commited on
Browse files
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ language:
15 |
16 |
17 |
├── 360Motion-Dataset Video Number Cam-Obj Distance (m)
18 |
├── 480_720
19 |
├── Desert (desert) 18,000 [3.06, 13.39]
20 |
├── location_data.json
21 |
├── HDRI
@@ -34,22 +34,21 @@ language:
34 |
35 |
| Argument | Description |Argument | Description |
36 |
37 |
| **Video Resolution** | 480×720
38 |
| **UE Scenes** | 6 (1 desert+5 HDRIs) | **Video Samples** | 36,000 |
39 |
| **Hemi12_transforms.json** | 12 surrounding cameras | **CharacterInfo.json** | entity prompts |
40 |
| **RefPic** | 50 animals | **1/2/3 Trajectory Templates** | 36/60/35 (121 in total) |
41 |
| **{D/N}_{locX}** | {Day/Night}_{LocationX} | **{C}_ {XX}_{35mm}** | {Close-Up Shot}_{Cam. Index(1-12)} _{Focal Length}|
42 |
43 |
44 |
**(2) Difference with the Dataset to Train on Our Internal Video Diffusion Model**
45 |
46 |
The release of the full dataset regarding more entities and UE scenes is 1) still under our internal license check, 2) awaiting the paper decision.
47 |
48 |
| Argument | Released Dataset | Our Internal Dataset|
49 |
50 |
| **Video Resolution** | 480×720 (
51 |
| **Entities** | 50 (all animals) | 70 (20 humans+50 animals) |
52 |
| **Video Samples** | 36,000 | 54,000 |
53 |
| **Scenes** | 6 | 9 (+city, forest, asian town) |
54 |
| **Trajectory Templates** | 121 | 96 |
55 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
├── 360Motion-Dataset Video Number Cam-Obj Distance (m)
18 |
├── 480_720/384_672
19 |
├── Desert (desert) 18,000 [3.06, 13.39]
20 |
├── location_data.json
21 |
├── HDRI
34 |
35 |
| Argument | Description |Argument | Description |
36 |
37 |
| **Video Resolution** | (1) 480×720 (2) 384×672 | **Frames/Duration/FPS** | 99/3.3s/30 |
38 |
| **UE Scenes** | 6 (1 desert+5 HDRIs) | **Video Samples** | (1) 36,000 (2) 36,000 |
39 |
| **Hemi12_transforms.json** | 12 surrounding cameras | **CharacterInfo.json** | entity prompts |
40 |
| **RefPic** | 50 animals | **1/2/3 Trajectory Templates** | 36/60/35 (121 in total) |
41 |
| **{D/N}_{locX}** | {Day/Night}_{LocationX} | **{C}_ {XX}_{35mm}** | {Close-Up Shot}_{Cam. Index(1-12)} _{Focal Length}|
42 |
43 |
**(2) Difference with the Dataset to Train on Our Internal Video Diffusion Model**
44 |
45 |
The release of the full dataset regarding more entities and UE scenes is 1) still under our internal license check, 2) awaiting the paper decision.
46 |
47 |
| Argument | Released Dataset | Our Internal Dataset|
48 |
49 |
| **Video Resolution** | (1) 480×720 (2) 384×672 | 384×672 |
50 |
| **Entities** | 50 (all animals) | 70 (20 humans+50 animals) |
51 |
| **Video Samples** | (1) 36,000 (2) 36,000 | 54,000 |
52 |
| **Scenes** | 6 | 9 (+city, forest, asian town) |
53 |
| **Trajectory Templates** | 121 | 96 |
54 |