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{ | |
"items": { | |
"autumnwhirlwind": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Anemo DMG.\nUsage(s): 3\n\nAfter your Characters or Summons trigger a Swirl reaction: Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K105].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 3</color>\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>After your Characters or Summons trigger a Swirl reaction:</color> Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2105}<color=#80FFD7FF>Anemo DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 3</color>\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>After your Characters or Summons trigger a Swirl reaction:</color> Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ANEMO", | |
"id": 115052, | |
"name": "Autumn Whirlwind", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"bakekurage": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Hydro DMG, heal your active character for 1 HP.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K102], heal your active character for 1 HP.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2102}<color=#80C0FFFF>Hydro DMG</color>, heal your active character for 1 HP.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_HYDRO", | |
"id": 112051, | |
"name": "Bake-Kurage", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"baronbunny": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_SHIELD", | |
"description": "When your active character takes DMG: Decrease DMG taken by 2.\nUsage(s): 1. When the Usages are depleted, this card will not be discarded.\nAt the End Phase, if Usage(s) have been depleted: Discard this card to deal 2 Pyro DMG.", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>When your active character takes DMG: </color>Decrease DMG taken by 2.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 1</color>. When the Usages are depleted, this card will not be discarded.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>At the End Phase, if $[K3] have been depleted:</color> Discard this card to deal 2 $[K103].", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>When your active character takes DMG: </color>Decrease DMG taken by 2.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 1</color>. When the Usages are depleted, this card will not be discarded.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>At the End Phase, if <color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color> have been depleted:</color> Discard this card to deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2103}<color=#FF9999FF>Pyro DMG</color>.", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_PYRO", | |
"id": 113041, | |
"name": "Baron Bunny", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
}, | |
"burningflame": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Pyro DMG.\nUsage(s): 1 (Can stack. Max 2 stacks.)", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K103].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 1</color> (Can stack. Max 2 stacks.)", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2103}<color=#FF9999FF>Pyro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 1</color> (Can stack. Max 2 stacks.)", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_PYRO", | |
"id": 115, | |
"name": "Burning Flame", | |
"tags": [ | |
], | |
"tagstext": [ | |
"Dendro Construct" | |
], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"chainsofwardingthunder": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Electro DMG.\nUsage(s): 2\nWhen this Summon is on the field: Your opponent will have to spend 1 additional Elemental Die when performing \"Switch Character.\" (Once per Round)", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K104].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is on the field:</color> Your opponent will have to spend 1 additional Elemental Die when performing \"Switch Character.\" (Once per Round)", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2104}<color=#FFACFFFF>Electro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is on the field:</color> Your opponent will have to spend 1 additional Elemental Die when performing \"Switch Character.\" (Once per Round)", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ELECTRO", | |
"id": 124013, | |
"name": "Chains of Warding Thunder", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"clusterbloomarrow": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Dendro DMG.\nUsage(s): 1 (Can stack. Max 2 stacks.)", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K107].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 1</color> (Can stack. Max 2 stacks.)", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2107}<color=#7EC236FF>Dendro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 1</color> (Can stack. Max 2 stacks.)", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_DENDRO", | |
"id": 117022, | |
"name": "Clusterbloom Arrow", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"cryocicins": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Cryo DMG\nUsage(s): 2 (Can stack, max 3 stacks)\n\nAfter Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage performs a Normal Attack: This card gains 1 Usage(s).\nAfter your character takes Elemental Reaction DMG:This card loses 1 Usage(s).", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K101]\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color> (Can stack, max 3 stacks)\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>After $[A2101] performs a Normal Attack:</color> This card gains 1 $[K3].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>After your character takes Elemental Reaction DMG:</color>This card loses 1 $[K3].", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2101}<color=#99FFFFFF>Cryo DMG</color>\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color> (Can stack, max 3 stacks)\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>After Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage performs a Normal Attack:</color> This card gains 1 <color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>After your character takes Elemental Reaction DMG:</color>This card loses 1 <color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>.", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_CRYO", | |
"id": 121011, | |
"name": "Cryo Cicins", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"cryohilichurlshooter": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Cryo DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K101].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2101}<color=#99FFFFFF>Cryo DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_CRYO", | |
"id": 303211, | |
"name": "Cryo Hilichurl Shooter", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"cuileinanbar": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 2 Dendro DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 $[K107].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2107}<color=#7EC236FF>Dendro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_DENDRO", | |
"id": 117011, | |
"name": "Cuilein-Anbar", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"dandelionfield": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 2 Anemo DMG, heal your active character for 1 HP.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 $[K105], heal your active character for 1 HP.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2105}<color=#80FFD7FF>Anemo DMG</color>, heal your active character for 1 HP.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ANEMO", | |
"id": 115021, | |
"name": "Dandelion Field", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"darkfirefurnace": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Pyro DMG, deal 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K103], deal 1 $[K5] to all opposing characters on standby.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2103}<color=#FF9999FF>Pyro DMG</color>, deal 1 <color=#FFFFFFFF>Piercing DMG</color> to all opposing characters on standby.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_PYRO", | |
"id": 123021, | |
"name": "Darkfire Furnace", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"drunkenmist": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Cryo DMG, heal your active character for 2 HP.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K101], heal your active character for 2 HP.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2101}<color=#99FFFFFF>Cryo DMG</color>, heal your active character for 2 HP.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_CRYO", | |
"id": 111023, | |
"name": "Drunken Mist", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"electrohilichurlshooter": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Electro DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K104].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2104}<color=#FFACFFFF>Electro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ELECTRO", | |
"id": 303214, | |
"name": "Electro Hilichurl Shooter", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"eyeofstormyjudgment": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Electro DMG.\nUsage(s): 3\n\nWhen this Summon is on the field: Your characters' Elemental Bursts deal +1 DMG.", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K104].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 3</color>\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is on the field:</color> Your characters' Elemental Bursts deal +1 DMG.", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2104}<color=#FFACFFFF>Electro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 3</color>\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is on the field:</color> Your characters' Elemental Bursts deal +1 DMG.", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ELECTRO", | |
"id": 114071, | |
"name": "Eye of Stormy Judgment", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"frostflakesekinoto": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 2 Cryo DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 $[K101].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2101}<color=#99FFFFFF>Cryo DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_CRYO", | |
"id": 111051, | |
"name": "Frostflake Seki no To", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"gardenofpurity": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 2 Hydro DMG.\nUsage(s): 2\n\nWhen this Summon is on the field: Your characters' Normal Attacks deal +1 DMG.", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 $[K102].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is on the field:</color> Your characters' Normal Attacks deal +1 DMG.", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2102}<color=#80C0FFFF>Hydro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is on the field:</color> Your characters' Normal Attacks deal +1 DMG.", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_HYDRO", | |
"id": 112062, | |
"name": "Garden of Purity", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"guoba": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 2 Pyro DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 $[K103].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2103}<color=#FF9999FF>Pyro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_PYRO", | |
"id": 113021, | |
"name": "Guoba", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"healingrain": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Heal your active character for 1 HP and grant both sides' active characters Hydro Application.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "End Phase: Heal your active character for 1 HP and grant both sides' active characters $[K202].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "End Phase: Heal your active character for 1 HP and grant both sides' active characters <color=#80C0FFFF>{SPRITE_PRESET#2102}Hydro Application</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_HEAL", | |
"id": 132021, | |
"name": "Healing Rain", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"heraldoffrost": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Cryo DMG.\nUsage(s): 3\nWhen this Summon is on the field, after Qiqi uses Normal Attack: Heals your character that took the most DMG for 1 HP.", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K101].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 3</color>\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is on the field, after $[A1108] uses Normal Attack: </color>Heals your character that took the most DMG for 1 HP.", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2101}<color=#99FFFFFF>Cryo DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 3</color>\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is on the field, after Qiqi uses Normal Attack: </color>Heals your character that took the most DMG for 1 HP.", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_CRYO", | |
"id": 111081, | |
"name": "Herald of Frost", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"hilichurlberserker": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Pyro DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K103].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2103}<color=#FF9999FF>Pyro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_PYRO", | |
"id": 303213, | |
"name": "Hilichurl Berserker", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"hydrosamachurl": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Hydro DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K102].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2102}<color=#80C0FFFF>Hydro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_HYDRO", | |
"id": 303212, | |
"name": "Hydro Samachurl", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"largewindspirit": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 2 Anemo DMG.\nUsage(s): 3\n\nAfter your character or Summon triggers a Swirl reaction: Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 $[K105].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 3</color>\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>After your character or Summon triggers a Swirl reaction:</color> Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2105}<color=#80FFD7FF>Anemo DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 3</color>\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>After your character or Summon triggers a Swirl reaction:</color> Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ANEMO", | |
"id": 115011, | |
"name": "Large Wind Spirit", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"largewindspirit-01": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 2 Anemo DMG.\nUsage(s): 3\n\nAfter your Characters or Summons trigger a Swirl reaction: Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)\nWhen this Summon is in play:If this card's Elemental Type has changed, it will deal +1 DMG of that Element.", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 $[K105].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 3</color>\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>After your Characters or Summons trigger a Swirl reaction:</color> Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is in play:</color>If this card's Elemental Type has changed, it will deal +1 DMG of that Element.", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2105}<color=#80FFD7FF>Anemo DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 3</color>\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>After your Characters or Summons trigger a Swirl reaction:</color> Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is in play:</color>If this card's Elemental Type has changed, it will deal +1 DMG of that Element.", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ANEMO", | |
"id": 115012, | |
"name": "Large Wind Spirit", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"lightfallsword": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_COUNTER", | |
"description": "When Eula uses a Normal Attack or Elemental Skill, this card will accumulate 2 Zeal stacks, but Eula will not gain Energy.\nEnd Phase: Discard this card and deal 3 Physical DMG. Each Zeal stack adds 1 DMG to this damage instance.\n(Effects on this card's Usage(s) will apply to Zeal.)", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>When $[A1106] uses a Normal Attack or Elemental Skill</color>, this card will accumulate 2 Zeal stacks, but $[A1106] will not gain Energy.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Discard this card and deal 3 $[K100]. Each Zeal stack adds 1 DMG to this damage instance.\\n(Effects on this card's $[K3] will apply to <color=#FFFFFFFF>Zeal</color>.)", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>When Eula uses a Normal Attack or Elemental Skill</color>, this card will accumulate 2 Zeal stacks, but Eula will not gain Energy.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Discard this card and deal 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}<color=#FFFFFFFF>Physical DMG</color>. Each Zeal stack adds 1 DMG to this damage instance.\\n(Effects on this card's <color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color> will apply to <color=#FFFFFFFF>Zeal</color>.)", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_VOID", | |
"id": 111062, | |
"name": "Lightfall Sword", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_CLOCK" | |
}, | |
"lightningrose": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 2 Electro DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase: </color>Deal 2 $[K104].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase: </color>Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2104}<color=#FFACFFFF>Electro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ELECTRO", | |
"id": 114092, | |
"name": "Lightning Rose", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"melodyloop": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Heal all your characters for 1 HP and your active character gains Hydro Application.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Heal all your characters for 1 HP and your active character gains $[K202].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Heal all your characters for 1 HP and your active character gains <color=#80C0FFFF>{SPRITE_PRESET#2102}Hydro Application</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_HEAL", | |
"id": 112011, | |
"name": "Melody Loop", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"oceanicmimicfrog": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_SHIELD", | |
"description": "When your active character takes DMG: Decrease DMG taken by 1.\nUsage(s): 2. When the Usages are depleted, this card will not be discarded.\nAt the End Phase, if Usage(s) have been depleted: Discard this card to deal 2 Hydro DMG.", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>When your active character takes DMG: </color>Decrease DMG taken by 1.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>. When the Usages are depleted, this card will not be discarded.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>At the End Phase, if $[K3] have been depleted:</color> Discard this card to deal 2 $[K102].", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>When your active character takes DMG: </color>Decrease DMG taken by 1.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>. When the Usages are depleted, this card will not be discarded.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>At the End Phase, if <color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color> have been depleted:</color> Discard this card to deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2102}<color=#80C0FFFF>Hydro DMG</color>.", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_HYDRO", | |
"id": 122013, | |
"name": "Oceanic Mimic: Frog", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
}, | |
"oceanicmimicraptor": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Hydro DMG.\nUsage(s): 3", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K102].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 3</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2102}<color=#80C0FFFF>Hydro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 3</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_HYDRO", | |
"id": 122012, | |
"name": "Oceanic Mimic: Raptor", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"oceanicmimicsquirrel": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 2 Hydro DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 $[K102].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2102}<color=#80C0FFFF>Hydro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_HYDRO", | |
"id": 122011, | |
"name": "Oceanic Mimic: Squirrel", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"oz": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Electro DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K104].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2104}<color=#FFACFFFF>Electro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ELECTRO", | |
"id": 114011, | |
"name": "Oz", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"oz-01": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Electro DMG.\nUsage(s): 2\nAfter Fischl uses a Normal Attack: Deal 2 Electro DMG. (Consumes Usage(s))", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K104].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>\\nAfter $[A1401] uses a <color=#FFFFFFFF>Normal Attack</color>: Deal 2 $[K104]. (Consumes $[K3])", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2104}<color=#FFACFFFF>Electro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>\\nAfter Fischl uses a <color=#FFFFFFFF>Normal Attack</color>: Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2104}<color=#FFACFFFF>Electro DMG</color>. (Consumes <color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>)", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ELECTRO", | |
"id": 114012, | |
"name": "Oz", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"reflection": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_SHIELD", | |
"description": "When your active character receives DMG: Decrease DMG taken by 1.\nUsage(s): 1. When the Usage is depleted, this card will not be discarded.\nEnd Phase: Discard this card, deal 1 Hydro DMG.", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>When your active character receives DMG: </color>Decrease DMG taken by 1.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 1</color>. When the Usage is depleted, this card will not be discarded.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Discard this card, deal 1 $[K102].", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>When your active character receives DMG: </color>Decrease DMG taken by 1.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 1</color>. When the Usage is depleted, this card will not be discarded.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Discard this card, deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2102}<color=#80C0FFFF>Hydro DMG</color>.", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_HYDRO", | |
"id": 112031, | |
"name": "Reflection", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
}, | |
"sacredcryopearl": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Cryo DMG, deal 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K101], deal 1 $[K5] to all opposing characters on standby.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2101}<color=#99FFFFFF>Cryo DMG</color>, deal 1 <color=#FFFFFFFF>Piercing DMG</color> to all opposing characters on standby.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_CRYO", | |
"id": 111011, | |
"name": "Sacred Cryo Pearl", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"sesshousakura": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Electro DMG\nUsage(s): 3 (Can stack, max 6 stacks)\nWhen you declare the end of your Round: If this summon has at least 4 Usage(s) remaining, deal 1 Electro DMG. (Consumes Usage(s))", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K104]\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 3</color> (Can stack, max 6 stacks)\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When you declare the end of your Round:</color> If this summon has at least 4 $[K3] remaining, deal 1 $[K104]. (Consumes $[K3])", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2104}<color=#FFACFFFF>Electro DMG</color>\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 3</color> (Can stack, max 6 stacks)\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When you declare the end of your Round:</color> If this summon has at least 4 <color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color> remaining, deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2104}<color=#FFACFFFF>Electro DMG</color>. (Consumes <color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>)", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ELECTRO", | |
"id": 114081, | |
"name": "Sesshou Sakura", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"shadowswordgallopingfrost": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Cryo DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K101].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2101}<color=#99FFFFFF>Cryo DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_CRYO", | |
"id": 125012, | |
"name": "Shadowsword: Galloping Frost", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"shadowswordlonegale": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Anemo DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K105].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2105}<color=#80FFD7FF>Anemo DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ANEMO", | |
"id": 125011, | |
"name": "Shadowsword: Lone Gale", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"solarisotoma": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Geo DMG.\nUsage(s): 3\nWhen this Summon is on the field: Your character's Plunging Attack spends 1 less Unaligned Element. (Once per Round)", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase: </color>Deal 1 $[K106].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 3</color>\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is on the field: </color>Your character's $[K52] spends 1 less $[K309]. (Once per Round)", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase: </color>Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2106}<color=#FFE699FF>Geo DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 3</color>\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is on the field: </color>Your character's <color=#FFFFFFFF>Plunging Attack</color> spends 1 less <color=#FFFFFFFF>{SPRITE_PRESET#1109}Unaligned Element</color>. (Once per Round)", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_GEO", | |
"id": 116041, | |
"name": "Solar Isotoma", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"stonestele": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Geo DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K106].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2106}<color=#FFE699FF>Geo DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_GEO", | |
"id": 116031, | |
"name": "Stone Stele", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"stormeye": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 2 Anemo DMG. Your opponent switches to: Character Closest to Your Current Active Character.\nUsage(s): 2\n\nAfter your character or Summon triggers a Swirl reaction: Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 $[K105]. Your opponent switches to: $[K7].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>After your character or Summon triggers a Swirl reaction:</color> Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2105}<color=#80FFD7FF>Anemo DMG</color>. Your opponent switches to: <color=#FFFFFFFF>Character Closest to Your Current Active Character</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>\\n\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>After your character or Summon triggers a Swirl reaction:</color> Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ANEMO", | |
"id": 115034, | |
"name": "Stormeye", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"talismanspirit": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Cryo DMG.\nUsage(s): 2\nWhen this Summon is on the field: Opposing character(s) take +1 Cryo DMG and Physical DMG.", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K101].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is on the field:</color> Opposing character(s) take +1 $[K101] and $[K100].", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2101}<color=#99FFFFFF>Cryo DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>When this Summon is on the field:</color> Opposing character(s) take +1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2101}<color=#99FFFFFF>Cryo DMG</color> and {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}<color=#FFFFFFFF>Physical DMG</color>.", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_CRYO", | |
"id": 111073, | |
"name": "Talisman Spirit", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"tangleboltring": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 2 Electro DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 $[K104].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2104}<color=#FFACFFFF>Electro DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ELECTRO", | |
"id": 134041, | |
"name": "Tanglebolt Ring", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"tengujuuraiambush": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Electro DMG, applies Crowfeather Cover to friendly active character.\nUsage(s): 1", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K104], applies $[K1003] to friendly active character.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 1</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2104}<color=#FFACFFFF>Electro DMG</color>, applies <color=#FFFFFFFF>Crowfeather Cover</color> to friendly active character.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 1</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ELECTRO", | |
"id": 114061, | |
"name": "Tengu Juurai: Ambush", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"tengujuuraistormcluster": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 2 Electro DMG, applies Crowfeather Cover to friendly active character.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 $[K104], applies $[K1003] to friendly active character.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2104}<color=#FFACFFFF>Electro DMG</color>, applies <color=#FFFFFFFF>Crowfeather Cover</color> to friendly active character.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ELECTRO", | |
"id": 114062, | |
"name": "Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
}, | |
"ushi": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_SHIELD", | |
"description": "When your active character takes DMG: Decrease DMG taken by 1.\nUsage(s): 1. When the Usage is depleted, this card will not be discarded.\nCan be triggered once while this Summon is present: When your character takes DMG, Arataki Itto gains Superlative Superstrength.\nEnd Phase: Discard this card, deal 1 Geo DMG.", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>When your active character takes DMG: </color>Decrease DMG taken by 1.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 1</color>. When the Usage is depleted, this card will not be discarded.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>Can be triggered once while this Summon is present: </color>When your character takes DMG, $[A1605] gains $[K1007].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Discard this card, deal 1 $[K106].", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>When your active character takes DMG: </color>Decrease DMG taken by 1.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 1</color>. When the Usage is depleted, this card will not be discarded.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>Can be triggered once while this Summon is present: </color>When your character takes DMG, Arataki Itto gains <color=#FFFFFFFF>Superlative Superstrength</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Discard this card, deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2106}<color=#FFE699FF>Geo DMG</color>.", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_GEO", | |
"id": 116051, | |
"name": "Ushi", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
}, | |
"whirlwind": { | |
"cardtypetext": "Summon", | |
"countingtype": "GCG_TOKEN_LIFE", | |
"description": "End Phase: Deal 1 Anemo DMG.\nUsage(s): 2", | |
"descriptionraw": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 $[K105].\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF>$[K3]: 2</color>", | |
"descriptionreplaced": "<color=#FFFFFFFF>End Phase:</color> Deal 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2105}<color=#80FFD7FF>Anemo DMG</color>.\\n<color=#FFFFFFFF><color=#FFFFFFFF>Usage(s)</color>: 2</color>", | |
"hinttype": "GCG_HINT_ANEMO", | |
"id": 135011, | |
"name": "Whirlwind", | |
"tags": [], | |
"tagstext": [], | |
"tokentype": "GCG_TOKEN_ICON_HOURGLASS" | |
} | |
}, | |
"meta": { | |
"aliases": {}, | |
"categories": { | |
"autumnwhirlwind", | |
"dandelionfield", | |
"largewindspirit-01", | |
"largewindspirit", | |
"shadowswordlonegale", | |
"stormeye", | |
"whirlwind" | |
], | |
"GCG_HINT_CRYO": [ | |
"cryocicins", | |
"cryohilichurlshooter", | |
"drunkenmist", | |
"frostflakesekinoto", | |
"heraldoffrost", | |
"sacredcryopearl", | |
"shadowswordgallopingfrost", | |
"talismanspirit" | |
], | |
"clusterbloomarrow", | |
"cuileinanbar" | |
], | |
"chainsofwardingthunder", | |
"electrohilichurlshooter", | |
"eyeofstormyjudgment", | |
"lightningrose", | |
"oz-01", | |
"oz", | |
"sesshousakura", | |
"tangleboltring", | |
"tengujuuraiambush", | |
"tengujuuraistormcluster" | |
], | |
"GCG_HINT_GEO": [ | |
"solarisotoma", | |
"stonestele", | |
"ushi" | |
], | |
"GCG_HINT_HEAL": [ | |
"healingrain", | |
"melodyloop" | |
], | |
"bakekurage", | |
"gardenofpurity", | |
"hydrosamachurl", | |
"oceanicmimicfrog", | |
"oceanicmimicraptor", | |
"oceanicmimicsquirrel", | |
"reflection" | |
], | |
"GCG_HINT_PYRO": [ | |
"baronbunny", | |
"burningflame", | |
"darkfirefurnace", | |
"guoba", | |
"hilichurlberserker" | |
], | |
"GCG_HINT_VOID": [ | |
"lightfallsword" | |
], | |
"burningflame" | |
], | |
"lightfallsword" | |
], | |
"baronbunny", | |
"oceanicmimicfrog", | |
"reflection", | |
"ushi" | |
], | |
"lightfallsword" | |
], | |
"autumnwhirlwind", | |
"bakekurage", | |
"burningflame", | |
"chainsofwardingthunder", | |
"clusterbloomarrow", | |
"cryocicins", | |
"cryohilichurlshooter", | |
"cuileinanbar", | |
"dandelionfield", | |
"darkfirefurnace", | |
"drunkenmist", | |
"electrohilichurlshooter", | |
"eyeofstormyjudgment", | |
"frostflakesekinoto", | |
"gardenofpurity", | |
"guoba", | |
"healingrain", | |
"heraldoffrost", | |
"hilichurlberserker", | |
"hydrosamachurl", | |
"largewindspirit-01", | |
"largewindspirit", | |
"lightningrose", | |
"melodyloop", | |
"oceanicmimicraptor", | |
"oceanicmimicsquirrel", | |
"oz-01", | |
"oz", | |
"sacredcryopearl", | |
"sesshousakura", | |
"shadowswordgallopingfrost", | |
"shadowswordlonegale", | |
"solarisotoma", | |
"stonestele", | |
"stormeye", | |
"talismanspirit", | |
"tangleboltring", | |
"tengujuuraiambush", | |
"tengujuuraistormcluster", | |
"whirlwind" | |
], | |
"autumnwhirlwind", | |
"bakekurage", | |
"burningflame", | |
"chainsofwardingthunder", | |
"clusterbloomarrow", | |
"cryocicins", | |
"cryohilichurlshooter", | |
"cuileinanbar", | |
"dandelionfield", | |
"darkfirefurnace", | |
"drunkenmist", | |
"electrohilichurlshooter", | |
"eyeofstormyjudgment", | |
"frostflakesekinoto", | |
"gardenofpurity", | |
"guoba", | |
"healingrain", | |
"heraldoffrost", | |
"hilichurlberserker", | |
"hydrosamachurl", | |
"largewindspirit-01", | |
"largewindspirit", | |
"lightningrose", | |
"melodyloop", | |
"oceanicmimicraptor", | |
"oceanicmimicsquirrel", | |
"oz-01", | |
"oz", | |
"sacredcryopearl", | |
"sesshousakura", | |
"shadowswordgallopingfrost", | |
"shadowswordlonegale", | |
"solarisotoma", | |
"stonestele", | |
"stormeye", | |
"talismanspirit", | |
"tangleboltring", | |
"tengujuuraiambush", | |
"tengujuuraistormcluster", | |
"whirlwind" | |
], | |
"baronbunny", | |
"oceanicmimicfrog", | |
"reflection", | |
"ushi" | |
] | |
}, | |
"namemap": { | |
"autumnwhirlwind": "Autumn Whirlwind", | |
"bakekurage": "Bake-Kurage", | |
"baronbunny": "Baron Bunny", | |
"burningflame": "Burning Flame", | |
"chainsofwardingthunder": "Chains of Warding Thunder", | |
"clusterbloomarrow": "Clusterbloom Arrow", | |
"cryocicins": "Cryo Cicins", | |
"cryohilichurlshooter": "Cryo Hilichurl Shooter", | |
"cuileinanbar": "Cuilein-Anbar", | |
"dandelionfield": "Dandelion Field", | |
"darkfirefurnace": "Darkfire Furnace", | |
"drunkenmist": "Drunken Mist", | |
"electrohilichurlshooter": "Electro Hilichurl Shooter", | |
"eyeofstormyjudgment": "Eye of Stormy Judgment", | |
"frostflakesekinoto": "Frostflake Seki no To", | |
"gardenofpurity": "Garden of Purity", | |
"guoba": "Guoba", | |
"healingrain": "Healing Rain", | |
"heraldoffrost": "Herald of Frost", | |
"hilichurlberserker": "Hilichurl Berserker", | |
"hydrosamachurl": "Hydro Samachurl", | |
"largewindspirit": "Large Wind Spirit", | |
"largewindspirit-01": "Large Wind Spirit", | |
"lightfallsword": "Lightfall Sword", | |
"lightningrose": "Lightning Rose", | |
"melodyloop": "Melody Loop", | |
"oceanicmimicfrog": "Oceanic Mimic: Frog", | |
"oceanicmimicraptor": "Oceanic Mimic: Raptor", | |
"oceanicmimicsquirrel": "Oceanic Mimic: Squirrel", | |
"oz": "Oz", | |
"oz-01": "Oz", | |
"reflection": "Reflection", | |
"sacredcryopearl": "Sacred Cryo Pearl", | |
"sesshousakura": "Sesshou Sakura", | |
"shadowswordgallopingfrost": "Shadowsword: Galloping Frost", | |
"shadowswordlonegale": "Shadowsword: Lone Gale", | |
"solarisotoma": "Solar Isotoma", | |
"stonestele": "Stone Stele", | |
"stormeye": "Stormeye", | |
"talismanspirit": "Talisman Spirit", | |
"tangleboltring": "Tanglebolt Ring", | |
"tengujuuraiambush": "Tengu Juurai: Ambush", | |
"tengujuuraistormcluster": "Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster", | |
"ushi": "Ushi", | |
"whirlwind": "Whirlwind" | |
}, | |
"names": { | |
"Autumn Whirlwind": "autumnwhirlwind", | |
"Bake-Kurage": "bakekurage", | |
"Baron Bunny": "baronbunny", | |
"Burning Flame": "burningflame", | |
"Chains of Warding Thunder": "chainsofwardingthunder", | |
"Clusterbloom Arrow": "clusterbloomarrow", | |
"Cryo Cicins": "cryocicins", | |
"Cryo Hilichurl Shooter": "cryohilichurlshooter", | |
"Cuilein-Anbar": "cuileinanbar", | |
"Dandelion Field": "dandelionfield", | |
"Darkfire Furnace": "darkfirefurnace", | |
"Drunken Mist": "drunkenmist", | |
"Electro Hilichurl Shooter": "electrohilichurlshooter", | |
"Eye of Stormy Judgment": "eyeofstormyjudgment", | |
"Frostflake Seki no To": "frostflakesekinoto", | |
"Garden of Purity": "gardenofpurity", | |
"Guoba": "guoba", | |
"Healing Rain": "healingrain", | |
"Herald of Frost": "heraldoffrost", | |
"Hilichurl Berserker": "hilichurlberserker", | |
"Hydro Samachurl": "hydrosamachurl", | |
"Large Wind Spirit": "largewindspirit-01", | |
"Lightfall Sword": "lightfallsword", | |
"Lightning Rose": "lightningrose", | |
"Melody Loop": "melodyloop", | |
"Oceanic Mimic: Frog": "oceanicmimicfrog", | |
"Oceanic Mimic: Raptor": "oceanicmimicraptor", | |
"Oceanic Mimic: Squirrel": "oceanicmimicsquirrel", | |
"Oz": "oz-01", | |
"Reflection": "reflection", | |
"Sacred Cryo Pearl": "sacredcryopearl", | |
"Sesshou Sakura": "sesshousakura", | |
"Shadowsword: Galloping Frost": "shadowswordgallopingfrost", | |
"Shadowsword: Lone Gale": "shadowswordlonegale", | |
"Solar Isotoma": "solarisotoma", | |
"Stone Stele": "stonestele", | |
"Stormeye": "stormeye", | |
"Talisman Spirit": "talismanspirit", | |
"Tanglebolt Ring": "tangleboltring", | |
"Tengu Juurai: Ambush": "tengujuuraiambush", | |
"Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster": "tengujuuraistormcluster", | |
"Ushi": "ushi", | |
"Whirlwind": "whirlwind" | |
}, | |
"properties": { | |
"countingtype": [ | |
], | |
"hinttype": [ | |
], | |
"tags": [ | |
], | |
"tokentype": [ | |
] | |
} | |
} | |
} |