#!/usr/bin/env perl # Merges multiple UD test files (blind text or CoNLL-U) into one. # Makes sure that there is a document break in the resulting file at every position where one original file ended and another started. # This will make it easier to later isolate parser outputs for individual input parts. # Copyright © 2020 Dan Zeman # License: GNU GPL use utf8; use open ':utf8'; binmode(STDIN, ':utf8'); binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8'); binmode(STDERR, ':utf8'); if(scalar(@ARGV) < 2) { print STDERR ("Usage: perl mergetest.pl nl.txt UD_Dutch-Alpino/nl_alpino-ud-test.txt UD_Dutch-LassySmall/nl_lassysmall-ud-test.txt\n"); die("Expected at least two arguments: the target file and at least one source file"); } my $outfile = shift(@ARGV); # Trigger mode CoNLL-U if the target file name ends in ".conllu"; assume text mode otherwise. my $conllu = $outfile =~ m/\.conllu$/; open(OUT, ">$outfile") or die("Cannot write '$outfile': $!"); my $n = scalar(@ARGV); my $i = 0; foreach my $infile (@ARGV) { if($conllu) { # We do not know whether the input file does or does not use the "newdoc" flags; they are optional. # If there is a "newdoc" before the first sentence, we do not want to add our own. # If it is not there, we want to add it. # Hence we must first read the first few lines to see the situation, then act accordingly. my $hasnewdoc = 0; open(IN, $infile) or die("Cannot read '$infile': $!"); while() { if(m/^\#\s*newdoc( |$)/) { $hasnewdoc = 1; last; } elsif(m/^\d/) { # First token line and still no newdoc found? Stop it. last; } } close(IN); unless($hasnewdoc) { print OUT ("\# newdoc\n"); } } open(IN, $infile) or die("Cannot read '$infile': $!"); while() { print OUT; } close(IN); # In text mode, print an empty line after each file except the last one. $i++; if(!$conllu && $i < $n) { print OUT ("\n"); } } close(OUT);