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<prop type="description">Acquisition of bilingual data (from multilingual websites), normalization, cleaning, deduplication and identification of parallel documents have been done by ILSP-FC tool. Maligna aligner was used for alignment of segments. Merging/filtering of segment pairs has also been applied.</prop>
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<seg>The text was adopted by 395 votes in favour, 171 against with 128 abstentions.</seg>
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<seg>It-test ġie adottat b'395 vot favur, 171 kontra u 128 astensjoni.</seg>
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<seg>European information source to counter disinformation</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Sors ta' informazzjoni Ewropew għall-ġlieda kontra d-diżinformazzjoni</seg>
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<seg>Economic reform should include "recovery bonds", guaranteed by the EU budget</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Ir-riforma ekonomika għandha tinkludi "bonds ta' rkupru", iggarantiti mill-baġit tal-UE</seg>
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<seg>Furthermore, they highlight that the Polish government's decision to change the electoral code is unlawful and consider holding presidential elections in the middle of a pandemic to be totally incompatible with European values.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Barra minn hekk, huma jenfasizzaw li d-deċiżjoni tal-gvern Pollakk li tbiddel il-kodiċi elettorali hija illegali u jqisu li l-organizzazzjoni ta‘ elezzjonijiet presidenzjali f'nofs pandemija huma totalment inkompatibbli mal-valuri Ewropej.</seg>
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<seg>Common equipment, material and medicine stocks could be quickly mobilised to save lives.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Tagħmir, stokk ta' materjal u ta' mediċina komuni jista' jiġi mobilizzat malajr biex jiġu salvati l-ħajjiet.</seg>
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<seg>Call for EU Coronavirus Solidarity Fund of at least EUR 50 billion</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Sejħa għall-Fond ta' Solidarjetà tal-UE kontra l-Coronavajrus ta' mill-inqas EUR 50 biljun</seg>
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<seg>MEPs also call for a permanent European Unemployment Reinsurance Scheme and want to establish an EU Coronavirus Solidarity Fund of at least EUR 50 billion.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-MPE jappellaw ukoll għal Skema permanenti Ewropea ta' Riassigurazzjoni kontra l-qgħad u jixtiequ jistabbilixxu Fond ta' Solidarjetà kontra l-Coronavajrus tal-UE ta' mill-inqas EUR 50 biljun.</seg>
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<seg>© European Union 2020</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Ungerija, u Polonja</seg>
<tu tuid="9">
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<seg>It should not, however, involve the mutualisation of existing debt, but focus on future investment.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Madankollu, ma għandhiex tinvolvi l-mutwalizzazzjoni ta' dejn eżistenti, iżda tiffoka fuq l-investiment futur.</seg>
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<seg>MEPs also voice their support for increasing EU production of key products such as medicines, pharmaceutical ingredients, medical devices, equipment and materials, to be better prepared for future global shocks.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-MPE jesprimu wkoll l-appoġġ tagħhom għaż-żieda fil-produzzjoni ta' prodotti ewlenin fl-UE, bħal mediċini, ingredjenti farmaċewtiċi, tagħmir mediku, tagħmir u materjali, biex l-Ewropa tkun mħejjija aħjar għal xokkijiet globali futuri.</seg>
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<seg>Beyond what is already being done, Europe needs a massive recovery and reconstruction package to be financed by an increased long-term budget (MFF), existing EU funds and financial instruments, as well as "recovery bonds" guaranteed by the EU budget, MEPs say.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Lil hinn minn dak li diġà qed isir, l-Ewropa teħtieġ pakkett enormi ta' rkupru u ta' rikostruzzjoni li għandu jiġi ffinanzjat minn żieda fil-baġit fit-tul, fondi eżistenti tal-UE u strumenti finanzjarji, kif ukoll "bonds ta' rkupru" garantiti mill-baġit tal-UE, jgħidu l-MPE.</seg>
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<seg>Coordinated post-lockdown approach needed</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Approċċ koordinat għal wara l-konfinament</seg>
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<seg>Finally, the resolution stresses that disinformation about COVID-19 is a major public health problem.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Fl-aħħar nett, ir-riżoluzzjoni tenfasizza li d-diżinformazzjoni dwar il-COVID-19 hija problema kbira għas-saħħa pubblika.</seg>
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<seg>Joint European action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic is indispensable, the resolution states.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>L-azzjoni Ewropea konġunta għall-ġlieda kontra l-pandemija COVID-19 hija indispensabbli, tgħid ir-riżoluzzjoni.</seg>
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<seg>Stay home and put the music on. Find inspiration on our Spotify →</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Skopri x'qed jagħmlu l-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej biex itaffu l-impatt tat-tifqigħa tal-COVID-19, jipproteġu lin-nies u l-ekonomija u jippromwovu s-solidarjetà.</seg>
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<seg>See also:</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Ara wkoll:</seg>
<tu tuid="17">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7291666666666666</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Discover the European Parliament's work on roaming, net neutrality, innovation, e-commerce, geo-blocking.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Skopri l-ħidma tal-Parlament Ewropew fuq ir-roaming, in-newtralità tal-internet, l-innovazzjoni, il-kummerċ elettroniku, l-imblukkar ġeografiku.</seg>
<tu tuid="18">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7870967741935484</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Find out the latest news on the EU-coordinated response to the coronavirus outbreak and the European Parliament's actions.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Aġġorna ruħek dwar l-aħħar żviluppi fir-rispons ikkoordinat tal-UE fil-ġlieda kontra t-tifqigħa tal-Coronavirus u dwar l-azzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew.</seg>
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<seg>How is Europe creating a digital single market?</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>X'inhu l-baġit fit-tul tal-UE?</seg>
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<seg>Press Releases</seg>
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<seg>In Friday's extraordinary plenary session, the European Parliament endorsed the "Corona Response Investment Initiative Plus" (CRII+) package proposed by the European Commission on 2 April by means of an urgency procedure.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Fis-sessjoni plenarja straordinarja tal-Ġimgħa, il-Parlament Ewropew approva l-pakkett "Corona Response Investment Iniative Plus" (CRII+) propost mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea fit-2 ta' April permezz ta' proċedura ta' urġenza.</seg>
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<seg>Exceptionally, it will be possible to fully finance cohesion policy programmes related to COVID-19 through 100% EU funding during the accounting year starting on 1 July 2020 and ending on 30 June 2021.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>B'mod eċċezzjonali, se jkun possibbli li jiġu ffinanzjati b'mod sħiħ il-programmi tal-politika ta' koeżjoni relatati mal-COVID-19 permezz ta' finanzjament ta' 100 % mill-UE matul is-sena kontabilistika 2020-2021.</seg>
<tu tuid="23">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The approved proposals are:</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-proposti approvati huma:</seg>
<tu tuid="24">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0987654320987654</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The amended proposal was adopted with 671 votes in favour, 10 against and 15 abstentions.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-proposta emendata ġiet adottata b'671 vot favur, 10 kontra u 15-il astensjoni.</seg>
<tu tuid="25">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0875</prop>
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<seg>The amended proposal was adopted with 686 votes in favour, 7 against and 3 abstentions.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-proposta emendata ġiet adottata b'686 vot favur, 7 kontra u 3 astensjonijiet.</seg>
<tu tuid="26">
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<seg>MEPs adopted additional measures so that EU funding can be granted immediately and with exceptional flexibility to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-MPE adottaw miżuri addizzjonali sabiex il-finanzjament tal-UE jkun jista' jingħata immedjatament u b'flessibbiltà eċċezzjonali fil-ġlieda kontra l-pandemija tal-COVID-19.</seg>
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<seg>Enhanced support to EU fishers, aquaculture farmers and agri-food producers</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Appoġġ imsaħħaħ għas-sajjieda tal-UE, il-bdiewa tal-akkwakultura u l-produtturi agroalimentari</seg>
<tu tuid="28">
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<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Maximum flexibility to channel EU structural funds not yet used to fight impact of COVID-19 on citizens</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Flessibbiltà massima biex il-fondi strutturali tal-UE li ma ntużawx jintużaw biex jiġi miġġieled l-impatt tas-COVID-19 fuq iċ-ċittadini</seg>
<tu tuid="29">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8703703703703703</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>New rules will allow farmers to benefit from loans or guarantees at favourable conditions to cover their operational costs of up to €200.000.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Regoli ġodda se jippermettu lill-bdiewa li jibbenefikaw minn self jew garanziji b'kundizzjonijiet favorevoli biex ikopru l-ispejjeż operattivi tagħhom sa EUR 200.</seg>
<tu tuid="30">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9566666666666667</prop>
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<seg>The adopted measures will allow member states to transfer resources between the three main cohesion funds (the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund), between the different categories of regions and between the funds' specific priority areas.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-miżuri adottati se jippermettu lill-Istati Membri jittrasferixxu r-riżorsi bejn it-tliet fondi ta' koeżjoni ewlenin (il-Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali, il-Fond Soċjali Ewropew u l-Fond ta' Koeżjoni), bejn il-kategoriji differenti ta' reġjuni u bejn l-oqsma prijoritarji speċifiċi tal-fondi.</seg>
<tu tuid="31">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8284883720930233</prop>
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<seg>Measures include supporting fishers that have to temporarily stop operating, financial aid for aquaculture producers when production is suspended or reduced, support to producer organisations for temporary storage, as well as a more flexible reallocation of national operational funds.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-miżuri jinkludu appoġġ għas-sajjieda li għandhom jieqfu joperaw temporanjament, l-għajnuna finanzjarja għall-produtturi tal-akkwakultura meta l-produzzjoni tiġi sospiża jew imnaqqsa, l-appoġġ għall-organizzazzjonijiet tal-produtturi għall-ħżin temporanju, kif ukoll allokazzjoni mill-ġdid aktar flessibbli tal-fondi operazzjonali nazzjonali.</seg>
<tu tuid="32">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8235294117647058</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>new treatments</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>trattamenti ġodda</seg>
<tu tuid="33">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7241379310344828</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>EU research funds to fight the coronavirus</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Fondi ta' riċerka tal-UE għall-ġlieda kontra l-coronavirus</seg>
<tu tuid="34">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9612903225806452</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The European Commission has allocated €48.5 million tor 18 research projects within Horizon 2020 , the EU's framework programme for funding research.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea allokat €48.5 miljun għal 18-il proġett ta' riċerka fi ħdan Orizzont 2020 , il-programm qafas tal-UE għall-finanzjament tar-riċerka.</seg>
<tu tuid="35">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.021505376344086</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>It falls within the framework of the Innovative Medicines Initiative , a public-private partnership between the EU and the pharmaceutical industry, which is also funded through Horizon 2020.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Din taqa' fil-qafas tal-Inizjattiva dwar Mediċini Innovattivi (IMI) - sħubija pubblika-privata bejn l-UE u l-industrija farmaċewtika, li hija ffinanzjata wkoll permezz ta' Orizzont 2020.</seg>
<tu tuid="36">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0566037735849056</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>A €90 million total investment is expected: up to half coming from the EU budget and the rest from the industry.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Huwa mistenni investiment totali ta' €90 miljun: b'nofsu jiġi mill-baġit tal-UE u l-bqija mill-industrija.</seg>
<tu tuid="37">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9479166666666666</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>On 16 March, the Commission provided financial support to the tune of €80 million to CureVac , an innovative vaccine developer in Germany, to support work on the coronavirus vaccine.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Fis-16 ta' Marzu, il-KE pprovdiet appoġġ finanzjarju li jammonta għal €80 miljun lil CureVac , żviluppatur innovattiv tal-vaċċin il-Ġermanja, biex tappoġġa ħidma fuq il-vaċċin tal-coronavirus.</seg>
<tu tuid="38">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8528428093645485</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The EU is also supporting start-ups and small firms in developing technology that could be helpful in tackling the outbreak, including EpiShuttle , a project for specialised isolation units, and m-Tap , air filtration technology to remove viral particles.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>L-UE qed tappoġġa wkoll in-negozji ġodda u l-SMEs fl-iżvilupp ta' innovazzjonijiet li jistgħu jkunu ta' għajnuna fl-indirizzar tat-tifqigħa, inkluż proġett għal unitajiet speċjalizzati ta' iżolament - EpiShuttle - u teknoloġija ta' filtrazzjoni tal-arja biex jitneħħew il-partiċelli virali - m-TAP .</seg>
<tu tuid="39">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.41935483870967744</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Find out more</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Nindirizzaw it-tifqigħa attwali</seg>
<tu tuid="40">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.391304347826087</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>EU funding for Covid-19 research</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Programmi diġà fis-seħħ</seg>
<tu tuid="41">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.2769230769230768</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The measures will make up to €800 million available for European countries in 2020.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-miżuri ser iwasslu 800 miljun euro lill-istati membri fl-2020.</seg>
<tu tuid="42">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8080808080808081</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>COVID-19: final vote in EP plenary to approve crucial EU support measures - © EP</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>COVID-19: il-vot finali fil-plenarja tal-PE biex jiġu approvati l-miżuri kruċjali tal-UE ta' appoġġ</seg>
<tu tuid="43">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.6944444444444444</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Temporarily suspending EU rules on airport slots .</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Is-sospensjoni temporanja tar-regoli tal-UE dwar is-slots fl-ajruporti .</seg>
<tu tuid="44">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0886075949367089</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The proposal was adopted with 686 votes in favour, no votes against and 2 abstentions.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-proposta ġiet adottata b' 686 vot favur, ebda vot kontra u 2 astensjonijiet.</seg>
<tu tuid="45">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0972222222222223</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The proposal was adopted with 683 votes in favour, 1 against and 4 abstentions.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-proposta ġiet adottata b' 683 vot favur, 1 kontra u 4 astensjonijiet.</seg>
<tu tuid="46">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9571428571428572</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The funds will be directed towards healthcare systems, SMEs, labour markets and other vulnerable parts of EU member states' economies.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-fondi ser jingħataw lis-servizzi tal-kura tas-saħħa, l-SMEs, is-suq tal-impjiegi u partijiet vulnerabbli tal-ekonomiji tal-istati membri.</seg>
<tu tuid="47">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.1267605633802817</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The proposal was adopted with 671 votes in favour, 3 against and 14 abstentions.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-proposta ġiet adottata b' 671vot favur, 3 kontra u 14-il astensjoni.</seg>
<tu tuid="48">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.2976190476190477</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The 'use it or lose it' rule will be waived for the whole summer season, from 29 March until 24 October 2020.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Din is-sospensjoni tibda tapplika fid-29 ta' Marzu u tintemm fl-24 ta' Ottubru 2020.</seg>
<tu tuid="49">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.1785714285714286</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>As part of the EU's joint response to the COVID-19 outbreak, MEPs almost unanimously adopted three urgent proposals in an extraordinary plenary session, on Thursday.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Bħala parti mir-reazzjoni konġunta tal-UE għall-COVID-19, il-MPE adottaw tliet proposti urġenti fis-sessjoni plenarja straordinarja l-Ħamis.</seg>
<tu tuid="50">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.6935483870967742</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The Corona Response Investment Initiative .</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>L- Inizjattiva ta' Investiment fir-Rispons għall-Coronavirus .</seg>
<tu tuid="51">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.985981308411215</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Operations eligible under the Fund will be extended to include support in a major public health emergency, including medical assistance, as well as measures to prevent, monitor or control the spread of diseases.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>L-operazzjonijiet eliġibbli ser jiġu estiżi biex ikopru l-appoġġ f'emmerġenza maġġuri tas-saħħa pubblika, inkluż l-għajnuna medika, kif ukoll miżuri biex tiġi mwaqqfa, monitorata jew ikkontrollata l-firxa tal-mard.</seg>
<tu tuid="52">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7894736842105263</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The extension of the EU Solidarity Fund to cover public health emergencies.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>L- estensjoni tal-Fond ta' Solidarjeta tal-UE biex ikunu koperti emmerġenzi tas-saħħa pubblika.</seg>
<tu tuid="53">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8823529411764706</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Parliament takes urgent action</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-Parlament jieħu azzjoni urġenti</seg>
<tu tuid="54">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9557522123893806</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The Commission calculates that the €8 billion could be supplemented by about €29 billion in EU co-financing.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-Kummissjoni tikkalkula li t-€8 biljun jistgħu jiġu supplimentati b'madwar €29 biljun f'kofinanzjament mill-UE.</seg>
<tu tuid="55">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8994413407821229</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>French GUE/NGL member Younous Omarjee , the chair of Parliament's regional development committe, said upon receipt of the proposal on 17 March: "We must respond as urgently as possible, by channelling all means available under the cohesion policy, to mitigate the catastrophic situation caused by the coronavirus epidemic.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Wara li rċieva l-proposta , il-President tal-Kumitat għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali tal-Parlament Younous Omarjee (GUE/NGL, FR) fis-17 ta' Marzu qal: "Irridu nirrispondu b'mod kemm jista' jkun malajr, billi niddirezzjonaw il-mezzi kollha disponibbli taħt il-politika ta' koeżjoni, sabiex tittaffa s-sitwazzjoni katastrofika kkawżata mill-epidemija tal-coronavirus.</seg>
<tu tuid="56">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7936507936507936</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The Commission proposal was published on 13 March.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-proposta tal-Kummissjoni ġiet ippubblikata fit-13 ta' Marzu.</seg>
<tu tuid="57">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9624060150375939</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The €8 billion will have to be returned at the closure of the programmes under the 2014-2020 budget, which might be around 2025.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>It-€8 biljun se jkollhom jiġu rritornati fl-għeluq tal-programmi taħt il-baġit 2014-2020, li jista' jkun bejn wieħed u ieħor fl-2025.</seg>
<tu tuid="58">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.031055900621118</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>MEPs voted in favour of making €37 billion from EU structural funds available to EU countries to tackle the coronavirus crisis during the plenary session on 26 March.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Fis-26 ta' Marzu, il-Membri tal-PE approvaw li €37 biljun mill-Fondi Strutturali jsiru disponibbli għall-Istati Membri biex jindirizzaw il-kriżi tal-coronavirus.</seg>
<tu tuid="59">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.975</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The urgency procedure allows for a plenary vote without a report or with an oral report by the responsible committee.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-proċedura urġenti tippermetti votazzjoni fil-plenarja mingħajr rapport jew b'rapport orali mill-kumitat responsabbli.</seg>
<tu tuid="60">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.5416666666666666</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Find out more</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Għal aktar informazzjoni</seg>
<tu tuid="61">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.91015625</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>During the plenary session on 26 March , MEPs also approved other measures to tackle the coronavirus crisis, including a proposal to allow member states to request support from the EU Solidarity Fund in case of public health crises .</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Fis-sessjoni plenarja, il-Parlament se jivvota wkoll dwar miżuri oħra biex tiġi indirizzata l-kriżi tal-coronavirus, inkluża proposta li tippermetti lill-Istati Membri jitolbu appoġġ mill-Fond ta' Solidarjetà tal-UE f'każ ta' kriżijiet tas-saħħa pubblika .</seg>
<tu tuid="62">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9627329192546584</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The share of the costs covered by the EU budget varies: if a project concerns a less developed region, the EU contribution reaches 85% of the total amount.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Is-sehem tal-ispejjeż koperti mill-baġit tal-UE jvarja - jekk proġett jikkonċerna reġjun inqas żviluppat, il-kontribuzzjoni tal-UE tilħaq 85 % tal-ammont totali.</seg>
<tu tuid="63">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8787878787878788</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>EP Regional Development Committee Chair, Younous Omarjee (GUE/NGL, FR) said: "Europe must show solidarity right now.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-President tal-kumitat dwar l-iżvilupp reġjonali, Younous Omarjee (GUE/NGL, FR) qal: "L-Ewropa trid turi s-solidarjeta issa stess.</seg>
<tu tuid="64">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.47058823529411764</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-passi li jmiss</seg>
<tu tuid="65">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7326732673267327</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>EP mobilised to channel EU funds to those affected by Coronavirus pandemic</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-PE lest biex jiddirieġi l-fondi tal-UE lejn dawk l-aktar affettwati mill-pandemija tal-Coronavirus</seg>
<tu tuid="66">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.005813953488372</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The Regional Development Committee is ready to find the most efficient way possible to allow the Corona Response Investment Initiative to be adopted and swiftly implemented.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-kumitat dwar l-iżvilupp reġjonali huwa lest isib l-aktar mod effettiv biex l-Inizjattiva ta' Investiment b'Rispons għall-Coronavirus tiġi adottata u implimentata malajr.</seg>
<tu tuid="67">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.6842105263157895</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Find out more</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Aktar informazzjoni</seg>
<tu tuid="68">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9673202614379085</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Under the changes agreed by Parliament, EU countries will be able to request 100% co-financing from the EU budget for the accounting year 2020-2021.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Skont il-bidliet maqbula mill-Parlament, l-Istati Membri se jkunu jistgħu jitolbu kofinanzjament 100 % mill-baġit tal-UE għas-sena finanzjarja 2020-2021.</seg>
<tu tuid="69">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.4226190476190476</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The EU contribution to the fund for 2014-2020 is more than€3.8 billion.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-kontribuzzjoni tal-UE għall-FEAD għas-snin 2014-2020 tilħaq aktar minn EUR 3.8 biljun L-Istati Membri jikkofinanzjaw tal-anqas 15% tal-ispejjeż tal-programmi tagħhom</seg>
<tu tuid="70">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7907949790794979</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>It provides essentials for those in need, food and basic items such as clothes, shoes and toiletries, but also promotes social inclusion through psychological support, language courses etc.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-fond mhux biss jipprovdi affarijiet essenzjali għal min ikun fil-bżonn, ikel u oġġetti bażiċi bħal ħwejjeġ, żraben u prodotti iġjeniċi, iżda wkoll jippromwovi l-inklużjoni soċjali permezz ta' appoġġ psikoloġiku, korsijiet tal-lingwa eċċ</seg>
<tu tuid="71">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.784</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>National authorities will be able to adjust their aid schemes to reduce the risk of contamination.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>L-awtoritajiet nazzjonali se jkunu jistgħu jaġġustaw l-iskemi ta' għajnuna tagħhom biex inaqqsu r-riskju ta' kontaminazzjoni.</seg>
<tu tuid="72">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8024691358024691</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The fund was created in 2014 to help alleviate the worst forms of poverty in the EU: food deprivation, child poverty, homelessness</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-fond inħoloq fl-2014 biex itaffi l-agħar forom ta' faqar fl-UE: il-faqar fost it-tfal, u nies li jbatu l-privazzjoni tal-ikel jew ma jkollhomx saqaf fuq rashom</seg>
<tu tuid="73">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7325227963525835</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>To better protect people at risk of poverty or social exclusion and to ensure continuity of support at a time of social distancing, Parliament approved changes to the rules for the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived on 17 April 2020.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Biex jipproteġi aħjar il-persuni fir-riskju tal-faqar u l-esklużjoni soċjali, li jiddependu fuq ħaddieħor għall-għajnuna, u biex jiżgura li dan is-sostenn jibqa' jingħata fi żmien ta' tbegħid soċjali, il-Parlament approva bidliet fir-regoli għall- Fond għal Għajnuna Ewropea għall-Persuni l-Aktar fil-Bżonn fis-17 ta' April 2020.</seg>
<tu tuid="74">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8209876543209876</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Assistance is provided through partner organisations and can be adapted to local needs, so EU countries can set their own priorities.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>L-assistenza mill-FEAD tgħaddi minn organizzazzjonijiet sħab u tadatta ruħha għall-ħtiġijiet lokali, hekk li l-Istati Membri jiddefinixxu l-prijoritajiet tagħhom.</seg>
<tu tuid="75">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.6666666666666666</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Covid-19: solidarity among EU neighbours</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-MPE jappellaw għas-solidarjetà bejn l-istati membri ta-UE</seg>
<tu tuid="76">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.3788819875776397</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>While France has donated masks and Germany has delivered medical equipment to Italy, Luxembourg has been taking in intensive care patients from France and the Czech Republic has donated protective suits to Italy and Spain.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-Provvisti mediċi meħtieġa, bħal kittijiet tal-ittestjar, maskri u magni respiratorji għandhom jiġu prodotti fl-UE u jsiru disponibbli fl-Istati Membri kollha.</seg>
<tu tuid="77">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.125</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<tu tuid="78">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.03</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Additional measures were adopted by Parliament during the extraordinary plenary session on 16-17 April:</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-Parlament adotta miżuri addizzjonali fis-sessjoni plenarja straordinarja tas-16 u s-17 ta' April:</seg>
<tu tuid="79">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.4210526315789473</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Location: Belgium, Brussels</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Ungerija, u Polonja</seg>
<tu tuid="80">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7435897435897436</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Vote results for the package:</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Riżultati tal-votazzjoni għall-pakkett:</seg>
<tu tuid="81">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8743169398907104</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>A total of €3.08 billion from the EU budget will be channelled mainly through the Emergency Support Instrument (€2.7 billion) and through rescEU (€380 million).</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Total ta' EUR 3.08 biljun mill-baġit tal-UE se jiġu indirizzati primarjament permezz tal-Istrument għall-Appoġġ ta' Emerġenza ( EUR 2.7 biljun) u permezz tar- rescEU (EUR 380 miljun).</seg>
<tu tuid="82">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8554216867469879</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>All migrants arriving in the hotspots undergo a mandatory health check.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-migranti kollha li jaslu fil-hotspots isirilhom kontroll tas-saħħa obbligatorju.</seg>
<tu tuid="83">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9219858156028369</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Platform operators active in the EU who become aware of illegal activity taking place on their websites are obliged to intervene .</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>L-operaturi ta' pjattaformi attivi fl-UE li jsiru konxji minn attività illegali li sseħħ fis-siti web tagħhom huma obbligati li jintervjenu .</seg>
<tu tuid="84">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9615384615384616</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The 165 000 current Erasmus+ exchange students and 5000 EU volunteers need reassurance that they will be reimbursed and retain their status, MEPs say.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-165 000 student attwali tal-Erasmus + u l-5000 voluntier tal-UE jeħtieġu riassigurazzjoni li se jiġu rimborżati u jżommu l-istatus tagħhom, jgħidu l-MPE.</seg>
<tu tuid="85">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9402985074626866</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The Commission has proposed an additional budget of €350 million for the construction of new camps on the mainland in Greece and new apartments, which will require approval from Parliament.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-Kummissjoni pproponiet baġit addizzjonali ta' EUR 350 miljun għall-kostruzzjoni ta' kampijiet ġodda fil-Greċja kontinentali, u ta' appartamenti ġodda, u dan jirrikjedi l-approvazzjoni tal-Parlament.</seg>
<tu tuid="86">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0956521739130434</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Migrants who arrived on the island of Lesbos waiting to board a Greek navy ship in Mytilene ©Costas Baltas/Reuters/Adobe Stock</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-Membri jitolbu solidarjetà, miżuri kontra COVID19 fil-kampijiet tar-rifuġjati ©Costas Baltas/Reuters/Adobe Stock</seg>
<tu tuid="87">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.96875</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Where does the money come from?</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Min xiex għandek toqgħod attent?</seg>
<tu tuid="88">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.925</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>While France has donated masks and Germany has delivered medical equipment to Italy, Luxembourg has been taking in intensive care patients from France and the Czech Republic has donated protective suits to Italy and Spain.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Filwaqt li Franza tat b'donazzjoni maskri u l-Ġermanja pprovdiet tagħmir mediku lill-Italja, il-Lussemburgu kien qed jieħu pazjenti taħt kura intensiva minn Franza, mentri r-Repubblika Ċeka offriet ilbies protettiv lill-Italja u lil Spanja.</seg>
<tu tuid="89">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.95</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>station in Beijing.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Familja u mistednin.</seg>
<tu tuid="90">
<prop type="lengthRatio">2.35</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>After receiving a health check, 1,600 unaccompanied minors currently staying in the hotspots on the islands will be relocated to other EU countries:, namelyGermany, France, Portugal, Finland, Lithuania, Croatia, Ireland and Luxembourg.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-Ġermanja, Franza, il-Portugall, il-Finlandja, il-Litwanja, il-Kroazja, l-Irlanda u l-Lussemburgu.</seg>
<tu tuid="91">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.4193548387096775</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Photo credits: © Maria Sbytova / AdobeStock.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>©Aliaksei Smalenski/Adobe Stock</seg>
<tu tuid="92">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.1481481481481481</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Slowing the spread of the virus</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Innaqqsu t-tixrid tal-virus</seg>
<tu tuid="93">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9371069182389937</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>"The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is an exceptional and global challenge for all of us, and puts our health systems and businesses under pressure.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>"Il-pandemija tal-Coronavirus (COVID-19) hija sfida eċċezzjonali u globali għalina lkoll, u titfa' s-sistemi tas-saħħa u n-negozji tagħna taħt pressjoni kbira.</seg>
<tu tuid="94">
<prop type="lengthRatio">4.444444444444445</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Covid-19: solidarity among EU neighbours</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<tu tuid="95">
<prop type="lengthRatio">3.6842105263157894</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>State of rule of law and democracy in COVID-19 Europe: Hungary, Poland</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Ungerija, u Polonja</seg>
<tu tuid="96">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8571428571428571</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Ramping up production capacity</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Tiżdied il-kapaċità ta' produzzjoni</seg>
<tu tuid="97">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>28 February 2020</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>3 ta' April 2020</seg>
<tu tuid="98">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.782608695652174</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Coronavirus: a timeline of EU action</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-Coronavirus: kronoloġija tal-azzjoni tal-UE</seg>
<tu tuid="99">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9277777777777778</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>A panel of seven epidemiologists and virologists from different member states formulates science-based EU response guidelines and coordinates risk management measures.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Panel ta' seba' epidemjologi u virologi minn Stati Membri differenti fformulaw linji gwida għar-rispons tal-UE bbażati fuq ix-xjenza u kkoordinaw il-miżuri ta' ġestjoni tar-riskju.</seg>
<tu tuid="100">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>European harmonised standards for medical supplies (such as facemasks, protective clothing, respiratory protective devices) are made freely available to facilitate increased production.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>L-istandards Ewropej armonizzati għall-provvisti mediċi (maskri, ilbies protettiv, apparati respiratorji protettivi, ...) saru disponibbli b'xejn biex tiġi faċilitata produzzjoni akbar.</seg>
<tu tuid="101">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8679245283018868</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>New requirements for medical devices postponed</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Posponiment ta' rekwiżiti ġodda għall-apparati mediċi</seg>
<tu tuid="102">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9142857142857143</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The EU is creating a strategic stockpile of ventilators, reusable masks, laboratory supplies and therapeutics ("rescEU") to help member states facing shortages.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>L-UE ħolqot ħażna strateġika ta' ventilaturi, maskri riutilizzabbli, provvisti għal-laboratorji u terapewtika ("rescEU") biex tgħin lill-Istati Membri li jiffaċċjaw skarsezza.</seg>
<tu tuid="103">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0256410256410255</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>EU countries join forces under the joint procurement agreement to purchase protective equipment (such as gloves, masks, overalls), ventilators and testing kits.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>L-Istati Membri ngħaqdu taħt ftehim ta' akkwist konġunt biex jixtru tagħmir protettiv (ingwanti, maskri, overalls, ...), ventilaturi u kits għall-ittestjar.</seg>
<tu tuid="104">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>In order to get medical equipment from non-EU countries more easily, customs duties and VAT on imports are temporarily waived.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Sabiex it-tagħmir mediku jasal aktar faċilment minn pajjiżi terzi, tneħħew temporanjament id-dazji doganali u l-VAT fuq l-importazzjonijiet.</seg>
<tu tuid="105">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<tu tuid="106">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.2222222222222223</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Yes and no.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Iva u le.</seg>
<tu tuid="107">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.98989898989899</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The worldwide economic decline due to the coronavirus underlines the importance of a new strategy.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>It-tnaqqis ekonomiku dinji dovut għall-coronavirus jissottolinja l-importanza ta' strateġija ġdida.</seg>
<tu tuid="108">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.25</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Interview with Tomas Tobe</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Aktar informazzjoni:</seg>
<tu tuid="109">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9395348837209302</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>As Covid-19 continues to evolve in Africa - it is now present in all but two countries - we asked Swedish EPP member Tomas Tobé , the chair of Parliament's development committee , about the EU response.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Filwaqt li l-Covid-19 ikompli jevolvi fl-Afrika (issa jinsab fil-pajjiżi kollha ħlief għal tnejn), aħna staqsejna lill-President tal-Kumitat tal-Parlament għall-Iżvilupp, Tomas Tobé (PPE, SE) dwar ir-rispons tal-UE.</seg>
<tu tuid="110">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9910714285714286</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>On 8 April the EU launched Team Europe , a package of more than €20 billion to help the most vulnerable countries, in particular in Africa and the EU's neighbourhood, in the fight against the pandemic and its consequences.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Fit-8 ta' April, l-UE varat " Tim Ewropa ", pakkett ta' aktar minn €20 biljun f'għajnuna lill-pajjiżi l-aktar vulnerabbli b'mod partikolari fl-Afrika u fil-viċinat tal-UE fil-ġlieda kontra l-pandemija u l-konsegwenzi tagħha.</seg>
<tu tuid="111">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0265486725663717</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>There is very probably underreporting of cases in many countries in Africa, that is why we have to act very quickly.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Aktarx hemm nuqqas ta' rappurtar fin-numru ta' każijiet fl-Afrika, huwa għalhekk li għandna naġixxu malajr ħafna.</seg>
<tu tuid="112">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.14</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Is it still relevant in the context of the corona crisis?</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Din għadha rilevanti fil-kuntest tal-kriżi corona?</seg>
<tu tuid="113">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8764705882352941</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Coronavirus in Africa could be devastating, which is why Europe's response should go beyond our borders, said development committee chair Tomas Tobé.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-coronavirus fl-Afrika jista' jkun devastanti; ir-rispons tal-Ewropa għandu jmur lil hinn mill-fruntieri tagħna, qal il-President tal-Kumitat għall-Iżvilupp Tomas Tobé.</seg>
<tu tuid="114">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0847457627118644</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>In a resolution from 17 April Parliament underlined the need for international cooperation and solidarity and a strengthening of the UN system, and the Wolrd Health Organization in particular.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>F'riżoluzzjoni tas-17 ta' April , il-Parlament issottolinja l-bżonn għall-kooperazzjoni u s-solidarjetà internazzjonali u t-tisħiħ tas-sistema tan-NU, u b'mod partikolari d-WHO.</seg>
<tu tuid="115">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8055555555555556</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>MEPs have also joined calls from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to suspend debt payments by the world's developing countries.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-Membri tal-PE ngħaqdu wkoll mal-appelli mill-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali (FMI) u l-Bank Dinji biex jiġu sospiżi l-pagamenti tad-dejn tal-pajjiżi li qed jiżviluppaw fid-dinja.</seg>
<tu tuid="116">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9682539682539683</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Up to €100 billion will be available to all 27 member states.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Sa €100 biljun se jkunu disponibbli għas-27 Stat Membru kollha.</seg>
<tu tuid="117">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.8470588235294119</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Welcoming the creation of Sure and calling on EU countries to implement it quickly, Slovak ECR member Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová , chair of Parliament's employment committee, said: "It is an important expression of EU solidarity and a helpful instrument to mitigate the socio-economic effects of the Covid-19 crisis.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Hija u tilqa' t-twaqqif ta' SURE u tistieden lill-Istati Membri jimplimentawh malajr, Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová (ECR, Slovakkja), President tal-Kumitat tal-Impjiegi qalet:</seg>
<tu tuid="118">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.4318181818181819</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Covid-19's economic impact: €100 billion to keep people in jobs</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>€100 biljun biex in-nies jinżammu f'impjiegi</seg>
<tu tuid="119">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8866279069767442</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>While Sure is a temporary instrument designed specifically to tackle the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, the European Commission is also working on a new proposal for a European Unemployment Reinsurance Scheme to support employment and protect workers who lose their jobs due to economic shocks.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Filwaqt li SURE huwa strument temporanju mfassal speċifikament biex jindirizza l-konsegwenzi tal-pandemija tal-coronavirus, il-Kummissjoni Ewropea qed taħdem ukoll fuq proposta ġdida għal Skema Ewropea ta' Riassigurazzjoni tal-Qgħad biex tappoġġja l-impjiegi u tipproteġi lill-ħaddiema li jitilfu l-impjieg tagħhom minħabba xokkijiet ekonomiċi.</seg>
<tu tuid="120">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7857142857142857</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Protecting jobs during the crisis</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-protezzjoni tal-impjiegi matul il-kriżi</seg>
<tu tuid="121">
<prop type="lengthRatio">2.2</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>1 Texts adopted, P9_TA(2020)0005.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<tu tuid="122">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8507462686567164</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>External action, international solidarity and cooperation</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>L-azzjoni esterna, is-solidarjetà u l-kooperazzjoni internazzjonali</seg>
<tu tuid="123">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8552631578947368</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>- having regard to Rule 132(2) and (4) of its Rules of Procedure,</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>- wara li kkunsidra l-Artikolu 132(2) u (4) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura tiegħu,</seg>
<tu tuid="124">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9304347826086956</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>B. whereas Parliament adopted a resolution on 15 January 2020 on the European Green Deal (2019/2956(RSP))1;</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>B. billi l-Parlament adotta r-riżoluzzjoni fil-15 ta' Jannar 2020 dwar il-Patt Ekoloġiku Ewropew (2019/2956(RSP))1,</seg>
<tu tuid="125">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.717948717948718</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Protecting democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Protezzjoni tad-demokrazija, tal-istat tad-dritt u tad-drittijiet fundamentali</seg>
<tu tuid="126">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0129870129870129</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>whereas the Commission has already taken initial action, including a package of measures voted on by Parliament during its plenary session on 26 March 2020;</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>billi l-Kummissjoni diġà ħadet azzjoni inizjali, inkluż pakkett ta' miżuri li l-Parlament ivvota dwaru fis-sessjoni plenarja tiegħu tas-26 ta' Marzu 2020;</seg>
<tu tuid="127">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.5</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>proportional and temporary;</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>tal-Istati Membri;</seg>
<tu tuid="128">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8452380952380952</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>European Parliament resolution of 17 April 2020 on EU coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences (2020/2616(RSP))</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Riżoluzzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew tas-17 ta' April 2020 dwar azzjoni koordinata talUE biex tikkumbatti l-pandemija tal-COVID-19 u l-konsegwenzi tagħha (2020/2616(RSP))</seg>
<tu tuid="129">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0405405405405406</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Welcomes the EU package for the global response to COVID-19 and the EUR 20 billion allocated to the fight against the pandemic in partner third countries;</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Jilqa' l-pakkett tal-UE ta' rispons globali għall-COVID-19 u l-EUR 20 biljun li ġew allokati għall-ġlieda kontra l-pandemija fil-pajjiżi terzi sħab;</seg>
<tu tuid="130">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8314606741573034</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>EU coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Azzjoni koordinata tal-UE biex tikkumbatti l-pandemija tal-COVID-19 u lkonsegwenzi tagħha</seg>
<tu tuid="131">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9210526315789473</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Tomorrow 9 May, the European Parliament will mark the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, with a live prog…</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-Parlament Ewropew huwa kommess li jgħin lill-pajjiżi tal-Unjoni Ewropea jilqgħu għall-coronavirus u jindirizzaw l-impatt soċjoekonomiku tat-tifqigħa.</seg>
<tu tuid="132">
<prop type="lengthRatio">3.25</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Share this page on Twitter</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<tu tuid="133">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.1666666666666667</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>In addition to</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<tu tuid="134">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7556818181818182</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>During the plenary session on 17 April, MEPs approved financial assistance for hard-hit fishing communities and aquaculture farmers .</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Matul is-sessjoni plenarja tas-17 ta' April, il-Membri tal-PE approvaw assistenza finanzjarja għall- komunitajiet tal-industrija tas-sajd u l-akkwakulturisti li ntqatlu ħafna .</seg>
<tu tuid="135">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.2222222222222223</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>t EU level.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Iva u le.</seg>
<tu tuid="136">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9615384615384616</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The European Commission has allocated €48.25 million tor 18 research projects within Horizon 2020 , the EU's framework programme for funding research.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea allokat €48.25 miljun għal 18-il proġett ta' riċerka fi ħdan Orizzont 2020 , il-programm qafas tal-UE għall-finanzjament tar-riċerka.</seg>
<tu tuid="137">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.4090909090909092</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>A more flexible and simplified European agriculture fund for rural development will allow for loans or guarantees at favourable conditions such as very low interest rates or favourable payment schedules to cover operational costs of up to €200,000.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Aktar flessibbiltà fil-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali se tippermetti self jew garanziji b'kundizzjonijiet favorevoli biex ikopru spejjeż operattivi sa EUR 200 000.</seg>
<tu tuid="138">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.1219512195121952</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>EU Covid-19 aid on its way to non-EU countries</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>jippermetti l-assistenza immedjata tal-UE</seg>
<tu tuid="139">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Support for producer organisations so that they can temporarily store fishery and aquaculture products</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>lill-organizzazzjonijiet tal-produtturi għall-ħżin temporanju ta' prodotti tas-sajd u tal-akkwakultura</seg>
<tu tuid="140">
<prop type="lengthRatio">2.0</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The European Parliament,</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<tu tuid="141">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.75</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>EU global response to Covid-19</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="mt">
<seg>Ir-rispons globali tal-UE għall-Covid 19</seg>