Rood von Rah Tout comme Rood se tourna, il se pencha un peu et aperçut un peu la fille faunus qui lui avait donné sa dent avant toute cette mission juste avant que leurs fronts se rencontrent dans une fissure! "Oof!" Le prince égyptien est tombé en arrière, tenant ses yeux et gémissant. À travers ses doigts escarpés, il a réussi à attraper la vue d'un grand-dark-and-broody faisant un stupide mouvement de rotation avant d'attraper un ensemble de jolies pièces de cartes tarot. Rowan aussi, a pris ce qui était le plus proche. Rood ferma les yeux et frotta le front, gémissant dans la douleur. "Les requins ne sont pas censés avoir des os? Le tien est... owwww! Ouf..." Rood s'est redressé et lui a fait éclater un sourire éclatant associé à un grondement douloureux, ce qui lui a donné l'air d'être "en train d'écarter ses crocs" d'une sorte de sourire souriant. "J'ai pitié de la grimace que tu fais à la tête!" Levant les yeux, il regarda Rowan, en hurlant. "Je ne pense pas que plus d'un soit nécessaire. On devrait rentrer. Qui sait quel genre de choses sont... "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?" Pendant qu'il parlait, le sol s'enfonçait sous eux. Comme... une créature qui se déplaçait sous une feuille de lit à grande échelle, ramenant la terre en mouvement. Les poils sur le dos du cou de Rood se levèrent et il s'accroupit tout en retirant sa lance et en tenant son bras de chaîne. Au loin, le câlin d'un Jamais a été entendu mais au-dessous d'eux... quelque chose de peut-être plus sinistre attendait. Puis ça s'est arrêté. La terre s'est calmée. Confus, Rood regarda les autres élèves. Après un moment de silence, il a commencé à se détendre. À ce moment-là, la chose qui se déplaçait en dessous s'est découverte... directement sous Rowan et Bonny. Il s'est élevé haut, les serrer tous les deux dans sa mâchoire, il a crié, et a glissé dans le trou dans lequel il est entré. Un Grimm "rétrograde". "Rowan! Bonny!" Rood est allé sauter après eux avant que le Nevermore mentionné a balayé à la fois Vlad et Rood vers le haut dans ses talons et a volé dans le ciel ci-dessus.
Rood von Rah Age 17 Gender Male Species Human APPEARANCE Height 6'2" Weight 211 lbs Clothing Style When not having to be in Beacon's uniform, Rood ordinarily adorns himself in ornate gold armor up to the waist with a royally bold red cape sashed at his waist which billows when he walks. He wears expensive heavy golden earrings and a red stone necklace at all times regardless if he is in uniform or not. His body is decorated with intricate red paint as a symbol of his status. Hair Color Blonde Eye Color Red COMBAT Weapons Eye of Ma'at His arm is covered in chains with a speared tip at the end, making lashing out with this long range weapon a very deadly experience. The speared tip can 'flower' out into a mini revolving end which Rood can fire off AS he whips this weapon around with the help of his semblance Mehet-Weret A classic lance with decorative and intricate craftsmanship. Best when paired with Rood's semblance. Though it has the option to use Dust, a situation where that would be necessary hasn't been crossed. Or has it? Semblance Friction Manipulation Rood is able to run on air (but NOT fly), walk on water, deflect oncoming attacks, increase or decrease and object's velocity, and change his own inertia. He is also able to generate heat, but not flames by concentrating all on the friction in regards to his body's/an object's placement. Without a gun, he is able to fire off bullets at will by concentrating his friction, hence the placement of the 'gun' at the end of his whip. See 'Other' for limitations. Dust Rood is extensively knowledgeable about Dust but for some reason doesn't carry any on him. Skills Taunting Evasion Surprise PERSONALIZED Personality Brash Dominant Sensitive Regal Passionate Skills -Has taken to playing a lute -Surprisingly, enjoys working with scrapped textiles to make fashionable outfits -Sewing Background For now, Rood's personal history will be shrouded in mystery. What can be shared is common knowledge to all students attending Beacon Academy. The Rah name belonged to a very prestigious family who once ruled the Kingdom of Mistral. The family line, however, fell due to unforeseen circumstances; enemies of past generations ambushed members of the family and cut them down. Desperate to hold the prestige of the family line, the few Rah's remaining married into Atlas' own royals the Schnee's. The two familie's connected only by forced marriages ruled in their separate kingdoms once order was restored, and the purity of the Rah line was forever broken. From there, two generations down, Rood was born a von Rah. This will be the first time in his life he has ever been exposed to working with others his own age. Character Theme Though he encompasses the summation of egyptian culture and religion as a whole, Rood is best described as a genderbent Neith, the Egyptian Goddess of War who wields a masculine bow and arrow. Traded instead for his main weapon is the feminine whip and his red necklace in place of her red crown. Neith is known for her love of weaving, which I wanted to really translate to Rood; which I did in the form of him enjoying sewing and making things out of it for others. 'Rood' is Dutch for red, and 'von' is a common German name add-on, which is frequent pattern seen in the Schnee name. Rah, of course is in reference to Ra, the egyptian God of the sun. Other: Jaune is the best About Friction - Rood's Semblance is vast in its potential, this is true. Or it would be if he could do more than one of any of those things at one time. Every use of his semblance takes all of his concentration, and it doesn't take long until all that usage takes a toll. Thanks to the nature of the semblance, Rood is at constant risk for overheating or in the worst case scenario spontaneously combusting, making his ability a dangerous one to wield for not only other, but for himself.
Bonny Mako Bonny s'est sentie poussée et pressée alors qu'elle glissa la gorge de Grimm avec Rowan. Un goo noir visqueux l'a enduite pendant qu'elle allait (pas qu'elle pouvait même voir cela), et a rendu très difficile d'attraper quelque chose. Enfin, Bonny a décidé d'arracher une autre dent (ouf) et de l'enfoncer dans la paroi de l'estomac, ce qui l'a finalement empêchée de descendre. Avec sa main libre, elle a attrapé Rowan alors qu'il glissa devant. "Eh bien," a-t-elle dit, en essayant de ne pas trop respirer pour qu'elle n'ait pas à sentir l'intérieur du Grimm. "C'est une belle situation dans laquelle nous nous sommes retrouvés coincés, matey. Emprisonné dans le ventre de la bête." Bonny a examiné leurs options. Ce n'était pas très souvent Hunters et Huntresses se retrouvaient mangés vivants par Grimm. Cela s'était déjà produit, mais d'habitude, toute la partie « mangée » avait tendance à rendre la partie « vivante » impossible avant que le Grimm ne soit fini avec eux. Dans ce cas, ils avaient été avalés entiers, avec leurs armes. L'évasion devrait être une question simple... en théorie, du moins. "Juste besoin de souffler un grand gros trou de saignement dans le cul d'yer..." Bonny murmura, maudit le Grimm pendant qu'elle s'accrochait à sa dent pour la vie chère, sculptant une divot dans le mur pour qu'elle puisse glisser de plus en plus de son bras à l'intérieur.
Bonny Mako Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Shark Faunus APPEARANCE More or less like this. See below for details on where her appearance differs from the picture. Height: 5 ft., 11 in. Weight: 162 lbs., slightly less now that a significant chunk of her dorsal fin has been lost Clothing style: A blue and white striped long-sleeve shirt that's torn-up, short-cut, and somewhat revealing (though not quite as revealing as pictured above) paired with a comparatively modest blue-grey skirt. The skirt reaches down to below her knees or so in the front and drags behind her in the back, giving the illusion of a shark tail when blown by the wind or dragged behind her in the water. The fin-shaped pockets at her hips are actually fanny packs, in which to store loot. She wears a dark grey bandana with a skull and crossbones on it and old grey leather shoes that look ratty, water-logged and worn, and her idea of "accessorizing" boils down to grabbing or stealing anything remotely shiny or expensive-looking and wearing it as tacky bling. She also has an anchor tramp stamp. Hair color: Dirty blonde Eye color: Reddish brown COMBAT Weapon: Best described as an 18th century naval revolver cannon repurposed as a jetpack, the Revenge has six revolving chambers in which to load various types of cannonballs. Each chamber is marked by color (red for fire, blue for ice etc.) and can hold a few cannonballs each before needing to be reloaded. While this is obviously all fine and dandy, the Revenge has a hidden functionality you wouldn't guess until you've seen it in action, because you'd swear it was invented by a mad person. By taking the mounted rig normally used to carry the cannon minigun-style and slipping it over her shoulders, Bonny points the cannon at the ground, fires, and takes off like she's wearing a jetpack, dropping bombs on her enemies from the sky. This is not actual flight but rather a sort of rocket jumping, and Bonny rises and falls in a predictable parabolic arc when using it. Additionally, the cannon can also be used as a handy bludgeon or battering ram in close quarters combat. When Bonny repurposed her father's cannon into her own weapon, she realized the new revolver mechanism made the traditional rammer used to load cannonballs into the breach obsolete. Not wanting to get rid of such a fine piece of craftmanship, Bonny wrapped the rammer in cloth infused with fire-elememted Dust, creating a giant, reusable match. Now whenever Bonny wants to set something or someone on fire, she just strikes the rammer on the ground like a match, takes a swig of whatever's in her flask, and sprays it all over her makeshift torch, blowing fire everywhere like a carnival firespitter. She does this both because it's fun and because her cannon makes for an effective yet unwieldly melee weapon. This way, she can be quicker on the draw and avoid risking any damage to her main weapon. Semblance: Bonny's Semblance allows her to detect minute changes in electromagnetic fields with great sensitivity, much like a shark's ampullae of Lorenzini. She can sense muscle contractions in people and animals, which many people mistake for a psychic ability or having eyes in the back of her head. Due to this ability it is very difficult to hide from Bonny, and almost impossible to get the drop on her, as her Semblance allows her to "see" you move faster than normal eyes could process. It's also how she knows where to hit you from behind cover, and why she always greets people before they enter the room, something she likes to do just to freak people out. Dust: Bonny uses Dust ammunition in her cannon, launching cannonballs of various elemental types through the different chambers. Using fire Dust or explosives as a powder charge, she can also fire the cannon at the ground and use it like a jetpack to rocket jump. These cannonballs can also be tossed like bombs. The types of elemental dust Bonny uses in her cannon are Fire, Ice, and Electricity. She also uses explosive and smoke cannonballs. Skills: Tracking Aerial bombardment Taunting Drawing fire away from her teammates (though usually not on purpose) PERSONALIZED Personality: Loud Boisterous Kleptomaniac Hidden shame Skills: Swimming Lockpicking Pickpocketing Tracking Drinking Cardsharking Starting fires Singing sea shanties by the sea shore Background: A shark Faunus, and also secretly the daughter of the now infamous Faunus pirate Woodrow "Woody" Thatcher. Born to Woody and a human mother, Bonny and her family lived happily as a shining example of mixed-race marriage. For about two years, after which Bonny's mother was killed during a supposed "White Fang suppression" effort while defending her husband and child, a campaign that saw Bonny's hometown destroyed, burned to the ground, and Bonny and her father imprisoned with other Faunus refugees in the internment camp "Menagerie". They made a serious mistake in underestimating the depth and fire of the aquatic Faunus' rage however, and Thatcher soon conspired to escape from Menagerie with his daughter and a small group of like-minded men in tow. It was this group of escapees that would come to form the founding members of Woody "Dust to Dust" Thatcher's less than jolly crew of pirates, a mercenary group that sailed the high seas for years freeing Faunus and pillaging from the rich. Stealing a boat from the docks of lush human city just outside the borders of Menagerie, Thatcher put what little he knew about maritime protocols to use, and set sail a new and freed man. At first, during the early years, they just took on jobs for disenfranchised Faunus, only striking out at Remnant's oppressive governments when provoked... or when given the chance. It was these years that Bonny would come to remember as the golden ones, where she as a young girl truly felt as free and guiltless as the pirates her father read to her about in story books. But this wasn't Neverland, and she couldn't stay a kid forever. As time went on, the jobs Thatcher's crew took on became increasingly violent, fueled by the bitterness and hatred of the oppressed Faunus and her father, who never truly got over the loss of his wife. Their pillaging became more frequent, targeting not just rich government officials, but any human towns they could find. Villages burned. People died. Innocent people. Her father cited the needs of an always growing crew, but Bonny knew better. She knew her father and the crew were striking back because they hated humans, because they couldn't forgive in their hearts the things they had done to them. And their violent acts of rebellion were only growing worse. Bonny watched as the illusion that had carefully protected her through childhood crumbled, and her father's crew became monsters to her. Though she knew what they were doing was wrong, Bonny had tasted enough of human cruelty that she was still indecisive, unable to agree with her father but equally unable to invision a life for herself outside of the crew. Unable to forgive the hatred that was in her own heart, the hatred imparted to her by her father. That all changed the day her father began planning the siege. It was the largest operation the crew had attempted to date, and it would see them returning to the coast where they had first escaped from Menagerie. The plan was simple. Create as much chaos and destruction as physically possible to draw attention and manpower away from the borders of Menagerie. Then, a small group of men from Thatcher's crew would infiltrate Menagerie and start a riot, breaching the walls and defenses of the prison with a flood of angry Faunus that would cascade into the city, creating even more damage and senseless violence. Then, once the chaos became self-sustaining, the crew would pull out, leaving the city and its human inhabitants to their fate. The sheer horrificness of the plan, not to mention its size and scope, shocked Bonny out of any illusions she had that her father was not a criminal, and she began plotting mutiny. The night before the siege was scheduled to begin, Bonny smashed all the bottles of rum and spirits aboard the ship and set it ablaze, ripping the ship's ornate main cannon off the bow and swimming out to sea with it. If all went well, she'd make landfall in a few hours. More than enough time to warn the city before her father got the fire under control. All did not go well. Her father caught wind of her betrayal, and as she set off towards shore with the cannon in tow, her father shot at her in rage, puncturing a hole in her dorsal fin near the base that made it almost impossible for Bonny to swim carrying the giant cannon. However she persisted anyway, and disappeared into the night. The damage to her fin proved greater than she'd imagined, and it left her unable to stabilize. Eventually she veered far off course, losing time and gaining miles until eventually she ended up on the shores of Atlas, half dead from starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss. She had just about torn her fin off trying to make it to shore with the cannon, and by the time she made it, the siege was already over. Miles and miles down the coast, the defenseless city had fallen, and Menagerie had been breached, causing the largest prison break of interned Faunus yet reported. To add insult to injury, her futile efforts cost Bonny her fin, and with it her hopes of ever swimming again. Landlocked, out of hope and out of options, Bonny found her way out as a Huntress. Gaining an Atlas sponsorship for the combat skills she'd honed as part of a pirate crew, she fashioned herself a weapon out of her father's old cannon, eventually graduating from the preliminary combat schools and finding her way to Beacon as a transfer student, where she hoped/hopes to start a new life. Character theme: While Bonny represents the Golden Age of Piracy as a whole, she is more specifically based loosely off of Anne Bonny, an infamous female pirate who left a life of privilege and luxury behind to sail the seven seas on a ship called Revenge, burning her father's livelihood to the ground as she left. Other: Image Song Jaune is the best.
Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka Vladimir s'est dit qu'ils étaient morts. Dommage pour Rowan, mais c'est moins de compétition, je suppose. Il n'a pas eu le temps de penser beaucoup d'autre avant d'être arraché par une griffe Grimm surdimensionnée et, à côté du personnage aux cheveux blonds, le seul étudiant qui s'approchait de sa taille et de son poids, traîné de plus en plus haut dans le ciel. "Qu'est-ce que je disais de partir avant qu'on se faufile?" Vlad a dit à voix haute à personne en particulier, pas sûr si ses mots ont été perdus par le vent ou non. Malgré sa situation, un sourire a commencé à se faufiler sur son visage, un plan pratiquement infaillible pour tuer ce Nevermore se formant déjà dans son esprit. Simulant la tablette dans son armure et tirant ses armes, il a dirigé l'arme sur le sous-ventre du Nevermore, le mécanisme de perruque se déployant alors qu'il prenait le but, puis l'a tiré droit vers le haut, le grappin se logeant dans la chair de l'avien et s'écroulant pour accorder une prise ferme, beaucoup à la consternation de la créature. Avec cela hors du chemin, et en maintenant une prise sur la poignée du pistolet, il a commencé à balancer son épée vers la jambe de la créature, piratant dedans pour essayer de couper les muscles, les tendons et les os (bien que la plupart des os dans sa jambe avaient brisé au point de l'inutilité par le deuxième ou troisième coup, creux comme ils étaient) qui se trouvaient sous sa peau. -- Au passage, nous ne nous sommes jamais présentés, n'est-ce pas? l'adolescent pâle mentionné à Rood de façon offensive, en faisant la moitié de ses efforts pour gainer son épée et étendre une main à son compagnon victime. "Le nom est Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka. Et toi?"
Name: Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human APPEARANCE Additional oversized image displaying his weapons and contrasting his clothing choices with one another; please ignore anything that isn't the man in the middle of the image. Height: 195cm/6.4" Weight: 110kg/242.5lbs, much of which is muscle Clothing Style: Vladimir generally wears a tight black bodysuit to show off his musculature to others, over which he wears clothing based on whether he knows he is to fight that day: an incomplete suit of plate armour if he is, a red leather longcoat if he isn't, or both if he wants to appear stylish. He's also inexplicably fond of white gloves. Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Red COMBAT Weapon: Maw and Breath - Vladimir's weapons of choice consist of a large cruciform longsword and an oversized, almost handcannon-esque pistol, as pictured above. Whilst not necessarily fancy-looking by most weapon standards at first, both possess the capacity to open up into wicked multi-toothed constructs that are quite capable of restraining even a trained Hunter or Huntress in the manner of a multi-dimensional beartrap, and are barbed such that anyone who attempts to struggle free will likely suffer a lot of injury for their efforts. Furthermore, Breath's construct has the (optional) capacity to be launched with some force by firing the weapon whilst it is deployed, letting it restrain a foe from a great distance, and even remains connected to the handle of the gun by a thick metal wire to drag the victim back toward Vladimir for a closer-ranged pummelling. Semblance: Blood of the Dragon - This is a secret, for now. Dust: Dust is utilised by Vladimir, generally as part of his weapon's ammunition; his preference is shells loaded with Fire or Lava Dust, but if he knows he'll be facing an opponent with a particular association, he'll likely pick out ammo elements to counter the opponent's preferences, e.g. Water and/or Ice to negate Fire. Skills: Physically powerful Well-rounded Brutal combat style Savvy Calculating PERSONALIZED Personality: Manipulative Domineering Arrogant Intellectual Pragmatic Skills: Intelligent Athletic Able street fighter Charismatic Knowledgable Background: Vladimir was born into a moderately aristocratic Atlesean family which had recently fallen on hard times. His father, also called Vladimir, was a member of a group called the Knights of the Dragon - giving him his honorary surname "Drakk" or Dragon, and his son the surname of "Drakka" or Dragonson, in addition to the family surname of Plasimov - that had been quite famous in the nation of Mantle before it ceased to exist, but which had since declined to the point of near-dissolution. This state of affairs had not sat well with Drakk, or his high lifestyle and funds, and he thus began abusing his wife both physically and mentally, until finally overdoing it and accidentally putting her in hospital for long enough that questions were asked about him. This ultimately triggered Drakka's removal from Drakk's overbearing mannerisms, though these had already left in the twelve-year-old the beginnings of his own rather cruel, if highly intellectual personality; as a final request, Vladimir's father asked the authorities that, rather than being put into foster care, he be sent to live with some close family friends, the Morgensterns. Unlike the Plasimov family, the Morgenstern family had done very well for themselves in spite of their own allegiance with the Knights of the Dragon. Seeing what his father had declined to, and comparing his own possible future to that if he didn't make his moves quickly, Vladimir made it a personal goal of his to usurp the biological heir to the Morgenstern's fortune, and thus to surpass his own father in every way he could. He started to sidle himself into the family patriarch Valentine's good graces as quickly as possible, whilst simultaneously engaging in psychological warfare against his step-brother Jonathan to throw him off and have him lose face at times when it would matter. He might have succeeded, too, if not for two significant factors: Valentine was a lot more perceptive than Vladimir gave him credit for, often figuring out the truth of Vlad's manipulations with little obvious effort; and, more importantly, Jonathan was not as much of a doormat as he first appeared. Despite Vladimir's best efforts to avoid direct conflict, the two teens came to blows far more often than he'd like, and these fights quickly drew out both of their innate potentials. Deciding that he would rather they make use of their developing Auras against the Grimm than against each other, Valentine enrolled both children at one of Atlas' private combat schools, in preparation for them to eventually enroll in the famed Atlas Academy itself. This to some extent quelled their battles for the time being, since illegal combat was far more harshly punished by the school than by their father, but Vladimir nevertheless continued to bully Jonathan at any opportunity he got, leading to little good blood between them. This unstable peace ended after Vlad finally unlocked his Semblance - something which he suspected might be inherited, but which he decided to grant an appropriate name anyway: Blood of the Dragon. He spent the final year or so of his education at the school training his Semblance and figuring out what it could do with little intimidation toward Jonathan; then, on the very last day of school, he made a point of beating his stepbrother to a pulp with his bare hands in public, getting himself arrested and his brother hospitalised and in a coma. Shortly afterward, he was put before his stepfather, who had already decided that Vlad had gone too far this time. In no uncertain terms, Valentine told the astounded boy that he had arranged to send him to Beacon Academy in Vale as a transfer student, stating his belief that the education there was less thorough than in Atlas, but that that was exactly what Vlad deserved for what he'd done, and that maybe the more liberal setting would teach him some damn humility. Not long after, Vladimir was sent off to Beacon, having already vowed to become the academy's top student and show both Valentine and Jonathan what he was truly capable of, or else die trying, for nothing less than this would satisfy his ego. tl;dr Background: Vlad was born into a previously-rich family that had fallen on hard times; His father became abusive and beat Vlad's mother unconscious, Vlad was taken away by authorities, but his father requested he be left with family friends; Vlad came into the family, which consisted of a father and son, and had done far better than Vlad's family, so he vowed to inherit that family's wealth even over his stepbrother via trickery and psychological warfare; It turns out the stepfather was smarter, and the son less wimpy, than credit had been given, and Vlad and his stepbrother fought often enough that it became a problem; The stepfather put them both into a private training school to make better use of their aura than it currently had, and their fighting was mostly quelled by stricter punishments; Vlad eventually unlocked his semblance, Blood of the Dragon, which he studied for a bit, then used to beat his stepbrother into a coma at the end of their time at the school; As punishment, his stepfather had him sent to Beacon Academy rather than Atlas Academy, with Vlad vowing to become Beacon's top student in response to this injustice. Character Theme: Evidently, this guy is based on Vlad II "Țepeș" Dracula, or rather the vampire count who spawned from his acts and inherits his name. However, a lot of inspiration for Vladimir's character, his backstory in particular, comes from Dio Brando of JJBA fame, which I feel isn't too unsuitable given that the real Dracula was called "The Impaler" for a very good reason. That said, his appearance is derived from that of Alucard of Hellsing fame, and there's also a reference to The Domination of Draka in there, to make the name less of a straight theft from real life, and which still fits given the heavy dragon theming in his character. Other: Jaune is my fukken bae, and nobody can tell me otherwise.
Rowan D. Valinn Oui, mais tu n'as jamais... Rowan a fait tomber les comprimés alors que le sol secouait sous lui. Il avait à peine le temps de réagir avant que le sol lui-même ne semble s'ouvrir et l'avaler complètement. Son shriek a été étouffé par l'épaisseur pure de la peau de Grimm. La descente de Rowan s'est brusquement arrêtée lorsque le requin Faunus s'est emparé de son bras. Malgré la texture glissante du goo qui les couvrait maintenant, Rowan maintenait son emprise sur le bras Faunus. Qui savait ce qui les attendait au fond? Son but immédiat était d'assurer sa propre prise sur l'intérieur de la bête, sinon son Semblance drainerait beaucoup trop de la fille, Aura. Il a utilisé sa main libre pour frapper dans le mur charnu. Il a fallu plusieurs coups infusés d'aura, mais il a fini par éroder assez de la chair pour former sa propre prise sur la bête. Il a coupé le lien entre les deux, prenant une profonde respiration. Cela, cependant, était certainement la mauvaise chose à faire à l'époque. La putride des Grimm ronfle à l'intérieur de ses narines. Son visage s'est tordu dans le dégoût alors qu'il essayait de trouver une meilleure odeur pour remplacer le courant. Mais il n'a pas eu de chance. Ils étaient entourés par l'odeur horrible. Une situation est probablement sous-estimée. Je ne sais pas à quoi ressemble l'estomac d'un Grimm, et je suis sûr que l'enfer ne veut pas le découvrir. La faible lueur des murs de la créature a fourni une très petite quantité de lumière, mais il suffisait de voir qu'il n'y avait pas de sortie facile. Rowan entra dans son manteau et sortit une petite boîte rectangulaire. Il l'a ouvert, révélant une quantité importante de Poussière rouge. D'habitude, je n'utilise pas tout à la fois, et il n'a probablement pas tué le Grimm, mais cela pourrait nous donner l'occasion de nous échapper... Comment votre Aura tient-il le coup?Un bourbier de culpabilité s'est abattu sur le visage de Rowan pendant qu'il attendait une réponse. Son apparence était autant une malédiction qu'une bénédiction. Il a peut-être été bénéfique dans un combat, mais la peur de drainer involontairement quelqu'un, Aura était toujours présent dans son esprit.
Name: Rowan Dmitri Valinn Age: 17 Gender: Female APPEARANCE Height: 5’ 5” Weight: 125 lbs Clothing Style: Rowan is not much of a jeans and t-shirt kind of person. She’ll usually base her attire around the color red. Almost every outfit consists of a red coat of some sort. She is a major advocate of the combat skirt movement. Rowan wears a black scarf given to her by her father. Hair Color: Silver Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: Rowan’s weapon’s name is Tyrfing. It is a pair of black fist-wraps. On the back is the symbol for red Dust. Semblance: Rowan’s Semblance is known as the Saboteur's Touch. When she comes into contact with someone, her Semblance activates and drains the Aura from the person. It only drains from the initial contact, and if she remains in contact, then her Semblance will not drain any more. Her Semblance is constantly active, and she has ability to stop it from activating. Dust: Tyrfing is infused with red Dust, allowing for slightly explosive punches. The Dust has to be re-applied after every fight, as it runs out rather quickly. Skills: Rowan was trained extensively in both Wado-Ryu, as well as Krav Maga. She combines the two to form her own unique fighting style. She is able to move with the flow of the battle, and strike hard when the opportunity presents itself. Rowan is a tank of sorts, and prefers to stay in the thick of the battle. Her sizeable Aura allows her to absorb hits with relative ease. PERSONALIZED Personality: Charismatic Light-hearted Sarcastic Erratic Sociable Skills: Juggling Acrobatics Origami Rowan was born into a family of wealth. Her grandfather was a renowned doctor who had made several advancements in the medicinal field. Rowan’s father, being an only child, naturally inherited most of the family wealth when his father died. Rowan grew up living a life of luxury. She was waited on constantly, and could have anything within a moment’s notice. She attending a prestigious private school, where her parents bribed all of her teachers to give her passing grades. Despite having anything she could ever want, Rowan was unhappy with her life. She barely knew her parents, and she had no one she could truly call a friend. She craved excitement, adventure. Friendship. She begged her parents to send her to combat school. Reluctantly, they let her attend Sanctum Academy in Mistral. Rowan was in for a brutal awakening. Her first year at Sanctum left her at the bottom of her class in nearly all aspects, including socially. No one at Sanctum cared about her. Rowan spent the summer in between school years fervently training. She desperately wanted to prove herself. When she returned, while she had drastically improved herself, she was nowhere near the top students. She sought tutoring from one of these top students, a kid named Onyx. He gladly took Rowan under his wing, teaching her various fighting methods, as well as Aura and Semblance training. By the end of her time at Sanctum, Rowan was among the top tier students. She still couldn’t emerge as the best, but she was an excellent fighter. After some discussion with her parents, they agreed to let her further her education as a Huntress. She applied to Beacon Academy, in hopes of getting into the prestigious academy. Much to her surprise, she was accepted. Off she went to Beacon, eager to become a fully-fledged Huntress and help maintain the world’s peace. Rowan was inspired by the Norse mythological figure, Svafrlami. Svafrlami was the grandson of Odin, which inspired Rowan's renowned grandfather. Svafrlami forced a pair of dwarves to forge him an extremely powerful sword, but the sword was cursed by the dwarves. One of the dwarve's names was Dvalinn, so I incorporated that into Rowan's name (D. Valinn). Rowan’s Semblance is similar to a curse, although not relevant to the curse placed on the sword. Other: Jaune is best grill confirmed.
Chen Jet "Crap merdique de merde CRAP!" Chen courut vers la falaise où il devait être groupé avec de nouveaux coéquipiers, en colère contre lui-même pour avoir dormi un jour où il s'était dit de ne pas dormir. Il attendait avec impatience aujourd'hui depuis un mois, il avait mis tant d'alarmes pour lui-même, mais il dormait encore! Chen est finalement arrivé à la zone de lancement et a vu le directeur Ozpin debout avec une fille blonde qui semblait quelque peu familière. "Ouais! Chef d'orchestre!" Chen sauta dans l'air et disparut dans une bouffée de fumée noire, réapparaissant devant lui en sprintant de sa longue distance. Il a attendu quelques secondes pour reprendre son souffle et a regardé Ozpin. "Désolé d'être en retard, j'avais des trucs à faire. Des choses importantes." Chen a menti à travers ses dents alors qu'il regardait autour. "Alors, où est tout le monde? Est-ce que tout le monde s'est déjà mis en couple et est parti? Oh mec, je ne vais pas devoir faire équipe avec moi-même, si? Je ne pense pas que cela marcherait bien pour être honnête." Chen sourit nerveusement comme il l'a dit, alors qu'il masquait son inquiétude derrière l'humour, il ne voulait vraiment pas être dans une sorte d'équipe d'un seul homme. Ce serait très gênant.
Name: Chen "Z" Jet Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5'3 Weight: 115 lbs Clothing Style: Black jeans and a black t-shirt with his logo on it. Wears a black leather jacket on top of his outfit with some sunglasses hanging out of a pocket. Hair Color: Jet Black Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: "Jet Stream": Jet Stream is a set of two black submachine guns with a red trim, which can transform into twin wakizashis for close range combat. When not in combat they collapse into his sleeves for easy concealment. Semblance: "Sonic Boom": Chen teleports in a flash of black smoke up to a range of 20 feet in any direction. He must know where he is teleporting or he runs the risk of teleporting into a solid object, which would obviously end badly. Two seconds must pass between uses, wait time gets longer as he runs out of energy. Dust: Keeps a few clips of Incendiary Dust bullets at all times. Skills: Chen uses an acrobatic fighting style primarily focused around dodging and redirecting attacks rather than blocking them. He focuses on staying mid-range and peppering foes with bullets, teleporting into melee range when he sees an opening. Is more suited for taking down slow targets and goons rather than powerful opponents. Works well in a team, not much of a leader. PERSONALIZED Personality: Jokester Carefree Intelligent Happy Serious when needed Skills: Coming up with bad jokes Video Games Tabletop Games Flight Simulators Secret Hobby: Reading Background: Chen was born in Atlas to an Atlas pilot and a no name village woman, the pilot abandoning the woman as soon as he found out she was pregnant. The woman hoped to start a new life outside of Atlas and immigrated to Vale to find something new. Chen grew up always watching the sky, hoping to one day fly through the great blue and find his father. As Chen grew older his mother would tell him stories of the daring feats his father would perform, but never told him his name. She would instead call him "Z", though she never explained why. As he grew older he abandoned his dream of meeting his father, becoming aware that his father wasn't as great of a man as he believed, but never gave up on one day flying. He joined Beacon to become a Huntsman and maybe because he liked how high up Beacon was in comparison to the town he lived in. Character Theme: Chen is loosely based off of Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind. Zephyrus is also the god of the spring wind, which is why I made Chen such a happy and jokestery person. In Zephyrus' stories he's also shown as a womanizer which I included in the form of Chen's father. And finally Chen's nickname "Z" is an reference to the first letter of Zephyrus. Other: Jaune is not best, Ren is best. Ren will always be best.
Ozpin Le professeur aux cheveux pâles regardait le nouveau venu, son sourcil frémissait. À ce moment-là, la vue d'un grand jamais plus au loin a été abordée par un garçon aux cheveux erratiquement foncés. Ozpin regarda la commotion et prit une gorgée de son café, seulement pour ne plus trouver était laissé avec une fronce. Il s'est levé d'où il s'est assis, hurlant sur les quais. "Allez. Lancez-vous. Certains d'entre nous ont d'importantes questions à régler à temps. Avec ça, il était parti. Glynda se leva d'où elle s'asseyait aussi, renonçant à sa récolte. "Démarrez-vous." Elle s'est ennuyée, évidemment. Rood von Rah Alors qu'ils étaient ramassés et que la force de la vitesse frappait ses yeux sensibles, Rood fut forcé de garder les yeux fermés. Il se déroula la tête, grogneant comme ses mains sentaient l'emprise des talons rudes à sa taille. Il entendait à peine la voix du garçon aux cheveux noirs au-dessus du vent torrentiel qui survolait ses oreilles lentement devenant plus frigides. La blonde réussit à peine à lui ouvrir l'œil, ne prenant que la silhouette de l'autre enfant faisant quelque chose avec son arme et étirant sa main vers lui. Rood, gémissant, a lutté pour se libérer du bras avant de saisir son partenaire temporaire par son bras offert. Cette fois, il a à peine réussi à faire ce qu'il a demandé. En réponse, il cria sur la tempête. "Rood... Rood von Rah!" Il réussit à se débarrasser de son deuxième bras et ne perdit pas de temps à le relever droit, puis à le faire tomber brusquement sur le talon. Moments avant qu'il n'ait eu, la légère fissure dans l'air autour de l'avant de son bras était visible, rendant la vitesse de son bras dans un flou. Assez vite qu'il avait tranché à travers le talon, ce qui a causé le grimm sans pieds à grimacer dans l'agonie. Il serait tombé avec le talon démembré s'il n'avait pas saisi le bras de Vlad. Il s'est tenu serré, grogne... puis, en utilisant sa main libre couverte de chaînes, il s'est arraché le bras, incitant la chaîne à s'envoler. Il a enveloppé autour du cou du géant jamais plus, la pointe du fouet s'épanouissant dans un pistolet qui a soufflé des balles directement dans le cou du Nevermore. Cela n'a rien fait de plus que faire le grimm shriek et commencer à s'envoler vers les côtés opposés du feu entrant. Le grand oiseau s'est écrasé dans un arbre par l'angle de son aile et s'est effondré, ce qui a provoqué la déconnexion et la montée des deux corps dans l'air. Il est clair cependant qu'il n'était pas encore terminé.
Rood von Rah Age 17 Gender Male Species Human APPEARANCE Height 6'2" Weight 211 lbs Clothing Style When not having to be in Beacon's uniform, Rood ordinarily adorns himself in ornate gold armor up to the waist with a royally bold red cape sashed at his waist which billows when he walks. He wears expensive heavy golden earrings and a red stone necklace at all times regardless if he is in uniform or not. His body is decorated with intricate red paint as a symbol of his status. Hair Color Blonde Eye Color Red COMBAT Weapons Eye of Ma'at His arm is covered in chains with a speared tip at the end, making lashing out with this long range weapon a very deadly experience. The speared tip can 'flower' out into a mini revolving end which Rood can fire off AS he whips this weapon around with the help of his semblance Mehet-Weret A classic lance with decorative and intricate craftsmanship. Best when paired with Rood's semblance. Though it has the option to use Dust, a situation where that would be necessary hasn't been crossed. Or has it? Semblance Friction Manipulation Rood is able to run on air (but NOT fly), walk on water, deflect oncoming attacks, increase or decrease and object's velocity, and change his own inertia. He is also able to generate heat, but not flames by concentrating all on the friction in regards to his body's/an object's placement. Without a gun, he is able to fire off bullets at will by concentrating his friction, hence the placement of the 'gun' at the end of his whip. See 'Other' for limitations. Dust Rood is extensively knowledgeable about Dust but for some reason doesn't carry any on him. Skills Taunting Evasion Surprise PERSONALIZED Personality Brash Dominant Sensitive Regal Passionate Skills -Has taken to playing a lute -Surprisingly, enjoys working with scrapped textiles to make fashionable outfits -Sewing Background For now, Rood's personal history will be shrouded in mystery. What can be shared is common knowledge to all students attending Beacon Academy. The Rah name belonged to a very prestigious family who once ruled the Kingdom of Mistral. The family line, however, fell due to unforeseen circumstances; enemies of past generations ambushed members of the family and cut them down. Desperate to hold the prestige of the family line, the few Rah's remaining married into Atlas' own royals the Schnee's. The two familie's connected only by forced marriages ruled in their separate kingdoms once order was restored, and the purity of the Rah line was forever broken. From there, two generations down, Rood was born a von Rah. This will be the first time in his life he has ever been exposed to working with others his own age. Character Theme Though he encompasses the summation of egyptian culture and religion as a whole, Rood is best described as a genderbent Neith, the Egyptian Goddess of War who wields a masculine bow and arrow. Traded instead for his main weapon is the feminine whip and his red necklace in place of her red crown. Neith is known for her love of weaving, which I wanted to really translate to Rood; which I did in the form of him enjoying sewing and making things out of it for others. 'Rood' is Dutch for red, and 'von' is a common German name add-on, which is frequent pattern seen in the Schnee name. Rah, of course is in reference to Ra, the egyptian God of the sun. Other: Jaune is the best About Friction - Rood's Semblance is vast in its potential, this is true. Or it would be if he could do more than one of any of those things at one time. Every use of his semblance takes all of his concentration, and it doesn't take long until all that usage takes a toll. Thanks to the nature of the semblance, Rood is at constant risk for overheating or in the worst case scenario spontaneously combusting, making his ability a dangerous one to wield for not only other, but for himself.
Bran Brass Eh bien, ce jour avait été désastreux jusqu'à présent, son transport de Vacuo avait été retardé grâce à avoir besoin de réparations avant qu'il puisse faire le voyage à Vale. Bran a dit au capitaine d'appeler et de faire savoir à l'école qu'ils seraient en retard grâce à ce retard. Le capitaine a dit qu'il le ferait, puis encore une fois il n'était pas sûr que l'homme le ferait, après tout, le capitaine ne semblait pas aimer le jeune chasseur. Avec le temps de tuer, il se mit à travailler à choisir ce qu'il porterait pour son premier jour. Quelque chose qui laisserait une bonne première impression, rien à imaginer après tout, il s'attendait au combat. Souriant, il a arraché une chemise blanche à manches longues, une cape noire à incrustation orange, il a tiré sur le gant pour la main de l'épée, et s'est dirigé vers la salle de bain. En changeant de chemise et en tirant sa ceinture, il se prépara ensuite au combat, en nettoyant son épée, il insista de nouvelles bobines de fil. Revenant de l'arrière, il tira sur ses lunettes et regarda, Vale avait l'air très impressionnant à distance très moderne par rapport à l'endroit où il avait séjourné Vacuo. Pendant qu'ils accostaient, il avait reçu un message qu'il avait besoin d'atteindre le terrain rapidement ou de risquer l'expulsion. Soupirant, il a attendu patiemment que le navire atterrisse et ouvre les portes, au moment où il atterrit, il a remis ses lunettes dans le cas et dans son sac. Il s'est précipité vers la forêt, il avait étudié la carte pour savoir où étaient les choses une fois qu'il est arrivé. Il a rapidement déménagé, espérant que ce ne serait pas fini au moment où il est arrivé, il avait choisi Beacon parce que cela semblait la meilleure école pour lui. Il espérait avoir au moins une chance de l'expérimenter. Il a atteint le sommet de la colline quelques minutes plus tard en regardant vers le professeur Goodwitch. "Je suis terriblement désolé d'avoir été retardé par le vaisseau aérien qui a besoin de réparations. Je promets de ne pas prendre l'habitude d'être professeur en retard. » Il s'inclina alors qu'il s'excusait pour son retard et il comprendrait que si elle le renvoyait, il espérait que le capitaine lui aurait envoyé un message pour que le professeur Goodwitch sache pourquoi il serait en retard. Si ce n'était pas bien qu'il puisse à Shade ou Atlas ensuite, peut-être qu'ils l'emmèneraient.
Name: Bran Brass Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5' 3" Weight: 155 pounds Clothing Style: Very neat and clean, everything pressed and perfect. He sews and creates all his clothes, normally he wears a very nice suit and takes great pride in his appearance. He is usually up early to make sure his hair, clothes, and body are perfectly kept, believing that looking good is part of feeling good. Hair Color: Dark red Eye Color: Orange COMBAT Weapon: Riesen Messer- The giant's knife is rather underwhelming normally, three feet and only a foot thick. However this piece of steel hide's a few tricks. Able increase and decrease it's length it can go all the way to eight feet, earning it's name as the giant's knife. It's second form is one even more impressive, the weaver is able to use spools of thread to move and tie up targets. Controlling these threads while time consuming and requiring highly skilled motor control they can be used to move and create trip wires and other such traps. Semblance: Seven in one, splitting his aura seven ways he can create seven copy's of himself doing this at great risk as losing a clone removes a seventh of his aura. Dust: When using dust it is generally in a spool inserted into the threading system, while not often used as the level of precision is difficult to control. Thus generally if he does use dust it's for steam, failing that he will also use it to annoy and hamper his opponent. His sword can use it as well though low funds means he generally just use's it in spools. Skills: 1. Highly acrobatic 2. Incredibly strong 3. Stealth 4. Fast attacks 5. Appear's weak PERSONALIZED Personality: 1. Defiant 2. Regal 3. Caring 4. Open 5. Intelligent Skills: 1. High quality tailor 2. Very capable cook 3. Trained hair stylist Background: Born and raise in Mistral his father was a poor tailor and his mother ran the local inn. Growing up the runt of the family he was pushed around by his two older sisters and had to care for his younger sister as well. As he grew he learned to fight, mostly thanks to the other boys picking on him. Training with his sisters and having to survive the other boys beating's helped him learn to move fast, and hit even harder. When he was thirteen he discovered his semblance, after finding his younger sister shoved in to the mud and crying he attacked the boys responsible, the seven boys thought they would be fight one little shrimp. Yet summoning up his strength and with one punch all seven of the boys collapsed before Bran Brass. For that feat of strength his father crafted him a belt and used there savings to get their son a weapon. No in town could believe it, little Bran Brass the boy who cooked meals in the tavern and sewed nearly everyone's suits and dresses with his father was going to a Huntsman. However he did not train at a combat prep school instead choosing to travel outside the walls and learn to fight Grimm in the wild. He traveled alone, becoming stronger and learning all he could about the Grimm and battling them. He did keep close to the borders so that he could return if attacked and did not venture far. He would only remain out there for a year, returning to civilization he began entering tournaments to test his skills. Proving himself a capable and talented fighter in open tournaments held for Huntsman in Mistral area. He was accepted to a combat school and set to work there, he was accepted in to Beacon recently and is quite excited to attend the school more to learn to work with a team. Character Theme: Based off the fairy tale's 'The Little Tailor' and 'Jack The Giant Killer.' Other: Jaune is the best. Theme: Anger Management
Bonny Mako Bonny a grognonné à la fille aux cheveux argentés. "Me Aura va bien. Un peu faible pendant une seconde..." Elle s'est demandé pourquoi mais ne l'a pas laissée la déranger pendant longtemps. Au lieu de cela, la reine pirate a hissé son canon avec un bras et l'a pressé aux murs de l'estomac de Grimm. "Oui. Maintenant Imma me tire sur le canon à l'estomac ici et..." Bonny s'est arrêtée quand elle a eu une idée, regardant la boîte de Poussière Rouge. Un vilain sourire s'est évanoui sur ses traits. Elle a tiré son canon loin du mur, et l'a tourné ainsi il a fait face vers le bas. "En deuxième lieu, un nouveau plan. Je veux que ce salaud regrette de nous avoir avalés. Sur ma marque, Yer va jeter toute cette poussière derrière nous, et puis Imma m'a tiré dessus canon. Avec un peu de chance, tout ça souffle à la fois à l'intérieur de son cul et on sort de l'autre bout. Savvy?" Bonny sourit. Bien sûr qu'il faudra d'abord lui casser les dents. Réfléchissez, Long Jane Silver."
Bonny Mako Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Shark Faunus APPEARANCE More or less like this. See below for details on where her appearance differs from the picture. Height: 5 ft., 11 in. Weight: 162 lbs., slightly less now that a significant chunk of her dorsal fin has been lost Clothing style: A blue and white striped long-sleeve shirt that's torn-up, short-cut, and somewhat revealing (though not quite as revealing as pictured above) paired with a comparatively modest blue-grey skirt. The skirt reaches down to below her knees or so in the front and drags behind her in the back, giving the illusion of a shark tail when blown by the wind or dragged behind her in the water. The fin-shaped pockets at her hips are actually fanny packs, in which to store loot. She wears a dark grey bandana with a skull and crossbones on it and old grey leather shoes that look ratty, water-logged and worn, and her idea of "accessorizing" boils down to grabbing or stealing anything remotely shiny or expensive-looking and wearing it as tacky bling. She also has an anchor tramp stamp. Hair color: Dirty blonde Eye color: Reddish brown COMBAT Weapon: Best described as an 18th century naval revolver cannon repurposed as a jetpack, the Revenge has six revolving chambers in which to load various types of cannonballs. Each chamber is marked by color (red for fire, blue for ice etc.) and can hold a few cannonballs each before needing to be reloaded. While this is obviously all fine and dandy, the Revenge has a hidden functionality you wouldn't guess until you've seen it in action, because you'd swear it was invented by a mad person. By taking the mounted rig normally used to carry the cannon minigun-style and slipping it over her shoulders, Bonny points the cannon at the ground, fires, and takes off like she's wearing a jetpack, dropping bombs on her enemies from the sky. This is not actual flight but rather a sort of rocket jumping, and Bonny rises and falls in a predictable parabolic arc when using it. Additionally, the cannon can also be used as a handy bludgeon or battering ram in close quarters combat. When Bonny repurposed her father's cannon into her own weapon, she realized the new revolver mechanism made the traditional rammer used to load cannonballs into the breach obsolete. Not wanting to get rid of such a fine piece of craftmanship, Bonny wrapped the rammer in cloth infused with fire-elememted Dust, creating a giant, reusable match. Now whenever Bonny wants to set something or someone on fire, she just strikes the rammer on the ground like a match, takes a swig of whatever's in her flask, and sprays it all over her makeshift torch, blowing fire everywhere like a carnival firespitter. She does this both because it's fun and because her cannon makes for an effective yet unwieldly melee weapon. This way, she can be quicker on the draw and avoid risking any damage to her main weapon. Semblance: Bonny's Semblance allows her to detect minute changes in electromagnetic fields with great sensitivity, much like a shark's ampullae of Lorenzini. She can sense muscle contractions in people and animals, which many people mistake for a psychic ability or having eyes in the back of her head. Due to this ability it is very difficult to hide from Bonny, and almost impossible to get the drop on her, as her Semblance allows her to "see" you move faster than normal eyes could process. It's also how she knows where to hit you from behind cover, and why she always greets people before they enter the room, something she likes to do just to freak people out. Dust: Bonny uses Dust ammunition in her cannon, launching cannonballs of various elemental types through the different chambers. Using fire Dust or explosives as a powder charge, she can also fire the cannon at the ground and use it like a jetpack to rocket jump. These cannonballs can also be tossed like bombs. The types of elemental dust Bonny uses in her cannon are Fire, Ice, and Electricity. She also uses explosive and smoke cannonballs. Skills: Tracking Aerial bombardment Taunting Drawing fire away from her teammates (though usually not on purpose) PERSONALIZED Personality: Loud Boisterous Kleptomaniac Hidden shame Skills: Swimming Lockpicking Pickpocketing Tracking Drinking Cardsharking Starting fires Singing sea shanties by the sea shore Background: A shark Faunus, and also secretly the daughter of the now infamous Faunus pirate Woodrow "Woody" Thatcher. Born to Woody and a human mother, Bonny and her family lived happily as a shining example of mixed-race marriage. For about two years, after which Bonny's mother was killed during a supposed "White Fang suppression" effort while defending her husband and child, a campaign that saw Bonny's hometown destroyed, burned to the ground, and Bonny and her father imprisoned with other Faunus refugees in the internment camp "Menagerie". They made a serious mistake in underestimating the depth and fire of the aquatic Faunus' rage however, and Thatcher soon conspired to escape from Menagerie with his daughter and a small group of like-minded men in tow. It was this group of escapees that would come to form the founding members of Woody "Dust to Dust" Thatcher's less than jolly crew of pirates, a mercenary group that sailed the high seas for years freeing Faunus and pillaging from the rich. Stealing a boat from the docks of lush human city just outside the borders of Menagerie, Thatcher put what little he knew about maritime protocols to use, and set sail a new and freed man. At first, during the early years, they just took on jobs for disenfranchised Faunus, only striking out at Remnant's oppressive governments when provoked... or when given the chance. It was these years that Bonny would come to remember as the golden ones, where she as a young girl truly felt as free and guiltless as the pirates her father read to her about in story books. But this wasn't Neverland, and she couldn't stay a kid forever. As time went on, the jobs Thatcher's crew took on became increasingly violent, fueled by the bitterness and hatred of the oppressed Faunus and her father, who never truly got over the loss of his wife. Their pillaging became more frequent, targeting not just rich government officials, but any human towns they could find. Villages burned. People died. Innocent people. Her father cited the needs of an always growing crew, but Bonny knew better. She knew her father and the crew were striking back because they hated humans, because they couldn't forgive in their hearts the things they had done to them. And their violent acts of rebellion were only growing worse. Bonny watched as the illusion that had carefully protected her through childhood crumbled, and her father's crew became monsters to her. Though she knew what they were doing was wrong, Bonny had tasted enough of human cruelty that she was still indecisive, unable to agree with her father but equally unable to invision a life for herself outside of the crew. Unable to forgive the hatred that was in her own heart, the hatred imparted to her by her father. That all changed the day her father began planning the siege. It was the largest operation the crew had attempted to date, and it would see them returning to the coast where they had first escaped from Menagerie. The plan was simple. Create as much chaos and destruction as physically possible to draw attention and manpower away from the borders of Menagerie. Then, a small group of men from Thatcher's crew would infiltrate Menagerie and start a riot, breaching the walls and defenses of the prison with a flood of angry Faunus that would cascade into the city, creating even more damage and senseless violence. Then, once the chaos became self-sustaining, the crew would pull out, leaving the city and its human inhabitants to their fate. The sheer horrificness of the plan, not to mention its size and scope, shocked Bonny out of any illusions she had that her father was not a criminal, and she began plotting mutiny. The night before the siege was scheduled to begin, Bonny smashed all the bottles of rum and spirits aboard the ship and set it ablaze, ripping the ship's ornate main cannon off the bow and swimming out to sea with it. If all went well, she'd make landfall in a few hours. More than enough time to warn the city before her father got the fire under control. All did not go well. Her father caught wind of her betrayal, and as she set off towards shore with the cannon in tow, her father shot at her in rage, puncturing a hole in her dorsal fin near the base that made it almost impossible for Bonny to swim carrying the giant cannon. However she persisted anyway, and disappeared into the night. The damage to her fin proved greater than she'd imagined, and it left her unable to stabilize. Eventually she veered far off course, losing time and gaining miles until eventually she ended up on the shores of Atlas, half dead from starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss. She had just about torn her fin off trying to make it to shore with the cannon, and by the time she made it, the siege was already over. Miles and miles down the coast, the defenseless city had fallen, and Menagerie had been breached, causing the largest prison break of interned Faunus yet reported. To add insult to injury, her futile efforts cost Bonny her fin, and with it her hopes of ever swimming again. Landlocked, out of hope and out of options, Bonny found her way out as a Huntress. Gaining an Atlas sponsorship for the combat skills she'd honed as part of a pirate crew, she fashioned herself a weapon out of her father's old cannon, eventually graduating from the preliminary combat schools and finding her way to Beacon as a transfer student, where she hoped/hopes to start a new life. Character theme: While Bonny represents the Golden Age of Piracy as a whole, she is more specifically based loosely off of Anne Bonny, an infamous female pirate who left a life of privilege and luxury behind to sail the seven seas on a ship called Revenge, burning her father's livelihood to the ground as she left. Other: Image Song Jaune is the best.
Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka Vlad avait eu l'idée qu'après avoir coupé la jambe du Nevermore, il se servirait de ses armes pour gravir son corps, puis utiliser Maw pour pirater son aile jusqu'à ce que quelque chose soit coupé, disloqué, ou autrement endommagé d'une manière irréparable, du moins à court terme. Un Nevermore, après tout, est un adversaire beaucoup moins dangereux, surtout avec un pied et demi manquant. Il avait eu cette idée, mais elle était partie des rails au moment où cette figure de Rood décida d'utiliser son bras comme une balançoire de corde. Il semblait que l'emblème de Rood impliquait quelque chose dans le sens de « couper à travers à peu près n'importe quoi », étant donné que Rood avait fait en une grève ce qu'il aurait fallu à Vlad plusieurs autres pour finir. Non pas qu'il se plaignait - apparemment, tirer sur la chose dans le cou avec une arme étrangement semblable à la propre Vlad était tout aussi efficace que pirater ses ailes - mais il est venu avec le léger désavantage que les deux humains sont maintenant en spirale dans l'air, un peu hors de contrôle, en dépit de leurs grappins respectifs. Peu importe, cependant. Jusqu'à ce que Vlad le voit, ils s'accrochent encore aux avant-bras les uns des autres, et comme c'est arrivé, son arme n'avait pas été arrachée de sa main. Réinitialisant son grappin et cherchant à voir où ils se dirigeaient, il dirigea Breath, ouvrit son becartrap et le tira, le dispositif se fermant sur une branche d'arbre comme auparavant, ne faisant pas grand-chose pour arrêter leur descente avant que le grappin commence à se rétracter, les traînant tous les deux vers la branche. Peu à peu, après quelques instants de rebondissements et de rebondissements répétés jusqu'à l'expiration de leur élan, Vlad s'est retrouvé attaché à la branche par le grappin de Breath, à une vingtaine ou une trentaine de pieds du sol, avec le poids propre de Rood suspendu de lui à la botte. Et bien sûr, la majorité de la corde métallique du grappin était maintenant enveloppée autour de la branche. Oh, quelle joie de se détendre qui allait être. "Eh bien, Rood," Vlad a commencé dédaigneusement, regardant vers le bas pour évaluer la chute, "vous avez fait un beau travail de dénigrer ce bâtard géant. Enlevez-le du ciel, pas tant que ça. Maintenant, comment vous sentez-vous d'aller là-bas et de le terminer?" Il chercha à Rood une réponse, le sourire antérieur commençant à revenir alors qu'il savourait l'idée d'un combat à mi-chemin, même si c'était avec un adversaire infirme.
Name: Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human APPEARANCE Additional oversized image displaying his weapons and contrasting his clothing choices with one another; please ignore anything that isn't the man in the middle of the image. Height: 195cm/6.4" Weight: 110kg/242.5lbs, much of which is muscle Clothing Style: Vladimir generally wears a tight black bodysuit to show off his musculature to others, over which he wears clothing based on whether he knows he is to fight that day: an incomplete suit of plate armour if he is, a red leather longcoat if he isn't, or both if he wants to appear stylish. He's also inexplicably fond of white gloves. Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Red COMBAT Weapon: Maw and Breath - Vladimir's weapons of choice consist of a large cruciform longsword and an oversized, almost handcannon-esque pistol, as pictured above. Whilst not necessarily fancy-looking by most weapon standards at first, both possess the capacity to open up into wicked multi-toothed constructs that are quite capable of restraining even a trained Hunter or Huntress in the manner of a multi-dimensional beartrap, and are barbed such that anyone who attempts to struggle free will likely suffer a lot of injury for their efforts. Furthermore, Breath's construct has the (optional) capacity to be launched with some force by firing the weapon whilst it is deployed, letting it restrain a foe from a great distance, and even remains connected to the handle of the gun by a thick metal wire to drag the victim back toward Vladimir for a closer-ranged pummelling. Semblance: Blood of the Dragon - This is a secret, for now. Dust: Dust is utilised by Vladimir, generally as part of his weapon's ammunition; his preference is shells loaded with Fire or Lava Dust, but if he knows he'll be facing an opponent with a particular association, he'll likely pick out ammo elements to counter the opponent's preferences, e.g. Water and/or Ice to negate Fire. Skills: Physically powerful Well-rounded Brutal combat style Savvy Calculating PERSONALIZED Personality: Manipulative Domineering Arrogant Intellectual Pragmatic Skills: Intelligent Athletic Able street fighter Charismatic Knowledgable Background: Vladimir was born into a moderately aristocratic Atlesean family which had recently fallen on hard times. His father, also called Vladimir, was a member of a group called the Knights of the Dragon - giving him his honorary surname "Drakk" or Dragon, and his son the surname of "Drakka" or Dragonson, in addition to the family surname of Plasimov - that had been quite famous in the nation of Mantle before it ceased to exist, but which had since declined to the point of near-dissolution. This state of affairs had not sat well with Drakk, or his high lifestyle and funds, and he thus began abusing his wife both physically and mentally, until finally overdoing it and accidentally putting her in hospital for long enough that questions were asked about him. This ultimately triggered Drakka's removal from Drakk's overbearing mannerisms, though these had already left in the twelve-year-old the beginnings of his own rather cruel, if highly intellectual personality; as a final request, Vladimir's father asked the authorities that, rather than being put into foster care, he be sent to live with some close family friends, the Morgensterns. Unlike the Plasimov family, the Morgenstern family had done very well for themselves in spite of their own allegiance with the Knights of the Dragon. Seeing what his father had declined to, and comparing his own possible future to that if he didn't make his moves quickly, Vladimir made it a personal goal of his to usurp the biological heir to the Morgenstern's fortune, and thus to surpass his own father in every way he could. He started to sidle himself into the family patriarch Valentine's good graces as quickly as possible, whilst simultaneously engaging in psychological warfare against his step-brother Jonathan to throw him off and have him lose face at times when it would matter. He might have succeeded, too, if not for two significant factors: Valentine was a lot more perceptive than Vladimir gave him credit for, often figuring out the truth of Vlad's manipulations with little obvious effort; and, more importantly, Jonathan was not as much of a doormat as he first appeared. Despite Vladimir's best efforts to avoid direct conflict, the two teens came to blows far more often than he'd like, and these fights quickly drew out both of their innate potentials. Deciding that he would rather they make use of their developing Auras against the Grimm than against each other, Valentine enrolled both children at one of Atlas' private combat schools, in preparation for them to eventually enroll in the famed Atlas Academy itself. This to some extent quelled their battles for the time being, since illegal combat was far more harshly punished by the school than by their father, but Vladimir nevertheless continued to bully Jonathan at any opportunity he got, leading to little good blood between them. This unstable peace ended after Vlad finally unlocked his Semblance - something which he suspected might be inherited, but which he decided to grant an appropriate name anyway: Blood of the Dragon. He spent the final year or so of his education at the school training his Semblance and figuring out what it could do with little intimidation toward Jonathan; then, on the very last day of school, he made a point of beating his stepbrother to a pulp with his bare hands in public, getting himself arrested and his brother hospitalised and in a coma. Shortly afterward, he was put before his stepfather, who had already decided that Vlad had gone too far this time. In no uncertain terms, Valentine told the astounded boy that he had arranged to send him to Beacon Academy in Vale as a transfer student, stating his belief that the education there was less thorough than in Atlas, but that that was exactly what Vlad deserved for what he'd done, and that maybe the more liberal setting would teach him some damn humility. Not long after, Vladimir was sent off to Beacon, having already vowed to become the academy's top student and show both Valentine and Jonathan what he was truly capable of, or else die trying, for nothing less than this would satisfy his ego. tl;dr Background: Vlad was born into a previously-rich family that had fallen on hard times; His father became abusive and beat Vlad's mother unconscious, Vlad was taken away by authorities, but his father requested he be left with family friends; Vlad came into the family, which consisted of a father and son, and had done far better than Vlad's family, so he vowed to inherit that family's wealth even over his stepbrother via trickery and psychological warfare; It turns out the stepfather was smarter, and the son less wimpy, than credit had been given, and Vlad and his stepbrother fought often enough that it became a problem; The stepfather put them both into a private training school to make better use of their aura than it currently had, and their fighting was mostly quelled by stricter punishments; Vlad eventually unlocked his semblance, Blood of the Dragon, which he studied for a bit, then used to beat his stepbrother into a coma at the end of their time at the school; As punishment, his stepfather had him sent to Beacon Academy rather than Atlas Academy, with Vlad vowing to become Beacon's top student in response to this injustice. Character Theme: Evidently, this guy is based on Vlad II "Țepeș" Dracula, or rather the vampire count who spawned from his acts and inherits his name. However, a lot of inspiration for Vladimir's character, his backstory in particular, comes from Dio Brando of JJBA fame, which I feel isn't too unsuitable given that the real Dracula was called "The Impaler" for a very good reason. That said, his appearance is derived from that of Alucard of Hellsing fame, and there's also a reference to The Domination of Draka in there, to make the name less of a straight theft from real life, and which still fits given the heavy dragon theming in his character. Other: Jaune is my fukken bae, and nobody can tell me otherwise.
Chen Jet Chen a clignoté quelques fois et a lâché. Il n'allait pas se disputer avec un laissez-passer. Il entendit un Nevermore s'écraser au loin et regarda vers le son. C'est là qu'il irait. Il allait botter le cul de cet oiseau pour avoir même osé défier le ciel de sa présence. Il a hurlé dans la direction d'Ozpin et a souri. Soudain, un autre gars s'est précipité et a commencé à donner des raisons légitimes d'être en retard et il s'est senti un peu maladroit. "Eh bien, euh... merci le directeur. A tout à l'heure. Et plus tard, dame blonde. Tu ne te souviens pas de ton nom, alors... désolé, je crois? Je vais arrêter de parler maintenant." Il a glissé nerveusement à cette déclaration et s'est dirigé vers les lanceurs. Il a attendu quelques secondes avant d'avancer et a pris une profonde respiration. C'est l'heure de voler. Ou quelque chose de proche au moins." Son sourire revint en force et il monta sur la rampe de lancement, en volant en l'air dès qu'il mit son deuxième pied. Chen lâcha un cri de joie alors qu'il volait à travers l'air, atteignant son zénith et sentant le vent souffler à travers ses cheveux, sur sa peau, c'était la perfection. Et puis il a commencé à tomber. "Attendez une seconde, comment je suis en train d'atterrir! C'est de la merde de crap CRAP!" Chen commença à chercher désespérément un moyen de ralentir sa descente alors qu'il se dirigeait tout droit vers un arbre et un aller simple pour tout ce qui existait après la vie. Il a tiré sur son Aura et a téléporté juste au-dessus d'une branche voisine à la dernière seconde, en conservant son élan mais en étant capable de le contrôler un peu mieux. Il a mis un pied sur la branche et a poussé vers le suivant, ralentissant progressivement pour qu'il puisse attraper ses repères. Finalement Chen s'arrêta, respirant fortement alors qu'il descendait de son haut niveau d'adrénaline. Il prit son souffle et regarda vers le haut, son sourire encore plus grand et plus heureux. "Il n'y a pas eu ça!" Chen a rapidement commencé à se téléporter au sommet de l'arbre, deux ou trois branches à la fois, et a commencé à scanner l'horizon. Finalement, il a trouvé ce qu'il cherchait et a commencé à se diriger vers le combat. C'était une bonne année. Chen était prompt à arriver là où il pensait que la zone de crash était, mais il semblerait que l'oiseau impie s'était enfui. Décevant, mais il y avait quelques étudiants à proximité, ils semblaient cool. Chen siffla pour attirer leur attention et les agita, un bras se tenant sur une branche au-dessus de lui pour qu'il ne tombe pas par accident. "Yo, par où l'oiseau va-t-il? Je veux abattre ce crétin." Il a dit avec venin dans sa voix, l'homme qu'il détestait Nevermores. Il secoua la tête et respira profondément. "Non, c'était impoli. Laisse-moi réessayer, je suis Chen Jet. J'aime les mauvaises blagues, les jeux vidéo, et d'autres choses. Ravi de vous rencontrer." Il a flashé un sourire mais est resté en alerte au cas où le Nevermore reviendrait. Il a ensuite regardé vers où ils étaient face et l'a vu. "Ne vous souciez jamais de l'oiseau."
Name: Chen "Z" Jet Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5'3 Weight: 115 lbs Clothing Style: Black jeans and a black t-shirt with his logo on it. Wears a black leather jacket on top of his outfit with some sunglasses hanging out of a pocket. Hair Color: Jet Black Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: "Jet Stream": Jet Stream is a set of two black submachine guns with a red trim, which can transform into twin wakizashis for close range combat. When not in combat they collapse into his sleeves for easy concealment. Semblance: "Sonic Boom": Chen teleports in a flash of black smoke up to a range of 20 feet in any direction. He must know where he is teleporting or he runs the risk of teleporting into a solid object, which would obviously end badly. Two seconds must pass between uses, wait time gets longer as he runs out of energy. Dust: Keeps a few clips of Incendiary Dust bullets at all times. Skills: Chen uses an acrobatic fighting style primarily focused around dodging and redirecting attacks rather than blocking them. He focuses on staying mid-range and peppering foes with bullets, teleporting into melee range when he sees an opening. Is more suited for taking down slow targets and goons rather than powerful opponents. Works well in a team, not much of a leader. PERSONALIZED Personality: Jokester Carefree Intelligent Happy Serious when needed Skills: Coming up with bad jokes Video Games Tabletop Games Flight Simulators Secret Hobby: Reading Background: Chen was born in Atlas to an Atlas pilot and a no name village woman, the pilot abandoning the woman as soon as he found out she was pregnant. The woman hoped to start a new life outside of Atlas and immigrated to Vale to find something new. Chen grew up always watching the sky, hoping to one day fly through the great blue and find his father. As Chen grew older his mother would tell him stories of the daring feats his father would perform, but never told him his name. She would instead call him "Z", though she never explained why. As he grew older he abandoned his dream of meeting his father, becoming aware that his father wasn't as great of a man as he believed, but never gave up on one day flying. He joined Beacon to become a Huntsman and maybe because he liked how high up Beacon was in comparison to the town he lived in. Character Theme: Chen is loosely based off of Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind. Zephyrus is also the god of the spring wind, which is why I made Chen such a happy and jokestery person. In Zephyrus' stories he's also shown as a womanizer which I included in the form of Chen's father. And finally Chen's nickname "Z" is an reference to the first letter of Zephyrus. Other: Jaune is not best, Ren is best. Ren will always be best.
Rowan D. Valinn Rowan regarda le faunus des requins, qui venait de suggérer le plan le plus absurde possible, compte tenu de leur situation. Elle a répondu avec son propre sourire. Oui, Cap'n! Peut-être la prochaine fois, il ne mord pas plus qu'il ne pouvait mâcher! Rowan a ajusté sa position, renforçant son emprise sur le côté du Grimm. Elle a jeté un dernier coup d'œil en bas dans le ventre de la bête, et a sorti la boîte de Poussière. Elle a ajouté un salut, peu sûr d'une véritable étiquette pirate. Tout le truc des pirates semblait assez peu familier, et un peu gênant, mais cela a aidé à soulager une partie de la tension qui se déverse actuellement dans la fosse de son estomac. Peut-être était-ce la stérilité de tout cela qui lui a donné une petite quantité de réconfort.
Name: Rowan Dmitri Valinn Age: 17 Gender: Female APPEARANCE Height: 5’ 5” Weight: 125 lbs Clothing Style: Rowan is not much of a jeans and t-shirt kind of person. She’ll usually base her attire around the color red. Almost every outfit consists of a red coat of some sort. She is a major advocate of the combat skirt movement. Rowan wears a black scarf given to her by her father. Hair Color: Silver Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: Rowan’s weapon’s name is Tyrfing. It is a pair of black fist-wraps. On the back is the symbol for red Dust. Semblance: Rowan’s Semblance is known as the Saboteur's Touch. When she comes into contact with someone, her Semblance activates and drains the Aura from the person. It only drains from the initial contact, and if she remains in contact, then her Semblance will not drain any more. Her Semblance is constantly active, and she has ability to stop it from activating. Dust: Tyrfing is infused with red Dust, allowing for slightly explosive punches. The Dust has to be re-applied after every fight, as it runs out rather quickly. Skills: Rowan was trained extensively in both Wado-Ryu, as well as Krav Maga. She combines the two to form her own unique fighting style. She is able to move with the flow of the battle, and strike hard when the opportunity presents itself. Rowan is a tank of sorts, and prefers to stay in the thick of the battle. Her sizeable Aura allows her to absorb hits with relative ease. PERSONALIZED Personality: Charismatic Light-hearted Sarcastic Erratic Sociable Skills: Juggling Acrobatics Origami Rowan was born into a family of wealth. Her grandfather was a renowned doctor who had made several advancements in the medicinal field. Rowan’s father, being an only child, naturally inherited most of the family wealth when his father died. Rowan grew up living a life of luxury. She was waited on constantly, and could have anything within a moment’s notice. She attending a prestigious private school, where her parents bribed all of her teachers to give her passing grades. Despite having anything she could ever want, Rowan was unhappy with her life. She barely knew her parents, and she had no one she could truly call a friend. She craved excitement, adventure. Friendship. She begged her parents to send her to combat school. Reluctantly, they let her attend Sanctum Academy in Mistral. Rowan was in for a brutal awakening. Her first year at Sanctum left her at the bottom of her class in nearly all aspects, including socially. No one at Sanctum cared about her. Rowan spent the summer in between school years fervently training. She desperately wanted to prove herself. When she returned, while she had drastically improved herself, she was nowhere near the top students. She sought tutoring from one of these top students, a kid named Onyx. He gladly took Rowan under his wing, teaching her various fighting methods, as well as Aura and Semblance training. By the end of her time at Sanctum, Rowan was among the top tier students. She still couldn’t emerge as the best, but she was an excellent fighter. After some discussion with her parents, they agreed to let her further her education as a Huntress. She applied to Beacon Academy, in hopes of getting into the prestigious academy. Much to her surprise, she was accepted. Off she went to Beacon, eager to become a fully-fledged Huntress and help maintain the world’s peace. Rowan was inspired by the Norse mythological figure, Svafrlami. Svafrlami was the grandson of Odin, which inspired Rowan's renowned grandfather. Svafrlami forced a pair of dwarves to forge him an extremely powerful sword, but the sword was cursed by the dwarves. One of the dwarve's names was Dvalinn, so I incorporated that into Rowan's name (D. Valinn). Rowan’s Semblance is similar to a curse, although not relevant to the curse placed on the sword. Other: Jaune is best grill confirmed.
Yu Zuiren Qu'est-ce que je faisais encore? C'est vrai. Se dirigeant vers les falaises.. Yu pensa à elle-même lentement en prenant une perruque maladroite de sa gourde. Elle essuya sa bouche avec le dos de sa main paresseuse, trébuchant des arbres et des rochers, massant un peu son temple. Comment puis-je me débarrasser de cette gueule de bois? En buvant plus, bien sûr. Elle avait surtout oublié le chemin des falaises. Elle avait demandé à un membre du personnel de l'Académie Beacon plus tôt dans la journée. Apparemment, c'était tout droit devant. C'est ce qu'ils ont dit? Sûrement. Ce n'était pas trop utile qu'elle s'est endormie au moment où elle est arrivée à Vale, peut-être assister à l'orientation aurait été une bonne idée. Le passé, c'est le passé. Il faut réfléchir en ce moment. Elle s'est jetée dans la clairière, seulement pour voir deux personnes plus âgées et un autre plus jeune... elle l'a regardé attentivement pendant un moment avant de confirmer qu'il était à peu près à son âge. Donc deux personnes âgées et un gars autour de son âge, debout à côté et sur des plates-formes de pierre. Elle marchait un peu plus près avant de saluer l'homme qu'elle présumait être Ozpin. Elle ne connaissait pas l'autre dame, mais le regard sévère de cette femme lui a donné les frissons. Le genre de frissons qui resteraient ambigus pour les adolescents. "Y-yo.. Désolé, je suis la-hic." Son hoquet l'a légèrement fait trébucher, mais qui doit savoir si elle était vraiment déséquilibrée? "Je suis sûr que vous avez des choses importantes à faire, alors ne m'embêtez pas" Elle a donné aux deux professeurs un sourire effronté avant de se promener sur une des plates-formes de pierre, en prenant une autre gorgée de sa gourde. Elle a vu que quelques-uns étaient déjà verticaux. Des planches à ressorts. Comme c'est amusant. Elle a jeté un coup d'œil sur le garçon qui attendait aussi. Yu a décidé de se tenir sur celui directement à côté de lui, ses yeux verts de jade étudiant sa forme. Elle lui a donné un clin d'œil ludique pour voir comment il réagirait. Ça ne l'embêterait pas d'être jumelée à ce mignon, il avait l'air si propre et propre. Elle n'avait même pas de livres. La lecture est toujours une douleur dans le cul.
Yu Zuiren (醉人, 玉) Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human Height: 5’8” Weight: 145 lb Clothing Style: (Refer to image) Hair Color: White/Silver Eye Color: Green COMBAT Weapon: Jindan (Golden Elixir) This gourd doesn’t transform. However, it contains mysterious liquid which Yu drinks all the time. (Which she claims to be juice or milk. Whichever she sees fit at the time.) It has a long red rope that is tied around the middle of the gourd with a large portion of the rope loose, allowing Yu to use it similarly to a Meteor Hammer. Semblance: Drunken Haze The more Yu drinks from her gourd, the stronger her attacks become, however this is limited to the capacity of her gourd and how much she can handle before just passing out entirely. Along with increases in attack power, Yu's drinking starts to affect her opponent as well; causing them to see multiple illusions of the Huntress, which imitate her movements. These illusions don't inflict any damage, however they look very life-like, thus making it difficult to find the real Yu. Dust: Yu doesn’t use dust. Skills: Yu is almost exclusively trained in Zui Quan (Drunken Fist) and has adapted the style in such a way that allows it to have more practical application beyond traditional means. In combat, Yu is extremely unpredictable and is very skilled at evading attacks. PERSONALIZED Personality: Easy going Kind Flirty Sociable Cheeky Skills: Drinking Free Running Relaxing Mixing Cocktails Born in the western parts of Minstral, Yu was raised by her father, having lost her mother when she gave birth to Yu. Her father was a Huntsman, but not the glorified kind that many expect in those days. He was a Huntsman who had strayed from his ‘righteous’ path and did what he could to raise his daughter. However, a lot of his money went into buying time from women and booze, leaving very little for their essentials. While her father was out on a job, Yu would often walk around the town, begging for money, which often lead to her being beaten by others. She had spoken to a mysterious old man on numerous occasions. He always smelt of alcohol, but he was a very nice person to talk to. When she was barely in her teens, she told the old man about her dreams to become a Huntress. Instead of laughing like almost everyone else did, he took her seriously and decided to teach her his art. Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist. She wasn’t introduced to alcohol until the later stages of her training. During her years of training, she had convinced her father to allow her to attend Sanctum academy. Her father, hoping that she wouldn’t turn out like him, allowed her to attend classes. It wasn’t long before she graduated from the academy, and as a gift, the old man gave her his Gourd. Jindan. And the clothing that she wears now was a gift from her father. The old man suggested that she went to Beacon academy, he never really gave her a reason why, but she decided to follow his advice for one last time. Character Theme: Yu is loosely based on Lu Dongbin who is an immortal from Chinese Mythology. Lu, like the other 7 immortals in his group, are often depicted as joyful people who enjoy getting drunk often, hence Yu’s enjoyment of drinking. The styles in Zui Quan also refer to the 8 immortals. Lu Dongbin is also depicted as a ‘ladies man’, which is referred to in Yu’s occasional flirty nature. Other: Jaune is best waifu 0:38 to 1:00
]Glynda Goodwitch Glynda frotta sa paume sur son front, agita, et regarda les deux nouveaux venus et pointa furieusement vers les points de saut restants. "Juste... va-t'en. Choisissez votre coéquipier et obtenez la relique une fois que vous lancez et GO!" Sa voix en colère résonna tout autour et elle soupira alors que sa récolte à cheval poussait dans les airs dans ses mouvements. C'était beaucoup plus de travail qu'elle ne le pensait. Rood von Rah Rood s'est tenu fermement à Vlad alors qu'ils tournaient autour de Vlad la même arme de la contraption. Une fois qu'ils étaient arrivés à un arrêt, Rood regarda Vlad dont l'avant-bras était encore serré. "Eh bien, Rood," Vlad a commencé dédaigneusement, regardant vers le bas pour évaluer la chute, "vous avez fait un beau travail de dénigrer ce bâtard géant. Enlevez-le du ciel, pas tant que ça. Maintenant, comment vous sentez-vous d'aller là-bas et de le terminer?" Il chercha à Rood une réponse, le sourire antérieur commençant à revenir alors qu'il savourait l'idée d'un combat à mi-chemin, même si c'était avec un adversaire infirme. Rood regarda Vlad un moment, son schowl encore évident alors qu'il envisageait une réponse. Il a commencé à parler, mais a été fortement coupé par le bruit d'un sifflet fort de l'arbre à côté d'eux, ce qui a fait le jeune homme aux yeux rouges de regarder le nouveau venu avec des sourcils levés. "Yo, par où l'oiseau va-t-il? Je veux abattre ce crétin." Il a dit avec venin dans sa voix, l'homme qu'il détestait Nevermores. Il secoua la tête et respira profondément. "Non, c'était impoli. Laisse-moi réessayer, je suis Chen Jet. J'aime les mauvaises blagues, les jeux vidéo, et d'autres choses. Ravi de vous rencontrer." Il a flashé un sourire mais est resté en alerte au cas où le Nevermore reviendrait. Il a ensuite regardé vers où ils étaient face et l'a vu. "Ne vous souciez jamais de l'oiseau." "Non, je suis Rood", la blonde s'est glissée avec une grande main sur sa poitrine, son schowl habituel revenant. Il regarda ses pieds, qui commença à briller sur la base de l'armure. Lentement, il lâcha le bras de Vlad et traversa le nouveau venu qui s'était présenté comme Chen comme s'il y avait une passerelle invisible entre les arbres et où Vlad avait stoppé leur chute. Il a mis la main sur le nouveau venu, les yeux intenses comme d'habitude. "Rood von Rah." Chaque fois que le tremblement serait terminé, Rood regarda à nouveau Vlad, puis regarda où le Nevermore était tombé. "Le Nevermore est une menace, je suis d'accord, mais je pense que nous devrions trouver les autres avant de partir... Que Grimm semblait différent des types habituels. Je n'ai jamais rien vu de tel." Le jeune homme musclé plié ses bras de bronze sur sa poitrine peinte, « Quel serait l'intérêt de mutiler un Grimm déjà abattu de toute façon? » Rood a jeté un coup d'œil sur Chen. "Tu devrais aller chercher les reliques avant que cette chose ne revienne et détruise complètement leur emplacement." À ce moment-là, le Retrograde qui avait avalé Rowan et Bonny a ouvert c'est une grande mamelle, grinçant quand il est venu à la surface de la prairie le Nevermore était maintenant désespérément battant dans, ayant perdu les deux c'est des talons. Le Retrograde lâcha un rugissement et enleva le grand oiseau dans ses mâchoires massives, provoquant le Nevermore à grincer dans l'agonie comme il était avalé par un ver glorifié. La doublure de l'estomac, où Rowan et Bonny étaient, est devenue sombre alors que l'obstacle entrant se brouillait dans la gorge vers eux. Le tremblement de terre ici était si grand qu'il a attiré l'attention de tout le monde, même de Glynda. Elle courut jusqu'au bord des falaises, troublée par ce qu'elle voyait et couvrit sa bouche. Derrière sa main, elle murmura. "Ceci ne peut pas être...!"
Rood von Rah Age 17 Gender Male Species Human APPEARANCE Height 6'2" Weight 211 lbs Clothing Style When not having to be in Beacon's uniform, Rood ordinarily adorns himself in ornate gold armor up to the waist with a royally bold red cape sashed at his waist which billows when he walks. He wears expensive heavy golden earrings and a red stone necklace at all times regardless if he is in uniform or not. His body is decorated with intricate red paint as a symbol of his status. Hair Color Blonde Eye Color Red COMBAT Weapons Eye of Ma'at His arm is covered in chains with a speared tip at the end, making lashing out with this long range weapon a very deadly experience. The speared tip can 'flower' out into a mini revolving end which Rood can fire off AS he whips this weapon around with the help of his semblance Mehet-Weret A classic lance with decorative and intricate craftsmanship. Best when paired with Rood's semblance. Though it has the option to use Dust, a situation where that would be necessary hasn't been crossed. Or has it? Semblance Friction Manipulation Rood is able to run on air (but NOT fly), walk on water, deflect oncoming attacks, increase or decrease and object's velocity, and change his own inertia. He is also able to generate heat, but not flames by concentrating all on the friction in regards to his body's/an object's placement. Without a gun, he is able to fire off bullets at will by concentrating his friction, hence the placement of the 'gun' at the end of his whip. See 'Other' for limitations. Dust Rood is extensively knowledgeable about Dust but for some reason doesn't carry any on him. Skills Taunting Evasion Surprise PERSONALIZED Personality Brash Dominant Sensitive Regal Passionate Skills -Has taken to playing a lute -Surprisingly, enjoys working with scrapped textiles to make fashionable outfits -Sewing Background For now, Rood's personal history will be shrouded in mystery. What can be shared is common knowledge to all students attending Beacon Academy. The Rah name belonged to a very prestigious family who once ruled the Kingdom of Mistral. The family line, however, fell due to unforeseen circumstances; enemies of past generations ambushed members of the family and cut them down. Desperate to hold the prestige of the family line, the few Rah's remaining married into Atlas' own royals the Schnee's. The two familie's connected only by forced marriages ruled in their separate kingdoms once order was restored, and the purity of the Rah line was forever broken. From there, two generations down, Rood was born a von Rah. This will be the first time in his life he has ever been exposed to working with others his own age. Character Theme Though he encompasses the summation of egyptian culture and religion as a whole, Rood is best described as a genderbent Neith, the Egyptian Goddess of War who wields a masculine bow and arrow. Traded instead for his main weapon is the feminine whip and his red necklace in place of her red crown. Neith is known for her love of weaving, which I wanted to really translate to Rood; which I did in the form of him enjoying sewing and making things out of it for others. 'Rood' is Dutch for red, and 'von' is a common German name add-on, which is frequent pattern seen in the Schnee name. Rah, of course is in reference to Ra, the egyptian God of the sun. Other: Jaune is the best About Friction - Rood's Semblance is vast in its potential, this is true. Or it would be if he could do more than one of any of those things at one time. Every use of his semblance takes all of his concentration, and it doesn't take long until all that usage takes a toll. Thanks to the nature of the semblance, Rood is at constant risk for overheating or in the worst case scenario spontaneously combusting, making his ability a dangerous one to wield for not only other, but for himself.
Bonny Mako Bonny s'est jetée sur le mur alors que son Semblance l'informait d'une présence massive blessant la mare gloutineuse de la Retrograde. C'est quoi, cette connerie? Peut-être un rocher? C'est pas vrai. Bonny sentit l'étrange sifflement de plumes noires se brossant légèrement contre elle dans son ensemble Nevermore, une créature de quarante mètres de long assez grande pour ramasser et transporter des Hunters et des Huntresses adultes dans ses talons, glissa sur la goélette de Grimm, ses yeux rouges perlés qui la regardaient pitoyablement tandis que les deux d'entre eux juste évités d'être traînés avec elle. Il mange son propre genre?! Bonny a pensé à elle-même, choqué. La lumière du soleil traversait le toit du tunnel vertical. La bouche de la créature était encore ouverte. Se casser les dents aurait été amusant, mais il n'y avait aucune argumentation que c'était le meilleur moment pour y aller s'il y en avait un. "Tout à terre qui va à terre, lass!" Bonny a dit avec un ton urgent, en frappant la boîte de Poussière rouge des mains de Rowan et en appuyant sur la gâchette sur son canon. L'explosion qui en a résulté était... magnifique. Imaginez chaque scène de tir dans chaque film que vous avez jamais vu, fois cent, et imaginez-le à l'intérieur d'une chose vivante, éclatant comme un ballon charnu derrière vous lorsque vous lancez une fusée hors de sa bouche et dans l'atmosphère, propulsé par la vague d'explosion, avec suffisamment de vitesse et de force pour éplucher la peau de vos os nus (si vous n'avez pas eu Aura qui est). La créature hurlait dans l'agonie des oreilles alors que sa cachette se séparait, mais le son n'a jamais atteint Bonny et Rowan alors qu'ils grimpaient de plus en plus dans le ciel, au-delà même des nuages. À ce moment-là, leurs gencives étaient comme un chien qui avait coincé sa tête par la fenêtre d'une voiture. Finalement, ils s'arrêtèrent et regardèrent la planète à des kilomètres au-dessous d'eux. Les yeux de Bonny s'élargissent. -- Eh bien, tremblez-moi les bois, dit-elle d'une voix timide et incrédule. "On est plutôt défoncés, n'est-ce pas?" Puis ils ont commencé à tomber. "Oohhhhhhh merde! Oh merde, merde, merde, merde!" Elle maudite en s'emparant étroitement de Rowan. "Pousse-toi dans les écoutilles, fillette! Battez-vous dans ces satanées trappes!" Ils sont venus en chaleur. Bien, bien trop chaud. En faisant tout ce qu'elle pouvait pour briser leur chute, Bonny a commencé à tirer aveuglément pour les ralentir, et d'essayer de revenir dans la forêt au lieu de s'écraser directement dans Beacon. Cela ne semblait pas fonctionner, du moins pas aussi vite qu'ils en avaient besoin. Alors qu'ils s'approchaient rapidement de leur LZ, elle aperçut le Retrograde, toujours vivant et battant alors que sa moitié inférieure était épluchée comme une banane. C'est là qu'elle a une idée. "Retiens-moi bien, Rowan!" Elle a dit. "Nous allons donner à ce sale fils de pute son dernier coup dans le Locker de Davy Jones." Après tout, il n'y avait rien de plus doux pour briser leur chute qu'un énorme morceau de viande tendre. Grappant son canon comme un club, Bonny l'a élevé au-dessus de sa tête. Elle a clin d'œil alors qu'elle sentait ses muscles crier en signe de protestation. Pourquoi? Elle ne devrait pas s'épuiser si tôt! Quelque chose dans l'estomac de ce ver l'a épuisée Aura? Quoi qu'il en soit, elle l'a balancé aussi fort qu'elle le pouvait tout comme ils sont tombés sur la tête géante du Grimm, le frappant dans le sol avec l'élan résultant et le finissant pour de bon. Bonny s'est étendue sur son dos quand la Poussière s'est débarrassée. Elle était couverte de Grimm goo. Ça s'assèchera une fois que la grosse chose se sera dissoute, pensa-t-elle. Ce qui, compte tenu de sa taille, pourrait prendre un certain temps. Elle s'assit, essayant de se poser dans la flaque marécageuse de Grimm écrasé sous leurs pieds. "Ça va, Rowan?" Elle a dit en essayant de se lever et de lui donner un coup de main. "Tout ce qu'il y a en forme de navire?" Au lieu de cela, elle a fini par trébucher et atterrir face première dans le goo. Elle se sentait tellement fatiguée. Qu'est-ce qui lui est arrivé? Elle ne s'est jamais usée aussi vite pendant l'entraînement. Son Aura était presque épuisée. "Tu peux m'aider, ma petite?" elle a demandé faiblement. Je pense que mes vieux os... mon vieux cartilage a pris plus de battements qu'on ne le pensait." Puis le sol a commencé à trembler. La terre tremblait. L'esprit (et le corps) de Bonny étaient achin'. Mais qui faisait ça? Bonny gémit. "Oh et maintenant?"
Bonny Mako Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Shark Faunus APPEARANCE More or less like this. See below for details on where her appearance differs from the picture. Height: 5 ft., 11 in. Weight: 162 lbs., slightly less now that a significant chunk of her dorsal fin has been lost Clothing style: A blue and white striped long-sleeve shirt that's torn-up, short-cut, and somewhat revealing (though not quite as revealing as pictured above) paired with a comparatively modest blue-grey skirt. The skirt reaches down to below her knees or so in the front and drags behind her in the back, giving the illusion of a shark tail when blown by the wind or dragged behind her in the water. The fin-shaped pockets at her hips are actually fanny packs, in which to store loot. She wears a dark grey bandana with a skull and crossbones on it and old grey leather shoes that look ratty, water-logged and worn, and her idea of "accessorizing" boils down to grabbing or stealing anything remotely shiny or expensive-looking and wearing it as tacky bling. She also has an anchor tramp stamp. Hair color: Dirty blonde Eye color: Reddish brown COMBAT Weapon: Best described as an 18th century naval revolver cannon repurposed as a jetpack, the Revenge has six revolving chambers in which to load various types of cannonballs. Each chamber is marked by color (red for fire, blue for ice etc.) and can hold a few cannonballs each before needing to be reloaded. While this is obviously all fine and dandy, the Revenge has a hidden functionality you wouldn't guess until you've seen it in action, because you'd swear it was invented by a mad person. By taking the mounted rig normally used to carry the cannon minigun-style and slipping it over her shoulders, Bonny points the cannon at the ground, fires, and takes off like she's wearing a jetpack, dropping bombs on her enemies from the sky. This is not actual flight but rather a sort of rocket jumping, and Bonny rises and falls in a predictable parabolic arc when using it. Additionally, the cannon can also be used as a handy bludgeon or battering ram in close quarters combat. When Bonny repurposed her father's cannon into her own weapon, she realized the new revolver mechanism made the traditional rammer used to load cannonballs into the breach obsolete. Not wanting to get rid of such a fine piece of craftmanship, Bonny wrapped the rammer in cloth infused with fire-elememted Dust, creating a giant, reusable match. Now whenever Bonny wants to set something or someone on fire, she just strikes the rammer on the ground like a match, takes a swig of whatever's in her flask, and sprays it all over her makeshift torch, blowing fire everywhere like a carnival firespitter. She does this both because it's fun and because her cannon makes for an effective yet unwieldly melee weapon. This way, she can be quicker on the draw and avoid risking any damage to her main weapon. Semblance: Bonny's Semblance allows her to detect minute changes in electromagnetic fields with great sensitivity, much like a shark's ampullae of Lorenzini. She can sense muscle contractions in people and animals, which many people mistake for a psychic ability or having eyes in the back of her head. Due to this ability it is very difficult to hide from Bonny, and almost impossible to get the drop on her, as her Semblance allows her to "see" you move faster than normal eyes could process. It's also how she knows where to hit you from behind cover, and why she always greets people before they enter the room, something she likes to do just to freak people out. Dust: Bonny uses Dust ammunition in her cannon, launching cannonballs of various elemental types through the different chambers. Using fire Dust or explosives as a powder charge, she can also fire the cannon at the ground and use it like a jetpack to rocket jump. These cannonballs can also be tossed like bombs. The types of elemental dust Bonny uses in her cannon are Fire, Ice, and Electricity. She also uses explosive and smoke cannonballs. Skills: Tracking Aerial bombardment Taunting Drawing fire away from her teammates (though usually not on purpose) PERSONALIZED Personality: Loud Boisterous Kleptomaniac Hidden shame Skills: Swimming Lockpicking Pickpocketing Tracking Drinking Cardsharking Starting fires Singing sea shanties by the sea shore Background: A shark Faunus, and also secretly the daughter of the now infamous Faunus pirate Woodrow "Woody" Thatcher. Born to Woody and a human mother, Bonny and her family lived happily as a shining example of mixed-race marriage. For about two years, after which Bonny's mother was killed during a supposed "White Fang suppression" effort while defending her husband and child, a campaign that saw Bonny's hometown destroyed, burned to the ground, and Bonny and her father imprisoned with other Faunus refugees in the internment camp "Menagerie". They made a serious mistake in underestimating the depth and fire of the aquatic Faunus' rage however, and Thatcher soon conspired to escape from Menagerie with his daughter and a small group of like-minded men in tow. It was this group of escapees that would come to form the founding members of Woody "Dust to Dust" Thatcher's less than jolly crew of pirates, a mercenary group that sailed the high seas for years freeing Faunus and pillaging from the rich. Stealing a boat from the docks of lush human city just outside the borders of Menagerie, Thatcher put what little he knew about maritime protocols to use, and set sail a new and freed man. At first, during the early years, they just took on jobs for disenfranchised Faunus, only striking out at Remnant's oppressive governments when provoked... or when given the chance. It was these years that Bonny would come to remember as the golden ones, where she as a young girl truly felt as free and guiltless as the pirates her father read to her about in story books. But this wasn't Neverland, and she couldn't stay a kid forever. As time went on, the jobs Thatcher's crew took on became increasingly violent, fueled by the bitterness and hatred of the oppressed Faunus and her father, who never truly got over the loss of his wife. Their pillaging became more frequent, targeting not just rich government officials, but any human towns they could find. Villages burned. People died. Innocent people. Her father cited the needs of an always growing crew, but Bonny knew better. She knew her father and the crew were striking back because they hated humans, because they couldn't forgive in their hearts the things they had done to them. And their violent acts of rebellion were only growing worse. Bonny watched as the illusion that had carefully protected her through childhood crumbled, and her father's crew became monsters to her. Though she knew what they were doing was wrong, Bonny had tasted enough of human cruelty that she was still indecisive, unable to agree with her father but equally unable to invision a life for herself outside of the crew. Unable to forgive the hatred that was in her own heart, the hatred imparted to her by her father. That all changed the day her father began planning the siege. It was the largest operation the crew had attempted to date, and it would see them returning to the coast where they had first escaped from Menagerie. The plan was simple. Create as much chaos and destruction as physically possible to draw attention and manpower away from the borders of Menagerie. Then, a small group of men from Thatcher's crew would infiltrate Menagerie and start a riot, breaching the walls and defenses of the prison with a flood of angry Faunus that would cascade into the city, creating even more damage and senseless violence. Then, once the chaos became self-sustaining, the crew would pull out, leaving the city and its human inhabitants to their fate. The sheer horrificness of the plan, not to mention its size and scope, shocked Bonny out of any illusions she had that her father was not a criminal, and she began plotting mutiny. The night before the siege was scheduled to begin, Bonny smashed all the bottles of rum and spirits aboard the ship and set it ablaze, ripping the ship's ornate main cannon off the bow and swimming out to sea with it. If all went well, she'd make landfall in a few hours. More than enough time to warn the city before her father got the fire under control. All did not go well. Her father caught wind of her betrayal, and as she set off towards shore with the cannon in tow, her father shot at her in rage, puncturing a hole in her dorsal fin near the base that made it almost impossible for Bonny to swim carrying the giant cannon. However she persisted anyway, and disappeared into the night. The damage to her fin proved greater than she'd imagined, and it left her unable to stabilize. Eventually she veered far off course, losing time and gaining miles until eventually she ended up on the shores of Atlas, half dead from starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss. She had just about torn her fin off trying to make it to shore with the cannon, and by the time she made it, the siege was already over. Miles and miles down the coast, the defenseless city had fallen, and Menagerie had been breached, causing the largest prison break of interned Faunus yet reported. To add insult to injury, her futile efforts cost Bonny her fin, and with it her hopes of ever swimming again. Landlocked, out of hope and out of options, Bonny found her way out as a Huntress. Gaining an Atlas sponsorship for the combat skills she'd honed as part of a pirate crew, she fashioned herself a weapon out of her father's old cannon, eventually graduating from the preliminary combat schools and finding her way to Beacon as a transfer student, where she hoped/hopes to start a new life. Character theme: While Bonny represents the Golden Age of Piracy as a whole, she is more specifically based loosely off of Anne Bonny, an infamous female pirate who left a life of privilege and luxury behind to sail the seven seas on a ship called Revenge, burning her father's livelihood to the ground as she left. Other: Image Song Jaune is the best.
Bran Brass Bran a remarqué l'arrivée de la fille juste derrière, elle semblait être ivre. Eh bien, il n'était pas un juge, après que la moitié des Huntsmen qui avaient passé par sa taverne mère étaient des ivrognes. Il a remarqué qu'elle le regardait, puis elle a clin d'œil, elle a dû vouloir qu'ils soient associés. C'était bien pour lui, il a rendu le clin d'oeil et s'est préparé au lancement. "Essayez de rester près, je peux nous faire descendre rapidement et facilement. Je m'appelle Bran au fait, Bran Brass." Il lui a dit juste avant qu'il ne soit jeté vers le ciel par son paillasson. Bran appréciant le vol, il aurait pu jurer que le sol se déplaçait en dessous, puis il a remarqué le ver massif au loin. Ce qui venait d'être tué brutalement, il a décidé de l'ignorer en tirant son épée la lame repliée en arrière, il a commencé à travailler les déclencheurs basés sur la tension et levier la base à l'intérieur de la nuque. Enfilant les deux premiers fils dans les arbres qu'ils enveloppaient autour des branches, il resserrait la ligne. Il a ensuite tourné et tiré une ligne sur Yu et lui, laissant la ligne enrouler autour de lui, il s'est tiré vers le bas. Une fois qu'ils s'étaient arrêtés au milieu de l'arbre, il a coupé les lignes et les a laissé tomber environ dix pieds en bas, il a regardé vers Yu. "Donc partenaire, par où pensez-vous que nous devrions aller?" Il lui a demandé, lui donnant un sourire ami alors qu'il échangeait son arme en arrière, c'est la forme de l'épée qui le glisse dans le fourreau. « Je dis qu'on suit juste le son des combats et de la destruction, les autres doivent être près de l'objectif, n'est-ce pas? »
Name: Bran Brass Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5' 3" Weight: 155 pounds Clothing Style: Very neat and clean, everything pressed and perfect. He sews and creates all his clothes, normally he wears a very nice suit and takes great pride in his appearance. He is usually up early to make sure his hair, clothes, and body are perfectly kept, believing that looking good is part of feeling good. Hair Color: Dark red Eye Color: Orange COMBAT Weapon: Riesen Messer- The giant's knife is rather underwhelming normally, three feet and only a foot thick. However this piece of steel hide's a few tricks. Able increase and decrease it's length it can go all the way to eight feet, earning it's name as the giant's knife. It's second form is one even more impressive, the weaver is able to use spools of thread to move and tie up targets. Controlling these threads while time consuming and requiring highly skilled motor control they can be used to move and create trip wires and other such traps. Semblance: Seven in one, splitting his aura seven ways he can create seven copy's of himself doing this at great risk as losing a clone removes a seventh of his aura. Dust: When using dust it is generally in a spool inserted into the threading system, while not often used as the level of precision is difficult to control. Thus generally if he does use dust it's for steam, failing that he will also use it to annoy and hamper his opponent. His sword can use it as well though low funds means he generally just use's it in spools. Skills: 1. Highly acrobatic 2. Incredibly strong 3. Stealth 4. Fast attacks 5. Appear's weak PERSONALIZED Personality: 1. Defiant 2. Regal 3. Caring 4. Open 5. Intelligent Skills: 1. High quality tailor 2. Very capable cook 3. Trained hair stylist Background: Born and raise in Mistral his father was a poor tailor and his mother ran the local inn. Growing up the runt of the family he was pushed around by his two older sisters and had to care for his younger sister as well. As he grew he learned to fight, mostly thanks to the other boys picking on him. Training with his sisters and having to survive the other boys beating's helped him learn to move fast, and hit even harder. When he was thirteen he discovered his semblance, after finding his younger sister shoved in to the mud and crying he attacked the boys responsible, the seven boys thought they would be fight one little shrimp. Yet summoning up his strength and with one punch all seven of the boys collapsed before Bran Brass. For that feat of strength his father crafted him a belt and used there savings to get their son a weapon. No in town could believe it, little Bran Brass the boy who cooked meals in the tavern and sewed nearly everyone's suits and dresses with his father was going to a Huntsman. However he did not train at a combat prep school instead choosing to travel outside the walls and learn to fight Grimm in the wild. He traveled alone, becoming stronger and learning all he could about the Grimm and battling them. He did keep close to the borders so that he could return if attacked and did not venture far. He would only remain out there for a year, returning to civilization he began entering tournaments to test his skills. Proving himself a capable and talented fighter in open tournaments held for Huntsman in Mistral area. He was accepted to a combat school and set to work there, he was accepted in to Beacon recently and is quite excited to attend the school more to learn to work with a team. Character Theme: Based off the fairy tale's 'The Little Tailor' and 'Jack The Giant Killer.' Other: Jaune is the best. Theme: Anger Management
Yu Zuiren Yu ne s'attendait pas vraiment à ce que le garçon rende le clin d'œil. Elle sentait son visage devenir un peu plus chaud qu'il ne l'était déjà. Elle a pensé tout comme elle a été lancée du pad. La brise se sentait bien alors qu'elle coulait à travers ses longs cheveux argentés et blancs. Elle était tellement distrait par le sentiment de vol qu'elle n'a pas remarqué le fil qui l'entourait. Au milieu de la perruque, elle a senti quelque chose la pousser vers le bas, la faisant couler un peu de son verre. Dans l'ensemble, Yu n'a rien remarqué. Pas même l'énorme wurm au loin.. Pas qu'il y avait beaucoup de temps entre son vol et être tiré au sol. Quand le fil a été coupé, Yu est tombé sur l'herbe en bas, et a posé à plat sur son dos pendant un moment quand elle a levé la gourde à sa bouche pour une autre gorgée. Elle soupira tranquillement avant de se mettre sur les pieds avec un coup de pied rapide, mais elle semblait tomber légèrement en se levant. Elle se dirige lentement vers son partenaire avec une démarche légèrement déséquilibrée. Elle se penchait près de son oreille, murmurant d'un ton flirt, "Je vais où tu veux, Bran~" Elle recula un peu, donnant à son nouveau partenaire un sourire coquin Puis elle s'est soudain souvenue de quelque chose, "Comment ruude de moi - je suis-hic Yu. Yu Zuiren ~..C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer-hic." Elle a dit, donner à Bran un arc très occasionnel. Elle regarda autour des arbres avec un regard légèrement sans indice avant de regarder en arrière Bran, "Quelle façon allons-nous?"
Yu Zuiren (醉人, 玉) Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human Height: 5’8” Weight: 145 lb Clothing Style: (Refer to image) Hair Color: White/Silver Eye Color: Green COMBAT Weapon: Jindan (Golden Elixir) This gourd doesn’t transform. However, it contains mysterious liquid which Yu drinks all the time. (Which she claims to be juice or milk. Whichever she sees fit at the time.) It has a long red rope that is tied around the middle of the gourd with a large portion of the rope loose, allowing Yu to use it similarly to a Meteor Hammer. Semblance: Drunken Haze The more Yu drinks from her gourd, the stronger her attacks become, however this is limited to the capacity of her gourd and how much she can handle before just passing out entirely. Along with increases in attack power, Yu's drinking starts to affect her opponent as well; causing them to see multiple illusions of the Huntress, which imitate her movements. These illusions don't inflict any damage, however they look very life-like, thus making it difficult to find the real Yu. Dust: Yu doesn’t use dust. Skills: Yu is almost exclusively trained in Zui Quan (Drunken Fist) and has adapted the style in such a way that allows it to have more practical application beyond traditional means. In combat, Yu is extremely unpredictable and is very skilled at evading attacks. PERSONALIZED Personality: Easy going Kind Flirty Sociable Cheeky Skills: Drinking Free Running Relaxing Mixing Cocktails Born in the western parts of Minstral, Yu was raised by her father, having lost her mother when she gave birth to Yu. Her father was a Huntsman, but not the glorified kind that many expect in those days. He was a Huntsman who had strayed from his ‘righteous’ path and did what he could to raise his daughter. However, a lot of his money went into buying time from women and booze, leaving very little for their essentials. While her father was out on a job, Yu would often walk around the town, begging for money, which often lead to her being beaten by others. She had spoken to a mysterious old man on numerous occasions. He always smelt of alcohol, but he was a very nice person to talk to. When she was barely in her teens, she told the old man about her dreams to become a Huntress. Instead of laughing like almost everyone else did, he took her seriously and decided to teach her his art. Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist. She wasn’t introduced to alcohol until the later stages of her training. During her years of training, she had convinced her father to allow her to attend Sanctum academy. Her father, hoping that she wouldn’t turn out like him, allowed her to attend classes. It wasn’t long before she graduated from the academy, and as a gift, the old man gave her his Gourd. Jindan. And the clothing that she wears now was a gift from her father. The old man suggested that she went to Beacon academy, he never really gave her a reason why, but she decided to follow his advice for one last time. Character Theme: Yu is loosely based on Lu Dongbin who is an immortal from Chinese Mythology. Lu, like the other 7 immortals in his group, are often depicted as joyful people who enjoy getting drunk often, hence Yu’s enjoyment of drinking. The styles in Zui Quan also refer to the 8 immortals. Lu Dongbin is also depicted as a ‘ladies man’, which is referred to in Yu’s occasional flirty nature. Other: Jaune is best waifu 0:38 to 1:00
Vi(oletta) Hyacine Peu de temps après l'envoi des deux autres étudiants en vol, Ozpin entendit le bruit d'une faible purge comme quelque chose de brossé contre sa jambe. S'il regardait en bas, il voyait Alice, regardant l'homme avec ses yeux verts et bleus tandis que sa queue agitait d'un côté à l'autre. Attaché à son collier était un morceau de papier, qui, lorsqu'il n'était pas laminé, se lisait comme tel. J'ai reçu votre message et décidé de ne pas perdre de temps, parce que j'étais si en retard qu'il l'est. Je connais déjà l'essentiel du test, donc au moment où vous lisez ceci, je suis déjà entré dans la forêt. Aussi, si tu pouvais juste regarder Alice un peu, ce serait bien, mais je comprendrais si tu ne le fais pas. Je vous demande trop de choses. Vi faisait son chemin à travers la forêt, regardant autour de lui pour voir si elle pouvait trouver un autre individu solo, mais en quelque sorte doutait en raison de son retard. Eh bien, si c'est le cas, c'est le cas, bien que je ne préfère pas la moitié pour obtenir la langue de maman à ce sujet. Par les Maidens, pourquoi cette moitié est déjà une telle épreuve. Stupide Ozpin pour ne pas avoir donné de préavis, et stupide Crimson pour avoir apporté une porte sur ma tête. Même avec Aura, ça fait toujours mal. La fille aux cheveux violets, habillée de vêtements décontractés comme un sweat, jeans, et autres, a atteint jusqu'à se frotter la tête, clinquant légèrement à la douleur. SUDdenly, cependant, elle s'est retournée, soulevant son arme alors que le baril descendait le baril alors que Black Needle changeait de forme SHotgun, ses yeux balayant son environnement. Au début, il n'y avait rien à signaler, mais peu de temps après, les yeux rouges ont commencé à briller du sous-bois, un paquet de Beowulf faisant leur chemin vers la figure à l'aspect doux. Elle pouvait dire de la façon dont ils s'approchaient et le regard dans leurs yeux creux, la haine remplissait, qu'ils ne pensaient pas beaucoup d'elle, ne la comptant pas comme une vraie menace. C'était, en vérité, leur deuxième erreur. La première était de décider d'attaquer Vi en premier lieu. Dès que la première attaque, se chargeant en avant dans une ruée folle avec des griffes prêtes à rabattre la chair d'os, elle riposte en lançant une limace juste entre ses yeux, se tordant hors de la voie car c'est la carcasse a volé devant elle, pas un cheveu hors de la place alors qu'elle regardait l'autre Grim, tout simplement leur donnant un regard exaspéré. Les Beowolves ont répondu en la chargeant du tout à la fois, mais avant même qu'ils aient commencé, la manœuvre était vouée à l'échec. Tandis qu'ils se lançaient sur elle, la jeune fille formée semblait s'effacer pièce par pièce, au moment où leur attaque l'aurait atteint, tout ce qui restait était un sourire sournois, et même cela s'est vite évanoui. Confus de la disparition de leur proie, le Grimm regarda à sa recherche, pour être surpris par les sons de plusieurs coups tirés autour d'eux dans la terre, tournant ainsi et que pour la source du son, jusqu'à ce que l'un d'eux aperçoive la jeune fille à peine réapparaître. Il a fallu faire un pas en avant, impatient de couler ses dents dans ce repas ennuyeux, seulement pour que le sol autour d'elle éclate dans une explosion de froid à condensation rapide, le gelant et la plupart des autres membres de la meute dans la glace, des cueillettes faciles pour la chasseuse silencieuse comme elle a rapidement choisi la bête congelée d'un par un. Ceux qui n'étaient pas gelés étaient pris au piège par les corps gelés de leur compagnon Grimm, et donc se sont terminés peu après avec peu d'ennuis. Après cela a été fait, Vi grimpait rapidement un arbre, faisant rapidement son chemin jusqu'au sommet, où elle regardait à travers la portée de son arme en mode Railgun pour jeter un oeil à son environnement, prenant note du ver géant Grimm qui semblait avoir été tué par les autres étudiants. Une rétrograde, hein? Celui qui l'a enlevé est soit très habile, soit en train d'empaqueter une grande puissance de feu. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. intéressant. Passant du cadavre, elle regarda autour d'elle jusqu'à ce qu'elle décèle ce qui semblait être deux autres étudiants pas trop loin de sa position. Ils sont déjà en équipe, mais ils savent peut-être où sont les reliques. Sinon, eh bien, je peux les traquer jusqu'à ce qu'ils le rencontrent ou une autre personne avec qui je peux faire équipe. Avec le plan mis en pierre, Vi a mis Black Needle loin et a rapidement happé de la branche à la branche jusqu'à ce qu'elle a fait son chemin vers le sol de la forêt à quelques pieds des deux autres, prenant un moment pour essuyer quelques feuilles et ce qu'elle n'a pas de ses vêtements avant de regarder vers les deux, un oeil caché derrière ses cheveux un peu désordonnés tandis que l'autre regardait avec un demi-éclat apathique aux deux alors qu'elle soulevait une main dans un salut à demi-coeur, son ton plutôt plat et distinctement manquant de vraies tonalités accueillantes, mais pas vraiment hostiles non plus. "Hé, vous savez où sont les reliques?" Elle a demandé et ensuite, se rappelant qu'elle pourrait finir dans une équipe avec ces personnes (et serait probablement les rencontrer tout au long de l'année de toute façon même si ce n'était pas), qu'elle devrait probablement juste obtenir tout le truc d'introduction plus avec aussi bien. "Oh, et le nom est Vi, si vous voulez savoir. Vi Hyacin, plaisir de vous rencontrer et tout cela."
Name: Violetta Hyacin, but she prefers to go by Vi when asked for her name Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human APPEARANCE Vi is a average-looking girl, not stunningly beautiful but not truly that bad either. Her hair is cut in a somewhat messy fashion, and usually is something that she doesn't deal with until it starts to become an annoyance. In terms of her figure, she's rather slender and lithe in her build, with a somewhat larger than average bust and slight hourglass shape to her frame. She has some muscles and tone to her body, but not a lot due to it being hard for her to gain much with her body type, as well as a lack of real effort to build it up. Height: 5'10 Weight: 155lbs Clothing Style: Vi dresses to be as inconspicuous and unnoticeable as possible, tending to wear either black and/or dark purple clothes to assist in this. She wears a large black and purple zip-up hoodie, baggy jeans, and some sneakers before calling it a day, not really too particular about what she wears.He also wears contacts to help him with her vision, and while she isn't blind without them, they will definitely cause problems if she doesn't have them in. Hair Color: Purple Eye Color: Dull Gray COMBAT Weapon: Black Needle: Vi's main weapon starts off as a plain-looking, yet powerful railgun, made to pierce through the armor of even the strongest grimm with little difficulty, firing off a single reinforced bullet at insane speeds. However, in order to make the shot, the lightning dust has to charge up for a bit(about one post) before firing, which causes the gun to over-heat immediately and giving it a cool down time that's at least double that of the charge time(two posts). To add extra power, it can be over-charged, but the longer it's charged, the longer the cool down, as well as a chance for the weapon to possible over-heat while charging, resulting in the weapon exploding with the stored electrical energy. After every shot, the weapon needs to be reloaded with both another bullet and a lightning dust cartridge, as it uses up the whole thing in that single shot. When there Vi is unable to use her weapon as the Sniper rifle she'd like it to be, she can shift the weapon into it's shotgun form, causing the barrel to expand and slide down towards her in order to shorten the length of the weapon and make it easier to handle. After a quick ammunition change, the weapon can now fire powerful slug rounds at the enemy, which can also be switched around for Dust rounds if needed, enabling her to deal quite a bit of damage to those who think they can take him up close. The effective distance of this weapon is a bit larger than most others of this type due to the slug ammunition, meaning that he can also take some foes by surprise if they thing they can play a game of keep away. The downside to this is that her weapon lacks the spread that shotguns normally have, and thus makes it hard to deal with speedy opponents, as she has to make every shot count instead of just going hog wild. The name black needle comes from the appearance of the projectiles once they're fired from the railgun, as they strangely enough leave a thin trail of black energy behind the bullet for some reason. This has the unfortunate effect of giving away her position in a fight. Semblance: Now you see me . . .: Vi's semblance is the ability to turn herself and anything she's holding both invisible and intangible for a short amount of time. However, it takes about three seconds or so for this effect to complete, meaning he can't use it to avoid attacks if he;s in the heat of battle. The effect can last up to a full minute, though that can be fairly tiring, but it also ends the moment that she's about to launch an attack against a chosen target, resulting in a three second fade in that starts the moment he's cemented the idea in his head.(Ex. She sees a grimm, activates her ability, and then, after she decided to walk over behind the grim to initiate the counter attack, some part of her will instantly become visible, and over three seconds, the rest of her will follow up as he tries to walk over and commence the attack. The moment she attacks, she becomes fully tangible as well.) She tries not to use this ability consecutively, as it can really tire her out to keep going in and out of it like that. During the fade-in and fade-out, there is usually some kind of effect that goes with it, either his body seeming to unravel, some parts fading out before others due, his eyes suddenly beginning to glow, or a unusually wide smile spreading across his face. He doesn't know the reasons for this, nor does he particularly care. From time to time, different effects will pop up other than those stated, but they are the most common. Dust: Lightning dust powers his weapon while it's in its railgun form, and she tends to use all kinds of dust in his shotgun rounds, usually things like lightning, ice, and gravity to keep her foes locked down and give herself or her teammates time to go in for the kill. To further that goal, she also has special trap rounds that don't activate upon impact with a solid surface, instead burrowing into the ground or whatever living surface(or Grimm) they've been placed on, which she can activate by pressing a special button on the gun that sends out the signal, activating the dust to create an explosion of elemental energy underneath or around the target. Skills: Stealth Tracking Marksmanship Trap Setting Strategizing and Planning PERSONALIZED Personality: Curious Odd Mocking Calm Apathetic Skills: Reading People Watching Stalking Photography Sleight of Hand Stage magic Gambling Background: Vi comes from a long line of Hunters and Huntresses, all of them masters of the arts of stealth and deception. From birth she's been expected to join the ranks of the Hunters and keep the people of Remnant safe from the horrors of grim, taking to the Shadows in order to hunt down the savage beasts and drive humanity forward. And while Vi has worked towards that goal, she's rather . . . unmotivated by it. She's rather unmotivated by most things really, looking at the world through the eyes of someone struggling to care about it. She does what her parents ask her to, and works just hard enough to meet their expectations, but anyone who watches her can tell she never really gives her best at anything. Vi grew rather lonely, as her family has long been seen as a sort of boogeyman amongst the people of the world, as they tend to keep to themselves and the methods of some of their predecessors were known to be rather . . . disturbing, if effective, in how they disposed of the Grimm, not to mention the odd behaviors and mannerisms of some of the more notable hunters to have spawned from their brood. Left to her own devices all his life, never really interacting with anyone but her family, she developed some . . . odd coping habits to deal with her loneliness, like watching others from afar, and stalking those she found to be particular interesting and that she thought she could learn from. She took to copying the manner of other kids in attempts to fit in, but they usually ended in failure as people just found it weird and creepy. As she reached her teenage years, entering into the combat school of Signal like her parents wanted, she began to stop really caring about what other people thought. As the years went on, she simply let herself be absorbed by the job and lifestyle her parents wanted for her, lounging around the near other people, some part of her still hoping to glean some information out of those around her, yet most of her not really caring so much about it. As she attends Beacon, she feels neither relief that she was accepted, nor worry for the new year. Instead, she simply preps herself for another year by herself as people label her off as the creepy girl in class you shouldn't talk to. Character Theme: This character is based around the Chesire cat in terms of her semblance and some of her demeanor, though instead of a smiling, happy go-lucky personality, I decided to focus more on the strong sense of apathy and uncaring that the character seems to have in all of his incarnations, a lack of caring for the world around him except when certain people or events catch his interest. In those instances, she'll show more of her true self, a somewhat intrusive and obsessive personality that seems a bit off-kilter to the average person Other:Has a pet cat named Alice that he takes with him nearly everywhere during his off days. She's a black cat with one blue eye and one green eye, and a strip of white fur that goes all the way down her back and up her tail.
Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka À la mention des reliques, Vlad a vérifié dans le pectoral de son armure pour s'assurer que le sien était toujours en sécurité là, et pas en morceaux ou quoi que ce soit de son torse étant tenu par une griffe géante; une fois qu'il avait confirmé qu'il était présent et intact, il a levé sa main maintenant libre sur le côté de la branche le plus proche du tronc, a pris possession, puis a pris sa main prudemment hors de souffle. Il ne s'est pas rétracté autour de la branche comme il aurait pu l'espérer, et il s'est donc hissé sur le dessus de la branche. "Depuis que nous nous présentons," il a appelé à peu près dans la direction des deux autres dans son voisinage, voulant quelque chose à faire pendant qu'il a commencé à travailler sur le processus ardu de désenrouler le grappin de la branche, "Je suis Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka, s-" Ce qu'il aurait dit a été coupé comme, brusquement, le sol a commencé à trembler comme si un tremblement de terre l'avait frappé. S'arrêtant un moment, Vlad commença à sourire à nouveau, s'emparant de la branche avec ses genoux et continuant à détendre l'arme comme il continuait «... et cela semble être un bon moment d'attente pour arriver. Ou mauvais, selon votre point de vue." Peu de temps après, il réussit à libérer le souffle, le renaissant rapidement et l'étouffant; puis, à double contrôle pour s'assurer que la chute n'était pas trop importante, il sauta de la branche, atterrit dans un rouleau pour minimiser la force d'impact, et se levant juste en dessous où Rood et ce Chen Jet étaient tous les deux suspendus en plein air. "Allez, alors! Nous n'avons pas toute la journée », a-t-il crié aux deux. Au moins l'un d'entre eux exigeait encore l'un de ces comprimés, et Vlad lui-même démangeait de découvrir ce qui avait causé cette vibration, Jamais ou autrement.
Name: Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human APPEARANCE Additional oversized image displaying his weapons and contrasting his clothing choices with one another; please ignore anything that isn't the man in the middle of the image. Height: 195cm/6.4" Weight: 110kg/242.5lbs, much of which is muscle Clothing Style: Vladimir generally wears a tight black bodysuit to show off his musculature to others, over which he wears clothing based on whether he knows he is to fight that day: an incomplete suit of plate armour if he is, a red leather longcoat if he isn't, or both if he wants to appear stylish. He's also inexplicably fond of white gloves. Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Red COMBAT Weapon: Maw and Breath - Vladimir's weapons of choice consist of a large cruciform longsword and an oversized, almost handcannon-esque pistol, as pictured above. Whilst not necessarily fancy-looking by most weapon standards at first, both possess the capacity to open up into wicked multi-toothed constructs that are quite capable of restraining even a trained Hunter or Huntress in the manner of a multi-dimensional beartrap, and are barbed such that anyone who attempts to struggle free will likely suffer a lot of injury for their efforts. Furthermore, Breath's construct has the (optional) capacity to be launched with some force by firing the weapon whilst it is deployed, letting it restrain a foe from a great distance, and even remains connected to the handle of the gun by a thick metal wire to drag the victim back toward Vladimir for a closer-ranged pummelling. Semblance: Blood of the Dragon - This is a secret, for now. Dust: Dust is utilised by Vladimir, generally as part of his weapon's ammunition; his preference is shells loaded with Fire or Lava Dust, but if he knows he'll be facing an opponent with a particular association, he'll likely pick out ammo elements to counter the opponent's preferences, e.g. Water and/or Ice to negate Fire. Skills: Physically powerful Well-rounded Brutal combat style Savvy Calculating PERSONALIZED Personality: Manipulative Domineering Arrogant Intellectual Pragmatic Skills: Intelligent Athletic Able street fighter Charismatic Knowledgable Background: Vladimir was born into a moderately aristocratic Atlesean family which had recently fallen on hard times. His father, also called Vladimir, was a member of a group called the Knights of the Dragon - giving him his honorary surname "Drakk" or Dragon, and his son the surname of "Drakka" or Dragonson, in addition to the family surname of Plasimov - that had been quite famous in the nation of Mantle before it ceased to exist, but which had since declined to the point of near-dissolution. This state of affairs had not sat well with Drakk, or his high lifestyle and funds, and he thus began abusing his wife both physically and mentally, until finally overdoing it and accidentally putting her in hospital for long enough that questions were asked about him. This ultimately triggered Drakka's removal from Drakk's overbearing mannerisms, though these had already left in the twelve-year-old the beginnings of his own rather cruel, if highly intellectual personality; as a final request, Vladimir's father asked the authorities that, rather than being put into foster care, he be sent to live with some close family friends, the Morgensterns. Unlike the Plasimov family, the Morgenstern family had done very well for themselves in spite of their own allegiance with the Knights of the Dragon. Seeing what his father had declined to, and comparing his own possible future to that if he didn't make his moves quickly, Vladimir made it a personal goal of his to usurp the biological heir to the Morgenstern's fortune, and thus to surpass his own father in every way he could. He started to sidle himself into the family patriarch Valentine's good graces as quickly as possible, whilst simultaneously engaging in psychological warfare against his step-brother Jonathan to throw him off and have him lose face at times when it would matter. He might have succeeded, too, if not for two significant factors: Valentine was a lot more perceptive than Vladimir gave him credit for, often figuring out the truth of Vlad's manipulations with little obvious effort; and, more importantly, Jonathan was not as much of a doormat as he first appeared. Despite Vladimir's best efforts to avoid direct conflict, the two teens came to blows far more often than he'd like, and these fights quickly drew out both of their innate potentials. Deciding that he would rather they make use of their developing Auras against the Grimm than against each other, Valentine enrolled both children at one of Atlas' private combat schools, in preparation for them to eventually enroll in the famed Atlas Academy itself. This to some extent quelled their battles for the time being, since illegal combat was far more harshly punished by the school than by their father, but Vladimir nevertheless continued to bully Jonathan at any opportunity he got, leading to little good blood between them. This unstable peace ended after Vlad finally unlocked his Semblance - something which he suspected might be inherited, but which he decided to grant an appropriate name anyway: Blood of the Dragon. He spent the final year or so of his education at the school training his Semblance and figuring out what it could do with little intimidation toward Jonathan; then, on the very last day of school, he made a point of beating his stepbrother to a pulp with his bare hands in public, getting himself arrested and his brother hospitalised and in a coma. Shortly afterward, he was put before his stepfather, who had already decided that Vlad had gone too far this time. In no uncertain terms, Valentine told the astounded boy that he had arranged to send him to Beacon Academy in Vale as a transfer student, stating his belief that the education there was less thorough than in Atlas, but that that was exactly what Vlad deserved for what he'd done, and that maybe the more liberal setting would teach him some damn humility. Not long after, Vladimir was sent off to Beacon, having already vowed to become the academy's top student and show both Valentine and Jonathan what he was truly capable of, or else die trying, for nothing less than this would satisfy his ego. tl;dr Background: Vlad was born into a previously-rich family that had fallen on hard times; His father became abusive and beat Vlad's mother unconscious, Vlad was taken away by authorities, but his father requested he be left with family friends; Vlad came into the family, which consisted of a father and son, and had done far better than Vlad's family, so he vowed to inherit that family's wealth even over his stepbrother via trickery and psychological warfare; It turns out the stepfather was smarter, and the son less wimpy, than credit had been given, and Vlad and his stepbrother fought often enough that it became a problem; The stepfather put them both into a private training school to make better use of their aura than it currently had, and their fighting was mostly quelled by stricter punishments; Vlad eventually unlocked his semblance, Blood of the Dragon, which he studied for a bit, then used to beat his stepbrother into a coma at the end of their time at the school; As punishment, his stepfather had him sent to Beacon Academy rather than Atlas Academy, with Vlad vowing to become Beacon's top student in response to this injustice. Character Theme: Evidently, this guy is based on Vlad II "Țepeș" Dracula, or rather the vampire count who spawned from his acts and inherits his name. However, a lot of inspiration for Vladimir's character, his backstory in particular, comes from Dio Brando of JJBA fame, which I feel isn't too unsuitable given that the real Dracula was called "The Impaler" for a very good reason. That said, his appearance is derived from that of Alucard of Hellsing fame, and there's also a reference to The Domination of Draka in there, to make the name less of a straight theft from real life, and which still fits given the heavy dragon theming in his character. Other: Jaune is my fukken bae, and nobody can tell me otherwise.
Rowan D. Valinn Rowan a regardé vers le haut, seulement pour obtenir une bouche pleine de plumes noires que le corps d'un géant Nevermore est venu tomber dans la bouche de Retrograde. Rowan avait presque été enlevée avec la bête, mais sa figure relativement mince lui a permis d'embrasser le mur de la gorge du ver, et d'éviter sa disparition prématurée. "Pbbfft. Ce n'était pas agréable, a-t-elle dit. Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?Elle a crié sur le bruit de l'explosion, bien que ses mots aient probablement été perdus à cause du mélange assourdissant de Dust et Bonny, boulet de canon sous eux. Elle pouvait sentir l'air se déchirer sur sa peau alors qu'ils s'envolaient dans le ciel. Elle remerciait les pouvoirs qui sont pour son Aura incroyablement durable, sinon elle serait déjà morte. À l'apogée de leur voyage, Rowan regarda Bonny, une expression terrifiée qui recouvrait son visage. Cela va probablement faire mal, a-t-elle dit avant qu'ils ne soient ramenés dans leur descente vers Remnant. Elle n'avait aucune méthode pour ralentir leur descente, et a recouru à s'accrocher à Bonny alors qu'elle tirait son canon vers la forêt en dessous, causant sans doute des dommages considérables à tout ce qu'elle avait touché. Rowan s'est attelé à l'impact alors qu'ils s'écrasent au-dessus de la moitié restante du Grimm Retrograde. Apparemment, le Grimm a refusé de mourir de leur explosion antérieure. Eh bien, si ce n'était pas mort alors, c'était sûr comme l'enfer l'était maintenant. Rowan a craché une bouche pleine de noir Grimm goo. Elle regarda autour de lui, se rendant compte qu'ils n'avaient pas tué le ver; ils l'avaient effacé. Je pense que je suis bon. Mes Aura's sont toujours là, mais à peine. » Rowan regarda Bonny glisser dans le lac de goo qu'ils avaient créé. Rowan est allé à Bonny. Désolé, j'aurais pu en être la cause. Mon semblant draine l'aura de ceux que je touche, et je n'ai aucun contrôle sur elle. Je suis désolé, elle a dit comme elle a aidé Bonny jusqu'à ses pieds. Rowan s'est stabilisée elle-même ainsi que Bonny que le sol s'est secoué sous eux une fois de plus. S'il te plaît, ne sois pas un autre ver!
Name: Rowan Dmitri Valinn Age: 17 Gender: Female APPEARANCE Height: 5’ 5” Weight: 125 lbs Clothing Style: Rowan is not much of a jeans and t-shirt kind of person. She’ll usually base her attire around the color red. Almost every outfit consists of a red coat of some sort. She is a major advocate of the combat skirt movement. Rowan wears a black scarf given to her by her father. Hair Color: Silver Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: Rowan’s weapon’s name is Tyrfing. It is a pair of black fist-wraps. On the back is the symbol for red Dust. Semblance: Rowan’s Semblance is known as the Saboteur's Touch. When she comes into contact with someone, her Semblance activates and drains the Aura from the person. It only drains from the initial contact, and if she remains in contact, then her Semblance will not drain any more. Her Semblance is constantly active, and she has ability to stop it from activating. Dust: Tyrfing is infused with red Dust, allowing for slightly explosive punches. The Dust has to be re-applied after every fight, as it runs out rather quickly. Skills: Rowan was trained extensively in both Wado-Ryu, as well as Krav Maga. She combines the two to form her own unique fighting style. She is able to move with the flow of the battle, and strike hard when the opportunity presents itself. Rowan is a tank of sorts, and prefers to stay in the thick of the battle. Her sizeable Aura allows her to absorb hits with relative ease. PERSONALIZED Personality: Charismatic Light-hearted Sarcastic Erratic Sociable Skills: Juggling Acrobatics Origami Rowan was born into a family of wealth. Her grandfather was a renowned doctor who had made several advancements in the medicinal field. Rowan’s father, being an only child, naturally inherited most of the family wealth when his father died. Rowan grew up living a life of luxury. She was waited on constantly, and could have anything within a moment’s notice. She attending a prestigious private school, where her parents bribed all of her teachers to give her passing grades. Despite having anything she could ever want, Rowan was unhappy with her life. She barely knew her parents, and she had no one she could truly call a friend. She craved excitement, adventure. Friendship. She begged her parents to send her to combat school. Reluctantly, they let her attend Sanctum Academy in Mistral. Rowan was in for a brutal awakening. Her first year at Sanctum left her at the bottom of her class in nearly all aspects, including socially. No one at Sanctum cared about her. Rowan spent the summer in between school years fervently training. She desperately wanted to prove herself. When she returned, while she had drastically improved herself, she was nowhere near the top students. She sought tutoring from one of these top students, a kid named Onyx. He gladly took Rowan under his wing, teaching her various fighting methods, as well as Aura and Semblance training. By the end of her time at Sanctum, Rowan was among the top tier students. She still couldn’t emerge as the best, but she was an excellent fighter. After some discussion with her parents, they agreed to let her further her education as a Huntress. She applied to Beacon Academy, in hopes of getting into the prestigious academy. Much to her surprise, she was accepted. Off she went to Beacon, eager to become a fully-fledged Huntress and help maintain the world’s peace. Rowan was inspired by the Norse mythological figure, Svafrlami. Svafrlami was the grandson of Odin, which inspired Rowan's renowned grandfather. Svafrlami forced a pair of dwarves to forge him an extremely powerful sword, but the sword was cursed by the dwarves. One of the dwarve's names was Dvalinn, so I incorporated that into Rowan's name (D. Valinn). Rowan’s Semblance is similar to a curse, although not relevant to the curse placed on the sword. Other: Jaune is best grill confirmed.
Chen Jet Chen a serré fermement la main de Rood, sans tenir compte de tout le truc de marcher sur l'air. "Bon de te rencontrer Rood. Jolie blague au fait." Chen gigogne un peu au jeu de mots que Rood avait fait et rétrécit les yeux un peu une fois qu'il a mentionné le Nevermore. "Tu sais comment certaines personnes n'aiment pas la litière sur le sol? Je n'aime pas non plus la litière dans le ciel." Chen a craché en regardant le Nevermore. "Mais vous avez raison. Ce monstre ne vaut pas mon temps." Il regarda Vladmir et sourit. "Allez sans moi. Je vais essayer de trouver quelqu'un avec qui j'ai un couple, mais je te parlerai plus tard. Tu as l'air d'être un mec marrant!" Chen a ri avec cette dernière déclaration et a quitté la zone. C'est quand il a quitté qu'il s'est passé quelque chose d'anormal. Si anormal signifiait qu'un ver géant sortait du sol, en avalant un tout de Nevermore, puis en tirant sur une paire d'étudiants et une bonne quantité de feu. Chen allait un peu plus loin et disait que c'était plutôt bizarre. "Huh. C'est cool." Et cool. Chen secoua la tête et décida de suivre le conseil de Rood, se dirigeant vers les reliques. Il a percuté les arbres, téléportant de temps en temps pour qu'il puisse y arriver plus vite, quand un brusque tremblement l'a jeté. Chen a atterri sur les pieds du sol d'abord et a sorti ses armes. Il chercha la source du petit tremblement de terre et soupira. Rien, rien qu'il puisse voir de toute façon. Il a glissé ses armes dans ses manches et a regardé autour de lui. Quelqu'un parlait au loin. Il devrait aller vérifier ça, la force en nombres et tout. Chen est entré dans la clairière où se trouvaient Vi, Yu et Bran. "Les reliques sont par là." Chen a indiqué dans la direction que Rood l'avait indiqué. "Je suis Chen au fait, mais comme je disais. Les reliques sont par là, et je vais par là moi-même. Voulez-vous m'accompagner?" Il a demandé avec un sourire insouciant et ses mains entrelacées derrière sa tête.
Name: Chen "Z" Jet Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5'3 Weight: 115 lbs Clothing Style: Black jeans and a black t-shirt with his logo on it. Wears a black leather jacket on top of his outfit with some sunglasses hanging out of a pocket. Hair Color: Jet Black Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: "Jet Stream": Jet Stream is a set of two black submachine guns with a red trim, which can transform into twin wakizashis for close range combat. When not in combat they collapse into his sleeves for easy concealment. Semblance: "Sonic Boom": Chen teleports in a flash of black smoke up to a range of 20 feet in any direction. He must know where he is teleporting or he runs the risk of teleporting into a solid object, which would obviously end badly. Two seconds must pass between uses, wait time gets longer as he runs out of energy. Dust: Keeps a few clips of Incendiary Dust bullets at all times. Skills: Chen uses an acrobatic fighting style primarily focused around dodging and redirecting attacks rather than blocking them. He focuses on staying mid-range and peppering foes with bullets, teleporting into melee range when he sees an opening. Is more suited for taking down slow targets and goons rather than powerful opponents. Works well in a team, not much of a leader. PERSONALIZED Personality: Jokester Carefree Intelligent Happy Serious when needed Skills: Coming up with bad jokes Video Games Tabletop Games Flight Simulators Secret Hobby: Reading Background: Chen was born in Atlas to an Atlas pilot and a no name village woman, the pilot abandoning the woman as soon as he found out she was pregnant. The woman hoped to start a new life outside of Atlas and immigrated to Vale to find something new. Chen grew up always watching the sky, hoping to one day fly through the great blue and find his father. As Chen grew older his mother would tell him stories of the daring feats his father would perform, but never told him his name. She would instead call him "Z", though she never explained why. As he grew older he abandoned his dream of meeting his father, becoming aware that his father wasn't as great of a man as he believed, but never gave up on one day flying. He joined Beacon to become a Huntsman and maybe because he liked how high up Beacon was in comparison to the town he lived in. Character Theme: Chen is loosely based off of Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind. Zephyrus is also the god of the spring wind, which is why I made Chen such a happy and jokestery person. In Zephyrus' stories he's also shown as a womanizer which I included in the form of Chen's father. And finally Chen's nickname "Z" is an reference to the first letter of Zephyrus. Other: Jaune is not best, Ren is best. Ren will always be best.
Vi(oletta) Hyacine L'attention de Vi a été attirée loin de la paire qu'elle a adressée à une nouvelle personne, levant un oeil sur sa mention de besoin d'une relique. Rassemblant cette information et le fait qu'il était seul, elle a pensé qu'il était probablement pas pair en ce moment, et donc, son partenaire. En tant que telle, tout en le suivant vers les reliques, elle a décidé de l'étudier un peu, voir quel genre de lecture elle pouvait obtenir sur le garçon aux cheveux noirs. Et bien... C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Il est petit. C'est très court. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Et c'est tout ce que je peux vraiment obtenir de regarder. Ce qui veut dire que je dois lui parler. Génial. Vi soupira intérieurement avant de rattraper la courte jeunesse à poil noir, le poussant à l'arrière de sa tête, et de garder son doigt là, alors qu'elle décidait enfin de parler. "Chen, n'est-ce pas? Son nom est Vi, et je suppose que nous sommes partenaires, puisque vous n'avez pas de partenaire non plus. Avez-vous des armes ou comptez-vous frapper le Grimm à mort?" Elle a parlé avec un sentiment de snark sec, ne pas être trop hostile à ce sujet, mais aussi ne pas être vraiment amicale ou attachante non plus. Elle a continué, son attention tournée vers les autres étudiants et le Retrograde qu'elle avait vu plus tôt. "Parlant de Grimm, qu'est-ce qu'il y a avec le Retrograde là-bas, et qui l'a enlevé? Était-ce un autre étudiant?"
Name: Violetta Hyacin, but she prefers to go by Vi when asked for her name Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human APPEARANCE Vi is a average-looking girl, not stunningly beautiful but not truly that bad either. Her hair is cut in a somewhat messy fashion, and usually is something that she doesn't deal with until it starts to become an annoyance. In terms of her figure, she's rather slender and lithe in her build, with a somewhat larger than average bust and slight hourglass shape to her frame. She has some muscles and tone to her body, but not a lot due to it being hard for her to gain much with her body type, as well as a lack of real effort to build it up. Height: 5'10 Weight: 155lbs Clothing Style: Vi dresses to be as inconspicuous and unnoticeable as possible, tending to wear either black and/or dark purple clothes to assist in this. She wears a large black and purple zip-up hoodie, baggy jeans, and some sneakers before calling it a day, not really too particular about what she wears.He also wears contacts to help him with her vision, and while she isn't blind without them, they will definitely cause problems if she doesn't have them in. Hair Color: Purple Eye Color: Dull Gray COMBAT Weapon: Black Needle: Vi's main weapon starts off as a plain-looking, yet powerful railgun, made to pierce through the armor of even the strongest grimm with little difficulty, firing off a single reinforced bullet at insane speeds. However, in order to make the shot, the lightning dust has to charge up for a bit(about one post) before firing, which causes the gun to over-heat immediately and giving it a cool down time that's at least double that of the charge time(two posts). To add extra power, it can be over-charged, but the longer it's charged, the longer the cool down, as well as a chance for the weapon to possible over-heat while charging, resulting in the weapon exploding with the stored electrical energy. After every shot, the weapon needs to be reloaded with both another bullet and a lightning dust cartridge, as it uses up the whole thing in that single shot. When there Vi is unable to use her weapon as the Sniper rifle she'd like it to be, she can shift the weapon into it's shotgun form, causing the barrel to expand and slide down towards her in order to shorten the length of the weapon and make it easier to handle. After a quick ammunition change, the weapon can now fire powerful slug rounds at the enemy, which can also be switched around for Dust rounds if needed, enabling her to deal quite a bit of damage to those who think they can take him up close. The effective distance of this weapon is a bit larger than most others of this type due to the slug ammunition, meaning that he can also take some foes by surprise if they thing they can play a game of keep away. The downside to this is that her weapon lacks the spread that shotguns normally have, and thus makes it hard to deal with speedy opponents, as she has to make every shot count instead of just going hog wild. The name black needle comes from the appearance of the projectiles once they're fired from the railgun, as they strangely enough leave a thin trail of black energy behind the bullet for some reason. This has the unfortunate effect of giving away her position in a fight. Semblance: Now you see me . . .: Vi's semblance is the ability to turn herself and anything she's holding both invisible and intangible for a short amount of time. However, it takes about three seconds or so for this effect to complete, meaning he can't use it to avoid attacks if he;s in the heat of battle. The effect can last up to a full minute, though that can be fairly tiring, but it also ends the moment that she's about to launch an attack against a chosen target, resulting in a three second fade in that starts the moment he's cemented the idea in his head.(Ex. She sees a grimm, activates her ability, and then, after she decided to walk over behind the grim to initiate the counter attack, some part of her will instantly become visible, and over three seconds, the rest of her will follow up as he tries to walk over and commence the attack. The moment she attacks, she becomes fully tangible as well.) She tries not to use this ability consecutively, as it can really tire her out to keep going in and out of it like that. During the fade-in and fade-out, there is usually some kind of effect that goes with it, either his body seeming to unravel, some parts fading out before others due, his eyes suddenly beginning to glow, or a unusually wide smile spreading across his face. He doesn't know the reasons for this, nor does he particularly care. From time to time, different effects will pop up other than those stated, but they are the most common. Dust: Lightning dust powers his weapon while it's in its railgun form, and she tends to use all kinds of dust in his shotgun rounds, usually things like lightning, ice, and gravity to keep her foes locked down and give herself or her teammates time to go in for the kill. To further that goal, she also has special trap rounds that don't activate upon impact with a solid surface, instead burrowing into the ground or whatever living surface(or Grimm) they've been placed on, which she can activate by pressing a special button on the gun that sends out the signal, activating the dust to create an explosion of elemental energy underneath or around the target. Skills: Stealth Tracking Marksmanship Trap Setting Strategizing and Planning PERSONALIZED Personality: Curious Odd Mocking Calm Apathetic Skills: Reading People Watching Stalking Photography Sleight of Hand Stage magic Gambling Background: Vi comes from a long line of Hunters and Huntresses, all of them masters of the arts of stealth and deception. From birth she's been expected to join the ranks of the Hunters and keep the people of Remnant safe from the horrors of grim, taking to the Shadows in order to hunt down the savage beasts and drive humanity forward. And while Vi has worked towards that goal, she's rather . . . unmotivated by it. She's rather unmotivated by most things really, looking at the world through the eyes of someone struggling to care about it. She does what her parents ask her to, and works just hard enough to meet their expectations, but anyone who watches her can tell she never really gives her best at anything. Vi grew rather lonely, as her family has long been seen as a sort of boogeyman amongst the people of the world, as they tend to keep to themselves and the methods of some of their predecessors were known to be rather . . . disturbing, if effective, in how they disposed of the Grimm, not to mention the odd behaviors and mannerisms of some of the more notable hunters to have spawned from their brood. Left to her own devices all his life, never really interacting with anyone but her family, she developed some . . . odd coping habits to deal with her loneliness, like watching others from afar, and stalking those she found to be particular interesting and that she thought she could learn from. She took to copying the manner of other kids in attempts to fit in, but they usually ended in failure as people just found it weird and creepy. As she reached her teenage years, entering into the combat school of Signal like her parents wanted, she began to stop really caring about what other people thought. As the years went on, she simply let herself be absorbed by the job and lifestyle her parents wanted for her, lounging around the near other people, some part of her still hoping to glean some information out of those around her, yet most of her not really caring so much about it. As she attends Beacon, she feels neither relief that she was accepted, nor worry for the new year. Instead, she simply preps herself for another year by herself as people label her off as the creepy girl in class you shouldn't talk to. Character Theme: This character is based around the Chesire cat in terms of her semblance and some of her demeanor, though instead of a smiling, happy go-lucky personality, I decided to focus more on the strong sense of apathy and uncaring that the character seems to have in all of his incarnations, a lack of caring for the world around him except when certain people or events catch his interest. In those instances, she'll show more of her true self, a somewhat intrusive and obsessive personality that seems a bit off-kilter to the average person Other:Has a pet cat named Alice that he takes with him nearly everywhere during his off days. She's a black cat with one blue eye and one green eye, and a strip of white fur that goes all the way down her back and up her tail.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????C'est quoi, ça? La légère croûte de la laisse derrière Glynda, qui à ce moment avait été laissé seul, seulement pour qu'elle tourne et que ses yeux violets s'élargissent à ce qui la saluait. La magie blanche inonda ses yeux avant qu'elle ne puisse parler cependant, et elle tomba à terre où un bras, vêtu de cambriolages ébènes, l'attrape et la pose doucement. Cette figure a regardé sur le terrain de leur point de vue sur la falaise, en voyant le Retrograde défait. C'est gênant. À la main, le bout des doigts brillait de magie de couleur similaire. Ils se sont écrasés et ont frappé la falaise. L'effet retentissant était des fissures blanches dans la terre formant et tirant sur la falaise, à travers le pont, à travers le champ et jusqu'à l'endroit où le Retrograde se trouvait en morceaux, comme si la foudre avait frappé le sol. La terre a commencé à trembler, puis violemment agité comme si un tremblement de terre était imminent, et il l'était. En ce moment, Rood s'était enfui de la clairière après avoir reconnu les paroles de Vlad et Chen, se retrouvant à côté de Bonny et Rowan tout en regardant dans l'admiration. Sous eux, le sol s'est séparé et a commencé à se diviser, le séparant rapidement pour former un chasme où la lumière noire et rouge brillait sous eux. Un cri terrible et dégoûtant s'en est sorti d'en-dessous, alors que les morceaux de la Retrograde, qui avait commencé à se dissiper, tombaient dans l'abîme. Et en réponse, un grimace dont on n'avait entendu parler que dans la mythologie éleva sa tête laid alors qu'elle rampait devant le quadron des étudiants présents et criés. Rood von Rah Les yeux de Rood ont grandi jusqu'à la taille des soucoupes et il a trébuché en arrière, sa poitrine serré dans la terreur. Il avait déjà vu ce truc. Son souffle s'est approché des niveaux d'hyperventilation alors qu'il tremblait, la bête et ses têtes inférieures s'approchaient d'une manière lente et contrôlée, tandis que son souffle pourri était soufflé dans leur visage, provoquant Rood à presque bâillonner. "F... Ff... Falthon..." Il a commencé à prendre des pas loin de la bête, clairement paniqué. Les Falthons, dans la mythologie, étaient parmi les plus « jeunes » des Grimm et donc les plus macabres. Avant que Grimm n'ait trouvé des formes animales distinctes, ils formaient des monstruosités de peur qui avaient pensé être effacées par des héros anciens comme Turnbon et Chikalis. Pendant tout ce temps, l'érudit Bentiteea avait trouvé des moyens de les éradiquer; méthodes compliquées en tant que telles en raison du fait que la poussière ne semblait jamais se révéler efficace contre un Falthon grimm. "Il faut courir... FALTHON!" Avec cela, Rood s'est retourné et l'a réservé pour la falaise, sachant qu'ils avaient déjà leurs reliques. Bien qu'il eût semblé si cool de se diriger plus tôt, la blonde avait regardé le monstre avec reconnaissance. Il savait de quoi ils étaient capables, semble-t-il.
Rood von Rah Age 17 Gender Male Species Human APPEARANCE Height 6'2" Weight 211 lbs Clothing Style When not having to be in Beacon's uniform, Rood ordinarily adorns himself in ornate gold armor up to the waist with a royally bold red cape sashed at his waist which billows when he walks. He wears expensive heavy golden earrings and a red stone necklace at all times regardless if he is in uniform or not. His body is decorated with intricate red paint as a symbol of his status. Hair Color Blonde Eye Color Red COMBAT Weapons Eye of Ma'at His arm is covered in chains with a speared tip at the end, making lashing out with this long range weapon a very deadly experience. The speared tip can 'flower' out into a mini revolving end which Rood can fire off AS he whips this weapon around with the help of his semblance Mehet-Weret A classic lance with decorative and intricate craftsmanship. Best when paired with Rood's semblance. Though it has the option to use Dust, a situation where that would be necessary hasn't been crossed. Or has it? Semblance Friction Manipulation Rood is able to run on air (but NOT fly), walk on water, deflect oncoming attacks, increase or decrease and object's velocity, and change his own inertia. He is also able to generate heat, but not flames by concentrating all on the friction in regards to his body's/an object's placement. Without a gun, he is able to fire off bullets at will by concentrating his friction, hence the placement of the 'gun' at the end of his whip. See 'Other' for limitations. Dust Rood is extensively knowledgeable about Dust but for some reason doesn't carry any on him. Skills Taunting Evasion Surprise PERSONALIZED Personality Brash Dominant Sensitive Regal Passionate Skills -Has taken to playing a lute -Surprisingly, enjoys working with scrapped textiles to make fashionable outfits -Sewing Background For now, Rood's personal history will be shrouded in mystery. What can be shared is common knowledge to all students attending Beacon Academy. The Rah name belonged to a very prestigious family who once ruled the Kingdom of Mistral. The family line, however, fell due to unforeseen circumstances; enemies of past generations ambushed members of the family and cut them down. Desperate to hold the prestige of the family line, the few Rah's remaining married into Atlas' own royals the Schnee's. The two familie's connected only by forced marriages ruled in their separate kingdoms once order was restored, and the purity of the Rah line was forever broken. From there, two generations down, Rood was born a von Rah. This will be the first time in his life he has ever been exposed to working with others his own age. Character Theme Though he encompasses the summation of egyptian culture and religion as a whole, Rood is best described as a genderbent Neith, the Egyptian Goddess of War who wields a masculine bow and arrow. Traded instead for his main weapon is the feminine whip and his red necklace in place of her red crown. Neith is known for her love of weaving, which I wanted to really translate to Rood; which I did in the form of him enjoying sewing and making things out of it for others. 'Rood' is Dutch for red, and 'von' is a common German name add-on, which is frequent pattern seen in the Schnee name. Rah, of course is in reference to Ra, the egyptian God of the sun. Other: Jaune is the best About Friction - Rood's Semblance is vast in its potential, this is true. Or it would be if he could do more than one of any of those things at one time. Every use of his semblance takes all of his concentration, and it doesn't take long until all that usage takes a toll. Thanks to the nature of the semblance, Rood is at constant risk for overheating or in the worst case scenario spontaneously combusting, making his ability a dangerous one to wield for not only other, but for himself.
Bonny Mako Bonny a entendu un ruckus et a regardé en arrière faiblement pour trouver Rood réserver comme un poulet avec sa tête coupée, squawking au sujet d'un brassard ou quelque chose. Puis elle a vu la gigantesque grotesquerie qui ressemblait moins à un bon Grimm et plus à un kit de machette de papier entra en collision violente avec une morgue, un cimetière pour animaux de compagnie et une poulailler dans cet ordre, a déduit que c'était probablement ce à quoi Rood faisait allusion, et malgré son manque d'éducation formelle, est arrivé à la conclusion étonnamment astucieuse de-- "Ça n'a pas l'air bien." Elle a essayé de marcher, mais a trébuché, tombant dans l'épaule de Rowan. La fatigue et le drain d'Aura se révélaient encore trop grands pour qu'elle se rétablisse si rapidement. Comme ça, elle pouvait à peine marcher ou appuyer sur une gâchette, encore moins courir. Elle s'est effondrée sur son canon, a balancé son bras sauvagement, et a réussi à le glisser comme un sac à dos. "Hé, lass? Vous pensez pouvoir m'aider à me porter?" Elle a dit, hoche la tête à Falthon. "Je promets que je vais utiliser mon canon pour vous donner un coup de pouce supplémentaire sooooooo... s'il vous plaît ne me laissez pas derrière?" Bonny savait comment s'est passé le célèbre film d'horreur. Le faunus est toujours mort en premier.
Bonny Mako Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Shark Faunus APPEARANCE More or less like this. See below for details on where her appearance differs from the picture. Height: 5 ft., 11 in. Weight: 162 lbs., slightly less now that a significant chunk of her dorsal fin has been lost Clothing style: A blue and white striped long-sleeve shirt that's torn-up, short-cut, and somewhat revealing (though not quite as revealing as pictured above) paired with a comparatively modest blue-grey skirt. The skirt reaches down to below her knees or so in the front and drags behind her in the back, giving the illusion of a shark tail when blown by the wind or dragged behind her in the water. The fin-shaped pockets at her hips are actually fanny packs, in which to store loot. She wears a dark grey bandana with a skull and crossbones on it and old grey leather shoes that look ratty, water-logged and worn, and her idea of "accessorizing" boils down to grabbing or stealing anything remotely shiny or expensive-looking and wearing it as tacky bling. She also has an anchor tramp stamp. Hair color: Dirty blonde Eye color: Reddish brown COMBAT Weapon: Best described as an 18th century naval revolver cannon repurposed as a jetpack, the Revenge has six revolving chambers in which to load various types of cannonballs. Each chamber is marked by color (red for fire, blue for ice etc.) and can hold a few cannonballs each before needing to be reloaded. While this is obviously all fine and dandy, the Revenge has a hidden functionality you wouldn't guess until you've seen it in action, because you'd swear it was invented by a mad person. By taking the mounted rig normally used to carry the cannon minigun-style and slipping it over her shoulders, Bonny points the cannon at the ground, fires, and takes off like she's wearing a jetpack, dropping bombs on her enemies from the sky. This is not actual flight but rather a sort of rocket jumping, and Bonny rises and falls in a predictable parabolic arc when using it. Additionally, the cannon can also be used as a handy bludgeon or battering ram in close quarters combat. When Bonny repurposed her father's cannon into her own weapon, she realized the new revolver mechanism made the traditional rammer used to load cannonballs into the breach obsolete. Not wanting to get rid of such a fine piece of craftmanship, Bonny wrapped the rammer in cloth infused with fire-elememted Dust, creating a giant, reusable match. Now whenever Bonny wants to set something or someone on fire, she just strikes the rammer on the ground like a match, takes a swig of whatever's in her flask, and sprays it all over her makeshift torch, blowing fire everywhere like a carnival firespitter. She does this both because it's fun and because her cannon makes for an effective yet unwieldly melee weapon. This way, she can be quicker on the draw and avoid risking any damage to her main weapon. Semblance: Bonny's Semblance allows her to detect minute changes in electromagnetic fields with great sensitivity, much like a shark's ampullae of Lorenzini. She can sense muscle contractions in people and animals, which many people mistake for a psychic ability or having eyes in the back of her head. Due to this ability it is very difficult to hide from Bonny, and almost impossible to get the drop on her, as her Semblance allows her to "see" you move faster than normal eyes could process. It's also how she knows where to hit you from behind cover, and why she always greets people before they enter the room, something she likes to do just to freak people out. Dust: Bonny uses Dust ammunition in her cannon, launching cannonballs of various elemental types through the different chambers. Using fire Dust or explosives as a powder charge, she can also fire the cannon at the ground and use it like a jetpack to rocket jump. These cannonballs can also be tossed like bombs. The types of elemental dust Bonny uses in her cannon are Fire, Ice, and Electricity. She also uses explosive and smoke cannonballs. Skills: Tracking Aerial bombardment Taunting Drawing fire away from her teammates (though usually not on purpose) PERSONALIZED Personality: Loud Boisterous Kleptomaniac Hidden shame Skills: Swimming Lockpicking Pickpocketing Tracking Drinking Cardsharking Starting fires Singing sea shanties by the sea shore Background: A shark Faunus, and also secretly the daughter of the now infamous Faunus pirate Woodrow "Woody" Thatcher. Born to Woody and a human mother, Bonny and her family lived happily as a shining example of mixed-race marriage. For about two years, after which Bonny's mother was killed during a supposed "White Fang suppression" effort while defending her husband and child, a campaign that saw Bonny's hometown destroyed, burned to the ground, and Bonny and her father imprisoned with other Faunus refugees in the internment camp "Menagerie". They made a serious mistake in underestimating the depth and fire of the aquatic Faunus' rage however, and Thatcher soon conspired to escape from Menagerie with his daughter and a small group of like-minded men in tow. It was this group of escapees that would come to form the founding members of Woody "Dust to Dust" Thatcher's less than jolly crew of pirates, a mercenary group that sailed the high seas for years freeing Faunus and pillaging from the rich. Stealing a boat from the docks of lush human city just outside the borders of Menagerie, Thatcher put what little he knew about maritime protocols to use, and set sail a new and freed man. At first, during the early years, they just took on jobs for disenfranchised Faunus, only striking out at Remnant's oppressive governments when provoked... or when given the chance. It was these years that Bonny would come to remember as the golden ones, where she as a young girl truly felt as free and guiltless as the pirates her father read to her about in story books. But this wasn't Neverland, and she couldn't stay a kid forever. As time went on, the jobs Thatcher's crew took on became increasingly violent, fueled by the bitterness and hatred of the oppressed Faunus and her father, who never truly got over the loss of his wife. Their pillaging became more frequent, targeting not just rich government officials, but any human towns they could find. Villages burned. People died. Innocent people. Her father cited the needs of an always growing crew, but Bonny knew better. She knew her father and the crew were striking back because they hated humans, because they couldn't forgive in their hearts the things they had done to them. And their violent acts of rebellion were only growing worse. Bonny watched as the illusion that had carefully protected her through childhood crumbled, and her father's crew became monsters to her. Though she knew what they were doing was wrong, Bonny had tasted enough of human cruelty that she was still indecisive, unable to agree with her father but equally unable to invision a life for herself outside of the crew. Unable to forgive the hatred that was in her own heart, the hatred imparted to her by her father. That all changed the day her father began planning the siege. It was the largest operation the crew had attempted to date, and it would see them returning to the coast where they had first escaped from Menagerie. The plan was simple. Create as much chaos and destruction as physically possible to draw attention and manpower away from the borders of Menagerie. Then, a small group of men from Thatcher's crew would infiltrate Menagerie and start a riot, breaching the walls and defenses of the prison with a flood of angry Faunus that would cascade into the city, creating even more damage and senseless violence. Then, once the chaos became self-sustaining, the crew would pull out, leaving the city and its human inhabitants to their fate. The sheer horrificness of the plan, not to mention its size and scope, shocked Bonny out of any illusions she had that her father was not a criminal, and she began plotting mutiny. The night before the siege was scheduled to begin, Bonny smashed all the bottles of rum and spirits aboard the ship and set it ablaze, ripping the ship's ornate main cannon off the bow and swimming out to sea with it. If all went well, she'd make landfall in a few hours. More than enough time to warn the city before her father got the fire under control. All did not go well. Her father caught wind of her betrayal, and as she set off towards shore with the cannon in tow, her father shot at her in rage, puncturing a hole in her dorsal fin near the base that made it almost impossible for Bonny to swim carrying the giant cannon. However she persisted anyway, and disappeared into the night. The damage to her fin proved greater than she'd imagined, and it left her unable to stabilize. Eventually she veered far off course, losing time and gaining miles until eventually she ended up on the shores of Atlas, half dead from starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss. She had just about torn her fin off trying to make it to shore with the cannon, and by the time she made it, the siege was already over. Miles and miles down the coast, the defenseless city had fallen, and Menagerie had been breached, causing the largest prison break of interned Faunus yet reported. To add insult to injury, her futile efforts cost Bonny her fin, and with it her hopes of ever swimming again. Landlocked, out of hope and out of options, Bonny found her way out as a Huntress. Gaining an Atlas sponsorship for the combat skills she'd honed as part of a pirate crew, she fashioned herself a weapon out of her father's old cannon, eventually graduating from the preliminary combat schools and finding her way to Beacon as a transfer student, where she hoped/hopes to start a new life. Character theme: While Bonny represents the Golden Age of Piracy as a whole, she is more specifically based loosely off of Anne Bonny, an infamous female pirate who left a life of privilege and luxury behind to sail the seven seas on a ship called Revenge, burning her father's livelihood to the ground as she left. Other: Image Song Jaune is the best.
Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka Après Rood, alors qu'il se chargeait de la clairière, Vlad s'est retrouvé avec lui, Rowan, et Bonny comme une chose malsaine émergeait du sol. Un Falthon, passant par les cris paniqués de la grande blonde. Le souffle de la créature était semblable à celui d'une ferme de cadavres, assez mauvais pour que le requin Faunus ait l'air d'un bain de rose en comparaison. Il avait des ailes semblables à des chauves-souris, mais c'était la seule partie qui pouvait être interprétée comme étant d'un vrai animal, pour les crêtes osseuses et la taille trop étroite et des centaines de bouches et de visages à travers son corps. Bref, c'était un cauchemar. Vlad s'est trouvé en train de sourire au défi, et aurait sûrement attaqué imprudemment si Rood et Bonny n'avaient pas décidé d'être des lâches- il croyait qu'ils étaient lâches pour peu de raison, de toute façon- et s'enfuyaient. Ou plutôt, si Rood ne s'était pas enfui, et Bonny est allé et a trébuché dans Rowan, demandant à être transporté. C'est presque comme si elle avait vidé toute son aura sans même essayer, Vlad pensait à lui-même. Comment a-t-elle fait ça en quelques minutes, contre un seul Grimm de toutes choses? Roulant les yeux, il a fourré ses armes et s'est chargé devant les deux, agrippant Bonny de Rowan avec un cri de "Je suis plus fort que toi!" et la ramenant par-dessus son épaule pendant qu'il courait. -- Si vous voulez aider, lui dit Vlad, tirez-y si vous le voyez. J'ai mes moyens de fournir des boosts de vitesse si nous en avons besoin."
Name: Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human APPEARANCE Additional oversized image displaying his weapons and contrasting his clothing choices with one another; please ignore anything that isn't the man in the middle of the image. Height: 195cm/6.4" Weight: 110kg/242.5lbs, much of which is muscle Clothing Style: Vladimir generally wears a tight black bodysuit to show off his musculature to others, over which he wears clothing based on whether he knows he is to fight that day: an incomplete suit of plate armour if he is, a red leather longcoat if he isn't, or both if he wants to appear stylish. He's also inexplicably fond of white gloves. Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Red COMBAT Weapon: Maw and Breath - Vladimir's weapons of choice consist of a large cruciform longsword and an oversized, almost handcannon-esque pistol, as pictured above. Whilst not necessarily fancy-looking by most weapon standards at first, both possess the capacity to open up into wicked multi-toothed constructs that are quite capable of restraining even a trained Hunter or Huntress in the manner of a multi-dimensional beartrap, and are barbed such that anyone who attempts to struggle free will likely suffer a lot of injury for their efforts. Furthermore, Breath's construct has the (optional) capacity to be launched with some force by firing the weapon whilst it is deployed, letting it restrain a foe from a great distance, and even remains connected to the handle of the gun by a thick metal wire to drag the victim back toward Vladimir for a closer-ranged pummelling. Semblance: Blood of the Dragon - This is a secret, for now. Dust: Dust is utilised by Vladimir, generally as part of his weapon's ammunition; his preference is shells loaded with Fire or Lava Dust, but if he knows he'll be facing an opponent with a particular association, he'll likely pick out ammo elements to counter the opponent's preferences, e.g. Water and/or Ice to negate Fire. Skills: Physically powerful Well-rounded Brutal combat style Savvy Calculating PERSONALIZED Personality: Manipulative Domineering Arrogant Intellectual Pragmatic Skills: Intelligent Athletic Able street fighter Charismatic Knowledgable Background: Vladimir was born into a moderately aristocratic Atlesean family which had recently fallen on hard times. His father, also called Vladimir, was a member of a group called the Knights of the Dragon - giving him his honorary surname "Drakk" or Dragon, and his son the surname of "Drakka" or Dragonson, in addition to the family surname of Plasimov - that had been quite famous in the nation of Mantle before it ceased to exist, but which had since declined to the point of near-dissolution. This state of affairs had not sat well with Drakk, or his high lifestyle and funds, and he thus began abusing his wife both physically and mentally, until finally overdoing it and accidentally putting her in hospital for long enough that questions were asked about him. This ultimately triggered Drakka's removal from Drakk's overbearing mannerisms, though these had already left in the twelve-year-old the beginnings of his own rather cruel, if highly intellectual personality; as a final request, Vladimir's father asked the authorities that, rather than being put into foster care, he be sent to live with some close family friends, the Morgensterns. Unlike the Plasimov family, the Morgenstern family had done very well for themselves in spite of their own allegiance with the Knights of the Dragon. Seeing what his father had declined to, and comparing his own possible future to that if he didn't make his moves quickly, Vladimir made it a personal goal of his to usurp the biological heir to the Morgenstern's fortune, and thus to surpass his own father in every way he could. He started to sidle himself into the family patriarch Valentine's good graces as quickly as possible, whilst simultaneously engaging in psychological warfare against his step-brother Jonathan to throw him off and have him lose face at times when it would matter. He might have succeeded, too, if not for two significant factors: Valentine was a lot more perceptive than Vladimir gave him credit for, often figuring out the truth of Vlad's manipulations with little obvious effort; and, more importantly, Jonathan was not as much of a doormat as he first appeared. Despite Vladimir's best efforts to avoid direct conflict, the two teens came to blows far more often than he'd like, and these fights quickly drew out both of their innate potentials. Deciding that he would rather they make use of their developing Auras against the Grimm than against each other, Valentine enrolled both children at one of Atlas' private combat schools, in preparation for them to eventually enroll in the famed Atlas Academy itself. This to some extent quelled their battles for the time being, since illegal combat was far more harshly punished by the school than by their father, but Vladimir nevertheless continued to bully Jonathan at any opportunity he got, leading to little good blood between them. This unstable peace ended after Vlad finally unlocked his Semblance - something which he suspected might be inherited, but which he decided to grant an appropriate name anyway: Blood of the Dragon. He spent the final year or so of his education at the school training his Semblance and figuring out what it could do with little intimidation toward Jonathan; then, on the very last day of school, he made a point of beating his stepbrother to a pulp with his bare hands in public, getting himself arrested and his brother hospitalised and in a coma. Shortly afterward, he was put before his stepfather, who had already decided that Vlad had gone too far this time. In no uncertain terms, Valentine told the astounded boy that he had arranged to send him to Beacon Academy in Vale as a transfer student, stating his belief that the education there was less thorough than in Atlas, but that that was exactly what Vlad deserved for what he'd done, and that maybe the more liberal setting would teach him some damn humility. Not long after, Vladimir was sent off to Beacon, having already vowed to become the academy's top student and show both Valentine and Jonathan what he was truly capable of, or else die trying, for nothing less than this would satisfy his ego. tl;dr Background: Vlad was born into a previously-rich family that had fallen on hard times; His father became abusive and beat Vlad's mother unconscious, Vlad was taken away by authorities, but his father requested he be left with family friends; Vlad came into the family, which consisted of a father and son, and had done far better than Vlad's family, so he vowed to inherit that family's wealth even over his stepbrother via trickery and psychological warfare; It turns out the stepfather was smarter, and the son less wimpy, than credit had been given, and Vlad and his stepbrother fought often enough that it became a problem; The stepfather put them both into a private training school to make better use of their aura than it currently had, and their fighting was mostly quelled by stricter punishments; Vlad eventually unlocked his semblance, Blood of the Dragon, which he studied for a bit, then used to beat his stepbrother into a coma at the end of their time at the school; As punishment, his stepfather had him sent to Beacon Academy rather than Atlas Academy, with Vlad vowing to become Beacon's top student in response to this injustice. Character Theme: Evidently, this guy is based on Vlad II "Țepeș" Dracula, or rather the vampire count who spawned from his acts and inherits his name. However, a lot of inspiration for Vladimir's character, his backstory in particular, comes from Dio Brando of JJBA fame, which I feel isn't too unsuitable given that the real Dracula was called "The Impaler" for a very good reason. That said, his appearance is derived from that of Alucard of Hellsing fame, and there's also a reference to The Domination of Draka in there, to make the name less of a straight theft from real life, and which still fits given the heavy dragon theming in his character. Other: Jaune is my fukken bae, and nobody can tell me otherwise.
Bran Brass Bran rougit quand son partenaire marchait beaucoup plus près qu'il ne s'y attendait et murmura ses commentaires d'une manière plutôt suggestive. Il a toujours aimé l'attention, donc faire de son mieux pour ne pas embarrasser, il a donné un sourire à Yu même si elle avait l'air d'un ivrogne. "Bien heureux de vous rencontrer Yu, je crois que notre meilleur pari pour récupérer les artefacts est de retour vers l'endroit où j'ai vu l'autre Grimm mourir." Il a pointé dans la direction où il avait vu Huntsman se battre comme le couteau des géants. "Donc je suppose qu'on devrait y aller, avoir besoin de trouver notre artefact juste? Quand on sera là, prends-le, je surveillerai tes arrières. D'après les sons de lui beaucoup de Grimm sont dans cette zone en ce moment." Il a dit s'arrêter comme un autre étudiant, Vi a marché et leur a demandé au sujet des reliques. "Je disais juste à Yu, que là-bas probablement par les autres." Il se dirigea de nouveau vers l'endroit où il les avait vus. Il est sur le point de se présenter lui-même et son partenaire quand un autre Huntsman est arrivé, il s'est demandé si les deux nouveaux arrivants avaient espéré trouver un partenaire ici. Chen Jet, tel qu'il s'est présenté, a indiqué à peu près le même endroit que Bran avait, mais il semblait que quelques degrés étaient différents. Il était reconnaissant pour cela, le garçon avait évidemment été comme ça avant et connaissait l'itinéraire. « Je suis prêt pour que nous travaillions ensemble, après toutes les équipes seront faites avec quatre chasseurs, le meilleur pour apprendre un peu de travail d'équipe maintenant. » Bran était un peu choqué de voir un garçon aussi court que lui, peu étaient aussi petits. Redressant son costume et soigneusement il l'a brossé propre et leur a donné tous un sourire doux regardant autour tandis qu'il a filé son épée avec facilité. "Et si on allait trouver les gars qui ont eu ce meurtre... que tuer quelque chose de plus grand? On ne peut pas se montrer le premier jour, n'est-ce pas? » Alors qu'il a fini d'entendre un rugissement qui sonne entre un cri de douleur et de rage. Il avait le sentiment qu'il venait d'obtenir son désir de combattre quelque chose de plus fort le rétrograde.
Name: Bran Brass Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5' 3" Weight: 155 pounds Clothing Style: Very neat and clean, everything pressed and perfect. He sews and creates all his clothes, normally he wears a very nice suit and takes great pride in his appearance. He is usually up early to make sure his hair, clothes, and body are perfectly kept, believing that looking good is part of feeling good. Hair Color: Dark red Eye Color: Orange COMBAT Weapon: Riesen Messer- The giant's knife is rather underwhelming normally, three feet and only a foot thick. However this piece of steel hide's a few tricks. Able increase and decrease it's length it can go all the way to eight feet, earning it's name as the giant's knife. It's second form is one even more impressive, the weaver is able to use spools of thread to move and tie up targets. Controlling these threads while time consuming and requiring highly skilled motor control they can be used to move and create trip wires and other such traps. Semblance: Seven in one, splitting his aura seven ways he can create seven copy's of himself doing this at great risk as losing a clone removes a seventh of his aura. Dust: When using dust it is generally in a spool inserted into the threading system, while not often used as the level of precision is difficult to control. Thus generally if he does use dust it's for steam, failing that he will also use it to annoy and hamper his opponent. His sword can use it as well though low funds means he generally just use's it in spools. Skills: 1. Highly acrobatic 2. Incredibly strong 3. Stealth 4. Fast attacks 5. Appear's weak PERSONALIZED Personality: 1. Defiant 2. Regal 3. Caring 4. Open 5. Intelligent Skills: 1. High quality tailor 2. Very capable cook 3. Trained hair stylist Background: Born and raise in Mistral his father was a poor tailor and his mother ran the local inn. Growing up the runt of the family he was pushed around by his two older sisters and had to care for his younger sister as well. As he grew he learned to fight, mostly thanks to the other boys picking on him. Training with his sisters and having to survive the other boys beating's helped him learn to move fast, and hit even harder. When he was thirteen he discovered his semblance, after finding his younger sister shoved in to the mud and crying he attacked the boys responsible, the seven boys thought they would be fight one little shrimp. Yet summoning up his strength and with one punch all seven of the boys collapsed before Bran Brass. For that feat of strength his father crafted him a belt and used there savings to get their son a weapon. No in town could believe it, little Bran Brass the boy who cooked meals in the tavern and sewed nearly everyone's suits and dresses with his father was going to a Huntsman. However he did not train at a combat prep school instead choosing to travel outside the walls and learn to fight Grimm in the wild. He traveled alone, becoming stronger and learning all he could about the Grimm and battling them. He did keep close to the borders so that he could return if attacked and did not venture far. He would only remain out there for a year, returning to civilization he began entering tournaments to test his skills. Proving himself a capable and talented fighter in open tournaments held for Huntsman in Mistral area. He was accepted to a combat school and set to work there, he was accepted in to Beacon recently and is quite excited to attend the school more to learn to work with a team. Character Theme: Based off the fairy tale's 'The Little Tailor' and 'Jack The Giant Killer.' Other: Jaune is the best. Theme: Anger Management
Vi(oletta) Hyacine Vi regarda en arrière l'autre garçon qu'elle s'était adressé à l'origine, soulevant un regard incrédule sur sa deuxième déclaration. Elle-même ne se souciait pas beaucoup d'être montrée en ce moment, pas plus qu'elle ne voulait mettre dans l'effort nécessaire pour trouver quelque chose de plus grand qu'un Retrograde à tuer, encore moins l'acte de le tuer réellement. Tout-en-tout, ça sonnait comme une entreprise gênante, et elle était sur le point de le dire dès que ce petit garçon a fini de parler (Est-ce que tous les gars de ce groupe vont être si petits? Elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de penser), mais a été interrompue par un rugissement assez fort et faisant autorité qui a éclaté semblait la terre même sur laquelle elle se tenait. Elle se retourna rapidement et sentit une vague d'effroi ramper sa colonne vertébrale en prenant rapidement les arbres, abandonnant temporairement ses camarades d'école alors qu'elle s'écoulait jusqu'au sommet de l'arbre, regardant dans la direction du rugissement à travers la portée de son fusil, même si cela n'était pas nécessaire comme elle l'a vite découvert. La créature était grande et grotesque c'est une multitude de visages charnus qui sculptent leur image hantante dans son esprit, apportant avec eux un nom chuchoté qui avait tourmenté ses rêves peu après qu'elle ait appris sur la créature il y a quelques années. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. .Falthon Aussi vite qu'elle s'était levée jusqu'au sommet de la flèche en bois, elle était deux fois plus prompte à se replier sur sa longueur, tombant au sol pour atterrir dans une position accroupie, réprimant à peine son instinct de courir alors qu'elle allait au-dessus de ses options. Ils étaient vraiment assez simples: Courir à la falaise et vivre, ou revenir pour des reliques stupides pour obtenir un travail qu'elle ne se souciait vraiment pas et probablement mourir dans le processus. Sans surprise, la vie a gagné, et elle a été prompte à commencer son départ, et a poussé les autres à faire de même. "Je ne sais pas pour vous trois, mais je préfère vivre pour refaire ce test stupide une autre année que mourir en essayant de faire tomber un putain de Falthon. Si tu préfères risquer ta vie pour avoir ces stupides reliques, je pourrais assister à tes funérailles. Sinon, je partirais." Et avec cela dit, elle serait sur son chemin vers la falaise, courant aussi vite que ses jambes pourraient la porter. Elle ne s'intéressait pas aux gens qui l'appelaient lâche ou autre, elle n'était même pas étudiante et malgré sa formation dans sa famille, elle connaissait les limites de ses capacités, et cette monstruosité mythologique était loin d'eux. Elle doutait qu'elle serait partie pour les reliques même si elle se souciait vraiment de devenir une chasseuse. Il y avait de meilleures façons de se prouver en plus de se suicider virtuellement, après tout.
Name: Violetta Hyacin, but she prefers to go by Vi when asked for her name Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human APPEARANCE Vi is a average-looking girl, not stunningly beautiful but not truly that bad either. Her hair is cut in a somewhat messy fashion, and usually is something that she doesn't deal with until it starts to become an annoyance. In terms of her figure, she's rather slender and lithe in her build, with a somewhat larger than average bust and slight hourglass shape to her frame. She has some muscles and tone to her body, but not a lot due to it being hard for her to gain much with her body type, as well as a lack of real effort to build it up. Height: 5'10 Weight: 155lbs Clothing Style: Vi dresses to be as inconspicuous and unnoticeable as possible, tending to wear either black and/or dark purple clothes to assist in this. She wears a large black and purple zip-up hoodie, baggy jeans, and some sneakers before calling it a day, not really too particular about what she wears.He also wears contacts to help him with her vision, and while she isn't blind without them, they will definitely cause problems if she doesn't have them in. Hair Color: Purple Eye Color: Dull Gray COMBAT Weapon: Black Needle: Vi's main weapon starts off as a plain-looking, yet powerful railgun, made to pierce through the armor of even the strongest grimm with little difficulty, firing off a single reinforced bullet at insane speeds. However, in order to make the shot, the lightning dust has to charge up for a bit(about one post) before firing, which causes the gun to over-heat immediately and giving it a cool down time that's at least double that of the charge time(two posts). To add extra power, it can be over-charged, but the longer it's charged, the longer the cool down, as well as a chance for the weapon to possible over-heat while charging, resulting in the weapon exploding with the stored electrical energy. After every shot, the weapon needs to be reloaded with both another bullet and a lightning dust cartridge, as it uses up the whole thing in that single shot. When there Vi is unable to use her weapon as the Sniper rifle she'd like it to be, she can shift the weapon into it's shotgun form, causing the barrel to expand and slide down towards her in order to shorten the length of the weapon and make it easier to handle. After a quick ammunition change, the weapon can now fire powerful slug rounds at the enemy, which can also be switched around for Dust rounds if needed, enabling her to deal quite a bit of damage to those who think they can take him up close. The effective distance of this weapon is a bit larger than most others of this type due to the slug ammunition, meaning that he can also take some foes by surprise if they thing they can play a game of keep away. The downside to this is that her weapon lacks the spread that shotguns normally have, and thus makes it hard to deal with speedy opponents, as she has to make every shot count instead of just going hog wild. The name black needle comes from the appearance of the projectiles once they're fired from the railgun, as they strangely enough leave a thin trail of black energy behind the bullet for some reason. This has the unfortunate effect of giving away her position in a fight. Semblance: Now you see me . . .: Vi's semblance is the ability to turn herself and anything she's holding both invisible and intangible for a short amount of time. However, it takes about three seconds or so for this effect to complete, meaning he can't use it to avoid attacks if he;s in the heat of battle. The effect can last up to a full minute, though that can be fairly tiring, but it also ends the moment that she's about to launch an attack against a chosen target, resulting in a three second fade in that starts the moment he's cemented the idea in his head.(Ex. She sees a grimm, activates her ability, and then, after she decided to walk over behind the grim to initiate the counter attack, some part of her will instantly become visible, and over three seconds, the rest of her will follow up as he tries to walk over and commence the attack. The moment she attacks, she becomes fully tangible as well.) She tries not to use this ability consecutively, as it can really tire her out to keep going in and out of it like that. During the fade-in and fade-out, there is usually some kind of effect that goes with it, either his body seeming to unravel, some parts fading out before others due, his eyes suddenly beginning to glow, or a unusually wide smile spreading across his face. He doesn't know the reasons for this, nor does he particularly care. From time to time, different effects will pop up other than those stated, but they are the most common. Dust: Lightning dust powers his weapon while it's in its railgun form, and she tends to use all kinds of dust in his shotgun rounds, usually things like lightning, ice, and gravity to keep her foes locked down and give herself or her teammates time to go in for the kill. To further that goal, she also has special trap rounds that don't activate upon impact with a solid surface, instead burrowing into the ground or whatever living surface(or Grimm) they've been placed on, which she can activate by pressing a special button on the gun that sends out the signal, activating the dust to create an explosion of elemental energy underneath or around the target. Skills: Stealth Tracking Marksmanship Trap Setting Strategizing and Planning PERSONALIZED Personality: Curious Odd Mocking Calm Apathetic Skills: Reading People Watching Stalking Photography Sleight of Hand Stage magic Gambling Background: Vi comes from a long line of Hunters and Huntresses, all of them masters of the arts of stealth and deception. From birth she's been expected to join the ranks of the Hunters and keep the people of Remnant safe from the horrors of grim, taking to the Shadows in order to hunt down the savage beasts and drive humanity forward. And while Vi has worked towards that goal, she's rather . . . unmotivated by it. She's rather unmotivated by most things really, looking at the world through the eyes of someone struggling to care about it. She does what her parents ask her to, and works just hard enough to meet their expectations, but anyone who watches her can tell she never really gives her best at anything. Vi grew rather lonely, as her family has long been seen as a sort of boogeyman amongst the people of the world, as they tend to keep to themselves and the methods of some of their predecessors were known to be rather . . . disturbing, if effective, in how they disposed of the Grimm, not to mention the odd behaviors and mannerisms of some of the more notable hunters to have spawned from their brood. Left to her own devices all his life, never really interacting with anyone but her family, she developed some . . . odd coping habits to deal with her loneliness, like watching others from afar, and stalking those she found to be particular interesting and that she thought she could learn from. She took to copying the manner of other kids in attempts to fit in, but they usually ended in failure as people just found it weird and creepy. As she reached her teenage years, entering into the combat school of Signal like her parents wanted, she began to stop really caring about what other people thought. As the years went on, she simply let herself be absorbed by the job and lifestyle her parents wanted for her, lounging around the near other people, some part of her still hoping to glean some information out of those around her, yet most of her not really caring so much about it. As she attends Beacon, she feels neither relief that she was accepted, nor worry for the new year. Instead, she simply preps herself for another year by herself as people label her off as the creepy girl in class you shouldn't talk to. Character Theme: This character is based around the Chesire cat in terms of her semblance and some of her demeanor, though instead of a smiling, happy go-lucky personality, I decided to focus more on the strong sense of apathy and uncaring that the character seems to have in all of his incarnations, a lack of caring for the world around him except when certain people or events catch his interest. In those instances, she'll show more of her true self, a somewhat intrusive and obsessive personality that seems a bit off-kilter to the average person Other:Has a pet cat named Alice that he takes with him nearly everywhere during his off days. She's a black cat with one blue eye and one green eye, and a strip of white fur that goes all the way down her back and up her tail.
Chen Jet Chen rugissait dans toute la forêt et secouait la tête. Falthon, A.K.A. les mythes. Personne n'avait une chance contre ces choses, heureusement qu'ils n'en avaient pas besoin. "Hey whoa, je suis tout pour fuir le danger aussi, mais fuir ne veut pas dire que nous devons échouer à l'examen." Il a dit qu'il se déplaçait devant Vi. "Ça veut juste dire qu'on doit jouer les malins. Voilà ce qu'on fait. Je suis rapide, très rapide. Donc je vais prendre toutes les reliques, sortir de là, et ensuite on se retrouve aux falaises. Pas besoin de "jeter" au premier signe de danger, hein?" Chen a fait un sourire effronté comme il l'a dit, mais il était sérieusement terrifié. Vous n'allez pas juste à la tête avec un Falthon et vous attendez à gagner. Tu ne t'attends même pas à en voir un, encore moins à en rencontrer un. Il se tourna ensuite vers Bran et son sourire diminua. "Et nous n'avons pas besoin de tuer quoi que ce soit. Nous aurons beaucoup de chances de tuer quelque chose de grand et effrayant plus tard, quand nous aurons l'entraînement et l'expérience réelle. En ce moment, nous allons essayer de survivre, la première étape est d'attraper ces reliques. Deuxième étape, évitez le Falthon. Troisième étape, vivre. Ça ressemble à un plan? Parce que ça ressemble au plus grand plan d'existence pour moi." Chen s'est tourné vers l'emplacement des reliques et a pensé une seconde. "Ok, alors que le travail d'équipe est génial et tout, ça ne veut pas dire de la merde contre un Falthon. Donc nous allons nous séparer et nous retrouver aux falaises. Essayez d'éviter le Falthon si vous le pouvez. Si tu ne peux pas, je serai à tes funérailles. Je vais prendre les reliques, et les réserver aux falaises aussi. Pouvons-nous tous nous mettre d'accord là-dessus?"
Name: Chen "Z" Jet Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5'3 Weight: 115 lbs Clothing Style: Black jeans and a black t-shirt with his logo on it. Wears a black leather jacket on top of his outfit with some sunglasses hanging out of a pocket. Hair Color: Jet Black Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: "Jet Stream": Jet Stream is a set of two black submachine guns with a red trim, which can transform into twin wakizashis for close range combat. When not in combat they collapse into his sleeves for easy concealment. Semblance: "Sonic Boom": Chen teleports in a flash of black smoke up to a range of 20 feet in any direction. He must know where he is teleporting or he runs the risk of teleporting into a solid object, which would obviously end badly. Two seconds must pass between uses, wait time gets longer as he runs out of energy. Dust: Keeps a few clips of Incendiary Dust bullets at all times. Skills: Chen uses an acrobatic fighting style primarily focused around dodging and redirecting attacks rather than blocking them. He focuses on staying mid-range and peppering foes with bullets, teleporting into melee range when he sees an opening. Is more suited for taking down slow targets and goons rather than powerful opponents. Works well in a team, not much of a leader. PERSONALIZED Personality: Jokester Carefree Intelligent Happy Serious when needed Skills: Coming up with bad jokes Video Games Tabletop Games Flight Simulators Secret Hobby: Reading Background: Chen was born in Atlas to an Atlas pilot and a no name village woman, the pilot abandoning the woman as soon as he found out she was pregnant. The woman hoped to start a new life outside of Atlas and immigrated to Vale to find something new. Chen grew up always watching the sky, hoping to one day fly through the great blue and find his father. As Chen grew older his mother would tell him stories of the daring feats his father would perform, but never told him his name. She would instead call him "Z", though she never explained why. As he grew older he abandoned his dream of meeting his father, becoming aware that his father wasn't as great of a man as he believed, but never gave up on one day flying. He joined Beacon to become a Huntsman and maybe because he liked how high up Beacon was in comparison to the town he lived in. Character Theme: Chen is loosely based off of Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind. Zephyrus is also the god of the spring wind, which is why I made Chen such a happy and jokestery person. In Zephyrus' stories he's also shown as a womanizer which I included in the form of Chen's father. And finally Chen's nickname "Z" is an reference to the first letter of Zephyrus. Other: Jaune is not best, Ren is best. Ren will always be best.
Yu Zuiren La réaction de Bran était quelque chose que Yu cherchait, pour la plupart. Il avait l'air mignon quand il rougissait. Elle sourit à sa suggestion, "Sounds as a good plan~" Tout comme elle allait se déplacer, une autre personne se promena hors des arbres pour les saluer. Elle aurait répondu à l'introduction de l'autre fille si elle n'avait pas un bout de gourde dans sa bouche. Elle a décidé de couper son goupille court pour répondre, mais puis une autre personne est partie dans la clairière. Un type qui s'appelait 'Chen'. Il avait l'air court. Puis elle a été frappée avec une réalisation. Bran et Chen étaient à peu près de la même hauteur. C'était des nains! Elle a essayé de retenir un rire, bien qu'il soit sorti comme un son "pfft" étouffé comme elle s'est légèrement détournée. Je suppose que ça n'a pas d'importance d'une façon ou d'une autre. Je vais apprendre à les connaître à notre époque. Quand Vi a parlé d'une rétrograde, Yu ne savait pas vraiment de quoi elle parlait.. Ou plutôt elle l'a fait, mais elle était à moitié ivre et la gueule de bois alors penser était une chose difficile. Retrograde ou quoi que ce soit, Yu ferait face à tout ce qui est arrivé à leur façon. Le mot 'Teamwork' était quelque chose que Yu aimait entendre. Cela signifiait travailler avec d'autres, ce qui peut être amusant. Surtout quand ils sont tous saouls avec elle, mais ce n'est pas le moment pour ce genre de travail d'équipe. Le rugissement d'une créature massive sonnait au loin, c'était quelque chose que Yu n'avait jamais entendu auparavant, mais elle voyait des aperçus de quelque chose de grand en dehors de la forêt. Elle pouvait sentir l'atmosphère passer d'une atmosphère plutôt calme à une atmosphère plutôt las. "Falthon? Ça a l'air bizarre. Ce n'est pas si mal qu'elle se moque de confiance. Bien sûr, elle savait que si quelque chose comme ça mettait tout le monde sur le bord, elle devrait le prendre si à la légère. Cependant, l'idée de Chen était assez agréable. "En étant celui qui va--hic va aller chercher les reliques, nous serons très probablement à vos funérailles~" Elle a dit d'un ton nonchalant avec un sourire ludique sur son visage. "Mais, je serai sûr de vous donner une récompense si et quand vous revenez en toute sécurité ~" Et avec cela, elle se tourna pour marcher vers les falaises
Yu Zuiren (醉人, 玉) Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human Height: 5’8” Weight: 145 lb Clothing Style: (Refer to image) Hair Color: White/Silver Eye Color: Green COMBAT Weapon: Jindan (Golden Elixir) This gourd doesn’t transform. However, it contains mysterious liquid which Yu drinks all the time. (Which she claims to be juice or milk. Whichever she sees fit at the time.) It has a long red rope that is tied around the middle of the gourd with a large portion of the rope loose, allowing Yu to use it similarly to a Meteor Hammer. Semblance: Drunken Haze The more Yu drinks from her gourd, the stronger her attacks become, however this is limited to the capacity of her gourd and how much she can handle before just passing out entirely. Along with increases in attack power, Yu's drinking starts to affect her opponent as well; causing them to see multiple illusions of the Huntress, which imitate her movements. These illusions don't inflict any damage, however they look very life-like, thus making it difficult to find the real Yu. Dust: Yu doesn’t use dust. Skills: Yu is almost exclusively trained in Zui Quan (Drunken Fist) and has adapted the style in such a way that allows it to have more practical application beyond traditional means. In combat, Yu is extremely unpredictable and is very skilled at evading attacks. PERSONALIZED Personality: Easy going Kind Flirty Sociable Cheeky Skills: Drinking Free Running Relaxing Mixing Cocktails Born in the western parts of Minstral, Yu was raised by her father, having lost her mother when she gave birth to Yu. Her father was a Huntsman, but not the glorified kind that many expect in those days. He was a Huntsman who had strayed from his ‘righteous’ path and did what he could to raise his daughter. However, a lot of his money went into buying time from women and booze, leaving very little for their essentials. While her father was out on a job, Yu would often walk around the town, begging for money, which often lead to her being beaten by others. She had spoken to a mysterious old man on numerous occasions. He always smelt of alcohol, but he was a very nice person to talk to. When she was barely in her teens, she told the old man about her dreams to become a Huntress. Instead of laughing like almost everyone else did, he took her seriously and decided to teach her his art. Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist. She wasn’t introduced to alcohol until the later stages of her training. During her years of training, she had convinced her father to allow her to attend Sanctum academy. Her father, hoping that she wouldn’t turn out like him, allowed her to attend classes. It wasn’t long before she graduated from the academy, and as a gift, the old man gave her his Gourd. Jindan. And the clothing that she wears now was a gift from her father. The old man suggested that she went to Beacon academy, he never really gave her a reason why, but she decided to follow his advice for one last time. Character Theme: Yu is loosely based on Lu Dongbin who is an immortal from Chinese Mythology. Lu, like the other 7 immortals in his group, are often depicted as joyful people who enjoy getting drunk often, hence Yu’s enjoyment of drinking. The styles in Zui Quan also refer to the 8 immortals. Lu Dongbin is also depicted as a ‘ladies man’, which is referred to in Yu’s occasional flirty nature. Other: Jaune is best waifu 0:38 to 1:00
Rowan D. Valinn Rowan regarda la bête géante qui avait pris la place du Retrograde. C'était bien pire qu'un Nevermore, ou un Roi Taijitsu, ou même un Deathstalker. Même si les trois Grimm les plus effrayants sur Remnant se combinent, cette chose serait toujours en tête des graphiques. "Je ne pense pas que ce soit un ver", a dit Rowan. Elle enveloppa son bras autour de Bonny alors que le requin Faunus tomba dans elle. "Je vous tiens. Je ne laisserais jamais un coéquipier... Rowan a été coupée quand Vlad a arraché Bonny de ses bras et a décollé. "Pretty boy pense qu'il est plus fort juste parce que je suis une fille, hein?" Rowan s'est chuchoté. Elle a commencé par un sprint pour tenter de fuir le géant Falthon. Ses pas étaient lourds et lugubres, lui rappelant l'extrême hauteur d'orbite qu'ils avaient atteinte quelques minutes avant l'arrivée du Falthon. Peut-être qu'il valait mieux que Vlad prenne Bonny. Rowan a rattrapé son partenaire, Rood, qui avait pris la tête et s'approchait de la falaise. "Hé, Rood, j'espère que vous avez un autre plan que de courir. Je ne pense pas que Grimm s'arrêtera une fois que nous serons au sommet des falaises."
Name: Rowan Dmitri Valinn Age: 17 Gender: Female APPEARANCE Height: 5’ 5” Weight: 125 lbs Clothing Style: Rowan is not much of a jeans and t-shirt kind of person. She’ll usually base her attire around the color red. Almost every outfit consists of a red coat of some sort. She is a major advocate of the combat skirt movement. Rowan wears a black scarf given to her by her father. Hair Color: Silver Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: Rowan’s weapon’s name is Tyrfing. It is a pair of black fist-wraps. On the back is the symbol for red Dust. Semblance: Rowan’s Semblance is known as the Saboteur's Touch. When she comes into contact with someone, her Semblance activates and drains the Aura from the person. It only drains from the initial contact, and if she remains in contact, then her Semblance will not drain any more. Her Semblance is constantly active, and she has ability to stop it from activating. Dust: Tyrfing is infused with red Dust, allowing for slightly explosive punches. The Dust has to be re-applied after every fight, as it runs out rather quickly. Skills: Rowan was trained extensively in both Wado-Ryu, as well as Krav Maga. She combines the two to form her own unique fighting style. She is able to move with the flow of the battle, and strike hard when the opportunity presents itself. Rowan is a tank of sorts, and prefers to stay in the thick of the battle. Her sizeable Aura allows her to absorb hits with relative ease. PERSONALIZED Personality: Charismatic Light-hearted Sarcastic Erratic Sociable Skills: Juggling Acrobatics Origami Rowan was born into a family of wealth. Her grandfather was a renowned doctor who had made several advancements in the medicinal field. Rowan’s father, being an only child, naturally inherited most of the family wealth when his father died. Rowan grew up living a life of luxury. She was waited on constantly, and could have anything within a moment’s notice. She attending a prestigious private school, where her parents bribed all of her teachers to give her passing grades. Despite having anything she could ever want, Rowan was unhappy with her life. She barely knew her parents, and she had no one she could truly call a friend. She craved excitement, adventure. Friendship. She begged her parents to send her to combat school. Reluctantly, they let her attend Sanctum Academy in Mistral. Rowan was in for a brutal awakening. Her first year at Sanctum left her at the bottom of her class in nearly all aspects, including socially. No one at Sanctum cared about her. Rowan spent the summer in between school years fervently training. She desperately wanted to prove herself. When she returned, while she had drastically improved herself, she was nowhere near the top students. She sought tutoring from one of these top students, a kid named Onyx. He gladly took Rowan under his wing, teaching her various fighting methods, as well as Aura and Semblance training. By the end of her time at Sanctum, Rowan was among the top tier students. She still couldn’t emerge as the best, but she was an excellent fighter. After some discussion with her parents, they agreed to let her further her education as a Huntress. She applied to Beacon Academy, in hopes of getting into the prestigious academy. Much to her surprise, she was accepted. Off she went to Beacon, eager to become a fully-fledged Huntress and help maintain the world’s peace. Rowan was inspired by the Norse mythological figure, Svafrlami. Svafrlami was the grandson of Odin, which inspired Rowan's renowned grandfather. Svafrlami forced a pair of dwarves to forge him an extremely powerful sword, but the sword was cursed by the dwarves. One of the dwarve's names was Dvalinn, so I incorporated that into Rowan's name (D. Valinn). Rowan’s Semblance is similar to a curse, although not relevant to the curse placed on the sword. Other: Jaune is best grill confirmed.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????C'est quoi, ça? Violetta avait fui la scène et avait fait son chemin jusqu'aux falaises. Cependant, comme elle s'est hissée au-dessus du bord, elle trouverait son corps sans poids. L'homme en robes sombres se tenait là, sur la falaise, et Glynda s'est évanoui à ses pieds. Le corps de Violetta a été levé, contre son gré, en l'air au-dessus du bord de la falaise. Elle a paniqué pour trouver un moyen de sortir. Son corps s'est lentement plié à l'envers alors que l'homme s'est tordu la main... jusqu'à ce que son corps soit complètement cassé. Elle murmura, regardant l'homme en noir, devant ses yeux roulés à l'arrière de sa tête, le sang coulant autour de son visage. L'homme tira sa main lentement en arrière et Violetta tomba dans l'abîme en dessous, son corps rebondissant contre les rochers. L'homme alla au bord des falaises et regarda par-dessus, regardant le corps tomber et finalement atterrir à la base de la falaise, juste en vue de l'endroit où tout le monde la verrait à leur retour. Son corps s'incline vers l'arrière, son cou à un angle gênant, ses membres collent droit là où ils ne devraient pas être, et ses yeux deviennent blancs. L'homme sourit. Rood von Rah Rood a couru, ne prêtant pas vraiment attention à quoi que ce soit autour d'eux. Il a remarqué que Bonny était très faible en ce moment, et les deux autres à côté de lui se battaient pratiquement pour elle. Il n'osait pas regarder en arrière et faire face à la monstruosité qui était si facile à gagner sur eux. Il s'est serré les yeux et s'est cogné les dents. "Hé, Rood, j'espère que vous avez un autre plan que de courir. Je ne pense pas que Grimm s'arrêtera une fois que nous serons au sommet des falaises." Rood ouvrit les yeux avec surprise et regarda Rowan, la jolie fille aux cheveux argentés. Un plan... c'est vrai... il a besoin d'un plan... Il a glissé. Il ne connaissait qu'une faiblesse. "Les visages... visent les visages!" Il a dit ça en regardant Rowan. Puis il s'est tourné vers Vlad. "Tu voulais tellement la tenir, sortir d'ici avec elle!" À ce moment-là, Rood arrêta sans effort Rowan en la ramenant et sauta hors du chemin avec l'utilisation de son semblant, se déplaçant à vitesse rapide. Il a posé Rowan après avoir roulé sur le côté, puis a gazé alors que le Falthon tournait et s'enroulait vers eux, sa mache rouge brillant à la menace d'expulser les flammes. Pendant ce temps, ses nombreuses faces crachent une bile acide vers l'extérieur que Rood évitait étroitement. Grognant, il s'est cogné les poings ensemble, se préparant mentalement. Il sauta, son semblant s'accrochait aux pieds alors qu'il courait dans l'air et, au dernier moment, il se tourna pour mettre son semblant sur le poing, ses yeux resplendissant alors qu'il détruisait un des visages, sautant en arrière comme l'acide crachait dans son sillage. Il devait y avoir plus de cinquante visages, et Rood commençait à devenir nerveux. Comment s'occuperaient-ils d'eux juste avec eux?
Rood von Rah Age 17 Gender Male Species Human APPEARANCE Height 6'2" Weight 211 lbs Clothing Style When not having to be in Beacon's uniform, Rood ordinarily adorns himself in ornate gold armor up to the waist with a royally bold red cape sashed at his waist which billows when he walks. He wears expensive heavy golden earrings and a red stone necklace at all times regardless if he is in uniform or not. His body is decorated with intricate red paint as a symbol of his status. Hair Color Blonde Eye Color Red COMBAT Weapons Eye of Ma'at His arm is covered in chains with a speared tip at the end, making lashing out with this long range weapon a very deadly experience. The speared tip can 'flower' out into a mini revolving end which Rood can fire off AS he whips this weapon around with the help of his semblance Mehet-Weret A classic lance with decorative and intricate craftsmanship. Best when paired with Rood's semblance. Though it has the option to use Dust, a situation where that would be necessary hasn't been crossed. Or has it? Semblance Friction Manipulation Rood is able to run on air (but NOT fly), walk on water, deflect oncoming attacks, increase or decrease and object's velocity, and change his own inertia. He is also able to generate heat, but not flames by concentrating all on the friction in regards to his body's/an object's placement. Without a gun, he is able to fire off bullets at will by concentrating his friction, hence the placement of the 'gun' at the end of his whip. See 'Other' for limitations. Dust Rood is extensively knowledgeable about Dust but for some reason doesn't carry any on him. Skills Taunting Evasion Surprise PERSONALIZED Personality Brash Dominant Sensitive Regal Passionate Skills -Has taken to playing a lute -Surprisingly, enjoys working with scrapped textiles to make fashionable outfits -Sewing Background For now, Rood's personal history will be shrouded in mystery. What can be shared is common knowledge to all students attending Beacon Academy. The Rah name belonged to a very prestigious family who once ruled the Kingdom of Mistral. The family line, however, fell due to unforeseen circumstances; enemies of past generations ambushed members of the family and cut them down. Desperate to hold the prestige of the family line, the few Rah's remaining married into Atlas' own royals the Schnee's. The two familie's connected only by forced marriages ruled in their separate kingdoms once order was restored, and the purity of the Rah line was forever broken. From there, two generations down, Rood was born a von Rah. This will be the first time in his life he has ever been exposed to working with others his own age. Character Theme Though he encompasses the summation of egyptian culture and religion as a whole, Rood is best described as a genderbent Neith, the Egyptian Goddess of War who wields a masculine bow and arrow. Traded instead for his main weapon is the feminine whip and his red necklace in place of her red crown. Neith is known for her love of weaving, which I wanted to really translate to Rood; which I did in the form of him enjoying sewing and making things out of it for others. 'Rood' is Dutch for red, and 'von' is a common German name add-on, which is frequent pattern seen in the Schnee name. Rah, of course is in reference to Ra, the egyptian God of the sun. Other: Jaune is the best About Friction - Rood's Semblance is vast in its potential, this is true. Or it would be if he could do more than one of any of those things at one time. Every use of his semblance takes all of his concentration, and it doesn't take long until all that usage takes a toll. Thanks to the nature of the semblance, Rood is at constant risk for overheating or in the worst case scenario spontaneously combusting, making his ability a dangerous one to wield for not only other, but for himself.
Coch Talesin Lieu : Cliff --> Groupe Ce n'était pas un bon début pour lui. Son alarme n'avait pas réussi à s'éteindre et maintenant il courait pour compenser, espérons-le, le temps perdu. Qui plaisantait-il? Ozpin semblait trop strict d'un gars pour permettre une telle excuse pour voler, et ensuite il devrait essayer de nouveau l'année prochaine. Fermant les yeux, Coch força les pensées négatives de son esprit. Non, il devait croire qu'il pouvait encore y arriver. Une main grimpant le cou de son Stratocaster, et l'autre balançait dans un poing et balançait pour alimenter sa marche, Coch vit la falaise s'ouvrir juste devant et s'arrêter dans son sprint quand il vit un étudiant léviter dans les airs. L'herbe se mouvait et roulait sous la plante de ses bottes jusqu'à ce qu'il s'arrêtât, ses yeux dorés regardaient l'étranger braqué. La main de l'homme était tendue à l'étudiant et il voyait que pas trop loin de lui était le corps de Glynda Goodwitch. Les yeux de Cochs étaient larges dans la peur et la confusion. Qu'est-ce qui se passait? L'étudiant a commencé à se pencher à l'envers d'une manière que le corps humain n'était pas censé aller. Il a vu que la main de l'homme volé semblait la contrôler. La main du guitariste est allée à sa bouche dans l'horreur alors qu'il a muté le son autour de lui. Il a commencé à faire marche arrière, trébuchant sur une racine dans son anxiété. Il a pu se remettre en état sans tomber ni perdre de concentration. Les cris... la fille criait dans sa souffrance. Oh mon dieu, pourquoi c'était arrivé? Le guitariste a regardé loin et s'est enfui avant que la fille ne craque en deux. Il savait que ça allait arriver et il ne pouvait pas supporter de le voir arriver. Il a giflé des branches d'arbres sur son visage et a déchiré à travers des buissons dans sa frayeur jusqu'à ce qu'un bûcheron l'a glissé vers le haut, l'envoyant voler quelques pieds pour atterrir face vers le bas dans la terre. Panting, le guitariste toussait alors que la poussière s'élevait dans son visage. Il avait besoin de ce voyage. C'était la seule chose pour le sortir de sa panique. Qui teste ça? Ils nous tuent? Il s'est moqué. Qui avait été ce prof volé? Si c'était un professeur... Il tremblait encore de ce qu'il avait vu quand un cri diabolique et des lamentations humaines d'une bête effrayante se déchiraient dans le ciel en haut. Coch roula sur son dos avec sa guitare à travers son corps de façon protectrice alors qu'il regardait à travers les branches au ciel bleu. Qu'est-ce que c'est? Il a crié mentalement. Premier meurtre et maintenant monstres. Ça n'avait pas l'air d'un Grim qu'il avait jamais entendu. Tout le test était une fête de l'abattage! Coch s'est assis, ses jambes se croisent devant lui. Il s'est reposé la tête contre le cou de sa guitare et a fermé les yeux alors qu'il descendait au combat avec sa conscience. Il pourrait s'enfuir. Il n'avait pas à supporter ça. Il avait encore une vie et une carrière musicale à vivre. Mais il y avait encore des étudiants là-bas, n'est-ce pas? Et s'ils étaient massacrés par les cauchemars de cet examen? Ils ressentaient probablement la même terreur qu'il ressentait à ce moment-là, et ils ne connaissaient probablement même pas le sort qui les attendait s'ils revenaient aux falaises. Il faut que j'aille voir. Ils ne savent même pas. Ah kin't jus' leave'em pour mourir, Coch décida alors qu'il se leva jusqu'à ses pieds. Swingant sa guitare sur son épaule, ses sourcils s'écrasent dans une fronce alors qu'il se bat mentalement pour avoir changé d'avis. Secouant le dernier de ses regrets, il courut vers les falaises, mais il prit un détour qui lui permettrait de prendre une pente en toute sécurité sur le flanc de la montagne. Alors qu'il courait à l'aide de qui sait quoi – ils auraient pu tous être déjà morts! – il a remarqué qu'il n'y avait pas beaucoup de Grim dans la région. Auraient-ils pu s'enfuir quand ils ont senti la présence de l'inconnu? Thème de bataille de Falthon Opération Sol et Livre – Dragonforce Mentionné : Une guitare vibrait de la forêt, remplissant l'air d'une puissance stimulante. L'instrument hurlait, planant sur les têtes et entourant les étudiants qui se tenaient à propos de l'ennemi grotesque. Il a détruit leur faiblesse, les revigorant avec une énergie qu'ils voulaient simplement libérer. Le morceau devint alors plus vigoureux avec une croûte énergique. Sortir de la ligne d'arbre était un guitariste aux cheveux rouges. Il s'est arrêté sur le bord de la clairière, s'est légèrement penché et s'est cogné la tête à sa confiture. Il n'a pas expliqué pourquoi il était là. Il ne s'est pas présenté car il n'y avait pas de temps. Tout ce qu'il a fait, c'était chanter et imprégner l'équipe de sa présence rock : En fouillant à travers les frontières, Plongée dans les champs brûlants, Tenez-vous devant le méchant, vers le soleil fondu, Tomber sous les cieux de Pai~n!
AGE 17 GENDER Male SPECIES Human APPEARANCE HEIGHT 5’11 WEIGHT 170 lbs (77kg) CLOTHING STYLE Coch wears casual clothes: tanks, T-shirts, and denim. In colder climates, he sports a black coat with a faux-fur collar. He’ll wear shoes from Chuck Taylors to combat boots. Two small silver loop earrings line the shells of each of his ears and slung across his back is his red Stratocaster guitar. HAIR COLOR Red EYE COLOR Gold COMBAT WEAPON The Stratocaster is just as much a weapon as it is a musical instrument. The weapon acts as an amp for Coch’s semblance. Its whammy bar allows him to control the brutality of the waves by controlling the wave patterns. Next to the whammy bar is a chamber for loading dust capsules. The two dust capsules that Coch uses are Fire and Lightning. Now, there’s a secret story behind Coch’s Stratocaster and its design. While most will only see it used as an amp, it has a secondary form. Originally, the Stratocaster was a rifle designed by the Atlesian military and gifted to him by his father. It still contains those functions, those functions being similar to a M16A2 rifle. The dust capsules are rounds fed into the chamber, and the whammy bar much like a bolt-action charging handle. With the guitar’s jagged electric guitar edges, it also functions as a battle ax and its wide base a shield for blocking attacks. SEMBLANCE Coch’s semblance grants him the ability to manipulate sound. When paired with his Stratocaster, his voice becomes a deadly weapon enabling him to produce decibels of destruction. His sound abilities when combined with his singing abilities can be used to empower himself and others, getting the team pumped to fight by raising their strength, speed, and durability for the duration of his jam. He can mute an entire room and throw his voice a great distance. As long as whoever he is trying to communicate with is within visual distance, they will hear him clearly even if he threw a whisper. An assault from Coch’s sound abilities can cause enemies to suffer disorienting, nauseating, and if directly under the bombardments of his sound vibrations—death. With his whammy bar, he can create vibrating patterns erratic enough to create a sound barrier for himself or anyone he is protecting as long as he is standing within arms’ reach of the person. DUST ♪ Fire ♪ Lightning SKILLS Most students will see Coch in a support role, shredding on his guitar and empowering his teammates with energizing power metal. He will take down lesser mobs with the AOE abilities granted by his Dust and Semblance. What most students don’t know about him is that he was originally a student (soldier is probably the better term if you knew his Dad) of Atlas Academy. When adopting a more combat-related role, Coch is a brutal fighter. He wields his guitar like an ax, and can switch between a melee and ranged role in mid-combat. He can use dust rounds to speed up his movements, change the direction of his movements, or send himself skyward. The base of his guitar can be used as a shield to absorb the blunt strikes or offenses of his opponents. PERSONALIZED PERSONALITY ♪ Brave ♪ Proud ♪ Tough ♪ Softy ♪ Perverted SKILLS ♪ Musician ♪ Singer ♪ Poet ♪ Resourceful ♪ Soldier BACKGROUND Coch Taliesin was born to Captain Ares and Terpsichore Taliesin. He was raised a military brat planned from birth to follow in his father’s footsteps to one day become an officer in the Atlesian military. His childhood was full of strict discipline and restriction. His mother was a successful singer and songwriter and his primary inspiration. His father frowned on Coch’s artistic hobbies and one day even tore up the music and poems he would write. When he came of age to attend Atlas Academy, his father gave him a rifle, hoping that the weapon would motivate him to keep on the path he had set for him and to stay at the top of his class. One day, the stress and social pressure just nearly killed Coch and he knew that he had to get away from Atlas, and out from under his father’s thumb. Coch secretly applied to Beacon Academy under a false name, and when he was accepted, he unceremoniously dropped out of Atlas and went running with a packed bag to his freedom. The Headmaster wasn’t as easily fooled as Coch had thought, knowing exactly who Coch was when he arrived at the school. Nonetheless, the man allowed him to stay. The singer was officially a free man and he didn’t plan on seeing his father ever again for as long as he could help it. He still carried the rifle that he had given him, and out of spite, with time and patience he was able to engineer it into what he felt would have been his father’s worst nightmare. With the weapon named "Stratocaster," Coch not only started his new life as a student at Beacon Academy but his career as a talented and popular musician. CHARACTER THEME “Coch” in my character’s first name is Welsh for "Red." “Taliesin” is a bard from Welsh mythology who was renowned for singing at the courts of three Brythonic kings. He was adopted as a child by Elffin, the son of Gwyddno Garanhir, and prophesied the death of Maelgwn Gwynedd by the Yellow Plague. He has been a mythic hero and companion of Bran the Blessed and King Arthur. This will explain Coch's unique Welsh-like accent. OTHER Jaune is the best. Sound clip, example of Coch's voice Sound clip, Coch's shreds!
Bran Brass Bran regarda les deux personnes encore debout dans la clairière avec lui, d'abord à Chen puis Yu. « Les autres étudiants engagent sans doute déjà cette créature. Notre meilleur pari est de se joindre à eux, d'attaquer la bête maintenant avant qu'elle n'altère nos rangs. Notre force est dans nos chiffres, sans parler de Yu et moi venons d'arriver, notre aura est à pleine force." Il a expliqué passer devant Chen, en préparant sa lame. Alors qu'il se retournait vers la forêt. "Tu peux m'aider à me battre ou juste aller de l'avant et courir. Mais Huntsman, pas des civils, nous avons le devoir de protéger Vale de cette chose. Il a vu la bête sur le sol un homme en or avant lui, l'ayant juste frappé. C'est l'heure d'une grande entrée qu'il pensait sauter de l'arbre qu'il a activé son semblant. Son épée s'étendant jusqu'à un mètre plein, les sept Bran se sont envolés au-dessus de Rood. "Bonjour, soleil!" Les sept Bran se sont effondrés, après l'attaque s'ils étaient intacts, ils ont fusionné avec Bran original. Après la grève, il s'est brouillé vers l'arbre pour se couvrir de ses attaques. "Bonjour, je suggère que nous l'entourions et que nous continuions à frapper. Portez-le vers le bas, réduisez-le quand c'est plus faible, nous devons le tuer. Je m'appelle Bran Brass, je fais partie des arrivées tardives. Donnez-moi une ouverture et je ferai autant de dégâts que je peux, alors je chercherais à obtenir mon artefact." Bran grondait alors qu'il surmontait la bête.
Name: Bran Brass Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5' 3" Weight: 155 pounds Clothing Style: Very neat and clean, everything pressed and perfect. He sews and creates all his clothes, normally he wears a very nice suit and takes great pride in his appearance. He is usually up early to make sure his hair, clothes, and body are perfectly kept, believing that looking good is part of feeling good. Hair Color: Dark red Eye Color: Orange COMBAT Weapon: Riesen Messer- The giant's knife is rather underwhelming normally, three feet and only a foot thick. However this piece of steel hide's a few tricks. Able increase and decrease it's length it can go all the way to eight feet, earning it's name as the giant's knife. It's second form is one even more impressive, the weaver is able to use spools of thread to move and tie up targets. Controlling these threads while time consuming and requiring highly skilled motor control they can be used to move and create trip wires and other such traps. Semblance: Seven in one, splitting his aura seven ways he can create seven copy's of himself doing this at great risk as losing a clone removes a seventh of his aura. Dust: When using dust it is generally in a spool inserted into the threading system, while not often used as the level of precision is difficult to control. Thus generally if he does use dust it's for steam, failing that he will also use it to annoy and hamper his opponent. His sword can use it as well though low funds means he generally just use's it in spools. Skills: 1. Highly acrobatic 2. Incredibly strong 3. Stealth 4. Fast attacks 5. Appear's weak PERSONALIZED Personality: 1. Defiant 2. Regal 3. Caring 4. Open 5. Intelligent Skills: 1. High quality tailor 2. Very capable cook 3. Trained hair stylist Background: Born and raise in Mistral his father was a poor tailor and his mother ran the local inn. Growing up the runt of the family he was pushed around by his two older sisters and had to care for his younger sister as well. As he grew he learned to fight, mostly thanks to the other boys picking on him. Training with his sisters and having to survive the other boys beating's helped him learn to move fast, and hit even harder. When he was thirteen he discovered his semblance, after finding his younger sister shoved in to the mud and crying he attacked the boys responsible, the seven boys thought they would be fight one little shrimp. Yet summoning up his strength and with one punch all seven of the boys collapsed before Bran Brass. For that feat of strength his father crafted him a belt and used there savings to get their son a weapon. No in town could believe it, little Bran Brass the boy who cooked meals in the tavern and sewed nearly everyone's suits and dresses with his father was going to a Huntsman. However he did not train at a combat prep school instead choosing to travel outside the walls and learn to fight Grimm in the wild. He traveled alone, becoming stronger and learning all he could about the Grimm and battling them. He did keep close to the borders so that he could return if attacked and did not venture far. He would only remain out there for a year, returning to civilization he began entering tournaments to test his skills. Proving himself a capable and talented fighter in open tournaments held for Huntsman in Mistral area. He was accepted to a combat school and set to work there, he was accepted in to Beacon recently and is quite excited to attend the school more to learn to work with a team. Character Theme: Based off the fairy tale's 'The Little Tailor' and 'Jack The Giant Killer.' Other: Jaune is the best. Theme: Anger Management
Chen Jet Chen sourit et hoche la tête comme Yu était d'accord avec son plan de tout cœur. Génial! Je pensais que c'était une très bonne idée moi-même." Il s'appuyait clairement sur le fait qu'il avait déjà quelqu'un à bord avec son plan, jusqu'à ce que Yu soit très... proche. "Huh?" Il a commencé à rougir alors qu'il imaginait les implications possibles d'une fille ivre le récompensant. Bien sûr, tout cela a été ruiné par le rejet soudain de son plan par Bran. "Vous voulez aller vers l'ultra haut niveau Grimm. Bien sûr que si, ma journée n'était pas assez folle, j'ai besoin d'un membre de l'équipe qui veut se suicider par Falthon. C'est pas vrai." Chen soupira alors que Bran courait vers une mort horrible. Le pire, c'est qu'il avait raison. D'une façon étrange tordue, il avait un peu raison. "Voilà tout mon plan. Tu veux te suicider avec moi ivre? Si nous obtenons deux personnes de plus, cela deviendra un nouveau record pour les décès d'étudiants par Grimm." Il a plaisanté quand il a glissé ses armes hors de ses manches. Chen roula les épaules et se dirigea vers le champ de bataille. Quand il est arrivé, Rood avait frappé le Falthon au visage, éclaboussant de l'acide partout, un mec chantait et jouait de la guitare (doucement énergisant, vous fait vous sentir un peu mieux au sujet de la mort certaine), et Bran s'était divisé en sept Brans qui ont tous attaqué le Falthon. "Mon tour!" Chen hurla alors qu'il téléportait sur un arbre voisin, aspergeant une grêle de balles sur un autre visage et téléportant quand il a tiré de l'acide sur lui. Il sautait d'arbre en arbre alors qu'il évitait l'acide de partout.
Name: Chen "Z" Jet Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5'3 Weight: 115 lbs Clothing Style: Black jeans and a black t-shirt with his logo on it. Wears a black leather jacket on top of his outfit with some sunglasses hanging out of a pocket. Hair Color: Jet Black Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: "Jet Stream": Jet Stream is a set of two black submachine guns with a red trim, which can transform into twin wakizashis for close range combat. When not in combat they collapse into his sleeves for easy concealment. Semblance: "Sonic Boom": Chen teleports in a flash of black smoke up to a range of 20 feet in any direction. He must know where he is teleporting or he runs the risk of teleporting into a solid object, which would obviously end badly. Two seconds must pass between uses, wait time gets longer as he runs out of energy. Dust: Keeps a few clips of Incendiary Dust bullets at all times. Skills: Chen uses an acrobatic fighting style primarily focused around dodging and redirecting attacks rather than blocking them. He focuses on staying mid-range and peppering foes with bullets, teleporting into melee range when he sees an opening. Is more suited for taking down slow targets and goons rather than powerful opponents. Works well in a team, not much of a leader. PERSONALIZED Personality: Jokester Carefree Intelligent Happy Serious when needed Skills: Coming up with bad jokes Video Games Tabletop Games Flight Simulators Secret Hobby: Reading Background: Chen was born in Atlas to an Atlas pilot and a no name village woman, the pilot abandoning the woman as soon as he found out she was pregnant. The woman hoped to start a new life outside of Atlas and immigrated to Vale to find something new. Chen grew up always watching the sky, hoping to one day fly through the great blue and find his father. As Chen grew older his mother would tell him stories of the daring feats his father would perform, but never told him his name. She would instead call him "Z", though she never explained why. As he grew older he abandoned his dream of meeting his father, becoming aware that his father wasn't as great of a man as he believed, but never gave up on one day flying. He joined Beacon to become a Huntsman and maybe because he liked how high up Beacon was in comparison to the town he lived in. Character Theme: Chen is loosely based off of Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind. Zephyrus is also the god of the spring wind, which is why I made Chen such a happy and jokestery person. In Zephyrus' stories he's also shown as a womanizer which I included in the form of Chen's father. And finally Chen's nickname "Z" is an reference to the first letter of Zephyrus. Other: Jaune is not best, Ren is best. Ren will always be best.
Yu Zuiren Yu appréciait la réaction de Chen à son offre de récompense, mais elle n'avait pas vraiment réfléchi à ce que cette récompense pourrait être. Elle devra peut-être suivre à quel point ça sonnait suggestif. Peut-être. La déclaration de Bran a eu un certain sens. Ils pouvaient peut-être submerger la créature avec des nombres et leur force combinée, mais Yu n'avait aucune idée de ce que c'était, et encore moins de ce à quoi cela ressemblait; elle savait juste la direction générale du combat en raison du bruit. Le bruit? Elle entendait quelque chose d'un peu bizarre au loin.. ça ressemblait à une guitare d'une sorte? Peut-être valait-il la peine de se joindre au combat après tout. Yu s'est contenté de donner un sourire à Chen quand il l'a appelée "drunky", "C'est Yu, pas ivrogne." Elle a simplement répondu en regardant les deux garçons plus courts courir avant le combat. Elle se tint dans la clairière un moment, prenant une autre gorgée de sa gourde. Elle s'est penchée sur la façon dont elle devait se joindre à eux, mais elle a décidé de supprimer tout ce qu'elle essayait de penser. C'est mieux d'aller avec le flux. Alors que Yu sortait des arbres, ses yeux étaient immédiatement attirés vers la bête massive avec une tonne de visages. Difficile à rater vraiment. Elle était arrivée juste à temps pour voir Bran et Chen attaquer la bête à peu d'effet. Il y avait quelques autres personnes à proximité, qu'elle a supposé être d'autres étudiants, mais maintenant n'était pas le temps de penser à eux.. Ou plutôt c'était difficile, car elle avait beaucoup bu tout au long de la journée. Elle sentait son énergie couler en prenant une autre gorgée de son verre. Cette musique était vraiment quelque chose. Elle s'est effondrée dans un sprint un peu maladroit, courant vers le Falthon, esquivant étroitement la crache acide qui volait autour. Alors qu'elle s'approchait, elle tira son poing à nouveau en préparation. Quand elle arriva à portée de main, elle planta son pied dans le sol, ce qui fit trembler le sol autour de son pied et le fit craquer légèrement. Elle a balancé avec une force incroyable, son poing s'est claqué dans le crâne de la créature, provoquant un fort impact sonore.
Yu Zuiren (醉人, 玉) Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human Height: 5’8” Weight: 145 lb Clothing Style: (Refer to image) Hair Color: White/Silver Eye Color: Green COMBAT Weapon: Jindan (Golden Elixir) This gourd doesn’t transform. However, it contains mysterious liquid which Yu drinks all the time. (Which she claims to be juice or milk. Whichever she sees fit at the time.) It has a long red rope that is tied around the middle of the gourd with a large portion of the rope loose, allowing Yu to use it similarly to a Meteor Hammer. Semblance: Drunken Haze The more Yu drinks from her gourd, the stronger her attacks become, however this is limited to the capacity of her gourd and how much she can handle before just passing out entirely. Along with increases in attack power, Yu's drinking starts to affect her opponent as well; causing them to see multiple illusions of the Huntress, which imitate her movements. These illusions don't inflict any damage, however they look very life-like, thus making it difficult to find the real Yu. Dust: Yu doesn’t use dust. Skills: Yu is almost exclusively trained in Zui Quan (Drunken Fist) and has adapted the style in such a way that allows it to have more practical application beyond traditional means. In combat, Yu is extremely unpredictable and is very skilled at evading attacks. PERSONALIZED Personality: Easy going Kind Flirty Sociable Cheeky Skills: Drinking Free Running Relaxing Mixing Cocktails Born in the western parts of Minstral, Yu was raised by her father, having lost her mother when she gave birth to Yu. Her father was a Huntsman, but not the glorified kind that many expect in those days. He was a Huntsman who had strayed from his ‘righteous’ path and did what he could to raise his daughter. However, a lot of his money went into buying time from women and booze, leaving very little for their essentials. While her father was out on a job, Yu would often walk around the town, begging for money, which often lead to her being beaten by others. She had spoken to a mysterious old man on numerous occasions. He always smelt of alcohol, but he was a very nice person to talk to. When she was barely in her teens, she told the old man about her dreams to become a Huntress. Instead of laughing like almost everyone else did, he took her seriously and decided to teach her his art. Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist. She wasn’t introduced to alcohol until the later stages of her training. During her years of training, she had convinced her father to allow her to attend Sanctum academy. Her father, hoping that she wouldn’t turn out like him, allowed her to attend classes. It wasn’t long before she graduated from the academy, and as a gift, the old man gave her his Gourd. Jindan. And the clothing that she wears now was a gift from her father. The old man suggested that she went to Beacon academy, he never really gave her a reason why, but she decided to follow his advice for one last time. Character Theme: Yu is loosely based on Lu Dongbin who is an immortal from Chinese Mythology. Lu, like the other 7 immortals in his group, are often depicted as joyful people who enjoy getting drunk often, hence Yu’s enjoyment of drinking. The styles in Zui Quan also refer to the 8 immortals. Lu Dongbin is also depicted as a ‘ladies man’, which is referred to in Yu’s occasional flirty nature. Other: Jaune is best waifu 0:38 to 1:00
Min Seoyun "Princesse, nous avons accosté! Je suis vraiment désolé pour le retard..." Enfin. Elle était déjà en retard et les formalités de la délégation que sa mère avait décidé de l'accompagner rendaient la procédure encore plus lente. Seo était ennuyée et même les gentillesses du vaisseau aérien privé de la royauté de Koshima ne pouvaient la calmer. C'était malheureux, mais pas beaucoup de navires ont fait leur chemin vers l'île plutôt isolée, encore moins les navires de transit réguliers. Avant de monter sur le navire, Seo était toujours très excitée. Jamais elle n'avait vu un homme réel auparavant et maintenant que le vaisseau avait accosté et que la fille du renard se tenait sur la rampe au large du navire, son excitation s'était vaporisée. Ils n'étaient rien de spécial, ces humains, même ennuyeux. Le seul trait remarquable qu'ils semblaient avoir était qu'ils étaient incroyablement grands. La plupart d'entre eux semblaient passer un peu au-dessus de Seo, mais elle ne s'en sentait pas vraiment débordée. De retour à la maison, les arbres étaient grands et puissants aussi, mais ils étaient facilement conquérants. Oui, elle venait juste de comparer une forme de vie intelligente aux arbres, mais les humains semblaient manquer de caractère pour se comparer aux arbres à la maison. "Madame Min! Tu es en retard!" une personne a appelé, Seo a présumé que c'était un professeur, mais elle ne saurait pas qui c'était. Ils n'avaient ni oreilles visibles, ni queues, ni les cheveux qui étaient colorés différemment pour chaque membre de son clan et tous ceux qui vivaient sur l'île de Koshima. Elle ne pouvait même pas dire si c'était un mâle ou une femelle de l'espèce humaine, alors ils regardaient à elle. "Ouais, ouais, peu importe. Je sais ce que je dois faire...", a dit Seo. Elle s'était très bien informée de la façon dont Beacon faisait ses choses pour l'« examen d'entrée » comme sa tante l'avait surnommé. Rapidement éludant le professeur, Seo a fait au bord de la falaise, quelque part assez invisible. Elle brillait aux extrémités des arbres, puis sortait une flèche qu'elle s'était spécialement faite avant de partir en voyage. Cette flèche avait une extrémité d'une corde épaisse tissée dedans et Seo sortit Orion, dirigé sur les arbres et tiré. La corde étirée et verrouillée alors que la flèche s'enterrait dans un tronc d'arbre et que Seo s'enfoncerait tout simplement et glisseait en toute sécurité sur une branche fourchue. Elle reniflait l'air, qui, bien que clair et frais, portait la puanteur rancie de Grimm. L'un d'eux semblait être assez proche... La vision de suivi de Seo s'est activée et elle a repéré un Grimm géant qui était combattu par plusieurs figures, probablement des humains. Il semblait qu'ils avaient à peine le dessus, alors Seo a décidé de basculer les balances encore plus en leur faveur. Silencieusement, elle sauta d'arbre en arbre jusqu'à son arrivée juste au-dessus de la lutte quand l'un des humains, il semblait être une fille, de ce que Seo pouvait dire, battre le monstre sur la tête portant une sorte de flacon en cuir dans son autre main. Apparemment, c'était le coup fort et la bête a été assez ébranlée pendant un moment. C'était la chance que Seo-yun attendait! Elle dessina deux flèches dirigées et tira les deux en succession rapide. Les deux flèches ont frappé vrai et percé la membrane de l'aile de la bête essentiellement clouant au sol. Elle savait, deux flèches ne suffiraient pas et donc, toujours perchée sur son arbre, elle suivit rapidement les deux flèches avec quatre autres portant le total des flèches dans les ailes de la bête à trois chacune. "Frappe-le, tout de suite!", a - t - elle crié aux humains qui, pour la plupart, semblaient déjà épuisés.
Min Seoyun(敏 曙胤) Agile/CleverDawn Descendent Age: 17 Gender: female Species: Fox Faunus APPEARANCE Height: 4'9" Weight: 100lbs Clothing Style: Seoyun usually clothes herself quite casually. Although she prefers skirts for her bottoms due to higher freedom of movement, she will also sometimes dress in shorts, but pretty much never in more formal dress. Hair Color: Orange Eye Color: Red COMBAT Weapon: Her weapon, Orion, looks, at first glance like a quite curved staff, however once activated, a red energy beam serves as the string of the bow. With this bow, Seoyun is able to fire arrows stored in a quiver on her hip. Integrated into the handle of the bow is a compartment to insert dust crystals. Nevertheless, Orion still has a secondary mode where the bow straightens and a sharp point exits the top end transforming it into a spear used for melee engagements. Semblance: Tracker: When her semblance is activated, Seoyun is able to see and distinguish tracks of different people, animals and grimm. Simple enough, no? Dust: Seoyun uses dust to modify the effect of her arrows, aka giving them elemental powers. Skills: Eagle-eyed and, in combination with this, high accuracy Fast Agile Stealthy PERSONALIZED Personality: Sly Creative Snide Chilly Fierce Skills: Loves strategy games, so she is quite adapt at planning strategic and tactical stuff Rather intelligent Target shooting Background: Born on Koshima, the Fox Island, to the reigning, self-declared royal family, Seoyun, mostly called Seo, grew up quite sheltered, although she still loved the island's few forests and hills and as such she spent quite some time outside strolling through nature. At first Seo was quite annoyed at her place in the line of succession to the island's lands, since she loved the island so much, but her brother managed to convince her to try training for combat and head for the nearby famous Beacon Academy, even though she would be studying together with humans, who she did not have good experiences with in her infrequent visits to Vale. Nevertheless, she was going to become the guardian of the Island, like her aunt. Character Theme: Seoyun was inspired by Artemis, Greek goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls. She is often depicted with bow and arrow with which she was incredibly skilled at. At one point one of her hunting companions, Actaeon, tried to rape her, but she transformed him into a stag and sent the hounds to kill him. Orion was her most beloved hunting companion until she accidentally killed him with an arrow through his head. Other: Jaune would be bae, if, firstly, I didn't hate that word and secondly, not somebody else had that spot reserved already. :P Voice:
Falthon Le Falthon a élevé sa tête, montrant ses dents au groupe de Huntsmen qui s'était rassemblé à sa base. Il a laissé sortir une autre grimace sanglante de ses nombreux visages, et s'est tourné vers Vlad face. La grande figure avait décollé vers les falaises, avec Bonny dans ses bras. Malheureusement, dans tout le chaos, il avait manqué un rocher qui sortait de la terre. Il est tombé face en premier dans la terre, laissant Bonny sans défense sur le sol. Le Falthon, à peine gradué par les autres Huntsmen qui hackent, coupent et battent sur ses visages, hésita un instant seulement avant d'utiliser cette occasion pour snatcher Vlad dans ses mâchoires massives. Ses cris de douleur ont été rapidement réduits au silence, jetant une humeur de chagrin sur les Huntsmen. C'était leur premier jour, leur initiation, et ils avaient déjà été témoins de deux morts. Il n'y avait aucun moyen que Vlad survive à être mangé par le Falthon. C'est que les dents seules étaient plus grandes que lui. Le Falthon a continué à harceler les élèves. Il y avait assez d'appendices pour garder la plupart d'entre eux occupés, et avec deux étudiants déjà morts, leur nombre semblait assez... Grimm. Rowan D. Valinn Rowan s'est tourné juste à temps pour voir Vlad trébucher sur une pierre. Elle sprintait aussi vite qu'elle le pouvait, mais son chemin était bloqué par la tête du Falthon qui descendait sur Vlad. Elle a laissé sortir un shriek. La bête venait de manger Vlad en entier. "Vlad! Bonny!" Une fois que la tête du Falthon s'est levée, Rowan s'est précipité vers le corps prostraté. C'était Bonny, et elle était toujours en vie. "Bonny, ça va? Allez, nous devons vous sortir d'ici », a-t-elle dit en hissant Bonny jusqu'à ses pieds. Elle aurait pu être petite, mais des années d'entraînement en plus de son Aura lui a donné un peu de force cachée. La musique lointaine semblait lui donner un coup de pouce. "Peux-tu courir? Sinon, je vais devoir te porter », a-t-elle dit à la hâte. Ils ne pouvaient pas s'attarder autour de la bête. S'ils le faisaient, ils mourraient. Il n'a fallu à côté d'aucun effort pour que la bête tue Vlad, et il serait certainement faire peu de travail du reste d'entre eux s'ils ne l'ont pas tué d'abord. Rood von Rah Rood a marché sur le côté d'une grève entrante du Falthon. C'était sans aucun doute un dur combat, et les chances n'étaient certainement pas en leur faveur. Cependant, comme l'ont montré les autres étudiants, Rood se sentait légèrement soulagé. Ils pourraient avoir une chance s'ils travaillaient tous ensemble. Il a enchaîné plusieurs coups, aidé par son assemblage. Les visages avaient une peau plus forte qu'un Goliath, ce qui rendait extrêmement difficile de blesser la bête. Rood a tiré sa main en préparation d'une autre attaque quand la bête a tendu sa tête principale derrière lui. Rood l'a suivie, et l'a vu avaler Vlad. Merde, c'est dommage. Il n'a pas eu le temps de pleurer la perte. S'ils ne s'occupaient pas du Falthon maintenant, la situation pourrait s'aggraver davantage. Il entendit le son de la musique bien avant de voir la source. De l'angle de la forêt, il vit le garçon aux cheveux rouges se révéler, jouant régulièrement sa musique. L'effet a été presque immédiat. Il sentit un coup de pouce d'énergie, comme son Aura avait été renforcé directement. Ce sera utile. "Tout le monde, continuez à attaquer les visages! Nous avons l'air de l'affaiblir."
Name: Rowan Dmitri Valinn Age: 17 Gender: Female APPEARANCE Height: 5’ 5” Weight: 125 lbs Clothing Style: Rowan is not much of a jeans and t-shirt kind of person. She’ll usually base her attire around the color red. Almost every outfit consists of a red coat of some sort. She is a major advocate of the combat skirt movement. Rowan wears a black scarf given to her by her father. Hair Color: Silver Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: Rowan’s weapon’s name is Tyrfing. It is a pair of black fist-wraps. On the back is the symbol for red Dust. Semblance: Rowan’s Semblance is known as the Saboteur's Touch. When she comes into contact with someone, her Semblance activates and drains the Aura from the person. It only drains from the initial contact, and if she remains in contact, then her Semblance will not drain any more. Her Semblance is constantly active, and she has ability to stop it from activating. Dust: Tyrfing is infused with red Dust, allowing for slightly explosive punches. The Dust has to be re-applied after every fight, as it runs out rather quickly. Skills: Rowan was trained extensively in both Wado-Ryu, as well as Krav Maga. She combines the two to form her own unique fighting style. She is able to move with the flow of the battle, and strike hard when the opportunity presents itself. Rowan is a tank of sorts, and prefers to stay in the thick of the battle. Her sizeable Aura allows her to absorb hits with relative ease. PERSONALIZED Personality: Charismatic Light-hearted Sarcastic Erratic Sociable Skills: Juggling Acrobatics Origami Rowan was born into a family of wealth. Her grandfather was a renowned doctor who had made several advancements in the medicinal field. Rowan’s father, being an only child, naturally inherited most of the family wealth when his father died. Rowan grew up living a life of luxury. She was waited on constantly, and could have anything within a moment’s notice. She attending a prestigious private school, where her parents bribed all of her teachers to give her passing grades. Despite having anything she could ever want, Rowan was unhappy with her life. She barely knew her parents, and she had no one she could truly call a friend. She craved excitement, adventure. Friendship. She begged her parents to send her to combat school. Reluctantly, they let her attend Sanctum Academy in Mistral. Rowan was in for a brutal awakening. Her first year at Sanctum left her at the bottom of her class in nearly all aspects, including socially. No one at Sanctum cared about her. Rowan spent the summer in between school years fervently training. She desperately wanted to prove herself. When she returned, while she had drastically improved herself, she was nowhere near the top students. She sought tutoring from one of these top students, a kid named Onyx. He gladly took Rowan under his wing, teaching her various fighting methods, as well as Aura and Semblance training. By the end of her time at Sanctum, Rowan was among the top tier students. She still couldn’t emerge as the best, but she was an excellent fighter. After some discussion with her parents, they agreed to let her further her education as a Huntress. She applied to Beacon Academy, in hopes of getting into the prestigious academy. Much to her surprise, she was accepted. Off she went to Beacon, eager to become a fully-fledged Huntress and help maintain the world’s peace. Rowan was inspired by the Norse mythological figure, Svafrlami. Svafrlami was the grandson of Odin, which inspired Rowan's renowned grandfather. Svafrlami forced a pair of dwarves to forge him an extremely powerful sword, but the sword was cursed by the dwarves. One of the dwarve's names was Dvalinn, so I incorporated that into Rowan's name (D. Valinn). Rowan’s Semblance is similar to a curse, although not relevant to the curse placed on the sword. Other: Jaune is best grill confirmed.
Coch Talesin Lieu: Groupe Les yeux de Coch's se sont ébranlés lorsqu'il a vu la créature ailée s'emparer d'un des étudiants dans ses dents. Non, sa musique ne fonctionnait pas? Les lèvres du guitariste sont retournées à nu les dents. Les lames rouges de ses cheveux ont commencé à se lever et scintillent avec des fils d'électricité. Il a dû jouer quelque chose de plus dur. Quelque chose qui alimenterait les combattants restants avec de l'esprit métallique. Débordé de passion et d'un désir de justice et de vengeance pour tous ceux qui étaient tombés, Coch a saisi la barre whammy pour charger une cartouche de poussière de foudre dans son Stratocaster. Strumming pour réchauffer sa guitare, des chaînes d'électricité dansaient autour de son cueil et de ses doigts. Les yeux de Cochês brillaient de sa détermination, sa mâchoire s'étreignant avec fermeté avant d'étrangler une dernière fois et déchaîner la totalité de sa manipulation sonore sur le Falthon pour l'étourdir sous les vibrations qui ont bombardé sa peau cuirasse et grotesque. UN POUUUUUUUU~NCH! Un thème de l'homme de punch Un fouet de foudre contorsant et tordant sorti de sa guitare pour marquer le Grimm Wyrm. Des arcs de foudre se sont fixés sur son corps pour ajouter une paralysie supplémentaire et garder la créature immobile, même temporairement, pour aider le groupe. Trois, deux, un, coup de feu! Je suis ici, Pour s'amuser, Je suis num-ber un, (Qu'est-ce que tu dis?) (Frustration!) (Personne ne peut m'arrêter!) Un coup de poing! C'est ça! Je gagne toujours! (Écoutez-moi!) (Victoire agaaain ~!) Puissance! Obtenez plus de puissance! La limite de dernière minute compte 3, 2, 1! HÉRO! Je ne veux pas t'entendre crier mon nom! Je ne suis pas là pour la fortune et la gloire! HÉRO! Au lieu de ça, je me bats en sachant que personne ne connaît mon nom! (Personne ne sait qui il est!) Mes ennemis se rapprochent et couvrent le ciel! Mais je ne tournerai pas le dos ce soir! HÉRO! Je resterai jusqu'à ce que je goûte la saleté de la défaite un jour! Libérez-moi le poing! HÉRO~!
AGE 17 GENDER Male SPECIES Human APPEARANCE HEIGHT 5’11 WEIGHT 170 lbs (77kg) CLOTHING STYLE Coch wears casual clothes: tanks, T-shirts, and denim. In colder climates, he sports a black coat with a faux-fur collar. He’ll wear shoes from Chuck Taylors to combat boots. Two small silver loop earrings line the shells of each of his ears and slung across his back is his red Stratocaster guitar. HAIR COLOR Red EYE COLOR Gold COMBAT WEAPON The Stratocaster is just as much a weapon as it is a musical instrument. The weapon acts as an amp for Coch’s semblance. Its whammy bar allows him to control the brutality of the waves by controlling the wave patterns. Next to the whammy bar is a chamber for loading dust capsules. The two dust capsules that Coch uses are Fire and Lightning. Now, there’s a secret story behind Coch’s Stratocaster and its design. While most will only see it used as an amp, it has a secondary form. Originally, the Stratocaster was a rifle designed by the Atlesian military and gifted to him by his father. It still contains those functions, those functions being similar to a M16A2 rifle. The dust capsules are rounds fed into the chamber, and the whammy bar much like a bolt-action charging handle. With the guitar’s jagged electric guitar edges, it also functions as a battle ax and its wide base a shield for blocking attacks. SEMBLANCE Coch’s semblance grants him the ability to manipulate sound. When paired with his Stratocaster, his voice becomes a deadly weapon enabling him to produce decibels of destruction. His sound abilities when combined with his singing abilities can be used to empower himself and others, getting the team pumped to fight by raising their strength, speed, and durability for the duration of his jam. He can mute an entire room and throw his voice a great distance. As long as whoever he is trying to communicate with is within visual distance, they will hear him clearly even if he threw a whisper. An assault from Coch’s sound abilities can cause enemies to suffer disorienting, nauseating, and if directly under the bombardments of his sound vibrations—death. With his whammy bar, he can create vibrating patterns erratic enough to create a sound barrier for himself or anyone he is protecting as long as he is standing within arms’ reach of the person. DUST ♪ Fire ♪ Lightning SKILLS Most students will see Coch in a support role, shredding on his guitar and empowering his teammates with energizing power metal. He will take down lesser mobs with the AOE abilities granted by his Dust and Semblance. What most students don’t know about him is that he was originally a student (soldier is probably the better term if you knew his Dad) of Atlas Academy. When adopting a more combat-related role, Coch is a brutal fighter. He wields his guitar like an ax, and can switch between a melee and ranged role in mid-combat. He can use dust rounds to speed up his movements, change the direction of his movements, or send himself skyward. The base of his guitar can be used as a shield to absorb the blunt strikes or offenses of his opponents. PERSONALIZED PERSONALITY ♪ Brave ♪ Proud ♪ Tough ♪ Softy ♪ Perverted SKILLS ♪ Musician ♪ Singer ♪ Poet ♪ Resourceful ♪ Soldier BACKGROUND Coch Taliesin was born to Captain Ares and Terpsichore Taliesin. He was raised a military brat planned from birth to follow in his father’s footsteps to one day become an officer in the Atlesian military. His childhood was full of strict discipline and restriction. His mother was a successful singer and songwriter and his primary inspiration. His father frowned on Coch’s artistic hobbies and one day even tore up the music and poems he would write. When he came of age to attend Atlas Academy, his father gave him a rifle, hoping that the weapon would motivate him to keep on the path he had set for him and to stay at the top of his class. One day, the stress and social pressure just nearly killed Coch and he knew that he had to get away from Atlas, and out from under his father’s thumb. Coch secretly applied to Beacon Academy under a false name, and when he was accepted, he unceremoniously dropped out of Atlas and went running with a packed bag to his freedom. The Headmaster wasn’t as easily fooled as Coch had thought, knowing exactly who Coch was when he arrived at the school. Nonetheless, the man allowed him to stay. The singer was officially a free man and he didn’t plan on seeing his father ever again for as long as he could help it. He still carried the rifle that he had given him, and out of spite, with time and patience he was able to engineer it into what he felt would have been his father’s worst nightmare. With the weapon named "Stratocaster," Coch not only started his new life as a student at Beacon Academy but his career as a talented and popular musician. CHARACTER THEME “Coch” in my character’s first name is Welsh for "Red." “Taliesin” is a bard from Welsh mythology who was renowned for singing at the courts of three Brythonic kings. He was adopted as a child by Elffin, the son of Gwyddno Garanhir, and prophesied the death of Maelgwn Gwynedd by the Yellow Plague. He has been a mythic hero and companion of Bran the Blessed and King Arthur. This will explain Coch's unique Welsh-like accent. OTHER Jaune is the best. Sound clip, example of Coch's voice Sound clip, Coch's shreds!
Chen Jet « Eh bien, le gang est tout ici! Maintenant, nous pouvons tous mourir ensemble! » Chen sourit comme il l'a dit, téléportant loin du Falthon et vers un autre arbre. Soudain, un faunus est sorti de nulle part et a tiré sur le Falthon dans les ailes, essayant de l'épingler. C'était pour coquin bien que celui qui s'était présenté comme Vlad a trébuché. La personne qu'il transportait roulait à la sécurité, mais Vlad fut rapidement arraché dans les mâchoires de la créature, pour ne plus jamais être vu. "Alors, je suppose que c'est ça." Chen devrait probablement se sentir plus triste à ce sujet, mais maintenant n'était pas le moment de la douleur. C'était le moment de mettre ces émotions en bouteille pour toujours et de tuer cette horrible atrocité. Rood a appelé pour continuer à attaquer, donc c'est ce que Chen ferait. Musique rock jouée en arrière-plan tandis que le gars avec la guitare jouait un solo de guitare électrisante pour choquer la bête en soumission. Il a continué à se téléporter à travers les arbres, en prenant des pots aux nombreux visages du Falthon et parfois c'est aussi des ailes. S'ils pouvaient l'empêcher de bouger, alors la bataille était finie.
Name: Chen "Z" Jet Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5'3 Weight: 115 lbs Clothing Style: Black jeans and a black t-shirt with his logo on it. Wears a black leather jacket on top of his outfit with some sunglasses hanging out of a pocket. Hair Color: Jet Black Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: "Jet Stream": Jet Stream is a set of two black submachine guns with a red trim, which can transform into twin wakizashis for close range combat. When not in combat they collapse into his sleeves for easy concealment. Semblance: "Sonic Boom": Chen teleports in a flash of black smoke up to a range of 20 feet in any direction. He must know where he is teleporting or he runs the risk of teleporting into a solid object, which would obviously end badly. Two seconds must pass between uses, wait time gets longer as he runs out of energy. Dust: Keeps a few clips of Incendiary Dust bullets at all times. Skills: Chen uses an acrobatic fighting style primarily focused around dodging and redirecting attacks rather than blocking them. He focuses on staying mid-range and peppering foes with bullets, teleporting into melee range when he sees an opening. Is more suited for taking down slow targets and goons rather than powerful opponents. Works well in a team, not much of a leader. PERSONALIZED Personality: Jokester Carefree Intelligent Happy Serious when needed Skills: Coming up with bad jokes Video Games Tabletop Games Flight Simulators Secret Hobby: Reading Background: Chen was born in Atlas to an Atlas pilot and a no name village woman, the pilot abandoning the woman as soon as he found out she was pregnant. The woman hoped to start a new life outside of Atlas and immigrated to Vale to find something new. Chen grew up always watching the sky, hoping to one day fly through the great blue and find his father. As Chen grew older his mother would tell him stories of the daring feats his father would perform, but never told him his name. She would instead call him "Z", though she never explained why. As he grew older he abandoned his dream of meeting his father, becoming aware that his father wasn't as great of a man as he believed, but never gave up on one day flying. He joined Beacon to become a Huntsman and maybe because he liked how high up Beacon was in comparison to the town he lived in. Character Theme: Chen is loosely based off of Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind. Zephyrus is also the god of the spring wind, which is why I made Chen such a happy and jokestery person. In Zephyrus' stories he's also shown as a womanizer which I included in the form of Chen's father. And finally Chen's nickname "Z" is an reference to the first letter of Zephyrus. Other: Jaune is not best, Ren is best. Ren will always be best.
Bran Brass Bran s'est évanoui comme divisé en sept derrière l'arbre. "Les gars bien, écartez-vous et donnez-lui l'enfer. Après tout, nous avons un nom de famille à défendre." Il sourit à ses clones au fur et à mesure que la musique changeait, sept sautèrent de l'arbre qu'ils tournaient autour de la bête. "Tu sais que j'ai vécu à l'extérieur des murs pendant un moment, mais je n'ai jamais rien vu d'aussi laid que toi!" Un comme tous les clones ont associé trois des copies enveloppant le fil autour de leurs partenaires. Bran, l'original s'était envolé vers Bonny et Rowan, s'arrêtant devant eux en tirant l'épée. Sa lame étendue est de la même taille qu'il se tenait entre le monstre et les deux autres étudiants. "Allez, je vous couvre. Les garçons l'ont eu." Il a dit à Rowan que tout à coup de trois côtés, trois Brans ont été jetés dans les airs avant de venir s'écraser en conduisant leurs lames vers le bas dans la bête alors qu'ils se tenaient maintenant c'est de retour. Les trois autres clones ont sauté vers l'avant frappant sur les faces du Falthon. "Les gars d'accord reviennent avant que ça ne t'éclate!" Il les a ordonnés, alors qu'ils trois sur le terrain couraient rejoindre Bran et que les trois sur le dos essayaient de sauter et de retourner à Bran Prime.
Name: Bran Brass Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5' 3" Weight: 155 pounds Clothing Style: Very neat and clean, everything pressed and perfect. He sews and creates all his clothes, normally he wears a very nice suit and takes great pride in his appearance. He is usually up early to make sure his hair, clothes, and body are perfectly kept, believing that looking good is part of feeling good. Hair Color: Dark red Eye Color: Orange COMBAT Weapon: Riesen Messer- The giant's knife is rather underwhelming normally, three feet and only a foot thick. However this piece of steel hide's a few tricks. Able increase and decrease it's length it can go all the way to eight feet, earning it's name as the giant's knife. It's second form is one even more impressive, the weaver is able to use spools of thread to move and tie up targets. Controlling these threads while time consuming and requiring highly skilled motor control they can be used to move and create trip wires and other such traps. Semblance: Seven in one, splitting his aura seven ways he can create seven copy's of himself doing this at great risk as losing a clone removes a seventh of his aura. Dust: When using dust it is generally in a spool inserted into the threading system, while not often used as the level of precision is difficult to control. Thus generally if he does use dust it's for steam, failing that he will also use it to annoy and hamper his opponent. His sword can use it as well though low funds means he generally just use's it in spools. Skills: 1. Highly acrobatic 2. Incredibly strong 3. Stealth 4. Fast attacks 5. Appear's weak PERSONALIZED Personality: 1. Defiant 2. Regal 3. Caring 4. Open 5. Intelligent Skills: 1. High quality tailor 2. Very capable cook 3. Trained hair stylist Background: Born and raise in Mistral his father was a poor tailor and his mother ran the local inn. Growing up the runt of the family he was pushed around by his two older sisters and had to care for his younger sister as well. As he grew he learned to fight, mostly thanks to the other boys picking on him. Training with his sisters and having to survive the other boys beating's helped him learn to move fast, and hit even harder. When he was thirteen he discovered his semblance, after finding his younger sister shoved in to the mud and crying he attacked the boys responsible, the seven boys thought they would be fight one little shrimp. Yet summoning up his strength and with one punch all seven of the boys collapsed before Bran Brass. For that feat of strength his father crafted him a belt and used there savings to get their son a weapon. No in town could believe it, little Bran Brass the boy who cooked meals in the tavern and sewed nearly everyone's suits and dresses with his father was going to a Huntsman. However he did not train at a combat prep school instead choosing to travel outside the walls and learn to fight Grimm in the wild. He traveled alone, becoming stronger and learning all he could about the Grimm and battling them. He did keep close to the borders so that he could return if attacked and did not venture far. He would only remain out there for a year, returning to civilization he began entering tournaments to test his skills. Proving himself a capable and talented fighter in open tournaments held for Huntsman in Mistral area. He was accepted to a combat school and set to work there, he was accepted in to Beacon recently and is quite excited to attend the school more to learn to work with a team. Character Theme: Based off the fairy tale's 'The Little Tailor' and 'Jack The Giant Killer.' Other: Jaune is the best. Theme: Anger Management
Min Seoyun Tsk. - Oui. Petit enculé persistant. Il semblait que les flèches de Seoyun ne faisaient presque rien à la capacité de la bête de bouger, pas qu'il semblait que l'un des humains avait même remarqué qu'elle était ici. C'est vraiment nul. Une chose qu'elle détestait plus que d'être constamment rappelée qu'elle n'avait aucune revendication sur les titres et la terre de son père était le sentiment d'être inutile. Cela ne pouvait pas tenir du tout. Bien que voulant les protéger un instant plus tard, elle savait sans son soutien d'en haut, le monstre pourrait finir par dévorer tous ces humains, tout comme il l'a fait en ce moment comme sa mache séparait la mer rouge d'un autre corps humain. Rapidement, elle a mis une bouteille de poussière rouge dans sa main à partir d'une poche intégrée dans son carquois, puis l'a insérée dans la fente dans la poignée de son arc. Seoyun sentit le flux satisfaisant de la poussière dans l'arme et maintenant elle était presque prête. Doucement, elle a hissé une flèche en attendant le moment parfait pour déclencher son attaque spéciale. Le voilà! Pendant un moment, tous les combattants n'étaient pas à la portée de la bête, de sorte que Seo a tiré très vite sa flèche sur l'une des parties non blindées du cou de la bête. Dès que la flèche a été lâche, elle a commencé à briller eerly rouge naviguant vers sa cible. Il a frappé vrai et à l'impact, la flèche et les environs de la chair de Grimm exposée ont éclaté en flammes, comme si quelqu'un avait jeté un cocktail Molotov dessus. Sans perdre de temps, Seo a rapidement tiré une autre flèche, cette fois-ci dirigée vers l'os reliant son aile gauche au torse et il a mis de la même façon la peau et la chair entourant la zone d'impact. Maintenant, elle devait regarder ce que cela avait fait à la créature et si elle devait changer sa poussière et si les humains survivants pouvaient profiter de ce qu'elle avait fait.
Min Seoyun(敏 曙胤) Agile/CleverDawn Descendent Age: 17 Gender: female Species: Fox Faunus APPEARANCE Height: 4'9" Weight: 100lbs Clothing Style: Seoyun usually clothes herself quite casually. Although she prefers skirts for her bottoms due to higher freedom of movement, she will also sometimes dress in shorts, but pretty much never in more formal dress. Hair Color: Orange Eye Color: Red COMBAT Weapon: Her weapon, Orion, looks, at first glance like a quite curved staff, however once activated, a red energy beam serves as the string of the bow. With this bow, Seoyun is able to fire arrows stored in a quiver on her hip. Integrated into the handle of the bow is a compartment to insert dust crystals. Nevertheless, Orion still has a secondary mode where the bow straightens and a sharp point exits the top end transforming it into a spear used for melee engagements. Semblance: Tracker: When her semblance is activated, Seoyun is able to see and distinguish tracks of different people, animals and grimm. Simple enough, no? Dust: Seoyun uses dust to modify the effect of her arrows, aka giving them elemental powers. Skills: Eagle-eyed and, in combination with this, high accuracy Fast Agile Stealthy PERSONALIZED Personality: Sly Creative Snide Chilly Fierce Skills: Loves strategy games, so she is quite adapt at planning strategic and tactical stuff Rather intelligent Target shooting Background: Born on Koshima, the Fox Island, to the reigning, self-declared royal family, Seoyun, mostly called Seo, grew up quite sheltered, although she still loved the island's few forests and hills and as such she spent quite some time outside strolling through nature. At first Seo was quite annoyed at her place in the line of succession to the island's lands, since she loved the island so much, but her brother managed to convince her to try training for combat and head for the nearby famous Beacon Academy, even though she would be studying together with humans, who she did not have good experiences with in her infrequent visits to Vale. Nevertheless, she was going to become the guardian of the Island, like her aunt. Character Theme: Seoyun was inspired by Artemis, Greek goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls. She is often depicted with bow and arrow with which she was incredibly skilled at. At one point one of her hunting companions, Actaeon, tried to rape her, but she transformed him into a stag and sent the hounds to kill him. Orion was her most beloved hunting companion until she accidentally killed him with an arrow through his head. Other: Jaune would be bae, if, firstly, I didn't hate that word and secondly, not somebody else had that spot reserved already. :P Voice:
Yu Zuiren Alors que Yu reculait du monstre, elle a remarqué que ses attaques, ainsi que celles de tous les autres, semblaient inefficaces malgré la force qu'elle avait actuellement en raison de son apparence. Elle ressentait une légère irritation à l'intérieur d'elle. Il était très inhabituel que quelque chose ne soit pas affecté par une attaque comme celle-ci, bien qu'elle ait dû tenir compte de sa taille. Avant qu'elle ne puisse se déplacer pour une autre attaque; la tête du Falthon s'est cassée vers l'avant, revenant avec une bouche pleine de sang et le bruit de cris douloureux qui ont rapidement été réduits au silence par sa mamelle. Elle se tint en état de choc alors qu'elle réalisa lentement ce qui venait de se passer, mais elle secoua rapidement le sentiment. Se tenir comme ça lui ferait manger le prochain repas. Yu regarda autour du champ de bataille, notant que quelques-uns des combattants n'étaient en grande partie pas touchés par ce qui vient de se passer. Est-ce qu'elle voyait des choses? Elle décorta sa gourde, passant quelques moments précieux à en prendre de grandes gorgées, la videant. C'est l'heure de se faire dévorer. Elle ferma les yeux et prit 3 respirations profondes alors qu'elle laissa tomber sa gourde sur l'herbe. Se concentrer alors qu'il était ivre? Seul Yu pouvait faire ça. Elle sentait son énergie augmenter à mesure que la musique jaillissait de la guitare en arrière-plan. Des bruits d'explosions et d'acier ont sonné. Ses yeux s'ouvrent au bruit du feu. Sa vision est floue, mais focalisée en même temps, ce qui a plus de sens pour Yu que pour n'importe qui d'autre. Alors que le Falthon a enduré les attaques du chasseur, c'est la griffe balayée latéralement à Yu. Instinctivement, elle se pencha vers l'arrière, évitant de justesse la griffe. Bien qu'elle ait l'air de trébucher. Elle s'est redressée, mais cette fois-ci, elle a sauté dans les airs. Ce n'était pas longtemps avant qu'elle atterrisse sur sa tête, hurlant alors qu'elle claquait son poing dans son crâne, provoquant un impact encore plus fort par rapport à son dernier coup de poing. Elle a commencé à lâcher un flot de coups de son brut dans le haut de la tête du monstre. À ce moment-là, elle avait à peu près oublié tous les autres combattants, son taux d'adrénaline allant plus haut malgré sa consommation d'alcool.
Yu Zuiren (醉人, 玉) Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human Height: 5’8” Weight: 145 lb Clothing Style: (Refer to image) Hair Color: White/Silver Eye Color: Green COMBAT Weapon: Jindan (Golden Elixir) This gourd doesn’t transform. However, it contains mysterious liquid which Yu drinks all the time. (Which she claims to be juice or milk. Whichever she sees fit at the time.) It has a long red rope that is tied around the middle of the gourd with a large portion of the rope loose, allowing Yu to use it similarly to a Meteor Hammer. Semblance: Drunken Haze The more Yu drinks from her gourd, the stronger her attacks become, however this is limited to the capacity of her gourd and how much she can handle before just passing out entirely. Along with increases in attack power, Yu's drinking starts to affect her opponent as well; causing them to see multiple illusions of the Huntress, which imitate her movements. These illusions don't inflict any damage, however they look very life-like, thus making it difficult to find the real Yu. Dust: Yu doesn’t use dust. Skills: Yu is almost exclusively trained in Zui Quan (Drunken Fist) and has adapted the style in such a way that allows it to have more practical application beyond traditional means. In combat, Yu is extremely unpredictable and is very skilled at evading attacks. PERSONALIZED Personality: Easy going Kind Flirty Sociable Cheeky Skills: Drinking Free Running Relaxing Mixing Cocktails Born in the western parts of Minstral, Yu was raised by her father, having lost her mother when she gave birth to Yu. Her father was a Huntsman, but not the glorified kind that many expect in those days. He was a Huntsman who had strayed from his ‘righteous’ path and did what he could to raise his daughter. However, a lot of his money went into buying time from women and booze, leaving very little for their essentials. While her father was out on a job, Yu would often walk around the town, begging for money, which often lead to her being beaten by others. She had spoken to a mysterious old man on numerous occasions. He always smelt of alcohol, but he was a very nice person to talk to. When she was barely in her teens, she told the old man about her dreams to become a Huntress. Instead of laughing like almost everyone else did, he took her seriously and decided to teach her his art. Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist. She wasn’t introduced to alcohol until the later stages of her training. During her years of training, she had convinced her father to allow her to attend Sanctum academy. Her father, hoping that she wouldn’t turn out like him, allowed her to attend classes. It wasn’t long before she graduated from the academy, and as a gift, the old man gave her his Gourd. Jindan. And the clothing that she wears now was a gift from her father. The old man suggested that she went to Beacon academy, he never really gave her a reason why, but she decided to follow his advice for one last time. Character Theme: Yu is loosely based on Lu Dongbin who is an immortal from Chinese Mythology. Lu, like the other 7 immortals in his group, are often depicted as joyful people who enjoy getting drunk often, hence Yu’s enjoyment of drinking. The styles in Zui Quan also refer to the 8 immortals. Lu Dongbin is also depicted as a ‘ladies man’, which is referred to in Yu’s occasional flirty nature. Other: Jaune is best waifu 0:38 to 1:00
Bonny Mako Et comme ça, il était mort. Falthon a enlevé Vlad, et a apporté la prédiction de Bonny plein cercle. D'une manière ou d'une autre, le fait d'avoir raison n'a pas été aussi satisfaisant quand il a fallu mourir quelqu'un (même un branleur complet). Il n'était pas non plus le suivant sur le menu. Tout comme le Falthon avait fini Vlad et Bonny était sûre qu'elle était la suivante, Rowan s'est précipitée et l'a scoopée dans ses bras. Mon héros, Bonny, pensait sarcastiquement à elle-même, même si personne ne pouvait l'entendre. Je suppose que c'est juste que tu puisses me sauver la vie en retour. Rowan a demandé si elle pouvait s'enfuir. "Aye", Bonny s'est évanouie, sa bouche sèche et son cœur bat toujours. "Je peux courir... moi Aura est morte dans l'eau mais... J'ai encore de l'endurance dans ces vieilles jambes de mer... D'une manière ou d'une autre." Elle s'est mise sur pied et avec le soutien de Rowan, ils ont commencé à courir, faisant un saut fou partout où l'enfer le Falthon n'était pas. Elle n'était pas idiote, et si Rowan avait trouvé bon de lui sauver la vie, alors elle ne mourrait pas ici aujourd'hui non plus. Ces idiots chauves pourraient rester derrière et se battre s'ils le voulaient. On se souviendrait qu'ils avaient des boules de cuivre... et du scorbut pour le cerveau. Bonny regarda en arrière la bête rampante, regardant le sang pulvérisé de sa bouche sur tout le sol de la forêt. Un tout petit morceau d'un manteau rouge s'envole doucement vers le sol, avant d'être piétiné sous les pieds. Elle a fermé les yeux. "Au revoir, requin."
Bonny Mako Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Shark Faunus APPEARANCE More or less like this. See below for details on where her appearance differs from the picture. Height: 5 ft., 11 in. Weight: 162 lbs., slightly less now that a significant chunk of her dorsal fin has been lost Clothing style: A blue and white striped long-sleeve shirt that's torn-up, short-cut, and somewhat revealing (though not quite as revealing as pictured above) paired with a comparatively modest blue-grey skirt. The skirt reaches down to below her knees or so in the front and drags behind her in the back, giving the illusion of a shark tail when blown by the wind or dragged behind her in the water. The fin-shaped pockets at her hips are actually fanny packs, in which to store loot. She wears a dark grey bandana with a skull and crossbones on it and old grey leather shoes that look ratty, water-logged and worn, and her idea of "accessorizing" boils down to grabbing or stealing anything remotely shiny or expensive-looking and wearing it as tacky bling. She also has an anchor tramp stamp. Hair color: Dirty blonde Eye color: Reddish brown COMBAT Weapon: Best described as an 18th century naval revolver cannon repurposed as a jetpack, the Revenge has six revolving chambers in which to load various types of cannonballs. Each chamber is marked by color (red for fire, blue for ice etc.) and can hold a few cannonballs each before needing to be reloaded. While this is obviously all fine and dandy, the Revenge has a hidden functionality you wouldn't guess until you've seen it in action, because you'd swear it was invented by a mad person. By taking the mounted rig normally used to carry the cannon minigun-style and slipping it over her shoulders, Bonny points the cannon at the ground, fires, and takes off like she's wearing a jetpack, dropping bombs on her enemies from the sky. This is not actual flight but rather a sort of rocket jumping, and Bonny rises and falls in a predictable parabolic arc when using it. Additionally, the cannon can also be used as a handy bludgeon or battering ram in close quarters combat. When Bonny repurposed her father's cannon into her own weapon, she realized the new revolver mechanism made the traditional rammer used to load cannonballs into the breach obsolete. Not wanting to get rid of such a fine piece of craftmanship, Bonny wrapped the rammer in cloth infused with fire-elememted Dust, creating a giant, reusable match. Now whenever Bonny wants to set something or someone on fire, she just strikes the rammer on the ground like a match, takes a swig of whatever's in her flask, and sprays it all over her makeshift torch, blowing fire everywhere like a carnival firespitter. She does this both because it's fun and because her cannon makes for an effective yet unwieldly melee weapon. This way, she can be quicker on the draw and avoid risking any damage to her main weapon. Semblance: Bonny's Semblance allows her to detect minute changes in electromagnetic fields with great sensitivity, much like a shark's ampullae of Lorenzini. She can sense muscle contractions in people and animals, which many people mistake for a psychic ability or having eyes in the back of her head. Due to this ability it is very difficult to hide from Bonny, and almost impossible to get the drop on her, as her Semblance allows her to "see" you move faster than normal eyes could process. It's also how she knows where to hit you from behind cover, and why she always greets people before they enter the room, something she likes to do just to freak people out. Dust: Bonny uses Dust ammunition in her cannon, launching cannonballs of various elemental types through the different chambers. Using fire Dust or explosives as a powder charge, she can also fire the cannon at the ground and use it like a jetpack to rocket jump. These cannonballs can also be tossed like bombs. The types of elemental dust Bonny uses in her cannon are Fire, Ice, and Electricity. She also uses explosive and smoke cannonballs. Skills: Tracking Aerial bombardment Taunting Drawing fire away from her teammates (though usually not on purpose) PERSONALIZED Personality: Loud Boisterous Kleptomaniac Hidden shame Skills: Swimming Lockpicking Pickpocketing Tracking Drinking Cardsharking Starting fires Singing sea shanties by the sea shore Background: A shark Faunus, and also secretly the daughter of the now infamous Faunus pirate Woodrow "Woody" Thatcher. Born to Woody and a human mother, Bonny and her family lived happily as a shining example of mixed-race marriage. For about two years, after which Bonny's mother was killed during a supposed "White Fang suppression" effort while defending her husband and child, a campaign that saw Bonny's hometown destroyed, burned to the ground, and Bonny and her father imprisoned with other Faunus refugees in the internment camp "Menagerie". They made a serious mistake in underestimating the depth and fire of the aquatic Faunus' rage however, and Thatcher soon conspired to escape from Menagerie with his daughter and a small group of like-minded men in tow. It was this group of escapees that would come to form the founding members of Woody "Dust to Dust" Thatcher's less than jolly crew of pirates, a mercenary group that sailed the high seas for years freeing Faunus and pillaging from the rich. Stealing a boat from the docks of lush human city just outside the borders of Menagerie, Thatcher put what little he knew about maritime protocols to use, and set sail a new and freed man. At first, during the early years, they just took on jobs for disenfranchised Faunus, only striking out at Remnant's oppressive governments when provoked... or when given the chance. It was these years that Bonny would come to remember as the golden ones, where she as a young girl truly felt as free and guiltless as the pirates her father read to her about in story books. But this wasn't Neverland, and she couldn't stay a kid forever. As time went on, the jobs Thatcher's crew took on became increasingly violent, fueled by the bitterness and hatred of the oppressed Faunus and her father, who never truly got over the loss of his wife. Their pillaging became more frequent, targeting not just rich government officials, but any human towns they could find. Villages burned. People died. Innocent people. Her father cited the needs of an always growing crew, but Bonny knew better. She knew her father and the crew were striking back because they hated humans, because they couldn't forgive in their hearts the things they had done to them. And their violent acts of rebellion were only growing worse. Bonny watched as the illusion that had carefully protected her through childhood crumbled, and her father's crew became monsters to her. Though she knew what they were doing was wrong, Bonny had tasted enough of human cruelty that she was still indecisive, unable to agree with her father but equally unable to invision a life for herself outside of the crew. Unable to forgive the hatred that was in her own heart, the hatred imparted to her by her father. That all changed the day her father began planning the siege. It was the largest operation the crew had attempted to date, and it would see them returning to the coast where they had first escaped from Menagerie. The plan was simple. Create as much chaos and destruction as physically possible to draw attention and manpower away from the borders of Menagerie. Then, a small group of men from Thatcher's crew would infiltrate Menagerie and start a riot, breaching the walls and defenses of the prison with a flood of angry Faunus that would cascade into the city, creating even more damage and senseless violence. Then, once the chaos became self-sustaining, the crew would pull out, leaving the city and its human inhabitants to their fate. The sheer horrificness of the plan, not to mention its size and scope, shocked Bonny out of any illusions she had that her father was not a criminal, and she began plotting mutiny. The night before the siege was scheduled to begin, Bonny smashed all the bottles of rum and spirits aboard the ship and set it ablaze, ripping the ship's ornate main cannon off the bow and swimming out to sea with it. If all went well, she'd make landfall in a few hours. More than enough time to warn the city before her father got the fire under control. All did not go well. Her father caught wind of her betrayal, and as she set off towards shore with the cannon in tow, her father shot at her in rage, puncturing a hole in her dorsal fin near the base that made it almost impossible for Bonny to swim carrying the giant cannon. However she persisted anyway, and disappeared into the night. The damage to her fin proved greater than she'd imagined, and it left her unable to stabilize. Eventually she veered far off course, losing time and gaining miles until eventually she ended up on the shores of Atlas, half dead from starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss. She had just about torn her fin off trying to make it to shore with the cannon, and by the time she made it, the siege was already over. Miles and miles down the coast, the defenseless city had fallen, and Menagerie had been breached, causing the largest prison break of interned Faunus yet reported. To add insult to injury, her futile efforts cost Bonny her fin, and with it her hopes of ever swimming again. Landlocked, out of hope and out of options, Bonny found her way out as a Huntress. Gaining an Atlas sponsorship for the combat skills she'd honed as part of a pirate crew, she fashioned herself a weapon out of her father's old cannon, eventually graduating from the preliminary combat schools and finding her way to Beacon as a transfer student, where she hoped/hopes to start a new life. Character theme: While Bonny represents the Golden Age of Piracy as a whole, she is more specifically based loosely off of Anne Bonny, an infamous female pirate who left a life of privilege and luxury behind to sail the seven seas on a ship called Revenge, burning her father's livelihood to the ground as she left. Other: Image Song Jaune is the best.
Rood von Rah Dès que la blonde a appelé pour que tout le monde commence à attaquer les visages, il s'est retourné juste à temps pour voir la longue queue du Falthon revenir vers lui. Il avait à peine le temps de réagir avant que la grosse queue épineuse ne frappe son corps, l'envoyant s'envoler contre un gros rocher en saillie. Il entendit la fissure de son corps contre la pierre froide avant de sentir son corps s'effondrer au sol. Pendant un moment, tout est devenu noir avec le seul son dans ses oreilles étant un sifflement aigu, retentissant. Ses yeux s'ouvrirent et, avec une vision floue, il put à peine distinguer les formes de beaucoup de ses nouveaux camarades qui combattaient contre chacun des Falthons. Tout le bruit est venu dans un étrange, minuscule, comme un écho de boîte. Les sons d'une chanson jouée à distance. Puis il s'est encore évanoui, les yeux se fermant. Quelques instants plus tard, il ouvrit les yeux, le son retournant aussi avec sa vision floue. Quelqu'un lançait des bombes contre le cou du Falthon. Non... sa vue a commencé à s'éclaircir. Pas des bombes... c'était... des flèches...? Une première tentative de se tenir debout n'a fait que faire gémir la blonde... puis une deuxième tentative. Panting, Rood s'est forcé vers le haut, sentant la rage lentement bouillonner sous la surface. D'une main, il s'est poussé du rocher quand sa vision est revenue... puis le son. Il a roulé sa langue autour de sa bouche et a ensuite trouvé un objet offensif sur sa langue. Il tourna la tête vers le rocher et cracha une dent qui était baignée de sang contre le grand rocher. Oui. Il a senti la tache de la dent manquante dans ses gencives heureusement hors de la vue de sa ligne de sourire. Il secoua la tête, crachant plus de sang de la dent manquante sur le sol. Là, alors qu'il regardait à l'horizon. Une renarde dans un arbre, il pouvait à peine s'embrasser avec sa vision floue mais de retour. Elle tirait sur les flèches. Un rapide coup d'œil entre tous ceux qui lui ont parlé lui a dit ce qu'il devait faire, la musique du guitariste rendant son adrénaline folle. Il a trébuché loin du rocher avant de se mettre sur pied, tenant les deux mains à la renarde. Il avait une idée. La fille de Fox dans l'arbre a rétréci les yeux, s'arrêtant dans son barrage de flèches de feu au cou des créatures qu'elle vient de réaliser ne fonctionnait pas. Un type en armure dorée tenait les mains en l'air... puis pointait les ailes. Vraiment, ça encore? Ça n'avait pas marché avant... mais elle a hurlé, plaçant plusieurs flèches dans son carquois, prenant le but... et les laissant voler. Panting, Rood a regardé les flèches et a attendu jusqu'à ce qu'ils aient terminé leur arc... Il a fermement placé ses pieds dans une position large, tenant sa main vers les flèches avec un regard profond et concentré sur son visage se formant lentement dans une pelle. Ses doigts tremblaient de la douleur dans son corps après avoir rencontré un coup si dur mais de là même ses yeux pouvaient capter la petite onde de barrière sonore autour de toutes les flèches. Son apparence avait été placée sur quelque chose de petit à une certaine distance, le forçant à se concentrer sur rien d'autre qu'eux jusqu'à ce qu'ils rencontrent leur marque - les ailes du Falthon. La grande bête scrutait alors que les flèches la fermaient au sol, ce qui faisait que les yeux de Rood s'élargissaient par surprise. Ça avait marché... d'une façon ou d'une autre... La bête rugissait, crachant de l'acide partout où elle pouvait dans son déplaisir et inaugurant ainsi quelques pas en arrière de Rood. Il a été épinglé... ce qui rend ce combat beaucoup plus équitable. Rood regarda rapidement autour de lui, ébranlant le sentiment de célébration avant de trouver qui il cherchait, une certaine personne clonée avec du fil dans leur lame. "Bran!" Il a appelé l'individu cloné, puis a inhalé accidentellement une partie du sang dans sa bouche, l'entraînant dans une crise de toux. Entre la toux et la crachat de plus de sang dans sa bouche, il regarda le chasseur roux en train de s'entraîner. "Attachez le Falthon, maintenant!"
Rood von Rah Age 17 Gender Male Species Human APPEARANCE Height 6'2" Weight 211 lbs Clothing Style When not having to be in Beacon's uniform, Rood ordinarily adorns himself in ornate gold armor up to the waist with a royally bold red cape sashed at his waist which billows when he walks. He wears expensive heavy golden earrings and a red stone necklace at all times regardless if he is in uniform or not. His body is decorated with intricate red paint as a symbol of his status. Hair Color Blonde Eye Color Red COMBAT Weapons Eye of Ma'at His arm is covered in chains with a speared tip at the end, making lashing out with this long range weapon a very deadly experience. The speared tip can 'flower' out into a mini revolving end which Rood can fire off AS he whips this weapon around with the help of his semblance Mehet-Weret A classic lance with decorative and intricate craftsmanship. Best when paired with Rood's semblance. Though it has the option to use Dust, a situation where that would be necessary hasn't been crossed. Or has it? Semblance Friction Manipulation Rood is able to run on air (but NOT fly), walk on water, deflect oncoming attacks, increase or decrease and object's velocity, and change his own inertia. He is also able to generate heat, but not flames by concentrating all on the friction in regards to his body's/an object's placement. Without a gun, he is able to fire off bullets at will by concentrating his friction, hence the placement of the 'gun' at the end of his whip. See 'Other' for limitations. Dust Rood is extensively knowledgeable about Dust but for some reason doesn't carry any on him. Skills Taunting Evasion Surprise PERSONALIZED Personality Brash Dominant Sensitive Regal Passionate Skills -Has taken to playing a lute -Surprisingly, enjoys working with scrapped textiles to make fashionable outfits -Sewing Background For now, Rood's personal history will be shrouded in mystery. What can be shared is common knowledge to all students attending Beacon Academy. The Rah name belonged to a very prestigious family who once ruled the Kingdom of Mistral. The family line, however, fell due to unforeseen circumstances; enemies of past generations ambushed members of the family and cut them down. Desperate to hold the prestige of the family line, the few Rah's remaining married into Atlas' own royals the Schnee's. The two familie's connected only by forced marriages ruled in their separate kingdoms once order was restored, and the purity of the Rah line was forever broken. From there, two generations down, Rood was born a von Rah. This will be the first time in his life he has ever been exposed to working with others his own age. Character Theme Though he encompasses the summation of egyptian culture and religion as a whole, Rood is best described as a genderbent Neith, the Egyptian Goddess of War who wields a masculine bow and arrow. Traded instead for his main weapon is the feminine whip and his red necklace in place of her red crown. Neith is known for her love of weaving, which I wanted to really translate to Rood; which I did in the form of him enjoying sewing and making things out of it for others. 'Rood' is Dutch for red, and 'von' is a common German name add-on, which is frequent pattern seen in the Schnee name. Rah, of course is in reference to Ra, the egyptian God of the sun. Other: Jaune is the best About Friction - Rood's Semblance is vast in its potential, this is true. Or it would be if he could do more than one of any of those things at one time. Every use of his semblance takes all of his concentration, and it doesn't take long until all that usage takes a toll. Thanks to the nature of the semblance, Rood is at constant risk for overheating or in the worst case scenario spontaneously combusting, making his ability a dangerous one to wield for not only other, but for himself.
Bonny Mako Les sons du combat s'évanouissaient et se distraient plus ils couraient. Les cris, la musique de guitare éblouissante, le triomphe florissant du Falthon sur un autre meurtre. Ce n'était pas juste. Mais qu'est-ce qu'ils ont pu faire? Il n'y avait aucun moyen que Rowan puisse combattre le Falthon avec son knuckle Dusters (heh), et elle était complètement drainée d'Aura, ce qui la rendait pire qu'inutile. Elle pouvait à peine soulever son canon! Mais il devait y avoir quelque chose qu'elle pouvait faire! Elle... elle... Elle ne pouvait pas vivre avec elle-même si elle les laissait tous mourir à nouveau. Bonny s'est fait fermer les yeux. "Ah au diable avec ça! Rowan, trouve-moi une bonne falaise! Nous avons besoin d'un nid de corbeaux pour cela."
Bonny Mako Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Shark Faunus APPEARANCE More or less like this. See below for details on where her appearance differs from the picture. Height: 5 ft., 11 in. Weight: 162 lbs., slightly less now that a significant chunk of her dorsal fin has been lost Clothing style: A blue and white striped long-sleeve shirt that's torn-up, short-cut, and somewhat revealing (though not quite as revealing as pictured above) paired with a comparatively modest blue-grey skirt. The skirt reaches down to below her knees or so in the front and drags behind her in the back, giving the illusion of a shark tail when blown by the wind or dragged behind her in the water. The fin-shaped pockets at her hips are actually fanny packs, in which to store loot. She wears a dark grey bandana with a skull and crossbones on it and old grey leather shoes that look ratty, water-logged and worn, and her idea of "accessorizing" boils down to grabbing or stealing anything remotely shiny or expensive-looking and wearing it as tacky bling. She also has an anchor tramp stamp. Hair color: Dirty blonde Eye color: Reddish brown COMBAT Weapon: Best described as an 18th century naval revolver cannon repurposed as a jetpack, the Revenge has six revolving chambers in which to load various types of cannonballs. Each chamber is marked by color (red for fire, blue for ice etc.) and can hold a few cannonballs each before needing to be reloaded. While this is obviously all fine and dandy, the Revenge has a hidden functionality you wouldn't guess until you've seen it in action, because you'd swear it was invented by a mad person. By taking the mounted rig normally used to carry the cannon minigun-style and slipping it over her shoulders, Bonny points the cannon at the ground, fires, and takes off like she's wearing a jetpack, dropping bombs on her enemies from the sky. This is not actual flight but rather a sort of rocket jumping, and Bonny rises and falls in a predictable parabolic arc when using it. Additionally, the cannon can also be used as a handy bludgeon or battering ram in close quarters combat. When Bonny repurposed her father's cannon into her own weapon, she realized the new revolver mechanism made the traditional rammer used to load cannonballs into the breach obsolete. Not wanting to get rid of such a fine piece of craftmanship, Bonny wrapped the rammer in cloth infused with fire-elememted Dust, creating a giant, reusable match. Now whenever Bonny wants to set something or someone on fire, she just strikes the rammer on the ground like a match, takes a swig of whatever's in her flask, and sprays it all over her makeshift torch, blowing fire everywhere like a carnival firespitter. She does this both because it's fun and because her cannon makes for an effective yet unwieldly melee weapon. This way, she can be quicker on the draw and avoid risking any damage to her main weapon. Semblance: Bonny's Semblance allows her to detect minute changes in electromagnetic fields with great sensitivity, much like a shark's ampullae of Lorenzini. She can sense muscle contractions in people and animals, which many people mistake for a psychic ability or having eyes in the back of her head. Due to this ability it is very difficult to hide from Bonny, and almost impossible to get the drop on her, as her Semblance allows her to "see" you move faster than normal eyes could process. It's also how she knows where to hit you from behind cover, and why she always greets people before they enter the room, something she likes to do just to freak people out. Dust: Bonny uses Dust ammunition in her cannon, launching cannonballs of various elemental types through the different chambers. Using fire Dust or explosives as a powder charge, she can also fire the cannon at the ground and use it like a jetpack to rocket jump. These cannonballs can also be tossed like bombs. The types of elemental dust Bonny uses in her cannon are Fire, Ice, and Electricity. She also uses explosive and smoke cannonballs. Skills: Tracking Aerial bombardment Taunting Drawing fire away from her teammates (though usually not on purpose) PERSONALIZED Personality: Loud Boisterous Kleptomaniac Hidden shame Skills: Swimming Lockpicking Pickpocketing Tracking Drinking Cardsharking Starting fires Singing sea shanties by the sea shore Background: A shark Faunus, and also secretly the daughter of the now infamous Faunus pirate Woodrow "Woody" Thatcher. Born to Woody and a human mother, Bonny and her family lived happily as a shining example of mixed-race marriage. For about two years, after which Bonny's mother was killed during a supposed "White Fang suppression" effort while defending her husband and child, a campaign that saw Bonny's hometown destroyed, burned to the ground, and Bonny and her father imprisoned with other Faunus refugees in the internment camp "Menagerie". They made a serious mistake in underestimating the depth and fire of the aquatic Faunus' rage however, and Thatcher soon conspired to escape from Menagerie with his daughter and a small group of like-minded men in tow. It was this group of escapees that would come to form the founding members of Woody "Dust to Dust" Thatcher's less than jolly crew of pirates, a mercenary group that sailed the high seas for years freeing Faunus and pillaging from the rich. Stealing a boat from the docks of lush human city just outside the borders of Menagerie, Thatcher put what little he knew about maritime protocols to use, and set sail a new and freed man. At first, during the early years, they just took on jobs for disenfranchised Faunus, only striking out at Remnant's oppressive governments when provoked... or when given the chance. It was these years that Bonny would come to remember as the golden ones, where she as a young girl truly felt as free and guiltless as the pirates her father read to her about in story books. But this wasn't Neverland, and she couldn't stay a kid forever. As time went on, the jobs Thatcher's crew took on became increasingly violent, fueled by the bitterness and hatred of the oppressed Faunus and her father, who never truly got over the loss of his wife. Their pillaging became more frequent, targeting not just rich government officials, but any human towns they could find. Villages burned. People died. Innocent people. Her father cited the needs of an always growing crew, but Bonny knew better. She knew her father and the crew were striking back because they hated humans, because they couldn't forgive in their hearts the things they had done to them. And their violent acts of rebellion were only growing worse. Bonny watched as the illusion that had carefully protected her through childhood crumbled, and her father's crew became monsters to her. Though she knew what they were doing was wrong, Bonny had tasted enough of human cruelty that she was still indecisive, unable to agree with her father but equally unable to invision a life for herself outside of the crew. Unable to forgive the hatred that was in her own heart, the hatred imparted to her by her father. That all changed the day her father began planning the siege. It was the largest operation the crew had attempted to date, and it would see them returning to the coast where they had first escaped from Menagerie. The plan was simple. Create as much chaos and destruction as physically possible to draw attention and manpower away from the borders of Menagerie. Then, a small group of men from Thatcher's crew would infiltrate Menagerie and start a riot, breaching the walls and defenses of the prison with a flood of angry Faunus that would cascade into the city, creating even more damage and senseless violence. Then, once the chaos became self-sustaining, the crew would pull out, leaving the city and its human inhabitants to their fate. The sheer horrificness of the plan, not to mention its size and scope, shocked Bonny out of any illusions she had that her father was not a criminal, and she began plotting mutiny. The night before the siege was scheduled to begin, Bonny smashed all the bottles of rum and spirits aboard the ship and set it ablaze, ripping the ship's ornate main cannon off the bow and swimming out to sea with it. If all went well, she'd make landfall in a few hours. More than enough time to warn the city before her father got the fire under control. All did not go well. Her father caught wind of her betrayal, and as she set off towards shore with the cannon in tow, her father shot at her in rage, puncturing a hole in her dorsal fin near the base that made it almost impossible for Bonny to swim carrying the giant cannon. However she persisted anyway, and disappeared into the night. The damage to her fin proved greater than she'd imagined, and it left her unable to stabilize. Eventually she veered far off course, losing time and gaining miles until eventually she ended up on the shores of Atlas, half dead from starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss. She had just about torn her fin off trying to make it to shore with the cannon, and by the time she made it, the siege was already over. Miles and miles down the coast, the defenseless city had fallen, and Menagerie had been breached, causing the largest prison break of interned Faunus yet reported. To add insult to injury, her futile efforts cost Bonny her fin, and with it her hopes of ever swimming again. Landlocked, out of hope and out of options, Bonny found her way out as a Huntress. Gaining an Atlas sponsorship for the combat skills she'd honed as part of a pirate crew, she fashioned herself a weapon out of her father's old cannon, eventually graduating from the preliminary combat schools and finding her way to Beacon as a transfer student, where she hoped/hopes to start a new life. Character theme: While Bonny represents the Golden Age of Piracy as a whole, she is more specifically based loosely off of Anne Bonny, an infamous female pirate who left a life of privilege and luxury behind to sail the seven seas on a ship called Revenge, burning her father's livelihood to the ground as she left. Other: Image Song Jaune is the best.
Bran Brass Bran a hurlé. "Formez-vous, attachez-le!" Commandez l'original, comme une machine bien huilée, les sept se sont brisés et ont encerclé des fils de cuisson l'un contre l'autre. Formant un filet autour de la bête pendant qu'ils encerclent elle tirant à l'autre attraper les fils et les attacher aux talons de là épées. En restant dessus, peu importe comment les fils de la bête coupèrent la bête qui réussissait à s'y enterrer des épées au fond du sol étendant les lames plus loin que d'épingler la créature près du sol. "Nous l'avons retenu, fini!" Bran Prime a crié, espérant que la bête ne commencerait pas à polir ses clones, son aura était intacte mais s'ils commençaient à partir, il serait faible une fois qu'ils se seraient réformés. Bran savait qu'il pouvait le tenir, mais il pouvait le tenir, c'était quelque chose que personne d'autre ne pouvait faire en ce moment.
Name: Bran Brass Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5' 3" Weight: 155 pounds Clothing Style: Very neat and clean, everything pressed and perfect. He sews and creates all his clothes, normally he wears a very nice suit and takes great pride in his appearance. He is usually up early to make sure his hair, clothes, and body are perfectly kept, believing that looking good is part of feeling good. Hair Color: Dark red Eye Color: Orange COMBAT Weapon: Riesen Messer- The giant's knife is rather underwhelming normally, three feet and only a foot thick. However this piece of steel hide's a few tricks. Able increase and decrease it's length it can go all the way to eight feet, earning it's name as the giant's knife. It's second form is one even more impressive, the weaver is able to use spools of thread to move and tie up targets. Controlling these threads while time consuming and requiring highly skilled motor control they can be used to move and create trip wires and other such traps. Semblance: Seven in one, splitting his aura seven ways he can create seven copy's of himself doing this at great risk as losing a clone removes a seventh of his aura. Dust: When using dust it is generally in a spool inserted into the threading system, while not often used as the level of precision is difficult to control. Thus generally if he does use dust it's for steam, failing that he will also use it to annoy and hamper his opponent. His sword can use it as well though low funds means he generally just use's it in spools. Skills: 1. Highly acrobatic 2. Incredibly strong 3. Stealth 4. Fast attacks 5. Appear's weak PERSONALIZED Personality: 1. Defiant 2. Regal 3. Caring 4. Open 5. Intelligent Skills: 1. High quality tailor 2. Very capable cook 3. Trained hair stylist Background: Born and raise in Mistral his father was a poor tailor and his mother ran the local inn. Growing up the runt of the family he was pushed around by his two older sisters and had to care for his younger sister as well. As he grew he learned to fight, mostly thanks to the other boys picking on him. Training with his sisters and having to survive the other boys beating's helped him learn to move fast, and hit even harder. When he was thirteen he discovered his semblance, after finding his younger sister shoved in to the mud and crying he attacked the boys responsible, the seven boys thought they would be fight one little shrimp. Yet summoning up his strength and with one punch all seven of the boys collapsed before Bran Brass. For that feat of strength his father crafted him a belt and used there savings to get their son a weapon. No in town could believe it, little Bran Brass the boy who cooked meals in the tavern and sewed nearly everyone's suits and dresses with his father was going to a Huntsman. However he did not train at a combat prep school instead choosing to travel outside the walls and learn to fight Grimm in the wild. He traveled alone, becoming stronger and learning all he could about the Grimm and battling them. He did keep close to the borders so that he could return if attacked and did not venture far. He would only remain out there for a year, returning to civilization he began entering tournaments to test his skills. Proving himself a capable and talented fighter in open tournaments held for Huntsman in Mistral area. He was accepted to a combat school and set to work there, he was accepted in to Beacon recently and is quite excited to attend the school more to learn to work with a team. Character Theme: Based off the fairy tale's 'The Little Tailor' and 'Jack The Giant Killer.' Other: Jaune is the best. Theme: Anger Management
Min Seoyun Même ses flèches explosantes n'avaient presque aucun effet sur le cou de la bête. Cela devenait lentement frustrant pour la petite renarde, encore plus quand l'un des humains se déplaçait pour qu'elle épingle de nouveau les ailes. Vraiment, ça encore? Ça n'avait pas marché avant... mais pourtant, elle n'était pas une pour gâcher la stratégie de quelqu'un d'autre, alors elle a hurlé. Cependant, cette fois-ci, elle avait prévu de le faire différemment. Elle a enlevé le flacon de poussière rouge et en a inséré un blanc sur la poignée de son arc et a frappé sa flèche. Elle s'est concentrée et concentrée, a rétréci les yeux et s'est relâchée. Dès que la première flèche était en route, elle a frappé une seconde et l'a tiré immédiatement après avoir continué à le faire jusqu'à ce qu'environ huit flèches soient en l'air ou qu'elles frappent déjà la cible. Les flèches, alors qu'elles étaient en vol, avaient un sentier blanc qui sortait de l'arbre et lorsqu'elles ont touché la membrane molle de la bête, la pointe a explosé en gelant la région environnante et en créant un iceberg entourant la flèche, ce qui rend encore plus difficile de l'enlever et de soulever les ailes, qui sont maintenant appuyées par quatre flèches de glace chacune.
Min Seoyun(敏 曙胤) Agile/CleverDawn Descendent Age: 17 Gender: female Species: Fox Faunus APPEARANCE Height: 4'9" Weight: 100lbs Clothing Style: Seoyun usually clothes herself quite casually. Although she prefers skirts for her bottoms due to higher freedom of movement, she will also sometimes dress in shorts, but pretty much never in more formal dress. Hair Color: Orange Eye Color: Red COMBAT Weapon: Her weapon, Orion, looks, at first glance like a quite curved staff, however once activated, a red energy beam serves as the string of the bow. With this bow, Seoyun is able to fire arrows stored in a quiver on her hip. Integrated into the handle of the bow is a compartment to insert dust crystals. Nevertheless, Orion still has a secondary mode where the bow straightens and a sharp point exits the top end transforming it into a spear used for melee engagements. Semblance: Tracker: When her semblance is activated, Seoyun is able to see and distinguish tracks of different people, animals and grimm. Simple enough, no? Dust: Seoyun uses dust to modify the effect of her arrows, aka giving them elemental powers. Skills: Eagle-eyed and, in combination with this, high accuracy Fast Agile Stealthy PERSONALIZED Personality: Sly Creative Snide Chilly Fierce Skills: Loves strategy games, so she is quite adapt at planning strategic and tactical stuff Rather intelligent Target shooting Background: Born on Koshima, the Fox Island, to the reigning, self-declared royal family, Seoyun, mostly called Seo, grew up quite sheltered, although she still loved the island's few forests and hills and as such she spent quite some time outside strolling through nature. At first Seo was quite annoyed at her place in the line of succession to the island's lands, since she loved the island so much, but her brother managed to convince her to try training for combat and head for the nearby famous Beacon Academy, even though she would be studying together with humans, who she did not have good experiences with in her infrequent visits to Vale. Nevertheless, she was going to become the guardian of the Island, like her aunt. Character Theme: Seoyun was inspired by Artemis, Greek goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls. She is often depicted with bow and arrow with which she was incredibly skilled at. At one point one of her hunting companions, Actaeon, tried to rape her, but she transformed him into a stag and sent the hounds to kill him. Orion was her most beloved hunting companion until she accidentally killed him with an arrow through his head. Other: Jaune would be bae, if, firstly, I didn't hate that word and secondly, not somebody else had that spot reserved already. :P Voice:
Coch Talesin Lieu: Groupe Coch pouvait sentir sa gorge s'assécher et s'envoler plus il essayait de continuer à chanter. Ses tuyaux étaient rouillés, et il ne pouvait pas croire que maintenant, de tous les temps où il aurait pu avoir sa voix le laisser. En baissant la tête dans la honte et la défaite croissantes qui voulaient juste s'installer sur ses épaules et le fardeaur, le guitariste a porté ses dents dans la frustration. Des gouttes de sueur salées dégoulinaient de ses sourcils rouges et roulaient son menton. Il pouvait sentir les coussinets de ses doigts devenir tendre, et il savait que plus il jouait, plus ses doigts pourraient commencer à saigner. C'était un meilleur sacrifice que de regarder l'équipe mourir. S'affolant quelques fois dans sa tentative désespérée d'humidifier sa gorge, Coch leva la tête et jeta ses yeux déterminés sur la bête que l'équipe tenta de redescendre. Il n'a peut-être plus été capable de chanter, mais il pouvait encore jouer, et il allait déchiqueter l'enfer de son Stratocaster. Coch arrêta de jouer et tendit les mains à sa gauche et à sa droite alors qu'il se fronçait les doigts, en écoutant ses articulations éclater et craquer. Très bien, il s'est moqué. Une dernière performance. En grimpant le cou de sa guitare, il a tapé un beat avec le talon de sa botte, et a ramené la musique au combat! Bobbing sa tête à sa croûte, il remplit la forêt d'un air puissant et énergique.
AGE 17 GENDER Male SPECIES Human APPEARANCE HEIGHT 5’11 WEIGHT 170 lbs (77kg) CLOTHING STYLE Coch wears casual clothes: tanks, T-shirts, and denim. In colder climates, he sports a black coat with a faux-fur collar. He’ll wear shoes from Chuck Taylors to combat boots. Two small silver loop earrings line the shells of each of his ears and slung across his back is his red Stratocaster guitar. HAIR COLOR Red EYE COLOR Gold COMBAT WEAPON The Stratocaster is just as much a weapon as it is a musical instrument. The weapon acts as an amp for Coch’s semblance. Its whammy bar allows him to control the brutality of the waves by controlling the wave patterns. Next to the whammy bar is a chamber for loading dust capsules. The two dust capsules that Coch uses are Fire and Lightning. Now, there’s a secret story behind Coch’s Stratocaster and its design. While most will only see it used as an amp, it has a secondary form. Originally, the Stratocaster was a rifle designed by the Atlesian military and gifted to him by his father. It still contains those functions, those functions being similar to a M16A2 rifle. The dust capsules are rounds fed into the chamber, and the whammy bar much like a bolt-action charging handle. With the guitar’s jagged electric guitar edges, it also functions as a battle ax and its wide base a shield for blocking attacks. SEMBLANCE Coch’s semblance grants him the ability to manipulate sound. When paired with his Stratocaster, his voice becomes a deadly weapon enabling him to produce decibels of destruction. His sound abilities when combined with his singing abilities can be used to empower himself and others, getting the team pumped to fight by raising their strength, speed, and durability for the duration of his jam. He can mute an entire room and throw his voice a great distance. As long as whoever he is trying to communicate with is within visual distance, they will hear him clearly even if he threw a whisper. An assault from Coch’s sound abilities can cause enemies to suffer disorienting, nauseating, and if directly under the bombardments of his sound vibrations—death. With his whammy bar, he can create vibrating patterns erratic enough to create a sound barrier for himself or anyone he is protecting as long as he is standing within arms’ reach of the person. DUST ♪ Fire ♪ Lightning SKILLS Most students will see Coch in a support role, shredding on his guitar and empowering his teammates with energizing power metal. He will take down lesser mobs with the AOE abilities granted by his Dust and Semblance. What most students don’t know about him is that he was originally a student (soldier is probably the better term if you knew his Dad) of Atlas Academy. When adopting a more combat-related role, Coch is a brutal fighter. He wields his guitar like an ax, and can switch between a melee and ranged role in mid-combat. He can use dust rounds to speed up his movements, change the direction of his movements, or send himself skyward. The base of his guitar can be used as a shield to absorb the blunt strikes or offenses of his opponents. PERSONALIZED PERSONALITY ♪ Brave ♪ Proud ♪ Tough ♪ Softy ♪ Perverted SKILLS ♪ Musician ♪ Singer ♪ Poet ♪ Resourceful ♪ Soldier BACKGROUND Coch Taliesin was born to Captain Ares and Terpsichore Taliesin. He was raised a military brat planned from birth to follow in his father’s footsteps to one day become an officer in the Atlesian military. His childhood was full of strict discipline and restriction. His mother was a successful singer and songwriter and his primary inspiration. His father frowned on Coch’s artistic hobbies and one day even tore up the music and poems he would write. When he came of age to attend Atlas Academy, his father gave him a rifle, hoping that the weapon would motivate him to keep on the path he had set for him and to stay at the top of his class. One day, the stress and social pressure just nearly killed Coch and he knew that he had to get away from Atlas, and out from under his father’s thumb. Coch secretly applied to Beacon Academy under a false name, and when he was accepted, he unceremoniously dropped out of Atlas and went running with a packed bag to his freedom. The Headmaster wasn’t as easily fooled as Coch had thought, knowing exactly who Coch was when he arrived at the school. Nonetheless, the man allowed him to stay. The singer was officially a free man and he didn’t plan on seeing his father ever again for as long as he could help it. He still carried the rifle that he had given him, and out of spite, with time and patience he was able to engineer it into what he felt would have been his father’s worst nightmare. With the weapon named "Stratocaster," Coch not only started his new life as a student at Beacon Academy but his career as a talented and popular musician. CHARACTER THEME “Coch” in my character’s first name is Welsh for "Red." “Taliesin” is a bard from Welsh mythology who was renowned for singing at the courts of three Brythonic kings. He was adopted as a child by Elffin, the son of Gwyddno Garanhir, and prophesied the death of Maelgwn Gwynedd by the Yellow Plague. He has been a mythic hero and companion of Bran the Blessed and King Arthur. This will explain Coch's unique Welsh-like accent. OTHER Jaune is the best. Sound clip, example of Coch's voice Sound clip, Coch's shreds!
Chen Jet Chen a grondé de frustration alors qu'il se confrontait au fait qu'il ne faisait absolument rien. Il n'a jamais été doué pour enlever des éponges de balles comme celles-ci. Il n'avait pas la puissance du feu pour faire de vrais dégâts. Heureusement pour lui, il n'était pas obligé. La fille Faunus se débrouillait assez bien en immobilisant le Falthon en conjonction avec Bran, laissant les gens comme Yu faire les gros dégâts contre elle. Chen a remarqué que le guitariste était fatigué et s'est dit qu'il avait probablement soif. Le chant tendait à serrer un peu la gorge. Chen sortit une petite fiole de sa poche de veste et téléporta près du guitariste. "Boire. Tu vas baiser ta voix si tu continues comme ça." Chen a offert le flacon à Coch avec un petit sourire sur son visage, qui a rapidement fondu comme il a réalisé ce que cela pouvait être perçu comme. "C'est de l'eau, je n'ai pas trouvé de meilleur moyen de transporter l'eau."
Name: Chen "Z" Jet Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5'3 Weight: 115 lbs Clothing Style: Black jeans and a black t-shirt with his logo on it. Wears a black leather jacket on top of his outfit with some sunglasses hanging out of a pocket. Hair Color: Jet Black Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: "Jet Stream": Jet Stream is a set of two black submachine guns with a red trim, which can transform into twin wakizashis for close range combat. When not in combat they collapse into his sleeves for easy concealment. Semblance: "Sonic Boom": Chen teleports in a flash of black smoke up to a range of 20 feet in any direction. He must know where he is teleporting or he runs the risk of teleporting into a solid object, which would obviously end badly. Two seconds must pass between uses, wait time gets longer as he runs out of energy. Dust: Keeps a few clips of Incendiary Dust bullets at all times. Skills: Chen uses an acrobatic fighting style primarily focused around dodging and redirecting attacks rather than blocking them. He focuses on staying mid-range and peppering foes with bullets, teleporting into melee range when he sees an opening. Is more suited for taking down slow targets and goons rather than powerful opponents. Works well in a team, not much of a leader. PERSONALIZED Personality: Jokester Carefree Intelligent Happy Serious when needed Skills: Coming up with bad jokes Video Games Tabletop Games Flight Simulators Secret Hobby: Reading Background: Chen was born in Atlas to an Atlas pilot and a no name village woman, the pilot abandoning the woman as soon as he found out she was pregnant. The woman hoped to start a new life outside of Atlas and immigrated to Vale to find something new. Chen grew up always watching the sky, hoping to one day fly through the great blue and find his father. As Chen grew older his mother would tell him stories of the daring feats his father would perform, but never told him his name. She would instead call him "Z", though she never explained why. As he grew older he abandoned his dream of meeting his father, becoming aware that his father wasn't as great of a man as he believed, but never gave up on one day flying. He joined Beacon to become a Huntsman and maybe because he liked how high up Beacon was in comparison to the town he lived in. Character Theme: Chen is loosely based off of Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind. Zephyrus is also the god of the spring wind, which is why I made Chen such a happy and jokestery person. In Zephyrus' stories he's also shown as a womanizer which I included in the form of Chen's father. And finally Chen's nickname "Z" is an reference to the first letter of Zephyrus. Other: Jaune is not best, Ren is best. Ren will always be best.
Yu Zuiren Il semblait que ses coups de poing sur le crâne épais de la bête ne fonctionnaient pas comme elle l'avait prévu... Ce qui l'a plus irrité que le fait qu'elle n'ait plus bu. Le Falthon avait branlé la tête comme il s'était attaché, en envoyant Yu trébucher sur le sol. Sa récupération en roulis... ou plutôt, sa récupération en flopping était "fluide", si elle n'a pas l'air un peu trop ivre. Elle a regardé autour de lui pour voir ce que tout le monde faisait. Trois d'entre eux n'ont pas vraiment l'air de faire beaucoup, bien que... certains d'entre eux avaient l'air pire pour l'usure. Dans son état d'ivresse, elle n'a pas vraiment remarqué que l'homme de la musique avait cessé de chanter, mais la vigueur de la musique était toujours là. Ses yeux se concentraient une fois de plus sur le monstre alors qu'elle se bâtissait lentement d'une marche à une charge de taureau, son expression apparemment furieuse. La bête luttait contre les liens qu'elle s'approchait. Même si ça réussissait à se libérer, ça ne durerait pas longtemps. Ou du moins, elle ne pensait pas que ça le ferait. Après avoir approché la bête, elle sauta vers le haut, la force dans ses jambes l'envoyant haut dans le ciel. Elle a préparé son poing alors qu'elle descendait, se concentrant la plupart, sinon toute son aura dans son bras et son poing. Si ça ne marche pas, je n'ai plus d'options. Elle pensait à elle-même.. Yu a laissé sortir un kiai fort alors que son poing rencontrait l'arrière du corps de la bête. Son poing s'est écrasé dans le corps qui a laissé sortir une onde de choc retardée, le Falthon et ses visages ont été complètement pressés dans le sol par la force du coup; la terre a craqué comme si un tremblement de terre avait frappé, le corps du monstre créant un cratère. Ça a marché?
Yu Zuiren (醉人, 玉) Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human Height: 5’8” Weight: 145 lb Clothing Style: (Refer to image) Hair Color: White/Silver Eye Color: Green COMBAT Weapon: Jindan (Golden Elixir) This gourd doesn’t transform. However, it contains mysterious liquid which Yu drinks all the time. (Which she claims to be juice or milk. Whichever she sees fit at the time.) It has a long red rope that is tied around the middle of the gourd with a large portion of the rope loose, allowing Yu to use it similarly to a Meteor Hammer. Semblance: Drunken Haze The more Yu drinks from her gourd, the stronger her attacks become, however this is limited to the capacity of her gourd and how much she can handle before just passing out entirely. Along with increases in attack power, Yu's drinking starts to affect her opponent as well; causing them to see multiple illusions of the Huntress, which imitate her movements. These illusions don't inflict any damage, however they look very life-like, thus making it difficult to find the real Yu. Dust: Yu doesn’t use dust. Skills: Yu is almost exclusively trained in Zui Quan (Drunken Fist) and has adapted the style in such a way that allows it to have more practical application beyond traditional means. In combat, Yu is extremely unpredictable and is very skilled at evading attacks. PERSONALIZED Personality: Easy going Kind Flirty Sociable Cheeky Skills: Drinking Free Running Relaxing Mixing Cocktails Born in the western parts of Minstral, Yu was raised by her father, having lost her mother when she gave birth to Yu. Her father was a Huntsman, but not the glorified kind that many expect in those days. He was a Huntsman who had strayed from his ‘righteous’ path and did what he could to raise his daughter. However, a lot of his money went into buying time from women and booze, leaving very little for their essentials. While her father was out on a job, Yu would often walk around the town, begging for money, which often lead to her being beaten by others. She had spoken to a mysterious old man on numerous occasions. He always smelt of alcohol, but he was a very nice person to talk to. When she was barely in her teens, she told the old man about her dreams to become a Huntress. Instead of laughing like almost everyone else did, he took her seriously and decided to teach her his art. Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist. She wasn’t introduced to alcohol until the later stages of her training. During her years of training, she had convinced her father to allow her to attend Sanctum academy. Her father, hoping that she wouldn’t turn out like him, allowed her to attend classes. It wasn’t long before she graduated from the academy, and as a gift, the old man gave her his Gourd. Jindan. And the clothing that she wears now was a gift from her father. The old man suggested that she went to Beacon academy, he never really gave her a reason why, but she decided to follow his advice for one last time. Character Theme: Yu is loosely based on Lu Dongbin who is an immortal from Chinese Mythology. Lu, like the other 7 immortals in his group, are often depicted as joyful people who enjoy getting drunk often, hence Yu’s enjoyment of drinking. The styles in Zui Quan also refer to the 8 immortals. Lu Dongbin is also depicted as a ‘ladies man’, which is referred to in Yu’s occasional flirty nature. Other: Jaune is best waifu 0:38 to 1:00
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????C'est quoi, ça? La figure à capuchon s'appuyait sur le côté de la falaise, dans l'incrédulité de ce qu'ils étaient témoins. "Impossible." Une voix profonde et masculine qui sonnait à la fois sinistre et passive était prononcée sous le capot. Rood von Rah Il fonctionnait - la glace de la fille de flèche avait gravement endommagé le falthon qui pleurnichait et brouillait alors qu'il était attaché par Bran. Puis, avec la chanson qui a fait bouillir l'adrénaline en lui, Yu a continué à livrer un horrible coup qui a pulsé dans une onde de choc autour d'eux, presque forçant Rood sur ses genoux. Il a couvert ses yeux pour éviter que des débris ne le frappent, puis a regardé le bruit de verre éclatant. Ses yeux s'élargissaient d'abord, puis il sourit en se rendant compte que ce n'était pas le verre qui avait brisé la bête, mais les parties du falthon qui s'était tourné vers la glace avaient brisé. La plupart des visages avaient été complètement décimés dans l'explosion, à ce moment le falthon n'était presque rien de plus qu'un gâchis sanglant. Cependant, le combat n'était pas terminé pour le légendaire grimm. Elle s'est tordue, en voyant une opportunité, et a tenté de gnash sa grande mag autour de Yu. Il a réagi sur l'instinct, s'élançant avec son semblant dans l'espoir d'envelopper ses bras autour d'elle et de la déposer hors du chemin maladroit. Il a trébuché, roulant même dans un atterrissage peu gratifiant qui n'a été sauvé que lorsqu'il a trouvé son pied. Il est resté comme ça, fumant en sortant de son corps alors qu'il permettait à la musique que le guitariste jouait de remplir ses oreilles. Puis l'énergie a versé sa peau de bronzage et il a regardé vers le haut, ses cheveux se déplaçant dans l'aura se déversant de lui. Comme il l'a fait, le falthon a commencé à briser ses liens, chacun sortant avec un bruit de claquement écœurant avec son regard tourné sur lui, en colère qu'il avait perdu sa proie. Ses yeux rouges ont brûlé... d'une certaine façon cette musique lui a rappelé... ...à la maison. Avec un cri, il a jeté son corps vers l'avant, une vague d'énergie apparaissant devant lui comme son corps coupé à travers le dernier visage du falthon et à travers une partie mince de son cou. Le falthon laisse sortir un cri sanglant, son corps s'enflamme comme il s'est évanoui comme tout grimm faire, son corps devient plutôt des braises brûlantes contre le ciel. De l'autre côté de l'endroit où il se trouvait, Rood se tenait en tremblant avec son corps couvert de brûlures. Son corps fumait encore, mais avec plus de sortie de lui cette fois, quelques-uns des braises de l'affreux sortaient de lui aussi. Il s'est tenu comme ça jusqu'à ce que le falthon soit parti... puis ses yeux se sont retournés et il s'est évanoui, tombant d'abord à genoux, puis à plat sur son visage. Son corps était chargé dans l'effort de s'occuper de la douleur des brûlures et de la commotion potentielle d'avant. Pour Rood von Rah, au moins pour l'instant, c'était des lumières éteintes. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????C'est quoi, ça? "...un von Rah alors... et le garçon Taliesen..." L'homme à capuche s'est griffé la joue. Ils ont tous montré de telles... capacités intéressantes... À ce moment-là, il a senti quelque chose le choquer à un degré intense, ce qui a amené son corps à se saisir jusqu'à... Glynda Goodwitch Sa foudre verte a balayé l'intrus du dos, son expression tordue dans la colère. Elle regarda alors que le manteau tombait soudainement comme s'il n'y avait personne dedans. Ses pupilles se sont évanouies dans la peur, et lors d'une inspection plus étroite n'ont rien remarqué de particulier du manteau. L'homme avait crié quand il était choqué, mais il y a un moment s'était arrêté, coupé comme un joueur de disque arrêté en milieu de jeu. Qui que ce soit qui l'ait attaquée, il était parti. En regardant la falaise, les yeux de Glynda se sont élargis. Elle s'est précipitée dans la prairie, appelant des renforts alors qu'elle allait et arrivait très vite, pantant. Elle s'est précipitée à la forme tombée de Rood, s'agenouillant à ses côtés en regardant les autres, ses yeux sérieux. « Considérez-vous à accomplir cette tâche. Je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé ici, mais on dirait qu'un combat sérieux vient de se produire. Vous tous qui pouvez, dépêchez-vous de retourner à l'école et d'attendre dans le bureau d'Ozpin. Je dois m'occuper de cet étudiant tout de suite."
Rood von Rah Age 17 Gender Male Species Human APPEARANCE Height 6'2" Weight 211 lbs Clothing Style When not having to be in Beacon's uniform, Rood ordinarily adorns himself in ornate gold armor up to the waist with a royally bold red cape sashed at his waist which billows when he walks. He wears expensive heavy golden earrings and a red stone necklace at all times regardless if he is in uniform or not. His body is decorated with intricate red paint as a symbol of his status. Hair Color Blonde Eye Color Red COMBAT Weapons Eye of Ma'at His arm is covered in chains with a speared tip at the end, making lashing out with this long range weapon a very deadly experience. The speared tip can 'flower' out into a mini revolving end which Rood can fire off AS he whips this weapon around with the help of his semblance Mehet-Weret A classic lance with decorative and intricate craftsmanship. Best when paired with Rood's semblance. Though it has the option to use Dust, a situation where that would be necessary hasn't been crossed. Or has it? Semblance Friction Manipulation Rood is able to run on air (but NOT fly), walk on water, deflect oncoming attacks, increase or decrease and object's velocity, and change his own inertia. He is also able to generate heat, but not flames by concentrating all on the friction in regards to his body's/an object's placement. Without a gun, he is able to fire off bullets at will by concentrating his friction, hence the placement of the 'gun' at the end of his whip. See 'Other' for limitations. Dust Rood is extensively knowledgeable about Dust but for some reason doesn't carry any on him. Skills Taunting Evasion Surprise PERSONALIZED Personality Brash Dominant Sensitive Regal Passionate Skills -Has taken to playing a lute -Surprisingly, enjoys working with scrapped textiles to make fashionable outfits -Sewing Background For now, Rood's personal history will be shrouded in mystery. What can be shared is common knowledge to all students attending Beacon Academy. The Rah name belonged to a very prestigious family who once ruled the Kingdom of Mistral. The family line, however, fell due to unforeseen circumstances; enemies of past generations ambushed members of the family and cut them down. Desperate to hold the prestige of the family line, the few Rah's remaining married into Atlas' own royals the Schnee's. The two familie's connected only by forced marriages ruled in their separate kingdoms once order was restored, and the purity of the Rah line was forever broken. From there, two generations down, Rood was born a von Rah. This will be the first time in his life he has ever been exposed to working with others his own age. Character Theme Though he encompasses the summation of egyptian culture and religion as a whole, Rood is best described as a genderbent Neith, the Egyptian Goddess of War who wields a masculine bow and arrow. Traded instead for his main weapon is the feminine whip and his red necklace in place of her red crown. Neith is known for her love of weaving, which I wanted to really translate to Rood; which I did in the form of him enjoying sewing and making things out of it for others. 'Rood' is Dutch for red, and 'von' is a common German name add-on, which is frequent pattern seen in the Schnee name. Rah, of course is in reference to Ra, the egyptian God of the sun. Other: Jaune is the best About Friction - Rood's Semblance is vast in its potential, this is true. Or it would be if he could do more than one of any of those things at one time. Every use of his semblance takes all of his concentration, and it doesn't take long until all that usage takes a toll. Thanks to the nature of the semblance, Rood is at constant risk for overheating or in the worst case scenario spontaneously combusting, making his ability a dangerous one to wield for not only other, but for himself.
Coch Talesin Lieu: Groupe Après que Chen lui eut téléporté, Coch ne pouvait pas se permettre de retirer ses mains de sa guitare pour prendre l'eau offerte car il y avait trop de combattants comptant sur son seul son pour continuer à bouger. Il jouait, transpirant de son front et de son menton, les yeux serrés pour empêcher le sel de rouler et de les piquer. L'équipe a posé leur dernier coup sur le Falthon et quand le Grim a soudainement éclaté en braise, Coch est tombé à genoux, se baissant comme s'il s'était reposé d'un entraînement d'endurance. Sa tête a été assouplie pour permettre à l'air frais de se laver sur sa peau éblouissante et sa bouche agape avec son pantalon laboré. Si Chen restait à côté de lui et que son offre était toujours présente, les yeux d'or de Cochs se retourneraient vers lui et il lèverait une main tremblante vers le... il hésitait à donner au garçon un regard douteux. C'est de l'eau, je ne pouvais pas trouver un meilleur moyen de transporter l'eau autour. En le grattant encore avec un peu d'incertitude, Coch commença à dévisser le capuchon, et ce n'est qu'alors qu'il sentit la sensation de piqûre et de brûlure sur les coussinets de ses doigts. Tant de peau avait été usée par les cordes et ses techniques vigoureuses. Une fois le capuchon libre, Coch lança l'eau dans sa bouche et en buva désespérément, la gorge pompant audiblement le liquide rafraîchissant dans son estomac. Il buvait jusqu'à ce qu'il ait besoin de respirer, en retirant la fiole de sa bouche et en se gazant lourdement. Merci, mon pote, Coch a dit avec gratitude, sa voix encore un peu frénétique, mais sa gorge s'était beaucoup mieux sentie avec un peu d'eau. Il a remis sa fiole à Chen. Nom de famille Coch. Qu'est-ce que c'est? Tout d'un coup, Glynda Goodwitch est apparu. "Oh maintenant tu veux venir?" "Coch facetieusement brouillé." Après la mort de plusieurs étudiants, tout ce qu'elle avait à dire, c'était que leur mission était complète? Qui s'en souciait en ce moment? Reposant une main sur son genou, le guitariste gémit alors qu'il se levait aux pieds et balançait son Stratocaster sur son épaule.
AGE 17 GENDER Male SPECIES Human APPEARANCE HEIGHT 5’11 WEIGHT 170 lbs (77kg) CLOTHING STYLE Coch wears casual clothes: tanks, T-shirts, and denim. In colder climates, he sports a black coat with a faux-fur collar. He’ll wear shoes from Chuck Taylors to combat boots. Two small silver loop earrings line the shells of each of his ears and slung across his back is his red Stratocaster guitar. HAIR COLOR Red EYE COLOR Gold COMBAT WEAPON The Stratocaster is just as much a weapon as it is a musical instrument. The weapon acts as an amp for Coch’s semblance. Its whammy bar allows him to control the brutality of the waves by controlling the wave patterns. Next to the whammy bar is a chamber for loading dust capsules. The two dust capsules that Coch uses are Fire and Lightning. Now, there’s a secret story behind Coch’s Stratocaster and its design. While most will only see it used as an amp, it has a secondary form. Originally, the Stratocaster was a rifle designed by the Atlesian military and gifted to him by his father. It still contains those functions, those functions being similar to a M16A2 rifle. The dust capsules are rounds fed into the chamber, and the whammy bar much like a bolt-action charging handle. With the guitar’s jagged electric guitar edges, it also functions as a battle ax and its wide base a shield for blocking attacks. SEMBLANCE Coch’s semblance grants him the ability to manipulate sound. When paired with his Stratocaster, his voice becomes a deadly weapon enabling him to produce decibels of destruction. His sound abilities when combined with his singing abilities can be used to empower himself and others, getting the team pumped to fight by raising their strength, speed, and durability for the duration of his jam. He can mute an entire room and throw his voice a great distance. As long as whoever he is trying to communicate with is within visual distance, they will hear him clearly even if he threw a whisper. An assault from Coch’s sound abilities can cause enemies to suffer disorienting, nauseating, and if directly under the bombardments of his sound vibrations—death. With his whammy bar, he can create vibrating patterns erratic enough to create a sound barrier for himself or anyone he is protecting as long as he is standing within arms’ reach of the person. DUST ♪ Fire ♪ Lightning SKILLS Most students will see Coch in a support role, shredding on his guitar and empowering his teammates with energizing power metal. He will take down lesser mobs with the AOE abilities granted by his Dust and Semblance. What most students don’t know about him is that he was originally a student (soldier is probably the better term if you knew his Dad) of Atlas Academy. When adopting a more combat-related role, Coch is a brutal fighter. He wields his guitar like an ax, and can switch between a melee and ranged role in mid-combat. He can use dust rounds to speed up his movements, change the direction of his movements, or send himself skyward. The base of his guitar can be used as a shield to absorb the blunt strikes or offenses of his opponents. PERSONALIZED PERSONALITY ♪ Brave ♪ Proud ♪ Tough ♪ Softy ♪ Perverted SKILLS ♪ Musician ♪ Singer ♪ Poet ♪ Resourceful ♪ Soldier BACKGROUND Coch Taliesin was born to Captain Ares and Terpsichore Taliesin. He was raised a military brat planned from birth to follow in his father’s footsteps to one day become an officer in the Atlesian military. His childhood was full of strict discipline and restriction. His mother was a successful singer and songwriter and his primary inspiration. His father frowned on Coch’s artistic hobbies and one day even tore up the music and poems he would write. When he came of age to attend Atlas Academy, his father gave him a rifle, hoping that the weapon would motivate him to keep on the path he had set for him and to stay at the top of his class. One day, the stress and social pressure just nearly killed Coch and he knew that he had to get away from Atlas, and out from under his father’s thumb. Coch secretly applied to Beacon Academy under a false name, and when he was accepted, he unceremoniously dropped out of Atlas and went running with a packed bag to his freedom. The Headmaster wasn’t as easily fooled as Coch had thought, knowing exactly who Coch was when he arrived at the school. Nonetheless, the man allowed him to stay. The singer was officially a free man and he didn’t plan on seeing his father ever again for as long as he could help it. He still carried the rifle that he had given him, and out of spite, with time and patience he was able to engineer it into what he felt would have been his father’s worst nightmare. With the weapon named "Stratocaster," Coch not only started his new life as a student at Beacon Academy but his career as a talented and popular musician. CHARACTER THEME “Coch” in my character’s first name is Welsh for "Red." “Taliesin” is a bard from Welsh mythology who was renowned for singing at the courts of three Brythonic kings. He was adopted as a child by Elffin, the son of Gwyddno Garanhir, and prophesied the death of Maelgwn Gwynedd by the Yellow Plague. He has been a mythic hero and companion of Bran the Blessed and King Arthur. This will explain Coch's unique Welsh-like accent. OTHER Jaune is the best. Sound clip, example of Coch's voice Sound clip, Coch's shreds!
Bonny Mako Bonny a posé son canon tout comme elle avait fini le premier coup. Elle ne pouvait pas le croire. Ils avaient gagné. Ils avaient vraiment gagné. Non seulement il a survécu, mais il l'a tué. Un Falthon, l'ur-Grimm. Au-delà de toutes les attentes et au-delà de tout espoir, Rood les avait menés à la victoire contre un adversaire imbattable, même en atterrissant lui-même le coup final. Et elle... Elle s'est enfuie, tandis que les autres sont morts. Bonny s'est ébranlée la tête. C'est pas vrai! Ce n'était pas comme ça! Elle pouvait à peine bouger, et elle pensait... Que c'était bien de laisser les autres mourir comme Vlad? C'est parce que le Falthon semblait imbattable que ça voulait dire que c'était bien de s'enfuir? Le faunus du requin a essayé de l'oublier. Ce n'était pas important maintenant. Ce qu'ils devaient faire, c'était descendre et aider à ramener les blessés en sécurité. Elle avait eu le temps de se reposer, et la chanson avait restauré au moins un peu d'endurance physique, donc elle se sentait assez confiante pour marcher à nouveau. "Venez sur Rowan," dit-elle, trébuchant. "Nous devons descendre et les aider." Mieux vaut tard que jamais, non?
Bonny Mako Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Shark Faunus APPEARANCE More or less like this. See below for details on where her appearance differs from the picture. Height: 5 ft., 11 in. Weight: 162 lbs., slightly less now that a significant chunk of her dorsal fin has been lost Clothing style: A blue and white striped long-sleeve shirt that's torn-up, short-cut, and somewhat revealing (though not quite as revealing as pictured above) paired with a comparatively modest blue-grey skirt. The skirt reaches down to below her knees or so in the front and drags behind her in the back, giving the illusion of a shark tail when blown by the wind or dragged behind her in the water. The fin-shaped pockets at her hips are actually fanny packs, in which to store loot. She wears a dark grey bandana with a skull and crossbones on it and old grey leather shoes that look ratty, water-logged and worn, and her idea of "accessorizing" boils down to grabbing or stealing anything remotely shiny or expensive-looking and wearing it as tacky bling. She also has an anchor tramp stamp. Hair color: Dirty blonde Eye color: Reddish brown COMBAT Weapon: Best described as an 18th century naval revolver cannon repurposed as a jetpack, the Revenge has six revolving chambers in which to load various types of cannonballs. Each chamber is marked by color (red for fire, blue for ice etc.) and can hold a few cannonballs each before needing to be reloaded. While this is obviously all fine and dandy, the Revenge has a hidden functionality you wouldn't guess until you've seen it in action, because you'd swear it was invented by a mad person. By taking the mounted rig normally used to carry the cannon minigun-style and slipping it over her shoulders, Bonny points the cannon at the ground, fires, and takes off like she's wearing a jetpack, dropping bombs on her enemies from the sky. This is not actual flight but rather a sort of rocket jumping, and Bonny rises and falls in a predictable parabolic arc when using it. Additionally, the cannon can also be used as a handy bludgeon or battering ram in close quarters combat. When Bonny repurposed her father's cannon into her own weapon, she realized the new revolver mechanism made the traditional rammer used to load cannonballs into the breach obsolete. Not wanting to get rid of such a fine piece of craftmanship, Bonny wrapped the rammer in cloth infused with fire-elememted Dust, creating a giant, reusable match. Now whenever Bonny wants to set something or someone on fire, she just strikes the rammer on the ground like a match, takes a swig of whatever's in her flask, and sprays it all over her makeshift torch, blowing fire everywhere like a carnival firespitter. She does this both because it's fun and because her cannon makes for an effective yet unwieldly melee weapon. This way, she can be quicker on the draw and avoid risking any damage to her main weapon. Semblance: Bonny's Semblance allows her to detect minute changes in electromagnetic fields with great sensitivity, much like a shark's ampullae of Lorenzini. She can sense muscle contractions in people and animals, which many people mistake for a psychic ability or having eyes in the back of her head. Due to this ability it is very difficult to hide from Bonny, and almost impossible to get the drop on her, as her Semblance allows her to "see" you move faster than normal eyes could process. It's also how she knows where to hit you from behind cover, and why she always greets people before they enter the room, something she likes to do just to freak people out. Dust: Bonny uses Dust ammunition in her cannon, launching cannonballs of various elemental types through the different chambers. Using fire Dust or explosives as a powder charge, she can also fire the cannon at the ground and use it like a jetpack to rocket jump. These cannonballs can also be tossed like bombs. The types of elemental dust Bonny uses in her cannon are Fire, Ice, and Electricity. She also uses explosive and smoke cannonballs. Skills: Tracking Aerial bombardment Taunting Drawing fire away from her teammates (though usually not on purpose) PERSONALIZED Personality: Loud Boisterous Kleptomaniac Hidden shame Skills: Swimming Lockpicking Pickpocketing Tracking Drinking Cardsharking Starting fires Singing sea shanties by the sea shore Background: A shark Faunus, and also secretly the daughter of the now infamous Faunus pirate Woodrow "Woody" Thatcher. Born to Woody and a human mother, Bonny and her family lived happily as a shining example of mixed-race marriage. For about two years, after which Bonny's mother was killed during a supposed "White Fang suppression" effort while defending her husband and child, a campaign that saw Bonny's hometown destroyed, burned to the ground, and Bonny and her father imprisoned with other Faunus refugees in the internment camp "Menagerie". They made a serious mistake in underestimating the depth and fire of the aquatic Faunus' rage however, and Thatcher soon conspired to escape from Menagerie with his daughter and a small group of like-minded men in tow. It was this group of escapees that would come to form the founding members of Woody "Dust to Dust" Thatcher's less than jolly crew of pirates, a mercenary group that sailed the high seas for years freeing Faunus and pillaging from the rich. Stealing a boat from the docks of lush human city just outside the borders of Menagerie, Thatcher put what little he knew about maritime protocols to use, and set sail a new and freed man. At first, during the early years, they just took on jobs for disenfranchised Faunus, only striking out at Remnant's oppressive governments when provoked... or when given the chance. It was these years that Bonny would come to remember as the golden ones, where she as a young girl truly felt as free and guiltless as the pirates her father read to her about in story books. But this wasn't Neverland, and she couldn't stay a kid forever. As time went on, the jobs Thatcher's crew took on became increasingly violent, fueled by the bitterness and hatred of the oppressed Faunus and her father, who never truly got over the loss of his wife. Their pillaging became more frequent, targeting not just rich government officials, but any human towns they could find. Villages burned. People died. Innocent people. Her father cited the needs of an always growing crew, but Bonny knew better. She knew her father and the crew were striking back because they hated humans, because they couldn't forgive in their hearts the things they had done to them. And their violent acts of rebellion were only growing worse. Bonny watched as the illusion that had carefully protected her through childhood crumbled, and her father's crew became monsters to her. Though she knew what they were doing was wrong, Bonny had tasted enough of human cruelty that she was still indecisive, unable to agree with her father but equally unable to invision a life for herself outside of the crew. Unable to forgive the hatred that was in her own heart, the hatred imparted to her by her father. That all changed the day her father began planning the siege. It was the largest operation the crew had attempted to date, and it would see them returning to the coast where they had first escaped from Menagerie. The plan was simple. Create as much chaos and destruction as physically possible to draw attention and manpower away from the borders of Menagerie. Then, a small group of men from Thatcher's crew would infiltrate Menagerie and start a riot, breaching the walls and defenses of the prison with a flood of angry Faunus that would cascade into the city, creating even more damage and senseless violence. Then, once the chaos became self-sustaining, the crew would pull out, leaving the city and its human inhabitants to their fate. The sheer horrificness of the plan, not to mention its size and scope, shocked Bonny out of any illusions she had that her father was not a criminal, and she began plotting mutiny. The night before the siege was scheduled to begin, Bonny smashed all the bottles of rum and spirits aboard the ship and set it ablaze, ripping the ship's ornate main cannon off the bow and swimming out to sea with it. If all went well, she'd make landfall in a few hours. More than enough time to warn the city before her father got the fire under control. All did not go well. Her father caught wind of her betrayal, and as she set off towards shore with the cannon in tow, her father shot at her in rage, puncturing a hole in her dorsal fin near the base that made it almost impossible for Bonny to swim carrying the giant cannon. However she persisted anyway, and disappeared into the night. The damage to her fin proved greater than she'd imagined, and it left her unable to stabilize. Eventually she veered far off course, losing time and gaining miles until eventually she ended up on the shores of Atlas, half dead from starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss. She had just about torn her fin off trying to make it to shore with the cannon, and by the time she made it, the siege was already over. Miles and miles down the coast, the defenseless city had fallen, and Menagerie had been breached, causing the largest prison break of interned Faunus yet reported. To add insult to injury, her futile efforts cost Bonny her fin, and with it her hopes of ever swimming again. Landlocked, out of hope and out of options, Bonny found her way out as a Huntress. Gaining an Atlas sponsorship for the combat skills she'd honed as part of a pirate crew, she fashioned herself a weapon out of her father's old cannon, eventually graduating from the preliminary combat schools and finding her way to Beacon as a transfer student, where she hoped/hopes to start a new life. Character theme: While Bonny represents the Golden Age of Piracy as a whole, she is more specifically based loosely off of Anne Bonny, an infamous female pirate who left a life of privilege and luxury behind to sail the seven seas on a ship called Revenge, burning her father's livelihood to the ground as she left. Other: Image Song Jaune is the best.
Yu Zuiren Ça a marché. N'est-ce pas? Yu a pensé à elle-même, son esprit brumeux d'être ivre et toute l'énergie qu'elle a exercée de ce coup dévastateur. Elle se leva lentement sur le monticule qui était le Falthon, sa vision s'estompant. Elle sentait la peur saisir son corps tandis qu'elle sentait le grand corps sous ses pieds... bouger. Son corps a refusé d'obéir à ses ordres de bouger, comme s'il avait résigné à son destin. Le monstre allait la manger. C'était la fin de son court voyage. Yu a respiré profondément et a fermé les yeux. Il n'y avait rien d'autre qu'elle puisse faire maintenant. Avec un THUMP, quelque chose est entré en collision avec elle. Ce n'était pas les mâchoires de la bête, mais autre chose. Une personne? Son corps est tombé dans la terre alors que son sauveur l'a lâchée de leur main. Le vent l'a frappée tout de suite au moment de son atterrissage, ce qui l'a fait tousser et siffler violemment pendant quelques instants. Elle a ouvert les yeux après s'être remise de la perte d'haleine, seulement pour voir la grande bouteille? Jindan. Elle sourit un peu à la vue floue de sa gourde. Elle était vivante. Mais elle était aussi très fatiguée et ivre. « Se lever va être une douleur.. » Elle pensait que sa conscience l'avait quittée.
Yu Zuiren (醉人, 玉) Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human Height: 5’8” Weight: 145 lb Clothing Style: (Refer to image) Hair Color: White/Silver Eye Color: Green COMBAT Weapon: Jindan (Golden Elixir) This gourd doesn’t transform. However, it contains mysterious liquid which Yu drinks all the time. (Which she claims to be juice or milk. Whichever she sees fit at the time.) It has a long red rope that is tied around the middle of the gourd with a large portion of the rope loose, allowing Yu to use it similarly to a Meteor Hammer. Semblance: Drunken Haze The more Yu drinks from her gourd, the stronger her attacks become, however this is limited to the capacity of her gourd and how much she can handle before just passing out entirely. Along with increases in attack power, Yu's drinking starts to affect her opponent as well; causing them to see multiple illusions of the Huntress, which imitate her movements. These illusions don't inflict any damage, however they look very life-like, thus making it difficult to find the real Yu. Dust: Yu doesn’t use dust. Skills: Yu is almost exclusively trained in Zui Quan (Drunken Fist) and has adapted the style in such a way that allows it to have more practical application beyond traditional means. In combat, Yu is extremely unpredictable and is very skilled at evading attacks. PERSONALIZED Personality: Easy going Kind Flirty Sociable Cheeky Skills: Drinking Free Running Relaxing Mixing Cocktails Born in the western parts of Minstral, Yu was raised by her father, having lost her mother when she gave birth to Yu. Her father was a Huntsman, but not the glorified kind that many expect in those days. He was a Huntsman who had strayed from his ‘righteous’ path and did what he could to raise his daughter. However, a lot of his money went into buying time from women and booze, leaving very little for their essentials. While her father was out on a job, Yu would often walk around the town, begging for money, which often lead to her being beaten by others. She had spoken to a mysterious old man on numerous occasions. He always smelt of alcohol, but he was a very nice person to talk to. When she was barely in her teens, she told the old man about her dreams to become a Huntress. Instead of laughing like almost everyone else did, he took her seriously and decided to teach her his art. Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist. She wasn’t introduced to alcohol until the later stages of her training. During her years of training, she had convinced her father to allow her to attend Sanctum academy. Her father, hoping that she wouldn’t turn out like him, allowed her to attend classes. It wasn’t long before she graduated from the academy, and as a gift, the old man gave her his Gourd. Jindan. And the clothing that she wears now was a gift from her father. The old man suggested that she went to Beacon academy, he never really gave her a reason why, but she decided to follow his advice for one last time. Character Theme: Yu is loosely based on Lu Dongbin who is an immortal from Chinese Mythology. Lu, like the other 7 immortals in his group, are often depicted as joyful people who enjoy getting drunk often, hence Yu’s enjoyment of drinking. The styles in Zui Quan also refer to the 8 immortals. Lu Dongbin is also depicted as a ‘ladies man’, which is referred to in Yu’s occasional flirty nature. Other: Jaune is best waifu 0:38 to 1:00
Bran Brass Bran sourit, ses clones retournant vers lui alors qu'il gainait sa lame retournant en arrière pour regarder sur les autres, il était fatigué qu'on n'ait pas encore été frappé par la fatigue que sept hommes auraient ressenti de cela. Il a remarqué que son partenaire était inconscient à côté de sa gourde, l'ivrogne lui avait donné tout ce qu'ils étaient partenaires maintenant. Marcher, il glissa les bras et la jeta sur son épaule, s'arrêtant un moment, il décida de porter au moins plus digne qu'un sac de grain. Alors il l'a déplacée dans ses bras, un peu plus difficile à porter, mais ne lui a pas fait regarder un fardeau sur le jeune homme. Commençant à s'éloigner de la bataille, il a aperçu un renard Faunus, en s'arrêtant il l'a regardée. "Hé, je retourne à Beacon, tu veux marcher avec nous? Mieux vaut voyager ensemble... Aussi si un Grimm attaque, je pourrais avoir besoin de l'aide... J'ai les mains pleines avec mon partenaire." Bran lui a fait un petit sourire, la fille lui a rappelé un peu sa famille à la maison. Après lui avoir parlé, il a commencé la longue marche en direction de Beacon, portant Yu tout le chemin pour la poser seulement une fois qu'ils avaient atteint le hall principal la plaçant sur un banc. Il a pris place à côté de son partenaire de repos pas tout à fait sûr de ce qu'il faut faire de la journée, ils ont tué un légendaire Grimm a perdu quelques étudiants en une journée. La fatigue était en train de se poser alors qu'ils retournaient, ses articulations et ses muscles ont souffert, il était presque sûr qu'il aurait des ecchymoses partout sur lui-même demain. Les clones pourraient survivre se faire jeter autour d'un peu mais il y a des dommages sont revenus à lui quand tout a été dit et fait. S'ils étaient tués, il ne perdrait pas les six pour se faire bien tabasser, ça voulait dire qu'il a été fait et sorti pendant au moins deux jours.
Name: Bran Brass Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5' 3" Weight: 155 pounds Clothing Style: Very neat and clean, everything pressed and perfect. He sews and creates all his clothes, normally he wears a very nice suit and takes great pride in his appearance. He is usually up early to make sure his hair, clothes, and body are perfectly kept, believing that looking good is part of feeling good. Hair Color: Dark red Eye Color: Orange COMBAT Weapon: Riesen Messer- The giant's knife is rather underwhelming normally, three feet and only a foot thick. However this piece of steel hide's a few tricks. Able increase and decrease it's length it can go all the way to eight feet, earning it's name as the giant's knife. It's second form is one even more impressive, the weaver is able to use spools of thread to move and tie up targets. Controlling these threads while time consuming and requiring highly skilled motor control they can be used to move and create trip wires and other such traps. Semblance: Seven in one, splitting his aura seven ways he can create seven copy's of himself doing this at great risk as losing a clone removes a seventh of his aura. Dust: When using dust it is generally in a spool inserted into the threading system, while not often used as the level of precision is difficult to control. Thus generally if he does use dust it's for steam, failing that he will also use it to annoy and hamper his opponent. His sword can use it as well though low funds means he generally just use's it in spools. Skills: 1. Highly acrobatic 2. Incredibly strong 3. Stealth 4. Fast attacks 5. Appear's weak PERSONALIZED Personality: 1. Defiant 2. Regal 3. Caring 4. Open 5. Intelligent Skills: 1. High quality tailor 2. Very capable cook 3. Trained hair stylist Background: Born and raise in Mistral his father was a poor tailor and his mother ran the local inn. Growing up the runt of the family he was pushed around by his two older sisters and had to care for his younger sister as well. As he grew he learned to fight, mostly thanks to the other boys picking on him. Training with his sisters and having to survive the other boys beating's helped him learn to move fast, and hit even harder. When he was thirteen he discovered his semblance, after finding his younger sister shoved in to the mud and crying he attacked the boys responsible, the seven boys thought they would be fight one little shrimp. Yet summoning up his strength and with one punch all seven of the boys collapsed before Bran Brass. For that feat of strength his father crafted him a belt and used there savings to get their son a weapon. No in town could believe it, little Bran Brass the boy who cooked meals in the tavern and sewed nearly everyone's suits and dresses with his father was going to a Huntsman. However he did not train at a combat prep school instead choosing to travel outside the walls and learn to fight Grimm in the wild. He traveled alone, becoming stronger and learning all he could about the Grimm and battling them. He did keep close to the borders so that he could return if attacked and did not venture far. He would only remain out there for a year, returning to civilization he began entering tournaments to test his skills. Proving himself a capable and talented fighter in open tournaments held for Huntsman in Mistral area. He was accepted to a combat school and set to work there, he was accepted in to Beacon recently and is quite excited to attend the school more to learn to work with a team. Character Theme: Based off the fairy tale's 'The Little Tailor' and 'Jack The Giant Killer.' Other: Jaune is the best. Theme: Anger Management
Coch Talesin Lieu: Bureau d'Ozpin Il était tard la nuit au moment où Coch est arrivé au bureau d'Ozpin. Son corps a souffert, les coussinets de ses doigts ont brûlé, et quand il est arrivé, il n'avait plus beaucoup d'énergie pour rester éveillé. Le guitariste était assis contre le mur avec ses jambes tendues devant lui, son Stratocaster penché sur son épaule gauche, et sa bouche accrochée à l'ouverture d'une manière très déplaisante. Ses yeux étaient fermés et il ronflait doucement, probablement s'étant endormi sans s'en rendre compte.
AGE 17 GENDER Male SPECIES Human APPEARANCE HEIGHT 5’11 WEIGHT 170 lbs (77kg) CLOTHING STYLE Coch wears casual clothes: tanks, T-shirts, and denim. In colder climates, he sports a black coat with a faux-fur collar. He’ll wear shoes from Chuck Taylors to combat boots. Two small silver loop earrings line the shells of each of his ears and slung across his back is his red Stratocaster guitar. HAIR COLOR Red EYE COLOR Gold COMBAT WEAPON The Stratocaster is just as much a weapon as it is a musical instrument. The weapon acts as an amp for Coch’s semblance. Its whammy bar allows him to control the brutality of the waves by controlling the wave patterns. Next to the whammy bar is a chamber for loading dust capsules. The two dust capsules that Coch uses are Fire and Lightning. Now, there’s a secret story behind Coch’s Stratocaster and its design. While most will only see it used as an amp, it has a secondary form. Originally, the Stratocaster was a rifle designed by the Atlesian military and gifted to him by his father. It still contains those functions, those functions being similar to a M16A2 rifle. The dust capsules are rounds fed into the chamber, and the whammy bar much like a bolt-action charging handle. With the guitar’s jagged electric guitar edges, it also functions as a battle ax and its wide base a shield for blocking attacks. SEMBLANCE Coch’s semblance grants him the ability to manipulate sound. When paired with his Stratocaster, his voice becomes a deadly weapon enabling him to produce decibels of destruction. His sound abilities when combined with his singing abilities can be used to empower himself and others, getting the team pumped to fight by raising their strength, speed, and durability for the duration of his jam. He can mute an entire room and throw his voice a great distance. As long as whoever he is trying to communicate with is within visual distance, they will hear him clearly even if he threw a whisper. An assault from Coch’s sound abilities can cause enemies to suffer disorienting, nauseating, and if directly under the bombardments of his sound vibrations—death. With his whammy bar, he can create vibrating patterns erratic enough to create a sound barrier for himself or anyone he is protecting as long as he is standing within arms’ reach of the person. DUST ♪ Fire ♪ Lightning SKILLS Most students will see Coch in a support role, shredding on his guitar and empowering his teammates with energizing power metal. He will take down lesser mobs with the AOE abilities granted by his Dust and Semblance. What most students don’t know about him is that he was originally a student (soldier is probably the better term if you knew his Dad) of Atlas Academy. When adopting a more combat-related role, Coch is a brutal fighter. He wields his guitar like an ax, and can switch between a melee and ranged role in mid-combat. He can use dust rounds to speed up his movements, change the direction of his movements, or send himself skyward. The base of his guitar can be used as a shield to absorb the blunt strikes or offenses of his opponents. PERSONALIZED PERSONALITY ♪ Brave ♪ Proud ♪ Tough ♪ Softy ♪ Perverted SKILLS ♪ Musician ♪ Singer ♪ Poet ♪ Resourceful ♪ Soldier BACKGROUND Coch Taliesin was born to Captain Ares and Terpsichore Taliesin. He was raised a military brat planned from birth to follow in his father’s footsteps to one day become an officer in the Atlesian military. His childhood was full of strict discipline and restriction. His mother was a successful singer and songwriter and his primary inspiration. His father frowned on Coch’s artistic hobbies and one day even tore up the music and poems he would write. When he came of age to attend Atlas Academy, his father gave him a rifle, hoping that the weapon would motivate him to keep on the path he had set for him and to stay at the top of his class. One day, the stress and social pressure just nearly killed Coch and he knew that he had to get away from Atlas, and out from under his father’s thumb. Coch secretly applied to Beacon Academy under a false name, and when he was accepted, he unceremoniously dropped out of Atlas and went running with a packed bag to his freedom. The Headmaster wasn’t as easily fooled as Coch had thought, knowing exactly who Coch was when he arrived at the school. Nonetheless, the man allowed him to stay. The singer was officially a free man and he didn’t plan on seeing his father ever again for as long as he could help it. He still carried the rifle that he had given him, and out of spite, with time and patience he was able to engineer it into what he felt would have been his father’s worst nightmare. With the weapon named "Stratocaster," Coch not only started his new life as a student at Beacon Academy but his career as a talented and popular musician. CHARACTER THEME “Coch” in my character’s first name is Welsh for "Red." “Taliesin” is a bard from Welsh mythology who was renowned for singing at the courts of three Brythonic kings. He was adopted as a child by Elffin, the son of Gwyddno Garanhir, and prophesied the death of Maelgwn Gwynedd by the Yellow Plague. He has been a mythic hero and companion of Bran the Blessed and King Arthur. This will explain Coch's unique Welsh-like accent. OTHER Jaune is the best. Sound clip, example of Coch's voice Sound clip, Coch's shreds!
Chen Jet Chen a laissé un énorme souffle de soulagement alors que le Falthon tombait pour de bon. Il a repris sa fiole de Coch et s'est soudain senti comme si son corps était fait de plomb. Téléportant ce qu'il a vraiment pris de lui, il a eu de la chance que l'adrénaline l'ait laissé ignorer le pire depuis si longtemps. Chen entend vaguement Coch demander son propre nom et il sourit en retour. "Chen Jet. Ravi de vous rencontrer Coch. Maintenant, si vous voulez bien m'excuser, je vais retourner au campus avant de m'évanouir." À la fin de sa déclaration, Glynda s'est téléporté sur le champ de bataille et a dit à tout le monde de se rendre au bureau du directeur. Chen lâcha un gémissement et se dirigea vers le bureau avec Coch. Quand ils y sont arrivés, Chen était sur le point de s'évanouir. Alors il l'a fait, dans le coin le plus confortable de la pièce qu'il pouvait trouver. Ses armes sortaient légèrement de ses manches et ses lunettes de soleil étaient allumées pour garder la lumière hors de ses yeux.
Name: Chen "Z" Jet Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5'3 Weight: 115 lbs Clothing Style: Black jeans and a black t-shirt with his logo on it. Wears a black leather jacket on top of his outfit with some sunglasses hanging out of a pocket. Hair Color: Jet Black Eye Color: Blue COMBAT Weapon: "Jet Stream": Jet Stream is a set of two black submachine guns with a red trim, which can transform into twin wakizashis for close range combat. When not in combat they collapse into his sleeves for easy concealment. Semblance: "Sonic Boom": Chen teleports in a flash of black smoke up to a range of 20 feet in any direction. He must know where he is teleporting or he runs the risk of teleporting into a solid object, which would obviously end badly. Two seconds must pass between uses, wait time gets longer as he runs out of energy. Dust: Keeps a few clips of Incendiary Dust bullets at all times. Skills: Chen uses an acrobatic fighting style primarily focused around dodging and redirecting attacks rather than blocking them. He focuses on staying mid-range and peppering foes with bullets, teleporting into melee range when he sees an opening. Is more suited for taking down slow targets and goons rather than powerful opponents. Works well in a team, not much of a leader. PERSONALIZED Personality: Jokester Carefree Intelligent Happy Serious when needed Skills: Coming up with bad jokes Video Games Tabletop Games Flight Simulators Secret Hobby: Reading Background: Chen was born in Atlas to an Atlas pilot and a no name village woman, the pilot abandoning the woman as soon as he found out she was pregnant. The woman hoped to start a new life outside of Atlas and immigrated to Vale to find something new. Chen grew up always watching the sky, hoping to one day fly through the great blue and find his father. As Chen grew older his mother would tell him stories of the daring feats his father would perform, but never told him his name. She would instead call him "Z", though she never explained why. As he grew older he abandoned his dream of meeting his father, becoming aware that his father wasn't as great of a man as he believed, but never gave up on one day flying. He joined Beacon to become a Huntsman and maybe because he liked how high up Beacon was in comparison to the town he lived in. Character Theme: Chen is loosely based off of Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind. Zephyrus is also the god of the spring wind, which is why I made Chen such a happy and jokestery person. In Zephyrus' stories he's also shown as a womanizer which I included in the form of Chen's father. And finally Chen's nickname "Z" is an reference to the first letter of Zephyrus. Other: Jaune is not best, Ren is best. Ren will always be best.
Yu Zuiren Yu n'a pas été inconsciente pendant très longtemps, mais assez longtemps pour que son corps puisse y travailler, c'est plus d'intoxication. Elle a ouvert les yeux lentement, comme si elle s'était réveillée d'une bonne sieste. La chasseuse s'est soudainement souvenue de ce qui s'était passé plus tôt, la faisant s'asseoir rapidement, une action qu'elle regrettait immédiatement alors qu'elle avait été frappée par un mal de tête massif et un étourdissement. Elle s'est arrêtée un moment alors qu'elle attendait le mal de tête pour se calmer légèrement, réalisant qu'elle n'était plus sur le champ de bataille. Elle tourna lentement son corps sur le banc, laissant ses pieds toucher le sol. Dans le coin de l'œil, elle a repéré son partenaire, Bran. -- Je suppose... que tout s'est bien passé...? Elle a demandé la fatigue, son discours était un peu plus formel maintenant qu'elle n'était pas enivrée. Ce qui lui rappelait qu'elle avait besoin de remplir la gourde à un moment donné... où était-ce? "Bran. Où est ma gourde?" Elle a ajouté que son expression semblait tout à fait alarmée malgré la douleur accablante dans son crâne.
Yu Zuiren (醉人, 玉) Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human Height: 5’8” Weight: 145 lb Clothing Style: (Refer to image) Hair Color: White/Silver Eye Color: Green COMBAT Weapon: Jindan (Golden Elixir) This gourd doesn’t transform. However, it contains mysterious liquid which Yu drinks all the time. (Which she claims to be juice or milk. Whichever she sees fit at the time.) It has a long red rope that is tied around the middle of the gourd with a large portion of the rope loose, allowing Yu to use it similarly to a Meteor Hammer. Semblance: Drunken Haze The more Yu drinks from her gourd, the stronger her attacks become, however this is limited to the capacity of her gourd and how much she can handle before just passing out entirely. Along with increases in attack power, Yu's drinking starts to affect her opponent as well; causing them to see multiple illusions of the Huntress, which imitate her movements. These illusions don't inflict any damage, however they look very life-like, thus making it difficult to find the real Yu. Dust: Yu doesn’t use dust. Skills: Yu is almost exclusively trained in Zui Quan (Drunken Fist) and has adapted the style in such a way that allows it to have more practical application beyond traditional means. In combat, Yu is extremely unpredictable and is very skilled at evading attacks. PERSONALIZED Personality: Easy going Kind Flirty Sociable Cheeky Skills: Drinking Free Running Relaxing Mixing Cocktails Born in the western parts of Minstral, Yu was raised by her father, having lost her mother when she gave birth to Yu. Her father was a Huntsman, but not the glorified kind that many expect in those days. He was a Huntsman who had strayed from his ‘righteous’ path and did what he could to raise his daughter. However, a lot of his money went into buying time from women and booze, leaving very little for their essentials. While her father was out on a job, Yu would often walk around the town, begging for money, which often lead to her being beaten by others. She had spoken to a mysterious old man on numerous occasions. He always smelt of alcohol, but he was a very nice person to talk to. When she was barely in her teens, she told the old man about her dreams to become a Huntress. Instead of laughing like almost everyone else did, he took her seriously and decided to teach her his art. Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist. She wasn’t introduced to alcohol until the later stages of her training. During her years of training, she had convinced her father to allow her to attend Sanctum academy. Her father, hoping that she wouldn’t turn out like him, allowed her to attend classes. It wasn’t long before she graduated from the academy, and as a gift, the old man gave her his Gourd. Jindan. And the clothing that she wears now was a gift from her father. The old man suggested that she went to Beacon academy, he never really gave her a reason why, but she decided to follow his advice for one last time. Character Theme: Yu is loosely based on Lu Dongbin who is an immortal from Chinese Mythology. Lu, like the other 7 immortals in his group, are often depicted as joyful people who enjoy getting drunk often, hence Yu’s enjoyment of drinking. The styles in Zui Quan also refer to the 8 immortals. Lu Dongbin is also depicted as a ‘ladies man’, which is referred to in Yu’s occasional flirty nature. Other: Jaune is best waifu 0:38 to 1:00
Avec tout le monde rassemblé dans la grande pièce, la porte s'ouvrit. De là, Rood von Rah s'est lassé, regardant le reste d'entre eux, alors qu'il prenait place à côté de Coch, seulement un clin d'œil dans sa direction étaient les choses qu'il avait l'habitude de reconnaître les autres. Puis Glynda est venue, en arpentant le grand nombre d'entre eux avec un soupir et un ajustement de ses spectacles. Puis, Ozpin est sorti. Il se déplaçait lentement et délibérément, les regardant tous avec une sombre expression. « Comme vous le savez tous, un Falthon est sorti du sol aujourd'hui. Je ne sais pas ce que ça veut dire. Je ne sais pas pourquoi c'est arrivé. Ce que je sais, c'est que plusieurs étudiants sont morts. C'est une tragédie horrible et leurs proches seront prévenus. » Ozpin s'est arrêté pour les regarder tous. "Je ne peux pas laisser cela nuire à l'accomplissement étonnant que vous avez tous de vaincre le Falthon en premier lieu. Je veux que vous vous reposiez tous cette semaine une fois que vous aurez vos équipes assignées. Préparez-vous au festival Vytal. Vu que vous êtes venu tard, je ne m'inquiéterais pas des cours avant la fin du festival. Un de nos professeurs travaillera avec vous pour vous assurer de vous développer en tant qu'équipes avant que le tournoi ne soit fixé. » Il leur sourit, espérant alléger l'humeur. "Je suis certain que vous êtes au moins impatient de savoir quelles équipes vous serez." Une longue pause. "Bonny. Coch. C'est Chen. C'est Rowan. Les quatre d'entre vous forment l'équipe CRBC (Rainbow). Votre chef d'équipe... est Coch. Min. C'est Bran. Oui. Rood. C'est vrai. Vous quatre pour l'équipe RMBY (Ruby). Votre chef d'équipe est... Rood." Ozpin soupira. Il souhaitait vivement que cela puisse être plus exquis. C'était le moins qu'il puisse faire. "Allez dans vos dortoirs. Reposez-vous. Vous aurez le temps d'apprendre à vous connaître, et de passer en revue cette terrible journée, plus tard. »
Rood von Rah Age 17 Gender Male Species Human APPEARANCE Height 6'2" Weight 211 lbs Clothing Style When not having to be in Beacon's uniform, Rood ordinarily adorns himself in ornate gold armor up to the waist with a royally bold red cape sashed at his waist which billows when he walks. He wears expensive heavy golden earrings and a red stone necklace at all times regardless if he is in uniform or not. His body is decorated with intricate red paint as a symbol of his status. Hair Color Blonde Eye Color Red COMBAT Weapons Eye of Ma'at His arm is covered in chains with a speared tip at the end, making lashing out with this long range weapon a very deadly experience. The speared tip can 'flower' out into a mini revolving end which Rood can fire off AS he whips this weapon around with the help of his semblance Mehet-Weret A classic lance with decorative and intricate craftsmanship. Best when paired with Rood's semblance. Though it has the option to use Dust, a situation where that would be necessary hasn't been crossed. Or has it? Semblance Friction Manipulation Rood is able to run on air (but NOT fly), walk on water, deflect oncoming attacks, increase or decrease and object's velocity, and change his own inertia. He is also able to generate heat, but not flames by concentrating all on the friction in regards to his body's/an object's placement. Without a gun, he is able to fire off bullets at will by concentrating his friction, hence the placement of the 'gun' at the end of his whip. See 'Other' for limitations. Dust Rood is extensively knowledgeable about Dust but for some reason doesn't carry any on him. Skills Taunting Evasion Surprise PERSONALIZED Personality Brash Dominant Sensitive Regal Passionate Skills -Has taken to playing a lute -Surprisingly, enjoys working with scrapped textiles to make fashionable outfits -Sewing Background For now, Rood's personal history will be shrouded in mystery. What can be shared is common knowledge to all students attending Beacon Academy. The Rah name belonged to a very prestigious family who once ruled the Kingdom of Mistral. The family line, however, fell due to unforeseen circumstances; enemies of past generations ambushed members of the family and cut them down. Desperate to hold the prestige of the family line, the few Rah's remaining married into Atlas' own royals the Schnee's. The two familie's connected only by forced marriages ruled in their separate kingdoms once order was restored, and the purity of the Rah line was forever broken. From there, two generations down, Rood was born a von Rah. This will be the first time in his life he has ever been exposed to working with others his own age. Character Theme Though he encompasses the summation of egyptian culture and religion as a whole, Rood is best described as a genderbent Neith, the Egyptian Goddess of War who wields a masculine bow and arrow. Traded instead for his main weapon is the feminine whip and his red necklace in place of her red crown. Neith is known for her love of weaving, which I wanted to really translate to Rood; which I did in the form of him enjoying sewing and making things out of it for others. 'Rood' is Dutch for red, and 'von' is a common German name add-on, which is frequent pattern seen in the Schnee name. Rah, of course is in reference to Ra, the egyptian God of the sun. Other: Jaune is the best About Friction - Rood's Semblance is vast in its potential, this is true. Or it would be if he could do more than one of any of those things at one time. Every use of his semblance takes all of his concentration, and it doesn't take long until all that usage takes a toll. Thanks to the nature of the semblance, Rood is at constant risk for overheating or in the worst case scenario spontaneously combusting, making his ability a dangerous one to wield for not only other, but for himself.
Bran Brass Bran regarda Yu puis prit la gourde à côté du banc et la lui passa. "Relax je l'ai eu Yu, je ne laisserais pas votre arme derrière." Il a donné un sourire à son partenaire et a ensuite écouté comme on leur a dit à leurs équipes. "Team Ruby, c'est cool, mon partenaire a besoin que je t'emmène aussi au dortoir?" Il sourit et marcha au-dessus de s'accroupir à côté d'elle. "Tu étais génial là-bas Yu, heureux de t'avoir comme mon partenaire. Même si tu es un ivrogne." Bran regarda ensuite Rood, son chef puis Seoyun le renard Faunus qui avait aidé. "Une équipe aussi, hein? Je suis heureux de travailler avec vous tous. Ça devrait être amusant ouais?" Il a souri avec vivacité au groupe avant de retourner à son partenaire. -- Eh bien, vous pouvez y aller, je vais m'assurer que Yu arrive dans la pièce et se repose encore. Il leur a dit de retourner à la fille avec la gourde.
Name: Bran Brass Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 5' 3" Weight: 155 pounds Clothing Style: Very neat and clean, everything pressed and perfect. He sews and creates all his clothes, normally he wears a very nice suit and takes great pride in his appearance. He is usually up early to make sure his hair, clothes, and body are perfectly kept, believing that looking good is part of feeling good. Hair Color: Dark red Eye Color: Orange COMBAT Weapon: Riesen Messer- The giant's knife is rather underwhelming normally, three feet and only a foot thick. However this piece of steel hide's a few tricks. Able increase and decrease it's length it can go all the way to eight feet, earning it's name as the giant's knife. It's second form is one even more impressive, the weaver is able to use spools of thread to move and tie up targets. Controlling these threads while time consuming and requiring highly skilled motor control they can be used to move and create trip wires and other such traps. Semblance: Seven in one, splitting his aura seven ways he can create seven copy's of himself doing this at great risk as losing a clone removes a seventh of his aura. Dust: When using dust it is generally in a spool inserted into the threading system, while not often used as the level of precision is difficult to control. Thus generally if he does use dust it's for steam, failing that he will also use it to annoy and hamper his opponent. His sword can use it as well though low funds means he generally just use's it in spools. Skills: 1. Highly acrobatic 2. Incredibly strong 3. Stealth 4. Fast attacks 5. Appear's weak PERSONALIZED Personality: 1. Defiant 2. Regal 3. Caring 4. Open 5. Intelligent Skills: 1. High quality tailor 2. Very capable cook 3. Trained hair stylist Background: Born and raise in Mistral his father was a poor tailor and his mother ran the local inn. Growing up the runt of the family he was pushed around by his two older sisters and had to care for his younger sister as well. As he grew he learned to fight, mostly thanks to the other boys picking on him. Training with his sisters and having to survive the other boys beating's helped him learn to move fast, and hit even harder. When he was thirteen he discovered his semblance, after finding his younger sister shoved in to the mud and crying he attacked the boys responsible, the seven boys thought they would be fight one little shrimp. Yet summoning up his strength and with one punch all seven of the boys collapsed before Bran Brass. For that feat of strength his father crafted him a belt and used there savings to get their son a weapon. No in town could believe it, little Bran Brass the boy who cooked meals in the tavern and sewed nearly everyone's suits and dresses with his father was going to a Huntsman. However he did not train at a combat prep school instead choosing to travel outside the walls and learn to fight Grimm in the wild. He traveled alone, becoming stronger and learning all he could about the Grimm and battling them. He did keep close to the borders so that he could return if attacked and did not venture far. He would only remain out there for a year, returning to civilization he began entering tournaments to test his skills. Proving himself a capable and talented fighter in open tournaments held for Huntsman in Mistral area. He was accepted to a combat school and set to work there, he was accepted in to Beacon recently and is quite excited to attend the school more to learn to work with a team. Character Theme: Based off the fairy tale's 'The Little Tailor' and 'Jack The Giant Killer.' Other: Jaune is the best. Theme: Anger Management
Coch Talesin Lieu: Bureau d'Ozpin Comme vous le savez tous... La tête de Coch's s'est cassée en un début. Ses yeux dorés s'élargissaient et le dos de sa main s'en alla immédiatement sur son visage pour l'essuyer du drool qu'il y avait senti frais. Le Falthon n'avait donc pas fait partie de l'entraînement. Il aurait cru que l'académie serait démentie si elle l'avait été. Le vieux n'était pas du genre à prétendre que quelque chose ne s'était pas passé, leur rappelant toutes les morts. Coch s'inclina la tête et ferma les yeux en se souvenant des étudiants qui avaient été mutilés et dévorés sous ses yeux. Une main s'en alla au visage, sa paume se pressa contre la tête alors qu'il essayait de ne pas pleurer sur le traumatisme. Ça n'aurait pas été viril, et les autres auraient probablement pensé qu'il était une salope. Le guitariste a porté ses dents à ses pensées négatives et à la quantité de volonté qu'il utilisait pour empêcher le barrage de casser. Il a juste dû vider son esprit. Abaissant la main, Coch continua d'écouter Ozpin sans s'amuser. Il ne se souciait même pas de la louange qu'il leur avait faite. Vytal Festival... une bataille après l'autre. Il avait une semaine et il a commencé à planifier une pause de l'école pour guérir son esprit. La plage... une maison de plage peut-être? Je suis certain que vous êtes au moins impatient de savoir sur quelles équipes vous serez. Une plage privée semblait la meilleure et peut-être qu'il pourrait camper sur la rive à la place. La pêche et le camping sonnaient très relaxant. Bonne. Coch. C'est Chen. C'est Rowan. Les quatre d'entre vous forment l'équipe CRBC (Rainbow). Votre chef d'équipe... est Coch... Les yeux de Cochs ont explosé jusqu'à la taille des soucoupes à la révélation. Il n'était même pas sûr d'avoir bien entendu. C'est quoi, ça? C'est Chen? Coch a dit, dégonflant et souriant en relief......Le guitariste s'est alors levé, lui a arraché la guitare, et il est sorti de la pièce. Autant qu'il voulait prétendre qu'il n'entendait pas ce qu'il pensait avoir entendu, il savait ce qu'il avait entendu et il n'y avait rien à nier. C'était un chef d'équipe. Un guitariste... un soutien. Quand est-ce arrivé? Il ne pouvait pas s'occuper des nouvelles en ce moment. Son cerveau était encore lourd avec le stress du dernier combat et il avait besoin d'aller dehors et juste respirer!
AGE 17 GENDER Male SPECIES Human APPEARANCE HEIGHT 5’11 WEIGHT 170 lbs (77kg) CLOTHING STYLE Coch wears casual clothes: tanks, T-shirts, and denim. In colder climates, he sports a black coat with a faux-fur collar. He’ll wear shoes from Chuck Taylors to combat boots. Two small silver loop earrings line the shells of each of his ears and slung across his back is his red Stratocaster guitar. HAIR COLOR Red EYE COLOR Gold COMBAT WEAPON The Stratocaster is just as much a weapon as it is a musical instrument. The weapon acts as an amp for Coch’s semblance. Its whammy bar allows him to control the brutality of the waves by controlling the wave patterns. Next to the whammy bar is a chamber for loading dust capsules. The two dust capsules that Coch uses are Fire and Lightning. Now, there’s a secret story behind Coch’s Stratocaster and its design. While most will only see it used as an amp, it has a secondary form. Originally, the Stratocaster was a rifle designed by the Atlesian military and gifted to him by his father. It still contains those functions, those functions being similar to a M16A2 rifle. The dust capsules are rounds fed into the chamber, and the whammy bar much like a bolt-action charging handle. With the guitar’s jagged electric guitar edges, it also functions as a battle ax and its wide base a shield for blocking attacks. SEMBLANCE Coch’s semblance grants him the ability to manipulate sound. When paired with his Stratocaster, his voice becomes a deadly weapon enabling him to produce decibels of destruction. His sound abilities when combined with his singing abilities can be used to empower himself and others, getting the team pumped to fight by raising their strength, speed, and durability for the duration of his jam. He can mute an entire room and throw his voice a great distance. As long as whoever he is trying to communicate with is within visual distance, they will hear him clearly even if he threw a whisper. An assault from Coch’s sound abilities can cause enemies to suffer disorienting, nauseating, and if directly under the bombardments of his sound vibrations—death. With his whammy bar, he can create vibrating patterns erratic enough to create a sound barrier for himself or anyone he is protecting as long as he is standing within arms’ reach of the person. DUST ♪ Fire ♪ Lightning SKILLS Most students will see Coch in a support role, shredding on his guitar and empowering his teammates with energizing power metal. He will take down lesser mobs with the AOE abilities granted by his Dust and Semblance. What most students don’t know about him is that he was originally a student (soldier is probably the better term if you knew his Dad) of Atlas Academy. When adopting a more combat-related role, Coch is a brutal fighter. He wields his guitar like an ax, and can switch between a melee and ranged role in mid-combat. He can use dust rounds to speed up his movements, change the direction of his movements, or send himself skyward. The base of his guitar can be used as a shield to absorb the blunt strikes or offenses of his opponents. PERSONALIZED PERSONALITY ♪ Brave ♪ Proud ♪ Tough ♪ Softy ♪ Perverted SKILLS ♪ Musician ♪ Singer ♪ Poet ♪ Resourceful ♪ Soldier BACKGROUND Coch Taliesin was born to Captain Ares and Terpsichore Taliesin. He was raised a military brat planned from birth to follow in his father’s footsteps to one day become an officer in the Atlesian military. His childhood was full of strict discipline and restriction. His mother was a successful singer and songwriter and his primary inspiration. His father frowned on Coch’s artistic hobbies and one day even tore up the music and poems he would write. When he came of age to attend Atlas Academy, his father gave him a rifle, hoping that the weapon would motivate him to keep on the path he had set for him and to stay at the top of his class. One day, the stress and social pressure just nearly killed Coch and he knew that he had to get away from Atlas, and out from under his father’s thumb. Coch secretly applied to Beacon Academy under a false name, and when he was accepted, he unceremoniously dropped out of Atlas and went running with a packed bag to his freedom. The Headmaster wasn’t as easily fooled as Coch had thought, knowing exactly who Coch was when he arrived at the school. Nonetheless, the man allowed him to stay. The singer was officially a free man and he didn’t plan on seeing his father ever again for as long as he could help it. He still carried the rifle that he had given him, and out of spite, with time and patience he was able to engineer it into what he felt would have been his father’s worst nightmare. With the weapon named "Stratocaster," Coch not only started his new life as a student at Beacon Academy but his career as a talented and popular musician. CHARACTER THEME “Coch” in my character’s first name is Welsh for "Red." “Taliesin” is a bard from Welsh mythology who was renowned for singing at the courts of three Brythonic kings. He was adopted as a child by Elffin, the son of Gwyddno Garanhir, and prophesied the death of Maelgwn Gwynedd by the Yellow Plague. He has been a mythic hero and companion of Bran the Blessed and King Arthur. This will explain Coch's unique Welsh-like accent. OTHER Jaune is the best. Sound clip, example of Coch's voice Sound clip, Coch's shreds!
Yu Zuiren "Merci, Bran." était tout ce que Yu pouvait vraiment répondre en raison de son état mental actuel. Son expression s'est considérablement calmée, se transformant en un sourire alors que ses mains récupéraient la gourde. Peu de gens considèrent sa gourde comme une arme, plutôt qu'ils appellent cela « quelque chose qu'elle ne devrait pas utiliser » ou « juste une bouteille ». C'était sympa d'entendre quelqu'un l'appeler son arme. Quand les équipes leur ont été annoncées, elle n'a pas eu l'air d'envelopper sa tête autour de la façon dont 'RMBY' a été dit comme 'Ruby'. Tout ce qu'elle pouvait entendre dans sa tête, c'était 'Rumby', qui finit par se transformer en 'Rum'. Ce qui a été une bonne pensée pendant que ça a duré. "Je.. Devinez...?" Elle a répondu à son offre avec une légère hésitation, elle n'a pas pu s'empêcher de rougir à sa prochaine déclaration. Elle n'a jamais vraiment eu beaucoup de compliments, même pas son maître ou son père l'a tant félicité pour ses efforts. D'habitude, c'était juste un petit clin d'œil et un grognement ou un 'bon'. Si elle avait été dans son état d'ivresse, elle a peut-être juste tourné autour pour faire des blagues flirtes avec Bran, mais malheureusement elle n'était pas ivre, elle était extrêmement épuisée, et en plus de cela, elle essayait de s'empêcher de rougir. Elle n'a pas réussi pour la plupart. Le regard de Yu s'est déplacé vers ses nouveaux coéquipiers. Un grand blond garçon.. Il avait l'air plutôt beau et ces muscles avaient l'air vraiment... sympa. Alors un faunus de renard vraiment petit? 'Oh mon dieu, elle est si mignonne~' était la seule chose qui a traversé son esprit. Elle ne pouvait pas vraiment se présenter elle-même étant donné la gueule de bois géante qu'elle avait, alors elle a choisi de se présenter demain.
Yu Zuiren (醉人, 玉) Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human Height: 5’8” Weight: 145 lb Clothing Style: (Refer to image) Hair Color: White/Silver Eye Color: Green COMBAT Weapon: Jindan (Golden Elixir) This gourd doesn’t transform. However, it contains mysterious liquid which Yu drinks all the time. (Which she claims to be juice or milk. Whichever she sees fit at the time.) It has a long red rope that is tied around the middle of the gourd with a large portion of the rope loose, allowing Yu to use it similarly to a Meteor Hammer. Semblance: Drunken Haze The more Yu drinks from her gourd, the stronger her attacks become, however this is limited to the capacity of her gourd and how much she can handle before just passing out entirely. Along with increases in attack power, Yu's drinking starts to affect her opponent as well; causing them to see multiple illusions of the Huntress, which imitate her movements. These illusions don't inflict any damage, however they look very life-like, thus making it difficult to find the real Yu. Dust: Yu doesn’t use dust. Skills: Yu is almost exclusively trained in Zui Quan (Drunken Fist) and has adapted the style in such a way that allows it to have more practical application beyond traditional means. In combat, Yu is extremely unpredictable and is very skilled at evading attacks. PERSONALIZED Personality: Easy going Kind Flirty Sociable Cheeky Skills: Drinking Free Running Relaxing Mixing Cocktails Born in the western parts of Minstral, Yu was raised by her father, having lost her mother when she gave birth to Yu. Her father was a Huntsman, but not the glorified kind that many expect in those days. He was a Huntsman who had strayed from his ‘righteous’ path and did what he could to raise his daughter. However, a lot of his money went into buying time from women and booze, leaving very little for their essentials. While her father was out on a job, Yu would often walk around the town, begging for money, which often lead to her being beaten by others. She had spoken to a mysterious old man on numerous occasions. He always smelt of alcohol, but he was a very nice person to talk to. When she was barely in her teens, she told the old man about her dreams to become a Huntress. Instead of laughing like almost everyone else did, he took her seriously and decided to teach her his art. Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist. She wasn’t introduced to alcohol until the later stages of her training. During her years of training, she had convinced her father to allow her to attend Sanctum academy. Her father, hoping that she wouldn’t turn out like him, allowed her to attend classes. It wasn’t long before she graduated from the academy, and as a gift, the old man gave her his Gourd. Jindan. And the clothing that she wears now was a gift from her father. The old man suggested that she went to Beacon academy, he never really gave her a reason why, but she decided to follow his advice for one last time. Character Theme: Yu is loosely based on Lu Dongbin who is an immortal from Chinese Mythology. Lu, like the other 7 immortals in his group, are often depicted as joyful people who enjoy getting drunk often, hence Yu’s enjoyment of drinking. The styles in Zui Quan also refer to the 8 immortals. Lu Dongbin is also depicted as a ‘ladies man’, which is referred to in Yu’s occasional flirty nature. Other: Jaune is best waifu 0:38 to 1:00
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?( "Entrez le titre de l'image ici") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C'était une semaine avant le nouveau semestre, et tout se passait normalement. Cependant, un courant sous-jacent de tension reposait sur le corps des élèves. Quelque chose de grand allait se passer ce soir, et cela impliquait trois des cinq chefs de _de facto_ de l'école. Il n'y avait pas de noms officiellement abandonnés, mais tout le monde était sûr de qui ils étaient : Les trois qui ont été des antagonistes l'un avec l'autre depuis qu'ils sont arrivés ici comme les premières années. ####Henrietta Fawkes L'hypnotiste de masse, lisant l'esprit, connue par son pouvoir, "Réseau social" Du froid à Winston Le booster charismatique de la statistique appelé "Optimus Prime" et enfin; Louise Sophoro La tueuse en langue, fragile, faible, malchanceuse et courte fille, qui était considérée comme le maréchal parmi les cinq dirigeants, avec sa capacité à ramener tout le monde à son niveau, "Divisée par Zéro" Les trois d'entre eux se réunissaient ce soir, et personne ne savait pourquoi, même pas les deux dirigeants restants, qui sont restés jusqu'à présent silencieux à leur avis. Les trois emmenaient également leurs gangs respectifs avec eux. L'heure est 13h30, la réunion est prévue à 19h30. **Temps jusqu'à la rencontre: 6h 0m 0s**
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
Saoji Mikami, connu pour son incroyable capacité à donner des pensées positives à un individu, se tient au-dessus du premier dortoir; regardant à la distance. Alors que la brise qui remplit l'air se précipite au-delà de son visage et à travers ses coups, il respire profondément et soupire lourdement. Après avoir emménagé ses affaires dans sa chambre dans le bâtiment sous lui, il a décidé de prendre une chance de raviver ses pensées. C'était la première fois qu'il a vu une école aussi grande et la première fois qu'il a vu beaucoup d'élèves y assister. Il n'était pas très social quand il n'était pas confronté ou quand il décide de confronter quelqu'un d'autre ; quelque chose était différent de lui. Comme tous les autres étudiants qui semblent avoir la tête enveloppée autour de quelque chose, son but était d'apporter la paix et l'harmonie à tout le monde... il était juste coincé sur comment. Sa longue cape bleue marine enveloppée autour de son corps comme une couverture, le tenant au chaud. Au bout d'un moment, il ferma les yeux alors qu'il versait dans ses propres pensées. _Mikami! Mikami! Vous nous direz où est votre père! Si vous ne le faites pas, nous vous traquerons jusqu'à ce que nous vous trouvions!_ Il entendait les voix des ennemis de son père, les hommes qui ne voulaient rien de plus que de lui enlever ses affaires florissantes. Son père et le reste de sa famille se sont cachés quand il est arrivé à l'école... mais ils n'ont plus eu de nouvelles depuis. En allant à l'école, il a vu que des hommes vêtus de noir le pourchassaient... en se demandant où se trouvait son père. Heureusement, il a pu s'échapper et se retrouver ici de tous les endroits. Heureusement, il est maintenant parmi les gens qui peuvent l'aider. Se tenant sur le dessus du bâtiment était relaxant, il pouvait voir n'importe quoi. Calme et paisible... comme le monde devrait l'être. Après avoir recueilli ses pensées ensemble, il se leva droit et regarda le pavement en dessous de lui devant la porte du premier dortoir sur lequel il se tenait. Soudain, il sauta en avant, permettant à sa cape de le guider à travers le vent alors qu'il atterrissait gracieusement sur le sol. Il a fait face à la porte d'entrée du dortoir. « C'est ça... » murmura-t-il. "Tout commence ici? Mon voyage. C'est l'endroit où tout commence? "dans cette école?" Il soupira ensuite, ferma les yeux, et pencha la tête en bas. -- Ou pourrait-ce être le début de mon propre destin?
**Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige **Picture/Description:** This one is Ione! ![]( "enter image title here") This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P) ![]( "enter image title here") **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl. While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts. Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione. **Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold. **Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how. **Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face. She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids. She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side. **Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking.
Saoji se tenait immobile alors que la porte de l'entrée du dortoir s'ouvrait devant lui. Il a vu une fille (Lone) qui avait l'air un peu plus âgée que lui. En regardant ses expressions faciales, il sentait qu'elle semblait un peu ennuyée. Soudain, un léger frisson a traversé son corps, mais il l'a ignoré dans son ensemble. Peut-être que c'était juste la brise fraîche du temps d'aujourd'hui que lui a donné un froid froid. Une fois qu'elle a dit le nom "Paige" cela a certainement attiré son attention. Exactement qui était-elle? Et à qui parlait-elle? Alors qu'elle s'en allait, il s'est retourné et l'a regardée continuer. Avant de quitter son regard, il décida d'attirer son attention. **"Hé."** il a simplement dit, en faisant lentement des pas vers elle. Il a eu l'expression faciale d'un schowl permanent. */ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * « Quand la nature sent son propre monde se refermer autour d'elle, et quand elle se rend compte qu'il n'y a plus personne à se tourner vers, elle prétend parler avec elle-même. Aucun être vivant ne la comprend, car nous n'avons pas réussi à lui montrer combien nous l'honorons en notre présence. Elle s'est retournée contre nous pour avoir rapidement tué son esprit. En tant que tel avec d'autres lois de la vie." ** il a dit, régulièrement lui donner un visage vide. "Je sens ça en toi. À qui parliez-vous?"** il finit enfin et demande. La voix de Sãoiji avait un enfant comme un comportement, mais on pouvait remarquer qu'il est plein de sagesse. Bien qu'un peu plus court qu'elle, on ne devrait jamais sous-estimer ses capacités.
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
Ayant juste mangé le déjeuner, ( était assis sur un banc au pied du dortoir des étudiants masculins, apparemment absorbé dans un livre épais mais encore portable sur lequel la colonne vertébrale a été gaufré le titre: _J-Day in the Pacific: The Battle of Saipan_. En poussant le milieu de ses lunettes plus loin sur le pont de son nez, il a terminé pour la troisième fois la page décrivant la rivalité entre Smith et Smith. "Vous avez déjà relu ce livre," "La voix fantomatique de Cadwal résonnait dans l'esprit de Timothy. "Ça t'intéresse vraiment autant?"_ Il a retourné une page, révélant une infographie des opérations américaines à la deuxième semaine de la bataille de Saipan. "C'est vrai," a-t-il répondu simplement. Pourquoi?"_ "La guerre, bien que terrible, est fascinante."_ _"La guerre que vous lisez est une guerre sans honneur."_ "La plupart des guerres sont sans honneur", répondit Timothy. "Les guerres de Dieu en sont pleines, cependant. Je suis mort au combat en voyant le visage de mon tueur. Mais aujourd'hui, l'artillerie est devenue plus qu'une simple arme de siège. Spectres. Vous ne voyez pas la coquille arriver."_ "Tu n'as pas à me le dire, Cadwal. Je le sais."_ "Je vous ai déjà dit comment nous avons considéré le tir à l'arc comme quelque chose de lâche, mais les hiboux le portent à un niveau supérieur."_ Timothy sourit physiquement sans le savoir. "S'il te plaît, Cadwal, j'essaie de lire ici. Gardez vos plaintes sur la société moderne pour plus tard."_ Mais la voix du fantôme est devenue brutalement solennelle. _"Vous allez avoir un moment difficile. Levez le menton."_ Pour ce faire, Timothy n'a pu que froncer la tête alors qu'il regardait le brassard de Louise comme un groupe de marche socialiste national. Il a balayé les yeux de gauche à droite pour trouver la source de leur retard: quelques jeunes gens, peut-être, tout comme lui, étant dimensionnés par le chef de gang rugueux. L'une était une fille qui, selon Cadwal, « s'habillait comme une sorcière », tandis que l'autre était un garçon qui, toujours selon Cadwal, « s'habillait comme un noble déviant », quand Timothée a d'abord posé les yeux sur eux. "Je me demande comment vous ne pouviez pas entendre le refrain des bottes tomber," Cadwal pensa dans l'esprit de Timothy. "Je préfère ne pas m'impliquer ici."_ Depuis le premier jour du semestre, Timothée s'était efforcé de ne pas faire connaître ses pouvoirs, selon les conseils de Cadwal. Souvent vu emprunter, revenir ou lire divers livres à la Bibliothèque, il n'avait convoqué aucun Saint-Esprit du tout au cours de la dernière semaine, et ne donne la voix que lorsqu'il parle avec Cadwal dans la sécurité et l'intimité de sa chambre. Trouver la politique étudiante de l'école détestable, il voulait peu faire avec tout cela. C'est particulièrement le cas de la « bande de voyous craintifs » de Louise, comme le décrit Cadwal, et non pas lorsqu'ils ressemblent à un groupe politique radial avec leurs brassards et leur mouvement collectif. _"Lève-toi et lis-toi ailleurs, alors."_ "Je vais le faire."_ En espérant qu'il se cachait à la vue de tous, Timothée ferma rapidement son livre, s'assit, se mit à s'éloigner de la foule rassemblée.
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
Assis à l'extérieur sur le sol à une courte marche des dortoirs, Hide s'assit tranquillement, regardant à blanc vers le ciel. C'était surtout calme là où il était, même avec l'agitation qui avait commencé avec Louis à distance, le jeune homme n'avait pas encore remarqué. Ou peut-être qu'il avait choisi de ne pas s'en soucier. Un soupir doux lui échapperait alors qu'il laisse enfin tomber son regard sur le sol, regardant avec un peu de bronzage la chose qu'il avait essayé d'éviter de regarder depuis qu'il s'est réveillé ce matin. Le truc. _It_. Cacher n'avait pas un vrai nom pour les doppelgangers qui sont apparus par eux-mêmes, du moins pas encore. Il n'a pas ressenti le besoin de donner quelque chose qui n'était pas censé être là en premier lieu un nom. L'objet de son évitement s'assit à quelques pieds devant lui, dans un faible nuage wispy invisible par le reste du monde, même ceux doués d'une vue spéciale. Il avait l'air assez humain, il avait la forme d'un au moins. Il pouvait même faire le contour de ses cheveux qui était enveloppé à la nuque de son cou. Il n'avait pas d'yeux, pas de visage, pas d'autres traits caractéristiques pour vraiment donner à qui ou ce qu'il était. Même dans la lumière sa forme sombre wispy ne s'est pas fanée ni flicker, il était juste là. Il l'a copié pendant qu'il le fixait, ce qui lui a valu de le regarder de nouveau. Bien qu'il ne puisse pas s'exprimer par son visage ou son langage corporel, Hide l'a parfaitement compris. Le mélange d'anxiété et de colère qu'il avait mis en bouteille dès le début du nouveau semestre se manifestait enfin. Et ça n'avait été qu'une semaine! Soudain, un gémissement doux s'échappe Cache-toi alors que les mains se jettent dans l'air, en flopant sur son côté. Il roulait légèrement, mais s'arrêtait rapidement en se fronçant un peu. Le quart-formé doppelganer a copié son mouvement, même attraper le poids assez grand de ses poumons pendant qu'il aspirait dans un souffle vif, s'exhalant lentement avec un soupir fort. Ce n'était qu'une semaine et il avait déjà des problèmes, pas que quelqu'un d'autre puisse le voir. "**Shoo. C'est du shooooooooo.**" Cacher a dit à haute voix vers la doppel quart-formée, allant même jusqu'à lever une main pour'shoo' loin. Il était tout à fait sûr que personne d'autre ne se dirigerait dans cette direction, c'était trop calme et une impasse... quel meilleur endroit pour parler à un des monstres que sa capacité a aidé à créer.
!( "enter image title here") **Name-** Zaen Henko **Age-** 16 **Gender-** Male **Personality-** Zaen is rather secluded when he wants to be, which is quite often, so he only rarely ever makes _good_ friends. He loves Music and anything about it, most of the time being seen with headphones in his ears listening to music. He's very smart and the only athleticism he has is how fast he can run. He likes spending his time doing nothing but sitting down and listening/playing/making music, whichever he's in the mood for. **Talent-** _Instrumental Talent_: Zaen is extremely gifted with instruments, and he can play most instruments and can read music with ease, making little to no mistakes. He's also able to make music himself, and can tell what kind of music someone will like. **Ability-** _Siren_: Using his ability, it allows him to make special music and summon instruments. The musical pieces he makes all do different things, but to work he needs a few seconds to make the music, the music must be in some way music that a person would like to work. After making a special piece of music, it would only be able to be used within a near time, and could only be used once. **Bio-** From a very young age Zaen had discovered his instrumental gifts, and due to this he was able to enhance said talent, being able to play most instruments and play most music by the time he starting schooling. His parents supporting this talent of his incredibly, spending money on instruments and tutors quite often. His school that he attended was a mostly musically-focused school, where they taught students how to play, put them in a band equal to their level and let them perform in local concerts, the higher bands competing in competitions. He was put in one of the highest level bands when he was 10, the age limit to when you are put in your respective band level. He went out on competitions and easily got sweet victory. By the time he was 12 he was in the highest level band and was at the top of it, sometimes even playing better than the band director. Although he got all this attention between his fellow band-mates, he rather disliked all the attention, and would've rather just stayed secluded. Nevertheless, he was suggested to make his own Music. He decided that he would, and he began making his own pieces of music, and the band director would sometimes let the band play some of these pieces. He eventually ended up leaving the band, mostly due to the unwanted attention he got. He spent most of his time after that being secluded away from most other people, except when his friends invited him to something or he had to be at school. During his seclusion he spent most of his time listening, playing, and making music.
Pendant que Saoji était là à parler seul, un autre s'était approché d'eux. Elle semblait beaucoup plus expérimentée à l'école, peut-être était-elle l'un des dirigeants dont tout le monde parlait. En dehors de tout le reste, elle ne semblait pas hors de l'ordinaire, mais Saoji sait qu'il n'est pas sage de sous-estimer quelqu'un en fonction de son apparence. La fille a appelé seule un "poltergiste". Peut-être que maintenant tout a du sens. Saoji retourna son regard seul, essayant de lui demander si elle pouvait voir des fantômes ; mais la nouvelle fille leur demanda d'être au sein d'un groupe... ou de rester neutre. C'est comme ça que l'école fonctionne? Maîtriser une capacité et coopérer avec de nombreux groupes autour de l'école. Quand il est arrivé à l'école pour la première fois, Saoji a à peine remarqué quelque chose d'important. Il a sauté sur beaucoup d'informations qui auraient pu répondre aux questions qu'il avait au sujet de l'école. C'est parce qu'il était dans la panique quand il est arrivé il y a une semaine. Depuis, il sort doucement de sa chambre noire dans le dortoir et commence maintenant à trouver du réconfort en parlant avec les autres. Peut-être qu'être à l'intérieur d'un groupe pourrait l'aider. Il avait à peine des amis et la plupart des gens ici semblaient être dans leur propre monde. Puis une question a été posée dans l'esprit de Saoji... il se demande... « Cet endroit est-il dangereux? » Revenons à la nouvelle fille qui s'est approchée d'eux, il a finalement répondu... **"Non, je n'ai pas été en mesure de trouver quelqu'un avec qui s'associer. Et ne t'inquiète pas que j'aie peur. Celui qui ferme la bouche, libère sa paranoïa, et rétrécit les yeux, devient sa propre véritable identité au monde. Je ne me soucie pas beaucoup de la peur. La peur est une faiblesse, la peur vous fait perdre le sommeil, la peur force le corps à s'adapter à différentes situations d'une manière improbable. La peur est ce qui a poussé ma famille à se cacher... c'est ce qui m'a conduit ici à l'école. Mais je ne ressens plus de peur. Vous êtes assez confiante, Mme... mais n'est-ce pas une mauvaise chose de penser que tout le monde a peur? Vous de tous les gens devez savoir que vous ne devriez jamais sous-estimer quelqu'un, peu importe comment ils sont nouveaux." ** il a dit avec un schowl égal qui correspond à la sienne. Saoji leur tourne le dos en regardant légèrement le sol et serre les poings, fermant les yeux. Il a continué... **"Mais si la règle est que le mal de profiter de moins d'étudiants comme ça... alors cela peut être problématique. Regardez vos pensées, elles deviennent des mots. Regardez vos mots, ils deviennent des actions. Regardez vos actions, elles deviennent votre hiérarchie. Regardez votre hiérarchie, ils deviennent votre destin. Si les dirigeants de cette école font vraiment les choses que vous mentionnez et si ce dernier est vrai... ça ne veut dire qu'une chose."** il a dit, tournant brusquement son regard à la fois seul et l'autre fille, regardant par-dessus son épaule. **"Alors cela signifie seulement qu'à long terme, les étudiants ici seront mieux sans les dirigeants. Avec le recul, ils doivent mourir."** il tourne son regard vers le sol. */ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Il ne pourra jamais y avoir de paix tant que les instruments et les marionnettistes de la guerre ne seront pas tués. Je ne sais pas qui sont les dirigeants, mais s'ils pensent qu'ils peuvent s'en sortir avec ce qu'ils font... alors nous devons les tuer. Même alors... je pourrais me tromper à leur sujet. Les gens pensent que la mort est la malédiction ultime placée sur nous tous, mais c'est en fait un don qui nous est donné. Certaines personnes l'utilisent pour faire du monde un meilleur endroit, d'autres l'utilisent pour leur agenda. Cela dépend juste de qui vous êtes en tant que personne et ce que votre cœur et votre esprit vous dit."**
**Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige **Picture/Description:** This one is Ione! ![]( "enter image title here") This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P) ![]( "enter image title here") **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl. While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts. Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione. **Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold. **Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how. **Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face. She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids. She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side. **Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking.
@Hebigami Shiho Hé, je vais attendre jusqu'à ce que HangedMan poste d'abord. modifier & #160;: oops... c'était destiné à l'onglet OOC... sry guys =/
!( "Poppy O'Conner") **Name:** Poppy O’Conner **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due. **Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts. **Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die. **Bio:** Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother. It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.” One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant. After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.” Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such)
Louise visage a traversé une myriade d'émotions à <<Saoji's>>. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est quoi, cette rancune? Elle n'était pas sûre. Louise était intelligente dans la rue, pas intelligente; la moitié des choses qu'il a dites l'ont dépassée. Elle a pris des menaces de mort contre les dirigeants, et elle était une dirigeante, peu importe à quel point elle ne l'aimait pas. Tout son groupe s'est raidi. C'était une règle non parlée que vous ne choisissez pas un combat avec un dirigeant, pour diverses raisons. Pourtant, tout ce que Louise a fait, c'était un peu sniger à Sajoi et <<Ione's>> actions. "C'est lui, vous êtes drôles. Je ne sais pas comment m'y prendre. Mais je ne suis pas si effrayante. "Nuit Stalker" et "Réseau social" sont beaucoup plus terrifiants." C'est un mensonge, au fait. À première vue, ces deux-là sont terrifiants, oui, monstrueux même, mais il y a une raison pour laquelle Louise est le gardien de la paix parmi les dirigeants, et ce n'est pas parce qu'elle est pacifiste. En parlant de terrifié, la troupe Louise a laissé respirer. Selon les normes normales, Saoji et Ione se heurtaient jusqu'à un certain point à l'explosion de Louise. Quand elle l'a fait, la plupart des gens aimaient s'enfuir très vite - certaines personnes l'ont fait, vu que les dortoirs étaient maintenant la plupart du temps vides - à cause des retombées de l'AoE. Heureusement, elle semblait de bonne humeur, probablement parce que c'était juste une semaine dans l'année scolaire. "Quoi qu'il en soit, gardez-le ou tout ce que vous voulez. Je vous conseille de rester neutres aussi - vous avez beaucoup moins d'ennuis de cette façon. Pourtant, avec la venue de la réunion de ce soir, je me demande si tu pourras rester comme ça. C'est ce que j'ai dit. ." Louise a passé devant Ione et a fait ses adieux sans regarder en arrière. Comme elle l'a fait, sa main traversa Paige. Le fantôme fut soudainement surmonté par un sentiment de faiblesse, ses capacités mentales ralentirent énormément et, bien qu'étant un fantôme, elle se sentit à nouveau mourir. Je ne peux pas la voir, mais j'ai des gens qui peuvent - vous n'êtes pas la seule capacité de classe « occulte » ici - et plus de gens qui peuvent me dire où elle est et ce qu'elle fait. Je ne tolère pas que les gens parlent dans mon dos quand ils pensent que je ne le remarque pas. Si vous avez quelque chose à dire, dites-le à mon visage, comme M. Visionary ici », a dit Louise, en s'éloignant d'un pouce à Saoji. "Ne pensez pas que les fantômes soient une assez bonne défense contre un souverain, Juliette. Tout simplement parce que nous ne pouvons pas les voir ou les toucher, cela ne veut pas dire que nous ne pouvons pas leur faire assez de mal pour qu'ils regrettent de ne pas passer à autre chose. » Louise et sa troupe sont allées de l'avant et ont quitté le dortoir.
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
@Monochromatique Zaen Henko se leva et s'étendit, sa sieste lui servit bien, son exaucement en fut beaucoup moins. Il a mis ses écouteurs dans ses oreilles et a tourné sur une chanson avec sa flûte à ses côtés, et est sorti des dortoirs et dans le couloir, où une grande foule de gens allait vers les dortoirs, y compris celui qu'il venait de sortir. Ignorant cette quantité de personnes maintenant massive, il monta son casque et marcha vers l'avant vers la sortie, passant également par un groupe d'autres étudiants, avant de laisser l'air frais et la lumière du soleil de l'extérieur frapper sa peau. L'air et le souffle se sentaient bien sur son visage, et il commençait à se sentir détendu et moins mal du pays. Il marchait vers l'avant et tirait sa flûte et jouait doucement, un air spécial qu'il jouait quand il voulait se détendre. Alors qu'il marchait, il a repéré un homme qui essayait de shooter une copie exacte de lui, qui a fait la même chose. Il n'attendait pas beaucoup moins de cette école. Il a arrêté de jouer alors qu'il marchait vers l'homme. Le désir de sa mère pour qu'il soit moins isolé sonnait dans ses oreilles, et il décida donc de « socialiser » un peu, bien qu'il n'aimât pas l'idée. "Bonjour."** il a dit à l'homme, pas tout à fait sûr de ce qu'il faut dire d'autre. Il n'était pas très bon dans ces choses d'introduction.
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
Tu as l'air d'un nouvel étudiant, et tout à fait perdu. Harold s'est tourné vers la femelle(?) haut-parleur à ce sujet. La voix semblait féminine, mais cette étudiante était certainement masculine. (Quelle étrange combinaison. Peut-être des horreurs? Une boîte vocale plus haute ou plus douce ou quelque chose du genre? Conversation avec Harold! Concentrez-vous.) "Ah, oui. Je suis en effet dans un besoin urgent de direction. Je suis devenu assez perdu une fois que j'ai rencontré les terrains incroyablement grands, et en tant que telle ont eu du mal à trouver mon chemin. » Harold répondit de façon aussi décontractée et normalement qu'il le pouvait. Ce n'était pas facile d'essayer de suivre ces « normes sociales » dont les gens parlent. (De plus, ce type a offert de l'aide. Le premier sort... beaucoup. Très.) (Au moins, il a de bons choix de couleur.) Harold s'est vite souvenu de sa propre veste grise, de son T-shirt bleu et de son jean. Confortable, mais efficace. C'est comme ça qu'il l'aimait. Il a repoussé ses lunettes, et n'a vu ni entendu aucun du groupe derrière eux. -- Mais, qui êtes-vous, oh mystérieusement serviable? Il interrogea l'autre homme, cherchant des réponses à ses problèmes.
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
**"Dûment noté."** J'ai répondu à l'avertissement de Louis, puis j'ai soupiré, sachant déjà qu'il arriverait quelque chose de ce genre à Paige si elle continuait à la harceler. **"Je-Ie! Aidez-moi!"** Elle a pris son ami fantôme en utilisant ses capacités et l'a mis sur son épaule. **"Vous récoltez ce que vous semez. Ne te plains pas, idiot. De toute façon, Louis, occupe-toi de la réunion plus tard. Ce serait mal si on perdait notre gardien de la paix."** Bien qu'elle l'ait dit d'un ton taquin, elle était même un peu inquiète. Elle savait que Louis n'était pas un push-over, mais bien, les choses se passent. Elle vit le chef s'en aller avec son groupe de laquais. Elle se tourna ensuite vers Saoji, avec un petit sourire sur les lèvres. "Saoji, c'est ça? C'est un joli nom. Pas besoin d'être gêné quand on parle à Paige. Je peux vous assurer qu'elle est là."** J'ai piqué la joue de Paige comme elle l'a dit. Mais le fantôme agita faiblement à Saoji en retour. **"Vous devrez cependant l'excuser, cela vient de vider son énergie."** Elle a ensuite réfléchi à la meilleure façon d'expliquer les capacités de tout le monde. Il lui est venu comme un choc l'année dernière aussi, donc il était compréhensible d'avoir des questions. Elle s'est résolue à expliquer les questions du garçon. **« Oui, il y a des groupes de personnes qui utilisent leurs capacités. Au total, il y en a cinq, six si vous voulez nous compter neutres mais nous ne sommes pas comme organisés. Chaque groupe a une règle au sommet, comme Mme. Zéro il y a quelques secondes. Ils ont tous des compétences comme les nôtres et en ce qui concerne la façon de le découvrir... »** Elle y a réfléchi un peu et s'est ensuite retournée voir le garçon avec un sourire ludique sur son visage. **"Vous pouvez juste leur demander."** Elle a laissé une longue pause pour que le garçon fasse monter ses espoirs, juste pour envoyer ces espoirs s'effondrer. **"C'est une histoire différente qu'ils vous dise ou non, cependant."** Elle se moque un peu de sa propre blague. **"Alors encore une fois, vous pouvez toujours les attaquer. Ils répondront en nature et peut-être que vous aurez un aperçu de leur capacité, mais les apparences peuvent être trompeuses."** Elle était un peu fatiguée d'être debout, alors elle a décidé que c'était une bonne chance pour un changement de décor. **"Nous devrions continuer cette conversation à la cafétéria. On va devoir s'asseoir quelque part."** Elle a dit, déjà fait son chemin à l'immeuble.
**Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige **Picture/Description:** This one is Ione! ![]( "enter image title here") This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P) ![]( "enter image title here") **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl. While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts. Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione. **Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold. **Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how. **Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face. She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids. She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side. **Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking.
Et bien!"_ Cadwal aurait frappé ses mains s'il en avait eu. "Ce garçon est comme un escroc!"_ ( n'a pas recommencé à faire un geste vers la bande de Louise en parlant d'eux, espérant ne pas attirer leur attention. Cependant, il avait abandonné l'acte shakespeareen, tandis que sa voix s'est baissée et est devenu solennel. "Ils sont sortis des dortoirs. Ils sont enragés. Ils ont harcelé deux étudiants tout à l'heure. Je ne voudrais pas m'associer avec eux, si j'étais toi. La politique étudiante de cette école tourne autour de ceux qui sont, disons, doués, et même si je n'en sais pas grand-chose, puisque je suis nouveau ici, tout est si détestable. Ça sent la légèreté et l'abus." "Mais de toute façon," Timothy se lâcha, sa voix renouvelant sa couleur. "Vous devez être à la recherche des dortoirs."
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
Thisa s'occupait de ses propres affaires, l'une en étant nouvelle dans cette école, c'est pas comme si elle avait quelqu'un à qui parler, et surtout elle n'en avait pas envie. Dans ses mains, il y avait un carnet à l'air déchiqueté, la colonne vertébrale était effilée et l'écriture sur la couverture n'était qu'évanouie jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit illisible. Ceci est retourné à la dernière page utilisée, sur elle était un schéma d'une jambe humaine bien que pas un réel, mais un mécanique sur lequel elle a travaillé. Avec son crayon, elle griffonnait les notes latérales dessus, comme *Downgraded à 200RMP moteur, alléger la charge sur l'articulation jambe-pelvis.* ou *Front haut de cuisse plaque ne convient pas bien, poncer vers le bas.* Ceci a légèrement tapé son crayon tout en pensant, le principal problème à ce point était de gérer le poids, la jambe a dû prendre un peu surtout si elle devait être utilisée sur un robot, ou même comme une prothèse. Son train de pensée a été interrompu alors qu'elle se heurtait directement à une autre personne, (Celui-ci étant Harold.) à l'arrière peut-être marcher en public n'était pas le meilleur moment ou l'endroit pour faire n'importe quel travail. Ça a trébuché alors que son carnet tombait par terre, "Ah shi-... désolé pour ça, mon mauvais a été distrait là-bas."
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
Harold a pris la goutte du jesting, et a choisi de devenir plus mature une fois de plus aussi. "Je vois. Il est dommage que de tels problèmes superficiels et mesquins soient si importants pour tant de gens dans le monde. Et en effet je le suis. Il était important de savoir où mettre mes objets et mes effets personnels. » Il répliqua et jestura son sac à dos, sa combinaison, et son sac à dos d'ordinateur brun clair sur ses côtés. (Ce type est assez intéressant. Je me demande ce qu'il pourrait avoir en tant que talent en tout cas. Je n'ai pas encore vu cela, mais il est peu probable qu'une conversation suffise pour tous les talents...) « J'espère que notre école n'est pas aussi ennuyeuse et non essentielle que celle de leurs élèves. Et comme c'est l'école d'habitude. Peut-être cela pourrait-il être le début d'une acquiantation tout aussi bienveillante? » Harold continua, espérant trouver un ami à Timothy apperernetly. Harold est plus faible, comme le corps a trébuché légèrement en avant après que Thisa l'ait croisé. Reconnaissant qu'une autre fille peut être derrière lui, et la cause de sa chute, Harold s'est rapidement redressé, a poussé ses lunettes de nouveau, et tourné autour pour interorater la femelle derrière lui, qui semblait quelque peu familier pour lui. (Elle semble très semblable à quelqu'un que je connais, peut-être une connaissance du passé?) "...Ah, ce n'est pas un problème. Je suppose que le travail et la marche ne sont pas toujours les plus faciles à faire en étant indisposés. » Harold a répondu après un moment de réflexion, il s'est rapidement approché et a pris son carnet, en voyant les conceptions et les notes des êtres mécaniques, et plus probable- Robots. Harold aimait les robots. Moi aussi!
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
( Ne put répondre avant que Thérèse ne tombe sur Harold, et envoya ce dernier trébucher vers l'avant. En réflexe, Timothée avait étendu ses mains dans l'éventualité où sa nouvelle connaissance tomberait en lui, mais heureusement, cela ne s'était pas produit. En se penchant sur le côté d'Harold pour découvrir qui était le délinquant, ses yeux s'élargissaient légèrement lorsqu'il regardait un ( "Ah, elle est comme une rose. Aide-la, Tim!"_ Cadwal s'est empressé de le conseiller. "Trop tard", répondit le garçon, Harold ramassait déjà son carnet. _"Particulièrement pour le monsieur qui vient d'entrer,"_ Cadwal jabbed, se référant à Saoji, que Timothée n'a donné qu'un coup d'oeil avant de retourner son regard à la jeune fille soudaine. "Vous devriez être plus prudent, mademoiselle," a-t-il simplement dit.
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
J'avais envie de rire quand elle a entendu Saoji, mais elle ne l'a pas fait. Elle n'a pas pu l'appeler idiot, puisqu'elle avait pensé la même chose quelques temps auparavant. Appréciant la connaissance des temps avant les autres par son intermédiaire, peut-être une meilleure compréhension des hommes. C'était bizarre qu'elle ait trouvé quelqu'un qui n'était pas flippé du tout, mais aussi quelqu'un qui pensait comme elle, ou comme elle de toute façon. ** « Beaucoup ont des histoires comme ça, je le sais mieux que quiconque, peut-être. Cependant, les individus et les groupes sont capables de changer quoi que ce soit. Ce qui change les choses, c'est le pouvoir. Avec assez de pouvoir, vous pouvez changer les choses, mais atteindre plus de pouvoir que les dirigeants ne le seraient... problématique."** Elle a crié, avant de voir que Saoji ne s'intéressait plus à son discours. "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?"** Au lieu de cela, il était allé à l'aide de quelqu'un qui était tombé. Ione était rouge avec l'embarrasement, voyant que Saoji était parti juste à cause de quelqu'un qui tombait... c'était mauvais et tout, mais ce n'est pas un moyen de laisser une dame. **"Que pensez-vous faire, excusez-vous d'un homme!"** Paige avait apparemment récupéré ses forces et criait maintenant à Saoji, aussi en colère contre lui pour avoir quitté Ione comme ça. Cependant, quand la paire a vu comment la fille a rejeté l'offre, ils ont tous deux commencé à rire. Le rire de Paige est entré dans des éclats de rire et Ione essayait de le garder à terre. "T'as raison, idiot de playboy!"** J'ai crié à Saoji, lui a montré sa langue, puis s'est enfui de la scène, dirigé vers la cafétéria.
**Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige **Picture/Description:** This one is Ione! ![]( "enter image title here") This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P) ![]( "enter image title here") **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl. While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts. Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione. **Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold. **Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how. **Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face. She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids. She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side. **Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking.
Saoji a froncé quand Thisa a rejeté son aide puis a froncé encore plus quand seul l'a appelé un "joueur idiot"... il a coulé sa tête bas alors que ses franges lui pendaient le visage. Il n'a pas été aussi humilié dans sa vie. Je voulais juste aider... il pensait. Il se retourna et regarda seul partir après l'avoir insulté. Il a remarqué qu'il y avait beaucoup de gens qui étaient assez impolis à d'autres ici dans cette école, alors que la capacité innée de faire preuve de compassion, d'harmonie et de justice à un autre individu, est vraiment manquante dans cette école. Pour cela, tout ce qu'il pensait savoir sur la solitude ou le reste de l'école l'a échoué. Peut-être que la solitude n'est pas celle qu'il pensait être, peut-être qu'elle n'a pas montré autant de compassion et d'attention que lui. Il soupira et se leva, marchant dans la direction opposée et s'éloignant des autres qui parlaient de livres. Il entra dans l'immeuble du dortoir et monta dans sa chambre, enlevant sa cape et en la jetant de côté; il se coucha sur le lit comme il regardait le plafond. **"Tout ce que je voulais c'était aider..."** il s'est chuchoté avec un regard triste sur son visage.
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
Harold s'est alors souvenu qu'il avait une conversation! Il s'est rapidement approché et a attendu la réponse de Thia et a fait un signe "attendu" à Tim, voulant évidemment entendre le nom des filles avant qu'elles continuent.
!( "enter image title here") **Name-** Zaen Henko **Age-** 16 **Gender-** Male **Personality-** Zaen is rather secluded when he wants to be, which is quite often, so he only rarely ever makes _good_ friends. He loves Music and anything about it, most of the time being seen with headphones in his ears listening to music. He's very smart and the only athleticism he has is how fast he can run. He likes spending his time doing nothing but sitting down and listening/playing/making music, whichever he's in the mood for. **Talent-** _Instrumental Talent_: Zaen is extremely gifted with instruments, and he can play most instruments and can read music with ease, making little to no mistakes. He's also able to make music himself, and can tell what kind of music someone will like. **Ability-** _Siren_: Using his ability, it allows him to make special music and summon instruments. The musical pieces he makes all do different things, but to work he needs a few seconds to make the music, the music must be in some way music that a person would like to work. After making a special piece of music, it would only be able to be used within a near time, and could only be used once. **Bio-** From a very young age Zaen had discovered his instrumental gifts, and due to this he was able to enhance said talent, being able to play most instruments and play most music by the time he starting schooling. His parents supporting this talent of his incredibly, spending money on instruments and tutors quite often. His school that he attended was a mostly musically-focused school, where they taught students how to play, put them in a band equal to their level and let them perform in local concerts, the higher bands competing in competitions. He was put in one of the highest level bands when he was 10, the age limit to when you are put in your respective band level. He went out on competitions and easily got sweet victory. By the time he was 12 he was in the highest level band and was at the top of it, sometimes even playing better than the band director. Although he got all this attention between his fellow band-mates, he rather disliked all the attention, and would've rather just stayed secluded. Nevertheless, he was suggested to make his own Music. He decided that he would, and he began making his own pieces of music, and the band director would sometimes let the band play some of these pieces. He eventually ended up leaving the band, mostly due to the unwanted attention he got. He spent most of his time after that being secluded away from most other people, except when his friends invited him to something or he had to be at school. During his seclusion he spent most of his time listening, playing, and making music.
À la mention du playboy Thisa regarde vers le haut, apparemment Saoji qui voulait aider a peut-être eu quelques... motifs supplémentaires. Elle n'a pas changé le sentiment de culpabilité quand le type a fui la scène, puis encore une fois un playboy est un playboy Thisa a décidé qu'il aurait pu être mieux de simplement l'ignorer. Herold avait une façon étrange de parler, il semblait approprié si elle devait mettre une étiquette sur elle, mais tout de même son discours était quelque peu hors de la place vraiment. Cela ne pouvait que rougir sur les compléments de l'homme, sûr qu'elle était habituée à eux, mais Harold avait un peu de passion derrière ses louanges, c'était flatteur d'être franc. Harold a apparemment marché en se souvenant de quelque chose, oh semblait qu'il était dans une conversation qui est jusqu'à ce qu'elle les a heurtés. Timothy ne ressemblait pas beaucoup à Thisa, mais il avait l'air de se tenir comme une personne décente si probablement pas mal, vous savez, contrairement à ce peut-être playboy. "Oh oui, je suis Theresa Thompson mais je préférerais que vous m'appeliez Thisa, Theresa est juste quelques syllabes trop si vous me demandez. Donc vous êtes dans la technologie aussi bien droite, l'ingénierie de logiciels à partir des sons de celui-ci. C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer, vous et votre ami ici." Ceci se déplaçait vers Timothée.
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
Harold rougit peu de la mention de sa passion intense. Il a oublié beaucoup de temps à quel point il aimait la technologie, et s'en est généralement allé sur des rants et comme quand il entre dans une conversation à ce sujet. « J'ai le plaisir de vous rencontrer, ainsi que Mme Thisa Thompson. Je comprends votre détresse. Parfois Harold est beaucoup à... froid pour mon usage. À ce moment-là, je retourne simplement au codage et à la programmation, ou à la connexion afin d'échapper à la formalité. » Harold étendit sa main pour une poignée de main avec Thisa, et se présenta lui-même. "Ah, mes excuses, j'ai oublié de suivre une règle simple des conventions sociales. Je suis Harold, Harold Franfurt. Et Tim venait de me proposer de me faire visiter cette école, comme je viens d'arriver. Il me parlait juste de... cette école, de certaines de ses politiques et de sa politique. » Harold a manifestement trébuché un moment là-bas, en oubliant de quoi les deux avaient parlé avant l'intervention de Thisa.
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
Saoji ne pouvait pas s'endormir. Au lieu de cela, il regardait le plafond; il était couché sur le dos sur le lit. Sa chambre était plutôt propre pour un enfant de 15 ans. Il n'y a rien de trop shabby ou quoi que ce soit, cependant. Sa famille a toujours été propre et ordonnée. En fait, il méprise toute zone trop impure. Il ne peut s'empêcher de penser à l'humiliation qu'il a subie, en essayant de faire preuve de compassion envers un autre individu; cela l'a en fait rendu stupide. C'est comme ça que le monde est supposé être? Sommes-nous censés être critiqués et dénoncés juste pour avoir voulu être gentils? Peut-être qu'il y avait une chose comme être un peu trop gentil. Peut-être qu'il y a ceux qui ne peuvent tout simplement pas supporter de voir quelqu'un être trop gentil avec quelqu'un d'autre. Il a pris un soupir profond. Alors qu'il pourrait utiliser ce moment pour déjeuner seul, il trouve qu'il se cache maintenant loin de tous ceux qui ont entendu seul l'appeler un « playboy ». Maintenant, il ne ressent pas vraiment le besoin de s'aventurer dehors. Il se sentait vraiment seul ici. En d'autres termes, personne ne partageait la même capacité humaine que lui. Cette chose qui a été tordue et redéfinie... l'amour. J'abandonne. C'est ce qu'il pensait. Si les gens n'étaient pas censés changer et si personne n'apprenait jamais... alors à quoi bon parler? Et être la personne la plus grande? Saoji a commencé à penser qu'il n'y a peut-être pas de raison. Peut-être qu'il n'est qu'une vie sur un million qui a été mise ici par son grand maître d'un univers différent où il appartient vraiment... au moins... c'est ce qu'il ressent. Il secoua la tête et se retourna sur le côté, essayant de s'endormir une fois de plus.
!( "enter image title here") **Name-** Zaen Henko **Age-** 16 **Gender-** Male **Personality-** Zaen is rather secluded when he wants to be, which is quite often, so he only rarely ever makes _good_ friends. He loves Music and anything about it, most of the time being seen with headphones in his ears listening to music. He's very smart and the only athleticism he has is how fast he can run. He likes spending his time doing nothing but sitting down and listening/playing/making music, whichever he's in the mood for. **Talent-** _Instrumental Talent_: Zaen is extremely gifted with instruments, and he can play most instruments and can read music with ease, making little to no mistakes. He's also able to make music himself, and can tell what kind of music someone will like. **Ability-** _Siren_: Using his ability, it allows him to make special music and summon instruments. The musical pieces he makes all do different things, but to work he needs a few seconds to make the music, the music must be in some way music that a person would like to work. After making a special piece of music, it would only be able to be used within a near time, and could only be used once. **Bio-** From a very young age Zaen had discovered his instrumental gifts, and due to this he was able to enhance said talent, being able to play most instruments and play most music by the time he starting schooling. His parents supporting this talent of his incredibly, spending money on instruments and tutors quite often. His school that he attended was a mostly musically-focused school, where they taught students how to play, put them in a band equal to their level and let them perform in local concerts, the higher bands competing in competitions. He was put in one of the highest level bands when he was 10, the age limit to when you are put in your respective band level. He went out on competitions and easily got sweet victory. By the time he was 12 he was in the highest level band and was at the top of it, sometimes even playing better than the band director. Although he got all this attention between his fellow band-mates, he rather disliked all the attention, and would've rather just stayed secluded. Nevertheless, he was suggested to make his own Music. He decided that he would, and he began making his own pieces of music, and the band director would sometimes let the band play some of these pieces. He eventually ended up leaving the band, mostly due to the unwanted attention he got. He spent most of his time after that being secluded away from most other people, except when his friends invited him to something or he had to be at school. During his seclusion he spent most of his time listening, playing, and making music.
Ceci a rencontré Harold à mi-chemin avec sa poignée de main, "Harold Franfurt c'est alors. Ne supposez pas que vous allez par un surnom, bien qu'Harold soit court et transpirant comme c'est vrai?" Elle a ensuite hurlé à la question de Timothy, "Oui, je suis un nouveau transfert, commencé au début de l'année, donc je connais assez bien l'agencement de l'école." Thisa avait le sentiment que ces deux-là pourraient se faire de bonnes amies, c'est pas qu'elle a rejeté l'idée de l'amitié, c'est seulement qu'elle sera assez contente pour garder à elle-même la drôle de comment tomber dans une situation comme celle-là aurait pu avoir de très bons résultats. Elle a eu un certain temps avant le début de la classe, et elle commençait à se sentir assez sociable, peut aussi bien garder la conversation en cours. "Alors Harold, a dit que vous faites un peu de programmation, qu'avez-vous écrit? Bien que ce ne soit pas ma spécialité par aucun moyen, je pense que je pourrais comprendre assez."
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
Harold a pensé à agir comme un chevalier quand il tenait la main de Thisa, mais a décidé que ce serait trop bizarre, même pour lui! Il était aussi content que les trois qu'on s'entende jusqu'ici. C'est très amusant d'écrire des programmes quand on a des gens prêts à les tester après tout... il ne savait toujours pas. * pourquoi * ces PMC ne voulaient pas avoir quelque chose à voir avec lui. Ce n'était pas comme si un idiot avait réussi à briser les codes. (À moins qu'ils n'aient peut-être trouvé un code d'autodistrict, cependant c'est très improbable.) Harold s'en est pris à ça avant de revenir à la conversation une fois de plus. "Je vois. Ce serait sans doute assez de temps pour convertir la disposition de cette académie en mémoire, à moins qu'elle ne soit aléatoire bien sûr! » Harold riait un peu de sa propre blague, toujours conscient que d'autres ne partagent probablement pas son sens de l'humour du tout. "De même, je n'ai pas de surnom officiel moi-même, comme tel si vous le souhaitez, je vous permets de m'attribuer un surnom que vous vous sentez approprié...." Il a laissé sa main retomber sur son côté et fêlé avec son sac d'ordinateur de travers un peu nerveusement à la question de Thisa: "Ahmm, avez-vous jamais entendu parler du processus de Newgate du tout?" Harold a demandé un peu plus humble qu'il ne l'avait été à n'importe quel moment auparavant. Il hoche aussi légèrement la tête à Tim reconnaissant sa patience avec eux deux.
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
Harold avait en effet une façon étrange de parler, il n'était pas assez littéral comme il avait besoin d'un surnom. Thisa commençait aussi à remarquer ses courtes secousses comme s'il était d'une certaine façon nerveux, aucune idée pourquoi peut-être le gars était mal à l'aise avec rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. Tim semblait reculer, il était assis sur le côté avec une boîte... de quelque chose qu'elle ne pouvait pas tout à fait sortir. Tout de même Thisa se sentait mal à l'idée de museler l'homme de sa propre conversation, mais semblait se contenter de regarder. "Si l'école était aléatoire alors je serais une nouvelle aventure chaque jour, pourrait être amusant jusqu'à ce que vous soyez en retard pour la classe." Cela a ri en essayant de garder les choses claires. " Cela dit, je ne suis jamais à la tête du Proccess de Newgate, j'aimerais en savoir un peu plus"
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
Harold a griffé l'arrière de sa tête et a poussé ses lunettes comme il semble enclin à le faire. "Ah, eh bien je m'excuse, c'était une blague de logiciel hehe. C'est à cause de ça. RAM, vous voyez?" Harold a expliqué ce qu'il voulait dire avant et a répondu à nouveau: "Mais ah, cela rendrait cette école impressionnantement intéressante. De plus, le Processus de Newgate est un processus pour l'intelligence artificielle et la lutte pour leur donner une véritable sensibilité qui a été développée et publiée par un Edward Newgate, lui et moi avons travaillé ensemble à la création d'un réseau neuronal pour être en mesure de gérer toutes les mégadonnées, de les briser et d'espérer pouvoir aider à faire les pas en avant nécessaires pour donner l'apprentissage et la sensibilité à l'intelligence artificielle. » Harold fit un long délire, mais avec beaucoup plus de passion et de feu dans ses yeux qu'auparavant. « En même temps, cependant, il ne s'agit pas d'un processus achevé. Ainsi, nous travaillons encore sur les bogues et faisons de notre mieux pour l'améliorer davantage. Il est actuellement considéré comme un sujet qui fait l'objet d'un débat substanciel. Je me demandais cependant si vous en aviez vous-même entendu parler. C'est ça." Harold a fini d'expliquer sa manière sociale amèrement normale.
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
Harold était sur le point d'entrer dans un autre spiel sur l'IA et la robotique avec Thisa, mais quand elle a souligné le fait qu'elle allait être en retard, il a aussi sorti son téléphone, et a regardé à l'époque. Se rappelant qu'il avait sa propre classe pour arriver à lui aussi, il a donné un léger sourire et agité sans ses doigts de roseau ou d'anneau. Un autre trait unique à Harold. Il s'est approché de Tim après avoir regardé Thisa s'en aller un moment, et il a reparlé: "Ah Tim, il semblerait que nous serons en retard dans nos cours si nous procrastinons plus longtemps. Pouvons-nous tenir cette visite jusqu'à ce que nous ayons terminé notre journée d'école peut-être?" Harold a continué à espérer obtenir plus de sa nouvelle connaissance. "Ah, savez-vous où je pourrais trouver..." Harold a commencé à demander des directions, rapidement revenir à sa conversation originale avec Tim une fois de plus.
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
La pause déjeuner se terminait et la plupart des élèves retournaient dans leurs classes (les autres sautaient, mais ne discutons pas de cela) le bavardage est mort et pendant un certain temps, le campus était silencieux, à l'exception du bruit du vent bruissant les arbres, et les gémissements des cavernes dans la colline à proximité. **** "Aah, c'est enfin fini!" a dit Random Student A (ou RSA pour court) "Quelle heure est la rencontre entre les gouvernants à nouveau?" Random Student B (RSB) a regardé sa montre. "Sept-trente, donc il nous reste quatre heures. Tu veux aller au gymnase plus tard? J'ai entendu dire que Jason dirigeait le groupe aujourd'hui." D'autres sujets aléatoires ont surgi ici et là entre le corps étudiant, cependant, si on faisait attention, vous remarqueriez qu'ils se réunissaient lentement en groupes. "Parlant des dirigeants, j'ai entendu dire que Lietman défie Anderson pour sa place de lieutenant de Michael dans trente minutes derrière la salle de gym." "Vraiment? Des paris?" Bientôt, les salles de classe étaient vides, sauf quelques-unes. L'étudiant se promenait autour du vaste campus, prêt à profiter de leurs quelques heures de temps libre. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Heure avant la réunion: 3h : 45m : 17s**
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
Saoji s'est retrouvé à la recherche d'un assortiment de livres dans la bibliothèque de l'école. Il ne savait pas vraiment ce qu'il cherchait. Il suppose que la lecture pourrait passer le temps. Enfin, sa main reposa sur un livre qui avait un titre très intéressant... « La vérité sur la révolution ». Après avoir utilisé sa carte de bibliothèque pour vérifier le livre, il a lu les pages jusqu'à ce qu'il atteigne la cafétéria. Il s'assit seul, sans intérêt à prêter attention à quelqu'un d'autre que ce livre. Il n'avait qu'à manger une pomme. Le livre était incroyable, la révolution était intense. Un mouvement qui commence quand un groupe de gens sont opprimés par leurs successeurs. Les gens se lèveront et partiront en guerre contre ceux qui entravent leur mode de vie; même si beaucoup de ces révolutionnaires ne connaissent pas les armes ou les tactiques de guerre. C'était des gens normaux qui se battaient pour ce qui était juste. Saoji a mordu dans sa pomme et a remis sur son plateau de déjeuner. La lecture de toutes ces informations lui a donné des idées sur la façon de créer la paix et de ramener l'harmonie au monde. Tout ce qu'il faut, c'est qu'une personne qui est prête à attirer tant d'attention dangereuse pour diriger le peuple. Tout ce qu'il faut, c'est qu'une personne entreprenne ce risque et vive avec les conséquences. Saoji a remarqué qu'il n'a jamais vu les gens former une union et lutter contre ceux qui étaient au pouvoir avant... peut-être que personne n'était prêt à subir de tels procès qu'il faut pour devenir un vrai leader. Peut-être que les gens ont peur? Quelle que soit la raison, Saoji sait que les gens sont devenus cruels les uns envers les autres et cela n'avait tout simplement aucun sens pour lui. Il s'assit là et continua à lire.
**Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige **Picture/Description:** This one is Ione! ![]( "enter image title here") This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P) ![]( "enter image title here") **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl. While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts. Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione. **Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold. **Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how. **Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face. She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids. She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side. **Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking.
Saoji s'assit tranquillement jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un apparaisse devant sa table. Quand il a levé les yeux, il a remarqué que c'était Juliette (est-ce cool si je l'appelle Juliette parce que je peux capitaliser ce nom au lieu de solitaire? Qu'est-ce qu'elle voulait maintenant? Elle était là pour l'insulter encore? Il soupira et mit son poing sous son menton et se retourna pour lire son livre. Après un moment, c'est devenu assez gênant juste assis devant elle sans rien dire. Mais quand Saoji s'est perdu dans les pages de son livre, il pouvait moins se soucier de ce qui s'est passé ce matin-là. Mais rien ne sortirait de la situation s'ils s'asseyaient là en silence. Il soupira et lui parla tout en ayant toujours les yeux sur le livre. **"Je voulais juste aider."** il a dit avant de se tourner vers la page suivante. Il comprend que c'est bien d'être la personne la plus grande, surtout s'il voulait convaincre les autres comment se comporter; comment traiter les autres comme ils aimeraient être traités. Saoji était un doux quand il s'agissait de moments moins chaotiques. Ça valait le coup d'essayer de toute façon. Au lieu de lire le livre, il tourna le regard vers Juliette et lui accorda toute son attention. **"Je n'ai pas apprécié ce que tu m'as dit ce matin. Mais quand les gens ont besoin d'aide... nous les aidons bien? Je me fiche de qui c'est et de ce qui leur arrive. Que le problème soit grand ou petit, la bonne chose à faire est de les aider, n'est-ce pas? C'est ce que fait un bon leader. C'est écrit ici dans ce livre."** il a dit et pointé sur le livre.
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
Harold était inquiet. Il se tenait devant sa classe de dernière heure, mais il ne voyait aucun signe de Tim. (Peut-être qu'il a oublié? Ce serait la conclusion la plus logique dans ce cas, car il ne semblait pas être du genre à laisser des promesses et comme non remplies quand du tout possible....) Harold n'était pas sûr de ce qu'il ressentait. D'une part, sa nouvelle connaissance avait oublié de le rencontrer, mais d'autre part, il aurait probablement lui-même se fait tellement dérouté par toutes les idées qui lui viennent dans la tête, et en faisant tellement attention en classe... Il a décidé d'attendre encore 5 minutes pour n'importe quel signe de Tim. Ou peut-être Thisa. (Mme Thisa était en effet un compagnon intéressant à converser. Je ne vois aucune faute en voulant lui parler à nouveau dans le futur....) Harold s'est penché contre le mur, a déplacé ses sacs pour se mettre à l'aise, et a enlevé ses lunettes et a commencé à les nettoyer pendant qu'il attendait.
!( "Poppy O'Conner") **Name:** Poppy O’Conner **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due. **Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts. **Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die. **Bio:** Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother. It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.” One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant. After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.” Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such)
"Elle te parle, mon garçon," Cadwal s'est hâté de le signaler. "Hmm?"_ "Elle te demande si c'est un bon livre que tu lis."_ Qui ça?"_ "Le ( devant vous vient de s'éveiller. Baisse ton livre et regarde vers le haut."_ "Ah."_ C'est ce qu'il a fait (les yeux l'ont rencontrée elle-même, et il a donné sa marque, amical, et insupportablement bien intentionné sourire avant de répondre, mais en contournant la question d'abord. Bonjour, mademoiselle. Et oui, c'est un très bon livre." Ses yeux erraient alors autour de son visage. "Tes cheveux sont un peu tordus." "Wow, lisse," a remarqué Cadwal. Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?"_ Tim répondit innocemment.
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
J'ai entendu attentivement ce que Saoji avait à dire. Paige avait raison, probablement. Il semble que Saoji n'était pas aussi centrée qu'elle le pensait. Elle était vraiment gênée. J'ai senti que Saoji essayait de la percer avec ses yeux, ou peut-être que c'est ce qu'elle pensait. Ceux qui jugent les yeux. Ione a regardé en bas, son chapeau couvrant ses yeux. Paige a mis ses mains autour du cou de Ione comme si elle l'étrangleait, même si rien ne s'est passé. **"Dis juste que tu es désolé, petite têtu!"** Très bien, je vais le dire, espèce de stupide fantôme!"** Elle a crié, se sentant vraiment embarrassée et debout de son siège. Elle s'assit, ôta son chapeau et le mit dans la table, en le saisissant fermement. "Je suis désolé, ce que j'ai dit tout à l'heure n'était pas à la place. J'étais juste en colère parce que tu m'as laissé parler seul, d'accord! Je suis désolé, pardon, laissons ça derrière nous et reprenons tout, d'accord?!"** Après avoir jeté tout cela dehors, Ione a pris une profonde respiration et a ensuite recommencé. "Je suis Juliette Barnett, et j'ai un ami fantôme appelé Paige, bonjour, comment allez-vous?"** Elle a dit, comme si c'était la première fois qu'ils se rencontraient et lui tendaient la main.
**Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige **Picture/Description:** This one is Ione! ![]( "enter image title here") This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P) ![]( "enter image title here") **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl. While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts. Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione. **Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold. **Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how. **Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face. She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids. She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side. **Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking.
Le visage de Poppy est devenu aussi rouge que son namesake et elle s'est hâtée à abattre les serrures blondes déshonorées. Comme c'est embarrassant. Rencontrer quelqu'un pour la première fois et ses cheveux sont tous bâclés – _= juste ma chance.===_ Poppy s'est débarrassée de la gorge et s'est frottée aux joues, juste au cas où elle dormait. Elle doit avoir l'air d'un bazar pour... elle ne connaissait pas son nom. Peut-être qu'elle aurait dû demander ça d'abord? Mais n'est-il pas impoli de demander le nom de quelqu'un avant de donner le vôtre. Avant même qu'elle puisse penser, elle s'est brouillée, trop bruyante pour une introduction, mais assez silencieuse pour ne pas être un cri, "Je m'appelle Poppy". La bibliothécaire voisine l'a arnaquée et Poppy s'est prosternée la tête en excuses avant de se pencher vers l'avant et de dire tranquillement, "I"m Poppy.
!( "Poppy O'Conner") **Name:** Poppy O’Conner **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due. **Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts. **Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die. **Bio:** Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother. It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.” One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant. After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.” Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such)
Eh bien les cours sont venus et ont passé, car Thisa un peu de temps tranquille était ok. D'autre part, sa brève rencontre avec Harold et Timothy, elle n'avait parlé à personne d'autre, pourquoi le ferait - elle? Elle n'a pas encore eu envie de retourner dans sa chambre, en plus de beaucoup d'élèves ont parlé d'une réunion plus tard ce jour-là, tandis que Thisa ne se souciait pas de ce que les dirigeants autoproclamés de l'école avaient à dire, une réunion serait intéressante à regarder au moins. En fin de compte Thisa a décidé de s'asseoir visiter la cafétéria, la grande chambre avait beaucoup de soleil sain qui a fait un endroit décent d'attendre autour. La zone n'était pas complètement vide, deux étudiants étaient déjà là, en fait elle a reconnu l'un comme M. Playboy lui-même, et bien s'il était ce genre de gars, l'autre était une fille Thisa ne savait pas. Leurs présences n'avaient pas d'importance alors elle a ignoré et a trouvé une table dans le coin éloigné de l'entrée pour s'installer. Sans une seconde pensée Thisa a cherché dans son sac pour sortir le cahier, après tout, elle avait plus de temps libre pour faire quelques changements à ses dessins.
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
"Elle transpire des pierres," a remarqué Cadwal. "D'une certaine manière, c'est plutôt mignon," ( répondit-il. _"Et aussi pathétique en même temps,"_ le chevalier fantôme complété, mais auquel le garçon n'a pas répondu. « Et je suis Timothy », se pencha-t-il aussi, sa voix était encore à moitié brouillée, quand ses yeux clignaient dans la réalisation. "Attendez, n'est-ce pas des camarades de classe? Assieds-toi derrière moi. ( Maintenant je connais ton nom." Toujours souriant, il continua: "Vous n'étiez pas là pendant l'après-midi. Tu as dormi jusqu'ici?"
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
Soudain, le bibliothécaire de la pièce s'est levé et a ouvert la porte. En marchait trois filles et un gars, qui s'apparentaient des deux côtés de la porte, laissant de la place à une dernière personne pour entrer. Elle avait des cheveux faits d'or - ce n'était pas une exagération; c'était blond, mais il brillait d'une manière à la fois naturelle et contre nature. Ses sourcils étaient de la même couleur, et elle avait des yeux bleus électriques qui brillaient comme des étoiles. Pour une lycéenne, son corps était bien proportionné avec des courbes gratuites qui ne regarderaient pas en dehors de la place dans un magazine de mode, ou peut-être sur un écran de cinéma - elle était habillée comme ça pour correspondre. Elle avait un sourire sur ses lèvres douces roses qui était facilement accueillant. S'il n'était pas évident de cette description, la fille était en mots simples, une fois dans une beauté de vie. Plus que cela, cependant, était le pouvoir dans son pas et la confiance sur son visage. Alors qu'elle marchait en avant, le garçon et les filles derrière elle fermaient la porte de la bibliothèque, et la bibliothécaire retournait à son bureau. La fille avait l'air surprise de voir <<TimothyPoppy>> dans la pièce. "Oh, je ne m'attendais pas à voir quelqu'un d'autre ici," dit-elle. Sa voix résonna à travers leurs oreilles. C'était un son clair et musical qui était agréable à écouter. "Vous êtes nouveaux ici?" Voici Henrietta Fawkes, l'un des cinq dirigeants.
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.
"Huh?" Poppy réussit à l'étrangler de la gorge, mais avant qu'on puisse dire de la sauver d'une réponse aussi sauvage, les portes s'ouvrirent et marchèrent, sûrement, la prochaine Miss Wales. Sa beauté était si palpable que Poppy ne pouvait pas aider mais regarder vers le bas son corps et comparer. Comme d'habitude, la blonde ordinaire a fait court. Massant son épaule d'une seule main consciemment, l'O-Conner se retourna dans sa chaise et se tourna vers le nouveau venu. Ouais, euh, c'est un peu nouveau. Eh bien, je suppose, oui... c'est ma première année ici. - Poppy voulait casser quelque chose contre sa tête. Est-ce qu'elle pourrait être plus embarrassante?
!( "Poppy O'Conner") **Name:** Poppy O’Conner **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due. **Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts. **Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die. **Bio:** Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother. It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.” One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant. After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.” Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such)
Le bruit de l'ouverture de la porte et les pas entrants n'attirent pas (l'attention, mais la voix mélodieuse qui a gracié ses oreilles fit. Tournant la tête avec un sourcil bizarre pour voir qui il était, ses yeux élargis comme il a été frappé par la beauté pure et palpable de la blonde avant lui. Fermant inconsciemment son livre et l'installant sur la table, comme si soudainement forcé par un commandement invisible, il regardait le debout Henrietta comme elle le regardait, qui s'asseyait. L'image, vue de loin, sentait le symbolisme. Il y avait un ton amusé dans la voix fantomatique de Cadwal. "Voici la Grande Temptresse."_ Que fait-elle ici?"_ _"Vous êtes sur le point de le découvrir. Probablement pour vous séduire à rejoindre son groupe Mameluk."_ "Je te fais confiance pour me conseiller le contraire si jamais je faiblis."_ "Ne vous inquiétez pas", a rassuré Cadwal. "Je vais crier si fort que vous ne pouvez pas vous entendre penser."_ Tim, après (récitation, trouva ses propres mots pour dire: "Oui. Nous sommes de nouveaux étudiants," était sa réponse simple et plutôt manquante.
##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas## --- **Description:** !( "Timothy") An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain. Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice. --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male --- **Personality:** *“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”* The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable. Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War. Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest. He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God. --- **Talent:** *Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it. *Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule. --- **Ability:** _Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people. _Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart. Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled. Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present. It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic. Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers. Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own. _Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path. Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours. --- **Bio:** Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old. Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it. As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place. As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness. Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation. Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings. --- **Other:** Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted.
Henrietta a juste ri, malgré la gêne. Eh bien, c'était probablement un rire, mais pour tous les autres dans la pièce ça sonnait comme un pion de notes musicales, soigneusement dirigé par un maestro expert. Une fille derrière elle chuchotait dans son oreille et elle hurlait. Son groupe derrière elle a obtenu une pile de livres et a pris une table un peu plus loin devant Timothy et Poppy. Henrietta et le seul garçon sont restés, bien qu'elle ait une jolie patte quand elle a vu qu'il était encore là. "Les friandises, hein? Tu as déjà pensé à rejoindre un groupe? Je vous garantis qu'il a beaucoup d'avantages comme apprendre à utiliser au mieux vos capacités et faire un tas de nouveaux amis et-" Le garçon qui se tenait derrière elle a parlé. "Henrietta, tu es encore en train de draguer. Nous ne voulons pas les surcharger d'informations, et rappelez-vous, vous devez les faire parvenir à leurs propres décisions, sinon, les gens vous soupçonneront plus que déjà. De plus, vous n'avez pas encore donné votre nom." Red a inondé ses joues alors qu'elle s'apercevait qu'il avait raison. Scratchant l'arrière de sa tête, elle a révisé son salut. "Hé, hé, désolé pour ça," elle a donné un sourire éblouissant, "Je suis Henrietta Fawkes, je suis ici depuis quelques années. C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer! »
Name: Saoji Makami Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are. Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything. Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals. Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school.