# Developed by Omar - https://github.com/omar92 # https://civitai.com/user/omar92 # discord: Omar92#3374 # This node provides an alterntive scaling node buy multiplying previous width and height by a factor import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "comfy")) import comfy.samplers import comfy.sd import comfy.utils import model_management def before_node_execution(): model_management.throw_exception_if_processing_interrupted() def interrupt_processing(value=True): model_management.interrupt_current_processing(value) class LatentUpscaleMultiply: upscale_methods = ["nearest-exact", "bilinear", "area"] crop_methods = ["disabled", "center"] @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "samples": ("LATENT",), "upscale_method": (s.upscale_methods,), "WidthMul": ( "FLOAT", {"default": 1.25, "min": 0.0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}, ), "HeightMul": ( "FLOAT", {"default": 1.25, "min": 0.0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1}, ), "crop": (s.crop_methods,), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("LATENT",) FUNCTION = "upscale" CATEGORY = "O/latent" def upscale(self, samples, upscale_method, WidthMul, HeightMul, crop): s = samples.copy() x = samples["samples"].shape[3] y = samples["samples"].shape[2] new_x = int(x * WidthMul) new_y = int(y * HeightMul) print("upscale from ("+ str(x * 8)+ ","+ str(y * 8)+ ") to ("+ str(new_x * 8)+ ","+ str(new_y * 8)+ ")") def enforce_mul_of_64(d): leftover = d % 8 if leftover != 0: d += 8 - leftover return d s["samples"] = comfy.utils.common_upscale( samples["samples"], enforce_mul_of_64(new_x), enforce_mul_of_64(new_y), upscale_method, crop ) return (s,) NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS = {"LatentUpscaleMultiply": LatentUpscaleMultiply}