Heinrich von Kleist wrote pompous verses such as “Surmounter of the Insurmountable ” and dedicated them to Archduke Carl, and his statue still stands today next to Prince Eugen at on Heldenplatz. The low molecular weight amorphous polyester resins may have an acid value of from about 8 to about 20 mg KOH / g, in embodiments from about 9 to about 16 mg KOH / g, and in embodiments from about 11 to about 15 mg KOH / g.
Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language.
Heinrich von Kleist widmete Erzherzog Carl schwülstige Verse wie "Überwinder des Unüberwindlichen", und heute noch steht seine Statue neben Prinz Eugen auf dem Heldenplatz. Die amorphen Polyesterharze mit niedrigem Molekulargewicht können eine Säurezahl von etwa 8 bis etwa 20 mg KOH / g, in Ausführungsformen von etwa 9 bis etwa 16 mg KOH / g und in Ausführungsformen von etwa 11 bis etwa 15 mg KOH / g aufweisen.
Today, 50 years after the United Nations Charter entered into force, we have come here with the unflinching confidence that the purposes and principles enshrined in it have served and will serve mankind to attain its aspirations to peace and global security, the equality of peoples and their right to self-determination, international cooperation for development and progress, and respect for freedoms and human rights.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
Сегодня, 50 лет спустя с того момента, когда вступил в силу Устав Организации Объединенных Наций, мы прибыли сюда с непоколебимой уверенностью в том, что цели и принципы, заложенные в нем, служили и будут служить человечеству для достижения чаяний мира и всеобщей безопасности, равенства народов и их права на самоопределения, международного сотрудничества для развития и прогресса и уважения свобод и прав человека.
Die Bibliothek von Brooklyn Park, am Rande der Großstadt Minneapolis, ist das neueste Gebäude, das der Hennepin County Bibliotheksverbund im Zuge seiner Erneuerung erbaut hat, und ist mit 39.000 Bruttoquadratfuß mehr als doppelt so groß wie das 40 Jahre alte Gebäude, das es ersetzt. Selbstverständlich arbeiten wir dabei mit einem der führenden Experten auf diesem Gebiet zusammen: Riccardo Camusso (italienischer Meister der naturalistischen Fotografie in den Jahren 2008 und 2009), der allseits als der „Vater“ dieser Technik bekannt ist und der bereits unzählige Bücher über Digiskopie veröffentlicht hat. Die von ihm benutzten Werkzeuge und die kostbaren Swarovski Optik-Ferngläser sind als die besten der Welt bekannt..
Change the given sentences from English to German format using the given reference word translations.
The library in Brooklyn Park, outside of metropolitan Minneapolis, is the latest new build that the Hennepin County Library system undertook in its updating, and is more than double the size of the 40-year-old building it replaced — at 39,000 gross square feet. Of course we asked for the collaboration of leaders in this field: Riccardo Camusso (Italian champion of naturalistic photography in 2008 and 2009) who everyone considers the “father ” of this technique and who published various books on Digiscoping; the tools used, and the precious Swarovski Optik telescopes that are known to be the best spektives in the world
Побережье острова Аруба характеризуют песчаные дюны и скалистые утесы, а яркие цветные домики голландской архитектуры типичны для столицы острова – города Ораньестад.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian?
Sandy dunes and rocky crags characterize the coast of the island Aruba, and a bright colored houses of the Dutch architecture are typical for capital of the island - the city of Oranjestad.
Dominated by the United States, Canada and Mexico, North America stretches from the chilly arctic of Northern Canada and Alaska to the warm tropics of Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean. It will be possible to submit documents for tour guide certification from 13 January 2014 at the Riga Tourism Development Bureau, Riga, Kungu iela 3 on Tuesdays from 13: 00 to 17: 00.
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements.
Dominiert von den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada und Mexiko, streckt sich Nordamerika von der kühlen Arktis Alaskas und des Nördlichen Kanadas zu den warmen Tropen Mexikos, den Bermudainseln und der Karibik. Dokumente zur Zertifizierung der Fremdenführer können ab dem 13.Januar 2014 dienstags von 13: 00 bis 17: 00 Uhr beim Rigaer Büro für Tourismusentwicklung in Riga, Kungu iela 3, eingereicht werden.
It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences.
In this regard, civil society associations collaborate with the Ministry of Health and the health authorities in implementing the State's strategy for combating non-infectious diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and the risk factors that cause them, e.g., poor nutrition, physical inactivity, use of tobacco and stress.
For instance, article 84 (1) of the Labour Code allows a pregnant woman to break her employment contract without notice or the concomitant obligation to pay compensation, while the employer may not break such a contract on the ground's of the worker's pregnancy. In 1983, Wah Ming was merged into Eastern Time Limited, a subsidiary of Chiaphua Industries, as a motor division to allow for diversification into compatible technologies.
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
例如,《劳动法》第84条第1款规定孕妇可以中止劳动合同,不需预先通知也不需支付赔偿金,而雇主不能因为怀孕而中止劳动合同。 1983年,华明电子有限公司被纳入到捷和实业有限公司的一家子公司——EasternTimeLimited(ETL),将其作为电机部门,促成了公司的兼容技术多样化。
“The mission of the school library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information; students are empowered to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information. ”
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and must use the given word translations.
Die Aufgabe des Medienprogramms der Schulbibliothek ist es, sicherzustellen, dass Studierende und Mitarbeiter effektive Nutzer von Ideen und Informationen sind; Studierende werden befähigt, kritische Denker, begeisterte Leser, geschickte Forscher und ethische Nutzer von Informationen zu sein.
357.据报车臣共和国格罗兹尼的RuslanHajiev于1995年1月在莫兹多克和斯塔夫罗波尔集中营里被审讯时头部受到棍棒的殴打。 (一)党员个人服从党的组织,少数服从多数,下级组织服从上级组织,全党各个组织和全体党员服从党的全国代表大会和中央委员会。
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese?
Ruslan Hajiev, from Grozny in the Chechen Republic, was reportedly beaten with a club on the head during interrogation at the camps in Mozdok and Stavropol, in January 1995. 1) Individual Party members are subordinate to the Party organization, the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower Party organizations are subordinate to the higher Party organizations, and all the constituent organizations and members of the Party are subordinate to the National Congress and the Central Committee of the Party.
Ivan Bjelovučić (1889 – 1949), aviation pioneer and the first pilot to fly on the South American continent (in Lima on 14 January 1911), is also the first pilot to have successfully crossed the Alps, from Switzerland to Italy on 25 January 1913. Similarly, and after repeated warnings, the EU initiated procedures to suspend trade preferences with Cambodia conditioned on respect for human rights, citing Cambodia ’ s fraudulent elections and Prime Minister Hun Sen ’ s and his government ’ s failure to comply with international human rights norms.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Ivan Bjelovučić (1889-1949) war Luftfahrtpionier und zugleich der erste Pilot, der einen Flug auf dem südamerikanischen Kontinent ausführte (am 14. Januar 1911 in Lima). Er war zugleich der erste Pilot, dem es am 25. Januar 1913 gelang, die Alpen von der Schweiz nach Italien erfolgreich zu überfliegen. Ebenso leitete die EU nach wiederholten Warnungen Verfahren ein, um Handelspräferenzen für Kambodscha aufzuheben, die von der Achtung der Menschenrechte abhängig sind. Sie verwies dabei auf die betrügerischen Wahlen in Kambodscha und die Nichteinhaltung der internationalen Menschenrechtsstandards durch Premierminister Hun Sen und seine Regierung.
Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences.
At present, donations continued and this newspaper called on the community to continue to lend a helping hand, so that more families with children can obtain funding and social care.
Zu dieser Zeit rügte der Richter ihn und die vier Mitangeklagten: „Das war unverfrorener und unverschämter Betrug, der ziemlich ungeschickt durchgeführt wurde. Noch schlimmer aber war Ihre Arroganz, zu glauben, dass Sie selbst clever genug wären, damit so einfach davonzukommen.“ Der Markenname setzt sich aus den beiden wichtigsten Zutaten zusammen: Kokain und Koffein, die jeweils dem Kokablatt und der Kolanuss entnommen werden, daher der Name Coca-Cola.
When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
At the time, the judge admonished him and four co-defendants, saying, “These were blatant and impertinent frauds, carried out rather clumsily, but such was your conceit that you thought yourselves smart enough to get away with it. ” The brand name originates from its two key ingredients: cocaine and caffeine, which are extracted respectively from the coca leaf and the kola nut, hence its name Coca-Cola.
продолжать усилия по информированию широких слоев населения о соответствующих законах и о правах женщин в целом и широко использовать средства массовой информации для повышения степени информированности о принципах гендерного равенства и публикации соответствующих документов на языках национальных меньшинств (Российская Федерация); принять дополнительные меры для обеспечения и осуществления принятых законов, а также принять меры по информированию женщин об их правах (Швеция); В 1891 году, когда Эльзе было три года, Эдвард Брендстрём и его семья вернулась в Швецию.
When translated to Russian, what message do these sentences carry?
Continue efforts to inform the wider society about the laws concerned and about the rights of women in general, and widely use the mass media to raise awareness of gender equality and publish the appropriate documents in ethnic minority languages (Russian Federation); take further action to enforce and implement the laws that have been passed and take measures to ensure that women are informed of their rights (Sweden); In 1891, when Elsa was three years old, Edvard Brändström and his family returned to Sweden.
"When they chill your speech, then they've won," it reads.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
"Если они убьют вашу речь, они победят", - написано там.
The results of their study, published in the International Journal of Audiology, clearly show that teenagers' use of iPods, Smartphones and other MP3 devices can be detrimental to their hearing.
What do the following sentences mean in English? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Die Ergebnisse des zweiten Quartals für Ölsande und Schweröl blieben trotz des gesunkenen Nettoertrags aufgrund der niedrigeren durchlaufenden Betriebskosten von Jahr zu Jahr konsistent. Nettoumsatz und operative Marge für die Bereiche Ölsand und Schweröl haben sich in der 1. Jahreshälfte 2014 im Vergleich zum selben Zeitraum des Vorjahres verbessert. Zurückzuführen ist dies auf den Transport höherer Volumina durch die Nipisi-Pipeline während der Zeiträume von 2014.
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the German format using the given reference word translations.
Oil Sands & Heavy Oil second quarter results remained consistent year over year despite decreased net revenue due to lower flow through operating costs. In Oil Sands & Heavy Oil, the increases in net revenue and operating margin during the first half of 2014 compared to the same period of 2013 were primarily related to higher volumes transported on the Nipisi Pipeline during the 2014 periods.
Предлагаем нашим гостям посетить гостиничный ресторан, где можно отведать блюда традиционной чешской и международной кухни. Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент фирменных блюд на гриле, а в нашем винном погребе Вы найдете избранные чешские и иностранные вина. Объект всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО, дворец Фонтенбло, использовался в качестве резиденции королей Франции с 12-го века до кончины монархии после отречения Наполеона III в конце 19-го века.
In the context of Russian, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
We recommend our guests to visit the hotel restaurant where they can sample traditional Czech meals as well as international cuisine. We offer a wide selection of grilled specialties. Our wine cellar contains a wide range of selected Czech and foreign wines. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Palace of Fontainebleau, was used as a residence by the kings of France continuously from the 12th century until the demise of the monarchy following the abdication of Napoleon III at the end of the 19th century.
In the eyes of reporters who have been reporting on table tennis and badminton all year long, “Tibetan mastiff” Zhang Jike has already had the potential to become the next Lin Dan.
Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format.
In Mauren and Schaan, information events were held in June 2006 for politically interested women. On 10 July 2015, Zhou Shifeng, Wang Quanzhang, Li Shuyun and Zhao Wei were detained by police in Beijing.
Transform the upcoming sentences from Chinese language to English language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
毛伦和莎安2006年6月为有意参政的妇女举办了新闻活动。 2015年7月10日,周世锋,王全璋、李姝云、赵威在北京被警方拘留。
Кроме того, впервые женщина была непосредственно избрана в состав муниципального совета в мухафазе Мухаррак. « Заключение, опубликованное в журнале Nutrición Hospitalaria, подтверждает результаты недавних исследований среди здоровых взрослых людей, свидетельствующих о том, что употребление до семи яиц в неделю не вызывает повышения риска развития сердечнососудистых заболеваний », — отмечает Сориано.
Please provide the Russian translation for the following sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Furthermore, for the first time a woman was directly elected to a seat on a municipal council, in Muharraq Governorate. "The conclusions, published in the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria, confirm recent studies in healthy adults that suggest that an intake of up to seven eggs a week is not associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases," said Dr Soriano.
Новая Зеландия находится в пределах полинезийского треугольника и в этом смысле является частью Полинезии - маори Новой Зеландии составляют одну из основных культур Полинезии.
Please share the Russian version of the given sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
New Zealand is within the Polynesian triangle and in this sense is part of Polynesia - the Māori of New Zealand constitute one of the major cultures of Polynesia.
catania means 卡塔尼亚 Could you supply the Chinese translation for the upcoming sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Coordinates: 37 ° 30 ′ 8 ″ N 15 ° 5 ′ 25.3 ″ E  /  37.50222 ° N 15.090361 ° E  / 37.50222; 15.090361 Palazzo Biscari is a private palace in Catania, Sicily, southern Italy.
Von der „Wiege bis zum Tor“ verbraucht die Herstellung von Susterra ® 40% weniger Energie und reduziert die Treibhausgasemissionen um mehr als 40% im Vergleich zu Propandiol auf Erdölbasis. In ähnlicher Weise klang Maos Theorie der „Massenlinie“ - die besagte, dass die Partei „aufmerksam auf die Stimme der Massen hören sollte“ - theoretisch demokratisch, in der Praxis jedoch autoritär.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German using the given reference word translations?
From "cradle-to-gate" the production of Susterra ® consume 40% less energy and reduce greenhouse gas emission by more than 40% comparing with petroleum-based propanediol. Similarly, Mao ’ s theory of the ‘ mass line ’ – which argued that the party should “listen attentively to the voice of the masses ” – sounded democratic in theory but was authoritarian in practice.
И на Западе, и на Востоке, Абдул-Баха был известен как посол мира, поборник справедливости и ведущий представитель новой Веры.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences, and must use the given word translations.
Throughout the Occident and the Orient, `Abdu ’ l-Bahá was known as an ambassador of peace, a champion of justice, and the leading exponent of a “new faith ”.
Уже более 27 лет компания оказывает юридическую помощь в иммиграции в США для клиентов со всего мира, в том числе, из стран бывшего СССР, консультируя и сопровождая на всех этапах иммиграционного процесса.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian?
For more than 27 years, the company has been providing legal assistance in immigration to the USA for clients from all over the world, including the countries of the former USSR, advising and accompanying at all stages of the immigration process.
Auch wenn wir angemessene und hinreichende Anstrengungen unternehmen, um Informationen, die Rückschlüsse auf die Identität Einzelner erlauben, vor Verlust, Missbrauch und Veränderung durch Dritte zu schützen, sollten Sie sich darüber im Klaren sein, dass immer ein gewisses Risiko besteht, dass ein unbefugter Dritter eine Übermittlung über das Internet abfangen kann oder dass Diebe einen Weg finden könnten, unsere Sicherheitssysteme zu umgehen.
Render the listed sentences in German from their original English form, and must use the given word translations.
Although we will make adequate and reasonable efforts to protect personally identifying information from loss, misuse or alteration by third parties, you should be aware that there is always some risk that an unauthorised third party could intercept an Internet transmission, or that thieves will find a way to thwart our security systems.
Apart from that, unhealthy eating habits are not the only cause of the weight gain but some other reasons as well including genetical disorders, unhealthy mental state, and poor metabolism.
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences.
Abgesehen davon sind ungesunde Ernährungsgewohnheiten nicht die einzige Ursache für die Gewichtszunahme, sondern auch einige andere Gründe wie genetische Störungen, schlechter Geisteszustand und schlechter Stoffwechsel.
Die Registrierungsdaten bestehen aus Ihrem Namen, einem Account, Ihrer e-Mail Adresse und einem Passwort. (Achtung: Sie sollten unbedingt möglichst sichere Passwörter benutzen mit einer Kombination aus Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben, Zahlen und Sonderzeichen).
Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to German language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
The registration data consist of your name, an account, your e-mail address and a password (Attention: It is imperative that you should use secure passwords with a combination of capital and small letters, numbers and special characters).
gurs means 居尔 How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Chinese? The given word translations should be used.
As a result, the Jews expelled in Operation Bürckel were interned in harsh conditions by the Vichy authorities at the camps in Gurs, Rivesaltes and Les Milles while awaiting a chance to return them to Germany.
In June, this figure rose by 1.7%.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences?
В июне показатель вырос на 1,7%.
It's clear to us that sustainability, or ESG as others call it, has become a fundamental growth driver for our industry. Far from being a passing fad, it heralds major upheavals in many parts of the economy and is an aspect that we've had to integrate in a very structured way since it affects all our business lines.
Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version.
Nachhaltigkeit bzw. die so genannten « ESG-Kriterien » sind mittlerweile zu einer fundamentalen Wachstumsachse für unsere Branche geworden. Dies ist bei Weitem kein Thema, das gerade in Mode ist, sondern ein Vorzeichen eines gewaltigen Wandels in vielen Bereichen der Wirtschaft. Diese Dimension mussten wir in einer sehr strukturierten Weise einbeziehen, denn sie betrifft unser gesamtes Anlagespektrum.
Город является родным местом одного из самых известных спортивных деятелей Болгарии — первого и единственного золотого медалиста Зимних Олимпийских игр (Нагано 1998) — Екатерины Дафовской. 9 декабря 2013 года город Хельсинки решил, что всем несовершеннолетним в возрасте до 18 лет и всем беременным матерям, проживающим в Хельсинки без действительной визы или вида на жительство, предоставляется право на такое же медицинское обслуживание и по той же цене, что и все граждане города.
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian.
The town is the native place of one of the most famous sport persons in Bulgaria – the first and only golden medalist from Winter Olympic Games (Nagano 1998) – Ekaterina Dafovska. On December 9, 2013, the City of Helsinki decided that all minors under the age of 18 and all pregnant mothers living in Helsinki without a valid visa or residence permit are granted the right to the same health care and at the same price as all citizens of the city.
Wandering around the region's largest town Stepanakert as part of a tour group whose members come from places ranging from Turin to Taiwan, French pharmacist Jordan Nahoum said that while he knew all about Nagorny Karabakh's bloody past, he was surprised by what he found.
In English, what do the given sentences convey?
Бродя по крупнейшему городу региона Степанакерту вместе с туристической группой, куда входят туристы из разных мест – от Турина до Тайваня, французский фармацевт Жордан Наум говорит, что, хотя он знал все о кровавом прошлом Нагорного Карабаха, он был удивлен тем, что увидел.
3: 30 So Joab and Abishai his brother killed Abner, because he had killed their brother Asahel at Gibeon in the battle. In order to make their call heard from a larger distance, they use their vocal sac, which serves as a built-in microphone.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry?
30 Joab und sein Bruder Abischai brachten Abner um, weil er ihren Bruder Asaël bei Gibeon im Kampf getötet hatte. Um ihren Ruf auch aus größerer Entfernung zu Gehör zu bringen, nutzen sie ihre Schallblase, die ihnen als integriertes Mikrofon dient.
We will experience the vast expanses and the diversity of the seabed, and if we are lucky we will find razor clams, bristle worms, soft-shell clams and some of the other animals that hide in the Wadden Sea.The walk is about 3-4 km long and will take approximately 2-3 hrs.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Wir werden die Weiten und die Vielfalt des Meeresbodens erleben, und wenn wir Glück haben, finden wir Schwertmuscheln, Borstenwürmer, Sandklaffmuscheln und einige andere Tiere, die sich im Wattenmeer verstecken. Die Wanderung ist ca. 3-4 km lang und dauert ca. 2-3 Stunden.
In October 2018, Iran ’ s vice president for legal affairs, Laya Joneidi, called on all Iranian government organizations, private sector companies, medical institutions, physicians, patients and individuals to compile a record of the cases of US violation of the International Court of Justice ’ s ruling which had ordered Washington to lift bans on the free export of medicine to Iran.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences?
В октябре 2018 г. вице-президент Ирана по правовым вопросам Лайя Джонейди призвала все иранские правительственные организации, компании частного сектора, медицинские учреждения, врачей, пациентов и отдельных лиц составлять протоколы о случаях нарушений со стороны США постановления Международного Суда, который приказал Вашингтону отменить запрет на бесплатный экспорт лекарств в Иран.
It is important to remind that, in 2018, the Russian nuclear power plants (the affiliate companies of Rosenergoatom) have topped a record in the electric power output – 204.3 billion kilowatt-hours, which is 0.7% higher than in 2017. Surat is renowned as a diamond processing and trading center, however, it also has a strong IT sector, says the report, which predicts that the city will see an average annual GDP growth rate of 9.2% from 2019 to 2035.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Напомним, что в 2018 году российские атомные станции (филиалы Росэнергоатома) выработали рекордное количество электрической энергии — 204,3 млрд кВтч, что на 0,7% больше, чем в 2017 году. Сурат известен как центр обработки и торговли алмазами, но у него также есть сильный ИТ-сектор, говорится в отчете, в котором прогнозируется, что в городе среднегодовой темп роста ВВП составит 9,2% с 2019 по 2035 год.
After that victory, Babur didn't live long; he died in the town of Agra in December 1530; later, according to his testament his remains were carried by his descendants to Kabul and buried there. The house where Neofit Rilski was born and lived until 1811 was turned into a museum in 1981 and today it is a historical monument of national importance.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
После той победы Бабур прожил не долго и умер в городе Агре в декабре 1530 г.; позже, согласно его завещанию его останки потомки перенесли в Кабул и захоронили там. Дом, в котором Неофит Рильский родился и жил до 1811 года был превращен в музей в 1981 году и сегодня является историческим памятником национального значения.
Но при этом следует отметить, что по итогам прошлого года в сфере золотодобычи Приамурья происходил спад – объем добычи драгметалла сократился на 12% по отношению к аналогичному периоду 2017 года, составив 22,7 тонн.
In Russian, what do the given sentences convey?
But it should be noted that last year there was a decline in the gold mining area of ​ ​ the Amur Region - precious metal production decreased by 12% compared to the same period of the 2017 year, amounting to 22,7 tons.
Most of the smaller islands are independent nations, or associated with France, and known as luxury beach resorts.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form.
Die meisten der kleineren Inseln sind unabhängige Nationen oder zu Frankreich gehörig und als luxuriöse Seebäder bekannt.
Many Eating places, Clubs and shops are just steps away, while the Acclaimed pebbly beaches at Makarska Riviera are in the Proximity, the Closest just 100 metres away.
In English, what do the given sentences convey using the given reference word translations?
Viele Restaurants, Bars und Geschäfte sind nur wenige Schritte entfernt, während die bekannten Kiesstrände der Makarska Riviera in der Nähe liegen, der nächste ist nur 100 m entfernt.
20世纪上半叶,从北京乘坐火车前往广州和上海的旅客们必须分别在汉阳和浦口下车,转乘蒸汽渡轮过江,然后再继续他们的火车旅程。 一个是研制抗布鲁氐菌病的疫苗,这种病由农畜和未经巴氐消毒法处理过的奶制品引起,能导致发烧。
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Chinese?
In the first half of the 20th century, rail passengers from Beijing to Guangzhou and Shanghai had to disembark, respectively, at Hanyang and Pukou, and cross the river by steam ferry before resuming journeys by train. One is developing a vaccine against brucellosis, a disease caught from farm animals and unpasteurized dairy products, which causes a feverish illness.
This is because, in addition to further declines in investment and the labor income share, another negative impact could kick in: beyond a certain threshold, greater market power would stifle innovation, as firms ’ incentives to separate themselves from competitors through innovation would become too weak. He warned that frequent exposure to these frequencies disrupt the delicate balance of the brain ’ s electro-chemical communications and can result in chronic headaches, fatigue, lethargy, nausea, dizziness, depression, arteriosclerosis, and possibly Alzheimers.
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences.
Это связано с тем, что, помимо дальнейшего сокращения инвестиций и доли доходов от труда, может возникнуть еще один негативный эффект: после определенного предела еще большее влияние на рынок станет подавлять инновации, поскольку стимулы выделиться среди конкурентов посредством инноваций станут для компаний слишком слабыми. Он предупредил, что частое воздействие этих частот нарушает тонкий баланс электрохимических связей мозга и может привести к хроническим головным болям, усталости, вялости, тошноте, головокружению, депрессии, атеросклерозу и, возможно, к альцгеймеру.
In Goodman ´ s mouse lemurs the expression of female dominance was described for the first time and the behavior was moderately stable when the agonistic behavior of two successive reproductive seasons was compared. When we look at this building, we can surely say that it has not disappointed the hopes of the Paraguayan people … because God never disappoints!
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Bei Goodman ´ s Mausmakis wurde die weibliche Dominanz zum ersten Mal beschrieben, und diese Verhaltensweise zeigte eine moderate Stabilität, wenn das agonistische Verhalten in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Reproduktionszeiten verglichen wurde. Und wenn wir dieses Gebäude anschauen, hat er ohne Zweifel die Paraguayer nicht enttäuscht. Denn Gott enttäuscht nie!
In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
Vector machines appeared in the early 1970s and dominated supercomputer design through the 1970s into the 1990s, notably the various Cray platforms.
Sie führten darüber hinaus aus, dass die provisorischen Geschäfte und Restaurants oft Unterkunft und kostenlose Mahlzeiten für Leute in Not bieten würden.
Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences.
They argued the makeshift shops and restaurants often provided shelter and free meals to those in need.
Dies ist nur ein Schritt auf einem anspruchsvollen Weg, der jedoch zu enormen Vorteilen für Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Umwelt führen kann “, sagte Dame Ellen MacArthur, Gründerin der Ellen MacArthur-Stiftung. Kulturinteressierte Besucher können zudem geschichtliche Höhepunkte aus nahezu allen Epochen (z. B. das Weltkulturerbe Römerkastell Saalburg, das Schloss Bad Homburg, den Hessenpark) erkunden.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language, and must use the given word translations.
This is just one step on what will be a challenging journey, but one which can lead to huge benefits for society, the economy and the environment, ” says Dame Ellen MacArthur, Founder of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Visitors wanting a shot of culture can find historical highlights from almost all the ages, including the World Heritage Site of Saalburg Roman fort, Bad Homburg Castle and Hessen Park.
This type of gene engineering is still recent and, because of the complexity of the reactions they catalyze, among others, is likely to take a decade or more before being widely available and practical.
Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Комитет также с озабоченностью отмечает, что подобные представления особенно широко распространены в средствах массовой информации, где женщины и мужчины зачастую представляются стереотипно, и что в государстве-участнике идет процесс проникновения порнографии в повседневную жизнь, также известный как < < сексуализация общественной сферы > >. Инициатива о принятии Всеобщей декларации принадлежит Президенту Республики Казахстан Нурсултану Назарбаеву. Она была реализована в декабре 2015 года. Глава государства призвал международное сообщество « сделать построение мира без ядерного оружия главной целью человечества в XXI веке ».
Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Russian language.
The Committee notes with concern that such attitudes are particularly prevalent in the media, where women and men are often depicted in a stereotyped manner and that a process of mainstreaming pornography, also known as "sexualization of the public sphere", is occurring in the State party. The initiative to adopt the Universal Declaration belongs to the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. It was implemented in December 2015. The head of state called on the international community to “make the creation of a world without nuclear weapons the main goal of humanity in the 21st century. ”
53. Ms. Sinegiorgis (Ethiopia), speaking in exercise of the right of reply, said that Eritrea ’ s accusations against her country were preposterous and absurd and that it was important to put things in perspective to avoid any ambiguity.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences?
The Security Council, which is entrusted with the maintenance of international peace and security, is called upon to assume its responsibility today, in accordance with the Charter, to protect the Palestinian people, to put an end to the hostile Israeli policy in the region and to establish the independent State of Palestine.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
Совет Безопасности, который отвечает за поддержание международного мира и безопасности, призван сегодня выполнить свою обязанность по Уставу: защитить палестинцев, положить конец враждебной израильской политике в регионе и создать независимое палестинское государство.
The calorie content of black grapes with stones is 64 kcal per 100 g of the product, while the white varieties have about 42 kcal in the same amount of raw berries.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original Russian form.
Калорийность черного винограда с косточками составляет 64 ккал в 100 г продукта, тогда как белые сорта имеют около 42 ккал в аналогичном количестве сырых ягод.
В последние дни Второй мировой войны 44 лидера государств-союзников встретились в городе Бреттон-Вудс штата Нью-Хэмпшир, чтобы создать новую глобальную экономическую систему. Они могут вносить вклад в обеспечение соблюдения прав человека, в том числе при помощи инвестиций, создания рабочих мест, справедливых и равноправных условий работы и стимулов для экономического роста и общественного развития.
Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
In the final days of World War II, 44 leaders from all of the Allied nations met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in an effort to create a new global economic order. They can contribute to the enjoyment of human rights, inter alia through investment, employment creation, just and equitable working conditions and stimulation of economic growth and community development.
Г-н Гоффен (Бельгия), выступая от имени Европейского союза, говорит, что в принципе проекты резолюций следует представлять на всех официальных языках, однако с учетом нынешнего положения Европейский союз желает проявить гибкость.
Translate the following sentences from English to Russian.
Mr. Goffin (Belgium), speaking on behalf of the European Union, said that in principle, draft resolutions should be submitted in all the official languages, but owing to the current situation, the European Union was willing to show flexibility.
Good that there was already a hotel group which had established this mix in Australia and gained experience in Europe with two hotels in Copenhagen and Budapest: Toga Hospitality, today part of TFE Hotels and the “mother ship ” of the Adina brand.
Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Gut, dass es eine Hotelgruppe gab, die diesen Mix in Australien bereits etabliert und mit zwei Häusern in Kopenhagen und Budapest auch erste Europa-Erfahrungen gesammelt hatte: Toga Hospitality, Teil der heutigen TFE Hotels und „Mutterschiff“ der Marke Adina.
调查时已婚或者同居的妇女的29%曾受过丈夫或者同居伴侣的暴力伤害,23%受过感情伤害,还有10%受过性暴力伤害。 29:1-4亚利尹勒,祭坛的炉床亚利尹勒即耶路撒冷;这点从第8节里提到锡安山可以看得很清楚。
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese?
- Of the women who were married or cohabiting at the time of the survey, 29 per cent had suffered some form of physical violence from their husbands or companions, 23 per cent had suffered emotional abuse and 10 per cent sexual abuse; 29: 1-4 Ariel the altar hearth Ariel is Jerusalem; this is clear when it says "Mount Zion" in v.8.
25. Генеральный секретарь отмечает, что до введения санкций в отношении соответствующего государства Совет Безопасности может принять решение предложить соседним государствам, а также основным торговым партнерам государства, в отношении которого вводятся санкции, принять участие на коллективной или индивидуальной основе в его неофициальных консультациях, с тем чтобы предоставить им возможность сообщить Совету о своей озабоченности и представить конкретные предложения.
In Russian, what do the given sentences convey?
25. The Secretary-General notes that, before imposing sanctions on the target State, the Security Council may decide to invite neighbouring States, as well as major trade partners of the target State, to participate collectively or individually in its informal consultations, so as to give them the possibility to apprise the Council of their concerns and submit specific proposals.
Das Ziel dieser Fachtagung war es, Gegenspieler in der gesellschaftlichen Debatte um Zootierhaltung mit der Grundlagenforschung im Tierschutz zu konfrontieren und einen auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen basierenden Konsens zu formulieren, der ein Forschungskonzept beschreibt, durch das die drängendsten Fragen zum Tierschutz in Zoos beantwortet werden können. Wenn du minderjährig bist, dann ist es illegal, wenn du nackte oder fast nackte Fotos von dir machst und sie verbreitest. Man könnte dich verklagen, weil du Kinderpornographie verbreitest. Wer auch immer die Fotos bekommt, könnte für deren Besitz verklagt werden.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the German translation for these sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
The target of this expert conference was to face the opponents in the social debate about the keeping of animals in zoos with the basic research and frame a consensus, based on academic knowledge, which describes a research concept to answer the most urgent questions about animal welfare in zoos. If you are under 18, taking nude or semi-nude photos of yourself and distributing them is illegal. You could be charged with distributing child pornography and whoever gets those photos could be charged with the possession of child pornography.
Dy Cabon blickte auf, als wollte er feststellen, ob es ein Gebet war oder ein Fluch. Er riet richtig, holte tief Luft und ordnete seine Gedanken. » Also gut. Unser Yoffee Repairing Oil gegen Dehnungsstreifen & Narben kombiniert die heilenden und regenerierenden Eigenschaften von 10 natürlichen Ölen und Vitaminen.
In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Dy Cabon glanced up as if trying to decide if that were prayer or expletive, guessed correctly, and took a breath, marshaling his thoughts. "All right. Our Yoffee Repairing Oil for Stretch marks & Scars, combines the healing and regenerating properties of 10 natural oils and vitamins.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Chinese?
Although Logitech has taken the steps described in our privacy policy to ensure that your personal information is delivered and disclosed only in accordance with our privacy policy, Logitech does not guarantee that the personal information you provide will not be intercepted by others and decrypted.
Da wir über unsere Dienste keine Namen, Postadressen, Telefonnummern, E-Mail-Adressen oder ähnliche personenbezogene Daten der Nutzer erheben, geben wir keine solchen Informationen an Dritte weiter. Zu den spirituellen Führern, die zu der ersten U.N. Konferenz dieser Art eingeladen worden sind, gehören Pramukh Swami von der Swami Narayana Bewegung, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Agniwesh, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi und Dada Wasvani sowie herausragende Gelehrte wie Dr. Karan Singh and L. M. Singhvi.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in German using the given reference word translations?
As we do not collect users ’ names, mailing addresses, phone numbers, email addresses or similar personal data through our Services, we do not disclose any such information to third parties. Spiritual leaders who've been invited to the U.N. 's first-ever conference of this kind include Pramukh Swami of Swami Narayana Movement, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Agniwesh, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi and Dada Wasvani as well as eminent scholars such as Dr Karan Singh and L. M. Singhvi.
Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences.
To integrate business resources, play size effect and improve the efficiency of supervision, this renewal will adjust its business scope of the "Payment Business License" payment agencies which are proposed for merging.
Machiavellie says in his book The Prince “that it is much more difficult to subjugate a people who have a prince and barons for leaders than a nation which is led by a prince and slaves. ”
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
В своей книге « Государь » Макиавелли пишет: « Значительно труднее покорить народ, руководимый монархом и баронами, чем народ, управляемый монархом и рабами ».
There is significant interest in our miniature pressure sensors for blade monitoring and our LVDTs for facilitating emergency prop feathering and shutdown.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Chinese to English language.
罗马尼亚欢迎不同文明联盟,表示全力支持并愿意参与它的活动,因为我们认为,该联盟拥有以文化间和宗教间对话为手段促进和平的巨大潜力。 5年前这里还只是沙漠,现在这里有创新的建筑和富有想象力的纪念碑,从双曲面的巴西利亚大教堂到月球风格的共和国文化中心到帕拉西奥达阿尔沃拉达的玻璃盒子。
Change the given sentences from English to Chinese format.
Romania welcomes the Alliance of Civilizations and expresses its full support and willingness to be associated with its activities, for we think the Alliance has great potential to promote peace by means of intercultural and interreligious dialogue. Where only five years before its inception there was desert, now there are innovative buildings and imaginative monuments, ranging from the hyperboloid Cathedral of Brasilia to the lunar-esque Complexo Cultural da Republica to the glass-box Palacio da Alvorada.
Moreover, the judge considered that neither the author nor his counsel had raised the issue of a reasonable apprehension of bias during the hearing, although they claimed before the Court that this bias was well known in the Ghanaian community.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Azerbaijan believed that the primary goal of social development policy was to establish an effective social security and social services system for the whole population, regardless of age, race, gender or social status.
In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? The given word translations should be used.
10月4日:基韦里·奥利维尔·巴卢库先生和他的妻子被一些士兵用刀砍刺,基韦里先生住进了戈马医院,因伤重死亡。 这项主要公约载有详细的附件,结合世界海关组织有关正直性的《阿鲁沙宣言》中的各项条款一并执行,将为海关应付21世纪的各项挑战,包括海关在反恐领域发挥辅助作用,提供一个牢固的基础。
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Chinese?
4 October: Mr. Kiwele Olivier Paluku and his wife were knifed by soldiers. Mr. Kiwele was admitted to Goma hospital and died of his wounds. This main Convention contains detailed Annexes, which when implemented and combined with the provisions contained in the WCO Arusha Declaration on integrity, provide a solid foundation for the challenges faced by Customs in the 21st Century, including the supporting role which Customs plays in the area of anti-terrorism.
НАРКОМАНИЯ И ОПИОИДЫ НАНОСЯТ ОГРОМНЫЙ УЩЕРБ АМЕРИКЕ: Сотни тысяч американцев погибли в результате злоупотребления наркотиками, и ситуация будет только ухудшаться, если не будут приняты меры.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Russian?
DRUG ADDICTION AND OPIOIDS ARE RAVAGING AMERICA: Hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their lives to drug abuse, and it will only get worse unless action is taken.
Meanwhile, the school has arranged the emergency engineering and maintenance company to taken necessary provisional measures in the school to ensure the safety of campus environment.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English?
Similarly, by having a Schengen visa, you do not need to apply for visas to each of the Schengen member countries separately, hence saving time, money and paperwork.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English?
В номинации "Проза" лауреатом стал Канта Ибрагимов, роман "Стигал".
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Russian.
The winner of the "Prose" category was Kanta Ibragimov, for the novel "Stigal".
Частный сектор должен играть ключевую роль в укреплении демократии и поощрении устойчивого развития людских ресурсов ввиду его способности распределять экономический потенциал, стимулировать ориентированное на спрос распределение ресурсов, способствовать повышению экономической эффективности и обеспечивать продуктивную занятость, что позволяет населению улучшать условия своей жизни.
Translate the following sentences from English to Russian.
The private sector has a crucial role to play in the consolidation of democracy and the promotion of sustainable human development, because of its ability to distribute economic power, facilitate demand-driven resource allocations, increase economic efficiency and provide productive employment, making it possible for the population to improve its standards of living.
The position of the 2,500 m isobath, the coordinating points of which were calculated on composite bathymetric profiles using the method of linear interpolation of seabed depths, is shown on the map of the Arctic Ocean. The Lao PDR's population is 5.2 million; 76 percent of the population live in the plains, 22 percent live in urban areas.
平原 means plain Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
2500公尺等深线的坐标点是采用海底深度线性插值法、按照组合测深剖面图计算出来的;其位置见北冰洋图。 老挝共和国有520万人口;76%的人口生活在平原地区,22%生活在城市地区。
Поразительным примером этого на протяжении истории является тот факт, что многие топонимы в Северной Америке имеют индейское происхождение, включая названия таких больших городов, как Чикаго и Оттава, оба алгонкинского происхождения (Комри Б. 2000, 5). "Мне очень жаль, что историческая победа российского кёрлинга стала сейчас предметом допингового скандала, который наносит огромный вред нашему виду спорта и всему российскому спорту в целом".
curling means кёрлинг Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form using the given reference word translations.
A striking example of this throughout history is the fact that many of the place names in North America are of Indian origin, including the names of such large cities as Chicago and Ottawa, both of Algonquian origin (COMRIE B. 2000: 5). “I ’ m very sorry that the historic victory of Russian curling has now become the subject of a doping scandal, which is doing immense harm to our sport and to all Russian sports in general. ”
Одна из лучших вещей, которую вы можете сделать, это научиться распознавать некоторые растения, такие как ядовитый дуб, ядовитый плющ и ядовитый сумах, чтобы вы могли избегать их в природе. Осенью 2002 года "Центр Тами Штейнмец по мирным исследованиям" при Университете Тель-Авива провел опрос и выяснил, что только 18 процентов израильских евреев верят в то, что палестинцы смирились с существованием Израиля, в то время как 71 процент опрошенных придерживается прямо противоположного мнения.
In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply?
One of best things to do is to learn identifying some plants, such as the poison oak, poison ivy and poison sumac so that you will be able to avoid them when you are in the wild. The Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research at Tel Aviv University found in fall 2002 that 18 percent of Israeli Jews believe the Palestinians have accepted Israel's existence and 71 percent think the opposite.
'Because of their inequity, We forbade the Jews wholesome things which were formerly allowed them; because time after time they have debarred others from the path of God; because they practice usury – although they were forbidden it – and cheat others of their possessions. ' Color plays a decisive role in the perception of the dimensions of the room space, so in a small living room, the dominant colors should be beige, sand and all shades of white.
Switch the specified sentences from their German form to English form, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
, Wegen ihrer Ungerechtigkeit verboten Wir den Juden heilsame Sachen, die ihnen früher erlaubt waren; weil sie wieder und wieder andere vom Pfad Gottes ausgeschlossen haben; weil sie Wucher treiben – obschon es ihnen verboten wurde – und andere um deren Besitz betrügen. ' Farbe spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Wahrnehmung der Raumdimensionen, so dass in einem kleinen Wohnzimmer die dominierenden Farben Beige, Sand und alle Schattierungen von Weiß sein sollten.
他热烈地握住她的手,然后放开手去抚摸她的脸蛋。 由于它们的半衰期与地球的寿命相比过短,即使在地球形成初期曾经存在过这些元素,到现今也已经全部衰变为其他元素了。
Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese.
He pressed her hand warmly, and then released it to touch her cheek. They are all radioactive, with a half-life much shorter than the age of the Earth, so any primordial atoms of these elements, if they ever were present at the Earth's formation, have long since decayed.
Являясь символом очага, камин одновременно выступает символом теплоты, безопасности и домашнего уюта. Windows Defender это приложение, которое помогает защитить компьютер от всплывающих окон, снижения производительности и угроз безопасности, вызванных программами-шпионами и другими вредоносными программами, путем обнаружения и удаления этих угроз с вашего компьютера.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Russian?
Being a symbol of the hearth, the fireplace at the same time acts as a symbol of warmth, security and home comfort. Windows Defender is an application which helps protect your computer against pop-ups, slow performance and security threats that are caused by spyware and other malware, by detecting and removing these threats from your personal computer.
In 2018, planned production will be about 6.8 million tonnes for the Novy Port project, roughly 4.3 million tonnes for the Messoyakha project (100% share of the project), and approximately 3.6 million tonnes for the Prirazlomnoye field.
Turn the following sentences from their Russian version to the English version, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
В 2018 г. планируемая добыча по проекту « Новый порт » составит около 6,8 млн т, по проекту « Мессояха » − около 4,3 млн т (в 100% -ной доле проекта) и по Приразломному месторождению − порядка 3,6 млн т.
The old love was waiting, waiting with little white hands stretched out, with blue appealing eyes. By watching adverts or completing quests, users can unlock packs at a higher rate than they would have been able to in Hearthstone.
In English, what do the given sentences convey?
老情人等待着,伸出白皙的小手等待着,还有那双动人的蓝眼睛。 通过观看广告或完成任务,用户可以比在炉石传说中获得的更高的速度解锁卡包。
According to the statement of Serbia, the Albanian people were carrying out the mass arrests of Serbian people, who had been living there for generations, in recent days, but these arrested Serbian people didn't break any laws.
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements.
Europa holt sich Ryder-Cup-Titel zurück
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to German form.
Ryder Cup title returns to Europe
Only a woman like that is able to give you an amazing titty whack because she's got the perfect boobs to do the job. The deviation between minimum and maximum charges by banks in the same country on cross-border transfers are often amazing: in Italy, where the deviation is the largest, bank charges range from €6.20 to €43.40 for a cross-border transfer of €100.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Nur eine Frau wie sie, kann dir einen erstaunlichen Tittenfick geben, da sie die perfekten Brüste für diesen Job hat. Der Unterschied zwischen Höchst- und Mindestgebühren, die Banken im gleichen Land für grenzüberscheitende Überweisungen berechnen, ist oftmals signifikant: In Italien, wo dieser Unterschied am höchsten ist, liegen die Bankgebühren zwischen €6.20 und €43.40 für eine grenzüberschreitende Überweisung von €100.
Deploring the increased occurrence of conflict and violence and its effect on civilians, in particular a marked deterioration in the security and humanitarian situation in parts of Jonglei, including the killing and displacement of significant numbers of civilians, and noting the importance of sustained cooperation and dialogue with civil society in the context of stabilizing the security situation and ensuring the protection of civilians,
Convert the subsequent sentences from Russian into English.
выражая сожаление по поводу увеличения числа конфликтов и актов насилия и их последствий для гражданского населения, в частности по поводу заметного ухудшения ситуации в плане безопасности и гуманитарной ситуации в некоторых районах штата Джонглей, включая убийства и вынужденное перемещение значительного числа гражданских лиц, и отмечая важность постоянного сотрудничества и диалога с гражданским обществом в контексте стабилизации ситуации в плане безопасности и обеспечения защиты гражданских лиц,
The European Union will continue to promote universal adherence to the conventions and protocols that form the legal basis for the work of the United Nations in countering the terrorist threat and to support their global implementation.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Европейский Союз и впредь будет способствовать всеобщему соблюдению конвенций и протоколов, которые формируют правовую базу для работы Организации Объединенных Наций в противодействии террористической угрозе, и поддерживать их глобальное выполнение.
These large rooms have beautiful country house drapes, high ceilings, comfortable sofas, double aspect views across the parkland and a bath with separate shower. In addition, since Kosovo lost preferential trade treatment by the European Union on 31 December 2010, products originating from Kosovo are subject to Customs duties upon entering into the European Union market.
Transform the upcoming sentences from Chinese language to English language.
这些宽敞的客房均拥有美丽的乡间别墅窗帘、高高的天花板、舒适的沙发以及带独立淋浴的浴室,可从两面远眺公园美景。 此外,由于科索沃在2010年12月31日失去欧盟的贸易优惠待遇,来自科索沃的产品在进入欧盟市场时必须缴纳关税。
his joint warfare command capability.
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements.
В то же время можно определить в целом четыре причины: неудовлетворительное управление, характеризующееся коррупцией и принятием посредственных политических и экономических решений; отсутствие соблюдения прав человека в определенных регионах мира; западня нищеты, при которой экономика не позволяет делать необходимые инвестиции; а также устойчивые очаги нищеты в определенных странах. Солнечная Италия – именно здесь считают, что брак – это на всю жизнь. Апельсиновая роща, зажигательный танец под ритмы Тарантеллы, крепкое вино и два белоснежных голубя, как символ вечной любви и преданности – вот чем примечательна свадьба в Италии.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in Russian?
At the same time, four causes can generally be identified: bad governance marked by corruption and mediocre political and economic choices; a lack of respect for human rights in certain regions around the world; the trap of poverty, in which the economy does not allow the necessary investment; and stubborn pockets of poverty in certain countries. Sunny Italy - it is here that the marriage is for life. Orange grove, incendiary dance to the rhythms of Tarantella, strong wine and two snow-white pigeons, as a symbol of eternal love and devotion - this is what is remarkable about the wedding in Italy.
В книге представлены материалы из собрания Государственного литературного музея: уникальные фотографии из личного архива Антона Павловича Чехова, связанные с его путешествием на Сахалин и на Восток в 1890 году. Это так называемая Восточно-Африканская зона разломов, выраженная в рельефе большой впадиной на дне которой расположено сразу несколько вулканов, а по краям эта впадина окружена высокими хребтами Абердэр на востоке и Эльгейо на западе, там же находится и самый высокий вулкан Кении - гора Кения и Элгон.
Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences?
The book presents unique photographs from the personal archive of Anton Chekhov in the State Literary Museum, relating to his journey to Sakhalin and the East in 1890. This is the so-called East African fault zone, expressed in the relief of a large depression at the bottom of which several volcanoes are located at once, and along the edges this depression is surrounded by the high ridges Aberdare in the east and Elgeo in the west, there is also the highest Kenya volcano – Mount Kenya and Elgon.
Zeugen sagen aus, dass zig Protestierende während der Zusammenstöße mit der Polizei bei Schusswechseln getötet wurden.
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German.
Witnesses say that scores of protesters have been fatally shot during clashes with police.
Verschiedene Terrassen um soviel Sonne zu tanken wie man möchte, ein Liegedeck am Teich, einen Gasgrill und einen Feuertopf für kulinarische Highlights. Diese neue Religion war für das kaiserliche Rom eine kulturelle Notwendigkeit, und es ist äußerst bedauerlich, dass sie nicht in umfassenderem Sinne zu einem Mittel geistiger Rettung wurde.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Various terraces to refuel as much sun as you like, a sun deck by the pond, a gas grill and a hot pot for culinary highlights. This new religion was a cultural necessity for imperial Rome, and it is exceedingly unfortunate that it did not become a means of spiritual salvation in a larger sense.
In Switzerland, we have established Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Credit Suisse AG to support the realization of our strategic objectives, increase our resilience and meet regulatory requirements.
Switch the specified sentences from their German form to English form.
In der Schweiz haben wir die Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG als hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der Credit Suisse AG gegründet, um die Umsetzung unserer strategischen Ziele zu unterstützen, unsere Widerstandsfähigkeit zu stärken und den regulatorischen Anforderungen zu entsprechen.
Мы не можем жить, например, без белков, которые составляют структурную основу клеток, входят в состав ферментов, гормонов, нуклеопротеидов, фибрина и многих других жизненно необходимых веществ. Раньше наши женщины ничего не знали о нормальном сексе и каждая постигала эту науку на собственном опыте или руководствуясь советами приятельниц, которые тоже, в основном, не знали « теории », а знали только « практику ».
Change the given sentences from English to Russian format.
We can not live, for example, without the proteins that make up the structural framework of cells, are part of enzymes, hormones, nucleoproteins, fibrin, and many other vital substances. Previously, our women did not know anything about normal sex, and each comprehended this science from their own experience or guided by the advice of friends who, too, basically did not know “theory ”, but knew only“ practice ”.
歌詞主題通常涉及神秘、恐怖、死亡、巫術、戰爭、破壞、暴力、天啟、叛亂和暴政。 武装团体设置路障而限制了移徙自由,他们向被阻止进入农田的平民敲诈金钱;陷入这些武装冲突的平民因此也注定经受饥荒。
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese?
Lyrical topics generally dealt in themes like the occult, horror, death, witchcraft, warfare, destruction, violence, apocalypse, rebellion and tyranny. Freedom of movement is restricted by roadblocks set up by armed groups that extort money from civilians, who are prevented from going into their fields; the civilians caught up in these armed conflicts are thus also condemned to suffer famine.
没有信服自己是迷失的人,是不会来信靠耶稣的,是不会仅仅倚靠他的,也不会经历真正的转变,不会靠基督的宝血洗净自己的罪孽,更不会靠基督的复活获得新生的。 集体所有的财产受法律保护,禁止任何组织或者个人侵占、哄抢、私分、破坏或者非法查封、扣押、冻结、没收。
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Chinese.
One who is not convinced that he is lost will not come to Jesus, will not trust Him alone, will not experience real conversion, will not be cleansed from sin by Christ's Blood, or regenerated by Christ's resurrection. Collectively owned property shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual may seize, encroach upon, privately divide, destroy or illegally seal up, distrain, freeze or confiscate it.
Самос был ненадолго захвачен греческими и британскими войсками 31 октября, но после поражения союзников в битве при Леросе и жестокой воздушной бомбардировки остров был заброшен 19 ноября и захвачен немецкими войсками.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Samos was briefly taken over by Greek and British forces on 31 October, but following the Allied defeat in the Battle of Leros and a fierce aerial bombardment, the island was abandoned on 19 November and taken over by German troops.
Это связано прежде всего с наличием пастбищ, которые гарантируют животным доступ к органическому корму летом и традиционным методом кормления скота натуральным кормом зимой, что, в свою очередь, обеспечивает получение органического продукта.
Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences?
This is primarily due to the presence of pastures, which guarantees animals access to organic fodder in the summer and the traditional method of feeding livestock with natural fodder in winter, which, in turn, ensures an organic product.
Когда родители говорят что-то вроде: « Если ты не получишь хорошие оценки, мы больше не будем тебя любить », « Если ты непослушный, ты не получишь подарки от Деда Мороза » или « Если ты не будешь убираться в своей комнате, мы больше не дадим тебе игрушек ».
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Russian?
When parents say things like: “If you don ’ t get good grades, we won ’ t love you any more ”,“ If you ’ re naughty, you won ’ t get any presents from Santa Claus ” or “If you don ’ t tidy your room, we won ’ t get you any more toys ”.
It is suitable for people with gluten allergy, for health conscious people, for athletes (muscle building, bodybuilding) or simply for gourmets!
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
Es eignet sich für Personen mit Gluten-Allergie, für gesundheitsbewusste Personen, für Sportler (Muskelaufbau, Bodybuilding) oder ganz einfach für Feinschmecker!