård,1758,Story,2770,2017-09-11 00:57:44 UTC,2017-09-11 00:57:44 UTC
4067,#Question Are these types of splits in the bark common on young #ash trees?,180,Story,18420,2018-04-22 10:21:09 UTC,2018-04-23 07:35:34 UTC
1220,Sneaky flowerbed ash has been getting bigger. Think it's part of the family now,180,Story,2484,2017-08-11 13:09:17 UTC,2017-08-11 13:09:17 UTC
1370,A hidden gem #mighty #oak,1029,Story,2802,2017-09-12 08:31:08 UTC,2017-09-12 08:31:08 UTC
1221,#berries coming on this #hedgerow hawthorn. Pity the hedgecutters came through early and ousted all the birds,180,Story,2485,2017-08-11 13:13:37 UTC,2017-08-11 13:13:37 UTC
4654,This beautiful oak has been left as standing deadwood to provide habitat for invertebrates and other wildlife,3977,Story,20119,2018-12-18 13:03:59 UTC,2018-12-18 13:03:59 UTC
1228,"Nedre högra grenen troligen en sport, dvs den har vuxit ut från en muterad knopp. Morfologin skiljer sig från kronan i övrigt.",1083,Story,2492,2017-08-12 12:24:36 UTC,2017-08-12 12:24:36 UTC
1371,Twin birch - little and large,180,Story,2805,2017-09-12 14:18:17 UTC,2017-09-12 14:18:17 UTC
1222,Robinia Pseudocacia,688,Story,2486,2017-08-11 19:15:13 UTC,2017-08-11 19:15:13 UTC
1223,"Ginkgo är det evolutionärt sett äldsta träd som går att odla utomhus i Sverige, uppstod för ca 260 miljoner år sedan. Fossil från Ginkgoaceae hittat i stenkolslager i Höganäs. Ej ett barrträd som uppstod 100 miljoner år senare. Saknar blommor och frukter. Långskaftade frön med ätligt yttre hölje hos honindivider kan ses i Lunds botaniska trädgård. Detta är en hanindivid och är ett av de största och äldsta exemplaren i Sverige. Toppen skadades i en tidigare storm. Förvildad Clematis vitalba (skogsklematis) klättrar i trädet.",1083,Story,2487,2017-08-12 08:51:45 UTC,2017-08-12 08:51:45 UTC
1225,"Blad av vitt mullbär från östra Asien utgör silkesfjärilslarvens mat. Linnélärjungen Erik Gustaf Lidbeck, professor i naturalhistoria vid Lunds universitet från 1756, vurmade bl. a. för svensk silkesproduktion. Han försökte också införa pilevallar som skydd mot jordflykten i Skåne. Vitt mulllbär är mindre värmekrävande än Svart mullbär (Morus nigra), vars delikata frukter kallades morus av romarna.",1083,Story,2489,2017-08-12 10:19:38 UTC,2017-08-12 10:19:38 UTC
366,"2016 oak, 1 of 100 planted.",219,Story,1105,2017-04-30 21:42:53 UTC,2017-04-30 21:42:53 UTC
1373,Björk,1692,Story,2812,2017-09-13 12:06:59 UTC,2017-09-13 12:06:59 UTC
1224,"Intill hybridplatanen står en staty föreställande lundastudenten Carl von Linné, den moderna biologins fader. Lundatraditionen är att alltid lägga en färsk blomma i hans hand. För gärna kulturarvet vidare!

Anledningen till att statyn står just här på gamla Sankt Petri kyrkogård  är att påminna om att denna yta donerades till botaniska trädgården 1840. P.g.a. alla ben i marken grävde man bara grunt för odling av ettåriga växter inklusive grönsaker. Nuvarande botaniska trädgård anlades 1862-1867.",1083,Story,2488,2017-08-12 09:59:31 UTC,2017-08-12 09:59:31 UTC
1740,Robinia av någon sort!?,2153,Story,3766,2017-12-09 21:11:55 UTC,2017-12-09 21:11:55 UTC
1423,"What once was a large silver maple, is now a 4.5’ diameter stump.",1881,Story,3009,2017-10-05 19:23:03 UTC,2017-10-05 19:23:03 UTC
1422,Smooth bark with light lenticles on young trees will eventually turn to dark (almost pine-like) plates.,1881,Story,3008,2017-10-05 18:48:18 UTC,2017-10-05 18:48:18 UTC
1424,I think it's a white ash,1872,Story,3011,2017-10-05 23:15:43 UTC,2017-10-05 23:15:43 UTC
1923,'Docz Velikan',1862,Story,4424,2017-12-26 11:42:53 UTC,2017-12-26 11:42:53 UTC
1916,"Sattes sommaren 2017 (avskedsgåva från tidigare personal). Tomten är i zon 4, men läget mellan syrenhäck och växthus borde kunna bli som zon 2-3.",2339,Story,4415,2017-12-25 16:12:17 UTC,2017-12-25 16:12:17 UTC
1914,"Vi satte en häck med 150 plantor 2004. Sommaren 2017 klippte vi ned häcken till marken och från nu ska vi klippa ned var tredje planta varje år för tät, drygt midjehög häck.",2339,Story,4413,2017-12-25 16:05:02 UTC,2017-12-25 16:05:02 UTC
1927,'Farba'.,1862,Story,4428,2017-12-26 11:58:11 UTC,2017-12-26 11:58:11 UTC
1925,'Gyllene Katajka'. Planterad 2016.,1862,Story,4426,2017-12-26 11:48:42 UTC,2017-12-26 11:48:42 UTC
1922,'Vostorg'. Planterad 2016.,1862,Story,4423,2017-12-26 11:41:17 UTC,2017-12-26 11:41:17 UTC
1917,"Sattes sommaren 2017 till minne av ett minnesvärt festivalbesök i Göteborg samma sommar; på festivalen såg vi Lana del Rey som bland annat nämner växten i låten Old Money: Blue hydrangea, cold cash divine
Cashmere, cologne, and white sunshine
Red racing cars, Sunset and Vine
The kids were young and pretty",2339,Story,4416,2017-12-25 16:19:41 UTC,2017-12-25 16:19:41 UTC
1930,'Erkheikki',1862,Story,4431,2017-12-26 12:04:54 UTC,2017-12-26 12:04:54 UTC
1931,'Jänkisjärvi',1862,Story,4433,2017-12-26 12:22:21 UTC,2017-12-26 12:22:21 UTC
1929,'Sinikka'. Planterad 2014.,1862,Story,4430,2017-12-26 12:02:17 UTC,2017-12-26 12:02:17 UTC
1937,"Two of several ancient oaks in Piddle Wood, the Blackdown Hills, Somerset",2313,Story,4442,2017-12-30 16:13:30 UTC,2017-12-30 16:13:30 UTC
1940,Large Poplar tree,2349,Story,4445,2018-01-01 19:27:36 UTC,2018-01-01 19:27:36 UTC
1283,Green ash,1074,Story,2591,2017-08-19 20:12:44 UTC,2017-08-19 20:12:44 UTC
1397,Amazing looking old tree down by the river #berlin,180,Story,2870,2017-09-19 10:22:01 UTC,2017-09-19 10:22:01 UTC
1282,Thornless cocksper hawthorn ,1074,Story,2590,2017-08-19 20:11:49 UTC,2017-08-19 20:11:49 UTC
1284,Shumard oak,1074,Story,2592,2017-08-19 20:13:19 UTC,2017-08-19 20:13:19 UTC
1286,Green ash,1074,Story,2594,2017-08-19 20:15:18 UTC,2017-08-19 20:15:18 UTC
1288,Blodbok,1165,Story,2596,2017-08-20 12:37:45 UTC,2017-08-20 12:37:45 UTC
1285,Linden,1074,Story,2593,2017-08-19 20:14:44 UTC,2017-08-19 20:14:44 UTC
1398,Mature pine at end of park setting,676,Story,2871,2017-09-19 10:23:05 UTC,2017-09-19 10:23:05 UTC
1287,Flerstammigt träd.,1159,Story,2595,2017-08-20 08:38:18 UTC,2017-08-20 08:38:18 UTC
1396,Crimson leaf colour maple,676,Story,2867,2017-09-19 10:07:52 UTC,2017-09-19 10:07:52 UTC
1290,Not so healthy looking,179,Story,2599,2017-08-21 12:33:52 UTC,2017-08-21 12:33:52 UTC
1401,Swarms of #ivybees ,1029,Story,2875,2017-09-20 10:06:57 UTC,2017-09-20 10:06:57 UTC
1192,Första trädet som läggs till i Hässleholm!,1105,Story,2455,2017-08-09 19:13:36 UTC,2017-08-09 19:13:36 UTC
1291,Fagus sylvatica,1169,Story,2602,2017-08-21 20:48:54 UTC,2017-08-21 20:48:54 UTC
1303,Med fyra stammar,1259,Story,2624,2017-08-24 04:13:59 UTC,2017-08-24 04:13:59 UTC
1310,A willow tree in bishop Lucy park.,178,Story,2640,2017-08-24 10:36:21 UTC,2017-08-24 10:36:21 UTC
1319,Angrepp,1599,Story,2659,2017-08-24 19:43:19 UTC,2017-08-24 19:43:19 UTC
1413,"Det hörs kanske på namnet att trädet kommer ifrån Japan. Katsura växer också vilt i Korea och Kina. 

På hösten blir bladen vackert gula och luktar som nybakad kaka eller sockervadd. Det kallas ibland ”kakträd”. Då bladen gulnar bildas ämnet maltol (liknar sötningsmedlen xylitol och sorbitol) i bladen. Om det kan ha någon biologisk nytta är ännu okänt.

På våren är bladen ljust gröna, i en liten annan nyans än andra träd, så det är fint att ha Katsuror i planteringar. På de långa grenarna bildas kortskott och det egendomliga är att bladen på de långa och korta grenarna ser olika ut. Långskottens blad är äggformiga till ovala medan de på kortskotten är prydligt hjärtlika.

Katsuran kan bli ett stort träd – i naturen över 40 m, odlad hälften så hög. Kronan är ofta lågt uppsplittrad.

Katsuran är vad vi kallare en tvåbyggare. Det betyder att den har skilda han- och honindivider. Blommorna är inte så stora men går man lite närmare ser man att de är väldigt fina. Från hanträdet för vinden pollen till honträdet, där frukterna bildas – de ser ut som pyttesmå gröna bananer som hänger i klasar. 

",1435,Story,2949,2017-09-29 11:34:29 UTC,2017-09-29 11:34:29 UTC
1313,Hagtorn,1527,Story,2649,2017-08-24 15:09:30 UTC,2017-08-24 15:09:30 UTC
1316,Oxel,1571,Story,2652,2017-08-24 16:17:46 UTC,2017-08-24 16:17:46 UTC
1312,Halmstads största,1471,Story,2643,2017-08-24 12:19:14 UTC,2017-08-24 12:19:14 UTC
1315,"Omfångsrik, gammal",1533,Story,2651,2017-08-24 15:27:43 UTC,2017-08-24 15:27:43 UTC
1314,Planterad i enkelallé 2001,1533,Story,2650,2017-08-24 15:23:08 UTC,2017-08-24 15:23:08 UTC
1321,Castanea sativa,1553,Story,2661,2017-08-25 07:37:41 UTC,2017-08-25 07:37:41 UTC
1318,Holy moly! Utility crew going to town on the trees here. Some cypress being cut back in a big way but also a few major limbs being #lopped from old ash trees.,180,Story,2658,2017-08-24 16:54:33 UTC,2017-08-24 16:54:33 UTC
1320,Valnöt,1320,Story,2660,2017-08-25 05:31:33 UTC,2017-08-25 05:31:33 UTC
1412,"Ginkgo tillhör de nakenfröiga växterna (avlägsen släkting till våra vanliga barrträd) och är en av Jordens äldsta nu levande trädarter. Åtminstone snarlika former fanns redan under Jura för 200 miljoner år sedan. Fossil visar att Ginkgo-släktet fanns  för 50 miljoner år sedan. 

Numera är ginkgo ensam i sitt släkte och finns inte längre vildväxande. Den första ginkgon i Europa planterades i Utrechts botaniska trädgård omkring 1730. Trädet du står vid planterades i början av 1900-talet.

Träden är lövfällande och kan bli 40 m höga, dock sällan över 20 meter här hos oss. Maximiåldern ligger kring 1000 år. 

Bladen, som är barr (!) är solfjäderformade. Ginkgo är tvåbyggare, det vill säga har skilda han- och honindivider. Hos hanindividen bildas pollen i hankottar som är långskaftade och hängelika samlingar. Honans fröämnen sitter parvis i spetsen av korta skaft. Det mogna fröet liknar ett plommon (fast man skall komma ihåg att det är just ett frö och ingen frukt). Fröskalet är tvåskiktat med ett yttre gulaktigt, tunt och köttigt skikt som luktar illa av smörsyra. Själva kärnan är mjuk och ätlig.

I Kina har extrakt från blad och frön använts i mer än 5000 år som botemedel mot bl a lungsjukdomar (astma, bronkitis) och hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Under senare år har forskare studerat effekterna av ginkgo-extrakt mot bl a senilitet och åderförkalkning. 
",1435,Story,2948,2017-09-29 08:54:01 UTC,2017-09-29 11:10:23 UTC
22,Herons nesting.,249,Story,483,2016-12-24 16:51:26 UTC,2016-12-24 16:51:26 UTC
1408,Maple,1852,Story,2899,2017-09-25 09:09:15 UTC,2017-09-25 09:09:15 UTC
1354,ลานมุจลินทร์,1734,Story,2733,2017-09-05 16:20:02 UTC,2017-09-05 16:20:02 UTC
1358,Hej.trädet står i stadsbilden utanför biblioteket i simrishsmn,1747,Story,2742,2017-09-08 09:09:22 UTC,2017-09-08 09:09:22 UTC
28,An old yew tree,179,Story,499,2016-12-28 14:43:06 UTC,2016-12-28 14:43:06 UTC
36,We like this tree cos its really long one side short on the other and it shows how much nicer nature can be compared to ma made stuff. Check out ugly camera pole beside it,254,Story,513,2017-01-11 20:20:29 UTC,2017-01-11 20:20:29 UTC
30,They did a lot of work about a year or so ago  to kill off ivy growing up and around trees in the Malahide castle grounds,179,Story,501,2016-12-29 15:58:37 UTC,2016-12-29 15:58:37 UTC
2755,This tree now has a snowman for company,179,Story,5528,2018-03-03 13:03:59 UTC,2018-03-03 13:03:59 UTC
749,I hope the trees are thirsty,179,Story,1632,2017-05-27 12:48:11 UTC,2017-05-27 12:49:59 UTC
48,Not quite so spectacular without its Christmas lights but still pretty impressive all the same,179,Story,534,2017-02-02 20:17:26 UTC,2017-02-02 20:17:26 UTC
10,All lit up for Christmas,240,Story,455,2016-12-20 22:07:34 UTC,2016-12-20 22:07:34 UTC
29,That's so cool. Like the bike eating tree on the #treeoftheyear. I think that tree was a sycamore. Any idea of the species any one?,178,Story,500,2016-12-28 17:37:27 UTC,2016-12-28 17:37:27 UTC
27,A fence eating tree! I wonder how long it took the tree to completely swallow the the railings,179,Story,498,2016-12-28 14:40:34 UTC,2016-12-28 14:40:34 UTC
25,Fraxinus excelsior,196,Story,490,2016-12-27 13:03:17 UTC,2016-12-27 13:03:17 UTC
17,Monkey puzzle?,179,Story,463,2016-12-21 14:50:37 UTC,2016-12-21 14:50:37 UTC
4856,A cherry planted to replace the American chestnut that was there before it. Someone cut down the last tree when no-one was looking. It was a brand new planting so hopefully this doesn’t go the same way,180,Story,20538,2019-03-27 09:39:37 UTC,2019-03-27 09:39:37 UTC
39,The Red Beast,246,Story,519,2017-01-15 12:16:20 UTC,2017-01-15 12:16:20 UTC
40,We like this tree cos it doesn't haven notions and its nice and small,254,Story,521,2017-01-15 16:26:33 UTC,2017-01-15 16:26:33 UTC
33,"My brother, my sister and I bought this eucalyptus trees for my parents maybe about 2 years ago for their wedding anniversary",179,Story,506,2017-01-01 12:49:52 UTC,2017-01-01 12:49:52 UTC
1808,"From our original blog Dokmai Dogma, February 20, 2012:
Are there tree-sized members of the mint family (Lamiaceae)? Yes, teak (Tectona grandis) is one, but its companion in the dry savannah-like monsoon forests surrounding Chiang Mai has gigantic mint-shaped flowers: the snapdragon tree (Gmelina arborea). The classical snapdragon is Anthirrinum of a family different from the mints (Scrophulariaceae), but the vernacular name is still quite descriptive.

The Dokmai Garden tree is now four years old and it obtained its present size (5 m) already as a three-year-old. The leaves are edible when young and the flowers contain nectar which attract sunbirds. Just like teak it is a deciduous tree, but its wood is inferior to that of teak.

Edible, deciduous heart-shaped leaves with two glands at the base of the leaf stalk (petiole), and large yellow-red snapdragon-like blossom in January-February are two characteristics of the snapdragon tree.
",1083,Story,4251,2017-12-20 09:47:53 UTC,2017-12-20 09:47:53 UTC
1810,"Propeller trees, Dipterocarpus spp (Dipterocarpaceae), are important for the Southeast Asian forest ecosystems. Many species have a hard and durable timber, leaves for roof thatching or food packing, source of resin, excellent bark for epiphytic orchids and they are ectomycorrhizal hosts of many edible (and poisonous) mushrooms.

 The most common species in the lowlands, and in all of the province, is Dipterocarpus tuberculatus (to the left in the picture). Note the leaf’s heart-shaped base and fanning veins. The seeds have two prominent wings for wind dispersal, and three remnants of wings looking like mouse ears. Between these five wings, the fruits have five ridge-like ‘tubercles’. The wings are fused and completely wrap the seed, a nut. The fruits are not available every year, and last time we planted many seedlings was in 2010, the worst drought in 50 years, so they all succumbed.  An established tree can stand droughts and fire, while seedlings are sensitive.

Another common lowland dipterocarp is Dipterocarpus obtusifolius (to the right in the picture), also growing naturally nearby Dokmai Garden. I collected a nice heap of seeds of this species too. The aim is to create an educational lowland monsoon forest. Note the leaf’s blunt (obtuse) tip and base, and the veins being parallel to each other.

Another common dipterocarp planted in the Chiang Mai valley is Dipterocarpus alatus, the tall tree you see along the old road between Chiang Mai and Lamphun. That species has fruits with ridges from top to bottom and such fruits should also be collected now. Many governmental forest nurseries provide D. alatus seedlings, but I have never seen the other two dipterocarps offered. Based on our experience here at Dokmai Garden I think that is due to the amazing growth speed of D. alatus, even when left without water. The timber of D. obtusifolius is considered inferior to that of the other two species, but for leaf litter designers its coppery and densely corrugated leaves are a delight.

At higher elevations there are other dipterocarp species, and in wetter habitats such as Borneo is the heart of Dipterocarpus biodiversity with 40 of the world’s ca 70 species. ",1083,Story,4253,2017-12-20 10:10:37 UTC,2017-12-20 10:10:37 UTC
1820,Obey the little oak. Sick of stepping over dogs’ ugly business,180,Story,4286,2017-12-21 12:00:11 UTC,2017-12-21 12:00:11 UTC
1821,"One of the most common trees around Dokmai Garden is ‘ton mi’, Litsea glutinosa (Lauraceae). An English name is Indian laurel, and indeed it is a member of the laurel family. In Chiang Mai in northern Thailand it is a deciduous tree during the hottest time of the year (March-April), but flowers in June. The flowers are yellow and carry a fragrance resembling honey or bee’s wax. Many insects, especially flies, like to pollinate this tree. The result of the pollination are small black fruits which attract birds at the end of the rainy season. The fruits are edible but not tasty, quite sharp actually. Ketsanee’s hairdresser in the village told Ketsanee that most Thai people nowadays cut them down, which is a pity since this tree was once the source of shampoo making. In our original Dokmai Dogma blog you can read more about that effort.",1083,Story,4287,2017-12-21 12:03:22 UTC,2017-12-21 12:03:22 UTC
1823,"Bael, or Aegle marmelos, is a member of the orange family (Rutaceae). It is native to the dry monsoon areas of Thailand and India. The tree is characterised by its long thorns, and by leaves of three. Unlike many other members of the orange family, the fruit of this species has a woody rind. You can discard the seeds and then eat the fresh yellow pulp (ripens in early February) with a spoon. The fragrance reminds one of passion fruit, but much less acidic. You can use the pulp as a glue to seal envelopes. At Dokmai Garden we boil the dried slices with sugar to make a most delicious caramel-tasting drink. The tree is very easy to grow and can stand long droughts.",1083,Story,4292,2017-12-21 12:20:54 UTC,2017-12-21 12:20:54 UTC
1822,"Neem, Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae), is a member of the mahogany family and is common in Thailand. Traditionally its bitter leaves have been used as a vermicide, killing intestinal worms. The leaves and flowers are commonly sold in Thai markets. Also, it has a reputation of being the source of a good insecticide. At Dokmai Garden we have tested that ability. We have noticed that some neem trees were defoliated by insects – do not use the leaves of such individuals! Different individuals contain different amounts of active compounds, which is why natural sources may vary considerably while commercial insecticides always have the same strength. Neem grows quickly, and you can prune it.",1083,Story,4290,2017-12-21 12:12:03 UTC,2017-12-21 12:12:03 UTC
1824,"Many visitors to Dokmai Garden describe a weird fruit they have seen in the Chiang Mai food markets. It looks like a flat sabre. Even ethnobotanists get confused. Luckily the tree producing these fruits grows at Dokmai Garden.

This is the fruit of the ‘Midnight Horror’ (Oroxylum indicum, Bignoniaceae). It is such a characteristic of the markets and the monsoon landscape here in northern Thailand that I included it in my book on fruits and vegetables.

You can only admire its large fleshy and smelly flowers in the rainy season. The picture was taken in October. In the dry season all the leaves are shed and the tree looks dead beyond resurrection. In fact, the pile of leaf petioles (the leaf stalks) around the naked stem resemble human bones so much a visitor asked if we were cannibals.

The result of the nectar bats’ pollination at night is a bitter fruit highly appreciated by the Thais.
",1083,Story,4293,2017-12-21 12:28:12 UTC,2017-12-21 12:28:12 UTC
1825,"Detta är en nioårig väderkvarnspalm fotograferad i oktober 2017. Den har övervintrat på friland utan täckning, utom ett år då den täcktes av ett speciellt palmfodral som dock orsakade mögeltillväxt.",1083,Story,4295,2017-12-21 12:58:01 UTC,2017-12-21 12:58:01 UTC
94,Unknown,291,Story,639,2017-02-18 21:13:14 UTC,2017-02-18 21:13:14 UTC
2699,Här luktar det kaka eller möjligen bränt socker på hösten. Om man tittar på fruktställningen är det som små söta bananer.,2541,Story,5454,2018-02-27 12:59:41 UTC,2018-02-27 12:59:41 UTC
3993,"Katsura, Cercidiphyllum japonicum.
Ett av höstens färggladaste träd är katsuran, som får lysande bronsgul höstfärg och bladen doftar då härligt av pepparkaka! Katsuran har han- och honblommor i skilda träd, det är hanträden som får de mest iögonfallande blommorna.",1818,Story,18299,2018-04-04 08:34:18 UTC,2018-04-04 08:34:18 UTC
1835,"Underplantering med Waldsteinina ternata, gullgröna.",1862,Story,4308,2017-12-22 12:56:35 UTC,2017-12-22 12:56:35 UTC
1832,Flyttad vildväxande 1993 från närområde.,1862,Story,4304,2017-12-22 12:18:44 UTC,2017-12-22 12:18:44 UTC
1861,"Underplantering av Convallaria majalis, Anemone hepatica, Primula veris, Anemone sylvestris, Myosotis scorpioides, Campanula sp.",1862,Story,4337,2017-12-22 17:20:31 UTC,2017-12-22 17:20:31 UTC
1830,Flyttad vildväxande 1993 från närområde.,1862,Story,4302,2017-12-22 12:18:28 UTC,2017-12-22 12:18:28 UTC
1833,Flyttad vildväxande 1993 från närområde.,1862,Story,4305,2017-12-22 12:18:52 UTC,2017-12-22 12:18:52 UTC
1865,"Fröplanta från Storrasta gård, Örebro. Planterad 2015.",1862,Story,4341,2017-12-22 17:33:08 UTC,2017-12-22 17:33:08 UTC
1871,One of several ancient chestnuts at Stourhead,2313,Story,4347,2017-12-23 13:23:11 UTC,2017-12-23 13:23:11 UTC
1870,"Från SLU:s försöksstation i Öjebyn som 20cm höga fröplantor, 1988.",1862,Story,4346,2017-12-23 13:10:51 UTC,2017-12-23 13:10:51 UTC
1863,"Fröplanta från Storrasta gård, Örebro. Planterad 2015.",1862,Story,4339,2017-12-22 17:28:18 UTC,2017-12-22 17:28:18 UTC
1860,Planterad juni 2017,1862,Story,4335,2017-12-22 16:32:40 UTC,2017-12-22 16:32:40 UTC
1849,Blommar läckert gula blommor i januari på bar kvist,2118,Story,4323,2017-12-22 15:13:37 UTC,2017-12-22 15:13:37 UTC
1857,Fin i blomningen!,2118,Story,4331,2017-12-22 15:21:40 UTC,2017-12-22 15:21:40 UTC
1845,Läcker höstfärg!,2118,Story,4319,2017-12-22 15:05:22 UTC,2017-12-22 15:05:22 UTC
1839,Vackert träd med härliga röda bär,2118,Story,4313,2017-12-22 14:55:56 UTC,2017-12-22 14:55:56 UTC
1866,Planterad 2017,1862,Story,4342,2017-12-22 18:41:06 UTC,2017-12-22 18:41:06 UTC
1864,"Planterad juni, 2017.",1862,Story,4340,2017-12-22 17:31:56 UTC,2017-12-22 17:31:56 UTC
1856,Stabil kantväxt,2118,Story,4330,2017-12-22 15:19:46 UTC,2017-12-22 15:19:46 UTC
1850,Blommar läckert gula blommor i januari på bar kvist,2118,Story,4324,2017-12-22 15:13:38 UTC,2017-12-22 15:13:38 UTC
1846,Läcker höstfärg!,2118,Story,4320,2017-12-22 15:05:29 UTC,2017-12-22 15:05:29 UTC
1855,Vintergrönt inslag,2118,Story,4329,2017-12-22 15:18:04 UTC,2017-12-22 15:18:04 UTC
1854,Vintergrönt inslag,2118,Story,4328,2017-12-22 15:18:03 UTC,2017-12-22 15:18:03 UTC
1853,Härliga lila blommor,2118,Story,4327,2017-12-22 15:16:37 UTC,2017-12-22 15:16:37 UTC
1851,Doftar pepparkaka på hösten,2118,Story,4325,2017-12-22 15:14:27 UTC,2017-12-22 15:14:27 UTC
1847,Läcker höstfärg!,2118,Story,4321,2017-12-22 15:05:31 UTC,2017-12-22 15:05:31 UTC
1844,Härligt stora blommor tidig vår,2118,Story,4318,2017-12-22 15:04:06 UTC,2017-12-22 15:04:06 UTC
1852,Härliga lila blommor,2118,Story,4326,2017-12-22 15:16:36 UTC,2017-12-22 15:16:36 UTC
1848,Läcker höstfärg!,2118,Story,4322,2017-12-22 15:05:35 UTC,2017-12-22 15:05:35 UTC
1841,Troligen en vanlig regia men en liten variant av den då små saker är avvikande. Mycket hårda nötter ex.,2118,Story,4315,2017-12-22 14:58:23 UTC,2017-12-22 14:58:23 UTC
1859,Planterad juni 2017,1862,Story,4334,2017-12-22 16:32:31 UTC,2017-12-22 16:32:31 UTC
1868,"Beautiful old beech, now snapped in two after recent storms",2313,Story,4344,2017-12-23 08:19:31 UTC,2017-12-23 08:19:31 UTC
311,This smoketree originally grew underneath an oil tank and took up this very strange L-shape,375,Story,993,2017-04-17 18:42:49 UTC,2017-04-17 18:42:49 UTC
247,The tree needs so vertical support. ,360,Story,889,2017-03-29 12:02:12 UTC,2017-03-29 12:02:12 UTC
248,Notes of thanks tied to a tree,179,Story,890,2017-03-29 12:07:16 UTC,2017-03-29 12:07:16 UTC
276,What species is this?,180,Story,935,2017-04-08 09:30:35 UTC,2017-04-08 09:30:35 UTC
6635,I'm not sure how many more years this tree has left. Not looking too healthy,179,Story,23200,2019-06-09 15:33:29 UTC,2019-06-09 15:33:29 UTC
147,#blossom,179,Story,731,2017-03-04 15:38:51 UTC,2017-03-04 15:38:51 UTC
930,Pine cone and pine needles from this lovely shady pine tree!,178,Story,1954,2017-06-22 15:18:48 UTC,2017-06-22 15:18:48 UTC
15,That's one pretty impressive nest!  #nests,179,Story,460,2016-12-21 14:10:55 UTC,2016-12-21 14:10:55 UTC
1938,"Cork tree located on frontage to Cork tree retail Park, Chingford.",2349,Story,4443,2018-01-01 17:06:07 UTC,2018-01-01 17:06:07 UTC
4033,I’m thinking this guy could do with more trunk and less branches,180,Story,18360,2018-04-13 14:26:23 UTC,2018-04-13 14:26:23 UTC
1336,Idegran,1410,Story,2698,2017-08-28 18:02:33 UTC,2017-08-28 18:02:33 UTC
1304,Brödgran,1415,Story,2625,2017-08-24 06:27:19 UTC,2017-08-24 06:27:19 UTC
1305,"Araucaria araucana, apträd hos oss kallad, kommer från Chile & Argentina. Det ska gå att odla på en skyddad plats i södra Sverige, men det tål inte att stå blåsigt, fuktigt och kallt under vintern. Det ska ha det väldränerat",1415,Story,2626,2017-08-24 06:32:59 UTC,2017-08-24 06:32:59 UTC
1301,Poppel ,1311,Story,2621,2017-08-23 18:53:21 UTC,2017-08-23 18:53:21 UTC
1311,A lot of the berries already eaten off this mountain ash! 🍒🌳,178,Story,2641,2017-08-24 10:41:15 UTC,2017-08-24 10:41:15 UTC
1294,Kastanj på innergård.,1271,Story,2611,2017-08-23 12:57:10 UTC,2017-08-23 12:57:10 UTC
1297,"Denna individ blev påkörd år 2014 och låg då utmed marken med halva rotsystemet avslitet. Arboristklassen ARB12 reste upp vitpilen, lade på ny jord och band upp den med grova naturfiberrep och djupt nedslagna pålar. Den är angripen av ostronskivling (Pleurotus) men är ändå i förvånansvärt god kondition (augusti 2017).",1083,Story,2615,2017-08-23 13:26:38 UTC,2017-08-23 13:26:38 UTC
1299,Kastanj,1307,Story,2619,2017-08-23 18:26:02 UTC,2017-08-23 18:26:02 UTC
1300,Ek#private #semi_mature ,1311,Story,2620,2017-08-23 18:49:24 UTC,2017-08-23 18:49:24 UTC
1309,Cypress?,1525,Story,2638,2017-08-24 09:11:18 UTC,2017-08-24 09:11:18 UTC
1946,Last remnants of the festive season,180,Story,4468,2018-01-05 14:23:49 UTC,2018-01-05 14:23:49 UTC
1948,Nice to see so many healthy ash trees,2313,Story,4472,2018-01-06 14:35:31 UTC,2018-01-06 14:35:31 UTC
1947,Another ancient beauty!,2313,Story,4471,2018-01-06 14:23:59 UTC,2018-01-06 14:23:59 UTC
472,Lime trees on the river,180,Story,1289,2017-05-16 09:59:13 UTC,2017-05-16 09:59:13 UTC
1997,Detta träd köpte jag och Magnus Björlin på Hillis plantskola i Hårlev(Danmark någon gång 2007)/sanna,1969,Story,4565,2018-01-20 12:00:45 UTC,2018-01-20 12:00:45 UTC
132,This tree has been trimmed at the top,178,Story,708,2017-02-28 16:03:17 UTC,2017-02-28 16:03:17 UTC
822,Female poplar doing her thing,284,Story,1745,2017-06-05 16:42:21 UTC,2017-06-05 16:42:21 UTC
141,This is tropical tree sacerdote for the mayns and Is plantes in Mexico City @ 2230 m above sea levek,268,Story,723,2017-03-03 18:45:44 UTC,2017-03-03 18:45:44 UTC
143,Male + Female flowers,284,Story,726,2017-03-04 09:08:06 UTC,2017-03-04 09:08:06 UTC
144,Forgotten old row of Salix alba,284,Story,728,2017-03-04 09:15:58 UTC,2017-03-04 09:15:58 UTC
148,Asian pear ,337,Story,732,2017-03-04 16:30:57 UTC,2017-03-04 16:30:57 UTC
149,Asian pear ,337,Story,733,2017-03-04 16:34:22 UTC,2017-03-04 16:34:22 UTC
151,It's an evergreen beautiful tree.I don't know what it is.,306,Story,740,2017-03-04 21:48:05 UTC,2017-03-04 21:48:05 UTC
161,Fraxinus americana en parque Popo CDMX,268,Story,754,2017-03-08 18:13:14 UTC,2017-03-08 18:13:14 UTC
160,Liquidable sobre Ámsterdam ,268,Story,753,2017-03-08 14:59:14 UTC,2017-03-08 14:59:14 UTC
162,Java ronda tree in Cdmx#mature ,268,Story,755,2017-03-08 19:31:54 UTC,2017-03-08 19:31:54 UTC
163,Springsteen flowering,268,Story,756,2017-03-08 19:32:33 UTC,2017-03-08 19:32:33 UTC
168,Red,284,Story,763,2017-03-09 16:51:49 UTC,2017-03-09 16:51:49 UTC
165,Robinia pseudoacacia,344,Story,758,2017-03-09 11:11:07 UTC,2017-03-09 11:11:07 UTC
175,"Alder tree , I think ",345,Story,772,2017-03-11 03:48:05 UTC,2017-03-11 03:48:05 UTC
174,"In Google  main campus.
",345,Story,771,2017-03-11 03:45:15 UTC,2017-03-11 03:45:15 UTC
177,This guy has some pretty strange and funky bark.. Does anyone know anything about it? Is it a species thing?,179,Story,775,2017-03-11 14:18:23 UTC,2017-03-11 14:18:23 UTC
178,Blossom by the pullar,282,Story,777,2017-03-11 15:12:12 UTC,2017-03-11 15:12:12 UTC
179,C'mon spring,282,Story,778,2017-03-11 15:14:02 UTC,2017-03-11 15:14:02 UTC
180,#fairytree in Crosshaven Cork,222,Story,779,2017-03-11 15:40:11 UTC,2017-03-11 15:40:11 UTC
182,#fairytree Door 💜,222,Story,781,2017-03-11 15:42:28 UTC,2017-03-11 15:42:28 UTC
183,#garryduff woods,307,Story,784,2017-03-12 08:20:47 UTC,2017-03-12 08:20:47 UTC
193,Would like to know what type of tree this is.,345,Story,798,2017-03-12 16:46:22 UTC,2017-03-12 16:46:22 UTC
194,"Big Cyprus tress, I think.",345,Story,799,2017-03-12 17:01:37 UTC,2017-03-12 17:01:37 UTC
184,#twotrunks on this tree at seafield,180,Story,786,2017-03-12 10:04:11 UTC,2017-03-12 10:04:11 UTC
192,Veo a fruits,268,Story,796,2017-03-12 15:03:05 UTC,2017-03-12 15:03:05 UTC
190,Ceiba,268,Story,794,2017-03-12 15:01:56 UTC,2017-03-12 15:01:56 UTC
191,Veo a in playa del carmen ,268,Story,795,2017-03-12 15:02:22 UTC,2017-03-12 15:02:22 UTC
185,Still in its winter sleep #Love #SeafieldHotel #wexford,269,Story,789,2017-03-12 10:11:09 UTC,2017-03-12 10:11:09 UTC
186,#moss all over the trunk,180,Story,790,2017-03-12 10:12:25 UTC,2017-03-12 10:12:25 UTC
196,Redwood! ,345,Story,801,2017-03-12 17:10:29 UTC,2017-03-12 17:10:29 UTC
207,2016 0ak,219,Story,819,2017-03-15 10:57:35 UTC,2017-03-15 10:57:35 UTC
209,Ceiba producing seeds,268,Story,822,2017-03-15 13:28:02 UTC,2017-03-15 13:28:02 UTC
208,Taken at JFK arboretum,248,Story,820,2017-03-15 11:45:03 UTC,2017-03-15 11:45:03 UTC
212,Cherry blossom in Palo Alto,345,Story,826,2017-03-15 15:56:24 UTC,2017-03-15 15:56:24 UTC
210,Ceiba in the University of Yucatan merida,268,Story,823,2017-03-15 14:52:59 UTC,2017-03-15 14:52:59 UTC
211,Pepper tree it Even smells good,268,Story,825,2017-03-15 15:07:41 UTC,2017-03-15 15:07:41 UTC
1483,"Woah, #giant",180,Story,3256,2017-10-30 19:59:42 UTC,2017-10-30 19:59:42 UTC
16,"I lie, the top nest prize goes to these guys #nests",179,Story,461,2016-12-21 14:14:12 UTC,2016-12-21 14:14:12 UTC
219,Lovely blossom,352,Story,834,2017-03-19 12:47:51 UTC,2017-03-19 12:47:51 UTC
221,Cascal Palm ,323,Story,837,2017-03-21 02:30:12 UTC,2017-03-21 02:30:12 UTC
223,Cherry Grove indeed,188,Story,847,2017-03-23 13:21:26 UTC,2017-03-23 13:21:26 UTC
274,New leaves in spring ,360,Story,933,2017-04-06 11:02:13 UTC,2017-04-06 11:02:13 UTC
228,Very large tree with a wide canopy. ,360,Story,855,2017-03-24 15:10:48 UTC,2017-03-24 15:10:48 UTC
229,Cherry Blossom tree at peak bloom,355,Story,857,2017-03-24 22:32:08 UTC,2017-03-24 22:32:08 UTC
230,Japanese Cherry Blossom tree at peak bloom,355,Story,858,2017-03-24 22:38:08 UTC,2017-03-24 22:38:08 UTC
235,Tree in San Miguel de Allá San Miguel  de allend e,268,Story,863,2017-03-25 16:31:36 UTC,2017-03-25 16:31:36 UTC
232,Marist convent,188,Story,860,2017-03-25 13:00:25 UTC,2017-03-25 13:00:25 UTC
241,What an amazing space for kids,180,Story,881,2017-03-28 14:01:37 UTC,2017-03-28 14:01:37 UTC
1378,"Whilst walking down the east side of the King’s Gardens model boating pond, you
will encounter a Japanese Cherry tree. This is the same species of tree that provides
Japan with the fantastic floral display of cherry blossom, and is its national flower.
This tree can be distinguished by its distinctive blossom for a short time in spring.
Just to your right is The King's Drive, named after Edward VII in 1877 to replace ‘Rotten
Row’, the origin for which name is debated from the street being overrun rats to
from the French ‘Route du Roi’ for King's road.",178,Story,2817,2017-09-13 19:24:59 UTC,2017-09-15 08:03:51 UTC
250,#blossom  in Torbay,179,Story,893,2017-03-30 08:28:05 UTC,2017-03-30 08:28:05 UTC
252,#iTreeTrail #Torbay,179,Story,898,2017-03-30 10:13:19 UTC,2017-03-30 10:13:19 UTC
260,#multi-stem,180,Story,918,2017-03-31 09:44:30 UTC,2017-03-31 09:44:30 UTC
263,#blossom in Hyde Park,179,Story,922,2017-03-31 11:09:32 UTC,2017-03-31 11:09:32 UTC
283,Street tree on Old Canterbury Road,370,Story,946,2017-04-09 21:58:42 UTC,2017-04-09 21:58:42 UTC
286,Old looking tree. Looks like it's had some recent maintenance,178,Story,953,2017-04-10 13:05:48 UTC,2017-04-10 13:05:48 UTC
287,3 trunks!,178,Story,954,2017-04-10 13:06:42 UTC,2017-04-10 13:06:42 UTC
292,Inner city,370,Story,962,2017-04-11 03:52:42 UTC,2017-04-11 03:52:42 UTC
4039,It looks like the fairy gardens are back!! All the kids on this street seemed to get involved in them last year and there was a lovely explosion of colour and imagination amongst these trees that I walk by each day on my way to work. I wonder if it will be the same this year. I guess spring is finally here!,179,Story,18369,2018-04-16 09:17:53 UTC,2018-04-16 09:59:47 UTC
1082,Another magical tree garden!!,179,Story,2311,2017-07-28 09:48:23 UTC,2017-07-28 09:48:23 UTC
298,If I was a bee I would definitely want to live here #blossom #beehouse,179,Story,973,2017-04-13 08:31:26 UTC,2017-04-13 08:31:26 UTC
304,Beech budding,282,Story,981,2017-04-15 11:07:29 UTC,2017-04-15 11:07:29 UTC
309,Doneraile park Cork,307,Story,991,2017-04-17 12:30:59 UTC,2017-04-17 12:30:59 UTC
310,Doneraile cork 😀,307,Story,992,2017-04-17 12:59:54 UTC,2017-04-17 12:59:54 UTC
321,"Holy moly, that's one way of doing it! #powerlines",180,Story,1006,2017-04-18 18:31:31 UTC,2017-04-18 18:31:31 UTC
322,Mix of blossoms,254,Story,1007,2017-04-18 21:26:56 UTC,2017-04-18 21:26:56 UTC
330,Gnarly old tree on this #countryestate,180,Story,1020,2017-04-20 20:34:36 UTC,2017-04-20 20:34:36 UTC
349,Big ponderosa pine!,284,Story,1052,2017-04-25 13:00:52 UTC,2017-04-25 13:00:52 UTC
1993,Looks like the #lichen and #witchesbroom are doing their thing,180,Story,4556,2018-01-15 15:13:41 UTC,2018-01-15 15:13:41 UTC
1995,Spaljerade lindar planterade 2017 13st,2005,Story,4560,2018-01-16 15:28:06 UTC,2018-01-16 15:28:06 UTC
1867,"Fröplanta från Storrasta Gård, Örebro. Planterad 2014.",1862,Story,4343,2017-12-22 18:48:39 UTC,2017-12-22 18:48:39 UTC
1869,"Från SLU:s försöksstation i Öjebyn som 20cm höga fröplantor, 1988.",1862,Story,4345,2017-12-23 13:10:50 UTC,2017-12-23 13:10:50 UTC
1888,Hybrid av Rhododendron brachycarpum var. tigerstedtii och Rhododendron forrestii var. repens,1862,Story,4367,2017-12-23 15:58:58 UTC,2017-12-23 15:58:58 UTC
1886,"Pelarek, stora fina exemplar planterade 1921",2118,Story,4365,2017-12-23 15:37:48 UTC,2017-12-23 15:37:48 UTC
1878,"Pelarek, stora fina exemplar planterade 1921",2118,Story,4357,2017-12-23 15:35:01 UTC,2017-12-23 15:35:01 UTC
1874,Bästa äpplet!,2118,Story,4353,2017-12-23 15:30:46 UTC,2017-12-23 15:30:46 UTC
1890,Street tree - replanted winter 2016/17 (? need to check),2315,Story,4375,2017-12-24 13:54:09 UTC,2017-12-24 13:54:09 UTC
1326,Mini oak,1252,Story,2680,2017-08-26 07:52:22 UTC,2017-08-26 07:52:22 UTC
1325,År1937,1408,Story,2679,2017-08-26 07:00:10 UTC,2017-08-26 07:00:10 UTC
1323,Magnificent group of variegated sycamore on the front lawn of Dunboyne Castle,285,Story,2675,2017-08-25 15:21:22 UTC,2017-08-25 15:21:22 UTC
197,Corylus contorta,344,Story,807,2017-03-13 13:01:14 UTC,2017-03-13 13:01:14 UTC
1329,Stenek,1553,Story,2685,2017-08-26 11:51:44 UTC,2017-08-26 11:51:44 UTC
1405,Cork oak,383,Story,2886,2017-09-22 09:38:46 UTC,2017-09-22 09:38:46 UTC
312,Oh dear!,180,Story,995,2017-04-17 18:55:53 UTC,2017-04-17 18:55:53 UTC
1324,Lat. Katsura sv. Kakträd. Trädet doftar nybakat kakor när man går förbi på sensommaren/ tidig höst.,1644,Story,2678,2017-08-25 20:56:53 UTC,2017-08-25 20:56:53 UTC
1328,Äppleträd Ingrid marie ,1647,Story,2683,2017-08-26 08:10:16 UTC,2017-08-26 08:10:16 UTC
1331,Amazing #old oaks bordering the road into town,180,Story,2687,2017-08-26 12:19:54 UTC,2017-08-26 12:19:54 UTC
1235,In the centre of the #amsterdammuseum,180,Story,2507,2017-08-13 12:03:42 UTC,2017-08-13 12:03:42 UTC
275,Spring has sprung! ,180,Story,934,2017-04-08 09:25:48 UTC,2017-04-08 09:25:48 UTC
1792,A traditional Somerset cider orchard: much neglected & in need of restocking.,2312,Story,4223,2017-12-18 10:54:36 UTC,2017-12-18 10:54:36 UTC
1795,15033,2317,Story,4229,2017-12-19 06:29:29 UTC,2017-12-19 06:29:29 UTC
931,Ett äkta Vårdträd,568,Story,1957,2017-06-23 06:57:19 UTC,2017-06-23 06:57:19 UTC
1799,Rare and interesting species for the Blackdown Hills,2313,Story,4242,2017-12-19 14:56:49 UTC,2017-12-19 14:56:49 UTC
1800,"This is retrieved from our blog Dokmai Dogma published on October 2, 2010:

Many people who come to Dokmai Garden admire our huge forest mango (Mangifera caloneura, Anacardiaceae) situated in the northern part of the property. Without knowing anything about its background, some visitors have remarked they can feel ‘a very powerful energy’ near the tree. In any case, the tree is beautiful and produces edible fruit every second year. We measured the tree, which turned out to be 397 cm in circumference at the base, and 389 cm at breast height. The estimated age, based on the sizes of the smaller forest mangos at the Chiang Mai arboretum (established 80 years ago) is 160 – 220 years, but some foresters have said it must be over 300 years old. We assume the arboretum’s forest mango’s were planted 80 years ago, but if that assumption is incorrect, that they were already present, then of course our mango can be significantly older. Also, many trees slow down their growth speed when old, so one can not simply measure the size of a tree with a known age, and then estimate the age in another tree by measuring the size. There are also individual and local factors affecting age. For instance, Eric Danell planted a maple (Acer platanoides) in Sweden some 30 years ago, and it is still only 50 cm tall, due to a shady position. Since we do not want to harm the forest mango by inducing pathogenic fungi, dendrochronology is not an option.

As all the surrounding trees were clearcut some 60 years ago, we all wonder why they left this tree, and its sister tree situated 100 m to the west. For sure, it was big already at the time of the clearcut. Simon Gardner’s book ‘Forest Trees of Northern Thailand’ implies the timber has a low value. That is not correct. We have seen mango floors in old Thai houses, and they are superb. On the contrary, such wood is extremely rare and therefore expensive, so why did not anybody cut down this tree?

A local spirit teller told the Seehamongkol family many years ago that the spirit Saeng Mok inhabits the tree, and that he protects the land and the Seehamongkol family. Harming his tree would be very dangerous. Saeng Mok is not the spirit of a dead person, it is the spirit of the land. To the Seehamongkol family, Saeng Mok is second after Lord Buddha in importance.

At a recent market Ketsanee Seehamongkol was addressed by an elder of the village, Khun Nuai, who asked where Ketsanee lives. When Ketsanee explained she lives by the big mango, Nuai remarked that is a sacred and very safe place, beautiful and quiet. She then told Ketsanee a story we had not heard before:

According to Khun Nuai’s grandfather, King Naresuan’s army camped by a creek which is now a quarry at Dokmai Garden. The commander ate a fruit of a forest mango, and planted the seed in the soil. She claims Dokmai Garden’s forest mango is the commander’s tree, and that “the one who planted the tree, is now inside it”. Khun Nuai continued that one man considered cutting it down, but he immediately suffered a terrible accident. This event terrified people, so nobody dared to touch the tree.  Since there is a furniture factory just 2 km away, there must be very good reasons from staying away from this tree.

What makes this legend interesting is that it was not the king who planted it. People who make up good stories usually use the most famous people. In this case, we do not even know the name of the commander. Also, we have always noticed that during the rainy season water comes uphill and flows into our quarry, so the story about a creek may be true. King Naresuan was a king of Sukhothai and Ayutthaya between 1569-1605. He fought the Burmese for many years, and he and his army was in the neighbourhood many times. If this legend is correct, the tree was born 405-440 years ago.

Ketsanee Seehamongkol and Eric Danell
",1083,Story,4243,2017-12-20 08:42:38 UTC,2017-12-20 08:42:38 UTC
1807,"I now realize this prominent tree is the first native tree in Thailand ever tagged in Curio xyz! As you can see from the picture, it flowers during the hot and dry season. The climate of northern Thailand is a monsoon climate, with a drought normally lasting from November until May. Such monsoon forests are the true jungles, while ever wet forests near the equator are tropical rain forests. Satellite images are often made during this dry period, when all deciduous trees such as teak are naked and nearly invisible on satellite images. The biodiversity of the jungles of northern Thailand, Laos, Burma and India are incredible. Just in this small garden (4 ha) are some 1100 plant species. ",1083,Story,4250,2017-12-20 09:26:04 UTC,2017-12-20 09:26:04 UTC
1801,"Only in the hot season you would find pink shower flowers in vulgar amounts. (Cassia bakeriana, Fabaceae). Native to Thailand and Burma. March 10, 2013.",1083,Story,4244,2017-12-20 08:52:15 UTC,2017-12-20 08:52:15 UTC
1802,"text derived from our blog Dokmai Dogma, originally published on March 28, 2012.

One of the biggest tree species downtown Chiang Mai is the rain tree (Samanea saman=Albizia saman, Fabaceae, Mimosoidae). Being an exotic import (South America) the largest specimens can be found along the Ping river in the former western quarters. One of the largest grows in the garden of the French library (it is still French territory) next to the Chedi Hotel. My friend Don Cox measured the trunk and found it is 11 m in circumference at breast height. Really tall trees abroad can reach 60 m in height and have an equal diameter of the crown.

At Dokmai Garden we have a young rain tree which is about the same age as Mika, 4.5 years. It is already 12 meters tall and has a trunk circumference of 104 cm at breast height.

The end pair of leaflets are diamond-shaped and a typical feature to recognize a young seedling.  The tree flowers right now, and they provide a nice nectar for sunbirds and insects. To admire the flowers, you need to watch the tree from above. One good spot is the Chiang Mai Ram hospital. While waiting for the elevator a few floors up you have a nice sight of a fluffy green cloud of leaves covered with red blossom similar to fiber optic decoration.

The fruit, a bean pod, looks like a hotdog somebody forgot too long on the grill, and then saved in the fridge over night. The inside has a surprisingly appealing fragrance of fermented fruit, and the seeds are embedded in a sticky pulp. Ketsanee said the pigs like to eat the pods, so I brought them fruits and leaves. On the way to the pig pen our water buffalo came up to me with the determined face of a connoisseur. I thought ‘why not’ and offered him a leafy young twig. He eagerly took it but spit it out with the disappointment of a child tasting beer believing it was soda. Among pigs I am known as ‘the food guy’ so I was greeted with wagging tails and excited grunts. I first threw in the leafy twigs but these gastronomers did not even bother to look at them. Then I threw in a generous harvest of pods and they ate them like candy, even fought over them. Crunch, crunch – aroi mak!

At Dokmai Garden, as well as at the province government in Mae Rim and at the Dara Devi hotel, the rain trees have long shallow roots running like mountain ridges through the lawn. I believe this is an effect of the lawn irrigation, as specimens in unmanaged areas do not have these shallow roots but go deep to find water. The rain tree is therefore only suitable in large gardens far away from houses, and in areas where you do not irrigate. It is highly tolerant to drought, and folds its leaves at dusk to reduce water losses. A most appealing feature is the elegant shape of the crown. There is hardly no need to prune it, it is a natural beauty, a huge parasol and a home tree.

If you want a tree, simply pick seeds under a big mother tree, or ask for a free seedling at any of the many Thai governmental tree nurseries or dig up one of the many seedlings found along roads and paths near human habitation. A Central Thai name is ‘chamchuri’ and a northern Thai name is ‘sam sa’. The English name ‘rain tree’ alludes to the ‘rain’ caused by exudates of sap-sucking insects such as the lac insect.
",1083,Story,4245,2017-12-20 08:59:31 UTC,2017-12-20 08:59:31 UTC
1809,"This pearl of the Orient is a peeled fruit of longan (Dimocarpus longan, Sapindaceae). Longan trees are native to Thailand and are frequently cultivated in the Chiang Mai valley for their delicious fruits. The female fighting beetle (Xylotrypes gideon, Scarabaeidae) enjoys longan as a sugary snack. Both the fruit-tree and the beetle live here at Dokmai Garden. Thank you Edward Simmons for this lovely picture!",1083,Story,4252,2017-12-20 09:56:08 UTC,2017-12-20 09:56:08 UTC
1811,"Of the more than 1100 tree species in northern Thailand, teak (Tectona grandis, Lamiaceae) has traditionally been considered the most valuable timber tree. Consequently it has been logged heavily and already during the early 1900’s there was a concern of losing this resource. The law then stated that nobody could log specimens smaller than 2.13 meters in girth (the circumference at breast height). Such a teak has an estimated age of 150 years. If that was the smallest tree allowed, how big was a big one? Most teaks we see today are babies, often not much older than the time of the logging ban since 1989.

There are stumps of teak trees which are ca 2 meters in diameter, and the age is estimated at around 300 years. 

In the picture you see a leaf and a fruit of Dipterocarpus tuberculatus (left) and a leaf and a fruit of teak (right). These two native species are often confused with each other. In another picture you see the tiny star-like flowers of teak, which form in July during the rainy season. Both species grow at Dokmai Garden in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand. Being deciduous, both of the species shed their leaves in the dry season.
",1083,Story,4254,2017-12-20 10:22:18 UTC,2017-12-20 10:22:18 UTC
1988,This tree got a new winter jacket! ,179,Story,4525,2018-01-11 13:19:14 UTC,2018-01-11 13:19:14 UTC
238,"Sunny weather, music and trees",179,Story,870,2017-03-27 12:09:29 UTC,2017-03-27 12:09:29 UTC
1994,One of several on “The Hill” in Wickham Market,2405,Story,4558,2018-01-16 13:49:05 UTC,2018-01-16 13:49:05 UTC
2001,En väldigt hög Laburnum.,568,Story,4596,2018-01-23 19:14:27 UTC,2018-01-23 19:14:27 UTC
1998,#blossom,180,Story,4590,2018-01-22 13:10:33 UTC,2018-01-22 13:10:33 UTC
1193,"Eucalyptus melliodora
Yellow box",402,Story,2456,2017-08-10 07:19:31 UTC,2017-08-10 07:19:31 UTC
1194,"Health: good
Structure: fair
Useful life expectancy: 20+ years
Date: 10/08/17
",402,Story,2457,2017-08-10 07:23:47 UTC,2017-08-10 07:23:47 UTC
2357,A high stump left for increased biodiversity,2005,Story,4995,2018-01-29 19:16:17 UTC,2018-01-29 19:16:17 UTC
2358,A high stump left for increased biodiversity,2005,Story,4996,2018-01-29 19:16:17 UTC,2018-01-29 19:16:17 UTC
2356,Umeå is not my hot spot But it is for pinus sibirica. They are all over the place.,2005,Story,4994,2018-01-29 12:47:45 UTC,2018-01-29 15:08:36 UTC
2354,Theese trees are to be pruned to form a roof between them. Planted summer 2017.,2005,Story,4986,2018-01-29 11:57:15 UTC,2018-01-29 11:57:15 UTC
2355,Umeå the city of birch (autocorrects on My swedish phone to bitch),2005,Story,4987,2018-01-29 12:03:48 UTC,2018-01-29 12:03:48 UTC
2442,Not looking so healthy but still good for a DBH  reading,179,Story,5082,2018-01-30 12:12:53 UTC,2018-01-30 12:12:53 UTC
2605,Ulmus glabra horizontalis in a snow blizzard,2005,Story,5257,2018-02-01 08:11:04 UTC,2018-02-01 08:11:04 UTC
2619,This tree is full of birds,178,Story,5283,2018-02-06 16:36:07 UTC,2018-02-06 16:36:07 UTC
347,Planted 1970,383,Story,1050,2017-04-24 15:17:14 UTC,2017-04-24 15:17:14 UTC
1420,Oak,1802,Story,2990,2017-10-04 12:46:02 UTC,2017-10-04 12:46:02 UTC
2611,Tunn stam och mycket grenar. Men framförallt mycket snö. Inklippning av kronan och en ny uppbindning hjälper nog.,2005,Story,5271,2018-02-03 08:04:36 UTC,2018-02-03 08:04:36 UTC
2637,Adler Carr woodland  hurcott woods,1915,Story,5328,2018-02-11 13:33:04 UTC,2018-02-11 13:33:04 UTC
2640,Some more flowers appearing in cork. #blossom,178,Story,5338,2018-02-12 13:30:32 UTC,2018-02-12 13:30:32 UTC
2656,This is mega - bat boxes all over this tree 🦇,180,Story,5375,2018-02-15 12:29:32 UTC,2018-02-15 12:29:32 UTC
2661,I live on the only street with trees in this area. It the summer the slight wind blows through the leaves and the sound is lovely.,2509,Story,5389,2018-02-18 10:17:09 UTC,2018-02-18 10:17:09 UTC
2706,"Välkommen till trädvandring genom Kortedala!

Vandringen börjar på Kortedala Torg och slutar vid Citytorget precis utanför Kortedala Museum och tar ca. två timmar om man går utan ta några längre stopp. Under vandringen kommer du möta 44 inhemska och exotiska trädarter. Varje markör på kartan innehåller berättelser som tillsammans knyter samman kunskaper inom växtkännedom, trädens ekosystemtjänster och Kortedalas historia. 

Rundan kan lämpligtvis delas i två eller ses som en ”jump on – jump off tour” där man i sin egen takt med hjälp av appen tar sig så långt man hinner den dagen andan faller på. 

Varje text börjar med en kort snabböverskådlig skildring av artens form, bladform och bark. Denna information kan vägleda vad ögonen skall söka efter om man vill lära sig känna igen den speciella arten även på andra platser. Höjden som anges här är en ungefärlig maxhöjd för svenska förhållanden. Växten i fråga är lövfällande om det inte anges att den är städsegrön (ej lövfällande under vintern). Om det finns andra viktiga karaktärer för artbestämning så anges det i löptexten.

Jag som stakat ut rundan och skrivit ihop texterna bor i Kortedala sedan 2016. Jag är i skrivande stund arboriststuderande på Hvilan Utbildning i Åkarp, Skåne, fram till maj i år då jag som examinerad arborist kommer att arbeta med trädvård i Göteborg med omnejd. Jag hoppas denna vandring kan leda till att grönskans ansiktsdrag klarnar och att du får lära dig något som du inte kände till redan innan. 

Trevlig vandring!

Emil Ridderstolpe, Kortedala, Feb. 2018

Prunus sargentii

• Form: litet träd, ca 12 m, bred krona som äldre
• Blad:  ca 10 cm, elliptiska, vasst sågtandade, utdragen droppspets, körtlar på bladskaft
• Bark: slät, gråbrun med orange-tonade korkporer

Självklart måste denna trädrunda starta med Kortedala Torgs pärla – bergkörsbäret!

Detta vackert blommande körsbär är en av alla vackra japanska körsbär. Det växer naturligt i Japan och Korea där det kan bli upp emot 25 m högt jämfört med knappa hälften som odlat i Sverige. De självklara kvaliteterna man tänker på när man planterar bergkörsbär är den vackra rosa blomning som infaller i april samt trädets dramatiska höstfärger som bildar en scharlakansröd fackla. Men även bladen har en vacker grönska med accentuerat nervmönster.

Kortedala Torg byggdes under åren 1955-60 och ritades av arkitekterna Erik Ragndal och Johan Tuvert. Det är det största av flera torg i stadsdelen Kortedala som var den första förorten eller satellitstaden i Göteborg, samtida med Vällingby i Stockholm. I dessa stadsdelar var tanken att Arbete, Bostad och Centrum skulle finnas och fullgöra ett gott liv inom en lokal närhet. De båda s.k. ABC-städerna byggdes under 1950-talet för att motverka den stora bostadsbristen som rådde under efterkrigstiden med snabbt växande stadsbefolkning och längtan efter en högre bostadsstandard. Kortedalas detaljplaneförslag utarbetades under två år innan de första boende flyttade in i november 1953. Inte sällan var det första man gjorde att ta ett bad i de moderna lägenheterna där badkar och vattenklosett var standard. 
Bara året efter detta skickades fröer av bergkörsbär från Yamabe National Park i Japan till Göteborgs botaniska trädgård där man nu kan njuta av ett helt bestånd som ger vacker blomning och sprakande höstfärger.

",1772,Story,5478,2018-02-28 14:08:48 UTC,2018-02-28 14:08:48 UTC
2710,"Katsura (kakträd)
Cercidiphyllum japonicum

• Form: träd, buske, ca 15-22 m
• Blad:  hjärtlika, bågnerviga, motsatta
• Bark: grov, uppsprucken

Kännetecken och ståndort
Katsuran är ett otroligt vackert och ofta flerstammigt träd som blir allt vanligare i odling i södra Sverige. De hjärtformade bladen slår om våren ut i rostrött för att sedan bli ljust gröna och ger ett varmt och skirt intryck. 
På hösten blir katsuran till en spektakulärt gul- till roströd flamma som avger en doft som för vissa påminner om nybakta kakor eller spunnet socker, därav kallas katsuran ofta i folkmun för kakträd. På sin naturliga ståndort i Japan, Korea och centrala-/nordöstra Kina kan det bli över 40 m högt, men i odling bara ca 15-22 m. 

Henrik Sjöman och Johan Slagstedt beskriver i boken Stadsträdslexikon, att på dess naturliga ståndort ”kan man”alltid höra vatten”; antingen från en större fors i närheten eller från droppande grundvatten som sipprar fram.” Precis så står det vackra bestånd av katsura som är det första man möts av när man öppnar grinden från japanska trädgården i Botaniska för att ta en liten tur i Änggårdsbergets vackra arboretum. Från detta bestånd har man fröförökat fram en sort, katsura – frökälla Göteborg, som visat bra härdighet för svensk odling från söder upp till zon 4 och på gynnsamma platser zon 5 – vilket motsvarar en ungefärlig gräns dragen mellan Karlstad, Borlänge och Sundsvall. 

Det latinska och vetenskapliga namnet Cercidiphyllum betyder ungefär ”blad som judasträdet”. Tyvärr är judasträdets (släktet Cercis) vackra blomning knappast någonting en göteborgare får njuta av då det inte klarar av att växa här annat än i mycket gynnsamma och skyddade lokalklimat, kanske hemma i trädgården hos någon entusiast som har en solig södervägg?

",1772,Story,5482,2018-02-28 14:17:32 UTC,2018-02-28 14:17:32 UTC
Acer rubrum

• Form: träd, 15 m
• Blad:  3-5 tandade flikar. Silverljus undersida 
• Bark: mörk och tätt uppsprickande

Växer vild med en stor utbredning från Newfoundland till Texas i östra USA där den kan bli ett upp till 50 m högt träd. Det latinska namnet ”rubrum” betyder ”röd” och kan misstolkas för att syfta på de vackra höstfärgerna, men talar egentligen om den röda blomningen som infaller på våren innan bladen slagit ut.

",1772,Story,5489,2018-02-28 14:27:48 UTC,2018-02-28 14:27:48 UTC
Betula pubescens

• Form: träd, 20 m
• Blad:  1,5-6 cm, brett äggrunda med enkelsågade kanter
• Bark:  vit med svarta strimmor

Detta vackra träd får representera glasbjörk trots sina okaraktäristiska- och samtidigt på grund av- sina trolska stamformationer. Stammens former är förmodligen en genetiskt betingad effekt utan speciell funktion vars avkommor antagligen skulle sorteras ut i evolutionens kamp om överlevnad då det skulle kunna bilda stående vattenfickor eller skapa sämre hållfasthet. 

Mer om artkaraktärer under vårtbjörk (nr 15).
",1772,Story,5487,2018-02-28 14:25:37 UTC,2018-02-28 14:25:37 UTC
Pinus sylvestris

• Form: städsegrönt träd, kransställda grenar. 40 m 
• Blad:  barr i knippen om två, 3-7 cm, vridna, grågröna. städsegrön
• Bark: tjock korklik och brun nedtill, papperstunt flagnande och orange upptill

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
De flesta känner igen siluetten av vår inhemska tall redan på långt håll. Med långa barr i knippen om två och med sina vackert flagnande, kopparfärgade stammar skiljer den ut sig från andra tallarter. Tallen reser sig ofta krokigt över torra stränder, sandhedar, vattensjuka myrar och bosätter karga klippor där få andra växter klarar av att växa. Ja, tallen är enstöringen som hittat sin plats i naturen genom att klara av dessa svåra förhållanden. På rikare marker är konkurrensen för hård av andra arter som är bättre på att omsätta överflödet av näring och därmed tar över och skuggar ut tallen. De rena tallskogar med högvuxna raka furor som vi ser från bilfönstret är ofta beroende av utgallring med människans hjälp, alltså rena plankplanteringar och inte den spelplanen som hade varit given utan människan.

Individen och platsen
Många bostadsgårdar i Kortedala domineras av björk eller tall. Detta är nästan uteslutande sparade träd från den ungskog som stod här redan när de moderna bostäderna växte fram under 1950-talet. Detta planlagda sparande av befintlig natur genomsyrar hela stadsdelen och tidens arkitektoniska ideal. Hela områdets planering följer dalarnas böljande former och bergknallarnas skogbeklädda knotor lämnar gröna andningshål mellan grannskapen för barnalek och rekreation. Märk väl hur träd också kan vara identitetsskapande och verka som orienteringselement. På denna bostadsgård har man sparat nästan uteslutande tall, när du kliver in på gården intill där nästa stopp finns ser man bara björk.

Större delen av Kortedala ligger på berghäll eller moränjord och var under långa tider utmarker av ljunghed och myrlandskap. Området användes till betesmark kopplade till de större gårdarna belägna nere vid Göta älvs strand och Kvibergstrakten. Under slutet av 1920-talet planterades den skog som nu ca. nittio år senare är grunden i den grönska som sticker upp ur asfaltstadens fickor och bergknallar. Förmodligen planterades mestadels tall, gran och björk vilket fortfarande dominerar dessa naturlappar och bostadsgårdar. Och visst är tallen ett av de vackraste träden som finns, synnerligen i solnedgången då stammarna bildar en av guld glimmande pelarsal på innergården!

",1772,Story,5480,2018-02-28 14:14:17 UTC,2018-02-28 14:14:17 UTC
2709,"Kaukasisk vingnöt
Pterocarya fraxinifolia

• Form: Träd, mångstammigt, 20 m
• Blad:  11-21 småblad bildar ett parbladigt blad, varje småblad ca 8-12 cm långa och smalt äggrunda till lansettlika
• Bark: slät, grå med ljusa flammönster, uppsprickande grov som äldre

Det latinska namnet betyder ungefär ”vingad nöt, blad lika askens”. Arten förekommer naturligt i Kaukasus, Armenien och norra Iran. Långa hängen fyllda med vingade nötter hänger som festgirlanger på sensommaren inpå hösten. Den kaukasiska vingnöten bildar ett väldigt bra klätterträd med sitt mångförgrenade växtsätt.

",1772,Story,5481,2018-02-28 14:14:44 UTC,2018-02-28 14:14:44 UTC
2713,"Europeisk lärk
Larix decidua

• Form: träd, 30 m 
• Blad: barr som fälls vintertid, 2-6 cm
• Bark: rödbrun skorpbark på äldre träd

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
Den naturliga förekomsten av europeisk lärk kommer från alpernas höga terräng där den som en av få trädarter lyckades överleva istiden och är således en mycket härdig art i kargt vinterklimat. Den finns förvildad i stora delar av Sverige och kan därför ibland uppfattas som inhemsk trots att den inte tagit sig hit på eget bevåg. En anpassning till kallt klimat är att den fäller barren om vintern. Ren lärkskog om hösten är en mycket vacker upplevelse när barren lyser gult och lägger sig som ett guldtäcke på marken. På sommarhalvåret skiljer man den från gran och tall genom att de mjuka barren sitter i kransar på grenens dvärgskott. De 2,5-4 cm långa kottarna skiljer ut den från cedern (Cedrus sp.) vilken ibland förekommer som parkträd, den behåller barren året runt vilket gör vinterbestämningen desto lättare.

Här tornar lärken upp sig mot tallen och vinterskruden visar deras olikheter. Tallen står för beständigheten medan lärken markerar årstidernas gång. Är det en kyss eller vankas det strid?
",1772,Story,5486,2018-02-28 14:23:28 UTC,2018-02-28 14:23:28 UTC
2712,"Europeisk lärk
Larix decidua

• Form: träd, 30 m 
• Blad: barr som fälls vintertid, 2-6 cm
• Bark: rödbrun skorpbark på äldre träd

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
Den naturliga förekomsten av europeisk lärk kommer från alpernas höga terräng där den som en av få trädarter lyckades överleva istiden och är således en mycket härdig art i kargt vinterklimat. Den finns förvildad i stora delar av Sverige och kan därför ibland uppfattas som inhemsk trots att den inte tagit sig hit på eget bevåg. En anpassning till kallt klimat är att den fäller barren om vintern. Ren lärkskog om hösten är en mycket vacker upplevelse när barren lyser gult och lägger sig som ett guldtäcke på marken. På sommarhalvåret skiljer man den från gran och tall genom att de mjuka barren sitter i kransar på grenens dvärgskott. De 2,5-4 cm långa kottarna skiljer ut den från cedern (Cedrus sp.) vilken ibland förekommer som parkträd, den behåller barren året runt vilket gör vinterbestämningen desto lättare.

Här tornar lärken upp sig mot tallen och vinterskruden visar deras olikheter. Tallen står för beständigheten medan lärken markerar årstidernas gång. Är det en kyss eller vankas det strid?
",1772,Story,5484,2018-02-28 14:19:35 UTC,2018-02-28 14:19:35 UTC
2677,"Tree outside my house. Full of blue tits, black caps, great tits and house sparrows these past few days (February 2018). Really enjoying bird watching from my living room this year.",2504,Story,5420,2018-02-25 12:46:25 UTC,2018-02-25 12:46:25 UTC
Prunus padus

• Form: träd, mångstammigt, 12 m
• Blad:  6-12 cm långa, elliptiska, spetsiga, sågtandade. Sidonerver går ihop i bladets kant.
• Bark: tunn och slät, mörkt brun

Häggen för ju tankarna till vacker och väldoftande blomning i slutet på maj. Den finns sprid över hela Europa men även i mellersta Asien. De svarta bärliknande stenfrukterna gillas av fåglar. Är du osäker på om det är hägg du hittat så kan du skrapa bort barken på en kvist så doftar de starkt av bittermandel.

",1772,Story,5492,2018-02-28 14:30:41 UTC,2018-02-28 14:30:41 UTC
Fagus sylvatica

• Form: träd, 40 m
• Blad:  ovala, helbräddade, undulerande, parallellnerviga
• Bark: slät, silvergrå

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
Bokskogar är en majestätisk upplevelse oberoende av årstid. En pelarsal av släta elefantben till stammar som reser sig mot ett eget himlavalv av skirt gröna moln om våren, eller mörkt våta stammar som sträcker sig ur ett eldflammande höstlövshav om hösten. Boken är ett ståtligt träd som kan nå stora dimensioner och höjder på 40 m. Den är en så kallad stresstrateg, som genom att klara hård beskuggning gärna gror i skydd av lövskog och därifrån kan resa sig över krontaket och skugga ut andra arter med sin horisontella och täta bladmosaik. När bok bildar bestånd eller ren skog är det få andra arter som kan klara av att växa i skuggan av den vilket gör att den på gynnsamma och goda marker är en klimaxart i successionen. 
Bokens ovala blad har parallella nerver precis likt avenbok, men skiljer sig med helbräddade och svagt undulerande, alltså veckade, bladkanter. Knopparna är större än avenbokens, har bruna knoppfjäll och sitter riktat ut från skottet. I vintersilhuetten kan man på håll se de i fyra sömmar uppsprickande och taggiga fruktskålarna som omsluter nötterna, kallade bokollon. Utbredningen är i Sydsverige.

Individen och platsen
I denna passage uppför slänten mellan Kalendervägen och Tusenårsgatan kan man verkligen få en härlig förnimmelse av boksal och dess vackra säsongskvaliteter. Om boken på egen hand tagit ett grepp om denna lilla fuktrika slänt eller om det är en plantering låter jag vara osagt. Bok finns som inslag vid Lärjeåns sluttningar, men sällan bildande så enhetliga bestånd som dessa. Det är dock troligt att man särskilt gallrat ut befintliga plantor som fanns på platsen och låtit dem breda ut sig för att skapa denna effektfulla korridor mellan grannskapen. På ett flygfoto från 1955 kan man urskilja att träden ej är mer är ca 5-10 m höga att jämföra med dagens resliga 20-25 meters bjässar (Bladh & Hammarson 2008 s.120). Som en snygg passning till detta har man i den lilla rondellen på intilliggande vändplats planterat den pelarformiga boksorten Fagus sylvatica ”Dawyck” som relaterar till bokbeståndet och med sitt smala växtsätt sätter variation till platsen.
",1772,Story,5500,2018-02-28 14:40:51 UTC,2018-02-28 14:40:51 UTC
Sorbus intermedia

• Form: träd, ca 20 m
• Blad:  8-12 cm, elliptiska till äggrunda, parflikiga, undersida gråfiltad
• Bark: slät, purpurgrå

Som en tjock elefant ser man oxeln bilda många allérader här i Kortedala. Oxeln är en korsning, s.k. hybrid, och i detta fall i naturen uppstånden mellan föräldrarna rönn (Sorbus aucuparia), tyskoxel (Sorbus torminalis) och vitoxel (Sorbus aria). Globalt har arten har sitt huvudsakliga utbredningsområde i Sverige, på engelska heter den Swedish whitebeam. Linné rapporterade att den var allmän på Öland och Gotland 1741. Vid denna tid fanns knappast några trädhybrider skapade av människan.

Oxel finns än så länge som inslag i den rika löv- och blandskogen kring närbelägna Lärjeån som rest efter ett tidigare öppnare landskap. Där tampas den mot en skog med allt högre krontak och kommer nog så småningom ha svårt att överleva. 
",1772,Story,5504,2018-02-28 14:43:08 UTC,2018-02-28 14:43:08 UTC
Rhus typhina

• Form: Litet träd, ca. 8 m
• Blad:  Parbladig
• Bark:  Brun, fnasig till skrovlig

Rönnsumaken kommer från östra Nordamerika. Den har ett mycket säreget uttryck med nakna stammar som bär på en skärm av sammansatta blad som vippor. Hösten blir en röd färgfest och under vintern sitter märkligt oformliga, mörkröda frukter kvar längst ut i topparna och gör trädet estetiskt vackert året om. 
",1772,Story,5518,2018-03-01 03:50:00 UTC,2018-03-01 03:50:00 UTC
Ulmus glabra

• Form: Träd, ca 35m
• Blad:  8-15 cm, elliptiskt, dubbelsågad bladkant, sandpapperssträvt hårig 
• Bark: grovt uppsprickande, grå-brun

Kännetecken och ståndort
Almen trivs i mullrika lundartade miljöer och kan bli upp till ett 35 meter högt träd när den har tillgång till näringsrik mark och solljus. Den räknas till ett av våra ädla lövträd och kan uppnå en ålder på 400-500 år. Om våren blommar den diskret en kort period med samkönade blommor, bl.a. bestående av gyttrade, svartvioletta ståndarknappar som liknar rysk kaviar. Frukten är en vingad nöt som smakar nötaktigt och är ett delikat inslag i en försommarsallad. De ovala bladen är mörkt till friskt gröna med dubbelsågade kanter och sned bladbas. De kan lätt förväxlas med hassel som gärna bildar snår tillsammans med almen. Ett sätt att urskilja almen är att dess blad är sandpapperssträva till skillnad från hasselbladen. Almen har sin spridning från söder ändå upp till Dalälven. Knopparna sitter strödda och på den håriga vinterkvisten kan man lätt urskilja de runda, mörkt bruna till svarta blomknopparna och de äggrunda bladknopparna.

Skogsalmen har flera gånger hamnat i mediabruset av tråkiga orsaker. Detta bland annat på grund av den pest som kallas almsjukan och den kontroversiella almstriden i kungsträdgården i Stockholm 1971, där folkets tro på demokrati och naturvärden samlade tusentals demonstrerande mot fällningen av 16 almar till fördel för byggnation av ny tunnelbaneuppgång. När almen kommer på tal är det ofta dess ovissa framtidsutsikter som tar allt fokus. Holländsk almsjuka, eller dutch elm disease har verkligen satt sina spår. Det som tidigare var ett viktigt skogsträd och ett av de viktigaste stadsträden genom sin förmåga till bra utveckling i stadens påfrestande miljöer har nu, efter många försök att komma åt sjukdomen, hamnat i bakvattnen. Almsjukan är en svampsjukdom där trädet täpper igen sina egna ledningsbanor för att förhindra svamptrådarnas spridning. På så sätt hindras vattentransporten till grenarnas blad vilket medför att de vissnar och dör. På detta vis förs sedan en ojämn kamp där trädet till slut dör. Spridningen sker med hjälp av speciella skalbaggar (almsplintborrar, Scolytus spp.) som för med sig svampens sporer vid näringsgnag i trädets ytliga ved.

Denna alm har en mycket karaktäristisk form (habitus), där stammen förgrenas i flera stammar som böjer sig ut i bågar och bildar en ”vaslik fontän” med sitt grenverk. Mot bakgrunden av den härjande almsjukans framfart är det också anmärkningsvärt och roligt att se en större alm helt utan sjukdomssymptom. Förhoppningen är, som för asken, att motståndskraftiga almar ska sätta frö och sprida arten igen.

Övrigt i närheten
Precis till vänster om trädet från gatan sett, på Adventsvägen 1, ligger Kortedala museum. Här kan man som besökare på söndagar få kliva in i folkhemmet och se hur en tidstypisk arbetar- och tjänstemannabostad på två rum och kök kunde se ut. Till exempel kan man få se keramikhantverk från Tilgmans keramikfabrik som under 60-talet låg i Kortedala. Mer information finner du på

Här är trädvandringen slut. Har du upptäckt något som inte verkar stämma så var inte rädd att kontakta mig så eventuella fel kan rättas till!

Behöver Du hjälp med trädvård eller trädplantering så står jag gärna till tjänst! 

Emil Ridderstolpe, arborist. Tel: 076 251 80 21/e-mail:

",1772,Story,5523,2018-03-01 03:57:23 UTC,2018-03-01 03:57:23 UTC
Prunus avium

• Form: träd, 20 m
• Blad:  ca 10 cm, elliptiska, sågtandade, körtlar på bladskaft
• Bark: slät, gråbrun/rödlila med vågräta korkporer

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
Fågelbär kom antagligen till Skandinavien med människan som fruktträd men räknas i dag som inhemskt. Det vi i dagligt tal kallar körsbär, för tankarna till små trinda vackert blommande slyträd men fågelbär kan nå rediga dimensioner och höjder upp mot 20 m. Det är en solälskande växt och hittas i naturen på friska syrerika marker såsom snårskog och hagmark men är också mycket vanlig i odling. Bären är ca. 1,5 cm stora stenfrukter som varierar från sött, välsmakande till sura och mognar i ljusgult till mörkt röda. Fåglar gillar dessa som föda och bidrar således med spridningen. Bladen är ca. 10 cm långa, elliptiska och dubbelt sågtandade med två körtlar kallade glandler på skaftet. Dessa har som funktion att utsöndra sockerhaltig nektar som lockar till sig myror som kan patrullera trädet och äta larver och andra ovälkomna gäster. Stammen är karaktäristiskt gråbrun med rödlila toner och vågräta strimmor bildade av korkporer, eller lenticeller, vilka är slussar för syrgasutbyte i stammen. 

Individen och platsen
Detta träds habitus, alltså form, vittnar om att den har satsat allt på höjden i konkurrens om ljus. Fågelbär finns mycket planterad på gatorna i området, men lägg märke till hur deras växtsätt skiljer sig från denna solsökande giraffhals!
Några meter ner längs stigen syns vildkaprifol. Vildkaprifolen är en inhemsk lian och inget träd, men det är ofta i den slyartade trädvegetationen som ögat upptäcker den. Den slingrar sig nämligen upp runt stammar och lämnar med tiden grova avtryck och formar stammen hos unga träd efter åratal av strypgrepp. Den slingrar sig alltid medsols och trivs i undervegetation av skogar och snår med ett ungefärligt utbredningsområde i södra Sverige och västkusten.
Här har du gått ungefär halva rundan! 
",1772,Story,5507,2018-02-28 14:45:19 UTC,2018-02-28 14:45:19 UTC
Pinus nigra

• Form: Barrträd, 40 m
• Blad:  Barr i knippen om två, ca. 8-16 cm, städsegrön
• Bark: gråbrun korkartad, spricker upp i tjocka plattor

Svarttallen har sin naturliga utbredning i södra och centrala Europa. Du skiljer den från den inhemska tallen redan på håll genom barken som är mörk och korkartad hela vägen samt de mycket längre barren. Vanligt förekommande i planteringar, parker och gatumiljö.
",1772,Story,5493,2018-02-28 14:31:42 UTC,2018-02-28 14:31:42 UTC
Acer campestre

• Form: träd eller buske, ca. 15 m
• Blad:  handflikig, 3-5 flikiga, runt tandade, ca 5-10 cm i både bredd och längd
• Bark: rödbrunt slät, sedan uppsprickande, med åldern flagnande,

Den svenska förekomsten av vild naverlönn är begränsat till ett litet bestånd av ca tio individer inklämt mellan två åkerlappar i Svedala, Skåne. Odlade naverlönnar förekommer ofta som klippt häck med sina trinda lönnblad. Grenarna har ofta ”vingade korklister” som bildar längsgående djupa fåror. Utbredningsområdet i världen är större och omfattar de torrare delarna av Europa ner till Nordafrika. Ordet ”naver” betyder ”torrbacke”.
",1772,Story,5503,2018-02-28 14:42:41 UTC,2018-02-28 14:42:41 UTC
Picea abies

• Form: Träd, konisk, 50 m
• Blad: barr, 3-10 mm, städsegrön
• Bark: brun, fjällig

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
Varför inte starta andra halvan av vandringen med vårt lands vanligaste träd, granen? 
Efter istiden skedde en kamp om nyöppnade ytor träden emellan. De flesta av våra inhemska träd invandrade söderifrån medan granen kom från norr och korsade Torne älv ca 1500 f.Kr. för att sedan sprida sig söderut i hela landet. Viss forskning antyder dock att enstaka risartade granar kan ha överlevt istiden på bergstoppar som stack upp ur inlandsisen, s.k. nunataker. 
Granen är Skandinaviens viktigaste skogsträd för bl.a. virke och pappersmassautvinning och särskiljs med sina mörkgröna, fyrkantiga, ca 1-2 cm långa barr utan tydliga vita streck eller blågrön färgton. 
Det finns såklart fler inplanterade släkten och arter och det är ingen lätt uppgift att särskilja olika granar. Barren på vår vanliga gran bildar mer eller mindre en kvadrat i genomskärning och sitter enstaka på en stubblik fästpunkt (s.k. pulvinus) vilket tillsammans med att kotten hänger nedåtvänd berättar att den tillhör granskäktet (Picea) och inte ädelgransläktet (Abies). Denna fästpunkt fungerar som gångjärn för att barren skall kunna vända sig  och få maximalt med ljus.

Individen och platsen
Denna underbara och kraftiga gran understryker granens mustiga karaktär. I området återfinns den som rest från planteringarna under 1920-talet. Vid Vårfrugatan finns en anslutning till motionsspåret ner mot Lärjeån med riktigt stora granar som bildar en härligt dov trollsal på den branta stigen. På vägen ner förvandlas skogen och nere i dalgången finner man en skyddsvärd miljö på väg att bli naturskyddsområde. Här finns biologiskt sällsynta miljöer för bl.a. ädellövskog i branter, svämlövskog, lax, flodpärlmussla och sällsynta svampar.
",1772,Story,5508,2018-03-01 03:39:39 UTC,2018-03-01 03:39:39 UTC
Tilia x europaea

• Form: träd, ca 30 m
• Blad:  strödda, snett hjärtlika, sågtandade, hårtofsar i nervvinklar
• Bark: grå-brun, slät som ung sedan grov, uppsprickande. 

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
Många texter om linden börjar med att: linden är gårdarnas, parkernas och alléernas träd! Och visst är den det, synnerligen i Göteborg där den utgör det i särklass vanligaste trädet med 37% av hela stadens bestånd. Parklinden, som utgör den största delen av lindplanteringarna, är en hybrid mellan de två i Sverige och Europa vilt växande arterna skogslind (Tilia cordata) och bohuslind (Tilia platyphyllos). Dessa är sällan skogsbildande, utan växer ofta som individer eller småbestånd i annan lövskogsvegetation. Lind anses generellt vara ett ganska tåligt träd både vad gäller markförhållanden och förskoning från skadedjur och svampar, vilket tillsammans med dess estetiska kvaliteter är förklaringen till att den blivit ett så populärt stadsträd. Ett mindre smickrande karaktärsdrag hos linden är dock de ganska omfattande bladlusangreppen under varma somrar. Då faller lössens exudat, kallat honungsdagg, ner som ett tunt och klibbigt regn över trottoarer och parkerade bilar. Bladlössen suger nämligen i sig ett överskott av sockervatten som följd av de enorma mängder sav som behövs för att utvinna de aminosyror som behövs för deras livsföring. Du kanske själv har känt hur däcken på cykeln klibbar i asfalten under kejsarlindarna (Tilia x europaea ’Pallida’) som utgör nästan hela allén mellan Järntorget och Ullevi?

Mer karaktärsbeskrivning i texten om bohuslind (nr. 38).

Individen och platsen
På ett flygfoto från 1955 kan man inte se något tecken på att dessa lindar är planterade vilket betyder att de har en ålder på högst ca. 60 år, ungdomar alltså, med tanke på att dom kan bli mycket gamla. Området var då ganska nybyggt och husen på båda sidorna av gatan stod klara. 
Dessa fem individer av parklindar bildar tillsammans en massiv krona. Det går tydligt att se hur konkurrensen påverkar varje enskilt träds form som med varsin tårtbit bildar tårtan. I en skog får den enträgne tampas för att nå toppen av krontaket och ta del av solljuset, på vägen upp släpper den hela tiden de undre grenarna som hamnar i skymundan för att satsa på höjdtillväxt. Ett solitärt träd däremot skaffar sig ett grenverk i alla riktningar där solen ger avkastning i form av energi. Ute i öppna parker och fält kan man därför se de klassiska runda ”sparbanks-ekarna” medan artfränderna i skogen mer påminner om långa furor. Dessa fem bildar tillsammans en mycket klassisk lindhabitus, det liknar nästan lindbladet som det skulle sett ut om en mask ätit upp all vävnad mellan nerverna. Den massiva kronan stoppar förhärskande vindar in på den avlånga bostadsgården och dämpar effektivt bullret från den hårt trafikerade Almanacksvägen.
",1772,Story,5497,2018-02-28 14:37:18 UTC,2018-02-28 14:37:18 UTC
Fagus sylvatica ’Dawyck Purple’

• Form: Pelarformigt träd, ca 28 m
• Blad:  purpurfärgade, ovala, helbräddade, undulerande, parallellnervig
• Bark: slät, silvergrå

Pelarform med ursprung i Holland. Namnet ’Dawyck’ kommer från den i odling mest vanliga grönbladiga pelarboken som har sitt ursprung i engelska Dawyck Gardens.
",1772,Story,5502,2018-02-28 14:42:08 UTC,2018-02-28 14:42:08 UTC
Alnus glutinosa

• Form: träd, ca 25 m 
• Blad:  brett elliptiska-omvänt äggrunda med urnupen spets. Ca 4-10 cm. 
• Bark: mörkt grå-brun, snart fårad

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
Alen känner man ofta igen på håll p.g.a. sina hängen av hanblommor samt de runda honblomhängen vi i vardagligt tal kallar alkottar. Hanhängena liknar dem på björk vilket också vittnar om deras släktskap. ”Honkottarna” förvedas efter sommaren och hänger kvar och gör att man enkelt kan känna igen alen även på vintersiluetten i avlövat tillstånd. 
Klibbalen har två ganska tydliga karaktärer som skiljer den från sin nära släkting gråal. Det är dels att bladen har en urnupen bladspets och därigenom bildar en ”omvänt” hjärtlik form, medan gråalen har en tydlig spets. Det andra är att ”kottarna” på klibbal sitter på centimeterlånga skaft, medan de hos gråalen ofta sitter fast direkt på skottet och bildar en mycket tätare ”klase”. I naturen sker ofta en hybridisering mellan dessa två arter vilket kan göra artbestämningen svår. 
Alarna har en mycket eftertraktad förmåga att samarbeta med bakterier som binder kväve från luften som blir tillgängliga för trädets rötter. Kväve är ett mycket viktigt näringsämne för alla växter och detta gör att alen kan växa på ganska fattiga marker. Alarna kan i sin rikedom kasta sina löv gröna om hösten utan att hushålla med dessa, för andra träd så kostsamma, näringsupplag.  
",1772,Story,5519,2018-03-01 03:52:31 UTC,2018-03-01 03:52:31 UTC
Fraxinus excelsior

• Form: träd, 40 m
• Blad: 7-15 småblad bildar ett parbladigt blad. Varje småblad spetsigt elliptiskt och tandat
• Bark: slät ljusgrå/olivgrå som ung, sedan uppsprickande i smala fåror

Det latinska ordet ”excelsior” betyder ”mot höjden” och vittnar om askens förmåga att bli ett enormt träd som sträcker sig mot himlen upp till 40 m. Askens omisskännliga, svarta knoppar brister så sent som i början av juni och det parbladiga lövverket släpps innan de flesta andra lövfällande träd varför man brukar kalla det kungsträdet – kommer sist och går först. 
Inom den nordiska mytologin var världsträdet Yggdrasil en ask vars krona omslöt gudarna och människornas boningar. Den har i långa tider varit en av de nyttoväxter vilka man nyttjat som djurfoder vilket är en anledning till en stor spridning inom Europa från norrlandsgränsen ner till medelhavsområdet. Den har dessutom varit, och är till viss del fortfarande, ett av de vanligaste så kallade vårdträden på gårdar i södra Sverige. Det hårda virkets kvaliteter har gjort det till ett mycket viktigt material för tillverkning av bl.a. verktygsskaft, medar och hjul. 

Det stora trädet står i parkens friska och mullrika mark såsom arten föredrar. Gunnel Ask (!) som bott i området sedan 1959 vittnar om parklekens liv och rörelse under folkhemstiden. I mitten av 1960-talet fanns här plaskdamm, löpbanor och en ”parktant” hos vilken barnen kunde låna diverse lek- och idrottsutrustning. Under den här tiden bodde i Kortedala ca. 28000 invånare vilket kan jämföras med dryga hälften i modern tid vilket stadsdelen egentligen är planerad för. Befolkningen var under 1950-60-talet ”…påfallande homogen. Nästan alla hushåll bestod av unga familjer med barn, vilket var en effekt av bostadsförmedlingens prioriteringar.” skriver Kerstin Gunnemark i boken ”Våra liv i Kortedala”. Den typiska Kortedalafamiljen bodde i en tvårumslägenhet vilket är den absolut vanligaste lägenhetsformen i stadsdelen.

Sitt imponerande renommé till trots är vägen in i framtiden lite krokig och oviss för asken. Trädet framför oss vittnar om det med sina vissnande skott. Askskottsjukan som upptäcktes i Sverige under början av 2000-talet har ställt till stor skada. Det är en luftburen svampsjukdom som får skotten att vissna för att sedan sprida sig inåt stammen, så trädet för en hård kamp för sin överlevnad. Trädet kan överleva men tappar sin vitalitet och lever i så fall ett undertryckt liv. Förhoppningen från biologer är just nu att fröplantor från särskilt motståndskraftiga individer skall sprida arten med ny kraft.
En annan hotande skadegörare som fått det nordamerikanska askbeståndet att drastiskt sjukna in har även hittats i Europa och bidrar till nervösa utsikter. Här finns hopp om att erfarenheterna från USA ska bidra till att stävja en eventuell spridning i Sverige. 
Många sjukdomar som uppträder i Sverige idag har sitt ursprung i en helt annan världsdel. Där har växterna en medfödd motståndskraft eftersom de båda levt och utvecklats tillsammans i långa tider. Den snabba omställning som skett till nuvarande transporter och ständiga förflyttningar av människor globalt har ökat förflyttningen av organismer och därmed också sjukdomsalstrare.
Ett mycket viktigt jobb som sker i många städer just nu är att se till att det finns en stor artrikedom (biodiversitet) överallt i staden. På detta sätt blir inte hela parker eller stadsdelar trädlösa ifall en svår sjukdom skulle bryta lös. 
",1772,Story,5522,2018-03-01 03:56:10 UTC,2018-03-01 03:56:10 UTC
2680,Apparently when they get big enough they no longer produce spiked leaves as they don’t have to defend themselves.,245,Story,5427,2018-02-25 16:29:12 UTC,2018-02-25 16:29:12 UTC
Acer platanoides

• Form: brett träd, 25 m
• Blad: handflikigt, 5-grovtandade flikar, ca 12 cm långa och 15 cm breda
• Bark: ljusbrun, slät som ung och fint, regelbundet fårad som äldre

I början av maj översållas den inhemska skogslönnen av gröngul blomning. Var för sig verkar inte blommorna särskilt uppseendeväckande, men tillsammans sätter de ljus i det breda, glödlampsformade trädet och liksom poppar ut från den färglöshet som annars härskar i trädkronorna under denna tid. Ur motstående knoppar slår sedan stora och karaktäristiska bladskivor ut vars form vi känner igen från Kanadas flagga. Under hösten hittar man de tvåvingade klyvfrukterna i ett sprakande fyrverkeri av höstfärger.

Alla dessa fantastiska och estetiska värden som träd bidrar med vore väl nog för att fylla varje odlingsbar yta med träd, buskar och andra växter, men bidrar dom med annat också?

Ett citat jag läste på ett vykort var ganska träffande och kan lätt omtolkas även för stadsträd och dess tjänster för människan: ”Det är inte urskogen som behöver människan, det är människan som behöver den”. 
Ekosystemtjänster är ett bra begrepp som innefattar allt som växter bidrar med till människans vinning och välbefinnande, då även de rent estetiska som nämnt ovan. Exempel på bidrag är t.ex. att: Avlasta vatten- och avloppssystem, dämpa vindar, rena luft, skapar boplatser för djurlivet, ge varor och nyttigheter såsom mat, träfiber och bioenergi, reglera temperatur samt ge lugn och plats för rekreation. Kan du komma på fler? 
",1772,Story,5499,2018-02-28 14:40:18 UTC,2018-02-28 14:40:18 UTC
Sorbus aucuparia

• Form: Träd, ca. 15 m
• Blad:  parbladigt, 9-15 par sågtandade småblad
• Bark:  slät, silvergrå/gråbrun

Rönn och dess orangeröda bär känner de flesta till. De flockliknande vita blomställningarna ger ingen vidare angenäm doft, men lockar till sig flugor som pollinerare. Det är en släkting till äpplet, och visste du att det lilla bäret är ett litet äpple som dessutom går att äta? Efter första frosten kan man plocka dem och torka till att ha i en müsli och gröt, göra vin, snaps, gelé, rönnbärsdryck, marmelad eller varför inte som smaksättare i gryta? Det finns ett helt skafferi runt knuten som man sällan pratar om, kan du vara med och förändra det?
",1772,Story,5501,2018-02-28 14:41:17 UTC,2018-02-28 14:41:17 UTC
Salix caprea

• Form: mångstammigt träd eller buske, 15 m
• Blad: brett elliptiska eller äggrunda bredast på mitten ca. 6-16 cm
• Bark: brun, grov

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
Sälgen finner vi i hela Sverige som en av de pop-up växter som tar tillfälle i akt i solbelysta öppna ytor t.ex. vägrenar och skogsbryn. Det är en viktig växt för sin tidiga blomning som ger nektarsamlande bin föda under våren då utbudet annars kan vara skralt. Sälgen växer oftast som buskartad snårväxt men kan också bli ett mångstammigt, vaslikt träd som med tiden får grov och uppsprucken bark. Den etablerar sig relativt enkelt utan höga krav på markförhållanden. Bladen är brett elliptiska eller äggrunda bredast på mitten ca. 6-16 cm långa och 3-10 cm breda och ljusare på undersidan. De gula knopparna består som alla andra arter i videsläktet (Salix) av ett endaste knoppfjäll (hölje). Det finns pojksälgar och flicksälgar, dvs träd vars blommor antingen bara har ståndare eller pistiller. Tvåkönade blommor är annars mycket vanliga i växtvärlden.
",1772,Story,5505,2018-02-28 14:44:14 UTC,2018-02-28 14:44:14 UTC
Populus tremula

• Form: träd, 30 m
• Blad:  ca 3-8 cm, runda, bukt-tandade, friskt gröna
• Bark: slät, gråvit/grågrön, skrovlig med tiden

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
Aspens blad hörs säreget darra i lättaste sommarbris p.g.a. att bladen sitter på långa tillplattade bladskaft som tillåter löven att vrida sig lätt, vilket gett upphov till uttrycket ”darra som ett asplöv”. Bladen är runda med trubbiga tänder i bladkanten, blekt gröna med ljusare undersida. Barken är gråvit/grågrön och slät tills den som äldre spricker upp till en mer fårad skorpbark. 
Aspen ser man överallt i bryn och öppna ytor med ett utbredningsområde från Skandinavien ner till södra Europa och sedan i ett band ända bort till Ostasien. Den är en växt som snabbt bosätter sig på fri mark och växer så det knakar, men inte klarar av att konkurrera om ljuset när andra mer långsaminvesterande arter kommer till platsen. Det snabba och kortsiktiga investerandet ger också en kort livslängd på ca. 70-80 år och en höjd på 20 m, ibland upp mot 30 m. 

Individen och platsen
Denna asp är förmodligen självsådd då plantering av asp är ganska ovanlig annat än som vindtåligt barriärsträd. Vanligast ser man den bilda en lång rak stam med rund krona som en slickepinne. I och med att denna fått stå ensam har den brett ut sig som flerstammig solitär.
       1957 invigdes spårvägen till Kortedala som senare förlängts ut med ytterligare linjer till Bergsjön. 
",1772,Story,5506,2018-02-28 14:44:43 UTC,2018-02-28 14:44:43 UTC
Malus sylvestris

• Form: Buskträd, ca. 8 m
• Blad:  3-8 cm. ovala med spets. kala
• Bark: skrovlig och mörkbrun, ibland med trubbiga tornar

Vildapeln är en förfader till matäpplet. Den är vanlig i glesa lövskogar, bryn, vägrenar, strandsnår och hagmarker i södra Sverige. Äpplena är små, bara ca. 1-3 cm, klotrunda och smakar mycket surt. De flesta matäpplen (Malus domestica) i Sverige ympas på härdiga vildapelstammar. 
",1772,Story,5514,2018-03-01 03:46:24 UTC,2018-03-01 03:46:24 UTC
Quercus robur ’Fastigiata’

• Form: Pelarformigt träd, ca. 20 m
• Blad:  8-15 cm, omvänt äggrunda, parflikiga
• Bark: mörk, fint fårad

Sorter av ekar med detta pelarformiga växtsätt finns med flera olika ursprung men jag väljer att använda mig av namnet ’Fastigiata’ som ett paraplynamn för dessa. Som tidigare förklarat så har en sort av en art ofta en enskild individ som moderträd varifrån man sedan klonat fram kopior. I detta fallet har man hittat skogsek med mycket uppåtriktade grenar vilket passar bra i gatumiljö där utrymmena är trånga men också bidrar med ett mycket effektfullt formspråk.
",1772,Story,5498,2018-02-28 14:38:10 UTC,2018-02-28 14:38:10 UTC
Skogsek - Quercus robur
Bergek – Quercus petraea

• Form: träd, 40 m 
• Blad:  8-15 cm, omvänt äggrunda, parflikiga
• Bark: grovt fårad

Kännetecken och naturlig ståndort
När man tänker på ek förs tankarna till stora kraftiga träd med lång livslängd. Ja, ekar kan bli upp emot 1000 år gamla och därmed överleva flera mänskliga generationer och historiska epoker. Rumskullaeken i Småland har en uppskattad ålder på ca 800-1000 år vilket skulle betyda att den funnits sedan vikingatiden och på sin dödsbädd nu kan tänka tillbaka på hur dess krona agerat som rastplats åt allt från sälgpipeblåsande hedningar till smartphone-dyrkande söndags-googlare.

I Sverige har vi två inhemska ekarter varav skogseken återfinns i södra landet upp till den s.k. norrlandsgränsen mellan norra Värmland och Gästrikland medan bergeken har en något sydligare utbredning. Gemensamma drag är: omvänt äggrunda, parflikiga blad. Frukten, en inkapslad nöt kallad ekollon sitter fästad i en fruktskål (s.k cupula). Mångfjälliga, bruna, kottelika knoppar i kluster på gröna unga skott och en grovt fårad bark på äldre grenar och stam.

Förekomsten av korsning arterna emellan gör identifieringen något svår, men här följer Artskiljande karaktärer:

Skogsek (Q. robur) - Korta bladskaft, öronsnibbslik bladbas, långa stjälkar på frukt- (ollon-) ställning.

Bergek (Q. petraea) – Blad med längre skaft, oftare kilformad bladbas samt tjockare vaxlager i bladet vilket ger en styvare karaktär och djupare grönska. Fruktställning utan eller på korta skaft. 

Individen och platsen
Det större trädet du står vid är en klassisk skogsek medan de yngre plantorna bredvid berghällen så pedagogiskt verkar vara bergek. Dock är de inte könsmogna vilket gör artbestämningen något osäker utan fruktställning. Eken tillhörde tillsammans med gran och tall de trädarter som huserade i området i historisk tid enligt fynd av rötter i mossarna. Så här berättar hembygdsforskaren Gunnel Mattson: ”Ekarna var mycket begärliga att bygga krigsskepp av och när vår bygd blev ålagd att betala krigsskadestånd till danskarna och ”pantsatt” tills summorna betalats, då passade danskarna på att hugga ner de värdefulla ekarna. Kvar blev kala berg med ljunghedar och sly, ungefär som det fortfarande såg ut, när de första bosättarna i slutet av 1700-talet anlände hit.” 
Krigsskadeståndet torde syfta på någon av danskarnas erövringar av Älvsborgs fästning som skedde under mitten av 1500-talet och början av 1600-talet och dess lösensummor som då delvis kan ha betalats i virke.

",1772,Story,5483,2018-02-28 14:18:38 UTC,2018-02-28 14:18:38 UTC
429,ATF at killerton,383,Story,1192,2017-05-05 11:41:45 UTC,2017-05-05 11:41:45 UTC
2757,Fin krona. Ca 150 år gammalt,2578,Story,5530,2018-03-04 15:35:05 UTC,2018-03-04 15:35:05 UTC
2758,Planterad 1963,2578,Story,5531,2018-03-04 15:37:06 UTC,2018-03-04 15:37:06 UTC
2760,Fu jhf,2587,Story,5535,2018-03-08 14:21:53 UTC,2018-03-08 14:21:53 UTC
1889,What is this tree called?,274,Story,4374,2017-12-24 13:13:58 UTC,2017-12-24 13:13:58 UTC
2771,Powerline conflict,399,Story,5549,2018-03-15 00:57:41 UTC,2018-03-15 00:57:41 UTC
2773,Gnarly old tree looming over the road,180,Story,5551,2018-03-16 07:26:49 UTC,2018-03-16 07:26:49 UTC
1875,Vackra blad!!,2118,Story,4354,2017-12-23 15:31:46 UTC,2017-12-23 15:31:46 UTC
1877,"Pelarek, stora fina exemplar planterade 1921",2118,Story,4356,2017-12-23 15:34:28 UTC,2017-12-23 15:34:28 UTC
1876,"Pelarek, stora fina exemplar planterade 1921",2118,Story,4355,2017-12-23 15:33:54 UTC,2017-12-23 15:33:54 UTC
1891,In garden of 99 Westgate.,2315,Story,4376,2017-12-24 13:56:50 UTC,2017-12-24 13:56:50 UTC
1884,"Pelarek, stora fina exemplar planterade 1921",2118,Story,4363,2017-12-23 15:37:48 UTC,2017-12-23 15:37:48 UTC
1879,"Pelarek, stora fina exemplar planterade 1921",2118,Story,4358,2017-12-23 15:35:31 UTC,2017-12-23 15:35:31 UTC
1887,"Pelarek, stora fina exemplar planterade 1921",2118,Story,4366,2017-12-23 15:37:48 UTC,2017-12-23 15:37:48 UTC
1882,"Pelarek, stora fina exemplar planterade 1921",2118,Story,4361,2017-12-23 15:37:05 UTC,2017-12-23 15:37:05 UTC
1909,Street tree that replaced a mature horse chestnut felled in 201? and subject to a Tree Preservation Order.,2315,Story,4396,2017-12-24 14:30:55 UTC,2017-12-24 14:30:55 UTC
1908,"One of a pair of Holm oaks on either side of the entrance to Parklands Road. Spreading habit, unlike others nearby. Affected by moth.",2315,Story,4394,2017-12-24 14:25:08 UTC,2017-12-24 14:25:08 UTC
2631,"Tiny buds, 9-Feb-18.",2493,Story,5306,2018-02-09 15:17:15 UTC,2018-02-09 15:17:15 UTC
1907,"Cheery little street tree in highway planter. Look for its twin on the other side of the road, forming an entrance feature to this ""traffic calmed"" section of Westgate.",2315,Story,4393,2017-12-24 14:20:22 UTC,2017-12-24 14:20:22 UTC
1899,Street tree growing in planter (see record nearby).,2315,Story,4385,2017-12-24 14:09:05 UTC,2017-12-24 14:09:05 UTC
1911,One of a pair of street trees on East Street at the entrance to St Martin's Street that relieve an otherwise barren stretch of city street.,2315,Story,4398,2017-12-24 16:03:20 UTC,2017-12-24 16:03:20 UTC
1912,"First in what remains of an avenue of lime trees alongside Chichester cathedral on West Street. Originally 18(?) trees,  2 further trees were felled in 2017 due to disease leaving just 6, which are subject to Tree Preservation Order. These 6 were heavily pruned at the same time as the other 2 were felled.",2315,Story,4400,2017-12-24 16:13:08 UTC,2017-12-24 16:13:08 UTC
1918,Hybrid av Rhododendron brachycarpum var. tigerstedtii och Rhododendron förresten var. repens,1862,Story,4417,2017-12-25 19:48:13 UTC,2017-12-25 19:48:13 UTC
1928,'Farba',1862,Story,4429,2017-12-26 11:59:28 UTC,2017-12-26 11:59:28 UTC
239,Shade on a sunny day,179,Story,873,2017-03-27 12:38:25 UTC,2017-03-27 12:38:25 UTC
1009,Plenty chestnuts around here,178,Story,2141,2017-07-06 12:34:30 UTC,2017-07-06 12:34:30 UTC
395,Sunny days. What a beauty,269,Story,1143,2017-05-01 15:59:37 UTC,2017-05-01 15:59:37 UTC
1339,Juglans regia -Valnötsträd,1696,Story,2712,2017-08-31 18:53:00 UTC,2017-08-31 18:53:00 UTC
2779,Big,2631,Story,5598,2018-03-17 15:02:38 UTC,2018-03-17 15:02:38 UTC
2782,The  trunk and branches look pretty amazing dusted with snow,179,Story,5671,2018-03-18 13:03:40 UTC,2018-03-18 13:03:40 UTC
2785,You can just see the yellow #daffodils coming through the snow in the background in this one at Fairview park,177,Story,5679,2018-03-20 11:02:03 UTC,2018-03-20 11:02:03 UTC
2778,Large,2631,Story,5582,2018-03-17 14:59:37 UTC,2018-03-17 14:59:37 UTC
291,Lewisham pocket park tree#eucalyptus ,370,Story,961,2017-04-10 21:56:50 UTC,2017-04-10 21:56:50 UTC
299,Barangaroo eucalyptus,370,Story,974,2017-04-14 05:36:33 UTC,2017-04-14 05:36:33 UTC
2793,"Planted on March 25th 2018 by Sam, Morgan, Anna, Indre, Naomi, Sophie",2658,Story,5704,2018-03-24 12:37:17 UTC,2018-03-24 12:37:17 UTC
2792,"Planted on March 24th 2018 by Morgan, Anna, Sam, Indre, Naomi, Sophie volunteers for Trees for Cities",2658,Story,5703,2018-03-24 12:22:50 UTC,2018-03-24 12:22:50 UTC
2791,"Hingst kyrkogården, Flyinge stuteri.",2153,Story,5702,2018-03-24 11:56:06 UTC,2018-03-24 11:56:06 UTC
2805,Planted mid March 2018,2658,Story,5718,2018-03-25 13:18:22 UTC,2018-03-25 13:18:22 UTC
2800,Planted mid March 2018,2658,Story,5713,2018-03-25 13:11:14 UTC,2018-03-25 13:11:14 UTC
2801,Planted mid March 2018,2658,Story,5714,2018-03-25 13:12:56 UTC,2018-03-25 13:12:56 UTC
2802,Planted mid March 2018,2658,Story,5715,2018-03-25 13:14:03 UTC,2018-03-25 13:14:03 UTC
2803,Planted mid March 2018,2658,Story,5716,2018-03-25 13:16:01 UTC,2018-03-25 13:16:01 UTC
2804,Planted mid March 2018,2658,Story,5717,2018-03-25 13:17:09 UTC,2018-03-25 13:17:09 UTC
2806,Planted mid March 2018,2658,Story,5719,2018-03-25 13:20:22 UTC,2018-03-25 13:20:22 UTC
3976,The conifers in the mixed stand of 11 trees this is the one with the very large cones,2504,Story,18274,2018-04-01 12:39:03 UTC,2018-04-01 12:39:03 UTC
3975,Stand of 11 tall mixed conifers. ? Two species. One with small round cones and one with very large ones,2504,Story,18273,2018-04-01 12:36:20 UTC,2018-04-01 12:36:20 UTC
3977,Mixed stand of 11 conifers near my house. This is the one with the very large cones,2504,Story,18275,2018-04-01 12:40:52 UTC,2018-04-01 12:40:52 UTC
3980, #blossom ,179,Story,18279,2018-04-02 10:02:19 UTC,2018-04-02 10:02:19 UTC
3978,Not sure if something has taken up residence in this oak. Quite a deep hole with moisture weeping from it,180,Story,18276,2018-04-01 14:17:25 UTC,2018-04-01 14:17:25 UTC
937,No idea ,188,Story,1984,2017-06-25 13:27:39 UTC,2017-06-25 13:27:39 UTC
4031,Three birch trees by the #slaney #river ,180,Story,18357,2018-04-13 14:14:56 UTC,2018-04-13 14:14:56 UTC
4028,WWI official War Memorial tree planted to the memory of Ernest Beck. More details to follow...,2719,Story,18354,2018-04-13 07:37:53 UTC,2018-04-13 07:37:53 UTC
4058,Amazing magnolia beginning to #bloom at #wellshouse ,180,Story,18401,2018-04-19 12:51:51 UTC,2018-04-19 12:51:51 UTC
4034,The Chelsea Road Elm. Has a colony of rare White-Letter hairsreak butterflies in the canopy.,2719,Story,18364,2018-04-13 19:00:03 UTC,2018-04-13 19:00:03 UTC
4057,A Buxus that has been here since before Linné,2382,Story,18399,2018-04-19 09:16:51 UTC,2018-04-19 09:16:51 UTC
4061,Pretty cool wire #sculpture hanging from the limbs of this oak,180,Story,18408,2018-04-20 09:40:39 UTC,2018-04-20 09:40:39 UTC
4035,Vernon Oak. The famous 150 + year old oak tree that is threatened with felling.,2719,Story,18365,2018-04-13 20:27:10 UTC,2018-04-13 20:27:10 UTC
4064,Beautiful flowers on this tree!,245,Story,18416,2018-04-21 10:32:18 UTC,2018-04-21 10:32:18 UTC
3973,Old and beautiful mapel.,2671,Story,18268,2018-03-29 18:26:29 UTC,2018-03-29 18:26:29 UTC
4063,Still waiting for spring leaves to make an appearance,180,Story,18415,2018-04-20 21:22:12 UTC,2018-04-20 21:22:12 UTC
4071,"Two angles of the faraway tree (ok, not that far 😜)",180,Story,18426,2018-04-23 14:05:53 UTC,2018-04-23 14:05:53 UTC
729,Back to the 'Curio is go!' tree. Just testing some new features we're hoping to be able share very soon now. No Paul or Gary this time. Slackers ,179,Story,1594,2017-05-24 16:20:44 UTC,2017-05-24 16:20:44 UTC
73,#CherryBlossom beginning to appear,180,Story,607,2017-02-17 11:05:29 UTC,2017-02-17 11:05:29 UTC
74,Curio is go!!,179,Story,608,2017-02-17 11:06:38 UTC,2017-02-17 11:06:38 UTC
428,Huge burrs on an old pollarded oak,383,Story,1191,2017-05-05 10:24:44 UTC,2017-05-05 10:24:44 UTC
4212,#Starlings going nuts for cherries on this one,180,Story,18846,2018-06-26 21:01:50 UTC,2018-06-26 21:01:50 UTC
427,Beauty of oak at killerton,383,Story,1190,2017-05-05 10:20:28 UTC,2017-05-05 10:20:28 UTC
425,"After winning 1,023 votes, the Ding Dong Tree at Prestonpans Primary School was named Scotland’s Tree of the Year for 2016.  is now competing to be named European #TreeOfTheYear.

The Ding Dong Tree gets its name from a tig game invented by pupils who compete to touch its trunk shouting “Ding Dong!” The tree’s protecting canopy makes it an ideal outdoor classroom, and it brings particular calm to children with complex emotions. Inside the building a calendar display shows pictures of the tree throughout the year alongside pupils’ achievements and most memorable moments of learning. Children hang bird feeders from the branches and it is the subject of many science and art projects. Beloved by generations of pupils, the Ding Dong tree has become central to the life and identity of the school.",180,Story,1180,2017-05-04 20:48:25 UTC,2017-05-04 20:48:25 UTC
431,Tropical popical in Dublin,180,Story,1195,2017-05-05 18:18:55 UTC,2017-05-05 18:18:55 UTC
430,Last tree to come into leaf at killerton - apparently!,383,Story,1193,2017-05-05 13:33:18 UTC,2017-05-05 13:33:18 UTC
440,Edenvale is the place to be if you want to see holly trees that are over 20m tall! Amazing holly and beech forest,180,Story,1227,2017-05-06 23:32:02 UTC,2017-05-06 23:32:02 UTC
436,I know it's two trees but they're a package. Beside this old beech is a #standingdead tree that's been beautifully #sculpted. Someone has even left a little statue of st. Raphael at the base of the tree. This walk in Edenvale is full of amazing surprises like this.,180,Story,1223,2017-05-06 23:21:58 UTC,2017-05-06 23:21:58 UTC
433,Oak,419,Story,1214,2017-05-06 11:24:31 UTC,2017-05-06 11:24:31 UTC
434,#blossom,178,Story,1216,2017-05-06 14:36:15 UTC,2017-05-06 14:36:15 UTC
435,A little hollow but amazingly still alive,179,Story,1218,2017-05-06 14:54:07 UTC,2017-05-06 14:54:07 UTC
432,London plane,415,Story,1196,2017-05-05 22:26:14 UTC,2017-05-05 22:26:14 UTC
437,Oh young love... You're so predictable 💏 😝,180,Story,1224,2017-05-06 23:24:16 UTC,2017-05-06 23:24:16 UTC
438,A few weeks ago this little nook was filled with flowering daffodils. I love that there's a tiny patch of garden in all this wildness.,180,Story,1225,2017-05-06 23:27:17 UTC,2017-05-06 23:27:17 UTC
439,You wouldn't want to be afraid of Bluebells. They're everywhere!,180,Story,1226,2017-05-06 23:29:38 UTC,2017-05-06 23:29:38 UTC
441,This ancient beech is amazing. Still hanging in there 🌳,180,Story,1228,2017-05-06 23:33:46 UTC,2017-05-06 23:33:46 UTC
443,This has to be the oldest beech in the forest! It's incredible,180,Story,1230,2017-05-06 23:38:32 UTC,2017-05-06 23:38:32 UTC
449,Horse chestnut ,193,Story,1244,2017-05-08 10:21:05 UTC,2017-05-08 10:21:05 UTC
6593,"Pity these oaks aren’t better cared for, don’t really see them reaching their full potential in this setting",180,Story,23135,2019-06-02 15:13:55 UTC,2019-06-02 15:13:55 UTC
450,Carpinus caroliniana,422,Story,1247,2017-05-08 17:26:33 UTC,2017-05-08 17:26:33 UTC
517,Lombardy Poplar,366,Story,1363,2017-05-22 13:52:28 UTC,2017-05-22 13:52:28 UTC
730,Lamptree,180,Story,1595,2017-05-24 17:20:13 UTC,2017-05-24 17:20:13 UTC
4288,Nice bit of #CrownRaising being done around #Enniscorthy today,2717,Story,18989,2018-07-22 20:15:15 UTC,2018-07-22 20:15:15 UTC
839,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,599,Story,1764,2017-06-06 18:20:24 UTC,2017-06-06 18:20:24 UTC
742,#wheresolea ,510,Story,1622,2017-05-26 16:16:27 UTC,2017-05-26 16:16:27 UTC
739,Lots of people walk their dog under the tree ,512,Story,1618,2017-05-26 07:23:31 UTC,2017-05-26 07:23:31 UTC
743,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1623,2017-05-26 17:31:28 UTC,2017-05-26 17:31:28 UTC
745,Ceiba tree in Playa del Carmen Quintana roo,268,Story,1625,2017-05-26 19:21:22 UTC,2017-05-26 19:21:22 UTC
8,Festive!!,240,Story,453,2016-12-20 16:39:17 UTC,2016-12-20 16:39:17 UTC
4,Trees with Christmas jumpers,179,Story,447,2016-12-20 13:04:04 UTC,2016-12-20 13:04:04 UTC
740,"This #FamousTree is the over 400 year old Angel Oak. The tree derives its name from the estate of Justus Angel and his wife, Martha Waight Tucker Angel.
It stands 20m (66.5ft) tall, measures 8.5m (28ft) in circumference, and produces shade that covers 1,600 square metres (17,200 square feet). Its longest branch distance is 56.5m (187ft) in length.
The City of Charleston has owned the tree and surrounding park since 1991.
#HeritageTree #Ancient",180,Story,1619,2017-05-26 10:03:04 UTC,2017-05-26 10:03:04 UTC
748,A lovely shady #bench in the ☀ in cork city!,178,Story,1631,2017-05-27 12:44:31 UTC,2017-05-27 12:44:31 UTC
750,Paul's Scarlet,284,Story,1633,2017-05-27 13:22:55 UTC,2017-05-27 13:22:55 UTC
747,This cherry tree on the other hand hasn't been so lucky on the view front,179,Story,1629,2017-05-26 20:45:40 UTC,2017-05-26 20:45:40 UTC
756,In flower ,188,Story,1639,2017-05-28 13:41:59 UTC,2017-05-28 13:41:59 UTC
755,Crumlin palm ,188,Story,1638,2017-05-28 13:40:57 UTC,2017-05-28 13:40:57 UTC
758,Ashtown roundabout tree,283,Story,1641,2017-05-29 08:32:06 UTC,2017-05-29 08:32:06 UTC
759,Love this tree #Fave #Heritage #Ancient. Photo is by Jill Everington - love how she framed it :),218,Story,1643,2017-05-29 12:35:46 UTC,2017-05-29 12:35:46 UTC
775,#fotawildlifepark,178,Story,1664,2017-05-31 10:37:46 UTC,2017-05-31 10:37:46 UTC
761,Interesting.....I wonder how the neighbours feel about this tree,179,Story,1649,2017-05-30 11:17:42 UTC,2017-05-30 11:17:42 UTC
763,Another Ceiba tree in Playa del Carmen Quintana roo,268,Story,1651,2017-05-30 12:30:58 UTC,2017-05-30 12:30:58 UTC
764,Cassia tree flowering next to check Celine great French place for breakfast ,268,Story,1652,2017-05-30 13:05:04 UTC,2017-05-30 13:05:04 UTC
765,Guess what?  More Ceibas,268,Story,1653,2017-05-30 13:06:16 UTC,2017-05-30 13:06:16 UTC
766,One more!! 😁,268,Story,1654,2017-05-30 13:24:07 UTC,2017-05-30 13:24:07 UTC
767,Backyard,528,Story,1655,2017-05-30 16:43:07 UTC,2017-05-30 16:43:07 UTC
768,Front,528,Story,1656,2017-05-30 16:44:30 UTC,2017-05-30 16:44:30 UTC
776,#fotawildlifepark,178,Story,1665,2017-05-31 10:42:35 UTC,2017-05-31 10:42:35 UTC
771,Pinus nigra #fotawildlifepark,178,Story,1659,2017-05-31 09:17:23 UTC,2017-05-31 09:17:23 UTC
770,This giant at the carpark at #fotawildlifepark 🌲🌳,178,Story,1658,2017-05-31 09:14:05 UTC,2017-05-31 09:14:05 UTC
987,A lime I think,180,Story,2087,2017-07-01 11:23:54 UTC,2017-07-01 11:23:54 UTC
",178,Story,1662,2017-05-31 10:30:59 UTC,2017-05-31 10:30:59 UTC
774,#fotawildlifepark,178,Story,1663,2017-05-31 10:32:30 UTC,2017-05-31 10:32:30 UTC
777,#fotawildlifepark lions love the shade from trees,178,Story,1666,2017-05-31 10:53:24 UTC,2017-05-31 10:53:24 UTC
769,Buddleja globosa!,284,Story,1657,2017-05-30 21:32:06 UTC,2017-05-30 21:32:06 UTC
762,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1650,2017-05-30 11:30:27 UTC,2017-05-30 11:30:27 UTC
731,Some of the leaves seem to be reverting on this variagated maple,180,Story,1599,2017-05-24 17:26:52 UTC,2017-05-24 17:26:52 UTC
4074,Looking good #enniscorthy ,2717,Story,18447,2018-04-28 18:29:25 UTC,2018-04-28 18:29:25 UTC
4021,Beautiful row of lime trees by the #river in this little park in the centre of Clonegal,180,Story,18336,2018-04-09 06:12:27 UTC,2018-04-09 06:12:27 UTC
4022,This little #holly hanging on along the #Slieveboy loop,181,Story,18342,2018-04-09 15:03:00 UTC,2018-04-09 15:03:00 UTC
805,Another one in Paseo Montero Merida,268,Story,1724,2017-06-04 16:00:47 UTC,2017-06-04 16:00:47 UTC
4020,This solitary tree has quite a view up by #Slieveboy,180,Story,18335,2018-04-08 21:49:44 UTC,2018-04-08 21:49:44 UTC
4026,"Standing #deadwood being retained in #enniscorthy as part of a strong, local environmental and habitat protection strategy.",180,Story,18350,2018-04-12 14:08:46 UTC,2018-04-12 14:08:46 UTC
487,Crab apple ✨,284,Story,1325,2017-05-19 21:01:04 UTC,2017-05-19 21:01:04 UTC
480,Nice row of #whitebeam along here with benches in the shade beneath them,180,Story,1314,2017-05-19 11:33:57 UTC,2017-05-19 11:33:57 UTC
494,Horsechestnut,394,Story,1334,2017-05-21 10:55:07 UTC,2017-05-21 10:55:07 UTC
514,Multi stemmed coast redwood,383,Story,1357,2017-05-22 12:31:22 UTC,2017-05-22 12:31:22 UTC
782,Copper beech tree in the garden of Beech Cottage.,536,Story,1678,2017-06-01 16:56:39 UTC,2017-06-01 16:56:39 UTC
784,Boom!! Just spotted my first Olive tree #WheresOlea #LondonTreeWeek #icoGreen ,179,Story,1680,2017-06-01 19:27:17 UTC,2017-06-01 19:27:17 UTC
785,Think it's a pin oak,180,Story,1682,2017-06-02 12:41:14 UTC,2017-06-02 12:41:14 UTC
780,Arbutus menziesii,534,Story,1676,2017-06-01 11:29:16 UTC,2017-06-01 11:29:16 UTC
781,#wheresolea #londontreeweek #icogreen ,510,Story,1677,2017-06-01 14:10:18 UTC,2017-06-01 14:10:18 UTC
790,A female ginko,179,Story,1695,2017-06-02 18:30:14 UTC,2017-06-02 18:30:14 UTC
792,This is call PICH Entrolobyum,268,Story,1700,2017-06-03 14:58:49 UTC,2017-06-03 14:58:49 UTC
794,ABother Pich 138 cm diameter,268,Story,1703,2017-06-03 15:19:12 UTC,2017-06-03 15:19:12 UTC
798,The mother of all ceiba 220 cm DBH,268,Story,1707,2017-06-03 16:12:52 UTC,2017-06-03 16:12:52 UTC
796,"Planted by Hackney Council in 2013. One of pair. 
#wheresolea ",264,Story,1705,2017-06-03 15:29:41 UTC,2017-06-03 15:29:41 UTC
803,What a nice idea and great place for families to hand out  in the shade,179,Story,1722,2017-06-04 14:00:12 UTC,2017-06-04 14:00:12 UTC
795,"Planted by Hackney Council in 2013.
#wheresolea",264,Story,1704,2017-06-03 15:28:31 UTC,2017-06-03 15:28:31 UTC
804,Ramón in paseo montero Merida,268,Story,1723,2017-06-04 15:49:28 UTC,2017-06-04 15:49:28 UTC
800,Impressive potted olive in the garden of the St Peter's Wharf artists' studios on Chiswick Mall #wheresolea ,433,Story,1709,2017-06-03 16:58:12 UTC,2017-06-03 16:58:12 UTC
793,Olive tree by Italian Cafe #wheresolea,544,Story,1702,2017-06-03 15:10:56 UTC,2017-06-03 15:10:56 UTC
791,Is this an olive tree #wheresolea ,538,Story,1699,2017-06-03 13:03:21 UTC,2017-06-03 13:03:21 UTC
852,People doing their thing during the Enniscorthy #StrawberryFestival,180,Story,1782,2017-06-09 19:48:13 UTC,2017-06-09 19:48:13 UTC
809,Björk,556,Story,1731,2017-06-04 20:03:15 UTC,2017-06-04 20:03:15 UTC
808,Ornäsbjörk - Betula pendula 'Dalecarlica',553,Story,1730,2017-06-04 19:45:18 UTC,2017-06-04 19:45:18 UTC
806,"Cladrastis kentukea, gulved",549,Story,1727,2017-06-04 19:01:21 UTC,2017-06-04 19:01:21 UTC
807,"Hängask - Fraxinus exelsior 'Pendula'

Uppskattad ålder - 125 år

Status - tydligt påverkad av asskottssjukan",553,Story,1728,2017-06-04 19:36:27 UTC,2017-06-04 19:36:27 UTC
851,Toilet tree. Nice! 🚽🌳🍁,180,Story,1781,2017-06-09 19:45:13 UTC,2017-06-09 19:45:13 UTC
Gammal bok formklippt som stort klot.",432,Story,1732,2017-06-04 21:11:15 UTC,2017-06-04 21:11:15 UTC
813,"Skogsalm - Ulmus glabra

Planterades efter en av Borås stadsbränder på 1780-talet. Fastighetsägaren till Hemgården var först ut med åtgärden och staden följde efter några år senare. Allégatan som förut hette Brunnsgatan hade tidigare en esplanad av skogsalm. Men vid bilismens intåg i staden på 1930-40 talet fick gatan sin nuvarande utformning.",553,Story,1735,2017-06-05 10:29:35 UTC,2017-06-05 10:29:35 UTC
827,Blodbok,581,Story,1750,2017-06-05 21:47:48 UTC,2017-06-05 21:47:48 UTC
818,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1741,2017-06-05 12:35:34 UTC,2017-06-05 12:35:34 UTC
823,Hästkastanj,553,Story,1746,2017-06-05 19:30:41 UTC,2017-06-05 19:30:41 UTC
812,Rödbladig bok,553,Story,1734,2017-06-05 06:16:18 UTC,2017-06-05 06:16:18 UTC
828,I'm no good with roses but this one is beautiful and smells lovely. Does anyone know which one it might be?,284,Story,1752,2017-06-06 09:19:58 UTC,2017-06-06 09:19:58 UTC
824,Flikbladig bok,553,Story,1747,2017-06-05 19:35:10 UTC,2017-06-05 19:35:10 UTC
829,Mango tree in the hotel boutique of Merida Yuacatan,268,Story,1753,2017-06-06 13:29:41 UTC,2017-06-06 13:29:41 UTC
831,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1755,2017-06-06 17:54:08 UTC,2017-06-06 17:54:08 UTC
814,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1736,2017-06-05 12:01:30 UTC,2017-06-05 12:01:30 UTC
815,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek #olive ,510,Story,1738,2017-06-05 12:29:33 UTC,2017-06-05 12:29:33 UTC
816,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1739,2017-06-05 12:32:05 UTC,2017-06-05 12:32:05 UTC
817,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1740,2017-06-05 12:33:28 UTC,2017-06-05 12:33:28 UTC
819,#londontreeweek #wheresolea #icogreen ,510,Story,1742,2017-06-05 12:40:16 UTC,2017-06-05 12:40:16 UTC
825,Hästkastanj,553,Story,1748,2017-06-05 19:44:31 UTC,2017-06-05 19:44:31 UTC
820,"lovely old olive tree, olea europaea #wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ",571,Story,1743,2017-06-05 12:53:49 UTC,2017-06-05 12:53:49 UTC
832,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1756,2017-06-06 17:57:21 UTC,2017-06-06 17:57:21 UTC
833,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1757,2017-06-06 18:01:48 UTC,2017-06-06 18:01:48 UTC
845,Sortnamn 'Purpurea',568,Story,1772,2017-06-07 13:25:06 UTC,2017-06-07 13:25:06 UTC
846,Mycket långsamväxande. Har troligen mycket dåligt rotutrymme pga hårt packad mark.,568,Story,1773,2017-06-07 13:36:52 UTC,2017-06-07 13:36:52 UTC
840,#wheresolea #londontreeweek #icogreen ,599,Story,1765,2017-06-06 18:23:35 UTC,2017-06-06 18:23:35 UTC
841,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,599,Story,1766,2017-06-06 18:26:06 UTC,2017-06-06 18:26:06 UTC
843,Big eucalyptus hiding away in here,180,Story,1768,2017-06-07 08:12:34 UTC,2017-06-07 08:12:34 UTC
956,"The Weeping Ashes of Prince's Street Gardens are ten attractive weeping ash trees which run along either side of the main path in the west gardens. This is the best known of the common ash cultivars, widely planted during the Victorian era, it grows vigorously forming an attractive small to medium size tree with mounds of weeping branches.",218,Story,2036,2017-06-28 08:03:35 UTC,2017-06-28 08:03:35 UTC
951,Bark of tree in the Manse,274,Story,2023,2017-06-27 13:58:44 UTC,2017-06-27 13:58:44 UTC
952,"Branch of tree in Manse, Enniscorthy.",274,Story,2024,2017-06-27 14:00:38 UTC,2017-06-27 14:00:38 UTC
1442,Winter is coming,180,Story,3097,2017-10-15 16:22:43 UTC,2017-10-15 16:22:43 UTC
297,Sunset chestnut,180,Story,972,2017-04-12 20:30:14 UTC,2017-04-12 20:30:14 UTC
947,Rödbladig hassel,344,Story,2014,2017-06-27 09:37:34 UTC,2017-06-27 09:37:34 UTC
948,Rödbladig hassel,344,Story,2016,2017-06-27 09:40:06 UTC,2017-06-27 09:40:06 UTC
938,When I was in fourth class in school we planted acorns. This is mine 26 years later!,179,Story,1988,2017-06-25 14:07:23 UTC,2017-06-26 15:36:52 UTC
34,Magnificent platanoides x hispanica in good condition.,194,Story,507,2017-01-02 10:35:12 UTC,2017-01-02 10:35:12 UTC
960,Sidwills träd,692,Story,2050,2017-06-29 14:41:37 UTC,2017-06-29 14:41:37 UTC
958,Test,191,Story,2045,2017-06-29 08:03:23 UTC,2017-06-29 08:03:23 UTC
959,Wow I think this might just be a Sequoia. #huge,180,Story,2049,2017-06-29 14:32:56 UTC,2017-06-29 14:32:56 UTC
962,"Stora boken, ",753,Story,2052,2017-06-30 05:49:51 UTC,2017-06-30 05:49:51 UTC
963,#huge #whatspecies ,774,Story,2055,2017-06-30 08:09:39 UTC,2017-06-30 08:09:39 UTC
971,They've done a really beautiful job on the #park down at St Aidan's with these new oak plantings 😄 🌳🌳,180,Story,2065,2017-06-30 17:38:19 UTC,2017-06-30 17:38:19 UTC
986,Setting up for the great #fotawildlifepark tree hunt,180,Story,2085,2017-07-01 11:17:23 UTC,2017-07-01 11:17:23 UTC
984,Pelicans chilling out by an oak tree #fotawildlifepark,179,Story,2082,2017-07-01 10:03:15 UTC,2017-07-01 10:03:15 UTC
985,Wild times at this old oak,180,Story,2083,2017-07-01 10:39:32 UTC,2017-07-01 10:39:32 UTC
970,Kasþanj,750,Story,2064,2017-06-30 15:45:58 UTC,2017-06-30 15:45:58 UTC
983,A bunch of Syringa reticulata not doing too well.,284,Story,2080,2017-07-01 09:46:49 UTC,2017-07-01 09:46:49 UTC
964,#huge #whatspecies ,774,Story,2056,2017-06-30 08:43:49 UTC,2017-06-30 08:43:49 UTC
981,Right at the entrance to #fotawildlifepark,178,Story,2078,2017-07-01 09:36:08 UTC,2017-07-01 09:36:08 UTC
982,Not a bad look out spot #fotawildlifepark,179,Story,2079,2017-07-01 09:42:11 UTC,2017-07-01 09:42:11 UTC
966,Hästkastanj,787,Story,2058,2017-06-30 10:31:18 UTC,2017-06-30 10:31:18 UTC
980,Love when I can park the car in lots of shade. #fotawildlifepark,180,Story,2076,2017-07-01 09:02:32 UTC,2017-07-01 09:02:32 UTC
83,mossy bark,222,Story,625,2017-02-18 15:11:24 UTC,2017-02-18 15:11:24 UTC
82,#scottspine in #fota cork,222,Story,624,2017-02-18 15:10:02 UTC,2017-02-18 15:10:02 UTC
89,Stone pine over 100 years old 💜,222,Story,632,2017-02-18 15:22:00 UTC,2017-02-18 15:22:00 UTC
90,I wonder if it's called stone pine because the bark looks like stone? ,222,Story,634,2017-02-18 15:24:12 UTC,2017-02-18 15:24:12 UTC
988,Cankers and Pauls,179,Story,2088,2017-07-01 11:38:34 UTC,2017-07-01 11:38:34 UTC
458,"Hope the neighbours don't think I'm spying on them!
",269,Story,1256,2017-05-10 18:26:54 UTC,2017-05-10 18:26:54 UTC
454,Tsuga,284,Story,1251,2017-05-10 17:09:29 UTC,2017-05-10 17:09:29 UTC
456,A quiet pretty street in East Belfast ,269,Story,1254,2017-05-10 18:22:55 UTC,2017-05-10 18:22:55 UTC
457,I should really know what these trees are!,269,Story,1255,2017-05-10 18:25:44 UTC,2017-05-10 18:25:44 UTC
451,It's a whopper!,383,Story,1248,2017-05-10 14:55:42 UTC,2017-05-10 14:55:42 UTC
452,Ganoderma bracket,383,Story,1249,2017-05-10 14:57:24 UTC,2017-05-10 14:57:24 UTC
453,Ganoderma bracket And associated decay,383,Story,1250,2017-05-10 14:59:18 UTC,2017-05-10 14:59:18 UTC
847,Något långsamväxande. Troligen pga utsatt läge (blåsigt),568,Story,1774,2017-06-07 13:38:25 UTC,2017-06-07 13:38:25 UTC
1375,"As you pass through the entrance gates, to the left you will find one of the oldest species of trees on Earth. Whether this species is native to the UK is the subject to much discussion, but it is now very common. The sycamore is highly resistant to pollution, salty soils and wind, making it an ideal tree for Torbay. Sycamores are also the third most common tree found across the bay.",178,Story,2814,2017-09-13 18:55:13 UTC,2017-09-13 18:55:13 UTC
849,Species: Pine ,589,Story,1777,2017-06-08 13:08:02 UTC,2017-06-08 13:08:02 UTC
1376,"There are Corsican, Black and Scots pine in this area. Scots pine have distinct orange reddish bark, whilst the Corsican pine has paler bark scales. Both trees grow very well in Torbay’s maritime climate and were previously grown for ship's masts and mine props. The tall stems of the trees in this park are storing over 140 tonnes of Carbon - that's equivalent to £8400.00! Across Torbay over 98,000 tonnes of Carbon is stored in the trees.",178,Story,2815,2017-09-13 18:56:28 UTC,2017-09-13 18:56:28 UTC
848,Species: Ginco ,589,Story,1776,2017-06-08 12:49:44 UTC,2017-06-08 12:49:44 UTC
1377,"The word Ginkgo comes from the Chinese for ‘Silver Apricot’. Since its introduction to the UK however it has also gained the name of the Maidenhair tree, due to the similarity of its leaves to our native ferns. This species has been used in traditional medicine and Asian cooking. The leaves also contain ginkgolides, a chemical that improves blood circulation to the brain. This species has remained largely unchanged for 350 million years, creating a ‘Living Fossil’.",178,Story,2816,2017-09-13 18:58:05 UTC,2017-09-13 18:58:05 UTC
112,Not the prettiest tree in town but was home to an epic #treehouse for a few years,177,Story,670,2017-02-22 14:07:56 UTC,2017-02-22 14:07:56 UTC
856,#mappingcork,178,Story,1789,2017-06-11 12:58:43 UTC,2017-06-11 12:58:43 UTC
863,#mature #hidden,644,Story,1805,2017-06-13 22:49:05 UTC,2017-06-13 22:49:05 UTC
255,Weevil proof - so there!,180,Story,910,2017-03-30 14:01:12 UTC,2017-03-30 14:01:12 UTC
859,Species; sycamore ,589,Story,1797,2017-06-12 14:08:30 UTC,2017-06-12 14:08:30 UTC
860,"Quercus x hispanica 'lucombeana'

Lucombe Oak",634,Story,1798,2017-06-12 14:26:17 UTC,2017-06-12 14:26:17 UTC
861,"Statement from Ayuntamiento de Antequera on the #removal of this #historicTree

Efectivos del Área de Mantenimiento del Ayuntamiento de Antequera retiran el árbol central de la plaza de San Francisco para evitar posibles e inminentes daños dada su irreversible situación. El teniente de alcalde delegado de Obras y Mantenimiento, Jota Carmona confirma que en la mañana de hoy ha sido retirado por parte de técnicos municipales el ejemplar de cedrus deodara integrado en la isleta central de la plaza de San Francisco y cuyo estado ha llegado a una situación irreversible originada a partir de la reforma integral que se realizara en dicho enclave en 2002. De hecho, un informe requerido a una empresa especializada y sobre el que se ha tomado la decisión de retirar dicho árbol señala específicamente que desde que se remodelara la plaza ""se modificó su anclaje radicular, motivado por el rebaje de cota al que fue sometido su alcorque alzado"".
Desde ese preciso momento el ejemplar ha venido dando muestras de debilidad y asfixia radicular, llevándolo a perecer comenzando a presentar un evidente peligro para los viandantes en una zona concreta que presenta a diario un tráfico elevado de viandantes así como de particulares que usan las terrazas ubicadas en la misma. El informe técnico, elaborado por ""Icaria, Cultura Integral del Jardín"", finalizaba recomendando ""de forma inminente la eliminación del ejemplar para evitar daños o desgracias"".
Es por ello que, tras comprobar cómo los tratamientos a los que ha sido sometido el árbol en los últimos años (intensificados desde 2013) no han surgido efecto habiendo llegado a una situación irreversible con peligro inminente de caída, se ha decidido la retirada de dicho ejemplar. Carmona considera al respecto que ""la seguridad de las personas es lo primero, no pudiendo arriesgar la integridad de los viandantes cuando nos encontramos ante una situación irreversible y con riesgo inminente de caída"".",180,Story,1803,2017-06-13 11:29:46 UTC,2017-06-13 11:29:46 UTC
870,Species: silver birch,589,Story,1818,2017-06-15 13:32:45 UTC,2017-06-15 13:32:45 UTC
874,Species: Sycamore ,589,Story,1823,2017-06-15 14:36:13 UTC,2017-06-15 14:36:13 UTC
882,Grabbing some #shade beneath these 12 pin oaks in the centre of Waterford during what passes for a #heatwave in Ireland,180,Story,1831,2017-06-16 08:00:44 UTC,2017-06-16 08:00:44 UTC
1785,#winter cold and damp,180,Story,4142,2017-12-14 14:55:38 UTC,2017-12-14 14:55:38 UTC
895,#olive ,517,Story,1846,2017-06-17 07:47:23 UTC,2017-06-17 07:47:23 UTC
896,The colours on this tree are amazing ,269,Story,1854,2017-06-17 18:10:34 UTC,2017-06-17 18:10:34 UTC
897,Beautiful tree in the courtyard of la carboneria,217,Story,1855,2017-06-17 22:42:20 UTC,2017-06-17 22:42:20 UTC
898,Polo necks for trees? 😨  😱😰 😁,179,Story,1856,2017-06-18 11:34:11 UTC,2017-06-18 11:34:11 UTC
899,Orange tree,217,Story,1861,2017-06-18 16:13:35 UTC,2017-06-18 16:13:35 UTC
921,Fastigiate Oak,538,Story,1923,2017-06-20 19:14:30 UTC,2017-06-20 19:14:30 UTC
914,Oak,658,Story,1908,2017-06-20 14:04:57 UTC,2017-06-20 14:04:57 UTC
923,Fastigiate Oak,538,Story,1925,2017-06-20 19:15:25 UTC,2017-06-20 19:15:25 UTC
915,Yew,658,Story,1909,2017-06-20 14:05:42 UTC,2017-06-20 14:05:42 UTC
908,Oak,658,Story,1902,2017-06-20 13:59:50 UTC,2017-06-20 13:59:50 UTC
920,Fastigiate Oak,538,Story,1922,2017-06-20 19:14:10 UTC,2017-06-20 19:14:10 UTC
922,Fastigiate Oak,538,Story,1924,2017-06-20 19:15:01 UTC,2017-06-20 19:15:01 UTC
924,Fastigiate Oak,538,Story,1926,2017-06-20 19:15:44 UTC,2017-06-20 19:15:44 UTC
910,Oak,658,Story,1904,2017-06-20 14:03:06 UTC,2017-06-20 14:03:06 UTC
911,Oak,658,Story,1905,2017-06-20 14:03:47 UTC,2017-06-20 14:03:47 UTC
919,Planted 2008,538,Story,1921,2017-06-20 19:13:40 UTC,2017-06-20 19:13:40 UTC
918,Fastigiate Oak,538,Story,1920,2017-06-20 19:13:05 UTC,2017-06-20 19:13:05 UTC
925,Fastigiate Oak,538,Story,1927,2017-06-20 19:16:03 UTC,2017-06-20 19:16:03 UTC
1093,Lookin' good #Enniscorthy ,180,Story,2332,2017-07-31 10:10:54 UTC,2017-07-31 10:10:54 UTC
459,#spring  #young #Tilia ,429,Story,1262,2017-05-11 13:15:53 UTC,2017-05-11 13:15:53 UTC
489,Outside the Maze Prison in Lisburn,269,Story,1327,2017-05-20 07:53:24 UTC,2017-05-20 07:53:24 UTC
460,This tree  grew up outside the Maze prison. ,269,Story,1268,2017-05-11 17:43:00 UTC,2017-05-11 17:43:00 UTC
488,A tree outside The Maze Prison ,269,Story,1326,2017-05-20 07:47:50 UTC,2017-05-20 07:47:50 UTC
467,They cleared away the undergrowth here to plant these beech trees,179,Story,1283,2017-05-13 16:13:53 UTC,2017-05-13 16:13:53 UTC
469,A lovely tree in the grass market. Good view of the castle too !!! #edinburgh,178,Story,1286,2017-05-14 22:44:38 UTC,2017-05-14 22:44:38 UTC
470,Ginkgo biloba,440,Story,1287,2017-05-15 08:45:54 UTC,2017-05-15 08:45:54 UTC
213,Beechtree in grounds of Brandon house hotel New Ross,248,Story,827,2017-03-15 16:06:51 UTC,2017-03-15 16:06:51 UTC
468,Paul's scarlet hawthorn tree,433,Story,1285,2017-05-13 22:12:22 UTC,2017-05-13 22:12:22 UTC
485,Prunus padus 'Watereri' in full bloom two days ago.,284,Story,1323,2017-05-19 20:57:55 UTC,2017-05-19 20:57:55 UTC
157,View from my office window,284,Story,749,2017-03-08 11:18:49 UTC,2017-03-08 11:18:49 UTC
476,Amber springs Hotel Gorey,269,Story,1304,2017-05-18 15:54:38 UTC,2017-05-18 15:54:38 UTC
477,Amber springs Gorey,269,Story,1305,2017-05-18 15:55:21 UTC,2017-05-18 15:55:21 UTC
478,Amber springs Gorey ,269,Story,1306,2017-05-18 15:55:59 UTC,2017-05-18 15:55:59 UTC
479,Amber springs Gorey ,269,Story,1307,2017-05-18 15:56:34 UTC,2017-05-18 15:56:34 UTC
525,Start of the old blackrock railway line,178,Story,1376,2017-05-22 19:00:51 UTC,2017-05-22 19:00:51 UTC
526,#nest,178,Story,1380,2017-05-22 19:04:46 UTC,2017-05-22 19:04:46 UTC
990,#fotawildlifepark,178,Story,2092,2017-07-01 15:23:43 UTC,2017-07-01 15:23:43 UTC
991,"Someone tagged this tree before I got a chance,!",178,Story,2094,2017-07-01 17:44:56 UTC,2017-07-01 17:44:56 UTC
994,#huge 25m plus oak at #fotawildlifepark,180,Story,2099,2017-07-02 11:48:14 UTC,2017-07-02 11:48:14 UTC
995,🦁 tailed macaques chilling out next to this tree. 🌳s are good for 🐒,178,Story,2100,2017-07-02 12:49:38 UTC,2017-07-02 12:49:38 UTC
997,"Dwarf Beeches for you all :) The forest close to Torna Hällestad holds Europe's largest natural stand of Dwarf Beeches. Historically it was the beech mast that was most valuable, and thus people wanted to have beech trees with short trunks and a spreading crown.",774,Story,2103,2017-07-02 16:31:16 UTC,2017-07-02 16:31:16 UTC
993,Surkörsbär,787,Story,2098,2017-07-02 11:43:23 UTC,2017-07-02 11:43:23 UTC
1032,14 inch white Oak impacted,976,Story,2194,2017-07-16 19:03:06 UTC,2017-07-16 19:03:06 UTC
1035,42 inch water broke heavy impact,976,Story,2197,2017-07-16 19:05:52 UTC,2017-07-16 19:05:52 UTC
1034,38 inch water broke light impact,976,Story,2196,2017-07-16 19:04:54 UTC,2017-07-16 19:04:54 UTC
1033,6 inch white Oak light impact,976,Story,2195,2017-07-16 19:03:54 UTC,2017-07-16 19:03:54 UTC
1031,17 inch white Oak impacted,976,Story,2193,2017-07-16 19:01:56 UTC,2017-07-16 19:01:56 UTC
1036,9 inch wide Oak heavy impact,976,Story,2198,2017-07-16 19:06:37 UTC,2017-07-16 19:06:37 UTC
1038,32 inch loblolly pine,976,Story,2204,2017-07-19 01:29:42 UTC,2017-07-19 01:29:42 UTC
1041,Oxel,773,Story,2207,2017-07-19 08:35:10 UTC,2017-07-19 08:35:10 UTC
1040,18 inch sweet gum,976,Story,2206,2017-07-19 01:31:40 UTC,2017-07-19 01:31:40 UTC
1039,38 inch loblolly pine,976,Story,2205,2017-07-19 01:30:54 UTC,2017-07-19 01:30:54 UTC
1046,This poor thing ,269,Story,2215,2017-07-20 13:16:31 UTC,2017-07-20 13:16:31 UTC
1047,Much healthier than the one beside it,269,Story,2216,2017-07-20 13:17:16 UTC,2017-07-20 13:17:16 UTC
1045,Wexford,269,Story,2214,2017-07-20 13:15:51 UTC,2017-07-20 13:15:51 UTC
5953,#stepmonitored #step1,4342,Story,22337,2019-05-27 18:00:06 UTC,2019-05-27 18:00:06 UTC
1052,"Willow  oak 34""",976,Story,2229,2017-07-20 21:35:26 UTC,2017-07-20 21:35:26 UTC
1053,"38"" Water Oak",976,Story,2230,2017-07-20 21:45:28 UTC,2017-07-20 21:45:28 UTC
57,This is an 800 year old oak tree in malahide castle deme se . The branches touch the ground which indicate the land had never been grazed on . The diameter of the tree is approx 1.8 metres,248,Story,555,2017-02-05 15:13:45 UTC,2017-02-05 15:13:45 UTC
1048,Wexford ,269,Story,2217,2017-07-20 13:18:03 UTC,2017-07-20 13:18:03 UTC
1055,Species: sycamore ,589,Story,2258,2017-07-26 10:08:07 UTC,2017-07-26 10:08:07 UTC
1054,Species: common ash ,589,Story,2256,2017-07-26 09:59:40 UTC,2017-07-26 09:59:40 UTC
1059,Äppleträd,739,Story,2264,2017-07-26 14:07:56 UTC,2017-07-26 14:07:56 UTC
1000,Ginkgo,919,Story,2113,2017-07-04 08:15:00 UTC,2017-07-04 08:15:00 UTC
1005,🏇 chestnut I reckon!,178,Story,2133,2017-07-06 12:11:32 UTC,2017-07-06 12:11:32 UTC
871,Arcade Fire live at Malahide Castle. The real star of the show though is the tree just visible between the screen and the stage. Paul and I may or may not have spent a ridiculous amount of time climbing it back in the day,179,Story,1819,2017-06-15 13:41:39 UTC,2017-06-15 13:41:39 UTC
1010,#whatspecies,178,Story,2142,2017-07-06 12:41:47 UTC,2017-07-06 12:41:47 UTC
1014,Pines,641,Story,2151,2017-07-06 18:04:08 UTC,2017-07-06 18:04:08 UTC
1016,I trimmed this nice pine up but accidentally lion tailed a branch dead wooding it,914,Story,2153,2017-07-06 18:31:52 UTC,2017-07-06 18:31:52 UTC
1015,Monterey pine,914,Story,2152,2017-07-06 18:31:04 UTC,2017-07-06 18:31:04 UTC
1019,Small tree,940,Story,2156,2017-07-07 11:20:04 UTC,2017-07-07 11:20:04 UTC
1018,Nice tree,940,Story,2155,2017-07-07 11:00:11 UTC,2017-07-07 11:00:11 UTC
1020,Pines on pebble heathland,641,Story,2157,2017-07-07 18:25:33 UTC,2017-07-07 18:25:33 UTC
1011,This oak has really had to stretch for sunlight!,178,Story,2145,2017-07-06 12:48:49 UTC,2017-07-06 12:48:49 UTC
1013,A lovely oak to save the day! 🌳,178,Story,2149,2017-07-06 13:20:26 UTC,2017-07-06 13:20:26 UTC
1058,Species: Lombardy poplar,589,Story,2262,2017-07-26 13:04:56 UTC,2017-07-26 13:04:56 UTC
1057,Species: Lombardy poplar ,589,Story,2261,2017-07-26 13:04:04 UTC,2017-07-26 13:04:04 UTC
1350,"Before you make your way into the dedicated wildlife area, you will see the two
impressive Poplars (Populus nigra) along with three Palms, a small Oak, and two
Copper Beeches leading along the path out to Young’s Park Road.",178,Story,2729,2017-09-05 14:03:08 UTC,2017-09-05 14:03:08 UTC
1096,Sunny south west! West cork palm trees,178,Story,2336,2017-08-01 16:57:08 UTC,2017-08-01 16:57:08 UTC
251,One of a pair of mulberries planted in 1827. ,180,Story,894,2017-03-30 09:50:52 UTC,2017-03-30 09:50:52 UTC
1346,"Also known as ‘Weeping Elms’, the trees of this beautiful avenue in the centre of
Goodrington Park are unlikely to ever grow much higher than 4 metres. These trees
have only been around since the 1840s when the head forester at Camperdown
House, Scotland, discovered the tree. That original tree still stands to this day, and it
is from it that every Camperdown elm originates. Poet Marianne Moore even
wrote a poem in honour of a particular Camperdown Elm in Brooklyn, in order to save its life.",178,Story,2725,2017-09-05 13:57:11 UTC,2017-09-05 13:57:11 UTC
362,Poor dead #chick likely shoved out of its #nest in this hedgerow,180,Story,1091,2017-04-28 17:24:53 UTC,2017-04-28 17:24:53 UTC
1436,Toot siah,1919,Story,3081,2017-10-14 07:54:19 UTC,2017-10-14 07:54:19 UTC
734,#bench and #lamp by this ash tree,180,Story,1611,2017-05-25 10:16:46 UTC,2017-05-25 10:16:46 UTC
1441,Judas tree,1915,Story,3092,2017-10-15 11:15:06 UTC,2017-10-15 11:15:06 UTC
1437,Tupelo,1915,Story,3087,2017-10-14 19:45:58 UTC,2017-10-14 19:45:58 UTC
1438,willow leaves pear,1915,Story,3088,2017-10-14 20:23:56 UTC,2017-10-14 20:23:56 UTC
1444,2 Turkey oaks either side of the drive.,1915,Story,3102,2017-10-16 12:37:09 UTC,2017-10-16 12:37:09 UTC
858,Willow,589,Story,1792,2017-06-12 10:52:15 UTC,2017-06-12 10:52:15 UTC
1380,"Willow trees have been seen throughout history in folklore and myths, from the associations with ghosts in Japanese tradition to English Folklore of willow trees following travellers. In many ancient texts willow leaves and bark have been mentioned as helping aches and fevers, now known to be due to the compound salicin, which is the main component in Aspirin! The roots of willow trees spread widely, and this helps to hold together the river banks they are often found on, preserving the natural environment.",178,Story,2819,2017-09-13 19:29:27 UTC,2017-09-13 19:29:27 UTC
873,Species: sycamore ,589,Story,1821,2017-06-15 13:53:39 UTC,2017-06-15 13:53:39 UTC
1345,"On this trail there are a number of Sycamore trees, which are distinctive for their size
and ‘winged’ seeds (samaras), often nicknamed helicopters or whirlybirds as they
spin to the ground in Autumn. These are one of the oldest tree species on Earth, and
are particularly common in the UK and Torbay. An Egyptian Creation myth states that
Hathor, the Holy Cow, sat in a sycamore tree and created the Earth, everything living
on it, and the sun. Sycamore trees are a particularly good habitat for Lichen, and you
should be able to see many different species on the trunk, as shown in the picture.",178,Story,2724,2017-09-05 13:55:48 UTC,2017-09-05 13:55:48 UTC
1399,#Sycamore ,1029,Story,2872,2017-09-20 09:31:04 UTC,2017-09-20 09:31:04 UTC
878,Beautiful beeches ,641,Story,1827,2017-06-15 17:59:46 UTC,2017-06-15 17:59:46 UTC
879,Beech,641,Story,1828,2017-06-15 18:00:58 UTC,2017-06-15 18:00:58 UTC
880,11 Arms Oak,641,Story,1829,2017-06-15 18:12:36 UTC,2017-06-15 18:12:36 UTC
881,Oak man,641,Story,1830,2017-06-15 18:16:00 UTC,2017-06-15 18:16:00 UTC
865,Mulberry,383,Story,1809,2017-06-15 09:48:39 UTC,2017-06-15 09:48:39 UTC
867,Mulberry,383,Story,1812,2017-06-15 09:54:14 UTC,2017-06-15 09:54:14 UTC
868,Giant redwood,383,Story,1813,2017-06-15 09:59:21 UTC,2017-06-15 09:59:21 UTC
869,Leaf and cone of giant redwood.,383,Story,1814,2017-06-15 10:00:29 UTC,2017-06-15 10:00:29 UTC
876,#Quercus #quercuspalustris Quercus palustris gissar jag,432,Story,1826,2017-06-15 15:30:25 UTC,2017-06-15 15:30:25 UTC
1503,"Detta är egentligen acer plat frökälla Umeå. ultuna E var slut och vi fick byta till Umeå. Kul att det ibland exporteras genom söderut i landet 😀
Planterade 2016",2005,Story,3330,2017-11-09 10:19:57 UTC,2017-11-09 10:19:57 UTC
1100,Bur oak ,1074,Story,2344,2017-08-03 17:22:54 UTC,2017-08-03 17:22:54 UTC
1257,One of Denver oldest burr Oaks,1149,Story,2538,2017-08-15 19:13:27 UTC,2017-08-15 19:13:27 UTC
1101,Big ol' #multistem,180,Story,2345,2017-08-04 13:53:43 UTC,2017-08-04 13:53:43 UTC
1022,Monkey Puzzle tree,954,Story,2167,2017-07-09 14:18:59 UTC,2017-07-09 14:18:59 UTC
1024,Tall,693,Story,2171,2017-07-11 12:39:05 UTC,2017-07-11 12:39:05 UTC
1026,Beech,641,Story,2173,2017-07-11 18:07:16 UTC,2017-07-11 18:07:16 UTC
996,Robinia pseudoacacia,624,Story,2101,2017-07-02 13:18:54 UTC,2017-07-02 13:18:54 UTC
1028,You're a tree Harry!,180,Story,2175,2017-07-14 15:00:18 UTC,2017-07-14 15:00:18 UTC
1029,More wizard-tree,180,Story,2176,2017-07-14 15:01:09 UTC,2017-07-14 15:01:09 UTC
1204,A tree on an unlikely street,180,Story,2467,2017-08-10 21:18:13 UTC,2017-08-10 21:18:13 UTC
142,Half dead Robinia,284,Story,725,2017-03-04 09:03:00 UTC,2017-03-04 09:03:00 UTC
146,Tiny Acer flowers,284,Story,730,2017-03-04 12:58:07 UTC,2017-03-04 12:58:07 UTC
150,Two silver maples.,337,Story,734,2017-03-04 16:41:52 UTC,2017-03-04 16:41:52 UTC
154,Tree outside Magnus' window,284,Story,745,2017-03-07 10:37:02 UTC,2017-03-07 10:37:02 UTC
155,Walnut,284,Story,746,2017-03-07 16:31:38 UTC,2017-03-07 16:31:38 UTC
153,Picea omorika,284,Story,744,2017-03-07 06:51:59 UTC,2017-03-07 06:51:59 UTC
156,Alnus cordata,284,Story,748,2017-03-08 10:11:31 UTC,2017-03-08 10:11:31 UTC
158,"Palma en el centro del parque España 
",268,Story,751,2017-03-08 14:55:59 UTC,2017-03-08 14:55:59 UTC
164,Acer campestre,344,Story,757,2017-03-09 11:05:01 UTC,2017-03-09 11:05:01 UTC
169,Sunny Nothofagus,284,Story,764,2017-03-10 11:36:04 UTC,2017-03-10 11:36:04 UTC
172,Cornus mas,284,Story,767,2017-03-10 16:38:08 UTC,2017-03-10 16:38:08 UTC
173,Fraxinus excelsior,284,Story,769,2017-03-10 17:00:33 UTC,2017-03-10 17:00:33 UTC
189,Parque benito Juárez  ficus,268,Story,793,2017-03-12 15:01:19 UTC,2017-03-12 15:01:19 UTC
195,Big Douglas fer in downtown los gatos.,345,Story,800,2017-03-12 17:09:45 UTC,2017-03-12 17:09:45 UTC
198,The obscene wall,284,Story,809,2017-03-13 16:22:24 UTC,2017-03-13 16:22:24 UTC
214,180 years old Oak tree. New Ross,248,Story,828,2017-03-15 16:11:39 UTC,2017-03-15 16:11:39 UTC
203,Picea omorika x 3,284,Story,814,2017-03-14 15:41:29 UTC,2017-03-14 15:41:29 UTC
216,Hiba,284,Story,831,2017-03-16 17:14:09 UTC,2017-03-16 17:14:09 UTC
217,Cyrus tree at water front in Monterey.,345,Story,832,2017-03-19 00:28:27 UTC,2017-03-19 00:28:27 UTC
218,"West coast #cyprus trees at lover's point, Monterey.",345,Story,833,2017-03-19 00:55:24 UTC,2017-03-19 00:55:24 UTC
226,"100 year old silver birch tree in Frodsham, Cheshire on the Sandstone Trail. It always has a notebook for visitor's messages. Old school stories! Thanks Chris for sending on!🌲😁",178,Story,852,2017-03-24 10:45:08 UTC,2017-03-24 10:45:08 UTC
237,"September 24th 2016, tree being planted on a pretty wet day by this unsung hero",180,Story,869,2017-03-27 12:00:03 UTC,2017-03-27 12:00:03 UTC
231,Planted in the rain last year next to a brand new bench that overlooks Wexford harbour,180,Story,859,2017-03-25 09:54:52 UTC,2017-03-25 09:54:52 UTC
236,Red maple. All kinds of awesome ,246,Story,868,2017-03-26 12:44:49 UTC,2017-03-26 12:44:49 UTC
234,Yoshino Cherry Blossom,355,Story,862,2017-03-25 15:00:00 UTC,2017-03-25 15:00:00 UTC
5943,#stepmonitored #round1,4342,Story,22327,2019-05-27 17:41:30 UTC,2019-05-27 17:41:30 UTC
233,"Possibly a birch? Rich red, mahogany coloured peeling bark. ",193,Story,861,2017-03-25 13:33:32 UTC,2017-03-25 13:33:32 UTC
246,Snart grönt!,361,Story,888,2017-03-29 11:58:03 UTC,2017-03-29 11:58:03 UTC
1382,"As with all 2,500 species of Palms, the Date Palm is not native to the UK, originating in Iraq. Devon, and Torbay in particular, are especially warm due to proximity to the warm ocean currents in the Atlantic, which allows palms to thrive. Palm trees have a strong place in religion, from the tradition of ‘Palm Sunday’ in Christianity to representing peace and plenty in Judaism. Date palms can even be used to make wine!",178,Story,2821,2017-09-13 19:32:37 UTC,2017-09-13 19:32:37 UTC
1384,"As with all 2,500 species of Palms, the Date Palm is not native to the UK, originating in Iraq. Devon, and Torbay in particular, are especially warm due to proximity to the warm ocean currents in the Atlantic, which allows palms to thrive. Palm trees have a strong place in religion, from the tradition of ‘Palm Sunday’ in Christianity to representing peace and plenty in Judaism. Date palms can even be used to make wine!",178,Story,2823,2017-09-13 19:36:40 UTC,2017-09-13 19:36:40 UTC
262,Bonkers for conkers,180,Story,921,2017-03-31 11:01:07 UTC,2017-03-31 11:01:07 UTC
327,"Here, a sycamore tree grows in a dramatic dip with Hadrian’s Wall rising up either side. The 1991 film ‘Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves’, starring Kevin Costner, was filmed here. The tree has been known as The Robin Hood Tree ever since.
Sycamore Gap is looked after by both Northumberland National Park and the National Trust.",180,Story,1013,2017-04-19 23:16:39 UTC,2017-04-19 23:16:39 UTC
328,"The circular wall nearby the large sycamore protects a small replacement sycamore sapling from the local sheep, who would otherwise nibble on it. ",180,Story,1014,2017-04-19 23:19:52 UTC,2017-04-19 23:19:52 UTC
4075,#blossom ,179,Story,18450,2018-04-29 15:54:09 UTC,2018-04-29 15:54:09 UTC
279,Free hugs and #blossom,179,Story,940,2017-04-08 14:25:24 UTC,2017-04-08 14:25:24 UTC
280,Just a few people enjoying​ the park in the ☀️,179,Story,942,2017-04-08 14:29:27 UTC,2017-04-08 14:29:27 UTC
278,Blossoming Japanese type cherry tree ,360,Story,939,2017-04-08 14:22:24 UTC,2017-04-08 14:22:24 UTC
289,#chestnuthunting,178,Story,957,2017-04-10 13:17:46 UTC,2017-04-10 13:17:46 UTC
295,"Lovely tree - ""In loving memory of ...""",182,Story,968,2017-04-11 16:10:20 UTC,2017-04-11 16:10:20 UTC
296,Just some early morning tree surgery,179,Story,970,2017-04-12 08:33:01 UTC,2017-04-12 08:33:01 UTC
277,#blossom ,180,Story,936,2017-04-08 09:31:48 UTC,2017-04-08 09:31:48 UTC
302,Abies concolor,284,Story,978,2017-04-14 17:39:31 UTC,2017-04-14 17:39:31 UTC
300,#blossom,180,Story,976,2017-04-14 09:21:38 UTC,2017-04-14 09:21:38 UTC
301,#blossom ,180,Story,977,2017-04-14 13:46:27 UTC,2017-04-14 13:46:27 UTC
306,Acer campestre,284,Story,988,2017-04-16 06:45:29 UTC,2017-04-16 06:45:29 UTC
303,Does anyone know the name of this tree?,286,Story,980,2017-04-15 07:40:28 UTC,2017-04-15 07:40:28 UTC
314,Beautiful things to see at Seaton Wetlands #wildfowl,180,Story,998,2017-04-18 11:48:09 UTC,2017-04-18 11:48:09 UTC
315,Flowering cherry,359,Story,999,2017-04-18 13:40:04 UTC,2017-04-18 13:40:04 UTC
332,Sycamore trees in showground Enniscorthy.,274,Story,1031,2017-04-21 16:01:37 UTC,2017-04-21 16:01:37 UTC
337,This is amazing! Two trees have fused to create this archway in the old deanery in Ferns. Building dates from 1735 so this (these) tree could be olllld. #treetunnel,180,Story,1036,2017-04-21 19:21:40 UTC,2017-04-21 19:21:40 UTC
834,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1758,2017-06-06 18:07:42 UTC,2017-06-06 18:07:42 UTC
342,Spring green,284,Story,1042,2017-04-22 10:20:37 UTC,2017-04-22 10:20:37 UTC
336,Forsythia,284,Story,1035,2017-04-21 18:20:34 UTC,2017-04-21 18:20:34 UTC
339,Planterades 2016.,378,Story,1039,2017-04-22 09:23:14 UTC,2017-04-22 09:23:14 UTC
346,Ginkgo,284,Story,1047,2017-04-24 09:51:23 UTC,2017-04-24 09:51:23 UTC
345,Horse chestnut perhaps?,286,Story,1046,2017-04-24 09:12:28 UTC,2017-04-24 09:12:28 UTC
344,London plane tree,286,Story,1045,2017-04-23 21:55:42 UTC,2017-04-23 21:55:42 UTC
351,Parrotia persica,388,Story,1058,2017-04-26 10:46:15 UTC,2017-04-26 10:46:15 UTC
353,A pretty cosy looking #nest,179,Story,1062,2017-04-27 10:05:25 UTC,2017-04-27 10:05:25 UTC
356,Prunus,219,Story,1065,2017-04-27 12:15:59 UTC,2017-04-27 12:15:59 UTC
358,Little dog going bananas for the #blossom,180,Story,1073,2017-04-27 15:33:43 UTC,2017-04-27 15:33:43 UTC
4612,Sorry to see this big old oak go down 😟,180,Story,19952,2018-10-29 17:55:15 UTC,2018-10-29 17:55:15 UTC
464,Anyone know what type of tree this is?,286,Story,1272,2017-05-13 08:55:11 UTC,2017-05-13 08:55:11 UTC
779,"Known as the Brimmon oak, this ancient tree was due to be felled to make way for a planned bypass. Landowner Mervyn Jones and ‘tree hunter’ Rob McBride objected and campaigned to save the oak. A 5,000-strong petition, submitted to the Welsh Assembly, led to the bypass route being altered to preserve this magnificent tree.
#Ancient #Heritage #Fave",177,Story,1675,2017-06-01 09:39:44 UTC,2017-06-01 09:39:44 UTC
811,Korstörne - Gleditzia triacantos,553,Story,1733,2017-06-05 06:13:19 UTC,2017-06-05 06:13:19 UTC
821,"Crataegus orientalis, flowers in a few days",284,Story,1744,2017-06-05 16:39:43 UTC,2017-06-05 16:39:43 UTC
901,#Lemontree ,217,Story,1863,2017-06-18 16:15:17 UTC,2017-06-18 16:15:17 UTC
900,Lemon tree,217,Story,1862,2017-06-18 16:14:07 UTC,2017-06-18 16:14:07 UTC
1454,Japanese maple,1074,Story,3162,2017-10-19 16:48:33 UTC,2017-10-19 16:48:33 UTC
1453,Maple,1074,Story,3161,2017-10-19 16:47:51 UTC,2017-10-19 16:47:51 UTC
1452,Birch,1074,Story,3158,2017-10-19 16:22:14 UTC,2017-10-19 16:22:14 UTC
1458,Ornäsbjörk,1905,Story,3180,2017-10-21 14:15:49 UTC,2017-10-21 14:15:49 UTC
1459,Golden foliage in the fall. Beautiful tree!,1946,Story,3181,2017-10-21 14:59:05 UTC,2017-10-21 14:59:05 UTC
1457,Cedar ,641,Story,3179,2017-10-21 12:47:12 UTC,2017-10-21 12:47:12 UTC
1460,Storm #ophelia haircut!,178,Story,3184,2017-10-22 12:14:06 UTC,2017-10-22 12:14:06 UTC
1472,"It has a fragrant resin which in the USA is made into salves and perfumes
Male flowers are yellow and grow in a cluster.
The fruit are round and spiky and go from green to brown
",1934,Story,3236,2017-10-25 19:37:52 UTC,2017-10-25 19:37:52 UTC
744,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1624,2017-05-26 17:50:24 UTC,2017-05-26 17:50:24 UTC
838,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,599,Story,1763,2017-06-06 18:18:23 UTC,2017-06-06 18:18:23 UTC
757,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1640,2017-05-28 14:24:38 UTC,2017-05-28 14:24:38 UTC
830,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1754,2017-06-06 17:52:47 UTC,2017-06-06 17:52:47 UTC
1476,Split trunked,1968,Story,3242,2017-10-26 02:54:07 UTC,2017-10-26 02:54:07 UTC
1477,Tall,1968,Story,3243,2017-10-26 02:57:36 UTC,2017-10-26 02:57:36 UTC
944,Planterad som solitär 200-250 kl. Leverantör Stångby Plantskola,344,Story,2009,2017-06-27 08:39:32 UTC,2017-06-27 08:39:32 UTC
5946,#stepmonitored #round1,4342,Story,22330,2019-05-27 17:48:50 UTC,2019-05-27 17:48:50 UTC
965,Valnöt,787,Story,2057,2017-06-30 10:19:24 UTC,2017-06-30 10:19:24 UTC
43,Thujopsis dolabrata,196,Story,527,2017-01-25 13:04:34 UTC,2017-01-25 13:04:34 UTC
1021,Acer japp. Microphyllum,670,Story,2161,2017-07-08 17:18:48 UTC,2017-07-08 17:18:48 UTC

Hhjkkkkk",178,Story,449,2016-12-20 14:11:11 UTC,2016-12-20 14:11:11 UTC
5949,#stepmonitored #round1,4342,Story,22333,2019-05-27 17:52:19 UTC,2019-05-27 17:52:19 UTC
372,1 of 100 oak planted in 2016,219,Story,1111,2017-04-30 22:08:47 UTC,2017-04-30 22:08:47 UTC
367,"2016 oak, 1 of 100 planted.",219,Story,1106,2017-04-30 21:43:41 UTC,2017-04-30 21:43:41 UTC
380,group of oak planted in 2016.,219,Story,1119,2017-04-30 22:34:07 UTC,2017-04-30 22:34:07 UTC
381,group of oak planted in 2016,219,Story,1120,2017-04-30 22:36:17 UTC,2017-04-30 22:36:17 UTC
382,#mature #private #nests ,403,Story,1121,2017-05-01 04:39:42 UTC,2017-05-01 04:39:42 UTC
385,#private #mature ,403,Story,1124,2017-05-01 04:48:50 UTC,2017-05-01 04:48:50 UTC
384,#mature #private ,403,Story,1123,2017-05-01 04:46:50 UTC,2017-05-01 04:46:50 UTC
338,Tetracentron,284,Story,1038,2017-04-22 09:03:48 UTC,2017-04-22 09:03:48 UTC
363,Cool huge tree here! Anyone know the species?,178,Story,1100,2017-04-30 19:23:23 UTC,2017-04-30 19:23:23 UTC
389,Maple trees on Basingstoke road #streettree #rdguk,407,Story,1129,2017-05-01 08:43:29 UTC,2017-05-01 08:43:29 UTC
402,#mature ,403,Story,1150,2017-05-01 16:28:05 UTC,2017-05-01 16:28:05 UTC
420,Uk&I winner Strawberry Tree,286,Story,1174,2017-05-02 21:28:10 UTC,2017-05-02 21:28:10 UTC
166,Green,284,Story,760,2017-03-09 16:25:09 UTC,2017-03-09 16:25:09 UTC
422,"Acer negundo, this time last year",284,Story,1176,2017-05-03 20:20:29 UTC,2017-05-03 20:20:29 UTC
273,"This is a mature Ash at the intersection of Goldsmiths  Lane & Knights Lane in All Saints, East Devon at the entrance to the lane to The Chestnuts. It has a TPO. It's about 1 metre did.",366,Story,932,2017-04-03 14:52:01 UTC,2017-04-03 14:52:01 UTC
1987,Don't think this mist will be lifting today anyway. Makes the #hedgerow look cool though,180,Story,4524,2018-01-11 13:05:14 UTC,2018-01-11 13:05:14 UTC
1074,Monterey pine doing what they do....,363,Story,2299,2017-07-27 11:33:38 UTC,2017-07-27 11:33:38 UTC
1078,The final cherry on our street #mature #private ,1029,Story,2307,2017-07-27 16:36:28 UTC,2017-07-27 16:36:28 UTC
1070,"Corner of Golf course, entrance to Torre Abbey",676,Story,2282,2017-07-27 11:01:55 UTC,2017-07-27 11:01:55 UTC
1072,Weak fork @ 3m,363,Story,2291,2017-07-27 11:17:09 UTC,2017-07-27 11:17:09 UTC
1403,Red Oak in September,1814,Story,2882,2017-09-21 10:14:07 UTC,2017-09-21 10:14:07 UTC
1076,Indian bean trees do rather well in the SW,363,Story,2302,2017-07-27 11:43:58 UTC,2017-07-27 11:43:58 UTC
1077,Fantastic flowers on this Indian bean tree,261,Story,2305,2017-07-27 11:47:52 UTC,2017-07-27 11:47:52 UTC
1381,"An iconic tree in the English landscape, and the most common tree species in the UK, this particular Oak deserves admiring. This tree is thought to be over 450 years old, which would mean it was around whilst England was under Queen Elizabeth I’s rule! Look out for the distinctive lobed leaves and acorns which mature over a few seasons. The acorns can actually be turned into flour when mature, and have been used in the past as a substitute for coffee! Don’t try eating them without processing though, as they contain tannins which can cause stomach aches.",178,Story,2820,2017-09-13 19:31:18 UTC,2017-09-13 19:31:18 UTC
1073,A fine example of a Tulip tree growing within the grounds of Torre Abbey #mature #heritage #forkedtrunk #itreetrail ,1029,Story,2294,2017-07-27 11:22:19 UTC,2017-07-27 11:22:19 UTC
1383,"Named for their tulip shaped flowers, these beautiful trees can live up to 300 years and produce blooms for much of this time. This member of the magnolia family is the largest American hardwood, and was first brought to the UK in 1688, when it was found to be adaptable to the climate of the south of England. Tulip trees can live to around 200 years.",178,Story,2822,2017-09-13 19:34:05 UTC,2017-09-13 19:34:05 UTC
1071,A two hug tree!,1029,Story,2286,2017-07-27 11:10:18 UTC,2017-07-27 11:10:18 UTC
1068,Maple,363,Story,2279,2017-07-27 10:57:55 UTC,2017-07-27 10:57:55 UTC
2664,What looks to me like a female bullfinch eating the new buds off this cherry tree.,178,Story,5393,2018-02-20 15:48:34 UTC,2018-02-20 15:48:34 UTC
2627,Buds starting to appear in Cork. #flowers ,178,Story,5294,2018-02-08 10:05:22 UTC,2018-02-08 10:05:22 UTC
426,A little less impressive without all its pink flowers,178,Story,1181,2017-05-05 09:11:08 UTC,2017-05-05 09:11:08 UTC
",178,Story,675,2017-02-22 17:29:39 UTC,2017-02-22 17:29:39 UTC
5,This is a red leaf tree,178,Story,448,2016-12-20 13:31:14 UTC,2016-12-20 13:31:14 UTC
1,My garden tree has lost all its leaves #winter,178,Story,440,2016-12-20 12:21:46 UTC,2016-12-20 12:21:46 UTC
1084,Fairy garden!!,179,Story,2313,2017-07-28 09:50:38 UTC,2017-07-28 09:50:38 UTC
1265,Acorn s appearing on this oak #fruitandnut,178,Story,2561,2017-08-17 17:36:26 UTC,2017-08-17 17:36:26 UTC
1088,I think this is some kind of eucalyptus tree. Can anyone confirm for me? #whatspecies #mappingcork,178,Story,2318,2017-07-28 19:19:37 UTC,2017-07-28 19:19:37 UTC
1089,Fågelbärsträd,1044,Story,2319,2017-07-29 08:17:39 UTC,2017-07-29 08:17:39 UTC
1090,Possible symptoms of ash die back noted.  Dead foliage retained within the crown and sunken triangular lesions.,1029,Story,2326,2017-07-30 13:20:49 UTC,2017-07-30 13:20:49 UTC
1091,Plein air painting in the Bullring,180,Story,2328,2017-07-30 16:16:57 UTC,2017-07-30 16:16:57 UTC
1092,Little #bird came in to eats some squashed floor chips in the shade of this oak down at the Bullring,180,Story,2329,2017-07-30 16:24:05 UTC,2017-07-30 16:24:05 UTC
1708,Enniscorthy and the Slaney #river looking good on a beautiful #winter day. Pity this tree looks like it's had some damage to its trunk. Amazing vivid red shoots though.,180,Story,3646,2017-11-29 21:47:29 UTC,2017-11-29 21:47:29 UTC
1098,This variegated tree has the most amazing foliage and canopy.,261,Story,2338,2017-08-01 18:30:57 UTC,2017-08-01 18:30:57 UTC
1095,A tall stand of flooded gums approaching 40m perhaps more. Still young and healthy and very imposing!,1057,Story,2335,2017-08-01 04:23:10 UTC,2017-08-01 04:23:10 UTC
41,Horse chestnut in saint John's churchyard,264,Story,522,2017-01-19 09:42:25 UTC,2017-01-19 09:42:25 UTC
138,Industrial spruces,284,Story,717,2017-03-01 14:36:32 UTC,2017-03-01 14:36:32 UTC
788,Prunus serotina,284,Story,1686,2017-06-02 14:42:13 UTC,2017-06-02 14:42:13 UTC
136,Prunus serotina!,284,Story,715,2017-03-01 14:26:01 UTC,2017-03-01 14:26:01 UTC
137,Tiny paperbark maple,284,Story,716,2017-03-01 14:32:19 UTC,2017-03-01 14:32:19 UTC
139,Sloe,284,Story,719,2017-03-01 15:45:21 UTC,2017-03-01 15:45:21 UTC
1517,Rött kaneläpple,2040,Story,3352,2017-11-11 12:25:01 UTC,2017-11-11 12:25:01 UTC
1518,Removed for intersection works,2064,Story,3354,2017-11-12 00:51:17 UTC,2017-11-12 00:51:17 UTC
1485,Tilia cordata,1989,Story,3264,2017-11-02 10:41:10 UTC,2017-11-02 10:41:10 UTC
1513,Fyra exemplar med pinus cembra bakom och på sidorna.,2005,Story,3345,2017-11-10 14:08:50 UTC,2017-11-10 14:08:50 UTC
1509,Malus domestica ” gyllenlroks astrakan”,2041,Story,3337,2017-11-10 13:07:40 UTC,2017-11-10 13:07:40 UTC
1506,#fully_mature ,2005,Story,3334,2017-11-10 07:39:58 UTC,2017-11-10 07:39:58 UTC
1510,silver birch,1915,Story,3339,2017-11-10 13:34:40 UTC,2017-11-10 13:34:40 UTC
1511,betula,1915,Story,3340,2017-11-10 13:36:58 UTC,2017-11-10 13:36:58 UTC
1512,#juvenile ,2005,Story,3341,2017-11-10 13:48:11 UTC,2017-11-10 13:48:11 UTC
1563,Ornamental cherry,2091,Story,3444,2017-11-17 22:14:55 UTC,2017-11-17 22:14:55 UTC
1590,#newly_planted ,2005,Story,3476,2017-11-19 10:33:07 UTC,2017-11-19 10:33:07 UTC
1594,#newly_planted ,2005,Story,3480,2017-11-19 10:56:05 UTC,2017-11-19 10:56:05 UTC
1593,#newly_planted ,2005,Story,3479,2017-11-19 10:51:55 UTC,2017-11-19 10:51:55 UTC
1591,#newly_planted ,2005,Story,3477,2017-11-19 10:43:05 UTC,2017-11-19 10:43:05 UTC
1592,#newly_planted ,2005,Story,3478,2017-11-19 10:48:29 UTC,2017-11-19 10:48:29 UTC
1445,Birch getting hammered by #storm Ophelia,180,Story,3119,2017-10-16 15:21:34 UTC,2017-10-16 15:21:34 UTC
4650,#camtrees,2062,Story,20090,2018-12-01 10:33:55 UTC,2018-12-01 10:33:55 UTC
1516,Fredrik,2040,Story,3351,2017-11-11 12:17:11 UTC,2017-11-11 12:17:11 UTC
1522,Tuff plats att växa på men gör stor nytta för barnens lek på sjukhuset. Bör dock göras kontroll av rothalsen som riskerar att skadas av för tätt byggd trätrall.#newly_planted ,2005,Story,3358,2017-11-12 10:43:08 UTC,2017-11-12 10:43:08 UTC
1519,#mature ,2005,Story,3355,2017-11-12 10:19:51 UTC,2017-11-12 10:19:51 UTC
1521,Välmatade kottar!#usefultree ,2005,Story,3357,2017-11-12 10:35:03 UTC,2017-11-12 10:35:03 UTC
1523,Street tree,2064,Story,3363,2017-11-13 05:55:19 UTC,2017-11-13 05:55:19 UTC
1524,Eucalyptus cinerea,2064,Story,3365,2017-11-13 06:04:08 UTC,2017-11-13 06:04:08 UTC
1525,Front yard tree,2064,Story,3366,2017-11-13 06:10:40 UTC,2017-11-13 06:10:40 UTC
912,Oak,658,Story,1906,2017-06-20 14:04:05 UTC,2017-06-20 14:04:05 UTC
909,Oak,658,Story,1903,2017-06-20 14:01:28 UTC,2017-06-20 14:01:28 UTC
387,An oak tree on the boundary between properties on Basingstoke road and Meavy Gardens.,407,Story,1127,2017-05-01 08:24:41 UTC,2017-05-01 08:24:41 UTC
877,Species: copper beech,589,Story,1825,2017-06-15 15:30:25 UTC,2017-06-15 15:30:25 UTC
1707,Jättetuja plicata vita vax linjer på undersidan.,2153,Story,3643,2017-11-29 13:14:28 UTC,2017-11-29 13:14:28 UTC
1706,Jättetuja,2153,Story,3642,2017-11-29 13:12:10 UTC,2017-11-29 13:12:10 UTC
1489," Very large tree, slightly in decline but still got a few years yet. The soil suits the Ash tree in this area and many can be seen in the hedgerows and woods. ",1915,Story,3271,2017-11-04 07:27:56 UTC,2017-11-04 07:27:56 UTC
1494,Trees getting winter-naked around the green in #Inistioge,180,Story,3298,2017-11-07 10:25:16 UTC,2017-11-07 10:25:16 UTC
1493,"#WoodstockGardens, Inistioge",180,Story,3297,2017-11-07 10:22:31 UTC,2017-11-07 10:22:31 UTC
1685,The national tree of Chile ,2044,Story,3613,2017-11-25 17:16:34 UTC,2017-11-25 17:16:34 UTC
1505,Bilder,2040,Story,3333,2017-11-09 17:41:10 UTC,2017-11-09 17:41:10 UTC
1500,"Acer platanoides
 svensk skogslönn",2040,Story,3326,2017-11-08 18:53:22 UTC,2017-11-08 18:53:22 UTC
1502,Bok är betydligt härdigare än de flesta tror. Jag har sett bok upp efter Norrlands kusten ända upp till Örnsköldsvik. Fröna har dock ytterst sällan ngn grobarhet.,2005,Story,3329,2017-11-09 10:12:08 UTC,2017-11-09 10:12:08 UTC
1501,#winter #noleaves #young_mature ,2005,Story,3327,2017-11-09 08:54:33 UTC,2017-11-09 08:54:33 UTC
1537,Magnolia 'Vulcan',2040,Story,3398,2017-11-14 11:06:55 UTC,2017-11-14 11:06:55 UTC
4090,I full blomning ,1793,Story,18471,2018-05-02 14:45:32 UTC,2018-05-02 14:45:32 UTC
1532,Magnolia rustica rubra,2040,Story,3378,2017-11-13 14:28:53 UTC,2017-11-13 14:28:53 UTC
1533,"Detta träd har varit omskrivet i både lokal och nationell press. Ett antal personer har engagerat sig för att rädda det eftersom en byggherre ville ta ner det efter att hen köpt tomten av Gävle kommun. Jag bestämde redan förra veckan att jag skulle lägga in det på Curio eftersom det är ett träd som engagerat många (känslor). Otroligt nog sågades det ner idag på förmiddagen av en okänd person, efter år av bevakning från stödgruppen. Kommunen har även försökt att köpa tillbaka tomten eftersom många röster höjdes för att rädda det.

Jag tog några bilder och plockade med mig några äpplen hem. Dom smakar surt....",2005,Story,3379,2017-11-13 15:44:26 UTC,2017-11-13 15:44:26 UTC
1535,"Here´s a link to the local newspapers complete history about tree, the last couple of years.",2005,Story,3381,2017-11-13 17:32:11 UTC,2017-11-13 17:32:11 UTC
1527,#Dubai - Desert greens!,269,Story,3370,2017-11-13 12:25:30 UTC,2017-11-13 12:25:30 UTC
1529,Magnolia yellow river,2040,Story,3375,2017-11-13 14:21:16 UTC,2017-11-13 14:21:16 UTC
1538,Planterad som 10-12 år 2006. Extremt svag tillväxt för att vara Björk.,2005,Story,3399,2017-11-14 11:35:29 UTC,2017-11-14 11:35:29 UTC
1531,Magnolia wildcat,2040,Story,3377,2017-11-13 14:26:35 UTC,2017-11-13 14:26:35 UTC
1539,Dubai palms,269,Story,3401,2017-11-14 13:29:03 UTC,2017-11-14 13:29:03 UTC
1540,On hot days these create great shelter. Dubai,269,Story,3402,2017-11-14 13:30:29 UTC,2017-11-14 13:30:29 UTC
1543,#multistem #mature ,2005,Story,3405,2017-11-14 18:35:14 UTC,2017-11-14 18:35:14 UTC
1551,Cementerytree at Leira kirkegård ,2008,Story,3425,2017-11-15 10:12:11 UTC,2017-11-15 10:12:11 UTC
1549,Cementerytree at Leira kirkegård ,2008,Story,3421,2017-11-15 09:37:06 UTC,2017-11-15 09:37:06 UTC
1546,#fully_mature ,2005,Story,3418,2017-11-15 09:21:57 UTC,2017-11-15 09:21:57 UTC
1545,Cementerytree at Leira kirkegård ,2008,Story,3417,2017-11-15 09:21:30 UTC,2017-11-15 09:21:30 UTC
1619,Trying To be accurate,2097,Story,3523,2017-11-20 14:53:48 UTC,2017-11-20 14:53:48 UTC
1622,Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'pendula' ,2047,Story,3542,2017-11-21 09:02:54 UTC,2017-11-21 09:02:54 UTC
1618,Cherry tree,2097,Story,3522,2017-11-20 14:48:06 UTC,2017-11-20 14:48:06 UTC
1617,It is very majestic,2097,Story,3514,2017-11-20 07:57:37 UTC,2017-11-20 07:57:37 UTC
1616,Can view this from our bedroom window,2097,Story,3513,2017-11-20 07:56:52 UTC,2017-11-20 07:56:52 UTC
1626,Planted in 2015 by me in my garden,2117,Story,3548,2017-11-22 12:12:56 UTC,2017-11-22 12:12:56 UTC
1625,"Planted by me in my garden, April 2017",2117,Story,3547,2017-11-22 12:10:38 UTC,2017-11-22 12:10:38 UTC
1627,En härlig ek med mycket vacker höstfärg och djupt flikiga blad.,2118,Story,3550,2017-11-22 18:43:58 UTC,2017-11-22 18:43:58 UTC
1628,Gammalt exemplar av äpplet Transparant blanche,2118,Story,3551,2017-11-22 18:49:56 UTC,2017-11-22 18:49:56 UTC
1629,Gott äpple!,2118,Story,3552,2017-11-22 18:56:59 UTC,2017-11-22 18:56:59 UTC
1633,Hängande långa grenar med läckra små bär,2118,Story,3556,2017-11-22 19:07:27 UTC,2017-11-22 19:07:27 UTC
1632,Fantastiskt goda bär när fåglarna inte hinner först.,2118,Story,3555,2017-11-22 19:04:19 UTC,2017-11-22 19:04:19 UTC
1630,Gammal oklar sort med inympad gammal gravensteiner.,2118,Story,3553,2017-11-22 18:59:13 UTC,2017-11-22 18:59:13 UTC
1634,Stor knotig bok,2118,Story,3557,2017-11-22 21:28:47 UTC,2017-11-22 21:28:47 UTC
1636,Denna gamla läckra sort heter Flädie med stora gröna saftiga äpplen.,2118,Story,3562,2017-11-23 17:57:19 UTC,2017-11-23 17:57:19 UTC
5956,#stepmonitored #round1,4342,Story,22340,2019-05-27 18:04:45 UTC,2019-05-27 18:04:45 UTC
1637,Vacker björk,2118,Story,3563,2017-11-23 18:06:23 UTC,2017-11-23 18:06:23 UTC
1635,Stora röda vackra blad på hösten ,2118,Story,3561,2017-11-23 17:54:15 UTC,2017-11-23 17:54:15 UTC
1639,Större gammal björk,2118,Story,3565,2017-11-23 20:24:52 UTC,2017-11-23 20:24:52 UTC
1656,"Underbar röd färgklick, speciellt på hösten",2118,Story,3582,2017-11-23 21:02:28 UTC,2017-11-23 21:02:28 UTC
1654,Bullig röd vacker,2118,Story,3580,2017-11-23 20:58:22 UTC,2017-11-23 20:58:22 UTC
1640,Stor glansbjörk med vacker stam,2118,Story,3566,2017-11-23 20:37:53 UTC,2017-11-23 20:37:53 UTC
1653,Läcker,2118,Story,3579,2017-11-23 20:57:22 UTC,2017-11-23 20:57:22 UTC
1641,En större björk med häxkvast.,2118,Story,3567,2017-11-23 20:40:14 UTC,2017-11-23 20:40:14 UTC
1652,Vacker färg på bladen,2118,Story,3578,2017-11-23 20:56:21 UTC,2017-11-23 20:56:21 UTC
1649,"Härlig höstfärg, vackra barr!",2118,Story,3575,2017-11-23 20:52:51 UTC,2017-11-23 20:52:51 UTC
1647,Mindre och bulligt exemplar,2118,Story,3573,2017-11-23 20:50:16 UTC,2017-11-23 20:50:16 UTC
1646,Mindre och bulligt exemplar,2118,Story,3572,2017-11-23 20:49:41 UTC,2017-11-23 20:49:41 UTC
1644,Stort gammalt knotigt exemplar,2118,Story,3570,2017-11-23 20:45:12 UTC,2017-11-23 20:45:12 UTC
1648,Gammal större buske,2118,Story,3574,2017-11-23 20:51:23 UTC,2017-11-23 20:51:23 UTC
1650,Uppstammad rödbladig ormhassel,2118,Story,3576,2017-11-23 20:53:49 UTC,2017-11-23 20:53:49 UTC
1651,Goda blommor,2118,Story,3577,2017-11-23 20:54:55 UTC,2017-11-23 20:54:55 UTC
1657,Vacker blålila som fjärilarna älskar,2118,Story,3583,2017-11-23 21:03:48 UTC,2017-11-23 21:03:48 UTC
1658,"'Alba', stora vita blommor",2118,Story,3584,2017-11-23 21:04:43 UTC,2017-11-23 21:04:43 UTC
1659,Trivs i skyddat läge mot häcken ,2118,Story,3585,2017-11-23 21:06:37 UTC,2017-11-23 21:06:37 UTC
1643,Hamlad och senare utvuxen Tysklönn,2118,Story,3569,2017-11-23 20:43:24 UTC,2017-11-23 20:43:24 UTC
1662,Klättrar på blomsterbåge,2118,Story,3588,2017-11-23 21:11:32 UTC,2017-11-23 21:11:32 UTC
1263,Tree with a view #love ,1029,Story,2558,2017-08-17 14:13:39 UTC,2017-08-17 14:13:39 UTC
4085,"Common walnut in Trinity, planted in 1994. Native from South Eastern Europe to the Himalaya. Crann gallchnó - tree with foreign nut in Irish :)",2466,Story,18466,2018-05-01 14:53:34 UTC,2018-05-01 15:25:49 UTC
4091,Vad är detta för träd?,2802,Story,18474,2018-05-03 10:39:21 UTC,2018-05-03 10:39:21 UTC
4087,Detta är en äkta ornäsbjörk (Dalecarlia),2780,Story,18468,2018-05-02 10:58:46 UTC,2018-05-02 10:58:46 UTC
4088,"A tall and elegant lime that we were admiring for our tea room this morning.  Lime here being a Tilia sp. not at all related to the citrus limes, don't be deceived into using its fruit in fancy cocktails! Curio photo expedition cut very short by a sudden early May hailstorm.",2466,Story,18469,2018-05-02 14:06:50 UTC,2018-05-02 14:06:50 UTC
3388,This little guy could probably do with some love if he’s going to grow old,177,Story,17679,2018-03-26 22:20:14 UTC,2018-03-26 22:20:14 UTC
4101,"Sorten 'Beauty of Kent', enligt legenden Newtons äppelträd.",1083,Story,18490,2018-05-05 16:19:35 UTC,2018-05-05 16:19:35 UTC
4099,I love this! When they were developing this new building at #TCD they accommodated the tree into the structure rather than removing it. Communicates a clear value-based message and also looks really cool 😎,180,Story,18488,2018-05-05 08:51:55 UTC,2018-05-05 08:51:55 UTC
4097,Check out these two buddies 🤞,180,Story,18486,2018-05-05 08:46:45 UTC,2018-05-05 08:46:45 UTC
4098,Don’t know what you are but I like you,180,Story,18487,2018-05-05 08:47:49 UTC,2018-05-05 08:47:49 UTC
4100,Pick apples in September,2811,Story,18489,2018-05-05 11:04:12 UTC,2018-05-05 11:04:12 UTC
2703,"Säregen blomning med vita hängande kronblad som ser ut som näsdukar. Har även fina frukter på hösten, ser ut som bruna julgranskulor.",2542,Story,5463,2018-02-27 13:11:40 UTC,2018-02-27 13:11:40 UTC
4003,"Omkrets 1m upp 1,5cm",1821,Story,18311,2018-04-04 08:44:28 UTC,2018-04-04 08:44:28 UTC
4105,This tree blooms beautiful every year and has been here longer than I have 🌳,2824,Story,18535,2018-05-08 22:35:40 UTC,2018-05-08 22:35:40 UTC
4107,Stor spricka/ påbörjad fläkning,2116,Story,18539,2018-05-09 14:35:15 UTC,2018-05-09 14:35:15 UTC
4108,Gammal påkörninsskada,2116,Story,18540,2018-05-09 14:38:41 UTC,2018-05-09 14:38:41 UTC
4109,Rötter avgrävda 2018,2116,Story,18541,2018-05-09 14:41:00 UTC,2018-05-09 14:41:00 UTC
4111,Rötter avgrävda 2018,2116,Story,18543,2018-05-09 14:43:14 UTC,2018-05-09 14:43:14 UTC
4112,Rötter avgrävda 2018,2116,Story,18544,2018-05-09 14:44:46 UTC,2018-05-09 14:44:46 UTC
4113,Rötter möjligen avgrävda 2018,2116,Story,18545,2018-05-09 14:46:21 UTC,2018-05-09 14:46:21 UTC
4119,Rötter avgrävda 2018,2116,Story,18551,2018-05-09 14:52:16 UTC,2018-05-09 14:52:16 UTC
4120,Rötter avgrävda 2018,2116,Story,18553,2018-05-09 14:54:53 UTC,2018-05-09 14:54:53 UTC
4121,Rötter möjligen avgrävda 2018,2116,Story,18554,2018-05-09 14:55:55 UTC,2018-05-09 14:55:55 UTC
4122,Rötter avgrävda 2018,2116,Story,18555,2018-05-09 14:56:45 UTC,2018-05-09 14:56:45 UTC
4123,Gammal påkörninsskada,2116,Story,18559,2018-05-09 15:13:30 UTC,2018-05-09 15:13:30 UTC
4125,Riktigt hög och med tjock stam,2116,Story,18562,2018-05-09 15:24:14 UTC,2018-05-09 15:24:14 UTC
4126,Hamlad,2116,Story,18563,2018-05-09 15:28:28 UTC,2018-05-09 15:28:28 UTC
4128,A tiny sapling on the heath. Let’s see how it grows!,2827,Story,18568,2018-05-09 18:49:46 UTC,2018-05-09 18:49:46 UTC
4130,Sex stycken Ginkgos. Tråkigt skick,2116,Story,18571,2018-05-11 12:48:51 UTC,2018-05-11 12:48:51 UTC
4131,This pyrus should be at least 100 years old. Strangled by metal-bracing at Two meters.,2789,Story,18573,2018-05-11 17:43:51 UTC,2018-05-11 17:43:51 UTC
4132,This tree has leaves everywhere,179,Story,18578,2018-05-12 16:16:00 UTC,2018-05-12 16:16:00 UTC
4134,"Japanskt körsbärsträd med grönsvarta blad
",2830,Story,18580,2018-05-13 03:34:44 UTC,2018-05-13 03:34:44 UTC
4133,Grönsvarta blad,2830,Story,18579,2018-05-12 16:20:55 UTC,2018-05-12 16:20:55 UTC
4127,"This hornbeam has a pleasingly neat shape. It's leaves are like a beech but less smooth and with more serrated edges. The Irish is crann sleamhain,  which translates rougly slippery or sly tree though we can't figure out why? Any thoughts?",2466,Story,18565,2018-05-09 16:18:48 UTC,2018-05-09 16:18:48 UTC
",180,Story,817,2017-03-15 09:12:18 UTC,2017-03-15 09:12:18 UTC
206,#blossom  these three trees in bloom,180,Story,818,2017-03-15 09:13:31 UTC,2017-03-15 09:13:31 UTC
1666,Rödek,2153,Story,3593,2017-11-24 15:10:37 UTC,2017-11-24 15:10:37 UTC
1665,I could not help it. Just had to register. The Beavers normally prefer populus and alnus. I guess he or she had some extra teeth-itsch. Problems like this is geting more serious in some northern towns in Sweden along riverbanks.,2005,Story,3591,2017-11-24 08:39:40 UTC,2017-11-24 08:39:40 UTC
1690,"Exochorda racemosa, pärlbuske. Familj: Rosaceae – rosväxter. C och Ö Kina. Yvig, lövfällande buske (2-3 m hög och bred). Skott bruna, kantiga, kala med ägglika och mörkt purpurfärgade knoppar. Blad enkla, strödda, mestadels helbräddade men kan vara sågade mot bladspetsen. Vacker under lång tid – först med pärlliknande blomknoppar, sedan med vita femtaliga blommor (2 cm) under sommarens första hälft (rikblommande) och avslutningsvis vackra  femvingade kapslar i terminala klasar. Frön vingade. Lämplig som solitär, i grupper eller som avgränsning.  Föredrar näringsrik, kalkfattig jord i sol-halvskugga. Behöver underhållsbeskärning för att hålla sig vital och blomrik. Beskärningen utförs under vårvintern eller efter blomningen.  Etymologi: Exochorda, av grekiskans exo, utanför och chorde, sträng. Syftar på celltrådar från placentan (fröfästet). Racemosa, av latinets racemósus, här syftande på blomställningen (en klase). Zon 3.
",1083,Story,3620,2017-11-27 08:26:33 UTC,2017-11-27 08:26:33 UTC
1671,Läckra bär,2118,Story,3598,2017-11-25 14:09:41 UTC,2017-11-25 14:09:41 UTC
1673,Kirsten Pink,2040,Story,3600,2017-11-25 14:11:59 UTC,2017-11-25 14:11:59 UTC
1670,Snabbväxande träd ,2118,Story,3597,2017-11-25 14:08:31 UTC,2017-11-25 14:08:31 UTC
1674,Valnöt,2118,Story,3601,2017-11-25 14:12:32 UTC,2017-11-25 14:12:32 UTC
1668,Mysigt klotformigt träd,2118,Story,3595,2017-11-25 14:03:46 UTC,2017-11-25 14:03:46 UTC
1682,Fin ek,2118,Story,3609,2017-11-25 14:19:43 UTC,2017-11-25 14:19:43 UTC
1686,A wedding present from Wendover friends,1937,Story,3614,2017-11-25 18:27:29 UTC,2017-11-25 18:27:29 UTC
1669,Goda plommon!,2118,Story,3596,2017-11-25 14:06:17 UTC,2017-11-25 14:06:17 UTC
1679,Goda frukter ,2118,Story,3606,2017-11-25 14:16:58 UTC,2017-11-25 14:16:58 UTC
1675,"Robinia pseudoacacia
robinia",2153,Story,3602,2017-11-25 14:12:38 UTC,2017-11-25 14:12:38 UTC
1676,Svedala den enda plats i Sverige där denna art hittats naturligt ,2118,Story,3603,2017-11-25 14:13:56 UTC,2017-11-25 14:13:56 UTC
1688,Platerat november 2017,2162,Story,3618,2017-11-26 18:46:12 UTC,2017-11-26 18:46:12 UTC
1687,Magnolia sieboldii,2124,Story,3615,2017-11-26 08:56:29 UTC,2017-11-26 08:56:29 UTC
1689,Planterades 2010,2162,Story,3619,2017-11-26 18:50:15 UTC,2017-11-26 18:50:15 UTC
1691,The beginnings of some #WitchesBroom in this birch,180,Story,3622,2017-11-27 08:44:12 UTC,2017-11-27 08:44:12 UTC
396,Bunclody sunny days,269,Story,1144,2017-05-01 16:02:43 UTC,2017-05-01 16:02:43 UTC
1694,Skrynkelolvon,2153,Story,3625,2017-11-27 12:32:20 UTC,2017-11-27 12:32:20 UTC
1695,Hybrid idégran,2153,Story,3627,2017-11-27 12:45:12 UTC,2017-11-27 12:45:12 UTC
11552,#step #june ,4458,Story,30143,2020-06-13 20:30:14 UTC,2020-06-13 20:30:14 UTC
5957,#stepmonitored #round1  100 Riverside Blvd,4342,Story,22341,2019-05-27 18:09:32 UTC,2019-05-27 18:09:32 UTC
1623,Planterad runt 1992.,2047,Story,3544,2017-11-22 12:01:57 UTC,2017-11-22 12:01:57 UTC
1710,Lind ,2043,Story,3649,2017-11-30 13:07:47 UTC,2017-11-30 13:07:47 UTC
1715,"Ledningsgruppen YH arborist invid trädet den 1:a december 2017.  Trädet planterades  på initiativ av Björn Vollbrecht, den 30:e november 2017 till ledamoten Oscar Marchettis minne, grundare av Arborsyd och arboristpionjär i Sverige. Ungersk ek växer vild även i Oscar Marchettis hemland Italien. Den skiljer sig från skogsek (Quercus robur) bl.a. genom sina långa bladflikar.

Personer på bilden från vänster: Maximilian Löfgren (Svenska kyrkan i Malmö), Margareta Gabrielsson (rektor, Hvilan Utbildning), Rolf Ahrling ordförande i ledningsgruppen (Ahrling & Östinge Trädgårdsanläggningar AB), Hans Strömberg (vice rektor, Hvilan Utbildning), Eva Persson (Helgessons trädtjänst), Camilla Nilsson (Staffanstorps kommun), Maximiliano Gonzalez (ARB17), Jenny Långkvist (ARB17) och Anna Westöö (ARB16). Bakom kameran: Eric Danell (trädgårdslärare, Hvilan Utbildning).

Trädet levererades av Stångby plantskola.",1083,Story,3684,2017-12-01 11:21:36 UTC,2017-12-01 11:21:36 UTC
1723,"In memoriam: Detta vackra träd skadades då plattsättare underlät att skydda de blottlagda rötterna med ett rotdraperi. Skadan inträffade under den ovanligt torra maj 2016, och trädet fälldes hösten 2017. Analyser av kvistar förkastade hypotesen om almsjuka. Trädets onödiga död visar på betydelsen av att man kontaktar professionella arborister.",1083,Story,3702,2017-12-04 14:09:11 UTC,2017-12-04 14:09:11 UTC
1720,Haden hill park.  Cradley Heath Creative tree dressing day,1915,Story,3699,2017-12-03 12:18:28 UTC,2017-12-03 12:18:28 UTC
1721,Fairy tree first recorded in 1837!,245,Story,3700,2017-12-03 13:13:05 UTC,2017-12-03 13:13:05 UTC
1718,lime at Haden Hill Park,1915,Story,3697,2017-12-03 12:12:46 UTC,2017-12-03 12:12:46 UTC
2687,Blommar som ett rosa fluffigt moln som svajar i vinden.,2542,Story,5438,2018-02-27 12:46:25 UTC,2018-02-27 12:46:25 UTC
1726,Gott äpple!,2118,Story,3705,2017-12-04 19:58:53 UTC,2017-12-04 19:58:53 UTC
1725,Gott äpple!,2118,Story,3704,2017-12-04 19:58:46 UTC,2017-12-04 19:58:46 UTC
1724,Gott äpple!,2118,Story,3703,2017-12-04 19:58:44 UTC,2017-12-04 19:58:44 UTC
5962,#stepmonitored #round1,4342,Story,22346,2019-05-27 18:14:06 UTC,2019-05-27 18:14:06 UTC
2752,"Trestammigt gullregn, stort exemplar",2571,Story,5525,2018-03-01 18:15:50 UTC,2018-03-01 18:15:50 UTC
2633,Listen out for birdsong in the centre of Chichester at Chichester cathedral.,2493,Story,5310,2018-02-09 15:36:24 UTC,2018-02-09 15:36:24 UTC
1936,'Hinnonmäki röd',1862,Story,4438,2017-12-26 12:26:19 UTC,2017-12-26 12:26:19 UTC
1934,'Röda holländska',1862,Story,4436,2017-12-26 12:24:42 UTC,2017-12-26 12:24:42 UTC
1924,Planterad 2009.,1862,Story,4425,2017-12-26 11:45:52 UTC,2017-12-26 11:45:52 UTC
1920,"'Uralskoje' (Uralskij). Planterad 2016.
Sommaräpple. Grundstam Antonovka.",1862,Story,4421,2017-12-26 11:37:05 UTC,2017-12-26 11:37:05 UTC
1919,'Fryksås'. Planterad 2016.,1862,Story,4420,2017-12-26 11:31:37 UTC,2017-12-26 11:31:37 UTC
1906,"Street tree growing in highway planter (nearest drive is entrance to 64 Westgate, to the east).",2315,Story,4392,2017-12-24 14:14:36 UTC,2017-12-24 14:14:36 UTC
4234,White flowers.,1083,Story,18891,2018-07-05 02:51:49 UTC,2018-07-05 02:51:49 UTC
4236,Artabotrys hexapetalus,1083,Story,18893,2018-07-05 05:18:09 UTC,2018-07-05 05:18:09 UTC
4235,This is var. Pendula.,1083,Story,18892,2018-07-05 05:05:16 UTC,2018-07-05 05:05:16 UTC
4239,New #acorns on this oak at #slaneyviewpark ,2717,Story,18899,2018-07-05 12:12:15 UTC,2018-07-05 12:12:15 UTC
1883,"Pelarek, stora fina exemplar planterade 1921",2118,Story,4362,2017-12-23 15:37:46 UTC,2017-12-23 15:37:46 UTC
1880,"Pelarek, stora fina exemplar planterade 1921",2118,Story,4359,2017-12-23 15:36:07 UTC,2017-12-23 15:36:07 UTC
1873,Overlooking the Temple of Apollo at Stourhead,2313,Story,4352,2017-12-23 13:43:12 UTC,2017-12-23 13:43:12 UTC
1872,Next to the stump of what appears to be an ancient oak stool,2313,Story,4351,2017-12-23 13:35:57 UTC,2017-12-23 13:35:57 UTC
1858,Planterad juni 2017,1862,Story,4333,2017-12-22 16:32:26 UTC,2017-12-22 16:32:26 UTC
1932,'Öjebyn',1862,Story,4434,2017-12-26 12:23:01 UTC,2017-12-26 12:23:01 UTC
1862,"Underplantering med Tiarella cordifolia, Epimedium x rubrum",1862,Story,4338,2017-12-22 17:25:20 UTC,2017-12-22 17:25:20 UTC
4206,11 years since this photo was taken. The small forest in the background is gone now and this tree doesn't seem to have come on too well since either. The kid's doing great though :),180,Story,18833,2018-06-24 23:06:59 UTC,2018-06-24 23:06:59 UTC
4209,Summer car parking skills. #trees - saving your hands from being seared to the steering wheel since the dawn of cars 😎,180,Story,18842,2018-06-26 15:06:21 UTC,2018-06-26 15:06:21 UTC
4137,Now just need the erect an electric fence and machine gun emplacements to keep the dog from digging it up and eating it.,180,Story,18589,2018-05-15 08:07:24 UTC,2018-05-15 08:07:24 UTC
4138,This species was only known from fossil specimens from the cretaceous and tertiary periods (ca. 145 million to 2.5 million years ago) until it was discovered alive in China in 1941. It is a deciduous conifer and was planted here in 1986.,2466,Story,18591,2018-05-15 14:43:11 UTC,2018-05-15 14:43:11 UTC
4139,These maples of Japanese origin where they grow alongside mountain streams. They are distinguished by their striped snakeskin like bark.,2466,Story,18592,2018-05-15 14:50:08 UTC,2018-05-15 14:50:08 UTC
4140,Plum tree planted 3/18,2855,Story,18598,2018-05-16 03:39:48 UTC,2018-05-16 03:39:48 UTC
4141,Old Apple tree,2855,Story,18599,2018-05-16 03:42:05 UTC,2018-05-16 03:42:05 UTC
1789,Julgran,2053,Story,4181,2017-12-16 18:38:07 UTC,2017-12-16 18:38:07 UTC
1788,Julgran,2053,Story,4175,2017-12-16 10:48:42 UTC,2017-12-16 10:48:42 UTC
1631,Goda mörka körsbär,2118,Story,3554,2017-11-22 19:01:52 UTC,2017-11-22 19:01:52 UTC
1719,some damage near base,1915,Story,3698,2017-12-03 12:15:27 UTC,2017-12-03 12:15:27 UTC
1683,Rödek,2153,Story,3610,2017-11-25 14:33:29 UTC,2017-11-25 14:33:29 UTC
1681,Stora blad!,2118,Story,3608,2017-11-25 14:19:07 UTC,2017-11-25 14:19:07 UTC
1677,Doftar pepparkakor på hösten ,2118,Story,3604,2017-11-25 14:14:52 UTC,2017-11-25 14:14:52 UTC
1663,Läckra blommor tillsammans med den blå grannen på blomsterbågen,2118,Story,3589,2017-11-23 21:12:49 UTC,2017-11-23 21:12:49 UTC
1660,Blommar på bar kvist mitt i vintern,2118,Story,3586,2017-11-23 21:08:44 UTC,2017-11-23 21:08:44 UTC
1645,Stort härligt exemplar med läckert skruvad stam,2118,Story,3571,2017-11-23 20:48:24 UTC,2017-11-23 20:48:24 UTC
1638,Läckert höstfärg,2118,Story,3564,2017-11-23 18:09:52 UTC,2017-11-23 18:09:52 UTC
1528,#newly_planted ,2005,Story,3374,2017-11-13 14:09:16 UTC,2017-11-13 14:09:16 UTC
1530,Magnolia verbanica,2040,Story,3376,2017-11-13 14:24:32 UTC,2017-11-13 14:24:32 UTC
1426,"Linnés äppelträd, som sägs komma ifrån gården Råshult i Småland där han föddes. Uppe i trädet växer det också några fina exemplar av mistel.",1435,Story,3029,2017-10-06 13:44:27 UTC,2017-10-06 13:44:27 UTC
4145,A beautiful old London plane with a holly growing in the crook of its branches.,2466,Story,18611,2018-05-17 13:20:58 UTC,2018-05-17 13:20:58 UTC
4146,"In an effort to encourage urban wildlife, one of Trinity's bee hotels is attached to this tree in the fenced area known as the ""Gridiron"". Apparently, the nectar of the silver linden has a narcotic effect on bees, so perhaps the hotel will provide a refuge for bees who've  just had a little tooh much.",2466,Story,18612,2018-05-17 13:32:37 UTC,2018-05-17 13:32:37 UTC
4147,Original photo is wrong for this beech. The beech in this photo is just behind and between the sycamore and the cypress.,2504,Story,18614,2018-05-17 17:28:56 UTC,2018-05-17 17:28:56 UTC
4148,"The leaves on this tree and others around it had small wierd bumps on them, some kind of disease maybe ?",1796,Story,18620,2018-05-21 06:40:16 UTC,2018-05-21 06:40:16 UTC
4149,Laburnum alpinum 'Pendulum',1796,Story,18622,2018-05-21 06:58:41 UTC,2018-05-21 06:58:41 UTC
4150,The pictures don't do this tree justice. It's spectacular. Does anyone know the species?,179,Story,18629,2018-05-21 23:57:53 UTC,2018-05-21 23:57:53 UTC
4153,Plants vs. Man,1796,Story,18632,2018-05-22 05:31:26 UTC,2018-05-22 05:31:26 UTC
4152,Any ideas on the species? The flowers are an amazing colour,179,Story,18631,2018-05-22 00:37:29 UTC,2018-05-22 00:37:29 UTC
4156,28 Ginkgo's in a row forming a pretty cool avenue.,1796,Story,18641,2018-05-23 13:20:34 UTC,2018-05-23 13:20:34 UTC
4181,Näsduks träd,2153,Story,18761,2018-06-13 11:41:16 UTC,2018-06-13 11:41:16 UTC
4185,I'm not sure but is this a Whitebeam?,2951,Story,18765,2018-06-16 12:27:03 UTC,2018-06-16 12:27:03 UTC
4188,One of two corkscrew hazels that got ravaged by my dog some years back. This one has made a slow but steady return from the brink. The other one just gave back a run-of-the-mill hazel off the grafted rootball,180,Story,18773,2018-06-17 14:31:20 UTC,2018-06-18 09:14:17 UTC
4194,Some handy lunchtime shade!,179,Story,18784,2018-06-20 12:12:14 UTC,2018-06-20 12:12:14 UTC
4404,Cheeky cherries hiding in the hedgerow,180,Story,19166,2018-08-24 11:23:32 UTC,2018-08-24 11:23:32 UTC
1892,Street tree growing as standard tree in a highway planting beds. (Beds maintained by Westgate Residents' Association from 2017.),2315,Story,4377,2017-12-24 14:01:16 UTC,2017-12-24 14:01:16 UTC
4195,3 specimens of a piple leaved hazel call Zellernus.,1914,Story,18796,2018-06-20 13:36:18 UTC,2018-06-20 13:36:18 UTC
4198,Yew hedge behind war memorial,2993,Story,18811,2018-06-20 16:12:49 UTC,2018-06-20 16:12:49 UTC
4196,possibly  variety . princeton riveregde,1914,Story,18809,2018-06-20 13:53:02 UTC,2018-06-20 13:53:02 UTC
4199,Beskuren 21/6-18. Utglesad med snitt på max 5cm,1793,Story,18813,2018-06-21 07:12:34 UTC,2018-06-21 07:12:34 UTC
4200,"Plaque reads:
29th JUNE/3rd JJuly, 1972
N.B. Copper beech of some sort.",2493,Story,18818,2018-06-22 16:51:55 UTC,2018-06-22 16:51:55 UTC
4211,#Flowerbeds around this Swedish whitebeam looking great in the sun,180,Story,18845,2018-06-26 20:58:45 UTC,2018-06-26 20:58:45 UTC
4214,"Stunning tree that can be appreciated from the ground and from the top level if the multi-storey ""Avenue de Chartres"" car park.",2493,Story,18853,2018-06-27 18:09:39 UTC,2018-06-27 18:09:39 UTC
4215,Another super poplar tree gracing both path/cycles and mukti-storey car park.,2493,Story,18855,2018-06-27 18:21:10 UTC,2018-06-27 18:21:10 UTC
4213,Need help again. A gorgeous light green leaf which glows with sun light,2951,Story,18849,2018-06-27 13:13:25 UTC,2018-06-27 13:13:25 UTC
4220,Gorgeous young tree with huge light green leaves that seem to glow in sunlight,2951,Story,18860,2018-06-28 07:32:08 UTC,2018-06-28 07:32:08 UTC
4222,Detta tillsammans med 5 andra planterades sen juni 2018,1793,Story,18863,2018-06-29 06:14:33 UTC,2018-06-29 06:14:33 UTC
4224,Planterat tillsammans med 6 andra. Slutet av juni 2018,1793,Story,18865,2018-06-29 08:33:37 UTC,2018-06-29 08:33:37 UTC
4225,One that stands out in a Victorian oasis of trees in a local park,2951,Story,18867,2018-06-29 12:37:41 UTC,2018-06-29 12:37:41 UTC
4226,A deer holding out for cherries,180,Story,18869,2018-06-29 16:43:14 UTC,2018-06-29 16:43:14 UTC
4231,Arboretum med hundratals arter,2328,Story,18883,2018-07-03 13:45:52 UTC,2018-07-03 13:45:52 UTC
4242,This dot represents six specimens of this magnificent ectomycorrhizal timber tree.,1083,Story,18909,2018-07-08 01:38:07 UTC,2018-07-08 01:38:07 UTC
4246,Trial,3042,Story,18913,2018-07-09 02:59:48 UTC,2018-07-09 02:59:48 UTC
4243,This dot represents three tall specimens planted in 2007.,1083,Story,18910,2018-07-08 01:54:52 UTC,2018-07-08 01:54:52 UTC
4244,This dot represents four specimens.,1083,Story,18911,2018-07-08 01:59:45 UTC,2018-07-08 01:59:45 UTC
968,Lika gammalt som Kungsparken,715,Story,2062,2017-06-30 12:13:25 UTC,2017-06-30 12:13:25 UTC
967,Sequoia,715,Story,2061,2017-06-30 12:12:17 UTC,2017-06-30 12:12:17 UTC
4310,Not sure of the exact species,3102,Story,19021,2018-07-27 19:45:24 UTC,2018-07-27 19:45:24 UTC
4314,Impressive #fairytree at tintern abbey,180,Story,19027,2018-07-29 22:16:15 UTC,2018-07-29 22:16:15 UTC
4315,All the trees have their jumpers on in #Oilgate right now 👕,180,Story,19031,2018-07-31 15:52:12 UTC,2018-07-31 15:52:12 UTC
4322,Not sure the type of chestnut,3102,Story,19042,2018-08-03 12:23:29 UTC,2018-08-03 12:23:29 UTC
4318,More oak,3102,Story,19037,2018-08-02 14:51:51 UTC,2018-08-02 14:51:51 UTC
4248,Pterospermum acerifolium,1083,Story,18915,2018-07-09 23:57:26 UTC,2018-07-09 23:57:26 UTC
4254,Two trees,544,Story,18926,2018-07-11 10:13:52 UTC,2018-07-11 10:13:52 UTC
4251,8 trees,544,Story,18919,2018-07-11 09:54:52 UTC,2018-07-11 09:54:52 UTC
4253,Suffering from DED,544,Story,18921,2018-07-11 09:59:38 UTC,2018-07-11 09:59:38 UTC
4266,This is a variegated dwarf.,1083,Story,18949,2018-07-13 07:09:32 UTC,2018-07-13 07:09:32 UTC
4173,"What a cool little habitat my cherry tree turned out to be, a nesting box for great tits, a trail for ants and resting spot for this snail. #everytreecounts",178,Story,18680,2018-05-31 13:20:36 UTC,2018-05-31 13:20:36 UTC
2753,#beastfromtheeast is making the trees look very pretty! 😊❄️⛄️,222,Story,5526,2018-03-02 10:14:05 UTC,2018-03-02 10:14:05 UTC
4086,Finally decided to flower #latespring,178,Story,18467,2018-05-02 09:42:06 UTC,2018-05-02 09:42:06 UTC
789,Anybody know the species of this 🌲? It must be the most photographed tree in Cork at this stage. #whatspecies,178,Story,1694,2017-06-02 15:24:22 UTC,2017-06-02 15:24:22 UTC
343,Pink flowery snow!,178,Story,1043,2017-04-23 11:01:16 UTC,2017-04-23 11:01:16 UTC
",178,Story,945,2017-04-09 18:28:20 UTC,2017-04-09 18:28:20 UTC
227,#blossom,178,Story,853,2017-03-24 13:44:37 UTC,2017-03-24 13:44:37 UTC
1709,Last leaves of the year on my cherry 🌲 🍒,178,Story,3648,2017-11-30 12:01:50 UTC,2017-11-30 12:01:50 UTC
102,Here be #robins,178,Story,659,2017-02-19 16:55:05 UTC,2017-02-19 16:55:05 UTC
103,Ready for his close up #robins ,178,Story,660,2017-02-19 16:58:28 UTC,2017-02-19 16:58:28 UTC
4170,"Symbiotic relationship between:
Tree: Ficus crocata
Pollinator wasp: Agaonidae 
Seed dispersor bat: Artibeus jamaicensis",2911,Story,18675,2018-05-30 18:01:39 UTC,2018-05-30 18:01:39 UTC
9134,Developed some next-level respect for this hazel when I got a heap of nuts off it at the start of the month,180,Story,26401,2019-10-23 17:03:39 UTC,2019-10-23 17:03:39 UTC
736,This tree is a common Hazel. It was a corkscrew hazel but the dog pictured ate it! It regenerated as a regular old Hazel tree! ,269,Story,1615,2017-05-25 18:41:36 UTC,2017-05-25 18:41:36 UTC
4171,Street tree,2876,Story,18678,2018-05-31 12:15:06 UTC,2018-05-31 12:15:06 UTC
4174,'Frisia',1775,Story,18682,2018-05-31 14:07:59 UTC,2018-05-31 14:07:59 UTC
4175,I came across this pretty stunning and well known tree on my holidays. - The Lonely Cypress. Apparently it's been called one of the most photographed trees in America,179,Story,18686,2018-06-01 15:22:13 UTC,2018-06-01 15:22:13 UTC
4176,Lönn (fick även syn på en hare som sprang under lönnen),2858,Story,18687,2018-06-02 18:45:19 UTC,2018-06-02 18:45:19 UTC
4256,"Young tree with an ash, elder growing next to it",544,Story,18930,2018-07-11 10:32:09 UTC,2018-07-11 10:32:09 UTC
4257,Two trees,544,Story,18937,2018-07-11 10:44:22 UTC,2018-07-11 10:44:22 UTC
4258,With elm and elder growing next to it.,544,Story,18940,2018-07-11 11:13:38 UTC,2018-07-11 11:13:38 UTC
4262,Not Sue the exact kind of maple tree - it’s probably 75-80 years + old.,3054,Story,18945,2018-07-11 17:17:41 UTC,2018-07-11 17:17:41 UTC
4260,"Hazel, elder and Prunus nearby",544,Story,18943,2018-07-11 11:21:45 UTC,2018-07-11 11:21:45 UTC
4261,Prunus and elder below,544,Story,18944,2018-07-11 11:23:28 UTC,2018-07-11 11:23:28 UTC
4264,Nice shadow at a lunch restaurang,2780,Story,18947,2018-07-12 12:52:52 UTC,2018-07-12 12:52:52 UTC
4177,Tree is split and dead,2932,Story,18689,2018-06-04 21:30:58 UTC,2018-06-04 21:30:58 UTC
4875,Great to see the Cherry blossom coming into full swing ,180,Story,20595,2019-03-30 20:06:27 UTC,2019-03-30 20:06:27 UTC
4265,This is a member of the Forastero Group.,1083,Story,18948,2018-07-13 02:32:52 UTC,2018-07-13 02:32:52 UTC
4252,Behind Leylandii hedge,544,Story,18920,2018-07-11 09:58:03 UTC,2018-07-11 09:58:03 UTC
4276,A gorgeous old Acer/Maple tree to shelter under on a hot summer's day. Unusual to see it all so lopsided,2951,Story,18960,2018-07-14 10:52:54 UTC,2018-07-14 10:52:54 UTC
3971,"This flowering #currant looks amazing for about 4 weeks of the year, the rest of the time I kind of wonder why nature bothered 😬",180,Story,18263,2018-03-27 15:44:11 UTC,2018-03-27 15:44:11 UTC
4463,Anyone recognise the species?,180,Story,19309,2018-09-16 13:38:59 UTC,2018-09-16 13:38:59 UTC
4467,’Fastigiatum’,3279,Story,19321,2018-09-18 16:02:33 UTC,2018-09-18 16:02:33 UTC
4480,Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglasgran - Douglas fir -,3279,Story,19355,2018-09-21 20:09:59 UTC,2018-09-21 20:09:59 UTC
4481,"picture with blossom June 1st
picture with berries September 22nd",2666,Story,19358,2018-09-22 21:31:00 UTC,2018-09-22 21:31:00 UTC
4490,The cicadas loved this tree in August!,3359,Story,19372,2018-09-24 17:51:49 UTC,2018-09-24 17:51:49 UTC
4487,This tree is located inside the grounds of Hunter’s Glen apartment complex.,3359,Story,19369,2018-09-24 15:25:55 UTC,2018-09-24 15:25:55 UTC
4362,Found this little apple tree on a trail in the middle of raven forest. This place has everything! 🍏,180,Story,19111,2018-08-18 22:14:45 UTC,2018-08-18 22:14:45 UTC
4360,"In Connemara, lovely ash",3102,Story,19109,2018-08-18 14:40:11 UTC,2018-08-18 14:40:11 UTC
4361,A lone oak  in the greatest city in the world,3162,Story,19110,2018-08-18 15:30:23 UTC,2018-08-18 15:30:23 UTC
4364,"Tucked away in a spinny, harvesting memories and shedding a thickett of bush.",3162,Story,19113,2018-08-19 18:33:36 UTC,2018-08-19 18:33:36 UTC
4365,3 maples it seems,3102,Story,19114,2018-08-21 10:00:40 UTC,2018-08-21 10:00:40 UTC
4368,"As indicated from leaves earlier, we have one in CIT I’m hoping",3102,Story,19117,2018-08-21 13:32:49 UTC,2018-08-21 13:32:49 UTC
4394,"Suddenly, Sir Bobbington fired an arrow of into Natas’ mouth – which became filled with nettles and thorns. A crowd formed around the battle, cheering for Sir Bobbington. This caused the mean and selfish Natas to grow wild with anger! Natas then changed into a frog, and chased Sir Bobbington up Dragon Hill. Natas then opened his huge mouth and tried to eat Sir Bobbington!",3183,Story,19150,2018-08-23 20:14:12 UTC,2018-08-23 20:14:12 UTC
4395,"Well, Sir Bobbington was fed up of this and decided to think of a way to defeat Natas (after all he was the hero of the story). The crowd was cheering for Sir Bobbington when he fired his last arrow to trap Natas inside a magical cage of flowers.",3183,Story,19151,2018-08-23 20:17:02 UTC,2018-08-23 20:17:02 UTC
4384,"A midnight-black shape slithered up to Willow Wintow. She gasped and her body trembled with fear. ‘Hellllooooo my friend!’ the shadow mumbled.

‘Hello’ nervously replied Willow Wintow. What followed was a rather friendly discussion, until Willow Wintow said something that made the shadow creature smile menacingly. In anger, it suddenly built a cage of shadows around Willow Wintow. It was at this moment that she realised…she was trapped!",3183,Story,19140,2018-08-23 19:16:08 UTC,2018-08-23 19:16:08 UTC
4385,"However, it was then that Willow Wintow remembered her magical necklace. She used the necklace to grow a tree and then she climbed that tree so she could escape. Once free, she then used the necklace to make hundreds of thorns and nettles grow up, around and then completely cover Grotty Groddle.",3183,Story,19141,2018-08-23 19:16:49 UTC,2018-08-23 19:16:49 UTC
4376,"This tree originates from China,it is called the handkerchief tree because the leaves flutter in the wind like hadkerchiefs!!",3154,Story,19131,2018-08-23 13:04:50 UTC,2018-08-23 13:04:50 UTC
4399,This thing must have been absolutely #huge ,180,Story,19158,2018-08-24 09:58:05 UTC,2018-08-24 09:58:05 UTC
4381,"‘That’s terrible, can I help you at all?’ asked Willow Wintow, saddened to hear what had happened.
‘Yes, that would be wonderful’ replied the unicorn, who then gave Willow Wintow a necklace which had the power of nature inside of it. ‘I will try my best’ promised Willow Wintow as she set off on her journey again.",3183,Story,19137,2018-08-23 17:57:46 UTC,2018-08-23 18:04:43 UTC
4380,"Willow Wintow left the now ruined Epping Forest, to try and find out what had happened. She made her way to Tree-Top Meadow, and it was there that she saw the unicorn yet again. The unicorn didn’t look very happy and when he saw Willow Wintow he came over and said, in a sad tone ‘I have lost my horn! An evil thing came and stole it in the night!’ ",3183,Story,19136,2018-08-23 17:57:02 UTC,2018-08-23 17:57:02 UTC
4390,"The tree guardian swooped down from the tree and landed in front of Sir Bobbington. 'Aargh!' he cried; shocked to see the strange brown feathered Dryad before him. 'Please help me!' the guardian moaned. 'Who are you?' sir Bobbington asked, slowly backing away. 'Falcon', replied the tree guardian, holding out his hand. 'Bobbington' said Sir Bobbington as he shook Falcon's hand.",3183,Story,19146,2018-08-23 20:07:58 UTC,2018-08-24 13:01:10 UTC
4391,"'Help me,' repeated Falcon, 'the trees are dying!' 'What?' asked Sir Bobbington. 'Please, do anything to save my trees!' pleaded Falcon. 'Fine', said Sir Bobbington and he took out a fairy potion from his bag and poured it over the tree. 'Done, now what do I get in return?' Falcon walked towards the tree, cut out a section and turned it into a mighty, magical bow and arrow.",3183,Story,19147,2018-08-23 20:08:46 UTC,2018-08-24 13:00:06 UTC
4396,"The hero saved the day! Everyone was happy that Natas had finally been defeated.

‘Hooray’ everyone shouted – they were as happy as a person winning the lottery.",3183,Story,19152,2018-08-23 20:18:41 UTC,2018-08-23 20:18:41 UTC
4387,"With his powers fully restored, the unicorn gave Willow Wintow a very big, very magical necklace. Together with her necklace of nature, Willow Wintow used her new powers to make a faerie village within Tree-Top Meadows – where she, the unicorn and all the other faeries lived happily ever after.",3183,Story,19143,2018-08-23 19:28:46 UTC,2018-08-23 19:28:46 UTC
4397,"‘Thank you so much,’ said Falcon, the Tree Guardian. ‘Tell me, is there anything you need? If so, I will give it to you’.

‘Well, there is one thing I need – A crown’ replied Sir Bobbington, excitedly.

‘As you wish’ said Falcon who then turned the frog Natas into a shining, golden crown. Sir Bobbington placed the crown on his head and became king but instead of going back to Epping Forest, he decided to create a new kingdom with his unicorn Sky, within Tree-Top Meadows.

That is how the faeries came to live in Tree-Top Meadows.",3183,Story,19153,2018-08-23 20:19:13 UTC,2018-08-23 20:19:13 UTC
4386,"After Willow Wintow defeated the shadow beast Grotty Groddle she noticed the shiny unicorn horn float out from the cage of thorns. Upon seeing this, she ran over and collected the horn. She then used her power to super glue the horn back onto the unicorn’s head; giving back the unicorn his powers.",3183,Story,19142,2018-08-23 19:27:07 UTC,2018-08-23 19:27:07 UTC
4401,I think this tree is outgrowing its shoes,180,Story,19161,2018-08-24 11:01:42 UTC,2018-08-24 11:01:42 UTC
4379,"The next morning, when she awoke, she went to go back and speak to the unicorn, only to find that it had disappeared! Yet, that wasn’t the only dilemma – the whole forest was destroyed…",3183,Story,19135,2018-08-23 17:49:09 UTC,2018-08-23 17:49:09 UTC
4389,"Once Upon a time, there lived an elf called Sir Bobbington, who lived in a small kingdom in Epping Forest. He had humungous ears and wore a green jumpsuit and a blue tutu! Sir Bobbington’s best friend and sidekick was a unicorn called Sky.

One day Sir Bobbington went out on a ride in the woods with Sky, in order to find some berries for dinner. However, when he came back home he found that his family’s jewel had been stolen! So, he went to look for it. His journey took him far away from the forest and to Tree-Top Meadow, where he met a Tree Guardian.",3183,Story,19145,2018-08-23 20:04:27 UTC,2018-08-23 20:04:27 UTC
4378,"A long time ago, in the magic meadow of Epping Forest, there lived a wonderful blue and purple pixie, who was followed by the name of Willow Wintow. She wore a turquoise and violet dress and a top hat of the brightest shade of purple. Wherever she went, she kept a look out for any signs of magical mischief! One day, she saw something rather troubling as her eye caught sight of a unicorn with a missing horn. Before Willow Wintow could talk to him, the unicorn ran away, deep into the Forest.",3183,Story,19134,2018-08-23 17:48:39 UTC,2018-08-23 17:48:39 UTC
4405,What is this beautiful tree? Xxx,3195,Story,19167,2018-08-25 16:05:20 UTC,2018-08-25 16:05:20 UTC
4410,Gråpäron,3205,Story,19173,2018-08-28 04:09:16 UTC,2018-08-28 04:09:16 UTC
4408,Tucked up among the bungalow corner end of road.,3162,Story,19171,2018-08-27 15:35:11 UTC,2018-08-27 15:35:11 UTC
4411,Österrikisk oxel,3205,Story,19174,2018-08-28 11:44:12 UTC,2018-08-28 11:44:12 UTC
4412,Probably a possomhaw a Chinese plant,3162,Story,19189,2018-08-30 19:30:49 UTC,2018-08-30 19:30:49 UTC
4417,At the monument at vinegar hill ennoscorthy,3249,Story,19206,2018-09-05 13:17:01 UTC,2018-09-05 13:17:01 UTC
4418,We think this tree was planted in commeration if the 1798 rebellion.,2421,Story,19207,2018-09-05 13:21:19 UTC,2018-09-05 13:21:19 UTC
1229,Denna robinia tillhör bönfamiljen Fabaceae. Acaciahonung kommer egentligen från detta nordamerikanska träd och inte från acacia. Virket används bl.a. till lekplatser.,1083,Story,2498,2017-08-13 09:23:08 UTC,2017-08-13 09:23:08 UTC
15055,Höstfärger den 19 oktober 2020,1083,Story,40893,2023-02-08 10:17:21 UTC,2023-02-08 10:17:21 UTC
15001,Detta är fk UPPSALA E som har mycket vackra höstfärger,1083,Story,40563,2023-02-06 07:46:51 UTC,2023-02-06 07:46:51 UTC
4162,Spektakulära vresbok intill Skrylle hagmarker.,2153,Story,18656,2018-05-26 16:08:52 UTC,2018-05-26 16:08:52 UTC
4169,All by myselllllf 🎶,180,Story,18668,2018-05-28 08:20:01 UTC,2018-05-28 08:20:01 UTC
4161,44 Sequoia's in a row ! This was originally an avenue of old Ulmus glabra's which had to be cut down due to Dutch elm disease...,1796,Story,18654,2018-05-26 15:42:33 UTC,2018-05-26 15:42:33 UTC
4163,Ett fantastiskt lövverk☺️,2153,Story,18658,2018-05-26 16:23:43 UTC,2018-05-26 16:23:43 UTC
4164,Den är speciell🌳,2153,Story,18659,2018-05-26 16:37:59 UTC,2018-05-26 16:37:59 UTC
4515,Planted in 2018,3467,Story,19577,2018-10-08 04:37:54 UTC,2018-10-08 04:37:54 UTC
1184,Sorten heter 'Anthony Waterer'.,1083,Story,2447,2017-08-09 13:38:02 UTC,2017-08-09 13:38:02 UTC
1414,Fin fikaplats under,1371,Story,2953,2017-10-01 11:28:13 UTC,2017-10-01 11:28:13 UTC
1451,Corylus colurna,1751,Story,3157,2017-10-19 10:17:02 UTC,2017-10-19 10:17:02 UTC
4345,Planted in 1795,1083,Story,19091,2018-08-08 09:16:14 UTC,2018-08-08 09:16:14 UTC
1087,Ca 20 år. Står i trädgården. ,1047,Story,2317,2017-07-28 15:51:16 UTC,2017-07-28 15:51:16 UTC
1933,'Öjebyn',1862,Story,4435,2017-12-26 12:23:49 UTC,2017-12-26 12:23:49 UTC
1935,'Öjebyn',1862,Story,4437,2017-12-26 12:25:21 UTC,2017-12-26 12:25:21 UTC
313,Magnolia,284,Story,997,2017-04-18 10:25:47 UTC,2017-04-18 10:25:47 UTC
4255,Ornamentsl apple,544,Story,18927,2018-07-11 10:15:33 UTC,2018-07-11 10:15:33 UTC
4516,Right?,3279,Story,19596,2018-10-08 16:03:51 UTC,2018-10-08 16:03:51 UTC
4517,Alnus glutinosa med Chondrostereum purpurium,2116,Story,19616,2018-10-09 08:53:50 UTC,2018-10-09 08:53:50 UTC
4518,"Vet inte vad trädet heter, där denna frukt blivit till ? Någon som vet?",3496,Story,19617,2018-10-09 13:24:34 UTC,2018-10-09 13:24:34 UTC
4521,Not sure what kind of pine but it’s dinky,180,Story,19636,2018-10-10 12:46:10 UTC,2018-10-10 12:46:10 UTC
4503,"One of two beautiful trees, roughly 30 feet apart from each other.",3359,Story,19462,2018-10-02 17:28:08 UTC,2018-10-02 17:28:08 UTC
4505,Cydonia in private garden,344,Story,19465,2018-10-02 21:41:10 UTC,2018-10-02 21:41:10 UTC
4502,Is this a willow of some sort?,180,Story,19461,2018-10-02 11:34:51 UTC,2018-10-02 11:34:51 UTC
4555,Tre stycken ullungrönnar på rad.,3276,Story,19795,2018-10-15 10:15:48 UTC,2018-10-15 10:15:48 UTC
4556,8 st vackra exemplar,3276,Story,19800,2018-10-15 12:28:40 UTC,2018-10-15 12:28:40 UTC
4558,"Ovanligt strikt etablering. Inte så ""kvastig"" som hagtornen brukar se ut.",3276,Story,19810,2018-10-15 14:36:48 UTC,2018-10-15 14:36:48 UTC
4559,"Glest grenverk, i jämförelse med den på folkungagatan nedanför ersta sjukhus.",3276,Story,19811,2018-10-15 14:50:46 UTC,2018-10-15 14:50:46 UTC
4560,En stellata enligt boende.,3276,Story,19812,2018-10-15 14:54:28 UTC,2018-10-15 14:54:28 UTC
9135,"Detta är sticklingar tagna av Erik Lindgren från originalträdet i Lilla Ornäs, hundra år efter Linnés död, dvs 1878.",1083,Story,26404,2019-10-24 12:56:04 UTC,2019-10-24 12:56:04 UTC
4561,Ca 12-15m högt.,3276,Story,19813,2018-10-15 17:57:13 UTC,2018-10-15 17:57:13 UTC
4562,2 st på gårdens södra sida.,3276,Story,19814,2018-10-15 17:59:00 UTC,2018-10-15 17:59:00 UTC
4563,Dessa två på gårdens norra sida är något uppstammade.,3276,Story,19815,2018-10-15 18:00:57 UTC,2018-10-15 18:00:57 UTC
4564,"Fyra stycken, vackert formklippta på rad.",3276,Story,19819,2018-10-15 19:56:33 UTC,2018-10-15 19:56:33 UTC
4565,Två stycken söder om pyramidalmarna vid gårdsentren.,3276,Story,19820,2018-10-15 19:58:31 UTC,2018-10-15 19:58:31 UTC
4491,Planted fall of 2008 after roadwork that included removal of the c1930 sycamore in this location (original neighborhood street tree),3374,Story,19373,2018-09-25 16:34:51 UTC,2018-09-25 16:34:51 UTC
4279,The tree I got stuck up as a kid (around 10yo) and had to be rescued by my mum. Showing my boys,2504,Story,18978,2018-07-17 14:32:17 UTC,2018-07-17 14:32:17 UTC
4282,I came across this tree while on holidays and I thought it was pretty cool and unusual looking. Does anyone have any idea what species it is? ,179,Story,18981,2018-07-19 13:22:22 UTC,2018-07-19 13:22:22 UTC
4284,Does anyone have any idea what species this is? The flowers were huge and stunning,179,Story,18985,2018-07-20 14:09:25 UTC,2018-07-20 14:09:25 UTC
4285,This tree had really striking and distinctive foliage. Any idea what species it is?,179,Story,18986,2018-07-22 09:18:06 UTC,2018-07-22 09:18:06 UTC
4287,I really should have taken some better detail shots but can anyone confirm that this is an elm or am I barking up the wrong tree? (sorry! 😬),180,Story,18988,2018-07-22 12:43:04 UTC,2018-07-22 12:43:04 UTC
5187,There are 3 giganteum near to each other at this point.,3222,Story,21281,2019-05-09 07:19:55 UTC,2019-05-09 07:19:55 UTC
4303,,3090,Story,19011,2018-07-25 13:42:00 UTC,2018-07-25 13:42:00 UTC
4684,"Ducks feasting on pods of pagida tree
",2666,Story,20178,2019-01-19 22:57:28 UTC,2019-01-19 22:57:28 UTC
4479,pods of the sophora japonica,2666,Story,19349,2018-09-20 22:51:33 UTC,2018-09-20 22:51:33 UTC
4304,flowering now (end july) also known as honey tree or pagoda tree,2666,Story,19012,2018-07-26 11:47:08 UTC,2018-07-26 11:47:08 UTC
4307,"So many types to look for, incredibly exciting 😂",3102,Story,19015,2018-07-27 09:35:37 UTC,2018-07-27 09:35:37 UTC
4305,"Lads, I think this is a birch, any ideas, also serious amount of trees to map here in CIT",3102,Story,19013,2018-07-27 09:28:30 UTC,2018-07-27 09:28:30 UTC
4323,Check it out bai,3102,Story,19043,2018-08-03 12:27:10 UTC,2018-08-03 12:27:10 UTC
4324,A few here by the river,3102,Story,19044,2018-08-03 12:37:43 UTC,2018-08-03 12:37:43 UTC
4325,I am guessing I am by the mardyke I hope beyond hope it is,3102,Story,19045,2018-08-03 12:45:51 UTC,2018-08-03 12:45:51 UTC
4327,Elm leaves?,3102,Story,19047,2018-08-03 12:46:49 UTC,2018-08-03 12:46:49 UTC
4329,"I’m so obsessed with finding elms I think almost all trees are elms, help",3102,Story,19049,2018-08-03 12:58:28 UTC,2018-08-03 12:58:28 UTC
4331,Eddies white wonder variety,180,Story,19051,2018-08-03 13:22:12 UTC,2018-08-03 13:22:12 UTC
4332,Eddies white wonder variety,180,Story,19052,2018-08-03 13:22:12 UTC,2018-08-03 13:22:12 UTC
4334,Old man river oak,180,Story,19054,2018-08-03 14:10:15 UTC,2018-08-03 14:10:15 UTC
4337,Amazing gnarly old cork oak,180,Story,19068,2018-08-04 00:03:34 UTC,2018-08-04 00:03:34 UTC
4333,Valdiviana,180,Story,19053,2018-08-03 13:24:45 UTC,2018-08-03 13:24:45 UTC
4339,First Tree!  Mustache seed pods.,3125,Story,19084,2018-08-05 22:32:22 UTC,2018-08-05 22:32:22 UTC
4341,Getting off piste for this holly,180,Story,19086,2018-08-07 18:38:59 UTC,2018-08-07 18:38:59 UTC
4344,Planted in 1895,1083,Story,19090,2018-08-08 09:12:09 UTC,2018-08-08 09:12:09 UTC
4346,Any idea what the species of this tree is? I really like the shape of the canopy. There's something kind of willowy about it ,179,Story,19092,2018-08-08 16:07:20 UTC,2018-08-08 16:07:20 UTC
4347,Is this a disease? Inspect larvae? A bunch of the horse chestnut trees on this street all have the same markings on their leaves,179,Story,19093,2018-08-09 20:03:13 UTC,2018-08-09 20:03:13 UTC
4348,"Behind Patrick 
15” diameter",3142,Story,19094,2018-08-09 20:36:58 UTC,2018-08-09 20:36:58 UTC
4349,"Behind Dees
12” diameter",3142,Story,19095,2018-08-09 20:39:04 UTC,2018-08-09 20:39:04 UTC
4351,Ash,3142,Story,19097,2018-08-10 13:47:04 UTC,2018-08-10 13:47:04 UTC
4352,Ash,3142,Story,19098,2018-08-10 13:57:46 UTC,2018-08-10 13:57:46 UTC
4353,Kungsträdgården,3144,Story,19102,2018-08-11 12:34:55 UTC,2018-08-11 12:34:55 UTC
4354,"Estimates age 3250 years+
4,9 meters in diameter and 14,2 meters around the trunk.",1793,Story,19103,2018-08-13 07:38:49 UTC,2018-08-13 07:38:49 UTC
4356,"In Mahon, having coffee saw this yoke",3102,Story,19105,2018-08-15 14:13:32 UTC,2018-08-15 14:13:32 UTC
4566,Large beech behind an oak,180,Story,19824,2018-10-16 13:37:44 UTC,2018-10-16 13:37:44 UTC
4567,Troligtvis sorten 'Vitifolium',3276,Story,19826,2018-10-16 16:44:59 UTC,2018-10-16 16:44:59 UTC
4568,Hela kanalen kantas av törstiga klibbalar.,3276,Story,19836,2018-10-17 15:09:19 UTC,2018-10-17 15:09:19 UTC
4569,planted around playground c2016,3374,Story,19837,2018-10-17 19:11:08 UTC,2018-10-17 19:11:08 UTC
4575,2018 was a good year for this Dutch fig!,2666,Story,19851,2018-10-19 14:07:18 UTC,2018-10-19 14:07:18 UTC
4573,"2 träd, bilden tagen mitt emellan dem",1159,Story,19845,2018-10-19 09:30:54 UTC,2018-10-19 09:30:54 UTC
4574,"Liten huvudhamlad knäckepil med tät grönska. Långa blad utan behåring och ""korsbarkig"" stam.",3276,Story,19848,2018-10-19 11:48:03 UTC,2018-10-19 11:48:03 UTC
4576,"Sorten 'Green dwarf'! Väldigt säreget växtsätt och utseende. Notera de bredare bladen i kontrast till vanlig kärrek, och det lilla molnet av bladverk så tätt att man bör kunna ligga på det. Blir tydligen inte högre än 4m.",3276,Story,19852,2018-10-19 14:12:20 UTC,2018-10-19 14:12:20 UTC
4577,Beautiful autumn colors!,2666,Story,19853,2018-10-19 14:15:03 UTC,2018-10-19 14:15:03 UTC
4578,Stort grovt träd 713 cm omkrets,1793,Story,19855,2018-10-20 08:28:40 UTC,2018-10-20 08:28:40 UTC
4579,Stamomkrets på 492 cm. Ca 27 meter hög. Mer än 500år gammal,1793,Story,19858,2018-10-20 14:26:15 UTC,2018-10-20 14:26:15 UTC
4580,Gården pryds av ca 8 stycken välvuxna balsampopplar. Möjligtvis/troligtvis planterade när området byggdes. Står omlott med unga askar.,3276,Story,19859,2018-10-20 14:30:32 UTC,2018-10-20 14:30:32 UTC
4581,Nästa succession på gården består främst av askar. Skuggas än så länge av gamla balsampopplar.,3276,Story,19860,2018-10-20 14:35:11 UTC,2018-10-20 14:35:11 UTC
4586,"Trestammigt träd med en stamomkrets på 8,64m kraftigt rötat. Kronstabilisering gjord.",1793,Story,19868,2018-10-21 08:35:45 UTC,2018-10-21 08:35:45 UTC
4507,Newly planted in spring 2018,3467,Story,19538,2018-10-05 01:42:19 UTC,2018-10-05 01:42:19 UTC
4509,Planted in 2018,3467,Story,19540,2018-10-05 01:54:59 UTC,2018-10-05 01:54:59 UTC
7039,An ash tree surrounded by a beautiful Green space in the heart of Cork city,179,Story,23795,2019-07-11 13:12:49 UTC,2019-07-11 13:12:49 UTC
4512,"Great old oak beside the River Shannon, Castleconnell, Limerick",2332,Story,19546,2018-10-06 11:35:34 UTC,2018-10-06 11:35:34 UTC
4510,seeds of the monkey puzzle tree,2666,Story,19541,2018-10-05 12:39:24 UTC,2018-10-05 12:39:24 UTC
4514,👌👌👌👌👌🥇,3279,Story,19569,2018-10-06 14:32:43 UTC,2018-10-06 14:32:43 UTC
4313,4 lovely lads here,3102,Story,19025,2018-07-29 15:50:22 UTC,2018-07-29 15:50:22 UTC
4635,"Not a great photo but the oldest tree in Paris. This locust tree is believed to have been planted by its namesake, Jean Robin (1550–1620), in 1601. ",179,Story,20038,2018-11-16 12:38:04 UTC,2018-11-16 12:38:04 UTC
4651,This indigenous slow-growing tree can also be cultivated in pots. I have used #podocarpus henkelii in pots as a lush evergreen screen between neighbours in a small townhouse garden for more than 20 years. Feed it well and vigorously prune it often. Enjoy!!,3826,Story,20109,2018-12-09 14:21:09 UTC,2018-12-09 14:21:09 UTC
4529,Magnifik individ i centrala Stockholm,3205,Story,19746,2018-10-13 07:36:03 UTC,2018-10-13 07:36:03 UTC
4530,Nice tall holly.,2666,Story,19753,2018-10-13 11:36:45 UTC,2018-10-13 11:36:45 UTC
4531,Very nice tree. It suffered a lot from the drought this summer. Hope it doesn't die ..,2666,Story,19755,2018-10-13 12:00:29 UTC,2018-10-13 12:00:29 UTC
4419,Unknown tree for now,3258,Story,19213,2018-09-06 05:29:37 UTC,2018-09-06 05:29:37 UTC
4423,Mycket minerare. Trädet står torrt till på en höjd,3205,Story,19229,2018-09-08 12:04:35 UTC,2018-09-08 12:04:35 UTC
4448,Aesculus glabra stinkhästkastanj,2908,Story,19261,2018-09-11 06:40:36 UTC,2018-09-11 06:40:36 UTC
4450,"Crataemespilus grandiflora
Mispelhagtorn",2908,Story,19264,2018-09-11 12:03:11 UTC,2018-09-11 12:03:11 UTC
4461,"Trevlig individ, tyvärr utan fruktsättning.",3279,Story,19303,2018-09-16 10:40:57 UTC,2018-09-16 10:40:57 UTC
4456,"An old hedge of Carpinus betulus. 5 meters high, 5 meters wide and 30 meters long.",1796,Story,19285,2018-09-14 11:21:42 UTC,2018-09-14 11:21:42 UTC
4494,"pea family, maybe black locust?",3374,Story,19397,2018-09-27 12:50:10 UTC,2018-09-27 12:50:10 UTC
4495,what is this guy?,3374,Story,19400,2018-09-27 18:17:02 UTC,2018-09-27 18:17:02 UTC
4498,A new addition to the park in my backyard,1796,Story,19412,2018-09-28 05:21:40 UTC,2018-09-28 05:21:40 UTC
13410,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33618,2021-05-14 15:37:19 UTC,2021-05-14 15:37:19 UTC
4532,Magnificent specimen planted 1945,3205,Story,19766,2018-10-14 10:56:11 UTC,2018-10-14 10:56:11 UTC
4533,First in a row of five (formerly six) rather big specimen.,3205,Story,19768,2018-10-14 11:12:58 UTC,2018-10-14 11:12:58 UTC
4534,Mighty specimen of horse chestnut,3205,Story,19770,2018-10-14 11:38:07 UTC,2018-10-14 11:38:07 UTC
4535,Group of 5 newly planted trees in rather sad condition. Lots of dead wood. No pruning has taken place. Bad establishing.,3205,Story,19771,2018-10-14 11:42:34 UTC,2018-10-14 11:42:34 UTC
4537,Possibly Abies nordmanniana,3205,Story,19774,2018-10-14 12:01:26 UTC,2018-10-14 12:01:26 UTC
4536,Crataegus with long spines. NOT C. flabellata.,3205,Story,19773,2018-10-14 11:55:03 UTC,2018-10-14 11:55:03 UTC
4538,Two young specimen and one young triple-stemmed one,3205,Story,19776,2018-10-14 12:07:42 UTC,2018-10-14 12:07:42 UTC
4539,Fontänpil. Stort exemplar.,3205,Story,19777,2018-10-14 12:24:44 UTC,2018-10-14 12:24:44 UTC
4540,Beautiful specimen in a very open setting and thus forming a globular crown on a low trunk. The tree has been somewhat tended but has developed three trunks with one dangerous cracking and needs stabilising soon or it will split.,3205,Story,19780,2018-10-14 13:09:16 UTC,2018-10-14 13:09:16 UTC
4541,Propaply self-seeded specimen,3205,Story,19781,2018-10-14 13:15:32 UTC,2018-10-14 13:15:32 UTC
4542,Several older specimen along the shore path. Probably 'Zwarte Linde'.,3205,Story,19782,2018-10-14 13:31:23 UTC,2018-10-14 13:31:23 UTC
4543,Several specimen of a southern type with low branching placed among deciduous trees like Tilia and Acer.,3205,Story,19783,2018-10-14 13:40:34 UTC,2018-10-14 13:40:34 UTC
4544,Several older specimen,3205,Story,19784,2018-10-14 13:46:08 UTC,2018-10-14 13:46:08 UTC
4546,"Several older specimen nearby in the museum area, this one being one of the finest.",3205,Story,19786,2018-10-14 14:10:28 UTC,2018-10-14 14:10:28 UTC
4547,Alley with 10+2 middle-aged trees,3205,Story,19787,2018-10-14 14:17:55 UTC,2018-10-14 14:17:55 UTC
4548,"Alley of 6 trees, middle-aged. Could have done with some early structural pruning. Also branch-heavy towards south.",3205,Story,19788,2018-10-14 14:24:24 UTC,2018-10-14 14:24:24 UTC
4549,Nice autumn display of colors,3205,Story,19789,2018-10-14 14:41:01 UTC,2018-10-14 14:41:01 UTC
4550,Fine specimen for Stockholm. Sheltered situation. No fruit.,3205,Story,19790,2018-10-14 14:45:29 UTC,2018-10-14 14:45:29 UTC
4551,Many branches. Nice shape. Could be a 'Fastigiate Koster'.,3205,Story,19791,2018-10-14 14:50:21 UTC,2018-10-14 14:50:21 UTC
4552,Look at the beautiful fall colours!,3511,Story,19792,2018-10-14 19:05:56 UTC,2018-10-14 19:05:56 UTC
4553,Tappat mycket av sin starka färg.,3276,Story,19793,2018-10-14 20:36:44 UTC,2018-10-14 20:36:44 UTC
4587,Kvilleken. Mäter över 14meter i omkrets. Nästan helt död. Sveriges grövsta träd,1793,Story,19872,2018-10-21 13:11:42 UTC,2018-10-21 13:11:42 UTC
4588,"Omkrets på 5,9 meter. 2 grova stammar. Mycket hackapettshål. Stabiliserat. Konstig plåtlösning mellan stammarna som sakta men säkert går isär.",1793,Story,19873,2018-10-21 14:41:01 UTC,2018-10-21 14:41:01 UTC
4589,"9,6 meter i omkrets. Helt ihålig. Stora mängder mulm. Står i stenröse i direkt anknytning till åker. Rötter troligen skadade av jordbruksredskap",1793,Story,19874,2018-10-22 06:56:42 UTC,2018-10-22 06:56:42 UTC
4597,3 stycken,3605,Story,19912,2018-10-25 14:07:10 UTC,2018-10-25 14:07:10 UTC
4598,Häck. Sort okänd. Brabant?,3605,Story,19913,2018-10-25 14:09:32 UTC,2018-10-25 14:09:32 UTC
4599,3 st. Sort okänd. Sunburst?,3605,Story,19914,2018-10-25 14:32:32 UTC,2018-10-25 14:32:32 UTC
4607,Near gravediggers pub,3623,Story,19934,2018-10-27 09:42:23 UTC,2018-10-27 09:42:23 UTC
242,Not a bad tree to have in the middle of your playground,179,Story,880,2017-03-28 14:01:39 UTC,2017-03-28 14:01:39 UTC
866,Multi stemmed Persian ironwood.,383,Story,1811,2017-06-15 09:52:55 UTC,2017-06-15 09:52:55 UTC
4609,Mature tree ~50ft cut down in Oct 2018 for redevelopment,3467,Story,19944,2018-10-27 21:14:40 UTC,2018-10-27 21:14:40 UTC
4820,"Wild Cherry, Prunus avium, planted by us at top of Abergavenny Road in March 2017.",4193,Story,20483,2019-03-25 09:54:58 UTC,2019-03-25 09:54:58 UTC
4712,"Kabbarpsäpplet (Malus domestica ’Kabbarp’) bär tidig frukt (ungeför vid skolstart) och passar bra som dessertäpple, äppelpaj och dylikt. Maria Runnerstam, trädgårdslärare på Hvilan, samlade ympris på det gamla trädet 18 februari 2019.
Helena Andersson som arbetar i Hvilans skolkök är Kabbarpsbo och har försökt ta reda på mer om äpplets bakgrund (se nedan). En annan källa är Åhlén J.A. (1903) Bland Pomonas skatter. Öfver 450 i svensk odling förekommande fruktsorter. Äpplet kallas där ’Kabbarps baronäpple’ men är troligen samma sak som sorten ’Kabbarp’. Enligt POM:s mandatsortlista för äpple (2015) odlas trädet i Fredriksdal i Helsingborg.
Malus domestica ’Kabbarp’ finns i SKUD och sedan februari 2019 i Curio-XYZ.
Skomakaren som skapade Kabbarpsäpplet hette Per Andersson (1851-1935).",1083,Story,20251,2019-02-19 11:14:04 UTC,2019-02-19 11:14:04 UTC
4821,Halfway up Abinger Place,4193,Story,20485,2019-03-25 09:59:52 UTC,2019-03-25 09:59:52 UTC
4715,One of a cluster of three,4123,Story,20257,2019-02-24 10:32:19 UTC,2019-02-24 10:32:19 UTC
4714,Fleam Dyke beech growing adjacent Mutliq Hill bronze age Barrow,2062,Story,20255,2019-02-22 15:17:38 UTC,2019-02-22 15:17:38 UTC
4716,One of a group of three,4123,Story,20258,2019-02-24 10:33:39 UTC,2019-02-24 10:33:39 UTC
4717,One of a group of three,4123,Story,20259,2019-02-24 10:34:55 UTC,2019-02-24 10:34:55 UTC
4522,Happy days maple lads,3102,Story,19648,2018-10-10 17:20:04 UTC,2018-10-10 17:20:04 UTC
4523,We think all maples,3102,Story,19652,2018-10-10 17:22:34 UTC,2018-10-10 17:22:34 UTC
4524,Continued,3102,Story,19656,2018-10-10 17:23:56 UTC,2018-10-10 17:23:56 UTC
4527,Is it birch?,3102,Story,19676,2018-10-10 17:42:26 UTC,2018-10-10 17:42:26 UTC
4528,Is this a plane?,3102,Story,19685,2018-10-10 17:51:10 UTC,2018-10-10 17:51:10 UTC
4525,We think like tree,3102,Story,19666,2018-10-10 17:33:16 UTC,2018-10-10 17:33:16 UTC
4634,Större fristående sälg. Videkissarna redan (för tidigt) på väg. Står i fin miljö vid Boo hembygdsgård.,3276,Story,20037,2018-11-16 12:11:51 UTC,2018-11-16 12:11:51 UTC
4636,Lissosperma,3802,Story,20056,2018-11-18 19:46:28 UTC,2018-11-18 19:46:28 UTC
4637,Simulans,3802,Story,20057,2018-11-18 19:51:24 UTC,2018-11-18 19:51:24 UTC
4638,arctostaphylos rudis,3802,Story,20061,2018-11-18 20:16:54 UTC,2018-11-18 20:16:54 UTC
4647,This is the tree where they used to hang people in the middle ages.,3645,Story,20084,2018-11-25 08:56:47 UTC,2018-11-25 08:56:47 UTC
4648,These two pines look like they may have fallen and been partially uprooted when young then just got up and kept on going. Amazing bend in their trunks,180,Story,20086,2018-11-26 11:21:03 UTC,2018-11-26 11:21:03 UTC
4660,"This was the tree of the year 1994 in Reykjavík, Iceland.",3964,Story,20129,2018-12-23 10:44:01 UTC,2018-12-23 10:44:01 UTC
4661,This was the tree of the year in Iceland 2006.,3964,Story,20130,2018-12-23 11:31:53 UTC,2018-12-23 11:31:53 UTC
4664,Pinus Sabiniana,3802,Story,20147,2018-12-31 19:57:39 UTC,2018-12-31 19:57:39 UTC
4665,"Newly planted, one of a few 3 to 5m trees.",3958,Story,20153,2019-01-04 18:18:45 UTC,2019-01-04 18:18:45 UTC
4692,"Thus location was once a logging station. Large Terpentine hardwood trees were preferred by the loggers, resulting in a magnificent bluegum forrest on the Brunkerville creek.",4058,Story,20190,2019-01-29 06:38:25 UTC,2019-01-29 06:38:25 UTC
1244,Här står hybridvinssorten Vitis 'Solaris' som har vita druvor och gröna bladskaft.,1083,Story,2518,2017-08-14 13:56:47 UTC,2017-08-14 13:56:47 UTC
4878,Small holly berry tree,4254,Story,20598,2019-03-30 22:57:52 UTC,2019-03-30 22:57:52 UTC
4879,Large magnolia,4254,Story,20599,2019-03-30 23:00:48 UTC,2019-03-30 23:00:48 UTC
4880,Medium dogwood,4254,Story,20600,2019-03-30 23:02:27 UTC,2019-03-30 23:02:27 UTC
4872,"Acer campestre Louisa Red Shine, which we planted in November 2018.",4193,Story,20576,2019-03-30 11:54:07 UTC,2019-03-30 11:54:07 UTC
4884,"Im not sure what this tree is, but it looks amazing, It looks like its supposed to be under water!!",3154,Story,20604,2019-03-31 07:57:11 UTC,2019-03-31 07:57:11 UTC
4921,The row of 12 Norway Maple ,4193,Story,20678,2019-04-05 17:35:15 UTC,2019-04-05 17:35:15 UTC
4885,"A row of 12 Norway Maples, on the bank between Phoenix Causeway and Waitrose car park.",4193,Story,20605,2019-03-31 08:04:41 UTC,2019-03-31 08:04:41 UTC
4887,A line of Hornbeams within the grounds of Pells Swimming Pool.,4193,Story,20607,2019-03-31 08:10:20 UTC,2019-03-31 08:10:20 UTC
4889,In grounds of the prison,4193,Story,20609,2019-03-31 12:24:51 UTC,2019-03-31 12:24:51 UTC
4891,"Acer campestre Elsrijk, which we planted in March 2018",4193,Story,20612,2019-03-31 12:49:03 UTC,2019-03-31 12:49:03 UTC
4892,"One of two Acer campestre Elsrijk, which we planted in March 2018",4193,Story,20613,2019-03-31 12:52:57 UTC,2019-03-31 12:52:57 UTC
4893,"Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer, which we planted March 2018",4193,Story,20614,2019-03-31 12:57:28 UTC,2019-03-31 12:57:28 UTC
4894,One of two Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer which we planted here in March 2018,4193,Story,20615,2019-03-31 13:00:06 UTC,2019-03-31 13:00:06 UTC
4897,We planted this in March 2018.,4193,Story,20624,2019-03-31 16:45:56 UTC,2019-03-31 16:45:56 UTC
4898,We planted this tree in March 2018.,4193,Story,20625,2019-03-31 16:51:38 UTC,2019-03-31 16:51:38 UTC
4895,We planted this in March 2018,4193,Story,20621,2019-03-31 16:38:16 UTC,2019-03-31 16:38:16 UTC
4896,We planted this Liquidambar styraciflua Worplesdon in November 2018.,4193,Story,20622,2019-03-31 16:40:41 UTC,2019-03-31 16:40:41 UTC
4899,We planted two Prunus Umineko here in March 2018.,4193,Story,20627,2019-03-31 17:00:19 UTC,2019-03-31 17:00:19 UTC
4900,Liquidambar styraciflua Worplesdon which we planted here in March 2018.,4193,Story,20631,2019-03-31 17:34:03 UTC,2019-03-31 17:34:03 UTC
4888,"Three x three-needled Monterey Pines next to what used to be Wenban Smith, on the right of exit slope from Waitrose car park to Phoenix Causeway.",4193,Story,20608,2019-03-31 08:15:24 UTC,2019-03-31 08:15:24 UTC
4902,A row of 7 ornamental pear trees on the edge of Aldi car park,4193,Story,20649,2019-04-02 17:30:34 UTC,2019-04-02 17:30:34 UTC
4905,Small magnolia,4254,Story,20657,2019-04-03 20:07:03 UTC,2019-04-03 20:07:03 UTC
4911,2 black pines. Both with quite curious shapes.,3276,Story,20664,2019-04-04 08:10:03 UTC,2019-04-04 08:10:03 UTC
4912,Slightly leaning towards the light...,3276,Story,20666,2019-04-04 08:17:09 UTC,2019-04-04 08:17:09 UTC
4914,Small and shabby looking hemlock. Getting more light now when the previously shadowing Aria nivea has been felled.,3276,Story,20670,2019-04-04 13:39:10 UTC,2019-04-04 13:39:10 UTC
4619,"Roses are red, violets are blue
Dawn redwood to the left, 
Bald cypress to the right.
I love them both, and so should you",3279,Story,19999,2018-11-06 06:02:04 UTC,2018-11-06 06:02:04 UTC
4621,(f. glauca),3276,Story,20009,2018-11-06 17:15:45 UTC,2018-11-06 17:15:45 UTC
4622,"I need help ID this tree. I just can’t wrap my head around it. I know it’s not Koelreuteria paniculata, but am I wrong when I say there are some similarities? K. paniculata obviously got the characteristic seed pods, that this tree don’t have. Also Gymnocladus dioica comes to mind, of course without the beans. I’m sure some of you know this one. If anyone do, please notify me :)",3279,Story,20010,2018-11-06 20:30:43 UTC,2018-11-06 20:30:43 UTC
4916,Japanskt vårkörsbär i blom 5 april 2019. Korrekt namn enligt SKUD är Prunus itosakura. Närstående P. subhirtella. Den kallas ito-zakura eller shidare-zakura på japanska. Arten växer vild i Korea och centrala Japan.,1083,Story,20672,2019-04-05 11:18:20 UTC,2019-04-05 11:18:20 UTC
4920,Row of 12 oaks. Leaves still on because of last years drought?,3276,Story,20676,2019-04-05 13:39:15 UTC,2019-04-05 13:39:15 UTC
4922,"I'm hopefully right in my guess here. Very dark bark, and leaves in 5s. No cones to speak of and since the pine stands on a schoolyard it felt wrong to linger around.",3276,Story,20680,2019-04-05 19:00:21 UTC,2019-04-05 19:00:21 UTC
4926,"Struck by lightning in 2015 and eventually felled, but many branched shrub has grown from the stump.",4193,Story,20718,2019-04-08 07:47:48 UTC,2019-04-08 07:47:48 UTC
4927,Hawthorn with bright pinky red blossom,4193,Story,20719,2019-04-08 07:49:13 UTC,2019-04-08 07:49:13 UTC
4929,Behind the Forsythia! ,4193,Story,20721,2019-04-08 08:53:18 UTC,2019-04-08 08:53:18 UTC
4928,Much loved by birds,4193,Story,20720,2019-04-08 07:50:16 UTC,2019-04-08 07:50:16 UTC
4924,Damson blossom is amazing this year - seems to be everywhere you turn,180,Story,20693,2019-04-07 14:13:46 UTC,2019-04-07 14:13:46 UTC
4693,Named for it's hard timber; 'horn' means hard and 'beam' means tree in Old English.,4065,Story,20201,2019-01-30 15:40:01 UTC,2019-01-30 15:40:01 UTC
4694,"A veteran tree, roughly 400 years old and one of the oldest trees in Torbay.",4065,Story,20205,2019-01-30 15:55:23 UTC,2019-01-30 15:55:23 UTC
4695,An avenue of lime trees planted in 1951.,4065,Story,20209,2019-02-01 10:41:14 UTC,2019-02-01 10:41:14 UTC
4696,"The only national collection of hickory in Britain. There are 10 species including pignut hickory (C. galabra), shagbark hickory (C. laciniosa) and pecan (C. illinoinensis).",4065,Story,20210,2019-02-01 10:49:54 UTC,2019-02-01 10:49:54 UTC
4697,"Lemonwood, a New Zealand native.",4065,Story,20211,2019-02-01 11:12:37 UTC,2019-02-01 11:12:37 UTC
4699,Commonly known as castor aralia or prickly castor oil tree.,4065,Story,20215,2019-02-01 13:15:48 UTC,2019-02-01 13:15:48 UTC
4701,Approximately 44m tall.,4065,Story,20219,2019-02-01 14:18:15 UTC,2019-02-01 14:18:15 UTC
4700,Also Citharexylum quadrangulare.,4065,Story,20218,2019-02-01 13:29:15 UTC,2019-02-01 13:29:15 UTC
4705,Not positive about the species...... someone please correct if Im wrong.,3359,Story,20226,2019-02-05 15:51:42 UTC,2019-02-05 15:51:42 UTC
4703,This tree has a hole right through the centre of its trunk,218,Story,20223,2019-02-03 22:18:30 UTC,2019-02-03 22:18:30 UTC
4707,Next to plant sciences,4101,Story,20235,2019-02-13 11:42:47 UTC,2019-02-13 11:42:47 UTC
4842,"We planted a wild cherry, Prunus avium, here in March 2015.",4193,Story,20522,2019-03-26 20:09:59 UTC,2019-03-26 20:09:59 UTC
4868,Sorbus aria Magnifica,4193,Story,20572,2019-03-30 11:34:27 UTC,2019-03-30 11:34:27 UTC
4841,We planted a Sorbus aria Majestica here in December 2016.,4193,Story,20521,2019-03-26 20:05:27 UTC,2019-03-26 20:05:27 UTC
4818,"Native NZ Kowhai tree, grown from seed 1 year ago. Planted as a gift to the people and land in Te Taitokerau, the Far North of New Zealand. Thank you for letting us stay.",4041,Story,20481,2019-03-25 02:12:31 UTC,2019-03-25 02:12:31 UTC
4833,Near River Lodge Surgery,4193,Story,20505,2019-03-26 12:58:34 UTC,2019-03-26 12:58:34 UTC
4831,One of two Elms in the grounds of Victoria Hospital,4193,Story,20502,2019-03-25 21:04:53 UTC,2019-03-25 21:04:53 UTC
4819,Number 333002859,4248,Story,20482,2019-03-25 07:32:28 UTC,2019-03-25 07:32:28 UTC
4729,Apple trees being planted as part of a new edible garden at Enniscorthy enterprise center,180,Story,20294,2019-03-07 10:34:38 UTC,2019-03-07 10:34:38 UTC
4730,Apple trees being planted as part of a new edible garden at Enniscorthy enterprise center,180,Story,20295,2019-03-07 10:35:00 UTC,2019-03-07 10:35:00 UTC
4744,Hamlas,4142,Story,20355,2019-03-15 20:58:58 UTC,2019-03-15 20:58:58 UTC
4745,Beautifully shaped fastigiate Hornbeam,4193,Story,20358,2019-03-16 16:17:08 UTC,2019-03-16 16:17:08 UTC
4773,#lime,4193,Story,20404,2019-03-20 18:34:42 UTC,2019-03-20 18:34:42 UTC
4746,"Wonderful Lime, planted in 1989 to replace a tree lost in the storm of October 1987",4193,Story,20359,2019-03-16 16:20:39 UTC,2019-03-16 16:20:39 UTC
4823,A group of lime and cherry in the triangle opposite the Elephant and Castle.,4193,Story,20487,2019-03-25 10:15:45 UTC,2019-03-25 10:15:45 UTC
4750,Trachycarpus fortune,179,Story,20364,2019-03-17 14:24:13 UTC,2019-03-17 14:24:13 UTC
4747,"Stand of Norway Maples, with fantastic Autumn colours",4193,Story,20360,2019-03-16 16:24:07 UTC,2019-03-16 16:24:07 UTC
4749,"This copper beech was planted to replace one lost in the 1987 storm. It is called the Liberty Tree, and  commemorates Tom Paine, who lived in Lewes.",4193,Story,20362,2019-03-16 16:37:58 UTC,2019-03-16 16:37:58 UTC
4844,"We planted an Ulmus Americana ""Princeton"" here in March 2015.",4193,Story,20524,2019-03-26 20:14:35 UTC,2019-03-26 20:14:35 UTC
7019,One little apple on my new tree,180,Story,23773,2019-07-10 10:19:00 UTC,2019-07-10 10:19:00 UTC
4824,2 x Lime outside Shelley's,4193,Story,20488,2019-03-25 10:18:32 UTC,2019-03-25 10:18:32 UTC
4825,"On Prince Edwards Road, near junction with Gundreda Road.",4193,Story,20489,2019-03-25 12:55:42 UTC,2019-03-25 12:55:42 UTC
4826,"VERY large Beech tree in the grounds of Shelleys Hotel, visible through the gates to the car park.",4193,Story,20490,2019-03-25 12:58:33 UTC,2019-03-25 12:58:33 UTC
4827,"Betula pendula ""Youngii"", in the grounds of Trevor House. It has a lovely delicate shape.",4193,Story,20491,2019-03-25 13:06:45 UTC,2019-03-25 13:06:45 UTC
4870,We planted this tree in November 2018. ,4193,Story,20574,2019-03-30 11:48:29 UTC,2019-03-30 11:48:29 UTC
4837,"We planted three trees here in November 2018: Ginkgo biloba, Sorbus aria Magnifica and Acer campestre ""Louisa Red Shine""",4193,Story,20516,2019-03-26 19:01:42 UTC,2019-03-26 19:01:42 UTC
4845,"We planted a Grey Alder, Alnus incana, here in March 2015.",4193,Story,20525,2019-03-26 20:17:08 UTC,2019-03-26 20:17:08 UTC
4822,3 x trees surrounded by a fence,4193,Story,20486,2019-03-25 10:08:22 UTC,2019-03-25 10:08:22 UTC
4829,Plane tree at the edge of car park to Aldi,4193,Story,20494,2019-03-25 13:17:23 UTC,2019-03-25 13:17:23 UTC
4830,This tree looks glorious in Autumn!,4193,Story,20496,2019-03-25 18:51:03 UTC,2019-03-25 18:51:03 UTC
4838,"We planted two Liquidambar styraciflua Worplesdon here, one on each side of the cul - de - sac, in December 2016.",4193,Story,20518,2019-03-26 19:37:44 UTC,2019-03-26 19:37:44 UTC
5008,Cookies!,3276,Story,20923,2019-04-29 16:07:48 UTC,2019-04-29 16:07:48 UTC
4847,"We planted a wild cherry, Prunus avium, here in March 2015.",4193,Story,20527,2019-03-26 20:20:55 UTC,2019-03-26 20:20:55 UTC
4849,We planted 3 x Alnus gluinosa here in March 2017.,4193,Story,20529,2019-03-26 20:41:54 UTC,2019-03-26 20:41:54 UTC
4853,Cherry coming into blossom,180,Story,20534,2019-03-27 09:29:34 UTC,2019-03-27 09:29:34 UTC
14495,Namnsorten bär idag handelsnamnet AGNES.,1083,Story,37016,2022-08-25 10:33:40 UTC,2022-08-25 10:33:40 UTC
4675,Amazing the extent to which these trunks have entwined,180,Story,20169,2019-01-14 11:27:14 UTC,2019-01-14 11:27:14 UTC
1486,Amazing veteran black poplar pollard#veteran ,359,Story,3265,2017-11-02 10:44:02 UTC,2017-11-02 10:44:02 UTC
4682,Goda päron men vet ej vilken sort,3371,Story,20176,2019-01-18 12:07:21 UTC,2019-01-18 12:07:21 UTC
1227,Äkta valnöt infördes till Europa från Indien av Alexander den store.,1083,Story,2491,2017-08-12 10:48:13 UTC,2017-08-12 10:48:13 UTC
4690,"50 Birch, 150 Ash, 50 Hazel, 50 Hawthorn trees planted by Seal Rescue Ireland during Community Native Replanting Day",4041,Story,20184,2019-01-21 21:04:09 UTC,2019-01-21 21:04:09 UTC
4687,"50 Birch, 150 Ash, 50 Hazel, 50 Hawthorn trees planted by Seal Rescue Ireland during Community Native Replanting Day",4041,Story,20181,2019-01-21 21:01:35 UTC,2019-01-21 21:01:35 UTC
4691,This avenue of Lime trees was planted to represent the 42 member countries who attended the Global Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Conference held at Cockington in 1951.,4050,Story,20185,2019-01-25 14:03:32 UTC,2019-01-25 14:03:32 UTC
4688,"50 Birch, 150 Ash, 50 Hazel, 50 Hawthorn trees planted by Seal Rescue Ireland during Community Native Replanting Day",4041,Story,20182,2019-01-21 21:02:07 UTC,2019-01-21 21:02:07 UTC
4848,We planted 3 x Sorbus aria Majestica here in December 2016.,4193,Story,20528,2019-03-26 20:39:15 UTC,2019-03-26 20:39:15 UTC
4850,"In March 2017 we planted 2 x Betula utilis Jaquemontii, Himalyan Birch, here.",4193,Story,20530,2019-03-26 20:44:45 UTC,2019-03-26 20:44:45 UTC
4852,"Prunus avium, Wild or bird cherry, which we planted in March 2017.",4193,Story,20532,2019-03-26 20:48:12 UTC,2019-03-26 20:48:12 UTC
4869,"Stella on Colt rootstock, planted December 2016.",4193,Story,20573,2019-03-30 11:35:45 UTC,2019-03-30 11:35:45 UTC
4840,"Stella on Colt rootstock, which we planted here in December 2016.",4193,Story,20520,2019-03-26 19:54:03 UTC,2019-03-26 19:54:03 UTC
4978,To right of picture is the field maple ,4193,Story,20848,2019-04-17 18:00:07 UTC,2019-04-17 18:00:07 UTC
4851,"We planted two of these in March 2017 but one of them was ring barked by somebody, and died.",4193,Story,20531,2019-03-26 20:46:41 UTC,2019-03-26 20:46:41 UTC
4764,Wheatley Elm,4193,Story,20389,2019-03-19 18:46:17 UTC,2019-03-19 18:46:17 UTC
4770,These trees look magnificent in Autumn! ,4193,Story,20399,2019-03-20 17:02:07 UTC,2019-03-20 17:02:07 UTC
4771,Beautiful orange flowers in Spring,4193,Story,20402,2019-03-20 17:12:56 UTC,2019-03-20 17:12:56 UTC
4766,Row of 4 Ulmus New Horizon  planted 2017-2019 to replace those lost to DED,4193,Story,20391,2019-03-19 19:02:29 UTC,2019-03-19 19:02:29 UTC
4923,Hawthorn full of sparrows! ,4193,Story,20690,2019-04-06 12:30:02 UTC,2019-04-06 12:30:02 UTC
4774,Hawthorn with clematis growing through it. ,4193,Story,20405,2019-03-20 18:37:17 UTC,2019-03-20 18:37:17 UTC
4769,Hawthorn planted in 2010,4193,Story,20397,2019-03-20 16:55:36 UTC,2019-03-20 16:55:36 UTC
4777,Someone needs to give this tree some love! #Blossom,269,Story,20413,2019-03-21 15:55:40 UTC,2019-03-21 15:55:40 UTC
4778,A wonky #cherryblossom in #Kinsale,269,Story,20414,2019-03-21 15:58:04 UTC,2019-03-21 15:58:04 UTC
4779,#Kinsale #tree,269,Story,20415,2019-03-21 16:00:10 UTC,2019-03-21 16:00:10 UTC
4781,This poor tree! Seems to have been knocked over but continued to grow.,269,Story,20417,2019-03-21 16:05:51 UTC,2019-03-21 16:05:51 UTC
4780,#Kinsale tree,269,Story,20416,2019-03-21 16:04:34 UTC,2019-03-21 16:04:34 UTC
4776,In churchyard of St. Anne's,4193,Story,20411,2019-03-21 12:15:03 UTC,2019-03-21 12:15:03 UTC
4775,Outside of River Lodge Surgery,4193,Story,20410,2019-03-21 08:31:20 UTC,2019-03-21 08:31:20 UTC
4814,unknown oak,3414,Story,20463,2019-03-23 15:13:23 UTC,2019-03-23 15:13:23 UTC
4862,"East Street, Lewes",4193,Story,20565,2019-03-29 10:40:24 UTC,2019-03-29 10:40:24 UTC
4863,"Car park of Needlemskers, Lewes",4193,Story,20566,2019-03-29 10:50:36 UTC,2019-03-29 10:50:36 UTC
4865,"Dawyck Purple variety of Copper Beech, has a fastigiate form. Planted 1986.",4193,Story,20568,2019-03-29 17:39:14 UTC,2019-03-29 17:39:14 UTC
4866,Along the bank between the church and Southover High Street. Regularly pollarded.,4193,Story,20569,2019-03-29 17:46:49 UTC,2019-03-29 17:46:49 UTC
4864,"""Westhof's Glorie"" - has purple-red leaves in Autumn",4193,Story,20567,2019-03-29 17:35:00 UTC,2019-03-29 17:35:00 UTC
4871,We planted this tree in November 2018.,4193,Story,20575,2019-03-30 11:51:39 UTC,2019-03-30 11:51:39 UTC
4877,Small magnolia tree,4254,Story,20597,2019-03-30 22:55:14 UTC,2019-03-30 22:55:14 UTC
4861,"Albion Street, Lewes",4193,Story,20564,2019-03-29 10:38:06 UTC,2019-03-29 10:38:06 UTC
4930,Ulmus New Horizon,4193,Story,20724,2019-04-08 19:28:05 UTC,2019-04-08 19:28:05 UTC
4931,Ulmus New Horizon,4193,Story,20725,2019-04-08 19:29:05 UTC,2019-04-08 19:29:05 UTC
4932,Ulmus New Horizon,4193,Story,20726,2019-04-08 19:29:43 UTC,2019-04-08 19:29:43 UTC
4933,Himalyan Birch,4193,Story,20727,2019-04-08 19:38:15 UTC,2019-04-08 19:38:15 UTC
4935,Hazel copse,4193,Story,20729,2019-04-08 19:50:33 UTC,2019-04-08 19:50:33 UTC
4936,Hazel copse,4193,Story,20730,2019-04-08 19:50:33 UTC,2019-04-08 19:50:33 UTC
4934,"A Meridian tree, planted on the Meridian Line!",4193,Story,20728,2019-04-08 19:42:49 UTC,2019-04-08 19:42:49 UTC
4939,Outside Lewes Little Theatre,4193,Story,20737,2019-04-09 10:22:53 UTC,2019-04-09 10:22:53 UTC
4942,Planted April 2019,4285,Story,20763,2019-04-11 09:31:40 UTC,2019-04-11 09:31:40 UTC
4943,Planted April 2019,4285,Story,20764,2019-04-11 09:33:27 UTC,2019-04-11 09:33:27 UTC
4944,Planted April 2019,4285,Story,20765,2019-04-11 09:36:11 UTC,2019-04-11 09:36:11 UTC
4945,Planted April 2019,4285,Story,20766,2019-04-11 09:37:23 UTC,2019-04-11 09:37:23 UTC
4940,Planted April 2019,4285,Story,20760,2019-04-11 09:22:42 UTC,2019-04-11 09:22:42 UTC
4941,Planted April 2019,4285,Story,20761,2019-04-11 09:28:59 UTC,2019-04-11 09:28:59 UTC
4951,In front of the Key theatre,4165,Story,20775,2019-04-11 11:02:26 UTC,2019-04-11 11:02:26 UTC
4953,#peterborough #KeyTheatre ,4165,Story,20778,2019-04-11 11:34:04 UTC,2019-04-11 11:34:04 UTC
4954,One of the big trees in Stanground,4165,Story,20782,2019-04-11 13:26:09 UTC,2019-04-11 13:26:09 UTC
4955,New planted tree,4165,Story,20783,2019-04-11 13:53:48 UTC,2019-04-11 13:53:48 UTC
4961,These look like populous robusta,4165,Story,20791,2019-04-11 15:05:00 UTC,2019-04-11 15:05:00 UTC
4957,Multi stemmed tree which has great habitat potential,4165,Story,20785,2019-04-11 14:10:26 UTC,2019-04-11 14:10:26 UTC
4962,Multistemmed,2062,Story,20792,2019-04-11 15:32:38 UTC,2019-04-11 15:32:38 UTC
4963,Great feature tree and landscape marker,4165,Story,20798,2019-04-11 16:13:28 UTC,2019-04-11 16:13:28 UTC
4959,Next to the old ponds on Mortons Leam,4165,Story,20787,2019-04-11 14:37:07 UTC,2019-04-11 14:37:07 UTC
4960,"Platanus orientalis digitalia, planted by us in March 2015. The female flowers are a beautiful red colour in Spring.",4193,Story,20788,2019-04-11 14:49:33 UTC,2019-04-11 14:49:33 UTC
4969,Not sure what specie,345,Story,20814,2019-04-13 13:45:44 UTC,2019-04-13 13:45:44 UTC
4965,Really nice old oak in Moulton,4165,Story,20802,2019-04-12 17:35:05 UTC,2019-04-12 17:35:05 UTC
4972,In Pinnacles National Park,345,Story,20817,2019-04-13 14:06:54 UTC,2019-04-13 14:06:54 UTC
4967,Veteran pear,4165,Story,20805,2019-04-12 17:42:26 UTC,2019-04-12 17:42:26 UTC
4974,"Amazing plants collection in Lotusland, Santa Barbara",345,Story,20819,2019-04-13 14:18:41 UTC,2019-04-13 14:18:41 UTC
4966,Veteran pear tree,4165,Story,20804,2019-04-12 17:41:29 UTC,2019-04-12 17:41:29 UTC
4968,Very large Oak,4165,Story,20806,2019-04-12 18:17:14 UTC,2019-04-12 18:17:14 UTC
4976,Large sycamore in the Gun Garden of Lewes Castle,4193,Story,20822,2019-04-16 12:37:17 UTC,2019-04-16 12:37:17 UTC
4977,Det var en gång en lind...😥,1821,Story,20845,2019-04-17 09:32:32 UTC,2019-04-17 09:32:32 UTC
4718,Fällning,4142,Story,20275,2019-02-27 10:39:35 UTC,2019-02-27 10:39:35 UTC
4719,Fagus sylvatica 'laciniata',4153,Story,20276,2019-02-28 09:59:05 UTC,2019-02-28 09:59:05 UTC
4731,Apple trees being planted as part of a new edible garden at Enniscorthy enterprise center,180,Story,20296,2019-03-07 10:35:19 UTC,2019-03-07 10:35:19 UTC
5126,Ash is source of the caman,4379,Story,21143,2019-05-04 09:12:37 UTC,2019-05-04 09:12:37 UTC
5130,"A silver birch, one of thousands of native Irish trees planted by c3500 people that took part in the inaugural mass planting of Terryland Forest Park in March 2000",4379,Story,21147,2019-05-04 10:06:11 UTC,2019-05-04 10:06:11 UTC
5129,"This oak lies in the Centre of an grove ringed by a circle of oak trees planted in March 2000, when circa 3,500 turned up to take part in the inaugural planting of Terryland Forest Park",4379,Story,21146,2019-05-04 09:55:25 UTC,2019-05-04 09:55:25 UTC
1421,The tree that’s eating a bench,245,Story,3007,2017-10-05 18:26:08 UTC,2017-10-05 18:26:08 UTC
1667,"This is the famous #HungryTree 😁! Well, famous in Dublin, Ireland that it. It's a London Plane in the grounds of the law school on Constitution Hill that has been gobbling up a bench for a good number of years now. Amazingly the tree is believed to have only been planted in the 1930's, so it's making short work of that bench. I like to think that it has eaten a few lawyers too.",180,Story,3594,2017-11-24 22:34:56 UTC,2018-03-15 12:32:57 UTC
4979,Planterad 19/4 -19 för Eira.,4318,Story,20862,2019-04-20 19:14:41 UTC,2019-04-20 19:14:41 UTC
4981,Beautiful colours in April ,4193,Story,20864,2019-04-21 14:12:57 UTC,2019-04-21 14:12:57 UTC
4982,Has lovely red apples,4193,Story,20866,2019-04-21 14:16:45 UTC,2019-04-21 14:16:45 UTC
4983,Ash tree that needs to be part of the Smart Ash program!,4326,Story,20870,2019-04-22 21:25:03 UTC,2019-04-22 21:25:03 UTC
4985,Near the Dorset Arms,4193,Story,20872,2019-04-24 09:39:44 UTC,2019-04-24 09:39:44 UTC
4986,Waterloo Place,4193,Story,20873,2019-04-24 09:47:05 UTC,2019-04-24 09:47:05 UTC
4987,Far end of Waterloo Place,4193,Story,20874,2019-04-24 09:48:46 UTC,2019-04-24 09:48:46 UTC
4989,Fk Ulriksdal,208,Story,20889,2019-04-25 19:08:15 UTC,2019-04-25 19:08:15 UTC
4992,Those impressive leaves are just about to  fold out.,3276,Story,20896,2019-04-26 16:27:56 UTC,2019-04-26 16:27:56 UTC
4991,"Three of them, in full bloom.",3276,Story,20893,2019-04-26 10:13:01 UTC,2019-04-26 10:13:01 UTC
4997,"The hamling that God forgot. Not the most beautiful part of the park. Greenery is even trying to hide within the trees, where they haven't poured concrete.",3276,Story,20911,2019-04-27 13:36:54 UTC,2019-04-27 13:36:54 UTC
4996,"Stockholms largest and oldest magnolia. Planted 1933, which means it survived the harsh winters of the 40's. Every year when the tree blooms, a party is held in its vicinity to celebrate the blooming and arrival of spring. And a price is given to a resident of Södermalm that has made a special contribution.",3276,Story,20910,2019-04-27 13:20:24 UTC,2019-04-27 13:20:24 UTC
4998,"Six of them in a row. Small and the leaves are just folding out. Planted in skeleton soil, the Stockholm model.",3276,Story,20912,2019-04-27 14:00:06 UTC,2019-04-27 14:00:06 UTC
4999,"16 of them, still babies.",3276,Story,20913,2019-04-27 14:07:19 UTC,2019-04-27 14:07:19 UTC
5000,Evert Taube's private magnolia.,3276,Story,20914,2019-04-27 21:22:12 UTC,2019-04-27 21:22:12 UTC
5001,"Mäktigt lång trädrad av busk-träd, kan det vara en Malus floribunda?",3954,Story,20915,2019-04-28 09:37:31 UTC,2019-04-28 09:37:31 UTC
5011,1.17m,4356,Story,20963,2019-04-30 08:03:25 UTC,2019-04-30 08:03:25 UTC
5014,1.71m,4356,Story,20972,2019-04-30 08:25:16 UTC,2019-04-30 08:25:16 UTC
5012,3.2m,4356,Story,20968,2019-04-30 08:16:42 UTC,2019-05-03 10:46:09 UTC
5017,1.63,4356,Story,20975,2019-04-30 08:27:41 UTC,2019-04-30 08:27:41 UTC
5019,1.6m,4356,Story,20978,2019-04-30 08:38:19 UTC,2019-04-30 08:38:19 UTC
5013,2.78,4356,Story,20970,2019-04-30 08:19:36 UTC,2019-04-30 08:19:36 UTC
5015,1.81m,4356,Story,20973,2019-04-30 08:26:29 UTC,2019-04-30 08:26:29 UTC
5039,1.1m,4356,Story,20998,2019-04-30 09:31:23 UTC,2019-04-30 09:31:23 UTC
5018,Many trees,4356,Story,20977,2019-04-30 08:35:54 UTC,2019-04-30 08:35:54 UTC
5020,4.04m,4356,Story,20979,2019-04-30 08:53:24 UTC,2019-04-30 08:53:24 UTC
5022,.95m,4356,Story,20981,2019-04-30 08:59:16 UTC,2019-04-30 08:59:16 UTC
5023,1.22,4356,Story,20982,2019-04-30 09:02:09 UTC,2019-04-30 09:02:09 UTC
5024,1.68m,4356,Story,20983,2019-04-30 09:03:43 UTC,2019-04-30 09:03:43 UTC
5025,1.24m,4356,Story,20984,2019-04-30 09:04:40 UTC,2019-04-30 09:04:40 UTC
5026,"1.06 closest tree, 1.14 back tree",4356,Story,20985,2019-04-30 09:06:03 UTC,2019-04-30 09:06:03 UTC
5027,3.66m,4356,Story,20986,2019-04-30 09:11:42 UTC,2019-04-30 09:11:42 UTC
5028,3.06,4356,Story,20987,2019-04-30 09:13:21 UTC,2019-04-30 09:13:21 UTC
5030,3.06,4356,Story,20988,2019-04-30 09:13:21 UTC,2019-04-30 09:13:21 UTC
5029,3.06,4356,Story,20989,2019-04-30 09:13:21 UTC,2019-04-30 09:13:21 UTC
5031,.9m,4356,Story,20990,2019-04-30 09:18:56 UTC,2019-04-30 09:18:56 UTC
5035,1.26m,4356,Story,20994,2019-04-30 09:25:09 UTC,2019-04-30 09:25:09 UTC
5038,3m,4356,Story,20997,2019-04-30 09:30:16 UTC,2019-04-30 09:30:16 UTC
5036,.96m,4356,Story,20995,2019-04-30 09:25:49 UTC,2019-04-30 09:25:49 UTC
5032,1.19,4356,Story,20991,2019-04-30 09:22:48 UTC,2019-04-30 09:22:48 UTC
5042,1.8m,4356,Story,21001,2019-04-30 09:32:30 UTC,2019-04-30 09:32:30 UTC
5037,2.1m,4356,Story,20996,2019-04-30 09:27:08 UTC,2019-04-30 09:27:08 UTC
5040,1.8m,4356,Story,20999,2019-04-30 09:32:28 UTC,2019-04-30 09:32:28 UTC
5041,1.8m,4356,Story,21000,2019-04-30 09:32:30 UTC,2019-04-30 09:32:30 UTC
5043,3.1m,4356,Story,21002,2019-04-30 09:35:33 UTC,2019-04-30 09:35:33 UTC
5044,4+ m,4356,Story,21003,2019-04-30 09:36:04 UTC,2019-04-30 09:36:04 UTC
5045,1.01,4356,Story,21005,2019-04-30 09:37:35 UTC,2019-04-30 09:37:35 UTC
5046,1.05,4356,Story,21006,2019-04-30 09:38:38 UTC,2019-04-30 09:38:38 UTC
5048,.98m,4356,Story,21008,2019-04-30 09:40:28 UTC,2019-04-30 09:40:28 UTC
5049,1.41m,4356,Story,21009,2019-04-30 10:04:00 UTC,2019-04-30 10:04:00 UTC
5050,.97m,4356,Story,21010,2019-04-30 10:05:05 UTC,2019-04-30 10:05:05 UTC
5051,.98,4356,Story,21011,2019-04-30 10:05:51 UTC,2019-04-30 10:05:51 UTC
5052,.94m,4356,Story,21012,2019-04-30 10:06:49 UTC,2019-04-30 10:06:49 UTC
5053,1.04m,4356,Story,21013,2019-04-30 10:07:55 UTC,2019-04-30 10:07:55 UTC
5058,1.17,4356,Story,21018,2019-04-30 10:11:54 UTC,2019-04-30 10:11:54 UTC
5054,.97m,4356,Story,21014,2019-04-30 10:10:54 UTC,2019-04-30 10:10:54 UTC
5056,1.17,4356,Story,21016,2019-04-30 10:11:54 UTC,2019-04-30 10:11:54 UTC
5055,1.17,4356,Story,21015,2019-04-30 10:11:54 UTC,2019-04-30 10:11:54 UTC
5057,1.17,4356,Story,21017,2019-04-30 10:11:54 UTC,2019-04-30 10:11:54 UTC
5060,1.17,4356,Story,21020,2019-04-30 10:11:54 UTC,2019-04-30 10:11:54 UTC
5061,1.41m,4356,Story,21022,2019-04-30 10:14:39 UTC,2019-04-30 10:14:39 UTC
5062,1.4m,4356,Story,21023,2019-04-30 10:15:09 UTC,2019-04-30 10:15:09 UTC
5063,1.13m,4356,Story,21024,2019-04-30 10:15:54 UTC,2019-04-30 10:15:54 UTC
5064,1.27m,4356,Story,21025,2019-04-30 10:16:42 UTC,2019-04-30 10:16:42 UTC
5065,.9,4356,Story,21026,2019-04-30 10:17:18 UTC,2019-04-30 10:17:18 UTC
5066,1.12m,4356,Story,21027,2019-04-30 10:17:43 UTC,2019-04-30 10:17:43 UTC
5067,2.01m,4356,Story,21028,2019-04-30 10:18:26 UTC,2019-04-30 10:18:26 UTC
5073,3.57m,4356,Story,21034,2019-04-30 10:33:32 UTC,2019-04-30 10:33:32 UTC
5076,1.02,4356,Story,21037,2019-04-30 10:35:25 UTC,2019-04-30 10:35:25 UTC
5078,3.57,4356,Story,21039,2019-04-30 10:36:16 UTC,2019-04-30 10:36:16 UTC
5080,1.14m,4356,Story,21041,2019-04-30 10:44:05 UTC,2019-04-30 10:44:05 UTC
5082,1.12,4356,Story,21044,2019-04-30 10:45:06 UTC,2019-04-30 10:45:06 UTC
5083,1.12,4356,Story,21045,2019-04-30 10:45:08 UTC,2019-04-30 10:45:08 UTC
5087,1.08m,4356,Story,21049,2019-04-30 10:48:22 UTC,2019-04-30 10:48:22 UTC
5088,1.08m,4356,Story,21050,2019-04-30 10:48:24 UTC,2019-04-30 10:48:24 UTC
5089,1.25,4356,Story,21062,2019-04-30 10:50:49 UTC,2019-04-30 10:50:49 UTC
4947,Willow avenue on the Embankment,4165,Story,20770,2019-04-11 10:19:45 UTC,2019-04-11 10:19:45 UTC
4950,Behind the Key theatre.,4165,Story,20773,2019-04-11 10:38:24 UTC,2019-04-11 10:38:24 UTC
4952,In front of the Key theatre,4165,Story,20777,2019-04-11 11:12:19 UTC,2019-04-11 11:12:19 UTC
5010,Ulmus 1.63,4356,Story,20959,2019-04-30 07:57:43 UTC,2019-04-30 07:57:43 UTC
5074,1.14,4356,Story,21035,2019-04-30 10:34:06 UTC,2019-04-30 10:34:06 UTC
5059,1.17,4356,Story,21019,2019-04-30 10:11:54 UTC,2019-04-30 10:11:54 UTC
5068,1.99m,4356,Story,21029,2019-04-30 10:19:27 UTC,2019-04-30 10:19:27 UTC
5070,2.78m,4356,Story,21031,2019-04-30 10:29:37 UTC,2019-04-30 10:29:37 UTC
5072,1.29,4356,Story,21033,2019-04-30 10:31:34 UTC,2019-04-30 10:31:34 UTC
5075,1.02,4356,Story,21036,2019-04-30 10:34:42 UTC,2019-04-30 10:34:42 UTC
5077,3.57,4356,Story,21038,2019-04-30 10:36:14 UTC,2019-04-30 10:36:14 UTC
5155,On Baxter's Field,4193,Story,21230,2019-05-07 17:06:31 UTC,2019-05-07 17:06:31 UTC
#round1 ",4360,Story,21249,2019-05-07 22:26:44 UTC,2019-05-07 22:26:44 UTC
5181,Dead,4371,Story,21257,2019-05-08 11:26:28 UTC,2019-05-08 11:26:28 UTC
5182,Massive oak,4371,Story,21258,2019-05-08 11:27:50 UTC,2019-05-08 11:27:50 UTC
5180,Arb 17 gåva till Hvilan utbildning på examensdagen. Frökälla Alnarpsparken,1120,Story,21256,2019-05-08 09:55:29 UTC,2019-05-08 09:55:29 UTC
5183,725 cm,4371,Story,21267,2019-05-08 12:25:03 UTC,2019-05-08 12:25:03 UTC
5188,Pelarformig,3254,Story,21300,2019-05-09 07:30:14 UTC,2019-05-09 07:30:14 UTC
5190,"En praktmagnolia, dess blomma och dess blomställning.",3253,Story,21323,2019-05-09 07:49:09 UTC,2019-05-09 07:49:09 UTC
5189,"Prunus sato-zakura gruppen ""Kanzan""",3253,Story,21310,2019-05-09 07:36:18 UTC,2019-05-09 07:36:18 UTC
5079,1.34m,4356,Story,21040,2019-04-30 10:43:29 UTC,2019-04-30 10:43:29 UTC
5081,1.14m,4356,Story,21042,2019-04-30 10:44:06 UTC,2019-04-30 10:44:06 UTC
5084,2.07m,4356,Story,21046,2019-04-30 10:45:38 UTC,2019-04-30 10:45:38 UTC
5085,2.07m,4356,Story,21047,2019-04-30 10:45:39 UTC,2019-04-30 10:45:39 UTC
5115,Detta är lignos nummer 4.,1083,Story,21108,2019-05-01 19:01:10 UTC,2019-05-01 19:01:10 UTC
5094,Buskage med rosa blommor,1083,Story,21075,2019-05-01 08:44:26 UTC,2019-05-01 08:44:26 UTC
5116,Detta är lignos nummer 5.,1083,Story,21109,2019-05-01 19:01:55 UTC,2019-05-01 19:01:55 UTC
5095,Träd med vita doftande blommor.,1083,Story,21076,2019-05-01 08:46:00 UTC,2019-05-01 08:46:00 UTC
5117,Detta är lignos nummer 6.,1083,Story,21110,2019-05-01 19:02:30 UTC,2019-05-01 19:02:30 UTC
5096,Träd med hängande blomställningar,1083,Story,21077,2019-05-01 08:49:33 UTC,2019-05-01 08:49:33 UTC
5102,12. Höga träd th om stigen efter bron.,1083,Story,21083,2019-05-01 09:10:05 UTC,2019-05-01 09:10:05 UTC
5118,"Detta är lignos nummer 7. Punkten är ungefärlig men följ stigen mot bron. När denna lignos är klar, fortsätt över bron och ta vänster.",1083,Story,21111,2019-05-01 19:04:36 UTC,2019-05-01 19:04:36 UTC
5097,"Buske vid hitre vänstra brofästet, invid vattnet.",1083,Story,21078,2019-05-01 08:52:30 UTC,2019-05-01 08:52:30 UTC
5119,Detta är lignos nummer 8.,1083,Story,21112,2019-05-01 19:05:23 UTC,2019-05-01 19:05:23 UTC
5098,Ensamt barrträd,1083,Story,21079,2019-05-01 08:56:04 UTC,2019-05-01 08:56:04 UTC
5120,Detta är lignos nummer 9.,1083,Story,21113,2019-05-01 19:05:42 UTC,2019-05-01 19:05:42 UTC
5099,Ensamt barrträd invid stigen. Gå därefter tillbaka till orange skåneled!,1083,Story,21080,2019-05-01 08:58:46 UTC,2019-05-01 08:58:46 UTC
5103,Högt träd med vita blommor.,1083,Story,21084,2019-05-01 09:15:20 UTC,2019-05-01 09:15:20 UTC
5107,17. Plantering av städsegrön lignos.,1083,Story,21091,2019-05-01 09:53:04 UTC,2019-05-01 09:53:04 UTC
5121,Detta är lignos nummer 14.,1083,Story,21114,2019-05-01 19:08:04 UTC,2019-05-01 19:08:04 UTC
5104,Plantering av höga lövfällande träd (Magnoliopsida).,1083,Story,21085,2019-05-01 09:30:03 UTC,2019-05-01 09:30:03 UTC
5123,"När denna lignos nummer 16 är klar, fortsätt rakt fram på mountainbikespåret mot nästa plantering, gå inte ut på kullen söder om skåneleden ännu!",1083,Story,21116,2019-05-01 19:11:37 UTC,2019-05-01 19:11:37 UTC
5106,I sydvästra hörnet av barrväxtplanteringen finns ett vedartat buskformigt ogräs som blommar med gröna blommor just nu. Vilket?,1083,Story,21088,2019-05-01 09:47:36 UTC,2019-05-01 09:47:36 UTC
5122,Detta är lignos nummer 16.,1083,Story,21115,2019-05-01 19:08:53 UTC,2019-05-01 19:08:53 UTC
5108,18. Liten buske med 3-5-flikiga blad.,1083,Story,21092,2019-05-01 09:55:20 UTC,2019-05-01 09:55:20 UTC
5124,"Detta städsegröna träd är lignos nummer 20 och Du är i mål!

Begär ut facit och rätta Dig själv!

Mindre än 50% rätt - Du behöver träna mer!
50-70% rätt - Du imponerar på Dina kunder!
71-89% rätt - Du imponerar även på Dina kollegor!
90-99% rätt - Du imponerar även på dendrologer!
100% rätt - skriv en bok!

Tack för två roliga år i fält!
Hälsningar Eric",1083,Story,21117,2019-05-01 19:25:39 UTC,2019-05-01 19:25:39 UTC
5110,19. Städsegrön buske,1083,Story,21094,2019-05-01 10:13:43 UTC,2019-05-01 10:13:43 UTC
5111,A really juicy fir!,3276,Story,21104,2019-05-01 16:15:41 UTC,2019-05-01 16:15:41 UTC
5033,.95m,4356,Story,20992,2019-04-30 09:24:07 UTC,2019-04-30 09:24:07 UTC
5009,Ulmus 1.6m,4356,Story,20958,2019-04-30 07:56:03 UTC,2019-04-30 07:56:03 UTC
5125,Äkta kastanj med gammal urfläkning av stamdel. Brunröta. Svamprester. Gott om reaktionsved.,1741,Story,21120,2019-05-02 12:44:57 UTC,2019-05-02 12:44:57 UTC
5002,With creeping Taxus baccata as ground cover.,3276,Story,20916,2019-04-28 10:10:17 UTC,2019-04-28 10:10:17 UTC
5004,"These prunes are planted all along Eriksdalsgatan, like 20 - 30 trees. All of them in skeleton soil. Sadly, many of them have branches without flowers. It appears it's the ones without watering sacks. They should thrive here, since the location is warm and pointed south.",3276,Story,20919,2019-04-29 15:49:32 UTC,2019-04-29 15:49:32 UTC
5005,Just waiting for those boles to get that characteristic muscular look.,3276,Story,20920,2019-04-29 15:52:20 UTC,2019-04-29 15:52:20 UTC
5006,Sheltered in a warm backyard.,3276,Story,20921,2019-04-29 15:56:13 UTC,2019-04-29 15:56:13 UTC
5007,That's the most obvious grafting I have ever seen. I guess it's grafted on a regular wych elm?,3276,Story,20922,2019-04-29 16:04:20 UTC,2019-04-29 16:04:20 UTC
7836,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24662,2019-08-02 23:51:44 UTC,2019-08-02 23:51:44 UTC
5133,Hamlad alm,4371,Story,21183,2019-05-06 13:31:35 UTC,2019-05-06 13:31:35 UTC
5134,Hamlat träd,4371,Story,21184,2019-05-06 13:32:01 UTC,2019-05-06 13:32:01 UTC
5267,"Has white berries tinged with pink, usually the last to be eaten by the birds, so a huge draw when waxwings arrive late!",4193,Story,21485,2019-05-17 12:24:43 UTC,2019-05-17 12:24:43 UTC
11465,#step #may ,5842,Story,29981,2020-06-10 23:39:03 UTC,2020-06-10 23:39:03 UTC
8717,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25624,2019-08-28 05:05:37 UTC,2019-08-28 05:05:37 UTC
5369,5/17/19 baseline photo,4462,Story,21588,2019-05-17 23:11:09 UTC,2019-05-17 23:11:09 UTC
5347,Chinese Elm #stepmomonitored #round1,4475,Story,21566,2019-05-17 21:48:55 UTC,2019-05-17 21:48:55 UTC
5348,Baseline picture 5/17/19,4462,Story,21567,2019-05-17 22:19:27 UTC,2019-05-17 22:19:27 UTC
8688,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25593,2019-08-28 04:11:40 UTC,2019-08-28 04:11:40 UTC
5352,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21571,2019-05-17 22:36:41 UTC,2019-05-17 22:36:41 UTC
8690,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25595,2019-08-28 04:14:12 UTC,2019-08-28 04:14:12 UTC
5353,Baseline photo 5/18:19,4462,Story,21572,2019-05-17 22:39:57 UTC,2019-05-17 22:39:57 UTC
11641,#step #june,5842,Story,30235,2020-06-15 23:16:40 UTC,2020-06-15 23:16:40 UTC
5354,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21573,2019-05-17 22:42:11 UTC,2019-05-17 22:42:11 UTC
5358,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21577,2019-05-17 22:48:06 UTC,2019-05-17 22:48:06 UTC
5363,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21582,2019-05-17 22:51:48 UTC,2019-05-17 22:51:48 UTC
7001,#stepmonitored  #round 2,4462,Story,23753,2019-07-10 04:47:29 UTC,2019-07-10 04:47:29 UTC
5367,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21586,2019-05-17 22:58:47 UTC,2019-05-17 22:58:47 UTC
8732,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25641,2019-08-28 05:28:20 UTC,2019-08-28 05:28:20 UTC
5194,Longing to see this fella in autumn colours. Good looking scenery.,3276,Story,21347,2019-05-09 16:58:50 UTC,2019-05-09 16:58:50 UTC
5193,Just look at those baby-cones! Adorable.,3276,Story,21345,2019-05-09 16:50:42 UTC,2019-05-09 16:50:42 UTC
5195,Bees busily working amongst the flowers,3276,Story,21350,2019-05-09 17:10:41 UTC,2019-05-09 17:10:41 UTC
5196,Corner of King grave plot in CoI graveyard. About 14m high.,4407,Story,21351,2019-05-09 18:09:09 UTC,2019-05-09 18:09:09 UTC
5208,Ash tree (likely white) in backyard,4459,Story,21383,2019-05-12 17:15:34 UTC,2019-05-12 17:15:34 UTC
5209,Large old thorn less honeylocust in front yard,4459,Story,21384,2019-05-12 17:16:50 UTC,2019-05-12 17:16:50 UTC
5211,Possible site on grass verge for a tree Opp school,4285,Story,21389,2019-05-13 09:51:32 UTC,2019-05-13 09:51:32 UTC
5212,Possible location on grass verge Opp school,4285,Story,21390,2019-05-13 09:54:45 UTC,2019-05-13 09:54:45 UTC
5213,Possible site on grass verge Opp school,4285,Story,21391,2019-05-13 09:56:34 UTC,2019-05-13 09:56:34 UTC
5214,Possible vacant site on grass verge o/s school plant a small tree,4285,Story,21392,2019-05-13 09:59:49 UTC,2019-05-13 09:59:49 UTC
5215,Possible site on grass verge outside school plant a small tree,4285,Story,21393,2019-05-13 10:01:52 UTC,2019-05-13 10:01:52 UTC
5217,Possible pit on grass verge plant a small tree,4285,Story,21395,2019-05-13 10:04:52 UTC,2019-05-13 10:04:52 UTC
5218,Possible new site on hard service will need to scan for services,4285,Story,21396,2019-05-13 10:15:14 UTC,2019-05-13 10:15:14 UTC
5219,Poss site on hard service will need to scan for services,4285,Story,21397,2019-05-13 10:17:15 UTC,2019-05-13 10:17:15 UTC
5220,On hard surface will need to scan for services,4285,Story,21398,2019-05-13 10:19:08 UTC,2019-05-13 10:19:08 UTC
5090,2.95,4356,Story,21065,2019-04-30 11:28:59 UTC,2019-04-30 11:28:59 UTC
5091,1.82m,4356,Story,21066,2019-04-30 11:29:41 UTC,2019-04-30 11:29:41 UTC
5100,10. Blommande träd med handflikiga blad.,1083,Story,21081,2019-05-01 09:05:32 UTC,2019-05-01 09:05:32 UTC
5113,Detta är träd nummer 2.,1083,Story,21106,2019-05-01 18:58:47 UTC,2019-05-01 18:58:47 UTC
5221,Site on hard service will need to scan for services,4285,Story,21399,2019-05-13 10:33:37 UTC,2019-05-13 10:33:37 UTC
5233,"Climbing tree, not tesrd yet",2939,Story,21411,2019-05-13 13:17:59 UTC,2019-05-13 13:17:59 UTC
5222,On hard surface will need to scan for services,4285,Story,21400,2019-05-13 10:37:18 UTC,2019-05-13 10:37:18 UTC
5229,On hard surface need to scan for services,4285,Story,21407,2019-05-13 12:51:36 UTC,2019-05-13 12:51:36 UTC
5230,On hard surface scan for services,4285,Story,21408,2019-05-13 12:57:18 UTC,2019-05-13 12:57:18 UTC
5112,Detta är träd nummer 1.,1083,Story,21105,2019-05-01 18:58:03 UTC,2019-05-01 18:58:03 UTC
5092,Träd vid vägen bakom stenarna,1083,Story,21073,2019-05-01 08:37:07 UTC,2019-05-01 08:37:07 UTC
5224,Poss site on grass verge,4285,Story,21402,2019-05-13 12:35:38 UTC,2019-05-13 12:35:38 UTC
5231,On hard surface scan for services,4285,Story,21409,2019-05-13 12:58:41 UTC,2019-05-13 12:58:41 UTC
5225,On grass verge,4285,Story,21403,2019-05-13 12:37:39 UTC,2019-05-13 12:37:39 UTC
5226,Poss site for tree on grass verge,4285,Story,21404,2019-05-13 12:40:20 UTC,2019-05-13 12:40:20 UTC
5227,Poss site on grass verge,4285,Story,21405,2019-05-13 12:42:45 UTC,2019-05-13 12:42:45 UTC
5101,"11. Träd med skylten ""Unos runda"".",1083,Story,21082,2019-05-01 09:07:36 UTC,2019-05-01 09:07:36 UTC
5232,On hard surface scan for services,4285,Story,21410,2019-05-13 13:00:29 UTC,2019-05-13 13:00:29 UTC
5228,Poss site on hard service need to scan  for services,4285,Story,21406,2019-05-13 12:47:51 UTC,2019-05-13 12:47:51 UTC
5234,O/s no. 49,4285,Story,21415,2019-05-14 07:53:09 UTC,2019-05-14 07:53:09 UTC
5235,B/the 93/95 plant a small species,4285,Story,21416,2019-05-14 07:57:51 UTC,2019-05-14 07:57:51 UTC
5236,On grass verge Opp junction of Pytchley Crescent plant a small species,4285,Story,21417,2019-05-14 08:00:53 UTC,2019-05-14 08:00:53 UTC
5237,On grass verge Opp Pytchley Crescent (2nd tree) plant small species,4285,Story,21418,2019-05-14 08:03:07 UTC,2019-05-14 08:03:07 UTC
5238,On grass verge Opp junction of Hermitage Gardens plant a small species,4285,Story,21419,2019-05-14 08:08:28 UTC,2019-05-14 08:08:28 UTC
5239,Located 8 metres from junction of Harold Road.  Need to close due to close proximity of BT Box,4285,Story,21420,2019-05-14 08:17:38 UTC,2019-05-14 08:17:38 UTC
5241,B/T no 9/11,4285,Story,21422,2019-05-14 08:30:06 UTC,2019-05-14 08:30:06 UTC
5242,Located at the side of house no.  31 Hermitage Road,4285,Story,21423,2019-05-14 08:33:39 UTC,2019-05-14 08:33:39 UTC
5243,On grass verge o/s no 31,4285,Story,21424,2019-05-14 08:35:57 UTC,2019-05-14 08:35:57 UTC
5250,Located at the side of no. 25,4285,Story,21431,2019-05-14 10:38:02 UTC,2019-05-14 10:38:02 UTC
5244,O/S 29,4285,Story,21425,2019-05-14 08:39:38 UTC,2019-05-14 08:39:38 UTC
5245,Located BT no 42/44,4285,Story,21426,2019-05-14 08:47:00 UTC,2019-05-14 08:47:00 UTC
5251,Opp no. 124,4285,Story,21432,2019-05-14 11:03:18 UTC,2019-05-14 11:03:18 UTC
5247,Located os no. 90,4285,Story,21428,2019-05-14 09:33:31 UTC,2019-05-14 09:33:31 UTC
5248,Located BT 19/21,4285,Story,21429,2019-05-14 09:38:05 UTC,2019-05-14 09:38:05 UTC
5249,Located at side of 226 betula hill,4285,Story,21430,2019-05-14 09:43:21 UTC,2019-05-14 09:43:21 UTC
5252,Bt/81,4285,Story,21447,2019-05-16 09:43:46 UTC,2019-05-16 09:43:46 UTC
5253,Bt 73/75,4285,Story,21448,2019-05-16 09:44:54 UTC,2019-05-16 09:44:54 UTC
5254,Os 38,4285,Story,21449,2019-05-16 09:49:21 UTC,2019-05-16 09:49:21 UTC
5255,Bt 76/78,4285,Story,21450,2019-05-16 10:00:53 UTC,2019-05-16 10:00:53 UTC
5256,Located BT 68/70.scan for serviced,4285,Story,21451,2019-05-16 10:02:28 UTC,2019-05-16 10:02:28 UTC
5257,Bt 55/57,4285,Story,21452,2019-05-16 10:21:47 UTC,2019-05-16 10:21:47 UTC
5258,Bt 68/70,4285,Story,21453,2019-05-16 10:25:49 UTC,2019-05-16 10:25:49 UTC
5259,Bt 68/70,4285,Story,21454,2019-05-16 10:27:10 UTC,2019-05-16 10:27:10 UTC
5260,Bt 56/58,4285,Story,21455,2019-05-16 10:29:11 UTC,2019-05-16 10:29:11 UTC
5261,Bt 19/21,4285,Story,21456,2019-05-16 10:41:01 UTC,2019-05-16 10:41:01 UTC
5468,"A very old tree at woody park in Devon.

I think it's an oak tree but not sure",3545,Story,21705,2019-05-20 02:01:03 UTC,2019-05-20 02:01:03 UTC
5470,"Storängen is a really beautiful place! A bit blown away by the mix of fruit trees, flowering bushes, oak ruins and well managed gardens.",3276,Story,21708,2019-05-20 12:14:48 UTC,2019-05-20 12:14:48 UTC
5629,What is this species?,4481,Story,21923,2019-05-22 09:11:58 UTC,2019-05-22 09:11:58 UTC
5642,Largest tree in the LNR,4165,Story,21970,2019-05-22 17:36:57 UTC,2019-05-22 17:36:57 UTC
8733,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25642,2019-08-28 05:28:46 UTC,2019-08-28 05:28:46 UTC
5368,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21587,2019-05-17 23:01:24 UTC,2019-05-17 23:01:24 UTC
11463,#step #may #ded ?   Many shriveled and brown leaves.  See photos. ,5842,Story,29979,2020-06-10 23:32:51 UTC,2020-06-10 23:32:51 UTC
8715, #round3,4462,Story,25623,2019-08-28 05:05:03 UTC,2019-08-28 05:05:03 UTC
5370,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21589,2019-05-17 23:13:39 UTC,2019-05-17 23:13:39 UTC
6999,#stepmonitored  #round 2,4462,Story,23751,2019-07-10 04:44:41 UTC,2019-07-10 04:44:41 UTC
11646,#step #june,5842,Story,30240,2020-06-15 23:36:33 UTC,2020-06-15 23:36:33 UTC
8681,#stepmonitored #round3 #leafbeetle,4462,Story,25586,2019-08-28 03:57:13 UTC,2019-08-28 03:57:13 UTC
5371,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21590,2019-05-17 23:20:31 UTC,2019-05-17 23:20:31 UTC
8686,#round3 #leafbeetle,4462,Story,25591,2019-08-28 04:09:08 UTC,2019-08-28 04:09:08 UTC
5372,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21591,2019-05-17 23:24:31 UTC,2019-05-17 23:24:31 UTC
6929,#round2 #squirreldamage,4462,Story,23679,2019-07-08 20:49:23 UTC,2019-07-08 20:49:23 UTC
9614,"Tree being removed ASAP due to butt rot in root flare (not DED-related)

#step #april",4089,Story,27614,2020-04-30 17:05:28 UTC,2020-04-30 17:05:28 UTC
8697,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25602,2019-08-28 04:36:40 UTC,2019-08-28 04:36:40 UTC
8696,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25601,2019-08-28 04:32:27 UTC,2019-08-28 04:32:27 UTC
5376,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21595,2019-05-17 23:40:17 UTC,2019-05-17 23:40:17 UTC
11445,#step #may ,5842,Story,29961,2020-06-10 22:05:53 UTC,2020-06-10 22:05:53 UTC
8700,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25605,2019-08-28 04:44:38 UTC,2019-08-28 04:44:38 UTC
5377,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21596,2019-05-17 23:43:15 UTC,2019-05-17 23:43:15 UTC
11447,#step #may ,5842,Story,29963,2020-06-10 22:07:13 UTC,2020-06-10 22:07:13 UTC
8701,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25606,2019-08-28 04:45:14 UTC,2019-08-28 04:45:14 UTC
5379,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21598,2019-05-17 23:45:15 UTC,2019-05-17 23:45:15 UTC
11448,#step #may ,5842,Story,29964,2020-06-10 22:08:39 UTC,2020-06-10 22:08:39 UTC
8704,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25609,2019-08-28 04:49:17 UTC,2019-08-28 04:49:17 UTC
5381,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21600,2019-05-17 23:48:41 UTC,2019-05-17 23:48:41 UTC
5382,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21601,2019-05-17 23:51:12 UTC,2019-05-17 23:51:12 UTC
11457,#step #may ,5842,Story,29973,2020-06-10 22:15:31 UTC,2020-06-10 22:15:31 UTC
8710,#stepmonitored #round3 #leafbeetle,4462,Story,25615,2019-08-28 04:54:28 UTC,2019-08-28 04:54:28 UTC
5388,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21607,2019-05-17 23:59:51 UTC,2019-05-17 23:59:51 UTC
5350,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21569,2019-05-17 22:27:50 UTC,2019-05-17 22:27:50 UTC
10261,#step #May,5785,Story,28375,2020-05-10 23:51:09 UTC,2020-05-10 23:51:09 UTC
5342,Chinese Elm #stepmonitored #round1,4475,Story,21561,2019-05-17 21:25:02 UTC,2019-05-17 21:25:02 UTC
8695,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25600,2019-08-28 04:23:13 UTC,2019-08-28 04:23:13 UTC
8694,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25599,2019-08-28 04:19:31 UTC,2019-08-28 04:19:31 UTC
5375,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21594,2019-05-17 23:31:55 UTC,2019-05-17 23:31:55 UTC
5461,Row of sycamore at top of bank,4193,Story,21694,2019-05-19 11:15:16 UTC,2019-05-19 11:15:16 UTC
5135,Doing some gardening 😀,180,Story,21192,2019-05-06 15:18:50 UTC,2019-05-06 15:18:50 UTC
5149,Not possible to plant too near to lamp post close tree pit,4285,Story,21216,2019-05-07 09:51:29 UTC,2019-05-07 09:51:29 UTC
5141,BT 17/19,4285,Story,21207,2019-05-07 08:59:00 UTC,2019-05-07 08:59:00 UTC
5142,Woodside Av BT 33/35,4285,Story,21208,2019-05-07 09:02:38 UTC,2019-05-07 09:02:38 UTC
5143,At the side of 1 Auckland Av,4285,Story,21209,2019-05-07 09:18:51 UTC,2019-05-07 09:18:51 UTC
5144,Possible new tree on green,4285,Story,21210,2019-05-07 09:20:28 UTC,2019-05-07 09:20:28 UTC
5145,Possible position for new tree on green,4285,Story,21211,2019-05-07 09:21:36 UTC,2019-05-07 09:21:36 UTC
5146,O/S 25/30 Warminster Gardens,4285,Story,21212,2019-05-07 09:25:42 UTC,2019-05-07 09:25:42 UTC
5147,O/S 62,4285,Story,21213,2019-05-07 09:29:01 UTC,2019-05-07 09:29:01 UTC
5148,B/the 36/38 80omm distance from telephone pole not poss to plant.. Close pit?,4285,Story,21215,2019-05-07 09:48:00 UTC,2019-05-07 09:48:00 UTC
5150,Ex tree not looking healthy monitor with view to replace,4285,Story,21217,2019-05-07 09:57:09 UTC,2019-05-07 09:57:09 UTC
5152,Residential planting at Base of tree,4285,Story,21219,2019-05-07 10:02:23 UTC,2019-05-07 10:02:23 UTC
5153,Tree damaged (2018 planting) need to replace,4285,Story,21220,2019-05-07 10:22:57 UTC,2019-05-07 10:22:57 UTC
5151,Located too close to street signage not poss to plant close pit,4285,Story,21218,2019-05-07 09:59:23 UTC,2019-05-07 09:59:23 UTC
6645,On grass verge os 10,4285,Story,23218,2019-06-12 09:52:50 UTC,2019-06-12 09:52:50 UTC
6646,On grass verge os no 10,4285,Story,23219,2019-06-12 09:53:05 UTC,2019-06-12 09:53:05 UTC
6647,On grass verge os 3,4285,Story,23220,2019-06-12 09:55:58 UTC,2019-06-12 09:55:58 UTC
6648,On grass verge os 26,4285,Story,23221,2019-06-12 09:58:22 UTC,2019-06-12 09:58:22 UTC
6650,Os 24,4285,Story,23223,2019-06-12 10:06:58 UTC,2019-06-12 10:06:58 UTC
6651,Os 14,4285,Story,23224,2019-06-12 10:09:14 UTC,2019-06-12 10:09:14 UTC
6652,Os 43 on grass verge,4285,Story,23225,2019-06-12 10:14:29 UTC,2019-06-12 10:14:29 UTC
6653,On grass verge os 64,4285,Story,23226,2019-06-12 10:19:04 UTC,2019-06-12 10:19:04 UTC
6654,On grass verge os 17,4285,Story,23227,2019-06-12 10:26:04 UTC,2019-06-12 10:26:04 UTC
6655,On grass verge os Kingswood coplow,4285,Story,23228,2019-06-12 10:29:25 UTC,2019-06-12 10:29:25 UTC
6656,On grass verge Opp 6/8,4285,Story,23229,2019-06-12 10:54:43 UTC,2019-06-12 10:54:43 UTC
5687,Several small Elms under the Sycamore,4193,Story,22027,2019-05-23 18:51:36 UTC,2019-05-23 18:51:36 UTC
5691,Three Elms in a row,4193,Story,22037,2019-05-23 19:17:31 UTC,2019-05-23 19:17:31 UTC
5727,#stepmonitored #round1,4360,Story,22074,2019-05-24 02:12:22 UTC,2019-05-24 02:12:22 UTC
5734,Some sort of nobel Syringa. Bright colour,3276,Story,22083,2019-05-24 14:14:15 UTC,2019-05-24 14:14:15 UTC
5735,Surely one of Stockholms coolest trees! Broad and packed with flowers. Early bloom this year.,3276,Story,22084,2019-05-24 14:20:38 UTC,2019-05-24 14:20:38 UTC
123,Planted from #bareroot 5years ago,180,Story,685,2017-02-23 11:55:18 UTC,2017-02-23 11:55:18 UTC
5736,Anyone know what species this is? #blossom,180,Story,22089,2019-05-24 15:20:19 UTC,2019-05-24 15:20:19 UTC
5738,#blossom,180,Story,22100,2019-05-24 15:45:40 UTC,2019-05-24 15:45:40 UTC
5836,Sveriges största?,3371,Story,22199,2019-05-25 08:58:15 UTC,2019-05-25 08:58:15 UTC
5947,#stepmonitored #round1,4342,Story,22331,2019-05-27 17:50:18 UTC,2019-05-27 17:50:18 UTC
9162,Fruits and red leaves in Autumn ,4193,Story,26453,2019-11-01 13:59:43 UTC,2019-11-01 13:59:43 UTC
5867,Row of 12 sycamore,4193,Story,22238,2019-05-25 19:29:05 UTC,2019-05-25 19:29:05 UTC
5868,10 x Norway Maple,4193,Story,22239,2019-05-25 19:32:39 UTC,2019-05-25 19:32:39 UTC
5951,#stepmonitored #round1,4342,Story,22335,2019-05-27 17:58:27 UTC,2019-05-27 17:58:27 UTC
6708,On grass verge Opp 6,4285,Story,23399,2019-06-24 10:50:04 UTC,2019-06-24 10:50:04 UTC
6709,On grass verge bt 59/61,4285,Story,23400,2019-06-24 10:54:49 UTC,2019-06-24 10:54:49 UTC
6710,On grass verge by 55/57,4285,Story,23401,2019-06-24 10:57:09 UTC,2019-06-24 10:57:09 UTC
6711,On Comport green,4285,Story,23402,2019-06-24 10:59:20 UTC,2019-06-24 10:59:20 UTC
6719,Blodbok,4618,Story,23410,2019-06-25 06:36:38 UTC,2019-06-25 06:36:38 UTC
6720,Platan,4618,Story,23411,2019-06-25 06:44:57 UTC,2019-06-25 06:44:57 UTC
6721,Pelarek,4618,Story,23412,2019-06-25 06:48:56 UTC,2019-06-25 06:48:56 UTC
6722,Multiple stems ,2062,Story,23414,2019-06-25 14:08:19 UTC,2019-06-25 14:08:19 UTC
6723,Multiple stems ,2062,Story,23416,2019-06-25 15:13:01 UTC,2019-06-25 15:13:01 UTC
6724,"Valnöt introducerades 1370 till Sverige och Vadsten första gången av Johan Päterson, Sveriges förste trädgårdsmästare.",1083,Story,23418,2019-06-26 14:08:51 UTC,2019-06-26 14:08:51 UTC
7040,Pine tree ,2613,Story,23796,2019-07-11 14:27:52 UTC,2019-07-11 14:27:52 UTC
7042,Cypress?,4682,Story,23798,2019-07-11 14:37:59 UTC,2019-07-11 14:37:59 UTC
",4682,Story,23806,2019-07-11 14:41:40 UTC,2019-07-11 14:41:40 UTC
10670,#step #may,4382,Story,28890,2020-05-18 17:17:24 UTC,2020-05-18 17:17:24 UTC
8800, #round3,4462,Story,25714,2019-08-29 22:18:36 UTC,2019-08-29 22:18:36 UTC
#stepmonitored",4427,Story,24904,2019-08-19 17:52:16 UTC,2019-08-19 17:52:16 UTC
7244,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24023,2019-07-15 03:23:30 UTC,2019-07-15 03:23:30 UTC
7247,In a private garden. Lovely big specimen ,4165,Story,24026,2019-07-16 10:42:20 UTC,2019-07-16 10:42:20 UTC
7249,Skadad och lätt sjuk i askskottssjukan,4698,Story,24028,2019-07-16 18:25:32 UTC,2019-07-16 18:25:32 UTC
7266,50 trees planted around seal Rescue Centre,4041,Story,24045,2019-07-17 17:02:15 UTC,2019-07-17 17:02:15 UTC
7267,50 Alder planted around Seal Rescue Centre,4041,Story,24046,2019-07-17 17:03:13 UTC,2019-07-17 17:03:13 UTC
7268,50 Hawthorn planted around Seal Rescue Centre,4041,Story,24047,2019-07-17 17:03:50 UTC,2019-07-17 17:03:50 UTC
5551,Omkrets 79cm,4361,Story,21803,2019-05-21 11:50:46 UTC,2019-05-21 11:50:46 UTC
5553,Omkrets 107cm,4361,Story,21805,2019-05-21 12:02:09 UTC,2019-05-21 12:02:09 UTC
5554,Omkrets 209 cm,4361,Story,21806,2019-05-21 12:10:44 UTC,2019-05-21 12:10:44 UTC
5555,Omkrets 125cm,4361,Story,21807,2019-05-21 12:12:02 UTC,2019-05-21 12:12:02 UTC
5556,Omkrets 70 cm,4361,Story,21808,2019-05-21 12:12:56 UTC,2019-05-21 12:12:56 UTC
5557,Omkrets 125 cm,4361,Story,21809,2019-05-21 12:14:16 UTC,2019-05-21 12:14:16 UTC
5559,Omkrets 83 cm,4361,Story,21811,2019-05-21 12:59:16 UTC,2019-05-21 12:59:16 UTC
5561,Omkrets 131 cm,4361,Story,21813,2019-05-21 13:02:28 UTC,2019-05-21 13:02:28 UTC
5562,"A big Eucaltptus tree outside Mission Ranch, Carmel, this famous ranch/ hotel/restaurant is owned by Clint Eastwood.",345,Story,21815,2019-05-21 14:16:46 UTC,2019-05-21 14:16:46 UTC
5552,Omkrets 162cm,4361,Story,21804,2019-05-21 11:53:39 UTC,2019-05-21 11:53:39 UTC
7269,100 Ash Trees planted around Seal Rescue Centre,4041,Story,24048,2019-07-17 17:04:31 UTC,2019-07-17 17:04:31 UTC
7270,25 trees planted at seal Rescue Centre,4041,Story,24049,2019-07-17 17:06:07 UTC,2019-07-17 17:06:07 UTC
7271,6 Apple trees planted,4041,Story,24050,2019-07-17 17:06:41 UTC,2019-07-17 17:06:41 UTC
7272,5 Scots Pine planted ,4041,Story,24051,2019-07-17 17:07:20 UTC,2019-07-17 17:07:20 UTC
12362,#step #aug  This is the tree at 3770 4th Avenue. Doesn't mesh with map indicator.,5842,Story,31361,2020-08-10 20:44:52 UTC,2020-08-10 20:44:52 UTC
7555,"Located in yard at 3770 4th Avenue, Sacramento ",4409,Story,24350,2019-07-21 18:36:34 UTC,2019-07-21 18:36:34 UTC
",4409,Story,24349,2019-07-21 18:35:50 UTC,2019-07-21 18:35:50 UTC
7762,Planted in a raised terrace ,4165,Story,24575,2019-07-30 10:10:10 UTC,2019-07-30 10:10:10 UTC
7763,Avenue of eight London plane trees Pembroke College Used forearm to estimate dbh,4528,Story,24576,2019-07-30 10:26:56 UTC,2019-07-30 10:27:54 UTC
7856,Sweet Chestnut ,4193,Story,24689,2019-08-06 18:44:33 UTC,2019-08-06 18:44:33 UTC
8985,Cooking cherries,4919,Story,26143,2019-09-18 15:00:31 UTC,2019-09-18 15:00:31 UTC
8986,Amazing huge berries . Unable to reach owners 2019,4919,Story,26144,2019-09-18 15:01:20 UTC,2019-09-18 15:01:20 UTC
8987,Left note 2019,4919,Story,26145,2019-09-18 15:02:39 UTC,2019-09-18 15:02:39 UTC
8989,Jim’s daughter . Beautiful peaches . I never took her any peach product from 2018,4919,Story,26147,2019-09-18 15:14:12 UTC,2019-09-18 15:14:12 UTC
8988,Indian family I was supposed to bring canned peaches to in 2017/ 2018 can’t remember if I ever did,4919,Story,26146,2019-09-18 15:12:26 UTC,2019-09-18 15:12:26 UTC
8990,Cut way back in 2019,4919,Story,26148,2019-09-18 15:17:55 UTC,2019-09-18 15:17:55 UTC
8991,Shirley,4919,Story,26149,2019-09-18 15:19:20 UTC,2019-09-18 15:19:20 UTC
8992,Nectaribe,4919,Story,26150,2019-09-18 15:20:21 UTC,2019-09-18 15:20:21 UTC
8993,Shirley . Peach tree didn’t produce much in 2019 . 2018 was abundant in the peach tree,4919,Story,26151,2019-09-18 15:21:09 UTC,2019-09-18 15:21:09 UTC
8994,Some trees doing their thing while some pretty brilliant climate change protesters do theirs,179,Story,26153,2019-09-20 12:12:12 UTC,2019-09-20 12:12:12 UTC
9009,Planterat i maj 2017 ,4410,Story,26191,2019-09-25 18:40:44 UTC,2019-09-25 18:40:44 UTC
9012,Hagtorn,4983,Story,26197,2019-09-26 06:17:52 UTC,2019-09-26 11:02:11 UTC
9013,Björk,4983,Story,26198,2019-09-26 06:21:18 UTC,2019-09-26 06:21:18 UTC
9014,Naverlönn,4983,Story,26199,2019-09-26 06:22:29 UTC,2019-09-26 06:22:29 UTC
9015,Prydnadsäpple? Vildapel?,4983,Story,26200,2019-09-26 06:25:07 UTC,2019-09-26 11:23:50 UTC
9016,Pile,4983,Story,26201,2019-09-26 06:27:48 UTC,2019-09-26 06:27:48 UTC
9021,Sälg x pile,4983,Story,26207,2019-09-26 06:47:23 UTC,2019-09-26 06:47:23 UTC
9027,"Sorbus ’Dodong’ E, Planterades 2014.",4949,Story,26217,2019-09-26 08:42:16 UTC,2019-09-26 08:48:58 UTC
9010,Svart poppel - Populus nigra,4983,Story,26194,2019-09-26 06:07:26 UTC,2019-09-26 10:54:56 UTC
9018,Skogsek,4983,Story,26203,2019-09-26 06:31:17 UTC,2019-09-26 06:31:17 UTC
9019,Sälg,4983,Story,26204,2019-09-26 06:33:28 UTC,2019-09-26 06:33:28 UTC
9020,Benved,4983,Story,26206,2019-09-26 06:37:31 UTC,2019-09-26 06:37:31 UTC
9023,Skogskornell,4983,Story,26209,2019-09-26 06:51:11 UTC,2019-09-26 06:51:11 UTC
9024,Rönn,4983,Story,26210,2019-09-26 06:52:43 UTC,2019-09-26 06:52:43 UTC
9025,Fläder ,4983,Story,26211,2019-09-26 06:53:57 UTC,2019-09-26 06:53:57 UTC
9026,Lärk,4983,Story,26214,2019-09-26 07:01:50 UTC,2019-09-26 07:01:50 UTC
9032,Horse Chestnut at top of Leigham Court Drive.  ,5002,Story,26226,2019-09-27 10:43:18 UTC,2019-09-27 10:43:18 UTC
9039,Crepe Murtle,5007,Story,26238,2019-09-28 13:30:51 UTC,2019-09-28 13:30:51 UTC
9040,Healthy,3373,Story,26239,2019-09-28 13:32:02 UTC,2019-09-28 13:32:02 UTC
8758,Salix caprea,4848,Story,25671,2019-08-28 14:33:26 UTC,2019-08-28 14:33:26 UTC
8760,2nd of my two new trees. New house. New trees. New life!,2465,Story,25673,2019-08-28 18:28:03 UTC,2019-08-28 18:28:03 UTC
8804,Inte asklönn men vad? ,4818,Story,25718,2019-08-30 11:19:43 UTC,2019-08-30 11:19:43 UTC
1289,Detta träd är en lite valnöt som jag är himla förtjust i. Varje dag när jag går hem från tåget går jag förbi detta träd och stannar gärna för att gnugga lite lätt på bladen för att känna den söta och nötiga doft som bara en valnöt har.,1119,Story,2597,2017-08-20 20:47:37 UTC,2017-08-20 20:47:37 UTC
5968,#stepmonitored #round1,4342,Story,22354,2019-05-27 18:27:27 UTC,2019-05-27 18:27:27 UTC
5950,#stepmonitored #round1,4342,Story,22334,2019-05-27 17:54:39 UTC,2019-05-27 17:54:39 UTC
5170,Memorial Tree in pot,4416,Story,21246,2019-05-07 21:45:13 UTC,2019-05-07 21:45:13 UTC
6092,"Pair of trees, doing well",4193,Story,22507,2019-05-28 11:57:51 UTC,2019-05-28 11:57:51 UTC
6088,Several limes,4193,Story,22502,2019-05-28 11:44:10 UTC,2019-05-28 11:44:10 UTC
6089,Cornish elm,4193,Story,22504,2019-05-28 11:46:50 UTC,2019-05-28 11:46:50 UTC
6099,Tre i rad av rosenhagtorn!,3615,Story,22516,2019-05-28 21:43:12 UTC,2019-05-28 21:43:12 UTC
10254,#step #May,5785,Story,28368,2020-05-10 23:25:26 UTC,2020-05-10 23:25:26 UTC
6127,Looks good.  #stepmonnitored #round 1,4452,Story,22544,2019-05-29 02:14:08 UTC,2019-05-29 02:14:08 UTC
1226,"Frukter av denna boksläkting (Fagaceae) är ätliga, till skillnad från lönnsläktingen (Sapindaceae) hästkastanjens frukter (Aesculus hippocastanum). Det enda gemensamma för dessa båda träd är namnet. Blad, blommor, frukter och  evolution skiljer sig.",1083,Story,2490,2017-08-12 10:24:04 UTC,2017-08-12 10:24:04 UTC
6171,X3 stems,2062,Story,22612,2019-05-30 08:27:53 UTC,2019-05-30 08:27:53 UTC
4189,I can see this tree from by lab window. It always makes me smile. This American elm is about 180 years old!,2943,Story,18774,2018-06-18 20:48:09 UTC,2018-06-18 20:48:09 UTC
6590,Purpurbladiga-gruppen,3254,Story,23121,2019-06-02 06:44:03 UTC,2019-06-02 06:44:03 UTC
6591,Mindre blad än vanlig syren,3254,Story,23122,2019-06-02 06:51:33 UTC,2019-06-02 06:51:33 UTC
6820,Bt  13/15,4285,Story,23558,2019-07-03 11:37:44 UTC,2019-07-03 11:37:44 UTC
6821,Bt 49/51,4285,Story,23559,2019-07-03 11:53:36 UTC,2019-07-03 11:53:36 UTC
6822,"When we moved here, all the trees were diseased and dying from lack of water except this bottlebrush. It was close enough to the neighbors yard for its roots to draw water from their house. The hummingbirds and bees love it. Last week a praying mantis laid it’s egg sac on one of the branches ",4642,Story,23560,2019-07-03 22:27:59 UTC,2019-07-03 22:27:59 UTC
6823,Belle de Boscop,4644,Story,23561,2019-07-04 17:39:55 UTC,2019-07-04 17:39:55 UTC
6866,Kan vara Sveriges nordligaste ek,2248,Story,23616,2019-07-07 13:34:25 UTC,2019-07-07 13:34:25 UTC
7036,Planterad 2017-04,4672,Story,23790,2019-07-11 11:49:14 UTC,2019-07-11 11:49:14 UTC
7037,Planterad 2018,4672,Story,23792,2019-07-11 12:19:14 UTC,2019-07-11 12:19:14 UTC
6594,"Quite popular on Åsögatan, Södermalm. Atleast 10 of them along the street.",3276,Story,23138,2019-06-02 16:03:15 UTC,2019-06-02 16:03:15 UTC
4901,Pear getting its blossom on again,180,Story,20633,2019-04-01 07:03:47 UTC,2019-04-01 07:03:47 UTC
4357,Getting some better #pear action this year after the hot summer. Hopefully these little guys get big and tasty 😋,180,Story,19106,2018-08-16 14:51:41 UTC,2018-08-16 14:51:41 UTC
294,Pear in #blossom,180,Story,966,2017-04-11 14:43:17 UTC,2017-04-11 14:43:17 UTC
1081,Tiny pears coming on. They're only appearing on the section of tree directly adjacent to a very young apple tree. Lazy bees! 🐝🐝😴,180,Story,2310,2017-07-28 09:28:07 UTC,2017-07-28 09:28:07 UTC
11,"I bought this tree in Carlow in 2006 when my daughter was 1. It's a triomphe d'or pear and fruited for the first time this year, after 10 years. Unfortunately the dog got to it first so I've no idea if the pears were any good. Hopefully I don't have to wait another 10 years to find out.",180,Story,456,2016-12-20 22:59:42 UTC,2016-12-20 22:59:42 UTC
6638,check the prolific male flowers on this tree and young seed cones,2062,Story,23203,2019-06-10 08:58:26 UTC,2019-06-10 08:58:26 UTC
6640,Green ash growing through cement <3,3146,Story,23207,2019-06-11 00:52:50 UTC,2019-06-11 00:52:50 UTC
6643,"Mulberry located in Belton Gardens,the lean to the tree is historic and it has multiple trunk cavities",2988,Story,23214,2019-06-11 18:34:09 UTC,2019-06-11 18:34:09 UTC
6657,Opp 6/8 on grass verge,4285,Story,23230,2019-06-12 10:56:56 UTC,2019-06-12 10:56:56 UTC
6659,In full #blossom,180,Story,23305,2019-06-15 13:44:45 UTC,2019-06-15 13:44:45 UTC
6660,What is this? The leaves are enormous ,180,Story,23307,2019-06-15 14:25:44 UTC,2019-06-15 14:25:44 UTC
6661,Multi stemmed x6,2062,Story,23308,2019-06-15 17:04:50 UTC,2019-06-15 17:04:50 UTC
6664,Bananas! 🍌🍌🍌🍌,180,Story,23316,2019-06-16 22:24:42 UTC,2019-06-16 22:24:42 UTC
6665,"Moln av bin kring detta vackra träd. Bladskaften ofta längre än hela bladskivan, stora extraflorala nektarier. Underbart träd!",1083,Story,23326,2019-06-17 12:08:49 UTC,2019-06-17 12:08:49 UTC
6663,Any ideas what species this is?,179,Story,23315,2019-06-16 19:21:07 UTC,2019-06-16 19:21:07 UTC
6674,Multiple stems x2,2062,Story,23348,2019-06-19 10:52:40 UTC,2019-06-19 10:52:40 UTC
6680,Opp 16 on pavement,4285,Story,23366,2019-06-20 12:32:54 UTC,2019-06-20 12:32:54 UTC
6675,Är hasseln verkligen en buske...?,1083,Story,23353,2019-06-19 13:28:41 UTC,2019-06-19 13:28:41 UTC
6676,Multi stem,4606,Story,23354,2019-06-19 14:24:13 UTC,2019-06-19 14:24:13 UTC
6679,Grovstammig en.,1083,Story,23365,2019-06-20 12:15:04 UTC,2019-06-20 12:15:04 UTC
6682,Opp 4,4285,Story,23368,2019-06-20 12:51:50 UTC,2019-06-20 12:51:50 UTC
6681,Replace dead tree between 2&4,4285,Story,23367,2019-06-20 12:50:54 UTC,2019-06-20 12:50:54 UTC
6685,Opp 70,4285,Story,23371,2019-06-20 13:01:37 UTC,2019-06-20 13:01:37 UTC
6686,Opp 73,4285,Story,23372,2019-06-20 13:03:45 UTC,2019-06-20 13:03:45 UTC
6687,Op 78,4285,Story,23373,2019-06-20 13:05:28 UTC,2019-06-20 13:05:28 UTC
6688,Opp 78,4285,Story,23374,2019-06-20 13:06:19 UTC,2019-06-20 13:06:19 UTC
6696,Beautiful fall foliage,4613,Story,23382,2019-06-21 19:50:29 UTC,2019-06-25 00:46:04 UTC
1407,Bl,1371,Story,2891,2017-09-23 10:51:32 UTC,2017-09-23 10:51:32 UTC
6697,"The lichen Parmelia acetabulum is huge and fertile, appreciating ash bark.",1083,Story,23386,2019-06-23 13:20:40 UTC,2019-06-23 13:20:40 UTC
6698,Bt 18/20,4285,Story,23389,2019-06-24 10:04:10 UTC,2019-06-24 10:04:10 UTC
6704,On grass verge bt 117/119,4285,Story,23395,2019-06-24 10:38:30 UTC,2019-06-24 10:38:30 UTC
6699,Bt 38/40,4285,Story,23390,2019-06-24 10:10:03 UTC,2019-06-24 10:10:03 UTC
6700,Opp 13/15,4285,Story,23391,2019-06-24 10:11:50 UTC,2019-06-24 10:11:50 UTC
6701,Os 50,4285,Story,23392,2019-06-24 10:14:16 UTC,2019-06-24 10:14:16 UTC
6702,On grass verge bt 43/41,4285,Story,23393,2019-06-24 10:29:45 UTC,2019-06-24 10:29:45 UTC
6703,On grass verge bt 37/39,4285,Story,23394,2019-06-24 10:32:38 UTC,2019-06-24 10:32:38 UTC
6707,On grass triangle bt 69/71,4285,Story,23398,2019-06-24 10:47:00 UTC,2019-06-24 10:47:00 UTC
8933,"Short, lots of bases to ground",4884,Story,25939,2019-09-04 15:32:32 UTC,2019-09-04 15:32:32 UTC
8946,Apple Tree,4894,Story,26073,2019-09-06 13:34:49 UTC,2019-09-06 13:34:49 UTC
9151,10 London Plane on Rialto Street #dublin8 #mappinggreendublin,5148,Story,26428,2019-10-26 11:13:29 UTC,2019-10-26 11:13:29 UTC
9152,10 London Plane #rialtostrreet #dublin8 #mappinggreendublin,5148,Story,26429,2019-10-26 11:15:48 UTC,2019-10-26 11:15:48 UTC
5268,Hedge of small yew trees planted May 2019 to protect the wildflowers and orchard trees planted there.,4193,Story,21486,2019-05-17 14:24:48 UTC,2019-05-17 14:24:48 UTC
9154,X 2 sad oak trees at junction of con Colbert & island bridge,5148,Story,26441,2019-10-27 15:57:23 UTC,2019-10-27 15:57:23 UTC
9155,Looking splendid in its autumn colour and early morning sun.,4951,Story,26444,2019-10-29 06:41:10 UTC,2019-10-29 06:41:10 UTC
9156,At least 30 blossom trees linear park between suit rd & Rialto bridges #mappinggreendublin,5148,Story,26445,2019-10-29 09:20:11 UTC,2019-10-29 09:20:11 UTC
9283,"Bird cherry is a rare tree in Ireland and likes to grow at the edges of woods, and along stream-sides. The bird cherry is frequently used in traditional wildlife hedges because it is an important tree for many insects including bees, butterflies and a variety of birds that feed on the trees early Spring nectar and Summer fruit. DID YOU KNOW? This small tree was originally recorded in 28 of Ireland’s 32 counties but is now found in only 9: Cork, Meath, Roscommon, Sligo, Donegal, Armagh, Antrim, Derry and Fermanagh!",180,Story,26643,2019-12-02 18:01:09 UTC,2019-12-02 18:01:09 UTC
9284,"This native tree died out in Ireland hundreds of years ago. Thankfully it was re-introduced after the 1800s and once again started to grow in the wild parts of Ireland, where they can now be expected to live for 200 years or more. They are one of Ireland’s best conifer’s (trees with needle-like leaves) for wildlife. In addition to food for the finches, owls will often use it for nesting, and insects use its mature bark for shelter. DID YOU KNOW? Beetles, spiders, woodlice, butterflies and caterpillars can be found munching on the pine needles when they are in season!",180,Story,26644,2019-12-02 18:03:41 UTC,2019-12-02 18:03:41 UTC
9158,Just inside the memorial park ,5175,Story,26448,2019-10-29 22:01:26 UTC,2019-10-29 22:01:26 UTC
9281,"Bird cherry is a rare tree in Ireland and likes to grow at the edges of woods, and along stream-sides. The bird cherry is frequently used in traditional wildlife hedges because it is an important tree for many insects including bees, butterflies and a variety of birds that feed on the trees early Spring nectar and Summer fruit. DID YOU KNOW? This small tree was originally recorded in 28 of Ireland’s 32 counties but is now found in only 9: Cork, Meath, Roscommon, Sligo, Donegal, Armagh, Antrim, Derry and Fermanagh!",180,Story,26641,2019-12-02 17:43:25 UTC,2019-12-02 17:43:25 UTC
8962,Trädslag?,4897,Story,26092,2019-09-08 12:24:28 UTC,2019-09-08 12:24:28 UTC
6612,Stickamore 😬,180,Story,23161,2019-06-05 14:29:17 UTC,2019-06-05 14:29:17 UTC
6616,Row of Maple in the Car Park of the Library,4193,Story,23175,2019-06-06 14:29:04 UTC,2019-06-06 14:29:04 UTC
6615,"I'm calling this a bean tree because it has long seed pods like a bean, but I'm not really sure.",4193,Story,23174,2019-06-06 14:27:27 UTC,2019-06-06 14:27:27 UTC
4630,Winter wardrobe on this little corner oak,180,Story,20030,2018-11-10 22:41:51 UTC,2018-11-10 22:41:51 UTC
4168,Planted this oak bareroot a few years back. It seemed to take ages to get going but has really shot up in the last year,180,Story,18667,2018-05-28 06:50:31 UTC,2018-05-28 06:50:31 UTC
6613,It is across from my building in a park with many beautiful trees,4563,Story,23170,2019-06-06 07:52:21 UTC,2019-06-06 07:52:21 UTC
59,Not a bad spot for a little rest #heron,179,Story,558,2017-02-07 13:58:58 UTC,2017-02-07 13:58:58 UTC
6633,"Veteran tpo Cedar at the rear of  1 Church Hil ,Leigh on sea",2988,Story,23194,2019-06-08 11:05:51 UTC,2019-06-08 11:05:51 UTC
5666,#blossom,180,Story,22001,2019-05-23 15:44:58 UTC,2019-05-23 15:44:58 UTC
9006,Very large and mature tree sadly removed in the spring of 2019 to make way for the esplanade development.,4951,Story,26176,2019-09-24 21:07:59 UTC,2019-09-24 21:07:59 UTC
9003,"Large, mature specimen. Age to be calculated.",4951,Story,26172,2019-09-24 20:59:50 UTC,2019-09-24 20:59:50 UTC
9004,"Very mature tree, situated in the street outside of the park.",4951,Story,26174,2019-09-24 21:02:42 UTC,2019-09-24 21:02:42 UTC
9007,Tiliaallé,4976,Story,26184,2019-09-25 09:39:38 UTC,2019-09-25 09:39:38 UTC
8964,"In the Archipelago of Stockholm,  Sweden",4913,Story,26104,2019-09-11 14:14:26 UTC,2019-09-11 14:14:26 UTC
8969,A few leaves are changing color,4914,Story,26110,2019-09-13 18:09:19 UTC,2019-09-13 18:09:19 UTC
8970,Arbcamp 14 september 2019.,1083,Story,26112,2019-09-14 07:20:32 UTC,2019-09-14 07:20:32 UTC
8971,4 st ,2470,Story,26113,2019-09-14 16:56:14 UTC,2019-09-14 16:56:14 UTC
1187,Sponsor Splendor plantskola.,1083,Story,2450,2017-08-09 13:49:17 UTC,2017-08-09 13:49:17 UTC
8972,Snälla killar kommer sist...,4277,Story,26119,2019-09-16 12:06:26 UTC,2019-09-16 12:06:26 UTC
8973,Bloomed 2018,4919,Story,26131,2019-09-18 14:36:52 UTC,2019-09-18 14:36:52 UTC
8974,Hasn’t flowered since 2017 now. Not being watered ,4919,Story,26132,2019-09-18 14:38:30 UTC,2019-09-18 14:38:30 UTC
8975,She picked early in 2019 I think because we hit her up the previous year . She said she was gonna be takkngbthe tree down bc it was over 13 years old ,4919,Story,26133,2019-09-18 14:49:43 UTC,2019-09-18 14:49:43 UTC
8976,Maybe a nectarine ,4919,Story,26134,2019-09-18 14:50:45 UTC,2019-09-18 14:50:45 UTC
8977,Can’t remember what fruit this is ,4919,Story,26135,2019-09-18 14:52:35 UTC,2019-09-18 14:52:35 UTC
8978,Allow us to dead head in 2018,4919,Story,26136,2019-09-18 14:53:30 UTC,2019-09-18 14:53:30 UTC
8979,Necataribe,4919,Story,26137,2019-09-18 14:55:10 UTC,2019-09-18 14:55:10 UTC
8980,Harvested 2019,4919,Story,26138,2019-09-18 14:55:46 UTC,2019-09-18 14:55:46 UTC
8981,Tree blooms early . These assholes won’t return calls and never harvest the fruit ,4919,Story,26139,2019-09-18 14:56:54 UTC,2019-09-18 14:56:54 UTC
8982,Harvested in 2019,4919,Story,26140,2019-09-18 14:58:22 UTC,2019-09-18 14:58:22 UTC
8983,Attempted to make contact . Spanish speaking family only . Conversation didn’t go far 2019,4919,Story,26141,2019-09-18 14:59:03 UTC,2019-09-18 14:59:03 UTC
8984,Nectarines falling all over the ground . 2018/2017 the guy claimed her harvested . Clearly he does not ,4919,Story,26142,2019-09-18 15:00:04 UTC,2019-09-18 15:00:04 UTC
9043,Healthy ,3373,Story,26246,2019-09-28 13:38:16 UTC,2019-09-28 13:38:16 UTC
9045,Might not be a gun,4242,Story,26254,2019-09-28 14:17:20 UTC,2019-09-28 14:17:20 UTC
9289,"Mer information om detta träd: Henrik Sjöman från SLU var med vid fröinsamlingen som gjordes 2008 i Qinglingbergen (provinsen Shanxi), ca 1500 m över havet.",1083,Story,26651,2019-12-10 14:53:45 UTC,2019-12-10 14:53:45 UTC
9094,Trädet är en gåva av Cecilia Ewerlöf som ansvarar för skolans butik. Fröet som gav upphov till detta träd insamlades under Göteborgs universitets botaniska expedition till Kina. Då det kommer från naturlig ståndort anges detta som l.n. (=locus natalis). Plantan krukodlades av Magnus Carlström i Flincks arboretum i Bjuv. Cecilia fick plantan den 25 maj 2016 och hon planterade ut den på sin kolonilott i Västra sommarstaden i Lund. Flyttad och planterad i Kattekärrsparken av ARB18 den 2 oktober 2019.,1083,Story,26328,2019-10-06 18:57:44 UTC,2019-10-06 18:57:44 UTC
9046,This tree removed by council in summer 2019.  Due to poor physiological condition.  Just two years prior this tree was brutally pollarded and severely stressed.   ,5002,Story,26261,2019-09-29 08:26:24 UTC,2019-09-29 08:26:24 UTC
9048,"In danger of being removed, lone tree on a redevelopment site on Southend seafront. ",4951,Story,26264,2019-09-29 16:52:23 UTC,2019-09-29 16:52:23 UTC
9328,This Tree was brutally bashed and hacked by developers with a digger and no longer exists,4978,Story,26825,2020-01-19 13:02:58 UTC,2020-01-19 13:02:58 UTC
9050,The heritage carpark,5011,Story,26270,2019-09-30 19:43:37 UTC,2019-09-30 19:43:37 UTC
9051,Heritage Car Park,5017,Story,26271,2019-09-30 19:46:41 UTC,2019-09-30 19:46:41 UTC
9053,Acer campestre,4976,Story,26273,2019-10-01 14:48:40 UTC,2019-10-01 14:48:40 UTC
9054,Acer campestre,4976,Story,26274,2019-10-01 14:49:28 UTC,2019-10-01 14:49:28 UTC
9055,Prunus,4976,Story,26275,2019-10-01 14:53:20 UTC,2019-10-01 14:53:20 UTC
9091,Removed Tree - with Pit remaining for new planting!,5002,Story,26315,2019-10-04 16:18:03 UTC,2019-10-04 16:18:03 UTC
9092,Branch reaches down to the ground,5070,Story,26323,2019-10-06 14:18:10 UTC,2019-10-06 14:18:10 UTC
1122,Motsatta parbladiga blad. Planterad av Björn vollbrecht.,1083,Story,2374,2017-08-08 07:03:58 UTC,2017-08-08 07:03:58 UTC
4918,"Fotograferad 4 april 2019, samma dag som en havsörn flög över Kattekärr.",1083,Story,20674,2019-04-05 11:33:42 UTC,2019-04-05 11:33:42 UTC
2697,Det luktar lööööök! Knäck lite av ett blad och lukta!,2541,Story,5451,2018-02-27 12:57:34 UTC,2018-02-27 12:57:34 UTC
3988,"Cedrela sinensis är ett synonymt namn och på svenska är ”cigarlådeträd” ett synonymt namn för att man kan göra cigarrlådor av virket (tror dock det är en annan art man använder då). Detta är ett snabbvuxet kinesiskt träd i familjen Meliaceae som blir rätt stort, 15 m. Men man kan chopa ned det och använda det som perenn. Rotsystemet skickar lätt upp nya jätteskott.
Man kan äta bladen, gott tilll omelett, glass m.m. Smakar nötigt och buljongaktigt. Populärt i den kinesiska matlagningen.
Härdigt i zon I-II men rotsystemet klarar nog betydligt mer om man vill ha den som perenn.",1818,Story,18293,2018-04-04 08:28:40 UTC,2018-04-04 08:28:40 UTC
1120,Strödda parbladiga blad som luktar lök. Planterad av Björn Vollbrecht. SKUDs svenska namn är kinesisk toon. Kallas också kinesisk mahogny.,1083,Story,2372,2017-08-08 06:59:52 UTC,2017-08-08 06:59:52 UTC
1119,Strödda parbladiga blad som luktar lök. SKUDs namn är kinesisk toon. Kallas ocksy kinesisk mahogny.,1083,Story,2371,2017-08-08 06:57:49 UTC,2017-08-08 06:57:49 UTC
9107,"Backyard oak, exact species unknown. ",5078,Story,26349,2019-10-08 20:12:34 UTC,2019-10-08 20:12:34 UTC
9108,Two fun guys hangin out in the tree trunk!,5078,Story,26350,2019-10-08 20:12:34 UTC,2019-10-08 20:12:34 UTC
9109,"Tiny berry-sized, apple-like fruits form in spring into summer and dry up like raisins for the winter birds. ",5078,Story,26351,2019-10-08 20:15:14 UTC,2019-10-08 20:15:14 UTC
9110,Basswood or elm? ,5078,Story,26352,2019-10-08 20:18:17 UTC,2019-10-08 20:18:17 UTC
9111,Ash or elder? ,5078,Story,26353,2019-10-08 20:22:14 UTC,2019-10-08 20:22:14 UTC
9097,"Dessa träd har tidigare kallats korallpilar (Salix alba var. chermesina 'Britzensis'). Korallpilen ska dock ha röd bark. Baserat på en publikation av Belyaeva et al. (2018), och SKUD:s rekommendationer, har dessa gulbarkiga pilar omklassificerats till Salix x fragilis f. vitellina (gulpil).",1083,Story,26331,2019-10-06 20:56:47 UTC,2019-10-06 20:56:47 UTC
9096,"Hvilans nya symbol sedan 2018 är Salix caprea, sälg, ett träd som finns i större delen av Sverige och som bättre speglar skolans aktivitet i hela Sverige.",1083,Story,26330,2019-10-06 20:51:31 UTC,2019-10-06 20:51:31 UTC
1135,Hvilans symbol!,1083,Story,2387,2017-08-08 07:37:39 UTC,2017-08-08 07:37:39 UTC
9115,Has pine needles ,4916,Story,26361,2019-10-11 20:43:51 UTC,2019-10-11 20:43:51 UTC
9116,3x7 inch leaves ,4916,Story,26362,2019-10-11 20:45:21 UTC,2019-10-11 20:45:21 UTC
9118,Ola och philip,4848,Story,26366,2019-10-15 06:24:10 UTC,2019-10-15 06:24:10 UTC
9120,Mature,3052,Story,26368,2019-10-17 10:50:01 UTC,2019-10-17 10:50:01 UTC
9122,"Large basal cavity, another cavity 1 metre higher on the trunk",3052,Story,26376,2019-10-20 09:04:32 UTC,2019-10-20 09:13:40 UTC
10385,Extensive ivy coverage,5328,Story,28532,2020-05-14 05:49:33 UTC,2020-05-14 05:49:33 UTC
9362,"Species Tilia Cordata won't save and the circumference data removed

Google image looks like Prunus Pissardii so will check tree again.",5328,Story,27020,2020-01-24 09:50:13 UTC,2020-01-30 09:31:14 UTC
10386,Not identified correctly,5328,Story,28535,2020-05-14 06:00:30 UTC,2020-05-14 06:00:30 UTC
10388,"Replaced tree, specie unknown",5328,Story,28537,2020-05-14 06:05:25 UTC,2020-05-14 06:05:25 UTC
9125,Part of the small ros ciaran planted in 1993 behind rugby pitch,4407,Story,26384,2019-10-20 16:10:55 UTC,2019-10-20 16:10:55 UTC
9126,Splits in to 3 stems at 1.2m ,4407,Story,26385,2019-10-20 16:18:08 UTC,2019-10-20 16:18:08 UTC
9127,Splits in 2 stems at 1m. Largest trunk measured,4407,Story,26386,2019-10-20 16:24:15 UTC,2019-10-20 16:24:15 UTC
9144,This is a tree,5157,Story,26417,2019-10-26 07:19:47 UTC,2019-10-26 07:19:47 UTC
9128,Large one! Two big trunks. ,4407,Story,26387,2019-10-20 16:33:14 UTC,2019-10-20 16:33:14 UTC
9129,"This tree has now been felled due to it being ""diseased"" ",5125,Story,26389,2019-10-20 18:07:42 UTC,2019-10-20 18:07:42 UTC
9133,Last few apples on the carpark apple tree 🍎 ,180,Story,26400,2019-10-23 14:35:47 UTC,2019-10-23 14:37:56 UTC
12562,This Alder has grown loads since Photels updates. ,3154,Story,31744,2020-09-16 10:39:36 UTC,2020-09-16 10:39:36 UTC
122,Planted from #BareRoot 5 years ago,180,Story,684,2017-02-23 11:22:17 UTC,2017-02-23 11:22:17 UTC
9137,"Detta är ett gammalt och mycket grovt exemplar av koreatry Lonicera maackii.
",1083,Story,26409,2019-10-24 15:04:36 UTC,2019-10-24 15:04:36 UTC
9138,"Stammen hos detta exemplar är grövre än ett lår, så texten i eflora of China att den blir max 10 cm tjock baseras på unga exemplar. Hur gammalt detta exemplar är vet vi inte bestämt. Kanske planterades den i samband med bygget av den nya Skogshögskolan 1915.",1083,Story,26410,2019-10-25 07:48:33 UTC,2019-10-25 07:48:33 UTC
9139,#mappinggreendublin I am curious what is the oldest tree in D8 - excluding the Phoenix Pk!,5147,Story,26412,2019-10-25 09:37:04 UTC,2019-10-25 09:37:04 UTC
9142,Leaves are changing color for fall!! Very big and healthy free,5144,Story,26415,2019-10-25 17:22:26 UTC,2019-10-25 17:22:26 UTC
9146,Potato tree.   Like please,5157,Story,26419,2019-10-26 07:24:49 UTC,2019-10-26 07:24:49 UTC
9147,Red one,5156,Story,26420,2019-10-26 07:25:03 UTC,2019-10-26 07:25:03 UTC
9287,"Bird cherry is a rare tree in Ireland and likes to grow at the edges of woods, and along stream-sides. The bird cherry is frequently used in traditional wildlife hedges because it is an important tree for many insects including bees, butterflies and a variety of birds that feed on the trees early Spring nectar and Summer fruit. DID YOU KNOW? This small tree was originally recorded in 28 of Ireland’s 32 counties but is now found in only 9: Cork, Meath, Roscommon, Sligo, Donegal, Armagh, Antrim, Derry and Fermanagh!",180,Story,26647,2019-12-02 18:11:30 UTC,2019-12-02 18:11:30 UTC
9163,dead looking with no leaves,5144,Story,26478,2019-11-02 21:14:33 UTC,2019-11-02 21:14:33 UTC
9202,Splits into three ,5231,Story,26528,2019-11-10 12:06:07 UTC,2019-11-10 12:06:07 UTC
9203,3 small stems,4407,Story,26530,2019-11-10 12:15:55 UTC,2019-11-10 12:15:55 UTC
9204,Splits into nine ,5231,Story,26531,2019-11-10 12:19:39 UTC,2019-11-10 12:19:39 UTC
9206,Splits into 7 ,5231,Story,26533,2019-11-10 12:22:39 UTC,2019-11-10 12:22:39 UTC
9207,Huge trunk ,4407,Story,26534,2019-11-10 12:28:43 UTC,2019-11-10 12:28:43 UTC
9208,Splits in five ,5231,Story,26535,2019-11-10 12:33:16 UTC,2019-11-10 12:33:16 UTC
9209,6 trunks same size,4407,Story,26536,2019-11-10 12:33:42 UTC,2019-11-10 12:33:42 UTC
9210,Includes about 40cm of epicormic growth.  Similar size to the coi churchyard trees ,4407,Story,26537,2019-11-10 12:54:46 UTC,2019-11-10 12:54:46 UTC
9211,Two stemmed tree with rope swing and lots of carved initials of the kids who played there including ronan corcoran in photo,4407,Story,26538,2019-11-10 13:15:22 UTC,2019-11-10 13:15:22 UTC
9286,"Bird cherry is a rare tree in Ireland and likes to grow at the edges of woods, and along stream-sides. The bird cherry is frequently used in traditional wildlife hedges because it is an important tree for many insects including bees, butterflies and a variety of birds that feed on the trees early Spring nectar and Summer fruit. DID YOU KNOW? This small tree was originally recorded in 28 of Ireland’s 32 counties but is now found in only 9: Cork, Meath, Roscommon, Sligo, Donegal, Armagh, Antrim, Derry and Fermanagh!",180,Story,26646,2019-12-02 18:10:14 UTC,2019-12-02 18:10:14 UTC
9228,"The hawthorn is also well known as the ‘fairy tree’ in Ireland. Throughout Irish myths and legend, the hawthorn tree has been connected with the fairies and their stories. To this very day, there are still farmers who plough a wide circle around hawthorn trees, for fear of offending the fairies that supposedly inhabit the tree. 

DID YOU KNOW? Hawthorns grow quickly with thorny branches forming a thick boundary which farmers have found ideal for securing grazing cattle!",180,Story,26580,2019-11-27 09:43:47 UTC,2019-11-27 09:43:47 UTC
9229,"This native tree died out in Ireland hundreds of years ago. Thankfully it was re-introduced after the 1800s and once again started to grow in the wild parts of Ireland, where they can now be expected to live for 200 years or more. They are one of Ireland’s best conifer’s (trees with needle-like leaves) for wildlife. In addition to food for the finches, owls will often use it for nesting, and insects use its mature bark for shelter. DID YOU KNOW? Beetles, spiders, woodlice, butterflies and caterpillars can be found munching on the pine needles when they are in season!",180,Story,26581,2019-11-27 09:50:21 UTC,2019-11-27 09:50:21 UTC
9230,"Our native hazel is known for their delicious hazelnuts! The hazel nuts are an important food source for the mice, squirrels, pigeons, and pheasants. It is also estimated that the hazel in Ireland provides support in the form of shelter and food for seventy three different insects species. DID YOU KNOW? That as early as 6000 BC hazel rods were woven to create walls and provide shelter for our ancestors. ",180,Story,26582,2019-11-27 09:54:45 UTC,2019-11-27 09:54:45 UTC
9231,"Yew is one of Ireland’s oldest living native trees. The leaves of the yew can be recognised by their needle-like shape, displaying a strong rib down the centre of the leaf. The yews trunk often flakes to reveal reddish patches and in early autumn cones and autumn berries appear. DID YOU KNOW? The oldest tree in Europe is said to be a 3,000 year-old yew!",180,Story,26583,2019-11-27 09:56:15 UTC,2019-11-27 09:56:15 UTC
9232,"Elder is a small tree that can live for up to one hundred years. In summer it is covered with sweet smelling flowers and in autumn with deep purple berries. These berries provide important and valuable food for many birds and animals. Througout Irish history, the elder tree has been used as a medicinal plant to treat everything from burns to cold’s and flu’s. DID YOU KNOW? In Ireland, elder was a sacred tree, and it was a forbidden to break even one twig!",180,Story,26584,2019-11-27 09:57:32 UTC,2019-11-27 09:57:32 UTC
9234,"Bird cherry is a rare tree in Ireland and likes to grow at the edges of woods, and along stream-sides. The bird cherry is frequently used in traditional wildlife hedges because it is an important tree for many insects including bees, butterflies and a variety of birds that feed on the trees early Spring nectar and Summer fruit. DID YOU KNOW? This small tree was originally recorded in 28 of Ireland’s 32 counties but is now found in only 9: Cork, Meath, Roscommon, Sligo, Donegal, Armagh, Antrim, Derry and Fermanagh!",180,Story,26586,2019-11-27 10:01:06 UTC,2019-11-27 10:01:06 UTC
9235,"Mountain ash is the only native tree that provides colour throughout Spring, Summer and Autumn. Leaves turn shades of orange, red and brown throughout the year. In Autumn, bright red berries grow and birds such as thrushes and blackbirds like to eat them. In the wild, mountain ash can be found high up on a hill or mountain side this is because it likes a lot of sunshine. DID YOU KNOW? Irish ancestors used the berries of the mountain ash to dye cloth!",180,Story,26587,2019-11-27 10:02:00 UTC,2019-11-27 10:02:00 UTC
9238,"Willow trees love Ireland’s wet weather! They especially love to grow near bogs, marshes or riverbanks. The flower of the willow, the catkin, can be seen in Spring time and looks at first like a fluffy kitten’s paw. The flower then opens to produce the willows seeds which are so light they travel very long distances by wind or water. DID YOU KNOW? Flexible willow stems are used to create baskets, rugs, fences and more recently garden sculptures!",180,Story,26590,2019-11-27 10:06:56 UTC,2019-11-27 10:06:56 UTC
9237,Birch is a very popular tree all over Ireland! The leaves of the birch tree provide a covering of light shade. This is excellent for plants in woodlands who grow happily underneath the trees protection. A single birch tree can produce up to one million seeds in a year. These seeds are so light that they can travel for miles and miles on the autumn winds. DID YOU KNOW? The timber of the birch tree is very popular and used for making furniture. The sap of the birch tree is also used in dental products!,180,Story,26589,2019-11-27 10:05:40 UTC,2019-11-27 10:05:40 UTC
9236,"Ash is a fast growing tree. The ash tree’s fast growing and its ability to regrow after being cut down made ash a valuable renewable tree to the early Irish. The seeds of the ash tree grow all through the summer. These seeds are known as ‘helicopters’ because they have a propeller like shape. In the autumn winds, this shape helps to spin them far away from the tree. DID YOU KNOW? Ash wood has been used throughout the history of Ireland for making hurleys!",180,Story,26588,2019-11-27 10:04:04 UTC,2019-11-27 10:04:04 UTC
9239,"The circular leaves of the aspen flutter in the slightest breeze. This is why, it is also known as the ‘whispering tree’. Throughout the Autumn, the leaves of the aspen fall in a rain of yellows and golds, before leaves appear again in spring. The aspen flowers are known as catkins. These form part of the trees ecosystem, helping up to ninety insect species survive. DID YOU KNOW? The Latin name for aspen means ‘trembling poplar’ a reference to its fluttering leaves.’",180,Story,26591,2019-11-27 10:08:13 UTC,2019-11-27 10:08:13 UTC
9240,"Alder is a very strong tree. The alder has a unique ability to grow in different soils which has ensured its survival over time. The ability of the alder to grow in any type of soil means it can be found in all parts of Ireland, from mountain sides to lake shores and river banks. DID YOU KNOW? Alder is planted along the banks of waterways to stop erosion!",180,Story,26592,2019-11-27 10:09:13 UTC,2019-11-27 10:09:13 UTC
9241,"Holly is an evergreen tree which means its leaves stay green all year round. The holly is well known by its bright green, tough and spiny leaves which protect the holly from browsing deer and animals. In Autumn, the holly tree shows of brilliant scarlet berries which are popular with many birds and which are also used for decorations at Christmas time. DID YOU KNOW? The Holly tree has long been associated with eternity because of the trees evergreen leaves and long lasting berries!",180,Story,26593,2019-11-27 10:10:12 UTC,2019-11-27 10:10:12 UTC
9218,Planted 2018/19,5118,Story,26560,2019-11-17 13:24:42 UTC,2019-11-17 13:24:42 UTC
9217,Larch,5016,Story,26552,2019-11-17 11:00:28 UTC,2019-11-17 11:00:28 UTC
9216,Larch,5016,Story,26551,2019-11-17 10:58:53 UTC,2019-11-17 10:58:53 UTC
9214,Silver birch,5016,Story,26549,2019-11-17 10:50:28 UTC,2019-11-17 10:50:28 UTC
9376,#private_tree,179,Story,27056,2020-01-26 10:13:17 UTC,2020-01-26 10:13:17 UTC
9221,Ulmus dodoens,5262,Story,26565,2019-11-19 16:26:05 UTC,2019-11-19 16:26:05 UTC
10457,Not come into leaf,5328,Story,28657,2020-05-16 07:09:30 UTC,2020-05-16 07:09:30 UTC
9319,Data won't save. Circumstance 82cm,5328,Story,26791,2020-01-14 11:07:01 UTC,2020-01-14 11:07:01 UTC
9285,"Bird cherry is a rare tree in Ireland and likes to grow at the edges of woods, and along stream-sides. The bird cherry is frequently used in traditional wildlife hedges because it is an important tree for many insects including bees, butterflies and a variety of birds that feed on the trees early Spring nectar and Summer fruit. DID YOU KNOW? This small tree was originally recorded in 28 of Ireland’s 32 counties but is now found in only 9: Cork, Meath, Roscommon, Sligo, Donegal, Armagh, Antrim, Derry and Fermanagh!",180,Story,26645,2019-12-02 18:08:20 UTC,2019-12-02 18:08:20 UTC
9224,Hamlad,866,Story,26572,2019-11-25 14:55:52 UTC,2019-11-25 14:55:52 UTC
9225,Hamlad,866,Story,26573,2019-11-25 14:59:43 UTC,2019-11-25 14:59:43 UTC
9226,Hamlad,866,Story,26574,2019-11-25 15:00:45 UTC,2019-11-25 15:00:45 UTC
9227,"Quercus serrata, Japansk ek",866,Story,26575,2019-11-25 15:47:44 UTC,2019-11-25 15:47:44 UTC
9243,Golden Ash ,4193,Story,26596,2019-11-28 13:39:05 UTC,2019-11-28 13:39:05 UTC
9336,in the middle of western Boulevard,5421,Story,26937,2020-01-22 15:19:55 UTC,2020-01-22 15:19:55 UTC
9290,Tree stump,5328,Story,26653,2019-12-15 12:18:12 UTC,2019-12-15 12:18:12 UTC
9384,Think this is the wrong picture. Need to reenter data as most missing.,5328,Story,27093,2020-01-30 08:36:46 UTC,2020-01-30 08:36:46 UTC
9293,New tree,5328,Story,26656,2019-12-15 13:21:38 UTC,2019-12-15 13:21:38 UTC
9295,Stump,5328,Story,26658,2019-12-15 16:17:35 UTC,2019-12-15 16:17:35 UTC
10636,Estimated 25 years old,5328,Story,28846,2020-05-17 08:43:12 UTC,2020-05-17 08:43:12 UTC
10625,Estimated age of 18 years old,5328,Story,28835,2020-05-17 08:30:42 UTC,2020-05-17 08:30:42 UTC
9357,"Circumference data removed also species removed, Prunus Pissardii",5328,Story,27015,2020-01-24 09:40:13 UTC,2020-01-24 18:22:59 UTC
9323,Good health,5387,Story,26796,2020-01-15 18:31:45 UTC,2020-01-15 18:31:45 UTC
9315,76.5cm circumference data won't save,5328,Story,26784,2020-01-14 10:35:22 UTC,2020-01-14 11:21:24 UTC
9325,Sawn down,5328,Story,26812,2020-01-17 08:51:59 UTC,2020-01-17 08:51:59 UTC
9329,#prt,4836,Story,26872,2020-01-22 11:46:14 UTC,2020-01-22 11:46:14 UTC
9330,Pine tree,5424,Story,26881,2020-01-22 15:15:08 UTC,2020-01-22 15:15:08 UTC
9331,Small tree ,5420,Story,26890,2020-01-22 15:15:46 UTC,2020-01-22 15:15:46 UTC
9332,outside Biltmore,5421,Story,26894,2020-01-22 15:16:20 UTC,2020-01-22 15:16:20 UTC
9333,Outside Biltmore,5421,Story,26904,2020-01-22 15:17:02 UTC,2020-01-22 15:17:02 UTC
9337,In front of Jordan,5421,Story,26944,2020-01-22 15:20:46 UTC,2020-01-22 15:20:46 UTC
9338,Removed tree,5328,Story,26992,2020-01-22 15:45:24 UTC,2020-01-22 15:45:24 UTC
9308,"The two trees in this garden are a Norwegian Maple and a Silver Birch. Both are higher than surrouding houses, are more than 60 years old and are best seen from Earl Street.",5372,Story,26746,2020-01-09 14:54:11 UTC,2020-01-09 14:57:46 UTC
9309,Mature tree with highway repair showing what is possible!,5002,Story,26747,2020-01-09 15:16:12 UTC,2020-01-09 15:16:12 UTC
9310,#burrenscotspine ,5367,Story,26749,2020-01-09 16:03:15 UTC,2020-01-09 16:03:15 UTC
9364,Specie Prunus Pissardii unable to save and circumference data removed,5328,Story,27022,2020-01-24 10:00:55 UTC,2020-01-24 10:00:55 UTC
9365,Specie unknown and circumference missing,5328,Story,27023,2020-01-24 10:13:08 UTC,2020-01-24 10:13:27 UTC
9421,Planterat 2017,5407,Story,27146,2020-02-03 13:15:48 UTC,2020-02-03 13:15:48 UTC
9423,"Kallas för ""Nordens oliv""",5407,Story,27149,2020-02-03 14:15:30 UTC,2020-02-03 14:15:30 UTC
9424,Sort: Rubinola,5407,Story,27150,2020-02-03 14:21:01 UTC,2020-02-03 14:21:01 UTC
9433,Scott’s pine planted out  8/2/2020 by Once Upon a Tree (Southend). ,5002,Story,27174,2020-02-08 15:37:20 UTC,2020-02-08 15:37:20 UTC
9434,"Planted out 8/2/2020  by Once Upon a Tree (Southend). Tree Certificate - Happy 80th Birthday to our precious Nan and Great Nan, Ruby Taylor.
Love from Lee, Jemma, Jake and Lucas xxxx",5002,Story,27175,2020-02-08 15:46:07 UTC,2020-02-08 15:46:07 UTC
9437,Test data,4950,Story,27178,2020-02-10 13:39:24 UTC,2020-02-10 13:39:24 UTC
9435,Planted out 8/2/2020  by Once Upon a Tree (Southend). Tree Certificate: Celebrating the Birth of  Joseph Cornell.  ,5002,Story,27176,2020-02-08 15:51:12 UTC,2020-02-08 15:51:12 UTC
9439,Fin i morgonsolen,5527,Story,27187,2020-02-13 14:59:58 UTC,2020-02-13 14:59:58 UTC
9441,100 planted,4041,Story,27194,2020-02-16 17:07:31 UTC,2020-02-16 17:07:31 UTC
9448,100 planted,4041,Story,27201,2020-02-16 17:09:55 UTC,2020-02-16 17:09:55 UTC
9443,50 planted,4041,Story,27196,2020-02-16 17:08:12 UTC,2020-02-16 17:08:12 UTC
9447,50 planted,4041,Story,27200,2020-02-16 17:09:05 UTC,2020-02-16 17:09:05 UTC
9445,50 planted,4041,Story,27198,2020-02-16 17:08:29 UTC,2020-02-16 17:08:29 UTC
9444,50 planted,4041,Story,27197,2020-02-16 17:08:19 UTC,2020-02-16 17:08:19 UTC
9446,50 planted,4041,Story,27199,2020-02-16 17:08:38 UTC,2020-02-16 17:08:38 UTC
9453,#camtreechallenge,5551,Story,27209,2020-02-19 10:52:15 UTC,2020-02-19 10:52:15 UTC
9452,#camtreechallenge,5551,Story,27208,2020-02-19 10:50:44 UTC,2020-02-19 10:50:44 UTC
9455,Planted by Seal Rescue Ireland ,4041,Story,27211,2020-02-20 13:54:53 UTC,2020-02-20 13:54:53 UTC
9456,Planted by Seal rescue ireland ,4041,Story,27212,2020-02-20 13:56:04 UTC,2020-02-20 13:56:04 UTC
9457,Planted by Seal Rescue Ireland ,4041,Story,27213,2020-02-20 13:57:30 UTC,2020-02-20 13:57:30 UTC
9460,#CamTreeChallenge,5559,Story,27228,2020-02-21 14:47:51 UTC,2020-02-21 14:47:51 UTC
Planted 31/02/20",5563,Story,27234,2020-02-22 14:53:07 UTC,2020-02-22 14:53:07 UTC
9462,#CamTreeChallenge 21/02/20,5563,Story,27235,2020-02-22 14:55:22 UTC,2020-02-22 14:55:22 UTC
9464,Apple Blenheim Orange,5562,Story,27237,2020-02-22 15:37:47 UTC,2020-02-22 15:37:47 UTC
9463,Bramley Apple,5562,Story,27236,2020-02-22 15:36:21 UTC,2020-02-22 15:36:21 UTC
Planted 22Feb20",5567,Story,27242,2020-02-22 21:44:19 UTC,2020-02-22 21:44:19 UTC
9469,"From Cambridge’s trees for babies scheme.

#CamTreeChallenge",5568,Story,27243,2020-02-23 11:29:24 UTC,2020-02-23 11:29:24 UTC
9470,#CamTreeChallenge,5569,Story,27244,2020-02-23 13:24:32 UTC,2020-02-23 13:24:32 UTC
9471,#CamChallenge,5569,Story,27245,2020-02-23 13:26:31 UTC,2020-02-23 13:26:31 UTC
9475,Silver barch ,5574,Story,27249,2020-02-24 19:53:34 UTC,2020-02-24 19:53:34 UTC
9477,Wayside apple tree and Barnack Beauty apple tree. Planted January 2020,5577,Story,27251,2020-02-25 19:12:44 UTC,2020-02-25 19:12:44 UTC
9478,#CamTreeChallenge,5578,Story,27253,2020-02-25 19:39:43 UTC,2020-02-25 19:39:43 UTC
11153,Not sure of species and also support binding cutting into the tree,5328,Story,29526,2020-06-01 06:27:36 UTC,2020-06-01 06:27:36 UTC
11944,Fairies evicted,5328,Story,30758,2020-07-06 06:04:37 UTC,2020-07-06 06:04:37 UTC
10664,Oulton road tree fairy,5328,Story,28881,2020-05-18 06:57:38 UTC,2020-05-18 06:57:38 UTC
9484,Maybe 15 years old.,5360,Story,27265,2020-03-03 10:54:41 UTC,2020-03-03 10:54:41 UTC
9486,Williams bon cretien,5360,Story,27267,2020-03-03 10:57:24 UTC,2020-03-03 10:57:24 UTC
9485,About 10 years old.,5360,Story,27266,2020-03-03 10:56:15 UTC,2020-03-03 10:56:15 UTC
9483,About 20 years old. Had a radical prune in 2018,5360,Story,27264,2020-03-03 10:53:06 UTC,2020-03-03 10:53:06 UTC
9490,Laxton Superb mutation red laxton,5360,Story,27272,2020-03-03 18:41:37 UTC,2020-03-03 18:41:37 UTC
9491,Laxton Superb mutation Maxton,5360,Story,27273,2020-03-03 18:42:21 UTC,2020-03-03 18:42:21 UTC
9492,D'arcy Spice,5360,Story,27274,2020-03-03 18:43:00 UTC,2020-03-03 18:43:00 UTC
9493,Elstar,5360,Story,27275,2020-03-03 18:43:40 UTC,2020-03-03 18:43:40 UTC
9494,Winter banana,5360,Story,27276,2020-03-03 18:49:41 UTC,2020-03-03 18:49:41 UTC
9495,Dutch Mignonne,5360,Story,27277,2020-03-03 18:51:11 UTC,2020-03-03 18:51:11 UTC
9496,"Unknown cultivar of apple, grafted by a volunteer from Trumpington Orchard, from a scion taken from a (maybe 100 year old) tree growing in a local volunteers' garden (North Queen Edith's). The parent produces very early ripening (late July) large light green culinary apples, which don't store well but are delicious.",5360,Story,27278,2020-03-03 18:55:18 UTC,2020-03-03 18:55:18 UTC
9497,Probably basketry willow.,5360,Story,27279,2020-03-03 18:56:33 UTC,2020-03-03 18:56:33 UTC
9500,Transplanted from a local volunteer's garden.,5360,Story,27282,2020-03-03 19:00:32 UTC,2020-03-03 19:00:32 UTC
9488,Guessed at diameter. Planted on 2 March 2020 by Nightingale Gardeners. From City Council Trees for Babies scheme.,5360,Story,27269,2020-03-03 11:13:48 UTC,2020-03-03 11:13:48 UTC
Euonymus ",4352,Story,27283,2020-03-04 10:42:07 UTC,2020-03-04 10:42:07 UTC
9504,Planted this today 4.3.20 as part of the ‘Free Trees for Babies’ scheme. #CamTreeChallenge,5601,Story,27300,2020-03-04 15:27:27 UTC,2020-03-04 15:27:27 UTC
9307,Removed,5328,Story,26736,2020-01-08 10:58:31 UTC,2020-01-08 10:58:31 UTC
9513,"We don’t know what kind of tree it is, it’s cool though",5616,Story,27314,2020-03-07 14:25:17 UTC,2020-03-07 14:25:17 UTC
9360,Specie of tree not yet identified,5328,Story,27018,2020-01-24 09:44:44 UTC,2020-01-24 09:44:44 UTC
9512,We don’t know what kind of tree this is,5616,Story,27312,2020-03-07 14:23:35 UTC,2020-03-07 14:23:35 UTC
9515,Mistletoe,4242,Story,27332,2020-03-07 15:07:57 UTC,2020-03-07 15:07:57 UTC
9517,Commemorating our son's first birthday. ,5625,Story,27343,2020-03-07 20:39:29 UTC,2020-03-07 20:39:29 UTC
9522,Greengage. Planted 2018,5617,Story,27351,2020-03-08 18:17:37 UTC,2020-03-08 18:17:37 UTC
9520,Cooking apple. Unknown variety and year of planting.,5617,Story,27349,2020-03-08 18:10:04 UTC,2020-03-08 18:10:04 UTC
13316,Image taken 02.04.2021,5617,Story,33384,2021-04-02 12:21:20 UTC,2021-04-02 12:21:20 UTC
9524,This tree was planted as part of a resident’s committee initiative. Planted 2019. ,5617,Story,27355,2020-03-08 19:45:43 UTC,2020-03-08 19:45:43 UTC
9525,This tree was planted as part of a resident committee initiative. Planted in 2019. ,5617,Story,27356,2020-03-08 19:47:12 UTC,2020-03-08 19:47:12 UTC
13312,This tree was planted as part of an orchard initiative organised by the CIE Works Railway Estate residents Committee.,5617,Story,33378,2021-04-02 12:06:13 UTC,2021-04-02 12:06:13 UTC
9523,This tree was planted as a part of a residents committee initiative. Planted in 2019.,5617,Story,27354,2020-03-08 19:44:10 UTC,2020-03-08 19:44:10 UTC
11005,#wicklowtrees,6021,Story,29317,2020-05-29 14:22:52 UTC,2020-05-29 14:22:52 UTC
9527,Planted 8.3.2020,5633,Story,27358,2020-03-09 22:07:31 UTC,2020-03-09 22:07:31 UTC
9534,FT4B cambridge city council planting scheme. Mulberry tree for the birth of Joseph John Redfarn ,5661,Story,27379,2020-03-15 07:39:06 UTC,2020-03-15 07:39:06 UTC
11655,No sure if this a London plane like the others. Trunk very different.,5328,Story,30249,2020-06-16 06:20:42 UTC,2020-06-16 06:20:42 UTC
9535,Beautiful cedar outside Kildrought House,5605,Story,27380,2020-03-16 10:22:46 UTC,2020-03-16 10:22:46 UTC
9536,Christ Church of Ireland grounds,5605,Story,27381,2020-03-16 10:28:38 UTC,2020-03-16 10:28:38 UTC
9538,Jackdaw roost tree! ,5605,Story,27387,2020-03-16 10:51:49 UTC,2020-03-16 10:51:49 UTC
9318,Data won't save. Circumstance 77.5,5328,Story,26790,2020-01-14 11:05:22 UTC,2020-01-14 11:05:22 UTC
9373,Species Ginkgo Biloba won't save,5328,Story,27044,2020-01-24 18:31:56 UTC,2020-01-24 18:31:56 UTC
9551,Sorbus intermedia ,5401,Story,27418,2020-03-24 10:16:14 UTC,2020-03-24 10:16:14 UTC
9552,Ungt exemplar,5589,Story,27419,2020-03-24 10:29:37 UTC,2020-03-24 10:29:37 UTC
9556,Tre unga björkar,5651,Story,27427,2020-03-25 13:05:57 UTC,2020-03-25 13:05:57 UTC
9557,Believed to be about 200 years old.,5685,Story,27443,2020-03-27 15:04:41 UTC,2020-03-27 15:04:41 UTC
9560,"Mäktigt och vackert exemplar av gultall, gissningsvis ca 30 mer högt",3205,Story,27447,2020-03-29 15:41:11 UTC,2020-03-29 15:41:11 UTC
4925,In the gardens of Southover Grange ,4193,Story,20696,2019-04-07 17:28:50 UTC,2019-04-07 17:28:50 UTC
4772,Southover Grange gardens,4193,Story,20403,2019-03-20 17:34:33 UTC,2019-03-20 17:34:33 UTC
9562,Planted 2020 ,4193,Story,27460,2020-04-03 14:51:58 UTC,2020-04-03 14:51:58 UTC
9563,Behind the building on stilts. ,4193,Story,27462,2020-04-03 14:56:04 UTC,2020-04-03 14:56:04 UTC
9565,Nedtaget. Sjukt. ,5705,Story,27479,2020-04-04 15:49:26 UTC,2020-04-04 15:49:26 UTC
9564,Community planting. Apple Grenadier MM106,5617,Story,27464,2020-04-03 16:47:32 UTC,2020-04-03 16:47:32 UTC
9574,Suncrest,4932,Story,27501,2020-04-13 17:33:47 UTC,2020-04-13 17:33:47 UTC
9575,Prunus. Rosa prydnads körsbär. . Planterat 2013,5745,Story,27504,2020-04-16 14:12:07 UTC,2020-04-16 14:12:07 UTC
9576,"Röda vinbär, smaskens!",4926,Story,27505,2020-04-17 17:35:26 UTC,2020-04-17 17:35:26 UTC
9579,Variety Crimson King? ,4193,Story,27511,2020-04-20 08:28:12 UTC,2020-04-20 08:28:12 UTC
4828,In the yard next to St Anne's Coach House.,4193,Story,20492,2019-03-25 13:07:53 UTC,2019-03-25 13:07:53 UTC
850,"Bergkörsbär , Prunus sargentii i#Prunus sargentii",613,Story,1779,2017-06-08 20:48:21 UTC,2017-06-08 20:48:21 UTC
9800,Originally I thought this was an oak but now the leaves have come out I can see that it is not!,5767,Story,27818,2020-05-04 20:08:23 UTC,2020-05-04 20:08:23 UTC
9593,"Uppsläppt buske, ingår i häcken.",3254,Story,27540,2020-04-25 15:07:21 UTC,2020-04-25 15:07:21 UTC
9594,Föryngrades april 2020 (av Robert),3254,Story,27541,2020-04-25 15:10:05 UTC,2020-04-25 15:10:05 UTC
9595,Ivy covered tree adjacent to path. ,5530,Story,27542,2020-04-25 15:39:05 UTC,2020-04-25 15:39:05 UTC
9597,We had an early bloom this year and hopefully a better crop of apples than we did last year. Last year they were very small! ,5605,Story,27556,2020-04-27 13:10:29 UTC,2020-04-27 13:10:29 UTC
9599,It’s late April and we had a lot of blooms this year (2020) but they were early and have now fallen off. Lots of bees around though so maybe we will get a good crop. ,5605,Story,27558,2020-04-27 14:24:18 UTC,2020-04-27 14:24:18 UTC
9598,"This our favorite backyard tree, always lots of birds. ",5605,Story,27557,2020-04-27 13:38:49 UTC,2020-04-27 13:38:49 UTC
9600,The buds on the trees are almost ready to open. ,5605,Story,27559,2020-04-27 15:05:30 UTC,2020-04-27 15:05:30 UTC
5114,Detta är träd nummer 3.,1083,Story,21107,2019-05-01 19:00:04 UTC,2019-05-01 19:00:04 UTC
5093,Vita blommor,1083,Story,21074,2019-05-01 08:41:56 UTC,2019-05-01 08:41:56 UTC
9603,Tree is growing the fence. ,5605,Story,27568,2020-04-28 11:03:02 UTC,2020-04-28 11:03:02 UTC
9604,This tree is covered in english ivy. ,5605,Story,27569,2020-04-28 11:57:21 UTC,2020-04-28 11:57:21 UTC
9605,Nr 3. Träd som blommar på bar kvist,1083,Story,27570,2020-04-28 12:56:52 UTC,2020-04-28 12:56:52 UTC
9606,Carpinus betulus,5768,Story,27586,2020-04-29 10:18:20 UTC,2020-04-29 10:18:20 UTC
9608,Salix purpurea,5775,Story,27593,2020-04-29 12:26:42 UTC,2020-04-29 12:26:42 UTC
9607,Tre stycken ,5815,Story,27589,2020-04-29 11:28:54 UTC,2020-04-29 11:28:54 UTC
9609,Formklippt prakthäggmispel. ,5831,Story,27597,2020-04-29 15:31:18 UTC,2020-04-29 15:31:18 UTC
9610,Manchurisk strimmlönn,5769,Story,27601,2020-04-29 15:49:12 UTC,2020-04-29 15:49:12 UTC
9613,Amelanchier lamarckii,5768,Story,27605,2020-04-29 16:52:23 UTC,2020-04-29 16:52:23 UTC
9616,Magnolia ssp,678,Story,27616,2020-04-30 21:45:58 UTC,2020-04-30 21:45:58 UTC
9631,"Trädet har 2 sorts av Prunus, en Prunus ’Kanzan’ som har slagit igenom Prunus avium stammen.",5829,Story,27631,2020-05-01 22:12:44 UTC,2020-05-02 05:24:10 UTC
9634,Planterad Mars 2020,4932,Story,27638,2020-05-02 15:18:37 UTC,2020-05-02 15:18:37 UTC
9635,Planterad april 2020,4932,Story,27639,2020-05-02 15:37:34 UTC,2020-05-02 15:37:34 UTC
9638,Planterad mars 2020,4932,Story,27642,2020-05-02 15:48:56 UTC,2020-05-02 15:48:56 UTC
9637,Planterad mars 2020,4932,Story,27641,2020-05-02 15:46:51 UTC,2020-05-02 15:46:51 UTC
9639,’Solaris’,5864,Story,27643,2020-05-02 16:22:33 UTC,2020-05-02 16:22:33 UTC
9646,’Rubinola’,5864,Story,27651,2020-05-02 16:28:31 UTC,2020-05-02 16:28:31 UTC
Planterad september 2019",4932,Story,27653,2020-05-02 20:14:03 UTC,2020-05-02 20:14:03 UTC
9737,Spinosissima ’Aicha’,5864,Story,27747,2020-05-03 11:50:45 UTC,2020-05-03 11:50:45 UTC
9934,Two trunks,2454,Story,27969,2020-05-07 09:31:09 UTC,2020-05-07 09:31:09 UTC
8692,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25597,2019-08-28 04:16:39 UTC,2019-08-28 04:16:39 UTC
5374,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21593,2019-05-17 23:30:10 UTC,2019-05-17 23:30:10 UTC
9938,Berberis dielsiana,4925,Story,27996,2020-05-07 11:59:34 UTC,2020-05-07 11:59:34 UTC
9940,Mahonia x Wagneri,4925,Story,28000,2020-05-07 12:02:44 UTC,2020-05-07 12:02:44 UTC
9941,Ilex x meserveae ’blue angel’ - Blå järnek,4925,Story,28001,2020-05-07 12:06:04 UTC,2020-05-07 12:06:04 UTC
9942,Ilex aquifolium ’silver Queen’ - järnek,4925,Story,28002,2020-05-07 12:08:33 UTC,2020-05-07 12:08:33 UTC
9944,Morus Nigra - svart mullbär,4925,Story,28006,2020-05-07 12:13:49 UTC,2020-05-07 12:13:49 UTC
9935,Flerstammig.,4928,Story,27985,2020-05-07 11:51:12 UTC,2020-05-07 11:51:12 UTC
10315,White cherry blossom. Flowers mid april and fruits June/July. Aged c. 30 years,6034,Story,28455,2020-05-13 11:00:37 UTC,2020-05-13 11:00:37 UTC
9936,Japansk trollhassel,4925,Story,27990,2020-05-07 11:54:56 UTC,2020-05-07 11:54:56 UTC
9939,Tornig buske. Används som häck. Röda blad som sitter i krans.,4961,Story,27999,2020-05-07 12:01:07 UTC,2020-05-07 12:01:07 UTC
9943,"Städsegrön buske. Bladen går i färgerna grön, gul och röd. Bladen har taggar på kanterna. Grenarna har tornar. Gula blommor som lockar pollinatörer i april. Frukten är liten och lila och ätbar. ",4961,Story,28004,2020-05-07 12:09:16 UTC,2020-05-07 12:09:16 UTC
9946,Katsura. I folkmun kallas pepparkaksträd pga att bladen doftar pepparkaka på sensommar/höst. Röda knoppar. ,4961,Story,28014,2020-05-07 12:44:06 UTC,2020-05-07 12:44:06 UTC
9947,"Skogslind. Har vita fickor vid bladnerverna där kvalster och insekter kan gömma sig, de är en del i lindens immunsystem och försvarar linden mot patogener.",4961,Story,28015,2020-05-07 12:56:43 UTC,2020-05-07 12:56:43 UTC
10034,Fatsia Japonica,5902,Story,28116,2020-05-08 14:53:01 UTC,2020-05-08 14:53:01 UTC
10129,Small,5904,Story,28220,2020-05-09 11:38:24 UTC,2020-05-09 11:38:24 UTC
10131,Tangled with a smaller Elm,5904,Story,28222,2020-05-09 11:45:03 UTC,2020-05-09 11:45:03 UTC
10132,Tangled with a much bigger Sycamore,5904,Story,28223,2020-05-09 11:45:47 UTC,2020-05-09 11:45:47 UTC
10133,Tied up with Sycamore,5904,Story,28224,2020-05-09 11:56:30 UTC,2020-05-09 11:56:30 UTC
10134,Tied up with Hawthorn ,5904,Story,28225,2020-05-09 11:57:03 UTC,2020-05-09 11:57:03 UTC
10130,"In GnaG inside wall
Mixed with smaller English Elm",5904,Story,28221,2020-05-09 11:41:37 UTC,2020-05-09 16:14:36 UTC
10135,1st gate road side,5904,Story,28228,2020-05-09 12:23:07 UTC,2020-05-09 12:23:07 UTC
10136,With two small Sycamore,5904,Story,28229,2020-05-09 12:24:50 UTC,2020-05-09 12:24:50 UTC
10137,Right of small gate going in,5904,Story,28230,2020-05-09 12:25:29 UTC,2020-05-09 12:25:29 UTC
10138,Left of small gate going img in,5904,Story,28231,2020-05-09 12:26:01 UTC,2020-05-09 12:26:01 UTC
10139,On path ,5904,Story,28234,2020-05-09 12:30:03 UTC,2020-05-09 12:30:03 UTC
10140,On path small,5904,Story,28235,2020-05-09 12:30:26 UTC,2020-05-09 12:30:26 UTC
10141,Sycamore blocking it,5904,Story,28239,2020-05-09 15:17:57 UTC,2020-05-09 15:17:57 UTC
10143,Blocked by Sycamore,5904,Story,28242,2020-05-09 15:21:43 UTC,2020-05-09 15:21:43 UTC
10144,Blocking Hawthorn ,5904,Story,28243,2020-05-09 15:22:49 UTC,2020-05-09 15:22:49 UTC
10145,Pillar,5904,Story,28247,2020-05-09 15:48:10 UTC,2020-05-09 15:48:10 UTC
10146,Mixed with Laburam tree,5904,Story,28248,2020-05-09 15:48:59 UTC,2020-05-09 15:48:59 UTC
10147,Small,5904,Story,28249,2020-05-09 15:50:43 UTC,2020-05-09 15:50:43 UTC
10149,Blocked ash and  other,5904,Story,28252,2020-05-09 16:26:17 UTC,2020-05-09 16:26:17 UTC
10148,? Not sure,5904,Story,28250,2020-05-09 15:59:53 UTC,2020-05-09 15:59:53 UTC
10152,Blocking ash,5904,Story,28257,2020-05-09 16:45:32 UTC,2020-05-09 16:45:32 UTC
10188,Fint exemplar ,5917,Story,28297,2020-05-09 18:35:40 UTC,2020-05-09 18:35:40 UTC
10265,"2 stemmed tree, the multi stemmed equation was used to calculate the DBH
Species: common ash",5933,Story,28379,2020-05-11 08:49:28 UTC,2020-05-11 08:54:55 UTC
10266,"10 stems, used multi stem equation to calculate DBH",5933,Story,28380,2020-05-11 09:28:33 UTC,2020-05-11 09:28:33 UTC
10267,Kinesisk sekvoja,5769,Story,28384,2020-05-11 15:24:56 UTC,2020-05-11 15:24:56 UTC
10268,Three trunks,2454,Story,28389,2020-05-11 17:14:15 UTC,2020-05-11 17:14:15 UTC
10270,Bush,2454,Story,28395,2020-05-11 17:34:26 UTC,2020-05-11 17:34:26 UTC
10282,On private property (back garden),5990,Story,28412,2020-05-12 10:08:44 UTC,2020-05-12 10:08:44 UTC
10283,"3 stemmed, used multi stem equation",5933,Story,28414,2020-05-12 11:59:44 UTC,2020-05-12 11:59:44 UTC
10286,"Covered in ivy, under threat. ",6019,Story,28421,2020-05-12 19:56:09 UTC,2020-05-12 19:56:09 UTC
10287,Private garden ,6019,Story,28422,2020-05-12 20:02:19 UTC,2020-05-12 20:02:19 UTC
10314,Grew from a seed very quickly!,6028,Story,28452,2020-05-13 07:28:53 UTC,2020-05-13 07:28:53 UTC
10323,"A gardener friend told me that he thinks  this is a Bhutan pine or a Pinus Wallichiana 
It’s about 15 years old and approximately 15 ft tall
A beautiful tree ",6061,Story,28463,2020-05-13 17:11:23 UTC,2020-05-13 17:42:27 UTC
10326,A clump of 4 trees grown back after the heavy snow in 2010,6061,Story,28467,2020-05-13 17:51:54 UTC,2020-05-13 17:51:54 UTC
10327,Tree pruned 2020,6064,Story,28468,2020-05-13 18:13:38 UTC,2020-05-13 18:13:38 UTC
10328,Tree pruned 2020,6064,Story,28469,2020-05-13 18:14:29 UTC,2020-05-13 18:14:29 UTC
10325,Pair of trees which I thought were killed by the snow in 2010 but grew back ,6061,Story,28466,2020-05-13 17:48:08 UTC,2020-05-13 17:48:08 UTC
10387,Tree was diseased so felled,6048,Story,28536,2020-05-14 06:02:54 UTC,2020-05-14 06:02:54 UTC
10409,Damson plum tree,5979,Story,28564,2020-05-14 21:36:34 UTC,2020-05-14 21:36:34 UTC
10434,Good health ,6125,Story,28592,2020-05-15 12:48:25 UTC,2020-05-15 12:48:25 UTC
10436,Bush,2454,Story,28602,2020-05-15 13:26:31 UTC,2020-05-15 13:26:31 UTC
10437,Dying,2454,Story,28605,2020-05-15 13:34:07 UTC,2020-05-15 13:34:07 UTC
10441,Split in five,2454,Story,28614,2020-05-15 13:55:47 UTC,2020-05-15 13:55:47 UTC
10446,Over 50 years old ,6130,Story,28623,2020-05-15 15:35:35 UTC,2020-05-15 15:35:35 UTC
10447,Over 50 years old ,6130,Story,28626,2020-05-15 15:40:00 UTC,2020-05-15 15:40:00 UTC
10438,Bush,2454,Story,28606,2020-05-15 13:35:23 UTC,2020-05-15 13:35:23 UTC
10439,Bush,2454,Story,28608,2020-05-15 13:39:20 UTC,2020-05-15 13:39:20 UTC
10440,Bush,2454,Story,28611,2020-05-15 13:46:41 UTC,2020-05-15 13:46:41 UTC
10442,Over 40 years old ,6130,Story,28616,2020-05-15 14:42:08 UTC,2020-05-15 14:42:08 UTC
10443,Over 30 years old ,6130,Story,28617,2020-05-15 14:46:32 UTC,2020-05-15 14:46:32 UTC
10445,Nana cultivar,6130,Story,28619,2020-05-15 14:52:41 UTC,2020-05-15 14:52:41 UTC
10448,5 trees in a line,6112,Story,28628,2020-05-15 15:55:10 UTC,2020-05-15 15:55:10 UTC
12992,New tree planted,5328,Story,32516,2020-11-23 15:18:02 UTC,2020-11-23 15:18:02 UTC
10460,Magnolia. 12 years ild,5274,Story,28664,2020-05-16 12:48:43 UTC,2020-05-16 12:48:43 UTC
10462,I grew this from seed collected I from Birch in WMNP. Planted in 2002,5274,Story,28666,2020-05-16 13:19:59 UTC,2020-05-16 13:19:59 UTC
10465,Grown from seed collected in Mayo in 1998,5274,Story,28669,2020-05-16 13:36:52 UTC,2020-05-16 13:36:52 UTC
10324,"Oak, species to be checked. ",6057,Story,28464,2020-05-13 17:23:37 UTC,2020-05-13 17:23:37 UTC
10537,Fin men lite trasslig!,4926,Story,28743,2020-05-16 18:57:02 UTC,2020-05-16 18:57:02 UTC
10540,En av Strängnäs få kvarstående hängpilar längs promenadstråket längs mälaren,4926,Story,28748,2020-05-16 19:13:46 UTC,2020-05-16 19:13:46 UTC
10542,"Ovanligt stort och fint ex. av klibbal, hoppas den får stå länge!",4926,Story,28750,2020-05-16 19:24:34 UTC,2020-05-16 19:24:34 UTC
10539,Stort och vackert exemplar som inte verkar vara drabbat av askskottssjuka vad jag kan se,4926,Story,28747,2020-05-16 19:08:09 UTC,2020-05-16 19:08:09 UTC
10541,"Väldigt stort & fint exemplar av klibbal, hoppas den får stå länge!",4926,Story,28749,2020-05-16 19:22:41 UTC,2020-05-16 19:22:41 UTC
10641,"Six in the park, same age. ",6042,Story,28853,2020-05-17 11:38:46 UTC,2020-05-17 11:38:46 UTC
10663,Badly pruned,5328,Story,28880,2020-05-18 06:51:34 UTC,2020-05-18 06:51:34 UTC
10665,Grafted. Circumference is for thicker trunk that was grafted into. ,6194,Story,28883,2020-05-18 12:26:24 UTC,2020-05-18 12:26:24 UTC
10667,Possibly Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' ,6194,Story,28885,2020-05-18 12:32:08 UTC,2020-05-18 12:32:08 UTC
2638,Yellow blossoms ,252,Story,5329,2018-02-11 14:57:07 UTC,2018-02-11 14:57:07 UTC
10673,3 such trees together ,6042,Story,28896,2020-05-18 21:33:53 UTC,2020-05-18 21:33:53 UTC
10723,3 such trees together ,6042,Story,28962,2020-05-20 10:15:21 UTC,2020-05-20 10:15:21 UTC
10725,3 such trees together ,6042,Story,28965,2020-05-20 11:13:04 UTC,2020-05-20 11:13:04 UTC
10724,12 such trees together ,6042,Story,28964,2020-05-20 11:11:33 UTC,2020-05-20 11:11:33 UTC
10726,12 such trees in a row,6042,Story,28966,2020-05-20 11:16:18 UTC,2020-05-20 11:16:18 UTC
10727,Only 1 side of this tree has leaves  on it. Could it be dying? ,6112,Story,28974,2020-05-20 17:20:44 UTC,2020-05-20 17:20:44 UTC
10744,Det finns flera Ginkgo biloba eller kinesiska tempelträd runt p-platsen på Nya torg. ,5773,Story,29003,2020-05-21 13:12:24 UTC,2020-05-21 13:21:19 UTC
10745,Flera Gingko biloba träd runt p-platsen på Nya torg. ,5773,Story,29005,2020-05-21 13:19:11 UTC,2020-05-21 13:19:11 UTC
10746,Runt p-platsen på Nya torg finns det flera Ginkgo biloba eller kinesiskt tempelträd. ,5773,Story,29007,2020-05-21 13:26:30 UTC,2020-05-21 13:26:30 UTC
9356,Tilia Cordata species not able to save and the circumference disappeared.,5328,Story,27014,2020-01-24 09:37:58 UTC,2020-01-24 09:37:58 UTC
10749,Photo taken 21-05--20200,6227,Story,29012,2020-05-21 20:21:08 UTC,2020-05-21 20:21:08 UTC
10775,Tree removed. This is now a building site,6071,Story,29039,2020-05-22 10:14:49 UTC,2020-05-22 10:14:49 UTC
10794,Planted by President Higgins at Russburough,6021,Story,29060,2020-05-23 12:40:13 UTC,2020-05-23 12:40:13 UTC
10847,"TPO order T4 Feb 1973 
Vicarage Close
Ref 48:73:T194:129

Group T1-T4",6238,Story,29122,2020-05-24 17:22:02 UTC,2020-05-24 17:22:02 UTC
10860,"TPO 9/10/SC @ 31 The Moor
9 September 2010",6238,Story,29137,2020-05-24 18:27:58 UTC,2020-05-24 18:27:58 UTC
10861,Group of poplars (4),6238,Story,29138,2020-05-24 18:31:19 UTC,2020-05-24 18:31:19 UTC
10862,Support binding too tight,5328,Story,29139,2020-05-25 06:40:29 UTC,2020-05-25 06:40:29 UTC
10866,Många i rad,5760,Story,29143,2020-05-25 06:47:58 UTC,2020-05-25 06:47:58 UTC
10843,Sycamore tree,5908,Story,29118,2020-05-24 17:14:09 UTC,2020-05-24 17:14:09 UTC
10867,This is a male tree. ,6057,Story,29144,2020-05-25 09:06:03 UTC,2020-05-25 09:06:03 UTC
10868,A large variegated privet bush,6057,Story,29145,2020-05-25 09:12:30 UTC,2020-05-25 09:12:30 UTC
10869,A large variegated privet bush. ,6057,Story,29146,2020-05-25 09:14:04 UTC,2020-05-25 09:14:04 UTC
10870,"What Species? 
#wicklowtrees",6198,Story,29147,2020-05-25 11:05:47 UTC,2020-05-25 11:05:47 UTC
10925,Looks to be about 350 -400 years old,6285,Story,29212,2020-05-26 15:47:20 UTC,2020-05-26 15:47:20 UTC
10927,Diameter is only approx ,6285,Story,29215,2020-05-26 16:00:32 UTC,2020-05-26 16:00:32 UTC
9933,Monterey pine tree,5885,Story,27963,2020-05-07 07:20:19 UTC,2020-05-07 07:20:19 UTC
10926,Diameter is only approx ,6285,Story,29214,2020-05-26 15:59:29 UTC,2020-05-26 15:59:29 UTC
10937,Right beside path,6285,Story,29237,2020-05-27 11:02:48 UTC,2020-05-27 11:02:48 UTC
10936,This is taller than any of the other trees so must be old,6285,Story,29236,2020-05-27 10:57:36 UTC,2020-05-27 10:57:36 UTC
4186,I finally got to check out the site of the beautiful orgeon maple that fell two weeks ago or so. I guess 170 years of history are locked up in that stump,179,Story,18766,2018-06-16 15:15:24 UTC,2018-06-17 12:47:50 UTC
176,The leaves are just beginning to appear,179,Story,773,2017-03-11 14:08:25 UTC,2017-03-11 14:08:25 UTC
71,"A beautiful old oak. Urban legend has it that a student hid up it for a whole day in the hope of sneaking into the Trinity Ball, a campus wide party,  for free. Unfortunately, just before things were about kick off  they found him and kicked him out",179,Story,597,2017-02-15 22:22:50 UTC,2017-02-18 15:22:34 UTC
11004,#wicklowtrees,6021,Story,29316,2020-05-29 14:22:26 UTC,2020-05-29 14:22:26 UTC
11006,#wicklowtrees,6021,Story,29318,2020-05-29 14:23:22 UTC,2020-05-29 14:23:22 UTC
10964,Identification is tentative ,6285,Story,29275,2020-05-28 20:37:58 UTC,2020-05-28 20:37:58 UTC
10962,Don't know what species of tree this but it is unusual ,6285,Story,29272,2020-05-28 19:33:56 UTC,2020-05-28 19:33:56 UTC
10997,"Cherry blossom 

#wicklowtrees",6021,Story,29309,2020-05-29 13:21:52 UTC,2020-05-29 13:21:52 UTC
10998,"What species?

#wicklowtrees",6021,Story,29310,2020-05-29 13:23:34 UTC,2020-05-29 13:23:34 UTC
10999,"What species?

#wicklowtrees",6021,Story,29311,2020-05-29 14:17:21 UTC,2020-05-29 14:17:21 UTC
11000,"What species?

#wicklowtrees",6021,Story,29312,2020-05-29 14:18:57 UTC,2020-05-29 14:18:57 UTC
11001,"What species?

#wicklowtrees",6021,Story,29313,2020-05-29 14:20:18 UTC,2020-05-29 14:20:18 UTC
11003,#wicklowtrees,6021,Story,29315,2020-05-29 14:22:03 UTC,2020-05-29 14:22:03 UTC
11007,#wicklowtrees,6021,Story,29319,2020-05-29 14:23:56 UTC,2020-05-29 14:23:56 UTC
11008,Possibly suckers from an English elm that survived Dutch elm disease.,6285,Story,29320,2020-05-29 15:03:55 UTC,2020-05-29 15:03:55 UTC
11012,There is a grove of sweet chestnut here. All of them are small and possibly stunted,6285,Story,29328,2020-05-29 16:05:55 UTC,2020-05-29 16:05:55 UTC
11010,This looks like it is self seeded,6285,Story,29326,2020-05-29 16:02:28 UTC,2020-05-29 16:02:28 UTC
11011,Looks self seeded ,6285,Story,29327,2020-05-29 16:04:15 UTC,2020-05-29 16:04:15 UTC
11039,There is a grove of these trees planted here.,6285,Story,29364,2020-05-30 15:38:57 UTC,2020-05-30 15:38:57 UTC
11038,There seems to be a grove of walnuts planted here.,6285,Story,29362,2020-05-30 15:28:13 UTC,2020-05-30 15:28:13 UTC
11040,Grove of seven or eight of these planted here.,6285,Story,29366,2020-05-30 15:41:23 UTC,2020-05-30 15:41:23 UTC
11041,There is a grove of sweet chestnut planted here.,6285,Story,29367,2020-05-30 15:46:16 UTC,2020-05-30 15:46:16 UTC
11056,Persian Ironwood,5885,Story,29393,2020-05-30 21:10:13 UTC,2020-05-30 21:10:13 UTC
11057,Californian Bay tree,5885,Story,29394,2020-05-30 21:48:08 UTC,2020-05-30 21:48:08 UTC
11058,"Has ivy on it.
We think it’s a sycamore",6364,Story,29402,2020-05-31 11:11:00 UTC,2020-05-31 11:11:00 UTC
11059,Sweet chestnut maybe. ,6364,Story,29403,2020-05-31 11:22:13 UTC,2020-05-31 11:22:13 UTC
11060,Beautiful beech tree with moss on bottom of tree. ,6364,Story,29404,2020-05-31 11:33:10 UTC,2020-05-31 11:33:10 UTC
11061,"Moss, ",6364,Story,29405,2020-05-31 11:43:09 UTC,2020-05-31 11:43:09 UTC
11062,Huge big beech,6364,Story,29406,2020-05-31 11:45:48 UTC,2020-05-31 11:45:48 UTC
11063,Looks like lots o little trees together,6364,Story,29407,2020-05-31 11:51:17 UTC,2020-05-31 11:51:17 UTC
11065,Huge knots,6364,Story,29409,2020-05-31 12:02:17 UTC,2020-05-31 12:02:17 UTC
11066,Beautiful crown and lots of canopy,6364,Story,29410,2020-05-31 12:17:07 UTC,2020-05-31 12:17:07 UTC
11084,Golden hazel,5885,Story,29431,2020-05-31 15:33:55 UTC,2020-05-31 15:33:55 UTC
11085,Perny’s Holly,5885,Story,29432,2020-05-31 15:37:48 UTC,2020-05-31 15:37:48 UTC
11088,Variegated sycamore; acre pseudoplatamus var albo variegatum,5885,Story,29437,2020-05-31 15:49:56 UTC,2020-05-31 15:49:56 UTC
11093,Ligustrum lucidum auroeovariegatum,5885,Story,29443,2020-05-31 16:34:53 UTC,2020-05-31 16:34:53 UTC
11087,Sequoia sempervirens var adpressa,5885,Story,29435,2020-05-31 15:43:54 UTC,2020-05-31 15:43:54 UTC
11089,Variegated sycamore ; acer pseudoplatanus var leopoldii,5885,Story,29438,2020-05-31 16:11:59 UTC,2020-05-31 16:11:59 UTC
11092,Hybrid strawberry tree,5885,Story,29442,2020-05-31 16:31:05 UTC,2020-05-31 16:31:05 UTC
11091,Colorado spruce,5885,Story,29441,2020-05-31 16:20:50 UTC,2020-05-31 16:20:50 UTC
11095,Swamp cypress,5885,Story,29446,2020-05-31 16:58:43 UTC,2020-05-31 16:58:43 UTC
11090,Unknown 62,5885,Story,29439,2020-05-31 16:13:21 UTC,2020-05-31 16:13:21 UTC
11094,Japanese cedar,5885,Story,29445,2020-05-31 16:51:49 UTC,2020-05-31 16:51:49 UTC
11107,Bird cherry,5885,Story,29459,2020-05-31 18:43:11 UTC,2020-05-31 18:43:11 UTC
11108,Acer cappadocicum maple,5885,Story,29467,2020-05-31 19:05:00 UTC,2020-05-31 19:05:00 UTC
11127,Old apple tree,6377,Story,29497,2020-06-01 00:24:00 UTC,2020-06-01 00:24:00 UTC
11187,I have a total of 5 trees in my garden. 3 Round Robin and 2 Olive. ,6411,Story,29578,2020-06-03 15:33:12 UTC,2020-06-03 15:33:12 UTC
11188,Monkey puzzle tree,6416,Story,29579,2020-06-03 17:39:39 UTC,2020-06-03 17:39:39 UTC
11186,"Ash tree, not sure what type.",6398,Story,29576,2020-06-03 13:25:22 UTC,2020-06-03 13:25:22 UTC
220,White,188,Story,835,2017-03-20 09:38:45 UTC,2017-03-20 09:38:45 UTC
11525,"Only a few leaves growing on this tree, June 2020",6419,Story,30101,2020-06-13 15:36:14 UTC,2020-06-13 15:36:14 UTC
11253,Struggling tree. Bark peeled away from a large portion of the trunk.,6419,Story,29678,2020-06-06 21:41:06 UTC,2020-06-06 21:41:06 UTC
11190,This is a maple tree,6407,Story,29581,2020-06-04 05:51:12 UTC,2020-06-04 05:51:12 UTC
11776,Community tree of hope,6419,Story,30459,2020-06-21 09:06:40 UTC,2020-06-21 09:06:40 UTC
11734,Plenty of nesting in this tree.,6419,Story,30405,2020-06-20 08:56:04 UTC,2020-06-20 08:56:04 UTC
11733,Trunk splits into two at breast height. Circumference is arrived at by adding the two trunks together.,6419,Story,30404,2020-06-20 08:55:40 UTC,2020-06-20 08:55:40 UTC
11216,"Identified as a Swedish Whitebeam, a species of Mountain Ash. Identified using Picture This and Leaf Snap applications.

Latin name: Sorbus intermedia",6109,Story,29628,2020-06-05 19:14:06 UTC,2020-06-05 19:14:06 UTC
What species? Cedar?",6382,Story,29592,2020-06-04 15:02:49 UTC,2020-06-04 15:02:49 UTC
What species",6382,Story,29625,2020-06-05 12:18:41 UTC,2020-06-05 12:18:41 UTC
11196,"In a garden
",6271,Story,29598,2020-06-04 17:49:59 UTC,2020-06-04 17:49:59 UTC
11197,Probably wych elm,6285,Story,29602,2020-06-04 19:35:48 UTC,2020-06-04 19:35:48 UTC
What species",6382,Story,29612,2020-06-05 10:35:35 UTC,2020-06-05 10:35:35 UTC
What species?",6382,Story,29613,2020-06-05 10:39:38 UTC,2020-06-05 10:39:38 UTC
What species?",6382,Story,29614,2020-06-05 10:41:21 UTC,2020-06-05 10:41:21 UTC
What species?
Eucalyptus?",6382,Story,29615,2020-06-05 10:55:21 UTC,2020-06-05 10:55:21 UTC
",6382,Story,29617,2020-06-05 12:00:05 UTC,2020-06-05 12:00:05 UTC
What species?",6382,Story,29618,2020-06-05 12:02:30 UTC,2020-06-05 12:02:30 UTC
What species?",6382,Story,29619,2020-06-05 12:06:38 UTC,2020-06-05 12:06:38 UTC
11209,#wicklowtrees ,6382,Story,29621,2020-06-05 12:11:29 UTC,2020-06-05 12:11:29 UTC
What species?",6382,Story,29622,2020-06-05 12:13:06 UTC,2020-06-05 12:13:06 UTC
What species",6382,Story,29623,2020-06-05 12:14:54 UTC,2020-06-05 12:14:54 UTC
11212,"#wicklow trees
What species",6382,Story,29624,2020-06-05 12:17:25 UTC,2020-06-05 12:17:25 UTC
11214,#wicklowtrees,6382,Story,29626,2020-06-05 12:20:05 UTC,2020-06-05 12:20:05 UTC
11222,Possibly lobel elm,6285,Story,29644,2020-06-06 17:30:26 UTC,2020-06-06 17:30:26 UTC
11218,Grove of elm trees that look fastigiate in form,6285,Story,29637,2020-06-06 16:16:15 UTC,2020-06-06 16:16:15 UTC
11219,Row of hornbeams planted along the road,6285,Story,29640,2020-06-06 16:37:33 UTC,2020-06-06 16:37:33 UTC
11221,Elder tree with some naturally occurring purple leaves and pink flowers.,6285,Story,29643,2020-06-06 17:15:44 UTC,2020-06-06 17:15:44 UTC
11220,Elder tree showing some purple coloured leaves and pink flowers. Presumably naturally occurring.,6285,Story,29642,2020-06-06 16:46:04 UTC,2020-06-06 16:46:04 UTC
131,It's a pink blossoming copper leaved Crumliner tree,188,Story,707,2017-02-27 17:07:20 UTC,2017-02-27 17:07:20 UTC
11303,#wicklowtrees,6021,Story,29731,2020-06-07 15:19:53 UTC,2020-06-07 15:19:53 UTC
11306,About 8 -10 metres height ,6370,Story,29740,2020-06-07 17:05:35 UTC,2020-06-07 17:05:35 UTC
11308,Bees love it!! ,6370,Story,29748,2020-06-07 17:16:38 UTC,2020-06-07 17:16:38 UTC
11307,"Atlas Ceder tree, native to Morocco.. possibly ceder of Lebanon either.. difficult to tell ",6370,Story,29743,2020-06-07 17:11:40 UTC,2020-06-07 17:11:40 UTC
11527,#wicklowtrees,6486,Story,30103,2020-06-13 15:40:49 UTC,2020-06-13 15:40:49 UTC
11373,Very tall oak tree,6364,Story,29834,2020-06-08 15:23:40 UTC,2020-06-08 15:23:40 UTC
11375,Planted by Ketton Tree group in 1992,6446,Story,29841,2020-06-08 19:13:41 UTC,2020-06-08 19:13:41 UTC
11474,Littleleaf Mountain Mahogany planted May 2020,5956,Story,30027,2020-06-12 14:56:41 UTC,2020-06-12 14:56:41 UTC
11476,Mature Ash tree,5956,Story,30029,2020-06-12 14:58:44 UTC,2020-06-12 14:58:44 UTC
11981,Young tree summer 2020,6419,Story,30828,2020-07-09 21:25:02 UTC,2020-07-09 21:25:02 UTC
11523,#wicklowtrees,6485,Story,30097,2020-06-13 15:20:38 UTC,2020-06-13 15:20:38 UTC
11521,#wicklowtrees,6485,Story,30095,2020-06-13 15:01:49 UTC,2020-06-13 15:01:49 UTC
11522,#wicklowtrees,6485,Story,30096,2020-06-13 15:17:24 UTC,2020-06-13 15:17:24 UTC
11520,#wicklowtrees,6485,Story,30094,2020-06-13 14:56:34 UTC,2020-06-13 14:56:34 UTC
11526,#wicklowtrees,6486,Story,30102,2020-06-13 15:36:28 UTC,2020-06-13 15:36:28 UTC
11529,#wicklowtrees,6486,Story,30105,2020-06-13 15:47:03 UTC,2020-06-13 15:47:03 UTC
11531,#wicklowtrees,6486,Story,30107,2020-06-13 15:49:56 UTC,2020-06-13 15:49:56 UTC
11533,#wicklowtrees,6486,Story,30110,2020-06-13 15:58:18 UTC,2020-06-13 15:58:18 UTC
11534,#wicklowtrees,6486,Story,30111,2020-06-13 16:01:47 UTC,2020-06-13 16:01:47 UTC
11536,#wicklowtrees,6486,Story,30116,2020-06-13 16:12:21 UTC,2020-06-13 16:12:21 UTC
11532,#wicklowtrees,6486,Story,30108,2020-06-13 15:54:28 UTC,2020-06-13 15:54:28 UTC
11535,#wicklowtrees,6486,Story,30114,2020-06-13 16:03:34 UTC,2020-06-13 16:03:34 UTC
11537,#wicklowtrees,6486,Story,30119,2020-06-13 16:21:09 UTC,2020-06-13 16:21:09 UTC
11580,Vacker lindallé som går upp mot Lagerlunda Herrgård,6421,Story,30171,2020-06-14 09:57:02 UTC,2020-06-14 09:57:02 UTC
What species ",6382,Story,30409,2020-06-20 10:29:18 UTC,2020-06-20 10:29:18 UTC
What species?",6382,Story,30221,2020-06-15 17:31:38 UTC,2020-06-15 17:31:38 UTC
11629,"#wicklow trees
What species?",6382,Story,30222,2020-06-15 17:32:59 UTC,2020-06-15 17:32:59 UTC
What species?",6382,Story,30223,2020-06-15 17:33:43 UTC,2020-06-15 17:33:43 UTC
11656,There are large mature alders along by the Naniken at this location ,6285,Story,30250,2020-06-16 15:01:42 UTC,2020-06-16 15:01:42 UTC
11659,This is a magnificent tree,6285,Story,30254,2020-06-16 15:29:06 UTC,2020-06-16 15:29:06 UTC
12129,"Tree and plants in back garden 
Tree in front garden
Tree in next door garden",6798,Story,31033,2020-07-23 17:26:11 UTC,2020-07-23 17:26:11 UTC
11730,Not a lot of leaf growth. June 2020,6419,Story,30398,2020-06-20 07:47:34 UTC,2020-06-20 07:47:34 UTC
1247,"Bollbusken tillhör familjen Rubiaceae, alltså måreväxter. De vita blomhuvudena förskönar trädgården i mitten av juli och är vid den tiden en bra nektarväxt.",1083,Story,2522,2017-08-15 08:24:09 UTC,2017-08-15 08:24:09 UTC
11737,Stamomfång 42 cm,3371,Story,30410,2020-06-20 12:32:19 UTC,2020-06-20 12:32:19 UTC
11779,"Abies cephalonica, grekgran, ej i Curios databas.",1083,Story,30486,2020-06-21 14:01:36 UTC,2020-06-21 14:01:36 UTC
11780,Namnsort 'Nana',1083,Story,30487,2020-06-21 14:03:19 UTC,2020-06-21 14:03:19 UTC
11791,Thought it was an ash but it must be some kind of walnut- see picture.,6285,Story,30501,2020-06-21 15:34:08 UTC,2020-06-21 15:34:08 UTC
11790,Unusual tree with very large leaves. Some kind of fraxinus?,6285,Story,30500,2020-06-21 15:29:46 UTC,2020-06-21 15:29:46 UTC
11792,Very tall wych elm,6285,Story,30503,2020-06-21 15:43:34 UTC,2020-06-21 15:43:34 UTC
11539,Oak tree,6490,Story,30130,2020-06-13 17:45:25 UTC,2020-06-13 17:45:25 UTC
11796,#step #june,6533,Story,30526,2020-06-24 02:52:53 UTC,2020-06-24 02:52:53 UTC
11803,Acer palmatum,4153,Story,30547,2020-06-26 12:59:41 UTC,2020-06-26 12:59:41 UTC
11825,Tree pit ,6419,Story,30572,2020-06-27 10:47:04 UTC,2020-06-27 10:47:04 UTC
11826,Front garden of no 40. Planted April 2020. 10 Feet,6152,Story,30574,2020-06-27 14:22:02 UTC,2020-06-27 14:22:02 UTC
11847,Acer x freemanii ´Morgan’,6403,Story,30647,2020-07-02 12:34:31 UTC,2020-07-05 12:05:11 UTC
11848,Tree pit,6419,Story,30649,2020-07-02 20:26:02 UTC,2020-07-02 20:26:02 UTC
11851,'Lucas' ,2470,Story,30652,2020-07-03 10:55:39 UTC,2020-07-03 10:55:39 UTC
11914,Tilia americana,6403,Story,30724,2020-07-05 11:36:23 UTC,2020-07-05 11:36:23 UTC
11912,Some kind of holly or ilex,6285,Story,30722,2020-07-04 19:20:09 UTC,2020-07-04 19:20:09 UTC
12070,What is it?,6728,Story,30948,2020-07-13 19:47:02 UTC,2020-07-13 19:47:02 UTC
12071,Not listed on sat images,6677,Story,30952,2020-07-14 17:49:56 UTC,2020-07-14 17:49:56 UTC
12104,Lila Bondsyren,6777,Story,30985,2020-07-16 18:49:22 UTC,2020-07-16 18:49:22 UTC
12111,Planted May 2018,6127,Story,31000,2020-07-18 09:26:21 UTC,2020-07-18 09:26:21 UTC
12112,Mature tree with plenty of growth. ,6127,Story,31001,2020-07-18 09:30:17 UTC,2020-07-18 09:30:17 UTC
12114,Hästkastanj,6777,Story,31004,2020-07-18 13:28:06 UTC,2020-07-18 13:28:06 UTC
12132,Sycamore x 2. Not sure which type of sycamore ,6227,Story,31036,2020-07-23 19:02:51 UTC,2020-07-23 19:02:51 UTC
12130,Quercus robur ,6227,Story,31034,2020-07-23 18:31:32 UTC,2020-07-23 18:31:32 UTC
12131,Santry demesne July 2020,6227,Story,31035,2020-07-23 18:43:40 UTC,2020-07-23 18:43:40 UTC
9141,Recently planted oaks Inchicore #mappinggreendublin,5148,Story,26414,2019-10-25 14:51:44 UTC,2019-10-25 14:51:44 UTC
12153,Possibly a replacement for a Sorbus x intermedia next to the new Fendon Road 'Dutch' roundabout.,5530,Story,31119,2020-07-31 11:43:52 UTC,2020-07-31 11:43:52 UTC
12266,Pinus sylvestris,5713,Story,31257,2020-08-05 17:45:06 UTC,2020-08-05 17:45:06 UTC
12316,Pair of persimmons growing in someone’s yard,1881,Story,31312,2020-08-08 14:27:39 UTC,2020-08-08 14:27:39 UTC
12395,2020-08-11 Nr 2,5552,Story,31394,2020-08-11 08:56:12 UTC,2020-08-11 08:56:12 UTC
12396,2020-08-11 Nr 3,5552,Story,31395,2020-08-11 08:59:28 UTC,2020-08-11 08:59:28 UTC
12397,2020-08-11 Nr 4,5552,Story,31396,2020-08-11 09:04:39 UTC,2020-08-11 09:04:39 UTC
12398,2020-08-11 Nr 5,5552,Story,31397,2020-08-11 09:10:08 UTC,2020-08-11 09:10:08 UTC
12399,2020-08-11 Nr 6,5552,Story,31398,2020-08-11 09:17:37 UTC,2020-08-11 09:17:37 UTC
12403,2020-08-11 Nr 10,5552,Story,31402,2020-08-11 09:54:44 UTC,2020-08-11 09:54:44 UTC
12402,2020-08-11 Nr 9,5552,Story,31401,2020-08-11 09:46:02 UTC,2020-08-11 09:46:02 UTC
12404,2020-08-11 Nr 11,5552,Story,31403,2020-08-11 10:03:50 UTC,2020-08-11 10:03:50 UTC
12405,2020-08-11 Nr 12,5552,Story,31404,2020-08-11 10:09:58 UTC,2020-08-11 10:09:58 UTC
12408,2020-08-11 Nr 15,5552,Story,31409,2020-08-11 10:33:06 UTC,2020-08-11 10:33:06 UTC
12407,2020-08-11 Nr 14,5552,Story,31406,2020-08-11 10:26:33 UTC,2020-08-11 10:26:33 UTC
12411,2020-08-11 Nr 18,5552,Story,31415,2020-08-11 10:57:44 UTC,2020-08-11 10:57:44 UTC
12412,2020-08-11 nr 19,5552,Story,31416,2020-08-11 11:07:12 UTC,2020-08-11 11:07:12 UTC
12413,2020-08-11 nr 20,5552,Story,31417,2020-08-11 11:12:52 UTC,2020-08-11 11:12:52 UTC
12414,Vacker form,6853,Story,31419,2020-08-11 13:39:22 UTC,2020-08-11 13:39:22 UTC
12453,Franz fontaine,4361,Story,31462,2020-08-16 15:42:30 UTC,2020-08-16 15:42:30 UTC
12400,2020-08-11 Nr 7,5552,Story,31399,2020-08-11 09:23:43 UTC,2020-08-11 09:23:43 UTC
12459,Recorded from a distance. ,5530,Story,31468,2020-08-18 19:01:03 UTC,2020-08-18 19:01:03 UTC
12454,Bamboo ,6888,Story,31463,2020-08-17 11:50:23 UTC,2020-08-17 11:50:23 UTC
12475,tree 2,6924,Story,31507,2020-08-26 18:57:26 UTC,2020-08-26 18:57:26 UTC
12498,Loblolly Pine ,6929,Story,31571,2020-08-30 15:10:22 UTC,2020-08-30 15:10:22 UTC
12499,Species unknown,6929,Story,31572,2020-08-30 15:12:58 UTC,2020-08-30 15:12:58 UTC
12500,Species unknown. Upper canopy leaves so I was not able to capture a picture clearly. ,6929,Story,31573,2020-08-30 15:16:37 UTC,2020-08-30 15:16:37 UTC
12502,Species unknown. Similar structure to a mimosa. Maybe in the same family. ,6929,Story,31575,2020-08-30 15:23:28 UTC,2020-08-30 15:23:28 UTC
12503,Found outside of state view hotel,6929,Story,31576,2020-08-30 15:26:25 UTC,2020-08-30 15:26:25 UTC
12504,Species unknown. ,6929,Story,31577,2020-08-30 15:48:37 UTC,2020-08-30 15:48:37 UTC
12508,80.4,6963,Story,31632,2020-09-01 22:29:09 UTC,2020-09-01 22:29:09 UTC
12545,"Lombardy Poplar beside track parallel to Kathleen Elliott Way, standing beside a Native Black Poplar.",5530,Story,31710,2020-09-07 18:45:18 UTC,2020-09-07 18:45:18 UTC
12546,Beside track parallel to Kathleen Elliott Way standing behind Lombardy Poplar.,5530,Story,31711,2020-09-07 18:47:43 UTC,2020-09-07 18:47:43 UTC
12547,Regrowth from old stump. A tree that has been recorded for many years by Cambridge botanists such as Gigi Crompton & Graham Easy.,5530,Story,31715,2020-09-09 15:26:51 UTC,2020-09-09 15:26:51 UTC
5558,Omkrets 83 cm,4361,Story,21810,2019-05-21 12:33:20 UTC,2019-05-21 12:33:20 UTC
12555,"Large tree, recently lost large branch. Species guessed from afar.",7062,Story,31737,2020-09-15 13:52:13 UTC,2020-09-15 13:52:13 UTC
12556,Species likely confirmed as Robina pseudoacacia,7062,Story,31738,2020-09-15 17:16:42 UTC,2020-09-16 15:02:46 UTC
12557,Young tree,7062,Story,31739,2020-09-15 21:51:29 UTC,2020-09-15 21:51:29 UTC
12558,Our lilac is flowering again! The bees are buzzing away in it.🐝,3154,Story,31740,2020-09-16 09:59:46 UTC,2020-09-16 09:59:46 UTC
12559,"Our fusia bushes have grown in to one big monster!
Did you know that you can suck out the nectar? ! Mmmmm, delicious. 🌱🌸",3154,Story,31741,2020-09-16 10:10:15 UTC,2020-09-16 10:10:15 UTC
12564,,7086,Story,31747,2020-09-18 10:57:41 UTC,2020-09-18 10:57:41 UTC
12565,,7086,Story,31749,2020-09-18 11:10:00 UTC,2020-09-18 11:10:00 UTC
12568,Pilestredet park nr.1,7086,Story,31752,2020-09-19 08:29:40 UTC,2020-09-19 08:29:40 UTC
12566,"Lilleveien 1c, nr.3 ",7086,Story,31750,2020-09-18 13:36:21 UTC,2020-09-18 13:36:21 UTC
Pilestredet park nr.1",7086,Story,31753,2020-09-19 08:34:12 UTC,2020-09-19 08:34:12 UTC
12567,"L1, nr.4 ",7086,Story,31751,2020-09-18 15:54:36 UTC,2020-09-18 15:54:36 UTC
12570,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr.2 ",7086,Story,31754,2020-09-19 08:40:49 UTC,2020-09-19 08:40:49 UTC
12572,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.4",7086,Story,31756,2020-09-19 08:50:27 UTC,2020-09-19 08:50:27 UTC
12574,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr. 6",7086,Story,31758,2020-09-19 08:55:34 UTC,2020-09-19 08:55:34 UTC
12575,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.7",7086,Story,31759,2020-09-19 08:57:23 UTC,2020-09-19 08:57:23 UTC
12576,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.8",7086,Story,31760,2020-09-19 08:58:59 UTC,2020-09-19 08:58:59 UTC
12577,Søylebarlind. Pilestredet park nr.9 ,7086,Story,31761,2020-09-19 09:19:54 UTC,2020-09-19 09:19:54 UTC
12578,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.10",7086,Story,31762,2020-09-19 09:30:35 UTC,2020-09-19 09:30:35 UTC
12579,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.11",7086,Story,31763,2020-09-19 09:33:35 UTC,2020-09-19 09:33:35 UTC
12580,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.12",7086,Story,31764,2020-09-19 09:35:04 UTC,2020-09-19 09:35:04 UTC
12582,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.15 ",7086,Story,31766,2020-09-19 09:43:00 UTC,2020-09-19 09:43:00 UTC
12583,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.16",7086,Story,31767,2020-09-19 09:44:49 UTC,2020-09-19 09:44:49 UTC
12584,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.17",7086,Story,31768,2020-09-19 09:46:40 UTC,2020-09-19 09:46:40 UTC
12585,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.18",7086,Story,31769,2020-09-19 09:47:49 UTC,2020-09-19 09:47:49 UTC
12586,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.19",7086,Story,31770,2020-09-19 09:49:38 UTC,2020-09-19 09:49:38 UTC
12587,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.20",7086,Story,31771,2020-09-19 09:50:49 UTC,2020-09-19 09:50:49 UTC
12588,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr.21 ",7086,Story,31772,2020-09-19 10:30:26 UTC,2020-09-19 10:30:26 UTC
12589,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr.22 ",7086,Story,31773,2020-09-19 10:33:15 UTC,2020-09-19 10:33:15 UTC
12591,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr.24",7086,Story,31775,2020-09-19 10:42:57 UTC,2020-09-19 10:42:57 UTC
12593,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr.26",7086,Story,31777,2020-09-19 10:48:10 UTC,2020-09-19 10:48:10 UTC
12594,Hengebjørk. Pilestredet park nr.27,7086,Story,31778,2020-09-19 10:55:10 UTC,2020-09-19 10:55:10 UTC
12596,"Sølvpil, Pilestredet park nr.29",7086,Story,31780,2020-09-19 11:03:50 UTC,2020-09-19 11:03:50 UTC
12595,Sølvpil. Pilestredet park nr.28,7086,Story,31779,2020-09-19 10:58:35 UTC,2020-09-19 10:58:35 UTC
12597,"Sølvpil, Pilestredet park nr.28",7086,Story,31781,2020-09-19 11:07:38 UTC,2020-09-19 11:07:38 UTC
12598,Sølvpil. Pilestredet park nr.30,7086,Story,31782,2020-09-19 11:10:27 UTC,2020-09-19 11:10:27 UTC
12599,"Sølvpil, Pilestredet park nr.31",7086,Story,31783,2020-09-19 11:13:36 UTC,2020-09-19 11:13:36 UTC
12600,Sølvpil. Pilestredet park nr.32,7086,Story,31784,2020-09-19 11:16:42 UTC,2020-09-19 11:16:42 UTC
12601,"Sølvpil, Pilestredet park nr.33",7086,Story,31785,2020-09-19 11:20:21 UTC,2020-09-19 11:20:21 UTC
12602,"Sølvpil, Pilestredet park nr.34",7086,Story,31786,2020-09-19 11:27:22 UTC,2020-09-19 11:27:22 UTC
12603,Sølvpil. Pilestredet park nr.35,7086,Story,31787,2020-09-19 11:31:32 UTC,2020-09-19 11:31:32 UTC
12604,"Hengebjørk, Pilestredet park nr.37",7086,Story,31788,2020-09-19 11:37:08 UTC,2020-09-19 11:37:08 UTC
12605,"Sølvpil, Pilestredet park nr.36",7086,Story,31789,2020-09-19 11:40:45 UTC,2020-09-19 11:40:45 UTC
12606,"Sølvpil, Pilestredet park Nr.38",7086,Story,31790,2020-09-19 11:43:45 UTC,2020-09-19 11:43:45 UTC
12607,Hengebjørk. Pilestredet park nr.39 ,7086,Story,31791,2020-09-19 11:47:48 UTC,2020-09-19 11:47:48 UTC
12608,"Hengebjørk, Pilestredet park nr.40",7086,Story,31792,2020-09-19 11:50:27 UTC,2020-09-19 11:50:27 UTC
12609,"Sølvpil, Pilestredet park nr.41",7086,Story,31793,2020-09-19 11:54:24 UTC,2020-09-19 11:54:24 UTC
12610,"Sølvpil, Pilestredet park nr.42",7086,Story,31794,2020-09-19 11:57:54 UTC,2020-09-19 11:57:54 UTC
12611,"Sølvpil, Pilestredet park nr.43",7086,Story,31795,2020-09-19 11:59:21 UTC,2020-09-19 11:59:21 UTC
12613,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr.45 ",7086,Story,31797,2020-09-19 12:05:05 UTC,2020-09-19 12:05:05 UTC
12614,Spisslønn. Pilestredet park nr.46,7086,Story,31798,2020-09-19 12:13:24 UTC,2020-09-19 12:13:24 UTC
12615,"Hengebjørk, Pilestredet park nr.47 ",7086,Story,31799,2020-09-19 12:30:33 UTC,2020-09-19 12:30:33 UTC
12616,Kirsebær. Pilestredet park nr.48,7086,Story,31800,2020-09-19 12:39:01 UTC,2020-09-19 12:39:01 UTC
12617,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.49",7086,Story,31801,2020-09-19 12:42:00 UTC,2020-09-19 12:42:00 UTC
12618,Kirsebær. Pilestredet park nr.49,7086,Story,31802,2020-09-19 12:45:10 UTC,2020-09-19 12:45:10 UTC
12619,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr.50",7086,Story,31803,2020-09-19 12:51:15 UTC,2020-09-19 12:51:15 UTC
12620,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr.51",7086,Story,31804,2020-09-19 12:57:43 UTC,2020-09-19 12:57:43 UTC
12621,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.52",7086,Story,31805,2020-09-19 13:00:25 UTC,2020-09-19 13:00:25 UTC
12622,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.53",7086,Story,31806,2020-09-19 13:02:43 UTC,2020-09-19 13:02:43 UTC
12623,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr.54",7086,Story,31807,2020-09-19 13:05:32 UTC,2020-09-19 13:05:32 UTC
12624,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr.55",7086,Story,31808,2020-09-19 13:09:01 UTC,2020-09-19 13:09:01 UTC
12625,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr.56",7086,Story,31809,2020-09-19 13:24:40 UTC,2020-09-19 13:24:40 UTC
12627,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr.58",7086,Story,31811,2020-09-19 13:30:48 UTC,2020-09-19 13:30:48 UTC
12628,Hjertetre. Pilestredet park nr.59,7086,Story,31812,2020-09-19 13:36:23 UTC,2020-09-19 13:36:23 UTC
12629,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.60",7086,Story,31813,2020-09-19 13:38:44 UTC,2020-09-19 13:39:48 UTC
12630,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.61",7086,Story,31814,2020-09-19 13:42:14 UTC,2020-09-19 13:42:14 UTC
12631,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.62",7086,Story,31815,2020-09-19 13:44:04 UTC,2020-09-19 13:44:04 UTC
12632,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.63",7086,Story,31816,2020-09-19 13:45:57 UTC,2020-09-19 13:45:57 UTC
12633,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr.64",7086,Story,31817,2020-09-19 13:48:13 UTC,2020-09-19 13:48:13 UTC
12634,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr.65",7086,Story,31818,2020-09-19 13:51:31 UTC,2020-09-19 13:51:31 UTC
12636,"Magnolia, Pilestredet park nr.66",7086,Story,31820,2020-09-19 13:56:24 UTC,2020-09-19 13:56:24 UTC
12637,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.67",7086,Story,31821,2020-09-19 14:00:33 UTC,2020-09-19 14:00:33 UTC
12638,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr.68",7086,Story,31822,2020-09-19 14:04:05 UTC,2020-09-19 14:04:05 UTC
12643,Pilestredet park nr.69,7086,Story,31831,2020-09-25 11:24:25 UTC,2020-09-25 11:24:25 UTC
12641,Hjertetre. Pilestredet park nr.69,7086,Story,31829,2020-09-25 11:20:17 UTC,2020-09-25 11:25:02 UTC
12642,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.70",7086,Story,31830,2020-09-25 11:23:10 UTC,2020-09-25 11:23:10 UTC
12645,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.72",7086,Story,31833,2020-09-25 11:34:12 UTC,2020-09-25 11:34:12 UTC
12644,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.71",7086,Story,31832,2020-09-25 11:30:17 UTC,2020-09-25 11:30:17 UTC
12646,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.73",7086,Story,31834,2020-09-25 11:36:07 UTC,2020-09-25 11:36:07 UTC
12647,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.74",7086,Story,31835,2020-09-25 11:38:52 UTC,2020-09-25 11:38:52 UTC
12648,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.75",7086,Story,31836,2020-09-25 11:45:20 UTC,2020-09-25 11:45:20 UTC
12650,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.77",7086,Story,31838,2020-09-25 11:50:07 UTC,2020-09-25 11:50:07 UTC
12652,Rogn. Pilestredet park nr.79,7086,Story,31840,2020-09-25 11:58:29 UTC,2020-09-25 11:58:29 UTC
12654,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr.81 ",7086,Story,31842,2020-09-25 12:03:31 UTC,2020-09-25 12:03:31 UTC
12655,"Eple, Pilestredet park nr.82",7086,Story,31843,2020-09-25 12:07:24 UTC,2020-09-25 12:07:24 UTC
12657,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.84",7086,Story,31845,2020-09-25 12:12:47 UTC,2020-09-25 12:12:47 UTC
12658,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr.85",7086,Story,31846,2020-09-25 12:15:17 UTC,2020-09-25 12:15:17 UTC
12659,"Sibirlønn, Pilestredet park nr.86",7086,Story,31847,2020-09-25 12:24:36 UTC,2020-09-25 12:24:36 UTC
12660,"Sibirlønn, Pilestredet park nr.87",7086,Story,31848,2020-09-25 12:26:03 UTC,2020-09-25 12:26:03 UTC
12663,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr.90",7086,Story,31851,2020-09-25 12:33:36 UTC,2020-09-25 12:33:36 UTC
12665,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr.92",7086,Story,31853,2020-09-25 12:38:42 UTC,2020-09-25 12:38:42 UTC
12668,Hjertetre. Pilestredet park nr.95,7086,Story,31856,2020-09-25 12:44:51 UTC,2020-09-25 12:44:51 UTC
12669,Kirsebær. Pilestredet park nr.96,7086,Story,31857,2020-09-25 12:48:16 UTC,2020-09-25 12:48:16 UTC
12670,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr.97",7086,Story,31858,2020-09-25 12:51:26 UTC,2020-09-25 12:51:26 UTC
12671,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr.98",7086,Story,31859,2020-09-25 12:52:39 UTC,2020-09-25 12:52:39 UTC
12673,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr.100",7086,Story,31861,2020-09-25 12:58:30 UTC,2020-09-25 12:58:30 UTC
12651,Rogn. Pilestredet park nr. ,7086,Story,31839,2020-09-25 11:56:31 UTC,2020-09-25 11:56:31 UTC
12653,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr.80",7086,Story,31841,2020-09-25 12:01:46 UTC,2020-09-25 12:01:46 UTC
12661,"Sibirlønn, Pilestredet park nr.88",7086,Story,31849,2020-09-25 12:28:17 UTC,2020-09-25 12:28:17 UTC
12662,"Sibirlønn, Pilestredet park nr.89",7086,Story,31850,2020-09-25 12:30:56 UTC,2020-09-25 12:30:56 UTC
12664,Hjertetre. Pilestredet park nr.91,7086,Story,31852,2020-09-25 12:36:17 UTC,2020-09-25 12:36:17 UTC
12672,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr.99",7086,Story,31860,2020-09-25 12:56:18 UTC,2020-09-25 12:56:18 UTC
926,Is this the great Wembley Elm?,538,Story,1928,2017-06-20 19:21:47 UTC,2017-06-20 19:21:47 UTC
12674,"Munzee cerocarpus, Munzee Mahogany ",4193,Story,31862,2020-09-26 12:55:02 UTC,2020-09-26 12:55:02 UTC
12676,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr.102",7086,Story,31864,2020-09-27 15:12:44 UTC,2020-09-27 15:12:44 UTC
12678,"Sibirlønn, Pilestredet park nr.104",7086,Story,31866,2020-09-27 15:26:40 UTC,2020-09-27 15:26:40 UTC
12679,Hestekastanje. Pilestredet park nr.105,7086,Story,31867,2020-09-27 15:30:04 UTC,2020-09-27 15:30:04 UTC
12680,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr.106",7086,Story,31868,2020-09-27 15:34:09 UTC,2020-09-27 15:34:09 UTC
12681,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr.107",7086,Story,31869,2020-09-27 15:37:03 UTC,2020-09-27 15:37:03 UTC
12682,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr.108",7086,Story,31870,2020-09-27 15:40:39 UTC,2020-09-27 15:40:39 UTC
12684,Pil. Pilestredet park nr.109,7086,Story,31872,2020-09-27 15:52:36 UTC,2020-09-27 15:52:36 UTC
12685,Svenskasal. Pilestredet park nr.110,7086,Story,31873,2020-09-27 16:00:36 UTC,2020-09-27 16:00:36 UTC
12686,"Svenskasal, Pilestredet park nr.111",7086,Story,31874,2020-09-27 16:02:47 UTC,2020-09-27 16:02:47 UTC
12687,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr.112",7086,Story,31880,2020-09-30 10:35:04 UTC,2020-09-30 10:35:04 UTC
12688,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr.113",7086,Story,31881,2020-09-30 10:37:28 UTC,2020-09-30 10:37:28 UTC
12689,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr.114",7086,Story,31882,2020-09-30 10:40:14 UTC,2020-09-30 10:40:14 UTC
12690,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 115",7086,Story,31883,2020-09-30 10:46:51 UTC,2020-09-30 10:46:51 UTC
12693,Lind. Pilestredet park nr. 116,7086,Story,31887,2020-09-30 10:52:49 UTC,2020-09-30 10:52:49 UTC
12692,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 116",7086,Story,31886,2020-09-30 10:50:58 UTC,2020-09-30 10:50:58 UTC
12691,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 116 ",7086,Story,31885,2020-09-30 10:50:12 UTC,2020-09-30 10:50:12 UTC
12694,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 117",7086,Story,31888,2020-09-30 10:54:48 UTC,2020-09-30 10:54:48 UTC
12695,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 118",7086,Story,31889,2020-09-30 10:56:45 UTC,2020-09-30 10:56:45 UTC
12696,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 119",7086,Story,31890,2020-09-30 11:04:58 UTC,2020-09-30 11:04:58 UTC
12697,"Sommereik, Pilestredet park nr.120",7086,Story,31891,2020-09-30 11:21:37 UTC,2020-09-30 11:21:37 UTC
12698,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr. 121",7086,Story,31892,2020-09-30 11:26:29 UTC,2020-09-30 11:26:29 UTC
12699,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr. 122",7086,Story,31893,2020-09-30 11:28:56 UTC,2020-09-30 11:28:56 UTC
12700,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr. 123",7086,Story,31894,2020-09-30 11:32:47 UTC,2020-09-30 11:32:47 UTC
12702,"Søyleeik, Pilestredet park nr. 125",7086,Story,31896,2020-09-30 11:54:34 UTC,2020-09-30 11:54:34 UTC
12703,"Søyleeik, Pilestredet park nr. 126",7086,Story,31897,2020-09-30 11:57:06 UTC,2020-09-30 11:57:06 UTC
12705,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr. 128",7086,Story,31899,2020-09-30 12:04:29 UTC,2020-09-30 12:04:29 UTC
12706,"Søyleeik, Pilestredet park nr. 129",7086,Story,31900,2020-09-30 12:07:47 UTC,2020-09-30 12:07:47 UTC
12707,"Søyleeik, Pilestredet park nr. 130",7086,Story,31901,2020-09-30 12:10:13 UTC,2020-09-30 12:10:13 UTC
12708,"Søyleeik, Pilestredet park nr. 131",7086,Story,31902,2020-09-30 12:11:39 UTC,2020-09-30 12:11:39 UTC
12709,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr. 132",7086,Story,31903,2020-09-30 12:17:19 UTC,2020-09-30 12:17:19 UTC
12710,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr. 133",7086,Story,31904,2020-09-30 12:20:38 UTC,2020-09-30 12:20:38 UTC
12711,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr. 134",7086,Story,31905,2020-09-30 12:22:32 UTC,2020-09-30 12:22:32 UTC
12712,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 135",7086,Story,31906,2020-09-30 12:29:27 UTC,2020-09-30 12:29:27 UTC
12713,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 136",7086,Story,31907,2020-09-30 12:32:43 UTC,2020-09-30 12:32:43 UTC
12714,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 137",7086,Story,31908,2020-09-30 12:35:40 UTC,2020-09-30 12:35:40 UTC
12715,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 138",7086,Story,31909,2020-09-30 13:09:18 UTC,2020-09-30 13:09:18 UTC
12716,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr. 139",7086,Story,31910,2020-09-30 13:13:31 UTC,2020-09-30 13:13:31 UTC
12717,Spisslønn. Pilestredet park nr. 140 ,7086,Story,31911,2020-09-30 13:17:46 UTC,2020-09-30 13:17:46 UTC
12719,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 142",7086,Story,31913,2020-09-30 13:32:23 UTC,2020-09-30 13:32:23 UTC
12720,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 143",7086,Story,31914,2020-09-30 13:35:35 UTC,2020-09-30 13:35:35 UTC
12723,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 146",7086,Story,31917,2020-09-30 13:46:00 UTC,2020-09-30 13:46:00 UTC
12724,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 147",7086,Story,31918,2020-09-30 14:01:55 UTC,2020-09-30 14:01:55 UTC
12725,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 148",7086,Story,31919,2020-09-30 14:03:42 UTC,2020-09-30 14:03:42 UTC
12726,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 149",7086,Story,31920,2020-09-30 14:05:05 UTC,2020-09-30 14:05:05 UTC
12727,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 150",7086,Story,31921,2020-09-30 14:06:15 UTC,2020-09-30 14:06:15 UTC
12778,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr. 171",7086,Story,31976,2020-10-02 11:36:07 UTC,2020-10-02 11:36:07 UTC
12757,Spisslønn. Pilestredet park nr. 151,7086,Story,31955,2020-10-02 10:31:03 UTC,2020-10-02 10:31:03 UTC
12758,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 152",7086,Story,31956,2020-10-02 10:35:17 UTC,2020-10-02 10:35:17 UTC
12759,Spisslønn. Pilestredet park nr. 153,7086,Story,31957,2020-10-02 10:37:01 UTC,2020-10-02 10:37:01 UTC
12760,Spisslønn. Pilestredet park nr. 154,7086,Story,31958,2020-10-02 10:38:35 UTC,2020-10-02 10:38:35 UTC
12761,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 155",7086,Story,31959,2020-10-02 10:41:41 UTC,2020-10-02 10:41:41 UTC
12762,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 156",7086,Story,31960,2020-10-02 10:43:12 UTC,2020-10-02 10:43:12 UTC
12763,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 157",7086,Story,31961,2020-10-02 10:44:47 UTC,2020-10-02 10:44:47 UTC
12764,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 158",7086,Story,31962,2020-10-02 10:46:17 UTC,2020-10-02 10:46:17 UTC
12766,Spisslønn. Pilestredet park nr. 160,7086,Story,31964,2020-10-02 10:49:22 UTC,2020-10-02 10:49:22 UTC
12767,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 161",7086,Story,31965,2020-10-02 10:50:39 UTC,2020-10-02 10:50:39 UTC
12768,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 162",7086,Story,31966,2020-10-02 10:52:13 UTC,2020-10-02 10:52:13 UTC
12770,Spisslønn. Pilestredet park nr. 164,7086,Story,31968,2020-10-02 10:57:13 UTC,2020-10-02 10:57:13 UTC
12771,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 165",7086,Story,31969,2020-10-02 10:58:53 UTC,2020-10-02 10:58:53 UTC
12773,Spisslønn. Pilestredet park nr. 167,7086,Story,31971,2020-10-02 11:02:17 UTC,2020-10-02 11:02:17 UTC
12797,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr. 190",7086,Story,31995,2020-10-03 13:43:10 UTC,2020-10-03 13:43:10 UTC
12774,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 168",7086,Story,31972,2020-10-02 11:06:55 UTC,2020-10-02 11:06:55 UTC
12775,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 169",7086,Story,31973,2020-10-02 11:08:47 UTC,2020-10-02 11:08:47 UTC
12776,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 169",7086,Story,31974,2020-10-02 11:10:49 UTC,2020-10-02 11:10:49 UTC
12777,"Pil, Pilestredet park nr. 170",7086,Story,31975,2020-10-02 11:14:24 UTC,2020-10-02 11:14:24 UTC
12779,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr. 172",7086,Story,31977,2020-10-02 11:37:47 UTC,2020-10-02 11:37:47 UTC
12780,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr. 173",7086,Story,31978,2020-10-02 11:40:45 UTC,2020-10-02 11:40:45 UTC
12781,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr. 174",7086,Story,31979,2020-10-02 11:43:48 UTC,2020-10-02 11:43:48 UTC
12782,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr. 175",7086,Story,31980,2020-10-02 11:45:10 UTC,2020-10-02 11:45:10 UTC
12783,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr. 176",7086,Story,31981,2020-10-02 11:47:23 UTC,2020-10-02 11:47:23 UTC
12784,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr. 177",7086,Story,31982,2020-10-02 11:49:18 UTC,2020-10-02 11:49:18 UTC
12785,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr. 178",7086,Story,31983,2020-10-02 11:54:13 UTC,2020-10-02 11:54:13 UTC
12786,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr. 179",7086,Story,31984,2020-10-02 11:56:50 UTC,2020-10-02 11:56:50 UTC
12787,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr. 180",7086,Story,31985,2020-10-02 11:59:47 UTC,2020-10-02 11:59:47 UTC
12788,"Rogn, Pilestredet park nr.181",7086,Story,31986,2020-10-02 12:01:25 UTC,2020-10-02 12:01:25 UTC
12789,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr. 182",7086,Story,31987,2020-10-02 12:14:46 UTC,2020-10-02 12:14:46 UTC
12791,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr. 184",7086,Story,31989,2020-10-02 12:20:23 UTC,2020-10-02 12:20:23 UTC
12792,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr. 185",7086,Story,31990,2020-10-03 13:19:02 UTC,2020-10-03 13:19:02 UTC
12793,Hjertetre. Pilestredet park nr. 186,7086,Story,31991,2020-10-03 13:25:19 UTC,2020-10-03 13:25:19 UTC
12794,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr. 187",7086,Story,31992,2020-10-03 13:27:37 UTC,2020-10-03 13:27:37 UTC
12795,Hjertetre. Pilestredet park nr. 188,7086,Story,31993,2020-10-03 13:30:09 UTC,2020-10-03 13:30:09 UTC
12798,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr. 191",7086,Story,31996,2020-10-03 13:46:06 UTC,2020-10-03 13:46:06 UTC
12799,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr. 192",7086,Story,31997,2020-10-03 13:52:50 UTC,2020-10-03 13:52:50 UTC
12800,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 193",7086,Story,31998,2020-10-03 14:13:37 UTC,2020-10-03 14:13:37 UTC
12801,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 194",7086,Story,31999,2020-10-03 14:17:11 UTC,2020-10-03 14:17:11 UTC
12802,"Eple, Pilestredet park nr. 195",7086,Story,32000,2020-10-03 14:31:35 UTC,2020-10-03 14:31:35 UTC
12803,"Eple, Pilestredet park nr. 195",7086,Story,32001,2020-10-03 14:45:43 UTC,2020-10-03 14:45:43 UTC
12804,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 196",7086,Story,32002,2020-10-03 14:49:55 UTC,2020-10-03 14:49:55 UTC
12805,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 197",7086,Story,32003,2020-10-03 14:52:38 UTC,2020-10-03 14:52:38 UTC
12806,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 198",7086,Story,32004,2020-10-03 14:56:08 UTC,2020-10-03 14:56:08 UTC
12807,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 199",7086,Story,32005,2020-10-03 14:59:46 UTC,2020-10-03 14:59:46 UTC
12808,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 200",7086,Story,32006,2020-10-03 15:01:57 UTC,2020-10-03 15:01:57 UTC
12809,"Områdets största lind, ca 120 cm DBH. Delar sig ca 8 m upp på stammen med en nycket kraftig sidostam. Det förefaller som att alla lindar på området är skogslindar.",3205,Story,32007,2020-10-03 15:37:26 UTC,2020-10-03 15:37:26 UTC
12810,"Praktfull, tidigt invintrande ask, ca 100 cm DBH och ca 35 m hög.",3205,Story,32008,2020-10-03 15:46:34 UTC,2020-10-03 15:46:34 UTC
12811,"Grupp om tre grova Abies, närmare 40 m höga och ca 140 cm DBH",3205,Story,32009,2020-10-03 15:55:31 UTC,2020-10-03 15:55:31 UTC
12814,October 5-2020 Mountain Dogwood is full of red berries. Squirrels and numerous birds are feasting. Leaves are turning shades of red and gold.,4642,Story,32016,2020-10-06 00:45:29 UTC,2020-10-06 00:45:29 UTC
12817,Häck,866,Story,32021,2020-10-08 11:54:32 UTC,2020-10-08 11:54:32 UTC
12819,Quercus petraea. An oak growing at the edge of Ferbane Bog. Lots of oak saplings in the area. ,4407,Story,32026,2020-10-10 13:02:04 UTC,2020-10-10 13:05:12 UTC
12821,Kirsebær. Pilestredet park nr. 202,7086,Story,32030,2020-10-13 10:46:30 UTC,2020-10-13 10:46:30 UTC
12822,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr. 203",7086,Story,32031,2020-10-13 10:48:49 UTC,2020-10-13 10:48:49 UTC
12823,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr. 204",7086,Story,32032,2020-10-13 10:50:50 UTC,2020-10-13 10:50:50 UTC
12824,"Hengebjørk, Pilestredet park nr. 205",7086,Story,32033,2020-10-13 11:08:21 UTC,2020-10-13 11:08:21 UTC
12825,"Hengebjørk, Pilestredet park nr. 206",7086,Story,32034,2020-10-13 11:10:29 UTC,2020-10-13 11:10:29 UTC
12826,"Hengebjørk, Pilestredet park nr. 207",7086,Story,32035,2020-10-13 11:12:12 UTC,2020-10-13 11:12:12 UTC
12827,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 208",7086,Story,32036,2020-10-13 11:14:23 UTC,2020-10-13 11:14:23 UTC
12828,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 209",7086,Story,32037,2020-10-13 11:16:37 UTC,2020-10-13 11:16:37 UTC
12829,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 210",7086,Story,32038,2020-10-13 11:18:39 UTC,2020-10-13 11:18:39 UTC
12830,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 211",7086,Story,32039,2020-10-13 11:21:20 UTC,2020-10-13 11:21:20 UTC
12831,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 212",7086,Story,32040,2020-10-13 11:23:21 UTC,2020-10-13 11:23:21 UTC
12832,"Blodbøk, Pilestredet park nr. 213",7086,Story,32041,2020-10-13 11:26:27 UTC,2020-10-13 11:26:27 UTC
12835,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 216",7086,Story,32044,2020-10-13 11:38:31 UTC,2020-10-13 11:38:31 UTC
12836,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 217",7086,Story,32045,2020-10-13 11:42:26 UTC,2020-10-13 11:42:26 UTC
12837,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 218",7086,Story,32046,2020-10-13 11:44:59 UTC,2020-10-13 11:44:59 UTC
12838,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 219",7086,Story,32047,2020-10-13 11:46:47 UTC,2020-10-13 11:46:47 UTC
12839,"Blodlønn kultivar, Pilestredet park nr. 220",7086,Story,32048,2020-10-13 11:50:21 UTC,2020-10-13 11:50:21 UTC
12840,"Ask, Pilestredet park nr. 221",7086,Story,32049,2020-10-13 12:00:21 UTC,2020-10-13 12:00:21 UTC
12841,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr. 222",7086,Story,32050,2020-10-13 12:04:11 UTC,2020-10-13 12:04:11 UTC
12846,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 226",7086,Story,32055,2020-10-13 12:23:36 UTC,2020-10-13 12:23:36 UTC
12847,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 227",7086,Story,32056,2020-10-13 12:25:41 UTC,2020-10-13 12:25:41 UTC
12842,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr. 223",7086,Story,32051,2020-10-13 12:07:35 UTC,2020-10-13 12:07:35 UTC
12843,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr. 224",7086,Story,32052,2020-10-13 12:10:42 UTC,2020-10-13 12:10:42 UTC
12844,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 225",7086,Story,32053,2020-10-13 12:18:40 UTC,2020-10-13 12:18:40 UTC
12845,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 225",7086,Story,32054,2020-10-13 12:21:05 UTC,2020-10-13 12:21:05 UTC
12848,Hedge about 100m long mapped at approximate mid-point. Known since 2001.,5530,Story,32057,2020-10-13 16:22:15 UTC,2020-10-13 16:22:15 UTC
12850,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 229",7086,Story,32059,2020-10-14 12:19:32 UTC,2020-10-14 12:19:32 UTC
12851,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 230",7086,Story,32060,2020-10-14 12:23:17 UTC,2020-10-14 12:23:17 UTC
12852,"Hengebjørk, Pilestredet park nr. 231",7086,Story,32061,2020-10-14 12:27:51 UTC,2020-10-14 12:27:51 UTC
12854,"Hybridbarlind, Pilestredet park nr. 233",7086,Story,32063,2020-10-14 12:36:16 UTC,2020-10-14 12:36:16 UTC
12855,"Sypress, Pilestredet park nr. 234",7086,Story,32064,2020-10-14 12:40:36 UTC,2020-10-14 12:40:36 UTC
12856,"Sypress, Pilestredet park nr. 235",7086,Story,32065,2020-10-14 12:46:20 UTC,2020-10-14 12:46:20 UTC
12857,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr. 236",7086,Story,32066,2020-10-14 12:48:58 UTC,2020-10-14 12:48:58 UTC
12858,"Platanlønn, Pilestredet park nr. 237",7086,Story,32067,2020-10-14 12:58:46 UTC,2020-10-14 12:58:46 UTC
12859,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr. 238",7086,Story,32068,2020-10-14 13:03:34 UTC,2020-10-14 13:03:34 UTC
12860,"Søyleeik, Pilestredet park nr. 239",7086,Story,32069,2020-10-14 13:10:00 UTC,2020-10-14 13:10:00 UTC
12861,"Søyleeik, Pilestredet park nr. 240",7086,Story,32070,2020-10-14 13:12:22 UTC,2020-10-14 13:12:22 UTC
12862,"Hengealm, Pilestredet park nr. 241",7086,Story,32071,2020-10-14 13:16:40 UTC,2020-10-14 13:16:40 UTC
12865,"Søyleeik, Pilestredet park nr. 244",7086,Story,32074,2020-10-14 13:28:05 UTC,2020-10-14 13:28:05 UTC
12867,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr. 246",7086,Story,32076,2020-10-14 13:38:07 UTC,2020-10-14 13:38:07 UTC
12868,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr. 247",7086,Story,32077,2020-10-14 13:40:16 UTC,2020-10-14 13:40:16 UTC
12869,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr. 248",7086,Story,32078,2020-10-14 13:42:07 UTC,2020-10-14 13:42:07 UTC
12864,"Søyleeik, Pilestredet park nr. 243",7086,Story,32073,2020-10-14 13:24:05 UTC,2020-10-14 13:24:05 UTC
12866,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr. 245",7086,Story,32075,2020-10-14 13:31:42 UTC,2020-10-14 13:31:42 UTC
12870,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 249",7086,Story,32079,2020-10-14 13:50:16 UTC,2020-10-14 13:50:16 UTC
12871,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 250",7086,Story,32080,2020-10-14 13:52:01 UTC,2020-10-14 13:52:01 UTC
12874,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 253",7086,Story,32083,2020-10-14 13:59:00 UTC,2020-10-14 13:59:00 UTC
12875,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 254",7086,Story,32084,2020-10-14 14:00:56 UTC,2020-10-14 14:00:56 UTC
12876,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 255",7086,Story,32085,2020-10-14 14:03:29 UTC,2020-10-14 14:03:29 UTC
12877,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 256",7086,Story,32086,2020-10-14 14:06:05 UTC,2020-10-14 14:06:05 UTC
12878,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr. 257",7086,Story,32087,2020-10-14 14:09:01 UTC,2020-10-14 14:09:01 UTC
12924,Hawthorn ,7125,Story,32148,2020-10-18 10:16:41 UTC,2020-10-18 10:16:41 UTC
12879,"Svenskasal, Pilestredet park nr. 258",7086,Story,32088,2020-10-14 14:11:24 UTC,2020-10-14 14:11:24 UTC
12880,"Svenskasal, Pilestredet park nr. 259",7086,Story,32089,2020-10-14 14:15:09 UTC,2020-10-14 14:15:09 UTC
12881,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 260",7086,Story,32090,2020-10-14 14:17:02 UTC,2020-10-14 14:17:02 UTC
12882,"Svenskasal, Pilestredet park nr. 261",7086,Story,32091,2020-10-14 14:20:01 UTC,2020-10-14 14:20:01 UTC
12883,"Svenskasal, Pilestredet park nr. 262",7086,Story,32092,2020-10-14 14:21:53 UTC,2020-10-14 14:21:53 UTC
12884,"Magnolia, Pilestredet park nr. 263",7086,Story,32093,2020-10-14 14:25:16 UTC,2020-10-14 14:25:16 UTC
12885,"Pil, Pilestredet park nr. 264",7086,Story,32094,2020-10-14 14:26:50 UTC,2020-10-14 14:26:50 UTC
12886,"Pil, Pilestredet park nr. 265",7086,Story,32095,2020-10-14 14:28:40 UTC,2020-10-14 14:28:40 UTC
12887,"Pil, Pilestredet park nr. 266",7086,Story,32096,2020-10-14 14:31:14 UTC,2020-10-14 14:31:14 UTC
12888,"Pil, Pilestredet park nr. 267",7086,Story,32097,2020-10-14 14:33:05 UTC,2020-10-14 14:33:05 UTC
12889,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 268",7086,Story,32098,2020-10-14 14:38:12 UTC,2020-10-14 14:38:12 UTC
12893,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 272",7086,Story,32102,2020-10-14 14:47:34 UTC,2020-10-14 14:47:34 UTC
12898,"Magnolia, Pilestredet park nr. 277",7086,Story,32107,2020-10-14 15:12:00 UTC,2020-10-14 15:12:00 UTC
12890,"Svenskasal, Pilestredet park nr. 269",7086,Story,32099,2020-10-14 14:39:56 UTC,2020-10-14 14:39:56 UTC
12894,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 273",7086,Story,32103,2020-10-14 14:48:57 UTC,2020-10-14 14:48:57 UTC
12896,"Søyleeik, Pilestredet park nr. 275",7086,Story,32105,2020-10-14 14:54:06 UTC,2020-10-14 14:54:06 UTC
12897,"Søyleeik, Pilestredet park nr. 276",7086,Story,32106,2020-10-14 14:55:53 UTC,2020-10-14 14:55:53 UTC
12900,"Hengebjørk, Pilestredet park nr. 279",7086,Story,32109,2020-10-14 15:17:59 UTC,2020-10-14 15:17:59 UTC
12901,"The tree was planted in the late 1950's early 1960's, and is probably original to the home (1958). Current photo is right after leaf drop in autumn.",7270,Story,32110,2020-10-16 20:06:37 UTC,2020-10-16 20:06:37 UTC
12902,Sycamore several trunks,7125,Story,32121,2020-10-18 09:49:53 UTC,2020-10-18 09:49:53 UTC
12903,Hawthorn,7125,Story,32122,2020-10-18 09:50:51 UTC,2020-10-18 09:50:51 UTC
12911,GONE ,7125,Story,32134,2020-10-18 09:58:52 UTC,2020-10-18 09:58:52 UTC
12912,Holly ,7125,Story,32135,2020-10-18 10:01:17 UTC,2020-10-18 10:01:17 UTC
12917,Poplar ,7125,Story,32141,2020-10-18 10:09:55 UTC,2020-10-18 10:09:55 UTC
12922,Walnut ,7125,Story,32146,2020-10-18 10:14:27 UTC,2020-10-18 10:14:27 UTC
12926,Cherry ,7125,Story,32150,2020-10-18 10:18:22 UTC,2020-10-18 10:18:22 UTC
12930,Gone,7125,Story,32154,2020-10-18 10:22:53 UTC,2020-10-18 10:22:53 UTC
12931,Horse chestnut ,7125,Story,32155,2020-10-18 10:23:25 UTC,2020-10-18 10:23:25 UTC
12914,Holly ,7125,Story,32137,2020-10-18 10:01:18 UTC,2020-10-18 10:01:18 UTC
12904,Hawthorn,7125,Story,32124,2020-10-18 09:51:07 UTC,2020-10-18 09:51:07 UTC
12907,Horse chestnut,7125,Story,32129,2020-10-18 09:54:23 UTC,2020-10-18 09:54:23 UTC
12905,Horse chestnut ,7125,Story,32126,2020-10-18 09:54:02 UTC,2020-10-18 09:54:02 UTC
12908,Horse chestnut ,7125,Story,32131,2020-10-18 09:57:56 UTC,2020-10-18 09:57:56 UTC
12909,Cherry?,7125,Story,32132,2020-10-18 09:58:33 UTC,2020-10-18 09:58:33 UTC
12910,Cherry?,7125,Story,32133,2020-10-18 09:58:45 UTC,2020-10-18 09:58:45 UTC
12916,Eucalyptus ,7125,Story,32139,2020-10-18 10:03:42 UTC,2020-10-18 10:03:42 UTC
12918,Ash ,7125,Story,32142,2020-10-18 10:10:33 UTC,2020-10-18 10:10:33 UTC
12919,For?,7125,Story,32143,2020-10-18 10:11:46 UTC,2020-10-18 10:11:46 UTC
12920,Apple ,7125,Story,32144,2020-10-18 10:12:56 UTC,2020-10-18 10:12:56 UTC
12921,Apple ,7125,Story,32145,2020-10-18 10:13:42 UTC,2020-10-18 10:13:42 UTC
12927,Beech ,7125,Story,32151,2020-10-18 10:19:32 UTC,2020-10-18 10:19:32 UTC
12928,Sycamore ,7125,Story,32152,2020-10-18 10:20:07 UTC,2020-10-18 10:20:07 UTC
12915,Yew ,7125,Story,32138,2020-10-18 10:01:58 UTC,2020-10-18 10:01:58 UTC
12913,Walnut?,7125,Story,32136,2020-10-18 10:01:17 UTC,2020-10-18 10:01:17 UTC
12932,Sycamore,4950,Story,32187,2020-10-21 02:26:33 UTC,2020-10-21 02:26:33 UTC
12934,Oak with 3 stems,7047,Story,32189,2020-10-21 13:00:01 UTC,2020-10-21 13:00:01 UTC
12948,Väldigt stor och fin ek,7167,Story,32226,2020-10-24 11:40:00 UTC,2020-10-24 11:40:00 UTC
12949,En underbar gammal Ask som går att beskåda ifrån Djurstad Bygata. Den har varit hamlad återkommande genom tiderna. ,7292,Story,32234,2020-10-24 13:35:37 UTC,2020-10-24 13:35:37 UTC
12952,Tree is cut down,7311,Story,32241,2020-10-24 14:28:41 UTC,2020-10-24 14:28:41 UTC
12953,Young sycamore not in DCC data,7311,Story,32285,2020-10-25 11:17:39 UTC,2020-10-25 11:17:39 UTC
12955,Ivy growing on it,7311,Story,32301,2020-10-26 11:21:53 UTC,2020-10-26 11:21:53 UTC
12959,Grupp med 4 stycken,6663,Story,32324,2020-10-30 09:24:31 UTC,2020-10-30 09:24:31 UTC
12960,Grupp med 4 träd i dålig kondition,6663,Story,32325,2020-10-30 09:27:59 UTC,2020-10-30 09:27:59 UTC
12961,Grupp med 5 askar,6663,Story,32326,2020-10-30 09:44:27 UTC,2020-10-30 09:44:27 UTC
12962,"I dålig kondition, ska avverkas",6663,Story,32327,2020-10-30 09:50:20 UTC,2020-10-30 09:50:20 UTC
12963,"Grupp med 7 nordpärlrönnar, varav 2 ska avverkas",6663,Story,32328,2020-10-30 09:57:53 UTC,2020-10-30 09:57:53 UTC
12964,Grupp med 3 ST.,6663,Story,32330,2020-10-30 10:19:59 UTC,2020-10-30 10:19:59 UTC
12965,Juglans cathayensis,6663,Story,32331,2020-10-30 10:29:16 UTC,2020-10-30 10:29:16 UTC
12966,Rönn,6663,Story,32335,2020-10-30 11:06:32 UTC,2020-10-30 11:06:32 UTC
12967,Rönn,6663,Story,32336,2020-10-30 11:08:17 UTC,2020-10-30 11:08:17 UTC
12968,Rönn,6663,Story,32337,2020-10-30 11:16:07 UTC,2020-10-30 11:16:07 UTC
12969,Rönn,6663,Story,32338,2020-10-30 11:19:35 UTC,2020-10-30 11:19:35 UTC
12977,Nyplanterad 2020-11-09,756,Story,32421,2020-11-09 16:51:30 UTC,2020-11-09 16:51:30 UTC
12979,"Häck, planterad nov 2020.",1778,Story,32442,2020-11-12 19:00:40 UTC,2020-11-12 19:00:40 UTC
12981,#oslotrær#lommeskog#2020,4361,Story,32444,2020-11-13 11:19:12 UTC,2020-11-13 11:19:12 UTC
12980,#oslotrær#lommeskog#2020,4361,Story,32443,2020-11-13 11:17:48 UTC,2020-11-13 11:17:48 UTC
12983,All the same on this road,6862,Story,32501,2020-11-16 11:09:22 UTC,2020-11-16 11:09:22 UTC
12993,Possibly a cultivar. Unknown,7403,Story,32518,2020-11-23 17:18:39 UTC,2020-11-23 17:18:39 UTC
12677,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr. 103",7086,Story,31865,2020-09-27 15:22:39 UTC,2020-11-23 20:23:44 UTC
12998,"Private garden, no berries",7311,Story,32528,2020-11-29 10:45:25 UTC,2020-11-29 10:45:25 UTC
12999,Private Garden ,7311,Story,32529,2020-11-29 10:46:28 UTC,2020-11-29 10:46:28 UTC
13001,Private Garden-3.20m ,7311,Story,32531,2020-11-29 11:32:33 UTC,2020-11-29 11:32:33 UTC
13002,5meters,7311,Story,32532,2020-11-29 12:12:44 UTC,2020-11-29 12:12:44 UTC
13004,5 meters,7311,Story,32534,2020-11-29 12:15:03 UTC,2020-11-29 12:15:03 UTC
13005,6 meters high,7311,Story,32535,2020-11-29 12:30:03 UTC,2020-11-29 12:30:03 UTC
13010,"Planterad turkisk trädhassel! 2 december 2020. Klass TM19 inriktning hållbar utveckling och parkförvaltning (YH trädgårdsmästare, första kullen på Hvilan). Från vänster: Amanda Olofsson Skog, Helena Joelsson, Sophie Hultstrand, Rebecka Ohlsson, Anne Dinges, Johanna Söllscher, Emilia Mårtensson, Pia Bergström och Marie Holmgren. (frånvarande: Anna Elofsson, Jonas Larsson, Lotta Diab och Pernilla Ek).",1083,Story,32541,2020-12-03 07:16:00 UTC,2020-12-03 07:16:00 UTC
13009,"Planteringsgrop för turkisk trädhassel, grävd av TM19 (YH trädgårdsmästare), 2 december 2020.",1083,Story,32540,2020-12-03 07:10:11 UTC,2020-12-03 07:10:11 UTC
13012,3 hawthorn by canal bank with lots of berries in December,7451,Story,32544,2020-12-06 12:28:05 UTC,2020-12-06 12:28:05 UTC
13015,Planted in 1990. I led to believe it was an effort to stop people playing football. ,7451,Story,32547,2020-12-06 21:01:55 UTC,2020-12-06 21:01:55 UTC
13016,Planted 1990. ,7451,Story,32548,2020-12-06 21:02:53 UTC,2020-12-06 21:02:53 UTC
13017,These poplars were planted in 1990. Shortly after my son was born. I put them down to a tribute to his arrival. ,7451,Story,32549,2020-12-06 21:05:06 UTC,2020-12-06 21:05:06 UTC
13018,Grown from seed. Maybe between 20 & 30 years ago. Now forming a hedge. ,7451,Story,32550,2020-12-06 21:07:51 UTC,2020-12-06 21:07:51 UTC
13019,Grown from cutting from Kerry fuschia. 1982. ,7451,Story,32551,2020-12-06 21:10:49 UTC,2020-12-06 21:10:49 UTC
13055,More than 15 years old,7469,Story,32600,2020-12-22 15:39:26 UTC,2020-12-22 15:39:26 UTC
13056,To confirm sp,7469,Story,32603,2020-12-26 16:05:41 UTC,2020-12-26 16:05:41 UTC
13057,Laid down but still alive; Roots partly uncovered,7469,Story,32604,2020-12-26 16:25:37 UTC,2020-12-26 16:25:37 UTC
13058,Very old,7469,Story,32605,2020-12-26 17:19:06 UTC,2020-12-26 17:19:06 UTC
13411,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33619,2021-05-14 15:38:20 UTC,2021-05-14 15:38:20 UTC
13065,Currently healthy,7554,Story,32657,2021-01-15 17:46:06 UTC,2021-01-15 17:46:06 UTC
13068,Looks like some sort of pine tree,7595,Story,32696,2021-01-29 17:42:07 UTC,2021-01-29 17:42:07 UTC
13069,Looks like it was planted a couple years ago,7595,Story,32700,2021-01-29 17:46:41 UTC,2021-01-29 17:46:41 UTC
13070,Has some white on it and some moss,7595,Story,32701,2021-01-29 17:48:08 UTC,2021-01-29 17:48:08 UTC
13077,Common oak growing in churchyard,7613,Story,32742,2021-02-02 22:32:04 UTC,2021-02-02 22:32:04 UTC
13083,Multistemed 5 trunks of 40cm plus ,7596,Story,32789,2021-02-03 16:29:48 UTC,2021-02-03 16:29:48 UTC
13085,Approx dbh very old tree. ,7596,Story,32792,2021-02-03 16:36:01 UTC,2021-02-03 16:36:01 UTC
13086,Approx dbh,7596,Story,32793,2021-02-03 16:36:58 UTC,2021-02-03 16:36:58 UTC
13087,Approx dbh,7596,Story,32795,2021-02-03 16:38:11 UTC,2021-02-03 16:38:11 UTC
13088,Approx dbh,7596,Story,32801,2021-02-03 16:42:20 UTC,2021-02-03 16:42:20 UTC
13080,Hornbeam ,7596,Story,32779,2021-02-03 16:20:40 UTC,2021-02-03 16:20:40 UTC
13084,Multistemmed. Approx 7 large stems 10cm diam,7596,Story,32791,2021-02-03 16:34:14 UTC,2021-02-03 16:34:14 UTC
13089,Approx dbh,7596,Story,32804,2021-02-03 16:46:04 UTC,2021-02-03 16:46:04 UTC
13078,Hornbeam,7596,Story,32777,2021-02-03 16:19:37 UTC,2021-02-03 16:19:37 UTC
13091,Possibly the cultivar ‘Royal Raindrops’,7643,Story,32889,2021-02-09 22:15:26 UTC,2021-02-09 22:15:26 UTC
13092,Green leaf variety,7643,Story,32892,2021-02-09 22:18:08 UTC,2021-02-09 22:18:08 UTC
13093,"Root bound, air spade was used 2019",7651,Story,32902,2021-02-10 21:56:19 UTC,2021-02-10 21:56:19 UTC
13094,"Air spade - root bound 
2019",7651,Story,32903,2021-02-10 21:57:16 UTC,2021-02-10 21:57:16 UTC
13095,"Ash tree, cut down following Emerald Ash Borer spread",7655,Story,32905,2021-02-12 00:17:17 UTC,2021-02-12 00:17:17 UTC
13098,Tree 2,7657,Story,32908,2021-02-12 15:11:28 UTC,2021-02-12 15:11:28 UTC
13099,Acer miyabei 'Morton' State Street Maple,7658,Story,32910,2021-02-12 16:11:34 UTC,2021-02-12 16:11:34 UTC
13100,Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred' ,7658,Story,32911,2021-02-12 16:13:05 UTC,2021-02-12 16:13:05 UTC
13103,"Ash tree lost to emerald ash borer, along with several others in the neighbourhood",7655,Story,32915,2021-02-13 19:14:54 UTC,2021-02-13 19:14:54 UTC
13096,Planted very deep ,7596,Story,32906,2021-02-12 12:16:35 UTC,2021-02-12 12:16:35 UTC
1332,Kastanjeträd,1371,Story,2691,2017-08-26 17:45:14 UTC,2017-08-26 17:45:14 UTC
13105,Ståendes bredvid en Silvergran och Europeisk Lärk,4192,Story,32917,2021-02-16 08:46:01 UTC,2021-02-16 08:46:01 UTC
13123,By the door,7626,Story,32945,2021-02-17 03:23:10 UTC,2021-02-17 03:23:10 UTC
13122,At home,7626,Story,32944,2021-02-17 03:21:33 UTC,2021-02-17 03:21:33 UTC
13126,Träd,6892,Story,32951,2021-02-20 19:28:22 UTC,2021-02-20 19:28:22 UTC
13131,Parkway...affected with EAB,7675,Story,32962,2021-02-23 16:53:30 UTC,2021-02-23 16:53:30 UTC
13130,Parkway,7675,Story,32961,2021-02-23 16:51:01 UTC,2021-02-23 16:51:01 UTC
4970,"The Grizzly Giant is a giant sequoia in Mariposa Grove, located in Yosemite National Park. The tree has been measured many times, most recently in 1990 by Wendell Flint. It has a volume of 34,005 cubic feet (962.9 m3), which makes it the 25th largest giant sequoia living today.",345,Story,20815,2019-04-13 13:58:47 UTC,2019-04-13 13:58:47 UTC
13132,Planted through the Trees for Babies scheme - thanks!,7700,Story,32963,2021-02-25 14:22:09 UTC,2021-02-25 14:22:09 UTC
13133,#camtreechallenge,7700,Story,32965,2021-02-25 14:32:34 UTC,2021-02-25 14:32:34 UTC
13166,also called Monks Pepper or Chaste tree. Planted 1989 thumb size,7734,Story,33000,2021-02-26 14:46:28 UTC,2021-02-26 14:46:28 UTC
13175,Grass,7742,Story,33042,2021-03-01 12:45:28 UTC,2021-03-01 12:45:28 UTC
13176,Grass,7742,Story,33043,2021-03-01 13:04:26 UTC,2021-03-01 13:04:26 UTC
13178,No blooms in 2020,7642,Story,33048,2021-03-01 16:00:39 UTC,2021-03-01 16:00:39 UTC
13180,Acer saccharum,7642,Story,33054,2021-03-01 16:19:19 UTC,2021-03-01 16:19:19 UTC
13179,Spectacular fall color,7642,Story,33049,2021-03-01 16:12:32 UTC,2021-03-01 16:12:32 UTC
13182,Test,7745,Story,33082,2021-03-01 18:26:02 UTC,2021-03-01 18:26:02 UTC
13183,3/1 - testing,7745,Story,33083,2021-03-01 18:27:56 UTC,2021-03-01 18:27:56 UTC
13185,Let's you know when it's thirsty ,7642,Story,33089,2021-03-02 02:38:22 UTC,2021-03-02 02:38:22 UTC
13187,"Jugana Planterad april 2020
Blomqvist",4932,Story,33096,2021-03-02 10:32:13 UTC,2021-03-02 10:32:13 UTC
13186,Jugana planterad april 2020,4932,Story,33095,2021-03-02 10:28:22 UTC,2021-03-02 10:28:22 UTC
13190,Docz velikana,4932,Story,33099,2021-03-02 10:44:24 UTC,2021-03-02 10:44:24 UTC
13192,Spectacular blooms,7642,Story,33101,2021-03-02 21:47:45 UTC,2021-03-02 21:47:45 UTC
13196,Children from local Kindergarten planted a tree Eriobotrya japonica,7443,Story,33108,2021-03-04 19:54:14 UTC,2021-03-04 19:54:14 UTC
13200,"4.5ft tall
2020",7642,Story,33121,2021-03-04 21:14:49 UTC,2021-03-04 21:14:49 UTC
13198,4ft tall,7642,Story,33119,2021-03-04 21:10:52 UTC,2021-03-04 21:10:52 UTC
2020,",7642,Story,33120,2021-03-04 21:13:22 UTC,2021-03-04 21:13:22 UTC
13203,"11ft tall
2020",7642,Story,33124,2021-03-04 21:31:43 UTC,2021-03-04 21:31:43 UTC
13201,"Multistem 2cm
7ft tall
2020",7642,Story,33122,2021-03-04 21:24:22 UTC,2021-03-04 21:24:22 UTC
13206,Multi-stemmed shrub.,7666,Story,33130,2021-03-06 16:53:49 UTC,2021-03-06 16:53:49 UTC
13208,Trunk wrapped with Xmas lights when observed,7652,Story,33158,2021-03-09 20:41:15 UTC,2021-03-09 20:41:15 UTC
13209,Planted 6:2030,7652,Story,33159,2021-03-10 20:33:31 UTC,2021-03-10 20:33:31 UTC
13210,Seedling planted 7/20,7652,Story,33163,2021-03-11 00:06:15 UTC,2021-03-11 00:06:15 UTC
13213,Planted 2020,7652,Story,33173,2021-03-11 15:35:16 UTC,2021-03-11 15:35:16 UTC
13214,"Planted 2020, no species tag",7652,Story,33174,2021-03-11 15:39:28 UTC,2021-03-11 15:39:28 UTC
13215,"Planted 2020, no tag",7652,Story,33175,2021-03-11 15:42:38 UTC,2021-03-11 15:42:38 UTC
13216,"Planted 2020, no tag",7652,Story,33176,2021-03-11 15:45:50 UTC,2021-03-11 15:45:50 UTC
13217,"Planted 2020, no tag",7652,Story,33177,2021-03-11 15:48:03 UTC,2021-03-11 15:48:03 UTC
13218,"Planted 2020, no tag",7652,Story,33178,2021-03-11 15:51:39 UTC,2021-03-11 15:51:39 UTC
13219,"Planted 2020, no tag ",7652,Story,33179,2021-03-11 15:53:01 UTC,2021-03-11 15:53:01 UTC
13220,"Planted 2020, no tag ",7652,Story,33180,2021-03-11 15:55:58 UTC,2021-03-11 15:55:58 UTC
13221,"Planted 2020, no tag ",7652,Story,33181,2021-03-11 15:59:16 UTC,2021-03-11 15:59:16 UTC
13222,"Planted 2020, no tag ",7652,Story,33182,2021-03-11 16:01:03 UTC,2021-03-11 16:01:03 UTC
13223,"Planted 2020, no tag ",7652,Story,33183,2021-03-11 16:02:17 UTC,2021-03-11 16:02:17 UTC
13224,"Planted 2020, no tag ",7652,Story,33184,2021-03-11 16:12:11 UTC,2021-03-11 16:12:11 UTC
13225,"Planted 2020, no tag ",7652,Story,33185,2021-03-11 16:13:53 UTC,2021-03-11 16:13:53 UTC
13226,"Planted 2020, no tag ",7652,Story,33186,2021-03-11 16:15:23 UTC,2021-03-11 16:15:23 UTC
13227,"Planted 2020, no tag ",7652,Story,33187,2021-03-11 16:16:51 UTC,2021-03-11 16:16:51 UTC
13228,"Planted 2020, no tag ",7652,Story,33188,2021-03-11 16:18:28 UTC,2021-03-11 16:18:28 UTC
13233,No tag ,7652,Story,33193,2021-03-11 16:31:46 UTC,2021-03-11 16:31:46 UTC
13229,"Planted 2030, no tag ",7652,Story,33189,2021-03-11 16:23:50 UTC,2021-03-11 16:23:50 UTC
13232,N o tag,7652,Story,33192,2021-03-11 16:30:22 UTC,2021-03-11 16:30:22 UTC
13237,Back of house,7794,Story,33217,2021-03-16 01:20:49 UTC,2021-03-16 01:20:49 UTC
13239,Blue gum,7794,Story,33219,2021-03-16 01:26:02 UTC,2021-03-16 01:26:02 UTC
13240,Sugar Gum,7794,Story,33220,2021-03-16 01:30:17 UTC,2021-03-16 01:30:17 UTC
13241,"Mexican Cyprus 
Highly flamable",7794,Story,33221,2021-03-16 01:39:13 UTC,2021-03-16 01:39:13 UTC
13242,"Blue gum
Very big, close to house and driveway",7794,Story,33222,2021-03-16 01:43:26 UTC,2021-03-16 01:43:26 UTC
13243,"Loose bark
White trunk
",7794,Story,33223,2021-03-16 01:53:26 UTC,2021-03-16 01:53:26 UTC
844,Sorbus incana,568,Story,1771,2017-06-07 13:14:31 UTC,2017-06-07 13:14:31 UTC
13245,White oak??,7645,Story,33236,2021-03-18 17:24:50 UTC,2021-03-18 17:24:50 UTC
13246,Furu,7807,Story,33248,2021-03-19 18:23:35 UTC,2021-03-19 18:23:35 UTC
13247,Furu,7807,Story,33249,2021-03-19 18:24:04 UTC,2021-03-19 18:24:04 UTC
13248,Furu,7807,Story,33250,2021-03-19 18:24:43 UTC,2021-03-19 18:24:43 UTC
13249,Furu,7807,Story,33251,2021-03-19 18:25:31 UTC,2021-03-19 18:25:31 UTC
13250,Furu,7807,Story,33252,2021-03-19 18:25:59 UTC,2021-03-19 18:25:59 UTC
13251,Furu,7807,Story,33253,2021-03-19 18:26:21 UTC,2021-03-19 18:26:21 UTC
13252,Cornus alternifolia,7651,Story,33254,2021-03-19 21:11:39 UTC,2021-03-19 21:11:39 UTC
13253,Cornus Alt,7651,Story,33255,2021-03-19 21:12:51 UTC,2021-03-19 21:12:51 UTC
13257,Muehlenbergii,7651,Story,33259,2021-03-19 21:26:31 UTC,2021-03-19 21:26:31 UTC
14404,Some leaf dieback in the middle ,8852,Story,36739,2022-08-10 18:06:23 UTC,2022-08-10 18:06:23 UTC
14410,Tree leaning a lot. Leader stressed. ,8852,Story,36745,2022-08-10 18:50:27 UTC,2022-08-10 18:50:27 UTC
13254,Healthy,7651,Story,33256,2021-03-19 21:20:24 UTC,2021-03-19 21:20:24 UTC
14411,Trunk damage. (Also so many ants!!),8852,Story,36746,2022-08-10 18:55:47 UTC,2022-08-10 18:55:47 UTC
13256,Healthy,7651,Story,33258,2021-03-19 21:23:12 UTC,2021-03-19 21:23:12 UTC
14416,Leader damage ,8852,Story,36754,2022-08-10 19:33:15 UTC,2022-08-10 19:33:15 UTC
14417,No longer leaning as much! ,8852,Story,36756,2022-08-10 19:54:34 UTC,2022-08-10 19:54:34 UTC
13260,Leaning badly and bark wound ,7651,Story,33262,2021-03-19 21:47:27 UTC,2021-03-19 21:47:27 UTC
14420,Leaning a lot ,8852,Story,36759,2022-08-10 20:06:48 UTC,2022-08-10 20:06:48 UTC
13258,Shingle oak,7651,Story,33260,2021-03-19 21:35:04 UTC,2021-03-19 21:35:04 UTC
13259,Shingle oak,7651,Story,33261,2021-03-19 21:36:42 UTC,2021-03-19 21:36:42 UTC
13262,Betula pubescens,7807,Story,33265,2021-03-20 12:00:51 UTC,2021-03-20 12:00:51 UTC
13263,Betula pubescens ,7807,Story,33266,2021-03-20 12:03:49 UTC,2021-03-20 12:03:49 UTC
13264,Plantet i år 2000 av Fabian Stang sammen med Park - og idrettsvesenet og elever på Skøyen skole,4361,Story,33267,2021-03-20 14:00:22 UTC,2021-03-20 14:00:22 UTC
14412,Bark damage near the middle ,8852,Story,36750,2022-08-10 19:17:38 UTC,2022-08-10 19:17:38 UTC
14413,Very sad hornbeam :(,8852,Story,36751,2022-08-10 19:20:59 UTC,2022-08-10 19:20:59 UTC
14414,Very sad hornbeam. Trunk damage :(,8852,Story,36752,2022-08-10 19:22:12 UTC,2022-08-10 19:22:12 UTC
14418,Slight lean. Some trunk damage. ,8852,Story,36757,2022-08-10 19:58:58 UTC,2022-08-10 19:58:58 UTC
14419,Trunk damage ,8852,Story,36758,2022-08-10 20:02:56 UTC,2022-08-10 20:02:56 UTC
13261,Bark wound?,7651,Story,33263,2021-03-19 21:49:18 UTC,2021-03-19 21:49:18 UTC
13273,Species unknown,5328,Story,33297,2021-03-24 12:17:10 UTC,2021-03-24 12:17:10 UTC
13278,Biancospino,7851,Story,33313,2021-03-27 12:02:17 UTC,2021-03-27 12:02:17 UTC
9521,Hawthorn tree growing under canopy of adjoining sycamore tree.,5617,Story,27350,2020-03-08 18:15:14 UTC,2020-03-08 18:15:14 UTC
13283,This is what I called A Mighty Oak. It grows really big and the truck gets really really wide and thick the limbs Reach Out sometimes low to the ground but the Ole Oak Tree is what you usually find swings on,7834,Story,33331,2021-03-29 22:56:44 UTC,2021-03-29 22:56:44 UTC
13285,This is what you call a crepe myrtle tree. It blooms in the fall with pink or white flowers. The  trunk of the tree is has a smooth texture.,7834,Story,33333,2021-03-29 23:14:43 UTC,2021-03-29 23:14:43 UTC
13286,This is a dogwood tree. The petals are white. if you look at the center of each petal it represents the crown of Jesus. The tip ends of the flower look stained.,7834,Story,33334,2021-03-29 23:38:55 UTC,2021-03-29 23:38:55 UTC
13287,"Planted 27/03/2021
#camtreechallenge",7861,Story,33335,2021-03-30 06:09:56 UTC,2021-03-30 06:09:56 UTC
13289,Perseverare,7862,Story,33338,2021-03-30 12:21:43 UTC,2021-03-30 12:21:43 UTC
13291,Little miracle,7862,Story,33345,2021-03-30 13:05:19 UTC,2021-03-30 13:05:19 UTC
13293,Ciliegio dolce,7862,Story,33347,2021-03-30 13:37:14 UTC,2021-03-30 13:37:14 UTC
13294,Ciliegio dolce adulto,7862,Story,33348,2021-03-30 13:39:52 UTC,2021-03-30 13:39:52 UTC
13295,Old Popolus,7862,Story,33349,2021-03-30 13:42:02 UTC,2021-03-30 13:42:02 UTC
13296,Biancospino,7862,Story,33351,2021-03-30 13:48:59 UTC,2021-03-30 13:48:59 UTC
13297,Biancospino,7862,Story,33354,2021-03-30 13:59:04 UTC,2021-03-30 13:59:04 UTC
13300,Gruppo di alberi intorno a torre fari,7862,Story,33363,2021-03-30 14:34:03 UTC,2021-03-30 14:34:03 UTC
13301,Cresciuto sull’asfalto,7862,Story,33364,2021-03-30 14:36:39 UTC,2021-03-30 14:36:39 UTC
13302,default note,7863,Story,33365,2021-03-30 15:17:26 UTC,2021-03-30 15:17:26 UTC
13303,default note,7863,Story,33366,2021-03-30 15:21:04 UTC,2021-03-30 15:21:04 UTC
13304,This is a picture of the bark on an old oak,7834,Story,33367,2021-03-30 21:09:14 UTC,2021-03-30 21:09:14 UTC
13305,"This is a white oak tree slowly growing into a massive monster shade tree. Sometimes the limbs get so big until they hang low to the ground. In the South the limbs are used to hang swings. These are the kind of trees you usually see on Old plantations as well. Boone Hall  in Charleston SC the entrance of the old plantation house, there's nothing but lines and lines of oak trees on both sides of the drive way. This was a really really popular tree that every farmer planted a lot back in the 1800's.",7834,Story,33368,2021-03-30 21:18:37 UTC,2021-03-30 21:18:37 UTC
13306,This is a magnolia tree. Usually a big white flowers with a sweet smell blooms on this tree. They are beautiful blooms. You find them mostly in the south,7834,Story,33369,2021-03-30 21:25:19 UTC,2021-03-30 21:25:19 UTC
13307,These two pods is what is left after the flower blooms. These Pods usually fall to the ground.,7834,Story,33370,2021-03-30 21:28:10 UTC,2021-03-30 21:28:10 UTC
13308,This is a tulip tree. The tulip trees flowers appear in late spring or early summer usually between April and June. The blooms last for a month. This tree grows rapidly when it is young. It grows more than 25 inches a year. Bees love to pollinate the tulip tree this tree can reach height as 200 feet is 61 mm the blooms are pink and shaped like a tulip cup. If you want a beautiful tree with beautiful pink blooms in your yard. This tulip tree is what you need.,7834,Story,33373,2021-03-30 22:54:35 UTC,2021-03-30 22:54:35 UTC
13309,White flowers in Spring,6392,Story,33374,2021-03-31 14:13:16 UTC,2021-03-31 14:13:16 UTC
13313,Kilkenny Pearmain from Future Forests,5617,Story,33379,2021-04-02 12:09:37 UTC,2021-04-02 12:09:37 UTC
13310,Planted late 2020 / early 2021,5617,Story,33376,2021-04-02 11:51:42 UTC,2021-04-02 11:51:42 UTC
9526,This tree was planted as part of an orchard initiative organised by the CIE Works Railway Estate residents Committee. ,5617,Story,27357,2020-03-08 19:51:45 UTC,2020-03-08 19:51:45 UTC
13314,Rawley’s Seedling,5617,Story,33380,2021-04-02 12:11:38 UTC,2021-04-02 12:11:38 UTC
13317,This tree was planted as part of an orchard initiative organised by the CIE Works Railway Estate residents Committee in 2019,5617,Story,33385,2021-04-02 12:23:20 UTC,2021-04-02 12:23:20 UTC
13333,Planted in April of 2021,7924,Story,33468,2021-04-16 17:31:38 UTC,2021-04-16 17:31:38 UTC
13332,Planted in April of 2021,7924,Story,33467,2021-04-16 17:31:31 UTC,2021-04-16 17:31:31 UTC
490,Tilia cordata,196,Story,1329,2017-05-20 17:47:50 UTC,2017-05-20 17:47:50 UTC
13338,Backyard Sugar Maple.,7914,Story,33490,2021-04-23 15:14:45 UTC,2021-04-23 15:14:45 UTC
13896,Still pretty green!,5718,Story,35130,2021-10-30 14:58:55 UTC,2021-10-30 14:58:55 UTC
13898,Change of color!,5718,Story,35134,2021-10-30 15:04:47 UTC,2021-10-30 15:04:47 UTC
13339,Wares Oak ...  Quercus warei,7631,Story,33491,2021-04-25 19:00:42 UTC,2021-04-25 19:00:42 UTC
13340,'Fort McNair' Red Horsechestnut,7631,Story,33492,2021-04-25 19:21:21 UTC,2021-04-25 19:21:21 UTC
13341,'Riversii',7745,Story,33495,2021-04-29 11:34:14 UTC,2021-04-29 11:34:14 UTC
13343,"Plant Trees for Communities!
Glenview, IL Glenbrook South High School",7962,Story,33501,2021-04-30 14:20:03 UTC,2021-04-30 14:29:18 UTC
13345,Mature tree,7882,Story,33506,2021-05-01 14:57:22 UTC,2021-05-01 14:57:22 UTC
13346,Vernet etter Naturmangfoldloven ,7807,Story,33512,2021-05-04 07:02:13 UTC,2021-05-04 07:02:13 UTC
13344,Mature Oak tree.,7882,Story,33502,2021-05-01 14:46:59 UTC,2021-05-01 14:46:59 UTC
13353,Darien Arbor Day 2021,7974,Story,33524,2021-05-04 14:36:00 UTC,2021-05-04 14:36:00 UTC
13350,Darien Arbor Day 2021,7974,Story,33521,2021-05-04 14:29:36 UTC,2021-05-04 14:29:36 UTC
13354,Darien Arbor Day 2021,7974,Story,33525,2021-05-04 14:39:42 UTC,2021-05-04 14:39:42 UTC
13356,Planted by Helge Lundström,6663,Story,33531,2021-05-05 20:42:31 UTC,2021-05-05 20:42:31 UTC
13351,Darien Arbor Day 2021,7974,Story,33522,2021-05-04 14:31:18 UTC,2021-05-08 12:58:57 UTC
13352,Darien Arbor Day 2021,7974,Story,33523,2021-05-04 14:34:50 UTC,2021-05-04 14:34:50 UTC
13355,"Silvergran planterad på ARB19:s examensdag den 5 maj pandemiåret 2021. Från vänster: Carl Johannesson, Filip Björndahl, Kevin Falén, Joakim Pinotti, Anders Leek, Hedvig Ernholm, Jonathan Östlund, Ylva Clausén Wingårdh, Emil Eklund Odler, Hanna Karlsson, Niclas Haglind (rektor), Robert Berglund, Jakob Yttersjö (motorsågs- och klättringslärare), Arvid Ringqvist, Jerker Everlund, Niklas Timell, Hannes Mattsson Gusfors, Ingalill Servin, Axel Wendt, Dante Einarsson, Elin Lindell, Adam Ramerius, Adam Gustafsson. 
Frånvarande: Malin Hessel och Tim Dillner.",1083,Story,33530,2021-05-05 12:19:23 UTC,2021-05-05 12:19:23 UTC
13357,"Darien Garden Club donated this tree in celebration of their club's 20th Anniversary.

Current, past and brand new members of Darien Garden Club celebrated Arbor Day together at Birchwood Park where the club donated a wonderful native Swamp White Oak tree in celebration of our 20th year.  

This tree will be added to the Chicago Regional Tree Initiative's PLANT TREES FOR THE COMMUNITIES effort this year.
It will provide food and shelter for wildlife, store carbon and release oxygen, feed caterpillars that will in turn feed baby birds, shade the earth and add to the beauty of this wonderful park that is becoming more and more like it was so many years ago - native habitat for all.  ",7944,Story,33545,2021-05-06 19:24:25 UTC,2021-05-06 19:24:25 UTC
13358,"Darien Garden Club donated this tree in celebration of their club's 20th Anniversary.

Current, past and brand new members of Darien Garden Club celebrated Arbor Day together at Birchwood Park where the club donated a wonderful native Swamp White Oak tree in celebration of our 20th year.",7944,Story,33546,2021-05-06 19:25:17 UTC,2021-05-06 19:25:17 UTC
13359,"Darien Garden Club member Cathy Streett, dedicated the swamp white oak planted to celebrate the club's 20th Anniversary. 

Arbor Day, April 30, 2021",7944,Story,33547,2021-05-06 19:26:59 UTC,2021-05-06 19:26:59 UTC
13360,"Darien Garden Club member, Chris Bosacki is all smiles with the new swamp white oak at Birchwood Park.",7944,Story,33548,2021-05-06 19:28:11 UTC,2021-05-06 19:28:11 UTC
13361,chinkapin oak placed at Birchwood Park in time for Arbor Day,7944,Story,33549,2021-05-06 19:41:31 UTC,2021-05-06 19:41:31 UTC
13365,vintertry,6955,Story,33559,2021-05-10 10:54:30 UTC,2021-05-10 10:54:30 UTC
13366,Vildkaprifol ” Belgica”,7027,Story,33564,2021-05-10 10:59:22 UTC,2021-05-10 10:59:22 UTC
13368,Japansk träddödare,7027,Story,33567,2021-05-10 11:05:06 UTC,2021-05-10 11:05:06 UTC
9937,Crataegus pentagyna,4273,Story,27992,2020-05-07 11:55:22 UTC,2020-05-07 11:55:22 UTC
13367,Kaprifol,6955,Story,33565,2021-05-10 11:00:36 UTC,2021-05-10 11:00:36 UTC
13370,Kameleontbuske,6955,Story,33570,2021-05-10 11:07:58 UTC,2021-05-10 11:07:58 UTC
13369,Decaisnea fargesii,7025,Story,33568,2021-05-10 11:07:26 UTC,2021-05-10 11:07:26 UTC
13371,Amerikansk hästkastanj,7027,Story,33573,2021-05-10 11:12:15 UTC,2021-05-10 11:12:15 UTC
13372,Hästkastanj,6955,Story,33574,2021-05-10 11:17:04 UTC,2021-05-10 11:17:04 UTC
13375,Dubbelstandard 25 m hög,3371,Story,33580,2021-05-13 18:04:56 UTC,2021-05-13 18:04:56 UTC
4499,Står 5 m utanför min balkong,3371,Story,19414,2018-09-28 14:50:04 UTC,2018-09-28 14:50:04 UTC
13408,"Twisted, old dying, sculptural",6529,Story,33613,2021-05-14 12:10:33 UTC,2021-05-14 12:10:33 UTC
13413,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33621,2021-05-14 15:40:32 UTC,2021-05-14 15:40:32 UTC
13414,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33622,2021-05-14 15:41:41 UTC,2021-05-14 15:41:41 UTC
13415,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33623,2021-05-14 15:42:53 UTC,2021-05-14 15:42:53 UTC
13417,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33625,2021-05-14 15:44:52 UTC,2021-05-14 15:44:52 UTC
13418,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33626,2021-05-14 15:45:31 UTC,2021-05-14 15:45:31 UTC
13419,"Euonymus atropurpureus (not in list). Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33627,2021-05-14 15:50:08 UTC,2021-05-14 15:50:08 UTC
13420,"Euonymus atropurpureus (not in list). Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33628,2021-05-14 15:51:26 UTC,2021-05-14 15:51:26 UTC
13416,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33624,2021-05-14 15:44:12 UTC,2021-05-14 15:44:12 UTC
13421,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33629,2021-05-14 16:15:26 UTC,2021-05-14 16:15:26 UTC
13422,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33630,2021-05-14 16:16:33 UTC,2021-05-14 16:16:33 UTC
13423,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33631,2021-05-14 16:17:34 UTC,2021-05-14 16:17:34 UTC
13424,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33632,2021-05-14 16:18:32 UTC,2021-05-14 16:18:32 UTC
13425,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33633,2021-05-14 16:19:28 UTC,2021-05-14 16:19:28 UTC
13428,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33636,2021-05-14 16:21:22 UTC,2021-05-14 16:21:22 UTC
13429,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33637,2021-05-14 16:22:56 UTC,2021-05-14 16:22:56 UTC
13430,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33638,2021-05-14 16:25:13 UTC,2021-05-14 16:25:13 UTC
13431,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33639,2021-05-14 16:26:00 UTC,2021-05-14 16:26:00 UTC
13432,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33643,2021-05-15 15:59:10 UTC,2021-05-15 15:59:10 UTC
13438,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33649,2021-05-15 16:05:44 UTC,2021-05-15 16:05:44 UTC
13440,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33651,2021-05-15 16:07:42 UTC,2021-05-15 16:07:42 UTC
13441,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33652,2021-05-15 16:08:30 UTC,2021-05-15 16:08:30 UTC
13442,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33653,2021-05-15 16:09:22 UTC,2021-05-15 16:09:22 UTC
13446,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33657,2021-05-15 16:12:46 UTC,2021-05-15 16:12:46 UTC
13447,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33658,2021-05-15 16:13:29 UTC,2021-05-15 16:13:29 UTC
13448,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33659,2021-05-15 16:14:21 UTC,2021-05-15 16:14:21 UTC
13449,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33660,2021-05-15 16:15:17 UTC,2021-05-15 16:15:17 UTC
13434,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33645,2021-05-15 16:00:50 UTC,2021-05-15 16:00:50 UTC
13433,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33644,2021-05-15 16:00:00 UTC,2021-05-15 16:00:00 UTC
13435,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33646,2021-05-15 16:02:47 UTC,2021-05-15 16:02:47 UTC
13437,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33648,2021-05-15 16:04:51 UTC,2021-05-15 16:04:51 UTC
13443,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33654,2021-05-15 16:10:12 UTC,2021-05-15 16:10:12 UTC
13444,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33655,2021-05-15 16:11:03 UTC,2021-05-15 16:11:03 UTC
13445,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33656,2021-05-15 16:11:45 UTC,2021-05-15 16:11:45 UTC
13450,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33661,2021-05-15 16:16:06 UTC,2021-05-15 16:16:06 UTC
13452,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33663,2021-05-15 16:17:48 UTC,2021-05-15 16:17:48 UTC
13453,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33664,2021-05-15 16:18:32 UTC,2021-05-15 16:18:32 UTC
14540,MULBERRY!! Dogwood gone ,8852,Story,37071,2022-08-26 17:12:46 UTC,2022-08-26 17:12:46 UTC
13455,Redwood ,6408,Story,33683,2021-05-22 16:39:08 UTC,2021-05-22 16:39:08 UTC
13457,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33685,2021-05-23 16:14:56 UTC,2021-05-23 16:14:56 UTC
13458,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33686,2021-05-23 16:19:47 UTC,2021-05-23 16:19:47 UTC
13459,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33687,2021-05-23 16:21:03 UTC,2021-05-23 16:21:03 UTC
13460,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33688,2021-05-23 16:22:18 UTC,2021-05-23 16:22:18 UTC
13461,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33689,2021-05-23 16:23:28 UTC,2021-05-23 16:23:28 UTC
13462,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33690,2021-05-23 16:24:24 UTC,2021-05-23 16:24:24 UTC
13463,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33691,2021-05-23 16:25:25 UTC,2021-05-23 16:25:25 UTC
13521,"Plant Trees for Communities!
Plant Trees for Westmont!!

Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)",8117,Story,33788,2021-06-02 18:46:45 UTC,2021-06-02 18:46:45 UTC
13465,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33693,2021-05-23 16:28:50 UTC,2021-05-23 16:28:50 UTC
13467,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33695,2021-05-23 16:32:01 UTC,2021-05-23 16:32:01 UTC
13468,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33696,2021-05-23 16:32:43 UTC,2021-05-23 16:32:43 UTC
13469,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33697,2021-05-23 16:33:30 UTC,2021-05-23 16:33:30 UTC
13470,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33698,2021-05-23 16:34:07 UTC,2021-05-23 16:34:07 UTC
13471,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33699,2021-05-23 16:35:15 UTC,2021-05-23 16:35:15 UTC
13472,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33700,2021-05-23 16:35:56 UTC,2021-05-23 16:35:56 UTC
13473,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33701,2021-05-23 16:38:52 UTC,2021-05-23 16:38:52 UTC
13475,Looks like giant rhubarb 😊,4626,Story,33704,2021-05-24 10:27:35 UTC,2021-05-24 10:27:35 UTC
13456,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33684,2021-05-23 16:13:59 UTC,2021-05-23 16:13:59 UTC
13476,A male,6663,Story,33708,2021-05-24 16:58:02 UTC,2021-05-24 16:58:02 UTC
13477,A male,6663,Story,33709,2021-05-24 17:01:11 UTC,2021-05-24 17:01:11 UTC
13483,A male,6663,Story,33715,2021-05-24 17:19:51 UTC,2021-05-24 17:19:51 UTC
13480,A female,6663,Story,33712,2021-05-24 17:08:52 UTC,2021-05-24 17:08:52 UTC
13478,A male,6663,Story,33710,2021-05-24 17:03:41 UTC,2021-05-24 17:03:41 UTC
13482,"A male, ett hanträd",6663,Story,33714,2021-05-24 17:17:08 UTC,2021-05-24 17:17:08 UTC
13484,Azelia and rhododendron ,4626,Story,33717,2021-05-24 17:57:46 UTC,2021-05-24 17:57:46 UTC
13486,Narra,8045,Story,33726,2021-05-26 11:47:03 UTC,2021-05-26 11:47:03 UTC
13488,"The Vernon Oak. Named after Bishop Vernon Herford, 1st owner of the house. Present owner has consent to fell.",8090,Story,33729,2021-05-27 22:23:30 UTC,2021-06-04 18:27:45 UTC
13489,Planted with Enablon in 2017,7580,Story,33747,2021-05-30 20:25:10 UTC,2021-05-30 20:25:10 UTC
13494,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33754,2021-06-02 00:04:49 UTC,2021-06-02 00:04:49 UTC
13491,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33751,2021-06-02 00:02:47 UTC,2021-06-02 00:02:47 UTC
13493,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33753,2021-06-02 00:04:17 UTC,2021-06-02 00:04:17 UTC
13497,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33757,2021-06-02 00:08:13 UTC,2021-06-02 00:08:13 UTC
13499,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33760,2021-06-02 00:10:54 UTC,2021-06-02 00:10:54 UTC
13501,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33763,2021-06-02 00:13:37 UTC,2021-06-02 00:13:37 UTC
13502,"Not looking great in spring after planting. Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33764,2021-06-02 00:16:00 UTC,2021-06-02 00:16:00 UTC
13503,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33765,2021-06-02 00:16:38 UTC,2021-06-02 00:16:38 UTC
13504,"Looking rough sitting after planting. Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33766,2021-06-02 00:17:21 UTC,2021-06-02 00:17:21 UTC
13506,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33769,2021-06-02 00:20:43 UTC,2021-06-02 00:20:43 UTC
13507,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33771,2021-06-02 00:22:54 UTC,2021-06-02 00:22:54 UTC
13508,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33772,2021-06-02 00:24:30 UTC,2021-06-02 00:24:30 UTC
13509,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33773,2021-06-02 00:25:19 UTC,2021-06-02 00:25:19 UTC
14482,Very sad almost dead elm ,8852,Story,36928,2022-08-18 16:36:44 UTC,2022-08-18 16:36:44 UTC
13492,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33752,2021-06-02 00:03:34 UTC,2021-06-02 00:03:34 UTC
14483,Struggling coffeetree ,8852,Story,36930,2022-08-18 16:40:05 UTC,2022-08-18 16:40:05 UTC
13495,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33755,2021-06-02 00:05:48 UTC,2021-06-02 00:05:48 UTC
13496,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33756,2021-06-02 00:06:36 UTC,2021-06-02 00:06:36 UTC
13511,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33775,2021-06-02 00:26:48 UTC,2021-06-02 00:26:48 UTC
13512,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA
",7580,Story,33776,2021-06-02 00:27:50 UTC,2021-06-02 00:27:50 UTC
13515,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33779,2021-06-02 00:31:14 UTC,2021-06-02 00:31:14 UTC
13517,Dbh is estimate,7580,Story,33784,2021-06-02 00:36:04 UTC,2021-06-02 00:36:04 UTC
13519,Dbh is estimated,7580,Story,33786,2021-06-02 00:38:00 UTC,2021-06-02 00:38:00 UTC
13514,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33778,2021-06-02 00:30:28 UTC,2021-06-02 00:30:28 UTC
13516,"Looks rough spring after planting. Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33780,2021-06-02 00:32:48 UTC,2021-06-02 00:32:48 UTC
13518,Dbh is estimated,7580,Story,33785,2021-06-02 00:37:23 UTC,2021-06-02 00:37:23 UTC
14486,Tree removed ,8852,Story,36938,2022-08-18 17:18:02 UTC,2022-08-18 17:18:02 UTC
13520,Dbh is estimate,7580,Story,33787,2021-06-02 00:39:19 UTC,2021-06-02 00:39:19 UTC
13522,In grounds of Gaelscoil Mide,8062,Story,33790,2021-06-03 20:17:01 UTC,2021-06-03 20:17:01 UTC
13523,Planted year 2000,229,Story,33791,2021-06-04 07:27:28 UTC,2021-06-04 07:27:28 UTC
13524,Planted 2016,229,Story,33792,2021-06-04 07:28:46 UTC,2021-06-04 07:28:46 UTC
13531,Planted with girl scouts and sca,7580,Story,33810,2021-06-09 23:46:06 UTC,2021-06-09 23:46:06 UTC
14485,Tree removed ,8852,Story,36937,2022-08-18 17:17:33 UTC,2022-08-18 17:17:33 UTC
13533,Planted with girl scouts and sca,7580,Story,33812,2021-06-09 23:48:02 UTC,2021-06-09 23:48:02 UTC
13534,Cork Oak,8144,Story,33824,2021-06-16 10:31:22 UTC,2021-06-16 10:31:22 UTC
13536,Silver Birch,5713,Story,33826,2021-06-17 13:08:57 UTC,2021-06-17 13:08:57 UTC
13537,Silver Birch,5713,Story,33827,2021-06-17 13:10:33 UTC,2021-06-17 13:10:33 UTC
13540,"Heavily pruned on one side, uneven crown",5713,Story,33868,2021-06-18 12:23:21 UTC,2021-06-18 12:23:21 UTC
13541,American Planetree,8144,Story,33903,2021-06-18 16:24:43 UTC,2021-06-18 16:24:43 UTC
13542,Salute 60%,8165,Story,33904,2021-06-19 09:12:24 UTC,2021-06-19 09:12:24 UTC
13543,Salute 85%,8165,Story,33905,2021-06-19 09:14:44 UTC,2021-06-19 09:14:44 UTC
13544,Salute 90%,8165,Story,33906,2021-06-19 09:29:22 UTC,2021-06-19 09:29:22 UTC
13545,Salute 65%,8165,Story,33907,2021-06-19 09:36:37 UTC,2021-06-19 09:36:37 UTC
13547,Morton Exclamation! Variety,8131,Story,33909,2021-06-19 14:40:07 UTC,2021-06-19 14:40:07 UTC
13546,Morton Exclamation! Variety,8131,Story,33908,2021-06-19 14:36:33 UTC,2021-06-19 14:36:33 UTC
13548,Leaning but corrected,5713,Story,33919,2021-06-21 12:41:44 UTC,2021-06-21 12:41:44 UTC
13550,Leaning,5713,Story,33921,2021-06-21 12:43:35 UTC,2021-06-21 12:43:35 UTC
13551,Leaning,5713,Story,33922,2021-06-21 12:44:12 UTC,2021-06-21 12:44:12 UTC
13552,Leaning,5713,Story,33933,2021-06-22 12:27:14 UTC,2021-06-22 12:27:14 UTC
13554,Leaning,5713,Story,33944,2021-06-23 12:30:33 UTC,2021-06-23 12:30:33 UTC
13555,Engulfed in briars,5713,Story,33949,2021-06-23 12:41:13 UTC,2021-06-23 12:41:13 UTC
13556,Rosenhortensia,3380,Story,33954,2021-06-24 05:47:08 UTC,2021-06-24 05:47:08 UTC
13557,With hypericum hidcote,5713,Story,33955,2021-06-24 17:49:09 UTC,2021-06-24 17:49:09 UTC
13580,Multi stemmed,5713,Story,34061,2021-06-27 09:49:47 UTC,2021-06-27 09:49:47 UTC
13564,Cherry,5713,Story,34017,2021-06-25 18:22:11 UTC,2021-06-25 18:22:11 UTC
13623,This is Alexis our tree ,8138,Story,34201,2021-07-21 23:01:32 UTC,2021-07-21 23:01:32 UTC
13581,Cherry,5713,Story,34066,2021-06-27 11:20:28 UTC,2021-06-27 11:20:28 UTC
13598,Cherry,5713,Story,34123,2021-07-01 12:28:15 UTC,2021-07-01 12:28:15 UTC
13599,Leaning,5713,Story,34124,2021-07-01 12:47:03 UTC,2021-07-01 12:47:03 UTC
13600,Oriana’s Tree (Trees for Babies) finds it’s forever home 💕,5899,Story,34125,2021-07-01 19:40:37 UTC,2021-07-01 19:40:37 UTC
13604,"North limits of cemtery.   The first photo of the tree was facing north, then leaves from tree, then bark, then facing south.",8192,Story,34134,2021-07-05 13:36:45 UTC,2021-07-05 13:36:45 UTC
13607,"First photo from north, second from south, third of tag 267",8192,Story,34137,2021-07-05 14:58:21 UTC,2021-07-05 14:58:21 UTC
13608,"All measured 4.5 "" from ground.  First photo looking north, second of bark, third looking south, fourth of tag",8192,Story,34138,2021-07-05 15:14:05 UTC,2021-07-05 15:14:05 UTC
13609,"First photo looking north, second of bark, third looking south",8192,Story,34139,2021-07-05 15:17:42 UTC,2021-07-05 15:17:42 UTC
13610,"First photo looking north, second of bark, third looking south",8192,Story,34140,2021-07-05 15:25:53 UTC,2021-07-05 15:25:53 UTC
13611,Cherry,5713,Story,34141,2021-07-07 12:45:15 UTC,2021-07-07 12:45:15 UTC
13612,Cherry,5713,Story,34142,2021-07-08 12:30:23 UTC,2021-07-08 12:30:23 UTC
13613,Cherry with ivy,5713,Story,34143,2021-07-09 12:33:51 UTC,2021-07-09 12:33:51 UTC
13614,Cherry,5713,Story,34144,2021-07-09 12:51:39 UTC,2021-07-09 12:51:39 UTC
13606,"First photo looking north, second of tree bark, third looking south.  No tag on tree",8192,Story,34136,2021-07-05 14:36:09 UTC,2021-07-05 14:36:09 UTC
13617,Cherry,5713,Story,34151,2021-07-14 12:42:50 UTC,2021-07-14 12:42:50 UTC
13624,Specific species: Quercus muhlenbergil. ,8138,Story,34208,2021-07-21 23:12:39 UTC,2021-07-21 23:12:39 UTC
13625,"Scientific Name: Quercus Rubra Red Oak.
Tree Number: 2",8251,Story,34223,2021-07-21 23:17:30 UTC,2021-07-21 23:17:30 UTC
13627,Small leaves,8244,Story,34229,2021-07-21 23:19:33 UTC,2021-07-21 23:19:33 UTC
13628,The tree is looking healthy. ,8138,Story,34231,2021-07-21 23:20:04 UTC,2021-07-21 23:20:04 UTC
13629,Swamp white oak ,8246,Story,34236,2021-07-21 23:30:20 UTC,2021-07-21 23:30:20 UTC
13631,"Scientific Name: Quercus Muhlenbergii
Tree Number: 11",8251,Story,34238,2021-07-21 23:32:10 UTC,2021-07-21 23:32:10 UTC
13633,White pine,8138,Story,34241,2021-07-21 23:36:08 UTC,2021-07-21 23:36:08 UTC
13635,Quercus muhlenbergii,8247,Story,34249,2021-07-21 23:51:56 UTC,2021-07-21 23:51:56 UTC
13638,Riesling,6374,Story,34262,2021-07-23 16:18:29 UTC,2021-07-23 16:18:29 UTC
13671,Sugar maple ,7990,Story,34351,2021-07-30 17:09:09 UTC,2021-07-30 17:09:09 UTC
13672,Dieback and included bark,5713,Story,34368,2021-08-01 18:58:41 UTC,2021-08-01 18:58:41 UTC
13674,Tree guard,5713,Story,34372,2021-08-03 18:03:05 UTC,2021-08-03 18:03:05 UTC
13675,Tree guard,5713,Story,34373,2021-08-03 18:03:59 UTC,2021-08-03 18:03:59 UTC
13681,Engulfed in ivy,5713,Story,34392,2021-08-08 11:58:05 UTC,2021-08-08 11:58:05 UTC
13708,Briars and growing on bank,5713,Story,34446,2021-08-16 10:46:55 UTC,2021-08-16 10:46:55 UTC
13707,Ivy and suckers,5713,Story,34445,2021-08-16 10:45:14 UTC,2021-08-16 10:45:14 UTC
13710,Pollarded,5713,Story,34454,2021-08-18 18:56:45 UTC,2021-08-18 18:56:45 UTC
13711,Causey farm,5713,Story,34455,2021-08-21 11:06:55 UTC,2021-08-21 11:06:55 UTC
13713,Washingtonia filifera,8307,Story,34462,2021-08-22 17:26:22 UTC,2021-08-22 17:26:22 UTC
13715,Dead oak,7090,Story,34492,2021-08-27 07:07:48 UTC,2021-08-27 07:07:48 UTC
13717,Dead oak,7090,Story,34506,2021-08-27 08:22:26 UTC,2021-08-27 08:22:26 UTC
13718,Dead oak,7090,Story,34514,2021-08-27 08:46:32 UTC,2021-08-27 08:46:32 UTC
13719,Dead oak,7090,Story,34515,2021-08-27 08:48:22 UTC,2021-08-27 08:48:22 UTC
13720,Corrected stem,5713,Story,34520,2021-08-27 16:00:12 UTC,2021-08-27 16:00:12 UTC
13721,Planted at Maine East High School along with several other oak trees as part of the CRTI's Plant Trees for Communities initiative.,8382,Story,34526,2021-08-30 17:08:50 UTC,2021-08-30 17:08:50 UTC
13722,The City of Hickory Hills planted a tulip tree as part of CRTI's Plant trees for communites initiative.,8392,Story,34527,2021-09-01 19:42:09 UTC,2021-09-01 19:42:09 UTC
13723,Nyplanterad 2020 i samband med att lekplatsen renoverades. ,8371,Story,34533,2021-09-03 11:07:17 UTC,2021-09-03 11:07:17 UTC
13724,Close to wall,5713,Story,34551,2021-09-03 18:43:05 UTC,2021-09-03 18:43:05 UTC
13725,Bus station,5713,Story,34552,2021-09-04 08:55:12 UTC,2021-09-04 08:55:12 UTC
13726,Showing stress,5713,Story,34568,2021-09-07 18:13:17 UTC,2021-09-07 18:13:17 UTC
13732,"Red currant. Lovely berries, when we get any.",8415,Story,34574,2021-09-07 18:49:39 UTC,2021-09-07 18:49:39 UTC
13731,"The Hedge from Heck. Unidentified, beloved of bees during its brief blooming, birds grudgingly eat late beeries, sends runners everywhere trying to eat our entire garden. Cyttings root if let anywhere near ground.",8415,Story,34573,2021-09-07 18:48:46 UTC,2021-09-07 18:48:46 UTC
13733,"Green gooseberry. Healthy, productive. ",8415,Story,34575,2021-09-07 18:51:10 UTC,2021-09-07 18:51:10 UTC
13734,"Cut down to very short stump several years ago because it had weeping cancre and huge chunks of bark were peeling off. It's trying to come back, sending up shoots. But it's in a bad place, under the canopy of the walnut. ",8415,Story,34576,2021-09-07 19:03:19 UTC,2021-09-07 19:03:19 UTC
13727,Ash tree of some sort. Many seeds.,8415,Story,34569,2021-09-07 18:42:00 UTC,2021-09-07 18:42:00 UTC
13728,Purple blossom ,8415,Story,34570,2021-09-07 18:43:08 UTC,2021-09-07 18:43:08 UTC
13729,"A few mites on leaves, otherwise healthy.",8415,Story,34571,2021-09-07 18:44:25 UTC,2021-09-07 18:44:25 UTC
13730,"Mostly healthy. A few mites, and recovering from past owners' bad pruning.",8415,Story,34572,2021-09-07 18:46:09 UTC,2021-09-07 18:46:09 UTC
13735,Nigra,5713,Story,34585,2021-09-08 17:49:47 UTC,2021-09-08 17:49:47 UTC
13736,Sävstaholm,8077,Story,34592,2021-09-09 13:53:55 UTC,2021-09-09 13:53:55 UTC
13738,Crown dieback,5713,Story,34598,2021-09-11 18:19:16 UTC,2021-09-11 18:19:16 UTC
13739,Crown dieback,5713,Story,34599,2021-09-11 18:20:01 UTC,2021-09-11 18:20:01 UTC
13743,Belle de Boskoop,8077,Story,34635,2021-09-15 17:45:57 UTC,2021-09-15 17:45:57 UTC
13744,Multistem,7580,Story,34646,2021-09-15 19:26:57 UTC,2021-09-15 19:26:57 UTC
13746,"Nearly dead, planted 2020 from possibility place nursery",7580,Story,34657,2021-09-15 19:39:52 UTC,2021-09-15 19:39:52 UTC
13748,Planted this tree from Morton Arboretum sponsored by International Paper,8452,Story,34678,2021-09-18 23:28:39 UTC,2021-09-18 23:28:39 UTC
13747,Planted 9-18-2021 Bald Cypress ,8452,Story,34676,2021-09-18 23:23:22 UTC,2021-09-18 23:23:22 UTC
13749,Ek med enorm murgröna i.,7805,Story,34690,2021-09-20 20:50:04 UTC,2021-09-20 20:50:04 UTC
13750,Fagus sylvatica med inympad gren av flikbok,8149,Story,34699,2021-09-21 13:37:31 UTC,2021-09-21 13:37:31 UTC
13819,One of a stand of four ,8500,Story,34959,2021-10-05 19:13:09 UTC,2021-10-05 19:13:09 UTC
13752,Multi stemmed,5713,Story,34732,2021-09-25 13:23:29 UTC,2021-09-25 13:23:29 UTC
13754,Avenue of 12 Monterey Pines. Height 14.26M.,7670,Story,34734,2021-09-25 14:28:15 UTC,2021-09-25 16:12:21 UTC
13758,Norway maple overlooking the bowling green ,7670,Story,34744,2021-09-29 09:52:19 UTC,2021-09-29 09:52:19 UTC
13757,Black walnut Lovely tree with seat ,7670,Story,34743,2021-09-29 09:40:17 UTC,2021-09-29 09:40:17 UTC
13760,Hängkaragan,8363,Story,34747,2021-09-29 20:50:13 UTC,2021-09-29 20:50:13 UTC
13762,"This plant is recategorised as, Dasiphora fruticosa, but it doesn’t come up in the name list at the moment. ",8343,Story,34813,2021-09-30 09:44:03 UTC,2021-09-30 09:44:03 UTC
13763,"Någon sorts växtsjukdom, brun galler på årskott",6889,Story,34852,2021-09-30 11:08:01 UTC,2021-09-30 11:08:01 UTC
13764,Klätter i Acer pseudoplatanus,6889,Story,34857,2021-09-30 11:12:19 UTC,2021-09-30 11:12:19 UTC
13766,lingontry,8203,Story,34879,2021-09-30 16:06:50 UTC,2021-09-30 16:06:50 UTC
13767,rönn,8203,Story,34880,2021-09-30 16:07:48 UTC,2021-09-30 16:07:48 UTC
13768,vitoxel,8203,Story,34881,2021-09-30 16:09:08 UTC,2021-09-30 16:09:08 UTC
13770,röda vinbär,8203,Story,34889,2021-09-30 16:42:14 UTC,2021-09-30 16:42:14 UTC
13771,avenbok,8203,Story,34890,2021-09-30 16:42:53 UTC,2021-09-30 16:42:53 UTC
13772,avenbok,8203,Story,34891,2021-09-30 16:44:15 UTC,2021-09-30 16:44:15 UTC
13773,lingontry,8203,Story,34892,2021-09-30 16:44:56 UTC,2021-09-30 16:44:56 UTC
13778,svarta vinbär,8203,Story,34897,2021-09-30 16:49:35 UTC,2021-09-30 16:49:35 UTC
13782,häckoxbär,8203,Story,34902,2021-09-30 16:52:40 UTC,2021-09-30 16:52:40 UTC
13781,häckoxbär,8203,Story,34900,2021-09-30 16:51:26 UTC,2021-09-30 16:51:26 UTC
13783,oxbär,8203,Story,34904,2021-09-30 16:53:58 UTC,2021-09-30 16:53:58 UTC
13786,rönn,8203,Story,34907,2021-09-30 16:57:18 UTC,2021-09-30 16:57:18 UTC
13787,tall,8203,Story,34908,2021-09-30 16:57:49 UTC,2021-09-30 16:57:49 UTC
13789,björkspirea,8203,Story,34910,2021-09-30 17:00:42 UTC,2021-09-30 17:00:42 UTC
13790,hästkastanj,8203,Story,34911,2021-09-30 17:01:33 UTC,2021-09-30 17:01:33 UTC
13793,klotlönn,8203,Story,34914,2021-09-30 17:08:25 UTC,2021-09-30 17:08:25 UTC
13796,benved,8203,Story,34917,2021-09-30 17:14:27 UTC,2021-09-30 17:14:27 UTC
13795,benved,8203,Story,34916,2021-09-30 17:12:19 UTC,2021-09-30 17:12:19 UTC
13798,avenbok,8203,Story,34919,2021-09-30 17:17:46 UTC,2021-09-30 17:17:46 UTC
13776,apel,8203,Story,34895,2021-09-30 16:48:52 UTC,2021-09-30 16:48:52 UTC
13774,häckoxbär,8203,Story,34893,2021-09-30 16:45:38 UTC,2021-09-30 16:45:38 UTC
13775,rönn,8203,Story,34894,2021-09-30 16:48:22 UTC,2021-09-30 16:48:22 UTC
13777,apel,8203,Story,34896,2021-09-30 16:49:12 UTC,2021-09-30 16:49:12 UTC
13779,röda vinbär,8203,Story,34898,2021-09-30 16:49:59 UTC,2021-09-30 16:49:59 UTC
13792,hästkastanj,8203,Story,34913,2021-09-30 17:04:00 UTC,2021-09-30 17:04:00 UTC
13784,bredbladig liguster,8203,Story,34905,2021-09-30 16:55:56 UTC,2021-09-30 16:55:56 UTC
13785,häckoxbär,8203,Story,34906,2021-09-30 16:56:19 UTC,2021-09-30 16:56:19 UTC
13788,tuja,8203,Story,34909,2021-09-30 16:59:21 UTC,2021-09-30 16:59:21 UTC
13791,blodlönn,8203,Story,34912,2021-09-30 17:03:36 UTC,2021-09-30 17:03:36 UTC
13794,hassel,8203,Story,34915,2021-09-30 17:09:00 UTC,2021-09-30 17:09:00 UTC
13799,norskspirea,8203,Story,34920,2021-09-30 17:39:37 UTC,2021-09-30 17:39:37 UTC
13800,naverlönn,8203,Story,34936,2021-10-01 10:38:06 UTC,2021-10-01 10:38:06 UTC
13801,avenbok,8203,Story,34937,2021-10-01 10:41:21 UTC,2021-10-01 10:41:21 UTC
13802,trubbhagtorn,8203,Story,34938,2021-10-01 10:44:35 UTC,2021-10-01 10:44:35 UTC
13803,klibbal,8203,Story,34939,2021-10-01 10:48:44 UTC,2021-10-01 10:48:44 UTC
13804,tall,8203,Story,34940,2021-10-01 10:49:24 UTC,2021-10-01 10:49:24 UTC
13805,oxbär,8203,Story,34941,2021-10-01 10:51:52 UTC,2021-10-01 10:51:52 UTC
13806,blodlönn,8203,Story,34942,2021-10-01 10:57:19 UTC,2021-10-01 10:57:19 UTC
13807,Sötkörsbär,8203,Story,34943,2021-10-01 10:59:12 UTC,2021-10-01 10:59:12 UTC
13808,oxel,8203,Story,34944,2021-10-01 11:04:10 UTC,2021-10-01 11:04:10 UTC
13809,oxel,8203,Story,34945,2021-10-01 11:05:08 UTC,2021-10-01 11:05:08 UTC
13810,rönn,8203,Story,34946,2021-10-01 11:06:23 UTC,2021-10-01 11:06:23 UTC
13811,rönn,8203,Story,34947,2021-10-01 11:07:01 UTC,2021-10-01 11:07:01 UTC
13813,Twin stemmed,5713,Story,34949,2021-10-02 14:06:04 UTC,2021-10-02 14:06:04 UTC
13820,Line of 3,7670,Story,34961,2021-10-07 10:48:53 UTC,2021-10-07 10:48:53 UTC
13822,Acer campestre ’green column’,8350,Story,34963,2021-10-07 11:36:21 UTC,2021-10-07 11:36:21 UTC
13855,"Memorial Plaque: In loving memory of Gordon “Lance” Mitchell, honoring his devotion to family and nature.",8498,Story,35011,2021-10-08 21:23:34 UTC,2021-10-08 21:23:34 UTC
13856,"Memorial plaque: In memory of Wendy Lee Fabiani-Brogan
Loving wife, mother, and inspiration to all who knew her",8498,Story,35014,2021-10-08 21:39:12 UTC,2021-10-08 21:39:12 UTC
13857,"Honindivid, planterad 1960-tal",6191,Story,35020,2021-10-12 09:49:39 UTC,2021-10-12 09:49:39 UTC
13858,Planterade 1926.,6191,Story,35023,2021-10-12 09:57:19 UTC,2021-10-12 09:57:19 UTC
13859,var. semiexertus,6191,Story,35024,2021-10-12 10:05:06 UTC,2021-10-12 10:05:06 UTC
13860,Euonymus maackii,6191,Story,35025,2021-10-12 10:06:59 UTC,2021-10-12 10:06:59 UTC
13861,'Plumosa Aurea',6191,Story,35027,2021-10-12 10:11:00 UTC,2021-10-12 10:11:00 UTC
13863,Sorbus forrestii,6191,Story,35033,2021-10-12 10:46:40 UTC,2021-10-12 10:46:40 UTC
13865,Malus yunnanensis var. veitchii,6191,Story,35039,2021-10-12 10:57:16 UTC,2021-10-12 10:59:16 UTC
13866,Topsoil stored within rootzone,5713,Story,35041,2021-10-16 12:13:50 UTC,2021-10-16 12:13:50 UTC
13867,Weeping willow,5713,Story,35042,2021-10-16 12:41:22 UTC,2021-10-16 12:41:22 UTC
13868,Cockspurthorn ,4193,Story,35046,2021-10-16 14:50:16 UTC,2021-10-16 14:50:16 UTC
13870,Too big to reach around with the tape measure. Need a 2nd person.,8556,Story,35072,2021-10-19 00:41:29 UTC,2021-10-19 00:41:29 UTC
13871,In front of urban farm at Prosser.,8558,Story,35073,2021-10-20 22:21:15 UTC,2021-10-20 22:21:15 UTC
13869,Blight,8556,Story,35071,2021-10-19 00:38:22 UTC,2021-10-19 00:38:22 UTC
14457,Co-leaders emerging,8852,Story,36837,2022-08-16 16:55:09 UTC,2022-08-16 16:55:09 UTC
13872,"Planted in 2019 or 2020, possibility place nursery",7580,Story,35075,2021-10-21 15:58:54 UTC,2021-10-21 15:58:54 UTC
13873,"Planted 2019 or 2020, possibility place nursery",7580,Story,35076,2021-10-21 15:59:51 UTC,2021-10-21 15:59:51 UTC
14459,Tree removed :(,8852,Story,36842,2022-08-16 17:09:31 UTC,2022-08-16 17:09:31 UTC
13877,Planted 2021 with Hillcrest High School Ecology Club,7580,Story,35080,2021-10-21 16:03:46 UTC,2021-10-21 16:03:46 UTC
13878,Planted 2021 with Hillcrest High School Ecology Club,7580,Story,35081,2021-10-21 16:04:28 UTC,2021-10-21 16:04:28 UTC
13879,Planted 2021 with Hillcrest High School Ecology Club,7580,Story,35082,2021-10-21 16:05:02 UTC,2021-10-21 16:05:02 UTC
14467,Root issues ,8852,Story,36856,2022-08-16 17:45:47 UTC,2022-08-16 17:45:47 UTC
14462,Co-leaders. Root problems. Bug nest nearby?? ,8852,Story,36849,2022-08-16 17:27:12 UTC,2022-08-16 17:27:12 UTC
13882,Staked,5718,Story,35085,2021-10-21 16:26:13 UTC,2021-10-21 16:26:13 UTC
14464,Co-leader forming ,8852,Story,36852,2022-08-16 17:31:46 UTC,2022-08-16 17:31:46 UTC
13884,"In rear garden, beautiful red leaves ",4193,Story,35097,2021-10-25 17:18:06 UTC,2021-10-25 17:18:06 UTC
13887,Good home for this male cardinal,7631,Story,35111,2021-10-27 15:11:06 UTC,2021-10-27 15:11:06 UTC
13888,Tulip leaf with fab fall color,7631,Story,35112,2021-10-27 15:17:18 UTC,2021-10-27 15:17:18 UTC
13890,Triple trunk!,8557,Story,35114,2021-10-27 15:20:37 UTC,2021-10-27 15:20:37 UTC
13892,Woven bark,7631,Story,35119,2021-10-27 16:02:47 UTC,2021-10-27 16:02:47 UTC
13886,Seed pods. ,8557,Story,35110,2021-10-27 15:05:18 UTC,2021-10-27 15:05:18 UTC
13889,26 centimeters circumference ,8557,Story,35113,2021-10-27 15:19:50 UTC,2021-10-27 15:19:50 UTC
13895,Our first observation while learni g about community science with the Arboretum,5718,Story,35129,2021-10-30 14:55:21 UTC,2021-10-30 14:55:21 UTC
13897,Looking good on this Halloween Eve,5718,Story,35132,2021-10-30 15:02:13 UTC,2021-10-30 15:02:13 UTC
13904,This tree is at least 22 metres tall with a circumference of around 3.5 metres at a height of 1.4 metres above the ground. I can’t remember the exact measurements as it has not been measured for a while.,8584,Story,35144,2021-10-31 07:20:29 UTC,2021-10-31 07:20:29 UTC
13905,Planted as a seedling in spring 2021,8581,Story,35148,2021-11-02 00:37:36 UTC,2021-11-02 00:37:36 UTC
13906,"Les Jumeaux
",8077,Story,35152,2021-11-03 06:28:03 UTC,2021-11-03 06:28:03 UTC
13909,In pavement,5713,Story,35158,2021-11-07 14:05:23 UTC,2021-11-07 14:05:23 UTC
13910,In pavement,5713,Story,35159,2021-11-07 14:06:39 UTC,2021-11-07 14:06:39 UTC
13908,Swamp Oak planted for CRTI,8595,Story,35157,2021-11-05 19:29:09 UTC,2021-11-05 19:29:09 UTC
13911,Included bark,5713,Story,35160,2021-11-09 13:49:47 UTC,2021-11-09 13:49:47 UTC
13912,Twin stemmed,5713,Story,35161,2021-11-09 13:51:11 UTC,2021-11-09 13:51:11 UTC
13914,"Prunus persica var. nucipersica - Nectarine 'sweet lady' (fruit me)
Planted 7th of november 2021",8077,Story,35163,2021-11-09 18:24:41 UTC,2021-11-09 19:48:52 UTC
13916,Planterad 2018,5684,Story,35168,2021-11-11 18:17:51 UTC,2021-11-11 18:17:51 UTC
13917,"Huge leaves, super tall, and smooth bark in some spots! ",8558,Story,35169,2021-11-13 19:52:15 UTC,2021-11-13 19:52:15 UTC
13918,One year old seedling. Planted 14th of November 2021. ,8077,Story,35170,2021-11-14 15:38:08 UTC,2021-11-14 15:38:08 UTC
13919, Planted 14th November 2021. From ‘A l’ombre des figuiers’.,8077,Story,35171,2021-11-14 15:59:52 UTC,2021-11-14 15:59:52 UTC
13920,3 in a row,7807,Story,35172,2021-11-15 10:16:25 UTC,2021-11-15 10:16:25 UTC
13921,Nr.2 also with cavity,7807,Story,35173,2021-11-15 10:18:13 UTC,2021-11-15 10:18:13 UTC
13923,Windswept,5713,Story,35175,2021-11-17 09:03:38 UTC,2021-11-17 09:03:38 UTC
13922,With large cavity ,7807,Story,35174,2021-11-15 10:18:48 UTC,2021-11-15 10:18:48 UTC
13751,"This tree was planted by the Village of Frankfort Public Works Department for the Chicago Region Trees Initiative Program. The tree was planted on September 24, 2021, in the Frankfort Prairie Park. It is a Swamp White Oak. This tree will provide benefits for generations to come.",8471,Story,34703,2021-09-24 18:58:36 UTC,2021-09-24 18:58:36 UTC
13926,Estimated age 180 years ,7670,Story,35179,2021-11-25 14:18:25 UTC,2021-11-25 14:18:25 UTC
13927,Planted as Logan’s Meadow Project,8624,Story,35180,2021-11-27 11:50:12 UTC,2021-11-27 11:50:12 UTC
13928,Much loved. House dared 1959 so planted then?,8625,Story,35181,2021-11-27 13:21:00 UTC,2021-11-27 13:21:00 UTC
13929,Good for jumping onto trampoline from,8625,Story,35182,2021-11-27 13:22:27 UTC,2021-11-27 13:22:27 UTC
13930,"Pear seedling grown from seed, transplanted 28th of November 2021.",8077,Story,35184,2021-11-29 12:37:03 UTC,2021-11-29 12:37:03 UTC
13931,L12264 Black Cherry,8260,Story,35188,2021-12-03 14:00:48 UTC,2021-12-03 14:00:48 UTC
13933,L12264 Hickory ,8260,Story,35190,2021-12-03 14:04:43 UTC,2021-12-03 14:04:43 UTC
13935,Fine well- established tree,7102,Story,35193,2021-12-06 15:51:37 UTC,2021-12-06 15:51:37 UTC
13936,good specimen,7102,Story,35194,2021-12-08 14:39:10 UTC,2021-12-08 14:39:10 UTC
13937,"Rosa helenae from Austin Roses, Planted in december 2021. To climb in pear tree. ",8077,Story,35195,2021-12-10 06:46:36 UTC,2021-12-10 06:46:36 UTC
8966,What is this?,4913,Story,26106,2019-09-13 09:58:50 UTC,2019-09-13 09:58:50 UTC
13941,Hazel - planted by Girton Parish Council ,6451,Story,35201,2021-12-20 11:55:32 UTC,2021-12-20 11:55:32 UTC
13943,Lagerstroemia floribunda,8045,Story,35205,2021-12-26 10:49:37 UTC,2021-12-26 10:49:37 UTC
13944,Syzygium cumini,8045,Story,35206,2021-12-26 10:55:03 UTC,2021-12-26 10:55:03 UTC
13945,Planterade när huset byggdes 1703-1706. Två stycken gigantiska idegranar. Den vänstra (sett stående med museet i ryggen) har en topp sol knäckts för ett bra tag sedan. ,5527,Story,35213,2021-12-29 11:45:30 UTC,2021-12-29 11:47:08 UTC
13986,Veteran Birch full of habitat features 👌,4165,Story,35258,2022-01-03 11:19:15 UTC,2022-01-03 11:19:15 UTC
14250,Mt Aso,8077,Story,36011,2022-05-21 06:04:34 UTC,2022-05-21 06:04:34 UTC
13984,Salix chaenomeloides planted 2nd of January 2022,8077,Story,35255,2022-01-02 10:42:28 UTC,2022-01-02 10:42:28 UTC
13987,"Walking willow with some nice veteran tree features. Real hidden gem this one. There are others next to it, but this is the best one.",4165,Story,35262,2022-01-09 13:56:43 UTC,2022-01-09 13:56:43 UTC
13988,"Male tree planted in 1843. Female graft in 1910.
",8077,Story,35263,2022-01-09 19:01:43 UTC,2022-01-09 19:01:43 UTC
13990,‘Plum me’ planted 23-01-2022,8077,Story,35271,2022-01-23 14:50:21 UTC,2022-01-23 14:50:21 UTC
13992,'Plum me' planted 23-01-2022,8077,Story,35273,2022-01-23 14:56:46 UTC,2022-01-23 14:56:46 UTC
13989,Apricot ‘Mediabel’ planted 23-01-2022,8077,Story,35270,2022-01-23 14:47:39 UTC,2022-01-23 14:47:39 UTC
13991,"Apricot tree from seed, 3-4 years when planted, 23-01-2022",8077,Story,35272,2022-01-23 14:55:37 UTC,2022-01-23 14:55:37 UTC
13998,English oak,8762,Story,35283,2022-02-03 20:59:04 UTC,2022-02-03 20:59:04 UTC
1487,variegated round leaves beech,1915,Story,3268,2017-11-03 16:11:09 UTC,2017-11-03 16:11:09 UTC
1696,rödbladig perukbuske,2153,Story,3628,2017-11-27 12:49:54 UTC,2017-11-27 12:49:54 UTC
14001,En hel häck,7016,Story,35299,2022-02-17 11:42:42 UTC,2022-02-17 11:42:42 UTC
14002,Stamskott,7016,Story,35300,2022-02-17 11:44:20 UTC,2022-02-17 11:44:20 UTC
14003,Dålig vitalitet,7016,Story,35301,2022-02-17 11:45:52 UTC,2022-02-17 11:45:52 UTC
14004,Dålig vitalitet,7016,Story,35302,2022-02-17 11:48:28 UTC,2022-02-17 11:48:28 UTC
14006,"Planted with international paper fall 2021, spring 2022 update",7580,Story,35334,2022-03-01 16:38:03 UTC,2022-03-01 16:38:03 UTC
14007,Vakkert grantre!,8862,Story,35339,2022-03-04 08:56:36 UTC,2022-03-04 08:56:36 UTC
14009,Salix caprea growing on polluted soil (old dump). Anyway the bumblebees are appreciating the flowers this chilly day. ,8077,Story,35342,2022-03-06 19:13:22 UTC,2022-03-06 19:13:22 UTC
14010,Teste,8877,Story,35350,2022-03-13 23:49:32 UTC,2022-03-13 23:49:32 UTC
14011,Three stemmed tree with each stem approximately 11”.,7666,Story,35352,2022-03-14 19:40:03 UTC,2022-03-14 19:40:03 UTC
14014,Bark missing from half of the trunk below the crown; lichen presen,7666,Story,35371,2022-03-16 20:39:29 UTC,2022-03-16 20:39:29 UTC
14015,Bottom third of branches dead; needlecast present.,7666,Story,35372,2022-03-16 20:43:36 UTC,2022-03-16 20:43:36 UTC
14016,Lowest branches dead; needlecast present; healthy crop of cones.,7666,Story,35373,2022-03-16 20:45:54 UTC,2022-03-16 20:45:54 UTC
14013,Large canker along length of trunk to the crown; peeling bark,7666,Story,35370,2022-03-16 20:35:11 UTC,2022-03-16 20:35:11 UTC
14018,Variety of saplings growing under the canopy ,7666,Story,35375,2022-03-16 20:54:26 UTC,2022-03-16 20:54:26 UTC
14019,Variety of saplings growing under the canopy.,7666,Story,35376,2022-03-16 20:55:32 UTC,2022-03-16 20:55:32 UTC
14020,Some cankers,7666,Story,35377,2022-03-16 21:02:15 UTC,2022-03-16 21:02:15 UTC
14023,Root girdling present; lichen,7666,Story,35380,2022-03-16 21:18:15 UTC,2022-03-16 21:18:15 UTC
14025,Saplings growing under canopy ,7666,Story,35382,2022-03-16 21:23:56 UTC,2022-03-16 21:23:56 UTC
14028,Root flare not visible; grass up to base of trunk; multiple cankers on lower branches.,7666,Story,35386,2022-03-16 21:39:33 UTC,2022-03-16 21:39:33 UTC
14024,Cankers present; lichen present; grass growing up to trunk base.,7666,Story,35381,2022-03-16 21:20:13 UTC,2022-03-16 21:20:13 UTC
14022,No root flare; grass growing up to trunk..,7666,Story,35379,2022-03-16 21:16:33 UTC,2022-03-16 21:16:33 UTC
14029,Root flare not visible; grass growing up to base of tree; lichen present ,7666,Story,35387,2022-03-16 21:41:09 UTC,2022-03-16 21:41:09 UTC
14027,Root girdling present; 4’ fissure in bark from base.,7666,Story,35385,2022-03-16 21:31:44 UTC,2022-03-16 21:31:44 UTC
14021,Some cankers,7666,Story,35378,2022-03-16 21:03:35 UTC,2022-03-16 21:03:35 UTC
14038,Shallow roots. Tree leans.,7666,Story,35399,2022-03-25 18:21:20 UTC,2022-03-25 18:21:20 UTC
14032,Lichen present. Rootball twine visible.,7666,Story,35392,2022-03-25 17:56:53 UTC,2022-03-25 17:56:53 UTC
14026,Saplings growing under canopy.,7666,Story,35384,2022-03-16 21:28:46 UTC,2022-03-16 21:28:46 UTC
14035,Small canker at base. No root flare visible.,7666,Story,35395,2022-03-25 18:02:40 UTC,2022-03-25 18:02:40 UTC
14036,Planted too shallow. Roots visible and some root girdling. ,7666,Story,35396,2022-03-25 18:07:07 UTC,2022-03-25 18:07:07 UTC
14034,Canker at base. No root flare visible. Girdling roots.,7666,Story,35394,2022-03-25 18:01:11 UTC,2022-03-25 18:01:11 UTC
14033,Root flare not visible. Grass growing up to trunk.,7666,Story,35393,2022-03-25 17:58:47 UTC,2022-03-25 17:58:47 UTC
14031,Missing bark at base. Lichen present. No visible root flare.,7666,Story,35391,2022-03-25 17:53:55 UTC,2022-03-25 17:53:55 UTC
14037,Roots visible.,7666,Story,35397,2022-03-25 18:12:29 UTC,2022-03-25 18:12:29 UTC
14039,No root flare visible.,7666,Story,35401,2022-03-25 18:26:55 UTC,2022-03-25 18:26:55 UTC
14040,Lichen present. No root flare visible.,7666,Story,35403,2022-03-25 18:29:45 UTC,2022-03-25 18:29:45 UTC
14041,Canker and lichen present.,7666,Story,35407,2022-03-26 15:34:55 UTC,2022-03-26 15:34:55 UTC
14042,"No root flare visible, lichen and root girdling.",7666,Story,35408,2022-03-26 15:37:51 UTC,2022-03-26 15:37:51 UTC
14043,No root flare.,7666,Story,35409,2022-03-26 15:45:24 UTC,2022-03-26 15:45:24 UTC
14053,Root girdling. Mechanical damage on trunk. ,7666,Story,35422,2022-03-26 16:21:46 UTC,2022-03-26 16:21:46 UTC
14052,Root girdling ,7666,Story,35421,2022-03-26 16:20:26 UTC,2022-03-26 16:20:26 UTC
14051,Root girdling.,7666,Story,35420,2022-03-26 16:19:10 UTC,2022-03-26 16:19:10 UTC
14050,Root girdling ,7666,Story,35419,2022-03-26 16:17:32 UTC,2022-03-26 16:17:32 UTC
14049,Outer bark peeling off. Root girdling.,7666,Story,35418,2022-03-26 16:15:43 UTC,2022-03-26 16:15:43 UTC
14048,"Decay of bark covering roots at base. Mechanical damage to bark on trunk.,",7666,Story,35417,2022-03-26 16:12:20 UTC,2022-03-26 16:12:20 UTC
14046,Root girdling.,7666,Story,35415,2022-03-26 16:04:52 UTC,2022-03-26 16:04:52 UTC
14047,Exposed roots with possible girdling.,7666,Story,35416,2022-03-26 16:06:39 UTC,2022-03-26 16:06:39 UTC
14044,Frost crack below crown. No root flare.,7666,Story,35411,2022-03-26 15:52:51 UTC,2022-03-26 15:52:51 UTC
14055,Canker at base. No root flare. Grass to trunk at base.,7666,Story,35429,2022-03-26 16:45:00 UTC,2022-03-26 16:45:00 UTC
14054,Canker along base and lichen.,7666,Story,35428,2022-03-26 16:40:19 UTC,2022-03-26 16:40:19 UTC
14059,Sparse needles. Dead branches. Honeysuckle at base,7666,Story,35434,2022-03-26 17:04:36 UTC,2022-03-26 17:04:36 UTC
14057,Bare and sparse lower branches,7666,Story,35432,2022-03-26 17:00:37 UTC,2022-03-26 17:00:37 UTC
14056,No root flare visible ,7666,Story,35431,2022-03-26 16:58:45 UTC,2022-03-26 16:58:45 UTC
14064,Buckthorn and other small trees growing within canopy.,7666,Story,35439,2022-03-27 16:20:28 UTC,2022-03-27 16:20:28 UTC
14061,Variety of saplings growing at base. Dead branches ,7666,Story,35436,2022-03-26 17:07:33 UTC,2022-03-26 17:07:33 UTC
14062,"Thin interior, brown needles and dead branches. Honeysuckle growing within canopy.",7666,Story,35437,2022-03-27 16:14:46 UTC,2022-03-27 16:14:46 UTC
14063,Thin canopy with buckthorn and honeysuckle.,7666,Story,35438,2022-03-27 16:16:45 UTC,2022-03-27 16:16:45 UTC
14065,"Thin canopy, brown needles, buckthorn and other small trees growing within canopy,",7666,Story,35440,2022-03-27 16:28:23 UTC,2022-03-27 16:28:23 UTC
14066,Lower half of branches dead. Medium sized buckthorn and other trees within canopy. ,7666,Story,35441,2022-03-27 16:38:52 UTC,2022-03-27 16:38:52 UTC
14067,Sparse canopy. Dead branches.,7666,Story,35442,2022-03-27 16:41:49 UTC,2022-03-27 16:41:49 UTC
14058,Sparse needles. Dead branches.,7666,Story,35433,2022-03-26 17:02:53 UTC,2022-03-26 17:02:53 UTC
14069,Five- stemmed tree.,7666,Story,35445,2022-03-27 17:02:37 UTC,2022-03-27 17:02:37 UTC
14068,Buckthorn at base,7666,Story,35444,2022-03-27 16:57:04 UTC,2022-03-27 16:57:04 UTC
14072,Two- stemmed tree.,7666,Story,35449,2022-03-27 17:23:59 UTC,2022-03-27 17:23:59 UTC
14073,Two-stemmed tree.,7666,Story,35450,2022-03-27 17:26:07 UTC,2022-03-27 17:26:07 UTC
14074,Four-stemmed tree.,7666,Story,35451,2022-03-27 17:28:51 UTC,2022-03-27 17:28:51 UTC
14070,Four-stemmed tree.,7666,Story,35446,2022-03-27 17:05:22 UTC,2022-03-27 17:05:22 UTC
14071,Two-stemmed tree.,7666,Story,35447,2022-03-27 17:08:20 UTC,2022-03-27 17:08:20 UTC
14060,Root girdling. ,7666,Story,35435,2022-03-26 17:06:16 UTC,2022-03-26 17:06:16 UTC
14075,Saplings and trees growing within canopy.,7666,Story,35453,2022-03-27 17:37:10 UTC,2022-03-27 17:37:10 UTC
14076,Saplings growing within canopy,7666,Story,35454,2022-03-27 17:40:04 UTC,2022-03-27 17:40:04 UTC
14077,No root flare visible. Grass green up to base of tree. Possible root girdling.,7666,Story,35456,2022-04-04 21:33:27 UTC,2022-04-04 21:33:27 UTC
14078,Canker at base. Root girdling. Lichen present.,7666,Story,35457,2022-04-04 21:35:20 UTC,2022-04-04 21:35:20 UTC
14079,Girdling roots.,7666,Story,35458,2022-04-04 21:56:50 UTC,2022-04-04 21:56:50 UTC
14080,Girdling and exposed roots.,7666,Story,35459,2022-04-04 21:58:38 UTC,2022-04-04 21:58:38 UTC
14081,"This tree replace the original Rowan, which was flattened by a reversing truck",6036,Story,35461,2022-04-06 07:32:10 UTC,2022-04-06 07:32:10 UTC
14083,No root flare visible.. Lichen present. ,7666,Story,35465,2022-04-10 19:39:51 UTC,2022-04-10 19:39:51 UTC
14084,Need to clear some soil and grass from base of trunk. Root flare partially visible.,7666,Story,35466,2022-04-10 19:42:42 UTC,2022-04-10 19:42:42 UTC
14085,No root flare visible. Soil mounded up to trunk.,7666,Story,35467,2022-04-10 19:44:41 UTC,2022-04-10 19:44:41 UTC
14086,Root girdling. Soil mounded up to trunk.,7666,Story,35468,2022-04-10 19:48:34 UTC,2022-04-10 19:48:34 UTC
14087,No root flare visible.,7666,Story,35469,2022-04-10 19:49:44 UTC,2022-04-10 19:49:44 UTC
14082,"Baby's tree
#camtreechallenge",8952,Story,35463,2022-04-09 11:32:13 UTC,2022-04-11 14:27:58 UTC
14088,"Large canker at base, no root flare visible and grass growing to base of trunk. ",7666,Story,35470,2022-04-10 19:54:49 UTC,2022-04-10 19:54:49 UTC
14089,Small canker on lower trunk. No root flare visible.,7666,Story,35475,2022-04-10 20:06:06 UTC,2022-04-10 20:06:06 UTC
14090,Five stemmed tree.,7666,Story,35476,2022-04-10 20:08:42 UTC,2022-04-10 20:08:42 UTC
14091,Lower third of branches dead. ,7666,Story,35477,2022-04-10 20:10:29 UTC,2022-04-10 20:10:29 UTC
14092,Lower third of branches are dead.,7666,Story,35478,2022-04-10 20:11:44 UTC,2022-04-10 20:11:44 UTC
14093,Five stemmed tree,7666,Story,35480,2022-04-10 20:15:25 UTC,2022-04-10 20:15:25 UTC
14094,Dead lower branches.,7666,Story,35481,2022-04-10 20:17:11 UTC,2022-04-10 20:17:11 UTC
14096,Four stemmed tree.,7666,Story,35483,2022-04-10 20:23:49 UTC,2022-04-10 20:23:49 UTC
14098,"Cankers, no root flare visible, and grass growing up to trunk.",7666,Story,35490,2022-04-11 21:29:33 UTC,2022-04-11 21:29:33 UTC
14105,Pinus strobus,8957,Story,35502,2022-04-13 15:54:24 UTC,2022-04-14 07:43:41 UTC
14103,No root flare visible and grass at base.,7666,Story,35498,2022-04-11 21:50:55 UTC,2022-04-11 21:50:55 UTC
14102,Grass green up to base,7666,Story,35496,2022-04-11 21:48:33 UTC,2022-04-11 21:48:33 UTC
14101,Grass growing up to base.,7666,Story,35495,2022-04-11 21:47:27 UTC,2022-04-11 21:47:27 UTC
14100,No root flare visible.,7666,Story,35493,2022-04-11 21:43:31 UTC,2022-04-11 21:43:31 UTC
14099,Cankers at base and grass growing up to trunk.,7666,Story,35491,2022-04-11 21:32:20 UTC,2022-04-11 21:32:20 UTC
14107,Fk alnarp,8957,Story,35529,2022-04-17 08:28:28 UTC,2022-04-17 08:28:28 UTC
14108,Gråbebo ,8957,Story,35532,2022-04-17 08:33:30 UTC,2022-04-17 08:33:30 UTC
14109,Fk fyris ,8957,Story,35533,2022-04-17 08:34:45 UTC,2022-04-17 08:34:45 UTC
14110,Oden,8957,Story,35536,2022-04-17 08:38:16 UTC,2022-04-17 08:38:16 UTC
14112,"If you still can't decide seek out these two pages on i-naturalist (thank you Manitoba for your guide). Included here are the traditional indigenous names as well!

So much to learn about this species.",8840,Story,35540,2022-04-18 22:31:19 UTC,2022-04-18 22:31:19 UTC
14111,"The mystery of the street-view tree ID:

Is this an aspen poplar or a balsam poplar? What's the difference?

See this guide and you can decide:",8840,Story,35539,2022-04-18 22:25:21 UTC,2022-04-18 22:30:18 UTC
14113,Tree felled because it was diseased 20 April 2022.,5530,Story,35545,2022-04-22 11:16:33 UTC,2022-04-22 11:16:33 UTC
14114,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35564,2022-04-23 17:38:28 UTC,2022-04-23 17:38:28 UTC
14115,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35565,2022-04-23 17:39:23 UTC,2022-04-23 17:39:23 UTC
14116,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35566,2022-04-23 17:40:44 UTC,2022-04-23 17:40:44 UTC
14117,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35567,2022-04-23 17:41:45 UTC,2022-04-23 17:41:45 UTC
14118,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35568,2022-04-23 17:42:42 UTC,2022-04-23 17:42:42 UTC
14119,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35582,2022-04-23 18:40:43 UTC,2022-04-23 18:40:43 UTC
14120,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35585,2022-04-23 18:43:02 UTC,2022-04-23 18:43:02 UTC
14121,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35586,2022-04-23 18:43:44 UTC,2022-04-23 18:43:44 UTC
14122,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35587,2022-04-23 18:44:49 UTC,2022-04-23 18:44:49 UTC
14123,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35588,2022-04-23 18:45:45 UTC,2022-04-23 18:45:45 UTC
14124,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35590,2022-04-23 18:46:52 UTC,2022-04-23 18:46:52 UTC
14125,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35591,2022-04-23 18:47:42 UTC,2022-04-23 18:47:42 UTC
14126,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35592,2022-04-23 18:48:43 UTC,2022-04-23 18:48:43 UTC
14127,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35594,2022-04-23 18:50:41 UTC,2022-04-23 18:50:41 UTC
14128,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35596,2022-04-23 18:51:45 UTC,2022-04-23 18:51:45 UTC
14129,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35598,2022-04-23 18:52:42 UTC,2022-04-23 18:52:42 UTC
14136,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35612,2022-04-23 19:02:27 UTC,2022-04-23 19:02:27 UTC
14135,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35610,2022-04-23 19:01:17 UTC,2022-04-23 19:01:17 UTC
14132,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35603,2022-04-23 18:57:24 UTC,2022-04-23 18:57:24 UTC
14140,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35621,2022-04-23 19:06:15 UTC,2022-04-23 19:06:15 UTC
14139,Kankakee nursery,7580,Story,35619,2022-04-23 19:05:18 UTC,2022-04-23 19:05:18 UTC
14137,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35614,2022-04-23 19:03:12 UTC,2022-04-23 19:03:12 UTC
14131,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35601,2022-04-23 18:56:43 UTC,2022-04-23 18:56:43 UTC
14133,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35606,2022-04-23 18:59:30 UTC,2022-04-23 18:59:30 UTC
14134,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35608,2022-04-23 19:00:32 UTC,2022-04-23 19:00:32 UTC
14138,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35616,2022-04-23 19:04:02 UTC,2022-04-23 19:04:02 UTC
14141,Japansk träddödare ,3645,Story,35623,2022-04-24 14:52:31 UTC,2022-04-24 14:52:31 UTC
14143,"Gymnacladus dioicus
Planterad 1953",5407,Story,35629,2022-04-25 06:04:42 UTC,2022-04-25 06:04:42 UTC
14142,"Magnolia kobus
Japansk magnolia 
Planterad 1947",5407,Story,35628,2022-04-25 05:51:18 UTC,2022-04-25 05:51:18 UTC
14144,London plane tree,7936,Story,35630,2022-04-26 15:50:24 UTC,2022-04-26 15:50:24 UTC
14145,Morton Arboretum Tree Planting 4/26/22,8979,Story,35639,2022-04-26 16:07:18 UTC,2022-04-26 16:07:18 UTC
14146,Morton Arboretum Tree Planting 4/26/22,8979,Story,35641,2022-04-26 16:08:20 UTC,2022-04-26 16:08:20 UTC
14147,"Grande Betulla, infestata da Edera.
Salute: 30%",7862,Story,35668,2022-04-27 09:18:15 UTC,2022-04-27 09:18:15 UTC
14148,Betulla 80% salute,7862,Story,35669,2022-04-27 09:26:34 UTC,2022-04-27 09:26:34 UTC
14149,Bella fioritura in Aprile,7862,Story,35670,2022-04-27 09:27:42 UTC,2022-04-27 09:27:42 UTC
14150,Monumentale ,7862,Story,35671,2022-04-27 09:30:02 UTC,2022-04-27 09:30:02 UTC
14152,Planatus acerifolia ‘Morton Circle’,8852,Story,35712,2022-04-28 15:45:46 UTC,2022-04-28 15:45:46 UTC
14168,Treated,8993,Story,35775,2022-05-02 20:33:06 UTC,2022-05-02 20:33:06 UTC
14153,Kankakee nursery,7580,Story,35738,2022-04-29 17:22:02 UTC,2022-04-29 17:22:02 UTC
14154,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35740,2022-04-29 17:23:03 UTC,2022-04-29 17:23:03 UTC
14156,MWRD tree planted by school around 2018,7580,Story,35745,2022-04-29 17:25:20 UTC,2022-04-29 17:25:20 UTC
14157,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35746,2022-04-29 17:26:30 UTC,2022-04-29 17:26:30 UTC
14158,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35749,2022-04-29 17:29:05 UTC,2022-04-29 17:29:05 UTC
14159,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35751,2022-04-29 17:29:53 UTC,2022-04-29 17:29:53 UTC
14163,infested,8993,Story,35769,2022-05-02 20:10:21 UTC,2022-05-02 20:10:21 UTC
14155,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35743,2022-04-29 17:24:25 UTC,2022-04-29 17:24:25 UTC
14160,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35753,2022-04-29 17:30:33 UTC,2022-04-29 17:30:33 UTC
14161,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35755,2022-04-29 17:31:25 UTC,2022-04-29 17:31:25 UTC
14164,infested,8993,Story,35771,2022-05-02 20:27:54 UTC,2022-05-02 20:27:54 UTC
14095,Girdling roots.,7666,Story,35482,2022-04-10 20:21:46 UTC,2022-04-10 20:21:46 UTC
15191,"This is the Cook Tree. It is supposed to be a Native Black Poplar, Populus nigra betulifolia, but doesn't look quite right. Leaves too large and no hairs on the petioles.",5530,Story,41457,2023-05-16 14:50:17 UTC,2023-05-16 14:50:17 UTC
992,"Black Poplar 
Also known as Captain Cook's Tree
Photo credit TiCL Great Trees of London trail",538,Story,2096,2017-07-02 08:40:07 UTC,2017-07-02 08:40:07 UTC
14165,infested,8993,Story,35772,2022-05-02 20:30:46 UTC,2022-05-02 20:30:46 UTC
14180,"This tree was planted in honor of Lynne M. Westphal, a champion of trees, community advocate, and social scientist.  Lynn is retiring after 31 years of work as a Research Social Scientist and Project Leader for the US Forest Service. Her work and research play a role in improving quality of life for many, as she worked to refine and strengthen participatory decision making and management of natural areas throughout the Chicago Region.  This tree is a tribute to Lynn’s incredible career.  Congratulations to Lynn! ",8853,Story,35787,2022-05-03 17:51:18 UTC,2022-05-03 17:51:18 UTC
14166,Infested,8993,Story,35773,2022-05-02 20:31:10 UTC,2022-05-02 20:31:10 UTC
14172,"heavy infestation, soon to be cut down as of 5/2/22",8993,Story,35779,2022-05-02 20:37:00 UTC,2022-05-02 20:37:00 UTC
14171,major infestation ,8993,Story,35778,2022-05-02 20:36:11 UTC,2022-05-02 20:36:11 UTC
14169,infested,8993,Story,35776,2022-05-02 20:34:43 UTC,2022-05-02 20:34:43 UTC
14167,treated,8993,Story,35774,2022-05-02 20:32:35 UTC,2022-05-02 20:32:35 UTC
14173,treated,8993,Story,35780,2022-05-02 20:40:04 UTC,2022-05-02 20:40:04 UTC
14174,heavy infestation ,8993,Story,35781,2022-05-02 20:40:57 UTC,2022-05-02 20:40:57 UTC
14175,"treated, stressed, to be cut down on 2022",8993,Story,35782,2022-05-02 20:42:08 UTC,2022-05-02 20:42:08 UTC
14177,huge tree,8993,Story,35784,2022-05-02 20:51:53 UTC,2022-05-02 20:51:53 UTC
14176,apple tree,8993,Story,35783,2022-05-02 20:43:38 UTC,2022-05-02 20:43:38 UTC
14178,Minor cavity filled with cement,7807,Story,35785,2022-05-02 21:11:00 UTC,2022-05-02 21:11:00 UTC
14179,With huge cavity,7807,Story,35786,2022-05-02 21:14:05 UTC,2022-05-02 21:14:05 UTC
14869,"Canker at the base, looks like it rotted and blew over October 2022",7580,Story,38321,2022-10-26 15:48:03 UTC,2022-10-26 15:48:03 UTC
14181,"Planted 2018, Major equipment damage found 2022",7580,Story,35788,2022-05-03 17:58:13 UTC,2022-05-03 17:58:13 UTC
14182,Newly planted white birch,8994,Story,35789,2022-05-03 18:38:03 UTC,2022-05-03 18:38:03 UTC
14183,5 years old and managed for height and spread,8995,Story,35790,2022-05-04 09:00:30 UTC,2022-05-04 09:00:30 UTC
14184,Managed for height and spread,8995,Story,35791,2022-05-04 09:32:51 UTC,2022-05-04 09:32:51 UTC
14186,"Gifted by the Morton Arboretum Tornado Recovery from 6/20/21, planted 5/1/22",8997,Story,35794,2022-05-04 18:29:38 UTC,2022-05-04 18:29:38 UTC
14187,"Quite at an angle die to car damage, otherwise healthy",8995,Story,35811,2022-05-07 09:08:33 UTC,2022-05-07 09:08:33 UTC
14189,Oriental mountain ash,8996,Story,35813,2022-05-07 09:58:29 UTC,2022-05-07 09:58:29 UTC
14190,not doing well,8995,Story,35814,2022-05-07 13:52:33 UTC,2022-05-07 13:52:33 UTC
14191,Monorency cherry,8852,Story,35820,2022-05-07 18:02:08 UTC,2022-05-07 18:02:08 UTC
14192,Montmorency cherry ,8852,Story,35821,2022-05-07 18:03:11 UTC,2022-05-07 18:03:11 UTC
14193,Kunde inte riktigt mäta men uppskattar diametern en meter upp till ungefär 80cm,8856,Story,35836,2022-05-11 08:15:41 UTC,2022-05-11 08:15:41 UTC
14194,"Tilia zamoyskiana, centennial planting",7580,Story,35837,2022-05-11 14:28:10 UTC,2022-05-11 14:28:10 UTC
14195,New Horizon,8138,Story,35863,2022-05-11 19:54:47 UTC,2022-05-11 19:54:47 UTC
14198,Commendation ,8138,Story,35880,2022-05-11 20:19:49 UTC,2022-05-11 20:19:49 UTC
14196,New Horizon,8138,Story,35866,2022-05-11 19:56:31 UTC,2022-05-11 19:56:31 UTC
14197,New Horizon,8138,Story,35877,2022-05-11 20:13:45 UTC,2022-05-11 20:13:45 UTC
14199,"Detta är namnsorten 'Carmencita'.

Stående från vänster till höger (ARB21): Simon Sjöstrand, Karl Florén, Julia Löfgren, Jesper Olsson, Carl-Johan Nyman, Nati Kricak, Sofie Lehre, Emil Johansson, Olle Sahlén, Anton Björklund, Astrid Olsson, Simon Nilsson, Jonas Friberg, Malin Britts, Olle Sköld, Tobias Reutermyr, Lisa Benes, Matilda Hedlund, Sandro Sinclair, Mikael Lennartsson (rektor).
Sittande från vänster till höger: Albin Ekstrand, Joar Dahlström, Jakob Löfstedt, Markus Åkesson, Andreas Palmgren",1083,Story,35882,2022-05-12 06:29:56 UTC,2022-05-12 06:29:56 UTC
14204,Fall fiesta ,8852,Story,35902,2022-05-14 16:43:42 UTC,2022-05-14 16:43:42 UTC
14200,Fall fiesta,8852,Story,35893,2022-05-14 16:39:22 UTC,2022-05-14 16:39:22 UTC
14201,"Fall Fiesta
",8852,Story,35898,2022-05-14 16:41:41 UTC,2022-05-14 16:41:41 UTC
14202,Tilia 'Zamoyskiana',9019,Story,35899,2022-05-14 16:42:01 UTC,2022-05-14 16:42:01 UTC
14203,Ulmus 'Morton Glossy',9019,Story,35901,2022-05-14 16:43:01 UTC,2022-05-14 16:43:01 UTC
14206,Fall fiesta,8852,Story,35905,2022-05-14 16:44:58 UTC,2022-05-14 16:44:58 UTC
14205,Kindred Spirit,9019,Story,35904,2022-05-14 16:44:24 UTC,2022-05-14 16:44:24 UTC
14208,Zamoyski linden ,8852,Story,35919,2022-05-14 16:58:42 UTC,2022-05-14 16:58:42 UTC
14209,Tilia ‘Zamoyskiana’,8852,Story,35920,2022-05-14 17:00:13 UTC,2022-05-14 17:00:13 UTC
14210,Quercus muehlenbergii,9019,Story,35923,2022-05-14 17:03:07 UTC,2022-05-14 17:03:07 UTC
14207,Tilia 'Zamoyskiana',9019,Story,35907,2022-05-14 16:45:32 UTC,2022-05-14 16:45:32 UTC
14251,"Pseudocydonia sinensis, Chinese quince. From 'a l'ombre des figuiers'. Planted december 2022.",8077,Story,36014,2022-05-21 06:13:04 UTC,2022-05-21 06:13:37 UTC
14252,Looks like in bloom at time of photo,8871,Story,36015,2022-05-22 01:28:23 UTC,2022-05-22 01:28:23 UTC
14256,Pimpellros,8943,Story,36040,2022-05-24 11:30:46 UTC,2022-05-24 11:30:46 UTC
14211,Kindred spirit (bicolor x ‘ nadler’),8852,Story,35931,2022-05-14 17:20:18 UTC,2022-05-14 17:20:18 UTC
14253,In bloom at picture time,8871,Story,36016,2022-05-22 01:29:25 UTC,2022-05-22 01:29:25 UTC
14257,"Chicago Regional Trees Initiative with The City of Wood Dale, Illinois ",7631,Story,36041,2022-05-24 18:42:04 UTC,2022-05-24 18:42:04 UTC
14262,"Chicago Regional Trees Initiative with The City of Wood Dale, Illinois",7631,Story,36046,2022-05-24 19:02:05 UTC,2022-05-24 19:02:05 UTC
14261,"Chicago Regional Trees Initiative with The City of Wood Dale, Illinois",7631,Story,36045,2022-05-24 18:59:00 UTC,2022-05-24 18:59:00 UTC
14264,"Chicago Regional Trees Initiative with The City of Wood Dale, Illinois",7631,Story,36048,2022-05-24 19:12:37 UTC,2022-05-24 19:12:37 UTC
14258,"Chicago Regional Trees Initiative with The City of Wood Dale, Illinois",7631,Story,36042,2022-05-24 18:45:22 UTC,2022-05-24 18:45:22 UTC
14254,Fagus sylvatica,8943,Story,36020,2022-05-24 08:46:41 UTC,2022-05-24 08:46:41 UTC
14259,"Chicago Regional Trees Initiative with The City of Wood Dale, Illinois",7631,Story,36043,2022-05-24 18:50:16 UTC,2022-05-24 18:50:16 UTC
14263,"Chicago Regional Trees Initiative with The City of Wood Dale, Illinois",7631,Story,36047,2022-05-24 19:08:18 UTC,2022-05-24 19:08:18 UTC
14267,Flowers near work,8871,Story,36062,2022-05-25 22:53:05 UTC,2022-05-25 22:53:05 UTC
14268,A few of them are here,8871,Story,36063,2022-05-25 23:07:06 UTC,2022-05-25 23:07:06 UTC
14255,Sort Cunningham,8943,Story,36026,2022-05-24 10:25:59 UTC,2022-05-24 10:25:59 UTC
14212,Triumph elm (‘Morton Glossy’),8852,Story,35959,2022-05-19 16:01:19 UTC,2022-05-19 16:01:19 UTC
14213,Triumph elm (‘Morton Glossy’),8852,Story,35960,2022-05-19 16:02:27 UTC,2022-05-19 16:02:27 UTC
14214,Triumph elm (‘Morton Glossy’),8852,Story,35966,2022-05-19 16:11:34 UTC,2022-05-19 16:11:34 UTC
14215,Triumph elm (‘Morton glossy’),8852,Story,35967,2022-05-19 16:12:35 UTC,2022-05-19 16:12:35 UTC
14217,‘Autumn Brilliance’,8852,Story,35972,2022-05-19 16:21:03 UTC,2022-05-19 16:21:03 UTC
14216,Triumph elm (‘Morton Glossy’),8852,Story,35968,2022-05-19 16:13:10 UTC,2022-05-19 16:13:10 UTC
14278,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36082,2022-05-27 19:38:26 UTC,2022-05-27 19:38:26 UTC
14271,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36075,2022-05-27 19:20:00 UTC,2022-05-27 19:20:00 UTC
14274,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36078,2022-05-27 19:25:28 UTC,2022-05-27 19:25:28 UTC
14275,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36079,2022-05-27 19:31:46 UTC,2022-05-27 19:31:46 UTC
14276,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36080,2022-05-27 19:34:40 UTC,2022-05-27 19:34:40 UTC
14277,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36081,2022-05-27 19:35:57 UTC,2022-05-27 19:35:57 UTC
14279,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36083,2022-05-27 19:39:21 UTC,2022-05-27 19:39:21 UTC
14272,Wilson Nursery,7580,Story,36076,2022-05-27 19:23:00 UTC,2022-05-27 19:23:00 UTC
14281,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36085,2022-05-27 19:42:09 UTC,2022-05-27 19:42:09 UTC
14282,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36086,2022-05-27 19:42:58 UTC,2022-05-27 19:42:58 UTC
14283,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36087,2022-05-27 19:45:13 UTC,2022-05-27 19:45:13 UTC
14284,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36088,2022-05-27 19:46:13 UTC,2022-05-27 19:46:13 UTC
14285,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36089,2022-05-27 19:50:47 UTC,2022-05-27 19:50:47 UTC
14286,"Flerstammig, ca 7 m hög",8967,Story,36091,2022-05-28 14:27:52 UTC,2022-05-28 14:27:52 UTC
14273,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36077,2022-05-27 19:24:48 UTC,2022-05-27 19:24:48 UTC
14288,Hagtorn,8866,Story,36095,2022-06-01 15:18:04 UTC,2022-06-01 15:19:55 UTC
14287,"Sentrums høyeste tre, 24 meter ",8880,Story,36093,2022-05-30 10:46:30 UTC,2022-05-30 10:46:30 UTC
14289,‘Morton Circle’,8852,Story,36111,2022-06-03 15:58:37 UTC,2022-06-03 15:58:37 UTC
14290,"‘Morton Glossy’, Triumph elm",8852,Story,36112,2022-06-03 15:59:54 UTC,2022-06-03 15:59:54 UTC
14292,‘Morton circle’ ,8852,Story,36118,2022-06-03 16:12:25 UTC,2022-06-03 16:12:25 UTC
14293,Back garden,5713,Story,36155,2022-06-06 15:48:52 UTC,2022-06-06 15:48:52 UTC
14295,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,36205,2022-06-09 17:50:02 UTC,2022-06-09 17:50:02 UTC
14296,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,36207,2022-06-09 17:51:30 UTC,2022-06-09 17:51:30 UTC
14297,‘Morton circle’ ,8852,Story,36212,2022-06-10 15:41:24 UTC,2022-06-10 15:41:24 UTC
14298,Chinkapin oak,7936,Story,36224,2022-06-10 16:53:13 UTC,2022-06-10 16:53:13 UTC
14299,A pine of some kind,8871,Story,36234,2022-06-11 01:38:11 UTC,2022-06-11 01:38:11 UTC
14300,"Multistem, possibility place nursery",7580,Story,36237,2022-06-11 23:14:49 UTC,2022-06-11 23:14:49 UTC
14301,"Multistem, possibility place nursery, centennial",7580,Story,36238,2022-06-11 23:15:37 UTC,2022-06-11 23:15:37 UTC
14303,Newly planted...No tag.,7631,Story,36246,2022-06-13 14:57:54 UTC,2022-06-13 14:57:54 UTC
14302,Quercus x fernowii ,7631,Story,36242,2022-06-13 14:25:57 UTC,2022-06-13 14:25:57 UTC
14304,No tag.,7631,Story,36254,2022-06-13 15:15:39 UTC,2022-06-13 15:15:39 UTC
14306,"No tag, some the back.",7631,Story,36260,2022-06-13 15:24:14 UTC,2022-06-13 15:24:14 UTC
14307,Cornus kousa “John Slocock” in planter ,8996,Story,36261,2022-06-14 15:27:31 UTC,2022-06-14 15:27:31 UTC
14308,Planter ,8995,Story,36262,2022-06-14 18:23:33 UTC,2022-06-14 18:23:33 UTC
14309,In a planter,8996,Story,36263,2022-06-14 18:24:07 UTC,2022-06-14 18:24:07 UTC
14310,Planter,8995,Story,36264,2022-06-14 18:25:25 UTC,2022-06-14 18:25:25 UTC
14311,Tag: 1159-22*1,9117,Story,36266,2022-06-16 14:52:33 UTC,2022-06-16 14:52:33 UTC
14312,Tag: 1159-22*1,9117,Story,36267,2022-06-16 14:53:34 UTC,2022-06-16 14:53:34 UTC
14305,New tree.,7631,Story,36256,2022-06-13 15:18:25 UTC,2022-06-13 15:18:25 UTC
14314,Frank jr,7631,Story,36275,2022-06-20 13:43:14 UTC,2022-06-20 13:43:14 UTC
14313,Clear trunk to c..1.8m,9127,Story,36272,2022-06-20 10:10:32 UTC,2022-06-20 10:10:32 UTC
14315,Frank jr,7631,Story,36280,2022-06-20 14:05:03 UTC,2022-06-20 14:05:03 UTC
14316,Princeton,7631,Story,36281,2022-06-20 14:07:10 UTC,2022-06-20 14:07:10 UTC
14317,dead/missing,8138,Story,36295,2022-06-20 14:34:04 UTC,2022-06-20 14:34:04 UTC
14318,Acer miyabei Morton ,7631,Story,36300,2022-06-20 14:53:02 UTC,2022-06-20 14:53:02 UTC
14319,Sun valley ,7631,Story,36301,2022-06-20 14:59:46 UTC,2022-06-20 14:59:46 UTC
14321,Horse chestnut ,6408,Story,36304,2022-06-20 20:50:17 UTC,2022-06-20 20:50:17 UTC
14322,Japanese elm (ulmus davidiana) ,9137,Story,36305,2022-06-22 16:10:54 UTC,2022-06-22 16:10:54 UTC
13637,Kids sit andplay under this tree,6529,Story,34252,2021-07-23 09:36:05 UTC,2021-07-23 09:36:05 UTC
in residential amenity greenspace",6529,Story,30521,2020-06-22 09:30:27 UTC,2020-06-22 09:37:47 UTC
14320,Silver queen,7631,Story,36303,2022-06-20 15:03:31 UTC,2022-06-20 15:03:31 UTC
Platanus Occidentalis",9135,Story,36308,2022-06-22 16:27:05 UTC,2022-06-22 16:27:05 UTC
14326,Sterling Silver Silver Linden ,9135,Story,36309,2022-06-22 16:30:11 UTC,2022-06-22 16:30:11 UTC
14324,Purple Prince Crabapple,9135,Story,36307,2022-06-22 16:22:39 UTC,2022-06-22 16:22:39 UTC
14323,Plenty of dieback ,9137,Story,36306,2022-06-22 16:13:03 UTC,2022-06-22 16:13:03 UTC
13742,Valnötsträd planterat runt 2005,8077,Story,34623,2021-09-15 15:10:01 UTC,2021-09-15 15:10:01 UTC
14384,"This oak is beloved in the park, towering over the Children's Montessori. Did you know that Oak Trees cannot bear fruits until they are nearly 20 years old? 

#chitreehunt #treesofchicago",9106,Story,36681,2022-07-27 15:15:16 UTC,2022-07-27 15:15:16 UTC
14383,"This white oak is beloved in the park, a magnificent and towering presence. Did you know that Oak Trees can not bear fruit until they are nearly 20 years old?",9106,Story,36680,2022-07-27 14:46:29 UTC,2022-07-27 14:46:29 UTC
14337,"Here is a-corny joke

What do you call an oak tree that can't make it's mind up?

Undeciduous",9106,Story,36348,2022-07-05 15:12:23 UTC,2022-07-05 15:12:23 UTC
14336,Sample story for trees,9106,Story,36347,2022-07-05 15:09:05 UTC,2022-07-05 15:09:05 UTC
14338,"What's an epidemiologist's least favorite kind of tree?
Sycamore.",9106,Story,36349,2022-07-05 15:13:25 UTC,2022-07-05 15:13:25 UTC
13505,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33768,2021-06-02 00:19:24 UTC,2021-06-02 00:19:24 UTC
14342,Tree appears to be dying ,9154,Story,36354,2022-07-06 20:06:18 UTC,2022-07-06 20:13:15 UTC
14343,Appears to be dead,9154,Story,36374,2022-07-06 20:28:19 UTC,2022-07-06 20:28:19 UTC
14346,bowhall,8138,Story,36435,2022-07-11 13:36:25 UTC,2022-07-11 13:36:25 UTC
14347,dbl dot branch dbh  = 10.6,8138,Story,36436,2022-07-11 13:39:59 UTC,2022-07-11 13:39:59 UTC
14345,"Variegerad platan, vågar inte arta vilken Platanus. ",7805,Story,36427,2022-07-09 14:52:59 UTC,2022-07-09 14:52:59 UTC
14349,davidiana,8138,Story,36439,2022-07-11 13:49:49 UTC,2022-07-11 13:49:49 UTC
14350,davifiana,8138,Story,36440,2022-07-11 13:51:14 UTC,2022-07-11 13:51:14 UTC
14352,davidisna,8138,Story,36457,2022-07-11 14:26:45 UTC,2022-07-11 14:26:45 UTC
14356,no tag,8138,Story,36471,2022-07-11 15:02:06 UTC,2022-07-11 15:02:06 UTC
14354,dbh right below y branching,8138,Story,36464,2022-07-11 14:42:33 UTC,2022-07-11 14:42:33 UTC
14351,blue dbh marking seems low,8138,Story,36447,2022-07-11 14:07:22 UTC,2022-07-11 14:07:22 UTC
14353,bowhall,8138,Story,36462,2022-07-11 14:35:10 UTC,2022-07-11 14:35:10 UTC
14355,no tag…,8138,Story,36470,2022-07-11 14:58:46 UTC,2022-07-11 14:58:46 UTC
14357,no tag,8138,Story,36472,2022-07-11 15:04:38 UTC,2022-07-11 15:04:38 UTC
14359,Rötter i VA-ledning,5546,Story,36475,2022-07-11 20:00:18 UTC,2022-07-11 20:00:18 UTC
14358,Rötter i VA-ledning,5546,Story,36474,2022-07-11 19:57:16 UTC,2022-07-11 19:57:16 UTC
14360,Sucker from old tree stump,6036,Story,36476,2022-07-12 12:11:58 UTC,2022-07-12 12:11:58 UTC
14362,Stamskada,4920,Story,36550,2022-07-14 10:13:12 UTC,2022-07-14 10:13:12 UTC
14367,This is a Hackberry tree found on Tree Trail at the Little Red Schoolhouse Nature Center. ,9160,Story,36558,2022-07-14 19:45:35 UTC,2022-07-14 19:45:35 UTC
14366,Hackberry,9161,Story,36557,2022-07-14 19:44:00 UTC,2022-07-14 19:44:00 UTC
14364,Hackberry,9161,Story,36555,2022-07-14 19:42:50 UTC,2022-07-14 19:42:50 UTC
14363,“Duncan Rogerson Memorial Hawthorn:  1968–2009”,8321,Story,36554,2022-07-14 17:30:53 UTC,2022-07-14 17:30:53 UTC
14368,A 200-years old ginkgo in the center of Montrichard.,8077,Story,36570,2022-07-17 15:34:08 UTC,2022-07-17 15:34:08 UTC
14371,Leaf die back ,8852,Story,36609,2022-07-19 16:58:43 UTC,2022-07-19 16:58:43 UTC
14372,"Existing tree, not planted by CRTI",8852,Story,36612,2022-07-19 17:07:07 UTC,2022-07-19 17:07:07 UTC
14373,"Skyline locust. Existing tree, not planted by CRTI",8852,Story,36614,2022-07-19 17:20:27 UTC,2022-07-19 17:21:04 UTC
14370,White splotching,8852,Story,36606,2022-07-19 16:46:37 UTC,2022-07-19 16:46:37 UTC
14374,Honey Locust,9108,Story,36630,2022-07-20 22:05:55 UTC,2022-07-20 22:05:55 UTC
14375,Big tooth maple,9108,Story,36631,2022-07-20 22:07:10 UTC,2022-07-20 22:07:10 UTC
14376,Missing tree,6036,Story,36669,2022-07-22 12:04:42 UTC,2022-07-22 12:04:42 UTC
14379,Young tree. Seedling.,9172,Story,36672,2022-07-24 07:43:10 UTC,2022-07-24 07:43:10 UTC
14378,Died.  Removed by Barratt homes and it replaced in over 3 years ,9172,Story,36671,2022-07-24 07:27:00 UTC,2022-07-24 07:27:00 UTC
14380,dbh measured below lowest branch,8138,Story,36676,2022-07-25 15:17:37 UTC,2022-07-25 15:17:37 UTC
14382,Populus alba,7807,Story,36679,2022-07-26 19:59:38 UTC,2022-07-26 19:59:38 UTC
14385,Hamlade Alm ,4971,Story,36682,2022-07-29 12:30:49 UTC,2022-07-29 12:30:49 UTC
14386,Hamlade Alm ,4971,Story,36683,2022-07-29 12:33:22 UTC,2022-07-29 12:33:22 UTC
14381,Populus ,7807,Story,36678,2022-07-26 19:51:28 UTC,2022-07-26 19:51:28 UTC
14377,Tree missing,6036,Story,36670,2022-07-23 22:09:06 UTC,2022-07-23 22:09:06 UTC
14387,liberty,8138,Story,36689,2022-08-01 14:23:59 UTC,2022-08-01 14:23:59 UTC
14388,liberty,8138,Story,36690,2022-08-01 14:25:31 UTC,2022-08-01 14:25:31 UTC
14389,liberty,8138,Story,36691,2022-08-01 14:27:01 UTC,2022-08-01 14:27:01 UTC
14390,3 trunk counterclockwise s to nw ,8138,Story,36692,2022-08-01 14:32:38 UTC,2022-08-01 14:32:38 UTC
14391,aniise ; magnolia salicifolia; multi stemmed  ,8138,Story,36694,2022-08-01 14:44:43 UTC,2022-08-01 14:44:43 UTC
14392,multi stemmed ,8138,Story,36695,2022-08-01 14:47:18 UTC,2022-08-01 14:47:18 UTC
14441,4 stem dbh start se clockwise ,8138,Story,36781,2022-08-15 14:51:35 UTC,2022-08-15 14:51:35 UTC
14393, magnolia salicifolia; multi stemmed ,8138,Story,36696,2022-08-01 14:48:47 UTC,2022-08-01 14:48:47 UTC
14395, magnolia salicifolia; multi stemmed ,8138,Story,36698,2022-08-01 14:51:26 UTC,2022-08-01 14:51:26 UTC
14396, magnolia salicifolia; multi stemmed ,8138,Story,36699,2022-08-01 14:52:28 UTC,2022-08-01 14:52:28 UTC
14440,4 stem dbh south start counterclockwise ,8138,Story,36780,2022-08-15 14:47:34 UTC,2022-08-15 14:47:34 UTC
14394, magnolia salicifolia; multi stemmed ,8138,Story,36697,2022-08-01 14:50:24 UTC,2022-08-01 14:50:24 UTC
14397,variabilis-oriental oak,8138,Story,36708,2022-08-01 15:10:43 UTC,2022-08-01 15:10:43 UTC
14398,multi stemmed; measured staring south stem counter clockwise ,8138,Story,36709,2022-08-01 15:17:09 UTC,2022-08-01 15:17:09 UTC
13876,"Planted 2019 or 2020 with Hillcrest High School Ecology Club, ppn",7580,Story,35079,2021-10-21 16:02:54 UTC,2021-10-21 16:02:54 UTC
13513,"Not looking great sitting after planting. Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA. Also bit of a lean",7580,Story,33777,2021-06-02 00:29:03 UTC,2021-06-02 00:29:03 UTC
14402,White Birch,9183,Story,36730,2022-08-04 21:26:37 UTC,2022-08-04 21:26:37 UTC
14399,multi stemmed ,8138,Story,36710,2022-08-01 15:18:50 UTC,2022-08-01 15:18:50 UTC
14291,‘Morton circle’ ,8852,Story,36117,2022-06-03 16:07:35 UTC,2022-06-03 16:07:35 UTC
14265,Took pictures of leaves in rain to help identify,8871,Story,36049,2022-05-25 01:59:15 UTC,2022-05-25 01:59:15 UTC
14260,"Apple Serviceberry
Chicago Regional Trees Initiative with The City of Wood Dale, Illinois",7631,Story,36044,2022-05-24 18:54:01 UTC,2022-05-24 18:54:01 UTC
14348,davidiana,8138,Story,36438,2022-07-11 13:46:38 UTC,2022-07-11 13:46:38 UTC
13913,'Ice Peach' planted 7th of november 2021,8077,Story,35162,2021-11-09 18:19:11 UTC,2021-11-09 18:19:11 UTC
14218,‘Autumn Brilliance’,8852,Story,35973,2022-05-19 16:21:51 UTC,2022-05-19 16:21:51 UTC
14280,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,36084,2022-05-27 19:41:36 UTC,2022-05-27 19:41:36 UTC
14045,Canker. Root girdling. ,7666,Story,35412,2022-03-26 15:55:50 UTC,2022-03-26 15:55:50 UTC
13716,Dead oak,7090,Story,34504,2021-08-27 08:14:15 UTC,2021-08-27 08:14:15 UTC
14130,Possibility place nursery,7580,Story,35599,2022-04-23 18:53:23 UTC,2022-04-23 18:53:23 UTC
14104,Root girdling.,7666,Story,35500,2022-04-11 21:53:14 UTC,2022-04-11 21:53:14 UTC
14097,"Canker at base, lichen, no root flare visible, and grass growing up to trunk.",7666,Story,35489,2022-04-11 21:27:10 UTC,2022-04-11 21:27:10 UTC
14188,Healthy,8995,Story,35812,2022-05-07 09:09:54 UTC,2022-05-07 09:09:54 UTC
14170,no signs of infestation ,8993,Story,35777,2022-05-02 20:35:19 UTC,2022-05-02 20:35:19 UTC
14017,Small saplings growing under canopy ,7666,Story,35374,2022-03-16 20:51:59 UTC,2022-03-16 20:51:59 UTC
9316,71cm circumference data won't save,5328,Story,26787,2020-01-14 10:45:55 UTC,2020-01-14 11:24:16 UTC
9037,Planted in the spring of 2019.,4951,Story,26233,2019-09-27 17:09:05 UTC,2019-09-27 17:09:05 UTC
9359,New tree species unknown,5328,Story,27017,2020-01-24 09:42:52 UTC,2020-01-24 09:42:52 UTC
9344,Maple tree,5428,Story,27001,2020-01-22 20:15:20 UTC,2020-01-22 20:15:20 UTC
1728,Finns utanför Sövde musteri!,2124,Story,3707,2017-12-05 09:38:34 UTC,2017-12-05 09:38:34 UTC
",178,Story,669,2017-02-22 13:47:39 UTC,2017-02-22 13:47:39 UTC
50,This seems to be growing back well!,178,Story,540,2017-02-03 09:02:59 UTC,2017-02-03 09:02:59 UTC
2691,Här finns både gröna och blå välsmakande vindruvor framåt hösten.,2542,Story,5442,2018-02-27 12:49:06 UTC,2018-02-27 12:49:06 UTC
4017,Omkrets 1m upp 11cm 180404,1821,Story,18325,2018-04-04 09:05:42 UTC,2018-04-04 09:05:42 UTC
419,The colour of this tree's leaves when the sun hits them is 👌 😎,180,Story,1171,2017-05-02 11:36:12 UTC,2017-05-02 11:36:12 UTC
398,#over_mature #private ,403,Story,1146,2017-05-01 16:24:14 UTC,2017-05-01 16:24:14 UTC
401,#mature ,403,Story,1149,2017-05-01 16:26:54 UTC,2017-05-01 16:26:54 UTC
403,#mature ,403,Story,1151,2017-05-01 16:28:52 UTC,2017-05-01 16:28:52 UTC
1189,Sponsrad av Splendor plantskola.,1083,Story,2452,2017-08-09 13:52:40 UTC,2017-08-09 13:52:40 UTC
1296,All on its lonesome in #Watford,180,Story,2613,2017-08-23 13:12:55 UTC,2017-08-23 13:12:55 UTC
1307,Praktmagnolia,1459,Story,2628,2017-08-24 07:12:32 UTC,2017-08-24 07:12:32 UTC
97,#threesisters the white bark looks great against the walls of the old gate,180,Story,645,2017-02-19 13:58:08 UTC,2017-02-19 13:58:08 UTC
100,Might not be long for this world. Flowering all the same,180,Story,651,2017-02-19 14:12:00 UTC,2017-02-19 14:12:00 UTC
1298,All the #seasons,180,Story,2616,2017-08-23 15:10:05 UTC,2017-08-23 15:10:05 UTC
1207,#cheslynhouse&gardens,180,Story,2471,2017-08-10 22:06:26 UTC,2017-08-10 22:06:26 UTC
1372,Trollebergsvägen har fått en oxelále istället för almarna som dog. dogdog.sömnsjuka,1371,Story,2806,2017-09-12 16:25:50 UTC,2017-09-12 16:25:50 UTC
116,Some other trees look miserable at this time next to the trees with all the flowers! #noleaves,178,Story,676,2017-02-22 17:32:06 UTC,2017-02-22 17:32:06 UTC
1251,Detta är sorten 'Penduliflora'. Hybriden är en korsning mellan de amerikanska arterna Aesculus pavia och A. sylvatica. Blommorna är rörlika till skillnad från vår europeiska hästkastanj Aesculus hippocastanum.,1083,Story,2526,2017-08-15 11:11:34 UTC,2017-08-15 11:11:34 UTC
130,Brooklyn bridge pk,190,Story,704,2017-02-26 18:39:04 UTC,2017-02-26 18:39:04 UTC
63,#greenmoss,178,Story,582,2017-02-15 17:12:41 UTC,2017-02-15 17:12:41 UTC
87,Tallest tree in FOTA and over 100 years old! 😱,222,Story,629,2017-02-18 15:14:50 UTC,2017-02-18 15:14:50 UTC
1131,Riv inte av barken på detta vackra träd!,1083,Story,2383,2017-08-08 07:29:45 UTC,2017-08-08 07:29:45 UTC
1140,"Detta är sorten blodbjörk, Betula pendula 'Purpurea'.",1083,Story,2392,2017-08-08 07:56:11 UTC,2017-08-08 07:56:11 UTC
1114,Planterad i maj 2017 av avgångsarboristklassen ARB15.,1083,Story,2366,2017-08-08 06:42:38 UTC,2017-08-08 06:42:38 UTC
1139,"Detta är blodbjörk, sorten 'purpurea'.",1083,Story,2391,2017-08-08 07:54:02 UTC,2017-08-08 07:54:02 UTC
1347,"This maple overhangs the path as you walk through Cliff Gardens. Related
to the sycamore tree and other maples, this particular species is relatively
uncommon in the UK. The tree is native to Asia, and often used as a bonsai tree as it
responds well to extreme pruning.",178,Story,2726,2017-09-05 13:58:57 UTC,2017-09-05 13:58:57 UTC
1406,#Autumn here we come,180,Story,2888,2017-09-22 15:54:40 UTC,2017-09-22 15:54:40 UTC
1340,"More about this tree:

Hight: 31.20 (2009)
Girth: 7.42 m  @ 130 cm + level
Planted: ca. 1890",408,Story,2714,2017-09-03 09:34:17 UTC,2017-09-03 09:56:48 UTC
1926,'Lettisk låg'. 2016.,1862,Story,4427,2017-12-26 11:56:02 UTC,2017-12-26 11:56:02 UTC
1921,'Strezchevchanka'. Planterad 2016.,1862,Story,4422,2017-12-26 11:40:11 UTC,2017-12-26 11:40:11 UTC
1402,"#whitebark #multistem  comprises of four stems with a diameter of 15, 12, 9 and 8 cms",1029,Story,2881,2017-09-21 10:02:16 UTC,2017-09-21 10:02:16 UTC
1379,"Surrounding the model boating pond and the small stream leading to it are numerous trees of many different species. At the point of the stream where one can cross and turn back along the other side is a Kashmir Birch (also known as a Himalayan birch), which is identifiable by the white paper like bark. This is where the tree gained the name ‘Kashmir’, as scriptures were historically written on the bark in Kashmir script. Sacred mantras are still written on the bark.",178,Story,2818,2017-09-13 19:27:28 UTC,2017-09-13 19:27:28 UTC
1392,Mmmmm😜,178,Story,2849,2017-09-18 12:27:34 UTC,2017-09-18 12:27:34 UTC
285,Apple tree in #blossom,178,Story,949,2017-04-10 12:58:21 UTC,2017-04-10 12:58:21 UTC
14,Evergreen. Not sure of name,242,Story,459,2016-12-21 11:20:30 UTC,2016-12-21 11:20:30 UTC
1352,ยูคาลิปตัส,1734,Story,2731,2017-09-05 16:07:42 UTC,2017-09-05 16:07:42 UTC
1409,Rödek,1359,Story,2901,2017-09-25 18:07:30 UTC,2017-09-25 18:07:30 UTC
1416,"Pruned to vase-shape, to replace American Elms that previously bordered the quad.",1881,Story,2957,2017-10-01 17:38:50 UTC,2017-10-01 17:38:50 UTC
13,Sycamore tree in front garden.  No leaves in winter though,242,Story,458,2016-12-21 11:07:22 UTC,2016-12-21 11:07:22 UTC
1812,"Are the flowers pretty? Yes, but not stunning. What is stunning are the amazing metallic red leaves on the flowering shoots. To my great joy there is still room for novelties that makes your heart ache. This gorgeous darling, which I loved tremendously even without the flowers, surprised me with another set of totally surreal leaves. I presume the metallic red copper leaves function like bracts, i.e. their glistering can not be resisted by connoisseur insects and they fly towards the sparkling treasure where they find goblets of nectar.

The endemic (uniquely Thai) golden leaf, Bauhinia aureifolia (Fabaceae) is a main attraction at Dokmai Garden. The flowers and the red shoots emerge during the lush emerald season (picture taken on September 11). During the dry season which begins in November you may only admire its young vegetative shoots which are furry like an animal. They have superb young leaves too: a pistachio green top with brown veins and a golden bronze underside. The bronze-silver shimmering sheen of the immature folded leaves are amazing.

Enough said. Although my photographs are just shadows of reality, they may give you a hint of one of the most royal plants I know. Nota bene, the red leaves are young and fresh, not senescent. More pictures in the original blog Dokmai Dogma.
",1083,Story,4256,2017-12-20 13:21:01 UTC,2017-12-20 13:21:01 UTC
1831,Flyttad vildväxande 1993 från närområde.,1862,Story,4303,2017-12-22 12:18:34 UTC,2017-12-22 12:18:34 UTC
1842,"Mycket gammalt träd, den gamla sortens Gravenstein som är väldigt goda.",2118,Story,4316,2017-12-22 15:00:18 UTC,2017-12-22 15:00:18 UTC
1840,Snabbväxande exotiskt inslag i trädgården,2118,Story,4314,2017-12-22 14:56:46 UTC,2017-12-22 14:56:46 UTC
1843,Syrliga vackra bär,2118,Story,4317,2017-12-22 15:01:30 UTC,2017-12-22 15:01:30 UTC
1482,#winter is here,180,Story,3255,2017-10-30 15:43:36 UTC,2017-10-30 15:43:36 UTC
1308,Ek,1481,Story,2629,2017-08-24 07:41:01 UTC,2017-08-24 07:41:01 UTC
1945,"Denna art är mycket ovanlig på friland i Sverige. Den importerades från den nederländska plantskolan Esveld 2007 och var då ca 3-4 dm hög. Idag tio år senare är den ca 2.5 meter. En egenhet är att den blommar vid juletid, och att de resulterande frukterna mognar ca ett år senare (nu). Ägarens enda skötselåtgärd är att vintertäcka rötterna med löv.",1083,Story,4465,2018-01-05 07:03:31 UTC,2018-01-05 07:03:31 UTC
159,Eucalipto,268,Story,752,2017-03-08 14:56:51 UTC,2017-03-08 14:56:51 UTC
167,Yellow,284,Story,762,2017-03-09 16:44:53 UTC,2017-03-09 16:44:53 UTC
181,#fairytree ,222,Story,780,2017-03-11 15:41:12 UTC,2017-03-11 15:41:12 UTC
187,#Talltree #Winter #SeafieldHotel #Wexford ,269,Story,791,2017-03-12 10:14:29 UTC,2017-03-12 10:14:29 UTC
249,Swan lakes and trees at Torre Abbey,180,Story,892,2017-03-30 08:27:51 UTC,2017-03-30 08:27:51 UTC
290,#blossom all the lovely flowers,178,Story,959,2017-04-10 13:20:08 UTC,2017-04-10 13:20:08 UTC
1245,Detta plommonträd har blå plommon andra veckan i augusti.,1083,Story,2519,2017-08-14 14:02:50 UTC,2017-08-14 14:02:50 UTC
1272,Pelareken tillhör Fastigiata-Gruppen. Genen som styr skogsekens grenvinkel har hos pelareken muterat så att grenarna pekar uppåt. Sådana träd är särskilt lämpliga i stadsmiljö.,1083,Story,2576,2017-08-19 08:11:08 UTC,2017-08-19 08:11:08 UTC
735,Shade on a sunny day,179,Story,1614,2017-05-25 14:35:22 UTC,2017-05-25 14:35:22 UTC
113,Some buds and fresh growth!,179,Story,672,2017-02-22 14:18:30 UTC,2017-02-22 14:18:30 UTC
1999,#fruit like baubles all over this London plane,180,Story,4592,2018-01-22 13:16:05 UTC,2018-01-22 13:16:05 UTC
2616,A bit of pruning has been done on this guy outside Kent station cork,178,Story,5277,2018-02-06 05:59:19 UTC,2018-02-06 05:59:19 UTC
Betula pendula ’Youngii’

• Form: hängande litet träd, ca 4-9 m
• Blad:  4-6 cm, triangulära, dubbelsågade
• Bark:  vit med svarta strimmor

Tårbjörken är en så kallad sort av arten vårtbjörk. Inom systematiken där man namnger alla organismer inom botanik och zoologi med vetenskapliga namn används binomialsystemet.       
   Varje art ges ett ”för-” och ”efternamn” som på något sätt beskriver eller anknyter till just den unika arten. Det första av dessa två namn anger släkttillhörighet och skrivs med versal första bokstav: t.ex. Betula, vilket är det latinska namnet för björk. Som andranamn anges arttillhörighet och skrivs alltid med små bokstäver: t.ex. pendula, som betyder ”hängande”. Lägger vi ihop dessa får vi vårtbjörkens namn: Betula pendula. Vidare finns system för att sätta namn på växtindivider (sorter) som skiljer sig från den rena arten genom t.ex. lite mer hängande grenar än vanligt. Det kan ungefär jämföras med att varje person är en unik sort av arten människa. Ett ytterligare exempel är att man inom fruktförädlingsvärlden sätter namn på trädindivider vars frukt har extra god smak. Dessa sortnamn sätts efter binomialnamnet inom anföringstecken med versal första bokstav, t.ex. ’Youngii’ som betyder ungefär ”Youngs”, och är uppkallad efter Maurice Young vid Epsom nursery.
Det latinska och vetenskapliga namnet Betula pendula ’Youngii’ berättar alltså följande: Björk, hängande, ’Youngs växt’ och är namnet på den sorgset hängande tårbjörken, som vi ofta ser på kyrkogårdar och som accentträd i staden. Visst är den fin?
",1772,Story,5479,2018-02-28 14:13:29 UTC,2018-02-28 14:13:29 UTC
Amelanchier lamarckii

• Form: buske eller buskartat träd, 9 m
• Blad:  ovala, fint sågade
• Bark: brun och slät

Prakthäggmispel är en uppskattad park- och trädgårdsväxt och dessa individer visar upp varför. Oftast används den som häckväxt men finner verkligen sin prakt i detta miniträdsformat som når ca 9 m på sin höjd och för tankarna till savannträd. I april-maj blommar de med otaliga små vita blommor samtidigt som bladen slår ut i röstrött och tronar på de mörka slingrande stammarna. De äggrunda bladen övergår sedan i grönt för att om hösten bjuda på en fin orangeröd lyster.
",1772,Story,5496,2018-02-28 14:34:17 UTC,2018-02-28 14:34:17 UTC
Malus domestica

• Form: litet träd, 3-8 m
• Blad: 5-12 cm, ovalt med hjärtformat bas, filthårig undersida
• Bark: brun, flagnande som äldre

Detta träd står, enligt Gunnel Ask som är representant för Kortedalas museum, i utkanten av det som tidigare var trädgården, eller tomten för ett utav torpen som revs innan satellitstaden Kortedala byggdes upp. En del av den flata tomten med en kort stentrappa fanns kvar fram till 2017 innan bygget av nya bostadshus började. På Google maps funktion ”street view” kan man i skrivande stund (7 feb. 2018) se trappavsatsen och tomten fotograferad en solig majdag 2011 och med lite fantasi måla upp den lantidyll som då rådde i landskapet här innan staden kom. Dessa två krokiga små äppelträd med sura små äpplen är troligen fröplantor eller rotskott av äppelträd från torpets trädgård. Kortedala var vid den tiden en lantmiljö med några få torp och gårdar vars invånare till större del var s.k. månskensbönder vilka bedrev mindre självhushåll vid sidan av sitt arbete i total avskildhet från staden.
",1772,Story,5520,2018-03-01 03:53:52 UTC,2018-03-01 03:53:52 UTC
Rhamnus cathartica

• Form: Buskträd, 8m
• Blad:  4-7 cm, brett äggrunda till ovala med bågad nervatur.
• Bark:  rödbrun på unga skott, äldre nästan svart, skrovlig

Bredvid detta träd har bostadsbolaget Poseidon satt upp en informativ skylt om getapel vilket är mycket trevligt!
",1772,Story,5521,2018-03-01 03:54:58 UTC,2018-03-01 03:54:58 UTC
4160,I incorrectly identified and logged this as Acer pseudoplanatus. Note white on petiole and leaf shape in this update,2504,Story,18651,2018-05-26 10:44:05 UTC,2018-05-26 10:44:05 UTC
2754,"Beautiful in the snow. I put a feeder up yesterday and we have great tits, black caps and my favs long-tailed tits visiting.",2504,Story,5527,2018-03-02 16:14:33 UTC,2018-03-02 16:14:33 UTC
1881,"Pelarek, stora fina exemplar planterade 1921",2118,Story,4360,2017-12-23 15:36:36 UTC,2017-12-23 15:36:36 UTC
1885,"Pelarek, stora fina exemplar planterade 1921",2118,Story,4364,2017-12-23 15:37:48 UTC,2017-12-23 15:37:48 UTC
1915,Frösådd lönn (lönnäsan plockade vi i Bälinge) 2007. Vi klipper lönnen som ett uppstammat klot varje år.,2339,Story,4414,2017-12-25 16:08:38 UTC,2017-12-25 16:08:38 UTC
1012,Horse chestnuts big leaves definitely come in handy when it starts to 🌧,178,Story,2146,2017-07-06 12:51:36 UTC,2017-07-06 12:51:36 UTC
134,Just a tree getting a trim,179,Story,713,2017-03-01 08:52:27 UTC,2017-03-01 08:52:27 UTC
2794,Dublin's Ha'penny Bridge and a palm tree looking good in the sunny weather,179,Story,5705,2018-03-24 12:53:47 UTC,2018-03-24 12:53:47 UTC
2796,"Planted on March 24th 2018 by Sam, Morgan, Anna, Indre, Naomi and Sophie",2658,Story,5708,2018-03-24 14:59:20 UTC,2018-03-24 14:59:20 UTC
2799,Planted mid March 2018,2658,Story,5712,2018-03-25 13:09:43 UTC,2018-03-25 13:09:43 UTC
3979,Wow 😮 gaping #hole in this tree. Looks like a chest burster from aliens came out of it,180,Story,18278,2018-04-01 18:33:03 UTC,2018-04-01 18:33:03 UTC
4060,I give you Tenacity! This tree has been split asunder and hollowed out and yet somehow keeps going. It’s basically the terminator,180,Story,18405,2018-04-20 09:37:40 UTC,2018-04-20 09:37:40 UTC
424,I love the scent of bird cherry blossoms,284,Story,1179,2017-05-04 15:50:16 UTC,2017-05-04 15:50:16 UTC
442,Beautiful view from the top of the vale by this old birch,180,Story,1229,2017-05-06 23:35:08 UTC,2017-05-06 23:35:08 UTC
515,Must come back and see this in the autumn,383,Story,1360,2017-05-22 13:28:59 UTC,2017-05-22 13:28:59 UTC
737,"Olive Tree #olive #wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek 
",510,Story,1616,2017-05-25 18:44:36 UTC,2017-05-25 18:44:36 UTC
738,Tulip Tree,511,Story,1617,2017-05-26 03:40:27 UTC,2017-05-26 03:40:27 UTC
746,This tree has a great view. Tonight's film is the Goonies,179,Story,1626,2017-05-26 19:37:20 UTC,2017-05-26 19:37:20 UTC
772,"Ostrich photobombing my picture at #fotawildlifepark 
",178,Story,1660,2017-05-31 09:51:26 UTC,2017-05-31 09:51:26 UTC
778,#fotawildlifepark,178,Story,1668,2017-05-31 11:13:50 UTC,2017-05-31 11:13:50 UTC
2181,The lights are back! I love walking past this tree,179,Story,4781,2018-01-27 00:19:53 UTC,2018-01-27 00:19:53 UTC
199,I love walking past this tree on my way home #flowers #inbloom,179,Story,810,2017-03-13 19:43:31 UTC,2017-03-13 19:43:31 UTC
69,Some pretty beautiful nighttime lighting,179,Story,596,2017-02-15 21:57:23 UTC,2017-02-15 21:57:23 UTC
797,Ceiba 106 cm diam,268,Story,1706,2017-06-03 15:30:38 UTC,2017-06-03 15:30:38 UTC
799,Giant olive tree on Chelsea Physic Garden – Olea europaea – dated 1946 #wheresolea ,433,Story,1708,2017-06-03 16:29:40 UTC,2017-06-03 16:29:40 UTC
837,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1761,2017-06-06 18:15:10 UTC,2017-06-06 18:15:10 UTC
855,🚢🌳 the boat oak,180,Story,1786,2017-06-10 17:49:31 UTC,2017-06-10 17:49:31 UTC
853,"Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Katsuraäxt)",602,Story,1783,2017-06-10 10:53:19 UTC,2017-06-10 10:53:19 UTC
857,Palm tree,589,Story,1791,2017-06-12 10:50:23 UTC,2017-06-12 10:50:23 UTC
875,Species: common ash,589,Story,1824,2017-06-15 14:46:57 UTC,2017-06-15 14:46:57 UTC
872,Species: horse chestnut,589,Story,1820,2017-06-15 13:44:13 UTC,2017-06-15 13:44:13 UTC
905,Rubber tree,217,Story,1872,2017-06-18 22:50:29 UTC,2017-06-18 22:50:29 UTC
916,Yew,658,Story,1910,2017-06-20 14:06:25 UTC,2017-06-20 14:06:25 UTC
913,Oak,658,Story,1907,2017-06-20 14:04:26 UTC,2017-06-20 14:04:26 UTC
929,Rosa multiflora seems to be everywhere right now.,284,Story,1939,2017-06-21 16:26:44 UTC,2017-06-21 16:26:44 UTC
1030,7 inch white Oak,976,Story,2192,2017-07-16 18:55:21 UTC,2017-07-16 18:55:21 UTC
1044,Wexford ,269,Story,2213,2017-07-20 13:14:55 UTC,2017-07-20 13:14:55 UTC
842,#wheresolea #londontreeweek #icogreen ,599,Story,1767,2017-06-06 18:27:50 UTC,2017-06-06 18:27:50 UTC
1023,Not a bad spot to hang out while you are waiting to see the Book of Kells,179,Story,2168,2017-07-09 15:06:11 UTC,2017-07-09 15:06:11 UTC
864,"Kaukasisk Vingnöt 
Pterocarya fraxinifolia",648,Story,1807,2017-06-14 12:25:17 UTC,2017-06-14 12:25:17 UTC
1504,Platanus acerifolia 'stockholm' ,2047,Story,3332,2017-11-09 14:41:17 UTC,2017-11-09 14:41:17 UTC
171,XXXXXX,284,Story,766,2017-03-10 15:36:50 UTC,2017-03-10 15:36:50 UTC
170,Sunny Chamaecyparis,284,Story,765,2017-03-10 15:34:41 UTC,2017-03-10 15:34:41 UTC
188,Tropical almond tree in playa del carmen park,268,Story,792,2017-03-12 14:59:42 UTC,2017-03-12 14:59:42 UTC
215,Robinia,284,Story,830,2017-03-16 16:58:02 UTC,2017-03-16 16:58:02 UTC
225,#overhead_cable,180,Story,850,2017-03-23 17:54:45 UTC,2017-03-23 17:54:45 UTC
253,Pair of pines retained during clearing for the rock walk planting,180,Story,899,2017-03-30 10:18:15 UTC,2017-03-30 10:18:15 UTC
1455,Blue spruce,1074,Story,3164,2017-10-19 16:50:11 UTC,2017-10-19 16:50:11 UTC
836,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1760,2017-06-06 18:12:01 UTC,2017-06-06 18:12:01 UTC
835,#wheresolea #icogreen #londontreeweek ,510,Story,1759,2017-06-06 18:08:48 UTC,2017-06-06 18:08:48 UTC
388,Three plane trees on the junction of Basingstoke road and Buckland road #streettree #rdguk,407,Story,1128,2017-05-01 08:37:49 UTC,2017-05-01 08:37:49 UTC
400,#mature ,403,Story,1148,2017-05-01 16:26:22 UTC,2017-05-01 16:26:22 UTC
1056,Species: oak,589,Story,2260,2017-07-26 13:00:05 UTC,2017-07-26 13:00:05 UTC
1037,Species: hornbeam ,589,Story,2201,2017-07-18 11:48:17 UTC,2017-07-18 11:48:17 UTC
1094,Ficus macrophylla (Moreton Bay Fig),1057,Story,2334,2017-08-01 01:07:32 UTC,2017-08-01 01:07:32 UTC
1475,"Grows to 110m tall in California
Cones are round and grow at the tips of larger shoots
",1934,Story,3240,2017-10-25 19:57:32 UTC,2017-10-25 19:57:32 UTC
1467,elm,1915,Story,3205,2017-10-23 21:43:12 UTC,2017-10-23 21:43:12 UTC
1515,Magnolia 'Black Tulip x Red Baron',2040,Story,3350,2017-11-11 09:28:56 UTC,2017-11-11 09:28:56 UTC
1520,Aver rubrum Morgan planterad 2016 i strlk 60-70.#newly_planted #young_mature ,2005,Story,3356,2017-11-12 10:27:39 UTC,2017-11-12 10:27:39 UTC
1351,"This pond, now the boating pond and wildlife area, was once thought to be a
‘bottomless pool’, with warnings of dire consequences of falling in. However, when
the pool was examined, it was discovered to be all of 2 feet deep. This willow stands
proudly, providing fantastic shade for the birds of the area.",178,Story,2730,2017-09-05 14:04:39 UTC,2017-09-05 14:04:39 UTC
1499,Showing some nice autumn colour,1995,Story,3325,2017-11-08 17:03:32 UTC,2017-11-08 17:03:32 UTC
1488,"This tree is special to us, because in blossom it provides a heavenly sight over our small front garden, and brightens up the street.  At Christmas, I dress it with red “glass” balls- very simple, but lots of people say how much they enjoy seeing it dressed up.  People sometimes take pictures as they pass.  We chose it for the special flowers- they hang on long stalks- so to see them at their best you have to walk underneath it and look up.  It’s a real wonder.  The autumn colour is lovely too.  It wants to be a little too big for the garden really, so every couple of years I give it a careful trim, keeping its slightly spreading domed shape as best i can.  ",425,Story,3269,2017-11-03 23:52:41 UTC,2017-11-03 23:52:41 UTC
1490,growing in heartland. great for climbing. naturally stunted pillars probably lost its leader many years ago?,1915,Story,3278,2017-11-05 13:52:42 UTC,2017-11-05 13:52:42 UTC
1547,Cementerytree at Leira kirkegård ,2008,Story,3419,2017-11-15 09:28:47 UTC,2017-11-15 09:28:47 UTC
1548,Cementerytree at Leira kirkegård ,2008,Story,3420,2017-11-15 09:31:33 UTC,2017-11-15 09:31:33 UTC
1624,Planted in 2016,2117,Story,3546,2017-11-22 12:06:03 UTC,2017-11-22 12:06:03 UTC
1642,Malus 'maypole' ,2047,Story,3568,2017-11-23 20:43:12 UTC,2017-11-23 20:43:12 UTC
1661,Litet men vackert,2118,Story,3587,2017-11-23 21:10:06 UTC,2017-11-23 21:10:06 UTC
4124,Inte helt säker på sortnamnet,2116,Story,18560,2018-05-09 15:19:46 UTC,2018-05-09 15:19:46 UTC
1672,Vacker förvisso bok,2118,Story,3599,2017-11-25 14:11:03 UTC,2017-11-25 14:11:03 UTC
1678,Svedala den enda plats i Sverige där denna art hittats naturligt,2118,Story,3605,2017-11-25 14:16:08 UTC,2017-11-25 14:16:08 UTC
1699,"Prunus cerasifera, körsbärsplommon. Familj: Rosaceae – rosväxter. Balkan, Kaukasus, SV och C Asien. Lövfällande träd (15 m), ofta med tornar. Strödda, bruna knoppar, ofta gyttrade mot spetsen av kala (hos slån korthåriga), gröna årsskott. Små (4 cm), enkla blad med sågad kant, killik bas, oftast utan extraflorala nektarier. Börjar blomma under de sista dagarna i mars-mitten av april, tidigast av skolans alla Prunus. Små (2cm) enstaka blommor med fem vita eller rosa kronblad, många ståndare, ofta på bar kvist. Körsbärsstora, runda och gula eller röda stenfrukter (hos denna individ gula och mycket välsmakande). Användning: Tidigblommande träd i lähäckar, goda frukter, grundstam åt många Prunus, förälder till plommon (Prunus domestica). Föredrar humusrik, väldränerad jord i sol (halvskugga). Kallas mirabell på danska, men skall ej blandas ihop med franskans mirabelle (Prunus domestica ssp. syriaca). Etymologi: Prunus är det latinska namnet för plommonträd. Cerasifera=körsbärsbärande. Zon 3.",1083,Story,3632,2017-11-28 09:17:20 UTC,2017-11-28 09:17:20 UTC
1717,Convenient that all the leaves from this tree fell in one neat pile. Swear there’s not a guy with a leaf blower just out of shot,180,Story,3686,2017-12-02 15:12:39 UTC,2017-12-02 15:12:39 UTC
1680,Höstfärg!,2118,Story,3607,2017-11-25 14:17:42 UTC,2017-11-25 14:17:42 UTC
1655,Uppstammad med krona liknande hängande lurvig boll,2118,Story,3581,2017-11-23 20:59:58 UTC,2017-11-23 20:59:58 UTC
4157,All the colours!,180,Story,18644,2018-05-23 15:16:40 UTC,2018-05-23 15:16:40 UTC
4221,500 årig lönn,2934,Story,18862,2018-06-28 16:29:26 UTC,2018-06-28 16:29:26 UTC
4249,Glorious! Best specimen in town.,2951,Story,18916,2018-07-10 12:50:14 UTC,2018-07-10 12:50:14 UTC
4306,"I hope this is an oak, any suggestions on what type?",3102,Story,19014,2018-07-27 09:31:48 UTC,2018-07-27 09:31:48 UTC
4308,Leaves,3102,Story,19016,2018-07-27 09:49:29 UTC,2018-07-27 09:49:29 UTC
1006,#whatspecies,178,Story,2134,2017-07-06 12:14:14 UTC,2017-07-06 12:14:14 UTC
4172,Looks like Japanese Knotweed taking hold here. #InvasiveSpecies,180,Story,18679,2018-05-31 12:20:50 UTC,2018-05-31 12:20:50 UTC
4259,Sycamore behind die in large elder.,544,Story,18941,2018-07-11 11:16:18 UTC,2018-07-11 11:16:18 UTC
4466,👌,3279,Story,19319,2018-09-18 15:41:31 UTC,2018-09-18 15:41:31 UTC
4363,Finding trees with character! Can anybody help with species,3162,Story,19112,2018-08-19 13:19:52 UTC,2018-08-19 13:19:52 UTC
4393,"Sir Bobbington was walking along Dragon Spine lane, above ground, when he came across the troll. Sir Bobbington pulled out his magic bow, which was given to him by Falcon, the Tree Guardian, and readied himself for battle!",3183,Story,19149,2018-08-23 20:13:16 UTC,2018-08-23 20:13:16 UTC
4392,"Meanwhile, lurking in the undergrowth, a huge, ugly, French troll was tunnelling from tree to tree. It was Natas, the troll shape shifter, although he could only transform into a frog. It was in this form that he was now tunnelling underground using his five foot long tongue. As he went, he planted poisonous troll-spawn which was killing all the trees.",3183,Story,19148,2018-08-23 20:12:17 UTC,2018-08-23 20:12:17 UTC
4383,"Now, Willow Wintow followed the same path – it seemed as if it went on for miles! When she finally got to the Dragon Mound she saw a shadowy figure approach.",3183,Story,19139,2018-08-23 18:01:17 UTC,2018-08-23 18:01:17 UTC
4382,"Grotty Groddle crept up to the unicorn while it slept. Silently, he Lunged towards the unicorn, grabbed his horn and tore it right out from his forehead. The unicorn woke up with a fright, only to see a shadowy shape floating away towards the Dragon Mound in the distance – waving his lost horn frantically in the air. The Dragon Mound was far away, right at the end of the long, winding dragon tail path.",3183,Story,19138,2018-08-23 18:00:33 UTC,2018-08-23 18:00:33 UTC
4400,Exactly the type of tree you want to see on a stretch of rugged coastline,180,Story,19160,2018-08-24 10:00:25 UTC,2018-08-24 10:00:25 UTC
4165,"Not sure what species, but has cool waxy leaves with some bumps.",2672,Story,18662,2018-05-27 15:47:05 UTC,2018-05-27 15:47:05 UTC
31,Winter #apples anyone?,180,Story,503,2016-12-30 15:04:05 UTC,2016-12-30 15:04:05 UTC
4557,Välvuxet med hängande grenar ner till marken,3276,Story,19806,2018-10-15 12:52:43 UTC,2018-10-15 12:52:43 UTC
516,"One of my favourite trees, a mulberry recently planted by the Friends of the Byes group: good choice!",383,Story,1361,2017-05-22 13:34:45 UTC,2017-05-22 13:34:45 UTC
999,Hängbjörk,753,Story,2112,2017-07-04 06:03:21 UTC,2017-07-04 06:03:21 UTC
4335,Amazing looking fruit on this exotic Armenian oak. On the endangered red list,180,Story,19063,2018-08-03 22:30:50 UTC,2018-08-03 22:30:50 UTC
4343,Planted in 1912,1083,Story,19089,2018-08-08 08:58:53 UTC,2018-08-08 08:58:53 UTC
4582,Ca 550 i omkrets,1793,Story,19861,2018-10-20 15:34:42 UTC,2018-10-20 15:34:42 UTC
4508,Old and tall,3467,Story,19539,2018-10-05 01:43:35 UTC,2018-10-05 01:43:35 UTC
4511,"these bushes look very nice, in spring as well as autumn
descrption in Dutch",2666,Story,19545,2018-10-05 13:50:31 UTC,2018-10-05 13:50:31 UTC
4545,Several older and younger specimen,3205,Story,19785,2018-10-14 13:48:34 UTC,2018-10-14 13:48:34 UTC
4590,"Hjälmseryds Lind har en omkrets på 9,3meter och bedöms vara ca 500 år gammal. Den har fått utstå mycket genom åren bla, flätning av en större stammbit. Den är stabiliserad med både stag och vajer. Stor spricka i en av stammarna",1793,Story,19875,2018-10-22 11:52:26 UTC,2018-10-22 11:52:26 UTC
4613,From chatting to people there are apparently far fewer Sweet chestnuts this year and they’re much smaller too.,180,Story,19954,2018-10-29 18:03:18 UTC,2018-10-29 18:03:18 UTC
4526,Lovely beech,3102,Story,19670,2018-10-10 17:38:47 UTC,2018-10-10 17:38:47 UTC
4890,Southdowns Avenue,4193,Story,20611,2019-03-31 12:40:40 UTC,2019-03-31 12:40:40 UTC
4913,x 4,3276,Story,20669,2019-04-04 10:31:30 UTC,2019-04-04 10:31:30 UTC
4623,Spotted these guys asleep in and around a willow tree this morning,179,Story,20011,2018-11-06 20:50:38 UTC,2018-11-07 11:12:46 UTC
4917,This is a large and very old specimen at the school yard from 1877.,1083,Story,20673,2019-04-05 11:26:03 UTC,2019-04-05 11:26:03 UTC
4698,The national tree of Bhutan.,4065,Story,20212,2019-02-01 11:49:08 UTC,2019-02-01 11:49:08 UTC
4702,This tree has tattoos and piercings 😎,218,Story,20222,2019-02-03 22:14:58 UTC,2019-02-03 22:14:58 UTC
4843,We planted this in March 2015.,4193,Story,20523,2019-03-26 20:12:17 UTC,2019-03-26 20:12:17 UTC
4817,Blossom!,179,Story,20480,2019-03-24 18:04:53 UTC,2019-03-24 18:04:53 UTC
4740,Mycket invuxen bark,3254,Story,20345,2019-03-14 09:44:37 UTC,2019-03-14 09:44:37 UTC
4984,Surrounded by Buddleia etc! ,4193,Story,20871,2019-04-24 07:45:01 UTC,2019-04-24 07:45:01 UTC
4748,Group of Noreay Maples which show fantastic colours in Autumn,4193,Story,20361,2019-03-16 16:26:13 UTC,2019-03-16 16:26:13 UTC
7021,Pretty impressed that there are apples appearing on this already even if they’re only titchy,180,Story,23775,2019-07-10 10:58:27 UTC,2019-07-10 10:58:27 UTC
4846,"In March 2015 we planted a Swedish Whitebeam, Sorbus intermediate, here.",4193,Story,20526,2019-03-26 20:19:24 UTC,2019-03-26 20:19:24 UTC
4689,"50 Birch, 150 Ash, 50 Hazel, 50 Hawthorn trees planted by Seal Rescue Ireland during Community Native Replanting Day",4041,Story,20183,2019-01-21 21:02:38 UTC,2019-01-21 21:02:38 UTC
4867,Red leaves and red blossom! ,4193,Story,20571,2019-03-30 11:32:29 UTC,2019-03-30 11:32:29 UTC
4839,We planted this in December 2016.,4193,Story,20519,2019-03-26 19:52:15 UTC,2019-03-26 19:52:15 UTC
4859,Finns två exemplar i rabatten.,3254,Story,20555,2019-03-28 13:10:46 UTC,2019-03-28 13:10:46 UTC
4876,Unidentified maple tree,4254,Story,20596,2019-03-30 22:52:39 UTC,2019-03-30 22:52:39 UTC
4946,"Nice early mature weeping willow, part of the willow avenue along the Nene on the Embankment.",4165,Story,20769,2019-04-11 10:15:17 UTC,2019-04-11 10:15:17 UTC
4949,#peterborough #embankment ,4165,Story,20772,2019-04-11 10:36:45 UTC,2019-04-11 10:36:45 UTC
4948,Willow avenue on the Embankment,4165,Story,20771,2019-04-11 10:30:50 UTC,2019-04-11 10:30:50 UTC
4958,Lovely old decaying Ash. Very high habitat potential and definitely value.,4165,Story,20786,2019-04-11 14:26:37 UTC,2019-04-11 14:26:37 UTC
4980,Planterad 19/4 -19 för Eira.,4318,Story,20863,2019-04-20 19:14:42 UTC,2019-04-20 19:14:42 UTC
4988,"Nice plantation with a mix of prunes and pines. In full bloom, meeting the hard city surface under Essingeleden.",3276,Story,20883,2019-04-25 11:17:09 UTC,2019-04-25 11:17:09 UTC
5021,3.32m,4356,Story,20980,2019-04-30 08:54:44 UTC,2019-04-30 08:54:44 UTC
5034,1.22,4356,Story,20993,2019-04-30 09:24:40 UTC,2019-04-30 09:24:40 UTC
5047,.91m,4356,Story,21007,2019-04-30 09:39:20 UTC,2019-04-30 09:39:20 UTC
5016,1.81m,4356,Story,20974,2019-04-30 08:26:30 UTC,2019-04-30 08:26:30 UTC
5069,2.06,4356,Story,21030,2019-04-30 10:28:41 UTC,2019-04-30 10:28:41 UTC
5071,2.76 - 3 large stems,4356,Story,21032,2019-04-30 10:30:56 UTC,2019-04-30 10:30:56 UTC
#round1 ",4360,Story,21248,2019-05-07 22:25:49 UTC,2019-05-07 22:25:49 UTC
5105,15. Plantering av städsegrön lignos.,1083,Story,21087,2019-05-01 09:42:59 UTC,2019-05-01 09:42:59 UTC
5003,Some of my favourite leaves. Looks like perfect potato chips.,3276,Story,20917,2019-04-29 15:37:58 UTC,2019-04-29 15:37:58 UTC
5216,Possible site on grass verge Opp school plant a small treel,4285,Story,21394,2019-05-13 10:03:26 UTC,2019-05-13 10:03:26 UTC
5086,1.11m,4356,Story,21048,2019-04-30 10:46:12 UTC,2019-04-30 10:46:12 UTC
5223,Scan for services,4285,Story,21401,2019-05-13 10:41:15 UTC,2019-05-13 10:41:15 UTC
5240,Not possible to plant up due to. Residents  of no 26 overhanging conifer.. Don't close pit in case of future opportunities,4285,Story,21421,2019-05-14 08:23:01 UTC,2019-05-14 08:23:01 UTC
5246,Located to the side of 63 Bradley's Road,4285,Story,21427,2019-05-14 09:01:18 UTC,2019-05-14 09:01:18 UTC
11451,#step #may ,5842,Story,29967,2020-06-10 22:11:17 UTC,2020-06-10 22:11:17 UTC
8705,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25610,2019-08-28 04:50:18 UTC,2019-08-28 04:50:18 UTC
5386,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21605,2019-05-17 23:54:38 UTC,2019-05-17 23:54:38 UTC
11453,#step #may ,5842,Story,29969,2020-06-10 22:12:17 UTC,2020-06-10 22:12:17 UTC
8707,#stepmonitored #round3 #leafbeetle,4462,Story,25612,2019-08-28 04:51:27 UTC,2019-08-28 04:51:27 UTC
8708,#stepmonitored #round3 #leafbeetle,4462,Story,25613,2019-08-28 04:52:17 UTC,2019-08-28 04:52:17 UTC
5387,Baseline photo 5/17/19,4462,Story,21606,2019-05-17 23:58:16 UTC,2019-05-17 23:58:16 UTC
6649,Bt 28&29,4285,Story,23222,2019-06-12 10:04:45 UTC,2019-06-12 10:04:45 UTC
5686,Row of 3 sycamore,4193,Story,22025,2019-05-23 18:49:39 UTC,2019-05-23 18:49:39 UTC
6712,On grass verge bt 49/51,4285,Story,23403,2019-06-24 11:03:34 UTC,2019-06-24 11:03:34 UTC
7047,Water oak?,4682,Story,23811,2019-07-11 14:44:07 UTC,2019-07-11 14:44:07 UTC
#round3 #stepmonitored",4462,Story,25745,2019-08-30 22:39:32 UTC,2019-08-30 22:39:32 UTC
7227,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4466,Story,24006,2019-07-15 02:21:36 UTC,2019-07-15 02:21:36 UTC
5560,Omkrets 84 cm,4361,Story,21812,2019-05-21 13:00:32 UTC,2019-05-21 13:00:32 UTC
7670, A young Hop Hornbeam looking great in seed,2062,Story,24465,2019-07-23 11:32:24 UTC,2019-07-23 11:32:24 UTC
4919,"In my opinion, a very good looking oak.",3276,Story,20675,2019-04-05 13:29:28 UTC,2019-04-05 13:29:28 UTC
9011,Sötkörsbär,4983,Story,26196,2019-09-26 06:14:48 UTC,2019-09-26 06:14:48 UTC
9017,Skogslönn,4983,Story,26202,2019-09-26 06:29:19 UTC,2019-09-26 06:29:19 UTC
9022,Plommon,4983,Story,26208,2019-09-26 06:49:32 UTC,2019-09-26 06:49:32 UTC
9041,Healthy,3373,Story,26241,2019-09-28 13:33:56 UTC,2019-09-28 13:33:56 UTC
8363,It took 14 people to circle this magnificent churchyard tree,180,Story,25261,2019-08-25 15:24:44 UTC,2019-08-25 15:24:44 UTC
8759,One of two trees bought from Mount Venus nursery with my 40th birthday gift voucher. Looking forward to seeing them grow into the space. Plan to add a third next year. According to the nursery these are approx 4-5 years old. ,2465,Story,25672,2019-08-28 18:26:36 UTC,2019-08-28 18:26:36 UTC
10255,#step #May,5793,Story,28369,2020-05-10 23:25:33 UTC,2020-05-10 23:25:33 UTC
6128,Looks OK #stepmonnitored #roundone ,4452,Story,22546,2019-05-29 02:18:04 UTC,2019-05-29 02:18:04 UTC
6090,7 pines,4193,Story,22505,2019-05-28 11:50:45 UTC,2019-05-28 11:50:45 UTC
6091,Several planted here in 1980s,4193,Story,22506,2019-05-28 11:54:15 UTC,2019-05-28 11:54:15 UTC
14644,Distinctive asymmetric leaf base and leaves rough to touch,9335,Story,37462,2022-09-26 11:37:07 UTC,2022-09-26 11:37:07 UTC
6301,This is a European ash,2062,Story,22811,2019-05-31 10:52:48 UTC,2019-05-31 10:52:48 UTC
6641,Twin stem,2062,Story,23209,2019-06-11 10:25:36 UTC,2019-06-11 10:25:36 UTC
6683,Bt 5/7,4285,Story,23369,2019-06-20 12:54:58 UTC,2019-06-20 12:54:58 UTC
6684,Opp 16,4285,Story,23370,2019-06-20 12:56:07 UTC,2019-06-20 12:56:07 UTC
6693,On grass verge bt 3/5,4285,Story,23379,2019-06-21 13:29:56 UTC,2019-06-21 13:29:56 UTC
6706,On grass verge os 95,4285,Story,23397,2019-06-24 10:42:58 UTC,2019-06-24 10:42:58 UTC
6705,On grass verge bt 99/97,4285,Story,23396,2019-06-24 10:42:05 UTC,2019-06-24 10:42:05 UTC
9282,"Yew is one of Ireland’s oldest living native trees. The leaves of the yew can be recognised by their needle-like shape, displaying a strong rib down the centre of the leaf. The yews trunk often flakes to reveal reddish patches and in early autumn cones and autumn berries appear. DID YOU KNOW? The oldest tree in Europe is said to be a 3,000 year-old yew!",180,Story,26642,2019-12-02 17:59:18 UTC,2019-12-02 17:59:18 UTC
9280,"Yew is one of Ireland’s oldest living native trees. The leaves of the yew can be recognised by their needle-like shape, displaying a strong rib down the centre of the leaf. The yews trunk often flakes to reveal reddish patches and in early autumn cones and autumn berries appear. DID YOU KNOW? The oldest tree in Europe is said to be a 3,000 year-old yew!",180,Story,26640,2019-12-02 17:39:13 UTC,2019-12-02 17:39:13 UTC
272,Lunchtime stroll in Herbert Park,301,Story,931,2017-04-03 13:02:03 UTC,2017-04-03 13:02:03 UTC
9005,"Very large tree, looking over mature with some reduction completed to its canopy.",4951,Story,26175,2019-09-24 21:04:41 UTC,2019-09-24 21:04:41 UTC
8965,vines on tree,4914,Story,26105,2019-09-12 22:42:30 UTC,2019-09-12 22:42:30 UTC
9117,The berries were yellow instead of red,5065,Story,26364,2019-10-13 20:50:55 UTC,2019-10-13 20:50:55 UTC
9148,Tree ,5157,Story,26422,2019-10-26 07:35:25 UTC,2019-10-26 07:35:25 UTC
9205,5 stems,4407,Story,26532,2019-11-10 12:21:57 UTC,2019-11-10 12:21:57 UTC
9233,"The native wild apple tree is quite rare in Ireland. Though some have been found in hedgerows and woodlands in north Dublin! Bees pollinate the early spring flowers of the apple tree and are just one of the ninety insects that the apple tree provides a home for. Another form of wildlife that benefits from the apple tree is our native birds, who love to eat the tree’s autumn crop of greenish - yellow apples. 

DID YOU KNOW? Apple is a deciduous tree, this means the leaves fall from the tree and grow again every year!
",180,Story,26585,2019-11-27 09:59:54 UTC,2019-11-27 09:59:54 UTC
9242,"Oak is an important tree in the Irish landscape. Oak supports many different varieties of wildlife including plants, birds and insects, which feed or nest about the tree. It is one of the most popular trees planted in Ireland and if all the oak woodlands were put together they would cover over 5,370 football pitches! Now imagine the number of acorns that fall every Autumn! DID YOU KNOW? The tallest oak in Ireland is located in Co. Wicklow and measures 37 metres to the top, that’s an amazing 9 double-decker buses high!",180,Story,26594,2019-11-27 10:10:53 UTC,2019-11-27 10:10:53 UTC
9306,2 small wheeling cherries ,5364,Story,26729,2020-01-07 09:45:13 UTC,2020-01-07 09:45:13 UTC
9375,this is a #test,179,Story,27055,2020-01-26 10:10:59 UTC,2020-01-26 10:10:59 UTC
9322,Estimated age of 21 years old,5328,Story,26795,2020-01-14 11:50:57 UTC,2020-05-17 08:35:55 UTC
9422,Planterat 2017,5407,Story,27147,2020-02-03 13:18:13 UTC,2020-02-03 13:18:13 UTC
9425,"Japansk magnolia. Står tillsammans med flera andra magnolior av samma sort i det som kallas ""Magnolialunden"", mellan växthuset och scenen",5407,Story,27151,2020-02-03 14:23:45 UTC,2020-02-03 14:23:45 UTC
9427,Giftig,5454,Story,27168,2020-02-04 14:31:34 UTC,2020-02-04 14:31:34 UTC
9429,A big old Quercus robur.,3645,Story,27170,2020-02-05 08:57:14 UTC,2020-02-05 08:57:14 UTC
9432,Beech planted out 8/2/2020  by Once Upon a Tree (Southend). Tree Certificate:  Celebrating the Birthday of Keith Baxter. 🌳💚🙏🏼,5002,Story,27173,2020-02-08 14:58:55 UTC,2020-03-03 20:43:15 UTC
9438,Tree causing issues with pavement. ,5002,Story,27179,2020-02-11 11:15:32 UTC,2020-02-11 11:15:32 UTC
9449,#camtreechallenge,5537,Story,27202,2020-02-16 20:23:41 UTC,2020-02-16 20:23:41 UTC
9450,Trees for babies #CamTreeChallenge,5539,Story,27203,2020-02-16 21:58:17 UTC,2020-02-16 21:58:17 UTC
9451,Hana's tree #CamTreeChallenge,5535,Story,27206,2020-02-17 18:43:18 UTC,2020-02-17 18:43:18 UTC
Planted 22/02/20",5566,Story,27241,2020-02-22 19:55:50 UTC,2020-02-22 19:55:50 UTC
9472,#CamTreeChallenge,5569,Story,27246,2020-02-23 13:27:38 UTC,2020-02-23 13:27:38 UTC
9473,#camtreechallenge #freetreesforbabies,5571,Story,27247,2020-02-23 20:59:06 UTC,2020-02-23 20:59:06 UTC
9474,Dessert apple tree #CamTreeChallenge,5574,Story,27248,2020-02-24 19:50:27 UTC,2020-02-24 19:50:27 UTC
9476,"Beth Pear, pollination C, planted Feb 2020. #freetreesforbabies #CamTreeChallenge",5577,Story,27250,2020-02-25 19:11:24 UTC,2020-02-25 21:08:32 UTC
9481,Växer på Malus trädraden,5589,Story,27261,2020-03-01 11:58:35 UTC,2020-03-01 11:58:35 UTC
9479,#CamTreeChallenge,5587,Story,27258,2020-02-28 18:43:58 UTC,2020-02-28 18:43:58 UTC
9487,Super comice,5360,Story,27268,2020-03-03 10:58:14 UTC,2020-03-03 10:58:14 UTC
9489,Laxton Superb mutation russet superb,5360,Story,27271,2020-03-03 18:40:49 UTC,2020-03-03 18:40:49 UTC
9498,Probably basketry willow. It is next to a smaller pink Japanese pussy willow (Mount Asa).,5360,Story,27280,2020-03-03 18:57:57 UTC,2020-03-03 18:57:57 UTC
9499,"A little unsure of the cultivar. Grafted by a community gardener in Nottingham. At the time of donation, said to be good for cider making.",5360,Story,27281,2020-03-03 18:59:38 UTC,2020-03-03 18:59:38 UTC
12989,New tree planted 😍,5328,Story,32511,2020-11-20 12:57:27 UTC,2020-11-20 12:57:27 UTC
9291,Tree stump,5328,Story,26654,2019-12-15 12:22:22 UTC,2019-12-15 12:22:22 UTC
9514,We don’t know the kind of tree,5616,Story,27316,2020-03-07 14:27:01 UTC,2020-03-07 14:27:01 UTC
9516,Unsure,4242,Story,27335,2020-03-07 15:10:11 UTC,2020-03-07 15:10:11 UTC
9519,#CamTreeChallenge,5627,Story,27348,2020-03-08 14:58:36 UTC,2020-03-08 14:58:36 UTC
9528,"Trees for babies,
Planted 8.3.2020,
#CamTreeChallenge",5633,Story,27359,2020-03-09 22:19:31 UTC,2020-03-09 22:19:31 UTC
9532,Häck formklippt,5651,Story,27374,2020-03-13 12:51:50 UTC,2020-03-13 12:51:50 UTC
9537,Christ Church of Ireland grounds,5605,Story,27382,2020-03-16 10:29:27 UTC,2020-03-16 10:29:27 UTC
9554,Det extremt tidiga året 2020 började den blomma redan den 25 mars. År 2017 började den blomma den 4 april.,1083,Story,27422,2020-03-25 07:05:07 UTC,2020-03-25 07:05:07 UTC
9571,Fagus sylvatica,5713,Story,27494,2020-04-07 14:18:50 UTC,2020-04-07 14:18:50 UTC
9588,This is a very old oak. Didn’t seem to produce too many acorns in the autumn of 2019. Hoping for many more next year.,5767,Story,27526,2020-04-24 10:11:29 UTC,2020-04-24 10:11:29 UTC
9590,Kopparhäggmispel- Amelanchir laevis,5760,Story,27534,2020-04-25 05:21:41 UTC,2020-04-25 05:21:41 UTC
9596,Dubbelstam,3254,Story,27544,2020-04-26 06:49:25 UTC,2020-04-26 06:49:25 UTC
9602,The leaves have just fully emerged (April 27th). ,5605,Story,27561,2020-04-27 15:22:53 UTC,2020-04-27 15:22:53 UTC
9612,Amelanchier lamarckii,5768,Story,27604,2020-04-29 16:49:49 UTC,2020-04-29 16:49:49 UTC
9633,PLANTERAD Mars 2020,4932,Story,27637,2020-05-02 15:17:48 UTC,2020-05-02 15:17:48 UTC
9636,"Planterade april 2020
Från stånga plantskola",4932,Story,27640,2020-05-02 15:45:02 UTC,2020-05-02 15:45:02 UTC
9736,Spinosissima ’Aicha’,5864,Story,27746,2020-05-03 11:45:38 UTC,2020-05-03 11:45:38 UTC
9878,Planterades: 06-05-20,3342,Story,27906,2020-05-06 08:25:18 UTC,2020-05-06 08:25:18 UTC
9880,"ARB18 Examensdagen den 6 maj 2020. Stående från vänster:Eric Danell (mentor), Roland Pereyra, Mikael Eriksson, Niklas Deblén, Oscar Sandberg, Emil Kovacs, Theodor Björnslätt, Niclas Haglind (rektor), Teodor Sjöqvist, Andreas Karlqvist, Vivi Assarsson, Linda Olsson, Daniel Johansson, Rasmus Berg, Adam Lindberg. Sittande från vänster: Erica Elfström, Elin Lissvall, Katarina Renkert, Björn Lindhe, Mira Axelsson. Frånvarande: Niklas Tordell och Nicklas Qvarnström.",1083,Story,27909,2020-05-06 13:58:15 UTC,2020-05-06 13:58:15 UTC
9879,Planterades 06-05-20,3342,Story,27907,2020-05-06 08:41:05 UTC,2020-05-06 08:41:05 UTC
9945,Klätterväxt. Femfingriga blad likt hästkastanj. Japansk art. Tillhör samma ordning som berberis. Frukten ätlig. Monoik växt som undviker självpollinering genom att ha endast honblommor. Blommorna är lila.,4961,Story,28011,2020-05-07 12:18:21 UTC,2020-05-07 12:18:21 UTC
10142,Blocking oak ,5904,Story,28240,2020-05-09 15:18:27 UTC,2020-05-09 15:18:27 UTC
10269,Bush,2454,Story,28394,2020-05-11 17:33:20 UTC,2020-05-11 17:33:20 UTC
10284,"Multi-stem, multistem equation used to calculate DBH",5933,Story,28418,2020-05-12 12:28:08 UTC,2020-05-12 12:28:08 UTC
10316,Ancient female Native Blck Poplar.,5530,Story,28456,2020-05-13 12:49:15 UTC,2020-05-13 12:49:15 UTC
10331,Another clump of cordylines  Which “ died” in the 2010 snow but then grew back,6061,Story,28478,2020-05-13 18:28:57 UTC,2020-05-13 18:28:57 UTC
10435,Bush,2454,Story,28597,2020-05-15 13:17:14 UTC,2020-05-15 13:17:14 UTC
10444,"Multi stem,",6130,Story,28618,2020-05-15 14:48:30 UTC,2020-05-15 14:48:30 UTC
10458,Pelarek,5771,Story,28661,2020-05-16 09:56:02 UTC,2020-05-16 09:56:02 UTC
11155,Tree sawn down!,5328,Story,29530,2020-06-01 16:44:59 UTC,2020-06-01 16:44:59 UTC
10748,Might be common oak (quercus robur). Two trees next to each other,6227,Story,29009,2020-05-21 19:48:53 UTC,2020-05-21 19:48:53 UTC
9371,missing circumference,5328,Story,27042,2020-01-24 14:56:29 UTC,2020-01-30 09:29:03 UTC
10538,"Någon slags Prunus, gissar på någon tjusig körsbärssort",4926,Story,28744,2020-05-16 18:58:49 UTC,2020-05-16 18:58:49 UTC
10639,Good condition. May have been here prior to 1840s,6164,Story,28849,2020-05-17 09:00:41 UTC,2020-05-17 09:00:41 UTC
10666,Possibly Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' ,6194,Story,28884,2020-05-18 12:30:23 UTC,2020-05-18 12:30:23 UTC
10668,Overshadowed small tree close to park gate. Appears to be forked at ground level but other half is Common Hawthorn flowering earlier. May be one of three in this part of the park.,5530,Story,28886,2020-05-18 13:20:03 UTC,2020-05-18 13:20:03 UTC
9355,New tree species is not yet known,5328,Story,27013,2020-01-24 09:35:36 UTC,2020-01-24 09:35:36 UTC
10823,Trunk splits into two. Circumference given includes both parts of trunk.,3157,Story,29098,2020-05-24 16:14:16 UTC,2020-05-24 16:14:16 UTC
10934,Dawn Redwood planted 1948,5885,Story,29225,2020-05-26 19:05:01 UTC,2020-05-26 19:05:01 UTC
11002,#wicklowtrees,6021,Story,29314,2020-05-29 14:21:36 UTC,2020-05-29 14:21:36 UTC
11009,2 trees in private garden ,6172,Story,29325,2020-05-29 15:39:27 UTC,2020-05-29 15:39:27 UTC
11045,I think it is Cordyline Australis ,6351,Story,29380,2020-05-30 17:54:13 UTC,2020-05-30 17:54:13 UTC
11064,Supporting lots of other plants,6364,Story,29408,2020-05-31 11:55:12 UTC,2020-05-31 11:55:12 UTC
11086,Bay tree; Laurie nobilis var augustifolia,5885,Story,29434,2020-05-31 15:42:08 UTC,2020-05-31 15:42:08 UTC
11106,Strawberry tree,5885,Story,29458,2020-05-31 18:40:53 UTC,2020-05-31 18:40:53 UTC
11519,This tree has died :( ,6419,Story,30086,2020-06-12 23:04:59 UTC,2020-06-12 23:04:59 UTC
11699,Damage to trunk,6419,Story,30356,2020-06-18 20:20:10 UTC,2020-06-18 20:20:10 UTC
11775,football net wrapped around the trunk. Needs to be removed.,6419,Story,30454,2020-06-21 08:35:33 UTC,2020-06-21 08:35:33 UTC
11732,Tree has three separate trunks. One appears dead. Circumference was calculated by adding the two living trunk sizes together. ,6419,Story,30403,2020-06-20 08:51:21 UTC,2020-06-20 08:51:21 UTC
11193,#wicklowtrees,6382,Story,29587,2020-06-04 14:40:50 UTC,2020-06-04 14:40:50 UTC
11208,#wicklowtrees,6382,Story,29620,2020-06-05 12:09:11 UTC,2020-06-05 12:09:11 UTC
465,Crumlin palm,188,Story,1279,2017-05-13 11:58:52 UTC,2017-05-13 11:58:52 UTC
11304,Wild cherry tree ,6370,Story,29735,2020-06-07 16:57:56 UTC,2020-06-07 16:57:56 UTC
11309,Hugely impressive Sycamore tree on the Avoca park entrance to Carysfort Park.,6370,Story,29755,2020-06-07 17:40:39 UTC,2020-06-07 17:40:39 UTC
11302,Planted in 1992 by Ketton Tree Group,6446,Story,29729,2020-06-07 08:50:59 UTC,2020-06-07 08:50:59 UTC
11475,Rocky Mountain Maple planted May 2020,5956,Story,30028,2020-06-12 14:57:40 UTC,2020-06-12 14:57:40 UTC
11524,#wicklowtrees,6486,Story,30100,2020-06-13 15:34:15 UTC,2020-06-13 15:34:15 UTC
11528,#wicklowtrees,6486,Story,30104,2020-06-13 15:43:23 UTC,2020-06-13 15:43:23 UTC
11530,#wicklowtrees ,6485,Story,30106,2020-06-13 15:49:13 UTC,2020-06-13 15:49:13 UTC
11795,Giant Redwood grounds Newpark Nursing Home,6530,Story,30522,2020-06-22 11:37:17 UTC,2020-06-22 11:37:17 UTC
11797,"#step #june 
Suspect elm leaf beetle infestation ",6533,Story,30527,2020-06-24 02:58:59 UTC,2020-06-24 19:11:30 UTC
11798,"Tesco carpark l s conlict, leaning c.spr. c.4.0m",6529,Story,30528,2020-06-24 12:52:16 UTC,2020-06-24 12:52:16 UTC
11980,"'NORWEGIAN SUNSET', not 'Warrenred'",6366,Story,30827,2020-07-09 20:16:25 UTC,2020-07-09 20:16:25 UTC
12072,Very young..can't identify species.,6677,Story,30953,2020-07-14 17:51:45 UTC,2020-07-14 17:51:45 UTC
12110,Planted on verge. Leans out over the road. ,6127,Story,30999,2020-07-18 09:24:51 UTC,2020-07-18 09:24:51 UTC
12139,"Blodlönn, sort?",6777,Story,31048,2020-07-25 15:20:38 UTC,2020-07-25 15:20:38 UTC
9132,copper beech golden bridge graveyard planted by Daniel O'Connell,5123,Story,26398,2019-10-23 14:19:40 UTC,2019-10-23 14:19:40 UTC
12267,Pinus sylvestris,5713,Story,31258,2020-08-05 17:50:50 UTC,2020-08-05 17:50:50 UTC
12394,2020-08-11 nr 1,5552,Story,31393,2020-08-11 08:50:33 UTC,2020-08-11 08:50:33 UTC
12410,"2020-08-11 Nr 17
",5552,Story,31412,2020-08-11 10:44:31 UTC,2020-08-11 10:44:31 UTC
12401,2020-08-11 Nr 8,5552,Story,31400,2020-08-11 09:37:19 UTC,2020-08-11 09:37:19 UTC
12468,"populus nigra
",4142,Story,31477,2020-08-22 12:08:51 UTC,2020-08-22 12:08:51 UTC
12497,"Multiple trunks sprouting from original location. 
Albizia julibrissin Or Mimosa as it is commonly referred to. ",6929,Story,31570,2020-08-30 15:07:08 UTC,2020-08-30 15:07:08 UTC
12501,Species unknown. ,6929,Story,31574,2020-08-30 15:18:53 UTC,2020-08-30 15:18:53 UTC
12505,Species unknown. ,6929,Story,31581,2020-08-31 15:27:33 UTC,2020-08-31 15:27:33 UTC
12506,Species unknown ,6929,Story,31582,2020-08-31 15:30:27 UTC,2020-08-31 15:30:27 UTC
12571,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.3 ",7086,Story,31755,2020-09-19 08:48:25 UTC,2020-09-19 08:48:25 UTC
12573,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.5",7086,Story,31757,2020-09-19 08:53:47 UTC,2020-09-19 08:53:47 UTC
12581,"Søylebarlind, Pilestredet park nr.14",7086,Story,31765,2020-09-19 09:41:20 UTC,2020-09-19 09:41:20 UTC
12590,Hestekastanje. Pilestredet park nr.23,7086,Story,31774,2020-09-19 10:39:28 UTC,2020-09-19 10:39:28 UTC
12592,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr.25",7086,Story,31776,2020-09-19 10:45:07 UTC,2020-09-19 10:45:07 UTC
12612,Sølvpil. Pilestredet park nr.44,7086,Story,31796,2020-09-19 12:01:48 UTC,2020-09-19 12:01:48 UTC
12626,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr.57",7086,Story,31810,2020-09-19 13:28:09 UTC,2020-09-19 13:28:09 UTC
12635,"Magnolia, Pilestredet park nr.66",7086,Story,31819,2020-09-19 13:54:03 UTC,2020-09-19 13:54:03 UTC
12640,Ornäsbjörk?,6777,Story,31828,2020-09-22 13:11:57 UTC,2020-09-22 13:11:57 UTC
12649,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.76",7086,Story,31837,2020-09-25 11:47:57 UTC,2020-09-25 11:47:57 UTC
12656,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr.83",7086,Story,31844,2020-09-25 12:09:22 UTC,2020-09-25 12:09:22 UTC
12666,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr.93",7086,Story,31854,2020-09-25 12:40:33 UTC,2020-09-25 12:40:33 UTC
12667,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr.94",7086,Story,31855,2020-09-25 12:43:13 UTC,2020-09-25 12:43:13 UTC
12675,Pil. Pilestredet park nr.101,7086,Story,31863,2020-09-27 15:08:53 UTC,2020-09-27 15:08:53 UTC
12701,"Hestekastanje, Pilestredet park nr. 124",7086,Story,31895,2020-09-30 11:36:06 UTC,2020-09-30 11:36:06 UTC
12704,Søyleeik. Pilestredet park nr. 127,7086,Story,31898,2020-09-30 12:01:12 UTC,2020-09-30 12:01:12 UTC
12718,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 141",7086,Story,31912,2020-09-30 13:22:00 UTC,2020-09-30 13:22:00 UTC
12721,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 144",7086,Story,31915,2020-09-30 13:39:41 UTC,2020-09-30 13:39:41 UTC
12722,Spisslønn. Pilestredet park nr. 145,7086,Story,31916,2020-09-30 13:42:29 UTC,2020-09-30 13:42:29 UTC
12765,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 159",7086,Story,31963,2020-10-02 10:47:43 UTC,2020-10-02 10:47:43 UTC
12769,Spisslønn. Pilestredet park nr. 163,7086,Story,31967,2020-10-02 10:55:39 UTC,2020-10-02 10:55:39 UTC
12772,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 166",7086,Story,31970,2020-10-02 11:00:33 UTC,2020-10-02 11:00:33 UTC
12790,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr. 183",7086,Story,31988,2020-10-02 12:17:23 UTC,2020-10-02 12:17:23 UTC
12796,"Hjertetre, Pilestredet park nr. 189",7086,Story,31994,2020-10-03 13:33:56 UTC,2020-10-03 13:33:56 UTC

Cenchrus longisetus",5469,Story,32017,2020-10-06 11:14:47 UTC,2020-10-06 11:14:47 UTC
12820,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 201",7086,Story,32029,2020-10-13 10:36:37 UTC,2020-10-13 10:36:37 UTC
12833,"Blodbøk, Pilestredet park nr. 214",7086,Story,32042,2020-10-13 11:28:19 UTC,2020-10-13 11:28:19 UTC
12834,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 215",7086,Story,32043,2020-10-13 11:35:45 UTC,2020-10-13 11:35:45 UTC
12849,"Blodbøk, Pilestredet park nr. 228",7086,Story,32058,2020-10-14 12:10:51 UTC,2020-10-14 12:10:51 UTC
12853,"Spisslønn, Pilestredet park nr. 232",7086,Story,32062,2020-10-14 12:31:30 UTC,2020-10-14 12:31:30 UTC
12863,"Alm, Pilestredet park nr. 242",7086,Story,32072,2020-10-14 13:19:49 UTC,2020-10-14 13:19:49 UTC
12872,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 251",7086,Story,32081,2020-10-14 13:53:34 UTC,2020-10-14 13:53:34 UTC
12873,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 252",7086,Story,32082,2020-10-14 13:55:52 UTC,2020-10-14 13:55:52 UTC
12891,"Svenskasal, Pilestredet park nr. 270",7086,Story,32100,2020-10-14 14:41:25 UTC,2020-10-14 14:41:25 UTC
12892,"Svenskasal, Pilestredet park nr. 271",7086,Story,32101,2020-10-14 14:44:32 UTC,2020-10-14 14:44:32 UTC
12895,"Lind, Pilestredet park nr. 274",7086,Story,32104,2020-10-14 14:50:56 UTC,2020-10-14 14:50:56 UTC
12906,Horse chestnut ,7125,Story,32128,2020-10-18 09:54:17 UTC,2020-10-18 09:54:17 UTC
12923,Weeping willow,7125,Story,32147,2020-10-18 10:15:55 UTC,2020-10-18 10:15:55 UTC
12925,Fig ,7125,Story,32149,2020-10-18 10:17:30 UTC,2020-10-18 10:17:30 UTC
12929,Pine ,7125,Story,32153,2020-10-18 10:22:01 UTC,2020-10-18 10:22:01 UTC
12947,"10 year old tree, grown from an ancient spanish olive",7298,Story,32224,2020-10-23 07:02:35 UTC,2020-10-23 07:02:35 UTC
12954,Very young ,7311,Story,32288,2020-10-25 11:59:08 UTC,2020-10-25 11:59:08 UTC
12982,#oslotrær#lommeskog#2020,4361,Story,32445,2020-11-13 11:20:48 UTC,2020-11-13 11:20:48 UTC
12987,Tree is Suckering at the base. Cotoneaster growing at the base,6862,Story,32507,2020-11-19 11:12:43 UTC,2020-11-19 11:12:43 UTC
13003,5 meters,7311,Story,32533,2020-11-29 12:14:35 UTC,2020-11-29 12:14:35 UTC
13014,Fine tree planted in the 1990s or early noughties. ,7451,Story,32546,2020-12-06 20:59:31 UTC,2020-12-06 20:59:31 UTC
13072,bent towards the fence,7597,Story,32711,2021-01-29 19:04:13 UTC,2021-01-29 19:04:13 UTC
13412,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33620,2021-05-14 15:39:24 UTC,2021-05-14 15:39:24 UTC
13173,Regular grass,7742,Story,33040,2021-03-01 12:43:42 UTC,2021-03-01 12:43:42 UTC
13181,Poor fall color but pretty spring buds,7642,Story,33060,2021-03-01 16:45:30 UTC,2021-03-01 16:45:30 UTC
13184,Planted by Dublin City Council,6180,Story,33084,2021-03-01 19:37:37 UTC,2021-03-01 19:37:37 UTC
13191,"Only 18"" tall when planted 2020",7642,Story,33100,2021-03-02 21:37:57 UTC,2021-03-02 21:37:57 UTC
13202,"11ft tall
2020",7642,Story,33123,2021-03-04 21:29:23 UTC,2021-03-04 21:29:23 UTC
13212,Planted2020,7652,Story,33172,2021-03-11 15:32:22 UTC,2021-03-11 15:32:22 UTC
13231,"Planted 2020, no tag ",7652,Story,33191,2021-03-11 16:27:45 UTC,2021-03-11 16:27:45 UTC
13230,"Planted 2020, no tag ",7652,Story,33190,2021-03-11 16:25:25 UTC,2021-03-11 16:25:25 UTC
13238,Far back corner near gate,7794,Story,33218,2021-03-16 01:25:29 UTC,2021-03-16 01:25:29 UTC
13255,Leaning ,7651,Story,33257,2021-03-19 21:22:09 UTC,2021-03-19 21:22:09 UTC
969,Judasträd,787,Story,2063,2017-06-30 12:25:07 UTC,2017-06-30 12:25:07 UTC
13284,This is a holly berry tree. The little red berries are usually used as decoration at Christmas time. This tree stays green year round.,7834,Story,33332,2021-03-29 23:04:02 UTC,2021-03-29 23:04:02 UTC
13298,Filare di Aceri,7862,Story,33358,2021-03-30 14:17:53 UTC,2021-03-30 14:17:53 UTC
13299,"Due alberi vicini, ottima salute",7862,Story,33360,2021-03-30 14:20:54 UTC,2021-03-30 14:20:54 UTC
13315,Apple Dick Davis,5617,Story,33381,2021-04-02 12:14:34 UTC,2021-04-02 12:14:34 UTC
13342,The Bald Cypress was planted by Flossmoor Hills School students in Celebration of Arbor Day 2021,7960,Story,33497,2021-04-29 17:03:33 UTC,2021-04-29 17:03:33 UTC
13426,"Possibility place nursery, planted with arbor day foundation and Coeur mining",7580,Story,33634,2021-05-14 16:20:32 UTC,2021-05-14 16:20:32 UTC
13451,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33662,2021-05-15 16:17:01 UTC,2021-05-15 16:17:01 UTC
13436,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33647,2021-05-15 16:03:54 UTC,2021-05-15 16:03:54 UTC
13439,"Possibility place nursery, planted with school district",7580,Story,33650,2021-05-15 16:06:49 UTC,2021-05-15 16:06:49 UTC
13464,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33692,2021-05-23 16:28:17 UTC,2021-05-23 16:28:17 UTC
13466,"Liner from spring Grove nursery, planted with pta and dream, build, play experience, funded by nicor.",7580,Story,33694,2021-05-23 16:30:17 UTC,2021-05-23 16:30:17 UTC
13481,A male,6663,Story,33713,2021-05-24 17:10:33 UTC,2021-05-24 17:10:33 UTC
13487,Ginkgo biloba offered by the Lions club 25/11/2009,8077,Story,33727,2021-05-26 19:30:01 UTC,2021-05-26 19:30:01 UTC
13745,1.0 dbh,7580,Story,34655,2021-09-15 19:36:55 UTC,2021-09-15 19:36:55 UTC
13510,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33774,2021-06-02 00:26:15 UTC,2021-06-02 00:26:15 UTC
13539,Poor condition,5713,Story,33860,2021-06-18 12:15:25 UTC,2021-06-18 12:15:25 UTC
13549,Leaning but corrected stem,5713,Story,33920,2021-06-21 12:42:31 UTC,2021-06-21 12:42:31 UTC
13595,With Berberis and hypericum,5713,Story,34117,2021-06-28 12:27:32 UTC,2021-06-28 12:27:32 UTC
13605,"Looking north first, then bark of tree, then looking south, then tag no. 287",8192,Story,34135,2021-07-05 13:44:07 UTC,2021-07-05 13:44:07 UTC
13626,"Massive leaves
",8244,Story,34225,2021-07-21 23:18:45 UTC,2021-07-21 23:18:45 UTC
13706,Multi stemmed,5713,Story,34444,2021-08-16 10:41:16 UTC,2021-08-16 10:41:16 UTC
13737,Crown dieback,5713,Story,34597,2021-09-11 18:18:38 UTC,2021-09-11 18:18:38 UTC
13741,"Ullungrönn i Flogsta food skogsträdgård 
",8077,Story,34603,2021-09-13 07:07:53 UTC,2021-09-13 07:07:53 UTC
13761,3 stycken.,8388,Story,34783,2021-09-30 08:50:39 UTC,2021-09-30 08:50:39 UTC
13765,lingontry,8203,Story,34878,2021-09-30 16:05:48 UTC,2021-09-30 16:05:48 UTC
13769,trubbhagtorn,8203,Story,34888,2021-09-30 16:40:58 UTC,2021-09-30 16:40:58 UTC
13797,naverlönn,8203,Story,34918,2021-09-30 17:16:33 UTC,2021-09-30 17:16:33 UTC
13780,liguster,8203,Story,34899,2021-09-30 16:50:37 UTC,2021-09-30 16:50:37 UTC
13812,Indian Bean Tree,7670,Story,34948,2021-10-01 11:54:37 UTC,2021-10-01 11:54:37 UTC
13818,"White oak planted by the Village of Addison. Tree was from CRTI and from Possibility Place Nursery. Planted on 10-5-2021 by Greg Soltwisch, Steve Crumpler, and Chris Kasper.",8499,Story,34958,2021-10-05 14:12:38 UTC,2021-10-05 14:12:38 UTC
13862,Syn. Acer tschonoskii ssp. koreanum,6191,Story,35031,2021-10-12 10:38:45 UTC,2021-10-12 10:38:45 UTC
13864,Rhamnus parvifolia,6191,Story,35038,2021-10-12 10:55:35 UTC,2021-10-12 10:55:35 UTC
13925,Paulownia tomentosa. Planterad 2016 ,5684,Story,35178,2021-11-24 08:26:31 UTC,2021-11-24 08:26:31 UTC
13932,L12264 Burr Oak,8260,Story,35189,2021-12-03 14:02:42 UTC,2021-12-03 14:02:42 UTC
13934,L12264,8260,Story,35191,2021-12-03 14:11:26 UTC,2021-12-03 14:11:26 UTC
13292,Biancospino,7862,Story,33346,2021-03-30 13:25:59 UTC,2021-03-30 13:25:59 UTC
13942,"Diospyros kaki 'vaniglia', from nursery A l'ombre des figuiers, planted 20th of december 2021. ",8077,Story,35202,2021-12-20 17:45:54 UTC,2021-12-20 17:45:54 UTC
13985,"Zanthoxylum simulans, planted 2nd of January, 2022",8077,Story,35257,2022-01-02 10:47:02 UTC,2022-01-02 10:47:02 UTC
14405,Trunk damage ,8852,Story,36740,2022-08-10 18:12:06 UTC,2022-08-10 18:12:06 UTC
14409,Slight lean. Leaf dieback. Stressed leader.,8852,Story,36744,2022-08-10 18:38:16 UTC,2022-08-10 18:38:16 UTC
14408,Unsure of oak species. Site map says imbricaria,8852,Story,36743,2022-08-10 18:36:11 UTC,2022-08-10 18:36:11 UTC
14421,Riktigt stort exemplar,3371,Story,36760,2022-08-12 18:16:54 UTC,2022-08-12 18:16:54 UTC
14422,Stort exemplar,3371,Story,36761,2022-08-12 18:17:48 UTC,2022-08-12 18:17:48 UTC
14423,Stort exemplar ,3371,Story,36762,2022-08-12 18:21:21 UTC,2022-08-12 18:21:21 UTC
14424,"dbh 3 biggest stems, s counterclockwise ",8138,Story,36763,2022-08-15 13:46:57 UTC,2022-08-15 13:46:57 UTC
14425,dbh 3 biggest stems se clockwise ,8138,Story,36764,2022-08-15 13:50:24 UTC,2022-08-15 13:50:24 UTC
14426,4 stems dbh south clockwise ,8138,Story,36765,2022-08-15 13:53:15 UTC,2022-08-15 13:53:15 UTC
14427,"dbh 3 stem, east clockwise ",8138,Story,36766,2022-08-15 13:55:37 UTC,2022-08-15 13:55:37 UTC
14428,dbh 3 biggest stems; start sw counterclockwise ,8138,Story,36767,2022-08-15 13:57:39 UTC,2022-08-15 13:57:39 UTC
14429,"dbh 4 stems, east clockwise ",8138,Story,36768,2022-08-15 14:01:27 UTC,2022-08-15 14:01:27 UTC
14430,davidiana var. japonica - accolade,8138,Story,36769,2022-08-15 14:05:05 UTC,2022-08-15 14:05:05 UTC
14431,2 stem dbh sw then ne ,8138,Story,36770,2022-08-15 14:08:11 UTC,2022-08-15 14:08:11 UTC
14432,"3 stem dbh, south clockwise ",8138,Story,36771,2022-08-15 14:12:09 UTC,2022-08-15 14:12:09 UTC
14433,"3 stem dbh measures below first fork (approximately 2’), west clockwise ",8138,Story,36772,2022-08-15 14:17:32 UTC,2022-08-15 14:17:32 UTC
14434,lavender twist-covey,8138,Story,36773,2022-08-15 14:20:36 UTC,2022-08-15 14:20:36 UTC
14435,vanilla twist ,8138,Story,36774,2022-08-15 14:22:04 UTC,2022-08-15 14:22:04 UTC
14436,5 stem - no dbh done,8138,Story,36775,2022-08-15 14:25:22 UTC,2022-08-15 14:25:22 UTC
14437,"3 stem dbh, west clockwise ",8138,Story,36776,2022-08-15 14:28:33 UTC,2022-08-15 14:28:33 UTC
14438,autumn fantasy,8138,Story,36777,2022-08-15 14:31:35 UTC,2022-08-15 14:31:35 UTC
14439,peduncles english oak,8138,Story,36778,2022-08-15 14:34:21 UTC,2022-08-15 14:34:21 UTC
14442,LRSH 1,8852,Story,36788,2022-08-15 17:37:39 UTC,2022-08-15 17:37:39 UTC
14443,LRSH tour ,8852,Story,36789,2022-08-15 17:44:31 UTC,2022-08-15 17:44:31 UTC
14444,LRSH tour ,8852,Story,36791,2022-08-15 17:54:05 UTC,2022-08-15 17:54:05 UTC
14445,LRSH tour ,8852,Story,36792,2022-08-15 18:00:05 UTC,2022-08-15 18:00:05 UTC
14446,LRSH tour ,8852,Story,36793,2022-08-15 18:02:19 UTC,2022-08-15 18:02:19 UTC
14447,LRSH tour,8852,Story,36794,2022-08-15 18:10:34 UTC,2022-08-15 18:10:34 UTC
14600,The American sycamore (scientific name is platanus occidentalis) is native to the eastern and central United States.,8852,Story,37313,2022-09-19 17:48:11 UTC,2022-09-19 18:05:24 UTC
14448,LRSH tour ,8852,Story,36795,2022-08-15 18:13:43 UTC,2022-08-15 18:13:43 UTC
14449,LRSH tour,8852,Story,36796,2022-08-15 18:16:58 UTC,2022-08-15 18:16:58 UTC
14450,LRSH tour ,8852,Story,36797,2022-08-15 18:26:25 UTC,2022-08-15 18:26:25 UTC
14451,LRSH tour ,8852,Story,36798,2022-08-15 18:36:17 UTC,2022-08-15 18:36:17 UTC
14452,LRSH tour ,8852,Story,36799,2022-08-15 18:47:46 UTC,2022-08-15 18:47:46 UTC
14453,LRSH tour ,8852,Story,36800,2022-08-15 18:52:38 UTC,2022-08-15 18:52:38 UTC
14454,Big tooth aspen. LRSH tour ,8852,Story,36801,2022-08-15 19:01:27 UTC,2022-08-15 19:01:27 UTC
14455,Quaking aspen. LRSH tour ,8852,Story,36802,2022-08-15 19:09:19 UTC,2022-08-15 19:09:19 UTC
14456,LRSH tour ,8852,Story,36803,2022-08-15 19:09:19 UTC,2022-08-15 19:09:19 UTC
13874,Planted 2021 with Hillcrest High School Ecology Club,7580,Story,35077,2021-10-21 16:01:17 UTC,2021-10-21 16:01:17 UTC
14458,Trunk damage + leaf dieback ,8852,Story,36839,2022-08-16 17:00:04 UTC,2022-08-16 17:00:04 UTC
13875,Planted 2021 with Hillcrest High School Ecology Club,7580,Story,35078,2021-10-21 16:01:53 UTC,2021-10-21 16:01:53 UTC
14463,dead,8853,Story,36850,2022-08-16 17:28:20 UTC,2022-08-16 17:28:20 UTC
14461,Leader damage. Girdling roots. Bark damage ,8852,Story,36846,2022-08-16 17:20:08 UTC,2022-08-16 17:20:08 UTC
14460,Planted in Oct 2019 with Hillcrest HS  ecology club ,8852,Story,36844,2022-08-16 17:18:46 UTC,2022-08-16 17:18:46 UTC
14466,Planted Oct 2019 with Hillcrest HS ecology club ,8852,Story,36855,2022-08-16 17:42:07 UTC,2022-08-16 17:42:07 UTC
14465,Sweet birch. Planted Oct 2019 with Hillcrest ecology club ,8852,Story,36854,2022-08-16 17:35:49 UTC,2022-08-16 17:35:49 UTC
14471,Bark damage ,8852,Story,36863,2022-08-16 18:06:20 UTC,2022-08-16 18:06:20 UTC
14470,Planted oct 2019 with Hillcrest ecology club ,8852,Story,36861,2022-08-16 18:00:13 UTC,2022-08-16 18:00:13 UTC
14469,Above ground root,8852,Story,36859,2022-08-16 17:54:20 UTC,2022-08-16 17:54:20 UTC
14468,Planted oct 2019 with Hillcrest ecology club ,8852,Story,36858,2022-08-16 17:53:28 UTC,2022-08-16 17:53:28 UTC
14473,UHB 2022-08,4920,Story,36886,2022-08-18 07:03:54 UTC,2022-08-18 07:03:54 UTC
14479,Leader damage,8852,Story,36924,2022-08-18 16:29:22 UTC,2022-08-18 16:29:22 UTC
13500,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33761,2021-06-02 00:11:50 UTC,2021-06-02 00:11:50 UTC
13498,"Planted fall 2020 from possibility place nursery, with help from local girl scouts and SCA",7580,Story,33759,2021-06-02 00:09:54 UTC,2021-06-02 00:09:54 UTC
14484,4 competing leaders in the middle of the trunk ,8852,Story,36936,2022-08-18 17:17:06 UTC,2022-08-18 17:17:06 UTC
13532,Planted with girl scouts and sca,7580,Story,33811,2021-06-09 23:47:07 UTC,2021-06-09 23:47:07 UTC
14488,Competing leaders ,8852,Story,36940,2022-08-18 17:21:19 UTC,2022-08-18 17:21:19 UTC
14487,Planted with CRTI in 2019/2020,8852,Story,36939,2022-08-18 17:20:53 UTC,2022-08-18 17:20:53 UTC
14489,millie - downy hawthorn ,8138,Story,36942,2022-08-22 13:42:02 UTC,2022-08-22 13:42:02 UTC
14490,var. acutiserrata,8138,Story,36952,2022-08-22 14:15:55 UTC,2022-08-22 14:15:55 UTC
14492,"Cottonwood trees get their common name from their method of seed dispersal. In the spring, the seeds resemble fluffy cotton balls which enable them to travel long distances carried by the wind. Take a moment to enjoy the cool shade  under it's rustling leaves. #chitreehunt",9213,Story,36971,2022-08-22 16:12:46 UTC,2022-08-22 16:12:46 UTC
14491,This specimen is one of the tallest trees in Oak Brook Park District’s Central Park. It can be identified easily by the dark green 1” needles hanging down lazily off the main branches. Norway spruce is highly resistant to most diseases and pests and therefore makes for a great tree for beginners. ,9213,Story,36970,2022-08-22 15:36:04 UTC,2022-08-22 15:36:04 UTC
14493,The Buckeye or Horse Chestnut is the state tree of Ohio. It’s large seeds are toxic to people and animals. The Buckeye is an attractive landscape tree whose leaves turn yellow and orange in the fall. #chitreehunt,9213,Story,36972,2022-08-22 17:41:38 UTC,2022-08-22 17:41:38 UTC
14497,"The Black Walnut has several interesting characteristics. It’s leaves are easily identifiable because they consist of 16-25 leaflets off each stem. The roots contain a toxic substance that keeps many other plants from growing in close proximity., eliminating competition. The nuts it produces are nutritious and full of antioxidants and polyunsaturated fat but are very difficult to remove from the husk. The wood is used in woodworking because of the dark color and unique grain patterns. ",9213,Story,37018,2022-08-25 16:02:38 UTC,2022-08-25 16:02:38 UTC
14498,"Ginkgo trees are very recognizable by their fan-shaped leaves which turn beautiful yellow in the fall. The Ginkgo is an ancient species of deciduous tree that still thrives particularly well in urban settings. Fossils of Ginkgo leaves have been found dating from 270 million years ago! These trees were brought to the U. S. from China in the late 1700’s and can live up to 3,000 years. The leaves and seeds have been used throughout history in medicine. ",9213,Story,37019,2022-08-25 16:18:13 UTC,2022-08-25 16:18:13 UTC
14532,"Bur Oaks  are slow growing stately trees which provide deep shade and a plentiful food source of animals. These oaks can grow up to 80’ tall and 80’ wide, living nearly 300 years. The large acorns have fringed caps that cover half the nut and are enjoyed by deer, wild turkeys, wood ducks, squirrels, rabbits and other rodents. Bur Oaks grow all the way to the Rocky Mountains. Pioneers crossing the prairie could use the wood to repair a broken wagon wheel, spoke or harness for their oxen. ",9213,Story,37053,2022-08-26 14:30:49 UTC,2022-08-26 14:30:49 UTC
14531,"This black walnut tree's 60 ft canopy provides abundant shade to the surrounding courtyard. Just south of the tree, Man on a Bench park (featuring a sculpture by George Segal) is the smallest public park in Chicago. 
This tree is inventory tagged number 737.

#chitreehunt #treesofchicago",9248,Story,37052,2022-08-26 14:26:35 UTC,2022-08-26 14:51:35 UTC
14533,"Planted Oct 25, 2019",8852,Story,37055,2022-08-26 15:11:20 UTC,2022-08-26 18:38:15 UTC
14536,"Planted Oct 25, 2019.",8852,Story,37061,2022-08-26 15:25:26 UTC,2022-08-26 18:38:42 UTC
14535,Planted fall 2019. ,8852,Story,37060,2022-08-26 15:22:14 UTC,2022-08-26 15:22:14 UTC
14537,The Bald Cypress is one of only 20 species of deciduous conifers.  It’s soft feathery leaves turn a reddish orange color in the fall then drop off prior to winter. These trees produce 1” round cones containing seeds that are a valuable food source for many birds. They prefer wet growing conditions but are adaptable to drier areas. Cypress trees are easy to grow trees that would be a  beautiful addition to anyone’s yard. ,9213,Story,37063,2022-08-26 15:29:52 UTC,2022-08-26 15:29:52 UTC
14538,Very sad serviceberry ,8852,Story,37067,2022-08-26 16:55:23 UTC,2022-08-26 16:55:23 UTC
14534,"Planted Oct 25, 2019",8852,Story,37057,2022-08-26 15:15:40 UTC,2022-08-26 18:39:19 UTC
14987,"The ginkgo tree is one of the oldest lineages of trees, and dates back to the time of dinosaurs! The beautiful leaves resemble the maidenhair fern, and turn bright yellow in the fall. This tree is tagged number 145.",9248,Story,38921,2022-12-19 21:33:19 UTC,2022-12-19 21:34:21 UTC
14539,Cicada!,8852,Story,37068,2022-08-26 17:01:32 UTC,2022-08-26 17:01:32 UTC
14541,Malus domestica ’åkerö’,9256,Story,37076,2022-08-30 20:28:37 UTC,2022-08-30 20:28:37 UTC
14544,"Ca 10 år gammalt, fin form.",9268,Story,37094,2022-09-05 19:14:01 UTC,2022-09-05 19:14:01 UTC
14546,Kindred spirit oak,7936,Story,37155,2022-09-12 20:08:56 UTC,2022-09-12 20:08:56 UTC
14547,New horizon elm,7936,Story,37158,2022-09-12 20:11:33 UTC,2022-09-12 20:11:33 UTC
14548,Kindred spirit,7936,Story,37160,2022-09-12 20:14:25 UTC,2022-09-12 20:14:25 UTC
14551,"Planted Sept. 13, 2022",9020,Story,37211,2022-09-13 15:19:33 UTC,2022-09-13 15:19:33 UTC
14552,Bald Cypress,9286,Story,37213,2022-09-13 15:35:35 UTC,2022-09-13 15:35:35 UTC
14553,"Planted on Sep. 13, 2022",9020,Story,37215,2022-09-13 15:37:21 UTC,2022-09-13 15:37:21 UTC
14554,"Planted on Sept. 13, 2022",9020,Story,37216,2022-09-13 15:39:21 UTC,2022-09-13 15:39:21 UTC
14555,"Planted on Sept. 13, 2022",9020,Story,37217,2022-09-13 15:40:20 UTC,2022-09-13 15:40:20 UTC
14556,"Plaanted on Sept. 13, 2022",9020,Story,37218,2022-09-13 15:43:53 UTC,2022-09-13 15:43:53 UTC
14557,"Planted on Sept. 13, 2022",9020,Story,37219,2022-09-13 15:48:31 UTC,2022-09-13 15:48:31 UTC
14558,"Planted on Sept. 13, 2022",9020,Story,37220,2022-09-13 15:51:09 UTC,2022-09-13 15:51:09 UTC
14559,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37249,2022-09-16 17:03:08 UTC,2022-09-16 17:03:08 UTC
14560,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37250,2022-09-16 17:04:05 UTC,2022-09-16 17:04:05 UTC
14561,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37251,2022-09-16 17:04:45 UTC,2022-09-16 17:04:45 UTC
14562,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37252,2022-09-16 17:05:12 UTC,2022-09-16 17:05:12 UTC
14563,Robinson nursery,7580,Story,37253,2022-09-16 17:06:15 UTC,2022-09-16 17:06:15 UTC
14564,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37255,2022-09-16 17:07:53 UTC,2022-09-16 17:07:53 UTC
14565,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37256,2022-09-16 17:08:37 UTC,2022-09-16 17:08:37 UTC
14566,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37257,2022-09-16 17:09:20 UTC,2022-09-16 17:09:20 UTC
14567,Kenzie turf and nursery,7580,Story,37258,2022-09-16 17:10:21 UTC,2022-09-16 17:10:21 UTC
14568,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37260,2022-09-16 17:12:03 UTC,2022-09-16 17:12:03 UTC
14569,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37261,2022-09-16 17:12:47 UTC,2022-09-16 17:12:47 UTC
14570,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37262,2022-09-16 17:13:28 UTC,2022-09-16 17:13:28 UTC
14571,Kankakee nursery,7580,Story,37263,2022-09-16 17:15:41 UTC,2022-09-16 17:15:41 UTC
14572,Kankakee nursery,7580,Story,37264,2022-09-16 17:16:26 UTC,2022-09-16 17:16:26 UTC
14573,Kankakee nursery,7580,Story,37265,2022-09-16 17:17:27 UTC,2022-09-16 17:17:27 UTC
14575,Kankakee nursery,7580,Story,37267,2022-09-16 17:18:28 UTC,2022-09-16 17:18:28 UTC
14578,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37270,2022-09-16 17:21:02 UTC,2022-09-16 17:21:02 UTC
14579,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37271,2022-09-16 17:21:40 UTC,2022-09-16 17:21:40 UTC
14580,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37272,2022-09-16 17:22:11 UTC,2022-09-16 17:22:11 UTC
14582,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37277,2022-09-16 17:28:46 UTC,2022-09-16 17:28:46 UTC
14583,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37278,2022-09-16 17:31:08 UTC,2022-09-16 17:31:08 UTC
14584,Kankakee nursery,7580,Story,37279,2022-09-16 17:33:37 UTC,2022-09-16 17:33:37 UTC
14586,Kankakee nursery,7580,Story,37281,2022-09-16 17:34:52 UTC,2022-09-16 17:34:52 UTC
14588,Kankakee nursery,7580,Story,37283,2022-09-16 17:36:06 UTC,2022-09-16 17:36:06 UTC
14590,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37286,2022-09-16 17:41:43 UTC,2022-09-16 17:41:43 UTC
14574,Kankakee nursery,7580,Story,37266,2022-09-16 17:18:01 UTC,2022-09-16 17:18:01 UTC
14576,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37268,2022-09-16 17:19:25 UTC,2022-09-16 17:19:25 UTC
14577,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37269,2022-09-16 17:20:14 UTC,2022-09-16 17:20:14 UTC
14581,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37276,2022-09-16 17:28:02 UTC,2022-09-16 17:28:02 UTC
14585,Kankakee nursery,7580,Story,37280,2022-09-16 17:34:18 UTC,2022-09-16 17:34:18 UTC
14587,Kankakee nursery,7580,Story,37282,2022-09-16 17:35:29 UTC,2022-09-16 17:35:29 UTC
14589,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37285,2022-09-16 17:40:47 UTC,2022-09-16 17:40:47 UTC
14591,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37287,2022-09-16 17:42:30 UTC,2022-09-16 17:42:30 UTC
14592,Wilson nursery,7580,Story,37288,2022-09-16 17:43:01 UTC,2022-09-16 17:43:01 UTC
14593,Female ginkgo with fruits! ,8077,Story,37295,2022-09-18 07:13:38 UTC,2022-09-18 07:13:38 UTC
14595,"04. 09. 2020: ""Mogočni hrast plutovec, ki raste v centru mesta, tik ob Lenassijevem spomeniku Edvardu Rusjanu pri Eda centru, je od začetka 60. let minulega stoletja, ko so ga zasadili, kljuboval že marsikateri nevšečnosti in vremenskim pogojem.
Zimzeleni listavec z nenavadno krošnjo in razbrazdano skorjo, iz katere je mogoče narediti pluto, je nenazadnje zelo trpežen, saj prenese ogenj in je neobčutljiv na sušo. V zadnjem času pa so opazili, da se je začel nagibati in sušiti. Da se to lahko zgodi, so nekateri denimo opozarjali pred leti, ko so v okviru obnove centra preurejali tudi območje, pod katerim ima plutovec razvejane korenine.

Uprava občine je zaradi težave naročila arboristični pregled drevesa. “Pridobili smo strokovno mnenje arboristke, ki je predvidelo sanacijo rastišča ter obrezovanje in povezavo krošnje. Zaradi vročine je bilo treba s sanacijo počakati do jeseni,” so pojasnili v upravi. Delavci Komunale Nova Gorica so se v minulih dneh lotili dela. “Dela v zvezi s sanacijo rastišča bodo končana predvidoma ta teden, v drugem tednu pa bodo končana še dela v krošnji,” so povedali na občini.""
Vir:",9293,Story,37301,2022-09-18 11:17:57 UTC,2022-09-18 11:19:38 UTC
14594,Drevo imenovano tudi plutovec Eda,9293,Story,37300,2022-09-18 11:06:57 UTC,2022-09-18 11:06:57 UTC
14596,Edino drevo katalpe v obcestnem drevoredu rdečega hrasta,9293,Story,37302,2022-09-18 11:45:16 UTC,2022-09-18 11:45:16 UTC
14597,2018 sum na zastrupitev drevesa s strani neznanega storilca,9293,Story,37303,2022-09-18 12:00:39 UTC,2022-09-18 12:00:39 UTC
14598,"2018, 2019 sum na zastrupitev drevesa, s strani neznanega storilca",9293,Story,37304,2022-09-18 12:05:01 UTC,2022-09-18 12:05:01 UTC
14748,Cones with resin feeding insects.,8594,Story,37880,2022-10-05 21:42:43 UTC,2022-10-05 21:42:43 UTC
14747,Bark,8594,Story,37879,2022-10-05 21:38:54 UTC,2022-10-05 21:38:54 UTC
14745,Full view. Oct. 2022,8594,Story,37877,2022-10-05 21:37:31 UTC,2022-10-05 21:37:31 UTC
14599,"Possibly not deodara, but Cedrus Libani ",8594,Story,37305,2022-09-19 00:24:07 UTC,2022-09-19 00:24:07 UTC
14603,No dbh as multistem in roadside grass verge,9127,Story,37359,2022-09-21 13:09:10 UTC,2022-09-21 13:09:10 UTC
14612,"Območje sedmih hrastov na vzhodnem delu grebena Kalvarije, z izrednim pogledom na mesto Maribor in okolico. V začetku 20. stoletja zelo priljubljena izletniška točka, ki je bila pogosto upodobljena na razglednicah. Hrasti so bili značilno sajeni ""v krog"" in pestre sestave (nekoč prisoten hrast graden - Quercus petraea, hrast dob - Quercus robur in rdeči hrast - Quercus rubra). Trije hrasti so se morali leta 2018 odstraniti zaradi slabšega stanja in večjih poškodb v žledolomu, leta 2014. Vse nadomestne saditve so bile zaradi zelo zahtevnih rastiščnih pogojev zaenkrat neuspešne. Upamo da se bo tretji poskus nadomestnih saditev treh manjkajočih dreves le obnesel in da bodo drevesa rasla naslednjih 100 let.",9293,Story,37372,2022-09-22 17:01:04 UTC,2022-09-22 21:59:44 UTC
14616,Leaning a lot! Planted with Melzer 9/22/22,8852,Story,37377,2022-09-22 17:18:25 UTC,2022-09-22 17:18:25 UTC
14617,Ulmus ‘Morton Stalwart’,8852,Story,37378,2022-09-22 17:19:15 UTC,2022-09-22 17:19:15 UTC
14613,Quercus robur x bicolor (Kindred Spirit oak),8852,Story,37373,2022-09-22 17:14:42 UTC,2022-09-22 17:14:42 UTC
14614,Early Glow buckeye,8852,Story,37375,2022-09-22 17:17:00 UTC,2022-09-22 17:17:00 UTC
14615,Early Glow buckeye,8852,Story,37376,2022-09-22 17:17:28 UTC,2022-09-22 17:17:28 UTC
14618,Planted 9/22/22,8852,Story,37380,2022-09-22 17:21:16 UTC,2022-09-22 17:21:16 UTC
14620,Planted 9/22/22,8852,Story,37382,2022-09-22 17:22:44 UTC,2022-09-22 17:22:44 UTC
14619,Quercus robur x bicolor (Kindred Spirit oak),8852,Story,37381,2022-09-22 17:21:52 UTC,2022-09-22 17:21:52 UTC
14621,Autumn brilliance serviceberry ,8852,Story,37384,2022-09-22 17:27:02 UTC,2022-09-22 17:27:02 UTC
14611,"Eno redkih še ohranjenih dreves na območju Ljudskega vrta z vilo Langer, v Mariboru. 

Ljudski vrt je veljal za prvo mariborsko parkovno površino, predvidoma so bila drevesa sajena v prvi polovici 19. stoletja (načrti segajo v leto 1828). Območje Ljudskega vrta ima že dlje časa status varovanja naravne in kulturne dediščine.
V prvi četrtini 20. stoletja so v Ljudski vrt pričeli umeščati vse več športnih dejavnosti in zaradi tega umikati vse več dreves,  tako da se je ohranila zgolj še peščica najbolj vztrajnih. 
Ob zadnji obnovi zahodne tribune nogometnega stadiona (leta 2020) je bilo drevo mogočne javorolistne platane že skoraj odstranjeno. Drevo je bilo ""spregledano"" v fazi priprav na projektiranje. Tik pred zdajci so tekom izvajanja gradbenih del načrte za komunikacijsko klančino in talno podlago prilagodili drevesu. Sedaj se bo drevo še nekaj časa prilagajajo zaradi večjih posegov v tla.
Platana v Ljudskem vrtu je edino živo bitje, ki je videlo vse nogometne tekme ter vse odigrane igre tenisa - v svoji skoraj 200 letni zgodovini jih ""nemo"" spremlja že več kot 100 let.",9293,Story,37371,2022-09-22 15:39:44 UTC,2022-09-22 16:19:12 UTC
14622,Autumn brilliance serviceberry ,8852,Story,37385,2022-09-22 17:28:21 UTC,2022-09-22 17:28:21 UTC
14624,"American linden is also known as basswood, wood which is often used for making architectural models. #chitreehunt #treesofchicago",9248,Story,37407,2022-09-24 23:26:38 UTC,2022-09-24 23:26:38 UTC
14625,"Leaves not as lobed as deeply as usual, possibly planted on top, but berries characteristic",9335,Story,37409,2022-09-25 17:26:09 UTC,2022-09-25 17:26:09 UTC
14626,Young tree with info sign species name,9335,Story,37420,2022-09-25 18:00:00 UTC,2022-09-25 18:00:00 UTC
14627,"Says Quercus rober on sign,  flowerbed of genista hispanica planted below",9335,Story,37421,2022-09-25 18:01:40 UTC,2022-09-25 18:01:40 UTC
14628,Planted in bed with rosemary ,9335,Story,37422,2022-09-25 18:02:20 UTC,2022-09-25 18:02:20 UTC
14630,"Self planted, growing out of pier wall",9335,Story,37424,2022-09-25 18:06:11 UTC,2022-09-25 18:06:11 UTC
14629,Planted with hypericum,9335,Story,37423,2022-09-25 18:03:14 UTC,2022-09-25 18:03:14 UTC
14631,Self planted in pier wall,9335,Story,37425,2022-09-25 18:07:23 UTC,2022-09-25 18:07:23 UTC
14632,Self planted in pier wall,9335,Story,37426,2022-09-25 18:08:18 UTC,2022-09-25 18:08:18 UTC
14634,Self planted in pier wall,9335,Story,37428,2022-09-25 18:10:09 UTC,2022-09-25 18:10:09 UTC
14635,"Self planted in pier wall
",9335,Story,37429,2022-09-25 18:10:54 UTC,2022-09-25 18:10:54 UTC
14636,Self planted in pier wall,9335,Story,37430,2022-09-25 18:11:35 UTC,2022-09-25 18:11:35 UTC
14633,Self planted in pier wall,9335,Story,37427,2022-09-25 18:09:34 UTC,2022-09-25 18:09:34 UTC
14851,Hairy leafbuds,9335,Story,38210,2022-10-24 12:31:47 UTC,2022-10-24 12:31:47 UTC
14637,"Nearly dead, either ill or frozen. Very exposed spot",9335,Story,37431,2022-09-25 18:17:22 UTC,2022-09-25 18:17:22 UTC
14638,Very unsure same species as other.planted red bark,9335,Story,37432,2022-09-25 18:23:21 UTC,2022-09-25 18:23:21 UTC
14641,Small,9335,Story,37438,2022-09-25 18:33:55 UTC,2022-09-25 18:33:55 UTC
14852,"Looks different than other sorbus aria, more spiny. Buds not green and hairy and longer",9335,Story,38211,2022-10-24 12:42:40 UTC,2022-10-24 12:42:40 UTC
14640,"Same tree as other along the line, unsure",9335,Story,37437,2022-09-25 18:32:44 UTC,2022-09-25 18:32:44 UTC
14642,Distinctive red berries and serrated leaves,9335,Story,37446,2022-09-26 11:08:11 UTC,2022-09-26 11:08:11 UTC
14643,"In pier wall, self planted",9335,Story,37461,2022-09-26 11:31:01 UTC,2022-09-26 11:31:01 UTC
14645,Self planted off pier,9335,Story,37463,2022-09-26 11:37:59 UTC,2022-09-26 11:37:59 UTC
14650,Rowan,9335,Story,37481,2022-09-26 12:08:04 UTC,2022-09-26 12:08:04 UTC
14646,Self planted off pier wall,9335,Story,37464,2022-09-26 11:39:11 UTC,2022-09-26 11:39:11 UTC
14647,Self planted off pier wall,9335,Story,37465,2022-09-26 11:40:43 UTC,2022-09-26 11:40:43 UTC
14648,Self planted off pier wall,9335,Story,37466,2022-09-26 11:41:26 UTC,2022-09-26 11:41:26 UTC
14651,Rowan,9335,Story,37488,2022-09-26 12:22:34 UTC,2022-09-26 12:22:34 UTC
14649,"Could be confused with ash, but bark different, no berries ",9335,Story,37472,2022-09-26 11:52:37 UTC,2022-09-26 11:52:37 UTC
14653,Due to sketchy people no photos possible ,9335,Story,37498,2022-09-26 14:03:39 UTC,2022-09-26 14:03:39 UTC
14655,"Some cypress species, genus chamaecyparis likely due to flattened shoots",9335,Story,37500,2022-09-26 14:24:26 UTC,2022-09-26 14:24:26 UTC
14658,Leaves high up so hard to identify ,9335,Story,37505,2022-09-26 14:37:33 UTC,2022-09-26 14:37:33 UTC
14652,All in this row growing out from below street level,9335,Story,37497,2022-09-26 14:03:03 UTC,2022-09-26 14:03:03 UTC
14659,Planted 9/26/22,8852,Story,37523,2022-09-26 15:46:17 UTC,2022-09-26 15:46:17 UTC
14660,Planted 9/26/22,8852,Story,37526,2022-09-26 15:53:44 UTC,2022-09-26 15:53:44 UTC
14661,"Silverpil, Salix alba, var sericea",9109,Story,37546,2022-09-27 12:34:47 UTC,2022-09-27 12:37:10 UTC
14662,Commendation Elm ,8319,Story,37550,2022-09-27 15:46:15 UTC,2022-09-27 15:46:15 UTC
14663,Planted 9-27-22,9020,Story,37552,2022-09-27 15:53:53 UTC,2022-09-27 15:53:53 UTC
14664,Planted 9-27-22,9020,Story,37554,2022-09-27 15:59:33 UTC,2022-09-27 15:59:33 UTC
14665,Tilia Zamoyskiana,9344,Story,37555,2022-09-27 15:59:41 UTC,2022-09-27 15:59:41 UTC
14666,Fin bjørk i ennbakgård,2671,Story,37558,2022-09-27 17:23:36 UTC,2022-09-27 17:23:36 UTC
14668,"Harbour hotel tree, not street tree",9335,Story,37569,2022-09-28 12:02:38 UTC,2022-09-28 12:02:38 UTC
14667,Nearly dead underside hair white,9335,Story,37568,2022-09-28 11:59:46 UTC,2022-09-28 11:59:46 UTC
14670,In private entrance to harbour hotel is this street tree?,9335,Story,37577,2022-09-28 12:12:52 UTC,2022-09-28 12:12:52 UTC
14673,Shrubs all along,9335,Story,37585,2022-09-28 12:22:08 UTC,2022-09-28 12:22:08 UTC
14677,9 cypress plants in one row make sure to map all,9335,Story,37593,2022-09-28 12:38:11 UTC,2022-09-28 12:38:11 UTC
14671,Dead,9335,Story,37579,2022-09-28 12:13:46 UTC,2022-09-28 12:13:46 UTC
14674,Shrubs ,9335,Story,37586,2022-09-28 12:23:50 UTC,2022-09-28 12:23:50 UTC
14675,Entry to private carpark ,9335,Story,37587,2022-09-28 12:26:24 UTC,2022-09-28 12:26:24 UTC
14676,Ilex canariensis,9335,Story,37591,2022-09-28 12:36:37 UTC,2022-09-28 12:36:37 UTC
14679,Et av 15 gamle asketrær på sletta,2671,Story,37596,2022-09-29 08:31:17 UTC,2022-09-29 08:31:17 UTC
14678,"Styva gammel ask. Hult tre, tre stammer, omkest ikke målt. ",2671,Story,37595,2022-09-29 08:26:17 UTC,2022-09-29 08:26:17 UTC
14680,Tuntreet,2671,Story,37597,2022-09-29 12:03:58 UTC,2022-09-29 12:03:58 UTC
14681,Flott tre ved gavlveggen,2671,Story,37599,2022-09-29 12:19:24 UTC,2022-09-29 12:19:24 UTC
14683,‘pendula’,2671,Story,37605,2022-09-29 13:17:39 UTC,2022-09-29 13:17:39 UTC
14684,papyrufera?,2671,Story,37611,2022-09-29 13:39:40 UTC,2022-09-29 13:39:40 UTC
14685,Plantet av Dronning Sonia,2671,Story,37613,2022-09-29 14:32:30 UTC,2022-09-29 14:32:30 UTC
14682,Quercus petraea,2671,Story,37602,2022-09-29 12:59:50 UTC,2022-09-29 12:59:50 UTC
14686,"commendations, Centennial Tree, elm.",9361,Story,37614,2022-09-29 15:27:59 UTC,2022-09-29 15:27:59 UTC
14687,Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple,9361,Story,37615,2022-09-29 15:32:22 UTC,2022-09-29 15:32:22 UTC
14688,Centennial,7580,Story,37616,2022-09-29 15:34:14 UTC,2022-09-29 15:34:14 UTC
14690,Centennial,7580,Story,37619,2022-09-29 15:40:02 UTC,2022-09-29 15:40:02 UTC
14689,Tilia Zamoyski,9361,Story,37617,2022-09-29 15:35:18 UTC,2022-09-29 15:35:18 UTC
14691,"Fall fiesta, centennial",7580,Story,37620,2022-09-29 15:42:29 UTC,2022-09-29 15:42:29 UTC
14692,"Fall fiesta, centennial",7580,Story,37621,2022-09-29 15:47:56 UTC,2022-09-29 15:47:56 UTC
14693,Centennial,7580,Story,37622,2022-09-29 15:49:40 UTC,2022-09-29 15:49:40 UTC
14694,"Centennial, autumn splendor",7580,Story,37623,2022-09-29 15:51:35 UTC,2022-09-29 15:51:35 UTC
14695,Centennial ,7580,Story,37624,2022-09-29 15:57:16 UTC,2022-09-29 15:57:16 UTC
14696,Acer platanoides ‘Reithenbachii’,2671,Story,37639,2022-09-30 11:13:04 UTC,2022-09-30 11:13:04 UTC
14697,Nylig plantet,2671,Story,37640,2022-09-30 14:21:41 UTC,2022-09-30 14:21:41 UTC
14698,Plantet som et lite suvenirtre fra Amerika,2671,Story,37642,2022-09-30 14:29:00 UTC,2022-09-30 14:29:00 UTC
14699,"Dømmesmogran, Picea omorica pendula",2671,Story,37643,2022-09-30 14:31:53 UTC,2022-09-30 14:31:53 UTC
14701,"‘Reiithenbachii’ Blodlønn. Treet varierer i fargen på bladene, noen år er den nesten helt grønn, andre år mer rødlig (om sommeren) ",2671,Story,37645,2022-09-30 14:42:43 UTC,2022-09-30 14:42:43 UTC
14702,Usikker må sjekkes 5 nålet,2671,Story,37648,2022-09-30 14:51:55 UTC,2022-09-30 14:51:55 UTC
14703,"Usikker identitet, må sjekkes",2671,Story,37651,2022-09-30 14:59:32 UTC,2022-09-30 14:59:32 UTC
14700,"Tilia cordata ‘Mas’, Jubileumsgave til Hjeltnes 2001",2671,Story,37644,2022-09-30 14:37:13 UTC,2022-09-30 14:37:13 UTC
14704,Sjekk sorten,2671,Story,37654,2022-09-30 15:09:50 UTC,2022-09-30 15:09:50 UTC
14705,Centennial ,7580,Story,37661,2022-09-30 16:30:47 UTC,2022-09-30 16:30:47 UTC
14706,Centennial,7580,Story,37663,2022-09-30 16:31:46 UTC,2022-09-30 16:31:46 UTC
14707,Centennial,7580,Story,37666,2022-09-30 16:33:07 UTC,2022-09-30 16:33:07 UTC
14709,Unknown,9335,Story,37678,2022-10-01 14:38:53 UTC,2022-10-01 14:38:53 UTC
",9335,Story,37696,2022-10-01 15:02:54 UTC,2022-10-01 15:02:54 UTC
14713,Hedge,9335,Story,37697,2022-10-01 15:03:34 UTC,2022-10-01 15:03:34 UTC
14714,Likely malus sylvestris,9335,Story,37700,2022-10-01 15:27:31 UTC,2022-10-01 15:27:31 UTC
14715,Some kind of cypress,9335,Story,37701,2022-10-01 15:31:33 UTC,2022-10-01 15:31:33 UTC
14718,Populus nigra row or lime row,9335,Story,37715,2022-10-01 16:05:41 UTC,2022-10-01 16:05:41 UTC
14716,Leave are circular and face upwards,9335,Story,37709,2022-10-01 15:49:17 UTC,2022-10-01 15:49:17 UTC
14719,Smells nice,9335,Story,37718,2022-10-01 16:15:23 UTC,2022-10-01 16:15:23 UTC
14717,Private tree,9335,Story,37712,2022-10-01 15:51:45 UTC,2022-10-01 15:51:45 UTC
14720,"Likely white willow, white hairs under leaf",9335,Story,37740,2022-10-01 17:02:45 UTC,2022-10-01 17:02:45 UTC
14721,Two red serrated small leaves grey horizontal bark,9335,Story,37746,2022-10-01 17:11:44 UTC,2022-10-01 17:11:44 UTC
14723,Smokey ,8077,Story,37762,2022-10-02 17:06:02 UTC,2022-10-02 17:06:02 UTC
14726,Prunus cerasifera?,9335,Story,37792,2022-10-04 11:31:57 UTC,2022-10-04 11:31:57 UTC
14727,Unusual leaf colouring outside white,9335,Story,37793,2022-10-04 11:33:54 UTC,2022-10-04 11:33:54 UTC
14729,Is this a street tree? Planted on BOI site,9335,Story,37799,2022-10-04 12:00:16 UTC,2022-10-04 12:00:16 UTC
14730,"Possibly turkey oak but unclear because no acorns present
",9335,Story,37815,2022-10-04 12:18:11 UTC,2022-10-04 12:18:11 UTC
14732,2 trees on green not street trees,9335,Story,37818,2022-10-04 12:32:40 UTC,2022-10-04 12:32:40 UTC
14734,Self planted ,9335,Story,37823,2022-10-04 12:54:25 UTC,2022-10-04 12:54:25 UTC
14728,Could be other cherry species too,9335,Story,37796,2022-10-04 11:53:12 UTC,2022-10-04 11:53:12 UTC
14737,Three self planted willows,9335,Story,37838,2022-10-04 13:13:30 UTC,2022-10-04 13:13:30 UTC
14735,Big tree visible in google maps likrly cut down,9335,Story,37835,2022-10-04 13:08:19 UTC,2022-10-04 13:08:19 UTC
14740,Carolina/Southern Shagbark Hickory,9314,Story,37861,2022-10-04 20:09:30 UTC,2022-10-04 20:09:30 UTC
14741,Cedrus ?,8594,Story,37868,2022-10-05 13:40:27 UTC,2022-10-05 13:40:27 UTC
14742,spp. ?,8594,Story,37871,2022-10-05 13:43:53 UTC,2022-10-05 13:43:53 UTC
14743,Sorbus?,8594,Story,37874,2022-10-05 13:47:28 UTC,2022-10-05 13:47:28 UTC
14749,Burnham Bee Haven,9381,Story,37886,2022-10-06 19:45:40 UTC,2022-10-06 19:45:40 UTC
14750,Burnham Bee Haven,9381,Story,37887,2022-10-06 19:49:10 UTC,2022-10-06 19:49:10 UTC
14751,Burnham Bee Haven,9381,Story,37888,2022-10-06 19:51:17 UTC,2022-10-06 19:51:17 UTC
14752,Exclamation! ,9381,Story,37891,2022-10-06 19:58:11 UTC,2022-10-06 19:58:11 UTC
",9381,Story,37900,2022-10-06 20:10:43 UTC,2022-10-06 20:10:43 UTC
Chinquapin Oak",9381,Story,37901,2022-10-06 20:12:39 UTC,2022-10-06 20:12:39 UTC
14725,Hazel NOTTINGHAM FRÜHE from Graines Baumaux. Planted 4th of September with Groasis Waterboxx. .,8077,Story,37783,2022-10-04 09:53:37 UTC,2022-10-04 09:53:37 UTC
14756,From nursery A l'Ombre des Figuiers. Planted the 10th of October 2022 using a Groasis Waterboxx. ,8077,Story,37936,2022-10-10 10:44:04 UTC,2022-10-10 10:44:04 UTC
14755,"Cornelian cherry from Robin's Pépinières planted in Groasis Waterboxx, 10th of October 2022.",8077,Story,37935,2022-10-10 10:42:06 UTC,2022-10-10 10:42:06 UTC
14757,From A l'Ombre des Figures. ,8077,Story,37937,2022-10-10 10:47:20 UTC,2022-10-10 10:47:20 UTC
14759,Sorbus intermedia fk Björsäter E,2701,Story,37949,2022-10-11 13:42:53 UTC,2022-10-11 13:42:53 UTC
14760,Sorbus intermedia fk Björsäter E,2701,Story,37950,2022-10-11 13:43:46 UTC,2022-10-11 13:43:46 UTC
14761,African heritage garden,7580,Story,37968,2022-10-12 15:09:55 UTC,2022-10-12 15:09:55 UTC
14762,African heritage garden,7580,Story,37969,2022-10-12 15:10:44 UTC,2022-10-12 15:10:44 UTC
14763,African heritage garden ,7580,Story,37970,2022-10-12 15:11:47 UTC,2022-10-12 15:11:47 UTC
14764,African heritage garden ,7580,Story,37971,2022-10-12 15:12:53 UTC,2022-10-12 15:12:53 UTC
14767,African heritage garden,7580,Story,37974,2022-10-12 15:16:22 UTC,2022-10-12 15:16:22 UTC
14766,African heritage garden ,7580,Story,37973,2022-10-12 15:15:04 UTC,2022-10-12 15:15:04 UTC
14765,African heritage garden ,7580,Story,37972,2022-10-12 15:13:59 UTC,2022-10-12 15:13:59 UTC
14768,His name is Pablo. :),7580,Story,37983,2022-10-13 19:41:24 UTC,2022-10-13 19:41:24 UTC
14769,Her name is Samantha. :),7580,Story,37990,2022-10-13 19:49:30 UTC,2022-10-13 19:49:30 UTC

Large spreading Australian Blackwood 
Multi stemmed with 1no large limb growing to S. c.",9127,Story,37992,2022-10-14 13:31:37 UTC,2022-10-14 13:33:09 UTC
14771,Funded by Wintrust,7580,Story,37993,2022-10-14 15:49:57 UTC,2022-10-14 15:49:57 UTC
14779,Funded by Wintrust,7580,Story,38003,2022-10-14 16:21:54 UTC,2022-10-14 16:21:54 UTC
14772,Funded by Wintrust,7580,Story,37995,2022-10-14 16:10:45 UTC,2022-10-14 16:10:45 UTC
14774,Funded by Wintrust,7580,Story,37998,2022-10-14 16:14:04 UTC,2022-10-14 16:14:04 UTC
14776,Funded by Wintrust,7580,Story,38000,2022-10-14 16:18:14 UTC,2022-10-14 16:18:14 UTC
14777,Funded by Wintrust,7580,Story,38001,2022-10-14 16:19:26 UTC,2022-10-14 16:19:26 UTC
14775,Funded by Wintrust,7580,Story,37999,2022-10-14 16:17:27 UTC,2022-10-14 16:17:27 UTC
14778,Funded by Wintrust,7580,Story,38002,2022-10-14 16:20:46 UTC,2022-10-14 16:20:46 UTC
14780,Grå valnöt,9399,Story,38008,2022-10-14 18:27:47 UTC,2022-10-14 18:27:47 UTC
14773,Funded by Wintrust,7580,Story,37996,2022-10-14 16:12:13 UTC,2022-10-14 16:12:13 UTC
14781,"This is Brian, our birch tree that is approx 16 years old",9400,Story,38009,2022-10-16 14:12:56 UTC,2022-10-16 14:12:56 UTC
14785,"Norway maple from Naudet Pépinières. Planted in a Groasis Waterboxx. 
Future trogne. ",8077,Story,38015,2022-10-17 16:00:44 UTC,2022-10-17 16:00:44 UTC
14782,"European hornbeam, from Pépinières Naudet, planted 17th of October 2022 in a Waterboxx. ",8077,Story,38012,2022-10-17 15:50:03 UTC,2022-10-17 15:50:03 UTC
14784,"Salix cinerea planted 17th October 2022, from Naudet Pépinières. ",8077,Story,38014,2022-10-17 15:57:33 UTC,2022-10-17 15:57:33 UTC
14783,"European nettle tree (micocoulier de Provence, europeisk bäralm) planted in october 2022, using a Waterboxx from Groasis. Will later be pollarded. From Naudet Pépinières. ",8077,Story,38013,2022-10-17 15:55:00 UTC,2022-10-17 15:55:00 UTC
14788,Definitely a cherry species ,9335,Story,38019,2022-10-18 11:17:59 UTC,2022-10-18 11:17:59 UTC
14789,Rusty hairs on leaf underside ,9335,Story,38021,2022-10-18 11:27:36 UTC,2022-10-18 11:27:36 UTC
14787,"Not hairy buds and bark doesnt fit, but colours of buds does. Pollution visible on leaves ",9335,Story,38017,2022-10-18 11:05:43 UTC,2022-10-18 11:05:43 UTC
14792,Sprayed,9335,Story,38026,2022-10-18 11:46:33 UTC,2022-10-18 11:46:33 UTC
14794,Sprayed,9335,Story,38028,2022-10-18 11:50:26 UTC,2022-10-18 11:50:26 UTC
14796,All together 8 planted,9335,Story,38030,2022-10-18 11:54:36 UTC,2022-10-18 11:54:36 UTC
14795,"Red leaves bulbs
 Smooth bark nearly dead small smooth leaves",9335,Story,38029,2022-10-18 11:51:28 UTC,2022-10-18 11:51:28 UTC
14793,Apple or pear,9335,Story,38027,2022-10-18 11:49:55 UTC,2022-10-18 11:49:55 UTC
14800,Same as species one above,9335,Story,38040,2022-10-18 15:15:49 UTC,2022-10-18 15:15:49 UTC
14801,Same species as other two,9335,Story,38041,2022-10-18 15:16:48 UTC,2022-10-18 15:16:48 UTC
14970,stem not accessible to public?,9335,Story,38842,2022-12-05 18:24:49 UTC,2022-12-05 18:24:49 UTC
14802,"Maybe corylus maxima, not prunus because no two bitd at bottom",9335,Story,38047,2022-10-18 15:39:27 UTC,2022-10-18 15:39:27 UTC
14808,Also red tree,9335,Story,38069,2022-10-18 16:15:51 UTC,2022-10-18 16:15:51 UTC
14810,Alternating leafstalks ,9335,Story,38072,2022-10-18 16:20:18 UTC,2022-10-18 16:20:18 UTC
14811,Propped up,9335,Story,38073,2022-10-18 16:21:32 UTC,2022-10-18 16:21:32 UTC
14805,Prunus or malus?,9335,Story,38058,2022-10-18 16:01:12 UTC,2022-10-18 16:01:12 UTC
14804,Malus x prunifolia?,9335,Story,38054,2022-10-18 15:56:43 UTC,2022-10-18 15:56:43 UTC
14807,Slightly hairy leafstalks but bark pretty clear,9335,Story,38065,2022-10-18 16:13:24 UTC,2022-10-18 16:13:24 UTC
14809,Below leafstalk,9335,Story,38071,2022-10-18 16:18:27 UTC,2022-10-18 16:18:27 UTC
14812,Red one leafy along veined,9335,Story,38076,2022-10-18 16:32:13 UTC,2022-10-18 16:32:13 UTC
14813,Some cherry,9335,Story,38081,2022-10-18 16:37:43 UTC,2022-10-18 16:37:43 UTC
14814,Could be another kind of maple too,9335,Story,38082,2022-10-18 16:40:24 UTC,2022-10-18 16:40:24 UTC
14815,Likely wild cherry,9335,Story,38084,2022-10-18 16:43:20 UTC,2022-10-18 16:43:20 UTC
14816,Likely wild cherry,9335,Story,38085,2022-10-18 16:43:34 UTC,2022-10-18 16:43:34 UTC
14817,Could also be any other maple,9335,Story,38087,2022-10-18 16:47:42 UTC,2022-10-18 16:47:42 UTC
13290,Albero Madre,7862,Story,33339,2021-03-30 12:27:45 UTC,2021-03-30 12:27:45 UTC
14822,Green Giant ,8852,Story,38112,2022-10-20 17:07:06 UTC,2022-10-20 17:07:06 UTC
14823,Green Giant ,8852,Story,38113,2022-10-20 17:07:57 UTC,2022-10-20 17:07:57 UTC
14824,Planted 10/20/22,8852,Story,38114,2022-10-20 17:08:33 UTC,2022-10-20 17:08:33 UTC
14825,Planted 10/20/22,8852,Story,38115,2022-10-20 17:10:09 UTC,2022-10-20 17:10:09 UTC
14826,Planted 10/20/22,8852,Story,38116,2022-10-20 17:10:51 UTC,2022-10-20 17:10:51 UTC
14829,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38143,2022-10-21 17:16:58 UTC,2022-10-21 17:16:58 UTC
14830,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38144,2022-10-21 17:18:55 UTC,2022-10-21 17:18:55 UTC
14831,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38145,2022-10-21 17:19:47 UTC,2022-10-21 17:19:47 UTC
14832,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38146,2022-10-21 17:21:24 UTC,2022-10-21 17:21:24 UTC
14833,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38147,2022-10-21 17:22:15 UTC,2022-10-21 17:22:15 UTC
14834,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38148,2022-10-21 17:22:53 UTC,2022-10-21 17:22:53 UTC
14835,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38149,2022-10-21 17:23:35 UTC,2022-10-21 17:23:35 UTC
14836,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38150,2022-10-21 17:24:25 UTC,2022-10-21 17:24:25 UTC
14841,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38155,2022-10-21 17:30:59 UTC,2022-10-21 17:30:59 UTC
14843,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38157,2022-10-21 17:32:18 UTC,2022-10-21 17:32:18 UTC
14845,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38159,2022-10-21 17:34:07 UTC,2022-10-21 17:34:07 UTC
14846,"Funded by Kimberly-Clark, spring grove nursery ",7580,Story,38160,2022-10-21 17:35:22 UTC,2022-10-21 17:35:22 UTC
14837,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38151,2022-10-21 17:26:04 UTC,2022-10-21 17:26:04 UTC
14838,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38152,2022-10-21 17:27:48 UTC,2022-10-21 17:27:48 UTC
14839,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38153,2022-10-21 17:28:39 UTC,2022-10-21 17:28:39 UTC
14840,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38154,2022-10-21 17:29:28 UTC,2022-10-21 17:29:28 UTC
14842,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38156,2022-10-21 17:31:51 UTC,2022-10-21 17:31:51 UTC
14844,Funded by Kimberly-Clark,7580,Story,38158,2022-10-21 17:33:29 UTC,2022-10-21 17:33:29 UTC
14847,"Funded by Kimberly-Clark, possibility place nursery",7580,Story,38161,2022-10-21 17:36:23 UTC,2022-10-21 17:36:23 UTC
14848,"6 rowan but behind private fence, not street tree",9335,Story,38187,2022-10-24 11:50:25 UTC,2022-10-24 11:50:25 UTC
14849,Less leaves than betula right next to it,9335,Story,38192,2022-10-24 11:58:04 UTC,2022-10-24 11:58:04 UTC
14850,Less heathly as neighbors ,9335,Story,38207,2022-10-24 12:24:12 UTC,2022-10-24 12:24:12 UTC
14639,Red and green leaves,9335,Story,37436,2022-09-25 18:30:39 UTC,2022-09-25 18:30:39 UTC
14853,Not sure,9335,Story,38215,2022-10-24 13:01:02 UTC,2022-10-24 13:01:02 UTC
14855,Lraves further up more rounded,9335,Story,38219,2022-10-24 13:07:54 UTC,2022-10-24 13:07:54 UTC
14854,Leaves in all more yellow,9335,Story,38218,2022-10-24 13:07:21 UTC,2022-10-24 13:07:21 UTC
14858,Maybe hawthorn ,9335,Story,38223,2022-10-24 13:25:17 UTC,2022-10-24 13:25:17 UTC
14856,"Red berry, hairy leavlfbuds,",9335,Story,38221,2022-10-24 13:21:38 UTC,2022-10-24 13:21:38 UTC
14857,"Some pics in this are hawthorn, maybe classify to species level",9335,Story,38222,2022-10-24 13:24:38 UTC,2022-10-24 13:24:38 UTC
14971,10 sycamore,9335,Story,38850,2022-12-07 18:31:21 UTC,2022-12-07 18:31:21 UTC
14859,Not sure if that's correct,9335,Story,38227,2022-10-24 13:31:02 UTC,2022-10-24 13:31:02 UTC
14860,Likely Quercus species,9335,Story,38229,2022-10-25 14:34:25 UTC,2022-10-25 14:34:25 UTC
14861,Leaves are weird,9335,Story,38236,2022-10-25 14:45:00 UTC,2022-10-25 14:45:00 UTC
14862,Again weird leaves,9335,Story,38248,2022-10-25 14:58:33 UTC,2022-10-25 14:58:33 UTC
14863,Nice smell,9335,Story,38259,2022-10-25 15:07:11 UTC,2022-10-25 15:07:11 UTC
14864,Not rly a tree?,9335,Story,38271,2022-10-25 15:18:11 UTC,2022-10-25 15:18:11 UTC
14865,Leafbuds feel rough,9335,Story,38283,2022-10-25 15:45:06 UTC,2022-10-25 15:45:06 UTC
14868,6 of these,9335,Story,38310,2022-10-25 16:31:22 UTC,2022-10-25 16:31:22 UTC
14870,"10/26 dark red leaves, still thriving 
",9418,Story,38326,2022-10-26 19:04:47 UTC,2022-11-03 14:05:06 UTC
14874,Black cherry,9373,Story,38363,2022-10-28 16:19:15 UTC,2022-10-28 16:19:15 UTC
14873,Black cherry ,9373,Story,38362,2022-10-28 16:18:43 UTC,2022-10-28 16:18:43 UTC
14879,hjerte,2671,Story,38381,2022-10-30 08:25:52 UTC,2022-10-30 08:25:52 UTC
14878,Flott lønnetre iklimaksfase. Treets siluett er fantastisk sett ovenfra i Sognsveien. ,2671,Story,38380,2022-10-30 08:15:32 UTC,2022-10-30 08:15:32 UTC
14884,Burren pine.planted in 2020 from pot ,9441,Story,38487,2022-11-06 12:06:42 UTC,2022-11-06 12:06:42 UTC
14885,Test,9442,Story,38488,2022-11-07 08:31:26 UTC,2022-11-07 08:31:26 UTC
14886,"Planted 7/11/22, from Robin's Pépinières. ",8077,Story,38501,2022-11-07 16:51:39 UTC,2022-11-07 16:51:39 UTC
14887,"Pear seedling grown from seed, transplanted 28th of November 2021.",8077,Story,38502,2022-11-07 16:52:29 UTC,2022-11-07 16:52:29 UTC
14888,"Rosa helenae from Austin Roses, Planted in december 2021. To climb in pear tree.",8077,Story,38503,2022-11-07 16:53:14 UTC,2022-11-07 16:53:14 UTC
14889,From Robin's Pépinières. Planted 07/11/22,8077,Story,38504,2022-11-07 16:54:12 UTC,2022-11-07 16:54:12 UTC
14891,3 tuja,9446,Story,38570,2022-11-09 10:44:30 UTC,2022-11-09 10:44:30 UTC
14890,7 busker,9446,Story,38554,2022-11-09 10:27:47 UTC,2022-11-09 10:27:47 UTC
14892,To tuja,9446,Story,38572,2022-11-09 10:46:20 UTC,2022-11-09 10:46:20 UTC
14895,Bjørk,9446,Story,38601,2022-11-09 11:18:54 UTC,2022-11-09 11:18:54 UTC
14897,Furu,9446,Story,38622,2022-11-09 11:40:20 UTC,2022-11-09 11:40:20 UTC
14900,Rododenderon ,9446,Story,38632,2022-11-09 11:56:43 UTC,2022-11-09 11:56:43 UTC
14893,2 trær,9446,Story,38588,2022-11-09 11:01:14 UTC,2022-11-09 11:01:14 UTC
14894,The tree is cut,9446,Story,38595,2022-11-09 11:09:23 UTC,2022-11-09 11:09:23 UTC
14896,Gressløk,9446,Story,38610,2022-11-09 11:27:40 UTC,2022-11-09 11:27:40 UTC
14898,Alonia melanokarpa moskva,9446,Story,38626,2022-11-09 11:43:50 UTC,2022-11-09 11:43:50 UTC
14899,3 stk,9446,Story,38629,2022-11-09 11:52:12 UTC,2022-11-09 11:52:12 UTC
14903,Same as others,9335,Story,38662,2022-11-12 16:12:25 UTC,2022-11-12 16:12:25 UTC
14901,Likely lime? Leafbuds green,9335,Story,38659,2022-11-12 16:07:58 UTC,2022-11-12 16:07:58 UTC
14905,Berrys indicate whitebeam?,9335,Story,38665,2022-11-12 16:15:29 UTC,2022-11-12 16:15:29 UTC
14906,Are these street trees?,9335,Story,38667,2022-11-12 16:20:37 UTC,2022-11-12 16:20:37 UTC
14907,Either english or sessile,9335,Story,38668,2022-11-12 16:25:31 UTC,2022-11-12 16:25:31 UTC
14908,Could be aucuparia since single leaves that are lobed like oak leaves,9335,Story,38674,2022-11-12 16:43:51 UTC,2022-11-12 16:43:51 UTC
14909,Public right of way?,9335,Story,38678,2022-11-12 16:46:28 UTC,2022-11-12 16:46:28 UTC
14911,Dead birch ,9335,Story,38698,2022-11-12 17:29:52 UTC,2022-11-12 17:29:52 UTC
14913,Same as other one,9335,Story,38700,2022-11-12 17:31:30 UTC,2022-11-12 17:31:30 UTC
14912,"Red leaves unlobed, more bush than plant",9335,Story,38699,2022-11-12 17:30:38 UTC,2022-11-12 17:30:38 UTC
14914,Dark brown stem small leaves,9335,Story,38702,2022-11-12 17:34:12 UTC,2022-11-12 17:34:12 UTC
14904,Same as others,9335,Story,38663,2022-11-12 16:12:46 UTC,2022-11-12 16:12:46 UTC
14919,Palm,9335,Story,38710,2022-11-12 18:15:38 UTC,2022-11-12 18:15:38 UTC
14917,Like thr others ,9335,Story,38708,2022-11-12 18:14:23 UTC,2022-11-12 18:14:23 UTC
14921,Palm,9335,Story,38712,2022-11-12 18:17:37 UTC,2022-11-12 18:17:37 UTC
14915,Hedge,9335,Story,38703,2022-11-12 17:35:19 UTC,2022-11-12 17:35:19 UTC
14918,Palm,9335,Story,38709,2022-11-12 18:15:24 UTC,2022-11-12 18:15:24 UTC
14920,Palm,9335,Story,38711,2022-11-12 18:17:24 UTC,2022-11-12 18:17:24 UTC
14922,Black lace  (Eva),4920,Story,38735,2022-11-17 12:27:57 UTC,2022-11-17 12:27:57 UTC
14923,2busker- stauder,9446,Story,38745,2022-11-18 10:50:51 UTC,2022-11-18 10:50:51 UTC
14924,2busker,9446,Story,38747,2022-11-18 10:52:01 UTC,2022-11-18 10:52:01 UTC
14925,3 trær,9446,Story,38748,2022-11-18 10:52:34 UTC,2022-11-18 10:52:34 UTC
14926,5 busker,9446,Story,38749,2022-11-18 10:53:22 UTC,2022-11-18 10:53:22 UTC
14927,Tuja,9446,Story,38754,2022-11-18 10:57:21 UTC,2022-11-18 10:57:21 UTC
14928,Bergenia perfekt,9446,Story,38757,2022-11-18 11:09:07 UTC,2022-11-18 11:09:07 UTC
14932,Gress,9446,Story,38762,2022-11-18 11:11:35 UTC,2022-11-18 11:11:35 UTC
14934,3 stk,9446,Story,38767,2022-11-18 11:22:30 UTC,2022-11-18 11:22:30 UTC
14935,Blåbær,9446,Story,38784,2022-11-18 11:48:15 UTC,2022-11-18 11:48:15 UTC
14936,Syrin,9446,Story,38793,2022-11-18 11:58:40 UTC,2022-11-18 11:58:40 UTC
14929,Robodendron,9446,Story,38758,2022-11-18 11:09:42 UTC,2022-11-18 11:09:42 UTC
14930,Malus,9446,Story,38760,2022-11-18 11:10:40 UTC,2022-11-18 11:10:40 UTC
14931,Tuja,9446,Story,38761,2022-11-18 11:11:14 UTC,2022-11-18 11:11:14 UTC
14933,Bjørk,9446,Story,38766,2022-11-18 11:22:04 UTC,2022-11-18 11:22:04 UTC
14937,Bjørk,9446,Story,38795,2022-11-18 11:59:52 UTC,2022-11-18 11:59:52 UTC
14969,"From here on 50 hornbeam, 4 Hawthorn",9335,Story,38841,2022-11-26 16:32:07 UTC,2022-11-26 16:32:07 UTC
14902,"Alternate twis growing leafbuds slightly hairy green to red
All trees along here same",9335,Story,38660,2022-11-12 16:10:35 UTC,2022-11-12 16:10:35 UTC
14916,Weird palm tree like the other ones,9335,Story,38707,2022-11-12 17:42:26 UTC,2022-11-12 17:42:26 UTC
14791,Hairy twigs and leaves up and downside. ,9335,Story,38023,2022-10-18 11:42:51 UTC,2022-10-18 11:42:51 UTC
14806,Planted maple?,9335,Story,38060,2022-10-18 16:04:30 UTC,2022-10-18 16:04:30 UTC
14722,Green and red leaves,9335,Story,37747,2022-10-01 17:12:42 UTC,2022-10-01 17:12:42 UTC
14972,"Beautiful blooms in spring, grows red berries in fall.",9314,Story,38851,2022-12-08 03:31:32 UTC,2022-12-08 03:31:32 UTC
14973,"Beautiful blooms in spring, grows red berries in fall.",9314,Story,38852,2022-12-08 03:37:11 UTC,2022-12-08 03:37:11 UTC
14974,Invasive species to the US. Grows in disturbed areas like roadsides and stream banks.,9314,Story,38855,2022-12-08 14:44:19 UTC,2022-12-08 14:44:19 UTC
14975,Invasive species to the US. ,9314,Story,38861,2022-12-08 15:51:33 UTC,2022-12-08 15:51:33 UTC
14976,There are always lots of pigeons and seagulls at this park. And lots of ducks and geese by the waterfront.,9314,Story,38878,2022-12-08 21:10:05 UTC,2022-12-08 21:10:05 UTC
14977,Skyddat enligt länsstyrelsen. ,8705,Story,38879,2022-12-09 22:00:40 UTC,2022-12-09 22:00:40 UTC
14995,"likely thuja
",9335,Story,38974,2022-12-29 09:16:35 UTC,2022-12-29 09:16:35 UTC
14979,Like sorbus,9335,Story,38897,2022-12-14 13:52:31 UTC,2022-12-14 13:52:31 UTC
14983,Same as others,9335,Story,38907,2022-12-14 14:07:57 UTC,2022-12-14 14:07:57 UTC
14980,Same as down below,9335,Story,38899,2022-12-14 13:55:41 UTC,2022-12-14 13:55:41 UTC
14982,Sane leafbuds as further down,9335,Story,38901,2022-12-14 13:57:59 UTC,2022-12-14 13:57:59 UTC
14994,"Western Red Cedar Thuja plicata or  Lawson Cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (spray in one flat, boith thulja and lawson have white markings on underside) or    x Cupressocyparis leylandii (spray in right angles)
",9335,Story,38973,2022-12-28 15:16:05 UTC,2022-12-28 15:19:04 UTC
14985,Hedge sorbus and acer,9335,Story,38911,2022-12-14 14:23:25 UTC,2022-12-14 14:23:25 UTC
14984,Red berries ,9335,Story,38909,2022-12-14 14:20:45 UTC,2022-12-14 14:20:45 UTC
14339,Trogne 2022,8077,Story,36350,2022-07-05 15:40:39 UTC,2022-07-05 15:40:39 UTC
14981,Sane as down below ,9335,Story,38900,2022-12-14 13:56:37 UTC,2022-12-14 13:56:37 UTC
14978,Same as bext to it,9335,Story,38895,2022-12-14 13:50:15 UTC,2022-12-14 13:50:15 UTC
14986,"This beautiful sycamore tree has particularly striking bark and a 50 ft canopy. The bark is scaly near the base and exfoliating on the upper trunk, showing multiple layers. Sycamore trees often grow branches called 'witches brooms' due to anthracnose. The tree is tagged number 809. ",9248,Story,38920,2022-12-19 21:16:29 UTC,2022-12-19 21:26:00 UTC
14988,"not entirely sure if maple
",9335,Story,38922,2022-12-26 12:48:48 UTC,2022-12-26 12:48:48 UTC
14989,Winter Park Planting ,8853,Story,38923,2022-12-28 14:18:42 UTC,2022-12-28 14:18:42 UTC
14990,sour gum ,8853,Story,38939,2022-12-28 14:40:33 UTC,2022-12-28 14:40:33 UTC
14991,crabapple prairie fire ,8853,Story,38942,2022-12-28 14:44:38 UTC,2022-12-28 14:44:38 UTC
14992,musclewood,8853,Story,38967,2022-12-28 15:07:22 UTC,2022-12-28 15:07:22 UTC
14993,musclewood,8853,Story,38968,2022-12-28 15:08:05 UTC,2022-12-28 15:08:05 UTC
14910,All three there are the same,9335,Story,38680,2022-11-12 16:48:30 UTC,2022-11-12 16:48:30 UTC
14799,"Slightly hairy leafbuds, looks like hornbeam just leaves smaller. Symmetrical leaf base",9335,Story,38039,2022-10-18 15:14:41 UTC,2022-10-18 15:14:41 UTC
14996,Could be Amelanchier spicata,9335,Story,38976,2023-01-02 15:10:06 UTC,2023-01-02 15:10:06 UTC
14997,"Quercus ilex, the evergreen oak, holly oak or holm oak. 90% Confidence in ID. ",8594,Story,40024,2023-01-26 08:58:11 UTC,2023-01-26 08:58:11 UTC
14998,80% confidence of ID.,8594,Story,40025,2023-01-26 09:06:16 UTC,2023-01-26 09:06:16 UTC
15004,"Detta är Sorbus aucuparia fk VÄSTERÅKER, rönn.",1083,Story,40566,2023-02-06 08:43:22 UTC,2023-02-06 08:43:22 UTC
15005,"Detta är Malus toringo var. sargentii fk ESKILSTUNA, bukettapel",1083,Story,40567,2023-02-06 08:45:40 UTC,2023-02-06 08:45:40 UTC
15006,"Detta är Prunus avium fk SVEA, sötkörsbär",1083,Story,40568,2023-02-06 08:47:45 UTC,2023-02-06 08:47:45 UTC
15003,"Korrekt namn är Cornus sericea 'Farba' E, videkornell",1083,Story,40565,2023-02-06 08:32:50 UTC,2023-02-06 08:32:50 UTC
15009,"Detta är Cornus sericea 'Farba', videkornell",1083,Story,40571,2023-02-06 08:53:29 UTC,2023-02-06 08:53:29 UTC
15010,"Detta är Prunus avium fk SVEA, sötkörsbär",1083,Story,40572,2023-02-06 08:55:11 UTC,2023-02-06 08:55:11 UTC
15011,"Detta är Salix x fragilis f. vitellina 'Vinterglöd', gulpil (hybriden) korallpil (sorten)",1083,Story,40573,2023-02-06 08:57:55 UTC,2023-02-06 08:57:55 UTC
15012,"Detta är Philadelphus ORION ('BPh 4'), schersmin.",1083,Story,40574,2023-02-06 11:33:14 UTC,2023-02-06 11:33:14 UTC
15013,"Detta är Lonicera xylosteum fk ÅMÅL, skogstry.",1083,Story,40575,2023-02-06 11:35:16 UTC,2023-02-06 11:35:16 UTC
15014,"Detta är Amelanchier spicata fk FALUN, häggmispel.",1083,Story,40576,2023-02-06 11:36:31 UTC,2023-02-06 11:36:31 UTC
15008,Detta är Prunus avium fk SVEA,1083,Story,40570,2023-02-06 08:50:30 UTC,2023-02-06 08:50:30 UTC
15000,Står på en villatomt,9576,Story,40562,2023-02-04 13:03:36 UTC,2023-02-04 13:03:36 UTC
15002,"Korrekt namn är Salix alba f. sericea BODEN SILVER ('Ep Salbosi'), silverpil",1083,Story,40564,2023-02-06 08:31:12 UTC,2023-02-06 08:31:12 UTC
15007,"Detta är Amelanchier alnifolia 'Alvdal', bärhäggmispel",1083,Story,40569,2023-02-06 08:49:23 UTC,2023-02-06 08:49:23 UTC
15045,"Detta är Betula pendula fk JULITA, vårtbjörk.",1083,Story,40760,2023-02-07 13:39:13 UTC,2023-02-07 13:39:13 UTC
15047,"Detta är Sorbus aucuparia fk VÄSTERÅKER, rönn.",1083,Story,40762,2023-02-07 13:42:07 UTC,2023-02-07 13:42:07 UTC
15046,"Detta är Aronia x prunifolia fk VÄSTERÅKER, slånaronia.",1083,Story,40761,2023-02-07 13:40:29 UTC,2023-02-07 13:40:29 UTC
15048,"Detta är Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica ANJA ('BLO D'), blåbärstry.",1083,Story,40763,2023-02-07 13:43:57 UTC,2023-02-07 13:43:57 UTC
15049,"Detta är Lonicera caerulea fk FALUN, blåtry.",1083,Story,40764,2023-02-07 13:44:56 UTC,2023-02-07 13:44:56 UTC
15050,"Detta är Euonymus europaeus 'Evert', benved.",1083,Story,40765,2023-02-07 13:55:52 UTC,2023-02-07 13:55:52 UTC
15051,"Detta är Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala fk UPPSALA, ginnalalönn.",1083,Story,40766,2023-02-07 14:08:10 UTC,2023-02-07 14:08:10 UTC
15052,"Detta är Malus toringo var. sargentii fk ESKILSTUNA, bukettapel",1083,Story,40767,2023-02-07 14:11:39 UTC,2023-02-07 14:11:39 UTC
15053,"Detta är Acer platanoides fk PERNILLA, skogslönn.",1083,Story,40768,2023-02-07 14:14:45 UTC,2023-02-07 14:14:45 UTC
15054,"Detta är Malus toringo var. sargentii fk ESKILSTUNA, bukettapel.",1083,Story,40769,2023-02-07 14:16:00 UTC,2023-02-07 14:16:00 UTC
15028,"Detta är Cornus sericea 'Farba', videkornell.",1083,Story,40743,2023-02-07 12:21:01 UTC,2023-02-07 12:21:01 UTC
15030,"Detta är Amelanchier spicata fk FALUN, häggmispel.",1083,Story,40745,2023-02-07 12:24:22 UTC,2023-02-07 12:24:22 UTC
15033,"Detta är Malus toringo var. sargentii fk ESKILSTUNA, bukettapel.",1083,Story,40748,2023-02-07 12:33:28 UTC,2023-02-07 12:33:28 UTC
15034,"Detta är en korsning mellan Vaccinium corymbosum och V. angustifolium så namnet skrivs Vaccinium (Angustifolium-Gruppen) 'Emil', hybridblåbär!",1083,Story,40749,2023-02-07 12:37:20 UTC,2023-02-07 12:37:20 UTC
15036,"Detta är Sorbus ulleungensis LEGEND ('Erik'), ullungrönn.",1083,Story,40751,2023-02-07 13:04:12 UTC,2023-02-07 13:04:12 UTC
15037,"Detta är Amelanchier spicata fk FALUN, häggmispel.",1083,Story,40752,2023-02-07 13:22:55 UTC,2023-02-07 13:22:55 UTC
15043,"Detta är Amelanchier spicata fk FALUN, häggmispel.",1083,Story,40758,2023-02-07 13:34:26 UTC,2023-02-07 13:34:26 UTC
15016,"Detta är Lonicera involucrata 'Baggböle', skärmtry",1083,Story,40731,2023-02-07 11:18:51 UTC,2023-02-07 11:18:51 UTC
15018,"Korrekt namn är Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess', praktspirea.",1083,Story,40733,2023-02-07 11:25:38 UTC,2023-02-07 11:25:38 UTC
15020,"Detta är Corylus avellana fk TORSLUNDA, hassel.",1083,Story,40735,2023-02-07 11:28:25 UTC,2023-02-07 11:28:25 UTC
15024,"Detta är Juniperus communis 'Vemboö', en.",1083,Story,40739,2023-02-07 12:08:13 UTC,2023-02-07 12:08:13 UTC
15026,"Detta är Juniperus communis 'Farvill', en",1083,Story,40741,2023-02-07 12:17:55 UTC,2023-02-07 12:17:55 UTC
15035,"Detta är Symphoricarpos albus subsp. laevigatus fk ULTUNA, snöbär.",1083,Story,40750,2023-02-07 13:00:58 UTC,2023-02-07 13:00:58 UTC
15027,"Detta är Amelanchier spicata fk FALUN, häggmispel.",1083,Story,40742,2023-02-07 12:19:45 UTC,2023-02-07 12:19:45 UTC
15029,"Detta är Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Pia', rönnspirea.",1083,Story,40744,2023-02-07 12:22:40 UTC,2023-02-07 12:22:40 UTC
15031,"Detta är Cercidiphyllum japonicum fk GÖTEBORG, katsura.",1083,Story,40746,2023-02-07 12:27:02 UTC,2023-02-07 12:27:02 UTC
15032,"Detta är Aronia melanocarpa GLORIE ('Elisabeth'), svartaronia.",1083,Story,40747,2023-02-07 12:31:30 UTC,2023-02-07 12:31:30 UTC
15038,"Detta är Ribes nigrum 'Öjebyn', svarta vinbär.",1083,Story,40753,2023-02-07 13:24:08 UTC,2023-02-07 13:24:08 UTC
15039,"Detta är Aronia melanocarpa 'Hugin', svartaronia.",1083,Story,40754,2023-02-07 13:28:28 UTC,2023-02-07 13:28:28 UTC
15040,"Detta är Forsythia x intermedia 'Freja', hybridforsythia.",1083,Story,40755,2023-02-07 13:30:57 UTC,2023-02-07 13:30:57 UTC
15041,"Detta är Philadelphus coronarius 'Finn', doftschersmin.",1083,Story,40756,2023-02-07 13:32:16 UTC,2023-02-07 13:32:16 UTC
15042,"Detta är Pinus sylvestris fk SKOGSKYRKOGÅRDEN, tall.",1083,Story,40757,2023-02-07 13:33:20 UTC,2023-02-07 13:33:20 UTC
15015,"Detta är Amelanchier spicata fk FALUN, häggmispel (tre exemplar i grupp)",1083,Story,40730,2023-02-07 11:17:42 UTC,2023-02-07 11:17:42 UTC
15017,"Korrekt namn är Symphoricarpos 'Arvid'. SKUD anger (i februari 2023) inget svenskt namn  för denna sort, men eplanta kallar den prydnadssnöbär 'Arvid'.",1083,Story,40732,2023-02-07 11:23:28 UTC,2023-02-07 11:23:28 UTC
15019,"Detta är Aronia x prunifolia fk VÄSTERÅKER, slånaronia.",1083,Story,40734,2023-02-07 11:26:52 UTC,2023-02-07 11:26:52 UTC
15021,"Detta är Rosa carolina fk GUNNEL, carolinaros.",1083,Story,40736,2023-02-07 11:29:46 UTC,2023-02-07 11:29:46 UTC
15023,"Detta är Syringa vulgaris f. alba fk VEBERÖD, vit syren.",1083,Story,40738,2023-02-07 12:06:15 UTC,2023-02-07 12:06:15 UTC
15022,"Detta är Pyrus communis 'Carola', päron.",1083,Story,40737,2023-02-07 12:02:37 UTC,2023-02-07 12:02:37 UTC
15025,Detta är Pinus mugo var. pumilio fk SAUHERAD,1083,Story,40740,2023-02-07 12:10:34 UTC,2023-02-07 12:10:34 UTC
15044,"Detta är Symphoricarpos albus subsp. laevigatus fk ULTUNA, snöbär.",1083,Story,40759,2023-02-07 13:38:19 UTC,2023-02-07 13:38:19 UTC
15110,"Namnet finns inte i databasen: Detta är kentuckyblåregn, Wistera frutescens var. macrostachya 'Blue Moon'.",1083,Story,41056,2023-03-31 11:55:36 UTC,2023-03-31 11:55:36 UTC
15056,"Detta är Wisteria frutescens var. macrostachya 'Blue Moon"", kentuckyblåregn",1083,Story,40993,2023-02-09 13:59:05 UTC,2023-02-09 13:59:05 UTC
15060,Surveyed by the students of Scoil an tSeachtar Laoch as part of Better Ballymun 2023,9544,Story,40998,2023-02-14 20:07:24 UTC,2023-02-14 20:07:24 UTC
15061,Surveyed by the students of Scoil an tSeachtar Laoch as part of Better Ballymun 2023,9544,Story,40999,2023-02-14 20:09:15 UTC,2023-02-14 20:09:15 UTC
15058,Surveyed by the students of Scoil an tSeachtar Laoch as part of Better Ballymun 2023,9544,Story,40996,2023-02-14 20:05:30 UTC,2023-02-14 20:05:30 UTC
15057,Surveyed by the students of Scoil an tSeachtar Laoch as part of Better Ballymun 2023,9544,Story,40995,2023-02-14 20:00:41 UTC,2023-02-14 20:00:41 UTC
15059,Surveyed by the students of Scoil an tSeachtar Laoch as part of Better Ballymun 2023,9544,Story,40997,2023-02-14 20:06:32 UTC,2023-02-14 20:06:32 UTC
15062,Surveyed by the students of Scoil an tSeachtar Laoch as part of Better Ballymun 2023,9544,Story,41000,2023-02-14 20:10:51 UTC,2023-02-14 20:10:51 UTC
15093,Planted by Vines Society to mark the millennium. Dedicated to memory of Patricia Taylor 1922-2000,9635,Story,41033,2023-02-24 11:50:45 UTC,2023-03-23 22:17:42 UTC
15094,planted by Vinehall leavers 1996,9635,Story,41034,2023-02-24 12:02:45 UTC,2023-02-24 12:02:45 UTC
15095,"Prunus serrula 'Tibetica' 
In memory of Katherine Nichols
Planted Feb 2002",9635,Story,41035,2023-02-24 12:09:01 UTC,2023-02-24 12:09:01 UTC
15096,Donated by Vinehall Leavers 1996,9635,Story,41037,2023-02-27 09:17:41 UTC,2023-02-27 09:17:41 UTC
15099,Test datz,9643,Story,41041,2023-03-09 01:40:13 UTC,2023-03-09 01:40:13 UTC
15100,"Test data, delete",9642,Story,41042,2023-03-09 01:40:25 UTC,2023-03-09 01:40:25 UTC
15098,It is for a test purpose only. Please delete it.  ,9642,Story,41040,2023-03-09 01:34:53 UTC,2023-03-09 01:34:53 UTC
15101,Test 2,9643,Story,41043,2023-03-09 01:42:17 UTC,2023-03-09 01:42:17 UTC
15102,Green and health,9644,Story,41044,2023-03-15 02:11:15 UTC,2023-03-15 02:11:15 UTC
15103,Living and green,9644,Story,41045,2023-03-15 02:31:28 UTC,2023-03-15 02:31:28 UTC
15104,Living and green,9644,Story,41046,2023-03-15 02:43:26 UTC,2023-03-15 02:43:26 UTC
15105,Green living,9644,Story,41047,2023-03-15 02:54:07 UTC,2023-03-15 02:54:07 UTC
15106,Look dry but it’s might be huber sting because of winter,9644,Story,41048,2023-03-15 03:00:10 UTC,2023-03-15 03:00:10 UTC
15107,"Living, healthy and green",9644,Story,41049,2023-03-15 03:07:23 UTC,2023-03-15 03:07:23 UTC
15108,Looks hibernated no leaves because of winter. But it is living,9644,Story,41050,2023-03-15 18:36:30 UTC,2023-03-15 18:36:30 UTC
13189,Aurora april 2020,4932,Story,33098,2021-03-02 10:41:56 UTC,2021-03-02 10:41:56 UTC
15111,Clay root ball from wilson,7936,Story,41058,2023-04-04 17:18:57 UTC,2023-04-04 17:18:57 UTC
15112,"Clay root ball, wilson",7936,Story,41060,2023-04-04 17:22:41 UTC,2023-04-04 17:22:41 UTC
15113,Wafer ash,7936,Story,41066,2023-04-04 17:34:17 UTC,2023-04-04 17:34:17 UTC
15114,Area 1 parallel drainage and fairway 1,9662,Story,41067,2023-04-05 15:03:29 UTC,2023-04-05 15:03:29 UTC
15115,Proposed area 1 parallel to fairway 1,9662,Story,41068,2023-04-05 15:10:57 UTC,2023-04-05 15:10:57 UTC
15117,Proposed area1 parallel drainage group of 3 ,9662,Story,41070,2023-04-05 15:12:26 UTC,2023-04-05 15:12:26 UTC
15118,Ilex aquifolium jc van tol,9598,Story,41071,2023-04-05 15:15:36 UTC,2023-04-05 15:15:36 UTC
15116,Planted 2023,9598,Story,41069,2023-04-05 15:11:58 UTC,2023-04-05 15:11:58 UTC
15119,Area 1 proposed group of3 ,9662,Story,41075,2023-04-05 15:25:14 UTC,2023-04-05 15:25:14 UTC
15121,Proposed ,9662,Story,41081,2023-04-05 15:40:34 UTC,2023-04-05 15:40:34 UTC
15120,Proposed area1,9662,Story,41080,2023-04-05 15:37:01 UTC,2023-04-05 15:37:01 UTC
15122,"Proposed Area1
",9662,Story,41082,2023-04-05 15:49:16 UTC,2023-04-05 15:49:16 UTC
15123,Proposed Area1,9662,Story,41083,2023-04-05 15:52:50 UTC,2023-04-05 15:52:50 UTC
15124,Proposed area1-2,9662,Story,41084,2023-04-05 15:56:07 UTC,2023-04-05 15:56:07 UTC
15125,Proposed note shade and black walnut area 1-2,9662,Story,41085,2023-04-05 16:01:01 UTC,2023-04-05 16:01:01 UTC
15126,Proposed area 2 ish ,9662,Story,41086,2023-04-05 16:04:25 UTC,2023-04-05 16:04:25 UTC
15127,Proposed Area 2 group of 5,9662,Story,41087,2023-04-05 16:09:05 UTC,2023-04-05 16:09:05 UTC
15128,Proposed ,9662,Story,41088,2023-04-05 16:11:00 UTC,2023-04-05 16:11:00 UTC
15129,Proposed ,9662,Story,41089,2023-04-05 16:12:00 UTC,2023-04-05 16:12:00 UTC
15130,Proposed specimen planting ,9662,Story,41090,2023-04-05 17:54:42 UTC,2023-04-05 17:54:42 UTC
15131,Proposed area4,9662,Story,41091,2023-04-05 18:07:45 UTC,2023-04-05 18:07:45 UTC
15132,Proposed. Area 4,9662,Story,41092,2023-04-05 18:11:04 UTC,2023-04-05 18:11:04 UTC
15133,Proposed area 4,9662,Story,41093,2023-04-05 18:14:54 UTC,2023-04-05 18:14:54 UTC
15134,Proposed area4,9662,Story,41094,2023-04-05 18:38:40 UTC,2023-04-05 18:38:40 UTC
15135,Proposed area 4,9662,Story,41095,2023-04-05 18:39:55 UTC,2023-04-05 18:39:55 UTC
15136,Proposed area4,9662,Story,41096,2023-04-05 18:46:06 UTC,2023-04-05 18:46:06 UTC
15137,Proposed area 4,9662,Story,41097,2023-04-05 18:50:47 UTC,2023-04-05 18:50:47 UTC
15138,Proposed area 4 section 2,9662,Story,41098,2023-04-05 18:55:13 UTC,2023-04-05 18:55:13 UTC
15139,Proposed area 4 section 2 east of path,9662,Story,41099,2023-04-05 18:57:32 UTC,2023-04-05 18:57:32 UTC
15140,Proposed area4 ,9662,Story,41100,2023-04-05 19:01:44 UTC,2023-04-05 19:01:44 UTC
15141,Proposed area 4 section 2,9662,Story,41101,2023-04-05 19:04:54 UTC,2023-04-05 19:04:54 UTC
15142,Proposed area4 section 2 e of path,9662,Story,41102,2023-04-05 19:07:52 UTC,2023-04-05 19:07:52 UTC
15143,Area 4 proposed near river,9662,Story,41103,2023-04-05 19:16:04 UTC,2023-04-05 19:16:04 UTC
15144,Proposed area4 section 2 near River ,9662,Story,41104,2023-04-05 19:19:16 UTC,2023-04-05 19:19:16 UTC
15145,Proposed area 4 section 2 near River and path intersection ,9662,Story,41105,2023-04-05 19:22:36 UTC,2023-04-05 19:22:36 UTC
15146,Proposed area 4 sect 2 near path intersection ,9662,Story,41106,2023-04-05 19:24:46 UTC,2023-04-05 19:24:46 UTC
15147,Proposed area4 path intersection ,9662,Story,41107,2023-04-05 19:27:08 UTC,2023-04-05 19:27:08 UTC
15148,Proposed area4 w of path sect 2 ,9662,Story,41108,2023-04-05 19:35:49 UTC,2023-04-05 19:35:49 UTC
15149,By pink well area 4 proposed ,9662,Story,41109,2023-04-05 19:41:36 UTC,2023-04-05 19:41:36 UTC
15150,By pink well area 4 proposed,9662,Story,41110,2023-04-05 19:43:07 UTC,2023-04-05 19:43:07 UTC
15151,Near pink well just north. Section 2 of area 4 proposed ,9662,Story,41111,2023-04-05 19:44:26 UTC,2023-04-05 19:44:26 UTC
15152,Wafer ash,7936,Story,41135,2023-04-17 15:28:41 UTC,2023-04-17 15:28:41 UTC
15153,"Sign of Pertusariaceae is a family of fungi that you can observe growing as whitish crust-like layers on the outside of rocks or trees. These fungi are lichens that exist in a symbiotic relationship with bacteria or algae, which allows them to grow together and survive in difficult conditions.",5617,Story,41140,2023-04-17 18:57:47 UTC,2023-04-17 18:57:47 UTC
15154,Good condition. ,5617,Story,41141,2023-04-17 19:01:26 UTC,2023-04-17 19:01:26 UTC
15156,Good condition ,5617,Story,41143,2023-04-17 19:21:12 UTC,2023-04-17 19:21:12 UTC
15155,In good condition. ,5617,Story,41142,2023-04-17 19:19:27 UTC,2023-04-17 19:19:27 UTC
15157,Good condition ,5617,Story,41144,2023-04-17 19:22:04 UTC,2023-04-17 19:22:04 UTC
15159,CIMBY earth day 2023,8852,Story,41229,2023-04-21 19:04:32 UTC,2023-04-21 19:04:32 UTC
15160,CIMBY Earth Day 2023,8852,Story,41230,2023-04-21 19:05:16 UTC,2023-04-21 19:05:16 UTC
15161,CIMBY Earth Day 2023,8852,Story,41231,2023-04-21 19:05:57 UTC,2023-04-21 19:05:57 UTC
15162,Morton Stalwart,9675,Story,41232,2023-04-21 19:06:05 UTC,2023-04-21 19:06:05 UTC
15163,Kronstabiliserad,9258,Story,41234,2023-04-22 10:15:44 UTC,2023-04-22 10:15:44 UTC
15164,Possibility Place 15 gal grow bag planted 4/24/23,9662,Story,41246,2023-04-24 18:50:13 UTC,2023-04-24 18:50:13 UTC
15166,Possibility place Nursery #15 grow bag planted 4/24/23 Area 4(n) grant,9662,Story,41248,2023-04-24 19:31:51 UTC,2023-04-24 19:31:51 UTC
15165,PP nursery 15# grow bag planted 4/24/23 area 3 grant,9662,Story,41247,2023-04-24 19:05:41 UTC,2023-04-24 19:05:41 UTC
15167,Possibility Place nursery #15 Gal grow bag. Area 5 grant. Planted 4/24/23,9662,Story,41249,2023-04-24 20:12:16 UTC,2023-04-24 20:12:16 UTC
15168,Possibility place 15# gal grow bag planted 4/24/23. Area 5 grant ,9662,Story,41250,2023-04-24 20:14:28 UTC,2023-04-24 20:14:28 UTC
15169,Planted late 2022/ early 2023,5617,Story,41252,2023-04-25 17:59:12 UTC,2023-04-25 17:59:12 UTC
15188,SF37 spettar för att ordna ett stöd åt vår nyplanterade maackia. 4 maj 2023.,1083,Story,41409,2023-05-04 10:11:53 UTC,2023-05-04 10:11:53 UTC
15172,Edvin Karlsson ARB21 den 27 april 2023b,1083,Story,41337,2023-04-27 13:42:53 UTC,2023-04-27 13:42:53 UTC
15171,Marcus Martinsen ARB21 studerar Maackia amurensis på examensdagen den 27 april 2023.,1083,Story,41336,2023-04-27 13:41:12 UTC,2023-04-27 13:41:12 UTC
15170,Denna maackia planterades av arboristklassen ARB21 på examensdagen den 27 april 2023.,1083,Story,41335,2023-04-27 13:40:06 UTC,2023-04-27 13:40:06 UTC
15174,"Area 7 - UCF Grant 
Planted by City of Genoa 
Nursery - Possibility Place ",9662,Story,41339,2023-04-27 14:52:46 UTC,2023-04-27 14:52:46 UTC
15177,Pear Beurre Alexandra Lucas,8302,Story,41383,2023-05-03 10:23:57 UTC,2023-05-03 10:23:57 UTC
15178,Pear Clapps Favourite ,8302,Story,41384,2023-05-03 10:32:10 UTC,2023-05-03 10:32:10 UTC
15179,Flawed location per Joe plant here,9662,Story,41386,2023-05-03 18:38:23 UTC,2023-05-03 18:38:23 UTC
15180,Plant here per Joe,9662,Story,41387,2023-05-03 18:41:51 UTC,2023-05-03 18:41:51 UTC
15181,Plant here per joe ,9662,Story,41388,2023-05-03 18:42:28 UTC,2023-05-03 18:42:28 UTC
15182,Plant here per joe ,9662,Story,41389,2023-05-03 18:43:02 UTC,2023-05-03 18:43:02 UTC
15183,"Burr oak
",8417,Story,41390,2023-05-03 21:50:54 UTC,2023-05-03 21:50:54 UTC
15185,Autumn Brilliance,8852,Story,41401,2023-05-03 22:13:14 UTC,2023-05-03 22:13:14 UTC
15186,Green Giant,8852,Story,41403,2023-05-03 22:14:25 UTC,2023-05-03 22:14:25 UTC
15187,Green Giant ,8852,Story,41404,2023-05-03 22:14:59 UTC,2023-05-03 22:14:59 UTC
15184,Autumn brilliance,8852,Story,41400,2023-05-03 22:12:47 UTC,2023-05-03 22:12:47 UTC
15190,Council owned tree,9713,Story,41415,2023-05-12 11:03:53 UTC,2023-05-12 11:03:53 UTC
15189,Private tree in a front garden.,4165,Story,41414,2023-05-12 10:52:55 UTC,2023-05-12 10:52:55 UTC
15192,Large poplar in westick hall,4165,Story,41500,2023-05-17 14:15:58 UTC,2023-05-17 14:15:58 UTC
15193,Pollarded ash kept in a private rear garden ,6839,Story,41501,2023-05-17 14:20:59 UTC,2023-05-17 14:20:59 UTC
15194,Pollarded ash in private rear garden ,6839,Story,41503,2023-05-17 15:01:15 UTC,2023-05-17 15:01:15 UTC
15195,Great tree for kids to climb and provide shade for the backyard.,9716,Story,41504,2023-05-17 23:56:19 UTC,2023-05-17 23:56:19 UTC
15196,Fair,8112,Story,41505,2023-05-18 06:48:52 UTC,2023-05-18 06:48:52 UTC
15197,Arbor Day Tree 2023,9662,Story,41514,2023-05-18 19:01:27 UTC,2023-05-18 19:01:27 UTC
15198,Ett bestånd av skogslindar.,9258,Story,41522,2023-05-19 12:59:38 UTC,2023-05-19 12:59:38 UTC
15199,Planted may 15 2023. From nursery a l'ombre des Figuiers ,8077,Story,41525,2023-05-20 17:43:56 UTC,2023-05-20 17:43:56 UTC
12899,"Kirsebær, Pilestredet park nr. 278",7086,Story,32108,2020-10-14 15:14:45 UTC,2020-10-14 15:14:45 UTC
15205,Den symboliska trädplanteringen av styrelseledamöterna föregicks av tre timmars slitsamt arbete av arboriststudenterna Johanna Johansson och Eila Boholm (ARB22).,1083,Story,41532,2023-05-25 08:53:45 UTC,2023-05-25 08:53:45 UTC
15204,"Skolans dendrolog Eric Danell förklarade att trädvalet symboliserar ny styrelse och nya tider där lärarkollegiet beaktat det torrare klimatet. Trädet har gett namn åt hela familjen kinesträdsväxter (Sapindaceae) som numera bl.a. inkluderar lönnar och hästkastanjer. Trädet kan därmed äntligen besvara studenternas fråga om hur kinesträd ser ut. Trädet är också en symbolisk stafettpinne då den levererats av grossistfirman Splendor Plant, där VD Nils Andersen var Hvilans förre styrelseordförande. Rent estetiskt blir trädet också ett nytt blickfång för nyanlända till receptionen, med rosa blad till vårterminsavslutningen, gula blommor på sommaren och märkliga uppblåsta kapslar till hösten.",1083,Story,41531,2023-05-25 08:48:47 UTC,2023-05-25 08:48:47 UTC
15203,"Kick-off på Hvilan den 23 maj 2023. De nya ägarnas styrelseledamöter planterade ett kinesträd. Från Vä Claes-Göran Claesson Hushållningssällskapet Sjuhärad, Stefan Johansson HH Kalmar Kronoberg Blekinge och Carl-Otto Swartz HH Skåne.",1083,Story,41530,2023-05-25 08:46:56 UTC,2023-05-25 08:46:56 UTC
15201,Test,9642,Story,41528,2023-05-24 22:56:20 UTC,2023-05-24 22:56:20 UTC
15202,Test data for demo in a class. ,9642,Story,41529,2023-05-25 00:41:49 UTC,2023-05-25 00:41:49 UTC
15206,Very dry,9736,Story,41542,2023-05-25 19:29:01 UTC,2023-05-25 19:29:01 UTC
15207,"In small triangular UGSp, mown amenity lawn",9127,Story,41548,2023-05-28 12:52:43 UTC,2023-05-28 12:52:43 UTC
15208,Status:Living,9734,Story,41550,2023-06-06 18:54:38 UTC,2023-06-06 18:54:38 UTC
15211,Living tree,9748,Story,41593,2023-06-13 02:40:57 UTC,2023-06-13 02:40:57 UTC
15212,Living tree,9748,Story,41594,2023-06-13 02:43:49 UTC,2023-06-13 02:43:49 UTC
15213,Living tree ,9748,Story,41595,2023-06-13 02:45:21 UTC,2023-06-13 02:45:21 UTC
15214,Living tree,9747,Story,41596,2023-06-13 02:56:06 UTC,2023-06-13 02:56:06 UTC
15209,Living ,9748,Story,41591,2023-06-13 02:36:29 UTC,2023-06-13 02:36:29 UTC
15210,Living tree,9748,Story,41592,2023-06-13 02:39:42 UTC,2023-06-13 02:39:42 UTC
15215,Living tree,9747,Story,41597,2023-06-13 02:58:47 UTC,2023-06-13 02:58:47 UTC
15216,Living tree,9747,Story,41598,2023-06-13 02:59:48 UTC,2023-06-13 02:59:48 UTC
15217,Living tree,9747,Story,41599,2023-06-13 03:00:52 UTC,2023-06-13 03:00:52 UTC
15218,Living tree,9747,Story,41600,2023-06-13 03:01:31 UTC,2023-06-13 03:01:31 UTC
15220,bergkörsbär,9724,Story,41602,2023-06-15 13:30:12 UTC,2023-06-15 13:30:12 UTC
15219,Bergkörsbär,9724,Story,41601,2023-06-15 13:16:21 UTC,2023-06-15 13:16:21 UTC
15254,Vinehall Leavers 1996,9635,Story,41636,2023-06-20 09:07:40 UTC,2023-06-20 09:07:40 UTC
15255,Bot hage 1,7090,Story,41637,2023-06-26 17:27:43 UTC,2023-06-26 17:27:43 UTC
15256,LTH 1,7090,Story,41638,2023-06-27 08:34:04 UTC,2023-06-27 08:34:04 UTC
15257,LTH 2,7090,Story,41639,2023-06-27 08:45:38 UTC,2023-06-27 08:45:38 UTC
15258,LTH 3,7090,Story,41640,2023-06-27 08:54:55 UTC,2023-06-27 08:54:55 UTC
15259,LTH 4,7090,Story,41641,2023-06-27 08:57:28 UTC,2023-06-27 08:57:28 UTC
15260,LTH 4,7090,Story,41642,2023-06-27 08:59:37 UTC,2023-06-27 08:59:37 UTC
15261,LTH 5,7090,Story,41643,2023-06-27 09:02:19 UTC,2023-06-27 09:02:19 UTC
15262,LTH 6,7090,Story,41644,2023-06-27 09:13:42 UTC,2023-06-27 09:13:42 UTC
15263,LTH 7,7090,Story,41645,2023-06-27 09:18:34 UTC,2023-06-27 09:18:34 UTC
15264,LTH 8,7090,Story,41646,2023-06-27 09:23:38 UTC,2023-06-27 09:23:38 UTC
15265,LTH 9,7090,Story,41647,2023-06-27 09:27:10 UTC,2023-06-27 09:33:59 UTC
15266,LTH 10,7090,Story,41648,2023-06-27 09:37:21 UTC,2023-06-27 09:37:21 UTC
15267,LTH 11,7090,Story,41649,2023-06-27 09:38:21 UTC,2023-06-27 09:38:21 UTC
15268,LTH 12,7090,Story,41650,2023-06-27 09:40:53 UTC,2023-06-27 09:40:53 UTC
15269,LTH 13,7090,Story,41651,2023-06-27 09:48:42 UTC,2023-06-27 09:48:42 UTC
15270,LTH 14,7090,Story,41652,2023-06-27 09:50:43 UTC,2023-06-27 09:50:43 UTC
15271,LTH. 14,7090,Story,41653,2023-06-27 09:54:03 UTC,2023-06-27 09:54:03 UTC
15272,LTH 15,7090,Story,41654,2023-06-27 09:55:44 UTC,2023-06-27 09:55:44 UTC
15273,LTH 16,7090,Story,41655,2023-06-27 09:57:28 UTC,2023-06-27 09:57:28 UTC
15274,LTH 17,7090,Story,41656,2023-06-27 09:59:33 UTC,2023-06-27 09:59:33 UTC
15276,LTH 18,7090,Story,41658,2023-06-27 10:03:52 UTC,2023-06-27 10:03:52 UTC
15275,LTH 17,7090,Story,41657,2023-06-27 10:01:16 UTC,2023-06-27 10:01:16 UTC
15277,LTH 19,7090,Story,41659,2023-06-27 10:05:58 UTC,2023-06-27 10:05:58 UTC
15278,LTH 20,7090,Story,41660,2023-06-27 10:09:20 UTC,2023-06-27 10:09:20 UTC
15279,LTH 21,7090,Story,41661,2023-06-27 10:10:36 UTC,2023-06-27 10:10:36 UTC
15280,LTH 22,7090,Story,41662,2023-06-27 10:19:31 UTC,2023-06-27 10:19:31 UTC
15281,LTH 23,7090,Story,41663,2023-06-27 10:21:05 UTC,2023-06-27 10:21:05 UTC
15282,LTH 24,7090,Story,41664,2023-06-27 10:22:32 UTC,2023-06-27 10:22:32 UTC
15283,LTH 25,7090,Story,41665,2023-06-27 10:24:01 UTC,2023-06-27 10:24:01 UTC
15284,LTH 26,7090,Story,41666,2023-06-27 10:34:24 UTC,2023-06-27 10:35:19 UTC
15285,LTH 27,7090,Story,41667,2023-06-27 10:37:19 UTC,2023-06-27 10:37:19 UTC
15286,LTH 28 Nyplantet eik,9785,Story,41668,2023-06-27 10:48:20 UTC,2023-06-27 10:48:20 UTC
15287,LTH 29,7090,Story,41669,2023-06-27 10:48:24 UTC,2023-06-27 10:48:24 UTC
15289,LTH 30,7090,Story,41671,2023-06-27 10:50:36 UTC,2023-06-27 10:50:36 UTC
15290,LTH 31,7090,Story,41672,2023-06-27 10:53:21 UTC,2023-06-27 10:53:21 UTC
15291,LTH 32,7090,Story,41673,2023-06-27 10:56:24 UTC,2023-06-27 10:56:24 UTC
15292,LTH 33 Nyplantet Spisslønn,9785,Story,41674,2023-06-27 10:57:25 UTC,2023-06-27 10:57:25 UTC
15293,LTH 34,7090,Story,41675,2023-06-27 10:58:29 UTC,2023-06-27 10:58:29 UTC
15294,LTH 35,7090,Story,41676,2023-06-27 10:59:24 UTC,2023-06-27 10:59:24 UTC
15295,LTH 36,7090,Story,41677,2023-06-27 11:09:13 UTC,2023-06-27 11:09:13 UTC
15296,LTH 37,7090,Story,41678,2023-06-27 11:10:34 UTC,2023-06-27 11:10:34 UTC
15297,LTH38,7090,Story,41679,2023-06-27 11:12:42 UTC,2023-06-27 11:12:42 UTC
15298,LTH 39,7090,Story,41680,2023-06-27 11:14:48 UTC,2023-06-27 11:14:48 UTC
15299,LTH40,7090,Story,41681,2023-06-27 11:16:59 UTC,2023-06-27 11:16:59 UTC
15300,LTH 41,7090,Story,41682,2023-06-27 11:18:09 UTC,2023-06-27 11:18:09 UTC
15301,LTH 42,7090,Story,41683,2023-06-27 11:19:33 UTC,2023-06-27 11:28:33 UTC
15302,LTH 43,7090,Story,41684,2023-06-27 11:33:45 UTC,2023-06-27 11:33:45 UTC
15305,LTH 46,7090,Story,41687,2023-06-27 11:39:48 UTC,2023-06-27 11:39:48 UTC
15303,LTH 44,7090,Story,41685,2023-06-27 11:36:44 UTC,2023-06-27 11:36:44 UTC
15304,LTH 45,7090,Story,41686,2023-06-27 11:38:06 UTC,2023-06-27 11:38:06 UTC
15307,LTH 48,7090,Story,41689,2023-06-27 11:44:03 UTC,2023-06-27 11:44:03 UTC
15308,LTH 49,7090,Story,41690,2023-06-27 12:12:13 UTC,2023-06-27 12:12:13 UTC
15306,LTH 47,7090,Story,41688,2023-06-27 11:41:55 UTC,2023-06-27 11:41:55 UTC
15309,LTH  50,7090,Story,41691,2023-06-27 12:13:57 UTC,2023-06-27 12:13:57 UTC
15310,LTH 51,7090,Story,41692,2023-06-27 12:17:04 UTC,2023-06-27 12:17:04 UTC
15311,LTH 52,7090,Story,41693,2023-06-27 12:30:23 UTC,2023-06-27 12:30:23 UTC
15312,LTH 53,7090,Story,41694,2023-06-27 12:31:46 UTC,2023-06-27 12:31:46 UTC
15313,LTH 54,7090,Story,41695,2023-06-27 12:34:28 UTC,2023-06-27 12:34:28 UTC
15314,LTH 55,7090,Story,41696,2023-06-27 12:36:24 UTC,2023-06-27 12:36:24 UTC
15315,LTH 56,7090,Story,41697,2023-06-27 12:38:09 UTC,2023-06-27 12:38:09 UTC
15316,LTH 57,7090,Story,41698,2023-06-27 12:40:31 UTC,2023-06-27 12:40:31 UTC
15317,LTH 58,7090,Story,41699,2023-06-27 12:42:47 UTC,2023-06-27 12:42:47 UTC
15318,LTH 59,7090,Story,41700,2023-06-27 12:44:36 UTC,2023-06-27 12:44:36 UTC
15319,LTH 60,7090,Story,41701,2023-06-27 12:48:52 UTC,2023-06-27 12:48:52 UTC
15320,LTH 61,7090,Story,41702,2023-06-27 12:50:06 UTC,2023-06-27 12:50:06 UTC
15321,LTH 62,7090,Story,41703,2023-06-27 12:55:01 UTC,2023-06-27 12:55:01 UTC
15322,LTH 63,7090,Story,41704,2023-06-27 12:57:37 UTC,2023-06-27 12:57:37 UTC
15323,LTH 64,7090,Story,41705,2023-06-27 12:59:50 UTC,2023-06-27 12:59:50 UTC
14786,Néflier ,8077,Story,38016,2022-10-17 16:02:10 UTC,2022-10-17 16:02:10 UTC
14012,Hittar inte detta träd ,7091,Story,35363,2022-03-15 19:58:06 UTC,2022-03-15 19:58:06 UTC
240,Spring is on! :-),344,Story,874,2017-03-28 10:33:44 UTC,2017-03-28 10:33:44 UTC
341,Alnus cordata street trees,284,Story,1041,2017-04-22 09:58:54 UTC,2017-04-22 09:58:54 UTC
945,Elaeagnus angustifolia in bloom.,344,Story,2011,2017-06-27 08:51:19 UTC,2017-06-27 08:51:19 UTC
4205,Obs! Vresalm (Ulmus laevis),2100,Story,18832,2018-06-24 11:17:17 UTC,2018-06-24 11:17:17 UTC
348,The new leaves smell wonderful,284,Story,1051,2017-04-24 16:58:29 UTC,2017-04-24 16:58:29 UTC
949,Trädet är #ringbarkat,179,Story,2018,2017-06-27 09:52:03 UTC,2017-06-27 09:52:03 UTC
1003,Malmös äldsta träd?,822,Story,2127,2017-07-04 17:53:31 UTC,2017-07-04 17:53:31 UTC
222,8 stem Platanus! Beautiful :-),344,Story,838,2017-03-21 11:41:06 UTC,2017-03-21 11:41:06 UTC
340,I love walking here ✨,284,Story,1040,2017-04-22 09:40:27 UTC,2017-04-22 09:40:27 UTC
1435,-------,756,Story,3063,2017-10-12 08:42:15 UTC,2017-10-13 09:20:07 UTC
1410,Trädet lutar och behöver riktas upp/trädstöd.,344,Story,2906,2017-09-26 16:38:03 UTC,2017-09-26 16:38:03 UTC
946,Fullständigt ringbarkad,344,Story,2012,2017-06-27 09:07:50 UTC,2017-06-27 09:07:50 UTC
335,Carpinus,284,Story,1034,2017-04-21 18:18:03 UTC,2017-04-21 18:18:03 UTC
243,The grumpy man tree,180,Story,882,2017-03-28 14:09:40 UTC,2017-03-28 14:09:40 UTC
961,Solitary aspen,284,Story,2051,2017-06-29 14:43:39 UTC,2017-06-29 14:43:39 UTC
4182,I blomning,756,Story,18762,2018-06-16 12:17:58 UTC,2018-06-16 12:17:58 UTC
1027,"Rest in peace, since 2013.",962,Story,2174,2017-07-12 08:01:38 UTC,2017-07-12 08:01:38 UTC
4245,Träd,3021,Story,18912,2018-07-08 21:47:54 UTC,2018-07-08 21:47:54 UTC
455,Prunus avium 'Plena',284,Story,1252,2017-05-10 17:12:01 UTC,2017-05-10 17:12:01 UTC
727,Crataegus!,284,Story,1591,2017-05-24 14:48:10 UTC,2017-05-24 14:48:10 UTC
334,Acer platanoides,284,Story,1033,2017-04-21 18:16:26 UTC,2017-04-21 18:16:26 UTC
760,"Malmö's mystery Crataeguses in full bloom. No one knows exactly what species they are, though popular theories include C. mexicana and C. punctata 'Aurea'.",284,Story,1644,2017-05-29 15:10:27 UTC,2017-05-29 15:10:27 UTC
1492,The tree has been taken down and not replaced.,344,Story,3293,2017-11-06 17:16:11 UTC,2017-11-06 17:16:11 UTC
331,It's the weekend! (Nothofagus in the background),284,Story,1030,2017-04-21 15:14:50 UTC,2017-04-21 15:14:50 UTC
726,Crataegus!,284,Story,1590,2017-05-24 14:40:05 UTC,2017-05-24 14:40:05 UTC
1434,Otroligt hårda skal på nötterna,756,Story,3046,2017-10-09 16:01:07 UTC,2017-10-09 16:01:07 UTC
4406,Ser inte ut att trivas,3196,Story,19168,2018-08-25 22:57:14 UTC,2018-08-25 22:57:14 UTC
4037,Nerhugget ca februari 2018 pga bygget av cykelbanan längs Nobelvägen,2606,Story,18367,2018-04-14 16:08:28 UTC,2018-04-14 16:08:28 UTC
107,Malmö-hagtorn,284,Story,665,2017-02-21 15:39:05 UTC,2017-02-21 15:39:05 UTC
4208,Hybrid elm. Hope for the future!,2163,Story,18841,2018-06-26 12:58:08 UTC,2018-06-26 12:58:08 UTC
950,Trädet är #ringbarkat,179,Story,2019,2017-06-27 09:58:24 UTC,2017-06-27 09:58:24 UTC
1552,Trumpetträdet planterades idag 20171115,1414,Story,3427,2017-11-15 16:25:56 UTC,2017-11-15 16:25:56 UTC
862,A few weeks ago,284,Story,1804,2017-06-13 14:03:45 UTC,2017-06-13 14:03:45 UTC
1001,Quercus cerris,284,Story,2114,2017-07-04 13:06:15 UTC,2017-07-04 13:06:15 UTC
135,Några av Malmös finaste popplar! Vore kul att veta namnsort!,284,Story,714,2017-03-01 09:22:31 UTC,2017-03-01 09:22:31 UTC
316,More snow coming,284,Story,1000,2017-04-18 15:12:39 UTC,2017-04-18 15:12:39 UTC
1002,Vacker Oxel 20 m från min Hodda,744,Story,2126,2017-07-04 17:44:40 UTC,2017-07-04 17:44:40 UTC
1099,Nån idiot har varit framme. Blir så arg,744,Story,2339,2017-08-02 04:53:56 UTC,2017-08-02 04:53:56 UTC
4263,"Tror detta är Blodplommon , prunus cerasifera nigra. Den andra beskrivningen ( körsbär , plommon ) är lite förvirrande och kort 😜",1428,Story,18946,2018-07-12 06:06:40 UTC,2018-07-12 06:06:40 UTC
4277,Mammutträd,1135,Story,18966,2018-07-15 12:34:30 UTC,2018-07-15 12:34:30 UTC
486,Crab apple ✨,284,Story,1324,2017-05-19 20:59:55 UTC,2017-05-19 20:59:55 UTC
4183,I blomning,756,Story,18763,2018-06-16 12:19:11 UTC,2018-06-16 12:19:11 UTC
1017,Hångelträdet,692,Story,2154,2017-07-06 23:22:53 UTC,2017-07-06 23:22:53 UTC
13090,"Detta vackra och i Sverige mycket ovanliga träd blev jag varse tack vare Patrick Bellan som visade mig det för flera år sedan. Som framgår av bilden är habitus mycket mer gracilt än hos Paulownia tomentosa. Enligt SKUD (svensk kulturväxtdatabas) så säljs i utlandet namnsorten 'Minfast' ofta under handelsnamnet FAST BLUE. Något svenskt namn finns ännu inte, men jag har föreslagit ""drakträd"" för SKUD.",1083,Story,32806,2021-02-04 11:05:24 UTC,2021-02-04 11:05:24 UTC
354,Flowers starting to appear!,284,Story,1063,2017-04-27 10:28:43 UTC,2017-04-27 10:28:43 UTC
4184,I blomning,756,Story,18764,2018-06-16 12:20:47 UTC,2018-06-16 12:20:47 UTC
3389,Äppelträd. Ger 2 äpplen  år! Goda,2663,Story,17680,2018-03-27 15:07:01 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:01 UTC
3390,Betula pubescens 'rubra' stl 200-250 Finsk rödbjörk  Billbäcksplantskola  Planterad 2014,2663,Story,17681,2018-03-27 15:07:02 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:02 UTC
3391,Blodplommon stl 14-16  Billbäcksplantskola  Planterad 2014,2663,Story,17682,2018-03-27 15:07:02 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:02 UTC
3392,Blodplommon stl 14-16 Billbäcksplantskola Planterad 2014,2663,Story,17683,2018-03-27 15:07:02 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:02 UTC
3393,Blodplommon stl 14-16 Billbäcksplantskola Planterad 2014,2663,Story,17684,2018-03-27 15:07:02 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:02 UTC
3394,Betula pendula   Äldre björk,2663,Story,17685,2018-03-27 15:07:02 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:02 UTC
3395,Betula pendula Äldre björk,2663,Story,17686,2018-03-27 15:07:02 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:02 UTC
3396,Äldre al.,2663,Story,17687,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3397,Betula pubescens 'rubra' stl 200-250  Finsk rödbjörk  Billbäcksplantskola  Planterad 2014,2663,Story,17688,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3398,Betula pubescens 'rubra' stl 200-250 Finsk rödbjörk  Billbäcksplantskola  Planterad 2014,2663,Story,17689,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3399,Fagus sylvatica ' Dawyck puple'  Pelar blodbok stl 250-300  Leverantör Billbäcksplanskola  Planterad 2014,2663,Story,17690,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3400,A. platanoides 'Crimson king' stl 18-20  Planterad år 2014  Billbäcksplantskola,2663,Story,17691,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3401,Befintlig rönn,2663,Story,17692,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3402,Befintligt fågelbär.,2663,Story,17693,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3403,Äldre körsbärsträd,2663,Story,17694,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3404,Äldre körsbärsträd,2663,Story,17695,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3405,Äldre körsbärsträd,2663,Story,17696,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3406,Äldre körsbärsträd,2663,Story,17697,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3407,Äldre körsbärsträd,2663,Story,17698,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3408,Fagus sylvatica ' Dawyck puple'   Pelar blodbok stl 250-300  Leverantör Billbäcksplanskola  Planterad 2014,2663,Story,17699,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3409,Fagus sylvatica ' Dawyck puple'  Pelar blodbok stl 250-300 Leverantör Billbäcksplanskola   Planterad 2014,2663,Story,17700,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:03 UTC
3410,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17701,2018-03-27 15:07:05 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:05 UTC
3411,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17702,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3412,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17703,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3413,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17704,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3414,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17705,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3415,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17706,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3416,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17707,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3417,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17708,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3418,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17709,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3419,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17710,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3420,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17711,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3421,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17712,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3422,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17713,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3423,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17714,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3424,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17715,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3425,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17716,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3426,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17717,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3427,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17718,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3428,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17719,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3429,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17720,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:06 UTC
3430,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17721,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC
3431,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17722,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC
3432,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17723,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC
3433,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17724,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC
3434,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17725,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC
3435,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17726,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC
3436,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17727,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:07 UTC
3437,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17728,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC
3438,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17729,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC
3439,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17730,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC
3440,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17731,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC
3441,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17732,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC
3442,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17733,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC
3443,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17734,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC
3444,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17735,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:11 UTC
3445,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17736,2018-03-27 15:07:12 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:12 UTC
3446,Leverantör Billbäcks  14-16,2663,Story,17737,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3447,Äldre träd. Birk avlastingsbeskar det sommaren 2015.    Även veteranisering ingick (se bild),2663,Story,17738,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3448,Storlek 14-16    Leverantör Billbäcksplantskola,2663,Story,17739,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3449,storlek 14-16    leverantör Billbäcks plantskola,2663,Story,17740,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3450,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17741,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3451,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17742,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3452,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17743,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3453,14-16  Blåbärstry är planterat runt om.,2663,Story,17744,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3454,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17745,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3455,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17746,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3456,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17747,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3457,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17748,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3458,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17749,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3459,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17750,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3460,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17751,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3461,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17752,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:13 UTC
3462,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17753,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3463,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17754,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3464,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17755,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3465,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17756,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3466,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17757,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3467,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17758,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3468,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17759,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3469,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17760,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3470,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17761,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3471,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17762,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3472,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17763,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3473,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17764,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3474,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17765,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3475,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17766,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3476,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17767,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3477,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17768,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3478,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17769,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3479,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17770,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3480,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17771,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3481,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17772,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3482,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17773,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3483,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17774,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3484,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17775,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3485,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17776,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3486,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17777,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3487,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17778,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3488, Sorbus aria 'gigantea' 20-25 4xompl kl  Källa: Stångby,2663,Story,17779,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:14 UTC
3489,Sorbus aria 'gigantea' 20-25 4xompl kl    Källa: Stångby,2663,Story,17780,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3490,Billbäcks 14 - 16  Sorbus aria 'Gigantea'   Obs: placeringen i kartan stämmer inte?,2663,Story,17781,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3491,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17782,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3492,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17783,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3493,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17784,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3494,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17785,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3495,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17786,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3496,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17787,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3497,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17788,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3498,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17789,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3499,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17790,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3500,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17791,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3527,mätt 1991,2663,Story,17818,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3501,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17792,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3502,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17793,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3503,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17794,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3504,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17795,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3505,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17796,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:15 UTC
3506,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17797,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3507,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17798,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3508,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17799,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3509,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17800,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3510,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17801,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3511,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17802,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3512,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17803,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3513,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17804,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3514,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17805,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3515,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17806,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3516,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17807,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3517,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17808,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3518,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17809,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3519,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17810,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3520,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17811,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3521,mätt 1991,2663,Story,17812,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3522,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17813,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3523,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17814,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3524,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17815,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3525,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17816,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3526,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17817,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3528,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17819,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:16 UTC
3529,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17820,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3530,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17821,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3531,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17822,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3532,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17823,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3533,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17824,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3534,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17825,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3535,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17826,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3536,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17827,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3537,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17828,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3538,mätt 1928,2663,Story,17829,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3539,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17830,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3540,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17831,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3541,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17832,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3542,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17833,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3543,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17834,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3544,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17835,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3545,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17836,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3546,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17837,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3547,Pelarek,2663,Story,17838,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3548,Trädet flyttat från jordslagning vid växthuset hösten 2016,2663,Story,17839,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3549,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17840,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3550,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17841,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3551,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17842,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3552,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17843,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3553,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17844,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:17 UTC
3554,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17845,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC
3555,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17846,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC
3556,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17847,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC
3557,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17848,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC
3558,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17849,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC
3559,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17850,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC
3560,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17851,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC
3561,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17852,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC
3562,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17853,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC
3563,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17854,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:18 UTC
3564,Storlek 18-20 4xompl kl    Stångbyplantskola,2663,Story,17855,2018-03-27 15:07:19 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:19 UTC
3565,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17856,2018-03-27 15:07:19 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:19 UTC
3566,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17857,2018-03-27 15:07:19 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:19 UTC
3567,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17858,2018-03-27 15:07:19 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:19 UTC
3568,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17859,2018-03-27 15:07:19 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:19 UTC
3569,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17860,2018-03-27 15:07:19 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:19 UTC
3570,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17861,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3571,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17862,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3572,Planterat 2010. Stamträd 25-30 med klump.    Leverantör Billbäcks.,2663,Story,17863,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3573,Betula p 'youngii' strl 25-30 Stångby plantskola,2663,Story,17864,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3574,Betula p 'youngii' strl 25-30 Stångby plantskola,2663,Story,17865,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3575,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17866,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3576,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17867,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3577,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17868,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3578,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17869,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3579,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17870,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3580,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17871,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3581,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17872,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3582,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17873,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3583,mätt 1982  Ljusträd. Slingor monterade hösten 2011.,2663,Story,17874,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3584,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17875,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3585,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17876,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3586,Prunus cerasifera 'nigra' 10-12 co    Stångby,2663,Story,17877,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3587,Prunus cerasifera 'nigra' 10-12 co    Stångby,2663,Story,17878,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3588,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,17879,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3589,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17880,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:20 UTC
3590,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17881,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3591,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17882,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3592,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17883,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3593,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17884,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3594,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17885,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3595,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17886,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3596,Storlek 14-16    Planterade hösten 2014    Uursprung   leverantör Billbäcks.,2663,Story,17887,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3597,Billbäcks   Storlek 14-16,2663,Story,17888,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3598,Storlek 14-16    Planterade hösten 2014,2663,Story,17889,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3599,Pnterat 2011. Stamträd 12-14med klump.    Leverantör Svenska Skogsplantor (tyskodlat).    Trädet är skänkt av Rotary.,2663,Story,17890,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3600,Crataegus x mordensis 'Toba' 20-25 spr,2663,Story,17891,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3601,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17892,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3602,mätt 1982  Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.  Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17893,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3603,mätt 1982  Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012. Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17894,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3604,Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.    Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17895,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3605,Planterat våren 2011 som stamträd 16-18 med klump. Leverantör Billbäcks.,2663,Story,17896,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3606,mätt 1982. Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.,2663,Story,17897,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3607,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17898,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:21 UTC
3608,Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.    Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17899,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3609,mätt 1982. Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.,2663,Story,17900,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3610,mätt 1982. Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.,2663,Story,17901,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3611,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17902,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3612,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17903,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3613,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17904,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3614,mätt 1982. Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.,2663,Story,17905,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3615,mätt 1982. Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.,2663,Story,17906,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3616,mätt 1982. Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.,2663,Story,17907,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3617,mätt 1982. Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.,2663,Story,17908,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3618,mätt 1982. Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.,2663,Story,17909,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3619,mätt 1982. Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.,2663,Story,17910,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3620,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17911,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3621,mätt 1982. Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.,2663,Story,17912,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3622,mätt 1982. Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.,2663,Story,17913,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3623,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17914,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3624,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17915,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3625,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17916,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3626,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17917,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3627,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17918,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3628,mätt 1982. Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.,2663,Story,17919,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3629,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17920,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3630,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17921,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3631,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17922,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3632,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17923,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3633,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17924,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3634,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17925,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3635,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17926,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:22 UTC
3636,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17927,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3637,mätt 1982 Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.  Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17928,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3638,Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.    Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17929,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3639,Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.    Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17930,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3640,mätt 1982  Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.  Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17931,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3641,Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.    Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17932,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3642,mätt 1982  Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.  Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17933,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3643,Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.    Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17934,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3644,mätt 1982  Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.  Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17935,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3645,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17936,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3646,mätt 1982  Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.  Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17937,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3647,mätt 1982  Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.  Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17938,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3648,mätt 1982  Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.  Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17939,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3649,mätt 1982  Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.  Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17940,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3650,mätt 1982  Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.  Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17941,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3651,mätt 1982  Trädet är underhålls och reduceringsbeskuret hösten 2012.  Behöver ses över runt 2017.,2663,Story,17942,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3652,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17943,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3653,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17944,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3654,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17945,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3655,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17946,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:23 UTC
3656,Storlek 18-20 4xompl kl    Stångbyplantskola,2663,Story,17947,2018-03-27 15:07:25 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:25 UTC
3657,Storlek 18-20 4xompl kl    Stångbyplantskola,2663,Story,17948,2018-03-27 15:07:25 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:25 UTC
3658,Aesculus flava f.d. Octandra 'vestita' 14-16spr  Källa: Stångby,2663,Story,17949,2018-03-27 15:07:25 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:25 UTC
3659,Salix alba var. sericea 16 - 18 3xompl kl    Stångby plantskola,2663,Story,17950,2018-03-27 15:07:26 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:26 UTC
3660,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17951,2018-03-27 15:07:26 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:26 UTC
3661,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17952,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3662,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17953,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3663,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17954,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3664,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17955,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3665,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17956,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3666,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17957,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3667,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17958,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3668,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17959,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3669,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17960,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3670,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17961,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3671,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17962,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3672,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17963,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3673,Planterat sommaren 2012. Stamträd 8-10 med klump.    leverantör Billbäcks.    Barnensträd. Trädet planterades av Jonas Paulman tillsammans med barn från Ringens förskola. Trädet symboliserar alla barns rättigheter.,2663,Story,17964,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3674,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17965,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3675,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17966,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:27 UTC
3676,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17967,2018-03-27 15:07:28 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:28 UTC
3677,Billbäcks 14 - 16,2663,Story,17968,2018-03-27 15:07:28 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:28 UTC
3678,Planterad 2012. Ungträd 175-200 med co. Leverantör Billbäcks.,2663,Story,17969,2018-03-27 15:07:28 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:28 UTC
3679,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17970,2018-03-27 15:07:28 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:28 UTC
3680,storlek 18-20    Ursprung Billbäclsplanskola,2663,Story,17971,2018-03-27 15:07:29 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:29 UTC
3681,Ulmus 'New Horizon'    Almsjuke resitent Alm,2663,Story,17972,2018-03-27 15:07:29 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:29 UTC
3682,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17973,2018-03-27 15:07:29 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:29 UTC
3683,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17974,2018-03-27 15:07:29 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:29 UTC
3684,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17975,2018-03-27 15:07:29 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:29 UTC
3685,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17976,2018-03-27 15:07:29 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:29 UTC
3686,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17977,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3687,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17978,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3688,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17979,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3689,Multiträd. Flera äppelsorter.,2663,Story,17980,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3690,Melonäppelträd   ger massor av äpplen,2663,Story,17981,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3691,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17982,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3692,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17983,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3693,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17984,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3694,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17985,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3695,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17986,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3696,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17987,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3697,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17988,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3698,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17989,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3699,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17990,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3700,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17991,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3701,mätt 1983,2663,Story,17992,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3702,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17993,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3703,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17994,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3704,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17995,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3705,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17996,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3706,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17997,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3707,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,17998,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3708,mätt 1982,2663,Story,17999,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3709,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18000,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3710,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18001,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:30 UTC
3711,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18002,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3712,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18003,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3713,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18004,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3714,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18005,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3715,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18006,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3716,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18007,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3717,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18008,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3718,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18009,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3719,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18010,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3720,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18011,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3721,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18012,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3722,Billbäcks Davidia involucrata var 'vilmoriniana' strl 14-16 (Malus floribunda enligt uppgift fr 1992  PB),2663,Story,18013,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3723,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18014,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3724,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18015,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3725,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18016,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3726,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18017,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3727,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18018,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3728,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18019,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3729,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18020,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3730,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18021,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3731,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18022,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3732,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18023,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3733,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18024,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3734,mätt 1991,2663,Story,18025,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:31 UTC
3735,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18026,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3736,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18027,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3737,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18028,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3738,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18029,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3739,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18030,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3740,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18031,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3741,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18032,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3742,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18033,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3743,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18034,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3744,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18035,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3745,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18036,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3746,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18037,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3747,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18038,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3748,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18039,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3749,Planterat våren 2012. Högstam 12-14 med klump. lev. Billbäcks plantskola.,2663,Story,18040,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3750,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18041,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3751,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18042,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:32 UTC
3752,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18043,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3753,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18044,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3754,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18045,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3755,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18046,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3756,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18047,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3757,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18048,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3758,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18049,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3759,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18050,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3760,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18051,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3761,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18052,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3762,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18053,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3763,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18054,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3764,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18055,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3765,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18056,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3766,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18057,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:33 UTC
3767,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18058,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC
3768,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18059,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC
3769,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18060,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC
3770,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18061,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC
3771,Malus ´Crittenden´ högstam 3x kl 14-16  Planterad 2013,2663,Story,18062,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC
3772,Malus ´Crittenden´ högstam 3x kl 14-16  Planterad 2013,2663,Story,18063,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC
3773,Malus ´Crittenden´ högstam 3x kl 14-16  Planterad 2013,2663,Story,18064,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC
3774,Malus ´Crittenden´ högstam 3x kl 14-16  Planterad 2013,2663,Story,18065,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC
3775,Stångby    Salix alba sericea 25-30 4xompl kl,2663,Story,18066,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:34 UTC
3776,Tilia flyttade från östra storgatan våren 2014. Stam omfång 79.,2663,Story,18067,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3777,Tilia flyttade från östra storgatan våren 2014. Stam omfång 68 cm.,2663,Story,18068,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3778,Tilia flyttade från östra storgatan våren 2014. Stam omfång 76 cm,2663,Story,18069,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3779,Prunus sargentii  storlek 150-200    Inköpt 2014 Billbäcksplantskola,2663,Story,18070,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3780,Prunus sargentii  storlek 150-200    Inköpt 2014 Billbäcksplantskola,2663,Story,18071,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3781,Prunus sargentii  storlek 150-200   Inköpt 2014 Billbäcksplantskola,2663,Story,18072,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3782,Tilia flyttade från östra storgatan våren 2014 dog 2015. Ersatt av Alnus glutinosa 'Lanciniata' Billbäcks.,2663,Story,18073,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3783,Alnus glutinosa ?laciniata? 12-14 3xompl   Källa: Stångby,2663,Story,18074,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3784,Alnus glutinosa ?laciniata? 12-14 3xompl  Källa: Stångby,2663,Story,18075,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3785,Tilia flyttade från östra storgatan våren 2014.,2663,Story,18076,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3786,Alnus glutinosa ?laciniata? 12-14 3xompl   Källa: Stångby,2663,Story,18077,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3787,Alnus glutinosa ?laciniata? 12-14 3xompl   Källa: Stångby,2663,Story,18078,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3788,Träden tillskänks från byggprojektet på domänvägen.,2663,Story,18079,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:37 UTC
3789,Planterat 2010. Stamträd 25-30 med klump.    Leverantör Billbäcks.,2663,Story,18080,2018-03-27 15:07:38 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:38 UTC
3790,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18081,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3791,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18082,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3792,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18083,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3793,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18084,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3794,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18085,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3795,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18086,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3796,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18087,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3797,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18088,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3798,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18089,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3799,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18090,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3800,Ersätts med lind 2013.,2663,Story,18091,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3801,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18092,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3802,mätt 2008,2663,Story,18093,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3803,mätt 2008,2663,Story,18094,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3804,mätt 2008,2663,Story,18095,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3805,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18096,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3806,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18097,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3807,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18098,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3808,Ersätts med lind 2013.,2663,Story,18099,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:39 UTC
3809,Ersätts med lind 2013.,2663,Story,18100,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3810,Ersätts med lind 2013.,2663,Story,18101,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3811,Ersätts med lind 2013.,2663,Story,18102,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3812,Ersätts med lind 2013.,2663,Story,18103,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3813,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18104,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3814,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18105,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3815,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18106,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3816,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18107,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3817,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18108,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3818,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18109,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3819,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18110,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3820,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18111,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3821,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18112,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3822,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18113,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3823,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18114,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3824,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18115,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3825,Ersätts med lind 2013.,2663,Story,18116,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3826,mätt 2008,2663,Story,18117,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3827,Planterat 2011. Högstam 16-18 med klump. leverantör Svenska Skogsplantor (tyskodlat).    Minnesträd för:,2663,Story,18118,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3828,Billbäcks 12 - 14  Ostrya carpinifolia,2663,Story,18119,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3829,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18120,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3830,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18121,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3831,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18122,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3832,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18123,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3833,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18124,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3834,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18125,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:40 UTC
3835,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18126,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3836,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18127,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3837,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18128,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3838,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18129,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3839,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18130,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3840,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18131,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3841,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18132,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3842,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18133,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3843,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18134,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3844,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18135,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3845,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18136,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3846,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18137,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3847,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18138,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3848,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18139,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3891,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18182,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3849,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18140,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3850,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18141,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:41 UTC
3851,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18142,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3852,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18143,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3853,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18144,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3854,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18145,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3855,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18146,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3856,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18147,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3857,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18148,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3858,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18149,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3859,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18150,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3860,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18151,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3861,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18152,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3862,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18153,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3863,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18154,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3864,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18155,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3865,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18156,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3866,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18157,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3867,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18158,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3868,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18159,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3869,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18160,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3870,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18161,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3871,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18162,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3872,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18163,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3873,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18164,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3874,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18165,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3875,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18166,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3876,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18167,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3877,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18168,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3878,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18169,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3879,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18170,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:42 UTC
3880,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18171,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3881,Mätt 1982,2663,Story,18172,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3882,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18173,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3883,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18174,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3884,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18175,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3885,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18176,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3886,Planterat 2010. 250-300 med klump. Leverantör Billbäcks.,2663,Story,18177,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3887,Planterat 2010. 250-300 med klump. Leverantör Billbäcks.,2663,Story,18178,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3888,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18179,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3889,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18180,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3890,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18181,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3892,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18183,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3893,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18184,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3894,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18185,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3895,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18186,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3896,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18187,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3897,mätt 1982,2663,Story,18188,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:43 UTC
3898,Storlek 18-20    Leverantör Billbäcksplanskola,2663,Story,18189,2018-03-27 15:07:45 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:45 UTC
3899,E planta Carin,2663,Story,18190,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3900,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18191,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3901,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18192,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3902,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18193,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3903,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18194,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3904,mätt 2008 almsjuka,2663,Story,18195,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3905,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18196,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3906,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18197,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3907,mätt 2008 almsjuka,2663,Story,18198,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3908,mätt 2008 almsjuka,2663,Story,18199,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3909,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18200,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3910,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18201,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3911,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18202,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3912,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18203,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3913,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18204,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3914,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18205,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3915,mätt 2008,2663,Story,18206,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3916,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18207,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3917,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18208,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3918,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18209,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3919,mätt 2008,2663,Story,18210,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3920,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18211,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3921,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18212,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3922,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18213,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3923,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18214,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3924,mätt 2008,2663,Story,18215,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:46 UTC
3925,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18216,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3926,mätt 2008,2663,Story,18217,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3927,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18218,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3928,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18219,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3929,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18220,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3930,mätt 2008,2663,Story,18221,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3931,mätt 2008,2663,Story,18222,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3932,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18223,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3933,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18224,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3934,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18225,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3935,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18226,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3936,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18227,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3937,mätt 2008,2663,Story,18228,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3938,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18229,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3939,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18230,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3940,mätt 2008,2663,Story,18231,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3941,Planterat 2010. Stamträd 18-20 med klump. Leverantör Billbäcks.,2663,Story,18232,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:47 UTC
3942,Alnus incana 'laciniata' 12 - 14 12 - 14 3xompl kl  Stångbyplantskola,2663,Story,18233,2018-03-27 15:07:48 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:48 UTC
3943,Alnus incana 'laciniata' 12 - 14 12 - 14 3xompl kl Stångbyplantskola,2663,Story,18234,2018-03-27 15:07:48 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:48 UTC
3944,Alnus incana 'laciniata' 12 - 14 12 - 14 3xompl kl  Stångbyplantskola,2663,Story,18235,2018-03-27 15:07:48 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:48 UTC
3945,Alnus incana 'laciniata' 12 - 14 12 - 14 3xompl kl   Stångbyplantskola,2663,Story,18236,2018-03-27 15:07:48 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:48 UTC
3946,Alnus incana 'laciniata' 12 - 14 12 - 14 3xompl kl  Stångbyplantskola,2663,Story,18237,2018-03-27 15:07:48 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:48 UTC
3947,Alnus incana 'laciniata' 12 - 14 12 - 14 3xompl kl  Stångbyplantskola,2663,Story,18238,2018-03-27 15:07:48 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:48 UTC
3948,Äldre apel ålder och sort okänd   den ena togs bort pga klagomål från fastighetsägaren bredvid.,2663,Story,18239,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3949,Mätt 1980,2663,Story,18240,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3950,Planterat våren 2009. Trädet är skänkt av Rotary.,2663,Story,18241,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3951,Planterat 2010. 250-300 med klump. Leverantör Billbäcks.,2663,Story,18242,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3952,Mätt 1981,2663,Story,18243,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3953,Planterat 2010. 250-300 med klump. Leverantör Billbäcks.,2663,Story,18244,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3954,Planterat 2010. 250-300 med klump. Leverantör Billbäcks.,2663,Story,18245,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3955,Planterad 2012. Högstam 16-18 med klump. Leverantör Billbäcks.,2663,Story,18246,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3956,Sorbus 'Dodong' E 25-30    Billbäcks plantskola levererade och planterade i oktober 2014.,2663,Story,18247,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3957,Sorbus 'Dodong' E 25-30   Billbäcks plantskola levererade och planterade i oktober 2014.,2663,Story,18248,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3958,Sorbus 'Dodong' E 25-30    Billbäcks plantskola levererade och planterade i oktober 2014.,2663,Story,18249,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3959,Sorbus 'Dodong' E 25-30    Billbäcks plantskola levererade och planterade i oktober 2014.,2663,Story,18250,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3960,Sorbus 'Dodong' E 25-30    Billbäcks plantskola levererade och planterade i oktober 2014.,2663,Story,18251,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3961,Sorbus 'Dodong' E 25-30    Billbäcks plantskola levererade och planterade i oktober 2014.,2663,Story,18252,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3962,Billbäcks 14-16,2663,Story,18253,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3963,Ulmus 'New Horizon' Resista    Japansk Hybrid Alm    storlek 14-16,2663,Story,18254,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3964,Ulmus 'New Horizon' Resista    Japansk Hybrid Alm    storlek 14-16,2663,Story,18255,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3965,Ulmus 'New Horizon' Resista    Japansk Hybrid Alm    storlek 14-16,2663,Story,18256,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3966,Bergek storlek ca 16-18,2663,Story,18257,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3967,Bergek storlek ca 16-18,2663,Story,18258,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
3968,Alnus glutinosa 'laciniata'   12-14 3xompl kl      ersatte flyttat Tilia.,2663,Story,18259,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC,2018-03-27 15:07:50 UTC
4079,"Wonderfully shaped Yew, submitted as part of Loughton Special Trees as nominated by local communities",2790,Story,18460,2018-04-30 16:21:08 UTC,2018-04-30 16:21:08 UTC
4078,Magnificent oak tree opposite Staples Road School. Submitted as part of Loughton Special Trees as nominated by local communities,2790,Story,18459,2018-04-30 16:19:48 UTC,2018-04-30 16:19:48 UTC
4080,This leaning ash was removed due to works on the Burton road but was fondly submitted as part of Loughton Special Trees as nominated by local communities,2790,Story,18461,2018-04-30 16:23:11 UTC,2018-04-30 16:23:11 UTC
4081,Fabulous weeping willow on the edge of Loughton Cricket Club's grounds. Submitted as part of Loughton Special Trees as nominated by local communities ,2790,Story,18462,2018-04-30 16:40:14 UTC,2018-04-30 16:40:14 UTC
4082,A weeping ash planted in 1952 and submitted as part of Loughton Special Trees as nominated by local communities,2790,Story,18463,2018-04-30 17:02:45 UTC,2018-04-30 17:02:45 UTC
4083,A very grand London plane on King's Green. Submitted as part of Loughton Special Trees as nominated by local communities,2790,Story,18464,2018-04-30 17:06:33 UTC,2018-06-06 11:47:13 UTC
23,At least 36 years old,258,Story,484,2016-12-26 12:50:51 UTC,2016-12-26 12:50:51 UTC
24,At least 36 years old,258,Story,486,2016-12-26 12:52:36 UTC,2016-12-26 12:52:36 UTC
1338,Big horse chestnut in Tallinn old town ,258,Story,2703,2017-08-30 12:24:52 UTC,2017-08-30 12:24:52 UTC
1269,Left one in picture ,258,Story,2572,2017-08-18 12:15:48 UTC,2017-08-18 12:15:48 UTC
1268,Middle one in picture ,258,Story,2571,2017-08-18 12:15:21 UTC,2017-08-18 12:15:21 UTC
495,One of several Rowan trees in Ashlawn,258,Story,1335,2017-05-21 12:19:54 UTC,2017-05-21 12:19:54 UTC
724,#flowers ,258,Story,1579,2017-05-24 12:36:37 UTC,2017-05-24 12:36:37 UTC
751,Multi stem sycamore at least 45 feet tall ,258,Story,1634,2017-05-28 08:52:36 UTC,2017-05-28 08:52:36 UTC
752,#clontarfgolfcourse ,258,Story,1635,2017-05-28 08:54:24 UTC,2017-05-28 08:54:24 UTC
753,#clontarfgolfcourse ,258,Story,1636,2017-05-28 08:54:44 UTC,2017-05-28 08:54:44 UTC
754,#clontarfgolfcourse ,258,Story,1637,2017-05-28 08:55:09 UTC,2017-05-28 08:55:09 UTC
1349,"As you come towards the small archway in the wall, there are a number of sycamore
trees. Two of these to your right are variegated sycamores, which have a mixture of
light and dark green in their leaves. The large sycamore to your left has a distinctive
multi-stemmed trunk, forming an impressive splayed crown.",178,Story,2728,2017-09-05 14:01:58 UTC,2017-09-05 14:01:58 UTC
927,One of many trees around here that are shaped around wires,258,Story,1930,2017-06-21 07:57:26 UTC,2017-06-21 07:57:26 UTC
1302,Multistem ,258,Story,2623,2017-08-23 22:11:25 UTC,2017-08-23 22:11:25 UTC
939,Internal forestry in Ballymun Civic Centre ,258,Story,1996,2017-06-26 12:05:36 UTC,2017-06-26 12:05:36 UTC
1469,This is a luccombe oak,653,Story,3231,2017-10-25 06:58:08 UTC,2017-10-25 06:58:08 UTC
1317,Dead tree,258,Story,2657,2017-08-24 16:46:13 UTC,2017-08-24 16:46:13 UTC
957,"Horse chestnut, half dead",258,Story,2042,2017-06-28 19:29:09 UTC,2017-06-28 19:29:09 UTC
1411,Multi stem ,258,Story,2943,2017-09-29 08:11:04 UTC,2017-09-29 08:11:04 UTC
1234,Damaged crown due to winter 2009/10,258,Story,2503,2017-08-13 11:11:39 UTC,2017-08-13 11:11:39 UTC
1330,Kinesisk mahogny ,1553,Story,2686,2017-08-26 12:08:02 UTC,2017-08-26 12:08:02 UTC
1042,This tree is missing ,258,Story,2211,2017-07-19 16:28:36 UTC,2017-07-19 16:28:36 UTC
1043,This tree is missing ,258,Story,2212,2017-07-19 16:28:56 UTC,2017-07-19 16:28:56 UTC
1067,"Sycamore or maple, not sure what species ",258,Story,2278,2017-07-27 10:16:27 UTC,2017-07-27 10:16:27 UTC
1536,"Turkey oak leaf litter, maybe a few beech leaves too",653,Story,3382,2017-11-14 08:06:56 UTC,2017-11-14 08:06:56 UTC
1951,Sharing my morning cuppa with this large turkey oak,653,Story,4480,2018-01-08 08:05:57 UTC,2018-01-08 08:05:57 UTC
1952,Just had enough time to snap this before getting the bus,653,Story,4481,2018-01-08 08:08:15 UTC,2018-01-08 08:08:15 UTC
2622,A pair of lucombe oak near princesshay exeter,653,Story,5286,2018-02-07 08:31:13 UTC,2018-02-07 08:31:13 UTC
2621,This  is one of three English elms on this business estate. This one appears to be the tallest,653,Story,5285,2018-02-06 21:47:26 UTC,2018-02-06 21:47:26 UTC
2625,Saw a redwing but was too quick for me,653,Story,5292,2018-02-08 08:41:15 UTC,2018-02-08 08:41:15 UTC
2623,A pair of lucombe oak by princesshay exeter,653,Story,5287,2018-02-07 08:32:51 UTC,2018-02-07 08:32:51 UTC
2624,A few more pics of my nearby black walnut tree,653,Story,5289,2018-02-07 20:56:21 UTC,2018-02-07 20:56:21 UTC
2626,Saw a redwing but was too quick for me,653,Story,5293,2018-02-08 08:41:19 UTC,2018-02-08 08:41:19 UTC
2629,Loads of lichen on this Norway maple,653,Story,5296,2018-02-08 19:46:12 UTC,2018-02-08 19:46:12 UTC
2630,This little London plane seemed to have the most fruit.,653,Story,5300,2018-02-09 08:37:38 UTC,2018-02-09 08:37:38 UTC
2634,The only wild service tree on the estate,653,Story,5311,2018-02-09 19:01:15 UTC,2018-02-09 19:01:15 UTC
2653,A wet day for this pair of ash trees,653,Story,5371,2018-02-14 18:42:09 UTC,2018-02-14 18:42:09 UTC
2655,One of several younger turkey oaks,653,Story,5373,2018-02-15 08:42:12 UTC,2018-02-15 08:42:12 UTC
2654,The largest turkey oak that I know of within the city center area,653,Story,5372,2018-02-15 08:39:51 UTC,2018-02-15 08:39:51 UTC
2658,Close up of common ash buds. Next month the flowers should begin to sprout,653,Story,5379,2018-02-15 18:41:28 UTC,2018-02-15 18:41:28 UTC
2666,The nearest copper beech tree to princesshay exeter,653,Story,5395,2018-02-20 23:19:26 UTC,2018-02-20 23:19:26 UTC
2671,"One of several younger pillar crab apple trees, believe they were planted around 2004.",653,Story,5400,2018-02-21 08:33:40 UTC,2018-02-21 08:33:40 UTC
2672,This is the odd one out as was planted at a different time and is much more mature than the other pillar crab apple trees.,653,Story,5401,2018-02-21 08:37:49 UTC,2018-02-21 08:37:49 UTC
2673,This is the largest holm oak Within the city center boundary that I know of.,653,Story,5403,2018-02-22 08:43:16 UTC,2018-02-22 08:43:16 UTC
2676,The bark on this birch is a lot more furrowed,653,Story,5415,2018-02-24 00:31:04 UTC,2018-02-24 00:31:04 UTC
2675,A medium sized silver birch enjoying the winter breeze,653,Story,5414,2018-02-24 00:28:48 UTC,2018-02-24 00:28:48 UTC
2759,Looking forward to seeing the flowers on this one as missed it last year,653,Story,5533,2018-03-06 08:56:02 UTC,2018-03-06 08:56:02 UTC
4190,A single Box elder in the St Thomas park. This one is a male tree.,653,Story,18775,2018-06-18 21:12:54 UTC,2018-06-18 21:12:54 UTC
4223,A lovely variegated form of Norway maple on a lovely clear day. Off to work now!,653,Story,18864,2018-06-29 07:42:57 UTC,2018-06-29 07:42:57 UTC
4267,This is a great tree to study and often accompanied by friendly squirrel and birds,653,Story,18950,2018-07-13 07:37:07 UTC,2018-07-13 07:37:07 UTC
4280,"This whitebeam tree is due to be felled. You can see the weakness in the bottom of the tree and is now at risk of falling. If anybody has a lot of money, truck and large field it could be moved. Will have to see if any famous footballers would part with a tiny amount of their large salaries!",653,Story,18979,2018-07-18 08:00:27 UTC,2018-07-18 08:00:27 UTC
4301,"Love this little apple tree by work, haven’t confirmed the cultivar yet though",653,Story,19008,2018-07-25 06:31:57 UTC,2018-07-25 06:31:57 UTC
4416,Mr White still stands! The council are due to fell this trees any time as it is deemed unsafe. It is not something I can stop so let’s give a cheer to mr White the Whitebeam of Paris street,653,Story,19198,2018-09-05 07:38:42 UTC,2018-09-05 07:38:42 UTC
4455,Lovely tree and a favourite of our squirrels,653,Story,19274,2018-09-13 07:40:29 UTC,2018-09-13 07:40:29 UTC
4460,What species is this?,180,Story,19295,2018-09-15 11:49:42 UTC,2018-09-15 11:49:42 UTC
4471,"New challenge, mapping trees at night in the rain!",653,Story,19327,2018-09-20 18:37:18 UTC,2018-09-20 18:37:18 UTC
9222,It's become a bush ,258,Story,26566,2019-11-21 23:48:28 UTC,2019-11-21 23:48:28 UTC
5165,Magnolia 'Little Susan' planted March 2018,2117,Story,21241,2019-05-07 17:50:32 UTC,2019-05-07 17:50:32 UTC
5191,"Recently planted - prior to 2012.

Clear signs of Ash dieback present",2117,Story,21338,2019-05-09 09:26:11 UTC,2019-05-09 09:26:11 UTC
5915,#ashdieback #wimpolehall,2117,Story,22299,2019-05-27 11:41:58 UTC,2019-05-27 11:41:58 UTC
6642,Test,2117,Story,23213,2019-06-11 13:15:37 UTC,2019-06-11 13:15:37 UTC
6658,#ashdieback,2117,Story,23299,2019-06-14 13:12:14 UTC,2019-06-14 13:12:14 UTC
9288,#CamTrees ,2117,Story,26648,2019-12-03 16:44:52 UTC,2019-12-03 16:44:52 UTC
9502,#champion #whatawhopper,2117,Story,27296,2020-03-04 13:14:41 UTC,2020-03-04 13:14:41 UTC
9482,"Sam's tree
#CamTreeChallenge #FT4B ",2117,Story,27262,2020-03-01 15:00:44 UTC,2020-03-01 15:00:44 UTC
706,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 163 Old Street #EC1V. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1561,2017-05-23 14:33:06 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:06 UTC
532,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 30 Jutland Close #N19. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1387,2017-05-23 11:42:44 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:44 UTC
546,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Wharton Street #WC1X. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1401,2017-05-23 11:42:54 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:54 UTC
584,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 48 Melgund Road #N5. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1439,2017-05-23 11:43:20 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:20 UTC
534,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 15 Wedmore Street #N19. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1389,2017-05-23 11:42:45 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:45 UTC
666,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 21 Riversdale Road #N5. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1521,2017-05-23 14:32:39 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:39 UTC
702,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 139 Central Street #EC1V. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1557,2017-05-23 14:33:03 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:03 UTC
580,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 43 Arvon Road #N5. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1435,2017-05-23 11:43:17 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:17 UTC
707,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 163 Old Street #EC1V. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1562,2017-05-23 14:33:07 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:07 UTC
669,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 5 Tollington Park #N4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1524,2017-05-23 14:32:41 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:41 UTC
536,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 32 Riversdale Road #N5. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1391,2017-05-23 11:42:47 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:47 UTC
613,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 139 Central Street #EC1V. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1468,2017-05-23 14:15:12 UTC,2017-05-23 14:15:12 UTC
705,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 116 Cyrus Street #EC1V. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1560,2017-05-23 14:33:05 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:05 UTC
661,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 200A Blackstock Road #N5. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1516,2017-05-23 14:32:35 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:35 UTC
547,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Lloyd Baker Street #WC1X. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1402,2017-05-23 11:42:55 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:55 UTC
609,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 46 Exmouth Market #EC1R. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1464,2017-05-23 11:43:37 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:37 UTC
583,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 58A Newington Green #N16. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1438,2017-05-23 11:43:19 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:19 UTC
538,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 38 Half Moon Crescent #N1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1393,2017-05-23 11:42:48 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:48 UTC
717,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 46-48 Exmouth Market #EC1R. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1572,2017-05-23 14:33:14 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:14 UTC
665,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 37 Cardozo Road #N7. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1520,2017-05-23 14:32:38 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:38 UTC
535,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 49 Wedmore Street #N19. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1390,2017-05-23 11:42:46 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:46 UTC
662,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 17-20 Fife Terrace #N1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1517,2017-05-23 14:32:36 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:36 UTC
603,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Spafield Street #EC1R. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1458,2017-05-23 11:43:33 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:33 UTC
610,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 2 Bartholomew Square #EC1V. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1465,2017-05-23 11:43:37 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:37 UTC
708,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Spafield Street #EC1R. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1563,2017-05-23 14:33:07 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:07 UTC
703,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 20 Banner Street #EC1Y. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1558,2017-05-23 14:33:04 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:04 UTC
577,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Pleasant Place #N1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1432,2017-05-23 11:43:15 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:15 UTC
531,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 72-74 Hargrave Park #n19. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1386,2017-05-23 11:42:43 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:43 UTC
611,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Pleasant Place #N1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1466,2017-05-23 11:43:38 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:38 UTC
667,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 200A Blackstock Road #N5. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1522,2017-05-23 14:32:39 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:39 UTC
658,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 17 River Street #EC1R. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1513,2017-05-23 14:32:33 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:33 UTC
704,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 20 Banner Street #EC1Y. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1559,2017-05-23 14:33:04 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:04 UTC
664,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 16 Wyatt Road #N5. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1519,2017-05-23 14:32:37 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:37 UTC
606,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 23 Fife Terrace #N1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1461,2017-05-23 11:43:35 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:35 UTC
663,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 21-22 Fife Terrace #N1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1518,2017-05-23 14:32:37 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:37 UTC
524,Dead branches,394,Story,1375,2017-05-22 16:23:03 UTC,2017-05-22 16:23:03 UTC
522,Poor supressed tree. Bark damage - dogs?? Dead branches - sorry state.,394,Story,1373,2017-05-22 16:21:21 UTC,2017-05-22 16:21:21 UTC
523,Damaged bark....,394,Story,1374,2017-05-22 16:22:17 UTC,2017-05-22 16:22:17 UTC
604,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Rosoman Place #EC1R. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1459,2017-05-23 11:43:33 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:33 UTC
140,It's an ex-tree!,312,Story,722,2017-03-03 14:03:14 UTC,2017-03-03 14:03:14 UTC
581,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 28B Cardozo Road #N7. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1436,2017-05-23 11:43:18 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:18 UTC
660,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 132A Huddleston Road #N7. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1515,2017-05-23 14:32:35 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:35 UTC
668,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 5-17 Wedmore Street #N19. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1523,2017-05-23 14:32:40 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:40 UTC
716,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Rosoman Place #EC1R. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1571,2017-05-23 14:33:13 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:13 UTC
544,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 5 Mitchell Street #EC1V. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1399,2017-05-23 11:42:53 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:53 UTC
670,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 33-35 Hargrave Park #N19. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1525,2017-05-23 14:32:41 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:41 UTC
578,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 47 Rotherfield Street #N1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1433,2017-05-23 11:43:16 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:16 UTC
659,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 5 Penn Road #N7. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1514,2017-05-23 14:32:34 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:34 UTC
582,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 66A Ferntower Road #N5. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1437,2017-05-23 11:43:18 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:18 UTC
4241,"Spontaneous City by London Fieldworks comprises two sculptural installations - in Cremorne Gardens, Kensington and Chelsea, and here in Duncan Terrace Gardens, Islington - specially designed for the Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus Altissima). The two sister sculptures are made from a collection of over 250 bespoke, wooden bird and bug boxes that create a sculptural 'habitat' for the birds, insects and invertebrates that occupy the gardens, providing spaces for shelter, nesting or feeding.  The design of the boxes in Duncan Terrace reflects the Georgian terraces and 1960s flats that surround the park, and in Cremorne Gardens, the structure is inspired by the architecture of the nearby Worlds End housing estate.",218,Story,18902,2018-07-05 21:33:57 UTC,2018-07-05 21:33:57 UTC
9561,Planted on 26/3/20 to replace previously vandalised tree.,1924,Story,27448,2020-03-29 17:33:49 UTC,2020-03-29 17:33:49 UTC
13939,Planted in national tree week by volunteers from South Staffs Water,1924,Story,35199,2021-12-18 16:24:11 UTC,2021-12-18 16:24:11 UTC
13940,"Planted during national tree week 2021 by volunteers from SSW and the Friends group.

Over two hundred seeds were collected by a local tree officer and professionally germinated in the UK and then grown on by various volunteers, including the Friend of Brunswick, and two were planted out as part of tree week.

In its native environment of north America this tree is very rare and we are proud to add it to the collection to help ensure the survival of its species.",1924,Story,35200,2021-12-18 16:25:35 UTC,2021-12-20 10:21:15 UTC
9093,Photo of leaves on 22 August 2019,3052,Story,26326,2019-10-06 17:00:41 UTC,2019-10-06 17:00:41 UTC
9167,According to the tree label it's a Tilia cordata Greenspire,3052,Story,26489,2019-11-07 11:21:16 UTC,2019-11-07 11:21:16 UTC
8995,8 plants in two rows,1159,Story,26158,2019-09-22 15:46:55 UTC,2019-09-22 15:46:55 UTC
8996,Solitär,1159,Story,26161,2019-09-22 16:21:55 UTC,2019-09-22 16:21:55 UTC
8997,5 in two rows ,1159,Story,26162,2019-09-22 16:25:44 UTC,2019-09-22 16:25:44 UTC
8998,3 plants,1159,Story,26163,2019-09-22 16:28:31 UTC,2019-09-22 16:28:31 UTC
8999,Solitär,1159,Story,26164,2019-09-22 16:37:52 UTC,2019-09-22 16:37:52 UTC
9582,"Rosa i knopp, halvfylld. Antingen stellata eller hybrid med stellata. Luktar gurka.",1159,Story,27519,2020-04-22 16:30:50 UTC,2020-04-22 16:30:50 UTC
9583,Troligen kobus eller x loebneri 'Merrill',1159,Story,27521,2020-04-22 16:42:19 UTC,2020-04-22 16:42:19 UTC
9584,"Väldoftande, senare i blom än andra stellata på platsen. Det står 3 i rad.",1159,Story,27522,2020-04-22 16:57:41 UTC,2020-04-22 16:57:41 UTC
9585,"En av tre, den i mitten.",1159,Story,27523,2020-04-22 17:00:04 UTC,2020-04-22 17:00:04 UTC
9586,"Nr 3 i en rad, den bredaste. Halvfyllda alla 3.",1159,Story,27524,2020-04-22 17:03:45 UTC,2020-04-22 17:03:45 UTC
9587,Blommorna öppnar sig inte helt. Blommar samtidigt med stellata och 'Wada's Memory'.,1159,Story,27525,2020-04-22 17:13:13 UTC,2020-04-22 17:13:13 UTC
9581,2 st bredvid varandra,1159,Story,27515,2020-04-22 16:11:06 UTC,2020-04-22 16:11:06 UTC
9601,Mycket vacker,1159,Story,27560,2020-04-27 15:09:27 UTC,2020-04-27 15:09:27 UTC
4073,An amazing splash of colour in this row of trees. Such a pity that they seem to be in pretty bad health,2717,Story,18440,2018-04-28 17:57:30 UTC,2018-04-28 17:57:30 UTC
4237,Amazing to see the trees and flower beds planted and maintained over the years by members of the local community in #slaneyviewpark #enniscorthy,2717,Story,18895,2018-07-05 12:02:46 UTC,2018-07-05 12:02:46 UTC
4403,I think this is a pear 🍐 not certain though,180,Story,19165,2018-08-24 11:20:30 UTC,2018-08-24 11:20:30 UTC
4402,Little sapling at back of school,180,Story,19162,2018-08-24 11:10:57 UTC,2018-08-24 11:10:57 UTC
4453,Rubus fruticosus),2350,Story,19272,2018-09-12 15:00:45 UTC,2018-09-12 15:00:45 UTC
4452,An abundance of blackberry bushes. Great for jam making,2350,Story,19271,2018-09-12 13:41:13 UTC,2018-09-12 13:41:13 UTC
4451,Off shoot from a bigger tree,2350,Story,19269,2018-09-12 13:32:16 UTC,2018-09-12 13:32:16 UTC
4492,Otherwise known as monkey puzzel,2350,Story,19385,2018-09-26 12:18:14 UTC,2018-09-26 12:18:14 UTC
4594,In colclough walled garden in Tintern Abbey,2350,Story,19885,2018-10-24 11:14:16 UTC,2018-10-24 11:14:16 UTC
4596,Spanish chestnut. The chestnut is used to eat when roasted,2350,Story,19889,2018-10-24 11:36:40 UTC,2018-10-24 11:36:40 UTC
4624,A holly tree but no sigh of any berries,2350,Story,20015,2018-11-07 12:15:06 UTC,2018-11-07 12:15:06 UTC
4626,One of 50 types of ivy that provides food for wildlife,2350,Story,20018,2018-11-07 12:23:48 UTC,2018-11-07 12:23:48 UTC
9113,Shell house,2350,Story,26356,2019-10-09 11:57:22 UTC,2019-10-09 11:57:22 UTC
9529,Duncannon,2350,Story,27362,2020-03-11 12:54:45 UTC,2020-03-11 12:54:45 UTC
2787,One of our spectacular boundary oaks,2651,Story,5690,2018-03-22 10:31:02 UTC,2018-03-22 10:31:02 UTC
2790,Here with an understory of cherry and holly,2651,Story,5693,2018-03-23 09:42:01 UTC,2018-03-23 09:42:01 UTC
3970,A real knobly one,2651,Story,18262,2018-03-27 15:39:33 UTC,2018-03-27 15:39:33 UTC
4018,Possible lightening strike on this one,2651,Story,18329,2018-04-05 17:04:11 UTC,2018-04-05 17:04:11 UTC
4019,Truly on the boundary. This boundary oak was  recently freed from fencing.,2651,Story,18330,2018-04-05 17:09:12 UTC,2018-04-05 17:35:18 UTC
4154,Through the dappled sunlight and chatter of blackcaps a nuthatch on this one.,2651,Story,18633,2018-05-22 07:53:51 UTC,2018-05-22 07:53:51 UTC
4340,One of our prized boundary oaks,2651,Story,19085,2018-08-07 07:52:16 UTC,2018-08-07 07:52:16 UTC
4355,Seemingly split at an early point this oak is now in four parts.,2651,Story,19104,2018-08-14 08:22:59 UTC,2018-08-14 08:22:59 UTC
595,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 97 Lyndhurst Way #SE15. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1450,2017-05-23 11:43:27 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:27 UTC
596,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 97 Lyndhurst Way #SE15. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1451,2017-05-23 11:43:28 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:28 UTC
597,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 11-13 Mereworth Drive #SE18. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1452,2017-05-23 11:43:29 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:29 UTC
484,A replacement for a lime tree,394,Story,1321,2017-05-19 14:28:38 UTC,2017-05-19 14:28:38 UTC
529,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Oakwood #SM6. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1384,2017-05-23 11:42:42 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:42 UTC
530,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Oakwood #SM6. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1385,2017-05-23 11:42:43 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:43 UTC
533,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 25 Castle Avenue #E4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1388,2017-05-23 11:42:45 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:45 UTC
537,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 30 Bradfield Road #E16. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1392,2017-05-23 11:42:48 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:48 UTC
539,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 2-4 Woolwich Manor Way #E16. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1394,2017-05-23 11:42:49 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:49 UTC
540,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 102 Dog Kennel Hill #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1395,2017-05-23 11:42:50 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:50 UTC
541,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 102 Dog Kennel Hill #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1396,2017-05-23 11:42:50 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:50 UTC
542,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 102 Dog Kennel Hill #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1397,2017-05-23 11:42:51 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:51 UTC
543,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 19 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1398,2017-05-23 11:42:52 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:52 UTC
545,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 12 Chumleigh Street #SE5. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1400,2017-05-23 11:42:53 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:53 UTC
548,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 17 Brook's Mews #W1K. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1403,2017-05-23 11:42:55 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:55 UTC
549,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 138c Grosvenor Road #SW1V. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1404,2017-05-23 11:42:56 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:56 UTC
550,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 88-90 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1405,2017-05-23 11:42:57 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:57 UTC
551,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 105 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1406,2017-05-23 11:42:57 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:57 UTC
552,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 5 Gloucester Street #SW1V. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1407,2017-05-23 11:42:58 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:58 UTC
553,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 53 Dulwich Wood Avenue #SE19. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1408,2017-05-23 11:42:59 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:59 UTC
554,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 175 Gainsborough Avenue #E12. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1409,2017-05-23 11:42:59 UTC,2017-05-23 11:42:59 UTC
555,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Edwin Avenue #E6. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1410,2017-05-23 11:43:00 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:00 UTC
556,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 135A Gainsborough Avenue #E12. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1411,2017-05-23 11:43:01 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:01 UTC
557,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 43 Dore Avenue #E12. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1412,2017-05-23 11:43:01 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:01 UTC
558,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 43 Dore Avenue #E12. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1413,2017-05-23 11:43:02 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:02 UTC
559,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 53 Dore Avenue #E12. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1414,2017-05-23 11:43:03 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:03 UTC
560,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 32 Brixham Street #E16. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1415,2017-05-23 11:43:03 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:03 UTC
561,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 49 Brook's Mews #W1K. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1416,2017-05-23 11:43:04 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:04 UTC
562,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 44 Ingestre Place #W1F. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1417,2017-05-23 11:43:05 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:05 UTC
563,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 12 Brook's Mews #W1K. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1418,2017-05-23 11:43:05 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:05 UTC
564,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 49 Brook's Mews #W1K. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1419,2017-05-23 11:43:06 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:06 UTC
565,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on  #SE1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1420,2017-05-23 11:43:07 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:07 UTC
566,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 4 Glencairne Close #E16. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1421,2017-05-23 11:43:07 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:07 UTC
567,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 12 Montagu Mews North #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1422,2017-05-23 11:43:08 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:08 UTC
568,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 14-15 Crawford Street. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1423,2017-05-23 11:43:09 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:09 UTC
569,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 95-98 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1424,2017-05-23 11:43:09 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:09 UTC
570,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 87 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1425,2017-05-23 11:43:10 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:10 UTC
571,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 47-48 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1426,2017-05-23 11:43:11 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:11 UTC
572,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 42 Shelton Street #WC2H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1427,2017-05-23 11:43:12 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:12 UTC
573,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 23 Connaught Square #W2. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1428,2017-05-23 11:43:12 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:12 UTC
574,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Aubrey Place #NW8. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1429,2017-05-23 11:43:13 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:13 UTC
575,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 29 Henderson Drive #NW8. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1430,2017-05-23 11:43:14 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:14 UTC
576,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 9 Briar Walk #W10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1431,2017-05-23 11:43:14 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:14 UTC
579,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 53 Harpenden Road #E12. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1434,2017-05-23 11:43:16 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:16 UTC
585,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Maxwell Court #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1440,2017-05-23 11:43:20 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:20 UTC
586,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Maxwell Court #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1441,2017-05-23 11:43:21 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:21 UTC
587,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Maxwell Court #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1442,2017-05-23 11:43:22 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:22 UTC
588,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Maxwell Court #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1443,2017-05-23 11:43:23 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:23 UTC
589,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Maxwell Court #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1444,2017-05-23 11:43:23 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:23 UTC
590,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Maxwell Court #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1445,2017-05-23 11:43:24 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:24 UTC
591,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Maxwell Court #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1446,2017-05-23 11:43:25 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:25 UTC
592,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 75 Copeland Road #SE15. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1447,2017-05-23 11:43:25 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:25 UTC
593,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 16D Saint Mary's Road #SE15. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1448,2017-05-23 11:43:26 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:26 UTC
594,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 97 Lyndhurst Way #SE15. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1449,2017-05-23 11:43:27 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:27 UTC
598,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 11 Orchard Lane #SW20. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1453,2017-05-23 11:43:29 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:29 UTC
599,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 49 Brook's Mews #W1K. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1454,2017-05-23 11:43:30 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:30 UTC
600,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 89 Copeland Road #SE15. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1455,2017-05-23 11:43:31 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:31 UTC
601,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Casino Avenue #SE24. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1456,2017-05-23 11:43:31 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:31 UTC
602,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 39 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1457,2017-05-23 11:43:32 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:32 UTC
605,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on  #SE1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1460,2017-05-23 11:43:34 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:34 UTC
607,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 36 Soho Square #W1D. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1462,2017-05-23 11:43:35 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:35 UTC
608,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 27 Bowley House #SE16. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1463,2017-05-23 11:43:36 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:36 UTC
612,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 38A Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1467,2017-05-23 11:43:39 UTC,2017-05-23 11:43:39 UTC
614,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 49 Brook's Mews #W1K. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1469,2017-05-23 14:32:04 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:04 UTC
615,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 63 Brook Drive #SE11. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1470,2017-05-23 14:32:04 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:04 UTC
616,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 15 Wide Way #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1471,2017-05-23 14:32:05 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:05 UTC
617,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 23 Roe Way #SM6. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1472,2017-05-23 14:32:06 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:06 UTC
618,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Oakwood #SM6. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1473,2017-05-23 14:32:06 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:06 UTC
619,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Oakwood #SM6. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1474,2017-05-23 14:32:07 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:07 UTC
620,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Oakwood #SM6. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1475,2017-05-23 14:32:08 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:08 UTC
621,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Oakwood #SM6. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1476,2017-05-23 14:32:09 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:09 UTC
622,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Oakwood #SM6. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1477,2017-05-23 14:32:09 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:09 UTC
623,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 102 Dog Kennel Hill #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1478,2017-05-23 14:32:10 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:10 UTC
624,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 144B Bellenden Road #SE15. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1479,2017-05-23 14:32:10 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:10 UTC
625,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 4-8 Circus Street #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1480,2017-05-23 14:32:11 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:11 UTC
626,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 48 Ashridge Crescent #SE18. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1481,2017-05-23 14:32:12 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:12 UTC
627,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 289 Greenwich High Road #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1482,2017-05-23 14:32:12 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:12 UTC
628,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 289 Greenwich High Road #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1483,2017-05-23 14:32:13 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:13 UTC
629,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 250 Underhill Road #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1484,2017-05-23 14:32:14 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:14 UTC
630,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 102 Dog Kennel Hill #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1485,2017-05-23 14:32:14 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:14 UTC
631,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 166 Greenwich High Road #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1486,2017-05-23 14:32:15 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:15 UTC
632,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 41-42 Catherine Grove #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1487,2017-05-23 14:32:16 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:16 UTC
633,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 2 Circus Street #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1488,2017-05-23 14:32:16 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:16 UTC
634,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 9 Greenwich South Street #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1489,2017-05-23 14:32:17 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:17 UTC
635,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 67 Brook Drive #SE11. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1490,2017-05-23 14:32:18 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:18 UTC
636,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 32 Page Street #SW1P. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1491,2017-05-23 14:32:18 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:18 UTC
637,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 176 Blackfriars Road #SE1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1492,2017-05-23 14:32:19 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:19 UTC
638,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 176 Blackfriars Road #SE1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1493,2017-05-23 14:32:20 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:20 UTC
639,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 176 Blackfriars Road #SE1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1494,2017-05-23 14:32:20 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:20 UTC
640,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on  #SE1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1495,2017-05-23 14:32:21 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:21 UTC
641,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on  #SE1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1496,2017-05-23 14:32:22 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:22 UTC
642,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on  #SE1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1497,2017-05-23 14:32:22 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:22 UTC
643,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 9 Greenwich South Street #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1498,2017-05-23 14:32:23 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:23 UTC
644,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 9 Greenwich South Street #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1499,2017-05-23 14:32:24 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:24 UTC
645,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 166 Greenwich High Road #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1500,2017-05-23 14:32:24 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:24 UTC
646,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 166 Greenwich High Road #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1501,2017-05-23 14:32:25 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:25 UTC
647,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 11C Bonnington Square #SW8. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1502,2017-05-23 14:32:26 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:26 UTC
648,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 285 Greenwich High Road #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1503,2017-05-23 14:32:27 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:27 UTC
649,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 283 Greenwich High Road #SE10. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1504,2017-05-23 14:32:27 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:27 UTC
650,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 135-151 Turney Road #SE21. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1505,2017-05-23 14:32:28 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:28 UTC
651,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Maxwell Court #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1506,2017-05-23 14:32:29 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:29 UTC
652,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 6 Frank Dixon Way #SE21. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1507,2017-05-23 14:32:29 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:29 UTC
653,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Maxwell Court #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1508,2017-05-23 14:32:30 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:30 UTC
654,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 53 Red Post Hill #SE24. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1509,2017-05-23 14:32:31 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:31 UTC
655,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 48-70 Cambridge Road #SW20. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1510,2017-05-23 14:32:31 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:31 UTC
656,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 251-252 Grand Drive #SW20. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1511,2017-05-23 14:32:32 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:32 UTC
657,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 160 Pepys Road #SW20. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1512,2017-05-23 14:32:33 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:33 UTC
671,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 108-109 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1526,2017-05-23 14:32:42 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:42 UTC
672,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 98-99 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1527,2017-05-23 14:32:43 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:43 UTC
673,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Hyde Park Square #W2. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1528,2017-05-23 14:32:43 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:43 UTC
674,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 22 Brook's Mews #W1K. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1529,2017-05-23 14:32:44 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:44 UTC
675,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 44 Ingestre Place #W1F. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1530,2017-05-23 14:32:45 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:45 UTC
676,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 53-54 Brook's Mews #W1K. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1531,2017-05-23 14:32:45 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:45 UTC
677,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Lansdowne Place #SE1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1532,2017-05-23 14:32:46 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:46 UTC
678,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 94 Lambeth Road #SE1. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1533,2017-05-23 14:32:47 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:47 UTC
679,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 77-79 Malmesbury Road #SM4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1534,2017-05-23 14:32:47 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:47 UTC
680,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 17 Madeira Road #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1535,2017-05-23 14:32:48 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:48 UTC
681,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 17 Madeira Road #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1536,2017-05-23 14:32:49 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:49 UTC
682,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 19 Cricket Green #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1537,2017-05-23 14:32:49 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:49 UTC
683,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 17 Madeira Road #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1538,2017-05-23 14:32:50 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:50 UTC
684,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 46 Hawkes Road #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1539,2017-05-23 14:32:51 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:51 UTC
685,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 21 Cricket Green #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1540,2017-05-23 14:32:51 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:51 UTC
686,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 21 Cricket Green #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1541,2017-05-23 14:32:52 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:52 UTC
687,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 37 Albert Road #E16. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1542,2017-05-23 14:32:53 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:53 UTC
688,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 56 Brixham Street #E16. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1543,2017-05-23 14:32:54 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:54 UTC
689,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Maxwell Court #SE22. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1544,2017-05-23 14:32:54 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:54 UTC
690,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on Dulwich Park #SE21. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1545,2017-05-23 14:32:55 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:55 UTC
691,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 21 Cricket Green #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1546,2017-05-23 14:32:56 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:56 UTC
692,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 17 Madeira Road #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1547,2017-05-23 14:32:56 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:56 UTC
693,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 17 Madeira Road #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1548,2017-05-23 14:32:57 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:57 UTC
694,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 21 Cricket Green #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1549,2017-05-23 14:32:58 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:58 UTC
695,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 21 Cricket Green #CR4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1550,2017-05-23 14:32:58 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:58 UTC
696,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 77-79 Malmesbury Road #SM4. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1551,2017-05-23 14:32:59 UTC,2017-05-23 14:32:59 UTC
697,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Oakwood #SM6. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1552,2017-05-23 14:33:00 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:00 UTC
698,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 1 Oakwood #SM6. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1553,2017-05-23 14:33:00 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:00 UTC
699,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 22 Dulwich Wood Avenue #SE19. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1554,2017-05-23 14:33:01 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:01 UTC
700,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 3-4 Chalice Close #SM6. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1555,2017-05-23 14:33:02 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:02 UTC
701,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 13A Errington Road #W9. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1556,2017-05-23 14:33:02 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:02 UTC
709,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 17 Homer Row #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1564,2017-05-23 14:33:08 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:08 UTC
710,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 93 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1565,2017-05-23 14:33:09 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:09 UTC
711,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 94-95 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1566,2017-05-23 14:33:10 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:10 UTC
712,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 46 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1567,2017-05-23 14:33:10 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:10 UTC
713,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 87 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1568,2017-05-23 14:33:11 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:11 UTC
714,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 116 Crawford Street. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1569,2017-05-23 14:33:12 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:12 UTC
715,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 27 Durweston Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1570,2017-05-23 14:33:12 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:12 UTC
718,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 115 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1573,2017-05-23 14:33:14 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:14 UTC
719,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 110-111 Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1574,2017-05-23 14:33:15 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:15 UTC
720,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 25A Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1575,2017-05-23 14:33:16 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:16 UTC
721,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 23A Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1576,2017-05-23 14:33:16 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:16 UTC
722,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 21A Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1577,2017-05-23 14:33:17 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:17 UTC
723,"Hey, it’s an #Olive tree on 25B Crawford Street #W1H. To take part in an awesome mission, track down this tree and take some photos of it. Don’t forget to include the tags #WheresOlea #iCoGreen and #LondonTreeWeek to be in with a chance to win some awesome prizes. Oh, and selfies are encouraged 🌳 😜",491,Story,1578,2017-05-23 14:33:18 UTC,2017-05-23 14:33:18 UTC
783,"A black cab, London Plane tree and St Paul's! That's a pretty London-y scene",179,Story,1679,2017-06-01 18:37:10 UTC,2017-06-01 18:37:10 UTC
802,Does anyone know what kind of oak this is? The leaves are a much darker shade of green and a little more waxy than I'm used to seeing. The bark has cool ribbons of orange  running through it too,179,Story,1715,2017-06-04 12:16:58 UTC,2017-06-04 12:16:58 UTC
801,One of the  more cosy and compact barbican apartments,179,Story,1714,2017-06-04 12:10:38 UTC,2017-06-04 12:10:38 UTC
1950,Very old,2369,Story,4479,2018-01-08 07:08:35 UTC,2018-01-08 07:08:35 UTC
4062,Windswept,2673,Story,18411,2018-04-20 17:00:33 UTC,2018-04-20 17:00:33 UTC
9382,Tree hole newly filled tilia Cordata Rancho 12-14cm,5328,Story,27062,2020-01-26 14:14:24 UTC,2020-01-26 14:14:24 UTC
4207,A whole tank of love for this tree 💚,180,Story,18834,2018-06-25 16:22:33 UTC,2018-06-25 16:26:21 UTC
4816,#prunus #ferndale ,2505,Story,20477,2019-03-23 18:43:24 UTC,2019-03-23 18:43:24 UTC
4815,#prunus #ferndale,2505,Story,20476,2019-03-23 18:42:26 UTC,2019-03-23 18:42:26 UTC
13427,Lucy loves this tree,394,Story,33635,2021-05-14 16:21:21 UTC,2021-05-14 16:21:21 UTC
4486,"Carpinus caroliniana in Semi natural wood, Chicago. Mrs H is getting one for the garden. Wanted to show her what it's like in the ""wild"". Species not in the database.",3341,Story,19365,2018-09-23 21:29:16 UTC,2018-09-23 21:29:16 UTC
4482,Tree providing a canopy for a wedding celebration,3341,Story,19359,2018-09-22 22:41:40 UTC,2018-09-22 22:41:40 UTC
4485,Did my post-doc on this species. Nice to see an old friend.,3341,Story,19364,2018-09-23 20:05:04 UTC,2018-09-23 20:05:04 UTC
4493,New addition to the garden.,3341,Story,19386,2018-09-26 13:34:11 UTC,2018-09-26 13:34:11 UTC
4504,One of the few older American Elms left in this neighborhood. Chicago lost most of them from Dutch Elm disease.,3341,Story,19464,2018-10-02 20:21:09 UTC,2018-10-02 20:21:09 UTC
4644,On campus Vanderbilt,3341,Story,20080,2018-11-24 20:52:42 UTC,2018-11-24 20:52:42 UTC
4645,Hanging out with my eldest kid on campus (an abroretum) of Vandy.,3341,Story,20082,2018-11-24 21:35:06 UTC,2018-11-24 21:35:06 UTC
4646,"Very pretty tree, still smartly dressed for autumn.",3341,Story,20083,2018-11-24 21:43:58 UTC,2018-11-24 21:43:58 UTC
8382,Tree dedicated to the mothers of the defenders of the nation. Planted Mother's Day 1926 ,3341,Story,25282,2019-08-25 17:23:51 UTC,2019-08-25 17:23:51 UTC
7857,Large ,3341,Story,24690,2019-08-06 23:48:18 UTC,2019-08-06 23:48:18 UTC
4519,Can you identify this tree?,3459,Story,19622,2018-10-09 20:01:29 UTC,2018-10-09 20:01:29 UTC
2770,Just had our crabapple tree trimmed up this am for the first time! Just bought the house and looking forward to spring. ,2612,Story,5548,2018-03-14 22:14:54 UTC,2018-03-14 22:14:54 UTC
1238,This ash is covered! ,1074,Story,2512,2017-08-13 19:52:23 UTC,2017-08-13 19:52:23 UTC
4520,Click on '+ Story' to share your photos and experiences of the trees marked on this trail. ,3459,Story,19623,2018-10-09 20:04:42 UTC,2018-10-09 20:04:42 UTC
1258,"This tree waa planted on April 23rd, 1920",1149,Story,2541,2017-08-15 19:17:13 UTC,2017-08-15 19:17:13 UTC
1256,An artist colored this one blue! ,1074,Story,2534,2017-08-15 19:07:10 UTC,2017-08-15 19:07:10 UTC
1337,This tree is covered!,355,Story,2699,2017-08-30 00:05:58 UTC,2017-08-30 00:05:58 UTC
1996,Looks like this one isn't going to make it...,1074,Story,4561,2018-01-17 03:22:08 UTC,2018-01-17 03:22:08 UTC
13759,Trimmed and treated in Aug 2021,8485,Story,34746,2021-09-29 16:24:03 UTC,2021-09-29 16:24:03 UTC
1259,I think we need to update this to a vacant site. ,1074,Story,2543,2017-08-15 19:22:42 UTC,2017-08-15 19:22:42 UTC
9266,"Gleditsia triacanthos Sunburst is a stunning golden leaved beauty with frondy like foliage, known commonly as the Honey Locust.

This pretty and delicate looking tree has a rounded and spreading form and considered to be one of the best yellow foliaged trees on the market. The foliage is often late to appear, emerging a brilliant lime yellow colour and hardening to a darker green as the summer progresses. Unlike its parent, Gleditsia triacanthos, this yellow beauty has the advantage of being thornless.

Gleditisa triacanthos Sunburst originates from moist and even swampy areas, however despite this the Honey Locust does seem to perform well in much drier and free draining soils. This desirable cultivar was introduced in the mid 1950s.

This pretty tree makes a great feature tree and is suitable for planting in smaller gardens, as despite being a Medium to Large sized tree at maturity, its fern like foliage casts a light dappled shade which does not impact too much on the living space of gardens.
",4412,Story,26622,2019-11-29 15:43:38 UTC,2019-11-29 15:43:38 UTC
9265,"Fagus sylvatica Purpurea is a stunning dark purple leaved variety of Common Beech, Fagus sylvatica.

Sometimes wrongly referred to as ‘Copper Beech’, this purple leaved Beech is a cultivar rather than the seedling ‘Copper Beech’ which is variable in leaf colour.

This pretty, deep foliaged, tree has dark purple red foliage which appears in the spring time and like many other purple leaved specimens, it gradually turns to a dark green-bronze as the summer progresses until it is almost difficult to distinguish it with the Common, Fagus sylvatica.

In autumn the deep bronze foliage turns to a golden brown. Fagus sylvatica Purpurea is a tough tree and will thrive just about anywhere, but does not do well in exposed or coastal conditions.

It is best suited to reasonably fertile and well drained soils but does not perform well on heavy clay or light sand and being a shallow rooted tree we do not recommend under-planting.

This large and majestic tree is one of great beauty and as such is a superb specimen to be planted as a statement in parks and large estates. ",4412,Story,26621,2019-11-29 15:41:45 UTC,2019-11-29 15:41:45 UTC
9277,"Quercus frainetto, known as Hungarian Oak, was introduced into the UK in the 1830s and has lustrous foliage that always catches attention.

Deeply lobed, dark green leaves can reach up to 20cm in length and they also have a tough rigidity to them making this tree a good urban or rural selection.

Great planted as an avenue or individual specimen.

Thriving on most well drained soils, its great summer foliage display turns to yellow in the autumn.",4412,Story,26633,2019-11-29 19:53:10 UTC,2019-11-29 19:53:10 UTC
9219,"Fagus sylvatica Dawyck is an upright form of the Common Beech, Fagus sylvatica.

This tree has a number of the great qualities of its parent, most notably green glossy foliage that turns to golden brown in the autumn time.

The significant difference with this species is the crown shape, which is tightly columnar, forming a distinctive flame shape as it matures. When mature this medium to large tree seldom reaches more than 3m wide.

Early mature specimens can be seen planted along Brooklands Avenue, interspered with fastigiate hornbeams. It is a tough tree, like its parent, and will thrive just about anywhere, but does not do well in exposed or coastal conditions.

Although it is a narrow tree, the large eventual height for this specimen should be considered and thus it is not recommended for planting in very small gardens or areas where space is limited. It is a great choice to compliment other trees of regular shape and is a welcome addition to planting schemes which require structure and consistency.",4412,Story,26561,2019-11-17 17:02:32 UTC,2019-11-17 17:02:32 UTC
9270,"Quercus Ilex is known by a number of names :- Holm oak, Holly oak and the Evergreen oak tree. In fact ""Holm"" is an old english word for Holly!

Quercus Ilex is a native of Mediterranean countries, but it has been grown in Britain since the 1500s. However Holm oak trees are now thought to be a native of Southern Ireland. It has dark green foliage with yellow catkins in spring producing acorns in autumn.

The timber is hard and long-lasting, used for joinery, vine-props and for charcoal.

If left to its own devices Quercus Ilex forms a large tree with a densely rounded habit, good examples of which can be seen opposite Holkham Hall on the North Norfolk coast.

It is perhaps surprisingly versatile, being suitable for coastal plantings, topiary and as stilted hedging. Holm Oak trees also tolerate shade and air pollution. Suitable for parks and gardens but thriving best on free draining soils.",4412,Story,26626,2019-11-29 19:00:09 UTC,2019-11-29 19:00:09 UTC
9260,"Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer is an extremely popular deciduous tree which is often planted for screening purposes.

This pretty tree is the first to come into leaf in the spring, when its leaves emerge in conjunction with a pretty white flower which covers the tree. The foliage emerges a bright and glossy green and remains on the tree until well into the autumn time, when it turns a bright orangey red before falling. Not only is Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer the first tree into leaf in the spring, it is the last tree to lose its leaves in the autumn time, a useful quality for screening. This callery pear has been known to produce very small fruits on occasion, however this should not cause concern as it is not a regular, or indeed impactful occurrence.
",4412,Story,26616,2019-11-29 14:30:28 UTC,2019-11-29 14:30:28 UTC
9268,"Platanus x hispanica is one of the most popular trees for urban planting; being planted extensively across London due to its tolerance of air pollution and pruning. It is believed to have had significant input into clearing up the smog laden air from the industrial revolution.

This tough tree has large leaves which are palmate and deeply lobed, remebling that of a Norway Maple, starting green in the spring and turning to golden brown in the autumn time. The fruits are produced in spikey clusters, which hang from stalks on the tree for most of the year. The most significant feature of the classic London Plane tree is that the bark peels to reveal a patchwork of green, white and cream as it matures; so be sure not to be concerned if this happens to your tree!

Platanus x hispanica is an extremely long lived tree, with a specimen planted in the Bishops Place Garden at Ely thought to be more than 300 years old.

This large tree is fast growing and forms a broadly pyramidal shaped crown at maturity and will thrive in most soil conditions, including clay. Best planted in locations where it has the space and time to develop into the stately specimen that it thrives to be,",4412,Story,26624,2019-11-29 16:02:22 UTC,2019-11-29 16:02:22 UTC
9269,"Prunus Pink Perfection is a super British-bred form of the widely planted and hugely popular, Prunus Kanzan.

This stunning little tree produces delicate, frothy, double pink flowers that are dark pink in bud, opening to a slightly paler pink, and are borne in clusters in a classic “cherry blossom” style. The leaves are fairly large and turn bright red in the autumn time.

Prunus Pink Perfection is not as vigorous as Prunus Kanzan, which is thought to be one of its parents, and forms a medium to large tree crown which is broadly oval in shape. This British-bred beauty appeared on the commercial market from 1935.

Like most cherries this lovely specimen tree prefers to be planted in a well drained soil as it does not like getting its feet wet!

This spectacular small cherry has all of the super qualities of ‘Kanzan’, yet it retains a small enough stature to be suitable for planting in smaller gardens. It is a great choice for avenue planting and look stunning if mixed with one of the popular white flowering cherries such as Taihaku or Umineko.",4412,Story,26625,2019-11-29 18:59:35 UTC,2019-11-29 18:59:35 UTC
9274,"Quercus robur is a real national treasure, planted extensively throughout England in the lowland forests, this majestic Oak tree can be found across the length and breadth of the UK.

The foliage of this tree is characteristic for oak, deeply lobed and a dark, yet glossy, green, turning to golden brown in the autumn time. Quercus robur is able to hold onto the curled up brown foliage for significant periods through the winter time and in less exposed conditions the leaves can still be seen on the tree in spring when the new foliage emerges.

In the autumn time, this oak tree is adorned with acorns, which is a welcome occurrence for wildlife. As a mature tree the bark becomes deeply grained and gnarly, giving it year round appeal.

Quercus robur is an extremely long lived tree, lasting reportedly over 1000 years. There are many fabulous specimens dotted around the country and the wonderful thing about this tree is many of these specimens are readily available for people to see, simply planted at the edges of parkland, woodland in on the boundary of agricultural fields.

At maturity, this Quercus robur tree has an expansive imposing crown, often spreading as wide as the tree is tall and is accompanied by an equally large root system. This is a tough contender which enjoys the UK climate, thrives on most soils and does particularly well on deep, heavy clay.

A simply stunning specimen for planting in parklands and large gardens and indeed anywhere in the UK where space allows. It is the quintessential avenue tree, offering timeless majesty and tranquillity to any planting scheme with the additional treasure that it offers vast ecological benefit.",4412,Story,26630,2019-11-29 19:14:44 UTC,2019-11-29 19:14:44 UTC
9275,"Acer platanoides Crimson King is a purple leaved cultivar of the Norway Maple, Acer platanoides.

Like the species, this tree has discrete yellow flowers that appear in spring and contrast fantastically with the dark purple foliage which gradually turns to maroon over the growing season then on to red in the autumn.

Acer platanoides Crimson King is a vigorous tree that tolerates most soil types, air pollution and resists the perils of drought.

This large tree makes a super choice for avenue planting and should be planted at a minimum of 10m centres as the large and dark leaves have the potential to gobble up light, creating a sombre environment below the canopy. It is therefore far better to give this tree space to use the accessible light to explode the beauty in its dark foliage.

Dark colours are a useful in making a statement in the landscape, as contrasting colours tend to draw attention. To get the best out of a landscape, it is advisable to situate deep or dark colours towards the edge, rather than a front of a scheme.",4412,Story,26631,2019-11-29 19:16:26 UTC,2019-11-29 19:16:26 UTC
9276,This is second last tree on the tree trail and the second Corsican pine. We hope you have enjoyed yourself and please come back at a different time of year to see how things have changed.,4412,Story,26632,2019-11-29 19:19:36 UTC,2019-11-29 19:19:36 UTC
9259,"Carpinus betulus or hornbeam is a fairly slow growing and densely branched tree, conical when young, later growing to ovoid or rounded. Adult trees like this one attain a width of 10 m and a height of 15 - 20 m. The branches start to hang down as the tree ages. Young twigs are grey-brown; older branches and the trunk are dark grey and remarkably smooth. The leaves are a fresh green colour in the spring. The leaf has a sharply double serrated edge and the leaf top tapers to a point. In the autumn the leaves turn colour to a golden yellow. If the hornbeam is pruned annually the dry brown leaves generally remain on the tree until well into the winter. The small nutlets hang in decorative separate fruit clusters. Root growth is relatively close to the surface. The rotted leaves are good soil improvers. A hornbeam can easily reach an age of 200 years. If Carpinus betulus is given sufficient room it forms a broad crown up to a height of twenty metres at a later age.",4412,Story,26615,2019-11-29 14:27:52 UTC,2019-11-29 14:27:52 UTC
9258,"Prunus laurocerasus commonly known as Common Cherry Laurel or simply Laurel, is a well used hedging plant used for evergreen screening up and down the UK.

Unlike most evergreens it can be pruned hard back into old wood only to rebound and be as good as new within a few months in the growing season.

Prunus laurocerasus thrives on most free draining soils and is an excellent garden planting. 

This specimen has been left to grow out to it natural form. It multiple broad spreading stems emanating from the ground make it an excellent tree to climb into!",4412,Story,26614,2019-11-29 14:25:37 UTC,2019-11-29 14:25:37 UTC
9244,"Cedrus atlantica Glauca is an impressive and dramatic blue variety of Cedrus atlantica.

This tree has silvery blue foliage that is a little sparsely furnished when the tree is young, yet forms an impressive and expansive tree when mature.

Cedrus atlantica Glauca forms an extremely large tree at maturity, with wide branching structures that reach impressively out from the centre of the tree.

It thrives on most soils providing the planting area does not get water logged. Like its parent, this large tree is an imposing specimen and is included by many in a classical parkland selection.

The extensive eventual size of this tree limits its use in urban gardens, and if planted in anywhere other than open parkland consideration should be given to the tremendous size it will reach in many years time.",4412,Story,26599,2019-11-28 19:02:54 UTC,2019-11-28 19:02:54 UTC
9278,"Populus tremula, known as Trembling or Quaking Aspen, is a tough native tree that is quick to grow on pretty much any soil type in the UK.

Its leaves are supported by slender leaf stalks that prompt the foliage to rustle even on the slightest of breezes.

Green leaves turn to yellow in the autumn but this large broad tree can sucker so is unsuited to a garden and better placed within a parkland.

Populus tremula produces catkins in the spring and is often seen thriving in wet soils.",4412,Story,26634,2019-11-29 19:53:55 UTC,2019-11-29 19:53:55 UTC
9251,"Populus tremula, known as Trembling or Quaking Aspen, is a tough native tree that is quick to grow on pretty much any soil type in the UK.

Its leaves are supported by slender leaf stalks that prompt the foliage to rustle even on the slightest of breezes.

Green leaves turn to yellow in the autumn but this large broad tree can sucker so is unsuited to a garden and better placed within a parkland.

Populus tremula produces catkins in the spring and is often seen thriving in wet soils.",4412,Story,26607,2019-11-29 14:10:26 UTC,2019-11-29 14:10:26 UTC
9249,"Salix caprea, known as Goat Willow or Pussy Willow for its catkins, is a tough native tree favouring wet soils but thriving pretty much anywhere.

Fast growing, it only makes a small tree with its most attractive feature being the velvety flowers that open with a mass of yellow anthers in the spring.

Its spring stems are often used for flower arranging and decorative Easter displays. Summer green leaves turn to yellow in the autumn.",4412,Story,26605,2019-11-29 14:08:12 UTC,2019-11-29 14:08:12 UTC
9253,"Taxus baccata, known as English Yew, is a versatile evergreen native tree that is often grown as a hedge.

Incredibly long lived, it is often associated with churchyard planting and rejuvenates itself remarkably well if pruned hard in the early spring.

It is worth noting that every part of Yew is poisonous, apart from the red flesh of the berry female plants produce, to humans and animals. It is a common misconception that the entire berry is poisonous however, that said, we would still not advise you to eat them!

Like most evergreens it is not tolerant of waterlogged soils and thrives best on free draining lighter land.

Great for gardens, there are plenty of gardeners who use this adaptable tree for topiary or formal columns and cones.

Taxus baccata can grow on either acidic or chalky soils so long as they are well drained.",4412,Story,26609,2019-11-29 14:15:30 UTC,2019-11-29 14:15:30 UTC
9254,"Carpinus betulus, also known as the European or Common Hornbeam are shade loving trees that are native to europe and western asia.

Carpinus betulus - winner of the Award of Garden Merit in 2002, is closely related to the hop hornbeam, Ostrya carpinifolia.

Wonderful in a parkland setting, typically found growing in groups near oak trees and sometimes beech. Carpinus betulus are ideal for pleaching (hedge forming by inter-weaving branches between trees). The common Hornbeam is a large tree with a characteristic grey fluted trunk with ovate, ribbed and serrated leaves (catkins appear in late spring) that turn a lovely clear yellow in autumn.

Carpinus betulus is a British native tree producing hard, finely grained timber with many uses. The timber of the Hornbeam has traditionally been used to produce mallets, skittles and even the moving parts of pianos.",4412,Story,26610,2019-11-29 14:16:20 UTC,2019-11-29 14:16:20 UTC
5154,Moribund 😔,2117,Story,21224,2019-05-07 13:44:55 UTC,2019-05-07 13:44:55 UTC
7881,I certainly wouldn't advise planting an apple as a street tree but i do love this one and tastes pretty good #freefruit4all #CamTrees ,2117,Story,24739,2019-08-14 08:55:19 UTC,2019-08-14 08:55:19 UTC
6172,x3 stems,2062,Story,22625,2019-05-30 09:06:00 UTC,2019-05-30 09:06:00 UTC
6764,"Planted as a pair framing the front of the hall, these Deodar (or Himalayan) Cedars are still in their early stages of development, when fully grown they have the ability to get to 25 – 30 metres in the UK. In their natural range of the Western Himalayas it is capable to get to an impressive 80 metres in height. Whilst on the face of it, it looks very similar to the other commonly planted Cedar’s, Pakistan’s national tree are distinctive from the other cedars with its drooping shoot tips which if you step back from the tree you can see right at the end of the branches.  

Like all of the members of the Pine family, these trees produce cones rather than fleshy fruits. The male cones are small and inconspicuous, the female cones are oblong in shape with a flat top, about the size of a small apple but unlike Pine trees, it’s rare to see them on the ground intact as they tend to break apart into individual seeds whilst still on the tree. Can you spot any cones on the ground?

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23458,2019-06-27 10:10:24 UTC,2019-06-27 10:10:24 UTC
6761,"We are lucky here at Cherry Hinton Hall to have so many wonderful specimens of black pine. They are very large, impressive trees with striking bark. In their youth, the trees have a pyramidal shape to them, but when mature they become high crowned and broader and more round. The blackish grey bark has deep grooves and is particularly decorative, especially in mature trees. Branches are bare and yellowish brown. 

The needles grow in bundles of two together and are a striking dark green, stiff and somewhat pointy. The almost symmetrical cones are light brown and usually hang in pairs or singly. See if you can find some empty cones which fall off in the spring.

Photos by StillVision Photography.",4412,Story,23455,2019-06-27 09:55:00 UTC,2019-06-27 09:55:00 UTC
6763,"We are lucky here at Cherry Hinton Hall to have so many wonderful specimens of black pine. They are very large, impressive trees with striking bark. In their youth, the trees have a pyramidal shape to them, but when mature they become high crowned and broader and more round. The blackish grey bark has deep grooves and is particularly decorative, especially in mature trees. Branches are bare and yellowish brown. 

The needles grow in bundles of two together and are a striking dark green, stiff and somewhat pointy. The almost symmetrical cones are light brown and usually hang in pairs or singly. See if you can find some empty cones which fall off in the spring.

Photos by Still Vision",4412,Story,23457,2019-06-27 10:07:40 UTC,2019-06-27 10:07:40 UTC
6797,"Whitebeam is a fantastic native tree that is used in cities and towns as a street tree. Cambridge is certainly no exception. This is because of its tolerance to poor soils, though it loves chalk soils, which Cherry Hinton has running right across the village. The Whitebeam has a very dense crown with thick leaves. So it can also tolerate reflected heat from the heat of pavement and roads in the peak of summer. 

The leaves also have a whitish, hairy underside and along with the dense leaf packed crowns, have the ability to absorb high amounts of traffic pollutants along busy roads.  Whitebeam can be found in most parks but isn't so much used as a garden tree. This could be due to the fact that it has no real obvious, showy features, compared to its popular cousin, the Rowan. That said it does have a very pretty flower, which is hidden by its big leaves. Like all native trees, it offers a good source of food from it’s berries, for wild birds, and there are many invertebrates, that live on it’s leaves or use it for habitat.

The berries are known as chess apples in north-west England and are edible when over ripened.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23491,2019-06-27 13:45:59 UTC,2019-06-27 13:45:59 UTC
6800,"The Jaspidea is a cultivar of the Ash.  Everything about this tree screams YELLOW! From the trunk, to the branches and new annual twigs, are all yellow.  And of course, so are the leaves, in the Spring when they emerge and Autumn colour.  They are a real winter interest tree also and are easily spotted in parks and streets because of their strong yellow trunk and branches.

Like all Ash, this tree originates from across Europe, North Africa and parts of South East Asia.  Also found to be naturalised in New Zealand, America and Canada.  Ash are incredibly robust trees growing in most soils and many situations.  They are wind pollinated trees and produce keys (what does this mean?) in late summer/early autumn.  The trees flower is inconspicuous but close up can be incredibly fascinating to look at especially at bud burst in the spring.  

Gardeners regard the tree to be a bit of a pest due to it’s readiness to shoot from its seedings, anywhere and everywhere! 

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23494,2019-06-27 13:54:30 UTC,2019-06-27 13:54:30 UTC
6798,"This small Japanese ornamental apple tree, has a very slender upright form.  It's planted more for it’s attractive autumn foliage of yellow, orange and red leaves and it does have a pinkish white flower in the spring. Because of it’s well behaved form, the tree is used in small gardens and can be commonly found in streets and corners of parks. The Tschonoskii is low fruiting, and only has very small apples. So it’s not so much of a problem next to roads and footpaths, compared to other trees of this type. The tree will also grow and withstand the poor soils commonly found in roadside verges.

The tree was discovered in the late 1800’s near Mount Fujiyama and is named after the 19th century Japanese botanist Sugawa Tschonoski. It’s a tree that most pedestrians would simply walk past and not take any notice of, yet offers so much because of its resilience in the urban setting.  

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23492,2019-06-27 13:48:38 UTC,2019-06-27 13:48:38 UTC
6801,"From a distance Erman's birch looks a lot like a Silver birch but this hardy tree is a native of E. Asia extending from Japan to Siberia. It is capable of colonizing thin and poor soils – hence the Russian name for it, which means 'rock birch'. The bark varies in colour from white to grey or pale pinkish brown, and peels in thin sheets. At an early age the bark flakes in yellow-white to pink-white strips. The triangular to ovoid leaf tapers to a fine point and is coarsely and irregularly toothed along its edges. 

The tree sprouts early in spring with male and female catkins appear with the leaves. The striking, yellow autumn colouring starts early with the tree shedding its leaves shortly after.  There are two other species of birch on the tree trail, why not find and compare them?

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23495,2019-06-27 13:56:38 UTC,2019-06-27 13:56:38 UTC
6802,"Quercus robur is probably the most well-known and iconic trees in the UK being one of our longest-lived and most valuable timber trees. It commonly called English oak, is native to the UK. It is more commonly found in the south west of Cambridge preferring are more sandy soils there. 

It is a large, majestic, deciduous tree, tall with a broad-spreading, rounded crown. It has small single sex yellowish-green flowers in separate male and female catkins which appear in spring as the leaves emerge. Its fruit is an acorn which tightly sits in small caps that extend approximately 1/3 the acorns length. When the acorns are ripe they fall from these caps to the ground. Acorns are an important source of food for wildlife. Its leaves are very distinctive, stalkless or shortly stalked, roughly oblong in shape the margins are cut into three to six rounded lobes, tapered towards the base, where are two small lobes.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23496,2019-06-27 13:59:33 UTC,2019-06-27 13:59:33 UTC
6811,"Ash is native to the UK and one of the most common trees to be found in Cambridge. It is a great opportunist taking full advantage of neglected spaces to self-seed. When fully grown, ash trees are one of our largest trees. The bark is pale brown to grey, which fissures as the tree ages. It is easily identified in winter by smooth twigs that have very distinctive black buds arranged opposite each other. Its leaves comprise of 3-6 opposite pairs of light green, oval leaflets with long tips with an additional singular leaflet at the end of the leaf. 

Why not compare it with the rowan (also called the Mountain ash) and the Tree of Heaven which can also be found on the trail on this trail?

Both have similar leaves that it could be confused with. You will notice that the Tree of Heaven has no terminal leaflet and that the Rowan’s leaf is smaller and more toothed. Ash has male and female flowers typically grow on different trees, although a single tree can also have male and female flowers on different branches. Both male and female flowers are purple and appear before the leaves in spring, growing in spiked clusters at the tips of twigs. Once the female flowers have been pollinated by wind, they develop into conspicuous winged fruits, or 'keys', in late summer and autumn. These are often seen hanging in the tree the following year in light brown clusters. 

You may be aware of Chalara dieback of ash. This is a significant threat to Ash across the country. It is a disease caused by a fungus called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. The disease causes trees to lose their leaves and the crown to die back, and can lead to their death. Cambridge council is currently monitoring the spread of Ash decline in the city.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23505,2019-06-27 14:19:06 UTC,2019-06-27 14:19:06 UTC
6805,"The tale of the elm is famously sad one. It once covered the length and breadth of the country, in the same way ash, oak, beech and other Great British native trees do. Dutch elm disease gripped the UK in the 1970s and millions of elms were removed from the landscape, to try and stop the spread of this disease.

Though we are not sure which species of elm these two trees are, we think they could be Ulmus 'Dodoens’ which along with other types of elm cultivar were planted in the 70’s as they showed some resistance to the disease. 

These trees are approximately 40 years old, so that would match this trend of the intention.

If anyone can accurately identify these elms then please let us know. These two trees have proved to be robust so far, and they are an amazing tree in the summer, offering a dappled shade in their early maturity. Occasional  specimens dotted around our country side and parklands, always suggest, they’re not entirely gone or forgotten, as trees in the British landscape.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23499,2019-06-27 14:05:41 UTC,2019-06-27 14:05:41 UTC
6812,"This oak tree is one two common oaks on the tree trail, the other being much younger. Being older this tree is showing signs of decline and beginning to develop a stag-headed top. If you take a look at the branch ends you will see many are dead, bare and bony and that they resemble a stags antlers. Whilst this type decline is early for an oak of this age -  possibly due to the type of soil it is growing in - oaks can survive many years in this state by producing new growth further down the tree along the branches. 

There is abundant such new growth on this tree. To help it along you will also notice that we have put a wood chip mulch around its base and roots. 

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23506,2019-06-27 14:20:55 UTC,2019-06-27 14:20:55 UTC
6782,"This fine old tree is an Acer campestre meaning ‘maple of the fields’. It is the UK's only truly native maple. It is commonly found growing in hedges and woodlands and because of its tough nature it is also grown in cities and its cultivars can be found in many Cambridge streets.The leaf typically has five lobes with the three main lobes being cut half-way to the base or more. New leaves unfold pinkish or, on late sprouts, red, and in autumn they turn a stunning bright yellow, often with some red and dark purple.

The small yellow-green flowers open on erect heads with the leaves. The seeds are distinctive with the two lobes being in line horizontally. They are bright yellowy-green, often stained pinkish, usually four in a bunch. It is appealing to aphids and therefore their predators, including many species of ladybird, hoverfly and bird. The leaves are eaten by the caterpillars of several species of moth. The flowers provide nectar and pollen for bees and birds, and small mammals eat the fruits. There are around 130 species of maple (Acer) in the world, six of which are on this trail. Why not pick up a leaf and compare its shape to these others?

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23476,2019-06-27 12:57:03 UTC,2019-06-27 12:57:03 UTC
6783,"A native of the US and probably introduced into the UK by 1688, box elder is a fast growing medium-sized to tall tree with a wide crown. The young twigs are shiny green. Although it is a maple and produces the familiar maple winged fruits in pairs, it differs from most maples by having odd numbered leaves, each with 3-5 toothed leaflets. The male and female flower parts are in different trees. This tree is female and the flowers will appear in long pendent strings of flowers which give way to the winged fruits which ripen in autumn. The male and its flowers appear in dense clusters on the previous year’s growth. 

The name box elder is in reference to a use of the wood for making crates and boxes and the supposed similarity of the leaves to those of elder (Sambucus). Leaves also resemble those of some ashes, hence the additional common name of ash-leaved maple.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23477,2019-06-27 13:00:20 UTC,2019-06-27 13:00:20 UTC
6788,"Since its introduction from China, by the great plant collector Ernest Wilson, in 1899 the paperbark maple has become a garden favourite. It is a fairly small tree typically maturing to around 6m in height, roughly the height of this one.  It is particularly noted for its copper orange to cinnamon reddish/brown bark which, like a birch, peels into large curls that remain on the trunk and limbs giving it its common name – the paperbark maple. 

It has very yellowish flowers bloom in April-early May in clusters on hanging hairy stalks. Flowers give way to unusually large winged seeds.  The leaves are small being made up of three leaflets each coarsely toothed. They are dark green above with the the under surface being grey-green, hence its specific name ‘griseum’ which is Latin for grey. In autumn the colour changes into a magnificent orange to crimson.  This is the smallest of the six other maple (Acer) species on the tree trail. Why not find the others and compare?

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23482,2019-06-27 13:17:02 UTC,2019-06-27 13:17:02 UTC
6789,"This large , wide-spreading tree is Styphnolobium japonicum, commonly called Japanese pagoda tree or Chinese scholar tree. Although not native to Japan, the species name and common name seem to recognize the early use of the tree in Japan around Buddhist temples. It is a popular tree ornamental tree in Europe and can occasionally be seen growing elsewhere in Cambridge as a street tree. 

A member of pea family, it is grown for its pendulous strings of white flowers which form in late summer after most other flowering trees have long finished flowering. It does not start producing abundant flowers until it's quite mature - this one should be old to flower. The tree produces more flowers when the summer is warm so come back in late summmer and see what kind of display it puts on.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23483,2019-06-27 13:18:41 UTC,2019-06-27 13:18:41 UTC
6785,"This tree is a native of China and was introduced into the UK in 1751. It is a fairly common tree in Cambridge’s parks and larger gardens and has even been planted in our streets. The name derives from the speed at which the tree grows towards the sky. Mature trees can reach 25-30m.

Leaves in this species are 30 - 60cm long (longer for new growth on pruned branches) with 10 - 20 leaflets arranged oppositely down the leaf stalk. If you crush the leaves they have an unpleasant smell. The green white flowers appear in large panicles in early summer and are either male or female mostly appearing trees but occasionally together. The female flowers are followed by winged fruits (like those of ash) that turn from light green to reddish-brown in September. The keys have a peculiar twist to them that causes them to spin around at great speed as they fall.  Both maple and ash trees also have a winged fruit which are also called 'helicopter' seeds. 

There are several maple and ash trees on the tree trail. Why not see which tree's seeds make the best fliers?  

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23479,2019-06-27 13:04:57 UTC,2019-06-27 13:04:57 UTC
6786,"The rowan or mountain ash is a native species growing throughout the British Isles and up to a higher altitude than any other tree. It is planted widely in the streets and gardens and gardens of Cambridge but can suffer here from the low rainfall. Mountain ashes have ash-like leaves, but are members of the rose family, and are not related to true ashes (Fraxinus), which are in the olive family.

It is one of the most beautiful of our native trees alike in leaf, flower, and fruit. The leaves each with 5 to 10 pairs of opposite leaflets, turning bright yellow in the autumn. The red berries, that follow the profuse white flowers, are a great attraction to and important food source for birds, especially members of the thrush family in the autumn. They used to be made into a jelly to accompany game and, being rich in vitamin C, used to be made into a drink to prevent scurvy.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23480,2019-06-27 13:06:34 UTC,2019-06-27 13:06:34 UTC
6792,"This next tree is hopefully easy to spot due to it's distinct appearance.  Native to Scotland in the UK, Scot’s pine grows pyramidal in shape when young, but later spreading out and growing irregularly to form a broader shape. The crown usually grows from high bare trunks. However, the lower branches remain full if the tree has ample free space around it. This can produce very characteristic growth patterns. In its early years, growth is slow, but faster as the tree matures. 

The bark is a striking orange-brown, later turning greyish-brown and peeling off in large strips making it one of the most attractive of the pines. Young twigs are green and turn yellowish grey. The stiff, slightly twisted needles grow in pairs and are bluish green. It is the not the only type of pine on the tree trail – look out for the black pines, you can’t miss them! 

Why not try this game? Scot’s and Black pine needles come in pairs joined at the base. Hook your needle through that of your opponents, both the free end and then both pull. If yours hasn’t broken then you are the winner.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23486,2019-06-27 13:28:12 UTC,2019-06-27 13:28:12 UTC
6806,"Starting off our tree trail is a wonderful mature specimen of our native beech trees which form the backbone of the shelterbelt which lines the boundary of Cherry Hinton Hall along Cherry Hinton Road. If you look to the side and behind you, there are the next generation of beech trees planted to replace the mature trees in due course. Beech trees thrive in the shallow chalky soils found in this south-eastern corner of Cambridge, we have a few types to find along the trail and elsewhere in the park including the cut leaf variety ‘Heterophylla’.

Britain is at the most northern tip of the natural range of Beech trees, with the woodlands of southern Britain often being dominated with the dense shade of Beech. Natural woodlands north of a line drawn from Cardigan to Norfolk are more typically dominated by Oak. This observation is likely to change in the coming years as a result of the predicated changing climate.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23500,2019-06-27 14:11:05 UTC,2019-06-27 14:11:05 UTC
6795,"Flanking the front of Cherry Hinton Hall, this pair of dawn redwood trees create a stunning autumnal display well worth coming back to witness. Following its rediscovery in the early 1940’s after once being classified as being extinct, it’s now become a widely planted ornamental tree due to its strong conical form, attractive fluted bark and its tolerance to poor soil conditions and air pollution making it a valuable urban tree. 

You may start to see more of these planted in the streets of UK cities. These fast growing trees have a strong link with Cambridge, with a number of the original seedlings introduced from China in 1948 being planted across the historical locations of the city.  Notable specimens can be found next to the lake in Cambridge University Botanic Gardens and also in the Fellow’s Garden of Clare College where one of the Champion trees (largest known tree of its kind) of the UK can be found, recently measured at 24m in height and a trunk girth of 1.2 metres in diameter (2014).

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23489,2019-06-27 13:34:06 UTC,2019-06-27 13:34:06 UTC
6769,"The name 'avium' refers to the fondness that birds have for its fruits or cherries, however this culltivar of the wild cherry seldom produces fruit. Rather it is one of the finest spring flowering cherries producing clusters en-masse of clear white flowers. It is very common in Cambridge’s streets, parks and gardens. 

The leaves, which emerge after the flowers, are dark green in colour but turn a deep red in the autumn. Look out for two deep red glands at the top of the leaf stalk. They secrete a sweet substance which attracts ants that then defend the tree against caterpillars trying to eat its foliage. 

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23463,2019-06-27 11:32:02 UTC,2019-06-27 11:32:02 UTC
6768,"The Persian ironwood tree originates from northern Iran and southern Azerbaijan and is found on the slopes of the Alborz mountains. Its Latin name comes from a German naturalist, explorer, and mountaineer, Friedrich Parrot. Like all trees that grow at high altitudes, it grows to a modest size and is quite slow to get there. It’s closely related to witch hazel and has very similar flowers, but with a little more of a red colour. However, the real features of the Perrotia is the autumn colour. This makes it the real hidden gem of Cherry Hinton Hall. 

There are a good few, tucked away and growing across the park, which are a real show in the autumn. See if you can spot them in late October to late November. The bark on the trunk also has colour in maturity and the wood is very dense and heavy. Hence the name Ironwood. Generally this tree has it all, and would make a good small tree/shrub in a garden. Once you’ve seen one, you’ll start to spot them in most parks and stately gardens across the country.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23462,2019-06-27 10:33:17 UTC,2019-06-27 10:33:17 UTC
6773,"This is no ordinary beech tree! A cultivar of Fagus sylvatica, the Hererophylla is a cut leaf version of it’s bigger brother. Whilst regarded, as not a large specimen tree, we think this refers to height as the mature Hetrophylla in the UK tend to be very wide. This one at Cherry Hinton Hall certainly looks to be no different, as its width, in its early mature self, looks to be heading horizontal.

The attractiveness of the tree, is exactly that low crown shape making you feel like you are in the tree. The clean grey smooth bark and the deep cut leaves, give it a soft looking appearance, which channels the sunlight in the most subtlest and refined manner. It’s a great place to sit and have lunch in the park. In the heat of the summer, you may even find a Tree Officer sheltering under its canopy in the mid-day sun! 

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23467,2019-06-27 11:50:42 UTC,2019-06-27 11:50:42 UTC
6772,"This group of three Cappadocium maples will turn a blisteringly rich butter yellow in autumn. Their name is in reference to Cappadocia (ancient region of Asia Minor now part of central Turkey) where this tree was discovered growing in the late 1700s. It is a medium to large deciduous tree growing to 15m tall with a rounded, spreading crown. The leaves are glossy green with five to seven distinctly pointed lobes and strikingly thin leaf stalks. Clusters of small yellow-green flowers in early spring are followed by winged seeds.

If you look carefully at the young twigs they are of a shiny green, often with light grey stripes, which turn grey-brown later on. There are six other species of maples on this tree trail and around 130 in the world. Milky latex sap in the foliage distinguishes this species from most of the others.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23466,2019-06-27 11:47:40 UTC,2019-06-27 11:47:40 UTC
6771,"A native of Eastern and Southern USA, the sweet gum tree was introduced here in 1681. It is frequently planted in parks and gardens for its autumn colours - though these can be unreliable at times. Young trees tend to be cone shaped becoming more rounded as they become older. The bark is pale grey on young trees, later becoming fissured into squares and then becoming rough with a network of ridges.The leaves are rather maple-like but are arranged alternately along the stem - compare them with the maples on the tree trail whose leaves are arranged opposite each other along the stem. They also have a resinous smell when crushed.

Young twigs are yellowish-green and turn reddish-brown. Older branches develop thick grey corky wings that sometimes fall off. The leaves are generally 5-lobed and the leaf edge is jagged. This particular tree develops good autumn colouring turning red with yellow, orange and violet shades. The unremarkable flower clusters develop into alien looking spikey fruit capsules which remain hanging on the tree until deep into winter.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23465,2019-06-27 11:39:02 UTC,2019-06-27 11:39:02 UTC
6776,"Platanus x hispanica or London plane tree, is a hybrid cross between the American plane (P. occidentalis) and Oriental plane tree (P. orientalis). The original cross may have occurred as early as the 1640s, after which this tree became widely planted in London and other major European cities because of its perceived tolerance for urban pollution. There are many mature examples in Cambridge with the avenue on Jesus Green being the most well-known.

The main feature of this huge tree is its brown bark which sheds in irregular pieces to reveal creamy white and green inner bark. The large 3-5 lobed medium to dark green leaves are coarsely toothed. They are similar looking to those of sycamore and Norway maple which are also on this tree trail. In autumn the leaves turn a yellow-brown. 

Small, non-showy, single sex flowers appear in small rounded clusters in April. The male flowers are yellowish whilst the female flowers are reddish. Female flowers give way to fuzzy, long-stalked, spherical fruiting balls that ripen to brown in October and persist over winter. These fruiting balls appear in pairs. Each fruiting ball consists of numerous, densely-packed, tiny seed-like fruits. Fruiting balls gradually disintegrate as fall progresses, dispursing their seeds, often in downy tufts, with the wind.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23470,2019-06-27 12:14:53 UTC,2019-06-27 12:14:53 UTC
6775,"Elm trees are notoriously difficult to identify. We think this group of three trees are Siberian elms, originally from Asia and that is fortunately resistant to Dutch elm disease.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23469,2019-06-27 12:10:35 UTC,2019-06-27 12:10:35 UTC
6780,"The first thing to mention is that 'fastigiate' refers to the habit of the branches growing more upwards, almost vertically. This cultivated variety of the common hornbeam was probably introduced in 1883 and is widely grown in Cambridge’s streets. The tree starts out with a narrow pyramidal crown when young but which eventually ends up much broader as the tree ages. The leaves are a fresh green colour in the spring and turn colour to golden yellow in the autumn. Trunks have smooth grey bark and distinctive muscle-like fluting.

Why not compare it shape to the common Hornbeam you saw earlier on the tree trail that has a much more distinctive tree shape?

Photos by StillVision Photography
",4412,Story,23474,2019-06-27 12:52:18 UTC,2019-06-27 12:52:18 UTC
6779,"The parents of this hybrid tree come from very different parts of Amercia and when brought together in a plant collection in Wales produced this infamous offspring at the end of the 19th century. It is a superfast growing tree and for many years has been used as a hedging plant because of its ability to tolerate pruning. Left unmanaged as a hedge it causes all the problems frequently described in news reports. Here in a parkland setting it make a fine specimen tree.

Genetic instability within the plant have resulted in numerous variations. We think this is Haggerston Grey and one of the first clones to be developed that has a softer flatter and rather lax foliage than the type. What do you think?

Why not have a look on the tree for its cones, or around the base for old ones that have fallen – they are unusual in being small and round (~2cm).

Photos by StillVision Photography
",4412,Story,23473,2019-06-27 12:37:18 UTC,2019-06-27 12:37:18 UTC
6781,"The first thing to mention is that 'fastigiate' refers to the habit of the branches growing more upwards, almost vertically. This cultivated variety of the common hornbeam was probably introduced in 1883 and is widely grown in Cambridge’s streets. The tree starts out with a narrow pyramidal crown when young but which eventually ends up much broader as the tree ages. The leaves are a fresh green colour in the spring and turn colour to golden yellow in the autumn. Trunks have smooth grey bark and distinctive muscle-like fluting.

Why not compare it shape to the common Hornbeam you saw earlier on the tree trail that has a much more distinctive tree shape?

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23475,2019-06-27 12:55:02 UTC,2019-06-27 12:55:02 UTC
6774,"To spot this next one, just look for the Christmas tree!  We’re not quite 100% certain that this tree is indeed a White Spruce, but a spruce it is never-the-less. A native of the boreal forests of North America including Alaska, Labrador and south to Dakota Picea glauca was believed to have been introduced to the UK in the year 1700. It was trialed as a forestry tree for timber production in parts of England and Scotland but with poor results except in the most challenging of peat soils in Inverness-shire its cultivation is now limited to ornamental specimens in parks and gardens.

It can be tricky to tell the difference between conifer trees, notably the Firs and the Spruces. Often they’re just called Christmas trees which is not entirely inaccurate with both being popular choices at Christmas time. Here’s one way to tell the difference between a Fir and Spruce: carefully pull off a needle from a branch and roll it between your fingers – if it feels flat and you struggle to roll it it’s a Fir (Abies), if the needle has four sides and rolls nicely between your fingers, you’ve got a Spruce (Picea), give it a go – what do you think it is?

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23468,2019-06-27 12:06:59 UTC,2019-06-27 12:06:59 UTC
6796,"This pair of black mulberry trees (Morus nigra) found to the front of the Hall may be small in stature but it’s often said that there are no more permanent feature you can plant in a garden than a Mulberry tree which can live for many hundreds of years. Originally coming from the mountainous regions of Persia and Mesopotamia - modern day Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and the surrounding countries it is now widely planted across Europe for its edible fruit similar in appearance to a blackberry. 

The leaf is large, rough and hairy and is normally heart shaped but younger shoots can often bare leaves with distinctive deep lobes in irregular shapes. These trees are still fairly young, see if you can you spot any odd shaped leaves (and don’t forget to add tag any photos on Instagram @camtrees). The black mulberry was first introduced to Britain around the 17th Century and has enjoyed royal associations since the Tudor period. Famously, King James 1st is believed to have imported over ten thousand from across Europe and ordered landowners to purchase and plant them across the country. This was all in an attempt to kick-start a silk industry in England however they failed to realise the sole food of the silkworm was actually the closely related white mulberry and as such, this planting was all in vain. Some of these plantings can still be seen growing across the historical houses across the UK including Chastleton House in Oxfordshire.",4412,Story,23490,2019-06-27 13:41:38 UTC,2019-06-27 13:41:38 UTC
9255,"Tilia mongolica Harvest Gold is commonly known as a variety of Mongolian Linden, and is a cross between Tilia cordata and Tilia mongolica.  

The leaves are heart shaped in a similar manner to Tilia cordata, with a slightly serrated edge inherited from its other parent. This hybrid is particularly notable for its autumn foliage, which turns a wonderful bright yellow before the leaves fall.  It is also resistant to aphid infestation and has a patchwork bark that becomes more distinct with age.

Like many Lime, this tree is not too particular on soil type, performing well on most soil conditions, including clay.  At maturity, this tree forms an attractive oval crown and is thus well suited to avenue planting.",4412,Story,26611,2019-11-29 14:18:26 UTC,2019-11-29 14:18:26 UTC
9257,"Wellingtonia have a densely branched structure and remain conical in shape whilst they are maturing.  As the tree ages the crown spreads so that it is more widely spread and the branches become more and more down swept.  

The national champion in the USA, situated neatly in Sequoia National Park is 36m wide and a monumental 92m high!

",4412,Story,26613,2019-11-29 14:23:27 UTC,2019-11-29 14:23:27 UTC
9262,"This is the second mature beech on the trail. It is an impressive tree. Beech grows in the wild in large parts of Europe. The soft bark is smooth and has a grey colour. Old bark can be damaged by scorching. The shiny, dark green leaves are 4 - 10 cm large and have a curving margin.The young leaf is slightly haired when unfolding. Yellow-brown autumn colour. The tree flowers with small, inconspicuous catkins. In autumn nuts appear, only at a later age the tree does the tree bear a rich crop. The tree is often used as a park tree. In addition it is much used for planting hedges and woodlands. Prefers humus rich soil that is not too wet and well-drained. Withstands hard surfaces less well. Moderately wind-tolerant.",4412,Story,26618,2019-11-29 14:40:10 UTC,2019-11-29 14:40:10 UTC
9252,"Populus nigra Italica, known as Lombardy Poplar, was introduced into the UK way back in the 1750s and is a well-known screening and riverbank tree.

Its erect columnar habit makes it a fine architectural tree and it thrives on most soils including those prone to lying wet in winter.

A fast growing tree, Populus nigra Italica can put on up to six feet of growth a year so best not to plant within 20 metres from a house.",4412,Story,26608,2019-11-29 14:12:56 UTC,2019-11-29 14:12:56 UTC
12813,Fraxinus americana,2117,Story,32015,2020-10-05 16:59:42 UTC,2020-10-05 16:59:42 UTC
12548,"This tree found blown down 9 Sept 2020. Although mapped as Crataegus monogyna probably C. laevigata Flore Pleno as are others on New Bit.
",5530,Story,31716,2020-09-09 15:37:13 UTC,2020-09-09 15:37:13 UTC
12958,This is a female tree.,5530,Story,32313,2020-10-27 18:36:33 UTC,2020-10-27 18:36:33 UTC
12957,A female tree.,5530,Story,32312,2020-10-27 18:14:02 UTC,2020-10-27 18:14:02 UTC
12956,A female tree. ,5530,Story,32311,2020-10-27 17:59:16 UTC,2020-10-27 17:59:16 UTC
6766,"This next tree is a cultivated variety of the sycamore, grown for its leaves that are pale yellow when young, golden in early summer. The original tree grew at Corstorphine, near Edinburgh and clones of this tree have been cultivated by nurseries for distribution ever since.  

As you continue, why not compare this sycamore variant with another that has purple tinted leaves (Purpureum) or with their parent tree, the sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) which you will come across further along the trail. 

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23460,2019-06-27 10:14:05 UTC,2019-06-27 10:14:05 UTC
9245,"Magnolia x loebneri Merrill, known as Merrill Magnolia, has the prettiest pure white flower you will ever see! Bred in America in the 1930s, the profuse floral display covers the tree in early spring.

It is quite slow growing, either as a multi-stemmed bush or as a single trunk tree, making it ideal for a small garden.

Green leaves turn yellow in the autumn before falling.

Magnolia x loebneri Merrill thrives best on free draining soils and will tolerate lime though like all magnolias prefers it acid.",4412,Story,26600,2019-11-28 19:04:35 UTC,2019-11-28 19:04:35 UTC
9247,"Phellodendron amurense is a beautiful, medium sized, tree that was introduced into the UK in 1885 from East Asia.

The Amur Cork Tree is widely recognised for its medicinal properties and is listed as one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Phellodendron amurense has foliage that resembles that of Ailanthus, with large leaves that are around 25cm in length and consist of a collection of smaller, leaflets.  The leaves emerge bright green and turn a clear lemon yellow in the autumn time to contrast well with the small deep purple red fruits.  In winter buds are silver and hairy and coupled with the very corky bark, make this tree very distinctive. ",4412,Story,26602,2019-11-28 19:08:44 UTC,2019-11-28 19:08:44 UTC
9250,"Sequoiadendron giganteum is an absolutely spectacular tree; it is long lived and huge and holds the distinction of being the largest living thing on the Earth, by volume! It can live for more than 3000 years!   This phenomenal specimen is native to California, where it grows on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada. 

Giant Redwood are classified as an evergreen conifer, with small leaves that are a light bluey-green, awl shaped, and arranged spirally on the shoot.  The seed cones are long and green, usually maturing in 18-20 months, however they typically remain green and present on a single tree for up to 20 years until the cones are forced to release the seed either due to fire or insects damaging the cones or indeed when the cone scales shrink during hot weather.

The bark of the Sequoiadendron giganteum is equally as magnificent as the rest of the tree, it is deeply furrowed, which a spongy feel and flaky look to it.  It is a bright brown-red colour. 

Why not compare this young specimen with its mature form further along on the tree trail.",4412,Story,26606,2019-11-29 14:08:51 UTC,2019-11-29 14:08:51 UTC
9256,"The Sweet Chestnut tree has long, glossy leaves which are well ridged and bright green. In the summer time the tree becomes laden with male and female catkins which are creamy in colour and contrast remarkably with the bright, glossy green leaves. In the autumn time the leaves turn golden brown before falling, accompanied by the spikey cream husks that contain the sweet chestnuts nuts; get to them before the squirrels do!

This large chestnut tree has spiralling, rough bark at maturity which is grey brown and extremely interesting, with the tree taking on a statuesque appearance and a broadly oval crown at maturity. Castanea sativa does best on reasonably dry, light soils and is moderately tolerant of lime.
",4412,Story,26612,2019-11-29 14:21:14 UTC,2019-11-29 14:21:14 UTC
9246,"Metasequoia glyptostroboides is an interesting deciduous conifer which is the last species remaining of the Genus Metasequoia.  Previously this Genus only consisted in fossilised form until the Dawn Redwood was discovered in China in the late 1940’s.

This tree is often confused with Taxodium, the Swamp Cypress, as it has similar feathery, needle like, bright green foliage that turns a beautiful golden, orange brown in the autumn time.  The bark is a deep drown red in colour and extremely spongy and shaggy in appearance.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides is an extremely fast growing and large specimen at maturity which forms an impressive and statuesque specimen that will make its mark on any landscape.  It is a tough tree that will grow well on most soils, preferring the soil to be moist for the first couple of years after planting.

This specimen planted in 2019 can grow to great heights, potentially reaching around 60m, over many years.  In the UK it has fast secured itself as a useful large urban tree, as it is tough and can withstand air pollution.  Generally it is best to ensure that Dawn Redwood has plenty of room, planted in an estate, parkland or very large garden.  It is the perfect choice to make an impact on the sky line, as its distinct and unusually large stature will ensure it is a sight to behold all year round.",4412,Story,26601,2019-11-28 19:06:07 UTC,2019-11-28 19:06:07 UTC
9271,"This tree has large bright green, smooth lobed leaves that appear in the spring time, turning to golden yellow in the autumn time. The most notable feature of the Tulip tree is the curious large, green-yellow tulip shaped flowers produced in June and July and despite the fact they are only produced by older trees, in our opinion, the flowers are more than worth the wait.

Liriodendron tulipifera was introduced from America where it is known as Whitewood in North America, owing to the fact its timber has been used for house interiors. In its native land, this tree has been known to tower to tremendous heights, reportedly some specimens reaching over 60m in height. This tree is a large and imposing specimen tree which produces a broadly pyramidal shape at maturity.

Unlike some ornate trees Liriodendron tulipifera is relatively fast growing and wind resistant, it also performs well on most fertile soils.

A stunning tree suitable for planting in parks and large gardens, Liriodendron tulipifera gives a unique floral display which cannot be easily rivalled in other trees of such impressive stature. This tree is also desirable from an ecological point of view; the pollen harvested by bees from the flowers apparently produces superb honey!",4412,Story,26627,2019-11-29 19:01:42 UTC,2019-11-29 19:01:42 UTC
9264,"The Pin Oak is a beautifully magnificent member of the Oak family which produces a stunning display of autumn colour.

Quercus palustris is a delicate leaved Oak similar to Quercus coccinea, but producing a much more pyramidal crown. The leaves are characteristically Oak lobed, with deeply cut, almost pointed looking margins. In the autumn time, the brilliant lime green turns a beautiful range of scarlet.

This majestic tree was introduced to the UK from North America in 1800. The Pin Oak is relatively tough, withstanding a range of soil conditions, including some limited exposure to water logging, that said it gives best performance on free draining, slightly acidic soil.

In the UK this tree does not get to such monstrous height as it does in its native USA, where a specimen Quercus palustris is reported at measuring 37m high and wide!

The Pin Oak is a super addition to bring autumn colour to any planting scheme which requires a specimen with stature and presence. It requires space to be truly appreciated.",4412,Story,26620,2019-11-29 15:39:04 UTC,2019-11-29 15:39:04 UTC
9279,"Strong medium-size tree with a round crown, usually formed from a few heavy boughs. The yellowish brown young twigs are sometime slightly red. They stand at a rather obtuse angle to the older branches. Initially hairy, they quickly become hairless. The twigs break easily which is a namesake feature of the tree in various languages. However it is not the only species whose twigs break easily, so this feature is not crucial. The glossy dark green leaves give the tree a healthy appearance. The catkins ripen in April/May. They are yellow-green and 3 - 6 cm long, the female catkins turning light brown at the fruit stage. Grows on almost any soil, including infertile. Tolerates wet to marshy soil. This makes the tree suitable for river banks, including as a pollard willow.",4412,Story,26635,2019-11-29 19:56:29 UTC,2019-11-29 19:56:29 UTC
9261,"This Corsican pine is a very large impressive tree with a striking bark. When young the tree is pyramidal although it has broader and round to almost umbel-shaped crown when mature. The bark is a lighter grey than P. nigra subsp. nigra and the bark plates are larger. It is deeply grooved and very decorative, especially on older trees. The twigs are orange-brown. The needles are lighter green and distinctly less stiff than on P. nigra subsp. nigra. The light brown, pendent cones hang in pairs or single. The tree is suitable for many types of soil and also grows on limy soil. Tolerates sea wind and is not sensitive to air pollution.",4412,Story,26617,2019-11-29 14:32:15 UTC,2019-11-29 14:32:15 UTC
9263,"Robinia pseudoacacia known as False Acacia, was brought over from its native America to France in the 1600s and soon naturalized all over Europe.

Pretty in flower, its thorny stems and haphazard brittle crown make this an unsuitable garden tree especially as it is prone to suckering up in inappropriate places. 

It looks best when young but as it enters into maturity it becomes a maintenance nightmare! Robinia pseudoacacia thrive on most soils but in recent years it, and its numerous clones, have not done well in the UK and are generally being replaced.",4412,Story,26619,2019-11-29 15:37:28 UTC,2019-11-29 15:37:28 UTC
9267,"Lucombe Oak is a semi-deciduous tree, forming a large, rounded head of branches as much in diameter; the trunk has a corrugated bark like that of the Turkey oak, and is buttressed in the same way at the base. The leaves are oval or ovate, broadly tapered and unequal-sided at the base, with seven to nine parallel veins running out, and forming the tips of, triangular sharp teeth on the margin. The upper surface is glossy green and the lower one is covered with a close grey felt. Acorns are solitary or in pairs on a short, stout stalk, ripening the second year. It is more than half enclosed in a cup covered with narrow, downy scales  at the base.",4412,Story,26623,2019-11-29 16:00:41 UTC,2019-11-29 16:00:41 UTC
9220,"Fagus sylvatica is one of the most majestic of our native trees, the Common Beech (also known as the European beech) can become very large with its low branched habit.

Beech trees thrive just about anywhere other than exposed and coastal locations.

The leaves of Fagus sylvatica are yellow to green in spring and a rich russet brown in autumn. The small green spring flowers are wind pollinated and produce a 3 sided beech ""mast"" nut within a spiky outer casing.

It does well in most reasonably fertile, well drained soils, except heavy clay or light sand. Fagus sylvatica tends to favour more temperate climates and is difficult to establish when faced with extreme heat and drought.

It has a wide range of uses – in woodland, parkland and in broad verge plantings – few trees can surpass its rich, copper autumn foliage.",4412,Story,26562,2019-11-17 17:13:48 UTC,2019-11-17 17:13:48 UTC
9272,The second Lucombe Oak on the trail and this one is very special. It has blown over in the past forming a perfect arc over the footpath.,4412,Story,26628,2019-11-29 19:08:37 UTC,2019-11-29 19:08:37 UTC
9273,"Aesculus hippocastanum, also known as the Horse Chestnut, is one of the most loved traditional trees in Britain, yet is not technically classified as being native to this country.

Whilst the classic Horse Chestnut as we know it is actually native to the borders of Greece and Albania, this stunning parkland tree has been found in Britain for over 400 years having been introduced in the early 1600’s.

The foliage of the Aesculus genus is distinct, with each leaf containing a number of leaflets that span a width of around 60cm.  In the late spring the characteristic candle like flowers appear in their masses, generally white yet tinged with yellow and pink.  In autumn the shiny, brown conkers are born in their spiky caskets, perfectly ready to become the next champion in the playground!

Aesculus hippocastanum is generally a tough tree, thriving in a wide range of soil type and conditions.  It is interestingly one of London’s most commonly planted trees, rivalled clearly only by Platanus x hispanica, the London Plane tree.

The Conker tree, Aesculus hippocastanum, forms a vast and impressive tree at maturity, with this in mind it is best suited to estates, parklands and generous open spaces where it will not be compromised by lack of space in years to come.

As a note of caution with this tree, in recent years they have suffered from a number of debilitating pests ranging from leaf miners to bleeding canker and whilst this problem seems to become less prevalent the further North the tree is planted, these factors should be considered carefully for wide-scale plantings.",4412,Story,26629,2019-11-29 19:12:57 UTC,2019-11-29 19:12:57 UTC
6813,"The large dawn redwood tree is interesting for many reasons; firstly it is one of the very few species of deciduous conifers found across the world – out of the 630 species of conifers known globally only 14 are classed as deciduous where they lose their leaves every year. In the autumn, the fresh green foliage turns into a stunning fiery orange autumn display before dropping all of its needles in the early winter.

The story of the Dawn Redwood is both ancient and also very recent. This living fossil species was once believed to be extinct, known in the fossil record dating back to the Mesozoic era (65 – 248 million years ago) it was only re-discovered growing in a small group by the Yangtze river, Central China in 1941 however due to the world events going on at the time, a specimen wasn’t collected until 1944 and the discovery published in 1946. 

Make sure you check out the two growing either side of the Hall (number 38) where you can find out more about the history of this fascinating species.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23507,2019-06-27 14:22:50 UTC,2019-06-27 14:22:50 UTC
6799,"A native of central and southern Europe, the sycamore was probably introduced to the UK by the Romans. It is now well and truly established; seeding freely - perhaps too freely for many conservationists - for it can edge out native species from natural habitats. The botanical name of sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus, means 'like a plane tree'. Although sycamore is an Acer and not closely related to plants in the Platanus genus, the leaves are superficially similar.

Sycamore can grow to 30 metres tall and may live for over a 100 years here in Cambridge. The bark is dark pink-grey and smooth when young, but becomes cracked and develops small plates with age. Sycamore is attractive to aphids and therefore a variety of their predators, such as ladybirds, hoverflies and birds. The hanging flower clusters provide a good source of pollen and nectar to bees and other insects, and the winged seeds are eaten by birds and small mammals. The winged seeds ripen in autumn and spiral through the air during their dispersal. They are commonly referred to as ‘helicopter seeds’ because of the way they rotate through the air. Field maple, ash and Norway maple which also produce ‘helicopter seeds’ can be seen on this tree trail. In botanical terminology these are winged seeds known as samaras.There are also two cultivated forms of the sycamore on this tree trail to which it can be compared, the yellow leafed ‘Costorphinense’ and purple leafed ‘Purpureum’.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23493,2019-06-27 13:51:48 UTC,2019-06-27 13:51:48 UTC
6810,"‘Obbly obbly onker, my first conker’

So familiar is the Horse Chestnut tree that many consider it a native. In fact it is native to Balkans but has been abundantly planted since 1616 in the UK and grows freely from its seed or nut popularly called a ‘conker’, a name applied to the tree itself – conker tree. The name Horse chestnut probably derives from its role in horse-medicine and its planting by smithies in its native land but it may also simply refer to being an inferior fruit to the Sweet Chestnut (comparable to the name, horse-radish).

Since its introduction it has made a huge contribution to popular culture in the UK. The chestnut tree is the tree shown on Cambridge City Council’s logo; it represents village peacefulness as well as being the theme of a popular nursery rhyme: ""Underneath the spreading chestnut tree, There we sit both you and me, Oh how happy we can be,‘Neath the spreading chestnut tree.""

It produces ‘sticky buds’ in February and is commonly called the ‘sticky bud tree’ by children. However it is for its autumn fruits ‘conkers’ and the game of the same name that it is probably most famous for. Conkers is a traditional children's game in Britain and Ireland. The game is played by two players, each with a conker threaded onto a piece of string: they take turns striking each other's conker until one breaks. This tree is still a young tree but please take a look at the two mature horse chestnut tree further along in the tree trail and find out more about this celebrated tree. 

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23504,2019-06-27 14:17:13 UTC,2019-06-27 14:17:13 UTC
6804,"A small tree originating from the Appalachian Mountains in Eastern USA and introduced into the UK in 1764. Whilst it is the largest buckeye in America it will grow only to around 16m in height in Europe but does do well in East Anglia. The name ""buckeye"" stems from Native Americans, who called the nut ""hetuck,"" which means ""buck eye"" (because the markings on the nut resemble the eye of a deer). Flava, means yellow and refers to the late spring and early summer flowers. They occur in upright flower-heads with many stalked flowers branching from a central stem. Each flower is tubed shaped but if you look closely it is made up four unequal frilly-edged butter yellow petals, with a distinctive pink blotch inside the hooded upper part. 

Flowers contain both male and female parts and are pollinated by bees. The resulting fruits appear in Autumn and usually come in pairs. They are encased in thick smooth rounded greenish-brown husks. After falling to the ground, the buckeye fruits split open. The seeds contained within the fruits are a beautiful deep glossy brown colour, with a large, lighter brown patch on one side—the “buck eye.” The leaves are made up of five leaflets emanating from a single point and are elegantly stalked and finely toothed along the outer edges. and a glossy dark green above and yellow-green below. Why not compare the Yellow buckeye with its relatives, the horse chestnut, and red-flowered horse chestnut trees that are also on the tree trail.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23498,2019-06-27 14:03:47 UTC,2019-06-27 14:03:47 UTC
6808,"The Norway maple is a sturdy tree of large proportions. It is often confused with the common sycamore as they have a very similar leaf shape - the Norway maple leaf is more pointed at it's tips. Why not compare them and see if you can spot the diffierences?

The buds are reddish-violet, a major difference with the sycamore that has green buds. The leaf stalk contains milky sap, a further major difference with the sycamore. In the autumn the leaves turn colour to a stunning golden yellow. The greenish-yellow flowers appear before the leaf growth. The winged seeds are like those of the sycamore but join together in pairs at less of an angle than those of the sycamore.

It is a very strong tree that can be planted almost anywhere. Like the sycamore it has a tendancy to freely self seed making it a bane for concientious gardeners. 

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23502,2019-06-27 14:13:43 UTC,2019-06-27 14:13:43 UTC
6784,"This large tree is a naturally occurring form of the sycamore, with slightly pink tinged bark and leaves that are green above and purple below.Why not compare this sycamore with a cultivated variant of the sycamore that has yellow leaves (Costorphinese) or with their parent tree itself (Acer pseudoplatanus) both of which can also be found on the tree trail.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23478,2019-06-27 13:03:01 UTC,2019-06-27 13:03:01 UTC
6787,"We are lucky here at Cherry Hinton Hall to have so many wonderful specimens of Black pine - four of which grow together . There are several sub-species of black pine, all emanating from Europe but which have adapted slightly diverging characteristics to suit their different environments. For example there is the Crimean black pine, Corsican, Austrian and Pyrenean black pines. We think this fine group of trees are Austrian black pines which were introduced into the UK in 1835.

Why not compare these trees with the other types of conifer we have on the trail? Look for the Scot’s pine, western red cedar, deodar cedar, dawn redwood and white spruce.

You can find out more about other black pines by visiting tree numbers 8 and 11 on the trail.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23481,2019-06-27 13:08:45 UTC,2019-06-27 13:08:45 UTC
5733,#pine #CAMBRIDGE #cherryhintonhall,4165,Story,22081,2019-05-24 10:41:05 UTC,2019-05-24 10:41:05 UTC
6767,"We are lucky here at Cherry Hinton Hall to have so many wonderful specimens of black pine. Native to central and southern European coastal areas, they are very large, impressive trees with striking bark. In their youth, the trees have a pyramidal shape to them, but when mature they become high crowned and broader and more round. 

The blackish grey bark has deep grooves and is particularly decorative, especially in mature trees. Branches are bare and yellowish brown. The needles grow in bundles of two together and are a striking dark green, stiff and somewhat pointy. The almost symmetrical cones are light brown and usually hang in pairs or singly. See if you can find some empty cones which fall off in the spring.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23461,2019-06-27 10:29:57 UTC,2019-06-27 10:29:57 UTC
6777,"The horse chestnut tree is a large deciduous tree commonly planted in towns and cities and noted for their prolific showy flowers and spiny fruit containing the famous ‘conker’ nut.  It can either be tall and columnar in shape or broadly spreading as is the case here. Its large leaves each with 5-7 leaflets emanating from a single point, turn red-brown early in autumn.

It flowers freely; the characteristic ""candles"" of white flowers, which emerge soon after the leaves in May, grow up to 20cm tall. Not all the flowers in a spike open at once so that the flowering period is prolonged. Interestingly, once a flower has been pollinated, its colour changes from yellow to red as a warning to visiting bees not to bother with it. Once pollinated by insects, each flower develops into a glossy red-brown conker inside a spiky green husk, which falls in autumn. The flowers provide a rich source of nectar and pollen to insects, particularly bees. Caterpillars of the horse chestnut leaf miner moth provide food for blue tits. Squirrels eat the conkers.

Recently horse chestnut trees have been attacked by a bacterium that causes weeping lesions: scattered drops of rusty-red, yellow-brown or almost black, gummy liquid ooze from small or large patches of dying bark on the stems or branches. This is known as Bleeding Canker. Over several years, the areas of wood underneath the bleeding areas may coalesce and extend until they encircle the entire trunk or branch. When this happens crown symptoms become visible, typically consisting of yellowing of foliage, premature leaf drop and eventually, crown death. Some of the horse chestnut trees in Cherry Hinton Hall are suffering with 'bleeding canker' which you can see if you look carefully. Another attacker of the tree - the horse-chestnut Leaf Miner moth which was found for the first time in Cambridge in around 2005. The larvae burrow between the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf and can affect the tree, causing premature leaf discolouration as early as July. It was first found in the south of England in 2002 and has steadily been spreading across the country.

Why not take a look at a younger horse chestnut tree further along the tree trail and find out more about its contribution to popular culture or compare it to other trees in the Aesculus family that are also on the trail.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23471,2019-06-27 12:18:14 UTC,2019-06-27 12:18:14 UTC
6794,"Their brilliant white bark might make this group of three Jaquemont birches the easiest of all on the trail to spot.  Jacquemont birches are average-sized trees with a nice regular crowns that originate from the Himalayas and parts of North West India. The low branching trees have a strikingly white, flaking bark. Under these plates the bark is darker. 

In winter these trees are really eye-catching. Young twigs are hairy and have a warm, red brown colour and have many lenticels, raised pores which allow gas exchange between the atmosphere and the internal tissues. The leaf is shiny and coarsely toothed. The autumn colouring is golden yellow. Tiny male and female flowers appear in late spring in separate catkins on the same tree. Yellowish-brown male flowers form 10cm long drooping catkins. Greenish female flowers form much smaller, upright catkins (to 3cm long). Female flowers are followed by drooping cone-like fruits containing numerous small winged seeds that typically mature in early autumn.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23488,2019-06-27 13:32:05 UTC,2019-06-27 13:32:05 UTC
6803,"Silver birch is native to the UK and can be commonly found growing as a street tree in Cambridge. Young trees are rather upright and conical in shape but they become more domed with age and the branches hang down in a pendulous manner. Mature trees can reach 20m in height, forming a light canopy. The white bark sheds layers like tissue paper and becomes black and rugged at the base. As the trees mature, the bark develops dark, diamond-shaped fissures. Twigs are smooth and have small dark warts. Its leaves are light green, small and triangular-shaped with a toothed edge, which fade to yellow in autumn. 

Silver birch provides food and habitat for more than 300 insect species - the leaves attract aphids, providing food for ladybirds and other species further up the food chain, and are also a food plant for the caterpillars of many moths. Silver birch has both male and female flowers (catkins) on the same tree, from April to May. Male catkins are long and yellow-brown in colour, and hang in groups of two to four at the tips of shoots, like lambs' tails. Female catkins are smaller, short, bright green and erect. After successful pollination (by wind), female catkins thicken and change colour to a dark crimson. Masses of tiny seeds are released in autumn, which are dispersed by wind.

Many other trees on the tree trail also have catkins for example oak, alder, beech and birch – take a look and see if you can spot them.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23497,2019-06-27 14:01:35 UTC,2019-06-27 14:01:35 UTC
6809,"Leopold's maple is cultivar of the common sycamore also on the tree trail.It hails from Belgium and was been named after King Leopold. It is a healthy growing tree with a wide pyramidal crown. The tree can reach upto 18m and its leaf colour is quite striking. 

The young foliage is pink but later it turns white and yellow speckled. Its flowers are similar to the sycamore  emerging while the leaves unfurl in April. 'Leopoldii' is one of the better and consistent of the variegated maples. 

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23503,2019-06-27 14:15:26 UTC,2019-06-27 14:15:26 UTC
6790,"Juglans nigra, more commonly called the black walnut is native to the U.S. and grows to be a very large deciduous tree. It is related to the common walnut which is more often seen growing in Cambridge and has a similar pleasant smell to its leaves when crushed. Like the common walnut it produces a round fruit containing a nut and whilst edible are much harder to extract than one of the common walnut.

Its leaves are late to emerge in spring and early to drop in autumn turning an undistinguished yellow. Yellow green single sex flowers appear in late spring (May-June), the male flowers in drooping hairy catkins and the female flowers in short spikes. Female flowers give way to the nuts, each being encased in a yellow-green husk. Nuts mature in autumn, falling to the ground where the husks blacken as they rot away.

Photo by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23484,2019-06-27 13:21:02 UTC,2019-06-27 13:21:02 UTC
6778,"Hornbeam is a UK native often confused with common beech. The bark is pale grey with vertical markings, sometimes with a short, twisted trunk, which develops ridges with age. The twigs are brown-grey and slightly hairy and the leaf buds are similar to beech only shorter, and slightly curved at the tips. Mature trees can reach a height of 25m in Cambridge.

Younger trees are broadly conic but older trees can spread into a high dome. The bark is lead-grey and smooth except for a network of diffuse stripes of paler grey or brown separated by darker fissures. The branches all tend to be very long giving the tree the look of a old-fashioned broom or besom. Its leaves are a similar shape to beech leaves - oval, toothed and with pointed tips. Hornbeam leaves, however, are smaller and more deeply furrowed than beech leaves. They become golden yellow to orange before falling in autumn. It species name ‘betulinus’ refers to its birch-like characteristics. 

Why not compare it to both the birch and the beech tree which on this trail? Hornbeam has male and female catkins are found on the same tree. After pollination by wind, female catkins develop into papery, green winged fruits looking like Chinese lanterns.  Hornbeam is commonly grown as a street tree in Cambridge but usually in its upright form ‘Fastigiata’ which can also be found on the trail (No. 25) 

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23472,2019-06-27 12:21:11 UTC,2019-06-27 12:21:11 UTC
6793,"Whilst you can find this relative of the Birch family happily growing in most soils, Alder truly thrives in the damp areas surrounding rivers and ponds. A native from across Europe including parts of northern Africa & south-west Asia, in good conditions it can reach a mature height of 25 metres - as you can see this one in front of you has a little way to go. When the tree is young,  it has a cone shaped crown with a smooth greyish bark,  this broadens out as it matures with arching and crooked branches and develops rough, fissured bark. You’ll see the one here is somewhere in between young and mature, with both smooth and fissured bark and a mostly conical habit. 

Having evolved to cope with growing in the wetlands of Europe and impoverished soils, Alders have developed a symbiotic (beneficial) relationship with a bacterium which lives on its roots in little nodules. In return for some of the food produced by the tree through photosynthesis, these bacteria absorb nitrogen gas from the air and fixes it into a form which the tree can use and also improves the fertility of the soil around it. This is just one example of how plants have adapted alongside other organisms such as fungi and bacteria and have co-evolved to cope with challenging environments. 

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23487,2019-06-27 13:29:58 UTC,2019-06-27 13:29:58 UTC
6770,"Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly called the false acacia or black locust, is medium sized, suckering, deciduous tree with distinctive, bright yellow-green foliage. Originally a native of eastern and mid-western USA it was introduced around 1636 to the UK and is common in Cambridge in parks and gardens and as a street tree. At its best, it will grow as a broadly columnar single trunk tree with a narrow oblong crown. It also will grow in suckering thickets when unmanaged. 

The bark soon develops an interesting network of ridges and fissures as well as thick burrs; but is most noted for its attractive compound leaves and pendant racemes of fragrant pea-like white flowers that bloom in spring and attract bees. The flowers are followed by smooth, flat, purple-brown seed pods that hang and ripen in the tree. But beware! The branches and suckers are usually armed with vicious short paired spines.

Photos by StillVision Photography",4412,Story,23464,2019-06-27 11:35:28 UTC,2019-06-27 11:35:28 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22744,2019-05-30 22:50:39 UTC,2019-05-30 22:50:39 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22746,2019-05-30 23:01:55 UTC,2019-05-30 23:01:55 UTC
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#round1",4427,Story,22753,2019-05-30 23:05:21 UTC,2019-05-30 23:05:21 UTC
6248,#removed?,4427,Story,22754,2019-05-30 23:05:43 UTC,2019-05-30 23:05:43 UTC
6251,#stepmonitored #round1,4502,Story,22757,2019-05-31 01:02:30 UTC,2019-05-31 01:02:30 UTC
6260,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4502,Story,22766,2019-05-31 01:28:17 UTC,2019-05-31 01:28:17 UTC
6252,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4502,Story,22758,2019-05-31 01:05:14 UTC,2019-05-31 01:05:14 UTC
6263,#stepmonitored #roundone,4501,Story,22769,2019-05-31 01:36:58 UTC,2019-05-31 01:36:58 UTC
6262,#stepmonitored #round1,4502,Story,22768,2019-05-31 01:33:59 UTC,2019-05-31 01:33:59 UTC
6253,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4502,Story,22759,2019-05-31 01:11:36 UTC,2019-05-31 01:11:36 UTC
6257,#dedsymptoms,4502,Story,22763,2019-05-31 01:22:07 UTC,2019-05-31 01:22:07 UTC
6258,#dedsymptoms ,4502,Story,22764,2019-05-31 01:22:56 UTC,2019-05-31 01:22:56 UTC
6254,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4502,Story,22760,2019-05-31 01:12:31 UTC,2019-05-31 01:12:31 UTC
6255,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4502,Story,22761,2019-05-31 01:13:54 UTC,2019-05-31 01:13:54 UTC
6265,#stepmonitored #round1,4502,Story,22771,2019-05-31 01:49:24 UTC,2019-05-31 01:49:24 UTC
6266,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4502,Story,22772,2019-05-31 01:51:34 UTC,2019-05-31 01:51:34 UTC
6259,#stepmonitored #roundone,4501,Story,22765,2019-05-31 01:27:51 UTC,2019-05-31 01:27:51 UTC
6256,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4502,Story,22762,2019-05-31 01:15:35 UTC,2019-05-31 01:15:35 UTC
6268,#stepmonitored #roundone #dedsymptoms ,4503,Story,22774,2019-05-31 02:03:01 UTC,2019-05-31 02:03:01 UTC
6267,#stepmonitored #roundone #dedsymptoms ,4503,Story,22773,2019-05-31 02:01:39 UTC,2019-05-31 02:01:39 UTC
6270,#stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms,4484,Story,22776,2019-05-31 02:14:12 UTC,2019-05-31 02:14:12 UTC
6269,#round1 #stepmonitored,4425,Story,22775,2019-05-31 02:10:03 UTC,2019-05-31 02:10:03 UTC
6271,#round1 #stepmonitored,4425,Story,22777,2019-05-31 02:19:44 UTC,2019-05-31 02:19:44 UTC
6272,#round1 #stepmonitored,4425,Story,22778,2019-05-31 02:27:28 UTC,2019-05-31 02:27:28 UTC
6273,#round1 #stepmonitored,4425,Story,22779,2019-05-31 02:27:32 UTC,2019-05-31 02:27:32 UTC
6274,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22780,2019-05-31 02:27:54 UTC,2019-05-31 02:27:54 UTC
6289,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4484,Story,22795,2019-05-31 02:35:18 UTC,2019-05-31 02:35:18 UTC
6288,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22794,2019-05-31 02:34:27 UTC,2019-05-31 02:34:27 UTC
6286,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4484,Story,22792,2019-05-31 02:32:30 UTC,2019-05-31 02:32:30 UTC
6283,#round1 #stepmonitored,4425,Story,22791,2019-05-31 02:32:17 UTC,2019-05-31 02:32:17 UTC
6276,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22782,2019-05-31 02:29:08 UTC,2019-05-31 02:29:08 UTC
6287,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22793,2019-05-31 02:32:56 UTC,2019-05-31 02:32:56 UTC
6261,#stepmonitored #roundone ,4501,Story,22767,2019-05-31 01:32:09 UTC,2019-05-31 01:32:09 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22824,2019-05-31 19:00:08 UTC,2019-05-31 19:00:08 UTC
6297,#round1 #stepmonitored ,4425,Story,22803,2019-05-31 03:19:14 UTC,2019-05-31 03:19:14 UTC
6296,#round1 #stepmonitored,4425,Story,22802,2019-05-31 03:16:01 UTC,2019-05-31 03:16:01 UTC
6294,#stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms ,4484,Story,22800,2019-05-31 03:10:59 UTC,2019-05-31 03:10:59 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22825,2019-05-31 19:00:22 UTC,2019-05-31 19:00:22 UTC
6295,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4484,Story,22801,2019-05-31 03:14:54 UTC,2019-05-31 03:14:54 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22827,2019-05-31 19:01:07 UTC,2019-05-31 19:01:07 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22849,2019-05-31 19:08:02 UTC,2019-05-31 19:08:02 UTC
6298,#round1 #stepmonitored ,4425,Story,22804,2019-05-31 03:20:24 UTC,2019-05-31 03:20:24 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22826,2019-05-31 19:00:54 UTC,2019-05-31 19:00:54 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22829,2019-05-31 19:02:00 UTC,2019-05-31 19:02:00 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22828,2019-05-31 19:01:20 UTC,2019-05-31 19:01:20 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22831,2019-05-31 19:03:11 UTC,2019-05-31 19:03:11 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22832,2019-05-31 19:03:24 UTC,2019-05-31 19:03:24 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22836,2019-05-31 19:04:41 UTC,2019-05-31 19:04:41 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22838,2019-05-31 19:05:04 UTC,2019-05-31 19:05:04 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22839,2019-05-31 19:05:26 UTC,2019-05-31 19:05:26 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22840,2019-05-31 19:05:54 UTC,2019-05-31 19:05:54 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22841,2019-05-31 19:06:06 UTC,2019-05-31 19:06:06 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22842,2019-05-31 19:06:19 UTC,2019-05-31 19:06:19 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22843,2019-05-31 19:06:30 UTC,2019-05-31 19:06:30 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22844,2019-05-31 19:06:43 UTC,2019-05-31 19:06:43 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22845,2019-05-31 19:06:53 UTC,2019-05-31 19:06:53 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22830,2019-05-31 19:02:26 UTC,2019-05-31 19:02:26 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22833,2019-05-31 19:03:41 UTC,2019-05-31 19:03:41 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22834,2019-05-31 19:04:18 UTC,2019-05-31 19:04:18 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22879,2019-05-31 21:53:14 UTC,2019-05-31 21:53:14 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22887,2019-05-31 21:55:08 UTC,2019-05-31 21:55:08 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22888,2019-05-31 21:55:15 UTC,2019-05-31 21:55:15 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22889,2019-05-31 21:55:24 UTC,2019-05-31 21:55:24 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22890,2019-05-31 21:55:36 UTC,2019-05-31 21:55:36 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22835,2019-05-31 19:04:30 UTC,2019-05-31 19:04:30 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22837,2019-05-31 19:04:53 UTC,2019-05-31 19:04:53 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22846,2019-05-31 19:07:01 UTC,2019-05-31 19:07:01 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22847,2019-05-31 19:07:14 UTC,2019-05-31 19:07:14 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22848,2019-05-31 19:07:35 UTC,2019-05-31 19:07:35 UTC
6331,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,22850,2019-05-31 21:31:32 UTC,2019-05-31 21:31:32 UTC
6334,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22853,2019-05-31 21:46:09 UTC,2019-05-31 21:46:09 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22854,2019-05-31 21:47:06 UTC,2019-05-31 21:47:06 UTC
6340,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22859,2019-05-31 21:48:04 UTC,2019-05-31 21:48:04 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22872,2019-05-31 21:51:48 UTC,2019-05-31 21:51:48 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22874,2019-05-31 21:52:06 UTC,2019-05-31 21:52:06 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22875,2019-05-31 21:52:14 UTC,2019-05-31 21:52:14 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22877,2019-05-31 21:52:30 UTC,2019-05-31 21:52:30 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22892,2019-05-31 21:55:51 UTC,2019-05-31 21:55:51 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22898,2019-05-31 21:57:04 UTC,2019-05-31 21:57:04 UTC
6380,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22899,2019-05-31 21:59:40 UTC,2019-05-31 21:59:40 UTC
6381,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22900,2019-05-31 22:06:07 UTC,2019-05-31 22:06:07 UTC
6383,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22902,2019-05-31 22:10:57 UTC,2019-05-31 22:10:57 UTC
6384,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22903,2019-05-31 22:11:36 UTC,2019-05-31 22:11:36 UTC
6386,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22905,2019-05-31 22:16:14 UTC,2019-05-31 22:16:14 UTC
6396,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22915,2019-05-31 22:27:20 UTC,2019-05-31 22:27:20 UTC
6403,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22922,2019-05-31 22:33:33 UTC,2019-05-31 22:33:33 UTC
6411,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22930,2019-05-31 22:44:05 UTC,2019-05-31 22:44:05 UTC
6395,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22914,2019-05-31 22:26:48 UTC,2019-05-31 22:26:48 UTC
6398,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22917,2019-05-31 22:30:56 UTC,2019-05-31 22:30:56 UTC
6332,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,22851,2019-05-31 21:35:37 UTC,2019-05-31 21:35:37 UTC
6333,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22852,2019-05-31 21:43:45 UTC,2019-05-31 21:43:45 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22855,2019-05-31 21:47:20 UTC,2019-05-31 21:47:20 UTC
6338,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22857,2019-05-31 21:47:34 UTC,2019-05-31 21:47:34 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22860,2019-05-31 21:48:52 UTC,2019-05-31 21:48:52 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22861,2019-05-31 21:49:04 UTC,2019-05-31 21:49:04 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22863,2019-05-31 21:49:22 UTC,2019-05-31 21:49:22 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22864,2019-05-31 21:49:33 UTC,2019-05-31 21:49:33 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22865,2019-05-31 21:49:41 UTC,2019-05-31 21:49:41 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22866,2019-05-31 21:49:50 UTC,2019-05-31 21:49:50 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22868,2019-05-31 21:50:09 UTC,2019-05-31 21:50:09 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22871,2019-05-31 21:51:40 UTC,2019-05-31 21:51:40 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22873,2019-05-31 21:51:58 UTC,2019-05-31 21:51:58 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22878,2019-05-31 21:52:37 UTC,2019-05-31 21:52:37 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22881,2019-05-31 21:53:56 UTC,2019-05-31 21:53:56 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22882,2019-05-31 21:54:09 UTC,2019-05-31 21:54:09 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22883,2019-05-31 21:54:16 UTC,2019-05-31 21:54:16 UTC
6367,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22886,2019-05-31 21:54:59 UTC,2019-05-31 21:54:59 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22891,2019-05-31 21:55:43 UTC,2019-05-31 21:55:43 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22893,2019-05-31 21:55:59 UTC,2019-05-31 21:55:59 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22894,2019-05-31 21:56:31 UTC,2019-05-31 21:56:31 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22895,2019-05-31 21:56:40 UTC,2019-05-31 21:56:40 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22896,2019-05-31 21:56:48 UTC,2019-05-31 21:56:48 UTC
6389,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22908,2019-05-31 22:21:35 UTC,2019-05-31 22:21:35 UTC
6390,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22909,2019-05-31 22:22:34 UTC,2019-05-31 22:22:34 UTC
6391,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22910,2019-05-31 22:22:58 UTC,2019-05-31 22:22:58 UTC
6393,Surrounded by drought tolerant yards.. leaf beetle landed on me as I was posting these photos. Doesn't look like DED but all that dead wood does look like a bark beetle haven. #stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms ,4089,Story,22912,2019-05-31 22:24:38 UTC,2019-05-31 22:24:38 UTC
6410,Gorgeous drought tolerant yard and drought stressed elm... pile of clippings with dead leaves on curb. I hope they were green when the resident pruned them. 3760 4th Ave,4089,Story,22929,2019-05-31 22:43:42 UTC,2019-05-31 22:43:42 UTC
6413,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22932,2019-05-31 22:45:14 UTC,2019-05-31 22:45:14 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22856,2019-05-31 21:47:31 UTC,2019-05-31 21:47:31 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22858,2019-05-31 21:48:04 UTC,2019-05-31 21:48:04 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22880,2019-05-31 21:53:22 UTC,2019-05-31 21:53:22 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22884,2019-05-31 21:54:25 UTC,2019-05-31 21:54:25 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22885,2019-05-31 21:54:34 UTC,2019-05-31 21:54:34 UTC
6382,#stepmonitored #round1 drought stress,4089,Story,22901,2019-05-31 22:10:27 UTC,2019-05-31 22:10:27 UTC
6388,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22907,2019-05-31 22:19:56 UTC,2019-05-31 22:19:56 UTC
6397,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22916,2019-05-31 22:30:09 UTC,2019-05-31 22:30:09 UTC
6412,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22931,2019-05-31 22:44:48 UTC,2019-05-31 22:44:48 UTC
6417,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22936,2019-05-31 22:51:29 UTC,2019-05-31 22:51:29 UTC
6418,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22937,2019-05-31 22:56:50 UTC,2019-05-31 22:56:50 UTC
6421,"Drought stress,  keeping an eye on it #stepmonitored #round1 ",4089,Story,22940,2019-05-31 22:58:23 UTC,2019-05-31 22:58:23 UTC
6423,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22942,2019-05-31 23:07:08 UTC,2019-05-31 23:07:08 UTC
6433,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22952,2019-05-31 23:15:04 UTC,2019-05-31 23:15:04 UTC
6444,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22963,2019-05-31 23:18:17 UTC,2019-05-31 23:18:17 UTC
6446,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22965,2019-05-31 23:20:48 UTC,2019-05-31 23:20:48 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22970,2019-05-31 23:27:47 UTC,2019-05-31 23:27:47 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22981,2019-05-31 23:29:46 UTC,2019-05-31 23:29:46 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22985,2019-05-31 23:30:45 UTC,2019-05-31 23:30:45 UTC
6302,#dedsymptoms Scheduled for removal and will be sampled at that time,4154,Story,22818,2019-05-31 15:07:20 UTC,2019-05-31 15:07:20 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22862,2019-05-31 21:49:14 UTC,2019-05-31 21:49:14 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22867,2019-05-31 21:50:00 UTC,2019-05-31 21:50:00 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22876,2019-05-31 21:52:22 UTC,2019-05-31 21:52:22 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22986,2019-05-31 23:30:54 UTC,2019-05-31 23:30:54 UTC
6482,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,23001,2019-05-31 23:47:12 UTC,2019-05-31 23:47:12 UTC
6487,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,23006,2019-06-01 00:01:03 UTC,2019-06-01 00:01:03 UTC
6491,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,23010,2019-06-01 00:03:42 UTC,2019-06-01 00:03:42 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22969,2019-05-31 23:27:30 UTC,2019-05-31 23:27:30 UTC
6447,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22966,2019-05-31 23:20:54 UTC,2019-05-31 23:20:54 UTC
6452,"#stepmonitored #round1 likely squirrel damage, keep an eye on it",4089,Story,22971,2019-05-31 23:27:51 UTC,2019-05-31 23:27:51 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22982,2019-05-31 23:29:54 UTC,2019-05-31 23:29:54 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22984,2019-05-31 23:30:36 UTC,2019-05-31 23:30:36 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22987,2019-05-31 23:31:33 UTC,2019-05-31 23:31:33 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22989,2019-05-31 23:32:16 UTC,2019-05-31 23:32:16 UTC
6292,#stepmonitored #round1,4484,Story,22799,2019-05-31 02:44:45 UTC,2019-05-31 02:44:45 UTC
6350,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22869,2019-05-31 21:50:49 UTC,2019-05-31 21:50:49 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22870,2019-05-31 21:50:59 UTC,2019-05-31 21:50:59 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22897,2019-05-31 21:56:55 UTC,2019-05-31 21:56:55 UTC
6385,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22904,2019-05-31 22:12:08 UTC,2019-05-31 22:12:08 UTC
6387,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22906,2019-05-31 22:19:06 UTC,2019-05-31 22:19:06 UTC
6392,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22911,2019-05-31 22:23:24 UTC,2019-05-31 22:23:24 UTC
6399,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22918,2019-05-31 22:31:28 UTC,2019-05-31 22:31:28 UTC
6401,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22920,2019-05-31 22:32:32 UTC,2019-05-31 22:32:32 UTC
6402,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22921,2019-05-31 22:33:04 UTC,2019-05-31 22:33:04 UTC
6404,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22923,2019-05-31 22:33:51 UTC,2019-05-31 22:33:51 UTC
6405,#dedsymptoms ,4424,Story,22924,2019-05-31 22:34:25 UTC,2019-05-31 22:34:25 UTC
6406,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22925,2019-05-31 22:34:55 UTC,2019-05-31 22:34:55 UTC
6408,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22927,2019-05-31 22:42:57 UTC,2019-05-31 22:42:57 UTC
6409,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22928,2019-05-31 22:43:37 UTC,2019-05-31 22:43:37 UTC
6415,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22934,2019-05-31 22:49:45 UTC,2019-05-31 22:49:45 UTC
6425,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22944,2019-05-31 23:08:27 UTC,2019-05-31 23:08:27 UTC
6426,Tree was removed ,4089,Story,22945,2019-05-31 23:09:41 UTC,2019-05-31 23:09:41 UTC
6429,Tree was removed.,4089,Story,22948,2019-05-31 23:12:41 UTC,2019-05-31 23:12:41 UTC
6439,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22958,2019-05-31 23:16:48 UTC,2019-05-31 23:16:48 UTC
6442,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22961,2019-05-31 23:17:41 UTC,2019-05-31 23:17:41 UTC
6473,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22992,2019-05-31 23:33:11 UTC,2019-05-31 23:33:11 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22994,2019-05-31 23:34:22 UTC,2019-05-31 23:34:22 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22995,2019-05-31 23:34:32 UTC,2019-05-31 23:34:32 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22998,2019-05-31 23:35:46 UTC,2019-05-31 23:35:46 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22978,2019-05-31 23:29:09 UTC,2019-05-31 23:29:09 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22979,2019-05-31 23:29:26 UTC,2019-05-31 23:29:26 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4474,Story,22819,2019-05-31 16:16:53 UTC,2019-05-31 16:16:53 UTC
6394,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22913,2019-05-31 22:24:59 UTC,2019-05-31 22:24:59 UTC
6400,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22919,2019-05-31 22:31:55 UTC,2019-05-31 22:31:55 UTC
6407,Surrounded by decomposed granite #stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22926,2019-05-31 22:37:36 UTC,2019-05-31 22:37:36 UTC
6414,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22933,2019-05-31 22:45:59 UTC,2019-05-31 22:45:59 UTC
6416,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22935,2019-05-31 22:51:09 UTC,2019-05-31 22:51:09 UTC
6419,#removed,4424,Story,22938,2019-05-31 22:57:11 UTC,2019-05-31 22:57:11 UTC
6420,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22939,2019-05-31 22:57:21 UTC,2019-05-31 22:57:21 UTC
6422,#removed ,4424,Story,22941,2019-05-31 23:02:52 UTC,2019-05-31 23:02:52 UTC
6424,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22943,2019-05-31 23:07:25 UTC,2019-05-31 23:07:25 UTC
6427,Tree was removed.,4089,Story,22946,2019-05-31 23:11:46 UTC,2019-05-31 23:11:46 UTC
6428,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22947,2019-05-31 23:12:14 UTC,2019-05-31 23:12:14 UTC
6430,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22949,2019-05-31 23:13:02 UTC,2019-05-31 23:13:02 UTC
6431,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22950,2019-05-31 23:13:32 UTC,2019-05-31 23:13:32 UTC
6432,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22951,2019-05-31 23:13:48 UTC,2019-05-31 23:13:48 UTC
6434,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22953,2019-05-31 23:15:28 UTC,2019-05-31 23:15:28 UTC
6435,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22954,2019-05-31 23:15:41 UTC,2019-05-31 23:15:41 UTC
6436,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22955,2019-05-31 23:15:54 UTC,2019-05-31 23:15:54 UTC
6437,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22956,2019-05-31 23:16:01 UTC,2019-05-31 23:16:01 UTC
6438,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22957,2019-05-31 23:16:35 UTC,2019-05-31 23:16:35 UTC
6440,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22959,2019-05-31 23:17:01 UTC,2019-05-31 23:17:01 UTC
6441,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22960,2019-05-31 23:17:08 UTC,2019-05-31 23:17:08 UTC
6443,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22962,2019-05-31 23:17:59 UTC,2019-05-31 23:17:59 UTC
6445,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22964,2019-05-31 23:19:55 UTC,2019-05-31 23:19:55 UTC
6448,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22967,2019-05-31 23:21:04 UTC,2019-05-31 23:21:04 UTC
6449,Tree was removed.,4089,Story,22968,2019-05-31 23:21:19 UTC,2019-05-31 23:21:19 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22972,2019-05-31 23:28:11 UTC,2019-05-31 23:28:11 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22973,2019-05-31 23:28:19 UTC,2019-05-31 23:28:19 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22974,2019-05-31 23:28:27 UTC,2019-05-31 23:28:27 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22975,2019-05-31 23:28:36 UTC,2019-05-31 23:28:36 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22976,2019-05-31 23:28:47 UTC,2019-05-31 23:28:47 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22977,2019-05-31 23:29:00 UTC,2019-05-31 23:29:00 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22980,2019-05-31 23:29:37 UTC,2019-05-31 23:29:37 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22983,2019-05-31 23:30:01 UTC,2019-05-31 23:30:01 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22988,2019-05-31 23:32:07 UTC,2019-05-31 23:32:07 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22990,2019-05-31 23:32:24 UTC,2019-05-31 23:32:24 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22991,2019-05-31 23:32:57 UTC,2019-05-31 23:32:57 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22993,2019-05-31 23:33:23 UTC,2019-05-31 23:33:23 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22996,2019-05-31 23:34:41 UTC,2019-05-31 23:34:41 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22997,2019-05-31 23:35:06 UTC,2019-05-31 23:35:06 UTC
6480,Squirrel damage #stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,22999,2019-05-31 23:42:54 UTC,2019-05-31 23:42:54 UTC
6502,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,23021,2019-06-01 01:41:55 UTC,2019-06-01 01:41:55 UTC
6505,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23024,2019-06-01 01:47:50 UTC,2019-06-01 01:47:50 UTC
6507,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23027,2019-06-01 01:51:02 UTC,2019-06-01 01:51:02 UTC
6518,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23038,2019-06-01 01:57:05 UTC,2019-06-01 01:57:05 UTC
6549,#stepmonitored #round1 Lookin good!,4484,Story,23071,2019-06-01 02:13:42 UTC,2019-06-01 02:13:42 UTC
6550,#round1 #stepmonitored ,4425,Story,23072,2019-06-01 02:16:34 UTC,2019-06-01 02:16:34 UTC
6553,#round1 #stepmonitored #dedsymptoms ,4425,Story,23075,2019-06-01 02:32:02 UTC,2019-06-01 02:32:02 UTC
6481,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,23000,2019-05-31 23:46:38 UTC,2019-05-31 23:46:38 UTC
6483,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,23002,2019-05-31 23:47:40 UTC,2019-05-31 23:47:40 UTC
6486,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,23005,2019-05-31 23:50:39 UTC,2019-05-31 23:50:39 UTC
6488,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,23007,2019-06-01 00:01:33 UTC,2019-06-01 00:01:33 UTC
6489,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,23008,2019-06-01 00:02:21 UTC,2019-06-01 00:02:21 UTC
6490,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,23009,2019-06-01 00:02:44 UTC,2019-06-01 00:02:44 UTC
6493,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23012,2019-06-01 01:00:00 UTC,2019-06-01 01:00:00 UTC
6494,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23013,2019-06-01 01:36:59 UTC,2019-06-01 01:36:59 UTC
6498,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23017,2019-06-01 01:37:57 UTC,2019-06-01 01:37:57 UTC
6552,#round1 #stepmonitored #dedsymptoms maybe? ,4425,Story,23074,2019-06-01 02:19:05 UTC,2019-06-01 02:19:05 UTC
6559,#stepmonitored  #round1 ,4484,Story,23081,2019-06-01 02:49:59 UTC,2019-06-01 02:49:59 UTC
6564,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23095,2019-06-01 16:47:26 UTC,2019-06-01 16:47:26 UTC
6565,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23096,2019-06-01 16:48:26 UTC,2019-06-01 16:48:26 UTC
6484,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,23003,2019-05-31 23:48:27 UTC,2019-05-31 23:48:27 UTC
6485,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,23004,2019-05-31 23:49:06 UTC,2019-05-31 23:49:06 UTC
6492,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,23011,2019-06-01 00:04:27 UTC,2019-06-01 00:04:27 UTC
6495,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23014,2019-06-01 01:37:14 UTC,2019-06-01 01:37:14 UTC
6509,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23029,2019-06-01 01:51:32 UTC,2019-06-01 01:51:32 UTC
6510,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23030,2019-06-01 01:51:47 UTC,2019-06-01 01:51:47 UTC
6511,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23031,2019-06-01 01:51:58 UTC,2019-06-01 01:51:58 UTC
6517,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23037,2019-06-01 01:56:05 UTC,2019-06-01 01:56:05 UTC
6526,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23046,2019-06-01 02:00:13 UTC,2019-06-01 02:00:13 UTC
6530,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23050,2019-06-01 02:02:51 UTC,2019-06-01 02:02:51 UTC
6533,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23053,2019-06-01 02:03:28 UTC,2019-06-01 02:03:28 UTC
6544,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23066,2019-06-01 02:08:30 UTC,2019-06-01 02:08:30 UTC
6551,#stepmonitored #round1 seems like concrete damage? ,4484,Story,23073,2019-06-01 02:16:40 UTC,2019-06-01 02:16:40 UTC
6554,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4484,Story,23076,2019-06-01 02:38:12 UTC,2019-06-01 02:38:12 UTC
6566,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23097,2019-06-01 16:49:22 UTC,2019-06-01 16:49:22 UTC
6501,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23020,2019-06-01 01:40:26 UTC,2019-06-01 01:40:26 UTC
6504,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23023,2019-06-01 01:47:37 UTC,2019-06-01 01:47:37 UTC
6506,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23025,2019-06-01 01:48:05 UTC,2019-06-01 01:48:05 UTC
6512,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23032,2019-06-01 01:52:12 UTC,2019-06-01 01:52:12 UTC
6516,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23036,2019-06-01 01:55:47 UTC,2019-06-01 01:55:47 UTC
6519,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23039,2019-06-01 01:57:17 UTC,2019-06-01 01:57:17 UTC
6523,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23043,2019-06-01 01:58:06 UTC,2019-06-01 01:58:06 UTC
6536,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23057,2019-06-01 02:05:16 UTC,2019-06-01 02:05:16 UTC
6538,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23059,2019-06-01 02:05:44 UTC,2019-06-01 02:05:44 UTC
6541,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23063,2019-06-01 02:07:08 UTC,2019-06-01 02:07:08 UTC
6542,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23064,2019-06-01 02:08:06 UTC,2019-06-01 02:08:06 UTC
6304,#mappedtwiceseetreetoright,4424,Story,22823,2019-05-31 18:15:26 UTC,2019-05-31 18:15:26 UTC
6496,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23015,2019-06-01 01:37:28 UTC,2019-06-01 01:37:28 UTC
6497,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23016,2019-06-01 01:37:43 UTC,2019-06-01 01:37:43 UTC
6543,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23065,2019-06-01 02:08:18 UTC,2019-06-01 02:08:18 UTC
6547,#removed,4425,Story,23069,2019-06-01 02:12:18 UTC,2019-06-01 02:12:18 UTC
6555,#dedsymptoms ,4425,Story,23077,2019-06-01 02:41:25 UTC,2019-06-01 02:41:25 UTC
6557,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4484,Story,23079,2019-06-01 02:47:13 UTC,2019-06-01 02:47:13 UTC
6560,#round1 #stepmonitored #dedsymptoms ,4425,Story,23082,2019-06-01 02:52:11 UTC,2019-06-01 02:52:11 UTC
6562,#stepmonitored #round1 maybe drought-related stress? ,4484,Story,23084,2019-06-01 03:01:02 UTC,2019-06-01 03:01:02 UTC
6563,#dedsymptoms maybe? ,4425,Story,23085,2019-06-01 03:01:18 UTC,2019-06-01 03:01:18 UTC
6561,#round1 #stepmonitored ,4425,Story,23083,2019-06-01 03:00:05 UTC,2019-06-01 03:00:05 UTC
6567,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23098,2019-06-01 16:51:38 UTC,2019-06-01 16:51:38 UTC
6568,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23099,2019-06-01 17:39:24 UTC,2019-06-01 17:39:24 UTC
6569,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23100,2019-06-01 17:41:48 UTC,2019-06-01 17:41:48 UTC
This tree must have been removed. There are no elms here. Eucalyptus and Ginkgo are here",4439,Story,23102,2019-06-01 17:50:30 UTC,2019-06-01 17:50:30 UTC
Large branch near bus bench is dead",4439,Story,23103,2019-06-01 18:07:50 UTC,2019-06-01 18:07:50 UTC
#round1",4439,Story,23104,2019-06-01 18:09:14 UTC,2019-06-01 18:09:14 UTC
6529,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23049,2019-06-01 02:02:38 UTC,2019-06-01 02:02:38 UTC
6534,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23054,2019-06-01 02:03:40 UTC,2019-06-01 02:03:40 UTC
6539,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23060,2019-06-01 02:05:58 UTC,2019-06-01 02:05:58 UTC
6540,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23061,2019-06-01 02:06:10 UTC,2019-06-01 02:06:10 UTC
6546,#removed,4425,Story,23068,2019-06-01 02:12:18 UTC,2019-06-01 02:12:18 UTC
6499,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23018,2019-06-01 01:38:14 UTC,2019-06-01 01:38:14 UTC
6508,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23028,2019-06-01 01:51:17 UTC,2019-06-01 01:51:17 UTC
6513,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23033,2019-06-01 01:53:16 UTC,2019-06-01 01:53:16 UTC
6514,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23034,2019-06-01 01:54:51 UTC,2019-06-01 01:54:51 UTC
6521,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23041,2019-06-01 01:57:43 UTC,2019-06-01 01:57:43 UTC
6524,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23044,2019-06-01 01:59:50 UTC,2019-06-01 01:59:50 UTC
6525,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23045,2019-06-01 02:00:02 UTC,2019-06-01 02:00:02 UTC
6527,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23047,2019-06-01 02:00:26 UTC,2019-06-01 02:00:26 UTC
6528,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23048,2019-06-01 02:00:38 UTC,2019-06-01 02:00:38 UTC
6558,#round1 #stepmonitored,4425,Story,23080,2019-06-01 02:48:08 UTC,2019-06-01 02:48:08 UTC
This tree must have been removed. There is no Elm tree at this location",4439,Story,23101,2019-06-01 17:48:33 UTC,2019-06-01 17:48:33 UTC
It is the tree just to the north closest to the street that has the dead Branch over the bus stop bench. This tree does not have a dead branch on the street side",4439,Story,23105,2019-06-01 18:13:51 UTC,2019-06-01 18:13:51 UTC
6556,#round1 #stepmonitored #dedsymptoms hella dead,4425,Story,23078,2019-06-01 02:43:34 UTC,2019-06-01 02:43:34 UTC
6520,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23040,2019-06-01 01:57:29 UTC,2019-06-01 01:57:29 UTC
6522,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23042,2019-06-01 01:57:55 UTC,2019-06-01 01:57:55 UTC
6531,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23051,2019-06-01 02:03:04 UTC,2019-06-01 02:03:04 UTC
6532,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23052,2019-06-01 02:03:16 UTC,2019-06-01 02:03:16 UTC
6537,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23058,2019-06-01 02:05:32 UTC,2019-06-01 02:05:32 UTC
6545,#removed,4425,Story,23067,2019-06-01 02:10:14 UTC,2019-06-01 02:10:14 UTC
6548,#removed,4425,Story,23070,2019-06-01 02:12:18 UTC,2019-06-01 02:12:18 UTC
Large dead brank on street side ",4439,Story,23106,2019-06-01 18:15:16 UTC,2019-06-01 18:15:16 UTC
6500,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23019,2019-06-01 01:38:52 UTC,2019-06-01 01:38:52 UTC
6503,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23022,2019-06-01 01:47:24 UTC,2019-06-01 01:47:24 UTC
6515,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23035,2019-06-01 01:55:03 UTC,2019-06-01 01:55:03 UTC
6535,#round1 #stepmonitored ,4425,Story,23056,2019-06-01 02:04:06 UTC,2019-06-01 02:04:06 UTC
Several Leaf clusters died. Not sure from what.",4439,Story,23112,2019-06-01 19:14:08 UTC,2019-06-01 19:14:08 UTC
Smal bunch of dead leaves.  Cannot determine why. Stand near propane tank and look up at wire",4439,Story,23109,2019-06-01 18:52:14 UTC,2019-06-01 18:52:14 UTC
Wilted leaves.  Looks like brqnch broke",4439,Story,23108,2019-06-01 18:39:11 UTC,2019-06-01 18:39:11 UTC
I cannot an elm tree in this exact location.",4439,Story,23107,2019-06-01 18:29:34 UTC,2019-06-01 18:29:34 UTC
#round1 ",4439,Story,23110,2019-06-01 19:02:38 UTC,2019-06-01 19:02:38 UTC
#round1 ",4439,Story,23111,2019-06-01 19:06:37 UTC,2019-06-01 19:06:37 UTC
#round1 ",4439,Story,23117,2019-06-01 19:53:31 UTC,2019-06-01 19:53:31 UTC
Lots of dead branches. Probably due to age and drought",4439,Story,23114,2019-06-01 19:32:28 UTC,2019-06-01 19:32:28 UTC
Quite a few  dead branches. Age/drought?",4439,Story,23116,2019-06-01 19:48:53 UTC,2019-06-01 19:48:53 UTC
#round1 ",4439,Story,23115,2019-06-01 19:37:06 UTC,2019-06-01 19:37:06 UTC
#round1 ",4439,Story,23118,2019-06-01 19:54:04 UTC,2019-06-01 19:54:04 UTC
#round1 ",4439,Story,23119,2019-06-01 19:55:59 UTC,2019-06-01 19:55:59 UTC
6596,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23142,2019-06-02 21:49:16 UTC,2019-06-02 21:49:16 UTC
6597,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23143,2019-06-02 21:50:42 UTC,2019-06-02 21:50:42 UTC
6598,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23144,2019-06-02 21:52:29 UTC,2019-06-02 21:52:29 UTC
6599,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23145,2019-06-02 21:54:10 UTC,2019-06-02 21:54:10 UTC
6600,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23146,2019-06-02 21:56:17 UTC,2019-06-02 21:56:17 UTC
6601,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23147,2019-06-02 22:00:33 UTC,2019-06-02 22:00:33 UTC
6602,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23148,2019-06-02 22:02:03 UTC,2019-06-02 22:02:03 UTC
6603,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23149,2019-06-02 22:04:16 UTC,2019-06-02 22:04:16 UTC
6604,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23150,2019-06-02 22:07:24 UTC,2019-06-02 22:07:24 UTC
6605,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23151,2019-06-02 22:09:50 UTC,2019-06-02 22:09:50 UTC
#round1 ",4439,Story,23120,2019-06-01 19:57:17 UTC,2019-06-01 19:57:17 UTC
6606,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23152,2019-06-02 22:11:40 UTC,2019-06-02 22:11:40 UTC
6595,#stepmonitored  #round1,4463,Story,23141,2019-06-02 21:47:44 UTC,2019-06-02 21:47:44 UTC
6607,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23153,2019-06-02 22:16:20 UTC,2019-06-02 22:16:20 UTC
6608,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23154,2019-06-02 22:18:06 UTC,2019-06-02 22:18:06 UTC
6609,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23155,2019-06-02 22:20:19 UTC,2019-06-02 22:20:19 UTC
6610,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,23156,2019-06-02 22:22:32 UTC,2019-06-02 22:22:32 UTC
6624,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23185,2019-06-07 21:26:41 UTC,2019-06-07 21:26:41 UTC
6626,Struggling #stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,23187,2019-06-07 21:59:28 UTC,2019-06-07 21:59:28 UTC
6628,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,23189,2019-06-07 22:09:52 UTC,2019-06-07 22:09:52 UTC
6629,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,23190,2019-06-07 22:10:08 UTC,2019-06-07 22:10:08 UTC
6630,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,23191,2019-06-07 22:10:23 UTC,2019-06-07 22:10:23 UTC
6617,#dedconfirmed #cityreported,4154,Story,23177,2019-06-07 14:19:03 UTC,2019-06-07 14:19:03 UTC
6631,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,23192,2019-06-07 22:11:36 UTC,2019-06-07 22:11:36 UTC
6618,#dedconfirmed #cityreported,4154,Story,23178,2019-06-07 14:21:18 UTC,2019-06-07 14:21:18 UTC
6619,#dedconfirmed #cityreported,4154,Story,23179,2019-06-07 14:26:55 UTC,2019-06-07 14:26:55 UTC
6620,#dedconfirmed #cityreported,4154,Story,23180,2019-06-07 14:28:05 UTC,2019-06-07 14:28:05 UTC
6614,Confirmed by the city #stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms,4089,Story,23172,2019-06-06 13:53:08 UTC,2019-06-06 13:53:08 UTC
6621,"Scheduled for removal, advanced state of decline. Will be tested for DED then. ",4293,Story,23181,2019-06-07 15:38:57 UTC,2019-06-07 15:38:57 UTC
6623,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23184,2019-06-07 21:26:15 UTC,2019-06-07 21:26:15 UTC
6627,Slime flux,4089,Story,23188,2019-06-07 22:08:43 UTC,2019-06-07 22:08:43 UTC
6636,#dedsymptoms,4482,Story,23201,2019-06-09 20:02:19 UTC,2019-06-09 20:02:19 UTC
6625,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4089,Story,23186,2019-06-07 21:27:51 UTC,2019-06-07 21:27:51 UTC
6632,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,23193,2019-06-07 22:11:52 UTC,2019-06-07 22:11:52 UTC
6666,#round1 #stepmonitored,4436,Story,23340,2019-06-18 17:31:51 UTC,2019-06-18 17:31:51 UTC
6668,#round1 #stepmonitored,4436,Story,23342,2019-06-18 17:35:11 UTC,2019-06-18 17:35:11 UTC
6670,"#round1 #stepmonitored

Some squirrel damage in 2nd photo",4436,Story,23344,2019-06-18 17:39:02 UTC,2019-06-18 17:39:02 UTC
6667,"#round1 #stepmonitored

Some squirrel damage in second picture",4436,Story,23341,2019-06-18 17:33:17 UTC,2019-06-18 17:33:17 UTC
6672,#round1 #stepmonitored,4436,Story,23346,2019-06-18 17:42:17 UTC,2019-06-18 17:42:17 UTC
6669,#round1 #stepmonitored,4436,Story,23343,2019-06-18 17:37:02 UTC,2019-06-18 17:37:02 UTC
6671,#round1 #stepmonitored,4436,Story,23345,2019-06-18 17:40:08 UTC,2019-06-18 17:40:08 UTC
6673,#round1 #stepmonitored,4436,Story,23347,2019-06-18 17:43:13 UTC,2019-06-18 17:43:13 UTC
 #round2",4463,Story,23564,2019-07-05 15:40:13 UTC,2019-07-05 15:40:13 UTC
6828,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23568,2019-07-05 15:53:28 UTC,2019-07-05 15:53:28 UTC
6835,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23575,2019-07-05 19:37:04 UTC,2019-07-05 19:37:04 UTC
6836,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23576,2019-07-05 19:38:16 UTC,2019-07-05 19:38:16 UTC
6838,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23578,2019-07-05 19:40:11 UTC,2019-07-05 19:40:11 UTC
6839,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23579,2019-07-05 19:41:01 UTC,2019-07-05 19:41:01 UTC
6840,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23580,2019-07-05 19:42:30 UTC,2019-07-05 19:42:30 UTC
6841,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23590,2019-07-06 16:13:15 UTC,2019-07-06 16:13:15 UTC
6842,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23591,2019-07-06 16:13:54 UTC,2019-07-06 16:13:54 UTC
6845,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23594,2019-07-06 18:19:15 UTC,2019-07-06 18:19:15 UTC
6846,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23595,2019-07-06 18:19:43 UTC,2019-07-06 18:19:43 UTC
6847,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23596,2019-07-06 18:20:18 UTC,2019-07-06 18:20:18 UTC
6848,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23597,2019-07-06 18:22:27 UTC,2019-07-06 18:22:27 UTC
6849,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23598,2019-07-06 18:23:12 UTC,2019-07-06 18:23:12 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23599,2019-07-07 00:56:39 UTC,2019-07-07 00:56:39 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23600,2019-07-07 00:59:43 UTC,2019-07-07 00:59:43 UTC
6825,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23565,2019-07-05 15:44:09 UTC,2019-07-05 15:44:09 UTC
6827,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23567,2019-07-05 15:52:06 UTC,2019-07-05 15:52:06 UTC
6837,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23577,2019-07-05 19:39:20 UTC,2019-07-05 19:39:20 UTC
6843,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23592,2019-07-06 16:14:29 UTC,2019-07-06 16:14:29 UTC
6844,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23593,2019-07-06 16:15:46 UTC,2019-07-06 16:15:46 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23601,2019-07-07 01:07:41 UTC,2019-07-07 01:07:41 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23602,2019-07-07 01:08:34 UTC,2019-07-07 01:08:34 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23603,2019-07-07 01:09:07 UTC,2019-07-07 01:09:07 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23607,2019-07-07 01:20:45 UTC,2019-07-07 01:20:45 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23609,2019-07-07 01:21:28 UTC,2019-07-07 01:21:28 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23610,2019-07-07 01:23:22 UTC,2019-07-07 01:23:22 UTC
#possiblesquirreldamage ",4409,Story,23612,2019-07-07 01:31:50 UTC,2019-07-07 01:31:50 UTC
6868,#round2,4427,Story,23618,2019-07-07 22:14:33 UTC,2019-07-07 22:14:33 UTC
6869,#round2,4427,Story,23619,2019-07-07 22:16:40 UTC,2019-07-07 22:16:40 UTC
6870,#round2,4427,Story,23620,2019-07-07 22:17:22 UTC,2019-07-07 22:17:22 UTC
6871,#round2,4427,Story,23621,2019-07-07 22:21:47 UTC,2019-07-07 22:21:47 UTC
6872,#round2,4427,Story,23622,2019-07-07 22:22:14 UTC,2019-07-07 22:22:14 UTC
6873,#round2,4424,Story,23623,2019-07-07 22:23:03 UTC,2019-07-07 22:23:03 UTC
6874,#stepmonitored,4424,Story,23624,2019-07-07 22:24:52 UTC,2019-07-07 22:24:52 UTC
6826,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23566,2019-07-05 15:46:56 UTC,2019-07-05 15:46:56 UTC
6875,#round2,4424,Story,23625,2019-07-07 22:25:39 UTC,2019-07-07 22:25:39 UTC
6876,#round2,4424,Story,23626,2019-07-07 22:27:21 UTC,2019-07-07 22:27:21 UTC
6877,#round2,4427,Story,23627,2019-07-07 22:28:11 UTC,2019-07-07 22:28:11 UTC
6834,#stepmonitored #ded ?,4463,Story,23574,2019-07-05 19:02:45 UTC,2019-07-05 19:02:45 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23604,2019-07-07 01:18:30 UTC,2019-07-07 01:18:30 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23605,2019-07-07 01:19:03 UTC,2019-07-07 01:19:03 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23613,2019-07-07 01:32:18 UTC,2019-07-07 01:32:18 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23614,2019-07-07 03:18:13 UTC,2019-07-07 03:18:13 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23615,2019-07-07 03:19:01 UTC,2019-07-07 03:19:01 UTC
6867,#round2,4427,Story,23617,2019-07-07 22:05:49 UTC,2019-07-07 22:05:49 UTC
6878,#round2,4424,Story,23628,2019-07-07 22:28:34 UTC,2019-07-07 22:28:34 UTC
6879,#round2,4427,Story,23629,2019-07-07 22:28:35 UTC,2019-07-07 22:28:35 UTC
6880,#round2,4424,Story,23630,2019-07-07 22:29:35 UTC,2019-07-07 22:29:35 UTC
#round2",4424,Story,23631,2019-07-07 22:31:57 UTC,2019-07-07 22:31:57 UTC
6882,#round2,4424,Story,23632,2019-07-07 22:36:21 UTC,2019-07-07 22:36:21 UTC
6883,#round2,4427,Story,23633,2019-07-07 22:38:30 UTC,2019-07-07 22:38:30 UTC
6884,#round2,4427,Story,23634,2019-07-07 22:38:52 UTC,2019-07-07 22:38:52 UTC
6885,#round2,4424,Story,23635,2019-07-07 22:43:21 UTC,2019-07-07 22:43:21 UTC
6886,#round2,4424,Story,23636,2019-07-07 22:44:04 UTC,2019-07-07 22:44:04 UTC
6887,#round2,4427,Story,23637,2019-07-07 22:45:13 UTC,2019-07-07 22:45:13 UTC
6888,#round2,4424,Story,23638,2019-07-07 22:49:05 UTC,2019-07-07 22:49:05 UTC
6889,#round2,4427,Story,23639,2019-07-07 22:49:14 UTC,2019-07-07 22:49:14 UTC
6890,#round2,4427,Story,23640,2019-07-07 22:49:37 UTC,2019-07-07 22:49:37 UTC
6891,#round2,4424,Story,23641,2019-07-07 22:49:51 UTC,2019-07-07 22:49:51 UTC
6829,#stepmonitored #ded?,4463,Story,23569,2019-07-05 18:33:00 UTC,2019-07-05 18:33:00 UTC
6830,#stepmonitored.#ded?,4463,Story,23570,2019-07-05 18:36:42 UTC,2019-07-05 18:36:42 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23608,2019-07-07 01:20:45 UTC,2019-07-07 01:20:45 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,23611,2019-07-07 01:24:06 UTC,2019-07-07 01:24:06 UTC
6892,#round2,4424,Story,23642,2019-07-07 22:50:27 UTC,2019-07-07 22:50:27 UTC
6893,#round2,4427,Story,23643,2019-07-07 22:50:54 UTC,2019-07-07 22:50:54 UTC
6894,#round2,4427,Story,23644,2019-07-07 22:51:14 UTC,2019-07-07 22:51:14 UTC
6899,#round2,4424,Story,23649,2019-07-07 22:59:37 UTC,2019-07-07 22:59:37 UTC
6900,#round2,4427,Story,23650,2019-07-07 22:59:56 UTC,2019-07-07 22:59:56 UTC
Not sure if I have the tree matching the dot.",4463,Story,23571,2019-07-05 18:47:15 UTC,2019-07-05 18:47:15 UTC
6832,#stepmonitored #ded? ,4463,Story,23572,2019-07-05 18:54:03 UTC,2019-07-05 18:54:03 UTC
6895,#round2,4424,Story,23645,2019-07-07 22:55:27 UTC,2019-07-07 22:55:27 UTC
6833,#stepmonitored #ded?,4463,Story,23573,2019-07-05 18:59:12 UTC,2019-07-05 18:59:12 UTC
6896,#round2,4427,Story,23646,2019-07-07 22:55:31 UTC,2019-07-07 22:55:31 UTC
6907,#round2,4424,Story,23657,2019-07-07 23:06:40 UTC,2019-07-07 23:06:40 UTC
6897,#round2,4424,Story,23647,2019-07-07 22:55:57 UTC,2019-07-07 22:55:57 UTC
6904,#round2,4424,Story,23654,2019-07-07 23:04:15 UTC,2019-07-07 23:04:15 UTC
6905,#round2,4427,Story,23655,2019-07-07 23:04:45 UTC,2019-07-07 23:04:45 UTC
6906,#round2,4424,Story,23656,2019-07-07 23:05:03 UTC,2019-07-07 23:05:03 UTC
6903,#round2,4427,Story,23653,2019-07-07 23:03:31 UTC,2019-07-07 23:03:31 UTC
6908,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23658,2019-07-08 15:59:58 UTC,2019-07-08 15:59:58 UTC
6913,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23663,2019-07-08 16:04:13 UTC,2019-07-08 16:04:13 UTC
6920,#round2  #squirreldamage,4462,Story,23670,2019-07-08 19:45:00 UTC,2019-07-08 19:45:00 UTC
6898,#round2,4427,Story,23648,2019-07-07 22:59:21 UTC,2019-07-07 22:59:21 UTC
6901,#round2,4424,Story,23651,2019-07-07 23:00:42 UTC,2019-07-07 23:00:42 UTC
6902,#round2,4427,Story,23652,2019-07-07 23:01:27 UTC,2019-07-07 23:01:27 UTC
6923,#round2 #stepmomitored #round3,4462,Story,23673,2019-07-08 19:52:11 UTC,2019-08-27 23:53:28 UTC
6924,#round2,4462,Story,23674,2019-07-08 20:22:30 UTC,2019-07-08 20:22:30 UTC
6926,#round2,4462,Story,23676,2019-07-08 20:24:31 UTC,2019-07-08 20:24:31 UTC
6928,#round2 #squirreldamage,4462,Story,23678,2019-07-08 20:47:22 UTC,2019-07-08 20:47:22 UTC
6930,#round2,4462,Story,23680,2019-07-08 21:01:20 UTC,2019-07-08 21:01:20 UTC
6932,#stepmonitored #round2,4462,Story,23682,2019-07-08 21:06:23 UTC,2019-07-08 21:06:23 UTC
6934,#round2. I think this is just a broken branch,4462,Story,23685,2019-07-08 21:59:53 UTC,2019-07-08 21:59:53 UTC
6937,#round2,4462,Story,23688,2019-07-08 22:04:37 UTC,2019-07-08 22:04:37 UTC
6941,#round2 #squirreldamage,4462,Story,23692,2019-07-08 22:10:08 UTC,2019-07-08 22:10:08 UTC
",4424,Story,23694,2019-07-08 22:27:29 UTC,2019-07-08 22:27:29 UTC
6947,#round2,4424,Story,23698,2019-07-08 22:29:36 UTC,2019-07-08 22:29:36 UTC
6952, #round2,4462,Story,23703,2019-07-08 22:34:13 UTC,2019-07-08 22:34:13 UTC
6953,#round2,4427,Story,23704,2019-07-08 22:35:46 UTC,2019-07-08 22:35:46 UTC
6936,#round2,4462,Story,23687,2019-07-08 22:01:28 UTC,2019-07-08 22:01:28 UTC
6939,#round2,4462,Story,23690,2019-07-08 22:07:19 UTC,2019-07-08 22:07:19 UTC
6942,#round2,4462,Story,23693,2019-07-08 22:11:11 UTC,2019-07-08 22:11:11 UTC
6909,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23659,2019-07-08 16:00:41 UTC,2019-07-08 16:00:41 UTC
6914,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23664,2019-07-08 16:05:06 UTC,2019-07-08 16:05:06 UTC
6916,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23666,2019-07-08 16:07:07 UTC,2019-07-08 16:07:07 UTC
6917,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23667,2019-07-08 16:07:49 UTC,2019-07-08 16:07:49 UTC
6918,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23668,2019-07-08 16:08:37 UTC,2019-07-08 16:08:37 UTC
6919,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23669,2019-07-08 16:09:20 UTC,2019-07-08 16:09:20 UTC
6922,#round2. #stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,23672,2019-07-08 19:50:33 UTC,2019-08-27 23:54:37 UTC
6925,#round2,4462,Story,23675,2019-07-08 20:23:27 UTC,2019-07-08 20:23:27 UTC
6927,#round2,4462,Story,23677,2019-07-08 20:27:37 UTC,2019-07-08 20:27:37 UTC
6931,#STEPmonitored #round2,4462,Story,23683,2019-07-08 21:06:23 UTC,2019-07-08 21:06:23 UTC
6921,#round2 #squirreldamage,4462,Story,23671,2019-07-08 19:46:51 UTC,2019-07-08 19:46:51 UTC
6935,#round2,4462,Story,23686,2019-07-08 22:00:57 UTC,2019-07-08 22:00:57 UTC
6944,#stepmonitored #round2,4462,Story,23695,2019-07-08 22:27:32 UTC,2019-07-08 22:27:32 UTC
#squirreldamage",4427,Story,23706,2019-07-08 22:45:07 UTC,2019-07-08 22:45:07 UTC
6956,#round2,4427,Story,23707,2019-07-08 22:50:22 UTC,2019-07-08 22:50:22 UTC
6963,#round2,4427,Story,23715,2019-07-08 22:55:18 UTC,2019-07-08 22:55:18 UTC
6966,#round2,4427,Story,23718,2019-07-08 22:57:03 UTC,2019-07-08 22:57:03 UTC
6910,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23660,2019-07-08 16:01:29 UTC,2019-07-08 16:01:29 UTC
6933,The city sampled and girdled this tree. Bark beetle galleries and staining were present. #cityreported #dedsymptoms,4089,Story,23684,2019-07-08 21:17:41 UTC,2019-07-08 21:17:41 UTC
6938,#round2,4462,Story,23689,2019-07-08 22:06:35 UTC,2019-07-08 22:06:35 UTC
6940,#round2,4462,Story,23691,2019-07-08 22:08:00 UTC,2019-07-08 22:08:00 UTC
6945,#round2,4427,Story,23696,2019-07-08 22:28:16 UTC,2019-07-08 22:28:16 UTC
6946,#stepmonitored #round2,4462,Story,23697,2019-07-08 22:28:49 UTC,2019-07-08 22:28:49 UTC
6948,#stepmonitored #round2,4462,Story,23699,2019-07-08 22:30:15 UTC,2019-07-08 22:30:15 UTC
6949,#round2,4424,Story,23700,2019-07-08 22:31:21 UTC,2019-07-08 22:31:21 UTC
6950, #round2,4462,Story,23701,2019-07-08 22:31:57 UTC,2019-07-08 22:31:57 UTC
6951, #round2,4462,Story,23702,2019-07-08 22:33:32 UTC,2019-07-08 22:33:32 UTC
6954,#round2,4427,Story,23705,2019-07-08 22:36:17 UTC,2019-07-08 22:36:17 UTC
#round2",4424,Story,23708,2019-07-08 22:50:28 UTC,2019-07-08 22:50:28 UTC
6958,#stepmonitored,4427,Story,23709,2019-07-08 22:51:05 UTC,2019-07-08 22:51:05 UTC
#round2",4424,Story,23710,2019-07-08 22:51:25 UTC,2019-07-08 22:51:25 UTC
6960,#round2,4424,Story,23712,2019-07-08 22:54:35 UTC,2019-07-08 22:54:35 UTC
6961,#round2,4427,Story,23713,2019-07-08 22:54:50 UTC,2019-07-08 22:54:50 UTC
#stepmonitored",4427,Story,23714,2019-07-08 22:54:50 UTC,2019-07-08 22:54:50 UTC
6964,#round2,4424,Story,23716,2019-07-08 22:55:40 UTC,2019-07-08 22:55:40 UTC
6965,#round2,4427,Story,23717,2019-07-08 22:56:42 UTC,2019-07-08 22:56:42 UTC
6967,#round2,4424,Story,23719,2019-07-08 22:57:57 UTC,2019-07-08 22:57:57 UTC
6968,#round2,4427,Story,23720,2019-07-08 23:01:07 UTC,2019-07-08 23:01:07 UTC
#round2",4424,Story,23721,2019-07-08 23:11:40 UTC,2019-07-08 23:11:40 UTC
6970,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23722,2019-07-09 16:13:06 UTC,2019-07-09 16:13:06 UTC
6973,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23725,2019-07-09 16:54:30 UTC,2019-07-09 16:54:30 UTC
6977,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23729,2019-07-09 16:57:21 UTC,2019-07-09 16:57:21 UTC
6978,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23730,2019-07-09 16:58:16 UTC,2019-07-09 16:58:16 UTC
",4390,Story,23731,2019-07-09 20:23:28 UTC,2019-07-09 20:23:28 UTC
6984,"#round2 #dedsymptoms
",4390,Story,23736,2019-07-09 20:40:10 UTC,2019-07-09 20:40:10 UTC
6985,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23737,2019-07-09 22:26:53 UTC,2019-07-09 22:26:53 UTC
6987,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23739,2019-07-09 22:28:13 UTC,2019-07-09 22:28:13 UTC
6988,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23740,2019-07-09 22:29:03 UTC,2019-07-09 22:29:03 UTC
6994,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23746,2019-07-09 22:33:15 UTC,2019-07-09 22:33:15 UTC
6996,#stepmonitored #round2 #squirreldamage,4462,Story,23748,2019-07-10 04:38:41 UTC,2019-07-10 04:38:41 UTC
6997,#stepmonitored #round2,4462,Story,23749,2019-07-10 04:40:35 UTC,2019-07-10 04:40:35 UTC
7006,#stepmonitored  #round 2,4462,Story,23759,2019-07-10 05:08:36 UTC,2019-07-10 05:08:36 UTC
6911,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23661,2019-07-08 16:02:31 UTC,2019-07-08 16:02:31 UTC
6971,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23723,2019-07-09 16:16:08 UTC,2019-07-09 16:16:08 UTC
6972,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23724,2019-07-09 16:18:02 UTC,2019-07-09 16:18:02 UTC
6974,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23726,2019-07-09 16:55:16 UTC,2019-07-09 16:55:16 UTC
6975,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23727,2019-07-09 16:56:01 UTC,2019-07-09 16:56:01 UTC
6976,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23728,2019-07-09 16:56:40 UTC,2019-07-09 16:56:40 UTC
",4390,Story,23732,2019-07-09 20:23:28 UTC,2019-07-09 20:23:28 UTC

",4390,Story,23733,2019-07-09 20:25:04 UTC,2019-07-09 20:25:54 UTC
",4390,Story,23734,2019-07-09 20:28:36 UTC,2019-07-09 20:28:36 UTC
6986,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23738,2019-07-09 22:27:33 UTC,2019-07-09 22:27:33 UTC
6990,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23742,2019-07-09 22:30:31 UTC,2019-07-09 22:30:31 UTC
6993,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23745,2019-07-09 22:32:32 UTC,2019-07-09 22:32:32 UTC
6998,#stepmonitored  #round 2,4462,Story,23750,2019-07-10 04:42:37 UTC,2019-07-10 04:42:37 UTC
7000,#stepmonitored  #round 2,4462,Story,23752,2019-07-10 04:46:43 UTC,2019-07-10 04:46:43 UTC
7002,#stepmonitored  #round 2,4462,Story,23754,2019-07-10 04:49:00 UTC,2019-07-10 04:49:00 UTC
7003,#stepmonitored  #round 2,4462,Story,23756,2019-07-10 04:54:46 UTC,2019-07-10 04:54:46 UTC
7005,#stepmonitored  #round 2,4462,Story,23758,2019-07-10 04:56:19 UTC,2019-07-10 04:56:19 UTC
7007,  #round 2,4462,Story,23760,2019-07-10 05:12:03 UTC,2019-07-10 05:12:03 UTC
7010,#stepmonitored  #round 2,4462,Story,23763,2019-07-10 05:17:32 UTC,2019-07-10 05:17:32 UTC
7011,#round2,4462,Story,23764,2019-07-10 05:18:45 UTC,2019-07-10 05:18:45 UTC
",4390,Story,23735,2019-07-09 20:31:07 UTC,2019-07-09 20:31:07 UTC
6989,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23741,2019-07-09 22:29:45 UTC,2019-07-09 22:29:45 UTC
6991,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23743,2019-07-09 22:31:11 UTC,2019-07-09 22:31:11 UTC
6992,stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23744,2019-07-09 22:31:48 UTC,2019-07-09 22:31:48 UTC
6995,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23747,2019-07-09 22:34:13 UTC,2019-07-09 22:34:13 UTC
7008,#squirreldamage  #round 2,4462,Story,23761,2019-07-10 05:13:38 UTC,2019-07-10 05:13:38 UTC
7012,#round2,4462,Story,23765,2019-07-10 05:34:24 UTC,2019-07-10 05:34:24 UTC
7017,#round2,4462,Story,23771,2019-07-10 05:37:16 UTC,2019-07-10 05:37:16 UTC
7018,#round2,4462,Story,23772,2019-07-10 05:37:36 UTC,2019-07-10 05:37:36 UTC
6912,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23662,2019-07-08 16:03:24 UTC,2019-07-08 16:03:24 UTC
6915,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23665,2019-07-08 16:06:12 UTC,2019-07-08 16:06:12 UTC
7022,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23776,2019-07-10 17:45:04 UTC,2019-07-10 17:45:04 UTC
7023,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23777,2019-07-10 17:45:46 UTC,2019-07-10 17:45:46 UTC
7024,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23778,2019-07-10 17:46:31 UTC,2019-07-10 17:46:31 UTC
7025,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23779,2019-07-10 17:47:15 UTC,2019-07-10 17:47:15 UTC
7026,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23780,2019-07-10 17:47:50 UTC,2019-07-10 17:47:50 UTC
7027,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23781,2019-07-10 17:48:31 UTC,2019-07-10 17:48:31 UTC
7028,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23782,2019-07-10 17:49:12 UTC,2019-07-10 17:49:12 UTC
7030,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23784,2019-07-10 17:50:21 UTC,2019-07-10 17:50:21 UTC
7029,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23783,2019-07-10 17:49:47 UTC,2019-07-10 17:49:47 UTC
7031,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23785,2019-07-10 17:50:57 UTC,2019-07-10 17:50:57 UTC
7032,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23786,2019-07-10 17:51:35 UTC,2019-07-10 17:51:35 UTC
7009,#stepmonitored  #round 2,4462,Story,23762,2019-07-10 05:16:20 UTC,2019-07-10 05:16:20 UTC
7014,#round2,4462,Story,23768,2019-07-10 05:36:08 UTC,2019-07-10 05:36:08 UTC
7035,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23789,2019-07-10 17:54:01 UTC,2019-07-10 17:54:01 UTC
7013,#round2,4462,Story,23767,2019-07-10 05:36:08 UTC,2019-07-10 05:36:08 UTC
7016,#round2,4462,Story,23770,2019-07-10 05:36:55 UTC,2019-07-10 05:36:55 UTC
7033,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23787,2019-07-10 17:52:23 UTC,2019-07-10 17:52:23 UTC
7034,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23788,2019-07-10 17:53:12 UTC,2019-07-10 17:53:12 UTC
7015,#round2,4462,Story,23769,2019-07-10 05:36:35 UTC,2019-07-10 05:36:35 UTC
7081,#round2,4427,Story,23855,2019-07-11 16:58:18 UTC,2019-07-11 16:58:18 UTC
7082,#round2,4424,Story,23856,2019-07-11 17:00:50 UTC,2019-07-11 17:00:50 UTC
7083,#round2,4427,Story,23857,2019-07-11 17:01:01 UTC,2019-07-11 17:01:01 UTC
7084,#round2,4427,Story,23858,2019-07-11 17:01:21 UTC,2019-07-11 17:01:21 UTC
#stepmonitored",4424,Story,23859,2019-07-11 17:01:55 UTC,2019-07-11 17:01:55 UTC
7089,#round2,4424,Story,23864,2019-07-11 17:06:20 UTC,2019-07-11 17:06:20 UTC
7049,#round2,4424,Story,23822,2019-07-11 16:06:41 UTC,2019-07-11 16:06:41 UTC
7052,#round2,4424,Story,23825,2019-07-11 16:12:18 UTC,2019-07-11 16:12:18 UTC
7053,#round2,4427,Story,23826,2019-07-11 16:12:36 UTC,2019-07-11 16:12:36 UTC
7060,#round2,4427,Story,23833,2019-07-11 16:24:09 UTC,2019-07-11 16:24:09 UTC
#round2",4427,Story,23835,2019-07-11 16:28:54 UTC,2019-07-11 16:28:54 UTC
7063,#round2,4427,Story,23836,2019-07-11 16:31:50 UTC,2019-07-11 16:31:50 UTC
7069,#round2,4424,Story,23842,2019-07-11 16:49:12 UTC,2019-07-11 16:49:12 UTC
7070,#round2,4424,Story,23843,2019-07-11 16:50:22 UTC,2019-07-11 16:50:22 UTC
7078,#round2,4427,Story,23851,2019-07-11 16:56:51 UTC,2019-07-11 16:56:51 UTC
7079,#round2,4427,Story,23852,2019-07-11 16:57:11 UTC,2019-07-11 16:57:11 UTC
7090,#round2,4427,Story,23865,2019-07-11 17:06:30 UTC,2019-07-11 17:06:30 UTC
7096,#stepmonitored #roundtwo,4464,Story,23871,2019-07-12 18:05:31 UTC,2019-07-12 18:05:31 UTC
7097,#stepmonitored #roundtwo,4464,Story,23872,2019-07-12 18:07:43 UTC,2019-07-12 18:07:43 UTC
7098,#stepmonitored #roundtwo,4464,Story,23873,2019-07-12 18:09:14 UTC,2019-07-12 18:09:14 UTC
7100,#stepmonitored #roundtwo,4464,Story,23875,2019-07-12 18:18:15 UTC,2019-07-12 18:18:15 UTC
7101,#stepmonitored #roundtwo,4464,Story,23876,2019-07-12 18:19:54 UTC,2019-07-12 18:19:54 UTC
7103,#stepmonitored #roundtwo,4464,Story,23878,2019-07-12 18:22:23 UTC,2019-07-12 18:22:23 UTC
7102,#stepmonitored #roundtwo,4464,Story,23877,2019-07-12 18:21:32 UTC,2019-07-12 18:21:32 UTC
7099,"#stepmonitored #round2 large broken branch, but also possible #dedsymptoms ",4464,Story,23874,2019-07-12 18:15:39 UTC,2019-07-12 18:15:39 UTC
7106,#cityreported #dedconfirmed #dedsymptoms Scheduled for removal,4089,Story,23881,2019-07-12 19:45:15 UTC,2019-07-12 19:45:15 UTC
7107,Scheduled for removal #cityreported #dedconfirmed,4089,Story,23882,2019-07-12 19:49:08 UTC,2019-07-12 19:49:08 UTC
7108,Scheduled for removal #cityreported #dedconfirmed ,4089,Story,23883,2019-07-12 20:15:02 UTC,2019-07-12 20:15:02 UTC
7111,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,23886,2019-07-12 23:52:56 UTC,2019-07-12 23:52:56 UTC
7055,#round2,4427,Story,23828,2019-07-11 16:19:30 UTC,2019-07-11 16:19:30 UTC
7057,#round2,4427,Story,23830,2019-07-11 16:20:08 UTC,2019-07-11 16:20:08 UTC
7058,#round2,4424,Story,23831,2019-07-11 16:20:57 UTC,2019-07-11 16:20:57 UTC
7061,#round2,4424,Story,23834,2019-07-11 16:24:35 UTC,2019-07-11 16:24:35 UTC
7066,#round2,4424,Story,23839,2019-07-11 16:36:51 UTC,2019-07-11 16:36:51 UTC
7068,#round2,4424,Story,23841,2019-07-11 16:37:28 UTC,2019-07-11 16:37:28 UTC
7071,#round2,4427,Story,23844,2019-07-11 16:50:46 UTC,2019-07-11 16:50:46 UTC
7050,#round2,4424,Story,23823,2019-07-11 16:07:35 UTC,2019-07-11 16:07:35 UTC
7051,#round2,4427,Story,23824,2019-07-11 16:12:15 UTC,2019-07-11 16:12:15 UTC
7104,#stepmonitored #roundtwo,4464,Story,23879,2019-07-12 18:29:48 UTC,2019-07-12 18:29:48 UTC
7105,#stepmonitored #roundtwo #dedsymptoms,4464,Story,23880,2019-07-12 18:39:05 UTC,2019-07-12 18:39:05 UTC
7112,@stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,23887,2019-07-12 23:54:13 UTC,2019-07-12 23:54:13 UTC
7109,#dedconfirmed #cityreported,4336,Story,23884,2019-07-12 20:15:11 UTC,2019-07-12 20:15:11 UTC
7126,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,23901,2019-07-13 00:19:49 UTC,2019-07-13 00:19:49 UTC
7054,#round2,4424,Story,23827,2019-07-11 16:12:48 UTC,2019-07-11 16:12:48 UTC
7072,#round2,4427,Story,23845,2019-07-11 16:51:15 UTC,2019-07-11 16:51:15 UTC
7113,#stepmonitored #round2 #heatstress,4393,Story,23888,2019-07-12 23:55:59 UTC,2019-07-12 23:55:59 UTC
7114,#strpmonitored #round2,4393,Story,23889,2019-07-12 23:57:00 UTC,2019-07-12 23:57:00 UTC
7116,3stepmonitored #round2 #heatstress,4393,Story,23891,2019-07-13 00:11:30 UTC,2019-07-13 00:11:30 UTC
7119,#stepmonitord #round2,4393,Story,23894,2019-07-13 00:14:30 UTC,2019-07-13 00:14:30 UTC
7120,"#stepmonitored #round2
",4393,Story,23895,2019-07-13 00:15:28 UTC,2019-07-13 00:15:28 UTC
7121,#stepmonitored #treemissing,4393,Story,23896,2019-07-13 00:16:10 UTC,2019-07-13 00:16:10 UTC
7122,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,23897,2019-07-13 00:17:15 UTC,2019-07-13 00:17:15 UTC
7124,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,23899,2019-07-13 00:18:50 UTC,2019-07-13 00:18:50 UTC
7125,#stepmonitored #roiund2,4393,Story,23900,2019-07-13 00:19:20 UTC,2019-07-13 00:19:20 UTC
7117,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,23892,2019-07-13 00:12:34 UTC,2019-07-13 00:12:34 UTC
7056,#round2,4424,Story,23829,2019-07-11 16:19:55 UTC,2019-07-11 16:19:55 UTC
7059,#round2,4427,Story,23832,2019-07-11 16:21:55 UTC,2019-07-11 16:21:55 UTC
#round2",4424,Story,23837,2019-07-11 16:33:23 UTC,2019-07-11 16:33:23 UTC
7065,#round2,4427,Story,23838,2019-07-11 16:36:44 UTC,2019-07-11 16:36:44 UTC
7118,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,23893,2019-07-13 00:13:59 UTC,2019-07-13 00:13:59 UTC
7067,#round2,4427,Story,23840,2019-07-11 16:37:11 UTC,2019-07-11 16:37:11 UTC
7073,#round2,4424,Story,23846,2019-07-11 16:52:20 UTC,2019-07-11 16:52:20 UTC
7074,#round2,4424,Story,23847,2019-07-11 16:53:41 UTC,2019-07-11 16:53:41 UTC
7077,#round2,4427,Story,23850,2019-07-11 16:56:27 UTC,2019-07-11 16:56:27 UTC
7080,#round2,4427,Story,23854,2019-07-11 16:58:18 UTC,2019-07-11 16:58:18 UTC
7091,#round2,4427,Story,23866,2019-07-11 17:06:30 UTC,2019-07-11 17:06:30 UTC
7094,#round2,4427,Story,23869,2019-07-11 17:07:03 UTC,2019-07-11 17:07:03 UTC
7115,"#stepmonitored #round3 #dedsymptoms
Center dieback with flagging branches.  Trunk scarred by autos",4393,Story,23890,2019-07-12 23:59:50 UTC,2019-07-12 23:59:50 UTC
7123,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,23898,2019-07-13 00:18:13 UTC,2019-07-13 00:18:13 UTC
7127,#stepmonitored #round2 #heatstress,4393,Story,23902,2019-07-13 00:21:03 UTC,2019-07-13 00:21:03 UTC
7128,#stepmonitored #round2 #heatstress,4393,Story,23903,2019-07-13 00:22:06 UTC,2019-07-13 00:22:06 UTC
7130,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,23905,2019-07-13 00:23:16 UTC,2019-07-13 00:23:16 UTC
7131,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,23906,2019-07-13 00:24:30 UTC,2019-07-13 00:24:30 UTC
7132,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,23907,2019-07-13 00:25:39 UTC,2019-07-13 00:25:39 UTC
7087,#round2,4424,Story,23861,2019-07-11 17:03:29 UTC,2019-07-11 17:03:29 UTC
7075,#round2,4424,Story,23848,2019-07-11 16:54:12 UTC,2019-07-11 16:54:12 UTC
7076,#round2,4427,Story,23849,2019-07-11 16:54:22 UTC,2019-07-11 16:54:22 UTC
7086,#round2,4427,Story,23860,2019-07-11 17:03:15 UTC,2019-07-11 17:03:15 UTC
7141,#round2,4332,Story,23916,2019-07-13 04:26:06 UTC,2019-07-13 04:26:06 UTC
7088,#round2,4424,Story,23863,2019-07-11 17:05:50 UTC,2019-07-11 17:05:50 UTC
7129,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,23904,2019-07-13 00:22:33 UTC,2019-07-13 00:22:33 UTC
7133,#round2,4332,Story,23908,2019-07-13 04:14:48 UTC,2019-07-13 04:14:48 UTC
7135,#round2,4332,Story,23910,2019-07-13 04:20:01 UTC,2019-07-13 04:20:01 UTC
7136,#round2 #squirreldamage,4332,Story,23911,2019-07-13 04:21:08 UTC,2019-07-13 04:21:08 UTC
7138,#round2,4332,Story,23913,2019-07-13 04:23:54 UTC,2019-07-13 04:23:54 UTC
7139,#round2,4332,Story,23914,2019-07-13 04:24:34 UTC,2019-07-13 04:24:34 UTC
7140,#round2 #squirreldamage,4332,Story,23915,2019-07-13 04:25:14 UTC,2019-07-13 04:25:14 UTC
7142,#round2,4332,Story,23917,2019-07-13 04:26:50 UTC,2019-07-13 04:26:50 UTC
7143,#round2 #squirreldamage,4332,Story,23918,2019-07-13 04:27:36 UTC,2019-07-13 04:27:36 UTC
7145,#round2 #squirreldamage,4332,Story,23920,2019-07-13 04:29:00 UTC,2019-07-13 04:29:00 UTC
7146,#round2,4332,Story,23921,2019-07-13 04:30:38 UTC,2019-07-13 04:30:38 UTC
7134,#round2,4332,Story,23909,2019-07-13 04:15:28 UTC,2019-07-13 04:15:28 UTC
7137,#round2 #squirreldamage,4332,Story,23912,2019-07-13 04:22:51 UTC,2019-07-13 04:22:51 UTC
7144,#round2,4332,Story,23919,2019-07-13 04:28:21 UTC,2019-07-13 04:28:21 UTC
7147,#round2,4332,Story,23922,2019-07-13 04:31:35 UTC,2019-07-13 04:31:35 UTC
7148,#round2,4332,Story,23923,2019-07-13 04:34:04 UTC,2019-07-13 04:34:04 UTC
7149,#round2,4332,Story,23924,2019-07-13 04:34:25 UTC,2019-07-13 04:34:25 UTC
7092,#round2,4427,Story,23867,2019-07-11 17:06:44 UTC,2019-07-11 17:06:44 UTC
7093,#round2,4424,Story,23868,2019-07-11 17:06:55 UTC,2019-07-11 17:06:55 UTC
7095,#round2,4424,Story,23870,2019-07-11 17:07:18 UTC,2019-07-11 17:07:18 UTC
7171,#round2,4384,Story,23948,2019-07-13 23:33:36 UTC,2019-07-15 17:48:38 UTC
7110,#treeremoved #dedconfirmed,4089,Story,23885,2019-07-12 21:09:16 UTC,2019-07-12 21:09:16 UTC
7150, Tree removed. #stepmonitored #round2,4458,Story,23925,2019-07-13 15:40:44 UTC,2019-07-13 15:40:44 UTC
7151,#stepmonitored #round2 2 trees at this kocation?,4458,Story,23926,2019-07-13 15:47:47 UTC,2019-07-13 15:47:47 UTC
7158,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23933,2019-07-13 16:17:31 UTC,2019-07-13 16:17:31 UTC
7159,#stepmonitored #round2 small broken dead branch on West side.,4458,Story,23934,2019-07-13 16:19:36 UTC,2019-07-13 16:19:36 UTC
7160,#stepmonitored  #round2,4458,Story,23935,2019-07-13 16:22:34 UTC,2019-07-13 16:22:34 UTC
7164,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23939,2019-07-13 17:25:35 UTC,2019-07-13 17:25:35 UTC
7167,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23942,2019-07-13 17:28:06 UTC,2019-07-13 17:28:06 UTC
7168,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23943,2019-07-13 17:28:43 UTC,2019-07-13 17:28:43 UTC
7169,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23944,2019-07-13 17:29:18 UTC,2019-07-13 17:29:18 UTC
7170,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23945,2019-07-13 17:29:54 UTC,2019-07-13 17:29:54 UTC
7172,#round2,4384,Story,23949,2019-07-13 23:35:25 UTC,2019-07-15 17:48:19 UTC
7173,#round2,4384,Story,23950,2019-07-13 23:36:25 UTC,2019-07-15 17:48:02 UTC
7174,#round2,4384,Story,23951,2019-07-13 23:37:24 UTC,2019-07-15 17:47:42 UTC
7175,#round2,4384,Story,23952,2019-07-13 23:38:41 UTC,2019-07-15 17:47:22 UTC
7176,#round2,4384,Story,23953,2019-07-13 23:39:49 UTC,2019-07-15 17:47:08 UTC
7177,#round2,4384,Story,23954,2019-07-13 23:40:52 UTC,2019-07-15 17:46:52 UTC
7180,#round2,4384,Story,23957,2019-07-13 23:48:08 UTC,2019-07-15 17:45:08 UTC
7181,#stepmonitoree#round2,4423,Story,23958,2019-07-13 23:48:30 UTC,2019-07-13 23:48:30 UTC
7179,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4384,Story,23956,2019-07-13 23:46:56 UTC,2019-07-15 17:46:00 UTC
7152,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4458,Story,23927,2019-07-13 15:54:09 UTC,2019-07-13 15:54:09 UTC
7155,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4458,Story,23930,2019-07-13 15:58:48 UTC,2019-07-13 15:58:48 UTC
7156,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4458,Story,23931,2019-07-13 16:04:01 UTC,2019-07-13 16:04:01 UTC
7157,#stepmonitored #round2  lots of dead work but does not appear new. See photo.,4458,Story,23932,2019-07-13 16:08:39 UTC,2019-07-13 16:08:39 UTC
7161,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23936,2019-07-13 16:27:16 UTC,2019-07-13 16:27:16 UTC
7162,#stepmonitored  #round2  advanticious growth on bottom half crown thinning on top. Bad pruning?,4458,Story,23937,2019-07-13 16:29:13 UTC,2019-07-13 16:29:13 UTC
7163,#stepmonitored  #round2 ,4458,Story,23938,2019-07-13 16:34:16 UTC,2019-07-13 16:34:16 UTC
7165,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23940,2019-07-13 17:26:28 UTC,2019-07-13 17:26:28 UTC
7166,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,23941,2019-07-13 17:27:25 UTC,2019-07-13 17:27:25 UTC
7178,#round2,4384,Story,23955,2019-07-13 23:41:58 UTC,2019-07-15 17:46:24 UTC
7184,#stepmonitored#round2,4423,Story,23961,2019-07-13 23:59:28 UTC,2019-07-13 23:59:28 UTC
7187,#stepmonitored#Round2 ,4423,Story,23964,2019-07-14 00:12:39 UTC,2019-07-14 00:12:39 UTC
7189,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4429,Story,23967,2019-07-14 16:47:07 UTC,2019-07-14 16:47:07 UTC
7190,#round2 #droughtstress,4429,Story,23968,2019-07-14 16:51:24 UTC,2019-07-14 16:51:24 UTC
7191,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4429,Story,23969,2019-07-14 16:54:22 UTC,2019-07-14 16:54:22 UTC
7192,#roundtwo,4429,Story,23970,2019-07-14 16:58:39 UTC,2019-07-14 16:58:39 UTC
7193,#roundtwo,4429,Story,23971,2019-07-14 17:03:38 UTC,2019-07-14 17:03:38 UTC
7153,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4458,Story,23928,2019-07-13 15:55:25 UTC,2019-07-13 15:55:25 UTC
7154,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4458,Story,23929,2019-07-13 15:55:50 UTC,2019-07-13 15:55:50 UTC
7182,#round2,4384,Story,23959,2019-07-13 23:49:11 UTC,2019-07-15 17:44:19 UTC
7183,#stepmonitored#round2,4423,Story,23960,2019-07-13 23:55:03 UTC,2019-07-13 23:55:03 UTC
7185,#stepmonitored#round2,4423,Story,23962,2019-07-14 00:10:38 UTC,2019-07-14 00:10:38 UTC
7194,#roundtwo #droughtstress,4429,Story,23972,2019-07-14 17:07:01 UTC,2019-07-14 17:07:01 UTC
7195,#roundtwo,4429,Story,23973,2019-07-14 17:09:24 UTC,2019-07-14 17:09:24 UTC
7197,#roundtwo,4429,Story,23975,2019-07-14 17:15:04 UTC,2019-07-14 17:15:04 UTC
7198,#roundtwo,4429,Story,23976,2019-07-14 17:44:01 UTC,2019-07-14 17:44:01 UTC
7199,#roundtwo #wiltedleaves,4429,Story,23977,2019-07-14 17:50:09 UTC,2019-07-14 17:50:09 UTC
7200,#roundtwo,4429,Story,23978,2019-07-14 17:52:36 UTC,2019-07-14 17:52:36 UTC
7201,#roundtwo wilted leaves ,4429,Story,23979,2019-07-14 17:54:38 UTC,2019-07-14 17:54:38 UTC
7202,#roundtwo,4429,Story,23980,2019-07-14 17:57:23 UTC,2019-07-14 17:57:23 UTC
7203,#roundtwo,4429,Story,23981,2019-07-14 18:01:46 UTC,2019-07-14 18:01:46 UTC
7204,#roundtwo,4429,Story,23982,2019-07-14 18:03:31 UTC,2019-07-14 18:03:31 UTC
7196,#droughtstress,4429,Story,23974,2019-07-14 17:12:58 UTC,2019-07-14 17:12:58 UTC
7206,#stepmonitored #round2,4466,Story,23984,2019-07-15 01:22:25 UTC,2019-07-15 01:22:25 UTC
7209,#round2,4346,Story,23987,2019-07-15 01:32:44 UTC,2019-07-15 01:32:44 UTC
7211,#round2,4346,Story,23989,2019-07-15 01:34:05 UTC,2019-07-15 01:34:05 UTC
7212,#round2,4346,Story,23990,2019-07-15 01:34:35 UTC,2019-07-15 01:34:35 UTC
7221,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4466,Story,23999,2019-07-15 02:04:48 UTC,2019-07-15 02:04:48 UTC
7186,#stepmonitored#round2,4423,Story,23963,2019-07-14 00:11:43 UTC,2019-07-14 00:11:43 UTC
7188,#stepmonitored#Round2 ,4423,Story,23965,2019-07-14 00:13:27 UTC,2019-07-14 00:13:27 UTC
7207,#stepmonitored #round2,4466,Story,23985,2019-07-15 01:24:49 UTC,2019-07-15 01:24:49 UTC
7208,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4466,Story,23986,2019-07-15 01:25:17 UTC,2019-07-15 01:25:17 UTC
7210,#round2,4346,Story,23988,2019-07-15 01:33:27 UTC,2019-07-15 01:33:27 UTC
7215,#round2,4346,Story,23993,2019-07-15 01:36:30 UTC,2019-07-15 01:36:30 UTC
7216,"#round2,#stepmonitored",4346,Story,23994,2019-07-15 01:37:31 UTC,2019-07-15 01:37:31 UTC
7217,#round2,4346,Story,23995,2019-07-15 01:38:23 UTC,2019-07-15 01:38:23 UTC
7218,#round2 ,4346,Story,23996,2019-07-15 01:39:09 UTC,2019-07-15 01:39:09 UTC
7219,#stepmonitored #round2,4466,Story,23997,2019-07-15 01:59:15 UTC,2019-07-15 01:59:15 UTC
7220,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4466,Story,23998,2019-07-15 01:59:39 UTC,2019-07-15 01:59:39 UTC
7222,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4466,Story,24000,2019-07-15 02:05:13 UTC,2019-07-15 02:05:13 UTC
7223,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4466,Story,24001,2019-07-15 02:05:39 UTC,2019-07-15 02:05:39 UTC
7224,#stepmonitored #removed,4466,Story,24003,2019-07-15 02:15:35 UTC,2019-07-15 02:15:35 UTC
7225,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4466,Story,24004,2019-07-15 02:19:17 UTC,2019-07-15 02:19:17 UTC
7213,#round2,4346,Story,23991,2019-07-15 01:35:10 UTC,2019-07-15 01:35:10 UTC
7214,#round2,4346,Story,23992,2019-07-15 01:35:44 UTC,2019-07-15 01:35:44 UTC
7226,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4466,Story,24005,2019-07-15 02:19:40 UTC,2019-07-15 02:19:40 UTC
7228,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24007,2019-07-15 02:28:15 UTC,2019-07-15 02:28:15 UTC
7229,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24008,2019-07-15 02:28:36 UTC,2019-07-15 02:28:36 UTC
7230,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24009,2019-07-15 02:29:05 UTC,2019-07-15 02:29:05 UTC
7231,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24010,2019-07-15 02:29:57 UTC,2019-07-15 02:29:57 UTC
7232,#dedsymptoms ,4502,Story,24011,2019-07-15 02:32:10 UTC,2019-07-15 02:32:10 UTC
7233,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms ,4502,Story,24012,2019-07-15 02:43:44 UTC,2019-07-15 02:43:44 UTC
7234,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24013,2019-07-15 02:44:04 UTC,2019-07-15 02:44:04 UTC
7241,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24020,2019-07-15 03:21:17 UTC,2019-07-15 03:21:17 UTC
7205,#roundtwo,4429,Story,23983,2019-07-14 18:05:07 UTC,2019-07-14 18:05:07 UTC
7246,#round2,4382,Story,24025,2019-07-15 22:54:34 UTC,2019-07-15 22:54:34 UTC
7248,#round2 dead branch top has been there for at least a year,4332,Story,24027,2019-07-16 17:55:59 UTC,2019-07-16 17:55:59 UTC
7251,#round2,4451,Story,24030,2019-07-16 21:26:28 UTC,2019-07-16 21:26:28 UTC
7255,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24034,2019-07-16 21:38:31 UTC,2019-07-16 21:38:31 UTC
7250,Looks awsome! #round2,4451,Story,24029,2019-07-16 21:00:04 UTC,2019-07-16 21:00:04 UTC
7256,#round2,4382,Story,24035,2019-07-17 05:44:35 UTC,2019-07-17 05:44:35 UTC
7257,#round2,4382,Story,24036,2019-07-17 05:46:50 UTC,2019-07-17 05:46:50 UTC
7259,#round2,4382,Story,24038,2019-07-17 05:47:54 UTC,2019-07-17 05:47:54 UTC
7260,#treeremoved,4382,Story,24039,2019-07-17 05:53:53 UTC,2019-07-17 05:53:53 UTC
7261,#round2,4382,Story,24040,2019-07-17 05:56:05 UTC,2019-07-17 05:56:05 UTC
7262,#round2,4382,Story,24041,2019-07-17 05:56:24 UTC,2019-07-17 05:56:24 UTC
7253,#round2,4451,Story,24032,2019-07-16 21:30:57 UTC,2019-07-16 21:30:57 UTC
",4451,Story,24031,2019-07-16 21:29:07 UTC,2019-07-16 21:29:07 UTC
7263,#squirreldamage Power lines provide great access for squirrel damage. Keep monitoring in case it becomes worse though,4154,Story,24042,2019-07-17 16:43:08 UTC,2019-07-17 16:43:08 UTC
7264,#squirreldamage With the close proximity of the power lines it gives squirrels easy access into the tree. Keep an eye on it in case it progresses,4154,Story,24043,2019-07-17 16:46:14 UTC,2019-07-17 16:46:14 UTC
",4473,Story,24053,2019-07-17 17:23:32 UTC,2019-07-17 17:23:32 UTC
7235,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24014,2019-07-15 02:44:23 UTC,2019-07-15 02:44:23 UTC
7236,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24015,2019-07-15 02:44:43 UTC,2019-07-15 02:44:43 UTC
7237,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24016,2019-07-15 02:45:01 UTC,2019-07-15 02:45:01 UTC
7242,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24021,2019-07-15 03:21:45 UTC,2019-07-15 03:21:45 UTC
7243,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24022,2019-07-15 03:22:26 UTC,2019-07-15 03:22:26 UTC
7258,#round2,4382,Story,24037,2019-07-17 05:47:28 UTC,2019-07-17 05:47:28 UTC
",4473,Story,24044,2019-07-17 16:56:01 UTC,2019-07-17 16:56:01 UTC
7238,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms ,4502,Story,24017,2019-07-15 02:55:37 UTC,2019-07-15 02:55:37 UTC
7239,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24018,2019-07-15 02:56:08 UTC,2019-07-15 02:56:08 UTC
7240,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4502,Story,24019,2019-07-15 02:56:24 UTC,2019-07-15 02:56:24 UTC
",4473,Story,24052,2019-07-17 17:10:02 UTC,2019-07-17 17:10:02 UTC
7323,#round2,4393,Story,24103,2019-07-18 15:10:49 UTC,2019-07-18 15:10:49 UTC
7324,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24104,2019-07-18 15:12:15 UTC,2019-07-18 15:12:15 UTC
7326,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24106,2019-07-18 15:12:48 UTC,2019-07-18 15:12:48 UTC
7327,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24107,2019-07-18 15:13:02 UTC,2019-07-18 15:13:02 UTC
7328,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24108,2019-07-18 15:13:18 UTC,2019-07-18 15:13:18 UTC
7329,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24109,2019-07-18 15:13:41 UTC,2019-07-18 15:13:41 UTC
7330,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24110,2019-07-18 15:14:00 UTC,2019-07-18 15:14:00 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4473,Story,24054,2019-07-17 17:35:36 UTC,2019-07-17 17:35:36 UTC
7280,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4393,Story,24059,2019-07-17 20:00:05 UTC,2019-07-17 20:00:05 UTC
7281,#stepmonitored #round 2,4393,Story,24060,2019-07-17 20:06:07 UTC,2019-07-17 20:06:07 UTC
7282,#stepmonitored  #round2,4393,Story,24061,2019-07-17 20:07:48 UTC,2019-07-17 20:07:48 UTC
7283,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24062,2019-07-17 20:10:51 UTC,2019-07-17 20:10:51 UTC
7287,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24066,2019-07-18 00:20:02 UTC,2019-07-18 00:20:02 UTC
7289,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24068,2019-07-18 00:24:43 UTC,2019-07-18 00:24:43 UTC
7318,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24098,2019-07-18 03:30:34 UTC,2019-07-18 03:30:34 UTC
7321,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24101,2019-07-18 15:00:03 UTC,2019-07-18 15:00:03 UTC
7322,#round2,4393,Story,24102,2019-07-18 15:03:37 UTC,2019-07-18 15:03:37 UTC
7331,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24111,2019-07-18 15:14:16 UTC,2019-07-18 15:14:16 UTC
7332,#stepmonitered #round2,4393,Story,24112,2019-07-18 15:26:59 UTC,2019-07-18 15:26:59 UTC
7341,Coors beer truck knocked off large  branch yesterday. ,4332,Story,24121,2019-07-18 17:38:08 UTC,2019-07-18 17:38:08 UTC
7342,#round2 big limb hanging out across the street doesn’t look like a good idea,4332,Story,24122,2019-07-18 18:05:23 UTC,2019-07-18 18:05:23 UTC
7343,#round2 #stepmonitored,4332,Story,24123,2019-07-18 18:08:50 UTC,2019-07-18 18:08:50 UTC
7344,#stepmonitored #treeremoved,4393,Story,24124,2019-07-18 20:25:38 UTC,2019-07-18 20:25:38 UTC
7349,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24129,2019-07-18 20:33:29 UTC,2019-07-18 20:33:29 UTC
7351,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24131,2019-07-18 20:35:21 UTC,2019-07-18 20:35:21 UTC
7352,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24132,2019-07-18 20:36:30 UTC,2019-07-18 20:36:30 UTC
7354,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24134,2019-07-18 20:39:49 UTC,2019-07-18 20:39:49 UTC
7355,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24135,2019-07-18 20:40:27 UTC,2019-07-18 20:40:27 UTC
7357,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24137,2019-07-18 20:41:59 UTC,2019-07-18 20:41:59 UTC
",4473,Story,24055,2019-07-17 17:49:48 UTC,2019-07-17 17:49:48 UTC
7284,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24063,2019-07-17 20:13:07 UTC,2019-07-17 20:13:07 UTC
7285,#stepmonitored #treeremoved,4393,Story,24064,2019-07-17 20:21:24 UTC,2019-07-17 20:21:24 UTC
7288,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24067,2019-07-18 00:24:13 UTC,2019-07-18 00:24:13 UTC
7319,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24099,2019-07-18 03:31:10 UTC,2019-07-18 03:31:10 UTC
7325,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24105,2019-07-18 15:12:29 UTC,2019-07-18 15:12:29 UTC
7345,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24125,2019-07-18 20:28:59 UTC,2019-07-18 20:28:59 UTC
",4473,Story,24056,2019-07-17 18:04:22 UTC,2019-07-17 18:04:22 UTC
#round2",4473,Story,24057,2019-07-17 18:06:33 UTC,2019-07-17 18:06:33 UTC
7286,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24065,2019-07-17 20:24:25 UTC,2019-07-17 20:24:25 UTC
7290,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24069,2019-07-18 00:25:09 UTC,2019-07-18 00:25:09 UTC
7320,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4428,Story,24100,2019-07-18 03:34:04 UTC,2019-07-18 03:34:04 UTC
7333,#tree removed,4393,Story,24113,2019-07-18 15:35:11 UTC,2019-07-18 15:35:11 UTC
7346,#round2,4332,Story,24126,2019-07-18 20:29:52 UTC,2019-07-18 20:29:52 UTC
7347,$stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24127,2019-07-18 20:30:27 UTC,2019-07-18 20:30:27 UTC
7348,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24128,2019-07-18 20:31:28 UTC,2019-07-18 20:31:28 UTC
#round2",4473,Story,24058,2019-07-17 18:09:23 UTC,2019-07-17 18:09:23 UTC
7291,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24070,2019-07-18 00:27:20 UTC,2019-07-18 00:27:20 UTC
7292,#stepmonitored #round2 #squirreldamage,4428,Story,24071,2019-07-18 00:37:33 UTC,2019-07-18 00:37:33 UTC
7334,#stepmonitered #round 2,4393,Story,24114,2019-07-18 15:36:43 UTC,2019-07-18 15:36:43 UTC
7350,@stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24130,2019-07-18 20:34:26 UTC,2019-07-18 20:34:26 UTC
7353,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24133,2019-07-18 20:37:37 UTC,2019-07-18 20:37:37 UTC
7356,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24136,2019-07-18 20:41:08 UTC,2019-07-18 20:41:08 UTC
7293,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24072,2019-07-18 00:39:44 UTC,2019-07-18 00:39:44 UTC
7294,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24073,2019-07-18 00:42:28 UTC,2019-07-18 00:42:28 UTC
7302,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24082,2019-07-18 01:03:35 UTC,2019-07-18 01:03:35 UTC
7303,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24083,2019-07-18 01:03:54 UTC,2019-07-18 01:03:54 UTC
7304,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24084,2019-07-18 01:04:11 UTC,2019-07-18 01:04:11 UTC
7335,#stepmonitored #round2,4464,Story,24115,2019-07-18 16:20:18 UTC,2019-07-18 16:20:18 UTC
7337,#stepmonitored #round2,4464,Story,24117,2019-07-18 16:21:50 UTC,2019-07-18 16:21:50 UTC
7338,#stepmonitored #round2,4464,Story,24118,2019-07-18 16:23:09 UTC,2019-07-18 16:23:09 UTC
7340,#stepmonitored #round2,4464,Story,24120,2019-07-18 16:26:01 UTC,2019-07-18 16:26:01 UTC
7358,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24138,2019-07-18 20:42:44 UTC,2019-07-18 20:42:44 UTC
7295,#stepmonitored #round2 #squirreldamage,4428,Story,24074,2019-07-18 00:43:41 UTC,2019-07-18 00:43:41 UTC
7297,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24077,2019-07-18 00:53:32 UTC,2019-07-18 00:53:32 UTC
7336,#stepmonitored #round2,4464,Story,24116,2019-07-18 16:21:08 UTC,2019-07-18 16:21:08 UTC
7339,#stepmonitored #round2,4464,Story,24119,2019-07-18 16:24:19 UTC,2019-07-18 16:24:19 UTC
7296,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24076,2019-07-18 00:53:15 UTC,2019-07-18 00:53:15 UTC
7298,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24078,2019-07-18 00:53:56 UTC,2019-07-18 00:53:56 UTC
7299,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24079,2019-07-18 00:55:06 UTC,2019-07-18 00:55:06 UTC
7301,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24081,2019-07-18 01:03:09 UTC,2019-07-18 01:03:09 UTC
7300,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24080,2019-07-18 00:55:36 UTC,2019-07-18 00:55:36 UTC
7305,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24085,2019-07-18 01:04:32 UTC,2019-07-18 01:04:32 UTC
7359,#stepmonitered #round2 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,24152,2019-07-18 22:01:25 UTC,2019-07-18 22:01:25 UTC
7372,#round2,4384,Story,24166,2019-07-19 02:44:57 UTC,2019-07-19 02:44:57 UTC
7396,#stepmonitored #round2,4493,Story,24190,2019-07-19 07:26:45 UTC,2019-07-19 07:26:45 UTC
7397,#stepmonitored #round2,4493,Story,24191,2019-07-19 07:28:39 UTC,2019-07-19 07:28:39 UTC
7398,#stepmonitored #round2,4493,Story,24192,2019-07-19 07:29:39 UTC,2019-07-19 07:29:39 UTC
7403,"Some bark damage but cannot be sure
#round2",4439,Story,24197,2019-07-19 16:42:17 UTC,2019-07-19 16:42:17 UTC
Dead branch 
#dedsymptoms ",4439,Story,24198,2019-07-19 17:02:07 UTC,2019-07-19 17:02:07 UTC
? ded symptoms  
#round2 ",4439,Story,24199,2019-07-19 17:05:35 UTC,2019-07-19 17:05:35 UTC
Lots of leaf wilt",4439,Story,24200,2019-07-19 17:10:09 UTC,2019-07-19 17:10:09 UTC
7306,#stepmonitored #round2,4428,Story,24086,2019-07-18 01:05:46 UTC,2019-07-18 01:05:46 UTC
7360,#stepmonitered #round2 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,24151,2019-07-18 22:01:25 UTC,2019-07-18 22:01:25 UTC
7361,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,24153,2019-07-18 22:03:49 UTC,2019-07-18 22:03:49 UTC
7373,#round2,4384,Story,24167,2019-07-19 02:45:43 UTC,2019-07-19 02:45:43 UTC
7399,#stepmonitored #round2,4493,Story,24193,2019-07-19 07:30:24 UTC,2019-07-19 07:30:24 UTC
7400,#stepmonitored #round2,4493,Story,24194,2019-07-19 07:31:49 UTC,2019-07-19 07:31:49 UTC
7401,#stepmonitored #round2,4493,Story,24195,2019-07-19 07:33:32 UTC,2019-07-19 07:33:32 UTC
Several small dead branches",4439,Story,24201,2019-07-19 17:16:05 UTC,2019-07-19 17:16:05 UTC
7410,#round2 ,4439,Story,24204,2019-07-19 17:20:56 UTC,2019-07-19 17:20:56 UTC
7307,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24087,2019-07-18 01:58:01 UTC,2019-07-18 01:58:01 UTC
7308,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24088,2019-07-18 01:59:02 UTC,2019-07-18 01:59:02 UTC
7310,#stepmonitored #treeremoved,4393,Story,24090,2019-07-18 02:04:05 UTC,2019-07-18 02:04:05 UTC
7312,#round2,4393,Story,24092,2019-07-18 02:05:21 UTC,2019-07-18 02:05:21 UTC
7313,#round2,4393,Story,24093,2019-07-18 02:05:47 UTC,2019-07-18 02:05:47 UTC
7317,#round2,4393,Story,24097,2019-07-18 02:07:46 UTC,2019-07-18 02:07:46 UTC
7362,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,24154,2019-07-18 22:05:43 UTC,2019-07-18 22:05:43 UTC
7364,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,24156,2019-07-18 22:11:44 UTC,2019-07-18 22:11:44 UTC
7371,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24163,2019-07-18 22:20:03 UTC,2019-07-18 22:20:03 UTC
7374,#round2,4384,Story,24168,2019-07-19 02:46:29 UTC,2019-07-19 02:46:29 UTC
7402,This American Elm lost another limb last week due to wind damage or large truck damage. There are a number of dead limbs lodged in the upper canopy. Otherwise the tree looks healthy despite being under siege from large trucks coming from the McKinley Water vault project.,4493,Story,24196,2019-07-19 07:37:10 UTC,2019-07-19 07:37:10 UTC
7408,#round2 ,4439,Story,24202,2019-07-19 17:17:27 UTC,2019-07-19 17:17:27 UTC
Several small dead branches ",4439,Story,24203,2019-07-19 17:18:52 UTC,2019-07-19 17:18:52 UTC
7311,#round2,4393,Story,24091,2019-07-18 02:04:54 UTC,2019-07-18 02:04:54 UTC
7309,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24089,2019-07-18 02:02:46 UTC,2019-07-18 02:02:46 UTC
7314,#round2,4393,Story,24094,2019-07-18 02:06:14 UTC,2019-07-18 02:06:14 UTC
7315,#round2,4393,Story,24095,2019-07-18 02:06:52 UTC,2019-07-18 02:06:52 UTC
7316,#round2,4393,Story,24096,2019-07-18 02:07:16 UTC,2019-07-18 02:07:16 UTC
7363,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms ,4393,Story,24155,2019-07-18 22:09:47 UTC,2019-07-18 22:09:47 UTC
7367,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24159,2019-07-18 22:17:10 UTC,2019-07-18 22:17:10 UTC
7368,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24160,2019-07-18 22:17:57 UTC,2019-07-18 22:17:57 UTC
7369,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4393,Story,24161,2019-07-18 22:18:42 UTC,2019-07-18 22:18:42 UTC
7370,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24162,2019-07-18 22:19:21 UTC,2019-07-18 22:19:21 UTC
7375,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24169,2019-07-19 05:13:54 UTC,2019-07-19 05:13:54 UTC
7411,#round2 ,4439,Story,24205,2019-07-19 17:21:31 UTC,2019-07-19 17:21:31 UTC
Several small dead branches 
",4439,Story,24206,2019-07-19 17:22:28 UTC,2019-07-19 17:22:28 UTC
7414,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24208,2019-07-19 17:28:23 UTC,2019-07-19 17:28:23 UTC
7415,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24209,2019-07-19 17:28:59 UTC,2019-07-19 17:28:59 UTC
7365,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24157,2019-07-18 22:15:47 UTC,2019-07-18 22:15:47 UTC
7366,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,24158,2019-07-18 22:16:24 UTC,2019-07-18 22:16:24 UTC
7376,#round2,4382,Story,24170,2019-07-19 05:14:53 UTC,2019-07-19 05:14:53 UTC
7378,#round2,4382,Story,24172,2019-07-19 05:16:23 UTC,2019-07-19 05:16:23 UTC
7379,#round2,4382,Story,24173,2019-07-19 05:16:55 UTC,2019-07-19 05:16:55 UTC
7380,#round2,4382,Story,24174,2019-07-19 05:17:33 UTC,2019-07-19 05:17:33 UTC
7382,#round2,4382,Story,24176,2019-07-19 05:30:06 UTC,2019-07-19 05:30:06 UTC
7384,#round2,4382,Story,24178,2019-07-19 05:34:41 UTC,2019-07-19 05:34:41 UTC
7385,#round2,4382,Story,24179,2019-07-19 05:35:02 UTC,2019-07-19 05:35:02 UTC
7387,#round2,4382,Story,24181,2019-07-19 05:36:51 UTC,2019-07-19 05:36:51 UTC
7390,#round2,4382,Story,24184,2019-07-19 05:38:29 UTC,2019-07-19 05:38:29 UTC
7381,#round2 #squirreldamage,4382,Story,24175,2019-07-19 05:29:25 UTC,2019-07-19 05:29:25 UTC
7413,#round2 ,4439,Story,24207,2019-07-19 17:28:02 UTC,2019-07-19 17:28:02 UTC
7416,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24210,2019-07-19 17:29:38 UTC,2019-07-19 17:29:38 UTC
7420,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24214,2019-07-19 17:32:04 UTC,2019-07-19 17:32:04 UTC
7421,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24215,2019-07-19 17:32:40 UTC,2019-07-19 17:32:40 UTC
7422,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24216,2019-07-19 17:33:17 UTC,2019-07-19 17:33:17 UTC
7425,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24219,2019-07-19 17:34:54 UTC,2019-07-19 17:34:54 UTC
7427,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24221,2019-07-19 17:36:17 UTC,2019-07-19 17:36:17 UTC
7432,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24226,2019-07-19 17:38:04 UTC,2019-07-19 17:38:04 UTC
7417,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24211,2019-07-19 17:30:16 UTC,2019-07-19 17:30:16 UTC
7418,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24212,2019-07-19 17:30:56 UTC,2019-07-19 17:30:56 UTC
7377,#round2,4382,Story,24171,2019-07-19 05:15:35 UTC,2019-07-19 05:15:35 UTC
7383,#round2,4382,Story,24177,2019-07-19 05:34:20 UTC,2019-07-19 05:34:20 UTC
7386,#round2,4382,Story,24180,2019-07-19 05:36:28 UTC,2019-07-19 05:36:28 UTC
7388,#round2,4382,Story,24182,2019-07-19 05:37:04 UTC,2019-07-19 05:37:04 UTC
7389,#round2,4382,Story,24183,2019-07-19 05:38:00 UTC,2019-07-19 05:38:00 UTC
7393,#round2,4382,Story,24187,2019-07-19 05:39:49 UTC,2019-07-19 05:39:49 UTC
7394,#round2,4382,Story,24188,2019-07-19 05:40:21 UTC,2019-07-19 05:40:21 UTC
7395,#round2,4382,Story,24189,2019-07-19 05:40:39 UTC,2019-07-19 05:40:39 UTC
#stepmonitored ",4439,Story,24213,2019-07-19 17:31:40 UTC,2019-07-19 17:31:40 UTC
7424,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24218,2019-07-19 17:34:19 UTC,2019-07-19 17:34:19 UTC
7426,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24220,2019-07-19 17:35:28 UTC,2019-07-19 17:35:28 UTC
7428,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24222,2019-07-19 17:36:52 UTC,2019-07-19 17:36:52 UTC
7391,#round2,4382,Story,24185,2019-07-19 05:38:50 UTC,2019-07-19 05:38:50 UTC
7392,#round2,4382,Story,24186,2019-07-19 05:39:11 UTC,2019-07-19 05:39:11 UTC
7423,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24217,2019-07-19 17:33:49 UTC,2019-07-19 17:33:49 UTC
7429,#round2 ,4439,Story,24223,2019-07-19 17:37:26 UTC,2019-07-19 17:37:26 UTC
7430,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24224,2019-07-19 17:37:27 UTC,2019-07-19 17:37:27 UTC
7431,#round2 ,4439,Story,24225,2019-07-19 17:37:51 UTC,2019-07-19 17:37:51 UTC
7433,#round2 ,4439,Story,24227,2019-07-19 17:38:19 UTC,2019-07-19 17:38:19 UTC
7434,#round2 ,4439,Story,24228,2019-07-19 17:38:56 UTC,2019-07-19 17:38:56 UTC
5132,#round1,4389,Story,21170,2019-05-04 20:56:39 UTC,2019-05-04 20:56:39 UTC
#round1",4381,Story,21201,2019-05-07 00:49:34 UTC,2019-05-07 00:49:34 UTC
#round1",4381,Story,21202,2019-05-07 00:50:40 UTC,2019-05-07 00:50:40 UTC
",4381,Story,21200,2019-05-07 00:48:42 UTC,2019-05-07 00:48:42 UTC
5158,#stepmonitored #round1,4390,Story,21233,2019-05-07 17:20:46 UTC,2019-05-07 17:20:46 UTC
5157,#stepmonitored #round1,4390,Story,21232,2019-05-07 17:18:10 UTC,2019-05-07 17:18:10 UTC
#round2",4447,Story,24313,2019-07-20 04:50:05 UTC,2019-07-20 04:50:05 UTC
#round1",4381,Story,21204,2019-05-07 00:53:00 UTC,2019-05-07 00:53:00 UTC
#round1",4381,Story,21203,2019-05-07 00:52:18 UTC,2019-05-07 00:52:18 UTC
#round2",4447,Story,24314,2019-07-20 04:50:37 UTC,2019-07-20 04:50:37 UTC
#round2",4447,Story,24315,2019-07-20 04:51:00 UTC,2019-07-20 04:51:00 UTC
7524,#round2,4447,Story,24318,2019-07-20 04:52:33 UTC,2019-07-20 04:52:33 UTC
5164,#stepmonitored #round1 stunted? May be English elm.,4390,Story,21240,2019-05-07 17:49:43 UTC,2019-05-07 17:49:43 UTC
7526,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24320,2019-07-20 17:40:43 UTC,2019-07-20 17:40:43 UTC
7529,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,24323,2019-07-20 17:46:34 UTC,2019-07-20 17:46:34 UTC
5166,#stepmonitored #round1,4390,Story,21242,2019-05-07 17:52:26 UTC,2019-05-07 17:52:26 UTC
7534,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24328,2019-07-20 17:52:52 UTC,2019-07-20 17:52:52 UTC
5159,#stepmonitored #round1,4390,Story,21234,2019-05-07 17:21:14 UTC,2019-05-07 17:21:14 UTC
7537,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24331,2019-07-20 17:56:13 UTC,2019-07-20 17:56:13 UTC
7435,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4332,Story,24229,2019-07-19 17:47:41 UTC,2019-07-19 17:47:41 UTC
7438,#stepmonitored #round2,4332,Story,24232,2019-07-19 17:53:08 UTC,2019-07-19 17:53:08 UTC
7439,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4332,Story,24233,2019-07-19 17:54:22 UTC,2019-07-19 17:54:22 UTC
7481,"#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms 
visible on southwest side",4382,Story,24275,2019-07-20 00:02:58 UTC,2019-07-20 00:02:58 UTC
7484,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24278,2019-07-20 00:09:27 UTC,2019-07-20 00:09:27 UTC
7485,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24279,2019-07-20 00:09:51 UTC,2019-07-20 00:09:51 UTC
7486,"#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms
visible on east side",4382,Story,24280,2019-07-20 00:14:54 UTC,2019-07-20 00:14:54 UTC
7540,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24334,2019-07-20 17:59:12 UTC,2019-07-20 17:59:12 UTC
7544,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24338,2019-07-20 18:02:56 UTC,2019-07-20 18:02:56 UTC
7547,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24341,2019-07-20 18:05:09 UTC,2019-07-20 18:05:09 UTC
5160,#stepmonitored #round1,4390,Story,21235,2019-05-07 17:21:43 UTC,2019-05-07 17:21:43 UTC
7436,#round2 ,4439,Story,24230,2019-07-19 17:47:45 UTC,2019-07-19 17:47:45 UTC
7482,#round2,4382,Story,24276,2019-07-20 00:06:46 UTC,2019-07-20 00:06:46 UTC
7522,#round2,4447,Story,24316,2019-07-20 04:51:20 UTC,2019-07-20 04:51:20 UTC
7523,#round2,4447,Story,24317,2019-07-20 04:52:18 UTC,2019-07-20 04:52:18 UTC
7525,#round2,4447,Story,24319,2019-07-20 04:52:54 UTC,2019-07-20 04:52:54 UTC
7527,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24321,2019-07-20 17:42:07 UTC,2019-07-20 17:42:07 UTC
7548,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4706,Story,24342,2019-07-20 22:31:00 UTC,2019-07-20 22:31:00 UTC
7549,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4706,Story,24343,2019-07-20 22:32:25 UTC,2019-07-20 22:32:25 UTC
7528,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,24322,2019-07-20 17:44:34 UTC,2019-07-20 17:44:34 UTC
5168,#stepmonitored #round1,4390,Story,21244,2019-05-07 17:55:47 UTC,2019-05-07 17:55:47 UTC
5163,#stepmonitored #round1,4390,Story,21238,2019-05-07 17:24:01 UTC,2019-05-07 17:24:01 UTC
5162,#stepmonitored #round1,4390,Story,21237,2019-05-07 17:23:35 UTC,2019-05-07 17:23:35 UTC
5161,#stepmonitored #round1,4390,Story,21236,2019-05-07 17:22:25 UTC,2019-05-07 17:22:25 UTC
5156,#stepmonitored #round1,4390,Story,21231,2019-05-07 17:15:59 UTC,2019-05-07 17:15:59 UTC
#round1 ",4360,Story,21251,2019-05-07 22:31:15 UTC,2019-05-07 22:31:15 UTC
#round1 ",4360,Story,21250,2019-05-07 22:29:58 UTC,2019-05-07 22:29:58 UTC
5171,#stepmonitored ,4336,Story,21247,2019-05-07 22:13:27 UTC,2019-05-07 22:13:27 UTC
5169,#stepmonitored #round1,4390,Story,21245,2019-05-07 18:22:27 UTC,2019-05-07 18:22:27 UTC
5186,#firstelm,4425,Story,21277,2019-05-09 02:09:42 UTC,2019-05-09 02:09:42 UTC
#round1 ",4381,Story,21275,2019-05-08 23:26:25 UTC,2019-05-08 23:26:25 UTC
5167,#stepmonitored #round1,4390,Story,21243,2019-05-07 17:54:16 UTC,2019-05-07 17:54:16 UTC
#round1 ",4360,Story,21253,2019-05-07 22:45:16 UTC,2019-05-07 22:45:16 UTC
#round1 ",4360,Story,21252,2019-05-07 22:32:18 UTC,2019-05-07 22:32:18 UTC
7530,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24324,2019-07-20 17:48:20 UTC,2019-07-20 17:48:20 UTC
7531,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24325,2019-07-20 17:49:40 UTC,2019-07-20 17:49:40 UTC
7532,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24326,2019-07-20 17:50:53 UTC,2019-07-20 17:50:53 UTC
#round1",4381,Story,21276,2019-05-08 23:27:04 UTC,2019-05-08 23:27:04 UTC
7437,#round2 #squirreldamage,4332,Story,24231,2019-07-19 17:50:19 UTC,2019-07-19 17:50:19 UTC
7483,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24277,2019-07-20 00:08:06 UTC,2019-07-20 00:08:06 UTC
7535,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24329,2019-07-20 17:53:45 UTC,2019-07-20 17:53:45 UTC
7536,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24330,2019-07-20 17:54:54 UTC,2019-07-20 17:54:54 UTC
7538,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24332,2019-07-20 17:57:03 UTC,2019-07-20 17:57:03 UTC
7539,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24333,2019-07-20 17:57:58 UTC,2019-07-20 17:57:58 UTC
7541,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24335,2019-07-20 18:00:12 UTC,2019-07-20 18:00:12 UTC
7542,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24336,2019-07-20 18:01:22 UTC,2019-07-20 18:01:22 UTC
7550,#stepmonitored,4409,Story,24344,2019-07-21 18:00:39 UTC,2019-07-21 18:00:39 UTC
7604,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24399,2019-07-22 21:00:33 UTC,2019-07-22 21:00:33 UTC
7606,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24401,2019-07-22 21:05:52 UTC,2019-07-22 21:05:52 UTC
7607,"#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms
Leaves look wilted on west side, but cannot get a good angle even with binoculars because of construction. Best to view in late afternoon?",4382,Story,24402,2019-07-22 21:08:12 UTC,2019-07-25 22:45:48 UTC
7608,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24403,2019-07-22 21:09:33 UTC,2019-07-22 21:09:33 UTC
7609,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24404,2019-07-22 21:10:36 UTC,2019-07-22 21:10:36 UTC
7610,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24405,2019-07-22 21:11:24 UTC,2019-07-22 21:11:24 UTC
7611,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24406,2019-07-22 21:12:44 UTC,2019-07-22 21:12:44 UTC
7612,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24407,2019-07-22 21:13:41 UTC,2019-07-22 21:13:41 UTC
7613,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24408,2019-07-22 21:13:56 UTC,2019-07-25 23:01:21 UTC
7614,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24409,2019-07-22 21:14:34 UTC,2019-07-22 21:14:34 UTC
#round1 ",4360,Story,21254,2019-05-07 22:47:52 UTC,2019-05-07 22:47:52 UTC
7440,#round2,4495,Story,24234,2019-07-19 18:48:02 UTC,2019-07-19 18:48:02 UTC
7487,#round2,4447,Story,24281,2019-07-20 00:59:16 UTC,2019-07-20 00:59:16 UTC
7489,#round2,4447,Story,24283,2019-07-20 01:00:35 UTC,2019-07-20 01:00:35 UTC
7491,#round2,4447,Story,24285,2019-07-20 01:02:10 UTC,2019-07-20 01:02:10 UTC
7492,#round2,4447,Story,24286,2019-07-20 01:02:26 UTC,2019-07-20 01:02:26 UTC
7494,#round2,4447,Story,24288,2019-07-20 01:02:53 UTC,2019-07-20 01:02:53 UTC
7495,#round2,4447,Story,24289,2019-07-20 01:03:07 UTC,2019-07-20 01:03:07 UTC
7498,#round2,4447,Story,24292,2019-07-20 01:04:06 UTC,2019-07-20 01:04:06 UTC
7512,#round2,4447,Story,24306,2019-07-20 01:08:19 UTC,2019-07-20 01:08:19 UTC
7517,#round2,4447,Story,24311,2019-07-20 01:09:31 UTC,2019-07-20 01:09:31 UTC
7533,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24327,2019-07-20 17:51:52 UTC,2019-07-20 17:51:52 UTC
#treeremoved",4409,Story,24345,2019-07-21 18:03:20 UTC,2019-07-21 18:03:20 UTC
7605,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24400,2019-07-22 21:03:23 UTC,2019-07-22 21:03:23 UTC
7615,#round2,4382,Story,24410,2019-07-22 21:14:54 UTC,2019-07-22 21:14:54 UTC
7616,#round2,4382,Story,24411,2019-07-22 21:15:09 UTC,2019-07-22 21:15:09 UTC
7617,#round2,4382,Story,24412,2019-07-22 21:15:38 UTC,2019-07-22 21:15:38 UTC
7619,#round2,4382,Story,24414,2019-07-22 21:16:19 UTC,2019-07-22 21:16:19 UTC
7441,#round2,4495,Story,24235,2019-07-19 18:53:04 UTC,2019-07-19 18:53:04 UTC
7442,#round2,4495,Story,24236,2019-07-19 18:56:04 UTC,2019-07-19 18:56:04 UTC
7445,#round2,4495,Story,24239,2019-07-19 19:05:59 UTC,2019-07-19 19:05:59 UTC
7449,#round2,4495,Story,24243,2019-07-19 19:16:59 UTC,2019-07-19 19:16:59 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24248,2019-07-19 19:29:47 UTC,2019-07-19 19:29:47 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24250,2019-07-19 19:35:03 UTC,2019-07-19 19:35:03 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24251,2019-07-19 19:36:26 UTC,2019-07-19 19:36:26 UTC
7462,#round2,4495,Story,24256,2019-07-19 19:42:35 UTC,2019-07-19 19:42:35 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24257,2019-07-19 19:44:50 UTC,2019-07-19 19:44:50 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24260,2019-07-19 19:48:06 UTC,2019-07-19 19:48:06 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24261,2019-07-19 19:48:50 UTC,2019-07-19 19:48:50 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24262,2019-07-19 19:50:04 UTC,2019-07-19 19:50:04 UTC
7488,#round2,4447,Story,24282,2019-07-20 01:00:09 UTC,2019-07-20 01:00:09 UTC
7490,#round2,4447,Story,24284,2019-07-20 01:00:54 UTC,2019-07-20 01:00:54 UTC
7499,#round2,4447,Story,24293,2019-07-20 01:04:29 UTC,2019-07-20 01:04:29 UTC
7500,#round2,4447,Story,24294,2019-07-20 01:04:42 UTC,2019-07-20 01:04:42 UTC
7503,#round2,4447,Story,24297,2019-07-20 01:05:30 UTC,2019-07-20 01:05:30 UTC
7506,#round2,4447,Story,24300,2019-07-20 01:06:26 UTC,2019-07-20 01:06:26 UTC
7507,#round2,4447,Story,24301,2019-07-20 01:06:41 UTC,2019-07-20 01:06:41 UTC
7511,#round2,4447,Story,24305,2019-07-20 01:08:06 UTC,2019-07-20 01:08:06 UTC
7513,#round2,4447,Story,24307,2019-07-20 01:08:33 UTC,2019-07-20 01:08:33 UTC
7514,#round2,4447,Story,24308,2019-07-20 01:08:46 UTC,2019-07-20 01:08:46 UTC
7515,#round2,4447,Story,24309,2019-07-20 01:09:02 UTC,2019-07-20 01:09:02 UTC
7516,#round2,4447,Story,24310,2019-07-20 01:09:17 UTC,2019-07-20 01:09:17 UTC
#round2",4447,Story,24312,2019-07-20 01:10:30 UTC,2019-07-20 01:10:30 UTC
7543,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24337,2019-07-20 18:02:06 UTC,2019-07-20 18:02:06 UTC
7545,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24339,2019-07-20 18:03:47 UTC,2019-07-20 18:03:47 UTC
7546,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24340,2019-07-20 18:04:30 UTC,2019-07-20 18:04:30 UTC
#droughtstress",4409,Story,24346,2019-07-21 18:09:48 UTC,2019-07-21 18:09:48 UTC
7618,#round2,4382,Story,24413,2019-07-22 21:15:54 UTC,2019-07-22 21:15:54 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4495,Story,24237,2019-07-19 19:03:48 UTC,2019-07-19 19:03:48 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24244,2019-07-19 19:19:57 UTC,2019-07-19 19:19:57 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24245,2019-07-19 19:23:17 UTC,2019-07-19 19:23:17 UTC
7452,#round2,4495,Story,24246,2019-07-19 19:24:15 UTC,2019-07-19 19:24:15 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24247,2019-07-19 19:25:25 UTC,2019-07-19 19:25:25 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24253,2019-07-19 19:39:36 UTC,2019-07-19 19:39:36 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4495,Story,24258,2019-07-19 19:45:46 UTC,2019-07-19 19:45:46 UTC
7493,#round2,4447,Story,24287,2019-07-20 01:02:39 UTC,2019-07-20 01:02:39 UTC
7496,#round2,4447,Story,24290,2019-07-20 01:03:29 UTC,2019-07-20 01:03:29 UTC
7497,#round2,4447,Story,24291,2019-07-20 01:03:53 UTC,2019-07-20 01:03:53 UTC
7501,#round2,4447,Story,24295,2019-07-20 01:04:56 UTC,2019-07-20 01:04:56 UTC
7502,#round2,4447,Story,24296,2019-07-20 01:05:11 UTC,2019-07-20 01:05:11 UTC
7504,#round2,4447,Story,24298,2019-07-20 01:05:48 UTC,2019-07-20 01:05:48 UTC
7505,#round2,4447,Story,24299,2019-07-20 01:06:05 UTC,2019-07-20 01:06:05 UTC
7508,#round2,4447,Story,24302,2019-07-20 01:06:58 UTC,2019-07-20 01:06:58 UTC
7509,#round2,4447,Story,24303,2019-07-20 01:07:10 UTC,2019-07-20 01:07:10 UTC
7510,#round2,4447,Story,24304,2019-07-20 01:07:25 UTC,2019-07-20 01:07:25 UTC
#round2",4409,Story,24347,2019-07-21 18:27:32 UTC,2019-07-21 18:27:32 UTC
7556,#round2,4409,Story,24351,2019-07-21 18:40:25 UTC,2019-07-21 18:40:25 UTC
#droughtstress",4409,Story,24352,2019-07-21 18:45:07 UTC,2019-07-21 18:45:07 UTC
#treeremoved",4409,Story,24353,2019-07-21 18:48:27 UTC,2019-07-21 18:48:27 UTC
7620,#round2,4382,Story,24415,2019-07-22 21:17:39 UTC,2019-07-22 21:17:39 UTC
7621,#round2,4382,Story,24416,2019-07-22 21:17:54 UTC,2019-07-22 21:17:54 UTC
7444,#round2,4495,Story,24238,2019-07-19 19:04:40 UTC,2019-07-19 19:04:40 UTC
7446,#treeremoved,4495,Story,24240,2019-07-19 19:09:11 UTC,2019-07-19 19:09:11 UTC
7447,#round2,4495,Story,24241,2019-07-19 19:12:49 UTC,2019-07-19 19:12:49 UTC
7448,#round2,4495,Story,24242,2019-07-19 19:15:22 UTC,2019-07-19 19:15:22 UTC
#droughtstress",4409,Story,24354,2019-07-21 18:51:21 UTC,2019-07-21 18:51:21 UTC
#droughtstress",4409,Story,24355,2019-07-21 18:54:12 UTC,2019-07-21 18:54:12 UTC
7563,#round2,4409,Story,24358,2019-07-21 19:01:11 UTC,2019-07-21 19:01:11 UTC
7622,#round2,4382,Story,24417,2019-07-22 21:18:13 UTC,2019-07-22 21:18:13 UTC
7625,"#round2 #dedsymptoms

broken branch but also areas of wilting",4382,Story,24420,2019-07-22 21:19:25 UTC,2019-07-25 23:09:17 UTC
7626,"#round2 #leafbeetle
patches of skeletonized leaves",4382,Story,24421,2019-07-22 21:20:05 UTC,2019-07-25 23:10:37 UTC
7627,#round2,4382,Story,24422,2019-07-22 21:21:23 UTC,2019-07-22 21:21:23 UTC
7629,#round2,4382,Story,24424,2019-07-22 21:22:29 UTC,2019-07-22 21:22:29 UTC
7630,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24425,2019-07-22 21:24:11 UTC,2019-07-22 21:24:11 UTC
7648,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24443,2019-07-23 00:56:51 UTC,2019-07-23 00:56:51 UTC
7650,#round2,4382,Story,24445,2019-07-23 00:59:04 UTC,2019-07-23 00:59:04 UTC
7651,#round2,4382,Story,24446,2019-07-23 00:59:34 UTC,2019-07-23 00:59:34 UTC
7653,#round2,4382,Story,24448,2019-07-23 01:09:31 UTC,2019-07-23 01:09:31 UTC
7654,#round2,4382,Story,24449,2019-07-23 01:09:57 UTC,2019-07-23 01:09:57 UTC
7658,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24453,2019-07-23 01:20:10 UTC,2019-07-23 01:20:10 UTC
7682,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24481,2019-07-24 04:05:57 UTC,2019-07-24 04:05:57 UTC
7683,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24482,2019-07-24 04:06:38 UTC,2019-07-24 04:06:38 UTC
7684,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24483,2019-07-24 04:07:04 UTC,2019-07-24 04:07:04 UTC
7685,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24484,2019-07-24 04:07:27 UTC,2019-07-24 04:07:27 UTC
7686,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24485,2019-07-24 04:07:45 UTC,2019-07-24 04:07:45 UTC
7689,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24490,2019-07-24 17:44:52 UTC,2019-07-24 17:44:52 UTC
7690,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24491,2019-07-24 17:45:42 UTC,2019-07-24 17:45:42 UTC
7692,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,24493,2019-07-24 17:48:10 UTC,2019-07-24 17:48:10 UTC
7694,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24495,2019-07-24 21:59:01 UTC,2019-07-24 21:59:01 UTC
7696,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24497,2019-07-24 22:00:08 UTC,2019-07-24 22:00:08 UTC
7697,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24498,2019-07-24 22:00:38 UTC,2019-07-24 22:00:38 UTC
7699,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24500,2019-07-24 22:01:28 UTC,2019-07-24 22:01:28 UTC
7702,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24503,2019-07-25 16:49:19 UTC,2019-07-25 16:49:19 UTC
7709,#dedsymptoms if this tree is at 1521 35th.  Sorry I cannot find address easily on Curio map.,4463,Story,24510,2019-07-25 16:57:09 UTC,2019-07-25 16:57:09 UTC
7712,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24513,2019-07-25 17:01:14 UTC,2019-07-25 17:01:14 UTC
7713,wilted leaves east side,4382,Story,24514,2019-07-25 22:25:55 UTC,2019-07-25 22:25:55 UTC
#round1 ",4360,Story,21353,2019-05-09 23:45:35 UTC,2019-05-09 23:45:35 UTC
#round1 ",4360,Story,21354,2019-05-09 23:47:54 UTC,2019-05-09 23:47:54 UTC
#round1 ",4360,Story,21355,2019-05-09 23:50:13 UTC,2019-05-09 23:50:13 UTC
#round1",4360,Story,21356,2019-05-09 23:53:35 UTC,2019-05-09 23:53:35 UTC
5206,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4360,Story,21371,2019-05-11 16:42:22 UTC,2019-05-11 16:42:22 UTC
5197,"#stepmonitored #round1
",4424,Story,21352,2019-05-09 23:26:20 UTC,2019-05-09 23:26:20 UTC
5207,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4449,Story,21382,2019-05-11 18:33:11 UTC,2019-05-11 18:33:11 UTC
7631,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24426,2019-07-22 21:26:12 UTC,2019-07-22 21:26:12 UTC
7632,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms #leafbeetle,4382,Story,24427,2019-07-22 21:26:39 UTC,2019-07-25 22:40:26 UTC
7633,#dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24428,2019-07-22 21:28:21 UTC,2019-07-22 21:28:21 UTC
7649,#round2,4382,Story,24444,2019-07-23 00:57:45 UTC,2019-07-23 00:57:45 UTC
7652,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24447,2019-07-23 01:06:44 UTC,2019-07-23 01:06:44 UTC
7655,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24450,2019-07-23 01:12:28 UTC,2019-07-23 01:12:28 UTC
7656,#round2,4382,Story,24451,2019-07-23 01:13:38 UTC,2019-07-23 01:13:38 UTC
7657,#round2,4382,Story,24452,2019-07-23 01:14:10 UTC,2019-07-23 01:14:10 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24249,2019-07-19 19:32:52 UTC,2019-07-19 19:32:52 UTC
7561,#round2,4409,Story,24356,2019-07-21 19:00:29 UTC,2019-07-21 19:00:29 UTC
7562,#round2,4409,Story,24357,2019-07-21 19:00:54 UTC,2019-07-21 19:00:54 UTC
7564,#round2,4409,Story,24359,2019-07-21 19:03:28 UTC,2019-07-21 19:03:28 UTC
7623,#round2,4382,Story,24418,2019-07-22 21:18:28 UTC,2019-07-22 21:18:28 UTC
7624,#round2,4382,Story,24419,2019-07-22 21:18:44 UTC,2019-07-22 21:18:44 UTC
7628,#round2,4382,Story,24423,2019-07-22 21:21:56 UTC,2019-07-22 21:21:56 UTC
7691,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24492,2019-07-24 17:46:22 UTC,2019-07-24 17:46:22 UTC
7695,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24496,2019-07-24 21:59:32 UTC,2019-07-24 21:59:32 UTC
7698,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24499,2019-07-24 22:01:04 UTC,2019-07-24 22:01:04 UTC
7701,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24502,2019-07-24 22:02:33 UTC,2019-07-24 22:02:33 UTC
7703,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24504,2019-07-25 16:49:55 UTC,2019-07-25 16:49:55 UTC
7706,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24507,2019-07-25 16:51:12 UTC,2019-07-25 16:51:12 UTC
7707,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24508,2019-07-25 16:51:36 UTC,2019-07-25 16:51:36 UTC
7708,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24509,2019-07-25 16:52:03 UTC,2019-07-25 16:52:03 UTC
7710,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24511,2019-07-25 16:58:56 UTC,2019-07-25 16:58:56 UTC
7700,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24501,2019-07-24 22:01:59 UTC,2019-07-24 22:01:59 UTC
7704,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24505,2019-07-25 16:50:21 UTC,2019-07-25 16:50:21 UTC
7458,#round2,4495,Story,24252,2019-07-19 19:37:44 UTC,2019-07-19 19:37:44 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24254,2019-07-19 19:40:38 UTC,2019-07-19 19:40:38 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24255,2019-07-19 19:41:37 UTC,2019-07-19 19:41:37 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24263,2019-07-19 19:51:25 UTC,2019-07-19 19:51:25 UTC
7565,#round2,4409,Story,24360,2019-07-21 19:03:54 UTC,2019-07-21 19:03:54 UTC
7634,#round2,4382,Story,24429,2019-07-22 21:29:56 UTC,2019-07-22 21:29:56 UTC
7635,#round2,4382,Story,24430,2019-07-22 21:30:24 UTC,2019-07-22 21:30:24 UTC
7636,#round2,4382,Story,24431,2019-07-22 21:30:40 UTC,2019-07-22 21:30:40 UTC
7639,#round2,4382,Story,24434,2019-07-22 21:31:43 UTC,2019-07-22 21:31:43 UTC
7642,#round2,4382,Story,24437,2019-07-22 21:33:11 UTC,2019-07-22 21:33:11 UTC
7643,#round2,4382,Story,24438,2019-07-22 21:33:26 UTC,2019-07-22 21:33:26 UTC
7644,#round2,4382,Story,24439,2019-07-22 21:33:40 UTC,2019-07-22 21:33:40 UTC
7646,#round2 #leafbeetle,4382,Story,24441,2019-07-22 21:34:47 UTC,2019-07-26 21:42:56 UTC
7659,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24454,2019-07-23 01:22:41 UTC,2019-07-23 01:22:41 UTC
7660,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24455,2019-07-23 01:24:06 UTC,2019-07-23 01:24:06 UTC
7705,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24506,2019-07-25 16:50:47 UTC,2019-07-25 16:50:47 UTC
7693,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,24494,2019-07-24 17:49:41 UTC,2019-07-24 17:49:41 UTC
7745,#round2,4463,Story,24558,2019-07-27 16:24:26 UTC,2019-07-27 16:24:26 UTC
7747,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24560,2019-07-27 16:25:58 UTC,2019-07-27 16:25:58 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24259,2019-07-19 19:46:56 UTC,2019-07-19 19:46:56 UTC
#stepmonitored",4495,Story,24265,2019-07-19 19:54:13 UTC,2019-07-19 19:54:13 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24266,2019-07-19 19:55:04 UTC,2019-07-19 19:55:04 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4409,Story,24361,2019-07-21 19:10:58 UTC,2019-07-21 19:10:58 UTC
7637,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24432,2019-07-22 21:31:03 UTC,2019-07-22 21:31:03 UTC
7638,#round2,4382,Story,24433,2019-07-22 21:31:19 UTC,2019-07-25 22:27:28 UTC
7640,#round2,4382,Story,24435,2019-07-22 21:32:18 UTC,2019-07-22 21:32:18 UTC
7641,#round2,4382,Story,24436,2019-07-22 21:32:56 UTC,2019-07-22 21:32:56 UTC
7645,#round2,4382,Story,24440,2019-07-22 21:34:31 UTC,2019-07-22 21:34:31 UTC
7647,#round2 #leafbeetle,4382,Story,24442,2019-07-22 21:35:07 UTC,2019-07-26 21:43:29 UTC
7711,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24512,2019-07-25 16:59:31 UTC,2019-07-25 16:59:31 UTC
7715,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24527,2019-07-26 20:44:37 UTC,2019-07-26 20:44:37 UTC
7720,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24532,2019-07-26 20:55:00 UTC,2019-07-26 20:55:00 UTC
7722,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24534,2019-07-26 20:57:31 UTC,2019-07-26 20:57:31 UTC
7740,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24553,2019-07-27 16:18:43 UTC,2019-07-27 16:18:43 UTC
7742,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24555,2019-07-27 16:21:44 UTC,2019-07-27 16:21:44 UTC
7748,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24561,2019-07-27 16:26:44 UTC,2019-07-27 16:26:44 UTC
7749,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24562,2019-07-27 16:27:41 UTC,2019-07-27 16:27:41 UTC
7750,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24563,2019-07-27 16:28:19 UTC,2019-07-27 16:28:19 UTC
7753,"#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms
three patches of apical wilting, east",4382,Story,24566,2019-07-27 22:34:49 UTC,2019-07-27 22:34:49 UTC
7754,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24567,2019-07-27 22:36:19 UTC,2019-07-27 22:36:19 UTC
7759,"#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms
west",4382,Story,24572,2019-07-29 05:51:24 UTC,2019-07-29 05:51:24 UTC
5262,#stepmonitored #round 1,4493,Story,21464,2019-05-17 06:39:47 UTC,2019-05-17 06:39:47 UTC
5272,%step1,4393,Story,21491,2019-05-17 18:36:44 UTC,2019-05-17 18:36:44 UTC
5270,#step1,4393,Story,21489,2019-05-17 18:30:05 UTC,2019-05-17 18:30:05 UTC
5269,#step1 #possibleded,4393,Story,21488,2019-05-17 18:28:33 UTC,2019-05-17 18:28:33 UTC
5275,#stepmonitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21494,2019-05-17 19:47:50 UTC,2019-05-17 19:47:50 UTC
5274,#stepmonitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21493,2019-05-17 19:21:49 UTC,2019-05-17 19:21:49 UTC
5273,#step1,4393,Story,21492,2019-05-17 19:12:48 UTC,2019-05-17 19:12:48 UTC
5276,#stepmonitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21495,2019-05-17 19:51:21 UTC,2019-05-17 19:51:21 UTC
5277,#stepmonitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21496,2019-05-17 19:55:18 UTC,2019-05-17 19:55:18 UTC
5278,#stepmonitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21497,2019-05-17 19:58:46 UTC,2019-05-17 19:58:46 UTC
5279,#stepmonitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21498,2019-05-17 20:01:11 UTC,2019-05-17 20:01:11 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21499,2019-05-17 20:02:13 UTC,2019-05-17 20:02:13 UTC
5281,#stepmonitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21500,2019-05-17 20:04:01 UTC,2019-05-17 20:04:01 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21506,2019-05-17 20:08:13 UTC,2019-05-17 20:08:13 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21510,2019-05-17 20:09:33 UTC,2019-05-17 20:09:33 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21511,2019-05-17 20:09:51 UTC,2019-05-17 20:09:51 UTC
# round1
Some small dead branches. Can see some bark damage,? Squirrels?",4439,Story,21514,2019-05-17 20:10:52 UTC,2019-05-17 20:10:52 UTC
#stepmonitored",4495,Story,24267,2019-07-19 20:00:04 UTC,2019-07-19 20:00:04 UTC
7474,#round2,4495,Story,24268,2019-07-19 20:03:15 UTC,2019-07-19 20:03:15 UTC
#leafbeetle",4409,Story,24362,2019-07-21 19:20:03 UTC,2019-07-21 19:20:03 UTC
5263,#stepmonitored #round1,4493,Story,21465,2019-05-17 06:41:09 UTC,2019-05-17 06:41:09 UTC
Some small dead branches probably age/pruning",4439,Story,21501,2019-05-17 20:04:32 UTC,2019-05-17 20:04:32 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21503,2019-05-17 20:06:23 UTC,2019-05-17 20:06:23 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21504,2019-05-17 20:06:57 UTC,2019-05-17 20:06:57 UTC
5286,#stepmonitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21505,2019-05-17 20:07:48 UTC,2019-05-17 20:07:48 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21507,2019-05-17 20:08:42 UTC,2019-05-17 20:08:42 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21518,2019-05-17 20:15:46 UTC,2019-05-17 20:15:46 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21524,2019-05-17 20:24:42 UTC,2019-05-17 20:24:42 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21525,2019-05-17 20:24:55 UTC,2019-05-17 20:24:55 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21532,2019-05-17 20:30:41 UTC,2019-05-17 20:30:41 UTC
5334,"#the big burl tree
",4424,Story,21553,2019-05-17 20:44:50 UTC,2019-05-17 20:44:50 UTC
5296,"#stepmonitored #round1  
Lots of dead twigs at ends of branches and evidence of trimmed branches.",4488,Story,21515,2019-05-17 20:12:17 UTC,2019-05-17 20:12:17 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24264,2019-07-19 19:53:24 UTC,2019-07-19 19:53:24 UTC
7716,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24528,2019-07-26 20:46:01 UTC,2019-07-26 20:46:01 UTC
7717,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24529,2019-07-26 20:51:02 UTC,2019-07-26 20:51:02 UTC
7719,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24531,2019-07-26 20:54:09 UTC,2019-07-26 20:54:09 UTC
7741,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24554,2019-07-27 16:20:00 UTC,2019-07-27 16:20:00 UTC
7755,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24568,2019-07-27 22:36:37 UTC,2019-07-27 22:36:37 UTC
7760,#leafbeetle,4424,Story,24573,2019-07-29 16:22:58 UTC,2019-07-29 16:22:58 UTC
7764,#stepmonitored #round2,4332,Story,24578,2019-07-30 18:00:24 UTC,2019-07-30 18:00:24 UTC
5264,#stepmonitored #round1,4493,Story,21466,2019-05-17 06:43:02 UTC,2019-05-17 06:43:02 UTC
5265,#stepmonitored #round1,4493,Story,21467,2019-05-17 06:45:02 UTC,2019-05-17 06:45:02 UTC
5266,#stepmonitored #round1,4493,Story,21468,2019-05-17 06:48:29 UTC,2019-05-17 06:48:29 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21502,2019-05-17 20:05:24 UTC,2019-05-17 20:05:24 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21509,2019-05-17 20:09:17 UTC,2019-05-17 20:09:17 UTC
# round1
Some small dead branches. Can see some bark damage,? Squirrels?",4439,Story,21512,2019-05-17 20:10:49 UTC,2019-05-17 20:10:49 UTC
Some small dead branches, some with bark damage possible squirrels",4439,Story,21516,2019-05-17 20:12:20 UTC,2019-05-17 20:12:20 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21521,2019-05-17 20:23:53 UTC,2019-05-17 20:23:53 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21522,2019-05-17 20:23:59 UTC,2019-05-17 20:23:59 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21526,2019-05-17 20:25:36 UTC,2019-05-17 20:25:36 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21527,2019-05-17 20:26:06 UTC,2019-05-17 20:26:06 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21530,2019-05-17 20:29:13 UTC,2019-05-17 20:29:13 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21531,2019-05-17 20:30:04 UTC,2019-05-17 20:30:04 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21534,2019-05-17 20:33:37 UTC,2019-05-17 20:33:37 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21537,2019-05-17 20:34:54 UTC,2019-05-17 20:34:54 UTC
#Round1",4439,Story,21546,2019-05-17 20:38:52 UTC,2019-05-17 20:38:52 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24269,2019-07-19 20:13:10 UTC,2019-07-19 20:13:10 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24272,2019-07-19 20:17:14 UTC,2019-07-19 20:17:14 UTC
#round2",4495,Story,24273,2019-07-19 20:18:18 UTC,2019-07-19 20:18:18 UTC
7568,#stepmonitored  #round2  heavy die back but no flagging. Does not appear to be DED related. ,4458,Story,24363,2019-07-21 20:20:56 UTC,2019-07-21 20:20:56 UTC
7573,#round2 ,4458,Story,24368,2019-07-21 20:25:21 UTC,2019-07-21 20:25:21 UTC
7578,#round2 ,4458,Story,24373,2019-07-21 20:30:30 UTC,2019-07-21 20:30:30 UTC
7579,#round2 ,4458,Story,24374,2019-07-21 20:31:30 UTC,2019-07-21 20:31:30 UTC
7718,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24530,2019-07-26 20:52:08 UTC,2019-07-26 20:52:08 UTC
7743,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24556,2019-07-27 16:22:36 UTC,2019-07-27 16:22:36 UTC
7751,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24564,2019-07-27 16:28:50 UTC,2019-07-27 16:28:50 UTC
7756,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24569,2019-07-27 22:58:48 UTC,2019-07-27 22:58:48 UTC
7757,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24570,2019-07-27 22:59:16 UTC,2019-07-27 22:59:16 UTC
7758,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24571,2019-07-27 22:59:42 UTC,2019-07-27 22:59:42 UTC
7761,"This is the actual photo; the first one is of the adjacent tree, 2308965.",4382,Story,24574,2019-07-30 06:04:42 UTC,2019-07-30 06:04:42 UTC
7765,There is some bacterial wetwood on east side of trunk. ,4332,Story,24579,2019-07-30 18:00:25 UTC,2019-07-30 18:00:25 UTC
#round1",4439,Story,21519,2019-05-17 20:18:44 UTC,2019-05-17 20:18:44 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21520,2019-05-17 20:23:23 UTC,2019-05-17 20:23:23 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21523,2019-05-17 20:24:17 UTC,2019-05-17 20:24:17 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21528,2019-05-17 20:28:02 UTC,2019-05-17 20:28:02 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21529,2019-05-17 20:28:50 UTC,2019-05-17 20:28:50 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21533,2019-05-17 20:31:54 UTC,2019-05-17 20:31:54 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21535,2019-05-17 20:34:26 UTC,2019-05-17 20:34:26 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21536,2019-05-17 20:34:38 UTC,2019-05-17 20:34:38 UTC
#round1  ",4439,Story,21547,2019-05-17 20:39:34 UTC,2019-05-17 20:39:34 UTC
#stepmonitored",4439,Story,21548,2019-05-17 20:40:30 UTC,2019-05-17 20:40:30 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21551,2019-05-17 20:42:32 UTC,2019-05-17 20:42:32 UTC
#signs of drought stress?
",4424,Story,21552,2019-05-17 20:43:05 UTC,2019-05-17 20:43:05 UTC
#Signs of Drought stress",4427,Story,21554,2019-05-17 20:45:01 UTC,2019-05-17 20:45:01 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21559,2019-05-17 21:14:40 UTC,2019-05-17 21:14:40 UTC
#round1",4439,Story,21562,2019-05-17 21:29:54 UTC,2019-05-17 21:29:54 UTC
#round1  ",4439,Story,21564,2019-05-17 21:31:03 UTC,2019-05-17 21:31:03 UTC
5344,#stepmonitored #round1,4475,Story,21563,2019-05-17 21:30:53 UTC,2019-05-17 21:30:53 UTC
5351,#step1,4393,Story,21570,2019-05-17 22:32:47 UTC,2019-05-17 22:32:47 UTC
5339,#stepmonitored #round1  ,4475,Story,21558,2019-05-17 20:59:42 UTC,2019-05-17 20:59:42 UTC
5378,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4466,Story,21597,2019-05-17 23:43:46 UTC,2019-05-17 23:43:46 UTC
#stepmonitored",4439,Story,21550,2019-05-17 20:41:59 UTC,2019-05-17 20:41:59 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21555,2019-05-17 20:46:25 UTC,2019-05-17 20:46:25 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21556,2019-05-17 20:47:13 UTC,2019-05-17 20:47:13 UTC
#Round1",4427,Story,21557,2019-05-17 20:47:46 UTC,2019-05-17 20:47:46 UTC
7589,#stepmonitored  #round2  ,4458,Story,24384,2019-07-21 20:40:46 UTC,2019-07-21 20:40:46 UTC
5380,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4466,Story,21599,2019-05-17 23:46:16 UTC,2019-05-17 23:46:16 UTC
5383,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4466,Story,21602,2019-05-17 23:51:15 UTC,2019-05-17 23:51:15 UTC
5341,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4475,Story,21560,2019-05-17 21:15:56 UTC,2019-05-17 21:15:56 UTC
#stepmonitored",4495,Story,24270,2019-07-19 20:14:20 UTC,2019-07-19 20:14:20 UTC
#stepmonitored",4495,Story,24271,2019-07-19 20:15:35 UTC,2019-07-19 20:15:35 UTC
#stepmonitored",4495,Story,24274,2019-07-19 20:19:48 UTC,2019-07-19 20:19:48 UTC
7569,#stepmonitored  #round2 ,4458,Story,24364,2019-07-21 20:22:13 UTC,2019-07-21 20:22:13 UTC
7571,#stepmonitored  #round2 ,4458,Story,24366,2019-07-21 20:23:48 UTC,2019-07-21 20:23:48 UTC
7572,#stepmonitored  #round2 ,4458,Story,24367,2019-07-21 20:24:21 UTC,2019-07-21 20:24:21 UTC
7574,#round2 ,4458,Story,24369,2019-07-21 20:26:02 UTC,2019-07-21 20:26:02 UTC
7575,#round2 ,4458,Story,24370,2019-07-21 20:26:30 UTC,2019-07-21 20:26:30 UTC
7576,#stepmonitored  #round2 ,4458,Story,24371,2019-07-21 20:27:26 UTC,2019-07-21 20:27:26 UTC
7577,#round2 ,4458,Story,24372,2019-07-21 20:27:53 UTC,2019-07-21 20:27:53 UTC
7580,#stepmonitored  #round2  ,4458,Story,24375,2019-07-21 20:32:59 UTC,2019-07-21 20:32:59 UTC
7581,#stepmonitored  #round2  ,4458,Story,24376,2019-07-21 20:33:41 UTC,2019-07-21 20:33:41 UTC
7582,#stepmonitored  #round2  ,4458,Story,24377,2019-07-21 20:34:36 UTC,2019-07-21 20:34:36 UTC
7583,#stepmonitored  #round2  ,4458,Story,24378,2019-07-21 20:35:38 UTC,2019-07-21 20:35:38 UTC
7584,#stepmonitored #round2 ,4458,Story,24379,2019-07-21 20:36:20 UTC,2019-07-21 20:36:20 UTC
7585,#stepmonitored  #round2  ,4458,Story,24380,2019-07-21 20:37:01 UTC,2019-07-21 20:37:01 UTC
7587,#stepmonitored  #round2  ,4458,Story,24382,2019-07-21 20:38:57 UTC,2019-07-21 20:38:57 UTC
7588,#stepmonitored  #round2  ,4458,Story,24383,2019-07-21 20:39:49 UTC,2019-07-21 20:39:49 UTC
7590,#stepmonitored  #round2  ,4458,Story,24385,2019-07-21 20:42:11 UTC,2019-07-21 20:42:11 UTC
7591,#stepmonitored  #round2  ,4458,Story,24386,2019-07-21 20:43:10 UTC,2019-07-21 20:43:10 UTC
7592,#stepmonitored  #round2  ,4458,Story,24387,2019-07-21 20:44:06 UTC,2019-07-21 20:44:06 UTC
7721,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24533,2019-07-26 20:56:06 UTC,2019-07-26 20:56:06 UTC
7723,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24535,2019-07-26 20:58:36 UTC,2019-07-26 20:58:36 UTC
7724,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24536,2019-07-26 20:59:59 UTC,2019-07-26 20:59:59 UTC
7744,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24557,2019-07-27 16:23:20 UTC,2019-07-27 16:23:20 UTC
5384,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4466,Story,21603,2019-05-17 23:52:30 UTC,2019-05-17 23:52:30 UTC
5389,#stepmonitored  #round1 ,4466,Story,21608,2019-05-18 00:00:05 UTC,2019-05-18 00:00:05 UTC
5390,#stepmonitored  #round1 ,4466,Story,21609,2019-05-18 00:02:53 UTC,2019-05-18 00:02:53 UTC
5391,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4466,Story,21610,2019-05-18 00:05:23 UTC,2019-05-18 00:05:23 UTC
5392,#stepmonitored  #round1 ,4466,Story,21611,2019-05-18 00:07:00 UTC,2019-05-18 00:07:00 UTC
5393,#stepmonitored  #round1 ,4466,Story,21612,2019-05-18 00:15:56 UTC,2019-05-18 00:15:56 UTC
5394,#stepmonitored  #round1 ,4466,Story,21613,2019-05-18 00:16:54 UTC,2019-05-18 00:16:54 UTC
5396,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4466,Story,21615,2019-05-18 00:21:20 UTC,2019-05-18 00:21:20 UTC
5397,#stepmonitored  #round1 ,4466,Story,21616,2019-05-18 00:59:35 UTC,2019-05-18 00:59:35 UTC
5395,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4466,Story,21614,2019-05-18 00:18:46 UTC,2019-05-18 00:18:46 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21623,2019-05-18 16:54:51 UTC,2019-05-18 16:54:51 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21625,2019-05-18 17:00:01 UTC,2019-05-18 17:00:01 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21627,2019-05-18 17:35:08 UTC,2019-05-18 17:35:08 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21633,2019-05-18 17:48:41 UTC,2019-05-18 17:48:41 UTC
5419,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21642,2019-05-18 18:03:28 UTC,2019-05-18 18:03:28 UTC
5443,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4393,Story,21666,2019-05-18 19:45:50 UTC,2019-05-18 19:45:50 UTC
5445,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4393,Story,21668,2019-05-18 19:50:10 UTC,2019-05-18 19:50:10 UTC
5453,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4393,Story,21676,2019-05-18 20:58:23 UTC,2019-05-18 20:58:23 UTC
5454,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4393,Story,21677,2019-05-18 21:00:13 UTC,2019-05-18 21:00:13 UTC
5460,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4493,Story,21683,2019-05-19 05:30:26 UTC,2019-05-19 05:30:26 UTC
5444,#stepmomitored #round1  #dedsymptoms ,4393,Story,21667,2019-05-18 19:48:18 UTC,2019-05-18 19:48:18 UTC
5398,#stepmonitored  #round1 ,4466,Story,21617,2019-05-18 01:00:43 UTC,2019-05-18 01:00:43 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21624,2019-05-18 16:56:41 UTC,2019-05-18 16:56:41 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21628,2019-05-18 17:36:28 UTC,2019-05-18 17:36:28 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21629,2019-05-18 17:38:18 UTC,2019-05-18 17:38:18 UTC
5446,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4393,Story,21669,2019-05-18 19:51:19 UTC,2019-05-18 19:51:19 UTC
5455,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4393,Story,21678,2019-05-18 21:04:51 UTC,2019-05-18 21:04:51 UTC
5447,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4504,Story,21670,2019-05-18 19:51:30 UTC,2019-05-18 19:51:30 UTC
7570,#stepmonitored  #round2 ,4458,Story,24365,2019-07-21 20:22:58 UTC,2019-07-21 20:22:58 UTC
7725,"#round2 #dedsymptoms maybe, yellowing leaves",4463,Story,24537,2019-07-26 21:08:31 UTC,2019-07-26 21:08:31 UTC
7746,#stepmonitored,4463,Story,24559,2019-07-27 16:25:04 UTC,2019-07-27 16:25:04 UTC
7766,#stepmonitored #round2,4332,Story,24580,2019-07-30 18:26:51 UTC,2019-07-30 18:26:51 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21630,2019-05-18 17:41:38 UTC,2019-05-18 17:41:38 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21632,2019-05-18 17:47:40 UTC,2019-05-18 17:47:40 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21634,2019-05-18 17:49:43 UTC,2019-05-18 17:49:43 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21635,2019-05-18 17:51:40 UTC,2019-05-18 17:51:40 UTC
5413,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21636,2019-05-18 17:53:08 UTC,2019-05-18 17:53:08 UTC
5456,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4393,Story,21679,2019-05-18 21:14:12 UTC,2019-05-18 21:14:12 UTC
7809,#round2,4382,Story,24632,2019-08-01 00:21:03 UTC,2019-08-01 00:21:03 UTC
7811,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24634,2019-08-01 00:24:09 UTC,2019-08-01 00:24:09 UTC
5448,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4504,Story,21671,2019-05-18 19:55:02 UTC,2019-05-18 19:55:02 UTC
7586,#stepmonitored  #round2  ,4458,Story,24381,2019-07-21 20:38:11 UTC,2019-07-21 20:38:11 UTC
7726,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24539,2019-07-26 21:25:07 UTC,2019-07-26 21:25:07 UTC
7729,#round2,4382,Story,24542,2019-07-26 21:27:32 UTC,2019-07-26 21:27:32 UTC
7752,#dedsymptoms,4393,Story,24565,2019-07-27 17:28:31 UTC,2019-07-27 17:28:31 UTC
7767,#round2,4332,Story,24581,2019-07-30 18:43:27 UTC,2019-07-30 18:43:27 UTC
7770,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24584,2019-07-30 22:05:00 UTC,2019-07-30 22:05:00 UTC
7771,"#stepmonitered #round2
Sparse foliage",4463,Story,24585,2019-07-30 22:09:35 UTC,2019-07-30 22:09:35 UTC
7772,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24586,2019-07-30 23:39:59 UTC,2019-07-30 23:39:59 UTC
7775,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24589,2019-07-30 23:42:24 UTC,2019-07-30 23:42:24 UTC
7776,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24590,2019-07-30 23:43:05 UTC,2019-07-30 23:43:05 UTC
7777,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24591,2019-07-30 23:43:42 UTC,2019-07-30 23:43:42 UTC
7779,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24593,2019-07-30 23:45:36 UTC,2019-07-30 23:45:36 UTC
7780,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24594,2019-07-30 23:46:17 UTC,2019-07-30 23:46:17 UTC
7804,#round2,4382,Story,24627,2019-08-01 00:16:02 UTC,2019-08-01 00:16:02 UTC
7805,#round2,4382,Story,24628,2019-08-01 00:16:30 UTC,2019-08-01 00:16:30 UTC
7806,"#round2 #leafbeetles
defoliation",4382,Story,24629,2019-08-01 00:18:26 UTC,2019-08-01 00:18:26 UTC
7807,"#stepmonitored #round2 #leafbeetles
defoliation in progress",4382,Story,24630,2019-08-01 00:19:49 UTC,2019-08-01 00:19:49 UTC
7808,#round2,4382,Story,24631,2019-08-01 00:20:41 UTC,2019-08-01 00:20:41 UTC
7814,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24637,2019-08-01 00:31:17 UTC,2019-08-01 00:31:17 UTC
7815,#round2,4382,Story,24638,2019-08-01 00:32:25 UTC,2019-08-01 00:32:25 UTC
7816,#round2,4382,Story,24639,2019-08-01 00:32:59 UTC,2019-08-01 00:32:59 UTC
7817,#round2,4382,Story,24640,2019-08-01 00:33:34 UTC,2019-08-01 00:33:34 UTC
7818,#round2,4382,Story,24641,2019-08-01 00:33:54 UTC,2019-08-01 00:33:54 UTC
7819,#round2,4382,Story,24642,2019-08-01 00:34:53 UTC,2019-08-01 00:34:53 UTC
7824,#round2,4382,Story,24650,2019-08-02 00:00:44 UTC,2019-08-02 00:00:44 UTC
7825,#round2,4382,Story,24651,2019-08-02 00:01:35 UTC,2019-08-02 00:01:35 UTC
7826,#round2,4382,Story,24652,2019-08-02 00:03:52 UTC,2019-08-02 00:03:52 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21631,2019-05-18 17:46:44 UTC,2019-05-18 17:46:44 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21637,2019-05-18 17:53:59 UTC,2019-05-18 17:53:59 UTC
5415,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21638,2019-05-18 17:54:37 UTC,2019-05-18 17:54:37 UTC
5416,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21639,2019-05-18 17:57:26 UTC,2019-05-18 17:57:26 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21640,2019-05-18 17:59:21 UTC,2019-05-18 17:59:21 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21641,2019-05-18 18:00:00 UTC,2019-05-18 18:00:00 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21644,2019-05-18 18:05:57 UTC,2019-05-18 18:05:57 UTC
5427,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4488,Story,21650,2019-05-18 18:10:18 UTC,2019-05-18 18:10:18 UTC
5458,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4393,Story,21681,2019-05-18 21:16:56 UTC,2019-05-18 21:16:56 UTC
5462,#stepmonitored  #round1,4463,Story,21699,2019-05-19 22:14:04 UTC,2019-05-19 22:14:04 UTC
5457,#stepmomitored #round1  #dedsymptoms ,4393,Story,21680,2019-05-18 21:15:55 UTC,2019-05-18 21:15:55 UTC
5473,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21718,2019-05-20 15:22:55 UTC,2019-05-20 15:22:55 UTC
5475,#stepmomitored #round1,4463,Story,21720,2019-05-20 15:32:29 UTC,2019-05-20 15:32:29 UTC
5476,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21721,2019-05-20 15:35:45 UTC,2019-05-20 15:35:45 UTC
5478,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21723,2019-05-20 15:47:07 UTC,2019-05-20 15:47:07 UTC
5479,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21724,2019-05-20 15:48:44 UTC,2019-05-20 15:48:44 UTC
5490,#stepmonitered#round1,4427,Story,21737,2019-05-20 17:02:10 UTC,2019-05-20 17:02:10 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21738,2019-05-20 17:02:52 UTC,2019-05-20 17:02:52 UTC
5481,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21726,2019-05-20 16:08:00 UTC,2019-05-20 16:08:00 UTC
5480,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21725,2019-05-20 16:05:11 UTC,2019-05-20 16:05:11 UTC
5459,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4393,Story,21682,2019-05-18 21:20:27 UTC,2019-05-18 21:20:27 UTC
7769,#round2 #squirreldamage one dead branch,4332,Story,24583,2019-07-30 18:48:24 UTC,2019-07-30 18:48:24 UTC
5463,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21700,2019-05-19 22:15:43 UTC,2019-05-19 22:15:43 UTC
5471,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21716,2019-05-20 15:17:21 UTC,2019-05-20 15:17:21 UTC
7773,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24587,2019-07-30 23:40:51 UTC,2019-07-30 23:40:51 UTC
5474,#stepmomitored ##round1  ,4463,Story,21719,2019-05-20 15:28:06 UTC,2019-05-20 15:28:06 UTC
5477,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21722,2019-05-20 15:45:34 UTC,2019-05-20 15:45:34 UTC
5472,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21717,2019-05-20 15:20:37 UTC,2019-05-20 15:20:37 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21733,2019-05-20 16:58:27 UTC,2019-05-20 16:58:27 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21734,2019-05-20 16:58:25 UTC,2019-05-20 16:58:25 UTC
5492,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4504,Story,21739,2019-05-20 17:02:59 UTC,2019-05-20 17:02:59 UTC
5493,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4504,Story,21740,2019-05-20 17:05:10 UTC,2019-05-20 17:05:10 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21741,2019-05-20 17:05:12 UTC,2019-05-20 17:05:12 UTC
5496,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4504,Story,21743,2019-05-20 17:06:41 UTC,2019-05-20 17:06:41 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,21744,2019-05-20 17:06:53 UTC,2019-05-20 17:06:53 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21745,2019-05-20 17:09:51 UTC,2019-05-20 17:09:51 UTC
#dedsymptoms ",4473,Story,21748,2019-05-20 17:13:22 UTC,2019-05-20 17:13:22 UTC
#dedsymptoms ",4473,Story,21749,2019-05-20 17:13:24 UTC,2019-05-20 17:13:24 UTC
5504,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21751,2019-05-20 17:18:36 UTC,2019-05-20 17:18:36 UTC
5505,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21752,2019-05-20 17:23:30 UTC,2019-05-20 17:23:30 UTC
5506,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21753,2019-05-20 17:24:42 UTC,2019-05-20 17:24:42 UTC
5507,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21754,2019-05-20 17:26:15 UTC,2019-05-20 17:26:15 UTC
5508,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21755,2019-05-20 17:29:08 UTC,2019-05-20 17:29:08 UTC
5509,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21756,2019-05-20 17:29:10 UTC,2019-05-20 17:29:10 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4409,Story,24388,2019-07-21 21:32:36 UTC,2019-07-21 21:32:36 UTC
7727,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24540,2019-07-26 21:25:37 UTC,2019-07-26 21:25:37 UTC
7728,#round2,4382,Story,24541,2019-07-26 21:27:04 UTC,2019-07-26 21:27:04 UTC
7730,#round2,4382,Story,24543,2019-07-26 21:29:16 UTC,2019-07-26 21:29:16 UTC
7731,#round2,4382,Story,24544,2019-07-26 21:30:35 UTC,2019-07-26 21:30:35 UTC
7732,#round2,4382,Story,24545,2019-07-26 21:31:52 UTC,2019-07-26 21:31:52 UTC
7768,#round2,4332,Story,24582,2019-07-30 18:45:19 UTC,2019-07-30 18:45:19 UTC
7774,stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24588,2019-07-30 23:41:46 UTC,2019-07-30 23:41:46 UTC
7810,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24633,2019-08-01 00:23:01 UTC,2019-08-01 00:23:01 UTC
7812,#round2,4382,Story,24635,2019-08-01 00:25:44 UTC,2019-08-01 00:28:23 UTC
7813,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24636,2019-08-01 00:30:18 UTC,2019-08-01 00:30:18 UTC
7827,#round2,4382,Story,24653,2019-08-02 00:05:26 UTC,2019-08-02 00:05:26 UTC
7828,#round2,4382,Story,24654,2019-08-02 00:05:53 UTC,2019-08-02 00:05:53 UTC
7829,#round2,4382,Story,24655,2019-08-02 00:06:19 UTC,2019-08-02 00:06:19 UTC
7830,#round2,4382,Story,24656,2019-08-02 00:06:58 UTC,2019-08-02 00:06:58 UTC
5464,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21701,2019-05-19 22:17:29 UTC,2019-05-19 22:17:29 UTC
5465,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21702,2019-05-19 22:18:44 UTC,2019-05-19 22:18:44 UTC
5466,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21703,2019-05-19 22:21:46 UTC,2019-05-19 22:21:46 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,21731,2019-05-20 16:57:05 UTC,2019-05-20 16:57:05 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,21746,2019-05-20 17:10:22 UTC,2019-05-20 17:10:22 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21747,2019-05-20 17:11:02 UTC,2019-05-20 17:11:02 UTC
#round1  ",4473,Story,21750,2019-05-20 17:15:53 UTC,2019-05-20 17:15:53 UTC
5510,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21757,2019-05-20 17:32:36 UTC,2019-05-20 17:32:36 UTC
5511,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21758,2019-05-20 17:35:51 UTC,2019-05-20 17:35:51 UTC
5544,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4426,Story,21791,2019-05-21 00:29:38 UTC,2019-05-21 00:29:38 UTC
5545,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4426,Story,21792,2019-05-21 00:31:28 UTC,2019-05-21 00:31:28 UTC
5546,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4426,Story,21793,2019-05-21 00:32:03 UTC,2019-05-21 00:32:03 UTC
5548,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4386,Story,21795,2019-05-21 02:23:58 UTC,2019-05-21 02:23:58 UTC
Near power lines",4409,Story,21790,2019-05-21 00:16:31 UTC,2019-05-21 00:16:31 UTC
5532,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4504,Story,21779,2019-05-20 23:43:03 UTC,2019-05-20 23:43:03 UTC
5547,#stepmonitored #round1  ,4383,Story,21794,2019-05-21 02:10:23 UTC,2019-05-21 02:10:23 UTC
#round1  ",4409,Story,21789,2019-05-21 00:13:58 UTC,2019-05-21 00:13:58 UTC
5536,"Tree is no longer here. Neighbor said owner had it removed because it was rotting.
#round1  ",4409,Story,21783,2019-05-20 23:51:43 UTC,2019-05-20 23:51:43 UTC
Near power lines",4409,Story,21787,2019-05-21 00:06:27 UTC,2019-05-21 00:06:27 UTC
#round1  ",4409,Story,21778,2019-05-20 23:40:38 UTC,2019-05-20 23:40:38 UTC
#round1",4409,Story,21776,2019-05-20 23:21:01 UTC,2019-05-20 23:21:01 UTC
5527,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4504,Story,21774,2019-05-20 23:16:09 UTC,2019-05-20 23:16:09 UTC
#round1",4409,Story,21771,2019-05-20 23:12:02 UTC,2019-05-20 23:12:02 UTC
5523,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4475,Story,21770,2019-05-20 23:08:24 UTC,2019-05-20 23:08:24 UTC
5520,"#stepmonitered #round1  
Trees removed",4473,Story,21767,2019-05-20 17:48:39 UTC,2019-05-20 17:48:39 UTC
5519,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21766,2019-05-20 17:47:40 UTC,2019-05-20 17:47:40 UTC
5517,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21764,2019-05-20 17:45:14 UTC,2019-05-20 17:45:14 UTC
5516,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21763,2019-05-20 17:42:21 UTC,2019-05-20 17:42:21 UTC
5515,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21762,2019-05-20 17:40:37 UTC,2019-05-20 17:40:37 UTC
5513,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21760,2019-05-20 17:37:59 UTC,2019-05-20 17:37:59 UTC
5512,#stepmonitered#round1  ,4473,Story,21759,2019-05-20 17:37:07 UTC,2019-05-20 17:37:07 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21732,2019-05-20 16:57:14 UTC,2019-05-20 16:57:14 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21736,2019-05-20 16:58:27 UTC,2019-05-20 16:58:27 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,21742,2019-05-20 17:05:30 UTC,2019-05-20 17:05:30 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4409,Story,24391,2019-07-21 21:37:10 UTC,2019-07-21 21:37:10 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4409,Story,24392,2019-07-21 21:39:00 UTC,2019-07-21 21:39:00 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4409,Story,24393,2019-07-21 21:40:00 UTC,2019-07-21 21:40:00 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4409,Story,24390,2019-07-21 21:36:32 UTC,2019-07-21 21:36:32 UTC
7733,"#round2 #dedsymptoms
City has sawhorses around it—assume to sample for DED?",4382,Story,24546,2019-07-26 21:36:00 UTC,2019-07-26 21:36:00 UTC
7734,#round2,4382,Story,24547,2019-07-26 21:39:57 UTC,2019-07-26 21:39:57 UTC
7778,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24592,2019-07-30 23:44:56 UTC,2019-07-30 23:44:56 UTC
7781,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24595,2019-07-30 23:46:50 UTC,2019-07-30 23:46:50 UTC
7782,#stepmonitored #round2,4463,Story,24596,2019-07-30 23:47:37 UTC,2019-07-30 23:47:37 UTC
5533,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4504,Story,21780,2019-05-20 23:44:40 UTC,2019-05-20 23:44:40 UTC
5528,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4504,Story,21775,2019-05-20 23:17:53 UTC,2019-05-20 23:17:53 UTC
#round1  ",4409,Story,21773,2019-05-20 23:14:26 UTC,2019-05-21 17:13:14 UTC
5525,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4504,Story,21772,2019-05-20 23:13:44 UTC,2019-05-20 23:13:44 UTC
5522,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21769,2019-05-20 17:54:18 UTC,2019-05-20 17:54:18 UTC
5521,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21768,2019-05-20 17:50:16 UTC,2019-05-20 17:50:16 UTC
5518,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21765,2019-05-20 17:46:36 UTC,2019-05-20 17:46:36 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4409,Story,24389,2019-07-21 21:34:37 UTC,2019-07-21 21:34:37 UTC
7831,#round2,4382,Story,24657,2019-08-02 00:07:42 UTC,2019-08-02 00:07:42 UTC
7832,#round2,4382,Story,24658,2019-08-02 00:08:15 UTC,2019-08-02 00:08:15 UTC
5601,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4463,Story,21874,2019-05-21 23:09:38 UTC,2019-05-21 23:09:38 UTC
#round1  ",4424,Story,21835,2019-05-21 17:05:28 UTC,2019-05-21 17:05:28 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21836,2019-05-21 17:12:28 UTC,2019-05-21 17:12:28 UTC
#round1  ",4424,Story,21839,2019-05-21 17:19:43 UTC,2019-05-21 17:19:43 UTC
#round1  ",4424,Story,21853,2019-05-21 18:26:23 UTC,2019-05-21 18:26:23 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,21854,2019-05-21 18:26:37 UTC,2019-05-21 18:26:37 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,21864,2019-05-21 18:52:22 UTC,2019-05-21 18:52:22 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,21865,2019-05-21 18:53:01 UTC,2019-05-21 18:53:01 UTC
#round1  ",4424,Story,21869,2019-05-21 19:00:27 UTC,2019-05-21 19:00:27 UTC
#round1  ",4424,Story,21870,2019-05-21 19:03:45 UTC,2019-05-21 19:03:45 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21871,2019-05-21 19:05:28 UTC,2019-05-21 19:05:28 UTC
#round1  ",4409,Story,21788,2019-05-21 00:08:39 UTC,2019-05-21 00:08:39 UTC
Injuries to low branches over street",4409,Story,21786,2019-05-21 00:03:51 UTC,2019-05-21 00:03:51 UTC
Injuries to low branches over street.",4409,Story,21785,2019-05-20 23:59:44 UTC,2019-05-20 23:59:44 UTC
#round1  ",4409,Story,21784,2019-05-20 23:54:59 UTC,2019-05-20 23:54:59 UTC
5535,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4504,Story,21782,2019-05-20 23:50:11 UTC,2019-05-20 23:50:11 UTC
Injury to lower limb over street",4409,Story,21781,2019-05-20 23:44:54 UTC,2019-05-20 23:44:54 UTC
5600,#stepmonitored #round1,4522,Story,21873,2019-05-21 22:49:34 UTC,2019-05-21 22:49:34 UTC
5618,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21891,2019-05-22 01:15:50 UTC,2019-05-22 01:15:50 UTC
5617,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21890,2019-05-22 01:14:13 UTC,2019-05-22 01:14:13 UTC
5616,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21889,2019-05-22 01:10:46 UTC,2019-05-22 01:10:46 UTC
5615,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21888,2019-05-22 01:04:52 UTC,2019-05-22 01:04:52 UTC
5614,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21887,2019-05-22 01:03:19 UTC,2019-05-22 01:03:19 UTC
5613,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21886,2019-05-22 01:02:13 UTC,2019-05-22 01:02:13 UTC
5612,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21885,2019-05-22 00:59:26 UTC,2019-05-22 00:59:26 UTC
5611,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21884,2019-05-22 00:58:17 UTC,2019-05-22 00:58:17 UTC
5610,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21883,2019-05-22 00:56:03 UTC,2019-05-22 00:56:03 UTC
5609,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21882,2019-05-22 00:55:14 UTC,2019-05-22 00:55:14 UTC
5607,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21880,2019-05-22 00:53:10 UTC,2019-05-22 00:53:10 UTC
5605,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21878,2019-05-22 00:49:18 UTC,2019-05-22 00:49:18 UTC
5603,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21876,2019-05-22 00:46:22 UTC,2019-05-22 00:46:22 UTC
5608,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21881,2019-05-22 00:54:07 UTC,2019-05-22 00:54:07 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21834,2019-05-21 16:58:38 UTC,2019-05-21 16:58:38 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4409,Story,24394,2019-07-21 21:54:01 UTC,2019-07-21 21:54:01 UTC
7735,#round2 #leafbeetle,4382,Story,24548,2019-07-26 21:52:35 UTC,2019-07-26 21:52:35 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,21855,2019-05-21 18:28:36 UTC,2019-05-21 18:28:36 UTC
#round1  ",4424,Story,21856,2019-05-21 18:28:49 UTC,2019-05-21 18:28:49 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,21861,2019-05-21 18:34:50 UTC,2019-05-21 18:34:50 UTC
7736,#round2,4382,Story,24549,2019-07-26 21:53:35 UTC,2019-07-26 21:53:35 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21863,2019-05-21 18:47:13 UTC,2019-05-21 18:47:13 UTC
7783,#round2,4382,Story,24597,2019-07-31 00:12:01 UTC,2019-07-31 00:12:01 UTC
7787,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24601,2019-07-31 00:18:18 UTC,2019-07-31 00:19:59 UTC
7788,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24602,2019-07-31 00:19:11 UTC,2019-07-31 00:19:11 UTC
5602,#stepmonitered #round1  I think this is an English elm,4463,Story,21875,2019-05-21 23:14:40 UTC,2019-05-21 23:14:40 UTC
5620,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21893,2019-05-22 01:37:07 UTC,2019-05-22 01:37:07 UTC
5619,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21892,2019-05-22 01:35:04 UTC,2019-05-22 01:35:04 UTC
7792,#round2 #leafbeetles,4382,Story,24606,2019-07-31 00:32:49 UTC,2019-07-31 00:32:49 UTC
5604,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21877,2019-05-22 00:47:18 UTC,2019-05-22 00:47:18 UTC
5606,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21879,2019-05-22 00:50:49 UTC,2019-05-22 00:50:49 UTC
7793,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24607,2019-07-31 00:33:49 UTC,2019-07-31 00:33:49 UTC
7794,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24608,2019-07-31 00:34:40 UTC,2019-07-31 00:34:40 UTC
7795,"#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms
north side",4382,Story,24609,2019-07-31 00:37:40 UTC,2019-07-31 00:37:40 UTC
7821,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24646,2019-08-01 01:10:32 UTC,2019-08-01 01:10:32 UTC
7822,"#round2 #dedsymptoms
small patches of wilting, south—incipient infection?",4382,Story,24647,2019-08-01 01:14:30 UTC,2019-08-01 01:14:30 UTC
7823,"#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms
small patches of wilting, south—incipient infection?",4382,Story,24648,2019-08-01 01:16:51 UTC,2019-08-01 01:16:51 UTC
7833,#round2,4382,Story,24659,2019-08-02 00:09:17 UTC,2019-08-02 00:09:17 UTC
7834,#round2,4382,Story,24660,2019-08-02 00:10:50 UTC,2019-08-02 00:10:50 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21833,2019-05-21 16:57:54 UTC,2019-05-21 16:57:54 UTC
#round1  ",4424,Story,21837,2019-05-21 17:18:15 UTC,2019-05-21 17:18:15 UTC
#round1  ",4424,Story,21838,2019-05-21 17:19:09 UTC,2019-05-21 17:19:09 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,21857,2019-05-21 18:30:03 UTC,2019-05-21 18:30:03 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21858,2019-05-21 18:30:13 UTC,2019-05-21 18:30:13 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21859,2019-05-21 18:30:33 UTC,2019-05-21 18:30:33 UTC
Drought stressed",4427,Story,21868,2019-05-21 18:55:19 UTC,2019-05-21 18:55:19 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,21872,2019-05-21 19:06:58 UTC,2019-05-21 19:06:58 UTC
Near power lines, neighbors said PG&E has done several cuts.",4409,Story,21777,2019-05-20 23:36:55 UTC,2019-05-20 23:36:55 UTC
5626,"#stepmonitored #round1
monitored",4428,Story,21899,2019-05-22 01:59:38 UTC,2019-05-22 01:59:38 UTC
5625,"#stepmonitored #round1
monitored",4428,Story,21898,2019-05-22 01:55:11 UTC,2019-05-22 01:55:11 UTC
5623,"#stepmonitored #round1
monitored",4428,Story,21896,2019-05-22 01:51:42 UTC,2019-05-22 01:51:42 UTC
5622,"#stepmonitored #round1
monitored",4428,Story,21895,2019-05-22 01:50:10 UTC,2019-05-22 01:50:10 UTC
5621,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,21894,2019-05-22 01:39:15 UTC,2019-05-22 01:39:15 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,21860,2019-05-21 18:30:42 UTC,2019-05-21 18:30:42 UTC
5594,#treeremoved,4424,Story,21866,2019-05-21 18:56:35 UTC,2019-05-21 18:56:35 UTC
5595,#treeremoved,4424,Story,21867,2019-05-21 18:56:35 UTC,2019-05-21 18:56:35 UTC
5514,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4473,Story,21761,2019-05-20 17:39:28 UTC,2019-05-20 17:39:28 UTC
5483,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21728,2019-05-20 16:15:51 UTC,2019-05-20 16:15:51 UTC
5482,#stepmomitored #round1  ,4463,Story,21727,2019-05-20 16:11:40 UTC,2019-05-20 16:11:40 UTC
5628,"#stepmonitored #round1
monitored",4428,Story,21901,2019-05-22 02:02:47 UTC,2019-05-22 02:02:47 UTC
5627,"#stepmonitored #round1
monitored",4428,Story,21900,2019-05-22 02:00:55 UTC,2019-05-22 02:00:55 UTC
5624,"#stepmonitored #round1
monitored",4428,Story,21897,2019-05-22 01:54:01 UTC,2019-05-22 01:54:01 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4409,Story,24395,2019-07-21 21:57:28 UTC,2019-07-21 21:57:28 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4409,Story,24397,2019-07-21 22:02:27 UTC,2019-07-21 22:02:27 UTC
Areas of minor wilting; will follow",4382,Story,24550,2019-07-26 21:55:15 UTC,2019-07-26 21:55:15 UTC
7738,#round2,4382,Story,24551,2019-07-26 21:57:14 UTC,2019-07-26 21:57:14 UTC
Areas of wilting on south side; due to recent pruning?",4382,Story,24552,2019-07-26 22:05:06 UTC,2019-07-26 22:05:06 UTC
7784,#round2,4382,Story,24598,2019-07-31 00:12:42 UTC,2019-07-31 00:12:42 UTC
7785,#round2,4382,Story,24599,2019-07-31 00:13:04 UTC,2019-07-31 00:13:04 UTC
7786,#round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24600,2019-07-31 00:15:32 UTC,2019-07-31 00:15:32 UTC
7820,#stepmonitored #round2 #leafbeetles,4382,Story,24645,2019-08-01 01:08:09 UTC,2019-08-01 01:08:09 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4409,Story,24396,2019-07-21 22:00:04 UTC,2019-07-21 22:00:04 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4409,Story,24398,2019-07-21 22:04:45 UTC,2019-07-21 22:04:45 UTC
7789,#stepmonitored #round2 #dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24603,2019-07-31 00:27:34 UTC,2019-07-31 00:27:34 UTC
7790,"#round2 #dedsymptoms
bad pruning job",4382,Story,24604,2019-07-31 00:30:57 UTC,2019-07-31 00:30:57 UTC
7791,"#stepmonitored #round2 #leafbeetles
recently lost a limb",4382,Story,24605,2019-07-31 00:32:23 UTC,2019-07-31 00:32:23 UTC
7796,#dedsymptoms,4382,Story,24610,2019-07-31 00:39:57 UTC,2019-07-31 00:39:57 UTC
???",4382,Story,24611,2019-07-31 00:41:07 UTC,2019-07-31 00:41:07 UTC
7798,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24612,2019-07-31 00:41:35 UTC,2019-07-31 00:41:35 UTC
7799,#round2,4382,Story,24613,2019-07-31 00:42:14 UTC,2019-07-31 00:42:14 UTC
7800,#round2,4382,Story,24614,2019-07-31 00:42:44 UTC,2019-07-31 00:42:44 UTC
7801,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24615,2019-07-31 00:46:59 UTC,2019-07-31 00:46:59 UTC
7835,"#stepmonitored #round2
wilting from broken branch?",4382,Story,24661,2019-08-02 00:27:33 UTC,2019-08-02 00:27:33 UTC
5661,#stepmonitored #round1,4495,Story,21993,2019-05-23 02:43:43 UTC,2019-05-23 02:43:43 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21958,2019-05-22 15:53:23 UTC,2019-05-22 15:53:23 UTC
5641,#St foundation #round1,4460,Story,21969,2019-05-22 17:19:45 UTC,2019-05-22 17:19:45 UTC
5643,#stepmonitored,4460,Story,21972,2019-05-22 17:47:04 UTC,2019-05-22 17:47:04 UTC
#round1",4460,Story,21974,2019-05-22 18:01:11 UTC,2019-05-22 18:01:11 UTC
5652,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4495,Story,21984,2019-05-23 02:16:38 UTC,2019-05-23 02:16:38 UTC
5654,#stepmonitored #round1,4495,Story,21986,2019-05-23 02:27:02 UTC,2019-05-23 02:27:02 UTC
5655,#stepmonitored #round1,4495,Story,21987,2019-05-23 02:28:42 UTC,2019-05-23 02:28:42 UTC
5656,#stepmonitored #round1,4495,Story,21988,2019-05-23 02:31:19 UTC,2019-05-23 02:31:19 UTC
5657,#stepmonitored #round1,4495,Story,21989,2019-05-23 02:32:59 UTC,2019-05-23 02:32:59 UTC
5658,#stepmonitored #round1,4495,Story,21990,2019-05-23 02:36:22 UTC,2019-05-23 02:36:22 UTC
5659,#stepmonitored #round1,4495,Story,21991,2019-05-23 02:40:46 UTC,2019-05-23 02:40:46 UTC
5660,#stepmonitored #round1,4495,Story,21992,2019-05-23 02:42:19 UTC,2019-05-23 02:42:19 UTC
5653,#stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,21985,2019-05-23 02:24:45 UTC,2019-05-23 02:24:45 UTC
#round1",4460,Story,21983,2019-05-22 20:08:44 UTC,2019-05-22 20:08:44 UTC
#round1",4460,Story,21982,2019-05-22 19:55:33 UTC,2019-05-22 19:55:33 UTC
#round1",4460,Story,21981,2019-05-22 19:53:16 UTC,2019-05-22 19:53:16 UTC
#rounds1",4460,Story,21980,2019-05-22 19:43:34 UTC,2019-05-22 19:43:34 UTC
#round1",4460,Story,21979,2019-05-22 19:32:55 UTC,2019-05-22 19:32:55 UTC
5662,#stepmonitered #rounds1 ,4463,Story,21995,2019-05-23 15:32:53 UTC,2019-05-23 15:32:53 UTC
5917,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4463,Story,22301,2019-05-27 15:24:39 UTC,2019-05-27 15:24:39 UTC
5918,#stepmonitored  #round1,4463,Story,22302,2019-05-27 15:26:15 UTC,2019-05-27 15:26:15 UTC
7802,#stepmonitored #round2 #leafbeetles,4382,Story,24616,2019-07-31 00:47:50 UTC,2019-07-31 00:47:50 UTC
7803,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24617,2019-07-31 00:48:31 UTC,2019-07-31 00:48:31 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21959,2019-05-22 15:54:24 UTC,2019-05-22 15:54:24 UTC
#round1",4460,Story,21976,2019-05-22 19:17:50 UTC,2019-05-22 19:17:50 UTC
5663,#stepmonitered #rounds1 ,4463,Story,21996,2019-05-23 15:34:58 UTC,2019-05-23 15:34:58 UTC
5664,#rounds1 #stepmonitered ,4463,Story,21997,2019-05-23 15:38:04 UTC,2019-05-23 15:38:04 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,21960,2019-05-22 15:55:30 UTC,2019-05-22 15:55:30 UTC
5665,#stepmonitered #rounds1 ,4463,Story,21999,2019-05-23 15:40:32 UTC,2019-05-23 15:40:32 UTC
7840,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24666,2019-08-02 23:57:15 UTC,2019-08-02 23:57:15 UTC
7841,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24667,2019-08-02 23:57:49 UTC,2019-08-02 23:57:49 UTC
7848,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24674,2019-08-03 00:05:57 UTC,2019-08-03 00:05:57 UTC
7849,There isn't an elm tree here.,4382,Story,24675,2019-08-03 00:06:34 UTC,2019-08-03 00:06:34 UTC
7850,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24676,2019-08-03 00:07:09 UTC,2019-08-03 00:07:09 UTC
7863,#round2,4390,Story,24712,2019-08-10 00:55:15 UTC,2019-08-10 00:55:15 UTC
7864,#round2,4390,Story,24713,2019-08-10 00:55:48 UTC,2019-08-10 00:55:48 UTC
7865,#round2,4390,Story,24714,2019-08-10 00:58:35 UTC,2019-08-10 00:58:35 UTC
7866,#round2,4390,Story,24715,2019-08-10 00:59:17 UTC,2019-08-10 00:59:17 UTC
7868,#round2,4390,Story,24717,2019-08-10 01:00:50 UTC,2019-08-10 01:00:50 UTC
7872,#round2   Some dead areas but doesn't appear to be DED,4390,Story,24721,2019-08-10 01:12:05 UTC,2019-08-10 01:12:05 UTC
7873,"#round2 Concern with spotty leaves. I don't think this is DED, though.",4390,Story,24722,2019-08-10 01:14:31 UTC,2019-08-10 01:14:31 UTC
7875,"#treeremoved    There is no elm here. There are two large, old eucalypti here, though.",4390,Story,24724,2019-08-10 01:17:36 UTC,2019-08-10 01:17:36 UTC
7876,"#treeremoved. There is no elm here, but there is a large eucalyptus.",4390,Story,24725,2019-08-10 01:18:18 UTC,2019-08-10 01:18:18 UTC
",4424,Story,22203,2019-05-25 15:20:58 UTC,2019-05-25 15:20:58 UTC
5888,#stepmonitored #round1 no DED signs,4458,Story,22272,2019-05-26 16:02:36 UTC,2019-05-26 16:02:36 UTC
5925,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22309,2019-05-27 17:20:43 UTC,2019-05-27 17:20:43 UTC
5935,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22319,2019-05-27 17:30:17 UTC,2019-05-27 17:30:17 UTC
5944,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22328,2019-05-27 17:43:33 UTC,2019-05-27 17:43:33 UTC
7837,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24663,2019-08-02 23:53:46 UTC,2019-08-02 23:53:46 UTC
7838,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24664,2019-08-02 23:54:22 UTC,2019-08-02 23:54:22 UTC
7839,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24665,2019-08-02 23:56:06 UTC,2019-08-02 23:56:06 UTC
7842,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24668,2019-08-02 23:58:27 UTC,2019-08-02 23:58:27 UTC
7843,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24669,2019-08-02 23:59:02 UTC,2019-08-02 23:59:02 UTC
7844,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24670,2019-08-02 23:59:31 UTC,2019-08-02 23:59:31 UTC
7845,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24671,2019-08-03 00:00:14 UTC,2019-08-03 00:00:14 UTC
7846,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24672,2019-08-03 00:00:44 UTC,2019-08-03 00:00:44 UTC
7847,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24673,2019-08-03 00:01:07 UTC,2019-08-03 00:01:07 UTC
7851,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24677,2019-08-03 00:07:30 UTC,2019-08-03 00:07:30 UTC
7852,#stepmonitored #round2,4382,Story,24678,2019-08-03 00:08:16 UTC,2019-08-03 00:08:16 UTC
7867,#round2,4390,Story,24716,2019-08-10 00:59:32 UTC,2019-08-10 00:59:32 UTC
7869,#round2. This tree was topped and looks stressed.,4390,Story,24718,2019-08-10 01:01:23 UTC,2019-08-10 01:01:23 UTC
7870,#round2. This tree was topped and looks stressed.,4390,Story,24719,2019-08-10 01:01:46 UTC,2019-08-10 01:01:46 UTC
7871,"#round2 #dedsymptoms   There appears to be some flagging - not sure it's DED but please investigate!
",4390,Story,24720,2019-08-10 01:08:33 UTC,2019-08-10 01:08:33 UTC
7874,"#round2.   This english elm, like the one directly south of it, has a lacy pattern in the leaves but from what I have been taught it's not DED. Pics include a closeup.
",4390,Story,24723,2019-08-10 01:16:35 UTC,2019-08-10 01:16:35 UTC
5668,"There is only one elm on this side of the block. Not sure if this is the one that’s gone or the one next to it on the map. 
#round1",4460,Story,22003,2019-05-23 15:59:04 UTC,2019-05-23 15:59:04 UTC
5667,"I could see one lower branch with wilted leaves. See picture 2. 
#round1",4460,Story,22002,2019-05-23 15:56:35 UTC,2019-05-23 15:56:35 UTC
",4424,Story,22204,2019-05-25 15:22:09 UTC,2019-05-25 15:22:09 UTC
5889,#stepmonitored  #round1 no SEE signs,4458,Story,22273,2019-05-26 16:03:35 UTC,2019-05-26 16:03:35 UTC
5895,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4458,Story,22279,2019-05-26 16:14:36 UTC,2019-05-26 16:14:36 UTC
5926,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22310,2019-05-27 17:22:22 UTC,2019-05-27 17:22:22 UTC
5928,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22312,2019-05-27 17:23:54 UTC,2019-05-27 17:23:54 UTC
5929,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22313,2019-05-27 17:25:08 UTC,2019-05-27 17:25:08 UTC
5930,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22314,2019-05-27 17:25:09 UTC,2019-05-27 17:25:09 UTC
",4390,Story,24737,2019-08-12 14:51:02 UTC,2019-08-12 14:51:02 UTC
#round1",4460,Story,22006,2019-05-23 16:04:33 UTC,2019-05-23 16:04:33 UTC
#stepmonitored",4460,Story,22004,2019-05-23 16:01:19 UTC,2019-05-23 16:01:19 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22274,2019-05-26 16:09:00 UTC,2019-05-26 16:09:00 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22277,2019-05-26 16:11:01 UTC,2019-05-26 16:11:01 UTC
5894,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4458,Story,22278,2019-05-26 16:13:58 UTC,2019-05-26 16:13:58 UTC
5927,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22311,2019-05-27 17:23:12 UTC,2019-05-27 17:23:12 UTC
7880,"#round2 #dedsymptoms
Flagging, widespread brown leaves
",4390,Story,24738,2019-08-12 14:53:57 UTC,2019-08-12 14:53:57 UTC
#round1",4460,Story,22007,2019-05-23 16:06:50 UTC,2019-05-23 16:06:50 UTC
5672,Found where the tree had been. So the tree missing is the more southerly tree of the two.,4460,Story,22009,2019-05-23 16:13:14 UTC,2019-05-23 16:13:14 UTC
5891,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4458,Story,22275,2019-05-26 16:09:50 UTC,2019-05-26 16:09:50 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22276,2019-05-26 16:10:03 UTC,2019-05-26 16:10:03 UTC
5931,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22315,2019-05-27 17:25:09 UTC,2019-05-27 17:25:09 UTC
5934,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22318,2019-05-27 17:29:02 UTC,2019-05-27 17:29:02 UTC
5939,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22323,2019-05-27 17:38:53 UTC,2019-05-27 17:38:53 UTC
5941,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22325,2019-05-27 17:40:00 UTC,2019-05-27 17:40:00 UTC
5952,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22336,2019-05-27 17:59:00 UTC,2019-05-27 17:59:00 UTC
7916,#round3,4463,Story,24783,2019-08-17 23:22:54 UTC,2019-08-17 23:22:54 UTC
7920,#round3,4463,Story,24787,2019-08-17 23:24:23 UTC,2019-08-17 23:24:23 UTC
7922,#round3,4463,Story,24789,2019-08-17 23:25:18 UTC,2019-08-17 23:25:18 UTC
7926, #round3,4463,Story,24793,2019-08-18 17:13:11 UTC,2019-08-18 17:13:11 UTC
7929,#round3,4463,Story,24796,2019-08-18 18:04:50 UTC,2019-08-18 18:04:50 UTC
7966,#round3,4424,Story,24833,2019-08-19 15:15:19 UTC,2019-08-19 15:15:19 UTC
7967,#round3,4424,Story,24834,2019-08-19 15:16:32 UTC,2019-08-19 15:16:32 UTC
7968,#round3,4424,Story,24835,2019-08-19 15:16:50 UTC,2019-08-19 15:16:50 UTC
8062,#step monitored #Round 3,4493,Story,24929,2019-08-20 09:22:18 UTC,2019-08-20 09:22:18 UTC
8063,#stepmonitored #round3,4493,Story,24930,2019-08-20 09:23:32 UTC,2019-08-20 09:23:32 UTC
8066,#stepmonitored #round3,4493,Story,24933,2019-08-20 09:29:48 UTC,2019-08-20 09:29:48 UTC
8069,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,24936,2019-08-20 16:11:18 UTC,2019-08-20 16:11:18 UTC
5896,#stepmonitored #round1  slight die back probably from drought. No obvious DED symptoms. ,4458,Story,22280,2019-05-26 17:55:00 UTC,2019-05-26 17:55:00 UTC
5932,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22316,2019-05-27 17:27:04 UTC,2019-05-27 17:27:04 UTC
5933,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22317,2019-05-27 17:28:15 UTC,2019-05-27 17:28:15 UTC
5936,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22320,2019-05-27 17:32:36 UTC,2019-05-27 17:32:36 UTC
5937,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22321,2019-05-27 17:33:41 UTC,2019-05-27 17:33:41 UTC
5938,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22322,2019-05-27 17:34:08 UTC,2019-05-27 17:34:08 UTC
7937,#round3,4463,Story,24804,2019-08-18 18:14:44 UTC,2019-08-18 18:14:44 UTC
7938,#round3,4463,Story,24805,2019-08-18 18:15:34 UTC,2019-08-18 18:15:34 UTC
7939,#round3,4463,Story,24806,2019-08-18 18:16:16 UTC,2019-08-18 18:16:16 UTC
7917,#round3,4463,Story,24784,2019-08-17 23:23:15 UTC,2019-08-17 23:23:15 UTC
7918,#round3,4463,Story,24785,2019-08-17 23:23:35 UTC,2019-08-17 23:23:35 UTC
7919,#round3,4463,Story,24786,2019-08-17 23:23:58 UTC,2019-08-17 23:23:58 UTC
7921,#round3,4463,Story,24788,2019-08-17 23:24:58 UTC,2019-08-17 23:24:58 UTC
7923,#round3,4463,Story,24790,2019-08-17 23:25:37 UTC,2019-08-17 23:25:37 UTC
7924,#round3,4463,Story,24791,2019-08-17 23:25:54 UTC,2019-08-17 23:25:54 UTC
7925,#round3,4463,Story,24792,2019-08-17 23:26:14 UTC,2019-08-17 23:26:14 UTC
7927,#round3,4463,Story,24794,2019-08-18 17:23:33 UTC,2019-08-18 17:23:33 UTC
7930,#round3,4463,Story,24797,2019-08-18 18:07:04 UTC,2019-08-18 18:07:04 UTC
7931,#round3,4463,Story,24798,2019-08-18 18:07:43 UTC,2019-08-18 18:07:43 UTC
7932,#round3,4463,Story,24799,2019-08-18 18:08:23 UTC,2019-08-18 18:08:23 UTC
7934,#round3,4463,Story,24801,2019-08-18 18:10:45 UTC,2019-08-18 18:10:45 UTC
7940,#round3,4463,Story,24807,2019-08-18 18:17:09 UTC,2019-08-18 18:17:09 UTC
7941,#round3,4463,Story,24808,2019-08-18 18:17:47 UTC,2019-08-18 18:17:47 UTC
7943,#round3,4463,Story,24810,2019-08-18 18:19:29 UTC,2019-08-18 18:19:29 UTC
7969,#round3,4424,Story,24836,2019-08-19 15:17:00 UTC,2019-08-19 15:17:00 UTC
7970,#round3,4424,Story,24837,2019-08-19 15:17:10 UTC,2019-08-19 15:17:10 UTC
7971,#round3,4424,Story,24838,2019-08-19 15:17:19 UTC,2019-08-19 15:17:19 UTC
7977,#round3,4424,Story,24844,2019-08-19 15:18:14 UTC,2019-08-19 15:18:14 UTC
8064,#stepmonitored #round3,4493,Story,24931,2019-08-20 09:25:23 UTC,2019-08-20 09:25:23 UTC
8070,#round3,4393,Story,24937,2019-08-20 16:12:27 UTC,2019-08-20 16:12:27 UTC
8073,#round3,4393,Story,24940,2019-08-20 16:16:48 UTC,2019-08-20 16:16:48 UTC
5945,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22329,2019-05-27 17:48:44 UTC,2019-05-27 17:48:44 UTC
5673,#stepmonitered ,4460,Story,22010,2019-05-23 16:13:42 UTC,2019-05-23 16:13:42 UTC
#round1",4472,Story,22224,2019-05-25 17:55:35 UTC,2019-05-25 17:55:35 UTC
#round1",4472,Story,22216,2019-05-25 17:49:31 UTC,2019-05-25 17:49:31 UTC
#round1",4472,Story,22214,2019-05-25 17:46:23 UTC,2019-05-25 17:46:23 UTC
#round1",4472,Story,22210,2019-05-25 17:39:43 UTC,2019-05-25 17:39:43 UTC
#round1",4472,Story,22209,2019-05-25 17:37:30 UTC,2019-05-25 17:37:30 UTC
5850,#stepmonitored  #round1,4496,Story,22220,2019-05-25 17:52:50 UTC,2019-05-25 17:52:50 UTC
5897,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4458,Story,22281,2019-05-26 17:55:57 UTC,2019-05-26 17:55:57 UTC
5940,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22324,2019-05-27 17:39:35 UTC,2019-05-27 17:39:35 UTC
5942,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22326,2019-05-27 17:40:38 UTC,2019-05-27 17:40:38 UTC
5948,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22332,2019-05-27 17:51:58 UTC,2019-05-27 17:51:58 UTC
5961,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22345,2019-05-27 18:13:22 UTC,2019-05-27 18:13:22 UTC
5965,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22349,2019-05-27 18:20:39 UTC,2019-05-27 18:20:39 UTC
5966,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22350,2019-05-27 18:22:57 UTC,2019-05-27 18:22:57 UTC
5969,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22355,2019-05-27 18:28:39 UTC,2019-05-27 18:28:39 UTC
6129,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22557,2019-05-29 18:42:57 UTC,2019-05-29 18:42:57 UTC
6134,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22562,2019-05-29 18:52:49 UTC,2019-05-29 18:52:49 UTC
6132,"#stepmonitored #round1
Needs watching—patch of dead leaves near bottom, south side",4463,Story,22560,2019-05-29 18:48:11 UTC,2019-05-29 18:48:11 UTC
6137,#stemonitored #round1,4463,Story,22565,2019-05-29 19:00:53 UTC,2019-05-29 19:00:53 UTC
7928,#round3,4463,Story,24795,2019-08-18 17:26:09 UTC,2019-08-18 17:26:09 UTC
7933,#round3,4463,Story,24800,2019-08-18 18:09:38 UTC,2019-08-18 18:09:38 UTC
7935,#round3,4463,Story,24802,2019-08-18 18:11:48 UTC,2019-08-18 18:11:48 UTC
7936,#round3,4463,Story,24803,2019-08-18 18:13:53 UTC,2019-08-18 18:13:53 UTC
7942,#round3,4463,Story,24809,2019-08-18 18:18:28 UTC,2019-08-18 18:18:28 UTC
7972,#round3,4424,Story,24839,2019-08-19 15:17:29 UTC,2019-08-19 15:17:29 UTC
7973,#round3,4424,Story,24840,2019-08-19 15:17:38 UTC,2019-08-19 15:17:38 UTC
7974,#round3,4424,Story,24841,2019-08-19 15:17:47 UTC,2019-08-19 15:17:47 UTC
7975,#round3,4424,Story,24842,2019-08-19 15:17:56 UTC,2019-08-19 15:17:56 UTC
7976,#round3,4424,Story,24843,2019-08-19 15:18:05 UTC,2019-08-19 15:18:05 UTC
7978,#round3,4424,Story,24845,2019-08-19 15:18:23 UTC,2019-08-19 15:18:23 UTC
8065,#stepmonitored #round3,4493,Story,24932,2019-08-20 09:27:59 UTC,2019-08-20 09:27:59 UTC
8071,#treeremoved,4393,Story,24938,2019-08-20 16:14:32 UTC,2019-08-20 16:14:32 UTC
8072,#dedsymptoms #round3,4393,Story,24939,2019-08-20 16:15:43 UTC,2019-08-20 16:15:43 UTC
8074,#round3,4393,Story,24941,2019-08-20 16:18:20 UTC,2019-08-20 16:18:20 UTC
8075,#round3,4393,Story,24942,2019-08-20 16:18:39 UTC,2019-08-20 16:18:39 UTC
8078,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,24945,2019-08-20 16:21:42 UTC,2019-08-20 16:21:42 UTC
5679,#stepmonitered #rounds1 #round1,4332,Story,22017,2019-05-23 18:16:55 UTC,2019-05-23 18:16:55 UTC
5678,#stepmonitered #rounds1 #round1,4332,Story,22016,2019-05-23 18:11:07 UTC,2019-05-23 18:11:07 UTC
5674,#stepmonitered #1stround,4332,Story,22011,2019-05-23 17:53:37 UTC,2019-05-23 17:53:37 UTC
#round1",4472,Story,22211,2019-05-25 17:44:13 UTC,2019-05-25 17:44:13 UTC
5898,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4458,Story,22282,2019-05-26 17:56:52 UTC,2019-05-26 17:56:52 UTC
5899,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4458,Story,22283,2019-05-26 17:58:51 UTC,2019-05-26 17:58:51 UTC
5954,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22338,2019-05-27 18:04:31 UTC,2019-05-27 18:04:31 UTC
5955,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22339,2019-05-27 18:04:31 UTC,2019-05-27 18:04:31 UTC
5963,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22347,2019-05-27 18:14:35 UTC,2019-05-27 18:14:35 UTC
5964,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22348,2019-05-27 18:14:35 UTC,2019-05-27 18:14:35 UTC
6130,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22558,2019-05-29 18:45:54 UTC,2019-05-29 18:45:54 UTC
7944,#round3,4463,Story,24811,2019-08-18 18:20:07 UTC,2019-08-18 18:20:07 UTC
7945,#round3,4463,Story,24812,2019-08-18 18:20:47 UTC,2019-08-18 18:20:47 UTC
7946,#round3,4463,Story,24813,2019-08-18 18:21:29 UTC,2019-08-18 18:21:29 UTC
7980,#treeremoved,4427,Story,24847,2019-08-19 16:06:40 UTC,2019-08-19 16:06:40 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24848,2019-08-19 16:08:42 UTC,2019-08-19 16:08:42 UTC
7983,#round3,4427,Story,24850,2019-08-19 16:09:35 UTC,2019-08-19 16:09:35 UTC
7984,#round3,4427,Story,24851,2019-08-19 16:10:01 UTC,2019-08-19 16:10:01 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24852,2019-08-19 16:10:19 UTC,2019-08-19 16:10:19 UTC
8067,#stepmonitored #round3,4493,Story,24934,2019-08-20 09:42:57 UTC,2019-08-20 09:42:57 UTC
8076,#round3,4393,Story,24943,2019-08-20 16:19:37 UTC,2019-08-20 16:19:37 UTC
8077,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,24944,2019-08-20 16:20:57 UTC,2019-08-20 16:20:57 UTC
8082,#stepmonitored #treeremoved,4393,Story,24949,2019-08-20 16:25:18 UTC,2019-08-20 16:25:18 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24846,2019-08-19 16:06:16 UTC,2019-08-19 16:06:16 UTC
5675,#round1,4332,Story,22012,2019-05-23 17:54:47 UTC,2019-05-23 17:54:47 UTC
5683,"This one is struggling
#stepmonitered #rounds1 #round1",4332,Story,22021,2019-05-23 18:30:34 UTC,2019-05-23 18:30:34 UTC
5682,"#stepmonitered #rounds1 #round1
Another one that covers yard and street",4332,Story,22020,2019-05-23 18:27:15 UTC,2019-05-23 18:27:15 UTC
5680,#stepmonitered #rounds1 #round1,4332,Story,22018,2019-05-23 18:20:20 UTC,2019-05-23 18:20:20 UTC
5676,#stepmonitered #rounds1 #round1,4332,Story,22013,2019-05-23 17:58:56 UTC,2019-05-23 17:58:56 UTC
5681,"#stepmonitered #rounds1 #round1
I absolutely love this tree. Covers yard and T Street",4332,Story,22019,2019-05-23 18:23:43 UTC,2019-05-23 18:23:43 UTC
5739,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22101,2019-05-24 16:54:14 UTC,2019-05-24 16:54:14 UTC
#round1",4387,Story,22212,2019-05-25 17:45:27 UTC,2019-05-25 17:45:27 UTC
5845,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4496,Story,22215,2019-05-25 17:47:00 UTC,2019-05-25 17:47:00 UTC
5851,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4387,Story,22221,2019-05-25 17:52:54 UTC,2019-05-25 17:52:54 UTC
#round1",4472,Story,22219,2019-05-25 17:51:30 UTC,2019-05-25 17:51:30 UTC
5900,#stepmonitored #round1,4458,Story,22284,2019-05-26 17:58:52 UTC,2019-05-26 17:58:52 UTC
5959,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22343,2019-05-27 18:11:29 UTC,2019-05-27 18:11:29 UTC
6135,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22563,2019-05-29 18:56:06 UTC,2019-05-29 18:56:06 UTC
6136,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22564,2019-05-29 18:57:54 UTC,2019-05-29 18:57:54 UTC
7947,#round3,4424,Story,24814,2019-08-18 19:41:13 UTC,2019-08-18 19:41:13 UTC
#treeremoved",4424,Story,24849,2019-08-19 16:09:34 UTC,2019-08-19 16:09:34 UTC
8068,#stepmonitored #round3,4493,Story,24935,2019-08-20 09:46:50 UTC,2019-08-20 09:46:50 UTC
8079,#treeremoved,4393,Story,24946,2019-08-20 16:22:20 UTC,2019-08-20 16:22:20 UTC
5677,"#stepmonitered #rounds1 #round1 
Looking pretty ratty. Lots of stripped branches and two dead limbs 😶",4332,Story,22015,2019-05-23 18:08:46 UTC,2019-05-23 18:08:46 UTC
5740,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22102,2019-05-24 16:54:47 UTC,2019-05-24 16:54:47 UTC
5741,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22103,2019-05-24 17:13:54 UTC,2019-05-24 17:13:54 UTC
5747,#stepmonitered #round1,4464,Story,22109,2019-05-24 17:25:32 UTC,2019-05-24 17:25:32 UTC
5749,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22111,2019-05-24 17:31:54 UTC,2019-05-24 17:31:54 UTC
5847,#stepmonitored #round1,4387,Story,22217,2019-05-25 17:50:10 UTC,2019-05-25 17:50:10 UTC
#round1",4472,Story,22213,2019-05-25 17:45:46 UTC,2019-05-25 17:45:46 UTC
5848,#stepmomitored #round1,4496,Story,22218,2019-05-25 17:50:46 UTC,2019-05-25 17:50:46 UTC
5901,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4458,Story,22285,2019-05-26 18:14:55 UTC,2019-05-26 18:14:55 UTC
5958,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22342,2019-05-27 18:11:28 UTC,2019-05-27 18:11:28 UTC
5972,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22359,2019-05-27 18:35:58 UTC,2019-05-27 18:35:58 UTC
6138,#stepmonitored #round1,4382,Story,22566,2019-05-29 21:33:53 UTC,2019-05-29 21:33:53 UTC
#treeremoved",4424,Story,24815,2019-08-18 20:00:35 UTC,2019-08-18 20:00:35 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24816,2019-08-18 20:12:26 UTC,2019-08-18 20:12:26 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24819,2019-08-18 20:13:41 UTC,2019-08-18 20:13:41 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24820,2019-08-18 20:14:25 UTC,2019-08-18 20:14:25 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24821,2019-08-18 20:14:27 UTC,2019-08-18 20:14:27 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24823,2019-08-18 20:15:03 UTC,2019-08-18 20:15:03 UTC
7960,#round3,4427,Story,24827,2019-08-18 20:22:01 UTC,2019-08-18 20:22:01 UTC
7986,#round3,4427,Story,24853,2019-08-19 16:10:25 UTC,2019-08-19 16:10:25 UTC
8080,#treeremoved,4393,Story,24947,2019-08-20 16:22:55 UTC,2019-08-20 16:22:55 UTC
8081,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,24948,2019-08-20 16:24:06 UTC,2019-08-20 16:24:06 UTC
8083,#round3,4463,Story,24950,2019-08-20 19:43:04 UTC,2019-08-20 19:43:04 UTC
8084,#round3,4463,Story,24951,2019-08-20 19:43:36 UTC,2019-08-20 19:43:36 UTC
8085,#round3,4463,Story,24952,2019-08-20 19:44:05 UTC,2019-08-20 19:44:05 UTC
8086,#round3,4463,Story,24953,2019-08-20 19:44:33 UTC,2019-08-20 19:44:33 UTC
8094,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,24961,2019-08-21 16:10:25 UTC,2019-08-21 16:10:25 UTC
8095,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,24962,2019-08-21 16:16:21 UTC,2019-08-21 16:16:21 UTC
8097,#stepmonitored #round3 #treeremoved,4393,Story,24964,2019-08-21 16:30:09 UTC,2019-08-21 16:30:09 UTC
8102,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,24971,2019-08-21 17:18:15 UTC,2019-08-21 17:18:15 UTC
8103,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,24972,2019-08-21 17:19:20 UTC,2019-08-21 17:19:20 UTC
5684,#stepmonitered #round1,4332,Story,22022,2019-05-23 18:44:30 UTC,2019-05-23 18:44:30 UTC
5742,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22104,2019-05-24 17:15:45 UTC,2019-05-24 17:15:45 UTC
5743,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22105,2019-05-24 17:17:30 UTC,2019-05-24 17:17:30 UTC
5744,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22106,2019-05-24 17:18:37 UTC,2019-05-24 17:18:37 UTC
5748,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22110,2019-05-24 17:27:03 UTC,2019-05-24 17:27:03 UTC
#round1",4409,Story,22223,2019-05-25 17:54:27 UTC,2019-05-25 17:54:27 UTC
#round1 ",4424,Story,22286,2019-05-26 23:24:52 UTC,2019-05-26 23:24:52 UTC
5960,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22344,2019-05-27 18:13:21 UTC,2019-05-27 18:13:21 UTC
5967,#stepmonitored  #round1  #dedsymptoms ,4473,Story,22352,2019-05-27 18:26:45 UTC,2019-05-27 18:26:45 UTC
6139,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22567,2019-05-29 21:53:08 UTC,2019-05-29 21:53:08 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24817,2019-08-18 20:12:45 UTC,2019-08-18 20:12:45 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24818,2019-08-18 20:13:30 UTC,2019-08-18 20:13:30 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24822,2019-08-18 20:15:03 UTC,2019-08-18 20:15:03 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24854,2019-08-19 16:13:56 UTC,2019-08-19 16:13:56 UTC
7990,#round3,4427,Story,24857,2019-08-19 16:18:10 UTC,2019-08-19 16:18:10 UTC
7995,#round3,4424,Story,24862,2019-08-19 16:19:30 UTC,2019-08-19 16:19:30 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24863,2019-08-19 16:21:02 UTC,2019-08-19 16:21:02 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4424,Story,24864,2019-08-19 16:22:42 UTC,2019-08-19 16:22:42 UTC
7999,#dedsymptoms,4424,Story,24866,2019-08-19 16:25:10 UTC,2019-08-19 16:25:10 UTC
8087,#round3,4463,Story,24954,2019-08-20 19:45:09 UTC,2019-08-20 19:45:09 UTC
8090,#round3,4463,Story,24957,2019-08-20 19:46:30 UTC,2019-08-20 19:46:30 UTC
",4463,Story,24960,2019-08-20 19:48:04 UTC,2019-08-20 19:48:04 UTC
8096,#stepmonitored #round 3 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,24963,2019-08-21 16:23:48 UTC,2019-08-21 16:23:48 UTC
5689,#stepmonitered #round1,4332,Story,22029,2019-05-23 18:54:16 UTC,2019-05-23 18:54:16 UTC
5745,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22107,2019-05-24 17:20:39 UTC,2019-05-24 17:20:39 UTC
5751,#stepmonitored  #round1,4464,Story,22113,2019-05-24 17:34:26 UTC,2019-05-24 17:34:26 UTC
5855,"A couple branches with naked ends, but mostly full and healthy. The naked portions are completely stripped of veg, so maybe squirrels #stepmonitored #round1",4454,Story,22225,2019-05-25 18:13:29 UTC,2019-05-25 18:13:29 UTC
5854,"A couple branches with naked ends, but mostly full and healthy. The naked portions are completely stripped of veg, so maybe squirrels #stepmonitored #round1",4454,Story,22226,2019-05-25 18:13:29 UTC,2019-05-25 18:13:29 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22287,2019-05-26 23:26:07 UTC,2019-05-26 23:26:07 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22288,2019-05-26 23:26:25 UTC,2019-05-26 23:26:25 UTC
5908,#stepmomitored #round1,4427,Story,22292,2019-05-26 23:30:01 UTC,2019-05-26 23:30:01 UTC
5970,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22357,2019-05-27 18:31:18 UTC,2019-05-27 18:31:18 UTC
6093,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22509,2019-05-28 15:57:50 UTC,2019-05-28 15:57:50 UTC
6097,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22513,2019-05-28 16:04:51 UTC,2019-05-28 16:04:51 UTC
6140,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22568,2019-05-29 21:54:19 UTC,2019-05-29 21:54:19 UTC
6142,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22570,2019-05-29 22:01:43 UTC,2019-05-29 22:01:43 UTC
6147,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22575,2019-05-29 22:49:44 UTC,2019-05-29 22:49:44 UTC
6148,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22576,2019-05-29 22:50:07 UTC,2019-05-29 22:50:07 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24824,2019-08-18 20:15:31 UTC,2019-08-18 20:15:31 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24825,2019-08-18 20:19:11 UTC,2019-08-18 20:19:11 UTC
7959,#round3,4427,Story,24826,2019-08-18 20:20:04 UTC,2019-08-18 20:20:04 UTC
7961,#treeremoved,4424,Story,24828,2019-08-18 20:23:46 UTC,2019-08-18 20:23:46 UTC
7962,#round3,4424,Story,24829,2019-08-18 20:27:22 UTC,2019-08-18 20:27:22 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24830,2019-08-18 20:29:04 UTC,2019-08-18 20:29:04 UTC
7988,#round3,4427,Story,24855,2019-08-19 16:16:09 UTC,2019-08-19 16:16:09 UTC
",4427,Story,24856,2019-08-19 16:17:47 UTC,2019-08-19 16:17:47 UTC
7991,#round3,4427,Story,24858,2019-08-19 16:18:31 UTC,2019-08-19 16:18:31 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24859,2019-08-19 16:18:46 UTC,2019-08-19 16:18:46 UTC
7993,#round3,4427,Story,24860,2019-08-19 16:19:07 UTC,2019-08-19 16:19:07 UTC
7994,#round3,4427,Story,24861,2019-08-19 16:19:27 UTC,2019-08-19 16:19:27 UTC
8000,#round3,4427,Story,24867,2019-08-19 16:27:19 UTC,2019-08-19 16:27:19 UTC
8088,#round3,4463,Story,24955,2019-08-20 19:45:40 UTC,2019-08-20 19:45:40 UTC
#dedsymptoms",4424,Story,24865,2019-08-19 16:24:22 UTC,2019-08-19 16:24:22 UTC
8098,#stepmonitored #round3 #heatstress  power line problems,4393,Story,24965,2019-08-21 16:41:04 UTC,2019-08-21 16:41:04 UTC
8099,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,24966,2019-08-21 16:48:57 UTC,2019-08-21 16:48:57 UTC
8101,#stepmonitored #round3 #treeremoved,4393,Story,24969,2019-08-21 17:09:51 UTC,2019-08-21 17:09:51 UTC
8104,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,24974,2019-08-21 17:26:00 UTC,2019-08-21 17:26:00 UTC
8106,#stepmonitored #round 3 #treeremoved,4393,Story,24976,2019-08-21 17:41:31 UTC,2019-08-21 17:41:31 UTC
Maybe  ",4463,Story,24987,2019-08-22 16:01:37 UTC,2019-08-22 16:01:37 UTC
5685,#stepmonitered #round1,4332,Story,22024,2019-05-23 18:45:42 UTC,2019-05-23 18:45:42 UTC
5688,#stepmonitered #round1,4332,Story,22026,2019-05-23 18:51:36 UTC,2019-05-23 18:51:36 UTC
5746,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22108,2019-05-24 17:24:15 UTC,2019-05-24 17:24:15 UTC
5750,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22112,2019-05-24 17:33:18 UTC,2019-05-24 17:33:18 UTC
5856,There are naked tips on a lot of the branch ends #stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms,4454,Story,22227,2019-05-25 18:18:57 UTC,2019-05-25 18:18:57 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22289,2019-05-26 23:28:19 UTC,2019-05-26 23:28:19 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22291,2019-05-26 23:29:52 UTC,2019-05-26 23:29:52 UTC
5971,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22358,2019-05-27 18:34:46 UTC,2019-05-27 18:34:46 UTC
5974,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22361,2019-05-27 18:38:18 UTC,2019-05-27 18:38:18 UTC
6094,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22510,2019-05-28 15:59:44 UTC,2019-05-28 15:59:44 UTC
6095,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22511,2019-05-28 16:01:20 UTC,2019-05-28 16:01:20 UTC
6096,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22512,2019-05-28 16:03:45 UTC,2019-05-28 16:03:45 UTC
6141,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22569,2019-05-29 21:59:26 UTC,2019-05-29 21:59:26 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24831,2019-08-18 20:29:42 UTC,2019-08-18 20:29:42 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24832,2019-08-18 20:31:25 UTC,2019-08-18 20:31:25 UTC
8001,#round3,4427,Story,24868,2019-08-19 16:27:37 UTC,2019-08-19 16:27:37 UTC
8002,#round3,4424,Story,24869,2019-08-19 16:27:38 UTC,2019-08-19 16:27:38 UTC
8003,#treeremoved,4424,Story,24870,2019-08-19 16:29:53 UTC,2019-08-19 16:29:53 UTC
8089,#round3,4463,Story,24956,2019-08-20 19:46:07 UTC,2019-08-20 19:46:07 UTC
8091,#round3,4463,Story,24958,2019-08-20 19:47:00 UTC,2019-08-20 19:47:00 UTC
8092,#round3,4463,Story,24959,2019-08-20 19:47:27 UTC,2019-08-20 19:47:27 UTC
8100,#stepmonitored #round3 #dedsymptoms.,4393,Story,24967,2019-08-21 16:59:29 UTC,2019-08-21 16:59:29 UTC
8105,#stepmomitored #round3 #dedsymptoms ,4393,Story,24975,2019-08-21 17:33:29 UTC,2019-08-21 17:33:29 UTC
8116,#round3 #dedsymptoms maybe,4463,Story,24988,2019-08-22 16:12:44 UTC,2019-08-22 16:12:44 UTC
5690,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,22032,2019-05-23 18:55:39 UTC,2019-05-23 18:55:39 UTC
5752,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22114,2019-05-24 17:42:38 UTC,2019-05-24 17:42:38 UTC
5756,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22118,2019-05-24 17:45:09 UTC,2019-05-24 17:45:09 UTC
5858,Generally looking not healthy #stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms,4454,Story,22229,2019-05-25 18:28:24 UTC,2019-05-25 18:28:24 UTC
5857,#stepmonitered #rounds1 ,4454,Story,22228,2019-05-25 18:24:08 UTC,2019-05-25 18:24:08 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22290,2019-05-26 23:28:37 UTC,2019-05-26 23:28:37 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22293,2019-05-26 23:38:19 UTC,2019-05-26 23:38:19 UTC
5973,#stepmonitored  #round1,4473,Story,22360,2019-05-27 18:37:22 UTC,2019-05-27 18:37:22 UTC
6143,#stepmomitored #roundone ,4471,Story,22571,2019-05-29 22:30:48 UTC,2019-05-29 22:30:48 UTC
#treeremoved",4424,Story,24871,2019-08-19 16:43:13 UTC,2019-08-19 16:43:13 UTC
8107,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,24977,2019-08-21 17:45:19 UTC,2019-08-21 17:45:19 UTC
8117,#round3,4463,Story,24989,2019-08-22 16:16:02 UTC,2019-08-22 16:16:02 UTC
5860,#stepmonitored #round1,4454,Story,22231,2019-05-25 18:39:14 UTC,2019-05-25 18:39:14 UTC
5859,#stepmonitored #round1,4454,Story,22230,2019-05-25 18:34:56 UTC,2019-05-25 18:34:56 UTC
5866,#stepmonitored #round1,4479,Story,22237,2019-05-25 19:03:51 UTC,2019-05-25 19:03:51 UTC
5864,#stepmonitored #round1,4479,Story,22235,2019-05-25 18:59:45 UTC,2019-05-25 18:59:45 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22294,2019-05-26 23:42:30 UTC,2019-05-26 23:42:30 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22295,2019-05-26 23:42:42 UTC,2019-05-26 23:42:42 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22296,2019-05-26 23:44:05 UTC,2019-05-26 23:44:05 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22297,2019-05-26 23:45:12 UTC,2019-05-26 23:45:12 UTC
6098,#jaceytest,4336,Story,22515,2019-05-28 19:55:46 UTC,2019-05-28 19:55:46 UTC
6144,#round1 #stepmonitered ,4471,Story,22572,2019-05-29 22:39:52 UTC,2019-05-29 22:39:52 UTC
6150,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22578,2019-05-29 22:58:49 UTC,2019-05-29 22:58:49 UTC
6151,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22579,2019-05-29 22:59:04 UTC,2019-05-29 22:59:04 UTC
8005,#dedsymptoms,4463,Story,24872,2019-08-19 17:08:36 UTC,2019-08-19 17:08:36 UTC
8118,#round3,4463,Story,24990,2019-08-22 16:18:26 UTC,2019-08-22 16:18:26 UTC
5862,#stepmonitored #round1,4454,Story,22233,2019-05-25 18:48:08 UTC,2019-05-25 18:48:08 UTC
5861,Very wilty upper branches #stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms,4454,Story,22232,2019-05-25 18:42:53 UTC,2019-05-25 18:42:53 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22298,2019-05-26 23:46:17 UTC,2019-05-26 23:46:17 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22365,2019-05-27 19:01:29 UTC,2019-05-27 19:01:29 UTC
#round2",4327,Story,22369,2019-05-27 19:09:29 UTC,2019-05-27 19:09:29 UTC
5983,"#step monitored
",4327,Story,22372,2019-05-27 19:13:41 UTC,2019-05-27 19:13:41 UTC
",4327,Story,22375,2019-05-27 19:21:07 UTC,2019-05-27 19:21:07 UTC
#round1",4327,Story,22377,2019-05-27 19:25:41 UTC,2019-05-27 19:25:41 UTC
5991,Looks OK #stepmonnitored ,4452,Story,22380,2019-05-27 19:33:05 UTC,2019-05-27 19:33:05 UTC
5998,Top branches ends missing leaves #stepmonnitored,4452,Story,22388,2019-05-27 19:54:10 UTC,2019-05-27 19:54:10 UTC
6145,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22573,2019-05-29 22:41:24 UTC,2019-05-29 22:41:24 UTC
6146,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22574,2019-05-29 22:48:20 UTC,2019-05-29 22:48:20 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24873,2019-08-19 17:39:07 UTC,2019-08-19 17:39:07 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24883,2019-08-19 17:40:57 UTC,2019-08-19 17:40:57 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24884,2019-08-19 17:41:14 UTC,2019-08-19 17:41:14 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24885,2019-08-19 17:41:25 UTC,2019-08-19 17:41:25 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24886,2019-08-19 17:41:36 UTC,2019-08-19 17:41:36 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24888,2019-08-19 17:42:03 UTC,2019-08-19 17:42:03 UTC
8119,#round3 yellowing leaves ,4463,Story,24991,2019-08-22 16:31:30 UTC,2019-08-22 16:31:30 UTC
8120,"#dedsymptoms maybe 
#round3",4463,Story,24992,2019-08-22 16:35:31 UTC,2019-08-22 16:35:31 UTC
5755,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22117,2019-05-24 17:45:08 UTC,2019-05-24 17:45:08 UTC
5863,This guy is really looking droopy #stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms,4454,Story,22234,2019-05-25 18:50:34 UTC,2019-05-25 18:50:34 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22371,2019-05-27 19:13:22 UTC,2019-05-27 19:13:22 UTC
5977,Looks OK #stepmonnitored ,4452,Story,22366,2019-05-27 19:02:10 UTC,2019-05-27 19:02:10 UTC
6100,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22517,2019-05-28 22:00:18 UTC,2019-05-28 22:00:18 UTC
6149,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22577,2019-05-29 22:58:34 UTC,2019-05-29 22:58:34 UTC
6152,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22580,2019-05-29 22:59:19 UTC,2019-05-29 22:59:19 UTC
6153,tree seems to be just fine! #round1  #stepmonitored  ,4451,Story,22581,2019-05-29 23:00:03 UTC,2019-05-29 23:00:03 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24874,2019-08-19 17:39:17 UTC,2019-08-19 17:39:17 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24877,2019-08-19 17:39:52 UTC,2019-08-19 17:39:52 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24878,2019-08-19 17:40:08 UTC,2019-08-19 17:40:08 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24879,2019-08-19 17:40:18 UTC,2019-08-19 17:40:18 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24891,2019-08-19 17:45:19 UTC,2019-08-19 17:45:19 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24892,2019-08-19 17:45:35 UTC,2019-08-19 17:45:35 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24893,2019-08-19 17:45:44 UTC,2019-08-19 17:45:44 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24894,2019-08-19 17:45:54 UTC,2019-08-19 17:45:54 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24895,2019-08-19 17:46:03 UTC,2019-08-19 17:46:03 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24896,2019-08-19 17:46:11 UTC,2019-08-19 17:46:11 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24897,2019-08-19 17:46:21 UTC,2019-08-19 17:46:21 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24898,2019-08-19 17:46:29 UTC,2019-08-19 17:46:29 UTC
8032,#round3,4463,Story,24899,2019-08-19 17:47:58 UTC,2019-08-19 17:47:58 UTC
#stepmonitored",4424,Story,24905,2019-08-19 17:54:39 UTC,2019-08-19 17:54:39 UTC
8039,#round3,4424,Story,24906,2019-08-19 17:54:50 UTC,2019-08-19 17:54:50 UTC
8040,#round3,4424,Story,24907,2019-08-19 17:54:58 UTC,2019-08-19 17:54:58 UTC
8041,#round3,4424,Story,24908,2019-08-19 17:55:09 UTC,2019-08-19 17:55:09 UTC
8121,#round3,4424,Story,24993,2019-08-22 17:10:10 UTC,2019-08-22 17:10:10 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25011,2019-08-22 17:18:02 UTC,2019-08-22 17:18:02 UTC
5757,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22119,2019-05-24 17:59:07 UTC,2019-05-24 17:59:07 UTC
5865,#stepmonitored #round1,4479,Story,22236,2019-05-25 19:01:30 UTC,2019-05-25 19:01:30 UTC
#round1",4327,Story,22376,2019-05-27 19:23:51 UTC,2019-05-27 19:23:51 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25014,2019-08-22 17:18:47 UTC,2019-08-22 17:18:47 UTC
5992,Ivy around trunk #stepmonnitored ,4452,Story,22381,2019-05-27 19:35:03 UTC,2019-05-27 19:35:03 UTC
5981,Top pruned branches look distressed #stepmonnitored ,4452,Story,22370,2019-05-27 19:13:09 UTC,2019-05-27 19:13:09 UTC
5978,Looks OK #stepmonnitored ,4452,Story,22367,2019-05-27 19:08:10 UTC,2019-05-27 19:08:10 UTC
6101,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22518,2019-05-28 22:00:56 UTC,2019-05-28 22:00:56 UTC
6105,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22522,2019-05-28 22:10:32 UTC,2019-05-28 22:10:32 UTC
6106,#STEP monitored #round1,4522,Story,22523,2019-05-28 22:16:50 UTC,2019-05-28 22:16:50 UTC
6108,#STEP monitored #round1,4522,Story,22525,2019-05-28 22:19:35 UTC,2019-05-28 22:19:35 UTC
6109,#STEP monitored #round1,4522,Story,22526,2019-05-28 22:20:32 UTC,2019-05-28 22:20:32 UTC
6110,#STEP monitored #round1,4522,Story,22527,2019-05-28 22:22:21 UTC,2019-05-28 22:22:21 UTC
6112,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22529,2019-05-28 22:29:01 UTC,2019-05-28 22:29:01 UTC
6113,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22530,2019-05-28 22:43:08 UTC,2019-05-28 22:43:08 UTC
6115,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22532,2019-05-28 22:44:48 UTC,2019-05-28 22:44:48 UTC
6119,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22536,2019-05-28 22:48:46 UTC,2019-05-28 22:48:46 UTC
6154,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22582,2019-05-29 23:18:41 UTC,2019-05-29 23:18:41 UTC
6155,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22583,2019-05-29 23:20:04 UTC,2019-05-29 23:20:04 UTC
6156,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22584,2019-05-29 23:20:20 UTC,2019-05-29 23:20:20 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24875,2019-08-19 17:39:29 UTC,2019-08-19 17:39:29 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24876,2019-08-19 17:39:38 UTC,2019-08-19 17:39:38 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24880,2019-08-19 17:40:27 UTC,2019-08-19 17:40:27 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24881,2019-08-19 17:40:36 UTC,2019-08-19 17:40:36 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24882,2019-08-19 17:40:47 UTC,2019-08-19 17:40:47 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24887,2019-08-19 17:41:53 UTC,2019-08-19 17:41:53 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24890,2019-08-19 17:44:52 UTC,2019-08-19 17:44:52 UTC
8122,#round3,4424,Story,24994,2019-08-22 17:10:21 UTC,2019-08-22 17:10:21 UTC
8127,#round3,4424,Story,24999,2019-08-22 17:14:20 UTC,2019-08-22 17:14:20 UTC
8129,#round3,4424,Story,25001,2019-08-22 17:14:48 UTC,2019-08-22 17:14:48 UTC
8132,#round3,4424,Story,25004,2019-08-22 17:15:31 UTC,2019-08-22 17:15:31 UTC
8134,#round3,4424,Story,25006,2019-08-22 17:16:08 UTC,2019-08-22 17:16:08 UTC
8136,#round3,4424,Story,25008,2019-08-22 17:16:26 UTC,2019-08-22 17:16:26 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25016,2019-08-22 17:19:09 UTC,2019-08-22 17:19:09 UTC
8148,#round3,4424,Story,25020,2019-08-22 17:20:03 UTC,2019-08-22 17:20:03 UTC
8149,#round3,4424,Story,25021,2019-08-22 17:20:10 UTC,2019-08-22 17:20:10 UTC
8152,#round3,4424,Story,25024,2019-08-22 17:20:43 UTC,2019-08-22 17:20:43 UTC
8153,#round3,4424,Story,25025,2019-08-22 17:20:54 UTC,2019-08-22 17:20:54 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25031,2019-08-22 17:22:23 UTC,2019-08-22 17:22:23 UTC
8161,#round3,4424,Story,25033,2019-08-22 17:23:10 UTC,2019-08-22 17:23:10 UTC
8163,#round3,4424,Story,25035,2019-08-22 17:24:10 UTC,2019-08-22 17:24:10 UTC
8165,#round3,4424,Story,25037,2019-08-22 17:24:27 UTC,2019-08-22 17:24:27 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25038,2019-08-22 17:25:36 UTC,2019-08-22 17:25:36 UTC
5697,#stepmonitered #rounds1 ,4488,Story,22044,2019-05-23 20:44:44 UTC,2019-05-23 20:44:44 UTC
5693,#stepmonitered #1stround ,4490,Story,22040,2019-05-23 20:35:41 UTC,2019-05-23 20:35:41 UTC
5694,#stepmonitered #1stround ,4490,Story,22041,2019-05-23 20:37:50 UTC,2019-05-23 20:37:50 UTC
5696,#stepmonitered #1stround ,4490,Story,22043,2019-05-23 20:44:33 UTC,2019-05-23 20:44:33 UTC
5708,#stepmonitored #round1,4332,Story,22055,2019-05-23 21:15:09 UTC,2019-05-23 21:15:09 UTC
5710,#stepmonitored #firstround,4332,Story,22057,2019-05-23 21:17:32 UTC,2019-05-23 21:17:32 UTC
5759,#stepmonitored  #round1,4464,Story,22121,2019-05-24 18:00:25 UTC,2019-05-24 18:00:25 UTC
5758,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22120,2019-05-24 17:59:46 UTC,2019-05-24 17:59:46 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22368,2019-05-27 19:09:00 UTC,2019-05-27 19:09:00 UTC
5989,"#step monitored
#round1",4327,Story,22378,2019-05-27 19:27:07 UTC,2019-05-27 19:27:07 UTC
5993,Top pruned branch distressed #stepmonnitored ,4452,Story,22382,2019-05-27 19:37:00 UTC,2019-05-27 19:37:00 UTC
5990,Looks OK #stepmonnitored ,4452,Story,22379,2019-05-27 19:28:01 UTC,2019-05-27 19:28:01 UTC
6102,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22519,2019-05-28 22:03:17 UTC,2019-05-28 22:03:17 UTC
6111,#STEP monitored #round1,4522,Story,22528,2019-05-28 22:23:08 UTC,2019-05-28 22:23:08 UTC
6157,#stepmonitored  #round1 ,4471,Story,22585,2019-05-29 23:34:14 UTC,2019-05-29 23:34:14 UTC
6160,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22588,2019-05-29 23:41:14 UTC,2019-05-29 23:41:14 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,24889,2019-08-19 17:44:33 UTC,2019-08-19 17:44:33 UTC
8033,#stepmonitored,4427,Story,24900,2019-08-19 17:49:10 UTC,2019-08-19 17:49:10 UTC
#leafbeetle",4427,Story,24902,2019-08-19 17:51:30 UTC,2019-08-19 17:51:30 UTC
8036,#round3,4427,Story,24903,2019-08-19 17:51:59 UTC,2019-08-19 17:51:59 UTC
8034,#dedsymptoms,4463,Story,24901,2019-08-19 17:49:46 UTC,2019-08-19 17:49:46 UTC
#squirreldamage",4424,Story,24995,2019-08-22 17:11:57 UTC,2019-08-22 17:11:57 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,24996,2019-08-22 17:12:36 UTC,2019-08-22 17:12:36 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24997,2019-08-22 17:13:33 UTC,2019-08-22 17:13:33 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,24998,2019-08-22 17:13:53 UTC,2019-08-22 17:13:53 UTC
8135,#round3,4424,Story,25007,2019-08-22 17:16:17 UTC,2019-08-22 17:16:17 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25009,2019-08-22 17:17:18 UTC,2019-08-22 17:17:18 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25010,2019-08-22 17:17:53 UTC,2019-08-22 17:17:53 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25012,2019-08-22 17:18:12 UTC,2019-08-22 17:18:12 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25015,2019-08-22 17:18:56 UTC,2019-08-22 17:18:56 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25019,2019-08-22 17:19:34 UTC,2019-08-22 17:19:34 UTC
8150,#round3,4424,Story,25022,2019-08-22 17:20:19 UTC,2019-08-22 17:20:19 UTC
8154,#round3,4424,Story,25026,2019-08-22 17:21:02 UTC,2019-08-22 17:21:02 UTC
8157,#round3,4424,Story,25029,2019-08-22 17:21:26 UTC,2019-08-22 17:21:26 UTC
8168,#round3,4424,Story,25040,2019-08-22 17:26:16 UTC,2019-08-22 17:26:16 UTC
8181,#stepmonitored,4424,Story,25053,2019-08-22 17:36:05 UTC,2019-08-22 17:36:05 UTC
8183,#dedsymptoms maybe #round3,4463,Story,25055,2019-08-22 17:38:15 UTC,2019-08-22 17:38:15 UTC
8186,#round3,4463,Story,25058,2019-08-22 17:40:55 UTC,2019-08-22 17:40:55 UTC
8187,#round3,4463,Story,25059,2019-08-22 17:41:35 UTC,2019-08-22 17:41:35 UTC
8189,#round3,4463,Story,25061,2019-08-22 17:43:11 UTC,2019-08-22 17:43:11 UTC
8190,#round3,4463,Story,25062,2019-08-22 17:43:55 UTC,2019-08-22 17:43:55 UTC
8191,#round3,4463,Story,25063,2019-08-22 17:44:22 UTC,2019-08-22 17:44:22 UTC
8197,"#stepmonitored #round3 
Leaves brown. See pic. Not DED?",4390,Story,25069,2019-08-22 17:48:37 UTC,2019-08-22 17:48:37 UTC
5695,#stepmonitered #1stround ,4490,Story,22042,2019-05-23 20:42:58 UTC,2019-05-23 20:42:58 UTC
5701,#stepmonitored #round1,4332,Story,22048,2019-05-23 21:01:31 UTC,2019-05-23 21:01:31 UTC
5702,#stepmonitored #round1,4332,Story,22049,2019-05-23 21:03:22 UTC,2019-05-23 21:03:22 UTC
5707,#stepmonitored #round1,4332,Story,22054,2019-05-23 21:07:16 UTC,2019-05-23 21:07:16 UTC
5709,#stepmonitored #round1,4332,Story,22056,2019-05-23 21:15:36 UTC,2019-05-23 21:15:36 UTC
5760,#stepmonitered #rounds1 ,4426,Story,22122,2019-05-24 18:31:39 UTC,2019-05-24 18:31:39 UTC
5764,#stepmonitered #rounds1 ,4426,Story,22126,2019-05-24 18:37:05 UTC,2019-05-24 18:37:05 UTC
5769,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4426,Story,22132,2019-05-24 18:50:14 UTC,2019-05-24 18:50:14 UTC
5771,#stepmonitered #round1 #dedconfirmed ,4426,Story,22134,2019-05-24 18:53:58 UTC,2019-05-24 18:53:58 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22373,2019-05-27 19:15:18 UTC,2019-05-27 19:15:18 UTC
5985,Pruned branches look distressed #stepmonnitored ,4452,Story,22374,2019-05-27 19:16:07 UTC,2019-05-27 19:16:07 UTC
6103,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22520,2019-05-28 22:03:39 UTC,2019-05-28 22:03:39 UTC
6104,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22521,2019-05-28 22:08:42 UTC,2019-05-28 22:08:42 UTC
6158,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22586,2019-05-29 23:35:12 UTC,2019-05-29 23:35:12 UTC
8042,#stepmonitored,4424,Story,24909,2019-08-19 17:56:19 UTC,2019-08-19 17:56:19 UTC
#treeremoved",4424,Story,24910,2019-08-19 17:56:47 UTC,2019-08-19 17:56:47 UTC
8128,#round3,4424,Story,25000,2019-08-22 17:14:35 UTC,2019-08-22 17:14:35 UTC
8130,#round3,4424,Story,25002,2019-08-22 17:15:05 UTC,2019-08-22 17:15:05 UTC
8131,#round3,4424,Story,25003,2019-08-22 17:15:16 UTC,2019-08-22 17:15:16 UTC
8133,#round3,4424,Story,25005,2019-08-22 17:15:41 UTC,2019-08-22 17:15:41 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25017,2019-08-22 17:19:18 UTC,2019-08-22 17:19:18 UTC
8164,#round3,4424,Story,25036,2019-08-22 17:24:18 UTC,2019-08-22 17:24:18 UTC
8169,#round3,4424,Story,25041,2019-08-22 17:26:27 UTC,2019-08-22 17:26:27 UTC
8170,#round3,4424,Story,25042,2019-08-22 17:26:36 UTC,2019-08-22 17:26:36 UTC
8174,#round3,4424,Story,25046,2019-08-22 17:27:13 UTC,2019-08-22 17:27:13 UTC
8176,#round3,4424,Story,25048,2019-08-22 17:27:29 UTC,2019-08-22 17:27:29 UTC
5698,#stepmonitered #round1,4488,Story,22045,2019-05-23 20:47:35 UTC,2019-05-23 20:47:35 UTC
5699,#stepmonitored #round1,4332,Story,22046,2019-05-23 20:58:20 UTC,2019-05-23 20:58:20 UTC
5761,#stepmonitered #rounds1 ,4426,Story,22123,2019-05-24 18:32:13 UTC,2019-05-24 18:32:13 UTC
6000,Top branches ends missing leaves #stepmonnitored,4452,Story,22389,2019-05-27 19:54:10 UTC,2019-05-27 19:54:10 UTC
5996,Top branches ends missing leaves #stepmonnitored,4452,Story,22385,2019-05-27 19:54:09 UTC,2019-05-27 19:54:09 UTC
5994,Top branches ends missing leaves #stepmonnitored,4452,Story,22383,2019-05-27 19:54:09 UTC,2019-05-27 19:54:09 UTC
6107,#STEP monitored #round1,4522,Story,22524,2019-05-28 22:17:33 UTC,2019-05-28 22:17:33 UTC
6159,#stepmonitored  #round1,4471,Story,22587,2019-05-29 23:40:26 UTC,2019-05-29 23:40:26 UTC
8044,#stepmonitored,4424,Story,24911,2019-08-19 18:03:48 UTC,2019-08-19 18:03:48 UTC
",4424,Story,25013,2019-08-22 17:18:30 UTC,2019-08-22 17:18:30 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25018,2019-08-22 17:19:26 UTC,2019-08-22 17:19:26 UTC
8151,#round3,4424,Story,25023,2019-08-22 17:20:34 UTC,2019-08-22 17:20:34 UTC
8155,#round3,4424,Story,25027,2019-08-22 17:21:10 UTC,2019-08-22 17:21:10 UTC
8156,#round3,4424,Story,25028,2019-08-22 17:21:18 UTC,2019-08-22 17:21:18 UTC
#stepmonitored",4424,Story,25030,2019-08-22 17:22:00 UTC,2019-08-22 17:22:00 UTC
8160,#round3,4424,Story,25032,2019-08-22 17:22:43 UTC,2019-08-22 17:22:43 UTC
8162,#round3,4424,Story,25034,2019-08-22 17:23:56 UTC,2019-08-22 17:23:56 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25039,2019-08-22 17:25:45 UTC,2019-08-22 17:25:45 UTC
8192,#round3,4463,Story,25064,2019-08-22 17:44:57 UTC,2019-08-22 17:44:57 UTC
8196,#round3,4463,Story,25068,2019-08-22 17:47:36 UTC,2019-08-22 17:47:36 UTC
8205,"#round3 #dedsymptoms maybe 
yellowing leaves",4463,Story,25077,2019-08-22 17:52:37 UTC,2019-08-22 17:52:37 UTC
5700,#stepmonitored #round1,4332,Story,22047,2019-05-23 20:58:53 UTC,2019-05-23 20:58:53 UTC
5703,#stepmonitored #round1,4332,Story,22050,2019-05-23 21:04:59 UTC,2019-05-23 21:04:59 UTC
5762,#stepmonitered #rounds1 ,4426,Story,22124,2019-05-24 18:33:40 UTC,2019-05-24 18:33:40 UTC
6114,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22531,2019-05-28 22:44:13 UTC,2019-05-28 22:44:13 UTC
8045,#round3,4463,Story,24912,2019-08-19 18:36:04 UTC,2019-08-19 18:36:04 UTC
8171,#round3,4424,Story,25043,2019-08-22 17:26:47 UTC,2019-08-22 17:26:47 UTC
8177,#round3,4424,Story,25049,2019-08-22 17:27:38 UTC,2019-08-22 17:27:38 UTC
8178,#round3,4424,Story,25050,2019-08-22 17:27:47 UTC,2019-08-22 17:27:47 UTC
8179,#round3,4424,Story,25051,2019-08-22 17:27:55 UTC,2019-08-22 17:27:55 UTC
8180,#round3,4424,Story,25052,2019-08-22 17:28:03 UTC,2019-08-22 17:28:03 UTC
8182,#stepmonitored,4424,Story,25054,2019-08-22 17:36:18 UTC,2019-08-22 17:36:18 UTC
8184,#round3,4463,Story,25056,2019-08-22 17:39:31 UTC,2019-08-22 17:39:31 UTC
8185,#round3,4463,Story,25057,2019-08-22 17:40:23 UTC,2019-08-22 17:40:23 UTC
8188,#round3,4463,Story,25060,2019-08-22 17:42:16 UTC,2019-08-22 17:42:16 UTC
8198,#round3,4463,Story,25070,2019-08-22 17:48:55 UTC,2019-08-22 17:48:55 UTC
8199,#round3,4463,Story,25071,2019-08-22 17:49:24 UTC,2019-08-22 17:49:24 UTC
",4390,Story,25073,2019-08-22 17:50:12 UTC,2019-08-22 17:50:12 UTC
8202,#round3,4463,Story,25074,2019-08-22 17:50:25 UTC,2019-08-22 17:50:25 UTC
8203,#round3,4463,Story,25075,2019-08-22 17:50:56 UTC,2019-08-22 17:50:56 UTC
8204,#round3,4463,Story,25076,2019-08-22 17:51:22 UTC,2019-08-22 17:51:22 UTC
5704,#stepmonitored #round1,4332,Story,22051,2019-05-23 21:05:33 UTC,2019-05-23 21:05:33 UTC
5705,#stepmonitored #round1,4332,Story,22052,2019-05-23 21:06:02 UTC,2019-05-23 21:06:02 UTC
5706,#stepmonitored #round1,4332,Story,22053,2019-05-23 21:06:43 UTC,2019-05-23 21:06:43 UTC
5763,#stepmonitered #rounds1 #dedconfirmed ,4426,Story,22125,2019-05-24 18:34:56 UTC,2019-05-24 18:34:56 UTC
5765,#stepmonitered #rounds1 ,4426,Story,22127,2019-05-24 18:37:48 UTC,2019-05-24 18:37:48 UTC
5766,#dedconfirmed ,4426,Story,22128,2019-05-24 18:38:02 UTC,2019-05-24 18:38:02 UTC
5768,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4426,Story,22131,2019-05-24 18:44:57 UTC,2019-05-24 18:44:57 UTC
6116,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22533,2019-05-28 22:45:36 UTC,2019-05-28 22:45:36 UTC
6117,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22534,2019-05-28 22:46:11 UTC,2019-05-28 22:46:11 UTC
6118,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22535,2019-05-28 22:46:55 UTC,2019-05-28 22:46:55 UTC
6123,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22540,2019-05-28 23:09:32 UTC,2019-05-28 23:09:32 UTC
6125,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22542,2019-05-28 23:10:16 UTC,2019-05-28 23:10:16 UTC
8046,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,24913,2019-08-19 18:36:46 UTC,2019-08-19 18:36:46 UTC
8172,#round3,4424,Story,25044,2019-08-22 17:26:56 UTC,2019-08-22 17:26:56 UTC
8173,#round3,4424,Story,25045,2019-08-22 17:27:04 UTC,2019-08-22 17:27:04 UTC
8175,#round3,4424,Story,25047,2019-08-22 17:27:23 UTC,2019-08-22 17:27:23 UTC
5711,#stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms #dedconfirmed,4293,Story,22058,2019-05-23 22:28:33 UTC,2019-05-23 22:28:33 UTC
5767,#stepmonitered #round1,4426,Story,22130,2019-05-24 18:44:04 UTC,2019-05-24 18:44:04 UTC
5869,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22250,2019-05-25 21:01:34 UTC,2019-05-25 21:01:34 UTC
6001,"#stepmonitored, #round1",4346,Story,22390,2019-05-27 20:41:43 UTC,2019-05-27 20:41:43 UTC
6120,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22537,2019-05-28 23:07:21 UTC,2019-05-28 23:07:21 UTC
6122,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22539,2019-05-28 23:08:41 UTC,2019-05-28 23:08:41 UTC
6124,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22541,2019-05-28 23:09:58 UTC,2019-05-28 23:09:58 UTC
6161,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22594,2019-05-30 01:06:40 UTC,2019-05-30 01:06:40 UTC
6166,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22599,2019-05-30 01:15:00 UTC,2019-05-30 01:15:00 UTC
6167,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22600,2019-05-30 01:17:27 UTC,2019-05-30 01:17:27 UTC
6168,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22601,2019-05-30 01:18:38 UTC,2019-05-30 01:18:38 UTC
8047,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,24914,2019-08-19 18:37:32 UTC,2019-08-19 18:37:32 UTC
8049,#round3,4463,Story,24916,2019-08-19 18:39:29 UTC,2019-08-19 18:39:29 UTC
8050,#round3,4463,Story,24917,2019-08-19 18:40:33 UTC,2019-08-19 18:40:33 UTC
8052,#round3,4463,Story,24919,2019-08-19 18:41:54 UTC,2019-08-19 18:41:54 UTC
8053,#round3,4463,Story,24920,2019-08-19 18:42:25 UTC,2019-08-19 18:42:25 UTC
8055,#round3,4463,Story,24922,2019-08-19 18:43:23 UTC,2019-08-19 18:43:23 UTC
8193,#round3,4463,Story,25065,2019-08-22 17:45:31 UTC,2019-08-22 17:45:31 UTC
8194,#round3,4463,Story,25066,2019-08-22 17:46:00 UTC,2019-08-22 17:46:00 UTC
8195,#round3,4463,Story,25067,2019-08-22 17:46:33 UTC,2019-08-22 17:46:33 UTC
8200,#round3,4463,Story,25072,2019-08-22 17:49:56 UTC,2019-08-22 17:49:56 UTC
8265,#round3,4463,Story,25137,2019-08-22 23:28:00 UTC,2019-08-22 23:28:00 UTC
8269,#round3,4463,Story,25141,2019-08-22 23:31:03 UTC,2019-08-22 23:31:03 UTC
8274,#round 3,4393,Story,25146,2019-08-23 17:42:45 UTC,2019-08-23 17:42:45 UTC
8275,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,25147,2019-08-23 17:44:51 UTC,2019-08-23 17:44:51 UTC
8276,#round 3,4393,Story,25148,2019-08-23 17:45:34 UTC,2019-08-23 17:45:34 UTC
5770,#stepmonitered #round1  #dedconfirmed ,4426,Story,22133,2019-05-24 18:51:58 UTC,2019-05-24 18:51:58 UTC
5870,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22251,2019-05-25 21:07:34 UTC,2019-05-25 21:07:34 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22395,2019-05-27 21:02:10 UTC,2019-05-27 21:02:10 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22402,2019-05-27 21:22:25 UTC,2019-05-27 21:22:25 UTC

#round1",4347,Story,22404,2019-05-27 21:28:31 UTC,2019-05-27 21:28:31 UTC
6024,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22413,2019-05-27 21:47:37 UTC,2019-05-27 21:47:37 UTC
6002,"#stepmonitored,#round1",4346,Story,22391,2019-05-27 20:46:56 UTC,2019-05-27 20:46:56 UTC
6121,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22538,2019-05-28 23:08:10 UTC,2019-05-28 23:08:10 UTC
6162,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22595,2019-05-30 01:07:42 UTC,2019-05-30 01:07:42 UTC
6163,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22596,2019-05-30 01:08:40 UTC,2019-05-30 01:08:40 UTC
8048,#round3,4463,Story,24915,2019-08-19 18:39:00 UTC,2019-08-19 18:39:00 UTC
8051,#round3,4463,Story,24918,2019-08-19 18:41:15 UTC,2019-08-19 18:41:15 UTC
8054,#round3,4463,Story,24921,2019-08-19 18:42:53 UTC,2019-08-19 18:42:53 UTC
8206,#round3,4424,Story,25078,2019-08-22 18:43:03 UTC,2019-08-22 18:43:03 UTC
8213,#round3,4424,Story,25085,2019-08-22 18:44:17 UTC,2019-08-22 18:44:17 UTC
8214,#round3,4424,Story,25086,2019-08-22 18:44:26 UTC,2019-08-22 18:44:26 UTC
8215,#round3,4424,Story,25087,2019-08-22 18:44:33 UTC,2019-08-22 18:44:33 UTC
8218,#round3,4424,Story,25090,2019-08-22 18:45:06 UTC,2019-08-22 18:45:06 UTC
8219,#round3,4424,Story,25091,2019-08-22 18:45:15 UTC,2019-08-22 18:45:15 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25092,2019-08-22 18:46:39 UTC,2019-08-22 18:46:39 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25093,2019-08-22 18:46:47 UTC,2019-08-22 18:46:47 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25094,2019-08-22 18:46:58 UTC,2019-08-22 18:46:58 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25096,2019-08-22 18:48:04 UTC,2019-08-22 18:48:04 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25099,2019-08-22 18:48:48 UTC,2019-08-22 18:48:48 UTC
8266,#round3,4463,Story,25138,2019-08-22 23:28:32 UTC,2019-08-22 23:28:32 UTC
8268,#round3,4463,Story,25140,2019-08-22 23:30:30 UTC,2019-08-22 23:30:30 UTC
8277,Round3,4393,Story,25149,2019-08-23 17:47:29 UTC,2019-08-23 17:47:29 UTC
5713,#stepmonitored #round1,4386,Story,22060,2019-05-23 23:45:50 UTC,2019-05-23 23:45:50 UTC
5772,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22135,2019-05-24 20:05:30 UTC,2019-05-24 20:05:30 UTC
5871,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22252,2019-05-25 21:19:27 UTC,2019-05-25 21:19:27 UTC
5878,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22259,2019-05-25 21:35:35 UTC,2019-05-25 21:35:35 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22397,2019-05-27 21:13:18 UTC,2019-05-27 21:13:18 UTC
6011,"#stepmonitored,#round1",4346,Story,22400,2019-05-27 21:19:20 UTC,2019-05-27 21:19:20 UTC
8255,#round3,4424,Story,25127,2019-08-22 18:56:31 UTC,2019-08-22 18:56:31 UTC
6004,"#stepmonitored, #roind1",4346,Story,22393,2019-05-27 20:50:10 UTC,2019-05-27 20:50:10 UTC
6126,#STEPmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22543,2019-05-28 23:10:53 UTC,2019-05-28 23:10:53 UTC
6164,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22597,2019-05-30 01:10:44 UTC,2019-05-30 01:10:44 UTC
6169,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22602,2019-05-30 01:19:45 UTC,2019-05-30 01:19:45 UTC
6170,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22603,2019-05-30 01:21:20 UTC,2019-05-30 01:21:20 UTC
8056,#round3,4463,Story,24923,2019-08-19 18:43:51 UTC,2019-08-19 18:43:51 UTC
8058,#round3,4463,Story,24925,2019-08-19 18:55:10 UTC,2019-08-19 18:55:10 UTC
8059,#round3,4463,Story,24926,2019-08-19 18:56:07 UTC,2019-08-19 18:56:07 UTC
8060,#round3,4463,Story,24927,2019-08-19 18:56:44 UTC,2019-08-19 18:56:44 UTC
8061,#round3,4463,Story,24928,2019-08-19 18:57:52 UTC,2019-08-19 18:57:52 UTC
8207,#round3,4424,Story,25079,2019-08-22 18:43:13 UTC,2019-08-22 18:43:13 UTC
8208,#round3,4424,Story,25080,2019-08-22 18:43:25 UTC,2019-08-22 18:43:25 UTC
8209,#round3,4424,Story,25081,2019-08-22 18:43:36 UTC,2019-08-22 18:43:36 UTC
8210,#round3,4424,Story,25082,2019-08-22 18:43:45 UTC,2019-08-22 18:43:45 UTC
8211,#round3,4424,Story,25083,2019-08-22 18:43:57 UTC,2019-08-22 18:43:57 UTC
8212,#round3,4424,Story,25084,2019-08-22 18:44:06 UTC,2019-08-22 18:44:06 UTC
8216,#round3,4424,Story,25088,2019-08-22 18:44:44 UTC,2019-08-22 18:44:44 UTC
8217,#round3,4424,Story,25089,2019-08-22 18:44:53 UTC,2019-08-22 18:44:53 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25095,2019-08-22 18:47:36 UTC,2019-08-22 18:47:36 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25101,2019-08-22 18:49:47 UTC,2019-08-22 18:49:47 UTC
",4424,Story,25103,2019-08-22 18:50:33 UTC,2019-08-22 18:50:33 UTC
8232,#round3,4424,Story,25104,2019-08-22 18:50:44 UTC,2019-08-22 18:50:44 UTC
8233,#round3,4424,Story,25105,2019-08-22 18:50:59 UTC,2019-08-22 18:50:59 UTC
8234,#round3,4424,Story,25106,2019-08-22 18:51:20 UTC,2019-08-22 18:51:20 UTC
8237,#round3,4424,Story,25109,2019-08-22 18:51:55 UTC,2019-08-22 18:51:55 UTC
8238,#round3,4424,Story,25110,2019-08-22 18:52:08 UTC,2019-08-22 18:52:08 UTC
8239,#round3,4424,Story,25111,2019-08-22 18:52:24 UTC,2019-08-22 18:52:24 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25113,2019-08-22 18:52:44 UTC,2019-08-22 18:52:44 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25114,2019-08-22 18:52:54 UTC,2019-08-22 18:52:54 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25115,2019-08-22 18:53:16 UTC,2019-08-22 18:53:16 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25116,2019-08-22 18:53:31 UTC,2019-08-22 18:53:31 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25121,2019-08-22 18:55:18 UTC,2019-08-22 18:55:18 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25122,2019-08-22 18:55:28 UTC,2019-08-22 18:55:28 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25124,2019-08-22 18:55:45 UTC,2019-08-22 18:55:45 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25128,2019-08-22 18:56:42 UTC,2019-08-22 18:56:42 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25132,2019-08-22 18:57:39 UTC,2019-08-22 18:57:39 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25134,2019-08-22 18:57:57 UTC,2019-08-22 18:57:57 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25135,2019-08-22 18:58:12 UTC,2019-08-22 18:58:12 UTC
8267,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25139,2019-08-22 23:29:36 UTC,2019-08-22 23:29:36 UTC
5714,#stepmonitored #round1,4386,Story,22061,2019-05-23 23:48:05 UTC,2019-05-23 23:48:05 UTC
5717,"#stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms

Not sure ?",4386,Story,22064,2019-05-24 00:04:48 UTC,2019-05-24 00:04:48 UTC
5718,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4386,Story,22065,2019-05-24 00:06:56 UTC,2019-05-24 00:06:56 UTC
5773,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22136,2019-05-24 20:07:34 UTC,2019-05-24 20:07:34 UTC
5872,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22253,2019-05-25 21:21:37 UTC,2019-05-25 21:21:37 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22394,2019-05-27 20:55:45 UTC,2019-05-27 20:55:45 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22396,2019-05-27 21:08:31 UTC,2019-05-27 21:08:31 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22398,2019-05-27 21:17:28 UTC,2019-05-27 21:17:28 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22401,2019-05-27 21:19:30 UTC,2019-05-27 21:19:30 UTC
6165,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22598,2019-05-30 01:12:46 UTC,2019-05-30 01:12:46 UTC
8057,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,24924,2019-08-19 18:54:27 UTC,2019-08-19 18:54:27 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25097,2019-08-22 18:48:17 UTC,2019-08-22 18:48:17 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25098,2019-08-22 18:48:30 UTC,2019-08-22 18:48:30 UTC
#leafbeetle",4424,Story,25100,2019-08-22 18:49:06 UTC,2019-08-22 18:49:06 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25112,2019-08-22 18:52:35 UTC,2019-08-22 18:52:35 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25117,2019-08-22 18:53:49 UTC,2019-08-22 18:53:49 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25118,2019-08-22 18:54:05 UTC,2019-08-22 18:54:05 UTC
8264,#round3,4424,Story,25136,2019-08-22 18:58:26 UTC,2019-08-22 18:58:26 UTC
8270,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,25142,2019-08-23 00:07:54 UTC,2019-08-23 00:07:54 UTC
8271,#round3,4463,Story,25143,2019-08-23 00:08:42 UTC,2019-08-23 00:08:42 UTC
8278,#stepmonitored #round3 #squirreldamage ,4393,Story,25150,2019-08-23 18:14:06 UTC,2019-08-23 18:14:06 UTC
5715,#stepmonitored #round1,4386,Story,22062,2019-05-23 23:51:45 UTC,2019-05-23 23:51:45 UTC
5774,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22137,2019-05-24 20:13:57 UTC,2019-05-24 20:13:57 UTC
5873,"#round1 #stepmonitored but there are 6 trees on this block, not just 5, and they are only 8 cm in width",4348,Story,22254,2019-05-25 21:23:51 UTC,2019-05-25 21:23:51 UTC
5874,"#round1 #stepmonitored but there are 6 trees on this block, not just 5, and they are only 8 cm in width",4348,Story,22255,2019-05-25 21:23:51 UTC,2019-05-25 21:23:51 UTC
5875,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22256,2019-05-25 21:24:41 UTC,2019-05-25 21:24:41 UTC
5877,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22258,2019-05-25 21:34:51 UTC,2019-05-25 21:34:51 UTC
5880,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22261,2019-05-25 21:36:37 UTC,2019-05-25 21:36:37 UTC
5881,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22262,2019-05-25 21:39:09 UTC,2019-05-25 21:39:09 UTC
6010,"#stepmonitored,#round1",4346,Story,22399,2019-05-27 21:18:57 UTC,2019-05-27 21:18:57 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22403,2019-05-27 21:24:20 UTC,2019-05-27 21:24:20 UTC
",4424,Story,25102,2019-08-22 18:50:08 UTC,2019-08-22 18:50:08 UTC
8235,#round3,4424,Story,25107,2019-08-22 18:51:30 UTC,2019-08-22 18:51:30 UTC
8236,#round3,4424,Story,25108,2019-08-22 18:51:42 UTC,2019-08-22 18:51:42 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25119,2019-08-22 18:54:36 UTC,2019-08-22 18:54:36 UTC
8248,#round3,4424,Story,25120,2019-08-22 18:54:52 UTC,2019-08-22 18:54:52 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25123,2019-08-22 18:55:37 UTC,2019-08-22 18:55:37 UTC
8253,#round3,4424,Story,25125,2019-08-22 18:55:59 UTC,2019-08-22 18:55:59 UTC
8254,#round3,4424,Story,25126,2019-08-22 18:56:16 UTC,2019-08-22 18:56:16 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25129,2019-08-22 18:56:51 UTC,2019-08-22 18:56:51 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25130,2019-08-22 18:57:00 UTC,2019-08-22 18:57:00 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25131,2019-08-22 18:57:09 UTC,2019-08-22 18:57:09 UTC
#round3",4424,Story,25133,2019-08-22 18:57:47 UTC,2019-08-22 18:57:47 UTC
8272,#round3 #dedsymptoms or #insectdamage,4463,Story,25144,2019-08-23 00:09:52 UTC,2019-08-23 00:09:52 UTC
8282,#round3,4522,Story,25175,2019-08-23 22:41:08 UTC,2019-08-23 22:41:08 UTC
8283,#stepmonitored #round3,4502,Story,25176,2019-08-24 00:59:56 UTC,2019-08-24 00:59:56 UTC
8284,#stepmonitored #round3,4502,Story,25177,2019-08-24 01:05:10 UTC,2019-08-24 01:05:10 UTC
8285,#stepmonitored #round3,4502,Story,25178,2019-08-24 01:07:45 UTC,2019-08-24 01:07:45 UTC
8288,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4502,Story,25181,2019-08-24 01:17:14 UTC,2019-08-24 01:17:14 UTC
8310,#stepmomitored #round3 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,25207,2019-08-24 15:50:14 UTC,2019-08-24 15:50:14 UTC
5716,#stepmonitored #round1,4386,Story,22063,2019-05-23 23:59:09 UTC,2019-05-23 23:59:09 UTC
5775,"#stepmonitored #round1   many bare branches, but flagging not evident",4463,Story,22138,2019-05-24 20:21:09 UTC,2019-05-24 20:21:09 UTC
5876,"#round1 #stepmonitored
",4348,Story,22257,2019-05-25 21:27:58 UTC,2019-05-25 21:27:58 UTC
6018,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22407,2019-05-27 21:31:53 UTC,2019-05-27 21:31:53 UTC

#round1",4347,Story,22405,2019-05-27 21:30:24 UTC,2019-05-27 21:30:24 UTC
6021,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22410,2019-05-27 21:43:33 UTC,2019-05-27 21:43:33 UTC
6022,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22411,2019-05-27 21:44:06 UTC,2019-05-27 21:44:06 UTC
6025,#stepmonitored #round1,4347,Story,22414,2019-05-27 21:52:09 UTC,2019-05-27 21:52:09 UTC
6029,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22418,2019-05-27 21:57:23 UTC,2019-05-27 21:57:23 UTC
6017,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22406,2019-05-27 21:31:05 UTC,2019-05-27 21:31:05 UTC
8279,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,25152,2019-08-23 18:36:09 UTC,2019-08-23 18:36:09 UTC
8286,#stepmonitored #round3,4502,Story,25179,2019-08-24 01:08:43 UTC,2019-08-24 01:08:43 UTC
8311,#stepmonitored #round3 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,25208,2019-08-24 15:56:57 UTC,2019-08-24 15:56:57 UTC
8364,#round3,4522,Story,25263,2019-08-25 16:31:28 UTC,2019-08-25 16:31:28 UTC
5719,#stepmonitered #round1  ,4386,Story,22066,2019-05-24 00:09:49 UTC,2019-05-24 00:09:49 UTC
5720,#stepmonitered #round1 ,4386,Story,22067,2019-05-24 00:13:07 UTC,2019-05-24 00:13:07 UTC
5776, #stepmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22139,2019-05-24 22:09:39 UTC,2019-05-24 22:09:39 UTC
5879,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22260,2019-05-25 21:36:12 UTC,2019-05-25 21:36:12 UTC
6019,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22408,2019-05-27 21:34:46 UTC,2019-05-27 21:34:46 UTC
6020,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22409,2019-05-27 21:41:04 UTC,2019-05-27 21:41:04 UTC
8287,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4502,Story,25180,2019-08-24 01:15:55 UTC,2019-08-24 01:15:55 UTC
8289,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4502,Story,25182,2019-08-24 01:17:47 UTC,2019-08-24 01:17:47 UTC
8290,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4502,Story,25183,2019-08-24 01:18:22 UTC,2019-08-24 01:18:22 UTC
8291,#dedsymptoms ,4502,Story,25184,2019-08-24 01:19:53 UTC,2019-08-24 01:19:53 UTC
8312,#stepmonitored #round3 #dedsymptpms,4393,Story,25209,2019-08-24 16:00:52 UTC,2019-08-24 16:00:52 UTC
8365,#Round3,4522,Story,25264,2019-08-25 16:32:50 UTC,2019-08-25 16:32:50 UTC
5721,#stepmonitored  #rounds1 ,4360,Story,22068,2019-05-24 01:33:02 UTC,2019-05-24 01:33:02 UTC
5725,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4360,Story,22072,2019-05-24 01:44:43 UTC,2019-05-24 01:44:43 UTC
5777,#stepmonitored #round1,4522,Story,22140,2019-05-24 22:23:25 UTC,2019-05-24 22:23:25 UTC
5882,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22263,2019-05-25 22:12:37 UTC,2019-05-25 22:12:37 UTC
6023,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22412,2019-05-27 21:44:46 UTC,2019-05-27 21:44:46 UTC
8292,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4502,Story,25185,2019-08-24 01:25:56 UTC,2019-08-24 01:25:56 UTC
8313,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4393,Story,25210,2019-08-24 16:04:54 UTC,2019-08-24 16:04:54 UTC
8366,#round3,4522,Story,25265,2019-08-25 16:39:02 UTC,2019-08-25 16:39:02 UTC
5722,#stepmonitered #rounds1 ,4360,Story,22069,2019-05-24 01:34:25 UTC,2019-05-24 01:34:25 UTC
5723,#stepmonitered. #rounds1 ,4360,Story,22070,2019-05-24 01:38:40 UTC,2019-05-24 01:38:40 UTC
5778,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,22141,2019-05-24 22:35:15 UTC,2019-05-24 22:35:15 UTC
5883,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22264,2019-05-25 22:21:00 UTC,2019-05-25 22:21:00 UTC
6026,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22415,2019-05-27 21:53:54 UTC,2019-05-27 21:53:54 UTC
6027,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22416,2019-05-27 21:54:16 UTC,2019-05-27 21:54:16 UTC
#round1",4347,Story,22417,2019-05-27 21:57:09 UTC,2019-05-27 21:57:09 UTC
6030,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22419,2019-05-27 21:58:59 UTC,2019-05-27 21:58:59 UTC
8293,#stepmonitored #treeremoved,4502,Story,25186,2019-08-24 02:04:58 UTC,2019-08-24 02:04:58 UTC
8314,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25211,2019-08-24 16:07:02 UTC,2019-08-24 16:07:02 UTC
8315,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25212,2019-08-24 16:10:13 UTC,2019-08-24 16:10:13 UTC
8316,#round3,4393,Story,25213,2019-08-24 16:11:03 UTC,2019-08-24 16:11:03 UTC
8317,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25214,2019-08-24 16:15:07 UTC,2019-08-24 16:15:07 UTC
8321,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25218,2019-08-24 16:35:32 UTC,2019-08-24 16:35:32 UTC
8367,#round3,4522,Story,25266,2019-08-25 16:44:59 UTC,2019-08-25 16:44:59 UTC
8368,#round3,4522,Story,25267,2019-08-25 16:45:38 UTC,2019-08-25 16:45:38 UTC
5724,#stepmonitored #rounds1 ,4360,Story,22071,2019-05-24 01:42:54 UTC,2019-05-24 01:42:54 UTC
8406,#round3,4522,Story,25306,2019-08-25 17:47:10 UTC,2019-08-25 17:47:10 UTC
#round1",4423,Story,22143,2019-05-24 22:46:44 UTC,2019-05-24 22:46:44 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22151,2019-05-24 22:51:11 UTC,2019-05-24 22:51:11 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22152,2019-05-24 22:52:10 UTC,2019-05-24 22:52:10 UTC
5884,#round1 #stepmonitored,4348,Story,22265,2019-05-25 22:22:24 UTC,2019-05-25 22:22:24 UTC
6032,#stepmonitored  #round1,4463,Story,22421,2019-05-27 22:23:28 UTC,2019-05-27 22:23:28 UTC
6040,#stepmonitored #roundone,4384,Story,22429,2019-05-27 22:41:06 UTC,2019-05-27 22:41:06 UTC
6045,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22434,2019-05-27 23:09:02 UTC,2019-05-27 23:09:02 UTC
6042,#stepmonitored  #round1,4504,Story,22431,2019-05-27 23:01:08 UTC,2019-05-27 23:01:08 UTC
5779,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,22142,2019-05-24 22:41:29 UTC,2019-05-24 22:41:29 UTC
8281,#stepmonitored #round3 #squirreldamage,4393,Story,25174,2019-08-23 19:11:46 UTC,2019-08-23 19:11:46 UTC
8294,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4502,Story,25187,2019-08-24 02:05:22 UTC,2019-08-24 02:05:22 UTC
8298,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4466,Story,25191,2019-08-24 02:16:17 UTC,2019-08-24 02:16:17 UTC
8299,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4466,Story,25192,2019-08-24 02:16:49 UTC,2019-08-24 02:16:49 UTC
8318,#stepmonitored #round3 #dedsymptoms ,4393,Story,25215,2019-08-24 16:22:59 UTC,2019-08-24 16:22:59 UTC
8319,#round3,4393,Story,25216,2019-08-24 16:23:51 UTC,2019-08-24 16:23:51 UTC
8320,#round3,4393,Story,25217,2019-08-24 16:25:46 UTC,2019-08-24 16:25:46 UTC
8322,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25219,2019-08-24 16:36:40 UTC,2019-08-24 16:36:40 UTC
8324,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25221,2019-08-24 16:44:17 UTC,2019-08-24 16:44:17 UTC
8369,#round3,4522,Story,25268,2019-08-25 17:07:44 UTC,2019-08-25 17:07:44 UTC
8370,#round3,4522,Story,25269,2019-08-25 17:12:36 UTC,2019-08-25 17:12:36 UTC
8371,#round3,4522,Story,25270,2019-08-25 17:13:03 UTC,2019-08-25 17:13:03 UTC
8373,#round3,4522,Story,25272,2019-08-25 17:16:53 UTC,2019-08-25 17:16:53 UTC
8380,#round3,4522,Story,25280,2019-08-25 17:22:36 UTC,2019-08-25 17:22:36 UTC
8383,#round3,4522,Story,25283,2019-08-25 17:26:02 UTC,2019-08-25 17:26:02 UTC
8386,#round3,4522,Story,25286,2019-08-25 17:27:25 UTC,2019-08-25 17:27:25 UTC
8387,#round3,4522,Story,25287,2019-08-25 17:27:42 UTC,2019-08-25 17:27:42 UTC
8389,#round3,4483,Story,25289,2019-08-25 17:31:52 UTC,2019-08-25 17:31:52 UTC
8397,#round3,4522,Story,25297,2019-08-25 17:38:53 UTC,2019-08-25 17:38:53 UTC
8398,#round3,4522,Story,25298,2019-08-25 17:39:11 UTC,2019-08-25 17:39:11 UTC
8401,#round3,4522,Story,25301,2019-08-25 17:41:17 UTC,2019-08-25 17:41:17 UTC
8404,#dedsymptoms #round3,4483,Story,25304,2019-08-25 17:43:39 UTC,2019-08-25 17:43:39 UTC
8411,#round3,4522,Story,25311,2019-08-25 17:51:27 UTC,2019-08-25 17:51:27 UTC
8413,#round3,4522,Story,25313,2019-08-25 17:54:10 UTC,2019-08-25 17:54:10 UTC
8414,#round3,4522,Story,25314,2019-08-25 17:54:26 UTC,2019-08-25 17:54:26 UTC
8417,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,25317,2019-08-25 18:06:18 UTC,2019-08-25 18:06:18 UTC
8418,#round3,4522,Story,25318,2019-08-25 18:10:29 UTC,2019-08-25 18:10:29 UTC
8419,#round3,4522,Story,25319,2019-08-25 18:11:15 UTC,2019-08-25 18:11:15 UTC
8423,#round3,4522,Story,25323,2019-08-25 18:13:02 UTC,2019-08-25 18:13:02 UTC
5726,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4360,Story,22073,2019-05-24 02:01:53 UTC,2019-05-24 02:01:53 UTC
#round1  ",4447,Story,22144,2019-05-24 22:47:12 UTC,2019-05-24 22:47:12 UTC
5782,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,22145,2019-05-24 22:48:07 UTC,2019-05-24 22:48:07 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22153,2019-05-24 22:53:21 UTC,2019-05-24 22:53:21 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22154,2019-05-24 22:55:51 UTC,2019-05-24 22:55:51 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22157,2019-05-24 23:07:19 UTC,2019-05-24 23:07:19 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22158,2019-05-24 23:08:08 UTC,2019-05-24 23:08:08 UTC
5801,#stepmonitered #round1 Low Drought stress,4475,Story,22164,2019-05-24 23:31:54 UTC,2019-05-24 23:31:54 UTC
#round1",4332,Story,22266,2019-05-25 22:53:03 UTC,2019-05-25 22:53:03 UTC
6035,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22424,2019-05-27 22:30:10 UTC,2019-05-27 22:30:10 UTC
6039,#stepmonitored #roundone,4384,Story,22428,2019-05-27 22:39:24 UTC,2019-05-27 22:39:24 UTC
6033,Tree removed,4463,Story,22422,2019-05-27 22:24:59 UTC,2019-05-27 22:24:59 UTC
8295,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4502,Story,25188,2019-08-24 02:06:21 UTC,2019-08-24 02:06:21 UTC
8296,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4502,Story,25189,2019-08-24 02:06:42 UTC,2019-08-24 02:06:42 UTC
8297,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4466,Story,25190,2019-08-24 02:13:44 UTC,2019-08-24 02:13:44 UTC
8323,#stepmomitored #round3,4393,Story,25220,2019-08-24 16:40:30 UTC,2019-08-24 16:40:30 UTC
8372,#round3,4522,Story,25271,2019-08-25 17:16:00 UTC,2019-08-25 17:16:00 UTC
8374,#round3,4522,Story,25273,2019-08-25 17:18:07 UTC,2019-08-25 17:18:07 UTC
8375,#round3,4522,Story,25276,2019-08-25 17:20:09 UTC,2019-08-25 17:20:09 UTC
8377,#round3 bare limbs,4463,Story,25277,2019-08-25 17:20:19 UTC,2019-08-25 17:20:19 UTC
8378,#round3,4522,Story,25278,2019-08-25 17:21:12 UTC,2019-08-25 17:21:12 UTC
8379,#round3,4522,Story,25279,2019-08-25 17:21:39 UTC,2019-08-25 17:21:39 UTC
8381,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,25281,2019-08-25 17:23:12 UTC,2019-08-25 17:23:12 UTC
8384,#round3,4522,Story,25284,2019-08-25 17:27:11 UTC,2019-08-25 17:27:11 UTC
8385,#round3 ,4483,Story,25285,2019-08-25 17:27:19 UTC,2019-08-25 17:27:19 UTC
8388,#round3,4522,Story,25288,2019-08-25 17:28:47 UTC,2019-08-25 17:28:47 UTC
8390,#round3,4522,Story,25290,2019-08-25 17:33:32 UTC,2019-08-25 17:33:32 UTC
8391,#round3,4522,Story,25291,2019-08-25 17:33:51 UTC,2019-08-25 17:33:51 UTC
8393,#round3,4522,Story,25293,2019-08-25 17:34:15 UTC,2019-08-25 17:34:15 UTC
8395,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,25295,2019-08-25 17:35:51 UTC,2019-08-25 17:35:51 UTC
8396,#round3,4522,Story,25296,2019-08-25 17:38:03 UTC,2019-08-25 17:38:03 UTC
8399,#round3,4483,Story,25299,2019-08-25 17:39:31 UTC,2019-08-25 17:39:31 UTC
8400,#round3,4522,Story,25300,2019-08-25 17:40:04 UTC,2019-08-25 17:40:04 UTC
8403,#round3,4522,Story,25303,2019-08-25 17:41:42 UTC,2019-08-25 17:41:42 UTC
8405,#round3,4522,Story,25305,2019-08-25 17:43:49 UTC,2019-08-25 17:43:49 UTC
8407,#round3,4522,Story,25307,2019-08-25 17:47:24 UTC,2019-08-25 17:47:24 UTC
8408,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4483,Story,25308,2019-08-25 17:47:32 UTC,2019-08-25 17:47:32 UTC
5728,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4360,Story,22075,2019-05-24 02:15:04 UTC,2019-05-24 02:15:04 UTC
5731,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4360,Story,22078,2019-05-24 02:19:02 UTC,2019-05-24 02:19:02 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22146,2019-05-24 22:48:16 UTC,2019-05-24 22:48:16 UTC
#round1",4423,Story,22148,2019-05-24 22:49:50 UTC,2019-05-24 22:49:50 UTC
5786,#stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms number of high branches without leaves ,4428,Story,22149,2019-05-24 22:50:21 UTC,2019-05-24 22:50:21 UTC
#round1  ",4447,Story,22150,2019-05-24 22:50:24 UTC,2019-05-24 22:50:24 UTC
5792,#stepmonitored #round1,4428,Story,22155,2019-05-24 23:01:11 UTC,2019-05-24 23:01:11 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22156,2019-05-24 23:05:17 UTC,2019-05-24 23:05:17 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22160,2019-05-24 23:09:48 UTC,2019-05-24 23:09:48 UTC
5807,#stepmonitered #round1 There are signs of flagging on low branches of tree.,4475,Story,22170,2019-05-24 23:45:10 UTC,2019-05-24 23:45:10 UTC
#round1",4332,Story,22267,2019-05-25 22:57:17 UTC,2019-05-25 22:57:17 UTC
6034,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22423,2019-05-27 22:27:31 UTC,2019-05-27 22:27:31 UTC
6041,#stepmonitored #roundone,4384,Story,22430,2019-05-27 22:42:04 UTC,2019-05-27 22:42:04 UTC
6036,"#stepmonitored,#round1",4346,Story,22425,2019-05-27 22:31:20 UTC,2019-05-27 22:31:20 UTC
8300,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4466,Story,25193,2019-08-24 02:23:39 UTC,2019-08-24 02:23:39 UTC
8302,#dedsymptoms ,4466,Story,25195,2019-08-24 02:26:23 UTC,2019-08-24 02:26:23 UTC
8303,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4466,Story,25196,2019-08-24 02:28:06 UTC,2019-08-24 02:28:06 UTC
8304,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4466,Story,25197,2019-08-24 02:28:22 UTC,2019-08-24 02:28:22 UTC
8305,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4466,Story,25198,2019-08-24 02:28:50 UTC,2019-08-24 02:28:50 UTC
8307,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4466,Story,25200,2019-08-24 02:32:23 UTC,2019-08-24 02:32:23 UTC
8325,#stepmonitored #round3 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,25222,2019-08-24 16:58:34 UTC,2019-08-24 16:58:34 UTC
8392,#round3,4483,Story,25292,2019-08-25 17:33:55 UTC,2019-08-25 17:33:55 UTC
8394,#round3,4483,Story,25294,2019-08-25 17:34:47 UTC,2019-08-25 17:34:47 UTC
8402,#round3,4522,Story,25302,2019-08-25 17:41:30 UTC,2019-08-25 17:41:30 UTC
8410,#round3,4522,Story,25310,2019-08-25 17:51:11 UTC,2019-08-25 17:51:11 UTC
8412,#round3,4522,Story,25312,2019-08-25 17:52:21 UTC,2019-08-25 17:52:21 UTC
8415,#round3,4522,Story,25315,2019-08-25 17:54:46 UTC,2019-08-25 17:54:46 UTC
8416,#round3,4522,Story,25316,2019-08-25 17:55:06 UTC,2019-08-25 17:55:06 UTC
5729,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4360,Story,22076,2019-05-24 02:16:50 UTC,2019-05-24 02:16:50 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22147,2019-05-24 22:49:30 UTC,2019-05-24 22:49:30 UTC
6038,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22427,2019-05-27 22:38:54 UTC,2019-05-27 22:38:54 UTC
6037,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22426,2019-05-27 22:34:28 UTC,2019-05-27 22:34:28 UTC
8301,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4466,Story,25194,2019-08-24 02:23:59 UTC,2019-08-24 02:23:59 UTC
8306,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4466,Story,25199,2019-08-24 02:29:16 UTC,2019-08-24 02:29:16 UTC
8409,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4483,Story,25309,2019-08-25 17:49:12 UTC,2019-08-25 17:49:12 UTC
5730,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4360,Story,22077,2019-05-24 02:17:46 UTC,2019-05-24 02:17:46 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22159,2019-05-24 23:08:49 UTC,2019-05-24 23:08:49 UTC
6043,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22432,2019-05-27 23:04:09 UTC,2019-05-27 23:04:09 UTC
8326,#round3,4495,Story,25224,2019-08-24 18:07:56 UTC,2019-08-24 18:07:56 UTC
8420,#round3,4522,Story,25320,2019-08-25 18:11:35 UTC,2019-08-25 18:11:35 UTC
8422,#round3,4522,Story,25322,2019-08-25 18:12:08 UTC,2019-08-25 18:12:08 UTC
5732,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4360,Story,22079,2019-05-24 02:21:12 UTC,2019-05-24 02:21:12 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22161,2019-05-24 23:12:25 UTC,2019-05-24 23:12:25 UTC
6044,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22433,2019-05-27 23:05:56 UTC,2019-05-27 23:05:56 UTC
6174,#stepmonitored round1,4360,Story,22629,2019-05-30 13:27:27 UTC,2019-05-30 13:27:27 UTC
6175,#stepmonitored #roundone ,4360,Story,22630,2019-05-30 13:30:22 UTC,2019-05-30 13:30:22 UTC
6178,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4360,Story,22633,2019-05-30 13:34:34 UTC,2019-05-30 13:34:34 UTC
8327,#round3,4495,Story,25225,2019-08-24 18:09:19 UTC,2019-08-24 18:09:19 UTC
8330,#tound2,4495,Story,25228,2019-08-24 18:18:42 UTC,2019-08-24 18:18:42 UTC
8333,#round3,4495,Story,25231,2019-08-24 18:22:24 UTC,2019-08-24 18:22:24 UTC
8335,#round3,4495,Story,25233,2019-08-24 18:24:37 UTC,2019-08-24 18:24:37 UTC
8338,#round3,4495,Story,25236,2019-08-24 18:27:02 UTC,2019-08-24 18:27:02 UTC
8339,#round3 large branch stretching across road fell off several weeks ago,4332,Story,25237,2019-08-24 18:28:47 UTC,2019-08-24 18:28:47 UTC
8340,#round3,4495,Story,25238,2019-08-24 18:29:24 UTC,2019-08-24 18:29:24 UTC
8344,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25242,2019-08-24 18:38:52 UTC,2019-08-24 18:38:52 UTC
8345,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25243,2019-08-24 18:39:39 UTC,2019-08-24 18:39:39 UTC
8347,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25245,2019-08-24 18:45:42 UTC,2019-08-24 18:45:42 UTC
8348,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25246,2019-08-24 18:46:14 UTC,2019-08-24 18:46:14 UTC
8355,#round3,4495,Story,25253,2019-08-24 18:54:38 UTC,2019-08-24 18:54:38 UTC
8421,#round3,4522,Story,25321,2019-08-25 18:11:49 UTC,2019-08-25 18:11:49 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22162,2019-05-24 23:15:28 UTC,2019-05-24 23:15:28 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22163,2019-05-24 23:23:24 UTC,2019-05-24 23:23:24 UTC
5802,#stepmonitered #round1  Low drought distress,4475,Story,22166,2019-05-24 23:38:07 UTC,2019-05-24 23:38:07 UTC
5804,#stepmonitered #round1 Low drought distress ,4475,Story,22167,2019-05-24 23:39:21 UTC,2019-05-24 23:39:21 UTC
#round1",4447,Story,22169,2019-05-24 23:41:53 UTC,2019-05-24 23:41:53 UTC
#round1",4423,Story,22172,2019-05-24 23:58:53 UTC,2019-05-24 23:58:53 UTC
#round1",4423,Story,22175,2019-05-25 00:02:34 UTC,2019-05-25 00:02:34 UTC
Round1",4327,Story,22176,2019-05-25 00:02:37 UTC,2019-05-25 00:02:37 UTC
#round1",4327,Story,22177,2019-05-25 00:09:32 UTC,2019-05-25 00:09:32 UTC
#round1",4327,Story,22179,2019-05-25 00:12:21 UTC,2019-05-25 00:12:21 UTC
5818,#stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms,4483,Story,22181,2019-05-25 00:15:22 UTC,2019-05-25 00:15:22 UTC
Round1",4327,Story,22186,2019-05-25 00:27:26 UTC,2019-05-25 00:27:26 UTC
#round1",4327,Story,22188,2019-05-25 00:30:06 UTC,2019-05-25 00:30:06 UTC
",4327,Story,22191,2019-05-25 00:35:12 UTC,2019-05-25 00:35:12 UTC
6056,#stepmonitored #roundone,4384,Story,22445,2019-05-27 23:31:03 UTC,2019-05-27 23:31:03 UTC
6060,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22449,2019-05-27 23:39:44 UTC,2019-05-27 23:39:44 UTC
6049,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22438,2019-05-27 23:24:30 UTC,2019-05-27 23:24:30 UTC
6046,#stepmonitored  #round1,4504,Story,22435,2019-05-27 23:19:10 UTC,2019-05-27 23:19:10 UTC
6176,#stemonitored #roundone ,4360,Story,22631,2019-05-30 13:31:39 UTC,2019-05-30 13:31:39 UTC
6179,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4360,Story,22634,2019-05-30 13:37:47 UTC,2019-05-30 13:37:47 UTC
8328,#round3 #squirrelsamage,4332,Story,25226,2019-08-24 18:11:09 UTC,2019-08-24 18:11:09 UTC
8329,#round3,4332,Story,25227,2019-08-24 18:12:01 UTC,2019-08-24 18:12:01 UTC
8424,#round3,4463,Story,25324,2019-08-25 18:39:58 UTC,2019-08-25 18:39:58 UTC
8425,#round3,4463,Story,25325,2019-08-25 18:40:43 UTC,2019-08-25 18:40:43 UTC
8426,#round3,4463,Story,25326,2019-08-25 18:41:20 UTC,2019-08-25 18:41:20 UTC
8431,#round3,4463,Story,25331,2019-08-25 18:46:39 UTC,2019-08-25 18:46:39 UTC
8433,#round3,4463,Story,25333,2019-08-25 18:48:36 UTC,2019-08-25 18:48:36 UTC
8436,#round3,4463,Story,25336,2019-08-25 18:50:50 UTC,2019-08-25 18:50:50 UTC
8441,#round3,4463,Story,25341,2019-08-25 18:54:18 UTC,2019-08-25 18:54:18 UTC
8442,#round3,4463,Story,25342,2019-08-25 18:54:54 UTC,2019-08-25 18:54:54 UTC
8444,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,25344,2019-08-25 18:57:59 UTC,2019-08-25 18:57:59 UTC
#round1",4423,Story,22171,2019-05-24 23:57:45 UTC,2019-05-24 23:57:45 UTC
6050,#stepmonitored #roundone,4384,Story,22439,2019-05-27 23:25:41 UTC,2019-05-27 23:25:41 UTC
6053,#stepmonitored #roundone,4384,Story,22442,2019-05-27 23:27:18 UTC,2019-05-27 23:27:18 UTC
6061,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22450,2019-05-27 23:47:41 UTC,2019-05-27 23:47:41 UTC
6058,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22447,2019-05-27 23:34:30 UTC,2019-05-27 23:34:30 UTC
6055,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22444,2019-05-27 23:30:48 UTC,2019-05-27 23:30:48 UTC
6047,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22436,2019-05-27 23:20:34 UTC,2019-05-27 23:20:34 UTC
6177,#stemonitored. #roundone ,4360,Story,22632,2019-05-30 13:32:57 UTC,2019-05-30 13:32:57 UTC
8331,#round3,4495,Story,25229,2019-08-24 18:19:40 UTC,2019-08-24 18:19:40 UTC
8427,#round3,4463,Story,25327,2019-08-25 18:42:28 UTC,2019-08-25 18:42:28 UTC
8428,#round3,4463,Story,25328,2019-08-25 18:43:52 UTC,2019-08-25 18:43:52 UTC
8429,#round3,4463,Story,25329,2019-08-25 18:44:25 UTC,2019-08-25 18:44:25 UTC
8434,#round3,4463,Story,25334,2019-08-25 18:49:05 UTC,2019-08-25 18:49:05 UTC
8435,#round3,4463,Story,25335,2019-08-25 18:49:37 UTC,2019-08-25 18:49:37 UTC
8437,#round3,4463,Story,25337,2019-08-25 18:51:26 UTC,2019-08-25 18:51:26 UTC
#round1",4423,Story,22173,2019-05-24 23:59:57 UTC,2019-05-24 23:59:57 UTC
#round1",4423,Story,22174,2019-05-25 00:00:54 UTC,2019-05-25 00:00:54 UTC
6048,#stepmonitored #roundone,4384,Story,22437,2019-05-27 23:23:48 UTC,2019-05-27 23:23:48 UTC
6059,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22448,2019-05-27 23:37:28 UTC,2019-05-27 23:37:28 UTC
6051,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22440,2019-05-27 23:25:56 UTC,2019-05-27 23:25:56 UTC
8332,#round3,4495,Story,25230,2019-08-24 18:21:47 UTC,2019-08-24 18:21:47 UTC
8334,#round3,4495,Story,25232,2019-08-24 18:24:03 UTC,2019-08-24 18:24:03 UTC
8336,#round3,4495,Story,25234,2019-08-24 18:25:49 UTC,2019-08-24 18:25:49 UTC
8337,#round3,4495,Story,25235,2019-08-24 18:26:38 UTC,2019-08-24 18:26:38 UTC
8430,#round3,4463,Story,25330,2019-08-25 18:46:12 UTC,2019-08-25 18:46:12 UTC
8432,#round3,4463,Story,25332,2019-08-25 18:47:12 UTC,2019-08-25 18:47:12 UTC
8522,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25422,2019-08-26 16:08:03 UTC,2019-08-26 16:08:03 UTC
8524,#round3,4332,Story,25424,2019-08-26 17:23:22 UTC,2019-08-26 17:23:22 UTC
8525,#round3,4332,Story,25425,2019-08-26 17:24:23 UTC,2019-08-26 17:24:23 UTC
8532,#round3,4463,Story,25432,2019-08-26 17:33:23 UTC,2019-08-26 17:33:23 UTC
8550,"#stepmonitored #round3
",4390,Story,25450,2019-08-27 02:37:01 UTC,2019-08-27 02:37:01 UTC
8551,#round3,4447,Story,25451,2019-08-27 04:34:54 UTC,2019-08-27 04:34:54 UTC
5815,#stepmonitored #round1 #dedsymptoms,4483,Story,22178,2019-05-25 00:11:26 UTC,2019-05-25 00:11:26 UTC
#Round1",4327,Story,22187,2019-05-25 00:28:48 UTC,2019-05-25 00:28:48 UTC
",4327,Story,22189,2019-05-25 00:31:55 UTC,2019-05-25 00:31:55 UTC
",4327,Story,22190,2019-05-25 00:34:10 UTC,2019-05-25 00:34:10 UTC
6062,#stepmonitored #roundone,4384,Story,22451,2019-05-27 23:54:33 UTC,2019-05-27 23:54:33 UTC
6063,#stepmonitored #roundone,4384,Story,22452,2019-05-27 23:55:23 UTC,2019-05-27 23:55:23 UTC
6066,#stepmonitored #round1  ,4504,Story,22455,2019-05-28 00:01:25 UTC,2019-05-28 00:01:25 UTC
6057,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22446,2019-05-27 23:32:30 UTC,2019-05-27 23:32:30 UTC
6052,#stepmonitored  #round1  ,4504,Story,22441,2019-05-27 23:25:59 UTC,2019-05-27 23:25:59 UTC
8341,#round3,4495,Story,25239,2019-08-24 18:31:03 UTC,2019-08-24 18:31:03 UTC
8342,#round3,4495,Story,25240,2019-08-24 18:31:29 UTC,2019-08-24 18:31:29 UTC
8346,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25244,2019-08-24 18:41:17 UTC,2019-08-24 18:41:17 UTC
8350,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25248,2019-08-24 18:48:48 UTC,2019-08-24 18:48:48 UTC
8352,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25250,2019-08-24 18:51:42 UTC,2019-08-24 18:51:42 UTC
8356,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25254,2019-08-24 18:55:34 UTC,2019-08-24 18:55:34 UTC
8438,#round3,4463,Story,25338,2019-08-25 18:52:36 UTC,2019-08-25 18:52:36 UTC
8439,#round3,4463,Story,25339,2019-08-25 18:53:09 UTC,2019-08-25 18:53:09 UTC
8440,#round3,4463,Story,25340,2019-08-25 18:53:40 UTC,2019-08-25 18:53:40 UTC
8443,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,25343,2019-08-25 18:57:59 UTC,2019-08-25 18:57:59 UTC
8523,#stepmonitored #round3 ,4463,Story,25423,2019-08-26 16:14:57 UTC,2019-08-26 16:14:57 UTC
8526,#round3,4463,Story,25426,2019-08-26 17:28:52 UTC,2019-08-26 17:28:52 UTC
8527,#round3,4463,Story,25427,2019-08-26 17:29:57 UTC,2019-08-26 17:29:57 UTC
8528,#round3,4463,Story,25428,2019-08-26 17:30:26 UTC,2019-08-26 17:30:26 UTC
8531,#round3,4463,Story,25431,2019-08-26 17:32:13 UTC,2019-08-26 17:32:13 UTC
8536,#round3,4463,Story,25436,2019-08-26 17:34:48 UTC,2019-08-26 17:34:48 UTC
8538,#round3,4463,Story,25438,2019-08-26 17:35:41 UTC,2019-08-26 17:35:41 UTC
8541,#round3,4463,Story,25441,2019-08-26 17:37:51 UTC,2019-08-26 17:37:51 UTC
8544,#round3,4463,Story,25444,2019-08-26 17:39:43 UTC,2019-08-26 17:39:43 UTC
8552,#round3,4447,Story,25452,2019-08-27 04:35:19 UTC,2019-08-27 04:35:19 UTC
8554,#srepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25455,2019-08-27 15:42:20 UTC,2019-08-27 15:42:20 UTC
#round1",4327,Story,22180,2019-05-25 00:15:22 UTC,2019-05-25 00:15:22 UTC
#round1",4327,Story,22182,2019-05-25 00:16:59 UTC,2019-05-25 00:16:59 UTC
#Round1",4327,Story,22183,2019-05-25 00:19:35 UTC,2019-05-25 00:19:35 UTC
6054,#stepmonitored #roundone,4384,Story,22443,2019-05-27 23:28:55 UTC,2019-05-27 23:28:55 UTC
8343,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25241,2019-08-24 18:37:50 UTC,2019-08-24 18:37:50 UTC
8351,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25249,2019-08-24 18:50:56 UTC,2019-08-24 18:50:56 UTC
8445,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,25345,2019-08-25 18:58:59 UTC,2019-08-25 18:58:59 UTC
8446,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,25346,2019-08-25 19:00:49 UTC,2019-08-25 19:00:49 UTC
8529,#round3,4463,Story,25429,2019-08-26 17:30:57 UTC,2019-08-26 17:30:57 UTC
8530,#round3,4463,Story,25430,2019-08-26 17:31:48 UTC,2019-08-26 17:31:48 UTC
8553,#round3,4447,Story,25453,2019-08-27 04:35:31 UTC,2019-08-27 04:35:31 UTC
8555,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25456,2019-08-27 15:44:07 UTC,2019-08-27 15:44:07 UTC
8557,Broken limb,4393,Story,25458,2019-08-27 15:47:31 UTC,2019-08-27 15:47:31 UTC
5821,#stepmonitored  #round1,4483,Story,22184,2019-05-25 00:23:35 UTC,2019-05-25 00:23:35 UTC
#round1",4327,Story,22185,2019-05-25 00:26:12 UTC,2019-05-25 00:26:12 UTC
",4327,Story,22192,2019-05-25 00:37:52 UTC,2019-05-25 00:37:52 UTC
#round1",4327,Story,22193,2019-05-25 00:39:45 UTC,2019-05-25 00:39:45 UTC
6064,#stepmonitored #roundone,4384,Story,22453,2019-05-27 23:56:12 UTC,2019-05-27 23:56:12 UTC
6180,#stemonitored #roundone ,4360,Story,22639,2019-05-30 14:04:12 UTC,2019-05-30 14:04:12 UTC
8349,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25247,2019-08-24 18:46:58 UTC,2019-08-24 18:46:58 UTC
8353,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25251,2019-08-24 18:52:41 UTC,2019-08-24 18:52:41 UTC
8354,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25252,2019-08-24 18:53:49 UTC,2019-08-24 18:53:49 UTC
8357,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25255,2019-08-24 18:57:19 UTC,2019-08-24 18:57:19 UTC
8358,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25256,2019-08-24 18:58:05 UTC,2019-08-24 18:58:05 UTC
8447,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,25347,2019-08-25 19:05:22 UTC,2019-08-25 19:05:22 UTC
8533,#round3,4463,Story,25433,2019-08-26 17:33:49 UTC,2019-08-26 17:33:49 UTC
8534,#round3,4463,Story,25434,2019-08-26 17:34:21 UTC,2019-08-26 17:34:21 UTC
8542,#round3,4463,Story,25442,2019-08-26 17:38:17 UTC,2019-08-26 17:38:17 UTC
8556,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25457,2019-08-27 15:46:48 UTC,2019-08-27 15:46:48 UTC
8559,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25460,2019-08-27 15:59:06 UTC,2019-08-27 15:59:06 UTC
5831,#stepmonitored #round1 ,4475,Story,22194,2019-05-25 00:41:00 UTC,2019-05-25 00:41:00 UTC
5833,#stepmonitored #round1 Some leaves are turning a slight yellow color and red. #dedsymptoms or chemical damage?,4475,Story,22196,2019-05-25 00:48:12 UTC,2019-05-25 00:48:12 UTC
5834,#stepmonitered #round1,4475,Story,22197,2019-05-25 00:54:24 UTC,2019-05-25 00:54:24 UTC
6065,#stepmonitored #round1,4384,Story,22454,2019-05-27 23:56:56 UTC,2019-07-15 17:49:19 UTC
8359,#stepmonitored #round3 #dedsymptoms,4495,Story,25257,2019-08-24 19:02:14 UTC,2019-08-24 19:02:14 UTC
8360,#stepmonitored #round3,4495,Story,25258,2019-08-24 19:04:46 UTC,2019-08-24 19:04:46 UTC
8535,#squirreldamage,4332,Story,25435,2019-08-26 17:34:43 UTC,2019-08-26 17:34:43 UTC
8537,#round3,4463,Story,25437,2019-08-26 17:35:14 UTC,2019-08-26 17:35:14 UTC
8539,#round3,4463,Story,25439,2019-08-26 17:36:58 UTC,2019-08-26 17:36:58 UTC
8540,#round3,4463,Story,25440,2019-08-26 17:37:26 UTC,2019-08-26 17:37:26 UTC
8543,#round3,4463,Story,25443,2019-08-26 17:38:44 UTC,2019-08-26 17:38:44 UTC
8545,#round3,4463,Story,25445,2019-08-26 17:40:07 UTC,2019-08-26 17:40:07 UTC
8558,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25459,2019-08-27 15:55:46 UTC,2019-08-27 15:55:46 UTC
",4327,Story,22195,2019-05-25 00:44:44 UTC,2019-05-25 00:44:44 UTC
8361,#stepmonitored #round3,4495,Story,25259,2019-08-24 19:05:47 UTC,2019-08-24 19:05:47 UTC
8487,#round3,4447,Story,25387,2019-08-26 01:43:42 UTC,2019-08-26 01:43:42 UTC
8494,#round3,4447,Story,25394,2019-08-26 01:46:26 UTC,2019-08-26 01:46:26 UTC
8495,#round3,4447,Story,25395,2019-08-26 01:46:39 UTC,2019-08-26 01:46:39 UTC
8497,#round3,4447,Story,25397,2019-08-26 01:47:02 UTC,2019-08-26 01:47:02 UTC
8498,#round3,4447,Story,25398,2019-08-26 01:47:15 UTC,2019-08-26 01:47:15 UTC
8499,#round3,4447,Story,25399,2019-08-26 01:47:27 UTC,2019-08-26 01:47:27 UTC
8500,#round3,4447,Story,25400,2019-08-26 01:47:39 UTC,2019-08-26 01:47:39 UTC
8501,#round3,4447,Story,25401,2019-08-26 01:47:53 UTC,2019-08-26 01:47:53 UTC
8503,#round3,4447,Story,25403,2019-08-26 01:48:20 UTC,2019-08-26 01:48:20 UTC
8504,#round3,4447,Story,25404,2019-08-26 01:48:32 UTC,2019-08-26 01:48:32 UTC
8505,#round3,4447,Story,25405,2019-08-26 01:48:54 UTC,2019-08-26 01:48:54 UTC
8506,#round3,4447,Story,25406,2019-08-26 01:49:05 UTC,2019-08-26 01:49:05 UTC
8546,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25446,2019-08-26 17:51:13 UTC,2019-08-26 17:51:13 UTC
8547,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,25447,2019-08-26 17:52:07 UTC,2019-08-26 17:52:07 UTC
8548,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,25448,2019-08-26 17:52:55 UTC,2019-08-26 17:52:55 UTC
8560,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25461,2019-08-27 16:00:19 UTC,2019-08-27 16:00:19 UTC
8561,Stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25462,2019-08-27 16:01:00 UTC,2019-08-27 16:01:00 UTC
5835,#stepmonitered #round1 ,4475,Story,22198,2019-05-25 00:56:07 UTC,2019-05-25 00:56:07 UTC
8488,#round3,4447,Story,25388,2019-08-26 01:44:09 UTC,2019-08-26 01:44:09 UTC
8489,#round3,4447,Story,25389,2019-08-26 01:44:26 UTC,2019-08-26 01:44:26 UTC
8490,#round3,4447,Story,25390,2019-08-26 01:45:12 UTC,2019-08-26 01:45:12 UTC
8491,#round3,4447,Story,25391,2019-08-26 01:45:23 UTC,2019-08-26 01:45:23 UTC
8492,#round3,4447,Story,25392,2019-08-26 01:45:34 UTC,2019-08-26 01:45:34 UTC
8493,#round3,4447,Story,25393,2019-08-26 01:46:13 UTC,2019-08-26 01:46:13 UTC
8502,#round3,4447,Story,25402,2019-08-26 01:48:05 UTC,2019-08-26 01:48:05 UTC
8549,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25449,2019-08-26 18:24:56 UTC,2019-08-26 18:24:56 UTC
8562,#round3,4393,Story,25463,2019-08-27 16:09:21 UTC,2019-08-27 16:09:21 UTC
8680,#round3 #leafbeetle,4462,Story,25585,2019-08-28 03:39:10 UTC,2019-08-28 03:39:10 UTC
8683,#round3 #leafbeetle,4462,Story,25589,2019-08-28 04:06:36 UTC,2019-08-28 04:06:36 UTC
8685,#round3 #leafbeetle,4462,Story,25590,2019-08-28 04:07:40 UTC,2019-08-28 04:07:40 UTC
8691,#round3,4462,Story,25596,2019-08-28 04:15:51 UTC,2019-08-28 04:15:51 UTC
8805,#round3 #squirreldamage,4332,Story,25722,2019-08-30 18:00:12 UTC,2019-08-30 18:00:12 UTC
8806,#round3,4409,Story,25723,2019-08-30 21:35:44 UTC,2019-08-30 21:35:44 UTC
8761,#round3,4447,Story,25674,2019-08-28 20:37:17 UTC,2019-08-28 20:37:17 UTC
8762,#stepmonitored #treeremoved,4462,Story,25676,2019-08-29 08:13:47 UTC,2019-08-29 08:13:47 UTC
8770,#beetle damage,4463,Story,25684,2019-08-29 17:54:33 UTC,2019-08-29 17:54:33 UTC
8799, #round3,4462,Story,25713,2019-08-29 22:17:25 UTC,2019-08-29 22:17:25 UTC
8801, #round3,4462,Story,25715,2019-08-29 22:22:36 UTC,2019-08-29 22:22:36 UTC
8871,"#round3 #dedsymptoms
Maybe ",4463,Story,25795,2019-08-31 18:40:59 UTC,2019-08-31 18:40:59 UTC
8872,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25796,2019-08-31 19:44:28 UTC,2019-08-31 19:44:28 UTC
8877,#round3,4463,Story,25801,2019-08-31 19:48:31 UTC,2019-08-31 19:48:31 UTC
8878,#round3,4463,Story,25802,2019-08-31 19:49:01 UTC,2019-08-31 19:49:01 UTC
8881,#stepm#round3,4463,Story,25805,2019-08-31 19:52:13 UTC,2019-08-31 19:52:13 UTC
8882,#round3,4463,Story,25806,2019-08-31 19:52:51 UTC,2019-08-31 19:52:51 UTC
8884,#round3,4463,Story,25808,2019-08-31 19:54:42 UTC,2019-08-31 19:54:42 UTC
8496,#round3,4447,Story,25396,2019-08-26 01:46:51 UTC,2019-08-26 01:46:51 UTC
8563,#stepmonitored #round3 #dedsumptoms,4393,Story,25464,2019-08-27 16:12:33 UTC,2019-08-27 16:12:33 UTC
8763,#round3 #dedsymptoms. This is very small dead leaves and very high in the tree. Not sure,4462,Story,25677,2019-08-29 08:19:07 UTC,2019-08-29 08:19:07 UTC
8764,#round3,4462,Story,25678,2019-08-29 08:20:47 UTC,2019-08-29 08:20:47 UTC
8771,#round3,4463,Story,25685,2019-08-29 17:55:47 UTC,2019-08-29 17:55:47 UTC
8772,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25686,2019-08-29 17:56:46 UTC,2019-08-29 17:56:46 UTC
8775,#round3,4463,Story,25689,2019-08-29 17:58:39 UTC,2019-08-29 17:58:39 UTC
8776,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25690,2019-08-29 17:59:21 UTC,2019-08-29 17:59:21 UTC
8778,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25692,2019-08-29 18:00:28 UTC,2019-08-29 18:00:28 UTC
8807,#round3,4409,Story,25724,2019-08-30 21:37:29 UTC,2019-08-30 21:37:29 UTC
8873,#round3,4463,Story,25797,2019-08-31 19:46:01 UTC,2019-08-31 19:46:01 UTC
8875,#round3,4463,Story,25799,2019-08-31 19:47:44 UTC,2019-08-31 19:47:44 UTC
8876,#round3,4463,Story,25800,2019-08-31 19:48:07 UTC,2019-08-31 19:48:07 UTC
8879,#stepmonitored #round3 #treeremoved,4463,Story,25803,2019-08-31 19:50:23 UTC,2019-08-31 19:50:23 UTC
8507,#stepmonitored,4393,Story,25407,2019-08-26 02:28:56 UTC,2019-08-26 02:28:56 UTC
8508,#stepmnitored,4393,Story,25408,2019-08-26 02:29:45 UTC,2019-08-26 02:29:45 UTC
8518,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25418,2019-08-26 02:38:27 UTC,2019-08-26 02:38:27 UTC
8521,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25421,2019-08-26 02:40:14 UTC,2019-08-26 02:40:14 UTC
8564,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25465,2019-08-27 16:17:56 UTC,2019-08-27 16:17:56 UTC
8682,#round3 #leafbeetle,4462,Story,25587,2019-08-28 03:59:52 UTC,2019-08-28 03:59:52 UTC
8687,#round3 #leafbeetle,4462,Story,25592,2019-08-28 04:10:40 UTC,2019-08-28 04:10:40 UTC
8693,#round3,4462,Story,25598,2019-08-28 04:17:32 UTC,2019-08-28 04:17:32 UTC
8765,#round3,4462,Story,25679,2019-08-29 08:22:08 UTC,2019-08-29 08:22:08 UTC
8773,#round3,4463,Story,25687,2019-08-29 17:57:20 UTC,2019-08-29 17:57:20 UTC
8774,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25688,2019-08-29 17:58:14 UTC,2019-08-29 17:58:14 UTC
8777,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25691,2019-08-29 17:59:53 UTC,2019-08-29 17:59:53 UTC
8779,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25693,2019-08-29 18:01:10 UTC,2019-08-29 18:01:10 UTC
8780,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25694,2019-08-29 18:01:38 UTC,2019-08-29 18:01:38 UTC
8784,#round3,4463,Story,25698,2019-08-29 18:03:33 UTC,2019-08-29 18:03:33 UTC
8785,#round3,4463,Story,25699,2019-08-29 18:04:18 UTC,2019-08-29 18:04:18 UTC
8788,#round3,4463,Story,25702,2019-08-29 18:06:25 UTC,2019-08-29 18:06:25 UTC
8789,#round3,4463,Story,25703,2019-08-29 18:06:55 UTC,2019-08-29 18:06:55 UTC
8790,#round3,4463,Story,25704,2019-08-29 18:07:24 UTC,2019-08-29 18:07:24 UTC
8791,#round3,4463,Story,25705,2019-08-29 18:07:47 UTC,2019-08-29 18:07:47 UTC
8808,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25725,2019-08-30 21:56:48 UTC,2019-08-30 21:56:48 UTC
8809,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25726,2019-08-30 22:00:18 UTC,2019-08-30 22:00:18 UTC
8814,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25731,2019-08-30 22:07:06 UTC,2019-08-30 22:07:06 UTC
#round3",4447,Story,25776,2019-08-31 17:15:58 UTC,2019-08-31 17:15:58 UTC
#round3",4447,Story,25777,2019-08-31 17:16:11 UTC,2019-08-31 17:16:11 UTC
#round3",4447,Story,25778,2019-08-31 17:16:24 UTC,2019-08-31 17:16:24 UTC
8874,#round3,4463,Story,25798,2019-08-31 19:47:11 UTC,2019-08-31 19:47:11 UTC
8880,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25804,2019-08-31 19:51:10 UTC,2019-08-31 19:51:10 UTC
8883,#round3,4463,Story,25807,2019-08-31 19:53:30 UTC,2019-08-31 19:53:30 UTC
6068,Tree has been removed and replaced with a young elm Hy rid.,4380,Story,22465,2019-05-28 01:07:08 UTC,2019-05-28 01:07:08 UTC
6071,"#stepmonnitored #notreehere #roundone Tree has been removed, no replanting.",4380,Story,22468,2019-05-28 01:20:26 UTC,2019-05-28 01:20:26 UTC
8509,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,25409,2019-08-26 02:31:53 UTC,2019-08-26 02:31:53 UTC
8510,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,25410,2019-08-26 02:32:34 UTC,2019-08-26 02:32:34 UTC
8511,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25411,2019-08-26 02:33:19 UTC,2019-08-26 02:33:19 UTC
8512,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,25412,2019-08-26 02:34:16 UTC,2019-08-26 02:34:16 UTC
8513,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,25413,2019-08-26 02:35:03 UTC,2019-08-26 02:35:03 UTC
8519,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25419,2019-08-26 02:39:09 UTC,2019-08-26 02:39:09 UTC
8565,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25466,2019-08-27 16:21:11 UTC,2019-08-27 16:21:11 UTC
8684,#round3 #leafbeetle,4462,Story,25588,2019-08-28 04:06:36 UTC,2019-08-28 04:06:36 UTC
8689,#round3,4462,Story,25594,2019-08-28 04:12:35 UTC,2019-08-28 04:12:35 UTC
8766,#round3,4462,Story,25680,2019-08-29 08:24:47 UTC,2019-08-29 08:24:47 UTC
8767,#round3,4462,Story,25681,2019-08-29 08:28:24 UTC,2019-08-29 08:28:24 UTC
8768,#round3,4462,Story,25682,2019-08-29 08:31:03 UTC,2019-08-29 08:31:03 UTC
8769,#round3,4462,Story,25683,2019-08-29 08:32:01 UTC,2019-08-29 08:32:01 UTC
8781,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25695,2019-08-29 18:02:03 UTC,2019-08-29 18:02:03 UTC
8783,#found3,4463,Story,25697,2019-08-29 18:02:57 UTC,2019-08-29 18:02:57 UTC
8787,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25701,2019-08-29 18:05:48 UTC,2019-08-29 18:05:48 UTC
8793,#round3,4463,Story,25707,2019-08-29 18:08:54 UTC,2019-08-29 18:08:54 UTC
8794,#round3,4463,Story,25708,2019-08-29 18:09:21 UTC,2019-08-29 18:09:21 UTC
8796,#round3,4463,Story,25710,2019-08-29 18:10:09 UTC,2019-08-29 18:10:09 UTC
8797,#round3,4463,Story,25711,2019-08-29 18:10:35 UTC,2019-08-29 18:10:35 UTC
8798,#round3,4463,Story,25712,2019-08-29 18:11:02 UTC,2019-08-29 18:11:02 UTC
8810,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25727,2019-08-30 22:02:14 UTC,2019-08-30 22:02:14 UTC
8811,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25728,2019-08-30 22:02:59 UTC,2019-08-30 22:02:59 UTC
8812,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25729,2019-08-30 22:05:48 UTC,2019-08-30 22:05:48 UTC
8813,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25730,2019-08-30 22:06:22 UTC,2019-08-30 22:06:22 UTC
8816,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25735,2019-08-30 22:14:14 UTC,2019-08-30 22:14:14 UTC
#round3",4447,Story,25779,2019-08-31 17:16:40 UTC,2019-08-31 17:16:40 UTC
8865,#round3,4447,Story,25789,2019-08-31 17:19:47 UTC,2019-08-31 17:19:47 UTC
8866,#round3,4447,Story,25790,2019-08-31 17:19:58 UTC,2019-08-31 17:19:58 UTC
8867,#round3,4447,Story,25791,2019-08-31 17:20:12 UTC,2019-08-31 17:20:12 UTC
8900,#stepmonitored #round3 #dedsymptoms,4340,Story,25842,2019-09-01 22:55:41 UTC,2019-09-01 22:55:41 UTC
8910,#round3,4462,Story,25860,2019-09-02 05:29:03 UTC,2019-09-02 05:29:03 UTC
8916,#round3,4342,Story,25866,2019-09-02 17:46:06 UTC,2019-09-02 17:46:06 UTC
8918,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25868,2019-09-02 19:29:26 UTC,2019-09-02 19:29:26 UTC
6069,#roundone #stepmonnitored #notreehere,4380,Story,22466,2019-05-28 01:09:10 UTC,2019-05-28 01:09:10 UTC
8514,#stepmoniotred #round2,4393,Story,25414,2019-08-26 02:35:34 UTC,2019-08-26 02:35:34 UTC
8515,#strpmonitored #round2,4393,Story,25415,2019-08-26 02:36:14 UTC,2019-08-26 02:36:14 UTC
8516,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,25416,2019-08-26 02:36:50 UTC,2019-08-26 02:36:50 UTC
8517,#stepmonitored #round2,4393,Story,25417,2019-08-26 02:37:34 UTC,2019-08-26 02:37:34 UTC
8520,#strpmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25420,2019-08-26 02:39:39 UTC,2019-08-26 02:39:39 UTC
8566,#srepmonitored #round3 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,25467,2019-08-27 16:32:56 UTC,2019-08-27 16:32:56 UTC
8698, #round3,4462,Story,25603,2019-08-28 04:37:33 UTC,2019-08-28 04:37:33 UTC
8699, #round3,4462,Story,25604,2019-08-28 04:43:40 UTC,2019-08-28 04:43:40 UTC
8782,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25696,2019-08-29 18:02:31 UTC,2019-08-29 18:02:31 UTC
8815,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25732,2019-08-30 22:10:28 UTC,2019-08-30 22:10:28 UTC
8817,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25734,2019-08-30 22:14:14 UTC,2019-08-30 22:14:14 UTC
8856,#round3,4447,Story,25780,2019-08-31 17:17:16 UTC,2019-08-31 17:17:16 UTC
8857,#round3,4447,Story,25781,2019-08-31 17:17:43 UTC,2019-08-31 17:17:43 UTC
8858,#round3,4447,Story,25782,2019-08-31 17:17:56 UTC,2019-08-31 17:17:56 UTC
8859,#round3,4447,Story,25783,2019-08-31 17:18:09 UTC,2019-08-31 17:18:09 UTC
8861,#round3,4447,Story,25785,2019-08-31 17:18:36 UTC,2019-08-31 17:18:36 UTC
8862,#round3,4447,Story,25786,2019-08-31 17:18:56 UTC,2019-08-31 17:18:56 UTC
#round3",4447,Story,25788,2019-08-31 17:19:34 UTC,2019-08-31 17:19:34 UTC
#round3",4447,Story,25793,2019-08-31 17:20:57 UTC,2019-08-31 17:20:57 UTC
#round3",4447,Story,25794,2019-08-31 17:21:08 UTC,2019-08-31 17:21:08 UTC
8911,#round3,4462,Story,25861,2019-09-02 05:29:37 UTC,2019-09-02 05:29:37 UTC
8913,#round3,4462,Story,25863,2019-09-02 05:31:25 UTC,2019-09-02 05:31:25 UTC
8917,#Round3. #dedsymptoms,4462,Story,25867,2019-09-02 17:55:17 UTC,2019-09-02 17:55:17 UTC
6070,#roundone #stepmonnitored #notreehere tree has been removed. No replanting.,4380,Story,22467,2019-05-28 01:15:27 UTC,2019-05-28 01:15:27 UTC
8567,#stepmonitored round3 ,4393,Story,25468,2019-08-27 16:45:44 UTC,2019-08-27 16:45:44 UTC
8786,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25700,2019-08-29 18:05:20 UTC,2019-08-29 18:05:20 UTC
8792,#round3,4463,Story,25706,2019-08-29 18:08:32 UTC,2019-08-29 18:08:32 UTC
8860,#round3,4447,Story,25784,2019-08-31 17:18:21 UTC,2019-08-31 17:18:21 UTC
8863,#round3,4447,Story,25787,2019-08-31 17:19:10 UTC,2019-08-31 17:19:10 UTC
8868,#round3,4447,Story,25792,2019-08-31 17:20:25 UTC,2019-08-31 17:20:25 UTC
8901,#stepmonitored #round3 #leafbeetle,4340,Story,25845,2019-09-01 23:01:40 UTC,2019-09-01 23:01:40 UTC
8912,#round3,4462,Story,25862,2019-09-02 05:30:26 UTC,2019-09-02 05:30:26 UTC
8914,#round3,4462,Story,25864,2019-09-02 05:33:58 UTC,2019-09-02 05:33:58 UTC
8915,#round3,4462,Story,25865,2019-09-02 05:35:35 UTC,2019-09-02 05:35:35 UTC
8902,#stepmonitored #round3 #leafbeetle ,4340,Story,25847,2019-09-01 23:09:19 UTC,2019-09-01 23:09:19 UTC
8919,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,25879,2019-09-03 17:01:20 UTC,2019-09-03 17:01:20 UTC
8921,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,25881,2019-09-03 17:02:07 UTC,2019-09-03 17:02:07 UTC
6072,#stepmonnitored #roundone ,4380,Story,22469,2019-05-28 01:30:39 UTC,2019-05-28 01:30:39 UTC
6073,#dedsymptoms #stepmonnitored #roundone ,4380,Story,22470,2019-05-28 01:37:25 UTC,2019-05-28 01:37:25 UTC
6182,#stepmonitored  #round1,4463,Story,22655,2019-05-30 17:22:27 UTC,2019-05-30 17:22:27 UTC
6183,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22656,2019-05-30 17:25:56 UTC,2019-05-30 17:25:56 UTC
6184,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22657,2019-05-30 17:27:52 UTC,2019-05-30 17:27:52 UTC
6188,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22661,2019-05-30 17:30:56 UTC,2019-05-30 17:30:56 UTC
8568,#stepmonitored #round 3 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,25469,2019-08-27 16:53:31 UTC,2019-08-27 16:53:31 UTC
8702,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25607,2019-08-28 04:45:45 UTC,2019-08-28 04:45:45 UTC
8703, #round3,4462,Story,25608,2019-08-28 04:48:34 UTC,2019-08-28 04:48:34 UTC
8709, #round3 #leafbeetle,4462,Story,25614,2019-08-28 04:53:28 UTC,2019-08-28 04:53:28 UTC
8711, #round3,4462,Story,25617,2019-08-28 04:58:34 UTC,2019-08-28 04:58:34 UTC
8795,#round3,4463,Story,25709,2019-08-29 18:09:44 UTC,2019-08-29 18:09:44 UTC
8818,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25736,2019-08-30 22:15:59 UTC,2019-08-30 22:15:59 UTC
8903,#stepmonitored #round3 #leafbeetle,4340,Story,25848,2019-09-01 23:10:54 UTC,2019-09-01 23:10:54 UTC
8904,#stepmonitored #round3 #leafbeetle,4340,Story,25849,2019-09-01 23:14:53 UTC,2019-09-01 23:14:53 UTC
8920,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,25880,2019-09-03 17:01:32 UTC,2019-09-03 17:01:32 UTC
6074,#stepmonnitored #roundone ,4380,Story,22471,2019-05-28 01:42:05 UTC,2019-05-28 01:42:05 UTC
6181,#stepmonitored #round1,4463,Story,22654,2019-05-30 17:20:24 UTC,2019-05-30 17:20:24 UTC
6185,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22658,2019-05-30 17:29:30 UTC,2019-05-30 17:29:30 UTC
8569,#stepmonitored #round3 #dedsymptoms,4393,Story,25470,2019-08-27 17:06:27 UTC,2019-08-27 17:06:27 UTC
8706, #round3,4462,Story,25611,2019-08-28 04:50:46 UTC,2019-08-28 04:50:46 UTC
8712, #round3 ,4462,Story,25618,2019-08-28 04:58:34 UTC,2019-08-28 04:58:34 UTC
8714,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25620,2019-08-28 05:01:18 UTC,2019-08-28 05:01:18 UTC
8716,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25622,2019-08-28 05:05:03 UTC,2019-08-28 05:05:03 UTC
8722,#stepmonitored #round3,4462,Story,25630,2019-08-28 05:16:06 UTC,2019-08-28 05:16:06 UTC
8819,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25737,2019-08-30 22:27:21 UTC,2019-08-30 22:27:21 UTC
8885,#stepmonitored  #round3 ,4458,Story,25827,2019-09-01 16:15:24 UTC,2019-09-01 16:15:24 UTC
8905,#stepmonitored #round3 #leafbeetle,4340,Story,25851,2019-09-01 23:20:49 UTC,2019-09-01 23:20:49 UTC
8922,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,25882,2019-09-03 17:02:18 UTC,2019-09-03 17:02:18 UTC
6075,#stepmonitored #round1,4348,Story,22472,2019-05-28 02:26:48 UTC,2019-05-28 02:26:48 UTC
6081,#stepmonitored #round1,4348,Story,22478,2019-05-28 02:31:16 UTC,2019-05-28 02:31:16 UTC
6087,#stepmonitored #round1,4348,Story,22484,2019-05-28 02:35:21 UTC,2019-05-28 02:35:21 UTC
6186,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22659,2019-05-30 17:30:00 UTC,2019-05-30 17:30:00 UTC
6187,#stepmonitored #roundone,4464,Story,22660,2019-05-30 17:30:43 UTC,2019-05-30 17:30:43 UTC
6189,"#stepmonitored #round1 no signs of DED, but this tree looks in bad shape :( ",4464,Story,22662,2019-05-30 17:37:05 UTC,2019-05-30 17:37:05 UTC
8570,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25471,2019-08-27 17:09:11 UTC,2019-08-27 17:09:11 UTC
8571,#treeremoved,4424,Story,25472,2019-08-27 17:09:42 UTC,2019-08-27 17:09:42 UTC
8820,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25738,2019-08-30 22:28:18 UTC,2019-08-30 22:28:18 UTC
8886,#stepmonitored  #round3 broken branch on park side. ,4458,Story,25828,2019-09-01 16:16:40 UTC,2019-09-01 16:16:40 UTC
8887,#stepmonitored  #round3 ,4458,Story,25829,2019-09-01 16:17:17 UTC,2019-09-01 16:17:17 UTC
8888,#treeremoved ?,4458,Story,25830,2019-09-01 16:18:07 UTC,2019-09-01 16:18:07 UTC
8906,#stepmonitored #round3 #dedsymptoms,4340,Story,25853,2019-09-01 23:31:05 UTC,2019-09-01 23:31:05 UTC
8907,#stepmonitored #round3 #leafbeetle,4340,Story,25855,2019-09-01 23:37:51 UTC,2019-09-01 23:37:51 UTC
8923,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,25883,2019-09-03 17:02:28 UTC,2019-09-03 17:02:28 UTC
6076,#stepmonitored #round1,4348,Story,22473,2019-05-28 02:27:52 UTC,2019-05-28 02:27:52 UTC
6077,#stepmonitored #round1,4348,Story,22474,2019-05-28 02:28:13 UTC,2019-05-28 02:28:13 UTC
6078,#stepmonitored #round1,4348,Story,22475,2019-05-28 02:28:31 UTC,2019-05-28 02:28:31 UTC
6084,#stepmonitored #round1,4348,Story,22481,2019-05-28 02:33:53 UTC,2019-05-28 02:33:53 UTC
6085,#stepmonitored #round1,4348,Story,22482,2019-05-28 02:34:50 UTC,2019-05-28 02:34:50 UTC
8572,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25473,2019-08-27 17:35:46 UTC,2019-08-27 17:35:46 UTC
8713,#leafbeetle,4462,Story,25619,2019-08-28 04:59:57 UTC,2019-08-28 04:59:57 UTC
8720,#round3,4462,Story,25628,2019-08-28 05:10:46 UTC,2019-08-28 05:10:46 UTC
8721, #round3,4462,Story,25629,2019-08-28 05:10:46 UTC,2019-08-28 05:10:46 UTC
8724, #round3,4462,Story,25632,2019-08-28 05:17:32 UTC,2019-08-28 05:17:32 UTC
8731,#round3,4462,Story,25640,2019-08-28 05:27:43 UTC,2019-08-28 05:27:43 UTC
8734,#round3 ,4462,Story,25643,2019-08-28 05:35:35 UTC,2019-08-28 05:35:35 UTC
8889,#stepmonitored  #round3 ,4458,Story,25831,2019-09-01 16:18:50 UTC,2019-09-01 16:18:50 UTC
8891,#treeremoved  ? ,4458,Story,25833,2019-09-01 16:19:54 UTC,2019-09-01 16:19:54 UTC
8894,#round3,4463,Story,25836,2019-09-01 16:23:33 UTC,2019-09-01 16:23:33 UTC
8896,#stepmonitored #dedsymptoms  #round3 ,4458,Story,25838,2019-09-01 16:26:41 UTC,2019-09-01 16:26:41 UTC
8898,#stepmonitored  #round3 ,4458,Story,25840,2019-09-01 16:29:56 UTC,2019-09-01 16:29:56 UTC
8899,#stepmonitored  #round3 ,4458,Story,25841,2019-09-01 16:30:35 UTC,2019-09-01 16:30:35 UTC
6079,#stepmonitored #round1,4348,Story,22476,2019-05-28 02:28:56 UTC,2019-05-28 02:28:56 UTC
6083,"#stepmonitored #round1 This tree is misplaced, AND there are 2 trees on this block.",4348,Story,22480,2019-05-28 02:32:12 UTC,2019-05-28 02:32:12 UTC
6190,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22665,2019-05-30 17:52:51 UTC,2019-05-30 17:52:51 UTC
8573,"wrong tree
",4463,Story,25474,2019-08-27 18:13:48 UTC,2019-08-27 18:15:52 UTC
8575,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25476,2019-08-27 18:17:47 UTC,2019-08-27 18:17:47 UTC
8579,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25480,2019-08-27 18:19:45 UTC,2019-08-27 18:19:45 UTC
8580,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25481,2019-08-27 18:20:21 UTC,2019-08-27 18:20:21 UTC
8584,some yellowing of leaves and drooping of leaves at top of tree,4463,Story,25485,2019-08-27 18:24:25 UTC,2019-08-27 18:24:25 UTC
8585,"#stepmonitored #round3
some yellowing of leaves and drooping of leaves at top of tree",4463,Story,25486,2019-08-27 18:25:24 UTC,2019-08-27 18:25:24 UTC
8586,#round3,4463,Story,25487,2019-08-27 18:26:34 UTC,2019-08-27 18:26:34 UTC
8589,#round3,4463,Story,25490,2019-08-27 18:29:03 UTC,2019-08-27 18:29:03 UTC
8590,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25491,2019-08-27 18:29:34 UTC,2019-08-27 18:29:34 UTC
8594,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25495,2019-08-27 18:31:38 UTC,2019-08-27 18:31:38 UTC
8602,#round3,4463,Story,25503,2019-08-27 18:35:11 UTC,2019-08-27 18:35:11 UTC
8603,#round3,4463,Story,25504,2019-08-27 18:35:35 UTC,2019-08-27 18:35:35 UTC
8605,#round3,4463,Story,25506,2019-08-27 18:36:19 UTC,2019-08-27 18:36:19 UTC
8606,#round3,4463,Story,25507,2019-08-27 18:36:42 UTC,2019-08-27 18:36:42 UTC
8607,#round3,4463,Story,25508,2019-08-27 18:37:02 UTC,2019-08-27 18:37:02 UTC
8609,#round3,4463,Story,25510,2019-08-27 18:37:46 UTC,2019-08-27 18:37:46 UTC
8610,#round3,4463,Story,25511,2019-08-27 18:39:59 UTC,2019-08-27 18:39:59 UTC
8613,#round3,4463,Story,25514,2019-08-27 18:40:52 UTC,2019-08-27 18:40:52 UTC
8615,#round3,4463,Story,25516,2019-08-27 18:41:25 UTC,2019-08-27 18:41:25 UTC
8618,#round3,4463,Story,25519,2019-08-27 18:42:17 UTC,2019-08-27 18:42:17 UTC
8619,#round3,4463,Story,25520,2019-08-27 18:42:36 UTC,2019-08-27 18:42:36 UTC
8620,#round3,4463,Story,25521,2019-08-27 18:42:59 UTC,2019-08-27 18:42:59 UTC
8621,#round3,4463,Story,25522,2019-08-27 18:43:20 UTC,2019-08-27 18:43:20 UTC
8718, #round3,4462,Story,25625,2019-08-28 05:06:11 UTC,2019-08-28 05:06:11 UTC
8821,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25740,2019-08-30 22:31:04 UTC,2019-08-30 22:31:04 UTC
8823,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25742,2019-08-30 22:31:36 UTC,2019-08-30 22:31:36 UTC
8825,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25744,2019-08-30 22:33:43 UTC,2019-08-30 22:33:43 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25751,2019-08-30 22:44:44 UTC,2019-08-30 22:44:44 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25753,2019-08-30 22:45:40 UTC,2019-08-30 22:45:40 UTC
8890,#stepmonitored  #round3 ,4458,Story,25832,2019-09-01 16:19:18 UTC,2019-09-01 16:19:18 UTC
8892,#treeremoved  ?,4458,Story,25834,2019-09-01 16:20:30 UTC,2019-09-01 16:20:30 UTC
8908,#stepmonitored #round3 #squirreldamage #leafbeetle,4340,Story,25857,2019-09-01 23:40:24 UTC,2019-09-01 23:40:24 UTC
6080,#stepmonitored #round1,4348,Story,22477,2019-05-28 02:29:09 UTC,2019-05-28 02:29:09 UTC
6082,#stepmonitored #round1,4348,Story,22479,2019-05-28 02:31:34 UTC,2019-05-28 02:31:34 UTC
8574,#round3 #dedsymptoms,4463,Story,25475,2019-08-27 18:17:13 UTC,2019-08-27 18:17:13 UTC
8581,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25482,2019-08-27 18:22:39 UTC,2019-08-27 18:22:39 UTC
8719, #round3,4462,Story,25626,2019-08-28 05:07:13 UTC,2019-08-28 05:07:13 UTC
8822,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25741,2019-08-30 22:31:04 UTC,2019-08-30 22:31:04 UTC
#round3",4462,Story,25747,2019-08-30 22:41:01 UTC,2019-08-30 22:41:01 UTC
8893,#stepmonitored  possible  #dedsymptoms tree heavily stressed two adjacent tree removed.,4458,Story,25835,2019-09-01 16:21:59 UTC,2019-09-01 16:21:59 UTC
8895,#stepmonitored  #round3 ,4458,Story,25837,2019-09-01 16:25:42 UTC,2019-09-01 16:25:42 UTC
8909,#stepmonitored #round3 #leafbeetle,4340,Story,25859,2019-09-01 23:56:12 UTC,2019-09-01 23:56:12 UTC
6086,#stepmonitored #round1,4348,Story,22483,2019-05-28 02:35:07 UTC,2019-05-28 02:35:07 UTC
6192,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22671,2019-05-30 18:30:43 UTC,2019-05-30 18:30:43 UTC
8576,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25477,2019-08-27 18:18:16 UTC,2019-08-27 18:18:16 UTC
8578,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25479,2019-08-27 18:19:14 UTC,2019-08-27 18:19:14 UTC
8723, #round3,4462,Story,25631,2019-08-28 05:16:35 UTC,2019-08-28 05:16:35 UTC
8725, #round3,4462,Story,25633,2019-08-28 05:19:00 UTC,2019-08-28 05:19:00 UTC
8726, #round3,4462,Story,25634,2019-08-28 05:19:51 UTC,2019-08-28 05:19:51 UTC
8727, #round3,4462,Story,25635,2019-08-28 05:21:09 UTC,2019-08-28 05:21:09 UTC
8728, #round3,4462,Story,25636,2019-08-28 05:21:53 UTC,2019-08-28 05:21:53 UTC
8730, #round3,4462,Story,25639,2019-08-28 05:27:43 UTC,2019-08-28 05:27:43 UTC
8735,#round3,4462,Story,25644,2019-08-28 05:36:20 UTC,2019-08-28 05:36:20 UTC
8824,#stepmonitored #round3,4409,Story,25743,2019-08-30 22:32:33 UTC,2019-08-30 22:32:33 UTC
#round3",4462,Story,25746,2019-08-30 22:40:31 UTC,2019-08-30 22:40:31 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25749,2019-08-30 22:44:08 UTC,2019-08-30 22:44:08 UTC
8829,#treeremoved ??,4462,Story,25750,2019-08-30 22:44:08 UTC,2019-08-30 22:44:08 UTC
8897,#stepmonitored  #round3 ,4458,Story,25839,2019-09-01 16:27:45 UTC,2019-09-01 16:27:45 UTC
6196,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22679,2019-05-30 18:37:17 UTC,2019-05-30 18:37:17 UTC
8577,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25478,2019-08-27 18:18:44 UTC,2019-08-27 18:18:44 UTC
8582,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25483,2019-08-27 18:23:08 UTC,2019-08-27 18:23:08 UTC
8593,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25494,2019-08-27 18:31:07 UTC,2019-08-27 18:31:07 UTC
8598,#round3,4463,Story,25499,2019-08-27 18:33:29 UTC,2019-08-27 18:33:29 UTC
8599,#round3,4463,Story,25500,2019-08-27 18:33:54 UTC,2019-08-27 18:33:54 UTC
8600,#round3,4463,Story,25501,2019-08-27 18:34:16 UTC,2019-08-27 18:34:16 UTC
8729, #round3,4462,Story,25637,2019-08-28 05:24:14 UTC,2019-08-28 05:24:14 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25752,2019-08-30 22:45:12 UTC,2019-08-30 22:45:12 UTC
6191,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22670,2019-05-30 18:30:13 UTC,2019-05-30 18:30:13 UTC
6193,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22672,2019-05-30 18:31:14 UTC,2019-05-30 18:31:14 UTC
6195,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22676,2019-05-30 18:35:11 UTC,2019-05-30 18:35:11 UTC
6197,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22680,2019-05-30 18:37:57 UTC,2019-05-30 18:37:57 UTC
8583,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25484,2019-08-27 18:23:39 UTC,2019-08-27 18:23:39 UTC
8587,#round3,4463,Story,25488,2019-08-27 18:27:57 UTC,2019-08-27 18:27:57 UTC
8588,#round3,4463,Story,25489,2019-08-27 18:28:24 UTC,2019-08-27 18:28:24 UTC
8591,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25492,2019-08-27 18:30:12 UTC,2019-08-27 18:30:12 UTC
8592,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25493,2019-08-27 18:30:39 UTC,2019-08-27 18:30:39 UTC
8595,#stepmonitored #round3,4463,Story,25496,2019-08-27 18:32:06 UTC,2019-08-27 18:32:06 UTC
8596,#round3,4463,Story,25497,2019-08-27 18:32:40 UTC,2019-08-27 18:32:40 UTC
8597,#round3,4463,Story,25498,2019-08-27 18:33:05 UTC,2019-08-27 18:33:05 UTC
8616,#round3,4463,Story,25517,2019-08-27 18:41:40 UTC,2019-08-27 18:41:40 UTC
8617,#round3,4463,Story,25518,2019-08-27 18:41:59 UTC,2019-08-27 18:41:59 UTC
8622,#round3,4463,Story,25523,2019-08-27 18:43:39 UTC,2019-08-27 18:43:39 UTC
8624,#round3,4463,Story,25525,2019-08-27 18:44:16 UTC,2019-08-27 18:44:16 UTC
8627,#round3,4463,Story,25528,2019-08-27 18:45:23 UTC,2019-08-27 18:45:23 UTC
8738,This tree is gone,4462,Story,25647,2019-08-28 06:29:19 UTC,2019-08-28 06:29:19 UTC
8739,#round3 #stepmonitored,4462,Story,25648,2019-08-28 06:33:52 UTC,2019-08-28 06:33:52 UTC
8741,#round3,4462,Story,25650,2019-08-28 06:38:44 UTC,2019-08-28 06:38:44 UTC
8744,#round3,4462,Story,25653,2019-08-28 06:40:31 UTC,2019-08-28 06:40:31 UTC
8750,#round3,4462,Story,25659,2019-08-28 06:46:44 UTC,2019-08-28 06:46:44 UTC
8751,#round3,4462,Story,25660,2019-08-28 06:47:43 UTC,2019-08-28 06:47:43 UTC
8753,#round3,4462,Story,25662,2019-08-28 06:49:01 UTC,2019-08-28 06:49:01 UTC
8756,#round3,4462,Story,25665,2019-08-28 06:53:17 UTC,2019-08-28 06:53:17 UTC
8736,#round3 #stepmonitored #leafbeetles?  This tree looks dead,4462,Story,25645,2019-08-28 06:25:33 UTC,2019-08-28 06:25:33 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25757,2019-08-30 22:48:15 UTC,2019-08-30 22:48:15 UTC
#round3 #stepmonitored",4462,Story,25758,2019-08-30 22:48:54 UTC,2019-08-30 22:48:54 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25761,2019-08-30 22:52:16 UTC,2019-08-30 22:52:16 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25762,2019-08-30 22:53:26 UTC,2019-08-30 22:53:26 UTC
6194,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22674,2019-05-30 18:33:08 UTC,2019-05-30 18:33:08 UTC
6198,#stepmonitored #round1,4464,Story,22682,2019-05-30 18:41:27 UTC,2019-05-30 18:41:27 UTC
8601,#round3,4463,Story,25502,2019-08-27 18:34:47 UTC,2019-08-27 18:34:47 UTC
8604,#round3,4463,Story,25505,2019-08-27 18:35:56 UTC,2019-08-27 18:35:56 UTC
8611,#round3,4463,Story,25512,2019-08-27 18:40:14 UTC,2019-08-27 18:40:14 UTC
8612,#round3,4463,Story,25513,2019-08-27 18:40:31 UTC,2019-08-27 18:40:31 UTC
8614,#round3,4463,Story,25515,2019-08-27 18:41:08 UTC,2019-08-27 18:41:08 UTC
8623,#round3,4463,Story,25524,2019-08-27 18:43:58 UTC,2019-08-27 18:43:58 UTC
8625,#round3,4463,Story,25526,2019-08-27 18:44:37 UTC,2019-08-27 18:44:37 UTC
8737,#round3 #stepmonitored,4462,Story,25646,2019-08-28 06:27:39 UTC,2019-08-28 06:27:39 UTC
8743,#round3,4462,Story,25652,2019-08-28 06:40:06 UTC,2019-08-28 06:40:06 UTC
8745,#round3,4462,Story,25654,2019-08-28 06:41:43 UTC,2019-08-28 06:41:43 UTC
8746,#round3,4462,Story,25655,2019-08-28 06:42:04 UTC,2019-08-28 06:42:04 UTC
8747,#round3,4462,Story,25656,2019-08-28 06:42:47 UTC,2019-08-28 06:42:47 UTC
8748,#round3,4462,Story,25657,2019-08-28 06:43:35 UTC,2019-08-28 06:43:35 UTC
8752,#round3,4462,Story,25661,2019-08-28 06:48:40 UTC,2019-08-28 06:48:40 UTC
8755,#leafbeetles,4462,Story,25664,2019-08-28 06:51:53 UTC,2019-08-28 06:51:53 UTC
8757,#treeremoved,4462,Story,25666,2019-08-28 06:54:56 UTC,2019-08-28 06:54:56 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25755,2019-08-30 22:47:45 UTC,2019-08-30 22:47:45 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25756,2019-08-30 22:47:45 UTC,2019-08-30 22:47:45 UTC
8608,#round3,4463,Story,25509,2019-08-27 18:37:24 UTC,2019-08-27 18:37:24 UTC
8740,#round3 #stepmonitored,4462,Story,25649,2019-08-28 06:35:13 UTC,2019-08-28 06:35:13 UTC
8742,#round3,4462,Story,25651,2019-08-28 06:39:14 UTC,2019-08-28 06:39:14 UTC
8749,#round3,4462,Story,25658,2019-08-28 06:45:00 UTC,2019-08-28 06:45:00 UTC
8754,#round3,4462,Story,25663,2019-08-28 06:50:45 UTC,2019-08-28 06:50:45 UTC
#round3 #stepmonitored",4462,Story,25759,2019-08-30 22:49:50 UTC,2019-08-30 22:49:50 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25760,2019-08-30 22:51:19 UTC,2019-08-30 22:51:19 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25764,2019-08-30 22:54:17 UTC,2019-08-30 22:54:17 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25765,2019-08-30 22:55:09 UTC,2019-08-30 22:55:09 UTC
8848,#treeremoved,4462,Story,25770,2019-08-30 22:59:32 UTC,2019-08-30 22:59:32 UTC
8849,"#dedsymptom  ?
",4462,Story,25771,2019-08-30 23:04:49 UTC,2019-08-30 23:04:49 UTC
8851,#dedsymptoms,4462,Story,25773,2019-08-30 23:09:03 UTC,2019-08-30 23:09:03 UTC
8947,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26074,2019-09-06 16:09:04 UTC,2019-09-06 16:09:04 UTC
8948,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26075,2019-09-06 16:09:15 UTC,2019-09-06 16:09:15 UTC
8949,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26076,2019-09-06 16:09:27 UTC,2019-09-06 16:09:27 UTC
8626,#round3,4463,Story,25527,2019-08-27 18:45:04 UTC,2019-08-27 18:45:04 UTC
#round3",4462,Story,25763,2019-08-30 22:53:56 UTC,2019-08-30 22:53:56 UTC
#round3",4462,Story,25769,2019-08-30 22:58:20 UTC,2019-08-30 22:58:20 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25772,2019-08-30 23:07:07 UTC,2019-08-30 23:07:07 UTC
8950,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26077,2019-09-06 16:09:41 UTC,2019-09-06 16:09:41 UTC
8951,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26078,2019-09-06 16:10:06 UTC,2019-09-06 16:10:06 UTC
8952,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26079,2019-09-06 16:10:53 UTC,2019-09-06 16:10:53 UTC
8954,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26081,2019-09-06 16:11:24 UTC,2019-09-06 16:11:24 UTC
8955,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26082,2019-09-06 16:11:34 UTC,2019-09-06 16:11:34 UTC
8956,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26083,2019-09-06 16:11:46 UTC,2019-09-06 16:11:46 UTC
8957,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26084,2019-09-06 16:12:42 UTC,2019-09-06 16:12:42 UTC
8961,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26088,2019-09-06 16:13:33 UTC,2019-09-06 16:13:33 UTC
8629,#stepmonitored #round3,4332,Story,25530,2019-08-27 19:37:45 UTC,2019-08-27 19:37:45 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25767,2019-08-30 22:57:11 UTC,2019-08-30 22:57:11 UTC
#round3 ",4462,Story,25768,2019-08-30 22:57:11 UTC,2019-08-30 22:57:11 UTC
8953,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26080,2019-09-06 16:11:07 UTC,2019-09-06 16:11:07 UTC
8958,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26085,2019-09-06 16:12:53 UTC,2019-09-06 16:12:53 UTC
8959,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26086,2019-09-06 16:13:06 UTC,2019-09-06 16:13:06 UTC
8960,#stepmonitored #round1,4089,Story,26087,2019-09-06 16:13:21 UTC,2019-09-06 16:13:21 UTC
8630,#stepmonitored #round3,4332,Story,25531,2019-08-27 19:40:11 UTC,2019-08-27 19:40:11 UTC
8632,#stepmonitored #round3,4332,Story,25533,2019-08-27 19:47:40 UTC,2019-08-27 19:47:40 UTC
8631,#stepmonitored #round3 #squirreldamage,4332,Story,25532,2019-08-27 19:45:28 UTC,2019-08-27 19:45:28 UTC
8633,#tound3,4332,Story,25536,2019-08-27 20:06:52 UTC,2019-08-27 20:06:52 UTC
8634,#round3,4332,Story,25535,2019-08-27 20:06:52 UTC,2019-08-27 20:06:52 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22702,2019-05-30 20:16:08 UTC,2019-05-30 20:16:08 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22704,2019-05-30 20:22:19 UTC,2019-05-30 20:22:19 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22705,2019-05-30 20:22:43 UTC,2019-05-30 20:22:43 UTC
8635,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25537,2019-08-27 21:03:50 UTC,2019-08-27 21:03:50 UTC
8638,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25540,2019-08-27 21:06:24 UTC,2019-08-27 21:06:24 UTC
8641,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25543,2019-08-27 21:10:24 UTC,2019-08-27 21:10:24 UTC
8642,#stepmonitored #round3 #treeremoved,4393,Story,25544,2019-08-27 21:11:22 UTC,2019-08-27 21:11:22 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22703,2019-05-30 20:21:01 UTC,2019-05-30 20:21:01 UTC
8636,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25538,2019-08-27 21:04:48 UTC,2019-08-27 21:04:48 UTC
8637,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25539,2019-08-27 21:05:47 UTC,2019-08-27 21:05:47 UTC
8643,#stepmonitored #round3 #treeremoved,4393,Story,25545,2019-08-27 21:12:00 UTC,2019-08-27 21:12:00 UTC
8646,#round3,4393,Story,25548,2019-08-27 21:19:48 UTC,2019-08-27 21:19:48 UTC
8647,#round3,4393,Story,25549,2019-08-27 21:20:13 UTC,2019-08-27 21:20:13 UTC
8648,#round3,4393,Story,25550,2019-08-27 21:21:30 UTC,2019-08-27 21:21:30 UTC
8649,#dedsymptoms,4393,Story,25551,2019-08-27 21:23:35 UTC,2019-08-27 21:23:35 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,22713,2019-05-30 21:12:55 UTC,2019-05-30 21:12:55 UTC
8639,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25541,2019-08-27 21:07:54 UTC,2019-08-27 21:07:54 UTC
8640,#stepmonitored #round3,4393,Story,25542,2019-08-27 21:08:57 UTC,2019-08-27 21:08:57 UTC
6210,#squirrels?,4424,Story,22716,2019-05-30 21:24:23 UTC,2019-05-30 21:24:23 UTC
#squirrels?",4424,Story,22709,2019-05-30 21:04:10 UTC,2019-05-30 21:04:10 UTC
8644,#round3,4393,Story,25546,2019-08-27 21:19:04 UTC,2019-08-27 21:19:04 UTC
8645,#round3,4393,Story,25547,2019-08-27 21:19:30 UTC,2019-08-27 21:19:30 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22710,2019-05-30 21:10:45 UTC,2019-05-30 21:10:45 UTC
#roundone ",4424,Story,22715,2019-05-30 21:13:51 UTC,2019-05-30 21:13:51 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,22711,2019-05-30 21:11:52 UTC,2019-05-30 21:11:52 UTC
#roundone ",4424,Story,22712,2019-05-30 21:12:31 UTC,2019-05-30 21:12:31 UTC
8650,#round3,4424,Story,25554,2019-08-27 22:51:13 UTC,2019-08-27 22:51:13 UTC
8669,#round3,4427,Story,25573,2019-08-27 22:59:48 UTC,2019-08-27 22:59:48 UTC
8670,#round3,4427,Story,25574,2019-08-27 22:59:58 UTC,2019-08-27 22:59:58 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,25578,2019-08-27 23:00:49 UTC,2019-08-27 23:00:49 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,25579,2019-08-27 23:01:00 UTC,2019-08-27 23:01:00 UTC
#roundone",4424,Story,22714,2019-05-30 21:13:00 UTC,2019-05-30 21:13:00 UTC
8651,#round3,4424,Story,25555,2019-08-27 22:51:26 UTC,2019-08-27 22:51:26 UTC
8652,#round3,4424,Story,25556,2019-08-27 22:51:34 UTC,2019-08-27 22:51:34 UTC
8656,#round3,4424,Story,25560,2019-08-27 22:52:15 UTC,2019-08-27 22:52:15 UTC
8671,#round3,4427,Story,25575,2019-08-27 23:00:07 UTC,2019-08-27 23:00:07 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,25576,2019-08-27 23:00:32 UTC,2019-08-27 23:00:32 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,25581,2019-08-27 23:01:17 UTC,2019-08-27 23:01:17 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,22717,2019-05-30 21:40:35 UTC,2019-05-30 21:40:35 UTC
#roundone ",4424,Story,22720,2019-05-30 21:42:33 UTC,2019-05-30 21:42:33 UTC
#roundone ",4424,Story,22725,2019-05-30 22:03:04 UTC,2019-05-30 22:03:04 UTC
#roundone ",4424,Story,22726,2019-05-30 22:03:40 UTC,2019-05-30 22:03:40 UTC
8653,#round3,4424,Story,25557,2019-08-27 22:51:43 UTC,2019-08-27 22:51:43 UTC
8657,#round3,4424,Story,25561,2019-08-27 22:52:57 UTC,2019-08-27 22:52:57 UTC
8663,#round3,4427,Story,25567,2019-08-27 22:59:01 UTC,2019-08-27 22:59:01 UTC
8665,#round3,4427,Story,25569,2019-08-27 22:59:16 UTC,2019-08-27 22:59:16 UTC
8666,#round3,4427,Story,25570,2019-08-27 22:59:24 UTC,2019-08-27 22:59:24 UTC
8667,#round3,4427,Story,25571,2019-08-27 22:59:33 UTC,2019-08-27 22:59:33 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,25577,2019-08-27 23:00:40 UTC,2019-08-27 23:00:40 UTC
#roundone ",4424,Story,22718,2019-05-30 21:40:37 UTC,2019-05-30 21:40:37 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,22722,2019-05-30 21:44:37 UTC,2019-05-30 21:44:37 UTC
8654,#round3,4424,Story,25558,2019-08-27 22:51:52 UTC,2019-08-27 22:51:52 UTC
8655,#round3,4424,Story,25559,2019-08-27 22:52:06 UTC,2019-08-27 22:52:06 UTC
8658,#round3,4424,Story,25562,2019-08-27 22:54:15 UTC,2019-08-27 22:54:15 UTC
8660,#round3,4424,Story,25564,2019-08-27 22:54:31 UTC,2019-08-27 22:54:31 UTC
8661,#round3,4427,Story,25565,2019-08-27 22:58:43 UTC,2019-08-27 22:58:43 UTC
8662,#round3,4427,Story,25566,2019-08-27 22:58:53 UTC,2019-08-27 22:58:53 UTC
8664,#round3,4427,Story,25568,2019-08-27 22:59:09 UTC,2019-08-27 22:59:09 UTC
8668,#round3,4427,Story,25572,2019-08-27 22:59:41 UTC,2019-08-27 22:59:41 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,25583,2019-08-27 23:01:31 UTC,2019-08-27 23:01:31 UTC
#roundone ",4424,Story,22719,2019-05-30 21:41:40 UTC,2019-05-30 21:41:40 UTC
8659,#round3,4424,Story,25563,2019-08-27 22:54:23 UTC,2019-08-27 22:54:23 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,25580,2019-08-27 23:01:08 UTC,2019-08-27 23:01:08 UTC
#round3",4427,Story,25582,2019-08-27 23:01:24 UTC,2019-08-27 23:01:24 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,22721,2019-05-30 21:42:31 UTC,2019-05-30 21:42:31 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,22723,2019-05-30 21:45:22 UTC,2019-05-30 21:45:22 UTC
6218,#removed,4424,Story,22724,2019-05-30 22:00:36 UTC,2019-05-30 22:00:36 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,22729,2019-05-30 22:08:46 UTC,2019-05-30 22:08:46 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,22727,2019-05-30 22:03:41 UTC,2019-05-30 22:03:41 UTC
#round1  ",4427,Story,22728,2019-05-30 22:04:27 UTC,2019-05-30 22:04:27 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22730,2019-05-30 22:44:15 UTC,2019-05-30 22:44:15 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22732,2019-05-30 22:46:06 UTC,2019-05-30 22:46:06 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22737,2019-05-30 22:48:53 UTC,2019-05-30 22:48:53 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22738,2019-05-30 22:49:06 UTC,2019-05-30 22:49:06 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22742,2019-05-30 22:49:56 UTC,2019-05-30 22:49:56 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22743,2019-05-30 22:50:26 UTC,2019-05-30 22:50:26 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22745,2019-05-30 22:50:53 UTC,2019-05-30 22:50:53 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22751,2019-05-30 23:03:51 UTC,2019-05-30 23:03:51 UTC
#round1",4427,Story,22752,2019-05-30 23:04:54 UTC,2019-05-30 23:04:54 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22731,2019-05-30 22:44:33 UTC,2019-05-30 22:44:33 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22733,2019-05-30 22:46:57 UTC,2019-05-30 22:46:57 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22736,2019-05-30 22:48:40 UTC,2019-05-30 22:48:40 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22740,2019-05-30 22:49:30 UTC,2019-05-30 22:49:30 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22741,2019-05-30 22:49:43 UTC,2019-05-30 22:49:43 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22734,2019-05-30 22:47:16 UTC,2019-05-30 22:47:16 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22735,2019-05-30 22:47:31 UTC,2019-05-30 22:47:31 UTC
#round1",4424,Story,22739,2019-05-30 22:49:18 UTC,2019-05-30 22:49:18 UTC
9618,#step #may,4463,Story,27618,2020-05-01 16:57:47 UTC,2020-05-01 16:57:47 UTC
9619,#step #may,4463,Story,27619,2020-05-01 16:58:25 UTC,2020-05-01 16:58:25 UTC
9620,#step #may,4463,Story,27620,2020-05-01 16:58:52 UTC,2020-05-01 16:58:52 UTC
9621,#step #may,4463,Story,27621,2020-05-01 16:59:19 UTC,2020-05-01 16:59:19 UTC
9615,#step #april #ded,4089,Story,27615,2020-04-30 19:07:15 UTC,2020-04-30 19:07:15 UTC
9617,#step #may,4463,Story,27617,2020-05-01 15:50:31 UTC,2020-05-01 15:50:31 UTC
9622,#step #may,4463,Story,27622,2020-05-01 16:59:44 UTC,2020-05-01 16:59:44 UTC
9623,#step #may,4463,Story,27623,2020-05-01 17:00:06 UTC,2020-05-01 17:00:06 UTC
9624,#step #may,4463,Story,27624,2020-05-01 17:00:27 UTC,2020-05-01 17:00:27 UTC
9625,#step #may,4463,Story,27625,2020-05-01 17:00:52 UTC,2020-05-01 17:00:52 UTC
9626,#step #may,4463,Story,27626,2020-05-01 17:01:16 UTC,2020-05-01 17:01:16 UTC
9627,#step #may,4463,Story,27627,2020-05-01 17:01:42 UTC,2020-05-01 17:01:42 UTC
9628,#step #may,4463,Story,27628,2020-05-01 17:02:26 UTC,2020-05-01 17:02:26 UTC
9629,#step #may,4463,Story,27629,2020-05-01 17:02:49 UTC,2020-05-01 17:02:49 UTC
9630,#step #may,4463,Story,27630,2020-05-01 17:03:12 UTC,2020-05-01 17:03:12 UTC
9640,#step #may,4463,Story,27644,2020-05-02 16:23:52 UTC,2020-05-02 16:23:52 UTC
9641,#step #may,4463,Story,27646,2020-05-02 16:24:27 UTC,2020-05-02 16:24:27 UTC
9642,#step #may,4463,Story,27647,2020-05-02 16:25:22 UTC,2020-05-02 16:25:22 UTC
9644,#step #may,4463,Story,27649,2020-05-02 16:27:19 UTC,2020-05-02 16:27:19 UTC
9643,#step #may,4463,Story,27648,2020-05-02 16:26:42 UTC,2020-05-02 16:26:42 UTC
9645,#step #may,4463,Story,27650,2020-05-02 16:27:48 UTC,2020-05-02 16:27:48 UTC
9649,#step #April,4424,Story,27654,2020-05-02 20:27:39 UTC,2020-05-02 20:27:39 UTC
9650,#step #May,4424,Story,27655,2020-05-02 20:28:20 UTC,2020-05-02 20:28:20 UTC
9651,#step #May,4424,Story,27656,2020-05-02 20:28:41 UTC,2020-05-02 20:28:41 UTC
9652,#step #May,4424,Story,27657,2020-05-02 20:28:54 UTC,2020-05-02 20:28:54 UTC
9653,#step #May,4424,Story,27658,2020-05-02 20:29:16 UTC,2020-05-02 20:29:16 UTC
9654,#step #May,4427,Story,27659,2020-05-02 20:29:26 UTC,2020-05-02 20:29:26 UTC
9655,#step #May,4424,Story,27660,2020-05-02 20:29:30 UTC,2020-05-02 20:29:30 UTC
9656,#step #may,4427,Story,27661,2020-05-02 20:31:40 UTC,2020-05-02 20:31:40 UTC
9657,#step #May,4427,Story,27662,2020-05-02 20:32:57 UTC,2020-05-02 20:32:57 UTC
9658,#step #May,4424,Story,27663,2020-05-02 20:37:48 UTC,2020-05-02 20:37:48 UTC
9659,#step #May,4424,Story,27664,2020-05-02 20:38:02 UTC,2020-05-02 20:38:02 UTC
9660,#step #May,4424,Story,27665,2020-05-02 20:38:19 UTC,2020-05-02 20:38:19 UTC
9661,#step #May,4424,Story,27666,2020-05-02 20:38:30 UTC,2020-05-02 20:38:30 UTC
9662,#step #May,4427,Story,27667,2020-05-02 20:38:42 UTC,2020-05-02 20:38:42 UTC
9663,#step #May,4427,Story,27668,2020-05-02 20:39:12 UTC,2020-05-02 20:39:12 UTC
9664,#step #May,4427,Story,27669,2020-05-02 20:39:35 UTC,2020-05-02 20:39:35 UTC
9665,#step #May,4427,Story,27670,2020-05-02 20:41:02 UTC,2020-05-02 20:41:02 UTC
9666,#step #May,4424,Story,27671,2020-05-02 20:42:06 UTC,2020-05-02 20:42:06 UTC
9667,#step #May,4424,Story,27672,2020-05-02 20:43:59 UTC,2020-05-02 20:43:59 UTC
9668,#step #May,4427,Story,27673,2020-05-02 20:44:06 UTC,2020-05-02 20:44:06 UTC
9669,#step #May,4424,Story,27674,2020-05-02 20:44:11 UTC,2020-05-02 20:44:11 UTC
9670,#step #May,4424,Story,27675,2020-05-02 20:46:31 UTC,2020-05-02 20:46:31 UTC
9671,#step #May,4424,Story,27676,2020-05-02 20:47:17 UTC,2020-05-02 20:47:17 UTC
9672,#step #May,4427,Story,27677,2020-05-02 20:47:46 UTC,2020-05-02 20:47:46 UTC
9673,#step #May,4424,Story,27678,2020-05-02 20:48:36 UTC,2020-05-02 20:48:36 UTC
9674,#step #May,4424,Story,27679,2020-05-02 20:48:48 UTC,2020-05-02 20:48:48 UTC
9675,#step #May,4424,Story,27680,2020-05-02 20:49:00 UTC,2020-05-02 20:49:00 UTC
9676,#step #May,4427,Story,27681,2020-05-02 20:49:16 UTC,2020-05-02 20:49:16 UTC
9677,#step #May,4427,Story,27682,2020-05-02 20:49:44 UTC,2020-05-02 20:49:44 UTC
9678,#step #May,4424,Story,27683,2020-05-02 20:59:18 UTC,2020-05-02 20:59:18 UTC
9679,#step #May,4424,Story,27685,2020-05-02 20:59:29 UTC,2020-05-02 20:59:29 UTC
9681,#step #May,4427,Story,27686,2020-05-02 21:00:17 UTC,2020-05-02 21:00:17 UTC
9680,#step #May,4427,Story,27687,2020-05-02 21:00:17 UTC,2020-05-02 21:00:17 UTC
9682,#step #May,4424,Story,27688,2020-05-02 21:00:42 UTC,2020-05-02 21:00:42 UTC
9683,#step #May,4424,Story,27689,2020-05-02 21:01:11 UTC,2020-05-02 21:01:11 UTC
9684,#step #May,4424,Story,27690,2020-05-02 21:05:48 UTC,2020-05-02 21:05:48 UTC
9685,#step #May,4424,Story,27691,2020-05-02 21:07:21 UTC,2020-05-02 21:07:21 UTC
9686,#step #May,4424,Story,27692,2020-05-02 21:08:09 UTC,2020-05-02 21:08:09 UTC
9687,#step #May,4424,Story,27693,2020-05-02 21:08:31 UTC,2020-05-02 21:08:31 UTC
9688,#step #May,4424,Story,27694,2020-05-02 21:19:49 UTC,2020-05-02 21:19:49 UTC
9691,#step #May,4424,Story,27697,2020-05-02 21:20:25 UTC,2020-05-02 21:20:25 UTC
9695,#step  #may  ,4458,Story,27701,2020-05-02 21:41:57 UTC,2020-05-02 21:41:57 UTC
9697,#step #may  ,4458,Story,27703,2020-05-02 21:43:02 UTC,2020-05-02 21:43:02 UTC
9703,#step #may significant die back at top,4458,Story,27709,2020-05-02 21:47:43 UTC,2020-05-02 21:47:43 UTC
9704,#step #may ,4458,Story,27710,2020-05-02 21:49:18 UTC,2020-05-02 21:49:18 UTC
9708,#step #may ,4458,Story,27714,2020-05-02 21:52:45 UTC,2020-05-02 21:52:45 UTC
9710,#step #may ,4458,Story,27716,2020-05-02 21:54:29 UTC,2020-05-02 21:54:29 UTC
9711,#step #may ,4458,Story,27717,2020-05-02 21:55:33 UTC,2020-05-02 21:55:33 UTC
9714,#step #may ,4458,Story,27720,2020-05-02 21:58:39 UTC,2020-05-02 21:58:39 UTC
9715,#step #may ,4458,Story,27721,2020-05-02 21:59:46 UTC,2020-05-02 21:59:46 UTC
9689,#step #May,4424,Story,27695,2020-05-02 21:19:57 UTC,2020-05-02 21:19:57 UTC
9690,#step #May,4424,Story,27696,2020-05-02 21:20:13 UTC,2020-05-02 21:20:13 UTC
9693,#step #may  ,4458,Story,27699,2020-05-02 21:40:34 UTC,2020-05-02 21:40:34 UTC
9694,#step #may ,4458,Story,27700,2020-05-02 21:41:10 UTC,2020-05-02 21:41:10 UTC
9698,#step #may ,4458,Story,27704,2020-05-02 21:43:52 UTC,2020-05-02 21:43:52 UTC
9699,#step #may  ,4458,Story,27705,2020-05-02 21:44:39 UTC,2020-05-02 21:44:39 UTC
9700,#step #may ,4458,Story,27706,2020-05-02 21:45:19 UTC,2020-05-02 21:45:19 UTC
9701,#step #may ,4458,Story,27707,2020-05-02 21:45:54 UTC,2020-05-02 21:45:54 UTC
9702,#step #may ,4458,Story,27708,2020-05-02 21:46:38 UTC,2020-05-02 21:46:38 UTC
9705,#step #may ,4458,Story,27711,2020-05-02 21:49:56 UTC,2020-05-02 21:49:56 UTC
9706,#step #may ,4458,Story,27712,2020-05-02 21:50:27 UTC,2020-05-02 21:50:27 UTC
9707,#step #may large wound at base of trunk,4458,Story,27713,2020-05-02 21:52:03 UTC,2020-05-02 21:52:03 UTC
9709,#step #may ,4458,Story,27715,2020-05-02 21:53:23 UTC,2020-05-02 21:53:23 UTC
9712,#step #may ,4458,Story,27718,2020-05-02 21:56:32 UTC,2020-05-02 21:56:32 UTC
9713,#step #may ,4458,Story,27719,2020-05-02 21:57:19 UTC,2020-05-02 21:57:19 UTC
9716,#step #may ,4458,Story,27722,2020-05-02 23:05:47 UTC,2020-05-02 23:05:47 UTC
9717,#step #may ,4458,Story,27723,2020-05-02 23:06:36 UTC,2020-05-02 23:06:36 UTC
9718,#step #may ,4458,Story,27724,2020-05-02 23:07:34 UTC,2020-05-02 23:07:34 UTC
9719,#step #may ,4458,Story,27725,2020-05-02 23:08:18 UTC,2020-05-02 23:08:18 UTC
9720,#step #may ,4458,Story,27726,2020-05-02 23:10:33 UTC,2020-05-02 23:10:33 UTC
9721,#step #may significant die back ,4458,Story,27727,2020-05-02 23:11:11 UTC,2020-05-02 23:11:11 UTC
9722,#step #may ,4458,Story,27728,2020-05-02 23:11:45 UTC,2020-05-02 23:11:45 UTC
9723,#step #may ,4458,Story,27729,2020-05-02 23:12:19 UTC,2020-05-02 23:12:19 UTC
9724,#step #may ,4458,Story,27730,2020-05-02 23:13:01 UTC,2020-05-02 23:13:01 UTC
9725,#step #may significant die back ,4458,Story,27731,2020-05-02 23:13:42 UTC,2020-05-02 23:13:42 UTC
9726,#step #may significant die back ,4458,Story,27732,2020-05-02 23:14:28 UTC,2020-05-02 23:14:28 UTC
9727,#step #may ,4458,Story,27733,2020-05-02 23:15:13 UTC,2020-05-02 23:15:13 UTC
9728,#step #may ,4458,Story,27734,2020-05-02 23:16:10 UTC,2020-05-02 23:16:10 UTC
9729,#step #may ,4458,Story,27735,2020-05-02 23:17:16 UTC,2020-05-02 23:17:16 UTC
9730,#step #may ,4458,Story,27736,2020-05-02 23:17:51 UTC,2020-05-02 23:17:51 UTC
9731,#step #may ,4458,Story,27737,2020-05-02 23:18:46 UTC,2020-05-02 23:18:46 UTC
9732,#step #may ,4458,Story,27738,2020-05-02 23:19:31 UTC,2020-05-02 23:19:31 UTC
9733,#step #may ,4458,Story,27739,2020-05-02 23:20:30 UTC,2020-05-02 23:20:30 UTC
9734,#step #may ,4458,Story,27740,2020-05-02 23:21:51 UTC,2020-05-02 23:21:51 UTC
9735,#step #may ,4458,Story,27741,2020-05-02 23:22:36 UTC,2020-05-02 23:22:36 UTC
9738,#step #may,4463,Story,27748,2020-05-03 17:06:52 UTC,2020-05-03 17:06:52 UTC
9739,#step #may,4463,Story,27749,2020-05-03 17:07:34 UTC,2020-05-03 17:07:34 UTC
9740,#step #may,4463,Story,27750,2020-05-03 17:08:23 UTC,2020-05-03 17:08:23 UTC
9741,#step #may,4463,Story,27751,2020-05-03 17:09:10 UTC,2020-05-03 17:09:10 UTC
9742,#step #may,4463,Story,27752,2020-05-03 17:09:28 UTC,2020-05-03 17:09:28 UTC
9743,#step #may,4463,Story,27753,2020-05-03 17:09:46 UTC,2020-05-03 17:09:46 UTC
9745,#step #may,4463,Story,27755,2020-05-03 17:11:01 UTC,2020-05-03 17:11:01 UTC
9747,#step #may,4463,Story,27757,2020-05-03 17:11:44 UTC,2020-05-03 17:11:44 UTC
9749,#step #may,4463,Story,27759,2020-05-03 17:12:28 UTC,2020-05-03 17:12:28 UTC
9751,#step #may,4463,Story,27761,2020-05-03 17:13:11 UTC,2020-05-03 17:13:11 UTC
9744,#step #may,4463,Story,27754,2020-05-03 17:10:35 UTC,2020-05-03 17:10:35 UTC
9746,#step #may,4463,Story,27756,2020-05-03 17:11:20 UTC,2020-05-03 17:11:20 UTC
9748,#step #may,4463,Story,27758,2020-05-03 17:12:06 UTC,2020-05-03 17:12:06 UTC
9750,#step #may,4463,Story,27760,2020-05-03 17:12:51 UTC,2020-05-03 17:12:51 UTC
9752,#step #may,4463,Story,27762,2020-05-03 19:16:20 UTC,2020-05-03 19:16:20 UTC
9753,#step #may,4463,Story,27763,2020-05-03 19:16:46 UTC,2020-05-03 19:16:46 UTC
9754,#step #may,4463,Story,27764,2020-05-03 19:17:10 UTC,2020-05-03 19:17:10 UTC
9755,#step #may,4463,Story,27765,2020-05-03 19:17:36 UTC,2020-05-03 19:17:36 UTC
9756,#step #may,4463,Story,27766,2020-05-03 19:18:07 UTC,2020-05-03 19:18:07 UTC
9757,#step #may,4463,Story,27767,2020-05-03 22:54:19 UTC,2020-05-03 22:54:19 UTC
9758,#step #may,4463,Story,27768,2020-05-03 22:54:44 UTC,2020-05-03 22:54:44 UTC
9759,#step #may,4463,Story,27769,2020-05-03 22:55:08 UTC,2020-05-03 22:55:08 UTC
9760,#step #may,4463,Story,27770,2020-05-03 22:56:08 UTC,2020-05-03 22:56:08 UTC
9761,#step #may ,4458,Story,27771,2020-05-03 23:45:47 UTC,2020-05-03 23:45:47 UTC
9763,#step #may,4463,Story,27781,2020-05-04 17:36:43 UTC,2020-05-04 17:36:43 UTC
9764,#step #may,4463,Story,27782,2020-05-04 17:38:24 UTC,2020-05-04 17:38:24 UTC
9765,#step #may,4463,Story,27783,2020-05-04 17:38:53 UTC,2020-05-04 17:38:53 UTC
9766,#step #may,4463,Story,27784,2020-05-04 17:39:28 UTC,2020-05-04 17:39:28 UTC
9767,#step #may,4463,Story,27785,2020-05-04 17:40:07 UTC,2020-05-04 17:40:07 UTC
9768,#step #may,4463,Story,27786,2020-05-04 17:40:32 UTC,2020-05-04 17:40:32 UTC
9769,#step #may,4463,Story,27787,2020-05-04 17:41:16 UTC,2020-05-04 17:41:16 UTC
9770,#step #may,4463,Story,27788,2020-05-04 17:42:09 UTC,2020-05-04 17:42:09 UTC
9771,#step #may,4463,Story,27789,2020-05-04 17:45:39 UTC,2020-05-04 17:45:39 UTC
9772,#step #may,4463,Story,27790,2020-05-04 17:46:15 UTC,2020-05-04 17:46:15 UTC
9773,#step #may,4463,Story,27791,2020-05-04 17:46:49 UTC,2020-05-04 17:46:49 UTC
9774,#step #may,4463,Story,27792,2020-05-04 17:47:26 UTC,2020-05-04 17:47:26 UTC
9775,#step #may,4463,Story,27793,2020-05-04 17:49:58 UTC,2020-05-04 17:49:58 UTC
9776,#step #may,4463,Story,27794,2020-05-04 17:50:23 UTC,2020-05-04 17:50:23 UTC
9777,#step #may,4463,Story,27795,2020-05-04 17:50:49 UTC,2020-05-04 17:50:49 UTC
9778,#step #may,4463,Story,27796,2020-05-04 17:51:41 UTC,2020-05-04 17:51:41 UTC
9779,#step #may,4463,Story,27797,2020-05-04 17:52:20 UTC,2020-05-04 17:52:20 UTC
9780,#step #may,4463,Story,27798,2020-05-04 17:52:48 UTC,2020-05-04 17:52:48 UTC
9781,#step #may,4463,Story,27799,2020-05-04 17:53:07 UTC,2020-05-04 17:53:07 UTC
9782,#step #may,4463,Story,27800,2020-05-04 17:53:37 UTC,2020-05-04 17:53:37 UTC
9783,#step #may,4463,Story,27801,2020-05-04 17:54:03 UTC,2020-05-04 17:54:03 UTC
9787,#step #may,4463,Story,27805,2020-05-04 17:55:57 UTC,2020-05-04 17:55:57 UTC
9788,#step #may,4463,Story,27806,2020-05-04 17:56:15 UTC,2020-05-04 17:56:15 UTC
9790,#step #may,4463,Story,27808,2020-05-04 17:57:00 UTC,2020-05-04 17:57:00 UTC
9791,#step #may,4463,Story,27809,2020-05-04 17:57:19 UTC,2020-05-04 17:57:19 UTC
9792,#step #may,4463,Story,27810,2020-05-04 17:57:41 UTC,2020-05-04 17:57:41 UTC
9784,#step #may,4463,Story,27802,2020-05-04 17:54:22 UTC,2020-05-04 17:54:22 UTC
9785,#step #may,4463,Story,27803,2020-05-04 17:54:42 UTC,2020-05-04 17:54:42 UTC
9786,#step #may,4463,Story,27804,2020-05-04 17:55:36 UTC,2020-05-04 17:55:36 UTC
9789,#step #may,4463,Story,27807,2020-05-04 17:56:33 UTC,2020-05-04 17:56:33 UTC
9793,#step #may,4463,Story,27811,2020-05-04 17:58:04 UTC,2020-05-04 17:58:04 UTC
9794,#step #may,4463,Story,27812,2020-05-04 17:58:23 UTC,2020-05-04 17:58:23 UTC
9795,#step #may,4463,Story,27813,2020-05-04 17:58:42 UTC,2020-05-04 17:58:42 UTC
9796,#step #may,4463,Story,27814,2020-05-04 17:59:04 UTC,2020-05-04 17:59:04 UTC
9797,#step #may,4463,Story,27815,2020-05-04 17:59:31 UTC,2020-05-04 17:59:31 UTC
9798,#step #may,5797,Story,27816,2020-05-04 19:11:38 UTC,2020-05-04 19:11:38 UTC
9799,#step #may #ded not sure if DED but the whole canopy appears dead,5797,Story,27817,2020-05-04 19:32:34 UTC,2020-05-04 19:32:34 UTC
9801,#step #May,4424,Story,27819,2020-05-04 23:10:44 UTC,2020-05-04 23:10:44 UTC
9802,#step #May,4424,Story,27820,2020-05-04 23:11:02 UTC,2020-05-04 23:11:02 UTC
9803,#step #May,4424,Story,27821,2020-05-04 23:11:36 UTC,2020-05-04 23:11:36 UTC
9804,#step #May,4424,Story,27822,2020-05-04 23:11:50 UTC,2020-05-04 23:11:50 UTC
9805,#step #May,4424,Story,27823,2020-05-04 23:12:08 UTC,2020-05-04 23:12:08 UTC
9806,#step #May,4424,Story,27824,2020-05-04 23:12:55 UTC,2020-05-04 23:12:55 UTC
9807,#step #May,4424,Story,27825,2020-05-04 23:14:02 UTC,2020-05-04 23:14:02 UTC
9808,#step #May,4424,Story,27827,2020-05-04 23:15:02 UTC,2020-05-04 23:15:02 UTC
9809,#step #May,4424,Story,27828,2020-05-04 23:15:02 UTC,2020-05-04 23:15:02 UTC
9810,#step #May,4424,Story,27829,2020-05-04 23:15:02 UTC,2020-05-04 23:15:02 UTC
9811,#step #May,4424,Story,27830,2020-05-04 23:15:16 UTC,2020-05-04 23:15:16 UTC
9812,#step #May,4424,Story,27831,2020-05-04 23:15:34 UTC,2020-05-04 23:15:34 UTC
9813,#step #May,4424,Story,27832,2020-05-04 23:16:52 UTC,2020-05-04 23:16:52 UTC
9814,#step #May,4424,Story,27833,2020-05-04 23:17:12 UTC,2020-05-04 23:17:12 UTC
9815,#step #May,4424,Story,27834,2020-05-04 23:17:27 UTC,2020-05-04 23:17:27 UTC
9816,#step #May,4424,Story,27835,2020-05-04 23:23:51 UTC,2020-05-04 23:23:51 UTC
9817,#step #May,4424,Story,27836,2020-05-04 23:24:03 UTC,2020-05-04 23:24:03 UTC
9819,#step #may,4427,Story,27837,2020-05-04 23:24:06 UTC,2020-05-04 23:24:06 UTC
9818,#step #may,4427,Story,27838,2020-05-04 23:24:06 UTC,2020-05-04 23:24:06 UTC
9820,#step #May,4424,Story,27839,2020-05-04 23:26:25 UTC,2020-05-04 23:26:25 UTC
9821,#step #may,4427,Story,27840,2020-05-04 23:26:35 UTC,2020-05-04 23:26:35 UTC
9822,#step #May,4424,Story,27841,2020-05-04 23:26:39 UTC,2020-05-04 23:26:39 UTC
9823,#step #May,4424,Story,27842,2020-05-04 23:26:53 UTC,2020-05-04 23:26:53 UTC
9824,#step #may,4427,Story,27843,2020-05-04 23:27:22 UTC,2020-05-04 23:27:22 UTC
9825,#step #May,4424,Story,27844,2020-05-04 23:27:38 UTC,2020-05-04 23:27:38 UTC
9826,#step #May,4424,Story,27845,2020-05-04 23:27:59 UTC,2020-05-04 23:27:59 UTC
9827,#step #may,4427,Story,27846,2020-05-04 23:29:10 UTC,2020-05-04 23:29:10 UTC
9828,#step #May,4424,Story,27847,2020-05-04 23:29:20 UTC,2020-05-04 23:29:20 UTC
9829,#step #may,4427,Story,27848,2020-05-04 23:29:45 UTC,2020-05-04 23:29:45 UTC
9830,#step #May,4424,Story,27849,2020-05-04 23:29:55 UTC,2020-05-04 23:29:55 UTC
9831,#step #may,4427,Story,27850,2020-05-04 23:30:23 UTC,2020-05-04 23:30:23 UTC
9832,#step #May,4424,Story,27851,2020-05-04 23:30:54 UTC,2020-05-04 23:30:54 UTC
9833,#step #may,4427,Story,27852,2020-05-04 23:32:58 UTC,2020-05-04 23:32:58 UTC
9834,#step #may,4427,Story,27853,2020-05-04 23:33:14 UTC,2020-05-04 23:33:14 UTC
9835,#step #May,4424,Story,27854,2020-05-04 23:33:50 UTC,2020-05-04 23:33:50 UTC
9836,#step #may,4463,Story,27864,2020-05-05 22:47:58 UTC,2020-05-05 22:47:58 UTC
9837,#step #may,4463,Story,27865,2020-05-05 22:48:28 UTC,2020-05-05 22:48:28 UTC
9838,#step #may,4463,Story,27866,2020-05-05 22:48:52 UTC,2020-05-05 22:48:52 UTC
9839,#step #may,4463,Story,27867,2020-05-05 22:49:17 UTC,2020-05-05 22:49:17 UTC
9840,#step #may,4463,Story,27868,2020-05-05 22:49:42 UTC,2020-05-05 22:49:42 UTC
9841,#step #may,4463,Story,27869,2020-05-05 22:50:24 UTC,2020-05-05 22:50:24 UTC
9842,#step #may,4463,Story,27870,2020-05-05 22:50:59 UTC,2020-05-05 22:50:59 UTC
9843,#step #may,4463,Story,27871,2020-05-05 22:51:21 UTC,2020-05-05 22:51:21 UTC
9844,#step #may,4463,Story,27872,2020-05-05 22:51:40 UTC,2020-05-05 22:51:40 UTC
9845,#step #may,4463,Story,27873,2020-05-05 22:52:59 UTC,2020-05-05 22:52:59 UTC
9846,#step #may,4463,Story,27874,2020-05-05 22:53:58 UTC,2020-05-05 22:53:58 UTC
9847,#step #may,4463,Story,27875,2020-05-05 22:54:21 UTC,2020-05-05 22:54:21 UTC
9848,#step #may,4463,Story,27876,2020-05-05 22:54:44 UTC,2020-05-05 22:54:44 UTC
9849,#step #may,4463,Story,27877,2020-05-05 22:55:09 UTC,2020-05-05 22:55:09 UTC
9850,#step #may,4463,Story,27878,2020-05-05 22:55:31 UTC,2020-05-05 22:55:31 UTC
9851,#step #may,4463,Story,27879,2020-05-05 22:56:12 UTC,2020-05-05 22:56:12 UTC
9852,#step #may,4463,Story,27880,2020-05-05 22:56:29 UTC,2020-05-05 22:56:29 UTC
9853,#step #may,4463,Story,27881,2020-05-05 22:57:51 UTC,2020-05-05 22:57:51 UTC
9854,#step #may,4463,Story,27882,2020-05-05 22:58:11 UTC,2020-05-05 22:58:11 UTC
9855,#step #may,4463,Story,27883,2020-05-05 22:58:44 UTC,2020-05-05 22:58:44 UTC
9856,#step #may,4463,Story,27884,2020-05-05 22:59:13 UTC,2020-05-05 22:59:13 UTC
9857,#step #may,4463,Story,27885,2020-05-05 22:59:46 UTC,2020-05-05 22:59:46 UTC
9858,#step #may,4463,Story,27886,2020-05-05 23:00:15 UTC,2020-05-05 23:00:15 UTC
9859,#step #may,4463,Story,27887,2020-05-05 23:00:46 UTC,2020-05-05 23:00:46 UTC
9860,#step #may,4463,Story,27888,2020-05-05 23:01:11 UTC,2020-05-05 23:01:11 UTC
9861,#step #may,4463,Story,27889,2020-05-05 23:01:47 UTC,2020-05-05 23:01:47 UTC
9862,#step #may,4463,Story,27890,2020-05-05 23:02:10 UTC,2020-05-05 23:02:10 UTC
9863,#step #may,4463,Story,27891,2020-05-05 23:02:33 UTC,2020-05-05 23:02:33 UTC
9864,#step #may,4463,Story,27892,2020-05-05 23:03:33 UTC,2020-05-05 23:03:33 UTC
9865,#step #may,4463,Story,27893,2020-05-05 23:03:54 UTC,2020-05-05 23:03:54 UTC
9866,#step #may,4463,Story,27894,2020-05-05 23:04:12 UTC,2020-05-05 23:04:12 UTC
9867,#step #may,4463,Story,27895,2020-05-05 23:04:31 UTC,2020-05-05 23:04:31 UTC
9868,#step #may,4463,Story,27896,2020-05-05 23:04:52 UTC,2020-05-05 23:04:52 UTC
9869,#step #may,4463,Story,27897,2020-05-05 23:05:12 UTC,2020-05-05 23:05:12 UTC
9871,#step #may,4463,Story,27899,2020-05-05 23:06:20 UTC,2020-05-05 23:06:20 UTC
9874,#step #may,4463,Story,27902,2020-05-05 23:07:20 UTC,2020-05-05 23:07:20 UTC
9875,#step #may,4463,Story,27903,2020-05-05 23:07:41 UTC,2020-05-05 23:07:41 UTC
9876,#step #may,4463,Story,27904,2020-05-05 23:07:56 UTC,2020-05-05 23:07:56 UTC
9870,#step #may,4463,Story,27898,2020-05-05 23:05:58 UTC,2020-05-05 23:05:58 UTC
9872,#step #may,4463,Story,27900,2020-05-05 23:06:43 UTC,2020-05-05 23:06:43 UTC
9873,#step #may,4463,Story,27901,2020-05-05 23:07:02 UTC,2020-05-05 23:07:02 UTC
9877,#step #may,4463,Story,27905,2020-05-05 23:08:15 UTC,2020-05-05 23:08:15 UTC
9881,#step #may,4463,Story,27911,2020-05-06 23:36:19 UTC,2020-05-06 23:36:19 UTC
9882,#step #may,4463,Story,27912,2020-05-06 23:36:47 UTC,2020-05-06 23:36:47 UTC
9883,#step #may,4463,Story,27913,2020-05-06 23:37:17 UTC,2020-05-06 23:37:17 UTC
9884,#step #may,4463,Story,27914,2020-05-06 23:37:40 UTC,2020-05-06 23:37:40 UTC
9885,#step #may,4463,Story,27915,2020-05-06 23:38:05 UTC,2020-05-06 23:38:05 UTC
9886,#step #may,4463,Story,27916,2020-05-06 23:38:27 UTC,2020-05-06 23:38:27 UTC
9887,#step #may,4463,Story,27917,2020-05-07 01:12:06 UTC,2020-05-07 01:12:06 UTC
9888,#step #may,4463,Story,27918,2020-05-07 01:12:22 UTC,2020-05-07 01:12:22 UTC
9889,#step #may,4463,Story,27919,2020-05-07 01:12:55 UTC,2020-05-07 01:12:55 UTC
9890,#step #may,4463,Story,27920,2020-05-07 01:13:25 UTC,2020-05-07 01:13:25 UTC
9891,#step #may,4463,Story,27921,2020-05-07 01:13:42 UTC,2020-05-07 01:13:42 UTC
9892,#step #may,4463,Story,27922,2020-05-07 01:14:04 UTC,2020-05-07 01:14:04 UTC
9893,#step #may,4463,Story,27923,2020-05-07 01:14:24 UTC,2020-05-07 01:14:24 UTC
9894,#step #may,4463,Story,27924,2020-05-07 01:14:42 UTC,2020-05-07 01:14:42 UTC
9895,#step #may,4463,Story,27925,2020-05-07 01:15:01 UTC,2020-05-07 01:15:01 UTC
9896,#step #may,4463,Story,27926,2020-05-07 01:15:28 UTC,2020-05-07 01:15:28 UTC
9897,#step #may,4463,Story,27927,2020-05-07 01:16:38 UTC,2020-05-07 01:16:38 UTC
9898,#step #may,4463,Story,27928,2020-05-07 01:17:09 UTC,2020-05-07 01:17:09 UTC
9899,#step #may,4463,Story,27929,2020-05-07 01:17:41 UTC,2020-05-07 01:17:41 UTC
9900,#step #may,4463,Story,27930,2020-05-07 01:18:22 UTC,2020-05-07 01:18:22 UTC
9901,#step #may,4463,Story,27931,2020-05-07 01:18:45 UTC,2020-05-07 01:18:45 UTC
9902,#step #may,4463,Story,27932,2020-05-07 01:19:04 UTC,2020-05-07 01:19:04 UTC
9903,#step #may,4463,Story,27933,2020-05-07 01:19:04 UTC,2020-05-07 01:19:04 UTC
9904,#step #may,4463,Story,27934,2020-05-07 01:19:21 UTC,2020-05-07 01:19:21 UTC
9905,#step #may,4463,Story,27935,2020-05-07 01:19:50 UTC,2020-05-07 01:19:50 UTC
9906,#step #may,4463,Story,27936,2020-05-07 01:20:22 UTC,2020-05-07 01:20:22 UTC
9907,#step #may,4463,Story,27937,2020-05-07 01:20:40 UTC,2020-05-07 01:20:40 UTC
9908,#step #may,4463,Story,27938,2020-05-07 01:20:55 UTC,2020-05-07 01:20:55 UTC
9909,#step #may,4463,Story,27939,2020-05-07 01:21:11 UTC,2020-05-07 01:21:11 UTC
9910,#step #may,4463,Story,27940,2020-05-07 01:22:24 UTC,2020-05-07 01:22:24 UTC
9911,#step #may,4463,Story,27941,2020-05-07 01:23:02 UTC,2020-05-07 01:23:02 UTC
9912,#step #may,4463,Story,27942,2020-05-07 01:23:25 UTC,2020-05-07 01:23:25 UTC
9913,#step #may,4463,Story,27943,2020-05-07 01:23:53 UTC,2020-05-07 01:23:53 UTC
9914,#step #may,5797,Story,27944,2020-05-07 02:35:48 UTC,2020-05-07 02:35:48 UTC
9915,#step #may some branches with no leaves in canopy. Near power lines but doesn’t appear to be related so flagging for #ded as a precaution ,5797,Story,27945,2020-05-07 02:39:02 UTC,2020-05-07 02:39:02 UTC
9916,#step #may,5797,Story,27946,2020-05-07 02:44:09 UTC,2020-05-07 02:44:09 UTC
9917,#step #may ,5797,Story,27947,2020-05-07 02:47:10 UTC,2020-05-07 02:47:10 UTC
9918,#step #may,4463,Story,27948,2020-05-07 04:11:25 UTC,2020-05-07 04:11:25 UTC
9919,#step #may,4463,Story,27949,2020-05-07 04:12:18 UTC,2020-05-07 04:12:18 UTC
9920,#step #may,4463,Story,27950,2020-05-07 04:12:43 UTC,2020-05-07 04:12:43 UTC
9921,#step #may,4463,Story,27951,2020-05-07 04:13:17 UTC,2020-05-07 04:13:17 UTC
9922,#step #may,4463,Story,27952,2020-05-07 04:13:49 UTC,2020-05-07 04:13:49 UTC
9923,#step #may,4463,Story,27953,2020-05-07 04:14:14 UTC,2020-05-07 04:14:14 UTC
9924,#step #may,4463,Story,27954,2020-05-07 04:14:37 UTC,2020-05-07 04:14:37 UTC
9925,#step #may,4463,Story,27955,2020-05-07 04:15:01 UTC,2020-05-07 04:15:01 UTC
9926,#step #may,4463,Story,27956,2020-05-07 04:15:50 UTC,2020-05-07 04:15:50 UTC
9927,#step  #may,4463,Story,27957,2020-05-07 04:16:37 UTC,2020-05-07 04:16:37 UTC
9928,#step #may,4463,Story,27958,2020-05-07 04:17:25 UTC,2020-05-07 04:17:25 UTC
9929,#step #may,4463,Story,27959,2020-05-07 04:17:46 UTC,2020-05-07 04:17:46 UTC
9930,#step #may,4463,Story,27960,2020-05-07 04:18:23 UTC,2020-05-07 04:18:23 UTC
9931,#step #may,4463,Story,27961,2020-05-07 04:19:02 UTC,2020-05-07 04:19:02 UTC
9932,#step #may,4463,Story,27962,2020-05-07 04:20:06 UTC,2020-05-07 04:20:06 UTC
9948,#step #may,5860,Story,28017,2020-05-07 19:37:30 UTC,2020-05-07 19:37:30 UTC
9950,#step #may,5860,Story,28019,2020-05-07 20:03:10 UTC,2020-05-07 20:03:10 UTC
9951,"#May #step
Dead branch ",4332,Story,28020,2020-05-07 20:46:53 UTC,2020-05-07 20:46:53 UTC
9952,#May #step,4332,Story,28021,2020-05-07 20:47:51 UTC,2020-05-07 20:47:51 UTC
9953,#May #step,4332,Story,28022,2020-05-07 20:49:01 UTC,2020-05-07 20:49:01 UTC
9954,#may #step,4332,Story,28023,2020-05-07 20:51:59 UTC,2020-05-07 20:51:59 UTC
9955,#May #step,4332,Story,28024,2020-05-07 20:53:02 UTC,2020-05-07 20:53:02 UTC
9956,#may #step,4332,Story,28025,2020-05-07 20:54:45 UTC,2020-05-07 20:54:45 UTC
9957,"#may #step
Lots of squirrel damage. Not a healthy looking tree",4332,Story,28026,2020-05-07 20:58:53 UTC,2020-05-07 20:58:53 UTC
9958,#step #May,5785,Story,28027,2020-05-07 21:00:45 UTC,2020-05-07 21:00:45 UTC
9959,#may #step,4332,Story,28028,2020-05-07 21:02:13 UTC,2020-05-07 21:02:13 UTC
9960,#may #step,4332,Story,28029,2020-05-07 21:03:46 UTC,2020-05-07 21:03:46 UTC
9961,#may #step,4332,Story,28031,2020-05-07 21:07:28 UTC,2020-05-07 21:07:28 UTC
9962,#May #step,4332,Story,28032,2020-05-07 21:07:29 UTC,2020-05-07 21:07:29 UTC
9963,#may #step,4332,Story,28033,2020-05-07 21:08:09 UTC,2020-05-07 21:08:09 UTC
9964,#may #step,4332,Story,28034,2020-05-07 21:12:36 UTC,2020-05-07 21:12:36 UTC
9965,#may #step,4332,Story,28035,2020-05-07 21:13:19 UTC,2020-05-07 21:13:19 UTC
9966,#step #May,5793,Story,28038,2020-05-07 21:16:38 UTC,2020-05-07 21:16:38 UTC
9967,#may #step,4332,Story,28039,2020-05-07 21:16:59 UTC,2020-05-07 21:16:59 UTC
9968,#may #step,4332,Story,28040,2020-05-07 21:16:59 UTC,2020-05-07 21:16:59 UTC
9969,#may #step,4332,Story,28041,2020-05-07 21:17:32 UTC,2020-05-07 21:17:32 UTC
9970,#may #step,4332,Story,28042,2020-05-07 21:18:18 UTC,2020-05-07 21:18:18 UTC
9971,#may #step,4332,Story,28044,2020-05-07 21:20:37 UTC,2020-05-07 21:20:37 UTC
9972,#may #step,4332,Story,28045,2020-05-07 21:20:37 UTC,2020-05-07 21:20:37 UTC
9973,#may #step,4332,Story,28046,2020-05-07 21:21:17 UTC,2020-05-07 21:21:17 UTC
9974,#may #step,4332,Story,28047,2020-05-07 21:21:48 UTC,2020-05-07 21:21:48 UTC
9975,#may #step,4332,Story,28048,2020-05-07 21:22:33 UTC,2020-05-07 21:22:33 UTC
9976,#may #step,4332,Story,28049,2020-05-07 21:23:47 UTC,2020-05-07 21:23:47 UTC
9979,#may #step,4332,Story,28052,2020-05-07 21:27:40 UTC,2020-05-07 21:27:40 UTC
9980,#may #step,4332,Story,28053,2020-05-07 21:30:24 UTC,2020-05-07 21:30:24 UTC
9981,#step #may,4382,Story,28054,2020-05-07 21:31:13 UTC,2020-05-07 21:31:13 UTC
9983,#step #may,4382,Story,28056,2020-05-07 21:32:17 UTC,2020-05-07 21:32:17 UTC
9984,#step #may,4382,Story,28057,2020-05-07 21:32:44 UTC,2020-05-07 21:32:44 UTC
9986,#step #may,4382,Story,28059,2020-05-07 21:33:49 UTC,2020-05-07 21:33:49 UTC
9989,#step #may,4382,Story,28062,2020-05-07 21:36:02 UTC,2020-05-07 21:36:02 UTC
9992,#step #may,4382,Story,28065,2020-05-07 21:37:09 UTC,2020-05-07 21:37:09 UTC
9994,#step #may,4382,Story,28067,2020-05-07 21:38:07 UTC,2020-05-07 21:38:07 UTC
9995,#step #may,4382,Story,28068,2020-05-07 21:38:28 UTC,2020-05-07 21:38:28 UTC
9996,#step #may,4382,Story,28069,2020-05-07 21:38:50 UTC,2020-05-07 21:38:50 UTC
9998,#step #may,4382,Story,28071,2020-05-07 21:39:53 UTC,2020-05-07 21:39:53 UTC
9999,#step #may,4382,Story,28072,2020-05-07 21:40:12 UTC,2020-05-07 21:40:12 UTC
10004,#step #may,4382,Story,28077,2020-05-07 21:43:21 UTC,2020-05-07 21:43:21 UTC
10005,#step #may,4382,Story,28078,2020-05-07 21:43:39 UTC,2020-05-07 21:43:39 UTC
10006,#step #may,4382,Story,28079,2020-05-07 21:44:16 UTC,2020-05-07 21:44:16 UTC
10007,#step #May,5793,Story,28080,2020-05-07 21:44:37 UTC,2020-05-07 21:44:37 UTC
10010,#step #may,4382,Story,28083,2020-05-07 21:45:19 UTC,2020-05-07 21:45:19 UTC
10011,#step #may,4382,Story,28084,2020-05-07 21:45:42 UTC,2020-05-07 21:45:42 UTC
10013,#step #May,5793,Story,28086,2020-05-07 22:05:02 UTC,2020-05-07 22:05:02 UTC
10014,"#step #May clusters of yellow, dried leaves",5785,Story,28087,2020-05-07 22:11:20 UTC,2020-05-07 22:11:20 UTC
10015,#step #may,4332,Story,28088,2020-05-07 22:14:05 UTC,2020-05-07 22:14:05 UTC
10018,#step #may,4332,Story,28091,2020-05-07 22:17:20 UTC,2020-05-07 22:17:20 UTC
10023,#step #may,4332,Story,28096,2020-05-07 22:28:32 UTC,2020-05-07 22:28:32 UTC
10024,"#step #may
Some squirrel damage but not extensive ",4332,Story,28097,2020-05-07 22:29:45 UTC,2020-05-07 22:29:45 UTC
9977,#step #May,5785,Story,28050,2020-05-07 21:23:52 UTC,2020-05-07 21:23:52 UTC
9978,"#may #step
Bacterial wetwood coming from a hole in tree but tree looks good",4332,Story,28051,2020-05-07 21:26:17 UTC,2020-05-07 21:26:17 UTC
9982,#step #may,4382,Story,28055,2020-05-07 21:31:52 UTC,2020-05-07 21:31:52 UTC
9985,#step #may,4382,Story,28058,2020-05-07 21:33:09 UTC,2020-05-07 21:33:09 UTC
9987,#step #may,4382,Story,28060,2020-05-07 21:34:18 UTC,2020-05-07 21:34:18 UTC
9988,#step #may,4382,Story,28061,2020-05-07 21:35:08 UTC,2020-05-07 21:35:08 UTC
9990,#step #may,4382,Story,28063,2020-05-07 21:36:23 UTC,2020-05-07 21:36:23 UTC
9991,#step #May,5785,Story,28064,2020-05-07 21:36:40 UTC,2020-05-07 21:36:40 UTC
9993,#step #may,4382,Story,28066,2020-05-07 21:37:46 UTC,2020-05-07 21:37:46 UTC
9997,#step #may,4382,Story,28070,2020-05-07 21:39:34 UTC,2020-05-07 21:39:34 UTC
10000,#step #may,4382,Story,28073,2020-05-07 21:40:36 UTC,2020-05-07 21:40:36 UTC
10001,#step #may,4382,Story,28074,2020-05-07 21:40:55 UTC,2020-05-07 21:40:55 UTC
10002,#step #may,4382,Story,28075,2020-05-07 21:42:29 UTC,2020-05-07 21:42:29 UTC
10003,#step #may,4382,Story,28076,2020-05-07 21:43:00 UTC,2020-05-07 21:43:00 UTC
10008,#step #may,4382,Story,28081,2020-05-07 21:44:41 UTC,2020-05-07 21:44:41 UTC
10009,#step #may,4382,Story,28082,2020-05-07 21:45:00 UTC,2020-05-07 21:45:00 UTC
10012,#step #may,4382,Story,28085,2020-05-07 21:46:01 UTC,2020-05-07 21:46:01 UTC
10016,#step #May,5785,Story,28089,2020-05-07 22:16:02 UTC,2020-05-07 22:16:02 UTC
10017,#step #May,5793,Story,28090,2020-05-07 22:16:25 UTC,2020-05-07 22:16:25 UTC
10019,#may #step,4332,Story,28092,2020-05-07 22:19:15 UTC,2020-05-07 22:19:15 UTC
10020,#May #step,4332,Story,28093,2020-05-07 22:19:59 UTC,2020-05-07 22:19:59 UTC
10021,#may #step,4332,Story,28094,2020-05-07 22:21:06 UTC,2020-05-07 22:21:06 UTC
10022,#may #step,4332,Story,28095,2020-05-07 22:27:05 UTC,2020-05-07 22:27:05 UTC
10025,#step #may,4332,Story,28098,2020-05-07 22:31:55 UTC,2020-05-07 22:31:55 UTC
10026,#step #may,4332,Story,28099,2020-05-07 22:32:55 UTC,2020-05-07 22:32:55 UTC
10027,#step #April #step # May,4493,Story,28100,2020-05-08 03:50:28 UTC,2020-05-08 03:50:28 UTC
10028,#step # April #step # May,4493,Story,28101,2020-05-08 03:55:36 UTC,2020-05-08 03:55:36 UTC
10029,# step # April #step #May,4493,Story,28102,2020-05-08 03:56:51 UTC,2020-05-08 03:56:51 UTC
10030,#step # April #step # May,4493,Story,28103,2020-05-08 03:58:50 UTC,2020-05-08 03:58:50 UTC
10031,#step #April #step #May,4493,Story,28104,2020-05-08 04:00:07 UTC,2020-05-08 04:00:07 UTC
10032,#step #April #step #May,4493,Story,28105,2020-05-08 04:02:22 UTC,2020-05-08 04:02:22 UTC
10033,#step #April #step #May,4493,Story,28106,2020-05-08 04:06:50 UTC,2020-05-08 04:06:50 UTC
10035,#may #step,4332,Story,28118,2020-05-08 18:40:18 UTC,2020-05-08 18:40:18 UTC
10036,#step #may,4382,Story,28119,2020-05-08 18:45:13 UTC,2020-05-08 18:45:13 UTC
10037,#step #may,4382,Story,28120,2020-05-08 18:46:02 UTC,2020-05-08 18:46:02 UTC
10039,#may #step,4332,Story,28122,2020-05-08 18:46:57 UTC,2020-05-08 18:46:57 UTC
10045,#step #may,4382,Story,28128,2020-05-08 18:49:53 UTC,2020-05-08 18:49:53 UTC
10048,#step #may,4382,Story,28131,2020-05-08 18:51:38 UTC,2020-05-08 18:51:38 UTC
10050,#step #may,4382,Story,28133,2020-05-08 18:52:47 UTC,2020-05-08 18:52:47 UTC
10051,#step #may,4382,Story,28134,2020-05-08 18:53:19 UTC,2020-05-08 18:53:19 UTC
10052,#step #may,4382,Story,28135,2020-05-08 18:53:55 UTC,2020-05-08 18:53:55 UTC
10054,#step #may,4382,Story,28137,2020-05-08 18:54:51 UTC,2020-05-08 18:54:51 UTC
10056,#step #may,4382,Story,28139,2020-05-08 18:56:30 UTC,2020-05-08 18:56:30 UTC
10057,#step #may,4382,Story,28140,2020-05-08 18:57:13 UTC,2020-05-08 18:57:13 UTC
10059,#step #may,4332,Story,28142,2020-05-08 18:57:45 UTC,2020-05-08 18:57:45 UTC
10061,#step #may,4382,Story,28144,2020-05-08 18:58:37 UTC,2020-05-08 18:58:37 UTC
10062,#step #may,4332,Story,28145,2020-05-08 18:59:37 UTC,2020-05-08 18:59:37 UTC
10063,#may #step,4332,Story,28146,2020-05-08 19:00:10 UTC,2020-05-08 19:00:10 UTC
10065,#may #step,4332,Story,28148,2020-05-08 19:01:50 UTC,2020-05-08 19:01:50 UTC
10068,#step #may,4382,Story,28151,2020-05-08 19:03:35 UTC,2020-05-08 19:03:35 UTC
10069,#step #may,4382,Story,28152,2020-05-08 19:04:04 UTC,2020-05-08 19:04:04 UTC
10072,#step #may,4382,Story,28155,2020-05-08 19:05:11 UTC,2020-05-08 19:05:11 UTC
10073,#step #may,4382,Story,28156,2020-05-08 19:05:36 UTC,2020-05-08 19:05:36 UTC
10074,#step #may,4382,Story,28157,2020-05-08 19:05:55 UTC,2020-05-08 19:05:55 UTC
10077,#step #may,4382,Story,28160,2020-05-08 19:07:04 UTC,2020-05-08 19:07:04 UTC
10080,#step #may,4382,Story,28163,2020-05-08 19:08:09 UTC,2020-05-08 19:08:09 UTC
10081,#step #may,4382,Story,28164,2020-05-08 19:08:46 UTC,2020-05-08 19:08:46 UTC
10085,#step #may,4382,Story,28168,2020-05-08 19:10:48 UTC,2020-05-08 19:10:48 UTC
10038,#step #may,4382,Story,28121,2020-05-08 18:46:55 UTC,2020-05-08 18:46:55 UTC
10040,#step #may,4332,Story,28123,2020-05-08 18:47:34 UTC,2020-05-08 18:47:34 UTC
10041,#step #may,4382,Story,28124,2020-05-08 18:47:48 UTC,2020-05-08 18:47:48 UTC
10042,#step #may,4382,Story,28125,2020-05-08 18:48:18 UTC,2020-05-08 18:48:18 UTC
10043,#step #may,4382,Story,28126,2020-05-08 18:48:46 UTC,2020-05-08 18:48:46 UTC
10044,#step #may,4382,Story,28127,2020-05-08 18:49:16 UTC,2020-05-08 18:49:16 UTC
10046,#step #may,4382,Story,28129,2020-05-08 18:50:42 UTC,2020-05-08 18:50:42 UTC
10047,#step #may,4382,Story,28130,2020-05-08 18:51:09 UTC,2020-05-08 18:51:09 UTC
10049,#step #may,4382,Story,28132,2020-05-08 18:52:16 UTC,2020-05-08 18:52:16 UTC
10053,#step #may,4382,Story,28136,2020-05-08 18:54:20 UTC,2020-05-08 18:54:20 UTC
10055,#step #may,4382,Story,28138,2020-05-08 18:56:02 UTC,2020-05-08 18:56:02 UTC
10058,#step #may,4382,Story,28141,2020-05-08 18:57:29 UTC,2020-05-08 18:57:29 UTC
10060,#step #may,4382,Story,28143,2020-05-08 18:57:56 UTC,2020-05-08 18:57:56 UTC
10064,#step #may,4382,Story,28147,2020-05-08 19:01:36 UTC,2020-05-08 19:01:36 UTC
10066,#step #may,4382,Story,28149,2020-05-08 19:02:00 UTC,2020-05-08 19:02:00 UTC
10067,#step #may,4382,Story,28150,2020-05-08 19:03:06 UTC,2020-05-08 19:03:06 UTC
10070,#step #may,4382,Story,28153,2020-05-08 19:04:31 UTC,2020-05-08 19:04:31 UTC
10071,#step #may,4382,Story,28154,2020-05-08 19:04:54 UTC,2020-05-08 19:04:54 UTC
10075,#step #may,4382,Story,28158,2020-05-08 19:06:16 UTC,2020-05-08 19:06:16 UTC
10076,#step #may,4382,Story,28159,2020-05-08 19:06:43 UTC,2020-05-08 19:06:43 UTC
10078,#step #may,4382,Story,28161,2020-05-08 19:07:24 UTC,2020-05-08 19:07:24 UTC
10079,#step #may,4382,Story,28162,2020-05-08 19:07:45 UTC,2020-05-08 19:07:45 UTC
10082,#step #may,4382,Story,28165,2020-05-08 19:09:09 UTC,2020-05-08 19:09:09 UTC
10083,#step #may,4382,Story,28166,2020-05-08 19:10:14 UTC,2020-05-08 19:10:14 UTC
10084,#step #may,4382,Story,28167,2020-05-08 19:10:31 UTC,2020-05-08 19:10:31 UTC
10086,#step #may,4382,Story,28169,2020-05-08 19:11:06 UTC,2020-05-08 19:11:06 UTC
10087,#step #may,4382,Story,28170,2020-05-08 22:19:43 UTC,2020-05-08 22:19:43 UTC
10088,#step #may,4427,Story,28171,2020-05-08 23:12:55 UTC,2020-05-08 23:12:55 UTC
10089,#step #may,4427,Story,28172,2020-05-08 23:13:33 UTC,2020-05-08 23:13:33 UTC
10090,#step #May,4424,Story,28173,2020-05-08 23:14:26 UTC,2020-05-08 23:14:26 UTC
10091,#step #May,4424,Story,28174,2020-05-08 23:14:42 UTC,2020-05-08 23:14:42 UTC
10092,#step #May,4424,Story,28175,2020-05-08 23:14:54 UTC,2020-05-08 23:14:54 UTC
10093,#step #May,4424,Story,28176,2020-05-08 23:16:57 UTC,2020-05-08 23:16:57 UTC
10094,#step #May,4424,Story,28177,2020-05-08 23:17:15 UTC,2020-05-08 23:17:15 UTC
10095,#step #May,4424,Story,28178,2020-05-08 23:17:45 UTC,2020-05-08 23:17:45 UTC
10096,#step #may,4427,Story,28179,2020-05-08 23:17:54 UTC,2020-05-08 23:17:54 UTC
10097,#step #May,4424,Story,28180,2020-05-08 23:18:01 UTC,2020-05-08 23:18:01 UTC
10098,#step #May,4424,Story,28181,2020-05-08 23:18:33 UTC,2020-05-08 23:18:33 UTC
10099,#step #may,4427,Story,28182,2020-05-08 23:18:50 UTC,2020-05-08 23:18:50 UTC
10100,#step #May,4424,Story,28183,2020-05-08 23:19:38 UTC,2020-05-08 23:19:38 UTC
10101,#step #may,4427,Story,28184,2020-05-08 23:19:39 UTC,2020-05-08 23:19:39 UTC
10102,#step #may,4427,Story,28185,2020-05-08 23:20:34 UTC,2020-05-08 23:20:34 UTC
10103,#step #may,4427,Story,28186,2020-05-08 23:29:22 UTC,2020-05-08 23:29:22 UTC
10104,#step #May,4424,Story,28187,2020-05-08 23:29:35 UTC,2020-05-08 23:29:35 UTC
10105,#step #may,4427,Story,28188,2020-05-08 23:29:42 UTC,2020-05-08 23:29:42 UTC
10110,#step #May,4424,Story,28193,2020-05-08 23:38:41 UTC,2020-05-08 23:38:41 UTC
10111,#step #May,4424,Story,28194,2020-05-08 23:39:00 UTC,2020-05-08 23:39:00 UTC
10113,#step #may,4427,Story,28196,2020-05-08 23:39:14 UTC,2020-05-08 23:39:14 UTC
10116,#step #May,4424,Story,28199,2020-05-08 23:41:53 UTC,2020-05-08 23:41:53 UTC
10117,#step #may,4427,Story,28200,2020-05-08 23:41:53 UTC,2020-05-08 23:41:53 UTC
10120,#step #may,4427,Story,28203,2020-05-08 23:43:50 UTC,2020-05-08 23:43:50 UTC
10121,#step #May,4424,Story,28204,2020-05-08 23:45:12 UTC,2020-05-08 23:45:12 UTC
10126,#step #may,4427,Story,28209,2020-05-08 23:51:09 UTC,2020-05-08 23:51:09 UTC
10128,#step #May,4424,Story,28211,2020-05-08 23:52:04 UTC,2020-05-08 23:52:04 UTC
10106,#step #May,4424,Story,28189,2020-05-08 23:29:56 UTC,2020-05-08 23:29:56 UTC
10107,#step #may,4427,Story,28190,2020-05-08 23:32:48 UTC,2020-05-08 23:32:48 UTC
10108,#step #May,4424,Story,28191,2020-05-08 23:35:51 UTC,2020-05-08 23:35:51 UTC
10109,#step #may,4427,Story,28192,2020-05-08 23:36:02 UTC,2020-05-08 23:36:02 UTC
10112,#step #may,4427,Story,28195,2020-05-08 23:39:00 UTC,2020-05-08 23:39:00 UTC
10114,#step #may,4427,Story,28197,2020-05-08 23:41:13 UTC,2020-05-08 23:41:13 UTC
10115,#step #May,4424,Story,28198,2020-05-08 23:41:28 UTC,2020-05-08 23:41:28 UTC
10118,Tree doesn’t exist,4427,Story,28201,2020-05-08 23:43:35 UTC,2020-05-08 23:43:35 UTC
10119,#step #May,4424,Story,28202,2020-05-08 23:43:41 UTC,2020-05-08 23:43:41 UTC
10122,#step #may,4427,Story,28205,2020-05-08 23:45:38 UTC,2020-05-08 23:45:38 UTC
10123,#step #may,4427,Story,28206,2020-05-08 23:45:52 UTC,2020-05-08 23:45:52 UTC
10124,#step #may,4427,Story,28207,2020-05-08 23:49:32 UTC,2020-05-08 23:49:32 UTC
10125,#step #May,4424,Story,28208,2020-05-08 23:49:47 UTC,2020-05-08 23:49:47 UTC
10127,#step #may,4427,Story,28210,2020-05-08 23:51:24 UTC,2020-05-08 23:51:24 UTC
10153,#step #may ,4458,Story,28258,2020-05-09 16:45:47 UTC,2020-05-09 16:45:47 UTC
10156,#step #may ,4458,Story,28261,2020-05-09 16:47:43 UTC,2020-05-09 16:47:43 UTC
10158,#step #may ,4458,Story,28263,2020-05-09 16:48:51 UTC,2020-05-09 16:48:51 UTC
10161,#step #may ,4458,Story,28266,2020-05-09 16:50:42 UTC,2020-05-09 16:50:42 UTC
10164,#step #may ,4458,Story,28269,2020-05-09 16:54:25 UTC,2020-05-09 16:54:25 UTC
10165,#step #may large void possibly long term safety issue.,4458,Story,28270,2020-05-09 16:55:58 UTC,2020-05-09 16:55:58 UTC
10166,#step #may ,4458,Story,28271,2020-05-09 16:57:07 UTC,2020-05-09 16:57:07 UTC
10167,#step #may ,4458,Story,28272,2020-05-09 16:57:47 UTC,2020-05-09 16:57:47 UTC
10168,#step #may ,4458,Story,28273,2020-05-09 16:58:22 UTC,2020-05-09 16:58:22 UTC
10150,#step #may ,4458,Story,28255,2020-05-09 16:44:24 UTC,2020-05-09 16:44:24 UTC
10151,#step #may ,4458,Story,28256,2020-05-09 16:45:02 UTC,2020-05-09 16:45:02 UTC
10154,#step #may ,4458,Story,28259,2020-05-09 16:46:25 UTC,2020-05-09 16:46:25 UTC
10155,#step #may ,4458,Story,28260,2020-05-09 16:47:06 UTC,2020-05-09 16:47:06 UTC
10157,#step #may ,4458,Story,28262,2020-05-09 16:48:18 UTC,2020-05-09 16:48:18 UTC
10159,#step #may ,4458,Story,28264,2020-05-09 16:49:29 UTC,2020-05-09 16:49:29 UTC
10160,#step #may ,4458,Story,28265,2020-05-09 16:50:02 UTC,2020-05-09 16:50:02 UTC
10162,#step #may ,4458,Story,28267,2020-05-09 16:51:39 UTC,2020-05-09 16:51:39 UTC
10163,#step #may ,4458,Story,28268,2020-05-09 16:52:20 UTC,2020-05-09 16:52:20 UTC
10169,#step #may  dead branches at top of tree.,4458,Story,28274,2020-05-09 17:00:07 UTC,2020-05-09 17:00:07 UTC
10170,#step #may,4332,Story,28276,2020-05-09 18:12:41 UTC,2020-05-09 18:12:41 UTC
10171,#may #step,4332,Story,28277,2020-05-09 18:13:31 UTC,2020-05-09 18:13:31 UTC
10173,#may #step,4332,Story,28279,2020-05-09 18:15:31 UTC,2020-05-09 18:15:31 UTC
10172,#step #may,4332,Story,28280,2020-05-09 18:15:31 UTC,2020-05-09 18:15:31 UTC
10176,"#step #may
Quite a bit of squirrel damage but overall looks healthy",4332,Story,28283,2020-05-09 18:21:23 UTC,2020-05-09 18:21:23 UTC
10177,#step #may,4332,Story,28284,2020-05-09 18:23:19 UTC,2020-05-09 18:23:19 UTC
10178,#step #may,4332,Story,28285,2020-05-09 18:24:39 UTC,2020-05-09 18:24:39 UTC
10179,#may #step,4332,Story,28286,2020-05-09 18:26:03 UTC,2020-05-09 18:26:03 UTC
10180,Quite a bit of squirrel damage but overall healthy,4332,Story,28287,2020-05-09 18:26:33 UTC,2020-05-09 18:26:33 UTC
10181,#step #may,4332,Story,28288,2020-05-09 18:27:42 UTC,2020-05-09 18:27:42 UTC
10182,#may #step,4332,Story,28289,2020-05-09 18:28:36 UTC,2020-05-09 18:28:36 UTC
10183,#step #may,4332,Story,28291,2020-05-09 18:30:53 UTC,2020-05-09 18:30:53 UTC
10184,#step #may,4332,Story,28292,2020-05-09 18:30:53 UTC,2020-05-09 18:30:53 UTC
10185,#step #may,4332,Story,28293,2020-05-09 18:32:22 UTC,2020-05-09 18:32:22 UTC
10186,#step #may,4332,Story,28295,2020-05-09 18:33:55 UTC,2020-05-09 18:33:55 UTC
10187,#step #may,4332,Story,28296,2020-05-09 18:33:55 UTC,2020-05-09 18:33:55 UTC
10189,#step #may,4332,Story,28298,2020-05-09 18:36:08 UTC,2020-05-09 18:36:08 UTC
10190,#step #May,4424,Story,28299,2020-05-09 19:51:25 UTC,2020-05-09 19:51:25 UTC
10191,#step #May,4424,Story,28300,2020-05-09 19:58:45 UTC,2020-05-09 19:58:45 UTC
10192,#step #May,4424,Story,28301,2020-05-09 20:00:54 UTC,2020-05-09 20:00:54 UTC
10193,#step #May,4424,Story,28302,2020-05-09 20:01:06 UTC,2020-05-09 20:01:06 UTC
10194,#step #May,4424,Story,28303,2020-05-09 20:01:31 UTC,2020-05-09 20:01:31 UTC
10197,#step #May,4424,Story,28306,2020-05-09 20:03:46 UTC,2020-05-09 20:03:46 UTC
10195,#step #May,4424,Story,28304,2020-05-09 20:01:51 UTC,2020-05-09 20:01:51 UTC
10196,#step #May,4424,Story,28305,2020-05-09 20:03:33 UTC,2020-05-09 20:03:33 UTC
10198,#step #May,4424,Story,28307,2020-05-09 20:04:49 UTC,2020-05-09 20:04:49 UTC
10200,#step #May,4424,Story,28308,2020-05-09 20:18:20 UTC,2020-05-09 20:18:20 UTC
10199,#step #May,4424,Story,28309,2020-05-09 20:18:20 UTC,2020-05-09 20:18:20 UTC
10201,#step #May,4424,Story,28310,2020-05-09 20:18:35 UTC,2020-05-09 20:18:35 UTC
10202,#step #may,4382,Story,28311,2020-05-09 20:48:39 UTC,2020-05-09 20:48:39 UTC
10203,#step #may,4463,Story,28312,2020-05-09 21:44:52 UTC,2020-05-09 21:44:52 UTC
10204,#step #may,4463,Story,28313,2020-05-09 21:45:12 UTC,2020-05-09 21:45:12 UTC
10205,#step #may,4463,Story,28314,2020-05-09 21:45:33 UTC,2020-05-09 21:45:33 UTC
10206,#step #may,4463,Story,28315,2020-05-09 21:45:50 UTC,2020-05-09 21:45:50 UTC
10207,#step #may,4463,Story,28316,2020-05-09 21:46:08 UTC,2020-05-09 21:46:08 UTC
10208,#step #may,4463,Story,28317,2020-05-09 21:46:42 UTC,2020-05-09 21:46:42 UTC
10209,#step #may,4463,Story,28318,2020-05-09 21:47:03 UTC,2020-05-09 21:47:03 UTC
10210,#step #may,4463,Story,28319,2020-05-09 21:47:20 UTC,2020-05-09 21:47:20 UTC
10211,#step #may,4463,Story,28320,2020-05-09 21:47:51 UTC,2020-05-09 21:47:51 UTC
10212,#step #may,4463,Story,28321,2020-05-09 21:48:08 UTC,2020-05-09 21:48:08 UTC
10213,#step #may,4463,Story,28322,2020-05-09 21:48:24 UTC,2020-05-09 21:48:24 UTC
10214,#step #may,4463,Story,28323,2020-05-09 21:48:41 UTC,2020-05-09 21:48:41 UTC
10215,#step #may,4463,Story,28324,2020-05-09 21:48:58 UTC,2020-05-09 21:48:58 UTC
10216,#step #may,4463,Story,28325,2020-05-09 21:49:19 UTC,2020-05-09 21:49:19 UTC
10217,#step #may,4463,Story,28326,2020-05-09 21:49:38 UTC,2020-05-09 21:49:38 UTC
10218,#step #may,4463,Story,28327,2020-05-09 21:49:55 UTC,2020-05-09 21:49:55 UTC
10219,#step #may,4463,Story,28328,2020-05-09 21:50:23 UTC,2020-05-09 21:50:23 UTC
10220,#step #may,4463,Story,28329,2020-05-09 21:51:11 UTC,2020-05-09 21:51:11 UTC
10221,#step #may,4463,Story,28330,2020-05-09 21:51:27 UTC,2020-05-09 21:51:27 UTC
10222,#step #may,4463,Story,28331,2020-05-09 21:51:47 UTC,2020-05-09 21:51:47 UTC
10223,#step #may,4463,Story,28332,2020-05-09 21:52:07 UTC,2020-05-09 21:52:07 UTC
10224,#step #may,4463,Story,28333,2020-05-09 21:52:39 UTC,2020-05-09 21:52:39 UTC
10225,#step #may,4463,Story,28334,2020-05-09 21:53:00 UTC,2020-05-09 21:53:00 UTC
10228,#step #May,4424,Story,28342,2020-05-10 22:13:00 UTC,2020-05-10 22:13:00 UTC
10229,#step #May,4424,Story,28343,2020-05-10 22:13:14 UTC,2020-05-10 22:13:14 UTC
10230,#step #May,4424,Story,28344,2020-05-10 22:24:30 UTC,2020-05-10 22:24:30 UTC
10232,#step #May,5785,Story,28346,2020-05-10 22:25:46 UTC,2020-05-10 22:25:46 UTC
10233,#step #May,4424,Story,28347,2020-05-10 22:27:44 UTC,2020-05-10 22:27:44 UTC
10234,#step #May,4424,Story,28348,2020-05-10 22:27:55 UTC,2020-05-10 22:27:55 UTC
10235,#step #May,4424,Story,28349,2020-05-10 22:32:08 UTC,2020-05-10 22:32:08 UTC
10237,#step #May,4424,Story,28351,2020-05-10 22:34:42 UTC,2020-05-10 22:34:42 UTC
10239,#step #May,4424,Story,28353,2020-05-10 22:35:11 UTC,2020-05-10 22:35:11 UTC
10240,#step #May,4424,Story,28354,2020-05-10 22:38:06 UTC,2020-05-10 22:38:06 UTC
10241,#step #May,5785,Story,28355,2020-05-10 22:47:13 UTC,2020-05-10 22:47:13 UTC
10242,#step #May,5793,Story,28356,2020-05-10 22:53:14 UTC,2020-05-10 22:53:14 UTC
10244,#step #may,4463,Story,28358,2020-05-10 22:54:01 UTC,2020-05-10 22:54:01 UTC
10245,#step #may,4463,Story,28359,2020-05-10 22:54:17 UTC,2020-05-10 22:54:17 UTC
10247,#step #may,4463,Story,28361,2020-05-10 22:54:51 UTC,2020-05-10 22:54:51 UTC
10248,#step #may,4463,Story,28362,2020-05-10 22:55:08 UTC,2020-05-10 22:55:08 UTC
10250,#step #may,4463,Story,28364,2020-05-10 22:55:42 UTC,2020-05-10 22:55:42 UTC
10251,#step #May possible curled yellow leaves,5793,Story,28365,2020-05-10 22:57:33 UTC,2020-05-10 22:57:33 UTC
10236,#step #May,4424,Story,28350,2020-05-10 22:32:23 UTC,2020-05-10 22:32:23 UTC
10238,#step #May,4424,Story,28352,2020-05-10 22:34:55 UTC,2020-05-10 22:34:55 UTC
10243,#step #may,4463,Story,28357,2020-05-10 22:53:45 UTC,2020-05-10 22:53:45 UTC
10246,#step #may,4463,Story,28360,2020-05-10 22:54:35 UTC,2020-05-10 22:54:35 UTC
10249,#step #may,4463,Story,28363,2020-05-10 22:55:26 UTC,2020-05-10 22:55:26 UTC
10252,#step #May,5785,Story,28366,2020-05-10 23:03:39 UTC,2020-05-10 23:03:39 UTC
10253,#step #May,5793,Story,28367,2020-05-10 23:04:21 UTC,2020-05-10 23:04:21 UTC
10256,#step #May,5785,Story,28370,2020-05-10 23:32:16 UTC,2020-05-10 23:32:16 UTC
10257,#step #May,5793,Story,28371,2020-05-10 23:34:42 UTC,2020-05-10 23:34:42 UTC
10258,#step #May,5785,Story,28372,2020-05-10 23:36:29 UTC,2020-05-10 23:36:29 UTC
10259,#step #May,5793,Story,28373,2020-05-10 23:40:34 UTC,2020-05-10 23:40:34 UTC
10260,#step May,5785,Story,28374,2020-05-10 23:45:19 UTC,2020-05-10 23:45:19 UTC
10262,#step #May,5793,Story,28376,2020-05-10 23:51:44 UTC,2020-05-10 23:51:44 UTC
10263,#step # May,5785,Story,28377,2020-05-10 23:52:35 UTC,2020-05-10 23:52:35 UTC
10264,#step #May,5793,Story,28378,2020-05-10 23:56:35 UTC,2020-05-10 23:56:35 UTC
10271,#may #step,4332,Story,28399,2020-05-11 18:20:37 UTC,2020-05-11 18:20:37 UTC
10272,#step #may,4332,Story,28400,2020-05-11 18:29:22 UTC,2020-05-11 18:29:22 UTC
10273,#may #step,4332,Story,28401,2020-05-11 18:33:21 UTC,2020-05-11 18:33:21 UTC
10274,"#may #step
Squirrel damage at some branch tips",4332,Story,28402,2020-05-11 18:36:12 UTC,2020-05-11 18:36:12 UTC
10276,#step #may,4332,Story,28404,2020-05-11 18:38:22 UTC,2020-05-11 18:38:22 UTC
10275,Squirrel damage at some branch tips,4332,Story,28405,2020-05-11 18:38:22 UTC,2020-05-11 18:38:22 UTC
10277,"#may #step
Some squirrel damage on mostly dead branch",4332,Story,28406,2020-05-11 18:44:32 UTC,2020-05-11 18:44:32 UTC
10278,#may #step,4332,Story,28407,2020-05-11 18:46:27 UTC,2020-05-11 18:46:27 UTC
10279,#may #step,4332,Story,28408,2020-05-11 18:48:03 UTC,2020-05-11 18:48:03 UTC
10280,#step #may,4463,Story,28409,2020-05-12 04:58:50 UTC,2020-05-12 04:58:50 UTC
10281,#step #may,4463,Story,28410,2020-05-12 04:59:21 UTC,2020-05-12 04:59:21 UTC
10231,#step #May,5793,Story,28345,2020-05-10 22:25:37 UTC,2020-05-10 22:25:37 UTC
10303,#step #May,4424,Story,28440,2020-05-12 23:51:35 UTC,2020-05-12 23:51:35 UTC
10288,#step #may,4332,Story,28425,2020-05-12 21:00:47 UTC,2020-05-12 21:00:47 UTC
10289,#step #May,4424,Story,28426,2020-05-12 23:36:54 UTC,2020-05-12 23:36:54 UTC
10290,#step #May,4424,Story,28427,2020-05-12 23:39:38 UTC,2020-05-12 23:39:38 UTC
10291,#step #May,4424,Story,28428,2020-05-12 23:40:53 UTC,2020-05-12 23:40:53 UTC
10292,#step #May,4424,Story,28429,2020-05-12 23:41:05 UTC,2020-05-12 23:41:05 UTC
10293,#step #May,4424,Story,28430,2020-05-12 23:41:30 UTC,2020-05-12 23:41:30 UTC
10294,#step #May,4424,Story,28431,2020-05-12 23:42:00 UTC,2020-05-12 23:42:00 UTC
10295,#step #May,4424,Story,28432,2020-05-12 23:42:15 UTC,2020-05-12 23:42:15 UTC
10296,#step #May,4424,Story,28433,2020-05-12 23:42:34 UTC,2020-05-12 23:42:34 UTC
10297,#step #May,4424,Story,28434,2020-05-12 23:45:42 UTC,2020-05-12 23:45:42 UTC
10298,#step #May,4424,Story,28435,2020-05-12 23:48:08 UTC,2020-05-12 23:48:08 UTC
10299,#step #May,4424,Story,28436,2020-05-12 23:48:23 UTC,2020-05-12 23:48:23 UTC
10300,#step #May,4424,Story,28437,2020-05-12 23:48:39 UTC,2020-05-12 23:48:39 UTC
10301,#step #May,4424,Story,28438,2020-05-12 23:49:01 UTC,2020-05-12 23:49:01 UTC
10302,"#step #May
Lots of dead branches at top",4424,Story,28439,2020-05-12 23:51:19 UTC,2020-05-12 23:51:19 UTC
10304,#step #May,4424,Story,28441,2020-05-12 23:51:48 UTC,2020-05-12 23:51:48 UTC
10305,#step #May,4424,Story,28442,2020-05-12 23:53:46 UTC,2020-05-12 23:53:46 UTC
10306,#step #May,4424,Story,28443,2020-05-12 23:54:57 UTC,2020-05-12 23:54:57 UTC
10307,#step #May,4424,Story,28444,2020-05-12 23:56:53 UTC,2020-05-12 23:56:53 UTC
10308,#step #May,4424,Story,28445,2020-05-12 23:57:58 UTC,2020-05-12 23:57:58 UTC
10309,#step #May,4424,Story,28446,2020-05-12 23:58:17 UTC,2020-05-12 23:58:17 UTC
10310,#step #May,4424,Story,28447,2020-05-12 23:59:50 UTC,2020-05-12 23:59:50 UTC
10311,#step #May,4424,Story,28448,2020-05-13 00:00:14 UTC,2020-05-13 00:00:14 UTC
10312,#step #May,4424,Story,28449,2020-05-13 00:01:13 UTC,2020-05-13 00:01:13 UTC
10313,#step #May,4424,Story,28450,2020-05-13 00:01:31 UTC,2020-05-13 00:01:31 UTC
10329,#step #may #ded,4089,Story,28472,2020-05-13 18:18:10 UTC,2020-05-13 18:18:10 UTC
10332,#step #may #april,4089,Story,28479,2020-05-13 19:17:14 UTC,2020-05-13 19:17:14 UTC
10333,#step #may,4089,Story,28480,2020-05-13 19:17:25 UTC,2020-05-13 19:17:25 UTC
10334,#step #may,4089,Story,28481,2020-05-13 19:17:36 UTC,2020-05-13 19:17:36 UTC
10335,#step #may,4089,Story,28482,2020-05-13 19:17:47 UTC,2020-05-13 19:17:47 UTC
10336,#step #may,4089,Story,28483,2020-05-13 19:17:57 UTC,2020-05-13 19:17:57 UTC
10337,#step #may,4089,Story,28484,2020-05-13 19:18:09 UTC,2020-05-13 19:18:09 UTC
10338,#step #may,4089,Story,28485,2020-05-13 19:18:19 UTC,2020-05-13 19:18:19 UTC
10339,#step #may,4089,Story,28486,2020-05-13 19:18:30 UTC,2020-05-13 19:18:30 UTC
10340,#step #may,4089,Story,28487,2020-05-13 19:18:39 UTC,2020-05-13 19:18:39 UTC
10341,#step #may,4089,Story,28488,2020-05-13 19:18:48 UTC,2020-05-13 19:18:48 UTC
10342,#step #may,4089,Story,28489,2020-05-13 19:19:05 UTC,2020-05-13 19:19:05 UTC
10343,#step #may,4089,Story,28490,2020-05-13 19:19:22 UTC,2020-05-13 19:19:22 UTC
10344,#step #may,4089,Story,28491,2020-05-13 19:19:36 UTC,2020-05-13 19:19:36 UTC
10345,#step #may,4089,Story,28492,2020-05-13 19:19:44 UTC,2020-05-13 19:19:44 UTC
10346,#step #may,4089,Story,28493,2020-05-13 19:19:55 UTC,2020-05-13 19:19:55 UTC
10347,#step #may,4089,Story,28494,2020-05-13 19:20:03 UTC,2020-05-13 19:20:03 UTC
10330,#step #may #ded,4089,Story,28475,2020-05-13 18:19:57 UTC,2020-05-13 18:19:57 UTC
10348,#step #may,4089,Story,28495,2020-05-13 19:20:17 UTC,2020-05-13 19:20:17 UTC
10350,#step #may,4089,Story,28497,2020-05-13 19:20:36 UTC,2020-05-13 19:20:36 UTC
10353,#step #may,4089,Story,28500,2020-05-13 19:21:02 UTC,2020-05-13 19:21:02 UTC
10355,#step #may,4089,Story,28502,2020-05-13 19:21:25 UTC,2020-05-13 19:21:25 UTC
10357,#step #may,4089,Story,28504,2020-05-13 19:21:46 UTC,2020-05-13 19:21:46 UTC
10358,#step #may,4089,Story,28505,2020-05-13 19:22:00 UTC,2020-05-13 19:22:00 UTC
10359,#step #may,4089,Story,28506,2020-05-13 19:22:11 UTC,2020-05-13 19:22:11 UTC
10361,#step #may,4089,Story,28508,2020-05-13 19:22:29 UTC,2020-05-13 19:22:29 UTC
10362,#step #may,4089,Story,28509,2020-05-13 19:22:38 UTC,2020-05-13 19:22:38 UTC
10364,#step #may,4089,Story,28511,2020-05-13 19:22:56 UTC,2020-05-13 19:22:56 UTC
10367,#step #may,4089,Story,28514,2020-05-13 19:23:20 UTC,2020-05-13 19:23:20 UTC
10369,#step #may,4089,Story,28516,2020-05-13 19:23:40 UTC,2020-05-13 19:23:40 UTC
10371,#step #may,4089,Story,28518,2020-05-13 19:23:59 UTC,2020-05-13 19:23:59 UTC
10372,#step #may,4089,Story,28519,2020-05-13 19:24:07 UTC,2020-05-13 19:24:07 UTC
10374,#step #may,4089,Story,28521,2020-05-13 19:24:25 UTC,2020-05-13 19:24:25 UTC
10375,#step #may,4089,Story,28522,2020-05-13 19:24:33 UTC,2020-05-13 19:24:33 UTC
10349,#step #may,4089,Story,28496,2020-05-13 19:20:25 UTC,2020-05-13 19:20:25 UTC
10351,#step #may,4089,Story,28498,2020-05-13 19:20:45 UTC,2020-05-13 19:20:45 UTC
10352,#step #may,4089,Story,28499,2020-05-13 19:20:54 UTC,2020-05-13 19:20:54 UTC
10354,#step #may,4089,Story,28501,2020-05-13 19:21:12 UTC,2020-05-13 19:21:12 UTC
10356,#step #may,4089,Story,28503,2020-05-13 19:21:36 UTC,2020-05-13 19:21:36 UTC
10360,#step #may,4089,Story,28507,2020-05-13 19:22:20 UTC,2020-05-13 19:22:20 UTC
10363,#step #may,4089,Story,28510,2020-05-13 19:22:48 UTC,2020-05-13 19:22:48 UTC
10365,#step #may,4089,Story,28512,2020-05-13 19:23:05 UTC,2020-05-13 19:23:05 UTC
10366,#step #may,4089,Story,28513,2020-05-13 19:23:12 UTC,2020-05-13 19:23:12 UTC
10368,#step #may,4089,Story,28515,2020-05-13 19:23:29 UTC,2020-05-13 19:23:29 UTC
10370,#step #may,4089,Story,28517,2020-05-13 19:23:48 UTC,2020-05-13 19:23:48 UTC
10373,#step #may,4089,Story,28520,2020-05-13 19:24:16 UTC,2020-05-13 19:24:16 UTC
10376,#step #april,4089,Story,28523,2020-05-13 19:26:13 UTC,2020-05-13 19:26:13 UTC
10377,#step #may,5842,Story,28524,2020-05-13 20:19:15 UTC,2020-05-21 23:22:13 UTC
10378,"#step #may two 5"" diameter dead branches near top on west side ",5842,Story,28525,2020-05-13 20:21:08 UTC,2020-05-21 23:21:34 UTC
10380,#step #may  Tree replaced in late 2019 with Ulmus propinqua. One support stake got knocked loose.,5842,Story,28527,2020-05-13 20:28:55 UTC,2020-05-21 23:20:37 UTC
10381,#step #may  Large branch over street is very tangled in power lines.  Wilted leaves at top but not seen in other parts of tree.,5842,Story,28528,2020-05-13 20:30:58 UTC,2020-05-21 23:19:30 UTC
10382,"#step #may 9-10"" diameter dead branches over house. ",5842,Story,28529,2020-05-13 20:34:20 UTC,2020-05-21 23:18:18 UTC
10383,"#may #step
Some dead ends of branches which appears to be squirrel damage. Overall healthy. ",4332,Story,28530,2020-05-13 21:14:56 UTC,2020-05-13 21:14:56 UTC
10384,#may #step,4332,Story,28531,2020-05-13 21:17:05 UTC,2020-05-13 21:17:05 UTC
10393,#step #may,4463,Story,28545,2020-05-14 17:08:26 UTC,2020-05-14 17:08:26 UTC
10394,#step #may,4463,Story,28546,2020-05-14 17:08:55 UTC,2020-05-14 17:08:55 UTC
10395,#step #may ,4463,Story,28547,2020-05-14 17:09:31 UTC,2020-05-14 17:09:31 UTC
10396,#step #may,4463,Story,28548,2020-05-14 17:09:59 UTC,2020-05-14 17:09:59 UTC
10397,#step #may,4463,Story,28549,2020-05-14 17:11:24 UTC,2020-05-14 17:11:24 UTC
10398,#step #may,4463,Story,28550,2020-05-14 17:11:46 UTC,2020-05-14 17:11:46 UTC
10399,#step #may,4463,Story,28551,2020-05-14 17:12:09 UTC,2020-05-14 17:12:09 UTC
10400,#step #may,4463,Story,28552,2020-05-14 17:12:31 UTC,2020-05-14 17:12:31 UTC
10401,#step #may,4463,Story,28553,2020-05-14 17:12:54 UTC,2020-05-14 17:12:54 UTC
10402,#step #may,4463,Story,28554,2020-05-14 17:13:20 UTC,2020-05-14 17:13:20 UTC
10403,#step #may,4463,Story,28555,2020-05-14 17:13:45 UTC,2020-05-14 17:13:45 UTC
10404,#step #may,4463,Story,28556,2020-05-14 17:14:06 UTC,2020-05-14 17:14:06 UTC
10407,#step #may,4463,Story,28559,2020-05-14 17:15:18 UTC,2020-05-14 17:15:18 UTC
10405,#step #may,4463,Story,28557,2020-05-14 17:14:25 UTC,2020-05-14 17:14:25 UTC
10406,#step #may,4463,Story,28558,2020-05-14 17:14:47 UTC,2020-05-14 17:14:47 UTC
10408,#step #may,4463,Story,28560,2020-05-14 17:15:43 UTC,2020-05-14 17:15:43 UTC
10410,#step #May,5785,Story,28568,2020-05-14 22:57:48 UTC,2020-05-14 22:57:48 UTC
10411,#step #May,5793,Story,28569,2020-05-14 23:18:42 UTC,2020-05-14 23:18:42 UTC
10412,leaves growing out of burls are dried and curled,4463,Story,28570,2020-05-14 23:23:40 UTC,2020-05-14 23:23:40 UTC
10413,#step # May,5785,Story,28571,2020-05-14 23:41:09 UTC,2020-05-14 23:41:09 UTC
10414,#step #May,5793,Story,28572,2020-05-14 23:41:22 UTC,2020-05-14 23:41:22 UTC
10415,#step #May,5785,Story,28573,2020-05-14 23:42:01 UTC,2020-05-14 23:42:01 UTC
10416,#step #May,5793,Story,28574,2020-05-14 23:43:25 UTC,2020-05-14 23:43:25 UTC
10417,#step #May,5793,Story,28575,2020-05-14 23:50:01 UTC,2020-05-14 23:50:01 UTC
10418,"#step #May top limb has dried, yellow leaves and rest seems fine",5785,Story,28576,2020-05-14 23:51:28 UTC,2020-05-14 23:51:28 UTC
10419,#step #May,5785,Story,28577,2020-05-14 23:53:25 UTC,2020-05-14 23:53:25 UTC
10420,#step #May,5793,Story,28578,2020-05-14 23:53:51 UTC,2020-05-14 23:53:51 UTC
10421,#step #May,5785,Story,28579,2020-05-14 23:56:52 UTC,2020-05-14 23:56:52 UTC
10423,#step #May,5793,Story,28581,2020-05-14 23:58:15 UTC,2020-05-14 23:58:15 UTC
10424,#step #May,5785,Story,28582,2020-05-15 00:11:49 UTC,2020-05-15 00:11:49 UTC
10425,#step #May,5793,Story,28583,2020-05-15 00:12:36 UTC,2020-05-15 00:12:36 UTC
10426,#step #May,5785,Story,28584,2020-05-15 00:13:51 UTC,2020-05-15 00:13:51 UTC
10427,#step #May,5793,Story,28585,2020-05-15 00:14:56 UTC,2020-05-15 00:14:56 UTC
10428,#step # May some leaves upper left that are yellow,5785,Story,28586,2020-05-15 00:17:27 UTC,2020-05-15 00:17:27 UTC
10429,#step #May,5785,Story,28587,2020-05-15 00:23:38 UTC,2020-05-15 00:23:38 UTC
10430,#step #May,5793,Story,28588,2020-05-15 00:29:13 UTC,2020-05-15 00:29:13 UTC
10422,#step #May,5785,Story,28580,2020-05-14 23:58:09 UTC,2020-05-14 23:58:09 UTC
10449,The dried and curled leaves are actually on the neighboring tree.,4463,Story,28637,2020-05-15 23:01:38 UTC,2020-05-15 23:01:38 UTC
10455,#step #may,4463,Story,28650,2020-05-16 04:53:52 UTC,2020-05-16 04:53:52 UTC
10470,#step #may ,4458,Story,28675,2020-05-16 16:19:05 UTC,2020-05-16 16:19:05 UTC
10466,#step #may ,4458,Story,28671,2020-05-16 16:16:51 UTC,2020-05-16 16:16:51 UTC
10467,#step #may ,4458,Story,28672,2020-05-16 16:17:32 UTC,2020-05-16 16:17:32 UTC
10468,#step #may ,4458,Story,28673,2020-05-16 16:18:09 UTC,2020-05-16 16:18:09 UTC
10469,#step #may ,4458,Story,28674,2020-05-16 16:18:38 UTC,2020-05-16 16:18:38 UTC
10471,#step #may ,4458,Story,28676,2020-05-16 16:19:33 UTC,2020-05-16 16:19:33 UTC
10472,#step #may ,4458,Story,28677,2020-05-16 16:20:06 UTC,2020-05-16 16:20:06 UTC
10473,#step #may ,4458,Story,28678,2020-05-16 16:21:22 UTC,2020-05-16 16:21:22 UTC
10474,#step #may ,4458,Story,28679,2020-05-16 16:21:58 UTC,2020-05-16 16:21:58 UTC
10475,#step #may ,4458,Story,28680,2020-05-16 16:22:37 UTC,2020-05-16 16:22:37 UTC
10476,#step #may ,4458,Story,28681,2020-05-16 16:23:18 UTC,2020-05-16 16:23:18 UTC
10477,#step #may ,4458,Story,28682,2020-05-16 16:23:49 UTC,2020-05-16 16:23:49 UTC
10478,#step #may ,4458,Story,28683,2020-05-16 16:24:43 UTC,2020-05-16 16:24:43 UTC
10479,#step #may ,4458,Story,28684,2020-05-16 16:25:26 UTC,2020-05-16 16:25:26 UTC
10480,#step #may ,4458,Story,28685,2020-05-16 16:26:15 UTC,2020-05-16 16:26:15 UTC
10481,#step #may ,4458,Story,28686,2020-05-16 16:27:07 UTC,2020-05-16 16:27:07 UTC
10482,#step #may ,4458,Story,28687,2020-05-16 16:28:23 UTC,2020-05-16 16:28:23 UTC
10483,#step #may ,4458,Story,28688,2020-05-16 16:29:21 UTC,2020-05-16 16:29:21 UTC
10486,#step #may ,4458,Story,28691,2020-05-16 16:32:05 UTC,2020-05-16 16:32:05 UTC
10487,#step #may ,4458,Story,28692,2020-05-16 16:44:05 UTC,2020-05-16 16:44:05 UTC
10488,#step #may ,4458,Story,28693,2020-05-16 16:44:58 UTC,2020-05-16 16:44:58 UTC
10489,#step #may ,4458,Story,28694,2020-05-16 16:45:47 UTC,2020-05-16 16:45:47 UTC
10491,#step #may ,4458,Story,28696,2020-05-16 16:47:14 UTC,2020-05-16 16:47:14 UTC
10494,#step #may ,4458,Story,28699,2020-05-16 16:50:36 UTC,2020-05-16 16:50:36 UTC
10498,#step #may ,4458,Story,28703,2020-05-16 16:55:16 UTC,2020-05-16 16:55:16 UTC
10501,#step #may ,4458,Story,28706,2020-05-16 16:57:57 UTC,2020-05-16 16:57:57 UTC
10502,#step #may ,4458,Story,28707,2020-05-16 16:59:19 UTC,2020-05-16 16:59:19 UTC
10505,#step #may ,4458,Story,28710,2020-05-16 17:02:13 UTC,2020-05-16 17:02:13 UTC
10511,#step #may,4463,Story,28716,2020-05-16 17:06:11 UTC,2020-05-16 17:06:11 UTC
10516,#step #may ,4458,Story,28720,2020-05-16 17:08:11 UTC,2020-05-16 17:08:11 UTC
10515,#step #may,4463,Story,28721,2020-05-16 17:08:06 UTC,2020-05-16 17:08:06 UTC
10521,#step #may,4463,Story,28726,2020-05-16 17:11:27 UTC,2020-05-16 17:11:27 UTC
10522,#step #may,4463,Story,28727,2020-05-16 17:11:47 UTC,2020-05-16 17:11:47 UTC
10484,#step #may ,4458,Story,28689,2020-05-16 16:30:22 UTC,2020-05-16 16:30:22 UTC
10485,#step #may ,4458,Story,28690,2020-05-16 16:30:58 UTC,2020-05-16 16:30:58 UTC
10490,#step #may ,4458,Story,28695,2020-05-16 16:46:31 UTC,2020-05-16 16:46:31 UTC
10492,#step #may ,4458,Story,28697,2020-05-16 16:48:06 UTC,2020-05-16 16:48:06 UTC
10493,#step #may ,4458,Story,28698,2020-05-16 16:48:37 UTC,2020-05-16 16:48:37 UTC
10495,#step #may ,4458,Story,28700,2020-05-16 16:52:15 UTC,2020-05-16 16:52:15 UTC
10496,#step #may ,4458,Story,28701,2020-05-16 16:53:20 UTC,2020-05-16 16:53:20 UTC
10497,#step #may ,4458,Story,28702,2020-05-16 16:54:13 UTC,2020-05-16 16:54:13 UTC
10499,#step #may ,4458,Story,28704,2020-05-16 16:56:13 UTC,2020-05-16 16:56:13 UTC
10500,#step #may ,4458,Story,28705,2020-05-16 16:57:07 UTC,2020-05-16 16:57:07 UTC
10503,#step #may ,4458,Story,28708,2020-05-16 17:00:02 UTC,2020-05-16 17:00:02 UTC
10504,#step #may ,4458,Story,28709,2020-05-16 17:01:11 UTC,2020-05-16 17:01:11 UTC
10507,#step #may ,4458,Story,28711,2020-05-16 17:03:05 UTC,2020-05-16 17:03:05 UTC
10506,#step #may,4463,Story,28712,2020-05-16 17:03:04 UTC,2020-05-16 17:03:04 UTC
10508,#step #may ,4458,Story,28713,2020-05-16 17:05:00 UTC,2020-05-16 17:05:00 UTC
10509,#step #may,4463,Story,28714,2020-05-16 17:05:28 UTC,2020-05-16 17:05:28 UTC
10510,#step #may ,4458,Story,28715,2020-05-16 17:05:57 UTC,2020-05-16 17:05:57 UTC
10512,#step #may,4463,Story,28717,2020-05-16 17:06:38 UTC,2020-05-16 17:06:38 UTC
10513,#step #may ,4458,Story,28718,2020-05-16 17:06:55 UTC,2020-05-16 17:06:55 UTC
10514,#step #may,4463,Story,28719,2020-05-16 17:07:08 UTC,2020-05-16 17:07:08 UTC
10517,#step #may,4463,Story,28722,2020-05-16 17:08:42 UTC,2020-05-16 17:08:42 UTC
10518,#step #may,4463,Story,28723,2020-05-16 17:09:57 UTC,2020-05-16 17:09:57 UTC
10519,#step #may,4463,Story,28724,2020-05-16 17:09:57 UTC,2020-05-16 17:09:57 UTC
10520,#step #may,4463,Story,28725,2020-05-16 17:11:02 UTC,2020-05-16 17:11:02 UTC
10523,#step #may,4463,Story,28728,2020-05-16 17:12:05 UTC,2020-05-16 17:12:05 UTC
10524,#step #may,4463,Story,28729,2020-05-16 17:12:27 UTC,2020-05-16 17:12:27 UTC
10525,#step #may,4463,Story,28730,2020-05-16 17:12:59 UTC,2020-05-16 17:12:59 UTC
10526,#step #may,4463,Story,28731,2020-05-16 17:13:29 UTC,2020-05-16 17:13:29 UTC
10527,#step #may ,4458,Story,28732,2020-05-16 17:13:53 UTC,2020-05-16 17:13:53 UTC
10528,#step #may ,4458,Story,28733,2020-05-16 17:15:06 UTC,2020-05-16 17:15:06 UTC
10529,#step #may ,4458,Story,28734,2020-05-16 17:16:23 UTC,2020-05-16 17:16:23 UTC
10530,#step #may ,4458,Story,28735,2020-05-16 17:17:30 UTC,2020-05-16 17:17:30 UTC
10531,#step #may ,4458,Story,28736,2020-05-16 17:18:47 UTC,2020-05-16 17:18:47 UTC
10532,#step #may ,4458,Story,28737,2020-05-16 17:19:36 UTC,2020-05-16 17:19:36 UTC
10533,#step #may ,4458,Story,28738,2020-05-16 17:20:22 UTC,2020-05-16 17:20:22 UTC
10534,#step #may ,4458,Story,28739,2020-05-16 17:21:22 UTC,2020-05-16 17:21:22 UTC
10535,#step #may ,4458,Story,28740,2020-05-16 17:22:57 UTC,2020-05-16 17:22:57 UTC
10536,#step #may ,4458,Story,28741,2020-05-16 17:23:59 UTC,2020-05-16 17:23:59 UTC
10543,#step #May,4424,Story,28751,2020-05-16 20:19:03 UTC,2020-05-16 20:19:03 UTC
10544,#step #May,4424,Story,28752,2020-05-16 20:19:27 UTC,2020-05-16 20:19:27 UTC
10545,#step #May,4424,Story,28753,2020-05-16 20:29:23 UTC,2020-05-16 20:29:23 UTC
10546,#step #May,4424,Story,28754,2020-05-16 20:31:03 UTC,2020-05-16 20:31:03 UTC
10547,#step #May,4424,Story,28755,2020-05-16 20:31:25 UTC,2020-05-16 20:31:25 UTC
10548,#step #May,4424,Story,28756,2020-05-16 20:32:00 UTC,2020-05-16 20:32:00 UTC
10549,#step #May,4424,Story,28757,2020-05-16 20:41:16 UTC,2020-05-16 20:41:16 UTC
10550,#step #May,4424,Story,28758,2020-05-16 20:41:34 UTC,2020-05-16 20:41:34 UTC
10551,#step #May,4424,Story,28759,2020-05-16 20:42:02 UTC,2020-05-16 20:42:02 UTC
10552,#step #May,4424,Story,28760,2020-05-16 20:42:16 UTC,2020-05-16 20:42:16 UTC
10553,#may #step,4409,Story,28761,2020-05-16 21:35:42 UTC,2020-05-16 21:35:42 UTC
10554,#may #step,4409,Story,28762,2020-05-16 21:38:35 UTC,2020-05-16 21:38:35 UTC
10555,#may #step,4409,Story,28763,2020-05-16 21:40:04 UTC,2020-05-16 21:40:04 UTC
10556,#may #step,4409,Story,28764,2020-05-16 21:40:34 UTC,2020-05-16 21:40:34 UTC
10557,#may #step,4409,Story,28765,2020-05-16 21:40:57 UTC,2020-05-16 21:40:57 UTC
10558,#may #step,4409,Story,28766,2020-05-16 21:42:47 UTC,2020-05-16 21:42:47 UTC
10559,#may #step,4409,Story,28767,2020-05-16 21:49:11 UTC,2020-05-16 21:49:11 UTC
10560,#may #step,4409,Story,28768,2020-05-16 21:50:19 UTC,2020-05-16 21:50:19 UTC
10561,#may #step,4409,Story,28769,2020-05-16 21:59:04 UTC,2020-05-16 21:59:04 UTC
10565,Tree removed,4409,Story,28773,2020-05-16 22:09:14 UTC,2020-05-16 22:09:14 UTC
10566,Tree removed ,4409,Story,28775,2020-05-16 22:12:12 UTC,2020-05-16 22:12:12 UTC
10567,Tree removed ,4409,Story,28776,2020-05-16 22:12:12 UTC,2020-05-16 22:12:12 UTC
10568,#may #step,4409,Story,28777,2020-05-16 22:15:00 UTC,2020-05-16 22:15:00 UTC
10569,"#may #step
Damaged branches due to neighboring tree growing into and overlapping ",4409,Story,28778,2020-05-16 22:17:02 UTC,2020-05-16 22:17:02 UTC
10570,#may #step,4409,Story,28779,2020-05-16 22:25:07 UTC,2020-05-16 22:25:07 UTC
10571,#may #step,4409,Story,28780,2020-05-16 22:26:59 UTC,2020-05-16 22:26:59 UTC
10572,#may #step,4409,Story,28781,2020-05-16 22:28:49 UTC,2020-05-16 22:28:49 UTC
10573,#step #may,4463,Story,28782,2020-05-16 22:29:24 UTC,2020-05-16 22:29:24 UTC
10574,#step #may,4463,Story,28783,2020-05-16 22:29:46 UTC,2020-05-16 22:29:46 UTC
10575,#step #may,4463,Story,28784,2020-05-16 22:30:07 UTC,2020-05-16 22:30:07 UTC
10576,#step #may,4463,Story,28785,2020-05-16 22:30:30 UTC,2020-05-16 22:30:30 UTC
10577,#may #step,4409,Story,28786,2020-05-16 22:30:35 UTC,2020-05-16 22:30:35 UTC
10578,#step #may,4463,Story,28787,2020-05-16 22:30:56 UTC,2020-05-16 22:30:56 UTC
10579,#step #may,4463,Story,28788,2020-05-16 22:31:20 UTC,2020-05-16 22:31:20 UTC
10580,#step #may,4463,Story,28789,2020-05-16 22:31:54 UTC,2020-05-16 22:31:54 UTC
10581,#step #may,4463,Story,28790,2020-05-16 22:32:17 UTC,2020-05-16 22:32:17 UTC
10582,#step #may,4463,Story,28791,2020-05-16 22:32:41 UTC,2020-05-16 22:32:41 UTC
10583,#step #may,4463,Story,28792,2020-05-16 22:33:05 UTC,2020-05-16 22:33:05 UTC
10584,#step #may,4463,Story,28793,2020-05-16 22:33:21 UTC,2020-05-16 22:33:21 UTC
10585,#step #may,4463,Story,28794,2020-05-16 22:33:41 UTC,2020-05-16 22:33:41 UTC
10588,#step #may,4463,Story,28797,2020-05-16 22:35:14 UTC,2020-05-16 22:35:14 UTC
10591,#step #may,4463,Story,28800,2020-05-16 22:36:06 UTC,2020-05-16 22:36:06 UTC
10592,#may #step,4409,Story,28801,2020-05-16 22:36:13 UTC,2020-05-16 22:36:13 UTC
10595,#step #may,4463,Story,28804,2020-05-16 22:36:46 UTC,2020-05-16 22:36:46 UTC
10596,#step #may,4463,Story,28805,2020-05-16 22:36:59 UTC,2020-05-16 22:36:59 UTC
10598,#may #step,4409,Story,28807,2020-05-16 22:37:20 UTC,2020-05-16 22:37:20 UTC
10599,#step #may,4463,Story,28808,2020-05-16 22:37:21 UTC,2020-05-16 22:37:21 UTC
10600,#step #may,4463,Story,28809,2020-05-16 22:37:32 UTC,2020-05-16 22:37:32 UTC
10602,#step #may,4463,Story,28811,2020-05-16 22:37:57 UTC,2020-05-16 22:37:57 UTC
10605,"#may #step
Some branch damage with wilted or dead leaves",4409,Story,28814,2020-05-16 22:42:57 UTC,2020-05-16 22:42:57 UTC
10613,#may step,4409,Story,28822,2020-05-16 22:59:50 UTC,2020-05-16 22:59:50 UTC
10586,#may #step,4409,Story,28795,2020-05-16 22:33:58 UTC,2020-05-16 22:33:58 UTC
10587,#step #may,4463,Story,28796,2020-05-16 22:34:43 UTC,2020-05-16 22:34:43 UTC
10589,#step #may,4463,Story,28798,2020-05-16 22:35:40 UTC,2020-05-16 22:35:40 UTC
10590,#step #may,4463,Story,28799,2020-05-16 22:35:52 UTC,2020-05-16 22:35:52 UTC
10593,#step #may,4463,Story,28802,2020-05-16 22:36:19 UTC,2020-05-16 22:36:19 UTC
10594,#step #may,4463,Story,28803,2020-05-16 22:36:33 UTC,2020-05-16 22:36:33 UTC
10597,#step #may,4463,Story,28806,2020-05-16 22:37:09 UTC,2020-05-16 22:37:09 UTC
10601,#step #may,4463,Story,28810,2020-05-16 22:37:45 UTC,2020-05-16 22:37:45 UTC
10603,#step #may,4463,Story,28812,2020-05-16 22:38:10 UTC,2020-05-16 22:38:10 UTC
10604,#step #may,4463,Story,28813,2020-05-16 22:38:38 UTC,2020-05-16 22:38:38 UTC
10606,#may #step,4409,Story,28815,2020-05-16 22:44:49 UTC,2020-05-16 22:44:49 UTC
10607,Tree removed ,4409,Story,28816,2020-05-16 22:46:42 UTC,2020-05-16 22:46:42 UTC
10608,Tree removed ,4409,Story,28817,2020-05-16 22:47:43 UTC,2020-05-16 22:47:43 UTC
10609,#may #step,4409,Story,28818,2020-05-16 22:49:42 UTC,2020-05-16 22:49:42 UTC
10610,#may #step,4409,Story,28819,2020-05-16 22:52:59 UTC,2020-05-16 22:52:59 UTC
10611,#may #step,4409,Story,28820,2020-05-16 22:55:15 UTC,2020-05-16 22:55:15 UTC
10615,#may #step,4409,Story,28824,2020-05-16 23:09:38 UTC,2020-05-16 23:09:38 UTC
10616,#may #step,4409,Story,28825,2020-05-16 23:12:13 UTC,2020-05-16 23:12:13 UTC
10614,#may #step,4409,Story,28823,2020-05-16 23:01:23 UTC,2020-05-16 23:01:23 UTC
10612,#may #step,4409,Story,28821,2020-05-16 22:58:54 UTC,2020-05-16 22:58:54 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28860,2020-05-17 19:19:43 UTC,2020-05-17 19:19:43 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28861,2020-05-17 19:20:25 UTC,2020-05-17 19:20:25 UTC

One branch over sidewalk has some wilting leaves and some bare branches.",4447,Story,28862,2020-05-17 19:22:14 UTC,2020-05-17 19:22:14 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28863,2020-05-17 19:22:47 UTC,2020-05-17 19:22:47 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28864,2020-05-17 19:23:11 UTC,2020-05-17 19:23:11 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28865,2020-05-17 19:23:24 UTC,2020-05-17 19:23:24 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28866,2020-05-17 19:23:41 UTC,2020-05-17 19:23:41 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28867,2020-05-17 19:24:05 UTC,2020-05-17 19:24:05 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28868,2020-05-17 19:24:21 UTC,2020-05-17 19:24:21 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28869,2020-05-17 19:24:34 UTC,2020-05-17 19:24:34 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28870,2020-05-17 19:24:50 UTC,2020-05-17 19:24:50 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28871,2020-05-17 19:25:05 UTC,2020-05-17 19:25:05 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28872,2020-05-17 19:25:23 UTC,2020-05-17 19:25:23 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28873,2020-05-17 19:25:37 UTC,2020-05-17 19:25:37 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28874,2020-05-17 19:26:02 UTC,2020-05-17 19:26:02 UTC
#May",4447,Story,28875,2020-05-17 19:26:02 UTC,2020-05-17 19:26:02 UTC
10669,#step #may,4382,Story,28889,2020-05-18 17:15:46 UTC,2020-05-18 17:15:46 UTC
10671,#step #may,4382,Story,28891,2020-05-18 17:21:24 UTC,2020-05-18 17:21:24 UTC
10672,#step #may,4382,Story,28892,2020-05-18 17:21:51 UTC,2020-05-18 17:21:51 UTC
10675,#step #may,4382,Story,28899,2020-05-18 21:48:18 UTC,2020-05-18 21:48:18 UTC
10676,#step #may,4382,Story,28900,2020-05-18 21:48:55 UTC,2020-05-18 21:48:55 UTC
10677,#step #may,4382,Story,28901,2020-05-18 21:49:27 UTC,2020-05-18 21:49:27 UTC
10678,#step #may,4382,Story,28902,2020-05-18 21:50:05 UTC,2020-05-18 21:50:05 UTC
10679,#step #may,4382,Story,28903,2020-05-18 21:50:37 UTC,2020-05-18 21:50:37 UTC
10680,#step #may,4382,Story,28904,2020-05-18 21:54:30 UTC,2020-05-18 21:54:30 UTC
10681,#step #May,4424,Story,28907,2020-05-18 23:02:25 UTC,2020-05-18 23:02:25 UTC
10682,#step #May,4424,Story,28908,2020-05-18 23:04:36 UTC,2020-05-18 23:04:36 UTC
10683,#step #May,4424,Story,28909,2020-05-18 23:07:39 UTC,2020-05-18 23:07:39 UTC
10684,#step #May,4424,Story,28910,2020-05-18 23:07:54 UTC,2020-05-18 23:07:54 UTC
10685,#step #May,4424,Story,28911,2020-05-18 23:08:08 UTC,2020-05-18 23:08:08 UTC
10686,#step #May,4424,Story,28912,2020-05-18 23:08:27 UTC,2020-05-18 23:08:27 UTC
10687,Removed,4424,Story,28913,2020-05-18 23:09:51 UTC,2020-05-18 23:09:51 UTC
10688,#step #May,4424,Story,28914,2020-05-18 23:10:08 UTC,2020-05-18 23:10:08 UTC
10689,#step #May,4424,Story,28915,2020-05-18 23:10:22 UTC,2020-05-18 23:10:22 UTC
10690,#step #May,4424,Story,28916,2020-05-18 23:13:45 UTC,2020-05-18 23:13:45 UTC
10691,#step #May,4424,Story,28917,2020-05-18 23:13:59 UTC,2020-05-18 23:13:59 UTC
10692,#step #May,4424,Story,28918,2020-05-18 23:17:23 UTC,2020-05-18 23:17:23 UTC
10693,#step #May,4424,Story,28919,2020-05-18 23:17:39 UTC,2020-05-18 23:17:39 UTC
10694,#step #May,4424,Story,28920,2020-05-18 23:18:04 UTC,2020-05-18 23:18:04 UTC
10695,#step #May,4424,Story,28921,2020-05-18 23:18:19 UTC,2020-05-18 23:18:19 UTC
10696,#step #May,4424,Story,28922,2020-05-18 23:18:46 UTC,2020-05-18 23:18:46 UTC
10697,#step #May,4424,Story,28923,2020-05-18 23:19:00 UTC,2020-05-18 23:19:00 UTC
10698,#step #May,4424,Story,28924,2020-05-18 23:19:14 UTC,2020-05-18 23:19:14 UTC
10699,#step #May,4424,Story,28925,2020-05-18 23:19:26 UTC,2020-05-18 23:19:26 UTC
10700,#step #May,4424,Story,28926,2020-05-18 23:22:05 UTC,2020-05-18 23:22:05 UTC
10701,#step #May,4424,Story,28927,2020-05-18 23:22:20 UTC,2020-05-18 23:22:20 UTC
10702,#step #May,4424,Story,28928,2020-05-18 23:23:15 UTC,2020-05-18 23:23:15 UTC
10703,#step #May,4424,Story,28929,2020-05-18 23:35:41 UTC,2020-05-18 23:35:41 UTC
10704,#step #May,4424,Story,28930,2020-05-18 23:35:54 UTC,2020-05-18 23:35:54 UTC
10705,#step #May,4424,Story,28931,2020-05-18 23:36:06 UTC,2020-05-18 23:36:06 UTC
10706,#step #May,4424,Story,28932,2020-05-18 23:36:31 UTC,2020-05-18 23:36:31 UTC
10707,#step #May,4424,Story,28933,2020-05-18 23:36:49 UTC,2020-05-18 23:36:49 UTC
10708,#step #May,4424,Story,28934,2020-05-18 23:37:02 UTC,2020-05-18 23:37:02 UTC
10709,#step #May,4424,Story,28935,2020-05-18 23:37:17 UTC,2020-05-18 23:37:17 UTC
10710,#step #May,4424,Story,28936,2020-05-18 23:37:32 UTC,2020-05-18 23:37:32 UTC
10713,#step #May,4424,Story,28939,2020-05-18 23:38:20 UTC,2020-05-18 23:38:20 UTC
10715,#step #May,4424,Story,28941,2020-05-18 23:39:02 UTC,2020-05-18 23:39:02 UTC
10717,#step #May,4424,Story,28943,2020-05-18 23:39:32 UTC,2020-05-18 23:39:32 UTC
10719,#step #May,4424,Story,28945,2020-05-18 23:40:01 UTC,2020-05-18 23:40:01 UTC
10711,#step #May,4424,Story,28937,2020-05-18 23:37:46 UTC,2020-05-18 23:37:46 UTC
10712,#step #May,4424,Story,28938,2020-05-18 23:38:04 UTC,2020-05-18 23:38:04 UTC
10714,#step #May,4424,Story,28940,2020-05-18 23:38:43 UTC,2020-05-18 23:38:43 UTC
10716,#step #May,4424,Story,28942,2020-05-18 23:39:18 UTC,2020-05-18 23:39:18 UTC
10718,#step #May,4424,Story,28944,2020-05-18 23:39:47 UTC,2020-05-18 23:39:47 UTC
10730,#step #May,4424,Story,28982,2020-05-20 21:32:00 UTC,2020-05-20 21:32:00 UTC
10731,#step #May,4424,Story,28983,2020-05-20 21:32:27 UTC,2020-05-20 21:32:27 UTC
10732,#step #May,4424,Story,28984,2020-05-20 21:32:45 UTC,2020-05-20 21:32:45 UTC
10733,#step #May,4424,Story,28985,2020-05-20 21:35:07 UTC,2020-05-20 21:35:07 UTC
10734,#step #May,4424,Story,28986,2020-05-20 21:35:44 UTC,2020-05-20 21:35:44 UTC
10735,#step #May,4424,Story,28987,2020-05-20 21:40:57 UTC,2020-05-20 21:40:57 UTC
10736,#step #May,4424,Story,28988,2020-05-20 21:41:16 UTC,2020-05-20 21:41:16 UTC
10737,#step #May,4424,Story,28989,2020-05-20 21:45:46 UTC,2020-05-20 21:45:46 UTC
10750,#step #May,5785,Story,29013,2020-05-21 20:48:48 UTC,2020-05-21 20:48:48 UTC
10751,#step #May,5793,Story,29014,2020-05-21 20:50:04 UTC,2020-05-21 20:50:04 UTC
10752,#step #May,5785,Story,29015,2020-05-21 20:50:57 UTC,2020-05-21 20:50:57 UTC
10753,#step #May,5793,Story,29016,2020-05-21 20:54:02 UTC,2020-05-21 20:54:02 UTC
10754,#step #May,5785,Story,29017,2020-05-21 21:02:25 UTC,2020-05-21 21:02:25 UTC
10755,#step #May,5793,Story,29018,2020-05-21 21:03:33 UTC,2020-05-21 21:03:33 UTC
10756,#step #may ,5842,Story,29019,2020-05-21 21:07:00 UTC,2020-05-21 21:07:00 UTC
10757,#step #May,5793,Story,29021,2020-05-21 21:11:58 UTC,2020-05-21 21:11:58 UTC
10758,#step #May,5785,Story,29022,2020-05-21 21:12:51 UTC,2020-05-21 21:12:51 UTC
10759,#step #May,5785,Story,29023,2020-05-21 21:13:52 UTC,2020-05-21 21:13:52 UTC
10760,#step #May,5785,Story,29024,2020-05-21 21:14:45 UTC,2020-05-21 21:14:45 UTC
10761,#step #May ugliest tree yet lots of dead wood,5793,Story,29025,2020-05-21 21:18:35 UTC,2020-05-21 21:18:35 UTC
10762,#step #May,5785,Story,29026,2020-05-21 21:26:53 UTC,2020-05-21 21:26:53 UTC
10763,#step #May,5785,Story,29027,2020-05-21 21:28:00 UTC,2020-05-21 21:28:00 UTC
10764,#step #may  10' of north pointing terminal branch and 6' of top branch dead.,5842,Story,29028,2020-05-21 21:30:50 UTC,2020-05-21 23:16:09 UTC
10765,#step #may 8 power lines in central canopy.,5842,Story,29029,2020-05-21 21:37:12 UTC,2020-05-21 21:37:12 UTC
10766,#step #may  Several small diameter dead branches about 6' in length.,5842,Story,29030,2020-05-21 21:43:38 UTC,2020-05-21 21:43:38 UTC
10767,#step #May,5793,Story,29031,2020-05-21 21:50:39 UTC,2020-05-21 21:50:39 UTC
10768,#step #May,5793,Story,29032,2020-05-21 21:54:00 UTC,2020-05-21 21:54:00 UTC
10769,#step #May,5785,Story,29033,2020-05-21 21:57:20 UTC,2020-05-21 21:57:20 UTC
10770,#step #May an elm tree nursery?,5793,Story,29034,2020-05-21 22:03:25 UTC,2020-05-21 22:03:25 UTC
10771,#step #May,5785,Story,29035,2020-05-21 22:03:40 UTC,2020-05-21 22:03:40 UTC
10772,#step #May,5785,Story,29036,2020-05-21 22:05:49 UTC,2020-05-21 22:05:49 UTC
10773,#step May,5793,Story,29037,2020-05-21 22:14:14 UTC,2020-05-21 22:14:14 UTC
10774,#step #May,5793,Story,29038,2020-05-21 22:16:26 UTC,2020-05-21 22:16:26 UTC
10776,Tree has been significantly pruned over time but looks good. ,5818,Story,29040,2020-05-22 18:01:47 UTC,2020-05-22 18:01:47 UTC
10777,Looks very healthy,5818,Story,29041,2020-05-22 18:29:31 UTC,2020-05-22 18:29:31 UTC
10778,It’s looking good with it’s full canopy filled out in May 2020,5818,Story,29042,2020-05-22 23:08:44 UTC,2020-05-22 23:08:44 UTC
Looks healthy ",5818,Story,29043,2020-05-22 23:11:44 UTC,2020-05-22 23:11:44 UTC
# May 2020",5818,Story,29044,2020-05-22 23:14:23 UTC,2020-05-22 23:14:23 UTC
10781,Looking good!,5818,Story,29045,2020-05-22 23:15:13 UTC,2020-05-22 23:15:13 UTC
#may",5818,Story,29046,2020-05-22 23:21:21 UTC,2020-05-22 23:21:21 UTC
#may",5818,Story,29047,2020-05-22 23:23:02 UTC,2020-05-22 23:23:02 UTC
#may",5818,Story,29048,2020-05-22 23:26:56 UTC,2020-05-22 23:26:56 UTC
#May",5818,Story,29049,2020-05-22 23:32:08 UTC,2020-05-22 23:32:08 UTC
#May",5818,Story,29050,2020-05-22 23:33:20 UTC,2020-05-22 23:33:20 UTC
#may",5818,Story,29051,2020-05-22 23:34:26 UTC,2020-05-22 23:34:26 UTC
#may",5818,Story,29052,2020-05-22 23:39:24 UTC,2020-05-22 23:39:24 UTC
#may",5818,Story,29053,2020-05-22 23:51:16 UTC,2020-05-22 23:51:16 UTC
Location:1915 4th Street",5818,Story,29054,2020-05-22 23:53:27 UTC,2020-05-22 23:53:27 UTC
#may",5818,Story,29055,2020-05-22 23:55:29 UTC,2020-05-22 23:55:29 UTC
10792,"#STEP #May #DED Very clear and visible example of an early infection, probably caused by root grafts from the neighboring tree which is more advanced. Notice the wilting on the epicormic shoots which are rarely affected by other stressors that can affect elms. You can clearly see these shoots have not been chewed on or damaged in any way.",5714,Story,29056,2020-05-23 00:07:29 UTC,2020-05-23 00:07:29 UTC
10793,#STEP #May #DED Notice the wilting on the epicormic shoots which are rarely affected by other stressors that can affect elms. You can clearly see these shoots have not been chewed on or damaged in any way.,5714,Story,29057,2020-05-23 00:31:31 UTC,2020-05-23 00:31:31 UTC
10799,#step #may,5850,Story,29067,2020-05-24 02:01:58 UTC,2020-05-24 02:01:58 UTC
10800,#step #may,5850,Story,29068,2020-05-24 02:07:31 UTC,2020-05-24 02:07:31 UTC
10801,#ded,5850,Story,29069,2020-05-24 02:14:34 UTC,2020-05-24 02:14:34 UTC
10802,#step #may,5850,Story,29070,2020-05-24 02:25:16 UTC,2020-05-24 02:25:16 UTC
10803,#step #may,5850,Story,29071,2020-05-24 02:27:13 UTC,2020-05-24 02:27:13 UTC
10804,#step #may,5850,Story,29072,2020-05-24 02:30:01 UTC,2020-05-24 02:30:01 UTC
10805,#step #may,5850,Story,29073,2020-05-24 02:30:40 UTC,2020-05-24 02:30:40 UTC
10806,#step #may,5850,Story,29074,2020-05-24 02:31:23 UTC,2020-05-24 02:31:23 UTC
10807,#step #may,5850,Story,29075,2020-05-24 02:39:21 UTC,2020-05-24 02:39:21 UTC
10808,#step #may,5850,Story,29076,2020-05-24 02:40:59 UTC,2020-05-24 02:40:59 UTC
10809,#step #may,5850,Story,29077,2020-05-24 02:41:20 UTC,2020-05-24 02:41:20 UTC
10810,#step #may,5850,Story,29078,2020-05-24 02:41:48 UTC,2020-05-24 02:41:48 UTC
10811,#step #may,5850,Story,29079,2020-05-24 02:43:32 UTC,2020-05-24 02:43:32 UTC
10812,#step #may,5850,Story,29080,2020-05-24 02:45:45 UTC,2020-05-24 02:45:45 UTC
10813,#step #may,5850,Story,29081,2020-05-24 02:46:24 UTC,2020-05-24 02:46:24 UTC
10814,#step #may,5850,Story,29082,2020-05-24 02:49:49 UTC,2020-05-24 02:49:49 UTC
10815,#step #may,5850,Story,29083,2020-05-24 02:53:05 UTC,2020-05-24 02:53:05 UTC
10816,#step #may,5850,Story,29084,2020-05-24 03:01:37 UTC,2020-05-24 03:01:37 UTC
10817,#step #may,5850,Story,29085,2020-05-24 03:02:57 UTC,2020-05-24 03:02:57 UTC
10818,#step #may,5850,Story,29086,2020-05-24 03:03:23 UTC,2020-05-24 03:03:23 UTC
10819,#step #may,5850,Story,29087,2020-05-24 03:04:13 UTC,2020-05-24 03:04:13 UTC
10820,#step #may,5850,Story,29088,2020-05-24 03:07:29 UTC,2020-05-24 03:07:29 UTC
10821,#step #may,5850,Story,29089,2020-05-24 03:08:06 UTC,2020-05-24 03:08:06 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29099,2020-05-24 16:37:08 UTC,2020-05-24 16:37:08 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29100,2020-05-24 16:40:28 UTC,2020-05-24 16:40:28 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29101,2020-05-24 16:45:38 UTC,2020-05-24 16:45:38 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29102,2020-05-24 16:51:02 UTC,2020-05-24 16:51:02 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29103,2020-05-24 16:51:21 UTC,2020-05-24 16:51:21 UTC

Many dead branches at the top",4447,Story,29104,2020-05-24 16:55:24 UTC,2020-05-24 16:55:24 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29105,2020-05-24 17:01:54 UTC,2020-05-24 17:01:54 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29119,2020-05-24 17:14:32 UTC,2020-05-24 17:14:32 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29120,2020-05-24 17:18:05 UTC,2020-05-24 17:18:05 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29121,2020-05-24 17:18:29 UTC,2020-05-24 17:18:29 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29123,2020-05-24 17:25:04 UTC,2020-05-24 17:25:04 UTC

Early signs of wilting",4447,Story,29124,2020-05-24 17:28:58 UTC,2020-05-24 17:28:58 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29126,2020-05-24 17:42:02 UTC,2020-05-24 17:42:02 UTC
10851,"Large dead limb
",4447,Story,29127,2020-05-24 17:42:57 UTC,2020-05-24 17:42:57 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29128,2020-05-24 17:45:45 UTC,2020-05-24 17:45:45 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29129,2020-05-24 17:47:11 UTC,2020-05-24 17:47:11 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29130,2020-05-24 17:54:03 UTC,2020-05-24 17:54:03 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29131,2020-05-24 17:54:23 UTC,2020-05-24 17:54:23 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29133,2020-05-24 18:04:16 UTC,2020-05-24 18:04:16 UTC

Early lead curl on some top branches",4447,Story,29134,2020-05-24 18:04:16 UTC,2020-05-24 18:04:16 UTC

Broken branch hanging down",4447,Story,29135,2020-05-24 18:07:10 UTC,2020-05-24 18:07:10 UTC
#may",4447,Story,29136,2020-05-24 18:10:27 UTC,2020-05-24 18:10:27 UTC
10871,#step #may ,4458,Story,29149,2020-05-25 17:43:25 UTC,2020-05-25 17:43:25 UTC
10872,#step #may ,4458,Story,29150,2020-05-25 17:44:07 UTC,2020-05-25 17:44:07 UTC
10873,#step #may ,4458,Story,29151,2020-05-25 17:44:51 UTC,2020-05-25 17:44:51 UTC
10874,#step #may ,4458,Story,29152,2020-05-25 17:45:28 UTC,2020-05-25 17:45:28 UTC
10875,#step #may ,4458,Story,29153,2020-05-25 17:46:02 UTC,2020-05-25 17:46:02 UTC
10876,#step #may ,4458,Story,29154,2020-05-25 17:47:13 UTC,2020-05-25 17:47:13 UTC
10877,#step #may ,4458,Story,29155,2020-05-25 17:47:49 UTC,2020-05-25 17:47:49 UTC
10878,#step #may ,4458,Story,29156,2020-05-25 17:48:29 UTC,2020-05-25 17:48:29 UTC
10879,#step #may ,4458,Story,29157,2020-05-25 17:49:19 UTC,2020-05-25 17:49:19 UTC
10880,#step #may ,4458,Story,29158,2020-05-25 17:51:29 UTC,2020-05-25 17:51:29 UTC
10881,Tree removed,4458,Story,29159,2020-05-25 17:52:19 UTC,2020-05-25 17:52:19 UTC
10882,Tree removed ,4458,Story,29160,2020-05-25 17:52:58 UTC,2020-05-25 17:52:58 UTC
10883,#step #may ,4458,Story,29161,2020-05-25 17:53:49 UTC,2020-05-25 17:53:49 UTC
10886,#step #may ,4458,Story,29164,2020-05-25 17:55:56 UTC,2020-05-25 17:55:56 UTC
10888,#step #may,4409,Story,29166,2020-05-25 18:24:10 UTC,2020-05-25 18:24:10 UTC
10884,#step #may ,4458,Story,29162,2020-05-25 17:54:26 UTC,2020-05-25 17:54:26 UTC
10885,#step #may ,4458,Story,29163,2020-05-25 17:55:13 UTC,2020-05-25 17:55:13 UTC
10887,#step #may ,4458,Story,29165,2020-05-25 17:56:29 UTC,2020-05-25 17:56:29 UTC
10889,"#step #may
From street tree looks good but can’t observe up close as it’s on personal property. May be additional elms on property.",4409,Story,29167,2020-05-25 18:42:47 UTC,2020-05-25 18:42:47 UTC
10890,#step #may,4409,Story,29168,2020-05-25 18:45:10 UTC,2020-05-25 18:45:10 UTC
10891,#step #may,4409,Story,29169,2020-05-25 18:51:35 UTC,2020-05-25 18:51:35 UTC
10892,tree removed ,4409,Story,29170,2020-05-25 18:53:15 UTC,2020-05-25 18:53:15 UTC
10893,"#may #step
May be additional elm further down alley.",4409,Story,29171,2020-05-25 19:02:24 UTC,2020-05-25 19:02:24 UTC
10895,#step #may  ends of several branches are dead.  ,5842,Story,29182,2020-05-25 21:25:30 UTC,2020-05-25 21:25:30 UTC
10913,#step #may ,5842,Story,29200,2020-05-25 23:00:34 UTC,2020-05-25 23:00:34 UTC
10914,#step #may ,5842,Story,29201,2020-05-25 23:02:56 UTC,2020-05-25 23:02:56 UTC
10896,#step #may ,5842,Story,29183,2020-05-25 21:31:32 UTC,2020-05-25 21:31:32 UTC
10897,#step #may  power lines through canopy,5842,Story,29184,2020-05-25 21:35:13 UTC,2020-05-25 21:35:13 UTC
10898,#step #may ,5842,Story,29185,2020-05-25 21:37:31 UTC,2020-05-25 21:37:31 UTC
10899,#step #may  a few terminal dead branches ,5842,Story,29186,2020-05-25 21:44:06 UTC,2020-05-25 21:44:06 UTC
10900,#step #may,5842,Story,29187,2020-05-25 21:46:08 UTC,2020-05-25 21:46:08 UTC
10901,#step #may ,5842,Story,29188,2020-05-25 21:48:04 UTC,2020-05-25 21:48:04 UTC
10902,#step #may  Park closed so close up view restricted. ,5842,Story,29189,2020-05-25 21:56:48 UTC,2020-05-25 21:56:48 UTC
10904,#step #may ,5842,Story,29191,2020-05-25 22:14:03 UTC,2020-05-25 22:14:03 UTC
10905,#step #may ,5842,Story,29192,2020-05-25 22:16:21 UTC,2020-05-25 22:16:21 UTC
10906,#step #may a few small terminal dead branches,5842,Story,29193,2020-05-25 22:19:10 UTC,2020-05-25 22:19:10 UTC
10907,#step #may many small dead branches along lower 40' of trunk,5842,Story,29194,2020-05-25 22:23:31 UTC,2020-05-25 22:23:31 UTC
10908,#step #may several small terminal dead branches,5842,Story,29195,2020-05-25 22:25:56 UTC,2020-05-25 22:25:56 UTC
10909,#step #may ,5842,Story,29196,2020-05-25 22:30:00 UTC,2020-05-25 22:30:00 UTC
10910,#step #may large dead limbs both sides ,5842,Story,29197,2020-05-25 22:50:01 UTC,2020-05-25 22:50:01 UTC
10911,#step #may ,5842,Story,29198,2020-05-25 22:53:51 UTC,2020-05-25 22:53:51 UTC
10912,"#step #may #ded ?  Many smaller branches hang straight down, but more throughout the canopy than on one side. Maybe drought?",5842,Story,29199,2020-05-25 22:56:52 UTC,2020-05-25 23:17:22 UTC
10915,#step #may ,5842,Story,29202,2020-05-25 23:04:33 UTC,2020-05-25 23:04:33 UTC
10916,#step #may ,5842,Story,29203,2020-05-25 23:10:32 UTC,2020-05-25 23:10:32 UTC
10917,#step #may ,5842,Story,29204,2020-05-25 23:11:36 UTC,2020-05-25 23:11:36 UTC
#may 2020",5818,Story,29206,2020-05-26 00:05:55 UTC,2020-05-26 00:05:55 UTC
#may 2020",5818,Story,29207,2020-05-26 00:07:23 UTC,2020-05-26 00:07:23 UTC
#may2020",5818,Story,29208,2020-05-26 00:08:08 UTC,2020-05-26 00:08:08 UTC
#May 2020",5818,Story,29209,2020-05-26 00:12:46 UTC,2020-05-26 00:12:46 UTC
#may 2020",5818,Story,29211,2020-05-26 00:14:20 UTC,2020-05-26 00:14:20 UTC
#May 2020",5818,Story,29210,2020-05-26 00:13:33 UTC,2020-05-26 00:13:33 UTC
10938,#step #May,4424,Story,29243,2020-05-27 16:10:10 UTC,2020-05-27 16:10:10 UTC
10939,#step #May,4424,Story,29244,2020-05-27 16:12:16 UTC,2020-05-27 16:12:16 UTC
10940,#step #May,4424,Story,29245,2020-05-27 16:12:30 UTC,2020-05-27 16:12:30 UTC
10941,#step #May,4424,Story,29246,2020-05-27 16:16:41 UTC,2020-05-27 16:16:41 UTC
10942,#step #May,4424,Story,29247,2020-05-27 16:16:56 UTC,2020-05-27 16:16:56 UTC
10943,#step #May,4424,Story,29248,2020-05-27 16:17:08 UTC,2020-05-27 16:17:08 UTC
10944,#step #May,4424,Story,29249,2020-05-27 16:18:34 UTC,2020-05-27 16:18:34 UTC
10945,#step #May,4424,Story,29250,2020-05-27 16:25:27 UTC,2020-05-27 16:25:27 UTC
10946,#step #May,4424,Story,29251,2020-05-27 16:26:33 UTC,2020-05-27 16:26:33 UTC
10947,#step #May,4424,Story,29252,2020-05-27 16:26:48 UTC,2020-05-27 16:26:48 UTC
10948,#step #May,4424,Story,29253,2020-05-27 16:27:06 UTC,2020-05-27 16:27:06 UTC
10949,#step #May,4424,Story,29254,2020-05-27 16:27:19 UTC,2020-05-27 16:27:19 UTC
10950,#step #May,4424,Story,29255,2020-05-27 16:27:33 UTC,2020-05-27 16:27:33 UTC
10951,#step #May,5785,Story,29256,2020-05-27 18:28:10 UTC,2020-05-27 18:28:10 UTC
10952,#step #May,5793,Story,29257,2020-05-27 18:29:30 UTC,2020-05-27 18:29:30 UTC
10953,#step #May,5785,Story,29258,2020-05-27 18:32:02 UTC,2020-05-27 18:32:02 UTC
10954,#step #May,5785,Story,29259,2020-05-27 18:48:18 UTC,2020-05-27 18:48:18 UTC
10955,#step #May,5793,Story,29260,2020-05-27 18:49:32 UTC,2020-05-27 18:49:32 UTC
10956,"#step #May
",5785,Story,29261,2020-05-27 18:49:42 UTC,2020-05-27 18:49:42 UTC
10957,#step #May,5793,Story,29262,2020-05-27 19:13:12 UTC,2020-05-27 19:13:12 UTC
10958,#step #May,5785,Story,29263,2020-05-27 19:14:03 UTC,2020-05-27 19:14:03 UTC
10959,#step #May,5793,Story,29264,2020-05-27 19:15:28 UTC,2020-05-27 19:15:28 UTC
#May 2020",5818,Story,29265,2020-05-28 05:18:25 UTC,2020-05-28 05:39:07 UTC
11014,"#step #removed #may
Believe this is the tree that was removed last year due to DED",4332,Story,29329,2020-05-29 17:08:45 UTC,2020-05-29 17:08:45 UTC
11013,#step #may,4332,Story,29330,2020-05-29 17:08:45 UTC,2020-05-29 17:08:45 UTC
11015,#may #step this tree had DED and was removed two years ago,4332,Story,29331,2020-05-29 17:18:32 UTC,2020-05-29 17:18:32 UTC
11016,#step #May,4424,Story,29332,2020-05-29 18:02:43 UTC,2020-05-29 18:02:43 UTC
11017,#step #May,4424,Story,29333,2020-05-29 18:02:55 UTC,2020-05-29 18:02:55 UTC
11018,#step #May,4424,Story,29334,2020-05-29 18:03:13 UTC,2020-05-29 18:03:13 UTC
11019,#step #may ,5842,Story,29336,2020-05-29 23:06:53 UTC,2020-05-29 23:06:53 UTC
11020,#step #may ,5842,Story,29337,2020-05-29 23:09:59 UTC,2020-05-29 23:09:59 UTC
11021,#step #may ,5842,Story,29338,2020-05-29 23:12:38 UTC,2020-05-29 23:12:38 UTC
11022,#step  #may ,5842,Story,29339,2020-05-29 23:13:55 UTC,2020-05-29 23:13:55 UTC
11023,#step  #may  ,5842,Story,29340,2020-05-29 23:16:09 UTC,2020-05-29 23:16:09 UTC
11024,#step  #may ,5842,Story,29341,2020-05-29 23:22:09 UTC,2020-05-29 23:22:09 UTC
11025,#step  #may ,5842,Story,29342,2020-05-29 23:24:34 UTC,2020-05-29 23:24:34 UTC
11026,#DED Not 100% sure on this one but worried enough to send it to the city.,5714,Story,29343,2020-05-29 23:29:16 UTC,2020-05-29 23:29:16 UTC
11027,#step  #may ,5842,Story,29344,2020-05-29 23:30:15 UTC,2020-05-29 23:30:15 UTC
11028,#step #may ,5842,Story,29345,2020-05-29 23:32:35 UTC,2020-05-29 23:32:35 UTC
11029,#step #may ,5842,Story,29346,2020-05-29 23:34:30 UTC,2020-05-29 23:34:30 UTC
11030,#step #may ,5842,Story,29347,2020-05-29 23:39:20 UTC,2020-05-29 23:39:20 UTC
11031,#step #may ,5842,Story,29348,2020-05-29 23:40:40 UTC,2020-05-29 23:40:40 UTC
11032,#step #may ,5842,Story,29349,2020-05-29 23:44:43 UTC,2020-05-29 23:44:43 UTC
11033,#step #may ,5842,Story,29350,2020-05-29 23:48:42 UTC,2020-05-29 23:48:42 UTC
11034,#step #may ,5842,Story,29351,2020-05-30 00:00:26 UTC,2020-05-30 00:00:26 UTC
11035,#step #may  Tree removed,5842,Story,29352,2020-05-30 00:07:28 UTC,2020-05-30 00:07:28 UTC
11043,#step #may no longer an elm tree. Cut down due to DED replanted with ulmus propinqua “Emerald Sunshine”,4332,Story,29378,2020-05-30 17:40:04 UTC,2020-05-30 17:40:04 UTC
11044,#step #may #removed,4332,Story,29379,2020-05-30 17:46:42 UTC,2020-05-30 17:46:42 UTC
11046,#step #may,4463,Story,29381,2020-05-30 18:33:56 UTC,2020-05-30 18:33:56 UTC
11047,#step #may,4463,Story,29382,2020-05-30 18:34:27 UTC,2020-05-30 18:34:27 UTC
11048,#step #may,4463,Story,29383,2020-05-30 18:34:49 UTC,2020-05-30 18:34:49 UTC
11049,#step #may,4463,Story,29384,2020-05-30 18:35:09 UTC,2020-05-30 18:35:09 UTC
11050,#step #may,4463,Story,29385,2020-05-30 18:35:30 UTC,2020-05-30 18:35:30 UTC
11051,#step #may,4463,Story,29386,2020-05-30 18:36:03 UTC,2020-05-30 18:36:03 UTC
11052,#step #may,4463,Story,29387,2020-05-30 18:36:32 UTC,2020-05-30 18:36:32 UTC
11053,#step #may,4463,Story,29388,2020-05-30 18:37:08 UTC,2020-05-30 18:37:08 UTC
11054,#step #may,4463,Story,29389,2020-05-30 18:37:51 UTC,2020-05-30 18:37:51 UTC
11055,#step #may,4463,Story,29390,2020-05-30 18:38:41 UTC,2020-05-30 18:38:41 UTC
#May",4504,Story,29447,2020-05-31 17:58:35 UTC,2020-05-31 17:58:35 UTC
11097,#step #may,4504,Story,29448,2020-05-31 18:01:21 UTC,2020-05-31 18:01:21 UTC
11098,#step #may,4504,Story,29449,2020-05-31 18:02:23 UTC,2020-05-31 18:02:23 UTC
11099,#step #may,4504,Story,29450,2020-05-31 18:03:16 UTC,2020-05-31 18:03:16 UTC
11100,#step #may,4504,Story,29451,2020-05-31 18:05:04 UTC,2020-05-31 18:05:04 UTC
11101,#step #may,4504,Story,29452,2020-05-31 18:07:34 UTC,2020-05-31 18:07:34 UTC
11102,#step #may,4504,Story,29453,2020-05-31 18:11:58 UTC,2020-05-31 18:11:58 UTC
11103,#step #may,4504,Story,29454,2020-05-31 18:13:55 UTC,2020-05-31 18:13:55 UTC
11104,#step #may,4504,Story,29455,2020-05-31 18:18:57 UTC,2020-05-31 18:18:57 UTC
11105,#step #may,4504,Story,29456,2020-05-31 18:24:36 UTC,2020-05-31 18:24:36 UTC
11109,#step #may,4504,Story,29479,2020-05-31 21:23:41 UTC,2020-05-31 21:23:41 UTC
11110,#step #may,4504,Story,29480,2020-05-31 21:39:13 UTC,2020-05-31 21:39:13 UTC
11111,#step #may,4504,Story,29481,2020-05-31 21:53:04 UTC,2020-05-31 21:53:04 UTC
11112,#step #may,4504,Story,29482,2020-05-31 22:23:17 UTC,2020-05-31 22:23:17 UTC
11113,#step #may,4504,Story,29483,2020-05-31 22:24:02 UTC,2020-05-31 22:24:02 UTC
11114,#step #may,4504,Story,29484,2020-05-31 22:24:57 UTC,2020-05-31 22:24:57 UTC
11115,#step #may,4504,Story,29485,2020-05-31 22:25:56 UTC,2020-05-31 22:25:56 UTC
11116,#step #may,4466,Story,29486,2020-05-31 23:53:12 UTC,2020-05-31 23:53:12 UTC
11117,#step #may,4466,Story,29487,2020-05-31 23:55:02 UTC,2020-05-31 23:55:02 UTC
11118,#step #may,4466,Story,29488,2020-06-01 00:01:39 UTC,2020-06-01 00:01:39 UTC
11119,#step #may,4466,Story,29489,2020-06-01 00:04:59 UTC,2020-06-01 00:04:59 UTC
11120,#step #may #ded,4466,Story,29490,2020-06-01 00:08:26 UTC,2020-06-01 00:12:40 UTC
11121,#step #may,4466,Story,29491,2020-06-01 00:15:41 UTC,2020-06-01 00:15:41 UTC
11122,#step #may #ded,4466,Story,29492,2020-06-01 00:18:40 UTC,2020-06-01 00:18:40 UTC
11123,#step #may,4466,Story,29493,2020-06-01 00:19:05 UTC,2020-06-01 00:19:05 UTC
11124,#step #may,4466,Story,29494,2020-06-01 00:22:27 UTC,2020-06-01 00:22:27 UTC
11125,#step #treeremoved,4466,Story,29495,2020-06-01 00:23:00 UTC,2020-06-01 00:23:00 UTC
11126,#step #treeremoved,4466,Story,29496,2020-06-01 00:23:47 UTC,2020-06-01 00:23:47 UTC
11128,#step #treeremoved ,4466,Story,29498,2020-06-01 00:24:44 UTC,2020-06-01 00:24:44 UTC
11129,#step #treeremoved ,4466,Story,29499,2020-06-01 00:28:02 UTC,2020-06-01 00:28:02 UTC
11130,#step #treeremoved ,4466,Story,29500,2020-06-01 00:29:13 UTC,2020-06-01 00:29:13 UTC
11131,#step #may ,4466,Story,29501,2020-06-01 00:30:05 UTC,2020-06-01 00:30:05 UTC
11132,#step #may ,4466,Story,29502,2020-06-01 00:30:26 UTC,2020-06-01 00:30:26 UTC
11133,#step #treeremoved ,4466,Story,29503,2020-06-01 00:31:29 UTC,2020-06-01 00:31:29 UTC
11134,#step #treeremoved ,4466,Story,29504,2020-06-01 00:32:01 UTC,2020-06-01 00:32:01 UTC
11135,#step #may ,4502,Story,29505,2020-06-01 00:43:51 UTC,2020-06-01 00:43:51 UTC
11136,#step #may ,4502,Story,29506,2020-06-01 00:45:27 UTC,2020-06-01 00:45:27 UTC
11137,#step #may ,4502,Story,29507,2020-06-01 00:47:12 UTC,2020-06-01 00:47:12 UTC
11138,#step #treeremoved ,4502,Story,29508,2020-06-01 00:49:36 UTC,2020-06-01 00:49:36 UTC
11139,#step #may ,4502,Story,29509,2020-06-01 00:52:01 UTC,2020-06-01 00:52:01 UTC
11140,#step #may ,4502,Story,29510,2020-06-01 00:52:19 UTC,2020-06-01 00:52:19 UTC
11141,#step #may ,4502,Story,29511,2020-06-01 00:52:38 UTC,2020-06-01 00:52:38 UTC
11143,#step #may ,4502,Story,29513,2020-06-01 00:57:25 UTC,2020-06-01 00:57:25 UTC
11145,#step #may #ded ,4502,Story,29515,2020-06-01 01:01:26 UTC,2020-06-01 01:01:26 UTC
11146,#step #may #ded ,4502,Story,29516,2020-06-01 01:03:41 UTC,2020-06-01 01:03:41 UTC
11147,#step #may #ded ,4502,Story,29517,2020-06-01 01:04:42 UTC,2020-06-01 01:04:42 UTC
11148,#step #may #ded ,4502,Story,29518,2020-06-01 01:06:45 UTC,2020-06-01 01:06:45 UTC
11149,#step #may #ded ,4502,Story,29521,2020-06-01 01:12:01 UTC,2020-06-01 01:12:01 UTC
11150,#step #may ,4502,Story,29522,2020-06-01 01:13:08 UTC,2020-06-01 01:13:08 UTC
11151,#step #may ,4502,Story,29523,2020-06-01 01:13:51 UTC,2020-06-01 01:13:51 UTC
11152,#step #treeremoved ,4502,Story,29524,2020-06-01 01:14:36 UTC,2020-06-01 01:14:36 UTC
#june 2020",5818,Story,29558,2020-06-02 19:24:16 UTC,2020-06-02 19:24:16 UTC
#june 2020",5818,Story,29559,2020-06-02 19:25:40 UTC,2020-06-02 19:25:40 UTC
#June 1 2020",5818,Story,29532,2020-06-01 20:46:04 UTC,2020-06-01 20:46:04 UTC
#June 1 2020",5818,Story,29533,2020-06-01 23:18:30 UTC,2020-06-01 23:18:30 UTC
#June 2020",5818,Story,29534,2020-06-01 23:50:03 UTC,2020-06-01 23:50:03 UTC
#June 2020
Looks healthy ",5818,Story,29535,2020-06-01 23:58:44 UTC,2020-06-01 23:58:44 UTC
#june 2020",5818,Story,29549,2020-06-02 17:09:45 UTC,2020-06-02 17:09:45 UTC
#june 2020",5818,Story,29551,2020-06-02 17:17:06 UTC,2020-06-02 17:17:06 UTC
#June 2020

",5818,Story,29552,2020-06-02 17:19:14 UTC,2020-06-03 04:42:39 UTC
#june 2020",5818,Story,29553,2020-06-02 17:23:16 UTC,2020-06-02 17:23:16 UTC
#june 2020",5818,Story,29554,2020-06-02 17:24:36 UTC,2020-06-02 17:24:36 UTC
#June 2020",5818,Story,29556,2020-06-02 19:16:19 UTC,2020-06-02 19:16:19 UTC
June 2020",5818,Story,29557,2020-06-02 19:19:11 UTC,2020-06-02 19:19:11 UTC
#june 2020",5818,Story,29560,2020-06-02 19:32:56 UTC,2020-06-02 19:32:56 UTC
#june 2020",5818,Story,29561,2020-06-02 19:35:08 UTC,2020-06-02 19:35:08 UTC
#june 2020",5818,Story,29562,2020-06-02 19:36:20 UTC,2020-06-02 19:36:20 UTC
#june 2020",5818,Story,29563,2020-06-02 19:38:00 UTC,2020-06-02 19:38:00 UTC
#june 2020",5818,Story,29564,2020-06-02 23:30:52 UTC,2020-06-02 23:30:52 UTC
#june 2020",5818,Story,29565,2020-06-02 23:32:12 UTC,2020-06-02 23:32:12 UTC
#june2020",5818,Story,29566,2020-06-03 04:37:13 UTC,2020-06-03 04:37:13 UTC
",5818,Story,29567,2020-06-03 04:39:26 UTC,2020-06-03 04:39:26 UTC
",5818,Story,29568,2020-06-03 04:40:32 UTC,2020-06-03 04:40:32 UTC
#june2020",5818,Story,29569,2020-06-03 04:41:31 UTC,2020-06-03 04:41:31 UTC
#june2020",5818,Story,29570,2020-06-03 04:43:31 UTC,2020-06-03 04:43:31 UTC
",5818,Story,29571,2020-06-03 04:44:46 UTC,2020-06-03 04:44:46 UTC
",5818,Story,29572,2020-06-03 04:46:09 UTC,2020-06-03 04:46:09 UTC
",5818,Story,29573,2020-06-03 04:46:58 UTC,2020-06-03 04:46:58 UTC
",5818,Story,29574,2020-06-03 04:48:30 UTC,2020-06-03 04:48:30 UTC
#june2020",5818,Story,29575,2020-06-03 04:49:10 UTC,2020-06-03 04:49:10 UTC
11189,This tree fell on top of my friend Will's apartment so I have indicated that it's no longer there. ,4293,Story,29580,2020-06-03 17:42:38 UTC,2020-06-03 17:42:38 UTC
11198,#step #june,5840,Story,29609,2020-06-04 22:48:16 UTC,2020-06-04 22:48:16 UTC
11199,#step #june,5840,Story,29610,2020-06-04 22:53:45 UTC,2020-06-04 22:53:45 UTC
11200,#step #june,5840,Story,29611,2020-06-04 23:37:52 UTC,2020-06-04 23:37:52 UTC
11225,#step #june ,4458,Story,29647,2020-06-06 18:03:50 UTC,2020-06-06 18:03:50 UTC
11226,#step #june ,4458,Story,29648,2020-06-06 18:04:44 UTC,2020-06-06 18:04:44 UTC
11227,#step #june ,4458,Story,29649,2020-06-06 18:05:22 UTC,2020-06-06 18:05:22 UTC
11223,#step #june ,4458,Story,29645,2020-06-06 18:02:31 UTC,2020-06-06 18:02:31 UTC
11224,#step #june ,4458,Story,29646,2020-06-06 18:03:07 UTC,2020-06-06 18:03:07 UTC
11228,#step #june ,4458,Story,29650,2020-06-06 18:05:59 UTC,2020-06-06 18:05:59 UTC
11229,#step #june ,4458,Story,29651,2020-06-06 18:06:39 UTC,2020-06-06 18:06:39 UTC
11230,#step #june ,4458,Story,29652,2020-06-06 18:07:48 UTC,2020-06-06 18:07:48 UTC
11231,#step #june ,4458,Story,29653,2020-06-06 18:08:38 UTC,2020-06-06 18:08:38 UTC
11232,#step #june ,4458,Story,29654,2020-06-06 18:09:36 UTC,2020-06-06 18:09:36 UTC
11233,#step #june ,4458,Story,29655,2020-06-06 18:10:36 UTC,2020-06-06 18:10:36 UTC
11234,#step #june ,4458,Story,29656,2020-06-06 18:11:40 UTC,2020-06-06 18:11:40 UTC
11235,#step #june leaf beetle ,4458,Story,29657,2020-06-06 18:13:59 UTC,2020-06-06 18:13:59 UTC
11241,#step #june ,4458,Story,29663,2020-06-06 18:24:06 UTC,2020-06-06 18:24:06 UTC
11242,#step #june ,4458,Story,29664,2020-06-06 18:25:37 UTC,2020-06-06 18:25:37 UTC
11244,#step #june ,4458,Story,29666,2020-06-06 18:29:34 UTC,2020-06-06 18:29:34 UTC
11245,#step #june ,4458,Story,29667,2020-06-06 18:31:31 UTC,2020-06-06 18:31:31 UTC
11246,#step #june ,4458,Story,29668,2020-06-06 18:33:43 UTC,2020-06-06 18:33:43 UTC
11247,#step #june ,4458,Story,29669,2020-06-06 18:36:37 UTC,2020-06-06 18:36:37 UTC
11250,#step #june die back at top ,4458,Story,29672,2020-06-06 18:43:22 UTC,2020-06-06 18:43:22 UTC
11251,#step #june ,4458,Story,29673,2020-06-06 18:45:15 UTC,2020-06-06 18:45:15 UTC
11252,#step #june crown thin at top ,4458,Story,29674,2020-06-06 18:47:46 UTC,2020-06-06 18:47:46 UTC
11236,#step #june ,4458,Story,29658,2020-06-06 18:15:02 UTC,2020-06-06 18:15:02 UTC
11237,#step #june adjacent construction ,4458,Story,29659,2020-06-06 18:16:42 UTC,2020-06-06 18:16:42 UTC
11238,#step #june ,4458,Story,29660,2020-06-06 18:17:52 UTC,2020-06-06 18:17:52 UTC
11239,#step #june ,4458,Story,29661,2020-06-06 18:19:28 UTC,2020-06-06 18:19:28 UTC
11240,#step #june ,4458,Story,29662,2020-06-06 18:22:04 UTC,2020-06-06 18:22:04 UTC
11243,#step #june ,4458,Story,29665,2020-06-06 18:27:51 UTC,2020-06-06 18:27:51 UTC
11248,#step #june ,4458,Story,29670,2020-06-06 18:38:03 UTC,2020-06-06 18:38:03 UTC
11249,#step #june ,4458,Story,29671,2020-06-06 18:39:46 UTC,2020-06-06 18:39:46 UTC
11254,#June,4463,Story,29680,2020-06-06 23:08:36 UTC,2020-06-06 23:08:36 UTC
11255,#June,4463,Story,29681,2020-06-06 23:08:53 UTC,2020-06-06 23:08:53 UTC
11256,#June,4463,Story,29682,2020-06-06 23:09:09 UTC,2020-06-06 23:09:09 UTC
11257,#June,4463,Story,29683,2020-06-06 23:11:21 UTC,2020-06-06 23:11:21 UTC
11258,#June,4463,Story,29684,2020-06-06 23:12:20 UTC,2020-06-06 23:12:20 UTC
11259,#June,4463,Story,29685,2020-06-06 23:13:14 UTC,2020-06-06 23:13:14 UTC
11260,#June,4463,Story,29686,2020-06-06 23:13:44 UTC,2020-06-06 23:13:44 UTC
11261,#June,4463,Story,29687,2020-06-06 23:14:20 UTC,2020-06-06 23:14:20 UTC
11262,#June,4463,Story,29688,2020-06-06 23:14:43 UTC,2020-06-06 23:14:43 UTC
11263,#June,4463,Story,29689,2020-06-06 23:15:07 UTC,2020-06-06 23:15:07 UTC
11264,#June,4463,Story,29690,2020-06-06 23:15:36 UTC,2020-06-06 23:15:36 UTC
11265,#June,4463,Story,29691,2020-06-06 23:16:48 UTC,2020-06-06 23:16:48 UTC
11266,#June,4463,Story,29692,2020-06-06 23:17:15 UTC,2020-06-06 23:17:15 UTC
11267,#June,4463,Story,29693,2020-06-06 23:17:41 UTC,2020-06-06 23:17:41 UTC
11268,#June,4463,Story,29694,2020-06-06 23:17:57 UTC,2020-06-06 23:17:57 UTC
11269,#June,4463,Story,29695,2020-06-06 23:18:17 UTC,2020-06-06 23:18:17 UTC
11270,#June,4463,Story,29696,2020-06-06 23:18:30 UTC,2020-06-06 23:18:30 UTC
11271,#June,4463,Story,29697,2020-06-06 23:18:47 UTC,2020-06-06 23:18:47 UTC
11272,#June,4463,Story,29698,2020-06-06 23:19:07 UTC,2020-06-06 23:19:07 UTC
11273,#June,4463,Story,29699,2020-06-06 23:19:41 UTC,2020-06-06 23:19:41 UTC
11274,#June,4463,Story,29700,2020-06-06 23:19:57 UTC,2020-06-06 23:19:57 UTC
11275,#June,4463,Story,29701,2020-06-06 23:20:16 UTC,2020-06-06 23:20:16 UTC
11276,#June,4463,Story,29702,2020-06-06 23:20:31 UTC,2020-06-06 23:20:31 UTC
11277,#June,4463,Story,29703,2020-06-06 23:20:55 UTC,2020-06-06 23:20:55 UTC
11278,#June,4463,Story,29704,2020-06-06 23:21:19 UTC,2020-06-06 23:21:19 UTC
11279,#June,4463,Story,29705,2020-06-06 23:21:37 UTC,2020-06-06 23:21:37 UTC
11280,#June,4463,Story,29706,2020-06-06 23:21:55 UTC,2020-06-06 23:21:55 UTC
11281,#June,4463,Story,29707,2020-06-06 23:22:10 UTC,2020-06-06 23:22:10 UTC
11282,#June,4463,Story,29708,2020-06-06 23:22:28 UTC,2020-06-06 23:22:28 UTC
11283,#June,4463,Story,29709,2020-06-06 23:22:42 UTC,2020-06-06 23:22:42 UTC
11284,#June,4463,Story,29710,2020-06-06 23:22:57 UTC,2020-06-06 23:22:57 UTC
11285,#June,4463,Story,29711,2020-06-06 23:23:26 UTC,2020-06-06 23:23:26 UTC
11286,#June,4463,Story,29712,2020-06-06 23:23:47 UTC,2020-06-06 23:23:47 UTC
11287,#June,4463,Story,29713,2020-06-06 23:24:32 UTC,2020-06-06 23:24:32 UTC
11288,#June,4463,Story,29714,2020-06-06 23:24:48 UTC,2020-06-06 23:24:48 UTC
11293,#June,4463,Story,29719,2020-06-06 23:27:09 UTC,2020-06-06 23:27:09 UTC
11294,#June,4463,Story,29720,2020-06-06 23:27:39 UTC,2020-06-06 23:27:39 UTC
11297,#June,4463,Story,29723,2020-06-06 23:29:08 UTC,2020-06-06 23:29:08 UTC
11298,#June,4463,Story,29724,2020-06-06 23:29:34 UTC,2020-06-06 23:29:34 UTC
11299,#June,4463,Story,29725,2020-06-06 23:29:53 UTC,2020-06-06 23:29:53 UTC
11300,#June,4463,Story,29726,2020-06-06 23:30:08 UTC,2020-06-06 23:30:08 UTC
11301,#June,4463,Story,29727,2020-06-06 23:30:39 UTC,2020-06-06 23:30:39 UTC
11289,#June,4463,Story,29715,2020-06-06 23:25:14 UTC,2020-06-06 23:25:14 UTC
11290,#June,4463,Story,29716,2020-06-06 23:25:47 UTC,2020-06-06 23:25:47 UTC
11291,#June,4463,Story,29717,2020-06-06 23:26:17 UTC,2020-06-06 23:26:17 UTC
11292,#June,4463,Story,29718,2020-06-06 23:26:50 UTC,2020-06-06 23:26:50 UTC
11295,#June,4463,Story,29721,2020-06-06 23:28:19 UTC,2020-06-06 23:28:19 UTC
11296,#June,4463,Story,29722,2020-06-06 23:28:34 UTC,2020-06-06 23:28:34 UTC
11305,"#step #june
Significant and increasing evidence of dead branches on top",4504,Story,29738,2020-06-07 17:03:21 UTC,2020-06-07 17:03:21 UTC
11310,#june,4463,Story,29764,2020-06-07 22:17:42 UTC,2020-06-07 22:17:42 UTC
11311,#june,4463,Story,29765,2020-06-07 22:17:53 UTC,2020-06-07 22:17:53 UTC
11312,#june,4463,Story,29766,2020-06-07 22:18:06 UTC,2020-06-07 22:18:06 UTC
11313,#june,4463,Story,29767,2020-06-07 22:18:20 UTC,2020-06-07 22:18:20 UTC
11314,#june,4463,Story,29768,2020-06-07 22:18:32 UTC,2020-06-07 22:18:32 UTC
11315,#june,4463,Story,29769,2020-06-07 22:18:46 UTC,2020-06-07 22:18:46 UTC
11318,#june,4463,Story,29772,2020-06-07 22:19:28 UTC,2020-06-07 22:19:28 UTC
11319,#june,4463,Story,29773,2020-06-07 22:19:41 UTC,2020-06-07 22:19:41 UTC
11320,#june,4463,Story,29774,2020-06-07 22:19:53 UTC,2020-06-07 22:19:53 UTC
11322,#june,4463,Story,29776,2020-06-07 22:20:22 UTC,2020-06-07 22:20:22 UTC
11323,#june,4463,Story,29777,2020-06-07 22:20:40 UTC,2020-06-07 22:20:40 UTC
11327,#june,4463,Story,29781,2020-06-07 22:22:04 UTC,2020-06-07 22:22:04 UTC
11328,#june,4463,Story,29782,2020-06-07 22:22:16 UTC,2020-06-07 22:22:16 UTC
11330,#june,4463,Story,29784,2020-06-07 22:22:43 UTC,2020-06-07 22:22:43 UTC
11332,#june,4463,Story,29786,2020-06-07 22:23:07 UTC,2020-06-07 22:23:07 UTC
11333,#june,4463,Story,29787,2020-06-07 22:23:18 UTC,2020-06-07 22:23:18 UTC
11334,#june,4463,Story,29788,2020-06-07 22:23:30 UTC,2020-06-07 22:23:30 UTC
11335,#june,4463,Story,29789,2020-06-07 22:23:40 UTC,2020-06-07 22:23:40 UTC
11336,#june,4463,Story,29790,2020-06-07 22:23:51 UTC,2020-06-07 22:23:51 UTC
11337,#june,4463,Story,29791,2020-06-07 22:24:01 UTC,2020-06-07 22:24:01 UTC
11339,#june,4463,Story,29793,2020-06-07 22:24:24 UTC,2020-06-07 22:24:24 UTC
11340,#june,4463,Story,29794,2020-06-07 22:24:35 UTC,2020-06-07 22:24:35 UTC
11345,#june,4463,Story,29799,2020-06-07 22:25:37 UTC,2020-06-07 22:25:37 UTC
11347,#june,4463,Story,29801,2020-06-07 22:26:01 UTC,2020-06-07 22:26:01 UTC
11350,#june,4463,Story,29804,2020-06-07 22:26:42 UTC,2020-06-07 22:26:42 UTC
11351,#june,4463,Story,29805,2020-06-07 22:26:53 UTC,2020-06-07 22:26:53 UTC
11353,#june,4463,Story,29807,2020-06-07 22:27:20 UTC,2020-06-07 22:27:20 UTC
11354,#june,4463,Story,29808,2020-06-07 22:27:30 UTC,2020-06-07 22:27:30 UTC
11355,#june,4463,Story,29809,2020-06-07 22:27:42 UTC,2020-06-07 22:27:42 UTC
11357,#june,4463,Story,29811,2020-06-07 22:28:11 UTC,2020-06-07 22:28:11 UTC
11360,#june,4463,Story,29814,2020-06-07 22:28:49 UTC,2020-06-07 22:28:49 UTC
11365,#june,4463,Story,29819,2020-06-07 22:30:24 UTC,2020-06-07 22:30:24 UTC
11366,#june,4463,Story,29820,2020-06-07 22:30:35 UTC,2020-06-07 22:30:35 UTC
11367,#june,4463,Story,29821,2020-06-07 22:30:59 UTC,2020-06-07 22:30:59 UTC
11369,#june,4463,Story,29823,2020-06-07 22:31:24 UTC,2020-06-07 22:31:24 UTC
11370,#june,4463,Story,29824,2020-06-07 22:31:39 UTC,2020-06-07 22:31:39 UTC
11371,#june,4463,Story,29825,2020-06-07 22:31:52 UTC,2020-06-07 22:31:52 UTC
11372,#june,4463,Story,29826,2020-06-07 22:32:09 UTC,2020-06-07 22:32:09 UTC
11316,#june,4463,Story,29770,2020-06-07 22:19:00 UTC,2020-06-07 22:19:00 UTC
11317,#june,4463,Story,29771,2020-06-07 22:19:12 UTC,2020-06-07 22:19:12 UTC
11321,#june,4463,Story,29775,2020-06-07 22:20:05 UTC,2020-06-07 22:20:05 UTC
11324,#june,4463,Story,29778,2020-06-07 22:21:03 UTC,2020-06-07 22:21:03 UTC
11325,#june,4463,Story,29779,2020-06-07 22:21:24 UTC,2020-06-07 22:21:24 UTC
11326,#june,4463,Story,29780,2020-06-07 22:21:53 UTC,2020-06-07 22:21:53 UTC
11329,#june,4463,Story,29783,2020-06-07 22:22:32 UTC,2020-06-07 22:22:32 UTC
11331,#june,4463,Story,29785,2020-06-07 22:22:55 UTC,2020-06-07 22:22:55 UTC
11338,#june,4463,Story,29792,2020-06-07 22:24:13 UTC,2020-06-07 22:24:13 UTC
11341,#june,4463,Story,29795,2020-06-07 22:24:47 UTC,2020-06-07 22:24:47 UTC
11342,#june,4463,Story,29796,2020-06-07 22:24:59 UTC,2020-06-07 22:24:59 UTC
11343,#june,4463,Story,29797,2020-06-07 22:25:10 UTC,2020-06-07 22:25:10 UTC
11344,#june,4463,Story,29798,2020-06-07 22:25:22 UTC,2020-06-07 22:25:22 UTC
11346,#june,4463,Story,29800,2020-06-07 22:25:49 UTC,2020-06-07 22:25:49 UTC
11348,#june,4463,Story,29802,2020-06-07 22:26:12 UTC,2020-06-07 22:26:12 UTC
11349,#june,4463,Story,29803,2020-06-07 22:26:31 UTC,2020-06-07 22:26:31 UTC
11352,#june,4463,Story,29806,2020-06-07 22:27:08 UTC,2020-06-07 22:27:08 UTC
11356,#june,4463,Story,29810,2020-06-07 22:27:58 UTC,2020-06-07 22:27:58 UTC
11358,#june,4463,Story,29812,2020-06-07 22:28:22 UTC,2020-06-07 22:28:22 UTC
11359,#june,4463,Story,29813,2020-06-07 22:28:36 UTC,2020-06-07 22:28:36 UTC
11361,#june,4463,Story,29815,2020-06-07 22:29:03 UTC,2020-06-07 22:29:03 UTC
11362,#june,4463,Story,29816,2020-06-07 22:29:38 UTC,2020-06-07 22:29:38 UTC
11363,#june,4463,Story,29817,2020-06-07 22:29:53 UTC,2020-06-07 22:29:53 UTC
11364,#june,4463,Story,29818,2020-06-07 22:30:11 UTC,2020-06-07 22:30:11 UTC
11368,#june,4463,Story,29822,2020-06-07 22:31:13 UTC,2020-06-07 22:31:13 UTC
11374,#step #june #ded,4089,Story,29838,2020-06-08 18:50:10 UTC,2020-06-08 18:50:10 UTC
Concerning photos",6111,Story,29884,2020-06-09 21:14:04 UTC,2020-06-09 22:25:32 UTC
#june",6111,Story,29885,2020-06-09 21:30:33 UTC,2020-06-09 21:30:33 UTC
#june",6111,Story,29887,2020-06-09 22:13:37 UTC,2020-06-09 22:13:37 UTC
11390,#step #may ,5842,Story,29897,2020-06-10 00:03:11 UTC,2020-06-10 00:03:11 UTC
11391,#step #may ,5842,Story,29898,2020-06-10 00:09:00 UTC,2020-06-10 00:09:00 UTC
11392,#step #may  tree removed ,5842,Story,29899,2020-06-10 00:18:50 UTC,2020-06-10 00:18:50 UTC
",6111,Story,29888,2020-06-09 22:15:53 UTC,2020-06-09 22:15:53 UTC
11383,#step #may ,5842,Story,29890,2020-06-09 22:59:56 UTC,2020-06-09 22:59:56 UTC
11384,#step #may ,5842,Story,29891,2020-06-09 23:08:54 UTC,2020-06-09 23:08:54 UTC
11385,#step #may ,5842,Story,29892,2020-06-09 23:18:28 UTC,2020-06-09 23:18:28 UTC
11386,#step #may ,5842,Story,29893,2020-06-09 23:26:17 UTC,2020-06-09 23:26:17 UTC
11387,#step #may ,5842,Story,29894,2020-06-09 23:46:19 UTC,2020-06-09 23:46:19 UTC
11388,#step #may  Quite crowded in with other trees.,5842,Story,29895,2020-06-09 23:57:05 UTC,2020-06-09 23:57:05 UTC
11389,#step #may ,5842,Story,29896,2020-06-10 00:00:47 UTC,2020-06-10 00:00:47 UTC
11393,#Step #june,4495,Story,29900,2020-06-10 01:25:27 UTC,2020-06-10 01:25:27 UTC
11394,#step #june,4495,Story,29901,2020-06-10 01:27:05 UTC,2020-06-10 01:27:05 UTC
11395,#step #june,4495,Story,29902,2020-06-10 01:32:54 UTC,2020-06-10 01:32:54 UTC
11396,#step #june,4495,Story,29903,2020-06-10 01:36:32 UTC,2020-06-10 01:36:32 UTC
11397,#step #june,4495,Story,29904,2020-06-10 01:37:27 UTC,2020-06-10 01:37:27 UTC
11398,#step #june,4495,Story,29905,2020-06-10 01:40:45 UTC,2020-06-10 01:40:45 UTC
11399,#step #june,4495,Story,29906,2020-06-10 01:41:44 UTC,2020-06-10 01:41:44 UTC
11400,#step #june,4495,Story,29907,2020-06-10 01:43:33 UTC,2020-06-10 01:43:33 UTC
11401,#step #june,4495,Story,29908,2020-06-10 01:45:25 UTC,2020-06-10 01:45:25 UTC
11402,#step #june,4495,Story,29909,2020-06-10 01:46:47 UTC,2020-06-10 01:46:47 UTC
11406,#step #june,4495,Story,29913,2020-06-10 01:55:00 UTC,2020-06-10 01:55:00 UTC
11408,#step #june,4495,Story,29915,2020-06-10 01:58:09 UTC,2020-06-10 01:58:09 UTC
11409,#step #june,4495,Story,29916,2020-06-10 02:00:48 UTC,2020-06-10 02:00:48 UTC
11410,#step #june,4495,Story,29917,2020-06-10 02:02:29 UTC,2020-06-10 02:02:29 UTC
11414,#step #june,4495,Story,29921,2020-06-10 02:11:33 UTC,2020-06-10 02:11:33 UTC
11403,#step #june,4495,Story,29910,2020-06-10 01:47:49 UTC,2020-06-10 01:47:49 UTC
11404,#step #june,4495,Story,29911,2020-06-10 01:52:19 UTC,2020-06-10 01:52:19 UTC
11405,#step #june,4495,Story,29912,2020-06-10 01:53:46 UTC,2020-06-10 01:53:46 UTC
11407,#step #june,4495,Story,29914,2020-06-10 01:56:05 UTC,2020-06-10 01:56:05 UTC
11411,#step #june,4495,Story,29918,2020-06-10 02:03:56 UTC,2020-06-10 02:03:56 UTC
11412,#step #june,4495,Story,29919,2020-06-10 02:06:15 UTC,2020-06-10 02:06:15 UTC
11413,#step #june,4495,Story,29920,2020-06-10 02:09:06 UTC,2020-06-10 02:09:06 UTC
11415,#step #june,4495,Story,29922,2020-06-10 02:18:02 UTC,2020-06-10 02:18:02 UTC
11416,"#falsealarm #step #june

Just squirrel damage - note the different coloration of bark just before the wilting begins. Tan color is normal; black is oxidized cambium where squirrels have been feeding.",4089,Story,29923,2020-06-10 16:05:06 UTC,2020-06-10 16:05:06 UTC
11417,#june,4463,Story,29925,2020-06-10 16:18:35 UTC,2020-06-10 16:18:35 UTC
11418,#june,4463,Story,29926,2020-06-10 16:19:21 UTC,2020-06-10 16:19:21 UTC
11419,#june,4463,Story,29927,2020-06-10 16:19:43 UTC,2020-06-10 16:19:43 UTC
11420,#june,4463,Story,29928,2020-06-10 16:20:09 UTC,2020-06-10 16:20:09 UTC
11421,#june,4463,Story,29929,2020-06-10 16:20:22 UTC,2020-06-10 16:20:22 UTC
11422,#june,4463,Story,29930,2020-06-10 16:20:42 UTC,2020-06-10 16:20:42 UTC
11423,#june,4463,Story,29931,2020-06-10 16:21:03 UTC,2020-06-10 16:21:03 UTC
11424,#june,4463,Story,29932,2020-06-10 16:21:27 UTC,2020-06-10 16:21:27 UTC
11425,#june,4463,Story,29933,2020-06-10 16:21:49 UTC,2020-06-10 16:21:49 UTC
11426,#june,4463,Story,29934,2020-06-10 16:22:17 UTC,2020-06-10 16:22:17 UTC
11427,#june,4463,Story,29935,2020-06-10 16:22:39 UTC,2020-06-10 16:22:39 UTC
11428,#june,4463,Story,29936,2020-06-10 16:22:55 UTC,2020-06-10 16:22:55 UTC
11429,#june,4463,Story,29937,2020-06-10 16:23:10 UTC,2020-06-10 16:23:10 UTC
11430,#june,4463,Story,29938,2020-06-10 16:23:29 UTC,2020-06-10 16:23:29 UTC
11431,#june,4463,Story,29939,2020-06-10 16:24:06 UTC,2020-06-10 16:24:06 UTC
11432,#june,4463,Story,29940,2020-06-10 16:24:20 UTC,2020-06-10 16:24:20 UTC
11433,#june,4463,Story,29941,2020-06-10 16:24:34 UTC,2020-06-10 16:24:34 UTC
11434,#june,4463,Story,29942,2020-06-10 16:24:50 UTC,2020-06-10 16:24:50 UTC
11435,#june,4463,Story,29943,2020-06-10 16:26:03 UTC,2020-06-10 16:26:03 UTC
11436,#june,4463,Story,29944,2020-06-10 16:26:19 UTC,2020-06-10 16:26:19 UTC
11437,#june,4463,Story,29945,2020-06-10 16:26:36 UTC,2020-06-10 16:26:36 UTC
11438,#step #may ,5842,Story,29954,2020-06-10 21:30:23 UTC,2020-06-10 21:30:23 UTC
11439,#step #may ,5842,Story,29955,2020-06-10 21:32:11 UTC,2020-06-10 21:32:11 UTC
11440,#step #may,5842,Story,29956,2020-06-10 21:34:55 UTC,2020-06-10 21:34:55 UTC
11441,#step #may ,5842,Story,29957,2020-06-10 21:37:53 UTC,2020-06-10 21:37:53 UTC
11442,#step #may ,5842,Story,29958,2020-06-10 21:45:11 UTC,2020-06-10 21:45:11 UTC
11444,#Step #June,4493,Story,29960,2020-06-10 22:05:36 UTC,2020-06-10 22:05:36 UTC
11446,#Step #June,4493,Story,29962,2020-06-10 22:07:13 UTC,2020-06-10 22:07:13 UTC
11449,#Step #June,4493,Story,29965,2020-06-10 22:08:48 UTC,2020-06-10 22:08:48 UTC
11450,#Step #June,4493,Story,29966,2020-06-10 22:10:10 UTC,2020-06-10 22:10:10 UTC
11452,#Step #June,4493,Story,29968,2020-06-10 22:11:35 UTC,2020-06-10 22:11:35 UTC
11454,#Step #June,4493,Story,29970,2020-06-10 22:13:09 UTC,2020-06-10 22:13:09 UTC
11456,#Step #June,4493,Story,29972,2020-06-10 22:15:20 UTC,2020-06-10 22:15:20 UTC
11458,#step #may ,5842,Story,29974,2020-06-10 22:19:27 UTC,2020-06-10 22:19:27 UTC
11459,#step #may ,5842,Story,29975,2020-06-10 22:20:22 UTC,2020-06-10 22:20:22 UTC
11460,#step #may ,5842,Story,29976,2020-06-10 22:24:01 UTC,2020-06-10 22:24:01 UTC
11461,#step #may ,5842,Story,29977,2020-06-10 22:39:21 UTC,2020-06-10 22:39:21 UTC
11462,#step #may tree removed,5842,Story,29978,2020-06-10 23:03:35 UTC,2020-06-10 23:03:35 UTC
11466,#step #may ,5842,Story,29982,2020-06-10 23:43:59 UTC,2020-06-10 23:43:59 UTC
11467,#step #may ,5842,Story,29983,2020-06-10 23:45:32 UTC,2020-06-10 23:45:32 UTC
11469,"#ded #dedconfirmed

The city identified DED in this tree and will remove it soon.",4089,Story,30001,2020-06-11 19:19:55 UTC,2020-06-11 19:19:55 UTC
11470,"#ded #dedconfirmed

The city identified this case; will test and remove soon.",4089,Story,30002,2020-06-11 20:16:28 UTC,2020-06-11 20:16:28 UTC
#june",6111,Story,29889,2020-06-09 22:23:34 UTC,2020-06-09 22:23:34 UTC
11477,#june,4463,Story,30031,2020-06-12 19:05:01 UTC,2020-06-12 19:05:01 UTC
11478,#june,4463,Story,30032,2020-06-12 19:05:15 UTC,2020-06-12 19:05:15 UTC
11479,#june,4463,Story,30033,2020-06-12 19:05:28 UTC,2020-06-12 19:05:28 UTC
11480,#june,4463,Story,30034,2020-06-12 19:05:44 UTC,2020-06-12 19:05:44 UTC
11481,#june,4463,Story,30035,2020-06-12 19:05:58 UTC,2020-06-12 19:05:58 UTC
11482,#june,4463,Story,30036,2020-06-12 19:06:10 UTC,2020-06-12 19:06:10 UTC
11483,#june,4463,Story,30037,2020-06-12 19:06:22 UTC,2020-06-12 19:06:22 UTC
11484,#june,4463,Story,30038,2020-06-12 19:06:34 UTC,2020-06-12 19:06:34 UTC
11485,#june,4463,Story,30039,2020-06-12 19:06:49 UTC,2020-06-12 19:06:49 UTC
11486,#june,4463,Story,30040,2020-06-12 19:07:01 UTC,2020-06-12 19:07:01 UTC
11487,#june,4463,Story,30044,2020-06-12 19:19:11 UTC,2020-06-12 19:19:11 UTC
11488,#june,4463,Story,30045,2020-06-12 19:19:24 UTC,2020-06-12 19:19:24 UTC
11489,#june,4463,Story,30046,2020-06-12 19:19:37 UTC,2020-06-12 19:19:37 UTC
11490,#june,4463,Story,30047,2020-06-12 19:19:49 UTC,2020-06-12 19:19:49 UTC
11491,#june,4463,Story,30048,2020-06-12 19:20:02 UTC,2020-06-12 19:20:02 UTC
11492,#june,4463,Story,30049,2020-06-12 19:20:14 UTC,2020-06-12 19:20:14 UTC
11493,#june,4463,Story,30050,2020-06-12 19:20:26 UTC,2020-06-12 19:20:26 UTC
11494,#june,4463,Story,30051,2020-06-12 19:20:41 UTC,2020-06-12 19:20:41 UTC
11495,#june,4463,Story,30052,2020-06-12 19:20:51 UTC,2020-06-12 19:20:51 UTC
11496,#june,4463,Story,30053,2020-06-12 19:21:04 UTC,2020-06-12 19:21:04 UTC
11497,#june,4463,Story,30054,2020-06-12 19:21:20 UTC,2020-06-12 19:21:20 UTC
11498,#june,4463,Story,30055,2020-06-12 19:22:30 UTC,2020-06-12 19:22:30 UTC
11499,#june,4463,Story,30056,2020-06-12 19:22:43 UTC,2020-06-12 19:22:43 UTC
11500,#june,4463,Story,30057,2020-06-12 19:22:55 UTC,2020-06-12 19:22:55 UTC
11501,#june,4463,Story,30058,2020-06-12 19:23:06 UTC,2020-06-12 19:23:06 UTC
11505,#june,4463,Story,30062,2020-06-12 19:23:53 UTC,2020-06-12 19:23:53 UTC
11507,#june,4463,Story,30064,2020-06-12 19:24:15 UTC,2020-06-12 19:24:15 UTC
11508,#june,4463,Story,30065,2020-06-12 19:24:27 UTC,2020-06-12 19:24:27 UTC
11509,#june,4463,Story,30066,2020-06-12 19:24:39 UTC,2020-06-12 19:24:39 UTC
11510,#june,4463,Story,30067,2020-06-12 19:24:52 UTC,2020-06-12 19:24:52 UTC
11511,#june,4463,Story,30068,2020-06-12 19:25:04 UTC,2020-06-12 19:25:04 UTC
11512,#june,4463,Story,30069,2020-06-12 19:25:16 UTC,2020-06-12 19:25:16 UTC
11515,#june,4463,Story,30072,2020-06-12 19:25:54 UTC,2020-06-12 19:25:54 UTC
11502,#june,4463,Story,30059,2020-06-12 19:23:17 UTC,2020-06-12 19:23:17 UTC
11503,#june,4463,Story,30060,2020-06-12 19:23:28 UTC,2020-06-12 19:23:28 UTC
11504,#june,4463,Story,30061,2020-06-12 19:23:40 UTC,2020-06-12 19:23:40 UTC
11506,#june,4463,Story,30063,2020-06-12 19:24:04 UTC,2020-06-12 19:24:04 UTC
11513,#june,4463,Story,30070,2020-06-12 19:25:27 UTC,2020-06-12 19:25:27 UTC
11514,#june,4463,Story,30071,2020-06-12 19:25:40 UTC,2020-06-12 19:25:40 UTC
11516,#june,4463,Story,30073,2020-06-12 19:26:05 UTC,2020-06-12 19:26:05 UTC
11517,#june,4463,Story,30074,2020-06-12 19:26:17 UTC,2020-06-12 19:26:17 UTC
11518,#june,4463,Story,30075,2020-06-12 19:26:38 UTC,2020-06-12 19:26:38 UTC
11540,#june,4463,Story,30131,2020-06-13 19:17:08 UTC,2020-06-13 19:17:08 UTC
11541,#june,4463,Story,30132,2020-06-13 19:17:36 UTC,2020-06-13 19:17:36 UTC
11542,#june,4463,Story,30133,2020-06-13 19:17:48 UTC,2020-06-13 19:17:48 UTC
11543,#june,4463,Story,30134,2020-06-13 19:18:00 UTC,2020-06-13 19:18:00 UTC
11544,#june,4463,Story,30135,2020-06-13 19:18:13 UTC,2020-06-13 19:18:13 UTC
11545,#june,4463,Story,30136,2020-06-13 19:18:27 UTC,2020-06-13 19:18:27 UTC
11546,Removed delete from database. ,4458,Story,30137,2020-06-13 20:24:43 UTC,2020-06-13 20:24:43 UTC
11547,#step #june ,4458,Story,30138,2020-06-13 20:25:45 UTC,2020-06-13 20:25:45 UTC
11548,#step #june die back voids in wood heavy stress.,4458,Story,30139,2020-06-13 20:26:34 UTC,2020-06-13 20:26:34 UTC
11549,#step #june #ded possible on south side small branch near tree that was removed last year.,4458,Story,30140,2020-06-13 20:27:56 UTC,2020-06-13 20:27:56 UTC
11550,#step #june die back,4458,Story,30141,2020-06-13 20:28:44 UTC,2020-06-13 20:28:44 UTC
11551,#step #june ,4458,Story,30142,2020-06-13 20:29:07 UTC,2020-06-13 20:29:07 UTC
11553,Removed?  See unlabeled tree to South. ,4458,Story,30144,2020-06-13 20:30:59 UTC,2020-06-13 20:30:59 UTC
11554,#step #june ,4458,Story,30145,2020-06-13 20:32:07 UTC,2020-06-13 20:32:07 UTC
11555,#step #june ,4458,Story,30146,2020-06-13 20:33:02 UTC,2020-06-13 20:33:02 UTC
11556,#step #june ,4458,Story,30147,2020-06-13 20:33:38 UTC,2020-06-13 20:33:38 UTC
11557,#step #june ,4458,Story,30148,2020-06-13 20:34:34 UTC,2020-06-13 20:34:34 UTC
11558,#step #june ,4458,Story,30149,2020-06-13 20:35:25 UTC,2020-06-13 20:35:25 UTC
11559,#step #june ,4458,Story,30150,2020-06-13 20:36:14 UTC,2020-06-13 20:36:14 UTC
11560,#step #june die back ,4458,Story,30151,2020-06-13 20:37:26 UTC,2020-06-13 20:37:26 UTC
11561,#step #june ,4458,Story,30152,2020-06-13 20:38:39 UTC,2020-06-13 20:38:39 UTC
11562,#step #june ,4458,Story,30153,2020-06-13 20:40:04 UTC,2020-06-13 20:40:04 UTC
11563,#step #june ,4458,Story,30154,2020-06-13 20:41:19 UTC,2020-06-13 20:41:19 UTC
11564,#step #june ,4458,Story,30155,2020-06-13 20:42:29 UTC,2020-06-13 20:42:29 UTC
11565,#step #june ,4458,Story,30156,2020-06-13 20:43:39 UTC,2020-06-13 20:43:39 UTC
11566,#step #june ,4458,Story,30157,2020-06-13 20:44:26 UTC,2020-06-13 20:44:26 UTC
11567,#step #june ,4458,Story,30158,2020-06-13 20:45:34 UTC,2020-06-13 20:45:34 UTC
11568,#step #june,5882,Story,30159,2020-06-13 23:09:14 UTC,2020-06-13 23:09:14 UTC
11569,#step #june,5882,Story,30160,2020-06-13 23:10:23 UTC,2020-06-13 23:10:23 UTC
11570,#step #june,5882,Story,30161,2020-06-13 23:11:04 UTC,2020-06-13 23:11:04 UTC
11571,#ded #june,5882,Story,30162,2020-06-13 23:18:35 UTC,2020-06-13 23:18:35 UTC
11572,#step #june,5882,Story,30163,2020-06-13 23:20:07 UTC,2020-06-13 23:20:07 UTC
11574,#ded #june,5882,Story,30165,2020-06-13 23:22:29 UTC,2020-06-13 23:22:29 UTC
11575,#june #ded #sick,5882,Story,30166,2020-06-13 23:29:17 UTC,2020-06-13 23:29:17 UTC
11573,#missingtree #june,5882,Story,30164,2020-06-13 23:21:12 UTC,2020-06-13 23:21:12 UTC
11576,#june #step,5882,Story,30167,2020-06-13 23:31:17 UTC,2020-06-13 23:31:17 UTC
11577,#june #mislabeled,5882,Story,30168,2020-06-13 23:35:31 UTC,2020-06-13 23:35:31 UTC
11578,#step #june,5882,Story,30169,2020-06-13 23:39:46 UTC,2020-06-13 23:39:46 UTC
11579,#step #june,5882,Story,30170,2020-06-13 23:43:23 UTC,2020-06-13 23:43:23 UTC
11581,#step #June,4424,Story,30172,2020-06-14 17:24:08 UTC,2020-06-14 17:24:08 UTC
11582,#step #June,4424,Story,30173,2020-06-14 17:27:02 UTC,2020-06-14 17:27:02 UTC
11583,#step #June,4424,Story,30174,2020-06-14 17:27:17 UTC,2020-06-14 17:27:17 UTC
11584,#step #June,4424,Story,30175,2020-06-14 17:27:31 UTC,2020-06-14 17:27:31 UTC
11585,#step #June,4424,Story,30176,2020-06-14 17:30:22 UTC,2020-06-14 17:30:22 UTC
11586,#step #June,4424,Story,30177,2020-06-14 17:30:40 UTC,2020-06-14 17:30:40 UTC
11587,#step #June,4424,Story,30178,2020-06-14 18:04:25 UTC,2020-06-14 18:04:25 UTC
11589,#step #June,4424,Story,30180,2020-06-14 18:05:48 UTC,2020-06-14 18:05:48 UTC
11590,#step #June,4424,Story,30181,2020-06-14 18:10:02 UTC,2020-06-14 18:10:02 UTC
11591,#step #June,4424,Story,30182,2020-06-14 18:16:03 UTC,2020-06-14 18:16:03 UTC
11592,#step #June,4424,Story,30183,2020-06-14 18:16:16 UTC,2020-06-14 18:16:16 UTC
11593,#step #June,4424,Story,30184,2020-06-14 18:16:29 UTC,2020-06-14 18:16:29 UTC
11594,#step #June,4424,Story,30185,2020-06-14 18:16:40 UTC,2020-06-14 18:16:40 UTC
11595,#ded #step,4424,Story,30186,2020-06-14 18:18:30 UTC,2020-06-15 16:19:50 UTC
11596,#step #June,4424,Story,30187,2020-06-14 18:20:10 UTC,2020-06-14 18:20:10 UTC
11597,#step #June,4424,Story,30188,2020-06-14 18:20:25 UTC,2020-06-14 18:20:25 UTC
11598,#step #June,4424,Story,30189,2020-06-14 18:26:28 UTC,2020-06-14 18:26:28 UTC
11599,#step #June,4424,Story,30190,2020-06-14 18:26:41 UTC,2020-06-14 18:26:41 UTC
11600,#step #June,4424,Story,30191,2020-06-14 18:26:56 UTC,2020-06-14 18:26:56 UTC
11601,#step #June,4424,Story,30192,2020-06-14 18:27:11 UTC,2020-06-14 18:27:11 UTC
11602,#step #June,4424,Story,30193,2020-06-14 18:27:25 UTC,2020-06-14 18:27:25 UTC
11603,#step #June,4424,Story,30194,2020-06-14 18:27:39 UTC,2020-06-14 18:27:39 UTC
11604,#step #June,4424,Story,30195,2020-06-14 18:30:33 UTC,2020-06-14 18:30:33 UTC
11605,#step #June,4424,Story,30196,2020-06-14 18:30:54 UTC,2020-06-14 18:30:54 UTC
11608,#step #june,5867,Story,30199,2020-06-15 01:06:40 UTC,2020-06-15 01:06:40 UTC
11609,#step #june,5867,Story,30200,2020-06-15 01:08:10 UTC,2020-06-15 01:08:10 UTC
11610,#step #June,5867,Story,30201,2020-06-15 01:09:08 UTC,2020-06-15 01:09:08 UTC
11611,#step #June,5867,Story,30202,2020-06-15 01:09:55 UTC,2020-06-15 01:09:55 UTC
11612,#step #missingtree,5867,Story,30203,2020-06-15 01:10:57 UTC,2020-06-15 01:10:57 UTC
11613,#step #june,5867,Story,30204,2020-06-15 01:12:36 UTC,2020-06-15 01:12:36 UTC
11614,#step #june,5867,Story,30205,2020-06-15 01:13:16 UTC,2020-06-15 01:13:16 UTC
11615,#step #june,5867,Story,30206,2020-06-15 01:14:12 UTC,2020-06-15 01:14:12 UTC
11616,#step #june,5867,Story,30207,2020-06-15 01:16:26 UTC,2020-06-15 01:16:26 UTC
11617,#step #june,5867,Story,30208,2020-06-15 01:17:04 UTC,2020-06-15 01:17:04 UTC
11618,#step #june,5867,Story,30209,2020-06-15 01:18:07 UTC,2020-06-15 01:18:07 UTC
11623,#step #june,5867,Story,30214,2020-06-15 01:23:30 UTC,2020-06-15 01:23:30 UTC
11624,#step #june,5867,Story,30215,2020-06-15 01:24:31 UTC,2020-06-15 01:24:31 UTC
11626,#step #june,5867,Story,30217,2020-06-15 01:26:05 UTC,2020-06-15 01:26:05 UTC
11619,#step #june,5867,Story,30210,2020-06-15 01:18:35 UTC,2020-06-15 01:18:35 UTC
11620,#step #june,5867,Story,30211,2020-06-15 01:19:12 UTC,2020-06-15 01:19:12 UTC
11621,#step #june,5867,Story,30212,2020-06-15 01:19:41 UTC,2020-06-15 01:19:41 UTC
11622,#step #ded,5867,Story,30213,2020-06-15 01:20:56 UTC,2020-06-15 01:20:56 UTC
11625,#step #june,5867,Story,30216,2020-06-15 01:25:16 UTC,2020-06-15 01:25:16 UTC
11631,"#June #DED
I hope not but yellow leaves going up into crown. ",4332,Story,30225,2020-06-15 22:06:17 UTC,2020-06-15 22:06:17 UTC
11632,#June,4332,Story,30226,2020-06-15 22:14:33 UTC,2020-06-15 22:14:33 UTC
11633,#June,4332,Story,30227,2020-06-15 22:15:09 UTC,2020-06-15 22:15:09 UTC
11634,#June,4332,Story,30228,2020-06-15 22:15:44 UTC,2020-06-15 22:15:44 UTC
11635,#June,4332,Story,30229,2020-06-15 22:18:13 UTC,2020-06-15 22:18:13 UTC
11636,#June,4332,Story,30230,2020-06-15 22:19:18 UTC,2020-06-15 22:19:18 UTC
11637,#June,4332,Story,30231,2020-06-15 22:23:26 UTC,2020-06-15 22:23:26 UTC
11638,#June,4332,Story,30232,2020-06-15 22:24:22 UTC,2020-06-15 22:24:22 UTC
11642,#step #june minor leaf beetle damage,5842,Story,30236,2020-06-15 23:19:22 UTC,2020-06-15 23:19:22 UTC
11643,#step #june ,5842,Story,30237,2020-06-15 23:27:33 UTC,2020-06-15 23:27:33 UTC
11644,#step #june,5842,Story,30238,2020-06-15 23:29:26 UTC,2020-06-15 23:29:26 UTC
11645,#step #june,5842,Story,30239,2020-06-15 23:33:30 UTC,2020-06-15 23:33:30 UTC
11647,#step #june moderate insect damage,5842,Story,30241,2020-06-15 23:45:15 UTC,2020-06-15 23:45:15 UTC
11648,#step #june moderate insect damage,5842,Story,30242,2020-06-15 23:47:45 UTC,2020-06-15 23:47:45 UTC
11649,#step #june,5842,Story,30243,2020-06-16 00:04:06 UTC,2020-06-16 00:04:06 UTC
11650,#step #june ,5842,Story,30244,2020-06-16 00:06:18 UTC,2020-06-16 00:06:18 UTC
11651,#step #june ,5842,Story,30245,2020-06-16 00:07:33 UTC,2020-06-16 00:07:33 UTC
11652,#step #june ,5842,Story,30246,2020-06-16 00:09:36 UTC,2020-06-16 00:09:36 UTC
11653,#step #june ,5842,Story,30247,2020-06-16 00:31:56 UTC,2020-06-16 00:31:56 UTC
11654,#step #june ,5842,Story,30248,2020-06-16 00:36:03 UTC,2020-06-16 00:36:03 UTC
11660,#June,4332,Story,30261,2020-06-16 20:36:45 UTC,2020-06-16 20:36:45 UTC
11661,"#june baby elm ulmus propinqua emerald sunshine, big elm was removed due to DED",4332,Story,30262,2020-06-16 20:44:17 UTC,2020-06-16 20:44:17 UTC
11662,#June,4332,Story,30264,2020-06-16 20:58:00 UTC,2020-06-16 20:58:00 UTC
11665,#june,4332,Story,30267,2020-06-16 21:00:55 UTC,2020-06-16 21:00:55 UTC
11666,#june,4332,Story,30268,2020-06-16 21:02:35 UTC,2020-06-16 21:02:35 UTC
11667,#june squirrel damage at tips of many branches,4332,Story,30269,2020-06-16 21:04:16 UTC,2020-06-16 21:04:16 UTC
11668,#june,4332,Story,30270,2020-06-16 21:04:59 UTC,2020-06-16 21:04:59 UTC
11670,#june,4332,Story,30273,2020-06-16 21:08:14 UTC,2020-06-16 21:08:14 UTC
11672,#june,4332,Story,30275,2020-06-16 21:08:59 UTC,2020-06-16 21:08:59 UTC
11673,#june,4332,Story,30276,2020-06-16 21:09:36 UTC,2020-06-16 21:09:36 UTC
11674,#june,4332,Story,30278,2020-06-16 21:11:31 UTC,2020-06-16 21:11:31 UTC
11676,#june,4332,Story,30280,2020-06-16 21:12:10 UTC,2020-06-16 21:12:10 UTC
11678,#june,4332,Story,30283,2020-06-16 21:15:26 UTC,2020-06-16 21:15:26 UTC
11683,#june,4332,Story,30288,2020-06-16 21:18:23 UTC,2020-06-16 21:18:23 UTC
11686,#june,4332,Story,30291,2020-06-16 21:22:48 UTC,2020-06-16 21:22:48 UTC
11689,#june,4332,Story,30294,2020-06-16 21:26:36 UTC,2020-06-16 21:26:36 UTC
11691,#june #notree,4332,Story,30296,2020-06-16 21:36:48 UTC,2020-06-16 21:36:48 UTC
11663,#June,4332,Story,30265,2020-06-16 20:58:00 UTC,2020-06-16 20:58:00 UTC
11664,#June,4332,Story,30266,2020-06-16 21:00:28 UTC,2020-06-16 21:00:28 UTC
11669,#june,4332,Story,30271,2020-06-16 21:05:54 UTC,2020-06-16 21:05:54 UTC
11671,#june,4332,Story,30274,2020-06-16 21:08:15 UTC,2020-06-16 21:08:15 UTC
11675,#june,4332,Story,30279,2020-06-16 21:11:32 UTC,2020-06-16 21:11:32 UTC
11677,#june,4332,Story,30281,2020-06-16 21:12:49 UTC,2020-06-16 21:12:49 UTC
11679,#june,4332,Story,30284,2020-06-16 21:15:26 UTC,2020-06-16 21:15:26 UTC
11680,#june,4332,Story,30285,2020-06-16 21:15:59 UTC,2020-06-16 21:15:59 UTC
11681,#june,4332,Story,30286,2020-06-16 21:16:45 UTC,2020-06-16 21:16:45 UTC
11682,#june,4332,Story,30287,2020-06-16 21:17:44 UTC,2020-06-16 21:17:44 UTC
11684,#june,4332,Story,30289,2020-06-16 21:20:09 UTC,2020-06-16 21:20:09 UTC
11685,#june,4332,Story,30290,2020-06-16 21:21:05 UTC,2020-06-16 21:21:05 UTC
11687,#june,4332,Story,30292,2020-06-16 21:23:42 UTC,2020-06-16 21:23:42 UTC
11688,#june,4332,Story,30293,2020-06-16 21:24:14 UTC,2020-06-16 21:24:14 UTC
11690,#june,4332,Story,30295,2020-06-16 21:27:08 UTC,2020-06-16 21:27:08 UTC
11692,"#june #notree #removed
Cut down a few days ago, public safety, structural damage",4332,Story,30297,2020-06-16 22:26:33 UTC,2020-06-16 22:26:33 UTC
11693,#june,4332,Story,30298,2020-06-16 22:27:14 UTC,2020-06-16 22:27:14 UTC
11694,"This tree looks distressing from the freeway but after taking a closer look, it appears to be terminal dieback. The sidewalk and driveway near it’s root zone look fresh - probably the cause plus a low-water landscape nearby. ",4089,Story,30313,2020-06-17 23:06:45 UTC,2020-06-17 23:06:45 UTC
11695,#step #june,4089,Story,30314,2020-06-17 23:07:18 UTC,2020-06-17 23:07:18 UTC
11696,#step #june,4089,Story,30315,2020-06-17 23:07:50 UTC,2020-06-17 23:07:50 UTC
11697,#step #june,4089,Story,30316,2020-06-17 23:08:44 UTC,2020-06-17 23:08:44 UTC
11701,#step #june,5867,Story,30363,2020-06-19 02:38:44 UTC,2020-06-19 02:38:44 UTC
11702,#step #june,5867,Story,30365,2020-06-19 02:46:24 UTC,2020-06-19 02:46:24 UTC
11703,#step #june,5867,Story,30366,2020-06-19 02:47:23 UTC,2020-06-19 02:47:23 UTC
11704,#step #june,5867,Story,30367,2020-06-19 02:48:01 UTC,2020-06-19 02:48:01 UTC
11705,#step #june,5867,Story,30368,2020-06-19 02:48:28 UTC,2020-06-19 02:48:28 UTC
11706,#step #june,5867,Story,30369,2020-06-19 02:49:24 UTC,2020-06-19 02:49:24 UTC
11707,#step #june,5867,Story,30370,2020-06-19 03:03:12 UTC,2020-06-19 03:03:12 UTC
11708,#step #june,5867,Story,30371,2020-06-19 03:03:46 UTC,2020-06-19 03:03:46 UTC
11709,#step #june,5867,Story,30372,2020-06-19 03:04:19 UTC,2020-06-19 03:04:19 UTC
11710,#step #june,5867,Story,30373,2020-06-19 03:04:48 UTC,2020-06-19 03:04:48 UTC
11712,#step #june,5867,Story,30376,2020-06-19 03:06:12 UTC,2020-06-19 03:06:12 UTC
11713,#step #june,5867,Story,30377,2020-06-19 03:06:42 UTC,2020-06-19 03:06:42 UTC
11711,#step #june,5867,Story,30375,2020-06-19 03:06:12 UTC,2020-06-19 03:06:12 UTC
11714,#step #june,5867,Story,30378,2020-06-19 03:08:22 UTC,2020-06-19 03:08:22 UTC
11715,#step #june,5867,Story,30379,2020-06-19 03:13:04 UTC,2020-06-19 03:13:04 UTC
11716,#june #step,4332,Story,30381,2020-06-19 15:00:16 UTC,2020-06-19 15:00:16 UTC
11717,#june #step squirrel damage at some branch tips,4332,Story,30382,2020-06-19 15:02:01 UTC,2020-06-19 15:02:01 UTC
11718,#june #step,4332,Story,30383,2020-06-19 15:04:21 UTC,2020-06-19 15:04:21 UTC
11719,#june #step,4332,Story,30384,2020-06-19 15:24:00 UTC,2020-06-19 15:24:00 UTC
11720,#june #step,4332,Story,30385,2020-06-19 15:25:08 UTC,2020-06-19 15:25:08 UTC
11721,#june #step,4332,Story,30386,2020-06-19 15:27:21 UTC,2020-06-19 15:27:21 UTC
11722,#june #step,4332,Story,30387,2020-06-19 15:51:14 UTC,2020-06-19 15:51:14 UTC
11723,#june #step,4332,Story,30388,2020-06-19 15:52:53 UTC,2020-06-19 15:52:53 UTC
11725,#step #june,5860,Story,30393,2020-06-19 18:21:19 UTC,2020-06-19 18:21:19 UTC
11726,#step #june,5860,Story,30394,2020-06-19 18:26:05 UTC,2020-06-19 18:26:05 UTC
11727,#step #june #ded,5860,Story,30395,2020-06-19 18:27:05 UTC,2020-06-19 18:27:05 UTC
11728,#step #june,5860,Story,30396,2020-06-19 18:29:39 UTC,2020-06-19 18:29:39 UTC
11729,#step #june,5860,Story,30397,2020-06-19 18:30:02 UTC,2020-06-19 18:30:02 UTC
11739,#june #step,4332,Story,30413,2020-06-20 14:48:51 UTC,2020-06-20 14:48:51 UTC
11740,#june #step,4332,Story,30414,2020-06-20 14:50:20 UTC,2020-06-20 14:50:20 UTC
11741,#june #step,4332,Story,30415,2020-06-20 14:50:50 UTC,2020-06-20 14:50:50 UTC
11742,#june #step,4332,Story,30416,2020-06-20 14:53:22 UTC,2020-06-20 14:53:22 UTC
11743,#step #june,4332,Story,30417,2020-06-20 14:53:22 UTC,2020-06-20 14:53:22 UTC
11744,#june #step,4332,Story,30418,2020-06-20 14:55:39 UTC,2020-06-20 14:55:39 UTC
11745,#june #step,4332,Story,30419,2020-06-20 14:57:17 UTC,2020-06-20 14:57:17 UTC
11746,#june #step,4332,Story,30421,2020-06-20 14:59:50 UTC,2020-06-20 14:59:50 UTC
11747,#june #step,4332,Story,30422,2020-06-20 14:59:50 UTC,2020-06-20 14:59:50 UTC
11748,#june #step,4332,Story,30423,2020-06-20 15:00:56 UTC,2020-06-20 15:00:56 UTC
11753,#june #step,4332,Story,30429,2020-06-20 15:05:56 UTC,2020-06-20 15:05:56 UTC
11749,#june #step,4332,Story,30425,2020-06-20 15:02:19 UTC,2020-06-20 15:02:19 UTC
11750,#june #step,4332,Story,30426,2020-06-20 15:02:19 UTC,2020-06-20 15:02:19 UTC
11751,#june #step,4332,Story,30427,2020-06-20 15:04:04 UTC,2020-06-20 15:04:04 UTC
11752,#june #step,4332,Story,30428,2020-06-20 15:05:09 UTC,2020-06-20 15:05:09 UTC
11754,#june #step,4332,Story,30430,2020-06-20 15:07:09 UTC,2020-06-20 15:07:09 UTC
11757,#step #june ,5842,Story,30434,2020-06-20 20:17:09 UTC,2020-06-20 20:17:09 UTC
11758,#step #june ,5842,Story,30437,2020-06-20 20:25:46 UTC,2020-06-20 20:25:46 UTC
11759,#step #june ,5842,Story,30438,2020-06-20 20:31:37 UTC,2020-06-20 20:31:37 UTC
11760,#step #june numerous voids at base along curb ,5842,Story,30439,2020-06-20 20:36:46 UTC,2020-06-20 20:36:46 UTC
11761,#step #june leaf beetle damage throughout. Also very dry parking strip,5842,Story,30440,2020-06-20 20:40:36 UTC,2020-06-20 20:40:36 UTC
11762,#step #june ,5842,Story,30441,2020-06-20 20:43:46 UTC,2020-06-20 20:43:46 UTC
11763,#step #june ,5842,Story,30442,2020-06-20 20:46:39 UTC,2020-06-20 20:46:39 UTC
11764,"#step #june there are 2 trees at this address, not one. Both in good shape",5842,Story,30443,2020-06-20 20:57:48 UTC,2020-06-20 20:57:48 UTC
11765,#step #june ,5842,Story,30444,2020-06-20 21:02:22 UTC,2020-06-20 21:02:22 UTC
11766,#step #june note small dead branch near top,5842,Story,30445,2020-06-20 21:04:50 UTC,2020-06-20 21:04:50 UTC
11767,#step #june ,5842,Story,30446,2020-06-20 21:08:25 UTC,2020-06-20 21:08:25 UTC
11768,#step #june heavy beetle damage,5842,Story,30447,2020-06-20 21:16:36 UTC,2020-06-20 21:16:36 UTC
11769,#step #june ,5842,Story,30448,2020-06-20 21:19:31 UTC,2020-06-20 21:19:31 UTC
11770,#step #june ,5842,Story,30449,2020-06-20 21:22:31 UTC,2020-06-20 21:22:31 UTC
11772,#step #june ,5842,Story,30451,2020-06-20 21:27:49 UTC,2020-06-20 21:27:49 UTC
11773,#step #june ,4458,Story,30452,2020-06-20 22:34:57 UTC,2020-06-20 22:34:57 UTC
11781,#june #step,4332,Story,30488,2020-06-21 15:02:04 UTC,2020-06-21 15:02:04 UTC
11782,#june #step,4332,Story,30489,2020-06-21 15:03:20 UTC,2020-06-21 15:03:20 UTC
11783,#june #step,4332,Story,30492,2020-06-21 15:08:37 UTC,2020-06-21 15:08:37 UTC
11784,#june #step,4332,Story,30493,2020-06-21 15:08:37 UTC,2020-06-21 15:08:37 UTC
11785,#june #step,4332,Story,30494,2020-06-21 15:09:55 UTC,2020-06-21 15:09:55 UTC
11786,#june #step,4332,Story,30495,2020-06-21 15:10:30 UTC,2020-06-21 15:10:30 UTC
11787,#june #step,4332,Story,30496,2020-06-21 15:11:11 UTC,2020-06-21 15:11:11 UTC
11788,#june #step,4332,Story,30497,2020-06-21 15:13:08 UTC,2020-06-21 15:13:08 UTC
11789,#june #step,4332,Story,30498,2020-06-21 15:16:01 UTC,2020-06-21 15:16:01 UTC
11799,#june #step,4332,Story,30529,2020-06-24 15:20:05 UTC,2020-06-24 15:20:05 UTC
11800,#june #step,4332,Story,30530,2020-06-24 15:21:04 UTC,2020-06-24 15:21:04 UTC
11801,#june #step,6533,Story,30545,2020-06-25 02:32:40 UTC,2020-06-25 02:32:40 UTC
11802,#june,6533,Story,30546,2020-06-25 02:38:56 UTC,2020-06-25 02:38:56 UTC
11804,#june #step,4332,Story,30548,2020-06-26 15:17:51 UTC,2020-06-26 15:17:51 UTC
11809,#june #step,4332,Story,30555,2020-06-26 15:25:47 UTC,2020-06-26 15:25:47 UTC
11810,#june #step,4332,Story,30556,2020-06-26 15:25:47 UTC,2020-06-26 15:25:47 UTC
11812,#step #june  Moderate insect damage on leaves. Several completely dead small branches near base on east side. Squirrel damage?,5842,Story,30558,2020-06-27 00:57:46 UTC,2020-06-27 00:57:46 UTC
11813,#step #june light insect damage on leaves. A few completely dead small branches near base on west side. Squirrel damage?,5842,Story,30559,2020-06-27 01:00:47 UTC,2020-06-27 01:00:47 UTC
11814,#step #june Moderate insect damage on leaves. Several completely dead small branches near base. Squirrel damage?,5842,Story,30560,2020-06-27 01:03:08 UTC,2020-06-27 01:03:08 UTC
11815,#step #june Moderate insect damage on leaves. ,5842,Story,30561,2020-06-27 01:09:00 UTC,2020-06-27 01:09:00 UTC
11816,#step #june Moderate insect damage on leaves. A few dead small branches near base on east side. Squirrel damage?,5842,Story,30562,2020-06-27 01:11:43 UTC,2020-06-27 01:11:43 UTC
11817,#step #june Moderate insect damage on leaves.,5842,Story,30563,2020-06-27 01:13:06 UTC,2020-06-27 01:13:06 UTC
11818,#step #june ,5842,Story,30564,2020-06-27 02:47:32 UTC,2020-06-27 02:47:32 UTC
11819,#step #june ,5842,Story,30565,2020-06-27 02:48:59 UTC,2020-06-27 02:48:59 UTC
11821,#step #june ,5842,Story,30567,2020-06-27 02:54:24 UTC,2020-06-27 02:54:24 UTC
11822,#step #june ,5842,Story,30568,2020-06-27 02:55:57 UTC,2020-06-27 02:55:57 UTC
11823,#step #june ,5842,Story,30569,2020-06-27 03:00:37 UTC,2020-06-27 03:00:37 UTC
11824,#step #june ,5842,Story,30570,2020-06-27 03:02:00 UTC,2020-06-27 03:02:00 UTC
11827,#june #step squirrel damage,4332,Story,30575,2020-06-27 15:01:38 UTC,2020-06-27 15:01:38 UTC
11832,#step #june,6533,Story,30611,2020-06-29 02:29:11 UTC,2020-06-29 02:29:11 UTC
11833,#step #june,6533,Story,30613,2020-06-29 02:31:24 UTC,2020-06-29 02:31:24 UTC
11834,#step #june,6533,Story,30614,2020-06-29 02:31:49 UTC,2020-06-29 02:32:45 UTC
11835,#step #june,5785,Story,30616,2020-06-30 04:25:20 UTC,2020-06-30 04:25:20 UTC
11836,#step #june,5785,Story,30617,2020-06-30 04:26:06 UTC,2020-06-30 04:26:06 UTC
11838,#july #step,4332,Story,30622,2020-07-01 14:55:07 UTC,2020-07-01 14:55:07 UTC
11839,#july #step,4332,Story,30623,2020-07-01 14:55:54 UTC,2020-07-01 14:55:54 UTC
11840,#july #step,4332,Story,30624,2020-07-01 14:57:36 UTC,2020-07-01 14:57:36 UTC
11841,#july #step,4332,Story,30626,2020-07-01 14:59:28 UTC,2020-07-01 14:59:28 UTC
11842,#july #step,4332,Story,30627,2020-07-01 14:59:28 UTC,2020-07-01 14:59:28 UTC
11843,#july #step,4332,Story,30628,2020-07-01 15:00:16 UTC,2020-07-01 15:00:16 UTC
11846,#step #july,6533,Story,30642,2020-07-02 02:24:48 UTC,2020-07-02 02:24:48 UTC
11852,#step #july,6533,Story,30653,2020-07-03 19:24:12 UTC,2020-07-03 19:24:12 UTC
11853,#step #july #ded,6533,Story,30654,2020-07-03 19:36:30 UTC,2020-07-03 19:36:30 UTC
11854,#step #july,6533,Story,30658,2020-07-03 22:48:48 UTC,2020-07-03 22:48:48 UTC
11855,#step #july,6533,Story,30659,2020-07-03 22:53:02 UTC,2020-07-03 22:53:02 UTC
11856,#step #july,6533,Story,30660,2020-07-03 23:01:58 UTC,2020-07-03 23:01:58 UTC
11857,#step #july,6533,Story,30661,2020-07-03 23:01:58 UTC,2020-07-03 23:02:14 UTC
11858,#step #july,6533,Story,30662,2020-07-03 23:03:19 UTC,2020-07-03 23:03:19 UTC
11859,#step #july,6533,Story,30663,2020-07-03 23:07:37 UTC,2020-07-03 23:07:37 UTC
11860,#july,4463,Story,30664,2020-07-04 01:25:18 UTC,2020-07-04 01:25:18 UTC
11861,#july,4463,Story,30665,2020-07-04 01:25:51 UTC,2020-07-04 01:25:51 UTC
11862,#july,4463,Story,30666,2020-07-04 01:26:04 UTC,2020-07-04 01:26:04 UTC
11863,#july,4463,Story,30667,2020-07-04 01:26:16 UTC,2020-07-04 01:26:16 UTC
11864,#july,4463,Story,30668,2020-07-04 01:26:31 UTC,2020-07-04 01:26:31 UTC
11865,#july,4463,Story,30669,2020-07-04 01:26:44 UTC,2020-07-04 01:26:44 UTC
11866,#july,4463,Story,30670,2020-07-04 01:26:57 UTC,2020-07-04 01:26:57 UTC
11867,#july,4463,Story,30671,2020-07-04 01:27:10 UTC,2020-07-04 01:27:10 UTC
11868,#july,4463,Story,30672,2020-07-04 01:27:25 UTC,2020-07-04 01:27:25 UTC
11869,#july,4463,Story,30673,2020-07-04 01:27:37 UTC,2020-07-04 01:27:37 UTC
11870,#july,4463,Story,30674,2020-07-04 01:27:57 UTC,2020-07-04 01:27:57 UTC
11871,#july,4463,Story,30675,2020-07-04 01:28:14 UTC,2020-07-04 01:28:14 UTC
11872,#july,4463,Story,30676,2020-07-04 01:28:25 UTC,2020-07-04 01:28:25 UTC
11873,#july,4463,Story,30677,2020-07-04 01:28:38 UTC,2020-07-04 01:28:38 UTC
11874,#july,4463,Story,30678,2020-07-04 01:29:14 UTC,2020-07-04 01:29:14 UTC
11875,#july,4463,Story,30679,2020-07-04 01:29:26 UTC,2020-07-04 01:29:26 UTC
11876,#july,4463,Story,30680,2020-07-04 01:29:37 UTC,2020-07-04 01:29:37 UTC
11877,#july,4463,Story,30681,2020-07-04 01:29:47 UTC,2020-07-04 01:29:47 UTC
11878,#july,4463,Story,30682,2020-07-04 01:29:57 UTC,2020-07-04 01:29:57 UTC
11879,#july,4463,Story,30683,2020-07-04 01:30:07 UTC,2020-07-04 01:30:07 UTC
11880,#july,4463,Story,30684,2020-07-04 01:30:20 UTC,2020-07-04 01:30:20 UTC
11881,#july,4463,Story,30685,2020-07-04 01:30:32 UTC,2020-07-04 01:30:32 UTC
11882,#july,4463,Story,30686,2020-07-04 01:30:44 UTC,2020-07-04 01:30:44 UTC
11883,#july,4463,Story,30687,2020-07-04 01:30:55 UTC,2020-07-04 01:30:55 UTC
11884,#july,4463,Story,30688,2020-07-04 01:31:06 UTC,2020-07-04 01:31:06 UTC
11885,#july,4463,Story,30689,2020-07-04 01:31:17 UTC,2020-07-04 01:31:17 UTC
11886,#july,4463,Story,30690,2020-07-04 01:31:27 UTC,2020-07-04 01:31:27 UTC
11888,#july #step,4332,Story,30694,2020-07-04 14:55:16 UTC,2020-07-04 14:55:16 UTC
11889,#july #step,4332,Story,30695,2020-07-04 14:55:41 UTC,2020-07-04 14:55:41 UTC
11890,#july #step,4332,Story,30696,2020-07-04 15:16:24 UTC,2020-07-04 15:16:24 UTC
11891,#july,4463,Story,30698,2020-07-04 18:14:34 UTC,2020-07-04 18:14:34 UTC
11892,#july,4463,Story,30699,2020-07-04 18:14:47 UTC,2020-07-04 18:14:47 UTC
11893,#july,4463,Story,30700,2020-07-04 18:15:01 UTC,2020-07-04 18:15:01 UTC
11894,#july,4463,Story,30701,2020-07-04 18:15:12 UTC,2020-07-04 18:15:12 UTC
11895,#july,4463,Story,30702,2020-07-04 18:15:26 UTC,2020-07-04 18:15:26 UTC
11896,#july,4463,Story,30703,2020-07-04 18:15:38 UTC,2020-07-04 18:15:38 UTC
11897,#july,4463,Story,30704,2020-07-04 18:15:51 UTC,2020-07-04 18:15:51 UTC
11898,#july,4463,Story,30705,2020-07-04 18:16:04 UTC,2020-07-04 18:16:04 UTC
11899,#july,4463,Story,30706,2020-07-04 18:16:23 UTC,2020-07-04 18:16:23 UTC
11900,#july,4463,Story,30707,2020-07-04 18:16:35 UTC,2020-07-04 18:16:35 UTC
11901,#july,4463,Story,30708,2020-07-04 18:16:46 UTC,2020-07-04 18:16:46 UTC
11902,#july,4463,Story,30709,2020-07-04 18:17:00 UTC,2020-07-04 18:17:00 UTC
11903,#july,4463,Story,30710,2020-07-04 18:17:13 UTC,2020-07-04 18:17:13 UTC
11904,#july,4463,Story,30711,2020-07-04 18:17:25 UTC,2020-07-04 18:17:25 UTC
11905,#july,4463,Story,30712,2020-07-04 18:17:38 UTC,2020-07-04 18:17:38 UTC
11906,#july,4463,Story,30713,2020-07-04 18:17:51 UTC,2020-07-04 18:17:51 UTC
11907,#july,4463,Story,30714,2020-07-04 18:18:05 UTC,2020-07-04 18:18:05 UTC
11908,#july,4463,Story,30715,2020-07-04 18:18:20 UTC,2020-07-04 18:18:20 UTC
11909,#july,4463,Story,30716,2020-07-04 18:18:33 UTC,2020-07-04 18:18:33 UTC
11910,#july,4463,Story,30717,2020-07-04 18:18:43 UTC,2020-07-04 18:18:43 UTC
11911,#july,4463,Story,30718,2020-07-04 18:18:57 UTC,2020-07-04 18:18:57 UTC
11913,#july #step,4332,Story,30723,2020-07-04 19:57:45 UTC,2020-07-04 19:57:45 UTC
11917,#july #step,4332,Story,30729,2020-07-05 14:39:44 UTC,2020-07-05 14:39:44 UTC
11918,#july #step,4332,Story,30730,2020-07-05 14:41:05 UTC,2020-07-05 14:41:05 UTC
11919,#july #step,4332,Story,30731,2020-07-05 14:46:05 UTC,2020-07-05 14:46:05 UTC
11920,#july,4463,Story,30732,2020-07-05 16:28:24 UTC,2020-07-05 16:28:24 UTC
11921,#july,4463,Story,30733,2020-07-05 16:28:36 UTC,2020-07-05 16:28:36 UTC
11922,#july,4463,Story,30734,2020-07-05 16:28:51 UTC,2020-07-05 16:28:51 UTC
11923,#july,4463,Story,30735,2020-07-05 16:29:25 UTC,2020-07-05 16:29:25 UTC
11924,#july,4463,Story,30736,2020-07-05 16:29:37 UTC,2020-07-05 16:29:37 UTC
11925,#july,4463,Story,30737,2020-07-05 16:29:51 UTC,2020-07-05 16:29:51 UTC
11926,#july,4463,Story,30738,2020-07-05 16:30:06 UTC,2020-07-05 16:30:06 UTC
11927,#july,4463,Story,30739,2020-07-05 16:30:17 UTC,2020-07-05 16:30:17 UTC
11932,#july,4463,Story,30744,2020-07-05 16:31:21 UTC,2020-07-05 16:31:21 UTC
11933,#july,4463,Story,30745,2020-07-05 16:31:33 UTC,2020-07-05 16:31:33 UTC
11934,#july,4463,Story,30746,2020-07-05 16:32:02 UTC,2020-07-05 16:32:02 UTC
11935,#july,4463,Story,30747,2020-07-05 16:32:13 UTC,2020-07-05 16:32:13 UTC
11937,#july,4463,Story,30749,2020-07-05 16:32:37 UTC,2020-07-05 16:32:37 UTC
11938,#july,4463,Story,30750,2020-07-05 16:32:49 UTC,2020-07-05 16:32:49 UTC
11940,#july,4463,Story,30752,2020-07-05 16:33:40 UTC,2020-07-05 16:33:40 UTC
11941,#july,4463,Story,30753,2020-07-05 16:33:53 UTC,2020-07-05 16:33:53 UTC
11928,#july,4463,Story,30740,2020-07-05 16:30:29 UTC,2020-07-05 16:30:29 UTC
11929,#july,4463,Story,30741,2020-07-05 16:30:42 UTC,2020-07-05 16:30:42 UTC
11930,#july,4463,Story,30742,2020-07-05 16:30:54 UTC,2020-07-05 16:30:54 UTC
11931,#july,4463,Story,30743,2020-07-05 16:31:08 UTC,2020-07-05 16:31:08 UTC
11936,#july,4463,Story,30748,2020-07-05 16:32:25 UTC,2020-07-05 16:32:25 UTC
11939,#july,4463,Story,30751,2020-07-05 16:33:28 UTC,2020-07-05 16:33:28 UTC
11945,#july #step,4332,Story,30786,2020-07-07 14:36:32 UTC,2020-07-07 14:36:32 UTC
11946,#july #step,4332,Story,30787,2020-07-07 14:37:03 UTC,2020-07-07 14:37:03 UTC
11947,#july #step,4332,Story,30788,2020-07-07 14:38:05 UTC,2020-07-07 14:38:05 UTC
11949,"#STEP #JULY
Something is eating leaves",6233,Story,30790,2020-07-07 18:12:08 UTC,2020-07-07 18:12:08 UTC
11950,"#STEP #July
Looks good",6233,Story,30791,2020-07-07 18:14:19 UTC,2020-07-07 18:14:19 UTC
Looks good",6233,Story,30792,2020-07-07 18:17:46 UTC,2020-07-07 18:17:46 UTC
11952,"#STEP #July
Looks good",6233,Story,30793,2020-07-07 18:20:17 UTC,2020-07-07 18:20:17 UTC
11953,#step #july,6533,Story,30794,2020-07-08 02:07:07 UTC,2020-07-08 02:07:07 UTC
11954,#july #step,4332,Story,30799,2020-07-08 14:05:09 UTC,2020-07-08 14:05:09 UTC
11955,#july,4463,Story,30800,2020-07-08 15:47:22 UTC,2020-07-08 15:47:22 UTC
11956,#july,4463,Story,30801,2020-07-08 15:48:08 UTC,2020-07-08 15:48:08 UTC
11957,#july,4463,Story,30802,2020-07-08 15:48:28 UTC,2020-07-08 15:48:28 UTC
11958,#july,4463,Story,30803,2020-07-08 15:48:43 UTC,2020-07-08 15:48:43 UTC
11959,#july,4463,Story,30804,2020-07-08 15:49:02 UTC,2020-07-08 15:49:02 UTC
11960,#july,4463,Story,30805,2020-07-08 15:49:17 UTC,2020-07-08 15:49:17 UTC
11961,#july,4463,Story,30806,2020-07-08 15:49:39 UTC,2020-07-08 15:49:39 UTC
11962,#july,4463,Story,30807,2020-07-08 15:50:03 UTC,2020-07-08 15:50:03 UTC
11963,#july,4463,Story,30808,2020-07-08 15:50:18 UTC,2020-07-08 15:50:18 UTC
11964,#july,4463,Story,30809,2020-07-08 15:50:40 UTC,2020-07-08 15:50:40 UTC
11965,#july,4463,Story,30810,2020-07-08 15:50:59 UTC,2020-07-08 15:50:59 UTC
11966,#july,4463,Story,30811,2020-07-08 15:51:17 UTC,2020-07-08 15:51:17 UTC
11967,#july,4463,Story,30812,2020-07-08 15:51:35 UTC,2020-07-08 15:51:35 UTC
11968,#july,4463,Story,30813,2020-07-08 15:53:07 UTC,2020-07-08 15:53:07 UTC
11970,#step #july heavy stress. Possible squirrel damage.,4458,Story,30815,2020-07-09 16:01:31 UTC,2020-07-09 16:01:31 UTC
11971,#step #july possible #ded ,4458,Story,30816,2020-07-09 16:06:31 UTC,2020-07-09 16:06:31 UTC
11972,#july,4463,Story,30819,2020-07-09 17:38:06 UTC,2020-07-09 17:38:06 UTC
11973,#july,4463,Story,30820,2020-07-09 17:38:33 UTC,2020-07-09 17:38:33 UTC
11974,#july,4463,Story,30821,2020-07-09 17:39:01 UTC,2020-07-09 17:39:01 UTC
11975,#july,4463,Story,30822,2020-07-09 17:39:15 UTC,2020-07-09 17:39:15 UTC
11976,#july,4463,Story,30823,2020-07-09 17:40:38 UTC,2020-07-09 17:40:38 UTC
11977,#july,4463,Story,30824,2020-07-09 17:41:47 UTC,2020-07-09 17:41:47 UTC
11978,#july,4463,Story,30825,2020-07-09 17:42:05 UTC,2020-07-09 17:42:05 UTC
11979,#july,4463,Story,30826,2020-07-09 17:43:17 UTC,2020-07-09 17:43:17 UTC
11982,#july,4463,Story,30831,2020-07-10 18:08:38 UTC,2020-07-10 18:08:38 UTC
11983,#july,4463,Story,30832,2020-07-10 18:08:53 UTC,2020-07-10 18:08:53 UTC
11984,#july,4463,Story,30833,2020-07-10 18:09:20 UTC,2020-07-10 18:09:20 UTC
11985,#july,4463,Story,30834,2020-07-10 18:09:32 UTC,2020-07-10 18:09:32 UTC
11986,#july,4463,Story,30835,2020-07-10 18:09:43 UTC,2020-07-10 18:09:43 UTC
11987,#july,4463,Story,30836,2020-07-10 18:09:53 UTC,2020-07-10 18:09:53 UTC
11988,#july,4463,Story,30837,2020-07-10 18:10:09 UTC,2020-07-10 18:10:09 UTC
11995,#july,4463,Story,30844,2020-07-10 18:11:30 UTC,2020-07-10 18:11:30 UTC
11997,#july,4463,Story,30846,2020-07-10 18:12:28 UTC,2020-07-10 18:12:28 UTC
11998,#july,4463,Story,30847,2020-07-10 18:12:44 UTC,2020-07-10 18:12:44 UTC
12000,#july,4463,Story,30849,2020-07-10 18:13:10 UTC,2020-07-10 18:13:10 UTC
12005,#july,4463,Story,30854,2020-07-10 18:14:12 UTC,2020-07-10 18:14:12 UTC
12006,#july,4463,Story,30855,2020-07-10 18:14:24 UTC,2020-07-10 18:14:24 UTC
12008,#july,4463,Story,30857,2020-07-10 18:14:55 UTC,2020-07-10 18:14:55 UTC
12009,#july,4463,Story,30858,2020-07-10 18:15:18 UTC,2020-07-10 18:15:18 UTC
11989,#july,4463,Story,30838,2020-07-10 18:10:20 UTC,2020-07-10 18:10:20 UTC
11990,#july,4463,Story,30839,2020-07-10 18:10:35 UTC,2020-07-10 18:10:35 UTC
11991,#july,4463,Story,30840,2020-07-10 18:10:45 UTC,2020-07-10 18:10:45 UTC
11992,#july,4463,Story,30841,2020-07-10 18:10:57 UTC,2020-07-10 18:10:57 UTC
11993,#july,4463,Story,30842,2020-07-10 18:11:09 UTC,2020-07-10 18:11:09 UTC
11994,#july,4463,Story,30843,2020-07-10 18:11:20 UTC,2020-07-10 18:11:20 UTC
11996,#july,4463,Story,30845,2020-07-10 18:12:03 UTC,2020-07-10 18:12:03 UTC
11999,#july,4463,Story,30848,2020-07-10 18:12:56 UTC,2020-07-10 18:12:56 UTC
12001,#july,4463,Story,30850,2020-07-10 18:13:24 UTC,2020-07-10 18:13:24 UTC
12002,#july,4463,Story,30851,2020-07-10 18:13:37 UTC,2020-07-10 18:13:37 UTC
12003,#july,4463,Story,30852,2020-07-10 18:13:49 UTC,2020-07-10 18:13:49 UTC
12004,#july,4463,Story,30853,2020-07-10 18:14:01 UTC,2020-07-10 18:14:01 UTC
12007,#july,4463,Story,30856,2020-07-10 18:14:36 UTC,2020-07-10 18:14:36 UTC
12010,#july,4463,Story,30859,2020-07-10 18:15:30 UTC,2020-07-10 18:15:30 UTC
12011,#july,4463,Story,30860,2020-07-10 18:15:45 UTC,2020-07-10 18:15:45 UTC
12013,#july,4447,Story,30873,2020-07-11 20:00:09 UTC,2020-07-11 20:00:09 UTC
12014,#july,4447,Story,30874,2020-07-11 20:00:34 UTC,2020-07-11 20:00:34 UTC
12015,#july,4447,Story,30875,2020-07-11 20:00:53 UTC,2020-07-11 20:00:53 UTC
12016,#july,4447,Story,30876,2020-07-11 20:01:20 UTC,2020-07-11 20:01:20 UTC
12017,#july,4447,Story,30877,2020-07-11 20:01:39 UTC,2020-07-11 20:01:39 UTC
12018,#july,4447,Story,30878,2020-07-11 20:01:54 UTC,2020-07-11 20:01:54 UTC
12019,#july,4447,Story,30879,2020-07-11 20:02:10 UTC,2020-07-11 20:02:10 UTC
12020,#july,4447,Story,30880,2020-07-11 20:02:28 UTC,2020-07-11 20:02:28 UTC
12021,#july,4447,Story,30881,2020-07-11 20:02:43 UTC,2020-07-11 20:02:43 UTC
12022,#july,4447,Story,30882,2020-07-11 20:03:16 UTC,2020-07-11 20:03:16 UTC
12023,#july,4447,Story,30883,2020-07-11 20:03:35 UTC,2020-07-11 20:03:35 UTC
12024,#july,4447,Story,30884,2020-07-11 20:03:52 UTC,2020-07-11 20:03:52 UTC
12025,#july,4447,Story,30885,2020-07-11 20:04:10 UTC,2020-07-11 20:04:10 UTC
12026,#july,4447,Story,30886,2020-07-11 20:04:24 UTC,2020-07-11 20:04:24 UTC
12027,#july,4447,Story,30887,2020-07-11 20:04:41 UTC,2020-07-11 20:04:41 UTC
12028,#july,4447,Story,30888,2020-07-12 14:34:02 UTC,2020-07-12 14:34:02 UTC
12029,#july,4447,Story,30889,2020-07-12 14:35:46 UTC,2020-07-12 14:35:46 UTC
12030,#july,4447,Story,30890,2020-07-12 14:38:12 UTC,2020-07-12 14:38:12 UTC
12031,#july,4447,Story,30891,2020-07-12 14:41:20 UTC,2020-07-12 14:41:20 UTC
12032,#july,4447,Story,30892,2020-07-12 14:41:37 UTC,2020-07-12 14:41:37 UTC
12033,#july,4447,Story,30893,2020-07-12 14:43:45 UTC,2020-07-12 14:43:45 UTC
#ded",4447,Story,30894,2020-07-12 14:49:01 UTC,2020-07-12 14:49:01 UTC
12036,#july,4447,Story,30896,2020-07-12 14:55:27 UTC,2020-07-12 14:55:27 UTC
12038,#july,4447,Story,30898,2020-07-12 14:59:09 UTC,2020-07-12 14:59:09 UTC
12039,#july,4447,Story,30899,2020-07-12 15:02:08 UTC,2020-07-12 15:02:08 UTC
12046,#july,4447,Story,30906,2020-07-12 15:24:37 UTC,2020-07-12 15:24:37 UTC
12047,#july,4447,Story,30907,2020-07-12 15:28:22 UTC,2020-07-12 15:28:22 UTC
12049,#july,4447,Story,30910,2020-07-12 15:32:28 UTC,2020-07-12 15:32:28 UTC
#july",4447,Story,30911,2020-07-12 15:35:21 UTC,2020-07-12 15:35:21 UTC
#july",4447,Story,30912,2020-07-12 15:37:29 UTC,2020-07-12 15:37:29 UTC
#july",4447,Story,30913,2020-07-12 15:39:22 UTC,2020-07-12 15:39:22 UTC
#july",4447,Story,30920,2020-07-12 15:53:43 UTC,2020-07-12 15:53:43 UTC
12035,Branch on south side ,4447,Story,30895,2020-07-12 14:50:44 UTC,2020-07-12 14:50:44 UTC
12037,#july,4447,Story,30897,2020-07-12 14:57:30 UTC,2020-07-12 14:57:30 UTC
12040,#july,4447,Story,30900,2020-07-12 15:04:06 UTC,2020-07-12 15:04:06 UTC
",4447,Story,30901,2020-07-12 15:13:00 UTC,2020-07-12 15:13:00 UTC
12042,#july,4447,Story,30902,2020-07-12 15:14:47 UTC,2020-07-12 15:14:47 UTC
12043,#july,4447,Story,30903,2020-07-12 15:18:14 UTC,2020-07-12 15:18:14 UTC
12044,#july,4447,Story,30904,2020-07-12 15:22:13 UTC,2020-07-12 15:22:13 UTC
12045,#july,4447,Story,30905,2020-07-12 15:24:03 UTC,2020-07-12 15:24:03 UTC
12048,#july,4447,Story,30909,2020-07-12 15:32:28 UTC,2020-07-12 15:32:28 UTC
#july",4447,Story,30914,2020-07-12 15:39:52 UTC,2020-07-12 15:39:52 UTC
#july",4447,Story,30915,2020-07-12 15:43:37 UTC,2020-07-12 15:43:37 UTC
#july",4447,Story,30916,2020-07-12 15:45:31 UTC,2020-07-12 15:45:31 UTC
12056,Leaf beetle,4424,Story,30917,2020-07-12 15:47:50 UTC,2020-07-12 15:47:50 UTC
#july",4447,Story,30918,2020-07-12 15:48:20 UTC,2020-07-12 15:48:20 UTC
#july",4447,Story,30919,2020-07-12 15:52:00 UTC,2020-07-12 15:52:00 UTC
12060,#Step #July,4493,Story,30925,2020-07-13 09:21:54 UTC,2020-07-13 09:21:54 UTC
12061,#Step #July,4493,Story,30926,2020-07-13 09:25:21 UTC,2020-07-13 09:25:21 UTC
12062,#Step #July,4493,Story,30927,2020-07-13 09:27:23 UTC,2020-07-13 09:27:23 UTC
12063,#Step #July,4493,Story,30928,2020-07-13 09:29:45 UTC,2020-07-13 09:29:45 UTC
12064,#Step#July,4493,Story,30929,2020-07-13 09:31:52 UTC,2020-07-13 09:31:52 UTC
12065,#Step#July,4493,Story,30930,2020-07-13 09:34:41 UTC,2020-07-13 09:34:41 UTC
12066,#Step#July,4493,Story,30931,2020-07-13 09:40:37 UTC,2020-07-13 09:40:37 UTC
12067,#Step #July,4493,Story,30932,2020-07-13 09:42:04 UTC,2020-07-13 09:42:04 UTC
12068,Leaf Beetle,4424,Story,30935,2020-07-13 16:24:02 UTC,2020-07-13 16:24:02 UTC
12069,Leaf Beetle,4424,Story,30936,2020-07-13 16:24:46 UTC,2020-07-13 16:24:46 UTC
12073,#step #july,5842,Story,30954,2020-07-14 21:07:58 UTC,2020-07-14 21:07:58 UTC
12074,#step #july,5842,Story,30955,2020-07-14 21:09:20 UTC,2020-07-14 21:09:20 UTC
12075,#step #july ,5842,Story,30956,2020-07-14 21:13:12 UTC,2020-07-14 21:13:12 UTC
12076,#step #july ,5842,Story,30957,2020-07-14 21:15:17 UTC,2020-07-14 21:15:17 UTC
12077,#step #July,5842,Story,30958,2020-07-14 21:17:29 UTC,2020-07-14 21:17:29 UTC
12078,#step #july ,5842,Story,30959,2020-07-14 21:19:41 UTC,2020-07-14 21:19:41 UTC
12079,#step #july ,5842,Story,30960,2020-07-14 21:21:27 UTC,2020-07-14 21:21:27 UTC
12080,#step #july ,5842,Story,30961,2020-07-14 21:22:25 UTC,2020-07-14 21:22:25 UTC
12081,"#step #july #ded 
Progressing  areas of dead branches and leaves ",4504,Story,30962,2020-07-14 21:23:54 UTC,2020-07-14 21:23:54 UTC
12082,#step #july,5842,Story,30963,2020-07-14 21:26:15 UTC,2020-07-14 21:26:15 UTC
12083,#step #july,5842,Story,30964,2020-07-14 21:29:25 UTC,2020-07-14 21:29:25 UTC
12084,#step #july,5842,Story,30965,2020-07-14 21:30:42 UTC,2020-07-14 21:30:42 UTC
12085,#step #july,5842,Story,30966,2020-07-14 21:31:50 UTC,2020-07-14 21:31:50 UTC
12086,#step #july,5842,Story,30967,2020-07-14 21:34:03 UTC,2020-07-14 21:34:03 UTC
12087,#step #july #ded ?  Many leaves on Sun exposed surfaces are very curled but not drooping. See photos.,5842,Story,30968,2020-07-14 21:45:26 UTC,2020-07-14 21:45:26 UTC
12088,#step #july ,5842,Story,30969,2020-07-14 21:47:32 UTC,2020-07-14 21:47:32 UTC
12089,#step #july ,5842,Story,30970,2020-07-14 21:48:59 UTC,2020-07-14 21:48:59 UTC
12090,#step #july ,5842,Story,30971,2020-07-14 21:50:21 UTC,2020-07-14 21:50:21 UTC
12091,#step #july ,5842,Story,30972,2020-07-14 21:55:26 UTC,2020-07-14 21:55:26 UTC
12092,#step #july ,5842,Story,30973,2020-07-14 21:57:08 UTC,2020-07-14 21:57:08 UTC
12093,#step #july ,5842,Story,30974,2020-07-14 21:58:35 UTC,2020-07-14 21:58:35 UTC
12094,#step #july small branch on west side squirrel damage  ,5842,Story,30975,2020-07-14 22:00:24 UTC,2020-07-14 22:00:24 UTC
12095,#step #july ,5842,Story,30976,2020-07-14 22:02:36 UTC,2020-07-14 22:02:36 UTC
12096,#step #july  Tree removed,5842,Story,30977,2020-07-14 22:04:09 UTC,2020-07-14 22:04:09 UTC
12097,#step #july ,5842,Story,30978,2020-07-14 22:08:33 UTC,2020-07-14 22:08:33 UTC
12098,#step #july ,5842,Story,30979,2020-07-14 22:10:29 UTC,2020-07-14 22:10:29 UTC
12099,#step #july ,5842,Story,30980,2020-07-14 22:12:25 UTC,2020-07-14 22:12:25 UTC
12100,#step #july ,5842,Story,30981,2020-07-14 22:14:05 UTC,2020-07-14 22:14:05 UTC
12101,#step #july ,5842,Story,30982,2020-07-14 22:15:30 UTC,2020-07-14 22:15:30 UTC
12102,#step #july ,5842,Story,30983,2020-07-14 22:17:29 UTC,2020-07-14 22:17:29 UTC
12103,#july #ded I added a photo. Hope it is not ded but yellowing goes up jnto the crown,4332,Story,30984,2020-07-15 16:46:16 UTC,2020-07-15 16:46:16 UTC
12115,#july,4409,Story,31009,2020-07-18 16:07:00 UTC,2020-07-18 16:07:00 UTC
12116,#july,4409,Story,31010,2020-07-18 16:08:47 UTC,2020-07-18 16:08:47 UTC
12118,#july,4409,Story,31012,2020-07-18 17:34:26 UTC,2020-07-18 17:34:26 UTC
12119,#july,4409,Story,31013,2020-07-18 17:34:51 UTC,2020-07-18 17:34:51 UTC
12120,#july,4409,Story,31014,2020-07-18 17:35:11 UTC,2020-07-18 17:35:11 UTC
lots of insect damage to leaves",4463,Story,31015,2020-07-19 19:51:47 UTC,2020-07-19 19:51:47 UTC
12122,#july,6533,Story,31021,2020-07-22 02:12:38 UTC,2020-07-22 02:12:38 UTC
12123,#july,6533,Story,31022,2020-07-22 02:12:55 UTC,2020-07-22 02:12:55 UTC
12124,#july,6533,Story,31023,2020-07-22 02:13:19 UTC,2020-07-22 02:13:19 UTC
12125,#july,6533,Story,31024,2020-07-22 02:14:27 UTC,2020-07-22 02:14:27 UTC
12133,#july #step,4504,Story,31037,2020-07-23 21:46:54 UTC,2020-07-23 21:46:54 UTC
12140,"#step #july
Extensive beetle damage",4463,Story,31050,2020-07-25 17:53:08 UTC,2020-07-25 17:53:08 UTC
12141,#step #july Extensive beetle damage,4463,Story,31051,2020-07-25 19:09:42 UTC,2020-07-25 19:09:42 UTC
12142,#step #july Extensive beetle damage,4463,Story,31052,2020-07-25 19:10:02 UTC,2020-07-25 19:10:02 UTC
12143,#step #july Extensive beetle damage,4463,Story,31053,2020-07-25 19:10:19 UTC,2020-07-25 19:10:19 UTC
12144,#step #july Extensive beetle damage,4463,Story,31054,2020-07-25 19:10:30 UTC,2020-07-25 19:10:30 UTC
12145,#step #july Extensive beetle damage,4463,Story,31055,2020-07-25 19:10:44 UTC,2020-07-25 19:10:44 UTC
12146,#step #july Extensive beetle damage,4463,Story,31056,2020-07-25 19:10:58 UTC,2020-07-25 19:10:58 UTC
12147,#step #july Extensive beetle damage,4463,Story,31057,2020-07-25 19:11:11 UTC,2020-07-25 19:11:11 UTC
12148,#step #july Extensive beetle damage,4463,Story,31058,2020-07-25 19:11:31 UTC,2020-07-25 19:11:31 UTC
12149,#step #july Extensive beetle damage,4463,Story,31059,2020-07-25 19:11:57 UTC,2020-07-25 19:11:57 UTC
12150,#step #july Extensive beetle damage,4463,Story,31060,2020-07-25 19:12:09 UTC,2020-07-25 19:12:09 UTC
12151,#step #july Extensive beetle damage,4463,Story,31061,2020-07-25 19:12:23 UTC,2020-07-25 19:12:23 UTC
12152,#tree removed,4463,Story,31062,2020-07-25 19:13:21 UTC,2020-07-25 19:13:21 UTC
12154,"#step #july
Lots of insect damage to leaves.
Scheduled for trimming next week.",4463,Story,31122,2020-07-31 18:47:28 UTC,2020-07-31 18:47:28 UTC
12155,"#step #july
Tree looks stressed",4463,Story,31123,2020-07-31 19:09:31 UTC,2020-07-31 19:09:31 UTC
12156,"#step #july
lots of insect holes in leaves",4463,Story,31124,2020-07-31 20:00:30 UTC,2020-07-31 20:00:30 UTC
12157,#step #july,4463,Story,31125,2020-07-31 20:02:27 UTC,2020-07-31 20:02:27 UTC
12158,#step #july,4463,Story,31126,2020-07-31 20:03:05 UTC,2020-07-31 20:03:05 UTC
12159,"#step #july
lots of insect damage",4463,Story,31127,2020-07-31 20:04:11 UTC,2020-07-31 20:04:11 UTC
12160,#step #july,4463,Story,31128,2020-07-31 20:04:28 UTC,2020-07-31 20:04:28 UTC
12161,#step #july,4463,Story,31129,2020-07-31 20:04:59 UTC,2020-07-31 20:04:59 UTC
12162,"#step #july
lots of insect damage to leaves",4463,Story,31130,2020-07-31 20:06:20 UTC,2020-07-31 20:06:20 UTC
12163,#step #july,4463,Story,31131,2020-07-31 20:06:45 UTC,2020-07-31 20:06:45 UTC
12165,#step #july,4463,Story,31133,2020-07-31 20:07:13 UTC,2020-07-31 20:07:13 UTC
12166,#step #july,4463,Story,31134,2020-07-31 20:07:28 UTC,2020-07-31 20:07:28 UTC
12169,"#step #july
lots of leaf damage",4463,Story,31137,2020-07-31 20:10:13 UTC,2020-07-31 20:10:13 UTC
12171,#step #july,4463,Story,31139,2020-07-31 20:10:42 UTC,2020-07-31 20:10:42 UTC
12164,#step #july,4463,Story,31132,2020-07-31 20:06:59 UTC,2020-07-31 20:06:59 UTC
12167,#step #july  cannot find tree,4463,Story,31135,2020-07-31 20:08:17 UTC,2020-07-31 20:08:17 UTC
12168,#step #july  lots of leaf damage,4463,Story,31136,2020-07-31 20:09:50 UTC,2020-07-31 20:09:50 UTC
12170,#step #july,4463,Story,31138,2020-07-31 20:10:28 UTC,2020-07-31 20:10:28 UTC
12172,#step #aug #ded ? branches overhanging street bent and leaves curled. Similar to July.,5842,Story,31140,2020-08-02 00:03:43 UTC,2020-08-02 00:03:43 UTC
12173,#step #aug  Slightly curled leaves look more like drought than on the tree next to it.,5842,Story,31141,2020-08-02 00:05:22 UTC,2020-08-02 00:05:22 UTC
12174,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31142,2020-08-02 00:07:33 UTC,2020-08-02 00:07:33 UTC
12175,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31143,2020-08-02 00:09:25 UTC,2020-08-02 00:09:25 UTC
12176,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31144,2020-08-02 00:10:31 UTC,2020-08-02 00:10:31 UTC
12177,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31145,2020-08-02 00:11:52 UTC,2020-08-02 00:11:52 UTC
12178,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31146,2020-08-02 00:14:16 UTC,2020-08-02 00:14:16 UTC
12179,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31147,2020-08-02 00:17:02 UTC,2020-08-02 00:17:02 UTC
12180,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31148,2020-08-02 00:18:09 UTC,2020-08-02 00:18:09 UTC
12181,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31149,2020-08-02 00:19:26 UTC,2020-08-02 00:19:26 UTC
12182,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31150,2020-08-02 00:21:52 UTC,2020-08-02 00:21:52 UTC
12183,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31151,2020-08-02 00:23:22 UTC,2020-08-02 00:23:22 UTC
12184,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31152,2020-08-02 00:24:25 UTC,2020-08-02 00:24:25 UTC
12185,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31153,2020-08-02 00:27:02 UTC,2020-08-02 00:27:02 UTC
12186,#step #aug  Small dead branch looks like squirrel damage,5842,Story,31154,2020-08-02 00:28:24 UTC,2020-08-02 00:28:24 UTC
12187,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31155,2020-08-02 00:29:47 UTC,2020-08-02 00:29:47 UTC
12188,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31156,2020-08-02 00:31:35 UTC,2020-08-02 00:31:35 UTC
12189,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31157,2020-08-02 00:34:12 UTC,2020-08-02 00:34:12 UTC
12190,#step #aug  Tiny bit of squirrel damage,5842,Story,31158,2020-08-02 00:37:48 UTC,2020-08-02 00:37:48 UTC
12191,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31159,2020-08-02 00:41:37 UTC,2020-08-02 00:41:37 UTC
12192,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31160,2020-08-02 00:43:44 UTC,2020-08-02 00:43:44 UTC
12193,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31161,2020-08-02 00:45:07 UTC,2020-08-02 00:45:07 UTC
12194,#step #aug #squirell damage,5842,Story,31162,2020-08-02 00:47:27 UTC,2020-08-02 00:47:27 UTC
12195,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31163,2020-08-02 00:51:11 UTC,2020-08-02 00:51:11 UTC
12196,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31164,2020-08-02 00:52:13 UTC,2020-08-02 00:52:13 UTC
12197,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31165,2020-08-02 00:56:47 UTC,2020-08-02 00:56:47 UTC
12198,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31166,2020-08-02 00:58:55 UTC,2020-08-02 00:58:55 UTC
12199,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31167,2020-08-02 01:04:10 UTC,2020-08-02 01:04:10 UTC
12200,#step #aug has orange spots where it was recently tested,5842,Story,31168,2020-08-02 01:14:53 UTC,2020-08-02 01:14:53 UTC
12201,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31169,2020-08-02 01:23:42 UTC,2020-08-02 01:23:42 UTC
12202,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31170,2020-08-02 01:24:28 UTC,2020-08-02 01:24:28 UTC
12203,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31171,2020-08-02 01:27:17 UTC,2020-08-02 01:27:17 UTC
12204,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31172,2020-08-02 01:30:14 UTC,2020-08-02 01:30:14 UTC
12205,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31173,2020-08-02 01:31:35 UTC,2020-08-02 01:31:35 UTC
12206,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31174,2020-08-02 01:32:44 UTC,2020-08-02 01:32:44 UTC
12207,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31175,2020-08-02 01:39:16 UTC,2020-08-02 01:39:16 UTC
12208,#step #aug #drought,5842,Story,31176,2020-08-02 01:41:49 UTC,2020-08-02 01:41:49 UTC
12209,#august #step,4332,Story,31177,2020-08-02 04:39:59 UTC,2020-08-02 04:39:59 UTC
12210,#august #step,4332,Story,31178,2020-08-02 04:40:52 UTC,2020-08-02 04:40:52 UTC
12211,#august #step,4332,Story,31179,2020-08-02 04:41:24 UTC,2020-08-02 04:41:24 UTC
12212,#august #step,4332,Story,31180,2020-08-02 04:42:00 UTC,2020-08-02 04:42:00 UTC
12213,#august #step,4332,Story,31181,2020-08-02 04:42:27 UTC,2020-08-02 04:42:27 UTC
12214,#august #step,4332,Story,31182,2020-08-02 04:42:58 UTC,2020-08-02 04:42:58 UTC
12216,#august #step,4332,Story,31184,2020-08-02 04:44:28 UTC,2020-08-02 04:44:28 UTC
12215,#august #step,4332,Story,31183,2020-08-02 04:43:27 UTC,2020-08-02 04:43:27 UTC
12217,#august #step,4332,Story,31185,2020-08-02 04:45:19 UTC,2020-08-02 04:45:19 UTC
12218,#august #step much less yellowing no curling of leaves,4332,Story,31186,2020-08-02 04:47:07 UTC,2020-08-02 04:47:07 UTC
12219,#august #step,4332,Story,31187,2020-08-02 17:00:01 UTC,2020-08-02 17:00:01 UTC
12220,#august #step,4332,Story,31188,2020-08-02 17:00:37 UTC,2020-08-02 17:00:37 UTC
12221,#august #step,4332,Story,31189,2020-08-02 17:01:23 UTC,2020-08-02 17:01:23 UTC
12222,#august #step,4332,Story,31190,2020-08-02 17:02:11 UTC,2020-08-02 17:02:11 UTC
12223,#august #step,4332,Story,31191,2020-08-02 17:02:59 UTC,2020-08-02 17:02:59 UTC
12224,#august #step,4332,Story,31192,2020-08-02 17:04:06 UTC,2020-08-02 17:04:06 UTC
12234,#step #august I dont thinknit has ded but something is annihilating the leaves,6834,Story,31222,2020-08-03 18:48:26 UTC,2020-08-03 18:48:26 UTC
12235,#step #august leaves are beginning to deteriorate like its neighbor,6834,Story,31223,2020-08-03 18:48:26 UTC,2020-08-03 18:48:26 UTC
12236,#step #august I dont thinknit has ded but something is annihilating the leaves,6834,Story,31224,2020-08-03 18:55:53 UTC,2020-08-03 18:55:53 UTC
12237,#step #august not ded but something is not right,6834,Story,31225,2020-08-03 18:57:14 UTC,2020-08-03 18:57:14 UTC
12238,#august #step,6834,Story,31226,2020-08-03 19:18:29 UTC,2020-08-03 19:18:29 UTC
12239,#step #august textbook squirrel damage,6834,Story,31227,2020-08-03 19:21:19 UTC,2020-08-03 19:21:19 UTC
12240,#step #august squirrel damage. Also a soccer ball stuck WAY up there,6834,Story,31228,2020-08-03 19:25:22 UTC,2020-08-03 19:25:22 UTC
12241,#august #step,4332,Story,31229,2020-08-03 23:48:26 UTC,2020-08-03 23:48:26 UTC
12242,#august #step,4332,Story,31230,2020-08-03 23:49:01 UTC,2020-08-03 23:49:01 UTC
12243,#august #step,4332,Story,31231,2020-08-04 14:23:10 UTC,2020-08-04 14:23:10 UTC
12244,#august #step,4332,Story,31232,2020-08-04 14:23:46 UTC,2020-08-04 14:23:46 UTC
12245,#august #step,4332,Story,31233,2020-08-04 14:24:16 UTC,2020-08-04 14:24:16 UTC
12246,#august #step,4332,Story,31234,2020-08-04 14:26:04 UTC,2020-08-04 14:26:04 UTC
12247,#august #step,4332,Story,31235,2020-08-04 14:46:25 UTC,2020-08-04 14:46:25 UTC
12248,#august #step,4332,Story,31236,2020-08-04 14:47:33 UTC,2020-08-04 14:47:33 UTC
12249,#august #step,4332,Story,31237,2020-08-04 14:55:28 UTC,2020-08-04 14:55:28 UTC
12250,#august #step,4332,Story,31238,2020-08-04 14:56:20 UTC,2020-08-04 14:56:20 UTC
12251,#august #step some squirrel damage on branch over street,4332,Story,31239,2020-08-04 14:58:29 UTC,2020-08-04 14:58:29 UTC
12253,#august #step,4332,Story,31242,2020-08-04 20:40:49 UTC,2020-08-04 20:40:49 UTC
12254,#august #step,4332,Story,31243,2020-08-04 20:41:24 UTC,2020-08-04 20:41:24 UTC
12255,#august #step,4332,Story,31244,2020-08-04 20:42:04 UTC,2020-08-04 20:42:04 UTC
12256,#august #step,4332,Story,31245,2020-08-04 20:42:37 UTC,2020-08-04 20:42:37 UTC
12257,#august #step,4332,Story,31246,2020-08-04 20:42:59 UTC,2020-08-04 20:42:59 UTC
12258,#step #august,6533,Story,31247,2020-08-05 02:43:48 UTC,2020-08-05 02:43:48 UTC
12259,#step #august,6533,Story,31248,2020-08-05 02:46:54 UTC,2020-08-05 02:46:54 UTC
12260,#august #ded,6533,Story,31249,2020-08-05 03:05:15 UTC,2020-08-05 03:05:15 UTC
12261,#august #ded,6533,Story,31250,2020-08-05 03:05:46 UTC,2020-08-05 03:05:46 UTC
12262,#august #ded,6533,Story,31251,2020-08-05 03:07:07 UTC,2020-08-05 03:07:07 UTC
12263,#august #ded browning leaves and surrounding trees appear infected ,6533,Story,31252,2020-08-05 03:08:42 UTC,2020-08-05 03:08:42 UTC
12264,#august #ded browning curled leaves,6533,Story,31253,2020-08-05 03:10:28 UTC,2020-08-05 03:10:28 UTC
12265,#august #ded browning leaves and surrounding trees appear infected,6533,Story,31254,2020-08-05 03:11:25 UTC,2020-08-05 03:11:25 UTC
12268,#august #step some yellowing of leaves,4332,Story,31260,2020-08-06 14:47:35 UTC,2020-08-06 14:47:35 UTC
12269,#august #step,4332,Story,31261,2020-08-06 14:48:40 UTC,2020-08-06 14:48:40 UTC
12270,#august #step,4332,Story,31262,2020-08-06 14:49:43 UTC,2020-08-06 14:49:43 UTC
12271,#august #step,4332,Story,31264,2020-08-06 14:51:26 UTC,2020-08-06 14:51:26 UTC
12272,#august #step,4332,Story,31265,2020-08-06 14:51:26 UTC,2020-08-06 14:51:26 UTC
12273,#august #step,4332,Story,31266,2020-08-06 23:02:15 UTC,2020-08-06 23:02:15 UTC
12274,#august #step,4332,Story,31267,2020-08-06 23:02:57 UTC,2020-08-06 23:02:57 UTC
12275,#august #step,4332,Story,31268,2020-08-06 23:03:29 UTC,2020-08-06 23:03:29 UTC
12276,#august #step,4332,Story,31269,2020-08-06 23:03:52 UTC,2020-08-06 23:03:52 UTC
12277,#august #step,4332,Story,31270,2020-08-06 23:04:14 UTC,2020-08-06 23:04:14 UTC
12278,#august #step,4332,Story,31271,2020-08-06 23:04:44 UTC,2020-08-06 23:04:44 UTC
12279,#august #step,4332,Story,31272,2020-08-06 23:05:10 UTC,2020-08-06 23:05:10 UTC
12280,#august #step,4332,Story,31273,2020-08-06 23:05:29 UTC,2020-08-06 23:05:29 UTC
12281,#august #step,4332,Story,31276,2020-08-07 14:28:43 UTC,2020-08-07 14:28:43 UTC
12282,#august #step,4332,Story,31277,2020-08-07 14:30:48 UTC,2020-08-07 14:30:48 UTC
12283,#august #step,4332,Story,31278,2020-08-07 14:58:15 UTC,2020-08-07 14:58:15 UTC
12284,#august #step,4332,Story,31280,2020-08-07 15:00:06 UTC,2020-08-07 15:00:06 UTC
12285,#august #step,4332,Story,31281,2020-08-07 15:00:07 UTC,2020-08-07 15:00:07 UTC
12286,#august #step,4332,Story,31282,2020-08-07 15:00:32 UTC,2020-08-07 15:00:32 UTC
12287,#august #step dead branch,6834,Story,31283,2020-08-07 15:13:50 UTC,2020-08-07 15:13:50 UTC
12288,#august #step,4332,Story,31284,2020-08-07 15:14:35 UTC,2020-08-07 15:14:35 UTC
12289,#august #step,6834,Story,31285,2020-08-07 15:15:48 UTC,2020-08-07 15:15:48 UTC
12290,#august #step,4332,Story,31286,2020-08-07 15:16:28 UTC,2020-08-07 15:16:28 UTC
12291,#august #step,6834,Story,31287,2020-08-07 15:16:50 UTC,2020-08-07 15:16:50 UTC
12292,#august #step,4332,Story,31288,2020-08-07 15:16:57 UTC,2020-08-07 15:16:57 UTC
12293,#step #august,6834,Story,31289,2020-08-07 15:18:41 UTC,2020-08-07 15:18:41 UTC
12294,#step #august,6834,Story,31290,2020-08-07 15:22:18 UTC,2020-08-07 15:22:18 UTC
12296,#STEP #August #DED,6840,Story,31292,2020-08-07 15:32:57 UTC,2020-08-07 15:32:57 UTC
12297,#STEP #August squirrel damage,6840,Story,31293,2020-08-07 15:44:08 UTC,2020-08-07 15:44:08 UTC
12298,#STEP #August,6840,Story,31294,2020-08-07 15:47:32 UTC,2020-08-07 15:47:32 UTC
12299,"#STEP #August extremely unhealthy, but not DED",6840,Story,31295,2020-08-07 15:57:34 UTC,2020-08-07 15:57:34 UTC
12300,#STEP #August ,6840,Story,31296,2020-08-07 16:00:52 UTC,2020-08-07 16:00:52 UTC
12301,#step #august,6834,Story,31297,2020-08-07 16:01:28 UTC,2020-08-07 16:01:28 UTC
12302,#STEP #August squirrel damage,6840,Story,31298,2020-08-07 16:04:28 UTC,2020-08-07 16:04:28 UTC
12303,#STEP #August,6840,Story,31299,2020-08-07 16:16:49 UTC,2020-08-07 16:16:49 UTC
12304,#STEP #August,6840,Story,31300,2020-08-07 16:17:12 UTC,2020-08-07 16:17:12 UTC
12305,"#step #august #DED mostly healthy, bad photo, yellowing leaves",6834,Story,31301,2020-08-07 16:20:38 UTC,2020-08-07 16:20:38 UTC
12306,#step #august,6834,Story,31302,2020-08-07 16:30:10 UTC,2020-08-07 16:30:10 UTC
12308,#step #august squirrel damage,6834,Story,31303,2020-08-07 16:32:52 UTC,2020-08-07 16:32:52 UTC
12307,#STEP #August,6840,Story,31304,2020-08-07 16:31:46 UTC,2020-08-07 16:31:46 UTC
12309,#step #august,6834,Story,31305,2020-08-07 16:33:02 UTC,2020-08-07 16:33:02 UTC
12310,#step #august,6834,Story,31306,2020-08-07 16:38:17 UTC,2020-08-07 16:38:17 UTC
12311,#step #august,6834,Story,31307,2020-08-07 16:40:31 UTC,2020-08-07 16:40:31 UTC
12312,#STEP #August,6840,Story,31308,2020-08-07 16:49:30 UTC,2020-08-07 16:49:30 UTC
12313,#STEP #August,6840,Story,31309,2020-08-07 16:50:13 UTC,2020-08-07 16:50:13 UTC
12314,#step #august,6834,Story,31310,2020-08-07 16:51:19 UTC,2020-08-07 16:51:19 UTC
12315,#step #august,6834,Story,31311,2020-08-07 16:52:21 UTC,2020-08-07 16:52:21 UTC
12317,#august #step extensive squirrel damage,4332,Story,31313,2020-08-08 15:03:48 UTC,2020-08-08 15:03:48 UTC
12318,#august #step,4332,Story,31314,2020-08-08 15:05:42 UTC,2020-08-08 15:05:42 UTC
12319,#august #step squirrel damage,4332,Story,31315,2020-08-08 15:07:52 UTC,2020-08-08 15:07:52 UTC
12320,#august #step,4332,Story,31316,2020-08-08 15:08:49 UTC,2020-08-08 15:08:49 UTC
12323,#august #step,4332,Story,31320,2020-08-08 15:12:58 UTC,2020-08-08 15:12:58 UTC
12325,#august #step,4332,Story,31322,2020-08-08 15:23:26 UTC,2020-08-08 15:23:26 UTC
12326,#august #step,4332,Story,31323,2020-08-08 15:24:35 UTC,2020-08-08 15:24:35 UTC
12327,#august #step,4332,Story,31324,2020-08-08 15:25:56 UTC,2020-08-08 15:25:56 UTC
12321,#august #step,4332,Story,31318,2020-08-08 15:10:43 UTC,2020-08-08 15:10:43 UTC
12322,#august #step,4332,Story,31319,2020-08-08 15:10:43 UTC,2020-08-08 15:10:43 UTC
12324,#august #step,4332,Story,31321,2020-08-08 15:19:32 UTC,2020-08-08 15:19:32 UTC
12328,#august #step yellowing and curled leaves in crown and various spots,4332,Story,31325,2020-08-08 15:29:55 UTC,2020-08-08 15:29:55 UTC
12329,#august #step,4332,Story,31326,2020-08-08 15:31:23 UTC,2020-08-08 15:31:23 UTC
12330,#august #step,4332,Story,31327,2020-08-08 16:46:45 UTC,2020-08-08 16:46:45 UTC
12331,#august #step,4332,Story,31328,2020-08-08 16:47:03 UTC,2020-08-08 16:47:03 UTC
12332,#august #step,4332,Story,31329,2020-08-08 16:47:18 UTC,2020-08-08 16:47:18 UTC
12333,#august #step,4332,Story,31330,2020-08-08 16:47:38 UTC,2020-08-08 16:47:38 UTC
12334,#august #step,4332,Story,31331,2020-08-08 16:48:43 UTC,2020-08-08 16:48:43 UTC
12335,#august #step,4332,Story,31332,2020-08-08 16:49:05 UTC,2020-08-08 16:49:05 UTC
12336,#Step #Aug,5850,Story,31333,2020-08-09 01:10:23 UTC,2020-08-09 01:10:23 UTC
12337,#Step #Aug,5850,Story,31334,2020-08-09 01:11:00 UTC,2020-08-09 01:11:00 UTC
12340,#Step #August,5850,Story,31337,2020-08-09 01:25:54 UTC,2020-08-09 01:25:54 UTC
12341,#Step #August,5850,Story,31338,2020-08-09 01:26:35 UTC,2020-08-09 01:26:35 UTC
12342,#Step #August,5850,Story,31339,2020-08-09 01:28:24 UTC,2020-08-09 01:28:24 UTC
12343,#Step #August,5850,Story,31340,2020-08-09 01:29:49 UTC,2020-08-09 01:29:49 UTC
12344,#Step #August,5850,Story,31341,2020-08-09 01:30:08 UTC,2020-08-09 01:30:08 UTC
12345,#Step #August,5850,Story,31342,2020-08-09 01:51:21 UTC,2020-08-09 01:51:21 UTC
12346,#Step #August,5850,Story,31343,2020-08-09 01:51:54 UTC,2020-08-09 01:51:54 UTC
12347,#Step #August,5850,Story,31344,2020-08-09 01:52:29 UTC,2020-08-09 01:52:29 UTC
12348,#Step #August,5850,Story,31345,2020-08-09 01:52:57 UTC,2020-08-09 01:52:57 UTC
12349,#Step #August,5850,Story,31346,2020-08-09 01:53:19 UTC,2020-08-09 01:53:19 UTC
12350,#Step #August,5850,Story,31347,2020-08-09 01:59:41 UTC,2020-08-09 01:59:41 UTC
12351,#Step #August,5850,Story,31348,2020-08-09 01:59:54 UTC,2020-08-09 01:59:54 UTC
12352,#Step #August,5850,Story,31349,2020-08-09 02:00:10 UTC,2020-08-09 02:00:10 UTC
12353,#Step #August,5850,Story,31350,2020-08-09 02:00:23 UTC,2020-08-09 02:00:23 UTC
12354,#Step #August,5850,Story,31351,2020-08-09 02:02:28 UTC,2020-08-09 02:02:28 UTC
12355,#Step #August,5850,Story,31352,2020-08-09 02:02:41 UTC,2020-08-09 02:02:41 UTC
12356,#august #step,4332,Story,31354,2020-08-09 15:33:55 UTC,2020-08-09 15:33:55 UTC
12357,#august #step Squirrel damage,4332,Story,31355,2020-08-09 15:35:06 UTC,2020-08-09 15:35:06 UTC
12358,#august #step Squirrel damage,4332,Story,31356,2020-08-09 15:35:43 UTC,2020-08-09 15:35:43 UTC
12359,#august #step only a baby tree. Big elm was removed last year,4332,Story,31358,2020-08-10 15:12:55 UTC,2020-08-10 15:12:55 UTC
12360,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31359,2020-08-10 20:35:45 UTC,2020-08-10 20:35:45 UTC
12363,#step #aug  Lots of insect damage Throughout canopy. Lots of drying leaves. Also throughout canopy. No evident source of water.,5842,Story,31362,2020-08-10 20:50:21 UTC,2020-08-10 20:50:21 UTC
12364,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31363,2020-08-10 21:07:57 UTC,2020-08-10 21:07:57 UTC
12366,#step #aug  Heavy with damage. Appears dry. No apparent water.,5842,Story,31365,2020-08-10 21:16:45 UTC,2020-08-10 21:16:45 UTC
12369,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31368,2020-08-10 21:24:59 UTC,2020-08-10 21:24:59 UTC
12370,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31369,2020-08-10 21:25:41 UTC,2020-08-10 21:25:41 UTC
12371,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31370,2020-08-10 21:26:41 UTC,2020-08-10 21:26:41 UTC
12372,#step #aug  Cannot figure out which tree it is,5842,Story,31371,2020-08-10 21:29:29 UTC,2020-08-10 21:29:29 UTC
12373,#step #aug  Lots of leaf damage. Appears dry and no apparent source of water.,5842,Story,31372,2020-08-10 21:33:16 UTC,2020-08-10 21:33:16 UTC
12374,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31373,2020-08-10 21:34:44 UTC,2020-08-10 21:34:44 UTC
12365,#step #aug  Heavy leaf damage,5842,Story,31364,2020-08-10 21:13:33 UTC,2020-08-10 21:13:33 UTC
12367,#step #aug  Lots of insect damage to leaves.,5842,Story,31366,2020-08-10 21:21:06 UTC,2020-08-10 21:21:06 UTC
12368,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31367,2020-08-10 21:23:26 UTC,2020-08-10 21:23:26 UTC
12375,#step #aug Lots of insect damage on leaves,5842,Story,31374,2020-08-10 22:17:49 UTC,2020-08-10 22:17:49 UTC
12376,#step #aug Lots of insect damage to leaves,5842,Story,31375,2020-08-10 22:19:35 UTC,2020-08-10 22:19:35 UTC
12377,#step #aug Lots of insect damage to leaves ,5842,Story,31376,2020-08-10 22:21:17 UTC,2020-08-10 22:21:17 UTC
12379,#step #aug  Extensive insect damage to leaves,5842,Story,31378,2020-08-10 22:26:55 UTC,2020-08-10 22:26:55 UTC
12380,#step #aug Lots of insect damage to leaves ,5842,Story,31379,2020-08-10 22:28:17 UTC,2020-08-10 22:28:17 UTC
12381,#step #aug  So much insect damage to leaves that tree looks almost dead,5842,Story,31380,2020-08-10 22:29:16 UTC,2020-08-10 22:29:16 UTC
12382,#step #aug Lots of insect damage to leaves ,5842,Story,31381,2020-08-10 22:30:54 UTC,2020-08-10 22:30:54 UTC
12383,#step #aug  Small dead branches at top of tree but not continuing down either side.,5842,Story,31382,2020-08-10 22:36:06 UTC,2020-08-10 22:36:06 UTC
12384,#step #aug Some insect damage ,5842,Story,31383,2020-08-10 22:37:52 UTC,2020-08-10 22:37:52 UTC
12385,#step #aug Lots of insect damage to leaves ,5842,Story,31384,2020-08-10 22:41:28 UTC,2020-08-10 22:41:28 UTC
12386,#step #aug Lots of insect damage to leaves ,5842,Story,31385,2020-08-10 22:42:42 UTC,2020-08-10 22:42:42 UTC
12387,#step #aug Lots of insect damage to leaves ,5842,Story,31386,2020-08-10 22:43:35 UTC,2020-08-10 22:43:35 UTC
12388,#step #aug  Extensive intersect damage to leaves. Tree looks almost dead.,5842,Story,31387,2020-08-10 22:46:25 UTC,2020-08-10 22:46:25 UTC
12389,#step #aug  Lots of insect damage to leaves,5842,Story,31388,2020-08-10 22:50:07 UTC,2020-08-10 22:50:07 UTC
12390,"#step #aug Lots of insect 
damage to leaves ",5842,Story,31389,2020-08-10 22:51:53 UTC,2020-08-10 22:51:53 UTC
12391,#step #aug Lots of insect damage to leaves ,5842,Story,31390,2020-08-10 22:53:03 UTC,2020-08-10 22:53:03 UTC
12392,#step #aug Lots of insect damage to leaves ,5842,Story,31391,2020-08-10 22:54:37 UTC,2020-08-10 22:54:37 UTC
12393,#step #aug Lots of insect damage to leaves ,5842,Story,31392,2020-08-10 22:55:58 UTC,2020-08-10 22:55:58 UTC
12415,#august #step,4332,Story,31421,2020-08-11 15:45:01 UTC,2020-08-11 15:45:01 UTC
12416,#august #step #notree cut down for #ded,4332,Story,31422,2020-08-11 15:46:21 UTC,2020-08-11 15:46:21 UTC
12417,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31424,2020-08-12 18:18:55 UTC,2020-08-12 18:18:55 UTC
12418,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31425,2020-08-12 18:21:34 UTC,2020-08-12 18:21:34 UTC
12419,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31426,2020-08-12 18:24:44 UTC,2020-08-12 18:24:44 UTC
12420,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31427,2020-08-12 18:25:28 UTC,2020-08-12 18:25:28 UTC
12421,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31428,2020-08-12 18:27:32 UTC,2020-08-12 18:27:32 UTC
12422,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31429,2020-08-12 18:29:01 UTC,2020-08-12 18:29:01 UTC
12423,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31430,2020-08-12 18:32:06 UTC,2020-08-12 18:32:06 UTC
12424,#step #aug  Cluster of dead branches at very top to keep an eye on.,5842,Story,31431,2020-08-12 18:34:30 UTC,2020-08-12 18:34:30 UTC
12425,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31432,2020-08-12 18:36:56 UTC,2020-08-12 18:36:56 UTC
12426,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31433,2020-08-12 18:37:57 UTC,2020-08-12 18:37:57 UTC
12427,#step #aug Lots of dead terminal branches and yellowing leaves,5842,Story,31434,2020-08-12 18:41:31 UTC,2020-08-12 18:41:31 UTC
12428,#step #aug  Several small yellowing branchlets dispersed throughout canopy,5842,Story,31435,2020-08-12 18:43:05 UTC,2020-08-12 18:43:05 UTC
12429,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31436,2020-08-12 18:49:14 UTC,2020-08-12 18:49:14 UTC
12430,#step #aug  A few upper branches wilting. Possibly drought.,5842,Story,31437,2020-08-12 18:51:49 UTC,2020-08-12 18:51:49 UTC
12431,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31438,2020-08-12 18:53:12 UTC,2020-08-12 18:53:12 UTC
12432,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31439,2020-08-12 18:54:09 UTC,2020-08-12 18:54:09 UTC
12433,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31440,2020-08-12 18:55:40 UTC,2020-08-12 18:55:40 UTC
12434,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31441,2020-08-12 19:01:02 UTC,2020-08-12 19:01:02 UTC
12435,#step #aug  Numerous dead terminal branches. Small area of squirrel damage,5842,Story,31442,2020-08-12 19:03:30 UTC,2020-08-12 19:03:30 UTC
12436,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31443,2020-08-12 19:04:23 UTC,2020-08-12 19:04:23 UTC
12437,#step #aug  dead terminal branches on south side,5842,Story,31444,2020-08-12 19:06:35 UTC,2020-08-12 19:06:35 UTC
12438,#step #aug  Dead terminal branches at top,5842,Story,31445,2020-08-12 19:08:09 UTC,2020-08-12 19:08:09 UTC
12439,#step #aug  A few dead terminal branches at top,5842,Story,31446,2020-08-12 19:11:50 UTC,2020-08-12 19:11:50 UTC
12440,#step #aug  A few top branches on southside dying.,5842,Story,31447,2020-08-12 19:14:30 UTC,2020-08-12 19:14:30 UTC
12441,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31448,2020-08-12 19:16:00 UTC,2020-08-12 19:16:00 UTC
12442,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31449,2020-08-12 19:17:25 UTC,2020-08-12 19:17:25 UTC
12443,#step #aug  Large hole in trunk 8' from ground,5842,Story,31450,2020-08-12 19:19:17 UTC,2020-08-12 19:19:17 UTC
12444,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31451,2020-08-12 19:23:08 UTC,2020-08-12 19:23:08 UTC
12445,#step #aug  Large branch on east side caught in electrical wires,5842,Story,31452,2020-08-12 19:27:15 UTC,2020-08-12 19:27:15 UTC
12446,#step #aug  A few large dead branches,5842,Story,31453,2020-08-12 19:28:34 UTC,2020-08-12 19:28:34 UTC
12447,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31454,2020-08-12 19:29:34 UTC,2020-08-12 19:29:34 UTC
12448,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31455,2020-08-12 19:30:46 UTC,2020-08-12 19:30:46 UTC
12449,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31456,2020-08-12 19:31:47 UTC,2020-08-12 19:31:47 UTC
12450,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31457,2020-08-12 19:33:37 UTC,2020-08-12 19:33:37 UTC
12451,#step #aug ,5842,Story,31458,2020-08-12 19:35:39 UTC,2020-08-12 19:35:39 UTC
12455,#august #step this tree is squirrel damaged and a bit ratty,4332,Story,31464,2020-08-18 14:47:43 UTC,2020-08-18 14:47:43 UTC
12456,#august #step squirrel damage,4332,Story,31465,2020-08-18 14:58:31 UTC,2020-08-18 14:58:31 UTC
12457,#august #step,4332,Story,31466,2020-08-18 14:59:12 UTC,2020-08-18 14:59:12 UTC
12458,#august #step Squirrel damage,4332,Story,31467,2020-08-18 14:59:57 UTC,2020-08-18 14:59:57 UTC
12460,#step #august,4493,Story,31469,2020-08-20 23:40:50 UTC,2020-08-20 23:40:50 UTC
12461,#step #august,4493,Story,31470,2020-08-20 23:43:27 UTC,2020-08-20 23:43:27 UTC
12462,#step #august,4493,Story,31471,2020-08-20 23:45:08 UTC,2020-08-20 23:45:08 UTC
12463,#Step#August,4493,Story,31472,2020-08-20 23:47:12 UTC,2020-08-20 23:47:12 UTC
12464,#Step#August,4493,Story,31473,2020-08-20 23:49:54 UTC,2020-08-20 23:49:54 UTC
12465,#Step#August,4493,Story,31474,2020-08-20 23:58:12 UTC,2020-08-20 23:58:12 UTC
12466,#Step#August,4493,Story,31475,2020-08-20 23:59:02 UTC,2020-08-20 23:59:02 UTC
12467,#Step#August,4493,Story,31476,2020-08-21 00:01:01 UTC,2020-08-21 00:01:01 UTC
12470,#august #step damage to bark on base of tree,4332,Story,31480,2020-08-23 14:46:36 UTC,2020-08-23 14:46:36 UTC
12471,#august #step damage to bark at base of tree,4332,Story,31481,2020-08-23 14:48:21 UTC,2020-08-23 14:48:21 UTC
12472,#step #august,4447,Story,31483,2020-08-24 18:40:36 UTC,2020-08-24 18:40:36 UTC
12473,#step #august,4447,Story,31484,2020-08-24 18:41:10 UTC,2020-08-24 18:41:10 UTC
12474,"#step #august

Tree looks very unhealthy ",4447,Story,31485,2020-08-24 18:42:22 UTC,2020-08-24 18:42:22 UTC
12476,#august,6533,Story,31535,2020-08-28 17:35:45 UTC,2020-08-28 17:35:45 UTC
12477,#august,6533,Story,31536,2020-08-28 17:36:08 UTC,2020-08-28 17:36:08 UTC
12478,#august,6533,Story,31537,2020-08-28 17:41:49 UTC,2020-08-28 17:41:49 UTC
12479,#august,4447,Story,31538,2020-08-28 21:27:04 UTC,2020-08-28 21:27:04 UTC
12480,#august,4447,Story,31539,2020-08-28 21:27:30 UTC,2020-08-28 21:27:30 UTC
12481,#august,4447,Story,31540,2020-08-28 21:27:51 UTC,2020-08-28 21:27:51 UTC
12482,#august,4447,Story,31541,2020-08-28 21:28:17 UTC,2020-08-28 21:28:17 UTC
12483,#august,4447,Story,31542,2020-08-28 21:28:42 UTC,2020-08-28 21:28:42 UTC
12484,#august,4447,Story,31543,2020-08-28 21:29:00 UTC,2020-08-28 21:29:00 UTC
12485,#august,4447,Story,31544,2020-08-28 21:29:34 UTC,2020-08-28 21:29:34 UTC

Large dead branch hanging on roof reported to Urban Forestry ",4447,Story,31545,2020-08-28 21:31:02 UTC,2020-08-28 21:31:02 UTC
12487,#august,4447,Story,31546,2020-08-28 21:32:37 UTC,2020-08-28 21:32:37 UTC
12488,#august,4447,Story,31547,2020-08-28 21:32:58 UTC,2020-08-28 21:32:58 UTC
12489,#august,4447,Story,31548,2020-08-28 21:33:14 UTC,2020-08-28 21:33:14 UTC
12490,#august,4447,Story,31549,2020-08-28 21:33:34 UTC,2020-08-28 21:33:34 UTC
12491,#august,4447,Story,31550,2020-08-28 21:33:56 UTC,2020-08-28 21:33:56 UTC
12492,#august,4447,Story,31551,2020-08-28 21:34:11 UTC,2020-08-28 21:34:11 UTC
12494,#ded,4447,Story,31553,2020-08-28 21:35:07 UTC,2020-08-28 21:35:07 UTC
12493,#august,4447,Story,31552,2020-08-28 21:34:50 UTC,2020-08-28 21:34:50 UTC
12495,Entire top of tree looks unhealthy but It is hard to see clearly because of surrounding trees,4447,Story,31554,2020-08-28 21:37:27 UTC,2020-08-28 21:37:27 UTC
12514,#september,4447,Story,31670,2020-09-03 16:31:43 UTC,2020-09-03 16:31:43 UTC
12515,#september,4447,Story,31671,2020-09-03 16:32:00 UTC,2020-09-03 16:32:00 UTC
12516,#september,4447,Story,31672,2020-09-03 16:32:22 UTC,2020-09-03 16:32:22 UTC
#ded",4447,Story,31673,2020-09-03 16:38:17 UTC,2020-09-03 16:38:17 UTC
12518,#september,4447,Story,31675,2020-09-03 16:40:29 UTC,2020-09-03 16:40:29 UTC
12519,#september,4447,Story,31676,2020-09-03 16:48:10 UTC,2020-09-03 16:48:10 UTC
12520,#september,4447,Story,31677,2020-09-03 16:48:27 UTC,2020-09-03 16:48:27 UTC
12521,#september,4447,Story,31678,2020-09-03 16:48:45 UTC,2020-09-03 16:48:45 UTC
12522,#september,4447,Story,31679,2020-09-03 16:49:08 UTC,2020-09-03 16:49:08 UTC
12523,#september,4447,Story,31680,2020-09-03 16:49:25 UTC,2020-09-03 16:49:25 UTC
12524,#september,4447,Story,31681,2020-09-03 16:50:26 UTC,2020-09-03 16:50:26 UTC
12525,#september,4447,Story,31682,2020-09-03 16:51:11 UTC,2020-09-03 16:51:11 UTC
#september",4447,Story,31683,2020-09-03 16:53:29 UTC,2020-09-03 16:53:29 UTC
12527,#september,4447,Story,31684,2020-09-03 16:55:11 UTC,2020-09-03 16:55:11 UTC
12528,#september,4447,Story,31685,2020-09-03 16:56:25 UTC,2020-09-03 16:56:25 UTC
12529,#september,4447,Story,31686,2020-09-03 16:58:13 UTC,2020-09-03 16:58:13 UTC
12530,#september,4447,Story,31687,2020-09-03 16:59:07 UTC,2020-09-03 16:59:07 UTC
12531,#september,4447,Story,31688,2020-09-03 17:00:26 UTC,2020-09-03 17:00:26 UTC
12532,#september,4447,Story,31689,2020-09-03 17:07:06 UTC,2020-09-03 17:07:06 UTC
12533,#september,4447,Story,31690,2020-09-03 17:07:21 UTC,2020-09-03 17:07:21 UTC
12534,#september,4447,Story,31691,2020-09-03 17:09:05 UTC,2020-09-03 17:09:05 UTC
12535,#september,4447,Story,31692,2020-09-03 17:10:17 UTC,2020-09-03 17:10:17 UTC
12536,#september,4447,Story,31693,2020-09-03 17:11:13 UTC,2020-09-03 17:11:13 UTC
12537,#september,4447,Story,31694,2020-09-03 17:17:18 UTC,2020-09-03 17:17:18 UTC
12538,#september,4447,Story,31695,2020-09-03 17:20:41 UTC,2020-09-03 17:20:41 UTC
12539,#september,4447,Story,31696,2020-09-03 17:21:05 UTC,2020-09-03 17:21:05 UTC
12540,#september,4447,Story,31697,2020-09-03 17:22:13 UTC,2020-09-03 17:22:13 UTC
12541,#september,4447,Story,31698,2020-09-03 17:23:35 UTC,2020-09-03 17:23:35 UTC
12542,#september,4447,Story,31699,2020-09-03 17:25:39 UTC,2020-09-03 17:25:39 UTC
12543,#september,4447,Story,31700,2020-09-03 17:26:30 UTC,2020-09-03 17:26:30 UTC
14361,brown branches don’t look like squirrel. dutch elm disease?,4469,Story,36520,2022-07-14 01:07:31 UTC,2022-07-14 01:07:31 UTC
10622,Estimated age 34yrs old,5328,Story,28832,2020-05-17 08:26:06 UTC,2020-05-17 08:26:06 UTC
9297,One lichen photographed,5328,Story,26660,2019-12-17 12:30:11 UTC,2019-12-17 12:30:11 UTC
12984,"I call this the Singing Tree, because it always has bi rds singing in it. Its quite old, with deeply striated bark and hadsome big branches removed from its lower trunk in the last few years. It is very healthy.",6059,Story,32502,2020-11-17 13:57:07 UTC,2020-11-17 13:57:07 UTC
10433,Old treevery rough bark with lots if bumps. Some ivy on east side. Pale green maple like lkeaves with single  little conkers. My other favourite  tree.,6059,Story,28591,2020-05-15 12:18:13 UTC,2020-05-15 12:18:13 UTC
11071,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29418,2020-05-31 14:30:17 UTC,2020-05-31 14:30:17 UTC
11072,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29419,2020-05-31 14:30:32 UTC,2020-05-31 14:30:32 UTC
11068,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29415,2020-05-31 14:27:19 UTC,2020-05-31 14:27:19 UTC
11657,Unusual kind of chestnut.  May be buckeye.,6285,Story,30252,2020-06-16 15:13:38 UTC,2020-06-16 15:13:38 UTC
13814,"These three trees labelled as 2 on the aerial view are at the bottom of my garden.
Eircode D03 E082

They are Syacamores",8493,Story,34952,2021-10-03 16:30:33 UTC,2021-10-03 16:30:33 UTC
10797,Walnut,5962,Story,29064,2020-05-23 14:07:46 UTC,2020-05-23 14:07:46 UTC
10390,Sycamore,6099,Story,28539,2020-05-14 10:46:17 UTC,2020-05-14 10:46:17 UTC
10432,"Tall old stately tree. Very rough bark, almost like a pinstripe suit. As tall as the flats opposite, healthy beech like leaves.  One of my favourite trees on the canal.",6059,Story,28590,2020-05-15 12:11:06 UTC,2020-05-15 12:11:06 UTC
10431,Lovely pale green healrhy leaves. Maple leaf like shape. Smoothish grey trunk.about 39 cm.,6059,Story,28589,2020-05-15 12:06:34 UTC,2020-05-15 12:06:34 UTC
10935,Stapled used in election posters,5328,Story,29230,2020-05-27 06:19:34 UTC,2020-05-27 06:19:34 UTC
12997,This tree way cut down in error. Another tree nearby is dead. ,5328,Story,32526,2020-11-27 10:27:17 UTC,2020-11-27 10:27:17 UTC
11154,Tree has been cut down,6373,Story,29527,2020-06-01 07:38:31 UTC,2020-06-01 07:38:31 UTC
10624,Estimated age 26 years old,5328,Story,28834,2020-05-17 08:29:21 UTC,2020-05-17 08:29:21 UTC
10456,Saw a little bird coming out of a hole in the tree,5328,Story,28656,2020-05-16 06:47:39 UTC,2020-05-16 06:47:39 UTC
10640,Estimated 20 years old,5328,Story,28850,2020-05-17 09:06:06 UTC,2020-05-17 09:06:06 UTC
10638,Estimated 19 years old,5328,Story,28848,2020-05-17 08:44:33 UTC,2020-05-17 08:44:33 UTC
10629,Estimated 28 years old,5328,Story,28839,2020-05-17 08:37:40 UTC,2020-05-17 08:37:40 UTC
10630,Estimated 48 years old,5328,Story,28840,2020-05-17 08:38:16 UTC,2020-05-17 08:38:16 UTC
10631,Estimated 30 years old,5328,Story,28841,2020-05-17 08:39:15 UTC,2020-05-17 08:39:15 UTC
10633,Estimated 43 years old,5328,Story,28843,2020-05-17 08:40:32 UTC,2020-05-17 08:40:32 UTC
9320,Circumstance 77.5cm,5328,Story,26792,2020-01-14 11:07:53 UTC,2020-01-14 11:09:30 UTC
13274,Replacement tree. Species unknown,5328,Story,33300,2021-03-24 12:21:33 UTC,2021-03-24 12:21:33 UTC
9294,Removed,5328,Story,26657,2019-12-15 13:22:07 UTC,2019-12-15 13:22:07 UTC
10637,Estimated 28 years old,5328,Story,28847,2020-05-17 08:43:47 UTC,2020-05-17 08:43:47 UTC
10634,Estimated 22years old,5328,Story,28844,2020-05-17 08:41:16 UTC,2020-05-17 08:41:16 UTC
10635,Estimated 32 years old,5328,Story,28845,2020-05-17 08:41:56 UTC,2020-05-17 08:41:56 UTC
10623,Estimated age 40yrs old,5328,Story,28833,2020-05-17 08:27:56 UTC,2020-05-17 08:27:56 UTC
10626,Estimated age of 21 years old,5328,Story,28836,2020-05-17 08:32:25 UTC,2020-05-17 08:32:25 UTC
10627,Estimated age of 21 years old,5328,Story,28837,2020-05-17 08:33:23 UTC,2020-05-17 08:33:50 UTC
10628,Estimated 26 years old,5328,Story,28838,2020-05-17 08:36:53 UTC,2020-05-17 08:36:53 UTC
9298,Covered in ivy. No lichen,5328,Story,26661,2019-12-17 12:51:03 UTC,2019-12-17 12:51:03 UTC
9368,Won't save species Tilia cordata,5328,Story,27034,2020-01-24 12:02:20 UTC,2020-01-24 12:02:20 UTC
9350,Dbh data has been removed,5328,Story,27008,2020-01-23 16:54:25 UTC,2020-01-23 16:54:25 UTC
9385,Needs trunk photo,5328,Story,27110,2020-01-30 13:35:27 UTC,2020-01-30 13:35:27 UTC
11943,Tree pit with rubble and main roots chopped. But a lovely tidy new path.,5328,Story,30756,2020-07-06 05:59:02 UTC,2020-07-06 05:59:02 UTC
11942,Tree pit infill.,5328,Story,30755,2020-07-06 05:57:27 UTC,2020-07-06 05:57:27 UTC
9426,Trunk texture different to others in the same street,5328,Story,27152,2020-02-04 10:21:10 UTC,2020-02-04 10:21:10 UTC
10864,Don't know the specie,5328,Story,29141,2020-05-25 06:43:37 UTC,2020-05-25 06:43:37 UTC
10930,Planted by adjoining householder,6285,Story,29221,2020-05-26 18:43:58 UTC,2020-05-26 18:43:58 UTC
10722,Extensive ivy trunk coverage. DBH may be inaccurate due to extensive padding!,5328,Story,28958,2020-05-20 06:36:57 UTC,2020-05-20 06:36:57 UTC
9296,"Prunus cerasifera Ehrh, Cherry Plum",5328,Story,26659,2019-12-16 15:00:07 UTC,2019-12-16 15:00:07 UTC
10741,Younger branches up above gives the species away. It must be quite old?,5328,Story,28998,2020-05-21 09:27:59 UTC,2020-05-21 09:27:59 UTC
11468,Not sure on this one,5328,Story,30000,2020-06-11 06:46:20 UTC,2020-06-11 06:46:20 UTC
11069,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29416,2020-05-31 14:29:27 UTC,2020-05-31 14:29:27 UTC
11070,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29417,2020-05-31 14:29:48 UTC,2020-05-31 14:29:48 UTC
11073,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29420,2020-05-31 14:31:20 UTC,2020-05-31 14:31:20 UTC
11075,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29422,2020-05-31 14:32:56 UTC,2020-05-31 14:32:56 UTC
11076,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29423,2020-05-31 14:33:34 UTC,2020-05-31 14:33:34 UTC
11077,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29424,2020-05-31 14:34:37 UTC,2020-05-31 14:34:37 UTC
11078,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29425,2020-05-31 14:35:37 UTC,2020-05-31 14:35:37 UTC
11079,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29426,2020-05-31 14:36:13 UTC,2020-05-31 14:36:13 UTC
11080,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29427,2020-05-31 14:36:56 UTC,2020-05-31 14:36:56 UTC
11081,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29428,2020-05-31 14:37:44 UTC,2020-05-31 14:37:44 UTC
11082,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29429,2020-05-31 14:39:28 UTC,2020-05-31 14:39:28 UTC
11083,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29430,2020-05-31 14:41:21 UTC,2020-05-31 14:41:21 UTC
11887,"Very overgrown and this one of the three hard to measure. But let's just say massive, old and deserve some love.",5328,Story,30693,2020-07-04 07:12:07 UTC,2020-07-04 07:12:07 UTC
10632,Estimated 22 years old,5328,Story,28842,2020-05-17 08:39:57 UTC,2020-05-17 08:39:57 UTC
10285,Sycamore,6017,Story,28420,2020-05-12 19:21:06 UTC,2020-05-12 19:21:06 UTC
10320,hornbeam ,6041,Story,28460,2020-05-13 16:01:06 UTC,2020-05-13 16:01:06 UTC
10319,Hornbeam,6041,Story,28459,2020-05-13 15:57:11 UTC,2020-05-13 15:57:11 UTC
10321,Hornbeam,6041,Story,28461,2020-05-13 16:02:42 UTC,2020-05-13 16:02:42 UTC
10322,"This tree was planted in 1994-1995. It is an ornamental pear tree, one of many in Marino. They are really beautiful in spring with lots of white flowers and in autumn are covered in small pears the pigeons love. Unfortunately the pears drop on the pavement in huge numbers and can be slippery underfoot. ",6052,Story,28462,2020-05-13 16:45:51 UTC,2020-05-13 16:45:51 UTC
10318,This tree is located in a private rear garden. It is circa 30 years old. It is a white cherry blossom flowering mid April and producing sour cherries in June/July.  It has been 'topped'and pruned back by tree surgeons on several occasions and stands to about the same height as the 2 story houses surrounding it. ,6034,Story,28458,2020-05-13 13:44:27 UTC,2020-05-13 13:44:27 UTC
10379,I grew up looking at this tree thro the seasons. It’s not our tree but its greening and leaf drops each year we’re a huge feature of the Lane as a place where children played and occupied the public space. ,6079,Story,28526,2020-05-13 20:23:29 UTC,2020-05-13 20:23:29 UTC
10389,Sweet Cherry,6099,Story,28538,2020-05-14 10:45:33 UTC,2020-05-14 10:50:40 UTC
10391,"Chilean Pine (""Monkey Puzzle"")",6099,Story,28540,2020-05-14 10:46:54 UTC,2020-05-14 10:46:54 UTC
10392,Holly,6099,Story,28541,2020-05-14 10:47:18 UTC,2020-05-14 10:47:18 UTC
9301,Stump,5328,Story,26693,2019-12-20 13:17:05 UTC,2019-12-20 13:17:05 UTC
10463,This contorted willow was planted in 2003. There is a time capsule woven into its roots. ,5274,Story,28667,2020-05-16 13:22:07 UTC,2020-05-16 13:22:07 UTC
10464,This hawthorn was grown from seed collected in a hedgerow in 1999 in Wicklow. It’s lower branches are laid ,5274,Story,28668,2020-05-16 13:34:46 UTC,2020-05-16 13:34:46 UTC
10459,Acer Brilliantissimum,6133,Story,28663,2020-05-16 12:46:25 UTC,2020-05-16 12:46:25 UTC
10461,Planted early 90s,6133,Story,28665,2020-05-16 12:50:41 UTC,2020-05-16 12:50:41 UTC
10618,Estimated 17yrs old,5328,Story,28828,2020-05-17 08:14:01 UTC,2020-05-17 08:14:01 UTC
10620,Estimated 13yrs old,5328,Story,28830,2020-05-17 08:16:29 UTC,2020-05-17 08:16:29 UTC
10617,Hasn't come into leaf,5328,Story,28827,2020-05-17 06:49:36 UTC,2020-05-17 06:49:36 UTC
10619,Estimated 17yrs old,5328,Story,28829,2020-05-17 08:14:56 UTC,2020-05-17 08:14:56 UTC
10621,Estimated 23yrs old,5328,Story,28831,2020-05-17 08:17:53 UTC,2020-05-17 08:17:53 UTC
11042,This is probably the finest chestnut in the park.,6285,Story,29371,2020-05-30 15:58:18 UTC,2020-05-30 15:58:18 UTC
10720,Lime gall on leaves?,6104,Story,28946,2020-05-19 01:15:48 UTC,2020-05-19 01:15:48 UTC
10721,Sadly removed last week. It looked fine and such a shame to remove but Google maps shows it not in leaf when it should have been.,5328,Story,28950,2020-05-19 07:53:27 UTC,2020-05-19 07:53:27 UTC
10738,In the winter I identified this tree as a lime but this section of the road appears to be Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus). Are the trees ok as they appear to be strange in colour?,5328,Story,28990,2020-05-21 08:00:38 UTC,2020-05-21 08:00:38 UTC
10739,Cherry?,5328,Story,28995,2020-05-21 09:17:30 UTC,2020-05-21 09:17:30 UTC
10740,Cherry?,5328,Story,28996,2020-05-21 09:22:36 UTC,2020-05-21 09:22:36 UTC
10796,Eucalyptus ,5962,Story,29063,2020-05-23 14:06:21 UTC,2020-05-23 14:06:21 UTC
10795,Rowan Berry tree ,5962,Story,29062,2020-05-23 14:03:16 UTC,2020-05-23 14:03:16 UTC
11037,Surviving shoots from a tree that succumbed to Dutch elm disease in the 1980s.,6285,Story,29360,2020-05-30 13:21:55 UTC,2020-05-30 13:21:55 UTC
10929,Planted by adjoining householder,6285,Story,29220,2020-05-26 18:41:01 UTC,2020-05-26 18:41:01 UTC
10931,One of a row of horn beams planted along the entrance to the seniors flats ,6285,Story,29222,2020-05-26 18:46:39 UTC,2020-05-26 18:46:39 UTC
10932,This tree pre-dates the development so probably grew naturally ,6285,Story,29223,2020-05-26 18:51:45 UTC,2020-05-26 18:51:45 UTC
10933,Tree pre-dates the development  so probably grew naturally ,6285,Story,29224,2020-05-26 18:54:28 UTC,2020-05-26 18:54:28 UTC
10961,This is a very fine mature tree well worth preserving,6285,Story,29266,2020-05-28 17:00:16 UTC,2020-05-28 17:00:16 UTC
11850,Tarmac skirt around the base.,5328,Story,30651,2020-07-03 07:07:32 UTC,2020-07-03 07:07:32 UTC
11036,I'm not sure on the species. Leaves look more like London plane than sycamore but bark doesn't,5328,Story,29358,2020-05-30 07:17:46 UTC,2020-05-30 07:17:46 UTC
11067,This is flagged by Dublin city council as a whitebeam but it's not. Not sure what it is though 😬,6367,Story,29413,2020-05-31 13:55:00 UTC,2020-05-31 13:55:00 UTC
11074,"Planted as part of the St Anne's Estate to provide shelter from wind, rain and sea / salt air. St Anne's Estate land was provided to the State by the Guinness family.",6180,Story,29421,2020-05-31 14:32:15 UTC,2020-05-31 14:32:15 UTC
11156,Jun 2020,6227,Story,29531,2020-06-01 18:13:35 UTC,2020-06-01 18:13:35 UTC
11698,Tree trunk split nearly full length of the tree. ,6419,Story,30336,2020-06-18 19:13:16 UTC,2020-06-18 19:13:16 UTC
11845,Trunk damage but good canopy,6419,Story,30636,2020-07-01 18:37:52 UTC,2020-07-01 18:37:52 UTC
11735,Only a stump remaining of this tree,6419,Story,30408,2020-06-20 09:08:50 UTC,2020-06-20 09:08:50 UTC
11774,Only large stump remaining,6419,Story,30453,2020-06-21 08:21:11 UTC,2020-06-21 08:21:11 UTC
11700,Bark has grown twisted and breaking. ,6419,Story,30362,2020-06-18 20:56:15 UTC,2020-06-18 20:56:15 UTC
10662,Covered in ivy with lots of ground level leaves,5328,Story,28879,2020-05-18 06:44:27 UTC,2020-05-18 06:44:27 UTC
11538,Possibly white willow salix alba,6285,Story,30120,2020-06-13 16:21:23 UTC,2020-06-13 16:21:23 UTC
11640,"Loved by Kate, Jack, Gran and Grandpop.  ",6502,Story,30234,2020-06-15 22:50:28 UTC,2020-06-15 22:50:28 UTC
11731,Plenty of nesting activity in this tree,6419,Story,30400,2020-06-20 08:40:28 UTC,2020-06-20 08:40:28 UTC
11778,Lots of bees in this tree,6419,Story,30467,2020-06-21 09:54:10 UTC,2020-06-21 09:54:10 UTC
11793,Looks like some variety of the service tree.,6285,Story,30504,2020-06-21 16:46:43 UTC,2020-06-21 16:46:43 UTC
11658,Tree with white flowers and maple like leaves ,6285,Story,30253,2020-06-16 15:16:34 UTC,2020-06-16 15:16:34 UTC
11837,"Using this calculation taken from.

The calculation is 411/3.25 = 126 years old for this tree.",5328,Story,30621,2020-07-01 07:28:05 UTC,2020-07-01 07:28:05 UTC
11844,Resident bird house! Rope on branch needs to be removed 01/07/20,6419,Story,30633,2020-07-01 18:30:09 UTC,2020-07-01 18:30:09 UTC
11849,Tarmac skirt around the base of the tree,5328,Story,30650,2020-07-03 06:41:59 UTC,2020-07-03 06:41:59 UTC
12012,Beautiful tree,6419,Story,30861,2020-07-10 21:03:30 UTC,2020-07-10 21:03:30 UTC
12117,Have entered tilia platyphillus but not sure if this is exact species ,6437,Story,31011,2020-07-18 17:27:10 UTC,2020-07-18 17:27:10 UTC
12507,"Malus sp
Old eating apple tree",6044,Story,31589,2020-09-01 06:36:38 UTC,2020-09-01 06:36:38 UTC
12639,Turkish Filbert- hazelnuts can be collected from the ground in autumn,5975,Story,31827,2020-09-22 09:42:13 UTC,2020-09-22 09:42:13 UTC
12976,In late autumn leaves of this tree are noticeably greener than its neighbours ,7296,Story,32396,2020-11-07 08:58:54 UTC,2020-11-07 08:58:54 UTC
13364,Cherry ,7966,Story,33557,2021-05-07 19:04:34 UTC,2021-05-07 19:04:34 UTC
13363,Silver Birch Betula Pendula ,7966,Story,33556,2021-05-07 19:03:06 UTC,2021-05-07 19:03:06 UTC
13362,Mature Sycamore ,7966,Story,33555,2021-05-07 19:00:45 UTC,2021-05-07 19:00:45 UTC
13311,Dead. Removed early 2021. ,5617,Story,33377,2021-04-02 11:53:57 UTC,2021-04-02 11:53:57 UTC
14106,"Tree grew from seed, blown in from nearby Ash tree behind No 152. It has been cut back on one side to stop birds soiling car in drive.",6036,Story,35504,2022-04-15 16:21:53 UTC,2022-04-15 16:21:53 UTC
15158,Leaning heavily to the north. ,5617,Story,41146,2023-04-17 19:54:20 UTC,2023-04-17 19:54:20 UTC
4407,Hollow but healthy with hole all the way through trunk!,2192,Story,19170,2018-08-27 12:09:30 UTC,2018-08-27 12:09:30 UTC
4572,Huge! 4 full hugs. Massive canopy.,2192,Story,19843,2018-10-19 08:23:01 UTC,2018-10-19 08:23:01 UTC
4713,Biggest eucalyptus I've seen locally,2192,Story,20252,2019-02-22 10:24:51 UTC,2019-02-22 10:24:51 UTC
4956,"Womping Willow, Harry Potter Studio Tour,  sorry...",2192,Story,20784,2019-04-11 14:09:26 UTC,2019-04-11 14:09:26 UTC
4915,Getting strangled by support strap - needs releasing?,2192,Story,20671,2019-04-05 08:17:50 UTC,2019-04-05 08:17:50 UTC
4995,One enormous tree and dozens of others. More photos to follow. ..,2192,Story,20904,2019-04-27 11:51:00 UTC,2019-04-27 11:51:00 UTC
7714,"Possibly a Fraxinus mariesii (not available on Curio species list), another flowering ash, but still in section Ornus",2192,Story,24525,2019-07-26 06:48:53 UTC,2019-07-26 06:48:53 UTC
7858,Multi stemmed ,2192,Story,24695,2019-08-08 09:47:19 UTC,2019-08-08 09:47:19 UTC
7859,Multi stemmed ,2192,Story,24702,2019-08-08 12:05:43 UTC,2019-08-08 12:05:43 UTC
7860,Mature hedgerow ,2192,Story,24709,2019-08-08 12:27:32 UTC,2019-08-08 12:27:32 UTC
7861,Self seeded ,2192,Story,24710,2019-08-09 12:07:09 UTC,2019-08-09 12:07:09 UTC
8308,Removed early in 2019 for reasons yet unknown!,2192,Story,25201,2019-08-24 11:26:10 UTC,2019-08-24 11:26:10 UTC
8280,Good eaters :-),2192,Story,25155,2019-08-23 18:37:39 UTC,2019-08-23 18:37:39 UTC
9161,"Yes, good eaters! ",2192,Story,26452,2019-11-01 11:34:16 UTC,2019-11-01 11:34:16 UTC
8803,"Memorial tree SG.
160cm ",2192,Story,25717,2019-08-30 11:15:37 UTC,2019-08-30 11:15:37 UTC
8802,Then multi stemmed ,2192,Story,25716,2019-08-30 10:28:19 UTC,2019-08-30 10:28:19 UTC
8967,"The fruit look like big sloes, but you can eat them fresh, now (September)",2192,Story,26107,2019-09-13 10:25:44 UTC,2019-09-13 10:25:44 UTC
9130,"Acer miyabei 
Height @0.7m
",2192,Story,26391,2019-10-21 13:41:33 UTC,2019-10-21 13:41:33 UTC
9121,With a holly growing in first branch union ,2192,Story,26372,2019-10-19 13:03:54 UTC,2019-10-19 13:03:54 UTC
9159,Multi stemmed ,2192,Story,26450,2019-11-01 11:21:59 UTC,2019-11-01 11:21:59 UTC
9160,Estimated diameter at 50cm high,2192,Story,26451,2019-11-01 11:28:11 UTC,2019-11-01 11:28:11 UTC
9164,Sophora japonica or Gleditscia? ,2192,Story,26482,2019-11-03 13:16:27 UTC,2019-11-03 13:16:27 UTC
9200,"Some sort of red oak with massive leaves, but getting strangled by brambles and bindweed ",2192,Story,26523,2019-11-08 08:52:27 UTC,2019-11-08 08:52:27 UTC
9212,Variety 'Exmouth',2192,Story,26545,2019-11-16 14:30:37 UTC,2019-11-16 14:30:37 UTC
9213,Circumference at 20cm ,2192,Story,26546,2019-11-16 15:52:35 UTC,2019-11-16 15:52:35 UTC
9248,Very strange leaved oak!?,2192,Story,26604,2019-11-29 13:51:40 UTC,2019-11-29 13:51:40 UTC
9302,Unknown hybrid ,2192,Story,26711,2019-12-23 14:48:49 UTC,2019-12-23 14:48:49 UTC
9303,Eden Project ,2192,Story,26720,2019-12-30 13:40:14 UTC,2019-12-30 13:40:14 UTC
9304,3.5 hugs,2192,Story,26727,2020-01-03 11:04:19 UTC,2020-01-03 11:04:19 UTC
9326,"Multi stemmed, circumference  estimated at 50cm hight",2192,Story,26821,2020-01-18 13:21:59 UTC,2020-01-18 13:21:59 UTC
9327,On the tree next door ,2192,Story,26822,2020-01-18 13:25:54 UTC,2020-01-18 13:25:54 UTC
9428,"Felled February 2020 due to ash dieback. Counted about 115 rings. Curio, please keep this record.",2192,Story,27169,2020-02-04 17:31:54 UTC,2020-02-04 17:31:54 UTC
9383,A grove of many!,2192,Story,27092,2020-01-29 09:05:31 UTC,2020-01-29 09:05:31 UTC
12137,Top blown / taken off. ,2192,Story,31042,2020-07-24 11:47:57 UTC,2020-07-24 11:47:57 UTC
12138,I think...?,2192,Story,31043,2020-07-24 12:43:33 UTC,2020-07-24 12:43:33 UTC
9559,29th March 2020 ,2192,Story,27446,2020-03-29 11:13:28 UTC,2020-03-29 11:13:28 UTC
9553,var. kurilensis 'Brillant' / brilliant ,2192,Story,27421,2020-03-24 16:06:05 UTC,2020-03-24 16:06:05 UTC
14030,Long male catkins 3-4 inches - so a hybrid perhaps ,2192,Story,35388,2022-03-19 16:28:23 UTC,2022-03-19 16:28:23 UTC
9572,Good tree for sitting on :-),2192,Story,27495,2020-04-08 15:52:18 UTC,2020-04-08 15:52:18 UTC
9573,Fallen but still alive...,2192,Story,27500,2020-04-12 14:41:27 UTC,2020-04-12 14:41:27 UTC
9577,"Difficult to measure, lots of burrs and low branches ",2192,Story,27507,2020-04-18 16:32:56 UTC,2020-04-18 16:32:56 UTC
9762,Circumference taken at 10 cm high,2192,Story,27772,2020-05-04 16:43:52 UTC,2020-05-04 16:43:52 UTC
10226,"Girth estimated, a hug and a foot.",2192,Story,28339,2020-05-10 14:50:17 UTC,2020-05-10 14:50:17 UTC
10227,Multi stemmed ,2192,Story,28340,2020-05-10 15:05:13 UTC,2020-05-10 15:05:13 UTC
11471,Two Southern Beeches ,2192,Story,30020,2020-06-12 10:52:40 UTC,2020-06-12 10:52:40 UTC
12136,Scarlet type.,2192,Story,31040,2020-07-24 11:10:40 UTC,2020-07-24 11:10:40 UTC
11756,Horizontal. Fallen and survived. Turkey oak probably ,2192,Story,30432,2020-06-20 15:26:49 UTC,2020-06-20 15:26:49 UTC
11916,Apple in the left of wide shot.,2192,Story,30728,2020-07-05 13:39:47 UTC,2020-07-05 13:39:47 UTC
11948,x 8 street trees,2192,Story,30789,2020-07-07 15:10:07 UTC,2020-07-07 15:10:07 UTC
12127,Beech growing out of bark,2192,Story,31028,2020-07-23 14:19:34 UTC,2020-07-23 14:19:34 UTC
12128,Growing right against beech,2192,Story,31032,2020-07-23 15:13:17 UTC,2020-07-23 15:13:17 UTC
12134,Girth estimated @80cm height just below fork. Grown from two cuttings stuck in the ground about 1990. S. babylonica in my old book.,2192,Story,31038,2020-07-24 10:48:54 UTC,2020-07-24 10:48:54 UTC
12135,One elbow on the ground. Cox-ish. 60+ years old ,2192,Story,31039,2020-07-24 11:07:34 UTC,2020-07-24 11:07:34 UTC
12469,RIP 21.8.2020,2192,Story,31479,2020-08-22 14:57:20 UTC,2020-08-22 14:57:20 UTC
12544,Possibly ,2192,Story,31709,2020-09-07 11:33:11 UTC,2020-09-07 11:33:11 UTC
12549,Girth estimated at 1.5 hugs,2192,Story,31718,2020-09-11 13:05:16 UTC,2020-09-11 13:05:16 UTC
12812,Growing right next beech.,2192,Story,32013,2020-10-04 14:39:10 UTC,2020-10-04 14:39:10 UTC
12816,"Glastonbury Thorn apparently. 
Flowering again in October.",2192,Story,32018,2020-10-06 16:08:20 UTC,2020-10-06 16:08:20 UTC
13020,"Circumference taken at about 60cm high. Does anybody else ""see"" an animal in the trunk?",2192,Story,32553,2020-12-08 13:22:07 UTC,2020-12-08 13:22:07 UTC
12946,Cooker but probably not Bramley ,2192,Story,32217,2020-10-22 16:29:39 UTC,2020-10-22 16:29:39 UTC
12973,Possibly ,2192,Story,32344,2020-11-02 17:03:30 UTC,2020-11-02 17:03:30 UTC
12986,"This ""palm"" just appeared a few weeks ago, but looks almost ring-barked. Presume cordyline..?",2192,Story,32506,2020-11-19 10:22:43 UTC,2020-11-19 10:22:43 UTC
12988,"Just for the record: felled November 2020 due to ""basal decay""  :-(
Girth estimated. ",2192,Story,32510,2020-11-19 13:02:27 UTC,2020-11-19 13:02:27 UTC
12996,Needles in pairs,2192,Story,32525,2020-11-26 15:29:16 UTC,2020-11-26 15:29:16 UTC
9570,Planted November 1989,2192,Story,27488,2020-04-05 10:42:10 UTC,2020-04-05 10:42:10 UTC
13063,Girth at 80cm high,2192,Story,32626,2021-01-03 12:03:32 UTC,2021-01-03 12:03:32 UTC
13064,About 57 rings #AshDieBack ,2192,Story,32636,2021-01-05 15:19:10 UTC,2021-01-05 15:19:10 UTC
12231,Purpurea? ,2192,Story,31219,2020-08-03 16:23:13 UTC,2020-08-03 16:23:13 UTC
13066,Planted 2020,2192,Story,32677,2021-01-23 11:13:58 UTC,2021-01-23 11:13:58 UTC
13129,Quercus? ,2192,Story,32958,2021-02-23 11:18:22 UTC,2021-02-23 11:18:22 UTC
13171,"Huge old thing, but didn't have time to take photos....",2192,Story,33038,2021-02-28 17:47:12 UTC,2021-02-28 17:47:12 UTC
13205,x Wingham ,2192,Story,33128,2021-03-05 14:12:18 UTC,2021-03-05 14:12:18 UTC
13288,"Mulberry, but not sure if Black or White yet",2192,Story,33336,2021-03-30 12:00:47 UTC,2021-03-30 12:00:47 UTC
13244,Diseased. Felled March 2021 ,2192,Story,33224,2021-03-16 09:10:36 UTC,2021-03-16 09:10:36 UTC
13271,Four,2192,Story,33294,2021-03-23 12:58:58 UTC,2021-03-23 12:58:58 UTC
13318,Girth estimated ,2192,Story,33400,2021-04-03 09:39:12 UTC,2021-04-03 09:39:12 UTC
13320,Or microphylla? ,2192,Story,33411,2021-04-06 16:46:25 UTC,2021-04-06 16:46:25 UTC
13821,Not sure about variety - red cascade? ,2192,Story,34962,2021-10-07 10:54:08 UTC,2021-10-07 10:54:08 UTC
13756,Magnolia? ,2192,Story,34739,2021-09-26 12:50:54 UTC,2021-09-26 12:50:54 UTC
13755,Apple or pear?,2192,Story,34738,2021-09-26 12:47:36 UTC,2021-09-26 12:47:36 UTC
13883,"Huge girth, will go back with a tape measure one day...",2192,Story,35096,2021-10-25 16:33:50 UTC,2021-10-25 16:33:50 UTC
13894,Or some other North American oak...,2192,Story,35123,2021-10-28 13:42:46 UTC,2021-10-28 13:42:46 UTC
13902,Sharing a canopy with 2 oaks,2192,Story,35142,2021-10-30 17:22:30 UTC,2021-10-30 17:22:30 UTC
13903,"Estimated girth.
Photo taken from a self-seedling",2192,Story,35143,2021-10-30 17:25:43 UTC,2021-10-30 17:25:43 UTC
13915,Not sure about species / hybrid ,2192,Story,35166,2021-11-11 12:57:04 UTC,2021-11-11 12:57:04 UTC
13938,Huge,2192,Story,35197,2021-12-14 13:10:40 UTC,2021-12-14 13:10:40 UTC
14162,Huge poplar. Lombardy perhaps?  ,2192,Story,35767,2022-05-02 14:44:30 UTC,2022-05-02 14:44:30 UTC
14543,About 20 years old. Flowering for last 5 years or so. ,2192,Story,37093,2022-09-03 21:43:56 UTC,2022-09-03 21:43:56 UTC
14545,Felled ,2192,Story,37095,2022-09-09 15:28:01 UTC,2022-09-09 15:28:01 UTC
12978,Hungarian? ,2192,Story,32441,2020-11-12 15:05:54 UTC,2020-11-12 15:05:54 UTC
15288,Huge multi stemmed ,2192,Story,41670,2023-06-27 10:49:21 UTC,2023-06-27 10:49:21 UTC
1443,"Osmanthus armatus (the Holly Olive) was planted in 2015 and a very unusual tree to find in a local park, so rare in fact it isn't yet in Wikipedia!. 
",1924,Story,3100,2017-10-16 06:50:49 UTC,2020-03-29 10:46:44 UTC
1446,Planted 2015,1924,Story,3120,2017-10-16 20:58:03 UTC,2017-10-16 20:58:03 UTC
1449,Parrotia persica,1924,Story,3141,2017-10-18 06:45:28 UTC,2017-10-18 06:45:28 UTC
1439,Planted 2010,1924,Story,3089,2017-10-15 08:09:26 UTC,2017-10-15 08:09:26 UTC
1440,Planted 2013 to replace a dead Freeman's maple.,1924,Story,3090,2017-10-15 10:58:35 UTC,2017-10-15 10:58:35 UTC
4298,Tree planted three years ago and still staked some damage by mower,1924,Story,18999,2018-07-23 08:54:56 UTC,2018-07-23 08:54:56 UTC
9305,Planted as part of National Tree Week 2019 on the 17th November,1924,Story,26728,2020-01-03 12:38:12 UTC,2020-01-03 12:38:12 UTC

Walking further down the path to where it divides, thise tree is on the corner of the triangle section of grass. 

The national tree of Ireland, this is the Killarney Strawberry tree, when it fruits you will know why its called this, but don't try to eat them!

This is the cover picture for this tour as it was planted by Jill and Donna to celebrate a milestone birthday for Jill (on the left) as she is a long standing friend of the park, thanks Jill.",1924,Story,27311,2020-03-07 13:14:46 UTC,2020-03-29 13:06:47 UTC

A few yards down from the lodge on the right hand side this young evergreen oak was planted around 2016. This will be a very large and imposing tree when mature and probably isn't in the right place but given it will take a very long time to mature you probably will never see this tree in its full glory..",1924,Story,27309,2020-03-07 13:12:01 UTC,2020-03-29 12:57:15 UTC
12107,Looking good in the summer of 2020,1924,Story,30993,2020-07-17 12:30:16 UTC,2020-07-17 12:30:16 UTC
9508,"Starting from the lodge walk down hill and this tree is on your left.
The venerable Oak is one of the landscapes iconic trees and provides a fantastic home for a wide range of wildlife. 
This trees is a classic examplem of its kind, and although quite big is still relativley young for an Oak, they can live for many hundreds of years.",1924,Story,27308,2020-03-07 12:56:01 UTC,2020-03-07 12:56:01 UTC
9506,"This tree is our cover girl! Whilst striking for most of the year it comes into its own in the autumn,",1924,Story,27306,2020-03-07 12:46:55 UTC,2020-03-07 12:46:55 UTC
9507,"Our Ash are currently threatened by Ash Die Back. Whilst this tree currently doesn't show any signs of being infected it probably will not stay that way.
This is one of the biggest trees in the park and displays an unusual base that has splayed out as the roots fused. ",1924,Story,27307,2020-03-07 12:49:47 UTC,2020-03-07 12:49:47 UTC
12108,Clearly not done very well in its first season.,1924,Story,30995,2020-07-17 12:31:48 UTC,2020-07-17 12:31:48 UTC

A little further on from tree 1 of the tour and on the same piece of grass this tree is a cultivar of our native Beech tree, which can be viewed as part of tour 1 elswhere in the park, This is a grafted tree that forms a very striking weeping habit. This is the only one in the Park and will dominate this corner of the flower beds..",1924,Story,27310,2020-03-07 13:13:23 UTC,2020-03-29 13:04:13 UTC
12109,Summer 2020,1924,Story,30996,2020-07-17 12:33:08 UTC,2020-07-17 12:33:08 UTC
9458,New horizon,1924,Story,27216,2020-02-21 13:14:42 UTC,2020-02-21 13:14:42 UTC
This cultivar of Elm is called ""New horizon"" and was planted as part of National Tree Week 2019 by the Wednesbury multi faith group. It has been bred to be resistant to Dutch Elm Disease that ravaged our native trees in the 1970's. 
More slender in form at maturity this tree should stand out from the crowd.",1924,Story,27226,2020-02-21 13:36:43 UTC,2020-03-29 13:21:56 UTC
9558,"One of very few coniferous trees that are deciduous (leaves drop in autumn) and is a fast growing and stunning tree with a conical shape. In 1941 this species was reported as extinct but shortly later several groups were found growing in isloated spots in China.
This is one of a group of three growing together on the right habd side of the main path as you walk down from the lodge.",1924,Story,27445,2020-03-29 10:43:09 UTC,2020-03-29 10:43:09 UTC
1664,Only had a few seconds before I had to get the bus to work. I will get better photos when I have more time. Will hopefully get identiy \ species confirmed as well,653,Story,3590,2017-11-24 08:23:23 UTC,2017-11-24 08:23:23 UTC
1703,A gathering of dogwood underneath a young pin oak,653,Story,3638,2017-11-29 08:20:11 UTC,2017-11-29 08:20:11 UTC
893,Copper Beech,653,Story,1843,2017-06-17 07:16:27 UTC,2017-06-17 07:16:27 UTC
1735,One of two common alder by the Exeter bus station,653,Story,3725,2017-12-08 08:31:29 UTC,2017-12-08 08:31:29 UTC
1736,This fantastic London plane is very likely up for the chop. The current plans of the princesshay expansion will mean this tree and three others cut down which is seems such a bad decision.,653,Story,3726,2017-12-08 08:35:17 UTC,2017-12-08 08:35:17 UTC
1341,A single large yew in the church grounds,653,Story,2720,2017-09-05 06:36:04 UTC,2017-09-05 06:36:04 UTC
1342,Medium cherry tree,653,Story,2721,2017-09-05 07:16:05 UTC,2017-09-05 07:16:05 UTC
1343,Small cherry tree,653,Story,2722,2017-09-05 07:17:36 UTC,2017-09-05 07:17:36 UTC
1344,Medium size,653,Story,2723,2017-09-05 07:19:34 UTC,2017-09-05 07:19:34 UTC
1355,Cherry,653,Story,2734,2017-09-06 07:18:46 UTC,2017-09-06 07:18:46 UTC
1404,A wasp nest nearby as many wasps around the base of the willow,653,Story,2885,2017-09-22 07:46:29 UTC,2017-09-22 07:46:29 UTC
892,Silver birch,653,Story,1842,2017-06-16 21:49:06 UTC,2017-06-16 21:49:06 UTC
894,Narrow leaved Ash,653,Story,1844,2017-06-17 07:20:14 UTC,2017-06-17 07:20:14 UTC
932,Silver birch,653,Story,1961,2017-06-23 14:46:24 UTC,2017-06-23 14:46:24 UTC
1362,Lime by bus stop,653,Story,2765,2017-09-10 10:00:35 UTC,2017-09-10 10:00:35 UTC
1450,This is a exeter elm,653,Story,3142,2017-10-18 07:01:36 UTC,2017-10-18 07:01:36 UTC
1007,Field elm,653,Story,2137,2017-07-06 12:21:45 UTC,2017-07-06 12:21:45 UTC
1008,Yew,653,Story,2139,2017-07-06 12:25:08 UTC,2017-07-06 12:25:08 UTC
1368,One of four black locust trees.,653,Story,2794,2017-09-12 06:30:50 UTC,2017-09-12 06:30:50 UTC
1507,One of several female holly trees,653,Story,3335,2017-11-10 08:30:10 UTC,2017-11-10 08:30:10 UTC
1508,This female holly tree is just by the side entrance and deeply covered in ivy,653,Story,3336,2017-11-10 08:34:23 UTC,2017-11-10 08:34:23 UTC
1367,A beautiful sycamore on a busy road,653,Story,2793,2017-09-12 06:26:03 UTC,2017-09-12 06:26:03 UTC
1369,One of four black locust,653,Story,2795,2017-09-12 06:31:49 UTC,2017-09-12 06:31:49 UTC
1526,An avenue of sweetgum on a cold morning at Northernhay Gardens in Exeter.,653,Story,3368,2017-11-13 08:25:09 UTC,2017-11-13 08:25:09 UTC
1913,This is a great spot for aspen,653,Story,4401,2017-12-24 23:10:21 UTC,2017-12-24 23:10:21 UTC
4024,My usual morning walk around Exeter and noticed the young lucombe oak getting its first flowers,653,Story,18348,2018-04-12 06:41:26 UTC,2018-04-12 06:41:26 UTC
2458,A cold but pleasant morning for this fern leaved beech,653,Story,5108,2018-01-31 18:10:34 UTC,2018-01-31 18:10:34 UTC
2604,Our wonderful horse chestnut tree on the cathedral green. This tree is also known as the candle tree as the flowers do look a bit candle like,653,Story,5254,2018-01-31 22:08:00 UTC,2018-01-31 22:08:00 UTC
2613,"From what I could make of the tree I think it’s a whitebeam, but could be wrong. Despite most of it being uprooted all of the crown is intact and has new buds. Truly amazing.",653,Story,5273,2018-02-04 23:39:02 UTC,2018-02-04 23:39:02 UTC
2612,Alder buckthorn is typically a shrub rather than a tree and Is quite widespread but uncommon. There are quite a few alder buckthorn shrubs at the RSPB Aylesbeare nature reserve,653,Story,5272,2018-02-04 00:30:54 UTC,2018-02-04 00:30:54 UTC
2617,This wonderful sycamore can be sound on the Exeter Cathedral green. Some of the seedlings are starting to sprout too.,653,Story,5279,2018-02-06 08:40:27 UTC,2018-02-06 08:40:27 UTC
2647,Common alder by our bus station,653,Story,5354,2018-02-14 08:34:19 UTC,2018-02-14 08:34:19 UTC
2659,Also known as the candle tree,653,Story,5381,2018-02-16 08:35:55 UTC,2018-02-16 08:35:55 UTC
2670,The feathery leaves are my favorite part of these great trees,653,Story,5399,2018-02-21 00:05:17 UTC,2018-02-21 00:05:17 UTC
2668,Love the buds on this tree and the flowers are stunning,653,Story,5397,2018-02-20 23:41:03 UTC,2018-02-20 23:41:03 UTC
2667,"The largest pillar crab apple tree in town, not sure of the variety though",653,Story,5396,2018-02-20 23:27:43 UTC,2018-02-20 23:27:43 UTC
2669,Three different varieties of witch hazel and also a cheeky little mouse was rustling around,653,Story,5398,2018-02-20 23:56:25 UTC,2018-02-20 23:56:25 UTC
2674,Beech is my favourite tree and it’s nice to have such s large cut leaved variety nearby,653,Story,5409,2018-02-23 08:37:47 UTC,2018-02-23 08:37:47 UTC
2764,"Exeter elm in flower, also found some insect eggs",653,Story,5541,2018-03-13 08:37:57 UTC,2018-03-13 08:37:57 UTC
2763,,653,Story,5540,2018-03-12 08:42:19 UTC,2018-03-12 08:42:19 UTC
2762,Lots of lovely aspen,653,Story,5539,2018-03-11 17:05:41 UTC,2018-03-11 17:05:41 UTC
2761,A small amount of Blackthorn in the hedges at work,653,Story,5538,2018-03-11 16:57:13 UTC,2018-03-11 16:57:13 UTC
2768,One of two common alder by the bus station,653,Story,5546,2018-03-14 08:30:34 UTC,2018-03-14 08:30:34 UTC
4180,Common lime,653,Story,18729,2018-06-09 14:11:55 UTC,2018-06-09 14:11:55 UTC
9377,Purple leaf plum tree,653,Story,27057,2020-01-26 13:18:30 UTC,2020-01-26 13:18:30 UTC
9379,This was a large copper beech tree. Believe it was felled in 2018,653,Story,27059,2020-01-26 13:23:27 UTC,2020-01-26 13:23:27 UTC
9378,"Planted as a pair, but it’s friend was felled in 2019",653,Story,27058,2020-01-26 13:21:24 UTC,2020-01-26 13:21:24 UTC
9418,12.04m high,653,Story,27143,2020-02-02 14:37:23 UTC,2020-02-02 14:37:23 UTC
9419,Not sure what tree this is yet ,653,Story,27144,2020-02-02 15:14:24 UTC,2020-02-02 15:14:24 UTC
4192,This is one of the best weeping ash in Exeter I've come across so far and it's only a 15 minute walk from home!,653,Story,18780,2018-06-18 23:03:25 UTC,2018-06-18 23:03:25 UTC
4191,Being under the canopy is light something from a fairy tale!,653,Story,18779,2018-06-18 23:01:24 UTC,2018-06-18 23:01:24 UTC
9420,Maybe a foxglove tree?,653,Story,27145,2020-02-02 15:15:56 UTC,2020-02-02 15:15:56 UTC
4201,This tree is actually metasequoia glyptostroboides,653,Story,18823,2018-06-23 13:26:03 UTC,2018-06-23 13:26:03 UTC
4219,"This fine specimen can be found on Dix’s Field in Exeter. It’s the largest one I’ve found so far, but they can get much, much bigger.",653,Story,18859,2018-06-28 06:33:09 UTC,2018-06-28 06:33:09 UTC
4227,This might be a small leaved lime but it gives a big amount of shade!,653,Story,18871,2018-06-30 16:17:57 UTC,2018-06-30 16:17:57 UTC
6644,Purple variety ,653,Story,23215,2019-06-12 00:04:53 UTC,2019-06-12 00:04:53 UTC
6639,Heavily pollarded,653,Story,23206,2019-06-10 21:53:34 UTC,2019-06-10 21:53:34 UTC
4247,Help me to save this wonderful tree and 3 others from being felled. Petition can be found here,653,Story,18914,2018-07-09 07:39:56 UTC,2018-07-09 07:39:56 UTC
4250,Dutch elm disease ended this young tree,653,Story,18918,2018-07-10 23:25:54 UTC,2018-07-10 23:25:54 UTC
4283,Had a few moments spare before catching the bus to work so got a few photos in. Lovely little smoke trees,653,Story,18983,2018-07-20 07:13:03 UTC,2018-07-20 07:13:03 UTC
4300,Spotted this beauty by luck! Was down a side street I usually don’t use,653,Story,19005,2018-07-24 07:46:01 UTC,2018-07-24 07:46:01 UTC
4311,Female tree,653,Story,19023,2018-07-29 12:09:56 UTC,2018-07-29 12:09:56 UTC
4321,"Thousands of people walk under this tree each day, not fully appreciating how much it does for us. Hopefully I’ll change that in the future!",653,Story,19041,2018-08-03 07:39:03 UTC,2018-08-03 07:39:03 UTC
4320,Farewell Norway maple of South street,653,Story,19040,2018-08-03 07:34:45 UTC,2018-08-03 07:34:45 UTC
4317,Not great photos as on the bus having a coffee :),653,Story,19036,2018-08-02 07:37:32 UTC,2018-08-02 07:37:32 UTC
4338,Old trunk left for nature,653,Story,19073,2018-08-04 12:58:13 UTC,2018-08-04 12:58:13 UTC
4350,Quick bit of study on the local pin oak before I start work for the day,653,Story,19096,2018-08-10 07:42:02 UTC,2018-08-10 07:42:02 UTC
4359,Mobile suit gundam! I was taking cover under the poplar trees :),653,Story,19108,2018-08-18 13:01:43 UTC,2018-08-18 13:01:43 UTC
9454,This is a columnular cultivar ,653,Story,27210,2020-02-19 14:39:03 UTC,2020-02-19 14:39:03 UTC
4421,The sycamore on the green enjoying the autumn,653,Story,19223,2018-09-07 07:33:57 UTC,2018-09-07 07:33:57 UTC
4420,Enjoying my morning coffee by my favourite species of tree,653,Story,19214,2018-09-06 07:33:30 UTC,2018-09-06 07:33:30 UTC
6814,Hedge ,653,Story,23511,2019-06-29 11:12:46 UTC,2019-06-29 11:12:46 UTC
6815,Hedge ,653,Story,23512,2019-06-29 11:13:18 UTC,2019-06-29 11:13:18 UTC
6816,Wild cherry tree near entrance,653,Story,23515,2019-06-29 11:25:49 UTC,2019-06-29 11:25:49 UTC
4454,After a 3 week holiday in japan I come home to see my local whitebeam chopped down. It was home to a lovely mistletoe infection and pigeons liked it. Gone.....,653,Story,19273,2018-09-12 18:40:06 UTC,2018-09-12 18:40:06 UTC
4449,Autumn colorurs starting to show,653,Story,19262,2018-09-11 07:38:37 UTC,2018-09-11 07:38:37 UTC
4447,A few mulberries hanging on...,653,Story,19256,2018-09-10 07:50:24 UTC,2018-09-10 07:50:24 UTC
4446,The biggest bracket fungi I’ve come across so far,653,Story,19255,2018-09-09 23:18:31 UTC,2018-09-09 23:18:31 UTC
4475,2 needles about two inches,653,Story,19338,2018-09-20 19:17:29 UTC,2018-09-20 19:17:29 UTC
4476,Two needles about four inches,653,Story,19339,2018-09-20 19:20:47 UTC,2018-09-20 19:20:47 UTC
4472,Hypericum,653,Story,19328,2018-09-20 18:43:02 UTC,2018-09-20 18:43:02 UTC
4473,2 needles about six inches,653,Story,19331,2018-09-20 19:02:45 UTC,2018-09-20 19:02:45 UTC
4474,2 needles about six inches,653,Story,19332,2018-09-20 19:05:04 UTC,2018-09-20 19:05:04 UTC
4478,Two needles about four inches,653,Story,19341,2018-09-20 19:23:37 UTC,2018-09-20 19:23:37 UTC
4477,Two needles about four inches,653,Story,19340,2018-09-20 19:22:04 UTC,2018-09-20 19:22:04 UTC
6817,Believe it is an apple tree,653,Story,23539,2019-06-29 13:24:51 UTC,2019-06-29 13:24:51 UTC
4496,"Young tree, looks like it was self planted",653,Story,19408,2018-09-27 19:06:56 UTC,2018-09-27 19:06:56 UTC
4501,This is the famous ancient yew of gravitate in Exeter,653,Story,19417,2018-09-29 10:58:32 UTC,2018-09-29 10:58:32 UTC
4506,Silver maple,653,Story,19504,2018-10-04 18:41:59 UTC,2018-10-04 18:41:59 UTC
4554,This is a pheasant berry,653,Story,19794,2018-10-14 21:28:16 UTC,2018-10-14 21:28:16 UTC
4583,Could be be broadleaf whitebeam. Not sure yet!,653,Story,19864,2018-10-20 20:26:05 UTC,2018-10-20 20:26:05 UTC
4584,Narrow leaved ash,653,Story,19866,2018-10-20 20:32:09 UTC,2018-10-20 20:32:09 UTC
4593,Tucked away behind the maple tree and in front of the railway club,653,Story,19884,2018-10-23 17:11:07 UTC,2018-10-23 17:11:07 UTC
4585,Younger tree,653,Story,19867,2018-10-20 20:34:21 UTC,2018-10-20 20:34:21 UTC
4620,"The local mulberry tree, getting ready for the winter",653,Story,20000,2018-11-06 08:37:28 UTC,2018-11-06 08:37:28 UTC
4642,2 needles,653,Story,20076,2018-11-22 20:29:17 UTC,2018-11-22 20:29:17 UTC
4640,2 needles about 5”,653,Story,20071,2018-11-22 20:09:23 UTC,2018-11-22 20:09:23 UTC
4633,Opposite buds. Leaves are like a Judas tree,653,Story,20036,2018-11-16 09:06:14 UTC,2018-11-16 09:06:14 UTC
4643,2 needles,653,Story,20078,2018-11-22 20:31:09 UTC,2018-11-22 20:31:09 UTC
4641,2 needles about 5”,653,Story,20073,2018-11-22 20:10:54 UTC,2018-11-22 20:10:54 UTC
4655,Private garden,653,Story,20123,2018-12-21 07:40:52 UTC,2018-12-21 07:40:52 UTC
4656,Private garden,653,Story,20124,2018-12-21 07:41:39 UTC,2018-12-21 07:41:39 UTC
4659,Private garden,653,Story,20127,2018-12-21 07:43:41 UTC,2018-12-21 07:43:41 UTC
4657,Private garden,653,Story,20125,2018-12-21 07:42:41 UTC,2018-12-21 07:42:41 UTC
4658,Private garden,653,Story,20126,2018-12-21 07:43:05 UTC,2018-12-21 07:43:05 UTC
4720,This is a Kent cobnut,653,Story,20280,2019-03-01 14:22:30 UTC,2019-03-01 14:22:30 UTC
2614,Some pictures of this fantastic tree,653,Story,5274,2018-02-05 08:39:14 UTC,2018-02-05 08:39:14 UTC
4727,This tree was removed in 2018. It looks like a new sign for the hotel is going there. So sad...,653,Story,20291,2019-03-05 01:14:04 UTC,2019-03-05 01:14:04 UTC
4732,This is a very big sweet chestnut 🌰,653,Story,20301,2019-03-09 10:23:55 UTC,2019-03-09 10:23:55 UTC
4722,This was an English oak tree,653,Story,20284,2019-03-01 14:37:22 UTC,2019-03-01 14:37:22 UTC
4728,This tree was removed in 2018. It looks like a new sign for the hotel is going there. So sad...,653,Story,20292,2019-03-05 01:15:08 UTC,2019-03-05 01:15:08 UTC
4721,A part monolith,653,Story,20283,2019-03-01 14:31:36 UTC,2019-03-01 14:31:36 UTC
4736,Magnolia galaxy,653,Story,20323,2019-03-10 15:40:32 UTC,2019-03-10 15:40:32 UTC
4738,Duplicate,653,Story,20327,2019-03-14 02:44:20 UTC,2019-03-14 02:44:20 UTC
4737,Silver birch,653,Story,20326,2019-03-11 16:27:16 UTC,2019-03-11 16:27:16 UTC
4765,This was recently planted in early 2019,653,Story,20390,2019-03-19 19:00:25 UTC,2019-03-19 19:00:25 UTC
4768,Recently planted in early 2019,653,Story,20393,2019-03-19 19:10:56 UTC,2019-03-19 19:10:56 UTC
4767,This is now a stump. The council records have this as s Bhutan pine. I think it was an Italian alder.,653,Story,20392,2019-03-19 19:06:17 UTC,2019-03-19 19:06:17 UTC
4836,Another shrub to add to my study list,653,Story,20515,2019-03-26 15:02:50 UTC,2019-03-26 15:02:50 UTC
4832,Nice day for my local whitebeam. Buds are a bit behind though...,653,Story,20504,2019-03-26 10:33:52 UTC,2019-03-26 10:33:52 UTC
4834,This was a rowan tree,653,Story,20510,2019-03-26 14:38:24 UTC,2019-03-26 14:38:24 UTC
4835,Any ideas of this lively yellow shrub?,653,Story,20514,2019-03-26 14:53:01 UTC,2019-03-26 14:53:01 UTC
4858,There are 38 mixed sized silver birch trees here,653,Story,20548,2019-03-27 17:23:46 UTC,2019-03-27 17:23:46 UTC
4860,This was a type of Lawson cypress I believe,653,Story,20556,2019-03-28 14:46:48 UTC,2019-03-28 14:46:48 UTC
4873,Deciduous type,653,Story,20584,2019-03-30 13:54:33 UTC,2019-03-30 13:54:33 UTC
4874,This is a paper plant Tetrapanax papyrifer,653,Story,20591,2019-03-30 16:10:15 UTC,2019-03-30 16:10:15 UTC
4857,This used to be a Japanese flowering cherry tree 🌲,653,Story,20544,2019-03-27 14:40:22 UTC,2019-03-27 14:40:22 UTC
4904,Female tree,653,Story,20651,2019-04-03 00:20:22 UTC,2019-04-03 00:20:22 UTC
4903,Felled in March due to high winds. Yes that is dog mess on the stump. Some people have no respect,653,Story,20650,2019-04-03 00:18:48 UTC,2019-04-03 00:18:48 UTC
4910,Lovely tree,653,Story,20662,2019-04-03 21:53:39 UTC,2019-04-03 21:53:39 UTC
4964,This was a Norway maple tree,653,Story,20801,2019-04-12 07:00:59 UTC,2019-04-12 07:00:59 UTC
4975,Monolith tree. Silver maple,653,Story,20820,2019-04-15 15:05:30 UTC,2019-04-15 15:05:30 UTC
7661,Circumference ,653,Story,24456,2019-07-23 10:39:13 UTC,2019-07-23 10:39:13 UTC
7662,Circumference ,653,Story,24457,2019-07-23 10:41:41 UTC,2019-07-23 10:41:41 UTC
7664,Circumference ,653,Story,24459,2019-07-23 10:47:05 UTC,2019-07-23 10:47:05 UTC
7687,Think this is a wingnut?,653,Story,24488,2019-07-24 14:24:19 UTC,2019-07-24 14:24:19 UTC
7663,Circumference ,653,Story,24458,2019-07-23 10:43:32 UTC,2019-07-23 10:43:32 UTC
7671,Circumference ,653,Story,24466,2019-07-23 11:36:46 UTC,2019-07-23 11:36:46 UTC
7688,Weeping beech,653,Story,24489,2019-07-24 14:40:38 UTC,2019-07-24 14:40:38 UTC
7666,Circumference ,653,Story,24461,2019-07-23 10:52:37 UTC,2019-07-23 10:52:37 UTC
7665,Circumference ,653,Story,24460,2019-07-23 10:49:27 UTC,2019-07-23 10:49:27 UTC
7672,Circumference ,653,Story,24467,2019-07-23 11:38:31 UTC,2019-07-23 11:38:31 UTC
7673,Circumference ,653,Story,24469,2019-07-23 11:41:57 UTC,2019-07-23 11:41:57 UTC
7674,Shrub ,653,Story,24470,2019-07-23 11:43:42 UTC,2019-07-23 11:43:42 UTC
7667,Circumference ,653,Story,24462,2019-07-23 10:54:35 UTC,2019-07-23 10:54:35 UTC
7668,Circumference ,653,Story,24463,2019-07-23 11:00:02 UTC,2019-07-23 11:00:02 UTC
7675,Circumference ,653,Story,24471,2019-07-23 11:53:55 UTC,2019-07-23 11:53:55 UTC
7676,Circumference ,653,Story,24472,2019-07-23 11:57:21 UTC,2019-07-23 11:57:21 UTC
7669,Circumference ,653,Story,24464,2019-07-23 11:03:38 UTC,2019-07-23 11:03:38 UTC
7677,Circumference ,653,Story,24473,2019-07-23 11:59:58 UTC,2019-07-23 11:59:58 UTC
7678,Circumference ,653,Story,24474,2019-07-23 12:03:04 UTC,2019-07-23 12:03:04 UTC
7679,Circumference ,653,Story,24475,2019-07-23 12:06:19 UTC,2019-07-23 12:06:19 UTC
7680,Circumference ,653,Story,24476,2019-07-23 12:10:17 UTC,2019-07-23 12:10:17 UTC
7681,Circumference ,653,Story,24479,2019-07-23 13:47:27 UTC,2019-07-23 13:47:27 UTC
7853,Circumference 206cm,653,Story,24679,2019-08-04 14:29:50 UTC,2019-08-04 14:29:50 UTC
7854,40 degrees and 18 meters from tree. I will work out height later! Trying to save this tree!,653,Story,24680,2019-08-04 14:35:21 UTC,2019-08-04 14:35:21 UTC
7877,Bird cherry,653,Story,24730,2019-08-11 19:00:39 UTC,2019-08-11 19:00:39 UTC
7878,Photos taken on the 4th of August. This fantastic tree is at risk of being felled for student flats. There is nothing wrong with this tree that I can see and it provides a lot of amenity value for the local community.,653,Story,24731,2019-08-11 19:15:49 UTC,2019-08-11 19:15:49 UTC
7882,Female ,653,Story,24741,2019-08-15 11:19:38 UTC,2019-08-15 11:19:38 UTC
8362,This tree is now dead,653,Story,25260,2019-08-25 13:59:59 UTC,2019-08-25 13:59:59 UTC
8309,Most of the trees along this road are elm. Not sure of the exact species though,653,Story,25203,2019-08-24 11:31:36 UTC,2019-08-24 11:31:36 UTC
6173,Not English oak - red oak perhaps?,2192,Story,22628,2019-05-30 10:30:03 UTC,2019-05-30 10:30:03 UTC
6067,A very severe pollarding,653,Story,22461,2019-05-28 00:16:21 UTC,2019-05-28 00:16:21 UTC
9047,First time I have seen a purple birch,653,Story,26263,2019-09-29 15:15:01 UTC,2019-09-29 15:15:01 UTC
9124,This was a bird cherry tree ,653,Story,26382,2019-10-20 13:56:28 UTC,2019-10-20 13:56:28 UTC
9201,"I believe this was a large leaf lime tree. At some point in 2019 it was alive - not sure when it was 'monolithed'.

I managed to get a Google Street view of the tree whilst it was alive.

Rest in peace",653,Story,26527,2019-11-08 19:34:08 UTC,2019-11-08 19:34:08 UTC
9153,Windswept sweet chestnut ,653,Story,26436,2019-10-26 15:02:18 UTC,2019-10-26 15:02:18 UTC
9578,Nice to see a new tree on the block! The large tree in the background is a Honey locust.,653,Story,27510,2020-04-19 18:04:28 UTC,2020-04-19 18:04:28 UTC
10642,White flowers ,653,Story,28854,2020-05-17 16:24:58 UTC,2020-05-17 16:24:58 UTC
11472,Stump grinder up ,653,Story,30023,2020-06-12 12:17:58 UTC,2020-06-12 12:17:58 UTC
11473,Doing well!,653,Story,30024,2020-06-12 12:18:54 UTC,2020-06-12 12:18:54 UTC
11627,Not a healthy tree:(,653,Story,30219,2020-06-15 13:51:30 UTC,2020-06-15 13:51:30 UTC
11828,5 needles,653,Story,30584,2020-06-28 13:44:01 UTC,2020-06-28 13:44:01 UTC
11829,Blackish cherries,653,Story,30595,2020-06-28 14:08:30 UTC,2020-06-28 14:08:30 UTC
12230,Cherry plum?,653,Story,31201,2020-08-03 13:12:49 UTC,2020-08-03 13:12:49 UTC
12991,Tree removed. Sycamore,653,Story,32515,2020-11-23 14:42:43 UTC,2020-11-23 14:42:43 UTC
13059,Huge!,2192,Story,32619,2020-12-31 13:13:50 UTC,2020-12-31 13:13:50 UTC
13060,This was planted at some point in Autumn 2020 to replace the removed Sycamore.,653,Story,32623,2021-01-02 18:45:33 UTC,2021-01-02 18:45:33 UTC
13061,This Sycamore tree was recently felled and the stump grinded up. The replacement tree is the nearby black walnut.,653,Story,32624,2021-01-02 18:46:54 UTC,2021-01-02 18:46:54 UTC
13062,Planted at some point in 2020!,653,Story,32625,2021-01-02 19:17:09 UTC,2021-01-02 19:17:09 UTC
13590,Strawberry dogwood,653,Story,34089,2021-06-27 14:40:28 UTC,2021-06-27 14:40:28 UTC
13740,Possibly a male tree,653,Story,34600,2021-09-12 12:16:39 UTC,2021-09-12 12:16:39 UTC
2606,This large black mulberry can be found by the side of the Exeter cathedral,653,Story,5261,2018-02-01 08:19:38 UTC,2018-02-01 08:19:38 UTC
13978,Planted 2021,653,Story,35249,2022-01-01 16:14:51 UTC,2022-01-01 16:14:51 UTC
13979,Planted 2021,653,Story,35250,2022-01-01 16:15:58 UTC,2022-01-01 16:15:58 UTC
13980,Planted 2021,653,Story,35251,2022-01-01 16:17:07 UTC,2022-01-01 16:17:07 UTC
13981,Planted 2021,653,Story,35252,2022-01-01 16:18:11 UTC,2022-01-01 16:18:11 UTC
13982,Planted 2021,653,Story,35253,2022-01-01 16:18:59 UTC,2022-01-01 16:18:59 UTC
13983,Planted 2021,653,Story,35254,2022-01-01 16:19:34 UTC,2022-01-01 16:19:34 UTC
14327,This is a long hedge of Common beech. Behind is a Tulip tree,653,Story,36310,2022-06-26 18:48:49 UTC,2022-06-26 18:48:49 UTC
14369,Evergreen shrub with yellow flowers,653,Story,36575,2022-07-18 21:10:33 UTC,2022-07-18 21:10:33 UTC
14474,Female tree,653,Story,36905,2022-08-18 15:43:20 UTC,2022-08-18 15:43:20 UTC
14475,Not Italian alder,653,Story,36907,2022-08-18 15:46:35 UTC,2022-08-18 15:46:35 UTC
14476,Has leant over into the nearby alder tree,653,Story,36908,2022-08-18 15:48:54 UTC,2022-08-18 15:48:54 UTC
14477,Growing through what’s left of an old tree,653,Story,36911,2022-08-18 15:53:53 UTC,2022-08-18 15:53:53 UTC
14478,Might not be a Norway maple ,653,Story,36916,2022-08-18 16:05:09 UTC,2022-08-18 16:05:09 UTC
14480,Black patch,653,Story,36925,2022-08-18 16:29:32 UTC,2022-08-18 16:29:32 UTC
14481,Black patch,653,Story,36926,2022-08-18 16:30:57 UTC,2022-08-18 16:30:57 UTC
14542,Shropshire damson,653,Story,37085,2022-08-31 15:46:27 UTC,2022-08-31 15:46:27 UTC
12935,"Due to this major root being left exposed, unpruned and therefore it has died, we are excavating, using an airspade, around this tree to determine whether the tree has other major roots supporting it",7047,Story,32190,2020-10-21 14:06:16 UTC,2020-10-21 14:06:16 UTC
12936,"Harry, excavating with the air spade to look for major roots to follow out from the tree",7047,Story,32191,2020-10-21 14:08:44 UTC,2020-10-21 14:08:44 UTC
14877,Treet er hult og har tre store åpninger i barken. Stort hulrom inne i treet. Grov sprekkebark,2671,Story,38379,2022-10-30 07:56:59 UTC,2022-10-30 07:56:59 UTC

BIKE RACK foundation 1 (40x60 min) 40 cm depth

3m from tree. Minor roots found and pruned.
 See pictures

",7047,Story,32194,2020-10-21 15:26:38 UTC,2020-10-21 15:26:38 UTC
Excavation of the trench from the bike stand foundation. Found various roots, a few major. Recommended a discussion with Kommune,  did not prune roots. Covered with hesian",7047,Story,32195,2020-10-21 15:45:28 UTC,2020-10-21 15:45:28 UTC
Very large root discovered on 15.10.20 when excavating with an air spade. The intention for the excavation was to make a 70x70 hole with depth of 110cm to put in a light. We abandoned the excavation after speaking with Marcel,  awaiting further discussion with Kommune ",7047,Story,32192,2020-10-21 14:55:05 UTC,2020-10-21 14:55:05 UTC
After a discussion with Marcel (following a meeting with Kommune) it was decided to move further rightwards (as looking onto track) with the excavation for the light post. We found many more major roots, both close to the surface and at approx 0.5 m depth. We have recovered with soil and protected with Hessian matting.

Pictures with tape measure showing distance from tree",7047,Story,32193,2020-10-21 14:58:45 UTC,2020-10-21 15:19:28 UTC
12933,We are using high pressure air to excavate around the main roots of this tree,7047,Story,32188,2020-10-21 12:05:14 UTC,2020-10-21 12:08:49 UTC
14008,Flott tre!,8862,Story,35341,2022-03-04 12:19:38 UTC,2022-03-04 12:19:38 UTC
Continuation of trench for bike stand. Very few roots. All small roots pruned",7047,Story,32196,2020-10-21 15:48:34 UTC,2020-10-21 15:48:34 UTC
14400,Lind,7263,Story,36711,2022-08-03 06:18:15 UTC,2022-08-03 06:18:15 UTC
14876,Det er fylt i sement i hurom ien gren høyt oppe i trekronen. ,2671,Story,38378,2022-10-30 07:40:48 UTC,2022-10-30 07:40:48 UTC
14875,Treet er fredet etter lov om naturvern ( Naturminne).  Det er sement synlig i et hulrom ,2671,Story,38377,2022-10-30 07:39:19 UTC,2022-10-30 07:39:19 UTC
13687,"Taken July 2021, palm is in full bloom",8305,Story,34399,2021-08-09 05:45:38 UTC,2021-08-09 05:45:38 UTC
13688,Taken July 2021 palm in full bloom.,8305,Story,34400,2021-08-09 05:49:38 UTC,2021-08-09 05:49:38 UTC
13697,Nitida or retusa,8305,Story,34430,2021-08-11 21:43:30 UTC,2021-08-11 21:43:30 UTC
13701,lysiloma watsonii,8305,Story,34434,2021-08-11 23:13:14 UTC,2021-08-11 23:13:14 UTC
13698,not yet in Curio's library.cascabela thevetia Yellow Oleander,8305,Story,34431,2021-08-11 22:31:28 UTC,2021-08-11 22:31:28 UTC
13702,lysiloma watsonii,8305,Story,34435,2021-08-11 23:14:09 UTC,2021-08-11 23:14:09 UTC
13699,lysiloma watsonii not in Curio library,8305,Story,34432,2021-08-11 23:07:44 UTC,2021-08-11 23:07:44 UTC
13704,shrub not tree,8305,Story,34437,2021-08-11 23:23:41 UTC,2021-08-11 23:23:41 UTC
13703,Ash species,8305,Story,34436,2021-08-11 23:21:59 UTC,2021-08-11 23:21:59 UTC
13696,"probably Cassia leptophylla, need to confirm with bloom",8305,Story,34429,2021-08-11 20:31:54 UTC,2021-08-11 20:31:54 UTC
13695,species needs to be confirmed,8305,Story,34428,2021-08-11 20:29:42 UTC,2021-08-11 20:29:42 UTC
13705,"Ocotillo,Fouquieria splendens",8305,Story,34438,2021-08-11 23:26:45 UTC,2021-08-11 23:26:45 UTC
13694,"poorly prunned, shaped is affected",8305,Story,34427,2021-08-11 20:23:33 UTC,2021-08-11 20:23:33 UTC
13693,pool condition,8305,Story,34422,2021-08-09 23:24:45 UTC,2021-08-09 23:24:45 UTC
13691,"A total of 11 more mature tree, including the newly planted one in 2021. Not clear when original mature trees were planted, most likely 15 years ago.",8305,Story,34405,2021-08-09 15:15:13 UTC,2021-08-09 15:15:13 UTC
13692,Planted Jan 2021,8305,Story,34409,2021-08-09 15:25:45 UTC,2021-08-09 15:25:45 UTC
13689,"Taken July 20021, just trimmed males",8305,Story,34401,2021-08-09 05:53:41 UTC,2021-08-09 05:53:41 UTC
13677,"In full bloom Aug 7, 2021",8305,Story,34386,2021-08-07 21:47:57 UTC,2021-08-07 21:47:57 UTC
13685,"Approx. date planted 2017, mult- trunk, good condition, size looks about six ft x 8 ft., taken in 2021 by google maps.",8305,Story,34397,2021-08-09 05:24:10 UTC,2021-08-09 05:29:45 UTC
13680,California pepper tree,8305,Story,34389,2021-08-07 23:03:46 UTC,2021-08-07 23:03:46 UTC
13684,"Take a photo the tree, state the condition, date, etc.",8305,Story,34396,2021-08-09 05:10:08 UTC,2021-08-09 05:10:08 UTC
13709,Not in survey area,8305,Story,34449,2021-08-17 00:26:19 UTC,2021-08-17 00:26:19 UTC
13683,no story at this time,8305,Story,34394,2021-08-09 00:22:58 UTC,2021-08-09 00:22:58 UTC
13676,"Recently planted 2021

Liquidambar, commonly called sweetgum , gum, redgum, satin-walnut, or American storax, is the only genus in the flowering plant family, eleven planted in Lang Park next to the school.",8305,Story,34383,2021-08-06 21:09:50 UTC,2021-08-06 21:59:40 UTC
13686,"Abt 2017 approx. date, mult trunk, getting top heavy this photo taken 2021 by google maps",8305,Story,34398,2021-08-09 05:27:29 UTC,2021-08-09 05:27:29 UTC
13700,lysiloma watsonii,8305,Story,34433,2021-08-11 23:11:10 UTC,2021-08-11 23:11:10 UTC
13714,dead tree probably pine,8305,Story,34463,2021-08-23 22:27:46 UTC,2021-08-23 22:27:46 UTC
13128,Two yew trees next to each other,7664,Story,32956,2021-02-22 08:55:47 UTC,2021-02-22 08:55:47 UTC
13177,Two nature Yew trees next to each other,7664,Story,33047,2021-03-01 15:42:29 UTC,2021-03-01 15:42:29 UTC
13211,Possibly White ash,7664,Story,33167,2021-03-11 08:27:12 UTC,2021-03-11 08:27:12 UTC
13324,Choked by ivy,7664,Story,33421,2021-04-10 08:02:11 UTC,2021-04-10 08:02:11 UTC
13328,One of tallest trees in Deerpark?,7664,Story,33449,2021-04-13 13:01:11 UTC,2021-04-13 13:01:11 UTC
13334,Young 15 years?,7664,Story,33470,2021-04-19 19:02:22 UTC,2021-04-19 19:02:22 UTC
13347,Hornbeam,7664,Story,33513,2021-05-04 07:52:29 UTC,2021-05-04 07:52:29 UTC
13348,2 beech trees next to each other - why the difference in development?,7664,Story,33514,2021-05-04 08:03:06 UTC,2021-05-04 08:03:06 UTC
13349,"2 beech trees next to each other - one in leaf, the other not yet?",7664,Story,33515,2021-05-04 08:04:48 UTC,2021-05-04 08:04:48 UTC
13525,Newly planted,7664,Story,33796,2021-06-07 14:49:41 UTC,2021-06-07 14:49:41 UTC
13526,2021,7664,Story,33797,2021-06-07 14:50:37 UTC,2021-06-07 14:50:37 UTC
13563,Newly planted,7664,Story,34016,2021-06-25 17:40:15 UTC,2021-06-25 17:40:15 UTC
13104,"Don’t know  type of eucalyptus.
Height 20m approx.",7664,Story,32916,2021-02-15 17:26:50 UTC,2021-02-15 17:26:50 UTC
13113,Feb 16,7664,Story,32926,2021-02-16 17:29:41 UTC,2021-02-16 17:29:41 UTC
13124,Note bundles of sycamore keys (seeds),7664,Story,32947,2021-02-17 08:43:57 UTC,2021-02-17 08:43:57 UTC
13127,20 trees in a triangular pattern. 60cm to 160cm diameter.,7664,Story,32955,2021-02-22 08:47:21 UTC,2021-02-22 08:47:21 UTC
13167,Next to a stand of deciduous trees,7664,Story,33026,2021-02-28 16:40:52 UTC,2021-02-28 16:40:52 UTC
13168,Damaged. Trunk has been sawn off at about 2m,7664,Story,33027,2021-02-28 16:50:13 UTC,2021-02-28 16:50:13 UTC
13170,Trunk cut. Don’t know why.,7664,Story,33032,2021-02-28 17:05:48 UTC,2021-02-28 17:05:48 UTC
13485,Also known as Whitebeam,7664,Story,33720,2021-05-25 17:25:52 UTC,2021-05-25 17:25:52 UTC
13527,Light green leave,7664,Story,33802,2021-06-07 15:03:55 UTC,2021-06-07 15:03:55 UTC
13528,Light green leave,7664,Story,33803,2021-06-07 15:04:27 UTC,2021-06-07 15:04:27 UTC
13529,Light green leave,7664,Story,33804,2021-06-07 15:05:01 UTC,2021-06-07 15:05:01 UTC
13530,Light green leaf,7664,Story,33805,2021-06-07 15:05:29 UTC,2021-06-07 15:05:29 UTC
13193,Similar tree with flaking slightly reddish  bark next to it. ,7664,Story,33103,2021-03-03 08:54:32 UTC,2021-03-03 08:54:32 UTC
13194,"Young tree, retains deadleaves - pic taken 3 March",7664,Story,33106,2021-03-04 04:21:53 UTC,2021-03-04 04:21:53 UTC
13204,0207 Tag,7664,Story,33127,2021-03-05 08:47:14 UTC,2021-03-05 08:47:14 UTC
13265,Split /branched trunk. Very tall yew. Very red bark!,7664,Story,33268,2021-03-22 16:27:45 UTC,2021-03-22 16:27:45 UTC
13266,Very tall and straight forward horse chestnut ,7664,Story,33270,2021-03-22 16:31:15 UTC,2021-03-22 16:31:15 UTC
13267,Beech tree in background of photo,7664,Story,33272,2021-03-22 16:36:37 UTC,2021-03-22 16:36:37 UTC
13268,First green buds just emerging,7664,Story,33273,2021-03-22 16:45:35 UTC,2021-03-22 16:45:35 UTC
13269,Young oak tree,7664,Story,33276,2021-03-22 18:41:34 UTC,2021-03-22 18:41:34 UTC
13270,Two oaks right next to each other. One with lopped trunk,7664,Story,33277,2021-03-22 18:43:47 UTC,2021-03-22 18:43:47 UTC
13272,Lopped trunk ,7664,Story,33296,2021-03-23 18:54:39 UTC,2021-03-23 18:54:39 UTC
13281,Top broken off,7664,Story,33323,2021-03-29 08:02:22 UTC,2021-03-29 08:02:22 UTC
13282,Top lopped,7664,Story,33325,2021-03-29 08:06:49 UTC,2021-03-29 08:06:49 UTC
13319,Identify,7664,Story,33401,2021-04-03 18:59:01 UTC,2021-04-03 18:59:01 UTC
13322,Yellowish branches,7664,Story,33413,2021-04-07 18:53:17 UTC,2021-04-07 18:53:17 UTC
13323,One sycamore among a grove of ash,7664,Story,33419,2021-04-10 07:50:19 UTC,2021-04-10 07:50:19 UTC
13325,Very flaky bark - quite different to sycamore next to it although older,7664,Story,33424,2021-04-10 08:25:13 UTC,2021-04-10 08:25:13 UTC
13326,Leaves larger and reddish brownish,7664,Story,33425,2021-04-10 08:26:51 UTC,2021-04-10 08:26:51 UTC
13327,Note woodworm in trunk!,7664,Story,33448,2021-04-13 12:57:35 UTC,2021-04-13 12:57:35 UTC
13329,Two 15 year old approx beech trees next to each other,7664,Story,33456,2021-04-14 13:13:06 UTC,2021-04-14 13:13:06 UTC
13330,Two youngish beech trees next to each other,7664,Story,33457,2021-04-14 13:14:09 UTC,2021-04-14 13:14:09 UTC
13335,Young,7664,Story,33472,2021-04-19 19:06:43 UTC,2021-04-19 19:06:43 UTC
13336,Tree lopped two third ways up,7664,Story,33474,2021-04-19 19:08:43 UTC,2021-04-19 19:08:43 UTC
13337,Lopped 2/3 way up,7664,Story,33475,2021-04-19 19:10:09 UTC,2021-04-19 19:10:09 UTC
13558,Newly planted,7664,Story,34010,2021-06-25 17:31:01 UTC,2021-06-25 17:31:01 UTC
13559,Newly planted,7664,Story,34011,2021-06-25 17:32:50 UTC,2021-06-25 17:32:50 UTC
13560,Newly planted,7664,Story,34012,2021-06-25 17:33:56 UTC,2021-06-25 17:33:56 UTC
13561,Newly planted,7664,Story,34013,2021-06-25 17:36:24 UTC,2021-06-25 17:36:24 UTC
13562,Newly planted,7664,Story,34015,2021-06-25 17:38:14 UTC,2021-06-25 17:38:14 UTC
13596,Norway maple,7664,Story,34119,2021-06-29 19:58:00 UTC,2021-06-29 19:58:00 UTC
13597,Spanish Chestnut,7664,Story,34120,2021-06-29 20:00:33 UTC,2021-06-29 20:00:33 UTC
13615,Drooping beach,7664,Story,34145,2021-07-09 13:00:14 UTC,2021-07-09 13:00:14 UTC
13815,2 narrow oaks next to each other,7664,Story,34955,2021-10-05 13:19:46 UTC,2021-10-05 13:19:46 UTC
13816,2 narrow oaks next to each other,7664,Story,34956,2021-10-05 13:21:05 UTC,2021-10-05 13:21:05 UTC
13817,One of 3 ash trees,7664,Story,34957,2021-10-05 13:24:23 UTC,2021-10-05 13:24:23 UTC
13235,Loss of many terminal buds,5718,Story,33205,2021-03-15 14:37:21 UTC,2021-03-15 14:37:21 UTC
13409,Skokie Arbor Day 2021 - The Village of Skokie & the Skokie Park District partnered to plant a Bur oak tree at the Tot Learning Center and the Talking Farm. This is Skokie's tree for Plant Trees for Communities 2021.,8050,Story,33617,2021-05-14 15:21:43 UTC,2021-05-14 15:21:43 UTC
13538,"Old farm hedgerow - many, very old osage orange trees!!",5718,Story,33832,2021-06-17 15:56:38 UTC,2021-06-17 15:56:38 UTC
13618,C-pot,5718,Story,34195,2021-07-21 15:29:26 UTC,2021-07-21 15:29:26 UTC
13619,C/pot,5718,Story,34196,2021-07-21 15:32:03 UTC,2021-07-21 15:32:03 UTC
13621,Beetles were observed infesting the tree and causing windowpainting damage ,5718,Story,34198,2021-07-21 15:40:17 UTC,2021-07-21 15:40:17 UTC
13622,C-pot,5718,Story,34199,2021-07-21 15:41:47 UTC,2021-07-21 15:41:47 UTC
13630,White Pine,5718,Story,34237,2021-07-21 23:30:50 UTC,2021-07-21 23:30:50 UTC
13632,White Pine,5718,Story,34239,2021-07-21 23:35:05 UTC,2021-07-21 23:35:05 UTC
13880,Northern red oak,5718,Story,35083,2021-10-21 16:07:35 UTC,2021-10-21 16:07:35 UTC
13881,Northern red oak,5718,Story,35084,2021-10-21 16:08:39 UTC,2021-10-21 16:08:39 UTC
13891,"Deciduous, opposite, simple leaf, ash fraxinus 60 TO 80 FT tall",5718,Story,35116,2021-10-27 15:56:44 UTC,2021-10-27 15:56:44 UTC
13893,"London llanetree, 75 to 100 FT tall, very large leaves and mottled bark",5718,Story,35120,2021-10-27 16:05:45 UTC,2021-10-27 16:05:45 UTC
13899,Bark detail ,5718,Story,35135,2021-10-30 15:39:03 UTC,2021-10-30 15:39:03 UTC
13900,Beauty ,5718,Story,35138,2021-10-30 15:55:01 UTC,2021-10-30 15:55:01 UTC
13901,Check out this little cutie!,5718,Story,35140,2021-10-30 16:02:36 UTC,2021-10-30 16:02:36 UTC
13907,"""I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree."" - Joyce Kilmer",5718,Story,35155,2021-11-05 14:57:27 UTC,2021-11-05 14:57:27 UTC
14151,"Small buds, opposite branching",5718,Story,35675,2022-04-27 14:59:40 UTC,2022-04-27 14:59:40 UTC
14329,Purple prince,5718,Story,36321,2022-06-27 14:51:53 UTC,2022-06-27 14:51:53 UTC
14330,London planetree  Morton circle,5718,Story,36325,2022-06-27 15:07:11 UTC,2022-06-27 15:07:11 UTC
14331,Carl Ferris miller,5718,Story,36328,2022-06-27 15:20:33 UTC,2022-06-27 15:20:33 UTC
14332,Bowhall red maple,5718,Story,36329,2022-06-27 15:23:50 UTC,2022-06-27 15:23:50 UTC
14333,Bowhall ,5718,Story,36330,2022-06-27 15:26:02 UTC,2022-06-27 15:26:02 UTC
14334,Bowhall ,5718,Story,36331,2022-06-27 15:28:51 UTC,2022-06-27 15:28:51 UTC
14472,Removed ,8852,Story,36866,2022-08-16 18:10:54 UTC,2022-08-16 18:10:54 UTC
14549,Exclamation,5718,Story,37170,2022-09-12 20:22:58 UTC,2022-09-12 20:22:58 UTC
14550,Exclamation ,5718,Story,37182,2022-09-12 20:35:19 UTC,2022-09-12 20:35:19 UTC
14601,Kindred Spirit oak,5718,Story,37357,2022-09-20 20:28:40 UTC,2022-09-20 20:28:40 UTC
14602,Kindred Spirit oak,5718,Story,37358,2022-09-20 20:29:45 UTC,2022-09-20 20:29:45 UTC
14604,Zamoyski,5718,Story,37360,2022-09-21 14:56:31 UTC,2022-09-21 14:56:31 UTC
14605,Exclamation ,5718,Story,37362,2022-09-21 15:25:48 UTC,2022-09-21 15:25:48 UTC
14606,Autumn Splendor,5718,Story,37365,2022-09-21 15:47:49 UTC,2022-09-21 15:47:49 UTC
14607,Eagles!,5718,Story,37367,2022-09-21 15:53:27 UTC,2022-09-21 15:53:27 UTC
14608,Kindred Spirit,5718,Story,37368,2022-09-21 15:57:42 UTC,2022-09-21 15:57:42 UTC
14609,Zamoskyi,5718,Story,37369,2022-09-21 16:05:39 UTC,2022-09-21 16:05:39 UTC
14610,Autumn Brilliance,5718,Story,37370,2022-09-21 16:06:21 UTC,2022-09-21 16:06:21 UTC
14724,tree pit,5718,Story,37780,2022-10-02 19:26:05 UTC,2022-10-02 19:26:05 UTC
14818,GO T-birds!,5718,Story,38089,2022-10-18 18:36:43 UTC,2022-10-18 18:36:43 UTC
14819,"15 gal, Green giant, planted by students",5718,Story,38096,2022-10-18 19:00:35 UTC,2022-10-18 19:00:35 UTC
14820,Exclamation!,5718,Story,38105,2022-10-20 15:50:58 UTC,2022-10-20 15:50:58 UTC
14821,Exclamation!,5718,Story,38107,2022-10-20 15:54:34 UTC,2022-10-20 15:54:34 UTC
14827,Exclamation!,5718,Story,38124,2022-10-21 16:01:21 UTC,2022-10-21 16:01:21 UTC
14828,Exclamation!,5718,Story,38128,2022-10-21 16:04:13 UTC,2022-10-21 16:04:13 UTC
14866,Early Glow,5718,Story,38287,2022-10-25 15:46:48 UTC,2022-10-25 15:46:48 UTC
14867,Early Glow,5718,Story,38302,2022-10-25 16:18:40 UTC,2022-10-25 16:18:40 UTC
14871,Exclamation!,5718,Story,38345,2022-10-28 15:43:05 UTC,2022-10-28 15:43:05 UTC
14872,Exclamation!,5718,Story,38346,2022-10-28 15:53:29 UTC,2022-10-28 15:53:29 UTC
14880,Green Giant,5718,Story,38383,2022-10-30 18:59:30 UTC,2022-10-30 18:59:30 UTC
14881,Green Giant ,5718,Story,38389,2022-10-30 19:08:55 UTC,2022-10-30 19:08:55 UTC
14882,Exclamation!,5718,Story,38439,2022-11-01 15:51:49 UTC,2022-11-01 15:51:49 UTC
14883,Wahoo,5718,Story,38447,2022-11-01 16:34:11 UTC,2022-11-01 16:34:11 UTC