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  {"role": "system", "content": "As a reading comprehension expert, you will receive context, question and four answer options. Please understand the given Context first and then output the label of the correct option as the answer to the question based on the Context"},
                    {"role": "user", "content": "{'context': {\"Good Old War and person L : I saw both of these bands Wednesday night , and they both blew me away . seriously . Good Old War is acoustic and makes me smile . I really can not help but be happy when I listen to them ; I think it 's the fact that they seemed so happy themselves when they played .\"}, 'question': {'In the future , will this person go to see other bands play ?'}, 'answer0': {'None of the above choices .'}, 'answer1': {'This person likes music and likes to see the show , they will see other bands play .'}, 'answer2': {'This person only likes Good Old War and Person L , no other bands .'}, 'answer3': {'Other Bands is not on tour and this person can not see them .'}}"},
                    {"role": "assistant", "content": "1"},
                    {"role": "user", "content": "{'context': {""A hot girl appears who flirts with me to convince me to help her dig the deeper well ( Whoa ... even my dreams reference Buffy . Whedon is my God ) . I ' m in a narrow tunnel helping to pull a horse attached to a plow of some sort , while the brother of the hot chick is riding on the back of the plow . By the time we 're done I can tell it 's becoming night , though oddly when I get out of the tunnel it 's still light outside .""}, 'question': {'Why do even my dreams reference Buffy ?'}, 'answer0': {""I like Joss Whedon 's work a little bit .""}, 'answer1': {'I think Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an alright TV show .'}, 'answer2': {'I love the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer .'}, 'answer3': {'None of the above choices .'}}"},
                    {"role": "assistant", "content": "2"},
                    {"role": "user", "content": "{'context': {""A while later I tried the car again and lo and behold it does n't start at all , so a tow truck was called , and I chatted with Ellen ( who was n't in class after all ) while I waited . My dad came and got me from the body shop . The End . ( Where the hell did my freaking cow go ?""}, 'question': {""What is n't working properly ?""}, 'answer0': {'None of the above choices .'}, 'answer1': {'The cow'}, 'answer2': {'The tow truck'}, 'answer3': {'The body shop'}}"},
                    {"role": "assistant", "content": "0"},
                    {"role": "user", "content": str({'context':{context},'question':{question},"answer0":{answer0},"answer1":{answer1},"answer2":{answer2},"answer3":{answer3}})}