TARGET = ".data/ksk-dopisy.vert.shuffled" |
import os |
import re |
from typing import Dict |
import jsonlines |
from tqdm import tqdm |
def process_vert_format(vert_content: str) -> Dict[str, str]: |
doc_pattern = re.compile(r'<doc[^>]*>.*?</doc>', re.DOTALL) |
metadata_pattern = re.compile( |
r'<doc id="([^"]*)"\s+signatura="([^"]*)"\s+archiv="([^"]*)"\s+pispohl="([^"]*)"\s+pisvek="([^"]*)"\s+pisvzdel="([^"]*)"\s+pispobyt="([^"]*)"\s+pister="([^"]*)"\s+vztah="([^"]*)"\s+adrpohl="([^"]*)"\s+adrvek="([^"]*)"\s+adrvzdel="([^"]*)"\s+rok="([^"]*)"\s+forma="([^"]*)">' |
) |
block_pattern = re.compile(r'<block[^>]*>.*?</block>', re.DOTALL) |
note_pattern = re.compile(r'<note text="([^"]*)"/>\s*@') |
ws_before_punct = re.compile(r'\s+([.,!?:;])') |
documents = re.findall(doc_pattern, vert_content) |
processed_documents = {} |
for doc in tqdm(documents): |
metadata_match = re.search(metadata_pattern, doc) |
if metadata_match: |
doc_id = metadata_match.group(1) |
signatura = metadata_match.group(2) |
archiv = metadata_match.group(3) |
pispohl = metadata_match.group(4) |
pisvek = metadata_match.group(5) |
pisvzdel = metadata_match.group(6) |
pispobyt = metadata_match.group(7) |
pister = metadata_match.group(8) |
vztah = metadata_match.group(9) |
adrpohl = metadata_match.group(10) |
adrvek = metadata_match.group(11) |
adrvzdel = metadata_match.group(12) |
rok = metadata_match.group(13) |
forma = metadata_match.group(14) |
pispohl = "Žena" if pispohl == "F" else ("Muž" if pispohl == "M" else pispohl) |
adrpohl = "Žena" if adrpohl == "F" else ("Muž" if adrpohl == "M" else adrpohl) |
metadata_str = (f"Pohlaví pisatele: {pispohl}, " |
f"Pobyt pisatele: {pispobyt}, " |
f"Počet dětí pisatele: {pister}, " |
f"Pohlaví adresáta: {adrpohl}, " |
f"Rok: {rok}, ") |
else: |
raise ValueError("Metadata not found in document") |
for bid, block in enumerate(re.findall(block_pattern, doc)): |
block = note_pattern.sub(r'@\1@', block) |
tokens = [line.split("\t")[0].strip() for line in block.split("\n") if line.strip() != ""] |
doc_text = " ".join(tokens) |
doc_text = re.sub(r'<[^>]*>', '', doc_text) |
doc_text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', doc_text).strip() |
doc_text = re.sub(ws_before_punct, r'\1', doc_text) |
if doc_text.strip() == "": |
continue |
processed_documents[f"{doc_id}_{bid}"] = metadata_str + "\n" + doc_text |
return processed_documents |
with open(TARGET, "r") as f: |
vert_content = f.read() |
processed_documents = process_vert_format(vert_content) |
OF = ".data/hf_dataset/cnc_ksk/test.jsonl" |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(OF), exist_ok=True) |
with jsonlines.open(OF, "w") as writer: |
for doc_id, doc in list(processed_documents.items()): |
writer.write({"text": doc, "id": doc_id}) |