1,How do I get funding for my web based startup idea ?,How do I get seed funding pre product ?,327970
0,Is honey a viable alternative to sugar for diabetics ?,How would you compare the United States ' euthanasia laws to Denmark ?,90348
1,How can I stop my depression ?,What can I do to stop being depressed ?,339556
0,Why is Mia Khalifa suddenly so popular ?,What are some tricks male porn stars have to last longer ?,399933
1,How do you cook chicken gizzards ? What are the best recipes ?,What can I do with chicken gizzards ?,185728
0,How much money do you need to earn to live a comfortable life in INDIA ?,How much money do you need to earn to live a comfortable life in Japan ?,69655
1,When did you figure out that you want to be a graphic designer ?,How did you figured out that you want to be a graphic designer ?,308010
0,What is your favorite song and why ?,What is your favorite song or artist ?,169490
1,Which is the best android device to buy under 15000 ?,What are the best smartphones under 15000 ?,327364
0,Is there a chance that the faithless electors can change the result of 2016 US presidential election on December 19th 2016 ?,"Does the Electoral College have the power to reject Trump , or any candidate for that matter , if enough electors decided to change their vote ?",10295
1,Which are some of the best pictures ever taken ?,What are the most amazing photos you have ever taken ?,283463
0,How much do graduation marks affect our admission in IIM and FMS if 10th and 12th score is 90 + ?,"I have 90 % in 10th grade , 87 % in 12th grade and 68 % in graduation . How is my profile for any of the IIMs ?",107381
1,"What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Andreanof Islands earthquake in 1957 ?","What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Kuril Islands earthquake in 1963 ?",189245
0,"Do you ever wake up , sometimes in the dead of night , get up for some milk and cookies or a smoke or whatever and think , hold on , this life is n't real ?",Have you had a wake-up call in life ?,179301
1,What do intelligent people do to pass time ?,How do intelligent people spend their time ?,148885
0,Indian live in Tokyo ?,Who is the bravest man in Game of Thrones ?,142834
1,What ` s the best way to get rid of porn addiction ?,What is the most effective way to break a porn addiction ?,86827
0,Which is the best car to buy within 5 lakh range ?,Which is the best car in the range of 3-5 lakhs ?,313097
1,"How do Trump supporters justify Trump not releasing his tax returns , even though multiple sources say he has no excuse not to ?","Do Donald Trump supporters actually not care about his tax returns , or do they just tolerate them and look at the bigger picture ?",214132
0,`` How do you know if you had a '' `` bar raiser '' '' round at Amazon ? '',Should I leave an Amazon SDE-1 job for Zomato after a year ? A Zomato HR is pursuing me to go for interview round .,182057
1,What are social goals ? What are some examples ?,What are social goals ? What are some examples of them ?,41325
0,There is this girl I like.I think she likes me too.I asked her if she 'll be my girlfriend and she has no problems except one.That I 've got a job in a different country . I 've got to go there.But I really want this to work . What do I do ?,Why do n't we end up with our soul mates ?,276053
1,Why was Cyrus Mistry removed as the chairman of Tata Sons ?,Why was Cyrus Mistry removed from the chairmanship of Tata Sons ?,154669
0,When did the first world war happen ?,What were the causes of World War I ?,173736
1,Does long distance relationship works ?,How does long distance relationship work ?,56265
0,How does one send an email to a university for questions ?,How can I write a welcome email for a dental college ?,192313
1,Can we do affiliate marketing without having a website or a company ?,How do I do affiliate marketing without a website ?,256876
0,How do I restore my self confidence ?,What should I do to restore my self confidence and faith in myself ?,295158
1,How could bringing in new 500 and 2000 rupee notes by the Indian govt eradicate black money ?,How banning 500 and 1000 rupee can affect black money ?,313227
0,What are the best men 's t-shirt brands ?,What 's the best T-shirt brand ?,345675
1,What are the best programs to make logos for starters ?,What is the best program to make a logo ?,13269
0,Does the feeling of loneliness increase as you age ?,How can I reduce the height of steps in staircase ?,378427
1,Do you believe that Christopher Columbus was a Jew ?,Was Columbus a Jew ?,298476
0,"If Ladakh is a desert , how does it receive that huge precipitation -LRB- in the form of snow -RRB- in the winter ? Does it experience a Mediterranean type of climate with wet winters ?",Where are cold winters and fires found ? Is it desert or mountain ?,92168
1,How do I to score good marks in 12th boards ?,How can I score good marks in class 12th board exams ?,123771
0,Is it better to do the overhead shoulder press with palms facing forwards or to each other ?,Is is better to do pull-ups with one 's palms facing out or in ?,287912
1,Why should/shouldn ' t violent video games be banned ?,Should violent video games be banned and why ?,175039
0,What is the scope of research in biomedical engineering ?,What is the scope for biomedical engineering in india ?,83237
1,What is best time to have sex ?,What would be the best time to have sex ?,201744
0,How do I find angles from GY-80 sensor with AVR ?,Comlete guidance mains exam specially gs paper for cse xam ?,7001
1,What is the best strategy for political science & international relations optional for upsc mains exam ?,How do I study political science as an optional in upsc without coaching ?,290364
0,`` What are examples of sentences with the word '' `` truncated '' '' ? '',What is the definition of a truncated sentence and what 's an example of one ?,322985
1,What is the Dreamtime and why is it important to the Aboriginal culture ?,Why is Dreamtime important to the aboriginal culture ?,274742
0,Chess : do you learn more if you win or lose ?,How are are ternary vectors used in Boolean satisfiability problems -LRB- SAT solvers -RRB- ?,34468
1,Which is the best place to visit in Goa with Friends ?,"We are Planning to visit Goa for three days , which are the best places to visit ?",1747
0,What is Brownstone Equation Editor 5 and what are its applications ?,Why are my equation structures missing in the MS Word equation editor ?,182221
1,"Really , how big are Donald Trump 's hands ?",Does Donald Trump have small hands ? How big are his hands ?,82268
0,"What really makes you happier , to spend money or to save money ?",How should one spend or save money ?,239856
1,How is Donald Trump a better choice than Hillary Clinton ?,Who is better Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton ?,93779
0,What is the precise meaning of the Sanskrit word परिचर्यात्मकम् ? What is/are the root word/s used in forming the Sanskrit word परिचर्यात्मकम् ?,What is the precise meaning of the Sanskrit word परमांगतिं ? What is/are the root word/s used in forming the Sanskrit word परमांगतिं ?,193002
1,What are the flaws in Indian Education system ?,What are the Major problems in Indian education system ?,393290
0,What are the obstacles to practicing yoga at home ?,What are some tips for practicing yoga at home ?,398912
1,Which is longest river in India ?,Which is the longest river in India ?,402416
0,Can I ask a girl out that I do n't know ?,Why do I have to ask a girl out ? Why ca n't she ask me ?,130502
1,How likely is it to get AIDS ?,How can you get AIDS ?,395260
0,Does God get bored ?,Can god make a rock so heavy that he could n't lift it ?,213266
1,How does recycling help the environment ?,Does recycling really help the environment ?,341189
0,What is it like to be a student at the University of Washington in the Master in Human Computer Interaction and Design program ?,"In order to get into a better university , is it OK for a computer science student to apply for a project management master program in US ?",368821
1,What is the difference between a good kisser and a bad kisser ?,What makes for bad kissers and good kissers ?,329060
0,"I got CSE in USCIT and ECE in IGDTUW , which one should Inprefer ?",Are Mel Gibson and Danny Glover friends in real life ?,112842
1,Which is best online test series for bank exams ?,What is the best online test series for bank exams ?,119497
0,I am 28 . I have started dating a 21 year old . Is it wrong for me to date such a young person ?,Is it wrong for a 90 year old to date a 32 year old ?,262521
1,What is a way to make money online ?,How can I start to make money online ?,64347
0,What is ecstasy ?,How addictive is ecstasy ?,51366
1,What are some of the functions of the protease ?,What is the function of a protease ?,212198
0,Which catfish are good to eat ? Why do those ones taste better ?,How can I take the skin off a salmon ?,240548
1,How much score is required for PTE Academic for an Australian PR with an experience of 3 years ?,How much minimum PTE score requires for Spouse for Australian PR Visa ?,153231
0,"Which spelling is right : ninety or ninty , nineteen or ninteen ?",`` What is the right spelling of '' `` in a rear '' '' ? '',314566
1,Which are the best books for SSC CGL Tier 2 preparation ?,What are the best books for the preparation of SSC CGL Tier 2 Preparation ?,166352
0,What is the average number of google + followers per user ?,What is the average number of circles per user in Google + ?,366537
1,What is something you find annoying on Quora ?,What are some really annoying things about Quora ?,403489
0,What universities does Stage Stores recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,What universities does Ross Stores recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,139751
1,How can I get a chance to meet Mr. Narendra Modi ?,How can I meet Sir Narendra Modi Ji ?,61416
0,How much money do professional strongmen make ?,Why do CFAs make so much money ?,255863
1,How is being transgender not a mental illness ?,Should being transgender be considered a mental illness ?,204973
0,Are girls allowed to wear skirts in VIT ?,How can you look at someone 's private Instagram account without following them ?,257425
1,How can you get over an adultery ?,How do you get over being cheated on ?,346231
0,Why do n't Russians look Asian ?,Why do n't other Asians treat me as just one of them ?,150221
1,Does massage really increase breast size ?,Does a woman 's breast size increase if pressed ?,197559
0,Why does each element only react with certain elements ? What causes this ? Why does carbon only react with some elements ?,What are the only two elements that are liquid at 25 ° C -LRB- room temperature -RRB- ? In a periodic table,108733
1,How do I stop a German Shepherd/Border Collie mix puppy from chewing my shoes ?,What should I do if my Shepherd/Retriever mixed puppy is chewing my shoes ?,85668
0,`` Which modern song could compare to Lennon 's '' `` Imagine '' '' ? '',What is Bruno Mars 's best song ?,349088
1,What are some brilliant features of Indian constitution ?,What is the most outstanding feature of the Indian Constitution ?,328680
0,What causes amnesia ?,Can epilepsy cause amnesia ?,297441
1,Who are some notable examples of PhDs who have used their skills to invent/develop something revolutionary and helped mankind infinitely ?,Who are some notable examples of PhDs who have used their advanced technical skills to do evil ?,47584
0,How do the risks of skydiving compare to the risks of driving ?,How the the risks of skydiving be reduced ?,15181
1,How many maths extended papers do I write in IGCSE ?,How many maths papers do IGCSE extended students write ?,272658
0,"Canadian Mech engineer , should I take year long oil and gas paid co-op if it 's not my top interest -LRB- unsure about my interests too -RRB- ?",Is leaving my first well-paid job because it is not interesting or exciting and I do n't want to live my life like that a good decision ?,87556
1,How can I improve my pronunciation of English words ?,How can I improve my English in a very short time ?,319437
0,Can you be hypochondriac about being a hypochondriac ?,"If you think you 're a hypochondriac , then are you one or not ?",260509
1,Which is the best way to learn coding ?,How do you learn to program ?,115695
0,"Studied PGDM HR , marketing & work as Assistant ManagerMarketing in a NBFC since 1 & 1/2 years . Can I apply for IBPS SO-HR as experience is in marketing ?","The market seems perfect , there seems to be no opportunity ?",395991
1,Why did RBI issue new 2000 rupees note instead of new 1000 rupees note ?,Why is the Indian government introduced 2000 note instead of 1000 note ?,387929
0,Does the average voter equate overturning Roe v. Wade with banning abortion ?,How important is clean energy to Hillary Clinton ?,158696
1,How do I post a question in Quora ?,What are the best ways to ask a question on Quora ?,268556
0,Who is behind The Honest Page on Facebook ?,How do you convert or merge a Facebook Community page into an Official page ?,288812
1,How do I approach a guy ?,How can approach guy I like ?,401567
0,What is my bra size if my band size is 27 and cup size is 31 and half ?,Is wearing a perfecfly sized bra dangerous ? Why do so many women protest against wearing it ?,190456
1,How do I need to prepare for campus interviews ?,How should one prepare for interviews ?,281933
0,I want to use shadowing to prove my speaking skills . Which movies or TV series should I start with ?,"I can speak English , but a lot of grammatical errors creep in . How do I overcome this problem ?",292158
1,What is a goood answer to ` Why should I not hire you ? ',What is the best answer for why should I not hire you ?,292581
0,How do you remove PVA glue on skin ?,How do you remove glue bonds from your hair ?,307964
1,`` What is a Quora '' `` post '' '' ? '',What 's a Quora post ?,62911
0,I accidentally put diesel into the gas tank of my rental car . Can this be taken care of by my insurance ?,Does putting sugar in a car 's gas tank really ruin the car ?,41925
1,How can be LIC useful for an electrical student ?,How can be LIC useful for an electrical student ? Can it be useful for electronics students too ?,97433
0,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Citizens ?,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Tripadvisor ?,103332
1,How do I improve my English writing and speaking skills ?,How can I improve my writing skills to become a better writer ?,45359
0,What are the best interesting quotes for singles ?,What are some of the best interesting quotes ?,258160
1,How did the Battle of Vimy Ridge begin ?,How and why did the Vimy Ridge Battle begin ?,340992
0,How does the Flipkart Mobile Exchange work ?,Does flipkart exchange my old phone with display is not working ? -LRB- not broken touch is not working -RRB-,104102
1,What is the process behind distillation ?,What is the process of distillation ?,134783
0,"Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider in Santa Clara , California CA ?","What is a good solar panel installation provider in Santa Ysabel , California CA ?",316692
1,How can Donald Trump win the elections when people hate him so much ?,How did Trump win the presidency ?,225965
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at American Airlines ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Republic Airlines ?,195403
1,What are the biggest regrets of your life ?,What 's your biggest regret in life ?,1254
0,"I want to start preparing for GMAT . For a beginner , can you tell me how to start and the books/sites to refer to ?",I plan to write my gmat next year . How should I start my preparation and what books should I buy to mostly practice the math ?,125780
1,How are circulatory system tissues formed ?,How are tissues formed in the circulatory system ?,208471
0,"`` What exactly did Einstein mean by '' `` Everything should be made as simple as possible , but not simpler '' '' ? ''",What is the meaning of life ?,259771
1,What is the best Magento Development Company ?,Which are the best Magento development companies ?,189138
0,How do I block my mobile phone using IMEI number ?,Has anyone of you found your stolen mobile by filing FIR and using IMEI number ?,199363
1,What would be next strike from PM Modi after Demonetisation ?,What will be the next blasting move by PM Modi ?,118326
0,What is the scope after B.Pharm completion ?,What am I supposed to do after completing a Pharm.D . from India ? What are the areas of specialization ?,132808
1,What is the KVPY SA expected cut off for 2016 ?,What is the cut off of KVPY SA stream ?,136894
0,What would have been the most popular trending topics during the summer of 2012 ?,What are some of the most popular topics on Quora to write answers for ?,256059
1,What would be your New Year resolutions for 2017 ?,What are your New Year resolutions for the upcoming year 2017 ?,250120
0,Should aspiring billionaires be as multifaceted as possible or have laser-like focus on one designation ?,Can you tell that someone has been looking at your Facebook profile ?,105771
1,Why do governments pursue continual GDP growth ? Is a stagnant economy really that terrible ?,Why do governments pursue continual GDP growth ? -LRB- Often at great social costs eg . Singapore -RRB-,269976
0,What are some vintage life hacks ?,What can you teach me that can be useful in my life ?,107670
1,How deep is the Titanic wreck ?,How deep is Atlantic Ocean where Titanic sank ?,269461
0,Why do n't US representatives run for president ?,Why is it that U.S. presidents do n't use a computer in their office ?,302648
1,How can I become actor ?,What is the easiest way to become an actor ?,21298
0,`` Money : What does '' `` payment requested '' '' mean in IRCTC ? '',"How do I get a refund from IRCTC if my ticket did n't get booked , but my money got deducted ?",263813
1,What are the best Shahrukh khan movies ?,Which is the best Shah Rukh Khan movie and why ?,303736
0,After btech which option is best for mechanical engineer graduate ?,What career options do you have after getting a Mechanical Engineering degree ?,335413
1,Which actor has portrayed Batman best ?,Which actor has portrayed Batman the best in movies ?,118845
0,What 's an intuitive explanation of the following mathematical fact : -LSB- math -RSB- \ displaystyle \ sum _ -LCB- n = 1 -RCB- ^ -LCB- \ infty -RCB- -LCB- \ frac -LCB- 1 -RCB- -LCB- n ^ 2 -RCB- -RCB- = \ frac -LCB- \ pi ^ 2 -RCB- -LCB- 6 -RCB- -LSB- / math -RSB- ?,How do I intuitively understand -LSB- math -RSB- \ int _ -LCB- 0 -RCB- ^ -LCB- \ infty -RCB- e ^ -LCB- - x ^ 2 -RCB- dx = \ Gamma -LRB- \ frac -LCB- 3 -RCB- -LCB- 2 -RCB- -RRB- = \ frac -LCB- 1 -RCB- -LCB- 2 -RCB- ! = \ frac -LCB- \ sqrt -LCB- \ pi -RCB- -RCB- -LCB- 2 -RCB- -LSB- / math -RSB- ?,138299
1,How do I find best online sites for watching TV shows ?,What are the best sites to watch TV shows ?,247312
0,What app/game would you like to see made available ?,What app would you like to see made available ?,168535
1,What is the best erotica book ?,What are the best erotic novels ?,36078
0,Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Washington County IL ?,Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Clark County IL ?,306813
1,How can I loose weight naturally without exercise ?,How do I lose weight without doing any sport ?,151733
0,Why did the Greece financial crisis occur ?,What is the reason behind Greece 's financial debacle ? What lead to the bankruptcy ? Why has the EU withdrawn its support ?,313066
1,Is 292 in GRE a good score ?,"Is 319 , a good GRE score ?",199605
0,What is the relationship between voltage and RPM in an AC motor ?,What is the difference between phase and line voltage ?,166168
1,What are some epic tweets of all time ?,What are some epic tweets ?,321297
0,What marketing strategy does Riot Games use to promote League of Legends ?,What has Riot Games made ?,102313
1,How much subsidy does the government provide for a Hajj pilgrimage and why ?,Why does the government of India provide travel subsidy to Muslim Haj pilgrims but not for pilgrimages of other religions ?,234111
0,How would I decorate a 70 's and 80 's bedroom ?,How do I decorate an 80 's bedroom ?,184197
1,What are the advantages of adding railway budget to general budget ?,What will happen in India if the railway budget merges with the general budget ?,222638
0,Can the rolling wheels of a car generate enough electricity so the car itself can be completely energy independent ?,"If I power the rear wheels of a car using electric motors powered by a battery and the front wheels to generate that battery 's power , will the system be self sufficient theoretically ? Why and why not ?",378660
1,Why do people merge unrelated questions on Quora ?,Why do some people in Quora like to compulsively merge unrelated questions ?,86966
0,What is ?,What is ?,327227
1,"I come from a middle class family and also want to study in the US , even though I know I ca n't afford it . Right now , I am doing economics honors . What should I do ?",I am from a middle-class family.I want to do diploma in biotech in abroad but I ca n't afford such huge tution fees.what should I do ?,321553
0,What are the best drum 'n' bass songs of all time ?,What are the best drum and bass tracks ?,324721
1,How does anything exist ?,Why does the universe exist ? Why does mankind exist ?,315868
0,Where are rules about building a bar near a college ?,"Are there any parks near Lincoln Park , Los Angeles where there are parallel bars ?",296009
1,Are Samsung smartphones better then Apple smartphones ?,Which company makes better phones : Apple or Samsung ?,199897
0,Why am I scared to live alone ? How do I overcome my fright ?,I am afraid of going outside of the house alone . How can I overcome this ?,326908
1,What are Kepler 's laws ? Why are they important ?,Why are Kepler 's Laws so important ?,305530
0,Why there is ionic bond in liquid HCL and covalent bond in gas HCl ?,Is carbon dioxide an ionic bond or a covalent bond ?,377139
1,Does money buy freedom ?,Can money buy freedom ?,250256
0,What is it like to be a Geophysical Science student at UChicago ?,What do non-Geophysical Science students at UChicago think of Geophysical Science students at UChicago ?,20912
1,Why does my crush look at me but wont approach me ?,Why does my crush keep looking at me but wont approach me ?,231736
0,How do I sell a commercial car ?,How can we make a personal car into commercial car ?,28343
1,How can I convince someone that Clinton is a worse candidate than Trump ?,"Who is better , Clinton or Trump ?",143200
0,How much can you earn on Fiverr ?,How do I promote Fiverr Gigs and how to make my gig visible in Fiverr search ?,149809
1,What 's the advantage of being a homosexual ?,What are the advantage of being homosexual ?,73520
0,What are the biggest problems experienced by hotel and restaurant management ?,What are the biggest frustrations of a restaurant manager/owner today ?,342311
1,What are the cure of diabetes type 1 ?,Is there any cure for dm1 ?,65788
0,What is the reason for pakistan getting seperated from india though they were together till independence ?,What were the reasons behind the Indian-Pakistani partition of British India ?,297640
1,Why do some people still believe that the earth is flat ?,I know some people that STILL believe the earth is flat . Why ?,206997
0,Can I get automotive design engineering with a rank of 5200 at UPES Dehradun ?,Where can I find automotive engineering program rankings ?,177174
1,What is the scope of Human Resources Management in Australia ?,What is the scope of Human resource management in Australia ?,197756
0,Waht is difference between accounting standards and accounting concepts ?,"Why do people know Elon Musk more than Jeff Bezos , while Bezos actually should be more famous ?",219399
1,Why are American conservatives being so naive about the Iranian nuclear deal ?,Why are American liberals being naive about the Iranian nuclear deal ?,253896
0,`` What is the meaning of '' `` The night rolls on '' '' in this song ? '',How do I remove from Google Chrome ?,8842
1,Why do you want to leave your company ?,Why do you want to leave the company ?,384487
0,Describe the differences between carl juniors burgers ?,What would happen to Canada 's economy if the US repealed NAFTA ?,180371
1,What happens if I accidentally follow someone I 've blocked ?,What happens when I accidentally follow someone I 've blocked ?,363313
0,"What hotel in Ranipuram Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples , without the harassment of police , hotel staff , and moral police ?","What hotel in Gangtok Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples , without the harassment of police , hotel staff , and moral police ?",25925
1,Which are the best SEO companies in Delhi ?,Which is the Best SEO Company in Delhi for Digital Marketing Services ?,25187
0,How can I invite my Twitter followers to Quora ?,Will Quora have a Twitter widget so that I can tweet to my followers to follow me on Quora ?,128816
1,What are some mind-blowing Smartphone cases that exist that most people do n't know about ?,What are some mind-blowing Mobile cases that exist that most people do n't know about ?,61980
0,Why does n't 9/9 equal 0.999999 ... ?,What 's 9 to the power of 8 ?,275708
1,What 's your New Year 's resolution for 2017 ?,What are your New Year resolutions for the upcoming year 2017 ?,18994
0,What is best laptop cooling pads with sensors ?,What is the best laptop cooling pad ?,372328
1,What are the reasons behind getting scary and bad dreams ?,What are the reasons of bad dreams ?,395275
0,Who are some of the best Catholic authors of the 20th century ?,Who are some of the best Indian authors trending in the 21st century ?,221795
1,How much do the stars of Naked and Afraid get paid in USA ?,How much do contestants on naked and afraid get paid ?,167155
0,111,I 'm looking for the book Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham . Do you think I can find it at my local library ?,169314
1,Why do I want to die ?,Why do I feel like I want to die ?,362905
0,Should I learn Emacs or Vim ?,Are there more Emacs or Vim users ?,287547
1,How do I start from the scraps in an online business ?,How do I start online business ?,45965
0,What is toothpaste made of ?,How is toothpaste made ?,231504
1,Which alcohol drink is less harmful to health ?,Which alcoholic drink is good for health ?,127273
0,What are some examples of social justice issues in the Bible ?,What are examples of social justice issues ?,5112
1,What should one do on his or her birthday ?,What should one do his/her birthday ?,194019
0,What is America 's best chocolate milk brand ?,What 's the best brand of chocolate milk ?,29852
1,How do you make instrumentals ?,How do I make an instrumental ?,403791
0,What are the instructions for someone traveling in a domestic flight for the first time in India ?,How can I book cheap domestic flights in India ?,120344
1,What the scope SSC CGL ?,What are the scope after SSC CGL ?,318686
0,How competitive is the hiring process at GAIN Capital ?,How competitive is the hiring process at Store Capital ?,296566
1,Are text messages considered legal proof of liability in a circumstance where someone owes money in USA ?,Are text messages considered legal proof of liability in a circumstance where someone owes money in USA ?,256810
0,Do you have to work on Martin Luther King Jr. . Day ?,Is there school on Martin Luther King Jr Day ?,46209
1,What are the easiest and the fastest ways to lose weight ?,What is the most easiest way to lose weight ?,139711
0,Get Connect # Vipre -LRB- @ ! @ -RRB- 1800@251@4919 Antivirus Tech Support phone Number ?,Get Connect # Avg -LRB- @ ! @ -RRB- 1800@251@4919 Antivirus Tech Support phone Number ?,221793
1,What are some ways of calling someone from my computer ?,How do you call someone on a computer ?,253933
0,What happened to ?,What happened to ?,286847
1,What 's your best moment of 2016 ?,Which is your best moment of 2016 ?,379171
0,What is the best instrumental music for studying ?,What is the best instrumental music for working out ?,395054
1,Evolution : Why do people from different races -LRB- or region -RRB- have different facial features ?,Why is there a facial difference in people with different races ?,251416
0,When will Pakistan accept the truth that Kashmir neither belongs to them nor will they ever get it ?,"`` When drug-taking Baby Boomers say , '' `` hey man , it was the seventies , '' '' do they mean that that decade forced them to take drugs against their will ? ''",218979
1,Can you get pregnant 16 days after your period ?,Can a woman get pregnant three days into her cycle ?,329241
0,What is the absolute bare minimum amount of sleep you need in order to stay healthy ?,What is the bare minimum amount of hours of sleep that the human body really needs in order to function efficiently throughout the day ?,64002
1,How close are we -LRB- or not close -RRB- right now to World War 3 ?,Is a third World War imminent ?,236947
0,When did it become legal for blacks and whites to marry ?,When and how did it become common for military uniforms to have so many decorations ?,172479
1,I 'm running a 5K in a week . What should I be eating before the race ?,What should I eat before a 5K race ?,81515
0,PhD immunology in Luxembourg ?,Which is the best site for studying biology class 10 ICSE ?,369907
1,Which are some of the best horror movies of all time ?,What are some of the best horror movies ?,130811
0,How long do you have to run a car engine to charge the battery back to the point it was at before starting the car ?,How do you fix your rear tie rods ?,19657
1,How can I become more pain tolerant ?,How do I become more pain tolerant ?,207483
0,Do you use sex toys ?,Do girls use sex toys ?,316900
1,What are the most important programming languages to learn nowadays ?,What is the most valuable programming language for the future to learn ?,177922
0,"How can I make $ 1,000 online per week ?","How can an expert programmer make 1,000,000 per month online ?",178472
1,How can I mute questions on Quora ?,Is it possible to mute a question on Quora ?,350508
0,I have a tatoo in my I eligible for IMA OR NDA ?,What ratio of -LSB- Pb2 + -RSB- to -LSB- Sn2 + -RSB- is needed to reverse the following cell reaction ?,66264
1,How should I get rid of addiction ?,How do I quit any kind of addiction ?,72904
0,`` How true is what Tony Stark said in Iron Man 3 : '' `` Einstein slept 3 hours a year . Look what he did . '' '' ? '',Where are the Avengers in Iron Man 3 ?,266217
1,Will Donald Trump deport illegal immigrants ?,Will Trump be able to deport all illegal immigrants ?,75423
0,How should I take showers after workouts ?,Is it bad to workout then take a shower for muscle growth or any other problems ?,39537
1,What proves that history repeats itself ?,Is history repeating itself ?,229667
0,Are there any side effects to Caro Light Cream ?,What are the side effects of opulent derma cream ?,324357
1,How did the Jews live during the Holocaust ?,How were the Jews ' living conditions during the Holocaust ?,145672
0,Are patents valuable to tech startups ?,How do tech startups file patents ?,38052
1,How will Trump 's presidency affect the Indian students who are planning to study in the US ?,How will Donald Trump 's presidency affect international students ?,366733
0,Why are magnetic fields produced ?,How magnetic field is produced by electric field ?,121546
1,What do you think of the new Mummy -LRB- 2017 -RRB- trailer ?,What are your views on The Mummy trailer ?,104269
0,How are the isomers of methane determined ?,How can cows produce less methane gas ?,6068
1,What are the best available technology gadgets ?,What are some of the best mobile gadgets ?,253743
0,How can I get satellite internet in Haiti ?,Is Sirius/XM Satellite Radio worth the price ?,173387
1,How can I get messages that have been deleted from my dm on Instagram back ?,How can I get deleted messages from Instagram ?,126379
0,What is relative scarcity ?,What is an example of scarcity in economics ?,363443
1,Is Baghdadi dead or alive ?,Is Abu Bakr al Baghdadi dead or is it a rumour ?,348742
0,How do I stop dandruff and hairfall ?,What is the best method to reduce dandruff ?,346690
1,How will the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes affect Indian economy ?,Modi 's announcement on banning 500 and 1000 currency notes . How would it affect economy ?,293816
0,Were Cyrus Mistry 's powers curtailed ?,Why has the Tata sons board voted to remove Cyrus Mistry as chairperson ?,293318
1,How is Dabba trading done ?,How dabba trading is done ?,10063
0,What is it like to work at ?,What is it like to work at ?,10066
1,Which is the best private university in India for engineering ?,Which are the best private engineering universities in India ?,175775
0,What are the problems facing the Philippines ?,Why do we face problems in life ?,395211
1,who is the best rapper of all time ?,Who is the greatest rapper of all time ?,185354
0,`` Will the Nexus 5 receive the Android 7.0 '' `` Nougat '' '' update ? '',How can I update my Android KitKat 4.4.4 to Lollipop on mobile data ?,171406
1,Does exorcism and possession exist in religions other than Catholicism ?,Do exorcisms happen in religions other than Christianity ?,318762
0,Who is Aung San Suu Kyi ?,What can you tell about Aun San Suu Kyi as a person ?,37152
1,What exercises can be done so as to reduce fat around hip ?,How can a female reduce thighs and hips fat fast and forever ?,160952
0,Which is the best tool in big data and analytics ?,What are good tools for big data analytics ?,276789
1,How can you increase girth and length ?,How can I increase girth of my penis ?,217925
0,What is the most important question in an interview ?,What are some of the best questions in an interview where the answer was even better ?,91062
1,How do I get Web Design clients ?,What are the most effective ways to get web design client ?,148593
0,"Which is the strongest force ? Gravity , electromagnetism , strong nuclear , weak nuclear , dark energy , inertia , quantum , neutrinos , antimatter , or other ?",How many forces are there ? Are there more than 4 or 5 ?,256980
1,Who are angel investors ?,What is an angel investor ?,145193
0,`` How is the word '' `` nominally '' '' used in a sentence ? '',How is the word ` spurn ' used in a sentence ?,16296
1,What are the best mobile phones technology gadgets ?,What are some of the best mobile technology gadgets ?,62660
0,Has Narendra Modi called Trump to congratulate him ?,When will Narendra Modi meet Donald Trump ?,292895
1,How I can improve my English communication ?,How can improve my English speaking ?,394961
0,Who was started Social Media war between Indian and Pakistani ?,"Which army special unit is much more experienced and well trained , the SSG -LRB- N -RRB- or the MARCOS ?",103563
1,Does having bad teeth kill someone faster ?,Will having bad teeth kill me faster ?,269494
0,`` How '' `` great '' '' was Alexander the Great ? '',`` Was Alexander the great really '' `` great '' '' ? '',282766
1,Can people actively control their emotions ?,How can I control my emotions ?,116201
0,Reason why we should spent vacation on grandparents house ?,What types of food do Indian people eat ?,54771
1,Is it possible to live your entire life only loving one person ?,Is it possible to get married and live with one man your entire life ?,190591
0,Does the end justify the means ?,Do the ends justify the means when achieving your life goals ?,322000
1,Who should be the next President of The United States ?,Who is going to be the next president of USA ?,231616
0,What is the best expense tracking app for android ?,What 's the best expense recording/tracking app ?,383221
1,How do you explain the phrase ` still waters run deep ' ?,`` What does the phrase '' `` silent waters run deep '' '' mean ? '',129336
0,Where do you buy kratom online ?,What is kratom and where can you buy it ?,77824
1,Clinton or Trump : who is a better option for the USA ?,In what aspects is Hillary Clinton better than Trump ?,35517
0,Which is the best insurance comparison website Coverfox or Policybazaar ?,How can comparison sites help you save money on car insurance ?,155968
1,How have you dealt with severe depression without medication ?,How do I treat depression without medication ?,248136
0,How do I make friends with guys ? . ?,Why do I only make friends with guys ?,63451
1,What are some best examples of Presence of mind ?,What are the best presence of mind stories ?,291829
0,Should papaya be eaten at night ?,What are some health benefits of eating papaya ?,231396
1,How do we root Samsung Galaxy S4 ?,Rooting Samsung Galaxy S4 sm-975L ?,153884
0,How many locations of In-N-Out are there ?,What are some In-N-Out hacks ?,360271
1,`` How did George Soros '' `` break the bank of England '' '' ? '',How did George Soros trade the British Pound in 1992 ?,329792
0,What consumer startups have real technology ?,What do consumer startups do ?,331167
1,"What is the physical meaning of divergence , curl and gradient of a vector field ?",Why curl represents rotation of a vector field ?,294917
0,`` How do I find the second largest number in an unsorted array using '' '' FOR '' '' loops in turbo c++ ? Without using arrays . '',How do I find the second largest number among hundreds of numbers entered without using an array ?,230227
1,How do non-INFJ feel about INFJs ?,How do non-INFJs feel about INFJ ?,323502
0,`` What is meant by '' `` forming a more perfect union '' '' and what are some examples ? '',`` What is meant by the '' `` yoke of oppression '' '' and what are some examples of this ? '',192430
1,How do ` free classified ' websites make money ?,How do classified sites make money ?,142096
0,How do you know if someone is doing black magic on you ?,How do you know by looking at someone that they do black magic ?,1523
1,What is make money online ?,What is the easiest way to earn money from online ?,329255
0,How many mobile operators are there worldwide ?,What is the most popular mobile operating system in the world ?,401170
1,"My cat died , how do I get over this ?",How can I get over the death of my cat ?,249620
0,What is your review of the movie Kimi no Na wa . ?,What is your review of Ant-Man -LRB- 2015 movie -RRB- ?,145718
1,"Since energy was the only thing existing at the big bang initial point , did it create/cause all of the universe ?","Since energy was the only thing existing at the big bang initial point , did it create or cause all of the universe ?",185334
0,How can I pass the 300-100 exam ?,What is the best way to pass the 1Y0-300 exam ?,380717
1,Can I see my video viewers on Instagram ?,How can I see who views my Instagram ?,9745
0,How does temperature affect the pH of liquids ?,How does the temperature affect floats ?,284754
1,What are the upcoming hackathons in India in 2016 ?,What are the upcoming hackathons in India in 2016 ? Is there no place where we can get all this Info ?,381399
0,What is the most beautiful bird from Australia ?,"Why did Apple made the Jet Black finish very scratch-able , they could have made it from stainless steel like the black apple watch or like the Mac Pro ?",42906
1,What are some reasons why an iPhone 4 wo n't turn on ?,What are some reasons an iPhone might not turn on ?,351457
0,Do the RBI grade B employees get foreign tour expenses reimbursed ?,What is the frequency and period of a function ?,368473
1,What do you do on weekends ?,What do you usually do on weekends ?,59596
0,"What is an improper noun , and what are some examples ?",What are neutral nouns ? What are some examples ?,282034
1,What should I do to get selected in GSOC 2018 ?,What do I need to learn to get a fair chance of getting selected for GSoC ?,253273
0,Why is Rammstein banned in the United States ?,Why are Kinder Surprise eggs illegal in the USA ?,182461
1,What do you mean by a loop invariant ?,What are loop invariants and why they are used ?,68117
0,Could there be a negative correlation between grades in college and success in life as an entrepreneur ?,Is Marc Andreessen right that there might be a negative correlation between having great grades and being a successful entrepreneur ?,244842
1,Have you ever been in a traffic accident ?,Have you ever been involved in a car accident ?,252758
0,"`` Is there any truth to the phrase '' `` Those who ca n't do , teach ? '' '' ''","`` What is the origin of the phrase , '' `` Speak truth to power '' '' ? What are some historic examples of it ? ''",136388
1,What are the best study strategies ?,How can I study efficiently ?,65400
0,"I just started ketogenic diet . I 'm losing weight , but once I reach target weight is there a way I can go back into a more normal diet that 's not super high carb of course , but perhaps a bowl of rice a day without gaining the weight back ?",I am trying to reach Ketosis to lose weight . Will I only start losing weight when I have 0 carbs in my diet ?,223303
1,What 's the most unfortunate thing happening to India ?,What is the most unfortunate thing happened to India ?,238711
0,How do I apply for an ISRO internship ?,How do I apply for a summer internship ?,199933
1,Is there any health benefits on Sleeping naked ?,Are there any health benefits from sleeping naked ?,102160
0,"How do I find the absolute minimum and absolute maximum values of the function -LSB- math -RSB- f -LRB- t -RRB- = t ^ -LCB- 1/3 -RCB- -LRB- 16 − t -RRB- -LSB- / math -RSB- on the interval -LSB- math -RSB- -LSB- 0 , 16 -RSB- -LSB- / math -RSB- ?",Would there be no calculus if there were no functions in math ?,214230
1,Am I the only one that thinks Mike Pence is good looking ?,Am I the only one impressed by Mike Pence so far ?,322058
0,What are some unusual aspects about politics and government in Australia ?,What are some unusual aspects about politics and government in Vietnam ?,83057
1,Is a world war going to happen ?,How likely is World War III in the future ?,191239
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Ring Energy ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Valero Energy ?,75454
1,What is the best vegan food ?,What is best vegan food in world ?,312694
0,How does Quora background automatic login work ?,How does Quora log me in automatically ?,134733
1,What are some good coaching centres for CA IPCC in Delhi ?,Which is the best coaching institute for CA-IPCC in Delhi ?,216594
0,`` What is NSH ? While tracking a dispatched passport I see '' `` item booked for NSH Gaya '' '' and '' `` bag dispatched to NSH Gaya . '' '' '',What if passport is not taken after it is dispatched ?,199415
1,Where is the Xiaomi Service Centers in Bangalore ?,Where is the Xiaomi service center in Bangalore ?,251587
0,Who invented the Hunter ceiling fan ?,Do ceiling fans move dust ?,258994
1,What should I do to earn money online ?,How can one make money online ?,276765
0,Is there any site or video that can be used as a tutorial to learn Kanjira ?,Is there any tutorial which will help me learn Informatica step by step ?,69651
1,What things do you have to do to become an actor ?,How should I become an actor ?,15189
0,Can someone help me decide if I should do an MBA or prepare for SSC ?,How wholesome is the democratic party base ?,382548
1,Who can help me to get a green card ?,How can I get a green card ?,377585
0,What do gymnasts wear under their leotards ?,Why do gymnasts wear long sleeved leotards ?,209455
1,Does the G-spot exist ?,`` Does the female '' `` G-Spot '' '' exist ? '',371389
0,Do you get angry over time when you do not have sex with your partner ? What do you do ?,My girlfriend hits me and even bites me if she 's angry . What should I do ?,183231
1,How do you know when your partner is cheating ?,How do I know am not been cheated on by my partner in a relationship ?,260757
0,Apart from Listverse and Toptenz which are the other popular list website ?,What would be the easiest popular website to code from scratch ?,59710
1,Which is the best way to start graphic design ?,How can I start Graphic Design ?,295619
0,What are the overall cost of obtaining you A license for skydiving including AFP program and coaching ?,What is the cost of skydiving in dubai ?,139846
1,How do I stop my Pit Bull/English Bulldog mix puppy from humping my furniture ?,How do I stop my Shepherd-Husky mix puppy from humping my furniture ?,200022
0,Should I buy,Should I buy for my game related startup ?,271363
1,"I ca n't love the girl who loves me so much , no matter how hard I try . What can I do to leave her without hurting her feelings ?",How do I leave a girl without hurting her feelings ?,97436
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Lexington Realty ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Realty Income ?,354869
1,How do I register for the TOEFL with multiple given names ?,How do I register multiple given names in TOEFL ?,377669
0,What is snapdragon processor ?,"Which mobile processor is better , Snapdragon or mediatek processor ?",55628
1,How can you determine the Lewis structure for phosgene ?,What is the Lewis structure for phosgene ? How is it determined ?,96951
0,How long can I run my car 's stereo system before I drain the battery ?,How long should you drive a car to recharge a dead battery ?,250482
1,How do I become more comfortable talking to women ?,How do I become more confident talking to woman ?,163887
0,What is Colombia known for ?,How dangerous is Colombia ?,343412
1,Could a Gorilla beat a Tiger/Lion in a fight ?,Can a gorilla beat up a lion ?,258468
0,What is the easiest way to get a job ?,How do I get a Job ?,86903
1,How do I get out of the rat race ?,Is there any way out of rat race ?,88421
0,Wanneer zie ik mijn YouTube verdiensten in Adsense ?,What should you do when you bleed in the sea ?,48986
1,How can I get an internship at HackerEarth ?,How can I apply for an internship at Hackerearth ? How can I prepare for this ?,223405
0,What is the difference between love and a crush ?,"What is the difference between the feelings of affection , attraction , trust , intimacy , love , true love , lust , crush , infatuation , obsession , passion and compassion ?",339012
1,Does hotels allow unmarried couples in Mumbai ?,Which hotels in Mumbai will allow unmarried couples to share a room together ?,186391
0,Are there any RSS readers that pull comments ?,Are there any RSS readers for OS X that pull comments ?,3135
1,How many no of engineering colleges are in Delhi NCR ?,What can be the ranking of the engineering colleges -LRB- mention private/government funded -RRB- in Delhi NCR ?,319880
0,`` What does '' `` debited to your card account '' '' mean ? '',What does I do to remove my debit card from Facebook account ?,220399
1,How do I open my third eye ?,How do I open 3rd eye ?,67151
0,How can you tell if you 've been blocked on iMessage ?,How do I know if someone has blocked me on OkCupid ?,199299
1,How does a rocket fly ?,How are space rockets able to fly ?,290900
0,Does CPA marketing really make money ?,How does CPA marketing work and how can I start making money with it ?,12416
1,How can I improve my English pronunciation ?,What is the best way to improve my spoken English soon ?,240573
0,"What is the nearest airport to Daytona Beach , and how do this cities tourist attractions compare to Tampa 's ?","What is the nearest airport to Daytona Beach , and how do this cities tourist attractions compare to Orlando 's ?",397768
1,Why would Hillary Clinton be a better president than Donald Trump ?,How is Hillary Clinton a better choice than Donald Trump ?,227534
0,Where can I see Naruto Shippuden 362 English dubbed ?,When will more Naruto Shippuden dub episodes be released ?,303280
1,How will the scrapping of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes help in reducing black money and corruption ?,Will the decision to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes help to curb black money ?,247080
0,`` What 's the meaning of '' `` growell '' '' ? '',What the meaning of terisis ?,61702
1,How can you make money from Quora ?,What is the best way to make money on Quora ?,264660
0,`` Which episodes in '' `` Naruto '' '' are fillers ? '',How do I watch Naruto -LRB- original -RRB- without fillers ?,393942
1,What programs can Java be used for ?,What is Java primarily used for ?,96911
0,What is the best car to buy under 5 lakhs ?,Buying Cars : Which is best car under Rs .4 lakhs in India ?,382146
1,Why is tipping a certain percentage such a big deal in the US ?,Why is tipping such a big deal in the US than it is in Europe ?,42854
0,What is the best app for civil services examination ?,What is the best optional subject for civil service examination ?,36833
1,What is a mechanical engineer ?,What is mechanical engineer ?,399708
0,What is the scientific reason behind drinking water in a sitting position ?,"What are the health effects , if any , of honey and lemon water ?",104752
1,How long does it take before marijuana is out of your system ? Is there any way to do it faster ?,How long does it take weed to get out of your system ? How can you get it out faster ?,368270
0,What are some of the advantages of a graphics tablet ?,How should I prepare for Clat with just 8 months to go ? From where shall I begin ?,175880
1,How can I become Chartered Accountant after 12th std ?,How can I become a Chartered Accountant in India ?,229439
0,How do I know wether or not someone read my message on Instagram ?,"If I block someone in my Instagram and I decide to send a direct message , can she/he read that DM even if I block her/him ?",298729
1,Which is the best book of optimization technique ?,Which is a good book to understand the latest optimization techniques ?,216238
0,What is the craziest things ever done ?,What is the craziest thing you have ever done with your friends ?,325644
1,What is the measure of a central tendency if data has extreme values ?,What is the measure of the central tendency if data has extreme values ?,290037
0,Which are the current Big Corporations moving to Coworking ?,"Which is a better option - Honda Hornet 160r or Yamaha Fzs Version 2 -LRB- FI -RRB- ? P.S. - Bajaj , TVS , Suzuki are not under consideration",110749
1,What will life be like in 2100 ?,What is likely to happen by 2100 ?,257818
0,What are ego networks ?,What is the ego ?,325823
1,How can I reduce my belly fat through a diet ?,Whats the best way to reduce belly fat ?,379973
0,Why is Sachin Tendulkar retiring ?,Why has Sachin Tendulkar not retired yet ?,171666
1,How do we know our calculation of the value of pi is correct to as many digits as we 've calculated it to ?,How do you know how many digits are correct when computing pi ?,333367
0,Are there any drawbacks in Digital India ?,Is India ready for digital revolution ?,384728
1,How do I choose a semi-truck accident lawyer ?,What do I look for when choosing semi-truck accident lawyer ?,137112
0,Does The Program have post credits scenes ?,Does O have post credits scenes ?,206534
1,`` How can I avoid having so many of my questions marked '' `` needs improvement '' '' ? '',Why are ALL my questions being marked as needing improvement ?,175893
0,Why does the government regulate health care ?,"How can I reconcile my support in universal health care and a single-payer option with my belief that government is a bureaucratic , corrupt mess ?",336497
1,Where should I invest $ 300k in Canada ?,Where should I invest $ 250k in Canada ?,20257
0,`` What is meant by '' `` e '' `` in mathematics ? '',What is meant by mathematics ?,268368
1,Which software can download a YouTube playlist ?,How do I download a whole playlist of 40 videos on YouTube in one go ?,167990
0,What are the best high-end preschools in Indianapolis ? What makes them good or special ?,What are the best high-end preschools in Montréal ? What makes them good or special ?,242645
1,Are escrow services available in India ?,Which are the online escrow service providers in India ?,333028
0,How do I know why I was blocked from Instagram ?,On Instagram I blocked someone who blocked me . How do I unblock them ?,308427
1,What is the minimum wage in USA ?,What is the minimum wage in the USA ?,193105
0,Is there a maximum limit for a transaction via Net Banking through an SBI account ?,What is the maximum limit of a saving bank account ?,394613
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Utah ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Pennsylvania ?,63149
0,What is the career scope after doing BJMC and then MJMC ?,What is the scope and career after Msc in IT ?,324667
1,When is it too late to learn piano ?,Is it too late to learn to play the piano at 26 ?,277798
0,`` Who wrote the music to '' `` The Get Down '' '' on Netflix ? Why are n't full credits listed online ? '',I placed in hexaware technology . They are taking ece domain test . location is Delhi on 10th Dec. . I 'm in bangalore now for searching job . Should i go ?,212721
1,Who is considered as the father of microbiology ?,Who is the father of microbiology ?,31333
0,What will I miss if I delete my Twitter account ?,How do I delete my Twitter account ?,176227
1,What is the most painless and peaceful way to kill yourself ?,What is the best and painless way to kill yourself ?,77976
0,What is the syllabus for the GRE ?,What is the syllabus for the mechanical engineering GRE ?,320486
1,How do you delete a question you asked on Quora,Is it possible to permanently delete a Quora question ?,1938
0,Where can I sell old coins in India ?,"I have few maple leaf silver coins , Where can I sell it in Bangalore , India ?",118780
1,Can a F1 student visa holder become a Uber driver in USA ?,Can I drive for Uber with my H1-B work visa or F1 student visa in the US ?,111358
0,What do Indians think of Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army ?,"Was Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose 's decision to form Indian National Army with the help of Japan , a right decision to liberate India from the clutches of British ?",95948
1,How can I know that I am in love with a girl ?,How do know that you are in love ?,122182
0,What is something interesting you 've heard from a U.S. politician in private ?,What are some good reasons to use Tor ?,281295
1,Is it advisable to drink warm water to lose weight and help digestion in India ?,Will drinking warm water after meals help in weight loss ?,314277
0,What function do ribosomes serve ?,What function do ribosomes serve in polypeptide synthesis ?,242720
1,Who won the 2016 September 26th presidential debate between Trump and Hillary ?,Who do you think won the first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and why ?,153017
0,How does it feel to go to HLS ?,What are free tools for HDL development for FPGA and ASIC ?,363334
1,How can I make money online without spending money ?,How do I make money online without spending money ?,171935
0,What are the must-do things in Darjeeling ?,What are the best things you can do in Darjeeling ?,244023
1,Why do some people on QUORA ask questions that they can easily findout on Google ?,"Why does people here in Quora still ask some questions that has been already answered somewhere else , and can be found easily using Google search ?",259064
0,How can I do internship in Accenture India ?,How do I apply at Accenture for internship ?,367818
1,Is Julian Assange a hero or a villian ?,Is Julian Assange a hero or villain ?,173930
0,What are the shortcomings of C++ ?,What are some of the shortcomings of PHP ?,216812
1,What are reasons why people change their gender ?,Why do people decide to change their gender ? What does ` identifying with the other gender ' really mean ?,298296
0,Which IB subjects should I choose for economics ?,Which IB subjects should I choose ?,24351
1,What I do next after polytechnic ?,What are the job opportunities after polytechnic ?,21057
0,I am an idiot,How do I know whether I am an idiot ?,167690
1,what steps should I follow to learn machine learning ?,What is the usual way to start learning Machine learning ?,371899
0,How much does YouTube pay per subscriber ?,I plan to be a gaming YouTuber . How should I start with my goal of subscribers and how much money will I get per month ?,59208
1,How can iPhones get viruses ?,Can you get a virus on the iPhone ?,135822
0,What are the 2 best audiobooks on Community ?,What are some of the best audiobooks ?,73531
1,What are the best ways to masturbate ?,How does one masturbate ?,393870
0,Is CNN a credible news source anymore ?,What is the most unbiased TV news source ?,183363
1,Can I make an Android app with Python ?,Is it possible to develop Android applications fully in python ?,63878
0,Why is the Road to Hana famous ?,Is the The Road to Hana CD Guide worth the money ?,396729
1,What are the best book for learning calculus ?,What is the best book to learn calculus with model answers ?,352792
0,What are the advantages and disadvantages of being attractive ?,What are the disadvantages of being physically attractive ?,316935
1,What 's the origin of the word o'clock ?,What is the origin of the word o'clock ?,160174
0,What are functions of a money broker back office ?,Can I choose both computer and biology after class 10 ?,258587
1,Which has been the biggest political scam in India till date ?,Which is the biggest scam in India ?,215734
0,What is the best way to ship clothes to Honduras ?,How do you ship clothing to Honduras ?,66665
1,What are the chances to recover from myopia ?,What are my chances of recovering from myopia ?,222344
0,"What is the history of the Glassboro train station , and how does it compare to Kenwick station ?","What is the history of the Glassboro train station , and how does it compare to Seaforth station ?",174915
1,What are some main differences in pronunciation for Spanish spoken in Mexico and Spain ?,What are the differences between Spanish which is spoken in Spain -LRB- by Spaniard -RRB- and Spanish which is spoken in Latin America ?,156071
0,Which programming languages are most fun to use and why ?,What is the most fun programming language to learn ?,212536
1,How do I get automobile engineering ?,How can I become a automobile engineer ?,214030
0,How many cafes are there in Gangnam ?,How much money did Youtube pay PSY for the Gangnam Style video ?,149111
1,"Is Earth a prematurely Inhabited Planet , because the universe is too young ?","Is Earth a prematurely Inhabited planet , because the Universe maybe too young ?",133527
0,What if only one ticket confirmed out of 3 in tatkal booking ?,When will my train ticket will be confirmed which is booked on tatkal ?,246294
1,Are there any safeguards in place to prevent any US president -LRB- who may not be stable -RRB- from launching a nuclear attack ?,What safeguards are in place to prevent a rogue President of the United States from starting a nuclear war ?,359717
0,What is Definition of Instrumentation ?,What is biomedical instrumentation ?,387153
1,What is the best way of improving english vocabulary ?,What is the easiest way to improve my vocabulary ?,312039
0,How likely will LASIK vision deteriorate with age if one had stable prescription before the operation ?,What is artifacts in c++ ?,178413
1,`` Is demonetizing of '' `` 500/1000 INR '' '' a permanent solution to curb Black Money and Corruption ? '',How Rs .2000 currency notes will reduce black money market or corruption ?,344420
0,How can you prepare easily for NEET ?,How can I prepare for NEET ?,240407
1,How do you know if you are in love with your crush ?,How do you know when it is true love ?,8857
0,How can I become fluent in English ?,Who to be fluent in English speaking ?,207085
1,How can I get back my lost self confidence ?,I have lost self confidence that I will be able to achieve my aim . How do I regain confidence ?,211239
0,What material is generally used to make helicopter mast ?,"What type of fabric -LRB- material , weave , weight -RRB- is used to make Mexican-style boxing handwraps ?",46995
1,How come the media is quiet about Donald Trump 's child rape case ?,Why is n't Donald Trump 's rape case a bigger story ?,90529
0,How hard is it to transfer from Amazon to Google ?,Google : How easy is it to transfer from ITRP to SRE after 26 months ?,174818
1,Can an international student in F-1 visa sign up for Uber and work part time in US ?,Can I drive for Uber with my H1-B work visa or F1 student visa in the US ?,366617
0,"Which one is the best and and the worst bank in the UAE ? And , why is that ?",What is the best bank in UAE ?,156097
1,How soon will the world speak one universal language ?,Will the whole world eventually speak the same language ?,178004
0,"Do people from all countries believe in superstitions ? And if yes , what are some popular superstitions in your country ?",What superstitions are common in your country ?,372541
1,What was the biggest mistake of your life ?,What is your worst regret in life ?,376600
0,How do American weddings work compared to Canadian weddings ?,How do American weddings work compared to Greek weddings ?,96551
1,What are the reasons why the US Constitution is called a living document ?,What makes the US Constitution a living document ?,82245
0,Where can I found best quality graphic mats in Sydney ?,Where can I buy best quality designer mats in Sydney ?,241870
1,What is the job outlook like in the US after getting a MS in electrical engineering ?,What are the job opportunities available in US after MS in electrical engineering -LRB- power system -RRB- ?,99256
0,How were the Nirbhaya Rape Case culprits tracked down ?,Is it true that the juvenile who raped Nirbhaya is Mohammad afroz ? And where is he now ? Is there an image of him ?,252617
1,"My girlfriend broke up with me so she could sleep around , how can I get over this ?",My girlfriend of four years cheated on me with another man and is now happy with him . How do I get over her ?,182143
0,Is it too late to start ?,Is it too late to start a new life ?,237707
1,What can wrestlers do to prevent cauliflower ears ?,Why do wrestlers have deformed ears ?,331880
0,Why does clock show 10:10 in comercials ?,Why every wall clock time is set 10:00 while purchasing ?,27418
1,Why is the sky is blue ?,Why is the sky blue color ?,282697
0,What are the similarities and differences between 19th century indians and 21st century indians ?,What are some Indian Proverbs of the 21st Century ?,331879
1,How can one meet British/Irish people in the Toronto/GTA Area ?,Where can I meet British people in the Toronto/GTA area ?,136318
0,Why some people expose themselves at tv Reality Shows ?,How much does the certiport certification cost ?,236366
1,What are some of the weirdest questions you have seen on Quora ?,What is the weirdest question you have come across on Quora ?,5854
0,Can I get the working permit in Malaysia if I came on visit visa ? From Pakistan kindly tell me,How do you know if your boyfriend has started taking you for granted ?,120308
1,What 's the difference between a programming language and a scripting language ?,What is the major difference between a scripting language like PHP and a programming language like Python ?,251554
0,Why can a Muslim man have 4 wives whereas a Muslim woman can have only 1 husband ?,Can a Muslim woman refuse sex to her husband when time for salah is running out ?,296809
1,Which is the best college for computer science addict ?,What is a good college for computer science ?,232543
0,How many times can a person become the Prime Minister of a country ?,How many times can a person be elected Prime Minister ?,101267
1,Are all Quorans introverts ?,Are Quorans introverts ?,109156
0,"Why is the Mophie case charged by a micro-USB cable , and not a lightning cable ?",Which USB hub should I buy ?,74994
1,What is the one single food you could never give up ?,"What is the one , single food that you would never give up ?",241663
0,How was the iPhone 6s Plus designed and developed ?,Is IPhone 6s Plus faulty design product ?,128325
1,What are the similarities between Narendra Modi and Donald Trump ?,Is Modi the Donald Trump of India ?,275706
0,Can a child be blood group B + if father is A + and mother O + ?,Can a child whose parents are blood group B + have his/her blood group as O + ?,202614
1,How can one pass a hair folicle test for meth when you are dirty ?,What helps you pass a meth test ?,232025
0,How does iron change from solid to liquid and gas ?,How does gold change from solid to liquid and gas ?,286611
1,How do I improve English writing capacity as a non-native English speaker ?,How can I improve English writing skills as a non-native speaker ?,93128
0,Why do solids have infinite free surfaces ?,"Assume a flat , infinite earth but with no atmosphere . If I pointed a laser parallel to its surface , how far would it travel before hitting the ground ?",77487
1,What is a soul ?,What exactly is a soul ?,74673
0,"What is the name of the ` dish ' in which you blend a full-bodied red wine , or port , with strong blue cheese and then spread the mixture on bread ?",What is a port wine ?,242258
1,What steps can I take to improve my writing skills ?,How can I improve my writing skills for writing a book ?,210105
0,How was the 2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory different than Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory ?,Is it Charlie and the chocolate factory or Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory ?,40213
1,What is the best laptop under 30k for students ?,What are the best laptops available under INR 30000 -LRB- 30k -RRB- ?,311084
0,What are the best country songs of all time ?,What are some of the best country songs ?,166358
1,What are the options after doing Bcom professional ?,What are the best career options after completing ?,79695
0,How do you tell if a head gasket is blown ?,"I inherited my grandmother 's used car and it is over-heating , at least partially due to a blown head gasket . Should I sell it and buy something else ?",140635
1,How can one add more than 300 characters to the question details in Quora ?,"How can I add a longer , more detailed description of my question on Quora ?",279279
0,What are the good books for Java EE 7 ?,What are the good books for Java EE 8 ?,203488
1,How can we read a string with spaces in c ?,`` How can we read the string -LRB- '' `` firstname lastname '' '' -RRB- with spaces in C except using scanset and gets ? '',64816
0,Has anyone got job through elitmus ?,Does elitmus really work for freshers ? If it does then how much time does is really take for one to get job through it ? What is the best time to write in elitmus ?,357078
1,How can I overcome my depression and my fears ?,What should I do to overcome anxiety ?,50735
0,What is a clever way to tell someone that you think they suck without offending them ?,How do you tell someone you do not find them attractive without being rude ?,365963
1,Why do cats knead their owners ?,Why do cats knead ?,51434
0,What is the scope of Research on order statistics ?,What is a basic statistics college course like ?,66354
1,What is the chemical formula of methane ?,What 's the chemical formula of Methane ?,61927
0,What type of books should I read in order to learn something useful to my life and become smarter and knowledgeable of more subjects ?,"If I want to become a smarter person in general , what kind of books should I pick up ? Also , will reading on Quora make me smarter ?",97470
1,Which is the best honeymoon destination in kerala ?,Which are the best honeymoon locations in Kerala for summer honeymoon trip to Kerala ?,1805
0,How many people love Algeria ?,What things do people from Algeria miss most when they go abroad ?,127889
1,"Who is the best guitarist , eric clapton or jimi hendrix ?",Who was a better guitarist : Eric Clapton or Jimi Hendrix ?,306050
0,What are some kind words to say to a friend with a sick parent ?,What kind of talk does your friends enjoy and what does you say in your talk ? -LRB- with elaboration -RRB-,206136
1,What makes social networking sites addictive ?,Why are people addicted to social networking sites ?,91473
0,How can I treat a really oily nose ?,How do you treat dry nose skin ?,340396
1,Has Jimmy Wales asked or answered a question anonymously ?,Has Jimmy Wales answered questions as an anonymous ?,59982
0,How can we end caste system in India ?,When will the caste system in India end ?,106939
1,How did the question mark -LRB- ? -RRB- originate ?,`` What 's the origin of the question mark '' '' ? '' '' ? '',153636
0,"I am very critical of myself and my family members , whom I love deeply . How can I work around my reflexive criticism ?",What are some magazines or newspapers that write about real worldly issues ?,294969
1,Why are gay people told to come out ?,Why should gay people come out ?,168506
0,How are Jobs in Dubai ?,What is the best way to find job in Dubai ?,270653
1,Which movie did you last watch ? And what do you think of it ?,What movie did you last watch ? What did you think of it ?,213348
0,What percentage of terrorists are atheists ?,What percentage of terrorists are theists ?,303549
1,How can I hack my phone ?,How do I hack phones ?,221220
0,Why are n't black people eliminated or deported from America for committing so many crime ?,"Tax Policy : If people in America pay so much tax , then why do we see many billionaires are from America itself ? Do n't they pay taxes ?",177983
1,`` What should I watch after '' `` Death Note '' '' ? '',What anime would you suggest I watch after watching death note ?,11879
0,What is the title of the French short film that happens in a laundromat and ends with a half-naked girl swinging in the French flag -LRB- made out of clothes -RRB- mirroring the painting Liberty Leading the People ?,Where can I find french film or tv shows with French subtitles ?,376682
1,How can I tell if my phone is buged ?,How can I tell if my phone is not tapped ?,397157
0,How do I tell my boyfriend I ca n't do it anymore . I 'm sick of begging for love n attention ?,Can begging be dropped ?,375344
1,What wars and conflicts will shape the world in the next 50 years ?,Is a third World War likely within the next 50 years ?,218521
0,How do you know if someone is on a whatsapp call ?,How do you know if someone has deleted you from WhatsApp and not just blocked you ?,307905
1,How do you dilute meth in your body ?,How can I dilute meth out of my system ?,193986
0,What are some solar energy pros ?,What is the Solar energy ?,222541
1,How can one learn Japanese well ?,How can I learn Japanese ?,290549
0,Would you like to be in a long distance relationship but without sending photos and video call till they meet each other ?,What are some ways to do my programming homework ?,266016
1,I have cleared the aptitude test of Mu Sigma . What things should I focus on to confirm my selection ?,I have cleared the aptitude round of Mu Sigma . On what things should I focus on to confirm my selection ?,278459
0,What are some movies that critics despised but audiences loved ?,What 's a movie you loved but the critics hated ?,306318
1,What the the best ways to control anger ?,What are your best tips to control anger ?,400719
0,How does snow go through sublimation ?,What does it mean to cope via sublimation ?,361886
1,"If the God of Abraham inspired/authored the Tanakh , NT & the Quran , why do these texts contradict each other ?","If the Tanakh , the New Testament , and the Quran are inspired/authored by the God of Israel , why do they differ from each other ?",64162
0,"For a non-smoker , what are the health benefits of chewing nicotine gum ?",What are the advantages of chewing gum ?,375647
1,What is best online business loan company ?,What is the best resource for small business loans ?,382528
0,"As a Quoran , have you ever partaken in ` random acts of upvoting ' ? Have you ever upvoted an answer ` just because ' ?",Are energy drinks as bad as people say ?,325604
1,How can I delete an old Facebook account that I forgot it 's password ?,Is it possible to login to Facebook without password ?,302280
0,`` Who does the best version of the song '' `` Hallelujah '' '' by Leonard Cohen ? '',`` Who originally wrote the song '' `` Hallelujah '' '' ? '',131324
1,What is the best joke ever heard ?,What is the best joke you have ever heard ?,287396
0,What 's the opposite of either-or ?,What is the opposite of opposite ?,360521
1,Which universities for MS in CS should I apply to ?,Which universities can I apply for MS Computer Science ?,32576
0,Who manufactures Walmart 's private label brand of Great Value Milk ?,Who manufactures Walmart 's private label brand of Great Value soft drinks ?,90003
1,Does depression make you dumb ?,Can having depression make you dumb ?,376796
0,What is the most disgusting thing you 've seen in a restaurant ?,What was the most disgusting thing you 've seen a teacher do ?,365494
1,Why do you need Islam ?,Why do you follow Islam ?,269815
0,What are some of the websites similar to ?,What websites are similar to ?,176828
1,"What if Donald trump is indicted of criminal charges , related to Trump University ? Would he be impeached ?",Will Trump Will Be Impeached ?,123169
0,"Should the Union have put Davis , Lee , Forrest , and other Confederate leaders on trial for treason after the Civil War ?",Would America 's healing from the Civil War been aided by trying and executing the Confederate leadership for treason ?,204465
1,Is IT from VSSUT Burla is good ?,How is VSSUT Burla IT department for B.TECH ?,209399
0,Is it possible to find the original Tumblr post using just the URL of the image posted ?,Is it still possible to add an image to an answer on Quora using a URL ?,65477
1,How do I start a web development business ?,How do I start a web development businesses as a teenager ?,354838
0,I own a hatchback . Should I choose reverse parking sensors or a reverse parking camera ?,Why is reverse parking more efficient ?,333522
1,How can you breed a Malamute/Husky mix ?,How do you breed a Malamute/Husky mix ?,354316
0,How do I install Wine in Ubuntu offline ?,How can I install software in Ubuntu 14.04 offline ?,90494
1,How can I polish my English skills ?,How can we polish English skills ?,320560
0,How do I use Computer Vision for Python ?,Computer Vision : What are the fastest object recognition algorithms in Python ?,143066
1,What are the worst characteristics of Scorpios ?,What are some negative characteristics of Scorpios ?,62796
0,Registering for cat 2016 . i dontknow how to upload nc-OBC certificate.will they accept when I upload my communitycertificate issued by TN govt ?,What are the largest classes at Wright State ? Are they worth taking ? What is the workload like for them ?,166582
1,Why did Hillary Clinton loose the 2016 Presidential election ?,What made Hillary to lose presidential election ?,6117
0,The recent pressures in life have changed me into someone I do n't recognize . How can one get a grip on life after a series of losses ?,"I have a memory of someone similar to a driving instructor telling me I 'm gripping the wheel like I 'm on the Titanic , but I ca n't place it . Is this a real memory ?",328403
1,How do you earn money as a wizard ?,How do wizards earn money ?,275370
0,What is the relationship between sound and light ?,"Why is light , sound and smell not affected by gravity ?",339765
1,What is the best way to avoid procrastination ?,How could I avoid laziness ?,36380
0,Why does left handed people smarter than right handed people ?,Are left handed people more intelligent than right handed people ?,349678
1,Did Modi lie when he said that he will deposit Rs . 15 lakh in everyone 's bank account ?,How can we clear the confusion among people that Modi had not promised to credit 15 lakh to everyone 's bank account ?,218664
0,Should I try to answer hypothetical questions on Quora to hone my creative thinking abilities even if I am not an expert on the question being asked ?,"If I want Quora 's user base to grow , should I refrain from rebutting , questioning , or even commenting on answers ?",313254
1,What one exercise will help me lose belly fat ?,What are the best ways to burn belly fat ?,72188
0,What is the evolutionary reason for why Asian men have smaller penises on average than other ethnicities ?,Are men generally physically stronger than women ?,180822
1,What was the hardest decision you have made in your life ?,What is the hardest decision you have made in your life ?,361743
0,What are some really interesting machine learning projects for beginners ?,I am a beginner to Machine Learning ? Can you tell me the best and perfect way to learn Machine Learning ?,254061
1,How do I learn to ask the right questions ?,How do I ask the right questions in professional and personal life ?,247467
0,How good is BITS for pursuing an MBA ? What is the average package ? What is the least percentile they accept with a work experience of 28 months ?,Should I pursue MBA after 4 years of work experience ?,399259
1,How can I earn money online without investing ? Are there some authentic jobs online ?,What are the best ways to earn money online without investment ?,180701
0,Why do white power skinheads rape other men ?,Why do men rape women ? Why do n't women rape men ?,87011
1,What are the best secrets of great programmers ?,What are the best-kept secrets of great programmers ?,111755
0,How closely does the IB check extended essays ?,How would planned parenthood change in a universal healthcare system ?,18762
1,Was there anyone who prospered -LRB- legally -RRB- during the Great Depression ?,What companies benefited from the Great Depression ?,49013
0,"Board seats versus majority ownership of shares versus preferred stock , and other deal terms : which provide the greatest actual decision-making power ?",Why do venture capitalist take board seats ?,159533
1,How can you find the purpose of human life ?,How can I find my purpose in life ?,68587
0,How do I find myIP address on an iPhone ?,How do I find an iPhone address ?,239871
1,How can we create android apps ?,How can I create Android apps ?,323574
0,How will Donald Trump make Mexico pay for the wall ? Why does it make sense that Mexico will pay ? Will Mexico do it ?,"If Mexico does n't pay for the wall , will it still be built ? Would Trump get a pass if Mexico refuse to pay ?",391004
1,What is object-oriented programming ?,What is the defination of object oriented programming ?,235689
0,What is religious ?,What 's your religious history ?,162186
1,What is the meaning of pulses for sustainable food security ?,What is pulses for sustainable food security prospects and challenges ?,34058
0,How would you react after getting rejected by your crush without proposing after making a mistake and your friends are just making fun of you ?,How would your dog react if after years of love and affection you started beating it seldomly with a stick ?,147989
1,How long I should use apple cider vinegar ?,How long can you keep apple cider vinegar ? Will it eventually go bad ?,15717
0,Who is interested in getting alternative medicine ?,I 'm a third-year medicine student who is very interested in nutrition . What postgraduate course in nutrition would be the best for me ?,326717
1,Can I make my answers anonymous on Quora ?,How can I write an anonymous answer on Quora ?,218194
0,What is the fee structure for a 4-year B.Tech at KIIT University ?,Fee structre of kiit university for b tech ?,183507
1,What one exercise will help me lose belly fat ?,What is the exercise to remove belly fat for girls ?,65132
0,What does the process of founding a CPG company look like ?,How do I get my CPG/meat snack company acquired ?,369323
1,What is the best restaurant organization in America ?,What are some of the best restaurants in America ?,269785
0,How do you prepare for a painful situatiation in the future ?,Need a Mechatronics BSc thesis topic tip . Want to research a automatic system 4 fighterJets to fly in formation in order to save fuel . Is it worth it ?,333228
1,How do I start to code ?,How do I start coding professionally ?,10020
0,Can raising a dog teach me how to raise a child ?,How can I prepare SBI SCO IT manager in only one month ?,228500
1,What actually is the purpose of life ?,What is the purpose of your life ?,320421
0,"Why does PHP require Apache or nginx , but Ruby on Rails , Node.js , etc. do n't necessarily require it ?",Does Node JS developer need to learn PHP ?,347021
1,What is the difference of table manners between China and the UK ?,What are some difference of table manners between Chinese and British ?,167421
0,`` What are some sentence examples using '' `` censure '' '' ? '',`` What are some sentence examples using '' `` urge '' '' ? '',202489
1,Whose win will be beneficial for India-Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton ?,"Who is good for India , Trump or Clinton ?",306241
0,Numerology : What is the comprehensive list of the lucky numbers in Chinese culture ?,What is the best house number in numerology ?,65340
1,What are your favorite Slack integrations/Slack bots ?,What are your favorite slack integrations ?,133005
0,What is live loaded stem packing ?,What is meant by social English ?,228272
1,How can I increase my penis ?,How can I got a big penis ?,48306
0,How can you save YouTube videos for offline viewing in laptop ?,Where does the offline videos on youtube get saved ?,156165
1,How I can enhance my English language ?,How can I learn English well ? ?,57785
0,What is it like being an animator ?,What is it like to be an animal ?,5015
1,Which university in Ukraine is best for medicine and why ?,"Which university is the best to study medicine in Ukraine , Europe ?",184959
0,"Can a family live comfortably on $ 350,000 a year in New York City ?","Can a family live on $ 100,000 a year in New York City ?",214783
1,Is drinking one 's own pee good for health ?,Is it safe to drink one 's own urine ?,259442
0,Are there any stories in Chinese literature that deal with people 's civil liberties and the historical expansion thereof ?,From where to start Chinese literature and history ?,64047
1,Why has Ernest W. Adams disabled comments on his answers ?,Why does Ernest Adams disable comments on his answers ?,306176
0,Do vit mechanical students get 10lac + salary package ?,What is the highest package bagged by IT student of VIT Vellore ?,108905
1,What makes The Godfather trilogy the greatest movies of all time ?,Why is ` The Godfather ' trilogy considered one of the top 3 movies of all time ?,281305
0,"Why did Team USA Soccer star Megan Rapinoe come out last month , after years of playing ?",Why does Mexico not have a Olympic team ?,366615
1,How do you know if someone likes me ?,How do you know if someone likes you ?,253868
0,"I Need cab from Heathrow terminal 3 to Paddington , is there any good cab service available ?","I need cab from Heathrow Terminal 5 to Paddington , is there any good cab service available ?",151737
1,Where can I get a vast collection of bridal dresses in Gold Coast ?,Where can I found best quality bridesmaid and bridal dresses in Gold Coast ?,284548
0,Is there any mistakes in Better Call Saul ?,What has happened to Chuck in Better Call Saul ?,327347
1,How do I get over my first break up ?,Dating and Relationships : How can I get over a break up ?,70169
0,Why is the colour of KMnO4 purple before the titration and after the end point it is pink ?,Can urea be oxidized by KMnO4 ?,7302
1,What are some ways to grow taller at the age of 20 ?,Is there any way to get taller if I have already crossed 20 ?,119161
0,`` How do you '' `` grow up '' '' ? '',What should I grow up to ?,300284
1,Are we moving towards WWIII ?,Are we moving closer towards the next world war ?,88878
0,Why does Coca-Cola taste different in different countries ?,Coca-Cola : Why is a there a difference between the taste of Zero between different countries ?,70906
1,What 's the best plan to lose weight ?,How do I lose weight ?,122478
0,I have dimples directly on my upper cheek . How rare is this ?,Is it true that having dimple on the cheek is the sign of luck ?,229332
1,The Indian government is banning the Rs . 500 & Rs . 1000 notes but it is coming up with the Rs . 2000 note . Will it not cause a generation of black money in the future ?,How is replacing 1000 rs notes with 2000 rs notes going to make black money hoarding a lot harder ?,142125
0,"If women want gender equality so badly , why do the same women want men around whom they can feel protected ?",Why do women like being saved by men but then want equality ?,20060
1,How do I earn from qoura ?,How can I earn money on Quora ?,28955
0,Why do my tracking urls not show up in the Google Analytics campaign report ?,What can replace the ampersand as a URL parameter that will still show up in Google Analytics ?,72032
1,How can you improve your communication skill ?,How can I improve my communication effectively ?,46235
0,What career advice would you give to someone who wants to become a promotion manager ?,What career advice would you give to someone who wants to become a accountant ?,334477
1,How old is hinduism in its current form ?,How old is modern Hinduism and where did its features come from and why ?,270711
0,`` What is a '' `` coquettish haberdasher '' '' ? '',`` What does the phrase '' `` sabah el noor '' '' mean in Arabic ? '',381930
1,Why is the U.S. involved in the South China Sea dispute ? What is its interest in that region ?,Why is Chinese expansion in the South China Sea a U.S. national security concern ?,331317
0,What is the average salary after getting a job in the geological survey of India through the UPSC exam ?,What happens after one gets a job in the Geological Survey of India through the UPSC examination ?,228155
1,What would be the safest place to live if ww3 breaks out ?,"If the world war 3 breaks out , which country would be safest to live and why ?",351174
0,I 'm not able to view hike 's last seen where as my friends can view mine ?,Is there a place where I can give my views on news around me as I find Twitter to be not friendly for a newcomer who is not a celebrity ?,202725
1,How good are the universities in Canada for doing my Master 's in computer science ?,How good is doing MS in Canada for Computer Science ?,150003
0,`` Is this phrase '' `` All the information are belong to me '' '' grammatically correct ? '',`` Is the phrase '' `` little do you know '' '' grammatically correct ? '',167555
1,How do I get rid of my belly fat ?,How can I reduce my Belly and tummy fat ?,233442
0,Why is the Indian media not reporting on the conversions happening at Tirupati temple ? Are they waiting for Hindu groups to retaliate and then call it as anti-Christian violence ?,Why are all replies anti-White-Christian ?,158544
1,What are the negative effects of masturbation for both men and women ?,What are the negative side effects to musturbating ?,320689
0,What & Where are the parole detention centers in Ga ?,What job opportunities are available for a Canadian PR holder ?,138042
1,Which is the funniest joke you 've ever heard ?,What is the most funny joke you have ever heard ?,20904
0,`` Why is '' `` Dinar '' '' of Kuwait is the strongest currency against Indian Rupee ? '',"Why is the value of Kuwait 's currency , the Dinar , so high ?",5913
1,How do I become a user experience designer ?,How do I become an UX designer ?,201592
0,Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Brunei and what should people know about them ?,Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Palestine and what should people know about them ?,79021
1,Why do we study signals and systems ?,Why we study about Signals and Systems ?,28220
0,What does zaga zunt mean ?,What do Israelis think of Yiddish ?,337058
1,What is the fastest way to lose 30 pounds in 1 month ?,What is the best diet to lose 30 pounds in a month ?,121713
0,Why do n't I feel pretty anymore ?,Why do I feel I am not myself anymore ?,263099
1,What is the largest possible number ?,What is the biggest number ?,364203
0,"Could someone tell of a James Ronsey -LRB- misspelled likely -RRB- , writer and filmmaker , probably of the British Isles ?",What are the best instructions about fin heat transfer ?,198586
1,What are the steps to be taken to become an IAS officer ?,What steps are to be taken to become an IAS officer ?,55358
0,What is the application of quantum physics in planetary sciences ?,What is quantum mechanics ?,65836
1,What is it like to live in Finland ?,What 's it like to live in Finland ?,307156
0,`` Can '' `` Head and Shoulders '' '' shampoo actually get rid of dandruff ? '',"Has anyone who had a lot of dandruff get rid of that naturally ? If yes , how ?",27604
1,How do I write an excellent history essay ?,How does one write a good history essay ?,87749
0,In what ways does Holi -LRB- festival in India -RRB- impact a business ? How do you get the best impacts from Holi ?,`` Do you like Holi the way it is '' `` played '' '' in India ? '',281770
1,What are the best online resources to learn web development ?,What are the best online web development courses ?,358827
0,Which is the best ETL tool to learn and which has good job opportunities ?,What are the best way to learn and get a job as SQL/ETL developer ?,298478
1,How do I start a business ? Where can I get a funding in India if I have a really good idea ?,"I have an idea for a start up , I need funding for that , how can I get the investors ?",287584
0,What are the pros and cons of dams ?,How useful is Bhakra Nangal dam ?,83098
1,Which is best online grocery store in Chennai ? Any list ?,Which is the best online grocery store in Chennai ?,339244
0,Why do I not have a girlfriend ? I am literally just what girls say they want . Should I be concerned ?,"`` My family wants me to find a girl to marry , but I do n't want to , and if I say I 'm gay , they will '' `` kill '' '' me , but I want to live a long life . What should I do/say ? ''",74699
1,How can you be on The Ellen Show ?,How can I get on the Ellen Show ?,107712
0,What is it like as an Indian living in copenhegan ?,What does it feel like to be an Indian in Denmark ?,109014
1,Why do muslims get radicalise easily and not other people ?,Why does a Muslim get so easily radicalised ?,115006
0,Which is the best song you 've ever listened to ?,What are some good songs ?,301756
1,What is the story behind the black arrow that Bard uses to kill Smaug ?,How could one single arrow kill a creature as large as Smaug ?,310070
0,I am under stress due to my studies n my life everything is going bad from past 4 years . I cant focus on anything.what to do ?,What is a spherical glass ?,397669
1,Who are you voting for U.S. President in November 2016 and why ?,Who are you voting for and why ?,334824
0,How do I not feel sleepy while studying ?,Why do I feel sleepy when I start studying ? What can I do ?,313635
1,"Now that Trump has been elected as president , how will it affect India ?",Donald Trump has won the presidency election . How does it affect US relations with India ?,49119
0,Where can I buy the best quality tape in hair extensions on line ?,Where can you find the highest quality hair extension ?,392308
1,What are the best ways to stay relaxed under pressure ?,What are good ways to stay calm and focused while under high pressure ?,134825
0,What do you think killed Hillary 's campaign ?,What are the differences between Hillary Clinton 's 2016 presidential campaign and her 2008 presidential campaign ?,173546
1,Do prokaryotic cells have RNA ? Why or why not ?,Do prokaryotic cells have RNA ?,375294
0,What is seeding ?,What is seed theory ?,364551
1,Who is the most powerful leader in the world ?,Who 's the most powerful leader in the world ?,96597
0,"As a green card holder , is it possible for me to to transfer to another U.S. dental school to receive lower tuition fees than I am currently paying ?","For Green Card Holder , will fees of US university be charged as foreign student or same as what US citizens are charged ? Planing to do MS.",33714
1,What is the nicest thing you ever did for someone ?,What 's one of the nicest thing you have done for a stranger ?,188539
0,What will be the fee structure in NIT/GFTI 's 2016 for SC candidate ?,How much marks do I need for an NIT ? I am SC candidate and scored 95/95/95 in PCM .,265880
1,What are the differences in life between Chinese and western cultures ?,What are the culture differences between Chinese and Western ?,45820
0,How can I learn the marketing skills ?,How can I learn my marketable skills ?,24914
1,Which is the best Seo optimization services in India ?,Which is the best SEO services company in India ?,237053
0,"What happens when a candidate gets tr , and if he corrects it , then how its updated at the time of final merit ?",What does it mean if he smiles at me out of the blue ? When all of a sudden he turns back and loooks at me and smiles ?,187745
1,What does an account executive do ?,What does account executive do ?,229615
0,"What do the A320-211 , A380-800 names mean on Airbus aircraft ?",What is the major difference between Airbus and Boeing aircraft design ?,106350
1,What are the top things to do in Barcelona ?,What are the best things to do in Barcelona ?,404169
0,"As a venture capital investor , if you had a chance to invest in Flipkart but passed , what was your rationale ?","As a venture capital investor , if you had a chance to invest in InMobi but passed , what was your rationale ?",35988
1,How does one know when they are being used and manipulated ?,How do I know if I 'm being manipulated ?,192687
0,"What is the age of Aquarius and what impact , if any , will it have ?",Are we in the age of Aquarius or the age of Pisces ?,344605
1,What is peer-to-peer lending ?,What is peer to peer lending ?,216570
0,What is the physics behind making Tesla coils sing on pitch -LRB- like ArcAttack -RRB- ?,Is it possible to harvest rain using Tesla coil ?,28874
1,How is the exclamation point used in math and what is it called ?,How is an exclamation point used in math ?,260209
0,How do Ethernet cables work ?,How does data transfer through ethernet cables ?,258268
1,How did Trump win the presidency ?,How did Donald Trump win the election ?,306056
0,How can you do Boolean algebra simplification ?,Boolean algebra simplification ?,37556
1,How can I increase traffic very soon on my blog ?,How do I generate more traffic to my blog ?,144034
0,"How can I see Mars and the Moon from the Google Earth app , when using a phone or tablet ?","They say that today 's cell phones have more computing power than NASA used to go to the moon in the 1960s . If that 's true and assuming I have my own rocket , what apps would I need to make it from Earth to the moon with just a phone and a rocket ?",298331
1,How can I start learning Python 's language ?,How should I start learning Python for Data Science ?,98638
0,What are the best headphones under $ 75 ?,What are the best headphones for under $ 50 ?,49258
1,What is the smartest thing you 've ever heard a child say ?,What is the smartest thing you 've ever heard a child say ? Andy,159757
0,I ca n't receive my security code in instgram ?,Would there be any interesting results if a human baby was successfully forced to stay in the womb twice as long ? Assume the mother can survive this .,267024
1,Is Pokemon go going to ever launch in India ?,Will pokemon go launch in india ?,352155
0,How much gold is in Fort Knox and is it enough to get the USA out of debt ?,Which is more secure Fort Knox or the White House ?,322808
1,What is your definition of reality ?,What is the definition of reality ?,344030
0,Why am I so unsatisfied with my life ?,Why am I so unsatisfied with life ?,50242
1,How do you permantley delete a Yahoo e-mail account ?,How do you delete your Yahoo account permanently ?,232899
0,How can I get a rank in CS Executive ? What study methods shall I apply ?,"My rank is 11200 , can I get sat in CS or ECE ?",89344
1,What are some mind-blowing men wallets that exist that most people do n't know about ?,What are some mind blowing Safety wallets that most people do n't know about ?,247843
0,What are some good TV shows with diverse casts ?,How do movies and TV shows cast newborns ?,310571
1,How do you delete your Yahoo account permanently ?,What are some ways to delete my Yahoo Mail account ?,233385
0,How much can a lieutenant in the Indian army expect to make after 7th pay commission ?,When is 7th pay commission is expected to apply for defence personal ?,395823
1,Was Newton more intelligent or Einstein ?,Who is more intelligent between Einstein and Newton ?,55842
0,Is there an untethered jailbreak for iOS 10.0.2 for iPhone 5s yet ?,I 'm tired of waiting for iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak for iPhone 5s . Can I downgrade it to iOS 9 and jailbreak it ? How ?,274920
1,How do I get rid of a very bad stage fright ?,What are the best ways to overcome stage fright ?,311990
0,"What one dead person would you most like to have dinner with , if it were possible ?","If you could have dinner with one famous person , dead or alive , who would it be , and why ?",230833
1,Is LinkedIn a good acquisition for Microsoft ? Does it make strategic sense ?,Is LinkedIn a good acquisition for Microsoft ?,94671
0,What do you think of English Premier League ?,What is the English Premier League ?,365643
1,"After demonetization , which could be next step that needs to be taken by Indian Government to prevent black money and corruption ?",What will be the next step taken by MODI to combat black-money / terrorism / corruption ?,141157
0,What 's Uber T ?,What is Uber ?,248010
1,What are the consumptive needs and activities impacts on the environment ?,What are consumptive needs and activities impacts on the environment ?,326097
0,Do I need a good command of English to crack UPSC ?,How did Rachit Raj even clear civil services exam ?,233536
1,Will earth continue to revolve around sun for 8 minutes if the sun happens to disappear suddenly ?,If sun suddenly disappeared then we will know after 8 minutes but in what time earth will go in straight line ?,96899
0,What is Edgware like and how does the lifestyle compare to the London Borough of Ealing ?,What is ` Edgware ' and how does the lifestyle compare to the London Borough of Brent ?,362063
1,Why ca n't the US and Russia just get along ?,Why ca n't the US and Russia just be friends ?,42326
0,What happens if the incumbent president dies on inauguration day of the new president-elect ?,What would happen if the US elected a president below 35 ?,42679
1,How can one invest in Bitcoins ?,How do I invest in Bitcoin ?,175091
0,How can I get Scrum Master certification ?,What is the fastest way to get Scrum Master certification ?,211490
1,How can I get details about the new project by Indiabulls Real Estate Ltd. namely Indiabulls New Project Thane ?,How can I get details about the new project by Indiabulls Real estate limited namely Indiabulls New Project Thane ?,363065
0,In what ways is League of Legends better than Dota 2 ?,Is League of Legends more mechanically complex than Dota 2 ?,96196
1,What is the difference between electronics and electrical engineering ?,What is the difference between Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering ?,113745
0,What is the potential global growth in Australian -LRB- Rules -RRB- football ?,"What is the market , as well as the growth potential , of the marketing automation software in India ?",365304
1,What is actually a data science ?,What is data science,11191
0,How is FIIT-JEE patna for olympiad preparation and KVPY ?,Which is the best coaching in Patna for the IIT-JEE ?,401028
1,What are some good books on English grammar ?,What is the best book for English grammar ?,377492
0,Why do we see two moons in the sky sometimes ?,Why am I able to see two moons from my small telescope ?,212234
1,Do you think Hillary will start war with Russia ?,Does Hillary really want to start a war with Iran and Russia ?,41973
0,Why do we need to study evolution ?,Why do we need to study ?,264217
1,Why are you supporting Donald Trump ? What makes you put your vote on Donald Trump ?,Why do people support Donald Trump ?,154225
0,What do you believe about yourself ?,What do you believe ?,379921
1,How has Quora changed the world so far ?,"How , if at all , has Quora changed the world ?",131726
0,What is Gerber equation ?,What are the trends in the telecommunications environment and in what way would they impact recruitment ?,185878
1,Why does clock show 10:10 in comercials ?,Why does clock show 10:10 in commercials ?,339697
0,Why sex is a taboo in India ?,"Taboos : In spite of the fact that India is the birthplace of the Kama Sutra and home to many explicit sculptures like the ones in Khajuraho and Konark , sex continues to be a subject that is pushed under the carpet . Why ?",52226
1,How do I increase body height ?,Height : How would a 14 year old increase his height ?,50996
0,What magazine should I refer to in order to prepare for the CAT or other competitive exams ?,Which books should I refer to while preparing maths for CAT exam 2016 ?,55220
1,Who or what does Hillary Clinton and her campaign fault for their losing the election ?,What were Hillary Clinton 's mistakes that led to her losing the election ?,310858
0,"Why is it impossible to remove internal storage from a smart phone , and then install it in a card reader ?",If we could grow meat will vegans eat it ?,158510
1,How can we flirt with a girl ?,How should one flirt with a girl ?,55311
0,What is life before life ?,Is there life before life ?,359088
1,How can I stop feeling so inferior to others ?,How do you stop the feeling of inferiority ?,18100
0,Which intersections in Miami are particularly dangerous ? Why ? What could be done to improve them ?,"Which intersections in Portland , OR are particularly dangerous ? Why ? What could be done to improve them ?",72297
1,Why is Ruby on Rails called Ruby on Rails ?,How did they come up with the name Ruby on Rails ?,40564
0,What is the future in SAP fico consulting for chartered accountants ?,What are the future opportunities of starting a career as a SAP FICO consultant ?,363801
1,Where can I get best legal support for property transaction in Sydney ?,Where can I get very friendly assistance in property for sale across the Sydney ?,151835
0,How do I download content from a kickass torrent without registration ?,Why did Kickass Torrents go offline ?,121912
1,What should I do to gain some weight ?,How can I gain weight naturally ?,69847
0,What would be the best kind of dog for me ?,What is the best kind of dog ?,167534
1,What 's the quote which inspired you the most ?,What is the quote that inspired you ?,35634
0,What are the problems facing the Philippines ?,What 's the biggest problem China faces ?,147779
1,What are some interesting facts about crows ?,What are some interesting facts or stories about crows ?,6933
0,"Why do people throw garbage on the roads , corners , empty spaces or rather wherever they find a place ?",Why do people -LRB- in USA -RRB- shoot road signs ?,268008
1,Why were the Nuremberg war criminals hanged instead of shot ?,Why were Nazi war criminals hanged ?,127902
0,Would you have sex with Donald Trump ?,"If Donald Trump was gay , would you have sex with him ?",395917
1,"Is weed worse than cigarettes , for your health ?",Is weed better than cigarette ?,229812
0,How can one day trade profitably ?,Is day trading profitable ?,38631
1,What is the First Amendment 's purpose ?,What is The First Amendment ? Why is it important ?,67954
0,What is the sequence of funding ?,`` What is a '' `` Sequence '' '' ? '',223082
1,"Are there many Mexican women that like East Asian men -LRB- Korean , Japanese , Chinese -RRB- ?","Are there lot of Mexican women that are attracted to East Asian men -LRB- Korean , Japanese , Chinese -RRB- ?",365405
0,Computer Monitors and Screens : LED vs LCD : Which one is better ?,"How are LCD LED , LED and LCD TVs different ?",100876
1,What was your most embarrassing moment infront of your crush ?,What 's the most embarrassing thing that 's happened to you in front of your crush ?,394378
0,What is the difference between Hijra and Transgender ?,What is the difference between a Shemale and a trans woman ?,92057
1,What should I do to speed up my laptop ?,How do I speed up my laptop ?,138050
0,Where can we download old and new Hindi songs ?,Which old Hindi song has the most number of remakes ?,46349
1,How are we able to see in color ?,How do humans see color ?,115444
0,Is there any way to access app sandbox in iOS 9 without Jailbreaking ?,How do I jailbreak iOS 9.3.4 ?,254808
1,Is Palestine a country or a state ? What is the Israel and Palestine conflict ?,"Is Palestine a country , nation , and/or state ?",13830
0,How much money can a foreigner change to rupee ?,Why are non-malayalis on Quora so insistent on downplaying and degrading malayalis ?,2690
1,What are some mind blowing technology that most people do n't know about ?,What are some mind-blowing tech tools that most people do n't know about ?,198251
0,When will samsung galaxy core prime SM-G360H will get lollipop update ?,Can the Samsung Galaxy Core Prime SM-G360H -LRB- Duos -RRB- get the Lollipop update ?,121580
1,Why is everyone on Quora obsessed with IQ ?,Why are people on Quora obsessed with their IQ ?,39683
0,What universities does Diamond Foods recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,What universities does Tyson Foods recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,158653
1,What is a good face lotion for men ?,What is the best face lotion for men ?,129942
0,Why does rain smell so good to me ?,Where does the smell of rain come from and why does it happen ?,278791
1,How does it feel to be pregnant ?,What was it like to be pregnant ?,223744
0,Is the universal healthcare system of Switzerland multi-payer or single-payer ?,Is the universal healthcare system of Spain multi-payer or single-payer ?,127499
1,Why do people make noises during sex ?,Why do women make sounds during sex ?,88824
0,What is Manohar Parrikar like as a person ?,What 's Narendra Modi like in person ?,212125
1,Should reservations be abolished ?,Reservation should be abolished ?,286254
0,How good is dual n back and what are a normal persons results with it ?,How do severe eating disorders affect a person 's use of time ? Is it possible to follow a normal schedule when you are obsessed with binging/purging etc ?,312659
1,Which is the best electric shaver for men ?,What are the best electric shavers available on the market ?,393478
0,What are all the nicknames for Michael ?,What could be a nickname for Onacona ?,13107
1,Which is the most loved club in Indian Super League ?,Which Indian Super League Team has the widest fan base ? Which team has the most passionate fans in the league ?,387633
0,What is Mudra Bank ?,How can I avail business loan from Mudra Bank ? What all documents I need to prepare for the same .,333420
1,Why 's the monkey 's ass so red ?,Why are monkey 's butts red ?,135086
0,"Why does God answer some people 's prayers , while other people 's prayers are left unheard ?",Why does n't God answer my prayers ?,208159
1,What is the difference between bridge and culvert ?,What is the difference between a culvert and a bridge ?,256470
0,What is the best way to get a job in customer service ?,How do you acquire work-at-home customer service jobs ?,69051
1,At what speed is the universe expanding ? Is it faster or slower than the speed of light ?,Does space expands faster than speed of light ?,93019
0,What flour is best for baking a cake ?,What is the best cake mix for baking a cake in a microwave ?,320511
1,What would happen if we all stopped wearing clothes ?,What will happen if all humans stopped wearing clothes and roam like animals ?,256220
0,Is it a problem if the name of some of the passengers is wrong in an Indian Railways e-ticket ?,How do I change gender in booked IRCTC e-tickets ?,363928
1,What does it mean when a girl stares at me but does n't smile ?,If a guy stares at you but does n't smile what does it mean ?,269876
0,How old are the characters during the first season of Friends ?,Why is Monica Geller wearing an engagement ring in first season of Friends ?,122622
1,How can I hack my friend 's Facebook account ?,How do we hack a Facebook account ?,399429
0,Does eating ice cream alleviate colds ?,How much ice cream can one one eat in a day ?,146269
1,What are some songs that make you cry ?,What songs make you cry and why ?,316312
0,Do you think I have OCD ?,Why do I have OCD ?,246299
1,Which is the best phone under 15000 Rs . ?,Which smartphone would be best under 15000 ? -LRB- 2016 -RRB-,371742
0,Why would governments hide aliens ?,Where can we hide if aliens attack the earth ?,373481
1,Why do people ask questions on Quora while They can get all the answers by Googling ?,"Why does people here in Quora still ask some questions that has been already answered somewhere else , and can be found easily using Google search ?",49944
0,What is the difference between taming and domestication ?,Why do n't we domesticate deer ?,13304
1,What are the negative impact of demonetisation ?,What are the negative impacts of demonetisation ?,352962
0,What are your friends like ?,What do your friends like about you ?,210999
1,How many atheists are here on Quora ?,How many atheist are there on Quora ?,175320
0,Is Aakash tutorials better than Yashaswi tutorials ?,What are the best stories of people making money by capitalising on Brexit ?,368617
1,"How is the college University of Illinois , Spring field for Masters in Computer Science ?",How is the online masters in computer science program at University of Illinois springfield ?,179027
0,How much Thai Baht should I carry for a 6 night visit to Thailand ?,How much spending money should I bring to Thailand ? I 'm like a shopaholic and I 'm going for 3 weeks . -LRB- Do n't include food or anything -RRB- ?,297411
1,What 's the aim of life ?,What is the aim of the life ?,328582
0,What are the best early stage startups ?,What are the most interesting early-stage startups in Sweden ?,354609
1,What jobs are in art stream ?,What are scopes of arts stream ?,103382
0,Is it possible to restore deleted data on an Android phone without backup ?,What are some recovery apps for Android to restore deleted data ?,88073
1,How true is it that the Earth is the only planet having life in the entire universe ?,What are the chances that earth is the only habitable planet in the universe ?,92089
0,What is next level of learning programming ?,How do I learn programming to a next level ?,124594
1,Is time travel possible after the discovery of gravitational waves ?,Is it possible to travel time with real life ?,132857
0,Why do the UN and almost all the countries consider Tel Aviv as the capital city of Israel ?,"What is the best underground scene in Tel Aviv , Israel ?",134813
1,What steps can I take to improve my writing skills ?,How can I develop good writing skills ?,261410
0,"How does Quora censor Questions , Answers and Comments ?","Does Quora censor questions and answers , and should they ?",379162
1,What do you think of the Government 's move of banning old Rs . 500 & Rs . 1000 notes ?,What do you think about Modi 's new policy on the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes ?,246207
0,Do employees at Apollo Group have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,Do employees at Vector Group have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,142985
1,Which cycle has the greater thermal efficiency an Otto cycle or a Diesel cycle ?,Which cycle has the greater thermal efficiency in Otto cycle or a Diesel cycle ?,302922
0,What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Madagascar notice ?,What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to India notice ?,243925
1,Would radiation from microwaves be absorbed in the microwaved food ?,Do microwaves put radiation in food ?,14926
0,How do I prepare for the UPPCS exam ?,Do we have to choose two optional subjects in the UPPCS exam ?,328886
1,What are some best civil engineering internships for a 2nd year student ?,What are the best civil engineering internships a 2nd year student can do ?,107470
0,What economical gift should be given to someone -LRB- 18yr old guy -RRB- leaving town ?,"What is the essence of the style of thinking embodied by people like Steven Levitt , Sam Harris and Daniel Kahneman ?",4210
1,Grubwithus : Who are ' competitors ?,Who are Grubwithus competitors ?,143995
0,`` What is the meaning of '' `` hmmm '' '' in chatting ? '',What does it mean when one has the mobile image with no time duration in Chat Box ?,362314
1,Which are some of the best novels by John Green ?,Which is a good book by John Green ?,168838
0,How long can goose fat be kept unrefrigerated ?,How long can goose fat be kept refrigerated ?,95971
1,What can I do to pass a urine test for meth ?,If I smoked two good hits of meth on Saturday will I pass a urine test on Monday ?,294416
0,What is the difference of job profiles of RRB JE and SSC JE ?,How do I prepare for the RRB JE mechanical exam ?,23859
1,Laziness : What 's the laziest thing you 've ever done ?,What is the thing you 've done that can make you the laziest person in the world ?,325162
0,"What is the difference between Oracle Apex , Oracle APP and Oracle Forms & Reports ?",What is the difference between an 11g and 12c oracle database ?,58809
1,What are some curretn examples of mixed market economies ?,What are some examples of a mixed market economy ?,127658
0,What are some good vacation spots ?,What is the best vacation spot in China ?,97502
1,When is the best time to workout ?,What are the best times of the day to workout ?,139491
0,How would you compare the United States ' euthanasia laws to Canadas ?,How would you compare the United States ' euthanasia laws to Japan ?,44022
1,How can we understand the programs in computer science ?,What is the best way to understand computer science ?,340222
0,What are the best full-screen movies on Blu-ray ?,Which are the best Hollywood Blu-ray movies ?,307495
1,Why do n't planes use massive parachutes ?,Why do n't planes have parachutes ?,269772
0,Can you get a good job with a low IQ ?,"Theoretically , if there was a food about the mass and size of a Timbit that supplied 1000 calories , would one get fat by eating them based on calories alone ?",184925
1,What are some of the best Hindi short films ?,Which are the best short movies on Youtube made by Indians ?,133831
0,What are some horror movies of 2016 worth watching ?,What are some 2014 horror movies worth watching ?,84243
1,Could I still be pregnant ?,Can I still be pregnant ?,9198
0,Is a legit software ? Does it work ?,Is a legit software ? Does it work ?,385809
1,What is the best Hollywood movie of 2016 and why ?,Which is the best film of 2016 in Hollywood ?,281655
0,What is Avicii 's favourite game ?,Games : Which is your favourite game ?,284510
1,Are you allergic to something ?,What are you allergic to ? How does it feel ?,263994
0,What are the best excuses for taking casual leave when you have just joined a new company ?,What excuse should I give to my manager to leave the job that I joined just a month ago ?,2296
1,What pushes people to suicide ?,Why do people commit suicide ?,78001
0,"Can I transfer my confirmed IRCTC ticket to a friend ? If yes , what is the process ?",Will my train tickets get confirmed ?,63229
1,how do I delete questions from quora ?,How can I permanently delete my question from Quora ? Can deleting the profile help ?,342245
0,How long do I need to wear braces -LRB- pictures -RRB- ?,How long will I need braces for ?,191326
1,"What was the significance of the battle of Somme , and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Port Arthur ?","What was the significance of the battle of Somme , and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of France ?",260544
0,What 's the most important thing about you ?,What is the most interesting thing about you ?,213593
1,How the universe came into existence ?,How the universe has been created ?,396584
0,What is the fastest payment option on IRCTC to buy Tatkal tickets ?,"While making a payment by ICICI net banking on Tatkal booking on IRCTC , can I go without OTP ?",109659
1,"From the scientific point of view , how did the first man learn about sex ?",How did early man learn to have sex ?,238585
0,The two balls are drawn from a bag containing 9 red and 14 white balls . What is the probability that each of the different color ?,"A bag contains 5 white and 3 black balls , and two balls are drawn at random . What is the probability that both are of the same color ?",23076
1,Why do all my answers just get collapsed on Quora even when they are politically correct ?,Why do some of my answers on Quora get collapsed even when I provide the best answer I possibly can ?,20154
0,What app allows you to listen to music without WiFi or Internet ?,Which is the best app to listen to music offline -LRB- Android -RRB- ?,294748
1,Which place is the most beautiful place in Singapore ?,What is the most beautiful place to visit in Singapore ?,271160
0,I 'm freaking out about having to pay child support . I hear some stories about men pretty much being slaves while the mother of the child is living in paradise . What are the challenges I 'm going to face ?,"If you found out a child you have been paying child support for years is NOT yours -LRB- Wife lied -RRB- , do you still have to pay ? Can you sue ?",113281
1,What does right and left wing mean ?,What is the difference between the left wing and the right wing ? What is the difference on a basic level & on a hardcore politician level ?,173212
0,"What happened to Steven Ross , the son of painter Bob Ross ? What is he doing today ?",What painters are similar to Bob Ross ?,207039
1,How were the placements of mathematics and computing at DTU ?,How is the placement of mathematics and computing in DTU ?,165703
0,How can I get someone 's search and browsing history through IP address ?,How can one hack someone 's IP address ?,329456
1,How do I stop negative self-talk every time I go through something negative ?,How do you stop negative self-talk ?,182589
0,"When will TCS , Wipro , CTS , and Infosys conduct off-campus drives for the 2017 batch ? How will I get to know about it ?","When will TCS , Wipro , CTS , Infosys conduct offcampus drives for 2016 batch ? How will I get to know about it ?",214151
1,How can I completely eliminate sweaty palms ?,How do I get rid of sweaty palms ?,178254
0,"How does one teach Digital Citizenship to elementary students ? What are some of the best videos , games , and tools to use to teach this ?",What is the most plausible and cheapest way to teach my six-year-old child how to make a video game or even some programming ?,156767
1,What were the main causes of World War 1 and what were the consequences for the countries involved ?,What were the causes for World War 1 ?,393567
0,Is signing a NDA a big deal ?,Can I tell a client that his vendor has violated an NDA that my company and the vendor have signed ?,63375
1,How can I tell if I smell bad ?,How do I know if I smell bad ?,393905
0,Is it safe to clean a laptop 's screen with a wet wipe ?,How can I magnify my laptop screen ?,387655
1,How can I build traffic for my website ?,How can I increase the traffic on a site ?,117767
0,What is an Actuary ?,What does an actuary actually do ?,26568
1,What should be the name of gaming channel on YouTube ?,What is a good name for a YouTube gaming channel ?,81114
0,Where can I score some weed in kerala ?,Where can I score weed in goa ?,203996
1,"I 'm 8 days late for my period , Am I pregnant ?",My period is 10 days late . Am I pregnant ?,113856
0,How do I begin my speech for an elocution competition ?,"` Today 's children are fashion victims ' . If I am speaking about this topic , what are the points that I can add to my speech for a debate competition ?",30527
1,How do I become a nerd ?,What should I do to be a nerd ?,162371
0,What are some companies working on computer vision in drones ?,What are some companies working on computer vision for drones ?,219211
1,How can I develop good writing skills ?,How can I improve my story writing skills ?,340725
0,What is the most ridiculous thing you have heard a teacher say ?,What is one thing you should never say to a teacher ?,173769
1,What would happen if Donald Trump died right now ? What would happen if Hillary Clinton died right now ? Would the other party get the election ?,What happens if both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump drop out of the election ?,69629
0,What is intercollegiate business convention -LRB- the event planned by Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business -RRB- like ? Is it worth attending ?,What is the best undergraduate business college in the Midwest ?,286561
1,How can I expand my IQ ?,What shall I do to improve my IQ ?,399676
0,What time does USPS usually deliver ?,How can I pick up my USPS package before it is delivered ?,80264
1,Why do some people think that the Earth is flat when it is very clear that it is not ?,Why do some people think Earth is flat ?,311349
0,What did people with terrible vision do before the invention of glasses ?,How you can save sharp vision long time to live without glasses ?,28376
1,Could quantum computers in the future access parallel realities ?,In what ways could quantum computers access parallel realities in the future ?,347389
0,Do retail buyers prefer a print or a digital trade magazine ?,"I have just been assigned a task to make the full layout of a new magazine -LRB- print , not digital -RRB- . Which software would you most recommend ?",315630
1,"Can imaginary time , energy and gravity exist ?",Does imaginary gravity exist ?,375929
0,What is the difference between Guardian and custodian in context with Indian Constitution ?,"In India , what are the differences between ordinance , bill , law and act ?",185974
1,How do I get accepted into Cambridge University ?,How does one get into Cambridge University ?,366239
0,What are the procedures for a California school bus driver when pulling over and then turning on the red flashing lights ?,Airplanes : What was the burning wire/equipment smell and red light flashing on China Eastern A330 in Business Class cabin ?,14033
1,Which is the best SBI life or axis bank child insurance ?,SBI life is the best or axis bank child insurance ?,276040
0,How do I move AAC audio files that I have in Documents 5 -LRB- by Readdle -RRB- to Apple Music ?,My toungue tip skin loses ocationally in two or three days ?,285198
1,How do I block a website in my country ?,How can I block a website ?,342966
0,I just have 3 weeks left for my GRE exam and my verbal section is weak . What are some suggestions to improve ?,"How do I prepare for GRE verbal section within 40 days to get a score above 155 ? I am average in verbal section , no problem in quant ! Just verbal HELP !",267410
1,How does education affect GDP in the U.S. ?,How does education affect the GDP of the US ?,146753
0,"How many 5 digit numbers can be formed using the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5 which are divisible by 3 ?","How many 4 digit numbers divisible by 6 can be formed using the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5 when repetition is allowed ?",303634
1,Can my dog actually count ?,Can my dog actually count ? If I offer him a choice between 2 or 3 of something he always picks the larger amount .,161287
0,What are two functions of lipids and what are some examples in how its used ?,Why do high schools have lectures ?,141821
1,Where is the best place to take a vacation in the winter ?,What is the best place I should visit in the winter ?,372253
0,What is the Star Wars Expanded Universe ?,Why is n't the Star Wars Expanded Universe canon ?,190110
1,How do I add tags to my question in Quora ?,How do I add topics ?,365317
0,What are the best small classes for freshmen at Western Connecticut State ?,What are the best small classes for freshmen at Central Connecticut State ?,283963
1,How do I improve the Alexa rank Quickly ?,How can I Improve my Alexa ranking ?,98971
0,Where can you buy creme savers ?,Where can I buy creme savers in the Netherlands ?,116535
1,Why do most Quorans ask questions here instead of googling answers ?,Why do people ask such questions here on Quora which could be easily found on the internet ?,13645
0,What are some of the most underrated Indian movies ?,What are some Indian movies which every Indian must watch ?,67105
1,What are creative and new activities to be made in fun day event in medical school ?,What are creative and new activities can be made in fun day event in medical school ?,286476
0,Do psychopaths feel any love towards their parents ?,Can psychopaths feel love ?,117862
1,What are your New Year resolutions for the upcoming year 2017 ?,What 's your New Year 2017 resolution ?,115466
0,Is it true that Matter waves are faster than the speed of light ?,What 's the mmmoffice ? Is it true ?,177839
1,What is your most life changing event ?,What is life changing event of your life ?,358374
0,What is the scope -LRB- job opportunities -RRB- for any branch of a engineering MS in the USA ?,What is the scope for jobs in USA after MS in CS ?,56987
1,Is being an emotional person a bad thing ?,Is being emotionally sensitive a bad thing ? If so how to overcome it ?,109267
0,What is the reason that the Government of India has banned the export of leather ?,Should smoking and drinking be banned in India ?,283182
1,Why do people keep buying Apple products ?,Why are most people crazy about Apple and its products ?,132741
0,I know someone who committed suicide over adulthood . Why would someone do that ?,What do British think that if some people are most likely to get riled up when X mock his football club/team than Flag-stomping or burning their flag ?,220006
1,Why China helping Pakistan ?,Why is China helping Pakistan ?,386234
0,What should be the ultimate goal of an entrepreneur ?,What is your ultimate goal ?,26252
1,Is there anyway to retrieve my deleted emails from my Gmail account ?,How do I recover my deleted email by my gmail account ?,164302
0,Does Balaji Viswanathan personally know Satya Nadella ?,What does Balaji Viswanathan eat ?,365221
1,Why do I need to do an MBA ?,Why do we need MBA ?,278003
0,What are some interesting mythological stories that many people outside your country do n't know ?,Do these Bollywood people know about Indian mythology ?,322350
1,How do I make my study interesting ?,What can I do to make my studies more interesting ?,171972
0,Why do some people believe cheerleading is stupid ?,First of a given grammer c program ?,365220
1,What is the claim made that Turkey is planning an intervention of Syria ?,Does it seem like Turkey will invade Kurdish areas of Syria ?,273454
0,What question can never be answered ?,Is there a question that will never have an answer ?,389516
1,What is securities market and what are the different types ?,What are the different types of securities market in business organisation ?,277606
0,`` Are non-Muslims who reject Muhammad and resist Islamic rule considered to be '' `` innocent persons '' '' in Islam ? '',"What will happen to a non Muslim after death , in Islam ?",125392
1,What is the best career option for an electrical engineer who is interested in coding ?,What are the career option after graduation in electrical engineer ?,210521
0,What is the average dick size across countries ?,What are the chances of an Asian-Australian making a decent American college ?,358114
1,What is the process to immigrate to Canada ?,What can I do to immigrate to Canada as an American ?,199244
0,Can I apply for MS and PhD -LRB- Data Analytics -RRB- program with following profile ?,Will the UK build any more Type 45s ?,323741
1,What does love look like to you ?,What does love look like ?,238738
0,Are Albanians white people ?,What race do Iranian people belong to ?,156939
1,What is the main difference between a IIT engineering graduate and a non-IIT engineering graduate ?,What are the major differences between an IIT and a non IIT Civil Engineer graduate ?,206829
0,What are the most and least followed topics on Quora in 2016 ?,What are the most followed topics on Quora ?,304404
1,How do I make sex first time less painful ?,Is first time sex painful to females ?,128833
0,How can I install the TP LINK router in my laptop ? I do n't have any CD/DVD for that .,Why ca n't I configure the D-Link AP with a D-Link router ?,360209
1,"What are the unknown facts about Mr. Bean , the comedy character ?",What are the unknown facts about Mr.Bean ?,113752
0,Why are firms price takers in perfect competition ?,What is perfect competition ? Does it exist in the real world ?,262376
1,What is so unique about Simplilearn when compared to other online learning certification partners ?,What is unique about Simplilearn when compared to other online learning certification platforms ?,245684
0,What does Putin want ?,What is Putin like to work for ?,365442
1,"If there were one person in this world you could kill with impunity , who would it be ?","If you were dying and could kill one person before you died , who would that be and why ?",181807
0,I 'm a CS student . I want to work as a freelancer . So what should I learn between Android and web development ?,"Which college is better for eco hons , Atma ram sanatan dharma or motilal nehru college ?",390025
1,Why do we sneeze when looking at the sun ?,Why do I sneeze whenever I look at the sun ?,65838
0,How should I learn UX design ?,What is the best way to learn and become a UX designer ?,144096
1,What is your impression of China ?,What is your impression on China ?,232961
0,"Are there free hotlines for people who feel depressed to dial in Hong Kong , Asia or in the world respectively ?",How can I become a train conductor in Canada ?,13765
1,How does the first kiss feel ?,How does a first kiss feel ?,193425
0,What is Tacometer ?,"`` Does the term '' `` full name '' '' in English mean just your given name and surname , or also your middle name ? ''",275437
1,How do l improve my communication skills ?,How can you improve your communication skill ?,289059
0,How do you cook surimi ? And what are the most common recipes ?,How to do you cook a girello roast ? What are the most common recipes ?,338133
1,Why is the currency value of Kuwait so high ?,"Why is the value of Kuwait 's currency , the Dinar , so high ?",29551
0,Why is Cl2Cs polar or non polar ?,Is Benzal chloride a polar or non polar molecule ?,96927
1,How do I know whether person is lying ?,What are some parameters to know that one is lying ?,12823
0,"When the -LRB- mis -RRB- leading statement of enjoy yourself is made , what is an appropriate response ?",`` What 's an appropriate response when someone says '' `` I 'm sorry for your loss '' '' ? '',356667
1,Do you earn money while using Quora or answering question in Quora ?,Do you make money by answering questions on Quora ?,69669
0,What are the best startup incubators and accelerators in France ?,What are the top startup incubators and accelerators in Europe ?,263471
1,"Why does n't Instagram allow us to swipe between photos , and instead you have to view them one by one ?",Why does n't Instagram let you swipe the screen sideways to move between pictures ?,103791
0,How do I add content on Quora ?,How can I anonymously add content on Quora ?,82004
1,What exercise should be done to reduce belly fats ?,What are the most effective exercises to reduce belly fat ?,3545
0,Can I work as a freelancer while working in Amazon India ?,What work does a fresher do in Amazon in India ?,63397
1,"I like a guy that I never talk to , is it okay ?",Is it all right to like a guy I have never talked to ?,191386
0,Can you see deleted Instagram posts ?,Can you turn off comments on your Instagram posts ?,129935
1,Why does n't everyone I ask to answer a question answer it on Quora ?,Why will no one answer my question on Quora ?,125195
0,"How do I help a friend suffering from depression , when she is not willing to do anything for herself ?",What is the best way to help a friend who is suffering from depression ?,68024
1,What is the best digital marketing course online for a beginner ?,Will digital marketing a good course to learn ?,351054
0,Who is the fiancé minister of India ?,Who are the ministers in India ?,392857
1,How do you take yourself out of depression ?,What are the best ways to come out of depression ?,189539
0,Is it legal to use Dreamspark Visual Studio Community 2015 for commercial projects ?,Which is more challenging for India Globalization or Unemployment ?,124329
1,Why do so many people like Chinese food ?,Why do non-Chinese people like Chinese food ?,295199
0,What should everyone know about supply ?,What should everyone know about Dieudonné ?,193095
1,What are the easiest ways for me to make money ?,What are the ways to earn money ?,221708
0,What 's the best way to find my target audience ?,How is a target audience profile created ?,17537
1,Can anyone give me a good example of how wireless network virtualization actually work in real time situations ?,Can anyone give me a good example of how wireless network virtualization actually work in real time situations ? N ?,219089
0,What are some essential things for wilderness survival ?,What are the things you need for survival ?,116141
1,What I can do to last longer during sex ?,What 's a way to last longer during sex ? -LRB- For guys -RRB- ?,190274
0,How will rahu dasha be for a Capricorn lagna ? Rahu in 9th house of Virgo along with Mars .,Can I heal my psychological issues without the help of an expert ?,28852
1,Why do Quora engineers use large monitors ?,Why do programmers prefer two large monitors ?,387074
0,How do I remove the Windows 10 watermark ?,`` How do I remove the Windows 8 '' `` watermark '' '' ? '',333258
1,In which order should one watch all the marvel movies -LRB- and TV shows -RRB- in order to understand the timeline well ?,What would be a good chronological order to watch all the Marvel MCU movies in ?,2370
0,What does a bad car starter sound like ?,Can a bad car battery cause engine misfire ?,191283
1,What 's emotive distance ?,Whats emotive distance ?,205167
0,What is the longest amount of time anyone has ever slept ?,What is the longest amount of time you have slept ?,373343
1,Why do dogs bark at night ?,Why dogs bark more at nights ?,176497
0,Is there any advantage for having a big butt while having intercourse ? Why are men always turned on by big butt women ?,i have a really athletic body all my muscles look really good except my butt . My but its too big it looks really bad how can I reduce my butt size ?,358722
1,What ` s the best way to get rid of porn addiction ?,How did you overcome porn addiction ?,319582
0,"I am confused between these two laptops : Lenovo G50-80 and Dell Inspiron 15 3542541 TB2SU1 . Both come in same prices . I am not a heavy gamer , which one should I choose ? How 's the Lenovo service these days ?",What laptop should I purchase : a Dell Inspiron 15 3542 or a Lenovo Ideapad Z50 FHD ?,178720
1,Why did Obamacare fail ?,Why is Obamacare currently failing ?,100039
0,I got drunk to the point I ca n't remember anything . How do I know if I gave a blowjob ?,"My crush was drunk and made out with me and with my friend -LRB- not at the same time -RRB- . It probably did n't mean anything , right ?",55896
1,What is the easiest pain free method of committing suicide ?,What 's the absolute easiest way to commit suicide ?,128096
0,Can you see who viewed your profile on Quora ?,Can you see who views your Instagram ?,318042
1,How does Hubspot CRM know if a Contact has website Activity ?,How does hubspot track company website visits ?,287741
0,What is the best antivirus for Android and Windows ?,What is the best antivirus for Android ?,241539
1,What is the story behind the Trojan Horse ?,What is the story of the Trojan Horse ?,122535
0,What are some objects that are shaped like a triangle ?,"Are the traffic signs with circle , triangle and rectangle shapes universally used with the same intent as in India ?",14826
1,How do I flow traffic to my website ?,How can I get traffic for my website ?,189957
0,What font is used for this `` Ella '' graphic ?,What font is used for this `` reklam '' graphic ?,115676
1,How long should you run an A/B test on your site before you declare one a winner ?,When carrying out A/B tests how long should should one test for ?,10913
0,"What do I need to know to successfully program a new , alternative radio station ?",How work samsung eynos chipset ?,76539
1,How can I increase traffic on my blog ?,How can I increase the traffic on a site ?,11578
0,I want to be an actuary without going to college to study it . How do I do that ?,I want to go to a technical college but I do n't know what I want to study . What do I do ?,60478
1,What are the Best places to travel in India ?,What are the best places to visit in India ?,131457
0,How do I deal with family quarrels ?,How do you deal about family quarrels ?,123094
1,Does it help to go to A-star education center to learn competitive programming ?,Is A * a good place to go to improve my skill in competitive programming ?,108711
0,What precautions should be taken during the process of distillation ?,"I have course and reference books for classes 9th to 12th and want to give it to someone who needs them , Is any NGO working towards that ?",118261
1,How do I start my preparation for upsc ?,Where from and how should I start preparing for the UPSC ?,274566
0,How can this six-letter word be completed _ h_a_t ?,What 's a 12-letter word for a kind of machine ?,41822
1,What 's the best way to learn chess ?,How does one learn how to play chess ?,375615
0,Why ca n't 2 white people produce a dark skinned child with a lot of melanin but 2 black people can create a fair skinned white baby at birth ?,Why do people normally like white skin and black cars ?,77227
1,Which is the best site to learn German ?,What are the best online resources to learn the German language ?,281825
0,What was the exploration route of Christopher Columbus during his first voyage ?,Why is Christopher Columbus known for in Canada ?,380703
1,What are the demands of Maratha kranti morcha ?,What is Maratha Kranti Morcha ? What do they really want ?,36141
0,How do I solve the equation -LSB- math -RSB- y ^ -LCB- \ frac -LCB- 2 -RCB- -LCB- 3 -RCB- -RCB- = 4 -LSB- / math -RSB- ?,How do I solve this equation : -LSB- math -RSB- x ^ 2 + xy-y ^ 2 = 1 ? -LSB- / math -RSB-,246633
1,My iPod Nano 3rd Generation wo n't turn on . What can I do ?,Why is my iPod Nano 3rd generation frozen ?,170028
0,What is the definition of energy of a photon ?,What is the mass of photon ? Is light really a type of energy ?,95983
1,How do you get top writer ?,How do I come top wtiter ?,56099
0,What is the name of an Egyptian headdress worn by Pharaohs ?,Was Pharaoh Akhenaten really a woman ?,25784
1,Is it common to go from being lovebombed straight to being discarded ? I did n't see this coming . ?,Is it common to go from being lovebombed straight to being discarded ? I did n't see this coming ?,313822
0,How do IITians learn programming using just internet ?,I want to learn programming . I 've just got a laptop . But I do n't have Internet access for it . How can I learn programming without Internet access ?,288550
1,Who would win an all-out war between India and Pakistan ?,"Given recent Uri attacks , who will win if there is a war between India and Pakistan ?",184435
0,`` How much should an average 5 ' 3 '' '' 13 year old girl weigh ? '',`` What should a 5 ' 8 '' '' 16 year old boy weigh on average ? '',334681
1,What does it take for a successful long distance relationship ?,How can I maintain my long distance relationship to the best of my ability ?,86833
0,What is the difference between Hardware Technology and Hardware Engineering ?,What is the difference between software and hardware ?,19988
1,What are some of the biggest Hypocrisy in India ?,What are the some of the best examples of hypocrisy in India ?,68734
0,Can I carry needle in domestic flight in India ?,What are the things that I can not carry in a domestic flight in India ?,324116
1,How is it to be Home schooled in India ?,How good is home schooling in India ?,57506
0,What did Christ have to say about eating meat ?,What does Quran say : Eat animal or meat ?,80100
1,What is the difference between respiration and cellular respiration ?,How does photosynthesis compare to cellular respiration ?,338569
0,How can you tell if you have an old soul ?,How do you find out if you have an old soul and who 's soul you have ?,403945
1,What is the solution to control anger ?,What should I do for controlling anger ?,238489
0,What 's the best project management tool for a digital agency ?,What is the best project management tool for creatives ?,197642
1,What 's the best way to learn Japanese ?,How can I learn Japanese ?,166816
0,How do I import XLSX files data in MySQL by using CodeIgniter ?,How do I import xml files into sql with image using codeigniter ?,312348
1,"What is actual meaning of life ? Indeen , it depend on perception of people or other thing ?",What is the exact meaning of life ?,61481
0,"Check your partner loyalty through facebook , whatsapp hacking . contact phone number +91 991123301 6 ?",Can hackers hack your phone with only your phone number ?,42527
1,How will Game of Thrones end ?,How will Game of Thrones end ? What do you predict ?,212349
0,"`` What will actually happen when G12 coolant is mixed with regular types , including with those that claim to mix with '' `` ANY type '' '' of antifreeze ? ''",What are some of the best mixed-terrain tires ?,210051
1,What is the best certification course to learn digital marketing ?,What are the best online courses for digital marketing ?,235641
0,Do International relations MA from UK universities transfer over to the US ? How do US employers view IR MA 's from UK universities ?,Do tech companies in Silicon Valley hire interns from the UK to work either in the US or remotely in the UK ?,181843
1,I had sex on the 9th and my period started on the 11th . Could I still get pregnant ?,I 've had sex during my fertile window but still bled the day before my expected period could I still be pregnant ?,72370
0,Why is K-means clustering used in image segmentation ?,What is the k-Means algorithm and how does it work ?,390000
1,How can I lose 30 pounds in 1 month ? What are some tips ?,What is the fastest way to lose 30 pounds in 1 month ?,34743
0,What is the difference between a public sector company and a public limited company ?,What is the difference between a public limited company and a private limited company ?,198317
1,What are some good hotels in varanasi near ghats ?,Which hotels are best to stay in Varanasi for a family trip ?,258551
0,"Why do n't Middle East nations like Qatar , Saudi Arabia , and Kuwait want to fight against ISIS , and expect the US to secure their territory/region ?","What is the equivalent of Paypal and Google Checkout in the Middle East ? -LRB- Saudi , Kuwait , Dubai -RRB-",315281
1,How was the modern state of Israel created ?,What is the origin story of the modern state of Israel ? How was the modern state of Israel formed ?,315123
0,Downloaded GTA 5 -LRB- By xtab -RRB- Used crack by 3DM . On starting the game the Social Club UI stops working . Any solution ?,From which site I can download GTA 4 game ?,251413
1,`` How do I remove people from the '' `` new message '' '' list in Facebook messenger ? '',How do I delete people from my new messages list in Facebook messenger ?,82446
0,Which city is better to live Gurgaon or Mumbai ?,"Which city is better to live in , Gurgaon or Jaipur ?",200642
1,Are people born gay or do they choose it ?,Are some people born gay ?,100488
0,What are the famous chants shouted by Audience in WWE Arenas ?,What is the best way to unlock all of the arenas in WWE 12 ?,197609
1,What are the different types of contracts ?,What is the types of contract ?,376643
0,Why does dog breath by letting out his tongue ?,Have you ever wondered why a dog 's tongue hangs out of its mouth after a lot of exercise ?,338562
1,Can I grow height after 19 years ?,Is it possible to increase your height after 19 ?,98294
0,"Why do people hate the European conquest of America , but not the Mongolian or Muslim conquest of Europe ?",Why is the Muslim conquest of Mecca considered to be peaceful even though a few people were not granted amnesty and branded for execution ?,200838
1,Is there any physical proof of aliens on earth ?,Unidentified Flying Objects : What is the single best proof of aliens existing ?,302954
0,Which is actually more pleasurable to drive - automatic or stick shift/manual cars ?,I learned to drive on a stick shift -LRB- manual -RRB- . Is there any point any more to teach my daughter to do the same ? Why ?,152746
1,How do I find all of my Gmail accounts ?,Where are all my Gmail accounts ?,238623
0,What if it was possible to go anonymous in real life as well ?,What was it like to meet Jon Jones in real life ? How did he treat you ?,379891
1,What is the best basketball shoe on the market ?,What are the best basketball shoes ?,257227
0,Why is it harder for black men to get Asian women than for white men ?,Why is it said that white men would like to married to Asian women ? Why is it said that white women would like to married to black men ? How could this situation arise ?,313277
1,What will be the effects after banning on 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,What is the use of banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes and introducing new 500 and 2000 rupee notes ?,93497
0,How can I prevent my dad from installing Windows junk software by mistake when online ?,How can I install Windows from Ubuntu ?,120952
1,How secure is my iPhone ?,How secure is the iPhone ?,366169
0,What would a militant group led by females demand/fight for ?,What would be the likely scenario if Christian groups turn radical and take up arms to spread Christianity ISIS style ?,101890
1,What are the best sources to learn digital marketing ?,How can I learn digital marketing ?,103590
0,How does the behaviour difference change when you travel from the west coast to the east coast in Australia ?,Which companies in Orlando regularly hire contractors ? What are they like to work for ?,241670
1,Why do many distrust Hillary Clinton ?,What are the reasons that people dislike Hillary Clinton ?,353499
0,Is it morally wrong for PM Modi to allow Reliance use his image for Jio Ads when the govt backed telecom operator BSNL is reeling under heavy losses ?,Why is Narendra Modi promoting Reliance Jio ?,349553
1,How do I get into ISRO ?,How one can get a job in ISRO ?,311766
0,How do I get EPF account through my organization and how will be the monthly deduction from salary ?,"I 'm 26 years old , working as a professional in Bangalore and earning around 1L per month after tax deduction . I have 5L in my salary account . How do I invest smartly and efficiently ?",314847
1,How do I add images in Quora ?,How do I add photos to my questions in Quora ?,7543
0,I got 12000 rank in comedk . Is there any chance to get mbbs seat ?,Is there any chance to get MBBS seat in COMEDK 2016 for provisional rank of 7509 ?,117159
1,Why are Indians not getting medals in Olympics ?,What is the valid reason for India only getting a few medals in the Olympics ?,342021
0,How do I impress my girlfriend ?,How can I impress my boyfriend ?,61058
1,Will Donald Trump deport all Muslims from Us ?,Can Trump really deport Muslims from USA ?,231965
0,How is SAP Basis at Robert Bosch ?,How can I switch over my job to SAP basis ?,215292
1,How can I improve my spoken English ?,What are some ways to improve English ?,382576
0,How can I connect an iPhone 6 to a Samsung LED TV ? Also how to do screen mirroring of iPhone to samsung smart tv ?,Is it possible to mirror my iPhone or iPad onto a Samsung TV ?,399907
1,Why do people ask questions on Quora that can easily be answered by Google ?,Why do people ask questions on Quora that are easily to find answers too on Google ?,56409
0,How one country 's currency has greater or lesser value than others ?,What should you do at the time of currency decline ?,347003
1,What kind of franchise is Pixar ?,What kind of franchise is Disney Pixar ?,192092
0,What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in China ?,What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Italy ?,150029
1,What are the reasons why cats bite and knead blankets ?,Why do cats knead and lick things like couches or beds ?,252157
0,What is the best place to spend holidays with friends in India ?,What are some of the best places in India to visit with friends ?,290075
1,What are the drivers of unethical behavior in the educational system or workplace ?,What are the drivers/reasons of unethical behavior in educational system or workplace ?,63779
0,First law of motion example ?,Can you get high from smoking a hookah pen ?,343678
1,Which one is the best romantic movie ?,What are some of the best romantic movies in English ?,47262
0,Ca n't continue gym for more than 1 month -LRB- More detail in comment -RRB- ?,"I got less than 120 marks in the JEE Main . In depression , I wasted 10 days afterward . If I start prep now for Advanced , can I expect more than 200 marks with 1 month of intense study ?",40362
1,What are the events that must be considered while organising a state level technical fest in Engineering College related to electronics branch ?,What technical events can I conduct in electrical and electronics branch ?,362994
0,What is the diffrence betweeen inductor and capacitor ?,"What is the principle behind a non-linear resistor , non-linear capacitor , non-linear inductor ?",284878
1,What is the best way to control your anger ?,How can someone control their anger ?,34022
0,"Why do n't they generate artificial gravity in ISS by rotating the ship on its axis , to generate centrifugal force equivalent to gravity ?","Is there an opposing force for gravity ? If yes , can we create it artificially ? If we can , then how ?",57547
1,What are the differences between tanning and regular lotion ?,What are the differences between tanning lotion and regular lotion ?,235965
0,Why does Ernest W Adams constantly comment on other peoples answers yet blocks comments on his ?,Why am I unable to comment on any answers by Ernest W. Adams ?,360026
1,Does the freelancing website addanyproject provide fake leads ?,Can you provide me the list of freelancing websites ?,353114
0,Why do women get aroused when they are kissed on their neck ?,What does it mean when girl kiss you on the neck ?,42623
1,What is a list of good Indian art films ?,What are some of the good so-called Indian ` Art-films ' ?,287134
0,Will I pass a drug test in 2 weeks as a non regular smoker ?,Experts ! Tell me what are the test done in muscat to get residence card ? I smoke weed and im really worried about it !,126165
1,How can I catch my husband cheating ?,How do I know my spouse is cheating ?,320815
0,How can I increase the efficiency of resiprocating compressors ?,How can one increase the efficiency of air compressor ?,108575
1,What documents are required to get an Indian passport ?,How many documents are required to apply for an Indian passport ?,194567
0,What should I get my friend for her 18th birthday ?,What are the best ways to celebrate my 18th birthday ?,293860
1,What is the evolution theory ?,"In your own words , what is the evolution theory ?",79353
0,What 's the most romantic thing ?,What are the most romantic things to do in Rome ?,393319
1,What is meant by rheostatic braking ?,What is meant by rheostatic braking ??,72800
0,What is it like to have a first kiss ?,What does it feel like to kiss someone ?,231900
1,Should I buy a Samsung Galaxy note 4 now ? Is it a wise choice now ?,Should I buy Galaxy Note 4 now ?,295073
0,"They sniff the collar , and sometimes even lick it . Why are dogs so bedazzled when you take their collars off ?",Are neck collars uncomfortable to dogs ?,19393
1,How can I stop masturbating forever ?,How can I stop masturbations ?,385721
0,How does the Vivino wine label recognition technology work ?,What is the technology stack of Vivino ?,98733
1,What will be the result of banning 500 and 1000 rupees note in India ?,Why Narendra Modi banned 500 and 1000 notes in India ?,214313
0,"Samsung -LRB- conglomerate -RRB- : My Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo has been upgraded to Lollipop 5.0 , but I can not find a file on the net . What do I do ?",How do l upgrade my software Samsung galaxy grand neo plus to lollipop 5.0 ?,56849
1,"Is it safe to flush kitty litter down the toilet ? If not , why ?",Can I flush cat litter in a common toilet ? Why or why not ?,90920
0,What are some great examples of coincidence ?,What do coincidences mean ?,257773
1,How did Dumbledore gain the most powerful wand ?,Who gave dumbledore the wand ?,6438
0,How do you make a Slipknot mask ?,What are the top ten Slipknot songs ?,13903
1,What is a periodic table ?,What is the significance of the periodic table ?,383694
0,What are the real reasons a majority of UK citizens voted to leave the EU ?,Can we apply for Licence staying away from hometown ?,194077
1,Why does Indian education suck so much ?,Why does the Indian education system suck ?,55902
0,What is the most over picked tank in World of Tanks ?,"What is the best tank in World of Tanks , and why ?",322297
1,What are the best guitars for the price ?,What is the best guitar ?,158383
0,How did Elon Musk grow his hair back ?,Why does Elon Musk want to monopolize EVERY growing industry ?,183546
1,What are some of the best jokes ever told ?,What is the best joke you 've ever heard ? Please keep it clean .,212060
0,What course shall I do in USA after completing mba in India ?,What are the study options in the USA after completing an MBA in marketing in India ?,14345
1,What is the importance of SEO ?,What is the importance of keyword in SEO ?,164008
0,The sum of √ x + 1 and √ 2x is 7 . Solve for x . How can one solve this ?,How can I solve for x ? 5 ^ -LRB- log _ -LRB- 3 -RRB- -LRB- 2x -RRB- -RRB- - x < 3,175107
1,What are the chances of war between India and Pakistan and its effects on India 's economy ?,If war occurs between India and Pakistan what will be its effect on the rest of country ?,386553
0,How can I stop myopia progression if not reverse it ?,What is 6/6 myopia vision ?,8305
1,Is there even a slight proof of alien life ?,Is there proof of alien life form ?,272311
0,Is there any evidence for reincarnation ?,What would be the strongest evidence for reincarnation ?,336902
1,How can I find funding for a startup business ?,How do I get funding for my startup idea before we have a prototype ?,116639
0,Why am I not losing any weight even though I work out 5-6 times a week 40 + minutes each time ?,I am a 63 kg -LRB- 138 lbs -RRB- skinny guy with a height of 5 ' 8 '' -LRB- 172 cm -RRB- . I am on a diet of four boiled eggs a day with ample amount of groundnuts & chickpeas . I workout 1 to 1.5 hours in the gym . How frequently should I work out each week ?,4245
1,"How do I prepare for the quantitative ability and data interpretation section of the CAT ? Is there any material available online ? Also , what are some good books for the same ?",MBA Preparation : What are the books suggested for the quantitative ability section in CAT ?,113100
0,How can you make someone addicted to being around you ?,Has a person ever said something to you that made you rethink your life ?,113987
1,Sexism : Why do some men hate women ?,Why do so many men hate women ?,109662
0,What are the best men 's white tube socks ?,What is the best way to label socks ?,297181
1,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP LaserJet Enterprise M606x ?,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP DeskJet 1112 Printer ?,140314
0,What are some good resources for learning about numerical analysis ?,What are some good resources to learn about alchemy ?,268222
1,How do you reset a laptop to its factory settings ?,How do you completely factory reset a laptop ?,242324
0,What song to use to lyric prank my best friend ?,What 's a good api to use to get song lyrics ?,327501
1,What is right assessment about Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev ? Is he just loquacious or really attained knowledge and wisdom that saints are known to possess ?,What 're your thoughts about Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev ?,249105
0,What is the relationship like between Poland and Russia ?,What is the relationship like between Germany and Russia ?,295645
1,What is the best online web builder for free ?,What is the best online website builder to create a new web page for a business ?,272438
0,What happens if we unlock our brain functionality capacity to one hundred percent ?,Is there a way we can just unlock 10 % of our brain ?,198806
1,What are your experiences traveling alone ?,What have been your experiences traveling alone ?,104851
0,"`` In Facebook 's definition of '' `` monthly active users '' '' do they include users who signed up that month , and did n't visit again that month ? ''",How many monthly active users does Medium have ?,48361
1,How do I know who viewed my WhatsApp display pic ?,What is the trick to know my WhatsApp profile visitors ?,36913
0,Can Google Map show what type of public metered parking is available on certain streets ?,"Should cities create real-time , online maps of public marking meters to show which parking spaces are open or taken ?",381873
1,`` What should I do if Quora marks my question as '' `` Needs Improvement '' '' ? '',`` Why does Quora keep marking my questions as '' `` needing improvement '' '' ? '',44110
0,How do I get more upvotes on my answers on Quora ?,What kind of answers get the most upvotes on Quora ?,238062
1,How can I improve my English writing skills ? Which books do you suggest ?,What are suggestions or ideas to improve my English writing skills ?,15531
0,Why would an ex follow me on social networks if he broke up with me ?,Why does my ex girlfriend still follow me on social media ? Does she still like me ?,397660
1,What are the best photos taken from a phone ?,What are the best photos you 've taken using a smartphone ?,104615
0,How long should a blow job last ?,How can guys last longer during sex ?,280780
1,How can I prepare for interview ?,How can I prepare for my interview ?,95164
0,What am I doing wrong with this python code ?,What is wrong with my python code ?,142902
1,What actually is the purpose of life ?,What do you feel is the purpose of life ?,25761
0,How do I make the best software company ?,How do I apply to the best software company ?,186748
1,How can I became a good elder brother ?,What should I do to be a good elder brother ?,202387
0,1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 x 0 +1 = ?,What is -LSB- math -RSB- 1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 * 0 +1 -LSB- / math -RSB- ?,31245
1,Why was Quora down a few minutes back ?,Why was Quora down few minutes back ?,117677
0,Would knowledge be of any use in an afterlife ?,What afterlife do you believe in ?,150841
1,"Why do people write such wordy , long answers on Quara when it is not necessary ?","Why do people write answers way too long , way too often in this website ?",141556
0,Why is Kamal Hassan is supporting Jallikattu ?,"Who is better , Mammootty or Kamal Hassan ?",197352
1,Why does the secular Indian government subsidize private hajj pilgrimage ?,"If India is a secular country , why is it spending taxpayers ' money on subsidy for Hajj pilgrimage ?",97778
0,What kind of food helps me prevent cancer ?,What are the best ways to prevent cancer ?,188629
1,How exactly does banning Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes curb the problem of black money ?,How banning 500 and 1000 rupee can affect black money ?,386379
0,What are best thriller movies ?,Which are some of the best comedy-thriller movies ?,291952
1,What do ` you ' think about Islam ?,What you think about Islam ?,344614
0,"I fell & twisted my leg . The doc asked me to wear a crepe bandage . Should it be worn 24x7 ? Is it required when I am lying down , resting or sleeping ?","If deep down the person I like does n't want a relationship , but in my heart I feel that it is meant for me to be with that person , should I just give up of or wait it out ?",381552
1,As a third year btech student what should I do to start preparing for ias exam ?,"If I start preparing for IAS exam 2016 now , how can I achieve it ?",303406
0,Which university has the best data science MS degree curriculum or certificate in Germany ?,Which university has the best data science MS degree curriculum or certificate ?,183178
1,How do I speak English fluently ?,How could I improve my English pronunciation ?,195023
0,"Does setting the air conditioning in a car to a higher level affect the gas mileage more than setting it to a lower level , or use more refrigerant ?","If you have a hybrid car with no payments , 50,000 miles and you 're looking to get a 4 wheel drive car for snow , would you go ahead and trade in the car now while it 's worth more or wait and keep not having a car payment and then trade the car in later -LRB- higher mileage , less money -RRB- ?",366591
1,Should the education system in India change ?,Should the education system be changed in India ? If so why or why not ?,296583
0,Which is the best smartphone under 15K -LRB- August 2016 -RRB- ?,What are the best smartphones under 15K in 2016 ?,381403
1,What is the best fitness routine for weight loss ?,What is the best exersice for weight loss ?,253211
0,How can I concentrate in my studies with this situation ?,What 's the easiest way to concentrate on studies ?,17893
1,Will Hurricane Matthew impact the 2016 presidential election ?,How will Hurricane Matthew affect the presidential election as Florida is a key state ?,339637
0,What is the difference between square root and under root ?,What is a discrete square root ?,92355
1,Why are hematomas caused when drawing blood ?,Why are hematomas caused when drawing blood,7135
0,How i can find a foods importers in Africa ?,`` What is the significance of '' `` The Rear Guard '' '' poem ? '',171441
1,Which is the best mutual funds to invest in India ?,What is the best mutual fund to invest for a long term in India ?,128358
0,What is Human Resource Management ERP ?,What do human resources managers do ?,114893
1,Why are South East Asian actresses not sexy ?,Why is it that south East Asian actresses are not very sexy ?,95687
0,What should be the weekly plan if someone wants to become great in competitive programming ?,What is the best strategy to improve my skills in competitive programming in 2-3 months ?,69836
1,Which city is the best in India ? Why ?,Which is best city in India ?,19425
0,What is the difference between a direct subsidy and a indirect subsidy ?,Difference between tax and subsidy ?,76100
1,What are the uses of sulfur ?,What is sulfur ? What are some uses ?,279503
0,Can you build a nuke out of smoke detectors ?,What are reasons why a smoke detector beeps ?,193342
1,Who is better Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton ?,Would Mr. Donald Trump be a better president than Hillary Clinton ?,243261
0,What small detail from a movie do you love ?,What small detail from an Indian movie do you love ?,150782
1,Do I need to quit gaming to have better grades at high school ?,How can I get better grades in high school?Should I stop gaming to get better grades ?,313986
0,What are some essays by Filipino authors ?,How do Filipinos see the Spanish ?,55471
1,How can I hack whatsapp ?,How do I hack WhatsApp online ?,367272
0,How do I set up a payment network ?,What information is required to set up a payment gateway ?,352724
1,Do you think that the function of a man is to be rational ?,Do you think that the function of man is to be rational ?,28024
0,How good is The University of Wisconsin -- Madison for an MS in mechanical engineering in the field of industrial robotics and automation ?,How good is an MS in industrial engineering program at the University of Houston ?,347718
1,"At Microsoft , do they use Apple Macs and Windows products for the general Office work ?",Do people who work on Microsoft just allowed to use Windows for office works ?,292877
0,"Even though I have 8 gigabytes of RAM , my computer runs slowly when using Adobe Premiere Pro CC . How can I fix that ?","Will my laptop be able to handle Adobe Premiere Pro with i7-4th gen , 8GB RAM and 1TB HDD ?",186282
1,How do I make money from home ?,What are the easiest ways to make good money using the Internet ?,19097
0,What are sac fungi ? What are some examples ?,What are some fungi examples ?,3190
1,How do you evaluate Doctor Strange ?,Do you like the Marvel 's Doctor Strange ?,233101
0,Are there certain rules that humanity should follow so that the world is a better place ?,Is there a model that disrupts the methodology followed by today 's to-do list ; can anyone suggest a better workflow for task management based on human psychology ?,206945
1,What are the things to keep in mind while starting business ?,What are some of the basic things which must be kept in mind while doing business for the first time ?,383657
0,"Can I survive on $ 45,000 a year in Manhattan ?","What 's the most I can spend on rent with annual salary of $ 720,000 in Manhattan ?",227037
1,Why has Dhoni left the captaincy from ODI and T20 ?,Why did M.S.Dhoni left captaincy from ODI & T20 ?,318365
0,I wanted to start a SIP -LRB- Systematic Investment Plan -RRB- . Whom should I reach ? What are the formalities ? Who are the best players in this ?,"If I want to start investing in a SIP now , which is the best plan and why ?",220587
1,What age is best to retire from work and business ?,What do you think is the best age to retire ?,246589
0,What is the value of goodwill when buying a business ?,What is the goodwill of a business ?,7177
1,What are the disadvantages of studying in a women 's college ?,What are the advantages and disadvantages of attending women 's college ?,66303
0,Are my career prospects better in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering ?,Is it better to major in Electrical Engineering if I can study Computer Science online ? -LRB- I 'm interested in both -RRB-,232231
1,Why is it impossible for a state to secede from the Union ?,Can a US state secede from the Union ?,36939
0,Do you need to own a car to live in Seattle and work at Amazon ?,Do you need to own a car if you live in Seattle and work at Microsoft ?,288614
1,What is the Digital India Initiative ? How Author Anuj Tiwari impacts people in Digital India ?,What is meant by Digital India ?,340328
0,Is MG996R a continuous rotation servo ?,What is the difference between fake and imaginary in mathematics ?,238675
1,What is the best laptop under Rs . 60k in India for running latest pirated games ?,Which is the best gaming laptop to buy under 60k ?,248659
0,How it is said that sanskrit is the most scientific language in the world ?,Is Sanskrit the most scientific language in the world ?,325119
1,"Which one is the best , Linux Mint or Ubuntu ?","Which of the following is best , Linux Mint 17.3 or Ubuntu Gnome 3.2 ?",295058
0,"Can the smell of petrol , diesel or other fuels be harmful to human health ?",What 's going to happen when all the oil runs out ?,201460
1,How do I stop addiction to porn ?,How do I removed my addiction for masturbating ?,243896
0,I have lost my PAN card and I also forgot my PAN number . What is the procedure to reissue a PAN card ?,I have lost my PAN card . Should I reprint the PAN card or apply for a new one ?,57046
1,How far back in time does blue eyes go ?,"How far back , does the blue eyes go ?",293236
0,Some stories related to journey in strange place ... lik ?,What 's your solo traveling story ?,22948
1,How can I get rid of a canker sore on the bottom of my tongue ?,How can I get rid or a canker sore on the tip of my tongue ?,202035
0,Is it necessary to summit the counselor letter of recommendation in my college application ?,Surgical strike ?,29350
1,What are the scopes Of Agile Scrum master certification ?,What are the scopes and benefits of professional Agile Scrum Master certification ?,198163
0,"What is the property tax rate in Granville , Ohio ? How is it compared to the one of Washington ?","What is the property tax rate in Granville , Ohio ? How is it compared to the one of Connecticut ?",385207
1,"If a Zombie Outbreak/Apocalypse happened , what would be the best -LRB- 15 -RRB- weapons to be safe ?",What weapons would be most effective in a zombie apocalypse ?,212290
0,What is the best time to take Raspberry Ketones and why ?,Why is my camera not working ?,275537
1,"In Game of Thrones , can dragons kill White Walkers ? If so , how ?",Can the dragons beat the White Walkers ?,80568
0,How can bypass iCloud lock for iOS 9 ?,How can I bypass iCloud activation for iOS 9.3.2 ?,197140
1,How do I increase my height after 22 ?,How can I increase my height after 18 years of age ?,338026
0,What is the importance of detecting the incubation period of a common cold ?,`` Is using paternal in a sentence as '' `` paternal feelings for -LRB- name -RRB- '' '' correct ? '',369685
1,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in Japan ?,Why are saltwater taffy imported in Japan ?,2071
0,Why do I feel gratified when I see the person suffering who was responsible for me having to leave my own home utterly penniless and helpless ?,Why is it so hard to articulate my feelings ? I am scared of people thinking negatively of me or seeing me as a bad person,45286
1,Is it legal to use googled images on your blog ?,Can I use Google images in my website ?,156919
0,Is a high fat low carb diet better than a high carb diet ?,Do low-carb diets work ?,63709
1,Which are some best Hollywood movies for students ?,What are some of the best Hollywood movies for students ?,74843
0,What is Ellen Page like in person ?,What is the new video game Ellen Page is in ?,260064
1,Are all the stories from Christian mythology in the Bible or are there other documents that exist that contain any ?,Does the Bible exhaustively contain all the stories from Christian mythology ?,210578
0,What does this painting means ?,What is the meaning of this painting ?,96324
1,"If you could rename yourself , what would it be and why ?",Would you rename yourself given the chance ? What name would you pick ? Why ?,8597
0,What was cultural life like in Palestine 2000 years ago ?,How is life better now than 50 years ago ?,291166
1,Are children usually smarter than their parents ?,Is it true that children are smarter / more intelligent than their parents ?,219336
0,Can GTA 5 run on a Dell Latitude E6410 laptop ?,Can I run GTA 5 on my laptop ?,292747
1,How do I get started with the preparation of CPT exam ?,What is the best way to prepare for CPT exam ?,180018
0,What does an interview that ends earlier than its scheduled time indicate ?,"`` I had a Google APM interview , and at the end of three interviews they said they had '' `` enough information . '' '' None of these interviews were technical . Is the number of interviews you have onsite indicative of your performance ? ''",340794
1,"How do I get to billionaire status , as in how to become a billionaire ?",What is the best way to become a billionaire ?,257453
0,Which online shopping website is best for the handicraft products ?,Which is the best website to review online shopping products in india ?,150999
1,What is it like living in France ?,What is it like to live in France ?,267601
0,Will Java be taught for Computer Science students in NIT Rourkela ?,What is string monitoring box ?,369478
1,Does green tea help to lose weight ?,What is the correct time to take green tea for weight loss ?,217843
0,How could international students find jobs in the USA ?,What are the job opportunities for international students in USA ?,43126
1,What are some common reasons that your iPhone will not ring ?,What are some common reasons that your iPhone 5 will not ring ?,96432
0,Are you really a petroleum engineering ?,What does a petroleum engineer do ?,380109
1,Where can I hire a serious hacker ?,How do I hire a hacker ?,228637
0,What are some characteristics of and American Bully ?,What characteristics do bullies have ?,122591
1,Which are some of the most famous astrologers in India ?,Who is famous astrologer in India ?,120604
0,What is the relationship between mapR and Hadoop ?,What is the relationship between MySQL and Hadoop ?,102536
1,How can I earn money using YouTube ?,How can you make money on YouTube ?,139891
0,How do powdered sugar and icing sugar differ ?,What is powdered sugar ? Is it the same as icing sugar ?,396910
1,What is GST bill and how it is going to benefit middle class people ?,How do GST bill will benefit local people ?,46740
0,Is it ok for kids to have sex in middle school ?,Is it OK to have a boyfriend in middle school ?,231014
1,Is it theoretically possible to travel through parallel universe ?,Is it possible to travel to alternate universe ?,117051
0,"If both parents have blood group B + , what will be the genetics of the child ?",What really happens if a person is transfused with the wrong blood type ?,173738
1,What is potential differential and why is it important ?,Why is potential differential important ?,3969
0,How did I.T. -LRB- 2016 movie -RRB- get greenlit ? What 's the backstory of how the movie got made ?,How did Rings -LRB- 2016 movie -RRB- get greenlit ? What 's the backstory of how the movie got made ?,127345
1,I have my CA final exams in Nov 16 . How should I plan my studies ? Also when will IND-AS be applicable for exams ?,What are the preparations strategy for students appearing for CA final Nov 2016 exams ?,128536
0,What 's the difference between CSS and Javascript ?,In CSS what 's the difference between ^ = and | = ?,72994
1,`` What can I do if I believe my question was wrongfully marked as '' `` needing improvement '' '' by Quora ? '',`` How often do you mark questions as '' `` needing improvement '' '' on Quora ? '',214839
0,What is the best cooking oil for patient people ?,What are some good cooking oil ?,199241
1,Do donald trump or hilary Clinton would win ?,Do you think Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the US ?,35208
0,What should I do to reduce hair loss ?,What can we do to minimize our hair loss ?,34846
1,What are the pros and cons of Ceasing Rs . 500 and Rs .1000 Currency Notes in India ?,What are the pros and cons of banning and replacing 500 and 1000 notes in India ?,169923
0,Which is the best version of Linux ?,What is the best Linux desktop environment ?,11461
1,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP Color LaserJet Pro M452dw ?,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M553x ?,60104
0,Will Messi ever be considered as great as Maradona without a major international trophy ?,Will Messi ever end up on Manchester City ?,91466
1,What would you do if you could stop time whenever you want ?,"If you could stop time for as long as you wanted , What would you do ?",65140
0,What 's the quickest way to get over a head cold ?,Who are the greatest minds living today ?,31317
1,Procedure to marry American ?,What is the procedure to marry an American ?,154960
0,Which may be the easiest electrical engineering jobs ?,Will LG G4 last for 2-3 years after purchase ?,192478
1,How should India respond to Pakistan on recent URI attack ?,What could be an intelligent and efficient response to the Uri terror attack ?,181818
0,"What do you think is better , franchising a convenient store or opening a new one and make your own name ?",Photography : What do you think about trading as a brand rather than your own name being a freelance photographer -LRB- perhaps branding yourself -RRB- and what are the advantages/disadvantages ?,58806
1,Why do dogs bark at ragpickers ?,"Why do stray dogs bark at , or sometimes chase , rag-pickers ?",33892
0,Which dropped catch has proved to be the costliest catch drop in Cricket ?,How many catches did Rahul Dravid drop in his test career ?,197744
1,How do I become a hacker like in Mr. Robot ?,How can I become hacker ?,183924
0,What is a consecutive calendar day and how is it related with the Bengali calendar ?,What is a consecutive calendar day and how is it related with the Japanese calendar ?,35721
1,Who would you vote for : Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton ?,Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton ?,318352
0,How are quartiles used in real life ?,How can I get real life Use Cases in Statistics with numbers and approach to solve ?,21644
1,What programming languages are best to learn ?,What is the best programming language for a beginner ?,301116
0,What are good research topics on engineering project ?,What are some interesting research topics ?,120316
1,What is the best way to improve on English spellings ?,How can we improve our English and avoid spelling mistakes ?,273102
0,What is a mechanical engineer ?,What do mechanical engineers do ?,106341
1,What is difference between stock and shares ?,What 's the difference between shares and stocks ?,338159
0,What are your personal plans/goals for 2017 ?,What are your career goals for 2017 ?,106888
1,When is the new MacBook Pro rumored to release ?,When will the next Macbook Pro -LRB- 2016 -RRB- be released ?,173255
0,How can tourists contract Muta -LRB- temporary -RRB- Islamic marriage with beautiful Kashmiri women ?,"How can a positive , extroverted guy express politely the beauty of beautiful women and not be judged as ridiculing ?",152094
1,What is the best question one can possibly ask ?,"If you could get now instantly and completely guaranteed right and complete answer to ANY of your questions , which one question would you ask ?",287647
0,What title and research I should give from math investigatory project ?,"I 'm studying data from maths tests conducted in 2008 to 2015 , looking for trends in the results , what sort of research design should I use ?",72019
1,What will parenting trends look like in 2017 ?,What are parenting trends going to look like in the future ?,392729
0,How can we recover a lost security code in Nokia phones ?,How can I hard reset a Nokia 206 if the security code is forgotten ?,210266
1,How can you delete a question that you asked on Quora ?,Can I delete all the questions I asked on Quora ?,87062
0,How do I prepare for law MH-CET 2017 ?,Which is the best book for preparation of MH CET LL.B 2016 Exam ?,154384
1,What are the best uses for duck fat ?,What are some good culinary uses for duck fat ?,402983
0,What is the disadvantage of equimarginal approach ?,How did carpets come to be popular in western homes ?,349509
1,"I 'm 27 , is it too late for me to go to medical school ?",How old is too old to start medical school ?,283844
0,Who is the best president ?,Who is or was the greatest President of the United States ?,68259
1,How does a guy know if he is handsome ?,How can a guy know that he is handsome or not ?,378989
0,What should be the first subject to study for GATE 2017 in mechanical engineering ?,What should be the first subject to study for GATE 2016 in mechanical engineering ?,147689
1,"What do you think the world will look like in 100 , 200 years ?","What do you think the world be like 50 , 100 , 500 , or 1000 years from now ?",88278
0,Do supernatural entities exist ?,Does supernatural power or strength really exist ?,393543
1,Has Indian government failed to uphold tolerance in the country ?,Has the Indian government failed to uphold tolerance in the country ?,319368
0,How were students evaluated in Medieval universities ? Did they give oral or written exams ? How long did they last ?,How difficult was Mathematics in the medieval times ? How did they use Roman numerals for calculations ?,388369
1,How we start preparation for IAS ?,How should I start the preparation of IAS exam from my graduation level ?,126181
0,What is the cutoff percentile for NITIE and MDI Gurgaon this year ?,Can a candidate with less than 50 % in 10th class apply for MDI Gurgaon ?,157985
1,How can I create my own app ?,How can I develop my own app ?,347731
0,How is sodium carbonate synthesized ?,What does sodium carbonate do when synthesizing aspirin ?,290203
1,What are some good arguments against the existence of God ?,What are the scientific arguments against the existence of God ?,364713
0,What is the best Oregon wine ?,What are the best red wines ?,97693
1,Why do all of my questions on Quora need improvement ?,Why do my questions on Quora need improving ?,25221
0,Who is the most well known person in the world ?,Who is the most well-known living woman in the world right now ?,399268
1,"What are you views , pros , cons on ban of 500 and 1000 notes by goverment ?",What do you think of abolishing 500 and 1000 Rupee Currency notes by the Indian Government ?,156152
0,"How do I share my questions , answers , and posts to Facebook and Twitter ?",Why am I being queried at the end of most answers if I want to share them on Facebook or Twitter ? How would that even work ?,346056
1,How do I find the most recent questions on Quora ?,How do I find most recently questions asked on Quora ?,401511
0,Where can I find Dragon Ball Z Episodes with Bruce Faulconer music ? -LRB- And not HD -RRB- ?,Where can I watch/download Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Gods 2 ?,377599
1,What is cause of gravity ?,What exactly causes gravity ?,280455
0,What does a woman seek during intercourse ?,How do I please woman sexually during intercourse ?,158225
1,Is world war 3 likely ?,How close is a World War III ?,189329
0,Super Smash Bros. . Brawl : What is the best strategy against Pit ?,Super Smash Bros. . Brawl : What is the best strategy against Jigglypuff ?,296901
1,How can I learn the top marketing skills ?,How can I get good marketing skills ?,37406
0,What are some of the mind-blowing operations of India 's intelligence agency RAW ?,What facts about Mumbai would people not believe unless they came to Mumbai ?,109881
1,Where is the best Samsung repair center in hyderabad ?,Which is the best Samsung Repair Center in Hyderabad ?,265706
0,If -LSB- math -RSB- 1 \ circ4 = 5 -LSB- / math -RSB- and -LSB- math -RSB- 2 \ circ5 = 12 -LSB- / math -RSB- and -LSB- math -RSB- 3 \ circ6 = 21 -LSB- / math -RSB- then what is -LSB- math -RSB- 8 \ circ11 -LSB- / math -RSB- ? Fun ...,How can I improve my Math ?,48038
1,How should one deal with depression ?,How do I get rid of depression ?,352546
0,What will replace social media ?,How do I find out which people I am following on Instagram do not follow me back ?,396264
1,What are the things that are important in life ?,"Are money , time , and friends the most important things in life ?",201205
0,What is it like to live in UAE as a western expat ?,What can you say about living in UAE as an expat ?,310820
1,"How do you perform a factory restore on a gateway laptop , and how does the procedure differ for other laptop brands ?",How do you restore a Gateway laptop back to factory settings ?,160995
0,How safe is Russia for foreign visitors ?,Is it safe for a Thai male to travel alone to Russia ?,174992
1,How can Modi government prevent black money by discontinuing 500 and 1000 notes ?,Would demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes actually help in curbing black money in India ?,72605
0,Is trustable ?,Is trustable ?,336650
1,Is social media important in our lives ?,Is social media really important in our lives ?,53265
0,"How do you think the future of choosing a research or career path in Computational Geophysics would be , for a MS student in Compuational Engineering ?",I am BE 8th sem . CSE student . Which path should I choose as a career or which course I should do to get a good job in future ?,1881
1,What should I do to make money online in India ?,What 's the easiest way to make money online ?,160172
0,"How many international science olympians -LRB- IMO , IPhO , IChO , IOI , IBO -RRB- join Carnegie Mellon 's freshman class each year ?","How many international science olympians -LRB- IMO , IPhO , IChO , IOI , IBO -RRB- join Harvard 's freshman class each year ?",90995
1,What exactly is Islamophobia ?,What is Islamophobia ?,358139
0,Have you ever had sex with your best friend ?,Have you ever imagined to have sex with your best friend ? Or you already had ?,48634
1,How can educated people believe in God ?,Why do educated people believe in God ?,89810
0,What is a Fabricator ?,What is Fabric by Twitter ?,42323
1,What 's the difference between cyber security and information security ?,What is the difference between information security and cyber security ?,326244
0,Is sex common between bf n gf ?,"As a seed stage high-growth consumer startup -LRB- with revenue -RRB- , do I need to be concerned with doing breakeven and profitability analysis for investors ?",216299
1,Should I learn C/C + + before learning Obj-C/Swift ?,Should I learn C/C + + before Swift ?,259063
0,What are some animals that are eaten alive by people ?,What kind of animals can not be eaten legally in the US ?,18150
1,Do long distance relationships work ?,How will long distance relationship work ?,51801
0,How do I connect a wireless mic to my desktop with 2.1 channel speaker system ?,I want to connect 2 sets of speakers to my laptop . How do I do it ?,108215
1,What are the meanings behind the Naruto headband symbols ?,Why did headbands in Naruto have symbols ?,309070
0,"I 'm doing a project in my school about Interstellar , how did Cooper travel into a black hole without dying ?",Why did n't Cooper die due to the immense gravitational pull of the black hole before reaching Tessaract in Interstellar ?,27163
1,How can you lose weight quickly ?,What is the fastest way to lose weight successfully ?,321936
0,Does President Obama and his family have secret service protection for the rest of their lives ?,Is President Obama considered black -- considering his mother 's white and he was not raised by a black family ? Why or why not ?,315341
1,What 's the best lesson you 've learned while traveling ?,What is the most important lesson that you 've learned from traveling ?,95088
0,What are some common stereotypes of Microsoft employees ?,Do employees at Microsoft use Microsoft Lumia ?,349592
1,How do I send the approval code for Facebook to a new cell phone number ?,How do I verify my Facebook account if it is sending the code to my old phone number ?,227627
0,How can India solve the water problem through desalination ?,Why is n't desalination the answer to India 's water scarcity problem ?,58980
1,Is deep web really that dangerous ?,How unsafe the deep web is ?,10705
0,"Are girls allowed in the merchant navy in India , or not ?",How do I get my parents to believe that Merchant Navy is good for girls ?,22922
1,Why did Trump win the election ?,How come Trump won ?,304268
0,What is the benefit of dog neutering ?,What are the benefits of getting a dog as a pet ?,92969
1,What are some mind blowing technology that most people do n't know about ?,What are some mind blowing technology gadgets that most people do n't know ?,304216
0,What is the maximum number of passports one could accumulate by becoming a citizen of those countries over the average lifetime -LRB- 80 years -RRB- ?,Can a naturalized Canadian citizen work/stay legally in another country for over 5 years ?,170726
1,What are some cool facts about Bill Gates ?,What are some interesting facts about Bill Gates ?,58971
0,How common is it that a husband wants to share his wife ?,How can a husband control his wife ?,323516
1,Why is Overwatch so popular ?,How did Overwatch become so successful so quickly ?,6161
0,"How can I repair corrupt JPEG files ? I deleted a folder with many JPEG files . After I restored it , many of the images were corrupt and would not open . Is there any way to recover them ?",I deleted a set of photos and was able to restore them . But now all of them seem corrupted . Is there any way to fix this ?,316134
1,What types of cigarettes are there ?,What are the type of cigarettes and their effect ?,16039
0,What would you do if a person breaks into your house because he/she is hungry ?,Level and grades in KPIT ?,227143
1,How can I attract more girls for sex ?,How can I attract girls for sex ?,124981
0,Why is common sense not common ?,`` How common is '' `` common sense '' '' ? '',401219
1,How can one recover lost data from mobile ?,How can I recover my lost data in phone ?,325444
0,"What is cutoff of gate score to get psus like NTPC , BHEL , IOCL ? Please attach the link .","Will I get an interview call from PSUs like IOCL or HPCL if I 'm getting 52 + marks in the GATE ' 15 , being from the instrumentation stream ?",20918
1,Why did the government produce new notes of 2000 instead of new 1000 notes ?,If 500 and 1000 notes are banned then why are new 500 and 2000 notes being introduced ?,316257
0,What is smartness ?,`` What are '' `` smart services '' '' ? '',29805
1,"What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Sanriku earthquake in 1896 ?","What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Vailfivia earthquake in 1960 ?",279079
0,What does Russia want with Ukraine ?,Why is Russia invading Ukraine ?,301004
1,Can Donald Trump win ?,Does Donald Trump still have a chance of winning ?,173800
0,What is the difference between human resource management and personnel administration ?,What are the differences between economic human resources and human resources management ?,404072
1,What 's the worst thing you ever did as a teenager ?,What was the worst thing you did as a teenager ?,249035
0,What should I have for lunch ?,What is lunch at Quora like ?,363017
1,What is the best programming language to learn -LRB- in your opinion -RRB- ?,What are the best programming languages for beginners and why ?,216839
0,How do I hide the ` developer options ' on my Android phone ?,Can I develop games using my Android phone ? Where can I learn it ?,368955
1,What are some examples of balanced forces ?,What are balanced forces and what are some examples ?,293615
0,Can I know recipes for cooking without fire ?,What are the best recipes for cooking without fire ?,242597
1,What is the KVPY SA expected cut off for 2016 ?,How was KVPY SA 2016 ?,335481
0,What does flashing a cell phone mean ?,What is data usage on cell phones ?,382150
1,Why is n't DELTA FORCE acknowledged officially ?,Why is n't Delta Force officially acknowledged or given recognition for their service ?,175599
0,"If I marry my mother 's brother 's daughter -LRB- cross-cousin -RRB- , will the child face birth defect problems ?",How safe is cross cousin marriage these days ? Does it really lead to birth defects ?,292157
1,-LRB- Make America Great -RRB- When was America ever great ?,When was America Great ?,217883
0,How are prime numbers and the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function related ?,How is the Riemann zeta function zero for negative even integers ?,367753
1,Who is the best doctor/dermatologist for hair fall treatment in Bangalore ?,How can I find best doctor for hair fall treatment in Bangalore ?,96876
0,Which are the best Android games ?,Which is the best Android football game ?,11672
1,What is your reaction about the ban on Rs . 500 and Rs . 1000 notes ? Wo n't it create a chaos and harm the economy ?,What is your opinion on the discontinuation of 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,314257
0,I transferred my money from Europe to my regular Indian savings account over a period of time . Will it be taxable in India ?,I transferred my money from the US to my regular Indian savings account over a period of time . Will it be taxable in India ?,214532
1,How do I deal with heartbreak ?,How do I deal with a heartbreak ?,262837
0,What is it with feminism ?,What is feminism ?,11079
1,How are salt bridges used in galvanic cells ?,Why salt bridge are used in galvanic cell ?,162702
0,"What are the best home remedies for cold , cough , nausea , etc. . ?",What are the best home-remedies for a persistent cough ?,280993
1,How can study with businesses ?,How can I study business studies ?,100243
0,`` What are some similar songs to '' `` Breakthrough '' '' by Britt Nicole ? '',What is a song similar to `` get low '' ?,404185
1,What is a fun dinner party game ?,What are some fun group dinner party games ?,78909
0,What 's the best confession you have ever seen on Facebook ?,How secure is it to confess on a confession page on Facebook ?,263735
1,How come Dumbledore was able to defeat Grindelwald while the latter was the owner of the elder wand ?,How did Dumbledore defeat Grindelwald if Grindelwald was in possession of the Elder Wand ?,161921
0,Do you believe in law of attraction ?,Why do people believe in the law of attraction ?,394890
1,How do I pick a lawyer ?,How do you hire a good lawyer ?,342865
0,"How is Hillary Clinton 's health , and will it affect the Democratic Party and the US Presidential elections ?",How does pneumonia affect Hillary Clinton from a health perspective ?,325085
1,What are the best ways to meet boys ?,What 's the best way to meet boys ?,124866
0,Should YouTube ban/disable the comment section ?,What is a haploid ?,160498
1,What are payday loans ?,What are the best Payday loans to acquire ?,311837
0,My most favorite cousin marriage is coming and Lahore is well known for best shopping zones from where can i do the best shopping ?,What are the best online shops where I can buy handicrafts from Jharkhand ?,108187
1,Do you think Eminem is the greatest rapper of all-time ?,Do you think Eminem is the greatest rapper to touch the mic ?,135977
0,What type of girl a does every boy like ?,What are some excellent facts about Narendra Modi ?,22277
1,Is living a life with bipolar still worth living ?,Is a life with bipolar still worth living ?,340455
0,What are the differences between mitosis and meiosis ? What are the similarities ?,What are the similarities between mitosis and meiosis ?,394883
1,What exactly is an A2A ?,What is an A2A ?,338872
0,Are double questions allowed on Quora ?,What universities should I apply for MS in electrical engineering in canada with cgpa of 7.85 n gre 320 n ielts 7 band ?,48482
1,How can I lose weight safely ?,What is the best way to be in a calorie deficit and lose weight successfully ?,253411
0,Can we tame a lion or tiger or any wild carnivorous animal to be as obedient as a dog ?,"How do people become friends with lions , tigers and other wild animals ?",299821
1,Which one is more important to you : to love or to be loved ?,Is it more important to love or be loved ?,225862
0,"National Institute of Technology , Kurukshetra : How is the social life at NITK , Surathkal ?","National Institute of Technology Karnataka -LRB- NITK -RRB- , Surathkal : To the graduating batch : What lessons would you want to give to your juniors before you leave ?",91
1,How can I realistically make money online ?,How can I make money online consistently ?,128330
0,What is a comparison of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and S5 ?,What is your review of Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ?,86836
1,What can you substitute for balsamic vinegar in recipes ?,What are some good ways to replace balsamic vinegar in a recipe ?,80385
0,Is Facebook dying and why ?,Is Facebook dying in popularity ?,125385
1,What is the difference between an API and SDK ?,What is the difference between API and SDK ?,58562
0,What was it like to work with Michael Jackson ?,What was it like to work with Michael Jackson in the studio ?,266499
1,What should you do when you feel like a loser ?,How can I stop feeling like a loser ?,368475
0,"I 'm using a connecting flight of Lufthansa and United , do they transfer checked in luggage to the other united flight ?",Could someone tell if I 'm allowed to have 3 packs of IKEA AA batteries in my hand luggage for a flight wholly inside EU -LRB- bound for UK -RRB- ?,65168
1,What are some not-so-boring baby shower games -LRB- both men and women attending -RRB- ?,What are some baby shower games that are actually fun ?,94725
0,Will I loose photos from camera roll if I turn off my photo stream on iPhone ?,`` My iPhone 6 was stolen . The phone was off . It is password protected . I ca n't find the location of the phone . ` Find the location/iCloud '' '' was not on . I logged in to iCloud online and it says the device is off and it can not find the location . If I delete photos from iCloud online will the photos be deleted on the phone as well ? '',205938
1,`` What did I do wrong when my question is marked as '' `` Needs Improvement '' '' ? '',Why my question is marked as needing improvements ?,393863
0,Is colon cancer tumour of 4-5cm considered serious ?,How long does it take for colon cancer to form ?,52395
1,What are the best ideas to developing an Android app ?,What are the best ideas for Android app ?,241263
0,What is the saddest thing you 've ever seen as a police officer ?,Life : What is the sweetest thing that someone has ever said to you ?,158661
1,Which is the Best country to migrate from India and start a new life ?,Which is the best country to migrate from india to start a new life ?,41739
0,I 've revealed my insecurities to my girlfriend and she has n't left me . Is this uncommon ?,"My girlfriend left me . I begged her to come back but she did n't . What should I do now ? Should I make her feel that I do n't need her ? If yes , then how ?",235449
1,What was one of your life changing experiences ?,What one decision changed your life drastically ?,276003
0,What is it like to be skinny in India ?,What does it feel like to be skinny ?,25502
1,Is a cold air intake worth the money ?,Why is installing a cold air intake worth the money ?,90831
0,"Although light beam bouncing between two plates inside a clock is often used to explain time dilation , how can other practical cases be explained ?",When did you know you wanted to be a physicist ?,127899
1,What exactly is GOD ?,What is God ?,320392
0,Which is the best honeymoon destination outside of India ?,Which is the best honeymoon destination for couples in India ?,251654
1,Do Quora users still see questions that are marked as needing improvement ?,`` Why does Quora do this '' `` marked as needing improvement ? '',368274
0,I had not given 3 consecutive half yearly class 12 exam I.e. bst physical education & account . I did n't gave it because of fear help ?,"I 'm second class in my B.E , I 've not given my GATE Exam yet . Just wanted to know weather I 'll be eligible to join IISc , if I get good numbers in gate or It requires first class ?",247847
1,How can I hack mobile phone ?,How can we hack a phone ?,167112
0,What are some good jobs for JD but non-lawyers ?,Is it a good idea to go to law school if you do n't want to be a lawyer ?,105126
1,How can I learn to play guitar online ?,I want to learn online guitar,235820
0,What does this enable stats for nerds option do ?,What is meaning of the terms appearing under ` stats for nerds ' on YouTube ?,125311
1,What is the difference between a relief valve and safety valve ?,What is the difference between a Safety Valve and Relief Valve ?,355439
0,What does failure teach you ?,What are your failures ?,158554
1,Which is the top healthcare app development company in India ?,Which are the best healthcare app development companies in India ?,150897
0,Why is Murray treated so badly in impractical jokers ?,Why would a show like Impractical Jokers be impossible to make in India ?,138892
1,Was Obama terms as president as bad as some people make it seem ?,Has Obama been as ineffective a president as many people say ?,101685
0,What should I do to get into Delta force of NIT Trichy being a chemical engineer ?,How much should I score to get chemical engineering in NIT Trichy ? -LRB- state quota is an advantage for me -RRB-,359019
1,Which can be the best laptop under 30000 ?,What is the best laptop under 30k ?,279772
0,Why cant we break anything and everything using resonance ?,Is every institutional buyer is a qualified institutional buyer ?,159871
1,How can I lose my weight quickly without doing exercise ?,Can you lose weight without exercising ?,27852
0,How do airlines like Emirates provide wifi/mobile network at 30000ft ? What technology is used for data/signaling . Any network diagram/call flow ?,How could I fix the WiFi problem on the LG D380 mobile -LRB- when I connect to a WiFi network my main balance gets charged for data use -RRB- ?,96529
1,Who views Instagram ?,Can you see who views your Instagram ?,295903
0,What are the most effective marketing tools for starting a wedding planning business ?,"What is the best , most cost effective healthcare plan for a small business of 6 or fewer employees ?",31477
1,What is a part-time job that I can do from home ?,What are part time jobs that can work from home ?,137940
0,What is the first web browser of India ?,What is the web browser sandbox ?,175614
1,Who created God n who created those who created God ?,What created God ?,112556
0,How do I find a doctor who will prescribe an emotional support animal -LRB- ESA -RRB- ?,Do doctors ever knowingly prescribe placebos ?,368557
1,How do I actually go about losing weight ?,What is the best method of losing weight ?,198895
0,Why we build slipguage using wringing phenomena instead ca n't we use magnetic ones to eliminate wringing ?,Why we build slipguage using wringing phenomena instead ca n't we use magnetic ones to eliminate ?,302421
1,How can I avoid getting little red spots on my arms ?,How can I treat little red spots on my arms ?,37324
0,Is SCJP Certification beneficial in professional career growth ?,How much more beneficial is the OCJP in the growth of our professional career ?,57282
1,Why does Pakistan want Kashmir ?,Why is Pakistan obsessed with Kashmir ?,335258
0,Do most highly intelligent people -LRB- IQ 130 and above -RRB- get bored by routine learning in schools and hence can not stand formal education ?,Do intelligent people have high IQ ?,380512
1,Are the sets of numbers broadcast from private radio stations numbers only are they dark web sites ?,Are the sets of numbers broadcast from private radio stations only for dark web sites use ?,161808
0,What are fast ways to lose weight in one week ?,How do I lose weight in weeks ?,68562
1,What is the fastest way to raise your credit score ?,What are the best ways to raise your credit score ? How does it drop in the first place ?,183896
0,What is digital India and how shall it change fate of Indian people ?,What are the best anchoring schools in Delhi ?,328755
1,What is the best way to make your loved one happy ?,What do you do to make your loved one happy ?,178117
0,What is best battery saver application for laptops ?,What is the best photo slideshow screen saver for Windows ?,394683
1,What are good ways to start a music business ?,How do I start a music business ?,16093
0,Can wiping pre cum on her vagina prevent pregnancy ?,"If fire needs oxygen to burn , how does it burn in space ?",307940
1,Is there going to be a season 3 of NARCOS ?,Will there be a Season 3 for Narcos ?,85767
0,What is the risk of taking too much tetanus shot ?,What do you think about the single take shot -LRB- around 6 min -RRB- of True Detective episode 4 ? Is it the best single take shot in TV history ?,291936
1,What do spouses of dependent visa holder do in USA ?,What do spouses of dependent visa holder pursue in USA ?,279130
0,Why do some people still reject Charles Darwin 's theory of evolution ?,Can Darwin 's theory of evolution ever be proven ?,54746
1,What is the difference between Keynesian and classical economics ?,What is the difference between the classical and the Keynesian schools of economic though ?,141164
0,How do I edit the 8 thumbnails on Chrome 's homepage ?,Google Chrome in my Windows 8 laptop does not start from the task bar . I have to right click on it and click on new window . How do I solve the issue ?,203513
1,Can you really see who viewed your pics or profile on instagram ?,Is it true that you can see who 's viewed your Instagram ?,41694
0,"How do I create an employee tracking method using exel ? What I need to do , is to creat a method to track employee 's by their numbers -LRB- 2-3 digits -RRB- ?",What is the lock and key method to fire an employee ?,75933
1,What are the basic types of satellites ?,What are the different types of satellites ?,14426
0,How can I handle staying focused on my career goals without the tainted views of my parents ?,Salary of a lieutanant in Indian army ?,195598
1,Which is the best movie you have ever seen ?,What are your top 5 best movies youve ever watch ?,122612
0,Which colleges in/near New York offer VFX and 3D animation courses ?,"Which colleges/universities in Bangalore offer good full time classroom certificate programs in business management , of duration less than 10 months ?",341800
1,What opportunities exist after completing a B.Tech in mechanical engineering ?,What are the career opportunities in companies after an M.Tech in aerospace engineering with a B.Tech in mechanical engineering ?,280369
0,Is it fine to accept a system design engineer -LRB- telecom -RRB- job in Saudi in the current crisis situation ?,What is cut off of gift 2016 ?,309234
1,How do I improve English in a non-English-speaking environment ?,How can I improve my spoken English without the language environment ?,102207
0,"How do on-demand services -LRB- Uber , GrabCar and the likes -RRB- handle cash payments from clients to their contractors ? How do they get their cut from the revenue ?",Uber stated that they are starting to accept cash in India . How does uber collect the cash from the drivers ? There so many of them !!! And how often do they collect the cash ?,75318
1,How can I become a wildlife photographer ?,How can one become a wildlife photographer ?,216887
0,What are the things that make you feel proud of yourself ?,What can you do in one year which will make you proud of yourself ?,227069
1,What would happen if the anonymous features in Quora were removed and all identities were revealed ?,What would happen if anonymous users on Quora lost their anonymity ?,6931
0,What should I do to be a good chef ?,How do I become a good chef ?,83118
1,"Just got out of a 1 year relationship and it hurts , how can I feel better and bounce back ?","Just got out of a 1 year relationship and it hurts , how can I feel better ?",351083
0,What are good ways to become more muscular without going to the gym ?,How can I stay fit without going to a gym ?,374698
1,How do I start learning machine learning and data science using python ?,How should I start learning data analytics with python as a beginner ?,379167
0,How would you describe the dialect and accent of the languages which you can speak ?,How would you describe your language to someone who does n't speak it ?,76608
1,What exactly is the Baluchistan conflict ?,What is the Baluchistan conflict ? What do the people of Baluchistan want ?,133122
0,How can an intermediate web developer contribute to open source projects ?,How do I participate or contribute in open source projects ?,168571
1,Where can I find a professional hacker ?,How do I hire a hacker ?,184089
0,Why do Volvos smell similar to crayons ?,Would a Viking drive a Volvo ?,376118
1,Who is the top 10 best astologers ?,Who are top 10 world famous astrologers ?,96496
0,What is the purpose of life according to YOU ?,What 's the purpose of life ?,332253
1,What mixes well with tequila ?,What are the best mixers for tequila ?,224750
0,When is surge pricing on Uber generally in effect in Miami Beach and how high does it go ?,When is surge pricing on Uber generally in effect in Miami and how high does it go ?,328368
1,Who is history 's greatest badass and why ?,Who was history 's greatest badass ?,151901
0,"If the Avengers had access to the Lantern Rings in the DC Universe , who would have which ring and why ?","If the Marvel Universe had access to the Lantern 's rings , who would get which ring and why ?",378139
1,How do I get more than 1K upvotes for our answers in Quora ?,How can I get more upvotes on my Quora answers ?,202933
0,I 'm a gay male in college . How can I meet other gay men my age at college who are looking for a relationship and not just sex ?,"I 'm gay , but I fear aging lonely . Any advice ?",154870
1,What actually is the purpose of life ?,What is your purpose of life ?,61114
0,What do you think about Donald Trump ?,What do most Republicans think of Donald Trump ?,212178
1,What places should I visit during my visit to Kerala during July ?,What are the must places to visit in Kerala -LRB- 6-7 days -RRB- ?,358019
0,How can we prevent vechiluar air pollution ?,How can we prevent air pollution ?,233093
1,How do I stop my cravings for junk food ?,How do I stop eating fast food ?,9079
0,Why does my throat hurt more at night ? What medication can I take ?,Which is better c language or Java ?,77441
1,Who are the founders of Quora ?,Who is the father of Quora ?,306510
0,How many people follow both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on Twitter ?,Is Donald Trump buying fake Twitter followers ?,279070
1,What is it like for an Indian to live and settle down in Japan ?,How can Indians settle in Japan ?,300442
0,What is the best camera for black and white photography ?,What is the best black and white film for scanning ?,357800
1,Cotton production in sudan ?,Cotton in sudan ?,318410
0,What is a physics behind spinning of a top ?,What will happen if we spin a top in space ?,389154
1,Why are fathers are so protective over only daughters ?,Why is my dad so protective over me ?,246033
0,What are good web hosting companies ?,How do I find a good web hosting company ?,285167
1,Is a shadow government in America likely ?,Is there a shadow government ?,290955
0,"How does a woman with Figure : 36 30 38 look like ? If anyone has any pic for that sizes , please upload .",How old do I look ? Please give honest answer .,23206
1,What business should I start with a $ 100k investment ?,What are some business ideas with 5 lakh investment ?,164809
0,How do you identify a Jacobus Stainer violin ?,What is the approximate age and value of a Jacobus Stainer violin copy that has ` Stainer ' carved into the back ? -LRB- Please see details -RRB-,244996
1,How is tithing mentioned in the New Testament ?,What does the New Testament say about tithing,226077
0,What is the most neotenous race/ethnicity ?,Where will the biggest increases in population come from the next 20 years ?,245685
1,How will demonetization of 1000 and 500 notes will help curb the rampant black currency in India ?,"How will demonetising 500 and 1,000 notes help reduce corruption in India ?",25310
0,What is the salary of software engineer in India per month ?,"I have an offer from Hewlett-Packard , India 's software division . What will be the net salary per month ?",328814
1,How do I find the page that allows me to add more topics to my Quora account ?,How can I add more topics to my account ?,88582
0,Is there a way to see everyone who 's blocked me on Twitter ?,Can someone see my invite if they have blocked me ?,111102
1,What 's it like having siblings ?,What does it feel to have siblings ?,336695
0,"Without being an advanced programmer , is there a way to get real-time US stock quotes in Excel ?",Is there any way to get Excel add ins without paying for them ?,16927
1,What is the impact of burning fossil fuels on the environment ?,How is the environment affected by the burning of fossil fuels ?,129753
0,Can Utilitarianism theory be used to state why it is unethical for advertisement that targets children ?,"Why is Delhi state government wasting tax payers money by advertising its schemes outside Delhi ? , Can this be legally questioned ?",393644
1,At what age did you first realize you were gay/bisexual and how did you realize it ?,At what age did you realize that you are gay and what thoughts did you have about it ? Was it hard to accept yourself as gay ?,67829
0,Should I buy Honda CRV or buy Toyota RAV4 ?,How do I get sellers for my handmade cards ?,164063
1,How do I apply for an internship at ISRO ?,How do I apply for an ISRO internship ?,158146
0,Can we transfer money from sbi cdm to other bank account like corporation bank ?,`` Is SBI the best option to convert INR to USD ? Do they have any '' `` tie ups '' '' with US banks so that no charge is levied on me for transferring money from my SBI account to my US bank account ? '',163723
1,What is the purpose of enlightenment ?,What is the use of enlightenment ?,16853
0,Written test pattern for yodlee ?,What is the most toxic thing in the world ?,258603
1,What are the cool new features of iOS 10.0 ?,What are some cool features about iOS 10 ?,94208
0,What could this manga be ?,What is a manga film ?,372538
1,How do you recover your Gmail password ?,How can I recover my gmail password ?,291508
0,"Is it worth doing MBA from Mount Aloysius College , USA for an Indian having 3.5 years of work experience ?",Is it possible to do an MBA after an AME with 3 years of work experience ?,240928
1,How do I prepare gate exam ?,What are some tips to prepare for the GATE ?,313795
0,Who is the best ENFP person that is known ?,Can a enfp personality be a cop in India ?,225725
1,"Which is the most accurate satellite navigation system : GPS , GLONASS , Galileo , BeiDou , qzss , irnss NAVIC , ... ?","GPS , GLONASS , IRNSS which is the best navigation technology ?",141830
0,How do I start a tuition service in Jaipur ?,"In SQL , we are inserting a column with datatype varchar . Its values are taken to be ' 32n ' and ' 10n ' . How to find their sum only using SQL query ? HELP",97813
1,How would you describe Americans and American culture ?,How would you define the American culture ?,323867
0,What is a mutual fund I should invest in ?,What mutual funds can I invest in ?,59454
1,How do I earn money online ?,What are ways I can make money online ?,77515
0,What are the best EC2 automation services ?,Does AWS EC2 offer DDoS protection ?,99478
1,Does Trump have a chance to win the elections ?,Is there a big chance that Trump will win the election ?,97335
0,Would you recommend Elementary OS as a first linux distribution ?,What are the pros and cons Ubuntu and Elementary OS ?,124456
1,Can anyone tell me some real life karma experiences ?,What 's the best real life karma you 've ever seen/experienced ?,85182
0,What is this ? Can someone tell me what this is ? It 's a bubble and it pops out when I stand up . It goes back in if I pull my toes toward my head . I have Ehlers-danlos syndrome .,What does D stand for in D-Syndrome or Patau syndrome ?,108310
1,How many squares are there in a chessboard ?,How many total square are there in chessboard ?,397197
0,How do I make a resume and a cover letter ?,What is a cover letter and how can you make one ?,280915
1,What are some of the face palm moments you have in your life ?,What was the biggest face palm moment of your life ?,386300
0,"Where do we use 1 kB = 1000 bytes , 1 MB = 1000 kB , 1 GB = 1000 MB , 1 TB = 1000 GB ? And where do we use 1 KB = 1024 bytes , 1 MB = 1024 KB , 1 GB = 1024 MB , 1 TB = 1024 GB ?",1 TB = how many GB ?,187885
1,How do I delete my account at Quora ?,How do I withdraw at Quora ?,291742
0,Can a minor sue or be sued ?,Is it possible to sue Sea World ?,257810
1,What are pros and cons of using internet ?,What are the pros and cons of using internet ?,299716
0,Which is the best newspaper for competitive exams like bank PO ?,How do I make best use of newspaper for competitive exam preparation ?,20530
1,Why is my period 8 days late ?,What could cause your period to be 14 days late other than pregnancy ?,353554
0,I have lost the USB receiver of my wireless mouse . Is there a way for me to ever use it again ?,Is there a USB hub in the market that allows for wirelessly connecting a USB mouse and keyboard to a laptop using Wifi or bluetooth ?,22358
1,How can I make him love me and only me ?,How can I make my boyfriend only want me and no other girl ?,356216
0,Is surgery for cancer worth it ?,Can a doctor confine a person in serious need of a surgery -LRB- for cancer tumor removal for instance -RRB- for 72 hours against their will to perform it ?,60119
1,I want to code . Where do I start learning ?,I want to start to learning how to code . -LRB- No coding experience at all -RRB- ?,130346
0,Are most successful women tomboys ?,How can I be successful ?,142517
1,Is Ravana 's golden lanka still in Sri Lanka ?,Where exactly is King Ravana 's palace in Sri Lanka ?,268875
0,What are the best Hindi poems ?,Which is the best Hindi poem you have written ?,128270
1,How can I be more social as an introvert ?,I am a socially awkward nerd . How can I become more social and mainstream ?,13835
0,How would you best describe the Engineering way of thinking ?,What is best way to learn electrical engineering ?,9124
1,What are some abiotic and biotic factors ? What are some examples ?,What are examples of biotic and abiotic components ?,128657
0,What is process of hiring from Europe for foreign nationals ?,On what grounds can a person make a ` Right of Appeal ' a sentence which was issued by Magistrates court ?,79761
1,What is the smell in the air right after a rain ?,What exactly is the smell of rain ?,38964
0,How can I design an op - amp circuit that can solve the equation y = x ^ 3 + double integral of 4xdx + -LSB- -LRB- e ^ -LRB- -3 x -RRB- +1 -RRB- / -LRB- e ^ -LRB- 2x -RRB- +2 -RRB- -RSB- +5 ?,Can you solve the system of equations for -LSB- math -RSB- x + y = -3 -LSB- / math -RSB- and -LSB- math -RSB- x - y = -5 -LSB- / math -RSB- ?,70378
1,"Which is more reactive , double bond or triple and why ?",Why double bond is more active than triple bond ?,66889
0,What are the biggest problems society is facing today ?,What is the biggest problem humanity is facing today ?,318277
1,What should be my exercise routine to lose weight or to get a good shape ?,What 's the best exercise routine to lose weight ?,329383
0,Is Dolby atmos is good ?,What is the use of Dolby Atmos ?,389597
1,What is the reason behind the resignation of Tata Sons -LRB- Tata Group -RRB- chairman Cyrus Mistry ?,What was the reason behind the removal of Cyrus P. Mistry from the position of Chairman of The Tata group ?,194101
0,Was the Transit Elevated Bus test a full-scale version of a Transit Elevated Bus -LRB- TEB -RRB- ?,Love Marriage vs Arrange Marriage ! Please answer which one is perfect and why ?,235785
1,"How come people on Quora ask questions here , when they can get them on Google and why is Quora just a question/answer site , will it expand ?",Why do people ask such questions here on Quora which could be easily found on the internet ?,29023
0,Will Trump disappear if he is not elected ?,Would Trump be overthrown if he wins the election ?,171625
1,`` What is a good summary for the poem '' `` Fire and Ice '' '' ? '',`` What is the analysis of the poem '' `` Fire and Ice '' '' by Robert Frost ? '',374527
0,My Instagram is set up with an email I no longer have access to . How do I change my password for Instagram without my email password ?,How do I recover my hacked Instagram account ? Password and email has been changed . Is it possible to recover it by using my signup mail that I got ?,83198
1,What is the benefit to Quora ?,What are the benefits of being on Quora ?,309974
0,What are the effects of the ozone layer depletion ?,How can the ozone layer depletion be calculated ?,290260
1,I am starting a gaming channel on YouTube . What is a good name for my channel ?,What would be a great name for a gaming YouTube channel ?,62483
0,How was the bridge between Denmark and Sweden that dips into a tunnel constructed ?,Are there any jokes between Denmark and Sweden or Norway ?,237423
1,How are views of blog posts counted on Quora Blogs ?,How does Quora calculate how many views does an answer have ?,344889
0,How can I delete all messages on snapchat and never see them again ?,"I deleted my WhatsApp . If I reinstall once again , can I be able to see my old messages and pics which I sent and received before ?",394365
1,Who are Turkish And Azeri people ? Are they white ?,Are Turks white ?,190289
0,What is the INR equivalent to 1 billion USD ?,How much is 1 billion dollars in rupees ?,42543
1,"For GATE 2018 , should I go for coaching or Self-Study ?",How should I prepare for GATE 2018 ? Should I go for coaching or not ?,68769
0,How does earn money ?,How does earn money ?,321562
1,Which American restaurant chains can be found in Norway ? What do Norwegian people think of them ? E,Which American restaurant chains can be found in Norway ? What do Norwegian people think of them,293398
0,"How do presidential elections work in the US , how do the compare to the presidential elections in Colombia ?","How do presidential elections work in the US , how do they compare to the presidential elections in Chile ?",339734
1,What kind of work is done on the ISS ?,What kind of work do people do on the ISS ? Is anyone working there right now ?,174981
0,Is there a good oppurtunity for BBA in India ?,What are the best colleges in India for a BBA ?,39664
1,How can I find a question that has n't been asked on Quora before ?,Is there any question that has not been asked on Quora ? How do I find something to ask on Quora ?,335612
0,Why does McAfee AntiVirus use so many processes ?,How can I use 1 user antivirus as multi user ?,363754
1,What is the maximum number of attempts for IIT-JEE exam ?,What is the maximum number of attempts for JEE exams ?,26531
0,What are some good skills to write on a resume ?,What are the best books on writing ?,58760
1,What 's the best portable Bluetooth speaker in the Indian market ?,Which are the best portable speakers in India ?,87340
0,What are the pros and cons of being a driver for Uber or Lyft in Miami ?,What are the pros and cons of being a driver for Uber or Lyft in Toronto ?,161782
1,What site can you see old deleted Instagram pictures ?,Is there a way to see a history of deleted photos on instagram ?,284967
0,Is Wilson Rodrigues the photographer in City of God based on a real person ?,What is your review of City of God -LRB- 2002 movie -RRB- ?,64202
1,Who are the likely candidates for the next Chief Justice of India after the retirement of Justice Thakur in January ?,Who would be the next chief justice of India ?,252313
0,What is this device and what does it do ?,Whether weakness of Indian rebels which cause they lost to the British in the event of a massive uprising in 1857 ?,293071
1,How do I recover my lost Gmail password if I do n't have the same number and do n't remember the recovery email ?,How do I reset my gmail password when they are not highlighting my recovery email option ?,3508
0,Do women notice when a guy gets an erection in public ?,Is it normal to have erections in public ?,76490
1,Why do people get so butthurt and report an answer that they do not like ?,Why do people report answers on Quora that they do n't like ?,181951
0,What is the most badass thing your parent has ever done ?,What was the cringe-worthiest thing you did in middle school ?,268113
1,Is dark matter a sea of massive dark photons that ripple when galaxy clusters collide and wave in a double slit experiment ?,Does dark matter ripple when galaxy clusters collide and wave in a double slit experiment ?,339537
0,Which is the best fitness tracker for iphone ?,Which is the best Fitness Trackers for this year ?,178260
1,How do I crack the IBPS PO exam ?,How can I crack IBPS PO exam ?,303427
0,"Top businessman -LRB- s -RRB- in Eastern India -LRB- West Bengal , Orissa , Sikkim , North East States -RRB- ?",Who are the top 20 rich people of Kolkata ?,362720
1,Why do women have sex with men for ? Why ca n't they stop because the planet is over populated and we need no kids ? Stop close legs and use condoms ?,Why do women have sex with men for ? Why ca n't they stop because the planet is over populated and we need no kids ? Stop ladies ?,354430
0,What are the best dating apps in India ?,Is asking a girl for sex a crime in India ?,393292
1,What is the best game to prepare someone for life ?,Mastering which 5 games would prepare you best for life ?,351948
0,Where can I find coupons for hotels for a park stay and fly package in Toronto ?,Will healthy fats still make you fat ?,94566
1,What would be the best book to begin with for Java ?,Which is the best book for java programming ?,53878
0,Who are global Satellite Internet Service providers ?,Who are the top global and reputable satellite internet providers for businesses ?,70747
1,How do I mute a question ?,Is it possible to mute a question on Quora ?,223266
0,What is the use of BPO Service Provider in Aadhaar online update service ?,I updated my Aadhaar card through a post . How many days does it take for the Aadhaar card to update ?,365722
1,What is the penis average size ?,What is the average sized penis ?,97765
0,Pornstars : What is Celeste currently doing ?,How can you look at someone 's private Instagram account without following them ?,127537
1,How do you get over the feeling of being cheated on ?,How do I get over the feeling of being cheated ?,32333
0,I got a B on my AICE -LRB- AS -RRB- GP exam . The conversion for US schools is a B + . Is this a good grade ?,Could sadam hussein would have stopped the emerging of ISIS ?,310694
1,What are the good online tutorials and books to learn Android development ?,Where can I learn app development online or free ?,292852
0,What is the weather like in Fort Benning compared to Seattle ?,How is the weather like in Fort Benning compared to Miami ?,303052
1,How did trump win the presidential election ?,How did Donald Trump won the 2016 USA presidential election ?,36703
0,How long does it take to get over an ex ?,How long does it usually take to get over someone after a breakup ?,166400
1,Who will win ipl 2016 ?,Who will win IPL 2016 and Why ?,343421
0,"What are some things that cops know , but most people do n't ?",What are some cool things I can do with my Android phone that most people do n't know about ?,154478
1,Why should one try for MBA in IIM ?,Why should one try for an MBA from an IIM ?,112023
0,What 's the average penis size for a 13 year old male ?,What penis size do women prefer ?,377830
1,What causes airline delays ?,What are the top causes of flight delays ?,153042
0,Why did most IITians support Kejriwal and not Modi ?,Why do mostly youngsters support Arvind Kejriwal ?,85346
1,Do people use google + ?,Does anyone still use Google + ?,361252
0,"Is it possible for China to send all Uighurs to Turkey ? Or at least , allow several million Uighurs to immigrate to Turkey ?",Is it true that Tibetans and Uighurs in China are denied passports ?,323016
1,Where can I get very friendly assistance in property for sale across the Sydney ?,Where can I get best property transaction support in Sydney ?,121109
0,Why does extra-tropical cyclone not have name like tropical cyclone ?,What is tropical cyclone ?,72795
1,What is the secret that lies in the crypts of Winterfell ?,What is in the crypts of Winterfell ?,273785
0,"My 9 year old son can jog about as well as I can . Meaning , he can run 2 to 3 miles at a time at a 9 min mile pace . Does he have talent in running or is this normal for his age ?",How fast can the average 40-year-old male run a mile ?,159431
1,How can one earn money online without investment ?,Can I make money online without investing ?,45608
0,What are the best journals for computer science ?,What are good journals/magazines for computer science to publish to ?,214936
1,What is your oldest memory ?,What is the oldest memory you can recall ?,102053
0,Did the Ancient Romans discover the Americas ?,What if Ancient Romans discovered the Americas in 100CE ?,221770
1,Who won the vice presidential debate of 2016 between Tim Kaine and Mike Pence ?,Who won last night Mike Pence or Tim Kaine VP debate ?,348424
0,What is Pokémon GO game ? Why more people started playing ?,Why is Pokémon GO so popular ?,29968
1,How will you come to know that you are in love ?,How do know that you are in love ?,385480
0,What is thrill ?,What does thrilling mean to you ?,270887
1,Who is the world best public speaker ?,Who is/was the best public speaker ?,151486
0,What is the hardest thing -LRB- s -RRB- about raising children in Venezuela ?,What is the hardest thing -LRB- s -RRB- about raising children in Australia ?,381504
1,What should I do to become a good coder ?,What does it take to be a good coder ?,138375
0,Which powerbank is better - Lenovo PA13000 or Ambrane P-1310 or Honor 13000 mAh ?,Which is a better phone : an Honor 4X or a Lenovo K3 Note ?,12253
1,How do you find people on Instagram online ?,How can you find people on Instagram ?,188800
0,Is monarchy possible without any tie to religion ?,"Startup -LRB- scalable -RRB- med device class 1 , 2 . Glove , syr etc. . Bulk repackage priv . label.Looking for full info on multipurpose lo tech machine -LRB- s -RRB- < 100K ?",282932
1,What is Red Hat Linux ?,What is Red Hat Linux certification ?,347395
0,Would you join a tennis club if you could choose your own membership fee ?,Would you join a health book club ?,298075
1,How does the ban on 500/1000 denominations affect various domains of the Indian economy ?,How it will the latest change in the denominations of Rs . 500 and 1000 affect the economy ?,51218
0,What are the differences between a love marriage and an arranged marriage ?,Which is better : an arranged marriage or a love marriage ?,1999
1,How do I deal with extreme Social anxiety disorder ?,What 's the best advice you could give to a person suffering from social anxiety disorder ?,366650
0,How could you tell the difference between an Australian and an English accent ?,"What are the differences between American , British and Australian English ?",44716
1,What is life in prison like ?,What is life like in prison ?,75529
0,Why are the Top Stories on Google News different on the Android vs. iOS vs. Chrome/Mac ?,Why is unethical biased news always at the top of Google news searches ?,366985
1,What is the best way to save my marriage ?,How do I save a marriage ?,339415
0,I liked and then unliked an Instagram photo . Will other people see it in the friends ' activity page even though I unliked it ?,How do I get free Instagram followers fast ?,166788
1,"What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Kuril Islands earthquake in 1963 ?","What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Sohei earthquake in 1361 ?",322146
0,How do I cover up the holes in my face that are caused due to pimples/acne ?,What are some well-tested home remedies for pimple treatments and acne holes ?,329859
1,Can I hide my transaction history in Paytm ?,How can I clear or hide transaction history in Paytm ?,72713
0,What is the scope of insurance underwriter ?,What 's the process of Insurance Underwriting ?,365928
1,What does an explosion in space look like ?,What would explosions in space look like ?,328272
0,Which equation in general relativity predicted the existence of black-holes ?,Is there any case where the surface of the earth can be assumed to be a non-inertial frame ?,214203
1,How do I find my social security number online for free ?,How can I find my social security number online ?,198328
0,"If a tall person -LRB- 6 ' 5 '' -RRB- marries a short person -LRB- 5 ' -RRB- , will their children be the average of the two heights ?",I 'm a 16yo girl . My height is 5 feet 6.5 inches . How can I grow 2-3 inches taller within a month or two naturally ?,321124
1,What is the complete procedure to apply for an Indian passport and what is the list of required documents ?,What are the documents required for Indian passport ?,271256
0,Is it true that another recession will hit the IT sector by the end of 2014 ?,Why is it so hard to get jobs ? When will the global recession end ?,323551
1,What was your first oral sex experience like ?,What is your First oral sex experience look like ?,366756
0,What are the most important things in life ?,What 's the best thing to do in life ?,125656
1,How does it feel to be a Christian in Pakistan ?,What is the situation like for Christians in Pakistan ?,338203
0,Do NGOs come under the purview of the Right to Information -LRB- RTI -RRB- Act ?,Does filing a PIL come under RTI ?,121225
1,"In economic terms , what is a zero sum game ?",What is a zero sum game ?,339903
0,"Should I learn Japanese , Mandarin or Korean ?",Which should I learn and why : Mandarin or Japanese ?,28432
1,What are some reasons people do n't use turn signals when driving ?,Why do n't people use turn signals ?,321457
0,"What gem stones should I wear and which ones should I avoid , my date of birth 19/06/1991 , place Karimganj , Assam , India , time 1.22 pm ?",What 's a good way to monitor news for articles on a specific subject ?,107976
1,How can we earn money online in india ?,What is the easiest way to earn money from online ?,48547
0,Is an IAS officer more powerful than an MLA ?,Who is more powerful IAS or an Army Commissioned officer ?,289983
1,Why does n't the Indian government change the reservation policy from caste based to economic criteria ?,Why Indian government did n't stop the caste system reservation and begin the financial position based reservation ?,216349
0,`` How is the word '' `` implausible '' '' used in a sentence ? '',How do I use Linux most command ?,115516
1,Do animal cells have a defined cell membrane ?,"Do animal cells have cell membranes ? If so , how does it differ from the one in plant cells ?",389406
0,How does Quora implement following -LRB- e.g. a ` followings ' table in SQL -RRB- ?,"What topics on Quora have a high ratio of followers to other measures of the size of the topic -LRB- e.g. questions , answers , upvotes -RRB- ?",83989
1,How is the word ` ubiquitous ' used in a sentence ?,`` How is the word '' `` ubiquitous '' '' used in a sentence ? '',3267
0,What are the apps present for iOS like Mcent for anroid ?,Are there any IOS apps which can assist me with making a presentation in any capacity ?,357947
1,Is there any conspiracy theory proven true ?,Which is the most unlikely conspiracy theory which turned out to be true ?,37942
0,How long does it take to charge MI 20000mah power bank for the first time ?,Should I have a quick charge 3.0 power bank ?,178131
1,Does smoking cigarettes cause cancer ?,Does smoking really cause cancer ? Is it scientifically proven ?,198555
0,What are the tips and hacks for getting the classes that you want as a freshman at Union College ?,What are the tips and hacks for getting the classes that you want as a freshman at Stanford ?,335948
1,Which mobile phone is the best under 15k ?,What is the best phone to buy below 15k ?,367502
0,What should I say whenever my girlfriend asks me why I love her ?,My girlfriend does n't respect me . Will this make her love me any less ?,309645
1,User Loyalty : What are the first 5 websites you sign onto everyday ?,What websites do you use everyday ?,312458
0,How do I identify a USB 1.0 or 2.0 or 3.0 pen drive ?,What makes USB 3.0 faster than USB 2.0 ?,364399
1,My boyfriend 's Facebook page has been hacked and he no longer has access to his email address as it was set up by his ex girlfriend and Hotmail will not reset it as we do n't have enough info . What are some suggestions ?,My boyfriends Facebook page has been hacked and he no longer has access to his email as it was set up by his ex girlfriend and Hotmail will not reset it as we do n't have enough info . It has been reported numerous times but nothing has happened . Just wondering is there anything I can do ?,211339
0,Why are changes needed in the Constitution ?,How does the constitution change ?,346820
1,What are your favorite games ?,What is your favorite game and why ?,213588
0,Why did TU Darmstadt shut down its English taught EPE program ?,What kind of English is taught in Spain ?,403219
1,What should I do to improve my questions on Quora ?,Why do all my questions need improving on quora ?,44851
0,Do Aspies fake-smile less than NTs ?,Why are anger issues so common among Aspies ?,117256
1,Does creative visualization really work in helping people to achieve goals ?,Law of Attraction : Does the concept of creative visualization really work ?,305061
0,How many Indian people watch Pakistani dramas on the Zindagi channel ?,Why are Pakistani serials shown on Zee 's Zindagi channel increasing in popularity when we have at least 100 serials currently showing on entertainment channels ?,387571
1,Is prostitution legal in Saudi Arabia ?,How are prostitutes punished in Saudi Arabia ?,35494
0,How do I become executive coach ?,How do I do executive coaching ?,149579
1,What are the top tech startup companies in New York City at the moment ?,What are the emerging New York City tech startups ?,133291
0,How do you lace Converse ?,How do you lace converse with attached laces ?,173891
1,How much do real hair extensions cost ?,How much to hair extensions cost ?,199981
0,When was the Mesosphere discovered ?,When was Mars discovered ? Who discovered Mars ?,107877
1,Who wrote the koran ?,What is the Qur ` an ? And who wrote it ?,187977
0,How does autosuggestion differ from positive thinking ?,How does undifferentiated schizophrenia differ from more known versions of the illness where there are clear positive symptoms ?,250982
1,Is Quora supporting Hillary Clinton ?,Does Quora support Hillary Clinton ?,15016
0,Should Pakistan be partitioned into separate Sunni and Shia states ?,How could Pakistan become a Shia-majority state ?,252134
1,How can I get girls to like me ?,What are some ways to get a girlfriend ?,202455
0,Reddit -LRB- website -RRB- : Which comments/threads on Reddit should everyone read at least once in their lifetime ?,Which Reddit user has the least amount of comment karma ?,249727
1,Can a transgender person change back to their original/birth Gender ?,Can a transgender person transition back to their previous gender after gender reassignment surgery ?,158123
0,Do women really like blow job during sex ? What if men cum inside ?,"What are some lesser-known sights to see when visiting Sukabumi , Indonesia ?",160946
1,What would you do if you had an unlimited source of wealth ?,What would you do with your life if you had an unlimited supply of friends and money ?,130119
0,How does the wings of a aeroplane works ?,How do airplanes fly ?,82035
1,Will Hillary Clinton lead America to a war with Russia ?,"Is America likely to go to war with Syria , and by extension Russia , if Hillary Clinton wins the election ?",131378
0,Why I could n't sleep at night ?,Why do n't I get sleep at nights ?,282335
1,What is Hillary Clinton 's strategy to take down ISIS ?,What is Hillary Clinton 's strategy against ISIS ?,131283
0,What is the best coaching center for GRE in chennai ?,What is the best coaching center for GRE in bangalore ?,63556
1,What are the best intuit quickbooks support plans ?,Which is the best QuickBooks Hosting Support Number in New York ?,38211
0,What is the best school/junior college for 11th and 12th Science - CBSE in Hyderabad ?,Which is the best guide for 11th and 12th CBSE-commerce ?,209968
1,Which can be the best laptop under 30000 ?,Can any one give suggestions which laptop should I buy at the range of 30000 ?,65409
0,What are desires ?,What are the desires of a man ?,15908
1,What is freezer burn and why does it happen ?,What is freezer burn ? Why does it happen ?,97356
0,What are some of the best English folk songs ?,What are some good English songs I should listen to ?,19070
1,What do you think about the Royal Enfield Himalayan ?,How is Royal Enfield Himalayan bike ?,272336
0,Can we hear colors ; see smells ; or feel thoughts ?,Can you smell a color ?,32095
1,What has been your best sexual experience ?,What was the best sexual experience you 've ever had ?,69644
0,Who started the Ornge medical helicopter service in Ontario ?,"What would happen to someone who has qualified for UPSC civil services -LRB- interview , too -RRB- but he fails to clear the height requirement for IPS in medical ?",340159
1,How can teens learn affiliate marketing ?,Can teens learn affiliate marketing ?,168350
0,What does cervical dilation look like ?,What is cervical dilation ?,274202
1,How helpful is doing digital marketing course ?,What is the best digital marketing course online for a beginner ?,76933
0,"I will be tested on physics in university but I have no idea about physics , should I leave the paper blank ?","I have slight bow legs , but I have no problems doing physical activities . Can I get surgery to correct this ? Will I be able to do strenuous activity ?",15239
1,How is Quora moderated ?,How does Quora Moderation work ?,157900
0,What are the main differences between Marxism and social democracy ?,"What is the difference between Marxism , Lennism , socialism , Maoism etc. ? What are examples ?",295572
1,What is the best subject line I can put in an e-mail when applying for an internship ?,What is the best subject for internship email ?,140086
0,What is the difference between Tatkal and Premium Tatkal tickets on Indian Railways ?,How does IRCTC -LRB- Indian Railways -RRB- reservation system work ? Which takes priority in moving up between tatkal quota WL and normal WL ? What all scenarios get considered in final charts ? Any idea about algorithms used in system ?,359216
1,What is the most beautiful moments in your life ?,What is the most beautiful moment in your life ?,186257
0,Which are the best books for basic aeronautical engineering ?,Which books best relate to the study of Aeronautics ?,125087
1,How can I grow taller ?,How can I grow taller at 18 ?,217626
0,How can i find a music video ?,How are music videos profitable ?,34482
1,How do I solve programming problem ?,How do I solve the programming problem ?,328828
0,Why do I waste my time on here ?,How do you procrastinate and waste a lot of time ?,123419
1,What are some of the best pictures ?,What are the best pictures ?,390024
0,Did the Silk Road prevent Asia from industrializing ?,Should the USA share its military technologies with India to prevent China from completely dominating Asia ?,172473
1,Can I get pregnant on my period ?,Can I get pregnant if I have sex while I have my period ?,27526
0,What are the attributes of monkeys belongs to Japanese-macaque monkey Family ?,May I be know about PROFITMART SECURITIES PVT. LTD. -LRB- Formerly known as M3 Multiple Securities Brokers Pvt. Ltd. -RRB- ?,16307
1,What is the best coaching institute for IIT preparation in Kota ?,Which is the best institute for IIT JEE prep in Kota ?,377141
0,Will the hair regrow on bald spot with natural treatments ?,"How do I regrow hairs naturally , my age is 19",263969
1,How much of a monthly salary is good to live in Mumbai decently with family and be able to save ?,How much is the average monthly income required to live a reasonably comfortable life with a family of 4 in Mumbai ?,11971
0,Why did Elon musk do paypal ?,Why did Elon Musk sell Paypal ?,180518
1,What is the best question one can possibly ask ?,"If you could ask a being that contained all knowledge one question and you were guaranteed to understand and remember the answer , what would you ask ?",37608
0,"How do I write 75,005.75 Rupees in words ?",New 2000 rupees note colour fades . Why ?,351867
1,How do I play a high note on a trombone . ?,How do you play high notes on trombone ?,115862
0,Is there a way to truly know ourselves ?,How can we understand ourselves better ?,155161
1,What is Supply Chain Management ?,What is a supply chain management ?,191114
0,"In our life everytime we plan to do something does n't happen at all , Why So ?",Why do n't we seek conviction in life ?,33324
1,What 's the scariest movie you have ever watched ?,What is the name of the creepiest horror movie you 've ever seen ? Which was the scariest part ?,131218
0,Is it illegal to download from torrent now ?,Is it safe to download antivirus software from torrent ?,236632
1,Which was the best Bollywood movie of 2016 so far ?,Which are the best Bollywood movies of 2016 ?,40085
0,Is it important to live life for yourself or is it better to live for others ?,Is it better to live life for ourselves or for others ?,97248
1,Where can I find a qualified hacker ?,How do I hire a hacker ?,272796
0,Does life get easier ?,Does life get harder as you get older ?,225565
1,What is it like to be a trophy spouse ?,What is it like to have a trophy husband ?,245598
0,"In creation , where does science and religion meet ?",Adult contemporary is what demographic ?,46857
1,When will we be able to travel to Mars ?,When will people be able to live on Mars ?,76365
0,What Hardware and Skill set is required for setting big data environment ?,"I 'm an average final year student who now intends to pursue CA , should I take the plunge ?",85347
1,Are human too dependent on computers ?,Are humans too dependent on computers ?,296135
0,How can reaction times be measured ?,"Are there any Muslims in AIIMS Rishikesh ? If yes , how do they go for Friday prayers ?",27626
1,What are the most advanced car tools that people do n't know about yet ?,What are the most advanced car gadgets that people do n't know about yet ?,197908
0,Should I choose mechanical or civil engineering ?,Which is more interesting : mechanical engineering or civil engineering ?,294000
1,How can you get water on Mars ?,How much chances are there that NASA already knew that there is water on Mars ?,142893
0,Why should one read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen ?,`` Who or what inspired the character of Mr. Bingley in '' `` Pride and Prejudice '' '' by Jane Austen ? '',401885
1,Which are the biggest scams of India ?,What is the biggest scam in India ?,113057
0,Do firms in Wall Street only recruit from Ivy League schools ?,What is a Wall Street firm ? Is it an office that sits literally on Wall Street ?,6025
1,Which are the most frequently asked HR questions ?,Which are the most common HR questions asked in interview ?,387671
0,What should I do if my family life affects my school ?,What should I do with my life if I am in my senior year of high school and do n't want to attend college ?,42364
1,What are some easy methods of making money ?,What are some easy ways to make money ?,138975
0,"On Snapchat , if I unfriended someone but did not block them , how can I refriend them ?",If you delete someone from snapchat do they get notified if you add them back ?,387340
1,What is the embarrassing of your life ?,What are some of your embarrassing moments ?,132672
0,What was the funniest moment you had during an orgy ?,How do you find an orgy ?,143166
1,What happened to and why are n't we using the relatively safe Thorium Cycle for nuclear power ?,Why are n't we using thorium designs in nuclear reactors ?,137208
0,What universities does Alexander & Baldwin recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,What universities does Baldwin & Lyons recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,226704
1,Why is Manaphy annoying in Pokemon ranger and the temple of the sea ?,`` Is Manaphy from '' `` Pokemon Ranger and The Temple of the Sea '' '' considered annoying ? '',45486
0,What is the best institution or factory in Chennai that offers internships to BSC chemistry students ?,Which company in Kolkata offering internship for electronics student . ?,206044
1,What can I do to make my hair grow faster ?,What should I do to grow my hair in a week ?,109362
0,How can you get thicker thighs and calves ?,How can you get thicker thighs ?,104082
1,What is a comprehensive list of the duties and powers awarded to the President of the United States ?,What powers does the Constitution grant the President of the United States ?,55653
0,Which is your best candid photo ?,What are tips for getting amazing ` candid ' photos ?,80394
1,Where can I read poetry books online ?,Where can I read some Poetry books online ?,28509
0,How does conduction affect convection ?,From where does this aJ + music background come from ?,273129
1,`` What is the meaning of '' `` flagged as needing improvement '' '' on Quora ? '',`` What can I do if I believe my question was wrongfully marked as '' `` needing improvement '' '' by Quora ? '',247015
0,What is game development ?,What is a game developer ?,373089
1,What 's the most ridiculous thing you 've argued over ?,What is the most ridiculous thing to argue over ?,115871
0,Is there a way to hack WhatsApp without having acess to the target device ?,How do I get someone 's Snapchat password ?,360899
1,Is there a significant difference between 87 and 91 octane ?,How much difference is there between 91 and 93 octane gasolines ?,152357
0,Do dermatomes exist in case of innervation to limbs ?,Do I need to wax my limbs daily in order to wear sleeveless and shorts ?,376373
1,How can I control on my anger ?,What can one do to control his/her anger ?,294631
0,I plan to migrate to the USA in the future . Currently I 'm 16 years old . What should my plan be ?,What are some gift ideas for my 25 year old best friend ?,397674
1,How can you delete all photos from your iPhone ?,How could I delete all the photos on my iPhone ?,133544
0,How can I get someone 's search and browsing history through IP address ?,Can others track my history from my IP address ?,298301
1,What are the major differences between Chinese and Western cultures ?,What are the differences between Chinese and western cultures ?,174866
0,How do I read text in image in Java ?,How can I read text in images in Python ?,227902
1,Which is the best time to get married ?,What is the best time to get married ?,244414
0,What are the main competitors of Quora ?,Who are Quora 's top 3 competitors ?,372241
1,How painful is kidney stone ?,How painful are kidney stones ?,247071
0,Where can I find a list of Australian family offices ?,Where can I find a list of Canadian family offices ?,318107
1,When is it too late to study medicine and become a doctor ?,I am 24 . Is it too late to get into medicine ?,305936
0,Why is Israel such a big deal to the U.S. ?,Why does the US support Israel ? What benefit does the US get out of this alliance ?,190687
1,How do I lose weight ayurvedically ?,What can I do to lose 20 pounds ?,391055
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Forest City Enterprises ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Citi Trends ?,214818
1,What are the best and latest fashion trends in India ?,What are the best India fashion trends ?,196157
0,How can I grow taller at the age of 15 ?,What are some ways to grow taller at the age of 20 ?,75832
1,How do I prepare for JEE Advanced ?,What is the best way to prepare for JEE advance ?,307313
0,What am I supposed to do when someone pokes me on Facebook ?,Why does my Facebook show me as active when I 'm not ?,187788
1,What are the uses of thermal energy ?,How do you measure thermal energy ? How is thermal energy used ?,96445
0,What is luxury blogging ?,What is luxury ?,146225
1,Daniel Ek : When will Spotify be available for Indian customers ?,Is Spotify available in India ?,41097
0,What makes you happy about India ?,What makes everyone happy about India ?,22928
1,Wedding91 : Who are you ?,Who are you and what are you ?,180659
0,What are the best laptop bags in 2014 ?,What 's the best laptop bag for school ?,78800
1,What are the chances of selling ice to Eskimos ?,Is it possible to sell ice to Eskimos ?,234228
0,"2 oranges , 3 bananas and 4 apples cost Rs .15 . 3 oranges 2 bananas 1 apple costs Rs10 . What is the cost of 3 oranges , 3 bananas and 3 apples ?","Stall A and stall B had some apples & oranges . 5/7 of stall A fruits and 3/4 of stall B fruits were oranges . Stall A had 34 more apples than stall B . If stall A had 245 more fruits than stall B , how many fruits did the two stalls have altogether ?",300716
1,Does it really matter what people think about other people ?,Is it important what other people think about you ?,131037
0,"What are the main imports and exports of Venezuela , and how does Venezuela 's industry compare to Uruguay 's ?","What are the main imports and exports of Venezuela , and how does Venezuela 's industry compare to Mexico 's ?",205039
1,What should I do if I propose to a girl but she rejects me saying we can be good friends ?,What if I like a girl but she says we are good friends ?,286518
0,Why do n't people worry about global warming ?,What is the position of the image formed when it 's seen from the other side ?,328388
1,After attack in Uri is indian army going to declare war against pakistan ?,Should India declare a war against Pakistan now ?,235618
0,How do I talk to a girl I like ?,How should I talk to a girl I like who has a boyfriend ?,359363
1,What are examples of Conspiracies Theories that turned out to be true ?,What are the best examples of conspiracy theories that turned out to be true ?,154357
0,Where can I download Sherlock Holmes season 2 episode 3 ?,My life is like Sherlock Holmes season 2 and 3 . I am Sherlock . What can I do ?,388160
1,Will banning Rs .500 and Rs .1000 notes help to solve black money and corruption ?,Would demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes actually help in curbing black money in India ?,30184
0,What is the difference between the principal quantum number -LRB- n -RRB- and the azimuthal quantum number -LRB- l -RRB- and what do they mean ?,Has azimuthal quantum number an effect on an electron energy ? Explain in details without math,50663
1,How do I learn the art of asking questions ?,How does one master the art of asking the right questions ?,237063
0,How is the golden ratio related to the Fibonacci sequence ?,Is there a specific relation between the golden ratio and fibonacci sequence ?,118504
1,How will the demonetization of Rs 500/1000 notes finish the black money in the market exactly ?,"Will demonetization of Rs . 500 & 1000 currency notes curb/eliminate corruption , black money and terrorism in India ?",46410
0,Will Quora replace journalistic research for some ? Is that a bad thing ?,Is reading the news a bad thing ?,63393
1,What business opportunities are there in India ?,What are the business opportunities in India ?,230627
0,What is the best workout plan to increase height ?,What food combinations may cause someone to be nauseous and start burping ?,298084
1,What do you think about Rahul Gandhi 's statement that he had Narendra Modi corruption information ?,What do you think about Rahul Gandhi 's statement that there is ` personal corruption ' involving PM Modi ?,247121
0,What is 4 ^ 8-3 ^ 8 ?,"What are the pros and cons of olympic lifting and powerlifting , and can an athlete train for both simultaneously ?",144911
1,What is the easiest way to earn money using internet ?,Is there any easy way to make money online ?,108756
0,Why do we inhale deeply when we wake up ?,What is the best way to wake up ?,16162
1,What are some study hacks every student should know ?,what are the examples of study hacks ?,134769
0,What happened in the Middle East in 691 BC ?,What is happening in the Middle East ?,237573
1,What is the most successful advertising ?,Which are the most successful advertisements and why ?,295982
0,Can we stay out of the infosys mysore campus for whole night on weekends ?,My bed broke and now my feet higher than head . Yesterday was the first night slept and I have diarrhea and pain in lower right abdomen . What 's wrong ?,85912
1,How can I make money from drone ?,How can someone profit from using a drone ?,23205
0,How much could I earn monthly in organic farming in 2 acres ?,What does a computer router do ?,392110
1,What is a plan for a 2 days/1 night trip to Goa ?,How can I plan a 3 days/3 nights trip to Goa ?,238642
0,Why do girls like bad boys ?,Why are girls attracted to bad boys ?,303078
1,Can Pakistan be declared a terrorist nation ? How will it benefit India ?,What will happen if Pakistan is declared as a terror state ?,101723
0,`` Can someone translate '' `` mukunda murari '' '' title song word to word for me ? '',Can Unity3D be used to create apps for Roku Express ?,40898
1,What is uses of Die steel ?,Application of die steel ?,289952
0,Where can I find a 3DS emulator and a Pokémon Omega Ruby ROM ?,Where can I find emulators for Pokémon games ?,293264
1,Which question should I ask on Quora ?,What are good questions to ask on Quora ?,277542
0,Should I upgrade from the iPhone 4 to the iPhone 5s ?,Should I upgrade to the iPhone 6 if I have an iPhone 5s ?,273561
1,What women 's breasts indicates ?,What are the differences between men 's breasts and women 's breasts ?,94476
0,What type of look of a girl attract a guy ?,How does Balaji Vishwanathan have an such outstanding analysis and wide knowledge ?,272347
1,Can the current Indian test team captain Virat Kohli take forward the team ?,How do you feel about Virat Kohli as the captain of the Indian Cricket team ?,225003
0,How long does it take to learn Latin compared to a modern romance language ?,Which language is closest to Latin ?,180543
1,What do you think about PM2 .5 ?,What is PM2 .5 ?,122634
0,What is the definition of ` levity ' and how is it used in a sentence ?,What is the definition of ` scrawny ' and how is it used in a sentence ?,3491
1,How can you fix the speakers of an iPhone 4 ?,How do you fix broken iPhone 4 speakers ?,169271
0,What are the best comedy films that I should watch and that were released in 2014 and 2015 ?,What are the best comedy movies released in 2014 ?,67303
1,What is called a black hole ?,What do we mean by black hole ?,48733
0,Stalking : Do stalkees often cyberstalk their stalkers ?,Is it still called stalking if more than one person is the stalker ?,278695
1,Do Russians feel European or Asian ?,Do Russians see themselves as European or Asian ?,286142
0,Is naruto dubbed on Hulu ?,Can you watch Naruto on Hulu ?,389332
1,How can I make money on YouTube ?,How do I make money through YouTube ?,87842
0,格局how to translate ?,How do you translate this ?,81127
1,Why do people spend so much money on weddings in India ?,Why do Indians spend so much money on weddings ?,388975
0,What is the difference between tube and pipe ?,What is the difference between a spigot and faucet ?,103229
1,How do I reduce belly and chest fat ?,How do I reduce my thighs ?,351383
0,Which is the best Mobile app development company in USA ?,Which is the best mobile app development company in USA 2016 ?,324450
1,Why should I use Quora ?,What is a Quora ?,264705
0,How do you find out the status of an SFSU application ?,How can you check the application status for UGA ?,388722
1,What is the whole story about Adam and Eve ?,How can the story of Adam and Eve be summarized ?,176271
0,How do I feel motivated again ?,How can I feel motivated ?,396661
1,Famous intp people ?,Who are famous people with intp personalities ?,217500
0,What is the single phase transformer theory ?,What is single phase transformer mean ?,160121
1,How can I start my business ?,How do I start business from nothing ?,319360
0,What are your top 10 favorite albums ?,What are your top 10 favorite bands ?,241498
1,How can someone become rich ?,What is the best way to become rich ?,144946
0,What is growth hacking ?,How do you do growth hacking ?,119735
1,How do I improve my English speaking ?,How will I improve my spoken English ?,336276
0,What are some ways to get fired from Starbucks ?,What do you do and where do you go if you get fired from Google ?,386764
1,What are the best email extractors ?,Which is the best email extractor ?,322031
0,Is there scientific proof for global warming ?,How strong is the scientific case for man-made global warming ?,170043
1,Who 's your favorite character on Boardwalk Empire ?,Who 's your favorite character on the TV series Boardwalk Empire ?,113810
0,What is the scope after mastering c++ language ?,What is the scope after Mastering C language ?,368022
1,At what point did Hitler realise the war against the Allies was lost ?,When did Hitler realize that WW2 was lost ?,25863
0,How tall were adam and eve ?,How did Adam and Eve die ?,75045
1,How do you commit suicide ?,What is the best way to suicide ?,109926
0,What is the offer acceptance rate for Google software engineering positions ?,"How do Google salaries compare to Microsoft , Facebook and Amazon for software engineering positions for PhD graduates ?",69916
1,What is the meaning of GDP ?,What is the definition of GDP ?,352488
0,What are the best websites for CAT exam preparation ?,Which are the best free/paid sites and online tools to prepare for CAT ?,369028
1,Which are some of the best movies of 2016 ?,Which is the best movie 2016 ?,292848
0,What are the home remedies for hair growth ?,What are some fast hair growth remedies ?,285720
1,When are the toughest times to be single ?,What could be the toughest time to be single ?,141539
0,How many BrahMos missiles did India deployed in the Indochina border ?,Why India deployed Brahmos missiles in indochina border ?,384532
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Utah ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Mississippi ?,327867
0,Which is the best mediclaim policy company ?,Which are best mediclaim policies for individual in India ?,278146
1,Has anyone found a way to make money using Quora ?,How can I earn money on Quora ?,315823
0,What is a passionate kiss ?,How do I kiss my boyfriend passionately ?,231646
1,Will the fees rise after Brexit for Non-EU international students studying in the UK ?,What does the Brexit mean for Non-EU International students studying in the UK ?,314678
0,Why does your nose get blocked when you sniff cocaine ?,Can you get high from putting cocaine in an open cut ?,356948
1,Does the early bird get the worm ?,Did the early bird get the worm ?,359837
0,Which subject wise schedule I should follow for the preparation of the UPSC-2017 ? I am going to prepare by self study mainly .,Which subjects I should study for the preparation of BSNL JE 2016 Exam ?,140343
1,What makes a person creative ?,What makes a person creative ? Are n't we all creative ?,322475
0,How effective is Tesla Powerwall ?,What is the Tesla Powerwall ?,190216
1,What is best way to learn violin ?,How can I learn how to play violin ?,195497
0,Can anybody give me references of Soma Rasa or wine or drinks from Rig-Veda in Sanskrit ?,Is it true drinking wine can reduce the risk of heart disease ? Is it specific to wine or other alcohol as well ?,240577
1,How I hack Facebook account ?,How can I hack the others Facebook account ?,302460
0,My,My father has many new technologies with him -LRB- many fields -RRB- who can he approach to get it implemented -LRB- to get it financed -RRB- ?,328651
1,I do n't know what I 'm good at . How would I know that ?,I do n't know what I am good at . What should I do ?,382237
0,What are some countable words that are likely to be mistaken for uncountable ?,What are some uncountable words that are likely to be mistaken for countable ?,5920
1,What is difference between MPSC and UPSC ?,What is the difference between UPSC and MPSC ?,128247
0,What it is like to touch the boobs of a woman for the first time ?,How do girls/women feel when boys touch their boobs or somewhere else ?,39255
1,Can we work at two companies simultaneously ?,Has anyone worked for two companies at the same time ?,96093
0,"I want to play Kyouran Hey Kids ! On Piano , but I ca n't find good classes and I tried to be self taught , can you please help me ?","Hey there , I 'm doing a survey about sickle cell anemia in my community , can anyone help me with my introduction to the survey ? Please and thank you : -RRB-",91857
1,"How cold can the Gobi Desert get , and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Colorado Plateau ?","How cold can the Gobi Desert get , and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Registan Desert ?",236825
0,What is the success ratio to get B1/B2 visa ?,"Can my visa get transferred to from B1/B2 to F1 without leaving US ? If yes , what is the procedure ?",344277
1,How can I have a successful long distance relationship ?,How do we can remain satisfied in a long distance relationship ?,247175
0,"What will be my salary at Infosys after 1,2 & 3 years ? . I have cleared the training and have joined production recently .",How many type of meking cocktail ?,379895
1,What are some best movies of all time ?,Which is best movie ?,186085
0,When you are clinically dead do you experience pain before biological death ?,How many deaths can we ` see ' before being dead ?,273954
1,What would happen when I die ?,What happens after we die ?,206556
0,What is it like to lose parents ?,What is it like to lose a child ?,306566
1,Is grass always greener on the other side ?,The grass is greener on the other side . True or false ?,138809
0,How do I get rid of inactive Instagram followers ?,I 'm having troubles understanding Instagram 's reset on Jan 1st . Is it really going to reset everyone 's follower count and delete inactive accounts ?,257497
1,How will US fed rate hike affect INDIA ?,What is US Fed rate hike ? And how could it affect India ?,380228
0,Assume you somehow get invited to participate in the 2020 Summer Olympics for your country . What event -LRB- s -RRB- do you do and why ?,"There are 206 Nations participating in Rio Olympics 2016 , but there are only 196 countries in the world according to UN . How 's that possible ?",158824
1,How do I unlock iCloud lock in iPhone ?,Is it possible to unlock an iPhone without iCloud lock from the previous owner ?,319342
0,What is dating shating ?,"`` What is the difference between '' `` seeing someone , '' '' '' `` dating someone , '' '' and '' `` having a girlfriend/boyfriend '' '' ? ''",199409
1,How can I train myself to become a professional simultaneous interpreter ?,How can I become a professional simultaneous interpreter ?,256502
0,Is taking referendum in India unconstitutional ?,What is the major difference between India sponsored referendum in Sikkim and Russia referendum in Crimea ?,247953
1,What actually is the Kashmir issue ?,What is the Kashmir problem ?,138492
0,Who is the Prime Minister of America ?,Is Alexis Tsiparas a good prime minister ?,174530
1,How can I write blog ?,How I can start a blog ?,249960
0,Which is the best perfume for men in India ?,What are some good deodorants and perfumes for men in India ?,166421
1,Can you get stds from oral sex ?,Can STDs be transmitted via oral sex ?,159864
0,Necessary for an effective and efficient data networks ?,I 'm interested in robotics hardware and OS . So what are your suggestions about some innovative ideas for final year projects of a BSCS student ?,258586
1,What makes a perfect answer ?,What makes up a perfect answer ?,341740
0,How many pictures can you send at once on AirDrop on an iPhone ?,How many pictures can a 64GB iPhone hold ?,69213
1,What 's your favorite country except your own ?,What is your favorite country -LRB- except your own -RRB- and why ?,211927
0,How would you remove a snake that entered the stomach through the anus and is now living in the stomach ?,How do I reduce body fat properly ?,144124
1,How will I became cricketer ?,How do I become a cricketer ?,155043
0,What are your expectations from as a fresher in IT companies ?,What does an IT company expect from fresher ?,270544
1,What reasons can you put in the debate of not dividing states of India further ?,Will dividing States will help India grow ?,33850
0,What are the similarities between the French and English languages ?,Are there other languages besides French and Italian whose verb `` to eat '' sounds similar to the English word `` manger '' ?,381589
1,How can I really start losing weight ?,What are the ways of losing weight ?,229854
0,Who is lilith in the Bible ?,"Why is Lilith , the first wife of Adam , not mentioned in the Bible ?",95017
1,Is love important in life ?,What is the importance of love in my life ?,36006
0,Why is n't CO -LSB- math -RSB- _ 2 -LSB- / math -RSB- an organic compound ?,What is meant by organic compound ?,100064
1,I do n't make any diet . Is bulletproof coffee worth ?,Is bulletproof coffee campaign legit ?,43185
0,Why do so many Indians like Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor ?,Bollywood Actors and Actresses : Will Shahid Kapoor marry Saif Ali Khan 's 19-year-old daughter ?,150987
1,Can we see who viewed my profile pic on whatsapp ?,How do I know how many people saw my profile picture in WhatsApp ?,134207
0,Do teenage Indian girls wear a bra ?,What is the proper way to wear a sports bra ?,120169
1,How can I become a movie director ?,Where do I start for me to become a movie director ?,396689
0,What are the questions should not ask on Quora ?,Which question should I ask on Quora ?,22
1,Who is going to be a better president - Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump ?,Would Mr. Donald Trump be a better president than Hillary Clinton ?,140903
0,What are the strangest things you have seen in Google maps until now ?,What are the coordinates for some weird things on Google Earth/Google Maps ?,393445
1,What are the biggest misconceptions about Indian chartered accountants ?,What are some misconceptions about Chartered Accountants in society ?,143694
0,Why are n't Mexicans simply called Native Americans ?,Is the bigotry shown to Mexican-Americans of mestizo ancestry related to the bigotry shown to Native Americans ?,21990
1,Why is Spotify nott available in India ?,Daniel Ek : Are there any future plans of releasing Spotify in India ?,237567
0,How can I pay for my table at a restaurant with style ?,What should I wear to a high school prom ?,297373
1,Why do peope commit suicide ?,Why do you want to commit suicide ?,244595
0,What is inhand salary of management trainee in coal india limited ?,What is it like to work at Coal India as a management trainee in mining ?,297413
1,How can a boy notice if a girl likes him ?,How can a boy tell if a girl likes him ?,321468
0,What are the best and most affordable switches for VLAN ?,What are the best and most affordable VPNs ?,251078
1,Where is the oldest temple in the world ?,What are the oldest temples in the world ?,301468
0,What is the difference betweeen nominal price and real price ?,How do price makers and price takers differ from each other ?,41524
1,What is the cheapest way to reach sec 37 gurgaon from Malviya Nagar ?,"Which is the cheapest way to reach Sec-37 , Gurgaon from Malviya Nagar , Delhi ?",202217
0,How do I impress a customer in investment in share market ?,What is the procedure to invest in the share market ?,297043
1,What are the best ways to lose weight ?,How can I lose an extreme amount of weight ?,346624
0,Is there no gravity inside the Earth ?,What if there is no gravity on earth ?,303496
1,`` Why do people like rock '' `` music '' '' ? '',Why do people like rock music ?,148383
0,How can I achieve my goals when I do not know what to aim for ?,How can I achieve my goals ?,205680
1,What 's the most embarrassing thing your kid has said in front of everyone ?,What is the most inappropriate action your kid did in front of strangers ?,210707
0,What is the easiest way to get in shape ?,How can I get in shape quickly ?,230315
1,Which is the best game in 2016 ?,What are the best games of 2016 ?,188169
0,What does it mean when we say someone is analytical & detail oriented ?,How can I define a detail-oriented person ? And what are the qualities they have ?,248721
1,How does one become a dentist in Germany ?,How do you become a dentist in Germany ?,108430
0,What should one do to do a startup ?,What should one do for a startup ?,202888
1,Is this move of banning 500 & 1000 Rupee notes right ?,What do you think of PM 's decision on the banning of 500 and 100 rupee notes ?,291447
0,What is the difference between integrity and consistency in databases ?,How can I do validation in Oracle forms ?,181392
1,How can I improve my social circle ?,How can you improve social life in college ?,14833
0,"If we could abandon the current legacy government systems and start over with existing technology , how would your system work ?",Is democracy the best government system ?,111495
1,Is it true that every Rs . 2000 currency note is embedded with a * NGC -LRB- Nano GPS Chip -RRB- . And what if this is true ?,Is that true 2000 note has embeded with GPS chips ?,346608
0,What will be the impact of GST on Hotel sector ?,What will be the impact of GST on IT Sector ?,133658
1,Who are the smartest people alive today ?,Who are some of smartest people alive today ?,390729
0,"Does everything imaginable either exist , did exist in the past or is going to exist ?",Ontology -LRB- philosophy -RRB- : Does everything exist ?,77451
1,What causes sleep paralysis ?,Why does sleep paralysis happens ?,23848
0,Can we see hawking radiation ?,What is Hawking radiation ?,170189
1,Pokemon GO looks like the dumbest game ever ; how is it so popular ?,Is Pokemon Go the first of its kind and why is it so popular ?,361168
0,Why do Pakistanis support China despite China is famous on its genocidal records and sponsoring terrorism ?,What do you feel when you see a Christian cross ?,262597
1,Which is the best app for learning Yoga ?,What is the best app to learn yoga ?,217730
0,Is it normal for your vagina to be moist or wet all the time ?,"This is the second time I 've had my period in the month , is this normal ?",40458
1,What if the United Kingdom and India went to war ?,"If there was a war between India and the United Kingdom , who would win ?",30093
0,"Drinking milk just before sleep , is good or bad if you want to reduce weight ?",Is it bad to drink milk when you have a cough ?,290422
1,What is the easiest and most painless suicide method ?,What is the most painless way to commit suicide ?,30661
0,"What kind of chemical bond is CaCl2 ? Is it ionic , covalent , or both ?",Is sodium chloride ionic or covalent ?,102087
1,What will be the pros and cons of the replacement of 500 and 1000 currency notes by the Indian govt . ?,What are the advantages and disadvantages of banning 500 and 1000 notes in India ?,128494
0,How can I dowload eenadu newspaper pdf ?,Read newspaper for upsc ?,119940
1,How would I close my front teeth gap ?,How can you close a gap in your front teeth ?,267185
0,What courses -LRB- for good jobs -RRB- are most important to be a professional electrical and electronic/communication engineer ?,What are career options in construction domain after graduation in electrical engineering ?,114052
1,Why does my 5-month-old Boxer puppy bark all night ? How can this be stopped ?,How do you stop a puppy from barking all night ?,10356
0,How many unused vacation time is paid at startups when they quit ?,How many customers were startup online banks/financial management site have at time of fundraising ?,74572
1,Is it legal to ship a pet tortoise to india ?,Can we legally pet a turtle or tortoise in India ?,326804
0,Harvard College Courses : What is general shopping advice for Tamil classes ?,Harvard College Courses : What is general shopping advice for Polish classes ?,299919
1,Daniel Ek : When an we expect Spotify in India ?,Daniel Ek : Why is Spotify not available in India ?,395356
0,What are enterprise email solutions ?,What is Enterprise email ?,194583
1,What is muscular dystrophy ?,What is Muscular dystrophy ? And is there a cure for it . ?,219921
0,What is the approx . subsciption cost of Lucid 's Artificial Intelligence Platform - Cyc ?,What will AI 's conclusion of the human race be ? Would there be any reason at all that they would need or want to have us around ?,285968
1,Which is the best coaching centre for IES -LRB- civil engineering -RRB- in India ?,What are the best coaching institutes in India for the preparation of IES through civil engineering ?,212864
0,"If you accept a follow request on Instagram , do you automatically follow the other person back ?",How can you stop someone from following you on Instagram ?,151840
1,How can I stop doing masturbation ?,How can I stop masturbations ?,341126
0,Do Asian people consider themselves white ?,Why do Asian people like to call themselves simple ?,188943
1,How can one learn to play barre chords on a guitar ?,What is the easiest way to play barre chords on guitar ?,281684
0,How can I be happy ?,I feel like I do n't deserve my life as I 'm always sad and ca n't find any form of happiness . What should I do ?,384385
1,What would have happened if Nazi Germany won WW2 ?,What if Germany won WWll ?,9467
0,What is the expected salary of a company secretary ?,How much should a fresher company secretary with AIR-20 and a university rank in LLB expect from a first job ? Does rank make any difference ?,315700
1,Why do I have a fear of suddenly reverse aging ?,Why do I have a fear of reverse aging ?,75272
0,Will the U.S. dollar lose its status as world reserve currency ?,Why should I worry about the national debt if the U.S. is the world 's reserve currency ?,98287
1,What do you think the cutoff of KVPY 2016 SA would be ?,What is the expected cut off for KVPY SA 2016 ?,99076
0,Will Apple Pencil work on iPad Air 2 ? Or possibly iPad Air 3 in the future ?,Does the Apple Pencil support palm rejection when used with the iPad Pro ?,109972
1,How is dark/vacuum energy created with the universe conserved if it is not conserved ? Can infinite of these be created ?,"If vacuum energy is created as space expands , can infinite energy be created ?",42466
0,How could I check backlinks manually without any tool ?,Backlink analyzing software/site ?,150069
1,How can I increase the traffic to my website ?,How to increase my website Traffic ?,83167
0,Does Zuni Cafe serve oysters for brunch ?,How can I start my civil services UPSC exam -LRB- IAS -RRB- preparation without attending any coaching classes ?,364385
1,What was the weirdest first date you have ever had ?,What was the weirdest dating experience you have ever had ?,244443
0,What are the differences between speed and velocity ? How are the measured ?,"What is the difference between velocity , speed and acceleration ?",134248
1,Is Iraq better or worse off now than under Saddam ? How would Iraq be now if US had never invaded ?,"Is Iraq worse or better now than it was under Saddam Hussein ? How would Iraq , and US , be different if US never invaded Iraq ? How ?",340609
0,What did the movie dark knight teach you ?,How do I clear the SMS usage record in Jio app ?,389497
1,Will banning 500 and 1000 notes can stop the black money ?,How will the India demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupees notes will reduce black money ?,313667
0,Which countries are known as the Baltic nations ? Why are they called these ?,Have two or more countries ever merged and become one nation ?,51906
1,Why are all my questions on Quora marked needing improvement ?,Why does Quora always marks my question as needing improvement ?,5449
0,Does a guy love a woman he wants to have an affair with or is it just plain sex ?,How can I get rid of blue balls -LRB- epididymal hypertension -RRB- ?,349940
1,What are some of the lesser known facts of Indian railways ?,What are some amazing or least known fact of Indian railway ?,176504
0,What are identifiers in c ?,Why is ` Console ' an identifier instead of a keyword in C# ?,148026
1,What are the best travel hacks to travel cheap around the world ?,What is the best travel hack ?,156643
0,is there chances of mht-cet for engineering getting cancelled from 2017 again like 2012 ?,Is MH CET for engineering going to be replaced for JEE mains again ? Is it going to get cancelled ?,152598
1,"How many 3 digit numbers can be formed from the digits 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 and 9 which are divisible by 5 and none of the digits is repeated ?","How many 3-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 and 9 , which are divisible by 5 and none of the digits is repeated ?",313807
0,How does Tinder work ?,Do Tinder and all the dating apps really work or are those filled with creepy lonely people ?,355565
1,What are your views on Modi governments decision to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes ? How will this affect economy ?,What is your reaction about the ban on Rs . 500 and Rs . 1000 notes ? Wo n't it create a chaos and harm the economy ?,307708
0,What is the meaning of Hindi/Urdu word ` Pagaar ' and ` Tankhwah ' ?,What is the meaning of Hindi/Urdu word ` Vigyapan ' and ` Ishtihar ' ?,71174
1,Can energy be borrowed from vacuum -LRB- to be returned immediately -RRB- ? If this happens how do we know vacuum energy is real if virtual particles do n't exist ?,Do virtual particles in vacuum really exist ?,298741
0,Which is the best browser for Android phone ?,Which is the best browser for Android ?,129439
1,How can you make money from Quora ?,How can I make money from Quora ?,185756
0,What do you do if a dog eats cooking oil ?,Is eating cow more ethical than eating dog ? Why ?,322674
1,What is the QuickBooks support phone number ?,What is Quickbooks tech support number in Arizona ?,251692
0,How do I improve my English speaking skills ?,How can I improve my English speaking skills as well as writing skills ?,98250
1,"Are peanuts healthy , especially to eat every day ?",Is it healthy to eat a tomato every day ?,266912
0,What is the Best book to know about tamilnadu politics history ?,What will happen when RBI prints more money than their limit ?,284404
1,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in Laos ?,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in Czech Republic ?,351051
0,What does it mean when British people put an X at the end of text messages or emails ?,What do the amount of X mean on a text message ?,280185
1,How to use ANSYS software ?,What is disadvantage of using ANSYS software ?,164512
0,Wordpress vs pure HTML/CSS websites -- which is better for SEO ?,"Is it better to build websites with WordPress or by myself with HTML , CSS , JS , Python , etc. ? Why ?",222146
1,Where can I find a hacker for good cause ?,Where can I find a good hacker ?,973
0,What does it feel like for a woman when a man ejaculates inside of her ?,Why ca n't I orgasm when he is inside of me ?,304331
1,What were the best movies of 2016 ? Why ?,Which is the best movie 2016 ?,63803
0,"Does a failure student who was just pass in 2nd , 3rd and fail in 4th ,5 th ,6 th ,9 th & 10th repeated . Can Such student Crack GATE EE exam ?",Should I join postal study of Kreatryx?I am a 2nd yr student -LRB- EE -RRB- studying in MadeEasy . I do n't find their workbook at par with gate .,395327
1,Does height increase after 21 ? How can I get taller ?,Can anyone increase their height at the age of 21 or 21 + ?,169761
0,What is the difference between YUV and YCrCb ?,"What are the differences between RGB , HSV and CIE-Lab ?",32384
1,Which is the best place near Bangalore to visit as a one day trip ?,What are some good places to visit near Bengaluru for a one/two day trip ?,153675
0,How do I prepare class 9 science sst and maths in one month cbse plzz answer fast ?,How do I prepare class 9 science sst and maths in one month cbse plzz answer fast and score 85 + ?,74584
1,What do other countries think about India demonetization ?,What do other countries have to say about the demonetization act of India ?,371596
0,"I want to prepare fried rice , which rice should I use ?","Why is fried rice called fried rice , when it uses only a little oil to cook it ?",201596
1,How is replacing 1000 rupee notes with 2000 rupee notes going to make black money hoarding a lot harder ?,Can 2000 rupees notes will be helpful for stop black money market ?,167373
0,What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they 're invited to someone 's home in Pakistan for the first time ?,What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they 're invited to someone 's home in Kenya for the first time ?,291523
1,Why did the Big Bang happen ?,Is there an explanation why the big bang happened ?,369332
0,Is Anna Karenina good ?,What is the Anna Karenina principle ?,202326
1,Can World War 3 ever take place ?,How imminent is World War three ?,251193
0,What is the best thing ?,What 's the best thing about being ?,98609
1,Which software can download a YouTube playlist ?,How do you download/generate YouTube videos as MP4 's from a YouTube playlist ?,135092
0,Address Translation techniques in Paged Memory Management and support through TLB . Support your answer with an example ?,Will Pixate Studio support Linux ?,203042
1,Which is the fastest free VPN for PC and for Android ?,Which is the fastest free VPN ?,156360
0,How do you separate business social media accounts ?,What is the best way to manage several social media accounts of different businesses ?,359023
1,"Is nuclear power a renewable resource ? Why , or why not ?",Is nuclear energy considered a renewable or nonrenewable resource ? What are the reasons behind this classification ?,272748
0,What are the best ways to stop a dog from barking ?,How do you stop dogs from barking during fireworks ?,346053
1,What are some dumb questions ever asked on Quora ?,What are the most annoying questions that you feel ridiculous in Quora ?,105568
0,Why was n't there any new powerful nation born out from Mediterranean region again ? Could one day Greece become the most powerful nation in the Eu ?,Which nations in the EU do n't approve of Turkey joining the EU ?,372269
1,How do I use time more efficiently ?,What are the best techniques to use in order to manage time the most efficiently ?,249437
0,Is Node.js declining already ?,How good is Node.js ?,291776
1,What do you think about the Modi 's sudden decision to scrap 500 and 1000 rs denomination ?,What is your view on the move to scrap 500 and 1000 rupee notes ? What will be its effects ?,18179
0,What are the pros and cons of V6 and inline-6 engines ?,"What is the difference between a V6 , straight 6 and a flat 6 engine ?",364004
1,Why does n't Dushka Zapata answer my questions ?,Does Dushka Zapata give reasons when she declines A2As ?,139670
0,I hate gays and blacks and Jews does this make me a racist ?,Where did pizza originate ?,212199
1,How do I stop my Pug/Cavalier mix from humping my furniture ?,How do I stop my Pomeranian/Shih Tzu mix from humping my furniture ?,14731
0,What are the best concepts to learn when getting into chemistry ?,What are the best concepts to learn when getting into biology ?,71130
1,What are Some really great pictures depicting Lord Shiva ?,What are some of the best images of lord shiva ?,83369
0,Is everyone depressed/anxious at some point in their life ?,How do I get back in life and become successful from depression point ?,9735
1,How can we fight depression ?,Can you share any good tips to fight depression ?,10550
0,What is the best way to prepare for all MBA exams collectively ?,"Where are we ? Let 's assume our earth a ball , kept in another ball -LRB- solar system -RRB- , in turn kept in another ball -LRB- our galaxy -RRB- ,",163536
1,Is there a chance that Donald Trump turns out to be a very good president ?,Would Donald Trump make a good U.S president ? Why or why not ?,67666
0,Why does it take three days to receive proceeds from the sale of a stock ?,Why does ICICI direct take 2 days to execute buying of stock ?,215986
1,Why is reading books so important ? How is the habit of book-reading useful to a person ? Of anwer,Why is reading books so important ? How is the habit of book-reading useful to a person ?,334855
0,How old should you be to have a gmail account ?,How do I delete old gmail accounts ?,166744
1,Do women get attracted to six packs abs ?,Are girls really that attracted to 6 pack abs ?,25701
0,What is Obligatory point ?,Why do some people dislike Islam ?,181993
1,How does the Greek language sound like to foreigners ?,What does Greek sound like ?,84285
0,Does Taiwan belong to the PRC ?,Does Taiwan belong to China ? What do you think ?,254097
1,DId something exist before the Big Bang ?,What actually existed before the Big Bang ?,214312
0,What is the minimum value of | z-1 | + | z-5 | ?,What is the minimum value of | − 1 | + | − 5 | ?,57925
1,Why ca n't some people just accept that not everyone will share the same belief/religion ?,Why ca n't some people with weather extremist or not accept someone elses belief system ?,261888
0,Which months are best for swimming in Dubai ?,I want to browse Chittagong port authority website without password ?,114314
1,What is your review of Elementary OS ?,Why do some people hate elementary OS ?,7117
0,What effect will the presence of a conductor between two point charges have on the Coulomb force between them ?,How does the presence of a dielectric between two point charges affect the Coulomb force between them ?,1606
1,Where can I find a professional hacker ?,How will I contact a good hacker ?,145961
0,Can people hear the sound of electric current ?,What is the squishy sound I hear in my neck ?,201540
1,What JPEG compression library does Facebook use ?,How does Facebook compress pictures and what is the JPEG compression quality value ?,290207
0,Is preprocessor a software ?,What is a preprocessor ?,66444
1,How long do hard boiled eggs last if not refrigerated ?,How can you make hard boiled eggs last longer unrefrigerated ?,113298
0,What approach do you use when you hit a road block in programming ?,Who uses parallel programming ?,41012
1,What books should entrepreneurs read on entrepreneurship ?,Which are some of the books entrepreneurs must read ?,397807
0,What does it feel like to have sex with a trans woman ? How is it different than sex with other women ?,What is it like to perform sex with a hijra in India ?,41465
1,How do you know when you 've found the one ?,`` How do you know if you have found '' `` the one '' '' ? '',166037
0,How many Paytm wallet users are there in Mumbai ?,How do I verify my Paytm wallet ?,340844
1,How can we earn money online without investment ?,What is the easiest way to earn money from online ?,3111
0,Is there any short cut to check if a given point lies on a given line ?,How do I make an equilateral triangle from two given points ?,49790
1,"What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Lima-Callao earthquake in 1746 ?","What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Sanriku earthquake in 1896 ?",318198
0,What 's the weirdest dream you 've ever had that you can remember ?,What 's the most bizarre pizza topping combinations you 've ever had that you liked ?,150011
1,`` Is '' `` Pokemon Ranger and The Temple of The Sea '' '' considered appropriate for kids ? '',`` Is '' `` Pokémon Ranger and The Temple of The Sea '' '' considered childish ? '',28010
0,What 's your favourite poem ?,What are some of your favourite poems about poetry ?,36362
1,Is a 13 cm penis considered small ?,I am 20 and my penis is 13 cm . is it considered small and will it grow bigger ?,354567
0,What is the treatment for malaligned anterior teeth in both upper and lower jaws in adults ?,What does malaligned anterior teeth both in upper and lower jaws mean ?,174724
1,What are the units of measurement for density ? How are they used ?,What are units of density ?,60934
0,How do you get shorter in height ?,What should I do to get a good height if I am 15 ?,393084
1,How can I stop spending so much time on the Internet ?,How can I stop myself from wasting time on the net ?,237129
0,How can you determine the Lewis dot structure for sulfur trioxide ?,How is the Lewis dot structure for Ch3OH determined ?,361304
1,"Should I give up my seat for a pregnant woman , an elderly person , or a physically disabled person ?","Imagine you 're on public transport and you 're in a seat . A pregnant woman , a disabled man and a third age woman enter . Who would you give the seat to ?",40821
0,What are some of the most common Indian last names ?,What is the most common thing among indians ?,34139
1,Why do I not lose weight when I throw up ?,How can you make yourself throw up to lose weight ?,285806
0,Can I buy life insurance for my parents ?,"Should I buy life insurance ? If so , why ?",312704
1,Is Mahatma Gandhi a British agent ?,Was Mahatma Gandhi a British agent ?,398435
0,How can I improve my writing skills to write advanced composition ?,How do I improve my physical descriptive writing skills ?,133222
1,How was KVPY SA 2016 ? How does it compare to previous year papers ? What is your expected cutoff for it ?,What do you think the cutoff of KVPY 2016 SA would be ?,356821
0,What are some good tips for young biotech enterpreneurs ?,What must young entrepreneurs know before they build a company ?,204421
1,Why do so many people ask questions on Quora that can be found in a Google search ?,Why do people use Quora when they could easily find the answer in a quick Google search ?,222304
0,Can straight men be friends with gay men ?,How is the average human skull size determined ?,34065
1,What if my boyfriend repeatedly gives excuses for not having sex with me ?,What if my boyfriend of 9 months repeatedly gives excuses for not having sex,148093
0,Was Alexander The Great really so great ?,Who was Alexander the Great ?,109301
1,"What is the difference between tradition , custom and culture ?","What 's the difference between customs , tradition and culture ?",261295
0,Did the mind exist before the Big Bang ?,What existed before the Big Bang ?,327291
1,How should I prepare for the IAS PRELIMS in 8 months ?,How can I prepare for IAS in 8 months ?,94649
0,Why ca n't theists prove that their God or gods exist ?,Belief and Beliefs : Can the existence of a god be proven or disproven ?,171291
1,"I am a student of Electrical engineering , what are career options after excluding IES ?",What are the career options after electrical and electronics engineering ?,160953
0,What do they use to ship styrofoam ?,How can I use styrofoam to make a 3D plant cell ?,341245
1,What should I do to get into MIT -LRB- undergrad -RRB- ?,How can I get admitted to MIT ?,74620
0,"My BE Aggre . is 59 % -LRB- ECE -RRB- , and I got the CDAC Banglore KP -LRB- for DESD -RRB- . What should I do ?",How is CDAC banglore institue for DAC or DMC ?,251729
1,What is the best way to become fluent in Spanish ?,How can I become fluent in Spanish ?,331197
0,How can I enjoy the present moment without worrying about the future ?,How can I live in the present moment without worrying about the past and future ?,392074
1,Why are my all questions marked for improvement ?,Why do all of my questions get marked as needing improvement ?,54442
0,What are some SQL interview questions for a business analyst ?,What are the interview questions for a business analyst ?,31489
1,What are the best ways to lose weight ?,What are some ways to lose weight fast ?,115832
0,Should prostitution be legalized in India ? Why ?,Are brothels and prostitution legal in India ?,380999
1,Why do people ask so many Googleable questions on Quora ?,Why do people ask stupid questions on Quora that could be easily answered by Google ?,55020
0,What things can you do in the USA that you can not do in China ?,What things can you do in China that you can not do in the USA ?,226562
1,How people learn to hack ?,How do you learn about hacking ?,395357
0,What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Lee County IL ?,Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Hancock County IL ?,383034
1,How are the number of moons of a planet decided ?,Which factor determines the number of moons a planet can have ?,51118
0,What are the biggest problems players face with online poker ?,Who is the best Indian Poker Player ?,197660
1,How do I make a game or app to earn money ?,How do I build a game and earn money ?,264597
0,What are the effective marketing strategies for startups ?,What are cheap and effective marketing strategies for startups ?,73310
1,What are tracer rounds ? Are they legal for the public to possess in the state of Hawaii ?,What are tracer rounds ? Are they legal for the public to possess in the state of Delaware ?,390106
0,How do I get 1000 upvotes on my answer ?,What is the best way to get a large number of upvotes for your answers on Quora ?,70740
1,What package of salery provide after pharma MBA ?,What kind of jobs are available after pharma MBA ?,137428
0,"Are there websites like and , for MBA students ?",I am B.Com graduate student and also an IPCC student . I want to do PG I 'm little bit confused what to do M.Com or MBA ?,99630
1,How do I become a good problem solver ?,What makes a person a good problem solver ?,130563
0,What if a student fail in one of the subjects in improvement exam of 12 class ?,I had failed in optional subject in class 12 . May I join any company ?,384588
1,What are the similarities between socialism and capitalism ? What are their differences ?,What are the key similarities and differences between capitalism and socialism ?,270574
0,How do I learn to read Sütterlinschrift ?,What is the fastest way to learn how to read ?,141101
1,What is your review of Rustom ?,What is your review of Rustom -LRB- 2016 movie -RRB- ?,231527
0,"What is a good solar panel installation provider in San Pedro , California CA ?","What is a good solar panel installation provider near San Juan Capistrano , California CA ?",284431
1,What is the best business to do in small scale ?,What is the best small scale business ideas ?,56189
0,Has anyone seen a genuine UFO ? What was it like ?,Has anyone encountered an Alien or UFO ?,275862
1,Why is the world crazy about Game of Thrones ?,Should I consider watching Game of Thrones ? And why is everyone so crazy about it ? Is it that awesome ?,44584
0,Is someone interested to make a group for learning n trying to become perfect in English fr sme competitive exam ?,'' '' `` Each value xi is paired with fi indicating that approximately 100 fi % of data are < xi '' '' . Can someone explain this line ? '',271488
1,How do you prepare a slow-cooked brisket in the oven ?,How do you cook brisket in the oven ?,98061
0,Double a penny every day for 30 days . How many dollars do you have ?,"If 5 men can finish the work in 12 days , how many women are required to finish the same work in 6 days ?",389184
1,How can I hack the Snapchat chat history ?,What do you do to spy on Snapchat chat history ?,117969
0,What are the best classic novels for teens ?,What are the top classic novels worth reading ?,311110
1,How will the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes affect Indian economy ?,What are the ill effects of demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes in India ?,283598
0,How did you meet the love of your life ?,Does God really help people to meet their life 's love ?,163220
1,Where can I learn to sing online ?,How/where can I learn to sing online ?,398873
0,How is Mtech in embedded systems from IIIT Bangalore ?,"If IIIT Bangalore MTech in CS/IT is that good , why it has so low GATE cutoff ?",116277
1,What are Hillary 's qualifications to be president ?,What are Hillary Clinton 's qualifications to be President ?,4873
0,What do some famous celebrities look like without their hair pieces ?,Why do some people worship celebrities and famous people ? Why do people love celebrities ?,381561
1,How do I overcome depression without psychiatric help ?,How is depression cured without a therapist ?,15812
0,What is the corporate culture like at Liberty Property Trust ? How is the culture different than other companies ?,What is the corporate culture like at Excel Trust ? How is the culture different than other companies ?,223747
1,Does online advertising really work ?,Do you think online advertising works ?,192893
0,What is the refractive index of sulphuric acid ?,How do you determine the refractive index of sulphuric acid ?,378931
1,What do you look for in a company before investing ?,What key information should you look for in a company before investing in its stock for the long term ?,49204
0,What happens when a ferromagnetic substance is heated above its curie temperature ?,Does a substance change temperature or state first when it sublimates ?,346042
1,How do I get rid of scalp acne ?,How do I get rid of my acne and get nice skin ?,128932
0,As the earth is sphere how can we say the first sun rises in Japan ?,"If time waits for no man , why does the clock rotate back to 00:00 hours ?",45712
1,What is the difference between self esteem and ego ?,What is the difference between having an ego and having self esteem ?,368230
0,Where do people that sell their soul to the devil go to when they die ?,Where do souls of people in parallel universes go to when said people die ?,164391
1,What are tracer rounds ? Are they legal for the public to possess in the state of Idaho ?,What are tracer rounds ? Are they legal for the public to possess in the state of Arizona ?,155140
0,Where do you get your weed ?,Where will I get weed in vegas ?,148003
1,Should the education system in India change ?,Does the Indian education system need to change and why ?,360348
0,"`` Which is correct , '' `` Monday to Friday '' '' or '' `` Monday through Friday '' '' ? ''",One person gets a week off on Saturdays and Sundays while others get off on Mondays and Tuesdays . Is that a correct sentence ?,111137
1,I feel fear all the time . How can I get rid of it ?,How we get rid of fear ?,130901
0,What shipping company do subscription companies like Dollar Shave Club use so they can still make a profit ?,Where do Dollar Shave Club razors come from ?,217867
1,Which are the best books for Python ?,Which is the best book for python ?,363568
0,Why was there no proper ending for Joey in Friends ?,What are some mistakes you noticed on Friends ?,197284
1,What is radio Wave ?,What are the properties of radio waves ?,290455
0,Where can I find best hotels at Bhopal ?,How do I find the best hotels in Bhopal ?,315291
1,Is it necessary to do coaching for GATE ?,Is it required to enter a coaching institute for gate ?,32065
0,What are the languages that you think sound the most beautiful or the most ugly ?,What is the recommendation in the story of the skyligth room ?,143085
1,How do I talk to the new girl at school ?,How do I talk to a new girl at school ?,398306
0,How can I use the deep web to learn hacking ?,How do I hack into the deep web ?,32630
1,In the future will India and Pakistan be together ?,Will Pakistan and India unite one day ?,364607
0,Is making my movie through equity crowdfunding a good idea ?,Why does ubisoft want to make its games into movie universe ? Is it a good idea ?,321033
1,What is a good YouTube channel for learning about science ?,What are the best sites/YouTube channels about science ?,326104
0,What is special package ?,Do fewer nuclear weapons make the world more dangerous ?,132276
1,I want an iPhone because I want to get rid of Android and Windows . Am I a. Apple fanboy ?,I want an iPhone because I want to get rid of Android and Windows . Am I an Apple fanboy ?,128689
0,How many times did Jules say motherfucker in pulp fiction ?,"Which is the greatest movie , Pulp Fiction or The Dark Knight ?",368249
1,Who are notable angel investors in Singapore ?,Who are the notable angel investors in Singapore ?,305571
0,What happens if you attempt suicide by drinking bleach ?,What goes on biologically if you drink bleach ?,213036
1,Can I increase my height after 20 ? How ?,How girls can increase their height after 18 years ?,86440
0,Was Bill Clinton expelled from Oxford ?,How hard is it to be accepted into Cambridge astrophysics ?,227985
1,What is a good university for an MS in MIS ?,What are some good universities for MS in MIS ?,399830
0,How can I lose weight in 25 days ?,How should I lose weight in 20 days ?,378987
1,What is the easiest way to make money ?,What is the best way make extra money ?,81548
0,"I have an irrational fear of becoming depressed , what can I do to combat this fear ?",Why does anxiety cause irrational fears ? What can I do to overcome irrational fears ?,194062
1,How shall I start my preparation for IIT-JEE in class 10 ?,Should I start preparing for the IIT JEE in class 10 only ?,175268
0,What is the best age to get married for both men and women ?,What is the best age for girls to get married ?,289097
1,what are the signs a guy likes you ?,How do I tell if a guy likes me ?,2512
0,What is the smartest thing that you 've ever done with your iPhone ?,What is the smartest thing you have ever done in your life ?,303433
1,What are the functions of communication ?,What is the functions of communication ?,70797
0,How is IIT Delhi different from other IITs ?,How is IIT-K different from other IITs ?,24150
1,Does the new 2000 note has a chip inside for its tracking by GPS ?,Is there really a chip embedded in the new Rupees 2000 note ?,385177
0,Which is the most widely used database among relational and non-relational databases used in applications and devices ?,Which relational database is the most widely used ?,160085
1,"What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Cascadia earthquake in 1700 ?","What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Lisbon earthquake in 1755 ?",254174
0,Is Greece part of the European Union ?,Why is Norway not part of the European Union ?,30476
1,What are some popular examples of question websites like Quora and wiki answers ?,Are there any alternative question and answer websites to Quora ?,226351
0,Why is Amazon 's adaption of The Man in the High Castle so boring ?,"`` Are the rockets in '' `` The Man in the High Castle '' '' pure fantasy , or could they be built with our technology ? ''",233756
1,Which is the best entry level DSLR camera Nikon D3000 or Canon EOS 1300d ?,Which DSLR camera is better Nikon D3300 and Canon EOS 1300D ?,176572
0,How do I train for an Ironman with the goal of finishing in 11 hours and 50 minutes ?,How long does it take to train for an ironman ?,61062
1,What would have happened to election if Bernie Sanders was Democratic nominee ?,Would Bernie Sanders have beat Donald Trump ?,65120
0,What color does mixing green and blue make ?,What colors do I mix to make carrot orange ?,85215
1,What does the CVS in CVS Pharmacy stand for ?,`` Does '' `` CVS '' '' in CVS pharmacy stand for anything ? '',331483
0,What happened to ?,What happened to ?,89864
1,What is the difference between mouse and a rat ?,What is the difference between mouse and rat ?,18070
0,What are the effects of the divided government during the Kennedy administration and did it have a positive or negative effect ?,What are the effects of the divided government during the Reagan administration and did it have a positive or negative effect ?,277607
1,How can you access a private Instagram account ?,"How do I gain access to a person 's instagram photos , if their account is private ?",178619
0,What are some things you should do before your teenage years are over ?,What are the things you think that you should not have done in your teenage years ?,170275
1,Where is my other gmail accounts ?,How do I get a list of my gmail accounts ?,307997
0,Have you ever been kidnapped ?,Have you ever been blackmailed ?,393416
1,Why earth revolves around sun ?,Why does the earth revolve around the sun ?,6849
0,Can I get detailed information about science pcm ?,What is the difference between the symbols TM & -LRB- R -RRB- in relation to Trademarks ? When should these symbols be used ?,308804
1,What are the best ways to lose weight ? What is the best diet plan ?,What is the best guide to lose unwanted pounds ?,224627
0,How do I prevent the recovering of deleted photos in my iphone ?,How can I recover deleted photos from an iPhone ?,246240
1,Which is the best CMS - joomla or wordpress ?,Which is the best CMS for blogging Joomla or WordPress ?,191738
0,How can I get my parents to let me play video games during the weekday ?,How can I get my 13-year-old daughter out of the house ?,60512
1,What is the best hilarious joke you have ever heard ?,"What is the funniest joke you ever told , heard , or read ?",350881
0,"My girlfriend has dumped me , is there any chances that she may come back to me ?",Can a shy guy get a girlfriend if he 's good looking ?,114998
1,How do I grow my influence on Quora ?,How can I grow famous on Quora ?,143003
0,What 's the best tablet for an Avid PDF reader ?,What is the best touchscreen e-reader or tablet for reading and highlighting PDF files ?,138344
1,What is the easiest way to get a green card in the US ?,Who can help me to get a green card ?,43790
0,Why can I die ?,What is one thing you want to do before you die ?,285561
1,Are there any more universes ? Do parallel universes exist ?,Are parallel universes real ?,244565
0,Is it possible to use baroque pattern in modern furniture ?,Is it currently possible to use a person 's speech pattern as a password on an iPhone ?,246065
1,Is M.D quite a sufficient degree to treat the patient ?,Is MD quite a sufficient degree to treat the patient ?,202527
0,I realized my abusive ex had changed and treats his current partner very well . Why did he treat me so badly in the past ?,Why does my ex blame me for everything when he slept around and was emotionally abusive ?,25922
1,How can I tell who blocked who first on Instagram ?,How do I know why I was blocked from Instagram ?,261439
0,"If I send a message to someone before I deactivate my Facebook account , will they receive my message once my Facebook account is deactivated ?",I deactivated my Facebook . But I am still visible to my friends . How is this possible ?,349641
1,What does the SE in iPhone SE stand for ?,What does SE in iPhone SE stand for ?,389447
0,Is there any way to find out the OLDEST URL -LRB- website or code -RRB- currently online ?,How much of the website URL is revealed by HTTPS ?,194569
1,Do Windows developers use Mac in their Microsoft office ?,Do Microsoft employees use Mac at office ?,105127
0,Why I feel so tired after doing breakfast ?,Do all Pandora charms fit all Pandora bracelets ? Why or why not ?,118066
1,"If you had to describe a player with just one picture , how would you do it ?",How would you describe a player in one picture ?,300912
0,The IES is one of the most difficult exams in the world . And the toppers get half of the total marks in the IES . What are the factors that make the IES exam tough ?,How hard is the preparation for the IES exam ?,111481
1,Why should the United States lower the voting age to 16 ?,Should the United States lower the voting age to 16 ?,194510
0,What are some common misconceptions about the Law of Large Numbers ?,What are the most common misconceptions about mathematics ?,376454
1,Which name you like most and why ?,Which name do you like more ?,20155
0,I am a Muslim female and I want to marry a Hindu boy . I am a Pakistani national . What can I do ?,What are your views about an Hindu boy marrying a Muslim girl ?,213136
1,How should I control my emotion ?,How can I control my bad feelings and emotions ?,376460
0,"If I sent a message to someone on WhatsApp and I blocked them , will they receive the message ?",How do I know if I 'm blocked on WhatsApp ?,376251
1,How does RBI control the money supply in the Indian economy ?,How does RBI alters money supply in Indian economy ?,264501
0,"Guys , I am writing a short story script for audio series in YouTube titled The Gamer . I need some suggestion regarding copyrights for the same ?",I want to write a book and have decided its title and chapters . Can I get copyright for that title before finishing the writing of the book ?,120330
1,"Is writing long , descriptive answers on Quora really worth it ?",When people write really long answers on Quora is it helpful to the person who asked ?,235549
0,Is it appropriate for a girl to befriend her ex who used her ?,What is the legal thinking behind determining punishment for equal criminal actions that have dramatically different outcomes ?,88578
1,How do you completely shave your bikini area ?,How can I get a clean shave in the bikini area ?,65912
0,Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Buchanan County IA ?,What is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Sioux County IA ?,334625
1,What is the difference between Turkish and Turkic ?,What 's the difference between Turkic and Turkish ?,170617
0,What can be the best diet plan for a Vegan post Workout session ?,"I am planning to visit Ooty with my Girlfreind from Coimbatore , suggest me to plan the trip ?",122611
1,What made Facebook wildly more successful than other social networking sites like Orkut and MySpace ?,What made Facebook better than MySpace ?,66838
0,What is the best charity donation site ?,What are the best charities to donate hair ?,37696
1,What is your purpose of life ?,What is the purpose of life ? Why are we here ?,221079
0,Coal cosmetic Moisturizer ?,What is the method of using activated charcoal to pass drug test at any given time ?,7964
1,"With Vijay Mallya possibly already out of the country , how much power does the Indian legal system realistically have to prosecute him ?","With Vijay Mallya possibly already out of the country , how much power doe the Indian legal system realistically have to prosecute him ?",363448
0,How does a water dispenser work ?,How well do water pills work ?,138136
1,How can I make calls from a computer ?,What are some ways of calling someone from my computer ?,52798
0,Why do some people want to die ?,Why do n't people want to die ?,361057
1,What are the top 10 websites you visit everyday ?,What are the best websites to visit everyday ?,369303
0,How do I prepare for GRE 2016 ?,How do I prepare for the GRE ?,403389
1,What does it mean to format a camera card ?,What does it mean to format a camera ?,336314
0,Why do I feel so dead inside ?,Why do Donald Trump is alone and he do n't have friends ?,47918
1,What are some best hotels in varanasi ?,What are the best hotels in Varanasi ?,222050
0,Why is the circle an important Apache tribe symbol ? What does it mean ?,Why is the cross an important Apache tribe symbol ? What does it mean ?,329440
1,Which is the most inspirational book to change life ?,What are some of the most inspirational books that changed your view towards life ?,34077
0,What is the nursing diagnosis for hip fractures ?,What is the nursing diagnosis for fractures ?,86426
1,Why were the 500 and 1000 rupee notes demonetized ?,Why has the Modi Government banned the 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,89885
0,How do I answer if an interviewer asks me what my hobby is ?,"In a job interview , how do I answer a question asking me why I 'm unique ?",42817
1,"How cold can the Gobi Desert get , and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Registan Desert ?","How cold can the Gobi Desert get , and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Simpson Desert ?",144501
0,Does charging my iPhone 6 overnight destroy my battery ?,Is it safe to leave an iPhone plugged in over night ?,262023
1,What is the best site to learn online courses ?,Which is the best website for online courses courses ?,118985
0,What revolutionary discoveries were made in the 16th and 17th centuries ?,What kind of homes were built in the 17th century ?,116394
1,What is the best way to get traffic on your website ?,What should I do to get more traffic on my blog ?,282693
0,Do employees at Spirit Realty have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,Do employees at Duke Realty have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,237224
1,Are there any billionaires who want to decrease their fortune ?,Are there any billionaires or millionaires who want to get rid of their fortunes or not ?,74256
0,What can I do if Snapdeal does n't send me invoice of a product ?,Why does n't Snapdeal sell books ?,248214
1,How do I build up my credit report ?,What are some good ways to build your credit when you have none ?,315005
0,How do you eat Pocky snacks ?,"Snacks : Pocky , where can I get any ?",109414
1,What are the most notable accomplishments that Barack Obama has achieved during his presidency ?,What were Barack Obama 's most significant achievements during his first and second term ?,231606
0,What are some of Füssen 's best kept secrets ?,What are some of Spain 's best kept secrets ?,240120
1,How do I stay motivated in high school ?,How do I stay motivated to do well in high school ?,235715
0,Was Adolf Hitler Jewish ?,Was Hitler an atheist ?,60371
1,What are some possible solutions if I forgot my iCloud password ?,Where can I find my lost iCloud password ?,267682
0,Object-Oriented Programming : What is the difference between a function and a method ?,What is the difference between procedural and object oriented programming ?,363274
1,How winning money from YouTube ?,How can I make money through YouTube ?,225682
0,What do the Chinese think of the current state of the Chinese economy ?,How do I tell my wife I 'm Jewish ?,274036
1,What are tracer rounds ? Are they legal for the public to possess in the state of Idaho ?,What are tracer rounds ? Are they legal for the public to possess in the state of Delaware ?,63221
0,How do you submit a Jquery Callback form ?,What do we need to do to use jQuery built-in form validation ?,363002
1,How can I earn money part time online ?,What is an easy way make money online ?,98337
0,"Could we drill a hole to the earth 's core , how long would it take , and would it be a bad idea to do it ?","How much of the Earth integrity will be at risk , if we drill a hole a few thousand meters away from the Earth 's core ?",56938
1,How should I gain muscle mass ?,How can I gain weight naturally ?,271642
0,Is the Internet a Black Swan ?,Is this a black swan ?,379884
1,What is the wisest/smartest/cleverest thing you have heard a child say ?,What is the smartest thing you 've ever heard a child say ? Andy,210365
0,Is Jakarta more advanced city -LRB- Infra structure wise -RRB- than Mumbai in spite of the fact that India is more developed than Indonesia ?,Is Pakistan more Beautiful than India or not ?,107042
1,How do I balance negative thoughts ?,What are some ways to control negative thoughts ?,186779
0,What are the most underrated or not so well known places to explore in Kerala ?,Which is the best district in Kerala to live ?,126278
1,What will be the effect of banning 500 and 1000 Rs notes on real estate sector in India ? Can we expect sharp fall in prices in short/long term ?,Will real estate and prices of essential goods come down in India after the ban of 500 and 1000 notes ?,264780
0,What is the best gift that you ever presented to your parents ?,What is the best gift you can give to your friend ?,321503
1,What are some best hotels in varanasi ?,What are some best hotels in Varanasi India ?,213659
0,I am using aws EC2 instance with good configuration . But as compared to other server i feel aws is response time is very slow.can anyone please suggest way to improve its performance,"I am new to AWS , and currently playing around AWS EC2 . I wanted to know what is the difference between deploying apps through WASND vs EC2 ?",338546
1,What is a good oil for hair growth ?,Which oil is best for hair growth ?,215352
0,What are the best ways to get rid of pimple scars at home ?,How can I get rid of self harm scars at home ?,278382
1,"Ow can the drive from Edmonton to Auckland be described , and how does the history of these cities compare and contrast to the history of Ottawa ?","How can the drive from Edmonton to Auckland be described , and how do these cities ' attractions compare to those in Ottawa ?",377123
0,What 's the difference between creation and invention ?,What are some examples of Canadian inventions of the 1920 's ?,177987
1,Is this move of banning 500 & 1000 Rupee notes right ?,What do you think about RBI 's new move of banning 500 and 1000 notes ?,233244
0,What are the alternatives to fixed deposits in India ?,Can a foriegn national invest in a bank fixed deposit in India ?,122992
1,Why is Einstein 's theory of relativity still a theory ?,Why is the theory of relativity called a theory ?,249552
0,What is the hierarchy at McKinsey & Company ?,Is McKinsey a scale company ?,233325
1,"How cold can the Gobi Desert get , and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Great Basin Desert ?","How cold can the Gobi Desert get , and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Colorado Plateau ?",309144
0,Is there any Big difference between 7 and 8 size shoe ?,Does Redtape make 12 size shoes ?,204193
1,Do aliens exists ?,Do aliens really exists ? If yes then where ?,100584
0,What are the health pros and cons of swallowing semen ?,Is it safe to swallow semen ?,206199
1,Did we ever land on the moon ?,Did man really land on the moon ?,256580
0,How do you change your rescue email for Apple ID ?,How do you change your Apple ID email ?,377348
1,What should I do in order not to care about what people think of me ?,How can I stop myself from being affected by what other people think about me ?,81557
0,Do non-profit development professionals currently use social media to actively get appointments with donors ?,"As a fellow , as an Intern , or as a professional looking to do something useful , How does working for a social enterprise / non-profit help you in your professional growth and if it does - does n't it contradict the reason behind your choice ?",69561
1,Daniel Ek : When will you launch Spotify in India ?,Spotify : When will Spotify be available in India ? What are the reasons for this unavailability ?,112498
0,What a healthy weight for 21 year old girl ?,Is 110 lbs a healthy weight for a 13 year old girl who is 5 ' 5 ?,35487
1,Which are the best books to read on Digital Marketing ?,What are some good books on Digital marketing ?,288127
0,Offices : What is the best -LRB- less expensive -RRB- alternative to an Aeron chair ?,What is a cheaper alternative to the Aeron ?,286737
1,"What was the significance of the battle of Somme , and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Port Arthur ?","What was the significance of the battle of Somme , and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Rostov ?",144973
0,How can I register my email ID and phone number in an Aadhar card - UID online ?,Someone used my phone number on IRCTC to create an ID and the ID got deactivated . How do I register an account for myself now ?,234487
1,What is the evolutionary explanation for the existence of the hymen ?,What is the evolutionary purpose and function of the hymen ?,309382
0,How profitable are food trucks ?,"As a food truck owner -LRB- or ex-food truck owner -RRB- , what are the challenges you are facing ?",317522
1,Why is there always a western male dating a female Asian and not the opposite ?,Why are white male and Asian female couples much more common than Asian male and white female couples ?,64452
0,Which font does Elsevier use for its PDF publications ?,What font does Dove use ?,333265
1,How do I block calls from a particular number ?,Is there any way by which we can block all calls and sms from a particular number ?,229653
0,Why is data important to scientific endeavors ?,Which is the most important big data ?,127742
1,How many days should I be on diet to loose my belly fat and get six pack abs ?,What are some highly effective workout methods to get rid of belly fat and form a nice six pack ?,31040
0,What wrong did God do to you besides giving you a life ?,Can anyone score good in computer science class 12th CBSE ?,261646
1,Is there anything that moves faster than light ?,Is there anything which moves faster than light in the world ?,349435
0,Indian defence system ?,How can we download songs from Billboard ?,157191
1,How is US president Donald Trump important for India ?,How will Trump becoming President affect India ?,111191
0,Which is the best website to learn programming language C++ ?,Which is the best website to learn C++ Programming language for free ?,100018
1,"How can the drive from Edmonton to Auckland be described , and how does the history of these cities compare and contrast ?","How can the drive from Edmonton to Auckland be described , and how do these cities ' attractions compare to those in Montreal ?",350999
0,How do I apply winter internship in Rourkela Steel Plant ?,Are there winter internships available in the Rourkela Steel Plant ?,374196
1,What are your paranormal experiences ?,Have you ever experienced any paranormal activities ?,45098
0,What are some endemic species of India ?,Which turtle or tortoise species are legal in india as a pet ? Can anyone help me ?,274145
1,How do I send a private message to a Quora member ?,How can I write a private message to one of the users of Quora ?,28202
0,Can there be multiple universes or dimentions ?,Could god be a four dimentional being ?,244662
1,What are some common misconceptions about Israelis ?,What are some common misconceptions about Israel ?,243684
0,"In the short movie Ahalya , why does the cop get punished and trapped in a doll when he was forced to go to her ?","What is the moral of Sujoy Ghosh 's short film , Ahalya ?",41560
1,What are tracer rounds ? Are they legal for the public to possess in the state of Georgia ?,What are tracer rounds ? Are they legal for the public to possess in the state of Arizona ?,398559
0,Where did the battles of WWI take place ?,Why did WWI take place ?,213388
1,Which are the good food stuffs to gain a weight ?,Which is the best food to gain weight ?,24263
0,What can one do to stay motivated and happy ?,Self-Improvement : How can I motivate myself to work hard ?,35295
1,Does the entire brain pick up on any changes in neural activity by means of reading the change to the EM field caused by a localized activity ?,Is it that the whole brain pick up on any changes in neural activity by means of reading any changes to the EM field caused by a localized activity ?,69725
0,Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Livingston County IL ?,Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Douglas County IL ?,323450
1,Why is India failing so miserably in the 2016 Rio Olympics ?,Who should be blamed for the poor performance of India in Rio Olympics ?,297829
0,What 's the best non touchscreen phone under 10K in India ?,What is currently the best phone under 10k in India ?,2908
1,What is the best programming language for beginners to learn ?,What programming language I should learn first ?,18583
0,I confessed my feelings to my crush and she became very angry . What should I do ?,I saw my aunt taking a bath and she came to know about it . Now she and my uncle are angry with me . What should I do ?,85829
1,What are the pros and cons of working in a startup company ?,What are the pros and cons to working at a startup ?,275971
0,How did NASA get the Voyager spacecraft to interstellar space ? What were the steps/stages taken ?,"In Interstellar , how did Cooper -LRB- on Earth -RRB- get the coordinates for NASA if it was sent by himself from the 5-D space later on ?",61875
1,Is it OK to work as Petroleum Engineer after BS Computer Science + MS Petroleum Engineering ?,Can I work as a Petroleum Engineer after BS Computer Science + MS Petroleum Engineering ?,11344
0,What do you want less of in your life ?,What do you want more of in your life ?,244083
1,What prevents me from studying ?,"I can study very hard . But the fear of not remembering the answers prevents me from studying , What to do ?",291460
0,Is Gautam Buddha University taking any steps to increase the quality of their placements ahead in the year 2017 and further ?,How are the placements in GBU-Gautam Buddha University ?,339729
1,I have a picture of Arabic text . Can anyone translate this to English ?,can anyone translate this picture to English please,277750
0,Why do ASEAN and the world welcome and praise the new Philippines President to excise their independant foreign policy in the world ?,Are transgender people more accepted in Thailand and the Philippines than in Eastern European countries ?,266315
1,What softwares are used in animation ?,What are the software used for animation ?,97184
0,How can I pass the CCNA exam from the first time ?,What is cost of registration for CCNA exam ?,170909
1,How can I find the real true purpose of my life ?,How do I find a basic purpose in my life ?,351993
0,"Can a person selected as constable in Delhi police , leave the services in between the training period to join some other job , without any penalty ?",I am a . net developer -LRB- Exp -2 yrs -RRB- with knowledge of SAP SD and Security.Having opportunity in SAP security module.Confused b/w . Net & SAP.Please help ?,288123
1,Is it possible to travel time with real life ?,Is time travel possible then after how long time ?,323830
1,Which is the best laptop to purchase under INR 60K ?,What is the best laptop under 60k -LRB- 900 $ approx -RRB- ?,106627
0,Why do smelling salts work ? How do they work ?,How do smelling salts work ?,275256
1,How do I validate SaaS idea ?,How should I validate my SaaS idea ?,99291
0,Why do people want to own an iPhone ?,Why ca n't the people who manufacture iPhones quit their jobs and create their own iPhones to sell ?,5698
1,How should I forget my ex boyfriend ?,How do I forget my ex after everything we 've been through ?,352030
0,What is the difference between breed and species ?,"If dogs and wolves are different species , how can they breed and still have viable offspring ?",304029
1,I forgot my Gmail password and I ca n't answer the Gmail recovery questions . What can I do ?,How can I reset my Gmail password when I do n't remember my recovery information ?,213398
0,Do some people take credit they do n't deserve from people who simply do n't care about the credit ?,What are the facts people do n't like to admit ?,27284
1,Who is more likely to be the President of India in 2017 ?,Who should be elected as president of India in 2017 ?,70179
0,Was Sonny Bono a genius or the luckiest man alive ?,Who is currently the most famous person alive ? Who is in the top 10 ?,258038
1,Why do autistic people have difficulty with understanding sarcasm ?,Why do n't autistic people and aspies understand sarcasm ?,33426
0,What will happen post demonetization ?,What will happen after December 31 demonetization ?,310545
1,How do rating agencies work ?,How do credit rating agencies rate companies ?,273811
0,How do you hatch an egg in Pokémon GO ?,"What is the maximum `` walking '' speed , for egg hatching in Pokémon GO ?",208220
1,What is the best time for studying ? Why ?,Which is the best time for studying ?,141577
0,Can I do get a master 's in mechanical engineering from a good university in the US/Germany if I have a B.Tech degree from a 3-tier university in India ?,"Is it possible to get into MIT , USA for a master 's degree with a B.Tech -LRB- mechanical -RRB- from an average engineering college in India ? How ?",56714
1,How can you lose weight quickly ?,How can I lose my weight fast ?,371886
0,Are we running out of ideas ?,Has Hollywood run out of ideas ?,285211
1,Which smartphone has the best speaker phone ?,Which is the best speaker in smartphone ?,181201
0,Hav 4 years of teaching experience I belong to the mechanical stream want to shift to manufacturing industry do the industry consider my experience ?,I have 4 years of experience in the IT industry . I 've been offered a job with Cognizant and Capgemini . Which company is actually better to join ?,230792
1,How are the types of nerve cell structured ?,How are the different types of nerve cells formed ?,98017
0,Why are Arabs classified as white on college applications ?,Why do more Arab men seem to like White women than Black women ?,275282
1,Is Sathyabama a good university ?,Is Sathyabama a good university & Why ?,255486
0,What is the best Linux distro for hacking ?,What is the best Linux distros for gaming ?,227761
1,What is the future scope of being a data scientist ?,What is the scope of data science ?,121080
0,Are racist or hate propaganda Qs -LRB- Calling a specific community as pigs as in below snaps -RRB- allowed in Quora ?,Can Muslims eat meat ?,203971
1,How have smartphones impacted people ?,How have smartphones helped us ?,266793
0,What are the best keyword extraction algorithms for natural language processing and how can they be implemented in Python ?,Natural Language Processing : How far are we from an algorithm that can summarize documents as well as a human can ?,376211
1,Will banning 500 and 1000 notes can stop the black money ?,How will the ban on 500 and 1000 rupee note stop black money ?,296686
0,Which is the best coaching centre for IBPS-PO preparation in Varanasi ?,What are the best coaching centres for IBPS PO SBI PO in Mumbai ?,341432
1,How can I increase traffic to my site and what are some suggestions on how to get more of it ?,How can I get traffic for my website ?,260218
0,"Is there any common National Identity in India ? If no , then how can we create it ?",How can common citizens of India buy guns in India ?,310642
1,What are some of the best animated movies ?,Which are the best anime ?,10431
0,"If you could change any one thing from your past , what would it be ?","If you could change one thing about the way you think , what would it be ?",66448
1,How ca n I improve my communication skill ?,How can you improve your communication skills ?,139088
0,How do I kill procrastination ?,What 's an efficient way to overcome procrastination ?,49997
1,What is a steam turbine ?,What is steam turbine ?,97863
0,Which institutions/organisations are headed by the prime minister of India ?,Is PM Modi selling India to foreign hands ?,114311
1,Where can I found modern colours and textures for floor tiles in Sydney ?,Where can I get designer collection of affordable floor tiles in Sydney ?,354981
0,When will people stop asking about Python in Quora ?,How can I improve my resume as a undergraduate aerospace student ?,399688
1,Clinton or Trump : who is a better option for the USA ?,Who is better among Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump ?,271975
0,Which are the best restaurants/pubs in Hyderabad to watch the IPL matches ?,Which are the best restaurants/pubs in Mumbai to watch IPL matches ?,78414
1,"Which are the best seo companies in Delhi/Ncr , India ?","What is the best SEO company in Delhi , India ?",17380
0,Hack Reactor start dates,How can I hack someone 's WhatsApp account if I just have his WhatsApp account number ?,260663
1,Is it possible to get pregnant before period or after period ends ?,Can i get pregnant the day after my period ends ?,245433
0,Is this a German Shepherd dog ?,Where can I buy a Husky/German Shepherd dog ?,282085
1,How do I stop thinking of something ?,How could I stop thinking about something/worrying ?,246652
0,How can I get slim in one year ?,How can I become slim in a month ?,37343
1,Which is the best whey protein in the market ?,Which whey protein shoud I use ?,134386
0,What would be the expected salary of an income tax inspector after their seventh pay commission ?,"In hand salary of an income tax inspector , India , new recruit ?",2121
1,How do you root an Android tablet ?,How can I root my Android device ?,58799
0,How do I publish poetry on Quora ?,What do you think of my poetry I posted on Quora ?,343596
1,Is WWE Really fake ?,Is pro wrestling fake ?,108188
0,What do you think about the country Nigeria ?,What do you think about your country ?,390704
1,How do you add topics on Quora ?,How do I add topics ?,257795
0,What is equity research module ?,What is equity research ?,274358
1,I made a Gmail account on an Android phone but I forgot the password . What should I do to recover my password ?,How can I recover my email address if I forgot my recovery phone number and email address ?,111885
0,How can I improve my job prospects through extra-curricular activities while in college -LRB- see specifics in details -RRB- ?,What should I do to increase my employability ?,342040
1,Do anonymous Quora questions get more views ?,Do questions asked anonymously get more answers as compared non anonymous ? Why or why not ?,151590
0,What percentage of their brain do dolphins use ?,How much percentage of brain normally human being use ?,163863
1,What made Donald Trump run for president ?,Why do you think Donald Trump is running for President ?,90664
0,What is being said during the singing chant at the beginning of Bayley 's matches ?,"`` Why , when I chant '' `` Om '' '' , do I start to vibrate ? ''",382062
1,Where do I find an expert in cosmetic dentistry ?,How do I find an expert in cosmetic dentistry ?,227345
0,Why is my Windows 10 already activated ?,How to activate windows 10 ?,285879
1,How do I retrieve my Gmail password ?,How can I recover my gmail password ?,79675
0,What is Indicative asset allocation ?,What is asset allocation ?,69169
1,"Why do I feel like shit and depressed when I wake up , but generally feel better about life at night ?",Why do I feel more depressed when I wake up ?,302230
0,How was the usage of guerrilla warfare by the Communist Party of China like a social movement ?,How was guerrilla warfare fought ?,342167
1,What is the best philosophy of life ?,What is the best philosophy of human life ?,31841
0,How do I get my Gmail password without having my recovery phone number or phone ?,How do I reset my Gmail password when I do n't remember my recovery information ?,385001
1,Who is the worst actor/actress in Bollywood according to you ?,Who has the most pathetic acting skills in Bollywood according to you ?,99522
0,Where were the interior and exterior shots of the Continental Hotel in John Wick shot ?,What is John Wick 's past ?,394782
1,"What do you think about Narendra Modi 's decision about banning 500Rs & 1000Rs notes ? And what will be the effects , Do this make corruption free India ?","What do you think about Modi Government decision to ban 500 , 1000 notes ?",149343
0,Which is your favourite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and why ?,What are the names of the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles ? What color of bandana does each wear ?,158656
1,Do long distance relationships work ?,Does long distance relationship works ?,300575
0,Did the cognizant will give onsite opportunity for their employees ?,Which is the most brutal and disturbing snuff film ever recorded ?,226445
1,What is guerilla tactic ?,What are guerilla tactics and their examples ?,150454
0,How do you spell `` metaanalysis '' ?,How do you spell love ?,301012
1,How do I see who 's viewed my Instagram profile ?,Can I check who viewed my Instagram pic ?,255448
0,Did the USA government plan to commit acts of terrorism against its own people and blame it on Cuba ?,Did Americans commit acts of terrorism against the British Empire before and during the American Revolution ?,353698
1,How do I motivate myself for anything ?,How do I motivate myself to keep working hard ?,135990
0,What is Ultra data saving in Samsung j series mobile phone ?,Which series of Samsung mobile is best ?,116609
1,Which is the best cosmetic brand in India ?,Which is the best cosmetics brand in india ?,93495
0,Is religion a virus ?,"If religion is ultimately proved to be a bug or virus in human mind , what would be the best way to fix it in cognitive-evolutionary perspective ?",162761
1,What is the difference between Computer Science and Computer Engineering ?,"What is the difference between computer science , and computer engineering ?",190195
0,Why was the Roman Empire so successful ?,When did the Roman Empire start ?,257721
1,When does love turn into obsession ? How does one differentiate between the two ?,When does love turn into obsession ?,327953
0,-LSB- SPOILER -RSB- What is your review of The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 1 ?,What is your review of The Walking Dead Season 4 ?,160753
1,Why I am feeling mascular cramps on the right side of my stomach ?,I am feeling mascular cramps on the right side of my stomach ?,290668
0,How do I get a job at Google in india ?,What should I do to land a job at Google ? What do I do to perform well in the Google APAC ?,255379
1,How can you rapidly lose weight in 14days ?,What is the easiest way to lose weight faster ?,108559
0,What are some secret places on earth ?,What are the most secretive places on earth ?,250405
1,How can I be happy everyday ?,How do I be happy everyday ?,365805
0,"Is it better to rent , lease , or own your own house ?",Real Estate Investing : Is it ultimately better to rent or own a home ?,66514
1,Is there a permanent remedial for chronic asthma ?,Where can I find a permanent treatment for asthma ?,377457
0,What are the reactants in the hydrolysis of carbohydrates ?,What are the products of hydrolysis of sucrose ?,249397
1,Which is the most worst thing in our life ?,What is the worst thing about life ?,57040
0,"`` How should a boy actually reply when a girl says , '' `` Hmmm '' '' ? ''",What is the last thing a boy has to say to a girl ?,370031
1,Are we heading toward World War 3 ?,Is a third World War imminent ?,158992
0,Why should you visit Russia ?,Where should I visit in Russia ?,96581
1,Do we really need reservation system in India ?,Is caste reservation system still necessary in India ?,260720
0,Does the Big Bang Theory imply that something came from nothing ?,"How can something come out of nothing , as per the Big Bang Theory ?",114321
1,Does anyone still use Google + ?,Does anyone actually use Google + ?,12237
0,Is it possible Jio sim in 3G phone ?,"I need fresh and new ideas for urban noise reduction , by applying various methods such as : noise mapping , math , and soundscape concepts , etc. . ?",208043
1,How good is Rutgers MBS - Analytics program ?,How good is MBS Analytics at Rutgers University and its placement ?,385449
0,Who is the captain of the Indian cricket team ?,Who was the first captain of the Indian cricket team ?,146929
1,How will abolishing Rs . 500 and Rs . 1000 notes affect the real estate businesses in India ?,How does the declaration that Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes would not be accepted as valid transactions affect real estate in India ?,211898
0,Why do people think Biggie is better than Tupac ?,What rapper do you prefer ; Tupac or Biggie . Why ?,27065
1,How do I get a job in the UK from the US ?,How can I find a job in the UK from US ?,149721
0,My friend from the past is stalking me . What should I do ?,My mom is extremely conservative and isolates me from my friends . What should I do ?,32627
1,What is the role of RuBisCO in photosynthesis ?,How is Rubisco used in photosynthesis ?,282968
0,How do I check if my UCB -LRB- United Colors of Benetton -RRB- backpack is genuine or fake ?,How can I permanently change the color of my strolly bag from red to black in such a way that it looks genuine and lasts too ?,14794
1,How can I change my life and my bad habits ?,What can I do to change my bad habits ?,226303
0,Do people with Boderline Personality Disorder feel remorse after verbally abusing a friend ? Can they appreciate the damage they 've done after the fact,Can you have borderline personality disorder and be a sociopath ?,254817
1,What are some movies like Harry Potter ?,Are there any movies like harry potter other than harry potter ... ?,86871
0,Where is the best place to find Pokemon motivational posters ?,How many movies is it morally OK to to make where the plot motivator is the holocaust ?,190279
1,How can you treat swollen taste buds ?,How can swollen taste buds be treated ?,250284
0,Do Muslims in India celebrate Rakhee ?,Do Muslims celebrate Rakhi ?,146878
1,What is the difference between startup incubators and accelerators ?,What is the difference between an accelerator and an incubator for startups ?,372735
0,How do I face same people multiple times a day ?,Do diamonds have a melting point ? Can you even melt a diamond ?,363812
1,What are the best channels on Roku ?,What are some must have channels available through Roku ?,234867
0,Can you make Bisquick pancakes without eggs ?,How do you make scrambled eggs without milk ?,65856
1,Do the Great Lakes have any salt water ?,Why are oceans salty but the Great Lakes are n't ?,384309
0,Is using VPN -LRB- virtual private network -RRB- or proxies legal in India ?,Is it safe to use a proxy ?,40765
1,What are some ways by which a student can earn money in college ?,How do I earn money with my studies ?,37190
0,How do fighter jet salesmen feel about selling their product ?,What does God think about a country that kills with drones ?,205036
1,"I do n't know what I want to do with my life . Every day , week or month I want to do something different . What should I do ?",What should I do if i do n't know what i want to do with my life ?,29303
0,Do NBA players and coaches got paid to appear in video games like 2k16 ?,"Do sports teams get paid for appearing in video games ? If so , how much do they typically earn per appearance ?",239426
1,Which are some good non fiction books I should read ?,Which is the best non fictional book you 've ever read ?,342142
0,Who do you think Joy Boy in one piece is ?,Do you think Luffy will die at the end of One Piece ? What would you prefer ?,373026
1,Do you really love your family ?,Do you love your family ?,318727
0,How many keywords are there in the Metafont programming language in the latest version ?,How many keywords are there in the HyperTalk programming language in the latest version ?,287067
1,Who designed BHIM app ?,Who are the developers behind BHIM app ?,341220
0,Is the general population ` intelligent ' or do they think that with an average intelligence ?,Is the solution of the twinparadox in SR experimentaly proved ?,195428
1,"What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Chile earthquake in 2010 ?","What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Iquique earthquake in 1877 ?",282061
0,What are the best homeless living and survival hacks ?,What are the best healthful lifestyle hacks ?,349060
1,Is there extra terrestrial life ?,Do we have proof for extra terrestial life ?,330437
0,What are the most likely songs to get stuck in your head ?,Why do songs get stuck in your head ?,111586
1,How do I learn how to implement algorithms and data structures in C++ ?,Are there good websites where you can find short and efficient implementation for algorithms and data structures in C++ ?,351281
0,Is it possible to fall in love within 2 days ?,Is it possible to fall in love in 3 weeks ?,384278
1,Can we issue driving licence in other state ?,Can I apply for driving licence in other state ?,358456
0,What 's the best international travel/health insurance package offered ?,How does one choose the best global health insurance plans for frequent travelers or expatriates ?,313186
1,What would the Modi-led government do in case another 26/11 type of attack takes place ?,"If Pakistan mounts a 26/11 type attack again , how would the Modi govt . react ?",312516
0,How does it feels like to be a gay or lesbian ?,How does it feel like to be gay in India ?,307515
1,How do I learn to love studying ?,How can I love studies ?,351271
0,What is the importance of fundoscopy ?,"How 's it to earn Rs .50,00,000 per annum ?",270283
1,How can I speak faster ?,How can you speak faster ?,113548
0,How do I get job opportunities and how do I settle in New Zealand ?,How can I get a job in New Zealand ?,253365
1,What is operating leverage ?,What is operating leverage ? And to calculate it ?,374369
0,"How can entropy of two reversible process be same , between two temperature limits ?",How does the frictional force between two moving surfaces produce internal energy . Why does the reverse process not occur ?,294700
1,Which is better MBA or CA ?,Which is better CA or an MBA ?,113605
0,What do white noise machines do ?,What is white noise ?,70459
1,What are the differences between true north and magnetic north ? What are their similarities ?,What are the differences between true and magnetic north ?,356686
0,How do I prove that two vectors are parallel or not ? Explain with an example .,"If vectors ab and cd are parallel , show that ad = bc ?",388201
1,What are some of the best inventions in 2016 ?,What are the best Technology things in 2016 ?,130416
0,`` What is the definition of '' `` demand creation '' '' ? '',Do you have any advice for a young entrepreneur ?,25859
1,Why is China blocking the move to ban Masood Azhar at UN ?,Why does China support Masood Azhar ?,368699
0,Is Quora getting spam ?,How does Quora define spam ? What are the consequences of spamming on Quora ?,245593
1,Is Hrithik Roshan a best actor in Bollywood ?,Is Hrithik Roshan the best actor of Bollywood ?,175477
0,Will I get into McGill university and/or university of Toronto ?,Can I get into McGill University or University of Toronto ?,229150
1,What does it mean when your period is three days late ?,Does a late period mean I 'm pregnant ?,75450
0,Is Mr. bean dead or alive ?,How popular is Mr Bean globally ?,316787
1,How can I make a cv which will impress recruiters with no work experience ?,How do you write a CV without experience ?,63887
0,What is left after tax for a $ 200k salary in New York ? What is the standard cost of rent for a studio or a 2-bedroom flat ?,"How much is the rent in New York for a lavish and luxurious flat , penthouse or bungalow ? What is the cost of a normal flat not very cheap but very ok ?",274220
1,"According to the Bible , is the second coming of Jesus in the near future ?",Is the second coming near ?,339485
0,What is the easiest way to get a business loan ?,How can I get loan for my startup in India from any banks ?,30267
1,Is Indian media worst in the world ?,Is the Indian mainstream media -LRB- MSM -RRB- one of the worst in the world ?,357238
0,Are Latino guys really amazing in bed ?,Why do Latinos have so many kids ?,222786
1,Who will win the two thousand sixteen U S presidential election and why ?,Who do you think is going to win the presidential elections and why ?,163912
0,Why are beautiful girls so rude all the time ? I saw a girl crying and I went to ask if I can help and she became very rude and told me to go away .,Why are answers and reviews on Quora collapsed ?,253005
1,What is one thing most people do n't know about you ?,What are some things most people do n't know about you ?,390620
0,Does Taekwondo have practical applications on self-defense ?,Is Taekwondo an effective martial art ?,317467
1,What are the major causes for the ozone depletion ?,What are the major causes for ozone depletion ?,199805
0,What happens when sodium sulfite and nitric acid are mixed ?,What happens when sodium sulfite and hydrochloric acid is mixed ?,211539
1,What 's the best way to learn English ?,What is the best way of improving spoken English ?,334669
0,"Which is better ; Cake 3.0 , Laravel 5 or CodeIgniter 3 ?",When is CodeIgniter 3 going to be released ?,95448
1,How can you remove water from your ear ?,What is the best technique to remove water from one 's ear ?,209517
0,"Why ca n't countries afford China 's high quality products , but insist to buy low quality Chinese products which Chinese themselves do not want to buy ?",Which brands or products sound Chinese but actually are n't ?,319625
1,What are the best places to eat in New York City ?,Where are the best places to eat in New York City ?,189718
0,How do I implement geofencing with Google Maps API in javascript ?,How do you implement the new Google maps tracks API ?,42833
1,Any solutions for making wifi signal penetrating a metal wall ?,Is there a way to make wifi penetrate a metal wall ?,172528
0,How can I stop being so jealous of a celebrity ?,How can I stop being jealous of a friend ?,122161
1,What are the best moments of Rio Olympics 2016 ?,What is the Best moment in RIO Olympic 2016 ?,160834
0,What is the monthly salary of chief minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal ?,Does a Chief Minister get weekend off ? What does Arvind Kejriwal do on the weekend ?,344287
1,What are some good NGOs working in the field of children 's education in India ?,What are some good NGOs recognised by Govt of India and working in field of child education ?,204392
0,How do I become a marine biologist ?,How does one become a marine biologist in Singapore ?,394868
1,How can I publish my own book ?,What is the process of publishing a book ?,97394
0,How is cargo carrying capacity determined ?,How is carrying capacity determined ?,189047
1,Have you ever been caught masturbating ?,Have you ever been caught while masturbating ?,257244
0,Who would be Czar of Russia today if the Romanov Dynasty were restored ?,Are there still members of the Ottoman dynasty left today ?,49843
1,Does Quora stand for QUestion OR Answer ?,What is the Quora means ?,331250
0,What are the well-known hacker magazines and forums ?,`` What is known about the hacker '' `` OxOmar '' '' ? '',226859
1,How do atheists explain the Shroud of Turin ?,What do you think about the Shroud of Turin ?,201341
0,How can I end my own life instantly and painlessly ?,Do you think someone is a coward if they want to die but are too scared to kill themselves ?,378900
1,What is the process in a solar cell in generating electricity ?,How do solar cells generate electricity ?,350917
0,What do the levels of zinc and copper in your hair mean ?,Is it true that hair turn grey due to loss of copper ?,143169
1,What are tricks that each Cse student should know ?,What are some computer tricks that a CS student must know ?,257947
0,Can people with an IQ higher than 140 calculate -LRB- 456 * 765 -RRB- in their head in seconds ?,Ego : Are people with average IQs inferior to people with a higher IQ ?,40305
1,Is coaching necessary to crack JEE Advanced ?,Is coaching necessary to succeed at the JEE Advanced ?,202135
0,What does Pattern do ?,What is Z-Pattern ?,306473
1,Which is the best anime to watch ?,What are some good anime shows/films to watch ?,74513
0,What companies are similar to IDEO in Melbourne ?,What companies are similar to IDEO ?,319126
1,Will I face any problem while finding a job if I have a one or two year gap between my 12th and my graduation ?,I have 2 year gap between completing 12th and starting college -LRB- BCOM -RRB- Does it affect my Job prospects after graduation ?,381806
0,What is Pluralsight training ?,What is HIIT training ?,371814
1,What are the examples of a presence of mind ?,What are some of the examples of presence of mind ?,242343
0,To which caste and category does the surname Saini belong to ?,Why in UP do only the uppercastes use caste names as surnames and not the lowcastes ? Do the uppercaste people want to proclaim that they belong to this caste ?,281281
1,What are the best entrepreneurial decision -LRB- s -RRB- that you made in your life ? And what difference did they make ?,What has been the best decision you 've made in your life ?,198891
0,Is introducing the new denomination of Rs 2000 a good move by India ? How will it help our economy ?,Who is the 1st person to receive the new Rs . 2000 note in India ?,244041
1,What should I do with some bruises that wo n't go away ?,What can I do about a bruise that wo n't go away ?,131534
0,When and how did the British monarchy start losing its power ?,We have a new princess in the British monarchy . Who is your favourite British royal ?,40045
1,What can you teach me about the Roman empire that is rarely known ?,What are some of the rarely known facts about the Roman Empire ?,203278
0,What does ` many happy returns of the day ' even mean ?,`` Why is it '' `` many happy returns of the day '' '' instead of '' `` much happy returns of the day '' '' ? '',242404
1,How did crop circles originate ? Is there any logical explanation behind this phenomenon ?,How are crop circles made ?,277779
0,"What hotel in Nainital Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples , without the harassment of police , hotel staff , and moral police ?","What hotel in Gangtok Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples , without the harassment of police , hotel staff , and moral police ?",158979
1,What is the difference between Ethernet and Intranet ?,What is the difference between intranet and ethernet ?,11423
0,What is it like to be a computer science student at UCSB ?,"As a freshman , would doing research in MATLAB or self-studying C++ -LRB- for CS major -RRB- be better for getting a computational graduate degree in the future ?",365760
1,What is one thing you believe to be true that most do not ?,What is something you believe to be true that no one else does ?,241210
0,"What is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Sloughhouse , California CA ?","What is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Ridgecrest , California CA ?",242985
1,What was your first music memory ?,What was your first musical memory ?,131006
0,My husband was just wondering what percentage of babies were conceived at Drive in Theatres over the years . Can anyone hazard a guess ?,Which are some good courses to masters in electronics engineering ?,60902
1,What are the shrimp quotes in Forrest Gump ?,What are the best shrimp quotes in Forrest Gump ?,118989
0,What is the definition of economic globalization ?,What is economics ?,154128
1,"I just started my period and it 's brown , is this normal ?",Is a brown discharge during your first period normal ?,26674
0,"How do I find -LSB- math -RSB- \ int -LRB- \ sin 3x -RRB- ^ -LCB- -2 -RCB- \ , \ mathrm dx -LSB- / math -RSB- , step-by-step ?",How would I solve this equation step by step ?,376692
1,How do you wash boots in a washing machine ?,Can you wash boots in a washing machine ?,10087
0,Why we girls does ' t stand against what are happening within us in our society ?,"Our society does n't let children play in the society park , what should we do ?",232247
1,How do I delete the Facebook Messenger account from an iPhone without the Facebook account ?,How do I delete FB messenger account that was set up without fb and only number . ?,140920
0,What are the frequencies of lower and higher octave classical SA and PA in Madhyama shruti ?,Why is singing in 3 octaves high impressive ?,115334
1,What is a good song to lyric prank your best friend ?,What are some good lyric prank songs to send your best friends ?,397
0,How can I make money as a 13 year old ?,Money -LRB- kids -RRB- : How can a 10-year-old make money ?,378663
1,Which is the best phone for Audio Recording ?,Which phone has the best sound recording quality ?,128827
0,"Where can I invest $ 250,000 ?","Where should I invest $ 100,000 ?",299885
1,Which is your favourite film in 2016 ?,What is the best film of 2016 ?,260096
0,What are the most important metrics for e-commerce companies ?,What are the most important features an E-commerce platform should have ?,153249
1,What 's the best security app for an Android phone and why ?,What is the best security app for Android ?,398610
0,`` What imagery is found in '' `` The Gift of the Magi '' '' ? '',`` What similes are found in '' `` The Gift of the Magi '' '' ? '',158074
1,What is the best feeling that you have ever had in your life ?,What are the best feelings to be experienced in life ?,223418
0,How do I begin investing ?,How do I begin investing in stocks ?,349430
1,What was meant by the final scene in 2001 : A Space Odyssey ?,What is the ending scene in 2001 : space odyssey ?,384161
0,Why are the AC control vents above the seats in most Bangalore BMTC Volvo AC bus broken or malfunctioning ?,How much does a Volvo bus employed by the BMTC cost ?,86317
1,Which are some must read books ?,Which are some of the books that is a must read for a person in his 20s ?,370337
0,How to write a good GSoC proposal ?,Which organizations have a high acceptance rate of proposals in GSoC ?,18124
1,What are the causes of having sleep paralysis every night ?,What are the causes of constant sleep paralysis ?,136194
0,Trump fallen angel ?,Is graft widespread among Ukrainian public officials ?,183579
1,What are wormholes ? Do they really exist ?,Does wormholes really exist ?,200367
0,How one can grow weight ?,What is the most expensive thing you would consider buying from eBay ?,266644
1,Suggest Books which 'll change your life ?,What are the books that changed your life ?,41181
0,How can I stop this fight in Pokémon GO ?,How do I fight in Pokémon GO ?,88564
1,Is it acceptable to answer your own question ?,Should Quorans be allowed to answer their own questions ?,245477
0,Is sex a social construct ?,How is sexuality socially constructed ?,81779
1,"Which country is more powerful , the USA or Russia ?",Does Russia or the USA have more military power ?,31265
0,What is the charging and discharging curve of a capacitor ?,What is charge pump capacitor ?,361840
1,Why is ro water purifier necessary ?,Is really RO water purifier necessary ?,258279
0,What is the scope of MIS in US for Indian students ?,What is the scope of MIS course in US in terms of package/jobs ?,46167
1,What is the importance of International Phonetic Alphabet ?,Why is the International Phonetic Alphabet important ?,196575
0,"As an intern , how do you go about asking for more work ?",I want to work in the field of Social work . How should I go about it ?,170277
1,How was the last night debate between Trump and Clinton ?,What are your views about the debate between Trump and Hilary ?,316934
0,Why did Darth Vader step on Obi-Wan 's robes after killing him ?,Was Obi-wan not acting in the Jedi way when he refused to kill Vader ?,345760
1,Is being introvert a bad thing ?,Is it bad for being an introvert ?,65186
0,How can I earn mony in online ?,What is the best way of earning mony online during studies ?,332176
1,What is the best site to download YouTube downloader ?,List some sites to download youtube videos directly online ?,35756
0,What are the various ways that other drugs can interact with LSD ?,What is the best way to avoid drug abuse ?,383915
1,Which MBA stream is better to pursue a mechanical engineer as fresher ?,Which stream is better in an MBA for a mechanical engineer ?,353097
0,Lichens as air pollution indicator ?,"What is the best answer to when a girl say , ` You do n't even know me . How can I be in a relationship with you ? '",228422
1,I had sex with two uncircumcised men . Is it better to ride a circumcised dick ?,Sex with Uncircumcised and Circumcised Men : Is There a Difference ?,324857
0,Can I change my thinking ?,How can I change my thinking ?,26138
1,How do I start writing short stories ?,How can I start writing short stories ?,313806
0,Does Daft Punk perform live on a regular basis ? Where and how often ?,What was it like to attend Daft Punk 's Alive 2007 in Bercy ?,95495
1,Which is the best laptop under Rs 60000 for gaming in India ?,Which is the best gaming laptop under Rs 60000 ?,353175
0,What is hyper ?,What is hyper reality ?,189063
1,What is the best gift you give to your mother ?,What is the best gift you can give to your mother ?,317345
0,What kind of recipes do you usually need ?,What is a thyroid surgery like ?,32417
1,How do I stop worrying about what others think of me ?,How do I not care what other people think of me ?,132660
0,Why did the United States fight the Vietnam War ?,Why did the United States lose the Vietnam War ?,374003
1,Which are the best laptops under INR 25000 in Indian market ?,What are the best laptops under 25k ?,256198
0,"It is known that the language of Gospels was originally the Greek language , Then translated to all languages , So How is this whereas the language of Jesus and his disciples was Aramaic Language ?",Why does Persian have so many similarities to languages that seem unrelated to it ? And what are the origins of the language ?,49837
1,Which is the most ancient civilization in the earth ?,What is the oldest civilization on Earth ?,133485
0,Where can I play/practice drums in Silicon Valley ?,"If you play a musical instrument , what about it made you stick with it and not quit ?",103218
1,How can I have more casual sex in India ?,What is the best way to have casual sex in India ?,8226
0,"I have a Dell vostro 1520 , how can I get it to run on linux ?",From where I can get windows 7 recovery data for dell Inspiron 1520 ?,214836
1,What is particle spin ?,What is spin ? What are the causes for a particle to spin ?,189023
0,"Why are women allowed to cry and not be shamed , while men can not cry in public ?","If men/women have their choice of clothes , why does n't the government allow them to go nude in public places ?",274218
1,Why was particularly November chosen for No Shave November ?,How was November chosen for No-Shave November ?,5490
0,Can I promote Amazon affiliate products locally ?,How will I know which of the physics fields I 'm interested in ?,207773
1,What is the best programming language for a beginner ?,What are the best programming languages for beginners and why ?,63586
0,`` Why do I get a message on Facebook messenger saying '' `` this person is n't receiving messages from you right now '' '' ? '',Can I delete a message if it has n't been received on Facebook ?,89346
1,Is Israel funding ISIS ?,Are Israel and ISIS allies ?,4776
0,Can anyone see what I am following on Quora ?,How do I see all the Quora questions I 've asked or am following ?,160170
1,"How come people on Quora ask questions here , when they can get them on Google and why is Quora just a question/answer site , will it expand ?",Why do people ask questions on Quora that are easily to find answers too on Google ?,255934
0,Which phone I should buy within the range 8000-14000 ?,Which phone should I buy within a range of 1000 ?,93572
1,How do you train a Jack Russell/West Highland White Terrier mix ?,How do you train a white Pitbull with brown spots ?,29103
0,How you program an image recognition algorithm ?,Which are the image recognition tools ?,255667
1,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP DesignJet Z3200 24-in PostScript Photo Printer ?,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP DeskJet 1112 Printer ?,245819
0,Is legal ?,Is is legal ?,335724
1,Why do we put candles on birthday cakes ?,Why do we put candles on top of birthday cake ?,334419
0,What are examples of lipids in food ?,What are some foods that contain lipids ?,94191
1,Can the world 's oil reserves be depleted ?,Can the world 's oil reserves ever be depleted ?,4801
0,How can I innovate ?,How can one become an innovative person ?,339183
1,What is the best way to clean a Vicks vaporizer ?,How do you clean a Vicks vaporizer ?,329613
0,"How do eCommerce portals such as Flipkart , Snapdeal , Homeshop18 , etc. perform better at search placement for key keywords than content portals such as Techtree and Tech2 ?",How do I switch to eCommerce giants like Flipkart or Snapdeal ?,308394
1,What are the ill effects of masturbating ?,Are there any negative effects of masturbation ?,180004
0,What are the best restaurants near UC Irvine 's campus ?,My brother is doing diploma in engineering from private university in Dehradun . . he wants to change the university after 2 semester ?,93489
1,How do you know if you are in love with someone ?,How do you know you are in love with someone ?,90854
0,What happens if a man accidentally pees inside a woman ?,What happens if I pee a poo ?,265895
1,How much does getting a patent cost ?,How much does it cost to file a patent application ?,86361
0,What is the most profitable way to sell t-shirts online ?,What is the best online store to sell t-shirts ?,294177
1,Why is nobody answering my questions in Quora ?,Why are people not answering my questions on Quora ?,42034
0,Are there any common trends among the administrations or policies of Harvard educated US Presidents ?,Are there any common trends among the administrations or policies of Yale educated US Presidents ?,274401
1,How should I get motivated to hit the gym every day ?,How do I get motivated to hit the gym ?,132827
0,What is the salary of an agricultural engineer from IIT Kharagpur ?,What is the career of an agricultural engineering seat in IIT Kharagpur ?,310637
1,Where can I learn to sing online ?,Where can I learn to sing exclusively online ?,335760
0,What is the best way to personally develop yourself ?,How does personality develop ?,384923
1,How can you learn to stay motivated all the time ?,How do I stay motivated ?,46318
0,What are some current affairs/events which would be great topics for extempore speeches ?,What are good topics for a process speech ?,74528
1,What is the best time of day for workout and exercise ?,What is the best time to exercise ?,154313
0,Can I install airbags and ABS in my car ?,Is abs and airbags necessary for city driving conditions in India ?,189498
1,How do I get cheap flight tickets ?,Where can I buy cheap flight ticket ?,276951
0,`` Can I see my '' `` activity '' '' on Quora from mobile app ? '',What are the various WiFi Internet options at JSW Vidyanagar Township for bachelors ?,339867
1,What do you think of the decision by the Indian Government to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,What are the full implications of the Indian government 's decision to withdraw all the old 500 and 1000 rupee notes from circulation ?,97655
0,What are some good side dishes for pesto chicken ?,What are side dishes for salmon patties ?,373902
1,Who made you realize you were gay ?,When/how did you realize you were gay/bisexual ? Were you in denial ?,226088
0,Can Android Jellybean 4.2.2 be upgraded to Lollipop 5.0 ?,How do I manually upgrade my Android 4.4.2 to 5.1 Lolipop ?,227624
1,What was your best school memory ?,What are some of the best school memories ?,352574
0,Where did the industrial revolution begin in Asia ?,What are some good project ideas for CSE third year student ?,189466
1,Does Hillary Clinton have any serious health issues ?,Is Hillary Clinton seriously ill ?,310497
0,Can Chinese people read this text ?,Can Chinese people easily read Vietnamese Chu Nom ?,385044
1,What is the importance of money in ones life ?,How much the importance of money in life ?,98308
0,Who won the second presidential debate : Trump or Clinton ?,In your opinion who won -LRB- or performed better -RRB- in the Second Presidential Debates -LRB- held at University of Washington -RRB- ?,145295
1,"There is 1kg and 792g of barrel oil in 2 containers , what will be the quantity if we divide it in 4 boxes : ?",". There is 1kg and 792g of barrel oil in 2 containers , what will be the quantity if we divide it in 4 boxes : ?",306737
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Splunk ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at AT&T ?,336929
1,Should I buy an iPhone 7 ? Why ?,Should I buy the iPhone 7 ?,297119
0,What can be the best daily routine for an IT engineer ?,What should be the best daily routine in SEO ?,173801
1,Will banning 500 and 1000 notes can stop the black money ?,Replacing 500 and 1000 notes - how will this move reduce black money ?,216177
0,What can I do to have a flat tummy ?,How do I reduce my tummy fat ?,402933
1,Which is the best state within India and why ?,Which is best state in India ?,398373
0,How was communication before the cell phone became widespread ?,Where can I get the best treatments for bed bugs in Bronte ?,67178
1,How will Modi 's ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 affect those who are having black money ?,How black money will be affected by discontinuing rs 500 and 1000 notes ?,25048
0,"Why are Google and Facebook banned in China ? If Google is banned , then how do Chinese phones have Android ?",Who banned Gmail in China ?,383220
1,What are the most weird facts about India ?,What are the weird facts about India ?,47751
0,Which are good Github project where novice programmer can contribute ?,How do I contribute on GitHub ?,113712
1,Is it possible to get pregnant before period or after period ends ?,Can you get pregnant the day before your period starts ?,375692
0,What 's the worst thing that you 've done that has worked out for you ?,What is the worst thing that you have done ?,345462
1,Does Donald Trump really want tobe President ?,"Does Donald Trump really want to be president , or is it just an act to stay in the limelight ?",323923
0,Is dragon fruit cultivation profitable in Andha pradesh -LRB- INDIA -RRB- ?,`` Where is '' `` passion fruit '' '' grown in India ? '',320828
1,What are some unknown things about Narendra Modi ?,What are some lesser known facts/incidents related to Narendra Modi ?,23875
0,Which is best course after mechanical engineering ?,What are the best courses after mechanical engineer ?,240019
1,What would be the best way to control anger ?,How can a person control anger ?,374088
0,What business can I start with $ 500 ?,What business I can start with $ 1000 ?,133932
1,What should you do when you feel like a loser ?,How can I stop thinking of myself as a loser ?,356637
0,What should I care and not care about ?,Should I care about anything ?,87945
1,How can I find a person from his picture ?,Can you find someone with a picture ?,93541
0,Does Tempera paint work on fabric ?,How does a non-spray paint works in plastic ?,135768
1,How can I get a complete list of all my gmail accounts ?,How can I find all my old Gmail accounts ?,32256
0,Is Mark Zuckerberg intelligent or just smart ?,Is mark zuckerberg smart ?,71908
1,Is the lack of Asian American males in interracial relationships mainly stems from Asian men preferring Asian women ?,Why do East Asian men seem so reluctant to consider interracial relationships with NON-white women ?,190392
0,Why do software engineers work so hard compared to others in the organization and yet not rewarded proportionately ?,What is the meaning of the word paresham -LRB- its a Hindi name -RRB- ?,324163
1,How I can speak English fluently ?,How do I speak English properly and confidently ?,20296
0,Why do some people prefer Linux over Windows ?,"Which OS is better , Windows , Mac OS X , or Linux ?",323068
1,Why do people believe the earth is flat when clearly earth is round from space ?,Why do people still believe in flat earth ?,396416
0,"I experience yellow vomit every morning while I brush . No food is in it , but it 's very bitter and yellow . What does this mean ? What should I do ?",I had pizza and the next morning I woke up with a stomach ache and fever and later vomited . Was it food poisoning ?,169792
1,How did Donald Trump win the presidency ?,Why did Donald Trump win the 2016 American election ?,167014
0,Why do some successful people commit suicide ?,Why do people commit suicide ?,61144
1,How do I add a profile picture to my Quora account ?,How can I change my Quora profile photo ?,292394
0,What could we call a person who takes a lot of selfies ?,"These days , I 've started judging people a lot who take way too many selfies around me . Is it normal ?",44024
1,What do you think about Modi government banning 500 & 1000 currency note from 9th November ?,What do you think about the ban on 500 and 1000 denomination notes in India ?,135635
0,Is polygamy a valid sexual preference ? Should we have an LGBTP community especially in the West where polygamy is still stigmatised ?,Is polygamy still a thing ? I am planning to marry like 10 women . Is this feasible ?,204908
1,How do I start having meaningful conversation with a girl ?,How do I start a conversation with girl ?,290892
0,What does ` kunjinkao ' mean in Chinese ?,What does ` wuhuakeshuo ' mean in Chinese ?,137326
1,What can natrully change your eye color ?,Can subminals audio change eye colour ?,197044
0,"When bacteria die do they also decay , will they be decomposed by other bacteria ?",Do bacteria reason in a very simplified way or have sensory data ? Which came first when they first appeared ?,34206
1,How can Donald Trump win the elections when people hate him so much ?,Why did Donald Trump win the 2016 American election ?,296601
0,If Lex Luthor from Smallville when to Hogwarts before he become evil what Hogwart house will he be in ?,If Lex Luthor from Smallville when to Hogwartswhat Hogwarts house will he be in ?,403035
1,What are the best ways to make seaweed jelly ?,How do you prepare Seaweed Jelly ?,95198
0,Can a Golang app running in a Docker container still take advantage of parallelism -LRB- not just concurrency -RRB- ?,Is there any foodclubs run by communityOR group of people ?,361036
1,Why has no app been invented that allows email address users to delink former phone numbers they linked with their accounts that they no longer use ?,"Why does no application developer on the planet give app users the ability to disown phone numbers , email addresses and email address aliases ?",283082
0,`` Will there ever be a '' `` One World ; One Nation ; One Earth '' '' multicultural reality ? '',Should the world ever be united as one country and government ?,73804
1,Why did you choice to become a doctor ?,Why did you become doctor ?,368305
0,Is the driver job in Uber considered as work experience when applying for higher studies abroad ?,Does working in an Indian IT service company be considered as a work experience for higher studies or later jobs ?,215175
1,Do you feel gay marriage should be legalized in India ?,Should homosexual marriage be made legal in India ? Why or why not ?,67233
0,What are some idioms in English that are not commonly used these days ?,What are some common examples of idioms in books ?,115264
1,What are the best social media for small business and why ?,What are the best social media sites for a small business ?,364697
0,Why does Britain prefer tea to coffee ?,"What 's more preferable when you are depressed , tea or coffee ?",237711
1,"Islam : According to islam , are all non-Muslims going to hell ?","According to Islam , are all non Muslims going to hell ? Is this fair considering most people are not lucky enough to be born as Muslims ?",66318
0,Recreational Drugs : Can baking soda clean your system of methamphetamine ?,How do I clean out my system from methamphetamine ?,330164
1,How do I take control on masturbation ?,How can I stop masturbation ?,283492
0,Why does Seattle have such low crime and so many tech companies ?,Why is my heel stiff ?,336651
1,How much does it cost to build Typhoon Lagoon ?,How much did it cost to build typhoon lagoon ?,71366
0,What is the total cost -LRB- hostel + fees -RRB- at the Amity University in Noida ?,How good is Amity University Noida for B.Tech in CSE and what about its other campuses ?,266552
1,Why is it that the ISIS are targeting France from last two years ?,Why are Islamists targeting France so aggressively in recent years ?,359324
0,How girls flirt with a guy ?,How do girls flirt ?,382930
1,Can OJ Simpson be charged with Perjury now that there is evidence he committed the murder ?,Is O.J. Simpson likely to be charged with perjury now that the bloody knife has been found ?,390978
0,Is it true that is it is illegal to use a VPN in Dubai ?,What is use of VPN ?,274541
1,Should i buy iPhone 7 or iPhone 6S ?,Should I wait till 16 september 2016 or buy an iPhone 6s ?,23885
0,How is the Langmuir isotherm different from the Freundlich isotherm ?,What is Isothermal compression ?,135675
1,Does people still think Hillary is trustworthy ?,Is Hillary Clinton trustworthy ?,236837
0,How do you pronounce Reinhard Heydrich ?,What did Reinhard Heydrich do at the 1942 Wannsee Conference ?,382935
1,Should the Indian education system be changed ?,Do you think the Indian educational system should change ?,129970
0,How do we measure high voltages ?,Are high voltage transmission wires insulated ?,159603
1,What are the differences between mitosis and meiosis ?,What are the differences between mitosis and meiosis ? What are their similarities ?,331261
0,Why would your Airbnb be illegal ?,Why is Airbnb illegal in NYC ?,305969
1,How can I grow taller fast ?,What are the tips to grow taller ?,376286
0,Does the Apple TV -LRB- 3rd gen -RRB- support HDMI CEC -LRB- a.k.a HDMI Control -RRB- ?,What is the use of an HDMI port in an LED TV ?,103230
1,How can I apply pan card with initial in surname or last name for reprinting my pan card ?,How do I apply for pan card in bank ?,82053
0,How can I study MBBS in Germany ?,How should I study in MBBS ?,24066
1,How do I recover my Facebook email and password ?,How do I get into my Instagram if I forgot my email and my Facebook password ?,242739
0,How do I become like Minato ?,"What if we download a movie in Extra Torrent , would that be a cyber crime in India ?",76984
1,Which US presidents have been impeached ? What are the reasons why this action was taken ?,"Which US presidents have been impeached , and what are the reasons why this action was taken ?",311241
0,Why are nice people always left alone ?,How do I accept that I will always be alone ?,289912
1,What single change would most improve the Quora experience ?,If you could change a few things in Quora what would it be ?,185076
0,How does the hard drive work and store memory ?,How does an external hard drive work ?,254998
1,How is money important to society ?,Why is money so important to society ?,156110
0,What are the worst things you have ever done ?,What was the worst thing you ever did at school ?,295987
1,What if my girlfriend still talks to her ex ?,What if my girlfriend talks to her ex ?,318836
0,How do I grow hair close ?,What are some tips for growing strong hair ?,297207
1,What is the best programming language for beginners to learn ?,What is the best computer programming language to learn first ?,5929
0,What are some tips for learning how to drive a car ?,How many hours does it take on average to learn car driving and to earn UK driving licence ?,175520
1,What is the best book cover you have come across ?,Which book has the best cover design ?,285089
0,Who will win Super Bowl 51 ?,Who will win the 2014 Super Bowl ?,330467
1,How can I start programming from zero level ?,How do I start learning programming from beginner to expert ?,178387
0,How common are baseball fields in Europe ? How do their baseball field dimension differ from U.S. fields ?,Am I doing right or wrong ? -LRB- read detail -RRB- ? Buying CBR and Iphone is wrong for middle class boy ?,391645
1,Why are computer screens always rectangular ?,Why are televisions and laptop computer screens rectangular in shape ?,45987
0,Can cheese never be made without rennet ?,Where do you buy rennet ?,78071
1,How does a ship float on water ?,How does the ship float on the water ?,125393
0,Swami Vivekananda preaches to take up one idea and make that one idea your life and shun other ideas . How justifiable is it to spend time on writing/thinking about many things as what happens in Quora ?,How do people come up with ideas for things like Facebook or Google ?,385359
1,How can I start building my own custom PC ?,How do I start building a computer ?,295291
0,When & how did Switzerland become so rich ?,When will Switzerland become a poor country ?,176114
1,"In Sydney , which company stock quality ceramic and porcelain wall and floor tiles ?",Where can I found large collections of ceramic and porcelain wall and floor tiles in Sydney ?,296798
0,What is the per capita income of rajasthan ?,What is the per capita income of kerala 2014 ?,85192
1,Why did the Russians lose the Winter War ?,Why did the Soviet Union lose the Winter War of 1939 ?,357400
0,Which network should i port to ? Airtel or idea -LRB- madhya pradesh -RRB- ? Keeping in mind both the tariffs and network quality,What is VTOP in IDEA -LRB- mobile network -RRB- ?,280849
1,Why are people so obsessed with money ?,Why do we obsess over money ?,112736
0,What is funding ?,What is fund of funds ?,164338
1,`` Do you really '' `` Love '' '' your parents ? '',Do you love your parents ?,302141
0,Who can love your children ?,Who loves children 's films ?,142205
1,How can you figure out or know if you are in your comfort zone ?,How can I know what my comfort zone is ?,313437
0,What 's the english word for ` jhak ' ?,What is the English word for `` mayka '',165531
1,What are the dietary habbits of a snapping turtle ?,What are the dietary habits of a snapping turtle ?,186957
0,How do you come to know you failed at Wipro interview ?,I am overweight what can I eat that is healthy and has less calories ?,328767
1,Does pure love really exist ?,Does true and pure love exists ?,126763
0,Which parts of Earth have yet to be explored by mankind in 2014 ?,What % of water bodies on Earth have been explored ? Is some recent project or process going on to explore it all ?,19364
1,How do I lose weight in a short time ?,What are the best ways to lose a lot of weight as quickly as possible ?,147697
0,`` What are some sentence examples using '' `` jejune '' '' ? '',`` What are some sentence examples using '' `` satirical '' '' ? '',3189
1,What are pros and cons of 500 and 1000 currency notes abolishing ?,How will the ban on existing 500 and 1000 rupee note affect India ? What are the pros and cons ?,56314
0,What is the cheapest way to ship goods from the US to Singapore ?,What is the cheapest way to ship a product from India to China ?,229664
1,Could a person pay a Russian hacker to take Quora off the net ?,Could a person pay a foreign hacker to take Quora off the net ?,308116
0,How much food do you get in prison ?,What foods do inmates eat in prison ?,318910
1,"In your opinion , was Ronald Reagan a good president ?",Do you personally think that Ronald Reagan was a good U.S. President ?,342166
0,"Technically , what is the definition of a penny stock in India ?",Which penny stocks are worth investing in India ?,188446
1,Who or what inspires you ?,What inspires you and in what way ?,253217
0,How profitable is the recording studio business ?,What are the most in-demand skills in recording studios ?,62892
1,What 's the best way to learn playing guitar ?,How can l learn guitar ? What are some good tips for playing guitar ?,371432
0,I been married for two years and I do n't love him anymore ?,`` How do you pronounce '' `` Twitter '' '' ? '',257403
1,What is the magnetization curve ?,What is a magnetization curve ?,128215
0,How do I cheer up when someone is upset ?,"How can one make someone that is sad , happy ?",178108
1,Can anyone help me to start a business in india ?,What is the best way to start a business in India ?,135925
0,How do you kill germs in the air ?,Does cold air kill germs ? Why or why not ?,82807
1,Why did Jem and Scout call Atticus by his first name in To Kill A Mockingbird ?,"`` In '' `` To Kill a Mockingbird , '' '' why do the children call their father Atticus and not dad ? ''",363877
0,What causes the check engine light to come on in a Hyundai Sonata ?,What diagnostic machine can I use to determine why a check engine light is on ?,152355
1,What types of media are there ?,How many types of media there are ?,259719
0,What causes black spots on a cat 's tongue ?,What causes black spots on a cat 's gums ?,26592
1,"Is March 6th , 2015 , a good time to buy Apple stock ?","Is this a good time to buy Apple stock -LRB- February 11 , 2016 -RRB- ?",73593
0,How can I be motivated to study for NEET and AIIMS by dropping two years ?,How should I be constantly motivated for studying for neet 2017 ?,398086
1,Where can I test my IQ online ? Is there any free source ?,What are some free online test that I can take to measure my IQ correctly ?,63177
0,What applications does machine learning have within Forex trading ?,Forex Trading Help ?,351377
1,Which is best place to travel in Goa ?,Which is the best place to visit in Goa ?,135244
0,"`` If America is the '' `` world 's best country '' '' , why are there still people who can barely afford healthcare ? Would n't it be better if healthcare was free ? ''",What country has the best healthcare system in the world ?,276652
1,How can I prevent acne ?,How can I prevent my acne ?,81678
0,What is the source of heat in the mantle ?,Is heat capacity the same as specific heat ?,279335
1,Why do people choose to be transgender ?,Why would someone choose to be transgender ?,387080
0,How can I learn to draw realistic portraits ?,How can I learn to draw portraits ?,181601
1,How did Jimmy Wales start building the wikipedia ?,What made Jimmy Wales start Wikipedia ?,302423
0,How can one reach Ramkrishna Ashram Marg Metro Station from Indira Gandhi airport ?,What is the difference between a script & a dashboard in SQL ?,345588
1,Where can I hire a professional hacker ?,Where do I hire professional hackers ?,49471
0,What is it like to fall in love with a married man ?,What do you do when you 're in love with a married man ?,206656
1,How many words does an average native English speaker know ?,How many words does an average English speaker know ?,111513
0,What is awesomeness ?,What is awesome ? Why ?,358685
1,What is best way to start learning programming ?,How do I start learning programming from beginner to expert ?,89997
0,How dangerous is a black and yellow spotted snake ?,How dangerous is a black snake with green spots ?,271779
1,What are the best lotions for tanning beds ?,What is the best cheap tanning bed lotion ?,329343
0,Do men regret cheating on their partner later on in the relationship even if they are never caught ?,INDIAN arrange marriage : what 's wrong in cheating if your wife is so stupid to understand your needs even after explaining thousand times ?,24906
1,How do you track cell phone message ?,How can you track cell phone messages ?,401906
0,What statistics should I know to do data science ?,What do you need to know to learn data science ?,346107
1,Does a long distance relationship really work ?,What are the best ways to keep a long distance love relationship happy ?,150726
0,"How much do senior consultants make at top tier management consulting firms like McKinsey , Bain & Co , BCG or Strategy & -LRB- Booz -RRB- ?","How much do successful career consultants at top firms -LRB- McK , Bain , BCG , Strategy & ... -RRB- make at the age of 30 ?",322016
1,What are Mika Singh 's favorite destinations ?,What are Mika Singh 's favourite destinations ?,253796
0,Do wolf packs really move with the slowest members first ?,How does a wolf pack function ?,82709
1,What are the requirements to join the Canadian Army ?,How can you join the Canadian army ?,240397
0,Do Germans understand Swiss German ?,How difficult is it for people who speak High German to understand Swiss German dialects ?,387964
1,What is the national language of India ?,Which is the national language of India ?,381690
0,Did you meet your soul mate during a travel ? What was your experience ?,"Given a chance , what would you say to your future soul mate ?",61222
1,What will the people who have Black Money in Swiss Bank do after the demonetisation of 1000 & 500 note ?,"With the demonetization of 500 & 1000 notes , what will happen to the money kept in Swiss banks ?",176920
0,What are some adjectives to describe history ?,What are adjectives to describe water ?,362726
1,What was Josef Mengele like as a person ?,What was Joseph Mengele like ?,146477
0,What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Senegal ?,What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Iraq ?,343059
1,How do I cope with extreme anxiety ?,How do you cope with social anxiety ?,318602
0,What are some best conversations you have overheard ?,What is the most interesting conversation you have ever overheard ?,162472
1,How do I to start a new business ?,How do we start a business ?,198324
0,What causes black spots on a cat 's tongue ?,What causes black spots on a cat 's nose ?,107961
1,How should I get rid of belly fat ?,What is the best exercise for belly fat ?,53621
0,What is the wobble effect in genetic code and what does it cause ?,What is the best book on molecular genetics ?,348618
1,How do a calico cat and a tortoiseshell cat differ ?,What are the difference between tortoiseshell and calico cats ? What are some examples ?,403271
0,What do Hillary supporters assume is going to take place in the years after if she is elected with all the scandals ?,"In the United States , is it legal to sell your surplus , non-narcotic prescription anxiety medication ?",348623
1,Where can I buy T-shirts online in India ?,Which website is best to buy t-shirts in India ?,181187
0,How do I completely remove IDM from Windows 8 ?,"How do I use the IDM for free , without using IDM license serial number ? -LRB- for windows 8 -RRB-",21310
1,How is the coefficient of kinetic friction found ?,How is the coefficient of kinetic friction measured for any given pair of surfaces ?,384252
0,"I need to take a specific medication for the rest of my life , but my health will be damaged because of that . What should I do ?","Very want to know some foreign friends , who can help ?",263182
1,What are the best reference books for IIT JEE PCM ?,What are the good reference books for IIT jee PCM ?,210036
0,How di I remove redirect virus from android ?,Are Android phones safe from viruses ?,249961
1,My question was marked as needing improvement ! What does it mean ? How do you mark other questions for improvement ?,The question was marked as needing improvement . Just now ?,279022
0,How do I become a supply chain consultant ?,What qualities will make me good engineer in supply chain management ?,77642
1,Where can I get very cost effective towing services in Sutherland shire ?,Where can I get very affordable towing & recovery services in Sutherland shire ?,355861
0,My insta acc disabled why ?,Do you think Asians are more racist than westerners ?,295324
1,Can you build muscle with just bodyweight exercises ?,Can I build muscle with bodyweight exercises ?,236781
0,Is Mba in travel after btech is correct option ?,Is politics is profession in India ?,222533
1,How would the bilateral relationship between India and the USA be under Hillary Clinton 's presidency ?,What will be the Hillary Clinton 's India policy if she become the president of USA ?,191232
0,What is it like to cuddle with someone ?,What is it like to cuddle with a dog ?,71583
1,How did Aman Bansal prepare for IIT JEE ?,How did aman Bansal -LRB- AIR 1 JEE -RRB- study ?,322495
0,"Which is the best college , SRM or VIT ?",Which is the best college SRM in Chennai VIT ?,90584
1,Which are some best websites for mechanical engineering students ?,What are the websites a Mechanical Engineer student should visit ?,203514
0,"What are DNA , RNA , Genes , Chromosomes ? How do they work ?",What is DNA ?,207255
1,How do I reduce my lower abdomen fat ?,How do I reduce my tummy fat ?,234474
0,Why is it cheaper to buy a MacBook Pro on Amazon than at the Apple Store ?,"Can you buy a MacBook Pro in Tokyo , Japan from the Apple store with an international keyboard ?",350632
1,How should I earn money online working from home ?,How can I earn money online from home only ?,321341
0,What type of relationship does Mahesh Bhatt have with his daughter Pooja Bhatt ?,What is Alia Bhatt like in real life ?,379748
1,Has secularism has failed in India ?,What is wrong with secularism in India ?,118264
0,I 'm a starting MTF transgender woman with very wide shoulders . Should I gain or lose weight to make it less obvious ?,Process of production of plastic ?,199496
1,What happens when an Inmovable object meets an iresisable force ?,What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object ?,142196
0,Can some one suggest me a Good code learning site ?,How can I get a college interview if I 'm an international freshman applicant ?,382046
1,A compound has the molecular formula XeOn where n is the number of oxygen atoms . What is the equivalent of n when the dipole moment of the compound is minimum ?,"A compound has the molecular formula XeOn where n is the number of oxygen atoms . What is the equivalent of n when the dipole moment of the compound is minimum ? Options are zero , 1 or 3 .",17251
0,What are liberals ?,What are liberal democracies ?,287914
1,What languages should I learn to build an Android application ?,What computer languages should I learn to be an Android application developer ?,107816
0,What are the best nude scenes of Hollywood movies ?,Which is the one movie scene you watch again and again ?,48242
1,What are some horror stories that have happened in real life ?,What are some scary horror stories that happened in real life ?,181016
0,"For recent college graduates , what 's the difference between a good cover letter and a bad cover letter ?","How can one write the perfect cover letter , step by step ?",176956
1,How can I find my deleted contact 's ?,How can I find my deleted contacts ?,199443
0,What are some of the really hot ASIC startups in the Bay Area ?,What are hot startups in the Bay Area as of 2015 ?,167349
1,Which are the best hospitals in India for kidney treatment ?,Which is the best hospital in India for treatment of kidney disease ?,341249
0,What is the difference between an account executive and account director ?,"What is the difference between accounts executive , accounts director , accounts manager and accountant ?",312811
1,Should a wife divorce porn addict husband ?,Should I divorce my husband over his online porn addiction ?,65155
0,How is a human head transplant just two years away ?,What do you think about first head transplant surgery ?,398512
1,How do you become the top writer on Quora ?,What should I do to become a Top Writer on Quora in 2017 ?,191757
0,Why it is important to switch-on the headlights on vehicle test track ?,Why do n't Indian automobiles have automatic sensors to turn on and off the headlights ?,135908
1,How do I recover a lost Gmail password ?,How do I recover my Gmail account when the recovery phone is no longer in service and forget my old password ?,255285
0,What is saddest thing you have ever faced in life ?,What is one thing you caught your parents doing that you wish you had never seen ?,98782
1,Do people post questions in Quora just so that they can skip searching in Google for a few minutes ?,Why do n't Quora people just look up the answer on Google ?,29566
0,How can I see a full-size profile picture of someone on Instagram ?,Can someone I block on Instagram see my messages ?,78392
1,"If Anne Boleyn had n't married Henry the Eight , would England be catholic today ?","If Anne Boleyn had n't married Henry the Eighth , would England be Catholic today ?",222626
0,What should a poem be about ?,Can anyone write a poem about a poem ?,136682
1,What is the best Quickbooks technical support number ?,What are the best intuit quickbooks support plans ?,201837
0,Is there a word for an adult who never went to school ?,What are some interesting words in English ?,75834
1,"If we all evolved from monkeys , then how come monkeys still exist ?","If humans evolved from apes , why are there still apes ?",112698
0,Why is it that passion can be your profession but a profession need not be your passion ?,`` Is your '' `` passion '' '' your '' `` profession '' '' ? '',172533
1,What 's your idea about islam ?,What do you think of Islam ?,5337
0,What are the best data visualization conferences ?,What are the best Sharepoint 2013 data visualization tools ?,356535
1,How can we become rich soon ?,How can someone become rich ?,293809
0,Should I see a psychologist ?,Why does n't everyone see a therapist ?,77558
1,How do I stop being possessive about my girlfriend ?,How do I stop being possessive over my girlfriend ?,278709
0,"Do Indians usually not maintain eye contact while interacting ? If so , why ?",Why do some people avoid eye contact ?,332640
1,Which is the best English translation of the Qur ` an ?,What are the best translations of The Holy Quran in English language ?,373835
0,What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Mali ?,What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Canada ?,151637
1,Should I invest in Bitcoin ?,Should I buy bitcoin ?,338967
0,How main character can discover the truth in this situation ?,"How do I handle a work situation where work is being fed in with the story that it is doable to achieve daily , but in truth this is not the case ?",21964
1,What are the best methods of saving money ?,What is the best way to save more money ?,259421
0,What are some of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib verses that everyone should know and practice ?,What are some facts about Shree Guru Granth Sahib ?,89589
1,What are views of mnit jaipur ?,How is NIT Jaipur ?,220578
0,`` Is '' `` generation wuss '' '' a good name for the millennial generation ? Why or why not ? '',How does Millennial generation feel about cleaning up the mess of the Boomers ?,26780
1,Can a zombie apocalypse ever happen ?,How likely or unlikely is zombie apocalypse to occur in near future ?,144773
0,"What is some advice that every young , aspiring writer should know ?",What 's the best advice for young aspiring writers ?,403311
1,What is it like to meet Sergey Brin ?,What is it like to meet Sergey Brin in Person ?,379359
0,How do I write a horror novel ?,How do you write a novel ?,211491
1,Is it practically possible for two or more countries to merge into a single entity ?,Is it possible for 2 countries to merge into one ?,71007
0,How do I share something with other computers via an IP address ?,How can I bind IP address with my laptop on shared wifi ?,10726
1,How do I know if a girl likes me back or not ?,How do I know whether a girl likes me ?,318950
0,How do I sort the hexadecimal 31-bit integer 12345678 in a little-endian machine and then in a big-endian machine ?,How do I convert text features to numerical in ML ?,140603
1,Why should I vote for Hillary Clinton -LRB- apart from keeping Donald Trump out -RRB- ?,Why should one vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election ?,225852
0,How do I come up with Android App ideas ?,What might have been the natural evolution of Africa has not been colonized ?,137978
1,What is a good headphone under 2k ?,Which headphone is better under 2000 rupees ?,36053
0,Is the t6 .3 al250v a quality fuse ? Why ?,Whereis the light fuse located in F450 ?,33266
1,How can I increase height after 22 ?,Can anyone increase their height at the age of 21 or 21 + ?,69199
0,How is the word ` irate ' used in a sentence ?,How is the word ` prestidigitation ' used in a sentence ?,59731
1,What will happen to Hillary Clinton after the 2016 election ?,What will Hillary Clinton do after the election ?,308854
0,"What are good , low-cost -LRB- or free -RRB- alternatives to Google Alerts ?",What is a good alternative for Google Alerts ?,25066
1,What will be the future of LGBT in india ?,What is the future of the LGBT community in India ?,3264
0,Is legit ?,Is legit ?,366159
1,What is the share market ?,What is shares market ?,346694
0,What are the permissions and licenses required to manufacture adhesives in India ?,What are the permissions and licenses required for manufacturing shampoos in India ?,339712
1,Are all the stars we see in the sky part of the Milky Way Galaxy ?,Would the night sky look different to the casual observer if the only objects visible were located in the Milky Way Galaxy ?,28489
0,What is a good weight and height for a 19 year old male ?,What are the ideal weight and height for 17-year-old male ?,78657
1,Why is a Labrador/Great Dane mix so expensive ?,Why is a chocolate Lab/Great Dane mix puppy so expensive ?,289654
0,How is Hired 's referral rate ?,Which is the best way to earn lakhs of rupees from referral s ? Is there any programme ?,11257
1,What amazes you about Rahul Dravid ?,What are some mind-blowing facts about Rahul Dravid ?,159087
0,USA nuked Japan in 1945 and can it be right ?,What do you think of fuck buddies ?,401620
1,Can any one tell me a basketball club in Bangalore ?,Are there any basketball clubs in Bangalore ?,327689
0,"After looking at someone 's Facebook profile a few times , they became a friend suggestion . Am I now a friend suggestion to them , too ?",`` I looked at someone 's Facebook profile who is not a friend.Will i end up on their '' `` people you may know '' '' ? '',337584
1,Does anyone get paid to answer questions on Quora ?,Will people get paid to answer here ?,257653
0,What are some of the craziest/weirdest things you 've seen a bear do ?,What are the craziest/weirdest things you 've seen a professor do ?,381069
1,How do I study more efficiently on tough subjects ?,How can I study faster and more efficiently ?,325345
0,"`` Can we start a sentence with '' `` As well , '' '' ? ''",`` Can you start a sentence with '' `` as '' '' ? '',403903
1,What are some of your favorite childhood memories ?,What are your fondest childhood memory ?,95984
0,How should ask my crush for her number ?,How should I ask my crush for his number ?,201675
1,What makes you want to vote for Hillary Clinton ?,Why should I vote for Hillary Clinton ?,54609
0,Who can give me modalert in Delhi ?,Which plot in Delhi will give me the best resale value later ?,58891
1,"How is the EEE branch at VSSUT , Burla ? How good is the placement scene ?","How is EEE in VSSUT , Burla ?",220401
0,"Can someone , who I unfriended on Facebook , still see the posts on which they commented or liked ?",If I have unfriended someone on Facebook can I see what they post on their page ?,376315
1,What 's the cleanest diet possible ?,What is the cleanest diet ?,256186
0,What is the difference between Flash and Flash Gordon ?,Is there any relation between The Flash and The Prison Break ? Why are there so many characters in lead roles in The Flash ?,247135
1,How we lose belly fat india ?,How can I effectively lose belly fat ?,369928
0,Quora -LRB- company -RRB- : How is Quora not dying ?,Quora -LRB- company -RRB- : Is Quora slowly dying ?,16062
1,Which is the best movie ever ?,Which is the best movie you have seen so far ?,276517
0,Was Muhammad a military dictator ?,Who supports dictators and why ?,195279
1,"You go back in time to meet your younger self , what would you say and why ?",What would you say to your younger self ?,265955
0,How can light weight materials help lower the emissions from buses ?,"How can astrophysics calculate weight , temperature , and materials that exist on other planets that are a million light years away ?",38123
1,What are the benifets of eating spicy food ?,What are the health benefits of eating spicy food ?,186705
0,Has there ever been a physical fight on the TV show Survivor ?,Why the color of Indian team representing Olympics varies for each sport ?,39992
1,How can we improve our reflexes ?,How can I improve my reflexes ?,324289
0,Why is MongoDB the market leader in the NoSQL space when MarkLogic appears to be a more robust and capable data storage/retrieval platform ?,NoSQL : What 's the HBase or MongoDB right for ?,118680
1,Who is your most relatable fictional character ?,Who 's the fictional character that you find yourself most like ?,111951
0,Is this excerpt good ?,Is this short written piece correct ?,154353
1,What are the best novels ever ?,What is the best novel ever ?,80813
0,Can you ignore a girl whom you like and who has almost no flaws and likes you too ?,How good of an acrobat is Batman ?,391393
1,How can I earn money through YouTube ?,How do people earn money from YouTube ?,185994
0,Which is the best software to edit your voice like professional singers -LRB- which software do youtubers use for uploading song covers -RRB- ?,"Is it illegal to upload a cover of a song on Youtube ? And is it okay for them to make money with my video ? It 's my voice , does n't that mean anything ?",127957
1,What do BJP supporters have to say about the recent revelations about paid news by BJP ?,What do you think about the recent video exposing paid news by BJP ?,375755
0,"Why , despite losing elections , are Arun Jaitley and Smriti Irani given such important portfolios such as finance and HRD in Modi 's cabinet ?",Is Arun Jaitley a corrupt man ?,193972
1,Why is roman saini not active on Quora now a days ?,Why is Roman Saini not so active on Quora now a days ?,210861
0,When is the Rugby World Cup ?,How often is the Rugby World Cup ?,96511
1,Why do sometimes we get double vision ?,Why does one get double vision sometimes ?,324679
0,What are advantages of using oil ?,What are the advantages and disadvantages of using oil ?,144830
1,What are examples of invertebrates ?,What are some examples of invertebrates ?,305074
0,What would you do if your boyfriend is speaking abusive words to you ?,How can l boost sexual performance ?,294339
1,Can there be any major issue in future if my wife is 6 months elder than me ?,What problems will I face if my husband is 6 months younger than me ?,234116
0,Was Sri Lanka 's national anthem written by Rabindranath Tagore ?,What are the lyrics of the Sri Lankan anthem ?,370489
1,What the purpose of life on earth ?,What 's the purpose of life ? What is life actually about ?,174615
0,What are some common examples of ethnic traits ?,What are some of the most common examples of dominant traits ?,17296
1,What are the ways to commit suicide ?,What is an easy way to commit suicide ?,173354
0,What is your review of Grand Theft Auto IV ?,What is your review of Grand Theft Auto V ?,402449
1,What is the secret behind Bermuda triangle ?,What is in the Bermuda triangle ?,111473
0,Is there a way to get a user 's full profile picture through the Twitter API ?,Is it possible to get a user name instead of a user-id from Twitter 's streaming API ?,45578
1,What are pros and cons of 500 and 1000 currency notes abolishing ?,What are the pros & cons of demonetization ?,364890
0,"When do we expect launch of Xiaomi Mi 5s , Mi 5s plus and Mi Note 2 ?",Will Xiaomi launch Mi 5s in India ?,9768
1,Are you selfish ?,Are you too selfish ?,204147
0,Why is my ex girlfriend so confusing ? Does she still have feelings ? Is she trying to make me jealous ?,Why is my ex girlfriend so confusing ? Does she still like me ?,81631
1,How should I earn money online working from home ?,How can I earn money part time online ?,230381
0,Which is the best smartphone within the price of 5000 ?,Which is the best android phone to buy within Rs .5000 ?,118132
1,How do I gain weight in a healthy way ?,What is the best weight gain treatment for gaining weight ?,301418
0,Why is it so hard to get fired in Japan ? -LRB- in comparison to the U.S. -RRB- and does it affect productivity ?,I do n't like sale ?,133691
1,"If you could go anywhere in the world for two weeks , where would you go ?","If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world , where would you go ? Why ?",233885
0,Why is clay considered organic ?,What is organic ?,152512
1,What 's the first thing you do when you wake up every morning ?,What is the first thing you do when you wake up ?,165264
0,How does hydrochloric acid react with magnesium ?,How do magnesium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid react ?,97300
1,Is here Can I Get Info Jeezy Trap or Die 3 Mp3 Album Tracklist ?,Is here Can I Get Info Jeezy Trap or Die 3 Mp3 Album Download and Tracklist ?,164915
0,How can we develop a new mobile app ?,What are the methods available to market my new mobile app ?,279594
1,"Does universe expand because of some energy ? And if yes and expansion has no limit , is that energy infinite or at least potentially infinite ?","If more vacuum energy appears with expansion and it has no limit , can infinite of this energy be created ? If yes is energy infinite ?",259176
0,Is there any free software for creating whiteboard animations ?,How do I most easily make an animation like this using free software on Linux ?,66614
1,"What are the best books for physiology , anatomy and biochemistry ?","What are the best books for physiology , biochemistry and anatomy ? Or may be the ones that Gujarat medical students prefer ?",19769
0,What does it feel like to study Psychology ?,What is the study of psychology ?,272769
1,How do I start conversation with a girl at my workspace ?,How do you start a conversation with a girl in public ?,289750
0,What was Apollo 3 's mission ?,What was Apollo 1 's mission supposed to be ?,155049
1,What are benefits of rooting Android phone ?,What are the benefits of rooting an Android device ?,70013
0,"You are playing a board game in which every turn , you roll 2 dice . However , you can not begin until you roll doubles -LRB- the same number on both dice -RRB- . If you do not roll doubles , you lose the turn , and must try again next turn . How many turns do you lose until you finally get the doubles you need to start ?",How would you feel if you worked in a small office where the same playlist of 30 songs played on repeat over the ceiling speakers every single day ?,185083
1,How do you convert grams to milliliters ?,What are some ways of converting grams to milliliters ?,359349
0,How can you change a few old notes worth rs 3000 ?,Why do billionaires not have to stand in line at ATMs or banks to change their Rs 500 or Rs 1000 notes ?,105030
1,How I can improve my English communication ?,How do I improve my overall native English language ?,248321
0,Why am I unable to make calls using phone dialler on Reliance Jio ?,Does Reliance JIO 4G require internet to make voice calls ?,133141
1,How did you make your first million dollars in India ?,How do I make my first million dollars -LRB- in India -RRB- ?,189241
0,What are Yu-Gi-Oh ! Cards ?,Where can you find Yu-Gi-Oh cards for cheap ?,280854
1,How can I get a chance to meet Mr. Narendra Modi ?,How can I meet Narendra Modi ?,177259
0,What 's the difference between A Brief History of Time and A Briefer History of Time ? Should I read both ?,Will I be able to understand the book - a brief history of time ? -LRB- I have read just 1 astronomy book . -RRB-,213210
1,What should I do to stop hair fall ?,How can a teenager reduce hair fall ?,149484
0,Is it a good plan for a middle class Indian student to do masters in Australia ?,Can you be a theoretical physicist and an engineer at the same time ?,384517
1,What are the best laptops below 40k ?,Which one is best laptop under 40k ?,160614
0,Will Marcos Alonso succeed at Chelsea ?,"In Wisconsin , must you show ID to a police officer upon their request , or can you refuse ?",281609
1,What are some must read books before one dies ?,What is that one novel that everybody should read in life ?,236788
0,Is there a way to unsend Snapchats that have n't been seen yet ?,Is there a way to see expired Snapchat photos ?,204982
1,What are some examples of elements and compounds ?,What are elements and compounds ? What are some examples ?,76359
0,What 's the best way to learn Python ?,How do I learn python ?,281683
1,"After donating at least a pint of blood to a blood bank , will there be any noticeable change in blood pressure ?",Will donating blood temporarily lower blood pressure ?,254682
0,Why do USA people speak so loud even though you 're close to them ?,What does wedge salad taste like ?,398827
1,What is the cost of a Snapdragon 2100 SoC ?,What is the Snapdragon 2100 SoC pricing ?,190075
0,What are your 15 favorite Bollywood movies from 2000-2015 ?,What was your favorite movie of 2000 ?,42144
1,Why is harem illegal in western civilization if most of woman in it want their husbands to be able to earn good fortune ?,Why is harem illegal in the Western world ?,137925
0,What is the difference between these in Python ?,"What are the differences between Python 1 , 2 , 3 ?",349813
1,What investing strategy do you recommend for binary options trading ?,Which is best strategy to earn money with binary option trading ?,108229
0,How can I get into the Indian MET department ? I 'm currently studying for B.Tech .,Currently I am pursuing my 2nd year in NIT Calicut -LRB- EEE branch -RRB- . How should I plan my studies in order to get placed in a good core company ?,166132
1,What is the easiest way to make a little money online ?,How can I start to make money online ?,366456
0,How can I apply for financial aid in the US for studying abroad for a Master 's degree ?,What are my chances if I apply for PhD study at top 20 US universities with a MERIT master degree from the UK ?,262252
1,Who will win the 2016 presidential elections ?,Who is going to win the 2016 US presidential election ? Why ?,156634
0,How can I find Ashampoo Burning Studio Free ?,"Wich University is a better choice ... Harvard , Yale or Cambrige ?",323538
1,Does reducing the quality of a video in YouTube affect the sound quailty ?,Does changing the video quality on YouTube also affect the sound quality in any way ?,78202
0,Must K-Pop idols always live in their entertainment dorms for their whole music career ? It looks like they are not free unlike American music artists .,Which k-pop idols are not Asian ?,251045
1,What is the way to get peace of mind ?,How do I find peace of mind ?,371342
0,What does it mean if my girlfriend is jealous whenever I talk to another girl ?,Can I get a girl jealous by bringing up another girl ?,32168
1,Why are Youtube videos not playing ? How can I fix this ?,Why is my YouTube video not showing ? How can I fix it ?,297282
0,How do I convert a shortcut file into original ?,How can I recover shortcut files into original files in windows 10 ?,208185
1,Would you date a Muslim guy ?,Would you date a Muslim guy ? Does it matters what a person 's religion is ?,359830
0,Does Symbiosis Institute of Business Management -LRB- SIBM -RRB- offer exchange programmes ?,Are gnocchi safe for rats to eat ?,209682
1,Has feminism weakened the social fabric of Indian society ?,Is feminism a threat to Indian society ?,296342
0,What happens when an item shipped by Amazon gets returned to sender ?,What are add-on items on Amazon . Does it mean you ca n't have them shipped unless you have at least $ 25 worth of items shipped by Amazon ?,240715
1,What 's the most important lesson about life ?,What is the most important lesson you have learned from life ?,333425
0,In a class of 100 75 have bike 45 have car and 35 have both how many of them dont have anything ?,How do I deal with an arrogant female co-worker who has an influential background ?,236435
1,Is Mark Zuckerberg planning to run for the president in future ?,Will Mark Zuckerberg run for president -- in 2020 or another time ?,39544
0,What is the difference between working effectively and working efficiently ?,Why is the world missing efficiency in the work it 's doing ?,320540
1,Do you believe in astrological signs ?,Do you believe in zodiac signs ? Why or why not ?,224123
0,What are the best resources when applying for a music graduate degree ?,What are the best resources when applying for a history graduate degree ?,1976
1,What happens to the equilibrium price and quantity using demand and supply curves when hot weather causes demand for ice cream to increase ?,What happens to the equilibrium price and quantity using demand and supply curves hot weather causes demand for ice cream to rise ?,189810
0,How difficult are the internship interviews at Silicon Valley companies ?,I have an interview at a Silicon Valley tech company for product analyst . What should I do to prep for the case interview ?,347267
1,What 's the reason India fails in Olympics ?,Why is India so bad at Olympics ?,399880
0,Is Marcos Arteaga a social media expert ?,Why should you hire a social media expert for your website ?,255700
1,What are the fastest ways to lose belly fat ?,What is the quickest way to lose belly fat ?,225523
0,How did Sirius Black escape from Azkaban ?,Who / what guards the Azkaban now ?,169165
1,How do you fight OCD ?,How does it feel to fight OCD urges ?,107223
0,How do I stop using heroin ?,How did you start using heroin ?,223853
1,Who are the best professors ?,Who is the best best professor ever ?,112035
0,Why did the US not win the war of 1812 ?,What is the closest Britain and the US has been at war against each other since the war of 1812 ?,113205
1,What is the most powerful handgun in the world ?,What is the most powerful handgun ?,227518
0,Why is first-time sex sometimes painful for a girl ?,"I 'm 14 and I just had sex for the first time , I feel so guilty and bad about myself , like I 'm a failure . Why do I feel this ? How do I feel better ?",359976
1,Why do some married women flirt ?,Why do married women flirt ?,237072
0,Are the reading wars over ?,Is war over ?,111744
1,Can I get pregnant a week after my cycle ?,How do I get pregnant just after my periods ?,18511
0,How do I get permanent residence for non European in UK ?,How do I become a permanent resident of UK ?,320018
1,What are the reference books and the best book to prepare for cbse ugc net paper 1 ?,Which would be the best book to prepare for UGC-NET Paper 1 ?,301299
0,Who is the best live show anchor ?,What is the best way to anchor a steel bookcase to a wall ?,35204
1,How can one learn to read and speak Old English ?,What are the best ways to learn Old English -LRB- Anglo-Saxon -RRB- ?,64585
0,How has search engine optimization evolved ?,What are some tips for search engine optimization ?,185759
1,How do I reduce belly fat that I had since young ?,How can I reduce belly fat and overall weight ?,362660
0,What are some kind words to say to a friend with a sick parent ?,What kind of relationship do you have with your parents ?,244020
1,I heard a news where people are burning sacks of notes . How will it affect RBI / Indian economy ?,What will be the effect of burning & destroying sacks of 500 & 1000 notes on Indian economy ?,291804
0,Has Daft Punk really played at James Murphy 's house ?,"Daft punk is making one last album , any of you think they 'll do dub step ?",94988
1,How can I reduce my Belly and tummy fat ?,How can I reduce belly fat and overall weight ?,96486
0,How can you tell if a pineapple is ripe ?,Why are pineapples considered a fruit ?,365964
1,How do you become a web/developer ?,What do I need to do to become a web developer ?,234879
0,What 's the best store to buy caps and hats online ?,Which is best online store to buy running gear and clothes ?,240339
1,How can I join Indian army after BBA ?,How can i join Indian Armed Forces ?,349794
0,How do payroll companies make money ?,How companies make money ?,776
1,"If an astronaut in space took his helmet off for a second , what would happen ?",What would really happen to an astronaut who took off his helmet in space ?,305554
0,Any start up from India working on blockchain ?,Is there any activity happening around Blockchain technology in India : any startups working on blockchain applications that are out there ?,212988
1,Why do tall guys love short girls ?,Is it true that tall guys like short girls ?,390664
0,`` What 's the difference between '' `` at all time '' '' and '' `` at all times '' '' ? '',`` What is the difference between '' `` on time '' '' and '' `` in time '' '' ? '',73267
1,How can I know that my girlfriend is lying ?,How do you know when your girlfriend is lying to you ?,200582
0,What are the best dragon deck lists in Yu-Gi-Oh ?,What is a list of Tuner Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh ?,330615
1,How do you exactly start a business ?,How should I start up a new business ?,174802
0,"What is it like to work for Coca Cola , Pepsico or Nestle ?",What is it like to work at Coca Cola ?,51208
1,What 's Stephen King 's writing style ?,What is Stephen Kings typical writing style ?,337450
0,What law firm is representing Julian Assange from WikiLeaks ?,Did Julian Assange give the recent release scoop to Fox News because they represent his new base ?,77402
1,How can I avoid daydreaming ?,How can people stop daydreaming ?,207512
0,What 's the most disturbing truth about marriage ?,What is the most truthful statement ?,397243
1,What are the best books for SSC CGL preparation ?,Which book is best for SSC CGL ?,20858
0,Can anybody give me references of Soma Rasa or wine or drinks from Rig-Veda in Sanskrit ?,I want to learn Sanskrit . What is the best book or video that can help me in learning Sanskrit precisely ?,388332
1,How can you determine the Lewis structure for HCN ?,How is the Lewis structure for HCN determined ?,95504
0,"No stars on the lunar landing , where was all the stars ?",Why are photos taken in space sometimes devoid of stars ?,395339
1,What 's the best way to get followers on insta ?,How do I get more followers on Instagram if I just started ?,48775
0,"I want to change my name in my class 10 CBSE certificate , but I 'm currently living in KSA and I 'm not an Indian . What should I do ?",I 'm a current CBSE class 12 student and I 've not learnt my class 11 properly . Will I be able to score 485 + if I start working hard now ?,169144
1,What is a plan for a 2 days/1 night trip to Goa ?,How should I spend a 3 day trip to Goa ?,85076
0,How can I access the JCPenney Associate Kiosk at home ?,What are the benefits of renting a kiosk ?,168612
1,"What are the main reasons , as a disabled person , to not use public transports ?","What are the main reasons , as a disabled person , for not using public transports ?",33830
0,Can we remove caste based reservation from India ?,Why are reservations required to remove caste based discrimination ?,356344
1,`` What did I do wrong when my question is marked as '' `` Needs Improvement '' '' ? '',`` How can I ask Quora a question about something that was marked '' `` needs improvement ? '' '' ? '',115722
0,What are some tips to prepare for IIIT-H lateral entry in ECD ?,How do I prepare for IIIT-H lateral entry ?,372448
1,What is the best way to ask a girl out on a date ?,How should I ask this girl out ?,214670
0,Entomology : Is it possible to prevent bot fly infections ?,Why do flies always fly so close to people ?,95171
1,What do you think of the move by the govt to scrap 500 & 1000 rupee notes ?,What do you think of abolishing 500 and 1000 Rupee Currency notes by the Indian Government ?,400318
0,What are the similarities between tamil movie thani oruvan acted by jeyam ravi and arvind swamy and ramayana ?,How good was Arvind Swamy in Thani Oruvan ?,56633
1,Is the superfluid dark matter proposed by Justin Khoury what ripples when Galaxy clusters collide and what waves in a double slit experiment ?,Are GR and QM related by the superfluid dark matter as it is what ripples when Galaxy clusters collide and is what waves in a double slit experiment ?,82312
0,"On Roku , can I get network channels -LRB- ABC , ABC Family , NBC , CBS , FOX , CW -RRB- and view full episodes of current shows ? Is it free or only through subscription services like HuluPlus ?",Is FOX NOW free on Roku ?,298576
1,How powerful are the Israeli Mossad ?,How effective is Mossad ?,395606
0,How do we learn ?,How does one learn to learn ?,281173
1,Are cruise missiles fake ?,Do cruise missiles exist ?,181425
0,How could I get more followers on AngelList ?,How does a startup get more followers on AngelList ?,4976
1,What opportunities exist after completing a B.Tech in mechanical engineering ?,How will be my career if I chose MBA after in mechanical engineering ?,196056
0,"What should be the next number in the series 114,115,107,134,70 ?",What is the next number in the series ?,41867
1,Which is the best brand of whisky in India ?,What is best brand of whisky in India ?,165564
0,How will Daenerys Targaryen break the wheel ?,How do I know if an Algerian man is serious in a relationship ?,166006
1,How will the ban of 500 and 1000 rs notes will affect land prices ?,How will abolishing Rs . 500 and Rs . 1000 notes affect the real estate businesses in India ?,233178
0,Approximately how many pieces of candy is in a 5lb bag of standard mini-sized chocolate candy ?,Could a candy bar be made out of coffee or vanilla beans similar to chocolate ?,313189
1,How do I get rid of envy ?,How can we get rid of human envy ?,189408
0,How would you take over Vatican City ?,What is the Vatican City ?,4144
1,HOW CAN I WATCH INDIAN TV CHANNELS FOR FREE IN USA ?,How can one watch Indian TV channels in the USA ?,8235
0,"Does SBI replace a debit card after a specific period ? If I want to get it replaced , what is the procedure ?",I have an old SBI Maestro debit card and I want to replace it with a new Master / Visa debit card . What should I do to have one ? How much does it cost ?,174295
1,What are some dumb questions ever asked on Quora ?,What are the most annoying types of questions on Quora ?,34966
0,What is it like to work at the United Nations secretariat ?,What is it like to work for United Nations ?,215727
1,What are some good beauty blogs for women over 40 ?,What are the best over 40 beauty bloggers ?,94031
0,What is the best way to make money as a student in Canada ?,How can I make money as a student ?,341075
1,"If we view something X billion light years away , then are we viewing it as it was X billion years ago ?","If something is detected 2 billion light years away , does this necessarily mean it is from 2 billion years ago ?",389883
0,How do I tag my friends in a '' text post '' in my Facebook PAGE ?,How do I tag fans in my status on Facebook Pages ?,329748
1,Can I make money by uploading videos on YouTube -LRB- if I have subscribers -RRB- ?,How can I make money through YouTube ?,70575
0,Online best resources for gate -LRB- mechanical branch -RRB- ?,Which is the best study material for GATE in the mechanical branch ?,358196
1,What are some good technical petroleum books for petroleum engineering student ?,What are some good technical books about petroleum for a PE student ?,365339
0,Is a mixture of air and liquid air a pure substance ?,"Is air a pure substance , or a mixture ?",340432
1,What are some best short stories ?,Which are the best short stories ?,59891
0,How do you find job you want ?,How did you find out what job you wanted to do ?,297412
1,Does the elite have more power than the masses ?,"Who has more power , the masses or the power elite ?",138706
0,"I have a PhD in Diagnostic Medical Physics , would an MBA/MS Engineering add more value than just an MBA ?","What has more scope , MBA or MBA in sports ?",33238
1,What is the impact of the Magna Carta on Today 's world ?,Is the Magna Carta still used today ?,313512
0,"If you had children , would you rather they use Trump or Hillary as role model to learn behavior or as a moral mentor ?",Would adding a payment method to a communication app such as WhatsApp or Businessfriend be something you 'd use/trust ?,334175
1,What is the most upvoted answer you ever made ?,What is your most upvoted answer ?,290272
0,How do I find E-learning job in Singapore ?,How do I find banking jobs in Singapore ?,394079
1,How can I work with my ex-girlfriend ?,How do I work with my ex girlfriend ?,122866
0,What can you do if you do n't get any Tinder matches ?,How do I get my match to talk to me on tinder again ?,66359
1,Where can I find best five star hotel in Bhopal ?,Where can I find best five star hotel of Bhopal ?,393688
0,Shall I write IAS preliminary exam in Tamil ?,Has Bernie Sanders ' views affected Hillary Clinton 's views in any way ?,354780
1,Why does n't the police or the government help the child beggars usually found at traffic signal ?,Why does n't the police or the government take actions against the child beggars usually found during traffic lights ?,278525
0,Do Indians go through racial abuse in America ?,What is wrong with the Indian abusive system ?,386881
1,Which are best places to visit in GOA during vacations ?,Which is the best place to visit in Goa with Friends ?,235731
0,What are some examples of neutral stimulus ?,Concept of volcanicity ?,66041
1,How can I flirt with girls ?,How a boy flirt with girls ?,120959
0,How do I unlock my Yahoo Mail account ?,How do you disable a Yahoo account ?,6708
1,What 's the worst job you have had ?,What is the worst job you have ever had ?,325197
0,How do I know if someone has powers ?,How do you know someone ?,263011
1,"Which website offers the best deal for park , stay and fly packages in Denver ?","Which website offers the best deal for park , stay and fly packages for Denver ?",106360
0,Why is free board level important for tank ?,Was the T-34 a good tank ?,298947
1,How does one make a great cup of coffee ?,What makes a great cup of coffee great ?,74910
0,"Can we say , with certainty , we know exactly what is at the center of the Earth ?",How do scientists know the earth has a molten center ?,130700
1,Height : How would a 14 year old increase his height ?,Which exercise type help you to increase your height ?,126541
0,I 'm thinking of moving to Zagreb . What should I know ?,I own a restaurant in Vizag . What commercial taxes am I liable to pay ?,77386
1,Does Hillary Clinton really want to start a war with Russia ?,Do you realize if Clinton wins we will go to war with Russia ? She will be the cause of ww3 ?,32420
0,Why is Alaska a part of the USA and not Canada ?,Why was Canada not a part of the USA when the USA was founded ?,244839
1,Why do women get nipple piercings ?,Why do some women get their nipples pierced ?,85955
0,How was the the reignition of Apollo 13 's LEM engine possible ?,"I watched again the Apollo 13 movie and I am wondering how the astronauts survived the cold of space , returning home in the LEM ?",89037
1,How do I get to speak fluently English ?,HOw do I speak Fluent English ?,276645
0,"Which is a better country for overseas business , Singapore or Dubai ?",I am interested in chemistry especially atoms and its structures which college would you prefer me after 12th and what field should i choose ?,404124
1,What could be the best idea for a startup ?,What will be the best idea for startup ?,324915
0,What is the most recomended steel grade for a hunting knife o a functional sword ?,How many M16 shots would it take to kill a blue whale ?,234095
1,"Why is Google shutting down Project Ara , the modular smartphone ?",Why did Google kill Project Ara ?,368516
0,What is the disadvantage of the B negative blood group ?,My blood type is O positive . My husband is B positive . My first child is O negative . Will this affect my second child ?,110521
1,Where can I found modern colours and textures for floor tiles in Sydney ?,Where can I found large collections of ceramic and porcelain wall and floor tiles in Sydney ?,7327
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Catalyst Pharmaceuticals ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at West Pharmaceuticals ?,9585
1,How do become a good legal writer ?,What ways can I become a better legal writer ?,270341
0,Who would win in a fight Zoro -LRB- One Piece -RRB- vs Erza -LRB- Fairy Tail -RRB- ?,Who would win a fight between Samurai Jack and Roronoa Zoro ?,354076
1,What are the pros and cons of feminism ?,What are pros and cons of feminism ?,362121
0,Why all Astronauts go in space from NASA only ?,How would one go about becoming an ESA/NASA astronaut ?,289935
1,What are the types of diabetes and what causes diabetes ?,What causes type 1 diabetes ?,148853
0,What if a girl tells you that she likes you ?,Should you ask a girl if she likes you ?,272925
1,How do I pass a drug test with baking soda ?,How do you pass a drug test for meth using baking soda ?,337786
0,How do quantum mechanics and general relativity conflict ?,Why are Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity incompatible ?,248366
1,How do I improve my life ?,What is the best way to improve your life ?,145571
0,Which liquid has more surface tension ?,Can a flowing liquid have surface tension ?,327181
1,Which is the best iPhone application ?,What are the best iPhone applications ?,161677
0,What do the different colors of hearts in emojis mean ? Which one would you use to tell someone you like them a lot ?,"If a guy uses heart emojis when we say goodnight , what does it mean ?",217744
1,What are the top 5 books every beginner programmer should read ?,What are 5 books every programmer should have in their collection ?,105861
0,The area of a circle of radius 5 is numerically what percentage of its circumference ?,Why is the circumference of a circle the derivative of the area ?,50093
1,Which are the best places to learn Spanish abroad ?,What is the best place to learn the Spanish language ?,4788
0,What does it feel like to climb Mt. Everest ?,What was your experience climbing Mount Everest ?,58526
1,It is true that Sweden has the largest number of rape case in Europe ?,Is it true that Sweden became the rape capital of Europe ?,118690
0,How many followers is considered ` average ' on Tumblr ?,How can I block tags on Tumblr ? What steps should I follow ?,275379
1,"Which country will be next superpower , India or China ?",Which country would be the next superpower China or India ?,261553
0,"As a Developer , what are the key elements to put in your resume/CV ?",What have been the worst things you have lied in your CV/resume and still managed to get the job ?,47706
1,How can I speak English more fluently ?,How do I speak English properly and confidently ?,61745
0,Which Fossils are which in Pokemon FireRed ?,Should I get the Dome Fossil or the Helix Fossil on Pokemon FireRed ?,110034
1,"Since Carrie Fisher has passed away , what will they do about Star Wars Episode IX ?",How will Carrie Fisher 's death affect the making of the Star Wars movies ?,389911
0,How can you know who looks at your profile if he is not friend ?,`` How come that people who do not appear on '' `` looked at your profile '' '' still send me invitations to connect on LinkedIn ? '',363703
1,How do I advertise my business on Quora ?,Is promotion allowed on Quora ?,294496
0,What is a lesbian ?,Is my daughter a lesbian ?,388506
1,Is there a link between mental illness and creativity ?,Is there really a link between creativity and mental illness ?,349621
0,Why is ISRO so successful where DRDO and HAL totally failed ?,How do I get into HAL or DRDO after completing a BTech in CSE ?,142853
1,Do I need an anti-virus for my mac ?,Does a Mac need anti-virus software ? Why and why not ?,60253
0,How can I make small holes in drinkware glass ?,How do I make a needle-sized hole in glass ?,30736
1,Is it bad for the battery if you charge your iPhone overnight because you keep it charging while it 's already full ?,Is it bad for a battery if you leave it charging even when it 's full charged ?,390409
0,Will earth always have a moon ?,What would happen to Earth if there was no Moon ?,271648
1,What is your opinion on PM Narendra Modi 's decision to ban INR 500 and INR 1000 notes ?,What are your views on Modi governments decision to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes ? How will this affect economy ?,108990
0,What are the job opportunities for software engineers in the government sector -LRB- India -RRB- with a good salary ? What are the age limits and exam names ?,What is the best dress code for a software engineer ?,303102
1,Silicon Valley Season 2 : What were the companies that were n't in the season 1 opening credits but are in season 2 's ?,"In Silicon Valley Season 2 , what were the companies that were n't in the season 1 opening credits but are in season 2 ?",351338
0,What makes a great TV show ?,What films/TV shows have convinced you to make a difference in the world ?,359015
1,How do you achieve your goal ?,How can we achieve our goals ?,123296
0,"Has Batman ever given up , felt down or depressed ?",I feel like someone has judged one of my offhand comments overly harshly . They quit talking to me . I gave up on her . Was that a mistake or are people like that not worth the effort ?,289693
1,How do you pay attention during a boring class ?,How do I learn the most I can in a boring class ?,70768
0,Which is the best free VPN Website ?,Can I use windows 7 in HP pavilion 15-ab522tx ?,378815
1,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in The Bahamas ?,Why is Saltwater Taffy candy imported in Italy ?,177734
0,How did Criminal get greenlit ? What 's the backstory of how the movie got made ?,How did Snowden get greenlit ? What 's the backstory of how the movie got made ?,11421
1,Which country is best suited for doing an MS in ECE ?,Which is the best country to do MS in ECE ?,338621
0,Do employees at BJS Restaurants have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,Do employees at The Habit Restaurants have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,171326
1,What will black money owners do after the banning of 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,What are some interesting reactions of people who you know own black money after the ban on 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,338399
0,How should I prepare IAS exam ?,What should be the first step to crack the IAS ?,195963
1,What can be the medium budget to visit best places in Kerala for three members -LRB- 2-3 days -RRB- ?,What are the best places to visit on a 3 day trip in and around kerala ?,182993
0,What is the scope of Indian CA in Netherlands ?,What is the scope of Indian CA in Germany ?,382478
1,"If Donald Trump wins , how would it affect India ?",How will Donald Trump benefit India ?,83900
0,What is the best Python web app framework ? And why ?,What 're the best web frameworks ?,387087
1,Have the Ancient Anasazi been scientifically tested ?,Have the Ancient Incans been scientifically tested ?,65442
0,How dangerous is it really to leave a tampon in overnight ?,Why is blood only on one side of the tampon ?,59600
1,How do I lose weight ayurvedically ?,How do I lose weight from 70 to 50 ?,297690
0,What woman in history would almost any man alive today fall in love with ?,"A married woman , due to an accident , loses memory of her marriage but remembers almost everything else . Now she falls in love with a new guy and wishes to marry him . What would be the psychological/legal complications involved ?",289187
1,What would happen if an astronaut took off his helmet in open space ? And what if he would be able to put it back on after a minute or two ?,What would really happen to an astronaut who took off his helmet in space ?,290161
0,Which distribution of Linux is best for a new user on a Laptop ?,What is the best laptop for running Ubuntu Linux ?,247436
1,What are 5-10 points why people should drink coffee ?,Why do so many people enjoy drinking coffee ?,40896
0,What does a French Bulldog/Yorkie mix look like ?,"Since a Facebook profile page can be copied , where does the real page go ... are there two identical pages when a search is performed ?",37109
1,What is the best way to learn hacking in short time ?,Which is the best way to learn hacking just as a hobby ?,61901
0,"Which GPU is better for Deep Learning , GTX 1080 or Tesla K80 ?",Can a GTX 1080 be paired up with Fury X ?,292564
1,What are crop circles ? Who created them ?,What is the mystery behind crop circles ?,230319
0,When is the textFieldShouldClear method called ?,What is implicit method calling in Java ?,350545
1,How did you meet your life partner ?,How did you meet your lover now ?,287241
0,What is the zone of assimilation ?,What does policy of assimilation mean ?,368048
1,How do you potty train large puppies ?,How do you potty train a 4 month old puppy ?,95964
0,What is the difference between a social market economy and a mixed economy ?,What is the similarity between a social market economy and a mixed economy ?,343211
1,What is the most embarrassing moment that has ever happened to you in a public area ?,What is the most embarrassing moment that has ever happened to you ?,35302
0,What are the pros and cons of not having children ?,What are the pros and cons of having your children in your 20s ?,85953
1,How does a Ouija board work ?,`` Does ouija boards really work ? Or do we just '' `` imagine '' '' stuff that happens ? '',70198
0,How do I acoustically treat my room ?,"I moved to a new house and I need to set up my studio room for music , but the one room which I have available is a room that is completely made out of wood panels and I heard it is influencing the bass from my monitors . How can I correct this or do I need acoustic treatment to resolve this issue ?",339372
1,How do I become less overprotective and clingy ?,How do I become less overprotective and clingy over my boyfriend ?,116920
0,I 'm 27 and I want to pursue my passion : Writing . But I want to be able to make a living wage from it as well . What advice would you give ?,Why MAC address are not used for routing and other communication instead of IP addresses ?,126657
1,What is the significance of cellular respiration ?,What is considered to be the main function of cellular respiration ?,212992
0,"Coders : If you could create the perfect workspace , no matter how ridiculous , what would it consist of ?",Can good coders have girlfriends ?,370177
1,What is the correct way to calculate the current carrying capacity of cable ?,What are the methods to determine the current carrying capacity of the cable ?,243005
0,"Dimensions of the tools - French curve , hip curve , grade set square , fashion curve , pattern master , pattern notches and thread snipers please ?",Someone told me to kill myself ?,284232
1,I want to improve my English ?,How can I improve fluency in English ?,228251
0,What is cfbc boiler ?,What is the boiler ?,363172
1,Is there any need of introducing a note of high denomination -LRB- rs2000 -RRB- in current economic situation of India ?,Is it so necessary to print such a high denomination note of Rs . 2000 ?,317363
0,What are good examples of gamification in India ?,What are some good examples of gamification in banking ?,236055
1,What shall I gift a 13 year old boy for his birthday ?,What should I gift a 12 year old boy on his birthday ?,265008
0,Why should we eat organic food ?,Are there any health benefits to an organic diet ? Have you personally experienced any benefits ?,49569
1,How do I find my area of interest ?,How one should find his interest ?,159721
0,What is the best piano on which you have played ?,What are the most technically demanding piano pieces ?,90542
1,How do you prevent mold in crawl space under house ?,How do you remove mold in crawl space under house ?,177080
0,"If you have been admitted to a top MS in computer science with a non-CS related degree , what was your background ?",Does San Jose State accept non-CS undergraduates into its computer science MS program ?,232922
1,`` What is a summary of '' `` The Secret '' '' by Rhonda Byrne ? '',`` What is the summary of the book '' `` The Secret '' '' by Rhonda Byrne ? '',189798
0,Do crop circles damage crops ? How ?,"What causes crop circles , and how are they made ?",80193
1,How do I repair a broken Apple iPad screen ?,How do you repair a cracked iPad screen ?,199878
0,`` How do I deal with nasty '' `` friends '' '' ? '',How do I deal with nasty people ?,194375
1,What are the World Trade Centers used for ?,What was the World Trade Center used for ?,31943
0,What is the difference between masturbation and ejaculation ?,What is the difference between ejaculation and masturbation in male ?,245830
1,Can I make it to the top IIMs with a year gap after graduation ?,Will a gap year after graduation adversely affect my interview at IIMs ?,213570
0,Do black pants go with a black shirt ?,What will go well with men 's black t-shirts ?,68639
1,What is the difference between a violin and a fiddle ?,What 's the difference between a violin and a fiddle ?,227356
0,How can I simplify the radical -LSB- math -RSB- \ sqrt -LCB- 72 -RCB- -LSB- / math -RSB- ?,`` Which is correct : '' `` Math '' '' or '' `` Maths '' '' ? '',25578
1,"`` Now that Trump has won , will he prosecute HIllary Clinton -LRB- try to '' `` lock her up '' '' -RRB- for the email and/or Clinton Foundation problems ? ''","Now that Trump has won , will the Justice Department continue to pursue and prosecute Hillary Clinton ? Will she end up in jail ?",43838
0,What does it mean to dream about finding a lost little boy wearing blue and being very protective of him ? At the end I finally find his father,What was a regional movie broadcasted in DD1 which has the below story ? Story : a lady goes to a forest in search of a beautiful flower and she hires a small boy and finally at the end of the movie she finds the flower on the top of the tree . It was broadcasted in 1993 .,175728
1,What is that Ola hack by which I can get unlimited Ola Credits ?,Can you give me that coupon code by which I can get unlimited Ola Credits ? I know there 's a code for that cause 3 of my friends have used it .,300030
0,What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Canada notice ?,What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Brazil notice ?,132951
1,Which are the top medical universities in Ukraine ?,Is there any top medical universities in Ukraine ?,184923
0,How do I generate all possible substrings of a string ?,Is it possible to typecast an integer array to a string in C++ ?,153696
1,Why did Ratan Tata remove Cyrus Mistry ?,Why has the Tata Sons Board voted to remove Cyrus Mistry as chairman ?,318318
0,Which is the best book for logical reasoning to crack every exam ?,If 4 cards are drawn from a well shuffled deck . what is the probability of getting at least one diamond ?,169963
1,Where is the cheapest country to visit ?,What are the cheapest countries in the world ?,102486
0,How good is Khan Academy for learning College level Calculus and Linear Algebra ?,How do I describe a field using Calculus and Linear Algebra ?,366209
1,Why do folks ask questions on Quora that a Google search could answer faster and more accurately ?,Why do people use Quora when they could easily find the answer in a quick Google search ?,228840
0,Which is the best road trip near Trivandrum ?,What are the best road trips in and near Chennai ?,50019
1,What is the limestone crusher ?,What is limestone Crusher ?,342079
0,Are there any White Castle restaurants in California ?,Is prostitution illegal in California ?,257696
1,Do you think religion has a placebo effect ?,Can religion be considered a form of the placebo effect ?,41856
0,What is the relationship between Uddhava and Lord Krishna ?,"Who is greater , Lord Krishna or Lord Vishnu ?",98586
1,Why does voltage of a battery decrease ?,Why does voltage of a battery drop ?,368940
0,Are white people more nationalistic than other cultures ?,Can we ever really perceive from the viewpoint of another ?,166213
1,What are the weaknesses of water Pokemon ?,What are the weaknesses of water types ? What are some examples ?,30089
0,"If Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars as a backup to save humanity , why not colonize the moon ?",Are we ever going to colonize Mars ?,64583
1,How is Quora changing the world ?,"How , if at all , has Quora changed the world ?",54649
0,"Can I become a professional tennis player if I start at the age of 14 ? If so , are there any tips you guys can give ?",Can I become a professional football -LRB- soccer -RRB- player at age 18 ?,300670
1,What is the best decision you ' ve ever made ?,What is the best life changing decision you made ?,251815
0,Could magnets be used to clean up space debris ?,How could the space debris in Earth orbit be cleaned up ?,1914
1,Is there a drug to make you assumed dead ?,Is there a drug makes you seem dead ?,357416
0,How does Zara manufacture clothes so fast ?,What is the best way to start manufacturing clothing ?,386659
1,Can I take both mass gainer and whey protein together ?,Can you take both whey protein and mass gainer at the same time ?,49958
0,How do I get the password for Gandhinagar City wifi ?,How can I get a WiFi password ?,379845
1,Why ca n't India show a hard stance against terrorism like Israel did ?,Why ca n't India accept policies like Israel to tackle with terrorism ?,159890
0,What are the most interesting products and innovations that First Horizon is coming out with in 2016 ?,What are the most interesting products and innovations that First Solar is coming out with in 2016 ?,164948
1,What differentiate natural diamonds from synthetic diamonds ?,What is the difference between synthetic and real diamonds ?,212392
0,What is the difference between SMB and SME ?,How many US based SMB 's have revenue between $ 500MM and $ 1BN ?,90883
1,`` Why do I see questions with basic grammatical mistakes on Quora but some of my questions are marked as '' `` needing improvement '' '' ? '',Can people still see questions that are marked as needing improving ?,352762
0,How are the mainframe job opportunities in Australia ?,What 's the most awkward thing that 's happened to you at a family event ?,13479
1,"Is iPhone 5s , iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus really worth the price ? I am using a Google Nexus 5 and should I go for the upgrade ?",Is the iPhone really worth its price ?,401122
0,"Why is it important to have freedom of religion , press and expression ?",How important is freedom of religion ?,334469
1,Why are one direction famous ?,Why is One Direction so famous ? What makes them special ?,166212
0,What are the different types of motion ?,What are the different types of motion in physics ?,365757
1,How can we become rich soon ?,How can I become rich man ?,7734
0,Is Mangalore developing faster than Mysore ?,Why is the literacy rate of Mysore less than Mangalore and Bangalore ?,117979
1,Why do some people ask questions on Quora that could easily be answered by using a search engine ?,Why do so many people ask questions on Quora instead of searching the answers on Wikipedia ?,234288
0,What is the best way to get rid of mosquitos ?,How can one get rid of fleas or mosquitos ?,86474
1,What are your new year resolutions for 2017 ?,What 's your resolutions for 2017 ?,325124
0,What are the general interview questions asked in the merchant navy ?,What is the general question asking in interview of administration manager in private company in india ?,155030
1,What is the meaning of a double standard ?,What is meant by double standards ?,345655
0,Are we losing net neutrality to corporations ?,Will we lose net neutrality ?,19543
1,What are the reasons behind nuclear energy being non-renewable ?,"Is nuclear energy non-renewable ? If not , why ?",171748
0,Foriegn policy of donlad trump against Pakistan ?,Is there a way to convert audio signal from 3.5 mm jack to USB port ?,170011
1,Which bank provides best internet banking facility in India ?,Which bank in India has the best internet banking experience ?,321983
0,How can I express my feelings ?,Why ca n't I express feelings ?,324199
1,Is good mental health just as important as good physical health ?,How does mental health benefit physical health ?,228328
0,How long do trading post ads last ?,I am a goalkeeper in a club in India I want to play in Europe what should I do how much it will cost till I join a Club ?,401227
1,What is a rough endoplasmic reticulum ?,What are the functions of the rough endoplasmic reticulum in plant cells ?,357043
0,How do I raise capital for your first venture ?,How does one raise capital for their company ?,306054
1,How does it feel like to get into Harvard ?,What is it like to get admitted to Harvard ?,33936
0,How do I screen mirror my Samsing Galaxy Tab A to my Sony bravia tv-KLV-40R552C ?,Can I screen mirror my Moto G with my Sony BRAVIA smart TV ?,367281
1,How should one best prepare for IAS examination ?,How do prepare for IAS for a fresher ?,390098
0,What are disadvantages of banning 500 and 1000 notes ?,What are the merits and demerits of Modi 's ban on 500 and 1000 rupees note . ?,195434
1,Is long distance relationship works ?,How do we can remain satisfied in a long distance relationship ?,245288
0,"If I have a work iPhone and a personal IPhone -LRB- 2 separate numbers -RRB- , what is the best way for me to sync contacts , calendars , and reminders between them ? Do I give both of them the same Apple ID and iCloud ID ? 2 separate Apple IDs and a common iCloud ID ?",I forgot my Apple ID . How can I activate my iPhone ?,89552
1,How do I treat a crooked smile ?,What are some ways of treating a crooked smile ?,300849
0,Is spirituality for losers ?,`` What does it mean to be '' `` spiritual '' '' ? '',81600
1,What do you think about the Modi 's sudden decision to scrap 500 and 1000 rs denomination ?,What do you think of the decision by the Indian Government to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,353365
0,"Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Castaic , California CA ?","What is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Three Rivers , California CA ?",336562
1,What are the best things I should do in my twenties ?,What are the most important things to do during twenties ?,215225
0,Why Tejas fighter not testing 9g yet ?,Who is your favorite member of the Saturday Night Live cast and why ?,355824
1,Why is Spotify nott available in India ?,Daniel Ek : When will you launch Spotify in India ?,79907
0,What is the best way to keep a secret ?,Can you keep a secret ?,242443
1,What are some interesting fiction books available ?,What are the best fiction books you would suggest ?,108471
0,"Which is the best Android phone to buy under 50,000 ?","Which is the best Android phone to buy under 40,000 ?",127518
1,What will happen if Trump wins for president will it be all bad ?,What would happen if trump became the president ?,384750
0,How long can I keep my Instagram account deactivated for ?,"I temporarily deactivated my Instagram account . Now when I try to reactivate it by logging in , it says that my username does n't exist ?",63225
1,Why do people get into dealing drugs ?,How do people get into dealing drugs ?,386617
0,Why ca n't I edit my Quora profile ?,How do I add or change my Quora profile picture ?,180933
1,Why Supreme Court directed all cinema halls across the country to play the National Anthem before the start of a film ?,Do n't you think it is not a good decision by the honorable Supreme Court to play the national anthem at cinema halls ?,264133
0,Do people find out if you save their Whatsapp profile picture in your gallery ?,How do prevent someone from saving my profile picture on whatsapp ?,345142
1,Is there any evidence for reincarnation ?,Is there any concrete evidence of reincarnation ?,110899
0,What is the Personal Property Security Act and how is Nova Scotia 's different from Ontario 's ?,What is the Personal Property Security Act and how is Nova Scotia 's different from Saskatchewan 's ?,64150
1,Which ideas can be patented ?,What type of ideas can I patent ?,282967
0,What are some good template Android app source code projects ?,Are there websites that provide good android UX templates to download and build an android app for people with no UX experience ?,331430
1,How I can speak English with fluency ?,How can I improve my English Language ?,130739
0,What is demonetisation of money ?,Is there any politics behind demonetisation ?,283838
1,How do I reduce the thigh thickness and hip thickness ?,What type of exercise should I do in order to reduce the fat of my hip and buttock ?,178476
0,What can you write a book about ?,Why should you write a book ?,218438
1,What are some of the best economics books ?,What are some of the best economic books ?,217701
0,What is it like to have a tantric massage ?,What is Tantric Massage London ?,292109
1,How can one be prepared for CAT ?,How do I prepare for CAT ?,213164
0,What are some part time job options in VIT Vellore ?,Are there any part time jobs in Rajahmundry ?,327113
1,Why are Saltwater taffy candy imported in the Philippines ?,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in Japan ?,177969
0,"What were the major contributions of the political leaders during WW1 , and how are the compared to the ones during the Russian War ?","What were the major contributions of the political leaders during WW1 , and how are the compared to the ones during the Italian Unification ?",122054
1,How do I use FaceTime on a Mac ?,How can you FaceTime on a Mac laptop ?,26053
0,Why did Mulayam expel Akhilesh from the party ? And who would take Akhilesh 's place ?,Why did Mulayam Singh Yadav expel Akhilesh Yadav from Samajwadi Party ? What do you think about it ?,91583
1,What will be the impact of banning Rs . 500 and Rs . 1000 on the Indian economy ?,What would be the possible impact on Indian economy after cancellation of 500 and 1000 Rs notes ?,132242
0,I 'm aspiring for JEE 2017 but I 'm pretty much obsessed with my phone . How to get good ranks in Coaching ?,How do I prepare for the JEE 2016 ?,23577
1,Which answer got the most upvotes on Quora ?,What are the most upvoted answers on Quora ?,18854
0,What should I do if my laptop battery 's backup suddenly reduced nearly to half ?,What causes a battery backup switch to malfunction ?,397733
1,How can I become a charming girl ?,How can I be a charming girl ?,213370
0,Which is the best Android app to prepare for civil services prelims general studies ?,What will be the expected cut-off of the GS Paper 1 for the UPSC 2015 ?,195777
1,"How can I know that she -LRB- my best friend -RRB- loves me , or not ?",How can I know that he -LRB- my best friend -RRB- loves me or not ?,259979
0,Should a California LLC still pay the annual $ 800 tax fee if the company is not active and is not generating revenue ?,I 'm a CA resident . I formed an LLC in Hawaii on Dec 2015 . This iPhone app was never launched . Do I need to pay the $ 800 CA franchise tax for 2016 ?,236923
1,What is your New Year Resolution ?,What are your new year resolutions ' 2017 ?,322423
0,Do the moderators here need improvement ?,Reddit -LRB- website -RRB- : Should reddit moderators be compensated for the moderation work they do ?,189221
1,How can you treat a small chip in front of a tooth ?,What causes a small chip in front of a tooth ?,50230
0,Do you think there is another planet similar to Earth in the Andromeda galaxy ?,Is there a planet similar to the Earth that exists in Andromeda ?,362490
1,Why do all of my questions on Quora need improvement ?,`` Why does Quora keep marking my questions as '' `` needing improvement '' '' ? '',19480
0,How do I get started using pure JavaScript ?,How do I get started on JavaScript ?,94185
1,How can I make a transistor at home ?,How do I make a transistor by myself ?,126764
0,How can I improve my concentration while studying ?,How do I read/study with focus/concentration and avoid distractions/procrastination ?,278604
1,How can we earn money online without investment ?,"How can I earn money online , seriously ?",37475
0,How did I end up on Quora ? How is this website beneficial .,Why is New Zealand so peaceful ?,259812
1,What are the employment prospects for an electrical engineer in Silicon Valley ?,Is there any jobs in Silicon Valley for electrical engineers ?,362608
0,"If an immigrant has no job experience , no diploma , 1/5 English communication level and he 's broke ! What he can do to get rich in USA ?",How does continuous delivery make use of value stream mapping ?,361789
1,Why is India performing poorly in the 2016 Rio Olympics ?,Why India is not performing in Rio Olympics ?,303185
0,Why do British still bother about their queen ? There 's no contribution from them . Just burn away the country 's resource .,Why is there still so much craziness about UFO 's when MUFON has proved their existence ?,348691
1,How do I become better at Calculus ?,How can I get better at calculus ?,130746
0,Pathetic service of TATAbSky ?,Do people hunt koalas ? Why ?,330468
1,How can I stop being absent minded all the time ?,How does a person get over being absent minded ?,348938
0,How dangerous is Paxidep CR12 .5 ?,What should you do if someone pulls up in a van with a gun and asks that you get in ?,219522
1,How do I learn Quantum Field Theory as a beginner ?,How did you learn quantum field theory ?,151760
0,What is your favorite still from a movie ?,What movie is this still from ?,117467
1,What is the best lesson in life ?,What 's the most important lesson you 've learned in life ?,227099
0,Do you think social media is harmful to your youth today ?,Is it weird that a University would offer a Bachelor of Science in History ?,102254
1,How can you resolve the problem of accounting software tool by quickbooks technical support number ?,Which is the best QuickBooks proadvisor tech support number ?,284500
0,Why is January a depressing month ?,I started to take Cymbalta 60mg 3 months ago . It was working well until now I am feeling more sad and depressed . Has anybody experienced the same ?,7616
1,How would I dress in workout attire like it 's the year 1990 if I 'm a guy ?,How on earth would I dress like a workout guy from the year 1990 in the summer ?,146335
0,Which city is better to live in : Kolkata -LRB- Calcutta -RRB- or Ahmedabad ?,Which city is better to live in : Kolkata -LRB- Calcutta -RRB- or Hyderabad ?,292722
1,How much do women masturbate ?,How often girls masturbate ?,302442
0,What are the differences and similarities between bicarbonate soda and baking soda ?,How do cooking soda and baking soda differ ?,376017
1,Why do I wake up way before my alarm goes off ?,Why does one wake up before the alarm goes off ?,118150
0,Ask your first question ?,Why should I ask my first question ?,16362
1,Did Johan Galtung predict that US global power will collapse under a Donald Trump administration ?,Do you agree with Futurist Johan Galtung that the US global power will collapse under a Donald Trump administration ?,330433
0,What are some disadvantages of the informal economy ?,What are some disadvantages of an informal economy ?,154730
1,What is website indexing ?,What is websites indexing ?,327380
0,Should people smoke ?,Why do people smoke ?,97572
1,How can we become rich soon ?,How does one become rich in 2015 ?,5047
0,What is your best career choice ?,What would be the best career choice for a psychopath ?,232258
1,How do I apply for a PAN card online ?,How do I apply for pan card -LRB- lost -RRB- ?,325246
0,What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Vietnam notice ?,What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Malaysia notice ?,349387
1,What are ways to make money online at home ?,How do I really make money online ?,192139
0,I want to commit suicide . Is there any way to make it look like a natural death ?,Is there life after death ?,143987
1,What is the reason behind firing of Cyrus Mistry from TATA group ?,What is the reason behind abrupt removal of Cyrus Mistry ?,268986
0,Which business can I start with $ 10000 ?,Which business can I start with $ 5000 ?,389489
1,What are the best ways to glue styrofoam ?,What are some ways to glue styrofoam together ?,183060
0,How are porn actors able to ejaculate large amount of semen ?,Does a male have a limited amount of semen ?,269586
1,How can I learn French language at home without any tuitions or having to spend money ?,What 's the best way to learn Spanish or French without spending any money ?,352318
0,How did Lotame expand so much ?,"Now that Krux has been acquired by Salesforce , who will acquire Lotame ?",362952
1,Do you think corruption and black money would spread even faster with the introduction of 2000 rupee and new 500 rupee notes ?,Do you think the 2000 rupee notes will increase black money ?,366774
0,How many movies are available on Youtube ?,Are there any free thriller movies available to watch on Youtube ?,397150
1,How can a bladder infection cause a miscarriage ?,Can a bladder infection cause a miscarriage ?,248176
0,Do you love yourself ?,Why should you love yourself ?,316138
1,How do I upload a video on Quora ?,How can I upload a video on Quora ?,61836
0,Why do people say Chinese students are diligent but lack creativity ?,Do Chinese people have creativity ?,37037
1,How did you exactly break up from your ex ?,How and why did you break up with your ex ?,288499
0,What is permanent press on washer and dryer cycle settings ? How and when should they be used ?,Where can you buy a used washer and dryer ?,396529
1,What is it like to live on Prince Edward Island ?,How is life on Prince Edward Island ?,256474
0,Which are best hollywood movies to watch alone ?,What are some good hollywood movies to watch with parents ?,252714
1,Which is best book for machine learning ?,What are some of the best research papers/books for Machine learning ?,175800
0,How do the tourist attractions on the Scandinavian Highlands compare to attractions in Ireland ?,How do the tourist attractions on the Scandinavian Highlands compare to attractions in the Netherlands ?,163371
1,Does DNA change during the life ?,Are there any changes in an individual 's DNA sequence over one 's life ?,367714
0,Which is the best scooter in india under 60000 ?,Which is the best scooter if you have backache in india ?,249772
1,How do river otters hibernate ? How is this behavior explained ?,How do otters hibernate ? How is this behavior explained ?,178808
0,Is it good to sleep after a morning walk ?,Is it a good idea to walk a bit after the meal ?,329224
1,How can I get out of my comfort zone and be myself at the same time ?,What is actually a comfort zone and how can one get out of a comfort zone ?,102583
0,Who invented zero and how ?,What was the first religion ?,120880
1,How many times did prophet Muhammad married ? Is it true that he married a 6 years girl ?,Why did prophet Muhammad marry 6 year old girl ? Why dint he think to adopt her ? Keep calm and answer .,367389
0,Is it possible to fall in love with someone you strongly like as a friend but are not physically attracted to ?,Is it possible to love someone you 're not really friends with ?,368739
1,What should I do if I forgot my password for Instagram and used a fake email to make my account ?,"I forgot the password of my old instagram account that I have n't used for 2 + years . I do n't have any way to reset it , is there a way I can hack it ?",234781
0,"What logistical , scheduling and travel concerns do professional sports leagues tackle when setting a season schedule ?",How do sports team owners make money ?,289060
1,What should be the name of gaming channel on YouTube ?,What would be a great name for a gaming YouTube channel ?,261068
0,"What countries are a part of Asia , and how do these countries economical activities compare to countries in South America ?",Why does MDMA makes me zone in and out of reality ?,307801
1,How do I know if someone is checking my last seen on Whatsapp ?,Is it possible to know if someone saw my WhatsApp profile ?,242712
0,How do I get clients for construction ?,How do I get new clients in consulting ?,323959
1,How can I see who my boyfriend views on instagram ?,Can you really see who viewed your pics or profile on instagram ?,313533
0,"How safe is Papua New Guinea , and how does it 's crime rate compare to Azerbaijan 's ?","How safe is Papua New Guinea , and how does it 's crime rate compare to Bahrain 's ?",220555
1,Which english book is best for competitive exam ?,Which is the best book of english for competitive exams ?,330319
0,What are some different ways humans mark their territory ?,Are humans different from nature ?,192076
1,What do you think about Brexit ?,What are your opinions on Brexit ?,6133
0,How we can save money in less earnings ?,What do you think how much money an IT professional -LRB- Immigrant -RRB- can save in Canada if he earns $ 50k ?,45233
1,What would it be like to live on Mars ?,Would you like to live on Mars ?,318307
0,How can I use my Samsung Note 4 as a remote control for my TV ?,What 's a good case for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ?,152018
1,What are the nutritional values and health benefits of yogurt ?,What are the health benefits of yogurt ?,252562
0,How to get the best smile ?,How can I get better at smiling at people ?,28172
1,Which is the best marathi poem you have written ?,Marathi Poets : Which is the best Marathi Poem written by you ?,170327
0,Is it important to have a mentor in academics ?,How important is it to have a mentor ?,394922
1,How can time be a dimension ?,Why time is considered as the 4th dimension ?,255720
0,How are circus animals treated ?,Can animals be well-treated in a circus ?,94490
1,Is Time travel possible ?,Is the concept of time travel realistic ?,229637
0,What would be the name of the first town or colony on Mars ?,Which was the first satellite sent to Mars ?,89578
1,I 'm 18 and have started to do weight lifting . Will it stop my height to increase ?,Can my height stop increasing by lifting ?,296313
0,Why is Antarctica called a desert ?,Why does Antarctica have a desert ?,13468
1,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in The Bahamas ?,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in the Philippines ?,325688
0,Who is simon abney-hastings ?,How many people will team up with me to develop prototype of Quora ?,75637
1,What are some of the best ways to find inner peace ?,How did you find inner peace ?,392388
0,Why do we need C++ when we already have C ?,I am already fluent in C# and C with a good understanding of MATLAB . Do I still need to learn Python for scientific research ?,257686
1,How can I earn money online ?,How can I earn money online easily ?,382882
0,"When I am not connected with people on fb , Can I call those people on fb messenger ?",What 's the most ridiculous Dungeons & Dragons adventure you 've ever been a part of ?,369739
1,What should I do to improve my questions on Quora ?,I can not improve my questions on Quora . This is becoming an issue . What should I do ?,317367
0,What are the most iconic images of Mahendra Singh Dhoni ?,What are some mind-blowing facts about Rahul Dravid ?,280105
1,How many years does it take to become a CA ?,How many years does it take to complete CA ?,248590
0,What are the best weapons against home invasion except guns ?,What are the best weapons against a home invasion ?,19474
1,What would be the consequences if Donald Trump became president ?,Donald trump : what could happen if Donald Trump becomes president ?,333580
0,How is opportunity cost measured ?,What is opportunity cost ?,267367
1,`` Would you rather '' `` good '' '' things happen or '' `` interesting '' '' things happen ? '',Would you rather have good things happen or interesting things happen ?,124065
0,Is there revelance and importance of Sardar Patel in today 's India ?,Was Sardar Patel wrong to accept Nehru as the first Prime Minister of India ?,173027
1,What are the 5 best movies of all time ?,What are the best movies of all time ?,313849
0,Which petrol car should I purchase between Hyundai i20 Magna and Maruti Baleno delta ?,Should one cancel Maruti Suzuki Baleno and buy Hyundai Elite I20 ?,301360
1,How can I make myself prettier ?,How can I get prettier ?,201193
0,Who would you vote for between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton ?,Who do you support - Clinton or Trump ?,172559
1,How can I find that someone is lying ?,What are some tips to know when someone is lying ?,67072
0,What is SAP about ?,What is SAP FSPM ?,379889
1,What is the fastest tank in the world ?,What 's the fastest tank ever to be made ?,5496
0,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at United Community ?,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at United Community Banks ?,370169
1,How can the Big Bang be created by vacuum fluctuations if time did n't exist before the Big Bang ?,How did the Big Bang happen when there was n't any time for it to happen in ?,179938
0,Why do n't non-Asians wanting hormone replacement for gender change just eat soy everyday instead of spending so much money ?,Can ingesting phytoestrogens affect the hormonal transition of a trans woman -LRB- replacing or changing the effects of hormone therapy -RRB- ?,185031
1,What is the best laptop for civil engineering student ?,What laptop would you recommend for a civil engineering student ?,58005
0,Why do n't soldiers wear a totally bullet proof suit which would cover from head to feet ?,How many cotton t-shirts would I need to wear to stop a 9mm bullet shot from a pistol ?,352538
1,What is the one thing you regret buying and Why ?,What is that one thing you regret buying ?,239941
0,How can we change the name in an Aadhaar card online ?,What is the password to open an e-Aadhaar card ?,58404
1,Where does consciousness come from ?,Where does conciousness come from ?,312123
0,Where can I get my MacBook motherboard repaired in Kolkata ?,Where can I get my MacBook R.A.M repaired in Kolkata ?,1421
1,What is the Expected cutoff for KVPY SA stream 2016 ?,How was KVPY SA 2016 ?,315902
0,What time/day does Sony Metreon IMAX start selling reserve seating each week ?,Which are the best seats for watching IMAX 3D ?,262953
1,Which books should I use to study for the IAS ?,What 's the process to start study of IAS ?,105802
0,Why do people smoke weed during rock concerts ?,Is it okay to smoke weed during fever ?,112903
1,How do I effectively teach the kids to read ?,What are the best ways to teach kids how to read ?,390014
0,"`` What is the meaning of the poem '' `` Provide , Provide '' '' by Robert Frost ? ''",`` What is a good analysis of the poem '' `` Spring Pools '' '' by Robert Frost ? '',315247
1,I want to own a owl ?,How can you own an owl ? What are the steps ?,335806
0,Who are 's competitors ?,Does have any competitors ?,56348
1,How can one prepare for the TOEFL ?,How do I prepare for TOEFL or IELTS ?,268231
0,What are the best PC games that can be played on laptop ?,What are the best PC games that you have ever played ?,15653
1,How do you wash a dog ?,What are some ways to wash a dog ?,226888
0,"Which is the marketshare of Intel microprocessors in PC , tablets ?",Why do n't we give Syria to the Jews or the Christians ?,101257
1,Which was the best Bollywood movie of 2016 so far ?,Which is the best Bollywood flim in this year 2016 ?,343933
0,How do legislations affect businesses ?,How do torts affect a business ?,80252
1,Which natural foods can lower blood pressure and thin blood as opposed to drugs such as aspirin ?,Which foods can lower blood pressure ?,98790
0,What is the best programming language for hacking in the world ?,Why is PHP the best programming language in the world ?,127295
1,"Women , would you date or feel attracted by a man who is shorter than you ?",Would you go out with a man shorter than you ?,149889
0,How do I root my HTC Desire X ?,How do you root HTC Desire 300 ?,338654
1,How does Demonetisation of 1000 and 500 rupees notes affect real estate industry ?,What will be the impact on real estate by banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes from India ?,365274
0,Can you reuse coffee grounds for the next pot of coffee ?,How do I get coffee grounds out of a carpet ?,346899
1,How hard is it to get into UPT for the Air Force ?,How hard would it be to get into the Air Force UPT ?,321146
0,Why are there so many Indians on Quora and why are they so annoying ?,Why is Quora so popular in India ?,1724
1,How do I lose weight ?,What would be a realistic plan to lose weight ?,271213
0,Does it make sense to create a profile on Angel List even though my startup does n't have an MVP yet ? We have a launch page and a small amount of traction so far .,"I am creating a startup now and am full-time . My engineers are part-time though , and our product has not yet reached viral traction . Should I look for funding ?",328642
1,Does it hurt horses to walk on paved roads ?,Does it hurt when horses walk on paved roads ?,16060
0,To which companies does TCS provide its services in Product Lifecycle Management -LRB- PLM -RRB- ?,How does money raised under Market Stabilisation System -LRB- MSS -RRB- generate returns ?,279374
1,What are the best moments in your college life ?,How are the best moments in your college life ?,370133
0,What options are available for quick creation of CRUD software ?,Will anyone explain me the movie 3iron ?,28154
1,What 's the point of getting married ?,Is there a point to getting married ?,177379
0,Does pulled out hair grow back ?,How does hair grow back after being plucked from the root ?,68217
1,How do you recover your Gmail password ?,My Gmail is hacked . How do I recover the password ?,240591
0,What are the Disadvantages of Moto G4 Plus ?,How do I put Moto G4 Plus in silent mode ?,15898
1,How do I start a handicraft business online ?,How do I start a handicrafts business online ?,376313
0,Have you ever lost money in a model scam ?,Have you ever lost money in a scam ?,62913
1,"What is better , metal or asphalt roofing ?","Whats better , metal or asphalt roofing ?",273107
0,How widely accepted are credit cards at small businesses and restaurants in Kuwait ?,How widely accepted are credit cards at small businesses and restaurants in Italy ?,189701
1,Which is the best book for physical chemistry ?,What is the best book for physical chemistry ?,253561
0,Can I make my own cymbals ?,Which river divides Orissa and West Bengal ?,290127
1,How is the life of an engineering student ?,How is the life of engineering student ?,356514
0,What mental checklist do you use when evaluating an argument ?,What is critical evaluation ? What would you use that skill for ?,59981
1,I want to learn how to play the violin . Where should I start ?,Which is the best way to learn to play the violin ?,177474
0,Can we go sundarban at our own ?,Is it got okay if I do n't go to college because I love learning things by my own from internet ?,388272
1,What should one do in order to escape boredom ?,How can I escape boredom ?,27227
0,Is there something like a mid-career crisis ?,Mid-Career Crisis - Should I do an MBA ?,18682
1,Why do bad things happen with good people ?,Why do bad things happen to good people ?,255528
0,I am waiting for call letter from Cognizant . I have given my 1st prefered location as there any posibility of getting Chennai ?,Why capacitors acts as open circuit and short circuit ?,362916
1,Will the Cold War come again ?,Is the Cold War coming back ?,63340
0,How can I get my hair to grow faster ?,How should I massage my hair ? I am a guy & am losing my hair . What else should I do to make my hair grow again ?,399021
1,Where can I get list of stylish collection of designer floor tiles in Sydney ?,Where can I get best qualities outdoor tiles in Sydney ?,6382
0,Should I register and purchase new bike from Gurgaon or Delhi ?,How online vegetable ?,263382
1,Why do nasal neoplasms bleed on touch ?,Why do neoplasms bleed ?,208321
0,What are the most respected hospitals in Rabat and Casablanca ?,What is the most successful for-profit hospital in the US ?,307737
1,What are the main causes for the Russian revolution in 1917 ?,What caused the Russian Revolution of 1917 ?,18683
0,`` What are some examples of '' `` fiction '' '' ? '',What are some examples of non-narrative fiction ?,98767
1,What are some best hotels in varanasi ?,What are the top hotels in Varanasi ?,265028
0,What does McKinsey teach at their basic consulting readiness -LRB- BCR -RRB- workshop ?,Do Mckinsey or BCG doing IoT consulting too ?,174473
1,Can Cayenne pepper prevent a heart attack or stroke as claimed ?,Can Cayenne pepper prevent a heart attack or stroke as claimed by people ?,63620
0,Who would win in a fight between Superman and the Flash ?,Who would win in a fight between Spiderman and the Flash ?,224460
1,What 's your favorite type of music ?,What 's your favorite type of music to listen to ?,185470
0,"What are some examples of endangered species in the tropical rainforest , and how do these differ from those in the savannah ?","What are some examples of endangered species in the tropical rainforest , and how do these differ from those in oceans ?",292750
1,How can I get the best grades at school ?,What are some tips to get better grades in school ?,109333
0,"If someone says see you then , what should the next one reply ?",How can you remember all the points someone says while you are in a conversation so that you can adequately reply when they are done ?,391793
1,What is the future for Google ?,What is the future of Google ?,303701
0,What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Murray State ?,What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Truman State ?,35505
1,What were the best PC games in 2016 ?,Which are the best PC games of 2016 ?,36818
0,How do you become chancellor of a university ?,"Is Merkel kind of a dictator , how long has it been ?",65921
1,Why MS Dhoni left captaincy of limited overs ?,Why did MS Dhoni steps down as captain of India limited overs side ?,277253
0,Why do n't army grow long hair ?,Why did men grow long hair in Colonial Era ?,161606
1,"When establishing an LLC for an e-commerce website with no physical storefront , what do people list as an address for the business ?","When establishing an LLC for an online-only business , what could we provide as address for the business ?",54617
0,We need an office for sales operations I have someone who wants to provide one how much shares should I give out ?,"How could I figure out how much SSD capacity I need , given that I will use network shared drive for storage ?",318080
1,How come Great Britain won so many Olympic medals ?,What is the reason behind the sudden surge in the number of medals won by Great Britain at the Rio Olympics ?,84811
0,How are heptane 's isomer determined ?,What are the isomers of heptane ?,261292
1,What is the need and importance of learning english ?,Why do we need to learn English ?,130557
0,What material is the the exterior of the space shuttle made of ?,Why does the space shuttle require a fighter jet escort ?,47519
1,What actor would play you in a movie about your life ?,Who would play you in a film based upon your life ?,196133
0,What is the future of the Batman : Arkham series ?,How do I save my progress in Batman Arkham City for the PC ?,249640
1,What 's a good use of hashtags in Instagram ?,Which hashtag will I use to get more likes in Instagram ?,258073
0,What is the Good Samaritan 's message ?,What are the bestselling games for the PC ?,172477
1,How do I write in Chinese ?,What is the best way to learn to write Chinese ?,169265
0,"For GATE -LRB- ME , 2019 -RRB- , how should I boost up myself ? Will only self study with sound conception be enough to crack this ?",I have just started self teaching myself programming with C++ . How long will it take me to start writing games ?,99249
1,What is the Indian government doing to control population growth ?,Would n't population control solve the country 's problems ? What are the Modi government 's measures to curb population growth ?,167624
0,What song is briefly played at about the 4:30 second mark of Dexter season 3 episode 1 -LRB- Our Father -RRB- ?,What about Dexter 's biological father ?,243184
1,"If both the president and the vice president died , who would succeed as the new president ?","If both the President and the vice president died , what would happen ?",394185
0,"Do Gmail recipients also see the purple , unedited text from copy/paste or forwarded emails ?",I am forwarding email from Yahoo Mail to Gmail and all of it is going into my Gmail spam filter . What do I do ?,374554
1,How can you start believing in yourself ?,How can I start believing in myself ?,246073
0,Why does 3G mobile cellular signal use more power than 2G ?,Why does LTE consume more data than 3G ?,192262
1,How can I get back in my Facebook without a vaild email or password ?,How do I get into my Facebook if I ca n't remember passwords and I ca n't access email account ?,373366
0,"If we can speed up time , then what will happen ?",What happens if we run with speed of light ?,343047
1,Is demonetization a failure ?,Is demonetization policy of PM Modi a failure ?,149327
0,"What are the games I can play on my Dell Inspiron 5567 with an i7 7th core , 16gb ddr4 ram , 4 gb amd r7 m445 graphics ?",Would Dell Inspiron 15 5567 with ic7 and AMD Radeon R7 M445 be ok for casual gaming ?,195367
1,Why do so many fear president Obama ?,`` Why do so many '' `` fear '' '' President Obama ? '',29749
0,What does the sequence of story viewers on Instagram mean ?,"If an Instagram story does n't load , can the user still tell if I viewed it ?",78450
1,How did you get into Cambridge University ?,How does one get into Cambridge University ?,64990
0,Why is Rheumatoid Arthritis painful ?,Why is Rheumatoid Arthritis systemic ?,258560
1,What are the best places to visit in Austin Texas ?,What are the best places to visit in and around Austin ?,252382
0,How did you collect the information you required ?,'' '' `` The Man with a Scar '' '' October 1925 International Magazine Summary for assignment by w. Somerset Maugham ? '',336144
1,Is it all right for a person to admire good leaders and citizens who have contribute to the country progress ?,Is it all right for a person to admire the good leaders and citizens who have contributed to the country progress ?,45995
0,Does anyone work at Envigo in New Jersey ?,"Are there any colleges anyone can recommend for achieving an ASN/BSN -LRB- Nursing -RRB- in New York , Connecticut or New Jersey ?",387925
1,How can you cancel you Amazon prime free trial ?,How can you cancel your Prime free trial on Amazon ?,27350
0,Can we create some mass from energy ?,Where do photons appear from when mass and energy are combined ?,141193
1,How come PayPal 's exchange rate of USD or any other currency to INR is always less than the present day rate in India ?,How come PayPal 's exchange rate of USD to INR is always less than the present day rate in INDIA ?,106786
0,I feel very good when I shop . Am I a shopaholic ?,"What should I do if I am a 22 year old man and I have recently become impotent , and feel very awkward when I interact with women ?",215759
1,Why does China support Pakistani terrorism ?,Why does China support Pakistan ?,377143
0,What do you think about Serbia and Serbs ?,What do Albanians think of Serbs ?,211089
1,How can I be happy with what I already have ?,How can we be happy in life ?,173606
0,I am building a trebuchet -LRB- about 1.5 meters tall -RRB- . What are some factors I should take into effect to maximize distance ?,What is the suspenseful bang sound used in a lot of comedy Vines ?,5296
1,What other base systems were used in history ?,"Historically , have number systems with base other than 10 ever been used ?",289859
0,What should we do as soon as we get up early in the morning ?,How can I get up early in the morning -LRB- 8:00 am -RRB- ?,295568
1,What can you learn from Ajay Chandrakar ?,What can we learn from Ajay Chandrakar ?,271545
0,Why do Indians smell weird ?,"Do Indians smell differently than people of other ethnicities ? If so , why ?",378825
1,How do I recover my gmail password when I lost my registered recovery number ?,How do I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question 2 ?,281941
0,What is ` demographic dividend ' ? Why is it important for a civil service aspirant ?,Is Bollywood corrupting India 's demographic dividend ?,31547
1,How do I know if I 'm pretty or not ?,How do you know if you are pretty ?,162006
0,Would software engineering at UCI be worth it ?,How is UCI software engineering ?,341192
1,Has secularism has failed in India ?,Is secularism misinterpreted in India ?,36308
0,Can I forward mail from my PO box to a real address ?,Is it possible to create permanent auto-forwarded USPS addresses ?,152073
1,Are people having results with South Beach Diet ?,Does the South Beach Diet work ?,59694
0,How can time begin at the Big Bang ?,"If the beginning of the universe followed laws of thermodynamics , must have required time and time started only after big bang . So how do they fit in ?",297953
1,What was the best day of your life so far ?,What was the best day of your life ? Why ?,322695
0,"If you had unlimited editorial input , which new amendments to the Constitution of the US would you propose ? Why ?",What are some amendments that should be added to the U.S. Constitution ?,337132
1,"How cold can the Gobi Desert get , and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Colorado Plateau ?","How cold can the Gobi Desert get , and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Karakum Desert ?",323518
0,Could someone get effects from secondhand marijuana smoke ?,What 's worse : secondhand marijuana smoke or secondhand tobacco smoke ?,201786
1,How do I set up a VPN ?,How do you set up a VPN ?,322024
0,How can I download youtube playlists ?,What is the best and quickest way to download the whole playlist of videos from YouTube all at once ?,292342
1,What 's the best way to learn chess ?,How can I learn to play chess ?,267118
0,What is the dress code for chennai L&T infotech training center ?,What is the difference between Linux administrator and system administrator ?,35763
1,Which is better iphone 6 or iphone 6s ?,"Which is better , iPhone 6 or 6s ?",178763
0,"`` In Portuguese , how do you say '' `` goodbye '' '' ? ''",What is the best way to say goodbye ?,363532
1,Is green tea a fat burner ? Does it help with weight loss ? how much should I drink ? which time to drink ?,What are the ways to drink green tea for weight loss ?,258919
0,Do you believe in ghosts ?,Why do you not believe in Ghosts ?,387787
1,How do I get motivated to hit the gym ?,How can I keep myself motivated to hit the gym everyday ?,43078
0,Why did the Battle of Normandy affect Germany ?,What was the impact of the Battle of Normandy on Germany ?,236520
1,To what extent was Hitler responsible for the Holocaust ?,Is there any evidence that Hitler ordered the Holocaust ?,257383
0,What is ethical dilemma ?,What are ethical dilemmas ?,1465
1,What does it feel like to have no family ?,What is it like to have no family ?,65044
0,How do I strengthen immune system ?,What are the best foods for strengthening your immune system ?,333473
1,What country is the greatest and why ?,What country is the greatest ?,221989
0,`` Is there option of '' `` save site as template '' '' in SharePoint online ? '',Is SharePoint free ?,116300
1,How do you edit your preferences for news feed in Quora ?,How do I change the news feed preferences in Quora app ?,284398
0,What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Iroquois County IL ?,What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Bureau County IL ?,190188
1,What are biotic and abiotic factors ? How do they differ ?,What are the differences between biotic factors and abiotic factors ?,314820
0,What are the differences between ductility and malleability ?,Is boron malleable ?,111942
1,How do I become a professional mechanical engineer ?,What should I do to be a good mechanical engineer ?,297125
0,I just got hired by Infosys at 3.25 LPA package . Will I ever be able to buy a BMW or Mercedes ?,"Which one should I join , Infosys 3.25 LPA or Aricent 3 . s LPA ?",31226
1,The best way for weight loss ?,What are the best way of loose the weight ?,306690
0,How do nude beaches in Punta Cana compare to other nude beaches in Barbados ?,How do nude beaches in Punta Cana compare to other nude beaches in Curacao ?,262541
1,How do I find out who has viewed my profile on Facebook ?,How can I see a persons most visited profile on Facebook ?,60365
0,How did Benjamin Franklin die ?,How was Benjamin Franklin so productive ?,253725
1,Why do people want to learn English ?,Why do we need to learn English ?,330440
0,Which are the best way to be an efficient engineer ?,Which is the best way to decarbonize our efficiency ?,389160
1,What are some lesser known/interesting stories in Mahabharata ?,What are some lesser known and really interesting facts about the Mahabharata ?,162819
0,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Ring Energy ?,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Noble Energy ?,114648
1,Can I not use Facebook Workplace without a unique domain email address ?,Is there any way to reset my Facebook personal upload email address ?,303066
0,What is the University of Kaiserslautern like for an MS in CS ?,Is temple university good for ms in cs ?,344924
1,E-Business : What do you think about B2B platform ?,What do you think about B2B platform ?,343828
0,"You need to kill someone , but you have to send them at least one text message before you kill them . What do you send ?",Can someone who blocked my number see the texts I 'm sending them ?,102929
1,If you could make one wish what would it be ?,If you could have one wish what would it be ?,35738
0,Why is lithostatic pressure gradient is greater than fracture pressure gradient ?,Why do fracture pressure gradient is less than of lithostatic pressure gradient ?,40161
1,What strong evidence exists in support of the existence of global warming ?,How can you prove global warming ?,215045
0,What needs to be done when Quora marks my questions needs improvement every time ?,`` Why does Quora often show the '' `` This question needs clarification '' '' message ? '',365184
1,Which company should I choose as a fresher : Wipro technologies or Mindtree ?,Which company should I choose as fresher : Wipro technologies or Mindtree ?,100202
0,What is your past life regression experience ?,What is it like to have a past life regression experience ?,340329
1,Are there any verified angel investors on Quora ?,Are there any investors on Quora ?,310829
0,Where can I get a very efficient commercial cleaning service in Sydney ?,Where can I get sparkling and well maintained cleaning service in Sydney ?,390223
1,Why does Set Max show Sooryavansham so much ?,Why does Set Max repeatedly telecast Sooryavansham movie in India ?,183208
0,"What is the best way to preserve art work -LRB- photos , drawings , paintings , etc. -RRB- ?",What 's the best way to get into painting art ?,31561
1,Which is the best site to post my business blog and integrate with all traders worldwide ?,What is the best site to post my business blog and integrate with all traders worldwide ?,53242
0,How can I get inspired to write a masterpiece ?,How do I get inspired to write tragedies ?,113492
1,How would you approach a girl who is stranger to you ?,How do I approach a girl who is a stranger to me as I 'm quite shy ?,200301
0,What is backup material ?,What is backup ?,19996
1,Has anyone received Freedom 251 smartphone ?,Has anyone received the FREEDOM 251 ?,168297
0,What is the relation between torque and power ?,What is the relation between torque and weight ?,241081
1,What are the differences between natural and synthetic fibers ? What are their similarities ?,What are the similarities and differences between natural and synthetic fibers ?,126540
0,Which iits provide mba courses ?,How does loving someone feel and can you learn it ?,68523
1,"My girlfriend dumped me for a richer guy , should I trust her again ?","My girlfriend had dumped me for a richer guy , should I trust her again ?",338156
0,"If you delete Tinder from your phone , will you still show up in the list of people who use the app to your friends ?",Why does tinder show my profile if I deleted the app ?,22871
1,Why does magnetic field produce when current flows in a conductor ?,Why is a magnetic field produced when current flows through a conductor ?,1272
0,How do you remember words ?,What is the best way to remember words ?,235429
1,How do iprepare for IAS from 2nd year engineering computer science ?,"I am a 2nd year computer science engineering student , how should I start my preparations for civil services exam ?",75494
0,What is the salary we get on hand per month at Tejas networks if we join as fresher for hardware R&D engineer in Bangalore ?,For those who took the iOS course by Paul Hegarty . Can you recommend skipping the CoreData video since Apple made an extensive change ?,314946
1,Is Hillary Clinton seriously ill ?,Does Hillary Clinton have a serious health issue that people would care about ?,45003
0,What are the pros and cons of overnight jobs ?,How is the height of a place from sea level calculated ? What method is used by scientists ?,217160
1,What is female empowerment ?,What is woman empowerment ?,83150
0,Someone scanned my WhatsApp barcode and now he has an access to my chats.How do I change the barcode to avoid access to my previous or new chats ?,Is there any way you can know of someone has looked into your chat window or profile on whatsapp ?,70455
1,Is it theoretically possible to travel through parallel universe ?,"Theoretically , how can I travel to a parallel universe ?",220195
0,How can I join the Indian Merchant Navy after B.Tech ?,How can I join merchant navy after B.Sc hotel management ?,331981
1,How does Quora make money ?,How do Quora make money ?,354873
0,What is the legal action to take if a police hit ?,What should I do if the crime rate in my city has increased drastically and the police and government are not taking any action ? Is there any way a common man can connect to the government officials ?,402549
1,Why Maria Sharapova did not know Sachin Tendulkar ?,Why is Maria Sharapova unaware of Sachin Tendulkar ?,37662
0,Are the jews the only villians pretending to be victims ?,Metaphysics : Are we the environment pretending to not be the environment ?,120371
1,What are best books or techniques to learn hacking ?,What is the best book for learning hacking ?,80747
0,How easy is the German language ?,Is German derived from Marathi language ?,111388
1,Why is the human species doomed ?,"Are we as a species doomed ? If so , why ? And if not , why not ?",215206
0,Which is the best fruit juice to have after morning workout ? Why ?,Which fruit juice is best for acidity ?,145405
1,Daniel Ek : Why is n't Spotify available in India ? When is it launching in India ?,Daniel Ek : Why has n't Spotify come to India yet ? When is it launching in India ?,117181
0,How do I solve -LSB- math -RSB- \ sqrt -LSB- 3 -RSB- -LCB- 20 +14 \ sqrt -LCB- 2 -RCB- -RCB- + \ sqrt -LSB- 3 -RSB- -LCB- 20-14 \ sqrt -LCB- 2 -RCB- -RCB- -LSB- / math -RSB- ?,How can I solve -LSB- math -RSB- x ^ -LCB- 3 -RCB- = 4 \ sqrt -LCB- 2 -RCB- * -LRB- 1-i -RRB- -LSB- / math -RSB- in C ?,136271
1,Will there ever be a Buddhist president ?,Will there ever be a Buddhist president of the USA ?,12956
0,How do I identify fake and original Adidas ?,Where can I buy these Adidas shoes ?,192106
1,Why does Infosys hires mechanical engineers ?,Why is Infosys hiring mechanical engineers ?,309020
0,What are the best phones under 20000 ?,What is the best phone to buy below 15k ?,320492
1,How can I specifically improve my English ?,How can I improve my speaking ?,313500
0,What is the standard basketball ring height in the NBA ?,What is the diameter of a standard basketball hoop ?,270494
1,What are the applications of a computer network ?,What is application of computer network ?,378976
0,"If you have an offer from one company , and are interviewing with another company , can you ask the company to expedite the interview process ?",Is it generally a good idea to mention any on-going interviews/offers that you may have to another company you are interviewing with ?,321619
1,Does Mike Wazowski blink or wink ?,Does Mike Wazowski blinks or wink ?,294996
0,Why there is a need of double pointer ?,What is the difference between the single pointer and double pointer ?,368696
1,How do I get funding for my web based startup idea ?,How can I get funds for my business idea ?,223048
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Genmark Diagnostics ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Accelerate Diagnostics ?,84276
1,How do I get a scholarship to study in abroad ?,How do I get scholarship for studying abroad ?,275198
0,What is AgustaWestland Chopper Scam ?,What is AugustaWestland chopper 's scam ?,8974
1,How do I change my profile photo in here on Quora ?,How can I change my profile picture on Quora ?,18260
0,How would you know your age ?,How can we know age of a fish ?,342859
1,How do you change an SBI registered mobile number ?,How do I change my SBI register mobile number online ?,79322
0,What are some of the lesser known facts about London ?,What are the best facts about London ?,50085
1,Why does Quora prevent me from asking anonymous questions ?,Why am I blocked from asking questions under anonymous basis on Quora ?,380509
0,Have you ever read a book that truly inspired you ?,What is the most life changing book you 've ever read ?,123959
1,How can one get a job in google ?,How one can get a job in google ?,171965
0,How does PayPal work in India ?,Does PayPal work in India ? What features of PayPal are available in India ?,332644
1,How do you make hair grow faster overnight ?,What should I do to grow my hair in a week ?,124466
0,What are some good companies in India to get an internship in any field of ECE for a third year ?,How do I get a foreign internship -LRB- non-core -RRB- in a company after my third year ?,205323
1,How can I overcome the fear of public speaking ?,How can I overcome fear in public speaking ?,226213
0,Is it okay for a 15-year-old girl to date a 16-year-old boy ?,Can a 14 year old guy date a 12 year old girl ?,367460
1,What is the most useless feature you have seen on a car ?,What is the most pointless feature on a car ?,348831
0,"We are supplier of high Quality Methylone , Ethylone 4mmc and different products of very good quality and competitive",How many people -LRB- students and IT people -RRB- move in/out of bangalore everyday ?,243997
1,Why did RBI issue new 2000 rupees note instead of new 1000 rupees note ?,What is the strategy behind the RBI on not releasing the new 1000 rupees note ?,310326
0,What will be the positive and negative effects of demonization of 500/1000 notes on Indian economy ?,What will be the effect of Indian Government 's decision on banning Rs 500 & 1000 notes on real state ? Should we buy or sell ?,67755
1,Where is the best online digital marketing course ?,What are some best Digital marketing courses in India ?,201761
0,Will the European Union disintegrate after the UK leaves it ?,"EU Referendum in the UK -LRB- June 23 , 2016 -RRB- : How likely is it that Britain will leave the EU ?",244793
1,How can we improve our brain power ?,How do I improve my brain power ?,124974
0,What do we know about the Gigantopithecus ?,Would a marketing organization like their demand to be elastic ?,371977
1,Which are the top ten best Hollywood romantic movies ?,What are the best romantic Hollywood movies to watch ?,45688
0,How much do big brother contestants get paid ?,What is the salary of an IIT professor ?,258490
1,Why do people ask questions on Quora while They can get all the answers by Googling ?,Why do so many people ask google-able questions on Quora ?,63387
0,How tough is it for a stammerer/stutterer to get selected in UPSC CSE -LRB- IAS/IRS -RRB- ? What problem do they face during training at LBSNAA ?,At what rank an obc can get IRS in CSE ?,218370
1,Which test series is best for gate ?,Which is the best test series for gate ?,206745
0,What 's the way to lose belly fat ?,"What are the best ways to reduce and eliminate belly , abdominal , and thigh fat ?",231220
1,What kind of programming language should I learn if I want to debug a game-making website like ?,Which programming language should I learn if I am interested in game development ?,225897
0,What kind of Saree will be suitable for my college farewell party ?,What is the best farewell speech given by a junior to a senior in college ?,95315
1,How are concentric and eccentric contractions formed ?,How are eccentric and concentric contractions formed ?,316103
0,What are the best high-end preschools in Indianapolis ? What makes them good or special ?,"What are the best high-end preschools in Waterloo , ON ? What makes them good or special ?",7668
1,What is Singapore like for Indians ?,What is it like to live in Singapore as an Indian ?,392892
0,Why India has not become a Muslim nation even after it was ruled by Muslims for about 1000 years ?,Why does India have a Hindu majority even after being ruled by Muslims for 1000 years ?,144533
1,Is India failing to get Pakistan isolated internationally ?,Has India failed to isolate Pakistan internationally ?,307678
0,How can I register my email ID and phone number in an Aadhar card - UID online ?,How can I link my mobile no . and email address to an existing Aadhar card number ?,170907
1,How can I improve my pronunciation in English ?,How can I improve my speaking ?,136999
0,What is instantaneous acceleration ?,What is average acceleration ? How does acceleration occur ?,354003
1,Does a woman always bleed when she has sex for the first time ?,Does a woman always bleed after first time sex and how much ?,211480
0,What would be the key reasons for a business to buy a domain with GoDaddy ?,The target for my blog is the Indian audience . Should I buy a domain from GoDaddy or BigRock ?,230249
1,What colors are in the Mexican flag and what does the flag mean ?,What is the significance of the colors in the Mexican flag ?,6633
0,"I 'm 14 and a half , hit puberty when I was 10 and a half , have n't been growing for 4 months , will I still grow ?",I 'm 15 and a half and 5 ' 7 my dad is 5 '10 and my mom is 5 ' 3 . Can I still grow ?,267571
1,What are the best internet business ideas ?,What are all Internet business ideas ?,373057
0,What are some of the best contemporary books ?,What are the best contemporary romance books ?,71325
1,What is online stock market trading ?,What is online stock trading ?,126491
0,How can I make a Q&A android app ?,How can I make my Android app known ?,193804
1,What is the best sex youve ever had ?,What is the best sex experience you have ever had ?,384094
0,"What is the deepest lake in Europe , and how does this lake 's flora and fauna compare to that of Lake Van ?","What is the deepest lake in Europe , and how does this lake 's flora and fauna compare to that of Lake Edward ?",230351
1,Why do Quorans ask simple factual questions that can be answered with a single search on Google ?,Why are so many questions posted to Quora that are so easily answered by using Google ?,176052
0,What is C.P.H. 4 ?,"What is the colour of C.P.H. 4 , what does it look like ? What is an image of C.P.H. 4 ?",209419
1,What are some great references to learn web design ?,Where can I learn web design ?,128724
0,How do you say ` pray for me ' in Latin ?,`` How do you say '' `` elsewhere '' '' in Latin ? '',321374
1,Which are best dentists in Lucknow ?,Who is the best dentist in Lucknow ?,84583
0,What are the the most important organic and inorganic components of bones ?,marrying ? What should I know as Indian guy .,402939
1,How can changing 500 and 1000 rupee notes end the black money in India ?,How can scrapping use of 500 and 1000 rupee currency notes in India solve problem of corruption ?,282284
0,What are three reasons for the growth of representative government in the 13 colonies ?,How was democracy characterized in the 13 colonies ?,325075
1,What are the best books for learning how to build social skills ?,What are some good books for improving social skills ?,394290
0,"`` My job application status says '' `` your application is currently on hold , and we will be in contact with you shortly to let you know the next stage of the recruitment process '' '' - what does this mean ? ''",`` What does '' `` considering '' '' status on job application mean ? '',14869
1,How do I get rid of pimples on my face ?,What are the best ways to get rid of acne ?,80109
0,What is an INFJ - ISFJ relationship like ?,What is it like to be in a relationship with an ISFJ ?,244551
1,How do I flow traffic to my website ?,How do I increase traffic on my site ?,256572
0,Why is the study of economics important ?,Why should I study economics ?,204438
1,What was the funniest thing that happened to you ?,What 's the funniest thing that 's ever happened to you ?,253532
0,What is Lady Gaga about ?,Who is Lady Gaga ?,344437
1,What is the toughest interview question ever asked ?,What is best puzzling question ever asked in an interview ?,76907
0,Is there an app I can use that opens a picture when I try to open certain apps ?,TATA sons ki kya hai mushkil ? -LRB- What is TATA sons biggest trouble ? -RRB-,183243
1,What is the similarity between mammals and reptiles ?,What are the similarities between mammals and reptiles ?,273394
0,What vans skate shoe model is this ?,How do I tie laces of vans acid denim shoes ?,220243
1,What is the best Fitness Band ?,Which are the best fitness bands ?,196824
0,Who is the most powerful Marvel superhero ?,Is DC powerful than Marvel ?,398534
1,What do Chinese think of Donald Trump as a leader ?,What do Chinese people think of Donald Trump ?,56756
0,How do you address a female judge ?,"Why ca n't we address the problem of a lack of judges in India , especially when we know the huge backlog of cases we have in Indian courts ?",353748
1,Why should I not vote for Donald Trump ?,Why should I not vote for Trump ? -LRB- Someone asked me this today and I did n't know how to respond -RRB-,114815
0,Can a dog or cat in heat be spayed ?,Should I get a dog or a cat as my pet ?,171051
1,What is the best way to prepare for gate 2016 -LRB- EE -RRB- in 3 months ?,How can I prepare for the GATE 2016 in the last six months ? Is there any good study to get qualified in CS ?,178225
0,"Hopefully , by 2018 , I would have already been able to graduate with a bachelor 's degree in Communication Arts from a university in the Philippines . How should I best go about applying for work in Canada ?",I have just completed my Bachelor 's in Mechanical Engineering from Tier 3 college in India . Should I go 2 Canada or get work experience in India only ?,155484
1,"What are the best places to visit in Karnataka , India ?",What are some best places to see in Karnataka ?,182091
0,What is the easy way to hack an account ?,Can gmail be hacked ? How ?,275001
1,Why do people ask questions on Quora that can easily be answered by Google ?,Why do many Quora users ask questions they could look up online ?,293170
0,How can I calculate my prescription for computer glasses ?,How often should I wear glasses ? My prescription is -1.75 and -1.5,98636
1,Is it harmful to take the milk and meat together ?,Is taking meat and milk together harmful ?,327894
0,What type of materials is use in centrifuge tips or in microtips ?,It 's an undeniable fact that Warren Buffett is a great value investor . But has he created any value on his own ?,393947
1,How should I convince my parents for love marriage ?,How do I convince parents for a love marriage ?,223959
0,Where can I get all coding questions asked in geekforgeeks and their answers in PDF format ?,On my old -LRB- expired -RRB- passport it says ECNR valid till the minor attains the age of 24 . Do I have to submit any documents as proof of ECNR ?,314917
1,How do I get meth out of my system in 2 days ?,"How long will it take for meth to get out of my system if I 'm 6 ' 0 , 155 lb and 17 years old ?",139281
0,Do young women in the U.S. find Indian men disgusting ?,Which is the best place in the U.S for an Indian person to settle down ?,238544
1,In the Lord Of The Rings : was Sauron in the form of an ` eye ' as shown in the movies or was he in the form of a spirit/ghost ?,How is Sauron portrayed in The Lord Of The Rings -LRB- books -RRB- ? Is he represented by an eye ?,252975
0,"I know html , css how can I earn money with this ?",Why are there barely any female Jedi or force users in the first two Star Wars trilogies ?,67791
1,What is the purpose of a caste system ?,What is the purpose of caste system ?,290400
0,How many startups got funded in Global Investors Summit 2016 ?,Where can my web-based startup find funding or investors ?,129510
1,What I can do to last longer during sex ?,How can I last for a longer time during sex ?,268701
0,How are careers in chemistry changing and what 's necessary to stay current ?,"How are careers in English changing , and what 's necessary to stay current ?",365394
1,What does society have to do with ecology ?,How does society impact ecology ?,403076
0,"How truthful is the quote that says ` Little knowledge of science makes you an atheist , in depth knowledge of science makes you a believer in God ' ?",Is Heisenberg right in saying that first few gulps of natural science turns one into an atheist but God is waiting at the bottom ? -LRB- See quote below -RRB-,222599
1,What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration ?,What are the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration ? What are the similarities ?,18378
0,"If you put some bacteria on Mars , can they survive ?",Is this possible to put some bacteria-like tiny organisms in Martian climate ?,83053
1,When the United States loses net neutrality will it be the end of the internet ?,Would losing net neutrality be the death of the Internet ?,34297
0,What are some unblocked movie downloading sites that can be accessed from SVNIT server ?,How do to Download Hacksaw Ridge Full movie ?,333229
1,Is iPhone 6s good enough ?,Is the iPhone 6s good enough ?,264781
0,What is the charge to a merchant for using Paytm or any other mobile wallet ?,"Will I get any benefits from PayTM , if I use their wallet in my app ?",349209
1,How can I learn to write faster ?,How do I write faster ?,359878
0,Can people imprint on people in real life ? Why or why not ?,Why do I drift off and ignore people in real life but not text ?,93115
1,Which is best laptop to buy under 30k ?,What are the best laptops available under INR 30000 -LRB- 30k -RRB- ?,173314
0,"After two RFEs , my H1-B application was denied by USCIS . What options do I have ?",How can one check the stability of capsules ?,232976
1,What is the reason behind the unsafety of women 's in India ?,What is the reason behind the unsafety of the women 's in India ?,254084
0,Who is the best player in history of football ?,Who is the best player in baseball history ?,196885
1,How does one become a guide/instructor for ice climbing ?,How would one train in mountaineering and become a mountain guide ?,242071
0,My boyfriend has been acting so weird . I do n't know what to do . How should I handle it ?,I love my boyfriend but this relationship is becoming exhausting . What should I do ?,36897
1,Are there any Nobel Prize winners on Quora ?,Is there anyone with a Nobel Prize on Quora ?,144740
0,"Why is sleep being mentioned as the new sex , and dreams the new orgasm ?",Why do we dream and sleep ?,26047
1,What is the reason Pakistan supports terrorism ?,Has Pakistan become a safe haven for global terrorism ?,618
0,Do you dream in black and white or in color ?,Do people dream in color or black and white ?,40667
1,What is the difference between sleep and meditation ? Which is better ?,What is difference between meditation and sleep ?,228665
0,"I 've recently joined MBBS . I 'm panicking as hell about how to study , the right material , everything . Really need guidance . How should I handle this ?","As a doctor yourself , what advice would you give to a student just starting med school in India ?",5692
1,Has a president elect ever been forced out of office before ?,Has a president elect ever been forced out ?,86436
0,How do I prepare for Works Applications take home assignment ?,Minimum score for AMCAT exam for interview process ?,267172
1,How do I get more traffic on my website ?,How do I get more traffic for my site ?,74003
0,How many British prime ministers are Scottish ?,How can someone become the British prime minister ?,307548
1,How can a skinny guy with a fast metabolism gain weight ?,How can a skinny/short guy like me gain muscle ?,24966
0,Is French or Spanish easier for an Italian speaker to learn and use ?,What is easier to learn : Spanish or German ?,390401
1,Why do some guys feel the need to send pictures of their penis to girls they just met ?,Why do men send pictures of their penis to potential partners ?,32980
0,How do I start YouTube channel to earn money ?,How do I start YouTube channel and earn money in India ?,120139
1,"Is it possible that dinosaurs are still alive , but humans do n't know ?",Do dinosaurs still exist and is it possible to contact and communicate with them ?,380399
0,How good is Plasti Dip ?,How much weight does plasti dip add to your car ?,336128
1,What is the best way to avoid being rejected ?,How do you avoid being rejected ?,97512
0,How do I get back deleted messages from whatsapp if I do n't have a back up ?,How can I get back whatsapp deleted messages ?,241602
1,How do porn stars get paid ?,How much porn actress are paid ?,304295
0,What 's the legal way to watch the Premier League live in the USA ?,What 's the best method to watch -LRB- live -RRB- English Premier League matches in the US ?,258706
1,What do you do with your free time ?,What do you do when you have free time ?,360840
0,How do I get the portal to the Isle of Thunder to appear at the Shado-pan Garrison ?,What should a PhD adviser do if their student gets addicted to world of warcraft ?,246709
1,How can I earn from online ?,How do I earn money online ?,74534
0,Is Dr.Brennan kind of like a female Sheldon ?,Why do we all like Sheldon ?,243732
1,Which is the best solar power bank ?,What is the best solar power bank ?,177727
0,How do I kiss for the first time ?,What are some kissing tips ?,216984
1,Will I become a billionaire as a black man in America ?,Can I become a billionaire as a black man in America ?,124133
0,What do Americans think about Scottish people and/or Scottish Independence ?,What do Irish people think of Scottish people and Scottish Independence ?,181975
1,How many views and answers are required to become Top Writer in Quora ?,How does someone become a top writer in Quora -LRB- criteria -RRB- ?,361626
0,What is the best way to learn and write a AI Chat bot ?,Is there chat bots software ?,170764
1,When is Apple releasing its new MacBook Pro ?,When is the next posible release date for the Macbook Pro ?,137601
0,What is the best way to get bitcoins for Free ?,How can you hack bitcoins to get free bitcoins ?,7640
1,What could be the best laptop in budget upto 50k ?,Which is the best laptop to buy at price range 40-45000 rs ?,317853
0,What are some of the worst non-fiction books you have read ?,What are some must read non-fiction books ?,388000
1,What is the best place in India to visit ?,What is best place in India ?,254002
0,What is it like to live in Indonesia ?,What is the best city in Indonesia to live in ? Why ?,131825
1,What are some websites for downloading licence key ?,What are some websites to download licence key ?,314841
0,Can I drink water after taking cough syrup ?,What would cause you to throw up after drinking water ?,141774
1,How can we earn on YouTube ?,How do youtube earn money ?,126269
0,What is a typical work day like for an Indian Lok Sabha MP while the parliament is in session ?,What is the name of the Anglo-Indian 16th Lok Sabha ?,337875
1,How do I post a question that was marked as needing improvement ?,Why my question is marked as needing improvements ?,14278
0,How long can I live without food ?,How long can a flea live without food ? How can they endure for so long ?,190956
1,How often do high tides occur ? What causes them ?,How often do tides occur ? What causes it ?,186875
0,How much is Indian film director Mira Nair 's estimated net worth ?,What is Robert Redford 's approximate net worth in 2015 ? Does he earn more as an actor or a director ?,125384
1,What will happen if India and Pakistan United ?,What will happen if India and Pakistan happen to reunite as one country ?,119088
0,What are some of the must-see but not-so-famous places in Trivandrum ?,"What are some lesser-known sights to see when visiting Thiruvananthapuram , Kerala , India ?",106302
1,"I caught my son watching porn , what should I do ?","I caught my son watching porn , how should I confront him ?",102636
0,What is the infantry in the Army ?,What is infantry school like for the U.S. Army ?,150746
1,How do you add details to your question on this website ?,How do I add a description/elaborate my question on Quora ?,360102
0,What makes the ISS the brightest object apart from the moon in the night sky ? Does it have light bulbs ?,Have you ever seen strange lights in the sky at night ?,110434
1,What are some of the best places to visit in Kerala in a span of 5 days ?,What are the best places to visit in Kerala ? What is the best way of transportation there ?,285692
0,What should I do to impress you ?,What is the best way to impress my boyfriend ?,114482
1,How can someone intentionally kill themselves but make it look like an accident ?,How do I make suicide look like an accident ?,170273
0,What types of gears used in differentials and gear boxes of cars and bikes ?,"Whether it is possible to build gear less car , just like a gear less bike ?",40988
1,How do I shed my body hair permanently ?,How can I remove my body hair permanently ?,117676
0,"What is the property tax rate in Granville , Ohio ? How is it compared to the one of California ?","What is the property tax rate in Granville , Ohio ? How is it compared to the one of Georgia ?",376960
1,What are some Harvey Spector quotes ?,What are the best Harvey Spector quotes ?,49014
0,What is the best way to understand neural networks and fuzzy logic ?,What is the best book for Fuzzy logic ?,2943
1,What is the sociology of education ? Why is its role in teacher education important ?,How is sociology of education helpful to a teacher ?,395650
0,What is the best beach vacation destination in summer ?,What is the best beach vacation destination this summer 2015 ?,282941
1,What are some of the most under-appreciated things in life ?,What are the most underrated things in life ?,390228
0,Which programming language should I learn if I want go in space technology further or what should I do to have a touch of space with development ?,How can a 27 year old unemployed male make friends ?,357926
1,How many calories do you burn walking a mile ? Is this a good exercise ?,How many calories are burned while walking or jogging one mile ?,342924
0,Is life of a marine engineer good ?,How hard is life as a marine engineer ?,91211
1,How do I learn to stop saying the words in my head when reading ?,The Mind : How to stop saying the words in my head when I read ?,108982
0,How do I get get information about a mobile number in India ?,What would be the breaking point of the Electoral College ?,310612
1,How can I understand the taxation system of India ?,How can I understand or learn the taxation system of India ?,263598
0,"`` Why did n't I get a bid during sorority rush even though I '' `` m attractive , friendly and have an above average GPA from a prestigious school ? ''",Should I spend an extra semester repeating all the courses I did n't do well to try to raise the GPA even though I am graduating soon ?,174703
1,Is it safe to go to IIT Jammu ?,Is IIT jammu a safe place to study ?,23482
0,How do you open a Netflix account ?,How can I use a free Netflix account or Hulu + ?,73644
1,What is the best way to approach random women stranger in public as on streets ?,What is the best way to approach women I see in public and ask them on a date ?,146195
0,What are some good alternatives to GoDaddy ?,What is your review of GoDaddy ?,354521
1,What do you collect and why ?,Do you collect things as a hobby ? What do you collect ?,156968
0,`` What does the phrase '' `` take the high road '' '' mean ? '',`` What is the meaning of the phrase '' `` see you down the road '' '' ? '',340086
1,Why are so many questions posted to Quora that are so easily answered by using Google ?,Why do so many people post questions on Quora that could be easily and thoroughly answered by simply typing the question into any search engine ?,217168
0,"What is the minimum CAT percentile required to be selected in the cut off list for the PGDM course at Great Lakes Institute of Management , Chennai ?",What is the CAT cut off percentile for NC-OBC students in top B-Schools across India ?,213644
1,How do I study properly ?,How can I study more time and more effectively ?,336619
0,How much profit is there in poultry farms in India ?,How much investment is required to start poultry farming in Kenya ?,22636
1,How imminent is World War three ?,How soon is world war III ?,45467
0,What causes our skin to feel itchy ?,Why is it stressed that Prophet Mohammed -LRB- pbuh -RRB- is the last prophet ?,403950
1,How will the ban of 1000 and 500 rupee notes affect the Indian economy ?,What will be the effects after banning on 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,219709
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Vector Group ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Group Strategies ?,111194
1,What is the strangest food combination you have ever seen or partaken in ?,What 's the strangest combination of foods you have ever witnessed ?,207963
0,What were the best science podcasts ?,What are the most interesting science and technology podcasts ?,237760
1,Which is the best alternative for Google AdSense and why ?,What is the best alternative choice for Google adsense ?,16869
0,What is the corporate culture like at Banner ? How is the culture different than other companies ?,What is the corporate culture like at Endurance ? How is the culture different than other companies ?,370450
1,What is the best question asked on Quora ? What was the best answer ?,What is the best question on Quora ever ?,177767
0,How do I prepare for computer science for my CBSE class 12 boards ?,What is the best way to prepare optics for CBSE class 12 boards ?,368410
1,Why did n't Michael Collins land on the moon ?,Why did n't Michael Collins step on the Moon ?,260482
0,"Itachi uchiha killed his mother who was innocent and still people love him , have people forgotten the meaning of mother ?","Does Obito Uchiha die in the Naruto anime ? And if so , who kills him ?",226111
1,What are the rituals of Hinduism ?,What are some of the rituals performed in Hinduism ?,177811
0,What are some consumer products that are common in developing countries like China and India that have not yet become popular in the US ?,Why is India still a developing country ?,238742
1,How can I improve English speaking skill ?,What can I do to improve my English speaking ?,295869
0,"In MS Excel , how do I filter multiple columns simultaneously , with the criteria range for each column being different ?","Is there a way to insert multiple images in excel , each image in one row , column B has filename ?",402068
1,What do you think of the move of banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes in India -LRB- Nov 2016 -RRB- ?,What do you think about ban on Rs . 500 and Rs . 1000 currency notes ?,290563
0,How do I deal with irritation ?,How can I deal with an irritating friend ?,199265
1,Where can find the Bhopal hotels and resorts ?,How do I know about the Bhopal hotels and resorts ?,218354
0,How can I become rich in a poor country ?,How can I become rich in Turkey ?,86017
1,Why did Modi government exempts political parties from paying tax ?,Why did Modi government exempt political parties from tax on deposits of old 500 and 1000 rupees notes ? Is he succumbing to pressure ?,93819
0,Who has the rights to the Dutch East India Company logo and name ?,How were the Dutch East India Trading company and the British East India company similar ?,315278
1,What are some of the best jokes ever told ?,What is the best joke ever heard ?,208572
0,What do self-taught web developers wish they had known before they started ?,I do not like math . Is it possible for me to become a successful self-taught frontend web developer within a year ? How will I get there ?,224431
1,What exactly when wrong with Obamacare ?,What is wrong with Obamacare ?,211387
0,How should I kill myself ?,What is the easiest way to kill myself ?,127299
1,What is new moon ?,When is the new moon ?,196977
0,I can not send anyone following request on insta coz when I do it suddenly changes from requested to follow again ?,Should I get a boyfriend just because everyone in my friend circle has one ?,50536
1,Do you think new 500 and new 2000 notes will help eradicating Black Money ?,What do you think about the ban on 500 and 1000 denomination notes in India ?,355760
0,Will Dieticians allow me to shadow them in a hospital ? Or do you need to book a shadowing session in the UK ?,I negotiated an interest payment after a breach of contract through the buyer 's lawyers . Now the buyer is suing me for extortion . Can it stick ?,205172
1,What are the best way of loose the weight ?,What should I do to reduce weight ?,342827
0,What does it mean when you dream about someone you have n't seen in years ?,Why did I dream about someone I have never seen and why were we like dating ?,134514
1,What is the best hotel in Rajasthan ?,What are the best and category top hotels in Rajasthan ?,93235
0,"I love video games , but sometimes I need to study . I 'm not willing to delete all my games . What do I tell myself so I can get off a game ?","I have an idea for a game , but I do n't know anything about making games . How do I start ?",146488
1,What should we expect from life ?,What should you expect from your life ?,127042
0,"If the war between Russia and Turkey breaks out somehow , can anyone of the NATO members breaks the NATO 's rule to not get involved in the war ?",NATO 's Involvement in Libyan Civil War -LRB- 2011 -RRB- : How do the airstrikes work ? What are their targets ?,177158
1,Where can I buy best quality customized cupcakes in Gold Coast ?,Where can I found best quality cupcake shops in Gold Cost ?,203745
0,"What is the easiest way to get many , large CSV files into DynamoDB ?",How do I import a CSV file using Ubercart ?,237172
1,Which are the books for self learning c++ ?,What are some books to learn c++ ?,230151
0,Is there a dating app in India which is used by married people for casual dating or open-marriage relationships ?,What 's the best dating app for smart people ?,174339
1,Quora : How to ask question on Quora so that it wont get marked as needing improvement ?,Why are ALL my questions being marked as needing improvement ?,305880
0,"Could the government be hiding giants , demons , aliens , or something we should know ?",Why would governments hide aliens ?,68031
1,Why are dimples so attractive on gals ?,Why are dimples hot on girls ?,53637
0,Should I pay cst if I purchase goods from other state?or is there any other way I can purchase goods without paying cst ?,Blazeclan technologies review ?,136498
1,What are some useful blogs for computer science engineering student ?,What are some useful websites for computer science engineering students ?,92218
0,How do I change a Google account primary email address by replacing a new Google ID ?,How do I change my Google default account ?,136532
1,What are the requirements for admission to stanford ?,What are the admission requirements for Stanford University ?,12619
0,What happens if I get a boyfriend ?,What will happen if I wo n't ever learn or get a job or love myself ?,110151
1,Has there been any major conspiracy theory that has turned out to be true ?,What is a conspiracy theory that turned out to be real ?,61249
0,What is the career path for an Android app developer ?,How do I change my career path from being a Civil Engineer to becoming a Web/Android/Software Developer ?,159269
1,Why is the sun still shining ?,Why does the sun shine so brightly ?,219213
0,`` What are the best answers for '' `` Why should I hire you '' '' ? '',What are some of the best interview answers ?,196999
1,How do I control my thoughts ?,What is the best way to control your thoughts ?,46206
0,What are the disadvantages of hand practice ? What are the advantages ?,What is the disadvantage of hand practice ?,107168
1,How would scrapping Rs 500 and 1000 notes affect the real estate sector ?,How do the real estate prices get affected by the Indian Government 's decision to de-monetize 500 and 1000 notes ?,215567
0,How do you simplify Boolean expressions on a calculator ?,How do you simplify Boolean expressions ?,10469
1,What is the best stylus to use with the iPad ?,What is the best stylus pen for handwriting -LRB- not drawing -RRB- on an iPad ?,343031
0,What is the cheats for increasing coins in 8 ball pool ?,Is it possible to generate unlimited coins in 8 Ball pool ?,235767
1,How do I recover deleted files from Android internal memory ?,How do I recover deleted data of Android ?,107250
0,"I have a laptop , internet , and $ 600 in cash . How do I make more money with just these items ?",How much money can I make a month reselling items ?,399999
1,Is there a relation between investment in Reliance Jio and demonetization of 1000 & 500 notes ?,"Is there any relation between demonetization of 500,1000 rupee notes and Jio ?",282010
0,Gambling : Can the current Bitcoin casinos survive ?,What are the top bitcoin gambling sites ?,109091
1,When did you stop doubting that you were transgender ?,When did you know you were transgender ?,369584
0,How can we rationally convince a Hillary supporter that Hillary Clinton is not fit to become President ? -LRB- How do you rationalize the irrational ? -RRB-,Is Hillary Clinton mentally/physically fit to be president ?,304625
1,Why Spotify is not available in India ?,Daniel Ek : What are the hardships for Spotify to be launched in India ?,100791
0,Can you do astral project while meditating ?,What we can do when astral projecting ?,182101
1,How do I get a list of all my Gmail accounts ?,How do I find my list of GMail addresses ?,46878
0,Is ISO 26262 certification useful for developing career in automotive industry ?,How much water does the automotive industry use for the servicing of vehicles in India ?,23884
1,What is the best movie of all time ? -LRB- In your opinion -RRB-,Which according to you is the best movie of all time ? Select only one choice .,393642
0,When will Heartland 7th season be add to Netflix in the United States ?,How united is the United States ?,207422
1,Is there life on Mars ?,Is life possible in Mars ?,47738
0,What does this say in English ?,How do you say this in English ?,35745
1,How can I survive without friends ?,How can I live without friends ?,343941
0,Is there a Indo-Pak war in the future ?,Are we heading towards another India-Pakistan war after Uri attack ?,361268
1,How much is the salary of IBPS PO ?,What is salary of IBPS PO ?,109538
0,How many days does it take to dispatch passport after printing initiated ?,When is passport send for printing ?,322845
1,Will I improve my memory power ?,How can I increase memory power ?,172996
0,Can the electoral college stop Trump from becoming president ?,"Does the Electoral College have the power to reject Trump , or any candidate for that matter , if enough electors decided to change their vote ?",234968
1,How can I get a list of my Gmail accounts ?,Is there any way I can get a list of all of my Gmail accounts ?,288671
0,Why does the earth revolve around the sun ?,Why are the orbits of planets elliptical ?,306287
1,What are the best books for c++ ?,What are some books to learn c++ ?,149463
0,I 'm interested in the stock market . Where should I begin ? I have no knowledge about it .,What are the best ways to invest money ?,270058
1,Why is there no limit on maximum acceleration similar to one on maximum velocity -LRB- i.e. speed of light -RRB- ?,Why is that there is no limit for acceleration but limit for speed -LRB- speed of light -RRB- ?,236843
0,What is the greatest mystery in earth ?,What is the greatest mystery in the universe ?,106327
1,What are some great metaphors ?,What are some brilliant metaphors ?,101049
0,"Whats the best view engine for node.js -LRB- ejs , jade or handlebars -RRB- ?",What is the best Templating Engine for Node.js and why ?,302907
1,Will the white race really eventually disappear ?,Is the white race dying out ?,321776
0,"I 'm a US citizen . If I marry my Swiss boyfriend -LRB- who lives in Zurich -RRB- here in the US , will it be recognized by the Swiss government ?","I 'm a US citizen and my boyfriend is Argentinean ; if we get married in the US , how long will it take for him to be qualified to work in the US ?",382284
1,How do I cope with the feeling of rejection ?,How to deal with rejection ?,103166
0,How do I learn geography for NDA ?,How do I learn to accept myself and my appearance ?,23565
1,How can I properly pop my knee ?,How do I pop my knee properly ?,141195
0,How do I raise my social status ?,How can you raise your social status in an authentic way ?,301842
1,How do I take control on masturbation ?,How do I control on masturbation ?,191688
0,How can I stop feeling so depressed and hopeless ?,How can I stop feeling so depressed ?,149967
1,Why could Hillary Clinton go to jail ?,Why is Hillary Clinton not in jail after all the allegations of crimes ?,284387
0,Are elephants afraid of mice ?,Are elephants friendly ?,392690
1,What are the websites you check everyday ?,What are the best websites to visit everyday ?,233331
0,What is the physics of time ?,What is ` Now - The Physics of Time ' about ? Can a layman understand the book ?,148732
1,How can we learn faster ?,How can I learn at a higher speed ?,159884
0,Where does the expression ` paying through the nose ' come from ?,`` Where does the term '' `` towhead '' '' come from ? '',128508
1,How common is prostitution in Saudi Arabia ?,How are prostitutes punished in Saudi Arabia ?,77505
0,How do I find the factor of the number ?,What is a simple formula to calculate the sum of the prime factors of a number ?,131456
1,How does one stop teeth clenching and grinding ?,What causes teeth grinding and clinching ? How do I stop it ?,39690
0,Why does NaCl have a high melting point ?,Why melting point of Mn is high ?,192899
1,If you are told that you have only 24 hours to live how you will spend it ? With whom ?,"If you had only 24 hours left to live , what would you do ?",168489
0,Did Jimmy Fallon date Nicole Kidman ?,"What is the most meaningful gift you 've ever given that was not appreciated , and why ?",22220
1,How does one cope with existential depression ?,How can I get over this existential depression ?,165436
0,What are some Poptropica cheats to use on Mythology Island ?,Can we use cheats in cheat lock mode in AOE 2 ?,367069
1,Can a girl loose her virginity without having sex ?,How do a girl loose virginity even without having sex ?,100718
0,How much physical money is inside the average retail bank ?,How much money do Uber drivers make ?,74989
1,"If my friend and I both liked the same girl , what should I do ?",What would you do if you and your best friend love the same girl ?,220927
0,Has anyone used Unity 5 for CFD and how ?,What are the limitations of CFD ?,89509
1,What are the benefits of advertising on social media ?,What are the benefits of social media marketing ?,186054
0,How can I get a British girlfriend while living in Toronto Canada ?,How can I meet British people in Canada ?,16500
1,Why do some of the most prosperous regions of India have an adverse sex ratio for women ?,Why do some of the most prosperous regions in India have an adverse sex ratio for women ?,364172
0,What software turns speech into contextual images ?,What applications need 3 GB RAM in mobile Android phone.What appliactions I can use freely with 2 GB RAM ?,307443
1,How can I speak American accent fluently ?,How can I learn American accent fluently ?,196939
0,How often does a legendary chest appear in the shop in Clash Royale ?,What is the most efficient way to play Clash Royale ?,62360
1,What is the difference between India and the United States of America ?,What is the difference between India and USA ?,330828
0,How can I motivate myself to dress better ?,Why is not working ?,33320
1,Why is my heart beating really fast for no reason ?,Why is my heart beating faster for no reason ?,113873
0,Why most of the mobile companies provide very short charger/cable ?,"I have the legitimate Apple charger , but I am using a third party mobile cable . Will it damage my iPhone ?",171012
1,How can I find all my old Gmail accounts ?,How can you find all of your Gmail accounts ?,42390
0,How effective is putting water in urine to pass a drug test ?,How much vinegar do you have to drink to pass a urine test for meth ?,321669
1,What are must read novels of all times ?,Which are the 100 must read novels in everyone 's life ?,194882
0,What are the reasons for the much pain and suffering that is commonly associated with Islam ?,Why are there so many crimes being committed by Islamic militants ? What is with the hate between the West and Islam ? Have we gone overboard with obsession with religion ?,397812
1,How do I keep a conversation going ?,How can I keep a conversation going ?,384932
0,What is Quora mostly used for ?,Which country has the maximum active Quora users ?,241596
1,Do aliens really exist or is History TV 18 showing fake things ?,Are the episodes of Ancient Aliens aired on TV History 18 true ?,38302
0,Would you date a guy who is active on Couchsurfing and travels a lot ?,Do you have any notice about someone who is currently working on a device for travelling in time ?,216625
1,What are some unknown facts about Draupadi ?,What are some lesser known facts about Draupadi ?,323214
0,How fattening is Chex Mix ? What are the health effects of eating a lot of it ?,"Is it healthy to eat omelettes for breakfast every day ? If not , what are the negative health effects ?",308968
1,Where can I get quality assistance for budget conveyancing across the Sydney ?,Where can I get very friendly assistance in property for sale across the Sydney ?,292092
0,What should a fullstack developer know in 2017 ?,What should a fullstack developer know in 2016 ?,198427
1,Can you tell me some interesting facts in Mahabharata ?,What are some lesser known and really interesting facts about the Mahabharata ?,153186
0,Why did you become a veterinarian ?,How do I become a veterinarian ?,78028
1,How do I regain the privilege of asking anonymous questions on Quora ?,How do I earn my anonymous privilege back ?,333378
0,Will work experience at IBM -LRB- GBS -RRB- add benefit to land a tech-giant job ?,Can I shift to Google or Facebook after working in IBM GBS ?,89175
1,How can I improve my English in all aspects ?,What is the best way to improve my spoken English soon ?,171001
0,What is Edgware like and how does the lifestyle compare to the London Borough of Hounslow ?,What is ` Edgware ' and how does the lifestyle compare to the London Borough of Brent ?,235490
1,What are the conflicts between Pakistan and Balochistan ?,Why there is a conflict between Pakistan and Balochistan ? Someone please give me explaination of it .,158608
0,How common is it for women to ejaculate -LRB- squirt -RRB- during orgasm ?,What 's the best way to give a woman the best orgasm she has ever had ?,292553
1,How do I speak English fluently ?,How To speak English Fluently ?,314057
0,What is the best way to worship the God ?,Do we worship love like we worship God ?,93522
1,How can I stop masturbating forever ?,How can I stop masturbating ?,124017
0,I got admission acceptance in University of Alabama Huntsville for physics -LRB- M.S. -RRB- . is it a good university to study with ? i am keenly interested in research in astrophysics . Tell me about university status and loopholes .,I 'm sick of people judging me for the university I am studying even if I am on a full scholarship . What should I do ?,252788
1,How are 2D arrays allocated dynamically ?,How memory is allocated to 1D and 2D array in C ?,246026
0,Can I enter the sleeper class coach if I have a waitlisted ticket of the same class ?,Why is the third AC more costly than the sleeper class ?,166129
1,"If you could travel anywhere , where would you go and why ?","If you could travel anywhere , where would you go ? Why ?",195843
0,Is it a good idea to learn two programming languages at once ?,Can I learn two programming languages at once ?,103378
1,What is your New Years Resolution ?,What are your New Years resolutions for 2017 ?,96833
0,Do you like Lady Gaga ?,Can Lady Gaga sing ?,121643
1,Is there any political solution between India and Pakistan on Kashmir issue ?,What is the possible solution for Kashmir issue ?,125466
0,Can a small scale working model of gas turbine be built as a project only for demonstration purposes at graduate level ?,How are polygenic traits controlled ?,106701
1,What are the views of Raghuram Rajan on Demonetisation ?,What are the views of Raghuram Rajan on demonetization ?,263294
0,What is considered sexist now ?,Would this be considered sexist ?,5533
1,What makes yawning contagious ?,Why is yawning so infectious ?,270674
0,In what ways is CNN biased ?,Is CNN honest ?,84253
1,How do I get meth out of my system in 2 days ?,How can I get meth out of my system ASAP ?,31203
0,What are the best strategies of saving/investing money if I earn 1.15 lac rupees in foreign currency and can afford to save 10-15 % of it ?,What is the biggest obstacle to saving and investing money in Nigeria ?,128363
1,Is one a prime number ?,Is one a composite or prime number ?,166158
0,What should I do after instrumentation engineering ?,What is instrumentation engineering ?,329452
1,Why is Donald Trump running for president ?,Does Donald Trump actually want to be the president ?,272634
0,What clothes do women wear to work ?,Do Turkish women wear western clothing ?,289047
1,What 's the weirdest dream you 've ever had that you can remember ?,Which is the weirdest dream you 've ever had ?,264393
0,My dell inspiron 15R 5537 make noice tuck tuck when start or restart ?,"I was set up on a date unknowingly , I 've always been socially awkward how can I appear confident or build my confidence -LRB- I 'm depressed over weight -RRB- ?",84739
1,What causes a nightmare ?,What causes nightmares that seem real ?,93
0,Why do Hindus worship animals ?,Why do Hindus worship nature ?,323417
1,Should people over 86 not be allowed to vote ?,Should old people be allowed to vote ?,54467
0,How is a small nation like Israel so technologically advanced and powerful ?,What makes Israel such a powerful country ?,190459
1,Which are the best resonable rates beach facing resorts to stay in with your family in Goa ?,Which are the best and affordable resorts in Goa ?,221348
0,I accidentally declined someone 's DM request on Instagram . It says they wo n't be able to message me . How can I undo this so they can message me ?,Instagram -LRB- product -RRB- : How can I tell if someone is hiding my direct messages ?,378437
1,What is the weirdest prank call you made ?,What was the weirdest prank call that you have made ?,76317
0,"What 's the loudest someone is allowed to scream into another 's ear ? Boot camp loud , or something less ?","After the McKinney , Texas pool party video , what will it take for the U.S. government to finally do something about police brutality ?",74054
1,What are the advantages of traditional marketing ?,What are the advantages and the disanvantages of traditional market ?,293066
0,Which is the cheapest flight from anywhere in South America to Europe ?,How do I get cheap flights to South America ?,183731
1,How can one pass a hair folicle test for meth when you are dirty ?,How do I pass a drug test for methamphetamine ?,204729
0,As a startup founder will it look bad if you do n't have a personal facebook or twitter account ?,"When interviewing with tech companies like Google , Facebook , Twitter , etc. , is it a good idea to tell them you know that particular interview problem or is it better to act as if you do n't and solve it anyways ?",349643
1,How does the ban on 500 and 1000 rupee notes helps to identify black money and corruption ?,How banning 500 and 1000 rupees note will curb the corruption and black money in India ?,100824
0,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Spectrum Brands ?,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at L Brands ?,318256
1,What are the disadvantages of carbon nanotubes ?,What are the benefits of carbon nanotubes ? What are its disadvantages ?,89219
0,"`` What did John Wooden mean when he said '' `` be quick , but do n't hurry '' '' ? ''",What was it like to play for John Wooden at UCLA ?,340887
1,What are the repercussions of 500 and 1000 rupee notes not being legal tender anymore ?,How will the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes affect Indian economy ?,125306
0,"I am Electronics 3rd year student , should I go for campus placements or prepare for CSE ?",Math Crazy today Find e ^ -LRB- -LRB- PI -RRB- ^ 2/6 -RRB- = ?,176936
1,How long can I lose 30 pounds ?,How long would it take for me to lose 30 pounds ?,242330
0,How do we stop the anti vaccine movement ?,How and when did the anti-vaccination movement begin ?,220727
1,"What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Kamchatca earthquakes in 1952 ?","What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Mexico earthquake in 1787 ?",155100
0,Is an MSc in hospitality and tourism management at WGSHA worth it ? How good are the placements for this particular course ?,Are there any colleges in North India that offer an MBA in hospitality & tourism and good placements as well ?,20524
1,How do you know if you are in love with someone ?,How do you know when you start to fall in love with someone ?,309904
0,A NEET score of 166 General category will fetch you which private colleges ?,"Sir , I have scored 366 marks in Neet 2 and I belong to the general category . Will I be able to get admission in a govt colleges ?",387394
1,What led to Cyrus Mistry ouster from TATA GROUP ?,Why did Tata Sons removed/sacked Cyrus Mistry as the chairman ?,403068
0,What exactly happened between Nehru and Lady Mountbatten ?,How true is the theory that Indian-Muslim Partition of India happened due to the rivalry of Nehru and Jinnah over Edwina Mountbatten ?,170864
1,What is the best question and answer platform ?,What is the best question and answer platform ? Why ?,398867
0,What are the kinds to improve my oral English ?,Is it possible to change software testing to Android app developer ?,164152
1,How does 301 redirection works ?,How do I do 301 redirection ?,54786
0,What are the best job fairs near Nashville ? When and where are they held ? What were your experiences at them ?,What are the best job fairs near Toronto ? When and where are they held ? What were your experiences at them ?,106246
1,How do I clear bank exams ?,How do I clear the IBPS exam ?,322986
0,Can I host my own website with my own Computer ?,How do I host my own website in Google app ?,199368
1,What exactly is creative writing ? How can I write creatively ?,How can I be creative in writing ?,227209
0,"Is there any scientific evidence that suggests exoskeleton systems -LRB- e.g. Rewalk , Cyberdyne -RRB- regenerate neurons to help stroke or paralysis victims regain control of extremities ?",How could one build a ReWalk exoskeleton ?,303672
1,Why do white people wear their footwear inside the house ?,Why do White people wear their dirty street shoes inside the house ?,55127
0,Is Russia an empire ?,Is islam an empire ?,100105
1,How do I find Facebook friends on Quora ?,How do I import my Facebook friends to Quora ?,180223
0,How does a CCNA certificate look like ?,Who can do a CCNA certification ?,113951
1,How do you enable data access over a mobile network ?,How do you enable data access over your mobile network ?,56565
0,What is the difference between education and financial education ? Why does no one give importance to financial education ?,What the importance and need of financial education ?,359050
1,What is the best method to compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration ?,What are the similarities and differences between photosynthesis and cellular respiration ?,107914
0,What would be the best gift for my girlfriend ?,What are the best gifts for your girlfriend ?,152456
1,What are some things I should know in life ?,What are some must know things in this life ?,397740
0,How can you get rid of infected pimples ?,How can I get rid of my acne ?,167121
1,Can you still get pregnant one day before menstruation ?,Can a girl get pregnant after her last day of periods ?,180917
0,What are important things for people intending to major in education to know about ?,What are important things for people intending to major in nursing to know about ?,147889
1,"What are the bitter truths of going to the US to pursue an MS , as an Indian ?",What are the bitter truths about doing MBA in the US for an Indian ?,5312
0,What is upcasting and downcasting in C++ ? Can you explain with a real-world example ?,What is upcasting and downcasting in Java ? Can you explain with a real-world example ?,225202
1,Use a recurrence tree to determine a good asymptotic upper bound on the recurrence -LRB- -RRB- = -LRB- − 1 -RRB- + -LRB- / 2 -RRB- + . ?,Use a recurrence tree to determine a good asymptotic upper bound on the recurrence -LRB- -RRB- = -LRB- − 1 -RRB- + -LRB- / 2 -RRB- + ?,275620
0,What does Minkowski 's and Einstein 's x4 = ict imply about the physical difference between the fourth dimension x4 and the three spatial dimensions ?,What is the physical interpretation of Einstein 's x4 = ict -LRB- or x4 = ct -RRB- ?,49364
1,How does an airplane fly ?,How aeroplanes fly ?,400474
0,How do I lower high blood pressure ?,Why do I have such high blood pressure ?,198022
1,Why is my YouTube account playing videos with no audio ? How can I fix it ?,Why did YouTube mute my video ? How can I fix it ?,326574
0,What is the plural of ` Pegasus ? ',`` What is the plural form of '' `` criteria '' '' ? '',391550
1,What do you think the cutoff of KVPY 2016 SA would be ?,What is the cut off of KVPY SA stream ?,282792
0,Is it bad I 'm self teaching things I should n't be learning yet ? Will I eventually forget it all ?,Should I max out my 401k or buy & rent out property ? I already have a Roth Index Fund that I max every year . I have 17k saved at the end of the year .,302898
1,What 's your favorite type of music ?,What is your favorite genre of music ?,208939
0,I want to update my Facebook profile picture and I dont want all my Facebook friends to be notified that I changed my profile picture . How can I achieve this ?,How do I stop people from clicking my Facebook profile picture ?,398651
1,Why do all wind turbines rotate clockwise ?,Why does a turbine rotate clockwise ?,276435
0,Differences between hard and soft ground ?,How can a grasshopper fly ?,143670
1,How does someone become a top writer in Quora -LRB- criteria -RRB- ?,"How do I become the Top Writer on Quora , get more upvotes and better stats ?",237693
0,What is the difference between web designer and web developer ?,What is the difference between web development & web design ?,34332
1,How did Donald Trump become president ?,How did Donald Trump win the 2016 Presidential Election ?,166683
0,Why are you fit for the cusomer care job ?,Why do the most brilliant people do n't look fit ? Why do n't they care about their fitness ?,238108
1,Can we control our feelings ?,What is the best way to control our emotions ?,290102
0,What is value of -LRB- -1 -RRB- ^ -LRB- 1/3 -RRB- ?,What is the value of 1 +1 ° = ?,135159
1,How do Outback Steakhouses prepare and cook their steaks ?,How does Outback Steakhouse cook their food ?,395889
0,Why do we rely on robots ?,Will we rely on robots ?,134647
1,How can I disprove evolution ?,What are some tests that could -LRB- in principle -RRB- disprove evolution ?,26176
0,How can you find historical Second mortgage ? | second mortgage rates ?,"`` As a web developer , why do you like to develop websites from '' `` scratch '' '' instead of using CMS like Wordpress , Drupal , or Joomla ? ''",100505
1,What is the weirdest ritual in the world ?,What are the weirdest rituals in the world ?,186872
0,I ca n't find the Highlights section in my Quora profile . How do I bring it back on my page ?,"When I accidentally press some link on Quora which opens in the same tab , it does n't bring me to the same answer which I was reading in the news feed when I go back to the page . Why is that ?",28277
1,What are some of your worst addictions ?,What has been your worst addiction to date ?,190003
0,Does kj Somaiya MBA have managment quota.if yes what is the process ?,Why are Argentines beautiful ?,144959
1,What would happen if I ask adult questions in Quora ?,Can you ask NSFW questions on Quora ?,117243
0,What is the difference between fats and oils ?,How do I make fries crispy if I use pork lard instead of oil ?,39463
1,What are the best one word answers on Quora ?,Which are the best one word/sentence answers on Quora ?,13556
0,What are your experiences with a matchmaker ?,How can I find out whether my partner is using dating sites ?,24226
1,What are the best ways to lose weight fast ?,What is the best way to loose weight quickly ?,52445
0,What is difference between radiation and wavelength ?,I am a student how to get a loan either from bank or from private money lenders iam going to repay for sure I am from india pls help me ?,399363
1,Why does graphite stick to paper ? How does it happen ?,What happens with the atoms of graphite when someone is writing in a paper ?,7023
0,Who was Xaro Xhoan Daxos ?,How much tax should I pay if my package is 10lacs ?,179101
1,Where can I find the total number of tweets for a specific hashtag ?,Is there a website that can count the number of tweets for a specific hashtag ?,376238
0,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Stage Stores ?,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Smart & Final Stores ?,176038
1,Which answer got the most upvotes on Quora ?,Which answer is the most voted one in Quora ?,98431
0,How long does hypomania in bipolar 2 patients usually last if left untreated ?,Which parts of the reproductive system does HIV affect if left untreated ?,61509
1,Why do some non-religious people oppose gay marriage ?,Are there any non religious arguments against legalizing gay marriage ?,326779
0,What are some similarities between Romanesque and Gothic Architecture ?,What do Spain and Russia have in common ?,170558
1,Is it possible for an individual to become a trillionaire ?,Why do n't people think someone will become a trillionaire ?,319000
0,What will happen if a man takes estrogen injections ?,What will happen if you swallow medical drugs that are meant to be injected ?,344285
1,How can I hack fb password ?,How do we hack a Facebook account ?,192744
0,Should I buy the Dell U2415 monitor or U2417H ?,How do you buy a Dell custom laptop ?,49632
1,What will be the last few things you would like to do if you knew these were the last 24 hours of the world ?,"If I have 24 hours to live , what should I do ?",26289
0,What does it feel like living life after undergoing GRS -LRB- commonly referred to as a sex change operation -RRB- ?,What is the experience of being in a psychiatric hospital like ?,362623
1,What do I need to do to get into MIT ?,How can I join MIT ?,353001
0,How do I forget someone I do n't want to forget ?,How do I forget someone or something ?,381086
1,What is the one question that you would never ask ?,What are some questions one should never ask ?,319291
0,Should I upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 ?,How do you upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 ?,218201
1,What do you think about the Indian Government policy of not circulating INR 500 and INR 1000 ?,What do you think about decision by the Indian Government to demonetise 500 and 1000 rupees note ?,30192
0,What is the on-boarding process like for new employees at Cisco Bangalore ?,How is the work culture at Cisco Bangalore and what are the opportunities on cloud computing ? How is the career development in CIsco ?,331051
1,What are the benefits and drawbacks of cultural diversity ?,What are the downsides of cultural diversity ?,90421
0,What is the full form of HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank ?,What is the full form of ICICI Bank ?,307576
1,There is any solution for hair fall ?,What is solution of hair fall ?,193913
0,I do Not get views on youtube channel even if i am consistant ?,Why are there some people whose presence everyone enjoys and others who are rather avoided ?,172649
1,Where can I sell my unimplemented business idea ?,How can I sell or pitch my idea ?,176789
0,How do you ask a girl to have sex with you ? Is it really fun ?,What are the things you should never tell your girlfriend ?,237105
1,What is the difference between having sex and love making ?,What 's the difference between sex and making love ?,25202
0,"When I buy a song via iTunes , how much of the $ 0.99 goes into the artist 's pocket ?",Approximately how much money do music artists make from 1 song ?,250411
1,Why do non-deserving people get everything and those who do struggle very hard for years ?,Why is that some people get what they want very easily while others have to struggle for the same ?,162216
0,What does the Queen of the United Kingdom eat ?,What does the Queen of the United Kingdom eat for breakfast ?,251277
1,"Is America likely to go to war with Syria , and by extension Russia , if Hillary Clinton wins the election ?","If Hillary Clinton is elected POTUS , would the U.S. go to war with Russia and/or Syria ?",298694
0,What does : L mean on social media ?,`` What do you mean by '' `` making the most of your social media networks '' '' ? '',177483
1,Can we make a complete and functional brain using bioengineering and stem cells or similar ?,Could we create a complete functional inmortal and indestructible brain with bioengineering -LRB- or similar -RRB- using stem cells for example ?,29236
0,I want to improve my reading skill by reading English news every day . What are recommended newspapers or magazines ?,How can reading newspaper help me improve my English ?,125536
1,When is the new MacBook Pro rumored to release ?,When is the new Apple Macbook Pro coming ? In 2016 ?,24497
0,Do you ever feel like you do n't deserve some things in your life ?,What do you do when you feel like you are not doing enough with your life ?,71355
1,How do I deal with unconscious anxiety ?,How does a person deal with unconscious anxiety ?,136996
0,What are the funniest Facebook post/comments ?,What are the best April Fools Facebook posts ?,226414
1,What was Charlie Chaplin 's personality like ?,What was Charlie Chaplin like ?,190301
0,Which is a better investment option in India - Buying a property on EMI OR investing that equivalent emi amount in recurring bank fixed deposits every month ? Why ?,Is a bank fixed deposit the safest investment option in India ?,392303
1,Is adam and eve real ?,What are the evidences that prove that Adam and Eve existed ?,373787
0,What are charges for car ownership transfer in India ?,How did Christopher columbus treat or encounter with native Americans ?,161673
1,`` What are Macbeth 's thoughts about killing Duncan in the play '' `` Macbeth '' '' ? '',`` What are Macbeth 's doubts about killing Duncan in the play '' `` Macbeth '' '' ? '',134720
0,"`` In a startup corporation , is there any reason NOT to issue all authorized -LRB- but undistributed -RRB- shares as '' `` treasury stock '' '' ? ''",Why was the majority of Bose Corporation 's stock given to MIT ?,199722
1,Why is n't Hillary Clinton in jail ?,Why is Hillary Clinton not in jail after all the allegations of crimes ?,352688
0,"I have an audition tomorrow for a commercial . How can I sound confident and normal , without being fake . Do you think I should learn the script ?","Once I took the credits I need in a Junior College for transferring to a university associated to the JC , Do I have more chances to be accepted ?",159129
1,Is it possible that Trump is actually broke ?,Is it true that the businessman Donald Trump is broke ?,214688
0,How can men train themselves to have multiple orgasms ?,How do you fake an orgasm ?,136321
1,Do the Chinese like or hate the Philippine President Duterte ?,What do Chinese people think of Rodrigo Duterte ?,154122
0,Why is spanking legal in the US ?,Are parents legally allowed to spank their children ?,337026
1,How do I truly understand mathematics ?,What is the best way to learn and understand mathematics ?,90768
0,How do I hide Instagram followers ?,How can I hide the amount of people I follow on Instagram ?,65531
1,Why is my optional Question Details on Quora limited but some people are not ?,Why does my details have to be limited while others question details can be so long ?,279696
0,Who are some of the most influential IITians -LRB- students/alumni -RRB- ?,Who are some non-IITian students who did better than IITians in the field of science or engineering ?,383099
1,Is it possible that a woman can be in love with 2 men at a same time ?,Do you believe that you can be in love with two people at the same time ?,60969
0,Science : Why ca n't hydrogen atoms form an ionic bond ?,What type of atoms can hydrogen bond with ?,114911
1,Is heaven a really nice place ?,What is heaven like ?,400072
0,Can I apply for a PR in Australia while I am studying in Australia for a masters course on a student visa 573 ? I have met the criteria of 65 points .,"I applied for a student dependant visa to Australia and got rejected , what can I do ?",93459
1,Are there any other websites like Quora ?,What are other question-asking websites like Quora ?,203759
0,Why do Jehovah 's Witnesses go door to door ? What are their beliefs ?,What is the worst part of being a Jehovah 's Witness ?,317906
1,What is the best thing to drink after a long run ?,What is the best thing to eat after after a long run ?,290490
0,Does it cost money to make an app ?,How much does it cost to make an app for my business ?,87951
1,Why do people keep asking questions on Quora even though the most of the information is available out there on Google ?,Why do some people ask simple direct science questions in Quora when there are sufficient resources available in internet ?,356720
0,What are the component required for building your own quadcopter ?,I want to build/program a quadcopter with a camera that can fly around my apartment on its own and clean dusty surfaces . What would be involved ?,399502
1,How do I learn to be more apathetic ?,How can I be more apathetic ?,299848
0,What are the pros and cons of living in Italy from a point of view of an American who lived there for awhile ?,What are some of the worst things about living in Italy ?,370446
1,What are the best smartphones under 10000 in 2016 ?,Which is the best smartphone under 10000 INR ?,60697
0,What was your most embarrassing moment in front of your children ?,What was the most embarrassing moment in front of your school ?,394759
1,What is the best birthday wish ever ?,What is the best birthday wishes ?,354244
0,`` Where did Tartuffe meet Orgon in the play '' `` Tartuffe '' '' ? '',How is Coffee Meets Bagel doing as of January 2016 ?,345592
1,What is something money ca n't buy ?,What is something that money ca n't buy ?,261931
0,What 's the best way -LRB- or ways -RRB- to solve the UK 's shortage of primary school places ?,Is suicide a desire ?,76358
1,What are the best books for GATE ECE preparation ?,What are some standard Books for GATE ECE ?,68378
0,Should the Indian education system be changed ?,How can the Indian education system be changed ?,312602
1,Can we see the past ?,Can we see in the past ?,43121
0,How much does an executive in the Tech industry value management consulting experience in a potential recruit ?,How much salary one could one get with an M.Tech in construction and management plus 8 years of industrial experience ?,89392
1,"How cold can the Gobi Desert get , and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Colorado Plateau ?","How cold can the Gobi Desert get , and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in other deserts ?",323004
0,What are the disadvantages of a formative assessment ?,Am I as tired as I feel when I first wake up ?,30826
1,How can I increase a website traffic ?,How can I increase the traffic on my website ?,16377
0,How do I disable safe mode in Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime ?,Can we use ROM of Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 in Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime ?,278479
1,What is your writing process on Quora ?,How can I start writing answers in Quora ?,16239
0,Which is the longest national highway in India ?,What is the national highway of India ?,119975
1,How do I get more followers on my Instagram ?,How do I get more followers on Instagram ?,225414
0,What are natural numbers ?,What is a least natural number ?,447
1,How do I recover a deleted email on Gmail ?,How do I recover permanetly deleted emails in Gmail ?,65787
0,What is the typical work day of a Quality Assurance Engineer ?,How much does a typical engineer earn per day ?,336911
1,How is the new Harry Potter book ` Harry Potter and the Cursed Child ' ?,What 's your review on harry potter and the cursed child ?,185885
0,What are some of the ways Aadhaar -LRB- UID -RRB- can be misused by government or otherwise ?,Will the Aadhaar -LRB- UID -RRB- project in India be a game changer ?,24545
1,Who will win the election in united states ?,Who should be the next President of The United States ?,131943
0,Is there a way of seeing when a person started following you on Twitter via sms ?,Is there a way to track the follower growth over time on Twitter ?,135146
1,Does masturbation reduces memory ?,Does masturbation affect memory ?,352181
0,What is the max rewards you can get for defending gyms in Pokémon GO ?,Can I take more than one gym in Pokémon GO ?,29156
1,Why do companies issue bonus shares ?,Why do company issue bonus shares ?,876
0,When will the offcampusing of various companies will start for the year 2017 ?,"How do I apply for offcampusing/Job in Start up Software , IT related company ?",21139
1,What are the best ways to improve my writing skills in English ?,How can I improve my English writing skills ?,3521
0,How honest should one be ?,How honest should you be ?,293376
1,What is some free editing video software for YouTube videos ?,What are some best free Video editing softwares for YouTube videos ?,153803
0,Is it safe to masturbate or have sex thrice a day ?,Is it normal to masturbate thrice at once ?,125921
1,What is the future of the pharmaceutical industry ?,What is the future of Pharmaceutical industry ?,146877
0,Why should I not do a job in TCS ?,How do I get a job in TCS again ?,148156
1,How can I start learning about astrophysics ?,How do I get start learning astrophysics ?,217217
0,What are the components and frameworks used to build WhatsApp ?,"If you were to build a new web app , would you use a web framework or build it from scratch ? Why ?",290890
1,What 's the best autobiography you have ever read and why ?,What is your favorite autobiography you have ever read ?,122837
0,How do Indian girls feel about Fifty Shades of Grey ?,How would Fifty Shades of Grey have been if Chetan Bhagat had written it ?,203005
1,How should one start learning Python programming for electronics applications ?,How do I start learning Python Socket Programming ?,386321
0,Can I create a yahooID without a Yahoo account ?,How do you set up a Yahoo account ?,251955
1,Should people over 93 not be allowed to vote ?,Should people over 98 not be allowed to vote ?,232279
0,Which skills do you want to develop when asked in appraisal for a Jr. . Accountant in the U.S KPO ?,Would a candidate of 7763 aipmt rank get cims bsp in neet 2016 ?,62222
1,Which mobile phone is best under 7k ?,Which is the best mobile for 7k to 8k ?,120868
0,Which is the best smartphone under 9000 with minimum of 2gb ram & Good camera ?,What is the best smart phone under 9000 ?,383511
1,How would the newly introduced rs 2000 notes not contribute to laundering and black money ?,"With latest announcement of making Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes invalid in India , is this step a checkmate to people who have black money ?",177672
0,What does Tumblr mean ?,What is tumblr ?,35811
1,Which was the best film of 2016 ?,What are the best movies of 2016 ?,142931
0,Where is the best place to live in San Francisco if you are single and in your 40s ?,Where is the best place to live in San Francisco ?,183121
1,How do I Break up with fiancé ?,Is there any way in which I might break up with my girlfriend but hurt her less ?,42897
0,What is the unit digit of 62 ^ 43 ^ 54 ^ 65 ^ 76 ^ 87 ?,What is the unit digit of12 ^ 50 ?,386682
1,How can I write a story/script for a movie ?,How do I write a movie ?,156547
0,What do you think of Quora discord chats ?,How do I delete chats on Quora ?,57044
1,What is a compiler ? What are its functions ?,What is the function of a compiler ?,141308
0,Can I recover iMessages if I deleted them -LRB- used right click delete -RRB- and then emptied my trash can ?,How do I recover my deleted Gmail message ?,344482
1,How do I fall asleep instantly ?,What are good ideas to help fall asleep quickly ?,399305
0,What is the formula for lead -LRB- II -RRB- sulfite ?,What is salt 's formula ?,281197
1,What is crimping compression lugs and how it is useful ?,What is crimping compression lugs ?,395641
0,How can you minimize the chances of breaking your hand while punching someone in the head ?,Martial Arts : How do I punch harder ?,230219
1,Which book should we use for the NICMAR entrance exam ?,Which book should be referred for the NICMAR entrance examination ?,263462
0,Why was CSS -LRB- Chirp spread spectrum -RRB- chosen in the Lora design ?,Can spread spectrum be jammed ?,140508
1,How can I learn more about neural networks ?,What is the best way to learn neural networks ?,346626
0,What are the most common pet peeves that have to do with cars ?,What are the most common restaurant pet peeves ?,303770
1,What is the worst thing President Obama has done ?,What is the worst thing that Obama has done in his presidency ?,84127
0,Where can I donate my blood to needed person In noida ?,Can blood from the same blood group from an Asian person be donated to a Caucasian person ?,363873
1,Are there any traditional Jewish dances ? Can you name them ?,What are examples of Jewish traditional dances ?,182684
0,What type of government does Turkey have ? How does it compare to the one in Egypt ?,What type of government does Turkey have ? How does it compare to the one in Nepal ?,400316
1,Which was the religion followed in Western nations before the arrival of Christianity ?,Which religion did the Western world follow before Christianity ?,213849
0,Why do so many smart guys date not-so-smart girls ?,Why are smart guys single ?,206506
1,What do I do if my friend hates me ?,What do I do if all my friends hate me ?,342213
0,`` What are some good '' `` Black Lives Matter '' '' slogan parodies ? '',Could you rig a GPU to be a CPU ?,107951
1,What are some best DP in Whatsapp according to you ?,What is the best What ` sApp DP you have ever seen ?,274074
0,What are the scopes in biotechnology ?,What are the scopes of biotechnology abroad ?,235804
1,How should I prepare for TSPSC Group-1 ?,How should I prepare for TSPSC GROUP 1 services ?,280242
0,I have a girlfriend and I love her so much.The thoughts of getting intimate with her always come to my mind but she does n't want to.What should I do ?,"My girlfriend broke up with me , but she still likes me . I like her , but she does n't want to be my girlfriend . What should I do ?",365640
1,Will Donald Trump beat Hillary and become our next president ?,Do you think Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the US ?,308729
0,Why anti-India movements are increasingly becoming part of educational institutions in India ?,Will India one day become part of the USA ?,347414
1,How Can I X ? : How can I retrieve deleted Facebook messages ?,How can deleted Facebook messages be retrieved ?,196765
0,What do you mean by bank reconciliation statement ?,How do you reconcile a bank statement ?,240288
1,What is the best poem ever written ?,What is the best poem you have written or read ?,316287
0,How did your love story end ?,How did your love story begin ?,339980
1,Is there any proven method to increase 13 year old girl 's height after hitting puberty ?,How do I increase my height after 22 ?,254933
0,What caused the Civil Rights Movement ?,What was necessary about the Civil Rights Movement ?,223215
1,How is service of Uber in India ?,How is Uber service in India ?,275921
0,What should someone do to prepare for interaction design interviews ?,What questions would be asked in an interview for an Interaction Designer role ?,303955
1,Where do atheists get their morality ?,From where do atheists get their morality ?,114628
0,How do I know under whose name my SIM Card is registered ?,Can a mobile SIM be registered in the name of a Minor ?,320447
1,What are some good books related to Greek mythology ?,Can you recommend some good books on greek mythology ?,106240
0,What is the `` Presidential Reference '' ?,What is presidential government ?,50985
1,What is fama french three factor model ?,What is Fama-French three factor model ?,230498
0,What is an analytical mind ?,What does analytics do ?,243303
1,What are some ways to ask a girl on a date ?,How do I ask a girl to date me ?,389427
0,What is the best way to deal with an aggressive husband ?,What are the best ways to deal with an Aggressive Managers ?,278333
1,Do you think someone can be in love with two persons at a time ?,Can you love two people at the same time ?,246213
0,What is the procedure to open a Reliance petrol pump in India and how much initial cost will it require to open ?,How can I open petrol pump in Rajasthan ?,117762
1,Which book is best for IAS prelims preparation ?,What is the best book of preparations for IAS exam ?,386415
0,How will the Georgia Tech OMSCS program compare to MCS-DS from UIUC ?,I got admitted to both Georgia Tech OMSCS -LRB- Online M.S. in Computer Science -RRB- as well as University of Illinois MCS-DS . Which one is better ?,145826
1,What is the embarrassing of your life ?,What are the most embarassing moment in life ?,45669
0,How can I mute questions on Quora ?,`` Why has the '' `` Mute Question '' '' option disappeared ? '',226438
1,What are the top best psychological movies ?,What are some of the best psychological movies ?,15198
0,What is ?,What is ?,47649
1,What can be done to earn money while studying ?,What are the sources to earn money while studying ?,226943
0,Could someone explain the following electives at NSIT : 1 . Business communication and presentation skills 2 . Corporate social responsibility ?,I am an MBA graduate with HR and marketing as specialization . Can I choose HRM code no. 55 in UGC NET exam ?,203793
1,What is the best scripting language to learn today ?,What is the best programming language for beginners to learn ?,199164
0,Is Yahoo selling any shares in the Alibaba IPO ?,Yahoo : Can someone explain Yahoo stake sale in Alibaba ?,319562
1,"I wan na start preparing for ias exam , how should I proceed ?",How should I start preparing for UPSC -LRB- IAS -RRB- exams ?,2799
0,What is anti ackerman steering geometry ?,What is a steering ratio and how do you calculate it ?,156756
1,Does it make sense to ask commercial airline passengers to switchoff cellphones during take-off and landing ?,Why do we turn cellphones off during commercial flights ?,57645
0,What is a brain teaser that is very short and extremely hard for adults ?,What is the brain teaser that is very short and extremely hard ?,131805
1,How can humans achieve immortality ?,How can humans become immortal ?,134288
0,Can a family move to New York City and live comfortably with $ 2 Million in the bank ?,"Can a family move to New York City and live comfortably with $ 900,000 in the bank ?",298596
1,Which is best coaching institute for CAT in Lucknow ?,Which is the best coaching institute for cat preparation in Lucknow ?,321767
0,TCS for freshers ?,How is TCS BPO for a fresher ?,338468
1,"Which is the best bank among Citi , ICICI , HDFC , and Axis to open saving account in India ?",I live in bangalore KA . I wish to open a bank account for savings and investments . Which is the best bank to open the account ?,33923
0,What are the prerequisites to start programming for Oculus Rift DK2 ?,I 've got an old Oculus Rift Dev Kit 1 . Can I still use it ?,306099
1,What are some of the best substitutes for wine in cooking ?,"Using common household ingredients , how can I substitute for red wine in cooking ?",68827
0,How can I trace my family line to make sure I 'm not in love with my cousin ?,"I love my girlfriend and I want to marry her . She is my cousin , but she 's telling me that she likes my brother . What should I do ?",50859
1,How can you crack SSC CGL 2016 ?,How do I crack SSC CGL ?,74717
0,`` If you 're categorized as a '' `` sweet or lovely guy '' '' - what does that mean in girl language ? And when it comes to potential for a relationship ? '',"`` What does it mean when a girl says , '' `` I will never be in a relationship with any guy , '' '' but also says to a guy , '' `` you are special and the most important guy to me '' '' ? ''",53260
1,What are some good Spanish songs ?,What are some of the best Spanish songs ?,128402
0,What is difference between TDR and STDR in FD and which one is better ?,Which one gives more interest RD or FD in India ?,347384
1,How did Trump win the presidency ?,Why did Trump win the election ?,245441
0,What are the implications of a surplus budget ?,Is there anyone preparing for Civil Services nearby Visakhapatnam Railway station ?,162096
1,How do you study for exams ?,How do one study for exams ?,247487
0,Why is Amazon 's adaption of The Man in the High Castle so boring ?,"`` In the Amazon series '' `` The Man in the High Castle '' '' , there are a few background '' `` oldie '' '' style songs on the radio . Were these songs made specifically for the pilot ? ''",92281
1,What do you do when you do n't know what to do ?,What do I do when I do n't know what do I have to do ?,343001
0,How much money does the average mobile game make ?,Why do games like Mobile Strike ask for so much money ?,30039
1,What are things that make Indians sad ?,What things make Indians sad ?,310518
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Consolidated Communications ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Charter Communications ?,250493
1,When and why do people commit suicide ?,Why do you want to commit suicide ?,27134
0,What happens if there is suspicious activity on my Instagram ?,How would I know if there 's been suspicious activity on my Instagram ?,366013
1,I have an untreatable and life-long disabling neurological disease . What is the easiest and most painless way I can commit suicide ?,What is the least painful and best way to commit suicide ?,310240
0,How can I get my old Instagram id back ?,How do I get to my old Instagram page ?,151725
1,Why is the Bible copyrighted ?,Why does the Bible have a copyright in it ?,259974
0,World of Warcraft -LRB- 2004 video game -RRB- : What is it like to play as Goblin Tank in World of Warcraft ?,World of Warcraft -LRB- 2004 video game -RRB- : What is it like to play as Dwarf Tank in World of Warcraft ?,360082
1,What should I do not to be so drunk even if I drink a lot of alcohol ?,How can a person avoid getting drunk even after drinking a lot of alcohol ?,174116
0,Will Trump lead to the downfall of the USA ?,What can lead to the downfall of the US ?,124002
1,Have the Ancient Incans been scientifically tested ?,Have ancient civilizations been scientifically tested ?,86573
0,What is best lesson learnt as inventor of stratup ?,WHICH COLLEGE IS BEST AMONG PEOPLES BHOPAL OR SHRI AUROBINDO FOR BPT ?,302117
1,Is Theon Greyjoy evil in Game of Thrones ?,Is Theon Greyjoy really evil ?,270026
0,Unique love story ?,What are ICD codes and how are they used ?,24720
1,Why is Pokemon go not working in India currently ?,Has Pokémon GO stopped working in India ?,345535
0,Can I upgrade my laptop CPU ?,How do I overclock my laptop CPU ?,12023
1,How can I gain weight and develop fitness ?,What is the easiest way to gain weight for extremely skinny guys ?,244264
0,"Which English do we use in India , American or British ?",Should Indians use British English or American English ?,165761
1,"Why do people put ridiculous questions on Quora when they can just Google them ? Huh , Huh , Huh : - /",Why do people ask Quora questions which can be answered easily by Google ?,42181
0,Does karma really exist when it comes to romantic relations ?,Is there proof of Karma ?,275136
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Arkansas ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in the entire U.S. including it 's territories and possessions ? 2,77364
0,I lost my sbi registered number . How can I update my new number with sbi without visiting branch ?,How do I get bank account details from account number in SBI ?,334238
1,When do girls want to have sex ?,When do the girls want to have sex ?,228098
0,How can SOFIA telescope take good images when it operates on a moving aircraft ?,I live I Mumbai m think to purchase cab and run in Ola Uber is it profitable ? Which cab should I purchase,57552
1,Could Donald Trump actually win and become POTUS ?,Does Donald Trump have any chance of winning the forthcoming election ?,255808
0,How CAN I MARRY A GIRL YOUNGER than ME 10 YEARS ?,How do I attract a girl/woman who is 10 years younger than me ?,290833
1,What are your views on the design of India 's new 500 and 2000 notes ?,What do you think of the design of the new 500 and 2000 notes ?,201110
0,How is double dissociation related with psychology ?,What kind of questions are expected and what are the necessary documents to be carried during a visa interview for h1b ?,172421
1,How do I get my iPhone out of recovery mode ?,What do I do if my iPhone is stuck in recovery mode ?,27338
0,How do I say sorry to my father ?,What is the best way to say sorry to your friend ?,25785
1,I 'm a chubby girl and my face looks swollen . How can I slim my face ?,How can I slim my face naturally ?,251842
0,What is the history of the Davao City bombing ?,What is the history of Davao City ?,312501
1,How do I improve my pronunciation in English ?,How can I improve my spoken English ?,140982
0,What is the least plausible part of the holocaust ?,What is the most plausible part of the holocaust ?,7675
1,How will the implementation of GST bill impact the lives of common people ?,What would be the impact of GST in india ?,281731
0,`` Which sentence is correct : '' `` It was found '' '' or '' `` It was founded '' '' ? '',"`` In HPSG , how do GAPs & STOP-GAPs work in sentences containing LDDs eg : '' `` That problem , the teachers say they identified and found to be hard to solve '' '' ? ''",204862
1,Who is the most famous human being ever ?,Who is most famous person who ever lived ?,401387
0,Who play role of coach in Dangal movie ?,What are some of the subliminal messages in Nickelodeon ?,12145
1,What are the steps of a scientific investigation ?,"During scientific inquiry , what steps are involved ?",335491
0,Is it true that the Rafale deal is overpriced and the UPA govt . had done better negotiations than the Modi govt . as claimed in some Facebook posts ?,Why did the India-France Rafale deal shoot up from 12 billion USD in UPA II to 20 billion in Narendra Modi 's NDA government ?,188026
1,What is an open CT scan ? When is it used ?,What are the pros and cons of an open CAT scan ?,253038
0,What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Morocco ?,What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Syria ?,285319
1,How will the ban of old 500 and 1000 rs notes help in bringing out the black money ?,How will the new currency notes of denomination 500 and 2000 curb black money ?,75601
0,Will I get to learn if I work in a venture capitalist firm for my internship or MNCs are better ?,"I am currently in my second year . If I am unable to sit for on campus interviews in my third year for internship , should I apply for an internship off campus or work on a project ?",182146
1,Which is currently the best IAS coaching centre in Hyderabad ?,Which is the best institution for IAS in Hyderabad ?,229678
0,Show the proof for a xor c = b if a xor b = c ?,"I had us l1b blank visa of comp A valid till 2018 , I left comp A and join comp B in 2016 , now I want to rejoin comp A , would my l1b still hold good ?",319817
1,Is there any proof for the existence of extraterrestrials ?,Is there really the existence of Aliens and is there any proof available realted to them ?,204135
0,Is 5Mbps a good speed for internet ?,Why my Jio internet is too slow ?,57158
1,Which is best os for hacking ?,Which os is good for hacking ?,124233
0,What is impossible to tell ?,What is impossible ?,139297
1,What are some safe ways to make my dog 's fur soft ?,How can I make my dog 's fur as soft as cat fur ?,65498
0,Which is the best song you ever listened ?,What is the best song to listen to after a stressful day at work ?,249407
1,"Is it true that Arnab Goswami quit Times Now ? If so , why ?",Why is Arnab Goswami resigned as the Editor-in Chief of Times Now and ET Now ?,5667
0,How long should you wait before smoking weed after a tooth extraction ?,Why do we get munchies after smoking weed ?,308354
1,How much of your body could you lose and still stay alive ?,How much of the body can be removed and still be considered alive ?,39540
0,What do Palestinian youth do in their free time ?,"Should I write in my motivation letter for Dutch universities that I 'm currently a MS student in my home country , as I wo n't be graduated by sept. 17 ?",16298
1,How can I make money online for job ?,How does one earn money online without an investment from home ?,395473
0,Which is the best book for investment in mutual funds in India ?,Who is the best mutual fund manager in India ?,143048
1,What are the major differences between Chinese and Western cultures ?,What is biggest difference between Chinese and Western cultures ?,123531
0,How many dates do you wait before asking a girl back to your place ?,Is it okay to ask a girl to come to your place after a first date and how would you ask ?,211255
1,What would be impact on India if Donald Trump becomes President ?,What would be the effect on India if Donald Trump really becomes the president of US ?,130767
0,Why ca n't I play high quality games like N.O.V.A 3 in bluestacks ?,"If I liked Skyrim , what other games would I like ?",250285
1,What is the difference between baking powder and baking soda ? How are they used differently for cleaning ?,What is the difference between baking powder and baking soda ?,357755
0,Do employees at Air Lease have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,Do employees at Communications Sales & Leasing have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,348652
1,Where is jQuery used ?,What is jQuery used for ?,340108
0,What is the best way to clear your mind every morning and start a productive day ?,What is the best way to clear my mind of all thoughts ?,99197
1,Has Jawaharlal Nehru done enough to celebrate his birthday as children 's day ?,"Why November 14 , birthday of Jawaharlal is celebrated as Children 's day ? What exceptional thing did he do to be considered as dearest to children ?",92306
0,"Salary Comparisons : Is it true that a C++ developer is paid more than a Java developer , on an average ?",What is a Java developer 's starting salary ?,217822
1,"Where can I get best assistance in Sydney for lighting repairs , installation & design ?",Where can I get very assistance for lighting design and installation in Sydney ?,90737
0,"What is the difference between climate and temperature , and how do they differ from weather ?",What is difference between climate and weather ?,45105
1,Is hookah smoking harmful and addictive ?,Is hookah smoking is harmful and addictive ?,269956
0,What is chikoo called in English ?,`` What do you call '' `` Khatra/Mawa '' '' in English ? '',57269
1,Why do people cheat ? -LRB- in any way -RRB-,Why do people cheat ?,317861
0,`` How do you say '' `` wave '' '' in Latin ? '',`` How do you say '' `` it '' '' in Latin ? '',64942
1,What are the best anime movies ?,What are the best anime movies to watch ?,320191
0,Where should we use conservation of energy in gravity chapter ?,`` Where did the energy go when a black hole collision generated the gravity waves that '' `` lost '' '' 3 solar masses of energy in the fabric of space-time ? '',290665
1,What is the best laptop under 30k ?,Which is the best laptop below Rs 30000 ?,70581
0,Can you get a virus just by visiting a website ?,Can iPads get viruses from visiting a website ?,42888
1,How can I learn English well in a short time ?,How can I learn English in a short time ?,287684
0,"Ride-Sharing Company Comparisons : Which is better and why : Lyft , Uber , or SideCar ?","Uber Drivers and Driving for Uber : What is it like to have a very low passenger rating on Uber , Lyft , or Sidecar ?",179397
1,Do you make New Years resolutions ?,Do you believe in having New Year 's Resolutions ?,288691
0,`` Is '' `` why you went there ? '' '' proper grammar ? '',`` Is '' `` I 've a -LSB- object -RSB- '' '' proper grammar ? '',155251
1,How can an Indian student be admitted by MIT for undergraduate studies ?,What should an Indian student do to get into MIT ?,16036
0,What can you tell me about Myrica californica aka Pacific Waxmyrtle ?,`` Why wo n't Quora let me change the '' `` Educational Games '' '' topic photo ? '',341961
1,How can you make the best out of a boring class/lecture ?,What is the best way to pass time in a boring class ?,347306
0,How long does it typically take to receive quotations as a buyer from ThunderQuote ?,How long does it takes for an investor from receiving a mail to giving a call for a meeting ?,125381
1,What are the pros and cons of legalizing prostitution in India ?,What would be the pros and cons of legalization of prostitution in India ?,402260
0,I 'm a smart college student . What do I need to become a smart entrepreneur ?,How can college students become successful entrepreneurs ?,356548
1,How is a Shovel a simple machine ?,Why is the shovel considered a simple machine ? What type would it be classified as ?,159670
0,What is it like being Korean American vs. Chinese American ?,What are some ways to distinguish Chinese people from Chinese Americans ?,121483
1,How can I increase website traffic ?,How can I increase the traffic on a site ?,329519
0,What 's the difference between D-Methionine and DL-methionine ?,What is the difference between Calcium and Calcium Sulfate ?,65576
1,What are the best gigolo sites ?,What is the best gigolo website in India ?,251965
0,What are your weaknesses ? Why do you think it is your weakness and not a strength ?,What are Hillary Clinton 's strengths and weaknesses ?,305837
1,I want to become a game developer in India ? What I can do .,How can I become a game developer in India ?,237548
0,What is the best grill marinade ?,What is the best grill ?,160973
1,What 's the difference between butterscotch and caramel ?,What is the difference between caramel and butterscotch flavor ?,69858
0,What is your review of Braunschweig University of Technology ?,"How is Masters in Computational sciences in Engineering at TU Braunschweig , Germany ?",186887
1,How do you reset your security questions for your Apple ID ?,What is the best way to reset Apple ID 's security questions ?,183267
0,How does weight loss transformation affect your personality ?,Did your weight loss transformation affect your personality ?,360902
1,What is Toastmasters ? How will it help me if I join ?,`` What are '' `` toastmaster '' '' clubs about ? How will they help me if I join it ? '',244035
0,Why do men like to dominate women ?,Why do some men want to be dominated ?,317968
1,Is 29 too old to find love ?,Is it too old to find love at 29 ?,160390
0,How do I ship 6 pairs of shoes from India to the US ? These weigh around 4 KGS . ?,I have 3 years experience as web developer want to switch in other it field what are all . Options available ?,372656
1,How can I make a question in Quora ?,How do I ask questions on Quora ?,361797
0,Can I start a sentence with ` but ' ?,`` Can you start a sentence with '' `` it '' '' ? '',54541
1,Is Playstation better than Xbox ?,Which one is better : Sony PlayStation or Xbox ?,200364
0,Do black people adopt white children ?,How do you feel about white people adopting black children ?,106524
1,Does sperm count decreases due to masturbation ?,Do sperm count decreases after masturbating ?,139588
0,How do psychopaths become so good at analyzing people ?,Why do ` normal ' people become involved with psychopaths ?,306504
1,Which is better : Uber or Ola ? Why ?,What is better Uber or Ola ? Why ?,401869
0,What is secular ?,What is secularize ?,123542
1,What are the best books to learn advance c++ ?,What are some books to learn c++ ?,101537
0,How do you know if a guy is jealous ?,How do I make a guy jealous ?,73916
1,What is your opinion on PM Narendra Modi 's decision to ban INR 500 and INR 1000 notes ?,What do you think about Modi 's new policy on the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes ?,133208
0,Is 9apps safe ?,Is 143movies . com safe to use ?,91698
1,How do I reset my gmail password when they are not highlighting my recovery email option ?,How do I reset my Gmail password when I forgotten it ?,34178
0,What is mental health stigma like in China ?,What is the mental health stigma like in Europe ?,333079
1,How can I get more views on YouTube videos ?,How can I get more traffic to my YouTube videos ?,4857
0,Which programmes should we proposed for an opening ceremony of an college ?,Which one of two distinct logo proposals fits better for an online games company ?,61367
1,How do I get addmision in MIT ?,How can I get admitted to MIT ?,401991
0,What are some contrasting aspects of Scotland ?,What are some of the contrasting aspects of India ?,125160
1,What can be affected for the scrapping Rs . 500 and Rs . 1000 currency notes ?,What effect will the rupee 500 and 1000 currency note ban have on the Indian economy ?,50761
0,Recreational Drugs : Can baking soda clean your system of methamphetamine ?,Does baking soda clean out marajauan out of your system ?,139228
1,How can I increase organic search traffic for my blog ?,How can I increase a new website organic search traffic ?,369190
0,`` What are some good old British humor TV series like '' `` Mind Your Language '' '' ? '',Is the TV show Arrow good ?,302251
1,What is the role of a business analyst in the CS/IT industry ?,What is the role of a business analyst in an IT company ?,250793
0,How can I stop fearing loss ?,How do I stop fearing someone ?,191633
1,What is the best way to prepare for GK for AIIMS ?,How should I prepare GK for AIIMS ?,174958
0,Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Butler County AL ?,Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Perry County AL ?,52090
1,Does Marijuana cause cancer or lung problems like any other thing you smoke ?,Does marijuana cause cancer ?,358488
0,What are some Beautiful lines to comment on beautiful pictures ?,What is the most beautiful lines or poems said by a boy to his love ?,137175
1,How do I find molar mass ?,How can I find the molar mass of a certain substance ?,98944
0,What does the Star of David and the cross mean ?,What is your contribution in making world a better place to live ?,307302
1,What do you think of PM 's decision on the banning of 500 and 100 rupee notes ?,Will the ban on 500 and 100 rupee have any economic impact ?,137480
0,How can I believe someone ?,How do I believe in myself ?,140798
1,Why are you proud of being a citizen of your country ? How is it an accomplishment ?,What makes you proud of your country ?,200297
0,How enjoyable is sex ?,Why does sex feel good ?,57230
1,Why is n't Narendra Modi speaking in the parliament on demonetization ?,Why is Modi not attending the Parliament after demonetization ?,293941
0,How do I find a marketing person from different countries to sell my educational dvds product ?,Why do folks come to California illegally and how exactly would our immigration law work ?,171468
1,How many public libraries are there in the US ?,How many public libraries are there in the USA ?,32199
0,I am 26 years old electrical engineering student and I will be graduating at the age of 29 . am I too late to start my life ?,Hiw do I send a SMS virus ?,394094
1,What is Turkey stand on ISIS ?,Is Turkey cooperating with ISIS ?,184607
0,"Why has DGAZ -LRB- an ETN -RRB- for the past few days , not been following 3 times the daily return of the Natural Gas futures ?","Why has DGAZ -LRB- an ETN -RRB- for the past few days , not been following the 3 times daily return of the Natural Gas futures ?",211031
1,How can I improve my presence of mind ?,What is best way to increase presence of mind ?,72513
0,Why is life so long ?,What is life too short for ?,59550
1,What do you think about the Indian Government policy of not circulating INR 500 and INR 1000 ?,"What do you think about Modi Government decision to ban 500 , 1000 notes ?",312524
0,Any programmable device that can be used for run/walk tracking ?,Do most people usually not have conscious awareness ?,128169
1,Do people think Tony Robbins is a scam artist ?,Is Tony Robbins a fraud ?,149248
0,Why is n't Germany a UN permanent member ?,Is germany a UN permanent member ?,198676
1,What are the most efficient methods for me to improve my English ?,What are the best ways to improve English ?,50279
0,What are the ethical issues surrounding surrogate pregnancies ?,What ethical issues surround drones being used by journalists ?,67459
1,Why is India trying to sabotage CPEC ?,Why is India frustrated and upset by Pakistan CPEC ?,268868
0,What are some of the most famous plains of the world ?,What are the most famous roads in history ?,298688
1,What one super power do you wish you had ?,You get to choose one super power . What would it be ?,64698
0,What is a Pluralist Society ?,Will the U.S. ever be a pluralistic society ?,15697
1,Can a girl get pregnant after her last day of periods ?,Can I get pregnant two days after my period ends ?,134414
0,How do I get chosen for a random act of kindness from honda ?,Is it rational to do random acts of kindness ?,350659
1,What are the best GMAT coaching institutes in Delhi NCR ?,Which coaching institute is best for Gmat in delhi ncr location ? I want to score 700 + .,280988
0,How safe is net banking ?,How can you do net banking ? Is it safe ?,46183
1,Why MS Dhoni has quit the captaincy from limited overs ?,Why did MS Dhoni quit ODI and T20 captaincy ?,80129
0,What is difference between fashion designing and freelance designing ?,What 's the difference between fashion designers and graphic designers ?,292096
1,How can I become a cricketer ?,How do I become a cricketer ?,388180
0,"How do I show that -LSB- math -RSB- | \ alpha | \ leq max -LSB- / math -RSB- -LCB- -LSB- math -RSB- 1 , \ sum _ -LCB- i = 0 -RCB- ^ -LCB- n-1 -RCB- | a_i | -LSB- / math -RSB- -RCB- where -LSB- math -RSB- \ alpha -LSB- / math -RSB- is zero of -LSB- math -RSB- p -LRB- x -RRB- = \ sum _ -LCB- i = 0 -RCB- ^ -LCB- n -RCB- a_i x ^ i , -LSB- / math -RSB- where -LSB- math -RSB- a_i -LSB- / math -RSB- may be complex and -LSB- math -RSB- a_n = 1 -LSB- / math -RSB- ?","If -LSB- math -RSB- \ alpha -LSB- / math -RSB- is a root of -LSB- math -RSB- p -LRB- x -RRB- = x ^ n + a _ -LCB- n-1 -RCB- x ^ -LCB- n-1 -RCB- + ... + a_0 -LSB- / math -RSB- where -LSB- math -RSB- a_i -LSB- / math -RSB- may be complex , how do I prove that -LSB- math -RSB- | \ alpha | \ leq \ max \ -LCB- 1 , | a_0 | + | a_1 | + ... + | a _ -LCB- n-1 -RCB- | \ -RCB- -LSB- / math -RSB- ?",80837
1,How do I find a hacker ?,How can I find a true hacker ?,238016
0,How does law of attraction work ? Is it real ?,What is the secret that makes the law of attraction work ?,368192
1,"If mass is energy and vice versa , can you compact energy into matter ? What effects could that have on surrounding environment ?",How do you convert energy into matter ?,302854
0,How safe is an amusement ride that exerts centrifugal force ?,How does an amusement ride can exert centrifugal force ?,379696
1,How did you meet your significant other ?,How did you meet your current significant other ?,3873
0,What was the average life expectancy of a soldier in World War II ?,What are the 5 most honest World War II films ?,131407
1,What do you think of the decision by the Indian Government to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,How do you see the PM Modi 's move of banning old 500 and 1000 rupee currency notes ?,352570
0,What is the difference between Paypal Pro and Payflow ?,Help needed with PayPal . Can I create 1 more personal PayPal account if I have moved to different country ? New PayPal would be of New country .,216428
1,"What is the Sahara , and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Antarctica ?","What is the Sahara , and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Arabian Desert ?",262864
0,How do I register for a pvt ltd company Gurgaon ?,How do I register a Pvt. Ltd. company ?,301828
1,How did you overcome porn addiction ?,How do I self rehab from masturbation and porn addiction ?,301079
0,Where can we order custom lanyards -LRB- preferably in the Bay Area -RRB- ?,How does Seattle compare to the Bay Area ?,353881
1,"I have an app idea , but I do n't have coding skills required . Where can I learn to code ? Or what can I do ?","I have an app idea that is a solution for a real problem . However I lack the coding skills and funding . I am from Singapore , what should I do ?",15903
0,"Are there some real websites that offer real money for part-time work like data-entry , ad-posting jobs ? With minimum registration fees of course .",How can free real estate deal websites make money on ads ? What are some company perspectives on the benefit of ads in the industry ?,159835
1,How do you bake frozen hash browns ?,What is the best way to cook frozen hash browns ?,276952
0,Why do convection currents occur in the atmosphere ?,What is the reason for convection currents in the mantle ?,233322
1,What are the best 5 films you have ever watched ?,Which is the best movie you have ever seen ?,281070
0,Is benjen stark the night 's king ?,Why is Benjen Stark in the Night 's Watch ?,219185
1,How do I become a millionaire before the age of 30 ?,Which are the three more realistic ways to become a multi millionaire before 30 ?,245807
0,Why should be Swami Vivekananda be called the father of modern nationalism ?,What 's Swami Vivekananda 's take on Indian nationality ?,108372
1,"At CPT level , is the material provided by ICAI sufficient or should I refer some other ?",Is material provided by ICAI sufficient for clearing CPT ?,14456
0,"Codecademy : What is the solution to JavaScript Quick Start Guide , Lesson 5 Question 3 ?","Codecademy : What is the solution to JavaScript Quick Start Guide , Lesson 3 Question 3 ?",9311
1,What should I do if I 'm badly bored ?,What should I do when I feel bored ?,394994
0,`` What does the phrase '' `` quantity over quality '' '' mean ? '',`` What does '' `` a mechanic '' '' mean this phrase ? '',377074
1,How do I handle trust issues ?,How do I deal with my trust issues ?,382630
0,Delta Charting Group for Tucson Arizona anybody are interested ?,Is there virginity test for miss world ?,144241
1,What is the best travel bag for cosmetics ?,What is the best cosmetic bag for travel ?,96287
0,Why are most spinal cord injuries permanent ?,Why are spinal cord injuries mostly permanent ?,290804
1,What are good things to serve with stuffed bell peppers ?,What is a good side to go with stuffed peppers ?,150066
0,If I have my house paid off can a creditor still foreclose it if I do n't pay HOA dues ?,Can the Homeowner 's Association foreclose on my home if I have no outstanding mortgage ?,221511
1,What is the purpose of a mail merge and why are they used ?,What is the purpose of the mail merge and which one should I use ?,277648
0,Why is life so imperfect ?,How do you handle your regrets ?,372202
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in North Carolina ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Washington ?,373115
0,What are some catchy lawn care business names ?,What are some catchy names for an application/tool that tracks or deals with the pricing configuration of a company ?,104852
1,Are there any good things about donald trump ?,What are some good things about Donald Trump ?,402003
0,How many cores need 1 million ?,"If you show a spider to a grown up man for the first time , will he be scared ?",31115
1,What are the best heritage hotel in Ranikhet ?,Which is the best heritage hotel in Ranikhet ?,336207
0,Can I enter Macau with a Hong Kong visa ?,Can I enter Hong Kong or Macau with a Chinese visa ?,399040
1,Should I buy the iPhone 7 if I currently have a 64 GB iPhone 6S ? My iPhone 6s is working good but I just like new things,Should I buy iPhone 7 if I just recently bought iPhone 6s ?,27498
0,Why is a TAG Heuer watch much more expensive than a similar looking Citizen ?,"I am missing the very end piece of a TAG Heuer Link watch bracelet , not one of the links in the middle . Where can I purchase the very end of it ?",376688
1,Is it likely to get pregnant during day 3 of my period with unprotected sex ?,Can i get pregnant the day after my period ends ?,329480
0,What is floor test in Indian parliament ?,How are Rajya Sabha members elected ?,341013
1,Server DNS address could not be found . ?,Server DNS address could not be found ?,379216
0,Where should I get DID number in India ?,How do I get get information about a mobile number in India ?,200572
1,How do i know who visited my Facebook profile ?,Who can see my Facebook profile ?,182435
0,What is the right context according to technical communication : Mr. & Mrs. Rajesh Chawla Or Mrs. & Mr. Rajesh Chawla ?,How can I communicate with Mr. P. Chidambaram ?,19722
1,Can I change my eye colour using hypnosis ?,Can people really change their eye colors by hypnosis ?,3286
0,Is a Sleep Number bed worth the cost ?,Can I put a sleep number matress on a platform frame ?,29083
1,What dog food brand is best for yorkie puppies ?,What is the best food for golden retriever puppies ?,266335
0,Why when I suddenly stand up does my vision go black gradually with sudden dizziness for a few seconds ?,"Why do we see visions ? How can I stop having sudden negative visions and images of the dead face of a loved one , destroyed assets , etc. . ?",203677
1,How can I prevent cavities ?,How do I prevent teeth cavity ?,377054
0,How many times do girls and boys masturbate in a week ?,How important is it to last long in bed ?,149677
1,What happens with the crores of donation money which people give in temples ?,What happens to all the money and gold people donate to temples in India ?,205975
0,Why does my penis hurt after ejaculation ?,Why does it hurt in my eyes after PRK ?,216337
1,Which advertising agency created Google Search : Reunion ad ?,`` Which agency made the '' `` Google Search : Reunion '' '' ad ? '',299738
0,"`` Why are the art pieces like '' `` Royal Red and Blue , '' '' '' `` Onement VI , '' '' or '' `` Mirror '' '' so expensive ? What are the notable things the purchasers have found in those paintings ? ''",`` Who painted '' `` The Blue Ophelia '' '' and why ? '',147142
1,Why is the government abruptly banning the 500 Rupees and the 1000 rupees currency notes in India ?,Is Modi 's decision on demonetization of 500 and 1000 notes welcomed by public ?,115563
0,How do I research for MUN ?,What is the best way to do an MUN research ?,5062
1,What really happened during 9/11 ?,What really happened on 9/11 ?,345838
0,Should I buy Intex Aqua 5.5 VR or Moto E3 Power considering both are under my budget and I like to change my phone every year ?,I bought a new Moto e3 power phone . There is no Moto gallery app . How can I get it ?,185401
1,Is Crimea part of Russia now ?,Is Crimea a part of Russia as of 2016 ?,210243
0,How do I do on first night ?,How do I start my first night ?,254782
1,What are the best human resources ?,Who are the best human resources ?,277107
0,Do we need a smartphone which floats in water and does n't crack in case of a drop event ?,Do we need something revolutionary in smartphones ?,323293
1,What do you think about the first presidential debate between Hillary and Trump ?,What do you think of the first US presidential debate ?,14195
0,What is the major difference between the Intel i3 5th gen processor and Intel i3 6th gen processor ?,What is the major difference between the Intel i3 4th gen processor and Intel i3 5th gen processor ?,327820
1,Is PC gaming better than console gaming ?,Which is cheaper and better gaming : PC or console -LRB- PS4 and Xbox One -RRB- ?,59671
0,Can I apply for a student with 10 +2 canada visa if I have 7 years gap in studies ?,Can I apply for a student visa if I have 9 years gap in studies ?,338764
1,How do you fix teeth gap ?,How do I fix teeth gap naturally ?,285300
0,Is it better to let a MacBook sleep or should you shut it down every night ?,"I just got a MacBook Pro , what should I do first ?",74805
1,What are some unusual/quick ways of making money ?,What are some unusual ways people make money ?,160808
0,What are the most exciting places to see in Russia as a tourist ? Why ?,What are the most exciting places to see in Italy as a tourist ? Why ?,263874
1,What is the difference between a white and black hat hacker ?,What is the difference between a black hat hacker and a white hat hacker ?,74289
0,"If I know programming languages but not how entire software products are made and how code is converted into a product , should I take a software job ?",How do I start learning electronic music production ? Should I begin with books or videos ? I have logic pro 9 and I already made some songs but I would like to start from scratch -LRB- as if I did not know anything -RRB- .,254828
1,`` How is life of '' `` body part model '' '' in India ? '',`` How is life of '' `` body part models '' '' in India ? '',377235
0,What does AAing mean ?,What does AA mean in AA制 ?,300814
1,What are the best way to improve problem solving skills ?,How can I improve me problem solving skills ?,18109
0,What non veg items increase body temperature ?,Does eating non veg increase the chance of getting pimples ?,126149
1,How many times can I give IIT jam ?,How much time can I give IIT JAM ?,383130
0,What are some mind-blowing facts about Having no wife ?,What are some mind-blowing facts about Having more than one wife ?,145105
1,How does drinking warm cayenne pepper every morning help you lose weight ?,How does cayenne pepper help with weight loss ?,148161
0,Why do people eat gold ?,How do people get obese ? Do they eat a lot more than the average person ?,183593
1,If you write the numbers from 1 to 100 how many digits will you have written ?,How many digits are needed to write down all numbers from 1 to 100 ?,286694
0,"Which is the best server , opencart or magento ?","Which is the best framework , Drupal or Magento ?",23146
1,What are important topics in gate CSE ?,What are the important topics gate CSE ?,84887
0,How many deals does groupon \ Livingsocial sale in a month ?,What were the results of the David Gray/Groupon deal ?,147223
1,"I am going to teach my 10 years old som programming , what is the best way to do it ?",What is the best way to teach a 10-year-old child programming ?,97779
0,How should I prepare for programming interviews ?,What 's the best way to prepare for programming interviews with a friend ?,195610
1,Can both we take mass gainer and whey protein ?,Can you take both whey protein and mass gainer at the same time ?,206763
0,Who are the best artists signed to YG Entertainment ?,What is the procedure to audition for YG Entertainment ?,402509
1,What is the average internet speed at LNMIIT ?,How is the internet facility at LNMIIT ?,373158
0,What are the consequences if a graduate breaks the 3-year service obligation before completing 3 years ?,I will be completing my graduation B.Tech this year . What internship option do I have for 2-3 months before joining the company in which I got placed ?,395198
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Kansas ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Hawaii ?,42267
0,Why are some people reluctant to stay at an airbnb instead of a hotel ?,"If Airbnb is just as expensive as a hotel , why do people live there ?",113773
1,Which documentary series should I watch for The Second World War ?,What is the best documentary about the Second World War ?,173650
0,What does it mean when a guy asks you to eat you ?,"If a guy asks a girl to come over to his place late for their second date , does that mean that he is not serious about her ?",5686
1,Who will will IPL 2013 ?,Who will win IPL 2013 ?,105622
0,"If a girl says you are cute , does she really mean it ?","`` If a girl says '' `` you are crazy '' '' , what does it mean ? ''",370629
1,What do you think about Modi 's new policy on the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes ?,Do n't you think Modi will repeal decision to ban 500 and 1000 notes as it will cause high inconvenience ?,77023
0,Why are you groggy after a 2-3 hour nap ?,Why do I feel to take a nap after 1-2 hours of my lunch ?,362461
1,Which is best DTH service to view HD channels ?,Which DTH offers the most HD channels ?,71584
0,What are the best places to chill / hang out in Bangalore with friends ?,Which is the best hang out place in Pune for friends ?,323147
1,What are the best discount coupons website in india ?,What are the best Discount Coupon websites in India ?,228707
0,How did Kung Fu originate ?,Where do kung fu originate ?,18433
1,Was the Taj Mahal originally an ancient Hindu temple ?,Was the Taj Mahal a Shiva temple ? But why does Indian government not take action ?,198250
0,Is it really possible for a general category student to get a job in banking sector ?,Is general category work hard to get govt job ?,106917
1,Which is the best online Test series for a bank ?,Which one is the best online test series for bank exams ?,374561
0,An boy of Iraq lying in sea float to France ?,How competitive is the hiring process at T-Mobile ?,178096
1,`` Is '' `` The Abominable Bride '' '' set in the same timeline as the original Sherlock ? '',`` What do you deduce from '' `` The Abominable Bride '' '' ? Is the original story set in modern England or in Victorian England as given in Doyle 's novels ? '',325329
0,What is the best Doctor Who episode for nonviewers ?,Best of X : What are the best episodes of Doctor Who ?,328978
1,What are the best ways to increase productivity for a high school student ?,What is the best way to increase productivity ?,44124
0,"Who would you choose : the one you love , or the one who loves you ?",Whom should I marry : the one whom I love or the one who loves me ?,161873
1,How can I raise my body 's vibration ?,How can I increase my vibration ?,85705
0,What is the difference between FDI and FII ?,What is the importance of FDI and FII in India or any economy ?,91364
1,What are the different parts of a microscope ? What are their functions ?,What are the parts and functions of a light microscope ?,67955
0,Do employees at Lowe 's have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,Do employees at Progressive have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,253416
1,How is the iPhone 6 ?,Is the iPhone 6 good ?,185564
0,How do you develop an app ?,How do you learn to develop iOS apps ?,333382
1,What should I do to get better grade in my class ?,How can I study to get better grades ?,33840
0,Question That Contains Assumptions : Why do people think NYC is the greatest city in the world when it 's really a rat-infested cesspool of noise and self-serving type A personalities all trying to outwork one another ?,What are the pros and cons of living in your city ?,28715
1,Can I get decent clothes at goodwill ?,How are clothes at Goodwill ?,269762
0,What is the difference between model and scaffold generators ?,Is this rule correct in Models ? I have a User Model where role is a attribute,137362
1,How can I locate my cell phone with the phone number ?,How can I locate a cell phone location ?,291970
0,What is the difference between a referendum and a plebiscite ?,Why is the EU Referendum predominantly a Left-Right issue ?,195547
1,Is there anything that moves faster than light ?,Is there something that can travel faster than light ?,313774
0,Are all the stars we see in the sky part of the Milky Way Galaxy ?,"If you 're between two galaxies , will you be able to see for an example the Milky Way Galaxy as a whole the way we are told by pictures or is it at such an enormous distance that you only see small lights as we see stars in the sky ?",167953
1,How can I improve my visual-spatial skills ?,What are the best ways to improve spatial skills ?,96271
0,Can multiple individual viruses infect one cell ?,Could a virus infect a virus/other harmful forms like cancer cells and if so what happens ?,273555
1,Which is the best website to learn Java ?,Which is the best website for Java Learners ?,336545
0,How hard is it for someone to manage the early days of a newly switched over company with restricted access to websites and spent maximum time in mobile ?,How do you manage your books during the early days of a subscription based SaaS site ?,173419
1,How is the procentual difference between 4 % and 3 % ?,What is the procentual difference between 4 % and 3 % ? What is the formula to calculate ?,3138
0,Is Marketing-Hr a dual specialization good career option in PGDM course ?,How good is a career in digital marketing ?,141159
1,How do we know whether India really conducted the surgical strike against Pakistan ?,Was there really any surgical strike conducted across the line of control ?,215144
0,Can I install Android apps in Microsoft lumia 640 xl dual sim phone ?,"In terms of audio quality , display & camera , should I buy a Microsoft Lumia 640 XL ? What is a good Android phone ?",386297
1,Is the sun alive ? Why or why not ?,Are stars alive ?,34653
0,What happens if a fat person only does weight lifting and no cardio and his diet is nutritionally below average ?,What can happen if I stop lifting weights and do just cardio ?,37265
1,What 's the most racist thing you experienced to you or to others ?,What was the most racist thing you have experienced yourself ?,158635
0,How are the Indian Armed Forces regarded by other countries ?,What do the foreign countries think of Indian Armed Forces ?,284637
1,Is consumption based GST good for Indian economy ?,How GST will affect Indian economy after it is enacted ?,229674
0,Case studies for oligopoly ?,Do Hollywood studios use data analytics to drive decisions on what type of films to make that will be profitable ?,316408
1,What the best way to improve English ?,What is the best path I should take to improve my English ?,111124
0,"Is there anybody who have any information about Haebangchon , Korea ?",Are there any documentaries about the history of North Korea ?,247758
1,What is a good comedy movie recommendation ?,What is the best comedy movie ever ?,325679
0,How do I prepare for CCEE -LRB- CDAC MAIN EXAM -RRB- ?,How do I prepare to get a rank within 100 for the CDAC August 2015 entrance exam for the DAC course ?,158203
1,How can I stop my dog from chewing my shoes ?,How do you stop German Shepherd/Husky puppies from biting your stuff ?,323326
0,Why are MRF 's shares prices so high ?,"I have purchased 1 share of MRF Ltd. on 01st July 2016 at 33188 , should I hold or sale ?",192968
1,Who was the greatest king of all time ?,Who is greatest king ?,237934
0,I have been working as MfgPro consultant in distribution and finance module from last 1.5 yrs . and now I want to switch in SAP . which SAP module will be best for me ?,Which SAP module is the best ?,346776
1,What do you think will actually happen if Donald Trump wins ?,What do you think will happen to the U.S if Donald Trump wins ?,284138
0,Do some conservatives sympathize with Israel only because most liberals support Palestine ?,Do Israel govt and Israeli citizens support Two State solution and Palestine exist as separate independent nation ?,24705
1,How should one prepare for the science and technology portion of the UPSC exam ?,How should one prepare for Science and Technology for UPSC exams ?,61107
0,What are some places in Lahore to do a food drive ?,Next monday I have to start a new job and I am very afraid . The building remember me to a jail . What could I do ?,250935
1,What are the quickest ways to get THC out of my system ?,How do you get THC out of your system faster ?,304270
0,How can a day seem like yesterday ?,How was your day yesterday ?,338661
1,How does one move on ?,How can I move in my life ?,297650
0,How do I prepare for ISM Dhanbad M.Tech EE in CS ?,Is it good to take the ISM Dhanbad CS or mining placements ?,84819
1,How is Darwin 's theory different from Lamarck 's theory ?,"How do Lamarck 's and Darwin 's theories differ , and what does each theory postulate ?",214723
0,Which is the best college for criminology in bangalore ?,Which is the best college for criminology in ahmedabad ?,94893
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Minnesota ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Massachisetts ?,254198
0,What is the best post-workout supplement to take ?,What is best post-workout meal ?,41098
1,How do Iconnect Mobile Phone to HP laptop if it 's not connecting ?,How do I connect Mobile Phone to HP laptop if it 's not connecting ?,366295
0,What is hepatitis ?,What is hepatitis C ?,53142
1,How do I improve will power ?,What can I do for strengthen my will power ?,84262
0,Can I change the battery of my phone with high capacity one ?,How does phone battery charging work ?,28433
1,Would internet service providers really block forum sites if we lose net neutrality ?,Would ISPs block forum sites and why would n't they ?,125023
0,What is the best company for garage door repair ?,What is the best company for garage door repair and installation ?,191147
1,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in Australia ?,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in Laos ?,334707
0,"What is the equivalent salary in Seattle , WA to $ 70,000 in Reston , VA ?","What is the equivalent salary in Seattle , WA to $ 70,000 in Stafford , VA ?",229074
1,What is top IT company in India ?,What are top IT companies in India ?,389654
0,What is the passing marks for class 12 cbse ?,I am getting 20 marks in cbse class 12 maths will they give me grace marks to make it 33 ?,110633
1,Are you truly happy ?,Do you live happy ?,214169
0,I am green card holder My minor children are living abroad I have applied for their green card I do n't want to leave them alone and stay in USA ?,How does -LSB- math -RSB- KI -LSB- / math -RSB- replace -LSB- math -RSB- Cl -LSB- / math -RSB- in -LSB- math -RSB- PbCl_2 -LSB- / math -RSB- in the reaction : -LSB- math -RSB- PbCl_2 + KI \ to PbI_2 + KCl -LSB- / math -RSB- ?,113206
1,What do people of Pakistan think about Uri attack ?,What do Pakistani people think about uri attack and about their own country after that ?,287036
0,How do you deal best with heartbreak ?,What 's the best way to deal with heartbreak ?,145204
1,How do I find investors for my medical startup ?,How do I find angel investors for my startup ?,193585
0,What are the best selling products ?,What are the best companies to sell products for ?,254015
1,What are the best free plagarism tools ?,What are the best free plagarism sites ?,198373
0,"`` Krishna said in Gita ; '' `` Those who worship other gods , actually worship me in an improper way '' '' . Does it mean that we should only worship Lord Krishna ? ''",Do Indians still thinks of Nitish Bharadwaj while they worship lord Krishna ?,353577
1,How do you potty train a 4 months Pitbull ?,How do I potty train my two-month-old Labrador pup ?,236
0,Is there such a thing as a political center ? How does it look like and can it be achieved ?,There is a good looking guy that acts like he is by boyfriend and that we have a thing . What does it mean ?,375059
1,How can I find a job that I enjoy everyday ?,How can I find the job I can enjoy ?,356124
0,How do pesticides and fertilizers differ from each other ?,How are pesticides and fertilizers alike ?,271531
1,What will happen if Pakistan and China declare a joint war with India ?,What will happen If China and Pakistan Attack India at the same time ?,76001
0,Why one should learn anything ?,What should I learn to learn to anything ?,38453
1,Can your last seen be visble when on WhatsApp while in chat ?,"While on chat on whatsaap , is the last seen visble to others ?",82137
0,What 's the best poem you 've written ?,What is the best poem ever written ?,402955
1,"If Donald Trump wins , how would it affect India ?",How will Donald trump 's Victory would affect India 's relationship with USA ?,126400
0,How to convert web based project into desktop project ?,What are some good Web based project for final year B.Tech CSE student ?,42440
1,What is the best movie of all time ? -LRB- In your opinion -RRB-,Which is best movie in history ?,181150
0,"Who would the Republicans have an easier time vilifying , Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton ?","Who do Republicans dislike more , Bernie Sanders or Hilary Clinton ?",140753
1,Who really built the Great Pyramid of Giza and other ancient Egyptian Pyramids ?,Who actually built the Egyptian pyramids ?,193722
0,When was Nine-tails extracted from Naruto ? Is Naruto the jinchuuriki of Nine-tails in the epilogue ?,How and why did the tailed beasts grow up in Naruto ?,393963
1,Which is the best coaching centre in Hyderabad for IAS coaching ?,Which are the best institutes for Civil Services Coaching in Hyderabad ?,268415
0,"Where is the Baraka River located , and how does it compare to the Salween River ?","Where is the Baraka River located , and how does it compare to the Japura River ?",90595
1,`` How does Trump believe that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte calling Obama '' `` son of bitch '' '' is a symbol of respect to the U.S. by the Philippines ? '',`` Why did the Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte call Barack Obama a '' `` son of a bitch '' '' ? '',322130
0,What if I 've had the same music teacher for five years and it feels like I am learning nothing ? I REALLY want to go to Juilliard,One day I feel very confident and the next day I am very depressed . I 'm only 24 and do not have a job yet . I have no idea what I did in the last 8 years . I am not passionate about anything . Most times I feel like my existence is worth nothing . I want to get out of this . What do I do ?,159841
1,What does litmus paper contain ? What is it used for ?,What is litmus paper made of and what is it used for ?,137781
0,How is the word ` truant ' used in a sentence ?,How is the word ` usurper ' used in a sentence ?,43367
1,What do your friends call you ?,What do your friends call you ? And why ?,197940
0,"How do I block all the Bhakts on Quora , so that I do n't see their posts ?",Is there any way I can block topics on Quora which I do n't like ?,158506
1,How can I hack the others Facebook account ?,How do paid hackers hack Facebook profiles ?,80522
0,"If I take home a loan of INR 60 lacs , what would be the monthly EMI for the next 20-30 years ?",I am 30 years old and I am earning 85000 per month . Should I purchase a house by taking a home loan of 45 lakhs or plot taking a loan of 15 lakhs ?,309483
1,What are other torrent downloading sites apart from kickass ?,What are some torrent downloading sites ?,14763
0,"What relationship did Socrates , Plato , and Aristotle have ?",How can I understand Aristotle and Plato ?,206413
1,What is the most amazing thing that you have ever seen ?,What is the most amazing thing you have ever seen ?,279766
0,"Does the Milky Way orbit around anything ? If so , what 's its orbital period ?",Is it possible for a star to orbit a planet ? Has it ever been observed ?,169057
1,How do you record your screen on Windows ?,How do I can record the screen on windows ?,195987
0,Can I lose weight by masturbating ?,Can anyone give me tips for gym routine and food intake for gaining weight ?,48539
1,Is milk good for health ?,Is drinking milk good for health ?,123435
0,Am I infringing trademark law if my YouTube channel 's name is the same as that of an existing business ? -LRB- My channel is monetized but IS N'T a business -RRB-,Can somebody pick the same YouTube channel name as me ?,85335
1,What is urinary incontinence ? What causes it ?,What causes urinary inconsistency and how can it be prevented ?,236566
0,Difference between feedforward and feedbackword neural network ?,What is the difference between a neural network and an autoencoder network ?,64248
1,How can Donald Trump make America great again ?,What are your views on donald Trump and his strategies to make America great again ?,105044
0,How secure is cashless transaction in India ?,Can India be cashless in one year ?,168116
1,What are the pros and cons of the new GST bill in India ?,What is GST -LRB- INDIA -RRB- bill and why is there such a hype for it ?,382708
0,What was the Victorian era 's culture like ?,What was the Victorian era 's literature like ?,325574
1,How can I concentrate in my daily studies ?,How do I concentrate better in my study ?,326801
0,How do you calculate volume ?,How can you calculate volume in chemistry ?,263603
1,What is the best thing to take after you just quit meth cold turkey ?,What is the best way to quit meth cold turkey ?,303300
0,How can calcification of the arteries be reversed ?,Do the vitamin k2 supplements help in reducing heart calcification ?,189347
1,How do I invest money into stock market ?,What are the ways to learn about stock market ?,11206
0,How should i deal with a girl who cheated me ?,How do I deal with people who cheat ?,157898
1,What 's your new year resolution for 2017 ?,What Is your New year resolutions in 2017 ?,351244
0,What does it feel like to cut off your parents ?,"Should I cut off my abusive/annoying/judgemental parents off , if I am fourteen but all my life I have never felt the support of their love ?",296904
1,Which would be better : i3 5005U with R5 M330 or i3 6100U with HD 520 ?,Which would be better for gaming : i3 5005U with R5 M330 or i3 6100U with HD 520 ?,99715
0,How do I fix windows live mail error reporting Incorrect command sequence ?,Why did RBI choose to come out with a 2000 note instead of a newer 1000 note ?,258731
1,How do I get funding to turn a software idea to a working prototype ?,How can I get funds to turn my idea into a reality ?,91915
0,What is the definition of magnitude in physics ?,What is the magnitude of current ?,213260
1,How do I reduce the size of breast ?,How I decrease the size of breasts ?,192444
0,What universities does S & T Bank recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,What universities does Republic Bank recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,25830
1,How will the Indian economy benefit if GST is introduced ?,What changes are expected in Indian economy because of GST ?,163456
0,Which is better DMC from sunbeam or DAC from oylther colleges ?,I need an answer asap ?,296263
1,Will banning 500 and 1000 notes can stop the black money ?,"With latest announcement of making Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes invalid in India , is this step a checkmate to people who have black money ?",376975
0,Who will fund to a social entrepreneur ?,How can I be a social entrepreneur ?,207475
1,How is the GBO course of SRCC ?,Is the GBO course in SRCC good ?,119705
0,How do I recharge jio sim ?,How can I get Reliance Jio SIM Card ?,31508
1,Will trump win as president ?,Will Donald Trump be the next US President ?,135194
0,Which country will win Africa 's biennial Cup of Nations soccer tournament in 2017 ?,Can South Africa win the T20 World Cup 2016 ?,298571
1,How do I recover my Gmail account if I forgot my Gmail password ?,How do I reset my gmail password when I forgot my gmail password ?,391965
0,`` Why did the Germans refer to the Battle of Stalingrad as '' `` Rattenkrieg '' '' ? '',What were the casualty rates for the Battle of Stalingrad ?,87504
1,What are some examples of ` Presence of Mind ' ?,What are the examples of a presence of mind ?,353446
0,What is the craziest thing you have ever done for love ?,What is the most craziest thing that you have ever done for your loved ones ?,362974
1,How does RSA decryption work ?,Can you answer my RSA question ?,38611
0,Can I make a daisy chain with 2 monitors using an HDMI ?,How do you install a monitor with just HDMI ?,165256
1,What should I do to think positive ?,How do I think positive ?,227028
0,How do I start solar energy business ?,How do I start a solar energy business in Indonesia ?,116678
1,What is the white smoke behind a vehicle when it breaks the sound barrier ?,What causes the vapor cone when aircraft breaks the sound barrier ?,303371
0,"Since LinkedIn got rid of ask the expert , is Quora now the best place to get expert answers ?",Should I try to answer hypothetical questions on Quora to hone my creative thinking abilities even if I am not an expert on the question being asked ?,256967
1,How do I hack a WiFi network ?,How do I can hack wifi ?,199444
0,How does a Tesla car do machine learning ?,What is so special about Tesla Motors ?,385717
1,What are the causes of hypersexuality ?,What may be the cause of hypersexuality ?,63114
0,Who are Harsha Bhogle 's top 10 favourite cricketers ?,What does it take to have a cenepollis franchise ?,349692
1,How many people use Quora ?,How many active users in Quora ?,323991
0,Which sentence below is grammatically correct ?,Which of these sentences are grammatically correct ?,205358
1,Catholics : how do I stop watching internet porn ?,How can I control myself from masturbating while watching porn ?,284292
0,How do I integrate quickblox step by step in ios app in swift also the sample swift code showing me 404 error after entering the credentials ?,What are the most efficient series of steps to learn how to code for a beginner and launch an iOS or Android mobile app in year ?,388256
1,Is there a difference between anxiety attacks and panic attacks ?,What is the difference between Anxiety attack and Panic attack ?,49897
0,What are the ages of relaxation process for RBI grade b ?,Has anyone on Quora made a living off IQ option binary trading ?,185445
1,Is Roman Catholicism outwardly Christian but inwardly pagan ?,Is it true that Catholicism is pagan ?,272605
0,Why is Russia so corrupt ?,Why did Russia become so corrupt ?,288299
1,What is the difference between gold and silver tequila ? Is it just a marketing strategy ?,What is the difference between white and golden tequila ?,368368
0,I am an electrical engineer but I want to work in a travel and tourism company . What is the scope ?,I am rookie in travel and tourism and I want to have my career in it . What should I do ?,180996
1,What could be the effect of GST bill on Indian economy ?,How will the passing of GST bill help Indian Economy ?,149133
0,Why is there a fuse inside the electrical plug ?,How can I connect a 3 plug electric wire ?,267791
1,"If a 28 year old guy is suicidal due to the FRUSTRATION of not having sex ever in his life , is this normal ?","If a 28 year old guy is suicidal due to the FRUSTRATION of not having sex ever in life , is this normal ?",402460
0,Why there is always war between India and Pakistan ?,If there will be a war between India and Pakistan who will win ?,382376
1,What are the worst films to win an Oscar in their respective categories ?,What is the worst film to win an Oscar ?,165287
0,"Is Greenbow , Alabama from Forrest Gump a real city ?","Was there ever a sequel planned about Forrest Gump , Jr. . ?",22779
1,How do I start my own IT business/startup in India ?,How can I start my own IT company in India ?,139567
0,Can a religion be banned ?,"If you could , would you ban religion ?",41072
1,Who is the world famous astrologer in india ?,Who is the great master astrologer in India ?,172498
0,What is the difference between the Torah and the Old Testament ?,Who were the followers of the old testament ?,100707
1,What is the best laptop under Rs .60000 in India ?,What is the best laptop under 60000 Indian Rupees ?,103808
0,Do you know which steps to take to safely jailbreak an iPhone ?,Is jailbreaking an iPhone safe ?,397262
1,When should I put ads on my blog ?,How do I place ads on my blog ?,53726
0,Is there any South Korean University for graduate -LRB- course conducted in English language -RRB- studies in mechanical Engineering ?,"If I record a video on an app , not my camera and then I delete it , will the fbi or anybody else be able to see it ?",299093
1,What are some of the best places to visit for solo travel in India ?,Which are the best places to travel alone in india ?,267121
0,Do porn stars enjoy double penetration ?,Do women enjoy double penetration ?,90635
1,Where is the best Videocon microwave oven service center in Hyderabad ?,Which one is the best videocon microwave oven service center in Hyderabad ?,175737
0,Is this correct to introduce 2000 rupee note suddenly in India with ban of 500 and 1000 rupees notes ?,What are the benefits of ban on 500 and 1000 rupees note ?,320344
1,Is there extraterrestrial life ?,Does extraterrestrial life exist ?,200590
0,`` What does '' `` that smile though '' '' mean ? '',Why does everyone tell me I need to smile more ?,391170
1,What 's the easiest way to learn C ?,What is the best way to learn c programming from 0 ?,31055
0,How can I be more interactive on Twitter ?,How can I be more interactive ?,71115
1,Where can I get the best photo booth service in Sydney ?,Where can I get the best quality photo booths in Sydney ?,186756
0,What qualities do Avengers heroes usually have ?,Are Avengers movies overcrowded ?,184965
1,What makes you decide to follow someone on Quora ?,What do you consider when you follow someone on Quora ?,54468
0,`` What is the '' `` dollar shave club '' '' of good tea ? '',What are Dollar Shave Club 's revenues ?,156421
1,How do I join a startup company in India ?,How do I get a job in startup companies in India ?,44684
0,What are some of the best photos ?,What is a good photo ?,690
1,How do I can boost my self confidence ?,How can I get self-esteem and confidence ?,124672
0,`` What does '' `` QC '' '' mean in chemistry ? '',Will the wifi and telecom signals that are in many people 's homes slowly damage humanity 's DNA without most people realizing it ?,135544
1,Who was the man that killed the most people in human history ?,Which individual in all of history killed the most people ?,9549
0,What are alternatives to Transifex ?,Who is a transifex competitor ?,258660
1,Will Donald Trump end up in some conflict of interest problem ?,Will Donald Trump end up in some conflict of interest ?,399961
0,"What is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Laveen , Arizona AZ ?","What is a suitable solar panel installation provider in Coolidge , Arizona AZ ?",204113
1,What if the U.S. lost the Revolutionary War ?,How would the world be different if the British had won the American Revolutionary War ?,18192
0,"If you were Hitler 's Doctor , would you kill Hitler ?","If you had the possibility to kill Hitler , would you ?",218916
1,Why do many people hate Mother Teresa ?,Why do some people hate Mother Teresa ?,278405
0,Can a woman not scream during childbirth ?,What pain is worse : getting a tattoo or childbirth ?,121774
1,Is it physically possible to travel back in time ?,Is time travel possible after the discovery of gravitational waves ?,15716
0,Is Shaffer Conservatory from Whiplash real ?,"What was Damien Chazelle , the director of Whiplash and La La Land , like at Harvard ? What 's it like to go to school with him ?",381139
1,Are e-vapes safe ?,Is vaping safe ? Or at least safer ?,142036
0,I love a girl but I do n't know how to tell her . What should I do ?,I love a girl and I want to tell her about it but I also do n't want to lose her as she is one of my good friends . What should I do ?,316581
1,How do I study more efficiently on tough subjects ?,How can I study more efficiently ?,278828
0,What was the purpose of the surveillance drone sequence in Interstellar ?,Why did the Indian drone fly so low in the movie Interstellar ?,51501
1,What are some good movies like Sherlock Holmes ?,What are the best mystery movies like Sherlock Holmes ?,366109
0,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Alexander 's ?,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Guess ?,98443
1,What are things you care about but most people do n't ?,What do you sincerely care about that most people do n't care about ?,390388
0,How is the March 2 Success ASVAB practice test ?,"My Kaplan 's practice tests average score is 302 -LRB- 160Q , 142V -RRB- . How can I get 310 + ? 15 days to go for GRE .",39373
1,How can statistics be used in education ? What are some examples ?,What are some of the applications of statistics in education ?,179517
0,"`` I sent a message on messenger , and it says '' `` sent '' '' it wont deliver . They 've been online and it still says '' `` sent '' '' Does this mean they didnt get the message ? ''","I messaged someone on Facebook messenger and it just says sent , not delivered . We 're not friends on Facebook if that makes a difference . Will they get my message ?",45538
1,Can we get supernatural power from meditation ?,Can I meditate to get supernatural powers ?,169791
0,License for car manufacturering company ?,What is the best way to develop the suppliers in a car manufacturing company ?,376882
1,What are some great chemistry jokes ?,Any good chemistry jokes ?,132544
0,Why do cats stop covering their poop ?,How can I stop my cat from pooping outside the box ?,312924
1,What are the best places to visit on a 3-day trip in and around Kerala ?,"What all places can one visit on a two day trip in Kerala , India ?",403654
0,What would have happened if Adam & Eve never ate the fruit ?,What would have happened if Adam did not sin and only Eve ate the fruit ?,178803
1,"Why should we ask questions on Quora , when we can Google it ?",Why do so many people ask google-able questions on Quora ?,54652
0,Why and how do thermal insulators work ?,How does foil work in thermal insulation ?,10854
1,What are some best examples of Presence of mind ?,What is the example of Presence of Mind ?,362215
0,Which board game can be considered a classic way to have fun ?,What is the best site for stock marketing online business ?,308495
1,How can I manage my anger ?,What are some good techniques for controlling your anger ?,18231
0,What were some of the things you wish your boss knew ?,What 's one thing you wish your boss knew but does n't ?,20028
1,How could water be produced on Mars ?,How much chances are there that NASA already knew that there is water on Mars ?,33233
0,How do some people on Quora have a high number of followers without even answering a single question ?,How come some people answering questions on Quora get a bit snarky about it ?,121698
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Massachisetts ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Vermont ?,223257
0,Which is best movie ?,What is the best movie you have ever seen ?,359768
1,Can anybody change the outcome to let Trump lose when he won on December 19th ?,"Can anybody change the outcome to let Donald Trump lose , since he won on December 19th ?",244589
0,What is the rate of dollars against rupee ?,What is the dollar to rupee value ?,38466
1,`` Why do certain Indians still think that '' `` Hindi '' '' is just a North Indian language ? '',Why do Indians think that Hindi is just another regional language ?,239561
0,What talents do Enneagram type 2 people have ?,Is it possible to be both an Enneagram Type 8 and an INFJ MBTI personality type ?,212285
1,Where can I get efficient and best services for pest control in Hawkesbury ?,Where can I get best Pest Control service in Hawkesbury ?,194811
0,Where can I convert Indian Rupees to Indonesian Rupiahs in India ?,How much are 1000 Indonesian rupiahs in Indian rupees ?,112806
1,What is it like to be a homosexual in India ?,What 's it like to be gay in India ?,37447
0,Do dogs sweat ? Why or why not ?,Why do dogs have no sweat glands ? Are there any advantages for not having sweat glands but cooling through panting ?,154324
1,When will the next Macbook Pro -LRB- 2016 -RRB- be released ?,What is the best way to predict when the new MacBook Pro will be released ?,51740
0,How did The Governor lose his eye in The Walking Dead ?,How realistic is The Walking Dead ?,385023
1,How do Betty each kindergarten children fewer and more ?,How do Betty teach kindergarten children fewer and more ?,335609
0,Is eating Mullet fish healthy ?,Fish : Why do mullet jump ?,284286
1,What 's your opinion about the decision on removal of 500 and 1000 rupees currency notes ?,What do you think of the decision by the Indian government to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,8546
0,"I know two foreign languages , Arabic and French . what else should learn in the technical fields to maximize my career ?",Is chemical engineering a good idea for me as pre-med ?,328132
1,Do Psychopaths have microexpressions ?,Do psychopaths show micro-expressions ?,74353
0,"In the play The Tempest , Caliban argues that the island is his birthright . Discuss the political decisions Caliban makes to retake this inheritance ?",What plays did Shakespeare co-author ?,159788
1,What are the keys to getting a British girlfriend in New York ?,How can I get a British GF in New York ?,335771
0,If -LSB- math -RSB- 1 \ circ4 = 5 -LSB- / math -RSB- and -LSB- math -RSB- 2 \ circ5 = 12 -LSB- / math -RSB- and -LSB- math -RSB- 3 \ circ6 = 21 -LSB- / math -RSB- then what is -LSB- math -RSB- 8 \ circ11 -LSB- / math -RSB- ? Fun ...,Why is math so awesome ?,58591
1,"What is the food you can eat every day for breakfast , lunch and dinner ?",Is it healthy to eat a tomato every day ?,101064
0,Which is Mahatma Gandhi 's favourite song ?,What is your favorite song and why ?,92515
1,Why Americans Think Hillary is a Qualified President ?,Is Hillary Clinton qualified to be President ?,399019
0,What is compensation ?,What are the compensation requirements ?,332118
1,How should I control outbursts of emotions ?,How can I control my emotions ?,118303
0,What book would you recommend to a person who will die in 24 hours and why ?,"If you knew you 'd die in 24 hours , and you could do anything in the world , what are a few things you 'd do ?",56700
1,Can I open my own bank ?,How can I open my own bank ?,332116
0,What is the difference between NTFS and FAT32 file systems ?,Why the FAT32 can only storage a file with 4GB limit size in windows ?,173155
1,Who was a role model for Mark Zuckerberg ?,Who is the role model of Mark Zuckerberg ?,42113
0,Why do Hindus offer water to the Sun ?,How are Indian Hindus different from Nepali Hindus ?,19245
1,What should I do if I want to be a rich person ?,How can I become rich man ?,47847
0,How do you share Facebook or YouTube videos on WeChat Moments ?,What are the ways to upload videos from Facebook and YouTube to WeChat ?,156774
1,"In a search engine , given partial data on what the user has typed , how would you predict the user 's eventual search query ?","In a search engine , given partial data on what the user has typed , how would you predict the user 's eventual search query ?",224774
0,Can I watch Star Plus online free on YouTube ?,Can I watch Star Plus online for free ?,64802
1,What are 3 sects of Judaism ? How were they established and how are they different from Judaism ?,What are the different sects of Judaism ?,329758
0,What will anyone think of a disgusting accommodation given after contractually tackled in company where always has being demotivated ?,A point has come in my life where I am left with nothing to say to people . I think I have no one in my life except my parents . I always think about what to say to people so that I will not be left alone . What should I do to live my life and stop feeling left out by people ?,289392
1,How the scope of big data analytics and from where to do ?,What is the scope of big data analytics ?,359429
0,"As an atheist , how do you overcome the depression from knowing you 'll never be with your loved ones again when they 're gone ?",Is being an atheist depressing ?,270124
1,What are examples of motor neurons ?,What is a motor neuron ? What are some examples ?,146631
0,What religious freedom do you feel you do n't have in America ?,What is religious freedom ?,147647
1,How should I get health insurance ?,How do I get health insurance ?,337770
0,What happens when UK 's Fraud Squad get involved in an investigation ?,What happens after filing a police report and not ever following up with detective ? How can I get them to close the matter or I guess suspend the investigation ?,153755
1,How famous is Priyanka Chopra in America ?,Is priyanka chopra actually famous in the US ?,301881
0,What should be done to encourage students to involve themselves more in outdoor games ?,Do students compare themselves to students at other schools more in the 2010s than ever before ?,178618
1,If there is no god then where did the idea of god come from ?,How did the idea of God come about ?,255471
0,`` What are some sentence examples using '' `` culture '' '' ? '',`` What are some sentence examples using '' `` into '' '' ? '',254345
1,How do I get into Harvard as an undergrad ?,What should be done to get admission in harvard ?,365156
0,Phobia : I am afraid of injections -LRB- needles -RRB- and that 's why I did n't donate blood . Everyone is now making fun of me . What should I do ?,Can I donate blood if I am under weight ?,211298
1,Which are the best movies of Hollywood ?,Which are the best Hollywood movies of all time ?,98675
0,What is faminism ?,What should you do in a famine ?,200040
1,How do I get into my Facebook if I ca n't remember passwords and I ca n't access email account ?,How do I get into my Instagram if I forgot my email and my Facebook password ?,348218
0,How can I live without money and still have a meaningful and satisfactory life ?,Which is the best way of living life ?,165032
1,What does it feel like to date a famous person ?,What does it feel like to date a famous person as a normal person ?,273339
0,How common is it for a woman to like anal sex ?,How common is anal sex ?,2518
1,Is this move of banning 500 & 1000 Rupee notes right ?,What is Balaji Viswanathan 's take on 500 & 1000 rupees currency notes ban in India ?,288328
0,How many types of vyuhas were used in the war of Mahabharata ? I need to know the description .,I am not a Hindu so I know very little about Hindu mythology specifically the Mahabharata . What is a book which gives a comprehensive story of Mahabharata or especially the Kurukshetra War ?,328831
1,Is a world war going to happen ?,Is a third World War imminent ?,82366
0,Who is your best PhD advisor at NUS SOC ? Why ?,What is it like to do a PhD from NUS -LRB- ECE department -RRB- ?,238618
1,What is the best school management software in India ?,Which is the best school management software for schools in India ? Please provide related link if possible !,112469
0,Why ca n't a metre be more than a metre ?,"Why does power of light is measured in dioptre , why not metre inverse ?",213477
1,What is the best video repair tool ?,What are some good video repair tools ?,399029
0,What could provide a plant humanoid defense against fire ?,"If we ever create a massive spaceship defense force , What could power each ship ?",79841
1,What is the biggest lie you 've ever told ?,What are some of the biggest lies ever told or heard by you ?,324362
0,Why Apollo holes -LRB- or Venus holes -RRB- special ?,What is the solution for the mentioned problem ?,126168
1,"In Starcraft , why do protoss and zerg being called gods and insects in Chinese ?","In StarCraft series , why are both Protoss and Zerg called gods and insect in Chinese ?",227606
0,What are the best triller books ?,What are some good books ?,402216
1,What will be the replacement for the ISS when it is shutdown in 2024 ?,Will bigelow commercial space station be the substitute of the ISS in 2024 ?,18613
0,I 'm in love with myself . What do I do ?,How can I start loving myself and my dreams ?,331457
1,What job possibilities exist for a Bachelors in Homeland Security ?,What jobs are available with a bachelor 's degree in Homeland Security ?,307
0,Where can I found high quality horse fence panels in Sydney ?,Where can I find a range of horse fencing products and services in Sydney ?,179983
1,Why does my heart feel heavy and tight ?,Why does my heart feel heavy ?,386841
0,How many books have you read this year ?,How many books do you read a month ?,394320
1,What is the main function of a database management system ?,What is the purpose of database management system ?,328634
0,How can a short guy improve his personality ?,Do guys like it if girls wear short skirts ?,143096
1,What are some interesting places to visit in Chennai ?,What are some great places to visit in and around -LRB- 50 km radius -RRB- Chennai ?,402388
0,What is a good news source ?,What are the best news sources for neuroscience ?,101927
1,Who would win an all out war between Pakistan and India if no other country got involved ?,If a war breaks out between India and Pakistan who would win ?,31490
0,What are the natural laws ?,What is the nature and law ?,326649
1,"What was the significance of the battle of Somme , and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Mill ?","What was the significance of the battle of Somme , and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Hong Kong ?",388836
0,"Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is on record stating that , in the movie The Black Hole , the science is all wrong . What exactly is incorrect ?",What is your opinion on Neil deGrasse Tyson ? Do you like or dislike him ? Why ?,144948
1,Why do Indians keep asking questions about what other nationalities think about them ?,Why are Indians so obsessed about what people from other countries think about India ?,324468
0,What are some good stories related to mobile wallets in India after demonetization of 500 and 1000 currency notes ?,What are some good research papers on Machine learning based systems updating itself ?,56419
1,What are the few hidden gems in Delhi ?,What are the hidden gems in Delhi ?,364602
0,How does plastic comb attract paper ?,How can I make my exam paper more attractive ?,275953
1,Will the economy of India collapse due to the banning of 500 and 1000 notes ?,What are your views on India banning 500 and 1000 notes ? In what way it will affect Indian economy ?,48801
0,"If I made 10 YouTube videos with an average number of views of 1.5 million , how much money would I make ?",How much money can an average user on YouTube earn from a video ?,116720
1,Why is right wing politics on the rise around the world ?,What is the reason for the recent rise in right wing parties and leaders around the world ?,199521
0,How is a moonshot different than any other scientific or technological research project ?,Can a person make a bond stating he is not interested in his father 's property ?,107864
1,Which of the six F.R.I.E.N.D.S character is your favourite and why ? Choose just one ?,Who is your favourite character from F.R.I.E.N.D.S ?,339847
0,What are the best books on Islamic philosophy ?,What are some good books on Islamic economics ?,190436
1,How do the different branches of Judaism view homosexuality ?,How does Judaism view homosexuality ?,222267
0,What 's America 's human rights record compared to the Russia ?,What is Russia 's human rights record ?,298239
1,How did we get a picture of the Milky Way Galaxy ?,How did they take a picture of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Cosmos ' first episode even though we are inside the Milky Way Galaxy ?,24104
0,"If I filled a weather balloon with helium only to 75 percent of the balloon 's holding capacity , would it ease into higher altitudes without popping ?",What are the ways to introduce non-linearity in my screenplay ?,364025
1,What is your favorite rock song ?,What is your favorite rock song ? Why ?,349050
0,What is a differentiable system ?,What is a differential ?,197468
1,Why does Quora always mark my answer as need for improvement ?,Why does Quora mark most of the questions as needing improvement ?,79230
0,How do you determine the thickness of a footing based on the total load ?,Why is the stiffness of a beam cubic in its thickness ?,104077
1,Why do we still have Racism in 2016 ?,Why are people still discriminating against color of skin in 2016 ?,261458
0,Does watching a streamed video consume less data than downloading the full video ?,How can I download videos from online video streaming sites in android mobile ?,174656
1,Is it true that India conducted surgical strikes in Pakistan on 29 September ? Why is Pakistan denying it ?,Why is India lying that they conducted surgical Strikes against Pakistan ?,358785
0,Why does Qoura tolerate anonymous users ? Cant they just ban these fake people ?,Why does Quora not ban annoying anonymous users who make baseless answers on Quora ?,197771
1,Can a nephew marry his auntie if she 's just 5 years older to him ?,Can a nephew marry his auntie ?,213267
0,What is the academic pressure and workload at Texas A&M like ?,What is the academic pressure and workload at Texas A&M - Commerce like ?,282286
1,What do you think are the reasons of China 's great economical success ?,What are reasons of China 's success ?,299271
0,What is the difference between ` in contrast with ' and ` in contrast to ' ?,"`` What is the difference between '' `` By contrast , ... '' '' and '' `` In contrast to ... '' '' -LRB- if any -RRB- ? ''",171610
1,What is the best book for Artificial Neural Network ?,What are good books for recurrent artificial neural networks ?,41743
0,What is the true interpretation of the Bible ?,What is the interpretation of John 3:14 from the Bible ?,188218
1,Is it safe to visit Lebanon ?,Is it safe to travel to Beirut in Lebanon ?,325507
0,How can I enter BIOS mode in Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 2-14 ?,"Which is better , the Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga or Lenovo Flex 2 14 ?",65310
1,Why do n't airlines have parachutes for passengers ?,Why do n't airlines invest in parachutes for each passenger and a hatch above their heads to eject them out if there is a disaster ?,392027
0,How can I email Apple customer support ?,Do Apple retail employees get an @apple email address ?,352854
1,Who are the most impressive US military commanders ?,Who was the best military commander in US history ?,9619
0,Where can you buy purple skin sweet potatoes ?,Where can I buy ` purple ' sweet potatoes in the UK ?,388868
1,How can I earn money as a student ?,How can I earn as a student ?,162381
0,How and why do heating elements in ovens break ?,How do you replace the upper heating element on a conventional oven ?,5301
1,What is a good first car for a teen guy ?,What would be a good first car ?,6928
0,"On Snapchat , is there a difference between the actions unfriend , block , delete , and remove ? Or do they all mean the same thing ?","`` I tried deleting the Snapchat history by selecting '' `` clear conversations '' '' and it worked . However , when I send a picture to that same person I deleted the history , the saved messages from the past still appear , how do I fix this ? ''",144485
1,What is nuclear fusion ? How can you describe the process ?,What is nuclear fusion ?,304575
0,`` What does '' '' 我家小哥 '' '' mean ? '',What is meaning of หมุนเวลาตาย ?,94583
1,How can I deal with cavities on the side of my tooth ?,How do you treat cavities on the side of a tooth ?,295492
0,Murder : What are all the reasons a person would want to kill another person ?,Is it illegal for a person to have a list of people they want to kill ?,269278
1,What are some of the funniest jokes that you know ?,What is the funniest joke of all time ?,358743
0,How do you know when its time to give up on a long term relationship ?,When do you know it 's time to give up in a relationship ?,239390
1,Where does the term excuse my French come from ?,`` Where did the phrase '' `` excuse my French '' '' come from ? '',195530
0,What are some characteristics of and American Bully ?,Period stop after painkillers ?,335525
1,What is an Amazon ?,What is Amazon ?,220403
0,What type of drill bit is strongest for drilling holes on hard metals such as harderned steel ?,What is the best metal to drill aluminium ?,142619
1,Why do many distrust Hillary Clinton ?,Why do so many people hate Hilary Clinton ?,24667
0,Can special greenhouses be built in Antarctica so that the people living there can grow their own food ?,Can single people live a happy and fulfilling life given the fact that they are living on their own and have no children to take care of them ?,251512
1,How do I track a criminal with is phone number ?,Can someone track our location using our phone number ?,354963
0,What is Starbucks ?,What should Starbucks do differently ?,241408
1,What are some of the best romantic movies in English ?,Which are the best Hollywood romantic movies ?,294642
0,"If elected , what will you do to support Israel and her right to self-determination and self-defense ? What will you do to fight the BDS movement ?",`` Why were Germans called '' `` Jerry '' '' in WWI ? '',130405
1,Why do athletes who win a medal pose biting it ?,Why do olympians bite medal after they win it ?,181760
0,What is critical radius of insulation ?,What is the motive of critical radius of insulation for cylinder ?,12207
1,Can watching a TV series help in improving my English skills ?,Will watching America TV serials help improve my English ?,287852
0,Assignment on air pollution ?,Why should n't hire you ?,262468
1,Do I need to have a high IQ score to become a good programmer ?,Do we need a high IQ to be a good programmer ?,146091
0,What is the meaning behind a choker necklace ?,What is a Naulakha necklace ?,225369
1,What are the best things to do in Pune ?,`` What are the '' `` must do '' '' things while you are in Pune ? '',340211
0,"I need to have a copy to clipboard funtionality on my php webpage . Only a particular cell needs to be copied , not all the table . How should I go about it ?","How do i replicate the changes done on one server to other automatically ? Suppose i copy the data on server one , then it be copied to another server",29056
1,"Is it possible to start a fire with ice ? If so , how ?",How can I start fire with ice ? Is it possible or not ?,40878
0,Why are you tired ?,What are you sick and tired of ?,303445
1,Can I use a Reliance Jio 4G sim in a 3G iphone ?,Is it possible to use Jio in 3G phone ?,19907
0,What are the most important current women 's rights issues in Spain ?,What are the most important current women 's rights issues in China ?,300437
1,"Is it possible that the big bang was caused by a white hole , and would that contradict the idea that there was no prior space-time ?","Assuming that the Big Bang is a white hole , then wo n't it become impossible to find out what happened between the singularity and the event horizon ?",254787
0,Who do you think will win the 2016 Nobel Medicine prize ?,Who was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine ?,183958
1,Why are pandas crucial to their ecosystem ?,Do pandas contribute to the ecosystem ?,92759
0,In what ways are Internet businesses in China ahead of the US ?,My teacher says India is way ahead of China in so many fields such as space technology and the reason is India 's democracy . Is he correct ?,303227
1,Will the value of Indian rupee increase after the ban of 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,How Indian economy got affected after ban of 500 1000 notes ?,400734
0,How long will it take to walk 100 km ?,"How long would it take to walk all the world 's coasts , and would it be worth it ?",76764
1,What is the best online resource for learning the most about real estate ?,What are the best online resources to learn about real estate development ?,24842
0,How do sucrose and sucralose differ ?,Rahu and Mars together in 4th house means accident ?,278830
1,How can you start a new clothing line ?,How do I start clothing line ?,116642
0,What are the ways to get unlimited free talk time on Idea 's free mobile recharge app ?,How do I get a 24 Rs . free recharge by the Idea free mobile recharge app through a referral ?,234562
1,What are the best institutes to learn German language in Pune ?,Which is the best institute to learn the German language in Pune ?,286060
0,What is a boot camp ?,What are the boot camps in Nigeria ?,250093
1,How can I get over a girl that I really liked ?,How do I get over a girl that I like ?,238126
0,How are the Gettysburg Address and the Declaration of Independence related ?,How long did it take to write the Declaration of Independence ?,69618
1,What 's the best place to sell Supreme clothing ?,Where should I re-sell Supreme clothing ?,252692
0,I put an App in android it appears 0 dowloands even when my friends dowloand it . What can I do ?,What happens when I install an app in my Android smartphone ?,290836
1,How do you see the PM Modi 's move of banning old 500 and 1000 rupee currency notes ?,What do you think about RBI 's new move of banning 500 and 1000 notes ?,193353
0,I have a commercial vehicle . I want to make business with Uber or Ola -LRB- in Kolkata -RRB- . What 's the potential income that I can expect per month after giving my dry vehicle to them ?,I want to start a side business with Uber in Kolkata -LRB- India -RRB- . What are the cost and expected profit per month on a conservative side ?,65734
1,How can I improve my English Language ?,What should I do to improve my spoken English ?,348933
0,What are the most interesting products and innovations that C&J Energy Services is coming out with in 2016 ?,What are the most interesting products and innovations that Ceiba Energy Services is coming out with in 2016 ?,351092
1,How do I approach this pretty girl on the college campus ?,How do I approach girl in college ?,140380
0,What is the difference between a woman and a lady ?,What is difference between dude and stud ?,250555
1,How people learn to hack ?,How can I learn hacking for free ?,263185
0,Was Karl Marx black ?,Who was Karl Marx ?,393273
1,How do I get funding for my web based startup idea ?,How do I get funding for my startup idea before we have a prototype ?,287978
0,What type of questions are asked in a passport interview ?,Have you ever felt so humiliated/useless by the questions you were asked in an interview ?,100025
1,What will be the effect of the ban of 500 and 1000 rupee notes be on the stock market ?,What will be the effect in Stock market after the Indian Government 's decision to demonitize 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,36184
0,What does a marketing coordinator do ?,What is a Marketing Coordinator ?,60670
1,What is the scariest or creepiest movie you have ever seen ?,What 's the scariest horror movie you 've watched ?,184586
0,How do you spend your Sunday ?,What are good ways to spend a Sunday in Chennai ?,63096
1,What are the key skills an aspiring politician must develop ?,What kind of qualities and skills should a politician have ?,137181
0,How do I improve my English writing skills/grammar ?,How can I improve my English grammar ?,92426
1,Where do I buy online ?,Where can I buy online products ?,277302
0,Why are death penalty executions so difficult when doctors can humanely euthanize animals or people ?,"Why did it take so long for Tsarnaev to get the death penalty , and why will it take so long for him to actually be executed ?",380626
1,What are the best books for learning advanced PHP ?,Which is the best book to learn Advanced PHP ?,253378
0,"What is difference between micro SD , and micro SDHC and micro SDXC cards ?",What is the difference between MicroSD and Micro SDHC ?,329219
1,How did Donald trump win the elections ?,How did Donald Trump win the Presidential election ?,152719
0,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP LaserJet Enterprise M506x ?,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP LaserJet Enterprise M506n ?,222870
1,How do I impress people ?,What should I do to impress people ?,330544
0,How can I apply to work in Google Canada ?,"I am working in Canada with WHV for 6 months , can I apply for a sponsor ? Do I have to go back to my country before ?",219017
1,"`` How do I answer , '' '' Why do you want to join a bank after doing B.Tech ? '' '' ''",Why do you want to join in a bank as you are graduated from btech ?,18392
0,Can I get CGPA 10 if I score A1 in 2 subjects and A2 in one subject and finally a c grade in maths ?,Will I get cgpa 10 if I get an overall grade of A1 in 3 subjects and A2 in 4 subjects ?,208239
1,What is the best way to learn and practice C programming ?,How should I start to learn c language ?,293404
0,Which is the easiest to learn for a beginner -- skiing or snowboarding ?,What is are the differences between a ski jacket and a snowboard jacket ?,360202
1,How do you download Netflix movies to my computer ?,Is there a way to download Netflix movies onto your computer ?,345019
0,What are the causes of inflation in India ?,What are the impacts of inflation on India ?,380338
1,"If you recall your memory to the best you can , what is the oldest memory of your life ? i.e What is the first memory in your life ?",What is the oldest memory you can recall about your childhood ?,97794
0,How do I retrieve deleted Snapchat messages ?,"On Snapchat , if I remove someone as a friend , can they still see the last message I sent them ?",195492
1,Can artificial intelligence in a simulated reality become self-aware ?,How can self-awareness theoretically affect an artificial intelligence in the real-world ?,15242
0,What is the difference between interior design and interior decoration ?,What is the difference between interior design and decorative design ?,194426
1,What is Theta ?,What is a theta ?,357009
0,Why does a poached egg taste so much nicer than a soft-boiled one ?,Why do duck eggs and some other bird eggs taste richer than eggs from chickens ?,145416
1,Where can I find a hacker for good cause ?,How will I contact a good hacker ?,25109
0,Is good ?,Is any good ?,181899
1,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP DesignJet T795 44-in Printer ?,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP DesignJet Z3200 24-in PostScript Photo Printer ?,277036
0,What 's my personality type ?,What personality type do I have ?,16269
1,"Why are traditional desktop environments , e.g. Xfce , MATE , etc. , more productive than the modern touch interface desktops , e.g. Unity , GNOME , etc. . ?","System resource usage aside , in what aspect are traditional desktop environments e.g. MATE , Xfce etc. , better than modern concepts e.g. Unity and GNOME ?",272900
0,How does Google detect click fraud in Adwords ?,What is Google 's policy on click fraud ? What technical methods does Google use to prevent it ?,93355
1,What is the expected cut off for upsc prelims 2016 ?,What will be the cut off of UPSC prelims 2016 ?,216891
0,How can I use the Assimil Japanese with ease ?,` how to ' learn plc programming quickly ?,50029
1,How possible is surviving a nuclear war ?,Can mankind survive a nuclear war ?,158804
0,What is ddl statement to change date format ?,What is procedure to change the details -LRB- date/month/year or Birth Place -RRB- in birth certificate ? I have heard we can do this through court .,383208
1,Who is the hottest actress in Bollywood ?,Who is the hottest actress in the Bollywood ?,62338
0,How much time does it take to get a driving license delivered at home after clearing the driving test in RTO Bangalore ?,How many days does it take to get permanent driving licence after taking tests in Maharashtra ?,271952
1,Is there any better feeling than love ?,Is there any greater feeling than love ?,377163
0,In which aisles do grocery stores usually store coconut cream ?,Which grocery stores in the US sell marzipan ?,135434
1,"How does it feel to penetrate a vagina with a large penis , or to be penetrated by one ?",What does a woman feel when she gets penetrated by a large penis ?,245353
0,What are the best technology wallets for your phone ?,What are the best technology wallets you probably should buy ?,397598
1,What can substitute red wine in cooking ?,What are some of the best substitutes for wine in cooking ?,79506
0,Can one construct an hyperbolic curve using only the unmarked straight edge and compass tools of classical geometry ?,Can one use quantum states to describe the geometry of a curved spacetime ? -LRB- Both represented as differential forms -RRB-,46969
1,Who is the most famous person to ever live in the history of man ?,Who is most famous person who ever lived ?,199535
0,What 's wrong with my Reddit account ?,What 's wrong at Reddit ?,193457
1,How does a person get over the fear of commitment ?,What is the fear of commitment and how to you get over it ?,2706
0,What are some of the best thriller novels ? What makes them the best ?,What are some of the best thriller and suspense novels ?,20187
1,Does milk flush the meth out of your system ?,So how can I get meth to be flush out of body in 2 hours before a urine drug test ?,10257
0,"Why is it expected for men to chase after women they want in today 's society , instead of women going after the men ?","Why is it that the man normally has to ask the girl out ? As a woman , have you ever asked a man out on a date ?",195875
1,What are people 's impressions of Peter Thiel 's speech at the RNC ?,What did you think of Peter Thiel 's RNC speech ?,106398
0,Is it possible for gene therapy to change hair colour ?,How do I change my hairs colour from black to brown naturally ?,50283
1,How does the ban on 500 and 1000 rupee notes helps to identify black money and corruption ?,How will the ban on 500 and 1000 rupee note stop black money ?,222496
0,`` How do I use '' `` do '' '' and '' `` does '' '' in sentences ? '',How is `` this '' used in a sentence ?,377736
1,Why is the service sector important for the economy of a country ?,How important is the service sector in our economy ?,100022
0,Are all spiders venomous ?,I deleted admin user in Windows 10 by going to C : > Properties > Security . How to find and restore all folders and files that were created by it ?,82319
1,How can you determine the variable cost ratio formula ?,How do you calculate the average of a variable cost ? What is the formula ?,29767
0,How can I view more Facebook groups in the sidebar ?,How can you invite people by email to join a Facebook Group ?,109163
1,Why has the Modi Government banned the 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,Why did Indian government scrap Rs 1000 and 500 note and instead is introducing Rs 2000 note ?,39686
0,Is it advisable to take a year drop in my BMM -LRB- Bachelor of Mass Media -RRB- course at Mumbai University ?,"I got a rank of 8000 in the JEE Advanced . Should I drop a year or take up the MSc course at the BITS , Goa ?",362443
1,"Which one is the best among the Royal Enfields : the Classic 350 , Electra or Standard 350 ?",Which is a better bike Royal Enfield standard 350 or Classic 350 ?,143132
0,Can you answer these questions ?,Why do you answer these questions ?,319069
1,What is the secret you have never share with anyone ?,What is the sexual secret that you ca n't share with anyone but anonymously ?,375334
0,What are some ways to edit my YouTube profile ?,How can I safely give my dog Metamucil ?,295457
1,How do I start preparing for IAS exam ? How much time should I spend on which subject ?,How do I start preparation for IAS exam ?,310409
0,What is it like to ride in Uber 's self-driving car ?,What does it feel like to ride in a self-driving car ?,274265
1,"What exactly is happening in Aleppo , Syria ?","In a few words , how would you describe what is happening in Aleppo , Syria ?",192518
0,Why does Pakistan want Kashmir ?,Do people in Kashmir really want to go and be a part citizen of Pakistan ?,111401
1,What is the most important decision you have taken in your life so far ?,What is the biggest/most important decision you took in life that changed its entire trajectory ?,374985
0,What are the possibilities in Chief Innovation Officer 's Career ?,What are some possible career paths I can take with the things I enjoy ?,22741
1,How is fintree for CFA level 1 in Mumbai ?,What are the best institutions for CFA level 1 in Mumbai ?,88724
0,What are the main advantages and disadvantages of distributive leadership ?,What are the disadvantages of using a normative leadership model in a company ?,162666
1,What are the best Battery Saver Appd for android 2016 ?,Smartphones : What is the best battery saver app for Android 2016 ?,383122
0,What criteria does Google Public Policy use to evaluate job applicants ?,"What I can test in a website and android testing ? Its a application that to be used by public users and also , to be optimized for google . ?",50393
1,What are some of the good sites to learn javascript ?,What are some good resources for beginner to start learning JavaScript ?,112965
0,How do I recover deleted photo from a Samsung Galaxy S6 after factory reset ?,How do I recover lost photos and videos from a Samsung Galaxy ?,337345
1,How should I study for bank PO ?,How can I study to become a bank po ?,177347
0,Does the samsung galaxy grand prime support LTE/4G ?,Is the Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 4G a compatible phone ?,288511
1,How can changing 500 and 1000 rupee notes end the black money in India ?,Is scrapping old 500 and 1000 rupees notes and releasing new 500 and 2000 rupees notes a permanent solution for eradication of black money ?,216749
0,"What is the most interesting fact that I know , but you do n't , but I should n't ?",What are the most interesting facts you know ?,85525
1,How much weight can one lose in ome month ?,How do I lose the most amount of weight possible in a one month period ?,84115
0,How are nested while loops applied in Java ?,How do nested loops work ?,20219
1,What is the passing criteria to pass in class 12th boards ?,What are the minimum marks are required to pass in class 12th boards ?,368808
0,Do I need to learn programming to use jmeter for performance testing ?,Which sample website I can use to test using JMeter ?,36190
1,Is Joomla LMS a good learning information system ?,Why is Joomla LMS considered a good learning information system ?,344467
0,Can I crack cat 2016 in 3 months ?,Can I crack CAT in 3 months ?,382715
1,Will I secure an admission with 5.5 band in university who required 6.5 band ?,Would I get an admission with 5.5 band in university who required 6.5 band ?,157088
0,Are there real perpetual motion/free energy machines ? Did Finsrud make one ? How are the laws of thermodynamics reacting to them ?,How can we prove that Newton 's second law of motion is the real law of motion ?,59134
1,How do I get rid of pimples on my face ?,How do I get rid of acne and its spots ?,128140
0,`` When a Christian says '' `` Our father is in Heaven '' '' are they referring to him being just the father of Jesus or him being just the father of Christians or him being the father of all living species ? '',"What is likely theological significance of Muhammad saying `` In heaven , Miriam , the mother of Jesus , will be one of my wives . '' Hadith al-Siyuti 6/395 ?",14493
1,Why does the US election system follows electoral college instead of popular vote ?,Why is the Electoral college used instead of the popular vote ?,88506
0,What is the difference between coal tar and bitumen ?,"What is the difference between tar , asphalt , bitumen ?",66753
1,What are tracer rounds ? Are they legal for the public to possess in the state of Alaska ?,What are tracer rounds ? Are they legal for the public to possess in the state of Idaho ?,59922
0,How do I unarchive a conversation on Facebook Messenger ?,Is it possible to lose your Facebook Messenger conversations with another person ?,320963
1,What are your fav Slayer album ?,What is the best Slayer album ?,353476
0,What 's the best thing one can do if his or her car breaks down in the middle of a deserted place ?,"By doing yoga , pranayama , and meditation one increases his/her energy . What if someone in the family constantly puts him/her down , insults them , and says things which hurt him/her ? Does this result in lowering their energy again ?",390257
1,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M553dn ?,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M553n ?,198682
0,If I put 1 lakh in bank after 1 month how much I get ?,How much money do we get monthly by depositing 10 lakhs in Indian banks ?,190138
1,Do you feel that language directed towards more ancient faiths can sometimes paint them as more simplistic or strange than they truly are ?,Do you feel that language directed towards more ancient faiths can be as more simplistic or strange than they truly are ?,28075
0,What 's the longest amount of time that alcohol can stay in your blood ?,How long do tobacco/cannabis/alcohol products stay in blood ? I have to donate blood in 6 days .,10227
1,What is the best way to rank your website in top searches in Google ? Can anyone suggest me some great SEO tips and techniques ?,What is the best way to rank your website in top searches in google ? Can anyone suggest me some great SEO tips and techniques ? Thank you,303494
0,Should I get the MacBook Pro 2016 with or without the Touch Bar and Touch ID ?,How many Chrome tabs will I be able to keep open with the new Macbook Pro 15 ' with touch bar ?,320678
1,How can I lucid dream ?,What are some ways to guarantee a lucid dream ?,263329
0,What are some foods that are available only in India ?,What foods should I try in India ?,151876
1,What will be the implications of banning 500 and 1000 rupees currency notes on Indian economy ?,What will be the consequences of 500 and 1000 rupee notes banning ?,173277
0,How can I make my SD card as a default storage for the WhatsApp media ?,"I recently bought ASUS Z00VD or ZenFone GO , I tried to set the default storage into my SD card but nothing happen . What should I do ?",342381
1,Why is n't Facebook loading on my computer ?,Why would Facebook not be able to load on my computer ?,214888
0,What are some examples of high school accomplishments ?,What should it be looking to be accomplishing academically as a sophomore in high school ?,6429
1,Is MacBook Pro 2016 worth it ?,Is the Macbook pro 2016 overpriced ?,169132
0,"Does the book Empty Planet really exist , or was it just a part of Criminal Minds ?",Why did Mandy Patinkin leave Criminal Minds ?,99070
1,What is cellular respiration ? What are some examples ?,What is an example of cellular respiration ?,245330
0,How real is the show Undercover Boss ?,Is it feasible for Undercover Boss to do an episode with a Silicon Valley tech company ?,280612
1,How can I improve my spoken English ?,How can I understand english ?,16985
0,"I am getting fat on my lower body and on the chest , is there any way I can get fit without looking skinny fat ?",Why I am getting skinny instead of losing body fat ?,25814
1,"For an international student , which countries offer free higher education ?",Which countries have free higher education ?,194324
0,What happens during anaphase 1 of meiosis ?,How does Anaphase 1 in meiosis differ ?,70400
1,Which is the best institute for CAT in chandigarh ?,Which is the best coaching institute for CAT in chandigarh ?,196608
0,What are chances of getting a MBBS or BDS seat if I have secured 434 in NEET 2 -LRB- GEN -RRB- having a Odisha domicile ?,Has any major author done a revision of their novel after publication ?,182466
1,How can changing 500 and 1000 rupee notes end the black money in India ?,How will demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes stop corruption ?,303657
0,What are the best applications that were developed in C language ?,"Which language is best , C , C++ , Python or Java ?",54986
1,What are the best resources to learn Javascript ?,What are some good resources for beginner to start learning JavaScript ?,45532
0,What is core banking and how does core banking work ?,What do banks look for when shopping for third-party core banking and multi-channel software packages ?,164743
1,What contributes to a material 's high heat capacity ?,What are the fundamental factors contributing to heat capacity ?,171673
0,How do countries increase their GDP per capita ?,How can we calculate GDP per capita of a country ?,246791
1,How can I be great at business development ?,How could I be a great business developer ?,377939
0,Do you sleep without clothes on ?,Is it more dangerous to sleep without clothes on because of spider bites ?,126872
1,Whats it like working at Google ?,What is it like to work at Google ?,35460
0,"What do travel sites like Expedia , Kayak , Travelocity , and Priceline charge for a booking transaction ?",How Kayak charge for a placement Ad and why ?,220455
1,What is the importance of a vulnerability scan ?,What is the importance of vulnerability scan ?,335279
0,"I am not able to solve JEE questions in my first try but as soon as I see the solution I get it , where am I going wrong ?",I am able to answer most of the questions after finishing the JEE mains mock test paer . What should I do ?,83087
1,How can I improve my english language skills ? I am basically from gujarati background .,How can we improve our English language skills ?,335628
0,How do you find final velocity from acceleration and distance ?,How do you find velocity and acceleration from a curved position time graph ?,115289
1,How can I get more views on YouTube ?,How can I get many views on YouTube ?,279126
0,How do I keep up the motivation till the end of the day ?,Who or what in U.S. society today is an example of absolute power corrupting absolutely ?,14127
1,How do I get more views on my answers in Quora ?,How can I increase my answers views in Quora ?,182828
0,Should India support Baluchistan separatists ?,Does India support separatists in Baluchistan ?,295954
1,Why did Apple make Swift Open Source ? How does it affect Android ?,Why is Apple open sourcing Swift ?,215395
0,What might be the reason why I am 6 weeks pregnant and am already showing a bulge ?,I just started a new job -LRB- 6 weeks -RRB- and already hate it . The culture is poison . What should I do ?,179580
1,Which is the site to start my blog for free and earn money from it ?,Which is the best site to start my blog for free ?,310021
0,What is LsiHelper Google Chrome extension ?,How do you view the contents of a Google Chrome Extension ?,363556
1,What is a URL ?,What is URL ?,122463
0,Is anyone using a CRM ? Is n't it too expensive ?,Is n't using robots/AI in military applications a justifiable concept if it means saving human lives ?,225210
1,I smoked meth today ; will it show up for a UA for my parole in six days ' time ?,If I smoked meth for a month how long for a UA to show clean ?,234397
0,What is the difference between the old social movements and the new social movements in terms of their ideology ?,What is the difference between old social movement and new social movement ?,48885
1,What does this world need ?,What does the world need the most ?,25073
0,`` What is the binary code for '' `` I love you '' '' ? '',What is the securest way to read binary code ?,32757
1,What are the alcoholic beverages that are popular in India ?,Why is n't the alcoholic beverage gin very popular in India ?,60369
0,What or how will you disclose information about area 51 ?,What is the secret about Area 51 ?,81270
1,Can you get adderal without a prescription in India ?,Can you get Adderall without a prescription in India ?,51280
0,How can I apply for an internship in the airport authority of India ?,"What do they ask in interviews of Junior Executive -LRB- Electronics -RRB- , Airport Authority of India ?",53339
1,What are the economical advantages of using LED lights over conventional light sources ?,What are the economic advantages of using LEDs over conventional light sources ?,396384
0,What are some good sites to learn Java ?,Which is the best site to learn Java course ?,164350
1,What is the possibility of time travel becoming a reality ?,Could time travel be possible ?,194100
0,What are some things you 've learned while lucid dreaming ?,What are ways to learn to lucid dream ?,134551
1,Is it possible that democrats find another candidate to replace Mrs. Clinton due to her health issue ?,Who will replace Hillary Clinton if she drops out of the race because of her health problems ?,134470
0,How do you know if your Tinder match is a scam ?,Is it okay to ask a Tinder match if they like to cuddle ?,79937
1,Why there are so few Japanese people in Quora ?,Are Japanese underrepresented on Quora ? Why ?,182445
0,Why the electrons did not vanish from solar cell ?,"Why do solar PV cells use semiconductors and not conductors , which have significantly lower band gap ?",164364
1,What do intelligent people do with their phones ?,What do intelligent people do with their smart phone ?,270329
0,`` What does '' `` The sun never set on the British Empire '' '' mean ? '',How did the British establish an empire in India ?,361147
1,How could I improve my English ?,How can I become good at English ?,374837
0,What is the biggest achievement in life ?,What is the biggest achievement in your life ?,221198
1,How likely is a war between the U.S and Russia ?,How likely is a nuclear war with Russia in the next few years ?,237873
0,Why do stars form a perfect circle when you take a long exposure picture or video ? Should n't they be scattered all over the sky ?,What is the red star in the sky ?,352352
1,What are the liberal arts ?,What is liberal arts ?,46311
0,`` Is there another idiom for the expression '' `` do n't make a fuss '' '' ? '',Is there an idiom for making mistakes over and over again ?,346411
1,Would immortality be a curse or a blessing ?,Is immortality a gift or a curse ?,12254
0,What are the duties of a pilot ?,Which pilot or pilots annoyed you the most ?,202247
1,How can I kill myself the best way ?,How do kill myself ?,394375
0,How can I tell if my house has a gas leak ?,How can you tell if you have fixed a gas leak ?,90589
1,What could be the effect of GST bill on Indian economy ?,What is the new GST bill and how will it affect us ?,220543
0,What 's the temperature in an airliner 's cargo hold ?,What airlines use the upper deck on their 747 's for tourist class ?,175691
1,What are the best home remedies to get rid of cockroaches ?,What is the best home remedy to get rid of cockroaches ?,223136
0,I have Gammon infra shares should I hold ?,"What would happen if all national debts were erased overnight , and sovereign borrowing was made permanently illegal ?",98245
1,What are web landing pages ?,What is landing page ?,349524
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Schnitzer Steel ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at U.S. Steel ?,180263
1,What are the best e-learning platforms for education ?,What is the best content of the e-learning course ?,374983
0,How hard is learning computer science ?,Do I have to be smart to learn computer science ?,246514
1,Father of economic ?,Who is the father of economics ?,39006
0,"Do cats receive petting and purring as a sexual sensation , or is it something different entirely ?",Where do cats like to be petted ?,264998
1,What should I study ? Why ?,What should I study ?,84015
0,I am an idiot,Why do I believe I am an idiot ?,191032
1,How many movies are in the world ?,How many movies -LRB- cinema productions -RRB- are there in the world ?,50398
0,What is the best thing in regular college life ?,What are the best things we could get in college life ?,44478
1,How do I apply to Masdar Institute of Science and Technology ? Are there any tips you can provide ?,How can I apply to Masdar institute of science and technology ?,289260
0,How do I gradually get fit and healthy on my own ?,"How can I stay healthy , keep fit , be full of energy , vital and live longer ?",9144
1,Can I eat banana at night ?,Can we eat bananas at night ?,261020
0,What 's it like to work at D. E. Shaw ?,What is it like to be an intern at D. E. Shaw ?,201534
1,`` What is the most '' `` illegal '' '' thing you 've done and gotten away with ? '',What is the greatest crime you have ever gotten away with ?,145828
0,How does it feel to be an SC/ST student in IIMs ?,"What is the fee for SC/ST students in IIM A , B , and C ?",272851
1,Quora : How do you post a question on Quora ?,How do I ask someone a question on Quora ?,328928
0,What universities does Citizens Financial recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,What universities does Ameriprise Financial recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,258887
1,How can we learn English faster ?,How can I learn ENGLISH faster ?,402466
0,I want to work as a gigolo or male escort in the Uttar Pradesh area . What should I do ?,What is career prospect and life of a Male escort or Gigolo like in India ? What are the problems they face in their real world .,367967
1,I cleared the muApt 2016 test . How can I prepare for the remaining rounds ?,I cleared the muApt Mu Sigma . How should I prepare for the remaining rounds ?,25827
0,Is listening music while reading not recommended ?,Does listening to music while reading is bad ?,211741
1,How do you find out what the best food to give 4 week old German Shepherd puppies ?,What 's the best puppy food for my 8 week old dachshund ?,195827
0,Who is Zoya from Shaka Laka Boom Boom ? What Happens after Sanju goes back to his house from Jadoo High ?,Does the Mountain die from poisoning or is his life saved in Game of Thrones ?,44810
1,Is activision 's making a Call of Duty MMO or not ?,Will Activision Ever Make A Call of Duty MMO ?,353426
0,What is regedit.exe ?,What does Javac.exe do ?,286577
1,How can I stay cool ?,What is the best way to stay cool ?,267053
0,What are CC and BCC in Gmail ? How do I use them ?,"In an email there is an option that reads Bcc , what is the use for it ?",32605
1,What would be an approximate number of homo sapiens that lived and died throughout history -LRB- i.e. up until today -RRB- ?,How much homo sapiens lived and died on planet earth ?,211135
0,`` What is the meaning of '' `` Fogg chal raha hai '' '' advertisement and why was such a campaign created ? '',What is a good advertising agency or services to help you create a crowdfunding campaign ?,24007
1,What is Analysis Services ? What are the features ?,What are the features of Analysis Services ?,226619
0,`` How are nerds '' `` socially inept ? '' '' '',Are people who lack abstract reasoning morally inept ?,118660
1,What is the best way to get traffic on your website ?,How Do I get traffic on website ?,394313
0,What can weaken the Pakistan Army ?,Is there corruption in Pakistan army ?,281559
1,What are some good tips for self study ?,What are the tips for self studying ?,163963
0,What are the best websites for learning java ?,What are the best websites to learn java as well as get a certificate from them ?,233636
1,"Do programmers have girlfriends ? If yes , how do they approach them ?","Do programmers have girlfriends ? If yes , how do you propose to them ?",372773
0,What 's the best method to get meth out of your system ?,How does sweating help drugs get out your system ?,213218
1,How do I find a girlfriend in bangalore ?,How can I find a girlfriend in Bangalore ?,158644
0,What are unusual fun things to do in Paris ?,What are unusual fun activities are there for an adult in Paris ?,23174
1,What is the penultimate purpose of life ?,What could be the basic purpose of life ?,224199
0,How can one take an additional subject even after clearing 12 from CBSE ? Need help,Can one appear in the JEE-Advanced after clearing the JEE-Mains irrespective of he/she has got a compartment in one subject in 12 ?,32032
1,How do I find investors for my medical startup ?,How can I find investors for my tech startup ?,31733
0,How can I post questions with related pictures on Quora ?,Quora : How do you post a question on Quora ?,71528
1,Where can I get affordable jigsaw mats for floor in Adelaide ?,Where can I get affordable jigsaw mats in Adelaide ?,82021
0,Why Sweden is a large land but with low population ?,What is it like to work as an expat in Sweden ?,296963
1,What is your favorite rock song ?,What is currently your favorite rock song ? And why ?,201239
0,"Why not Bihari journalist NDTV spread awareness of family planning to control infant mortility , maternal mortility and fertility rates of Bihar ?",How much will it cost me to modify my 2005 Mahindra scorpio to 2014 scorpio ?,150023
1,Which is the best romantic novel by an Indian author ?,Which is the best romantic novel by Indian author ?,30632
0,Are there any graduate scholarships for the field of computational linguistics in America ?,Are there any scholarships for the international students in North America and Europe with below average academics but are very promising and needy ?,130457
1,Which phone do you use ?,What mobile phone are you using ?,376927
0,Is homeo medicines effective in increasing the height after the age of 20 ?,Is it possible to Increase height or get taller after 20 ?,135045
1,How can I master C# ?,How can I learn to program in C# ?,131530
0,What is the difference between Vedas Upanisads and Puranas ?,What is the relation between sun and eyes per Vedas ?,130341
1,Why are all the swear words related to genitals and sexual activities ?,Why are most of our swear words related to sex ?,254686
0,Why does my cat bite me when we play ?,Why do n't China immediately reunify Taiwan by its military force ?,204945
1,What are the best book for GATE preparation -LRB- IN -RRB- ?,What are the best books for gate for mechanical engineering ?,118976
0,Should I apply coconut oil to my hair daily ?,Can castor oil be applied to hair daily ?,363436
1,How can one make money online ?,What are ways of earning money online ?,74349
0,What is the best wetsuit for kiteboarding ?,Will Kiteboarding become as popular as snowboarding ? What will it take ?,109503
1,Does long distance relationship works ?,Can you help me with tips for a successful long distance relationship ?,31929
0,What is the corporate culture like at Anthem ? How is the culture different than other companies ?,What is the corporate culture like at Energizer ? How is the culture different than other companies ?,290238
1,Can you survive with a punctured lung ?,How can you survive a punctured lung ?,220523
0,How could degree programs in history prepare students better for careers ?,How could degree programs in linguistics prepare students better for careers ?,52771
1,How can I get a ride on a civilian C-130 ?,Flying : How can I get a ride in a C-130 ?,397213
0,Which television campany received the most Emmy Awards ?,"Considering Peter pettigrew -LRB- wormtail -RRB- , Sirius black -LRB- padfoot -RRB- , is James Potter an animagus -LRB- prongs -RRB- ?",240771
1,What are the advantages of Right to Information Act ?,What are the advantages of the Right to Information Act ?,190800
0,What should every traveller know in order to not be totally ignorant about Amsterdam ?,What should every traveler know in order not to be totally ignorant about Porto ?,350218
1,How should we improve communication skills ?,How can I increase my communication skills ?,396512
0,What will a good doctor for children be ?,What recommendations do you have for new R programmers to get the most out of their practice ?,265596
1,How do I get into a travelling show ?,How do I get into travel shows ?,379456
0,Who is best dermatologist in tirunelveli ?,"What 's the name of the asylum that Major Henry Rathbone was committed to , in Germany ?",133099
1,I 'm overweight . How can I begin to lose weight ?,What are the best was to lose weight ?,216059
0,What advice can you give me as I prepare to facilitate an interagency meeting at the White House next week ?,What makes the difference between a useful status update and a poor one given during weekly project status meeting ? What elements to include and how can I explain this to team members as an actionable advice ?,188506
1,How can I learn English in short time ?,How can I learn English well in a short time ?,123341
0,What are the most common smartphones gadgets you need to buy ?,What are the most useful devices or gadgets you own for your smartphone that maybe other people do n't know about ?,393213
1,Will this demonetisation cause any good to India ?,Demonetisation is good for county like India or not ?,321907
0,What can a jobsite offer the most ?,What are some good examples of paragraph starters to use in essays ?,206723
1,How many sides does a circle have normally ?,How many sides does a circle have ?,140905
0,How does social media lead to violence against women ?,Does porn lead to violence against women ?,90100
1,How much does it cost to visit Japan ?,How much money is enough to travel Japan ?,305630
0,What is the best c++ unit testing framework ?,What are the best unit testing frameworks for meteor.js ?,234129
1,What is it like to be a pornstar ?,What it is like to be a pornstar ?,290876
0,Is there real IQ testing online ?,Are online IQ tests different from the real thing in schools or other places ?,200865
1,How do I know if a guy has a crush on me or not ?,How would I know if a guy has a crush on me ?,9003
0,`` Why do some people use '' '' ... '' '' at the end of all their sentences ? '',Do all living languages use the period to end a sentence ?,319937
1,Is there a method to play the songs saved offline -LRB- not purchased -RRB- on Airtel Wynk music on my default music player ?,Is there any way to play songs downloaded using Airtel Wynk on any other player ?,377406
0,Are there any companies which can provide a temporary WiFi service for an event in Bangalore ?,Which are the best and cost effective WiFi service providers in Jabalpur ?,253080
1,What is Jetblue airlines customer service number ?,What is JetBlue Airlines customer service phone number ?,329045
0,Can you work with bipolar disorder ?,What does the expression its only the hairs of a gooseberry that stop it from being a grape mean ?,335077
1,What is it like to be the product of an unwanted pregnancy ?,What is it like to be an unwanted child ?,401600
0,What is your perception on production ?,What is perception like ?,167484
1,Why is negative power factor ?,Can power factor be a negative value ?,94273
0,Why does my cat sit on the laptop keyboard while I am using it ?,What would happen if I would lick a cat ?,372259
1,What are the best gaming laptops under INR 60000 ?,Which is the best gaming laptop under Rs 60000 ?,217298
0,How do I read data from excel sheet and put it into jQuery ?,How do I read data from excel sheet and put it into js file ?,63266
1,What are the best way to live for 100 years ?,What is the secret to living 100 years ?,22985
0,How do I stop automatic install app ?,Is there a UK equivalent to the Automatic app ?,49650
1,Will international college students be negatively affected if Trump becomes president ?,Should I consider NOT pursuing masters -LRB- MS -RRB- in US if Donald Trump becomes the President ?,286983
0,What kind of animal did this ?,What kind of animals have you skinned ?,206640
1,How can I study maths when it 's already October of 12th and I do n't know a thing about it ?,How do I study maths when it 's already October of 12th and I do n't know a thing about it ?,358778
0,How do I learn Spring Framework ?,Is Spring Framework has a great future ? And is it worth to learn ?,71269
1,"What is the new Quora font -LRB- August 16 , 2016 -RRB- ?",Why was the default Quora android app font changed ?,7916
0,`` What / Is there a difference between '' `` I have read many stories . '' '' and '' `` I had read many stories . '' '' ? '',What is the difference between have and had ?,154933
1,What does toe cheese taste like and how many calories per serving ?,What does toe jam cheese taste like ?,393268
0,"What are most commonly asked storage area networks , network attached storage related interview questions ?",Should we forgive our enemy or take revenge ?,139745
1,What do you wish you had known when you were 18 years old ?,What do you wish you had known and done when you were 18 years old ?,351191
0,How do you get users to share and promote your service if they often conceal it from their boss or clients ?,How do you convince or inform your business clients if ball gets dropped or you miss the delivery date in your project ?,326737
1,Why do people claim that the death penalty is a cruel and unusual punishment ?,Why do people claim that death penalty is a cruel and unusual punishment ?,349977
0,Do you burn fat or build muscle first ?,What is a good way to burn fat while building muscle ?,332063
1,Is marrying a boy 6 months younger than me correct ?,What problems will I face if my husband is 6 months younger than me ?,90734
0,Can Apple mapKIT replace Google maps API for an uber type iOS app project ?,How can I find a blogging community to join ?,301645
1,Is beef halal ?,Is beef halal in Islam ?,277392
0,Who is Jack Rogers ?,Is it possible for a Bengali medium -LRB- or any vernacular medium -RRB- student to pursue law degree at NLUs ?,256719
1,Where do phrases come from ?,Where does the phrase come from ?,166218
0,Is there a way to make and win2008 r2 server to co-exist on the same machine ?,What are the benefits of using Windows Server 2012 R2 ?,287078
1,How can I improve my pronunciation of English words ?,How can we improve our English language skills ?,250709
0,Are Parliament cigarettes safe ? How are they manufactured ?,Are Parliament cigarettes safe ?,295505
1,What are the differences between procedural law and substantive law ?,What is the difference between procedural law and substantive law ?,16823
0,How do you calculate the molar mass of potassium phosphate ?,How do you calculate the molar mass of aluminium phosphate ?,275197
1,Is it advisible to visit kerala for vacation in the month of June ?,Is it advisable to visit Kerala in June ?,166975
0,Should I buy a BMW ?,Should I buy an Audi or a BMW ?,233573
1,How do Trump supporters feel about his cabinet nominees ?,What do Trump supporters think about his recent cabinet appointments ?,66551
0,Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Venezuela and what should people know about them ?,Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Germany and what should people know about them ?,317554
1,What do I need to know about the electrical in my new house ?,What do I need to know about the electrical in my house ?,213859
0,Can you help me improve this writing ?,What are some authors I can read whose novels will help me improve my writing ?,309758
1,How do I log out in Quora ?,How do I log out from Qoura ?,103637
0,Which theory appears to offer the most compelling account of recent developments in European integration ?,Can you be allergic to hard liquor but not beer ?,173857
1,What is the helpline number of Zoho Customer Care ?,What is the phone number for Zoho Customer Help ?,144673
0,I am joining marine engineering . What is the sailing period at different ranks ? Are there internet facilities on a ship nowadays ?,What are avg waiting periods for a fifth grade marine engineer in different companies -LRB- please elaborate -RRB- ?,394029
1,"What is the Sahara , and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Registan Desert ?","What is the Sahara , and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Namib Desert ?",85040
0,"`` What is the origin of the phrase , '' `` the world is your oyster '' '' ? ''","`` What is the origin of the phrase '' `` ten , hut '' '' ? ''",66106
1,Why do black people have such intolerance towards LGBTQ people ?,Why do people reject LGBTQ people ?,13583
0,Is it true that shutting down my PC with the USB Drive still plugged in may harm either my PC or the USB drive ?,How do I erase a write-protected USB drive ?,215876
1,How and why did trump win ?,How come Trump won ?,302593
0,Gate marks required for biomedical mtech from iitb ?,What is the gate score required to get call for mtech interview for ie & or at iitb for ME ?,369604
1,Is international law really a law ?,Is international law a real law ?,90238
0,How can I link my Google account for my Clash of Clan to my iPhone ?,How can I get a free Clash of Clans account of Town hall 8 or above ?,58154
1,What is the first programming languange to learn for a total beginner ?,What do you think I should learn first as a beginner programmer ?,343042
0,Why it is nessasory to learn facts to apearing in IAS ? And why is this pattern applicable ? Is we need to change this pattern ?,Why can we sometimes see an interference pattern in the double slit experiment ? Is n't it supposed to collapse by just looking at this result ?,285668
1,What would be the basic benefit of demonetizing 500 and 1000 Rs currency ?,How will our economy will be affected by demonetizing Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes ?,180511
0,What is a good substitute for sherry cooking and why ?,What is a good substitute for dry sherry in a recipe ?,242767
1,Which is the best book for basic electronics ?,Which are the best books for basic electronics ?,14649
0,How much do software engineer earn in Singapore and Malaysia ?,How much does a senior software engineer earn at Bank of America India ?,130221
1,Do guns make Americans safer ?,Why do Americans think that more guns will make people safer ?,301337
0,Which car model most often has vanity license plates ?,Does Illinois require that a car have a front license plate as well as the back one ?,247376
1,What are ways to commit suicide ?,What would be a cool way to commit suicide ?,195552
0,"Which is better for international money transfers ? PayPal , Square Cash , Venmo , or other ?",Why do people use Western Union when they can use PayPal to transfer money ?,170635
1,What will be the impact of discontinuing Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes ?,What will be the consequences of stopping Rs 500 and 1000 currency notes on the economy overall ?,99275
0,What are the most popular German songs with meaningful lyrics that I could use to start learning the language ?,Describe something make you laugh ?,294608
1,What are the genuine way to earn money through online ?,"What are most genuine ways to earn money online , which you have tried ?",69114
0,"Why is G20 a success to China and many , but a failure to Indiape only ?","Why are some movies a commercial success but get bad reviews , while others get great reviews but are financial failures , while again others get both great reviews and make a lot of money ?",138955
1,Replacing 500 and 1000 notes - how will this move reduce black money ?,How will the ban on 500 and 1000 rupee note stop black money ?,376815
0,What is the difference between mechanical engineering and mechanical sandwich engineering ?,What is the difference between a mechanical engineer and a mechanic ?,336332
1,What is the chance that Trump will become president ?,What are the chances that Donald Trump will be the next US president ?,279418
0,Why should one love you ?,Why does one love guns ?,172749
1,Is there a scientific name for what existed before the Big Bang ?,What happened before the Big Bang ?,225258
0,Why do n't Google merged Allo and Duo to make one single app ?,How to start a bike ?,218937
1,What 's the purpose of a human life ?,Wan na ask someone please . What is life ? And what is the purpose of our life ?,115351
0,How would you make eating something really philosophical ?,How can Asian people eat rice three times a day ?,144222
1,Which is the best site to download movies ?,What are the best sites to download movies ?,152107
0,How can someone get a root canal if they ca n't afford it ?,Can I get a crown immediately after molar root canal therapy ? Or should there be a wait period always ?,127462
1,2016 election in US : How much confidence do you have in the integrity of the elections ? Are you afraid of a `` rigged '' election ?,How likely is it that the 2016 US Presidential election is or will be a rigged election ?,254551
0,"How does ISB , Hyderabad compare to IIM Ahmedabad ?",Do ISB Hyderabad have management in finance ?,283246
1,What are the top hotels in Jaipur ?,What are some of the good hotels in Jaipur ?,103609
0,What feelings are of love ?,What it feels to be loved ?,258001
1,Why do all my questions need improving on quora ?,What is the best way to improve my questions on Quora ?,323054
0,What are some alternatives to ?,Are there any alternatives to Google coming up ?,156770
1,How would you explain the difference between a Data Science engineer and a Data Infrastructure engineer -LRB- under the wide Data engineer banner -RRB- ?,"How would you explain the difference between a Data Science Engineer and a Data Infrastructure Engineer , under the wide Data Engineer banner simply ?",220653
0,What is it like to be a non-Mormon attending a Mormon college or university ?,Will the internet kill the Mormon Church ?,384366
1,What are some good website 's to learn mathematics online ?,What are some good websites to learn mathematics ?,78456
0,What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Armenia notice ?,What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to São Tomé and Príncipe notice ?,11161
1,How do I track a person basing on his mobile phone ?,How can one track a mobile number location ?,111570
0,Why do people try to set me up with someone when I want to be single if I happen to reject them ?,`` Why should I try to '' `` pick up '' '' and court girls when I can just pay them to have hang out/have sex with me ? '',136244
1,Who do you think will win the 2016 presidential election ?,"All biases aside , at this point in time , who do you think will win the presidential election ?",324379
0,Can the passenger list of a flight be checked online ?,Why do some passengers get called to the desk before boarding their flight ?,48427
1,What are the reasons India have n't won a single medal in Rio Olympics 2016 yet ?,Did India won a single medal in Rio Olympics 2016 ?,90631
0,How can I make time-series predictions based on historical data ? Any Algorithms or Methods ?,Which algorithms can I use to predict temperature or such parameters based on their historical data ?,226081
1,Which one is more priceworthy : the iPod Nano or the iPod Touch ?,Would you buy an iPod nano or iPod touch ? Which one is more worth it ?,337131
0,Why are trendy guys all around the world showing off their ankles and wearing shoes with no socks ?,Is it OK if men wear ankle socks ?,96453
1,How do I learn spoken English ?,How can I learn to speak a fluent English ?,8459
0,What are some examples of public policy issues ?,What is public policy making process ?,334521
1,What 's your New Year 2017 resolution ?,What Is your New year resolutions in 2017 ?,26606
0,What are chemical properties ?,What are chemical properties of proteins ?,328161
1,How do I convince others ?,How can I convince others easily ?,175927
0,Why are most parents against love marriages ?,How can I convince my parents for a love marriage ?,196328
1,Are anabolic steroids really dangerous ?,How are anabolic steroids dangerous ?,314304
0,Where are Subaru cars built ?,Are there cars made today with built-in USB type-C connectors ?,70431
1,"What will happen if Donald trump wins , and its effect on Indian students who are studying in US ?",What will happen to Chinese students studying abroad in America now that Trump is president ?,330585
0,Different co2 removal systems from synthesis gas ?,What are the main purpose of the aisles found in a grocery store ?,255070
1,What 's the best way to take revenge on my girlfriend ?,How should I take revenge with my cheating girlfriend ?,98655
0,Whom and what has it vomited in the world on the water territory sovereignty illegal ruling on SCS by a Private Temporary Arbitration in Hague ?,Is it illegal to smoke Marijuana on private property in NY ? And what are the dates on future reform ?,104318
1,What is the best investment options ?,What 's the best investment ?,124038
0,What is the difference between state government syllabus and central government syllabus ?,How are responsibilities and duties divided between state and central government in India ?,374813
1,Which is a good book ?,What is best way to read book ? And which book is good for me ?,90558
0,"If all the previous U.S. presidents were alive and running for office in 2012 , who would win ?","If all 43 U.S. Presidents were to run for office in 2016 , who would win ? Also , who would be best suited to deal with the current issues ?",19936
1,What are the conflicts between Pakistan and Balochistan ?,What are conflicts between Balochistan and Punjab ?,82898
0,What makes a good `` Engineer '' ?,What makes a good mechanical engineer ?,39927
1,Why do people ask questions on Quora that are easily answerable via a quick internet search ?,Why are there so many people using Quora to answer questions that can easily be found with a simple Google search ?,156104
0,Is WhatsApp only popular in India ?,Why is WhatsApp popular in India ?,18397
1,Do documentaries have scripts ?,Do documentary films have scripts ?,364195
0,How is aqueous copper nitrate determined ?,How do I stop myself from feeling inadequate around brilliant people ?,306312
1,What exactly is the Baluchistan conflict ?,What exactly is the issue of Baluchistan ?,213116
0,What are the most annoying types of highly upvoted answers on Quora ?,What are the most annoying types of questions on Quora ?,301525
1,"If you could start your life over to make things different , would you ?","If you could have your life over again , what would you do differently ?",214659
0,Can a Moto G screencast to a Samsung Smart TV without Chromecast ?,Can a Moto G3 screencast to a LG Smart TV without Chromecast ?,166915
1,Why will Brexit Happen ?,Is Brexit likely to happen ?,311106
0,Can most young people in Spain communicate in English fluently ?,Can most young people in Italy communicate in English fluently ?,1764
1,How do I prevent excessive underarm sweating ?,What are the most effective ways to deal with excessive armpit sweating ?,391154
0,Can one get a Canadian work permit and then look for a job ?,How do I get job in Canada with a work permit ? How do I apply for it ?,77158
1,How do I get into someone 's Snapchat without a password and verification ?,How do I get someone 's Snapchat password ?,31663
0,When Islam will finish according to any religion ?,Difference between luminous and non luminous ?,16070
1,How do I improve my grades ?,How can I get better grades ?,237937
0,What is viscous fluid ?,Which is the least viscous fluid ?,152510
1,Is there some painless way to suicide ?,What are the best methods for suicide ?,234121
0,"How would anthropogenic cooling best be achieved , and would that save us from global warming 's effects ?",Are humans really causing global warming ?,77198
1,Which is the best job in india ?,Which is the best job in india in modern genreation ?,346369
0,What ` two types of people ' are there ?,What is the most complex form of relationship you 've witnessed between two or more people ?,387325
1,Should we cap celebrity earnings or not ? Why ?,Should there be a cap on celebrity earning ?,82054
0,What language do you dream in ?,What is the language of dreams ?,385641
1,How do I increase my memory power and general awareness ?,How do I my increase memory power ?,241355
0,Which Republican members of Congress are the most resistant to President Trump ?,What would you attempt if you know that you are not going to fail in that ?,82877
1,What are Donald Trump 's chances against Hillary Clinton in a general election ?,Who will be the next president of USA : Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump ?,17036
0,Does general relativity imply that gravitational time dilation should have a cumulative layering effect on a galactic scale ?,What are the biggest hints of the Celtic civilization in today 's world ?,162016
1,Do my dating rules help me get a girlfriend ?,Will my dating rules help me get a girlfriend ?,335824
0,Does an absolute exist ?,Can the absolute infinite exist ?,376985
1,What is the finest web hosting service provider in India ?,Which is the best hosting company in India ?,287011
0,What would happen if Trump and Pence both died right now before being sworn into office ?,What would happen if both Donald Trump and Mike Pence were assassinated after the election ?,6760
1,What are categorical grants and how are they different from block grants ?,How do categorical and block grants differ ?,197472
0,I work in IT with DevOps profile . Just started with the PR process . What are the chances of getting job in Australia when being in India itself ?,Which is the best option going to Australia on a student visa for a master 's degrees or should I get a PR being in India & then go ?,181623
1,What do you think about Modi 's new policy on the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes ?,What does Balaji Vishwanathan think about Modi 's new currency Idea ?,154935
0,How do I publish a book in India for free ?,Are there publishers in India who publish books for free ?,290107
1,How do I score 100 % in economics ISC 12 th ?,How do I score 100 % in economics in 12 th ISC ?,27219
0,Why do so many countries hate Israel ?,Is Israel a country ?,45529
1,What do you think is the most inspirational movie of all time ?,What is the most inspiring movie you have ever seen ?,86312
0,Why has Facebook turned into a shit version of youtube ?,How has Quora kept such high class answers instead of the usual style youtube comment section where it turns into a race war ?,388001
1,What is the best day of your life and what made it so amazing it stayed in your mind forever ?,Can you share best day of your life ?,129302
0,UI Engineer vs Web Developer vs Software Engineer ?,Are software engineers rich ?,361786
1,What are your New Year 's resolutions for 2017 ?,What 's your resolutions for 2017 ?,158956
0,How do I get free Amazon gift cards ?,What 's the best way to legally get free iTunes gift cards ?,156060
1,What exactly is the tension between Russia & US because of Russian involvement in Syria ? Will there be a proxy war in future ?,Are the US and Russia fighting a proxy war in Syria ? -LRB- please see details -RRB-,82386
0,What is non load bearing wall ?,What is a load bearing wall in construction ?,37210
1,What should I do if I forgot my password for Instagram and used a fake email to make my account ?,How do I get onto my Instagram when I logged off and forgot my password and email ?,155612
0,Would scientists and engineers lose motivation if we discovered a more advanced civilization ?,"Given the impact German scientists like Albert Einstein , Werner Heisenberg etc had , would we be living in a more advanced world had WW2 not occurred ?",157725
1,Is Donald Trump is a racist or just an opportunist ?,Is Donald Trump a racist or an opportunist ?,44885
0,What is the difference between 32 bit and 64 bit in laptop ?,Processor Architecture : What is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit CPUs ? How does the performance increase for 64-bit CPUs ?,39379
1,What should I do to earn money online ?,What is the easiest way to earn money using internet ?,360152
0,What was Mumbai life like in the 1990s especially for teenagers ?,What are some life tips for a teenager ?,4608
1,What should I do to stop hair fall ?,How should I reduce hair fall ?,30074
0,Do you think Alia Bhatt is overrated ?,Is Alia Bhatt overrated ?,359428
1,What are the most attractive tourist center in Kerala ?,What is the best tourist spot in kerala ?,18966
0,Devil in the white city ?,I am a slim looking guy in his twenties wanted to put on some weight as I am underweight as per the BMI charts available online ?,41538
1,"What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Vallenar earthquake in 1922 ?","What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Chile earthquake in 2010 ?",364785
0,What are the best IT job portals for applying jobs abroad from India ?,How do I apply for IT jobs effectively on job portals in India ?,276026
1,What 's the best way to break up with someone ?,How do I get him to break up with me ?,399391
0,"Need suggestion for home UPS to keep router , setup box and TV running uninterrupted for 5 minutes ? It takes 1-2min for apartment powerbackup to start",What is the crack of adobe photoshop cs6 extended ?,14399
1,Is Hillary Clinton crazy enough to start a nuclear war with Russia ?,Is there a high risk that President Hillary Clinton will initiate a war with Russia ?,343102
0,"What problems is the city of Venice , Italy , most concerned about ?","What are the best activities to do with children when visiting Venice , Italy ?",89425
1,Why do people believe in flat earth ?,How is it possible that nowadays there is someone believing in flat earth ?,172896
0,Why is grapefruit so sour ?,Why am I craving grapefruit ?,59204
1,How do you open your water meter cover ?,How do you open a water meter cover ?,226706
0,Why do people moan while having sex ?,"How does it feel when a penis enters a vagina , from either partner 's point of view ?",386347
1,How is first time sex experience ?,What is like having sex for the first time ?,125772
0,How do you know if someone is in denial ?,What does it mean when someone says you remind me of someone I know ?,14753
1,Do Muslim women like to wear burqas ?,Do Muslim women wear burqa out of choice ?,340133
0,What Are some words in Turkish derived from Urdu ?,What are some similarities between the Turkish language and Urdu ?,155065
1,How do I approach a guy ?,How can I approach this guy that I like ?,329017
0,What are some toy manufacturers in Mexico ?,Why are Chinese toy products less in cost and what kind of procedure do they use to manufacture the toys ?,143781
1,How does one cope with and eventually overcome Social Anxiety Disorder ?,What are the best ways to overcome my social anxiety ?,149678
0,What kind of shoes should I wear with a grey lace dress ?,What kind of dress should I wear ?,213045
1,Why do we forget what we learn ?,Why do we sometimes forget what we learn ?,267883
0,What are the trending technologies in electronics and instrumentation engineering ?,What are the trending technologies in electrical and electronics ?,43398
1,Which country provides the easiest permanent residency ?,Which countries are the easiest to get permanent residency in ?,280860
0,It is true that author wo n't know that their novel will be a success until it had been publish ?,Is it true that peanuts wo n't sprout once contaminated by aflatoxin-related moulds ?,90802
1,How do I add all topics in Quora ?,Can you add topics to a question ? How ?,107563
0,What does it mean to be a writer ?,What does it mean to be a creative writer ?,4956
1,Can your phone get a virus ?,How do phones get viruses ?,27363
0,Where can I learn about digitalized commerce ?,Where can I learn about digital security ?,29203
1,What are some amazing facts about Microsoft Windows ?,What are some of the mind blowing facts about Google ?,17548
0,I submitted a passport application without uploading the documents and I already paid and booked the appointment . What do I do ? Is it going to create a problem ?,`` I have recently registered my online passport application & have n't attached any documents . Is it compulsory to attach documents ? Which documents do I need to submit at the '' `` passport seva kendta '' '' or '' `` passport office '' '' ? '',383077
1,How can one overcome procrastination ?,How can I beat procrastination ?,371069
0,Where is the event horizon ?,`` What is an '' `` inner event horizon '' '' ? '',127608
1,Would starving yourself make you lose weight faster ?,How can starving yourself to lose weight adversely affect your health ?,180208
0,"In the YouMail app , what does clicking the Star , turning it yellow , mean ? I 've seen this next to each voicemail message . What does clicking star do ?","I 've been doing research on 2nd Screen sport predictive apps , and came across the Heineken Star Player App Does anyone know what happened to it more recently and what kind of impact it has made in 2012 and 2013 ?",113967
1,How can I check mobile battery capacity ?,How do I check mobile inbuilt battery capacity ?,251144
0,Do employees at Intuit have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,Do employees at Intuitive Surgical have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,25846
1,What is the best way to reduce weight fast ?,What is the fastest way to lose weight successfully ?,233044
0,What happens if I pour water in volcanic lava ?,What happens when you pour water on lava ?,170412
1,`` I need debate on '' '' religion is more important than country '' '' ? '',Is country is more important Or religion ?,342037
0,"What is the difference between a republic , the form of government , and Republicanism , the political ideology ?",What are the different forms of government ?,72321
1,What weapons do JTF2 use ?,What weapons does JTF2 use ?,286459
0,What does it mean to say that a time series is uncorrelated but dependent ?,How do you test whether a time series is undergoing mean reversion ?,124383
1,How do I overcome the feeling of loneliness ?,What should I do to overcome the feeling of loneliness ?,159655
0,How would I learn to develop ERP software ?,Which part of Java do I need to learn to be able to develop ERP software ?,38907
1,Where can I find the best quality cupcakes in Gold Coast ?,Where can I found different flavours for cupcakes at Gold Coast ?,183594
0,Why does n't any military have juggernauts -LRB- heavily armored people -RRB- ?,What protective armor does the military/militia wear ?,312726
1,What are chances of another war between India and Pakistan ?,Will there really be any war between India and Pakistan over the Uri attack ? What will be its effects ?,324701
0,What are chemical properties ?,What are the chemical properties of oxygen ?,190722
1,What does Donald Trump 's success tell us about the American public ?,What does Donald Trump 's nomination reflect about the people of the United States/Americans ?,3021
0,How do you simplify the square root of 98 ?,What is the square root of 63 simplified ?,274882
1,Does Apple have any technical reasons to not launch dual sim iPhone ?,Is Apple likely to release a dual-SIM iPhone ?,258676
0,Should ballot selfies be allowed ?,Why is posting a selfie with your ballot controversial and illegal in some states ?,140262
1,What do you hate on Quora ?,Which things you dislike on Quora ?,77361
0,I am in my final year of B.Tech . My branch is EN . How many exams can I give ?,I 'm currently doing my . Can I give the JAM exam for physics ?,326643
1,What do I write in your personal areas of improvement ?,How should we write personal areas of improvement ?,169199
0,"Why was the spread of Islam so successful in Indonesia , Malaysia , and Brunei ?",Why is Indonesia not an Islamic nation ?,201127
1,Is it true that nothing can travel faster than light ? Or was that idea made up ?,Why can you not accelerate to faster than light ?,4380
0,What is your dream ?,What is dreaming ?,172510
1,How can I sexually seduce a girl ?,How can find written words that seduce a girl ?,89996
0,"As a fresher from college , which should I choose : - JAVA , SAP or DATABASE ? Anyways , I will leave this job and has plans to do MBA abroad after 4 years .","I 'm currently working for a Big 4 as an Advanced Tax Analyst . The company is willing to sponsor my CPA in the future . Should I continue this job and do CPA or I should leave this job and start preparing for CA , which I feel have much better scope than a CPA ?",331830
1,"During WW1 , did the Russian medics use morphine ?",Did Russian medics use morphine during WW1 ?,243731
0,Where can I get faster skip bin hire services in Sydney ?,Where can I get most reputable & trusted skip bin hire services in Sydney ?,365327
1,How do movies leak online ?,How are movies leaked online ?,111302
0,What does the 10/6 label on the Mad Hatter 's hat mean ?,How do you find a figure labeled this way in a textbook ?,440
1,How badly does a neck tattoo hurt ?,I 'm wanting to get a neck tattoo of a yin yang sign . Not too big . How bad would it hurt ?,261926
0,What will be the benefit for websites like Paytm as they provide cash back ?,How does cash back work ?,385460
1,When will be Pokemon go released in India ?,Is Pokemon go going to ever launch in India ?,236529
0,How do you pass time while waiting ?,How do I pass time ?,4850
1,Why did the Indian government ban Rs . 500 and Rs . 1000 currency ?,Why did Indian government stopped making 1000 rupee note and started making 2000 instead ?,272061
0,How come I ca n't see the person who favorited my tweet ?,Can I see who likes my tweets ?,273226
1,How can we improve the efficiency of learning ?,How can I improve my learning efficiency ?,124259
0,Are holograms physically impossible ?,Is it physically impossible for some people to develop a tan ?,307072
1,Where can I get best pasta in Bangalore ?,Where can I get best pasta in Bangalore ?,40870
0,Can you convince me to vote for Donald Trump ?,How can someone persuade me not to vote for Donald Trump ?,145493
1,Which in the best bicycle to buy under 15k ?,Which is the best bicycle for bangalore under 15k ?,387634
0,What should I ask my friend to get from UK to India ?,What is the process of getting a surgical residency in UK after completing MBBS from India ?,100016
1,Which is the best CBSE school in Howrah or Kolkata ?,Which is the best school of CBSSE board in Kolkata ?,102039
0,What is the best way to reheat a cooked lobster ?,How do I cook and eat a lobster ?,139947
1,How is borax different from boric acid ?,What is boric acid ? Is it just borax and water ?,28226
0,What is the value of an aeronautical engineer in India ?,How can I become a successful aeronautical engineer in India ? What are the salaries for aeronautical engineers in India ?,43911
1,Is knowing about yourself according to birth haraam in Islam ?,Is knowing about yourself according to birth month haraam in Islam ?,41005
0,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Real Industry ?,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Chart Industries ?,76164
1,What makes life so much worth living for ?,What makes life worth living ?,135796
0,I miss my brothers too much what can I do ?,"My mom says that I 'm not allowed to be braless under clothing , even if I 'm in pajamas ready for bed , because my dad lives in the house . Is she being paranoid ?",45556
1,What are the best colleges in digital signal processing for master science degree level in and around california ?,What are the best schools/colleges/universities in digital signal processing for graduate level ?,380220
0,How do I hire owner operators ?,How many people do you really need to hire to operate a global organization ?,61976
1,How would you define life in just one word ?,What is life in one word ?,238332
0,Plumbing : What could cause a loss of hot water pressure through an entire house ?,How do you fix low pressure/no pressure water problems ?,169082
1,What are the best fantasy series you can recommend to me to read ?,What 's the best fantasy series I should read ?,238779
0,How many marines die per year ?,How many Americans have died of cancer in the last ten years ?,378687
1,Why are mechanical engineers generally underpaid when compared with the other streams of engineers ?,Why mechanical engineers are underpaid in comparison to another streams in India ?,218734
0,How do Vicodin -LRB- hydrocodone -RRB- and Norco differ ?,How does Tramadol compare to Vicodin ?,289208
1,What is the best horror films in 2015 ?,What are the best horror movies of 2015 so far ?,313043
0,What is the Japanese stand on the South China Sea dispute ?,How to contradict China in the South China Sea dispute ?,243346
1,Why do people in third-world countries have so many children ?,Why do some people in developing countries have many children ?,92502
0,How can someone get into Google ?,How did you get into Google ?,375075
1,What is the meaning of our life ?,What 's the meaning of life ?,255766
0,How can I insert an emoji option in a chat box ?,What are some options to add video chat to my web application ?,15090
1,"I want to learn english quickly , what should I do ?",What do I need to do to learn English quickly ?,109496
0,How can I tell if my iPhone is being remotely accessed or monitored ?,Could iPhone access FTP ?,203572
1,What should be strategy for CAT 2017 ?,What is the preparation strategy for CAT 2017 ?,345204
0,What is the meaning of the Hindi word ` Gathbandhan ' and the Urdu word ` Ittehad ' respectively ?,What is the meaning of Hindi/Urdu word ` Vigyapan ' and ` Ishtihar ' ?,43020
1,Which things you dislike on Quora ?,Why do you hate Quora ?,364371
0,What are the differences between permittivity and permeability ?,What is permittivity and permeability of free space ?,141103
1,Who is the most overrated Indian Cricketer ?,Indian Cricket : Who is the most overrated Indian cricketer ?,176543
0,How do I worship Hanuman for passing in exam ?,Is hanuman worship possible for a non-Indian ?,201290
1,Do women actually care about penis size ? Do men ?,Do women really care about the size of a man 's penis ?,142155
0,What does it feel like to eat and poop at the same time ?,Why would a mother dog eat her puppies ' poop ?,206223
1,What 's the best plan to lose weight ?,Which are the best ways to lose weight ?,51629
0,What do you think of the Reliance Jio ad featuring Prime Minister Modi ? Do you think its legally or ethically correct to do so ?,Why is Narendra Modi promoting Reliance Jio ?,32500
1,How can can I delete my yahoo email account ?,How can you terminate your Yahoo e-mail account ?,291866
0,How powerful was Darth Malgus ?,Http:// ... #medi #weight #loss #clinics #medicines #prescribed #PBN ?,259021
1,Why do we always seek the truth ?,Why do we seek truth ?,225987
0,What are some of the most awkward moments doctors experience ?,What has been the most awkward moment in your life ?,131602
1,How do I find my gmail password ?,How do I get my password for my gmail account ?,355920
0,What books would you recommend to a 21 year-old to read ?,Which books would you recommend a 17-year-old to read ?,61757
1,What are your ultimate life goals ?,What can be the ultimate goal of our life and why ?,376962
0,"Why are liberals so hateful of pious , upstanding Americans ?",Why do liberals hate the idea of the American people owning guns ?,399607
1,Which is the best RO water purifier in India ?,Which is the best water purifier in India ?,29784
0,Can a person become chief minister of more than one state ? Is it possible for Arvind Kejriwal to be projected as CM of Punjab ?,"Manohar Parrikar , the CM of Goa is more eligible and simple than Arvind Kejriwal but why is Kejriwal doing so much of drama on the name of eligibility and simplicity ?",263847
1,"What is the Sahara , and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Kalahari Desert ?","What is the Sahara , and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Karakum Desert ?",17603
0,Does Scrapebox work as of 2016 ?,What 's it like to work at Nest in Q2 2016 ?,244016
1,Should I study for PSAT ?,What are the best ways to prepare for the PSAT ?,145151
0,"According to the new rules , will I get a refund of my Tatkal WL ticket if I do n't cancel it ?",Can I get refund for Tatkal e-ticket because train is late more than 3 hours and I am not able to travel ? Should I cancel the train or file the TDR ?,371936
1,Why do we need Quora ?,Do we need Quora ?,239635
0,What are the reactions when a girl gets pregnant ?,When does a girl gets pregnant ?,124317
1,What is the best martial arts for the streets ?,What martial arts -LRB- s -RRB- would best be fit for use in violent street fights ?,360381
0,What are items that I HAVE to buy when I am in Tokyo ?,Where can I go to buy and build a gaming laptop in Japan ? I live in Saitama near Tokyo .,51783
1,What is the life of an IES officer ?,How is the life of an IES officer ?,185355
0,What are some famous movie scenes involving paper ?,What are some famous movie scenes involving tea ?,105196
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in the entire U.S. including it 's territories and possessions ? 3,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Arizona ?,193068
0,"Does Cognizant send everybody for training to Chennai , or do they have decentralized training centers at various locations ?",What is your review of Training at Cognizant ?,377379
1,What should I do to be a successful person in life ?,How do I become a successful person in life ?,302177
0,How do you determine the Lewis structure of SO2 ?,How is the Lewis structure of sulfuric acid determined ?,215168
1,What is Hillary Clinton 's stance on Russia ?,How will Hillary Clinton deal with russia ?,201923
0,What 's the easiest way to bring a woman to orgasm using only a finger ?,How do I make a woman squirt ?,98615
1,How do I tell my religious family I do n't believe in God ?,How should non-believers explain they do n't believe to family members ?,194687
0,What happens when someone drinks Coke with Mentos ?,How do I stop someone from drinking Coke ?,37076
1,What are the best sites for learning python ?,What are the best learning sites for Python ?,89733
0,Aircel activation date find ?,Is gorilla glass 4 suitable for Redmi note3 ?,201059
1,What are the best makeup brushes ?,Which makeup brush is best ?,127633
0,Can you really get prescription meds in Mexico without prescription ?,"How do you get access to prescription meds in a collapsed environment , without having to stockpile pills ?",26475
1,Why is perpetual motion not possible ?,Is it possible to build a perpetual motion machine ?,367526
0,"If I have someone blocked on Instagram , and view their story , can they see I viewed it ?",How do I view photos someone else has liked on Instagram ?,276704
1,What is the best language to learn programming ?,What is the best computer programming language to learn first ?,173904
0,How much do Managing Directors and Partners make at Greenwich Associates ?,What are the duties of a school manager and director ?,344838
1,How do you get over social anxiety ?,What are the best ways to overcome my social anxiety ?,366023
0,"In Saul Bellow 's Seize the Day , what does the final sentence mean ?","`` What does W.S.Maugham mean when he wrote the last full sentence in Chapter 46 of The Moon And Sixpence , '' `` I suppose it was . ... . . of a moral . '' '' ? ''",356836
1,What are the most important programming languages to learn nowadays ?,Which programming language is the best nowadays ?,374751
0,"Why can so many people believe , without question , that the Earth is round but not that it might indeed be flat ?",Why do some people still believe that the earth is flat ?,327603
1,How safe it is to browse deep/dark web ?,Is it safe to browse the dark web ?,348185
0,Why do people say female gamers are hot ?,Why do so many men write to hot models on Instagram just to say how hot they are ?,60422
1,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in Switzerland ?,Why are saltwater taffy imported in Japan ?,358479
0,What is Toni Kross wearing around his neck with the World Cup winning black shirt ? Is that a cop badge ?,"When , if ever , should a guy wear a v-neck t-shirt ?",51172
1,What would be next strike from PM Modi after Demonetisation ?,What will be the next move by PM Modi to improve India ?,4951
0,What is a transgender person ?,Would you hire a transgender person ?,393060
1,How can we improve our handwriting ?,What can I do improve my handwriting ?,158379
0,What are the best resources to learn ES6 ?,What are the best machine learning blogs or resources available ?,334196
1,Why do n't I want to hang out with my friends ?,Why do I not like hanging out with my friends ?,117320
0,What mobile phone is best under 10K ?,Which mobile phone is best under 18k ?,112324
1,What are the differences between moles and freckles ? How can you tell which you have ?,What are the differences between freckles and moles ? What are their similarities ?,352316
0,What is needed for wild life photography ?,What are the ways to earn from wild life or natural photography ?,67451
1,How will you know you love someone ?,How do know when you 're in love ?,389999
0,"`` I had just been reading Dr. Brian Weiss ' book '' `` Many Lives , Many Masters '' '' . Is there truly something called reincarnation or is it all a big sham ? ''",How many books has Dr. Kali published ?,109934
1,What are the best websites or apps to download free ebooks ?,What are the sites to download free eBooks ?,211283
0,How do I manage my clients expectations for better and smooth business ?,On what basis are the students judged during F1 visa interview ?,214529
1,Is it possible to convert sea water to fresh water and solve the entire water scarcity in Cauvery delta in Tamil Nadu ?,Is desalination a solution for water problems in Tamil Nadu ?,141748
0,Can you describe a situation where you were favored because of physical attractiveness ?,"What should I do first to start an online buisness on online platforms like flipkart , . And which product should I sell and what things should I knw ?",203322
1,What should I know about marketing If i am a programmer ?,What should programmers know about marketing ?,303560
0,"Is quantum physics truly unpredictable in behaviour , or is it that humans simply do n't posses the devices to predict it accurately ?",How are bank cards cloned ?,172090
1,How do I get a job abroad ?,What is the best way to get a job in abroad ?,342848
0,What is your review of Veep -LRB- TV series -RRB- ?,Why does The Veep -LRB- TV Series -RRB- shoot on location in Washington D.C. and Maryland rather than in Hollywood studio stages ?,32083
1,What should I wear at my friends wedding ?,What should I wear to my friend 's wedding ?,306360
0,How can I find what I love ?,How can I find what I love to do ?,376667
1,What examples of haploid cells are there ?,What are haploid cells and what are some examples ?,396415
0,How can APA formats enhance professional communication ?,How do you cite IDEA 2004 in the APA format ? What are some tips ?,80772
1,What 's your experience about your first sex ?,How did you feel after the first time you had sex ?,233357
0,"How do I calculate rankability , % change & total keyword value using search volume , competition , CPC , client value and position ? Ca n't use web tools .",How do I determine keyword rankability with competition and search volume metrics ?,332565
1,How do I tell if someone is a psychopath ?,How do I know that I am a psychopath ?,330951
0,Fast Food : What is the cost breakdown of a crunchy taco at Taco Bell ?,Who owns Taco Bell ?,369686
1,How can I get an internship in India in IT companies ?,How can I get an internship in IT sectors in India ?,373832
0,What are some best gifts someone has given to you on your birthday or any other occasion which feels very special ?,What 's the best gift you got on your birthday ?,309795
1,Does the EM Drive work ?,How does NASA 's EM drive work ?,244375
0,"In C++ , why is a pointer an object ?",Are C++ and C pointers objects ?,107058
1,What 's the happiest moment you 've ever experienced ?,What 's the happiest moment of your life ?,196884
0,Have you ever ridden on the Baku Ferris Wheel ? How does it compare to the London Eye or Singapore Flyer ?,Should I buy Swift DZire LDI -LRB- O -RRB- or VDI ?,101232
1,What is the best text-to-speech app for Mac ?,What is the best text to speech voice/app for mac ?,134834
0,Which are the best place to Holiday in India ?,Which is the best place for vacationing in India ?,197421
1,Why is Manaphy crying incessantly throughout in Pokemon Ranger and The Temple of The Sea ?,Why is Manaphy angsty in Pokemon Ranger and The Temple Of The Sea ?,192195
0,What is the most important in life ?,What is the best in life ?,37695
1,What was the best day of your life so far ?,"What was the best day of your life , and what happened ?",64941
0,"I am 23 and do n't know what I want . My life is very boring , I am depressed and frustrated , I do n't have any good friends to share my feelings with . I do n't even have a girlfriend . Sometimes I want to quit . What should I do ?",I am being bullied by my friends and I am feeling depressed . I do n't want to go to school anymore . What should I do ?,345083
1,What is source of income of Facebook ?,What are the sources of income for Facebook ?,353144
0,How can you disvirgin your girl when she keeps complaining of any slight touch to her vagina ?,Why is my girl okay with me touching her breast ?,258796
1,Can you pass a urine test for meth with Suragel ?,Can hair dye help pass a hair follicle drug test for daily meth smokers ?,124493
0,Why do we need friends ?,Why do I need to get friends in college ?,64378
1,Did Trump win the election ?,Could Donald Trump actually win and become POTUS ?,74571
0,What is 3 7/8 divided by 5 1/6 ?,What is 6 divided by 5.8 ?,290067
1,How would I retrieve my Yahoo account without access to my alternate email or phone number ?,How would I retrieve my Yahoo account without access to my alternate email or phone number1 ?,287595
0,How much are Postmates couriers paid ?,What is the salary of an IIT professor ?,169061
1,How do I get rid of fruit flies ?,How do you get rid of fruit flies ?,59754
0,Is my phone being tracked by another phone ?,Is my phone being tracked ?,337821
1,"Which is the best bicycle to buy , under 10,000 in India ?",Which bicycle should I buy under 10k ?,287672
0,What are fast food restaurant chains that sell soup ?,Why are there so few fast food chain restaurants in Israel ?,81831
1,What do you think of the new MacBook Pro that was released late 2016 ? Is it worth buying ?,Will upgrading to the 2016 MacBook Pro be worth it ?,337819
0,What 's the story behind this picture ?,What are the most amazing photos you have ever taken ?,346549
1,How many nationalised banks are there in india ?,How many nationalised banks in India ?,301289
0,"What hotel in Kurseong Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples , without the harassment of police , hotel staff , and moral police ?","What hotel in Dehradun Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples , without the harassment of police , hotel staff , and moral police ?",107453
1,Do Christians in Kerala have a Jewish ancestry in them ?,Do Syrian Christians in Kerala has Jewish ancestry ?,5289
0,How do I learn MVC request and application life cycle ?,Why ca n't most of the Indian adults get a partner on their own ?,113689
1,How can I become more self aware ?,How can I become more self-aware ?,326185
0,What will happen in Europe after the migrant crisis ?,What happens to Migrants when they arrive in the UK ?,66624
1,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in Switzerland ?,Why is saltwater taffy candy imported in Brazil ?,194125
0,Do you think that the movie knock knock was meant to be a feminist type of movie ?,Nishant Jindal JEE ?,377330
1,How is zero gravity atmosphere for astronauts is created on earth ?,How is a zero gravity environment created for astronaut training on earth ?,100686
0,What is the best possible team of Pokémon ?,How do I change team in Pokémon GO ?,81944
1,How Do I get traffic on website ?,How do I increase organic traffic to website ?,215701
0,What questions can be asked in SSB interview ?,What questions are asked in an NDA SSB interview ?,88747
1,Can sociopaths love ?,Any sociopaths learn to love ?,106685
0,What is vacuum lamps ?,What is vacuum ?,385839
1,What 's your new year 2017 resolution to improve your daily life routine ?,What is your new year resolution ?,96111
0,Why is it so difficult to get rid of pimples ?,How do you get rid of big pimples ?,313214
1,Which are the highest paid jobs in India ?,Which is Highest paid job in India ?,149267
0,What is your review of ?,What is your review of ?,148970
1,"What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Sanriku earthquake in 1611 ?","What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Cascadia earthquake in 1700 ?",283442
0,How do you calculate the least prime factor of a number ?,How many prime factors can a number have maximum ?,383842
1,How do I gain emotional intelligence and control my emotions ?,How do I control anger and impulsive emotions ?,185594
0,"`` How do you say '' `` Miss you , too , '' '' in Spanish ? Are there multiple ways to say it ? ''",`` Is there an accurate way to say '' `` whatever '' '' in Spanish ? '',297655
1,What is the best video game as of now ?,What are the best video games to play ?,170755
0,Which Engineering course do smartphone engineers study and how many years does it last in your country ?,Do dolphins practice hygiene ?,40945
1,Why do ISIS fighters cover their faces ?,Why do Islamist terrorists cover their faces ?,3554
0,How is an antifreeze 's freezing point determined ?,How is saltwater 's freezing point determined ?,175997
1,What are the effects of inflation in india ?,What are the impacts of inflation in India ?,74332
0,What does it feel like to have your penis inside a vagina ?,How deep should sperm go inside vagina ?,47951
1,How do I manage curly hair ?,How do I manage my curly hair ?,206492
0,What are the best ways to get to Okinawa ?,Where are the best coworking office space in Bangalore ?,375238
1,How can I get rid of acne and its effect ?,How can I get rid of pimples all over my face ?,253027
0,Is the history determined by the mass 's consciousness or unconsciousness ?,How can we improve payment gateway system to endorse cashless payment more since non reliable cashless transaction is very common in India ?,252394
1,Is energy in vacuum real ? How do we know that this energy that can be borrowed and returned immediately is real if virtual particles did n't exist then ?,Is energy in vacuum real ? How do we know that this energy that can be borrowed and returned immediately is real if virtual particles did n't exist ?,13609
0,"Which will be better , Lenovo Vibe K5 or Lenovo Vibe P1m ?","Which will be more durable , Lenovo Vibe K5 or Lenovo Vibe P1m ?",90091
1,What 's your favorite song now ?,What is your favorite song or what song do you recommend ?,248097
0,"What 's classy if you 're rich , but trashy if you 're poor ?",Do girls get hot boyfriends when they 're rich ?,67007
1,How does it feel to be old ?,What does it feel like to grow old ?,32968
0,How accurate is 23andMe ?,Which is more accurate for interpreting DNA : 23andMe or GedMatch ?,69962
1,How do we become mutants ?,Is there any way to become a mutant ?,206418
0,What can I eat when my appendix is removed ?,What should I eat after an operation of the appendix ?,367592
1,How do I completely erase myself from the Internet ?,How do I delete myself from the Internet ?,156014
0,"Is the art of memory a big waste of limited resource now that we have smart phones , like simple math replaced with calculators ?","` Phone Bloks ' the new concept of smart phones , do you find it impressive ? Is there any other company trying to design a smart phone of that sort ?",143365
1,How can we control our dreams ?,Can we control our dreams ?,301059
0,Which processor is best for playing games at high end ?,What are some unique websites ?,108657
1,Which are the top architects in pune ?,Who are top architects in pune ?,403719
0,What are the best tourist destinations in Maine ?,What is the best tourist destination in California ?,182810
1,What is the idea behind inclusive growth ? What are its benefits ?,What is inclusive growth ?,70203
0,If a women has sex 3 days after her period can she get pregnant ?,Could I get pregnant if I had sex 12 days after my period ?,152183
1,What are a few ways to safely earn money online ?,"What are some good sites , methods , ways -LRB- or others -RRB- to earn money online ?",273041
0,Will there be 会不会有不懂中文的人去翻译然后回答这个问题 ?,Why do people keep bringing up tachyons as if they really exist ?,36316
1,What are some cultural differences between China and Taiwan ?,What are the biggest cultural differences and similarities between Taiwan and China ?,304397
0,How does an MBA degree from INSEAD compare with a degree from a top US school such as Wharton or Stanford GSB ?,How much does an MBA degree from INSEAD -LRB- all three campuses -RRB- cost on an average ?,359450
1,How long would it take to walk across Tokyo ?,How long would it take to walk from one end of Tokyo to the other ?,15141
0,I know PHP and C# . Should I learn Python ?,Should I learn Python if I know PHP already ?,296730
1,How do I prepare for CA CPT exam without getting demotivated ?,What is the best way to prepare for CPT exam ?,370628
0,What would be the physical examples of 1st order systems ?,Why are the second order systems most popular in control systems literature and in industrial control system implementations ?,61889
1,"If a gay man is attracted to a transgender man , does it make him a straight man ?","If a man is watching TS porn and looking for TS escorts , but is married . Does that make him gay or bi ?",265097
0,What are the biggest Silicon Valley companies ?,What are the biggest silicon valley software companies ?,97456
1,Can you make a living off of web design alone ?,Can you make a living by being web designer ?,93407
0,`` What are examples of sentences using the word '' `` communism '' '' ? '',What is an example of a sentence using the word decadence ?,329661
1,How do you find purpose in life ?,What is the purpose of your life ?,128135
0,How do you explain death to your child ?,How would you explain to a young child that they are dying ?,211202
1,How does invalidating 500 and 1000 notes help us fight corruption and bring back black money ?,If all 500 and 1000 notes were in circulation comes back to banks then how is demonetization a good step against black money ?,378930
0,Why did n't Ted Cruz endorse Donald Trump at the 2016 Republican National Convention ?,Has Ted Cruz torched his political career by refusing to endorse Trump ?,22941
1,How can we remove stretch marks from stomach ?,How can you get rid of stretch marks by losing weight ?,5102
0,What is the best book to learn React ?,What are the best book for learning calculus ?,220853
1,Why ca n't I beat my porn addiction ?,How do I self rehab from masturbation and porn addiction ?,130994
0,What is the Difference between microbes and bacteria ?,What are the differences between bacteria and bacterium ?,241059
1,What is the average age that a person loses his/her virginity ?,At what age does the average person lose his/her virginity ?,193008
0,How do you create a threaded binary tree ?,How do I convert a binary tree to a threaded binary tree ?,275920
1,How can I know that he is my soulmate ?,How can we know if someone is our soulmate ?,155041
0,How is the world without engineers ?,How do I tell a German girl I like her ?,123191
1,What are some baby shower games that are actually fun ?,What are the most enjoyable baby shower games ?,241157
0,"What is the most interesting island to visit in Azores , except the main Sao Miguel ?",What are some best islands to visit for a honeymoon ?,378481
1,What is the best way to get placed in Google ?,How do I get placed in Google ?,377238
0,What exercises should be followed to become slim in 2 months ?,How can I become slim in a month ?,303484
1,What is it like to have a high IQ ?,What is it like for you to have a high IQ ?,337109
0,How do I find programmers to develop an app idea ?,Who is a great app developer to partner with if I have an app idea ?,54591
1,Which is the largest city in the world by area ?,What are the largest cities in the world by area ?,383847
0,Is there any internship available for BBA students in Delhi that pays too ?,"I do n't care for my own happiness . The only thing that is important to me is that I do what is required of me , how can I change this ?",134744
1,Which is best power bank ?,What are some best power banks ?,141081
0,What makes someone cool ?,What exactly is it about someone that makes him look ` cool ' ?,344865
1,"Name one book -LRB- this may be a series also -RRB- which changed your life , and a brief summary of what message you got from that book ?",`` What is name of that ONE book that changed '' `` your '' '' life ? '',248962
0,Do you think the popularity of thongs is decreasing ?,Do you think our concept of the seasonal cycle has been badly distorted by popular culture ?,2948
1,How do lose weight with healthy way ?,What is the best way to lose weight and not gain it back ?,314769
0,Why do guys like a girl like mad when she is smart but not when she is not smart ?,Why do girls like smart guys ?,291929
1,What is RAID in a computer ?,What are RAID Arrays and how do we use them ?,128181
0,Is it possible to get rid of cellulite ?,How long would it take me to get rid of cellulite in my legs ?,17363
1,Do the blind dream ?,What does a blind person see in their dreams ?,48785
0,What are the best morning habits ?,What are some good early morning habits ?,26726
1,What is Applicant Tracking System ?,What are applicant tracking systems ?,260539
0,Why is Duck Sauce called that ?,For dry skin which cream is usedfor glowing ?,132881
1,How do I become an attractive girl ?,How can I become a more attractive girl ?,6896
0,How doo I create a blog ?,How do I read a load performance test report ?,169931
1,Could the USA actually benefit from a dictator ?,Does the USA need a dictator ?,308136
0,How harmful could it be if I found a tick on my dog and removed it ?,How do I free my dog from ticks ?,343079
1,Does uniform civil code work for India ?,Should India embrace the Uniform Civil Code ?,29353
0,"What do most people like the most , Pokémon or Dragonball Z ?",Why do so many people hate their jobs ?,89845
1,Which will be the best budget laptop under 30k ?,What is the best laptop under 30k for students ?,329076
0,Where are the crate engines in India ?,Where do I find Children 's dental experts ?,32118
1,What happens if Hillary gets indicted after the convention and before the election ?,"Legally , what happens if Clinton is indicted before the election ? Would Trump win by default ?",195948
0,What is the best gift that somebody has ever received ?,What is the best physical gift you 've ever received ?,184124
1,Is feminism good for population control ?,Is feminism just a population controlling tool ?,179468
0,What is your regret as a designer ?,What should you regret but do n't ?,269170
1,How does surface tension work ?,`` Why does surface tension exist ? Why does it '' `` work '' '' ? '',8781
0,What will be different about bananas in the UK after it exits the EU ?,What is cheaper after the UK voted to leave the EU ?,301300
1,Do You consider the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 as the war of independence for India ?,`` Is the title given to the Sepoy mutiny of 1857 as '' `` the first war of Indian independence '' '' justified ? '',181571
0,How do you get a free PSN generator with no surveys ?,Are some of those free PSN/Xbox Live cards you get online legit ?,348813
1,What are hydrogen bonds ?,What is hydrogen bond ?,288016
0,Who are the investors or venture capital fund that do the funding based on an idea ?,Do angel investors invest in ideas ?,272202
1,What should I do if my dog is throwing up yellow/white liquid/foam ?,What does it mean if a dog is throwing up yellow foam ? How can it be treated ?,178590
0,Which is the best engineering college in gujarat ?,Which is the best mehanical engineering colleges in mumbai ?,365050
1,Has there ever been a guy who cums glass ?,"No seriously , has there been a guy who cums glass ?",9801
0,Does black hole exists in interstellar space ?,"Does a black hole exist in the universe ? If so , what is the proof ?",341523
1,"What are the best places to visit in Kanhangad , Kerala ?",What are some of the best places to visit in Kerala in a span of 5 days ?,101183
0,Can you give me more useful information about Carl Kruse on the web ?,Can you give me more useful information about Carl Kruse ?,181542
1,What is the creepiest thing to ever happen to you ?,What is the creepiest thing that ever happened you ?,94306
0,What is the most romantic Chinese poem ?,What is the most beautiful Chinese poem you have ever read ?,247877
1,How do I earn more money through internet/online ?,How should I earn money online working from home ?,266478
0,Which co offers leastexpensive mediclaim for age over50 ?,What should I avoid when I send mail to Japan ?,379475
1,How can one add more than 300 characters to the question details in Quora ?,Why ca n't I add more than 300 characters and some can on Quora ?,14717
0,Why is Moon dirt white ?,Is the moon white or grey ?,180831
1,How can hydrochloric acid be neutralized ?,How do you neutralize hydrochloric acid ?,266623
0,How much of black money do you have ?,What would you do if you have black money ?,136685
1,What makes you want to vote for Hillary Clinton ?,Why would anyone vote for Hillary Clinton ?,5638
0,How much time is normal for doing sex ?,How can I measure viewers `` Attention '' in online video advertising ?,248357
1,"How are conciliation , mediation , and arbitration used ?","What purpose do conciliation , mediation , and arbitration serve ?",284908
0,How does R&D at intelligence agencies work ?,How does an intelligence agency work ?,249826
1,How likely is Scottish independence after Brexit ?,How likely is a Scottish exit from United Kingdom after Brexit ?,333140
0,How do I change the name in the Bangalore -LRB- BBMP -RRB- property tax records/receipts ?,"Why do we have two different bodies , BBMP and BDA in Bangalore ?",86663
1,What is the the best way to learn programming ?,Is there a way to learn programming language quickly ? How can I do it ?,23609
0,What are the range of careers in biotechnology in Indonesia ?,How do you tenderize beef stew meat ?,193190
1,What is to know about money ?,What should everyone know about finance ?,296581
0,What are some common solar energy myths ?,What is TOEFL IBT search service ?,285063
1,What is an example of demand pull inflation ?,What are some examples of demand pull inflation ?,152364
0,What is the best service for streaming music on a slow connection ?,Which is the best online music streaming service in India ?,45405
1,Do people actually possess a sixth sense ?,Do humans have a sixth sense ? Do you think/know you have a sixth sense ?,93753
0,What should I do with my old smartphone ?,What can I do with an old smartphone ?,175790
1,Why do people ask questions on Quora that can easily be answered by Google ?,"Why should we ask questions on Quora , when we can Google it ?",183333
0,What are the best sites to watch TV shows ?,I used to watch TV shows on Stream-tv . me . This site is not working now . Is there any other site like it ?,241868
1,Where can I get professional advice for buying and selling a property in Sydney ?,Where can I get best property transaction support in Sydney ?,199580
0,"Other than portraying Princess Leia , what will Carrie Fisher be most remembered for ?",How will you remember Carrie Fisher ?,133277
1,How should I react when a girl says : I love you ?,How should I respond when she says I love you ?,109020
0,What are some good songs to lyric prank your crush ?,"What are some good Hindi songs with good lyrics , which are not romantic ?",293479
1,Why Choose IPS over IAS ?,Why should one choose IPS over IAS ?,400582
0,How do you politely tell coworkers you do n't want to have lunch with them ?,I met someone online and do n't want to tell my friends . What should I do ?,182077
1,How do I develop my presence of mind ?,How should one develop good presence of mind ?,277602
0,What is your experience with ?,What is your experience with ?,336335
1,What is the procedure to get a US visa ?,What is the procedure of getting a US visa ?,143754
0,How has the role of the computer in education changed over the past 25 years ?,What changes can we expect in education systems in the next 50 years ?,40327
1,What is the most expensive things in the world ?,What is the most expensive thing in the world ?,317242
0,How do I delete an Instagram account if I do n't know the email or password ?,"Instagram -LRB- product -RRB- : How can I login to Instagram if I do n't remember the password , and I dont know the email address that was used to set up the account ?",240396
1,What is the best game for college fest ?,What are the best games to conduct in college fest ?,272119
0,Can any other acid be used in lead acid battery other than sulphuric acid ?,How much current should be used when load testing a lead-acid battery ?,169290
1,How can one find his/her life purpose ?,How do you find your life 's purpose ?,116439
0,As a startup what is the most important thing to keep in mind when developing an edtech platform ?,What is the most important thing Indians needs to do ; to live in a developed nation ?,61040
1,Why does n't Quora display the date of the question asked ?,Why does n't Quora show when a question was added ?,82295
0,Which Bollywood movie influenced you the most and why ?,Which movie do you expect the most this Diwali ?,151221
1,How i can know who visited my Facebook profile ?,How do I see if someone visited my Facebook profile ?,348103
0,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at First Merchants ?,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Quantum ?,331149
1,What are all the coding languages I should learn if I want to become a game programmer ? What should I do if I am totally new to programming ?,Which programming language should I learn if I am interested in game development ?,164223
0,How do I become selfish about yourself ?,How do I become selfish ?,72043
1,What is the list of amazing books ?,What is a list of good books ?,288330
0,`` How can I read Facebook messenger messages without showing a '' `` read receipt '' '' for them ? '',"`` I sent a free Facebook message to a non-friend , so it will appear in their '' `` others '' '' folder . I need them to read it now . If I pay for the message now , will it move to their inbox folder ? ''",6599
1,If there was one thing you would like to change about Quora what would it be ?,What is If there was one thing you would like to change about Quora what would it be ? That one thing where Quora need to improve ?,45718
0,Which is the best movie download site ?,Is there any secrets sites for downloading leaked movies ?,1710
1,What is the funniest person you have ever met and why ?,Who is the funniest person you have ever met ? What made her/him so funny ?,65580
0,Who is your favourite Pokemon villain ?,Which is your favourite Pokémon and why ?,361585
1,If you follow someone on Instagram can they see how many times you have viewed their profile ?,Can you see who views your Instagram stories ?,273990
0,Why does my heart feel so much pain when I think of my ex with his current girlfriend if its been 4 years since we broke up ?,"It 's been a year since my ex-girlfriend and I broke up and I 'm still madly in love with her . We 've been friends for almost six years and even though we tried to date and it did n't work , we remain good friends . Should I move on ?",295477
1,What was the real cause of the arab revolutions ?,What are the real causes of the Arab revolution ?,305903
0,`` What are some good answers to the Product Management interview question : '' `` What is your favorite online product and why ? How would you improve it ? '' '' ? '',What kind of mathematical questions are asked in a Product Manager interview ?,308638
1,How can I overcome my porn addiction ?,What is the best way to overcome an porn addiction ?,103910
0,Where can I buy edible seaweed in bulk for a low cost ?,Where can I buy soup mix in bulk ?,165114
1,How can I become a math genius fast ?,How can I become a math genius ?,20612
0,For what reason does Notepad need 1 GB of RAM to display a 20 MB file ?,How do siliciclastic sedimentary rocks compare and contrast from other rocks ?,212069
1,How do I make money with YouTube ?,How can I make money with YouTube videos ?,398289
0,How can people who voted for Obama say Trump is not qualified to be president ?,Why are people saying President Obama lacks leadership ?,44972
1,What are your new year resolutions ' 2017 ?,What 's your New Year resolutions for 2017 and what will you do to accomplish your goal ?,118592
0,Why are Indian-Americans supporting Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton ?,Are Indian Americans supporting Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump more ?,191895
1,How has being on Quora changed you ?,How has Quora changed you ?,90703
0,What are the different levels of LinkedIn profile strength and how do you achieve them ?,Is Barack Obama 's LinkedIn profile legit ?,349648
1,How do I get a job in Quora business and community team ?,I would love to get into community management at Quora . How can I get a job ?,357374
0,How can we build motion capture suits using multiple MEMS sensors ?,"We all have some kinds of fears ? Like mine , I have the biggest fear of not getting admission in MBBS , how can we get rid of it ?",47081
1,Is there are any chances that the reservation in india might stop ?,Is it possible for India to become reservation free ?,85096
0,Tinder got stuck at ` Loading your matches ' . What should i do ?,Why does Tinder not show my matches sometimes ?,319049
1,Are there people born deaf and blind ? If so how do they communicate ?,How is it possible to teach deaf-blind people how to communicate ?,211813
0,Where can I find a free trial code for Xbox Live Gold ?,Does Xbox offer a 2 day free trial of Xbox Live ?,359117
1,How can I loose thigh fat without toning up ?,Health : How do I lose fat without any exercise ?,74075
0,What is Thomson Reuters ' technology stack ?,What is the importance of baking ?,144711
1,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M750n ?,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP LaserJet Enterprise 700 Printer M712dn ?,24406
0,How can I get free e-books of any author ?,Where do I get free e-Books ?,277162
1,What are some interesting reactions of people who you know own black money after the ban on 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,"Now that India has banned the 500 and 1000 rupees notes , what will the people with excess of such notes accrued as black money do ? Can they escape ?",28841
0,What are the condition to buy any Rolls Royce car except money ?,How many Rolls-Royce are available in India ?,381254
1,How do I improve my aptitude and reasoning skills ?,How do I improve my aptitude and thinking skills ?,297828
0,What is the difference between an alpha helix and a beta sheet ?,Why is the DNA structure a double helix ?,73173
1,What is the condition of international medical graduates in UK ?,What is the situation of international medical graduates in UK now ?,219659
0,How do you prevent snow from sticking to a shovel ?,Should you shovel while it 's still snowing ?,10256
1,Is Hillary right that Donald Trump said climate change was a hoax invented by the Chinese ?,Did Trump say climate change was a Chinese hoax ?,54061
0,What is a constant torque clutch ?,What is a torque limiting clutch and what are its components ?,225950
1,Why did MS Dhoni quit ODI and T20 captaincy but will still play ?,Why MS Dhoni has quit the captaincy from limited overs ?,348595
0,How competitive is the hiring process at Consolidated Communications ?,How competitive is the hiring process at Consolidated Water ?,358862
1,How do accounts payable and accounts receivable differ ?,How do accounts receivable and accounts payable differ ?,60197
0,Which countries have the best education system and why ?,"In what country can you live in with the best education system , and why ?",183644
1,What do you think of Julian Assange and Wikileaks ?,WikiLeaks : What do you think about Julian Assange ?,114645
0,Wild guess : What could it take to make a philosophical zombie have qualia ?,How do I manage interviews when I do n't have any vacation days left ?,330905
1,Which book will be more prefer to study quantum mechanics ?,What books can I read to know more about quantum mechanics ?,395499
0,When do we use should ?,When do we use who or whom ?,96149
1,Does global warming exist ?,Is it possible that global warming is a hoax ?,4343
0,What is molding ?,Is this mold ?,258419
1,What is the worst advice anyone has ever given to you ?,What is the worst advice anybody has given you ?,326518
0,What is Maggi ?,What is Maggie ?,242412
1,How do I get into Stanford with a poor GPA ? B *,How do I get into Stanford with a poor GPA ?,126545
0,Is sticking your penis in a vagina then pulling out sex ?,Why does it feel better to not pull out during sex ?,315832
1,Where can I get affordable package in Sydney for floor tiles ?,Where can I get huge selection of floor tiles in Sydney ?,187673
0,What are the types of pardons that are granted to corrupt presidents in Honduras ?,What was the most corrupt thing Barack Obama did while serving as President ?,5503
1,What would the world be like today if 9/11 attackS never happened in USA ?,What would happen if 9/11 never happened ?,160842
0,Is it worth to do an MBBS from Germany ?,Is it worth doing MBBS at the age of 27 ?,107466
1,Bollywood : Why do Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut send legal notices to each other ?,What is going on between Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik Roshan these few days ?,403059
0,Where is the best place to eat Butter Naan in Chennai ?,Best places to eat in Chennai ?,245939
1,Why do people ask questions whose answer can be easily found on the internet ?,Why do some people ask simple direct science questions in Quora when there are sufficient resources available in internet ?,166533
0,"Which part of the brain is for sight , hearing , smell , taste and touch ?",Can you smell a fire before you hear/see it ?,61568
1,How should I plan my preparation for upsc 2017 ?,How should I plan my preparations for UPSC 2017-18 ?,57185
0,Can you suggest some good movies that I can watch with my 14-year old son ?,What are some movies that everyone needs to watch at least once in life ?,380719
1,Islam practiced by ISIS is purest form of islam as practiced by Prophet ?,Is the Islamic state practicing the purest form of Islam as it existed at the time of Muhammad ?,88928
0,Did Franz Kafka have a son ?,Why do you like Franz Kafka 's works ?,239368
1,How do I get my Facebook account back if I 've changed phone numbers and they still send the code to the other number ?,How I verify Facebook account with my new phone number ?,35072
0,What is Hillary Clinton 's plan for legal immigrants who are waiting for their green cards for close to 10 years now ?,What is Hillary Clinton 's plan for legal immigrants who have to wait for their green cards for years ?,50322
1,Is anyone about to uninstall Quora and stop using it ? Why ?,Why would you stop using Quora ?,9178
0,What is it like to work as a Product Designer at Yelp ?,How would you design and code a site like yelp ?,117278
1,What is the difference between a web application and website ?,What is the difference between a web application and a webpage ?,151974
0,What is the one must not do things in life ?,What are the things that must be done in life ?,222725
1,Which is the hardest military training ?,Which is the hardest military basic training ?,57557
0,Which are the best colleges offering BCS course in and around Mumbai ? -LRB- 12th Commerce + IP -RRB-,"If there was a foam block that is 1km2 , can I survive being dropped from an air plane ?",358761
1,Is it possible to sustain life in other planets ?,Does anyone believe that there is life on other planets ?,16416
0,Does the prime minister of India have power to demonetize the currency without getting approval from the president ?,What is the salary of prime minister and president of India ?,115400
1,Do people find dimples attractive ?,Why are dimples hot on girls ?,38940
0,Why is my Freshmail getting blocked by Razor2 Spam Filter ?,Where is Leonard Cohens fan base ?,48967
1,Which are the best comedy movies in Hollywood ?,What are the best Hollywood comedy movies to watch ?,350047
0,"What 's the difference between amps , watts and volts ?",How many volts can a 30 amp ESC handle ?,1613
1,What are some of your unique qualities ?,What unique quality do you offer the world ?,331545
0,Is there any helpful site about coding ?,Can I get Delhi as a job location after clearing the GATE exam with a high rank ?,84297
1,Can I change my eye colour using subliminal methods ?,Can subminals audio change eye colour ?,47259
0,"Why is Dan Holliday gay , why is he such a loser and should he be exterminated ?","Why does Dan Holliday stress on the fact that he is gay , even in unrelated questions ?",101294
1,What are the uses nitrous oxide ?,When is nitrous oxide used ?,71930
0,My boyfriend thinks that I 'm not aroused because I do n't get wet . What can I do ?,"I just broke up with my boyfriend because I thought I did n't like him , but now I think I 'm regretting it . How can I be sure if it was the right thing to do ?",230618
1,What are the health risks of smoking ?,What are the risks of smoking ?,17916
0,Which is the best career option after +2 with non medical stream ?,What is the best career options after 10th ?,267077
1,How much does a uber driver earn in India ?,How much does Uber driver earn in India ?,1989
0,What does a complete beginner need to know before getting into golf ?,What does a complete beginner need to know before getting into tennis ?,158255
1,Can I block a topic on Quora ?,How do I block topics on Quora ?,384003
0,I want to correct my name in my degree certificates . How do I apply to change it ?,I have a bachelor 's degree in computer systems engineering . I want to apply for a master 's programme in electrical engineering . Would this be a suitable change in majors ?,383803
1,Where can I find the best dog training tips ?,Where can people find the best dog training tips ?,109701
0,Is ciem a good college ?,Is kccitm a good college ?,284280
1,What are your views about governments decision to stop flow of 1000 and 500 rupee notes . ?,What are your views on PM Modi 's decision on discontinuing 500 & 1000 rs notes ?,133144
0,How can I get tickets for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child ?,Should I buy the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child ?,338766
1,What are some part time jobs which can be done from home ?,What are part time jobs that can work from home ?,333302
0,What are the centaur types of Sandy Cotter ?,"If you had to add a new letter pair to the Myers-Briggs personality types , what would it be and why ?",324089
1,What does it feel like for a women to have sex ?,What does a women feel during sex ?,166760
0,Do employees at CMS Energy have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,Do employees at SM Energy have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,347008
1,Which is the best laptop under 40000 INR ?,Which is the best laptop to buy under 40000 INR ?,337111
0,"Which pump is more efficient , centrifugal pump or reciprocating pump ?","Relationship between Turbochargers , Francis Turbine and Centrifugal Pumps ?",61987
1,What age does a guy look his best ?,At what age is a man his best looking in his life ?,247448
0,Can we improve the overall quality of higher education in India ?,Why is the overall quality of education in India so bad ?,249059
1,What is the best certification among CCNA/CCNP/CRISC / MCSA ?,"What is the best certificate among CCNA , CCNP , CRISC and MCSA ?",324895
0,Why am I so sleepy lately ? How can I be less sleepy ?,Why am I sleepy ?,152887
1,What are the demographics of Quora users ?,What are the demographics of Quora users and the main personas ?,361902
0,What is it like to be an undergraduate student ?,What are undergraduate students ?,278076
1,What is the QuickBooks Support Phone Number in Los angeles ?,Which is the best QuickBooks Tech Support Number in Texas ?,95696
0,"Right after drinking cold water I get swets , why is this ?",What are top CA mid size firms in Banglore ?,393073
1,Can an infinite amount of dark or vacuum or gravitational energy be created with expansion ?,"If vacuum energy is created as space expands , can infinite energy be created ?",129368
0,"Were the Victorian nobility better educated than current Harvard graduates , in terms of being extremely suited for certain tasks that require a high cognitive load ?",Why is Suits so obsessed with Harvard ?,27771
1,How can I get rid of acne and its effect ?,How do I get rid of acne and its spots ?,361087
0,How did you learn to read ?,How did you learn to write ?,233769
1,Top 5 online portals to buy antique jewellery in UK ?,What are the Top 5 online portals to buy antique jewellery in UK ?,106523
0,"In Google Sheets , how can a cell be made to hyper-link to another cell ?",How do I adjust a cell that if you click on it it will open another sheet in Google docs ?,338252
1,"According to mainstream physics , what is there outside the Universe ?",What is outside our universe ? Also does it make sense to ask what is outside of the outside of universe ?,137650
0,Do you need to wash your hair with shampoo after putting eggs and yogurt ?,Is it better to wash your hair without shampoo ?,259169
1,"Where can I get wide range of floor tile , wall tile and porcelain tiles in Sydney ?",Where can I get designer collection of affordable floor tiles in Sydney ?,43639
0,What can I do if I ca n't go to sleep ?,Why ca n't I sleep ?,196337
1,Is there a scientific name for what existed before the Big Bang ?,Before the Big Bang was it in complete darkness ?,208543
0,What is the best the best site to get HD movies in dual audio format ?,What is the best site to download HD movies ?,211543
1,How can I improve my English writing skills by myself ?,How can I improve my English writing skills in an effective way ?,248262
0,What does it mean when you feel warm and fuzzy ?,Why are so many people anxious ?,241376
1,What all the points to note to lead healthy life ?,How can I lead a healthy life ?,159568
0,What does it mean when a guy stares at you from afar with a blank expression and you look back at him and he does n't stop ?,This guy who used to stare at me from afar now has started to high five me . Does this mean anything ?,341225
1,What gets rid of dark circles under my eyes ?,How do I reduce dark circles under my eyes from inside ?,35356
0,"What is it like to work with Deutsche Bank , Pune ?",What is it like to work at Deutsche Bank ?,117553
1,What are good ideas for a YouTube video ?,what are some good YouTube video ideas ?,305656
0,Why do so many people believe Hillary Clinton should be imprisoned ?,Why do so many Quorans seem to want to believe that Hillary Clinton is a criminal ?,150834
1,Why is wine a good example in moral philosophy ?,Why is Wine a good example in moral phylosophy ?,333337
0,How should I control a fart when I am with my roomate ?,How do I control a fart when I 'm about to fart ?,60759
1,Which books are recommend for the CA IPCC ?,What are some good books for CA IPCC preparation ?,90797
0,How would you know someone really loves you when you are madly in love with them ?,When did you know you were madly in love ?,138330
1,Where can I get fantastic value in Sydney for floor tiles ?,Where can I get friendly services in Sydney for bathroom wall tiles ?,108368
0,Who is the cruelest US president ?,Is President Obama one of the best or worst US presidents ?,169771
1,Is World War III coming ?,Are we getting closer to world war 3 ?,157024
0,What was the biggest lie of your life ?,What are the biggest lies ?,381163
1,Where can I found best quality solid door upright freezers in Sydney ?,Where can I found high quality glass door upright freezer I Sydney ?,383331
0,What is zero FIR ?,Will false fir finish my career ?,187299
1,What would happen if Earth lost its gravity for like 5 seconds and gained it immediately after 5 seconds ?,Lets say that gravity turned off for 5 minutes max . What would happen to earth and the people on it ?,147554
0,Is the finisher Dhoni finished ?,Is Dhoni really a match finisher ?,267927
1,Do virtual particles in vacuum really exist ?,Are vacuum fluctuations energy in vacuum ? Are these virtual particles ? How do we know there 's energy in vacuum if they did n't exist ? Do they exist ?,168475
0,Is it likely that a white girl will fall for an Asian guy ?,How can an Asian guy get a white guy ?,76485
1,Who is the most beautiful girl in India ?,Who is the most beautiful woman in India ?,239939
0,How can I study the Bible ?,What is the best way to self-study the Bible ?,110925
1,Why are people on this site so obsessed with IQ ?,Why are so many people on Quora obsessed about IQ ? It must surely top the list !,173253
0,Why does the European culture worship youth and the oriental culture worship the elderly ?,Why is grave worship and idol worship so prevalent in india ?,235900
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Vermont ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Kansas ?,14223
0,Are all humans gods ?,Are humans gods to dogs ?,40759
1,How can I lose weight at age 55 ?,How do I lose weight without quitting ?,374168
0,Can you activate Facebook messenger after you deactivate your account ?,Why do people deactivate Facebook accounts ?,51600
1,What do I have to do to relax during sex ?,How do I relax in sex ?,269147
0,What are snapchat 's goals ?,What is Snapchat ?,236484
1,Why are all my questions on Quora marked needing improvement ?,Why are ALL my questions being marked as needing improvement ?,315733
0,Who are Sindhis ?,I am pursuing BA in journalism psychology and optional English in Jain University Bangalore I want to do internship ?,169982
1,What made Tata group chairman Cyrus Mistry to quit ?,Why was cyrus mistry sacked ?,138354
0,Why is it considered unacceptable to use other people 's words to express your ideas without quoting them and attributing their source ?,Why are IITians so extreme when it comes to being expressive of their thoughts and ideas ?,247525
1,How does it feel to be under the influence of cocaine ?,What does it feel like to take cocaine ?,116281
0,Any body looking for Construction contractor in Bangalore ?,What are ways in which a business letter indent can backfire ?,309197
1,How exactly does banning Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes curb the problem of black money ?,How will issuing of new 2000 Rs notes help curb black money and corruption ?,97423
0,Would applying to college after graduating affect financial aid ?,"Are there financial resources , aid or loans , available to someone who majored in something like applied linguistics -LRB- no undergrad math or science -RRB- , but needs to take classes in math and science to prepare for a graduate program in applied math ?",303315
1,How did God create the Universe ?,How did god create this universe ?,233427
0,Who was aurangzeb ?,Who killed aurangzeb ?,136083
1,What are the most embarrassing moments in life ?,What was the most embarrassing moment of yours ?,248782
0,"Is there anything wrong with Australia ? If so , what ?","What 's special about Sydney , Australia ?",362885
1,Which other directors are there like Bella Tarr and Andrei Tarkovsky ?,Are there any movie directors like Andrei Tarkovsky ?,135336
0,What is the philosophy of thinking ?,What is the philosophy of logical thinking ?,382232
1,Why does Quora allow others to edit my questions ?,Why can everyone edit my questions on Quora to anything even for trolling ?,61338
0,Is godaddy reliable ?,What are the causes of chest tightness for days and how can this pressure be relieved ?,394871
1,How do I gain weight ?,What is the best way for underweight to gain weight ?,46070
0,Has Donald Trump changed his hair color -LRB- August 2016 -RRB- ?,Does Donald Trump have good hair ?,376723
1,What are some mind-blowing Outdoor gadgets and tools ?,What are some of the best camping gadgets and tools ?,202118
0,What kind of girl do you like ?,What kind of girls do boys like ?,258572
1,What is the best way to talk English fluently ?,What the best way to improve English ?,339064
0,What is the most aesthetically pleasing photo you 've taken on your phone ? Show pictures ?,Which technology needs improvement ?,162125
1,What is the proper diet to gain weight ?,Which food is the best to gain weight ?,274234
0,Does free always mean free ?,What does free will mean ?,67337
1,What do I do if I love someone so much ?,What should I do if I love someone so much ?,64208
0,How do I do on first night ?,How was your first night sex ?,126508
1,How can atrial fibrillation cause a stroke ?,How is atrial fibrillation connected to strokes ?,331623
0,Was Abramovich 's decision to sack Mourinho correct ?,Why has n't Jose Mourinho been sacked by Chelsea ?,118415
1,What can I do if I forgot my AOL email password ?,What can I do if I forgot my AOL username and password ?,79445
0,What are the pros and cons of buying an iPhone 6 from the US ?,Are there any cons of buying iPhone 6 from india and then using it in the US ?,210924
1,Which is the best book for Java ?,What is the best book for learning Java for beginner ?,394231
0,How do scientists measure the total amount of water on the entire planet earth ?,Is the total amount of water on Earth always constant ?,335484
1,What do you mean by continental drift ?,What is continental drift ?,165207
0,Are ductile metals also malleable ?,Why are metals malleable and ductile ?,40350
1,Which is the best coaching centre in Hyderabad for IAS coaching ?,What are the best coaching centers in hyderabad for IAS ?,262726
0,"I have a home loan with LIC HFL , and want to transfer the loan to another bank . Do you know how much does LIC HFL charge me for this ?",Bank offered me a reduced interest rate on a home loan for nominal charges . Should I go for it ?,125110
1,How did you feel when you had sex for the first time ?,How does it feel when a person has sex for the very first time ?,10828
0,Is the phrase ` to that affect ' or ` effect ' ? Why ?,Is this phrase a metaphor ?,351102
1,How long does it take for a patent to be approved after submission ?,How long does it take to approve a patent ?,280334
0,What genre is Kill La Kill ?,Why did Kill La Kill end ?,403240
1,Why ca n't I kill myself ?,Why ca n't I have myself killed ?,17991
0,Why would you be better than Trump ?,Why Clinton is better than Trump ?,39332
1,What is wrong with India 's education system ?,What is wrong with the Indian education system ?,224202
0,How can you not forget to remember ?,How can I forget the bad and remember the good ?,171995
1,How is the formula for acid rain determined ?,How is the equation for acid rain determined ?,235345
0,What is the stopping distance of a car travelling at 60mph if it decelerates at a constant 22ft/sec per second ?,Does -LSB- math -RSB- \ sec ^ 2 - \ dfrac -LCB- \ pi -RCB- -LCB- 4 -RCB- = 2 ? -LSB- / math -RSB-,22595
1,What is the difference between social anxiety and introversion ?,What is the difference between introversion and social anxiety ?,186915
0,`` Is it possible that there 's '' `` no night '' '' on planets orbiting in a binary star system ? What are the chances for such planets to be habitable ? '',Can two planets share the same orbit ?,72379
1,How will a Trump presidency affect the students presently in US or planning to study in US ?,Will the Trump factor affect the admission of international students in the USA ?,52991
0,Which is the best book for calculus objective type questions ?,Which book should be preferred in R.C.C for objective question ?,166505
1,Where can find best hotels of Rajasthan ?,Where can I find best hotels of Rajasthan ?,73000
0,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Helix Energy Solutions ?,Husband having argument of wife going to school ?,219055
1,Is a brain transplant theoretically possible ?,Can a brain transplant be done ?,21907
0,Is the Aptana Studio no longer maintained by Aptana ?,How does Aptana make money ?,288502
1,What does Trump 's win mean for India ?,How will Trump 's victory affect India ?,47042
0,What are the top English songs of last month ?,What are the best English songs of 2015 ?,49466
1,Is sex necessary in a relationship ?,Why is sex important in a good relationship ?,237958
0,Can I grow taller at 16 ?,Will I grow any taller at 15 ?,319663
1,How do I get my wife to give me oral sex ?,How can I get my wife to give more oral sex ?,249564
0,"I wish to replace on MSI WT72 6QN mobile workstation , E3-1505M with E3 -- 1575M . The graphics card is Quadro 5500M . Can I do that ?",Is there any good source to learn Gripes -LRB- Groovy and stripes -RRB- framework ?,66642
1,What is a contactor ?,What is contactor ?,89383
0,Why does n't the Nest thermostat have an option to display time/date when you pass by it ?,Why do I need a thermostat ?,256674
1,Is America really the land of the free ?,Can America still call itself land of the free -LRB- see notes -RRB- ?,93037
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Concert Pharmaceuticals ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Catalyst Pharmaceuticals ?,138755
1,Which is the best treatment for keratoconus ?,What are the best treatments for keratoconus ?,311948
0,Why is barrier potential needed ?,What is potential barrier ?,314623
1,What is the reason behind the Samsung Galaxy note 7 catching fire ?,Why are Samsung phones catching fire ?,343265
0,Could outer space itself have a space ?,`` How is a '' `` Void '' '' in space different from space itself ? How is it identified ? '',135729
1,How can I delete Facebook Messenger account created with phone number -LRB- without Facebook account -RRB- ?,How do I delete FB messenger account that was set up without fb and only number . ?,292123
0,What states are below sea level ?,Which cities are below sea level ?,215952
1,What is that we as Indians are collectively doing right ?,What do Indians do right ?,244748
0,What are the requirements for starting up a Camping Agency/Company ?,What are some places to camp near a water body in India ?,363941
1,How do I report a bug/loophole on Quora ? What will I get for that ?,How can I report a bug on Quora ?,115352
0,`` Have you ever heard the expression '' `` calculating '' '' person ? Is it bad ? '',Have you ever heard of Crywolf ?,373163
1,How can I quit porn and masturbation forever ?,How can quit masturbation and watching porn ?,305954
0,Why do I find it difficult to look into someone 's left eye ?,How do I find finance internships in Hyderabad ? Why is it so difficult ? Where should I look for them ?,40903
1,Why did Instagram move from Redis to Cassandra ?,Why did Instagram abandon Redis for Cassandra ?,149621
0,What is it like to be a pharmacist ? Do most pharmacists seem happy with their profession ?,What is the life of a pharmacist like in the USA ?,54219
1,Was Albert Einstein an atheist ?,Is Einstein an atheist ?,365843
0,Does Ukraine still have a dictator ?,"Does Vladimir Putin have a strong incentive to invade Ukraine , in light of the recent revolution ?",106802
1,"Is now -LRB- October 18 , 2010 -RRB- a good time to buy Apple stock ?","Is March 6th , 2015 , a good time to buy Apple stock ?",238794
0,Is it possible to apply to an F-1 student visa in the US while holding an approved but not used H1-B petition ?,Can one produce music while a student with an F-1 -LRB- student -RRB- visa ?,240449
1,How exactly does illegal immigration harm the country ?,What problems does illegal immigration pose to a country ?,54558
0,What 's the best way to write a business plan ?,What are some books that teach you how to write business/marketing plans or in a business way ?,311185
1,How do I learn how to invest in stock market and mutual funds ?,What is the best way to learn about investing in the stock market and what stocks to buy ?,135394
0,Who is the best magician in India ?,"As of 2014 , who is regarded as the best magician in the world ?",338396
1,Is it easy to learn java ?,How easy is it for someone to learn Java programming with no prior knowledge of programming ?,141948
0,Does the Catholic Church accept gays yet ?,Why is the Vatican anti-gay ?,140524
1,"When did the Columbia shuttle crew knew something was wrong , and how long until they were dead ?",Did the Columbia crew in the shuttle know that they were going to die during the last fifteen minutes ?,330980
0,How did the US arrive at 110 volts and much of Europe 220 volts ?,How much maximum volts is needed to be used on a wall socket ?,105292
1,How can I have a big penis ?,What is the best way to enlarge my penis ?,208061
0,What courses/traineeships in Australia can I register to at this time of a year ?,What courses/traineeships in Germany can I register to at this time of a year ?,122761
1,Why do folks ask questions on Quora that a Google search could answer faster and more accurately ?,Why do so many people ask questions on Quora that can be found in a Google search ?,140923
0,What should I do if I want someone to love me ?,Why do I want someone to love me ?,193358
1,What should you do if you want to lose a lot of weight ?,What is a good diet to lose weight ?,265224
0,How can I lose weight without eating less ?,Can I lose weight without eating rice ?,104860
1,What are some good things about Hitler which people never knew ?,What are the good things about Hitler ?,379604
0,"After switching a job -LRB- 2-3 years -RRB- , how much is the percentage salary hike average among the Indian manufacturing companies ?",How do B2B businesses market their product ?,268210
1,How do apps make money ?,How does an app make money ?,373543
0,What are some good sites to sell pirated games ?,What are the best sites to pirate games ?,236495
1,How do I start preparing for ibps po ?,How do prepare the prelims exam of IBPS PO ?,319364
0,Which should I prepare either my Job oriented skill or Government job ?,Which business idea I can get from metro city like -LRB- Pune -RRB- & start in small city -LRB- Gwalior -RRB- ?,356700
1,What 's your favorite Bollywood song and why ?,Which is your favorite Bollywood song and singer and why ?,298977
0,What is redundant ?,What is redundable ?,72681
1,How do I lose weight ayurvedically ?,How do I lose 30 pounds ?,331377
0,What are your views on Mamta Banerjee 's comment on the recent demonizing of older currency and indelible ink ?,What are your views on recent RTI on Modi 's office ?,140874
1,How do I overcome hating myself ?,How can I overcome self-hate and the fear of others hating me ?,135380
0,What are some good online shopping websites for clothes -LRB- female -RRB- in Germany ?,What are some good online shopping websites for clothes -LRB- male -RRB- in Germany ?,223358
1,How long does it take for meth to not show in a UA if smoked ?,How long meth stay in system ?,26090
0,What is best way to make money online ?,What is best way to ask for money online ?,28
1,What business can I start with $ 100 ?,What lucrative business can I start with $ 100 ?,77176
0,Can you write off the cost of a SaaS product as a charitable donation if you provide it at a discount or free to a registered non-profit ?,Why are some SaaS products free ?,390900
1,How we start preparation for IAS ?,How should I start the preparations for IAS ?,159068
0,What 's the difference between lately and recently ?,What is the difference between has and had ?,129009
1,Why has not NASA or other countries sent human to the moon again ?,Why have n't any other countries been to the Moon since the U.S. last did with Apollo 17 ?,279009
0,Why ca n't I sleep at night ?,Why ca n't I sleep ?,57241
1,What is it like to attend Williams College ?,What is it like to be an undergraduate at Williams College ?,35654
0,"What is the physical meaning of divergence , curl and gradient of a vector field ?",Why curl -LRB- rot -RRB- is a cross product between gradient and vector field ? Is there any intuition for this ?,131770
1,Who was the first Prime Minister of India who died in his prime ministerial period ?,Who was India 's first prime minister ?,219255
0,Why is there a blue flame in burning LPG gas and a yellow flame on burning wood ?,Why can I see through the blue part of a lighter flame ?,42431
1,How can I make my hair grow faster ?,How can I make my hair grow faster in a month ?,334601
0,How do I know if the so-called friends I have are really my friends or not ?,How can I know if a friend really wrote a post on Facebook ?,182548
1,"Which is better , mechanical engineering or computer science ?",Which one is better : mechanical engineering or computer science ?,158925
0,Can I teach though a curriculum on YouTube for profit ? How do I get permission ?,Electrical voltage is directly proportional to the intensity of the current increase if Do potentiometers meaning increase electric current speed or ?,187765
1,How can I get the clusters a file is occupying with C++ ?,Hi people . I need to know how can I get the clusters a file is occupying with c++ ? I asked Google but it was helpless . Thank you very much !,66681
0,What if Hillary Clinton would have defeated Donald Trump ?,Is Hillary Clinton likable enough to defeat Donald Trump ?,304563
1,What should I do to be good programmer ?,How can I become a very great programmer ?,278053
0,What are some tips to potty train a puppy ?,How do I potty train a puppy ?,173009
1,How can I improve my fluency in English to face a more confortable job interview ?,How can I improve fluency in English ?,196546
0,How can I make my dog happy ?,How do I make my dog happy ?,73279
1,How can I realistically make money online ?,What 's the easiest way to make money online ?,246888
0,How do you prove Euler 's identity ?,How do I understand Euler 's Identity ?,47154
1,"If I touch my face , not my eye , with hands dirty , can I get Conjunctivitis -LRB- Adenovirus -RRB- later ?","If I touch my face , not my eye , with hands dirty , can I get Conjunctivitis -LRB- Adenovirus -RRB- later , if I touch the same place of my face again then my eye ?",240569
0,How would you know your husband still love his ex ?,Adult student in Omaha ?,326784
1,What will be the impact on real estate by banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes from India ?,What will be impact of 500 / 1000 notes ban on real estate ?,214470
0,`` What are the tools currently used for '' `` performance monitoring '' '' in OpenStack ? '',What tools should I use to monitor OpenStack performance and availability ?,392740
1,What happens in our brain while we are sleeping ?,What happens to our brains when we are sleeping ?,240093
0,Where is likely to centre given by CBSE for improvement exams ?,What is the proper abbreviation for an assistant professor ?,200181
1,How do I make my child like studying ?,How can I make my child like studying ?,46223
0,Jimi Hendrix : Was Jimi Hendrix 's death perfectly timed ?,Was Jimi Hendrix intelligent ?,55447
1,What are are some ways to lose 25 pounds in 1 month ?,What are some safe ways to lose 15-20 pounds in a month ?,127028
0,I am a kinesthetic learner . I want to learn Python -LRB- programming language -RRB- . Are there any MOOC courses that have hands-on modules ?,"If I had to choose between learning Java and Python , what should I choose to learn first ?",90173
1,How is the Ford Figo Aspire 1.2 petrol according to owners only after fewmonths of usage ?,How 's the Ford Figo Aspire 1.2 L petrol car ? Is it really lacking in performance ? Would it be wrong to compare it with the diesel version ?,22396
0,How should you respond when someone says you look good ?,"How do I respond to her , saying my day was good , I have been very busy at work ?",383006
1,How do you know if a passport is fake ?,How do I tell if a passport is fake ?,130831
0,What do John Wick 's tattoos mean ?,Where can I find the John Wick praying hands tattoo on Google ?,51273
1,How can I improve my public speaking skills ?,How do I improve on my public speaking skills ?,157106
0,How can I improve my grammar ?,How can I improve my English grammar ?,26361
1,How can I improve my English vocabulary and writing skills ?,What are suggestions or ideas to improve my English writing skills ?,41641
0,What are the typical weather patterns in Florida during the month of April and how does it compare to Alabama ?,What are the typical weather patterns in Florida during the month of April and how does it compare to California ?,165064
1,How can I ask smart questions ?,How do I ask a question intelligently ?,196451
0,Why are cheetahs fast ?,What happens to a cheetah when it trips at full speed ?,334491
1,How do I prepare for KVPY SX with 3 months left for exam ?,How do I prepare for KVPY 2016 ?,313202
0,If you demolish a house will your property taxes go down ?,Is giving a tax exemption for property taxes to houses of worship a violation of the establishment clause ?,353161
1,What are the chances of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan ?,How will the indian economy be affected if there is a war between India and Pakistan ?,53700
0,Do people still use the name Gaylord to name their kid ?,In Hindu religion people name their kids with names of God . But I have n't seen anyone name their kid Jesus . Is there a particular reason behind it ?,131841
1,"I have mole on my penis , does it mean anything ?",What does a mole mean if it is on penis ?,361791
0,Which is best veg food Restaurant in Karkardooma ?,"Know someone in early thirties , are they loosing their humor to stress ?",365638
1,What is the best programming language to know ?,What is a good first programming language to learn ?,22730
0,Do you have to speak french to be the Prime Minister in Canada ?,What would you do if you were the prime minister of Canada ?,326566
1,What is the best way to learn about stock markets ?,What is the best way to learn about stock market ?,4102
0,What is tcs tax ?,What is tcs ?,78594
1,How do you pee while wearing a one piece bikini ?,How do girls pee while wearing a one piece bikini ?,331734
0,How can I learn seo ?,How do I learn SEO basic ?,228170
1,Will Hillary Clinton lead America to a war with Russia ?,Is Hillary Clinton crazy enough to start a nuclear war with Russia ?,180480
0,Which class is used to retrieve data from multiple lists in SharePoint ?,Who is the best teacher for compiler design on NPTEL ?,307681
1,How do I improve diet to gain weight ? What are other options to gain weight ?,What daily diet should I follow to gain weight ?,314540
0,How much electricity does my laptop consume every hour ?,How much electricity does a computer consume in one hour ?,69556
1,Can long distance relationships work out ?,Is long distance relationship works ?,243265
0,How is gmat preparation from EDUSHASHTRA ONLY ... ?,"Which is the best coaching for GMAT ? Is it Byju 's , Jamboree , Manya Princeton , Pythagurus , CrackVerbal , Meritnation or EduShastra ?",82414
1,What are some of the best mobile gadgets ?,What are some of the best phones tools and gadgets ?,315840
0,How was Rahul Agarwal -LRB- Gold medalist at IIM A batch 2013-2015 -RRB- during his two year at IIMA ?,What was the average package for an IIM L PGPM 2013-15 batch . ? What is the max package granted ?,319573
1,What is the difference between faith and belief ?,What is difference between faith and belief ?,3645
0,What do we use fossil fuels for ?,"Why do we continue to use fossil fuel , when it is so dirty ?",221633
1,Why is anal sex so enjoyable ?,Why is anal sex pleasurable ? Do n't the feces get on the penis ?,102942
0,Is it possible to buy a car and rent it to Uber or Ola ?,Which car should I buy for Ola or Uber ?,331601
1,Which is more logical to follow - your mind or your heart ?,Which is more logical to follow -- your heart or your head ?,194751
0,My cousin told me I should vote green -LRB- so they get more funds -RRB- because I live in a red state and my vote for Hillary wo n't do much . Is this true ?,Will voting Democratic make a difference in a red state ? Is it better to vote for Jill Stein so her party has more funding or should I vote blue ?,94985
1,What are the best ways to speak English fluently ?,How do I speak English properly and confidently ?,357471
0,How can I keep away a possum ?,What are some tips for keeping a possum as a pet ?,244681
1,How can I become fluent in English faster ?,How can I speak fluent english with confidence ?,358987
0,Which programming language communities talk most about domain-driven design ?,What programming languages are used at Facebook ?,62742
1,How does the introduction of new 500 and 2000 denomination currency and stopping old 500 & 1000 denomination currency help / affect India 's economy ?,Modi 's announcement on banning 500 and 1000 currency notes . How would it affect economy ?,105591
0,What makes a good meme ?,How do I make good memes ?,262467
1,What 's the best way to dye your hair blonde and black underneath ?,How can I dye my hair blonde on top with black underneath ?,229361
0,How many Apple employees work on Siri ?,Why is Apple calling Siri a beta ?,403431
1,Who is the best prime minister India has ever had ?,Who is the best prime minister India has ever got ?,47985
0,What is it like to be a sociology professor ?,What is sociology ?,343867
1,Who killed Lal Bahadur Shatri ?,What is the truth behind the death of Lal bahadur Shastri ?,45366
0,What stops a water tank from freezing in a camper in the winter time ?,I want to travel the US and Canada in a truck camper . What should I know before I even begin ?,322897
1,How should I start the preparation of IAS exam from my graduation level ?,How should I start my preparation for IAS as an engineering student ?,13415
0,Why do men always think about sex ?,Do men really think about sex most of the time ? Why ?,274595
1,How do I get rid of a computer virus ?,How do i delete an computer virus ?,32760
0,How is blade commerce controlled in Vermont compared to Colorado under the knife legislation ?,How is blade commerce controlled in Vermont compared to Maine under the knife legislation ?,295976
1,What are the movies worth watching after getting high ?,Which are the Best movies to watch after getting high ?,258186
0,Does Moto G4 support Reliance Jio 4G ?,Does Moto G4 Plus support Reliance Jio 4G ?,157213
1,What is the best book to know more about lord Shiva ?,What are the good books which will help to know about Lord Shiva ?,34590
0,What are some unknown facts about Russia ?,What are some cool facts about Russia ?,132801
1,Will the current helicopter parenting trend end soon ?,Is helicopter parenting going away anytime soon ?,119976
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Ligand Pharmaceuticals ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Spectrum Pharmaceuticals ?,278452
1,Is there a way to reliably transfer my WhatsApp messages and media from Android to iPhone ?,How do I transfer WhatsApp chat messages from my Android phone to an iPhone ?,352638
0,"What is Filthy Frank , a.k.a. George Miller , getting a degree in ?",Is Filthy Frank a comedic genius ?,220878
1,What is the best experience you have had on Quora ?,What was the best experience you 've ever had in Quora ?,232313
0,Does ice weigh more than water ?,What would the universe be like if ice was denser than water ?,282659
1,Is there a way to remove myself from certain categories on Quora ?,Is there a way to block certain topics on Quora ?,59379
0,Is there an equivalent to Alibaba for manufacturers and wholesalers located in the United States ?,Is there an equivalent to Alibaba for manufacturers and wholesalers located in Latin America ?,155062
1,How can I wake up early in the morning ?,What should I do to wake up early in the morning ?,374521
0,"How long do McKinsey , BCG , Bain , Strategy & , etc. companies take to hire a candidate after the candidate has filled an application ?","Do consultancy firms like McKinsey & Co , BCG , Bain and Strategy & in India hire PhD graduates from India ?",212227
1,How and when is the world going to end ?,"Is the world really going to end ? If so , then how will it end ?",290959
0,"As a fresher , how can I include the academic project details in my resume ?","How can I make my resume get shortlisted , even if I am a fresher and have only done academic projects ?",110178
1,Where should I get my first tattoo ?,What should I expect from getting my first tattoo ?,313613
0,Why amazon keep saying my address Hong Kong address is wrong ?,Does PPI license necessary at development stage of semi closed wallet ?,334393
1,How do you improve your drawing ?,How can I improve my drawing skills ?,277617
0,What kind of virus does my PC have and how can I remove it ?,What shoul I choose bvp second shift It or Cse in Amity university ?,235911
1,"Where can I find the largest range of wedding dresses , formal dresses and evening wear on the Gold Coast ?",Where can I get a wide variety of wedding dresses in Gold Coast ?,102906
0,"If you went to prison , would you try to escape ?",How would you try to escape a prison ?,366285
1,How do you become a Successfull Game Developer ?,What should I do to be a Game Developer ?,60565
0,Which type of face shape do I have ?,What type of face shape do I have ?,341394
1,Can time travel ever be possible ?,Could time travel be possible ?,126190
0,Why are Apple products more expensive in Europe than the US ?,Why is every tech item more expensive in Europe than in the US ?,360451
1,What is the coldest country in the world ?,Which is the coldest country in the world ?,95672
0,Which book is best for signal and system for gate ?,Which one is best book for signals and systems to understand better ?,364230
1,What are the best was to lose weight ?,How do I lose 15 kilos ?,337469
0,What is a good substitution for dry sherry ?,What are good substitutes for sherry ?,210174
1,How much is known about the release date of the new Apple MacBook Pro ?,When will Apple release the next generation of MacBook Pros ?,318236
0,What is meant by ARP ? Why is it difficult to obtain tickets in rail booking ?,Indian Railways : I booked a ticket for two on IRCTC and I wish to cancel one of them now . Is it possible ?,395588
1,Why do girls moan during sex ?,Do most people make noise during sex ?,4950
0,Are comic books literature ?,What are some great non-superhero comic books ?,67371
1,Is there space between universes ?,What is in the space between universes ?,147203
0,How do I get up in the mornings ?,How do I get up in the morning ?,149265
1,What is the the importance of history ?,Is it really important to learn history ?,371029
0,How many calories should you burn a day ?,How many calories should I burn per day to be very healthy ?,300621
1,What are some animals native to New Zealand ?,What are some wild animals native to New Zealand ?,190490
0,What are the best coworking spaces in Delhi ?,What is the best coworking space in London ?,286286
1,How do I forget the person I love the most ?,Is there a way to forget the one you loved the most ?,85046
0,What are some valid legal reasons for impeaching the US president ?,"Has any US president ever been impeached ? If so , why was he impeached ?",158316
1,What movie website can I watch movies on without credit card information ?,How can I watch movies online without a credit card ?,400313
0,What type of filter do they use on CSI : Miami to make the colors of everything so bright and vibrant ?,"What is the theme song for CSI : Miami , who wrote it , and what are the lyrics ?",402490
1,How can I write a essay ?,What are the best ways to write an impressive essay ?,342165
0,What does a person who is well grounded mean ?,What does it mean to be a highly guarded person ?,22111
1,Who would win in a war between Russia and the US ?,If America went to war with Russia who would win and why ?,242200
0,Will a party girl cheat on me ?,How does one cheat girls ?,155906
1,What are the principles of system analysis ?,What is Systems Analysis ? What are the principles of Systems Analysis ?,14657
0,"Sould I apply for PhD in Social Sciences to top 50 universities with 149Q 153V 5AWA on GRE ? +2 yrs teaching , research exp from top insti , no publication","My academics have been pretty mediocre , 60th percentile all through . Currently I am working in a software company . Work exp . around 2 yrs . Since getting into IIMs in India is pretty tough , I want to do an MBA from top universities in other countries . Any ideas on where I might have a chance ?",273399
1,Who invented the internet and when was it invented ?,When was the Internet invented ?,369760
0,"What is the best phone under 15,000 in India right now -LRB- 2016 -RRB- ?","What is the best phone under 20,000 in India right now -LRB- 2016 -RRB- ?",166221
1,What is the difference between `` error '' and `` exception '' in Java ?,What is the difference between Errors and Exceptions in Java ?,349701
0,How much does a photographer for National Geographic get paid ?,How can be a national geography photographer ?,357196
1,What kind of profile do I need to get in good universities of Germany for MS in Mechanical Engineering ?,What kind of a profile should I need to land a decent university in Germany ?,163467
0,What are some iconic quotes about Rahul Dravid ?,What is the best about Rahul Dravid ?,68140
1,Is it healthy or effective to lose weight by starving yourself ?,Would starving yourself make you lose weight faster ?,364311
0,What was it like to be Steve Jobs ' executive assistant ?,What 's an appropriate holiday gift for my executive assistant ?,36974
1,How should I increase my height ?,Can skipping increase my height ?,360192
0,Does Tokyo have high radiation levels that can lead to cancer and health issues for newborns ?,I truly desire to know what interesting jobs there are in the world -LRB- I 'm aware this is relative -RRB- . Which careers involve high levels of social and/or physical activity ? -LRB- I.e. Not in an office -RRB- .,322511
1,Which has been the biggest political scam in India till date ?,What is the biggest scam in india now ?,328364
0,How can I donate to Wikipedia ?,Why should I donate to Wikipedia ?,214418
1,What are some of the mobile apps that you ca n't live without ?,What are some of the mobile apps you ca n't live without and why ?,168597
0,"Is it true that the government forbids us from collecting rain water for consumption ? If so , why ?",What does rain water harvesting mean ?,352343
1,Why do men like anal sex ?,Why are some men obsessed with anal sex ?,323627
0,If a girl shutdowns when a boy come around what that mean ?,How do you transfer music from iTunes to a computer ?,352362
1,How much time will spotify take to land in India ?,Daniel Ek : When is Spotify coming to India ?,32494
0,What are some of the stereotypes of white people in America that nonwhite people have ?,Why has America adopted the term People of Color -LRB- POC -RRB- ?,391479
1,Why did government released 2000 rupee notes and did not introduce new 1000 rupee notes ?,Why was the 1000 rupee note replaced with a 2000 rupee note ?,77222
0,How do I get to know someone online ?,Is it cheating if you sleep with an ex whilst getting to know someone new ?,303751
1,What is the point of doing everything we do in life ?,Whats the point of life ?,258271
0,What is some good pop music from Singapore ?,`` Why does the Grim Reaper have a Jamaican accent in the cartoon '' `` The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy '' '' ? '',128628
1,How is the slope of an indifference curve determined ?,How can the slope of an indifference curve be determined ?,244097
0,How many kilograms are there in 1 Newton ?,What is the unit of pressure ?,36732
1,Daniel Ek : When is Spotify coming to india ?,Spotify : When will Spotify be available in India ? What are the reasons for this unavailability ?,389348
0,Bass Guitar : Who are the greatest bassists ever and why ?,Bass Guitar : What are the greatest basslines ever ?,78663
1,What are the biggest causes of foodborne illnesses ? How can they be avoided ?,What are the biggest causes of foodborne illnesses ? How can they be avoided,183686
0,How does potassium sulfate and barium nitrate react together ?,How do sodium chloride and potassium nitrate react together ?,51645
1,"What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Andreanof Islands earthquake in 1957 ?","What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Peru earthquake in 1687 ?",29358
0,How often do I have to replace the battery in a Kindle Fire ?,How do I update Minecraft PE on a Kindle Fire ?,105147
1,How many marks should I need to get for CSS assistant of SSC CGL ?,"What is the cut off marks for ASO , CSS in SSC CGL ?",76572
0,How reliable is ?,How reliable is ?,371270
1,Why do people sweat so much while working out ?,Why do I sweat so much while working out ?,101628
0,What can I do if a YouTuber is harassing me in his videos ?,Can someone get money by refreshing his Youtube video ?,371780
1,How are 2D arrays allocated dynamically ?,How do I declare Three 2D arrays dynamically in C ?,380585
0,Is Hotspot Shield safe to use ?,Is 143movies . com safe to use ?,237700
1,How can improve my English speaking ?,What is the best way to improve my spoken English soon ?,7907
0,"If kids are born in UK from non British parents , how do they get citizenship ?",I was born in UK but moved to USA immediately . I was an automatic USA citizen due to my parents . Do I have dual citizenship with U.K. And USA ?,152728
1,Why did RBI issue new 2000 rupees note instead of new 1000 rupees note ?,Why did RBI choose to come out with a 2000 note instead of a newer 1000 note ?,15856
0,Why is root a convenient structure for food storage ?,What is the best way to store food for long term storage ?,204219
1,How do you determine whether an email was opened by a recipient ?,How can one track whether sent email was read ?,280416
0,If any gone-by time was better and time 's traveling is possible then what are me doing living in the actual time ?,How is a Fushigi ball made ?,278694
1,What is the main reason behind terrorism ?,What are the real reasons behind terrorism ?,75095
0,Is it bad to sleep with music in your ears ?,What are the pros & cons of wireless headphones -LRB- Beats & Bose -RRB- ? Is it better to go with wired headphones ?,225432
1,What 's the best why to start up a cafe ?,How do I start a cafe ?,108749
0,How is benzene reduced to cyclohexane ?,How do you convert Ethane to Benzene ?,337195
1,How does WhatsApp makes money ?,What is whatsapp business model ?,176041
0,How popular was MGR ?,Was Rajinikanth beaten by MGR ? If this incident had happened can you elaborate ?,292048
1,How do you calculate the supplement of an angle ?,What are some ways to calculate the supplement of an angle ?,37248
0,What are some lesser known facts about you ?,What are some lesser known facts about Micromax ?,388698
1,How does WhatsApp makes money ?,How did whatsapp get paid ?,228132
0,Is an expensive master 's degree in advertising worth it ?,Is a master 's degree in advertising worth it ?,373979
1,What are good ways to fight against laziness ?,How do I fight laziness ?,311015
0,Which is the best university to study journalism and mass communications in India ?,What are the best colleges to do a distant PG in Mass Communication in India ?,123405
1,Which are the 10 best Hollywood movies ?,What are some of the best Hollywood movies to watch ?,211443
0,Which continent has the most countries ?,What if India was a continent and all the states were different countries ?,78444
1,How do I start learning machine learning ?,How can I learn machine learning well ?,70194
0,"How can I choose carrier in Bollywood , In writing Movie story ?",I 'm interested in writing stories . What career options do I have ? And how can I make it to the movies ? What skills should I develop ?,258403
1,Is there any question never asked on Quora yet ?,How can I find a question that has n't been asked on Quora before ?,252733
0,Which is the best power bank for a Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos ?,Why does the Samsung Galaxy Grand become slow over time ?,219633
1,When was the first bra invented and why ?,When and why was bra invented ?,247491
0,How much do taxi drivers in Chennai earn per month ?,How much does an OLA cab driver earns in a month ?,154018
1,What makes someone an artist ?,What makes an artist ?,58879
0,Why is Mumbai better than Delhi ?,"Which one is better , Mumbai or Delhi ?",224577
1,How can I edit a question which has already been asked on Quora ?,How do I edit a question after it 's already posted ?,94705
0,`` Why do we '' `` think '' '' the way we think ? '',Why and how do we think ?,243765
1,What is the difference between a dream and a hallucination ?,What is the difference between dream and hallucination ?,96604
0,What are the most interesting products and innovations that Treehouse Foods is coming out with in 2016 ?,What are the most interesting products and innovations that B&G Foods is coming out with in 2016 ?,362638
1,How do I forget someone I was deeply in love ?,How can I forget the one that I love ?,395141
0,How can you proclaim the Kingdom of God in Earth ?,What is the Kingdom of God ?,153879
1,Where can one meet British people in Toronto Canada ?,How can I meet British people in Canada ?,369120
0,What is the purple emoji ?,What does the purple emoji heart mean ?,250681
1,When do gay people realize they are gay ?,When did you first realize that you were gay ?,70607
0,What is a reasonable professional development budget for a 30 person series a startup ?,"My startup is currently in the pre-launch , product development stage . We are making projections for our marketing campaign . Our budget is $ 1,500 to start off for organic tactics . How do I get the CAC ?",132753
1,What are the best books to learn Java ?,What are the best books for Java complete beginners ?,28563
0,I am a 12th class PCB student and want to complete my studies abroad ?,I am student of class 12th in India . I want to study but I waste my whole day . I feel like I am forgetting everything . I feel unmotivated all the day ?,301672
1,How do I learn the art of writing ?,Where & how do I learn the art of writing ?,250349
0,What is the best private bank in the USA ?,What does it require to start a pest control business in India ?,212442
1,What is the saddest story of life ?,What is your saddest story of life ?,363032
0,'' '' `` How to invest wisely in the stock market ? '' '' '',How do you get started investing in stocks ?,232855
1,Which answer got the most upvotes on Quora ?,What is a top voted answer on Quora ?,84386
0,What are some cool psychological hacks ?,What are some psychological hacks that you can do daily ?,375064
1,How do I start a business in a developing country ?,How can I start a small business in a developing country ?,220343
0,`` What does the song '' `` Hey Soul Sister '' '' from Train mean ? '',What is the meaning of Naked Soul ? What does it mean to be a Naked Soul ?,324186
1,What is it like owning a rolls Royce ?,What is it like to own a Rolls Royce ?,369837
0,How can I learn English with someone ?,How can I become fluent in English ?,121481
1,Do spirts or ghosts exist ?,Do ghosts really exist ?,194829
0,"Is division of states on the basis of religion , caste , ethnicity not good ?",Is the reservation system in Indian education system justified ?,402226
1,What does the Quran say about triple talaq ?,What does the Quran says about Talaq in Islam ?,31537
0,"If Microsoft did n't bundle Internet Explorer into Windows in the 90s , would the internet ` blowing up ' phenomenon be delayed somewhat ?",Is Microsoft changing the name of Internet Explorer ?,212286
1,Is it possible to lose weight without doing exercise ?,Can I lose weight without exercise ?,145175
0,Is the Nissan Skyline GTR illegal in the U.S. ?,In what U.S. states are HID lights illegal and why ?,179077
1,What is the salary of an Indian president ?,What is the Indian President 's salary ?,12948
0,"If you interview at a medical school and it takes them more than 2 weeks to get back to you , is it true that you have n't been accepted ?","How can I get to medical school in America with a BS in biology , very low GPA , 2.5 , and more than 500 hrs of clinical experience ?",347159
1,What is the difference between a present system and the new GST tax system approved by the Indian Government ?,What is the difference between GST passed today and the previous taxation system in India ?,258550
0,Why is the media against the Modi government ?,How should India respond to Uri attacks ?,110710
1,What are the east way to hack whatsapp ?,Can someone hack my smart phone using WhatsApp ?,2287
0,What is Coupondunia revenue ?,How does CouponDunia actually work ?,256344
1,Can I insert my signature at the end of my Quora answers ?,Can I put a signature at the bottom of my Quora Posts ?,58790
0,Is morning sickness a sign of good pregnancy ?,Is a morning gym workout better than an evening gym workout ?,86288
1,Do we have any plain Minecraft war servers ?,What are some of the Minecraft war servers ?,399703
0,Is altruism instinctive or is it a learned behaviour ?,What is the empathy-altruism hypothesis ?,167909
1,Does Jimmy Wales support WikiLeaks ?,What does Jimmy Wales think about Julian Assange and WikiLeaks ?,276720
0,How can I recover my WeChat ID ?,How do I change my WeChat ID ?,118243
1,How should I start to prepare aptitude for CAT ?,How do I prepare for CAT ?,342515
0,Are Lucifer and Satan the same ? Is there a difference between them ?,"What is the difference between the Devil , Lucifer and Satan ?",370125
1,Why does Quora limit my question details to 300 characters ?,Why is there a sign limit on Quora for questions ?,2659
0,Where I can find genuine reviews on Binary Options Scams ?,Can I trust Binary option scam reviews ?,46894
1,How do atheist know God does n't exist instead of just believing that God does n't exist ?,How do atheist know god does n't exist ?,241719
0,What is the carry forward rule in pramotion ?,How can I keep going forward ?,223702
1,If a car could travel the speed of light what would happen when you turn the headlights on ?,"Imagine a vehicle travelling with the speed of light , what would you observe if it 's headlights are turned on ?",291034
0,"If the Jews voluntarily went to the labor camps with almost no resistance whatsoever , does this make Jews collaborators ?","Did any Jews collaborate with the WW2 Germans ? If so , were they allowed to lead their lives unscathed , or even better , rewarded ?",401763
1,What are some examples of common sense or presence of mind ?,What is the example of Presence of Mind ?,376541
0,What research is going into the nature and origins of fetishes ?,How common is a foot fetish ?,123307
1,Is there any problem with taking a bath just after you have eaten ?,Can you take a bath after eating ?,163151
0,If a plastic bucket containing water is held above the ground level in hand . Why the forces acting on bucket do not bring a change in it 's state ?,How can I Crack IIT JEE in 15 days ?,264695
1,What are the best programming languages to learn today ?,What programming languages should be learned to become best programmer ?,205998
0,My monitor does n't display anything . What should I do ?,Can you use any TV/monitor for extended display from a laptop ?,70972
1,Which laptop/notebook can I buy under 25k ?,Which Laptop to buy under or upto Rs .25000 ?,298582
0,What is a clause in a constitution ?,What is a clause ?,296815
1,What are some of the best horror movies ?,What some best horror movies ?,25604
0,What is the best -LRB- and fastest -RRB- way to learn how to code -LRB- web development -RRB- ?,What are the best and easiest ways to learn web development and JavaScript quickly ?,203666
1,Which server-side scripting language should we use in web development today ?,Which server-side scripting language combination should we use in web development today ?,218483
0,"My boyfriend does n't text me first . I always have to text him first , and after I text him first , he often does n't text me back . Why ?",If I do n't text my boyfriend often and he 's the one that always initiates everything does it mean I do n't love him ?,246981
1,Will Muslim population overcome Hindu population in India in future ?,"If the muslim population increases by current rate , when shall India turn into an islamic country ?",102058
0,What are the best aspects of working at First Financial Bank of Ohio ?,What are the best aspects of working at First Financial Bank ?,164050
1,How can I save time ?,How can I save our most time ?,126109
0,How does Beer 's Law -LRB- A = eLc -RRB- work and what does it measure ?,Is it a bad idea for a startup to let its employees drink beer at work ?,217388
1,How long do GRE scores realistically take to appear in the My GRE account ? I already know that ETS states 10-15 days . How long did it take for you ?,How much time does ETS take to post GRE scores online ? Do they do it in less than 10-15 days ?,358715
0,What are the most interesting products and innovations that Olympic Steel is coming out with in 2016 ?,What are the most interesting products and innovations that Steel Dynamics is coming out with in 2016 ?,208300
1,How do I make an Android app with Python ? I want to make an app with artificial intelligence and an algorithm . Should I code it in Java or Python ?,Can you code an Android app completely in python ?,320554
0,"I wish to drop out of college , but I have no GCSE 's or anything . What could I possibly do with my life ?",Why does according to the Banach-Tarski theorem a sphere needs to be divided into at least 5 pieces in order to be recreated ?,275606
1,Does P = NP ?,Is P = NP ?,383784
0,I 'm unable to lock my apps through Google applock . ?,I am unable to add my SBI debit card -LRB- Mastercard -RRB- to my Google Wallet account . Does Google not support SBI debit cards ?,391088
1,What should I join-Convergys or Genpact ?,What should I join Convergys / Genpact ?,19390
0,Why is it so hard for educated liberals to empathize with Trump supporters ?,Is there a correlation between Trump supporters and education level ?,40244
1,How do I edit a question I asked on Quora ?,How do I edit my question on Quora when I realize that I misspelled a word ?,367657
0,Where can I find the overall histogram of all images in Google Images database ?,"Has the Right to Information act , 2005 -LRB- RTI ACT , 2005 -RRB- been the most important factor in India 's development since its inception ?",118242
1,Will ISPs block peoples websites without net neutrality ?,Would ISPs block website builders if there was n't net neutrality ?,166364
0,Do employees at Albany International have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,Do employees at Service Corporation International have a good work-life balance ? Does this differ across positions and departments ?,9963
1,`` How is the new Harry Potter book '' `` Harry Potter and the Cursed Child '' '' ? '',Am i the only one slightly disappointed at reading harry potter and the cursed child ?,57696
0,How difficult is it to get an H-1B visa after completing MS in CS in the USA ?,Will I have problems in getting an H-1B visa after two years of work in the IT field in the USA ?,52973
1,What would happen if the Earth suddenly spun twice as fast ?,What would happen if the world span twice as fast ?,112514
0,What is the young one of a donkey called ?,Does a mule and donkey give birth to a horse ?,14766
1,What factors have influenced your career choice ? Consulting,What factors have influenced your career choice ?,93206
0,How many keywords are there in Assembly programming language in the latest version ?,How many keywords are there in Programming Language One Programming Language in the latest version ?,340514
1,What are best site for learning python ?,What are the best learning sites for Python ?,47418
0,How is display of electronic devices made ?,Where do I get an electronic device made ?,115927
1,What are the major movie blogs ?,What are the best movie and movie industry blogs ?,178459
0,`` Is there a phrase synonymous to '' `` no worries ? '',`` Is there a phrase synonymous to '' `` we 're done talking '' '' ? '',48622
1,What are some of the best online resources to learn economics ?,"What are the best online resources -LRB- videos , blogs , articles -RRB- for learning basic economics ?",229400
0,"Masters Graduate in Engineering from India , want to move to Australia for work . How do I proceed with applying for the same ? How expensive will it be ?","How 3 lakh CTC divided into in hand , PF for fresher in NTT Data ?",404032
1,What are the latest inventions ?,What are latest inventions ?,114382
0,What should I do to improve my oratory skills assuming I do n't have any and start from scratch ?,How can I become a good speaker ?,80202
1,Which are the best schools for an MBA in Navi Mumbai ?,Which is the best B-school for MBA in Navi Mumbai ?,52386
0,How can you get pimples in your mouth ?,Why SRK 's film Raees trailer is getting such minimum number of views ?,391291
1,How often do seniors have sex ?,Do seniors still have sex ?,166068
0,What is the difference between police station and police chouki ?,What 's the difference between Police Chouki and Police Station ?,168723
1,What is the best way to crack GMAT ?,How do I crack the GMAT ?,374023
0,PDF file opens only with browser ?,"Can you pass actuarial exam P , using just the ACTEX manual ?",99314
1,What are some good hotels in varanasi near ghats ?,What are some good hotels in varanasi ?,232451
0,What are some ways to track a switched off mobile after it is lost ?,How can I track a switched-off cell phone ?,395201
1,What is your all time favorite book ?,What are some of your favorite books ?,335284
0,Why is n't Tesla selling more cars in China ?,Why is n't Tesla selling more cars in Germany ?,44798
1,Wheres the best place to start if I want to pursue a career in video game development ?,I want to start getting into computer programming and game development . Where can I start ?,226684
0,What is it like to be an ethnic Tajik in China ?,Can some one confirm the Angel fame Tahir Shah is going to release new song named '' Mermaid '' ?,221948
1,What do Clinton supporters say when confronted with her scandals such as the emails and ` Clinton Cash ' ?,What do Hillary Clinton 's supporters say when confronted with all her lies and scandals ?,146645
0,How much money does take from a ticket seller ?,How many tickets does StubHub sell a day ?,87161
1,How do I improve on my self-confidence ?,What are some suggestions on how to improve my self confidence ?,224426
0,What is your review of Strings -LRB- 2004 movie -RRB- ?,What is your review of Some -LRB- 2004 movie -RRB- ?,290423
1,Who is better - Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi ?,Who is the best football player ? Is it Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi ?,340922
0,How much capacity fridge is sufficient for a bachelor living alone ?,What are the necessary things when a bachelor starts living alone ?,214606
1,Is tax money being spent to finance President Obama 's extensive campaigning for Hillary ?,Who pays for Obama 's campaigning for Hillary ?,299890
0,Can Sachin Tendulkar be an umpire in the future ?,Cricket -LRB- sport -RRB- : Which records of Sachin is Virat Kohli most likely to break in the coming years ?,99885
1,How can I fetch more number of answers for my questions on Quora ?,How come nobody is answering my questions in Quora ?,309561
0,What is the advantage of Digital vs Analog Weighing Scales ?,How much do you weigh and how much can you lift ?,23046
1,What is best WhatsApp status you have ever read ?,Some best WhatsApp status ?,202616
0,What is the difference between ramen and pho ?,Where 's the best Phở in Los Angeles ?,168348
1,What 's your opinion on Indian Prime Minister Modi 's new policy about illegalization of 500 and 1000 currency notes ?,What do you think about decision by the Indian Government to demonetise 500 and 1000 rupees note ?,58822
0,What percentage of people use Quora ?,What 's the percentage of people that use Quora for sales ?,123698
1,How did they take a picture of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Cosmos ' first episode even though we are inside the Milky Way Galaxy ?,How did we humans take spiral images of the Milky Way from inside of the Milky Way ?,41821
0,`` What is the '' `` peanut butter shot '' '' given to military personnel ? '',How U.S. military personnel carry fragmentation grenades without high risk of the grenades being shot ?,183802
1,Why was Venice -LRB- Venizia -RRB- built on a swamp ?,How did Venice become a city built on water ?,9326
0,What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they 're invited to someone 's home in China for the first time ?,What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they 're invited to someone 's home in Philippines for the first time ?,79692
1,I have cellulite on my legs which makes me look fat . How do I get rid of it ?,How do I get rid of cellulite on my thighs and butt ?,45346
0,"Why not UP - Bihari jounalist of Delhi criticise to UP-Bihar for their castism , criminalism , high fertility rates , less respect to women , dirtiness ?",What is the best course to learn and conduct dental reseach ?,6450
1,How can I have a successful long distance relationship ?,How does long distance relationship work ?,66300
0,What are the best affiliate networks in the UK ?,What 's the best Affiliate Network ?,191530
1,Can you own more than 10 % of a bank and be CEO of the bank ?,Can you be CEO of bank when you own more than 10 % of the bank ?,15789
0,What is the advantage of doing MS ?,What are the advantages and disadvantages of an MS in the USA ?,55484
1,How can I best get started freelancing as a web developer and/or telecommute as a web developer ?,How do I get started with freelancing as a web developer ?,184414
0,How do I increase my weight ?,How can I increase my weight in 6 months ? And I dont have time for gym,401347
1,How does sex feel like for the first time ?,How does first time sex feels like ?,241607
0,What profit margin does a relatively successful permaculture farm make ?,How do you grow kratom ?,45340
1,Why does people hate Taylor Swift ?,Why do people hate Taylor Swift ?,62419
0,What happened to ?,What happened to ?,354077
1,What is the funniest joke you know ?,What is the funniest joke of all time ?,160
0,What do Americans think of Spaniards ?,What do Spaniards think about Mexicans ?,304265
1,Is it healthy to eat egg whites every day ?,Is it healthy to eat instant white oats every day ?,332776
0,I need him but he is no longer belong to me what can I do ?,How do you change this paragraph to future tense ?,258640
1,Who do you think will win the 2016 Presidential Election ?,Who is going to win the 2016 US presidential election ? Why ?,139918
0,What is the corporate culture like at Citizens Financial ? How is the culture different than other companies ?,What is the corporate culture like at MB Financial ? How is the culture different than other companies ?,216827
1,We say that like charges repel each other . How do protons remain stable in a nucleus in spite of having like charges ?,Wont positively charged protons lying together in the nucleus repel each other ?,64022
0,What are the ethical issues surrounding politics ?,What are the ethical issues surrounding psychology ?,156219
1,Why does Indian education suck so much ?,What is wrong with Indian engineering education system ?,246519
0,Why are we afraid to tell the truth ?,"Have you ever done something really bad without anybody knowing , then you felt guilty but you were too afraid to tell the truth ? What would you do ?",366036
1,What are some best test series for IBPS PO ?,Which is the best IBPS PO test series ?,13409
0,How do I make many users control cameras ot a part of only one prefab like a crew of an engin in unity by using networkmanager -LRB- unet -RRB- ?,Can I use Unity to make web games ?,140138
1,How can I lose weight effectively ?,How can I lose weight at age 55 ?,360153
0,What are some good fictional business books to read ?,What are some of the best business books ?,358123
1,"If Hitler 's Germany had n't attacked the Soviet Union , would the Allies have won WW2 ?",What if Germany had not attacked the Soviet Union during WW2 ?,113643
0,What happens when you notice someone getting yelled at by almost everyone ? Will you follow the herd mentality and do the same thing or think first ?,What do you do when you see an army colonel throwing stones at stray dogs and teaching his grandson the same thing ?,400008
1,How could I a pornstar ?,How do I become an adult pornstar ?,336656
0,"Which Japanese input method on iPhone is more popular , Kana or Romaji ?",Do any Japanese people use kana input on their keyboards ?,292794
1,Approximately how many students apply for ISB YLP ?,How many people applied to ISB YLP in 2013 ?,339895
0,What does the first day of a 5 + year prison sentence feel like ?,What is it like to rejoin society after a long prison sentence ?,380549
1,Why do empty vessels make the most noise ?,Why do empty cans make the most noise ?,225712
0,What companies make solar panels ?,Which is the best solar panel selling company in India ?,325029
1,What are the home remedies for piles or anal fissure ?,How do I cure anal fissure permanently with home remedies ?,815
0,"Why are vehicles made to take weapons of mass destruction , ie . L200 ?",Why is marble classified as an igneous rock ?,23758
1,How do I prepare for UGC NET English Literature thoroughly ?,What is the best way to prepare for ugc net dec 2015 for english literature ?,400814
0,Is Talend is better than Informatica ?,What is the commercial license cost of the Talend ETL tool ?,38220
1,What are some fairly painless ways to die ?,What are the best painless ways to die ?,201953
0,Why is weed legal in N Korea ?,Why is weed not legalized in all countries ?,186386
1,How can I realise if I am INFJ or INFP ?,How do I know if I 'm an INFJ or INFP ?,222894
0,How do I balance a chemical equation in chemistry ?,What is a balanced equation in chemistry ?,289590
1,How do I start preparation for cracking the IAS exam ? What are some good books and ideas as I am from a middle class family ?,How should I start the preparation of IAS exam from my graduation level ?,41393
0,Are girls attracted to fat guys ?,Do girls date charming fat guys or nerdy slim guys ?,287681
1,What could be the effect of GST bill on Indian economy ?,Will GST change Indian economy ?,243679
0,How do you cruise for gay men ?,What dating advice do gay men give to gay men ?,151349
1,Who have the highest iq ?,Who has the highest recorded IQ of all time ?,380521
0,What are the negatives of the S-curve analysis ?,Which is the best structural analysis software with I.S. codes ?,219139
1,How can I make an Opinion Blog on Quora ?,How do I start a blog on Quora ?,288052
0,`` What does it mean when a girl says '' `` why you ask ? '' '' '',What does it mean when you ask a girl out and she says she is talking to someone ?,24608
1,Why are there people who are dicks ?,Why are some people so awful ?,254714
0,How can I ask out my crush ?,How can I get my crush to ask me out ?,394254
1,"Did anyone get called after the Google APAC 2017 University Test Round A held on 10th July , 2016 ?",Has Anyone got interview call through Google APAC 2017 Round A ?,28519
0,What do you know about the languages of animals ?,What should I know about your language ?,269484
1,How much does it cost to replace a laptop screen ?,How much does it cost to repair a laptop screen ?,244530
0,What are some love at first sight songs ?,What is ` love at first sight ' like ?,228927
1,How are international students from Hong Kong going to be affected after Donald Trump becomes president ?,Should I consider NOT pursuing masters -LRB- MS -RRB- in US if Donald Trump becomes the President ?,301353
0,What is the corporate culture like at Vista Outdoor ? How is the culture different than other companies ?,What is the corporate culture like at Clear Channel Outdoor ? How is the culture different than other companies ?,189127
1,What is the importance of multiculturalism ?,What are the pros of multiculturalism ?,227265
0,Why did n't France build a Maginot line to defend the border with Belgium ?,"In WW1 , the Germans executed the Schlieffen plan , avoiding the main army by invading Belgium . With that hindsight , should n't the French have anticipated that they would avoid the Maginot Line the same way in WW2 ?",402136
1,What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation ? What were the strengths ?,What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation ?,397879
0,Is lockjaw after wisdom teeth extraction cureable ?,Why is there no pain after wisdom teeth extraction ?,290711
1,How did you learn to love yourself ?,Life Advice : How can I learn to love myself ?,135299
0,"In a double slit interference pattern , why does the intensity of the fringes decrease as you get further away from the central maximum ?","In single slit diffraction , why does intensity decrease on moving away from the central maximum ?",102292
1,What are the five biggest technological disaster that world has ever witnessed ?,Which are the 5 Biggest technological disasters that world has ever witnessed ?,327391
0,What are the differences between a caribou and an elk ? What are their similarities ?,How is an elk and a reindeer different from one another ?,209894
1,What is your opinion on PM Narendra Modi 's decision to ban INR 500 and INR 1000 notes ?,Do n't you think Modi will repeal decision to ban 500 and 1000 notes as it will cause high inconvenience ?,309518
0,Why do animals hate me ?,Why do you hate animals ?,70562
1,How do you spend your holiday ?,How do you spend your holidays ?,228549
0,Why students do n't get a good rank in GATE ? What do they do wrong ?,How do I prepare for the GATE ECE 2017 on my own without any coaching classes ?,281001
1,What 's the future of Julian Assange ?,What is the likely future of Julian Assange after the election ?,354779
0,What does this symbol mean ?,What does the symbol ¥ mean ?,187087
1,"What determines the order of answers to a question on Quora as of July 1 , 2014 ?",How does Quora determine the order in which answers to a given question appear ?,292328
0,What company has a culture ?,What is the company culture like at WhatsApp ?,1874
1,Why has the definition of marketing changed over time ?,Why does the definition of marketing changed over time ?,330426
0,What is the limitation of the movie Bahubali ?,How good is the movie Bahubali ?,252112
1,How do I know if a shy guy likes me ?,How do you know if a shy guy likes you ?,74896
0,Who are the most interesting people to follow on Snapchat in 2016 ?,Who are some interesting people to follow on Snapchat ?,264006
1,Lies and Lying : What is the easiest way to catch a liar ?,How do I catch a pathetic liar ?,243264
0,What are the differences between Filipino and American English collocations ?,`` What is the difference between '' `` sang '' '' and '' `` sung '' '' ? '',305569
1,How do I to meditate ?,What is the best way to meditate ?,339284
0,"How do I dress to compliment my hair ? -LRB- Kinda punky , imo -RRB-","Can a native French speaker tell when talking to someone else in French , if the other person is a native or non-native speaker of France ?",76252
1,How can I find a title sponsor for my college tech fest ?,How do I approach a sponsor for a college fest ?,397720
0,What 's a good way to promote an Etsy shop ?,What are some tips for starting an Etsy shop ?,307077
1,At what point in life do you stop hating yourself ?,How did you learn to stop hating yourself ?,8442
0,What is the meaning of torque and power in a car in layman terms ?,Does more torque mean more power ?,339660
1,What Pakistani think about Indians ?,What do the people from Pakistan think about Indians ?,290519
0,What are the basic points of effective professional communication skills ?,"What are some of the basic chess tricks that an intermediate chess player needs to know to enhance his playing skills tremendously , up to say 1800 points ?",399662
1,"What is the Sahara , and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Great Victoria Desert ?","What is the Sahara , and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Great Sandy Desert ?",288150
0,Do Muslims marry their sisters ?,Can Muslims in India marry their cousins ?,160605
1,How can we define the American dream ?,`` What is '' `` The American dream '' '' ? '',328737
0,What are the benefits of running ?,How does running on a treadmill differ from running outdoors ?,160221
1,How close we are to see 3rd world war ?,Are we overdue for a world war ?,355660
0,"In the crossroads scene in the movie Cast Away , did Chuck end up going back to that women with the wings symbol ?",At the end of ` Cast Away ' -LRB- movie -RRB- where does chuck -LRB- Tom Hanks -RRB- head towards ?,335309
1,How can I earn money online ?,How can we earn money online in india ?,344987
0,What are the best gift for your girlfriend ?,What are the best gifts for a boyfriend on his Birthday ?,127067
1,"If you ever write a book , what would it be about ?",If you were to write a book what would it be about ?,45690
0,What is your review of Android Watches ?,What is your review of Android N ?,290228
1,Can i get pregnant the day after my period ends ?,Can you get pregnant a couple days before your period ?,212292
0,Does Michael Phelps do pilates and yoga ?,How can Michael Phelps hate a sport that he is so good and successful in ?,145024
1,What are the chances for Haruki Murakami to win Nobel prize literature ?,Will Haruki Murakami win the Nobel Prize for literature ?,236868
0,What are the dimensions of the standard sliding glass door ?,"What kind of glass can be used for doors , and what is the range of prices of these doors ?",25895
1,I am a final year student who has developed feelings for a first year student . Should I wait to confess my feelings to her and take my time ?,I am a final year student who has developed feelings for a first-year student.Should I wait to confess my feelings to her or take my time ?,303285
0,"Why is that if people belonging to the same family marry each other , there 's a high probability that their children will be mentally challenged ?",Why are some people mentally strong while others are n't as much ? Is it mostly genetics ?,70223
1,How can I end My pornography addiction ?,How do you control a pornography addiction ?,216411
0,How do you become romantic ?,How do I become a romantic guy ?,279488
1,How can I lose 4kg weight ?,How do I lose weight ?,241189
0,Do women enjoy the taste of semen ?,What does it mean when people say dry semen/sperm ?,148456
1,What was the best happening or moment in your life ?,Can you describe the best moment in your life ?,130197
0,How do I hack and retrieve Twitter and Instagram account ?,"I temporarily disabled my Instagram account , but I ca n't log into it anymore . Why ca n't I log into it ?",132314
1,What will be the effect of recent demonetization of rs500 and rs 1000 notes on the real estate or property business ?,How does the declaration that Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes would not be accepted as valid transactions affect real estate in India ?,1988
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Hemisphere Media Group ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Journal Media Group ?,83784
1,What are the ways to fight mental depression ?,How do we deal with depression ?,281154
0,What is a nursing care plan for diabetes ?,What is a nursing care plan for cirrhosis ?,112160
1,Are we moving closer towards the next world war ?,How close we are to see 3rd world war ?,89340
0,"What do you do , when your parents do n't understand you ?",What do you do when your parents do n't believe in you ?,370311
1,Do you see a possibility for a third world war ?,Are we overdue for a world war ?,159652
0,In search of a book which covers detailed understanding of the subjects like predictive modelling and classification tree and others while using R ?,Does life coaching help people transition to retirement ?,368723
1,What is a way to make money online ?,How can I make money online consistently ?,331750
0,Where you can seek for financing and funding for general purpose ?,Where do terrorists get their funding for general living expenses if they are fighting and not ` working ' ? Can those culprit sources / accounts be frozen by government agencies ?,349634
1,Why should I keep a PHR -LRB- Personal Health Record -RRB- ?,Why should I keep a personal health record ?,200971
0,Where was the boston marathon ?,Where is the boston marathon ?,191241
1,How can I overcome sadness after a breakup ?,How do I overcome depression after breakup ?,332736
0,Have you ever been considered more attractive in a country other than your own ?,Is it true that if I go to another country I might be considered more attractive over there than the country I 'm in ?,369977
1,What are the principles with which you live your life and base your decisions ?,With what principles do you live your life by ?,343750
0,How long has YouTube been blocked in China ?,Why is the Internet blocked in China ?,72510
1,What is some good free 2D animation software -LRB- windows -RRB- ?,What is the best 2d animation software ?,328455
0,When is the best time to book flight tickets on Expedia ?,Is it a bad idea to book the cheapest Expedia flight available ?,146228
1,Why are you proud of being Indian ?,Why are you proud to be an Indian ?,327514
0,How effective is 's online course for CLAT Preparation ?,How much time does it takes to prepare for clat ?,342400
1,How can I install Kali Linux over windows XP on Sony notebook b100 ?,How can I install Kali Linux on my Windows XP PC ?,89740
0,I am suffering pain from the right side of my jaw probably due to wisdom teeth are growing.It is also swollen in that area.What should I do ?,What does it mean if a product on Amazon will not ship for 1-2 months but it is prime eligible ? Why does this occur ?,322652
1,How can I make money with YouTube videos ?,How can we make money from YouTube ?,73358
0,What are the meanings of Hindi and Urdu words Anumati and Ijazat respectively ?,What is the meaning of Hindi/Urdu word ` Maqsad ' ?,142826
1,How can I earn money using YouTube ?,How can I earn money from YouTube ?,146715
0,What is it like to live in Canada ?,What is it like for an Indian to live in Canada ?,324174
1,Why is Denmark considered the happiest country in the world ?,"Is Denmark really the happiest country in the world , or they just do n't like to complain ?",218995
0,What is the significance of the Harry Potter quote ` Turn to page 394 ' ?,What are the biggest plot holes and errors in Harry Potter ?,309503
1,What is an intuitive explanation of Eulers identity ?,What is an intuitive explanation of Euler 's identity ?,339185
0,Does South Korea have something like wrestling or sumo wrestling ?,Why despite of being the 7th most spoken language and recognized as sweetest language people do n't learn Bengali ?,377861
1,How do I block certain people on Quora ?,How do I block someone in Quora ?,127697
0,During UPA Modi said a lot of Congress strategy about Pakistan . What did happen now to Modi government on taking any hard action against Pakistan ?,Why is Modi not taking action against Pakistan ?,367965
1,`` At which date '' `` ae dil hai mushkil '' '' movie trailer will release ? '',When is the Ae Dil Hai Mushkil Trailer releasing ?,242121
0,What can people talk about if they have nothing to talk about ?,What do people talk about ?,103785
1,Do you believe that everything happens for a reason ?,Do you believe everything happens for a reason ? Why or why not ?,275422
0,What are the names of the actors on the BuzzFeed videos on YouTube ?,Why do YouTube producers now put the artist and sing name in their videos ?,300257
1,Is it safe to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks ?,Can I lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks gyming 30 minutes twice a day ?,141044
0,I want a career like Dushka Zapata . Where should I start ?,What is Dushka Zapata 's career path ?,369901
1,Why has the Tata Sons Board voted to remove Cyrus Mistry as chairman ?,Why was Cyrus Mistry removed from the chairmanship of Tata Sons ?,174438
0,Is it worth it to do an MBA ?,Is it worth to do MBA after your LLB ?,183749
1,How can one develop logical thinking ?,How can one improve his logical reasoning abilities ?,304382
0,Is the xperia z3 + the same as z4 ?,Is an Xperia Z3 compact or an iPhone 5s better ?,326728
1,What causes sleep paralysis ?,How do you cause sleep paralysis ?,69952
0,What are some tips for installing drywall by yourself ?,How do I install drywall on a ceiling ?,133343
1,Why do so many people ask questions on Quora that can be found in a Google search ?,Why do so many people ask google-able questions on Quora ?,37434
0,`` What is it like to be a '' `` Strat '' '' at Goldman Sachs ? '',What is it like to work in the Goldman Sachs Securities Division in the Strats Group ?,380490
1,Is it worth buying twitter followers ?,Is it worthwhile buying Twitter followers ?,336600
0,Hi . The Article that you have posted abt Modi 's Great 2000 Rupee Note Trick was written originally by me . Can you be honest enough to give due credit ?,How many Filipinos need housing ?,167352
1,How is new Scorpio ?,How is the new Mahindra Scorpio ?,141988
0,Does British food taste good ?,Does Chinese food taste good ? Why ?,302858
1,How should I increase my height ?,How do I increase my height after 16 ?,250831
0,What is the difference between torque and moment ?,Why do engineers refer to `` torque '' as `` moment '' ?,354877
1,How can we control anger ?,What do I do when I ca n't control my anger ?,242313
0,How much does Uber pay drivers in Lahore ?,How much does Careem pay drivers in Lahore ?,257642
1,Is time travel possible after the discovery of gravitational waves ?,How is time travel possible ?,324390
0,"What is the difference between a recruiter , headhunter , sourcerer , and hiring manager ?",Why do companies pay headhunters to recruit for them when they can do the hiring themselves ?,107848
1,What was your first programming language ? Why ?,Which is your first programming language ?,149784
0,"What were the major contributions of the political leaders during WW1 , and how are the compared to the ones during the Balkan Wars ?","What were the major contributions of the political leaders during WW1 , and how are the compared to the ones during the Iraq War ?",211961
1,How does someone become a top writer in Quora -LRB- criteria -RRB- ?,What is good advice for someone who wants to become a Top Writer ?,40991
0,How can territorial dispute over China resolved ?,Why does China have border disputes with almost every neighbouring country ?,244923
1,What are the best things to do in New York City ?,What are the best free things to do in New York City ?,343436
0,How can you determine the Lewis structure for NO ?,How is the Lewis structure for CH3CHO determined ?,259734
1,What is the most important lesson ever learned in your life ?,What 's the most important lesson about life ?,100700
0,When does the Nile River flood ?,Where is the Nile river ?,274893
1,How can I be consistent in study ?,How do I be consistent in studies ?,94298
0,What is the difference between Business Intelligence -LRB- BI -RRB- and Analytics ?,What are the uses of Business Intelligence and Analytics ?,171533
1,What is the fastest Internet speed in India ?,What is the maximum internet speed in India ?,5728
0,Is there a way to set up Quora so that I do n't get relationship questions in my feed anymore but still get interesting ` social psychology ' and ` life ' etc questions ?,Is it bad to ask questions on Quora that could easily be answered via a Google search ?,379627
1,How can one make money online ?,What is make money online ?,149103
0,How do I end my own life ?,Should I end my own life or not ?,75953
1,Which are the best Linux distros for an individual user ?,What is the best Mature Linux distro for beginners to advanced users ?,219925
0,What is the Malayalam translation and pronunciation of ' I love you ' ?,What does Malayalis think about Malayalam movies ?,301520
1,How can I spy on my boyfriend 's iphone ?,"How do I spy on my boyfriend 's iPhone 6 , as I suspect he texts other girls ?",337846
0,How do I write synopsis ?,How do I write project synopsis ?,82277
1,What do you think about the ban on 500 and 1000 denomination notes in India ?,What are your views on demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes by the Modi Government ?,327510
0,Which neighborhoods are good enough to live in Milan ?,What is your ideal neighborhood in NYC to live in ?,394494
1,What is diaphragm walls ?,What is a diaphragm wall ?,190101
0,How do I enjoy life alone ?,How can I live alone ?,72632
1,How do I hire an ethical hacker ?,Where can I find a good hacker ?,22003
0,What are the different grade levels and titles at HSBC ?,What are the different career bands in HSBC GLT India ? How are they related to the job title and/or pay ?,361381
1,"Which are the best Book Cover Pages ? -LRB- Pictures Only , please -RRB-",Which book has the best cover design ?,121036
0,Was the TV show ` Movers and Shakers ' an idea copied from The Tonight Show ?,"What 's your favorite scene from a TV show , and why ?",3995
1,How can i make money online easily ?,How can I start to make money online ?,299213
0,`` Does the fact that Bernie called Obama a '' `` Shvartza Goy '' '' prove that Bernie is racist ? '',Bernie Sanders claimed that the Republican Candidates are mentally ill . Does this make him a bigot ?,196792
1,Have you ever met a celebrity in person before ?,Have you ever met a celebrity and share your experience either good or bad ?,270531
0,How do I connect a PenDrive to a mobile phone ?,Is it possible for mobile phones without a SIM card to connect to the internet without using WiFi ?,233680
1,What is your greatest regret in life ?,What is your biggest regret and why ?,119471
0,What material could I use to make a paper thin flexible touch screen phone ?,What is the purpose of degrading lignin in paper making ? Why is lignin not used as a material to make paper ?,170679
1,How does demonetization of the 500 and 1000 notes bring down the real estate price ?,How will abolishing Rs . 500 and Rs . 1000 notes affect the real estate businesses in India ?,150250
0,What are the best Christmas gift ideas for 2013 ?,What are the best Christmas gift ideas for 2014 ?,49281
1,When do you know that you are in love ?,How do you know if you are in love ? How do you know its not just chemicals in your brain trying to trick you to reproduce ?,355742
0,How do you call someone if they have blocked your number ?,How do I call a number that blocked me ?,28532
1,What dangers could accure when visiting the deep web ?,How truly dangerous is the deep web ?,311953
0,Suggest some names for house ?,What is the height of building we can build for 5m road in India ?,350792
1,What is The Legend of Korra ?,What is The Legend of Korra about ?,86067
0,I 'm from development background . Is metricstream a good technology for someone like me ? What is the market value for it ?,"I 'm about to graduate college with a BA in economics and am interested in a career in civil service -LRB- city , state or federal -RRB- - any recommendations ?",214785
1,Why use Quora if you can google ?,Why do we need to use Quora when we have Google to search for answers ?,198595
0,Is it true that the USA dropped more bombs on Laos during the Secret War than the total amount of bombs dropped on Europe during World War 2 ?,What were some realistic alternatives to ending World War 2 with Japan 's unconditional surrender but without dropping the A-bombs ?,1123
1,Where can I get a huge choice of high quality wall and floor tiles in Sydney ?,Where can I found large collections of ceramic and porcelain wall and floor tiles in Sydney ?,201266
0,Can you schedule an Uber ahead of time ? How do you do this ? Can I set the pickup time in advance ?,Why does n't Uber allow customers to schedule rides in advance ?,189985
1,Why is inflation necessary for an economy ?,Is moderate inflation good for the economy ?,401809
0,Which books are the best for a physics student to learn vector spaces ?,How can I remove my fear of solving JEE Mains dpp ?,317585
1,How can I learn body language ?,What are good ways to learn body language ?,183807
0,"I just started investing , any ideas or tips to choose the right stocks to buy ?",I am interested in investing but have no idea where to begin . What are some tips for people just starting out from those more experienced ?,313082
1,How can I improve my communication and verbal skills ?,How do l improve my communication skills ?,66936
0,`` Why do liberals criticize conservatives for being '' `` anti-science '' '' yet liberals believe there are more than 2 genders ? '',Are conservatives tougher than liberals ?,52807
1,Can you offer me any advice on how to lose weight ?,What would be a realistic plan to lose weight ?,98947
0,"If you delete photos from your iPhone , will they be deleted from Google Photos ?",Can I delete photos/videos from my Android device without having them removed from auto-backup ?,188225
1,Which is the best course for cyber security ?,What are good courses to take for cyber security ?,93317
0,How can I look at the mirror without a face ?,What is a good way to look in the mirror ?,348077
1,What is the most effective way to suicide ?,"What is the cheapest , easiest , least painful way to commit suicide ?",203006
0,Which smartphone has the best camera ?,How can my phone camera compete with high-end cameras ?,145684
1,What are the best websites for learning English grammer ?,What are the best websites for learning English grammar ?,262183
0,How do I get rid of termites ?,How can I get rid of flying termites ?,390989
1,Why USA supporting pakistan ?,Why USA supports Pakistan ?,285954
0,What is the expanded octet rule ?,What is an expanded octet ?,267394
1,Did Mahabharata really happen ?,Are Ramayan and Mahabharata real ?,62806
0,How do you let go of someone you love more than your life ?,What do you love more than your life ?,142005
1,Is it worth hiring a personal trainer ?,Is it worth while to pay for a personal trainer ?,101329
0,How does GrubHub sign up Chipotle and send them their percentage every 2 weeks ? Does Chipotle actually accept this agreement ?,How much is the employee discount at Chipotle ?,196082
1,"Is Europe a real continent , or just a peninsula of Eurasia ?",Is Europe a peninsula of Eurasia and not a continent ?,330749
0,How can you use your debit card to find your bank account number ?,"Based on the information you provide your bank about your debit card , can they automatically detect your bank account number ?",306897
1,What is your biggest dream and what are you doing to make it your reality ?,How do you make your dreams a reality ?,46670
0,What are the differences between personal pronouns and demonstratives ?,What are first person pronouns ?,102857
1,How healthy is Lipton 's bottled citrus green tea ? Is it useful for losing weight ?,Why is Lipton 's green tea helpful for losing weight ?,146560
0,"Can I know the mentality of a girl that she rejects her BF when he wants to touch , and touches him when he rejects ?","This guy liked me and I rejected him , now I am in love with him and he has rejected me . What should I do ?",100667
1,Do you think the shape of filipino consciousness is natural ? Explain briefly,Do you think the shape of Filipino consciousness is natural ? Explain Briefly .,307556
0,Why is Quora flooded with questions on iit and iim only ?,"If education mattered and Apple wants kids to learn coding , why are they not bringing Swift Playground to all devices ?",273950
1,Why do n't countries come together and invade North Korea ?,"Knowing that North Korea is a dictatorship , why do n't the other countries invade it and free the people ?",272302
0,What universities does Diamond Hill investment recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,What universities does Black Diamond recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,113940
1,Can racism ever be eliminated globally ?,How can we eliminate racism globally ?,88123
0,What are some ways each one of us can store up treasures in heaven as suggested in Matthew 6:20 ?,How can I expect the customer visit my website -LRB- clothing -RRB- when I 'm in idea stage ?,82826
1,What are the secrets of success in life ?,What do you think are the secrets of success ?,161492
0,Should I heat my room with a ceramic tower heater or an oil-filled radiator ?,How can I keep my room warm without heater ?,227672
1,Could India and Pakistan unite again ?,Will Pakistan and India unite one day ?,379659
0,How can I stop thinking about it ?,How can I stop thinking about something ?,144856
1,Is a dog less likely to bark when the owner is in a self-defense/life or death situation when it 's abused and not properly taken care of it ?,"In a life or death situation , will my dog be less likely to bark and make an attempt to save my life if I constantly abuse it ?",105535
0,What is the best way to make an intense scene without music ?,How do you cut a short scene from a movie to use it in your own video ?,266161
1,Was Jesus Jewish ?,Was Jesus a Jew ?,118622
0,"If you were born from another country and given a chance to migrate , would you rather move in China or the US ? Why ?",What would be the necessary ingredients for a podcast migration tool ? If you were going to move your podcast from your current host and RSS provider what would you need ?,206991
1,How do I make money with Google AdSense ?,How do I make more money on Google AdSense ?,362196
0,Is erectile dysfunction treatable or not ?,What are the best treatment of erectile dysfunction ?,329072
1,Are there any other websites like Quora ?,What are some similar websites to Quora ?,403425
0,What is the use of coriander ?,What is a coriander used for ?,17393
1,How do I get fit ?,What are the best ways to get fit ?,74348
0,What is the best camera to shoot short films ?,How did you shoot a short film which won an award ?,163066
1,"What is ` Beti Bachao , Beti Padhao ' all about ?","What are the objectives of ` Beti Bachao , Beti Padhao ' abhiyaan by PM Modi ?",79179
0,Which philosopher is the most pessimistic about mankind ?,What philosophical question do you think about the most ?,310170
1,Who is the best character on Lost ?,`` Which is the best character in '' `` Lost '' '' -LRB- TV series -RRB- ? '',19730
0,Why should I be tolerant of people who advertise on Quora ?,How can I ask a highly followed Quora user to promote my vacation rental in Italy ? -LRB- There is useful content on my site -RRB-,386015
1,Why do the United States prefer electing their presidents by electoral vote instead of popular vote ?,Why do we use an electoral college to elect the President instead of using the popular vote like for Congress ?,274690
0,"What are the benefits of becoming a partner in a PE firm vs. a consulting company -LRB- McKinsey , BCG , Bain -RRB- ?","What are the good business research jobs finding sites -LRB- consultancy jobs such as in BCG , McKinsey or Bain etc -RRB- ?",117901
1,How can the area of shaded region be calculated in the picture below ?,What is the area of the shaded part ?,298356
0,Instagram reset my password but I do n't know my email password to receive my new password . What do I do ?,What do I do if Instagram has reset my password ?,16870
1,Is World War 3 closer than it has ever been ?,How likely is World War III in the future ?,402023
0,How does Kleenex cool touch works ?,How do cooling Kleenex work ?,310245
1,What are some examples of mechanical advantages ?,What are some examples of a mechanical advantage ?,74454
0,What are the best WhatsApp statuses in Kannada ?,`` What is the best status on WhatsApp about '' `` Game of Thrones '' '' ? '',294440
1,How many dimensions does the universe really have ?,How many dimensions are there in our universe ?,382159
0,`` Does a Facebook message request show '' `` delivered '' '' when ignored and '' `` read '' '' when accepted ? This is to a non friend . '',What does it mean when messenger says accepted your request from a non-friend after I sent a message to them ?,384243
1,Can World War 3 ever take place ?,Is World War 3 closer than it has ever been ?,374933
0,Why do Kashmiri people hate Rusian and Iran ?,What is the best way to propose to a girl who will say no ?,183120
1,Why did Facebook launch messenger ?,Why did Facebook launch Messenger for web ?,227766
0,What are the major characteristics of an American Rottweiler ?,How can I explain about black hole and space time to ten year kid ?,354298
1,What should be my strategy to earn coins in MiniClip 8 Ball Pool ?,How do I earn more coins in 8 ball pool ?,323473
0,Is the reason white women are attracted to black men when they get older because they are initially afraid of them as children ?,How do men feel when their wife cheat on them ? Are they as jealous as women ?,113512
1,I 'm fat . How do I lose weight ?,What are the best ways to lose weight ? What is the best diet plan ?,215125
0,Was Prophet Muhammad a catamite ?,Who is Prophet Muhammad ?,123588
1,Is it possible for any planet to sustain life ?,Is it possible to sustain life in other planets ?,89624
0,How beautiful do ugly people think they are ?,Why do some people like me think that they are ugly ?,282913
1,How can I be more charismatic ?,How can I become more charismatic ?,301623
0,Do us submarines use under sea canyons as in red October ?,Why do engineers use the red lights inside submarines instead of white light ?,317634
1,Why was Cyrus Mistry removed as the chairman of Tata Sons ?,Why Cyrus Mistry has been removed from Tata Group ?,150571
0,How can I know which other devices are connected to my WiFi router ?,How does a wifi router connect to multiple users ?,123303
1,Who won the first 2016 debate ?,"In the 2016 presidential election , who won the first debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and why ?",136786
0,How can I add an mp3 email attachment to my iPhone music player ?,Is there an mp3 player that is attached to earphones ?,110386
1,What is the importance of civilization ?,What is the importance of a civilization ?,314376
0,What is manual transmission slipping ?,What is manual transmission ?,89300
1,How do I look at photos on an Instagram account if it 's private ?,How do I look at the followers of a private instagram account ?,77634
0,What tax benefits can be expected for the working class in the 1st budget by Modi Sarkar in July ?,Can I claim my tuition fee for tax benefits ?,152211
1,"Do straight women like gay porn ? Why , or why not ?",Do women watch gay porn ?,238710
0,Is Clipko heading anywhere or it is just another YouTube channel ?,Is it possible to grow a YouTube channel in just 3-4 days ?,31818
1,Can I get a good job without a college degree ?,Can I get a good job without a university degree ?,334286
0,Are we evidence of the Universe acknowledging itself ?,Are we the universe 's way of expressing/experiencing itself ?,193336
1,What are some best hotel in Jaipur ?,What are some of the good hotels in Jaipur ?,400854
0,What time does Walmart money center close ?,How does a country improve its infrastructure ?,217917
1,What are all the best places to visit in goa ?,What places should one visit in Goa ?,363222
0,How does the Hubble Space Telescope work ?,What has the Hubble Space Telescope discovered ?,190856
1,What drinks can I get to pass drug test for meth ?,Can you pass a urine test for meth with Suragel ?,257715
0,Do you dodge more raindrops while walking slowly or running ?,Why do some people staying at hostels never wash their clothes ?,194980
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Washington ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Kansas ?,342545
0,Are n't North Africans in the US technically African-American ?,Why does Donald Trump use few particular words frequently ?,168958
1,How should I ask for a salary increase ?,How do I ask for a salary increase ?,271506
0,How does a generator specify a power factor when the power factor of sources depends on the nature of the load ?,How do I reduce power factor ?,13967
1,Is it possible to hack whats app ?,Is it possible to hack WhatsApp messenger ?,271081
0,"Besides luck , why do some soldiers survive campaign after campaign while others get killed right away ?",What are some of the war secrets/experiences that soldiers do n't want to talk about after getting back from a war ?,230478
1,What is the worst way to die ?,Worst ways to die ?,384962
0,How can I horizontally or vertically flip pictures taken on an iPhone ?,How can I delete photos from my iPhone but keep them in iCloud ?,84526
1,Can a lazy person stop being lazy ?,How did you stop being lazy ?,399516
0,What is the best title for a photography page ?,What are some unique qualities in Marlboro Menthol Gold ?,125116
1,Is journalism a good career choice ?,Is journalism a good career option ?,99837
0,"What are the characteristics of someone with Sun in Leo , Moon in Scorpio , and Sagittarius rising ?","What are the characteristics of someone with Sun in Scorpio , Moon in Leo and Sagittarius rising ?",80335
1,Is there any Funda to crack UPSC in just one attempt ?,"If one is not taking coaching for UPSC , how should he proceed to crack the exam in first attempt ?",56505
0,Will our vaginas bleed when we masturbate for the first time ? How is masturbation done ? Does n't it hurt ?,What is it like masturbating for the first time ?,292337
1,Can you get pregnant from anal ?,Can you get pregnant through anal sex ?,103493
0,Can Dogs smell water ?,Can dogs find you by smell ?,188329
1,What are Pi bonds and how are they formed ?,What are pi bonds ?,238397
0,What are some must have Android apps ?,What are a few must download apps for Android ?,115329
1,What if the result of the engine compression gauge is too high or too low ?,What if the result of the compression gauge is too high or too low ?,352873
0,How can you overcome your frustration ?,How does one overcome frustration ?,101043
1,What were the causes and effects of the Boxer Rebellion ?,What were the causes and effects of the Boxer Rebellion ? How did it affect the Qing Dynasty ?,146898
0,What are the best sites like ?,Interest in statistics without experience with M.Com qualification -LRB- age 36 -RRB- pls anybody else help me which area is suitable in statistics ?,109988
1,How should I stop masturbating ?,How do I stop masturbation and forget women ?,371334
0,How to transfer a video from gallery to a folder in Google drive ?,"How do I retrieve a video from Google drive , to my gallery ?",35422
1,How do I can boost my self confidence ?,What are some suggestions on how to improve my self confidence ?,378872
0,What is the meaning of backlog in engineering ?,`` What does the word '' `` India '' '' mean ? '',378806
1,What is the difference between a visa and a passport ?,What is the difference between a passport and a Visa ?,256237
0,Do you support the monarchic system of government ?,"What is the best answer to question , Why didnt you attain any lecture ? During viva ?",251191
1,What is the Kashmir problem ?,What 's the Kashmir issue ?,235780
0,Who wrote the Qur ` an ?,What is the worst sin according to Qur ` an ?,247324
1,What do most people want to see on youtube ?,What do people want to see on YouTube ?,281370
0,How can you form a good habit ?,How do I break habits ?,310351
1,Which books would you say are the best you 've ever read ?,What is one of the greatest books you have ever read ?,109639
0,Do you believe that Area 51 is an alien related base ?,What do you think about Area 51 ?,402172
1,What are the best sites for learning python ?,What is the best site to learn Python ?,131250
0,What is the latest way to make money online ?,What are the best courses on making money online ?,221234
1,What programming languages should be learned to become best programmer ?,What are the best programming languages for beginners and why ?,354159
0,What 's the real reason why some women like younger men ?,Do you think that a relationship between a 30 year old man and a 19 year old woman can work ?,11051
1,Do virtual particles in vacuum really exist ?,Do virtual particles and energy in vacuum really exist ? Can we observe them ? Where ? When ?,132344
0,Which is the best web designing and online marketing company in Delhi ?,Which are the best web designing companies in delhi ?,331890
1,How can I get rid of acne and scars ?,'' '' `` How do I get rid of acne and acne ... ? '',346148
0,I feel very good when I shop . Am I a shopaholic ?,"I start crying abruptly when I am alone , what does it imply ? I do feel empty very often too , is there a need to see a psychiatrist ?",116091
1,"As a beginner , which is the best DSLR , Nikon or Canon ?",Which is a better brand Nikon or Canon ?,226052
0,"I ship items often via eBay using USPS , can I get a discount from the carrier ?",Did Paul Manafort arrange Russian help for Donald Trump and now Trump is worried that it may be discovered ?,267343
1,How do I prepare for AIIMS delhi ?,How can I prepare for AIIMS Delhi ?,43473
0,How would one make an animal a horcrux without killing it ?,"In the Harry Potter universe , did anyone make a Horcrux before Voldemort ?",140589
1,What 's the most bizarre thing you saw while driving ?,What 's the craziest thing you have ever seen while driving ?,361224
0,What can we learn from Lord Krishna ?,Where is Lord Krishna 's diamond ?,61450
1,Why would someone stop using Quora ?,Is anyone about to uninstall Quora and stop using it ? Why ?,218105
0,How can I build a low-cost wireless sensor network ?,"Which do you think are the most exciting fields of wireless sensor networks from a research perspective , and why ?",369061
1,Do most women prefer oral sex ?,Do all women like oral sex ?,157739
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Group Strategies ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Laclede Group ?,303598
1,How many days are needed to learn JavaScript ?,How much time does one need to learn JavaScript ?,306846
0,Is it possible to initialize tensors in TensorFlow with numpy ?,Can I install TensorFlow in AWS ?,9699
1,Who or what inspires you and why ?,Who inspires you most and why ?,235504
0,Why does Oxalic acid decolorize potassium permagnate ?,What is the molecular formula for oxalic acid ? How is it used ?,118096
1,What are some good TV series to watch for learning spoken English ?,What is the best TV series for learning English ?,324064
0,What does it mean when you 're talking to a guy and then he rearranges/touches his crotch ?,What does it mean when a guy rubs his neck when he is talking to you ?,182751
1,"What is a temper tantrum , psychologically speaking ?",What is a temper tantrum ?,121850
0,Can WhatsApp be hacked ?,Has Google ever been hacked ?,172372
1,Can I use Jio 4G sim in a 3G phone ?,Can I use Jio in 3G phone ?,126458
0,`` Why do n't Flipkart/Amazon -LRB- others too -RRB- use GPS data on the phone app or '' `` point to your delivery location in the map '' '' on the website for order drop-off location ? '',Why does Google map app for phone ca n't download off-line maps in some area ?,93828
1,Which is the best laptop under Rs 25000 ?,What will be best laptop Under 25000 INR ?,69012
0,What are the best online news portals in India ?,Which are the best news website in India ?,148888
1,How are controlled variables used in an experiment and what are some examples ?,What is a controlled variable in an experiment and what are some examples of that ?,337891
0,Why does Israel have the right to occupy land where the Palestinian have lived ?,Why does n't Israel leave occupied Palestinian lands ?,41154
1,What is the fastest way to lose fat and keep it off ?,What is the best way to burn fat fast ?,344011
0,How do I capture raw images from an Android camera ?,How can an HTML5 web app access the camera in mobile phones ?,371539
1,How come I ca n't post pictures ?,Why ca n't I post pictures on Quora ?,293406
0,What is the implementation of a Java interface ?,What is the use of Java interfaces ?,144988
1,What are some useful tips and tricks for Pokémon GO ?,What are some tips/tricks with playing Pokémon GO ?,297198
0,What is Occam 's Razor ?,When is Occam 's Razor wrong ?,57684
1,What are the best career options after BCOM ?,What career options are available after BCOM ?,166502
0,What is the difference between U and U/A certified films ?,What is the difference between Film and Video ?,285387
1,How can I reduce my belly fat in 2 months ?,Whats the best way to reduce belly fat ?,44235
0,What 's your favorite boardgame ?,Which is the best boardgame today ?,102653
1,What are things that make Indians happy ?,What are some things that makes Indian 's happy ?,292226
0,If we were not united before the British had come to India then why are we part of the same nation ?,"I m looking for custom made wedding chocolate gift providers in Dubai , recommend someone ?",85245
1,What is the difference between arduino uno r3 and raspberry pi model B + ?,What is the difference between Arduino and Raspberry-pi ?,222944
0,`` Got a FB notification saying '' `` Do you know Mr.X ? '' '' . Why am I getting such notifications ? '',Does the notification number ever get to 0 ?,240227
1,What 's the most important lesson you 've learned in life ?,What 's the most important life lesson ?,75951
0,What are two audiovisual mediums ?,Why is Princess Beatrix not considered the Queen Mother ?,94122
1,How do I promote my webpage of my website in google ?,How do I promote my webpage in Google ?,89249
0,`` How is the '' `` Abortion Pill '' '' provided ? '',Why energy of earth do not decrease with motion ?,222590
1,Why has NDTV been banned for a day ?,Why was NDTV banned for 24 hours ?,190129
0,How much are quants on Wall Street paid ?,How does Wall Street work ?,27063
1,Which mobile phone is the best under 15k ?,Which mobile I should buy under 15k ?,117654
0,What 's better B.Sc or B.Tech ?,"Which one is better , a vs ?",397786
1,How much does a lip piercing hurt ?,"On a scale of 1 to 10 , how much does a lip piercing hurt ?",188708
0,`` What needs to happen for an M&A transaction to go from '' `` announced '' '' to '' `` closed '' '' ? '',I am 36 years old and a banker from Bangladesh . Now I like to go to Luxembourg . What 's the way ?,376731
1,How many planes crash every year ?,How many airplanes crashes occur each year ?,156555
0,How do I improve my English writing and speaking skills ?,Can my English writing and speaking skills improve by reading and listening ?,67152
1,Which is better Canon 700D or Nikon D5200 ?,"Which is better , Canon 700D or Nikon D5200 , for photography and short documentaries ?",139749
0,How can I file a complaint against a Walmart employee ?,How do you file a complaint against Walmart ?,344029
1,How do I overcome depression ?,How do I overcome clinical depression ?,200039
0,What is the best way to decide my career ?,How did you decide your career ?,355671
1,What is make money online ?,How can i make money online easily ?,378177
0,What is Mark Zuckerberg 's programming workflow ?,"How many programming languages do Elon Musk , Larry Page , Sergey Brin , Mark Zuckerberg , Steve Wozniak , Jack Dorsey , Larry Ellison know ?",122460
1,Can a black hole consume another black hole ?,Can a black hole swallow another black hole thats nearby ?,158061
0,What is the best way to make money through Android apps in India ?,What Android app should make me earn money ?,306084
1,How do I delete a question on Quora application ?,How do I delete my question from Quora ?,33012
0,Differentiate between resting membrane potential and active membrane potential ?,Relate the pictures of lion and civil engg ?,124997
1,What are some of the mobile apps that you ca n't live without ?,Which one mobile app you ca n't live without ?,322478
0,"If there were an index to indicate the all around usefulness of Spanish , French , German and Italian , which would be the highest scoring language for an English speaker who would be choosing a second language to learn ?",Learning Languages : What is the best way to learn Italian as a native English speaker with good knowledge of Spanish and French ?,307309
1,Is it possible to increase your height after 19 ?,Is increasing height after the age of 20 possible ?,230453
0,Is it good to open shops for 24 hours ?,Why does Columbia not keep NoCo open 24 hours ?,394975
1,How will scraping currency notes of INR 500 and 1000 affect our economy in all major aspects ?,How will changing currency notes of 500 INR and 1000 INR affect poor and illetarate people in India ?,106374
0,How do I use haptic app ?,What 's the best and easiest software for Gantt charts ?,209305
1,When do we use the present perfect tense in English ?,When do we use present perfect tense ?,114087
0,"What are the similarities between the Chinese , Indian , and Japanese literature ?","What are the similarities between the Chinese , Indian , and Japanese cultures ?",173707
1,Is the new 2000 Rupee note really implementing NGC -LRB- Nano GPS Chip -RRB- ?,Do the new 2000 notes really have GPS chips or something similar ?,325827
0,How do you deal with a narcissistic boss ?,How should I deal with a narcissistic husband ?,166178
1,How can I see who viewed my instagram ?,How can I see who views my Instagram ?,40895
0,Why is n't Snoop Dogg arrested for smoking marijuana ?,Why does Snoop Dogg call people nephew ?,367422
1,How I can buy Twitter followers ?,What is the best way to buy Twitter followers ?,54774
0,What do you think about Holberton School ?,What do you think about Holberton School and does it accept international students ?,267122
1,Can I get funded based on my startup idea ?,How do I get funding for my web based startup idea ?,215905
0,Which is best health insurance policy in India for Individual ?,Which is the best health insurance provider in India ?,137598
1,Why do some people write the asked question at the top of their answers ?,Why do some people copy and paste the question and details in answers ?,320027
0,What is the best web design company in India for US clients ?,Which are the best web designing companies in India ?,345791
1,How does it feel having sex for the first time ?,How does sex feel like for the first time ?,187633
0,"Which simulator should one use for RF module , HT12D -LRB- decoder -RRB- and HT12E -LRB- Encoder -RRB- ?",How do I design a 4:16 decoder using 3:8 decoder ?,46121
1,What is the null hypothesis ? Why is it important ?,What is Null hypothesis concept ?,120698
0,"What hotel in Barabanki would be safe for unmarried couples , without the harassment of police , hotel staff , and moral police ?","What hotel in Chandigarh would be safe for unmarried couples , without the harassment of police , hotel staff , and moral police ?",297276
1,What is a meaning of life ?,What do you think is the ultimate meaning of life ?,145809
0,What were the strengths of the Austro-Hungarian army at the beginning of the First World War ?,How good was the Austro-Hungarian army during WW1 ?,341703
1,What common mistakes do people make when learning a new language ?,What are the common mistakes made by people learning a foreign language ?,291534
0,How did the India 's blockade on Nepal end ?,What are the different types of psychology majors ?,155931
1,Is yoga really beneficial for everyone ?,Is yoga exercise really beneficial ?,8313
0,What was the smart move played by you while working ? Any one ?,What is smart work and how do I do that ?,389690
1,Who views Instagram ?,Can you see who views your Instagram stories ?,92747
0,"What are the main imports and exports of Venezuela , and how does Venezuela 's industry compare to Guatemala 's ?","What are the main imports and exports of Venezuela , and how does Venezuela 's industry compare to Canada 's ?",131934
1,How could start with open source development ?,How should I start contributing to open source projects ?,400
0,How can I make $ 5000 of passive income per month outside of real estate ?,How can I make passive income of 1500 $ monthly through real estate ?,238647
1,Does critical thinking help to burn calories ?,Does thinking really hard burn more calories ?,133139
0,"Brokers : If you and a seller come to an agreement to sell a house and he emails acceptance , then a third buyer contacts him directly can he accept ?",I do n't have much in common with my fiancé . Is this a good reason to end the relationship ?,369211
1,Which are the movies with the maximum number of sex scenes ?,What is the movie with the most number of sex scenes ?,123963
0,Shanghai vs Bangkok ?,How is Shanghai ?,67292
1,Why was Cyrus Mistry removed from the chairmanship of Tata Sons ?,Why was Cyrus Mistry sacked by Ratan Tata from Tata Sons ?,134522
0,Is fountain pen still available in India ?,What are some most popular Halloween Costumes in 2016 ?,104101
1,How can I increase my penis ?,How do I enlarge the length and width of my penis ?,163122
0,How do I listen a song from you ?,Can a reputed MNC release offer letter directly after technical round without any HR round ? Everything seems to be genuine but still I am not sure .,67520
1,What skills must a system analyst have ?,What are the skills needed to become a system analyst ?,82793
0,"`` Why does this IF formula '' '' = IF -LRB- J3 : U3 < X3 , J3 : U3 -RRB- '' '' returns FALSE ? -LSB- Excel -RSB- ''",Aftermarket 2 wheeler auto parts business viability ?,11351
1,What is the best way to control your anger ?,How can I control my anger ?,208542
0,Why does red and blue make violet on a monitor -LRB- read comment please -RRB- ?,Why the chosen colors for the headers -LRB- bright red and blue -RRB- do n't look appropriate on a luxury goods website ?,68872
1,What are the best thug life moments of your life ?,What is best thug life moment you have experienced ?,262860
0,I am dating a guy who never initiates messages or to hang out . He will text back and hang out when asked but does he actually like me ?,The guy I 'm dating never texts me and I feel like he does n't care about me but when I see him he shows me he likes me and wants me . Why do I feel this way ?,382113
1,What 's the best way to learn Python ?,What is the best source to learn Python ?,175515
0,How should I proceed the conversation with this girl ?,What are some of the best ways to start a conversation with a girl ?,153561
1,What is the best sex position during pregnancy ?,During pregnancy what sex position is most comfortable and pleasurable ?,50465
0,How much it costs to use xamarin license ?,What are the hidden cost of Xamarin ?,368725
1,`` What is the origin of '' `` Hoosier '' '' ? '',`` What is the origin of the term '' `` Hoosier '' '' ? '',297196
0,How do you describe a poor and a rich person ?,What are the differences between the poor and the rich ?,26932
1,Are vacuum fluctuations occuring because the energy in vacuum ? Are these virtual particles ?,Do virtual particles and energy in vacuum really exist ? Can we observe them ? Where ? When ?,305032
0,What is a depletion layer in P-N Junction ?,Is a charged battery heavier than a depleted one ?,135691
1,"What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Alabama and every other state , territory and possession in the U.S. ?",What are the safety precautions on handling firearms proposed by the NRA in the entire U.S. including it 's territories and possessions ?,119545
0,How much did the Allies repair and re-use German military equipment during WW2 ?,Why did the Germans during WW2 use that grayish solid color as their camouflage ?,173420
1,"I 'm 19 , How do I become a millionaire by ages 23-26 ?",I 'm 17 . How do I become a millionaire by 25 ?,263647
0,Do I give people my cell phone number when they ask for my number on WhatsApp ?,How can you track a cell phone by number for free ?,398453
1,How much black money will the government get back after demonetization ?,How much black money was recovered after 500 and 1000 rupees notes were banned ?,394588
0,When neet bill hearing in rajya sabha occur ?,How can I best use my Casio Watch ?,140519
1,How would you use a Death Note ?,If death note was real how will you use it ?,161070
0,Do we need to have programming knowledge to learn or work on Big Data Hadoop ?,Does one need to have knowledge in Java to learn Hadoop ?,329851
1,What happens after your startup fails ? What do you do ?,What do I do after my start-up fails ?,261741
0,Will the Electoral College vote for Hillary ?,Can the Electoral College vote for anyone they want ?,322026
1,What are some methods of doing suicide ?,Methods of suicide ?,69910
0,"If you could travel back in time , where would you go and what would you change ?","If you could travel in time , where would you go ?",106551
1,How do I read The Hindu for IAS preparation ?,How do I read a Hindu newspaper for civil services ?,49413
0,What rights do you have if you have been accused of a crime in the United States ? How are these rights different in Singapore ?,What rights do you have if you have been accused of a crime in the United States ? How are these rights different in Denmark ?,124795
1,Why ca n't a Hindu boy marry a Muslim girl in India ?,Why a Hindu boy ca n't marry a muslim girl in India ?,379968
0,How do I train my puppy ?,How and when should I start training my puppy ?,22701
1,What was the reason for declaring an emergency in India ? What happens during an emergency ?,Why did Indira Gandhi declare emergency in India ? What exactly did happen during that period ?,346919
0,Why did the USA demobilize so quickly after WW2 ?,How did the map of Europe change after WW2 ?,57133
1,How can I find someone I met if I only know their first name and what town they live in ?,How can I find someone by their first name and town they live in ?,339044
0,Powerpoint found a problem with content . Who can help me ?,Who can help me in this ?,126234
1,How can I become a trillionaire ?,I am a billionaire . How can I become a trillionaire ?,201166
0,How do I deal with my father who projects his worst fears on to me ?,`` What is '' `` Fabian socialism without the socialism '' '' ? '',382138
1,What was the first religion ?,Which religion is first world ?,73631
0,Why and how can a spark lead to an explosion ?,How would a fusion explosion compare to a fission explosion ?,109192
1,Can I restore my deleted emails from a Gmail account ?,Is there anyway to retrieve my deleted emails from my Gmail account ?,119082
0,I Am Going To Join Oasis Group ? Ut 's Good Or Not ?,I do not have good profile though I want to join SPJIMR . Should I go for it ?,336964
1,What are the best low cost places to live in New York City and why ?,What are some good and cheap places to stay in when visiting New York City ?,230502
0,Which are the scientists now pursuing stand up comedy -LRB- or who used to be stand up comedians -RRB- ?,What stand-up comedian died at age 66 ?,288512
1,Which is the best branding agency ?,Which are the best branding agencies ?,70117
0,What is a good tagline for Facebook ?,What is a good tagline for time ?,260465
1,What do you put in a resignation letter ?,How do I write Resignation Letter ?,140062
0,Is The Carbonaro Effect staged ?,How much of reality TV is staged in order to raise popularity ?,24095
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in the entire U.S. including it 's territories and possessions ? 3,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Hawaii ?,188009
0,What does it mean when your girlfriend does n't want you to touch their phone and says that she is n't cheating . Should I believe her or not ?,What does it means when you are talking to your girlfriend on the phone but she is n't saying anything ?,393599
1,"Should a couple who adopts kids , tell the kids they were adopted ?",Should I tell my child she is adopted ?,384648
0,What are some of the good universities to study cosmology or astrophysics ?,What are some good colleges for an MBA in Bangalore ? How is IFIM ?,233012
1,What were the original specs of an iPhone 4 charger ?,What was the original iPhone 4 charger ?,146141
0,Is Neil Armstrong related to Lance Armstrong at all ?,What was it like to meet Neil Armstrong ?,59497
1,Why is C++ not named + + C ?,Why C++ and not + + C ?,172396
0,What is dark energy in space ?,What is space ? What is dark energy ?,114205
1,What are the proofs that aliens really exist ?,Is there any public evidence that proves aliens do exist ?,402315
0,Why do people ask stupid and dumb questions ?,Why do people ask dumb questions on Quora ?,367793
1,If a war breaks out between India and Pakistan who would win ?,Who would win an all-out war between India and Pakistan ?,264683
0,What is the main cause of overheating of mobile phones and how to get rid of it ?,Can I do IPS at the age of 37 ?,16994
1,Does being selected for DV lottery affects F1 Visa ?,Does getting selected in DV lottery affect student visa ?,52305
0,Why did mathematicians choose math rather than physics ?,What do non-mathematicians think doing math is like ?,28747
1,"Ow can the drive from Edmonton to Auckland be described , and how does the history of these cities compare and contrast to the history of Ottawa ?","How can the drive from Edmonton to Auckland be described , and how do these cities ' attractions compare to those in Montreal ?",249701
0,What do women think about bald or shaved-head guys ?,What can be a good excuse for going bald or shaving your head ?,125174
1,"If a person wants to open a website and app like Flipkart , is it compulsory to make a registered partnership company ? Is it okay if we do n't open a company ?","If a person wants to open a website and app like Flipkart , is it compulsory to make a registered patnership company ? Is it ok if we do n't open a company ?",204885
0,Where can I rent PS4 games in Kolkata ?,Where can I rent PS4 games in Bangalore ?,316556
1,What 's the one thing you saw/heard you wish you had n't ?,What 's one thing you wish you never saw ?,379159
0,"I 've forgetten my user id and password for IRCTC , and when I click on the forget password link , it asks me to enter my user id ! How do I retrieve my id and passkey ?",How do I retrieve income tax user id and password ?,194451
1,How can I crack the SSC CGL tier 2 ?,How do I prepare for SSC CGL Tier 2 examination to get 350 + marks ?,195049
0,What are the International Business Methods ?,What is international business ?,187908
1,What is Google Local Guide ?,Google Local Guides ?,401964
0,I am an Indian . Is there any way which I can work with NASA or ISRO ? What are the specific qualifications required ? I am in the tenth grade right now .,"I am an indian working in dubai want to pursue MSW from Michigan State University I am a commerce graduate gre is not required for that , can someone guide me as what all things I will require for the admission ?",14328
1,How can I hack whatsapp account from a distance ?,How can I find someone 's WhatsApp account number by his Google account ?,244526
0,Do prison inmates ever start dating someone while they 're in prison ?,How much freedom do inmates have about music in prison ?,360581
1,Which are the best GMAT coaching institutes in Delhi/NCR ?,Which coaching institute is best for Gmat in delhi ncr location ? I want to score 700 + .,168843
0,How can I read Monocle magazine without having to pay for it/subscribe ?,What demographic are Monocle Magazine 's readers ?,87251
1,Is it safe to give a dog Benadryl to help it sleep ?,Is it safe to give dogs Benadryl ? How does the dosage work ?,144348
0,How should I deal with an extremely critical friend ?,How can I deal with an extremely rude friend ?,26792
1,"If you won 1 million dollars from the lottery , what would you do with the money ?",What would you do if you won a million dollar lottery ?,198002
0,How did Anurag Bhatia anticipate the fall of Unitech ? What factors did he take into consideration to predict this ?,How can I become a trader and manage other people money like Anurag Bhatia ?,345598
1,How will India 's economy be affected if India goes to war against Pakistan ?,How will the indian economy be affected if there is a war between India and Pakistan ?,214883
0,How should I prepare for Google phone interview for SWE -LRB- University Graduate -RRB- ?,What should I expect in a Software Engineer interview at Google and how should I prepare ?,4339
1,"Which is the best career for women , except teaching ?",What are the best job paying career for women ?,78743
0,Why does my cat keep laying on dog piss ?,Why does my dog drink drainage water and still survives but doesnt want to try lays or coke ?,186697
1,Why do people ask questions on Quora instead of Googling it ?,Why do people ask basic questions instead of searching them ?,146843
0,Can a PhD holder from other than IIT get into IIT as a professor ?,What is the salary of an IIT professor ?,27472
1,How do I see who 's viewed my Instagram profile ?,Can people see if you have viewed their instagram ?,281594
0,What is the salary for new PhD graduates starting at Google in 2017 ?,What is the current average starting salary for an IIT graduate in dollars ?,111416
1,How can I find a way to grow taller -LRB- maximize my height -RRB- ? I 'm 16 .,How can I grow taller fast ?,132625
0,Is buying tires from Walmart a good idea ?,What are the requirements to buy a gun from Walmart ?,73685
1,How can I improve my pronunciation of English words ?,How can I improve in English ?,38233
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at National Commerce ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at National Western Life ?,303850
1,For how long can alcohol be detected in a urine EtG test ?,How much alcohol does it take to show up on an etg urine test ?,46051
0,I have an unopened bottle of vodka in the freezer which lost volume . Did it leak or evaporate ?,Can an open bottle of vodka get spoiled ? It is okay to save it for a few months ?,323685
1,What is the origin of homosexuality ?,What is the scientific explanation of homosexuality ?,107980
0,Can we find the height of mobile from ground accurately . ? ... If no how can be solved this . ?,From where should one can start learning AI ? What are the basic requirements and in what respect one can see evolving in this particular field ?,264333
1,What is Quora mostly used for ?,What is this Quora best used for ?,160056
0,What 's the difference between IT and CSE ?,"What is the difference between computer science , computer engineering , and software engineering ?",21690
1,How do I get an iPhone for free ?,Way to get a free iPhone 7 ?,106827
0,"How do you get a story book started , that would catch the interest of George Lucas ?",What are some of the most interesting stories about how lucky a person can get ?,359194
1,How is a common man benifited/affected by GST ?,How does the GST bill benefit the common man in India ?,9518
0,"Why do some dogs scratch the floor , even concrete ones ?",Animals : Why does a male dog lift its leg to urinate ?,139131
1,What is the meaning for a friend ?,What is the meaning of friend ?,168806
0,Why ca n't IITANs become leaders ?,Why ca n't the IITANs and IIM become leaders ?,305750
1,Why do people get tattoos ? What is the advantage ?,Why do people get tattoos in the places they do ?,52033
0,What is the best game for learning chinese ?,"What are the best resources for learning Chinese -LRB- Mandarin -RRB- and how can I become a competent speaker , reader and writer of the Chinese language ?",181814
1,How much time does an average student take to complete CA ?,How much time does it take for an average student to complete CA after class 12 ?,168389
0,What are the scheduled banks ?,What is scheduled and non-schedule banks ?,9100
1,How do I score a rank in the CA Final exam ?,How do I get rank in CA final ?,200135
0,What are common misconceptions about Pakistan in India ?,How can I get private equity fund to invest in and install growth oriented CEO in my small $ 2 million tech company ?,73761
1,What is the best question and answer you have ever seen in Quora ?,What are some of the best questions/answers ever seen on Quora ?,102061
0,How did you react when your parents did n't buy you a new mobile ?,How would you react when your parents did n't buy you a new mobile ?,26718
1,To do higher study in physics how much deep should one delve into mathematics in comparison to pure math students ?,Do physics majors study mathematics at the same theoretical and formal level as do math majors ? How ?,186215
0,"What is the deepest lake in Europe , and how does this lake 's flora and fauna compare to that of Lake Fianga ?","What is the deepest lake in Europe , and how does this lake 's flora and fauna compare to that of Lake Van ?",390477
1,Where do I find a simple to understand solution on how to lose weight ?,What is a good diet to lose weight ?,387592
0,How do I spy whatsapp on a windows phone ?,"What is the best Windows phone spy software for someone looking for call recording , SMS and WhatsApp messages ?",246882
1,What is it like to take math 55 at Harvard ?,What is it like to take Harvard 's Math 55 ?,208057
0,Why do people forgive cheaters ?,Should I forgive the cheater ?,155379
1,How do I get over my fear of dying ?,How did you get over your fear of death ?,315750
0,"`` What is the difference between '' `` Regards , '' '' '' `` Best regards , '' '' '' `` Sincerely , '' '' '' `` Yours Faithfully , '' '' and all of the other formulations ? Which one is the best to use in North America in an email conversation ? ''",Why do North America use different bands for LTE ?,311149
1,What causes freckles in the eye ?,What causes red freckles around the eyes ?,239663
0,How can I setup TP Link router as a repeater ?,How do I configure a TP Link TL-WR740N V5 router to a wireless repeater ?,33006
1,What are some words from other languages that are not available in English ?,What are concepts in other languages for which there is no English word/phrase ?,97149
0,Does dressing up and makeup really get you attention ?,Why do straight women who put on makeup and dress to attract attention consider it disrespectful when they get attention ?,285340
1,What is the best application to learn C and C++ from the basics ?,How can I learn C and C++ ?,343710
0,What are the best Instagram hack tools that have no survey ?,How do I enter my own Instagram account after forgetting my password ?,382035
1,To what extent can I trust answers on Quora ?,Should I trust everything I read on Quora ?,174644
0,What 's the scope of financial markets ?,What is the financial market ?,340105
1,How can anyone increase height ?,What are the ways to gain height ?,84778
0,What are the tablets that can be used for getting rid of belly fat ?,What are remedies to get rid of belly fat ?,261568
1,What is the difference between a good kisser and a bad kisser ?,What defines a good kisser ?,312672
0,"I 'm 20 with a few bucks in my pocket , how can I invest now to have results -LRB- new incomes -RRB- asap ?","I want to remove the # N/A from my Vlookup formula - = VLOOKUP -LRB- $ F29 , ` Stock price list ' ! A$ 2 : F$ 109,6 , FALSE -RRB- , Can you help ?",311039
1,What type of questions are asked in LIC AAO interview ?,What could be the questions asked in LIC AAO interview ?,210835
0,How do I start learning web designing ?,How can I start learning web development ?,376512
1,What would happen to Earth if enough mass was added to Jupiter to allow it to become a star or sun ?,What would happen if the planet Jupiter achieves the required mass to turn into another sun ? What would happen to the Earth and the other planets ?,400901
0,How do you treat an allergic reaction to antiperspirant ?,How can I treat an allergic reaction to deodorant ?,402696
1,Is there anyone who had a positive experience using Prozac for social anxiety and depression ?,Has anyone had great results from anxiety and depression by using Prozac ?,186145
0,Does science support the idea that gay people ca n't change their sexual orientation ?,Can sexual orientation be changed ?,305510
1,What will happen if I did not pay educational loan ?,What would happen if I do n't repay my education loan ?,109772
0,Southern methodist university ?,How is southern methodist university ?,168346
1,What is the difference between deep learning and usual machine learning ?,What is the difference between machine learning and deep learning ?,357108
0,I smoked weed 3 times this week . I have a surprise drug test in the coming 2 weeks . I 'm 173cm tall and weigh 52 kilograms . How long will it take for my body to not show a sign of smoking in the test ?,Can I still smoke weed with getting drug tested every week with a 20 ng/ml test ?,304238
1,"If you could go back in time and change one thing , what would it be and why ?","If given a chance , you can go in past and change one thing , what would it be ?",66133
0,How do I make my parents understand my situation and make them give me money to finish my studies rather than blackmailing me for marriage ?,Who were the developer of magic window ?,51500
1,"What do you think about Modi Government decision to ban 500 , 1000 notes ?",What do you think about Modi 's new policy on the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes ?,380527
0,I 'm 18 and have never had any romantic interaction with a girl ; will this inexperience affect me later ?,Can I get MBBS seat in private medical colleges with 316 marks in NEET 2016 ?,352554
1,Why did Hillary Clinton lose the US election 2016 ?,What made Hillary to lose presidential election ?,382730
0,Is Putin smarter than Obama ?,Who is more powerful : Putin or Obama ?,388072
1,What and where would documents and data be on an iPhone ?,How do I find my documents and data in my iPhone ?,256467
0,It 's spirit week at my school . The school is suspending kids who wear our rival schools colors . Is n't that an act of tyranny against The First ?,Are some people luckier than others ?,380006
1,How can I make time go by faster ?,How do I make time go by faster ?,131196
0,What technologies are needed to build an e-commerce website ?,Which platform build E-commerce websites ?,401771
1,How do I stop myself from hating people ?,How do I stop hating someone who hurt me ?,35042
0,Can you watch the Hallmark channel on Roku ?,What are the best Hallmark movies available on Roku ?,64917
1,Why is that Hudson Bay area of Canada has 4 % less gravity than the rest of the world ?,Why is gravity less in the Hudson Bay area than other parts of the world ?,84741
0,I 've been a self-employed for years for a tour business in Bali-Indonesia for years . Does anyone have an idea how to grow it bigger and bigger ?,How do I determine what part of my question on Quora needs improvement ?,240530
1,What are the characteristics of a bold person ?,What are some characteristics of a bold personality ?,134578
0,`` What is the correct spelling of the following word : '' `` attorneys '' '' or '' `` attornies '' '' ? '',Why ca n't rap artists spell the word little correctly ?,200706
1,What are signs of a bad transmission control module and is it safe to drive when it 's bad ?,What are symptoms of a bad transmission control module ?,111751
0,How do I write a recommendation letter ?,How do you get good letters of recommendation ?,208610
1,Why do I have the urge to jump from high places ?,Is it common to have a powerful urge to jump from high heights ? For some reason anytime I 'm near a railing or balcony I have this magnetic-like feeling pulling me to jump off .,250361
0,What is a conditional contract in commercial law ?,Would I able to travel in a Mumbai local from Virar to Andheri daily around 8am ?,354041
1,How do I remove acne properly ?,How do I remove acne ?,166269
0,Why do n't turbofans have grilles at the inlet to prevent large objects such as birds and debris from entering ?,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Dexcom ?,4368
1,What do people do when they are really bored ?,What should I do when im bored ?,344944
0,How could we apply yield management in barber shop ?,Where can I find an Asian barber shop in Lynnwood ?,198152
1,What is the best water park in Hyderabad ?,What are the best water parks in Hyderabad ?,158331
0,I am 16 years old girl . I 'm 5 ′ 3 ″ tall and weigh 80 kg . How do I lose weight ?,"I am a 13 year old girl , and I am overweight . I am 5 feet 5 inches tall , and weigh 120 pounds . How do I lose weight ?",123288
1,What should we do to face campus interviews ?,How should one prepare for interviews ?,148933
0,What would be your New Year resolutions for 2017 ?,What are some of your New Year 's resolutions for 2015 ?,357863
1,Which book should one refer to for the CA final audit ?,Which book should I refer to for the Audit in CA final ?,66723
0,How can I get on in school when I 'm not smart ?,"I am jobless after btech in 2012 , I have this thought of going to Ameerpet to do some course and give interview with fake experience . what to do ?",97235
1,Should the Indian education system be revamped ?,Do we need to change the education system of India ? If yes then why ?,181868
0,What kind of music does Donald Trump enjoy ?,Why do most of the Americans and other countries citizen hate Donald Trump ?,188938
1,When I tell a girl I liked her ?,When should I tell a girl that I like her ?,266306
0,Is it feasible to build a wall between the US and Mexico as Donald Trump claims he would do ?,Will jobs that moved to China be brought back to the US as President Trump promised ?,156868
1,"Which is better , Ruby on Rails or PHP ?","Which is better for quick results , Ruby on Rails or PHP ?",273291
0,How do I stop the feeling of longing for someone ?,How can I stop having feelings for someone who I know is wrong for me ?,20427
1,"If you have a past in porn , should you disclose this when applying to colleges ?",Is it a bad idea to reveal you have a past in porn when applying to universities ?,263539
0,What really LCM is ?,Why they use ` o ' as lower case in IoT ?,280754
1,What are the top English melodius songs ?,What are the best melodies English songs ?,337003
0,How do you determine the chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide silver ?,How can the chemical formula of silver be determined ?,294105
1,What are the best ways to learn how to draw ?,How can I learn to draw ?,248831
0,Which is the largest downloadable file currently present on web ?,Is there any Java/JEE framework to upload and download large files -LRB- upto 2GB -RRB- in a web application ?,179604
1,"How come people on Quora ask questions here , when they can get them on Google and why is Quora just a question/answer site , will it expand ?",Why do some people ask questions on Quora that could easily be answered by using a search engine ?,132915
0,Is it safe to jailbreak an iPhone ?,Should I jailbreak my iPhone 4 ?,186222
1,What ways can I improve my writing skills ?,In what ways can I improve my writing skills ?,262825
0,If I send a message then block the person will they still receive that message ?,I sent messages to someone on WhatsApp . I received a tick because their data connection was not active . I blocked the person shortly after . Will they receive the messages I sent them before blocking them ?,218656
1,Who is the best friend of India ?,Who is the best friend of India ? And why ?,41768
0,"Which is a good solar panel installation provider near Hollywood , California CA ?","Which is a good solar panel installation provider in Hercules , California CA ?",135521
1,What are some good ways to lose weight ?,What should I do to reduce weight ?,124489
0,How can I link my Google account for my Clash of Clan to my iPhone ?,How should I delete my Clash of clans account so I can not find it again ?,292556
1,Which health insurance company is best in India ?,Which company is best for health insurance in India ?,175544
0,What are the hardest songs to sing for a child ?,What are the hardest karaoke songs to sing ?,35159
1,Is it good time to invest in share market ?,Is it a good time to invest in the share market ?,367454
0,Do you like the I phone and Samsung phone ?,Which phones are better : iPhone or Samsung Galaxy ?,347346
1,What are the most innovative advertisements ?,What is the most innovative advertisement you have seen ?,82067
0,Does dmw check for bench warrants when getting plates ?,"When you apply for a driver 's license in a new state , do they check the state you are leaving for arrest warrants before issuing the new license ?",288811
1,Which is the best digital marketing company in india ?,Which is the best digital marketing agency in India ?,270856
0,"How much would 40,000 sq ft of land be worth in New Territories , Hong Kong ?",What happens when you decide to give to charity ?,312543
1,What is it like to live in Sinai Peninsula ?,What is it like to live in the Sinai Peninsula ?,53919
0,`` How do you say '' `` also '' '' in Japanese ? Is there more than one way to say it ? '',`` How do you say '' `` ocean '' '' in Japanese ? Is there more than one way to say it ? '',202677
1,How can I delete my Paddy Power account ?,What are some ways of deleting my Paddy Power account ?,323130
0,What material should I use to pass the C2180-377 exam ?,What are the main reasons why students from Montana State -- Bozeman do n't graduate on time ?,152411
1,Howdo I get into Stanford with a poor GPA ?,How do I get into Stanford with a poor GPA ? B *,281292
0,A girl in my class said I should n't style my hair the way I do because it 's wrong . Is their ways a person should n't style their hair ?,Cooling of telecommunication devices ?,10952
1,What is the difference between sore throat and strep throat ? What causes it suddenly ?,What is the difference between sore throat and STREP throat ? What causes strep throat suddenly ?,144266
0,How do I crack interview ?,How do I crack remaxys interview ?,168807
1,Who will win the 2016 ipl ?,Who is going to win IPL 2016 and why ?,72159
0,Does it have a CMS to build a site like The Fancy ?,Does Fancy use a Product API ?,80426
1,Which books have changed your life completely -LRB- even a little -RRB- ?,Which books have changed your life ?,134459
0,Does stringing together element symbols from square patterns on a periodic table make secure passwords ?,"If it requires a supernova to create elements with a higher atomic element than Fe , Iron , how on Earth -LRB- pun intended -RRB- do we create elements that are much further up in the Periodic Table of Elements ?",304910
1,How will the ban on Rs 500 and 1000 notes impact the Indian economy ?,What would be the possible impact on Indian economy after cancellation of 500 and 1000 Rs notes ?,373141
0,What is the probability of curing alopecia with Ayurveda ?,Is there a cure for alopecia ?,87331
1,How can I teach my children to embrace and practice critical thinking ?,What is the best way to raise children who are critical thinkers ?,76426
0,How is Tanmay Bhat losing weight ?,Tanmay Bhat : How did you manage to reduce your fat ?,213705
1,What are the best books on algorithms and data structures ?,What are the best books for algorithm ?,62881
0,Can anyone have the source code of wound image tissue classification using k-means ?,What is K-means and K-NN used for in image segmentation ?,269079
1,What is the best way to learn Indian history quickly ?,What are the best way to learn about Indian history ?,277111
0,What are the best Add-On items for Amazon ?,"Are there any extensions one can add to Amazon that lets one discover the lowest price of a used item on one 's wish list ? If so , what are they ?",361112
1,What are some of the NGOs or orphanages in Bangalore where one can help/teach ?,What NGOs in Bangalore can I volunteer with on weekends or holidays ?,191673
0,What does it feel like to pet a cleaned lion ?,What is it like to have a pet lion ?,235218
1,I speak English . How far back in time could I go and still communicate with someone fluently ?,`` How far could I go back in time before I would not be able to understand an '' `` English speaker '' '' ? '',215926
0,Can height of a boy who is 16 be increased ?,Is 5 '10 is a good height for a 16 year old boy ?,269855
1,Is Quora biased against Donald Trump ?,Why is the Quora forum so overwhelmingly against Donald Trump to the point of slander ?,171074
0,What is Enterprise launching competency ?,Does IS set up launch in India ?,17508
1,What are the benefits of having an enema ? What are the downsides/risks ?,What are the health benefits of an enema ?,335199
0,Are there people who think socialism is the ideal system and not communism ?,How are socialism and communism alike ?,319716
1,What does it feel like to be all alone ?,What is it like to be alone ?,107695
0,Is lamb meat considered a red meat or a white meat ?,Is pork considered red meat or white meat ?,153708
1,What is a truly elastic collision ?,What is elastic collision ?,171744
0,What is the difference between -LRB- -RRB- and -LSB- -RSB- in Python ?,What is the difference between / = and / / = in Python ?,8054
1,What 's the algorithm with which random numbers are generated ?,Which algorithm is used to generate a random number ?,109627
0,What are the major stereotypes people have about Iceland and to what extent are they true ?,What are the major stereotypes people have about Denmark and to what extent are they true ?,310729
1,Where can you go to look up a license plate and owner of a car without any charge ?,How do you look up license plate numbers ?,141699
0,How can I prepare for exams in two weeks ?,What is a scientific or systematic way to revise exams ?,335398
1,Did matter exist before the big bang ?,Did the void exist before the Big Bang ?,8171
0,What is the best way to treat a bearded dragon bite ?,"What is our best theory of faith ? If God exists , why does He create rational , truth seeking people and then expect them to blindly follow Him ?",362748
1,Why do people say god bless you when you sneeze ?,What is the origin of saying God Bless You after sneezing ?,373772
0,`` What are the best '' `` we '' '' songs ? '',What are some good songs ?,341739
1,Who is the one best actor in Game of Thrones of all time ?,Which actor/actress plays their character the best in Game of Thrones ?,231908
0,What is the best torrent site for audiobooks ?,What are some of the best audiobook sites ?,108950
1,How possible is it to get pregnant one day after my 3 day period ?,How do I get pregnant just after my periods ?,168078
0,What is the best iPad stylus ?,What is the best iPad ?,257519
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Minnesota ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Arizona ?,88465
0,"In web development , which language is best in regards to the database ?",Which language is best for developing an website ?,22387
1,Which phone I should buy Moto g4 plus or One Plus 3 ?,Which one should I buy ? Moto g4 plus or oneplus 3 ?,35350
0,"Which postal study course should I take for the GATE for a Mechanical Engineering , Made Easy or Ace Academy ?",How helpful is the made easy postal coaching for mechanical ?,133718
1,What is the function of the aorta ?,What is the function of the aorta in the heart ?,303873
0,How long does it take to ship something -LRB- like a package -RRB- to China from the United States of America ?,How long does standard shipping with USPS take to send a package from New York to London ?,347650
1,How did Israel officially become a country ?,How did Israel become an independent country ?,160664
0,How can we hide frequent chat in WhatsApp ?,How can I hide a chat in Whatsapp ?,20860
1,How can I make friends at new job ?,How do I make friends at new job ?,359396
0,Procedure impeachment of president ?,I stepped on dog diarrhea with blood ? Can I get any diseases even though I washed my feet ?,368581
1,How can I get a crown without downloading anything ?,How do you get a crown in ?,101902
0,"`` What does it mean when someone says '' `` two o'clock '' '' , or '' `` seven o'clock '' '' in order to show a particular direction without pointing it out ? How does this system work ? ''","How do people say it 's 00:00 o'clock as opposed to saying 12:00 AM ? Do people also say `` thirteen , fourteen etc. o'clock '' as well ?",236834
1,What is the bravest thing you have ever done ?,What 's the bravest thing you have ever done ?,131790
0,Psychology : Why do human beings find butts attractive ?,"What is respect ? What are the psychological , sociological and evolutionary reasons for respect ? Is such a phenomenon present in non-human sentient beings ?",14992
1,Will a gap after graduation affect admission into the IIMs ?,Does a gap of a year after graduation seriously affects my career prospects ?,154756
0,Will people think different of me if I wear women 's clothing as a guy ?,Where in the Castro/Mission can a man buy women 's clothing in men 's sizes ?,21530
1,What do foreigners think about Indians when they visit India ?,What do foreigners think about India when they visit India and see the Indians performing the traditional rituals in temples ?,96414
0,What is ?,Is it legal to sell a Twitter account ?,65222
1,"Something simple , yet important . Why should I vote for Hillary Clinton ?",Why are you voting for Hillary Clinton ?,359899
0,If Israel would conquer syria how would it look like ?,How would a invasion of Syria look like in 2015 ?,207652
1,What would happen if Bulgaria attacks Greece ?,What would happen if Bulgaria invaded Greece ?,228496
0,What 's the difference between the non plan expenditure and the revenue expenditure with respect to the Union Budget of the government of India ?,Why does maintenance of assets in India come under non plan expenditure ?,399739
1,What is the formula used to calculate thermal energy and how is it calculated ?,How is thermal energy calculated ? What are some examples of how it is calculated ?,173390
0,Why cooldrinks filled with gas are bad to health ?,Why is corn syrup considered bad for health and why is it often added to caramels as in salted caramel filling ?,23231
1,What are the best ways to make money online ?,How can i make money online easily ?,375070
0,What is the best courses for an MS in Germany for a student who is a graduate in mechanical engineering ?,Which are the best universities in Germany for getting a degree in mechanical engineering ?,158006
1,Is there an option for personal chat on Quora ?,Is there no option to chat with a person on Quora ?,2039
0,Can someone hack into my computer if it is not connected to the Internet ?,How do I hack internet data on Idea or Airtel ?,137545
1,Why did MS Dhoni leave the captaincy of ODI and T20 ?,Why did Dhoni leave the captaincy ?,172109
0,Do the French and Parisians hate the Eiffel Tower or do they ever get sick of it ?,Where is the Eiffel Tower ?,136946
1,What is the best career option for an electrical engineer ?,What are best career options available for electrical and electronics engineer today ?,307119
0,What is the smallest insect in this planet ?,What is the smallest fish on the planet ?,324086
1,What is the scope in digital marketing in India ?,What is scope of digital marketing in india ?,171647
0,What was the main reason of the formation of dual alliance ? What are the other factors behind it ?,Was the protection from Russia the main reason of formation of Dual Alliance ?,250953
1,What are the best books on microbiology ?,What is the best book for microbiology ?,305742
0,How do I get good marks in chemistry 2 ?,How get good mark in chemistry ?,321751
1,What do you think of indonesian people ?,What do you think about Indonesian people ?,357033
0,What is the importance of writing a research paper ?,How important is academic writing for a researcher ?,302069
1,What are the movies one should see ?,Are there any good movies to watch ?,30571
0,How do I save a picture on WeChat ?,Why do picture uploads on WeChat/WeiXin often fail on WiFi but work fine on 3g ?,268329
1,I scored 8.4 CGPA in class 10 SA1 cbse . Can I get above 9 CGPA in SA2 after upgradation ?,How do I get 10 cgpa in class 10 -LRB- I got 8.4 in SA1 -RRB- ?,277140
0,Why do I keep seeing the number 10:10 on the clock or my watch ?,Why do I keep seeing repetitive numbers on the clock ?,123745
1,What is the difference between statistical learning and machine learning ?,What is the difference between ` Statistical Learning ' and ` Machine Learning ? ',260107
0,How do you create a second gmail account ?,How do I create a fake Gmail account ?,229460
1,How close are we -LRB- or not close -RRB- right now to World War 3 ?,Is World War III coming ?,301939
0,What can India do to promote increased inbound tourism ?,"Despite having more than 7500 kilometers of coastline in India , why is the Government of India or the Ministry of Tourism not promoting beach tourism ?",193793
1,What are some things I can do to increase my IQ ?,What are those things that I can do to increase my IQ ?,204325
0,What is the value of log -LRB- 0 -RRB- ?,Why does zero factorial -LRB- 0 ! -RRB- equal one -LRB- 1 -RRB- ?,297285
1,"How do I become the Top Writer on Quora , get more upvotes and better stats ?","How does a Quora writer qualify as a Top Writer , and get those gifts ?",19235
0,Is universe is expanding in only one direction according to these image s ?,"Our universe is a sphere , but what direction are we expanding in ? Are all galaxies moving away from us or are they moving in some specific direction ?",177542
1,Do questions on Quora that are non-anonymous get more distribution when posted as a follow-up to another question ?,Do anonymous Quora questions get more views ?,158285
0,What is your favourite alcoholic cocktail and why ?,What is your favorite cocktail ?,190357
1,Why is Saltwater Taffy candy imported in Poland ?,Why are American Saltwater Taffy candies imported in Japan ?,111189
0,Does the e-NFA have more computation than the DFA ? Justify .,Can we make a program that draw DFA and NFA diagrams based on that expression ?,309797
1,What is the best free web hosting service/site ?,"I need a free web hosting for my blog , what is the best free web hosting ?",306736
0,How can you nurture a wisdom plant ?,Where does the wisdom of The Godfather come from ?,334257
1,What is Tolstoy 's War & Peace all about ?,What is War and Peace about ?,345926
0,Why McDonald 's charge for ketchup if I need more ?,Why do n't buffet restaurants charge more for men ?,352381
1,"What is the best laptop under 60,000 INR ?","What are the best laptops under 60,000 ?",141949
0,How can I use Twitter for business ?,What 's the best way to use Twitter ?,172323
1,How do I ask questions on Quora ?,How we can post in Quora ?,351714
0,`` When will David Pollak complete '' `` Simply Lift '' '' ? '',How do I add a treeview to a Lift template ?,158060
1,How do you train a Rottweiler/Boxer mix ?,How should a Rottweiler/Boxer mix be trained ?,342540
0,What will Barack Obama be remembered for as President of the United States ?,What if Vladimir Putin were the president of the USA and Barack Obama were the president of Russia ?,31679
1,What are some mechanical advantage examples ?,What are some examples of a mechanical advantage ?,180358
0,Can I put a comma before to ?,Why is a comma put there ?,129119
1,How do I improve brain power ?,How do I improve my brain power ?,34838
0,What does one need to be an Investment banker at a company like Goldmann Sachs . ?,Do you need to be really good at math to work as an investment banker at a top tier firm ?,130328
1,How do I impress girls ?,How do I impress a girl on chat ?,381317
0,Has education had an effect on lowering crime rates in society ?,Do immigrants always have lower crime rates than natives in all countries ?,222709
1,What are the best laptops one can go for under the range of 20k ?,Which laptop or notebook can I buy under 20k ?,15507
0,Which is best BFA college in India ?,I 'm a 11th grade student from India . I would like to become a neuroscientist . What should I do ? What are my requirements for college ?,226930
1,What are criticisms of Windows 10 ?,What are some criticisms of Windows 10 ?,328199
0,Why did the Founder 's Fund invest in Stemcentrx ?,Why did Artis Ventures invest in Stemcentrx ? Were they their first institional investor ?,297277
1,Is it true that the new Rs . 2000 currency notes in India will have a nano GPS chip ?,Is it true tat the new 2000 denomination currency has some Nano GPS chip ? Or is it a rumour ?,104657
0,Which is the best text for the Gujarati Kankotri ?,What are the best books in Gujarati Language ?,348149
1,How shall I become a software developer in India ?,How do I become software developer in india ?,84234
0,Is American culture declining ?,Is American culture in a moral decline ?,299214
1,What are some ways to respond when someone compliments you ?,How do I respond when someone gives me a compliment ?,102491
0,Who do you think will win the 2013-2014 Super Bowl ?,Who is the favorite to win the Super Bowl 48 ?,30985
1,What are common symptoms of bipolar disorder ?,What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder and how to fight it ?,291059
0,What are some good songs to listen to ?,What are the best songs with beats to listen to ?,125588
1,Why is India unsafe for women ?,Can India ever be a safe place for women ?,73667
0,What 's the best way I can remove bubble gum off my daughter 's face ?,What can I do to fade acne scars on my face ?,162214
1,Are the Australian Aborignals dark because the lived in Asia and Africa before they arrived to Australia ?,Are the Australian Aboriginals just as dark as Africans because they lived in Africa before they came to Australia ?,233346
0,Who invented the windmill ?,Shall I use alternator in windmill ?,401230
1,What are some things Indians should be proud of ?,What are some things every Indian should know and feel proud about ?,305497
0,"If the Rothschilds and Rockefellers really do possess the majority of the world 's wealth , why is Bill Gates the richest man in the world ?",Why is no one from the Rockefeller or Rothschild 's families listed in the World 's Billionaires list by Forbes ?,351762
1,Which is the best Harry Potter film and why ?,Which is your favourite Harry Potter movie and why ?,288860
0,Ofdm transmitter flowgraph ?,Is AngularJS a good framework ?,283432
1,How do I install air filter ?,How do you install an air filter ?,313630
0,How does a company in Canada integrate with an automatic clearing house for mobile payments ?,Which is the first company to have developed mobile payment system ?,383310
1,What are examples of herbivorous animals ?,What are some examples of herbivorous animals ?,29523
0,What are the advantages and disadvantages of deregulation ?,What is deregulation ? How can you take maximum advantage of it where it exist ?,24311
1,What are some mind blowing phones gadgets ?,What are some of the best phones tools and gadgets ?,358768
0,What material should I use to pass the CV0-001 exam ?,What material should I use to pass the C2090-422 exam ?,53271
1,How do I start an e-commerce company ? And how much capital is needed ?,How do I start and run an E-commerce business ?,91313
0,Does the new start up stay uncle allow admission to unmarried couples in delhi ?,Has any couple tried website in Delhi ?,290267
1,What are the best books on leadership ?,What are the best books about leadership ?,75484
0,How do Mamata Banerjee 's paintings sell at such high prices ?,Paintings : Why abstract paintings are sold at very high price ? What makes them so costly ?,38101
1,If I smoked meth Monday afternoon will I be clean for a urine test Thursday morning ?,`` I smoked a bowl of crystal meth on Friday . I 'm 5 ' 4 '' '' and 187lbs . Will I be able to pass a urine drug test on Wednesday for drug court ? '',394453
0,Why was n't Hillary Clinton at the DNC ?,Why is n't Hillary Clinton being indicted -LRB- July 2016 -RRB- ?,226467
1,How can I overcome my fear of public speaking ?,How can I get over the fear of public speaking ?,114563
0,How can I protect my app name so that it can not be used by other ?,Shortcut for c compilation ?,1726
1,What are some of the best face wash products for blackheads ?,What is the best face wash for blackheads ?,121007
0,Why do women ONLY shave their legs ?,Should women shave their legs ?,386490
1,Who would win in a war between Russia and the US ?,Is it possible to win a nuclear war between the US and Russia ?,235839
0,What is the difference between CNY and CNH currencies ?,What is the difference between a normal paper and a paper used for making currency notes ?,274489
1,Should I quit gaming to get better grades ?,Should I stop gaming to get better grades ? If not how can I balance gaming and studying ?,355738
0,What is Sindhu water treaty ?,"If India denies Pakistan water , will Pakistan give up its nuclear weapons ?",300149
1,What will be the effect of banning 500 and 1000 notes on stock markets in India ?,What will be the effect on share market after the banning of 500 and 1000 notes ?,333605
0,What do the French think of Scottish people and Scottish Independence ?,What do Irish people think of Scottish people and Scottish Independence ?,72711
1,What existed before the Big Bang ?,"How was our universe before the Big Bang ? Was it a tiny point ? If it was a tiny point , where did this point exist from ?",369060
0,What are some good reflex exercises ?,What are the best exercises for me ?,96476
1,How is life at iit bombay ?,How is life in IITB ?,54904
0,`` What does an '' `` ACH prenote '' '' mean ? '',How does International ACH work ?,275350
1,What kind of problems will you face when travelling abroad ?,What are the main problems you have experienced in your travels abroad ?,285290
0,Has anyone tried Gainlo mock interviews ?,Can I get a referral from Gainlo interviewers ?,194355
1,What are the new technology you heard ?,What is new in technology ?,172235
0,Is eating ice cream every day unhealthy ?,How bad is it to eat ice cream at night ?,45478
1,Why do n't people search on Google before posting it on Quora ?,Why do n't many people posting questions on Quora check Google first ?,350096
0,What are the chances of getting a seat in IIM with work experience of 3.5 years ?,Is there any chances of getting admission in IIMS as I have just graduated and no work experience ?,12690
1,Which smartphone is superior between the iPhone 7 and the Samsung Galaxy S7 ?,"Whats the better phone , iPhone 7 or Samsung S7 ?",182680
0,What are some tips for someone looking to buy a starter home in the Bay Area in 2016 ?,Should I buy a property in the bay area this year -LRB- 2016 -RRB- ? I am renting currently but getting tired of paying high rent -LRB- $ 2200/month for 2Bed/1ba -RRB- .,309221
1,How do smart and successful people control their emotions ?,How do I control emotions . . Like Heart Breaking emotions ?,311840
0,What is the best website to stream Hindi movies ?,Which is the best movie in Hindi cinema ?,123806
1,Is it ok not to know everything ?,Is it more interesting not to know everything than it is to know everything ?,20234
0,What is BlipSnip 's value proposition ?,How do I create a great value proposition within IT Consulting Practice ?,167804
1,What is the scope of Selenium ?,How is the scope for selenium in future ?,209322
0,"With this exponential growth of technology , how close are we to traveling outside of the Milky Way ?",Is Milky Way near the center of the observable universe or close to the edge ?,304659
1,Will pokemon go launch in india ?,Is Pokemon go going to be released in India ? Or will never be ...,360905
0,What are the different wiring capacitances ? How are they used ?,"I 'm getting a red error message as stated above when trying run my URL through PageSpeed Insights , what the issue is . How do I solve this issue ?",337571
1,Can we time travel anyhow ?,How do we time travel ?,80243
0,How would one use `` sort of '' in a sentence ?,How do you use ` machiavellian ' in a sentence ?,190862
1,Which is the best smartphones below 9k ?,What is the best smartphone under 9k ?,193179
0,Why do old radios sometimes pick up radio stations from other countries instead of only picking up local radio stations ?,How do radio stations get benefits ? Is it only by ads ?,88287
1,What is the best picture you took with your phone ?,Which is the best photo you took using your phone ?,306148
0,How create zero gravity environment on the earth ?,How is a zero gravity environment created for astronaut training on earth ?,316267
1,What was it like to be pregnant ?,What does it feel like to be pregnant ?,213159
0,How communist parties in India again come back to power ?,How was the Nazi party founded and developed to take power ? Could it happen again ?,34445
1,What 's something you wish people knew about you ?,What 's something you wish everyone knew about you ?,154230
0,Why is Hyderabad famous as a terrorist hub ?,Why did America fund terrorists ?,69300
1,Who are the new -LRB- i.e. first-time -RRB- Top Question Writers for 2017 ?,Who are the top question writers for 2017 ?,148674
0,How do I stop cheating on my boyfriends ?,What must I do to do to stop my boyfriend from cheating ?,336891
1,"How do I choose the videos which will launch with Autoplay on Youtube , after my videos on my channel ?","How do I choose the videos which will launch with Autoplay on Youtube , after my videos on my channel ?",272168
0,Was Swami Vivekananda a religious scientist ?,How do I return my HDFC credit card ?,105203
1,How many calories do you burn from cycling ?,How many calories are burned while cycling ?,315871
0,"Where can I find an establishment that offers restoration of old leather/synthetic leather bags as a service in Manila , Philippines ?","Are all animal skins from food production used as leather , or is there an oversupply ? Is there any real reason to change to synthetic leathers ?",307153
1,How long does one have to study to become a doctor in the US ?,How long do USA medical students have to study before they become doctors ?,62964
0,How competitive is the hiring process at Great Southern Bank ?,How competitive is the hiring process at Southern Company ?,72160
1,What is the difference between creativity and innovation ? How do you define creativity ? How do you define innovation ?,What is the difference between being creative and being innovative ?,294053
0,What are the different types of petrol ? Some times on petrol pump there are different kind of petrols available . which is best ?,What is the work of manager at petrol pump ?,212873
1,What is the best way to be a good father ?,How can I be a good father ?,87269
0,Where can I buy an iPhone true clone in India and also online ?,Which is the best online furniture shopping site in India ?,211104
1,How can I remove followers on instagram ?,How do you remove ghost followers on Instagram ?,54572
0,Should Trump have a 5-China policy ?,What is the truth about Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab ? Did he Create a New Sect -LRB- of Islam -RRB- ?,284348
1,How many more seasons of The Walking Dead will be there ?,How many seasons will The Walking Dead have ?,133492
0,What are the hardest adjustments to make when visiting Iraq ?,What are the hardest adjustments to make when visiting Ukraine ?,401782
1,What is the business can I do now that Modi is trying to change India to a cashless economy ?,What is the business I can do now that Modi is trying to change India to a cashless economy ?,240045
0,Why do football players wear baseball caps on the sideline ?,Why do football players wear a jockstrap ?,343574
1,How harmful is zika virus ?,Effects of zika virus ?,369115
0,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Access National ?,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at eBay ?,386215
1,Do rich people worry about anything ?,What do wealthy people worry about ?,43465
0,I have no interest in materialistic things ?,What are materialistic things ?,320024
1,How do you determine the chemical formula for aluminum acetate ?,How is the formula of aluminum acetate determined ?,34739
0,Barbershops : Are barber shops profitable ?,Which barber shop in Chicago does the best fades ?,334001
1,Will I lose weight by only drinking water ?,Could n't we lose weight just by drinking ice cold water ?,8021
0,I am an Architect from India with 3 years of work experience . I have an EAD card . What job options do I have in the USA with my Indian degree ?,"To build some attractive web page , What software should I use whether Adobe Dreamweaver or WYSIWYG Web builder or any other suggestions ... ?",384494
1,What is the difference between Azure and AWS ?,Difference between Azure and AWS ?,342638
0,How do I make a man happy ?,What makes a man happy all the time ?,294575
1,Is premarital sex wrong in India ?,Is premarital sex immoral in India ?,403840
0,"Cars in India : Which one is better , Honda Amaze or Maruti Swift Dzire ?","I want to purchase a new car . Which one would be better : the Honda Amaze , the Tata Zest or a Hyundai i20 ?",341899
1,What is meant by surgical strike ?,What do you mean by surgical strike ?,232711
0,What is the history of some words ?,`` What is the history of the word '' `` percent '' '' ? '',74202
1,What happens after the death ?,What happens to us when we die ?,49440
0,How can I get rid of Lizards at home ?,How can you get rid of lizards ?,35647
1,How important is competitive programming to machine learning ?,How useful is competitive programming for a machine learning engineer ?,175231
0,What are the most trending android games developed by undergraduates ?,What are the best tools to develop the Android games ?,134933
1,What are some of the coolest open source projects on GitHub ?,What are some of the coolest projects on github ?,374559
0,What is the difference between trademark and copy right ?,"How do copyrights , trademarks and patents differ ?",283015
1,What do people in Kazakhstan think of Borat ?,What do kazakhs think of borat ?,138474
0,What are some characteristics of INTJ children ? How do INTJ children behave ?,What are INTJs like as kids ?,56229
1,Do you think humans can be immortal ?,Will we ever become immortal ?,159357
0,What fears or phobias does Donald Trump have ?,Who is Donald Trump 's base ? Why is he popular ? Why are people voting for him ? Why do people like and support him ?,164846
1,What are some good movies rated low on IMDb ?,Which are some of the best movies which are underrated by imdb ?,77360
0,Is Crimea a part of Russia or Ukraine ?,Why should n't Crimea become part of Russia ?,133987
1,Can I change the language in Quora ?,How do change my language on Quora ?,116716
0,Who is the labour minister of india ?,Who was the first Prime Minister of India ?,250438
1,Should Hawaii be independent ?,Should America grant Hawaii independence ?,300897
0,Why do I need a passport to go to Jamaica from Honduras ?,Why do I need a passport to go to Jamaica from Germany ?,279564
1,How will you start your CAT preparation from scratch ?,How do I prepare for the CAT starting from the beginning ? What are the tricks and methods ?,194393
0,What are the languages spoken in Phillipines ?,"What language is spoken in Athens , Greece ?",276327
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Wisconsin ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Maryland ?,100051
0,Did Hitler commit suicide ?,Why did Adolf Hitler commit suicide ?,50889
1,How should I start preparing for NEET ?,How do I start preparing for NEET ?,52077
0,`` What is a plot summary of the poem '' `` Song '' '' by Lady Mary Wroth ? '',How do you write a good summary of a poem ?,132540
1,How can I gain weight on my body ?,How can I gain healthy weight and mass ?,297526
0,"Four years ago , Marina was three times older than her daughter . Six years from now , Marina will be twice as old as her daughter . What are their present ages ?","When my mother was 41 years old , I was 9 . Now she is twice as old as I . What is my age now ?",52679
1,Does telekinesis exist ?,Is telekinesis possible ?,396992
0,"What are the differences between game development , game design and game programming ?",What are the differences of a game developer and a game designer ?,183765
1,In 2017 what could possibly the upcoming features in WhatsApp ?,What are new upcoming features of WhatsApp ?,221039
0,"How can I go to the NFL without playing college football , like Stephen Neal ?",Which NFL players were recruited out of an NFL Regional Combine who did NOT play college football ?,46676
1,What will be the drawbacks of issuing Rs 2000 notes by the RBI ? Will it not become easy to hoard more black money ?,How will the introduction of new 2000 rupee notes help in curbing the black money ?,264374
0,Why it is not sensible to rubble a canvas of a tent on wet weather ?,Why did doctors advise to put strips of wet cloth on the forehead of a person having a high temperature ?,350160
1,How does banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes help to control black money ?,How will the scrapping of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes help in reducing black money and corruption ?,308371
0,Why are burgers so delicious at fast food restaurants ?,How do fast food restaurants cook burgers ?,53581
1,What is the most correct religion ?,Which Religion is most correct one and Why ?,367633
0,I believe I have settled the Riemann Hypothesis but do n't want to make a fool of myself . How should I proceed ?,I have around 17 years of experience in the field of ERP and Software Sales . How can I switch my career to other fields . Is this possible ?,351143
1,Which is the best site to play rummy games ?,Which is the best site to play rummy online ?,20870
0,What are the best romance movies ?,What are some good gay romance movies ?,148816
1,How can I earn money on internet ?,"How can I earn money online , seriously ?",196689
0,My rank in ENAT was 5841 all seats of IT CCE and EEE were full . I filled the waiting list and the counselor said I will surely get IT as cutoff for last year was around 8K . Should hope that I get in ?,My rank in Manipal is 5341 . I know I can not get ECE or Mechanical through first round of counseling . Will I get it through waiting list ?,256820
1,Can anyone learn to cook ?,Can anyone learn how to cook ? Why or why not ?,300032
0,"How can I buy the Universal Book Number for my book on romance in Illinois , USA ?",I have self-published a book on Amazon Kindle . I want to know how many people looked at my book without buying . How can I get the stats ?,311016
1,Do I need to be able to draw to become a fashion designer ?,Do you need to know how to draw in order to become a fashion designer ?,375760
0,"Does an insect flying inside a vehicle need to keep with the speed of it , or if in front , fly faster than the vehicle ?",How can I keep domestic flies away from ?,303782
1,How do I hack my wife 's WhatsApp account ?,How can I hack my spouse whatsapp account ?,233496
0,`` What does the phrase '' `` resonate with me '' '' mean ? '',`` What does the phrase '' `` screw you '' '' mean ? '',303837
1,What are the best books to learn advance c++ ?,Which are the best books to learn C++ ?,297279
0,"What 's the solution for feeling mistreated and bullied because of introverted nature , lack of social support or standing ?",What would you do if someone/some people hates or even bully you because of your -LRB- Social Anxiety Disorder -RRB- behavior ?,205274
1,Why is the sky is blue ?,Whey is the sky blue ?,100838
0,What is the best alcohol-free beer ?,How is alcohol free beer made ?,390632
1,How is the placement of IEM Kolkata ?,What about the placement of IEM Kolkata ?,251222
0,What is the impact of composite culture in India ?,How does culture impact the political behavior ?,342620
1,Are the notes of Rs . 2000 really embedded with a GPS chip ?,Is the new 2000 Rupee note really implementing NGC -LRB- Nano GPS Chip -RRB- ?,116129
0,Is there any Part time universities in Hamburg where we can pursue MS ?,Hi guys ! I knew core Java well . What is the best book for advanced Java and frameworks and where does one start ?,302806
1,Which is the best Whirlpool Repair center in Hyderabad ?,What is the best Whirlpool repair center in hyderabad ?,297370
0,What am I going to miss about Bangalore when I move to Mumbai ?,I am about to move to Bangalore . My office is located in Manyata . Is it going to be feasible to stay near Indiranagar ? I have a bike for daily commute,220068
1,What is wrong with my Samsung galaxy j7 -LRB- see details -RRB- ?,What phone network will work for my unlocked Samsung Galaxy j7 HD ?,157309
0,How long would it take to become pretty decent in 3D modeling ?,How long does it take to become a detective ?,391192
1,How many safety valve in the boiler ?,Why are two safety valves provided to boiler ?,143489
0,Molarmass Fe 55 g/mol & density 7.9 g/cm ^ 3 . It means that volume i.e. 55/7 .9 cm ^ 3 must contain 6.022 × 10 ^ 23 atoms.why does 22.4 L contain th8 no of atom ?,How may i plugin Adsense on WordPress free hosted blog ?,173831
1,How should I improve my english communication skills ?,How can we improve our English language skills ?,352496
0,To whom I should give preference the person I love or someone who loves me ?,What is railway transpotation ?,383954
1,How can I ask questions over here ?,How do I post here ?,104370
0,`` What does '' `` 3 business days '' '' mean ? '',What side business can make me $ 100 a day ?,86252
1,How do you upgrade a Straight Talk phone ?,How can I change Straight Talk phones ?,312347
0,What is Your story of CA Final result day ?,What is your success story of becoming a Chartered Accountant -LRB- CA -RRB- ?,116498
1,Do animals commit suicide ?,What animals commit suicide ?,201442
0,I have cheated on my BF and told him after a year . How can we move on and continue our relationship ?,"What would happen if Windows 10 suddenly got update to support file systems ext , ext2 , ext3 , ext4 ?",366450
1,If you had to survive off of 3 foods for the rest of your life -LRB- Not counting combinations of food such as pizza or a smoothie -RRB- What would they be ?,If you had to spend the rest of your life eating only 3 food items then what would they be ?,159755
0,What is induction ?,What is induction in biology ?,319341
1,"I ca n't love the girl who loves me so much , no matter how hard I try . What can I do to leave her without hurting her feelings ?",How do I breakup with a girl without hurting her feelings ?,28678
0,What is the cheapest laptop that is Oculus rift ready ?,Which is the best game on the Oculus Rift ?,296527
1,What is a dominant allele ? How does it differ from a recessive allele ?,What is the difference between recessive trait and dominant trait ?,221062
0,What is the importance of chemistry in electrical engineering ?,What is the importance of electrical engineering ?,341818
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in North Carolina ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in North Dakota ?,186426
0,What is the difference between the while and do while loop in C ?,"When we have a ` while ' loop , then why do we have a ` for ' loop in C/Java ?",254098
1,Is it possible to lose weight without going to the gym ?,Can I lose weight without going to gym ?,207826
0,How can a 16 begin making money while building a resumé ?,What all career options we can explore with best IELTS score in the world ?,115011
1,Is it worth learning Ruby ?,Is it worth learning Ruby these days ?,204740
0,I want some genuine SEO freelancing sites to work on . Can you please advise any good sites which we can really earn ?,Are there any good dating sites that focus on really smart people or any general purpose dating sites that can be used to find really smart people ?,322087
1,What are the best options of media player that allows online streaming for iOS ?,What is the best iOS media player for online streaming ?,157052
0,How does translation work in Google apps ?,Why this app do n't work with Google translate ?,33518
1,Who will win if a war came between India and Pakistan ?,Who will win if a war starts between India and Pakistan ?,40794
0,How can I score around 95 % in my ICSE boards ?,How do I get 90 % in my ICSE boards ?,82086
1,Will the Supreme Court 's decision of playing the National Anthem before movie screenings affect your patriotism ?,What are your views on Supreme Court decision of must National Anthem before movies ?,266046
0,Is intelligence mere information processing ?,What should I do if I am working hard and still getting bad rank in IITJEE mock tests ? -LRB- please read description -RRB- ?,171914
1,How can one stop masturbation ?,How can I stop the urge to masturbate ?,347460
0,What 's the remedies for constipation ?,What are some herbal remedies for constipation ?,223973
1,Can time travel ever be possible ?,Will time travel be possible in future ?,99119
0,What are some good -LRB- free -RRB- apps drawing that have a bucket -LRB- fill -RRB- tool ?,Why are all news apps on the App Store free ?,62530
1,How much time would it take a beginner to learn web developing ?,How much time does it take to learn web development ?,345980
0,What did you like about The Catcher in the Rye ?,What was the The Catcher In The Rye all about ?,254766
1,What is the best microphone for use with a tabla instrument ?,What is the best microphone to use with a tabla ?,195195
0,Why wo n't IFTTT link to my tumblr account ?,Why ca n't my Netflix account be linked to my library account so I can be alerted if the library has movies that are in my Netflix queue ?,363178
1,How does a military coup take place ?,How do military coupes take place ?,248341
0,Music : What is the difference between ` Record of the Year ' and ` Song of the Year ' in the Grammy nominations ?,After how many years can one use the music of a Bollywood song to paste his own lyrivs on it ?,9893
1,Which are the best books for ias preliminary exam preparation ?,What is the best book of preparations for IAS exam ?,170044
0,I 'm Preparing for JEE 2017 . What should be the order of the chapters for the best result for all PCM ?,Hairfall can regrowth ?,397452
1,How should I manage love life and career together ?,How do I manage my love life and career together ?,230824
0,What are some funny shows ?,What is n't funny ?,36436
1,Why do n't Indians follow traffic rules ?,Why do we not follow traffic rules in India ?,133594
0,What is the easiest way to balance chemical equations ?,How do I balance a chemical equation ?,243552
1,Can Donald Trump really become President of US ?,What are the chances that Donald Trump will be the next US president ?,38553
0,Do people in India typically make nan bread at home ?,Is it possible that dark matter is sensible for the weak nuclear force ?,13142
1,What is your best sexual experience ?,What are your best sex experiences ?,309479
0,How do I integrate -LSB- math -RSB- \ dfrac -LCB- 1-x ^ 2 -RCB- -LCB- -LRB- 1 + x ^ 2 -RRB- \ sqrt -LCB- 1 + x ^ 4 -RCB- -RCB- -LSB- / math -RSB- ?,How do I integrate -LRB- x ^ 2 -RRB- -LRB- 1 - -LRB- x ^ 2 -RRB- -RRB- ^ 0.5 ?,365656
1,Why do so many people ask questions on Quora that can be easily answered by any number of legitimate sources on the Web ? Have they not heard of Google or Bing ?,Why do some people on QUORA ask questions that they can easily findout on Google ?,337243
0,"What Bootstrap theme -LRB- s -RRB- can be used for developing enterprise applications . -LRB- support for AngularJS , dependency managment using Bower , Gulp/Grunt etc -RRB- ?",Is there a reason not to use bootstrap less/sass with gulp ?,323980
1,How do I lose weight faster ?,How can you lose weight quickly ?,207032
0,Symbols : What is an Ouroborus ?,What objects symbolize freedom ?,109481
1,Which films are considered the best Hollywood on Hollywood films ?,What are best Hollywood movies ?,26348
0,Has anyone used ?,Has anyone used ?,143646
1,Why is the iPhone so special ?,Why iPhone is so special ?,97348
0,How many hours must we study -LRB- per day -RRB- to crack the IIT JEE 2017 ?,How do I clear IIT JEE from scratch in two months if I can study up to 18 hours per day ?,324375
1,Can a boy wear short shorts ?,Can boys wear short shorts ?,234827
0,Which gas is used in Air Conditioners of today ?,Who invented the air conditioner ?,273887
1,What do hamsters like to eat besides vegetables and hamster food ?,Can hamsters eat grapes ?,318427
0,Can you schedule an Uber ahead of time ? How do you do this ? Can I set the pickup time in advance ?,Can you get the same Uber driver each time ?,276273
1,Should person know swimming to do scuba diving ?,I do not know how to swim . Can I still attempt scuba diving ?,245622
0,What is the difference between a BPO and a technical support job ?,Is there any growth in BPO jobs and technical support jobs ?,151527
1,Does throwing up help you lose weight ?,What happens when you throw up to lose weight ?,269245
0,How do I have sex with my partner ?,Can I have sex with my pregnant partner ?,368616
1,Where can I get best assistance in Sydney for buying property ?,Where can I get friendly assistance in Sydney of any knowledgeable conveyancing solicitor ?,31302
0,COPY PASTE online job is safe ?,I am very needy for a job . Which is a trusted and safe site for online work to earn money ?,58249
1,How do I become emotionally and mentally strong ?,How can one become emotionally and mentally strong in life ?,349819
0,Is there any company that provide professional help and advice on startup plans in London ?,What are small businesses that we can start from home ?,109306
1,What is the difference between a turbocharger and a supercharger ?,What is the difference between supercharging and turbocharging ?,29284
0,What are the first three things that come across your mind when someone mentions about North East India ?,What do you mean by decorated officer ?,391884
1,Why would a god care if you believe in it or not ?,Why should an almighty and omniscient and benevolent God care whether people believe in him or not ?,49731
0,"How would an arbitrageur seek to capitalize given the following conditions : S0 + Pa -LRB- S0 , T , X -RRB- < Ca -LRB- S0 , T , X -RRB- + X -LRB- l + r -RRB- ^ -LRB- - T -RRB- ?","How would an arbitrageur seek to capitalize given the following condition : S0 + Pa -LRB- S0 , T , X -RRB- < Ca -LRB- S0 , T , X -RRB- + X -LRB- l + r -RRB- ^ -LRB- - T -RRB- ?",4665
1,What is Cubital tunnel surgery called ?,What is Cubital tunnel surgery ?,58793
0,How do I attract any girl easily ?,How do I easily mix up with any girl ?,247474
1,Which is the best laptop under 40000 INR ?,What is best laptop under 40000 rupees ?,137126
0,Are compilers surjective ?,I consider myself to be politically conservative and I vote for conservative policies and politicians . Do you consider me to be a bigot ?,184061
1,Could Superman pick up Thor 's hammer ?,Can Superman lift Thor 's Hammer ?,71695
0,What is the best example of hypocrisy you ever witnessed in your surrounding ?,What are some of the best examples of hypocrisy in India ?,274579
1,How can I start as a freelancer ?,How did you start freelancing ?,59138
0,How do I find people on Instagram by email ?,How are follower lists on Instagram ordered ?,122029
1,How do metal detectors work ?,What are metal detectors ? How do they work ?,295514
0,How does one become a celebrity assistant ?,How does one become a celebrity ?,168659
1,What is the fastest way to lose weight safely ?,How can I lose weight quickly ?,26604
0,Why do only American authorities seize websites on the dark web ? Should n't sites in other countries be seized by their authority ?,What are the some of the best documentaries on medical sciences ?,119842
1,Will Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton win the 2016 US presidential election ?,What are Donald Trump 's chances against Hillary Clinton in a general election ?,259874
0,"I am third year engineering student and I want to start preparing for UPSC 2018 , how should I start ?",Uber 2016 India ?,214977
1,What is the worst thing that could happen if Donald Trump becomes President ?,What is the worst thing trump could do ?,379368
0,What is your review of Electric Now ?,What is your review of Electricity ?,284306
1,How can I improve my English in all aspects ?,How should I improve my english communication skills ?,87260
0,"In layman 's terms , how does Gibbs Sampling work ?",What is Simulated Annealing -LRB- and how does it work -RRB- in layman 's terms ?,210679
1,How do I improve my analysis skills ?,How do I increase analysing skills ?,113996
0,How many eggs are fertilized each time a hen and rooster copulate ?,How many hours per day does a hen sleep ?,101856
1,What is the difference between internship and apprenticeship ?,What is the difference between an apprenticeship and an internship ?,375748
0,What 's the best way to promote a music artist ?,What are the places to work abroad ?,99808
1,"What will happen if Donald trump wins , and its effect on Indian students who are studying in US ?",What would be the scenario for Indian students after Donald trump becomes the President of US ?,226841
0,What 's it like to work at GAIN Capital for your first job ?,What 's it like to work at Store Capital for your first job ?,214279
1,What made George Washington a great President ? What were some of their achievements ?,What made George Washington a great President ?,130770
0,"While having anal sex , if we ejaculate inside is there a risk involved ?",I have a desire for anal sex is this normal ?,44960
1,What are the early and common signs of pregnancy ?,What are some tell tale signs of pregnancy ?,127734
0,`` What are some unique characteristics makes '' `` Facebook '' '' as Successful ? '',What are some characteristics of successful people ?,128059
1,"If the universe is everything , and scientists say that the universe is expanding , what is it expanding into ?","If the universe is expanding , then what does it expand into ?",287982
0,"Would An underage teen , watching underage teen porn , be considered a pedophile ?",Do teen girls watch porn movies ? And do they masturbate ?,324788
1,How do/should I come out as bisexual to my parents ?,How should I come out as bisexual to my parents ?,50733
0,Some definitions of a perpetual motion machine say it needs to run forever but others say that criteria has been removed . Which is it ?,"Has perpetual motion or any free energy generator been achieved ? If no , is it even possible to achieve it ? If yes , how close are we to achieve it ?",47968
1,What would happen if India attacked Pakistan tomorrow ?,What would happen if India attacks Pakistan ?,122431
0,How do people survive in Dhaka City ?,how to go for a group art exhibition in Jehangir art gallery ? Have already bought the form . how can I contact other artists aspiring for the same ?,88707
1,Why is there more poor people than rich ones ?,Why most people are poor in this world ?,199483
0,What is the ZIP code of India ?,How are ZIP codes written ?,305003
1,What are the competitive exams that you can give during 4 years of engineering ?,Can I give any competitive exams during 4 th year of engineering ?,130999
0,What are the best ways to earn money online from Morocco ?,What is the best way to earn money online in 2017 ?,220886
1,Why are tall women tempted to wear high heels ?,Why do tall girls wear high heels ?,190221
0,Is the file named `` funspeed '' needed ?,Which US Presidential Candidate is more inclined towards offshore balancing in their foreign policy ?,153510
1,How do you become a fighter pilot right out of high school ?,How can one become a fighter jet pilot after graduation ?,239524
0,I am 20 years old now & a graduate . But I have been at home for the past 2 years & doing nothing . What should be my action plan now ?,When did Narendra Modi change his salutation from ` Mitron ' to ` Bhaio aur Behno ' ?,1720
1,What is the worst thing that happened to you at school ?,What is the worst thing to happen at school to anyone ?,164878
0,What is ?,What is ?,219722
1,What are the places to visit for a honeymoon in Kerala ?,"What all places can one visit on a two day trip in Kerala , India ?",1255
0,`` Why do atheists say '' `` IF '' '' God existed then all evilness would be his fault ? '',"Is it possible to prosecute ` Najeeb Jung ' , if found involved in corruption ? If yes how ? And if not why not ?",374876
1,Where can I sell my idea ?,Where can I sell entrepreneur ideas ?,353801
0,What is the difference between a core company and a software company ?,Is IT company or core company good ?,399460
1,Is a cop allowed to give me a ticket for not stopping at an unmarked t-intersection ?,Can I be pulled over by police for not stopping at an unmarked T-intersection ?,96165
0,How can I become an airline pilot ?,How do I become a pilot ? Is it worth it ?,167560
1,Do Pakistanis and Indians really hate each other ?,India-Pakistan Rivalry : Why do Pakistanis and Indians hate each other ?,187237
0,How does a mobile battery work ?,What happens when we charge our mobile with 5V 2A rated charger instead of 5V 1A rated charger ? Will charging faster damage the battery ?,216339
1,What does it mean when it says my answer has been collapsed ?,On what basis does an answer in Quora gets collapsed ?,101083
0,"In Batman movies by Nolan , is it really Christian Bale when he wears the suit ?",What actor could replace Christian Bale as Batman ? Why ?,359350
1,"I 'm pretty sure I 'm gay , should I come out to my family ?",How can I come out as gay to family and friends ?,120522
0,Is it true when my girlfriend says she has no feelings for me anymore immediately after a fight ?,"After 3 years , my girlfriend says she is not sure about loving me any more but ca n't leave me as she does not want to hurt me . She is my only real friend . What should I do ?",95057
1,It is safe to buy a laptop from Paytm ?,Can I buy laptops in Paytm ?,251460
0,What is the difference between hemoglobin and myoglobin ? How are they useful ?,What is the difference between a cistron and a gene ?,143413
1,How do I recover my lost Gmail password if I do n't have the same number and do n't remember the recovery email ?,I forgot my Gmail password and I ca n't answer the Gmail recovery questions . What can I do ?,98362
0,How do I build a mushroom farm in minimum expense in Haryana ?,How much can one earn from mushroom farming ?,144286
1,Why are some guys mean to the girls they like ?,Why do boys/guys act mean or annoy the girls they like or have a crush on ?,363331
0,How can I keep myself busy and avoid overthinking ?,How can I keep myself busy ?,356074
1,What are ways to make money online at home ?,What are some of the best ways of earning money by working at home ?,263734
0,What is your review of iOS 5 ?,What is your review of iOS ?,243584
1,Which is the best earphone under 1000 ?,What is the best earphone under 1k ?,337414
0,What are the best pictures that showcase Kolkata ?,What are the best pictures that showcase Pune ?,187232
1,What is your New Year 's Resolution -LRB- s -RRB- for 2017 ?,What are your New Year resolutions for the upcoming year 2017 ?,364786
0,Is it ok to have sex with maid ?,How can I have sex with my maid ?,215645
1,What is analogy ?,What is an analogy ?,393476
0,Is it acceptable to give your two weeks ' notice immediately after returning from vacation ?,"Why is my boss ignoring me , now that I put in my two weeks notice ?",99834
1,What are some loopholes in mathematics ?,What are the loopholes in mathematics ?,102930
0,What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Spalding County GA ?,What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Hart County GA ?,143452
1,Who are some good children 's story writers in India ?,Who are the best children story writter in India ?,192260
0,What are a few female solo dance songs in Hindi for stage performances ? -LRB- latest 2012-2014 -RRB-,What are some good Hindi songs for a -LRB- female -RRB- singing audition ?,270200
1,What is happening in Syria ?,What 's the DEAL with SYRIA ?,72975
0,Why ca n't I trust anyone ?,Should I trust anyone ?,112569
1,Should I prepare for cat 2017 ?,How do I prepare for CAT 2017 -LRB- BBA student -RRB- ?,371730
0,How can I convince big bank to come to my country ?,Where can I find publicly available automotive datasets or OBD2 datasets ?,176220
1,Do cats love their owners a lot ?,Do cats actually love their owners ?,57884
0,"If I have 60 points exactly in SkillSelect for Australian Permanent residency , what is the likelihood of getting an invite for EOI ? What might be the waiting time involved?Should I retake IELTS to get 8-band score , instead of 7-band what I have currently ?","I have an IELTS average band score of 7.5 , do I need to pass my English GCSE ?",164579
1,Is it hard to learn Spanish and French in the same time ?,Can you learn Spanish and French at the same time without mixing them up ?,323626
0,What type of government does Turkey have ? How does it compare to the one in Ecuador ?,What type of government does Turkey have ? How does it compare to those in other countries ?,222427
1,What is/are your New Year resolutions for 2017 ?,What are your New Year resolutions for the upcoming year 2017 ?,30859
0,"Which car services are available in Kitchener , ON ? How good are they compared to taxis and relative to each other ?",Which car services are available in Chattanooga ? How good are they compared to taxis and relative to each other ?,42933
1,Can I become the prime minister of the United Kingdom ?,How can I become Prime Minister of the UK ?,207067
0,Why did Sam and Dean become Hunters ?,Why did n't Gandalf the White seek after Frodo and Sam after leaving Zirakzigil to help their quest ?,224701
1,How can non-living things give birth to living things ?,How does evolution explain how non-living objects became living things ? How the step from non-living to living occurred ?,216082
0,What are some mind-blowing Car tools that exist that most people do n't know about ?,What are some mind-blowing bike technologies that exist that most people do n't know about ?,111312
1,How can I fix a toilet that is not flushing correctly ?,How do you fix a toilet that does n't flush properly ?,87267
0,What are the pros and cons of division of a big state into smaller ones ?,What are pros and cons of carving out another state of Telangana ?,6344
1,Between Trump and Clinton who will win US presidential election ?,"All biases aside , at this point in time , who do you think will win the presidential election ?",78206
0,"I need to buy Google Glasses , would anyone have any they 'd like to sell ?",Is it possible to buy Google glasses before November 2016 ?,65351
1,How can I treat broken blood vessels around the eyes ?,How do I treat a broken blood vessel in my eye ?,180555
0,Is the Valyrian language older than the Valryian Freehold ? Could it be tied into the Great Empire of the Dawn somehow ?,Would you like to know how you rank in LinkedIn for different key words ?,358155
1,Is iPhone 7 worth the price ?,Is it worth to buy an iPhone 7 ?,137368
0,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at South State ?,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at South Jersey ?,186200
1,What have you accomplished in 2012 ?,What have We accomplished in 2012 ?,303580
0,What is the Farmville DAU 2016 ?,What is the Farmville care package ?,103554
1,What was the most magical moment of your life ?,What are the most magical moments of your life ?,394680
0,How can I read Fairy Tail Manga online ?,Where can I buy Fairy Tail Manga ?,163342
1,What are some friendship tattoo symbols ?,What are some friendship tattoo symbols and meanings ?,361493
0,Does youtube pays for videos which have been watching from unknown region ?,"Name off the things u can eat , drink , and burn ?",323250
1,How do I raise my IQ ?,What shall I do to improve my IQ ?,112012
0,"In Arrival , who planted the time bomb in the shell ?","In Arrival -LRB- 2016 -RRB- , why did n't Louise use symbols / pictographs ?",33911
1,What was the cause for World War 1 ?,How do you describe the causes of World War 1 ?,13573
0,Where can I find a good dermatologist ?,Where can I find a good dermatologist in Pune . ?,310529
1,How can I get better grades in school ?,What can I do to get better grades next quarter ?,197702
0,How can I input a table in Wolfram Alpha to an expression ?,How do I make an in app purchase in Wolfram Alpha ?,225389
1,Which is the best honeymoon destination for couples in India ?,Which is best place for honeymoon in India ?,176107
0,Is there an inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Mendocino County California ?,Is there an inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Lake County California ?,140762
1,How can I locate a person using a cell phone number ?,Is it possible to determine a persons location by the cell phone number ? Why ?,7978
0,What is the best way to raise venture capital for a social media start up ?,How do I raise venture capital ? Do I just email my business plan ?,88069
1,What will happen if Queen Elizabeth II dies ?,What will happen when the Queen dies ?,229127
0,How much of a difference does a consistent sleep schedule make ?,How does the time of sleep -LRB- not hours of sleep -RRB- affect us ? Would sleeping 7 hours starting from 2AM or starting from 11PM make a big difference ?,48265
1,What is the most important reason for getting a divorce ?,What is a good reason for divorce ?,250741
0,What are the disadvantages of listing a company in NSE ?,What are the benefits of listing a company in NSE ?,213
1,How can I get inbound campaigns for my call center ?,How could I find a campaign for my call center ?,366227
0,Why do men cheat ?,Why do people cheat on their partners ?,385392
1,How should I start investing in mutual funds through SIP ? Which plans give higher returns ?,How should I start investing in mutual funds through SIPs ?,328882
0,What 's the best thing about you ?,What do you think is the best thing about you ?,168703
1,What can I do if my cat lost its voice ?,What can I do if my cat lost his voice ?,63491
0,What are some `` non-cubicle '' jobs for MBA graduate ?,How long can I keep my car AC on while my engine is running but car is parked ?,140172
1,Why did n't Hillary Clinton deliver her concession speech the night of the election even though she called Donald Trump to congratulate him ?,Why did n't Hillary Clinton give her concession speech the same night as the election ?,173149
0,What did Chinese soldiers -LRB- in general -RRB- think of Americans soldiers in the Korean War ?,Were there Japanese soldiers who fought in the Korean War ?,386218
1,What is the best software for email marketing ?,Which software is better for email marketing ?,69508
0,How is Walmart structured organizationally ?,What are some non-theistic arguments for the existence of god ?,301036
1,What is the strangest thing that ever happened to you ?,Whats the strangest experience you have ever had ?,372321
0,How do you track a FedEx package with a door tag number ?,How do you track FedEx Smartpost on USPS ?,5948
1,What is the best way to start off an essay ?,What are some ways to can start off an essay ?,52715
0,What are the options of personal loan for one with bad credit score in India ?,What are some good and safe short term investment options for a person with 30K salary in India ?,333594
1,What practical benefits do we gain from unmanned space exploration ?,"Apart from satisfying our curiosity and to expand our horizons , what are the practical benefits of space exploration for the average human on Earth ?",101413
0,Are there any country starting with the letter z ?,Are there any countries that start with the letter W ?,339435
1,How will the Indian Stock market react to PM Modi 's decision of abolishing Rs .500 and Rs .1000 currency notes ?,How will the stock market reacts on decision of banning 500 and 1000 notes ?,169308
0,Why do my ABS and brake lights come on in high speeds ?,`` What does '' `` Nullkomanix '' '' mean ? '',244808
1,Which is the best free digital marketing course ?,Which are the best online courses on digital marketing in India ?,156572
0,A person who act to be someone else ?,Why is it so hard for companies to hire someone who took a career break due to some personal health reasons or anything else ?,336350
1,What is the best earphone under 500rs ?,Which is the best earphones to buy under Rs 500 and its link ?,290270
0,What is the origin of the the word don -LRB- mafia -RRB- ?,What English words originate from Chinese ?,211868
1,How do you increase your credit ?,How do you rebuild credit ?,314327
0,"Is fear something to be overcome , frozen by or our only reason to begin fighting or talking ?",Can we force others to like/love us by our talk or actions ?,217934
1,"Do you think that India would be one country if the British would n't have ruled it ? If no , then how would be our situation ?",Would India be one country without British colonialism ?,17918
0,What is the cutest reply for when your girlfriend asks you why you love her ?,Why my girlfriend said I do n't love her ?,161427
1,I am 19 years old girl and my height is 5 ' 3 . How can I increase my height ?,How should I increase my height ?,221679
0,What is my dream all about ?,What do you dream about ?,239200
1,What are examples of barriers to communication ?,What are some examples of barriers in communication ?,59736
0,`` Is it '' `` lots of love '' '' or '' `` loads of love '' '' ? '',`` Is this correct grammar '' `` No one else will ever love you just the way how I love you . '' '' ? '',355915
1,Which actor has portrayed Batman best ?,Which actor has portrayed Batman most accurately ?,347611
0,Should I join jindal steel bellary plant or continue with TCS . Considering I m an electrical engineer and want to do MBA in future ?,I 'm a 2015 graduate in electrical engineering with no work experience . Should I opt for cat 16 or try to get a job and then think of an MBA ?,39726
1,How can I get rid of the fat around my hips ?,What exercises can be done so as to reduce fat around hip ?,249122
0,`` What is the origin of the family name '' `` Talamantes '' '' ? '',What is the origin of names ?,174982
1,What should be India 's best reply to Pakistan after uri attack ?,How should we react on Uri camp terror attack ?,347349
0,How does wrist watch work on pulse ?,How do wrist watch works on pulse bitrates ?,261193
1,What is the best way to learn tones in Vietnamese and not sound robotic ?,What is the best way to learn spoken Vietnamese ?,196113
0,"How do you read v. , in the context of law ?",Where can I read the law that Kim Davis broke that led to her being in court ?,330999
1,How could I get rid of my bad habits like porn thoughts ?,How can I get rid of my bad habits ?,215254
0,What is the full form of S.H.I.E.L.D ?,What is full form of L E D ?,99748
1,How can I earn money in YouTube ?,How can I make money via YouTube ?,79851
0,What is the best way to increase your willpower ?,What are things that I must do to improve my concentration ?,322522
1,Does UN have any powers ?,Does the UN have any real power ?,169053
0,Is it good for an average student to join fiitjee ?,What are the disadvantages of joining FIITJEE ?,137699
1,How would it be if Ghost Rider and Spawn fought ?,Who would win a fight between Ghost Rider -LRB- Marvel -RRB- and Spawn -LRB- DC -RRB- ?,179623
0,What are some horror story ideas ?,What are horror stories ?,373432
1,Why is Saltwater Taffy candy imported in Portugal ?,Why is saltwater Taffy candy imported in Canada ?,305467
0,Why do I get easily tired after random bursts of motivation or excitement for doing something that I like that requires work ?,Why do I get tired of people after a year ?,181348
1,What 's the best way to find a wedding photographer ?,How do we choose a wedding photographer ?,127333
0,Can F1 VISA holder own half of an LLC as long as no work is done beyond a monthly vote ? Can dividends be paid ? Please provide a legal reference .,"If I am on a business visa , occupying no job posts whatsoever , without using any social benefit -LRB- obviously no social security , no voting -RRB- , investing and wasting only my own money , with no plans of staying permanently , can I be regarded as an immigrant or not ?",185406
1,How will the demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes affect the value of INR against USD ?,Will rupee value rise after banning 500 and 1000 notes ?,288669
0,What are some of the time travel paradoxes you know of ?,What is the time travel paradox ?,375780
1,How do Muslims view Maajid Nawaz ?,Muslims : what 's your thought on Maajid Nawaz ?,6049
0,What are the legal consequences of accidentally killing a baby ?,What are the consequences of operating a legally owned gun under the influence of drugs and alcohol ?,335587
1,What is the formula used to calculate the energy of a photon ?,How do I calculate the energy of a photon ?,33674
0,What is ?,What does do ?,61100
1,What should I eat to gain weight ?,How to gain weight ?,120285
0,Could a lynx be domesticated ?,Can zebras be domesticated and trained ?,233767
1,Is curved spacetime the state of displacement of the strongly interacting dark matter which fills ` empty ' space ?,Is the state of displacement of the superfluid dark matter the physical manifestation of curved spacetime ?,385195
0,"I 'm tired of feeling insecure , inferior , doubting self , & all that . I want build myself for the better . What is the best way / guide to approach this ?",Which is your favourite sports car and bike ?,30095
1,How can I see someone 's private instagram account ?,How do I look at the followers of a private instagram account ?,163250
0,"What if anything should happen to Hampton Creek and Josh Tetrick now that we know they faked demand by e.g. , buying product and calling Whole Foods ?","Apart from calling clients to come and buy our products , what are other strategies we can use while calling clients ?",311274
1,What should I take in 11th standard to become engineer ?,What stream should I take in 11th if I have to become an automobile engineer ?,369576
0,Why has n't Mount Kailash been climbed yet ?,Who was the first Indian to climb Mount Everest ?,17596
1,Is light a wave or a stream of particles ?,Is light a wave or a particle ?,23131
0,What is ?,What is ?,278439
1,Did lead intoxication cause the fall of Roman Empire ?,Did lead poisoning cause the fall of the Roman Empire ?,73137
0,When and how did wildlife conservation start ?,If a commerce graduate and also have a certificate from BNHS . Can I get a post for wildlife conservation ?,247589
1,How can I see who viewed my instagram ?,How do you know who viewed you video on Instagram ?,370279
0,What are some limitations of using Spring Boot for rapid Java server app development ?,Can I use Spring Boot with Node.js ?,368405
1,"If you could have one superpower , what would you choose and why ?","If you could have one superpower , what would it be and why ?",183167
0,What is the entity concept ?,What is an entity ?,209914
1,"Which science fiction movie is the most accurate in terms of science , and which is not ?",Which is the most accurate science fiction movie of all time ?,383772
0,Is VAT tax deductible ? Why or why not ?,"If you like really spicy food , why do you like it ?",35665
1,What are your views on India banning 500 and 1000 notes ? In what way it will affect Indian economy ?,How will ban on 500 and 1000 rupees note affect economy of India in different sectors ?,211136
0,Why are days all the same ?,"If all TV channels work independently , why does it never happen that 2 channels show the same movie on the same day ?",398202
1,How can I turn off my iPod Touch ?,How do you turn off an iPod ?,67285
0,What is the difference between a USB cable and an HDMI cable ?,What does a VGA cable do ? How does it differ from an HDMI cable ?,295351
1,Why are people on this site so obsessed with IQ ?,What is with the obsession of people on Quora with IQ ?,84156
0,How engine work ?,How does a car engine work ?,398555
1,Why do I care so much about what other people think of me ?,"Should I care what people think about me ? Most have a positive impression of me , but should I care to keep it that way ?",215557
0,Why are there boroughs and not just separate cities ?,Can someone list all the rappers from each borough of New York ?,106130
1,How do I increase body height ?,How do I increase my height ?,271449
0,Do girls like anal sex or it is for pleasure of boyfriend only ?,What percentage of women enjoy anal sex ?,37971
1,What are oasis ?,What is an oasis ?,374695
0,Which tickets were sold by BookMyShow for Global Citizen Festival ?,Why is confectioners sugar considered vegan ?,19130
1,How can I hack someone 's whatsapp account and change their wallpaper on my phone ?,Where do I start if I want to hack someone 's WhatsApp conversations ?,143062
0,What is the difference between linear and non-linear demand curve ?,What is a non-linear scale ?,77855
1,"What are the good , bad and ugly points of Hillary and Trump ?",What are the pros and cons of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump ?,216167
0,How do I put penis in vagina easily ?,"Generally , is a penis as desirable to a woman as a vagina is to a man ?",282156
1,Why is Saltwater Taffy candy imported in Poland ?,Why is saltwater taffy candy imported in Austria ?,199141
0,What percentage of international students pay for their PhD out of their own pockets ?,What percentage of international students pay for their Masters out of their own pockets ?,286684
1,Why are only Indians and Americans are so active on Quora ?,Why are only Indians and Americans so active on Quora ?,117731
0,Do Uber and UberX drivers * have * to take you where you want to go ?,Is it better to be a UberX or Uber Black driver ?,20107
1,How do I find if a guy is interested in you ?,How do you tell if a guy likes you ?,138444
0,What is the difference between assets and liability ?,How can I know the difference between an asset and liability ?,376680
1,How do you learn the most in the shortest time ?,How can I learn faster ?,280519
0,How can we design an online movie ticket booking system in a C# WPF application ?,How can we design an online movie ticket booking system ?,394813
1,"Realistically speaking , what would happen to the USA if Donald Trump wins Presidency in the 2016 elections ?",What will happen if Donald Trump wins ?,352961
0,What is the difference between Cabo San Lucas and San José del Cabo ?,Which part of Los Cabos has calmer sea conditions ?,340543
1,"Why are Facebook , Google , and others not allowed in China ?","Why are Google , Facebook , YouTube and other social networking sites banned in China ?",321024
0,What is the reading order for R.A. Salvatore 's books ?,What books should I read in order to prepare for law ?,73902
1,What is your favorite cocktail ?,What is your favorite cocktail drink ?,397634
0,How did the Italian Mafia lose its power in the US ?,Can I use energy healing if I ca n't visualize ?,206568
1,What 'd be the maximum wavelength of electromagnetic radiation we 'd use to read a message in a paper ?,What 'd be the top -LRB- maximum -RRB- wavelength of an electromagnetic radiation to see a message written in a paper ?,18813
0,Would a black hole be the exit of this universe ?,Are we inside a black hole ?,243222
1,Are introverts interested in learning to lead ?,Are introverts interested in leading ?,395147
0,How does it feel to have an NITian as a girlfriend ?,How does it feel to be a NITian ?,216930
1,What should people visiting abroad with Indian currency 500 and 1000 notes do ?,How can NRIs replace the 500 and 1000 notes who are currently out of India ?,244245
0,How big is one inch in diameter ?,How wide is .4 inches ?,298337
1,Can we time travel ?,How do we time travel ?,353032
0,Can a 13 years old boy have sex ?,Can a 16 year old boy have sex with a 14 year old girl ?,40985
1,Camping : Where can I buy a luxury tent ?,Where can I buy luxury tents ?,346576
0,How many broadcast lists can I have in WhatsApp ?,How many we can create broadcast list in whats-app ?,280629
1,How was Google maps designed ?,How is Google Maps designed ?,60088
0,What are some of the most common traditional treatments and remedies for Malocchio ?,Which is the most intimidating tribe/people Europeans faced during colonial times and what made them intimidating ? -LRB- 1500-1900 -RRB-,79400
1,"I 'm 27 , is it too late for me to go to medical school ?",Is it too late to go to medical school at 24 ?,343044
0,Are Persians White ?,"What nationalities are considered white ? What mix of nationalities or percentage of white , would still be considered white ?",216940
1,What are your Christmas traditions ?,Would you like to tell me some of your Christmas customs ?,220949
0,Should I pursue a career in software engineering or cibersecurity ?,Should I pursue a career in software engineering or medicine ?,256004
1,How can I burn my fat ?,How do I stop being fat ?,294943
0,i,What questions to ask any drdummer ?,108994
1,Does meditation help against anxiety ?,Does meditation help with anxiety ?,36326
0,What does it mean that I saw and fought the devil in a dream ?,I had a dream in which I saw my sister sitting on a tree and it was raining . I went to get her down . What does it mean ?,221255
1,What are you most passionate about and engaged with and why ? *,What are you most passionate about ?,130784
0,Which Backpack is good for Indian college students ?,What is the best backpack for an organized college student ?,370550
1,What you will think of boys who left his girl because of her parents ?,What you will think of boys who left his girl because of his parents ?,63755
0,What is the difference between clear all and delete all conversations on WhatsApp ?,How can I get back my deleted Whatsapp conversations ?,14862
1,"With latest announcement of making Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes invalid in India , is this step a checkmate to people who have black money ?",How will replacing 1000 notes with 2000 notes going to stop corruption and black money ?,310299
0,If you purchase a rental property how much profit would you lose if you let a property management firm manage it ?,"If you want to make a million won or two a month in passive income by renting out rental properties in South Korea , how much seed money do you need to buy the rental properties ?",60820
1,Which country has the fastest and cheapest broadband internet ?,Which country provides cheapest internet in the world ?,341450
0,I have Crypt7 files of my girlfriend 's WhatsApp . How can I read her messages ?,"Is it right to read your girlfriend 's text message , given that her phone is unlocked and the text message app is already launched ?",65414
1,What are some ways to reset my iPhone 5 's voicemail password ?,How do I reset my iPhone voicemail password ?,311410
0,Why was DNA chosen to be the genetic material instead of RNA ?,What are some common examples of DNA and RNA ?,395500
1,How can I reset my Gmail password if I do n't remember my recovery Email and current password ?,I ca n't remember my Gmail password or my recovery email . How can I recover my e-mail ?,269393
0,Is there a way to overcome heat intolerance ?,What is paradoxical about Levinthal paradox ?,162224
1,Can a bad person become good ?,What factors cause a bad person become good ?,191362
0,What are organic compounds ?,Is carbon monoxide an organic compound ?,16197
1,Is sex that important for life ?,How much sex is important in life ?,399647
0,Can a 12v battery run a 1000w stereo system ?,"The battery is 5V . I charge it with a 12V source . What is the charging voltage , 12V or 7V ?",152092
1,What went wrong with the polling in the 2016 US presidential election ?,How did pollsters like 538 and PEC fail to accurately predict the 2016 US Presidential Election ?,212412
0,Why are women so dramatic ?,Why are some people more dramatic than others ?,247350
1,On a general note Donald Trump is surely a smart man . How can he claim to be able to build his wall and moreover claim to make Mexico pay for it ?,How will Donald Trump make Mexico pay for the wall ? Why does it make sense that Mexico will pay ? Will Mexico do it ?,355317
0,Why is protein better than creatine ?,Is creatine better than whey protein ?,397030
1,"What was the significance of the battle of Somme , and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Eslands River ?",What is the significance of the Battle of the Somme ?,392801
0,Which is the best ink jet tank printer having wifi connectivity and photo copy function upto in 15000 ?,What are some good colour printers -LRB- ink tank -RRB- with a scanner ?,188267
1,What is the best answer for why I should hire you ?,`` What are the best answers to '' `` why should I hire you '' '' in bank interview ? '',140190
0,How do I find a good English name for myself ?,Do you have a good English name for a man ?,207277
1,Why do people still believe the world is flat ?,I know some people that STILL believe the earth is flat . Why ?,114666
0,Is it legal for a campaign to work together covertly with DNC to ensure their cadidate has every possible advantage during nominations process ?,Is it possible to use maxymiser for personalization with campaigns being setup / run in IBM Campaign ?,362595
1,Why do people use Quora when they could easily find the answer in a quick Google search ?,Why do people ask Quora questions which can be answered easily by Google ?,250176
0,What is the best way for me to start contributing to JS ?,Where can I buy ue megaboom at a cheap price in Delhi ?,141764
1,What is the donald trump net worth ?,Is Donald Trump rich ?,196305
0,What happens if I take a lot of ibuprofen ?,Does my mum hate me for dropping out of high school ?,369269
1,I had sex in August . A week later I got my period regular for 4 days -LRB- heavy bleeding -RRB- . I missed my period in September . Can I be pregnant ?,I had sex on the 9th and my period started on the 11th . Could I still get pregnant ?,396360
0,Is it possible to have the same dream I had a long time ago ?,Why have me and my friends all had the same dream ?,403143
1,What is the most embarrassing thing you have done in front of your crush ?,What 's the most embarassing thing you did in front of your crush ?,364953
0,Simplifying F = -LRB- AB+C+D -RRB- -LRB- C + D -RRB- -LRB- C + D+E -RRB- produces a -RRB- A B C + D b -RRB- A B D E + C D c -RRB- A E + C D E d -RRB- A B E + C e -RRB- None of the above ?,What is the square root of -4 ?,342984
1,How can I learn to hack ?,How can I learn hacking for security purposes ?,229057
0,Why do n't jellyfish have a brain ?,Do jellyfish have brains ?,335994
1,Will people still be able to have websites with no net neutrality ?,Could people still make a website without net neutrality and why ?,361699
0,How do you derive the net force using a formula ?,"I 'm going to be doing phone bank work for Hillary Clinton . Is there generally a strict script for calls and if so , is it tested for efficacy ?",211882
1,Did the surgical strikes really happen ?,Did India really conduct a surgical strike on Pakistan ?,116024
0,What are the exercise to remove double chin ?,Where can I find a complete course in HTML 5 and CSS 3 PDF for free ?,13154
1,What is Kashmir conflict ?,What is the Kashmir conflict ?,134171
0,What are God Particles ?,`` How would you explain the '' `` God particle '' '' in layman 's term ? '',81907
1,What opportunities exist after completing a B.Tech in mechanical engineering ?,Which course after in mechanical engineering suits best ?,403008
0,Why would you vote for Trump ?,Would you rather vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton ? Why ?,161963
1,How do I get rid of my procrastination problem ?,How do I get rid of my severe problem of procrastination ?,265906
0,How can I check ECNR for a passport ?,I have dual citizenship . Is it possible to check into my flight to the US on the Dutch passport and use the US passport going through immigration ?,395420
1,What is the best way to detox the body ?,How do I detox my body ?,24642
0,Why was n't there an insurgency in Germany after the end of World War II ?,How did the World War II end ?,104583
1,How do I stop receiving Quora emails ?,How do I unsubscribe from Quora emails ?,47772
0,How can carrots make you orange ?,How many carrots can you eat before you turn orange ?,16717
1,What is your review of KVPY SX/SB 2016 ?,How was KVPY 2016 ? How much are are all of you scoring ?,293631
0,"Is housing more reasonable in the MIdwest than on Coasts , Minneapolis , Cincinnati , Kansas City ?",How did they found out 4q = 5 ^ q - 5 ?,323752
1,Why is my optional Question Details on Quora limited but some people are not ?,How do some people post massive amount of detail in the extra details part when you ask a question on Quora ?,257356
0,Can someone tell if you 've saved a chat on snapchat ?,How can you tell if someone saved your pictures in a snapchat conversation ?,353295
1,How do I make myself more productive ?,How do I make myself more productive and happy ?,34543
0,Which is the best service provider consultancy for trademark registration in India ?,Which bank provides the best service in current account for startups in india ?,28556
1,What is the best business to start in Bangalore ?,What is the best business in Bangalore to start up with ?,277666
0,What is wrong about RSS ?,What do you do to get out of depression rather than dwell in it ?,117891
1,How do I find a basic purpose in my life ?,How can I find my purpose in life ?,314863
0,What is Christian atheism ?,What texts were influential in your conversion from atheism to Christianity ?,52817
1,What should I do to be a better listener ?,How can I become a good listener ?,393973
0,Does it matter how much toothpaste you put on your toothbrush ?,What can I do to avoid bad breath during Ramadan since I ca n't use a toothbrush and toothpaste ?,399542
1,Why is life so unfair and difficult ?,How is life unfair ?,41113
0,Can I watch tutorials of all the different courses on treehouse by paying 25 USD per month ?,What is the best online course for HTML/CSS/Java ?,293818
1,How can I become a race car or F1 driver ?,I want to be a race car driver when I grow up . How do I make that become a reality ?,110182
0,How do I heal skin burnt from wax on my face ? Would it leave a permanent mark ?,Does waxing have any permanent side effects ?,359992
1,Will I be able to return to work after wisdom teeth removal ?,How long is the recovery time after wisdom teeth removal ?,86318
0,What is a good way to start software company ?,How can I get into a start-up software company ?,133007
1,What is the gravitational force of a black hole ?,What is the gravitational pull of black hole ?,187156
0,What would have happened if Batman were in The Avengers ?,What if Batman crashes into The Avengers ?,148513
1,Why is Spotify not available in India ?,Daniel Ek : When is Spotify coming to India ?,81220
0,How can I make peace with my mother when I hate how she behaves ?,How can I make peace with people who hate me ?,316002
1,How do I make money from home ?,What is make money online ?,297042
0,What are the advantages and disadvantages of AC 's and air-cooler 's ?,"Which is better , cooler or ac ?",218667
1,What are the signs of borderline personality disorder ?,What are distinct symptoms of borderline personality disorder ?,285396
0,What is flashing ?,What if the Flash was real ?,360046
1,How can I remove cockroaches from my house ?,How can I remove cockroaches from my bedroom ?,12824
0,Why is Quebec City so conservative ?,How is Quebec City a strategic site ?,402568
1,Can you tell when someone views your profile on Instagram ?,Can someone see if you have viewed public Instagram ?,153885
0,"With all the cash reserves Apple has , can it buy any company ?",How would Incremental CRR withdrawal will be a relief to banks ?,258438
1,Should I buy the IPhone 6s or Samsung Galaxy s7 ?,How is Samsung Galaxy S7 compared to iPhone 6s Plus ?,384124
0,"I compose songs , can the songs help me to do production electronically ?","I am trying very hard to recollect a song from an Indian TV advert . Been hearin for the last 2 months . Maybe a Nokia or a Samsung product but I am not sure . The song has about 4 lines of male vocals , with electronic beats in the background . Help ?",45396
1,How much data can the human brain store ?,Is there a limit to how much knowledge a human brain can retain ?,52118
0,What is a good business to start while going to high school ?,What is the economical status India before its independence ?,227660
1,Will saskatchewan include university professors in occupation in demand list in 2017 ?,Will SINP be open for university professors in 2017 ?,258194
0,What are some of the best team building activities outside office ?,What are some good team building activities for consulting teams ?,164217
1,What do I truly need to learn and do to become a successful software engineer ?,What should I do to become a Software engineer ?,226825
0,Is staying a virgin until marriage unwise ?,Why would you like to stay virgin until marriage ?,280996
1,What is the important of content in E-commerce ?,What is the importance of content in E-commerce ?,236874
0,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Advent Software ?,What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Progress Software ?,17848
1,Could George W Bush and Tony Blair be tried for war crimes ?,"Why were n't George W. Bush , Dick Cheney and Tony Blair charged with alleged war crimes for invading Iraq ?",320136
0,What are some examples of vertebrate carnivores ?,What are some examples of vertebrate animals ?,82841
1,What is wrong with Indian Education System ?,What is wrong with India 's education system ?,253838
0,How do you get thin thighs ?,How do you get smooth thighs ?,324641
1,Race Relations : How do Japanese people feel about black people in general ?,How are black people perceived in Japan ?,65146
0,What will you do if one day all the restrictions were removed and all resources were given to you for free ?,What would you do if you were given a day and all the resources needed to do whatever you wan na do ?,190429
1,What are the things does indians collectively doing wrong ?,What is it that we Indians are collectively doing wrong ?,20661
0,What would happen if India attacks Pakistan ?,What would happen if China and Pakistan attacked India ?,355978
1,What should I do when a girl I like has already a boyfriend ?,Dating Advice : I really like a girl but she already has a boyfriend . What should I do ?,234120
0,Does Fab currently offer new employees stock options or RSUs ?,Does Uber currently offer new employees stock options or RSUs ?,145
1,What is the difference between Spring Boot and the Spring framework ?,Should I learn Spring boot Framework or Spring Framework ? What is the difference between them and which one is the best ?,235732
0,What are other reasons we need to keep animal testing ?,I can understand why people are against people having fun torturing animals but why are there enemies to meat consumption and testing drugs ?,369895
1,I 'm fat . How do I lose weight ?,What is the fastest possible way to lose weight ?,373868
0,How can wipro 's trend.nxt assessment cracked easily ?,What is risk assessment ?,127147
1,What are logarithms used for ?,What is logarithm used for ?,171715
0,What is an even and odd number ?,What is odd number ?,99059
1,What is usability engineering ?,What is usability in web engineering ? >,237226
0,Why is Sublime Text so much faster than Atom in some ways ?,Why is VSCode much faster than Atom ?,347364
1,Who are the best doctors ?,Who is the best Doctor -LRB- in your opinion -RRB- ?,149140
0,How safe is Singapore from a tsunami and other natural disasters ?,Why does Singapore not have natural disasters often ?,78150
1,How are world leaders reacting after Trump victory ?,How did world leaders react to Donald Trump 's US election victory ?,272841
0,What is benson boiler ?,Can I cook oats in a boiler ?,23287
1,The Indian government is banning the Rs . 500 & Rs . 1000 notes but it is coming up with the Rs . 2000 note . Will it not cause a generation of black money in the future ?,How does banning 500 & 1000 rupee notes solve black money problem ?,147955
0,What is digitization ?,What are the digital sciences ?,227932
1,What would be the good things of a Trump presidency ?,What are some ways that a Donald Trump presidency may actually be good for America ?,25810
0,What is the corporate culture like at Citizens Financial ? How is the culture different than other companies ?,What is the corporate culture like at Tiptree Financial ? How is the culture different than other companies ?,196627
1,How to gain weight ?,What are some of the best ways to gain weight in a healthy way ?,24094
0,Which bird 's egg is the largest egg in the world ?,How do love birds hatch eggs ?,94057
1,How does one learn how to hack ?,How do you learn about hacking ?,315607
0,What are the advantages of convolutional neural network compared to a simple neural network from the theoretical and practical respective ?,Why do we use convolution in neural networks ?,395025
1,How can I get venture capital funding for my company ?,Chamath Palihapitiya : How do I get venture capital or crowd funding for my startup ?,393747
0,What is the best strategy for France to beat Germany in the World Cup quarterfinal match ?,What is the best strategy for Germany to beat France in the World Cup quarterfinal match ?,205566
1,How can I record sound from headphones ?,How would I directly record the sound from my headphones ?,100161
0,How quickly can NASA begin plans for an automated terraforming mission to Proxima b ?,How can I get education loan of Rs . 8.5 L in India without collateral to study MBA ?,93775
1,Can you convince me to vote for Donald Trump ?,Why do you vote for Trump ?,388921
0,What can I do to learn English ?,Can I learn english ?,296926
1,What is the best gift you have recieved from someone ?,What is the best gift that you ever recieved ?,398605
0,Why do I always have to dark circle under my eyes ?,Why do you get dark circles under your eyes ?,230632
1,How can I find my all Gmail accounts ?,How do I get a list of my gmail accounts ?,255730
0,Can you spy on a cellphone without having to download software to the target phone ?,"I need to know , whether my darling is unfaithful . Can I remotely install a spy software on his android phone ?",279315
1,"I am a 23 yr old guy , what should I do to stop hair loss ?","I am 23 year old guy , currently working in Sharjah UAE . My problem is that my hairs are started to fall , How to prevent hair fall and hair loss . ?",257975
0,Who is the richest sportsman in the world ?,Who is richest sportsman in india ?,46526
1,Is there infinite energy in zero point energy and infinite virtual particles in vacuum energy ? Is this a real or just a mathematical thing ?,Is zero point energy infinite in reality or just in a mathematical way ?,238759
0,What is the difference between an illiterate and uneducated person ? Can a person be literate but uneducated ?,What is the difference between illiterate and uneducated ?,257095
1,What are notable differences in the table manners between Chinese and Western culture ?,What do you think about table manners between China and Western coutries ?,168291
0,How much does workday integration cost ?,How much do Workday 's services typically cost ?,177631
1,How can my 15 year old son join Gopichand Badminton Academy ? Will he agree to train my son ?,How can I join the Gopichand Badminton Academy ? Will he agree to train me at age 20 ?,51895
0,What is Weathering ?,Can a high schooler get an internship at NASA ?,175954
1,How does India stand to gain from the US President-elect Mr. Donald Trump ?,What does a Donald Trump presidency mean for the US - India relationship ?,206215
0,Intensive Care : What does this image from an ICU monitor mean ?,What are the cabins/patient units in the hospital ICU called ? And is there a special name for the counter in the ICU ? As shown in picture below .,275135
1,How do computer programmers make the most money ?,How do computer programmers make money ?,203321
0,What can I do to make my boyfriend forgive me ?,How do I make a man feel crazy about me ?,367044
1,Why do boys/guys act mean or annoy the girls they like or have a crush on ?,Why do some guys act mean or rude to girls they like ?,147077
0,I am expecting a score of 90 in IBPS PO Mains VI . Do I have a chance in getting a final selection ? please note : I belong to general category,I am expecting 90 % in cbse class 12 this year . How much should I get in JEE mains to get admission in any nit -LRB- general category -RRB- ?,187942
1,What are the best board games ?,What are the top 10 board games ?,307986
0,What makes an intentional attack a terrorist attack ?,Will 2017 be full of terrorist attacks ?,279544
1,Why do I get bored so quickly ?,How come i get bored so easily ?,105691
0,Why does n't the mainstream media report anything about Myanmar killing Muslim people in their country ?,"If Republicans are so concerned about the manner in which the ` mainstream ' media handles their debates , why do n't they just ask Fox News to host most of their debates instead ?",205124
1,How can I become a travel journalist ?,What should I do to be a travel journalist ?,132939
0,Who is the worst actor in Bollywood besides Salman Khan ?,What is the worst Salman Khan film ?,335878
1,What is the origin of the Sanskrit language ?,What is the origin of Sanskrit Language ?,113220
0,Can I transfer Modern Combat 5 game progress from Windows 8.1 to Android ?,How long does it take to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 ?,278827
1,How can I know that someone on Quora is online or not ?,Can you tell when someone is online on Quora ?,363997
0,Which is the best video player app on a Windows phone ?,Which is the best video player for smartphones ?,361021
1,What will you do if you have only one day left in your life ?,"If you knew you had one day to live , how would you spend it ?",63888
0,`` What does '' `` symmetric under exchange '' '' mean with respect to spin ? '',Why Salinity of the ocean increase as we move poleward ?,147205
1,Can World War 3 ever take place ?,What are the prophecies of world war 3 and will it actually happen ?,317114
0,Is there a real secret to life ?,Are there any secrets in life ?,332180
1,How do I trace a phone call ?,How do I find a phone number 's location ?,116154
0,How can I open a . swf file on a Mac ?,How can one create a . IMG file on Mac ?,97720
1,How can I increase my height I am 5 ' 2 and 13 years old ?,How can I increase height after the age of 25 ?,127772
0,Who colonized Egypt ? How was it colonized ?,How was Egypt colonized ?,69814
1,Who will win the election in united states ?,Who will be president of the united states ?,301555
0,Can we cancel one seat out of 3 booked seats on the IRCTC site ?,Why am I unable to see recently booked tickets that I wish to cancel on my IRCTC account ?,108316
1,What are the advantages of taking a nap in the afternoon ?,What are he advantages of taking a nap in the afternoon ?,134412
0,What is a constant - crisis committee in a MUN ? Is it good for first time ?,How will Hindus react if Babri Masjid is reconstructed ?,331126
1,Can you get into IIT without coaching ?,Can I get into IIT without coaching ?,57002
0,Are women stronger emotionally than men ?,Why does it seem like the rules of emotions for women are more important than those for men ?,299680
1,How do you sell a feature / product idea to a startup ?,How do I sell a feature idea to a startup ?,66942
0,What is happening with Kashmir ?,Can anybody depict the full incident happened in NIT of Kashmir ?,256304
1,How do I deal with common embarrassment ?,How do I deal with embarrassment ?,24639
0,How can you use a shock collar on a puppy safely ?,What is imputed rent in simple terms ?,88995
1,How can I view my criminal record ?,How can you view your criminal record ?,356623
0,"Michelle Obama , Pres. Obama , Chelsea Clinton and Bill are all campaigning for Hillary Clinton . Is this a sign that Democrats are losing the campaign ?",Which is best tool for automation . Test complete or selenium ?,155495
1,What are the best online resources for learning economics from scratch ?,"What are the best online resources -LRB- videos , blogs , articles -RRB- for learning basic economics ?",391358
0,How to fix a corroding metal sculpture ?,Why does Gold corrode slowly than Iron ?,240519
1,How can I make money online for job ?,How can I make money online consistently ?,88815
0,Would you wait until marriage to have sex ?,Is it bad to wait until marriage to have sex ?,34524
1,How are crop circles made ?,What are crop circles ?,267696
0,`` What does it mean to say '' `` revenge is a dish best served cold ? '' '' '',`` Is it true that '' `` revenge is a dish best served cold '' '' ? '',356992
1,Do you think Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the US ?,How 's the outlook for Donald Trump looking at becoming our next president ?,37591
0,How does a coil in a magnetic field rotate through a full turn ?,Why would a magnetized particle rotate in a magnetic field ?,148783
1,China and Pakistan have proposed to India to join the CPEC . Should India join this project ?,Should India join CPEC ? How would it benefit India ?,228861
0,How do I recover deleted photos from an Android internal memory ?,How do I recover iso deleted files from internal HDD ?,212368
1,`` What do you mean '' `` tooling '' '' ? '',`` What 's the meaning of '' `` tooling '' '' ? '',153988
0,"What is the difference between , probability and expectation ?",`` What is the difference between '' '' | '' '' and '' `` and '' '' in probabilities ? '',60784
1,How does score increase on Snapchat ?,How can I increase my Snapchat score instantly ?,50399
0,How do I start an airport shuttle business ?,How do you start an airport business ?,27297
1,How can I calculate the equivalent resistance of a circuit ?,How can the equivalent resistance of a circuit be calculated ?,39930
0,What are some event ideas for a college fest ?,Which are the top college event ideas ?,178467
1,What is the best English as a second language course you have taken and why ?,What is the best English as a second language course you have ever taken ?,34125
0,"I want a huge muscular chest . Could I get this by benching only 150 lbs and every workout increasing the number of reps I do ? If I 'm doing 300 reps with 150 lbs eventually , wo n't my chest be huge ?",How do I make my chest bigger and muscular ?,378204
1,"What is the current information about the shooting in a shopping mall in Munich , Germany ?",What is known about the shooting at the Munich shopping mall ?,139881
0,Can I take NyQuil and Sudafed at the same time ?,What are the dangers of taking Cymbalta and Valium at the same time ?,12536
1,What books should entrepreneurs read on entrepreneurship ?,Which books should entrepreneurs read ?,173125
0,Should I put non relevant work experience like working in retail and fast food on my technical resume ?,What is it like to work at McDonald 's ?,135453
1,How long does it take to learn programming -LRB- C # -RRB- ?,How much would it take to learn C# ?,263433
0,Why is Hillary Clinton not considered a criminal ?,Is Hillary Clinton a criminal ?,268236
1,Is time travel possible after the discovery of gravitational waves ?,Will time travel be possible in future ?,390357
0,How do I reset my dial combination on my sentry safe ?,Can I find the combination to my safe on the box that it came in ?,392841
1,I want to reduce my tummy . what should I do ?,What are the foods that reduce tummy fat ?,26250
0,What are the opportunities in music in Delhi ?,Where can I buy the best music instruments in Jaipur or Delhi ?,234565
1,"Is there any free Android app for monitoring server , specific IP and alerts you via notifcation or alarms if it goes down ?","Is there any free Android app for monitoring server , specific IP and alerts you through notification or via alarm if it goes down ?",172580
0,I think I hit the bottom of my car on a rough curb . Should I be worried ?,What will happen when a vehicle hit a curb ?,2789
1,How can I get rid of acne and its effect ?,How do I get rid of face pimples ?,295031
0,Was Radha Married ?,Whose wife was Radha ?,374165
1,What are the facts about YouTube ?,What are some facts about youtube ?,377730
0,How can We earn money easily on online without any kind of investment ?,How is it possible to repay loan before maturity ?,337635
1,How does sex feel like for the first time ?,How did you feel when you had sex for the first time ?,174044
0,What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Chile ?,What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Australia ?,86091
1,What should one not do at IIT ?,What one should not do in IITs ?,80586
0,Why do so many people believe in the Illuminati ?,How many people believe in the Illuminati ?,341517
1,Why do mostly Indian Muslims are not accepting that their ancestors were Hindu ?,Why do Indian Muslims and Christians not accept that their ancestors were Hindu ?,38322
0,What items does Costco sell the most of ?,How do you go about producing and selling an item to Costco ?,133193
1,Why do people love music so much ?,Why do we love music ?,136372
0,Where are the best places to train to become a sommelier in the U.S. ?,Where are the best places to train to become a sommelier in England ?,38952
1,What will a Trump presidency mean for the rest of the world ?,What will a Trump presidency mean for the world ?,52924
0,Why are there 7 deadly sins and 9 rings of hell ?,How many consecutive days for humans can stay awake before dies ?,65866
1,Who is a best friend according to you ? Why ?,Who is your best friend ? Why ?,239013
0,Is there any keyboard for surface pro 4 -LRB- like brydge keyboard for ipad air -RRB- for which we need not use the kick stand ?,What accessories car should have ?,400375
1,What are some things that clients who have erotic transference have done or tried to do to their psychologist ?,"What are some things that clients who have erotic transference , have done or have tried to do to their psychologist ?",359317
0,"What is the difference between machinery , machine and equipment ?","Which form of materials is good to procure , casted or forged , to reduce the pre-machining time ? What is the difference between a sleeve and bar ?",383329
1,Is Donald Trump mentally ill ?,Have there every been any mental stability issues in Donald Trump life ?,357364
0,I scored 87.18 percentile in CAT ' 15 . Is there any chance of call from some decent college this year ?,From which colleges can I expect calls from & which colleges should I apply with 94.18 percentile in CAT 2015 ?,152192
1,How does sex feel like for the first time ?,How does it feel to have your first sex ?,66598
0,Is the brief history of time overrated ?,Is The Illustrated Brief History of Time newer than A Briefer History of Time ?,204559
1,Do I need to get NOC from Kolkata if I need to bring my West Bengal registered car to Bangalore for 6-8 months ? I will be back after that time ?,Do I need to get NOC from Kolkata if I need to bring my West Bengal registered car to Bangalore for 6-8 months ? I will be back after that time,372237
0,What are some ways to create passive income streams ?,What is the best way to create passive income ?,136242
1,"I have social anxiety , what do I do ?",How do I overcome social anxiety ?,390175
0,How do I upload a picture to my little bitty picture window on Quora ?,How can pictures be uploaded in Quora ?,195109
1,Why are people so obsessed with the topic of psychopaths ?,Why are people obsessed with psychopaths ?,158630
0,Who would be a better president : Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump ?,Why should one vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election ?,43922
1,What happens when you achieve your ultimate goal in life ?,What happened when you achieve your goals in life ?,90691
0,What is the difference between an AMD -LRB- A10 -RRB- and Intel processor -LRB- i5 -RRB- ?,How is AMD A10 1.8 GHz processor compared to intel i5 5th gen. ?,155699
1,How does Earth rotate ? What are the effects ?,How does the earth rotate ?,154648
0,How can I determine that a positive integer has exactly one zero in its binary representation ?,Is zero a positive integer ?,101608
1,What are different types of sedimentary rocks ?,What are the different types of sedimentary rocks and what characteristics do they all have ?,342662
0,"If you could represent yourself with a single object , what would that object be ? Why ?",I am an INTP and have been asked to bring an object to an off-site that represents me . What are some suggestions ?,287992
1,How does the average German citizen feel about Adolf Hitler and their nation 's role in WWII and the Holocaust ?,How does the average German feel about Hitler -LRB- not German gov. Since they are apologetic -RRB- . do they feel a hidden sense of pride/shame/guilt ?,257697
0,From where should I start reading Jiddu Krishnamurti ?,What is the best Jiddu Krishnamurti book ?,317378
1,What are Suicide Headaches ?,Why are cluster headaches called suicide headaches ?,233669
0,How much louder is a Big Jambox vs. a Mini Jambox ?,What is your review of Jawbone Jambox ?,351112
1,What are the best interview questions ?,What are the best interview questions to ask ?,155181
0,Where is the real Excalibur sword ?,What is Excalibur sword ?,263706
1,Which is the most inspirational story ever ?,Which most inspiring story you know ?,281453
0,`` What is '' `` name on card '' '' when ordering something online ? '',Is it safe to pre-order the Plastc Card ?,178502
1,How is buying land on the moon a good investment ? Why do people buy land on the moon ?,"At $ 20 an acre , is n't buying moon plots a solid investment ?",332446
0,"Was Rio an Olympic failure , but not only in terms of waste of public resource ?",I have been an utter failure in life till now . Do I even deserve to live or am I just wasting resources of the world ?,264774
1,What is a customer experience survey 's main objective ?,What is the main objective of customer experience survey ?,33824
0,How can I learn professional english speaking ?,How can I become fluent in English ?,35322
1,Is it a three-year UK BSc . -LRB- honours -RRB- software engineering degree equal a four-your BSc ?,Is it possible to give a British -LRB- UK -RRB- BSc . -LRB- honours -RRB- software engineering degree in 3 years ?,286979
0,Is Apple Macbook Pro MD101HN/A 13-inch Laptop -LRB- Core i5/4GB/500GB / Mac OS Mavericks/Intel HD Graphics -RRB- enough for heavy video editing softwares ?,What has been new/change on JBoss 6.4 as comparing and finding out from JBoss 6.3 version ?,255777
1,How long do you boil crab legs ?,How long should you boil crab legs ?,196511
0,Are there different kinds of bakeries ?,Where can I download Bakery Blitz Hack tool ?,383651
1,"What is the cheapest , painless , easiest way to commit suicide ?",What 's the easiest most painless way to die ?,336015
0,"If your body was failing , would you kill yourself ? Do you know someone who did just that ?","If you were given a chance to either befriend one of your enemies or to kill someone who has troubled you a lot , what would you do ?",304429
1,Do you expect that Donald Trump will become the worst president in the history of the United States of America ?,Do you believe Donald Trump would be the worst president in the history of the United States of America ?,186506
0,Facebook : Is it possible to hide likes and comments on Facebook Timeline ?,Is it possible for a Facebook user to hide their like activity from the newsfeed ?,248678
1,What are the best car technology gadgets ?,What are some of the best car tools ?,114050
0,How would Democrats have reacted to Marco Rubio as the winner of the US Presidency over Hillary Clinton ?,Would most Brexiteers change their mind if Scotland voted to leave the UK unless Brexit was abandoned ?,305605
1,What is the most ethical issues in business ?,What are some ethical issues in business ?,180884
0,What technology is used in the Nintendo 3DS touch screen ?,How do I disassemble the top screen of the New Nintendo 3DS XL ?,147240
1,Have you ever met a celebrity ? Who were they and what were they like ?,Have you ever randomly met a celebrity ?,261872
0,How do I lose weight fast and naturally ?,What are the best ways to lose weight ?,251658
1,How can I get a job at Google ?,What does it take to work at Google ?,314808
0,Why 's talking to girls in person harder than online ?,Why is talking to a girl in person and online different ?,229220
1,How do I analyse website for SEO ?,How can I analyse a website SEO ?,101194
0,Dragon Ball Gt : Why wo n't Pan turn into a Super Saiyan like Gohan ?,Why Modi is not so popular at present than he was at the beginning ?,267295
1,Can you save money by shopping wisely ?,What are some great tricks to save money while shopping online ?,277476
0,What would a Rick Santorum presidency look like ?,What is Rick Santorum like in person ?,239978
1,What is the difference between match fixing and spot fixing ?,What is the difference between spot fixing and match fixing ?,207615
0,"How do I integrate -LSB- math -RSB- \ displaystyle \ int _ -LCB- \ frac \ pi6 -RCB- ^ -LCB- \ frac \ pi4 -RCB- \ sqrt -LCB- 1 - \ cos2x -RCB- \ , dx -LSB- / math -RSB- ?",How do you integrate -LSB- math -RSB- \ frac -LCB- 1 -RCB- -LCB- x ^ 2 -1 -RCB- -LSB- / math -RSB- ?,312261
1,Which are the top Digital marketing agences in India ?,Which is the best digital marketing agency in India ?,335883
0,Is there a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Skagway County AK ?,Is there a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Bristol Bay County AK ?,289746
1,What is the best way to prepare for CA final ISCA ?,How one should know that he/she completely prepare for CA final exam ?,262111
0,Why is my TV turning on by itself ?,How can a TV turn on by itself ?,397162
1,How do you find at * 1 - -LRB-800-RRB- 251-4919 * @ Bitdefender Antivirus tech support phone number USA/Canada ?,Hi Bitdefender * 1 - -LRB-800-RRB- 251-4919 * Bitdefender Antivirus Tech Support phone Number ?,39257
0,Would you please recommend a good horror movie ?,What are the best horror movies of the first decade of the 2000s -LRB- 2001 - 2010 -RRB- ?,307828
1,What is the best way to improve my questions on Quora ?,My questions on Quora all need improving . How do you ask a question on Quora ?,395815
0,What are the best free Indian porn websites ?,What are the best websites to download indian porn videos ?,379897
1,"Does anyone actually use Google + , and if so , why ?",Does anyone actually use Google + ?,53077
0,What should I do to become like Steve Jobs ?,Can I become like Steve jobs ?,119636
1,Will banning Rs .500 and Rs .1000 notes help to solve black money and corruption ?,How will the scrapping of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes help in reducing black money and corruption ?,63224
0,What is it like to meet Mario Gotze ?,How can I meet Aliko Dangote ?,174908
1,How did Jayalalithaa die ?,How did Jayalalitha die ? Is it a mystery ?,324292
0,Do I need a PhD to achieve mastery in Artificial Intelligence ?,What skill or activity are you in the top 1 % in the world ?,379316
1,How do you make your facial hair grow faster ?,How can i grow facial hair ?,330915
0,How should Beagle Australian Shepherd mixes be fed ?,How friendly are Beagle Australian Shepherd mixes ?,114722
1,Is it possible to time travel to past ?,How can I travel time ?,93533
0,What universities does The Hershey Company recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,What universities does Noodles & Company recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,68690
1,What valid proof can confirm/deny the surgical strike India claims it did yesterday in POK/Azad Kashmir -LRB- 29/09/16 -RRB- ?,Did India really conduct a surgical strike on Pakistan ?,159790
0,What happens if Modi suddenly close 2000 ruppees note again on DECEMBER 30 ?,How can I get stock Android dialer for Lollipop API 22 with root ?,194634
1,What happened before the Big Bang ?,Before the Big Bang was it in complete darkness ?,196628
0,`` What exactly does '' `` Ghazwa-e-Hind '' '' mean ? How and when did such a term come into existence ? '',`` How and when did the name '' `` India '' '' come into use ? '',236994
1,Where should I stay in Goa ?,Which are the best hotels in Goa ?,59809
0,What are the hardest adjustments to make when visiting Iraq ?,What are the hardest adjustments to make when visiting Bangladesh ?,18582
1,How would scrapping Rs 500 and 1000 notes affect the real estate sector ?,How will be the banning of 500 and 1000 rupees notes will have impact on real estate and Construction industry in India ?,348449
0,What does it mean if a share is up by roughly $ 2k today in terms of what owning this share will mean annually ? Do the other shares in the company reflect the exact same behavior as this value 's current abilities ?,I hold 200 shares in BHEL and recently the company declared final Dividend at 20 % -LRB- Rs . 0.40 per share -RRB- . What does this mean ?,76486
1,What are some mind-blowing mobile gadgets 2016 that exist that most people do n't know about ?,What are some mind-blowing Mobile gadgets that exist that most people do n't know about ?,87663
0,What is theology ?,What is it like to be a theology professor ?,78967
1,`` How is the word '' `` incredulity '' '' used in a sentence ? '',`` How do you use '' `` incredulity '' '' in a sentence ? '',332059
0,When is gate held and how should I apply ?,How do I apply to RVCE through GATE 2015 ?,234186
1,"If the harry potter was made into a Bollywood series , what could have been the ideal cast ?","If it would have been made in Bollywood , what would be the cast of Harry Potter ?",255241
0,Why do n't we celebrate Columbus Day ?,How should one celebrate Columbus Day ?,138517
1,How can I ask a long question on Quora ?,"How can I add a longer , more detailed description of my question on Quora ?",338334
0,What is the rediscounting of bills in the context of central banks ?,Why does a Commercial bank have a deposit in a Central Bank ?,250068
1,What is ram in the context of computer ?,What does RAM mean with computers ?,302874
0,What are non-metallic properties ?,What are three properties of metal ?,261073
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Rhode Island ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Arizona ?,381935
0,Do some women really like swallowing semen ? Why or why not ?,Why do some people enjoy giving blowjobs ?,117376
1,What is the best service center in Secunderabad ?,How is the best service center in Secunderabad ?,200920
0,Which is the best furniture shop in raipur ?,What are good furniture shops in bangalore ?,317271
1,Is South Korea an advanced nation as of 2016 ?,Is South Korea developed ?,52912
0,What are some ways to save my Yahoo emails ?,How can I fix my Yahoo email account ?,225753
1,Why do the North Korean athletes to back to North Korea ? What prevents them from staying in Rio ?,What if a North Korean athlete decides not to return home from the Olympics by escaping in Rio ?,161163
0,"Can a family of 4 live a decent life with Rs 60000 per month in Delhi , India ?",Is 7000 Rupees per month enough to live simple life in India ?,312295
1,Why is the genetic code universal ?,Why is the genetic code as it is ?,241079
0,What is the monomer of lipids ?,What is the monomer of protein ?,83241
1,What was the oddest dream you ever had ?,What is the most bizarre dream you have ever had ?,22068
0,I got a new mattress and my lower back pain in the morning is actually worse . Do I need a harder or softer mattress ?,How can you describe how a cell is like a city ?,253055
1,When is the world going to the end ?,"Is the world really going to end ? If so , then how will it end ?",372286
0,What are the top hedge funds in Hong Kong ?,What are the top quant hedge funds in Hong Kong ? Prop trading firms ?,79164
1,Is the caffeine content in the chamomile tea healthy ? Why or why not ?,What is the caffeine content of chamomile tea ?,77116
0,How do you live knowing that the world is going to end ?,The Future : How will the world end ?,246429
1,How do I change my profile pic on Quora ?,How can I upload profile picture on Quora ?,246746
0,Is the version of Angry Indian Goddesses on TVFPlay censored ?,Why is the N word censored ?,375558
1,"I have completed 12th , the IBDP . I 'll apply for Bachelor 's Mech engg in the USA . How can I find an internship before I start classes next year ?","I have completed 12th , the IBDP . I 'll apply for Bachelor 's Mech engg in USA . How can I find an internship before I start with my classes next year ?",88545
0,How can Americans be saved from being deceived by the U.S. ' freedom of speech to lie in media and the world ?,"`` What would the West say after hearing Indonesian President Joko Widodo 's speech in the opening of the Asian African Conference 2015 that said '' `` the viewpoint saying the world economic problems can only be resolved by the World Bank , IMF , and ADB is outdated and needs to be discarded '' '' ? ''",47567
1,Is Donald Trump really a Democrat ?,Is Hillary Clinton secretly paying Donald Trump to throw the election ?,265823
0,Should I major in philosophy or psychology -LRB- assuming I ca n't major in both -RRB- ?,What is it like to major in philosophy ?,263257
1,What 's the best decision you 've ever made ?,What 's the best decision you ever made ?,289738
0,What do you answer if a girl you liked asked you if you liked anyone ?,I like a girl but I 'm scared to ask her out . What should I do ?,76766
1,What was the craziest dream that you 've ever had ?,What are some of the weirdest dreams you 've ever had ?,69134
0,"How many is few , couple , and several ?",`` How long is '' `` a couple years '' '' ? '',77026
1,What is the difference between philosophical inquiry and scientific inquiry ?,What is the difference between the philosophical inquiry and scientific method of inquiry ?,114699
0,Is it worth it to buy a refurbished MacBook Pro over a brand new one ?,What are the cons of buying a refurbished MacBook Air or MacBook Pro ?,42148
1,What are good horror movies to watch ?,What are some good horror movies ?,73607
0,"Which is more important , photosynthesis or cellular respiration ?",Is photosynthesis and cellular respiration the same thing ?,16493
1,Will Peter Jackson make movies of The Silmarillion ?,Will Peter Jackson make The Silmarillion a movie ?,122810
0,What is a good song lyric prank to have someone confess that they like me ?,What are good songs for a lyric prank on your ex boyfriend ?,12804
1,What is the best way to get involved/started in selling online thru Amazon or other similar marketplaces ?,What is the best way to get started in selling online thru Amazon or other similar marketplaces ?,101786
0,How does A Series of Unfortunate Events end ?,How will Game of Thrones end ?,371883
1,What is the scope of engineering for the future ?,Is there is scope for engineers in future ?,370020
0,Assume you 're completely agnostic . Would you be happier if god were proven real or fake ?,"If God were racist , would you be racist like a devout follower or join Satan assuming Satan is liberal ?",367780
1,How do I open software company ?,How do I open a software company ?,145665
0,Wildlife : Why do animals attack humans in the wild ?,Why do humans not strike back at animals when they attack ?,51327
1,What are the cons of the TPP ?,What are the negative consequences of TPP ?,387565
0,What is the difference between a USB 2.0 and a USB 3.0 ? Will USB 2.0 ports support USB 3.0 portable drives or pen drives ?,Is there a physical difference between USB 1.0 and USB 2.0 cables ?,342220
1,Why do people become atheists ?,On what basis do people choose to be atheists ?,195613
0,Who was kejriwal born to ?,What does Arvind Kejriwal 's wife do ?,357496
1,What is the problem with IIST ?,What actually is the problem with IIST ?,16426
0,Is C of any use ?,How do I create a GUI using C/C + + ?,209575
1,What is best fitness app for Android ?,What are the best health & fitness apps for Android devices ?,128671
0,Anime : In which episode will we see Luffy 's gear 4th ?,How will the anime One Piece end ?,224736
1,What was your most embarrassing moment infront of your crush ?,What is the embrassing moment in front of your crush ?,129342
0,Can India ever regain its old glory of Sone ki Chidiya -LRB- Golden Bird -RRB- or Vishwaguru ?,Can India ever become ` Sone Ki Chidiya ' again ?,345836
1,How do I stop eating unhealthy and loose weight ?,What is the best way to eat and loose weight ?,87416
0,What are amino acids composed of ?,What are amino acids ?,210217
1,What advice would you give your 16 year old self ?,What is the advice you would give your 16-year-old self ?,330273
0,What is the best gaming PC I can get for 1400 $ ?,What is the best gaming pc to get for # 750 ?,347150
1,What is your most unpopular opinion ?,What are your most controversial or unpopular opinions ?,299845
0,How does facial steaming helps if you have acne ?,How do I integrate Firebase Invites in Android app ?,396302
1,What does a chemical engineer do ?,What kind of work does a chemical engineer do ?,122994
0,What are the differences between Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access ?,"In hiring an executive assistant , can I assume that today 's college graduates have an in depth knowledge of Microsoft Excel , Word and Access ?",33084
1,How can I find the aim of my life ?,What is the purpose of your life ?,187992
0,How can one web-scrape a list of celebrities for further processing -LRB- preferably with metadata if possible -RRB- ?,How can one web-scrape a list of stars for further processing -LRB- preferably with metadata if possible -RRB- ?,166605
1,What are satirical essays ? What are some examples ?,What are some good examples of satirical essays ?,259065
0,How to prevent a water leak from a DeLonghi portable air conditioner ?,How do you fix a water leak from a DeLonghi portable air conditioner ?,43023
1,How do I make easy money ?,What 's a good way to make easy money now ?,52642
0,How can a supposedly loving God not want to heal his children in this temporary realm when they ask for it ?,"How is it that God does not have a special place for his first created Man , Adam and his woman Eve ? Are they truly gone never to return ?",220320
1,What are the best ways to deal with exam stress ?,How do I handle exam stress ?,396138
0,"Is it best to include a ` commission structure ' in the employment contract , or state that the commission structure is part of company policy ?",How good is a salary offer of 14k AED per month in Dubai compared to another offer of 1.5 lacs INR per month in Mumbai ?,221505
1,What does horny goat weed do ?,What is horny goat weed ?,113079
0,Where is the best place to retire ?,"If one person wanted to live decently , not in luxury , but in relative developed world conditions for a good period of time before the money runs out , where should one go ?",217752
1,Is it possible to hack whats app ?,Is it possible to hack WhatsApp ?,94616
0,Has Diablo 3 been cracked yet ?,How can I set a scene in Diablo 3 as my wallpaper ?,115217
1,What should be the first programming language I learn if I want to become a game developer ?,What programming language should I learn if I want to do a 2D MMORPG game ?,312806
0,`` On Dark Matter How Could '' `` One '' '' -LRB- Derrick Moss -RRB- Re-enter the Story in Season 3 ? '',Why does not the clock tick as per the heart beat ?,11707
1,Which are the best earphones under 600 ?,Which is the best earphones to buy under Rs .600 ?,387958
0,When will a custom rom be released for the Moto G4 XT1624 ?,"Need help to plan North India trip on year end n ya I am female , Wl travel alone so pl suggest acc n travelling options accordingly any Lead Pl ?",10281
1,How can one impress girls on Quora ?,How to impress girls in school ?,286977
0,What causes blue veins to be prominently visible on your hand or arms ? Why is it more with some people than others ?,"Why are my veins very visible on my hands , arms , legs , and feet ?",95229
1,How likely is it that Apple makes its own search engine ?,Will Apple create its own search engine in the future ?,227260
0,What is the best assessment method by which a teacher can explain subjects to his students ?,Which is the best student/teacher romance movie ?,47670
1,"How does websites like Wikipedia , Times Of India etc earn money ?",How does Wikipedia earn money ?,228439
0,How do I insert a sigma symbol into a word document ?,How do I type exclusive or symbol in MS word ?,275072
1,What is the use of zip files ?,How do use zip file ?,70955
0,How do nude beaches in Punta Cana compare to other nude beaches in Grenada ?,How do nude beaches in Punta Cana compare to other nude beaches in Jamaica ?,25027
1,How can I stop the urge to masturbate ?,How do stop doing masturation ?,202156
0,What are some interesting metaphors for water ?,What are the best metaphors ?,214435
1,How can I downgrade from Lollipop 5.0 to KitKat in Micromax canvas a99 ?,Can I downgrade from Lollipop to KitKat on a Micromax A99 ?,287994
0,I get jealous when my boyfriend likes other women 's pictures on Facebook and Instagram . What are some suggestions ?,I have been dating my boyfriend for almost three years now . I feel I am causing the problems because I 'm the one who gets jealous over girls he liked on Instagram and Facebook . Is there something wrong with me ?,21333
1,What will happen if Donald Trump became the president of America ?,What will happen if Donald Trump wins the election ?,83303
0,How can you tell if buttermilk has gone bad ? What is it supposed to taste like ?,What does rice paper taste like ? How can you tell if it has gone bad ?,338761
1,Which is your favourite song ?,What is your personal favourite song and why ?,311974
0,How is an integer value stored in the memory in C ?,How can I print unsigned integer minimum value in C ?,348216
1,", What type of acts justify trying someone as a war criminal ?",What type of acts justify prosecuting a war criminal ?,53619
0,How can I get Job in Australia as metallurgist with Indian IIT Degree ?,Is rbi assistant experience relevant for cfa ?,136802
1,"If war happens between india and pakistan , how will it effect common man economically ?",How will the indian economy be affected if there is a war between India and Pakistan ?,69619
0,"If liberals are progressives , then are conservatives regressives ?",Why are conservatives generally against conservation and progressives generally against progress ?,322464
1,Does masterbating daily causes any problem ?,Does mastubating daily causes problem ?,377196
0,What books should I read that change my life ?,What is the one book that you think reading it will change my life to the better immediately ?,46137
1,What 's the best book on Joseph Goebbels ?,"Are there any really , really interesting books on Joseph Goebbels ?",325461
0,Do you think 12 cm -LRB- 4.5 inch -RRB- is enough for a penis ?,My penis size is 4.9 inch and I feel really bad about this . What are your suggestions to me ?,153948
1,From where can I pursue digital marketing course ?,What are some CV worthy online Digital Marketing courses ?,315093
0,What are the best interview questions that are tricky and require presence of mind to answer them ?,What are examples of presence of mind during interview ?,168764
1,How does one become mayor of a city in India ?,How does one become a Mayor of a city in India ?,210224
0,What is your rank and mark in wbJEE medical 2016 ?,What can be the marks vs rank for wbJEE medical 2016 ?,42987
1,What makes yawning contagious ?,"Is yawning contagious ? If so , why ? What 's the evidence ?",28124
0,What are the driving rules in Georgia versus Illinois ?,What are the driving rules in Georgia versus Arkansas ?,154939
1,How can I find local investors For my startup ?,How can I find investors for my startup on Quora ?,394274
0,What is the best database to store images ?,Where does Facebook store all its users images ? Is it in database or files ?,322447
1,How can I improve my spoken English ?,How can I improve my English Language ?,271141
0,Do INFJs and ENFPs do well in romantic relationships ?,Do ENFPs and INFJs get together so often because ENFPs tend to suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder while INFJs tend to be enablers ?,63754
1,Where can I do a free warrant search ?,Can I find out if I have a warrant for free ?,29668
0,At what valuation did Alex Springer acquire a stake in Runtastic in Oct 2013 ?,"What is a good application for health tracking , like Noom and Runtastic ?",114199
1,How should I start business ?,How do I start business from nothing ?,193912
0,What are your expectations from the Union Budget of India -LRB- 2015-16 -RRB- ?,What are you expecting from Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in Union Budget 2016 ? Is it going to be a very crucial budget for this NDA government ?,354203
1,How I find out my ram memory ?,How can I find my ram memory on my phone ?,258211
0,Which is best college for computer engineering in banagalore ?,Which is the best laptop for computer engineering in college ?,94487
1,What 's the difference between fixed and variable costs ?,What is the difference between fixed cost and variable cost ?,131648
0,How does knocking happen in a diesel engine ?,What is knocking and detonation in the petrol and diesel engine ?,337968
1,What is the best way to get rid of bad habits ?,How can I get rid of a bad habit ?,186751
0,How do 3D graphics work ?,How do I do 3D graphics in Photoshop ?,37360
1,What are some movies similar to Tomorrowland ?,What movies are similar to Tomorrowland ?,105355
0,"MS in VLSI Design and Technology : Among Arizona State University , University of Texas at Dallas , University of Florida , Northeastern University , Syracuse University and SUNY Buffalo , which ones are worth applying considering Job prospects after MS ?","I got an admit from Arizona State University for MS in Electronic and Mixed signal circuit design/VLSI . Should I consider applying to UC , Irvine ?",162763
1,How can I can concentrate well in studies ?,How do I concentrate on my studies ?,227368
0,Who are the best technical recruiters in London ?,Who are the best engineering recruiters in London ?,60188
1,What is the best evidence that 9/11 was an inside job ?,Was 9/11 incident an inside job ?,49704
0,How do you keep a drain clean ?,How do I clean inside this drain ?,37015
1,How can I know if I am a genius ?,How can I know if I am a genius or just a your-average-guy ?,248606
0,What are the best lines to start anchoring in an event ?,How do I start a program while anchoring ?,320266
1,`` Quora says '' `` Your question -LRB- insert topic here -RRB- may need editing to be easier to understand . '' '' I am not the OP . What must I do ? '',"`` Why am I being told by Quora '' `` Your question X may need editing ... '' '' when I never actually asked that question , although I might have answered it ? ''",392139
0,"As a male , I get pleasure from sticking my finger deep into my pee hole . Is this unhealthy ?",I think I hate women . Deep inside I feel a pleasure even after avoiding some of my closest friends . How do I overcome this ?,369327
1,What are components of a computer ? How do they help a computer function ?,What are five components of a computer ? How do they help a computer function ?,330017
0,What do Jon Davis and Balaji Viswanathan think of each other ?,What does Balaji Viswanathan think of Reliance Jio . How does it impact other mobile operators ?,321895
1,How do I stay motivated ?,What should I do to stay motivated and happy ?,12110
0,What are the process for smile design ?,Why do I smile for no reason ?,216221
1,Which language -LRB- s -RRB- are the most beautiful in the world for you ?,What is the most beautiful language ?,316799
0,How do I get recruited by a startup in India ?,How can I get hired by a startup in India ?,140854
1,Why do some people think Americans are stupid ?,Why are Americans deemed stupid ?,346559
0,Why thumb impression is used in place of signature by illiterate ?,Which thumb impression is used by illiterate in place of signature ?,172415
1,What 's the meaning of life ?,`` What is the meaning of '' `` Life '' '' ? '',101940
0,How do I file an RTI application in India ?,What are some of the weirdest/silliest RTI requests made in India ?,294626
1,How can I substitute cream cheese for mascarpone cheese in a recipe ?,Can cream cheese be substituted for mascarpone ?,397742
0,Why are all or most countries in debt or seem to be in debt ?,Are we in more debt to our self or other countries ?,347285
1,Are baking soda and baking powder the same thing ?,What is the difference between baking soda and baking powder ?,41360
0,How can I buy Tesla shares / stock ?,How do I buy stocks ?,1514
1,How do I become dedicated to my goal ?,How can I increase my dedication for my goal ?,161250
0,How can I modify apk files ?,How do you get an APK file ?,145954
1,What 's your New Year resolutions for 2017 and what will you do to accomplish your goal ?,What is your New Year 's resolutions for 2017 ?,333478
0,`` How would you have made the Star Wars prequels differently while retaining the politics involved and successfully handing off to '' `` A New Hope '' '' ? '',What would be the best way to restructure and improve the Star Wars prequels ?,36281
1,How do I learn to draw manga ?,What is the best way to learn how to draw a manga ?,395833
0,What are some toxic words that should not be used in a job interview ?,What are some examples of the word loathe being used incorrectly in a sentence ?,386686
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Utah ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Kansas ?,9038
0,How does make money ?,How could make money ?,183461
1,How does Google Maps know about traffic details ?,How does Google Maps traffic work ?,88616
0,Why do I lose weight in my sleep ?,How can I lose weight in my sleep ?,118545
1,How long does crystal meth stay in your system ?,How long will .01 shot of meth be detectable with a mouthswab test ?,146847
0,`` Is '' `` species '' '' singular or plural ? How do you say the alternate version of the word ? '',`` How is the word '' `` crisis '' '' spelled in plural form ? '',354120
1,What will be the impact of banning Rs . 500 and Rs . 1000 on the Indian economy ?,How is banning 500 and 1000 INR going to help Indian economy ?,107958
0,`` Has surgical strike on Pakistan given tight slap to those who mocked 56 '' '' chest ? '',Has Narendra Modi proved his credibility as the lion PM of India via the surgical strike in POK ?,347654
1,How long did it take you to learn JavaScript ?,How much time does it take to learn JavaScript ?,17233
0,What size batteries do I need to run a 700 watt coffee maker for 2 hours ?,What can I do to be able to sleep only 4 hours a day without having headaches or needing to use coffee or something like this ?,102914
1,What is your favorite Gandhi quote ?,What is your favorite M. K. Gandhi quote ?,212543
0,I forgot my Facebook password . I do n't remember the Gmail password and neither any information regarding the Gmail ID . What should I do ?,How do I recover my Gmail password when I do n't remember my recovery mail ID ?,99466
1,What is the best answer to any question ?,Which is the best answer given to any question ever ?,63667
0,How do I know if my WhatsApp account has been hacked ?,How do you know if your site has been hacked ?,10230
1,Why the Modi government ban the 500 and 1000 notes ?,Who suggested Narendra Modi to stop the circulation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes ?,302126
0,How does the gravitational force cause the bending of space ?,What is the cause for gravitational force ?,345116
1,Why do so many people ask questions on Quora that can be easily answered by any number of legitimate sources on the Web ? Have they not heard of Google or Bing ?,Why do people bother to ask questions on Quora they could just google to get the answer ?,76904
0,"Royal Enfield Motorcycles : For a crowded city , which one is better , the Classic 350 , the Classic 500 -LRB- chrome edition -RRB- , or the Bullet Electra ?","Which one is better , the Royal Enfield Bullet STD 350 or the Bullet Electra ?",298790
1,How is the education system in China ?,What do you think of the education system in China ?,367112
0,"I want to trim down , but do n't want to cut portion sizes . I 'd rather gain size and look lean , than cut portions and starve . What should I do ?",I have a mesomorph body . I want to look extremely lean and chiseled . Would it be correct if I begin a cutting regimen for 6 months ?,37477
1,"Who is better , Clinton or Trump ?",Why is Hillary Clinton worse than Donald Trump ?,398485
0,"What is the Prefix in SMS Message ID TM , TD , TA , TZ , AM , DZ , DM , VE , AT , VT , LM , VG , MD , MM , DT , BA , DD , BZ in Indian Bulk SMS Services ?",Is it worth spending money on Bulk SMS for promotions in India ?,197848
1,How do restricted stocks and stock options differ ?,What 's the difference between restricted stock and a stock option ?,84066
0,How can I use Omegle on my iPod Touch and how is it compared to using Jizzroulette ?,How can I use Omegle on my iPod Touch and how is it compared to using iMeetzu ?,244717
1,"I wan na start preparing for ias exam , how should I proceed ?","If I start preparing for IAS exam 2016 now , how can I achieve it ?",197449
0,How is astronaut life in space ?,How do astronauts write in space ?,332669
1,Why has n't Chris Christie been indicted ?,Is Chris Christie under indictment for anything ?,376867
0,"When Australia became a nation in 1901 , Did aboriginal women lose their human and voting rights which were legislated in 1896 .",Why would we want to be competitive in the world when the only way to be competitive is to neglect human rights and the environment ?,325208
1,How do I not fear failure ?,What should I do if I fear failure ?,55158
0,"What innovation in the social media would you like to see , or do you think we 've ` reached the end of the road ' ?",How do I use social media to improve road safety awareness ?,155781
1,How do I remove the water stuck in my ear ?,How do I remove water from ear ?,186272
0,What do the Taiwanese think of Taiwanese-Americans ?,What are Taiwanese guys like ?,10442
1,Why do girls like bad boys ?,Why do girls love only bad boys ?,232235
0,Do vitamins help you pass a meth test ?,What helps you pass a meth test ?,15306
1,How can we improve our listening skills ?,How do I improve my listening skills ?,185838
0,Which is the best site to shop in from UAE ?,"Which drone should I buy , the GoPro Karma , or the DJI Mavic ?",231181
1,How do I add pictures to questions on Quora ?,How do I add an image to a question on Quora ?,84046
0,"What do the ECM and DCM parts of a bank do ? Also , what different parts are there within ECM and DCM ?",Is there any institute that offers a part-time course on investment banking in India ? What will be the daily life of an investment banker ? How much salary he can expect ?,28960
1,Are there any nice English names for female ?,What are some nice English names for a female ?,350967
0,What is the best site to download Hindi music for free ?,What is best sites to download songs for free ?,167007
1,What is daily life like for someone with paranoid schizophrenia ?,What is it like to live with paranoid schizophrenia ?,398193
0,Is it worth upgrading to Wacom Intuos Pro from Wacom Intuos5 ?,Is it worth to buy the Wacom Intuos pen touch or should I go with a regular one ?,136800
1,How is the electoral college democratic ?,What is Electoral College and is it democratic ?,222717
0,How do I solve SPOJ MOEBIUS ?,Is there any difference between ISIL and Saudi Arabia doctrine ?,390164
1,How can excessive masturbation lead to low sperm count ?,Does masturbation in males lead to sexual infertility ?,311980
0,Why do people love twitter ?,Why do people love ?,153236
1,What is coordinate bond ?,What is a coordinate bond ?,168910
0,"What language is this , and what does it say ?",What is this language and what does it say ?,352578
1,What does it mean to invest in stocks ?,What does it mean to invest in stock ?,299697
0,My OnePlus 3T 's screen and display got damaged . How much would it cost to get it fixed ?,Can you use WhatsApp on the OnePlus 3T ?,27140
1,Which are the best NITs in India ?,Which is the best NIT in India ?,321603
0,What is the difference between an amplifier and a receiver ?,What is AMP in SEO ?,347456
1,How do I take interest in studies ?,How do I become interested in studies ?,267263
0,Do you think you will add a daily folic acid supplement to your routine ? Why or why not ?,Do you think that animals will ever be given a right to life similar or equivalent to human beings ? Why or why not ? Is this moral ?,345331
1,What is the greatest movie ever ?,Which are best movie in history ?,314431
0,What form of verb is used with would ?,What is the appropriate form of the verb ?,341467
1,On what sites can I watch movies with English subtitles for free ?,In which sites I can watch Hollywood movies for free with English subtitles ?,134882
0,"If not Pence , who would Trump have picked for VP ?",Should Trump choose Pence or Gingrich as his VP ?,153437
1,What is your favorite Twitter account ?,What are your favorite Twitter accounts ?,83009
0,Is it worth upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1 ?,Is Windows 10 worth upgrading to ?,355347
1,How can I delete my own question from Quora ?,How do I delete my own question from Quora ?,108073
0,Why did the Palmer Raids start ?,What are some safety programs in ground units and how are they used ?,127857
1,How do people earn billions from home using simple Uber app hack ?,How do people earn lakhs of rupees by simple Uber app hack ?,279538
0,What are the best cooling pads for a MacBook Pro ?,Do I need a cooling pad for a MacBook Pro ?,250906
1,Why has the Modi Government banned the 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,What is the reason behind government 's ban on 500 & 1000 rupee notes ? What are the immediate effects and how useful will it be in curbing black money ?,33791
0,How does earn money ?,How earns money ?,259947
1,Is there any need for reservation in India ?,Does the Indian government need to reform reservation system ?,23801
0,Does repayment of bank loans really destroy money ? If so is society held to extra effort to compensate for the disappearing money/work ?,`` What is '' `` Five Point Someone '' '' about ? '',341954
1,How would I increase my height aftr 18 ?,How should I increase my height ?,127989
0,At with point the conflicts that lead to WWI escalated in such manner that a full war as inevitable ?,What is the process of getting power of atorny ?,186188
1,How is money important to society ?,Is money important to society ?,66485
0,Does George Allen have a realistic chance of being elected after the racist comments he made when running in 2006 ?,When is Mitch McConnell up for re-election ? Does he have a good chance to get re-elected again ? \,152468
1,Will the World end ?,How does world end ?,155639
0,Who are the real-life equivalents of the characters in Silicon Valley -LRB- TV Series -RRB- ?,Did you see the Silicon Valley TV series reference of Nutanix ?,55026
1,How do I better understand the stock market ?,How can I understand the STOCK market from the basic level ?,308426
0,Is a 1170 on the PSAT as a 9th grader good ?,Is a 970 a low score on PSAT for a 9th grader ? How can I improve ?,17731
1,What should be preference order when you opt for service in a Civil Service examination ?,What is a good order of preference for civil services ?,190370
0,What 's the best way to overcome your boss disrespecting you when they are a personal friend ?,What is the best way to ask a former boss if they would hire you again when you might have not given your absolute best the first time ?,274251
1,How can I get iTunes on my laptop ?,How do I get iTunes on my laptop ?,196128
0,Which phone does Deepika Padukone use ?,Which is the best Deepika Padukone movie and why ?,286567
1,If England invaded Republic of Ireland today what would happen worldwide ?,What would happen if the UK invaded Ireland ?,99744
0,"Why is it when I am myself , people find me unattractive ? Why must one pretend to be something they are not in order to be noticed ?",How do you deal with people who talk behind your back ?,334231
1,"If Trump loses , what will happen to the Republican party as a whole ?","If Donald Trump loses , what do you think will happen to the Republican Party after the 2016 election ?",276959
0,How do I make a heart symbol on twitter ?,What is the best way to make a heart symbols with the computer ?,186435
1,"What is the Sahara , and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Patagonian Desert ?","What is the Sahara , and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Thar Desert ?",400475
0,How does a travelling car on a straight road maintain a constant velocity ?,How do I connect my Samsung J7 with a Sony Bravia R51C ?,336525
1,How do I stop worrying about what others think of me ?,How do I stop worrying about future ?,319458
0,How do I tell someone to stop touching me ?,I 'm afraid to tell someone to stop if they 're picking on me . What do I do ?,315424
1,"Which is better , the Honda City or Hyundai Verna ?","Which is the best , Honda City or Verna ?",192274
0,Is there a way to reshape your nose without surgery ?,How can I change the shape of my nose without surgery ?,328248
1,Can I get funded based on my startup idea ?,How can I get free funds for my startup ideas ?,69454
0,Is the law of conservation of energy a relative concept ?,What is the derivation of the law of conservation of energy ?,252666
1,How do you start a technology company ?,What does it take to start a technology company ?,14736
0,What are the parts of Java I actually need to know in depth before starting Android development ?,Can I learn Android app development right from scratch without knowledge of Java ?,305112
1,What was there before the ` Big Bang ' ?,What was there before universe was born ?,60536
0,`` Why is Lord Shiva often depicted as smoking '' `` chillum '' '' / '' `` weed '' '' ? What could be a proper significance of it ? '',Is it true that Lord Shiva used to smoke a lot of marijuana ?,182866
1,Why do I care so much about what other people think of me ?,"As an individual , do I really need to care what people think about me ?",101935
0,Will changing facial features on command ever become possible ?,What is a way to get your eyes to change color or get lighter ?,256180
1,Is Eminem 's time over ?,Is eminem 's fame decreasing ?,357393
0,"What hotel in Jodhpur would be safe for unmarried couples , without the harassment of police , hotel staff , and moral police ?","What hotel in Gurgaon would be safe for unmarried couples , without the harassment of police , hotel staff , and moral police ?",268611
1,Do girls experience pain during first time sex ?,How can you reduce first time sex pain ?,194902
0,What are the benefits of doing an MBA after getting an undergraduate degree in agriculture ?,What are the benefits of doing an MBA after getting an undergraduate degree in geography ?,331689
1,Are you supposed to sit in front or at the back of the Uber when riding alone ?,Do Uber drivers prefer passengers to sit in the front or back seat ?,86985
0,What does FIT mean in the tourism industry ?,Would the tourism industry be better for Greece within the EU or outside of it ? Why ?,66241
1,What is the thing you hate about India ?,What are some things you hate about India ?,288237
0,Which are some of the best CAT training institutes in Bangalore ?,Which is the best CAT coaching institute in chennai with good faculty and study material ?,14974
1,How can you learn the Greek alphabet ?,How can I learn to read the Greek alphabet ?,359414
0,What kind of value system can maintain the value of humanity ?,What can we do to make the random acts of kindness topic more popular on Quora as a means to spreading the value of kindness ?,339991
1,Where is the proof of alien life ?,Is there any actual proof of aliens ?,58804
0,Why ca n't I jailbreak my iPhone 6 iOS 10.0.2 ?,Can I jailbreak my iPhone from iOS 8 to iOS 7.1.1 ?,256231
1,How do I change QQ music to English ?,How can I change the language in QQ Music from Chinese to English ?,112155
0,Who is the most popular fictional character in Bangladesh ?,Who is the most popular fictional character of all time ?,27495
1,What causes infertility ?,What are the main causes of infertility ?,172422
0,Where do I get weed in pune ?,Where can I get weed in hyderabad ?,18126
1,What are the best cats ?,What are the best cats ever ?,395163
0,How do you make life suit you and stop life from abusing you mentally and emotionally ?,"Why are emotionally abusive people in my life ? Several ex boyfriends , friends , and past coworkers/bosses have been abusers . Do I attract them ?",169
1,When will humans become immortal ?,Will we ever become immortal ?,240858
0,"What is the reason why many middle-aged Indian CXOs , who have made most of their money in India , want their kids to study abroad and settle there ?",What are some of the scholarships that are available to Indian students who want to do their PG abroad -LRB- science -RRB- ?,345691
1,How imminent is world war III ?,Is World War 3 more imminent than expected ?,145695
0,What if a girl who likes me suddenly ignores me ? What does it mean ?,This girl was on good talking terms with me and we were getting on well . Why is she suddenly ignoring me now ?,102481
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in North Dakota ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns ?,87403
0,How can I transfer money from Skrill to a PayPal account ?,How can I send money from my PayPal account to my Skrill account to withdraw ?,164
1,What might happen now that President-elect Donald Trump has won the election ? What will be the impact ?,What will happen to America now that Trump is president ?,299059
0,How can I watch Netflix in China ?,How do you Watch Netflix abroad ?,179196
1,"On Quora , how much is considered a lot of views for one day ?",What is considered a lot of views on Quora ?,157475
0,For what reasons would a girl smile at a boy ?,How can you make a girl smile ?,341852
1,What is the penultimate purpose of life ?,"From your perspective , what is the purpose of life ?",181781
0,"How do you say happy birthday in Korean , both formally and informally ?",`` How do you say some basic Korean phrases like '' `` good morning '' '' ? '',139548
1,What should I do if my website has been compromised ?,What should I do if my website has been hacked ?,294835
0,What are the average prostitution prices worldwide ?,What is an average salary ?,190347
1,How do you know if it 's lust or love ?,How do I really know if I love or lust after a girl ?,162259
0,`` Why is the line '' `` but I was going to Tosche Station to pick up power converters '' '' so iconic for people ? '',Are Grey Jedi more powerful than Jedi ?,380305
1,How has Apple changed the world ?,How did Apple change the world ?,291305
0,Can I print more than one PowerPoint slide at a time from my phone ?,How can I change the font theme in a Powerpoint slide master ?,218319
1,"Will 8 RAC tickets that have changed to CNF , get adjacent berths ?","If RAC Ticket has changed to CNF for 10 family members , will all they get adjacent seats ?",89703
0,Which is the number one state in India ?,What are the total number of states in India ?,398933
1,How can I get followers and comments on my blog ?,How can i get more follower on my blog ?,904
0,Does viewing your own Instagram video count as a view ?,Can you view pictures on Instagram without an account ?,44760
1,What are some good idea -LRB- time period 1 month -RRB- for deep learning purposes only in C/C + + and data structure ?,What are some good project idea -LCB- time limit one month -RCB- using data structure in C/C + + for deep learning ?,83323
0,Should IITs be shut down ?,If I use reservation and get into IIT am I going to be looked down upon ? -LRB- its my second attempt and I 'm really desperate -RRB-,66909
1,What are some best facts ?,What are the most Interesting facts ?,279121
0,Can you swallow your tongue ?,What if you swallow a roach ?,173544
1,What is the best way to be more interesting ?,What should I do to be interesting ?,9485
0,Where can I get statistics on iPhone application downloads ?,Where can I get download statistics on every iPhone and Android application ?,286341
1,How can I hack a Facebook account ?,What is the easiest way to hack Facebook account ?,375345
0,Ravana or rama who is the best ?,Was Lord Rama destined to kill Ravana ?,343074
1,How is it like to work in IT company ?,What it is like working in IT company ?,157500
0,Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Jackson County CO ?,Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Lincoln County CO ?,136278
1,Is time traval possible in future ?,Is time travel possible then after how long time ?,235561
0,Will a degree in electrical engineering from Seattle university get me a job ?,Do I need to have a degree from the USA to get a job in the USA or will my international degrees in engineering and my MBA and work experience help me ?,80986
1,How can I increase my wrist width ?,How do I increase my wrist width with the help of some exercise ?,112250
0,How to lock apps in Lenovo 's k4 note by fingerprint ?,"Which phone is better among these-Xiaomi Redmi note 3 , Lenovo K4 note , Le echo 2 ?",322212
1,Is it possible to hack WhatsApp ?,Can someone hack my smart phone using WhatsApp ?,301247
0,How does float get stored in C/C + + ?,How can I add my default C/C + + code in Sublime Text ?,99795
1,How can I really come out of stress after my boyfriend broke up with me ? I 'm trying but what should I do when I think of him ?,How can I come out of break up ? My boyfriend broke up and it 's heart wrenching.I need quick remedies.How can I concentrate and move on ?,399061
0,Who are the most hated professors at IIT Delhi ?,Who is the most ` badass ' professor at IIT Delhi ?,82626
1,How can you be limitless ?,How could you be limitless ?,150301
0,How to find formulas for compounds ?,How do you find the formula mass of a compound ?,330413
1,How did the media become so biased ?,Why is the media so biased ?,215897
0,What is the evolutionary reason for teeth to have nerves ?,How can I kill nerve endings in my teeth ?,373483
1,What are the movies that made you cry ?,Which is/are the movie -LRB- s -RRB- which made you cry ?,74811
0,How do you transfer PayPal money into a bank account ?,How do I withdraw money from PayPal ?,121117
1,Can somebody just tell me what to eat hour by hour to lose weight ? I want to lose 30 pounds .,What should you do if you want to lose a lot of weight ?,329950
0,What are the best online drawing courses ?,What are the best online courses that teaches you to draw with ink ?,269521
1,Has Ancient Mesopotamia been scientifically tested ?,Have Ancient Akkadians been scientifically tested ?,402944
0,Is being an introvert similar to being lazy ?,Do introverts think they are little bit lazy compared to their extrovert counterparts ?,389776
1,What is the best way to transfer money from UAE to India ?,How can I transfer my money from UAE to India easily and cheaply ?,73194
0,How can I prevent an earlobe cyst ?,How do you treat cysts in your earlobe ?,145166
1,What is the strangest question on Quora ?,Which is the weirdest question you have ever come across on Quora ?,274846
0,How can I pass the 70-488 certification exam ?,How can I pass the 70-499 exam ?,146803
1,What was your most embarrassing experience ?,What 's the most embarrassing moment of your life ?,263053
0,Will your eyes be more damaged by electronic books or paperbooks ?,Eye Rewind Serum helps to rejuvenate and redefine your damaged skin . Is it good or bad ?,255077
1,A majority of Quora said Donald Trump would lose . How do you feel now ?,"With Trump and GOP winning , how do you feel now ?",253902
0,What is the best gift I can give my mom ?,What is the best gift that I can give ?,331194
1,Can long distance relationships work out ?,Do long distance relationships ever work out ?,348291
0,Which is a better Blog Platform WordPress or Blogger in terms of Designing Freedom ?,Which is better ecommerce platform - Prestashop or Wordpress ?,81189
1,"What is the best sushi restaurant in Los Angeles , aside from Urasawa which is impractical for regular visits ?",What are the best sushi restaurants in Los Angeles ?,100091
0,How much do pilots use the autopilot function in an aircraft ?,How much time do pilots hold control over an aircraft in any given flight ?,345325
1,How can I increase traffic to my websites by Facebook ?,How can I increase traffic on my blog ?,261189
0,What all branding and marketing activities can be done on instagram ?,What all branding and marketing activities can be done on facebook ?,339179
1,Is there a possibility to love 2 person at once ?,İs it possible to be in love with 2 people at the same time ?,214495
0,How do you troubleshoot this DIRECTV error : Searching for satellite signal 771 ?,Which DIRECTV channels are in 1080p ?,45040
1,Why are some people scared of the dark ?,Why are people afraid of darkness ?,190409
0,What food is good for a pregnant woman ?,Can I be pregnant even after having a period ?,232917
1,How good/bad will it be for India if Trump wins the election ?,"If Donald Trump wins the presidential election , how will the relationship between USA and India takes its course ?",223530
0,App to prepare for neet medical PG ?,Should I exchange my new Nikkor 18-55 mm f/3 .5 -5.6 G VR lens with its VR II version ?,88946
1,What is your favorite Pokemon ?,"What 's your favorite Pokémon , why ?",361954
0,What are the top 5 news items you can see on Facebook ?,"What is the likelihood of different post types -LRB- pictures , status , checkins , external items -RRB- showing in a friend 's top news on Facebook ?",65853
1,How do you usually spend your spare time ?,How do you spend your spare time ?,190122
0,How do objects lose heat in the vacuum of space ?,If I heat objects in a vacuum will they catch fire or melt ?,237826
1,How do you add topics on Quora ?,How do I add a topic in Quora ?,390589
0,Do capacitors create energy when charging ?,"In electrostatics , when plates of a capacitor start losing charge and medium betwn the plates become slightly conducting is a magnetic field created ?",364524
1,What is engineering managment ?,What is engineering management all about ?,122465
0,Are there personality disorders that are correlated with or caused by high intelligence ?,Can bullying cause borderline personality disorder ?,218993
1,Why is the number 666 considered Satanic ?,Why is the devil 's number considered to be 666 ?,30348
0,How is laser skin lightening done ? Is it safe ? If not than what are the side effects and how much it costs ?,How your life would be affected if you get a lot of money from somewhere ?,53832
1,"What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Banda Sea earthquake in 1938 ?","What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake , and how do these effects compare to the Mexico earthquake in 1787 ?",293801
0,Can I watch porn ?,Do you watch porn ?,233619
1,Which is the best course for digital marketing ?,Which is the best free digital marketing course ?,110090
0,A really close friend of mine is friends with my enemy . I feel betrayed . Is it wrong ?,Is it wrong for me to feel betrayed by a girl I love very much when she told me that she only sees me as a friend ?,106949
1,Can you offer me any advice on how to lose weight ?,Could you please give some weight loss advice for me and my husband ?,16014
0,What is rubber wood ?,What is vulcanised rubber ?,77690
1,How do I stop my Pit Bull/English Bulldog mix from biting my shoes ?,How do you stop a English Bulldog/Pitbull mix puppy from biting my shoes ?,231132
0,Why do feminists believe in the wage gap myth ?,"Why do feminists continue to quote the 77 cents on the dollar wage gap statistic , when the real gap is much smaller or nonexistent ?",213706
1,What is the average cost of a 3-carat diamond ?,What is average cost for a 3-carat diamond ?,168581
0,`` What does '' '' . @ '' '' mean on Twitter ? '',What is the meaning of the color of Twitter 's egg avatars ?,107334
1,What is Hillary Clinton 's diplomatic attitude toward India ? If she becomes president what India should expect from her ?,What will be Hillary Clinton 's India policy if she is elected as the President ?,63512
0,How do you spend your time at office if you do n't have anything to work on ?,How can you use your free time while you are at work ?,159059
1,What are the areas that can be improved in any organization ?,What are the areas that can be improved in any organizations ?,175864
0,What are some ways to calculate the freezing point depression constant ?,What would happen if I jumped from the Empire state building ?,180544
1,What 's some of the best love advice you can give ?,What is the best advice you can give to someone in love ?,140045
0,How many businesses in India have a website ?,How many businesses in India which do n't have a website ?,31965
1,What is the order of colors in the rainbow ? Why do they appear in that order ?,What does the order of the colors of the rainbow mean ?,93364
0,My last post on Blogger platform does n't appear on friends blogroll . How can I fix it ?,"In Blogger , is there any way to make all the comments appear directly below the post ?",101154
1,How many days do I need to learn C Programming Language ?,How many days are required to be quite good at C language ?,89085
0,How do I learn the equations of p-blocks in class XII chemistry ?,What is a formula equation in chemistry ?,93510
1,Is the United States headed towards a civil war ?,Is the USA heading towards civil war ?,336996
0,What are the most useful tools for faster Java development ?,Which is better and -LRB- or -RRB- mostly used for web development : Java or Scala ?,355364
1,Will the 2016 MacBook Pro drop in price ?,What is the expected price drop in MacBook Pro 2016 after 6 to 7 months of release ?,50892
0,Which product based Indian startups using Ruby on Rails are looking for interns ?,Which product based Indian startups are using Ruby on Rails ?,49545
1,Should male teens have privacy ?,Should teens have privacy ?,372187
0,What is the way of publishing a Launchrock page ?,How do I drive traffic to my LaunchRock landing page with no marketing budget ?,188229
1,Who inspire you the most ?,Who has inspired you the most ?,254521
0,Are people with vitiligo accepted in SSB ?,Which aviation training institute among the following is the best for a CPL GATI/IGRUA/NFTI ? Please provide the details of admission process as well .,225893
1,I have osteonecrosis on both femoral heads . Why does my hips hurt when I ejaculate ?,I have osteonecrosis on both femoral heads . Why does my hips hurt whenever I ejaculate ?,272767
0,I want to help make America a gun-free society . What steps do I take ?,`` Why does Quora have so many liberal questions ? Like : '' `` I want to help make America a gun-free society . What steps do I take ? '' '' '',274294
1,"How do I avoid silly mistakes in tests , even though I know how to do it ?",How do I avoid careless or silly mistakes on exams ?,87118
0,How can I find out the ideal weight for my height and age ?,"`` My figure measurement is 32.5 '' '' - 25 - 36 . My height is 5 ' 3 '' '' and weight is 50.5 . I am a 25 year old girl . Are my measurements ok with my height , weight and age ? ''",106922
1,Some people ask lengthy questions on Quora . Why wo n't Quora let me do this ?,Why wo n't Quora let me add long questions ?,334161
0,How can I learn Danish language ?,Why is Danish an important language to learn ?,228480
1,Nuclear Reactors : What happens if someone fell in the spent fuel pool ?,What would be the immediate effect to a person if they fell into a pool containing nuclear reactor fuel rods ?,117819
0,What are some good psychological thriller movies of 2015 ?,What are some good psychological thriller movies of 2014 ?,319870
1,What is the best route -LRB- story wise -RRB- Disney should take in regard to Carrie Fisher in the coming Star Wars movies ?,What will Carrie Fisher 's death mean for the next Star Wars movies ?,44618
0,What prompted Wheel of Fortune to use the letters R S T L N and E in the bonus round ?,"On Wheel of Fortune , why is there so much hand clapping ? It occurs after every spin of the wheel & after anyone says anything .",2425
1,How do I detox from meth quickly ?,How can I detox from meth quickly ?,270617
0,`` How can I be like Maya Hart from the Disney show '' `` Girl Meets World '' '' ? '',How do we know that we 're not living in a computer simulation ?,259588
1,How did Saturday and Sunday become weekends ?,Why are Saturday and Sunday called the weekend ?,189921
0,What is the toughest major at UC Berkeley ?,Which university is more difficult : UC Berkeley or Stanford ?,57443
1,What are the best drop shipping niche ?,What is the best niche for drop shipping ?,13400
0,How is the ISRO interview for the post of Scientist/Engineer ` SC ' electronics ?,How is the ISRO interview for the post of scientist/engineer ` SC ' for chemical ?,149322
1,How will be the world in the next 25 years ?,How will the world evolve in the next 25 years ?,41843
0,What does USPS do with a letter if there is not enough postage -LRB- stamps -RRB- adhered to it ?,Can I use letter stamps as postcard stamps ?,187225
1,Can I get fleas from my dog ?,How is it possible to get fleas from my dog ?,227363
0,What are some of the most interesting facts about lions and tigers ?,What are the interesting facts about tigers ?,166313
1,What are some best ways to earn money without monetary investment or fixed regular job ?,What can I do to earn money lot without working hard ?,312291
0,"Which one is having better confidence , moral and spirit in a battlefield : government militias or the ISIS ? Why do you think so ?",How many full length tests should be given for the GATE in the last 40 days ?,275878
1,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in Laos ?,Why is salt water taffy candy unknown in Japan ?,197974
0,What are the core companies that offer jobs to ECE students ?,What are the core companies in ECE ?,42162
1,How do I decide on what to do with my life ?,How do I figure out what should I do with my life ?,133857
0,What is the best thing any one has ever done for you ?,What is the most interesting thing that ever happened to you ?,16198
1,How do you tell a new girl that you would like to date her ?,How do I ask a girl to date me ?,119274
0,How can I get a copy of my decree absolute as soon as possible ?,How can you obtain a copy of decree absolute ?,135782
1,Which are the worst engineering colleges in India ?,Which are some of the worst engineering colleges in India ?,202443
0,What are some critically acclaimed poems ?,What is critical acclaim ?,219828
1,What kind of secret you ca n't share with anyone else ?,What 's an interesting secret you care to share anonymously ?,130944
0,What is the font used on military dog tags and is it available online ? How long has it been in use ?,Why use Google Fonts ?,31270
1,How to promote travel website ?,How and where do I promote a startup travel website ?,9806
0,My paytm transaction failed but amount was debited . How do I solve this issue ?,How do I cancel transactions done through Paytm ?,292229
1,What are the books that expand your mind ?,What are some books that expand our mind ?,374068
0,Is burping -LRB- all the time even after standing up -RRB- a symptom of HIV ? -LRB- not ARS symptom but came a bit later -RRB- ?,How constant are HIV symptoms ? Why ?,349099
1,Is time travel possible in next 5 years ?,Is it possible to travel time with real life ?,264356
0,How do I know that I really love a girl ?,How can I tell if my girlfriend really loves me ?,269601
1,Is the USA heading towards civil war ?,Is USA slowly inching towards a civil war ?,120238
0,What are some ways to make semi-sweet chocolate ?,How is chocolate made ?,84843
1,What are some great websites which many people do n't know about ?,What is your favorite website most people do n't know about ?,264792
0,What are the differences between and ?,How do I create a Ymail account when the option has disappeared ?,289576
1,How is duck sauce created ?,How can you make duck sauce ?,175095
0,Is it OK to talk to my ex 's mom about what I felt after the breakup ?,"After breakup , have you ever helped your ex when they were in trouble or needed help ?",315086
1,What is the easiest way to start making money online by Affiliate Marketing ?,How can I start making money online with affiliate programs and referrals ?,280654
0,Why did the Renaissance start in Italy ?,Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy and not somewhere else ?,332829
1,How much does it cost to build a robot ?,How much would it cost to build a robot ?,26112
0,What would happen if President Obama refused to step down if Donald Trump was elected president ?,Will President Obama declare martial law and remain in power if Trump is elected ?,296383
1,What is the easiest way to enrich vocabulary ?,How did you expand your vocabulary ?,73028
0,Does water filter really work and produce healthful water ?,How did rice become a cash crop in Louisiana ? What is the economic impact of this industry in Louisiana ?,346654
1,How do I improve my English speaking ?,How can we improve our English language skills ?,232005
0,Periodic Table : Why are columns called groups ?,"In the periodic table , why are periods and groups not called rows and columns ?",143386
1,How can I become a successful journalist ?,What do I do to become a successful journalist . ?,162494
0,What should we do after MBA ?,Can we do MBA after be ?,241484
1,Do you 'll think World War 3 will happen and why ?,How will World War III begin ?,51098
0,How can I get an internship in a Paris museum ?,How do I get an internship in PARI Robotics ?,177683
1,"How do mountain ranges form , and what are some of the major mountain ranges in Oklahoma ?",How do mountain ranges in Oklahoma differ from mountain ranges in Idaho ?,153185
0,How do I improve my typing speed ?,How do I increase my computer typing speed ?,194547
1,How do I become a leader ?,How can you become a leader ?,42743
0,What are the best cheap laptops for a programmer ?,What is the best laptop for . NET programmers ?,22228
1,How can I improve my business skills ?,What can I do to improve my business skills ?,318591
0,Why did Star Wars not make Mark Hamill a giant star ? Why did he do so little film work in the ` 80s and ` 90s ?,What is the best order to watch the Star Wars series ?,105273
1,How do I change image background in Photoshop ?,How can I change a background in Photoshop ?,285269
0,Is it harder for women to get into science and technology ?,Is the distance between genders on gender issues growing so great that it is getting harder and harder for men and women to find any common ground anymore ?,382696
1,When will Earth die ?,How will the earth die ?,204410
0,"I go to bed late on school nights , is this bad ?","If you shower at night , is it bad to go to bed with wet hair ?",180626
1,Why are doctors important ?,Why are the doctors important for us ?,242543
0,What do sociopaths think about death ?,Can a sociopath genuinely -LRB- wrongly -RRB- think they 're nice ?,286855
1,Can a girl fall in love twice if yes then how can I make my best friend to fall in love with me ?,How do I make a girl fall in love with you if you are her best friend ?,348958
0,How do you know if you are bipolar ?,How is bipolar disorder diagnosed ? How does one know if he/she has such a disorder ?,333401
1,How would demonetizing 500 and 1000 rupee notes and introducing new 2000 rupee notes help curb black money and corruption ?,How can discontinuing 500 and 1000 rupee will help to control black money ?,284067
0,What is the best way to practice c++ coding ?,How can I practice coding in MySQL ?,372660
1,Who is more likely to be the President of India in 2017 ?,Who can become the next President of India and why ?,344994
0,What is the minimum salary in Malaysia/Singapore for Selenium Automation Engineers with 6 years experience ? What would be take home after all Taxes ?,"What would be the salary of a project engineer at Wipro , with 6-7 years of experience ?",217577
1,What is the right age to retire ?,What is a good age for retirement ?,71428
0,What is the difference between king and queen beds ?,What is the difference between a king and queen ?,75729
1,Why do we give gifts during Christmas ?,Why are Christmas gifts such a big deal/Why do people give gifts on Christmas ?,242423
0,Cam someone explain if this means friendzone ?,What does friendzone actually mean ?,304334
1,How do I set . htacces file for solving canonical issues and image expiry issue in . aspx websites ? As apache server do n't support . htaccess file .,How do I set . htacces file for solving canonical issues and image expiry issue in . aspx websites ? As apache server do n't support . htaccess file ?,220699
0,Is there any calendar app which integrates with Facebook for birthday notifications ?,Mp ananth Kumar hegde has assaulted a doctor at sirsi yesterday whom to complaint ?,87682
1,Why are some people acting like a Trump presidency is the End of Days ?,Why are Quorans acting like voting Donald Trump as president is the end of America ?,127971
0,What if you order something in a restaurant and they charge you a high price ?,Can the restaurants charge service charge ? If yes then what is the maximum limit ?,201841
1,Which is the best video you have ever seen ?,Which is the most amazing video you have ever seen ?,343945
0,Why ca n't all Delhi Metro trains have eight coaches ?,Would the Rolls-Royce Ghost be more luxurious than the Wraith -LRB- seat comfort etc -RRB- ?,343357
1,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP LaserJet Enterprise M604dn ?,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M553x ?,188811
0,What is ths United Airlines Customer Service Number ?,"What is the United Airlines reservations number , can you answer ?",210456
1,What is the best progressive rock song you have listened to ?,What are the best progressive rock songs of all time ?,393924
0,Is there an application performance monitor that understand AcquireRequestState ?,Why is SAP performance monitoring hard ?,25473
1,What is the difference between individual and structural interventions ?,• What is the difference between individual and structural interventions ?,300480
0,Which is the best broker for Forex trading as a beginner in USA ?,Which the best broker for Forex trading ?,236686
1,Does China own us ?,Does technically China own America money wise ?,315829
0,"If a person wants to do a register marriage out of state , is there any problem for him what is the procedure for that ?",I want to ask out a girl for marriage . But some people told me she has some physical problems -LRB- slightly handicapped -RRB- . What should I do ?,169929
1,Who won the debate Hillary or Trump ?,Who won the first debate in your opinion Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump ?,46980
0,How do green plants use light ?,"Why did chlorophyl evolve to be green as opposed to black , which would absorb more energy ?",78358
1,How can someone become a superhero ?,How can one become a superhero ?,239929
0,"`` What is the difference between '' `` watashi wa '' '' , '' `` boku wa '' '' and '' `` ore wa '' '' in japanese ? ''",Where can I get some good Japanese friend ?,130801
1,How do l improve my communication skills ?,How we improve our communication skills ?,42922
0,My husband is working oversea . how do I hack his whatsapp ?,How do I prevent my husband from going back to his country to get his visa ?,8601
1,What is some information about the government exam preparation ?,Where can I get complete information about the upcoming government exams ?,312324
0,What is baud ?,What is baud rate ?,368164
1,What is the best romantic movie you have ever seen ?,What is the best romantic movie of all time ?,108833
0,What do clever people do during their free time ?,What do intelligent people do in their free time ?,187894
1,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP DesignJet Z3200 24-in PostScript Photo Printer ?,How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP DesignJet T730 36-in Printer ?,11484
0,Is IQ a popularity contest ?,"If someone conducts an IQ competition between Alia Bhatt and Rahul Gandhi , whose chances are better to win the contest ?",321174
1,How do I start hack with no knowledge ?,How can I learn to hack seriously ?,29415
0,What is the biggest obstacle to saving and investing money in Nigeria ?,What are the most useful money investment and saving tricks ?,213534
1,Is Amazon going to make a Second Season of ` The Man in the High Castle ' ?,Will there be a season 2 for the TV show The Man in the High Castle ?,174168
0,Is N2 considered a polar or a non-polar molecule ?,What makes a COF2 molecule to be polar ?,264097
1,How are whole milk and evaporated milk used differently ?,How can you compare and contrast evaporated milk and whole milk ?,43910
0,What are the famous sites for online friendship like Facebook ?,What is best friendship site ?,374287
1,How did Donald Trump win the 2016 US Presidential Election ?,How did Donald Trump win the Presidential election ?,260119
0,How long have you been a Christian ?,How long has Hinduism been around ?,130983
1,Why do people ask questions on Quora that are easily answerable via a quick internet search ?,Why do so many people post questions on Quora that could be easily and thoroughly answered by simply typing the question into any search engine ?,61380
0,What is altruism ?,Is this really altruism ?,122244
1,How do I speak English fluently at an interview ?,How can I learn to speak English fluently ?,5202
0,Which platform is used in cloud computing ?,What is cloud computing mostly used for ?,104564
1,How do I flow traffic to my website ?,How do I increase organic traffic to website ?,31428
0,Why are you going to vote for Donald Trump ?,Donald Trump : Why would n't you vote for Donald Trump for president ?,387371
1,How do you express sympathy ?,How can you express sympathy ?,296459
0,How do you achieve the freezing point of hexane ? How does it compare to ethane ?,How do you achieve the freezing point of hexane ? How does it compare to pentane ?,73484
1,Why should we learn martial arts ?,Why should I learn martial arts ?,229617
0,Can rabbitMQ or zeroMQ handle 1mil queues ?,What are the uses of ZeroMQ ?,65353
1,Only 5 months left for my neet 2017 exam . How can I score 500 + by studying in this short span of time ?,Should I take coaching for NEET 2017 if only five months left ?,98359
0,How can I fix the Corolla 2011 's steering wheel controls in a 2010 Corolla ?,Which Toyota Corolla model is best ?,160695
1,Have you attended a piano competition ?,Have you attended any piano competition ?,118366
0,How did Modiji prove himself as a Lambi Race Ka Ghoda ?,What action Modiji proposes to take now ?,150830
1,Can blind-deaf people become preppers and homesteading ?,"Can blind deaf people become preppers and homesteaders ? If so , how ?",299252
0,What are common misconception girls have about boys ?,What are the common misconceptions boys have about girls ?,50187
1,Can people who transition their gender later go back to living in their gender assigned at birth ? How common are such `` detransitioned '' people ?,"Do transgender people ever reverse their transition and go back to the gender they were assigned at birth ? If so , then why ?",178409
0,How do I find out if an Android app is asking unwanted permissions and what is identity permission in Android ?,How do I control app permissions on Android 5.1.1 smartphones ?,385930
1,How do I suck it up and lose weight ?,What is the fastest possible way to lose weight ?,272889
0,Is there a YouTube channel that has good tutorials for Adobe Illustrator ?,Where can I find a good Adobe Illustrator tutorial online ?,197623
1,Have you ever had sex with your sister before ?,Do you ever had sex with your sister ?,46108
0,Can we smell like alcohol without drinking ?,Why do people like alcohol ?,353855
1,Have any romantic relationships started by people meeting each other on Quora ?,Has anyone developed a romantic relationship after meeting on Quora ?,258671
0,Importance of biodiversity ?,What is the relevance of biodiversity ?,357155
1,Who visited my profile on whatsapp ?,How do I know how many people saw my profile picture in WhatsApp ?,386026
0,"In the US Army in 2014 , are tanks in any unit besides tank companies ?","In a modern tank , is the auto-loader better than having a human loader , and a crew of four , rather than three ? What advantages does an auto-loader tank offer to an army ?",238837
1,Why do people ask questions on Quora instead of Googling it ?,"Why do people put ridiculous questions on Quora when they can just Google them ? Huh , Huh , Huh : - /",79607
0,Where can I learn Turkish music in Delhi ?,Where can I learn Turkish in Delhi ?,316770
1,Where can I hire a real bad ass hacker ?,Where can I hire an email hacker ?,145217
0,"Is this sentence grammatically correct , '' if we did n't receive the quote today I 'm sorry we will consider that you did n't want to support us '' ?",I would be applying for an F1 visa . I previously had a B1 visa but I did n't travel to the US . Will this affect my chances of getting F1 visa ?,123398
1,Which is the best headphone below Rs . 5000 ?,Which is the best headphones under 5000 ?,270420
0,How do I view photos someone else has liked on Instagram ?,How to use someone elses photo on instagram ?,26705
1,Should I use a mass gainer or protein ?,What Should I use a mass gainer or protein supplementry to gain muscles ?,348774
0,What are some creative autobiography titles ?,What are some creative Tumblr titles ?,16658
1,What will be the price of iPhone 6 on Flipkart and Amazon after the launch of iPhone 7 in India ?,What will be the price of iPhone 6 on Flipkart and Amazon after launch of iPhone 7 in India ?,189214
0,What are the problems facing the Philippines ?,What problems is the higher education sector in the Philippines facing ? What are some possible solutions ?,130200
1,How would be the life of IAS officer ?,What is the lifestyle of an IAS officer ?,33542
0,What are the methods to drive really insightful findings from qualitative user data rather than just scratching the surface ?,What are the qualitative methods involved in user research ?,20293
1,How can I increase my communication skills ?,How can I improve my communication skills ?,387899
0,"What does Germany look like , and how does its geography compare to Norway 's ?","What does Germany look like , and how does its geography compare to Romania 's ?",28814
1,What are the job opportunities for an Electronics engineer ?,What are the job opportunities for an electronic engineer ?,115741
0,What do you do if you forgot your license plate number ?,Who has the CA license plate of IPv4 ?,130970
1,What can I do to to make my mom happy ?,What would make your mom happy ?,237432
0,How do Orthodox Jews view abortion ?,Why do Orthodox Jews remain Orthodox ?,188838
1,"Why did the US attack Libya and overthrow Gaddafi , who was an anti-terror ally ?","Why did the US attack Libya and overthrow Gaddafi , who was an anti-terrorism ally ?",10815
0,How does olive oil differ from vegetable oil ?,Is olive oil the same as vegetable oil ?,294677
1,Where is best Videocon service center in Hyderabad ?,Where can we find the best Videocon Repair Center in Hyderabad ?,363354
0,What is the most offensive insult for a man ?,What is the most offensive insult you know ?,68407
1,How do find a Western girlfriend ? I am Chinese ?,How do you find a Western Girlfriend as a Chinese ?,173807
0,Details about Festo smartbird ?,What are good leadership skills ?,333798
1,Will India fight a war against Pakistan ?,Will India fight a war with Pakistan ?,297044
0,How much data does a minute of a WhatsApp call consume ?,How much data do WhatsApp calls consume ?,70540
1,What is the sweetest thing your child ever said to you ?,What is the loveliest thing a child has ever said to you ?,379250
0,What can I do to make my younger sister realize that she is doing wrong with her life ?,Do you think my younger sister does n't want me to see her because she gotten really fat ?,133801
1,Which is your favorite bollywood movie in 2016 ?,What is the best Bollywood movie of 2016 ?,162245
0,Which typeface is used for Euro coins ?,What font -LRB- typeface -RRB- does Tumblr use for its logo ?,167273
1,How could I improve my English ?,How can I improve my speaking ?,215018
0,How can you determine the Lewis structure for CH20 ?,How do you determine the Lewis structure for H2C2O4 ?,291580
1,Who 's the richest man in the world ?,Which is the richest man in the world ?,368081
0,How do I get more customers on board for data devices like dongles ?,How do I get more customers to buy kids clothes ?,390077
1,Is Detroit a dead city ?,Is Detroit dead ?,169784
0,Is BJP not corrupt ?,Is BJP corrupt ?,205452
1,Which is the best training institute for Java in Bangalore ?,Which is the best training institute in Bangalore for Java that offers internship and jobs ?,374482
0,"My boyfriend calls me names , does he do this because he 's insecure ?",Should I leave my boyfriend because he does n't want to marry me ?,85101
1,How can I prepare for CA CPT 2017 ?,How can I prepare to do CA capt ?,381728
0,"As most of us believe in God , why should we pray for him in so many different ways ?","Why do we keep searching for God ? Do we really need God to survive , keeping in mind that he/she failed us so many times throughout history ?",396261
1,What are the best websites to visit ?,What are the best websites to visit online ?,88373
0,How can you explain zero-point energy to a non-physicist ?,Where does vacuum or zero-point energy come from ? Does it add up to the total amount of energy in the universe ?,51186
1,What can I do to improve my pronunciation -LRB- english -RRB- ?,What can be the Ways to improve English pronunciation & English speaking ?,73544
0,What does the symbol of alpha particle represent ?,What does the British lion symbol represent ?,179377
1,Is walking best form of excercise ?,Is walking the best excercise ?,179083
0,"When Dumbledore dueled Voldemort in the fifth book as master of the Elder Wand , why could n't he defeat Voldemort ?",Why are the duels between Harry and Voldemort so lackluster when compared to Dumbledore and Voldemort ?,368899
1,"What is the best , and painless way to kill myself ?",What is the best way for me to kill myself ?,108510
0,"Do I need a college degree if I want to work for the Department of Defense , or can I somehow prove my capabilities and knowledge ?",I am currently working and ca n't leave my job . I want to appear for Indian Statistical Services . UPSC site says that I need to have a PG degree in stats . For that I am thinking of obtaining a PG diploma from IGNOU . Will I still be eligible for appearing for the ISS exam ?,190439
1,What knowledge should one have to create an operating system ?,How can I create an operating system ?,325105
0,"In Harry Potter , would n't the muggles see wizards go through the wall at the station to Platform 9 3/4 ?",How come Harry can see the Thestrals after his fourth year and not before that ?,382293
1,How can illness affect a child 's development ?,How can a disability affect a child 's development ?,19876
0,HTTP sites are not working while HTTPS sites are working in Google Chrome ? What are some solutions ?,Google Chrome is redirected to some shopping sites by itself . Found WinArcher file in programs . How do I remove it ?,32338
1,What should I do after completing bachelor of commerce ?,What should I do after completing my Bachelor in commerce ??,260076
0,Is Jane Elliot right about racism ?,What does the Bible say about racism ?,260618
1,Why do some people still think the Earth is flat ?,Why do some people currently believe the earth is flat ?,218301
0,Can exterior paint be used to paint an interior room ?,What paint can I use to paint flowers ?,96045
1,What is Hillary Clinton 's policy towards India-US relations ?,What are Hillary Clinton 's plans on relations with India ?,216304
0,What are your favorite things to do uotside ?,What are your favorite things ?,235422
1,How do I improve my time management ?,How can I improve time management ?,300536
0,I have no experience but would like to start a web design company . What is the lowest number of employees I can start and their job descriptions ?,I have no experience but intend to start a web design company . What is the lowest number of employees I can start and what are the job descriptions ?,125626
1,How can guys get orgasms when masturbating ?,How can guys get orgasms ?,92960
0,"Is speaking French in Quebec with a slight/heavy English accent , worse on the job market than Haitan French accent , Arabic , Latino , Vietnamese etc. . ?",Why do Hollywood actors in films about French society have English accents instead of French ones ?,95134
1,What are some tips for the USMLE Step 1 ?,How much should I study for the USMLE step 1 ?,188247
0,`` What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word '' `` aspiration ' ? '',What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word apple ?,340181
1,How do I verify Facebook page in India ?,How do I verify my Facebook Page -LRB- India -RRB- ?,160213
0,What did Japanese soldiers do in WW2 if they captured a Japanese-American soldier ?,How many Japanese soldiers helped Mao Zedong overthrow the Republic of China ?,191881
1,How can I pass a drug test for meth in two days ?,Is there anything you can take to pass a urine test for meth ?,201297
0,How do I take preparation for IBPS SO officer -LRB- IT -RRB- ?,How do I prepare for IBPS IT officer ?,145276
1,What are the best solutions to traffic jam issues in large cities ?,What could be the best possible solutions for traffic jams in metro cities ?,40373
0,How can I improve my plc ladder programming skills ?,How can I improve my computer programming skills ?,212823
1,How can the relationship between language and culture be best described ?,How can the relationship between language and culture be explained ?,218709
0,In hand salary of an IBPS IT officer in banks ?,How do I prepare for NEET in 8 months ?,275910
1,Does Palestine exist ?,"Does Palestine exist , or is it Israel ?",247759
0,What is the meaning of Urdu word ` Himakat ' ?,What is the meaning of Urdu word ` Ittefaq ' ?,295778
1,How does adding coffee grounds to compost help plants ?,What effect does coffee grounds have on compost ?,93379
0,What is the difference between package type air conditioner and central air conditioner ?,"What is the difference between split air conditioner , central air conditioning and window air conditioner ?",70918
1,How can I become fit and look good without going to gym ?,How to build a fit and strong body without going to the gym ?,228316
0,How can India repeal Article 370 ?,What is Article 370 of the Constitution of India ?,89448
1,How do I help a depressed person to get over it ?,How can one help a depressed and anxiety ridden person to get out of this state ?,32015
0,"What is the effect of snorting ground-up Viagra , Cialis , etc. . ?",Will snorting Vyvanse powder give me the same effect as if I take it orally through a liquid or food ? Will it even work if I snorted it ?,70156
1,How will the ban on Rs 500 and 1000 notes impact the Indian economy ?,How will the ban on Rs . 1000 and Rs . 500 notes impact Indian economy ?,48934
0,Why are condoms sold in packs of 3 ?,Why do we have flavored condoms ?,228493
1,What is the best way to whiten your teeth ?,What can I do to whiten my teeth ?,137429
0,In which episode does Rin die ?,"If Rin from Naruto Shippuden -LRB- Anime -RRB- died , why is there an adult konoichi named Rin that looks like her on the battlefield during the fourth war ?",153560
1,How do I improve rate of speech when under pressure ?,How do I improve upon rate of speech when under pressure ?,336479
0,Is it safe to buy OnePlus 3 from Flipkart ? How did they manage to sell it at a low price ?,How is Flipkart selling One plus 3 -LRB- at low cost -RRB- when it is an Amazon exclusive in India ?,191751
1,What are the short-term and long-term ramifications of UN resolution on Israel settlements ?,What will be the implication of recent UN resolution condemning Israel for settlements ?,172899
0,I havw done instrumentation engineering ? Where should I apply for a job ? Suggest me some way to get a job ?,What are some examples of renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy ?,67088
1,What would be effect of 500 and 1000 Rs notes ban ?,What is your opinion on the discontinuation of 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,188283
0,What was the worst Nazi concentration camp ?,What was it like to work at the gas chambers in the German concentration camps ?,257260
1,How do you find out if your son is gay or not ?,How do I find out if my son is gay ?,366905
0,How do I integrate -LSB- math -RSB- \ dfrac -LCB- 1 + x -RCB- -LCB- x ^ 2 + 3x + 1 -RCB- \ mathrm -LCB- d -RCB- x -LSB- / math -RSB- ?,How can I integrate -LSB- math -RSB- \ frac -LCB- \ log x -RCB- -LCB- \ sqrt -LCB- 1-x ^ 2 -RCB- -RCB- -LSB- / math -RSB- ?,103665
1,Should vaccinations be mandatory ?,Should the government make vaccination mandatory ?,23718
0,How can I get Reliance Jio 4G SIM by Jugaad ?,Are the Reliance JIO SIMS compatible with 4G LTE handsets ?,75608
1,How will India be affected now that 500 and 1000 rupee notes have been banned ?,How will the ban of 1000 and 500 rupee notes affect the Indian economy ?,399025
0,`` What 's the meaning of '' '' 一不做二不休 '' '' ? '',What does 玩坏 mean ?,184714
1,How big is the average penis ?,What is the penis average size ?,132535
0,`` When in modern English usage is it appropriate to use '' `` cum '' '' in lieu of '' `` combined with/and '' '' ? '',English -LRB- language -RRB- : Which one is more used in conversations ? I have no sisters vs I have no sister . I 've seen the usage of both on the Internet .,187065
1,Why do escalators have brushes on their sides ?,What are the brushes for on escalators ?,297811
0,How are Indians treated outside India in modern days ?,What ails modern day India and Indians ?,154201
1,How can a SCOTUS ruling be overturned ?,How is a SCOTUS ruling overturned ?,52819
0,Why ca n't Donald Trump win the Presidential Election ?,Is Donald Trump likely to win the 2016 election -LRB- late 2015 / early 2016 -RRB- ?,199234
1,What age did you have sex for the first time ?,What was your age when you had sex for the first time ?,386173
0,How is chemical engineering at the NIT Durgapur ?,How is mechanical engineering at NIT Durgapur ?,25649
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in the entire U.S. including it 's territories and possessions ? 2,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in North Dakota ?,272805
0,What are the N-dimensions ?,What are dimensions ?,184444
1,How can I lose weight at age 55 ?,How can I lose weight slowly and naturally ?,289824
0,Does the Facebook team access our private messages ?,"A Facebook friend blocked me then deleted all his private messages to me on Facebook messenger & now I ca n't see any of his messages , only mine . How ?",375757
1,What is red man syndrome ?,What do you mean by Red Man 's Syndrome ?,225219
0,What famous rappers are bloods and crips ?,Who is the best rapper in the world ?,155305
1,How do I fight loneliness ?,How do I fight loneliness alone ?,14355
0,Is there a Quora for underachievers ?,What does it feel like to be an underachiever ?,60851
1,What are some good things in life ?,What are the best things in life ?,166456
0,What is the reason behind using German words in the Attack on Titan soundtracks ?,How do you think Attack on Titan -LRB- manga -RRB- will end based on what has already happened ?,401702
1,How banning 500 and 1000 rupees note will curb the corruption and black money in India ?,Replacing 500 and 1000 notes - how will this move reduce black money ?,66199
0,Why do Quora users write their own questions ?,"On Quora , can you answer your own question ? Is it bad form to answer your own question ?",388358
1,What are all the greatest coincidences in history ?,What are the greatest coincidences in history ?,51189
0,Why do Christians sometimes put coins over the eyes of dead people ?,Why do n't people want to be Christian ?,357269
1,What are some part time jobs which can be done from home ?,What all part time work can be done from home ?,30742
0,How did Benito Mussolini die ?,How was Benito Mussolini significant ?,94729
1,"If Hillary Clinton becomes the President , can we call her husband the First Man ?",How would you refer to Bill Clinton when he becomes the husband of a U.S president ? First Man ?,81568
0,Is a scam ?,Is a scam ?,14254
1,What do you think is the best drama film ?,Which are the best drama movies of all time ?,211220
0,What is the biggest regret you will have in the future ?,What is the biggest regret ?,5588
1,Were Hindus slaughtered and enslaved by Muslim invaders during their raids in India during the Medieval period ?,Is the mass murder of Hindus by Muslim invaders historically proven ?,21272
0,What happens to those who do n't masturbate ?,"What are the health effects , if any , of ceasing to masturbate ?",90882
1,How was your NEET result ?,How was your NEET 2016 result ?,32278
0,"What is the cut off for JBIMS through CAT , XAT , CET for Maharashtra people ?",What is the MHT-CET 2016 cut off for OBC at COEP ?,341786
1,Is it worth doing an MTech from the NITs ?,Is it worth it to pursue a MTech from NIT ?,364456
0,What is it like flying from Bangkok to Manila and how are these touristic cities compared to Chennai ?,What is it like flying from Bangkok to Manila and how are these touristic cities compared to Kathmandu ?,282450
1,What is going to happen to the value of rupee after 1000 and 500 rupees notes have been banned ?,Will the value of rupee increase after the 500 and 1000 rupees notes are banned ?,388545
0,What is the best medicine for Paranoia ?,Which book should I choose for English grammer section for competitive examination ?,175797
1,Who is the best football player in the world and why ?,Who are the best football player in the world ?,384007
0,Why do dogs chase their tails ?,Why do dogs chase birds ?,358940
1,What are the similarities and differences between Pakistani Punjab and Indian Punjab ?,What are the differences between Indian Punjab and Pakistani Punjab ?,228601
0,`` What does this saying mean ; '' `` Do n't trust everything you see even salt looks like sugar '' '' ? '',`` People say '' `` do n't try to please others . '' '' Does being nice to others mean pleasing them ? '',316
1,What was there before the Universe ?,What was here before the universe ?,21291
0,Who are Fleetmatics 's top competitors ?,Who are Accenture 's top competitors ?,241490
1,What lessons can we learn from Jesus ' mission work on Earth ?,Jesus was the greatest Missionary . What lessons can we learn from His mission work on earth ?,246382
0,Is the V-gate motor real ?,How can I make a v-gate motor toy ?,312106
1,How can you hack into somebody 's bank account ?,How can I hack a bank account number ?,121674
0,What makes human successful ?,What makes you a human ?,395224
1,Where can I get a PPF account ?,What is PPF account ?,299344
0,What can a minor do about toxic parents ?,What happens to minor children if the parents die and have no will ?,57947
1,What is/are your New Year resolutions for 2017 ?,What is your new year resolution ?,395223
0,How can you publish an Ad on Google ?,Which is the best coaching for distance learning course of upsc ?,186211
1,Which socio-ethnic community in India has the most beautiful women ?,Which ethnicity of India is the most beautiful ?,292839
0,"Should people feel intimidated , bullied or fear for their lives just because they favor one political candidate over another ?",Are people now getting tattoos because they believe they want one or just following a fad ?,347830
1,What is the difference between CEO and COO ?,What is difference between CEO & COO ?,173317
0,How is my ADHD brain different from a non-ADHD brain ?,How do ADHD brains differ from neurotypical brains ?,169546
1,Have you ever seen UFO ?,Have you ever seen a UFO ?,181163
0,How do I create passback tags in DFP Small Business ?,"What are DFP , DRP , and UFP ?",314471
1,How do I Create Good Quality Backlinks ?,"How do I get real , good quality backlinks ?",88427
0,How do I make a supercapacitor ?,"What are the best restaurants to try when visiting Muang Kalasin , Kalasin , Thailand ? What should you try while you 're there ?",30342
1,"If an astronaut in space took his helmet off for a second , what would happen ?",What would happen to an astronaut who took their helmet off in space for a few seconds ?,390045
0,How many copies of ` two states ' novel written by Mr. Chetan Bhagat have been sold out ? What percentage of the retail price does he get as royalty ? Are there any other way of knowing it ?,Are Chetan Bhagat novels really that bad ?,252523
1,Why do people ask questions on Quora while They can get all the answers by Googling ?,Why do folks ask questions on Quora that a Google search could answer faster and more accurately ?,295441
0,Base angles of triangle are 22.5 and 112.5 ratio of base to the height of the triangle ?,How much INR is required for 1 unit of conventional power ?,196666
1,How can I get a clean shave in the bikini area ?,What is the safest way to shave your bikini area ?,189356
0,"Which is better , biotechnology or biomedical science ?",What 's the difference between biomedical science and medical science ? Also why are the entry requirements low ?,241831
1,How can India be a secular century when there is no Uniform Civil Code in place ?,Are there any downsides to implementation of uniform civil code in India ?,199997
0,What is the genre of this music ?,What genre does this music belong to ?,187737
1,What is the best way to get over unrequited love ?,How can I get rid of the pain of unrequited love ?,154305
0,Why is n't kinetic energy a vector instead of a scalar ?,If kinetic energy is a scalar then why does it change under Galilean transformation ?,74967
1,How to prepare for CA Final exams ?,How do I prepare for Advanced Financial Management paper of CA Final exams in 2 weeks ?,221054
0,Where can I buy a wholesale of clothes online ?,What 's the best place to find cheap clothing online ?,266806
1,Did Mark Zuckerberg steal the idea of Facebook from Cameron Winklevoss ?,Did Mark Zuckerberg steal the idea for Facebook from the Winklevoss twins ?,264513
0,What is the cut off marks in IIT JAM in mathematics for general students ?,What is the cut off marks in IIT JAM in mathematical statistics for general students . ?,90458
1,How can YouTube be improved ?,What would make YouTube better ?,223834
0,What is the best fitness app ?,What are the best fitness apps for men ?,321006
1,What is unique about Kerala which stands out from other states ?,How are Kerala and Keralites different from other states in India ? What are some achievements unique to Kerala ?,203840
0,Will the gold price increase in the new year ?,"As an international student , is it possible to get an internship in the aviation sector ? If yes , which companies employ ? -LRB- not just in the USA -RRB-",154318
1,How do I sell my domain name which I recently bought ?,Where can I quickly sell my domain name ?,82169
0,How do I put penis in vagina easily ?,Does a hand job or penis inside the vagina give more pleasure ?,294100
1,How will the ban on existing 500 and 1000 rupee note affect India ? What are the pros and cons ?,What are the benefits of banning 500 and 1000 rupees in India ?,197852
0,Is it weird for a 14 year old boy to date a 12 year old girl ?,Is it wrong that a 16 year old boy dates a 13 year old girl ?,99983
1,What is the story behind your country 's flag ?,What are the best stories behind a country 's flag ?,366573
0,Do the five million Palestinian refugees from Israeli ethnic cleansing campaigns resent Israel ?,"What are some lesser-known sights to see when visiting Anlu , China ?",126135
1,How do you treat sleep apnea without CPAP ?,How do I alleviate sleep apnea tonight without using a CPAP mask ?,199946
0,Where 's the beach located at the end of Fast and Furious 7 ?,What locations was Furious 7 filmed at ?,314284
1,What if every human being in this world becomes vegetarian ?,What would happen if everyone becomes vegetarian ?,377482
0,How popular is RWBY in Japan ?,How popular is 2chan . net in Japan ?,340564
1,What 's long term memory loss ? What are its causes ?,What are the causes of long term memory loss ?,358117
0,Itunes Connect : How to see number of active subscriptions and canceled subscriptions ?,How does a paid newsletter works ? Which kind of software is necessary to handle new paying subscriptions and ending subscriptions ?,18082
1,How do I read minds ?,How can we read someone 's mind ?,302328
0,Which is better : a Hyundai Elite i20 or Swift ?,How good is the Hyundai Elite i20 ?,94713
1,What is the best Quickbooks technical support number ?,Which is the best QuickBooks Hosting Support Number in New York ?,333403
0,Why do case studies have high ecological validity ?,What are some high impact journals which accepts works/case studies on coastal engineering and impacts of climate change ?,187978
1,Which are the best biotechnology colleges in south India ?,What are all the colleges in south India good for biotechnology ?,217060
0,Is it better to wear a suit or put it in a suitcase when travelling ?,Is it appropriate to ask a girl to share a travel suitcase ?,11957
1,Why are most people in Hollywood Democrats ?,Why does Hollywood mainly support Democrats ?,114208
0,What is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Webster County GA ?,Bussiness with 100000 ?,318336
1,Which are some of the best movies of 2016 ?,What were the best movies of 2016 ? Why ?,203479
0,"Why do Indian Police use Toyota Innova and not cars made by Tata , which is an Indian brand ?",Question for Indians . Why the indian traffic police noted down my car number which was parked correctly . Can anyone tell what he was upto ?,268416
1,What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an extrovert ?,What are the disadvantages of being an extrovert ?,182619
0,Why does our keyboard uses QWERTY instead ABCDE ?,Why are the keys in the keypad not arranged in alphabetical order ?,80494
1,How can changing 500 and 1000 rupee notes end the black money in India ?,"How the black money be recovered by simultaneously demonetising 500 , 1000 notes and introducing 500 , 2000 notes ?",397632
0,Is it possible to make a career in travelling ?,How do I make a career in travelling ?,293484
1,How do I become an army general ?,What should I do to become an army general ?,317174
0,"What is the single word for the person who can sing , play and compose music ?",What 's creative about playing a musical instrument if you do n't compose your own music ?,12156
1,What happened during New Year 's Eve celebrations in Bangalore ?,What happened during New Year 's Eve in Bangalore ?,353355
0,Why ca n't Mac OS run on any computer except Apple ?,What would run better : OS X on a PC or Windows on a Mac ?,304063
1,How does stock trading work ?,How trading works in stock market ?,149440
0,How do I use Cortana in windows 8.1 or 7 PC ?,"What 's the crime rate in Venice , Italy ?",168142
1,"If you had to move to a state or a country besides the one you currently live in , where would you move and why ?","If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in , where would you move and why ?",115075
0,Why ca n't I keep a conversation going ?,How do I keep a conversation going ?,36914
1,How will you know you love someone ?,How do you know when you start to fall in love with someone ?,286546
0,"The Britishers who voted for Brexit have no idea of after consequences , Is this going to happen in US elections too and lead to Donald Trump Winning ?","Who invited Donald Trump to the Great Faith Ministries Church in Detroit , and why ?",338158
1,Who would play you in a movie of your life ?,What actor/actress would you cast to play you in a movie about your life ?,351110
0,What interests should I add on Omegle to get more girls ?,What all common interests should I add in Omegle so that I do n't get creeps ?,90766
1,Why is it legal for the post office to deny my request to stop putting junk mail in my mailbox ?,Why ca n't you tell the post office to stop delivering junk mail ?,188680
0,What are the difference between jquery versions ?,What is the difference between front end and back end development ?,329401
1,What moment in your life made you cry ?,What things in your life made you cry ?,67905
0,Could Germany have won World War II if they did not attack the Soviet Union ?,Was it ever possible for Germany to win World War II ?,73859
1,How do I price my sketches ?,How do I know what price to sell my art ?,90879
0,How do I enroll in Mobile Messenger ?,What is the best messenger ever ?,402567
1,How can I increase traffic to a story blog ?,How can I increase the traffic on my website ?,302548
0,What is sleep sort ?,Is 6 hours enough sleep ?,55671
1,What are some facts about Goa ?,What are the facts about Goa ?,380658
0,Which is best book preparation for IIT from class 10 ?,What are some good books for IIT JEE preparation for class 10 ?,243094
1,How do I put restraining order against myself ?,Can I take out a restraining order against myself ?,136610
0,What is the difference between centripetal force and centrifugal force ?,What is the difference between centripetal acceleration and centrifugal force ?,286374
1,What is the best way to increase traffic for a new blog ?,How can I increase the traffic on my website ?,156267
0,Where can I watch Bollywood movies with English subtitles ?,Where can I watch all the censored scenes of Deadpool ?,273211
1,How Quora earn profits without advertisements ?,How does Quora make any money as a business without any advertising ?,238765
0,"`` Do '' `` Free the nipple '' '' activists realize that if they succeed , otherwise innocent photos will become child porn if they have topless female minors ? ''",Should we free the nipple or ban page 3 ?,80071
1,How do you lose belly fat ?,What are some workout plans to lose belly fat ?,309085
0,What is Form 12BB ?,"Jobs and Careers : If a cab driver makes more money than an IT professional , why should I study ?",59895
1,What 's the value of the gravitational constant ?,Why is the value of the gravitational constant what it is ?,113505
0,How is 190 proof Everclear made ?,What are the dangers of Everclear ?,103219
1,What is the expected cutoff for the KVPY 2016 ?,How was the KVPY SA 2016 ? What is the expected cutoff ?,82258
0,Which processor is better i5 6th gen or i7 4th gen ?,Which CPU is better I5 4th gen or 6th gen ?,60806
1,"Now that Donald Trump is President , will international students stop coming to US universities ?",Will the Trump factor affect the admission of international students in the USA ?,307724
0,How do you get a Solitude house in Skyrim ?,Why should I play Skyrim ?,116121
1,How do you catch a liar ?,How do I spot a liar ?,91856
0,Who do I get big veins which look clear on my hands or arms ?,How do I get rid of the visible veins on my hands ?,45829
1,How can I close a Chase account ?,How do you close your Chase account online ?,89395
0,What are the potential long term side effects of sleeping 5 -- 7 hours from Mon - Fri ?,"If I sleep 4 - 5 hours per workday but I sleep as long as I want in the weekend , will I still have long term side effects ?",106814
1,Issue of new provinces in pakistan ?,What are the issues associated with creating new provinces in Pakistan ?,288694
0,What does boric acid contains that can be used for lubrication purposes ?,What does boric acid contains that can be used for agricultural purposes ?,273677
1,How soon and by what means will the human race become extinct ?,How and when will humans likely become extinct ?,403087
0,`` What are some sentence examples using '' `` expound '' '' ? '',`` What are some sentence examples using '' `` refute '' '' ? '',346915
1,What is the best time of day for workout and exercise ?,What are the best times of the day to workout ?,150486
0,What is the difference between self-occupied and let out house property ?,Should I give my SSN to a property manager ?,197636
1,What are binary stars ? How long do they live ?,What are binary stars ?,250657
0,How was Nazi Germany able to technologically surpass the Allies in so many ways ?,What technologies have come from Nazi Germany that have actually benefitted society ?,214321
1,What does a just society look like ?,What would a truly just society look like ?,151531
0,What inspired you to change youself ?,Who inspired David Bowie ?,210767
1,How does long distance relationship work ?,How are long distance relationships maintained ?,302239
0,What is Google Cloud Platform ?,Why AWS is so ahead than Google Cloud Platform ?,57562
1,Which are the best hotels in Goa ?,Where is the Best place to stay in Goa ?,116400
0,What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Japan ?,What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Pakistan ?,332479
1,How should I study,How can I study more time and more effectively ?,174269
0,Where can i get basic knowledge of engineering ?,How can I learn about basic knowledge of engineer ?,147007
1,What went wrong with the polling in the 2016 US presidential election ?,Why did many polls and odds makers fail to correctly predict the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential Election ?,299221
0,Is there a reverse Image search engine for Facebook ?,Facebook : Is there any search engine to search Facebook pages ?,115437
1,What are some top hollywood movies ?,What are the best top 10 movies of Hollywood ever ?,22061
0,"If Lord Kalki kills the Mlechhas as it is written in Kalki Purana , will he be visible to all normal beings other than ones mentioned in the Purana ?",How can we recognise Kalki or when he will come ? Are there any signs that are mentioned ?,259478
1,What do you think when Donald Trump is the president of the USA ?,Donald trump : what could happen if Donald Trump becomes president ?,117073
0,How can one spend four months between graduation and job ?,How should I best spend my time between jobs ?,70207
1,What 's the difference between ` inter ' and ` intra ' ? What are some practical examples of each ?,What 's the difference between intra - and inter - ?,96427
0,How does tourism in Fuerteventura compare to Manchester ? What makes it so different ?,How does the economy in Fuerteventura compare to Manchester ? What makes it so different ?,91897
1,How can I hack a WhatsApp account ?,How can I hack my boyfriends WhatsApp ?,17834
0,`` What kind/genre of music do you listen to when you 're '' `` designing '' '' ? '',I love almost all genres of music except screamo or metal . Could anyone give me a few suggestions of good songs or bands to listen to ?,355683
1,"What is the Sahara , and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Sonoran Desert ?","What is the Sahara , and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Colorado Plateau ?",54204
0,How do I become a transgender female if I 'm not very feminine ?,Do transgender women grow natural feminine hair without a wig ?,321609
1,Which is the best book to start studying calculus ?,Which are the best books to understand calculus ?,357294
0,How do I memorize legal concepts for law school ?,Which college can I expect with a rank of 901 in wbjee medical ?,145523
1,Will the next generation of parenting change or stay the same ?,What kind of parents will the next generation have ?,404335
0,Which flavour has been considered as the best for cake ?,"Which has been the best decade for Hindi cinema , ever since they started to be made ?",150102
1,What are the ideal qualities of a wife ?,What are the qualities of a good wife ?,256267
0,What is the work profile of Scientist/Engineer - Power Electronics at ISRO -LRB- for example at SAC-Ahmedabad -RRB- ?,Can a color blind CSE graduate join ISRO as Scientist/Engineer ?,368392
1,How do I learn basics of stock market ?,What are the ways to learn about stock market ?,331544
0,What colour is taupe ?,What colour is this ?,401797
1,What will be your foreign policy about India ?,"If Hillary Clinton wins this election , what will be her policy for India ?",282141
0,"How much revenue does a supermarket make annually , in India ?",Is solving RD Sharma and previous year JEE Mains question paper enough for scoring good in JEE Mains Paper 2 ?,164122
1,How is the movie Dum Laga Ke Haisha ?,What was the point of the movie Dum Laga Ke Haisha ?,18866
0,Would the CRS policies of an organization influence your decision to use its products or services ? Why or why not ?,"If the technology to digitally upload your mind becomes available , why would or would n't you do it ?",315728
1,Is it possible to make money as a user on Quora ?,How can I earn money through Quora ?,95449
0,How can I create a PayPal account ?,How do you create a PayPal account with a credit card ?,75754
1,How does one become more humble ?,How does one be humble ?,80499
0,What are some fun things to do in the summer as a teenager ?,What are the fun things that you can do this summer ?,112647
1,Were the lightsaber fighting styles in Star Wars inspired by real life sword fighting technique ?,Are lightsabers wielded using a traditional sword fighting technique ?,215934
0,"What is the one thing you want your child to have , that you did not have as a child ?",What is the one thing you 've done that you do n't want your child to do ?,258814
1,Is choosing bioengineering at IITB a good choice ?,Is keeping Bioengineering at IITB a good choice ?,103786
0,What are the most popular non-country songs that include a banjo ?,How hard is it to play banjo ?,362910
1,How can we meet to PM Narendra Modi ?,How to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi ?,388977
0,Can mechatronics engineer work in Marine engineering ?,What is the difference between mechatronics engineering and control engineering ?,3642
1,How has the real estate industry been affected in India by the ban of 500/1000 notes ?,How will real estate prices be affected in India after banning of 500 and 1000 rupees notes ?,336487
0,How do I prepare for JIPMER MBBS entrance in 30 days ?,How can I prepare for jipmer ?,280805
1,How can I find my all Gmail accounts ?,Where are all my Gmail accounts ?,52617
0,If I check my weight -LRB- in an accurate weighing machine -RRB- before and after masterbating / ejaculating will there be a slight reduction in weight ?,"My period ended this morning , and a week before it started I weighed 5lbs less . Will I lose this weight ?",109540
1,Why are Quora moderation notifications so lacking in clarity ?,Why are Quora answers about their moderation process so lacking in logic or so incomplete ?,279052
0,How do I find out who the OP of a question is ? Is it mentioned anywhere ?,I am new on quora . Do the users here know who is asking the question or does the asker stay hidden ?,309004
1,Why did America vote for Donald Trump as President in the 2016 Elections ?,How did Donald Trump won the 2016 USA presidential election ?,195967
0,Why do so many people not like jazz ?,How are many non-Korean people addicted to KPop ?,320044
1,What supplement should I take if I want a medium fit and lean muscle ?,What supplement should I take to become fit ?,175355
0,How do I get over an ex boyfriend who broke my heart ?,How do I get my ex back ?,129748
1,how to find lost iPhone through IMEI number ?,"How do I recover my lost iPhone 4s , using the IMEI number ?",267120
0,How do I delete a Gmail account permanently on Android ?,What happens to my Gmail account when I delete Quora ?,94711
1,Why do people conceive babies ?,Why do most people find great joy in having babies ?,18912
0,What are some great TV shows to watch if you are depressed ?,What are some of the best TV series to watch on Netflix Instant streaming ?,275918
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Montana ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Maryland ?,34749
0,When benzoyl peroxide is dry can I was it off ?,Can the physicists or the artists suffer from some kind of psychic disorder ?,68772
1,Who are the likely Democratic candidates to run in 2020 ?,Who are the likely Democrat politicians who might oppose Trump in 2020 ?,158986
0,Which Indian actress has the best curves ?,Why do so many Indians like Indian actress Nayantara ?,249660
1,Who is the best bodybuilder ?,Who is the best bodybuilder of all time ?,329356
0,What is the meaning of `` shalini '' ?,What is the meaning of # ?,305801
1,What are the best UK universities to study economics and business in terms of level ?,Which are the best UK universities for economics at undergraduate level ?,232823
0,What is the academic pressure and workload at the University of Wisconsin like ?,What is the academic pressure and workload at the University of Michigan like ?,277133
1,What are the chances that the Modi govt . would abolish reservation based on caste ?,`` Would Modi '' `` dare '' '' to abolish the reservation ? '',315956
0,What are the best Android apps for music consumption ?,What are the best Android Torrent apps ?,9013
1,How do I get funding from investors for my business idea ?,How can you get VCs to fund you if you just have an idea ?,309390
0,What are the changes in IPCC for 2017 may ?,"I am 21 , I will be appearing for CA IPCC in May 2017 . Am I too old to start ?",165009
1,Who runs Trump 's Twitter account ? Does Donald Trump write his own tweets ?,Does Donald Trump really write his own tweets ?,101347
0,How do you say ` cosquillas ' in English ?,`` How could we say '' '' 也是醉了 '' '' in English ? '',277153
1,After Donald Trump loses will he run again in 4 years ?,If Trump loses in 2016 might he run again in 2020 ? Could he win then ?,356060
0,Is Micromax A311 upgradable to Lollipop ?,"Which Android is better , KitKat 4.4.4 or Lollipop 5.1 ?",123599
1,How do I get a transfer within TCS ?,How can one can take transfer in TCS ?,274730
0,What should a person who does n't drink or smoke do alone in Chennai on a weekend ?,"What should a person , who does n't drink or smoke , do alone in Nagpur on weekends ?",345660
1,Will talking about private things online always be easier ?,Why 's talking about private things online always easier ?,246609
0,"If I make 100,000 and donate 80000 to the national laboratory , how much can I deduct ?","If I make $ 120,000 how much house can I afford ?",271665
1,How would anarchism work ?,How does anarchim work ?,367032
0,How do I open a Demat account with SBI and do online trading ?,Today I have a new account in SBI . Can I open Demat and trading accounts right now ?,95063
1,What if you become a prime minister for a day ?,"If you could become prime minister for a day , what would you do ?",65208
0,Which book is best for C++ beginners ?,Which is the best book to start C and C++ as a beginner ?,226348
1,What are the difference between the US and Chinese education system ?,What is the differences between American and Chinese education ?,327911
0,What song plays over the end credits to the 2002 movie Chance ?,What song plays over the end credits to the 2002 movie The Rookie ?,93445
1,"What is one thing most people believe to be true that few do not , and why ?",What do most people believe that is n't true ?,273671
0,Why are married couples the worst advisors on relationships ?,Why are married couples the best advisors on relationships ?,335519
1,Why is the NDTV news channel banned for one day on 9th of this month ?,Why has NDTV been banned for a day ?,302558
0,Why does Gordon Ramsay eat crab cakes first when determining a restaurant 's quality ?,Why does Gordon Ramsay like to curse ?,377228
1,How can I satisfy my girlfriend with sex ?,How we can satisfy a girl in sex ?,178649
0,What is this plant called ?,Does Ola and Uber app work in reliance lyf phones ?,118483
1,Why is littering so bad ?,Why is littering bad ?,261566
0,Is Wipro BPS tech support good ?,Is a carrer in Tech support a good idea ?,8911
1,How is time travel possible ?,Is time travel possible then after how long time ?,388787
0,"What is a political center , if there even is one ?",Where is the political center ?,80291
1,Do you suspect your spouse is cheating ?,Do you suspect your spouse is cheating on you ?,167761
0,Is it okay to have an oil head message everyday ?,Is it necessary to wash hair everyday after applying hair oil ?,52921
1,What are some precautions to avoid getting fleas from my dogs ?,How can I keep my dog from getting fleas ?,33528
0,How do I transfer WhatsApp messages from Android to iOS ?,How do I get a notification when a specific WhatsApp contact goes online on Android or iOS ?,85041
1,What is the main function of nuclear plants ?,What is the purpose of using nuclear power plants ?,357866
0,Is it sandwich or samwhich ?,Is everything a sandwich ?,351081
1,What are the best five benefits of reading novels ?,What are the benefits of reading novels ?,94747
0,How should a 24-year-old invest time ?,What are some skills every 24 year old should know ?,244545
1,What are the career option and job opportunities for mechanical engineering graduate student in Germany ?,What are some job opportunities for a mechanical engineer in Germany ?,235238
0,Is CodeNation going to conduct CodeAgon in August 2016 for the intern or SDE position ?,What is the 2016 offer for Amazon sde ?,53960
1,How do we deal with people who are habitually late ?,How do I handle people who are always late ?,249606
0,How much does it cost to upgrade from Ableton Intro to Ableton Standard ?,What is your review of Ableton Live ?,146031
1,How much does advertising on YouTube cost ?,How much does YouTube charge for uploading an ad ?,246512
0,What is your review of Quora for iPhone 3.1.2 ?,What is your review of Quora for iPhone ?,253803
1,What is the best answer for tell me about yourself in an interview ?,What should be the best answer for tell me something about yourself ?,292887
0,Which search engine algorithm is Quora using ?,Why is Quora not using reliable search engine ?,273031
1,What is web services ?,What are web services ?,318240
0,"Who are the well known investors in the fashion industry in Hyderabad , India ?",What are the best institutes to do `` Diploma in Fashion Designing '' in Hyderabad n rest of India ? Syllabus n fee ? I have completed my engineering .,288105
1,"If a guy texted me the second the date ended saying he had fun , why is he on day 2 of radio silence and has n't contacted me again ?","If we had a good 1st date and he tried to kiss me and texted me right after to say he had fun , why is he not contacting me at all for 2 days now ?",99351
0,I am 36 year old divorced female . I seem incapable of fulfilling my dream of being married and having a family . Is there a way ?,"Quora , may I have three million dollars to fulfill my dream within 4 years ?",1290
1,How can I know more about Quora ?,When and where did you find Quora ?,296266
0,How much of the story depicted in the movie ` The Wolf of Wall Street ' is actually true ?,How do I summarize the Wolf of Wall Street movie to a friend ?,267749
1,How do I effectively teach the kids to read ?,Early Childhood Education : How do I start to teach my child to read ?,242751
0,"Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider in Chandler , Arizona AZ ?","Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider in Eloy , Arizona AZ ?",387972
1,What 's Joseph Goebbels IQ ?,What was Joseph Goebbels ' IQ ?,279165
0,Is electric energy a form of kinetic or potential energy ?,"As universe expands without limit , dark/vacuum energies are created too so is the energy that can be created -LRB- potential energy/potentiality -RRB- infinite ?",94265
1,What is the cause of cancer ?,What factors contribute to cancer ?,233562
0,"What is one thing that you 've wanted for a long time , and you have never got it ; however , you will probably not be happier if you have it ?",`` Who made the cover art of '' `` Lord of The Flies '' '' and how did the artist draw the cover art ? '',341680
1,What are the best technology devices and gadgets for your camping ?,What are some of the best camping gadgets and tools ?,304667
0,"How do the atmosphere , biosphere , hydrosphere and lithosphere interact ?","How do the atmosphere , hydrosphere and lithosphere interact ?",207248
1,What really a blog is ? How do I start my own blog,What is blogging and how can I start my own blog ?,277511
0,When the percentage of Arsenic increases slowly -LRB- as in by Most common symptoms -LRB- u are chronic lung disease and peripheral vascular disease . ?,Why is that American Customs officers that work at a mail depot have to carry a fire arm and complete duty belt to inspect the mail while on duty ?,387289
1,"How much money can the Indian government print after the government banned Rs . 500 and Rs . 1,000 ?",Why do you think Indian government has demolished RS 500 and RS 1000 notes ?,281733
0,What is Instagram 's hourly comment limit ?,Can someone tell if you 've been logging into their Instagram account ?,194294
1,What is the best source to learn SAP HANA ?,What is the best site to learn sap hana ?,22209
0,"Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Modesto , California CA ?","Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Mendota , California CA ?",61999
1,Why did my Instagram log me out ?,Is it normal for Instagram to randomly log out users ?,51956
0,Why is it believed that lithium was present along Hydrogen and Helium already at first ?,How do I convert percentage marks to CGPA for CBSE -LRB- 10th and 12th -RRB- ?,14812
1,How do some people manage to stay so fit and skinny even though they do n't go to the gym ?,How can I stay fit with out going gym ?,317789
0,Why ca n't you suck a dick ?,Why do people love to suck dick ?,293950
1,Do you love your country ? Why ?,Do you love your country ?,190754
0,How Can We Do Marketing With Business Logo Design ?,Should I be a scientist or a game developer ?,316052
1,How practical is Elon Musk 's idea of colonizing Mars ?,How realistic is Elon Musk 's plan to colonise Mars ?,153873
0,How can you reinstall Google Play services ?,Can I uninstall Google Play services ?,148798
1,What are the best new Car gadgets that most people do n't know about ?,What are the best new Car gadgets technology that most people do n't know about ?,349066
0,"I want to start a debate club at my high school , but I do n't have many friends . How do I go about this ?","I have been out of high school for about 20 years , now I want to go back to school to be a nurse . Is there a quick way to get a degree for RN ? Is this crazy or even doable , I will be 50 yrs old in 5 years . I have school age kids , how do I do this without my family suffering ?",304500
1,How do I change my profile pic on Quora ?,How can I upload my profile picture in Quora ?,295308
0,Can you drink green tea before sleeping ?,Why should I drink green tea ?,249123
1,How many bones do adult humans have ?,How many bones are in the adult human body ?,190711
0,What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Venezuela ?,What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Syria ?,343965
1,How can I learn English well ? ?,How can I be a native English speaker ?,89232
0,Which is the Spanish word for gangster ?,`` Is '' `` duterte '' '' a Spanish word ? '',151641
1,What religion is correct ?,Which religion is correct ?,174038
0,How much approximately does a writer get paid for his article in Indian newspapers or e-newspapers ?,How do I get articles printed in newspapers ?,156478
1,Why do cats hate cucumbers ?,Why are cats afraid of cucumbers ?,306155
0,Where can I get that old south Korean serial emperor of the sea . ?,Do you think Meghan Trainor is pretty ?,136080
1,"What if you got to know that this world will end tomorrow , and you just have 24 hours to live , What are the last things you would like to do ?",What will you do during the last 24 hours of your life ?,345603
0,Why was Shri Krishna Bhagwan married to many other girls ? What about Radha ?,Which Jain acted in the character Shri Krishna ?,125232
1,How can I open a PPF account ? And what are its benefits ?,What is a PPF account ?,288402
0,"Were the deaths of Princess Diana , JFK , MLK and John Lennon assassinations by the CIA or FBI ?","`` Were John Lennon and Rachel Carson , author of '' `` Silent Spring '' '' actually assassinated by the FBI , like JFK , because they were '' `` Bad for Business '' '' ? ''",126489
1,How can I upload whole folders which contains the daily report of Excel files daily to my Google Drive using Java or Python script ?,How can I upload Folders which contains daily report excel files daily to my Google Drive using Java or python script ?,400427
0,How can I increase height after 22 ?,How can you increase your height ?,81625
1,Should I get a Kindle ?,Why should I have a Kindle ?,116387
0,I 'm starting to game on a PC . What games would you suggest on Steam ?,Which are the must-play games for PC ?,353599
1,How much does an elephant weigh ?,How much does the average adult elephant weigh ?,179033
0,Is it possible to find a job in canada ?,Is it possible to find an IT job in Canada from India ?,137022
1,What is the best beginner coding language ?,Which coding language is best to start with ?,20412
0,How do you say goodnight in Italian ?,What are the best ways to say goodnight ?,94963
1,"What person , living or dead , would you like to have dinner with ?","If you could have dinner with absolutely anyone , alive or dead , who would it be ?",318159
0,What are the best Photo startups ?,What is a good photo ?,400640
1,What do people look for in a relationship ?,Why and what do people look in for a relationship ?,135499
0,How did the heart and eye evolve in mammals ?,How did the heart evolve in mammals ?,107604
1,What is some legit online jobs for me to work at home ?,What legit online jobs can I work from home ?,203121
0,What causes electrons and protons to have a magnetic field and what are magnetic fields made of ?,"Do the proton and electron in a hydrogen atom generate magnetic field becasue they moves , and can they be measured ?",335551
1,How can I get an internship in IISC ?,How does one get a research internship at IISc ?,390789
0,Sheryl Sandberg : What were your biggest hurdles being a woman in tech ?,"Sheryl Sandberg : As a young man , what can I do to help encourage the growth of women in tech ?",28549
1,What is Hadoop ?,Explain what is Hadoop ?,219203
0,Why are men such disgusting and violent creatures ?,"Anatomically and physiologically speaking , the vagina is a disgusting organ . Why do men love it so much ?",390284
1,How can I know more about Quora ?,How did you came to know about Quora ?,31471
0,What lessons has IT life taught you ?,What are the lessons that life taught you ?,370541
1,What is the salary of a professor in India ?,What is the salary of professors in india ?,333805
0,Is there any movie which has inspired you the most and how ?,What are some of the most inspirational movies of all time ? Why ?,164853
1,How do I overcome my extreme anxiety ?,How do you cope with anxiety ?,203947
0,How do you share a video from Facebook to WhatsApp ?,How can I forward received messages from WhatsApp to my PC ?,214642
1,Are there people making money on Quora ?,How do people make money from Quora ?,362031
0,What parables are in Godspell ?,Is there a parable about a citizenry that is kept ignorant and in the dark by tall beautiful walls around them ?,307788
1,Why Cyrus Mistry has been replaced by Ratan Tata ?,Why was Cyrus Mistry sacked by Ratan Tata from Tata Sons ?,346296
0,"What are the most common traffic convictions in Arkansas , and how does the severity of the convictions differ in Connecticut ?","What are the most common traffic convictions in Arkansas , and how does the severity of the convictions differ in Pennsylvania ?",286332
1,What is there on the ISS to do for fun ?,What do ISS astronauts do for leisure ?,228197
0,Which are the toughest exams in the world ?,What are the hardest educational exams in the world ? Can be anything ?,185032
1,Why does n't anyone reply to my questions on Quora ?,Why do all of my questions get ignored on Quora ?,270167
0,What is non parametric test ?,What is parametric and non parametric test ?,289488
1,When I told best friend how I felt she cried and rejected me . She tells me that she loves me and we are intimate . What should I do ?,My best friend cried when I told her how I felt . She then rejected me so I asked for time to think . Should I wait till she tries to contact me ?,402426
0,What are the best travel guides in GERMANY ?,What 's the best travel guide website ?,75466
1,I am a 13-year-old boy that wants to learn how to program video games . What programming languages should I learn ? How do I get started ?,What programming languages should I learn for video game development ?,257860
0,Does the Google Pixel smartphone really charge in fifteen minutes ?,Should I buy the 32GB or 128GB Pixel Phone ?,106880
1,What 's the reason India fails in Olympics ?,Why is India performing bad in Olympics ?,110471
0,Are there any other sites like hellocomic on which I can read the latest issues of DC and Marvel comics for free ?,Where can I find Marvel and DC Comics in Bangalore ?,331727
1,What are the basic principles of Libertarianism ?,What are the basic principles of libertarians ?,389252
0,What is the best photo you have in your phone ?,What are the best photos you 've taken using a smartphone ?,340811
1,What type of person is likely to have a midlife crisis ?,What exactly is a midlife crisis ? And how common are they ?,378167
0,Do atheists believe in god ?,Why do n't atheists believe in any gods ?,310943
1,How do I solve the problems of skillrack in VIT without getting confused if I do n't get the output ?,How do I solve skillrack programming in VIT with a proper output ?,233744
0,What are the most thought provoking experiences you have had ?,What is the most rewarding experience you have had ?,97050
1,Which is the best protein powder for body building ?,Which is the best protein powder to build body ?,101998
0,Are vocalics and body language needed in an ordinary conversation ?,`` English -LRB- language -RRB- : Do '' `` normal '' '' and '' `` ordinary '' '' have the same meaning in this context ? I do n't want to be a normal/an ordinary person . '',41599
1,What is the best c# book for a beginner ?,What is the best book for learning C# ?,34634
0,Are eggs and milk considered vegetarian or non-vegetarian food ?,What are some best Non-Indian vegetarian food ?,131529
1,How do I improve my standard typing speed per minute ?,How can one improve their typing skills ?,393298
0,How is your relationship with your ex ?,How was your first relationship with your ex ?,379422
1,"If you had to change something about yourself that is n't your physical appearance , what would you choose ?","If given a choice , what would you like to change about your physical appearance ?",205343
0,How are football dome stadiums built and how are they designed ?,How are stadiums built ?,218147
1,How should I improve my writing skill for blogging ?,How can I improve my writing skills for blogs ?,39926
0,How much time does it take to get a driving license delivered at home after clearing the driving test in RTO Bangalore ?,How much time does it take to get a driving license delivered at home after clearing the driving test in RTO Hyderabad ?,402609
1,What are the ideal growth stocks to invest in right now ?,What are the best stocks to invest in right now ?,191885
0,Why do some Indian states have a bicameral legislature whereas the rest have unicameral legislature ?,What makes India a very different country from rest of the world ?,124089
1,"What is actual meaning of life ? Indeen , it depend on perception of people or other thing ?",What is the meaning of my life ?,87170
0,What is it like to be an ENTP ?,Am I an INTP or an ENTP ?,186878
1,Is the PS4 or the Xbox One better ?,Should I buy the PS4 or XBOX One ?,34416
0,Will a call still go on mobile if a person has blocked me on whatsapp ?,"WhatsApp : If someone block me on WhatsApp and I send him/her a message . Will that message be delivered to that person , when he/she unblock me again ?",139306
1,Which are the top places to visit in Kerala ?,What are the best places to visit in Kerala ?,68847
0,How do you make people care about the world and each other ?,Why do some people care so much about blocking gay marriage ? Why do some people care so much about what other people do in their own private lives ?,94515
1,What are some CV worthy online Digital Marketing courses ?,Where can I find an online course for digital marketing ?,268387
0,My Codeblocks ca n't build and run any code . How can I solve it ? Is it because of the compiler ?,The first code is compile and run but second is not compiled in my computer.It says that gets function is dangerous.why ?,176075
1,What are the best modern science fiction books ?,"What are some good , modern science fiction novels ?",323443
0,"Which is faster , USB or Ethernet ?",Is Ethernet faster than WiFi ?,156265
1,What is the Evosys recruitment process ?,What is the recruitment process for Evosys ?,267184
0,Why is Superman the greatest superhero ?,Who are the greatest superheroes in DC Universe ?,9348
1,How can I become a porn star ?,How can I become a pornstar ?,385482
0,How do the tourist attractions on the Scandinavian Highlands compare to attractions in Ireland ?,"Hi guys , I want to buy a new car between baleno and dzire but I am little confused . so please anyone can suggest me to buy a good car in next month ?",299083
1,Do people flirt on Quora too ?,Do people flirt with other people on Quora ?,363277
0,How can a person earn money by uploading his apps in Play Store for free ?,Can I upload an Android app to the Google Play Store for free ?,72103
1,Can you eat bananas on an empty stomach ?,Can we eat a banana on an empty stomach ?,362253
0,"Where does the water from the Great Lakes come from , and how does these lakes wildlife compare to Lake Geneva ?","Where does the water from the Great Lakes come from , and how does these lakes wildlife compare to Lake Ladoga ?",164899
1,How could I gain weight in a healthy way ?,How can I gain weight on my body ?,234934
0,I have access to a very secure way to invest in real estate but I 'm having a difficult time getting capital ?,I 'm having a difficult time finding a new job . Do all workers get to experience this kind of hardship ?,345062
1,`` To Quora Trump supporters : Do you still support your candidate after today 's '' `` locker room banter '' '' video release ? '',Hey Quora Trump supporters - do you still support Donald after the release today of the locker room banter video tape ?,371912
0,Can you think of an example of an intellectual hobby ?,What is your unusual hobby ?,54628
1,What year did the NBA started recording the vertical jump ?,In what year did the NBA begin recording players ' vertical jump ?,297074
0,How much did Capital One pay to acquire Level Money ?,You have $ 500 in capital and one summer to make as much money as you can . How do you do it ?,166298
1,What does Hillary Clinton plan to do to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country ?,Hillary Clinton : What action will you take on US illegal immigrants issue ?,37719
0,What do you think about someone with two characters ?,"A room can be paved with 1210 square tiles.If the sides of each tile were to increase by 1cm , it would take 1000 tiles.Find the dimension of each tile ?",8899
1,Which is the best philosophical book ever written ?,What is the best philosophical book ever ?,95651
0,Why is Spider-Man criticised ?,What is Spider-Man 's weakness ?,162481
1,What are the best ways to stop or reduce the frequency of masturbation ?,How can one stop masturbation ?,68669
0,Which movie has the best beginning ever ?,Which movie has the best ending ?,374419
1,What are some of the best Linux Distros ?,Which flavour of linux is best suited for beginners ?,204804
0,What is a good EPS figure for stock investing ?,Which are the best investment stocks ?,65411
1,What is something you wish everyone knew about you ?,What 's something you wish everyone knew about you ?,247859
0,How can I master coding in a year ?,How do I master coding as a fresher ?,286824
1,Where can I get best quality wall and floor tiles at very affordable rates in Sydney area ?,Where can I found best quality floor tile collections in Sydney ?,370669
0,How do you promote your Youtube channel ?,How can we organize giveaway for YouTube channel promotions ?,241432
1,How does Samsung fast charging work ?,How does Samsung 's adaptive fast charging work ?,310954
0,How big is the market for shoe lifts ?,What are reviews for Nike Romaleos 2 Volt lifting shoe ?,16078
1,Can I cross the EU border in other Shengen country if I have a D-type French visa ?,What should I do to travel to other EU countries if I have D-type Schengen visa ?,271988
0,"What was the significance of the battle of Somme , and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Jassin ?",What is the significance of the Battle of the Somme ?,189041
1,How do I calculate weight % of copper in brass ?,How do you determine the percent of copper in brass ?,36580
0,How accurate is the documentary Zero Days in its conclusions ? Is the narrative without bias ?,Where can I find 3-5 peer reviewed sources on the topic of either documentary films as a vehicle for social change or bias in documentary films ?,207863
1,How does banning 500 and 1000 INR notes help Indian economy ?,How can banning of 500 and 100 notes be helpful ?,358424
0,What is the difference between scholarship and tuition fee waiver ?,Did Pablo Escobar 's son inherit any of his fathers money ?,53676
1,"Is America likely to go to war with Syria , and by extension Russia , if Hillary Clinton wins the election ?",Why would Hillary Clinton start a war with Russia ?,263975
0,Why do n't people remember that Paul Simon and Carrie Fisher were married ?,Do people treat you less well if you do n't tend to remember them ?,279675
1,What is best way for preparing civil services exam ?,How can I crack the civil exam ?,206877
0,I love this girl she is dating another guy .,How do I date a girl out while she is into another guy ?,351921
1,When will atheists and Christians stop fighting over things they believe in ?,When will Christians and atheists stop debating ?,119583
0,What are the most popular high school track and field events ? Why ?,What is it like to perform in each of the high school track and field events ?,51457
1,Why does Quora say your question needs improvement when it -LRB- obviously in God 's own sight -RRB- does n't need it ?,If this question needs improvement then how can it be improved ?,35761
0,What is the probability that a leap year will have 53 Sundays and 53 Mondays ?,What is the probability of having 53 Monday in a leap year ?,119786
1,Who was better Genghis khan or Alexander the great ?,Was Genghis Khan a better general than Alexander the Great ?,46023
0,"I drank 2 glasses of white wine , the last 6pm Thurs. . I 'm 5 ′ 2 ″ , 130lbs . Had an etg test Fri. 330pm , think I 'll pass ? I drank at least 48oz of H2O",Does an alternating current through a superconductor create radiation ? How is this radiation different from regular dipole radiation ?,44783
1,What is a good way to start making multiple streams of income ?,How can I successfully get multiple streams of income ?,299863
0,"How did Slaughter Creek in Austin , TX get its name ?","Is Austin , TX overrated ? How ?",158408
1,Why are Crocs ugly ?,Why are Crocs seen as ugly ?,288855
0,Has anyone experienced a ghostly presence or been haunted by the same ?,What are the creepiest paranormal experiences one ever had ?,45744
1,Does height increase after 18 years ?,How can I increase my height after 18 years of age ?,128865
0,Do women actually like dick pics ?,"I often find that the teasing of women is mean . Am I misunderstanding what teasing really is , or do women actually like it ?",396370
1,Do you think entrepreneurship can be taught ?,Do you believe that entrepreneurship can be taught ?,149936
0,What do you think about abp news ' Punjab opinion poll showing BJP-SAD winning & AAP getting just 12 seats ?,Is it true AAP will not win over nine seats in 2017 Punjab polls ?,211537
1,"Is it true that Arnab Goswami quit Times Now ? If so , why ?",Why did Arnab Goswami resign from Times Now ?,339003
0,How much Neanderthal DNA does a South Indian have in percentage ?,What percentage of DNA would show when a child is half Chinese ?,274165
1,Why ca n't India lift Article 370 from Jammu & Kashmir ?,Why is India not removing article 370 from Kashmir ?,69254
0,What is the importance of Triangle inequality ?,How do I understand triangle inequality ?,104385
1,Why is the media against Trump ?,Why is the media biased against Donald Trump ?,294850
0,Who is the richest woman in Africa ?,Who is the richest person in Africa ?,22576
1,What is the best way to make passive income online ?,What 's the best way to make a passive income online ?,278538
0,"Has anybody tried ever to sell the handmade things online , if yes then how ?","Is it possible to do online sports betting in India ? If yes , then how ?",16401
1,Which is the best place to visit in India ?,Which ia the best place to visit in India ?,153771
0,What can a civil engineer do after graduation ?,How do I get a job after completing civil engineering ?,16106
1,"What 's the main reason behind 500 & 1000 rs notes getting discontinued in India ? With new chances in currency , how will it help India ?",What is the main reason behind abolishing Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes in India ?,238182
0,What universities does Innospec recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,What universities does B&G Foods recruit new grads from ? What majors are they looking for ?,116285
1,Why do questions I answer almost immediately get marked as needing improvement ? Is it something I said ?,"How can Quora react so quickly to submitted questions , so that they get marked as needing improvement ?",16949
0,What is the best poem you have ?,What are some of the best poems in India ?,113655
1,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in South Carolina ?,What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Mississippi ?,98943
0,Is there a scientist who believe that the earth is flat ?,Is there any Quoran that believes that the earth is flat ?,183778
1,What is the laziest thing you have done which nothing can compete with in laziness ?,What 's the laziest thing you 've ever done ?,197173
0,What is the best way to repair a bike puncture without using your hands ?,What is the best way to treat an abdominal puncture wound that is approximately an inch deep ? It is itchy and leaking a clear yellow fluid .,150287
1,Is OK to give money to beggars ?,Is it right to give money to beggars as now it has become business of many ?,185162
0,How do I start preparation for MBA in finance ?,How do I start preparing for MBA ?,25465
1,What was the scariest experience you ever had ?,What was the scariest experience ?,357721
0,"What is the frequency that creates pain when heard by dogs , but can not be perceived by humans ?",When was Ice first created by human beings ?,282768
1,Why is the Mona Lisa 's painting so famous ?,Why is the Mona Lisa the most famous painting in the world ?,171620
0,What are the biggest pain points of blogging ?,What are the biggest pain points of IT managers ?,60060
1,Who were the Vikings ?,Who were the Vikings ? Why were they successful raiders ?,192585
0,"How can I check if my Android phone is being tracked or tapped ? If so , will encrypting the device help , hurt or make no difference after the fact ?",Is my phone tapped or tracked at the moment ?,238484
1,When will capacitor block DC and allow AC ?,Why does a capacitor block DC but allows AC ?,209284
0,What do I need to learn to be a programmer ?,What do I need to know to be a programmer ?,120426
1,How can you identify the name of an Arabic font ?,"What is this round , bulb-ended Arabic font ?",213362
0,"On Quora , is it ever bad to ask too many questions , and why ?",Is asking too many questions on Quora looked down upon ?,169918
1,What does it mean when a person shouts out Allah akbar ?,`` What does it mean when a person shouts out '' `` Allah Akbar '' '' ? '',234093
0,"What is a good solar panel installation provider in Oakdale , California CA ?","What is a good solar panel installation provider in Helendale , California CA ?",287302
1,What is the best language to learn programming ?,What is the best programming language I should start learning ?,365259
0,How much of the universe has been mapped out ?,What are the methods of brain mapping ? How much of our brain has been mapped already ?,212843
1,What do you do when everything in life feels boring ?,What do you do when life seems boring ?,235452
0,Which are the cameras that can take 3D photos ? Is there a smartphone with 3D cameras ?,What 's the best stereoscopic 3d camera ?,229377
1,What is the best way to promote a business on Facebook ?,How do I promote the business on Facebook ?,168901
0,Which is the best app to learn English in native languages ?,Which is the best free app to learn english ?,85685
1,What is toughest exam in india ?,India : What is a list of the toughest exams in India ?,173517
0,What is the best alternative for -LRB- kickasstorrents -RRB- ?,What is an alternative site to ?,329706
1,How do I prevent myself from sleeping during lectures ?,How can I prevent myself from zoning out during lectures ?,13517
0,"`` What do you think of the adage , '' `` Guns do n't kill people . People kill people '' '' ? Do you think it truly settles the gun ownership issue ? ''","`` If '' `` guns do n't kill people ; people kill people , '' '' then why should we allow people to have guns ? ''",201228
1,What is method to become a CEO ?,What is the method to become a CEO ?,206985
0,What was Queen Elizabeth I 's personality like ?,What does Queen Elizabeth do ?,301589
1,If you could live in a movie universe which would you choose and why ?,"If you could choose a fictional universe to live in , which universe would you choose , what role would you like , and why ?",167654
0,"Is the work at top-notch software companies like Google , Microsoft , FB etc. really intellectually rewarding to the smart people who get recruited ?","How much time do newly hired software engineers usually get to ramp up/learn in top companies like Facebook , Google , Amazon , etc. . ?",127291
1,How can I get hired by Quora ? How can I get an interview ?,How do I get job at Quora ?,260152
0,"If one root of -LSB- math -RSB- ax ^ 2 + bx + c -LSB- / math -RSB- would be the square of the other , then the value of -LSB- math -RSB- b ^ 3 + ac ^ 2 + a ^ 2c -LSB- / math -RSB- is ?",What is a condition where one root of -LSB- math -RSB- ax ^ 2 + bx + c -LSB- / math -RSB- may be the square of another ?,158667
1,What is comparative politics and how to study the same for upsc optional political science and international relations ?,What is comparative politics and how to study the same for upsc optional political science & international relations ?,387176
0,`` How is characterization used in '' `` The Great Gatsby '' '' by F. Scott Fitzgerald ? '',`` How is carelessness portrayed in '' `` The Great Gatsby '' '' by F. Scott Fitzgerald ? '',131012
1,What should I do before selling an iPhone ?,What precautionary measures should we take before selling of iphone ?,90385
0,Star Wars : The Force Awakens -LRB- 2015 movie -RRB- : Are Finn & Poe gay ?,Why does The Force Awakens start off focusing on Poe Dameron when he plays mostly a supporting role in the film ?,107263
1,What is a real success ?,What is real success for you ?,369838
0,Can I use 2A USB charger instead of 1A for my WiFi dongle ?,Which is the best 1A charger from Flipkart ?,143543
1,How will the demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes affect the value of INR against USD ?,Will demonetization of Rs 1000 and Rs 500 help in decreasing the INR to USD currency ?,113721
0,Non-Russians : what are your top requests to the people of Russia ?,I heard a Russian professor saying that the majority of people in Crimea felt that they were Russian and wanted to be part of Russia . Is this true ?,212119
1,How do I join defence after graduation in mechanical engineer ?,I am a software engineer . How can join defence forces ?,212010
0,Which IT companies in India offer more than 6 lpa for freshers ?,What are the IT companies which give 6 lpa for freshers in India ?,100272
1,What are subcultures ? What are some examples ?,What are subcultures in society ? What are some examples ?,358156
0,How can I buy alcohol in the UK if I 'm visiting as a tourist ? Do they ask for any ID like passport or something ?,"If I live in the eastern USA , and want to open up a diamond/gem/jewelry shop who is the best diamond broker I can go to in New Jersey ?",19476
1,What does a consultant do ?,What do consultants do ?,333499
0,"Is it possible to get a full time job with a good payscale having 2 years freelancing experience of HTML , CSS and Wordpress ?",Which is a better place to live : Melbourne or Edinburgh ?,261832
1,What are best ways of digital marketing ?,What are the best unique ways to do Digital Marketing ?,52609
0,What was Marc Bodnick like as a child ?,What does Marc Bodnick look like ?,59269
1,Do you think zodiac signs affect a persons personality ?,Does your zodiac sign really affect your personality ?,146232
0,Why is my diet not working ?,Does military diet work ?,36209
1,Which url has to be used to create a blog on Quora ?,How do I create a URL on Quora blogs ?,194238
0,What is best way to to become a good cyber security analyst ?,What is the best way to learn Cyber Security ?,162244
1,What 's the difference between peanut and groundnut ?,What is the difference between groundnut and peanut ?,143117
0,What is the difference between geometry and trigonometry ?,When was trigonometry discovered ?,364738
1,"What is the logic or truth behind astrology , if any ?",Is there any logic behind astrology ?,356129
0,"What 's the difference between a forest , rainforest and jungle ?",What are the different adaptations of a boreal forest ?,155854
1,"Who has hit the longest six in the history of International Cricket -LRB- across all formats - ODI , Test and T20 -RRB- ?","What is the longest distance SIX hit ever in cricket history in all formats ODI , Test or T20 ?",397004
0,Will caste system come to an end ?,How can we end caste discrimination in India ?,120623
1,How does a DSLR work ?,How does a DSLR camera work ?,200733
0,How does the Samsung Gear VR compare to the Oculus Rift ?,What are some interesting things that you can do with the Oculus Gear VR ?,330970
1,How do you report a slumlord ?,How do I report a slumlord ? What is the safest way to do it ?,68553
0,What does % * c mean in C/C + + programming ?,`` What does '' '' - > '' '' mean in C/C + + programming ? '',213693
1,How long does it take to build an im app ?,How long does it take to build im app ?,150184
0,What are the advantages of opening demat account ?,Can I open 3 demat account ?,177828
1,What does Java do and do I need it ?,Do I need Java on my computer ?,2011
0,Which is better postgraduate option after a B.Arch : M.Arch or MBA ?,Which is a better postgraduate option after a B.Arch ; M.Arch or M.Plan ?,252804
1,Has anyone tried to do a sharks tank / dragons den style TV show with Tech companies in Silicon Valley ?,Has anyone tried to do a sharks tank / dragons den style TV show with tech companies ?,251189
0,How far in advance should you ask a girl on a date ?,How can I ask a girl to date with me ?,49956
1,Do you think Tywin knew about Cersei and Jaime all along ?,Did Tywin know about Jaime and Cersei ?,213771
0,"What exactly are w bosons , and how do they turn up quarks into down quarks and vice versa ? -LRB- Can someone explain to a slightly confused 16 year old ? -RRB-",Is there any known relationship between a down quark and an anti-up quark ?,94092
1,What is it like working as a Speech Language Pathologist ?,What is it like to be a speech pathologist ?,390754
0,How do I get off Honestly -LRB- formerly Varnished -RRB- without logging into Facebook connect ?,"What truths , once you finally came to admit them to yourself , made all the difference in the world ?",7618
1,What did Dhoni step down as ODI and T20 captain so quietly ?,Why did MS Dhoni quit ODI and T20 captaincy but will still play ?,307455
0,Who 'll get the Iron Throne in Game of Thrones ?,Is there any Valyrian Steel in the Iron Throne ?,343737
1,What ` s the best way to get rid of porn addiction ?,How do I get rid off from porn addiction ?,360272
0,What is the way to Get power behind your shots in cricket to hit big sixes ?,What are the career prospects for SAP HR ?,139515
1,Is it good that the government scrap Rs . 500 and Rs . 1000 notes ?,Is it good banning of INR 500 and INR 1000 currency notes from midnight ?,389903
0,How can I add additional pages within a Google Doc ?,How do you make an add-on for Google Docs ?,163349
1,What dog food brand is best for yorkie puppies ?,What is the best dry dog food to feed our new Rottweiler puppy ?,98875
0,Why is FYROM trying to steal Greek history and the heritage of Alexander the great ?,What was the major news in Trump 's last official press conference ?,386486
1,Do men watch korean dramas ?,Is it normal to watch Korean drama if you are a guy ?,73681
0,How many clothes I can wash in 1 kg detergent ?,`` Why is '' `` The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy ? '' '' cartoon nostalgic ? '',385744
1,What is the best laptop around 50k ?,"Which is the best performing laptop around 50,000 ?",287205
0,What should I start doing now as a sophomore that would look good in a college application ?,"I am a sophomore studying in a tier3 engineering college in India . Starting from scratch , what should I learn to be selected in GSoC ?",402198
1,When does infosys mysore training start its next batch after october ?,When does Infosys Mysore training start its next batch after october2016 ?,360694
0,"`` What should I answer when my interviewer asks me , '' `` Why investment banking ? Why finance ? '' '' ? ''",How do I answer interviewers if they ask me if I am a U.S citizen ?,333986
1,What is the best monitor for a MacBook Pro ?,What is the best dual monitor setup for my MacBook Pro with Retina Display ?,282920
0,"Before first contact , did any indigenous peoples of the Americas hold beliefs on whether the world was round or flat ?",Calculate the distance of the object of height h from a concave mirror of focal length 10cm so as to obtain an real image of magnification ?,368505
1,I think I like someone . What should I do ?,I like someone . What should I do ?,342875
0,What is good soul ?,Is laughter really good for the soul ?,267752
1,Which file type is best for music ?,What is the best audio file type ?,336644
0,Who has the best midrange game in the NBA ?,What are good reasons for NBA teams to still utilize the midrange jumper even though it 's considered dead ?,271503
1,How do I add photos to my questions in Quora ?,Can I add images to my questions on Quora ?,341356
0,"What is slipper clutch , how does it function & what advantages does the rider get riding a bike equipped with slipper clutch ?",How does a flywheel and clutch function ?,119373
1,How can I gain healthy weight and mass ?,How can I gain weight naturally ?,171844
0,`` How do I send a char buffer using the '' `` send '' '' socket function ? '',Do TCP sockets queue multiple messages in a buffer to be read one at a time ? Or does the buffer only store the most recently received message ?,187560
1,What are the best places to go out to in Paris ?,What are good places to go out in Paris ?,68823
0,How do I give my wife a squirting orgasm ?,How do I make my wife orgasm ?,81612
1,What are some of the best self help books out there ?,What are the top self help books I should read ?,185861
0,How do I register a complaint in consumer court in India ?,How do I file complaint against a company in consumer court india ? Do they have any official website ?,298123
1,How can I earn lots of money ?,How can I earn money ?,56288
0,Which one is better for freelance graphic designer ? Behance or Designhill ?,Where can we get Spare Parts for HTC Smartphones in Dubai ?,192625
1,What 's the difference between piece dyed and yarn dyed knit fabric ? Is one better than the other ?,What 's the difference between piece dyed and yarn dyed fabric ? Is one better than the other ?,11917
0,How do I get free PS Plus on my PS4 ?,How can I get playstation plus for free ?,372040
1,"How could Hillary Clinton win the popular vote , but still lose the election ?",How is Hillary Clinton winning popular vote but did n't win election ?,244682
0,I 'm a shy guy and do n't know how to talk to strangers . How do I make new friends at college ?,Shyness : I 'm hopelessly introvert and shy person who struggles to talk calmly to even a group of five friends let alone speak properly to strangers . I do n't even have a single female friend as I 'm even more shy in front of women . How can I work to correct this ?,62295
1,Why are answers and reviews on Quora collapsed ?,"Why do some questions on Quora have answers , but the answers are n't shown ?",302678
0,Is an adopted Chinese person without Chinese friends or family as smart as one connected to the collective ?,Can Chinese parents adopt kids ?,208564
1,What NGOs can I work for in Bangalore as a volunteer on the weekends ? How ?,What NGOs in Bangalore can I volunteer with on weekends or holidays ?,211624
0,Why do some states not have a property tax ?,What states have no property tax ?,282133
1,How can I contact Instagram regarding my hacked account ?,How do I contact instagram support ?,202413
0,What is the best stock trading ?,What are the best stocks to trade ?,194676
1,Do pinhole glasses improve vision ?,Can pinhole hole glasses improve my eyesight ?,311548
0,"What would be the appropriate air pressure for Bajaj Discover 100CC tube tires , for smooth driving and to prevent back pain ?",Why does the air pressure in a car tire increase after a long drive ?,146754
1,How can I sell art ?,What 's the best way to sell art ?,138442
0,How is chemistry mole used in a project ?,What is the mass-mole concept in Chemistry ?,384344
1,How can one make money starting a blog ?,How can I make money from a blog ?,93022
0,What is the difference between Exynos 5433 and Snapdragon 805 ? Which is faster in Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ?,What are the reviews of Snapdeal ? Should I buy a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ?,59417
1,What led to Cyrus Mistry ouster from TATA GROUP ?,Why TATA sons replaced Cyrus Mistry to Ratan TATA ?,381571
0,`` Why did '' `` The Bremen Avenue Experience '' '' cartoon never air in America ? '',Why do office buildings in America have the lights and air conditioning on all the time ?,336441
1,Do you have a best friend ? Why do you think they 're your best friends ?,Do you have a best friend ?,157520
0,What are some iconic images of animals ?,What are some iconic images of food ?,46419
1,Why did the US attack Iraq ?,Why did the U.S. invader Iraq ?,237908
0,How do you treat acne scars ?,How do you treat acne ?,1350
1,How old are The Rolling Stones ?,How old is The Rolling Stones ?,100823
0,Is the gas pushed far beyond the extent of the supermassive black hole on.the scale of a Universal black hole dark energy ?,Is the outflow associated with a supermassive black hole on the scale of a Universal black hole dark energy ?,280026
1,What are the applications of collection framework in Java ?,What is the best way to implement collection frameworks in Java ?,12532
0,What is the toughest part of IBPS PO exams where most of the candidates face failure ?,"What are the most important & common topics in IBPS PO , SBI PO , Insurance exams , Railway Exams and SSC CGL ?",60386
1,Why is ice cream so comforting ?,Why is ice cream comforting ?,247500
0,Why do people get divorced ? How much money do they lose ?,Is there any way to get infinite money ?,311090
1,Why the temperature of the Coke ca n't rise higher than the room temperature ?,Why the temperature of the Coca-Cola ca n't rise higher than the room temperature ?,175838
0,Which is the best way to write a historical mystery ?,How do I write a mystery ?,368669
1,Why are so many people on Quora obsessed about IQ ? It must surely top the list !,Why is everyone on Quora obsessed with IQ ?,65592
0,How is the word ` probity ' used in a sentence ?,`` How is the word '' `` duplicity '' '' used in a sentence ? '',280305
1,What is the difference between Clustering and Classification in Machine Learning ?,What is the difference between classification and clustering ?,102908
0,Does ashwagandha powder increases height ?,Which is the best protein powder for increase height available in Gujarat -LRB- India -RRB- ?,346848
1,Which is the best movie download site ?,What are the best sites to download movies from ?,353813
0,Which Disney theme park is Disney 's most profitable one ?,What happens in Walt Disney World 's theme parks overnight ?,397927
1,What is the worst thing that has happened to you for being nice ?,What is the worst thing that happened to you for being nice ?,94414
0,"Education : If I do n't lose my virginity in high school , does that mean I 'm ugly ?",I 'm in a high school math class in middle school . I do n't know if I can handle it . What should I do ?,192928
1,Which is the best service haier microwave oven service center in hyderabad ?,Where is the best Haier Microwave Oven Service Center in Hyderabad ?,120807
0,What are the nutritive values of oats ?,What is the nutritional value of pomegranates ?,402164
1,How do I know know whether my gf is cheating me or not ?,How do I know my partner is cheating on me ?,355914
0,What are the pros and cons of Legalzoom-generated wills ?,Where can I read reviews of LegalZoom ?,384611
1,What does it mean if a dog vomits white foam ?,What does it mean if a dog is throwing up yellow foam ? How can it be treated ?,155095
0,Is epistemological nihilism self-defeating ?,Is nihilism a self-defeating philosophy ?,387149
1,How useful is the book ` Security Analysis ' by Benjamin Graham in Indian stock market ?,How useful and applicable is the book ` The Intelligent Investor ' by Benjamin Graham for the Indian stock market ?,97702
0,How is Munafiq Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi correct that Daesh has not committed any act that is prohibited in the Quran or Sunnah ?,What did Caliph al-Baghdadi mean that ISIS has not done anything that is prohibited in the Quran or Sunnah ?,355407
1,What does an actuary actually do ?,What does an actuary do and why are they important ?,327170
0,Why do Pakistanis and Indians speak English differently ?,Can Xi Jinping speak English ?,221158
1,How can I lose fat without doing any aerobic physical activity ?,How can I lose weight in a month without doing exercise ?,265657
0,What 's your favourite Jackie Chan movie ?,What are the Best movies of Jackie Chan ?,69964
1,Is Hillary Clinton a dishonest candidate ?,Is Hillary Clinton objectively dishonest ?,50713
0,How do reddit and Quora differ ?,"What are the differences between Quora , Reddit , and Yahoo Answers ?",354931
1,Why are there so many dumb questions asked on Quora ?,Why are there so many pointless questions on Quora ?,350879
0,Does the word ` slave ' come from the name of the Slavic people ?,Why do people use big words ?,55378
1,Can both we take mass gainer and whey protein ?,Can I take both mass gainer and whey protein together ?,316793
0,"What is the difference between a concept , an idea , a thought and a mental image ?","What lies beyond thoughts , forms and concepts ?",173630
1,Call 1800 ^ 251 ^ 4919 Windows 10 technical support phone number ?,Is there a technical support phone number for Microsoft Windows 10 ?,125867
0,"`` In pronouncing the word '' `` military '' '' , why do Americans say '' `` MILL-uh-tarry '' '' while the English say '' `` MILL-uh-tree '' '' ? ''","British English : What are some phrases , sayings , or words that people use in the UK that are n't used in the U.S.A. ?",343641
1,What are the easy ways to earn money online ?,What are ways I can make money online ?,336601
0,What can I buy with a credit card and return for cash somewhere else ?,"As a teenager , should I buy a car or spend/save it somewhere else ?",300315
1,Does black hole exists ?,Do black holes exist ?,120329
0,What is the difference between people with IQ 150 and people with IQ 125 ?,What is it like to have parents who are not as intelligent as you ?,373660
1,How do I pass a drug test with baking soda ?,How does baking soda help you pass a drug test ?,173456
0,"How do you get jobs on sites like Elance , oDesk , guru , freelancer etc ?","Where can I find a thorough guide to best practices as a freelancer when it comes to sites like elance , guru , freelancer , odesk , etc ?",260267
1,What do I do to improve my life everyday ?,What can I do to improve my life ?,61191
0,What is the best place to learn English ?,How can I improve my English online ?,278660
1,What is the best deodorant for women ?,What are some good deodorants for women ?,273017
0,`` How would you describe the word '' `` the '' '' ? '',How would you describe the word ` tron ' ?,196804
1,Will war happen between India and Pakistan ?,How will the indian economy be affected if there is a war between India and Pakistan ?,226497
0,Which one is a better place to study an engineering : in HKUST or in India ?,What should everyone know about engineering in India ?,192691
1,I 'm overweight . How can I begin to lose weight ?,How do I suck it up and lose weight ?,114394
0,What does mascarpone taste like ?,What does Ouzo taste like ?,29389
1,Which is the reasonably good laptop under 30K INR ?,What is the best laptop under 30k ?,298710
0,What are the best tips for last minute studying just two hours before the exam ?,What are the best tips to study for CA CPT exam in 4 months ?,146547
1,How do I live for 100 years ?,What do I need to do if I want to live beyond the age of 100 years old ?,355783
0,What misconceptions Quorans have about India ?,What are the biggest misconceptions that Indians have about India ?,136511
1,Is interface theory of perception by Donald Hoffman true according to neuroscience and evolutionary biology ?,Is Donald Hoffman 's interface theory of perception really the true explanation of reality ?,116928
0,Is `` I do n't knew '' grammatically correct ?,`` Is '' `` According to I '' '' grammatically correct ? '',25854
1,What is successful religion ?,What 's successful religion ?,137500
0,Can radiation really give humans mutant powers like in comics ?,Is Jean Grey the most powerful mutant in the XMen universe ?,315045
1,Is it a good decision to ban currency of 500 and 1000 ? Is it really going to block all the black money ? Does the decision affects Swiss money too ?,Is it a good decision to ban currency of 500 and 1000 ?,312193
0,`` What makes Chee Soon Juan a '' `` near psychopath '' '' as claimed by the founding father of Singapore ? '',How can I fix this problem in my relationship ?,41079
1,Does vitamin d causes excess hair fall ?,Does vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss ?,13420
0,Vinny Devito : May I have your advice ?,What is forward biased pn junction ?,7497
1,Will banning 500 and 1000 notes can stop the black money ?,How will replacing 1000 notes with 2000 notes going to stop corruption and black money ?,327073
0,Why did the British return Hong Kong to China ?,"If China marches troops into Hong Kong , what could be done about it ?",375422
1,What are some of the different types of personal computers ?,What are the different types of personal computers ?,24981
0,`` After a group is created in '' `` WhatsApp '' '' can I add more people and how is this done ? '',Is there any way to stop people from adding me to their WhatsApp group ?,243522
1,What is the easiest method to clean shave bikini area at home ?,What is the best way to shave the bikini area ?,18025
0,"Do n't Indians have any shame while they are incompetent in doing anything , excepts simply coping Western style dysfunctional democracy ?",Snakes : Are snakeskin shoes in style ? Do they connote anything about their wearer ?,329990
1,How should I proceed with my career I completed 12th in bipc ?,How should I proceed with my career ? I completed 12th in bipc ?,108144
0,How many days should I workout ?,How many days in a week should I workout ?,216735
1,What is overpopulation ? What are the cause and effects ?,What are the causes of overpopulation ?,392719
0,What is Jan lokapal bill ?,Which country is the most geographically located to become a superpower other than china and india ?,8745
1,What were the causes of World War I ?,What were the immediate and most important causes that led to World War 1 ?,5406
0,Is deep learning overhyped ?,Is machine learning overrated or overhyped ?,108143
1,What is the best question asked in your interview ?,What is the most interesting question you 've been asked in an interview ?,363076
0,I am a teenager . I suffer eve teasing many times . Is something wrong with me ?,Is something wrong with me ? I 've been obsessing over a guy I only met 2 times because I felt a deep connection to him .,87622
1,What 's the feeling of having sex for the first time ?,What 's your experience about your first sex ?,344053
0,Can President Obama authorize the IRS to release Trump 's tax returns ?,Will Trump ever release his tax returns ? Is he afraid what the world will find out about him ?,223970
1,How many countries are there in the world ?,How many countries exist in the world this time ?,275463
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Access National ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Amazon ?,326954
1,"If Donald Trump wins , what will happen ?",What will happen now that President-elect Donald Trump has won the election ?,327813
0,What kind of math is used in electrical engineering ?,How is math used in engineering ?,48640
1,How did Donald trump won US presidential election 2016 ?,How and Why did Donald Trump win the election ?,171356
0,What is the difference between analog circuits and digital circuits ?,"What is the difference between analog , digital and integrated circuits ?",28902
1,How does banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes help to control black money ?,How would the newly introduced rs 2000 notes not contribute to laundering and black money ?,146606
0,How does one develop grit ?,How can one develop the ability to learn ?,222885
1,What does it takes to be a successful coffee shop ?,What 's the secret to a successful coffee shop ?,310213
0,What was the age of Rama and Sita when they got married ?,Is it true that Lord Rama never doubted Sita ?,217125
1,How can I upload profile picture on Quora ?,How can I put up my profile photo on my Quora ?,312636
0,What is the best way to prepare for GRE from an Indian student from Kolkata ?,Why is the IBT 's request for any TPP related correspondence between you and the USTR office delayed ?,133528
1,"If Donald Trump were elected President , who would he appoint to the Supreme Court ?",Who will Donald Trump appoint to the Supreme Court ?,178147
0,What 's the best adult toy for my Kegel muscles ?,Which would be the first best toy for a baby ?,20473
1,Why do people still think the the world is flat ?,Why do people still believe in flat earth ?,394234
0,What is some good and average topic for an ME software engineering thesis on cloud computing that could be published SCI ?,What are some good thesis topics in tourism ?,258368
1,How can Sanskrit language be developed as a programming language for computer ?,Why did Sanskrit fail to become a suitable language for computers ?,63954
0,"What should I learn after learning HTML , CSS and Bootstrap to become a freelance Web Designer ?","How can I practice web designing after learning HTML , CSS , and Bootstrap ?",313493
1,How can we control bad feelings ?,How can I control emotional stress ?,221036
0,How do I score 98-99 in ISC English ?,Is 80 % a good score in ISC Board examinations 2016 ?,17256
1,"Have Theological entities , places , and deities -LRB- such as Heaven and God -RRB- been scientifically tested ?",Has Hell been scientifically tested ?,20702
0,I 'm Mexican and I 'm a Donald trump supporter I think he would become a good president ?,"I think I am pretty good at thinking of a business model , and I wish to become a great entrepreneur . I am still 18 . Should I still go to college ?",104158
1,Is it a must to have technical knowledge for a product manager ?,Can a non-technical person make a good Product Manager ?,234993
0,How do I download videos from hotstar without using any software ?,How do I download videos from YouTube without YouTube Downloader ?,83749
1,What are the most apparent symptoms of paranoia ?,What are the symptoms of paranoia ?,358061
0,"Were you pranked on April Fools Day ? Have you been pranked in past April Fool 's Days ? If so , what happened ?",What are some prank ideas for April Fool 's Day ?,5877
1,How do I save money while shopping ?,How do I save money while doing online shopping ?,25056
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Hanmi Financial ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Discover Financial ?,201931
1,Why do companies merge with or acquire other companies ?,Why companies acquire other companies ?,202017
0,Which is best PHP FRAMEWORK to develop any kind of web application ?,What kind of web applications you can make by core PHP ?,321818
1,Where can you buy Herbalife online ?,How can you order Herbalife online ?,194642
0,"What are some overrated firearms , and why ?",How are antique firearms authenticated ?,169124
1,How should I prepare for my NTSE exam ?,How should I prepare for ntse ?,124111
0,How can the refractive index of plastic be determined ?,What is the refractive index of plastic ?,357297
1,How do I look someone up on Tinder ?,How do you look up someone on Tinder ?,62754
0,Where can I get an SD memory card data recovery software free of cost ?,Where can I get a free PDF of Thomas Calculus 13 edition ? Thanks in advance .,62019
1,"Is it true that , clitoris is a tiny penis ?",Is an really large clitoris anatomically similar to an really small penis ?,169645
0,How do you enter boot menu in Lenovo ?,How do you access the boot menu for an HP Compaq ?,295207
1,Who won the second presidential debate between Trump and Hilary ?,Who won the 2nd 2016 Presidential debate ?,92926
0,What is the chemical formula of nitrogen ?,What is chemical formula of carbon ?,4577
1,What are the famous tourism places in Pakistan ?,What are some places to visit in Pakistan ?,112182
0,Why do our bodies react the way they do when we eat spicy foods ?,Why do we laugh when we see or hear something funny ? What is considered funny ? How does our brain function when it has to decide what is funny and how to react on it ?,244036
1,What are the best MBA colleges in Gwalior ?,What are the best MBA course colleges in Gwalior ?,339913
0,What is the weirdest and incredible thing you have ever found ?,How heavy is Manhattan ?,75643
1,Which laptop should I buy in a budget of Rs . 60000 i.e about $ 1000 ?,"Which is best Laptop to buy in around 60000 Rupees , with best configuration ?",262069
0,Is russia still even a superpower ?,How is Russia a superpower ?,154634
1,Is a world war going to happen ?,Is world war 3 likely ?,57104
0,What was Jesus original name ?,Why was Jesus not named Immanuel ?,353588
1,Can a person live in Pune with salary of only 22000 / - in hand per month ?,"With a salary of Rs 22k per month , how can one afford to live in Pune ?",237899
0,How do I ask questions on Quora with images ?,How do I insert an image in an answer or question details on Quora ?,247721
1,How can you learn to write in Korean ?,What is the best way to learn Korean ?,134129
0,What are some of the awesome but less known songs of A R Rahman ?,Which are your favourite A. R. Rahman songs ?,148559
1,Why is salt water taffy candy imported in France ?,Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in Australia ?,27147
0,Can information collected from minors on a website be used to file litigation on them through a guardian ?,I would like to make a website for my collegiate club . The main aim of the website is to make announcements and to publish projects -LRB- PDF files -RRB- so that everyone can download them and make the best use of them . I have no knowledge in programming . How can I create this with minimal or no cost ?,154699
1,What makes you want to vote for Hillary Clinton ?,Why should I vote for Hillary instead of why I should n't vote for Trump ?,354561
0,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Encore Capital Group ?,What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Knight Capital Group ?,37700
1,How can one learn hacking step by step ?,How should I learn hacking by myself ?,69643
0,Are any interesting questions ever asked on Quora ?,What is the most awesome question ever asked on Quora ?,146221
1,Can a broken bone heal perfectly ?,Does a broken bone heal perfectly ?,234861
0,What is the meaning of the ending scene of the movie `` Cast Away '' ?,At the end of ` Cast Away ' -LRB- movie -RRB- where does chuck -LRB- Tom Hanks -RRB- head towards ?,63522
1,What are the best quotes ?,What are the best quotes by anyone ?,312797
0,How can I get rid of suggested profiles on Instagram ?,Can you see who views your Instagram ?,241250
1,What are the similarities between British English and American English ?,What are the similarities between American English and British English ?,283430
0,"My father regularly lashes out in anger but then acts like nothing has happened a few hours later , is he suffering from a mental illness ?",Was Thomas Jefferson a Unitarian ?,59778
1,How much do I really need to start an entertainment business ?,How much money do I need to start an entertainment corporation ?,343749
0,Why do Slavs squat ?,Do squats work for men ?,264
1,Can we see downvotes on Quora ? If no what is the purpose of the downvote tab ? We must be able to see both sides of the coin .,Will you be able to see the people who downvoted your answer on Quora ?,198802
0,Is there a 3DS emulator that works for Chromebooks ?,Where can I find a 100 % working 3DS Emulator and Pokémon X and Y ROMS compatible with It for my Android Phone ?,326822
1,What is the best tanning oil to use for yellowish skin ?,What is the best tanning oil to use on yellowish skin ?,337151
0,How do we update kernel in Ubuntu by command line in terminal ?,Is Bash the same as the Terminal in Ubuntu ?,233667
1,How would you deal with an angry parent ?,How do you deal with angry parents ?,386029
0,What is the mileage of Royal Enfield Himalayan in cities ?,What is the reason for not providing the kick-start in Royal Enfield Himalayan ?,235519
1,How is replacing 1000 rs notes with 2000 rs notes going to make black money hoarding a lot harder ?,Would banning notes of denominations 500 and 1000 help to curb the black money in system ?,369172
0,What 's the best way to develop iOS apps on Windows ?,I want to make an iOS app . Is there any way of developing an iOS app on Linux ? How 's that ?,259957
1,What is the best laptop under 50k for gaming and coding ?,What are the 5 best laptops in india under 50k for programming and gaming ?,118836
0,What is your favorite craft beer in a can ?,Craft Beer : Does the Westvleteren 12 live up to the hype ?,6408
1,How can I get more followers ?,How do I get more followers ?,382994
0,Are most Russian Americans Jewish ?,What are some of the shameful facts about Nidhi Razadan ?,186324
1,How can I reset my Gmail password without knowing my personal information and recovery email id ?,I ca n't remember my Gmail password or my recovery email . How can I recover my e-mail ?,279526
0,How can i vary multi path in Rayleigh channel while modeling in matlab ?,How can graphical models be applied to distributed reasoning in multi-agent systems ?,397172
1,Which is the most profitable business in India ?,What are profitable businesses in India ?,48802
0,Who is Darth Vader 's mom ?,What are the buttons on the front of Darth Vader 's chest ?,173988
1,What are the best books for computational fluid dynamics ?,What are some of the best books for learning Computational Fluid Dynamics with a practical approach ?,170957
0,How much does a masters in management earn ?,Did the mughal empire inspire the Pakistan movement -LRB- to some extent -RRB- ?,314278
1,What is the least painless way to kill yourself ?,What is the most painless and peaceful way to kill yourself ?,127880
0,Do you feel like the Salt of the Earth metaphor in the Bible ?,Where can I get data for Indian insurance recruitment ?,86300
1,What is the best documentary about the Second World War ?,What are the best documentaries about World War 2 ?,22114
0,Can a unmarried person is more successful than married ?,How can I cope with my ex being more successful than me ?,17344
1,Is our new currency note of Rs .2000 equipped with nano GPS chips ?,Can nano GPS chips made in such a low cost so that it can be embedded in all rs .2000 note ?,157147
0,What are the consequences of snorting crystal meth ?,Benefits of master black belt ?,311453
1,How do I earn from Quora ?,Can I earn money on Quora ?,220
0,What time does USPS usually deliver ?,Why does the USPS deliver mail on Good Friday ?,299358
1,How does it feel to be pregnant ?,What is it like to be pregnant ?,43219
0,What is the best phone to buy below 10K ?,What is the best phone to buy below 15k ?,343834
1,"What happened to Wikipedia 's page , documenting and describing , all the successful superluminal speed experiments ?",Why did Wikipedia hide its audit history for -LRB- successful -RRB- superluminal speed experiments ?,80914
0,How do l see who viewed my videos on Instagram ?,Are there apps that allow you to see who has been viewing your Instagram if they 're not a follower ?,294892
1,What will be the impact of the step taken to ban the 500 & 1000 rupee note on Indian economy ?,How is banning 500 and 1000 INR going to help Indian economy ?,398681
0,I fantasize watching women wrestling . is there any issue with me ?,Why do I fantasize sadness ?,114773
1,How many ways are there to pronounce Quora ?,What 's the right way to pronounce Quora ?,377384
0,How would you explain the word ` country ' to a 4-5 year old child ?,How can I explain share market to a 10 year old child ?,84158
1,Is the surgical strike against Pakistan fake ?,Was there really any surgical strike conducted across the line of control ?,119055
0,I scored 114 / 407 in the FIITJEE entrance test . The highest score is 296 . Can I get a free scholarship ?,I got 70 % in the fiitJEE admission test . Is it a good score ? Can I get a scholarship ?,334024
1,What are the major human caused threats to biodiversity ? How can we solve this threats ?,What are the common human threats to biodiversity ?,323220
0,How should be work at iocl ?,How are work profiles assigned at IOCL ?,293081
1,Which is the best photo editing software ?,What is the best software for photo editing ?,35070
0,What is the best Instagram followers tracking app ?,What are the best Instagram follower-tracking apps on Android ?,341095
1,What are some awesome Hologram tools that exist that most people do n't know about ?,What are some mind-blowing hologram tools that most people do n't know about ?,77994
0,Can LLC issue additional membership interests and member of the same LLC to sell his share in the same day ?,"What is an article of organization for an llc ? What does it mean if $ 275.00 min . for up to 275,000 shares ; -LRB- $ 100 for each additional 100,000 shares -RRB- ?",124026
1,"Is a low carb diet really the fastest way to lose weight ? Also , what are macro nutrients ?",Is a low carb low and sugar diet the fastest way to lose weight ?,373726
0,I just got a 4 months puppy . Should I keep her in the crate with closing door at night for crate training ?,What is the reason why I should appreciate American veterans ?,250549
1,How can I become a topper in my college class ? What is the journey from failure to topper ?,How can I become a topper in my JEE class ?,337953
0,Why is Noida becoming so inferior in comparison to Gurgaon/Gurugram ?,Can I appear for KVPY exam if I am in class 11 with PCMC ?,189267
1,How do I prepare for the IAS exam at home ?,How should one best prepare for IAS examination ?,162817
0,What makes a woman attractive ?,"As a young attractive woman , how can I make the most out of my looks ?",332161
1,Should hamsters eat popcorn ?,What do hamsters like to eat besides vegetables and hamster food ?,44192
0,Did Bob Ross die of lymphoma from his years of exposure to oil paints ?,"`` Did famed television artist , Bob Ross , ever paint anything besides natural landscapes on his show '' `` The Joy of Painting '' '' ? ''",30481
1,Why Amway considered a cult ?,Why is Amway considered a cult ?,218845
0,Why do electrons flow from n type semiconductor to the metal side in a schottky barrier diode even though there are no holes in the metal side ?,Why do n't we use a metal in the source and drain regions of a MOS transistor instead of the n type semiconductor ? This way we would get more carriers .,345499
1,What are best places in Bangalore ?,What are the best places in Bangalore ?,24349
0,How famous is Sri Sathya Sai Baba ?,Was Sathya Sai Baba a Tantrik ?,29066
1,Science without religion is lame . Religion without science is blind . What does it mean ?,"`` What did Einstein mean when he said : '' `` Science without religion is lame , religion without science is blind '' '' ? And do you agree with him ? ''",330693
0,Which BSchools in the USA would help me get into a management role in manufacturing ?,How do I deliver guest presentations from my laptop without having to carry a suitcase full of cables everywhere I go ?,94505
1,How do I delete my account at Quora ?,How do I delete Quora account ?,238327
0,How can I solve this maths problem ?,How do I solve this math problem ?,73805
1,Is black tea good for weight loss ?,How can normal black tea help you lose weight ?,90540
0,How much do CrossFit gym owners make ?,How much money does a Crossfit gym earn for hosting a certificate course ?,291717
1,Who are your favorite composers ?,Who are some of your favorite composers ?,69801
0,How is it possible that the Hubble telescope moves so fast ?,What strategy I should follow being a commerce graduated if I am targeting RBI GRADE B exam for next year -LRB- * not good at quant * -RRB- @Navdeep Singh Pundhir ?,119269
1,`` What are some tips to write sparknotes about '' `` The Way to Rainy Mountain '' '' ? '',`` What are some tips to write sparknotes of '' `` The Way to Rainy Mountain '' '' ? '',218619
0,Is Fifa 17 worth buying ?,Which game is better FIFA 16 or FIFA 17 ?,117938
1,Why is Manaphy anxious in Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea ?,Is Manaphy considered an anxious Pokémon in the movie ?,156156
0,"An Investor wants to hire me for 150k per year and have me finish developing my product for 50 % licencing rights , what should I watch out for ?",I 'm a CA and have been working with my dad for about 6 years and now he wants me out . What 's the next step for me ? Would n't it be hard for me to look for a job since I 'm already above 35 years old ?,177025
1,Which are the best SEO companies in Delhi ?,Which company provides the best SEO services in Delhi ?,319220
0,How can I monetize a book club ?,What is the TED Book Club ?,253350
1,How should I learn how to believe in myself and stop with the negative self talk ?,How do I stop negative self-talk and judging people ?,162248
0,How many goals has Cristiano Ronaldo scored in his entire career ?,How many free kick goals were scored by Messi and Ronaldo in La Liga ?,256139
1,Is Star Wars overrated ?,Is there anyone else who thinks Star Wars is overrated ?,12789
0,Is Java or C++ or C the most popular language amongst startups for backend development ?,How do I develop a software which will have a Java GUI and a C++ or C backend ?,125916
1,"If aliens do exist , will the government try to hide it ? Why ?",Question That Contains Assumptions : Why would the U.S. government want to hide the fact that aliens exist ?,59006
0,Who is the best bulk SMS service provider for Europe ?,Who is the best Bulk SMS service provider in Nagpur ?,30262
1,What 's the most effective way to ask a question on Quora ?,How do I ask a really great question on Quora ?,109136
0,What are the advantages and disadvantages of attempting UPSC at the age of 30 and with 4years of working experience ?,Should I join Tech Citi Technologies for an internship ?,371729
1,What is the best book for physical chemistry for JEE ?,Which is the best book for physical chemistry for JEE ?,30419
0,If I do n't pay my employees and reinvest that money in marketing can I say I am doing smart business ?,What is the Aluminum foam ?,146592
1,How do I sucide ?,How do I attempt sucide ?,135836
0,Why do I hate myself for being gay ?,I hate being gay . What can I do ?,236934
1,What is Déjà vu ?,What causes déja vu ?,331887
0,"I find people terrifying , but I still want meaningful relationships . What do I do ?",What can you do if you discover the people you thought were your best friends are actually laughing at you behind your back ? How can you ever trust ?,389171
1,Why did Trump win the election ?,Why did Donald Trump win the election ?,14645
0,How common is it for women to ejaculate -LRB- squirt -RRB- during orgasm ?,How can you tell if a woman has had an orgasm ?,265586
1,What is the QuickBooks installation support phone number ?,What are the best intuit quickbooks support plans ?,272155
0,What should I do if a girl wo n't leave her boyfriend for me but keeps saying that she will and that she loves me and just needs time ?,"My girlfriend loves me a lot , but she cheated on me . She does n't want me to leave her and we are in love . What should I do ?",64189
1,What does the WPS button on a router do ?,What is the WPS button on my Xfinity router ?,383752
0,How soon can a pregnancy test be done ?,What is the earliest day after a missed period that a person can take a home pregnancy test and expect it to be accurate ?,31092
1,How can a mosquito fly inside a moving car independently without sticking to anything ?,Why does a mosquito fly normally inside my car while im driving at 70kph ?,127191
0,How can I stop clearing my throat ?,Why do I constantly have to clear my throat ?,259938
1,"How do I forgive my mother for hurting me repeatedly , when she does n't think it was wrong ?",How do I forgive my mother for hurting me repeatedly and does n't think it was wrong ?,171357
0,What is your most valuable lesson learned from your first job ?,What is your most valuable lesson learned ?,318865
1,What are some ways you can make people like you ?,What are the ways to make people like you ?,86922
0,Has anyone taken the UCSC extension program for Data Analytics ?,What are the big data analytics tools that do n't require any programming ?,66121
1,Why we do n't believe in ourselves ?,Why I do n't believe in myself ?,67042
0,If I delete a message from WhatsApp group chat will that get deleted for everyone in that group ?,"If you delete your sent messages on a Whatsapp group , will the other person still be able to see it ?",37723
1,What are the pros and cons of banning currency notes of 500 and 1000 in India ?,What Are the advantages of note banning in India ?,154370
0,What is the difference between but and yet in English ?,How could you tell the difference between an Australian and an English accent ?,358532
1,How can I quit drinking cola ?,How can I stop drinking cola ?,207435
0,Are there any cases besides tyranny and oppression where Muslims would put their religious law above the law of the land ?,How many Muslims believe that Sharia Law usurps the law of the land ?,149170
1,How does Whatsapp became popular than many other chatting apps without any advertisement ?,How has WhatsApp become popular more quickly than any other real-time networking app ?,355229
0,How do I get 95 % + in Class 12th Boards ? What reference books can I use for it ?,Its 8th Jan and I am stressing out to get 95 % in 12th boards ?,402321
1,How exactly does catnip do its thing to cats ?,Does eating catnip have some health benefits for cats ?,210023
0,What is the best family car I can buy for a budget of 100K english pounds ?,"If budget is not a constraint , what is a reasonable size condo/townhouse for a family of four -LRB- 2 kids -RRB- with one car in the US ?",275498
1,What Quora means ?,What Quora mean ?,157811
0,"Can Trump unilaterally move the embassy to Jerusalem , without congressional approval ?",Will President Trump move the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem ?,96061
1,What are the best digital marketing courses for mid-senior level marketing managers ?,Which is the best free digital marketing course ?,285855
0,Why do we became sad ?,Why do we remember or get affected by sad stuffs more than the happy ones ?,226280
1,What 's the best way to cure cold and cough ?,How can I cure a cold fast ?,14052
0,"What is the most respected certification a Product Manager can have at a consumer Internet company such as Quora , Google or Facebook ?",Is the experience as a product manager in Zynga helpful when applying for a PM role in another Internet -LRB- not game -RRB- company such as Google and Facebook ?,216456
1,What are some good business ideas with investments up to 50 lakhs INR ?,What is a good business to start with investment of 50 lakh INR ?,364665
0,How can I find a girl met on the train ?,What is reasonable suspicion ?,92416
1,How can we build our own server computer at home ?,How do you build your own server at home ?,207280
0,"Is every IT company in India the same , in terms of salary , work culture , growth opportunity . Which company is the best to work for as a fresher ?","How is Cvent , India in terms of work and culture ?",76157
1,What 's the best decision you ever made ?,What was the best decision you ever made ?,390336
0,What is the solution to the math question below given ?,What is the solution to the math question below ?,175419
1,`` What is the difference between infatuation and '' `` real love '' '' ? '',What is the difference between infatuation and love ? I mean which of them is more into focusing only on the good side of the person ?,139101
0,The admin of a WhatsApp group removed themselves by mistake . Can any other member re-add him to the group ?,How do I make my new phone number as group admin when I do n't have access to my old number -LRB- which is the group admin at present -RRB- on whatsapp ?,389988
1,Which is the best java api/orm framework for accessing mongodb ? Hibernate ogm or morphia or springdata ?,What 's the best Java ORM / persistence for MongoDB ?,49283
0,Do you like Bernie Sanders ?,Does Bernie Sanders have a child ?,16195
1,Why do n't the Russian people rise up against Putin ?,Why do n't Russians fire Vladimir Putin ?,119662
0,How can I solve this program ?,How do I solve programming problem ?,169622
1,What is the salary of an Indian president ?,What is the salary of indian president ?,354768
0,"What are the best high-end preschools in Windsor , ON ? What makes them good or special ?",What are the best high-end preschools in Houston ? What makes them good or special ?,217740
1,What is your favorite number to press on your electric fan ?,What is your favorite number in electric fan ?,278942
0,What are examples of products that are Fast Moving Consumer Goods ?,Is salt a consumer product ?,47040
1,How can I choose my career ?,How do I choose career ?,228154
0,Can I use an android torrent app to save download torrents to a NAS in the same local network ?,How can I download a torrent file in Android ?,295413
1,`` What is your definition of '' `` Civilization '' '' ? '',What is the definition of civilization ?,81043
0,What will they do to you if you jailbreak your iPad ?,How do you jailbreak an iPad ?,173787
1,What can I do to improve my English speaking ?,How can I learn English well ? ?,129008
0,How do you say 冷笑話 in English ?,`` How do you say '' '' 吐槽 '' '' in English ? '',159692
1,Which is the best anime of all time ?,What is a good anime I should watch ?,228747
0,Which restroom facility did Asians use during the segregation era ?,How many Indians are using the bank facility ?,76070
1,What happens when you turn on a computer ?,What processes take place when you turn on the computer ?,155488
0,"Which animal -LRB- besides us , humans -RRB- kills the most other animals -LRB- including humans -RRB- on average ?",`` Does any other animal besides human '' `` cook '' '' food ? '',355345
1,Why are so many Quorans obsessed with IQ ?,Why do so many people on Quora ask questions about IQ ?,45469
0,Will BJP win in Uttar pradesh 2017 election as per your opinion ?,Who will win elections of 2017 in Uttar Pradesh and why ?,246126
1,Which type of bike suspension is better ?,Which type of suspension is better for bikes ?,21714
0,What does it mean when a boy and a girl see and pay attention to each other daily but do n't talk due to limitations and it continued for 4 years ?,Is it possible for a boy and a girl to fall in love when they just secretly stare at each other for around 2 Years in college and just talking rarely ?,145546
1,How can I make money online for job ?,What should I do to make money online in India ?,27078
0,How do I draw a NAND gate using only NOR gates ?,"How do I write practical note about OR , NOT , AND , NOR and NAND gates ?",8365
1,Why did Hitler attack USSR ?,How come Hitler was so stupid that he started a war with the USSR ?,80132
0,How can I make quick money with limited skills ?,"As a practising financial planner in India , how much have you been able to make in terms of advisory fee alone ?",175606
1,Which is the best Soccer / football blog ?,What are some of the best football blogs to read and write articles for ?,63582
0,Why are American police officers so fat ?,Why are police officers so fat ?,272264
1,What are the basic knowledge and books required for creating your own operating system ?,How can I create an operating system ?,213482
0,What are some great side dishes for a minestrone soup ?,"68.44 % of product passes the process spec.To pass , the product must be close to average . How many standard deviations away does 68.44 % represent ?",682
1,How was the experience when you had sex for the first time ?,How does it feel to have sex the first time ?,288160
0,`` How can I teach kids '' `` not to give up '' '' ? '',How do you teach children to share ?,220112
1,Does the G spot exist ?,Does the G-spot exist ?,258594
0,Do hair on crown part of head is thinner Compared to sides is this natural ?,Will Hillary Clinton appoint Bill or Chelsea Clinton as ambassador to the United Nations ?,278519
1,How can I become a good hearted person ?,How do you be a good person ?,290164
0,What is your highest package of Career Point University Kota ?,Which university has the highest recorded inventions ?,291715
1,Are there any conspiracy theories that are probably true ? Any conspiracy theories that turned out to be true ?,Is there any conspiracy theory proven true ?,271324
0,What is the meaning of Urdu word ` Khairiyat ' ?,What is the meaning of Urdu word ` Mukammal ' ?,392041
1,Where can I meet Irish people in Toronto Canada ?,Where can I meet British people in the Toronto/GTA area ?,39340
0,What is the most translated video in the world ?,Can someone translate this video ?,5639
1,What does having sex for the first time feel like ?,What did it feel like when you first had sex ?,361593
0,What are the best places to catch rare Pokémon in India ?,Which are the best places in the world to find rare pokemons ?,350725
1,What is the best way to learn to play piano ?,Is there a way I could learn to play the piano ?,42528
0,How do I buy stocks in the UK ?,How do I buy stock ?,172240
1,What are the best places to hangout in the weekend in Pune ?,What are the best places to hangout in Pune ?,321410
0,What 's your favourite country to visit and the most special place you 've been to ?,What is the most popular food item in your town ? Can you describe what makes it so special and famous ? Which is the best place to taste it ?,316669
1,How can I become more fluent in Chinese ?,How can I become fluent in chinese ?,198
0,Can going to counseling keep me from joining the military ?,How much of an impact do paid internships have on income diversity ?,99804
1,Why is dopamine important ?,Why is dopamine so important ?,338282
0,Whether a Law graduate with PhD in science and having PG Diploma in IPR is required to write a Patent Agent Exam ?,Whether a Law graduate with PhD in science and having PG Diploma in IPR is required to write a Patent Agent Exam in India ?,223927
1,What are all the irrational numbers ? And what is the proof of those numbers ?,What 's the proof that irrational numbers are actually irrational ?,60261
0,What is the policy on bringing guests to a Planet Fitness ?,How can I stay fit without going to a gym ?,72186
1,Where is the link to CBSE improvement exam 2017 online form ?,Where can I get online form for CBSE improvement exam 2017 ?,59223
0,Advantages of leadership ?,Company B is asking Company A 's offer letter to review and release a better offer . How authentic is it ? Do you recommend sharing it ?,87743
1,What is difference between UI and graphic designer ?,What is the difference between UI design and graphic design ?,56366
0,Around when is the Mahindra Gusto 125cc going to be launched in other states such as in the Northest ?,When is the Mahindra Gusto going to be launched in other states such as in the Northest ?,27649
1,How is it to work at Deloitte ?,How is it to work as a fresher in Deloitte ?,154416
0,`` Is the Florida airport shooter mentally ill or an Islamist '' `` terrorist '' '' ? '',What is mental illness ?,89312
1,"If xena was transported to the present , coluld she read to days Greek ?","If Xena was transported to the present , could she read today 's Greek ?",10079
0,How good a President was Abdul Kalam ?,Who hates Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam ?,335337
1,How is demonetizing the Rs 500 and 1000 currencies affects Indian economy ? How this affect the black money in Swiss accounts ?,What will happen to corruption money deposited by Indian politicians in Swiss bank after banning 500 and 1000 rupees notes ?,5541
0,"How do students choose their specialization , while applying for Masters -LRB- MS -RRB- in U.S ?",How do people automatically develop an accent after moving to foreign country ?,252319
1,What is the difference between a scripting language and others ?,"What is the difference between programming languages , markup languages and scripting languages ?",144848
0,Is it possible to run a PC without a RAM ?,How much RAM can I install in a Desktop PC running on Windows XP which has 512MB of RAM preinstalled ?,362932
1,What is the fastest way of making money ?,What are some ways of making money ?,233303
0,How do I cure myopia naturally ?,Can myopia be cured ?,351308
1,How can you stop grinding your teeth in your sleep ?,How can I stop myself from grinding my teeth in my sleep ?,12614
0,Could Trump tax returns indicate inconsistency that might result in further audit and jail time ?,What do you say about a lady who makes mirror selfies of her own booty and publishes them on net ?,375178
1,What are some very interesting Wikipedia articles ?,What are the most interesting Wikipedia articles ?,9376
0,What is the creepiest phone call or voice message you 've ever received ?,What is the creepiest thing a little child has ever asked you ?,322967
1,How do I estimate the cost of an android app ?,How do I calculate the cost of an Android app ?,241818
0,What should I do about this little girl having a crush on me ?,What can I do so that some girl might have a crush on me ?,220990
1,Is anything wrong with being an atheist ?,Is there anything wrong with being an atheist ?,97319
0,"I adore my husband and I love him dearly , but we have nothing in common . Is this normal ?","I am a sophomore in college and I hate spending time with my parents -LRB- we had/have a normal family relationship , nothing unusual -RRB- , is that normal ?",99989
1,Can u get pregnant the day after your period ends ?,How do I get pregnant just after my periods ?,16635
0,Is hydroxide an ionic bond ?,Is carbon dioxide an ionic bond or a covalent bond ?,399835
1,"If you truly love someone and you are deeply attached to him/her , can you ever let them go ?","If you love someone , would you let him/her go ?",84761
0,Who is Tim Berners-Lee ?,Does Tim Berners-Lee have Parkinson 's ?,47051
1,What is your view on the move to scrap 500 and 1000 rupee notes ? What will be its effects ?,How do you see the PM Modi 's move of banning old 500 and 1000 rupee currency notes ?,400645
0,`` What is another word for '' `` like '' '' ? '',What is another word for ` changemaker ' ?,49772
1,"What are some of the best websites/blogs for movie reviews , analysis , etc ?",What are the best movie and movie industry blogs ?,228640
0,What are causes of Social Anxiety Disorder ?,What are social anxiety disorders ?,399155
1,What are some of the best jokes you 've ever heard ?,What are some of the best jokes ever told ?,64284
0,Where does lactic acid formation occur during lactic acid fermentation ?,What would happen if all of our cells were able to utilize lactic acid fermentation ?,364569
1,Who really shot John F. Kennedy ?,Who actually killed President John F. Kennedy ?,177043
0,"Who is John Kohler , from the popular Growing Your Greens YouTube channel ?",How do I download videos from a paid YouTube channel ?,113960
1,Which are best Android games ?,What are the best and most addicting Android games ?,282600
0,Why are obese people chronically dehydrated ?,What are long time favorite books of Putin which also impact him or resonate with him the most ?,118142
1,Which countries are considered Western and having a Western culture ?,Which countries make up the Western world in 2014 ?,278217
0,What are your favorite date ideas in Oregon ?,What are your favorite date ideas in Kansas ?,209881
1,What are some good website startup ideas ?,Any suggestions on some good websites for new startup ideas ?,72310
0,Why do some people want to get jury duty ?,Why do n't people like jury duty ?,397501
1,I am an IIT JEE 2016 aspirant . My concepts are not very clear in full physics and organics . I can do math well . I want to have a three digit rank in IIT 2016 . What should I do now ?,I am a IIT JEE 2016 aspirant . My concepts are not very clear in full physics and organic . Math I can do well . I want to have a three digit rank in IIT 16 . What should I do now ?,42676
0,How can you join the Merchant Marines ?,How do I get into the Merchant Navy ?,195145
1,Where can I get best legal support for property transaction in Sydney ?,Where can I get knowledgeable assistance for transfer of property in Sydney ?,298007
0,What are the differences between a KJV Bible and the masonic edition ?,"What are the differences between UNILAD and The LAD Bible ? Does either have any merits , content wise , or is it just banter ?",352021
1,What is the best way to learn UI/UX ?,Where is the best place to learn UI IX designing ?,362704
0,I want a girlfriend . How can I get one ?,I 'm a 27-year-old boy without a girlfriend . How do I get one ?,196348
1,Is Forex trading legal in India ?,Is forex trading valid and legal in India ?,373081
0,What is the advantage of body-on-frame construction vs. unibody ?,What is the best material to construct a bicycle frame out of for the most comfortable riding experience ?,115659
1,Should I believe my horoscope ?,Should we believe in horoscope ?,108364
0,Why do n't 8-months premature babies survive while 7-months do ?,What size diaper 8 months old baby can wear ?,375471
1,Where I can watch English movies with subtitles online ?,What sites are the best to watch movies with English subtitles ?,41034
0,How important is work experience for MS in MIS ?,I have completed my BE in EXTC and have a work experience of more than 2.5 years in networking . Now can I do Ms in Cs or MIS ?,33088
1,How is the mass of the neutron determined ?,What is the mass of a neutron ? How is this mass determined ?,270126
0,What does Jimmy Wales do with all his Quora credits ?,How many Quora credits does Jimmy Wales have now ?,338667
1,Where can I buy bitcoins ?,Where can I buy bitcoin for actual price ?,241891
0,What are some interesting things to do in Visakhapatnam ?,"What are the most interesting things to do and see in Munster , IN ?",143592
1,Write a comprehensive essay on Wordsworth 's concept of poetry as given out in the preface to the lyrical Ballads in points ?,Write a comprehensive essay on Wordsworth 's concept of poetry as given out in the preface to the lyrical Ballads ?,313337
0,How can I start a career in advertising fraud ?,What is the best way to start a career in advertising ?,38215
1,Medicine and Healthcare : How can I prevent a stroke ?,How can I prevent myself from having a stroke ?,325001
0,If the sum of the moments of coplanar forces about three non coplaner points are the same show that the system reduced to a couple ?,What do you think about when you watch a movie ?,146224
1,How can you determine and calculate the heat capacity of a calorimeter ?,How is the heat capacity of a calorimeter determined ?,243830
0,What is bitcoin blockchain and ethereum ?,What is a blockchain ?,275245
1,What do you think is the most difficult language for anyone to learn ?,Which language do you think is the most difficult all over the world ?,89702
0,"What are First World , Second World and Third World countries ?",Is Argentina a third world country ?,74090
1,Which are the best digital marketing agencies ?,What are the best digital marketing agencies ?,61162
0,How can I be less rude ?,How can I be rude ?,378538
1,How much does it cost to make an iOS or Android app ?,What is the cost of building an Android or iOS application ?,166539
0,Are vegans allowed to swallow ?,Would vegans view animal consumption as morally permissible if the animals were allowed a full life and only consumed after dying from natural causes ?,6515
1,Is World War III coming ?,Is a third World War imminent ?,110738
0,What would you do if your girlfriend asks for money ?,How much money did you spend on your girlfriend ?,103556
1,`` What is the best answer to the question '' '' why MBA ? '' '' in an IIM interview ? '',`` What was your answer to '' `` why MBA ? '' '' during the IIM interview ? '',376961
0,What is the main difference between a photo and a video ?,Why do I look so different in these two photos ?,233240
1,Is CGI good company ?,Is CGI a good company ?,292957
0,How do I become private investigator in India ?,How can I become a private investigator in NC ?,140505
1,How do I start learning about artificial intelligence ?,How do you learn artificial intelligence ?,82876
0,Why is the number of women in IITs really low ?,Why is number of women low in racing ?,47241
1,For you what is the meaning of life ?,"What is meaning of life , the universe and everything ?",114697
0,What would be a good topic for my biology IA ?,"IB Biology IA : Research Topic needed related to Diabetes , open to suggestions and resources ?",234642
1,How does masturbation affect growth ?,Does masturbation affect muscle gain ?,339596
0,Could I be sued for writing a negative review on GlassDoor ?,Are Glassdoor company reviews a good basis for selecting companies to join ?,268851
1,What is some of the best advice you could give to a 16 year old ?,What is the best advice you can give to a 16-year-old ?,210837
0,What is your review of Gangster -LRB- 2006 movie -RRB- ?,What is your review of My Wife Is a Gangster 3 -LRB- 2006 movie -RRB- ?,185399
1,Does a question marked for improvement get seen by others ?,`` Why was my question marked as '' `` needs improvement ? '' '' '',23603
0,What are some of the best biryani places in Bangalore ?,Where can one find the best biryani in bangalore ?,36472
1,When and how is a chemical reaction balanced ?,Balancing of chemical equation ?,251273
0,Can you forget a twin flame ?,How can I find my twin flame ?,393489
1,"If given a chance , what superpower would you like to possess ?",What would your superpower be and why ?,311936
0,What is the typical starting salary for someone with an undergraduate degree in theology ?,What is the typical starting salary for someone with an undergraduate degree in aviation ?,232736
1,What is foreign exchange earnings ?,What is foreign exchange revenue ?,125837
0,Are there any problems after 50 days of the note ban ?,"I have attempted 4 questions in tcs codevita , so during interview do I have to explain all the 4 codes or can I explain any two or three ?",141979
1,Does life give you second chances ?,Does life offer second chances ?,17825
0,What Facebook groups are you in ?,What are groups on Facebook ?,200164
1,Can a plane land on water ?,"Can an airplane ever successfully land in water ? If so , how ?",169806
0,"How much is the salary of a new teacher in IIT-JEE coaching classes , like Careerpoint , Bansal , FIITJEE , Motion IIT JEE , Allen , etc. . ?",Who are the bansal classes students secure1st rank in iit jee ?,218312
1,Who is the most overrated Indian Cricketer ?,Who do you think is the most overrated Indian cricketer of all time ?,33107
0,How do I have sex with a virgin ?,What does it feel like to have sex with a virgin ?,131423
1,Can I grow height after 19 years ?,Is increasing height after the age of 20 possible ?,88870
0,"What is the difference between like , love and trust ?",What is the difference between like and love ?,21120
1,What is your view on the move to scrap 500 and 1000 rupee notes ? What will be its effects ?,What are your views on PM Modi 's decision on discontinuing 500 & 1000 rs notes ?,76087
0,Who is Disney 's Princess Alice ?,Why is n't Alice considered a Disney princess ?,5799
1,Who will win in the UP election ?,Who will win the UP elections ?,370564
0,How does a user on Instagram know if a photo sent to another user using direct messaging has been received or blocked ?,"How do I recover photos I 've sent and received , then deleted on Instagram direct messaging ?",87222
1,Which place can be the perfect honeymoon destination in the world ?,Which is the best honeymoon destination in the world ?,33554
0,Why does n't UPS/FedEx provide real time truck locations for packages that are out for delivery ?,How much does a UPS/FedEx package truck carry ?,352577
1,Who are the most over-hyped actresses in Bollywood and why ?,Who is the most over-rated Bollywood actor/actress ?,132300
0,"If God exists , is it possible to control him -LRB- God -RRB- ?",Is Chambray durable and strong ?,122842
1,"My girlfriend broke up with me , what should I do ?",What should I do now that I broke up with my girlfriend ?,151110
0,Who is Desi Coder ?,Who is Gina Carano ?,32064
1,What will happen if Pakistan is declared as a terrorist state ?,What will happen if Pakistan will be declare as a terrorist state ?,37260
0,What are the lyrics of the Lion King introduction ? What do they mean ?,What are all of the Lion King movies ?,199516
1,What is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ?,What is non proliferation treaty ?,329011
0,`` Is 5 ' 9 considered tall for a 15 year old ? . Could I reach 6 ' 3 '' '' ? '',How tall will I be ? I am 12.5 years old .,183940
1,Why is india still a developing country . . Why are n't reforms framed so as bring the country on a fast track ?,Is India still a developing country ?,26206
0,How is goa and which time is very suitable for going there ... ?,Is it safe for two eighteen year olds to go to goa ?,296554
1,What do you think about the Chinese national football team ?,What do you think of Chinese national football team ?,168230
0,How can I improve my realistic drawings ?,How can I improve my realism drawings ?,277055
1,What does a womens vagina taste like ?,What do vaginas taste like ?,385071
0,How one can gain weight without going to the gym ?,How one can lose weight without going to the gym ?,80951
1,Why do companies keep rebooting movie franchises ?,Why Hollywood is making so many remakes of their old movies ? Why do studios keep rebooting old franchises ?,63255
0,"Who has a higher IQ , Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump ?",Should Barack Obama have been allowed to run so Trump could have defeated a real opponent and not a whimp like Clinton ?,76147
1,"What was the significance of the battle of Somme , and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Calabria ?","What was the significance of the battle of Somme , and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Hong Kong ?",136550
0,How do I know if someone is online on instagram ?,How can you know that someone is using your instagram account ?,58259
1,What can Trump realistically do for America -LRB- i.e. what will hypothetical America be after Trump ? -RRB-,What would America look like with Donald Trump as president ?,277370
0,"If energy can neither be created nor be destroyed , then who created energy ?","If according to science , energy can neither be created nor destroyed , then how did the universe come into being ?",376257
1,What do you think of the new MacBook Pro that was released late 2016 ? Is it worth buying ?,Are the new Apple Macbook pros really worth their price ?,294629
0,What is clock ?,What is clock in communication ?,244574
1,How can I become a good public speaker ?,What should I do to be a good Speaker ?,228353
0,`` What is the translation of the word '' `` everyone '' '' in Japanese ? '',`` What is the translation of the word '' `` human '' '' in Japanese ? '',336856
1,How do I find my gmail password ?,How can I recover my Gmail account password ?,389593
0,What are the different types of bread molds ?,What is significance of delhi University in usmle exam in comparison to indra prasth university ?,230872
1,What is an easy way to commit suicide ?,Besides hanging yourself what are other ways people commit suicide ?,164019
0,What are some good exercises to rehabilitate ankles and knees ?,Is swimming good exercise ?,355428
1,What were the contributions of the Romans to modern culture ?,What were the contributions of the Romans to modern society ?,303979
0,I want 2 install a engine start stop button in Hyundai creta base model ? From where should I install ?,Is FilingCheap a good name for a business formation consultancy website ? What could be more appropriate name ?,228610
1,Why are many people greedy ?,Why are people so greedy ?,269989
0,`` How do you fix the iOS problem '' `` this update is not available for this Apple ID either because it was bought by a different user or the item was refunded or cancelled '' '' ? What is causing this problem ? '',"I can use my Apple ID to sign up and download new applications , but when I update my application it shows another Apple ID . Why ? And how do I fix it ?",127701
1,How can I catch my husband cheating ?,How did you catch your spouse cheating ?,314844
0,What are the best pickup lines for lawyers ?,What is some best pickup line for girls ?,249313
1,How do you get over a broken heart ?,How do I get over a broken love relationship ?,123483
0,How does an ignorant society affect an individual ?,Why is ocean acidification ignored by the media ? How does it affect marine organisms ? Is there an example of this ?,45150
1,What is the difference between a savings account and a current account ?,What is the difference between current account savings account ?,256150
0,How can I become the world 's richest person ?,Who is the richest person in the world ?,189877
1,How can I start freelancing as a web developer ?,How do I get started as a freelance web developer ?,263581
0,How do I build a fountain that uses no electricity ?,What are the uses of electricity ?,358313
1,Why did Obama win the Nobel peace prize ?,Why did President Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize ?,70736
0,What does a tornado sound like ? Do they sound like a freight train ?,`` What is the meaning of '' `` tornado watch '' '' ? '',63284
1,Is astrology a real science ?,Is astrology real or not ?,135571
0,What is the linguistic turn ?,What do linguists do ?,187458
1,Which are the qualities of a good anchor ?,What are qualities of a good anchor ?,141381
0,What is the weirdest thing you have ever done in an elevator ?,What is the weirdest thing u have ever done ?,176177
1,`` How '' `` real '' '' are television cooking series like Chopped or Cutthroat Kitchen ? '',`` How '' `` real '' '' are television cooking series like Chopped or Cutthroat Kitchen and how does people win in those shows ? '',311475
0,What is the best romantic conversation you can write for a newly wed couple ?,What is your best advice for a newly married couple to begin and sustain a happy married life ?,87572
1,Do you think that the demonetization in India will be successful and all black money will be busted ?,Do you think demonetization will lead to end of Black Money in India ?,144604
0,Which is the top 10 hollywood sex movies ?,What are the must watch movies to see before you die ?,52061
1,How do I overcome my pornography addiction ?,What is the best way to overcome porn and masturbation addiction ?,235034
0,How can you learn PHP for Wordpress ?,How do I learn PHP ?,103539
1,What are some creative and unusual stand ideas for exhibitions ?,What are some creative/unusual stand ideas for exhibitions ?,169548
0,What are the best programming languages for beginners and why ?,Which is the best programming language to learn for hacking ? What are some books for beginners ?,249192
1,How do I improve my pronunciation of English ?,How could I improve my English ?,39550
0,Why do people state that Ronald Reagan was the devil ?,`` Did Ronald Reagan grow up in a '' `` Goiter Belt '' '' region ? '',371510
1,Is it ethical to eat meat ? Why ?,Is it unethical to eat meat ?,337342
0,What is the difference between active voice and passive voice ?,What is the difference between a sentence of an active n passive voice ? Explain them with at least two examples for each sentences ?,203092
1,How do you recover your gmail account password ?,How can I recover my gmail password ?,66591
0,What is the most messed up thing you have ever done ?,What stupid things do men tend to do that mess up our lives ?,145495
1,How do psychopaths feel emotions ?,Do psychopaths have emotions ?,388914
0,Why do we need a starter to start an AC and DC m/c ?,`` Kirchhoff '' `` s law is applicable to - -LRB- A -RRB- passive networks only -LRB- B -RRB- AC circuits only -LRB- C -RRB- DC circuits only -LRB- D -RRB- both AC as well as DC circuits ? '',83316
1,How do I keep a conversation going on a first date ?,"If you 're on a first date and you ca n't think of anything to say , how do you keep the conversation going ?",126606
0,"If Germany had not lost World War I , would the world be a better place ?",Would the world be a better place now if the world wars did n't happen ?,252393
1,What is an example of chemical weathering ?,What are some examples of chemical weathering ?,225331
0,Is 5 ' 4 110 lb normal ?,How can I find out the ideal weight for my height and age ?,74244
1,"What is the best SEO company in Delhi , India ?",Which is the best seo company in Delhi & India ?,343483
0,"I studied at a law school , but I did n't study a Juris Doctor . If I pass a bar exam , can I work for a law firm as a lawyer ?",What is London weather like and how does it compare to other European cities ?,251854
1,Why do my burps taste like rotten eggs ?,Why do I have burps that taste like rotten eggs ?,6893
0,Indian Railways : What are the chances of Tatkal waiting ticket to get confirmed -LRB- if it is only 2 -RRB- ?,Indian Railways : What are the chances of Tatkal waiting ticket to get confirmed -LRB- if it is only 10 -RRB- ?,56018
1,What is the future of e-commerce in India ?,What would be the e-commerce future in India ?,40147
0,Is there a way to get free coins in Pokémon GO ?,What is the best way to get coins in Pokémon GO without spending real money ?,339528
1,"I 'm 5 ' 2 , is it possible to run the 100m in under 12 seconds ?",I 'm 5 ' 3 is it possible to run the 100m in under 11 seconds ?,44477
0,How much does Rolex spend each year on advertising ?,How much money did Nike spend on advertisements in 2014 ?,60192
1,What are some examples of fusiform muscles ?,What are fusiform muscles ? What are some examples ?,229785
0,What happens after you quit smoking tea ?,How would u best describe a Taurus sun Leo moon Virgo rising women ?,153228
1,What should I do to overcome my anger ?,What should I do to control my anger ?,193370
0,Why is there a strong hatred for Indian men in the U.S and Western European countries ?,How can I be racist towards a white person and make them upset ?,178807
1,Which is the best question you 've read on Quora ?,What is the most important question asked on Quora ?,241089
0,How is the word ` mercy ' used in a sentence ?,How is the word ` mischievous ' used in a sentence ?,191715
1,How does I develop self confidence ?,How do I improve confidence ?,276559
0,"How much do YouTubers make when each of their videos get 50k , 100k , 500k , 1m , and 1.5 m views ?",How does YouTube calculate its views ?,210820
1,What is the best way to cook precooked turkey ?,What is the best way to cook a precooked turkey ?,344324
0,What do you think about BML munjal University ?,How good is the BML Munjal University ?,284683
1,"Which is the best laptop under INR 30,000 ?",Which is the best laptop below Rs 30000 ?,373635
0,Can India win more medals at Olympics ?,How many atheletes from India have won medals in the Olympics to-date ?,148750
1,How do I make small talk ?,How can I make small talk ?,200763
0,What is the gap for a Champion Spark Plug RJ19LM ?,Where can I get deals on Bosch Iridium spark plugs ?,159188
1,What is a meaning of life ?,`` What is the meaning of '' `` Life '' '' ? '',131370
0,What is the essential difference between Wholesale Price Index -LRB- WPI -RRB- and Consumer Price Index -LRB- CPI -RRB- ? Which of the two is more relevant pertaining to India and why ?,Why is there such a huge difference between wholesale and consumer price inflation in India ?,389464
1,What are the different types of relationships ?,What are different types of relationships ?,274247
0,How can I insert line-breaks in my Twitter bio ?,Why did Twitter fail ?,89143
1,How should I start up a new business ?,How do I to start new business ?,253829
0,How can I download GTA VICE City in India ?,How can I download GTA vice city for free ?,389711
1,How can I get stiff and lean body ?,What should we do to make lean body ?,114672
0,What is the salary of highest paid government job in India ?,Who is the highest paid teacher in India ? Why ?,3113
1,Why do we have to suffer so much in life ?,Why do we suffer so much in life ?,147134
0,`` What 's the difference between '' `` Hard Landing '' '' and '' `` Heavy Landing '' '' ? '',"`` Is there any difference between , '' `` I very hard '' '' and '' `` I 'm very hard '' '' ? Does it have a grammar problem ? ''",218291
1,What are the life changing books that everyone should read ?,What are some of life changing books that you 've read ?,34823
0,How do you produce an exemplary LOR for an undergraduate student with very clearly defined ADHD ?,How do you produce an exemplary LOR for an undergraduate student with very clearly defined comorbid ADHD+A sperger 's ?,393086
1,Why do so many people ask questions on Quora that can be found in a Google search ?,Why are there so many people using Quora to answer questions that can easily be found with a simple Google search ?,321333
0,What is pinga ?,`` What does '' `` PINGAS '' '' mean ? '',137712
1,What are remedies to get rid of belly fat ?,What are some workout plans to lose belly fat ?,396319
0,Did Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein ever attempt to prove Fermat 's Last Theorem ?,"ELI5 : Can you explain the proof of Fermat 's Last Theorem , like I 'm 5 ?",272606
1,How can one do for good handwriting ?,How can we improve our handwriting ?,70684
0,What is the difference between lap length and development length in steel reinforcement ?,What is difference between overlapping and development length ?,128185
1,What are the real time interview questions of Apache spark ?,What are the real time Apache spark interview questions and answers ?,342853
0,Is low-income a good college essay topic ?,Which are the websites that encourages startups ?,137507
1,How do I become stronger and more emotionally stable ?,How do I make myself emotionally stable ?,17882
0,What is the best way to get my first 1000 followers on Instagram ?,What is the best way to find quality followers on instagram ?,72020
1,How do I kill myself in the least painful way ?,Which is the least painful way to die ?,241228
0,What is a reasonable resting heart rate for a 36 year old ?,Is a resting heart rate of 140 BPM normal for a 14-year-old ?,361679
1,I am holding back many regrets of past . How can I let go of them ?,How do I let go of regrets from the past and becoming older ?,311342
0,What is the meaning of ` eochapi ' in Korean ?,"`` In Korean , what is the meaning of '' `` merong '' '' ? ''",364895
1,Will the value of Indian rupee increase after the ban of 500 and 1000 rupee notes ?,What will be the effects of demonetisation of 500 and 1000 notes on the Indian economy ?,174863
0,What is Cross-platform Mobile App Development ?,What is cross platform mobile apps ?,81701
1,How can you delete your Yahoo account ?,How do you delete your Yahoo account permanently ?,171215
0,How do you determine the Lewis structure for hydrogen cyanide ?,How is the Lewis structure for cyanide determined ?,273667
1,Did Hillary Clinton lie about Benghazi ?,Why did Hillary Clinton lie about Benghazi being attacked for a video instead of being honest to America ?,293624
0,What are some sad and happy face tattoo designs ?,What are some good last name rib tattoo designs ?,87410
1,Why has Quora flagged this question as needing improvement ?,Why are my questions always flagged as needing improvement ?,316984
0,Harvard Risk Management Corp contacted me about a sales position selling identity theft protection . Is this company legitimate ?,Can I sue a bank for wrongly accusing me of identity theft and detaining me in a bank branch ?,135501
1,How can detergent stains on white clothes be removed ?,How do you remove detergent stains from white clothing ?,114343
0,Why are mortality rates for dialysis patients so high ?,How long does a typical kidney failure patient live after deciding to stop dialysis ?,389051
1,Why are some regions more prone to have natural disasters ?,Which regions in the world are most prone to natural disasters ?,50669
0,How can I force myself to study instead of wasting time on the Internet ?,I waste a lot of time on Facebook instead of focusing on my goals . What should I do ?,153912
1,`` Is this correct grammar '' `` No one else will ever love you just the way how I love you . '' '' ? '',`` Is this correct sentence '' `` No one else will ever love you just the way how I love you . '' '' ? '',258841
0,Which is the best autobiography you have ever read ?,Which is the best autobiography ?,54740
1,Which is the best company for Appian Vagrant online job support ?,Which is the best company for an Appian Vagrant online support job ?,19506
0,How do I solve this math problem ?,How would one solve this math problem below ?,147509
1,What does relieving illness symptoms through drugs have to do with curing disease ?,What does the understanding in disease for knowing how to deactivate it have to do with relieving illness symptoms through drugs ?,106251
0,`` Which is the correct grammar : '' `` I will appreciate if you . . '' '' or '' `` I would appreciate if you . . '' '' ? '',`` Is '' `` I done it '' '' correct English grammar ? '',351667
1,Should I tell my best friend I love her ?,Should I tell my best friend that I love her ?,23519
0,Why do Atheists and Theists speak like they do n't know each other ?,Why do atheists hate theists -LRB- assuming that they do -RRB- ?,239562
1,What are certain things that makes Indians happy ?,What are the things that makes Indians happy ?,337170
0,Does holographic display technology exist ? Where ?,What are the possible applications of holographic imaging ?,177698
1,How do you know if you are in love with someone ?,How do you know if you 're unconditionally in love with someone ?,187463
0,What will happen if I stop eating added sugar for a year ?,Depression : Do depressed people eat more sugar ?,372122
1,Are there any blondes with purple eyes ?,Is it possible to be born with naturally purple eyes ?,289002
0,What is the best way to make $ 20 in a day on your phone ?,How do you make $ 20 a day ?,38853
1,Where can I get necessary advice for any property transaction in Sydney ?,Where can I get best property transaction support in Sydney ?,367327
0,What are examples of high quality/durability items that you buy once and last a lifetime with frequent usage ?,What are fun items to buy ?,129852
1,How can I manage ca industrial training and studies ?,How do I manage my studies and CA Industrial Training ?,53740
0,How do you use social media as a tool for customer service ?,How do you use social media as a customer service tool ?,96799
1,"How cold can the Gobi Desert get , and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Syrian Desert ?","How cold can the Gobi Desert get , and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Gibson Desert ?",349802
0,What is 's business model ?,What 's business model ?,292917
1,How do I get more topic diversity in my Quora feed ?,How do I get more topics ?,11393
0,How much money can a first-time author of a non-fiction book expect to earn ?,"How much do fiction writers earn in India and abroad if they sell 100,000 copies of a book ?",12643
1,Is Donald Trump a closet Libertarian or Democrat ?,Is Donald Trump really a Democrat ?,186007
0,What is a segment of DNA that codes for a protein ?,What does coding a DNA for protein mean ?,227402
1,How does the crowdfunding system work ?,How does crowdfunding work ? How can we arrange crowdfunding for movies ?,404144
0,Is there a place on Earth where the setting sun and the rising moon can be seen at opposite sides of the sky ?,Are there times/places in the world where the moon does not rise or set ?,296286
1,Why are my logical questions marked as needing clarification ?,Why do all of my questions get marked as needing improvement ?,238488
0,Why do people hate Suzaku Kururugi from Code Geass ?,What girl in Code Geass does Lelouch loved the most ?,318421
1,"Which countries provide free education , like Germany , for foreign students ?",Which countries have free higher education ?,396186
0,How can a rabbit swim ?,Do rabbits like to swim ?,54699
1,What will be the implications of banning 500 and 1000 rupees currency notes on Indian economy ?,What is the use of banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes and introducing new 500 and 2000 rupee notes ?,212079
0,How can I boost sales on Amazon ?,What are the best ways to boost sales on ?,323737
1,Which is the best medical university in Ukraine/Europe to study medicine ?,"Which university is one of the best universities to study medicine in Ukraine , Europe ?",55805
0,Which watch brands are instantly associated in people 's minds with middle aged women ?,Is JBW a good watch brand ?,240633
1,Which is the best retirement plan in india ?,What are the best retirement plans in India ?,358556
0,"I am a Muslim girl who is not allowed to date ... ever . I do n't want an arranged marriage , what do I do ?",I am Indian and single . I have a PhD and work at a university . My parents want to arrange my marriage as I do n't have a girlfriend . I stayed away from dating as my parents advised . I want to marry someone I know . What can I do ?,365809
1,How do I concentrate better on my studies ?,How can I concentrate in my daily studies ?,256822
0,Why do some people wear black threads on their ankles ?,How do I break my ankle ?,375935
1,How do I get into the Uniersity of Cambridge ?,How does one get into Cambridge University ?,244145
0,Does WhatsApp allow conference calls ?,How do I enable the WhatsApp calling feature ?,387229
1,Is long distance relationship works ?,Can you help me with tips for a successful long distance relationship ?,155698
0,What is Your opinion : Has this singer kid an exceptionally beautiful face ?,I recently bought a MacBook Pro Retina . I am observing a yellowish tint in the display . I can clearly see the difference as I have another MacBook with no yellow tint . Has anyone else faced the same problem ?,123894
1,What is the best part of being a woman ?,What is the best thing about being a woman ?,151235
0,What is the city of Seattle 's nickname and why was it given this name ?,What is the city of Detroit 's nickname and why was it given this name ?,168803
1,How much data can the human brain store ? Will it ever run out of memory ?,Can the brain ever run out of memory ?,109307
0,What are some fun things to do ?,What are some fun things to do in Pune ?,336740
1,What is it like dating an Australian woman ?,What is it like to date an Australian girl ?,215786
0,What are the secrets behind the Gold Rush TV show ?,"How many camera men are killed annually filming reality TV shows like deadliest catch , ax men , gold rush , etc. . ?",221893
1,Who views Instagram ?,Can people see if you have viewed their instagram ?,153870
0,How can I convince my in-laws and husband to live separately ?,What should I do when husband doesnt want to live in separate house leaving his parents ?,191703
1,What is it like for an Indian to live and settle in Denmark ?,What is it like for an Indian to live in Denmark ?,372371
0,How do I take 360 degree photos/videos and upload them to Instagram ?,Can I use Maya to create 360 degree videos for upload to YouTube ?,7332
1,What 's the reasoning for not having released all the Star Wars films in order ?,Why are the Star wars movies in chronological order are not actually in order ?,216866
0,Are Ramdev 's Patanjali products genuine ?,As a doctor would you recommend using Patanjali products ?,123474
1,Where can I found different flavours for cupcakes at Gold Coast ?,Where can I found different cupcake flavors in Gold Coast ?,317543
0,"I want to sell sonic toothbrush subscription at 3.99 $ a month , I replace it if it breaks and supply brush heads too . Will you buy it ?",`` Is it possible for me to raise money at '' `` X '' '' valuation and then a few months later sell my shares at that same valuation ? Would the same company I raised money from be willing to buy all my shares ? '',252730
1,How can I complete my 11 syllabus in one month ?,How should I complete my CBSE class 11 syllabus in 1 month ?,178020
0,What are the main reason of using cellular system ?,"In considering adoption/use of standards in your system -LRB- s -RRB- , what criteria do you use and what are the reasons to use or not use open standards ?",197296
1,What is it like working with PM Narendra Modi ?,What is it like working with Narendra Modi in the PMO ?,135542
0,Which area in Bangalore would you advise a tourist to stay ?,As a tourist what is the best area of New York to stay in ?,348588
1,When is a proper 3DS emulator going to be launched ?,Is there a legal way to get a 3DS emulator for the PC ?,182780
0,How do you remove a color on Photoshop ?,How do you replace color on Photoshop ?,109781
1,How can I do better in school ?,What can I do to do better in school ?,262689
0,Who is the greatest mathematician of all time ?,"If you were to ask a consensus of the world 's mathematicians , who would they consider the greatest mathematicians of all time ? And why ?",42771
1,"What is a good , reliable online job that I can work on at home ?",What legit online jobs can I work from home ?,342502
0,How much does a full sleeve tattoo -LRB- from wrist to shoulder -RRB- cost ?,What is the best horror tattoo sleeve ?,401362
1,How do low-income people survive in San Francisco with its high rent ?,How do the people without high incomes live in San Francisco ?,54525
0,How do Punnett squares work ?,What is a Punnett square ?,357573
1,How does recession match with gross domestic product ?,How can recession match with the gross domestic product of an economy ?,10873
0,How can you determine the chemical formula for toothpaste ?,How do I determine the chemical formula for perfume ?,145077
1,What is the best answer when we are asked by interviewers why should we hire you ?,`` How would you answer the question '' `` Why should we hire you '' ? '',124647
0,How do I concentrate totally like genius engineers ?,What shall I concentrate on if I am a student studying IT engineering ?,41760
1,How do you open a SWF file ?,What an SWF file ? How do you open it ?,244567
0,What is the demand for Baijiu in USA ?,Why does brand loyalty decrease the demand elasticity of a product ?,169302
1,How can I develop an e-commerce website ?,How would I develop an e-commerce website ?,69180
0,Is Maya 's Blog the Zero Dark Thirty 's CIA operative 's blog ?,Zero Dark Thirty -LRB- 2012 movie -RRB- : Why was station chief Joseph Bradley betrayed by the ISI ?,139446
1,How do I stop worrying about what others think of me ?,When will I stop thinking about what other people think ?,241705
0,`` What is the reason behind '' `` Jio 's '' '' name ? '',Why north east Indian girls mostly hook up with NE indian boys ?,111244
1,What is the craziest conspiracy theory you 've heard ?,What is the craziest conspiracy theory that you have ever heard ?,13033
0,`` How is '' `` however '' '' said in French ? '',Do you know french ?,292308
1,Why does eye color change with age ?,Why does people 's eye color change with age ?,400639
0,What alcohol should I drink if I 'm drinking for the first and only time ?,"I have never had any alcoholic drinks before . I 'm going to drink for the first time . If I drink 330ml of beer of 8.8 % v/v and smoke a cigarette , will I get high ?",273748
1,How do I stop masturbation permanently ?,How can I stop masturbating forever ?,178640
0,Does gravity affect the speed of light ?,How does gravity affect light ?,82377
1,"Following script , -LRB- ɖ ∀ ཡز ∂ ɐŧ ƫҿϞɮ ☉ ɽφʉʛƕ -RRB- , look like written Greek ?","Does thee following script , -LRB- ɖ ∀ ཡز ∂ ɐŧ ƫҿϞɮ ☉ ɽφʉʛƕ -RRB- , appears like written Greek ?",117541
0,What are participatory notes ? Who issues participatory notes and what are participatory notes used for ?,Who can issue participatory notes ? What are they used for ?,206452
1,What are the craziest things you have ever done on your trips ?,What 's the craziest thing you 've ever done on vacation ?,334610
0,What are the most common job titles for programmers ?,What are the most common job titles ?,287293
1,Why do my armpits hurt ?,Why would my armpits hurt so much ?,277003
0,What is Net Speed at TMI ?,Which part of body fat is lost first in case of low food intake ?,46766
1,How do you find the standard deviation of a probability distribution ? What are some examples ?,How do you find the standard deviation of a given probability distribution ?,211747
0,"`` What is the correct email etiquette for attention ? E.g. '' `` Hi Paul '' '' vs '' `` Paul '' '' , which is the correct way ? ''","If Trump wins the nomination , what 'll be the ultimate stance of GOP leaders -LRB- e.g. , Paul Ryan , Mitch McConnell -RRB- toward Trump ?",292940
1,What are the new features of iPhone 7 ?,What are the new features included in iPhone 7 ?,57731
0,Can anyone provide a brief summary of case ` Sonia Bhatia vs State Of U.P. & Ors ' ?,What is a brief summary of the Marshall Plan ?,57476
1,Where can I get the best digital marketing course -LRB- online & offline -RRB- in India ?,Which is the best platform to learn online and get knowledge + certification for Digital Marketing or every course in general ?,356927
0,"I get everyone 's SnapChat notification but not from one person , can someone help ?","`` On snapchat , the person in my friends list moved to my added me list as '' `` re-added '' '' and I did n't get any notifications.I ca n't see snapscore eather.Why ? ''",130417
1,What country do you consider the most beautiful ? -LRB- Best-looking people -RRB-,Which country has most beautiful girls ?,378850
0,What is Mild Steel and what are the various grades of mild steel in India ?,What is mild steel ?,187202
1,What is mean by rectifier ?,What is a rectifier ?,173873
0,Where can I find interesting stories about French ?,What are some interesting stories/parables/real life experiences about fear ?,52674
1,How does one w/bad credit get a loan against a house they own to buy another property ?,How do I get a loan against owned house to buy new property ?,403742
0,"How sweet is Indian women , mother , sister , wife ?",Could the Moon have been closer to Earth ?,18431
1,Why are Indians getting influenced by the Western culture ?,Why are Indians following western culture ?,68808
0,Audiophiles : What are the best songs to test/showcase headphones ?,What are the best single songs for headphones ' unique abilities -LRB- any genre -RRB- ?,262427
1,Can anyone hack clash of Clans ?,How can I hack : clash of clans ?,108928
0,What does an investment banking associate do ?,What is an investment bank ?,336265
1,What are the most mind-blowing facts about the human brain ?,"What are some amazing , mind blowing facts about human brain ?",198474
0,Why do some men cheat on their beautiful wife or girlfriend with some ugly or less attractive woman ?,"Whom do men chose as a wife between the following : an attractive , well-settled woman or a woman who has the qualities of a better mother ?",19937
1,"What is the difference between the GRE and the GMAT ? Which one is the hardest , and which one is the best ?",What are the differences between GRE and GMAT exam ?,132061
0,"As a non-native English speaker , what was/is the most difficult thing for you to get in the English language ?",What do non-native speakers find most difficult about learning English ?,301359
1,What makes western women join ISIS in large numbers when it 's known that it treats the women badly ?,Why would any women want to join ISIS if the terrorist group is known for abusing and killing women ?,87451
0,Why did Sathya Sai Baba have millions in cash hidden in his room ?,Most of Sathya Sai Baba 's high profile devotees accepted him as God only after going through a rough patch in their personal/professional life and subsequently were rescued through his miracles . How true is this ? Are there any exceptions ?,291744
1,Why is Clinton better than Trump ?,Clinton or Trump : who is a better option for the USA ?,193391
0,What are the best ways to lose weight ?,What are the best ways to lose weight during school time ?,216595
1,How do I lose weight ?,How do I reduce my weight ?,289877
0,Why does magnesium oxide react with water ?,How does magnesium oxide react with water ?,156279
1,How long can you survive on potatoes alone ?,Can you survive by eating only potatoes - all year round ?,36042
0,Can HIV transmit through a small cut in the finger ?,Does HIV only affect humans ?,23684
1,Who is the best English romantic poet ?,Who is the best English Romantic Poet ever ?,339095
0,What are all the records broken on Twitter ?,What records have you broken ?,215316
1,What 's the meaning of life ?,What is the exact meaning of life ?,141148
0,How was baseball invented ?,Why was baseball invented ?,86794
1,Where 's the best place to buy domain names and why ?,Which one is the best domain registrar ?,229542
0,Why is that even after 4 days of drinking green tea my weight is still high . ?,Is green tea a fat burner ? Does it help with weight loss ? how much should I drink ? which time to drink ?,198541
1,What are `` terrorist launch pads '' ?,What is a terrorist launch pad ?,31531
0,What does it mean that Jack Ma bought China 's KFC ?,Does Jack Ma know how to code ?,29309
1,Which is the best institute for . NET online training ?,What is the best institute for . NET online training ?,376329
0,"Two cards were drawn , without replacement , from a pack of 52 cards . What is the probability that they are both Kings or both Queens ?",Two cards are drawn successively with a replacement from a pack of 52 cards . What is the probability of drawing two aces ?,31367
1,"Why do solids have a fixed shape , while liquids and gases can take the shape of their container ?",Why do solids have a fixed shape while liquids take on the shape of their container ?,186389
0,How can I deal with my emotionally abusive mother ?,How do I deal with an abusive mother ?,75738
1,What is a good book to understand human behavior ?,Which is the best book to understand human behavior ?,378859
0,How was Nazi Germany defeated ?,Why was nazi germany defeated ?,251646
1,What can I do after web designing ?,What should I do after web designing ?,54714
0,Can I change my delivery address after a FedEx package has been shipped ?,Can you sign up for address forwarding for FedEx or UPS when you move ?,387892
1,What does the Hare Krishna really mean ?,What does Hare Krishna mean ?,82471
0,? to be deleted,Why are Jews prohibited by rabbinic law from entering churches ? Why are Jews allowed to enter mosques ?,59381
1,Can the electoral college stop Trump from becoming president ?,"Is it possible , with some states that have restrictive laws in place , for the Electoral College to stop Mr. Trump ?",96847
0,How is life of IIT ?,How is your life at IIT ?,139778
1,What is like to be a student at Harvard university ?,How is it like being a student at Harvard ?,171100
0,"What hotel in Durpin Hills Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples , without the harassment of police , hotel staff , and moral police ?","What hotel in Umrangshu Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples , without the harassment of police , hotel staff , and moral police ?",120408
1,Why do people ask questions on Quora instead of Googling it ?,Why do so many people ask questions on Quora instead of searching the answers on Wikipedia ?,393662
0,Have you ever been fired for working too hard ?,What online platforms can I post ads for beer money opportunity ?,93864
1,Why do we keep watch television if its trying to dumb us down ?,Why do we watch television if its trying to dumb us down ?,153615
0,"How can I gain weight just on my hips , butt and thighs ?",Why do I lose weight in my butt and thighs first ?,70953
1,What does it mean to play someone ?,`` What does it mean to '' `` play '' '' someone ? '',355986
0,What is the easiest way to find the greatest common factor ?,How do you know when you have found the greatest common factor ?,217674
1,What are the best places to visit this December in India ?,What are the best places to visit in India in December ?,396504
0,"How can I keep my job , after a one year contract ?",How can you keep your job ?,131906
1,What are some CV worthy online Digital Marketing courses ?,What are the best online courses available for digital business and marketing management ?,251217
0,"How long does a routine dental checkup normally take in the U.S. , if the patient is perfectly healthy and schedules one every six months ?",Is the Dental implant surgery painful ? I am planning to get one in Sydney this month . How do I get some good doctors ?,9381
1,Is it beneficial for a CFA -LRB- Chartered Financial analyst -RRB- level 2 candidate to pursue masters in accounting ?,How beneficial is it for CFA -LRB- Chartered Financial analyst -RRB- to pursue a masters degree in accounting ?,242163
0,On a daily basis approx how many people use Zomato for restaurant search ?,Do you interact on a daily basis with people you hate ?,225597
1,What are similar sites like Quora ?,Are there any websites that has similar functions as Quora ?,240742
0,"I do n't know Hindi . So , will this be a hurdle if I want to make my career in Civil Services ?",My girlfriend is my best friend . And my parents do n't allow me to go out with her or talk to her on the phone . So I lie to them whenever I do these things . I love her company and know that she 's no hurdle in my career . Is lying to parents good or bad in this context ?,297443
1,How can I make money online in India ?,What 's the easiest way to make money online from India ?,326078
0,How can Petsmart afford to offer $ 5 rabies shots for dogs ?,"I suspected a non-bite rabies exposure holding a dying pup . Vaccination was delayed by 5 days , but have completed the 5 shot course . Am I safe now ?",322910
1,What are the basic things to keep in mind while designing a logo ?,What are the things one should keep in mind while designing a logo ?,295393
0,What does utualito/utual mean in Spanish ?,`` What does '' `` mahina '' '' mean in Spanish ? '',209781
1,How will scraping of 500 and 1000 rupees notes help in curbing corruption and black money ?,"How will demonetising 500 and 1,000 notes help reduce corruption in India ?",35675
0,How does a man know that a woman loves him ?,Can a woman love an impotent man ?,194493
1,"Is length contraction only a result related to observation , or a real contraction ?",Is length contraction real ?,103396
0,Best Things About X : What is the best thing about England ?,Best Things About X : What is the best thing about Tokyo ?,384943
1,How can I apply online for issuance of PAN card in India ?,How do I apply and receive pan card in 48 hours with new facilities ?,13651
0,How do a monotype and a monoprint differ ?,Which independent type foundries are not selling fonts through Monotype 's network ?,186039
1,What are the top places to visit in Latin America ?,What is the best place to visit in Latin America ?,20064
0,Are there any celestial bodies that do n't spin ?,How are the celestial bodies named ?,180347
1,What does someone like you have to do in your spare time ?,How do you like to spend your spare time ?,283607
0,How do you know if someone is a genius ?,How can I know whether or not I am a genius ?,403140
1,"If he texted right after our 1st date to say he had fun and I said me too , why is he playing games now and has n't contacted me 3 days since our date ?",Why has n't he contacted me at all for two days after our date where he tried to kiss me and texted that nite that he had a lot of fun ?,89542
0,What do you think every South Indian should know about a north Indian and vice versa ?,What are the things North Indians should learn from South Indians and vice versa ?,236022
1,How can I get rid of bumps on nose ?,How to get rid of nose bumps ?,401477
0,Can you explain about engineering drawing ?,Is Engineering Drawing difficult ?,191759
1,Which are the best Hollywood adventure movies ?,What are the best adventurous hollywood movies ?,379358
0,What is the price of cnc machine in india ?,why blame the mistress when it was the husband who cheated?what are your feelings on it ? Should n't both be responsible ?,61394
1,Do Americans believe owning a gun makes them safer ?,Do guns make Americans safer ?,57471
0,When will Pokémon GO release in Nepal ?,Why is Pokémon GO not released in India ?,266470
1,It always true that honesty is the best policy ?,Is honesty the best policy in today 's world ?,101963
0,What types of boys does every girl like ?,What do guys really want from a girl ?,152642
1,How can I teach English as a foreign language ?,What are the best ways to teach English to a foreigner ?,271056
0,What is hangul ?,What is the most beautiful word in the Korean language ?,9661
1,What is the best and quickest way to get rid of man boobs ?,Is there any way to get rid of gynecomastia ?,39535
0,Should I be good in chemistry to study chemical engineering ?,What subject is more important to be able to study chemical engineering ?,376528
1,"If you could have any superpower imaginable , what would it be ?","What superpower would you not want , and why ?",186563
0,How do shock sites -LRB- like goatse -RRB- affect the relative ratio of brain waves -LRB- alpha/beta/gamma / theta/delta -RRB- ?,How do lectures affect the relative ratio of brain waves -LRB- alpha/beta/gamma / theta/delta -RRB- ?,377735
1,How is to be a minority in Pakistan ?,How are minorities treated in Pakistan ?,92323
0,`` How much does '' `` The Maury Povich Show '' '' pay guests ? '',How does the Maury Povich show screen guests ?,141200
1,Where can I watch bollywood movies online ?,Which are the best sites to watch free HD Bollywood movies ?,30147
0,Where you do get your flip flops ?,What are flip flops ?,180084
1,What else can I do to get over a breakup ?,How do I get over a breakup ?,283407
0,"First time I cut was just to feel the pain , Strange because I did n't feel a thing ... Can anyone tell me it 's proper meaning please ?",Why is there so much hate towards David Cameron ?,125394
1,"What is the best way to kill yourself with minimum pain , efficient , and quickly ?",What is the best way for me to kill myself ?,30445
0,What technological advancements make it possible for Moore 's Law to accurately predict that the processing power of chips would double every 2 years ?,"In Moore 's law , computing power shall double every 18 months , and the number of transistors should double every year . What makes up for the difference ?",350531
1,Is cricket overrated in India ?,Why cricket is overrated in India ?,95250
0,What insects live in the desert ? How do they survive ?,"-LSB- math -RSB- x -LSB- / math -RSB- and -LSB- math -RSB- y -LSB- / math -RSB- are non zero integers , what is -LSB- math -RSB- x \ % -LSB- / math -RSB- of -LSB- math -RSB- y \ % -LSB- / math -RSB- of -LSB- math -RSB- 2000 -LSB- / math -RSB- ?",211605
1,What are the known causes for depression ?,What are the speculated causes for depression ?,14876
0,What comes once in a year twice in a week and never in a day ?,"It happens once in a minute , twice in a week and once in a year . What is it ?",92063
1,What was the Great Depression ?,What is the Great Depression all about ?,61240
0,`` What are some ways to develop a great '' `` behind the scenes '' '' personality ? '',What does it feel like to be an introvert ?,110419
1,What is the best experience you had in high school ?,What are the best high school experiences you have had ?,343250
0,What is the home remedy for suppressed menstruation ?,What are home remedies to cause menstruation ?,160275
1,What do you think about Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh ?,What do people in India think of the RSS -LRB- Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh -RRB- ?,314636
0,"I do n't want to see people 's display picture on WhatsApp , but I want them on my WhatsApp . Is there any way to hide people 's display picture ?",I do n't function the way people want me to . Is it my fault ?,87517
1,Do we always get what we deserve in life ?,Do we always get what we deserve ?,294380
0,What 's the general consensus on Lena Dunham amongst her fellow comedic writers ?,Which is more painful to watch : Claire Danes crying on Homeland or Lena Dunham 's gratuitous nudity in Girls ?,199530
1,How do I go to hell ?,How can I go to hell ?,67984
0,What are questions for civil engineer in an interview ?,What technical interview questions are asked for civil engineers ?,51198
1,Can I use my wife 's car to drive for Uber if the car is just in her name ?,"I want to drive for Uber but because I 've lived in the city and not needed a car , can I use my Mom 's car until I get my own ?",157428
0,How do you get a wholesale account with uniqlo ?,Where will I get wholesale shirts in India ?,53202
1,How can we write a essay ?,How do I write great essays ?,151848
0,"What is the maximum depth a human body can go to under water , beyond which the pressure would be intolerable ?",Do juices suffice the human bodies water requirement ?,166886
1,How do I start my first business ?,How do you exactly start a business ?,354031
0,What are the options of a debt-based currency like the petrodollar/FED ?,Which currency should I pay my debt with ?,18077
1,How does one start a hedge Fund ?,How can I start a hedge fund ?,392916
0,`` What are examples of repetition in Edgar Allan Poe 's '' `` The Raven '' '' ? '',What are the themes in The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe ?,299543
1,Why we believe in astrology ?,Do you believe in astrology and why ?,207124
0,What are the best casinos in the U.S. ?,What are some good casinos in Delhi ?,237094
1,Which source would be preferable for freshers to know about the job vacancies and recruitments in the startup companies ?,Which source would be preferable for freshers to know about the job vacancies and recruitments in the companies ?,70937
0,What benefits have the Jewish people gained by the long exile they 've been going through ?,What trilogy is your favorite ?,322827
1,Are the sets of numbers broadcast from private radio stations only for dark web sites use ?,Are the sets of numbers that broadcast from private radio stations numbers only are they dark web sites ?,232294
0,How to purchase Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi Cellular but budget is a constraint .,What is the method to measure resistance of stones and chips ?,216160
1,Where can I get quality and professional painting services in Paddington ?,Where can I get very professional painting services in Paddington ?,129096
0,What can I do to improve my C++ programming skills ?,How can I improve my C programming ?,58424
1,Who do you think won the first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and why ?,"In the 2016 presidential election , who won the first debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and why ?",243007
0,`` What does '' `` ex : '' '' mean ? '',What does it feel like to have an ex on Quora ?,237042
1,How do I transfer a bike to my name in Hyderabad ?,How do I transfer bike ownership from seller to me in Hyderabad ?,85345
0,What are the main reasons why students from Lee University do n't graduate on time ?,What are the main reasons why students from Roosevelt University do n't graduate on time ?,304435
1,How can I earn money from my Facebook page ?,How do I earn money with my Facebook page ?,323099
0,What is the future of Hadoop and Bigdata ?,What is the future of bigdata ?,45087
1,Is smoking weed harmful ?,Is weed harmful ?,39710
0,Top 10 Surrogacy Doctor in Delhi/NCR - Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour ?,What are the major features of microeconomics in Honduras ?,299283
1,Is interface theory of perception a satisfying theory ?,Is interface theory of perception a well tested theory ?,111153
0,"I have 74 % in my 10th standard and 69 % in 12th , suppose If I score 98 % + in CAT , will I get admission in any of the IIMs ?","I have X % in 10th , Y % in 12th and Z % in Undergrad , what should be my CAT score to make it to an IIM ?",345049
1,`` What is a good summary for the poem '' `` Fire and Ice '' '' ? '',`` What is the meaning of the poem '' `` Fire and Ice '' '' ? '',312948
0,How will you celebrate Christmas ?,What is the best way to celebrate christmas ?,140304
1,Who is going to win the 2015 IPL final and why ?,Who is going to win the IPL 2015 Cup this time and why ?,263661
0,What is the difference between love and friendship ?,"What is the difference between the feelings of affection , attraction , trust , intimacy , love , true love , lust , crush , infatuation , obsession , passion and compassion ?",232118
1,"Which is preferred , campus placement or higher studies ?",Which is better placement or higher studies ?,227945
0,How do you get ringtones for iPhone in iTunes ?,How do I get an iPhone for free ?,147434
1,Do parents whose children become terrible criminals still love their children ?,"Parents , do you really love your children ? If yes , would you still if they committed atrocious crimes ?",396656
0,What is the meaning of the name Ainsley ?,What is the meaning of name ilesh ?,40649
1,What is the meaning of living life ?,`` What is the meaning of '' `` Life '' '' ? '',251590
0,How can I hide my last seen online time in Facebook ?,How can I hack Facebook ?,323701
1,How do you patent an invention for free or cheap ?,Is there a free way to patent an idea ?,39736
0,Why is Amber Rose famous ?,Why did Amber Rose and Kanye West break up ?,207525
1,`` The Next Big Thing : What is going to be the next '' `` big thing '' '' in the next 15 to 30 years ? '',`` What is going to be the next '' `` big thing '' '' in the next 25-50 years ? '',280922
0,Why should you answer this question ?,Why ca n't I answer my question ?,320658
1,What are some of the most embarrassing situations you 've been in ?,What was most embarrassing situation you have faced ?,42260
0,Is it too late to change a high school elective ?,Is 20 years old too late to change your life completely to a highly successful life ?,161618
1,What is the procedure to register a private limited company in India ?,How do I register my company and logo in India ?,67891
0,What is lactic acid ?,How can you find the acidic properties of lactic acid ?,109930
1,Which is the best SEO Company in Delhi ?,Which is the Best SEO Company in Delhi for Digital Marketing Services ?,197187
0,What are good board games for large groups of adults ?,Why do kids care more than adults about which color or figure they have e.g. in a board game ?,89233
1,Why would Hillary Clinton start a war with Russia ?,Will Hillary Clinton make decisions that escalate into a war with Russia ?,134142
0,Is it possible to get pregnant if you touch a vagina by accident ?,Is it possible to get pregnant a day after my period ?,227631
1,Why is Achanakmar Wildlife Sanctuary so famous in Chhattisgarh ?,Why Achanakmar Wildlife Sanctuary is so famous among tourists in Chhattisgarh ?,285382
0,I 'm going into my second year of university/college . What advice would you give to someone who wants to have a more fulfilled experience ?,How do I calculate heat tranfer area in condensar ?,267459
1,Why do you waer makeup ?,Why do women wear makeup ?,85642
0,How much energy does it take to pump 2 million litres of water ?,How much water must be added to 60 litres of milk at a 1 1/2 litres for Rs .20 so as to have a mixture worth RS .10 2/3 litres ?,327189
1,I am a mechanical engineer with no knowledge of programming . What is the best way to learn Python ?,What are some of the best ways to learn python ?,32667
0,What will Clinton do if she is elected president ?,What will Trump do if elected president ?,283218
1,"How does bitcoin work , and how can I get money from it ?",How does Bitcoin work ? How does one make money from it ?,366872
0,Does GDP of 18 trillion dollars means U.S federal bank is printing that much money yearly ?,"If the U.S. were to default on it 's trillions of dollars of debt , what implications would that have for everyday citizens ? What about other nations ?",151426
1,Why some of my questions on Quora not answered by anyone yet ?,Why are my questions not answered on Quora ?,393961
0,Which is the best place to learn the guitar in Mumbai ?,Which is the best place to learn guitar in Bangalore ?,370781
1,Why does Quora always mark my answer as need for improvement ?,Why are some questions on Quora flagged as needing improvement when they do n't need improvement ?,242805
0,What is your review of Company Culture ?,How are good company cultures created ?,195062
1,How do start chatting with a girl ?,How do i start chatting with a girl ?,97395
0,Which were some major programming breakthroughs of 2016 ?,Prove it using integration - e ^ b > 1 + b + b ^ 2/2 ?,236907
1,Would an audio recording of someone admitting a crime without their consent be admissible evidence in a court of law ?,Does admission of consent recorded on video stand in a court of law ?,194068
0,What are some of the questions on Quora that made you laugh ?,What are the most annoying types of questions on Quora ?,56788
1,What are some popular method to do suicide ?,What is the easiest pain free method of committing suicide ?,12443
0,"Prove that among any K consecutive integers , there is exactly one multiple of K ?",Are most Americsns so brainwashed to not see through Hillary Clintons Corporate and media interests ?,5224