dog: I'm a dog. I informed the first person I was of the danger. That's my job. Why are you even here? member: I don't have to answer to you, or do I? I've never quite understood the whole chain of command thing. dog: Look if you aren't here to help guard the weapons then you need to leave. The place isn't open til morning if you need something member: Where's that intruder you thought you heard? It seems like you got all scared over nothing. dog: He probably heard my barks and was scared away. You can never be too careful though. The king is very unforgiving if anything is stolen member: There's no reason we can't be friends. Don't you want a friend who works in the kitchen and has access to some delicious cow bones? dog: Cow bones? You have some? member: Of course, I made beef stew this morning. I was just going to feed them to the pigs, but if you wanted one.... dog: Yes please. What do I have to do? Summarize the dialogue
dog informed the first person he was of the danger. The place isn't open til morning if you need something. The member made beef stew this morning and was going to feed the cow bones to the pigs.
Vesna: These "debits" from the management moved my ticket for May 2nd, instead of 2nd March and now there is no return, only at my expense. It may be better maybe May, to be in Serbia. Better than March. Ost: Surely. Then it will be nice weather and we will spend nice time here and in the village. Well, it's nice to rest. Mom's with David, keeps him, while Damirs is width mom at a kindergarten workshop. I have received certificates of vaccine, for obtaining a child's supplement for David. We love you. Vesna: Super, I love you. <moa>
Vesna's tickets to Serbia were moved for 2nd May instead of 2nd March, so she will visit Ost in May. Ost's mom is taking care for David, while Damir is with his mom at a kindergarten workshop. Ost has received certificates of vaccine for obtaining a child's supplement for David.
Project Manager: we just have to see what it looks like Industrial Designer: I would like to make a decision What it costs and what kind of materials that we can choose what we want in it Project Manager: if you have some financial information that that would be nice Industrial Designer: and exactly I need it User Interface: Could you post some other essentials of what people want so that I can work with some buttons where to put it You seem to have information on that I would like to see some of it Industrial Designer: Was it not possible to send emails around the office ? Project Manager: No it was not was not allo User Interface: No it is not No Project Manager: not allowed so So that is why I am not sure that you are allowed to share documents on the on the draft I do not care I have not heard any complaints yet User Interface: Well I have your PowerPoint presentation I can get some inf information out of that Marketing: but I Here I have the the s the homepage of our internet Project Manager: they include the new one Or just for you Marketing: here is my marketing report maybe you ca you can look at that Project Manager: no I did not have that User Interface: Where would we want the teletext button ? Because we decided that it is n not that important Project Manager: All it tells just let us make make a new User Interface: Do we put it somewhere over here ? Project Manager: tick the new one other side let us increase it a little because Marketing: And wha what people want I have User Interface: Or maybe this is something for the next meeting I can draw out some ideas Project Manager: draw us up some some designs of of possible just keep in mind that the important buttons should be on top and either big so the more less important User Interface: Well we have decided more or less the basic structure I can put the other buttons in Project Manager: Just play a little with this put l shift a little up or down and we will see what looks best Industrial Designer: What what did you want to say ? Project Manager: Or just po post your designs from time to time on the product share Marketing: what I al already said is the the the remote controls are always lost but it it is also for people they want to learn it fast Project Manager: so we do not want we want very little buttons just the buttons you use a lot Marketing: It is it is easy to learn User Interface: Yes but it should cover all the functions so possibly just an idea that popped in Project Manager: what we had function that what people do so People change channels people they change the volume and they they change channel they turn TV off and on for example That is the basic fu that is what you do I am not sure who present that again but those are the basic function that people use it for so those should be very well represented User Interface: but we could go a step further because some TVs have the possibility to adjust brightness that kind of menus Project Manager: That is true but that is what we stick under the menu button Everything is you say in every TV that is configured under the menu User Interface: Yes but it Because we are making Industrial Designer: But that is the question is it ? Because it needs to be configured in the television under the menu If it is not then we can not reach it User Interface: We need to adjust to the technology Project Manager: But I think most modern TVs have it in their menu Industrial Designer: I think so too I think so too is not there a possibility to do research on that so we know that for sure ? If you rule out functions then and that gets known then people are not going to buy it Then the consumer bond or something says you can not do this and that with it That is a bad bad com commercial Project Manager: we will we will see what we can come up with Marketing: Another thing I want to say is that we are looking at the market for the age younger than forty on my report I did not ish I did not show it in my presentation they want to pay for an LCD screen and speech recognition Project Manager: The want to pay for Industrial Designer: Did they really said it like that ? Those two things Do they realise how much that costs ? Project Manager: Younger age sixteen and forty five User Interface: Oh we are not going to be able to sell it for twentyfive then with an LCD screen Project Manager: That is all here here it says Industrial Designer: No that is that is Even if i if we have this lost unit then we can not do it for that price Project Manager: age sixteen forty fi interest in main features more critical so we are not focusing on this All the interest in features not really the LC oh here Would you pay for speech recognition in a remote control ? Marketing: We can look at the possibilities for an LCD and Project Manager: just look at the possibilities then apparently it is what people want it is supposed to be a luxurious remote Marketing: How much it will cost Project Manager: maybe it is not even that expensive Or find a compromise maybe just a black and white or for some extra information on it on your programmes Industrial Designer: But I really need finance information Project Manager: Me too I mean we all do Right I think it is something we should put into consideration Apparently it is what people want so We should see if what it costs if it is possible we should do a little thing about design because it looks boring really to me Even if you put it even if you put a different cover on it it looks still looks boring Industrial Designer: And the design it should differ This is Philips huh ? Project Manager: I just drew something what which would fit into your hand easily User Interface: Something like this To make it kind of futuristic Industrial Designer: Mm Oh I realise if we make it small then it needs to be a little thicker Project Manager: I think it is a very Industrial Designer: because I need to put all the electronics in it If we make it s smaller less wide then we need to m make it a little thicker because I have to put all the electronics in it Project Manager: Mmhmm but you have to j just keep in mind it should not be too heavy I mean we can stick it in in there I think in the worst case we can even Could you give me the pen back ? So let us say that people would want an LCD thing Let us take take the basic design again what we oh crap came up with I will just make it a little bigger now So a transmitter here Anyway We could let us say we have an LCD screen people want an LCD screen So then we should probably put it here It does not have to be really big but just just have to be has to be there Think it is a good place people do not Marketing: If you are reading from top to bottom I think it is better to put it at the top Project Manager: No ? It is not that it is not the most important function it is just an extra thing it just you press the buttons on top Marketing: But i if you if you are going to put the LCD on it I think it is very important to use it Project Manager: because your finger is on top Marketing: because it is use it Project Manager: How can you use an LCD screen ? Marketing: But nee the function of it So you can use it maximum because it is a lot it costs a lot Project Manager: I I am not sure User Interface: Now it is pretty much tucked away in your hand Project Manager: if you t if you press a button you can see it ri I am not sure wha I am trying to imagine myself what it would look like Industrial Designer: M I personally would prefer it on the top Project Manager: You would prefer it n So we have three people saying it should be on top but then you would would s have to stack away your buttons somewhere else Marketing: It is expensive to build it User Interface: I am still not convinced of the Marketing: you must use the maximum of it Project Manager: Well if it if it is if it is possible wi if it is not too expensive we should include it because it is it is cool Industrial Designer: We should just try to make that if it is possible If it is possible we should really do it but we need that information Also keep in mind again the LCD screen is very flat but it needs transistors resistors I do not know what more and that needs space So I have to look if that is possible User Interface: what we have to decide now is what goes on top Do we put the volume control and the channel control here or do we put it on he Would we like to press it in the middle ? Project Manager: Or maybe we should m we could draw draw something a bit that has it on on on the bottom Marketing: In middle of it In the middle Project Manager: Maybe in a circle for example like we like in this example I think this is not good but for we could make circular buttons for example For up and down ma make it a circle on it User Interface: Yes but we do agree that we keep this at the centre because it is basically the most important function Project Manager: I think the channel button should be in the centre Marketing: It is the most import Project Manager: Channel button should be st stick together for example here in this section Because it is User Interface: Well that would make them quite small Project Manager: We are not sure about the size anyway User Interface: So maybe you would put them here Project Manager: just a general design You can make it as big as you want For example if you take User Interface: Yes but a big remote control probably not something which people would like Project Manager: let us see For example just Industrial Designer: If we have a a space issue we can also lose one battery It is rechargeable so we can stick with one instead of two Project Manager: I do not think if we if we even use an LCD screen we need to definitely Industrial Designer: That might be an option but if we need two batteries and an LCD screen that means a lot of space that we need Project Manager: but we have to see what the si what the size is Industrial Designer: But it has to be a little bit heavier Project Manager: The LCD does not have to nee does not need to be very big Industrial Designer: No but the things behind it space Marketing: It is on your computer User Interface: So would we like this or would we like the Project Manager: We either we have to decide what what people want Industrial Designer: I like this one more Project Manager: Either this one this this could be the luxurious one So we have channel buttons here I am just drawing something I think this would this would look cool You could have it for example small buttons here for some extra functions so if your basic functions here we should like we decided before programmes up and down and volume here User Interface: Let us see what we have here Marketing: Or And what about speech recognition Project Manager: Well you can just no I am not sure if we can do that but we could put a microphone in here for example Marketing: but or or an LCD or an speech I think it is LCD is better now Project Manager: Just to do research into both w what it costs and what it takes for space
Except uncertain problems such as LCD screen and speech recognition thing influenced by financial information, there would be many chances to have important buttons on top and bigger, different functional menus to adjust TV things, and very important idea of have replaceable covers, which could be designed to different colors meeting younger generation's demands.
#Person1#: How come you're still up? Shouldn't you be asleep by now? #Person2#: I've been having a hard time sleeping lately. #Person1#: As far as I know, insomnia is usually caused by stress. Are you stressed at all? #Person2#: Well, I'm really worried about my grades. I didn't think this course would be so stressful. #Person1#: You're a good student. I'm sure you can do well. What you need to do is to relax. #Person2#: You're probably right. I just wish it were that simple. How can I stop feeling so anxious all the time? #Person1#: Taking a yoga class or learning some relaxation techniques can help you cope with your stress. #Person2#: I don't really have time to learn anything new. I need to spend my time studying! #Person1#: You need to take some breaks throughout the day. Studying all day isn't very usually effective. #Person2#: You're right. I usually end up staring at my computer or checking my email instead of doing my work for class. #Person1#: How about listen to some music. I heard that listening to music can make people calm down and release their stress. At least you don't have to learn to listen. #Person2#: Really? What kind of music do you suggest? #Person1#: Maybe you should listen to light music or classical music. Just don't listen to some rock and roll. #Person2#: That's fantastic. I'm going to go try that out in my room now. good night! #Person1#: Good night, sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite!
#Person2# has insomnia because of academic stress and #Person1# suggests #Person2# relax and listen to some light or classical music to release pressure. #Person2# will try now.
grave digger: Kinda funny, ain't it--you and I being here at the same time--I'm here to put bones in the ground and here you are to dig bones up archaeologists: Aye. That is humorous. Say, you tell me if you see any odd bones while you're digging right? grave digger: Aye. I usually know where the bones are in the graveyard though, even when the markers are fallen or worn away. I'm likely only to find worms. archaeologists: Of course of course. Do you know how this tree got planted right here in the way by chance? grave digger: It's an old tree, that elm. Been here as long as I can remember. Say, I can ask the priests though next time I see them. archaeologists: Excellent. I wonder if the dragons... I mean... great beasts used it as a roost. grave digger: Are you saying there's dragons here? I don't know anything about that. Summarize the dialogue
grave digger is putting bones in the ground. Archaeologists are digging up bones. The grave digger will tell them if he finds any odd bones.
a deer: Yes I am not a fan of humans so I just run when ever I see a horse.: You don't have to worry here...they never come near this meadow or the small road. I usually never get to talk to anyone. Do you have family here? a deer: Yes but they have decided to stay home today a horse.: What is it like having a family? I was taken from mine when I was young to serve a Knight. a deer: I am so sorry it is a wonderful thing a horse.: Thank you. The Knight treats me well but my life has been hard and I have seen fighting among the humans that disgusts me. This is a special place I get to come when there is peace. a deer: Are you hungry I am a horse.: Yes, what kind of food is that? It is beautiful looking. a deer: Its a apple want to give you one a horse.: I have never seen an apple! I get a carrot sometimes. Yes please! a deer: Here you go Summarize the dialogue
a deer is not a fan of humans so he runs when ever he sees one. The horse was taken from his family when he was young to serve a knight. The knight treats the horse well but his life has been hard and he has seen fighting among the humans that
king consort: You do not seem to be a friend of the King to speak of his Queen in such a manner! visitor: Lad, I could have the King put you in the oubliette for a month on a dare. If only you knew the antics he used to get up to . . . did you know that before the Queen took her regnal name, she was called Krystal? Yes, Krystal with a K! king consort: I will go get the King for you personally, to notify him of your riotous behavior. visitor: Tell him that Ol' Jerry Hogshead is here - he'll know what it means! king consort: Goodbye to you, Mr. Hogshead. visitor: And to you Servant of my best bud! king consort: I'm the King's Consort, certainly higher than a servant! visitor: There, there lad - aren't we all servants to the King? The King of Brews as he used to be known! Summarize the dialogue
king consort will go to the oubliette for visitor.
king: That is so sad. Don't mind me, I only came in here to get the bows to teach my son how to use them. rat: As long as you don't harm me, I won't bother you! I'll even share my cheese with you if you want some! king: I do not really like cheese, but thank you. Oh, must not forget the arrows. rat: Alright then! More for me! I like eating and having conversations with friends! king: You sure are a nice rat. I don't see why so many people get scared of you. rat: Thank you! You sure are dressed funny though. You look different from the sailors around here. What do you do anyways? king: Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I am the king of this great land, and I am very kind, but firm. I will set those sailors straight so that they don't bother your kind again. Summarize the dialogue
king is in the forest to get bows and arrows to teach his son. The rat shares his cheese with him.
Don: where on earth are you all? Harry: were are at the turning to the field Don: what bloody field there is a church Harry: o dont know where that is hang on let me ask Don: oh great Harry: have you gone through the village? Don: no I dont think so Harry: right keep going you will come to the centre of the village turn up the hill on the right and carry along the top road Don: righto Harry: where are you now? Don: I turned down the hill and I'm lost Harry: bloody hell Don who is driving? Don: mary Harry: turn around and head up the hill Don: ok Harry: crikey Don you are keeping us all waiting the dawn will be breaking soon and the balloon is fired up Don: we will be there soon Harry: I see your lights Don: 2 minutes Harry: goodoh
Harry will be there in 2 minutes.
jester: Congratulations my fine visitor. You have won a prize! visitor: Oh Fool that's wonderful! What is it? jester: A free execution! visitor: Oh no! If I die my children shall surely starve! jester: Would you like me to gaze into my crystal ball and see what will happen to them? visitor: A little divination might be a comfort ... jester: Okay just don't loose your head if you don't like what I see. visitor: ... jester: Oh dear! The crystal ball says they aren't your children. Your neighbor is actually the father. visitor: Oh, well then he can pay the taxes. Perhaps death will be a mercy ... I won't have to listen to your terrible jokes any more. jester: Ha. Ha. Look and tell me what you see. visitor: Ummmm... a contact juggling ball? jester: Try harder. Summarize the dialogue
visitor has won a free execution. His children will starve if he dies. The jester will look into his crystal ball to see what will happen to them.
#Person1#: Oh! You're engaged! What a beautiful engagement ring! Who to? #Person2#: Of course Mike. Who else? We fell in love at first sight. #Person1#: When's the wedding going to be? #Person2#: We haven't decided yet. There are a lot of things to sort out, you know. #Person1#: Are you having a big wedding? #Person2#: Yes, I've always dream of having a big wedding. #Person1#: But what do you say about that? #Person2#: I don't really enjoy big occasions, but I think I'll come round to the idea in the end, It only happens once in a lifetime. #Person1#: Perhaps I'll agree with Mike. I couldn't stand a big wedding with many relatives and friends of my parents or my wife whom I'd never met before.
#Person1# sees #Person2#'s engagement ring and asks about her wedding. #Person2# will agree with Mike that not have a big wedding.
Carlos: Where did you place my lunch box? Miller: I carried it to work Carlos: Okay
Miller carried Carlos' lunch box to work.
#Person1#: There's a big problem with my room. I'm in 507. #Person2#: Would you tell me the nature of the problem, sir? #Person1#: I have cockroaches crawling in my room. #Person2#: Perhaps you saw a silverfish, sir. #Person1#: I've seen nine more cockroaches than I wanted to see. #Person2#: Sir, you haven't been drinking by any chance, have you? #Person1#: How dare you question my statement! #Person2#: Forgive me. You're 100 percent correct. Allow me to transfer you to my supervisor.
#Person1# complains that cockroaches are crawling in his room. #Person2#'ll transfer #Person1# to #Person2#'s supervisor.
#Person1#: Hey, do you know the bus company network system crashed? #Person2#: I heard about it several days ago! #Person1#: That is unbelievable! #Person3#: Daddy, can you tell me what they are talking about? #Person4#: They are talking about the network of the bus company. #Person3#: Why is their network not working? #Person4#: Because of the IC cards. #Person3#: The IC card? #Person4#: Yes, Beijing is a big city and there are about 7, 000, 000 people using IC cards on buses. #Person3#: And? #Person4#: All the people were checking the balance of their cards on the Internet at the same time, that's why the system crashed. #Person3#: Oh, that is horrible!
#Person1# tells #Person2# the bus system crashed. #Person4# explains to #Person3# that's because everyone checked the balance of their IC cards.
#Person1#: Taxi! Taxi! #Person2#: Where to, sir? #Person1#: I'd like to go to the railway station please. #Person2#: Please hop in. #Person1#: Is it a long run to the station? #Person2#: It'll take about 20 minutes. #Person1#: The streets are heavy with traffic at this time of a day, are they? #Person2#: Yes, they are. #Person1#: Is it the rush hour now? #Person2#: Yes, it is. Are you in a hurry sir? #Person1#: No, I'm not. Would you please drive slowly and carefully? #Person2#: Yes, sir.
#Person1# takes a taxi to the railway station in the rush hour.
deity: Who goes there priestess: It is I, your most devout follower. deity: What brings you priestess priestess: I came to admire your presence, my great deity. deity: Great. I appreciate that priestess: Your beauty always takes my breath away. deity: My purpose is to give out this beauty and protect them as well priestess: Please give me wisdom, goddess. How can I bring more people into the light? deity: Put this one and wave it at people priestess: Thank you for your gift. I will put it to great use. deity: Tell me, what happened in the city yesterday? priestess: There was a small riot yesterday. Food is very scarce these days, and people do not have enough to eat. deity: That is so sad. What is the case ? priestess: Just a general drought in the region, I'm afraid. It will be some time before the farmlands recover. Summarize the dialogue
deity is a goddess. She is beautiful and she protects people. She gives a gift to her most devout follower - a wand. There was a riot yesterday because people don't have enough to eat.
Linda: Omg, the sims 4 become famous is so greaaaaat Bethany: you have this?? Linda: Yes, since wed Olivia: lucky you :<< Olivia: my mum said I can get it for xmas Bethany: still better than my situation Bethany: i don't even have a pc now, brian took it to his new appartment
Linda has got The Sims 4 since Wednesday. Bethany doesn't have a PC now, because brian took it to his new apartment.
king's brother: Quite well what brings you here today princess: I came to visit the great palace throne as a reminder of the tasks before me. king's brother: well sit down and rest your feet princess: Thank you, what brings you to the throne room today? king's brother: Just thinking of things that could be done princess: Like what? Tell me about yourself and what you've been doing these past few years. king's brother: Just on ways that we can make the kingdom better, I have been out and about the kingdom to see whats needs to be fixed princess: I am tasked with similar things, such as uniting villages and protecting my people. I am the last princess of the kingdom. king's brother: yes its important that we all do our work princess: Indeed. i myself do not shirk my duties or back down from a challenge. king's brother: That is great I am glad to here that, what have you been doing for fun lately princess: Very little of anything with all the duties i have. What about you? Summarize the dialogue
king's brother and princess are discussing ways to improve the kingdom.
priest: Sure. What is it, my child? hermit: Do you have some cotton to stick in my ears, so that I may deafen the sound of the bells. They drive me mad priest: Ah... no cotton I'm afraid. Not much of that in these parts. Here, take this though, maybe it will make it more bearable... or make you care less. hermit: I will not drink much! I have another hour or two to finish here. priest: Take as much as you want. We have plenty in the barrels in the basement, and I'm feeling a little worse for wear today. hermit: Thank you father! I will drink a little now and then when I am done I will have a little more. Thank you priest: Of course, my child. Appreciate you cleaning the bells, it can't be easy work. hermit: It is not, even worse when these bells go off! There they go again. I need another drink! priest: Here, your shoes look a little worse for wear, too. Take these. I have plenty more at home. And help yourself to the wine. Summarize the dialogue
hermit is cleaning the bells and he is annoyed by the sound of the bells. The priest offers him some wine to drink to make the work more bearable.
#Person1#: London is such a historic city! There's history everywhere you look. There's nelson's column, built as a monument to one of the Britain's great admirals and his important victory. He won the battle of #Person2#: I'm looking forward to seeing Westminster abbey, where many historic figures are buried, like Isaac Newton, the great mathematician and Winston Churchill, the great wartime leader. #Person1#: Nearby, on the banks of the thames, there's the statue of Boadicea. She fought the Romans when they invaded Britain. #Person2#: Women have often played an important role in british history. Queen Elizabeth I built a navy strong enough to fight off the Spanish armada in 1588. more recently, Margaret thatcher transformed british #Person1#: She was a very controversial leader. Are we going to visit the famous tower of London later? #Person2#: There's a lot to see there. Perhaps we should go tomorrow. #Person1#: I'm looking forward to seeing the famous castle and prison. Many historic figures were imprisoned there in the past. I really want to see the crown jewels too. #Person2#: I'Ve seen them before. They're quite incredible. If you want to see historical figures in London, there's one place you have to go. #Person1#: Where's that? Oh, I know! Madame Tussaud's the waxworks museum. #Person2#: There you can see british leaders, entertainers, criminals, and royalty. #Person1#: Sometimes, it's hard to know who belongs in each section of the museum!
#Person1# and #Person2# are planning the places of interest they are going to visit in London, such as Nelson's Column, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, Madame Tussaud's Waxworks Museum, and so on. They are both looking forward to it.
#Person1#: Hey Joe, what are you doing in this department store? #Person2#: Hi, Rita, I'm just looking for a pair of shoes. I won't be here for long. #Person1#: Why not? When I go shoe shopping, I have so many options for sneakers that I spend awhile looking at all of the choices. #Person2#: That's my problem. I don't have a lot of options. #Person1#: What do you mean? This is a big store, isn't it? #Person2#: Yes, but I have unusually big feet. That wouldn't be too much of a problem except that they're also very wide, and only a few brands sell shoes that I can fit into. #Person1#: So how do you usually go about buying shoes, then? #Person2#: Well, first of all, I can only go to certain stores that can guarantee me a large selection. #Person1#: Well, you're in the right store. If they don't have it, no one will. #Person2#: After that I choose something from one of the few brands that I know will fit me. I prefer white, so I ask them to bring me a pair of white sneakers in my size. Since I ' m usually only given one or two pairs of shoes that meet my qualifications, it makes it a very easy choice.
Joe and Rita meet in the store. Joe has difficulty finding suitable shoes because of his big feet. Joe usually goes to certain stores with a large selection and chooses from the white pairs.
trader: wow! this is really strange a horse tied up in front of a shop: Yes, it is why I'm such a rare commodity here. My owner ties me up to show me off. trader: that is pure wickedness a horse tied up in front of a shop: I have never heard it put in those terms, but yes..I guess. trader: Are you here with your wares? a horse tied up in front of a shop: I'm not sure. My owner went inside with boxes of stuff. I just stay here and wait. trader: It must be really boring down here a horse tied up in front of a shop: I am a horse. I am used to this. trader: Do you get to eat enough here? a horse tied up in front of a shop: Of course. The local children bring me apples every hour! trader: what a lucky horse you are a horse tied up in front of a shop: I don't feel like you need this. Summarize the dialogue
a horse tied up in front of a shop is a rare commodity here. His owner ties him up to show him off. He gets apples from the local children every hour.
Jack: Do you have Mary's phone number by any chance? Sue: Yeah, I do. Sue: 07911 123456 Jack: thx!
Mary's telephone number is 07911 123456.
Michael: Hey did you get my text? 😂 Amy: Oh yea, I did. I don't think I will be back in Guangzhou during that time though...😞 Michael: Haha thats okay Amy: I probably just gonna stay in Van for the entire summer Michael: I hope I will get transit accommodation Amy: You mean, in Vancouver? Michael: No, in Guangzhou Amy: I thought you are stayin there for a while Michael: No, just a long layover in Guangzhou Amy: Oh I see, you should go for sightseeing there Michael: idk Im scared haha. Can't read Chinese Amy: Lol! For how long u there? Michael: One day Amy: Make sure you eat dim sum Michael: Will do! Let me know if anything changes Amy: For sure Michael: I will be in Vancouver in a month for one day if anything Amy: You can text/call me for translation when you're in China lollll I'll answer right away if I'm awake:) Michael: haha thank you!! that is so nice of you! Amy: No problem! I hope to see you soon!
Amy will probably stay in Vancouver for the entire summer. Michael is staying in Guangzhou but will be in Vancouver in a month for one day.
knight: Ah, well, um, er - i do apologize. I wasn't aware the king had sent out adventurers at the same time I've been sent to dispatch this foul beast. spelunker: You mean this lovely troll? *gags* What did he do to deserve such a treatment? knight: Well for one thing, that troll has reduced our beloved Farmer Gentry to this bit of rotting flesh. We can no longer sit idly by as our village is ravaged! Have you seen the beast? spelunker: Oh dear! I didn't know such a thing. I have not seen him, but I can certainly smell him. I wonder if he has any hidden treasures down here? knight: Well we're both here on the king's orders, perhaps I can provide you protection for a cut of the treasures. Surely the king doesn't need to know. spelunker: The king would have my head for such a thing! He mustin't ever find out! Summarize the dialogue
knight and spelunker are here to kill a troll. The troll reduced Farmer Gentry to a bit of rotting flesh. The knight offers the spelunker protection for a cut of the treasures. The spelunker refuses
bear: Now that you mention it, can you wiggle you wat through that Den? I am but too large to fit through the entrance. animal: Sure thing, bear. I'll leave this here, I can't fit it down there too. bear: Here, I do not eat plant but this might be of interest you. You need the energy to go hunting for me! animal: Oh, thankyou so much! I'll leave in here for later, when the size of my waistline doesn't matter, haha. bear: Good idea. Now be careful not to fall into the hunters' traps. It might be tempting but don't do it! animal: Okay, I'll do my best to stay strong... man, it smells good in there though... bear: Careful now, you must remain resolute or the smells will become too tempting to resist. animal: Whew, okay. Be strong, be strong. You're a big strong guy. Give me a hug for luck! Summarize the dialogue
animal will wiggle his way through the entrance of the den. Bear will leave some food for animal.
peasant: You are right. God sees me like he sees everyone else. a reluctant nun: Absolutely! I can come off as over-bearing at times, but God is my King. I can't let you stay here though. You'll get us both killed if the king finds out you're stealing. peasant: Can you give me something to eat? a reluctant nun: I intended to, as God would do the same. But the king shows no mercy for thievery. If I give it to you, well, that's a different story. Ask and you shall receive. peasant: You are so kind. Thank you a reluctant nun: You're welcome. I was reluctant at first, but my religion is everything. Come around to the side kitchen so you can receive some food left over from the dining hall. peasant: Okay, then I will be on my way. a reluctant nun: Great, I will meet you around there. I'll provide enough for you and your family. peasant: Bless you lady. Summarize the dialogue
a reluctant nun gives a peasant food from the side kitchen.
#Person1#: How many laguages can you speak? #Person2#: I can speak French and German. #Person1#: How well can you speak them? #Person2#: I can speak German quite well, but I can't speak French very well. #Person1#: Can you help me to translate these sentences into German now? #Person2#: No, but I'll be able to tomorrow.
#Person2# introduces #Person2#'s language abilities. #Person1# requests #Person2# to translate some sentences into German.
#Person1#: What in the world is that smell? #Person2#: The aroma of roasting coffee beans. #Person1#: Smells like you're baking something. What are those? #Person2#: Green beans. They pop and turn brown when you roast them. #Person1#: Cool! But isn't that a hot air popcorn popper? #Person2#: This machine roasts the beans just right. If you roast them too long, or the temperature is too hot. . . #Person1#: The beans will burn. I know. I've tasted burnt coffee before. . . yuck!
#Person2# is roasting coffee beans with a popcorn popper. #Person2# tells #Person1# this machine roasts the beans just right.
#Person1#: What's the price? I hope you'll quote us favorably. #Person2#: It's 800 US dollars per kilo CIF five percent Hamburg. #Person1#: Frankly speaking, the price you offer is too high. We can't accept it. #Person2#: Why? This is a fair market price. #Person1#: It certainly is. #Person2#: Then what leads you to think that we have to reduce our price? Please tell me candidly. #Person1#: I look at it this way, suppliers should be able to reduce their CIF price, even lower than their home price. #Person2#: We give you quotations on the same basis as we quote in the domestic market. #Person1#: That's the point. Your overhead is in your domestic price, but it can't be carried in the CIF price. #Person2#: But even with the overhead out, the export overhead must be put in. Finally, it comes to the same thing. Anyway, this is a quality item and should be sold on its value. #Person1#: I wish you could make a reconsideration. If you don't reduce your price, we won't purchase from you any more because there's plenty of other business offering here.
#Person1# thinks the price #Person2# offers is too high but #Person2# insists the item is worth it. #Person1# won't purchase from #Person2# if #Person2# doesn't reduce the price.
lord: These are not my wishes but the wishes of our gracious king. I have no choice but to enforce them. farmer: Lord I will pay what I must, but you need to try and reason with him. Already more than half of what I grow is taken for the kingdom. lord: I understand. I will speak with the king and we may be able to settle for a more manageable figure farmer: Thank you lord you are a most noble man. To stand up for poor farmers is very honorable. lord: My farmers must be in good mental health to be able to continue paying taxes. farmer: We need to be able to eat as well lord. To have the strength to tend the fields. lord: That is why I stand up for you, as you have no voice in the kingdom. farmer: I would hug you, but I know it wouldn't be proper instead I will offer you my sincerest gratitude. lord: It is fine. Summarize the dialogue
The farmer is angry because he has to pay a lot of taxes. The lord will try to talk to the king about the taxes.
lizards: You must understand- I'll only help if you agree not to eat me. person: Okay, deal. I'll start with the coconuts then, maybe you could get some down? lizards: I don't trust you, human. But I'll help. person: Great, get a couple, I'll grab us some water. lizards: Can we do anything with this? I have no idea what it is. person: Maybe an oar? Might be some marrow in there I guess.. lizards: I am going to gather some bugs for the long journey- can I collect some for you also? person: That's your thing. I won't judge but you go for it! I'll stick to the coconuts. Do you think there are enough boat parts here to salvage? lizards: I mean...I think so? I have never built a boat- have never even thought about it. You tell me, giant human. Summarize the dialogue
Lizards will help the person collect coconuts and gather bugs for the long journey.
tribesman: Sorry to hear she is sick. But as I said, I am the leader here, and I know your face. You fit the description of a thief. Are you taking these things for her? thief: no i paid for them im not just taking them tribesman: That's impossible since this is my hut, and I am the only one here and my patience is growing thin. I am a kind leader, but even good men have their limits. thief: please do not look too hard into this tribesman: I won't if you would just decide to be honest with me. There's no way you could have paid for this stuff since this is my hut. The truth get you much further than lies. Any other man would have killed you where you stood. thief: fine took it and have no wife but ill be taking this anyway tribesman: Will you? I was willing to show mercy had you been honest with me, but I'm starting to rethink that. Is it worth dying for? Summarize the dialogue
The thief is taking things from the tribesman's hut without paying for them. The tribesman is the leader of the tribe.
a rat: Hello guard, do you have any cheese? a guard: No cheese I'm afraid Sir Rat. a rat: Hmm, could you at least fill this bowl for me? a guard: Certainly, I do have plenty of gruel left. a rat: Thank you guard!! What are you guarding here? a guard: Prisoners - the other cells are full of them, but this one only has you and that ugly maggot. a rat: What did the prisoners do? a guard: Mostly revolutionaries, protesting against the King and whatnot. a rat: Hm. Can you arrest all of the cats for me? a guard: That might be a bit of a challenge, have you ever tried herding cats? a rat: No they eat me if I go near them a guard: Well, that is rather unfortunate. Maybe you could hide in this boot? a rat: Okay, I will try that. Thanks! Summarize the dialogue
a rat is in a cell with a guard. The guard has plenty of gruel left. The rat wants the guard to arrest all of the cats for him.
maid: I was just about to your Highness. With your blessing. the king: Yes, yes. Get to it then! maid: Get on with it, you heard our master. I asked you to do this before! the king: Ah, good! He has been doing nothing all this time! I'm glad someone is taking care of him! maid: The King has noticed your slacking?? You imbecile, I told you to do the bed and the bath! the king: Where did this servant come from? Who hired such a man? maid: Oh uh.... you did your highness. You said he was a beautiful young man but I think you grew tired of him and kept him around for some reason. the king: Do not tell me such lies! It was likely that idiot of a son of mine! He has no sense of who can do what job! maid: Please Lord I beg of you!! I surrender!! I swear this person was hired by someone higher to my stance I assumed it was you!! Summarize the dialogue
The maid was about to tell the servant to do the bed and the bath. The king is glad someone is taking care of him. The servant has been slacking off. The maid thinks the king hired him.
Emily: Do you have plans for the long weekend? Gavin: why? Emily: We thought it would be nice to take a boat trip in Croatia or Greece Gavin: aren't these expensive? Emily: if you have a group of 8 or 10 and you go by car it's not that bad Gavin: how much are we talkinh about? Emily: a thousand euros? something like that Gavin: per person? Gavin: how many nights? Emily: per person Emily: 7 nights Gavin: How many people declared already? Emily: 6 Emily: Sam and Anna, Meg and Bill and us Gavin: couples, couples everywhere Gavin: where do you get the yacht from Emily: Oh come on we're not that bad :) Gavin: joking :) Emily: there this website <file_other> Emily: The catamaran looks fantastic Gavin: Holy shit! That looks amazing!! :)
Emily plans a boat trip in Croatia or Greece. It will cost around 1000 euros for 7 nights per person. 6 people declared that they will go.
Samuel: hey, what's up? Wanda: Not much, actually Wanda: But I'm not complaining cause it's a nice change Wanda: Who knows how long it will last :D Wanda: What about you? Samuel: trying to adjust to my new lifestyle! changing careers wasn't an easy decision and my pay may not be too great but hey Samuel: I feel less stressed out now and it's more rewarding, so I don't really regret it Wanda: That's great to hear! I remember you were pretty worried about this Samuel: yeah, since it was a major decision and I wasn't sure if a different job would be any better but turns out it was one of the best choices in my life
Samuel is happy that he changed jobs because his life is not as stressful as it was prior to the change.
spider: Oh no, I have spoke with a few that have passed through here before. It could be the acid yard itself, it's a unique place. lord: Oh alright. Well bit of a disappointment but still amazing... Wait a minute, can you be considered a person.. .cause if that's cause you owe taxes to the King and it IS my job to collect taxes. spider: I'd say still a spider lord: Ok then. Man this yard IS a mess, bunch of crap everywhere. I wonder why we can't have this clean once and for all spider: I would appreciate if you sent someone to do so. The acid has really harmed my health. All of my children have died and I think it's because of the toxins here. lord: I will have a word with the help. I have no idea what I came here for either. But here lil fella, you can have a hug spider: Thank you so much my Lord lord: Now off my land before I have you killed. Summarize the dialogue
spider is a person and owes taxes to the King. He has children who died because of the acid in the yard. The lord will send someone to clean the yard.
person: I'm not going to eat you, don't worry. But both of us will die if we don't leave soon. turtles: Oh thank you. I wouldn't taste very good. Maybe we can use the old wooden boat parts to make a raft? person: That's a great idea. Do you know a lot about building rafts? turtles: Not much, but we must try something. There is some coconuts in the trees if you can get them open. It might give you some strength. person: Do you think these bones will make good paddles? This pelvis looks to be about the right shape. turtles: Yes, they sure will. That is a smart idea! person: Now we're getting somewhere. You start pulling apart that boat and I'll climb the tree for coconuts. turtles: Thank you for helping me. I will see what I can do with this old boat person: A turtle that can't swim but can build a raft. Now I've seen everything! Summarize the dialogue
turtles and person are stuck on a desert island. They are going to build a raft from the old wooden boat parts.
king: Thank you. I see. You will be rewarded for your hospitality, good sir. What is it that you do in the village? villager: Just harvesting crops out here, sir. Why do you ask? king: I like to know what my subjects are up to. I see some villagers are teaching children to wield swords over there. I thought you might be in the weapons trade. villager: Eh, maybe I am, but only as a side gig. king: It's important work, villager! Don't take it lightly. These children will grown up to protect my vast empire once I am old and gray. villager: I am honored, sir, that you are so grateful for grunt workers like us! king: I rose from peasantry just like you villager! My mentor was a great knight, like those men huddled about telling stories. I do not forget my humble beginnings. villager: As you shouldn't, your majesty! You are such a great man because of it! Summarize the dialogue
king is visiting a village and he is greeted by a villager. king wants to know what the villagers are doing. king thinks the villagers are teaching children to wield swords.
#Person1#: Good morning Mike! #Person2#: Morning Sally! What's up? you seem in a hurry! #Person1#: I am having an exam at nine, It's already eight thirty. #Person2#: Don't worry, I'll drive you. #Person1#: Thank you very much! #Person2#: How are your cases coming along? #Person1#: Very well, thanks, I will probably finish next week, but this is still a lot of work, I have been worked on in for six months, and i'm so closed to end. I can feel it. #Person2#: Wow, Good for you. It sounds like a lot of work. I'm proud of you! Is this the right building? #Person1#: Yes, It's only eight forty. Thanks so much! #Person2#: You're welcome. Good luck, bye! #Person1#: Have a nice day, bye!
Mike gives Sally a ride and Sally talks about her cases on the way.
witch: I am Maizy, tested, true. Devastation I bring to you. a princess: Why is that, what makes you so angry? witch: I bring ice, and freeze and still. You are pretty, I am EVIIIILLLL! a princess: ok, ok, so you are really into yourself. Now can we bring this together and help me put a spell on a frog so he can become a prince witch: ...Eye of!-what? You need to turn someone into a frog. Sounds delicious, my dear. a princess: No need to turn a frog into a prince. I'm looking for a husband witch: I only deal in ugly things, go ask the sleep fairy. a princess: where do i find the fairy witch: Give me your hat first. I like it. a princess: the hat is yours and anything else that you want. just point me in the right direction witch: I will send you there. Take care, the snow is tricky if you land wrong. Summarize the dialogue
witch is Maizy, tested, true. She brings ice, and freeze and still. She is angry and she likes herself. She will send the princess to the sleep fairy.
the king: yes what is it, why are we in sucha a horrid place the queen: Because nobody can hear us down here as I DRESS YOU DOWN for SLEEPING AROUND! the king: what are you on about fool ive done nothing wrong the queen: I have spies in every corner of the kingdom! You slept with Princess Jessica last weekend! the king: how dare you accuse me the queen: Don't you dare! the king: im putting these on you are obviously crazy the queen: Take these off me this instant! YOU are the one who should be in shackles! the king: that is it you will be punished the queen: Wait! I know of a plot against your life! Let me go, and I'll tell you! the king: no im ending this stop this madness the queen: Aha! My lockpicking skills have finally come in handy! Now I will get the high priest, the man who is plotting against you, and we will finish you together! the king: thats it im calling the guards Summarize the dialogue
the king and the queen are in a horrid place because nobody can hear them. The queen is accusing the king of sleeping around with Princess Jessica. She has spies in every corner of the kingdom. The king is putting shackles on her. The queen is
#Person1#: Your luggage is over 8 kilograms. #Person2#: Really? What can I do? #Person1#: You have to pay the excess luggage charge, please. #Person2#: OK. Can you give me a fragile label? #Person1#: Sure. Here you are. Attach the label to your luggage and put your bag here.
#Person2# pays for #Person2#'s fragile luggage.
a maid: What kind of meeting are you having at night? member: Well, it is a secret organization. I can't say more than that.. a maid: Oh okay. Well I hope your meeting goes well. member: That depends entirely on you! Will the cliff be cleaned properly by dawn? a maid: I don't clean the cliff. I work at the castle up there. <points high up> I'm just down here for the view and to get some fresh air member: I see. Well, do you know who is in charge of cleaning these cliffs? a maid: No I do not. There may not be anyone. You may have to clean it yourself. member: Well then, I will have to do it myself. I'm afraid I will require this. a maid: You could have asked you know. You are quite rude member: My organization does not mess around. a maid: I can see that. Well my break is over. I will be needing my tools back. Good day. member: My boss will hear about your rudeness, maid. Summarize the dialogue
member is having a secret meeting at night. He wants the cliff cleaned properly by dawn. The maid doesn't clean the cliff. She works at the castle up there.
#Person1#: This is awful! It's like drinking saltwater! It's like drowning in the ocean! #Person2#: Don't be so dramatic. You're such a baby. Now sit down and finish your soup. #Person1#: OK, OK. #Person2#: And when we get back from the doctor's, you'll gargle again. #Person1#: Maybe I'll run away first. #Person2#: Well, the only free food on the streets is from a soup kitchen, and their soup isn't as tasty as mine!
#Person1# doesn't like #Person2#'s salty soup but #Person2# forces #Person1# to drink.
lady in waiting: Yes, she likes to have fresh flowers in her room at all times. So, I'm out here picking more, just about every other day. unicorn groomer: Being close to the queen is an important role. Have you done it long? The queen has a temper I hear. lady in waiting: A couple of years, yes. She's like most royalty. Tell them what they want to hear, and they treat you well. unicorn groomer: Oh I'm sorry, that must be hard. I have the delight of working with some of the most pure beasts in existence. Magical and beautiful, they are a delight to work with. Which is why I'm fed up of horses. lady in waiting: Yes, I can imagine that working away from people all the time is quite refreshing. unicorn groomer: If I had such wonderful company as I do now my lady, I'd look forward to human companionship more. But most of us don't compare well to the glories of the unicorns. Summarize the dialogue
Lady in waiting is picking flowers for the queen. The queen likes to have fresh flowers in her room.
Randy: Natalie, we're dead, look what happened! Natalie: What's wrong? Randy: <file_video> Natalie: No way, how did Sally and Molly get to the parent's bedroom?!! Randy: I've no idea, someone must have left the door open Natalie: It looks really nasty! Why are all the sheets so dirty? Randy: I think they both went to play in the mud and then somehow ended up here Natalie: Jesus Christ, mum is going to be really mad! Start cleaning it Randy: I know, but it's hopeless, parents might here any minute Natalie: Just do it, I'll be back as soon as I can!
Sally and Molly possibly played in the mud and got to parent's bedroom, where they made a mess. Randy will start cleaning and Natalie will join him as soon as she can, because parents might be here any minute.
#Person1#: Excuse me, sir. May I help you? #Person2#: Yes. I have to change a room. #Person1#: What's wrong? #Person2#: Next door is so noisy. I can't sleep at all. #Person1#: OK, I am sorry for that. We will arrange another one for you.
#Person1#'ll change a room for #Person2# as #Person2# requests.
#Person1#: Did you have your television repaired? #Person2#: Yes, but not by the place you recommended #Person1#: Why not? The repair is very good and thecharges are so reasonable. #Person2#: That may be, but I couldn't find it. #Person1#: But you couldn't miss it. I told you the first right after the railroad bridge. #Person2#: I took that. I went to the end of the road. There is no such a place. #Person1#: Wait a minute. Perhaps it is the second right. Yes. I think it is. #Person2#: I should have known. Whenever someone says 'You can't miss it', you can be sure that you won't find it. #Person1#: I'm really sorry for my bad memory. #Person2#: That's OK.
#Person2# didn't have #Person2#'s television repaired at the place recommended by #Person1# as #Person1# actually offered wrong directions so #Person2# didn't find it.
Hubert: hi Gustav: hello Hubert: how are you? Gustav: busy Gustav: i have to finish my dissertation Hubert: wow Hubert: when is your deadline? Gustav: next week
Gustav is busy finishing his dissertation which is due next week.
Greg: I'm sending you the file you asked for Greg: There are lots of recipes gathered in the countries I've been to Greg: <file_other> Patrick: Thanks mate Patrick: From whom did you get all these receipes? Greg: I talked to some chefs, the rest is taken from the web
Gred sends Patrick a file with recipes that he got from the internet and chefs.
Kayla: Hey mom Kayla: Could you water my flowers please? Mom: Where are your flowers tho? Kayla: Mom in my room! Mom: Okay Mom: Only if I find them Kayla: Thanks mum! Kayla: Also give Bella something to eat xd Mom: I did Mom: Thanks for reminding me tho... Kayla: No problem Mom: Be back early dont drink or party
Kayla wants Mom to water her flowers.
ornate birds: These flowers are called piperlilies. They only grow here in this forest. Aren't the delightful? the king: They are quite delightful. I presume they give you a lot of nectar? I'd be interested in harvesting this nectar... ornate birds: They do! At their size, the produce a lot of nectar and it's delicious! the king: My word, I've tasted it. It's good to be the king! I'll have this harvested for my breakfast at once! ornate birds: Yes, it seems you certainly enjoy all the finer things in life! the king: How can I not? After all, I live my day in leisure. Though you and I aren't so different in that regard, I suppose. Summarize the dialogue
The king will have piperlilies harvested for his breakfast.
character: Do I? Hmm,well I work in the nearby mining village? What about you man: Well there is nothing much to say about myself. I am but a simple man who hunts and gathers, the same as most everyone else around these parts character: I hear that. There isnt much going on these days. The only fun I get anymore is messing with old man Roy man: It's pleasant having fun isn't it? The most fun I have is coming to the bar at night and just starting a brawl. I suppose that explains how I now have this limp leg of mine character: Well, old man Roy is over there in the corner..... man: Yes, I could have some fun with him... But I should save my energy for tonight, when the night drinkers come around character: Haha good idea! man: Say, what's your name? character: Roy Jr. man: Oh, you're Roy's boy, eh? character: Yeah hes quite the ass though Summarize the dialogue
Roy Jr. is Roy's son. He likes to fight with his father. Man is a hunter and gatherer.
#Person1#: Hi, Monica, how is everything going? #Person2#: Everything goes well, but I am thinking about quitting my current job. #Person1#: Why? You're not satisfied anymore? #Person2#: I just sense. But I cannot grow anymore. My boss is not really supporting me. I am interested in some positions in other JV companies, but I need to do some more in-step research before I send my application letters out. #Person1#: That is important. Doing research on a company you are interested in will definitely help your application. #Person2#: Certainly, it is very nice talking with you. But I really have to go now. Catch you later. #Person1#: Ok, good luck to you.
Monica is thinking about quitting her job because she cannot grow anymore, but she needs to research other companies first.
#Person1#: The air quality in this city is horrendous. The pollution levels are so high that we are not supposed to go outside with a face mask again! #Person2#: Exhaust fumes from vehicles cause a great deal of damage to the environment. #Person1#: On top of that, there are a few large chemical factories in the suburbs, which are contributing to the high pollution levels in the water and the air in this city. #Person2#: As much as I love this city,I think I'm going to find a greener city to live in. Living in a polluted city like this just can't be good for my health. #Person1#: I know what you mean. However, there are so few places left that have not been affected by global warming. If it's not the pollution, then it's the natural disasters, deforestation, or the greenhouse effect. #Person2#: What is the greenhouse effect exactly? #Person1#: It's the gradual rise in the earth's temperature. #Person2#: I see, so it's similar to global warming? #Person1#: They're related to one another, yes. #Person2#: I heard that some people in England are pleased with the fact that the climate is becoming warmer because it's making their towns a more pleasant place to live. #Person1#: People joke about the benefits of the increase in temperature,but it's not all good news. They've been experiencing a lot of deadly storms there as well. #Person2#: People always seem to make jokes as a way to deal with unfortunate situations. #Person1#: I think if everyone pitches in, the world will be a better place.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the horrendous air quality in the city. #Person1# explains the greenhouse effect to #Person2#, which is related to global warming. #Person2# heard some people are pleased with it but #Person1# tells #Person2# it's only a joke to deal with unfortunate situations.
seagull: Swims playfully person: Ah you started me lovely seagull! I thought I was alone. seagull: why are you alone? person: I went to go harvest food for the people in my village, but the sand thats white as snow caught my eyes. seagull: It is always beautiful here...and people do come here a lot to play! person: It sure is, I must bring my wife and 3 children to play sometime! seagull: I have my brothers here too...I am sure you will be welcomed. person: Oh hello there brothers! Why whose towel is this thats left all by its self? seagull: a careless lady dropped it person: Oh I wonder if she lives in my village. Were under rule by a very nice king, you know! Summarize the dialogue
seagull and person are on the beach. The person went to harvest food for the people in his village. The sand is white as snow. The person will bring his wife and 3 children to play here sometime.
fisher: M-me? I'm but a humble fisherman, Sir Knight. I know naught of battle and bloodshed. knight: then theres nothing I can do about it fisherman, I need to guard the castle front, maybe you can ask another knigh for help or wait until my shift is up fisher: Well, I must say, this is very disappointing. Is this how the king's men treat all problems to the realm? I have a family to feed! And if this nymph problem spreads, and the dryads get involved, then there will be no food for anyone! knight: It is if we want to keep our head attached to our bodies, the king can be ruthless with those who dissobey his orders fisher: My mistake, then. I mistook you for a knight, a grand champion of the people, holder of the oath of chivalry, but you're no more than a common guard. Summarize the dialogue
knight is a guard and can't help the fisherman with the nymph problem.
#Person1#: Do you like this dress, madam? #Person2#: I like the colour very much. It's a lovely dress, but it's too small for me. #Person1#: What about this one? It's a lovely dress. It's very smart. Short skirts are in fashion now. Would you like to try it? #Person2#: All right. I'm afraid this green dress is too small for me as well. It's smaller than the blue one. I don't like the colour either. It doesn't suit me at all. I think the blue dress is prettier. Co #Person1#: I'm afraid I haven't got a larger dress. This is the largest dress in the shop.
#Person2#'s looking for a dress with #Person1#'s assistance, but the dresses in the shop are all too small for #Person2#.
Jane: It was nice to work together today! Lori: Indeed Lori: It’s a pity we haven’t come across each other earlier Lori: It was really productive Jane: Would you like to join our team? Lori: That would be amazing! Jane: I’ll talk to my manager tomorrow. Jane: But I’m sure she won’t mind. Jane: We work twice as fast with you on board! Lori: I would prefer to work with you Lori: I’m a bit bored with the other team Lori: Your tasks seem more challenging Jane: Sometimes too challenging!! ;-) Lori: I’ll need to talk to my manger as well.
Jane and Lori worked effectively together. Lori wants to join Jane's team. Jane will ask her boss if it's doable. Lori will ask hers. Lori finds her current team's assignments too easy.
Olivia: Where are you? Thomas: 4th floor, behind the Christmas tree Callum: why there? Thomas: I'm charging my phone here
Thomas is charging his phone behind the Christmas tree on the 4th floor.
fish: Hey! Watch out for that fishing line! turtles: Yikes! Thanks for the warning! fish: No problem. Me and my friends are pretty good at swimming away from them] turtles: Boy, I could sure go for some tasty bugs about now.... fish: I've never tried to eat a bug before. turtles: What do you eat? fish: algae that grows on those rocks over there turtles: Yuck! That's whale food. fish: I wish I was as big as a whale! Then those human would stop tryiing to catch me turtles: Humans are SO lame. They can only stay under water for about 3 minutes fish: Ha! Three whole minutes? Thats nothing. turtles: Right? I sleep in the mud at the bottom of the pond all winter. fish: That sounds extra comfy! turtles: Oh it is! I am glad I met you Fish. Summarize the dialogue
fish and turtles are avoiding the fishing line. turtles eat algae and fish eats algae and whale food. turtles sleep in the mud at the bottom of the pond all winter.
skeletons: hi guard: Oh my God, what's in the world is this skeletons: Calm down!!! What brings you here? guard: i should be asking you that question skeletons: I want to revenge my death. guard: pardon??? Who killed you? skeletons: The king's personal guard. guard: why did he kill you? don't you think he might acting on orders from the king? skeletons: I will find out soon. guard: i'ld advice you find out first, or you might just end up killing an innocent man skeletons: Speak of this encounter to no one! guard: i swear on my mothers grave, i would'nt skeletons: great. Now run smile. You pale...like youve seen a ghost guard: probably because i actually did Summarize the dialogue
Skeletons want to avenge their death. Guard is afraid of them.
pet: Is this your tree house?? It looks beautiful!! resident: How did you get in here? I was not told there was a pet! OUT! pet: I bite your leg of if you hit me again!! resident: No need for that! You are going to cause me to lose my job if you break something. pet: Dis you decorated this place? It looks marvelous resident: I just clean. Are you their pet or did you just break in? pet: I live in the far and I sleep in the barn resident: Are you allowed in the house? I can't lose my job. pet: I am a trained pet.I am allowed everywhere1 resident: Just don't make a mess. I have enough to do as it is. pet: let me get this cloth from you.It looks nice resident: You have no manners! Do not take my things. pet: I told you not to mess with me.You deserved this resident: You pest! Get out! Get out! Summarize the dialogue
pet is in the resident's tree house. The resident doesn't like it. The pet is allowed everywhere.
#Person1#: Hello, 35. . #Person2#: Is this Ann? #Person1#: Speaking. #Person2#: Ann, this is Sam. Look, Ann. I wanna see you again. How about a drink tonight? #Person1#: I am sorry. I am very tired. I'm going to bed early. #Person2#: What about tomorrow evening? #Person1#: No, I'm sorry. I'm going to meet some friends tomorrow evening. And I'm in a hurry now. #Person2#: But Ann. .
Sam phones Ann to see her but gets refused.
resting travelers: Would I be able to rest here for a while? monk: But of course, how far have you come? resting travelers: It has been quite a long journey, my group has walked for days. monk: Have you no horses to ride? Walking for day, you need plenty of rest. resting travelers: That we do, unfortunately horses are scare where I am from. monk: Wel come, sit or lay on the floors. This is the meditation room, have you ever meditated? resting travelers: I cannot say that I have, how do you go about it? monk: See those statues over there? resting travelers: Yes, what about them? monk: Mimic their pose. Close your eyes. INHALE and EXHALE deeply resting travelers: I see, like this? monk: PERFECT. resting travelers: I do feel much better. monk: Now, you need to go get some sleep rest! Summarize the dialogue
resting travelers have walked for days and need to rest. They will meditate in the meditation room.
Leanne: are you in so I can collect mums post? Sue: yes of course I will get it ready Leanne: I will stop for a quick cuppa if you have time? Sue: yes that will be nice Leanne: I will bring us a cake Sue: even better xx
Leanne is going to visit Sue to collect mum's correspondence. Leanne and Sue will have tea together.
dragon: hello blacksmith: A dragon? What are you doing here? dragon: Am here to burn down this place blacksmith: But why? dragon: your kids stole my eggs blacksmith: I don't have any children! What are you on about? dragon: i got the information that the blacksmiths son is responsible blacksmith: There are plenty of blacksmiths! dragon: Well, you are the most famous blacksmith: Maybe so, but to make such a bold claim is foolish! dragon: How can you help me? blacksmith: I shall do no such thing without a decent argument as to why I would! dragon: then, you leave me with no option but to burn this place down Summarize the dialogue
dragon wants the blacksmith to help him find the son of the blacksmith who stole his eggs. The blacksmith refuses to help the dragon.
Kim: Should we meet at the gate? I want to look at the shops Simon: ok, no problem, I'm sitting at the gate Jackie: me too
Kim, Simon and Jackie will meet at the gate. Kim wants to look at the shops.
person: Ah, Prince! Good to see you! Have you heard any news from around the kingdom lately? Summarize the dialogue
Prince has heard some news from around the kingdom lately.
dragon: Alas! Who is that I hear? Are you an intruder, here to steal my treasure? Summarize the dialogue
Alas! Who is that I hear? Are you an intruder, here to steal my treasure?
a person: Ah, I'm sorry to hear about your sea sickness. I've heard ginger is very effective for treating it. My wife grows plenty in her garden, so I can offer as you as much as you need. sailor: Wow that would help so much! It's hard being a sea sick sailor! That's like being a blind artist! So if you could help me fix that, I'd be eternally grateful. a person: It's no problem at all. It's the least I can do after your assistance today! sailor: So nice meeting wholesome people here at the warehouse! Usually the people attending are quite sketchy and off-putting. I'm glad we crossed paths a person: It was a pleasure to meet you as well. Why don't you drop by my house afterwards to pick up the ginger and maybe have dinner with me and my wife? I've marked my address on the map you gave me earlier. Summarize the dialogue
sailor is sea sick. a person offers him ginger. sailor will come to a person's house to pick up the ginger and have dinner with him and his wife.
#Person1#: Daddy, I love this Happy Farmhouse. It's really fun. #Person2#: Great. But no talking, now. Don't forget that you are on a ladder. Take care! #Person1#: But you are holding it for me. Nothing to worry about. I trust you. Oops, what's that? #Person2#: Don't touch it with your stick. It's a bumble bees' hive. Get down the ladder. Be quick. #Person1#: What would happen if they started attacking you? #Person2#: You can get killed. No kidding. Remember, never stir up a hive. #Person1#: I see. Why do people come all the way here to pick apples by themselves and take them home? Isn't it easier for them to buy the apples in the supermarket? #Person2#: It's for fun. And also, the apples here are Green Food. #Person1#: Come on, daddy. You can see that people only pick the red ones. #Person2#: Silly boy. Green Food means the plants grown without using any chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides. #Person1#: Oh, then what would happen if there were pests? #Person2#: I heard they used ultraviolet lamp to kill pests. #Person1#: Cool! Well, let's go over there to join mom. I want to tell her all about the special pests-killing method.
#Person1# and #Person2# get away from a bumblebees' hive in Happy Farmhouse. #Person2# tells #Person1# people come to pick apples here because they are Green food and it's fun.
Steve: Did you get tickets for the foam party Max: I havent! :( Max: You think they still have them Steve: They should Steve: Im going to the AG building rn Max: kk Steve: How many do we need? Max: I think 3 Max: me you and Tyler Steve: Is Blake going? Max: I don't think so Max: Hes going to Cuba Steve: What? Steve: I didn't know that Max: They got a last minute deal I think Max: I don't know what it happened Steve: Who hes going with? Max: with his parents Steve: Lol really xd Max: yep!
Max and Steve want to go to the foam party with Tyler, so they need 3 tickets. Blake cannot join them, because he's going to Cuba with his parents.
Logan: what about the recordings tomorrow? Max: Tomorrow? I wanted to get a friend to help us with that, I'll see if he's available tomorrow. Benjamin: yeah tomorrow, i'm not here so there's no practice so you're recording Benjamin: that's what we decided last week :P Max: Yeah but I thought you'd let me know earlier about organizing it etc. Benjamin: come on XD Max: What about the drum tracks? Are you going to send me wave files? Benjamin: yeah, i'll give you wave files and guitarpro tabs Benjamin: so that you can edit it just in case Max: Ok :)
Max is doing the recordings tomorrow. Bejamin will send him wave files and guitarpro tabs.
#Person1#: I'll participate in a quiz about the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing. It will be held tonight. Will you come? #Person2#: Sure. What do you know about the Olympic Games on the past? For example, do you know where and when the first Olympic Games were held in the ancient times? #Person1#: It was held in 776 B. C. at Olympia. It also has a long history of more than 2700 years. #Person2#: Haven't the Olympics been stopped for a long time? #Person1#: Yes, there were no games in 1916, 1940 and 1944, because of World War I and World War II. #Person2#: I see. Look, do you know what that emblem means? I've seen it so many times, but I don't know what it stands for. #Person1#: Oh, it's the Beijing 2008 Olympics'Emblem. It's a Chinese seal, meaning that Chinese people warmly welcome the friends from all over the world. #Person2#: I see. I believe there will be lots of foreigners coming to Beijing to watch the Games. #Person1#: Sure.
#Person2# will participate in a quiz about the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing and invites #Person1# to come, then they talk about the Olympic Games in the past.
David: We gotta split the bills guys Monica: Sure, I'm looking at this email too David: How bout you Nina? Nina: I'm here, I'm here, 3 ways? David: I was gone for 2 weeks so maybe lets try to divide electricity different ways? Nina: Sure, any idea how to divide it? David: I'll make some excel calculations Monica: Just send it over, I'm fine with it
David, Monica and Nina will split the bills. David will divide the electricity bill differently, because he was gone for 2 weeks.
large spider: I do like it here. I don't mind the leaky roof, as it lets me get water without going outside. person: I imagine there are lots of bugs to catch in here, too. large spider: So many, and even a few small rodents, though I try to avoid them! person: I try to avoid the rodents, too! large spider: I don't like them. People say I am creepy crawly but I think it's them! person: I like you better too, Spider. Do you have a name? large spider: My name is Fiasco because I cause problems wherever I go. What is your name? person: I'm Ted. I'm the only person on the island. I sure miss my family! large spider: I'm sure you do! Can they come visit you here? person: No, they banished me. large spider: I'm so sorry! We can be friends! I will keep you company. I'm a great companion! person: Aww, thank you, Spider! You are such a good friend. Summarize the dialogue
large spider likes it here. He doesn't mind the leaky roof. He doesn't like rodents. Ted is the only person on the island. He misses his family.
fruit bat: I heard someone say that there is a whole city out there if you walk far enough. I'm sure that we can find a hotel out there. guest: I must formally introduce myself. I am Garaband, and I am on my way to a friend's village. It is not closeby so I could use the company for a bit. The others here are making me a bit uncomfortable. fruit bat: I am eager for travel partner as well. Let's shove off and see where those doors lead. guest: Sounds good. Let's go. fruit bat: How far a journey do you have? guest: I t would be another day's journey for me but well worth the effort. This friend of mine I have known for ages. He is always eager to hear about my journeys, and will not believe I befriended a Fruit Bat... that is unless you'd like to tag along on my journey. fruit bat: I would love to if I am welcome. I could use a grape before we go, though. I am feeling a little weak. Summarize the dialogue
Garaband is going to a friend's village. He will travel with fruit bat.
church mouse: What is wrong with your face? leper: I could ask the same thing furball. church mouse: Excuse me no need to be rude! leper: Thou was the rude one. I lay here dying and thou make comments about my face. Had I the energy to lift my arm my finger would wag at you. church mouse: What is it that makes you weak? leper: Aye the devil's tongue eats at me. church mouse: The devil???? leper: Who else could afflict me with such wounds? That is why I am here, begging the Lord to heal me. church mouse: Well he is asleep right now maybe next time? leper: The Lord never sleeps. His Grace watches over us always. church mouse: let us wake him then. leper: Perchance some singing would work. church mouse: let us wake him! leper: Such enthusiasm Summarize the dialogue
leper is dying and he is begging the Lord to heal him.
#Person1#: It's a lovely day out today, isn't it? #Person2#: It's beautiful. Enjoy it while it lasts. It's supposed to get cold tomorrow. #Person1#: What's the weather forecast for tomorrow? #Person2#: It's supposed to snow early tomorrow morning and then tomorrow afternoon there's a chance of freezing rain. #Person1#: That doesn't sound pretty. #Person2#: Do you have any plans for tomorrow? #Person1#: Well, I was going to drive to Birmingham to see some friends. #Person2#: You might want to change your plans. With the cold and wet weather that we're supposed to have tomorrow, the roads are going to be rather slippery. #Person1#: I suppose I should. I don't like driving in dangerous weather conditions. Do you have any plans for tomorrow? #Person2#: I just have to go to class tomorrow afternoon. #Person1#: If you're lucky, it'll get cancelled and you can have a snow day! #Person2#: If that happens, then I'll invite you over and we can drink hot cocoa and watch movies. #Person1#: That sounds like fun. #Person2#: Hey, look outside! It's started to drizzle! #Person1#: English weather is even more predictable than I had previously thought.
#Person2# tells #Person1# it's supposed to snow and rain tomorrow. If it snows heavily tomorrow, they will change their plans and drink hot cocoa and watch movies at home.
master wizard: I appreciate and will take you up on the offer good parishioner. parishioner: What brings you to this orchard of apple trees? master wizard: It is nice to just go on a stroll now and again. parishioner: It is very beautiful with the apple trees in bloom. I cannot wait for the apples to grow on the trees. This orchard feeds many in the kingdom. master wizard: I can only imagine given the large number of trees. parishioner: Are you teaching new students your wizardry? master wizard: I am afraid this power is not meant to be wielded by many. parishioner: If you were to pass on, who would carry on your work? master wizard: That would be next to impossible, I command legions of the undead. parishioner: Why are you commanding the undead? What do you do with them? master wizard: Whatever is needed more or less, it is not often required except for an invasion. parishioner: What else do you do with your power.... Summarize the dialogue
master wizard is taking a stroll in the orchard of apple trees. He will take parishioner up on the offer to eat some apples.
Henry: Hi, Jack. Got a minute? Jack: Got to finish something. Will be done in five. Henry: Please drop by my office then, will you? Jack: Certainly, boss.
Henry will drop by Jack's office in five minutes when he's finished something.
#Person1#: May I help you? #Person2#: Yes, today is my first day. Do you know where the photo copier is? #Person1#: Of course, I'll show you. My name is David. I'm the sales manager. Nice to meet you. #Person2#: Me too. I'm working in the sales office. How long have you been working here? #Person1#: About 6 years so far. #Person2#: You must like it then. #Person1#: Yes, it's a good company to work for. The staff is friendly and the benefits are great. #Person2#: What do you think about the boss? Is he really strict? I hear that sometimes he loses his temper easily. #Person1#: No, he's quite the opposite. He's easygoing. Sometimes he gets angry, but usually forgets about it later. #Person2#: Oh, I guess he is a nice person. I see the photo copier. Thanks for your help.
#Person2# asks #Person1# where the photocopier is. They introduce each other and talk about the company and the boss.
horse: I am magical! And the water is sparkling. a child lost from his mother.: Wow! Do you know where we are? horse: Yes you are at the pond! Would you like to try the magical sparkling water and see if it does anything to your voice? a child lost from his mother.: That sounds like a bad idea... But if you say so, sure. horse: Neigh, neigh, drink it! a child lost from his mother.: I can already speak fine! Maybe if the crow drinks it then it will be able to speak! horse: Nope nothing is happening. Maybe it's in this leaf. Here, eat this! a child lost from his mother.: Why are you trying to make me eat and drink things?! horse: A little experimenting never hurt anyone, did it? a child lost from his mother.: I have these fish, would you like them? Maybe you can take me to my mommy for them! I see some footprints what if we just follow those? horse: Alright let me save these for later. hop on kid! Summarize the dialogue
The horse is magical and the water is sparkling. The horse and the child are at the pond. The horse wants the child to drink the sparkling water. The horse thinks it will change the child's voice. The horse will take the child to his mother.
foreigner: I have already pulled myself out do you need help? adventurer: Yes pull on the stick I am holding onto so I may beak free. foreigner: I am holding on, pull yourself free adventurer: Many thanks stranger. Here is a gold nugget I earned from another land as my thanks. foreigner: You are kind dear sir! I am a bit slow, but I do know that this is worth something Thank you adventurer: I see you have a young one accompanying you. Is this your child? foreigner: No, not my child I thought the child was yours adventurer: Ah, the child is mute. I know some sign language. [communicates with child]..... The child says he is an orphan who is interested in adventuring foreigner: I suppose. Maybe you should find his parent. adventurer: They are dead. I will take responsibility for him and show him how to survive as an adventurer foreigner: You are most kind to everyone adventurer: Lets head to the local tavern for some nourishment Summarize the dialogue
adventurer has pulled himself out of a trap. The foreigner helped him. The foreigner has a young orphan with him. Adventurer will take care of the orphan. They will go to the local tavern for some nourishment.
Alex: a guy from our neighbourhood was killed in the attack in Kenya Cian: really? what did he do there? Alex: was a charity worker Alex: also quite high in the NGO i believe Harry: I'm sorry, it's a terrifying story Aoife: was it al-Shabab? Alex: yes, they claimed the responsibility Cian: horrible Alex: they evacuated a lot of people Alex: but this keeps happening there Cian: which is a proof that a war in one country will always spill over Harry: especially the Somalian conflict has been influencing the region for decades Alex: yes
A charity worker from the NGO was killed in the attack in Kenya. Al-Shabab is responsible for it.
#Person1#: Hey. Why did you take that money? You are such a cheater! I should send you to jail! #Person2#: I am not cheating. When you pass go, you collect $ 200, Everyone knows that! #Person1#: Well you can't just take the money. You have to ask the bank for money. And I'm the banker. #Person2#: Banker? #Person1#: Yes. . . #Person2#: Can I have my $ 200 please? #Person1#: Sure. Here you are, $ 200, Thank you, please come again! Now it's my turn to roll the dice.
#Person1# and #Person2# are playing a game. #Person1# thinks #Person2# should ask #Person1# for money instead of just taking it.
the chef: Hello, please enjoy my cooking and try not to steal anything thief: Yes sir, I won't steal a thing! the chef: im so happy to see how much change youve made in your lifestyle thief: Ha! Now I am going to steal everything! the chef: not for long, i poisoned your food thief: I didn't eat any of it yet, take this! the chef: you see this? remember drinking out of this thief: Oh no, I remember now! the chef: keep it, you can hold on to it till you die unless you want the antidote thief: If I am to die, I will die doing what I love. the chef: not on my watch thief: Oh no you don't! the chef: yoink, my food now thief: You dare take my food?! Summarize the dialogue
The chef poisoned the thief's food. The thief is going to die.
Hadwin: I found the last message we sent each other was 6 months ago😶😶 Hadwin: Are you okay? Fitch: Wow,really? I didn't know it was that long time ago Hadwin: Cause time passes so fast, I guess😒 Hadwin: Got a bf?👼👼👼 Fitch: Not yet. But I'm trying🤕 Hadwin: Let's keep in touch more often😉😉😉 Hadwin: Or we are gonna forget about each other😕😕
Hadwin and Fitch have not sent any messages to each other for 6 months. Fitch does not have a boyfriend. Hadwin wants them to get in touch more often.
Ben: She's still not here :-( Ned: Did you call her? Ben: She doesn't answer. Ned: Text? Ben: Already sent her 2. Ned: Try calling her again. Maybe sth's happened...
Ben's worried she's not here and doesn't respond to calls or texts.
Tom: where are you? Pitt: still at the supermarket, an enormous queue here Benny: But we've everything! Tom: very good
Pitt and Benny are standing in an enormous queue in the supermarket.
vulture: okay then, the mouse should still serve a purpose while we await the death of master snake: He's my own not yours! Go somewhere else you filthy beast. vulture: awwwwn, did i make you cry? i'm sorry about that, i was just stating the obvious snake: Go away! If you were nice he might feed you, but you aren't. vulture: I will for now, but i'll be back soon, my dear snake: Beware. Think I'm the only snake here vulture? My human may be dumb to be out here but he's smart to have protection. vulture: i have enough vulture friends to go round all the snakes in this desert snake: I'll hit you with my rattle until all your feathers falll you foul beast! vulture: By then i'll be almost done feeding on your intestines snake: You mean CHOKING on them. Summarize the dialogue
vulture wants snake to go away, but snake is not going anywhere. vulture will be back soon.
Garry: Last weekend I visited my hometown. Alain: Cool. How was it? Henriette: I thought you were born in London. Garry: I grew up in London Garry: But I was born in Rye, East Sussex Garry: We moved to London when I was seven Garry: And I haven't been there since then Alain: That's a long time Garry: I know Henriette: How did it feel to be back? Garry: Strange Garry: The town is really small Garry: It used to be huge for me when I was a kid
Garry visited his hometown, Rye, last weekend. It was strange because it felt bigger when he was a kid.
shop keeper: that is quite sad though being single i can understand how you feel some kind of police: You seem like a nice fellow, why are you single? shop keeper: i am swamped with my work maintianing my shop, no free time some kind of police: I understand. I am being held unwillingly to work for the queen. I am not sure if I will ever be able to see my family again. shop keeper: that is terrible, would you like to have a drink at my shop? some kind of police: You are very kind. I would love adrink! It helps ease the pain, shop keeper: it is no problem, let us go some kind of police: Ah, this is a nice shop you have here. shop keeper: thank you, its tough work opening one some kind of police: You seem to be doing a good job at it. shop keeper: thank you, well it was nice meeting you, have a good night some kind of police: You as well. Thank you for the drink. Summarize the dialogue
Some kind of police is being held unwillingly to work for the queen. He is not sure if he will ever be able to see his family again. Shop keeper is swamped with his work and has no time for family. Shop keeper invites some kind of police for a
Mary: Hi, Mum decided she doesn't want any gifts during Christmas Patrick: You mean she doesn't want go get any? Mary: No, basically she's introducing "no Christmas gifts policy" Julia: It's a bit much, don't you think? What about children? Mary: She wasn't that specific, she just said "no gifts, no gifts!" Susan: What go into her? Do you know what this is all about? Mary: God knows Patrick: I think may agree not to buy gifts for each other, but the kids will be devastated Julia: Of course, I'm not ruining my children's Christmas because of one of her whims
Mum proposed no Christmas gifts policy, as Mary reports. Julia, Patrick and Susan don't agree, because it would be too sad for the children.
local bazaar: Those who you seek, are also seeking you. The merchants of fabrics and garments are at the north end. I traveler: okay, thank you for letting me know. Do you know what hours are when more people visit the place? local bazaar: I have the most customers very early in the morning. Between 5am and 10am. traveler: wow that is very early. I am also interested in buying some spices. Can you tell me what spices are people use the most here??? local bazaar: Of course. The most popular here are Cumin, Coriander, Black mustard, Cayenne, and Turmeric. traveler: Thank you. I will be buying those too. I wanna come tomorrow very early and be here all day. How many washrooms are in this Bazaar? local bazaar: I have ten at my center, plus two at each of my four entrances. So eighteen in total. traveler: amazing! thank you for that. How much do you charge for all day parking? Summarize the dialogue
local bazaar has 18 washrooms in his bazaar. The most popular spices are Cumin, Coriander, Black mustard, Cayenne, and Turmeric. The most customers visit the place between 5am and 10am.
king: Hello chef, whip up dinner please. chef: Yes, your majesty, we have the freshest fowl and meats, would you like to select your own beast, or shall I have the pleasure? king: Surprise me, I will wait. chef: Yes, well we must slaughter the beast first. So it will take a bit. Pheasant then? king: Yes that sounds fine. chef: Excellent choice. I have a new sauce recipe from Bredwell across the sea. Would you like to try it? king: Ah sounds wonderful good chef. chef: Very well. And you beverage this evening? king: Wine, red to specify. chef: Yes, I believe we have your favorite. Now back to the meat, if I recall you prefer roasted. Correct? king: Thank you I will sit here for now, and yes roasted. chef: Very good, excuse me while I go tell Bernard to break up that fight across the room. king: No problem. Summarize the dialogue
king wants chef to whip up pheasant for dinner. chef will prepare it roasted.
hunter: Good then we shall hunt. Do not pick the mushrooms, they are not edible. guest: Oh. Thank you for the warning. Do you have a certain creature in mind for today's hunting? hunter: There are deer and wild pig that run through these woods and forests. Just tread lightly. guest: I will do the best I can. Do the deer startle easily? hunter: My guess is that you don't hunt much. Just keep low and stay behind me and my sons. We will take the front and hunt. guest: Ah, no. I'm afraid I don't. I work with cloths and fabrics by trade. Here, take this. hunter: hahaha, I don't need your handkerchief. Put it around your face so as not to breathe too much. guest: Very well. I never would have thought to use it as a mask. hunter: Use it how you wish, put it in your mouth as a gag. We are hunting, please be quiet. Summarize the dialogue
guest will hunt with the hunter and his sons.