{"id": "39343730333232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "reset the alarms", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323330393336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me all the reminders about the cat and what alerts are set?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Read ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO the cat ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,32:39:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323337373737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add a reminder for game on Thursday at 2pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO game ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Thursday at 2pm ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:TODO,24:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343733353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "what's this song called?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3138383934363732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How much iron is in spinach", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How much ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION iron ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT spinach ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:13:SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION,20:27:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231323234343339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "please remove reminders to open door for maid", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO open door for maid ] ]", "slot_string": "27:45:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353135333339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there snow in the forecast for Aspen next week?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:LOCATION Aspen ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,34:39:SL:LOCATION,40:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353231323930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "I know we are expecting a lot of rain, any flood warnings for the county?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] ]", "slot_string": "33:37:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3232353138313630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "audio call wedding planner please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP wedding planner ] ]", "slot_string": "11:26:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231353939323334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "When is my alarm set for next?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:ORDINAL next ] ]", "slot_string": "25:29:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3232323232353431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "get some more events that are dog friendly", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:ATTRIBUTE_EVENT dog friendly ] ]", "slot_string": "30:42:SL:ATTRIBUTE_EVENT"} {"id": "3231323430303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to wish stella a happy birthday tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO wish stella a happy birthday ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:41:SL:TODO,42:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353634373839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the most recent TMZ headlines.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME the most recent ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE TMZ ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "8:23:SL:DATE_TIME,24:27:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,28:37:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393933363436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "When did Angela start her current job?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME [SL:CONTACT Angela ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353630333832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "start timer for 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323933323438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the latest new york post headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE new york post ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:32:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,33:42:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353138343931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to rain around noon on Saturday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME around noon on Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353830363836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me news update for Florida", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Florida ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:31:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363337393834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will it rain today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,13:18:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353134343235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I have the sports headlines now?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY sports ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,22:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39343533343835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me Philippino recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE Philippino ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} {"id": "39353630363233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will it be sunny later?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sunny ] [SL:DATE_TIME later ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333636303730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Adriel through whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Adriel ] [SL:NAME_APP whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT,20:28:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3138383931333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many calories are in vanilla ice cream", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH vanilla ice cream ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,25:42:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363332383539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "create alarms for 1pm Monday and 2pm Friday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 1pm Monday and 2pm Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "14:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138383935313436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What are some quick vegan recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE quick ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE vegan ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,20:25:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353336363731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I would like to engage video calling mode please", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323836303130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message Monica that the 5K Charity Run for Cancer is at 6am", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Monica ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT the 5K Charity Run for Cancer is at 6am ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:RECIPIENT,20:59:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363031393733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I get an alarm for 8am?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 8am ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393831363338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "any events this month", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME this month ] ]", "slot_string": "11:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353832363136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set my timer for my tabata workout.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:TIMER_NAME tabata workout ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:34:SL:TIMER_NAME"} {"id": "3232313536383136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Skype call to Michael", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP Skype ] [SL:CONTACT Michael ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:NAME_APP,14:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393834393239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who works at Creative Consultants?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Creative Consultants ] ]", "slot_string": "13:33:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39353730363332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm for 5 am for Monday through Friday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 5 am for Monday through Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "10:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343539343134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me an Italian meatball recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE Italian ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH meatball ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:RECIPES_TYPE,19:27:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363032333736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "just 2 more minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME 2 more minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "5:19:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363134303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3135393637343930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "is there any news on Mike Pence tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Mike Pence ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:NEWS_TYPE,21:31:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,32:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353235343730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you tell me how much rain is expected tonight?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "25:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,42:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393831373734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Did anyone I know go to Yale?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:SCHOOL Yale ] ]", "slot_string": "11:12:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,24:28:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231323236383134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remove the reminder for Michelle's birthday party next week?", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO Michelle's birthday party ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "32:57:SL:TODO,58:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353535343338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What was BBC news top stories for this morning?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE BBC news ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE stories ] [SL:DATE_TIME for this morning ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,18:21:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,22:29:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323831303837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you play Guns n Roses?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Guns n Roses ] ]", "slot_string": "13:25:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3139393833313735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "what are the things to do in LA next weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION LA ] [SL:DATE_TIME next weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "29:31:SL:LOCATION,32:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353434383238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what's on the radar for today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343832343336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What the percentage of rain for Wednesday night?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME for Wednesday night ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,28:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133323734393339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How can I make mayonnaise", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH mayonnaise ] ]", "slot_string": "15:25:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393834333634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who works at Barnes and Noble in NC", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Barnes and Noble ] [SL:LOCATION NC ] ]", "slot_string": "13:29:SL:EMPLOYER,33:35:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323337383333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder to watch big brother", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO watch big brother ] ]", "slot_string": "18:35:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231363335373438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for tomorrow at 5am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow at 5am ] ]", "slot_string": "13:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138383933373835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I prepare a whole fish to be cooked", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT fish ] ]", "slot_string": "25:29:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231353538383832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to know the weather in Sydney a week today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Sydney ] [SL:DATE_TIME a week today ] ]", "slot_string": "30:36:SL:LOCATION,37:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353436303338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a timer for 40 seconds.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 40 seconds ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393739353838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I know anyone who lives in northern CA?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:LOCATION northern CA ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,30:41:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353436383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what news did I miss yesterday", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME yesterday ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:NEWS_TYPE,21:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343034333638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set 2 minute pregnancy test timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 2 minute ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:12:SL:DATE_TIME,28:33:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353339383430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How's the weather in Malibu today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Malibu ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:LOCATION,28:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313436333236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind me to apply for college on Monday?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO apply for college ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:38:SL:TODO,39:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323333393238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to take the dog to the groomers on Friday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO take the dog to the groomers ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:41:SL:TODO,42:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353132333135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "recent news in the MLB", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC MLB ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:DATE_TIME,7:11:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:22:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3138393835353031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Where in South Carolina does Sarah work?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:LOCATION South Carolina ] [SL:CONTACT Sarah ] ]", "slot_string": "9:23:SL:LOCATION,29:34:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313437333932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to buy A's spirit shirt before Monday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy A's spirit shirt ] [SL:DATE_TIME before Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:33:SL:TODO,34:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343630383137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show all Tiny Feno aunties upcoming birthdays", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Tiny Feno ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION aunties ] ]", "slot_string": "9:18:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,19:26:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "39353132313831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "read me the latest headline", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headline ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:27:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353132323333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "stop timer names cookies", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323930363534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Let Don know that I will arrive later than planned.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Don ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I will arrive later than planned ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:RECIPIENT,18:50:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363333393337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for me and call it cut potatoes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME cut potatoes ] ]", "slot_string": "32:44:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "3231313535303532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind the family about getting prepped for family photo.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED the family ] [SL:TODO getting prepped for family photo ] ]", "slot_string": "7:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:56:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231333637303137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Go through my messages please", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3139393739343139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Things to do in Buffalo, NY next week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Buffalo, NY ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "16:27:SL:LOCATION,28:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393835333033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "does anyone have a birthday celebration this week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT birthday celebration ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "19:39:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,40:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323338393531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set reminder to prepare for interview at 3 p.m. tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO prepare for interview ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 3 p.m. tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "16:37:SL:TODO,38:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363031343530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set alarm on March 21st at noon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME on March 21st at noon ] ]", "slot_string": "17:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353937333638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play a country song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE country ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,15:19:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363030353339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set up alarm called 'delivery' tomorrow at noon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME delivery ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow at noon ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:ALARM_NAME,31:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353637323234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play frozen soundtrack on spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE frozen ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE soundtrack ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,12:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,26:33:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3138393834313236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me people I may know that work at TJ Maxx", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:EMPLOYER TJ Maxx ] ]", "slot_string": "15:16:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,39:46:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3232313136323332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Change my alarm to 5am", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME to 5am ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353539353133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me more on the top stories", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE stories ] ]", "slot_string": "20:23:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,24:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3132363036343831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Shuffle", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363137383935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "go ahead and call Josie", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Josie ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343836333135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will it get wet today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE wet ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "12:15:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,16:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353335303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Portugal. The Man on iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Portugal. The Man ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:22:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,26:37:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39353130303132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm weekly to wake up at 6 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD weekly ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 6 am ] ]", "slot_string": "10:16:SL:PERIOD,28:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353235323834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need the forecast for next week ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for next week ] ]", "slot_string": "20:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343733323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the highs in Vegas this weekend?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE highs ] [SL:LOCATION Vegas ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,21:26:SL:LOCATION,27:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393739353834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Comedy shows in New York next weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Comedy shows ] [SL:LOCATION New York ] [SL:DATE_TIME next weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "0:12:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,16:24:SL:LOCATION,25:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343632393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me what I use to make BBQ sauce", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH BBQ sauce ] ]", "slot_string": "29:38:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363431333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how much rain can i expect later", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME later ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333530353136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call ben", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ben ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393835373730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to go to an event in Dallas", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Dallas ] ]", "slot_string": "28:34:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323335393839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to pick up my dry cleaning when I leave the house.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up my dry cleaning when I leave the house ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:59:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313438333438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Don't forget to remind me to feed the dog at 4PM.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO feed the dog ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 4PM ] ]", "slot_string": "23:25:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:41:SL:TODO,42:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232343533343437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED", "locale": "en", "input": "I might want to go to to Pumpkins in the Park", "target": "[IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED [SL:TITLE_EVENT Pumpkins in the Park ] ]", "slot_string": "25:45:SL:TITLE_EVENT"} {"id": "3231323330343434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind me to submit my work at 5pm?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO submit my work ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5pm ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:35:SL:TODO,36:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353939343239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Change channel", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE channel ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353639343830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the latest news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:DATE_TIME,18:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353537303434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the forecast for Easter,?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for Easter ] ]", "slot_string": "20:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353334343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Does it snow in Las Vegas?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:LOCATION Las Vegas ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:26:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3133343130343339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I add salt to unsalted butter", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT salt ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH unsalted butter ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,18:33:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231333533333834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who I know that is online now", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138383931343536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what temperature do i cook chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,27:34:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231323335343630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to be reminded to brush my teeth", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO brush my teeth ] ]", "slot_string": "0:1:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:39:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353335313531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I need to carry an umbrella with me?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE umbrella ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3232353735313134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send the WhatsApp message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39343532353230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many sugar teaspoons are needed for a regular cake", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT sugar ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT teaspoons ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cake ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:14:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,15:24:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,50:54:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353332373432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How cold is it in London right now?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:LOCATION London ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,18:24:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363038323836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "create alarm for 1130h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 1130h ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393231323937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "show me Ricardo's brother", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Ricardo ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION brother ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:CONTACT,18:25:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3136333337353835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the details of yesterday's car chase that was in the news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC yesterday's car chase ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:45:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,62:66:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231373233363233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message a video message to Gregory", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Gregory ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,27:34:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3132363039393633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "give me some elevator music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE elevator ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,22:27:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3138383931393335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What milk is best for making cookies", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT milk ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cookies ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,29:36:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393934333839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me about Luke", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Luke ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232313332323736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Archer Garcia and Alyssa Brown", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Archer Garcia ] [SL:CONTACT Alyssa Brown ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:CONTACT,23:35:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363335373234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm for tomorrow at 5 AM", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow at 5 AM ] ]", "slot_string": "16:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323932313633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Look up the status of the healthcare bill in the news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC healthcare bill ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "26:41:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,49:53:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353536333132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the weather like in Rome", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Rome ] ]", "slot_string": "28:32:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323836313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to John to let him know that the movie time has been changed to 7:30pm tonight and I'll meet him there.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT John ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT the movie time has been changed to 7:30pm tonight and I'll meet him there ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:RECIPIENT,44:117:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393739383434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to know my friends who live in Nevada", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION Nevada ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,18:25:SL:TYPE_RELATION,38:44:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343637333339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set the timer for the next 15 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the next 15 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER,14:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353536303939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me what the weather is like in Perth, Scotland.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Perth, Scotland ] ]", "slot_string": "36:51:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3139393736303832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any cool events today", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "26:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353537323038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me what the weather is doing on the weekend.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on the weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "34:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343538303630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What recipe can be cooked in a crockpot", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD crockpot ] ]", "slot_string": "31:39:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "3231363333393439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a sleeping time alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME sleeping time ] ]", "slot_string": "6:19:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "39353234303137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is it going to be cloudy all day", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cloudy ] [SL:DATE_TIME all day ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353533303937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there news on ViaSat 2 today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC ViaSat 2 ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:NEWS_TYPE,17:25:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,26:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353833313338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you please send message to the soccer team chat", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP soccer team ] ]", "slot_string": "35:46:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231323835333332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message Samantha and let her know the class will start in one week", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Samantha ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT the class will start in one week ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:RECIPIENT,34:66:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231353532313534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I want a weekend alarm to go off at 8am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME weekend ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 8am ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:DATE_TIME,33:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333439353030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Is anyone not busy", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232353832383938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you please send text to the drama nerds group", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP drama nerds ] ]", "slot_string": "32:43:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231343435323633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I wanted to call Edward Weiss", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Edward Weiss ] ]", "slot_string": "17:29:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3134313539313234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to be below 40 in degree C around Karachi tomorrow morning", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE below ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 40 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT C ] [SL:LOCATION Karachi ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,24:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,37:38:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,46:53:SL:LOCATION,54:70:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353534373835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Alert me at 3pm tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 3pm tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "9:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333530353338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please call nick", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT nick ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323235323336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to make a video of my family for our upcoming family reunion", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO make a video of my family for our upcoming family reunion ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:70:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353134383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play the newest songs", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323335333837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "cancel my reminders", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "3136343035343639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is timer set for", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3232343331303938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "make my timer longer by four minutes please", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME by four minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323334313535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "pull up all my reminder for doctor appointment", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER pull up ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO doctor appointment ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,12:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:46:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343731363430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 10pm every other Thursday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10pm every other Thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "10:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323234343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What are my reminders for the first half of September?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the first half of September ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363430363535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Weather forecast for next weekend please.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for next weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "17:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323234373533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Get rid of the reminder for my dog's appointment.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO my dog's appointment ] ]", "slot_string": "28:48:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343636323537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me details on what's going on in Kentucky", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Kentucky ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,38:46:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323233303132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I have a noon ET reminder set for Friday?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:DATE_TIME noon ET ] [SL:DATE_TIME for Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,12:19:SL:DATE_TIME,33:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323331363935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Check reminders for the girls retreat", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO the girls retreat ] ]", "slot_string": "20:37:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323236353130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "do I have any reminders for lunch", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO lunch ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:33:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231333531303037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "whos available", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393934393538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is Helen?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Helen ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393933393034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me what you know about Mike.", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Mike ] ]", "slot_string": "28:32:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323334323234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I have a reminder for yoga class next week?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO yoga class ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:35:SL:TODO,36:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373537393930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Barbara four", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Barbara ] [SL:ORDINAL four ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT,13:17:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3231353534343736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for February 12th at 6am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for February 12th at 6am ] ]", "slot_string": "13:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343635343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How many seconds are left on my timer?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "32:37:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231343939333838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call bookkeeper", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT bookkeeper ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343835313530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me more details about Taylor Swift's court trial, please.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Taylor Swift's court trial ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:53:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353737363237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How cold will it be today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353231333633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "SET TIMER FOR 12 MINUTES", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER TIMER ] [SL:DATE_TIME FOR 12 MINUTES ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313536333834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder to complete the appen survey project by 8/1/2018", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO complete the appen survey project ] [SL:DATE_TIME by 8/1/2018 ] ]", "slot_string": "18:51:SL:TODO,52:63:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373233383539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "reply to Johan with a video message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Johan ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:RECIPIENT,22:27:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "3231363338393334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the forecast for Friday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "21:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353438333139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Take Sophie out of this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Sophie ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} {"id": "39353037393832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to hear some Dr. Dre.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Dr. Dre ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "39343933323037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me the headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333532353934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Name which of my buddies are online", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363431303036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Weather today at 1pm", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today at 1pm ] ]", "slot_string": "8:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363336363236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "disable my alarms", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353731313937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you set an alarm for tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "21:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393836333739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any concerts tomorrow in Tampa", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] [SL:LOCATION Tampa ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,23:31:SL:DATE_TIME,35:40:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353039383233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "weather for New York", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION New York ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353335383030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will today be a cloudy day?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cloudy ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:DATE_TIME,16:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3133343130363635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long do you have to cook a 12-pound turkey", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT pound ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT turkey ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,34:39:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,40:46:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3139393834333537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "what's happening in seattle tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION seattle ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:LOCATION,28:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343130333631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many cups of water is used to cook 2 cups of rice", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT cups ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT water ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT rice ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:13:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,17:22:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,49:53:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39343835373035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play the songs that I love", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3132353534313630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how do you separate a yolk from egg white", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3132353734323339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "High and low temps please", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3136343035303733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESUME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "start my timer over", "target": "[IN:RESUME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353736363331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "have there been any tornados this week?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE tornados ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,29:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343631303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who that Mr. Simon Driggers know was born in September?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Mr. Simon Driggers ] [SL:DATE_TIME in September ] ]", "slot_string": "9:27:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,42:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343630383536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Which of chelsea Nanas were born on the 7th of August?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED chelsea ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION Nanas ] [SL:DATE_TIME on the 7th of August ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,17:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION,33:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353833333433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "reply to the grooms party thread with text", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP grooms party ] ]", "slot_string": "13:25:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3138393832343939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "How many of my friends went to harvard?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:SCHOOL harvard ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION,31:38:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "39343639343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set my alarm for 7am tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 7am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "20:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313535383431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "edit my reminder for steve's party to thursday", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO steve's party ] [SL:DATE_TIME to thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:34:SL:TODO,35:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353330383430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me more details on the efforts to repeal Obamacare.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC efforts to repeal Obamacare ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,28:55:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353030333337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set the alarm for 6 am tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6 am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "14:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323233353438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Did I set a reminder for the sales pitch on Monday", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO the sales pitch ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "4:5:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:40:SL:TODO,41:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133323738343136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories are in grilled salmon", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH grilled salmon ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,25:39:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231343030353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pick up Denise's birthday cake.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up Denise's birthday cake ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:43:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323332363337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete my bookclub meeting reminder that is coming up on Friday night.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO bookclub meeting ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday night ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:26:SL:TODO,54:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353737373639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how much snow did we get yesterday", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME yesterday ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393832353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who that I know is graduated From Yale?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LIFE_EVENT graduated ] [SL:SCHOOL Yale ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:LIFE_EVENT,34:38:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231363030363636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make an alarm on every Monday at 6 a.m.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME on every Monday at 6 a.m ] ]", "slot_string": "14:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353237383539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Whats new in Music news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY Music ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232323739343334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Greatest Hits: My Prerogative by Lil Uzi Vert", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Greatest Hits: My Prerogative ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Lil Uzi Vert ] ]", "slot_string": "5:34:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,38:50:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3138393834383830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Does he live in Seattle?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT_RELATED he ] [SL:LOCATION Seattle ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,16:23:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232353735313035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send it to Laura on Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Laura ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:RECIPIENT,20:29:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3132363037353933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you skip the next two tracks", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC [SL:ORDINAL next ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE tracks ] ]", "slot_string": "17:21:SL:ORDINAL,26:32:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343539303636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What temperature should I bake quiche at", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH quiche ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,26:30:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,31:37:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3132363333353938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I change the recipe to cook two pies at once?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393739303735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "do i know anybody lives in detroit", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED i ] [SL:LOCATION detroit ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,27:34:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363733383535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you call Blake?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Blake ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231373538373135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please call Lillie Lawrence right away", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Lillie Lawrence ] ]", "slot_string": "12:27:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343937303638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Noah Cyrus' new song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Noah Cyrus ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,21:25:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363331393039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Notify me of all alarms", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3132353935333832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "en", "input": "what time is sunset in Philly", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET [SL:LOCATION Philly ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353436343137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please call Adam.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Adam ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393835313834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "What city does Daniel live in?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Daniel ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3135323933393632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the top headlines in finance today", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY finance ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,17:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:37:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,38:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353938343236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Provide weather for New Mexico.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION New Mexico ] ]", "slot_string": "20:30:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3132353934333531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "When is it likely to snow next in Boston", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:LOCATION Boston ] ]", "slot_string": "21:25:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,34:40:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353437363134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the humidity now in Yonkers?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE humidity ] [SL:LOCATION Yonkers ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:34:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353638373634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "HOW LONG WILL THIS RAIN LAST?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE RAIN ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3135323936383836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set the alarm for am every day until Friday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for am every day until Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "14:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313731303131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you record a video message for Bianca please", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Bianca ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,35:41:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231353836303632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "go to iheartradio and play KRRL", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID KRRL ] ]", "slot_string": "6:17:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,27:31:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID"} {"id": "3135323936303939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "are there any politicians in the news today", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC politicians ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "14:25:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,33:37:SL:NEWS_TYPE,38:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343536353031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me more recipes to cook chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "29:36:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393931383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Does Jim currently work at Ferguson Construction?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Jim ] [SL:EMPLOYER Ferguson Construction ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT,27:48:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39343539343438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many calories has a chocolate cake", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chocolate cake ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,24:38:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393831333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I know anyone who graduated from The Sorbonne", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:LIFE_EVENT graduated ] [SL:SCHOOL The Sorbonne ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,21:30:SL:LIFE_EVENT,36:48:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3232333635373633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Morgan's cell on whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Morgan ] [SL:NAME_APP whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT,22:30:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3138383936383439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how do i make beer battered fish", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH beer battered fish ] ]", "slot_string": "14:32:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231373530313231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "I want you to recommend me shows for September in Belleville", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT shows ] [SL:DATE_TIME for September ] [SL:LOCATION Belleville ] ]", "slot_string": "27:32:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,33:46:SL:DATE_TIME,50:60:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323430323932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to exercise", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO exercise ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:21:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353832343831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to see video messages from Madeleine", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:SENDER Madeleine ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,34:43:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "39353830313430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to Tamela Mann's new album", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Tamela Mann ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "20:31:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,38:43:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3139373936323130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play 1470 radio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID 1470 ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE radio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID,10:15:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3139393837353937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "concert on 6th st tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concert ] [SL:LOCATION 6th st ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,11:17:SL:LOCATION,18:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353735313530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you send Bethany the Messenger text", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Bethany ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:CONTACT,25:34:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3138393739363331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who do i know in buffalo", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED i ] [SL:LOCATION buffalo ] ]", "slot_string": "7:8:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,17:24:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353336333438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather in Florida?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Florida ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363031393336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set the dinnertime alarm to 5pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME dinnertime ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 5pm ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:ALARM_NAME,25:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313230383230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "include Luciana Morales on the call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Luciana Morales ] ]", "slot_string": "8:23:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3232353038323733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call alumni 2016 please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP alumni 2016 ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "39353039383533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for every Tuesday at 12.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for every Tuesday at 12 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323333343933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Find the reminders about grocery shopping.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Find ] [SL:TODO grocery shopping ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,25:41:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231333430363230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Invite Beth in this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Beth ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3132353937313232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "how much time to I have left", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231313437373739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need a reminder to get my oil changed.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO get my oil changed ] ]", "slot_string": "0:1:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:39:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353534333831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the recent news.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39343539313633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there soy or wheat in this recipe", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT soy ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT wheat ] [SL:METHOD_RECIPES recipe ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,16:21:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,30:36:SL:METHOD_RECIPES"} {"id": "39353830323237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the high temperature today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "29:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353439353435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the wind speed", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE wind ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231323339363537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder to pick up my dry cleaning after work today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO pick up my dry cleaning after work ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "18:52:SL:TODO,53:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353530303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it windy? Should I wear a hat?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE windy ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hat ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,29:32:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39343533383134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What ingredients are in pound cake", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pound cake ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3232323831313232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play some Bring Me the Horizon.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Bring Me the Horizon ] ]", "slot_string": "10:30:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "39353038333530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "are there any new headlines on cnn?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE cnn ] ]", "slot_string": "18:27:SL:NEWS_TYPE,31:34:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3138393839383839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "What years did Sarah attend Florida State?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Sarah ] [SL:SCHOOL Florida State ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:CONTACT,28:41:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231333432383835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Device say who is available", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363335373132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you give me a buzz tomorrow at 8am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow at 8am ] ]", "slot_string": "23:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363334313439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a new alarm called appointment for tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "24:35:SL:ALARM_NAME,36:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323432323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to check on car status.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO check on car status ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:32:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231373233323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "video message Melody", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Melody ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,14:20:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231303137313533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Hangup call", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343836323634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How many timers are running?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timers ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353432373633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is the founder of the \"alt right\" movement?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC founder of the \"alt right\" movement ] ]", "slot_string": "11:46:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353539353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I need my alarm set for 4am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 4am ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343338363638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me details on most talked about topics", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY most talked about ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC topics ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:36:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,37:43:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343831343135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "how much time has elapsed", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER time ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231313436323434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Could you set a reminder for my sons soccer practice Thursday at 4?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO my sons soccer practice ] [SL:DATE_TIME Thursday at 4 ] ]", "slot_string": "29:52:SL:TODO,53:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323834343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Dictate that I will go to Barry's graduation party.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I will go to Barry's graduation party ] ]", "slot_string": "13:50:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3135323933393439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me the latest financial news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY financial ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:28:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,29:33:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333339353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "dial michael and add to current call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED michael ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231333433383938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "switch calls so I can answer the incoming call", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343531333731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long do i cook a steak for it to be rare", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT steak ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE rare ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,21:26:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,40:44:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3232313136333937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "make a 20 minute timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 20 minute ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "7:16:SL:DATE_TIME,17:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353535373030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there a chance of snow today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "21:25:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373534343338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the temp in ankara turkey", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION ankara turkey ] ]", "slot_string": "20:33:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3138393739323435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Anyone I know live in Brooklyn?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:LOCATION Brooklyn ] ]", "slot_string": "7:8:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,22:30:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363037333933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Steven N", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Steven N ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323931333832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to Brady asking him to share his current location with me.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Brady ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT share his current location with me ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:RECIPIENT,38:72:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363735303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "list missed calls today", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393832363839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What concerts are playing in Buffalo Friday night", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT playing ] [SL:LOCATION Buffalo ] [SL:DATE_TIME Friday night ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,18:25:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,29:36:SL:LOCATION,37:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393835343936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Suggest interesting concert in Stamford tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concert ] [SL:LOCATION Stamford ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,31:39:SL:LOCATION,40:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343832343832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's today's headlines form the Huffington Post?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Huffington Post ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:DATE_TIME,15:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:49:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "39353735393436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the heat index outside?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE heat index ] ]", "slot_string": "12:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231373131363534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call Travis Michael Jacobson for me", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Travis Michael Jacobson ] ]", "slot_string": "5:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363336343038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me a buzz at noon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at noon ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343531343636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long should the chicken be in the oven for", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD oven ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,20:27:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,38:42:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "39353434393639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is it going to freeze today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE freeze ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343834373134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Should I bring shorts", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE shorts ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231373233363631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "video message Emma Chen", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Emma Chen ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,14:23:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39353137323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please play classic rock", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE classic rock ] ]", "slot_string": "12:24:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "39353633313137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESUME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Resume timer now", "target": "[IN:RESUME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3139393839363934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "things to do in wilkes barre this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION wilkes barre ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "16:28:SL:LOCATION,29:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323834393733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Flo and tell her that Monday is fine for our afternoon meeting.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Flo ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT Monday is fine for our afternoon meeting ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:RECIPIENT,31:71:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323234383234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "delete alert regarding picking up denise", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO picking up denise ] ]", "slot_string": "23:40:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353832393232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you send Raul and Matthew text", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Raul ] [SL:RECIPIENT Matthew ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:RECIPIENT,22:29:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39343536353931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long do you cook a hard boiled egg", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH hard boiled egg ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,23:38:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3232353833313437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send a vide message to the smoothie chat", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP smoothie ] ]", "slot_string": "27:35:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231333531383735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call stop", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353436373735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "did i miss any calls today?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343937323437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there a tennis game in March", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT tennis game ] [SL:DATE_TIME in March ] ]", "slot_string": "11:22:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,23:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313536303133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me that I have a golf tournament on August 15th", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO a golf tournament ] [SL:DATE_TIME on August 15th ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:39:SL:TODO,40:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323335313232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to complete my project by tomorrow night", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO complete my project ] [SL:DATE_TIME by tomorrow night ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:32:SL:TODO,33:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363031353030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm to go off on Monday at 3pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME on Monday at 3pm ] ]", "slot_string": "23:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323839333634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the news right now", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353536393336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to know the weather on next Monday morning?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on next Monday morning ] ]", "slot_string": "27:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313933363339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "can you hit up Jake King on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jake King ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "15:24:SL:CONTACT,28:36:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3138393833353934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who works in Jakarta?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Jakarta ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353939353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you move my alarm to half an hour later?", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME to half an hour later ] ]", "slot_string": "22:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363334303638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make an alarm for 3pm called pick up", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 3pm ] [SL:ALARM_NAME pick up ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:DATE_TIME,29:36:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "3136343035343631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Start my workout timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME workout ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:TIMER_NAME,17:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3139393830373435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Whats happening in Henderson this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Henderson ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:LOCATION,29:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323739383937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send a message saying 'can i borrow your notes from class' to diana", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTENT_EXACT can i borrow your notes from class ] [SL:RECIPIENT diana ] ]", "slot_string": "23:57:SL:CONTENT_EXACT,62:67:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231363431303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the temperature for 3pm.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for 3pm ] ]", "slot_string": "24:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393835303630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "is there anyone working in newark?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION newark ] ]", "slot_string": "27:33:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232323232333036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you get more events please?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343631313536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the cooking time for angel hair spaghetti", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH angel hair spaghetti ] ]", "slot_string": "29:49:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393931393437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "What company does Zach work for?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Zach ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353130303239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Subtract 3 minutes", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 3 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:18:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353534373233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What kind of pan should I use for stir-fry recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:METHOD_RECIPES recipes ] ]", "slot_string": "43:50:SL:METHOD_RECIPES"} {"id": "39343731373539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "start my timer immediately", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231303134353136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ANSWER_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Answer the call when it's Kaleb", "target": "[IN:ANSWER_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kaleb ] ]", "slot_string": "26:31:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138383932343736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me red salsa recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH red salsa ] ]", "slot_string": "8:17:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3232353331323532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "can you call 504-555-4870", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:PHONE_NUMBER 504-555-4870 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:25:SL:PHONE_NUMBER"} {"id": "3139393833333637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "fun things to do in richmond next weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION richmond ] [SL:DATE_TIME next weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:LOCATION,29:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343533353636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me an easy recipe for fish tacos", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE easy ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH fish tacos ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,27:37:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323239393339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Get rid of my reminder for Mark's birthday party on Saturday night.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO Mark's birthday party ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday night ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:48:SL:TODO,49:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333635313835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Adriel Sampson on video with Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Adriel Sampson ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:19:SL:CONTACT,34:42:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323331353933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete that reminder", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3132353733303131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the annual rainfall in Virginia", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rainfall ] [SL:LOCATION Virginia ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,31:39:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353538303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "DO I NEED TO BRING AN UMBRELLA WITH ME TODAY?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE UMBRELLA ] [SL:DATE_TIME TODAY ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,39:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343933363939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "When will it start snowing?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snowing ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231313534333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to ask Todd about the new date for the party", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO ask Todd about the new date for the party ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:54:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323835313236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell Scott that the Pizza Meet Up has been canceled", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Scott ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT the Pizza Meet Up has been canceled ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:RECIPIENT,16:51:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323237363035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the reminder for the dinner party on wendesday", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO the dinner party ] [SL:DATE_TIME on wendesday ] ]", "slot_string": "25:41:SL:TODO,42:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353534383730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me the local news for this morning please", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME for this morning ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,18:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,23:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343532363737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How much spaghetti sauce do I need per pound of meat", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How much ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT spaghetti sauce ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT pound ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT meat ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:24:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,39:44:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,48:52:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39343834313539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "show me hourly temperature for today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "27:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353630343231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will it be windy is Seattle today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE windy ] [SL:LOCATION Seattle ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:27:SL:LOCATION,28:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353836303935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the Weather in Texas right now", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Texas ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353534333335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set up an alarm for Friday morning at 10", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Friday morning at 10 ] ]", "slot_string": "23:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353039383637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "whats the recent news on the PGA tour?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC PGA tour ] ]", "slot_string": "10:16:SL:DATE_TIME,17:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE,29:37:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231333534353335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Send Brian a call please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Brian ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393831323430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "did any of my family members go to Alabama?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION family ] [SL:LOCATION Alabama ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,14:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION,35:42:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323737333238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask Leo where is he and what is his ETA.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Leo ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT where is he and what is his ETA ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:RECIPIENT,8:39:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231353534393031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm for Friday at 6", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Friday at 6 ] ]", "slot_string": "16:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343638373035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How warm is it outside in Celsius", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "26:33:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "39343934363330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the top news stories for Tokyo right now?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Tokyo ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,17:29:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:39:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3135323936363231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are this weekend's top stories", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE stories ] ]", "slot_string": "9:21:SL:DATE_TIME,24:27:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,28:35:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353035323737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please play Pink now", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Pink ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "39343630373339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long do I cook the turkey for", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT turkey ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,23:29:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231313436323834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set up a reminder to meet jody at noon tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO meet jody ] [SL:DATE_TIME at noon tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:TODO,31:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353233343532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how bad is the storm going to be", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE storm ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231353436313937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Phone Eva", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Eva ] ]", "slot_string": "6:9:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231373233353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "reply to Elisa with a video", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Elisa ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:RECIPIENT,22:27:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "39343638343732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "can you add 5 minutes to the timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:DATE_TIME,29:34:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343735343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "start 1 minute timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 1 minute ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "6:14:SL:DATE_TIME,15:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3232353331333537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to phone call 440-555-4980 on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:PHONE_NUMBER 440-555-4980 ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "21:33:SL:PHONE_NUMBER,37:45:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231353536303133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it rain this afternoon?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME this afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,13:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333431343237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I want Dean to be added to this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Dean ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3139393839383134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any music events this weekend in Poughkeepsie", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT music ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] [SL:LOCATION Poughkeepsie ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,27:39:SL:DATE_TIME,43:55:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231313435323536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "stop all reminders for January since I will be on a cruise", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:DATE_TIME for January ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:AMOUNT,19:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343937393431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the countries biggest headlines?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY countries ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,31:40:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353332323533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play blues music.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE blues ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,11:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353438353739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Bring Joseph into this call for me.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Joseph ] ]", "slot_string": "6:12:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3133343439363035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me a good meatball sub recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING good ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH meatball sub ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:RECIPES_RATING,15:27:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363032383537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever on Pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "5:53:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,57:64:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3232353833333034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message Leo, Nelson and Carrie something that says talk to you later", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Leo ] [SL:RECIPIENT Nelson ] [SL:RECIPIENT Carrie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT talk to you later ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:RECIPIENT,13:19:SL:RECIPIENT,24:30:SL:RECIPIENT,51:68:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323336373337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to buy bread eggs and milk tomorrow at 5 pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy bread eggs and milk ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow at 5 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:36:SL:TODO,37:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333533323831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me if anyone is online", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353937303132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Expected weather for London England", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION London England ] ]", "slot_string": "21:35:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323739353339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me messages from last 30 days.", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:DATE_TIME from last 30 days ] ]", "slot_string": "17:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353535383131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather like in Hampton Park right now?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Hampton Park ] ]", "slot_string": "28:40:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353638353830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "create timer for new show", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:TIMER_NAME new show ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:METHOD_TIMER,17:25:SL:TIMER_NAME"} {"id": "39343536373139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What ingredients are in the Chicken noodle soup", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH Chicken noodle soup ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,28:47:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353537313132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be sunny this bank holiday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sunny ] [SL:DATE_TIME this bank holiday ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343532363335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me a vegan recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE vegan ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} {"id": "39353332353133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's trending in the news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE trending ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "7:15:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,23:27:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353039333439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me my local news.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,17:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3136353035383938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "When will my alarm go off", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353239393031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "en", "input": "When does the sun set tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393837393233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AGE", "locale": "en", "input": "how old is jim", "target": "[IN:GET_AGE [SL:CONTACT jim ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353038393839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Please tell me the recent news on O.J. Simpson's parole.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC O.J. Simpson's parole ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:DATE_TIME,26:30:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:55:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3133343130353638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What temperature can I cook a turkey at", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT turkey ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,30:36:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39343936393835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much more time do I have on my timer?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "35:40:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231333533373831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "don't answer please", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353831313937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you read me news on politics", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY politics ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:32:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} {"id": "3133343139303135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me how many calories are in a serving of chicken pot pie", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken pot pie ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,17:25:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,46:61:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363339303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you show me the weather forecast for the 19th of April?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for the 19th of April ] ]", "slot_string": "37:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323335333639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to buy my daughter a card on august 1st, 2019", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy my daughter a card ] [SL:DATE_TIME on august 1st, 2019 ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:35:SL:TODO,36:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393834333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What can I do tonight that doesn't involve drinking", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313535343534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pick up my nephew from practice tomorrow at 4PM", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up my nephew from practice ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow at 4PM ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:44:SL:TODO,45:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138323239303538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories are in a bowl of Rocky Road Ice Cream", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH Rocky Road Ice Cream ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,35:55:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3132383135353438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's next week's forecast", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "7:16:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343634323239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "a good southern style mac n cheese recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_CUISINE southern ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH mac n cheese ] ]", "slot_string": "7:15:SL:RECIPES_CUISINE,22:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3135323938353131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set 3 alarms up, starting at 7:00 AM, 20 minutes apart", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 7:00 AM ] [SL:DATE_TIME 20 minutes apart ] ]", "slot_string": "26:36:SL:DATE_TIME,38:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333636303637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Romeo through whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Romeo ] [SL:NAME_APP whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT,19:27:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323236363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What are my reminders for all day tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for all day tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393834343431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is working for the local Starbucks?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Starbucks ] ]", "slot_string": "29:38:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3139393836393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Things to do in the East Bay this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION the East Bay ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "16:28:SL:LOCATION,29:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353634353537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please play some Lady Gaga.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Lady Gaga ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3138393738383638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who currently lives in Virginia Beach?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Virginia Beach ] ]", "slot_string": "23:37:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353831383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set the alarm for 3 am tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 3 am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "14:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333937383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "tell Kristin I am not feeling well, need to postpone our lunch", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Kristin ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I am not feeling well, need to postpone our lunch ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:RECIPIENT,13:62:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323431353633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add reminder cookout this weekend", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO cookout ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:TODO,21:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343736373238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I have any active timers?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timers ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353332333736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to Third Eye Blind", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Third Eye Blind ] ]", "slot_string": "20:35:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "39343835373330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete all the alarms I have scheduled", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3231313531383331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please remind me tomorrow to change my appointment for Dr. Mu to another date and time that doesn't interfere with my work schedule.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] [SL:TODO change my appointment for Dr. Mu to another date and time that doesn't interfere with my work schedule ] ]", "slot_string": "14:16:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:25:SL:DATE_TIME,29:131:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353433363332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for cooking time at 7pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME alarm for cooking time ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 7pm ] ]", "slot_string": "4:26:SL:ALARM_NAME,27:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353531353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a alarm for May 5th and call it 'birthday'.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for May 5th ] [SL:ALARM_NAME birthday ] ]", "slot_string": "12:23:SL:DATE_TIME,37:45:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "3135323937353638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Alarm for 15 minutes from now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 15 minutes from now ] ]", "slot_string": "6:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232343532373436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED", "locale": "en", "input": "I might want to go to to Dinosaur Jr.", "target": "[IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED [SL:TITLE_EVENT Dinosaur Jr. ] ]", "slot_string": "25:37:SL:TITLE_EVENT"} {"id": "3231323433333038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any news from the New York Times", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE New York Times ] ]", "slot_string": "18:32:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3138393834353334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Does Ali live in cairo?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Ali ] [SL:LOCATION cairo ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT,17:22:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232323831313839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Jay Z", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Jay Z ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3232313432393339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "show me the weather for Skelton in Cleveland", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Skelton in Cleveland ] ]", "slot_string": "24:44:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3138393738393531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Which of my friends love in savannah", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION savannah ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,12:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,28:36:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323334373637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show all of my upcoming birthday reminders", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO birthday ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:8:SL:AMOUNT,12:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:32:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353539353438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I need to wear a coat today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE coat ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "20:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353437333637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the humidity right now?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE humidity ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3232323830383039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Taylor Swift current hit", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Taylor Swift ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231353438383136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a new alarm for early morning wake-up", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for early morning ] [SL:ALARM_NAME wake-up ] ]", "slot_string": "16:33:SL:DATE_TIME,34:41:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "3231363734383830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "When did Joel call me today", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL_TIME [SL:CONTACT Joel ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:CONTACT,22:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343738343434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much time do I have left on the timer for my boiled eggs", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "36:41:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3138393734333532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "show friends of me", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED me ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:TYPE_RELATION,16:18:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3232313432333138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "switch on alarm for 10pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10pm ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353432383032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it likely to flood in Hackettstown today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE flood ] [SL:LOCATION Hackettstown ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:37:SL:LOCATION,38:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133323737383230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "No bake cake dessert recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD No bake ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cake ] [SL:RECIPES_MEAL dessert ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,8:12:SL:RECIPES_DISH,13:20:SL:RECIPES_MEAL"} {"id": "3231393233313038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "please have an alarm go off", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343534323532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "find me a recipe for chicken marsala", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken marsala ] ]", "slot_string": "21:36:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353536323731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather forecast for Lisbon?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Lisbon ] ]", "slot_string": "33:39:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231333431343137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "add kelly to call please", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED kelly ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "39353133383438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I hear Avril Lavigne's latest music?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Avril Lavigne ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "11:24:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,34:39:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231313434343039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete my meeting reminder.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO meeting ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:17:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138393833323434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who works at Long John Silvers?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Long John Silvers ] ]", "slot_string": "13:30:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39343631393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how do you make chocolate ganache", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH chocolate ganache ] ]", "slot_string": "16:33:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353539333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will I need an umbrella today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE umbrella ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,24:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373131363333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call Isaiah Prince Davenport for me", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Isaiah Prince Davenport ] ]", "slot_string": "5:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343939363335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any news about the Dallas Cowboys", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Dallas Cowboys ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:33:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353032383235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Should I grab some sunblock?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sunblock ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3132363135373038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Lana Del Rey's new album", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Lana Del Rey ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,24:29:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343838303237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the weather at the erie county fair tomorrow morning?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "44:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363430303337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Brisbane's weather at 10am.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Brisbane ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 10am ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:LOCATION,19:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393834333438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I know anyone that works at the W hotel?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:EMPLOYER W hotel ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,35:42:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39343535303934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many cups of water do I need for tortilla soup", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT cups ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT water ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH tortilla soup ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:13:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,17:22:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,37:50:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231333531373136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is available for chat?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393830353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do i have any friends in la", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED i ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION la ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,14:21:SL:TYPE_RELATION,25:27:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353432323639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play some oldies", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE oldies ] ]", "slot_string": "10:16:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "3231323736383835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to my doctor asking someone to call me asap", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my doctor ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT someone to call me asap ] ]", "slot_string": "18:27:SL:RECIPIENT,35:58:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231333436363734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Show who is available now", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353232393637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me details about the Usher STD lawsuit.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Usher STD lawsuit ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:43:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3232353332333936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Harvey Mandel", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Harvey Mandel ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353334333735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Nas on iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Nas ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,12:23:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3139393837383731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I see a concert tonight in Tampa", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concert ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] [SL:LOCATION Tampa ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,20:27:SL:DATE_TIME,31:36:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353535313331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Stop me at 2:30pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 2:30pm ] ]", "slot_string": "8:17:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393739313237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do i know anyone from Florida", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED i ] [SL:LOCATION Florida ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,22:29:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353532323236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How long has this timer been going?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3132353534323839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Grams of protein in 6 oz of chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION Grams ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION protein ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT oz ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,9:16:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,22:24:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,28:35:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353232373732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play me some Miley Cyrus on Spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Miley Cyrus ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,28:35:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231313532343233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pick up coupons Friday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up coupons ] [SL:DATE_TIME Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:28:SL:TODO,29:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313933363636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "can you phone Beckett Wilson on Messenger", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Beckett Wilson ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "14:28:SL:CONTACT,32:41:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231313435323936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set reminder for Jaguar's appointment at 4:45pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO Jaguar's appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 4:45pm ] ]", "slot_string": "17:37:SL:TODO,38:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323236373438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "End the reminders that I need to pick up the baby at the babysitter on Friday", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO pick up the baby at the babysitter ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "33:67:SL:TODO,68:77:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323238333030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Find the reminder for my nephew's birthday party.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Find ] [SL:TODO my nephew's birthday party ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,22:48:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343637333732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "please set a time for 2 hours", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME for 2 hours ] ]", "slot_string": "18:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363038373139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "sound alarm at 1700h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 1700h ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136333337373738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any more details on the school board meeting", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC school board meeting ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:54:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343631313734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how do you make cranberry sauce", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH cranberry sauce ] ]", "slot_string": "16:31:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363736313138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Terminate the call now", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363735333230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "check if nancy is online now", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT nancy ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323235313939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to mop the floors before dinner", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO mop the floors before dinner ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:41:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323332323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to send sarah a key for the office", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO send sarah a key for the office ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:44:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138393734343333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "friends of my wife", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my wife ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:TYPE_RELATION,11:18:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "39343531373236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long do you cook risotto", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH risotto ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,21:28:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353031383231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play \"Eat It\" by Weird Al.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Eat It ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Weird Al ] ]", "slot_string": "6:12:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,17:25:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "39353337303933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me the recent local headlines.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:24:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,25:34:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353634333534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What news happened in my town", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231373130383638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to call Madelyn Gabrielle Hernandez", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Madelyn Gabrielle Hernandez ] ]", "slot_string": "15:42:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343539383837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories in tuna noodle casserole", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH tuna noodle casserole ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,21:42:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231333339353339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Start a call with Jeanna", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jeanna ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353133313630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it raining in Burlington, VT?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE raining ] [SL:LOCATION Burlington, VT ] ]", "slot_string": "6:13:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:31:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353430333736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to hit 100 degrees today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "31:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323232323937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Move the movie reminder on Thursday to be an hour earlier", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO movie ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Thursday ] [SL:DATE_TIME an hour earlier ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:TODO,24:35:SL:DATE_TIME,42:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393931313939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Where does Rhonda work now?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Rhonda ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333534363238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "just don't answer that", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343936303432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any new details on the OJ Simpson trial", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC OJ Simpson trial ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,23:39:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3134313539373230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to be above 59 in degrees Celsius outside this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE above ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 59 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,24:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,38:45:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,54:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343632393832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how much vanilla do i add", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how much ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT vanilla ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:16:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231323232373731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "change my plant watering reminder to tuesday", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO plant watering ] [SL:DATE_TIME to tuesday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:24:SL:TODO,34:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343836373534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Has the timer gone off yet?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353430343533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "pause timer at the halfway point", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343731393533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a timer for 45 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 45 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:METHOD_TIMER,13:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363335373236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a new alarm for Friday at 8 PM", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Friday at 8 PM ] ]", "slot_string": "17:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353738393639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the 10 day forecast?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME 10 day ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373233323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "video message Albert", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Albert ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,14:20:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232323930323338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "start up a timer for veal", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:TIMER_NAME veal ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:25:SL:TIMER_NAME"} {"id": "3132363135343130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What temperature is it in San Diego right now", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION San Diego ] ]", "slot_string": "26:35:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353539373430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you give me details about News in North Korea?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE News ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC North Korea ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:34:SL:NEWS_TYPE,38:49:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3138393833313538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who works at Chipotle?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Chipotle ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39343832313832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for Friday at 6 A.M", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Friday at 6 A.M ] ]", "slot_string": "10:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373236353639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Daniel cell", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Daniel ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393839323739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Sporting events in Atlanta today", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Sporting ] [SL:LOCATION Atlanta ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,19:26:SL:LOCATION,27:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343936333137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the weather in london?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION london ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353832343636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 9am tomorrow morning", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 9am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "13:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323731343936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "for music use tidal", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME tidal ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3138393932373235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Has Mary worked at Starbucks before?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Mary ] [SL:EMPLOYER Starbucks ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:CONTACT,19:28:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39353737373235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Stop time", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER time ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3138393830323439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who lives in West Terre Haute?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION West Terre Haute ] ]", "slot_string": "13:29:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231373538303137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Jerry four", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jerry ] [SL:ORDINAL four ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT,11:15:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "39343832333637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to hear some rap music.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rap ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "20:23:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,24:29:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3138383936383438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "look for: how to bake red potatos", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH red potatos ] ]", "slot_string": "17:21:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,22:33:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353538313434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will be the weather condition at noon?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME at noon ] ]", "slot_string": "35:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343139333138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How should i cook steak on a grill", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT steak ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD grill ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,29:34:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "3138383935313334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories is in a tuna sub", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH tuna sub ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,26:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231343631343936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "List joe fathers in law upcoming birthdays", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED joe ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION fathers in law ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,9:23:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3232333635353436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Kimberly call Aaron using Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kimberly ] [SL:CONTACT Aaron ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:CONTACT,19:24:SL:CONTACT,31:39:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231313531353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set up a reminder on my calendar regarding my vacation time at work", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO my vacation time at work ] ]", "slot_string": "21:23:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,43:67:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231373330353730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "WhatsApp call to Janet", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] [SL:CONTACT Janet ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:NAME_APP,17:22:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363335343236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm at 2.55pm on 27th July 2019", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 2.55pm on 27th July 2019 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393231333733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "does Pat Thiessen have a son?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Pat Thiessen ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION son ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:CONTACT,25:28:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3232313730393433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Record the video message now for Hertha Hien Skibisky.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Hertha Hien Skibisky ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,33:53:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39353636383539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Details on where to vote", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE Details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC where to vote ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:NEWS_TYPE,11:24:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231333532303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "hold and receive new call", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323830303434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send everyone with a birthday today a happy birthday message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT everyone with a birthday today ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT happy birthday ] ]", "slot_string": "5:35:SL:RECIPIENT,38:52:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232353832363830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "please send that message to my grandparents", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my grandparents ] ]", "slot_string": "28:43:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232353832333839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "display my texts from my cousin", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my cousin ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231323431383531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call my mom tomorrow for her birthday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call my mom tomorrow for her birthday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:50:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3139393836343537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me about events happening in Long Island on Wednesday", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Long Island ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "34:45:SL:LOCATION,46:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323431303633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call mom tomorrow night.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call mom ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow night ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:21:SL:TODO,22:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323332353731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to answer Carla\u2019s email to let her know I can\u2019t attend her luncheon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO answer Carla\u2019s email to let her know I can\u2019t attend her luncheon ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:81:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231333430343934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I'd like to call Dad", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Dad ] ]", "slot_string": "17:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393833373935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me who works at Publix pharmacy", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Publix pharmacy ] ]", "slot_string": "21:36:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231353036323632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Gennie Goldstein 's papa", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Gennie Goldstein 's papa ] ]", "slot_string": "5:29:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353833323439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send my grandparents message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my grandparents ] ]", "slot_string": "5:20:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39343536373938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "find me an easy cookie recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE easy ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cookie ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,16:22:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353439313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What happened in yesterday's news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME in yesterday ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "14:26:SL:DATE_TIME,29:33:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232353832343633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "grab my video messages from wife Margot", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:SENDER wife Margot ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,28:39:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "39343530353630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How high do I cook a chicken casserole", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE 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"locale": "en", "input": "how many calories are in a hamburger sandwich", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH hamburger sandwich ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,27:45:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393837363836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AGE", "locale": "en", "input": "How old will Bill be on his next birthday?", "target": "[IN:GET_AGE [SL:CONTACT Bill ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323339393430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need a reminder tomorrow at noon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow at noon ] ]", "slot_string": "0:1:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,18:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333531343739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please start call with dad", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT dad ] ]", "slot_string": "23:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232313731333132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Record a video message for auntie.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT auntie ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,27:33:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231333534343138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please call aunt", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT aunt ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363734363139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Ring Mum.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Mum ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313438313330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "need to text mom tomorrow about the garden - set reminder for 11 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO text mom tomorrow about the garden ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 11 am ] ]", "slot_string": "8:42:SL:TODO,58:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313439333034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder for my doctors appointment monday at 3pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO my doctors appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME monday at 3pm ] ]", "slot_string": "19:41:SL:TODO,42:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353734363335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "I wanna i would like to message text to Mary on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Mary ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "40:44:SL:RECIPIENT,48:56:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3232333636333034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call my sister call my grandma in Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my sister ] [SL:CONTACT my grandma ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:14:SL:CONTACT,20:30:SL:CONTACT,34:42:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231373131353435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I'd like to call Christopher Jeremy Cruz", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Christopher Jeremy Cruz ] ]", "slot_string": "17:40:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353036323534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Vanessa 's granddaughter", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Vanessa 's granddaughter ] ]", "slot_string": "5:29:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3133323738353538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long to I boil eggs", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD boil ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH eggs ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,14:18:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,19:23:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323830363039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell Mom I'll be there in 30 minutes", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Mom ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I'll be there in 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:RECIPIENT,9:36:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231313531353835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to make a dish to pass for dinner on Sunday at mom's place.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO make a dish to pass for dinner on Sunday at mom's place ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:68:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353133323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Let's have that timer go off at 10 pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 10 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:METHOD_TIMER,29:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323236393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind Lisa to come over in an hour to play some board games with me, Alex, and Karly.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Lisa ] [SL:TODO come over in an hour to play some board games with me, Alex, and Karly ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:85:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313530343731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "update the reminder to pick up mom from 6:13 am to 9:48 am", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO pick up mom ] [SL:DATE_TIME from 6:13 am ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 9:48 am ] ]", "slot_string": "23:34:SL:TODO,35:47:SL:DATE_TIME,48:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353334383930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play the album Keeps Gettin' Better: A Decade of Hits on iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Keeps Gettin' Better: A Decade of Hits ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,15:53:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,57:68:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3139393737353035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Any thing big happening tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "24:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313437373630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder tomorrow for jodie to call karen about a ride to the pool on saturday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED jodie ] [SL:TODO call karen about a ride to the pool on saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:DATE_TIME,29:34:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,38:85:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313433353536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set up a reminder to FaceTime grandma tomorrow morning.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO FaceTime grandma ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "21:37:SL:TODO,38:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363037333038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Emmanuel my sibling", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Emmanuel my sibling ] ]", "slot_string": "5:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3132353737333331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it colder that usual for this time of the year", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE colder ] ]", "slot_string": "6:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231323830333639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell Jerry I will be at the beach in 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jerry ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I will be at the beach in 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:RECIPIENT,11:47:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363734323437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Start a video call with mom please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mom ] ]", "slot_string": "24:27:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138383937383039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set my alarm for 20 minutes from now.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 20 minutes from now ] ]", "slot_string": "13:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323232343233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change reminder to call Steve from 1pm to 3pm.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO call Steve ] [SL:DATE_TIME from 1pm ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 3pm ] ]", "slot_string": "19:29:SL:TODO,30:38:SL:DATE_TIME,39:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323939383536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories are in 8 oz. of orange juice", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT oz ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH orange juice ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,27:29:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,34:46:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353532323831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "For the next 2 weeks, create alarm for 7am every morning", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME For the next 2 weeks ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 7am every morning ] ]", "slot_string": "0:20:SL:DATE_TIME,35:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323830333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask mom if she knows any good places nearby with deep dish pizza.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mom ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT she knows any good places nearby with deep dish pizza ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:RECIPIENT,11:64:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231353035393130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Kayleigh 's son", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kayleigh 's son ] ]", "slot_string": "5:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353138353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Dial up Katelyn Patton, Grace Hayden and Fabian Lara", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Katelyn Patton ] [SL:CONTACT Grace Hayden ] [SL:CONTACT Fabian Lara ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:CONTACT,24:36:SL:CONTACT,41:52:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393736313037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "show me who is friends with Rob", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Rob ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION,28:31:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3232323930323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "make me a timer named time to leave", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:TIMER_NAME time to leave ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER,22:35:SL:TIMER_NAME"} {"id": "3231323239313334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me on Wednesday August 29th to call Dan on Thursday the 30th", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Wednesday August 29th ] [SL:TODO call Dan on Thursday the 30th ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:34:SL:DATE_TIME,38:67:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323738313331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to my Mom asking what time she's coming over.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my Mom ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what time she's coming over ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:RECIPIENT,32:59:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323234323336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add get ticket to Lollapalooza in July to my reminders.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO get ticket to Lollapalooza in July ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] ]", "slot_string": "4:38:SL:TODO,42:44:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "3231323833333735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Nanette that I will email the final report to her today.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Nanette ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I will email the final report to her today ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:RECIPIENT,21:63:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323334303438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a reminder for work event.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO work event ] ]", "slot_string": "20:30:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353034303931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the last news on replacing Obamacare?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE last ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC replacing Obamacare ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,16:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:43:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231353036303132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Peyton 's brother", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Peyton 's brother ] ]", "slot_string": "5:22:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333534323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Let me start call with boss", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT boss ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353535303139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for me for 3pm, please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 3pm ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323233373831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me tomorrow to call jen", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] [SL:TODO call jen ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:18:SL:DATE_TIME,22:30:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353832303834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "show me my messages from my cousin", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my cousin ] ]", "slot_string": "25:34:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39343838343036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Weather in West Valley City", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION West Valley City ] ]", "slot_string": "11:27:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353033363734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "news on fox ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE fox ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:NEWS_TYPE,8:11:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3136353036313337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Reset the alarm for 5 o'clock", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 5 o'clock ] ]", "slot_string": "16:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353534373832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "create alarm for Monday at 5am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Monday at 5am ] ]", "slot_string": "13:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333730353136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "give Keira's son a call", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Keira's son ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333430363136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please add my grandma to the call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED my grandma ] ]", "slot_string": "11:21:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231333039373539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "now add nieces to the call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED nieces ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3139393830333036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Anything exciting happening Friday", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "28:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333436313536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "who is free", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232353139313531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "can you call Angie Novak on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Angie Novak ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:CONTACT,28:36:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323331383736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me all the reminders about the dinners i have this week", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Read ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO the dinners i have ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,32:50:SL:TODO,51:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353735333330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message Izzy that Messenger message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Izzy ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:CONTACT,34:43:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323833383833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Mom about what time I should arrive at the Ace Basin triathlon in the morning.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Mom ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what time I should arrive at the Ace Basin triathlon in the morning ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:RECIPIENT,18:85:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323337393635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add a reminder to dentist visit 2 days in advance", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO dentist visit ] [SL:DATE_TIME 2 days in advance ] ]", "slot_string": "18:31:SL:TODO,32:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343139323139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the components of a brine", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE components ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH brine ] ]", "slot_string": "13:23:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,29:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353435393534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Bell my dad", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my dad ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363339353232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me Sydney weather for 5pm today.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Sydney ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 5pm today ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:LOCATION,23:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323236393039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any reminders upcoming about meeting George?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO meeting George ] ]", "slot_string": "39:53:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353630353431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Locate news articles on health news today", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news articles ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC health news ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:35:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,36:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231303139393138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call my sister please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my sister ] ]", "slot_string": "5:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323237393638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind Brian to leave at 4 and send him an alert 10 minutes before.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Brian ] [SL:TODO leave at 4 ] [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes before ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:26:SL:TODO,49:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363734353131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call my mom", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my mom ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313434363632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to watch the presentation about comics on Saturday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO watch the presentation about comics ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:48:SL:TODO,49:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353537393930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How is the weather forecast for 3pm?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for 3pm ] ]", "slot_string": "28:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343635313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how to tell when turkey is ready", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH turkey ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ready ] ]", "slot_string": "17:23:SL:RECIPES_DISH,27:32:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39353331323939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I have the weekend weather", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353538393236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set a timer for 10", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER,19:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323832343733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message my sister connie that there is a poetry reading in the park on main", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my sister connie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT there is a poetry reading in the park on main ] ]", "slot_string": "8:24:SL:RECIPIENT,30:75:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232343230393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call elaine mendez's significant other", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT elaine mendez's significant other ] ]", "slot_string": "5:38:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333130393530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Video chat with my cousins", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my cousins ] ]", "slot_string": "16:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323431373433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel reminder to call mom", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call mom ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323239303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to send a message to Jill about her project today.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO send a message to Jill about her project ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:53:SL:TODO,54:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353832323132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "let me see messages from my grandmother Marilyn", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER my grandmother Marilyn ] ]", "slot_string": "25:47:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "39353635323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play my top channel on Pandora please", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE channel ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,23:30:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231323430343332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to be reminded to file those bug reports", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO file those bug reports ] ]", "slot_string": "0:1:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:47:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323235373239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete reminder to record Lifetime movie tonight at pm.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO record Lifetime movie ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight at pm ] ]", "slot_string": "19:40:SL:TODO,41:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343937393732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "put on indie rock", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE indie rock ] ]", "slot_string": "7:17:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "39353731323136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Latest news in Washington.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME Latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Washington ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:DATE_TIME,7:11:SL:NEWS_TYPE,15:25:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353235383338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "PLAY THE NEW PARAMORE ALBUM", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME PARAMORE ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE ALBUM ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,22:27:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323238353933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "cancel all upcoming reminders", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3231323837393930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message the rum house and ask what their happy hour drink was", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT the rum house ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what their happy hour drink was ] ]", "slot_string": "8:21:SL:RECIPIENT,30:61:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323836313439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send message to Jennifer that I will meet her at the school play tonight", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jennifer ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I will meet her at the school play tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:RECIPIENT,30:72:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231313438383433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to reply to Eleanor about her project idea at 10 am tomorrow morning.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO reply to Eleanor about her project idea ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 10 am tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:52:SL:TODO,53:78:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313434393337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to email the HOA about the fencing company coming to do an estimate next Tuesday at 10 AM.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO email the HOA about the fencing company coming to do an estimate ] [SL:DATE_TIME next Tuesday at 10 AM ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:77:SL:TODO,78:99:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313731333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Start recording a video message for Ressie Beek.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Ressie Beek ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,36:47:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231353036333638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Aubrie 's friend", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Aubrie 's friend ] ]", "slot_string": "5:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323737383934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send my daughter a message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my daughter ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231313535363937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete my reminder to pay the water bill", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO pay the water bill ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:40:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231303233333437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "start a video call with my sister", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my sister ] ]", "slot_string": "24:33:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232323731363731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "use google play as my default", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME google play ] ]", "slot_string": "4:15:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231333132383631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Is my mommy online?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT my mommy ] ]", "slot_string": "3:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353337373938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Madonna \"Vogue\"", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Madonna ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Vogue ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,14:19:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "3232333730343030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "make a call to Emerson's partner", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Emerson's partner ] ]", "slot_string": "15:32:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393932353139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Where is Steven's work location?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Steven ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231373439373132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to hear The first snow on spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE The first snow ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "15:29:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,33:40:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3232333730373130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call the grandpa of Ana Simmons", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT grandpa of Ana Simmons ] ]", "slot_string": "9:31:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353435393535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call Andy", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Andy ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323737373031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message mama saying I'll be 15 minutes late", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mama ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I'll be 15 minutes late ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:RECIPIENT,20:43:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363333303338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarms for 10am and 2pm, Friday, weekly", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10am and 2pm, Friday ] [SL:PERIOD weekly ] ]", "slot_string": "11:35:SL:DATE_TIME,37:43:SL:PERIOD"} {"id": "39353638363034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to rain this Wednesday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME this Wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353438383431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the 7 day forecast?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME 7 day ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323337333338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set reminder for dietitian tues at 3", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO dietitian ] [SL:DATE_TIME tues at 3 ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:TODO,27:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353035393031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Malaysia 's boyfriend", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Malaysia 's boyfriend ] ]", "slot_string": "5:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232333730383132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "start calling the mother of Myles", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mother of Myles ] ]", "slot_string": "18:33:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323333323237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete my reminder about Sunday's breakfast with Maralyse.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO Sunday's breakfast with Maralyse ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:57:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3136303030333839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any new developments in the Taylor Swift case", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE developments ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Taylor Swift case ] ]", "slot_string": "18:30:SL:NEWS_TYPE,38:55:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353136343432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a new timer for 30 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER,16:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353537333537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot does it feel?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231313535363138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set reminder 2 hours before Kendall's dance recital on Thursday night at 7:00 pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME 2 hours before ] [SL:TODO Kendall's dance recital on Thursday night at 7:00 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "13:27:SL:DATE_TIME,28:80:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231333431323033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Invite Mom to this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Mom ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231313530343234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to call my mom tuesday morning", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call my mom ] [SL:DATE_TIME tuesday morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:24:SL:TODO,25:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353036303638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Amelia 's daughter", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Amelia 's daughter ] ]", "slot_string": "5:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333130383433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "start a call with boyfriend", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT boyfriend ] ]", "slot_string": "18:27:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353431373532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "breitbart news live", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE breitbart news ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE live ] ]", "slot_string": "0:14:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,15:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353835313738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Access the phone app and call Jim", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jim ] ]", "slot_string": "30:33:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323431373839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call Janice at 5pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call Janice ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:24:SL:TODO,25:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353331363331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play me some classical music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE classical ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,23:28:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353531373832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "let me hear Drake's latest single", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Drake ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE single ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,27:33:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3232353832303535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "grab my messages from auntie Zion", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER auntie Zion ] ]", "slot_string": "22:33:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "3139393837383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Check for things to do in White Plains tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION White Plains ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "26:38:SL:LOCATION,39:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313731333436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Record the video message now for Fatima.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Fatima ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,33:39:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231313434393436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to call my brother can you please remind me", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call my brother ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] ]", "slot_string": "10:25:SL:TODO,48:50:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "3133343130353233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What temperature is needed to make cupcakes", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cupcakes ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,35:43:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343532333037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many calories are in a beef burrito", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH beef burrito ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,27:39:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323430383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add reminder to send flowers to grandmother next week for birthday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO send flowers to grandmother next week for birthday ] ]", "slot_string": "16:66:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353530323438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "When are my alarms set?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323930343235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell my mom after she takes a right at the stop sign she has to turn left at the light to make it the gate of my house.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my mom ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT after she takes a right at the stop sign she has to turn left at the light to make it the gate of my house ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:RECIPIENT,12:118:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393734363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "list amy's friends, please", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED amy ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,11:18:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231373330313535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Amy instead", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Amy ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313533383730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to purchase tickets for the Atlanta Hawks next home gane", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO purchase tickets for the Atlanta Hawks next home gane ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:66:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313438393634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call Mom tomorrow night.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call Mom ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow night ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:21:SL:TODO,22:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363132393733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Shania Twain's newest single", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Shania Twain ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE single ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,27:33:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353436363134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to call my sister", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my sister ] ]", "slot_string": "15:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231303134373633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Add Mary to this call.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Mary ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231323431383039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call the vet at 7:30 am tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call the vet ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 7:30 am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:25:SL:TODO,26:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313534333037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call the my sister to check about the printer tonight at 10PM", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call the my sister to check about the printer ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight at 10PM ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:58:SL:TODO,59:74:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139343333323736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me what movies Benedict Cumberbatch has been in.", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Benedict Cumberbatch ] ]", "slot_string": "20:40:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353831393733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "show me my messages from auntie Iris", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER auntie Iris ] ]", "slot_string": "25:36:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "3231363031313631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Snooze until later", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353030313338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "cancel all my existing alarms", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3132353732323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will be able to see the stars tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE stars ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "24:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,30:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353533323936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "create two alarm calls for tomorrow at 3pm and 5pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT two ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow at 3pm and 5pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,23:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353433373630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be windy tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE windy ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333039343333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "ring my stepsister", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my stepsister ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353436343235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Connect with Mum", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Mum ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343535313133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I make Stir Fried Loofah", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH Stir Fried Loofah ] ]", "slot_string": "14:31:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353539383530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the weather forecast for today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "29:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353534353135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the temperature forecast between 2 pm to 7 pm?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME 2 pm to 7 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "41:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353638343537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "From the timer, please subtract 5 minutes.", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:METHOD_TIMER,32:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353132383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to rain anytime today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,28:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333533383035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set me as active right now", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323735373636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell my daughter I liked her post a message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my daughter ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I liked her post ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPIENT,17:33:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323831363831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send message to mom to buy eggs", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mom ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT buy eggs ] ]", "slot_string": "16:19:SL:RECIPIENT,23:31:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353735363739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How strong are the winds today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE winds ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363734303139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel the current call.", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323235343137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me on Tuesday morning and againTuesday afternoon to check my T Mobile Tuesday app", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Tuesday morning ] [SL:DATE_TIME againTuesday afternoon ] [SL:TODO check my T Mobile Tuesday app ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:28:SL:DATE_TIME,33:55:SL:DATE_TIME,59:88:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231333131353239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Add girlfriend to phonecall", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED girlfriend ] ]", "slot_string": "4:14:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231353436313931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Phone my aunt", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my aunt ] ]", "slot_string": "6:13:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363038323034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for 1000", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 1000 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323338383637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pickup chicken for tonight", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pickup chicken ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:27:SL:TODO,28:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343532383638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Is 1% milk ok to use instead of whole milk", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT 1% milk ] [SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT milk ] ]", "slot_string": "3:10:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,38:42:SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231373233383431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Id like you to send a video message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "22:27:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "3135323931383934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "turn on my weekday alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME weekday ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323338363834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder to take out the trash at 7 pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO take out the trash ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 7 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "18:36:SL:TODO,37:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343534363036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What kind of meat do I use in stew", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT meat ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH stew ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,30:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353736363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I hear the latest news in soccer?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC soccer ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:DATE_TIME,22:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:36:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353331313232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the latest news on CNN?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE CNN ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:DATE_TIME,18:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:29:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3231313434383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to send emails to classmates about our upcoming class reunion this weekend.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO send emails to classmates about our upcoming class reunion ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:71:SL:TODO,72:85:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323839363634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to mom that I will call on my next stop", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mom ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I will call on my next stop ] ]", "slot_string": "18:21:SL:RECIPIENT,27:54:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231313434353132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please remind me to brush my teeth tonight at 10 p.m. I keep forgetting and my dentist has noticed!", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO brush my teeth tonight at 10 p.m ] ]", "slot_string": "14:16:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,20:52:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353333303635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "find some music to play", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3232353734353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "I would like you to i would like to message video message to Len on Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Len ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "44:49:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,61:64:SL:RECIPIENT,68:77:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39353332343236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the forecast for tomorrow in San Francisco?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow ] [SL:LOCATION San Francisco ] ]", "slot_string": "20:32:SL:DATE_TIME,36:49:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3135333030303830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set timer for 15 seconds", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 15 seconds ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333430343835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "put a call through to mary", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mary ] ]", "slot_string": "22:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313437383333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to take an extra credit survey", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO take an extra credit survey ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:40:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3137363834323630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories in a Big Mac", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH Big Mac ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,23:30:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323335323437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set reminder for jessicas birthday party", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO jessicas birthday party ] ]", "slot_string": "17:40:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343539333132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what ingredients are involved in making a cookie", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cookie ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,42:48:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323832333236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell Mike that Storytime at the Monrovia library starts at 10am.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Mike ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT Storytime at the Monrovia library starts at 10am ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPIENT,15:63:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232353137393038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "video call bandmates group on Wechat", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP bandmates ] [SL:NAME_APP Wechat ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:GROUP,30:36:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231343638363935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How cold is it outside in fahrenheit", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT fahrenheit ] ]", "slot_string": "26:36:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "39343736323732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a timer for soft boiled eggs", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:TIMER_NAME soft boiled eggs ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,16:32:SL:TIMER_NAME"} {"id": "3136343732313036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "repeat alarm in 20 mins", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME in 20 mins ] ]", "slot_string": "13:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353539303038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it warm in Florida in September?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE warm ] [SL:LOCATION Florida ] [SL:DATE_TIME in September ] ]", "slot_string": "6:10:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,14:21:SL:LOCATION,22:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135333030393430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "read the latest news out of the white house", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC out of the white house ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:DATE_TIME,16:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,21:43:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353338373430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "show the timer left on treadmill", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353438363933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "SET MY ALARM", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343832383634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "add ten minutes to the timer please", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME ten minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:15:SL:DATE_TIME,23:28:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231363431363936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "shuffle Tonight", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE"} {"id": "3231323330323839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me all my reminders that I have for my class times", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Tell ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO my class times ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,12:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,41:55:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3139393738353337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "las vegas shows", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION las vegas ] [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT shows ] ]", "slot_string": "0:9:SL:LOCATION,10:15:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} {"id": "3231323330303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind myself to buy tickets for the yankee game on friday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED myself ] [SL:TODO buy tickets for the yankee game ] [SL:DATE_TIME on friday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:48:SL:TODO,49:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323830353833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play God's Plan", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE God's Plan ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "3232333635343936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call my Whatsapp contact Julius Reed", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT Julius Reed ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:NAME_APP,25:36:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353235343233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete the workout timer.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3132353838383138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "When does the snow start tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353737303834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a timer for a minute", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for a minute ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353735333935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "headline news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headline news ] ]", "slot_string": "0:13:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232323232323831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you get more events different from this one please?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:SIMILARITY different ] ]", "slot_string": "24:33:SL:SIMILARITY"} {"id": "3231323337313530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to buy eggs at 5pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy eggs ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:21:SL:TODO,22:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353732373938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Latest NFL news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME Latest ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC NFL ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:DATE_TIME,7:10:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,11:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323834323234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to Cal asking what his favorite concert he's ever been to is.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Cal ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what his favorite concert he's ever been to is ] ]", "slot_string": "18:21:SL:RECIPIENT,29:75:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343639343132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm for Sunday mornings at 9am.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Sunday mornings at 9am ] ]", "slot_string": "16:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343535373731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many calories in a piece of pecan pie", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pecan pie ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,32:41:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393736353036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Need to see Juni's friends..", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Juni ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,19:26:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231353539303631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the outlook for the first day of the school summer holidays?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for the first day of the school summer holidays ] ]", "slot_string": "19:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323939373036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me the morning's top news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME the morning ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:DATE_TIME,22:25:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,26:30:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3134313630303337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to be above 51 in degrees c for Shanghai today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE above ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 51 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT c ] [SL:LOCATION Shanghai ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,24:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,38:39:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,44:52:SL:LOCATION,53:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343534303930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What temperature is rare beef cooked to", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE rare ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT beef ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,20:24:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,25:29:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231323831383630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Brody and find out if he has an address for Brock.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Brody ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT he has an address for Brock ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:RECIPIENT,30:57:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231353436333232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to talk to smith", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT smith ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3136343338363639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "are there any new updates about sentencing of the former governor of Pennsylvania", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE new updates ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC sentencing of the former governor of Pennsylvania ] ]", "slot_string": "14:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,32:81:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231313534383733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to meet my friends from the school's PTO for lunch tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO 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[SL:RECIPES_RATING best ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH turkey ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:RECIPES_RATING,31:37:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393735363633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "show me brendas friends", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED brendas ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,16:23:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3232323739333434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Boy With Luv", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Boy With Luv ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "3231363337363635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "alarm quiet for 5 minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 5 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "12:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393736353636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who are JB's friends?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED JB ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "8:10:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,13:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3232353138313537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to call my graduate students group", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP graduate students ] ]", "slot_string": "18:35:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "39353436373036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what's going on in the news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39343933303339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 9pm tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 9pm tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "13:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3230393939333331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please start playing Pandora app now", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME 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"IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the CNN headlines?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE CNN ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,17:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231303134383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Do not answer this call.", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353534363036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Establish a alarm for June 2nd, please.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for June 2nd ] ]", "slot_string": "18:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363030383036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make an alarm for thirteen weeks on Fridays at 10:00 am.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for thirteen weeks ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Fridays at 10:00 am ] ]", "slot_string": "14:32:SL:DATE_TIME,33:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333435313434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "en", "input": "Show that I am free", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363338363134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to see the weather in Australia", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Australia ] ]", "slot_string": "29:38:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232353139313639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Kara Parker for me", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kara Parker ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343730393730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Provide me the news about the Oakland fire last year.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Oakland fire ] [SL:DATE_TIME last year ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:42:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,43:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393734343234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show my dad's friends", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my dad ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,14:21:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231353531313636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm reminder to ring the hairdressers for tomorrow at 4pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME ring the hairdressers ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow at 4pm ] ]", "slot_string": "28:49:SL:ALARM_NAME,50:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231393233303934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "have my alarm go off in an hour", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME in an hour ] ]", "slot_string": "21:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323333343533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is my Saturday lunch reminder with", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME Saturday ] [SL:TODO lunch ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:24:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3135323932383734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "add 12 minutes to lap timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 12 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:14:SL:DATE_TIME,22:27:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323333363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind us to go to lunch on Saturday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED us ] [SL:TODO go to lunch ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:32:SL:TODO,33:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353635373531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "are there any recent news headlines about donald trump", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news headlines ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC donald trump ] ]", "slot_string": "14:20:SL:DATE_TIME,21:35:SL:NEWS_TYPE,42:54:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3232313933373638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "try calling Tucker Spence with Messenger", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Tucker Spence ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "12:25:SL:CONTACT,31:40:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323237343035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete all reminders for this Wednesday.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:DATE_TIME for this Wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,21:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138383934383538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you make mayonnaise", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH mayonnaise ] ]", "slot_string": "16:26:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353031343934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it storm on Saturday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE storm ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,14:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353533333336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play only anthems", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE anthems ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "39353733353838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Best song of carlos vives.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME carlos vives ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,13:25:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231333534353835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ANSWER_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "answer incoming video call", "target": "[IN:ANSWER_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323430343234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me a reminder for house closing at 10am tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO house closing ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 10am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:36:SL:TODO,37:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353832303230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "should I cover my plants", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393933353634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Where does Kenneth Jr work?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Kenneth Jr ] ]", "slot_string": "11:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3132383135343734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the highs for Orlando today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE highs ] [SL:LOCATION Orlando ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:29:SL:LOCATION,30:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393734373136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Friends of Mira", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION Friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Mira ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:TYPE_RELATION,11:15:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "39353233333539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I need to take an umbrella with me today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE umbrella ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,38:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136353036303033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "tun my work alarm on", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232353833363237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "reply to the cake thread with text", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP cake ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231313532393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to pick up the relay for life donations this week", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up the relay for life donations ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:49:SL:TODO,50:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353133313438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will Oregon be cold in September?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Oregon ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:DATE_TIME in September ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:LOCATION,15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343539373536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What time should I set the chicken for", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "27:34:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231333435363033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "en", "input": "Please list me as available", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323337303134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to play soccer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO play soccer ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:24:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313434313131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to add luggage tags to the suitcases", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO add luggage tags to the suitcases ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:46:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353239383336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me details about Usher's disease.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Usher's disease ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,22:37:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353335353839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot will it be?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39353233303239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot is it going to be in Phoenix tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:LOCATION Phoenix ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,29:36:SL:LOCATION,37:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353339363238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the name of the song that's playing now?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393832393438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who works for AT&T?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER AT&T ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3138393735343936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "list of my friends", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "8:10:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,11:18:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "39353335323930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "How much time is left until my alarm goes off?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353232373232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play the latest song by Tory Lanez.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Tory Lanez ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,24:34:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231333339353437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to call lisa please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT lisa ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393737363837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there anything interesting to do tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "36:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393930343335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "WHen did Nic attend Columbia?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Nic ] [SL:SCHOOL Columbia ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:CONTACT,20:28:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3139393831383030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Events in Plano next month", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Plano ] [SL:DATE_TIME next month ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:LOCATION,16:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353232393637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play \"I Like Me Better\" by the Logic", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE I Like Me Better ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Logic ] ]", "slot_string": "6:22:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,31:36:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "39353138333834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me the top news in Baltimore", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Baltimore ] ]", "slot_string": "12:15:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,16:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:33:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353739393735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "How many days has trump been on vacation?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC How many days has trump been on vacation ] ]", "slot_string": "0:40:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231313439333138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set up a reminder for Zoom chat at 9 am.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO Zoom chat ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 9 am ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:TODO,32:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323630383433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "start a recurring alarm for Tuesdays and Wednesdays", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Tuesdays and Wednesdays ] ]", "slot_string": "24:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353436303831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Phone Helen", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Helen ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353135353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm every minute for 6 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD every minute ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 6 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:22:SL:PERIOD,23:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363733393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I don't want to call after all", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3136353036323831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "alarm 5 minutes before time ends", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "6:15:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363335383235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for tomorrow morning at 6 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow morning at 6 am ] ]", "slot_string": "13:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323830353733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play the Ne-Yo", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Ne-Yo ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "39353133323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play songs by Britney Spears.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Britney Spears ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,14:28:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3232353138303434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call with Vegetarian cooking on Hangouts", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Vegetarian cooking ] [SL:NAME_APP Hangouts ] ]", "slot_string": "10:28:SL:GROUP,32:40:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231373538363930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please call Vanessa Summers right away", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Vanessa Summers ] ]", "slot_string": "12:27:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353231363134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a practice test taking timer for 90 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 90 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "27:32:SL:METHOD_TIMER,33:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353832373335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "would you text Tony and Mark", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Tony ] [SL:RECIPIENT Mark ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:RECIPIENT,24:28:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39343636333738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play some jazz music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE jazz ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,15:20:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363334353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a recurring alarm that goes off on Fridays at 10am for the next 3 weeks", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME on Fridays at 10am ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the next 3 weeks ] ]", "slot_string": "37:55:SL:DATE_TIME,56:76:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3134313539323737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature inside tomorrow F", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION inside ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT F ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:LOCATION,19:27:SL:DATE_TIME,28:29:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3135333032343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "MSNBC news updates", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE MSNBC ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,6:10:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323838313434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message courtney and ask her if she can make cupcakes for my daughters party", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT courtney ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT she can make cupcakes for my daughters party ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:RECIPIENT,32:76:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353331393731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Should I bring my umbrella?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE umbrella ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231353438303431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Swap over to video chat.", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3132363231393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me Sunday's paper headline", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME Sunday ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headline ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:DATE_TIME,23:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363735303931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "What time was the last call?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL_TIME ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393738313733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who do I know that stays in San Diego?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:LOCATION San Diego ] ]", "slot_string": "7:8:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,28:37:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353535383836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you play Rihanna?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Rihanna ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "39343939373232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "show me all articles regarding climate change", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE articles ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC climate change ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,31:45:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231373232383138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send a video message please", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "39353331303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will there be scattered showers today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE scattered showers ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "14:31:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,32:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353032343730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what happen in current news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME in current ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:22:SL:DATE_TIME,23:27:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363734363435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Contact Rae", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Rae ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3135333032353331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any news about our recent earthquakes", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC earthquakes ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:25:SL:DATE_TIME,26:37:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3232333635313532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Johnny on video in Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Johnny ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT,24:32:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3232333633373133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "how long on microwave timer", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME microwave ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:TIMER_NAME,22:27:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353230393033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the climate in Hawaii", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Hawaii ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3133343537303437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How cold is it in Seattle today in celsius", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:LOCATION Seattle ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,18:25:SL:LOCATION,26:31:SL:DATE_TIME,35:42:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3138383932333937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How to make a chicken salad sandwich", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken salad sandwich ] ]", "slot_string": "14:36:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353537383933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the details on the Virginia car crash?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Virginia car crash ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,28:46:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231373530353532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "can you show me more concerts", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} {"id": "39343539343833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me a recipe for cobbler", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH cobbler ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323430363530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete all of my reminders.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,14:16:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "3232353138333034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Initiate a call with Henry, Brody, and Emmanuel on Line", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Henry ] [SL:CONTACT Brody ] [SL:CONTACT Emmanuel ] [SL:NAME_APP Line ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:CONTACT,28:33:SL:CONTACT,39:47:SL:CONTACT,51:55:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3132363230343833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "When is the solar eclipse", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC solar eclipse ] ]", "slot_string": "12:25:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323333373031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me of when my nail appointment is for Saturday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO my nail appointment is ] [SL:DATE_TIME for Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,18:40:SL:TODO,41:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393833393539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Does anyone work for Mercy Hospital?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Mercy Hospital ] ]", "slot_string": "21:35:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3132363238353638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the water to flour ratio", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT water ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT flour ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ratio ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,21:26:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,27:32:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231333937383037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Matt and ask when his flight is departing", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Matt ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT when his flight is departing ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:RECIPIENT,21:49:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343939343039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Recent news about affirmative action", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME Recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC affirmative action ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:DATE_TIME,7:11:SL:NEWS_TYPE,18:36:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3232343330363032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "make one timer for eight seconds and another for 12 hours and another for 8 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:AMOUNT one ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for eight seconds ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 12 hours ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 8 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:AMOUNT,9:14:SL:METHOD_TIMER,15:32:SL:DATE_TIME,45:57:SL:DATE_TIME,70:83:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343932303239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play my Spotify mix", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE mix ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,16:19:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363431313435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Weather this afternoon.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME this afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353538333738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me some of the headlines from CNN.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE CNN ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:NEWS_TYPE,35:38:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "39353734323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "which timers are going", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timers ] ]", "slot_string": "6:12:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3138393832353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who else graduated from Lehman?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LIFE_EVENT graduated ] [SL:SCHOOL Lehman ] ]", "slot_string": "9:18:SL:LIFE_EVENT,24:30:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231323738363137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message steph when is the meeting", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT steph ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT when is the meeting ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:RECIPIENT,14:33:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393934353132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is Sally?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Sally ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353832393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Get my video messages from Leroy, Alex and Anna", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Leroy ] [SL:RECIPIENT Alex ] [SL:RECIPIENT Anna ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,27:32:SL:RECIPIENT,34:38:SL:RECIPIENT,43:47:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3139393836323236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What is happening in Chicago this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Chicago ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:LOCATION,29:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323333303333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete the reminder about Logan's party for this weekend", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO Logan's party ] [SL:DATE_TIME for this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "26:39:SL:TODO,40:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363334383335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm to go off every Monday at noon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME off every Monday at noon ] ]", "slot_string": "16:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363333333738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarms for Thursdays at 5am and 5pm for 6 weeks", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Thursdays at 5am and 5pm ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 6 weeks ] ]", "slot_string": "11:39:SL:DATE_TIME,40:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323835353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell Sarah we won't be there", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sarah ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT we won't be there ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:RECIPIENT,11:28:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363339343539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How will the weather be in Sydney on the morning of the 10th June?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Sydney ] [SL:DATE_TIME on the morning of the 10th June ] ]", "slot_string": "27:33:SL:LOCATION,34:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343034313039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESTART_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Reset cooking time to beginning", "target": "[IN:RESTART_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER time ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231363030303135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Schedule an alarm for Mondays at 10am every week this month", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Mondays at 10am every week ] [SL:DATE_TIME this month ] ]", "slot_string": "18:48:SL:DATE_TIME,49:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353738373336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the three day forecast?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME three day ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353239343335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the current political headlines?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME the current ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY political ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:DATE_TIME,20:29:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,30:39:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39343533313738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what are the best potatoes to use for", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT potatoes ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231363430393639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Te me about the weather for this afternoon at 2pm", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for this afternoon at 2pm ] ]", "slot_string": "24:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323739323034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please play Bank Account", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Bank Account ] ]", "slot_string": "12:24:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "39343732313133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are my local news stories", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,18:30:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363338393633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather forecast for Easter Monday", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for Easter Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "29:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353736333635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play the classical station on Pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE classical ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "9:18:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,19:26:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,30:37:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231353539303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much sun will we get tomorrow afternoon?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sun ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353036303435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "go to my Enya station please", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE Enya ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE,14:21:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323336313236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "can you remind me to pick up milk", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up milk ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:33:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353437363530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Fox news headlines currently", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Fox news ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:DATE_TIME currently ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,9:18:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343735393132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to Linkin Park's last album", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Linkin Park ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "20:31:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,39:44:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363031333534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please make an alarm for August 5th at 10:00 am to go to my friend's wedding.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for August 5th at 10:00 am ] [SL:ALARM_NAME go to my friend's wedding ] ]", "slot_string": "21:47:SL:DATE_TIME,51:76:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "3231323236313536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change the meeting time reminder from 2 PM to 4 PM.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO meeting time ] [SL:DATE_TIME from 2 PM ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 4 PM ] ]", "slot_string": "11:23:SL:TODO,33:42:SL:DATE_TIME,43:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139383035353932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "start playing 98 rock on iheartradio for me", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID 98 rock ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID,25:36:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3139393832303839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "show me some interesting shows tomorrow's night", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT shows ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow's night ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,31:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393738313231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "How many of my friends live in London, UK currently?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION London, UK ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION,31:41:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323337393139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to watch Insecure Sunday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO watch Insecure ] [SL:DATE_TIME Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:27:SL:TODO,28:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323731383933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play the top 10 songs on google play", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE top 10 ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME google play ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE,16:21:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,25:36:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231323832373838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Ashlee and ask her what time the basketball game starts tonight.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Ashlee ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what time the basketball game starts tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:RECIPIENT,27:71:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363039343838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "text Evan and tell them Perfect Im outside where can I park", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Evan ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT Perfect Im outside where can I park ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPIENT,24:59:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323431363233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel my reminder to go on a run.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO go on a run ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:33:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353637343537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will it be cold in london?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:LOCATION london ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,19:25:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231373232313830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "let's call Carlos Booker via WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Carlos Booker ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "11:24:SL:CONTACT,29:37:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231313534323635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to turn my 2 week notice in on Friday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO turn my 2 week notice in ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:37:SL:TODO,38:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353337363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Start a new timer at 2:00.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 2:00 ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER,18:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343536343238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Recipe for Chicken Marsala", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH Chicken Marsala ] ]", "slot_string": "11:26:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3139393833303631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Anything fun happening this Monday", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME this Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "23:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135333031313431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the 5 most recent headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY 5 most ] [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,20:26:SL:DATE_TIME,27:36:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363037383637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "create alarm for 1h30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 1h30 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393835363035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "What is Li's work address?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Li ] ]", "slot_string": "8:10:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353434343236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the hottest piece of news today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE hottest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,29:33:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313531373233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "REMIND ME OF ALL DOCTORS APPTS FOR NEXT MONTH", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED ME ] [SL:TODO ALL DOCTORS APPTS ] [SL:DATE_TIME FOR NEXT MONTH ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:30:SL:TODO,31:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393833303535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I know anyone who went to Duke University?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:SCHOOL Duke University ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,29:44:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3133323738313735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Minimum baking time for chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD baking ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,24:31:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231353537343637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the weather going to be like from 1 to the 7 of jue", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME from 1 to the 7 of jue ] ]", "slot_string": "37:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343839343531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "top story please", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE story ] ]", "slot_string": "0:3:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,4:9:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232313933393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "using Messenger call Eden", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] [SL:CONTACT Eden ] ]", "slot_string": "6:15:SL:NAME_APP,21:25:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353233303636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "show political news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY political ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "5:14:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,15:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333430343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Begin call with joey", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT joey ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3132363133393233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "tonights projected low", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME tonights ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353430323135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set the alarm for every 15 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD every 15 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "18:34:SL:PERIOD"} {"id": "3232343533323632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED", "locale": "en", "input": "mark me as interested for Katja Petrowskaja: A Family Story Between Memory and Forgetting", "target": "[IN:SET_RSVP_INTERESTED [SL:TITLE_EVENT Katja Petrowskaja: A Family Story Between Memory and Forgetting ] ]", "slot_string": "26:89:SL:TITLE_EVENT"} {"id": "3231353939303430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to know all alarms set on this device", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "15:18:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "39353339373239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please play me some dancing music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE dancing ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,28:33:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3139393231333730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "search for Kirk Daniel's sister", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Kirk Daniel ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION sister ] ]", "slot_string": "11:22:SL:CONTACT,25:31:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231373131363334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to call Trinity Nannette Bonilla", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Trinity Nannette Bonilla ] ]", "slot_string": "15:39:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353136363838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm every 5 minutes for 12 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD every 5 minutes ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 12 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "13:28:SL:PERIOD,29:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353534343630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set an alarm on the 21st of March", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME on the 21st of March ] ]", "slot_string": "20:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232343436343731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Has Ella sent me anything?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Ella ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:CONTACT,14:16:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39343934363631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Coutndown about 30 seconds", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER Coutndown ] [SL:DATE_TIME about 30 seconds ] ]", "slot_string": "0:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313437353631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pack hubby's lunch bag for work tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pack hubby's lunch bag for work ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:44:SL:TODO,45:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353232363031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Red Hot Chili Peppers songs", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Red Hot Chili Peppers ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] ]", "slot_string": "5:26:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,27:32:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343632393132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "find me a healthy recipe with haddock", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE healthy ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT haddock ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,30:37:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3139393833363333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What can I do tonight in Newport Beach", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] [SL:LOCATION Newport Beach ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:DATE_TIME,25:38:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353438383039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "add 5 more minutes to my timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 more minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:18:SL:DATE_TIME,25:30:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3138393831303337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "How many of my friends went to BSU?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:SCHOOL BSU ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION,31:34:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3232323935333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "cut the phone off", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323235353934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "show me all of jims reminders for the week", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED jims ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the week ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,15:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,30:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323737313534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message asking Jim if you saw the figures for new sales forecast", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jim ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT you saw the figures for new sales forecast ] ]", "slot_string": "22:25:SL:RECIPIENT,29:71:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138383937343139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the latest news on chris pratt", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC chris pratt ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:38:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353134373133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "turn on all saved alarms", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3232343339393536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "ping Hailey Estrada", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Hailey Estrada ] ]", "slot_string": "5:19:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313532363530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to set a reminder about my science test at 7pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO set a reminder about my science test ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 7pm ] ]", "slot_string": "13:49:SL:TODO,50:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353630383633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will it rain this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,13:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343631353039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show Yulanda grandads upcoming birthdays", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Yulanda ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION grandads ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,13:21:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "39343633303131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many servings can you get from a 9x12 baking dish", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD baking ] [SL:METHOD_RECIPES dish ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,42:48:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,49:53:SL:METHOD_RECIPES"} {"id": "3139343333353935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who invented electricity?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231343937363436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What volleyball matches are coming up in June", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT volleyball matches ] [SL:DATE_TIME in June ] ]", "slot_string": "5:23:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,38:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323938393135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the headlines on Bloomberg", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Bloomberg ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:35:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "39343536353333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How much fat is in lasagna", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How much ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION fat ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH lasagna ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:12:SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION,19:26:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363336373439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Stop making noise", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3135323937343632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the most popular news on CNN right now", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE most popular ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE CNN ] ]", "slot_string": "11:23:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,24:28:SL:NEWS_TYPE,32:35:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3138393834393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who's working at The Lawn Company.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER The Lawn Company ] ]", "slot_string": "25:41:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231323337353338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What are all the reminder for the next week?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the next week ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:AMOUNT,26:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323339333934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to buy fruit", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy fruit ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:22:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353833313034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Get my video messages from Laura, Angelica and Steve", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Laura ] [SL:RECIPIENT Angelica ] [SL:RECIPIENT Steve ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,27:32:SL:RECIPIENT,34:42:SL:RECIPIENT,47:52:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3136333337353533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there any news on the construction work", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC construction work ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:NEWS_TYPE,25:42:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3139393831343430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Comedy shows in Atlanta tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Comedy shows ] [SL:LOCATION Atlanta ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "0:12:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,16:23:SL:LOCATION,24:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323337333835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to set the table at 6 pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO set the table ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 6 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:26:SL:TODO,27:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393932333034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "does she teach at the university", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT she ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393838353738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "any concerts in new york on monday", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:LOCATION new york ] [SL:DATE_TIME on monday ] ]", "slot_string": "4:12:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,16:24:SL:LOCATION,25:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373234313633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "leave a video recording for Caliopi", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Caliopi ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,28:35:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39353737333838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Baseball news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Baseball ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,9:13:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333532313431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "initiate call to kelly", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT kelly ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232313730393435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i want you to record a video message for Nina since she is not available now", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Nina ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,41:45:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3135323839363930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Start the timer again in 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER,22:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353739393039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Repeat current song", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343639373738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set my alarm for tomorrow at 7 p.m.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow at 7 p.m ] ]", "slot_string": "13:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363233363034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Amount of time to steep tea?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323335313036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "delete the reminder for tomorrow", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "20:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323936383339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "is there an update on the news story about Bill Clinton", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE update ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news story ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Bill Clinton ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:36:SL:NEWS_TYPE,43:55:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323332313030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any reminders for FRiday", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for FRiday ] ]", "slot_string": "24:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373232383131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Please make video message for Liz", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Liz ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,30:33:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232353138303832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you audio call to biology class group", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP biology class ] ]", "slot_string": "22:35:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3139393839343234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Fun events in NJ this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION NJ ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "14:16:SL:LOCATION,17:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343634363432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me a recipe for pasta", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH pasta ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323736353938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask George when the pizza delivery guy said he would be there.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT George ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT when the pizza delivery guy said he would be there ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:RECIPIENT,11:61:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232353138313132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "video call with elderly on Messenger", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP elderly ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:GROUP,27:36:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39353131333531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "what song is this?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353537303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set and alarm for 7 AM on Sunday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 7 AM on Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "14:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343630373037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "List Sulek Mina mum upcoming birthdays", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Sulek Mina ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION mum ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,16:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3132363035343133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you show me radar data for southwest region", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION southwest region ] ]", "slot_string": "31:47:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3138393738363338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who lives in Phoenix?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Phoenix ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353438303135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove Sally from the call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Sally ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} {"id": "39353136373333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set my morning alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353331323632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to call 9675550071", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:PHONE_NUMBER 9675550071 ] ]", "slot_string": "15:25:SL:PHONE_NUMBER"} {"id": "3132353739393539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "where is tropical storm", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE tropical storm ] ]", "slot_string": "9:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231363039363638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "show my messages", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353031353739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to be warm in New York next week?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE warm ] [SL:LOCATION New York ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:34:SL:LOCATION,35:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323737303538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell Chris to meet me at the church at 8 pm", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Chris ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT meet me at the church at 8 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:RECIPIENT,14:43:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231353539363830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the weather for today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343834373538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What happened in the local news today", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,27:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE,32:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363338363430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "I would like to know the weather in Australia", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Australia ] ]", "slot_string": "36:45:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343535363831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me comfort food recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE comfort food ] ]", "slot_string": "8:20:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} {"id": "39343733303130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 9am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 9am ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323338313139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "New reminder.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363333343335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I need new alarms set for 6:00pm, and 7:00pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6:00pm, and 7:00pm ] ]", "slot_string": "22:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353635343436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please play 80's music.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE 80 ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,17:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323335313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder for 5 pm to pick up dinner", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for 5 pm ] [SL:TODO pick up dinner ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:DATE_TIME,27:41:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353537363138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Weather New York", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION New York ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343933323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "when does the rain start", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3232313933393231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "phone Aleah on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Aleah ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:CONTACT,15:23:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3133343634393933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long to let yeast bloom", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT yeast ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,16:21:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39353339323639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Turn all alarms on.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3135323839303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you give me entertainment news for 9/25", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY entertainment ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 9/25 ] ]", "slot_string": "16:29:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,30:34:SL:NEWS_TYPE,35:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231303932363035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play French music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE French ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,12:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323837383339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message my friends and ask them if they are close to my location?", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my friends ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT they are close to my location ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:RECIPIENT,35:64:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3139393830383033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Special events in downtown Baltimore this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION downtown Baltimore ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "18:36:SL:LOCATION,37:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353032383034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set smoker timer to 6 hrs.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 6 hrs ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:METHOD_TIMER,17:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363037323830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Hendrix my father", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Hendrix my father ] ]", "slot_string": "5:22:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232313731303737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I record a video message for kid", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT kid ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,33:36:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232323830363338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play some Migos please.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Migos ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231323837393237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message my friends and let them know I'm hurrying to meet them at the bar", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my friends ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I'm hurrying to meet them at the bar ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:RECIPIENT,37:73:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232333730353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "start calling Stephanie Dougherty's grandma", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Stephanie Dougherty's grandma ] ]", "slot_string": "14:43:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232343339393837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "ping Ella Benjamin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ella Benjamin ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323736363439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask my husband what he wants for dinner.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my husband ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what he wants for dinner ] ]", "slot_string": "4:14:SL:RECIPIENT,15:39:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231333132303430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Add brother in law to call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED brother in law ] ]", "slot_string": "4:18:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "39343836343634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 9 pm tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 9 pm tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "10:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343639333933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to pause the timer", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353036343134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Ying Sperandio 's uncle", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ying Sperandio 's uncle ] ]", "slot_string": "5:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333130323239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a call to mums", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mums ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353237333233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How warm will it be this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE warm ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333939393632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to get ready to go to sleep at 8, remind me at 7.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO get ready to go to sleep at 8 ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 7 ] ]", "slot_string": "10:39:SL:TODO,48:50:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,51:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373131363431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call Summer Amaya Atkinson now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Summer Amaya Atkinson ] ]", "slot_string": "5:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333131333135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "add my sons to the call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED my sons ] ]", "slot_string": "4:11:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231313433353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind me to send the family pictures to Aunt Michele on Wednesday?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO send the family pictures to Aunt Michele ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:61:SL:TODO,62:74:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353737343538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me timers running", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timers ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343532373630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Ingredients in mashed potatoes", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH mashed potatoes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,15:30:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3134313630313833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be around 29 in c around Boston tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE around ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 29 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT c ] [SL:LOCATION Boston ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,18:20:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,24:25:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,33:39:SL:LOCATION,40:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343536333332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories in one piece of fried chicken leg", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH fried chicken leg ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,34:51:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231313532353830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to tell Gabbie I changed the date to Tuesday, not Thursday for our trip", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO tell Gabbie I changed the date to Tuesday, not Thursday for our trip ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:81:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353336343635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "take my girlfriend out of the video call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED my girlfriend ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} {"id": "3232333635343838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call my Whatsapp contact Jude Mcintosh", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT Jude Mcintosh ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:NAME_APP,25:38:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323431343435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call Amy 500 pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call Amy ] [SL:DATE_TIME 500 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:21:SL:TODO,22:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393930313638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me concerts in Melbourne tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:LOCATION Melbourne ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,20:29:SL:LOCATION,30:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353530343531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the forecast at 8pm", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME at 8pm ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353036323635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Nayeli 's daughter", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Nayeli 's daughter ] ]", "slot_string": "5:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3133343138373431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how to pickle cucumbers", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD pickle ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cucumbers ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,14:23:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323333343539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I don't need the reminders about Emerson's birthdays in May anymore.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO Emerson's birthdays in May ] ]", "slot_string": "0:1:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,33:59:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323334363833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Get rid of the reminder about Monday's oil change.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO Monday's oil change ] ]", "slot_string": "30:49:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353038313130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call My brother Nic and my mother Cathi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT My brother Nic ] [SL:CONTACT my mother Cathi ] ]", "slot_string": "5:19:SL:CONTACT,24:39:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353138333635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "video call Katrina and Simon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Katrina ] [SL:CONTACT Simon ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:CONTACT,23:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333534323639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you call mommy too", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mommy ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353036373335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Kylie 's mother", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kylie 's mother ] ]", "slot_string": "5:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3133343634333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "List the ingredients for the spaghetti sauce", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH spaghetti sauce ] ]", "slot_string": "9:20:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,29:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323838313835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to my aunt asking what day she is visiting", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my aunt ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what day she is visiting ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:RECIPIENT,33:57:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343538303636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How much oil do I use to sautee", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How much ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT oil ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD sautee ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:12:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,25:31:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "3231323338303934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pick up bread at 5 pm today.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up bread ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5 pm today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:26:SL:TODO,27:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323839343432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell my husband to pick up my favorite food from this direction...", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my husband ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT pick up my favorite food from this direction ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:RECIPIENT,19:63:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3136333337383230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Local news headlined", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY Local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlined ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,6:10:SL:NEWS_TYPE,11:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353539303130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How will the weather be at lunchtime in Milton Keynes?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME at lunchtime ] [SL:LOCATION Milton Keynes ] ]", "slot_string": "24:36:SL:DATE_TIME,40:53:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231333431333333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "dial the family", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT family ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363338333335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Let me know the temperature in London.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION London ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232313330363839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "is my daughter online", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT my daughter ] ]", "slot_string": "3:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323835353832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message my boyfriend asking if he wants to go on a weekend trip to Chicago", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my boyfriend ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT he wants to go on a weekend trip to Chicago ] ]", "slot_string": "8:20:SL:RECIPIENT,31:74:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231313436373439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to email andra about uniforms", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO email andra about uniforms ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:39:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353137303231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Open Spotify and play Coldplay station.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Coldplay ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,22:30:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,31:38:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231313535343337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to start the crockpot salsa chicken at 1:30 on Tuesday please.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO start the crockpot salsa chicken at 1:30 on Tuesday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:64:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353735363231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is it windy?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE windy ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231353537363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Hey bot what the weather in Manchester England like", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Manchester England ] ]", "slot_string": "28:46:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363339333935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "forecast for Colarado", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Colarado ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343535333738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long do I leave the turkey in the oven", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT turkey ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD oven ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:30:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,38:42:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "3231323334383338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove my reminder to renew my RT license in September.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO renew my RT license ] [SL:DATE_TIME in September ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:41:SL:TODO,42:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323236373934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to be reminded on Tuesday to send flowers to Joyce's daughter for the funeral.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Tuesday ] [SL:TODO send flowers to Joyce's daughter for the funeral ] ]", "slot_string": "0:1:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:32:SL:DATE_TIME,36:84:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3132353933343735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Trap music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Trap ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,10:15:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353034393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is it supposed to rain in new york today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:LOCATION new york ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:34:SL:LOCATION,35:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135333030333733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the top headlines for today", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,17:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353630353533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What time will it get hot tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "22:25:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333534303836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Let's see if Grant is online right now.", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Grant ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232313938353636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "add 9 minutes more to my Floss timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 9 minutes ] [SL:TIMER_NAME Floss ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:DATE_TIME,25:30:SL:TIMER_NAME,31:36:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231313531353638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to complete my Appen survey today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO complete my Appen survey ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:37:SL:TODO,38:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353130353836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the forecast for Orlando next week", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Orlando ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "25:32:SL:LOCATION,33:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393734383032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show friends of Liam's to me", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Liam ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:TYPE_RELATION,16:20:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3133343130343230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I boil the noodles for lasagna or cook them hard", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD boil ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT noodles ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH lasagna ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,14:21:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,26:33:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343732303234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "activate timer for 25 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 25 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:METHOD_TIMER,15:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138383934393535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me a recipe with chicken and rice", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT rice ] ]", "slot_string": "22:29:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,34:38:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231353938313732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please search for the weather from May 9 to 14 ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME from May 9 to 14 ] ]", "slot_string": "30:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353430383030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me news stories about Charlottesville", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Charlottesville ] ]", "slot_string": "8:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:42:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231373233393733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Id like to video message Brian J Baker", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Brian J Baker ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,25:38:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39343632303631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find a pizza dough recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH pizza dough ] ]", "slot_string": "7:18:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323335343935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pay the car insurance by the 15th.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pay the car insurance ] [SL:DATE_TIME by the 15th ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:34:SL:TODO,35:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353431363739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "play the boston globe live news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE the boston globe ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE live ] ]", "slot_string": "5:21:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,22:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323338303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to mail dad's card", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO mail dad's card ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:28:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3139393837333139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "what's happening", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353535373035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a timer for 20 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323935323933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Schedule wake up alarm for 0530", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up alarm ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 0530 ] ]", "slot_string": "9:22:SL:ALARM_NAME,23:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363336333139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please wake me at 7am.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 7am ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313437373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pick up some chlorine for he pool tomorrow morning.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up some chlorine for he pool ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:46:SL:TODO,47:63:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353830363639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "add alarm wednesday 4:45 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME wednesday 4:45 am ] ]", "slot_string": "10:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353737303935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot will it be this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,19:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323330333434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Update birthday party prep reminder to September 12th.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO birthday party prep ] [SL:DATE_TIME to September 12th ] ]", "slot_string": "7:26:SL:TODO,36:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353534333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Please give me a list of healthy kid-friendly meals", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE healthy ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE kid-friendly ] ]", "slot_string": "25:32:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,33:45:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333436363033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Is anyone available", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353830323331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How cold will it get tonight?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,21:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343931313630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play my Jacques station", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE Jacques ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE,16:23:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333533353239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Let's place a call to Jane Austin Juthey", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jane Austin Juthey ] ]", "slot_string": "22:40:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353530373139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm for 4:30 pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 4:30 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "10:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353638303533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for breakfast at 7", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 7 ] ]", "slot_string": "27:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393735333436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me, my friends list.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,12:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3132353938303130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Should I stay in or go outside", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323332383531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind me to take the pizza out of the freezer at 5 pm?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO take the pizza out of the freezer ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:54:SL:TODO,55:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323236333933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show all reminders for Saturday.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:DATE_TIME for Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:8:SL:AMOUNT,19:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343635303830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I make pork tenderloin", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH pork tenderloin ] ]", "slot_string": "14:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3139393736393839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me dates for music festivals in 2018", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT music festivals ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 2018 ] ]", "slot_string": "18:33:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,34:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343537373935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What temp should i cook ham on", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temp ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH ham ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:27:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353437393436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any breaking news today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE breaking ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "4:12:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,13:17:SL:NEWS_TYPE,18:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393835343436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "When does the County fair open in Barren county", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT County fair ] [SL:LOCATION Barren county ] ]", "slot_string": "14:25:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,34:47:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3138393739313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who would i know in boulder", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED i ] [SL:LOCATION boulder ] ]", "slot_string": "10:11:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,20:27:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232313730393631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i want you to start recording a video message for Mohamed", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Mohamed ] ]", "slot_string": "32:37:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,50:57:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231353538323834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "This morning's weather please.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME This morning ] ]", "slot_string": "0:12:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363234363338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the calorie count for home made ice cream please", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calorie ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH ice cream ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,40:49:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343637303336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play selena gomez's most famous song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME selena gomez ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,32:36:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333534353230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Send Nick a call please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Nick ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232313933363338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "can you phone Jorge Lin on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jorge Lin ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:CONTACT,27:35:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3132353936373336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I set a timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231373131343437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I'd like to call Kimberly Paul Hendrix", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kimberly Paul Hendrix ] ]", "slot_string": "17:38:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353534323535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm for June 5th at midnight", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for June 5th at midnight ] ]", "slot_string": "16:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353134373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to Maroon 5 latest album.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Maroon 5 ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,36:41:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363337333837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I need an alarm to remind me to do a task this afternoon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME do a task ] [SL:DATE_TIME this afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "32:41:SL:ALARM_NAME,42:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353334353932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play The Fray on iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME The Fray ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,17:28:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39353334343939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's today's news update?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:DATE_TIME,15:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232353735333239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message via Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39343732303332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "please tell me the news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353539323332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "can i get a news update?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232313332343236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Day and Holt", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Day ] [SL:CONTACT Holt ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT,13:17:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323339333635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to cut the grass on Sunday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO cut the grass ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:26:SL:TODO,27:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343639303735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESTART_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Reset the timer please", "target": "[IN:RESTART_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353430373736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "put on the Kendrick Lamar playlist with Spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Kendrick Lamar ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE playlist ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "11:25:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,26:34:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,40:47:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231353535313030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Wake me up in 2 hours", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME in 2 hours ] ]", "slot_string": "11:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323731373035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "iheartradio as my default music provider", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231353539373136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Hows the weather today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3230393939353433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for 622", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 622 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363030363133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm that rings on Mondays at 7am, please.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME on Mondays at 7am ] ]", "slot_string": "24:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343833333938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will the weather be like at 5:00 in the morning?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME at 5:00 in the morning ] ]", "slot_string": "30:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353534383230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "please make alarm for monday at 5pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for monday at 5pm ] ]", "slot_string": "18:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393836393136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Where does Carla live?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Carla ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323234313537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you give me a list of my class reminders this week?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO class ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "26:28:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:34:SL:TODO,45:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323233353733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Display all reminders for the Eastern time zone that are about John's business now.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Display ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the Eastern time zone ] [SL:TODO John's business ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,22:47:SL:DATE_TIME,63:78:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231333939373233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete my reminders for today.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,20:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353232313630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "turn alarms off", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353339303138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Turn on timer.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343936323636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any recent news about the Philippines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Philippines ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:DATE_TIME,11:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:37:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3232353138343530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Start up a call Baylee Wilkinson and Mohamed Mckay", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Baylee Wilkinson ] [SL:CONTACT Mohamed Mckay ] ]", "slot_string": "16:32:SL:CONTACT,37:50:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343637313133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Tonights local crime news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME Tonights ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local crime ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:DATE_TIME,9:20:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,21:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323736343534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Jacky asking him to come over", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jacky ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT come over ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:RECIPIENT,28:37:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232353734363837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "read my Facebook texts", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Facebook ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3136343034313138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How long until the buzzer goes off", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER buzzer ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231363031373034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Birthday reminder alarm Saturday 8pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME Birthday ] [SL:DATE_TIME Saturday 8pm ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:ALARM_NAME,24:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343939383434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read the political headlines please", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY political ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "9:18:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,19:28:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232353332373135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Carole Gregory", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Carole Gregory ] ]", "slot_string": "5:19:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3135343936393632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "information on sports news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY sports ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,22:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363137393436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "hang up Danielle", "target": "[IN:END_CALL [SL:CONTACT Danielle ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333534353232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Give Susan a call", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Susan ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323836343030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Text Josh to let him know I'm bringing potato salad to his party next weekend.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Josh ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I'm bringing potato salad to his party next weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPIENT,26:77:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343936303939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's today's headlines?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:DATE_TIME,15:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353038373733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is business news from germany", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY business ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC germany ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,17:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:34:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231373233303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Video message for Susan Smith.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT Video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Susan Smith ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,18:29:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232343331303735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "please make this timer longer by three hours", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME by three hours ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER,30:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393836393633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Is Li still living in Seattle?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Li ] [SL:LOCATION Seattle ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:CONTACT,22:29:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231373233383237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "could you message a video message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "3138383931383431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what ingredients are in peach cobbler", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH peach cobbler ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:37:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353639363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Should I bring a jacket to Toronto tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE jacket ] [SL:LOCATION Toronto ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "17:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:34:SL:LOCATION,35:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323737353730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send Sam a message asking if she is home", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sam ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT she is home ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:RECIPIENT,29:40:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3135323935383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm to go off in 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME in 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "20:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323234383531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "what reminders do i have set for this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED i ] [SL:DATE_TIME for this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "18:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393832393038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who works at Long John Silvers?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Long John Silvers ] ]", "slot_string": "13:30:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3132353832373835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Open Spotify and play my country song list", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE country song ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE list ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,25:37:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE,38:42:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323236363335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "delete the reminder for book group this month", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO book group ] [SL:DATE_TIME this month ] ]", "slot_string": "24:34:SL:TODO,35:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323233303439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind me what I had to do today?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,35:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323930363439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the latest tech headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY tech ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:DATE_TIME,18:22:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,23:32:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3134313630303534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it above 35 in fahrenheit madrid next week", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE above ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 35 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT fahrenheit ] [SL:LOCATION madrid ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,12:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,18:28:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,29:35:SL:LOCATION,36:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393738383637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do any of my friends have a primary residence in New York City?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION New York City ] ]", "slot_string": "10:12:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,13:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION,49:62:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232353138373736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to touch base with Jeffery", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jeffery ] ]", "slot_string": "26:33:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363335333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "SET AN ALARM FOR 1ST JUNE", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME FOR 1ST JUNE ] ]", "slot_string": "13:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313438303132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind John our dinner date is at 3:30pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED John ] [SL:TODO dinner date is ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 3:30pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:30:SL:TODO,31:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353536383738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me a weather forecast for the 26th of May", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for the 26th of May ] ]", "slot_string": "27:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343733393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the top headlines for today", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "12:15:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,16:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323933343839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "give me Action news local highlights today", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Action news ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE highlights ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,20:25:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,26:36:SL:NEWS_TYPE,37:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353833363033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "please send a message to the physics group", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP physics ] ]", "slot_string": "29:36:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231323932393438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Let Marlene know that traffic is backed up on I-4 and to take a different route.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Marlene ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT traffic is backed up on I-4 and to take a different route ] ]", "slot_string": "4:11:SL:RECIPIENT,22:79:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353639383837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "fire news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY fire ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,5:9:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363339323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the weather forecasts for the Victorian Alpine Region?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Victorian Alpine Region ] ]", "slot_string": "39:62:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323235333134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder to watch Live PD.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO watch Live PD ] ]", "slot_string": "18:31:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343730313038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much more time is there on the timer?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER time ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER,35:40:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3232323731383430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Rolled Gold + on google play", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Rolled Gold + ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME google play ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,22:33:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3232353735333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send Isaac the video message on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Isaac ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:RECIPIENT,15:20:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,32:40:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3232353137393037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Los Angeles group on Wechat", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Los Angeles ] [SL:NAME_APP Wechat ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:GROUP,26:32:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323336373338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to visit my attorney on Monday morning", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO visit my attorney ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Monday morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:30:SL:TODO,31:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353737303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "are there clear skies tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE clear ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353534363931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "any news on north korea", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC north korea ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:NEWS_TYPE,12:23:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323334363331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I verify I have reminders set for Show Choir practice?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO Show Choir practice ] ]", "slot_string": "4:5:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,38:57:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353736303039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "When is the timer ending?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353130343635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there new news about Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez getting back together?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE new ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez getting back together ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,13:17:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:76:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3232353833303039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "please send that video to the church group", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:GROUP church ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,30:36:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3138393839313638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "What years did Jessie attend Barton?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Jessie ] [SL:SCHOOL Barton ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:CONTACT,29:35:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3232313136333339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather on March 17th in Ica", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on March 17th ] [SL:LOCATION Ica ] ]", "slot_string": "20:33:SL:DATE_TIME,37:40:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232353138333833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I'd like to video call with Kennedy Gardner and Alejandro Potts on Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kennedy Gardner ] [SL:CONTACT Alejandro Potts ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "28:43:SL:CONTACT,48:63:SL:CONTACT,67:75:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3135333032333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add 3 minutes to the timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 3 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:DATE_TIME,21:26:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323338333838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder for Monday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "15:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323431323135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to invite Sarah to dinner tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO invite Sarah to dinner ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:35:SL:TODO,36:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333937353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to Janie and ask her what theme she chose for the anniversary celebration next month", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Janie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what theme she chose for the anniversary celebration next month ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:RECIPIENT,36:99:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231343631353433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Which of Payant girlfriends were born on the 30th?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Payant ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION girlfriends ] [SL:DATE_TIME on the 30th ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,16:27:SL:TYPE_RELATION,38:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343533353639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the fastest way to chop an onion", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD chop ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT onion ] ]", "slot_string": "27:31:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,35:40:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39353732353037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel alarms", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393739313834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who do i know in rice lake", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED i ] [SL:LOCATION rice lake ] ]", "slot_string": "7:8:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,17:26:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353334313736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set timer to 30 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393839383531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What's going on in Birmingham this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Birmingham ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "19:29:SL:LOCATION,30:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132383135363930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be over 100 degrees in Sacramento tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE over 100 ] [SL:LOCATION Sacramento ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,31:41:SL:LOCATION,42:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363339313034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will be the weather on labour day?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on labour day ] ]", "slot_string": "25:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353334343832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play 6LACK on iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME 6LACK ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,14:25:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39353736373232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 9 pm tonight only.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 9 pm tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "10:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343935373130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the national news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY national ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,20:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363734323133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call up Kevin now.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kevin ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353531353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create a wakeup alarm 8am on Sunday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wakeup ] [SL:DATE_TIME 8am on Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:ALARM_NAME,22:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393838383535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who has a birthday is this month?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME this month ] ]", "slot_string": "22:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353537363630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How is it like the climate in Paris?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Paris ] ]", "slot_string": "30:35:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353832323038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 8 AM.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 8 AM ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323331313631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "change my reminder for eastern time zone", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for eastern time zone ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,19:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313530333632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change my street sweeping reminder for 10am.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO street sweeping ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 10am ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:25:SL:TODO,35:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323938373135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm to go off at 5pm daily", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 5pm daily ] ]", "slot_string": "20:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363030313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What was yesterday's low temperature", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME yesterday ] ]", "slot_string": "9:18:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136353036343337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "alarm restart", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353334393831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "SET ALARM FOR 7AM SATURDAY.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME FOR 7AM SATURDAY ] ]", "slot_string": "10:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353731393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play any Linkin Park song.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Linkin Park ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "9:20:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,21:25:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3132363035393132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any severe weather advisories for the Pacific Northwest", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Pacific Northwest ] ]", "slot_string": "48:65:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353535393230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it wet or dry outside?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE wet ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE dry ] ]", "slot_string": "6:9:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,13:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231323331383833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Does Allie have any vet appointment reminders for the next 3 months?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Allie ] [SL:TODO vet appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the next 3 months ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,20:35:SL:TODO,46:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373232313035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "talk to Amy via WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Amy ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT,16:24:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3135323839363439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Are we at work with North Korea", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC work with North Korea ] ]", "slot_string": "10:31:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343539353035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What goes good with chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39353539393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What time is the rain coming on Thursday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "17:21:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,29:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343838313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a 30 second timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 30 second ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "6:15:SL:DATE_TIME,16:21:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343932373935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much time do I have left on my cookies?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER time ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3232343330363133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "create one timer for 18 minutes and another for 15 minutes and another for 6 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:AMOUNT one ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 18 minutes ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 15 minutes ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 6 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,11:16:SL:METHOD_TIMER,17:31:SL:DATE_TIME,44:58:SL:DATE_TIME,71:84:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353835303336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Ring Dr. Stately right now!", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Dr. Stately ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313534363136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pick up the cake at 11 am on Sunday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up the cake ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 11 am on Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:29:SL:TODO,30:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323339383032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to cancel my alarm afterwards", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO cancel my alarm afterwards ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:39:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138383935393333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how to make vegan meatballs", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE vegan ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH meatballs ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:RECIPES_TYPE,18:27:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343537383430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long does it take to bake an apple pie", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH apple pie ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,25:29:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,33:42:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231343937333232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What soccer match can I go to on Monday", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT soccer match ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,30:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393834363230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "is 2022 lauderdale Jessica's address?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:LOCATION 2022 lauderdale ] [SL:CONTACT Jessica ] ]", "slot_string": "3:18:SL:LOCATION,19:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343837383538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Stop timer and restart", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3135323933333638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any celebrities in the news currently", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY celebrities ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME currently ] ]", "slot_string": "14:25:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,33:37:SL:NEWS_TYPE,38:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313437313637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder that football practice starts back up on monday at 3pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO football practice starts back up ] [SL:DATE_TIME on monday at 3pm ] ]", "slot_string": "20:52:SL:TODO,53:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363430333836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the weather.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343730343732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set the alarm now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231373233343938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "respond to Donovan with a video", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Donovan ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:RECIPIENT,26:31:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "3135323933343636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Please give me details on N. Korea in the headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC N. Korea ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:34:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,42:51:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323339373130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel my reminder to shave my legs", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO shave my legs ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:35:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353833333830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message that video to the woodworking facebook friends chat", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:GROUP woodworking facebook friends ] ]", "slot_string": "29:34:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,42:70:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3138393837303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Taylor's address?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Taylor ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393836353534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "music festivals in las vegas 2018", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT music festivals ] [SL:LOCATION las vegas ] [SL:DATE_TIME 2018 ] ]", "slot_string": "0:15:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,19:28:SL:LOCATION,29:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333430363032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Dial Anna and add her to this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Anna ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "39353236363639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "5 day forecast for Orlando, Florida", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 day ] [SL:LOCATION Orlando, Florida ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:DATE_TIME,19:35:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323338393532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to pick up groceries this afternoon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up groceries ] [SL:DATE_TIME this afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:30:SL:TODO,31:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393833343833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who works at Starbucks.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Starbucks ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39343632323336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "best recipe for scramble eggs", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING best ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH scramble eggs ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:RECIPES_RATING,16:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231313532333133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set up a reminder to send Elsa an invitation to my party tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO send Elsa an invitation to my party ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "21:56:SL:TODO,57:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373233343137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message a video to Ruth Gilmore", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Ruth Gilmore ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,19:31:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39343538323939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there peanuts in pad thai", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT peanuts ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pad thai ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,21:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353339313735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "How much time until my alarm goes off?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343533383939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many cups of water to boil for pasta", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT cups ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT water ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD boil ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT pasta ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:13:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,17:22:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,26:30:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,35:40:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231323335313639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to pick up snacks", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up snacks ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:27:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353132303536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set my alarm to 5 am on Thursdays", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME 5 am on Thursdays ] ]", "slot_string": "16:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313530333934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete reminder for the 5K run next Saturday.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO the 5K run ] [SL:DATE_TIME next Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "20:30:SL:TODO,31:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353531393035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set up an alarm for Tuesdays at 9am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Tuesdays at 9am ] ]", "slot_string": "16:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353332313530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Dora", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Dora ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393838363231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Symphony performances in Memphis in February", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Symphony performances ] [SL:LOCATION Memphis ] [SL:DATE_TIME in February ] ]", "slot_string": "0:21:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,25:32:SL:LOCATION,33:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323336353138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to pack lunch for tomorrow tonight", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pack lunch ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:23:SL:TODO,24:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353531373239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set timer for 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232343932343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "kindly remind me yesterday's forecast", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME yesterday ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393830343836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to find a contact in Hartford.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Hartford ] ]", "slot_string": "28:36:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353530303734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how cold will it be overnight", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:DATE_TIME overnight ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323933303436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the news in the music industry", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY music industry ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,23:37:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} {"id": "39343533373238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Is fish high in protein", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3133393633323334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "When is the Election Day", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Election Day ] ]", "slot_string": "12:24:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323337363039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel all of today's reminders.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:DATE_TIME of today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,11:19:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323931313837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any science related news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY science ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "4:11:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,20:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323235393338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "what's my dinner reminder on Friday?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO dinner ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:16:SL:TODO,26:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353739363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to snow tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393935313030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is Ryan's roommate Jonathon?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Ryan ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION roommate ] [SL:CONTACT Jonathon ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,14:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION,23:31:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323336363438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me I have an appointment tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO an appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:31:SL:TODO,32:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353432303733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm at 8:15 pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 8:15 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "10:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363030343433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a get ready alarm for 6pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME get ready ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 6pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:16:SL:ALARM_NAME,23:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393835373733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What parties are in Miami tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT parties ] [SL:LOCATION Miami ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,20:25:SL:LOCATION,26:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393735313337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "What is friend of Ali?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friend ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Ali ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:TYPE_RELATION,18:21:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "39353739383935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "does it get cold in the Galapagos", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:LOCATION Galapagos ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,24:33:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363332393238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I need an alarm set for Friday at 7an and 1pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Friday at 7an and 1pm ] ]", "slot_string": "20:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363039303239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "make an alarm for 1h35", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 1h35 ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343932393434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Add 30 seconds to the alarm.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME 30 seconds ] ]", "slot_string": "4:14:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353436303535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Would you please provide details for today's weather?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "33:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313439393432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me on the 13th to send Tracie her birthday card.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME on the 13th ] [SL:TODO send Tracie her birthday card ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:21:SL:DATE_TIME,25:54:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343838313937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Latest news on Trump", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME Latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Trump ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:DATE_TIME,7:11:SL:NEWS_TYPE,15:20:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323430333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me in 45 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 45 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353736343436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "whats weather forecast for tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "23:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353138353130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "When is our next chance for rain?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] ]", "slot_string": "28:32:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39343535373132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "best chicken noodle soup recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING best ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken noodle soup ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:RECIPES_RATING,5:24:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353238383431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play contemporary country", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE contemporary country ] ]", "slot_string": "5:25:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "3232323831353034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to Michael Jackson's greatest hits.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Michael Jackson ] ]", "slot_string": "20:35:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3232353431363934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "play on point live", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE on point ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE live ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,14:18:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323330333239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me my reminder to buy milk for the kids before I go home.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO buy milk for the kids before I go home ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:61:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353333373733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What the current world headlines?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME the current ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY world ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:DATE_TIME,17:22:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,23:32:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333436383932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Leave call and switch now", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3139393736363732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What concerts are happening", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} {"id": "3232353138363538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Begin video chat with Tanner and Kathleen Miranda on Skype", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Tanner ] [SL:CONTACT Kathleen Miranda ] [SL:NAME_APP Skype ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:CONTACT,33:49:SL:CONTACT,53:58:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39343935313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Donald Trump collusion stories please.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Donald Trump collusion ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE stories ] ]", "slot_string": "0:22:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,23:30:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231313532303732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to go through my email box this weekend", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO go through my email box ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:36:SL:TODO,37:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313534333639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete the reminder to cancel my direct tv.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO cancel my direct tv ] ]", "slot_string": "23:42:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231303135373632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IGNORE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "dont answer the phone", "target": "[IN:IGNORE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3139393833393831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Music festivals this month in Tampa Bay", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Music festivals ] [SL:DATE_TIME this month ] [SL:LOCATION Tampa Bay ] ]", "slot_string": "0:15:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,16:26:SL:DATE_TIME,30:39:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353537383735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me about the weather in North America.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION North America ] ]", "slot_string": "29:42:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323335363034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to buy ink cartridges", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy ink cartridges ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:31:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343536373131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to make soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE soft ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE chewy ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chocolate chip cookies ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:29:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,30:52:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3135323839363434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set timer for 28 minutes for cake to be done", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 28 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132383135363136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the current barometric pressure", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE barometric pressure ] ]", "slot_string": "20:39:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231363339373239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How's the weather like for Bondi Beach this Sunday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Bondi Beach ] [SL:DATE_TIME this Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "27:38:SL:LOCATION,39:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133303534343636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "show me how to bake onions", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH onions ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,20:26:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323836333339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "TEXT JAN AND ASK HER WHERE WE'RE ALL MEETING FOR THE ART WALK IN A FEW DAYS.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT JAN ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT WHERE WE'RE ALL MEETING FOR THE ART WALK IN A FEW DAYS ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:RECIPIENT,21:75:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323336393637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Create a reminder that I need to buy baby food tomorrow morning at noon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO buy baby food ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning at noon ] ]", "slot_string": "23:24:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,33:46:SL:TODO,47:71:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393839343439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "concerts in orlando next month", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:LOCATION orlando ] [SL:DATE_TIME next month ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,12:19:SL:LOCATION,20:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353437383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Change the genre to pop", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE pop ] ]", "slot_string": "20:23:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "3232353832363533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "reply to the guild members thread with message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP guild members ] ]", "slot_string": "13:26:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231363038303734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for 2330", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 2330 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353233333934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play God is a woman by J. Cole", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE God is a woman ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME J. Cole ] ]", "slot_string": "5:19:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,23:30:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231373538323731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call the first Marques", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:ORDINAL first ] [SL:CONTACT Marques ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:ORDINAL,15:22:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343632383036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long does it take to get a rolling boil", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD rolling boil ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,31:43:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "39353036383333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will there be severe weather today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "29:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333633373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "display my cookies timer", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME cookies ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:TIMER_NAME,19:24:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353536353336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather forecast in Hawaii?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Hawaii ] ]", "slot_string": "32:38:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232353138303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call with Quilting", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Quilting ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "39353336363436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any recent news from Afghanistan ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Afghanistan ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:DATE_TIME,11:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,21:32:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323336303233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me a reminder for my next alarm.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO my next alarm ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:36:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323338313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to take dog for walk tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO take dog for walk ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:30:SL:TODO,31:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353135383237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "are there any news about Trump and USA today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Trump and USA ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:NEWS_TYPE,25:38:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,39:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353731363236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add 30 more minutes to the cooking timer.", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 30 more minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:19:SL:DATE_TIME,35:40:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323836353639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Jan is your party at your apartment on the 3rd floor, does the apartment have an elevator?", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jan ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT is your party at your apartment on the 3rd floor, does the apartment have an elevator ] ]", "slot_string": "0:3:SL:RECIPIENT,4:89:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231333339353431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Give Vicky a call", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Vicky ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353539373833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the title of this album", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "26:31:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3133303534323132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What ingredients do I need to make miso ramen", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH miso ramen ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,35:45:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343539363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long do i bake corn casserole", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH corn casserole ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,14:18:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,19:33:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3139393834313437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "anything exciting to do in sarasota tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION sarasota ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "27:35:SL:LOCATION,36:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363333343635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set three alarms today, one for 3pm, one for 5pm and one for 7pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT three ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:AMOUNT one ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 3pm ] [SL:AMOUNT one ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 5pm ] [SL:AMOUNT one ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 7pm ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:AMOUNT,17:22:SL:DATE_TIME,24:27:SL:AMOUNT,28:35:SL:DATE_TIME,37:40:SL:AMOUNT,41:48:SL:DATE_TIME,53:56:SL:AMOUNT,57:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353032343732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to snoop dogg on Pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME snoop dogg ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "20:30:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,34:41:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39353238383439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set timer to start at 9 pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 9 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,19:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313938353138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "add twelve minutes to my Inhaler timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME twelve minutes ] [SL:TIMER_NAME Inhaler ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:18:SL:DATE_TIME,25:32:SL:TIMER_NAME,33:38:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3232343333323133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "make a timer to last 1 minute", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME 1 minute ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393831393036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who went to UIC with me", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL UIC ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED me ] ]", "slot_string": "12:15:SL:SCHOOL,21:23:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3232333636303339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "make a whatsapp call to Mateo Barrera", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT Mateo Barrera ] ]", "slot_string": "7:15:SL:NAME_APP,24:37:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353135353837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "pause the timer please", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323336373636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Clear my walk the dog reminder", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO walk the dog ] ]", "slot_string": "6:8:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,9:21:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353735303230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you send Judith the video message via Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Judith ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:RECIPIENT,24:29:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,42:51:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231333534303438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Who do I know that is online now?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138383937353632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "please find the top greek recipes out there that include olives", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING top ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE greek ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT olives ] ]", "slot_string": "16:19:SL:RECIPES_RATING,20:25:SL:RECIPES_TYPE,57:63:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39343730383336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Please tell me the details about OJ Simpson parole", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC OJ Simpson parole ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,33:50:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323835303330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask Laura when we should arrive for the conference and where to meet.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Laura ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT when we should arrive for the conference and where to meet ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:RECIPIENT,10:68:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231313531373938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to watch Empire movie series on Fox Tv station tonight", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO watch Empire movie series on Fox Tv station ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:56:SL:TODO,57:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353237363634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play my favorite songs but shuffle them", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363431373034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "open iheartradio and play Tonight", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,26:33:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE"} {"id": "3135323937393835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please add 20 minutes to the current timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 20 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "11:21:SL:DATE_TIME,37:42:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353132393935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "should I bring an umbrella today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE umbrella ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343737313837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me the news updates", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231373538363830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please call Trent Yu right away", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Trent Yu ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3132383135353731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "do i need a raincoat today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE raincoat ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,21:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353833373239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send a message to french meet thread that says talk to you later", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP french meet ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT talk to you later ] ]", "slot_string": "18:29:SL:GROUP,47:64:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393835323333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "What is Shannon's home address?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Shannon ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343533323530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many cups of flour for Toll House chocolate chip cookies", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT cups ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT flour ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH Toll House chocolate chip cookies ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:13:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,17:22:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,27:60:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363431343931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Report the outside temperature in Celsius", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "34:41:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "39353633303532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the political news for today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY political ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,22:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353535323637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Alert my alarm at 12pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 12pm ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363734373033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Ring Dave", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Dave ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343537363334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what ingredients do I need for banana bread", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH banana bread ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,31:43:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353136393931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 20 minutes from now.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 20 minutes from now ] ]", "slot_string": "13:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393736303937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me friends of Rob", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Rob ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:TYPE_RELATION,19:22:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3231343030373339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me at 4PM - hopefully I can beat the traffic at that time", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 4PM ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:16:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343734323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to One More Light by Linkin Park on Spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE One More Light ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Linkin Park ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "20:34:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,38:49:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,53:60:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3139393837333135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What is happening next month", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME next month ] ]", "slot_string": "18:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353532313337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "hit me up with some red sox news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC red sox ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,29:33:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393738383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is living in Oklahoma City now?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Oklahoma City ] ]", "slot_string": "17:30:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343938343631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "CAN I HEAR NINE INCH NAILS TRACK LESS THAN?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME NINE INCH NAILS ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE TRACK ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE LESS THAN ] ]", "slot_string": "11:26:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,27:32:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,33:42:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "39343539373735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long to leave pasta dry", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH pasta ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353230303335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is it going to snow tuesday", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME tuesday ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363034313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "en", "input": "What time does the sun go down in Colorado", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET [SL:LOCATION Colorado ] ]", "slot_string": "34:42:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343539303830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find gluten free recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE gluten free ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} {"id": "3134313539383939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it around 35 Fahrenheit new york tomorrow morning", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE around ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 35 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Fahrenheit ] [SL:LOCATION new york ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "6:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,13:15:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,16:26:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,27:35:SL:LOCATION,36:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353530313230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you please show me all of my alarms?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "23:26:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3231353538343537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How many degrees Celsius is it?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3231373236373236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send it to Sherell Grotzinger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sherell Grotzinger ] ]", "slot_string": "11:29:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231323234343638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "show me all of the upcoming reminder I have on Thursday through the rest of 2018", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER show ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Thursday through the rest of 2018 ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,37:38:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,44:80:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343535313339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "homemade bread recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD homemade ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH bread ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,9:14:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363431363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play midnight on pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE midnight ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,17:24:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231373233303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Could I record a video message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "3231353531373833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create a repeating alarm that goes off every Wednesday at 3pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME off every Wednesday at 3pm ] ]", "slot_string": "35:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343733353132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "can you give me election news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC election ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,25:29:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353337363539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "should I take a sweater", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sweater ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3232353832303333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to see messages from Braelyn", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER Braelyn ] ]", "slot_string": "28:35:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "3231323735383131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Has Gloria messaged me today?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER Gloria ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:SENDER,20:22:SL:RECIPIENT,23:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353039303734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play songs by thelonious monk", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME thelonious monk ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,14:29:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231323834383637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Jim and tell him the fishing tournament will begin at 5:00 AM.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jim ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT the fishing tournament will begin at 5:00 AM ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:RECIPIENT,25:69:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323235303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder for Jordan to turn off the sprinkler in the front yard at 5pm tonight.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Jordan ] [SL:TODO turn off the sprinkler in the front yard ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5pm tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:69:SL:TODO,70:84:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353139323234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you tell me next weeks forecast?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME next weeks ] ]", "slot_string": "16:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353137373530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Start a video call with my Christian group", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Christian ] ]", "slot_string": "27:36:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3138393831383138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I know anyone who went to Devry?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:SCHOOL Devry ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,29:34:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3133323737393730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what are the number of calories in burgers", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH burgers ] ]", "slot_string": "23:31:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,35:42:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353635303935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me the latest news about Britney Spears.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Britney Spears ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:44:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363339383630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather looking like in London at 4pm?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION London ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 4pm ] ]", "slot_string": "36:42:SL:LOCATION,43:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353437323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "What was my missed call from yesterday?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME from yesterday ] ]", "slot_string": "24:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353436363030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Phone Sue.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sue ] ]", "slot_string": "6:9:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393835303835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Where does Nate live?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Nate ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323837343939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Sally with the deadline date of October 11th for the medical questionnaire to be completed.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sally ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT the deadline date of October 11th for the medical questionnaire to be completed ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:RECIPIENT,19:98:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363736303835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "make video call only", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231373233373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "video message A Mathews", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT A Mathews ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,14:23:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231373530303536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Recommendations for rugby games in Oakland", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT rugby games ] [SL:LOCATION Oakland ] ]", "slot_string": "20:31:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,35:42:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363039363932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "show message", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231373538353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "dial Gregory right away", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Gregory ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353431353934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to be sunny all day today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sunny ] [SL:DATE_TIME all day today ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,24:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343836323130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "What year was that song recorded?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3232353832353530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message the message to the best friend sally and john chat", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP best friend sally and john ] ]", "slot_string": "43:69:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231343030353832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to see the new Avengers movie on opening day.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO see the new Avengers movie on opening day ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:54:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138393834333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who works at Chuck E Cheese?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Chuck E Cheese ] ]", "slot_string": "13:27:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231333534363535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "try giving call to Marina Brandon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Marina Brandon ] ]", "slot_string": "19:33:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333532373031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "What close friends of mine are online?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353232393432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to listen to Calvin Harris", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Calvin Harris ] ]", "slot_string": "20:33:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231373330313934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Carlos Booker instead", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Carlos Booker ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393830343533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "whom do i know from San Francisco?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED i ] [SL:LOCATION San Francisco ] ]", "slot_string": "8:9:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,20:33:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343730373633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play a certain rap artist", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rap ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE artist ] ]", "slot_string": "15:18:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,19:25:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343535303430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "bananas foster ingredients", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH bananas foster ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] ]", "slot_string": "0:14:SL:RECIPES_DISH,15:26:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39353338393934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What percent of thunderstorms are expected in Brooks, Kentucky today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE thunderstorms ] [SL:LOCATION Brooks, Kentucky ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "16:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,46:62:SL:LOCATION,63:68:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393833383939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who works for target employer?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER target ] ]", "slot_string": "14:20:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231333431393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "can you invite Susie to the current call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Susie ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "39353736363939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the high for today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "16:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353437333733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me which calls I missed this morning", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME this morning ] ]", "slot_string": "29:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343730303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "read national news headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY national ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,14:28:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39343632343634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long should I cook my bacon", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT bacon ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,26:31:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3137353437303133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the nutrition content in whole milk", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE nutrition content ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT whole milk ] ]", "slot_string": "12:29:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,33:43:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39343733383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 6:00 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6:00 am ] ]", "slot_string": "10:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353430303533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me a news update of the last 24 hours.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME the last 24 hours ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:NEWS_TYPE,25:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353833303230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "please send that video to Tom, Vanessa, and John", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Tom ] [SL:RECIPIENT Vanessa ] [SL:RECIPIENT John ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,26:29:SL:RECIPIENT,31:38:SL:RECIPIENT,44:48:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231323332393737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder for the office meeting next week", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO the office meeting ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "19:37:SL:TODO,38:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323834353636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask Jordan to come over on my birthday", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jordan ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT come over on my birthday ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:RECIPIENT,14:38:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232343436343332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Has Macie messaged me?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Macie ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:CONTACT,19:21:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232353138363432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "start a call with Karla, Jarod, Nadia and Bradley on Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Karla ] [SL:CONTACT Jarod ] [SL:CONTACT Nadia ] [SL:CONTACT Bradley ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:CONTACT,25:30:SL:CONTACT,32:37:SL:CONTACT,42:49:SL:CONTACT,53:61:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231313532393835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to check my grocery list for meal prep items.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO check my grocery list for meal prep items ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:54:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353637383733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the forecast for next weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for next weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "21:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393736323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "are there any events going on tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "30:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343138393037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many calories are in a chocolate ganache cake", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chocolate ganache cake ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,27:49:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353636333030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it snow today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,13:18:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363430303136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how hot in noosa tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:LOCATION noosa ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,11:16:SL:LOCATION,17:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133323737393734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Sugar cookie recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH Sugar cookie ] ]", "slot_string": "0:12:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393833363131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me the employees at the bowling alley.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER bowling alley ] ]", "slot_string": "29:42:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39353735343833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a timer for 20 minutes for the frozen pizza", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393834323333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me people employed with Google", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Google ] ]", "slot_string": "29:35:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3135333030303837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "put this alarm on a 10 minute snooze", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minute ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323430373937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me of my flight time at 11:45 AM Tuesday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO my flight time ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 11:45 AM Tuesday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:27:SL:TODO,28:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393834323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Anyone work for McDonalds?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER McDonalds ] ]", "slot_string": "16:25:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39353632393239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the low today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343637343034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me some celebrity news.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY celebrity ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,23:27:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3134313539313434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature next week around Shanghai C", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] [SL:LOCATION Shanghai ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT C ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:DATE_TIME,29:37:SL:LOCATION,38:39:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3232353734343339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "please send Lucy the Facebook video message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Lucy ] [SL:NAME_APP Facebook ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:CONTACT,21:29:SL:NAME_APP,30:35:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "39353831343535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much longer on my timer?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "22:27:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3136303030303631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Fill me in on the latest local trial updates", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME in on the latest ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC trial ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE updates ] ]", "slot_string": "8:24:SL:DATE_TIME,25:30:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,31:36:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,37:44:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353634333834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the current news from the White House cabinet?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME the current ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC White House cabinet ] ]", "slot_string": "7:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,33:52:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3132363333343532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many calories are in a chocolate cake", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chocolate cake ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,27:41:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393738323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Which of my friends live in Mexico?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION Mexico ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,12:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,28:34:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323235303436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change the reminder for my live streaming session to be the third Thursday of the month at 4:49pm.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO live streaming session ] [SL:DATE_TIME the third Thursday of the month at 4:49pm ] ]", "slot_string": "24:26:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:49:SL:TODO,56:97:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323930313635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "make a timer for thirteen minutes named turkey", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for thirteen minutes ] [SL:TIMER_NAME turkey ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:METHOD_TIMER,13:33:SL:DATE_TIME,40:46:SL:TIMER_NAME"} {"id": "39343735303933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play bruno mars radio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE bruno mars ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE radio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE,16:21:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353830393231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What were the major headlines this week?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE major ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,20:29:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333430323035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to call Jimmy", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jimmy ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393831343430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who graduated from Virginia?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL Virginia ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3132363133383137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please play me some country music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE country ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,28:33:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3232323831373638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play slow dancing in a burning room by john mayer", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE slow dancing in a burning room ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME john mayer ] ]", "slot_string": "5:35:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,39:49:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231323738343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to Allen asking if he can pick me up tomorrow", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Allen ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT he can pick me up tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:RECIPIENT,34:60:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231353936373736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Forcast for Isle of Mann this weekend.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Isle of Mann ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "12:24:SL:LOCATION,25:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343535333037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do i make pita bread", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH pita bread ] ]", "slot_string": "14:24:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393932303636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "has michelle always worked for amazon?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT michelle ] [SL:EMPLOYER amazon ] ]", "slot_string": "4:12:SL:CONTACT,31:37:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231363339353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Let me know the weather forecast in Quebec, Canada.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Quebec, Canada ] ]", "slot_string": "36:50:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353231343735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is it sunny", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sunny ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39343734313435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any news on the health care bill?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC health care bill ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:NEWS_TYPE,16:32:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3139393231333836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who is Chelsea Ann Kramer's dad?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Chelsea Ann Kramer ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION dad ] ]", "slot_string": "7:25:SL:CONTACT,28:31:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231363333363734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm calked wake up at 6am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 6am ] ]", "slot_string": "23:30:SL:ALARM_NAME,31:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333531363530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who's on today", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3133343439353235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many lemons to prepare a gallon of lemonade", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT lemons ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH lemonade ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:15:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,39:47:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3139393830363438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Any events this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "11:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343539333035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many eggs are required to bake a cake", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT eggs ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cake ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:13:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,30:34:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,37:41:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3135333031363536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 10 a.m. tomorrow please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 a.m. tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "10:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343631383834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long does it take to cook spaghetti", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH spaghetti ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,30:39:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231313434353336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to schedule a dentist appointment; remind me to do so tomorrow afternoon.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO schedule a dentist appointment ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "10:40:SL:TODO,49:51:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,61:79:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323930323933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "SET ALARM FOR 6 AM FOR WEEKDAYS", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME FOR 6 AM FOR WEEKDAYS ] ]", "slot_string": "10:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136353035393332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "how many hours until my alarm goes off", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3133343130353632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long should I bake this chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,18:22:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,28:35:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39353433363833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will i need gloves for friday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE gloves ] [SL:DATE_TIME for friday ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,19:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313435373436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to start getting ready for the meeting at 3 pm today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO start getting ready for the meeting ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 3 pm today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:48:SL:TODO,49:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363230333830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Let me listen to Selena Gomez' new album", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Selena Gomez ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "17:29:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,35:40:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323237393739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to close the door", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO close the door ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:27:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3132363237373535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many apples do I need for this apple pie recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT How many ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT apples ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH apple pie ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,9:15:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,35:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231313435333039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change the reminder for the Farmers Market on Saturday from 11am to 7am.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO the Farmers Market ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday from 11am ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 7am ] ]", "slot_string": "24:42:SL:TODO,43:64:SL:DATE_TIME,65:71:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343034323835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "how many news stories about home invasions were there in my area s this week", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC home invasions ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "9:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE,28:42:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,67:76:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363338353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is Canada expecting weather wise", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Canada ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323835323832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Lou that the check is ready", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Lou ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT the check is ready ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:RECIPIENT,17:35:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353338383339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the recent news about trumps son eric", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC trumps son eric ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:45:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231303135303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "see if delores will answer right now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT delores ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232323739323139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Tory Lanez", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Tory Lanez ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231313531353732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "In 45 minutes remind me to take a break from working and grab a drink of water!", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME In 45 minutes ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO take a break from working and grab a drink of water ] ]", "slot_string": "0:13:SL:DATE_TIME,21:23:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:78:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323237383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind Edd that I love him", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Edd ] [SL:TODO I love him ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:26:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353033323838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me some pop music.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE pop ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,17:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353038323231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to get jog for 30 minutes and I want you to set the timer for it.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME for 30 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "18:32:SL:DATE_TIME,59:64:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231363334383738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Schedule repeating alarm every day at 7pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME every day at 7pm ] ]", "slot_string": "25:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373538333132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call the fourth Amanda", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:ORDINAL fourth ] [SL:CONTACT Amanda ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:ORDINAL,16:22:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313435373336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to walk neighbor's dog thursday at 6pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO walk neighbor's dog ] [SL:DATE_TIME thursday at 6pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:32:SL:TODO,33:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353138333838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Create call for me Harrison Foreman, Jake Blevins, and Kate Rogers", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Harrison Foreman ] [SL:CONTACT Jake Blevins ] [SL:CONTACT Kate Rogers ] ]", "slot_string": "19:35:SL:CONTACT,37:49:SL:CONTACT,55:66:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232323831313239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play halsey badlands.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME halsey ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE badlands ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,12:20:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "3231313439313939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the reminders for Sunday?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "23:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313435383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you set a reminder to turn off my son's alarm this evening?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO turn off my son's alarm ] [SL:DATE_TIME this evening ] ]", "slot_string": "26:49:SL:TODO,50:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323233343136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder to contact John about his meeting with the counselor on Tuesday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO contact John about his meeting with the counselor ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Tuesday ] ]", "slot_string": "18:67:SL:TODO,68:78:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363032393130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Legend (Deluxe Edition) on iHeartRadio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Legend (Deluxe Edition) ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iHeartRadio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:28:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,32:43:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39343835353430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Should I wear short sleeves?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE short sleeves ] ]", "slot_string": "14:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3135323931313639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me the details about election coverage", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC election coverage ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:43:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353631353136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Donald Trump in France news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Donald Trump in France ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "0:22:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,23:27:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3133323738313032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Ingredients for homemade chicken noodle soup", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken noodle soup ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,25:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353537383230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How is the weather like in Scotland?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Scotland ] ]", "slot_string": "27:35:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353035363637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how hot is it going to get?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231353233323333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play my Pandora Warm Fuzzy Feeling station", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE Warm Fuzzy Feeling ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,16:34:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE,35:42:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3232333635383834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "whatsapp video call Hudson", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT Hudson ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:NAME_APP,20:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231393232373539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "I want you to please show the friends on the screen", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "30:37:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231373530343433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do you have any more musical concerts", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT musical concerts ] ]", "slot_string": "21:37:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} {"id": "39353032333730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Timer for 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER Timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:METHOD_TIMER,6:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353531303133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I need a wake up alarm for 6am tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 6am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:ALARM_NAME,23:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353439393732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to see all alarms I currently have set.", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "14:17:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3231323333393138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set up a reminder to meet my daughter this coming weekend", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO meet my daughter ] [SL:DATE_TIME this coming weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "21:37:SL:TODO,38:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343338363430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's with the blow up chicken at the White House", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC blow up chicken at the White House ] ]", "slot_string": "16:50:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231313530353231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder to take Anthony to soccer training on Monday at 6:00pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO take Anthony to soccer training ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Monday at 6:00pm ] ]", "slot_string": "18:49:SL:TODO,50:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343539363037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What ingredients are in pancakes", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pancakes ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:32:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343536393737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what ingredients do I need for lemon pound cake", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH lemon pound cake ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,31:47:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3139393839343930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What's happening in Boston, MA tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Boston, MA ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "20:30:SL:LOCATION,31:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343830303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Did anyone win the lottery?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC win the lottery ] ]", "slot_string": "11:26:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343536333137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Where can I find parsley near me", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT parsley ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39353736373434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will I need to wear warm clothes on Monday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE warm clothes ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "20:32:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,33:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343630353637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many carbs are in chocolate cake", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION carbs ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chocolate cake ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:14:SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION,22:36:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3232353331343330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to phone call 555-3813", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:PHONE_NUMBER 555-3813 ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:PHONE_NUMBER"} {"id": "39353136353138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play something by Lady Gaga", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE something ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Lady Gaga ] ]", "slot_string": "5:14:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,18:27:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231323231343330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a extra reminder 10 mins before school gets out", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME 10 mins before ] [SL:TODO school gets out ] ]", "slot_string": "21:35:SL:DATE_TIME,36:51:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231363037393435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "make an alarm for 2235", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 2235 ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393837323932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Best Broadway shows in New York", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Broadway ] [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT shows ] [SL:LOCATION New York ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:LOCATION,14:19:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,23:31:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343532333835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how you make pancakes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH pancakes ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323831303138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Did I get any new messages in the past hour?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT I ] [SL:DATE_TIME in the past hour ] ]", "slot_string": "4:5:SL:RECIPIENT,27:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323430353231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pay tution", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pay tution ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:23:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353033353139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what are the high/lows tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE lows ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,23:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343538323637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Do you use cornstarch for an apple pie", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT cornstarch ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH apple pie ] ]", "slot_string": "11:21:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,29:38:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393834323636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who works in Beaverton.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Beaverton ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231333436393836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "activate group call", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353232383139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Has there been any breaking news about the Russia scandal today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE breaking ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Russia scandal ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,28:32:SL:NEWS_TYPE,43:57:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,58:63:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353535303531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create a new alarm for 8:30 pm please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 8:30 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "19:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363332323339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Adjust my alarm to 6pm", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME to 6pm ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353939393631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm Monday through Friday at 6 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME Monday through Friday at 6 am ] ]", "slot_string": "16:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323338333133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel my reminder to buy a birthday present for my aunt.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO buy a birthday present for my aunt ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:56:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232323530323438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "put up a Blink timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME Blink ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:TIMER_NAME,15:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353330393735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "show the next two alarms", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:ORDINAL next ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3232323731353535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I'd like to set amazon as my default music provider", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME amazon ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3139393738333537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Anything fun happening in Philadelphia this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Philadelphia ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "26:38:SL:LOCATION,39:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353539333135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me the weather for the first weekend of September in Prague?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for the first weekend of September ] [SL:LOCATION Prague ] ]", "slot_string": "20:54:SL:DATE_TIME,58:64:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3136333731343639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me the details of the police report on the robbery in north Minneapolis", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC police report on the robbery in north Minneapolis ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:76:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231373236373333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send it to Stephanie Conrad Escobar", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Stephanie Conrad Escobar ] ]", "slot_string": "11:35:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3135323933373436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the top story on the New York Times", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE story ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE New York Times ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,15:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,28:42:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3135393637353734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the cause of Venezuela's current unrest", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Venezuela's current unrest ] ]", "slot_string": "21:47:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231353531313833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a lunch alarm for the 17th at 1pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME lunch ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the 17th at 1pm ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:ALARM_NAME,18:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353437383430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove Harry from current call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Harry ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} {"id": "3231323338333238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to go to doctor's appointment next week on thursday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO go to doctor's appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week on thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:39:SL:TODO,40:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353431373331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "play channel 13 live", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE channel 13 ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE live ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,16:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3133323737383133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "I need a recipe for steak", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH steak ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323238353932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show this week's reminders.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:14:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353635343233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please play me some R&B music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE R&B ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "20:23:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,24:29:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343730303832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set timer for 5 minutes and pause after first minute", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 5 minutes ] [SL:ORDINAL first ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:23:SL:DATE_TIME,40:45:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3231363736323239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "hang up on sean", "target": "[IN:END_CALL [SL:CONTACT sean ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393734313036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "friends of shawn", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED shawn ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:TYPE_RELATION,11:16:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "39343639353539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "anything news worthy happen in the last hour?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME in the last hour ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:NEWS_TYPE,28:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393736353538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me all of Becky's friends?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Becky ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,23:30:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "39353638323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play my playlist on pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE playlist ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,20:27:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231363039353733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "text Kaden and tell him that ye", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Kaden ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT ye ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:RECIPIENT,29:31:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231353535343131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create alarm for 9:30", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 9:30 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343937343733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any rugby games going on on Saturday", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT rugby games ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "14:25:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,35:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343935363031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Football score news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Football score ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "0:14:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,15:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393834343934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who works for te data company?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER te data ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3134313538383737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature at Houston tomorrow Celsius", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Houston ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:LOCATION,23:31:SL:DATE_TIME,32:39:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "39353430373437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Skip to Korean music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Korean ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,15:20:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3232313136323237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Is the alarm set", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393931323733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "How long has Jeff worked at Amazon?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME [SL:CONTACT Jeff ] [SL:EMPLOYER Amazon ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:CONTACT,28:34:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39343834323231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Should I bring water?What is this weeks forecast?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE water ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weeks ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,29:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323930333137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "make a timer for 10 seconds named ramen", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 seconds ] [SL:TIMER_NAME ramen ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:METHOD_TIMER,13:27:SL:DATE_TIME,34:39:SL:TIMER_NAME"} {"id": "3138383931343937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the best way to cook a cheesecake", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH cheesecake ] ]", "slot_string": "31:41:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3232343331303731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "lengthen my timer by 14 minutes", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME by 14 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER,18:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333435383433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_AVAILABLE", "locale": "en", "input": "right now I am available", "target": "[IN:SET_AVAILABLE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393832313235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "do i have any contacts who went to stanford university", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED i ] [SL:SCHOOL stanford university ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,35:54:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3139393231333235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "search for Cameron James' husband", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Cameron James ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION husband ] ]", "slot_string": "11:24:SL:CONTACT,26:33:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "39343534353739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what temp should my oil be for frying chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temp ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT oil ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD frying ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,20:23:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,31:37:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,38:45:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39343735303638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Begin timer for 10 seconds.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 seconds ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343738353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play the album Thank You, Happy Birthday by Cage the Elephant.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Thank You, Happy Birthday ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Cage the Elephant ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,15:40:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,44:61:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3135323937303537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm every minute for 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD every minute ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "10:22:SL:PERIOD,23:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353135393431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can i have the forecast for this week?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for this week ] ]", "slot_string": "24:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353431313633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "do I need to take an umbrella?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE umbrella ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3139393835333433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Anything fun to do tomorrow evening", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow evening ] ]", "slot_string": "19:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363231373332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Time left", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER Time ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353530333639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the trending news stories today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE trending ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,22:34:SL:NEWS_TYPE,35:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3230303431383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for 11 months please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME alarm ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 11 months ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:ALARM_NAME,13:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333535323637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "give ruby brandon a call", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT ruby brandon ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323836363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message Macelyn and as her if the school concert is in Blue Springs", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Macelyn ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT if the school concert is in Blue Springs ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:RECIPIENT,27:67:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393932383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Who does Brian work for?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Brian ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323338393438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me the reminder for the house tour", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO the house tour ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:39:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353339353238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Please read the details about the Taylor Swift court trial.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Taylor Swift court trial ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:58:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363339323132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please give me the weather for South Australia", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION South Australia ] ]", "slot_string": "31:46:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3135323937393938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Current european headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME Current ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY european ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:DATE_TIME,8:16:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,17:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3135323936313139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "add 2 minutes to the timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 2 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:DATE_TIME,21:26:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353137323936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play more songs in this genre", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363037343034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Aria T", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Aria T ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323738333335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask Juan about when he starts his new job.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Juan ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT when he starts his new job ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:RECIPIENT,15:41:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3133343139323936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How to make a good seasoning rub for pork", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING good ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH seasoning rub for pork ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:RECIPES_RATING,19:41:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3135323930343534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "play the plane crash news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC plane crash ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "9:20:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,21:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353836303734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "go to iheartradio and play WQXR", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID WQXR ] ]", "slot_string": "6:17:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,27:31:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID"} {"id": "3231323736383030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Sophie and tell her that I love her", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sophie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I love her ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:RECIPIENT,33:43:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343732393732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "current rap music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rap ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,12:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3132353634353337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Open Spotify music playlist", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE playlist ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,13:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,19:27:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343639353832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there any news on the construction work?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC construction work ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:NEWS_TYPE,25:42:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323430323931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an eye doctor reminder for the 25th", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO eye doctor ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the 25th ] ]", "slot_string": "7:17:SL:TODO,27:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353331363530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 10 AM", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 AM ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343932343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it rain in the next few days?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3138393735343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who are Grant's friends?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Grant ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,16:23:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "39353430373431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me world news that is trending", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY world ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,14:18:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232313136323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a 6pm alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME 6pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353739363932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the humidity like today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE humidity ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232343436343334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Has Raelynn messaged me today?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Raelynn ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "4:11:SL:CONTACT,21:23:SL:RECIPIENT,24:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135383731353139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What day will oj Simpson be released from jail", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC oj Simpson be released from jail ] ]", "slot_string": "14:46:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353335363532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm in 10 please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME in 10 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353531393931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make alarm for Thursdays at 12am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Thursdays at 12am ] ]", "slot_string": "11:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363334363439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make an alarm at 6 on Monday mornings", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 6 on Monday mornings ] ]", "slot_string": "14:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353536343439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature in Paris currently please", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Paris ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3135333031313737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the most recent news for education in the state of California", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE most ] [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC education in the state of California ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,17:23:SL:DATE_TIME,24:28:SL:NEWS_TYPE,33:69:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3232343331313232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "lengthen my timer by 11 minutes", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME by 11 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER,18:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353736363839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the percentage chance of rain for tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "33:37:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,38:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363236383634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how much sugar is in a can of coke?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353233393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the top news on Fox?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Fox ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,17:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE,25:28:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3232323731343830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "stick to iheartradio as my default", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "9:20:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231363332373330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a different alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353433363931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be sunny all weekend?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sunny ] [SL:DATE_TIME weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,21:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353735313739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send Izzy via Facebook that talk to you later", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Izzy ] [SL:NAME_APP Facebook ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT talk to you later ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPIENT,14:22:SL:NAME_APP,28:45:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323336303331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me about the cardinals game this weekend", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO the cardinals game ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:34:SL:TODO,35:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353435373437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "who signs this song?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343630353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me a recipe for waffles", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH waffles ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353438393535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Scrap my alarm.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343730313434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read the new york times latest stories", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE new york times ] [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE stories ] ]", "slot_string": "9:23:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,24:30:SL:DATE_TIME,31:38:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323338383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind to pick up kids after work", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO pick up kids after work ] ]", "slot_string": "10:33:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323235343730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind remind me to tell Robbie to have her oil changed on Thursday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO tell Robbie to have her oil changed ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "14:16:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,20:55:SL:TODO,56:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353233303230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "please play some Golden Age", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Golden Age ] ]", "slot_string": "17:27:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "3231363735313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Did I miss any video calls today?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "27:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313533373638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder that an interviewer is coming in at 5:30 today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO an interviewer is coming in ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5:30 today ] ]", "slot_string": "20:47:SL:TODO,48:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353737363132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there headlines about North Korea?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC North Korea ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:37:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3132363237333935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the calorie difference between Pecorino Romano cheese and Gouda Cheese per pound", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353336373632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to set the call to video call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3132353837333733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the current hurricane in the Atlantic", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hurricane ] [SL:LOCATION Atlantic ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,37:45:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3133343130343632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many grams of protein are in a 3 ounce service on chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION grams ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION protein ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT ounce ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:14:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,18:25:SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION,37:42:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,54:61:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3136333338353239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "information about the car crash on the interstate 20 today please", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE information ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC car crash on the interstate 20 ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:NEWS_TYPE,22:52:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,53:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343035353832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set walking timer for 45 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 45 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER,18:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323239333937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "update alert on Wednesday from 8am to 12 pm", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:DATE_TIME on Wednesday from 8am ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 12 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "13:34:SL:DATE_TIME,35:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353936393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Talk to me about the weather for Monday", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "29:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313431393038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to post the technician job opening by 4 p.m. today.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO post the technician job opening ] [SL:DATE_TIME by 4 p.m. today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:44:SL:TODO,45:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353838363230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the average snowfall this time of year", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snowfall ] [SL:DATE_TIME this time of year ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,29:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353537303734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "whats the time left on my timer", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "26:31:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323337323636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to buy concert tickets tomorrow at 10am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy concert tickets ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow at 10am ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:32:SL:TODO,33:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353434393634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I need a jacket at Lake Shasta today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE jacket ] [SL:LOCATION Lake Shasta ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:33:SL:LOCATION,34:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323930373337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me what are the top news stories today for Dallas, Texas", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Dallas, Texas ] ]", "slot_string": "21:24:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,25:37:SL:NEWS_TYPE,38:43:SL:DATE_TIME,48:61:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231353539323633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What chance is there of rain in Dublin this Friday", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:LOCATION Dublin ] [SL:DATE_TIME this Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,32:38:SL:LOCATION,39:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393738393931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "anyone of my friends live in West Virginia", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION West Virginia ] ]", "slot_string": "10:12:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,13:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION,29:42:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232333635363939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Clara Wilcox on Whatsapp video chat", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Clara Wilcox ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:CONTACT,21:29:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231333637353037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Read message.", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393836383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you tell me Brian's address?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Brian ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353539343638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Should I wear a coat today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE coat ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,21:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139343333333331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Where is Lady Gaga originally from?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Lady Gaga ] ]", "slot_string": "9:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353434313733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Enable alarm for every hour.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD every hour ] ]", "slot_string": "17:27:SL:PERIOD"} {"id": "3231373233363039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "respond to Amelia with a video", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Amelia ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:RECIPIENT,25:30:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "39343637313737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you make a new timer that will run for 97 seconds?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 97 seconds ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:METHOD_TIMER,39:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353538393633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me about the weather in Paris tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Paris ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "29:34:SL:LOCATION,35:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343636363237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play one of my Spotify playlists", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE playlists ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,23:32:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3139393833303737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Things happening in downtown this week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION downtown ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:LOCATION,29:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353637373039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play a mix of classic and new rock", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE mix ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE classic ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rock ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,14:21:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,30:34:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "3232323831313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play One Direction", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME One Direction ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231363337373839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "snooze my alarm for 30 minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "16:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393831333932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who graduated from Creighton", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL Creighton ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "39353138363432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is my local news headlines?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,17:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231313439343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to defrost meat on sunday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO defrost meat ] [SL:DATE_TIME on sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:25:SL:TODO,26:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343538373136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Is butter necessary in baking cookies", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT butter ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cookies ] ]", "slot_string": "3:9:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,30:37:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353732393139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "When does my time run out?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER time ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343737383632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Start the timer at 8:05", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 8:05 ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER,16:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353438343836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 10 p.m. tonight", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 p.m. tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "10:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323832333333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Mark and remind him he is picking us up no later than 6 to be to the concert early", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Mark ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT he is picking us up no later than 6 to be to the concert early ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:RECIPIENT,28:90:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363339323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is rain forecast for Sydney today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:LOCATION Sydney ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "3:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,21:27:SL:LOCATION,28:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343034363733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What does our State Department say about if it's safe to travel in Spain", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC it's safe to travel in Spain ] ]", "slot_string": "44:72:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231343631343836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "How many birthdays are on Halloween?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME on Halloween ] ]", "slot_string": "23:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323233343430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me a reminder 20 mins before my dentist appointment", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME 20 mins before ] [SL:TODO my dentist appointment ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,19:33:SL:DATE_TIME,34:56:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353539323639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will the weather be in Lisbon this weekend?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Lisbon ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "28:34:SL:LOCATION,35:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313435373939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to send the supplies list to the team", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO send the supplies list to the team ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:47:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353533393630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Pause the alarm for 15 minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 15 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "16:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343539313238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long should lasagna bake at 350 degrees", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH lasagna ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT 350 degrees ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,16:23:SL:RECIPES_DISH,24:28:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,32:43:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT"} {"id": "3138393830393439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I know any grads that went to NYU", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:SCHOOL NYU ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,33:36:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3232333635393935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "make a whatsapp call to Josiah", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT Josiah ] ]", "slot_string": "7:15:SL:NAME_APP,24:30:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353438383234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create wake up alarm for tomorrow morning", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:ALARM_NAME,21:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323334353630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Display all reminders pertaining to Betty Ann's recent accident.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Display ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO Betty Ann's recent accident ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,36:63:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3139393834383234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "THINGS TO DO IN LAS VEGAS THIS WEEKEND", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION LAS VEGAS ] [SL:DATE_TIME THIS WEEKEND ] ]", "slot_string": "16:25:SL:LOCATION,26:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353232383432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play some Alternative Rap music.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Alternative Rap ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "10:25:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,26:31:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353332333131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 6am every day", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6am every day ] ]", "slot_string": "13:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393835303634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "whats up in milwaukee tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION milwaukee ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:LOCATION,22:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353132373333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm for 7am every day", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 7am every day ] ]", "slot_string": "10:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353535333435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for 4 hours time", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 4 hours ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353537303232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How's the weather on Saturday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "18:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333534303832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "How many of my friends are online right now?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353039353637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I get into the pool today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "24:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333431373134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please add Bill to call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Bill ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3232353833303332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message Jane and Max video message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jane ] [SL:RECIPIENT Max ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:RECIPIENT,33:36:SL:RECIPIENT,37:42:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "3136343034343234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "any new news about trump today", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE new ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC trump ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,8:12:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:24:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,25:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343635323535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how to make a roux", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH roux ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363031303931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me one more minute", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME one more minute ] ]", "slot_string": "8:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363431353331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What amount of snow is likely today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,30:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3137343535373037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many calories in each portion", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION"} {"id": "3231313434343437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to submit my homework assignment before midnight.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO submit my homework assignment ] [SL:DATE_TIME before midnight ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:42:SL:TODO,43:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393833343137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Anything to do in Birmingham tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Birmingham ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "18:28:SL:LOCATION,29:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313734353631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to leave Sarah a video recording", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sarah ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:RECIPIENT,24:29:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "3232333238363535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for 12 minutes from this moment", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 12 minutes from this moment ] ]", "slot_string": "13:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353538373031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "details on game of thrones", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC game of thrones ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:NEWS_TYPE,11:26:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3139393739353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What's going on in Atlanta on Friday", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Atlanta ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:LOCATION,27:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393930303231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Fun things to do in San Jose tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION San Jose ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:LOCATION,29:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353232303633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm at 1 PM 4 PM and 7 PM", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 1 PM 4 PM ] [SL:DATE_TIME 7 PM ] ]", "slot_string": "10:22:SL:DATE_TIME,27:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353538323238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather like this afternoon?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME this afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "25:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343532393634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you cook fried rice", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH fried rice ] ]", "slot_string": "16:26:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323431373636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder to check the cake in the oven 25 minutes from now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO check the cake in the oven ] ]", "slot_string": "18:44:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138383932393138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "show popular plant based recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING popular ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE plant based ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:RECIPES_RATING,13:24:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} {"id": "3231313439363335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I have any reminders for Friday the 13th?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:DATE_TIME for Friday the 13th ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353530323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me all the alarms I have set", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3231323336393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to bake brownies tomorrow morning", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO bake brownies ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:26:SL:TODO,27:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343933303038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "start the 5 minute timer now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME the 5 minute ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "6:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:24:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3232343331313131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "please lengthen that timer by 40 seconds", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME by 40 seconds ] ]", "slot_string": "21:26:SL:METHOD_TIMER,27:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343934313531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a new alarm at 6pm on the 21st", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 6pm on the 21st ] ]", "slot_string": "16:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393935333933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "where do I know Augie from?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Augie ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343733333734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set the timer for 20 seconds.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 20 seconds ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER,14:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313534393033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Don't let me forget to submit my final hours before 8am.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO submit my final hours ] [SL:DATE_TIME before 8am ] ]", "slot_string": "10:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:44:SL:TODO,45:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363335373430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "calories in ice cream", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3132363038383932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play some meditation music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE meditation ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "10:20:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,21:26:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363337323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I want you to set an alarm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363039363830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can I message Adelina and tell her hey can you send me that guy you know at westlands number again", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Adelina ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT hey can you send me that guy you know at westlands number again ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:RECIPIENT,35:98:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393835303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I know anyone working at Fox?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:EMPLOYER Fox ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,28:31:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231323336383536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please remind me to buy milk tonight.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy milk ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "14:16:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,20:28:SL:TODO,29:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393832373933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do any of my friends work at Bud and Alleys?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:EMPLOYER Bud and Alleys ] ]", "slot_string": "10:12:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,13:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION,29:43:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231363031383939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set an alarm at 5am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 5am ] ]", "slot_string": "20:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333239333634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "we are gonna call Vincent Roberts", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Vincent Roberts ] ]", "slot_string": "18:33:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353937393436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Italy forecast, please", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Italy ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363334313130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a wake up alarm at 8am today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 8am today ] ]", "slot_string": "6:13:SL:ALARM_NAME,20:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353639353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I would like to listen to some country", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE country ] ]", "slot_string": "31:38:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "3231353539333231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it t-shirt weather this afternoon?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE t-shirt ] [SL:DATE_TIME this afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "6:13:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373538363131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please dial Linda right away", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Linda ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3133343130343935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What kind of butter is good for the diet", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT butter ] [SL:RECIPES_RATING good ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,23:27:SL:RECIPES_RATING"} {"id": "3134313539383837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be around 8 Celcius inside", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE around ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 8 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celcius ] [SL:LOCATION inside ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,18:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:27:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,28:34:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3136343034333036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What did Congress vote on yesterday", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC What did Congress vote ] [SL:DATE_TIME on yesterday ] ]", "slot_string": "0:22:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,23:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393832303134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Whats Happening in Havasu tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Havasu ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:LOCATION,26:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343632363734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I make blueberry pie from scratch", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH blueberry pie ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD from scratch ] ]", "slot_string": "14:27:SL:RECIPES_DISH,28:40:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "39343936313936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set timer 10 minutes from now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363338373135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the weather in Finland", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Finland ] ]", "slot_string": "22:29:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232323739313634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Frank Ocean.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Frank Ocean ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231353438363534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set a new alarm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231373236353539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Brianna Anderson cell", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Brianna Anderson ] ]", "slot_string": "5:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343733303731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add ten minutes to my timer.", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME ten minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:15:SL:DATE_TIME,22:27:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231343630373639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Which of tricia stepsisters were born on June 6th, 1979?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED tricia ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION stepsisters ] [SL:DATE_TIME on June 6th, 1979 ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,16:27:SL:TYPE_RELATION,38:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343631383632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you make sugar cookies", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH sugar cookies ] ]", "slot_string": "16:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323431383233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me at 5 to put dinner in the oven", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5 ] [SL:TODO put dinner in the oven ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:14:SL:DATE_TIME,18:40:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138393734323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Friend of my mom", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION Friend ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my mom ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:TYPE_RELATION,10:16:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3138393931363036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "when did ian start at ucla", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT ian ] [SL:SCHOOL ucla ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:CONTACT,22:26:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "39353432313337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much time left on timer?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER time ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER,22:27:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353534323537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you make an alarm for Tuesday 14th May", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Tuesday 14th May ] ]", "slot_string": "22:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353337343737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "News for my area", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE News ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC my area ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:NEWS_TYPE,9:16:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363030393139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a wake up alarm that repeats everyday at 7am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up ] [SL:DATE_TIME everyday at 7am ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:ALARM_NAME,34:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363335313832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "On April 11 set Alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME On April 11 ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353038323337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Should I bring a umbrella tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE umbrella ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "17:25:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363336333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm for 7pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 7pm ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343532343239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is a good recipe for pork in the crockpot", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING good ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pork ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD crockpot ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:RECIPES_RATING,26:30:SL:RECIPES_DISH,38:46:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "3232333537373133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "please add a one and a half minute timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME one and a half minute ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "13:34:SL:DATE_TIME,35:40:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353139373134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what was the news last night", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME last night ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:NEWS_TYPE,18:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313531303133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to start my cleaning at 7.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO start my cleaning ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 7 ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:30:SL:TODO,31:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343734343831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm to get me up in 2 hours", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME in 2 hours ] ]", "slot_string": "26:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323333353830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "please cancel the reminder of go shopping this saturday", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO go shopping ] [SL:DATE_TIME this saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "30:41:SL:TODO,42:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393837303838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "List new events in Michigan this year", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Michigan ] [SL:DATE_TIME this year ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:LOCATION,28:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353137343635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play some slow jams.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE slow jams ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "3231333430313236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Initiate a call with Michelle", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Michelle ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393935303739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me about Michael.", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Michael ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232313833353939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "hold on the alarm", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393931383032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is Kim's current employer?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Kim ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323431393938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pick up Joanie on my way to work tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up Joanie on my way to work ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:45:SL:TODO,46:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373234303030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "video message Catalina", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Catalina ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,14:22:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231363734303230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Stop finish this call.", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393739373938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I have friends that live in Baltimore?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION Baltimore ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,10:17:SL:TYPE_RELATION,31:40:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363431323330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you tell me the weather for 8am?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for 8am ] ]", "slot_string": "28:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333635323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Whatsapp Brady Kent", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT Brady Kent ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:NAME_APP,14:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3133343132313833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how can I save a burned roast", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH roast ] ]", "slot_string": "24:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343931303033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set pick up alarm for 2:30 Monday through friday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME pick up alarm ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 2:30 Monday through friday ] ]", "slot_string": "4:17:SL:ALARM_NAME,18:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323236393431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "show me all the reminders for the wedding dress fittings this month", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO the wedding dress fittings ] [SL:DATE_TIME this month ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,30:56:SL:TODO,57:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353734363331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you send Abdul that text on Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Abdul ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:RECIPIENT,32:41:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3138393735323835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who is the best friend of Anna", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION best friend ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Anna ] ]", "slot_string": "19:30:SL:TYPE_RELATION,34:38:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "39353238333236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play artists like sam hunt", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE artists ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME sam hunt ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,18:26:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231313439333233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to win in fortnite", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO win in fortnite ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:28:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353735313239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "please send it to Jose via WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jose ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:RECIPIENT,27:35:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39343635373831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me all breaking news stories.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE breaking ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,21:33:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353134333937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the lowest temperature for today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "31:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353034393832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the latest news on the fire in West Texas", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC fire in West Texas ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,31:49:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231353937313437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the weather at noon today ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME at noon today ] ]", "slot_string": "19:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393735333032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who else is friends with Sam", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Sam ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,25:28:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3231353531303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm to walk the dog at 4", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME walk the dog ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 4 ] ]", "slot_string": "16:28:SL:ALARM_NAME,29:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343034323036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "is there any news on the new healthcare proposal", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC new healthcare proposal ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:NEWS_TYPE,25:48:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231373232393734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Please make a video message for Lily.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Lily ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,32:36:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232323830373232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Words I Might Have Ate", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Words I Might Have Ate ] ]", "slot_string": "5:27:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "3231373330313436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Nicole instead", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Nicole ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343530383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "List all the things needed to make Pot roast", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH Pot roast ] ]", "slot_string": "35:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343630373136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what temperature should you bake chocolate chip cookies at", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chocolate chip cookies ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,28:32:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,33:55:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231333439303234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "end the conference call after the second candidate", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232313731323339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "record video message on work for Quinn Hamiss", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Quinn Hamiss ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,33:45:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3135393637333438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "local police news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC police ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,6:12:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,13:17:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353534323236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me about the news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39343939353232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Find classical covers of pop songs.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE classical covers ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE pop ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] ]", "slot_string": "5:21:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,25:28:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,29:34:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333533303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I have any friends online right now", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232313432393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Barrow in Furness weather forecast", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Barrow in Furness ] ]", "slot_string": "0:17:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353037303630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you give me the forecast for the next week?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for the next week ] ]", "slot_string": "29:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373530343838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do you have any other car shows", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT car shows ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} {"id": "3231313534343535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I dont want to miss the episode of love and hip , can you remind me at 5 pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO the episode of love and hip ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "20:47:SL:TODO,65:67:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,68:75:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353438373539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what events happened in the news this week?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "28:32:SL:NEWS_TYPE,33:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353938393230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "when is the next thunderstorm expected", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE thunderstorm ] ]", "slot_string": "17:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231323336393138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I cannot forget to file taxes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO file taxes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:1:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,19:29:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313438303137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to get some toilet paper on Friday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO get some toilet paper ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:34:SL:TODO,35:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139363030393138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I set a timer for fifty two minutes?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for fifty two minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353735313034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me texts from Anna on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Anna ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:RECIPIENT,27:35:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231313535383034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind Heather that we have dinner plans Thursday at 6pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Heather ] [SL:TODO dinner plans ] [SL:DATE_TIME Thursday at 6pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:40:SL:TODO,41:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323431323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change my reminder to 9.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 9 ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,19:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353630303739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the headlines for today in the news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,23:32:SL:DATE_TIME,40:44:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3132353931333631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play dance music station", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE dance ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,11:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,17:24:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333535323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ANSWER_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "answer Jordan's call", "target": "[IN:ANSWER_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jordan ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353437323632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Can we video call Sophie please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sophie ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343735323339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Headlines, please", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE Headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "0:9:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231343937343931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "football games in Dallas tomorrow night", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT football games ] [SL:LOCATION Dallas ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow night ] ]", "slot_string": "0:14:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,18:24:SL:LOCATION,25:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363331303332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel every single alarm in the system.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353632383637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the recent news stories for my area?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:DATE_TIME,20:32:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353330383532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to rain thursday", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353332373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "How long do I have before my alarm goes off?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363030323431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make an assignment alarm for tomorrow at 8pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME assignment ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow at 8pm ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:ALARM_NAME,25:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393739383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Things to do in Atlanta next weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Atlanta ] [SL:DATE_TIME next weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:LOCATION,24:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231303136363139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Stop the video call now.", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3135323930353739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What news stories are trending in China", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE trending ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC China ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:NEWS_TYPE,22:30:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,34:39:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231353835313132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Get Lauren on the phone", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Lauren ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313532313231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change the dinner reminder from Thursday at 6 PM to Friday at 6 PM.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO dinner ] [SL:DATE_TIME from Thursday at 6 PM ] [SL:DATE_TIME to Friday at 6 PM ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:TODO,27:48:SL:DATE_TIME,49:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353338353337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "do i need a heavy coat", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE coat ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231313530383135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to take out the neighbor's garbage tonight.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO take out the neighbor's garbage ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:44:SL:TODO,45:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353531393036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a weekly alarm for every Tuesday at 17pm for the next ten weeks.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD weekly ] [SL:DATE_TIME for every Tuesday at 17pm ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the next ten weeks ] ]", "slot_string": "6:12:SL:PERIOD,19:44:SL:DATE_TIME,45:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333634343130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Weather on Sunday", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "8:17:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231303232373137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Add Sharon to this call.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Sharon ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231333436353734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "show me free people", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3134313539313934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature near Menlo Park this weekend Fahrenheit", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Menlo Park ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Fahrenheit ] ]", "slot_string": "17:27:SL:LOCATION,28:40:SL:DATE_TIME,41:51:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3231313534333835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What reminders do I have for the week?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the week ] ]", "slot_string": "18:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313439303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to set my alarm clock on Sunday evening.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO set my alarm clock ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Sunday evening ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:31:SL:TODO,32:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323232303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "get events I'm going to", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:USER_ATTENDEE_EVENT I'm ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:USER_ATTENDEE_EVENT"} {"id": "3231313533333632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me about the baby shower for Grace October 1 at 3 in the atafternoon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO the baby shower for Grace ] [SL:DATE_TIME October 1 at 3 in the atafternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:41:SL:TODO,42:75:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138383931353434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What ingredients are in a cobb salad", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cobb salad ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,26:36:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3132353635323534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you find me James Taylor's version of this current song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME James Taylor ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "16:28:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,55:59:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353732343231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any recent news in Louisiana", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Louisiana ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:DATE_TIME,11:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:28:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231333535303733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "try calling sal Crockett", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT sal Crockett ] ]", "slot_string": "12:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363032353533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play The Studio Albums 1990-2011 by Aerosmith", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE The Studio Albums 1990-2011 ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Aerosmith ] ]", "slot_string": "5:32:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,36:45:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3139393739373139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "things to do in columbus next month", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION columbus ] [SL:DATE_TIME next month ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:LOCATION,25:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323839383231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set routine timer 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER,18:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313531363437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please remind me of Billy's doctor appointment today at 2:15 this afternoon.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO Billy's doctor appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME today at 2:15 this afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "14:16:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,20:46:SL:TODO,47:75:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373236383737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you call Amy", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Amy ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363431363039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Day 'N' Nite on iHeartRadio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Day 'N' Nite ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iHeartRadio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,21:32:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231323430343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder to grab the library books before I leave the house today.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO grab the library books before I leave the house ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "18:65:SL:TODO,66:71:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353538303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How is the weather by 10:00am?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME by 10:00am ] ]", "slot_string": "19:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313332343536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Baird and Roth", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Baird ] [SL:CONTACT Roth ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT,15:19:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3133343131383931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long do I microwave water to get it to boil", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD microwave ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT water ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD boil ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,14:23:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,24:29:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,43:47:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "3231333933383539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask Crystal if she wants to go to Hawaii with me from the 18th until the 23rd.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Crystal ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT she wants to go to Hawaii with me from the 18th until the 23rd ] ]", "slot_string": "4:11:SL:RECIPIENT,15:77:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353130313731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "new timer for 15 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 15 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353435353538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Change genre to \"Hip Hop\".", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Hip Hop ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "3231323233313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set reminder to wake up in 10 minutes from now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO wake up ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138393834343830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who works at Walgreens?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Walgreens ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231323235363336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any karate reminders for the month", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO karate ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the month ] ]", "slot_string": "14:20:SL:TODO,31:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323830393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send nora a message and let her know i will be late picking her up from dance", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT nora ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT i will be late picking her up from dance ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPIENT,37:77:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231373233383639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "I wanna send a video", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "3135333030303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm for 5:45pm on Mondays and Wednesdays only", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 5:45pm on Mondays ] [SL:DATE_TIME Wednesdays ] ]", "slot_string": "16:37:SL:DATE_TIME,42:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323937363639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the top headlines from The Washington Post", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE The Washington Post ] ]", "slot_string": "12:15:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,16:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,31:50:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3139393832373636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Events today", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343736383433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the top news for today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,17:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE,22:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393933313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who Chris' girlfriend is", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Chris ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION girlfriend ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,19:29:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3232313536373233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Jeffrey WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jeffrey ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT,13:21:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3134313539373836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to be around 20 in celcius palo alto tomorrow morning", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE around ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 20 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT celcius ] [SL:LOCATION palo alto ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,25:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,31:38:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,39:48:SL:LOCATION,49:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313435323133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to mail my tax return by next week Monday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO mail my tax return ] [SL:DATE_TIME by next week Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:31:SL:TODO,32:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353536323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Toronto weather please", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Toronto ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353130303533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the high temperature for Richmond today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Richmond ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "32:40:SL:LOCATION,41:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353734383135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send that video message on Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,27:36:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3232353332363938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Lance Carpenter", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Lance Carpenter ] ]", "slot_string": "5:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363031313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please snooze alarm for 30 minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "20:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363337303730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make my alarm go off tomorrow night", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow night ] ]", "slot_string": "21:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393831363339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Friends that went to F&M", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION Friends ] [SL:SCHOOL F&M ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:TYPE_RELATION,21:24:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3138393830373233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Did any of my friends go to Harvard University?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:SCHOOL Harvard University ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,14:21:SL:TYPE_RELATION,28:46:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "39353536393630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What was the headline yesterday", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headline ] [SL:DATE_TIME yesterday ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE,22:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3137353932393239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories are in an egg", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT egg ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,28:31:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231333937333437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask Chris what time the show starts", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Chris ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what time the show starts ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:RECIPIENT,10:35:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231373131373036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to call Ruby Miranda Burgess", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ruby Miranda Burgess ] ]", "slot_string": "15:35:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353139313635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Alana Ortega Smith", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Alana Ortega Smith ] ]", "slot_string": "5:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231303135333839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call back bridget about the meeting", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT bridget ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353938333839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Talk to me about the weather in Rome Italy", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Rome Italy ] ]", "slot_string": "32:42:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363335373133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Would you clock me at 5pm Friday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 5pm Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "19:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353532323036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set me an alarm every Thursday at 5M until the 1st July", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME every Thursday at 5M ] [SL:DATE_TIME until the 1st July ] ]", "slot_string": "16:36:SL:DATE_TIME,37:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353138363036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a call to Clarissa, Jessie Herring, and Francesca", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Clarissa ] [SL:CONTACT Jessie Herring ] [SL:CONTACT Francesca ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:CONTACT,25:39:SL:CONTACT,45:54:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3136353035393232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make alarm for 6 in the morning", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6 in the morning ] ]", "slot_string": "11:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333239333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "we are gonna call Yareli Montes now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Yareli Montes ] ]", "slot_string": "18:31:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363334393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "New daily alarm 9pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD daily ] [SL:DATE_TIME 9pm ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:PERIOD,16:19:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373439373537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play the song She's Thunderstorms", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE She's Thunderstorms ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,14:33:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "3135323934393339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me an alarm every two minutes for a half hour", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD every two minutes ] [SL:DATE_TIME for a half hour ] ]", "slot_string": "17:34:SL:PERIOD,35:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135393637353731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "any new news about trump today", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE new ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC trump ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,8:12:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:24:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,25:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353831373437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the latest news on the riots in Missouri?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC riots in Missouri ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,32:49:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353530393539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how cold is supposed to be today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313535373239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to clean the garage for the sale Tuesday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO clean the garage for the sale ] [SL:DATE_TIME Tuesday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:42:SL:TODO,43:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333531383736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me all the people I know well that are online currently", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343730313438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set a timer to go off in 10 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER,29:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333430353736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Ring Cade", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Cade ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343535343534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how do i make a veggie burger", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH veggie burger ] ]", "slot_string": "16:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343535363636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many calories are in a slice of pepperoni pizza", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pepperoni pizza ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,36:51:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363431313530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how's the weather at 7pm", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME at 7pm ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138383931383532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How to make Ropa Vieja", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH Ropa Vieja ] ]", "slot_string": "12:22:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353533363637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be sunny all day tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sunny ] [SL:DATE_TIME all day tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393932333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Jaymes worked at Mack before?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Jaymes ] [SL:EMPLOYER Mack ] [SL:DATE_TIME before ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:CONTACT,17:21:SL:EMPLOYER,22:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333339393639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "place call to Alex", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Alex ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343835393630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me how much time is left on my timer now", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "36:41:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323834323330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message Kayla to meet me at Citifield at 7", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Kayla ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT meet me at Citifield at 7 ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:RECIPIENT,17:42:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343838323338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what were the headlines on CNN", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE CNN ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:30:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "39343630383739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you make homemade ice cream", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD homemade ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH ice cream ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,25:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343932353935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me news about North Korea", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC North Korea ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:30:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231353233313933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Spotify, Play 50 Cent", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME 50 Cent ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,14:21:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3232313731323537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to record a video message for Freya with that recipe instruction", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Freya ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,37:42:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3138393833353331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to know who works at Microsoft", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Microsoft ] ]", "slot_string": "28:37:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39353135363635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the weather in sarasota today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION sarasota ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:LOCATION,31:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353331393332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 6:30 am.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6:30 am ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353030323239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set the timer to go off in 30 minutes please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER,24:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343630333137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Heart healthy dinner recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Heart healthy ] [SL:RECIPES_MEAL dinner ] ]", "slot_string": "0:13:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,14:20:SL:RECIPES_MEAL"} {"id": "39353237393835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Thomas Rhett's latest album please", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Thomas Rhett ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "0:12:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,22:27:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323236393430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show the movie night reminders.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:TODO movie night ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,9:20:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353438373436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "place an alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231393232373238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to let me see my friend on the screen", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friend ] ]", "slot_string": "21:23:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,24:30:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231363330383736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "delete alarms, please", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3139393237343939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I like this song that Spotify is playing, what is it?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,22:29:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3135323932323938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Please read the latest news stories to me", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:DATE_TIME,23:35:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3133323737323731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Easiest soup to make", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Easiest ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH soup ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,8:12:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3132353733393039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "who sings this version", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353432323332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "WHat is the recent news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39343834363833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Display timer.", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3138393833363632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who works at facebook", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER facebook ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231323932303439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send an alert that there is a road closure on highway 6 due to high water", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTENT_EXACT there is a road closure on highway 6 due to high water ] ]", "slot_string": "19:73:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343539353534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me a recipe on sushi", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH sushi ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231343937343634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there any volleyball game next month", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT volleyball game ] [SL:DATE_TIME next month ] ]", "slot_string": "13:28:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,29:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353832373030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Have Jennifer and Jennifer messaged me today", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER Jennifer ] [SL:SENDER Jennifer ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:SENDER,18:26:SL:SENDER,36:38:SL:RECIPIENT,39:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353737353035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "IS THE WEATHER GOING TO BE NICE IN BELLINGHAM, WA", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE NICE ] [SL:LOCATION BELLINGHAM, WA ] ]", "slot_string": "27:31:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,35:49:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353633383132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is is going to snow today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313435333236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What reminders do I have set for August 15th?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:DATE_TIME for August 15th ] ]", "slot_string": "18:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393735353536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Please show all of Andy's friends.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Andy ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,26:33:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231353437393634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Bring in John to this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED John ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "39353736383435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Skip to track 8.", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE track ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353437363030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Today's news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME Today ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:DATE_TIME,8:12:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333339373830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "dial Tonya", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Tonya ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363430373334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will the weather be on the long weekend?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on the long weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "25:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136333337373339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what are the details of Charlottesville, VA", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Charlottesville, VA ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:43:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363031383031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "New 7am alarm needed.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME 7am ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353633363937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "do I have an alarm set", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3136343034383638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add 5 minutes to timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:DATE_TIME,17:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231363338323433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me what the weather is like in Alice Springs", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Alice Springs ] ]", "slot_string": "36:49:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323337333936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add reminder for next month.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for next month ] ]", "slot_string": "13:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313433363731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to buy anniversary card for mom and dad", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy anniversary card for mom and dad ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:49:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313439363938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to make a new house key on Friday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO make a new house key ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:33:SL:TODO,34:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231303932363138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play some European", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE European ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "39343630373034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Recipe for fried chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH fried chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "11:24:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353338323736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot is it outside today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393932373438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Where does Packy work now?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Packy ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232333635353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call my Whatsapp contact Alana Navarro", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT Alana Navarro ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:NAME_APP,25:38:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323236303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind me to go out to dinner Saturday night?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO go out to dinner ] [SL:DATE_TIME Saturday night ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:37:SL:TODO,38:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393835303331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who works at Google?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Google ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231323337373130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me at 6 tonight to pay my water bill", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 6 tonight ] [SL:TODO pay my water bill ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:22:SL:DATE_TIME,26:43:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3135323839333334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set timer for 6 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 6 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313437393038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What alerts do I have set up for the rest of the week?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the rest of the week ] ]", "slot_string": "15:16:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323839343436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set wake up alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up alarm ] ]", "slot_string": "4:17:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "3231333430383438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Begin call with Logan", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Logan ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343930313631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to rain in Marana, Arizona today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:LOCATION Marana, Arizona ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,23:38:SL:LOCATION,39:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353331333434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to phone call 555-2833 on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:PHONE_NUMBER 555-2833 ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:PHONE_NUMBER,33:41:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231353438383638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for the morning tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for the morning tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "13:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353331333433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "2am alarm please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME 2am ] ]", "slot_string": "0:3:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132383135323438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Ingredients in chicken marsala", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken marsala ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,15:30:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353539363233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Let me know the weather.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323339383637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel all my reminders for next week", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for next week ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,11:13:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323336313038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel reminders for this Sunday", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for this Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "17:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363336353035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "can you create an alarm in 2 hours", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME in 2 hours ] ]", "slot_string": "24:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353239323334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How long is this cold front expected to last?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold front ] ]", "slot_string": "17:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3232313432323838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "switch alarm on for 10 minutes before 9 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 minutes before 9 am ] ]", "slot_string": "16:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393831313238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who do I know that attended onu?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:SCHOOL onu ] ]", "slot_string": "7:8:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,28:31:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3133343139303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many carbs are in one bowl of chicken noodle soup", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION carbs ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken noodle soup ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:14:SL:RECIPES_TYPE_NUTRITION,34:53:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3139393830353232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Things to do in St Augustine next week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION St Augustine ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "16:28:SL:LOCATION,29:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393933313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me about Trevor", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Trevor ] ]", "slot_string": "14:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232323530323733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "make a Drink water timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME Drink water ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "7:18:SL:TIMER_NAME,19:24:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353537373335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I have some information about the weather in Cheshire?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Cheshire ] ]", "slot_string": "49:57:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232313934303036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "can you please use WhatsApp to call Chloe", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] [SL:CONTACT Chloe ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:NAME_APP,36:41:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323232383831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me on Monday to pay the bills", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Monday ] [SL:TODO pay the bills ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:19:SL:DATE_TIME,23:36:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353638323434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Please read the details about OJ's parole", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC OJ's parole ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,31:42:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353233333431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will it be snowing in October in New York", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snowing ] [SL:DATE_TIME in October ] [SL:LOCATION New York ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,19:29:SL:DATE_TIME,33:41:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343933373331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Start alarm now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231333531313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "who is active right now", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343739323434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Bone Thugs N Harmony on Spotify.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Bone Thugs N Harmony ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "5:25:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,29:36:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39343536363536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you make vegan ice cream", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE vegan ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH ice cream ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:RECIPES_TYPE,22:31:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3134313539393839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to be below 8 degree Fahrenheit in Tokyo today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE below ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 8 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Fahrenheit ] [SL:LOCATION Tokyo ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,24:25:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,33:43:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,47:52:SL:LOCATION,53:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353635353935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "WILL IT BE RAINING AT 5PM TOMORROW?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE RAINING ] [SL:DATE_TIME AT 5PM TOMORROW ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,19:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343638363330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any recent news about OJ Simpson?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC OJ Simpson ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:DATE_TIME,11:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,22:32:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231353537373139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather in North Pole?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION North Pole ] ]", "slot_string": "23:33:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231333534373038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call number five", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343632343133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long do I cook a casserole for", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH casserole ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,21:30:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353033313730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How is the weather effecting the road?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353233323432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play OneRepublic's Baby On Baby album.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME OneRepublic ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Baby On Baby ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,19:31:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,32:37:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231373538303031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Betty number one", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Betty ] [SL:ORDINAL one ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT,18:21:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "39353732333431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it rain in any part of the metroplex today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:LOCATION metroplex ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,32:41:SL:LOCATION,42:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353734333332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "What does the timer say?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353733353130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "i need a second timer for 3 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:ORDINAL second ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 3 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:ORDINAL,16:21:SL:METHOD_TIMER,22:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353835373335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "delete all my timers for today", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3135323930393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Play the morning news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME the morning ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:DATE_TIME,17:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3136343034313730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is going on in seattle news currenty", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC seattle ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,28:32:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353238303437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the temperature today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "24:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353034373833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me local news updates?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,14:18:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393932313139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Has Mark worked at ACS before?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Mark ] [SL:EMPLOYER ACS ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:CONTACT,19:22:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3138383936363934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Jay Z's new album", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Jay Z ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,17:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323330343334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "End the reminders about the 4th of July picnic on July 5th", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO the 4th of July picnic ] [SL:DATE_TIME on July 5th ] ]", "slot_string": "24:46:SL:TODO,47:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353733353133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather in St. Louis today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION St. Louis ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "23:32:SL:LOCATION,33:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333437343630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to accept the incoming call and disconnect from the current call", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231373233323831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "video message Bryson", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Bryson ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,14:20:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3135363436333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will the weather forecast be for this Friday at 7am for the city of San Antonio", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for this Friday at 7am ] [SL:LOCATION San Antonio ] ]", "slot_string": "34:56:SL:DATE_TIME,73:84:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232353735333035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "I need you to can you send text to Zachary Fletcher on Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Zachary Fletcher ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "35:51:SL:RECIPIENT,55:64:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39343930323631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "give me todays news updates", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME todays ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:DATE_TIME,15:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353538393735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "start my running timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME running ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:TIMER_NAME,17:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231363336393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for this afternoon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for this afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "13:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393933363532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Where is Amy working now?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Amy ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138383932333938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long should you grill steak for", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD grill ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT steak ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,20:25:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,26:31:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39353531313837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the name of the current track playing?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE track ] ]", "slot_string": "32:37:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3136343034333938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set timer for a short 5 minute jog", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minute ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,22:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353536373832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me what the weather is going to be like on the 7th May", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on the 7th May ] ]", "slot_string": "45:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343631303636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show Oma Y. Ayoub Moms upcoming birthdays", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Oma Y. Ayoub ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION Moms ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,18:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "39353230323339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 5pm today.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 5pm today ] ]", "slot_string": "10:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353134393839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the temp like outside now", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353538353438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the latest news on North Korea?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC North Korea ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:38:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231333439313331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "add friend to call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232353832303037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "grab my texts from Aleah", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER Aleah ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "39343837353030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is today's big news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE big ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:DATE_TIME,16:19:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,20:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353130333238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "how many minutes until the alarm goes off", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323337303232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "delete all reminders for today", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,21:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333438303030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "show available people", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3135323935303335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Reset timer to 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353434303939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Katy Perry's latest song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Katy Perry ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,25:29:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393933353731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to know all about Sheldon", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Sheldon ] ]", "slot_string": "25:32:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313438383336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Erase the reminder for George to feed the chickens tomorrow at 5 AM.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED George ] [SL:TODO feed the chickens ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow at 5 AM ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,33:50:SL:TODO,51:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353537353636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me today's headlines from Daily Local News.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Daily Local News ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:DATE_TIME,16:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,31:47:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3138383931383937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What temperature do I have to cook a chocolate chip cookies with butter in them", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chocolate chip cookies ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT butter ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,37:59:SL:RECIPES_DISH,65:71:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39343534313438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what items do i need to make deviled eggs", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH deviled eggs ] ]", "slot_string": "29:41:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231373233353935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "could I video message S May", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT S May ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,22:27:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232353832323634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "let me see my texts from Hayden", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER Hayden ] ]", "slot_string": "25:31:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "3231323335393230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to wash my car on thursday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO wash my car ] [SL:DATE_TIME on thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:24:SL:TODO,25:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135333031323732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "show me all news stories regarding climate change", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC climate change ] ]", "slot_string": "12:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE,35:49:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323330393836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "delete reminder about doctors appointment on tuesday", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO doctors appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME on tuesday ] ]", "slot_string": "22:41:SL:TODO,42:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363335383739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for tomorrow noon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow noon ] ]", "slot_string": "10:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323431383635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Send me a reminder to look at the party list", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO look at the party list ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:44:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343730393038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to Ride by Twenty One Pilots", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Ride ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Twenty One Pilots ] ]", "slot_string": "20:24:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,28:45:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3232353833323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "please send the women group", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP women ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "39353731303031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the temperature downtown", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION downtown ] ]", "slot_string": "24:32:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231333437393530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "is there anyone available", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363334363636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make an alarm sound at 6pm every night", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 6pm every night ] ]", "slot_string": "20:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323239353333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change vacation reminder to saturday instead of sunday", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO vacation ] [SL:DATE_TIME to saturday ] [SL:DATE_TIME of sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:15:SL:TODO,25:36:SL:DATE_TIME,45:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353332313137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Arnold", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Arnold ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3133343138393532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you boil an egg", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD boil ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT egg ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,19:22:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231323339363035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set reminder to rinse out hair color", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO rinse out hair color ] ]", "slot_string": "16:36:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323330343037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set up a reminder for me next wednesday to see if vivian needs a ride to the salon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME next wednesday ] [SL:TODO see if vivian needs a ride to the salon ] ]", "slot_string": "22:24:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:39:SL:DATE_TIME,43:82:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353634363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set timer for 7 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 7 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393836313934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Does Louise lives in Charleston", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Louise ] [SL:LOCATION Charleston ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT,21:31:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323238333335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me the seminar reminders in Central Standard Time instead of EST", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO seminar ] [SL:DATE_TIME in Central Standard Time ] [SL:DATE_TIME of EST ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,12:19:SL:TODO,30:54:SL:DATE_TIME,63:69:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353538373533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the forecast for Melbourne when I land on Saturday morning?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Melbourne ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday morning ] ]", "slot_string": "25:34:SL:LOCATION,47:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343733373739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "please read me all the headlines on the news right now?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "23:32:SL:NEWS_TYPE,40:44:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231313437333633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind me to fill out new tax forms on August 15th?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO fill out new tax forms ] [SL:DATE_TIME on August 15th ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:43:SL:TODO,44:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323832373132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Please send message to Glenna asking her what time the event starts on Sunday at church.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Glenna ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what time the event starts on Sunday at church ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:RECIPIENT,41:87:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393834333033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "check if any of my friends working at Google", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:EMPLOYER Google ] ]", "slot_string": "16:18:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,19:26:SL:TYPE_RELATION,39:45:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231333530363537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I'm done talking", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232333537373132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "please add four minute timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME four minute ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "11:22:SL:DATE_TIME,23:28:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343937393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I hear that song again?", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3232353734383334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "I need you to send that message via Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "36:45:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231343631323132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Were any of Nussbaumer in laws born on July 7th, 1986?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Nussbaumer ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION in laws ] [SL:DATE_TIME on July 7th, 1986 ] ]", "slot_string": "12:22:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,23:30:SL:TYPE_RELATION,36:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323835343230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Let Chris know I am going to the Lindsey sterling concert at DTE in a few weeks", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Chris ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I am going to the Lindsey sterling concert at DTE in a few weeks ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:RECIPIENT,15:79:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353231363031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me details on the Panda bear that lost one of her twin cubs.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Panda bear that lost one of her twin cubs ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,23:64:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343832303933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play the song Brown Eyed Girl.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Brown Eyed Girl ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,14:29:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "39343531343834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "show me spaghetti sauce recipes with no onions", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH spaghetti sauce ] [SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT onions ] ]", "slot_string": "8:23:SL:RECIPES_DISH,40:46:SL:RECIPES_EXCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231313531323833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What are my reminders for Tuesday morning?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for Tuesday morning ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353735373438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What were last weeks headlines?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME last weeks ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "10:20:SL:DATE_TIME,21:30:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353434323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me how much time is left on the next alarm", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:ORDINAL next ] ]", "slot_string": "37:41:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3132363332303538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories are in a chocolate chip cookie?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chocolate chip cookie ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,27:48:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393934343930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who is lisa", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT lisa ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353438353138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the projected forecast for friday", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for friday ] ]", "slot_string": "31:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343636383631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set my alarm for 9 pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 9 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343034363133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Was there violence in the White Nationalist protest today", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC violence in the White Nationalist protest ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "10:51:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,52:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353536323537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "can you tell me how warm it'll be in Newcastle?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE warm ] [SL:LOCATION Newcastle ] ]", "slot_string": "20:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,37:46:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363032333930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set two timers please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:AMOUNT two ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timers ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:AMOUNT,8:14:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231373131353833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you call Jude Gavin Miles", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jude Gavin Miles ] ]", "slot_string": "13:29:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232323831303732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play TobyMac", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME TobyMac ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "39353733303335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me if there is rain in the forecast this week.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "20:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,41:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323330323234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Dismiss the reminder to send a card to my pen pal", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO send a card to my pen pal ] ]", "slot_string": "24:49:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353732323633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "any news about donald trump", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC donald trump ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:NEWS_TYPE,15:27:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3132363339363331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What should I put vinegar on?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353031353238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Doxology by Phil Wickham.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Doxology ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Phil Wickham ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,17:29:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "39343639333339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 10 PM tonight.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 PM tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "13:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353735303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Would you send message to Liyi on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Liyi ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "26:30:SL:RECIPIENT,34:42:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3232353138303235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Let's do a video call with Long Distance Running Group on Hangouts", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Long Distance Running ] [SL:NAME_APP Hangouts ] ]", "slot_string": "27:48:SL:GROUP,58:66:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231353537333835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need the forecast for the Easter weekend please.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for the Easter weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "20:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138383932333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What temperature do I need to cook the Meatloaf at", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH Meatloaf ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,39:47:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353133393935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set my alarm for 10:00 AM every Tuesday and Thursday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10:00 AM every Tuesday and Thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "13:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353138313832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a call to my Meditation group on Line", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Meditation ] [SL:NAME_APP Line ] ]", "slot_string": "18:28:SL:GROUP,38:42:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231333534303439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please terminate call now", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353538313532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Could you read details regarding dead body found in Funk Nebraska?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC dead body found in Funk Nebraska ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,33:65:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3139393833363832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Where can I find a show", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT show ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} {"id": "39353230323032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "can you play nicki minaj's latest single", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME nicki minaj ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE single ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,34:40:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323239303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me all the birthdays reminders on my agenda.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO birthdays ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,16:25:SL:TODO,39:41:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "3231363431313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Weather forecast for 6pm today please", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for 6pm today ] ]", "slot_string": "17:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353334393730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Cashmere Cat on iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Cashmere Cat ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,21:32:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3138393836393531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Address of Levi.", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Levi ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353737313733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Please give me news on the Twins baseball club", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Twins baseball club ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:46:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353336313031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set timer for half hour.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for half hour ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343737363134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me a news update about the China base in Djibouti.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC China base in Djibouti ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:NEWS_TYPE,32:54:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353437353139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set the alarm for 10 past 2", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 past 2 ] ]", "slot_string": "14:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343730383630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 5am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 5am ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363339343037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "forecast for victoria please", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION victoria ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323430343233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me my appointment on Monday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO my appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:24:SL:TODO,25:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353332313139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Loren", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Loren ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353735313832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "please send it to Franco via WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Franco ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:RECIPIENT,29:37:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39353831383438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the average temperature for all of next week?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "43:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323335323330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "cancel all my reminders.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,11:13:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "39353334313339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the weather in vegas next week?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION vegas ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:LOCATION,29:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353435303533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any election news today", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC election ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "4:12:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,13:17:SL:NEWS_TYPE,18:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323430303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set reminder for the cast party", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO the cast party ] ]", "slot_string": "17:31:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138393831383830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who graduated from PUC?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL PUC ] ]", "slot_string": "19:22:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "39353232303634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me the news in my city", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY my city ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:NEWS_TYPE,20:27:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} {"id": "39343935313332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Switch the song.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333437343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "new call now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232323831313033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Hello Bonjour off Yell Fire", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Hello Bonjour off Yell Fire ] ]", "slot_string": "5:32:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "3136343338363336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "is there any big news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE big ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,17:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3134313539333039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be below 27 in degrees Celsius for Shanghai tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE below ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 27 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] [SL:LOCATION Shanghai ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,31:38:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,43:51:SL:LOCATION,52:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323331393632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to refill medicine.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO refill medicine ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:28:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353736323938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "can I get a news update", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3135323937353537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 1:30 Monday through Friday every day", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 1:30 Monday through Friday every day ] ]", "slot_string": "13:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323238383337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind me to pick up the dog at the groomer tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up the dog at the groomer ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:51:SL:TODO,52:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343034383838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What new shows will be debuting on ABC in the fall", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC shows will be debuting ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE ABC ] [SL:DATE_TIME in the fall ] ]", "slot_string": "9:31:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,35:38:SL:NEWS_SOURCE,39:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343536383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Cook time for lasagna", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE time ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH lasagna ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,14:21:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393734373038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Friends of Catherine", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION Friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Catherine ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:TYPE_RELATION,11:20:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3134313539393832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How cold is it for Mumbai this weekend in degree C", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:LOCATION Mumbai ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT C ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,19:25:SL:LOCATION,26:38:SL:DATE_TIME,49:50:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3231353538363736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will the weather be in Dubai on Saturday at 3pm?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Dubai ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday at 3pm ] ]", "slot_string": "28:33:SL:LOCATION,34:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353732313838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "pause cook timer", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3137343130313239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many espresso shots are in a Starbuck's ice coffee", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232333635353734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Trinity Wallace call Hudson Garza with Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Trinity Wallace ] [SL:CONTACT Hudson Garza ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:20:SL:CONTACT,26:38:SL:CONTACT,44:52:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39353131383937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Who was the suspect in the latest car bombing?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC suspect in the latest car bombing ] ]", "slot_string": "12:45:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231313534373736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to prepare for the meeting on August 5th at 10 am.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO prepare for the meeting ] [SL:DATE_TIME on August 5th at 10 am ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:36:SL:TODO,37:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353339353837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read local news.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,11:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323835383439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Let Marta know that I'm going to the nurse's meeting at 8", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Marta ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I'm going to the nurse's meeting at 8 ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:RECIPIENT,20:57:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353131303035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play a rock song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rock ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,12:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343839303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "whats the weather chances in clearwater beach tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION clearwater beach ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "29:45:SL:LOCATION,46:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313533323231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder to take the trash out on sunday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO take the trash out ] [SL:DATE_TIME on sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "18:36:SL:TODO,37:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373232383734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Video message to Blake", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT Video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Blake ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,17:22:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232313933393730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "contact Kinley with Messenger", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kinley ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT,20:29:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39343630363432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long do i fry chicken for", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD fry ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,14:17:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,18:25:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231313435313932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me at 8pm to watch Orange Is The New Black", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 8pm ] [SL:TODO watch Orange Is The New Black ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:16:SL:DATE_TIME,21:50:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3132353738323630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What does the forecast look like for the week", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for the week ] ]", "slot_string": "33:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343631333330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the ingredients for pie crust", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pie crust ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,29:38:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353532323035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is my timer almost finished?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353439313036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "were there any murders in Chicago last night?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC murders in Chicago ] [SL:DATE_TIME last night ] ]", "slot_string": "15:33:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,34:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343532373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long do I cook chicken breast at 350", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken breast ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,19:33:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231333534393831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Baird Brandon now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Baird Brandon ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343733383932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Justin Timberlake's newest single.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Justin Timberlake ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE single ] ]", "slot_string": "5:22:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,32:38:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3137363338373938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many calories in sliced turkey", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT sliced turkey ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,21:34:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231353937323438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me the forecast for 7am Christmas morning", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for 7am Christmas morning ] ]", "slot_string": "21:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323936363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "take 5 minutes off of timer", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "5:14:SL:DATE_TIME,22:27:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353535393234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 7 minutes from now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 7 minutes from now ] ]", "slot_string": "13:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343836393739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm for 4 am on Thursday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 4 am on Thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "10:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343734363034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Increase current timer by 6 minutes", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME by 6 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER,23:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343435303435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to message Jamie", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jamie ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39353435373137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I need a coat in Colorado?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE coat ] [SL:LOCATION Colorado ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:28:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353538383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a timer for 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333430333831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "open a call with jack", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT jack ] ]", "slot_string": "17:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231343030383435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Please send Andrea a message that says 'are you going tonight?'", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Andrea ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT are you going tonight? ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:RECIPIENT,40:62:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3135323934353835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set timer for 3 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 3 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353831353036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is it going to snow this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363135303935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Change the channel", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE channel ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3136343034333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Who does Lester Holt anchor for", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Lester Holt anchor ] ]", "slot_string": "9:27:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3232353138353938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Start a call with Emma, Amelia Good, Christine, and Kristin Bryant", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Emma ] [SL:CONTACT Amelia Good ] [SL:CONTACT Christine ] [SL:CONTACT Kristin Bryant ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:CONTACT,24:35:SL:CONTACT,37:46:SL:CONTACT,52:66:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393830353934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who graduated from the University of South Carolina", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL University of South Carolina ] ]", "slot_string": "23:51:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3232353833343230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you please send message to Ted and Stacy", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Ted ] [SL:RECIPIENT Stacy ] ]", "slot_string": "31:34:SL:RECIPIENT,39:44:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39353030353433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "developing news tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY developing ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "0:10:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,11:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,16:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353438343331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "hang up the phone call", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353537353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me weather in UK?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION UK ] ]", "slot_string": "19:21:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3135393637333332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "whats todays farm report", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME todays ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC farm ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE report ] ]", "slot_string": "6:12:SL:DATE_TIME,13:17:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,18:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393832333537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Which friends are Columbia grads?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:SCHOOL Columbia ] [SL:LIFE_EVENT grads ] ]", "slot_string": "6:13:SL:TYPE_RELATION,18:26:SL:SCHOOL,27:32:SL:LIFE_EVENT"} {"id": "3135323936313335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "News on Politics", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE News ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY Politics ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:NEWS_TYPE,8:16:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY"} {"id": "3139393833313133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Live sports in DC next week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Live sports ] [SL:LOCATION DC ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,15:17:SL:LOCATION,18:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135363331343037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how does the weather look in new york next week", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION new york ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "29:37:SL:LOCATION,38:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343630323730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long do you boil eggs", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD boil ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT eggs ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,16:20:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,21:25:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231323233383534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me all reminders for my yoga classes.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO yoga classes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,26:28:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:41:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353138383136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what happened in the news today", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "21:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323934363436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "timer for 6 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME for 6 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "6:19:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373033393836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "are there any birthdays upcoming on wednesday", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME on wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "33:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343631353637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Look up ingredients for a mango smoothie", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH mango smoothie ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,26:40:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353435323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add 5 minutes to the current timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:DATE_TIME,29:34:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323833393133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send leeanna a text and let her know we will be meeting up at 6 instead of 7", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT leeanna ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT we will be meeting up at 6 instead of 7 ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:RECIPIENT,37:76:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3135323937373131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set recurring alarm this week for 9am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME this week for 9am ] ]", "slot_string": "20:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393739393432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who lives in Lahaina", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Lahaina ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3138393834393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "What people do I know that working the admissions office at U of M", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:EMPLOYER U of M ] ]", "slot_string": "15:16:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,60:66:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231323331353536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Get all of my reminders from Saturday's this year", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME from Saturday's this year ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:AMOUNT,11:13:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393837303634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "things to do in mission viejo tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION mission viejo ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "16:29:SL:LOCATION,30:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363339383533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "In Melbourne how will the weather be over the next few days?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Melbourne ] [SL:DATE_TIME over the next few days ] ]", "slot_string": "3:12:SL:LOCATION,37:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343931343134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play some pop songs", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE pop ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,14:19:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363032383632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play The King Of Soul on Pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE The King Of Soul ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "5:21:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,25:32:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3135323930353133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is today's top story", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE story ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:DATE_TIME,16:19:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,20:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232353038323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Video call the DMV group", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP DMV ] ]", "slot_string": "15:18:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231353531393432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "create an alarm for Fridays at noon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Fridays at noon ] ]", "slot_string": "16:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313639303231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I see everyone who has a birthday coming up in the next month?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME in the next month ] ]", "slot_string": "48:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323339363136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to buy milk tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy milk ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:21:SL:TODO,22:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133323738313437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories are in a chicken breast", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken breast ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,27:41:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231333535323236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "try calling Sherman Angelica", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sherman Angelica ] ]", "slot_string": "12:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353635363832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the current weather in myrtle beach", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION myrtle beach ] ]", "slot_string": "31:43:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231313432383339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder for 6pm for me to check the garden to see if it needs to be watered", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for 6pm ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO check the garden to see if it needs to be watered ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:DATE_TIME,27:29:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,33:82:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353539323038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to snow on Christmas day in London?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Christmas day ] [SL:LOCATION London ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:36:SL:DATE_TIME,40:46:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343739333430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play me a mix of David Bowie", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE mix ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME David Bowie ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,17:28:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231313533323933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Please move my reminder for the swim party to 6PM next Saturday.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO the swim party ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 6PM next Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:42:SL:TODO,43:63:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313532353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me of my hair salon appointment Tuesday at 3pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO my hair salon appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME Tuesday at 3pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:38:SL:TODO,39:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393835393039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Does Kristen live in Dallas?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Kristen ] [SL:LOCATION Dallas ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT,21:27:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353239373139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "read me news headlines about syria", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news headlines ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC syria ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,29:34:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3232353138323339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I'd like to call with Chandler and Sofia", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Chandler ] [SL:CONTACT Sofia ] ]", "slot_string": "22:30:SL:CONTACT,35:40:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393837313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What's going on tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353739383332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Find songs by Richard Cheese only.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Richard Cheese ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,14:28:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3139393837323132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Events in Omaha this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Omaha ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:LOCATION,16:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343831373739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to hear Hip Hop music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Hip Hop ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,23:28:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231343631313235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Which of Teskey dads have birthdays coming up?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Teskey ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION dads ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,16:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3132353835323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you play metal radio from Spotify for me", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE metal ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE radio ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,19:24:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,30:37:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3135323933373837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "i want the current headlines across US", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME the current ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC US ] ]", "slot_string": "7:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:28:SL:NEWS_TYPE,36:38:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3138393932333336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "When did bob quit working at petsmart", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYMENT_TIME [SL:CONTACT bob ] [SL:EMPLOYER petsmart ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:CONTACT,29:37:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3139393839313732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Anything interesting happening in Brooklyn tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Brooklyn ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "34:42:SL:LOCATION,43:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323433333137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any news from Wired", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Wired ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "39353232313633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather in Baltimore today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Baltimore ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "23:32:SL:LOCATION,33:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343132343238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What can I do if I oversalted my soup", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH soup ] ]", "slot_string": "33:37:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231333531343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Shut down the conversation", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353637333039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What was the last measure that Donald Trump signed?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Donald Trump ] ]", "slot_string": "31:43:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323334323639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete all reminders involving Rebecca's after-school activities.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO Rebecca's after-school activities ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,31:64:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3139393838353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "what sporting events are in newport today", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT sporting ] [SL:LOCATION newport ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,28:35:SL:LOCATION,36:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353232303133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESUME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "resume timer countdown", "target": "[IN:RESUME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer countdown ] ]", "slot_string": "7:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353634303234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me the headline from the sports section of The Daily News.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headline ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY sports ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE The Daily News ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:36:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,48:62:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3231323337303632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "create interview reminder for 8 am tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO interview ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 8 am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:16:SL:TODO,26:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353332333532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "please play Wizkid", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Wizkid ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "39353739323331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the temperature for Friday in Portland?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for Friday ] [SL:LOCATION Portland ] ]", "slot_string": "24:34:SL:DATE_TIME,38:46:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353431383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it raining hard outside?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE raining ] ]", "slot_string": "6:13:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39353132373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will the temp be tonight around 9PM?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME tonight around 9PM ] ]", "slot_string": "22:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353532373034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Reoccur alarms for 8am and 9am.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 8am and 9am ] ]", "slot_string": "15:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353531353837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set my nap alarm for 3pm today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME nap ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 3pm today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:ALARM_NAME,17:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136333731343637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "read me the headlines from last night", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:DATE_TIME from last night ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE,22:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343534383633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What temperature should i cook this at", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39353433343433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Stay with me by Sam Smith", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Stay with me ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Sam Smith ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,21:30:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3232353137373934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Place a call with Brunch", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Brunch ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3138393833353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who works at Ministry of Finance?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Ministry of Finance ] ]", "slot_string": "13:32:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39353333343331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it snow on Sunday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,13:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323239393235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change the reminder for my car inspection to Monday of next week at 930 am.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO car inspection ] [SL:DATE_TIME to Monday of next week at 930 am ] ]", "slot_string": "24:26:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:41:SL:TODO,42:74:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353632353039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Sunny today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE Sunny ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,6:11:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353430303534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the hourly forecast for today in Fort Lauderdale", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] [SL:LOCATION Fort Lauderdale ] ]", "slot_string": "28:37:SL:DATE_TIME,41:56:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343832303531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Take 5 minutes off current timer", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "5:14:SL:DATE_TIME,27:32:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3232333635383832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Mariana whatsapp video", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Mariana ] [SL:NAME_APP whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT,13:21:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231363338363633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me New Zealand Weather", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION New Zealand ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3138393833373633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Which of Tim's friends work at the racetrack", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Tim ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:EMPLOYER racetrack ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION,35:44:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231363335343336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm for July 18th at 5:30am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for July 18th at 5:30am ] ]", "slot_string": "16:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353537303837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me the weather forecast for Sunday.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "29:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363032333534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESUME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "proceed with the timer", "target": "[IN:RESUME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353537323334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will the weather be like this coming 5 day weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME this coming 5 day weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "30:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3134313539313634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature around Tokyo tomorrow morning Celsius", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Tokyo ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:LOCATION,25:41:SL:DATE_TIME,42:49:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3132353736393933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how close is the thunderstorm i am hearing outside", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE thunderstorm ] ]", "slot_string": "17:29:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231323330313331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "show me all church services this coming week", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO church services ] [SL:DATE_TIME this coming week ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,12:27:SL:TODO,28:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353237343937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you play Break My Heart by Hey Violet on Pandora?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Break My Heart ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Hey Violet ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "13:27:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,31:41:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,45:52:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231353535333338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Ring at midnight", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at midnight ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343835353233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the temperature in hoboken tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION hoboken ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "27:34:SL:LOCATION,35:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323931323334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message the dental office and tell them I will be late since there is a big accident ahead of me", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT the dental office ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I will be late since there is a big accident ahead of me ] ]", "slot_string": "8:25:SL:RECIPIENT,40:96:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231353539323932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be sunny tomorrow morning when I will be in Bruges?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sunny ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] [SL:LOCATION Bruges ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:33:SL:DATE_TIME,52:58:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3139393839363734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "I will be in Atlanta on ThursdayIs there anything happening to doAfter six", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Atlanta ] [SL:DATE_TIME on ThursdayIs ] [SL:DATE_TIME doAfter six ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:LOCATION,21:34:SL:DATE_TIME,63:74:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353832373733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Has the gym partners group messaged me on Friday", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP gym partners ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "8:20:SL:GROUP,36:38:SL:RECIPIENT,39:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353734373134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what are the current headlines on Fox ?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME the current ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE Fox ] ]", "slot_string": "9:20:SL:DATE_TIME,21:30:SL:NEWS_TYPE,34:37:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3231323338313436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set reminder for tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "13:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393831313931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "How many of my friends went to KU?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:SCHOOL KU ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION,31:33:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231333339393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Start new call with Sammi", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sammi ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313533303732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind the Jammin with Bea group that orders are due by August 20th, at 5 p.m., PST.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Jammin with Bea ] [SL:TODO orders are due ] [SL:DATE_TIME by August 20th, at 5 p.m., PST ] ]", "slot_string": "11:26:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,38:52:SL:TODO,53:83:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323338303338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove \"\"Pay the mortgage\"\" from my reminders.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO Pay the mortgage ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] ]", "slot_string": "9:25:SL:TODO,33:35:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "3231313437333634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What are my reminders for next Sunday?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for next Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333431383632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "is john available", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT john ] ]", "slot_string": "3:7:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323432343433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add a reminder to plan my birthday party in March of next year", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO plan my birthday party ] [SL:DATE_TIME in March of next year ] ]", "slot_string": "18:40:SL:TODO,41:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353038323633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please start a video call session with my bridesmaids on Skype", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP bridesmaids ] [SL:NAME_APP Skype ] ]", "slot_string": "42:53:SL:GROUP,57:62:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231333932363638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Reminder to feed the cat should go off at 6pm this evening.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO feed the cat ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 6pm this evening ] ]", "slot_string": "12:24:SL:TODO,39:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393832363137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Find friends who work for Hilton.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:EMPLOYER Hilton ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:TYPE_RELATION,26:32:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231363735303233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "has anyone phoned?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3134313630323132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot is it for Boston this weekend in degrees C", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:LOCATION Boston ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT C ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,18:24:SL:LOCATION,25:37:SL:DATE_TIME,49:50:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3231363734313839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call Steven", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Steven ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393738303630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "anything to do this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353439313533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Clear all my alarms, please.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "6:9:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "39353734313531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the temperature going to be tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "36:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363038343931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for 1645h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 1645h ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353535313130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please, set alarm at 4.00am today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 4.00am today ] ]", "slot_string": "18:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323335373330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to have my oil changed monday next week", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO have my oil changed ] [SL:DATE_TIME monday next week ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:32:SL:TODO,33:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343639323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to listen to justin bieber", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME justin bieber ] ]", "slot_string": "20:33:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231323334393639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me all my reminders including work", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO work ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,12:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,35:39:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138393931373836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Does Tara work for Solix?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Tara ] [SL:EMPLOYER Solix ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:CONTACT,19:24:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39343631363331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What temperature is lamb cooked at", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT lamb ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,20:24:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231353538343332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how many inches of snow did we get yesterday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME yesterday ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,35:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353038323930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I listen to the new Ariel Pink single on Spotify?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Ariel Pink ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE single ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "24:34:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,35:41:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,45:52:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39353738373936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me the weather for today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343736373139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the most recent news headlines from Mexico?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME the most recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news headlines ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Mexico ] ]", "slot_string": "8:23:SL:DATE_TIME,24:38:SL:NEWS_TYPE,44:50:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343932303638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is Trump's take on supremacists in America?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Trump's take on supremacists in America ] ]", "slot_string": "8:47:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231333939303131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need a reminder for tomorrow morning at 6AM please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow morning at 6AM ] ]", "slot_string": "18:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363039313532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "give me a new alarm for 0360", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 0360 ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323336383730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to shop groceries tonight", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO shop groceries ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:27:SL:TODO,28:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363137343235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Are storms forecasted", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE storms ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39353632333434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 6 AM tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6 AM tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "13:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323339323536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me all reminders due today", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,26:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138383931363231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long do you bake cupcakes", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cupcakes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,16:20:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,21:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3132353839313334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be sunny this week", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sunny ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393932373032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is Marcus still working for Adobe?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Marcus ] [SL:EMPLOYER Adobe ] ]", "slot_string": "3:9:SL:CONTACT,28:33:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3232353833303737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you please send text to Jose and Bill", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jose ] [SL:RECIPIENT Bill ] ]", "slot_string": "28:32:SL:RECIPIENT,37:41:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39353333383537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How many minutes are left on timer", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "29:34:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3133343130313439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me the ingredients for a nacho supreme", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH nacho supreme ] ]", "slot_string": "12:23:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,31:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353539373633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Stop baking timer", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231313436343531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete my lunch reminder", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO lunch ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:15:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323238323536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "change my reminder alert to 4pm.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 4pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353939303238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Reveal upcoming alarm notifications", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393735313036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "find my friends list", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,8:15:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231323430323737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel my reminder to pick up Halloween decorations.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO pick up Halloween decorations ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:51:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231373233393334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message a video message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "3231373538303934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Catalina three", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Catalina ] [SL:ORDINAL three ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:CONTACT,14:19:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3231313439373033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pay the bills on Friday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pay the bills ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:26:SL:TODO,27:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353133393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the temperature at the North pole?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION North pole ] ]", "slot_string": "31:41:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3138383935383236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you find me a recipe for chicken alfredo?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken alfredo ] ]", "slot_string": "29:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353233333830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what will be the temperature in lubbock in 2 hours", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION lubbock ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 2 hours ] ]", "slot_string": "32:39:SL:LOCATION,40:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373233393732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "respond to Marshall with a video message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Marshall ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:RECIPIENT,27:32:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "39353639343336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "show me the news on the eagles", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC eagles ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:NEWS_TYPE,24:30:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323237333431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change the library book club reminder to 7pm rather than 5.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO library book club ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 7pm ] [SL:DATE_TIME than 5 ] ]", "slot_string": "11:28:SL:TODO,38:44:SL:DATE_TIME,52:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343539323833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I make a roux", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH roux ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343831313932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will the weather be like in San Francisco at 6pm?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION San Francisco ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 6pm ] ]", "slot_string": "33:46:SL:LOCATION,47:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363336383339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please stop my alarm making any noise", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393734313830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Friends of my brother", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION Friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my brother ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:TYPE_RELATION,11:21:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3132353939343130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How many minutes remaining", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323237393637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Pull up my Saturday afternoon reminders, please.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Pull up ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME Saturday afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,11:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393739343038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What is going on at 4pm for tomorrow evening", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME at 4pm for tomorrow evening ] ]", "slot_string": "17:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363031323431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will the temps be freezing tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE freezing ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135333031363234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories are in a slice of cheddar cheese", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT cheddar cheese ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,36:50:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231373330393235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "no call Daniel Nguyen", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Daniel Nguyen ] ]", "slot_string": "8:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393837303333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "where in NJ does Mark live", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:LOCATION NJ ] [SL:CONTACT Mark ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:LOCATION,17:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3136343035333938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What day will school start in Miami Fl", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC What day will school start in Miami Fl ] ]", "slot_string": "0:38:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343536313034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What ingredients are in a greek salad", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH greek salad ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,26:37:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353732363238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's Seattle's weather for Tuesday", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Seattle ] [SL:DATE_TIME for Tuesday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:LOCATION,25:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373537393639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Gregory number one", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Gregory ] [SL:ORDINAL one ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT,20:23:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "39353237363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there a tornado watch in effect?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE tornado ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39343533303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I make mole sauce", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH mole sauce ] ]", "slot_string": "14:24:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3132363339353432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "did is rain on october 29th, 2001 in arizona?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME on october ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,12:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323935303733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are today's top sports stories", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY sports ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE stories ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:DATE_TIME,17:20:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,21:27:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,28:35:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333430383332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "make a call to anna", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT anna ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343737363538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Begin the timer to count up", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231363031353739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm next Friday for 5pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME next Friday for 5pm ] ]", "slot_string": "13:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363033363831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for each hour and half hour", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353331303038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it going to be dry weather tonight?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE dry ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "18:21:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,30:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333635313537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Fiona on video using Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Fiona ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT,26:34:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231313439383031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "sdet a reminder for joes baseball game at 7pm tonight", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO joes baseball game ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 7pm tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "20:38:SL:TODO,39:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393833383939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "whats up tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343535333934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how do you cook this chicken. what temperature", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353231363537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel the timer for the time out.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323235303335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I created 2 reminders about Mike's party so please delete one of them.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO Mike's party ] [SL:AMOUNT one ] ]", "slot_string": "28:40:SL:TODO,58:61:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "39353738343935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please play some workout music.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE workout ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,25:30:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231343631343337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show all Sharilyn U Neeley boyfriends upcoming birthdays", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Sharilyn U Neeley ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION boyfriends ] ]", "slot_string": "9:26:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,27:37:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231353531373138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Repeat my alarm every Monday at 10:30 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME every Monday at 10:30 am ] ]", "slot_string": "16:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313437393733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to eat lunch in two days.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO eat lunch ] [SL:DATE_TIME in two days ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:22:SL:TODO,23:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333435323536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to see availability of contacts", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231333533303434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Is anyone I know online?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3132353733393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you play soft jazz please", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE soft jazz ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "3139393834373035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "theater events in mesa this week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT theater ] [SL:LOCATION mesa ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,18:22:SL:LOCATION,23:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353035313832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play me an eminem song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME eminem ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,18:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343636393332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the latest news in Virginia?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Virginia ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:DATE_TIME,20:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE,28:36:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353131363230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "When will it start raining today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE raining ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393834353234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "anything to do today", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393930313231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "What year did Alex graduate?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Alex ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353735303437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send a Messenger message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "7:16:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3232323739333539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play The Middle, Juice WRLD, please.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE The Middle ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Juice WRLD ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,17:27:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231353539313333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Say the weather for July in Bulgaria.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for July ] [SL:LOCATION Bulgaria ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:DATE_TIME,28:36:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363039353230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "could you text Paisley and tell her Here", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Paisley ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT Here ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:RECIPIENT,36:40:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232353832393738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you send the sorority group", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP sorority ] ]", "slot_string": "17:25:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231323337313835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to buy eggs this weekend.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy eggs ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:21:SL:TODO,22:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353534333732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set an alarm for the 4th of August", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for the 4th of August ] ]", "slot_string": "20:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353538383438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "how many car accidents today so far?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC car accidents ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "9:22:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,23:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363038393636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play a slow song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE slow ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,12:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231373232393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you help me make a video message for Barry", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Barry ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,41:46:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231313530363631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to go to violin on tuesday afternoon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO go to violin ] [SL:DATE_TIME on tuesday afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:25:SL:TODO,26:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353830383131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "SHOULD I WEAR MY RAINBOOTS", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE RAINBOOTS ] ]", "slot_string": "17:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39353034373136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add 5 minutes to the countdown", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER countdown ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:DATE_TIME,21:30:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323237353334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Create a reminder about watering the vegetable garden starting today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO watering the vegetable garden ] [SL:DATE_TIME starting today ] ]", "slot_string": "24:53:SL:TODO,54:68:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353731363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will it stop raining by 5 PM?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE raining ] [SL:DATE_TIME by 5 PM ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,21:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393932313732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Who does Brittany work for", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Brittany ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353632323933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me an update on the local news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,31:35:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353537383937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How's the weather this morning?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME this morning ] ]", "slot_string": "18:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343638323933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the latest news on Russia?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Russia ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:33:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363038333833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "create alarm for 1935", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 1935 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343531343035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long does it take for a cake to rise", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cake ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,28:32:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353333353837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set an alarm for 9pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 9pm ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393734383135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who are Alysha's friends", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Alysha ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,17:24:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231323331393835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind to get oil change Saturday morning.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO get oil change ] [SL:DATE_TIME Saturday morning ] ]", "slot_string": "10:24:SL:TODO,25:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353734333033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Top stories in my town", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE Top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE stories ] ]", "slot_string": "0:3:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,4:11:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353139373133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set the alarm to ring at 2:00", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 2:00 ] ]", "slot_string": "22:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343632383532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Please give me a vegan recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE vegan ] ]", "slot_string": "17:22:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353138343233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Shelby Swedlund facetime", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Shelby Swedlund ] ]", "slot_string": "5:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343535343330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "whats the best temperature for pork", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT pork ] ]", "slot_string": "15:26:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,31:35:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231313432313131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to change credit card's on Netflix on September 29.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO change credit card's on Netflix ] [SL:DATE_TIME on September 29 ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:44:SL:TODO,45:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343638373233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "please play bruno mars", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME bruno mars ] ]", "slot_string": "12:22:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3139393736323039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "stuff to do this week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353335303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play A Milli on iHeartRadio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE A Milli ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iHeartRadio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,16:27:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39353239363837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the beach forecast for this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION beach ] [SL:DATE_TIME for this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:LOCATION,27:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353833343733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "please record a video message for John and Jack", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT John ] [SL:RECIPIENT Jack ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,34:38:SL:RECIPIENT,43:47:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231353533323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Tomorrow at 9pm and 10pm sound the alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME Tomorrow at 9pm and 10pm ] ]", "slot_string": "0:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393834343734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who works for NBC?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER NBC ] ]", "slot_string": "14:17:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231323235383633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "show me my school reminders for this week", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO school ] [SL:DATE_TIME for this week ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,11:17:SL:TODO,28:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353035373338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a 20 minutes timer for my run", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 20 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:TIMER_NAME run ] ]", "slot_string": "6:16:SL:DATE_TIME,17:22:SL:METHOD_TIMER,30:33:SL:TIMER_NAME"} {"id": "3136303030313739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the status on the travel ban", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE status ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC travel ban ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:36:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231313436393834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder to schedule dinner delivery for 7pm tonight.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO schedule dinner delivery ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 7pm tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "18:42:SL:TODO,43:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363334363432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm for every Thursday at 2.15pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for every Thursday at 2.15pm ] ]", "slot_string": "16:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393738323135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who do I know that lives in China?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:LOCATION China ] ]", "slot_string": "7:8:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,28:33:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343935313137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a timer for 17 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 17 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343735363333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Could you please tell me the status of the timer?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "43:48:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343631373138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the ingredients for chicken marsala", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken marsala ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,29:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393833353237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me who works at el pollo loco", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER el pollo loco ] ]", "slot_string": "21:34:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3138393832373037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who works for macy's?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER macy ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231323430373837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel the reminder for my Sunday hydrafacial appointment", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME Sunday ] [SL:TODO hydrafacial appointment ] ]", "slot_string": "24:26:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:33:SL:DATE_TIME,34:57:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313438323334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you set up a reminder for me to go to my cousin's baptism this Sunday?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO go to my cousin's baptism ] [SL:DATE_TIME this Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "30:32:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,36:61:SL:TODO,62:73:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313438393134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel the reminder about the ride that is on the 5th.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO the ride that is ] [SL:DATE_TIME on the 5th ] ]", "slot_string": "26:42:SL:TODO,43:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393836323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "where is ken's house?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT ken ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343632373033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find a recipe for cheesecake", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH cheesecake ] ]", "slot_string": "18:28:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323331373935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "delete all reminders about spin class for september", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO spin class ] [SL:DATE_TIME for september ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,27:37:SL:TODO,38:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343537383334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many oil spoons do put on salad", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT oil ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT spoons ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH salad ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:12:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,13:19:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,30:35:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323832313938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message work that i am running late", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT work ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT i am running late ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:RECIPIENT,18:35:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353039363036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Major news in USA", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE Major ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC USA ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,6:10:SL:NEWS_TYPE,14:17:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353831393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the highest temperature in Las Vegas", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Las Vegas ] ]", "slot_string": "35:44:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343538343431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what ingredients are in BBQ Power Bowls", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH BBQ Power Bowls ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:39:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323338393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to cancel my date", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO cancel my date ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:27:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231363031303037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Snooze the set alarm until 7h15 am.", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME until 7h15 am ] ]", "slot_string": "21:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353537333133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the weather forecast for May Bank Holiday weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for May Bank Holiday weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "29:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343537323836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "baked potato oven time", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH baked potato ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD oven ] ]", "slot_string": "0:12:SL:RECIPES_DISH,13:17:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "3231323430333432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set reminder to check oven in 1 hour", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO check oven ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 1 hour ] ]", "slot_string": "16:26:SL:TODO,27:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373236353932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Mia cell", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Mia ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353535383938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "breaking news in the united states", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE breaking ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC united states ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,9:13:SL:NEWS_TYPE,21:34:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3232353139323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "give Marissa a call", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Marissa ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353035393836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play track 8 again", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE track ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353430323539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play something happy for me", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE happy ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "39353730393634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Shuffle my music.", "target": "[IN:START_SHUFFLE_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343534353932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How much sugar do I need for homemade jam", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How much ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT sugar ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH jam ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:14:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,38:41:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231333532393236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who's online right now.", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363031323630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Wake me up at 8 am on May 4th.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 8 am on May 4th ] ]", "slot_string": "11:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323833383534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message mr chesner and ask him what is call time for saturday", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mr chesner ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what is call time for saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:RECIPIENT,31:61:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323833373535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Let Mary know that Madonna's concert will be in El Paso in September", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Mary ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT Madonna's concert will be in El Paso in September ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:RECIPIENT,19:68:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363039303330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "make an alarm for 10h45", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10h45 ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363333393930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Could you make me a bedtime alarm for 10pm tonight please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME bedtime ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 10pm tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:ALARM_NAME,34:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353233343731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play BTS music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME BTS ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,9:14:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3139393836323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What can I do in New York tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION New York ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "17:25:SL:LOCATION,26:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363137393831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "hang up Savannah Stachura", "target": "[IN:END_CALL [SL:CONTACT Savannah Stachura ] ]", "slot_string": "8:25:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353536343634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the weather on Monday in Honolulu?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on Monday ] [SL:LOCATION Honolulu ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:DATE_TIME,32:40:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323831303735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Text Jennifer and ask if she has met my mom", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jennifer ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT she has met my mom ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:RECIPIENT,25:43:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231373130393632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please call Silas Everett Castillo", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Silas Everett Castillo ] ]", "slot_string": "12:34:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393835363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "doe rich live in ocean city", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT rich ] [SL:LOCATION ocean city ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:CONTACT,17:27:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343636313835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "whats the news on Travel ban to USA", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Travel ban to USA ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:NEWS_TYPE,18:35:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343537343934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How much flour is in the recipe for cookies", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How much ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT flour ] [SL:METHOD_RECIPES recipe ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cookies ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:14:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,25:31:SL:METHOD_RECIPES,36:43:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3139393737303431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Which events are going on tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "26:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393739373533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I have any family in California?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION family ] [SL:LOCATION California ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,14:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION,24:34:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343536333231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how much water is used to cook brown rice", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT water ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH brown rice ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,31:41:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231333431313431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Start a call with James", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT James ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333531393335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Who do I know that's online now?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231303231313033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please call jessica", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT jessica ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333534343534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "video call jackson Brandon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT jackson Brandon ] ]", "slot_string": "11:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323839333736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send a message to greg and ask how to get to his home in florida", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT greg ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT how to get to his home in florida ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:RECIPIENT,31:64:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363333333632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "New alarm please for tuesday at 7am and 9pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for tuesday at 7am and 9pm ] ]", "slot_string": "17:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323239303038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "is there a dinner reservation set in the reminders for August 23rd?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO dinner reservation ] [SL:DATE_TIME for August 23rd ] ]", "slot_string": "11:29:SL:TODO,51:66:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343631323030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the right temperature to bake chicken in the oven", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD oven ] ]", "slot_string": "18:29:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,33:37:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,38:45:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,53:57:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "3231323237363038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me my reminders for tomorrow afternoon.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Read ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231303137333235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i'm done with this call", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231313531373631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What do I have for reminders on Tuesday morning?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Tuesday morning ] ]", "slot_string": "8:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353631373332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the current breaking news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME the current ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE breaking ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:DATE_TIME,20:28:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,29:33:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3133383233363733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many minutes are these cookies in the oven", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cookies ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD oven ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,27:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH,42:46:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "39353236393838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are Ted Cruz's comments on healthcare?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Ted Cruz's comments on healthcare ] ]", "slot_string": "9:42:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343832373630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is there rain in the forecast?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3232343330373535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "put my timers on the screen", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timers ] ]", "slot_string": "7:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353531303333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create session alarm for 10am tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME session ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 10am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:ALARM_NAME,21:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393835313338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What is happening on Friday", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "18:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353133373239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a timer for 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353238303838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the latest news on the budget cuts?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC budget cuts ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,31:42:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363736313736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Kick Blake from call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Blake ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} {"id": "39353737343336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will it snow in NYC today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:LOCATION NYC ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,16:19:SL:LOCATION,20:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343639373534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the world news now", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY world ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,18:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3134313539363636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot is it next week dublin in degrees C", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] [SL:LOCATION dublin ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT C ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,14:23:SL:DATE_TIME,24:30:SL:LOCATION,42:43:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "39343532353939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "At what temperature do you bake chicken legs in the oven", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken legs ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD oven ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,27:31:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,32:44:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,52:56:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "3231313534393738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete the reminder about getting an Uber for next Sunday.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO getting an Uber ] [SL:DATE_TIME for next Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "26:41:SL:TODO,42:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353735303037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me text messages from John Peterson via Facebook", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT John Peterson ] [SL:NAME_APP Facebook ] ]", "slot_string": "27:40:SL:RECIPIENT,45:53:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323233353433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Please change my reminder from Grace's Family Church singing from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday night", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO Grace's Family Church singing ] [SL:DATE_TIME from 7 p.m. ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 8 p.m. on Saturday night ] ]", "slot_string": "14:16:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,31:60:SL:TODO,61:72:SL:DATE_TIME,73:100:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323735363436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Did I send any late night texts last night?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER I ] [SL:DATE_TIME late night ] [SL:DATE_TIME last night ] ]", "slot_string": "4:5:SL:SENDER,15:25:SL:DATE_TIME,32:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323338333139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to buy tickets for Pirates of the Caribbean 15", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy tickets for Pirates of the Caribbean 15 ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:56:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353638353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play coke studio song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE coke studio ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,17:21:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3232323831353539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Jay park", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Jay park ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3139393736323234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there anything happening", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353232373234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to Kygo's latest album.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Kygo ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "20:24:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,34:39:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3132363332333038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how to get the shell off hard boiled eggs", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD boiled ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT eggs ] ]", "slot_string": "30:36:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,37:41:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3135323936363031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set a timer for 60 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 60 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER,19:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343631353836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Which of Verbit mama have birthdays coming up?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Verbit ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION mama ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,16:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231333339363131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Invite Tom to join call in progress", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Tom ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "39353535373537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is it raining in orlando today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE raining ] [SL:LOCATION orlando ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "6:13:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:24:SL:LOCATION,25:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353530393233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to K-pop", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE K-pop ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "3138393739333230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "My friends list in Santa Cruz?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED My ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION Santa Cruz ] ]", "slot_string": "0:2:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,3:10:SL:TYPE_RELATION,19:29:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323239333436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Find my reminders for call backs", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO call backs ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:32:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3136343732343034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Could you please set a repeating alarm for 8am on weekdays", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 8am on weekdays ] ]", "slot_string": "39:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353138373837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i'd like to touch base with Jane", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jane ] ]", "slot_string": "28:32:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323431393634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "cancel reminder to take dog to the vet", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO take dog to the vet ] ]", "slot_string": "19:38:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323232303634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Please change the alert time for the baby shower from 2 pm to 3 pm.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO the baby shower ] [SL:DATE_TIME from 2 pm ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 3 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "34:49:SL:TODO,50:59:SL:DATE_TIME,60:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393831333034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there anyone I know who went to Full Sail?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:SCHOOL Full Sail ] ]", "slot_string": "16:17:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,35:44:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "39353133353935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "how many more minutes before the timer runs out?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "33:38:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3138393739353131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "How many of my friends live in San Francisco?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION San Francisco ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION,31:44:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363736303936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Switch this voice call to video.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232353832383736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send a message to my squad thread that says talk to you later", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP my squad ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT talk to you later ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:GROUP,44:61:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393833383931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who works at target?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER target ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39353135313936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Turn on an alarm for 4 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 4 am ] ]", "slot_string": "17:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353531393536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "New alarm, 8am, Mondays, repeat 7 weeks.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME 8am, Mondays ] [SL:DATE_TIME 7 weeks ] ]", "slot_string": "11:23:SL:DATE_TIME,32:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343933313333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set the timer for 45 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 45 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER,14:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353438323338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set my alarm one hour from now please.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME one hour from now ] ]", "slot_string": "13:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353534363836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm for tomorrow at 10 o'clock", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow at 10 o'clock ] ]", "slot_string": "16:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393836333534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me Bobby's work address", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Bobby ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393835333938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Does Rita work in London?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Rita ] [SL:LOCATION London ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:CONTACT,18:24:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3135323930353735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me the recent news headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:33:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323832323135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask Josh when he will get to my house.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Josh ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT when he will get to my house ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:RECIPIENT,9:37:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353731393433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "UPDATE ME ON THE LOCAL FIRE THAT WAS IN THE NEWS.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC LOCAL FIRE ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE NEWS ] ]", "slot_string": "17:27:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,44:48:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353037373830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read the latest headlines.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:DATE_TIME,16:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353335303630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "show breaking news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE breaking ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,14:18:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39343732373634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "any news about taylor swift", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC taylor swift ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:NEWS_TYPE,15:27:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343732393737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play 1980s top hits", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE 1980s top hits ] ]", "slot_string": "5:19:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE"} {"id": "3231363039313030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "create alarm for 2235h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 2235h ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373538313037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Amanda number two", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Amanda ] [SL:ORDINAL two ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT,19:22:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "39353639383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm every 6 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:PERIOD every 6 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "13:28:SL:PERIOD"} {"id": "3231363339313231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me what the weather be on Saturday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "28:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323238333734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind me to get ready for the date?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO get ready for the date ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:43:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232323232353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to see popular events", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:ATTRIBUTE_EVENT popular ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:ATTRIBUTE_EVENT"} {"id": "3132363333343438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the best temperature to cook lobster at?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH lobster ] ]", "slot_string": "17:28:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,37:44:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3139393839323030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Festivals in August 2018 in Jacksonville, Florida", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Festivals ] [SL:DATE_TIME in August 2018 ] [SL:LOCATION Jacksonville, Florida ] ]", "slot_string": "0:9:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,10:24:SL:DATE_TIME,28:49:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3138393739363635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I know anyone from Ireland?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:LOCATION Ireland ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,22:29:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353835393939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "go to iheartradio and play AMP Radio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID AMP Radio ] ]", "slot_string": "6:17:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,27:36:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID"} {"id": "3231363337323536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set up an alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343631363938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me how to make gnocchi", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH gnocchi ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353532323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I need a new alarm for monday at 12pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for monday at 12pm ] ]", "slot_string": "19:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323337363230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder about John's birthday next month.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO John's birthday ] [SL:DATE_TIME next month ] ]", "slot_string": "21:36:SL:TODO,37:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323231343434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Pull up all of last year's reminders on Pat", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Pull up ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:DATE_TIME of last year ] [SL:TODO Pat ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,12:24:SL:DATE_TIME,40:43:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231343937343239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What baseball games are going on on Thursday in San Jose", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT baseball games ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Thursday ] [SL:LOCATION San Jose ] ]", "slot_string": "5:19:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,33:44:SL:DATE_TIME,48:56:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323837343031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Text Zach and tell him the car is on the way to pick up him and his girlfriend from Ben's house.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Zach ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT the car is on the way to pick up him and his girlfriend from Ben's house ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPIENT,23:95:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3133343138393230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you cook Peruvian Cau Cau", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE Peruvian ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH Cau Cau ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:RECIPES_TYPE,25:32:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353130343638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any recent news about the White House?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC White House ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:DATE_TIME,11:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:37:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3132353739393731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Lupe Fiasco's latest song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Lupe Fiasco ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,26:30:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323332353937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What reminders do I have for Tuesday the 17th after 3 PM", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:DATE_TIME for Tuesday the 17th after 3 PM ] ]", "slot_string": "18:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353833323035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "would you text Jordan and Steven", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Jordan ] [SL:RECIPIENT Steven ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:RECIPIENT,26:32:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3138393830343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Does my cousin still live in Boulder?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION cousin ] [SL:LOCATION Boulder ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,8:14:SL:TYPE_RELATION,29:36:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363735383235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Add boss to current call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED boss ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "39353334333236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the record low for tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "22:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393837373832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any events worth going to in Seattle", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Seattle ] ]", "slot_string": "39:46:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323735373734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "post to sabrina, congrats on the baby", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT sabrina ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT congrats on the baby ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:RECIPIENT,17:37:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232353734353830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "I need you to send the text on Facebook", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Facebook ] ]", "slot_string": "31:39:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39353135363131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there any late breaking news today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME late ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE breaking ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:DATE_TIME,18:26:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,27:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE,32:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353531393336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "whats the latest political news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY political ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "10:16:SL:DATE_TIME,17:26:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,27:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323238353035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "what reminders do i have for the weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED i ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "18:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393834323936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Things to do in Medford, Oregon", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Medford, Oregon ] ]", "slot_string": "16:31:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343639323838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the latest anime news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY anime ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:24:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,25:29:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3132353836333931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any fog warnings for my commute today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "42:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353132353431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Start playing Justin Bieber's latest album", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Justin Bieber ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "14:27:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,37:42:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353434313338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any news on the Saints?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Saints ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:NEWS_TYPE,16:22:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323833313730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell Steven that the concert time has changed from 6 to 9pm.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Steven ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT the concert time has changed from 6 to 9pm ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:RECIPIENT,17:59:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231333431323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Involve Jay in this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Jay ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231313438393133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "create a reminder for me to attend the retirement seminar on the 20th of august", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO attend the retirement seminar ] [SL:DATE_TIME on the 20th of august ] ]", "slot_string": "22:24:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:57:SL:TODO,58:79:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343937343735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What ice hockey matches are going on in August", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT ice hockey matches ] [SL:DATE_TIME in August ] ]", "slot_string": "5:23:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,37:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363030313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please repeat alarm every Sunday at 10 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME every Sunday at 10 am ] ]", "slot_string": "20:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393735353332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "friends of myself", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED myself ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:TYPE_RELATION,11:17:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3139393837333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any concerts tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,23:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343530323332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what kind of pasta do you use in alfredo", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT pasta ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH alfredo ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,33:40:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343930343537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me the latest news on Donald Trump", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Donald Trump ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:39:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3232353735333530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message Kenny on Facebook a message saying are you free", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Kenny ] [SL:NAME_APP Facebook ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT are you free ] ]", "slot_string": "24:29:SL:RECIPIENT,33:41:SL:NAME_APP,59:71:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393739303734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "do any of my friends live in giza?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION giza ] ]", "slot_string": "10:12:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,13:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION,29:33:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353334383733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Foo Fighters on iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Foo Fighters ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,21:32:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3138393830343737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I know anyone from Dallas?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:LOCATION Dallas ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,22:28:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231373034333735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_SUNSET", "locale": "en", "input": "when is the sunset", "target": "[IN:GET_SUNSET ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353030343334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete Alarm", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3133343139313033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what temperature do you cook pork", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT pork ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,29:33:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231323334393831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What reminders do I have for my boss", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO my boss ] ]", "slot_string": "18:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:36:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353539303737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will there be rain when we are in Glasgow at 3pm today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:LOCATION Glasgow ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 3pm today ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,34:41:SL:LOCATION,42:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363431313333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Morning weather report please", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME Morning ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353332343134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Enrique Iglesias", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Enrique Iglesias ] ]", "slot_string": "5:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343534313339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how do you make zucchini lasagna", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH zucchini lasagna ] ]", "slot_string": "16:32:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353434353934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the temperature in London?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION London ] ]", "slot_string": "27:33:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353232383839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the relevant stories for today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY relevant ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE stories ] [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,22:29:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393835303036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What is fun to do this week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "18:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343539363632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Want is a good recipe for a good shrimp salad", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH shrimp salad ] ]", "slot_string": "33:45:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353939373839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Could I get and alarm for 7 then 7:30?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 7 then 7:30 ] ]", "slot_string": "22:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343035333432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add 10 minutes to 40 minute timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:14:SL:DATE_TIME,28:33:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3232313432393235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the weather in Ross on Wye", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Ross on Wye ] ]", "slot_string": "23:34:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323432303239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to send a thank you card to Mom", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO send a thank you card to Mom ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:41:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353534383237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "create an alarm for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "16:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393734393435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Friends of Bob", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION Friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Bob ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:TYPE_RELATION,11:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "39353636323633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the latest news in Florida today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Florida ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:34:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,35:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353538303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "how many minutes are left on my current alarm", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353530343638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "give me major US news stories", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE major ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC US ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,14:16:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,17:29:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353537323433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Weather forecast for the next fortnight", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for the next fortnight ] ]", "slot_string": "17:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133323735343735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long do I cook a 4-pound beef roast", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT pound ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT beef roast ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,23:28:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,29:39:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39343731313238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a one hour time for the gym today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME one hour ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER time ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "6:14:SL:DATE_TIME,15:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,32:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353734373834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message it to Kylie via Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Kylie ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "30:35:SL:RECIPIENT,40:49:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231313534373839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to buy tickets to the fair August 5th.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy tickets to the fair ] [SL:DATE_TIME August 5th ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:36:SL:TODO,37:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132353635303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Put Beyonce newest music on", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Beyonce ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "4:11:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,19:24:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363039373131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "check message", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231313439393033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I have any work reminders for Thursday in the morning?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO work ] [SL:DATE_TIME for Thursday in the morning ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,14:18:SL:TODO,29:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393831343834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who went to Yale?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL Yale ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "39343735303932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the latest headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:DATE_TIME,20:29:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39343837343139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Name this song please", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3139393837363131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Fun things in Atlanta to do on Christmas Eve", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Atlanta ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Christmas Eve ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:LOCATION,28:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363038393237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "sound alarm at 02h25", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 02h25 ] ]", "slot_string": "12:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393831353234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "theater events in toronto this week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT theater ] [SL:LOCATION toronto ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,18:25:SL:LOCATION,26:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323934373230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete the current timer", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353235353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the forecast going to be like for 6:00 pm today in Doral?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for 6:00 pm today ] [SL:LOCATION Doral ] ]", "slot_string": "38:55:SL:DATE_TIME,59:64:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353733383334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is new in local news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,21:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232353734343834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send Mini Mouse via Messenger a message saying are you free", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Mini Mouse ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT are you free ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:RECIPIENT,20:29:SL:NAME_APP,47:59:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232323232303831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you get my past events please?", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:USER_ATTENDEE_EVENT my ] [SL:DATE_TIME past ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:USER_ATTENDEE_EVENT,15:19:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343732313033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me what's going on in the news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "31:35:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353535333639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "create an alarm to go off at midnight", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at midnight ] ]", "slot_string": "26:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353039353233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "read me all of my alarms", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3232313332343931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Brooks and Buckley", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Brooks ] [SL:CONTACT Buckley ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT,16:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393830353030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What events are this month in katy", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME this month ] [SL:LOCATION katy ] ]", "slot_string": "16:26:SL:DATE_TIME,30:34:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3139393835363133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Things to do in Denver next weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Denver ] [SL:DATE_TIME next weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:LOCATION,23:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133323737323031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "temperature to cook pork chops", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT pork chops ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,20:30:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231323339393630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel my reminder for my hair appointment", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO my hair appointment ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:42:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323334303338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind the church group of the bean supper this friday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED church ] [SL:TODO the bean supper ] [SL:DATE_TIME this friday ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:42:SL:TODO,43:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323731323037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "put spotify as my default app", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "4:11:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39353139373234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the chance of rain today.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "22:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313439373932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me at the beginning of next week that my library book is due", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME at the beginning of next week ] [SL:TODO my library book is due ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:39:SL:DATE_TIME,45:67:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138393831323435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Did any of my friends go to Technical School?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:SCHOOL Technical School ] ]", "slot_string": "11:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,14:21:SL:TYPE_RELATION,28:44:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231323739303730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Ted and tell him Riley got all A's on his report card.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Ted ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT Riley got all A's on his report card ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:RECIPIENT,25:61:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232313731303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "I would like to record a video message for Lien Daignault.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Lien Daignault ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,43:57:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231313532363133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind me to wish my Brother happy birthday when I wake up at 8 AM?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO wish my Brother happy birthday when I wake up ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 8 AM ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:66:SL:TODO,67:74:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393734343839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who are my dad's friends", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my dad ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,17:24:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "39343930373730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Start time for fifteen minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER time ] [SL:DATE_TIME for fifteen minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "6:10:SL:METHOD_TIMER,11:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393739323532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I know anyone that lives in Honolulu?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:LOCATION Honolulu ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,31:39:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231313434303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to buy diapers today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy diapers ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:24:SL:TODO,25:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353138373832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play that new mint condition song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME mint condition ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "14:28:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,29:33:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3139393739343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What is going on in Roswell tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Roswell ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:LOCATION,28:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353735393736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot is it in Cleveland?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:LOCATION Cleveland ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:26:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231333438303336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "show list of people that are available", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353132363131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature right now,", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3133343130363339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find recipes for salad dressings", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH salad dressings ] ]", "slot_string": "17:32:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343532393834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Does fettuccine Alfredo have tomatoes in it", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH fettuccine Alfredo ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT tomatoes ] ]", "slot_string": "5:23:SL:RECIPES_DISH,29:37:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39343631313739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long should you cook pork", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT pork ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,25:29:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3232353833313337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message the biology class thread message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP biology class ] ]", "slot_string": "28:41:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3133343439353732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find me a recipe for salami", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH salami ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393738333530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Anyone from Russia?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Russia ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343839393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play 80s pop music On Pandora.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE 80s ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE pop ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,9:12:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,13:18:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,22:29:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39353430353035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "read details about jeff lords firing", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC jeff lords firing ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:36:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3230393939353536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for 1215", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 1215 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343536383939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many eggs for an omelet", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT eggs ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH omelet ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:13:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,21:27:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343837353130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm to wake me up at 8AM please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 8AM ] ]", "slot_string": "27:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343838353535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "latest news about tropical storms", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC tropical storms ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:DATE_TIME,7:11:SL:NEWS_TYPE,18:33:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3135323939363837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the most recent news story about Trump", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME the most recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news story ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Trump ] ]", "slot_string": "8:23:SL:DATE_TIME,24:34:SL:NEWS_TYPE,41:46:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363337353831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Snooze alarm.", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343830313837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the name of this song playing?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343532323339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how do i bake chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD bake ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,14:21:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39353638333934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will the weather be like tomorrow morning?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "30:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313436333131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete the karate reminder for Friday.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO karate ] [SL:DATE_TIME for Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:TODO,27:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333433353334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call is over", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323233373437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "What reminders are set for my concert buddies group?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED concert buddies ] ]", "slot_string": "30:45:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "39353233303131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot will it be in Arizona next week", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:LOCATION Arizona ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,22:29:SL:LOCATION,30:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343533383938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long should I cook a pot roast", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pot roast ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,25:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3133343130323930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how do I cook fish in the oven", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT fish ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD oven ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,26:30:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "39343833393436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "are there any big stories going on right now", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE big ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE stories ] ]", "slot_string": "14:17:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,18:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323430393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to add shoes to amazon order", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO add shoes to amazon order ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:38:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323339303834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder to buy Grandma a birthday present", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO buy Grandma a birthday present ] ]", "slot_string": "18:48:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232333635313237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Natalia on video with Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Natalia ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT,27:35:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3138393830383634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "which of my friends went to duke?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION duke ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,12:19:SL:TYPE_RELATION,28:32:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3139393831343036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "I need fun things to while Im in CHicago for work next week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION CHicago ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "33:40:SL:LOCATION,50:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393832363833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "FBI workers", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER FBI ] ]", "slot_string": "0:3:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231323431303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to watch church on TV Sunday 7am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO watch church on TV ] [SL:DATE_TIME Sunday 7am ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:31:SL:TODO,32:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313530363038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to change the cat litter at 3:00 PM.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO change the cat litter ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 3:00 PM ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:34:SL:TODO,35:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323834363632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell my mom we made it to Gatlinburg.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my mom ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT we made it to Gatlinburg ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:RECIPIENT,12:36:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323838313830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message mom and tell her she needs to be at Sarah's party at six", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mom ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT she needs to be at Sarah's party at six ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:RECIPIENT,25:64:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323332343434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Did I set a reminder for October 6 doctor appointment", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO October 6 doctor appointment ] ]", "slot_string": "4:5:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:53:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3136343035313331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me my lap times", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER times ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353336343934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "take grandma Jane off the call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED grandma Jane ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} {"id": "3231363137393235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "go ahead and call Francisco Mineau", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Francisco Mineau ] ]", "slot_string": "18:34:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3133343634353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories are there in 2 pancakes", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pancakes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,33:41:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231333039323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to talk with my granny", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my granny ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323337323434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add a reminder to pick up my prescription on the way home", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO pick up my prescription on the way home ] ]", "slot_string": "18:57:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313530343130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set up reminder to call Susan tomorrow morning", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call Susan ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "19:29:SL:TODO,30:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333636323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call partner call boyfriend with Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT partner ] [SL:CONTACT boyfriend ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT,18:27:SL:CONTACT,33:41:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231373232393932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send video message to Bianca", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Bianca ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,22:28:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232333635363130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Trinity Madden through whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Trinity Madden ] [SL:NAME_APP whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:19:SL:CONTACT,28:36:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323837333732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send a message to my brother asking him if the pet adoption event today is on the corner of main and 31st street", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my brother ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT if the pet adoption event today is on the corner of main and 31st street ] ]", "slot_string": "18:28:SL:RECIPIENT,40:112:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363338313437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "get me the weather in Hong Kong", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Hong Kong ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232323831343633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play nickelback for me", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME nickelback ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231323430373337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me all my reminders please", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,12:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "39353038303633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me the headlines from yesterday.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:DATE_TIME from yesterday ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE,22:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343738303833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "please read me today's news?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:DATE_TIME,23:27:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363331303539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove all my alarms.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_ALARM [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "3231323331353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Did I schedule a reminder to call Delores tonight?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO call Delores ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "4:5:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:41:SL:TODO,42:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333635353537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Piper call Amina in Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Piper ] [SL:CONTACT Amina ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT,16:21:SL:CONTACT,25:33:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231353938333933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you please search for the weather condition in India ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION India ] ]", "slot_string": "51:56:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343730363738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "give me local news headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,14:28:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393739353238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Which friends reside in Chicago?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION Chicago ] ]", "slot_string": "6:13:SL:TYPE_RELATION,24:31:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3136343035323133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much longer do I have for this workout", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323834303739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send message to Zack that he comes to work tomorrow at 10 instead of 2.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Zack ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT he comes to work tomorrow at 10 instead of 2 ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:RECIPIENT,26:70:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323336353439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to call my doctor tomorrow morning?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call my doctor ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:27:SL:TODO,28:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393931313830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "does Sebastian work in Amazon?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Sebastian ] [SL:EMPLOYER Amazon ] ]", "slot_string": "5:14:SL:CONTACT,23:29:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231323233383238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please show reminders to attend Katy's concert for her upcoming tours in Dallas.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER show ] [SL:TODO attend Katy's concert for her upcoming tours in Dallas ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,25:79:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313438393735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Create a reminder to call Alan at 11 am Eastern Time next Monday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call Alan ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 11 am Eastern Time next Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:TODO,31:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139373936323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "turn on 100.3 on iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID 100.3 ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID,17:28:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231323431393235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder to call my cousin to wish her happy birthday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call my cousin to wish her happy birthday ] ]", "slot_string": "18:59:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353135383036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm for workout tomorrow at 9pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME workout ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow at 9pm ] ]", "slot_string": "14:21:SL:ALARM_NAME,22:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353036343631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Lorelei Weyers 's boyfriend", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Lorelei Weyers 's boyfriend ] ]", "slot_string": "5:32:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139343332383733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "How many grammies did Elvis win?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Elvis ] ]", "slot_string": "22:27:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323330303331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please Bot, delete the reminder to call Emma on Monday, as she is coming over tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call Emma on Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "35:54:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231333530343736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "invite mom to call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED mom ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231313434313333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete my reminder to call Liberty University.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO call Liberty University ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:45:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323237303838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder for Melanie to call her aunt next Thursday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Melanie ] [SL:TODO call her aunt ] [SL:DATE_TIME next Thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,30:43:SL:TODO,44:57:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363736313035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Add my sister to this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED my sister ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231333534323139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "is my bowling group online", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232353138373131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I'd like to call with my cousins Terry, Edwin, Paige, and Erik on Hangouts", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my cousins Terry, Edwin, Paige, and Erik ] [SL:NAME_APP Hangouts ] ]", "slot_string": "22:62:SL:CONTACT,66:74:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231313435333338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete my reminder to call John.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO call John ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:31:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231333130383634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "begin call with sisters", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT sisters ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333933323230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please delete the reminder to meet Jim for lunch at 12", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO meet Jim for lunch ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 12 ] ]", "slot_string": "30:48:SL:TODO,49:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333130383437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Add kid to call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED kid ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "39343534393334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me Thanksgiving dinner ideas", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE Thanksgiving ] [SL:RECIPES_MEAL dinner ] ]", "slot_string": "8:20:SL:RECIPES_TYPE,21:27:SL:RECIPES_MEAL"} {"id": "3231323333373638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Disregard all alerts about the Debate club meeting on Wednesday.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO the Debate club meeting ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "10:13:SL:AMOUNT,27:50:SL:TODO,51:63:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333430353837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to call Dad right now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Dad ] ]", "slot_string": "15:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353239323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what are top news in technology today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY technology ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,13:17:SL:NEWS_TYPE,21:31:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,32:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333636333934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "make a whatsapp call to papa", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT papa ] ]", "slot_string": "7:15:SL:NAME_APP,24:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232313731303332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Record a video message for papa.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT papa ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,27:31:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231333131313038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "add stepchildren", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED stepchildren ] ]", "slot_string": "4:16:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231353336343937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "remove grandpa Phil from the conversation", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED grandpa Phil ] ]", "slot_string": "7:19:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} {"id": "39343639333231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play 'Cherry' by Lana Del Rey?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Cherry ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Lana Del Rey ] ]", "slot_string": "6:12:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,17:29:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231323430313039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me I have an appointment on Thursday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO an appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:31:SL:TODO,32:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313730393539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i want you to record a video message for my friend Rodney Harrill", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT my friend Rodney Harrill ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,41:65:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231373131343839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please call James Glover Wilkinson", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT James Glover Wilkinson ] ]", "slot_string": "12:34:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323336383131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me of the first day of school on next Monday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO the first day of school ] [SL:DATE_TIME on next Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:36:SL:TODO,37:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363030383037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm daily for 4:00 pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 4:00 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "19:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353737333639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please let me know what the weather will be like at noon tomorrow in Gulf Shores, AL.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME at noon tomorrow ] [SL:LOCATION Gulf Shores, AL ] ]", "slot_string": "49:65:SL:DATE_TIME,69:84:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231333932393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to my cousin Tran", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my cousin Tran ] ]", "slot_string": "18:32:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231333430343632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you connect me with my family group", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my family ] ]", "slot_string": "24:33:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3133323735343433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories are in a tablespoon of ranch dressing", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT tablespoon ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH ranch dressing ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,27:37:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_MEASUREMENT,41:55:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323431333132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to call stacy later", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call stacy ] [SL:DATE_TIME later ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:23:SL:TODO,24:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353033303335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Skip song.", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353530393831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm called school for 3pm tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME school ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 3pm tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:ALARM_NAME,30:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323930323038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask Brenda whats the eta of the bus to the water park", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Brenda ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT whats the eta of the bus to the water park ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:RECIPIENT,11:53:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323236393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind Kal about Jazz Fest on Saturday in IL.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Kal ] [SL:TODO Jazz Fest on Saturday in IL ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:44:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231303137303539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a call to my dad", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my dad ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323237323833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me tomorrow of my dinner with my brother", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] [SL:TODO my dinner with my brother ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:18:SL:DATE_TIME,22:47:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353137373835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Initiate a video call with my funko group", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP funko ] ]", "slot_string": "30:35:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231363735353333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Is dad online", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT dad ] ]", "slot_string": "3:6:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231303232303935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "place a new call to my dad", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my dad ] ]", "slot_string": "20:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138383936343438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the forecast for Juno Alaska for next week", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Juno Alaska ] [SL:DATE_TIME for next week ] ]", "slot_string": "24:35:SL:LOCATION,36:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393932393938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Who does Kus work for?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Kus ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393836393239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "whats up in bayside", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION bayside ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232333730353532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call up the wife of James Petersen", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT wife of James Petersen ] ]", "slot_string": "12:34:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323736323031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send my mom a text saying I love you.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my mom ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I love you ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:RECIPIENT,26:36:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232353831393133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "show me video messages from my sibling", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT my sibling ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,28:38:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231323431393434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call the dentist to make an appointment.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call the dentist to make an appointment ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:52:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3136323733333235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Anna Farris and Chris Pratt divorce details", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Anna Farris and Chris Pratt divorce ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] ]", "slot_string": "0:35:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,36:43:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232353832323133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "display my messages from kid Michaela", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER kid Michaela ] ]", "slot_string": "25:37:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "3231333039383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please call my sisters", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my sisters ] ]", "slot_string": "12:22:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353530393431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Change my wake up alarm to 8am on thursday please", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 8am on thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:ALARM_NAME,24:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333239323837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "we are gonna call Matthew now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Matthew ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393835393931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "where does Madison work?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Madison ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353036313838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set the timer for thirty minutes in one hour.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for thirty minutes in one hour ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER,14:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353337373136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Would I need a raincoat in Chicago, IL on Saturday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE raincoat ] [SL:LOCATION Chicago, IL ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:38:SL:LOCATION,39:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333133323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Start a call with stepfather", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT stepfather ] ]", "slot_string": "18:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138383932313232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many calories are in a glass of wine", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH wine ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,36:40:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231373232383238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Record a video message for Matt's birthday.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "3231373233363932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "could you video message George", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT George ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,24:30:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39343531363636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Best chicken recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING Best ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:RECIPES_RATING,5:12:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3132353837323634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be windy this afternoon", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE windy ] [SL:DATE_TIME this afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353832303238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "get me my video messages from my nana", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT my nana ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,30:37:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231323236373732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "alert me 15 minutes before it is time to meet with karen", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME 15 minutes before ] [SL:TODO meet with karen ] ]", "slot_string": "6:8:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,9:26:SL:DATE_TIME,41:56:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313530353835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call Janet about job opportunity at 8am Wednesday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call Janet about job opportunity ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 8am Wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:45:SL:TODO,46:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323332393935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set up a chore reminder", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO chore ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231333637313431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me my new messages please", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323431343633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call the office at 11:30 AM", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call the office ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 11:30 AM ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:28:SL:TODO,29:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343631333734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show Karlene Dwain Caroll Dads upcoming birthdays", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Karlene Dwain Caroll ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION Dads ] ]", "slot_string": "5:25:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,26:30:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3138383931323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is in a California roll", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH California roll ] ]", "slot_string": "13:28:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231313431383935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to text Macy at 3 pm to see if she wants to go to dinner tonight, remind me.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO text Macy at 3 pm to see if she wants to go to dinner tonight ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] ]", "slot_string": "10:71:SL:TODO,80:82:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "3231313439373336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind me to call Dylan to confirm the details for date night this weekend?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call Dylan to confirm the details for date night ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "15:17:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:69:SL:TODO,70:82:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343634313832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how cold is it today in degrees fahrenheit", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT fahrenheit ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,15:20:SL:DATE_TIME,32:42:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3231323337343432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "show my reminder for tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,17:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333430303335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to call my family group", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my family ] ]", "slot_string": "15:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353531323832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "can i listen to the new genesis album", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME genesis ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "24:31:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,32:37:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3132353834333931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "open my kesha station on pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE kesha ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:MUSIC_PLAYLIST_TITLE,14:21:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,25:32:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231313534393535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to get liquor and soda for the party on Sunday and bake the cake by Saturday night.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO get liquor and soda for the party on Sunday ] [SL:TODO bake the cake ] [SL:DATE_TIME by Saturday night ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:56:SL:TODO,61:74:SL:TODO,75:92:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333531373334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Which of my cousins are online?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT my cousins ] ]", "slot_string": "9:19:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313438363339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder to call brian at 7 pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call brian ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 7 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "18:28:SL:TODO,29:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393831383236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Any fun things to do in Orlando tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Orlando ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "24:31:SL:LOCATION,32:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393833383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What concerts are happening in Phoenix this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:LOCATION Phoenix ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,31:38:SL:LOCATION,39:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353638383931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "how much time left on my timer please", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3138393930343132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "When did Bruce graduate from Georgia College?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Bruce ] [SL:LIFE_EVENT graduate ] [SL:SCHOOL Georgia College ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:CONTACT,15:23:SL:LIFE_EVENT,29:44:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3232333635373133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Trevor Peck in Whatsapp video chat", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Trevor Peck ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:CONTACT,20:28:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231353835303234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please call my sister, Jenna.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my sister, Jenna ] ]", "slot_string": "12:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232313731323237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "record a video message for my son", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT my son ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,27:33:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231313534303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call my lawyer at 2pm tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call my lawyer ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 2pm tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:27:SL:TODO,28:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393838353935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Things to do in San Jose", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION San Jose ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323331343637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "show me my dinner reminders", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO dinner ] ]", "slot_string": "8:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,11:17:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353436323431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Reach mom.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mom ] ]", "slot_string": "6:9:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353732343138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Current timer, add 10 minutes", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER,19:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353035383033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Veronica 's dad", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Veronica 's dad ] ]", "slot_string": "5:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333133313535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "put my sisters into call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED my sisters ] ]", "slot_string": "4:14:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231313435393937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Create a reminder to call Green Home Pest Control to inform them we have scorpions by the dumpster.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call Green Home Pest Control to inform them we have scorpions by the dumpster ] ]", "slot_string": "21:98:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231333431393435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Invite Dad", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Dad ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231323735373231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Joseph and ask what does he need that can be mailed easily.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Joseph ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what does he need that can be mailed easily ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:RECIPIENT,23:66:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323931313433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell Uncle Gary that I will not arrive until this evening.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Uncle Gary ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I will not arrive until this evening ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:RECIPIENT,21:57:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343839313039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the timer now?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3232353832323034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "display video messages from my spouse Peyton", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:SENDER my spouse Peyton ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,28:44:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "3231323234313332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Get me all the reminders for this week's dates with Zach.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO this week's dates with Zach ] ]", "slot_string": "4:6:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,7:10:SL:AMOUNT,29:56:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3230393939343532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "half moon bay weather tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION half moon bay ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "0:13:SL:LOCATION,22:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323239383731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "show me the reinders about the family reunion plans", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO the family reunion plans ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:51:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353338303731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please time how long this song will last", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER time ] [SL:TIMER_NAME how long this song will last ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:40:SL:TIMER_NAME"} {"id": "3232323530323039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "make an Oven timer for 24 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME Oven ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 24 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:TIMER_NAME,13:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER,19:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313534333236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Alert me 15mins before I have to leave to make my hair appointment today.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME 15mins before ] [SL:TODO leave to make my hair appointment today ] ]", "slot_string": "6:8:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,9:23:SL:DATE_TIME,34:73:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353733373537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Time remaining?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER Time ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231373233303336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Record this video message, please", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "3231313536343638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change my reminder for my appointment to 6 o clock", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO my appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 6 o clock ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:37:SL:TODO,38:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333730373635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "dial Tessa Nielsen's papa", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Tessa Nielsen's papa ] ]", "slot_string": "5:25:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232313332333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Kaleb and Beau", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kaleb ] [SL:CONTACT Beau ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT,15:19:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363039363732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a text that says Here", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTENT_EXACT Here ] ]", "slot_string": "22:26:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231353538363032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot is it in Celsius", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:24:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3231333439373039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Switch to the next call", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3132353939343136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the dew point right now", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE dew point ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231363032393730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "open iHeartRadio and play The Very Best Of The Eagles (Remastered)", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iHeartRadio ] [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE The Very Best Of The Eagles (Remastered) ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,26:66:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE"} {"id": "3231333533363534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "add patrick to the call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED patrick ] ]", "slot_string": "4:11:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231393232393031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "should I bring trousers tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE trousers ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "15:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,24:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313534333730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to get items on my shopping list today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO get items on my shopping list ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:42:SL:TODO,43:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373330353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "WhatsApp call to Kallie Davis", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] [SL:CONTACT Kallie Davis ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:NAME_APP,17:29:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323236303936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete all reminders for my nail appointments next month.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO nail appointments ] [SL:DATE_TIME next month ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,25:27:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:45:SL:TODO,46:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323432303537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel my reminder to call the accountant.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO call the accountant ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:41:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3135323930333033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 9 am Friday morning", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 9 am Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "13:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353538333337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How many minutes left on my timer", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "28:33:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353735333235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is there a hurricane in florida?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hurricane ] [SL:LOCATION florida ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,24:31:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231313532343733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder an hour before my 10:30 AM eye appointment tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME an hour before ] [SL:TODO my 10:30 AM eye appointment tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "15:29:SL:DATE_TIME,30:66:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353833333639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "please send the work thread", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP work ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231323332383237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I have repeating reminders set up for my daughter's dance class?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO my daughter's dance class ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,41:66:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232333730373330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "phone Sadie Bean's partner", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sadie Bean's partner ] ]", "slot_string": "6:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313438343430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete reminder to buy crayons", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO buy crayons ] ]", "slot_string": "19:30:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353034353534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Whats the news about the bachelor?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC the bachelor ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:NEWS_TYPE,21:33:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3135333032363032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a new timer for thirty seconds", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for thirty seconds ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER,16:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313432383639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove the reminder to call for reservations tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call for reservations ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "23:44:SL:TODO,45:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343937333131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "updat me about rain", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3232333730373437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "start a call with the son of Raelynn", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT son of Raelynn ] ]", "slot_string": "22:36:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323839363837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to my husband that my meeting got out early so i'll be home earlier than planned.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my husband ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT my meeting got out early so i'll be home earlier than planned ] ]", "slot_string": "18:28:SL:RECIPIENT,34:95:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3135323839323234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What did Donald Trump say at his press conference", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Donald Trump ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC press conference ] ]", "slot_string": "9:21:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,33:49:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353635353035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will there be rain tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,19:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353536373637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what today's top headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:DATE_TIME,13:16:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,17:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353436343437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Contact my boss with video call", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my boss ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3132353832313735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "or anything from the bee gees", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME bee gees ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231323238363438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder to meet with joan before the 10am meeting today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO meet with joan ] [SL:DATE_TIME before the 10am meeting today ] ]", "slot_string": "18:32:SL:TODO,33:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333532383137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Is my mom online?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT my mom ] ]", "slot_string": "3:9:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232343330383135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "give me a reminder of what alarms I have", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363031363336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I want an alarm for May 30 at 10am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for May 30 at 10am ] ]", "slot_string": "16:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313439323034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel reminder for laundry tonight", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO laundry ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:TODO,28:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353832343334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "show me video messages from my grandma", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT my grandma ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,28:38:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231303230343235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Start new call with Mom and Dad", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Mom ] [SL:CONTACT Dad ] ]", "slot_string": "20:23:SL:CONTACT,28:31:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323333363231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Let's set a reminder on Wednesday at 4 about Faith's Back to School Night.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME on Wednesday at 4 ] [SL:TODO Faith's Back to School Night ] ]", "slot_string": "21:38:SL:DATE_TIME,45:73:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3135323839313235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Provide me with the news about the recent mudslide in Sierra Leone", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME about the recent ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC mudslide in Sierra Leone ] ]", "slot_string": "20:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE,25:41:SL:DATE_TIME,42:66:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3138393933323939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is Andrew still working part time?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Andrew ] ]", "slot_string": "3:9:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323237343231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you remind my sons to wish their grandpa a happy birthday on September 10th?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my sons ] [SL:TODO wish their grandpa a happy birthday ] [SL:DATE_TIME on September 10th ] ]", "slot_string": "15:22:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,26:61:SL:TODO,62:79:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333133303539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please stop call with spouse", "target": "[IN:END_CALL [SL:CONTACT spouse ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343931393537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what was the biggest news story today", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news story ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "21:31:SL:NEWS_TYPE,32:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353634333135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be too hot to keep my dog outside today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "15:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,42:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373233313835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Need a video message sent to my grandma to tell her happy grandparents day.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT my grandma ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT happy grandparents day ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,29:39:SL:RECIPIENT,52:74:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353832343432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the latest news from Raleigh, NC?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Raleigh, NC ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:DATE_TIME,18:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,28:39:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343732383738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Skip to next song", "target": "[IN:SKIP_TRACK_MUSIC [SL:ORDINAL next ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:ORDINAL,13:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353730333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is it cloudy", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cloudy ] ]", "slot_string": "6:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39353532383932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set timer for 10 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333730333738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call the grandmother of Amanda Lynn", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT grandmother of Amanda Lynn ] ]", "slot_string": "9:35:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353232383530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you show me headlines from NPR?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE NPR ] ]", "slot_string": "16:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,31:34:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3232323530323336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "create Laundry timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:TIMER_NAME Laundry ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:TIMER_NAME,15:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231313436383631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me the book review is due on August 15th.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO the book review is due ] [SL:DATE_TIME on August 15th ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:32:SL:TODO,33:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353232383431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to JAY Z's latest album.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME JAY Z ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,35:40:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323234383031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "delete the reminder about picking up donuts for the meeting", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO picking up donuts for the meeting ] ]", "slot_string": "26:59:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353536313330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the weather in Oxfordshire, UK", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Oxfordshire, UK ] ]", "slot_string": "22:37:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3139393836393134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "any anime concerts soon", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT anime concerts ] ]", "slot_string": "4:18:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} {"id": "3232353832303235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "lets see video messages from significant other Blakely", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:SENDER significant other Blakely ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,29:54:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "3231323339373134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to reschedule appointment with Sarah on Monday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO reschedule appointment with Sarah ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:46:SL:TODO,47:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363338343837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Give us the forecast for Canada", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Canada ] ]", "slot_string": "25:31:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232343333313238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "would you set the call to full screen", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_METHOD_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231313535313133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind Lea and Anthony that Taco Tuesday is on Thursday by sending them a reminder on Monday and Wednesdayc", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Lea ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Anthony ] [SL:TODO Taco Tuesday is on Thursday ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Monday ] [SL:DATE_TIME Wednesdayc ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:22:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:55:SL:TODO,83:92:SL:DATE_TIME,97:107:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393834373933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What exciting events are taking place tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "38:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373538363337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please dial Freddy Bush right away", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Freddy Bush ] ]", "slot_string": "12:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393833343437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "can you please let me know who works at The Family Service Thrift Shop?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER The Family Service Thrift Shop ] ]", "slot_string": "40:70:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3138393830333935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who still lives in Banning?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Banning ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231333532343736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "who's online right now", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353239333134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it below freezing tonight?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE below freezing ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "6:20:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,21:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323236373933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete my reminder for the camping trip this weekend.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO the camping trip ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:39:SL:TODO,40:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313534303230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder to call my son at 1 pm on Friday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call my son ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 1 pm on Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "18:29:SL:TODO,30:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353530343332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "What times do I have alarms set for?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343934393535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the major news on China", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE major ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC China ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,18:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:31:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353130353437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Should I take a rain jacket?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain jacket ] ]", "slot_string": "16:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231333534363731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "giving Ng Brandon a call", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ng Brandon ] ]", "slot_string": "7:17:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353034333739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play all romantic songs from Spotify please", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE romantic ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE songs ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "9:17:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,18:23:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,29:36:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39353734393239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the chance of rain?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] ]", "slot_string": "22:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39353635323231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is new in celebrity news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY celebrity ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "15:24:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,25:29:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333534333736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call stepsister at school", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT stepsister ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393738383835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I know anyone live in London?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:LOCATION London ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,25:31:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353538343836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is there any much shifting in the weather today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "42:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333635353732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Xavier Norman call Ava Hester in Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Xavier Norman ] [SL:CONTACT Ava Hester ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:CONTACT,24:34:SL:CONTACT,38:46:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231333432313030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to make a phone call to my mom", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my mom ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353432343539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me world news headlines please", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY world ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,14:28:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363337353130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please put my alarm on snooze for 20 minutes.", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "30:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323431373331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to call the dr today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call the dr ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:24:SL:TODO,25:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323331323730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to plant the flowers on memorial day weekend. remind me 3 hours before", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO plant the flowers on memorial day weekend ] [SL:DATE_TIME 3 hours before ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:54:SL:TODO,66:80:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353636323130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "timer status", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343531363533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you properly roast a chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD roast ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,28:35:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231353036303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Raegan 's mom", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Raegan 's mom ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323839303432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send dad a message saying I\u2019ll be late", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT dad ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I\u2019ll be late ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:RECIPIENT,26:40:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323431363139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to call Lucy at 6 pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call Lucy ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 6 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:22:SL:TODO,23:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363339353438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Whats the mornings forecast like for this week?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME mornings ] [SL:DATE_TIME for this week ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:DATE_TIME,33:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353833393531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message my siblings message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my siblings ] ]", "slot_string": "24:35:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231353936383834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will the weather be warmer than 15 degrees Celsius?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE warmer than 15 degrees ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] ]", "slot_string": "20:42:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,43:50:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "39353132323032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any news on Justin Bieber today?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Justin Bieber ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:NEWS_TYPE,12:25:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,26:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363331353933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "What time is my next alarm set for?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM [SL:ORDINAL next ] ]", "slot_string": "16:20:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3231363031313133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Snooze now", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231313438373739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I can't miss my flight at 2pm; I need a reminder set.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO my flight at 2pm ] ]", "slot_string": "0:1:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:29:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353139313530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Annabelle on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Annabelle ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:14:SL:CONTACT,18:26:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231313435303039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call the cleaners Friday about my grey suit.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call the cleaners Friday about my grey suit ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:56:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353035393839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Dylan 's auntie", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Dylan 's auntie ] ]", "slot_string": "5:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353834303432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Did my grandparents message me", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER my grandparents ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] ]", "slot_string": "4:19:SL:SENDER,28:30:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231323235303332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set up a reminder for me to call EAO to reschedule my interview.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call EAO to reschedule my interview ] ]", "slot_string": "22:24:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:63:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353539353738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "List my alarms", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231333132303333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please dial stepparent", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT stepparent ] ]", "slot_string": "12:22:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353433383336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "begin a timer for 30 minutes for me", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:METHOD_TIMER,14:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333131383635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Invite stepmother to add to call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED stepmother ] ]", "slot_string": "7:17:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231323336313931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to get prescriptions tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO get prescriptions ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:30:SL:TODO,31:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333730383134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "could you call Emery's kid Bryson", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Emery's kid Bryson ] ]", "slot_string": "15:33:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313434353633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "please set a reminder for dinner with jessica on saturday night at 9pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO dinner with jessica ] [SL:DATE_TIME on saturday night at 9pm ] ]", "slot_string": "26:45:SL:TODO,46:70:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353030383130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me the latest trending news.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE trending ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:27:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,28:32:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231313531373839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete my reminder for Tuesday's lunch meeting.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO Tuesday's lunch meeting ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:46:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353336353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set a daily alarm for 5:30 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME a daily alarm for 5:30 am ] ]", "slot_string": "4:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353332313036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Horace", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Horace ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363032353939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play The Essential Mariah Carey on iHeartRadio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE The Essential Mariah Carey ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iHeartRadio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:31:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,35:46:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39343937383437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather forecast for Cleveland?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Cleveland ] ]", "slot_string": "33:42:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231313436323334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to ask to come in late on Hunter's first day of school.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO ask to come in late on Hunter's first day of school ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:64:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313535353234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to donate clothing to friend for yard sale", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO donate clothing to friend for yard sale ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:52:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138393735333637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show friends of Jolene", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Jolene ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:TYPE_RELATION,16:22:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3231313434343132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me 30 mins before that there will be a work meeting at 6 tonight.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME 30 mins before ] [SL:TODO there will be a work meeting at 6 tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:24:SL:DATE_TIME,30:71:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313438373031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set up a reminder for Ashley to call her mother tomorrow night.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED Ashley ] [SL:TODO call her mother ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow night ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,32:47:SL:TODO,48:62:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313435333533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete my reminder to call my boyfriend tomorrow", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO call my boyfriend ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:39:SL:TODO,40:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136323733333933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "When will Donald Trump leave office", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323236353039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please remove all reminders for 1pm Friday lunches this month.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:TODO 1pm Friday lunches ] [SL:DATE_TIME this month ] ]", "slot_string": "14:17:SL:AMOUNT,32:50:SL:TODO,51:61:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353436333131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i need you to ring my uncle please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my uncle ] ]", "slot_string": "19:27:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353138373231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I'd like to call with my cousins Justine, Jakob, Alejandro, and Johnathan on Hangouts", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my cousins Justine, Jakob, Alejandro, and Johnathan ] [SL:NAME_APP Hangouts ] ]", "slot_string": "22:73:SL:CONTACT,77:85:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231373233333439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "could you video message Jonathan Brock Li", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Jonathan Brock Li ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,24:41:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231313436383434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "please remind me to finish the take home test prior to 6pm, otherwise I will fail", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO finish the take home test prior to 6pm, otherwise I will fail ] ]", "slot_string": "14:16:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,20:81:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231333432323839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you hang up the call please", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353430333136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "News headlines in Boston, please.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE News headlines ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Boston ] ]", "slot_string": "0:14:SL:NEWS_TYPE,18:24:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363736303935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Add Amy Sister to this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Amy Sister ] ]", "slot_string": "4:14:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3232353832373031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message the message to the work friends thread", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP work friends ] ]", "slot_string": "43:55:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231323738383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message Donnie and ask him if I left my sunglasses there", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Donnie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I left my sunglasses there ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:RECIPIENT,30:56:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232353138363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call up Ryan Sweeney and Antonio", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ryan Sweeney ] [SL:CONTACT Antonio ] ]", "slot_string": "8:20:SL:CONTACT,25:32:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138383937353037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "should i bring my umbrella to the baseball game tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE umbrella ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,48:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313533363830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Wednesday's meeting was cancelled, delete the reminder.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO Wednesday's meeting was cancelled ] ]", "slot_string": "0:33:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353035393532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Debby Gabourel 's boyfriend", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Debby Gabourel 's boyfriend ] ]", "slot_string": "5:32:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353731353431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the expected high in Dayton tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Dayton ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "28:34:SL:LOCATION,35:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333435333538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call over", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231333938333233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to call my cousin Chuck", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my cousin Chuck ] ]", "slot_string": "15:30:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353333353532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm for tomorrow at 3:30 pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow at 3:30 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "10:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313439313439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set up a reminder to call the drs. office tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call the drs. office ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "21:41:SL:TODO,42:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393832343332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who do I know that went to SCSU?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:SCHOOL SCSU ] ]", "slot_string": "7:8:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,27:31:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231313438333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete reminder to call the vet.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call the vet ] ]", "slot_string": "19:31:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231363432303036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play the song 22", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE 22 ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,14:16:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "39353637393631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete the timer with the least time on it.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3138393739313438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "do we know anyone in new york city", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED we ] [SL:LOCATION new york city ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,21:34:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232353833383334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you send the message to my family", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my family ] ]", "slot_string": "28:37:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232313730393638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Can I record a video message for spouse", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT spouse ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,33:39:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231333339373339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "add Kelly to call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Kelly ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231323738383135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Mom and tell her that I understand why she had to leave and that I love her.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Mom ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I understand why she had to leave and that I love her ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:RECIPIENT,30:83:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3139393834323433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Things going on this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "16:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323331333133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete all reminders created on February", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:DATE_TIME on February ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT,29:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333133343233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "add grandkid to this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED grandkid ] ]", "slot_string": "4:12:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3139393835313635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "cool concerts tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,14:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313535363936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call Mom at 7pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call Mom ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 7pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:21:SL:TODO,22:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323336303436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to buy milk in an hour", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy milk ] [SL:DATE_TIME in an hour ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:21:SL:TODO,22:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323839313931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask Lucy if the accident has been cleared up on her street before we leave our house", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Lucy ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT if the accident has been cleared up on her street before we leave our house ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:RECIPIENT,9:84:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231333534323635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "start conversation with father", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT father ] ]", "slot_string": "24:30:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363037323438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Nevaeh my cousin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Nevaeh my cousin ] ]", "slot_string": "5:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231343631303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "What birthdays are coming up in on Tuesday?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME on Tuesday ] ]", "slot_string": "32:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3134313539333338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be above 86 degrees Fahrenheit for Menlo Park", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE above ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 86 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Fahrenheit ] [SL:LOCATION Menlo Park ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,17:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,28:38:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,43:53:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232333636333637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "whatsapp video call cousin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT cousin ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:NAME_APP,20:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232333730373036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "give Summer Montoya's grandma a call", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Summer Montoya's grandma ] ]", "slot_string": "5:29:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353739363938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's this week's forecast?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "7:16:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323336353434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Please change the reminder for Deidra's party time from 2 PM to 1 PM.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:TODO Deidra's party ] [SL:DATE_TIME from 2 PM ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 1 PM ] ]", "slot_string": "31:45:SL:TODO,51:60:SL:DATE_TIME,61:68:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323934373533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm for 1 hour from now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 1 hour from now ] ]", "slot_string": "10:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343636323531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set alarm for 4:00 today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 4:00 today ] ]", "slot_string": "10:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353036363634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set the alarm for 5:30 am tonight", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 5:30 am tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "14:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353138333339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Dial up Ashton, Walter and Francis", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ashton ] [SL:CONTACT Walter ] [SL:CONTACT Francis ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT,16:22:SL:CONTACT,27:34:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3134383031383938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any news about the Florida Gators", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Florida Gators ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:33:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323233323039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me all my reminders for working out on wednesdays", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO working out ] [SL:DATE_TIME on wednesdays ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:11:SL:AMOUNT,12:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:40:SL:TODO,41:54:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313438323037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pick up a thank you gift for Aunt Michelle and Kayla for Nunui today.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up a thank you gift for Aunt Michelle and Kayla for Nunui ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:75:SL:TODO,76:81:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323831393933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Read me the messages Stephanie sent me today.", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT me ] [SL:SENDER Stephanie ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:RECIPIENT,21:30:SL:SENDER,39:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373530343439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me some other plays", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT plays ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} {"id": "3232333636333035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call my mom call my girlfriend using Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my mom ] [SL:CONTACT my girlfriend ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT,17:30:SL:CONTACT,37:45:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323236343833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any upcoming reminders with dad", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO with dad ] ]", "slot_string": "33:41:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353832383035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you please send message to Helen and Dr. Brown", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Helen ] [SL:RECIPIENT Dr. Brown ] ]", "slot_string": "31:36:SL:RECIPIENT,41:50:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231323836303532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to mom to tell her happy Mothers day.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT mom ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT happy Mothers day ] ]", "slot_string": "18:21:SL:RECIPIENT,34:51:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353230333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set work alarm for 8:00am tomorrow morning.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME work alarm ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 8:00am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "4:14:SL:ALARM_NAME,15:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333635323833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Whatsapp Rylie Shannon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT Rylie Shannon ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:NAME_APP,14:27:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323232323431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "delete the reminder for tomorrow's dr appointment", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO for tomorrow's dr appointment ] ]", "slot_string": "20:49:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353436313134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call mom please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mom ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323237383234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me not to contact my brother Roger for his birthday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO not to contact my brother Roger for his birthday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:58:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343533313036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what temp do you cook chicken at, and for how long", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temp ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,22:29:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,42:50:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3132383135343934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will the weather be on Friday in Louisville", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday ] [SL:LOCATION Louisville ] ]", "slot_string": "25:34:SL:DATE_TIME,38:48:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231313438333136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set up a reminder for my hiking trip with Rocco on Friday 15 minutes before 9 PM.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO my hiking trip with Rocco ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday 15 minutes before 9 PM ] ]", "slot_string": "22:47:SL:TODO,48:80:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353036323136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Gianna 's mother", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Gianna 's mother ] ]", "slot_string": "5:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313531383036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to call dad after dinner today", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call dad after dinner ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:34:SL:TODO,35:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353333383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Please read me the most recent headlines?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME the most recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "15:30:SL:DATE_TIME,31:40:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3139393231333832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is Breanna Carlson's brother?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Breanna Carlson ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION brother ] ]", "slot_string": "7:22:SL:CONTACT,25:32:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231323236313535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please remind me what time the ferry leaves dock today and remind me in 30 minutes too", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO the ferry leaves dock today ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 30 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "14:16:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,27:54:SL:TODO,69:82:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353834303530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you please text my brothers", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my brothers ] ]", "slot_string": "20:31:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3139393833363938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What is happening in Brooklyn this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Brooklyn ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:LOCATION,30:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353133303531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "duplicate this alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353732303432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Increase the timer by 15 minutes for stretching", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME by 15 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:METHOD_TIMER,19:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313731323331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Record a video message for wife.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT wife ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,27:31:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231323832333635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to Austin to see if he wants to help plan a birthday party for Steve next month.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Austin ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT he wants to help plan a birthday party for Steve next month ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:RECIPIENT,35:94:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231333534373131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "try giving a call to dane Brandon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT dane Brandon ] ]", "slot_string": "21:33:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3132353534373439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what are some ideas for kids lunches", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_MEAL lunches ] ]", "slot_string": "29:36:SL:RECIPES_MEAL"} {"id": "39353135393631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what are the local news updates", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333132373138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "ring parents", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT parents ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393839343739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What concerts are happening in Las Vegas on Thursday", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT concerts ] [SL:LOCATION Las Vegas ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,31:40:SL:LOCATION,41:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313938353234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "would you add 21 minutes to my Pull the teabag timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 21 minutes ] [SL:TIMER_NAME Pull the teabag ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "14:24:SL:DATE_TIME,31:46:SL:TIMER_NAME,47:52:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323432303238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to call my insurance company tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call my insurance company ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:38:SL:TODO,39:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343734323831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much time do I have left on my running session?", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393738303833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Does any of my family live in Chicago?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION family ] [SL:LOCATION Chicago ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:21:SL:TYPE_RELATION,30:37:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231333133303433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call stepfather", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT stepfather ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323236353733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "what are my sunday reminders with jo", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME sunday ] [SL:TODO with jo ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,29:36:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343533313039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you tell me what to use to make bbq sauce", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH bbq sauce ] ]", "slot_string": "36:45:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353830333638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will it rain after 5pm today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME after 5pm today ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,13:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139363030393135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I set a timer for eighteen minutes?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for eighteen minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER,21:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353039313237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "what is left on timer", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3139393739393536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Events in Cocoa Village this month", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Cocoa Village ] [SL:DATE_TIME this month ] ]", "slot_string": "10:23:SL:LOCATION,24:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353036373137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Katie 's cousin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Katie 's cousin ] ]", "slot_string": "5:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323334303236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "can you show me all of my reminders with greg", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER show ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO with greg ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,16:19:SL:AMOUNT,23:25:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,36:45:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3135323931363236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set recurring alarm for 9am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 9am ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333431393738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Add mom to current call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED mom ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "39343738353139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "I want timer to start now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323236393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Reminder for final game on Saturday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO final game ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "13:23:SL:TODO,24:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323235343237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to tell Jerry the exact party address when I arrive.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO tell Jerry the exact party address when I arrive ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:61:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232323739343036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Michael Abels's Django Unchained", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Michael Abels ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Django Unchained ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,21:37:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "3232343436343835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Has Marcelene Davaz sent me anything?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Marcelene Davaz ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] ]", "slot_string": "4:19:SL:CONTACT,25:27:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232333635383833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call on whatsapp Marcus", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP whatsapp ] [SL:CONTACT Marcus ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:NAME_APP,17:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393838353231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Events in allentown today", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION allentown ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:LOCATION,20:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343636343735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Pause the timer while I tie my shoe.", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353530323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "What alarms have I got set?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3135323932313334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Start the next timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:ORDINAL next ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:ORDINAL,15:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343930303031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Check breaking news stories.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE breaking ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news stories ] ]", "slot_string": "6:14:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,15:27:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231323238383130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set up a reminder to video chat my sister.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO video chat my sister ] ]", "slot_string": "21:41:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3135333032363039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a 7 minute alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME 7 minute ] ]", "slot_string": "6:14:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343937333534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What tennis games are happening", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT tennis games ] ]", "slot_string": "5:17:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT"} {"id": "3231333131373139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "ring up cousin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT cousin ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323331393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to make bars for the picnic on Sunday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO make bars for the picnic ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:37:SL:TODO,38:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323834323636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message my grandmother and tell her I will pick her up for the fundraiser today at 2pm", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my grandmother ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I will pick her up for the fundraiser today at 2pm ] ]", "slot_string": "8:22:SL:RECIPIENT,36:86:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231303138313633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i need to talk to my dad please call him right now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my dad ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313535313232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call my parish priest on Saturday at 10 a.m.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call my parish priest ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday at 10 a.m ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:34:SL:TODO,35:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343034353236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it almost done", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231373232313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call my wife Joseph on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my wife Joseph ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:19:SL:CONTACT,23:31:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323836313535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to my sisters to let them know that we should meet in New York next Saturday", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my sisters ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT we should meet in New York next Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "18:28:SL:RECIPIENT,51:91:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343532323530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Easy mac n cheese recipes for kids", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE Easy ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH mac n cheese ] [SL:RECIPES_TYPE kids ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,5:17:SL:RECIPES_DISH,30:34:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} {"id": "3231313533323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove the alert on my reminder about the meeting.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO the meeting ] ]", "slot_string": "20:22:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,38:49:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232313731303437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i want you to record a video message for my husband jess", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT my husband jess ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,41:56:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231363333363831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a gym alarm for tomorrow at 5am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME gym ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow at 5am ] ]", "slot_string": "6:9:SL:ALARM_NAME,16:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353036353938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Sophia 's partner", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sophia 's partner ] ]", "slot_string": "5:22:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231373236383839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please call Henry", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Henry ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393834313133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What cool things are happening in Miami, FL this week", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Miami, FL ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "34:43:SL:LOCATION,44:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353036343030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Josephine 's auntie", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Josephine 's auntie ] ]", "slot_string": "5:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353437393730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Join Dad to this call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Dad ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231323834373439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "ask cousin Tony what where and when will his open mic event take place", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT cousin Tony ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT what where and when will his open mic event take place ] ]", "slot_string": "4:15:SL:RECIPIENT,16:70:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343637333334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Snooze this alarm.", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353036323639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Candy Boykin 's son", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Candy Boykin 's son ] ]", "slot_string": "5:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343739373934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is it supposed to rain all week?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME week ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343935373930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "start timer (enter measurement ex. in 5 minutes)", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343632323531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "search for 10 min meals", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:DATE_TIME 10 min ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353435393434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please start a call to Peter", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Peter ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323332303638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove the alert on my reminder for picking up tickets this weekend.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO picking up tickets ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "20:22:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,36:54:SL:TODO,55:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313434373734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to bring the cake to Ronnie house at 5PM", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO bring the cake to Ronnie house ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5PM ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,14:44:SL:TODO,45:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353637373631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set timer for 60 mins", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 60 mins ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333039363631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call stepfather Sally", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT stepfather Sally ] ]", "slot_string": "5:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353734343131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you send Adnan on Messenger that talk to you later", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Adnan ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT talk to you later ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:RECIPIENT,22:31:SL:NAME_APP,37:54:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231353438373437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for evening", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for evening ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323235303135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to black out the week of August 27th, i will be out of town.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO black out the week of August 27th ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:46:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313433383438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add an alert 15 minutes before my meeting on Thursday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME 15 minutes before ] [SL:TODO my meeting on Thursday ] ]", "slot_string": "13:30:SL:DATE_TIME,31:53:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323234333335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I don't want to miss the bus at 4 pm; can you alert me 10 minutes before?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO the bus at 4 pm ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes before ] ]", "slot_string": "21:36:SL:TODO,52:54:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,55:72:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353138333632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "video chat Ella and Jon for me", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ella ] [SL:CONTACT Jon ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT,20:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231303233313532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a group call to mom, Jim, and Dennis.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT mom ] [SL:CONTACT Jim ] [SL:CONTACT Dennis ] ]", "slot_string": "21:24:SL:CONTACT,26:29:SL:CONTACT,35:41:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353335333737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what are the latest news updates?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:DATE_TIME,20:24:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232313332323239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Sharon and Christine", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sharon ] [SL:CONTACT Christine ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT,16:25:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313536303432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set up a reminder for mum's birthday on August 13th.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO mum's birthday ] [SL:DATE_TIME on August 13th ] ]", "slot_string": "22:36:SL:TODO,37:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333439313337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SWITCH_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "pause and switch call", "target": "[IN:SWITCH_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232313731313536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Record a video message for sibling", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT sibling ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,27:34:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231353938393835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "What recurring alarms do I have?", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343631333236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What temperature does lasagna cook at", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH lasagna ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,22:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231333437303035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Start a group call", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363335303233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create a repeating alarm for Wednesdays at 9:00pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Wednesdays at 9:00pm ] ]", "slot_string": "25:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363734363037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please call my cousin now.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my cousin ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323931323734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message my brother that my plane will arrive at 6 p. m. on sunday the 5th", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my brother ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT my plane will arrive at 6 p. m. on sunday the 5th ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:RECIPIENT,24:73:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343837333430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "countdown for 5 minutes please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER countdown ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 5 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,10:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363734373132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Phone call my dad", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my dad ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393738393830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Places to visit in the morning", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME in the morning ] ]", "slot_string": "16:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353334363831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Muse on iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Muse ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,13:24:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3135333032303934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set countdown timer for 25 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 25 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER,20:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353139323533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a call to my mum", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my mum ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363733383437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please call my son", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my son ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353036313735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Presley 's uncle", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Presley 's uncle ] ]", "slot_string": "5:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313434373737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to facetime Autumn on Friday morning", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO facetime Autumn ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Friday morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:28:SL:TODO,29:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353233353238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you play any Dan + Shay song?", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Dan + Shay ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "17:27:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,28:32:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363039383330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Would you add in Nikia Bihler?", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Nikia Bihler ] ]", "slot_string": "17:29:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231303932343833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell Spotify to play The Story Of Tonight", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE The Story Of Tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME,21:41:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "3138383932393037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find a soup recipe with Weight Watcher points of 5 points or below per serving", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH soup ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231313532383339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to call the wedding planner to change the color scheme.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call the wedding planner to change the color scheme ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:64:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353036343130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Reese 's granddaughter", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Reese 's granddaughter ] ]", "slot_string": "5:27:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323334323231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Does my husband have any dental reminders for next month?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my husband ] [SL:TODO dental reminders ] [SL:DATE_TIME for next month ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:41:SL:TODO,42:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323431373838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "make a reminder to call a friend tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call a friend ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "19:32:SL:TODO,33:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353535343338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SILENCE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Stop making this sound", "target": "[IN:SILENCE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353735363331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it sleet or snow or rain today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sleet ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,15:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,23:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,28:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323639363432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for 8 minutes from now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 8 minutes from now ] ]", "slot_string": "13:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353832343135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to see my texts from my daughter", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my daughter ] ]", "slot_string": "28:39:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231333530363431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "instigate group call with family", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT family ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232313330353630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Have Christopher taken off the group call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Christopher ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} {"id": "3231333132363935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Ring my sisters at home", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my sisters ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232313731303937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Record a video message for sibling.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT sibling ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,27:34:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3135323933343736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "I need details on the local murder trial", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC murder trial ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:NEWS_TYPE,22:27:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,28:40:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231333339373036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Calling family", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT family ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3134313539323534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot is it for Mumbai in C", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:LOCATION Mumbai ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT C ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,18:24:SL:LOCATION,28:29:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3231313434383531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "The group meeting is at 3 pm. Can you remind me several times?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO The group meeting is at 3 pm ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] ]", "slot_string": "0:28:SL:TODO,45:47:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "3230393939353030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Alarms now, if you please", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138383931393333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what internal temperature must a fully cooked chicken reach", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE internal temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "5:25:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,46:53:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3232333730363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Alexandria Velazquez's husband Noelle", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Alexandria Velazquez's husband Noelle ] ]", "slot_string": "5:42:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313434313330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to be timely to the event at 19:00 please remind me 60 minutes prior", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO the event at 19:00 ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME 60 minutes prior ] ]", "slot_string": "23:41:SL:TODO,56:58:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,59:75:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363133373739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "back to the 80's please", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE 80 ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "39353638373638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What time are they calling for rain?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] ]", "slot_string": "31:35:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231313534373133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to email Michelle on Tuesday about the recital", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO email Michelle on Tuesday about the recital ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:56:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3138393931383732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Which office does Dany work now?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Dany ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353138383333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 5:15 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 5:15 am ] ]", "slot_string": "10:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313434393139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I'd like set up a reminder to call and schedule my dentist appointment for this Saturday at 2 p.m.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO call and schedule my dentist appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME for this Saturday at 2 p.m ] ]", "slot_string": "30:70:SL:TODO,71:97:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343532303533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what is in chicken caprese", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken caprese ] ]", "slot_string": "11:26:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231313434343131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel the reminder for the kids soccer practice, it was cancelled.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO the kids soccer practice ] ]", "slot_string": "24:48:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313536323138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me of Jerry's funeral next Friday in Dallas.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO Jerry's funeral next Friday in Dallas ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:50:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231313439313836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to respond to Jeffrey's email at 5pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO respond to Jeffrey's email ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:39:SL:TODO,40:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373233303136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Make a video message to send to Dad.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Dad ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,32:35:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231373233303339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Please send a video message to Abby.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Abby ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,31:35:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3133343130323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what;s the ideal temperature of simmering rice", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT rice ] ]", "slot_string": "17:28:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,42:46:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39343735313031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the latest news on the person that drove his car into a crowd", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC person that drove his car into a crowd ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:DATE_TIME,18:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:68:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231303139393434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I'm done talking now", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323334333732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Put in a reminder for me to call Tinky's teacher tomorrow afternoon.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO call Tinky's teacher ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "22:24:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,28:48:SL:TODO,49:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323834363931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind Terry to order the tickets for the concert at Ravinia tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Terry ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT order the tickets for the concert at Ravinia tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:RECIPIENT,16:69:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231353538333030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How is the weather at 6pm?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME at 6pm ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323830313839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell Rizzo to grade the rest of the papers.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Rizzo ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT grade the rest of the papers ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:RECIPIENT,14:42:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393835393935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "What's Sofia's office address?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Sofia ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333131323432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call my sons", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my sons ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353539393331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "when did scaramucci get fired?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC scaramucci get fired ] ]", "slot_string": "9:29:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363734363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Ring my father", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my father ] ]", "slot_string": "5:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138383936353237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long am i supposed to cook taro leaves for?", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT taro leaves ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,31:42:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3232353832343435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to see texts from aunt Ariel", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER aunt Ariel ] ]", "slot_string": "25:35:SL:SENDER"} {"id": "39353037323233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "find me hardcore tracks", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE hardcore ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE tracks ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,17:23:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353432343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:RESTART_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to reset the timer.", "target": "[IN:RESTART_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "20:25:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353436323036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please can you call my mom?", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my mom ] ]", "slot_string": "20:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353536303538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me an overview of the weather today in Miami", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:LOCATION Miami ] ]", "slot_string": "35:40:SL:DATE_TIME,44:49:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231373131353939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please call Tessa Freddie Ray", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Tessa Freddie Ray ] ]", "slot_string": "12:29:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353834303133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message my siblings", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my siblings ] ]", "slot_string": "24:35:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231323430383034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to walk my dog at 8:00am tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO walk my dog ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 8:00am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:24:SL:TODO,25:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323737363035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Any unread messages from the last 5 hours?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:DATE_TIME from the last 5 hours ] ]", "slot_string": "20:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323837393731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message dad to tell him to use his GPS.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT dad ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT use his GPS ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:RECIPIENT,27:38:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3135323935313130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for 4 a.m. tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 4 a.m. tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "13:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323336333433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder for my homework assignment", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO homework assignment ] ]", "slot_string": "19:21:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:41:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232343230393031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "start a call with life partner", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT life partner ] ]", "slot_string": "18:30:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323334353236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you show me my reminders for the next two weeks?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the next two weeks ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,16:18:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,29:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343630383830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the nutrition content in fried chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH fried chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "33:46:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323234333836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to set up an appointment with the PT department.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO set up an appointment with the PT department ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:57:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323738353330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Text my daughter and tell her to wash the dishes", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my daughter ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT wash the dishes ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPIENT,33:48:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231353036333233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Idella Moncus 's wife", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Idella Moncus 's wife ] ]", "slot_string": "5:26:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333430383833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "add my mother to the call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED my mother ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3139393832363137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "any art shows this month", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT art shows ] [SL:DATE_TIME this month ] ]", "slot_string": "4:13:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,14:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393833353238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who works at Wellington Regional Hospital", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Wellington Regional Hospital ] ]", "slot_string": "21:49:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231363733383030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Video call my sister on her whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my sister ] [SL:NAME_APP whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:CONTACT,28:36:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231313436343638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind David we have a meeting at 2:30. Set an alert for 30 minutes before.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED David ] [SL:TODO a meeting at 2:30 ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 30 minutes before ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:38:SL:TODO,53:74:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353137383232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather like tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "25:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323233393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind mike and jan of the party on tuesday 5 minutes before the 6:30 alarm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED mike ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED jan ] [SL:TODO the party on tuesday ] [SL:DATE_TIME 5 minutes before the 6:30 alarm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:19:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:43:SL:TODO,44:75:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343535323637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the ingredients in Chicken Masala", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH Chicken Masala ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,28:42:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323233323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please furnish me with all my reminders.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER furnish ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,23:26:SL:AMOUNT,27:29:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "3231353035393432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Alexia 's mom", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Alexia 's mom ] ]", "slot_string": "5:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333938333430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please, video call my granny", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT my granny ] ]", "slot_string": "19:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353734393930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "reply with the message via Messenger", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "27:36:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323430373533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete reminders of Friday 11th of August", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME of Friday 11th of August ] ]", "slot_string": "17:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232333730353135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "give Luis's grandma Teagan Durham a call", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Luis's grandma Teagan Durham ] ]", "slot_string": "5:33:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231313534303830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to meet Chris for lunch on Tuesday at 11:30am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO meet Chris for lunch ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Tuesday at 11:30am ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:33:SL:TODO,34:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353636383532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Should I bring an umbrella?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE umbrella ] ]", "slot_string": "18:26:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3132363035393235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play me Dirty Laundry by the Eagles", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Dirty Laundry ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Eagles ] ]", "slot_string": "8:21:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,29:35:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3232353138343133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call My life partner Meagan Strickland and my grandfather Alan Velasquez", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT My life partner Meagan Strickland ] [SL:CONTACT my grandfather Alan Velasquez ] ]", "slot_string": "5:38:SL:CONTACT,43:72:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333430383338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "please start a call with dad", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT dad ] ]", "slot_string": "25:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353833313334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message my grandparents video message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT my grandparents ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "24:39:SL:RECIPIENT,40:45:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "39353637343538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much rain is predicted for tomorrow?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,27:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323330383135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder to tell larry that the game goes on sale at 11am online", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO tell larry that the game goes on sale at 11am online ] ]", "slot_string": "18:70:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231373131303339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please call Eric Gonzalez Clark", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Eric Gonzalez Clark ] ]", "slot_string": "12:31:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343935313637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "What station is playing right now?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE station ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343536363036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what peas is used for rice and peas", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT peas ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH rice and peas ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,22:35:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323831303738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "ask terry if she found my phone", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT terry ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT she found my phone ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:RECIPIENT,13:31:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343632303432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "can I freeze mac & cheese", "target": "[IN:IS_TRUE_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH mac & cheese ] ]", "slot_string": "13:25:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353232363639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "When will this snowstorm end?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snowstorm ] ]", "slot_string": "15:24:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231313439313233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add reminder to cycle the laundry in 10 minutes.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO cycle the laundry ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 10 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "16:33:SL:TODO,34:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353532313032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Wake me up at 6am every Saturday for 4 weeks", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 6am every Saturday ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 4 weeks ] ]", "slot_string": "11:32:SL:DATE_TIME,33:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333534373035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "try giving a call to Nancy Austin", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Nancy Austin ] ]", "slot_string": "21:33:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343537383638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the best flan recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_RATING best ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH flan ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:RECIPES_RATING,16:20:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3136333338353930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "How are things in Guam", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Guam ] ]", "slot_string": "18:22:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231373538313336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Sarah number three", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Sarah ] [SL:ORDINAL three ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT,18:23:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3138393832373438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is Yusuf still working for Toyota?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Yusuf ] [SL:EMPLOYER Toyota ] ]", "slot_string": "3:8:SL:CONTACT,27:33:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231353534353332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I have to set my alarm for every Friday this month", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for every Friday this month ] ]", "slot_string": "23:50:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363430383734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will the weather be like for the next 3 days?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for the next 3 days ] ]", "slot_string": "30:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323338363537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "please remove all my reminder", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] ]", "slot_string": "14:17:SL:AMOUNT,18:20:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "39343536323730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me vegetarian chili recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE vegetarian ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chili ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:RECIPES_TYPE,19:24:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353239333531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how many inches of rain did it rain today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,36:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343031343430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Start a new message to Phil", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Phil ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231323337393732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set reminder to pick up grandma on Tuesday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO pick up grandma ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Tuesday ] ]", "slot_string": "16:31:SL:TODO,32:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353537373732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the weather forecast for Europe.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Europe ] ]", "slot_string": "33:39:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353436363735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:END_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel calling please", "target": "[IN:END_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231363333313139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create alarms for Thursday and Friday at 5pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Thursday and Friday at 5pm ] ]", "slot_string": "14:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353739363332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "do i need sunscreen for my hike in Bend today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sunscreen ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "10:19:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,40:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353731343838", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play me song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353831373432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How is the weather tonight?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363132303034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Whats the rain forecast for sunday", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME for sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,24:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323337373533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me about my doctor's appointment later this week.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO my doctor's appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME later this week ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,16:39:SL:TODO,40:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323237333032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete today's reminders.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333933333733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Stefanie and see if she is on her way to the movie yet.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Stefanie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT she is on her way to the movie yet ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:RECIPIENT,28:62:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231323332303536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove reminders for Labor Day", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for Labor Day ] ]", "slot_string": "17:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363735303834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me of Jans availability online", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Jans ] ]", "slot_string": "11:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3135393637333136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "HAS NORTH KOREA THREATENED THE U.S.A", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC NORTH KOREA THREATENED THE U.S.A ] ]", "slot_string": "4:36:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231333533353734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to add to call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353334363536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to Journey's last album.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Journey ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,35:40:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3232353734343736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you send it to Judith on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Judith ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:RECIPIENT,29:37:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231353538383430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Weather, Lewes, Delaware, 16th May!", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Lewes, Delaware ] [SL:DATE_TIME 16th May ] ]", "slot_string": "9:24:SL:LOCATION,26:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3134313539343730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it above 56 in degrees Fahrenheit here", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE above ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 56 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Fahrenheit ] [SL:LOCATION here ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,12:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:36:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,37:41:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231333938303735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to Fed-Ex to call me", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Fed-Ex ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT call me ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:RECIPIENT,28:35:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232353833383333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Has funko group sent me anything", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP funko ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:GROUP,21:23:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231323331343431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Homework reminders.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:TODO Homework ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353830393633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set rest period for 30 seconds on my timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME for 30 seconds ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "16:30:SL:DATE_TIME,37:42:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231333533353735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "can I please add to this call?", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343631393535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what's in eggs benedict", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH eggs benedict ] ]", "slot_string": "10:23:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353230383037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be over 90 today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363335383636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "please remind me to wake up at 5am tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:ALARM_NAME,28:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231343631313236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "How many birthdays are on August 11th, 1915?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME on August 11th, 1915 ] ]", "slot_string": "23:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363335313137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "create an alarm for may 9th at 12", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for may 9th at 12 ] ]", "slot_string": "16:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323336303434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Cancel my reminders", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED"} {"id": "3231353937343737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What are we expecting weather wise for this evening?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for this evening ] ]", "slot_string": "35:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343732343332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add 10 minutes to my existing timer.", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:14:SL:DATE_TIME,30:35:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231333436353839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "show me unhidden users", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232313432393436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "display weather in Shipston on Stour", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Shipston on Stour ] ]", "slot_string": "19:36:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323330373438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to pay the water and light bill on friday by 2", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pay the water and light bill ] [SL:DATE_TIME on friday by 2 ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:41:SL:TODO,42:56:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393738323431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who do I know that lives near London?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:LOCATION London ] ]", "slot_string": "7:8:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,30:36:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232353833363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "please send the workgroup thread message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP workgroup ] ]", "slot_string": "16:25:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "39343833363130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for monday at 10 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for monday at 10 am ] ]", "slot_string": "13:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3135323933303732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the networks saying about Brexit", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE networks ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Brexit ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE,35:41:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3139373936333737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play 98.9 radio on iheartradio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID 98.9 ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE radio ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:MUSIC_RADIO_ID,10:15:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,19:30:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231323233353437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me my reminders for my Justice class.", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO my Justice class ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,8:10:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:41:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343530353637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me a recipe for bulgogi", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH bulgogi ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3232353138303536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call with Sustainability", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP Sustainability ] ]", "slot_string": "10:24:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3231323932303431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Please message Justin and let him know I'll be at his place around 4pm.", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Justin ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I'll be at his place around 4pm ] ]", "slot_string": "15:21:SL:RECIPIENT,39:70:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231333532373930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "is jake online?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT jake ] ]", "slot_string": "3:7:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333532343439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "is al or amy online", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT al ] [SL:CONTACT amy ] ]", "slot_string": "3:5:SL:CONTACT,9:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323338333536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to buy water tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy water ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:22:SL:TODO,23:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353437373339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the temperature low for the day?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for the day ] ]", "slot_string": "27:38:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343734363932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Please play Country music.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Country ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,20:25:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3232333635353638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Cade call Clark using Whatsapp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Cade ] [SL:CONTACT Clark ] [SL:NAME_APP Whatsapp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:9:SL:CONTACT,15:20:SL:CONTACT,27:35:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3138393739323830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Does anyone currently live in Buffalo?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION Buffalo ] ]", "slot_string": "30:37:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353736363239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "How much time is left on my timer.", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "28:33:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353939333235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Change my alarm to 11 p.m.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME to 11 p.m ] ]", "slot_string": "16:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353433393938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set time for one minute.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER time ] [SL:DATE_TIME for one minute ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:METHOD_TIMER,9:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363038303436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "sound alarm at 835h", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 835h ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363333333935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create alarm for 7pm and 8pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 7pm and 8pm ] ]", "slot_string": "13:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343832313639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "i want to play a song", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "17:21:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363336343738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "arrange an alarm for 6pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6pm ] ]", "slot_string": "17:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353937313432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather in Montreal, QC?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Montreal, QC ] ]", "slot_string": "23:35:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3138393932303436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "where does Terrance currently work", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT Terrance ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353137383535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how's the weather at the beach", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION beach ] ]", "slot_string": "25:30:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343538313930", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What temperature should I cook the pizza", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pizza ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,35:40:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353139353032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What will the weather be like at Disney World today??", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Disney World ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "33:45:SL:LOCATION,46:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333533303437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Check status of Susan.", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Susan ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343831363832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the temperature going to be tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "36:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343139313130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what ingredients are in spaghetti sauce", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH spaghetti sauce ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:39:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231313733313033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do any of my friends have December birthdays?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:DATE_TIME December ] ]", "slot_string": "10:12:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,13:20:SL:TYPE_RELATION,26:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363430343435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Fill me in on the weather conditions", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231303135323333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Add Terri to the call with Dave.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED Terri ] [SL:CONTACT Dave ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:CONTACT_ADDED,27:31:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353436393537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play the top song, \"Despacito.\"", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Despacito ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,20:29:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "3231313532383835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to purchase a card for Chris' birthday party Saturday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO purchase a card for Chris' birthday party ] [SL:DATE_TIME Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:54:SL:TODO,55:63:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313533333335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to send documents to bank for closing on the house.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO send documents to bank for closing on the house ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:60:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231343631353936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "How many birthdays are on May 23rd?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:DATE_TIME on May 23rd ] ]", "slot_string": "23:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343034323736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "is China helping the US with north korea", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC China helping the US with north korea ] ]", "slot_string": "3:40:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231333534393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "connect to Madison dane", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Madison dane ] ]", "slot_string": "11:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343836363336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for my sons Boy Scout meeting every Monday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME my sons Boy Scout meeting ] [SL:PERIOD every Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "17:42:SL:ALARM_NAME,43:55:SL:PERIOD"} {"id": "3136333731353533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "how are the elections going in Nicaragua", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC elections going in Nicaragua ] ]", "slot_string": "12:40:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231343937333331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any lacrosse games going on in January", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT lacrosse games ] [SL:DATE_TIME in January ] ]", "slot_string": "14:28:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,38:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393735373238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me about Ted's friends", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Ted ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "14:17:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,20:27:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231323330393234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "show all of my reminders for today", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER show ] [SL:AMOUNT all ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:8:SL:AMOUNT,12:14:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138383937363937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the recipe for carrot cake?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH carrot cake ] ]", "slot_string": "23:34:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363038323839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "make an alarm for 05h60", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 05h60 ] ]", "slot_string": "14:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323735383633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Send a message to Denice asking when she\u2019s leaving", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Denice ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT when she\u2019s leaving ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:RECIPIENT,32:52:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3232353137373931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Place a call with exbox team", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP exbox team ] ]", "slot_string": "18:28:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3232353735333036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Has Bill Murray sent me anything via Messenger", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:SENDER Bill Murray ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "4:15:SL:SENDER,21:23:SL:RECIPIENT,37:46:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39353635333535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "when is it supposed to rain again", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3138393833323239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who works at Sunset Athletic Club", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Sunset Athletic Club ] ]", "slot_string": "21:41:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231313535373534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "what are my reminders for next week", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:DATE_TIME for next week ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313434323633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove the reminder to study.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO study ] ]", "slot_string": "23:28:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353831373634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Start a new timer now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231363339323135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "New South Wales weather forecast thanks", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION New South Wales ] ]", "slot_string": "0:15:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3138393934323033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me about Bob's family.", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Bob ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION family ] ]", "slot_string": "14:17:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,20:26:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231353536383033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please show me what's the weather like tomorrow evening", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow evening ] ]", "slot_string": "39:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343634333636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "get peanut butter recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH peanut butter ] ]", "slot_string": "4:17:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363031303033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Snooze my alarm for 2 minutes.", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 2 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "16:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353539303635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please advise the forecast for Easter Sunday at 2pm.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for Easter Sunday at 2pm ] ]", "slot_string": "27:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393830353931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What can I do today", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353130323539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for four hours from now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for four hours from now ] ]", "slot_string": "10:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363332333931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the easiest stir fry to make?", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE easiest ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH stir fry ] ]", "slot_string": "12:19:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,20:28:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343931323130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the news saying about healthcare?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC healthcare ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:NEWS_TYPE,30:40:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3138393933323232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AGE", "locale": "en", "input": "How old is he?", "target": "[IN:GET_AGE ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393831393130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who finished school at PU", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL PU ] ]", "slot_string": "23:25:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231313535323139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Change my reminder for Zumba class tonight from 6:30pm to 5:30pm.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO Zumba class ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight from 6:30pm ] [SL:DATE_TIME to 5:30pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,23:34:SL:TODO,35:54:SL:DATE_TIME,55:64:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363333323330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please create a recurring alarm for 7am everyday this week", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 7am everyday this week ] ]", "slot_string": "32:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323338373035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to update my computer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO update my computer ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:31:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353339353935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I need a hood to go outside?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hood ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39353731313233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for 4 p.m.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 4 p.m ] ]", "slot_string": "13:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313435323236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove the reminder to feed my neighbor's cat", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO feed my neighbor's cat ] ]", "slot_string": "23:45:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39353038393338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "give me details on Korea US situation.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Korea US situation ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:37:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323232353538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Find my doctor's appointment reminder and move the date to Thursday the 17th.", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO doctor's appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME to Thursday the 17th ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,8:28:SL:TODO,56:76:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363031393530", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How is the weather in Long Island city tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Long Island city ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "22:38:SL:LOCATION,39:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353533343432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create alarms on Tuesdays for 3pm and 5pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME on Tuesdays for 3pm and 5pm ] ]", "slot_string": "14:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323831343134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play All of Me by John Legend", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE All of Me ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME John Legend ] ]", "slot_string": "5:14:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,18:29:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231333339373437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "get john on the call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_ADDED john ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:CONTACT_ADDED"} {"id": "3231343939333939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call journalist", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT journalist ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231363338313938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Confirm the weather in Sydney", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Sydney ] ]", "slot_string": "23:29:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3138393934353632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me more about Jeremy.", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Jeremy ] ]", "slot_string": "19:25:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353531383435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a wake up alarm for the next 2 weeks for 8am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME wake up ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the next 2 weeks ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 8am ] ]", "slot_string": "6:13:SL:ALARM_NAME,20:40:SL:DATE_TIME,41:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343936323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How about sleet today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE sleet ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,16:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353633313136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 6 AM", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6 AM ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363339313439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather like in midwest Western Australia?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION midwest Western Australia ] ]", "slot_string": "28:53:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3132353935333331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set the alarm to go off in 24 hours from now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME 24 hours from now ] ]", "slot_string": "27:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393833323130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me who works at Pizza Hut.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Pizza Hut ] ]", "slot_string": "21:30:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3231373233323634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you send that video to Jamie?", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Jamie ] ]", "slot_string": "18:23:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,27:32:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39343733323539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Repeat this song, please", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "12:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3136343035313938", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set timer to go off every 18 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME 18 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:METHOD_TIMER,26:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393737353630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "any events tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343933373931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm to go off every 2 hours this afternoon.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME every 2 hours this afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "23:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323335383730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to make an appointment for an oil change.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO make an appointment for an oil change ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:50:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232353832393434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "i would like to message that video to Harvey, Raul, and Jerry Ward", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Harvey ] [SL:RECIPIENT Raul ] [SL:RECIPIENT Jerry Ward ] ]", "slot_string": "29:34:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,38:44:SL:RECIPIENT,46:50:SL:RECIPIENT,56:66:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231323233363033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me the reminder for percussion practice for the rest of August", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER Show ] [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO percussion practice ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the rest of August ] ]", "slot_string": "0:4:SL:METHOD_RETRIEVAL_REMINDER,5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,25:44:SL:TODO,45:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363033303332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "start playing Views", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Views ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE"} {"id": "39353036393332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "local news for san diego", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC san diego ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,6:10:SL:NEWS_TYPE,15:24:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231373131303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Please call William Mclean Ochoa", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT William Mclean Ochoa ] ]", "slot_string": "12:32:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353435333238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play the riff-off from the Pitch Perfect soundtrack", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Pitch Perfect ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE soundtrack ] ]", "slot_string": "27:40:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,41:51:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393734323634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Friends of Nate", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION Friends ] [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Nate ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:TYPE_RELATION,11:15:SL:CONTACT_RELATED"} {"id": "3232313332333335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Carson and King", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Carson ] [SL:CONTACT King ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT,16:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3135323839323630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read the top story on CNN.com", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE story ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE CNN.com ] ]", "slot_string": "9:12:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,13:18:SL:NEWS_TYPE,22:29:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3231303335323936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "show me articles about Muslims", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE articles ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Muslims ] ]", "slot_string": "8:16:SL:NEWS_TYPE,23:30:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343739323639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for 6pm tonight", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6pm tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "13:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393836393233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "can you find my friends address", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "13:15:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,16:23:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3139393831363636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Music events in Minneapolis", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Music ] [SL:LOCATION Minneapolis ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,16:27:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3139383539343439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me the latest news from The New York Times", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_SOURCE The New York Times ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,29:47:SL:NEWS_SOURCE"} {"id": "3232353734353632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send Anne Taylor that video message on WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Anne Taylor ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPIENT,22:27:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,39:47:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323431303431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to delete previews on Facebook this afternoon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO delete previews on Facebook ] [SL:DATE_TIME this afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:40:SL:TODO,41:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353734393336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send the Messenger text", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "9:18:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3138393738323631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who lives in new jersey", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:LOCATION new jersey ] ]", "slot_string": "13:23:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231363431363639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play midnight by Dr. Dre", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE midnight ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Dr. Dre ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,17:24:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231363336323134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I need an alarm at 6am please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 6am ] ]", "slot_string": "16:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373530333433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "I need you to show me some other events", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39343836383238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what is the county election news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC county election ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:27:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,28:32:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3134313538393832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot is it next week at Sao Paulo in degree Fahrenheit", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] [SL:LOCATION Sao Paulo ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Fahrenheit ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,14:23:SL:DATE_TIME,27:36:SL:LOCATION,47:57:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "39353533393537", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Please tell me what the weather looks like today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "43:48:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333430303830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Give a call to Bob", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Bob ] ]", "slot_string": "15:18:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353435323630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will there be hail?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hail ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39353438353630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the extended forecast for this area?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME extended ] [SL:LOCATION this area ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:DATE_TIME,33:42:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343733393731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play me some rap music from Spotify", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rap ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Spotify ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,17:22:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,28:35:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39343933363031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the temp going to be this afternoon in hawaii", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME this afternoon ] [SL:LOCATION hawaii ] ]", "slot_string": "29:43:SL:DATE_TIME,47:53:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232313731303538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Start recording for a video message to Teofila Worden", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Teofila Worden ] ]", "slot_string": "22:27:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,39:53:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231353437353436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Is anyone online?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353437363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you tell me if Luci is online now", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Luci ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343739393635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 8 AM on Friday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 8 AM on Friday ] ]", "slot_string": "10:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323333323730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder to bring the dog to the vet next Monday first thing in the morning", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO bring the dog to the vet ] [SL:DATE_TIME next Monday first thing in the morning ] ]", "slot_string": "18:42:SL:TODO,43:81:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323239313230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to pay for my flower order tomorrow morning.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pay for my flower order ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:36:SL:TODO,37:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333532393638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Is Kim online?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Kim ] ]", "slot_string": "3:6:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3139393834363739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there any events in Melbourne tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Melbourne ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "23:32:SL:LOCATION,33:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393930343139", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "How many years did it take for Corey to get his degree from Armstrong?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Corey ] [SL:SCHOOL Armstrong ] ]", "slot_string": "31:36:SL:CONTACT,60:69:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231323932353131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Joe to say I will be there in an hour", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Joe ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I will be there in an hour ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:RECIPIENT,19:45:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231303135353437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Start a video call with Phil.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Phil ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353531353030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an exercise alarm tomorrow at noon", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME exercise ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow at noon ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:ALARM_NAME,25:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353532313730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make repeating alarm for 7am everyday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 7am everyday ] ]", "slot_string": "21:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393834313134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "List of employees at Key Bank please", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Key Bank ] ]", "slot_string": "21:29:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39343833363239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the latest news on O.J. Simpson?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC O.J. Simpson ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:DATE_TIME,18:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:38:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3135323930343130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Please read me today's local headlines", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY local ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:DATE_TIME,23:28:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,29:38:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39343534333031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What ingredients are in chicken cacciatore", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken cacciatore ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:42:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343537333937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Find a recipe for cabbage rolls", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH cabbage rolls ] ]", "slot_string": "18:31:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323834363934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Amy that I can make the 8:30 am appt Saturday June 30th", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Amy ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I can make the 8:30 am appt Saturday June 30th ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:RECIPIENT,17:63:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231313439363231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you set an reminder to order a vegetable tray from Wegman's on Wednesday at 11:00", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO order a vegetable tray from Wegman's ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Wednesday at 11:00 ] ]", "slot_string": "27:63:SL:TODO,64:85:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343535333134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What are Italian recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE Italian ] ]", "slot_string": "9:16:SL:RECIPES_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353535303534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I would like to be awoken at noon please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at noon ] ]", "slot_string": "26:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393738323835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I have any friends that used to live in New Mexico?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION New Mexico ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,14:21:SL:TYPE_RELATION,43:53:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3136363730323534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Ten minutes have alarm go off", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME Ten minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "0:11:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323337343434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need a reminder for this afternoon to buy birthday cards", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:DATE_TIME for this afternoon ] [SL:TODO buy birthday cards ] ]", "slot_string": "0:1:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,18:36:SL:DATE_TIME,40:58:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3232323831363337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Run The Jewels", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Run The Jewels ] ]", "slot_string": "5:19:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3136343034383132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me current events", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME current ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE events ] ]", "slot_string": "8:15:SL:DATE_TIME,16:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232323739323332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play Jhene Aiko.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Jhene Aiko ] ]", "slot_string": "5:15:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "39353331383438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Houston news headlines.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Houston ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,8:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "39353235323338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "how much time left on alarm", "target": "[IN:GET_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3232323830363731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play the band The 1975", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME The 1975 ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231313438333738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to charge the battery for the drill Monday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO charge the battery for the drill ] [SL:DATE_TIME Monday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:45:SL:TODO,46:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353635363635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to Enrique Iglesias' latest album", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Enrique Iglesias ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "20:36:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,45:50:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3133323737383636", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What ingredients do I need to make shrimp scampi", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231323338343536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353233343137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to Karaoke music, please.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Karaoke ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "20:27:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,28:33:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231313434393339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to finish finance homework at 6pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO finish finance homework ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 6pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:36:SL:TODO,37:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353238383637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the low today in New York?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:LOCATION New York ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:DATE_TIME,24:32:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232343331303739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "make timer longer by 1628 seconds", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME by 1628 seconds ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:METHOD_TIMER,18:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353334383039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is today's biggest international news story?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE biggest ] [SL:NEWS_CATEGORY international ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news story ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:DATE_TIME,16:23:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,24:37:SL:NEWS_CATEGORY,38:48:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3132353534323539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories are there in a slice of cheese cake", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cheese cake ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,42:53:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353538323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the highest temperature today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "31:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393932343638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EMPLOYER", "locale": "en", "input": "what was regan's past employer?", "target": "[IN:GET_EMPLOYER [SL:CONTACT regan ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231373236393739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call Samuel for me", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Samuel ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353137393830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "audio call with CrossFit on Hangouts", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:GROUP CrossFit ] [SL:NAME_APP Hangouts ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:GROUP,28:36:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "39353431343933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Get me a news update", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3132363038363633", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play dance music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE dance ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,11:16:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353436323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "let me see the timer", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231323833313230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Ask the groomer when she's available for a nail trim for the dog", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT the groomer ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT when she's available for a nail trim for the dog ] ]", "slot_string": "4:15:SL:RECIPIENT,16:64:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3135323839323233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you set the timer to go off in 24 hours", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 24 hours ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:METHOD_TIMER,32:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333430333835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Lucas", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Lucas ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232323831313836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play me a little Guns N Roses.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Guns N Roses ] ]", "slot_string": "17:29:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3133343138373630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What color is bacon supposed to be cooked", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT bacon ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231313534393832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to send my teacher my homework before 5 pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO send my teacher my homework ] [SL:DATE_TIME before 5 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:40:SL:TODO,41:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323336363834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to buy flowers for my mom", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO buy flowers for my mom ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:35:SL:TODO"} {"id": "39343536363832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you make a grilled cheese", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH grilled cheese ] ]", "slot_string": "18:32:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3138393836323635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me Crys' address", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Crys ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353533323331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the latest update on NASA's expeditions?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE update ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC NASA's expeditions ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:25:SL:NEWS_TYPE,29:47:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231393232373331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "let me see friends application", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3231333436303233", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Dial a group", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353437373137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "Is Maya still offline?", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY [SL:CONTACT Maya ] ]", "slot_string": "3:7:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3134313539323835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature today in Shanghai Fahrenheit", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:LOCATION Shanghai ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Fahrenheit ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:DATE_TIME,21:29:SL:LOCATION,30:40:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3231313436303436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to tell the kid's to pack swimsuits for the trip next week.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO tell the kid's to pack swimsuits for the trip ] [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:58:SL:TODO,59:68:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353534383535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Create an alarm to go off Monday morning at 9am.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME off Monday morning at 9am ] ]", "slot_string": "22:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343035363039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add a new timer", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353336383631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "do I need a jacket for tonight?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE jacket ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,19:30:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343632313932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "List the ingredients of spaghetti sauce", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH spaghetti sauce ] ]", "slot_string": "9:20:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:39:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353734323934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set my alarm to get me up at 5 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 5 am ] ]", "slot_string": "26:33:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323738343333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can you write hello over and over again to mike until he answers", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTENT_EXACT hello ] [SL:RECIPIENT mike ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:CONTENT_EXACT,43:47:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39353331373135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the latest news on North Korea?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC North Korea ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:DATE_TIME,18:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:37:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231313534363435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to follow up with Stacie about her training time at 5pm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO follow up with Stacie about her training time ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5pm ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:58:SL:TODO,59:65:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323331343037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Create a reminder a party at 6 o clock Pacific time", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO a party ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 6 o clock Pacific time ] ]", "slot_string": "18:25:SL:TODO,26:51:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323239333032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "what reminder do I have later today at 5pm?", "target": "[IN:GET_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:DATE_TIME later today at 5pm ] ]", "slot_string": "17:18:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,24:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343138383931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories in a pork chop", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pork chop ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,23:32:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353831363535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PAUSE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "pause current timer", "target": "[IN:PAUSE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353034383732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is latest news about Korea", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Korea ] ]", "slot_string": "8:14:SL:DATE_TIME,15:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:31:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231323336373330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "cancel all alarms and reminders", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:AMOUNT all ] ]", "slot_string": "7:10:SL:AMOUNT"} {"id": "39343739333039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Are there any current storms in Oregon state?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE storms ] [SL:LOCATION Oregon state ] ]", "slot_string": "22:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,32:44:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323336353231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me that I have a doctor's appointment Tuesday at 9 am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO a doctor's appointment ] [SL:DATE_TIME Tuesday at 9 am ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:44:SL:TODO,45:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353537333937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me a 10 day weather forecast.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME 10 day ] ]", "slot_string": "10:16:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393930313836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Whats happening in Atlanta this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Atlanta ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "19:26:SL:LOCATION,27:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343536383731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What do I need for homemade pizza dough", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH pizza dough ] ]", "slot_string": "28:39:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231373232323137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "talk to Ezra with WhatsApp", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Ezra ] [SL:NAME_APP 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"5:10:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,16:44:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,48:54:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231323331343832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remove the reminder for the holiday party at 5:30 p.m.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:TODO the holiday party ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 5:30 p.m ] ]", "slot_string": "24:41:SL:TODO,42:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373233333539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send a video to Charlie", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Charlie ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,16:23:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3231353334323935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Thotiana on iHeartRadio", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Thotiana ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iHeartRadio ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,17:28:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3139393835333331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Want is there to do in Boston, MA tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Boston, MA ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "23:33:SL:LOCATION,34:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323336313538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder to buy potluck food on Wednesday.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO buy potluck food ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "18:34:SL:TODO,35:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231353438373934", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make me an alarm.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231373538353834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "dial Garrett right away", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Garrett ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231333535313737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "try to call Pierre Logan", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Pierre Logan ] ]", "slot_string": "12:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3135333030333334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Add two minutes to timer", "target": "[IN:ADD_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME two minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "4:15:SL:DATE_TIME,19:24:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231353533343036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make recurring alarms for Friday at 10am and 10:30am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for Friday at 10am and 10:30am ] ]", "slot_string": "22:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363032303337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I want you to set an alarm for me at 8pm", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 8pm ] ]", "slot_string": "34:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363336333239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Get me out of bed alarm set for 10am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME Get me out of bed ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 10am ] ]", "slot_string": "0:17:SL:ALARM_NAME,28:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363138393134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "how cold will it be today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,20:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353138373538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "i'd like to touch base with Gregory", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Gregory ] ]", "slot_string": "28:35:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323335353737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "cancel my workout reminder", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO workout ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:17:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3134323833353538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "the hottest news of lakers", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE hottest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC lakers ] ]", "slot_string": "4:11:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,12:16:SL:NEWS_TYPE,20:26:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3138393935313431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "who is sarah's friend misty", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED sarah ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friend ] [SL:CONTACT misty ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:21:SL:TYPE_RELATION,22:27:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323237323438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set the reminder for Plush Horse 6pm Sunday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO Plush Horse ] [SL:DATE_TIME 6pm Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "21:32:SL:TODO,33:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353531323132", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is it too cold for shorts", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE shorts ] ]", "slot_string": "10:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,19:25:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "39343936343239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 6am tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6am tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "10:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353635353430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play I heard they suck live by NOFX", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE I heard they suck live ] [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME NOFX ] ]", "slot_string": "5:27:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE,31:35:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231343538353837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I would like to speak to Deanne Pabey", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Deanne Pabey ] ]", "slot_string": "25:37:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353536393939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Weather for Sunday please.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for Sunday ] ]", "slot_string": "8:18:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343836373135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the weather for this weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for this weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "19:35:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323232323036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "get events I'm interested in", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:USER_ATTENDEE_EVENT I'm ] ]", "slot_string": "11:14:SL:USER_ATTENDEE_EVENT"} {"id": "3231323334343037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "please reschedule my kombucha reminders from am to pm", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_REMINDER_DATE_TIME [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO kombucha ] [SL:DATE_TIME from am ] [SL:DATE_TIME to pm ] ]", "slot_string": "18:20:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:29:SL:TODO,40:47:SL:DATE_TIME,48:53:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132363232333735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "radar for el paso at 3pm", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION el paso ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 3pm ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:LOCATION,18:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343632383939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I double this recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:METHOD_RECIPES recipe ] ]", "slot_string": "21:27:SL:METHOD_RECIPES"} {"id": "39353131333431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Recent news about north korea", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME Recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC north korea ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:DATE_TIME,7:11:SL:NEWS_TYPE,18:29:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363030323136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Make an alarm called bedtime for tomorrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME bedtime ] [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "21:28:SL:ALARM_NAME,29:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353337353939", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will the temp be higher than 70 degrees today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "40:45:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353138363733", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "video chat Destinee and Ayanna for me", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Destinee ] [SL:CONTACT Ayanna ] ]", "slot_string": "11:19:SL:CONTACT,24:30:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353036323839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Raleigh news this week?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Raleigh ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "0:7:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,8:12:SL:NEWS_TYPE,13:22:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343932303338", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 8am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 8am ] ]", "slot_string": "10:17:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343732373837", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How is the weather in Jacksonville", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Jacksonville ] ]", "slot_string": "22:34:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323337323933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "set a reminder for saturday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136333337363538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Recent news about Hilary Clinton", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME Recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Hilary Clinton ] ]", "slot_string": "0:6:SL:DATE_TIME,7:11:SL:NEWS_TYPE,18:32:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39343831383933", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Whats the latest news with North Korea?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC North Korea ] ]", "slot_string": "10:16:SL:DATE_TIME,17:21:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:38:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231353538353231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How many millimetres of rain will come down tomorrow", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "24:28:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,44:52:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333432373735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "list the people that are available", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231333531333635", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call tom", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT tom ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3232353833323834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send a vide message to the motorcycle chat", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP motorcycle ] ]", "slot_string": "27:37:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "39353732373038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what was the breaking news tonight?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE breaking ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,22:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363038393434", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "give me a new alarm for 4h00", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 4h00 ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353734373535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Show me messages from Beth via Messenger", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Beth ] [SL:NAME_APP Messenger ] ]", "slot_string": "22:26:SL:RECIPIENT,31:40:SL:NAME_APP"} {"id": "3231323832323038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Text Amanda I'm on the way", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Amanda ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT I'm on the way ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:RECIPIENT,12:26:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231363430353730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "is it nice outside", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE nice ] ]", "slot_string": "6:10:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3134313539383630", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot is it this weekend outside in degrees fahrenheit", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:DATE_TIME this weekend ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT fahrenheit ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,14:26:SL:DATE_TIME,46:56:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "39343531393131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "At what temperature is quail cooked at", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE temperature ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT quail ] ]", "slot_string": "8:19:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,23:28:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39343539383331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long do you hard boil eggs for", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD hard boil ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT eggs ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,16:25:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,26:30:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39353433313536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the weather on Mount Kilimanjaro at this moment?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Mount Kilimanjaro ] ]", "slot_string": "23:40:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323335363232", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Reminder for vacation", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:TODO vacation ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353436393734", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "Exactly what rime was the conference call?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL_TIME ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3138393832303737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Find the names of people who graduated from Georgia College in 1977.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:SCHOOL Georgia College ] [SL:DATE_TIME 1977 ] ]", "slot_string": "44:59:SL:SCHOOL,63:67:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323331383732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to take the laundry out in 45 minutes", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO take the laundry out ] [SL:DATE_TIME in 45 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:33:SL:TODO,34:47:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231303231353236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "remove chira from the call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED chira ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} {"id": "39343735373437", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "how many timers did i set so far", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timers ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353335313532", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Read headlines for United States news.", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC United States ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "5:14:SL:NEWS_TYPE,19:32:SL:NEWS_TOPIC,33:37:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393934343035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Where is John from?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT John ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353538313336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Whats the weather like at 10 in the morning?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME at 10 in the morning ] ]", "slot_string": "23:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353536303238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "How are Charlie Gard's parents doing?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Charlie Gard's parents doing ] ]", "slot_string": "8:36:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3139393831303736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What music events are happening tomorrow in Syracuse", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT music ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] [SL:LOCATION Syracuse ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,32:40:SL:DATE_TIME,44:52:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343536353533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do you make a perfect omelet", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH omelet ] ]", "slot_string": "26:32:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363339313536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Update me the Victoria weather", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Victoria ] ]", "slot_string": "14:22:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343637323835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a timer for 3 PM", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] [SL:DATE_TIME for 3 PM ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:METHOD_TIMER,12:20:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353332343634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 10 am on Wednesday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 10 am on Wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "10:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393833313235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "What's happening in Wadsworth tomorrow evening", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Wadsworth ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow evening ] ]", "slot_string": "20:29:SL:LOCATION,30:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313535383134", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Help me remember to take my pills tonight.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO take my pills ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,20:33:SL:TODO,34:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333534353135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I need to call Dave", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Dave ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231343937333634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there a volleyball match over the weekend", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT volleyball match ] [SL:DATE_TIME over the weekend ] ]", "slot_string": "11:27:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,28:44:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393836313936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Does Miguel is still living in Arkansas", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Miguel ] [SL:LOCATION Arkansas ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT,31:39:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231333530343638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call Mitch again", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Mitch ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3133323738313833", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me some asian duck recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_TYPE asian ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH duck ] ]", "slot_string": "13:18:SL:RECIPES_TYPE,19:23:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39353636303732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Please set an alarm for 8am every day for the next two weeks, then not again for a month.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 8am every day ] [SL:DATE_TIME for the next two weeks ] ]", "slot_string": "20:37:SL:DATE_TIME,38:60:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232353832363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Has sorority group sent me anything", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP sorority ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] ]", "slot_string": "4:12:SL:GROUP,24:26:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39353135323335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How hot is it going to be at 3pm", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE hot ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 3pm ] ]", "slot_string": "4:7:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,26:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232343436343736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Has Gael messaged me today?", "target": "[IN:GET_MESSAGE [SL:CONTACT Gael ] [SL:RECIPIENT me ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:CONTACT,18:20:SL:RECIPIENT,21:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313534373438", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me one day before my haircut appointment", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:DATE_TIME one day before ] [SL:TODO my haircut appointment ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,10:24:SL:DATE_TIME,25:47:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231323839303130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message Tyson and ask him for directions to his office in Colleyville", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Tyson ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT directions to his office in Colleyville ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:RECIPIENT,30:69:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393930383436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME", "locale": "en", "input": "How long did Lu go to UofA?", "target": "[IN:GET_EDUCATION_TIME [SL:CONTACT Lu ] [SL:SCHOOL UofA ] ]", "slot_string": "13:15:SL:CONTACT,22:26:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231363337353632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SNOOZE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Stop alarm for 20 minutes", "target": "[IN:SNOOZE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 20 minutes ] ]", "slot_string": "11:25:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353736343932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "listen to maroon 5 Pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME maroon 5 ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME Pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "10:18:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,19:26:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3231323830393834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Message is everyone going to the club?", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:CONTENT_EXACT is everyone going to the club ] ]", "slot_string": "8:37:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3231343434303839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Call Antigua Cafe on Taraval St in SF", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Antigua Cafe on Taraval St in SF ] ]", "slot_string": "5:37:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343631353230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how long should i cook the steak to get it medium", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how long ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT steak ] [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE medium ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,27:32:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,43:49:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE"} {"id": "3231373236373331", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send it to Dexter Gurney", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Dexter Gurney ] ]", "slot_string": "11:24:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3134313630303137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is it above 10 in Celsius out there", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE above ] [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE 10 ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT Celsius ] [SL:LOCATION out there ] ]", "slot_string": "6:11:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,12:14:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,18:25:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT,26:35:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343630393935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How much milk do I need for eggs", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How much ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT milk ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT eggs ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:13:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,28:32:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "39343531393339", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "Homemade pizza recipes", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD Homemade ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH pizza ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,9:14:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3134313630323730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature dehli today fahrenheit", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION dehli ] [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT fahrenheit ] ]", "slot_string": "12:17:SL:LOCATION,18:23:SL:DATE_TIME,24:34:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3231363031393032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I need an alarm for 6am on Tuesday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6am on Tuesday ] ]", "slot_string": "16:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3139393831343037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Political Events Friday Night", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Political ] [SL:DATE_TIME Friday Night ] ]", "slot_string": "0:9:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,17:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3136343034383433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the countdown on the timer", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER countdown ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:METHOD_TIMER,28:33:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343935353031", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "music from the 60s", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] [SL:MUSIC_GENRE 60s ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,15:18:SL:MUSIC_GENRE"} {"id": "39353736383231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play me some rock music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE rock ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,18:23:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3138393739353135", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Find my friend that lives on Taraval street", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friend ] [SL:LOCATION Taraval street ] ]", "slot_string": "5:7:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,8:14:SL:TYPE_RELATION,29:43:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232323731333231", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "please use iheartradio for my music", "target": "[IN:SET_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME iheartradio ] ]", "slot_string": "11:22:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "3138393739393932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who do I know who lives in Charolette", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:LOCATION Charolette ] ]", "slot_string": "7:8:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,27:37:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323736343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "ask julie if she can give me a ride to the airport on june 30th at 11 am", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT julie ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT she can give me a ride to the airport on june 30th at 11 am ] ]", "slot_string": "4:9:SL:RECIPIENT,13:72:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39343536383333", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many peppers go in beef pepper steak", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT peppers ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH beef pepper steak ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:16:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,23:40:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3139373634383038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is weather in El Dorado Hills", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION El Dorado Hills ] ]", "slot_string": "19:34:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353536373730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Share the weather forecast on Wednesday", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on Wednesday ] ]", "slot_string": "27:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313533363131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "reminder me to pick up my son from practice on Tuesday at 6", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up my son from practice ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Tuesday at 6 ] ]", "slot_string": "9:11:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,15:43:SL:TODO,44:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373233373830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "video message Kendra", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Kendra ] ]", "slot_string": "0:5:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,14:20:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232353832393632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send a vide message to the bff chat", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP bff ] ]", "slot_string": "27:30:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3135323935393831", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you give me details around the passing of the immigration bill", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE details ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC passing of the immigration bill ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE,35:66:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231363335383533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set an alarm for tomorrow at 8am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow at 8am ] ]", "slot_string": "13:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3230393939343436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "get me the Wednesday weather report for half moon bay", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME Wednesday ] [SL:LOCATION half moon bay ] ]", "slot_string": "11:20:SL:DATE_TIME,40:53:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39353739383034", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it snow before 8am?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE snow ] [SL:DATE_TIME before 8am ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,13:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133323734383634", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what ingredients are in a filipino pork adobo", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH filipino pork adobo ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,26:45:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231333534353036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Jackson Miranda now", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Jackson Miranda ] ]", "slot_string": "5:20:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3133323738353238", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is in falafel", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH falafel ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343836323336", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "10 minutes on the timer please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 10 minutes ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "0:10:SL:DATE_TIME,18:23:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39343534393534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how do you roast asparagus", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD roast ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT asparagus ] ]", "slot_string": "11:16:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,17:26:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3231363431323832", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it be raining at 4 pm", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE raining ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 4 pm ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,19:26:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353230353039", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for 6:00 pm tonight", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 6:00 pm tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "10:29:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232323830393431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play me some Chopin.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Chopin ] ]", "slot_string": "13:19:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231373330353332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "WhatsApp call to George", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:NAME_APP WhatsApp ] [SL:CONTACT George ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:NAME_APP,17:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231323337343030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Set a reminder for 8 a.m. tomorrow.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:DATE_TIME for 8 a.m. tomorrow ] ]", "slot_string": "15:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231323335323131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need a reminder to work at 10: am next Saturday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO work ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 10: am next Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "0:1:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:25:SL:TODO,26:49:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3132383135363638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is there rain in todays forecast", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME in todays ] ]", "slot_string": "9:13:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,14:23:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353539373433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:QUESTION_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "How many people were injured during the Charlottesville rally?", "target": "[IN:QUESTION_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TOPIC people were injured during the Charlottesville rally ] ]", "slot_string": "9:61:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231313436303032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "I need a reminder to put my work times that I write in Central Time to change to Pacific Time", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED I ] [SL:TODO put my work times that I write in Central Time to change to Pacific Time ] ]", "slot_string": "0:1:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,21:93:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3231353939393637", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Wake me up every Monday and Tuesday at 5am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME every Monday and Tuesday at 5am ] ]", "slot_string": "11:42:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343630303732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what are the ingredients in chicken noodle soup", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken noodle soup ] ]", "slot_string": "13:24:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,28:47:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "39343532373739", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how many eggs are needed to make crepe", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE how many ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT eggs ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH crepe ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:13:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,33:38:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231373131363036", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "I'd like to call Mason Malik Morrow", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Mason Malik Morrow ] ]", "slot_string": "17:35:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3135323931303834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what are the top headlines this week", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_REFERENCE top ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE headlines ] [SL:DATE_TIME this week ] ]", "slot_string": "13:16:SL:NEWS_REFERENCE,17:26:SL:NEWS_TYPE,27:36:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333431363138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you ring Cade", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Cade ] ]", "slot_string": "13:17:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3138393830363037", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I know anyone who lives in florida?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:LOCATION florida ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,30:37:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3138393738333234", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Do I have friends in Mississippi?", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:LOCATION Mississippi ] ]", "slot_string": "3:4:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,10:17:SL:TYPE_RELATION,21:32:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "39343532323430", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How many calories are in a slice of cherry pie", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How many ] [SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION calories ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH cherry pie ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,9:17:SL:RECIPES_UNIT_NUTRITION,36:46:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3136333731353236", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me the latest news", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:DATE_TIME,19:23:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3232313730393237", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "Can you please record video message for Brunilda Funderburg", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] [SL:RECIPIENT Brunilda Funderburg ] ]", "slot_string": "22:27:SL:TYPE_CONTENT,40:59:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "39353536383337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play music on the speaker", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "5:10:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231373233363834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "can I message a video message", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "16:21:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "39353635383534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Set alarm for work", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME work ] ]", "slot_string": "14:18:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "39343539343138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How do I make Marinara sauce", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH Marinara sauce ] ]", "slot_string": "14:28:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231353537303839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Whats the weather going to do on Saturday?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "30:41:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231313433343332", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Remind me to move my car across the street tomorrow morning.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO move my car across the street ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:42:SL:TODO,43:59:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363338303235", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Will it rain on Saturday afternoon", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE rain ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Saturday afternoon ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,13:34:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343634323535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is bulletproof coffee", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH bulletproof coffee ] ]", "slot_string": "8:26:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231323735343337", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message dave to pickup my prescription", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT dave ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT pickup my prescription ] ]", "slot_string": "8:12:SL:RECIPIENT,16:38:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393833343436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to know who works for Sonic", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED I ] [SL:EMPLOYER Sonic ] ]", "slot_string": "0:1:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,29:34:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "3232353833303538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send the close buddy thread text", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:GROUP close buddy ] ]", "slot_string": "9:20:SL:GROUP"} {"id": "3232323831363531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play some Kenny Chesney", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Kenny Chesney ] ]", "slot_string": "10:23:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231363333343032", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "wake me up at 8 and 830 tomorrow morning", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 8 and 830 tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "11:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353138313137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "will it be raining when I arrive at 6pm", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE raining ] [SL:DATE_TIME at 6pm ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,33:39:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231363030333531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "Give me an alarm to get dressed", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:ALARM_NAME get dressed ] ]", "slot_string": "20:31:SL:ALARM_NAME"} {"id": "3231373233353730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "respond to Camilla with a video", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Camilla ] [SL:TYPE_CONTENT video ] ]", "slot_string": "11:18:SL:RECIPIENT,26:31:SL:TYPE_CONTENT"} {"id": "3231353538313830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the weather going to be at 4pm?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME at 4pm ] ]", "slot_string": "31:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373236373138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "send it to Sabina Boster", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT Sabina Boster ] ]", "slot_string": "11:24:SL:RECIPIENT"} {"id": "3232323830363737", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play the musician Lana Del Rey", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Lana Del Rey ] ]", "slot_string": "18:30:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME"} {"id": "3231323834303038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "message tim that the rock concert is in a week", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT tim ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT the rock concert is in a week ] ]", "slot_string": "8:11:SL:RECIPIENT,17:46:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "39353235353839", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the temperature outside", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353039343533", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "lowest temperature today", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "19:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393734373536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me Katie's friends.", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED Katie ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] ]", "slot_string": "8:13:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,16:23:SL:TYPE_RELATION"} {"id": "3134313539363834", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature dublin C", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION dublin ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT C ] ]", "slot_string": "12:18:SL:LOCATION,19:20:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3231373530323035", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Recommend some music events happening on Easter in Rota Island", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT music ] [SL:DATE_TIME on Easter ] [SL:LOCATION Rota Island ] ]", "slot_string": "15:20:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,38:47:SL:DATE_TIME,51:62:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353438393230", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to set an alarm for tomorrow morning.", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow morning ] ]", "slot_string": "23:43:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333435323538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_AVAILABILITY", "locale": "en", "input": "show who can talk", "target": "[IN:GET_AVAILABILITY ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "3231353232303334", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Sporting events happening tomorrow in Austin", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:CATEGORY_EVENT Sporting ] [SL:DATE_TIME tomorrow ] [SL:LOCATION Austin ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:CATEGORY_EVENT,26:34:SL:DATE_TIME,38:44:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3232313330363330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:UPDATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Have Kim taken off the group call", "target": "[IN:UPDATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT_REMOVED Kim ] ]", "slot_string": "5:8:SL:CONTACT_REMOVED"} {"id": "39353338303639", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "How cold does it get in Detroit ?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE cold ] [SL:LOCATION Detroit ] ]", "slot_string": "4:8:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,24:31:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3133343130383535", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "what are some ways to cook chicken in the crock pot", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD crock pot ] ]", "slot_string": "27:34:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT,42:51:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "3136303030323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "what's the latest news in my area", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME latest ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC my area ] ]", "slot_string": "11:17:SL:DATE_TIME,18:22:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:33:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "39353033333836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What are the updated news headlines?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news headlines ] ]", "slot_string": "21:35:SL:NEWS_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363032333935", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "can you start two timers please", "target": "[IN:CREATE_TIMER [SL:AMOUNT two ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timers ] ]", "slot_string": "14:17:SL:AMOUNT,18:24:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "39353831373730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "id like to hear some trap music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE trap ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "21:25:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,26:31:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39353133333937", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play all Garth Brook's music.", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME Garth Brook ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "9:20:SL:MUSIC_ARTIST_NAME,23:28:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "39343537393137", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How long should I cook baked chicken", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE How long ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD baked ] [SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT chicken ] ]", "slot_string": "0:8:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,23:28:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD,29:36:SL:RECIPES_INCLUDED_INGREDIENT"} {"id": "3138393833303534", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Who works at Wegmans", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:EMPLOYER Wegmans ] ]", "slot_string": "13:20:SL:EMPLOYER"} {"id": "39353535313738", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Whats the weather going to be like today near me?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] [SL:LOCATION me ] ]", "slot_string": "35:40:SL:DATE_TIME,46:48:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231323336393330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:DELETE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "Delete my reminder to buy milk.", "target": "[IN:DELETE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED my ] [SL:TODO buy milk ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,22:30:SL:TODO"} {"id": "3133343139333136", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How can I make potato chips in an air fryer", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH potato chips ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD air fryer ] ]", "slot_string": "15:27:SL:RECIPES_DISH,34:43:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "39353434353133", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Is the temperature going to do down in the 30's tonight?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "48:55:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343534353431", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "I need a blueberry Dutch baby recipe", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH blueberry Dutch baby ] ]", "slot_string": "9:29:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363431363038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play Tonight on pandora", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE Tonight ] [SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME pandora ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:MUSIC_ALBUM_TITLE,16:23:SL:MUSIC_PROVIDER_NAME"} {"id": "39353332333631", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:REPLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "repeat track 5", "target": "[IN:REPLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE track ] ]", "slot_string": "7:12:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231353537363335", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the weather like in Stourbridge West Midlands", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Stourbridge West Midlands ] ]", "slot_string": "27:52:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3139393838353030", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "Anything cool happening in Tampa tonight", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:LOCATION Tampa ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] ]", "slot_string": "27:32:SL:LOCATION,33:40:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39353735373038", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Play last track of the album", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE track ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE album ] ]", "slot_string": "10:15:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,23:28:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231333339353239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Start a call to Kayleigh", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Kayleigh ] ]", "slot_string": "16:24:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39343836383239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "how much time is left on this timer", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "30:35:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3138393934333732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me more about Will", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT Will ] ]", "slot_string": "19:23:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3231353539373131", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Tell me about the weather today.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME today ] ]", "slot_string": "26:31:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3133343138363730", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What ingredients are in chicken alfredo", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_DISH chicken alfredo ] ]", "slot_string": "5:16:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,24:39:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231333430373435", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call camille's mobile number", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT camille ] ]", "slot_string": "5:12:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353634373830", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "Who is singing backup in this song?", "target": "[IN:GET_TRACK_INFO_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE song ] ]", "slot_string": "30:34:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3231363734373538", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Ring Caroline", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Caroline ] ]", "slot_string": "5:13:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "39353736343433", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "please tell me how much time is left on my timer", "target": "[IN:GET_TIMER [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "43:48:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231363039303932", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "set an alarm for 1105", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME for 1105 ] ]", "slot_string": "13:21:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3134313630323836", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature next week f", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME next week ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT f ] ]", "slot_string": "12:21:SL:DATE_TIME,22:23:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "3231353232323432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "play the track Project Dreams", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_TYPE track ] [SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE Project Dreams ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:MUSIC_TYPE,15:29:SL:MUSIC_TRACK_TITLE"} {"id": "3132353534383531", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the best way to sift ingredients without a sifter", "target": "[IN:GET_INFO_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE ingredients ] [SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD sifter ] ]", "slot_string": "29:40:SL:RECIPES_ATTRIBUTE,51:57:SL:RECIPES_COOKING_METHOD"} {"id": "3134313539303632", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Temperature for Seattle tonight F", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION Seattle ] [SL:DATE_TIME tonight ] [SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT F ] ]", "slot_string": "16:23:SL:LOCATION,24:31:SL:DATE_TIME,32:33:SL:WEATHER_TEMPERATURE_UNIT"} {"id": "39353232383931", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What is the heat index for today?", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE heat index ] [SL:DATE_TIME for today ] ]", "slot_string": "12:22:SL:WEATHER_ATTRIBUTE,23:32:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231333936323735", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SEND_MESSAGE", "locale": "en", "input": "see if pauline wants to attend my thanksgiving get together", "target": "[IN:SEND_MESSAGE [SL:RECIPIENT pauline ] [SL:CONTENT_EXACT wants to attend my thanksgiving get together ] ]", "slot_string": "7:14:SL:RECIPIENT,15:59:SL:CONTENT_EXACT"} {"id": "3138393831333638", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "I am trying to find out of any of my friends graduated from SFSU", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:SCHOOL SFSU ] ]", "slot_string": "34:36:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,37:44:SL:TYPE_RELATION,60:64:SL:SCHOOL"} {"id": "3231323239333439", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_REMINDER", "locale": "en", "input": "remind me to pick up moms medication on monday", "target": "[IN:CREATE_REMINDER [SL:PERSON_REMINDED me ] [SL:TODO pick up moms medication ] [SL:DATE_TIME on monday ] ]", "slot_string": "7:9:SL:PERSON_REMINDED,13:36:SL:TODO,37:46:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3138393836323330", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_LOCATION", "locale": "en", "input": "Where is Randy's work?", "target": "[IN:GET_LOCATION [SL:CONTACT Randy ] ]", "slot_string": "9:14:SL:CONTACT"} {"id": "3132353830323436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "What's the temperature", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER ]", "slot_string": ""} {"id": "39353136353736", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "What is on the news about California wildfires?", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC California wildfires ] ]", "slot_string": "15:19:SL:NEWS_TYPE,26:46:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3231373538303138", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call Joseph two", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:CONTACT Joseph ] [SL:ORDINAL two ] ]", "slot_string": "5:11:SL:CONTACT,12:15:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3231363734393033", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "Did I miss any calls in the past hour?", "target": "[IN:GET_CALL [SL:DATE_TIME in the past hour ] ]", "slot_string": "21:37:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "39343730363732", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:PLAY_MUSIC", "locale": "en", "input": "I want to listen to Moroccan music", "target": "[IN:PLAY_MUSIC [SL:MUSIC_GENRE Moroccan ] [SL:MUSIC_TYPE music ] ]", "slot_string": "20:28:SL:MUSIC_GENRE,29:34:SL:MUSIC_TYPE"} {"id": "3136303030323239", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS", "locale": "en", "input": "Any recent news about Hilary Clinton", "target": "[IN:GET_STORIES_NEWS [SL:DATE_TIME recent ] [SL:NEWS_TYPE news ] [SL:NEWS_TOPIC Hilary Clinton ] ]", "slot_string": "4:10:SL:DATE_TIME,11:15:SL:NEWS_TYPE,22:36:SL:NEWS_TOPIC"} {"id": "3138383931353536", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "How can I make my own ice cream", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH ice cream ] ]", "slot_string": "22:31:SL:RECIPES_DISH"} {"id": "3231363338313539", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "tell me the weather in rome", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:LOCATION rome ] ]", "slot_string": "23:27:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3231353535333436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_ALARM", "locale": "en", "input": "please wake me up at 6am", "target": "[IN:CREATE_ALARM [SL:DATE_TIME at 6am ] ]", "slot_string": "18:24:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3232313136333731", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER", "locale": "en", "input": "subtract 30 seconds from my timer", "target": "[IN:SUBTRACT_TIME_TIMER [SL:DATE_TIME 30 seconds ] [SL:METHOD_TIMER timer ] ]", "slot_string": "9:19:SL:DATE_TIME,28:33:SL:METHOD_TIMER"} {"id": "3231373033393936", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_CONTACT", "locale": "en", "input": "show me all my friends birthdays that are on this Saturday", "target": "[IN:GET_CONTACT [SL:CONTACT_RELATED my ] [SL:TYPE_RELATION friends ] [SL:DATE_TIME on this Saturday ] ]", "slot_string": "12:14:SL:CONTACT_RELATED,15:22:SL:TYPE_RELATION,42:58:SL:DATE_TIME"} {"id": "3231373537393432", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:CREATE_CALL", "locale": "en", "input": "call the second one", "target": "[IN:CREATE_CALL [SL:ORDINAL second ] ]", "slot_string": "9:15:SL:ORDINAL"} {"id": "3232323232303835", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_EVENT", "locale": "en", "input": "get my events please", "target": "[IN:GET_EVENT [SL:USER_ATTENDEE_EVENT my ] ]", "slot_string": "4:6:SL:USER_ATTENDEE_EVENT"} {"id": "3231363339353130", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_WEATHER", "locale": "en", "input": "Forecast for tomorrow in Brisbane.", "target": "[IN:GET_WEATHER [SL:DATE_TIME for tomorrow ] [SL:LOCATION Brisbane ] ]", "slot_string": "9:21:SL:DATE_TIME,25:33:SL:LOCATION"} {"id": "3132363235373436", "split": "test", "intent": "IN:GET_RECIPES", "locale": "en", "input": "how do i make punch", "target": "[IN:GET_RECIPES [SL:RECIPES_DISH punch ] ]", "slot_string": "14:19:SL:RECIPES_DISH"}