<topics> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.1</num> |
<query>numerose macchie rosse sulle gambe dopo un viaggio negli Stati Uniti</query> |
<translation>numerous red spots on the legs after a trip to the US</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.2</num> |
<query>grumo con macchie di sangue sul naso</query> |
<translation>clot with blood stains on his nose</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.3</num> |
<query>piedi rossi secchi e squamosi nei bambini</query> |
<translation>red feet dry and scaly in children</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.4</num> |
<query>protuberanze pruriginose sulla cute</query> |
<translation>itchy bumps on the skin</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.5</num> |
<query>fischio e tosse durante il sonno + bambini</query> |
<translation>whistle and cough during sleep + children</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.6</num> |
<query>bambino produce fischio quando respira</query> |
<translation>child produces whistle when breathing</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.7</num> |
<query>sintomi della rosacea</query> |
<translation>symptoms of rosacea</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.8</num> |
<query>cornea opacizzata e problemi di vista</query> |
<translation>opaque cornea and vision problems</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.9</num> |
<query>occhi rossi pruriginosi</query> |
<translation>red itchy eyes</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.10</num> |
<query>morso a forma di cratere</query> |
<translation>bite-shaped crater</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.11</num> |
<query>macchie bianche in bocca</query> |
<translation>white patches in the mouth</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.12</num> |
<query>bambino con tosse secca e difficoltà a deglutire la saliva</query> |
<translation>child with dry cough and difficulty swallowing saliva</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.13</num> |
<query>pupilla opacizzata che causa problemi di vista</query> |
<translation>pupil opaque that causes vision problems</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.14</num> |
<query>lattante difficoltà di respirazione</query> |
<translation>infant breathing difficulty</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.15</num> |
<query>attacco d'asma</query> |
<translation>asthma attack</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.16</num> |
<query>macchie rosse di sangue sulle gambe</query> |
<translation>red spots of blood on the legs</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.17</num> |
<query>eruzioni squamose</query> |
<translation>scaly eruptions</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.18</num> |
<query>scarsa andatra ed equilibrio con tremolii </query> |
<translation>poor andatra and balance with jitter</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.19</num> |
<query>unghia dell'alluce contuso</query> |
<translation>bruised toenail</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.20</num> |
<query>difficoltà di movimento con involontario tremore della mano</query> |
<translation>movement difficulties with involuntary tremor of the hand </translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.21</num> |
<query>eruzioni cutanee pruriginose comuni</query> |
<translation>itchy rashes common</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.22</num> |
<query>densa secrezione gialla dell´occhio</query> |
<translation>dense secretion yellow eye</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.23</num> |
<query>occhi rossi insnguinati</query> |
<translation>red eye insnguinati</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.24</num> |
<query>gialla secrezione da un occhio pruriginoso</query> |
<translation>yellow secretion from an eye itchy</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.25</num> |
<query>eruzione cutanea rossa volto del bambino</query> |
<translation>red rash child's face</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.26</num> |
<query>protuberanze rosse pelle</query> |
<translation>red bumps skin</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.27</num> |
<query>rientro da un paese estero con strane macchie sulle gambe</query> |
<translation>return from a foreign country with strange spots on the legs</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.28</num> |
<query>pelle del bambino micosi</query> |
<translation>baby skin mycosis</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.29</num> |
<query>macchie rosse sulla pelle con vesciche e pus secco</query> |
<translation>red spots on the skin with blisters and pus dry</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.30</num> |
<query>strani rumori durante la respirazione</query> |
<translation>strange noises during breathing</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.31</num> |
<query>bambino con respirazione acuta</query> |
<translation>child with acute breathing</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.32</num> |
<query>pelle rossa irritata sul viso del bambino</query> |
<translation>irritated red skin on the face of the child</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.33</num> |
<query>Infezione bianca nella faringe</query> |
<translation>infection white pharynx</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.34</num> |
<query>problema con le carie</query> |
<translation>problem with cavities</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.35</num> |
<query>irritazione significativa con lenti a contatto</query> |
<translation>significant irritation with contact lenses</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.36</num> |
<query>occhi che tremano</query> |
<translation>eyes trembling</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.37</num> |
<query>pelle squamosa</query> |
<translation>scaly skin</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.38</num> |
<query>piedi rossi squamosi pruriginosi nei bambini</query> |
<translation>red scaly itchy feet in children</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.39</num> |
<query>eczema della pelle con vesciche e pus bianco</query> |
<translation>eczema skin with blisters and pus white</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.40</num> |
<query>macchie rosse sul viso del bambino</query> |
<translation>red spots on the face of the child</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.41</num> |
<query>occhio iride grande</query> |
<translation>big eye iris</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.42</num> |
<query>macchie emorragiche sotto la pelle</query> |
<translation>hemorrhagic spots under the skin</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.43</num> |
<query>grumi pruriginosi cute</query> |
<translation>itchy skin lumps</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.44</num> |
<query>unghia annerita</query> |
<translation>blackened fingernail</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.45</num> |
<query>sensazione di secchezza con irritazione</query> |
<translation>sensation of dryness or irritation</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.46</num> |
<query>tosse del bambino</query> |
<translation>coughing child</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.47</num> |
<query>carie</query> |
<translation>caries</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.48</num> |
<query>non riesco a fermare il movimento dei miei occhi malattia</query> |
<translation>I can not stop the movement of my eye disease</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.49</num> |
<query>bambino che respira sempre con la bocca chiusa</query> |
<translation>child who always breathe with your mouth closed</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.50</num> |
<query>puntino rosso volto di bambino</query> |
<translation>red dot baby face</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.51</num> |
<query>occhi vasi sanguigni rossi</query> |
<translation>eye ruptured blood vessels</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.52</num> |
<query>macchie bianche sulle gengive</query> |
<translation>white spots on the gums</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.53</num> |
<query>gambe gonfie</query> |
<translation>swollen legs</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.54</num> |
<query>grumi rossi sul naso</query> |
<translation>red lumps on the nose</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.55</num> |
<query>segno sulla pelle a forma di cratere </query> |
<translation>mark on the skin in the shape of crater</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.56</num> |
<query>camminare curvo</query> |
<translation>walking hunched</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.57</num> |
<query>lattante difficoltà a respirare e breve tosse con fischio </query> |
<translation>infant difficulty in breathing and coughing up short whistle</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.58</num> |
<query>39 gradi e varicella</query> |
<translation>39 degrees and varicella</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.59</num> |
<query>respirazione faticosa e acuta</query> |
<translation>labored breathing and acute<translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.60</num> |
<query>bambino punto bianco dell'iride</query> |
<translation>baby white point of the iris</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.61</num> |
<query>ematomi sotto le unghie</query> |
<translation>hematomas under nails</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.63</num> |
<query>croste sulla pelle</query> |
<translation>scabs on the skin</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.64</num> |
<query>movimenti oculari orizzontali rapidi involontari</query> |
<translation>horizontal eye movements involuntary rapid</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.65</num> |
<query>strane macchie scure sulla pelle</query> |
<translation>strange dark spots on the skin</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.66</num> |
<query>trattamento della tosse nei bambini</query> |
<translation>treatment of cough in children</translation> |
</top> |
<top> |
<num>clef2015.test.67</num> |
<query>dente nero</query> |
<translation>black tooth</translation> |
</top> |
</topics> |