{ "Contributors": "MIMIC", "Source": "MIMIC-IV", "URL": "https://www.physionet.org/content/mimic-iv-note/2.2/", "Categories": [ "Summarization" ], "Definition": [ "Summarize the CT imaging diagnostics' detailed findings for the Brain into a concise conclusion." ], "Reasoning": [], "Input_language": [ "English" ], "Output_language": [ "English" ], "Instruction_language": [ "English" ], "Domains": [ "Medicine", "Clinical Reports", "CT", "Brain" ], "Positive Examples": [], "Negative Examples": [], "Instances": [ { "input": "There is no evidence of infarct, hemorrhage, or mass. The\nventricles, cisterns, and sulci show symmetric, age-related prominence. There\nis no fracture.", "output": "Normal for age." }, { "input": "There is no evidence of acute intracranial hemorrhage, mass, mass effect or\nlarge territorial infarction. Prominence of the ventricles and sulci is\nlikely related to age related involutional changes. Periventricular deep\nsubcortical white matter hypodensities are likely sequelae of chronic\nmicroangiopathy. The basilar cisterns are patent, and there is otherwise good\npreservation of the gray-white matter differentiation.\n\nMild mucosal sinus thickening is seen involving the ethmoid air cells. The\nremainder the visualized paranasal sinuses, mastoid air cells, and middle ear\ncavities are clear. The globes are unremarkable.\n\nCT BRAIN PERFUSION:\nCBF <30% volume: 12 cc\nTmax >6.0s volume: 12 cc\nMismatch volume: 0 cc\nMismatch ratio: 1.0", "output": "No acute intracranial abnormalities identified. Chronic microangiopathy." }, { "input": "CT HEAD WITHOUT CONTRAST:\nThere is loss of the gray-white differentiation involving the left MCA\nvascular territory distribution, consistent with acute ischemic infarction. \nThere is mild sulcal effacement in the left frontal and parietal lobes in a\nsimilar distribution, compatible with cytotoxic edema. There is no evidence\nof intracerebral hemorrhage or suspicious mass. The ventricles and sulci are\nnormal in size and configuration.\n\nThere is no acute calvarial fracture. The visualized portion of the paranasal\nsinuses, mastoid air cells,and middle ear cavities are clear. The visualized\nportion of the orbits are normal.\n\nCT PERFUSION: RAPID perfusion maps demonstrate an area of increased mean\ntransit time with corresponding decreased region through blood volume,\nindicative portion of the left MCA territory. Surrounding the score is a\nsmall number of the demonstrates preserved volume with a reduction in cerebral\nblood flow, indicating ischemic penumbra. Per the RAPID perfusion maps, there\nis an approximate the mismatch volume of 351 mL with a mismatch ratio of 8.2. \nThere is significant motion artifact, which may artificially increased the\nmean transit time.\n\nCBF <30% Volume: 49 mL\nTmax>6.0s: 400 mL\nMismatch Volume: 351 mL\nMismatch ratio: 8.2", "output": "1. There is loss of gray-white matter differentiation in the left the MCA\nvascular territory concerning for acute infarction. There is a corresponding\ninfarct core with surrounding ischemic penumbra in the left frontal and\nparietal lobe on the perfusion imaging." }, { "input": "There has been progressive decrease in size of the bifrontal\nextra-axial collections measuring 5-mm thick on the left and 4-mm thick on the\nright today compared to 8 mm on the left and 5 mm on the right on ___. \nAs before, these collections are predominantly low in density with a higher\ndensity portion peripherally. There is no evidence of new hemorrhage or mass.\nProminent cisterna magna is again incidentally noted. There is no evidence of\ninterval infarct. Osseous structures are significant only for a defect from\nthe prior burr hole decompression bilaterally.", "output": "1. Continued interval decrease in size of bifrontal extra-axial collections.\n2. Status post bilateral burr hole evacuation." }, { "input": "Study is mildly degraded by motion.\n\nCT HEAD WITHOUT CONTRAST:\nThere is no evidence of there is hypoattenuation in the right temporal and\nparietal lobes with loss of gray-white matter differentiation, sulcal\neffacement, and there is also hypoattenuation along the insula and involving\nthe right caudate nucleus. There is no hemorrhage. In addition, there is a\nlarge intermediate attenuation structure which appears to extend from the\nright ICA terminus towards the middle cerebral artery bifurcation consistent\nwith a partially calcified aneurysm, with a pipeline flow diverting or noted\nextending from the cavernous internal carotid artery through the M1 segment on\nthe right. This measures 3.9 x 2.6 cm. There are prominent calcifications of\nthe bilateral carotid siphons.\n\n No hydrocephalus. Mild prominence of the ventricle and sulci reflecting\nvolume loss is noted.\n\nThe visualized portion of the there is mild mucosal thickening in the\nmaxillary sinuses and ethmoid air cells, with sclerosis and thickening of the\nwalls of the right maxillary sinus likely reflecting the sequelae of chronic\nsinus disease. There is deformity of the right mandibular condyle likely\nreflecting old trauma. Poor dentition, with the remaining teeth showing\ndental caries. The mastoid air cells,and middle ear cavities are clear. The\nvisualized portion of the orbits are unremarkable.\n\n\nCT PERFUSION: RAPID perfusion maps demonstrate perfusion defect in the right\nmiddle cerebral artery territory with quantitative values as below:\n\nCBF<30% volume: 89 mL\nTmax>6.0s volume: 264 mL\nMismatch volume: 175 mL\nMismatch ratio: 3.0", "output": "1. Findings consistent with ischemia in the right middle cerebral artery\nterritory with perfusion defect as detailed above, mismatch volume of 175 mL. \nNo hemorrhage.\n2. There is a large approximately 3.9 cm calcified aneurysm likely arising\nfrom the right internal carotid artery terminus and projecting laterally\ntowards the middle cerebral artery, with a flow diverting stent in place. \nThis examination does not include a formal angiogram for assessment of stent\npatency or aneurysm patency.\n\nNOTIFICATION:\n The findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___, M.D.\non the telephone on ___ at 12:25 pm, 3 minutes after discovery of the\nfindings." }, { "input": "CT Head: There is no evidence of hemorrhage, mass effect, edema, or\ninfarction. The ventricles and sulci are normal in size and configuration. \nThere is age-appropriate diffuse parenchymal volume loss with commensurate\nprominence of the ventricles and sulci. There is nonspecific periventricular\nand subcortical white matter hypodensities, likely sequela of chronic small\nvessel microangiopathy.\n\nAerosolized secretions are seen in the left posterior ethmoid air cells. Mild\nmucosal thickening is noted in the right posterior ethmoid air cells. \nOtherwise, the remaining paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells are clear. \nThe orbits are unremarkable.\n\nCTA head: The major intracranial arterial vasculature is patent without\nevidence of stenosis, occlusion, or aneurysm. There is an azygos anterior\ncerebral artery, which is a normal variant. A fenestration is noted along the\nright A1 branch of the anterior cerebral artery, adjacent to confluence of the\nright and left A1 branches (series 4: Image 242). A small infundibulum is\nnoted at the origin of the left internal choroidal artery.\n\nCT Perfusion: The perfusion maps appear unremarkable. There is no evidence\nof delayed transit time, or reduced blood volume, or reduced blood flow.\n\nCTA Neck: The common carotid and vertebral arteries and their major branches\nare patent with no evidence of stenoses. There is calcified atherosclerotic\nplaque in the distal common carotid artery extending to the origins of the\nright internal and external carotid arteries. There is no evidence of right\ninternal carotid by NASCET criteria. There is calcified and noncalcified\nplaque at the origin of the left internal carotid artery with an approximately\n50% stenosis by NASCET criteria.\n\nAtherosclerotic calcifications are seen in the aortic arch, bilateral\nvertebral artery origins, bilateral carotid siphons, and carotid bifurcations.\nThere is a 3 vessel aortic arch. Tiny subcentimeter hypodensities are seen in\nthe right thyroid lobe, likely thyroid nodules. ___ College of Radiology\nguidelines do not suggest further evaluation for incidental thyroid nodules of\nthis size. Emphysematous changes are seen in the bilateral lung apices. \nRespiratory motion artifact limits evaluation for small pulmonary nodules.", "output": "1. No evidence of infarction or hemorrhage.\n2. 50% stenosis at the origin of the left internal carotid artery.\n3. The major intracranial arterial vasculature is patent without evidence of\nstenosis, occlusion, or aneurysm.\n4. The carotid and vertebral arteries and their major branches are patent\nwithout evidence of stenoses.\n5. Chronic small vessel ischemic disease and age appropriate involutional\nchanges.\n6. Emphysematous changes are incidentally seen in the bilateral lung apices." }, { "input": "CT head perfusion:\n\nRAPID analysis of perfusion images not available, as scan was performed on a\nscanner which does not contain software.\n\nOLEA analysis-these numbers are not validated and study:\nThere is decrease cerebral blood flow left MCA distribution, volume 0.6 mL.\nProlonged T-max left MCA distribution, volume 26 mm.\n\nColor maps:\nOn color maps there is no abnormality on the CBV.\nSmall area of decreased CBF left MCA distribution cortex and corona radiata M\n5 zone.\nModerate zone of prolonged T-max in the left MCA distribution, M4, M 5, M 6\nzone.\nModerate zone of prolonged T-max right MCA distribution.", "output": "1. No RAPID analysis available.\n2. Visual color maps demonstrate prolonged mean transit time bilateral MCA,\nleft greater than right. Small area of decreased cerebral blood flow left MCA\ndistribution.\n3. OLEA analysis as above, not validated in a study." } ] }