pikabu / README.md
IlyaGusev's picture
\Merge branch 'main' of https://huggingface.co/datasets/IlyaGusev/pikabu into main
    - name: id
      dtype: int64
    - name: title
      dtype: string
    - name: text_markdown
      dtype: string
    - name: timestamp
      dtype: uint64
    - name: author_id
      dtype: int64
    - name: username
      dtype: string
    - name: rating
      dtype: int64
    - name: pluses
      dtype: int64
    - name: minuses
      dtype: int64
    - name: url
      dtype: string
    - name: tags
      sequence: string
    - name: blocks
        - name: data
          dtype: string
        - name: type
          dtype: string
    - name: comments
        - name: id
          dtype: int64
        - name: timestamp
          dtype: uint64
        - name: parent_id
          dtype: int64
        - name: text_markdown
          dtype: string
        - name: text_html
          dtype: string
        - name: images
          sequence: string
        - name: rating
          dtype: int64
        - name: pluses
          dtype: int64
        - name: minuses
          dtype: int64
        - name: author_id
          dtype: int64
        - name: username
          dtype: string
    - name: train
      num_bytes: 96105803658
      num_examples: 6907622
  download_size: 20196853689
  dataset_size: 96105803658
  - text-generation
  - ru
  - 1M<n<10M

Pikabu dataset

Table of Contents


Summary: Dataset of posts and comments from pikabu.ru, a website that is Russian Reddit/9gag.

Script: convert_pikabu.py

Point of Contact: Ilya Gusev

Languages: Mostly Russian.



pip install datasets zstandard jsonlines pysimdjson

Dataset iteration:

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset('IlyaGusev/pikabu', split="train", streaming=True)
for example in dataset:

Data Instances

  "id": 69911642,
  "title": "Что можно купить в Китае за цену нового iPhone 11 Pro",
  "text_markdown": "...",
  "timestamp": 1571221527,
  "author_id": 2900955,
  "username": "chinatoday.ru",
  "rating": -4,
  "pluses": 9,
  "minuses": 13,
  "url": "...",
  "tags": ["Китай", "AliExpress", "Бизнес"],
  "blocks": {"data": ["...", "..."], "type": ["text", "text"]},
  "comments": {
    "id": [152116588, 152116426],
    "text_markdown": ["...", "..."],
    "text_html": ["...", "..."],
    "images": [[], []],
    "rating": [2, 0],
    "pluses": [2, 0],
    "minuses": [0, 0],
    "author_id": [2104711, 2900955],
    "username": ["FlyZombieFly", "chinatoday.ru"]

You can use this little helper to unflatten sequences:

def revert_flattening(records):
    fixed_records = []
    for key, values in records.items():
        if not fixed_records:
            fixed_records = [{} for _ in range(len(values))]
        for i, value in enumerate(values):
            fixed_records[i][key] = value
    return fixed_records

Source Data

  • The data source is the Pikabu website.
  • An original dump can be found here: pikastat
  • Processing script is here.

Personal and Sensitive Information

The dataset is not anonymized, so individuals' names can be found in the dataset. Information about the original authors is included in the dataset where possible.