stringlengths 1
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Тем не менее, она настаивает на том, что «это не случай позитивной дискриминации», и что Феррел не была избрана центральным персонажем фильма из-за её отличительных особенностей. | Please share the Russian version of the given sentences. | She insists, however, that "this is not some affirmative action type of thing" where Ferrell was chosen as the film's heart because of her identities. |
It is estimated that about half of the world's hungry people are from smallholder farming communities, another 20 per cent are rural landless, and about 10 per cent live in communities whose livelihoods depend on herding, fishing or forest resources.
A feeling of anti-English sentiment intensified within Irish nationalism during the Boer War leading to xenophobia underlined by Anglophobia. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | 估计约一半的世界饥饿人口来自于小农户社区,其余20%是农村无地人民,10%左右生活在生计依赖于牧业、渔业和林业资源的社区。
在布尔战争期间,在爱尔兰民族主义者的反英情绪加剧,导致仇外情绪转向仇英情绪。 |
Most FES systems use electricity to accelerate and decelerate the flywheel, but devices that directly use mechanical energy are being developed. [1]
57. Since 2006, the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of indigenous peoples has expressed concern at instances of resettlement, forced displacement and relocation of indigenous peoples within the framework of economic "modernization", as part of programmes to eradicate drug plantations, and in connection with the construction of the Nam Theun 2 dam in Khammouane province. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? | 大多数FES系统使用电流来控制飞轮速度,同时直接使用机械能的设备也正在研发当中。[1]
57.自2006年以来,土著人民的人权问题特别报告员一直对土著人民的重新定居、被迫迁移和重新安置表示关切,这些措施是在经济"现代化"的框架范围内采取的,150是根除毒品种植方案的一部分,151或者与建造甘蒙省南屯河2号水坝有关。 |
FORREST untersucht das Ausmaß der Akzeptanz des Rechtsstaates in der österreichischen Gesellschaft und inwieweit die nationale Herkunft und religiöse Ausrichtung sich in unterschiedlichen Auffassungen des Primats des Rechtsstaates widerspiegeln.
Die Marke Volkswagen hat im September weltweit weniger Fahrzeuge ausgeliefert als im Vorjahr: Insgesamt wurden 485.000 Fahrzeuge an Kunden übergeben, das entspricht einem Rückgang von 18,3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat. | Please provide the German translation for the following sentences, and must use the given word translations. | FORREST evaluates the extent to which the rule of law is accepted in Austrian society and to what extent national origin and religious orientation are reflected in different views of the primacy of the rule of law.
In September, the Volkswagen brand delivered fewer vehicles throughout the world than in the same month of the previous year: in total, 485,000 vehicles were handed over to customers, representing a fall of 18.3 percent compared with September 2017. |
If we wish to bring forth a theory of the social state that is based on the contradiction of social classes, we should lean on those extant experiences which illustrate a partial emancipation from the logic of capital. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements. | Wenn wir eine Theorie des Sozialstaates entwickeln möchten, die auf dem Klassenwiderspruch basiert, sollten wir uns an diese Erfahrungen anlehnen, die eine teilweise Emanzipation von der Logik des Kapitals veranschaulichen. |
Seoul says more than 30,000 North Koreans have illegally crossed the border since the end of the Korean War in 1953. | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? | Seoul sagt mehr als 30.000 Nordkoreaner haben illegal die Grenze seit dem Ende des Korea-Krieges im Jahr 1953 überschritten. |
With the acceptance into this circle, so far comprising the United Nations, UNESCO, the Jewish Claims Conference, the Council of Europe, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights as well as the OSCE / ODIHR, the significance of the ITS as an international center of documentation, information and research on the Holocaust and the victims of National Socialism has been underlined. | Change the given sentences from German to English format. | Mit der Aufnahme des ITS in diesen Kreis, dem bisher die UNO, die UNESCO, die Jewish Claims Conference, der Europäische Rat, die EU-Organisation für Grundrechte sowie die OSCE / ODIHR angehören, wird die Wichtigkeit des ITS als internationales Zentrum für Dokumentation, Information und Forschung über den Holocaust und die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus noch stärker anerkannt. |
Довольствоваться, удовольствие - родственные слова. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in Russian? | It is related to the words 'dovolstvovatsya' (to be content) and 'udovolstvie' (pleasure). |
35. Abu Bakar Jaafar, Chairman of the Subcommission established to examine the submission made by Ireland, recalled that the Subcommission had prepared the recommendations and submitted them to the Commission at the eighteenth session.
Yan Liang and Wen Chou were the most highly regarded generals in Yuan Shao's army, and both were killed in two successive battles.
Pancreas A glandular organ located in the abdomen that produces several hormones, including insulin and glucagon. | Convert the subsequent sentences from Chinese into English, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | 35.为审查爱尔兰划界案而设立的小组委员会主席阿布·巴卡尔·加法尔回顾,小组委员会在第十八届会议上拟定并向委员会提交了建议。
胰腺在腹腔内的一个腺体器官,分泌多种激素,包括胰岛素和胰高血糖素。 |
特别报告员认为,这些案件,特别是若开邦的六个案件,是该国改革记录中的一个重大污点,而且必须列入总统关于在2013年底之前释放所有良心犯的承诺。 | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences. | The Special Rapporteur believes that these cases, in particular the six cases in Rakhine State, are a serious blot on the country's record of reform and must be included in the President's commitment to releasing all prisoners of conscience by the end of 2013. |
The situation is a little better on Crete, Rhodes and Kos, where the model of mass tourism fares better, while major continental destinations such as Halkidiki and Pieria in central Macedonia, are showing a considerably better picture than the Cyclades islands. | Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? The given word translations should be used. | Ситуация немного лучше на Крите, Родосе и на Косе, где модель массового туризма улучшается, а основные континентальные направления, такие как Халкидики и Пиерия в центральной Македонии, показывают значительно лучшую картину, чем Кикладские острова. |
Am 6. Juni 2006 nahm das oberste Gericht von Spanien eine Anklage an, die von mehreren Falun Dafa-Praktizierenden gegen den chinesischen Beamten Jia Qinglin wegen Völkermordes erhoben wurde. Es beschloss, dass das Audencia Nacional, ein hohes Gericht in Spanien, in diesem Fall ermitteln und fortfahren kann. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | On June 6th, 2006, the Supreme Court of Spain accepted a lawsuit filed by multiple Falun Gong practitioners, charging Chinese official Jia Qinglin with genocide, and determined that the Audencia Nacional, a high court of Spain, may investigate and proceed with the case. |
Кроме того, сейчас ведутся работы по реставрации исторического комплекса бывшего Никольского рынка в сердце Санкт-Петербурга. | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form. | Also, works are currently in progress on the restoration of the historic former Nikolsky Market site in the heart of St. Petersburg. |
Ihre Zufriedenheit, in die wir all unsere Bemühungen legen, bleibt ebenfalls in Zukunft immer unser primäres Ziel, genauso wie unser Motto: „Es ist gut Kunden zu haben, mehr Kunden zu haben ist noch besser, aber das Beste ist, viele zufriedene Kunden zu haben“. | Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Your satisfaction, into which we put all our efforts, always remains our principal aim for the future as well as our motto: “It is good to have clients, to have many clients is even better, but the best is to have many satisfied clients. ” |
我们将在遵守《联合国宪章》并考虑到联合国大会所有有关决议的情况下,结合我们在防止和打击恐怖主义方面所开展的其他努力,共同采取有效、坚决和迅捷的措施,以防止和打击以助长各种形式和表现的恐怖主义为目的的犯罪活动。 | Kindly submit the Chinese interpretation for the next sentences. | In conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and taking into account all the relevant General Assembly resolutions, we shall together, in conjunction with our other efforts to prevent and to combat terrorism, take effective, resolute and speedy measures with respect to preventing and combating criminal activities carried out for the purpose of furthering terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. |
1994年至1998年间俄罗斯进行的社会经济改革使经济、政治、社会结构等社会生活的所有领域发生急剧变化。 | doha means 多哈
How should the following sentences be comprehended in Chinese? The given word translations should be used. | 10. On 3 May in Doha, the Governments of Chad and the Sudan signed a new agreement under the aegis of the Government of Qatar by which they committed to refrain from the use of force against each other and to cease providing support to armed opposition groups.
The socio-economic transformations in Russia in the period 1994-1998 led to radical changes in all spheres of social life - in the economy, in politics, and in the social structure of society. |
Wir hatten sowohl eine englische Website als auch eine vereinfachte spanische Version... Aber als wir anfingen, mehr Inhalte zu erstellen und mehr Dienstleistungen hinzuzufügen, wurde die Aufgabe, jede Website zu aktualisieren und zu übersetzen, für uns unmöglich. “
Denn Code, der nicht nur kurzfristig funktioniert, sondern auch Anforderungen hinsichtlich Wartbarkeit, Sicherheit, Skalierbarkeit und Performance standhält, macht langfristig Entwickler und User glücklich. | In German, what do the given sentences convey? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | We had both an English website and a simplified Spanish version – however as we started creating more content, adding more services the task of updating and translating each website became impossible for us. ”
This is because code that not only works short term, but which also meets the requirements in terms of maintainability, security, scalability and performance, make both developers and users happy over the long term. |
从长期而言,普京引诱西方有可能像萨卡什维利引诱俄国一样弄巧成拙。 | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences. | The best relationship for you is one that is long-lasting, so that you have ample opportunities to express your love over a long period of time.
In the long run, Putin ’ s baiting of the West may turn out to be as self-defeating as Saakashvili ’ s baiting of Russia. |
丽水市国大阀门有限公司,座落在浙江省丽水市水阁经济开发区金亭路16号。 | Can you deliver the Chinese translation for the mentioned sentences? | In that spirit, New Zealand, together with Australia and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), will host an international conference, Deep Sea 2003, in December next year in order to identify and discuss issues relating to the science, governance and management of deep-sea fisheries.
PRODUCTS CENTER Lishui Guoda Valve Co., Ltd is located in No16, Jinting Road, Shuige industrial Zone, Lishui City of Zhejiang province. |
Jack Ross: 'My ultimate ambition is to manage Scotland' | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | Jack Ross: „Mein ultimatives Ziel ist es, Schottland zu managen.“ |
Мишель Хосса из Католического Университета Лёвена в Бельгии, не принимавший участия в новом этапе работ, говорит: « Мне представляется, что это первое убедительное доказательство того, что силицен может быть выращен на серебре ». | Please provide the Russian translation for the following sentences. | Michel Houssa of the Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) in Belgium, who was not involved in the new work, says: "In my opinion, this is the first compelling evidence that silicene can be grown on silver." |
Matthäus 6: 5 | Und wenn du betest, sollst du nicht sein wie die Heuchler; denn sie lieben es, in den Synagogen und an den Ecken der Straßen stehend zu beten, damit sie von den Menschen gesehen werden.
Sie gilt als Meisterwerk der Gotik und ist, nach dem Erfurter Dom, die zweitgrößte Kirche Thüringens. Errichtet wurde sie hauptsächlich im 14. Jahrhundert. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Matthew 6: 5 | “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others.
The church, the second largest in Thuringia after the Erfurt Cathedral, is considered a masterpiece of the Gothic style and was principally constructed in the 14th century. |
Consequently a war between Soviet Russia and Japan could only arise if the conflict were provoked by Japan designedly and knowingly with the consent of strong allies.
The Austrian government wants to expropriate the house in Braunau am Inn on the German border where the future Nazi leader was born in 1889 to ensure that it doesn ’ t become a place of pilgrimage for neo-Nazis. | Translate the following sentences from Russian to English. | Война между СССР и Японией могла бы, следовательно, разразиться лишь в том случае, если б конфликт был сознательно и преднамеренно вызван Японией, по соглашению с более могущественными союзниками.
Австрийское правительство хочет конфисковать дом в Браунау-ам-Инн на границе с Германией, где нацистский лидер родился в 1889 году, для того, чтобы дом не стал местом паломничества для неонацистов. |
8.回顾为解决经济、社会和文化性质的国际问题以及为促进和鼓励尊重所有人的人权和基本自由而进行国际合作是联合国的宗旨之一,并重申进行更广泛的国际合作将有助于在实现经济、社会和文化权利方面取得持久的进展; | Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? | 8. Recalls that international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social and cultural character and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all is one of the purposes of the United Nations, and affirms that wider international cooperation would contribute to lasting progress in implementing economic, social and cultural rights; |
Участники, которые проводили по меньшей мере 150 минут аэробных упражнений каждую неделю, были на 39 процентов менее склонны к развитию диабета, чем участники, которые не занимались аэробными упражнениями.
Свет, излучаемый при этом взрыве, был проанализирован, чтобы оценить скорость и химический состав материала, извергаемого при этом взрыве. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Russian? The given word translations should be used. | The participants who did at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week were 39 percent less likely to develop diabetes than the participants who did no aerobic exercise.
The light given off by the event was analyzed in order to understand the speed and chemical composition of the material ejected in the explosion. |
During the Mughal era, the gate served as the main gateway to Lahore, and its doors were shut every evening.
55. The report warned that some areas of the former bombing range continue to present a risk, stating that recently collected data demonstrated the remaining potential for localized contamination, which, if people frequented those areas, could be of health concern. | What do the following sentences mean in English? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 在莫卧儿时代,拉合尔的城门是通往拉合尔的主要通道,每天晚上大门都是关着的。
55.报告警告说,以前的投弹场某些地方仍存在风险,因为最近收集的数据显示,局部沾染仍可能存在,如果民众经常去这些地方,可能会出现健康问题。 |
2017年3月29日至4月2日,赫尔辛基将再度承办世界花样滑冰锦标赛,这一次的比赛场馆哈特沃体育场(HartwallArena)将迎接来自30多个国家和地区的选手。 | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese. | From March 29 to April 2, 2017, the World Figure Skating Championships take place in Helsinki again, this time at Hartwall Arena, with competitors from more than 30 countries. |
Eine automatische Belichtungskorrektureinheit 235 ist mit dem Ausgang des Multiplexers 210 und mit einem Ausgang der Berechnungseinheit 230 verbunden; das digitale Bild wird auf der Basis der Daten des Histogramms modifiziert, das durch die Berechnungseinheit 230 erzeugt wird, um Belichtungsprobleme zu korrigieren, wie z. B. Hintergrundbeleuchtung oder übermäßige Beleuchtung von vorne. | It would be helpful if you could provide the German translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | An automatic exposure-correction unit 235 is connected to the output of the multiplexer 210 and to an output of the calculating unit 230; the digital image is modified on the basis of the data of the histogram produced by the calculation unit 230 so as to correct exposure problems such as, for example, back-lighting or excessive front lighting. |
As these winds travel across the stars' magnetic fields, they enact a braking effect on the stars. | Convert the subsequent sentences from German into English. | Da diese Winde durch die Magnetfelder der Sterne reisen, haben sie einen bremsenden Effekt auf die Sterne. |
Sampling and analysis of all pollutants as well as reference measurement methods to calibrate automated measurement systems shall be carried out according to the standards laid down by the Comité européen de normalisation (CEN) or the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | Взятие проб и анализ всех загрязнителей, а также контрольные методы измерений для калибровки автоматизированных систем измерения должны соответствовать нормам, установленным Европейским комитетом стандартов (ЕКС) или Международной организацией по стандартизации (ИСО). |
On 30 December 2004 Moto Guzzi became a part of the Piaggio Group (chairman and managing director Roberto Colaninno), the European leader in the two-wheeler market and one of the world's major constructors in the sector. | Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? | Am 30. Dezember 2004 wird Moto Guzzi Teil der Piaggio Gruppe (Vorstand und Geschäftsführer Roberto Colaninno), die europäischer Marktführer für motorisierte Zweiräder ist und zu den weltweit wichtigsten Herstellern des Sektors zählt. |
国际社会应履行其对难民的职责,要求进行人口普查,以便使难民人口最后能恢复其权利;国际社会还应迫使波利萨里奥阵线及其支持者参加重大谈判,谋求公正和双方都可接受的政治解决办法。 | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Chinese format, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | The international community should fulfill its responsibilities towards the refugees and demand that census, so that the population could finally recover its rights; it should also press the Frente Polisario and its supporters to engage in serious negotiations for a just and mutually acceptable political solution. |
According to the Chinese legend, the game represents the possibility of experiencing the world ’ s diversity through the different combinations of the quadrangle ’ s seven parts.
“Our granddad believes that education and reading are two of the most important things for children, ” he said at the launch. | Change the given sentences from German to English format. | Der chinesischen Legende zufolge symbolisiert das Spiel die Möglichkeit, die Vielfalt der Welt anhand der unterschiedlichen Kombinationen der sieben Teile eines Vierecks erfahren zu können.
"Unser Großvater glaubt, dass Bildung und Lesen zwei der wichtigsten Dinge für Kinder sind", sagte er bei der Vorstellung. |
Мне нравится вздремнуть на пушистой подушке.
Кошка свернулась на мягком пушке одеяла.
На комбинезоне у малыша есть милый пушок. | Please share the Russian version of the given sentences. | I love taking a nap on a fluffy pillow.
The cat curled up on the soft nap of the blanket.
The baby's onesie has a cute nap texture. |
德宏州老体协举重馆和武术馆、芒市一小摔跤馆、银塔景区山地自行车赛道等修缮工作已完成。 | When translated to Chinese, what message do these sentences carry? | The renovation work of Dehong old weightlifting hall and martial arts museum, Mang City Yixiao Wrestling arena, Silver Tower Scenic Area mountain bike track has been completed. |
Die meisten gefälschten Kleidungsstücke stammten aus der Türkei, während die meisten gefälschten Mobiltelefone und Zubehör, Tintenpatronen und Toner, CDs / DVDs sowie Etiketten und Aufkleber aus Hongkong und China in die EU gelangten.
Der Unterschied zwischen Normal- und Kurzsichtigkeit Fehlsichtigkeit (Ametropie) ist ein weit verbreitetes Phänomen in unserer Gesellschaft. Dabei kommt die Kurzsichtigkeit oder Myopie am häufigsten vor. | Please share the German version of the given sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | The highest amount of fake clothing originated from Turkey while the most counterfeit mobile phones and accessories, ink cartridges and toners, CDs / DVDs and labels, tags and stickers entered the EU from Hong Kong and China.
The Difference Between Normal Vision and being Nearsighted A refractive error (ametropia) is a common phenomenon in our society and short-sightedness or myopia is the most common. |
Negotiations with Deutsche Bahn AG for reactivating the Hunsrück railway have been successfully concluded. De-tailed planning is now underway.
The transitoriness of life is shown here in a very unique way, that arises from the religious understanding of Hinduism: The water of the Ganges promises a spiritual cleaning and the absolution of all sins. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Die Verhandlungen zur Reaktivierung der Hunsrückbahn mit der Deutschen Bahn AG sind erfolgreich abge ¬ schlossen, jetzt laufen die Detailplanungen.
Die Vergänglichkeit des Lebens zeigt sich hier auf eine ganz eigene, dem religiösen Verständnis des Hinduismus entspringende Weise: Das Wasser des Ganges verspricht spirituelle Reinigung und Absolution aller Sünden. |
По мере взросления детей воздействие на них нездорового питания приобретает тревожные масштабы, что в значительной степени обусловлено ненадлежащим маркетингом и рекламой, изобилием продуктов глубокой переработки не только в крупных городах, но и в отдаленных районах, а также расширением доступа к быстрому питанию (фаст-фуду) и очень сладким напиткам. | Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences? | When children grow up, their exposure to unhealthy foods becomes alarming, mainly due to inappropriate marketing and advertising, the abundance of processed foods in cities but also in remote areas and access to fast food and highly sweetened drinks increasing. |
阿尔及利亚代表团注意到了美利坚合众国政府关于禁止生产用于核武器或其他核爆炸装置的裂变材料问题的提案或倡议,我们希望这项努力或倡议将会传达给有关各方,使之能够加以研究,并表达最后的意见。 | Could you supply the Chinese translation for the upcoming sentences? | The delegation of Algeria has taken note of the proposal or initiative of the Government of the United States of America regarding the prohibition of the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, and we hope that this endeavour or initiative will be communicated to the parties concerned so that they can study it and express their final opinions. |
At the time when Tigray Meknonnen existed simultaneously with that of Bahr negus, their frontier seems to have been the Mareb River, which is currently constitutes the border between the Ethiopian province of Tigray and Eritrea.
This luxurious hotel is located less than 5 minutes ’ walk from Istanbul ’ s Grand Bazar, and 1 km from the historical Sultanahmet district. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Zur Zeit, als der Tigray Mekonnen neben dem Bahr Negus herrschte, war die Grenze zwischen beiden Reichen der Fluss Mareb, welcher heutzutage die Grenze zwischen dem Staat Eritrea und der Region Tigray bildet.
Dieses luxuriöse Hotel liegt weniger als 5 Gehminuten von Istanbuls Großem Basar und nur 1 km vom historischen Stadtteil Sultanahmet entfernt. |
自然历史爱好者一定会喜欢这条路线。新西兰经典葡萄酒之路(ClassicNewZealandWineTrail)经行北岛南部和南岛北部,在这里您会发现最好的葡萄酒产区,包括著名的马尔堡。 | In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | Natural history buffs will enjoy this one. ● The Classic New Zealand Wine Trail covers both the lower North Island and upper South Island, where you find the best wine growing regions including the famous Marlborough. |
Его гибель вызвала огромный общественный резонанс как в России, так и за рубежом, а также стала поводом для принятия так называемого закона Магнитского в разных странах, предполагающего санкции для коррупционеров и лиц, замеченных в нарушениях прав человека.
Джек Мезиров (1923 - 24 сентября 2014) — американский социолог и почетный профессор взрослого и продолжающегося обучения в Учительском колледже Колумбийского университета. | resonance means резонанс
Change the given sentences from English to Russian format using the given reference word translations. | His death caused a huge public resonance in Russia and abroad, and also became the reason for adopting the so-called Magnitsky act in different countries, involving sanctions for corrupt officials and those engaged in human rights violations.
Jack Mezirow (1923 - September 24, 2014) was an American sociologist and Emeritus Professor of Adult and Continuing Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. |
Du kannst öffentliche Karten kommentieren und so dem Verfasser und anderen Lernenden wichtige Hinweise zu den Inhalten der Lernkartei geben. | Please share the German version of the given sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | You can comment on public flashcards and give the author and other learners some important feedback on the content of the flashcard deck. |
Rafik Guliev, a resident of the village of Gorgan in the Fizuli district, who was taken hostage by troops from the Republic of Armenia on 23 October 1993, testified after his release that Armenian soldiers had shot dead 30 civilians before his eyes and that other hostages were subjected to brutal physical and mental torture, including branding of their chests, beatings with heated iron bars and stuffing of their mouths with burning coals. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Житель села Горган Физулинского района Рафик Гулиев, взятый в заложники вооруженными силами Республики Армения 23 октября 1993 года, после освобождения засвидетельствовал, что на его глазах армянскими солдатами были расстреляны 30 мирных граждан, остальные заложники подвергались зверским истязаниям и пыткам. Раскаленным железом прижигали грудь, били горящими прутьями, вкладывали в рот раскаленные угли. |
Von Johannes Stern, 28. Juni 2016 Nach dem ersten Schock über den Ausgang des Brexit-Referendums, versuchen die deutschen Eliten die Krise zu nutzen, um ihre ökonomische und politische Vormachtstellung innerhalb der Europäischen Union auszubauen.
Wladimir Putin unterstützte kürzlich persönlich die Idee, einen Film über den berühmten sowjetischen Fußballtorhüter Lew Jaschin zu drehen. | When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry using the given reference word translations? | By Johannes Stern, 29 June 2016 Following the initial shock over the result of the Brexit referendum, the German elite is attempting to exploit the crisis to exert their economic and political dominance within the EU.
Vladimir Putin recently lent his personal support to the idea of making a film about the outstanding Soviet goalkeeper Lev Yashin. |
Burundi must no longer be treated in an infantile, unjust, and inequitable manner.
Article 93 (2): The father is under a like liability in regard to the legitimate descendants of the predeceased illegitimate son or daughter, if their surviving parent or their legitimate ascendants are unable to privide for them. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? | 必须停止以幼稚、不公正、不平等的方式对待布隆迪。
第93(2)条:"对于先死非婚生儿子或女儿的婚生子孙,父亲负有同样的义务,如果他们仍幸存的父母或其婚生子孙没有能力供养他们的话。 |
In 2015, the city's population was 267,973, making it the second largest city of the former, archaic Podolia region after Vinnytsia and the largest city of the western part of the region. | Transpose the next sentences from the Russian format to the English format. | В 2015 году население города составляло 267 973 человека, что делает его вторым по величине городом бывшей архаичной Подольской области после Винницы и крупнейшим городом западной части области. |
Despite the construction of over 100 hotels and guesthouses in the past 20 years, the island has retained its traditional way of life, and still offers visitors a great glimpse of southern Thai rural life.
Only in the last 50 years the number of blonds decreased from 49 to 14 per cent of the total population of the planet. | Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences. | Несмотря на то, что за последние 20 лет было построено более 100 отелей и пансионов, остров сохранил свой традиционный образ жизни и по-прежнему предлагает посетителям возможность взглянуть на сельскую жизнь южного Таиланда.
Только за последние 50 лет число блондинов сократилось с 49 до 14% от общего числа жителей планеты. |
The next major stop along the Piast Trail is the Mouse Tower of Kruszwica, which is inextricably linked with the legend of the cruel Popiel, who was eaten by mice.
The zoom-ring control lets you share a photo during phone calls, control the optical zoom, and launch the camera. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences using the given reference word translations. | Ein weiterer fester Punkt auf dem Piastenweg ist der Mäuseturm (Mysia Wieża) in Kruszwica, der untrennbar mit der Legende vom grausamen Popiel, den die Mäuse fraßen, verbunden ist.
Dank der Steuerung über den Zoom-Ring können Sie ein Foto teilen während Sie telefonieren, das optische Zoom einstellen und die Kamera starten. |
Application data is retained for up to four weeks after the end of the application procedure, unless the applicant indicates that the data may be retained for longer, then the data will be retained for a maximum period of 1 year after the application procedure has ended. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? | Bewerbungsdaten werden bis vier Wochen nach dem Ende des Bewerbungsverfahrens aufbewahrt, es sei denn, der Bewerber / die Bewerberin gibt an, dass die Daten länger aufbewahrt werden dürfen, dann werden Daten bis maximal ein Jahr nach Ende des Bewerbungsverfahrens aufbewahrt. |
《关于艾滋病毒携带者/艾滋病问题的承诺宣言》呼吁各国采取措施,消除对艾滋病毒携带者/艾滋病患者和脆弱群体成员一切形式的歧视,让各国承诺制定打击与此瘟疫相关的耻辱和社会排斥的战略。 | How should the following sentences be comprehended in Chinese? | The cation resin does not attract ammonium ions as readily as calcium and magnesium ions but, if not removed, the ammonium ions will produce high-conductivity distillate.
The Declaration of Commitment on HIV / AIDS calls on States to take measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination against people living with HIV / AIDS and members of vulnerable groups, and commits States to developing strategies to combat stigma and social exclusion connected with the epidemic. |
At the opening of the exhibition, Maly Theater actors Valery Afanasyev, Alexander Volkov and Konstantin Yudaev read Pushkin ’ s poems and an excerpt from the novel “The Blizzard ”, plunging the audience in the atmosphere of a real classical theater. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | На открытии выставки актеры Малого театра Валерий Афанасьев, Александр Волков и Константин Юдаев прочли стихи Пушкина и отрывок из повести « Метель », погрузив зрителей церемонии в атмосферу настоящего классического театра. |
Инфекционное заболевание – это болезнь, вызванная проникновением в организм патогенных микроорганизмов, таких как вирусы, бактерии, грибки или иные паразиты. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences. | An infectious disease is one that is caused by a pathogen, such as a virus, bacterium, fungus or other parasites. |
41. Управление исследований и межучрежденческих связей при Председателе Совета министров проводит мероприятия, направленные на осуществление положений Конституции, касающихся свободы религии; повышение уровня осведомленности населения о свободе мысли и религии; поддержание отношений со всеми конфессиями в Италии; утверждение принципа равного достоинства всех конфессий; и предотвращение дискриминации.
« В 2005 году я решила сфотографировать свой родной штат Южная Дакота, малонаселенный пограничный штат, где буйволов, вилорогов, койотов, мулов, фазанов и луговых собачек больше, чем людей. | Please offer the Russian rendition for the following statements. | 41. The Office of Studies and Institutional Relations at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers carries out activities aimed at implementing constitutional provisions for freedom of religion; raising public awareness of freedom of thought and religion; maintaining relations with all religious denominations in Italy; affirming the principle of equal dignity of all religious denominations; and preventing discrimination.
In 2005, I set out to photograph my home state of South Dakota, a sparsely populated frontier state on the Great Plains with more buffalo, pronghorn, coyotes, mule deer, ring-necked pheasants, and prairie dogs than people. |
Продукция выпускается двумя заводами, расположенными в городах Березань и Обухов Киевской области и по своему качеству соответствует самым высоким требованиям украинских и европейских стандартов.
Такой риск равен по приблизительным оценкам 1,4% на каждый половой акт с инфицированным человеком – это примерно в 18 раз опаснее, чем вагинальное совокупление мужчины и женщины. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Products are manufactured in two plants located in Obukhiv and Berezan, Kyiv region, and their quality meets the highest requirements of Ukrainian and European standards.
The risk was estimated at 1.4 percent per sex act with an infected person — about 18 times more risky than male-to-female vaginal intercourse. |
A French doctor performs a face transplant without the benefit of the usual research that would accompany such a high-risk procedure. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | Ein französischer Arzt vollführt eine Gesichtstransplantation, ohne dass damit jener wissenschaftlicher Nutzen verbunden wäre, den eine solche höchst riskante Prozedur normalerweise mit sich bringt. |
紧接着,巴恩斯以自己唐突而充满叫人难受的丧亲之痛的叙述描绘了那无可避免的尸入墓穴、生死相隔的悲剧。在从天马行空的幻想滑落到疾病和死亡的冷酷事实的往复中的这种写作形式与风格的结合本应是完全行不通的——但巴恩斯凭借其敏锐的情感洞察力和高明的文字运用技巧却做到了。 | In Chinese, what do the given sentences convey? | Then comes the inevitable descent underground to catacombs and corpses, with Barnes's account of his abrupt and unbearable bereavement. The combination of forms and styles, slipping to and fro between airy fantasy and the grim immitigable facts of disease and death, really shouldn't work – but it does, thanks to Barnes's deft emotional insight and his verbal legerdemain. |
KiEw „Ich glaube, Mozart hilft da überhaupt nicht.“ Aber welche Musik hilft bei Hypochondrie oder akuter Melancholie?
Die Parade startete von der Basis "Aschkelon", nördlich von Bait Lahiya, und endete im Ausbildungsareal im Westen des Gazastreifens. | Change the given sentences from English to German format, and must use the given word translations. | KiEw “I don ’ t think Mozart helps at all. ” But what kind of music helps with acute hypochondria or melancholia?
The display began at the so-called "Ashqelon base" in northern Beit Lahia and ended at a training compound in the western Gaza Strip. |
Themen wie « Entwicklungswege der Demokratie », « Krieg und Frieden », « Heimat – Fernweh – Heimweh » und « Gedächtniskultur, Amnesie und Nostalgie » sind mit der bewegten Historie und Gegenwart Europas verschränkt.
Die Wassertemperatur lag bei erträglichen 17 ° C – viel wärmer als auf Simuschir, wo man schon beim Anblick des Meeres fröstelte. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to German language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Themes such as the paths of democratic development, war and peace, home – wanderlust – homesickness and the culture of memory, amnesia and nostalgia are interlaced with Europe ’ s eventful history and present.
The water was a bearable 17 ° C – much warmer than on Simushir, where just looking at the ocean made you shiver. |
The first rudiments of hair appear (on the eyebrows, upper and lower lips, on the forehead). | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? | Die ersten Rudimente des Haares erscheinen (auf den Augenbrauen, oberen und unteren Lippen, auf der Stirn). |
Historically serving only the white minority, the formal sector and the needs of the apartheid State, those institutions had developed capabilities and competencies unsuited for the developmental challenges currently facing South Africa.
Take-up has been slow, but the April 2006 surprise hike in bank rates may help to sow greater public awareness of interest-rate risk.
Acetaminophen: Acetaminophen is a pain reliever (for example, Tylenol *) that does not reduce swelling. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 这些机构过去仅仅为白人少数、正规部门和种族隔离国家服务,它们开发的能力和本领不适于南非目前面临的发展挑战。
·对乙酰氨基酚:对乙酰氨基酚(泰诺)可以缓解疼痛,但它并没有减少炎症的发生。 |
在中国,有在冬至第一天喝红豆粥、腊月初八(农历最后一月第八天)喝八宝粥的习俗。 | abyssinia means 阿比西尼亚
Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences using the given reference word translations. | The map shows the Arabian Peninsula as well as neighboring parts of Africa, including Egypt, present-day Sudan, and Abyssinia (present-day Ethiopia).
In China, there is custom to eat red bean porridge on the first day of Winter Solstice and eight-treasure porridge on the eighth day of the last month of the lunar year. |
Biopharmacology is a section of pharmacology that studies the physiological effects produced by biological and biotechnological substances.
An unprecedented event will be held on the 7-8 of September at the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center: collections of over 100 of private museums of Russia will be presented at one site. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | Биофармакология – представляет собой раздел фармакологии, изучающий физиологические эффекты, производимые веществами биологического и биотехнологического происхождения.
7-8 сентября в Конгрессно-выставочном центре « Сокольники » состоится беспрецедентное событие: на одной площадке будут представлены коллекции порядка 100 частных музеев России. |
其同位素壽命都很短,其中最穩定的是砹-210,半衰期為8.5小時。 | In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | In the post-colonial period following World War II, the prevailing development paradigm was a form of structuralism: the aim was to change poor countries ’ industrial structure to resemble that of high-income countries.
All of astatine's isotopes are short-lived; the most stable is astatine-210, with a half-life of 8.1 hours. |
It provided for banishment of the offender from the common dwelling for 10 days and care for the victim at an intervention centre, including psychological, social and legal assistance.
At last they can give their relatives a dignified burial, mourn them and begin to piece their lives back together. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original Chinese form, and must use the given word translations. | 该法规定将施暴者驱逐出共同住所10天,让受害者在干预中心接受护理,包括接受心理、社会和法律援助。
他们终于能够为亲人举行一个体面的葬礼,悼念他们,并开始重新将他们的人生历程拼凑完整了。 |
Today, two big confessions — Sunni Islam (of the Hanafi school) and Russian Orthodox Christianity — shape the religious landscape, together with a number of smaller communities.
11. Mr. Daoud (Sudan), speaking on behalf of the Group of Arab States, said that civilians continued to suffer in the occupied territories as a result of Israel's policies and practices, which were in flagrant violation of all international norms. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Russian to English. | На сегодняшний день две крупные конфессии - ислам суннитского направления (ханафитский мазхаб) и православие (русская православная церковь) - вместе с рядом более мелких общин определяют религиозный состав страны.
11. Г-н Дауд (Судан), выступая от имени Группы арабских государств, говорит, что гражданское население на оккупированных территориях продолжает страдать в результате политики и практики Израиля, которые являются вопиющим нарушением всех международных норм. |
Институт Исмаилитских Иследований был образован в 1977 году с целью содействия учености и изучению мусульманских культур и обществ, как исторических, так и современных, и лучшего понимания их взаимоотношений с другими обществами и вероисповеданиями. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Russian? | The Institute of Ismaili Studies was established in 1977 with the object of promoting scholarship and learning of Muslim cultures and societies, historical as well as contemporary, and a better understanding of their relationship with other societies and faiths. |
在巴西,一个小乡镇的孩子们募集了零钱,把他们的捐款装在锡罐里邮寄给我们。 | In Chinese, what do the given sentences convey? | Between October and December 2015, five staff members of the Causeway Bay Bookstore, which publishes and sells books in Hong Kong about mainland politics, went missing.
In Brazil, the children of a small rural town collected change and sent their contributions to us in a tin can. |
Indonesien: Zentralkalimantan: Das Informations- und Leistungsüberwachungssystem für nachhaltige Plantagen (SPIKEBUN) wurde eingeführt und soll aktuelle Informationen über Plantagenentwicklungen und deren Einhaltung verschiedener Vorschriften liefern. | In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Indonesia: Central Kalimantan: The Information and Performance Monitoring System for Sustainable Plantations (SPIKEBUN) was launched and is expected to deliver latest information on plantation developments and their compliance with various regulations. |
"Spain is a fascinating mix of people, languages, culture and food, but if there is one thing all Spaniards share, it's a love of food and drink."
We wish to thank our institutional partners for their financial support of this project, and we particularly should like to thank our advertisers, readers and subscribers, whose sustained interest has always been the most important motivation and who will, we hope, continue to support the work of Camera Austria in future too. | Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version. | "Spanien ist ein faszinierendes Gemisch von Menschen, Sprachen, Kulturen und Essen, aber wenn es etwas gibt, was alle Spanier teilen, so ist es die Liebe zu Essen und Trinken."
Ganz besonders danken wir – neben den Förderern, institutionellen Partnern und Inserenten – unseren Leserinnen und Lesern, Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten, deren kontinuierliches Interesse für uns die wichtigste Motivation gewesen ist und die, so hoffen wir, auch in Zukunft die Arbeit von Camera Austria mit tragen werden. |
"Как показывает следственная практика, организаторы и перевозчики пренебрегают требованиями, установленными законодательством о безопасной перевозке групп детей, не обращают внимания на погодные условия, техническое состояние транспортных средств и не уведомляют компетентные органы об указанных поездках", - сказала Петренко.
О своей независимости от Сербии Республика Косово объявила 17 февраля 2008 года и в настоящее время является самой молодой страной в Европе. По данным Всемирного банка, рост реального ВВП страны в период с 2009 по 2017 гг. составил в среднем 3,5% в год. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences. | “As the investigative practice shows, the organizers and the carriers ignore the requirements established by the legislation on the safe transport of groups of children, do not pay attention to weather conditions, technical condition of vehicles and do not inform the competent authorities about these trips, ” said Petrenko.
The Republic of Kosovo is Europe ’ s youngest country as it declared its independence from Serbia on February 17, 2008. According to the World Bank, during 2009 to 2017 real GDP grew on average by 3.5% each year. |
CM系列箱体使用真木饰面等高质量物料,隐藏螺丝配件,实现极好的简洁设计。 | Change the given sentences from English to Chinese format using the given reference word translations. | CM Series cabinets use high-quality materials such as real wood veneers, with concealed screw fixings for a stunning, clean design. |
过去这四年多,我们看见不少年轻人,和今晚在座各位年纪差不多的,他们当中有不少人得救了,你是知道的,神似乎在各地针对18到30岁的人作工。 | Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? | Over the last four years or so, we've seen a number of young people, same age as you folks that are visiting with us tonight. A lot of people saved, God has been doing things among, you know, the 18, 30 year old's, across the county, it seems. |
Neurobiological data provide physical evidence for a theoretical approach to the investigation of cognition. Therefore it narrows the research area and makes it much more exact. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | Данные нейробиологии дают физические свидетельства для теоретического подхода к изучению сознания. Таким образом сужается область исследования, и оно становится гораздо более точным. |
The ketogenic diet can pose long-term health risks because “low-carbohydrate diets tend to result in reduced intake of fiber and fruits, and increased intake of protein from animal sources, cholesterol and saturated fat, all of which are risk factors for mortality" and cardiovascular disease, wrote the authors of the review. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | Кетогенная диета может представлять долгосрочные риски для здоровья, поскольку « низкоуглеводные диеты, как правило, приводят к сокращению потребления клетчатки и фруктов и увеличению потребления белка животного происхождения, холестерина и насыщенных жиров, все эти факторы являются факторами риска смертности » и сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, пишут авторы обзора. |
Consumers can influence their nitrate and nitrite intake by specifically selecting their foods (choosing low-nitrate vegetable varieties, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots etc and reducing the proportion of pickled meat products) and only eating vegetable varieties with a naturally high nitrate content, such as rocket and leaf lettuce, when they are in season. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements using the given reference word translations. | Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher können ihre Nitrat- und Nitritaufnahme durch eine gezielte Auswahl der Nahrungsmittel (Auswahl nitratarmer Gemüsesorten - dazu gehören zum Beispiel Tomaten, Gurken, Möhren etc. - und Reduzierung des Anteils gepökelter Fleischwaren) sowie den saisongerechten Verzehr von Natur aus nitratreicher Gemüsesorten wie Rucola oder Blattsalat beeinflussen. |
With respect to guideline 1.7.1 (Alternatives to reservations), the mechanism for the formulation of such alternatives and the means to differentiate them from reservations needed to be clearly specified to avoid confusion. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | 关于准则1.7.1(替代保留的程序),有必要明确说明制定这种替代程序的机制以及将它们与保留区别开来的手段,以免辨别不清。 |
通过这种方式,这个国家的宗教信仰得以传达给他,即通过俄国圣像的原型或圣幛传达。 | Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences. | In addition to the construction, the shape and the materials of a seat, other components also impact seat comfort: a seat adjustment (electrical or mechanical), multi-contour functionality, a massage function and a lumbar support.
In this way was the religion of the country conveyed to him, expressed via the prototypical Russian icon or iconostasis. |
Глава сельсовета также протестовал против отсутствия надлежащего контроля и поддержки со стороны правительства Алтайского края и против финансовой политики компании "Газпроммежрегионгаз Новосибирск". | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language. | The head of the village council also protested against the lack of proper control and support from the government of the Altai territory and against the financial policy of "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Novosibirsk". |
— Россия приходит сегодня на мировую сцену в роли ревизионистской силы, пытающейся не просто дестабилизировать систему международного управления, но и дискредитировать западные принципы и нормы в момент, когда либеральные демократии утратили свою нормативную миссию. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences. | • Russia ’ s current entry onto the global stage is as a revisionist force attempting not only to destabilize the system of international governance, but also to discredit Western principles and norms during a time when the liberal democracies have lost their normative mission. |
Then there are the reasons why the scientific expedition was undertaken, the reasons for the particular date of departure having been chosen, the condition of the ship and the reasons why it was chosen, the geographic location of Antarctica, the weather, and so on. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences. | 此外,还有为什么要进行这次科学考察的种种原因,为什么选定某一天作为出发日期,船只的状况,这艘船被选中的原因,南极洲的地理位置,天气状况,等等。 |
The CPU 170 is connected to an input device 175 constituted, for example, by a set of push-buttons, to enable the user to select the various functions of the digital camera 100.
The Austrian company, which has been publicly listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1995, generated sales of EUR 154.1 million in the 2011 / 12 fiscal year (May 1, 2011 - April 30, 2012), and has about 1,600 employees. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | Die CPU 170 ist mit einem Eingabegerät 175 verbunden, das beispielsweise aus einem Satz von Druckknöpfen besteht, um es dem Benutzer zu ermöglichen, die verschiedenen Funktionen der Digitalkamera 100 auszuwählen.
Das seit 1995 an der Wiener Börse notierte österreichische Unternehmen erwirtschaftete im Geschäftsjahr 2011 / 12 (1. Mai 2011 - 30. April 2012) mit rund 1.600 Beschäftigten einen Umsatz von 154,1 Mio. Euro. |
С 28 июня по 6 июля, в дополнение к откровенной критике Вьетнама по дипломатическим каналам, китайцы постоянно обстреливали вьетнамскую провинцию Каобанг.
Живописное озеро Киву, которое находится на границе между Демократической Республикой Конго и Руандой, привлекает внимание ученых со всего мира, но популярность водоема никак не связана с его красотой. | Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | From 28 June to 6 July, in addition to outspoken criticism of Vietnam in diplomatic announcements, the Chinese continuously shelled the Vietnamese Cao Bằng Province.
The scenic lake Kivu, which is on the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda, attracted the attention of scientists from all over the world, but the popularity of the reservoir is not linked to its beauty. |
Während der Wassergymnastik werden Gelenke und Bandscheiben nicht verletzt, da die Bewegungen im Wasser viel sanfter und fließender sind, der Energieverbrauch nimmt jedoch wegen des Wasserwiderstands wesentlich zu. Das Wasser massiert den Körper und beruhigt das Nervensystem, aus diesem Grund sind die Übungen im Wasser für jedes Alter ausgezeichnet geeignet. | Please share the German version of the given sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | While doing exercises in water you will not affect your joints and intervertebral discs, since activities in water are more gentle and flowing, at the same time the consumption of energy noticeably increases due to the water resistance, water massages body and calms the nervous system, this is why the exercises in water are perfectly appropriate at any age. |
Степень бакалавра в области политологии дает студентам возможность изучать теорию, принципы и практика правительства и политики на местном, национальном и международном уровнях. | In Russian, what do the given sentences convey? The given word translations should be used. | The bachelor's degree in Political Science provides students with opportunities to study the theory, principles, and practice of government and politics at the local, national, and international levels. |
Nowadays growing your own cannabis is increasingly the norm, but in the 1980 ’ s it was radical thinking to believe that home-grown pot would be widespread.
Blockchain technology records information related to Bitcoin transactions, such as where the money came from and where it went, the time of the transaction, the amount, any fees paid, and other data. | Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version. | Heute wird das Growen des eigenen Grases immer mehr zur Norm, aber in den Achtzigerjahren war es eine radikale Denkweise, zu glauben, dass sich das zu Hause gegrowte Marihuana weit verbreiten würde.
Die Blockchain-Technologie zeichnet Informationen über Bitcoin-Transaktionen auf, wie z.B. woher das Geld kam und wohin es ging, den Zeitpunkt der Transaktion, den Betrag, die gezahlten Gebühren und andere Daten. |
在过去五年担任联合国领导人期间,他显示了领导才能,以及对世界和平与国际安全的坚定承诺。 | Please offer the Chinese rendition for the following statements, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | It recalls its established case law, whereby, in addition to ordinary judicial and administrative appeals, the authors must also avail themselves of all other judicial remedies, including constitutional appeals, insofar as such remedies would appear to be useful in this case and are in fact available to the author.
Throughout his tenure at the head of the Organization for the past five years, he has demonstrated his gift for leadership and his unwavering commitment to world peace and international security. |
From 2001 to 2003, he worked as Executive Director of the German-American Fulbright Commission in Berlin and in this capacity was able to contribute to academic exchange and a better understanding between Germans and Americans. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from German to English, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Von 2001 bis 2003 arbeitete er als geschäftsführender Direktor der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Fulbright-Kommission in Berlin und trug in dieser Position dazu bei, den akademischen Austausch und das Verständnis zwischen Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zu fördern. |
因此,使我极受鼓舞的是非正式协商进程的参与者对旨在调查公海生物多样化与深海生物区系、群落生境和各种生境的科学项目表示的支持程度,以及对更好地协调有关可持续地利用生物资源和保护公海生物多样性的机构间反映的必要的认识。 | Change the given sentences from English to Chinese format. | I was therefore greatly encouraged at the level of support expressed by the participants in the Informal Consultative Process for scientific projects aimed at investigating the biological diversity of the high seas and the biota, biotopes and habitats of the deep ocean, as well as the recognition of the need to better coordinate inter-agency responses regarding the sustainable use of living resources and the protection of biological diversity on the high seas. |
"I really love what I'm doing; it is indeed my mission, and maybe the only reason I am still doing this work after 25 years."
In its most recent global assessment of discards, FAO reports that 7.3 million tons of fish and other animals are captured and thrown away at sea annually. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 「我真的热爱自己的工作,这诚然是我的使命,或许这就是我25年来仍专注这项工作的唯一原因。」
最近,粮农组织在其关于丢弃物的全球评估报告中指出,每年有730万吨鱼和其他动物在海上被捕获并丢弃。 |
The fact that Israel has these weapons, including nuclear weapons, is a direct threat to regional and international security. Accordingly, we again urge the international community and relevant international organizations to pressure Israel, by all means possible, to abandon its nuclear weapons and to subject its nuclear facilities to the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
On the other hand, a court has found that the seller was not responsible for damage to pizza boxes occurring after risk of loss passed to the buyer because the buyer did not demonstrate that the damage was due to any breach by the seller. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | 以色列拥有这些武器包括核武器的事实,是对区域和国际安全的直接威胁,因此,我们再次促请国际社会和有关国际组织以一切可能的方式对以色列施加压力,要它放弃核武器,并让国际原子能机构监督其核设施。
另一方面,一家法院认定卖方不对货物损失风险转移到买方后发生的比萨饼盒子的损坏负有责任,因为买方不能证明该损坏是由卖方的任何违约行为造成的。 |
Пилотный проект программы был запущен в 2007 году в форме непрямого обучения в областных городах Шахрияр, Робат Карим, Карай в провинции Тегеран. | Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form. | It was first piloted in 2007, in the form of indirect education, in provincial cities of Shahryar, Robat Karim, and Karaj, in Tehran province. |
Significant members of this family included knyaz Mikhail Kutuzov, field marshal of the Russian Empire; Arseny Golenishchev-Kutuzov, poet of the end of the 19th century; Ilya Golenishchev-Kutuzov, a philologist and poet; and Modest Mussorgsky, a well-known composer. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements. | Выдающимися представителями рода были князь Михаил Кутузов, фельдмаршал Российской империи; Арсений Голенищев-Кутузов, поэт конца XIX века; Илья Голенищев-Кутузов, филолог и поэт; Модест Мусоргский, знаменитый композитор. |
Компания ТЭСС, одно из крупнейших российских предприятий в сфере энергосервиса, была создана в 2004 году в ходе реформирования отечественной электроэнергетики.
Обрушившийся на Японию тайфун “Саола ”, получивший порядковый номер 22, привел к отмене не менее 53 внутренних рейсов и массовым отключениям электроэнергии, по меньшей мере два человека пострадали. | When translated to Russian, what message do these sentences carry? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | TESS is one of the biggest Russian companies in the sphere of power service, was established in 2004 during reforming of the domestic power energy industry.
Struck Japan Typhoon “Saola ”, which received serial number 22, led to the cancellation of at least 53 domestic flights and mass power outages, at least two people were injured. |
59.卫生组织提供的支助主要包括制订药房准则,制订全国输血政策和全国口腔卫生战略。 | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Chinese language. | Total seizures of sulphuric acid rose between 1991 and 1994, but fell sharply in 1995 to around 275,000 litres, which is half the amount seized in 1994 and almost 40 per cent less than the amount seized in 1993.
59. WHO support revolved mainly around the preparation of pharmacy guidelines, and the formulation of a national blood transfusion policy and a national oral hygiene strategy. |
Just 35 km south of Cracow is the Beskidy mountain range, and 100 km further, in the Tatra Mountains, lies Zakopane, which is often referred to as “the winter capital of Poland ”.
Charlie Pitcher is known in the world of ocean rowers because in 2013 he set the record for a solo crossing of the Atlantic Ocean aboard a rowboat in just 35 days, beating the previous record belonging to Fedor Konyukhov (46 days). | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | Всего в 35 км к югу от Кракова расположен Бескидский горный хребет, а на расстоянии 100 км в Татрах — Закопане, которое часто называют « зимней столицей Польши ».
Чарли Питчер известен в мире океанских гребцов тем, что в 2013 установил рекорд одиночного пересечения Атлантического океана на вёсельной лодке – 35 суток, улучшив предыдущий рекорд, принадлежавший Фёдору Конюхову (46 суток). |
Правовое положение и профессиональная деятельность аккредитованных на Украине иностранных корреспондентов и других представителей иностранных средств массовой информации, а также информационная деятельность дипломатических, консульских и других официальных представителей зарубежных государств на Украине регулируются законодательством Украины, соответствующими международными договорами, заключенными Украиной. | In the context of Russian, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | The legal status and professional activities of foreign correspondents accredited to Ukraine, as well as other representatives of foreign mass media, information activities of diplomatic missions, consular offices, and other official representatives of foreign countries in Ukraine shall be governed by the laws of Ukraine and relevant international treaties signed by Ukraine. |
Если Джозеф Смит был обманщиком, который намеренно пытался ввести людей в заблуждение, его следует разоблачить; его претензии должны быть опровергнуты, а ложность его учений доказана, потому что учения мошенника не могут быть согласованы с божественной истиной во всех деталях.
Метеорит Нахла, названный в честь города, рядом с которым он упал, столкнулся с Землёй 28 июня 1911 года. | Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences, and must use the given word translations. | “If Joseph Smith was a deceiver, who wilfully attempted to mislead the people, then he should be exposed; his claims should be refuted, and his doctrines shown to be false, for the doctrines of an impostor cannot be made to harmonize in all particulars with divine truth.
The Nakhla meteorite, which is named for the town in which it landed, crashed to Earth on June 28, 1911. |
Im Dezember haben wir auf Weihnachtsgeschenke verzichtet und stattdessen zahlreiche Projekte von Plan International unterstützt, wie die Bekämpfung von Unterernährung bei Kindern im Südsudan oder die Ermöglichung einer besseren Mobilität für Hebammen in Laos. | Kindly submit the German interpretation for the next sentences, and must use the given word translations. | In December, we dispensed with Christmas presents and supported numerous projects of Plan International instead, like the fight against undernourishment of children in South Sudan or to enable a higher mobility for midwives in Laos. |
Посмотрим, удастся ли Карпину продлить беспроигрышную серию таким принципиальным для себя матчем. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language. | Let's see whether Karpin will be able to extend his team's winning streak by winning such a key match that they cannot afford to lose. |