stringlengths 1
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His position was expressed during a telephone conversation with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, told the RIA Novosti news Agency a source in the administration of the Turkish leader. | Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Свою позицию он высказал в ходе телефонного разговора с Реджепом Эрдоганом, сообщил агентству РИА Новостиисточник в администрации турецкого лидера. |
Хотя на территории современной России не мало мест, отмеченных святостью и благочестием, Святые пещеры Оренбуржья носят несколько иной характер и стоят в одном ряду с такими святынями отечественного православья, как храмы и монастырь на Соловецких островах, Оптина пустынь или Дивеево.
Первое постоянное русское поселение в Америке было основано без официального разрешения правительства на острове Кадьяк в 1784 году торговцем мехом Григорием Шелиховым. | Please offer the Russian rendition for the following statements. | Although in the territory of modern Russia there are not a few places marked by holiness and piety, the Holy caves of Orenburg region have a slightly different character and stand on a par with such shrines of the Russian Orthodox Church as temples and monastery on the Solovetsky Islands, Optina Pustyn or Diveevo.
The first permanent Russian settlement in America was founded without official government approval on Kodiak Island in 1784 by Gregory Shelikhov, a fur trader. |
И если самые богатые страны мира не будут вкладывать ресурсы в борьбу с этими проблемами в Африке, Южной Америке и Азии сейчас, то бороться с последствиями в дальнейшем будет "бесконечно дороже", объяснил Гейтс в интервью The Telegraph. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Russian? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | And if the world's wealthiest countries don't invest resources to combat these issues in Africa, South America and Asia now, it will be infinitely more expensive grappling with the consequences on the back-end, as Gates explained in an interview with the Telegraph. |
Twenty-one-year-old Fang Fang (Rui En) has a heavy burden on her shoulders.
Hector Alejandro, International Movement ATD Fourth World, speaking on young people seeking to restore human rights, underlined the importance of listening to the voice of the poor. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | 21岁的方方(芮恩饰演)身上的担子很沉重。
30.第四世界国际扶贫运动的赫克托·亚历杭德罗在谈到年轻人力求恢复人权时,强调了倾听穷人声音的重要性。 |
The production of generic materials for practitioners, such as model provisions to combat trafficking in persons, advanced specialized training manuals for judges and prosecutors or a set of assessment tools, allows for adaptation to and application in different languages, cultures and countries.
As a planographic printing method, offset printing is based on the different wettability of the printing and non-printing areas of the exposed printing plate by the ink. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | 为从业人员编写的通用材料,如打击人口贩运示范条款、法官和检察官高级专业培训手册,或一套评估工具,都可改编并适用于不同的语言、文化和国家。
作为一种平版印刷法,胶版印刷的基础是油墨对曝光印版上图文和非图文区域的润湿性差异。 |
« Не случайно, что Ла Масия подарила миру так много великих игроков », — сказал Серхи Роберто, один из игроков Барселоны.
В этот день в 1887 году (или, согласно другим источникам, 1890 году) родился Карлос Гардель, певец, актер и композитор, известный как “король танго ”.
Одну из самых больших опасностей представляют грибы и оомицеты — схожие, но всё-таки разные группы микроорганизмов, которые вызывают болезни у растений. | oomycete means оомицеты
Please share the Russian version of the given sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | “It is not an accident that La Masia has given the world so many great players, ” said Sergi Roberto, one of the FC Barcelona players.
On this day in 1887 (or, according to other sources, 1890) was born Carlos Gardel, singer, actor and composer, known as “the tango king ”.
Among the biggest threats are fungi and oomycetes, similar but distinct groups of microbes, which cause plant diseases. |
123. Если застрахованное лицо соглашается на какую-либо занятость, которая не охватывается мерами на рынке труда, в течение штрафного периода, то штрафной период истекает, если застрахованное лицо работает по меньшей мере десять рабочих дней, прежде чем вновь обратиться с заявлением на получение пособий по безработице при условии, что он или она увольняется со своей работы или теряет свою работу по обоснованным причинам. | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form. | 123. If an insured person accepts employment that does not constitute part of labour market measures during the penalty period, the penalty period lapses if the insured person works for at least ten working days before re-applying for unemployment benefits, providing that he or she has resigned from or lost his or her job for valid reasons. |
For one reason out of many others, no books on Occultism or Theurgy exist in our day which give out the secrets of alchemy or mediaeval Theosophy in plain language.
Areas which can be occupied by standing passengers and are not separated by seats from the side walls or rear wall of the vehicle shall be provided with horizontal hand-rails parallel to the walls and installed at a height of between 80 cm and 150 cm above the floor. | Translate the following sentences from Russian to English, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | И первая среди многих причина в том, что в наши дни нет книг по оккультизму или теургии, которые бы излагали секреты алхимии или средневековой теософии простым языком. В зоне для стояния пассажиров, которая не отделена сиденьями от боковых или задней стенок транспортного средства, должны быть предусмотрены горизонтальные поручни, установленные параллельно стенкам на высоте 80-150 см от пола. |
In addition, in the corner of the graveyard there is a white wooden cross erected by the Sulkava Reserve Officer's Club, with the words: "In memory of the officers fallen in the 1789 battle 18.7.1954"
Transit You will be close to the Antibes Station: perfect in order to visit the Côte d ’ Azur | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | Außerdem steht an einer Ecke des Begräbnisplatzes ein von der Reserveoffiziervereinigung Sulkava aufgestelltes weißes Holzkreuz mit der Inschrift: „1789 Zum Andenken and die im Kampf gefallenen Offiziere 18.7.1954“
Transit Sie befinden sich in der Nähe des Bahnhofs Antibes: ideal, um die Côte d 'Azur zu besuchen |
Threonine exists in the heart, the central nervous system and skeletal muscle, being able to prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver.
Romania is worth a second glance because it is interesting not only as a promising location for investment, but also as a beautiful country with very friendly people, which also has a lot to offer as a destination for tourism. | Convert the subsequent sentences from German into English using the given reference word translations. | Threonin kommt im Herzen, im Zentralnervensystem und in der Skelettmuskulatur vor und kann die Ansammlung von Fett in der Leber verhindern.
Rumänien ist einen zweiten Blick wert, denn es ist nicht nur als Investitionsstandort interessant, sondern zudem ein wunderschönes Land mit sehr freundlichen Menschen, das auch als Touristenziel viel zu bieten hat. |
Seine Filmographie aus dieser Zeit weist Titel auf wie Spielbergs DIE FARBE LILA (1985), Peter Weirs DER EINZIGE ZEUGE (1984) und Lawrence Kasdans Western SILVERADO (1985).
Nach einer Inkubationszeit von 5 – 60 Tagen treten Symptome wie Abgeschlagenheit, Gelenkschmerzen, Hepatosplenomegalie und hohes Fieber begleitet von Schüttelfrost und Nachtschweiß auf. | In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | His filmography of that time contains Spielberg's The Colour Purple (1985), Peter Weir's Witness (1984), and Lawrence Kasdan's western Silverado (1985).
After an incubation time of 5 – 60 days, symptoms like fatigue, joint pain, hepatosplenomegaly, and high fever accompanied by shivering and night sweats can be observed. |
Thus, due to the increase in duty this year (from January 1, 2019 by 25%), the export of unprocessed wood from the Far East decreased by 28.4%, and the export of woodworking products increased by 4.4%.
A small village Chimbarongo, 150 kilometers south of the capital of Chile — Santiago — became a sensation and at the same time shocked the country. | деревообработка means woodworking
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Так, благодаря увеличению пошлины в этом году (с 1 января 2019 года на 25%) экспорт необработанной древесины с Дальнего Востока снизился на 28,4%, а экспорт продукции деревообработки увеличился на 4,4%.
Небольшой поселок Чимбаронго в 150 километрах к югу от столицы Чили - Сантьяго - стал сенсацией и в то же время шокировал страну. |
Die Debatte über die Zukunft Rußlands drehte sich alleine um die Frage, ob das autoritäre Regime unter Putin eine Modernisierung Rußlands anstrebe oder im Stile einer traditionalistischen Despotie nur auf Herrschaftssicherung aus sei.
Die Regierungszeit des jüngsten russischen Zaren, die nur ein Jahr dauerte, nahm ein abruptes Ende, als Elizabeth, die Tochter Peter des Großen, in Begleitung von Soldaten der königlichen Garde das Schlafzimmer von Iwans Eltern betrat. | Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | The debate about the future of Russia revolved solely around the issue of whether the authoritarian regime under Putin was striving to modernize the country, or whether its goal was to secure power in the manner of a traditionalist despotism.
The reign of the youngest Russian emperor, lasting only for a year, ended abruptly when Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, entered the bedroom of Ivan ’ s parents, accompanied by soldiers of the royal guard. |
Bis heute hat die Sonne im Zentrum etwa die Hälfte ihres Wasserstoffs durch Kernfusion verbraucht, rund 70 Prozent ihrer Masse liegen innerhalb des halben Sonnenradius von 350000 Kilometer.
Wissenschaftler haben festgestellt, dass die "tote Zone" des Golfs von Mexiko in diesem Jahr - ein Gebiet mit geringem Sauerstoffgehalt, das Fische und Meereslebewesen töten kann - etwa 2.720 Quadratmeilen (7.040 Quadratkilometer) groß ist, eine Fläche von der Größe von Delaware. | Change the given sentences from English to German format, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | At this point, the Sun has consumed about half of the hydrogen at its core by nuclear fusion; around 70 percent of its mass lies within half the solar radius of 350,000 kilometers.
Scientists have determined that this year ’ s Gulf of Mexico “dead zone ” — an area of low oxygen that can kill fish and marine life — is approximately 2,720 square miles (7,040 square kilometers), an area about the size of Delaware. |
35 毫米格式的实际尺寸是 36 毫米宽,24 毫米高,这样格式其实有点令人困惑。 | It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences. | The 35mm format is actually, somewhat confusingly, 36mm in width by 24mm in height. |
"Spinozism" means a religio-philosophical thinking about God that goes back to the Dutch scholar Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677).
More than thirty years after the novel ’ s original publication, Hesse wrote in a preface to a 1960 republication that Der Steppenwolf was “more often and more violently misunderstood ” than any of his other books. | Change the given sentences from German to English format. | Mit "Spinozismus" ist ein religionsphilosophisches Denken über Gott gemeint, das auf den niederländischen Gelehrten Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) zurückgeht.
Mehr als dreißig Jahre nach der Erstveröffentlichung des Romans schrieb Hesse in einem Vorwort zu einer Neuauflage 1960, dass Der Steppenwolf „öfter und heftiger missverstanden wurde“ als alle anderen seiner Bücher. |
The physician Martin Hinrich Lichtenstein, who was also Professor of Zoology at the University of Berlin, presented a plan to King Friedrich Wilhelm IV in November 1840.
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Georg Steinhauser, Institute of Radioecology and Radiation Protection at Leibniz University Hannover (Tel. + 49 511 762 3311, Email steinhauser @ irs.uni-hannover.de).
The Turkmenistan region soon came to be known as the capital of Greater Khorasan, when the caliph Al-Ma'mun moved his capital to Merv. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements, and must use the given word translations. | Im November 1840 legte der Mediziner Martin Hinrich Lichtenstein, der auch Professor für Zoologie an der Berliner Universität war, den Plan für einen Zoologischen Garten dem König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. vor.
Für weitere Informationen steht Ihnen Prof. Dr. Georg Steinhauser, Institut für Radioökologie und Strahlenschutz an der Leibniz Universität Hannover, unter Telefon + 49 511 762 3311 oder per E-Mail unter steinhauser @ irs.uni-hannover.de gern zur Verfügung.
Schon bald wurde das Gebiet des heutigen Turkmenistan als Chorasan bekannt, als der Kalif der Abbasiden, Al-Ma 'mun, Merw zu seiner Hauptstadt erhob. |
Исторически дарение подарков никогда не было характерной чертой Хануки, но новые еврейские иммигранты из Европы начали покупать подарки для своих детей, чтобы показать свой экономический успех в новом мире.
Современные распределенные вычислительные системы строятся на базе большого числа активного сетевого оборудования - коммутаторов, маршрутизаторов, сетевых шлюзов и серверов. | giving means дарение
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Russian version, and must use the given word translations. | Gift-giving was never a feature of Hanukkah historically, but new Jewish immigrants from Europe began buying presents for their children as a way of signifying their economic success in the new world.
Modern distributed computer systems are built on the basis of a large number of active network equipment - switches, routers, gateways, and servers. |
虽然说了这番话,但在今天的国际安全环境中,如果我们忽视大规模毁灭性武器扩散所构成的风险或者忽视为消除这些风险所作出的努力,那将是失职的。 | Render the listed sentences in Chinese from their original English form. | Having said that, in today's international security environment, one would be remiss in neglecting the risks posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, or in neglecting the efforts aimed at countering them. |
Tough women: Soccer star Hope Solo, left, and Dexter actress Jennifer Carpenter, right, have similar face shapes and eyes | Switch the specified sentences from their German form to English form. | Starke Frauen: Fußballstar Hope Solo, links, und Dexter Schauspielerin Jennifer Carpenter, rechts, haben eine ähnliche Gesichtsform und Augen |
Regionally, Indonesia and Australia co-hosted a Regional Conference on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Bali in December 2002 with a view to securing a clear view of how countries in the region can work together and track down the financial assets of international crime syndicates. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | На региональном уровне Индонезия и Австралия совместно организовали на Бали в декабре 2002 года проведение региональной конференции по борьбе с отмыванием денег и финансированием терроризма с целью получения ясной картины о том, каким образом страны региона могут совместно осуществлять деятельность и обнаруживать финансовые активы международных преступных синдикатов. |
« Новые цифровые технологии позволяют расширить существующие функции безопасности до возможностей, которые были невозможны до текущего момента, а также обеспечить уникальный подход к обеспечению защиты людей и физическому комфорту », - объясняет Стефан Брюк, генеральный директор uvex safety group.
В настоящее время немецкий язык как иностранный изучают 15,4 миллиона человек во всем мире, 90% – это школьники, 10% – взрослые. | Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences. | "New digital technologies enable existing safety functions to be enhanced in ways not possible until now as well as unique approaches to ensuring people's protection and physical comfort", explains Stefan Brück, CEO of the uvex safety group.
At the moment, 15.4 million people around the world are currently learning German as a foreign language: 90 percent of them are school students and 10 per cent are adults. |
例如,面部保湿和营养的心脏和脾脏的治疗;雕刻和调节体形治疗脾胃;滋养头发和明亮的眼睛,肝脏和肾脏治疗;皮肤净化调节肺和胃;抗衰老治疗用于治疗脾肾,... | When translated to Chinese, what message do these sentences carry? | In addition to English, French and Spanish, many of our lawyers and support staff are fluent in Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), Japanese, Korean, and various European languages.
For example, facial hydration and nutrition for the treatment of heart and spleen; sculpting and regulate body shape treatment spleen and stomach; nourish the hair and brightening the eyes for the treatment of liver and kidney; Cutaneous purification regulating lung and stomach; anti-aging treatment for the treatment of spleen and kidney, â €¦ |
The Regional Landscape Park is a barrier-free site for the implementation of social projects aimed at assistance to children with special needs, youth with deviant behaviour, people who suffered as the result of the conflict in the east of Ukraine, popularization of healthy lifestyle, as well as support of gifted young people.
The Babadook is a movie about grief and pain and mental illness and how we learn to cope. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | Региональный ландшафтный парк — безбарьерная площадка для работы социальных проектов, направленных на помощь детям с особыми потребностями, молодежи с девиантным поведением, людям, пострадавшим в результате конфликта на востоке Украины, популяризацию здорового образа жизни в целом, а также поддержку молодых дарований.
Фильм « Бабадук » повествует о горе, боли и психическом заболевании, и о том, как мы учимся справляться с ними. |
В 2017 году кризис передозировки синтетических опиоидов в Северной Америке также достиг новых высот: более 47 000 случаев смерти от передозировки опиоидов было зарегистрировано в Соединенных Штатах, что на 13% больше, чем в предыдущем году, а также 4000 случаев смерти от опиоидов в Канаде, что составляет увеличение на 33% с 2016 года. | Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences? | North America ’ s synthetic opioid overdose crisis also reached new heights in 2017, with more than 47,000 opioid overdose deaths recorded in the United States, an increase of 13 per cent from the previous year, and 4,000 opioid-related deaths in Canada, a 33 per cent increase from 2016. |
(4) Für die Zwecke dieses Rahmenbeschlusses bezeichnet der Begriff „juristische Person“ jedes Rechtssubjekt, das diesen Status nach dem jeweils geltenden Recht besitzt, mit Ausnahme von Staaten oder sonstigen Körperschaften des öffentlichen Rechts in der Ausübung ihrer hoheitlichen Rechte und von öffentlich-rechtlichen internationalen Organisationen.
Nach mehreren Jahren Tätigkeit in einem Zentrum für psychisch Behinderte Menschen, begann ich im „Institut Gestalt – Barcelona“ meine Ausbildung in Gestalttherapie und Familienaufstellungen und nahm an intensiven Workshops mit Bert Hellinger teil. | In German, what do the given sentences convey? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | 4. For the purpose of this Framework Decision, legal person shall mean any entity having such status under the applicable law, except for States or other public bodies in the exercise of State authority and for public international organisations.
After several years of work in a center for mental illnesses, I began my training in Gestalt Therapy and in Family Constellations in the “Institut Gestalt ” of Barcelona and participating in intensive trainings with Bert Hellinger. |
It can also infect deer, goats, sheep, and other bovids with cloven hooves, as well as elephants, rats, and hedgehogs.
However, the ban on their rallies in Oumé, Bouna and Abobo could compromise the authorities' ability to guarantee the security and free movement of political leaders nationwide. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | 它也可以感染鹿、山羊、绵羊和其它偶蹄动物,比如象、鼠和刺猬。
然而,乌梅、布纳以及阿博博三市禁止他们进行集会,这很可能使民众质疑当局保护政治领导人安全及保证他们在全国各地顺利活动的能力。 |
During the war, the HMS Ajax took part in the Battle of the Skagerrak from 31 May to 1 June 1916.
It is also a response to Kernberg ’ s discussion about the splitting power of large group processes in: “Projective identification, countertransference and inpatient treatment. ” (1993) The hypotheses I would like to test are: | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | Während des Krieges nahm die HMS Ajax vom 31. Mai auf den 1. Juni 1916 an der Skagerrakschlacht teil.
Es ist ebenso eine Antwort auf die Diskussion Kernbergs über die spaltende Kraft von Großgruppenprozessen in: „Projektive Identifikation, Gegenübertragung und stationäre Behandlung.“ (1993) Die Hypothesen, die ich prüfen möchte, sind: |
Dies sagte Trump in seiner verspotteten „Nachrichtensprecher“-Stimme. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German. | Trump said in his mock "news anchor" voice. |
Seit der Veröffentlichung des schwedischen Berichts 2002 arbeitet die Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie mit Forschungsgruppen, nationalen Behörden und der Europäischen Kommission eng zusammen, um die Ursache für die Bildung von Acrylamid in Lebensmitteln zu bestimmen und um Methoden zur Reduzierung des Acrylamidgehalts zu entwickeln. | Render the listed sentences in German from their original English form, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Since the publication of the Swedish report in 2002 the food and drink industry has worked closely with research groups, national authorities and the European Commission to identify the cause for the formation of acrylamide in foods and to develop methods for the reduction of acrylamide. |
После смерти Готарда в 1587 г. двор и канцелярия герцогства переселилась в Бауский замок и пребывали здесь до 1596 г., который считается годом окончания строительства замка, о чем свидетельствует и найденный в развалинах каменный рельеф с надписью “Soli Deo Gloria Anno 1596 ”. | Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | After the death of Gothard in 1587, the courtyard and office of the duchy moved to Bauska Castle and stayed here until 1596, which is considered the year of completion of the castle, as evidenced by the stone relief found in ruins with the inscription “Soli Deo Gloria Anno 1596 ”. |
Все вновь разрабатываемые образцы продукции и серийные изделия проходят полный цикл тестирования на испытательных стендах на соответствие требованиям международных и национальных стандартов, а также специальных технических требований заказчиков. | In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply? | All the newly designed samples of products and stock-produced items undergo complete cycle of testing on test benches in order to check their compliance with national and international standards, as well as the special technical requirements of customers. |
Die meisten Menschen wissen vielleicht nicht, dass Portugal eines der ältesten Länder Europas ist, mit fast neun Jahrhunderten Geschichte und Traditionen, die auf ein Erbe der verschiedenen Kulturen zurückgehen, die diese Länder im Laufe der Jahrhunderte bewohnten.
Die Tochter wird Anfang der 1970er Jahre von Schergen der brasilianischen Militärdiktatur entführt. Der Vater versucht vergeblich, sie zu finden. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Most people may not be aware that Portugal is one of the oldest countries in Europe, with nearly nine centuries of history and traditions resulting from a legacy left by the various cultures who inhabited these lands over the centuries.
The daughter was abducted in the early 1970s by the henchmen of the Brazilian military dictatorship, and the father tries, without success, to find her. |
Recalling the appeal of the United Nations Millennium Declaration of 8 September 2000 to respect the diversity of belief, culture and language, to cherish differences within and between societies as a precious asset of humanity, and to promote a culture of peace and dialogue among all civilizations, | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | ссылаясь на содержащийся в Декларации тысячелетия Организации Объединенных Наций от 8 сентября 2000 года8 призыв уважать многообразие вероисповеданий, культур и языков, пестовать различия в рамках обществ и между обществами в качестве ценнейшего достояния человечества и поощрять культуру мира и диалог между всеми цивилизациями, |
The survey also found that EU citizens are concerned about data privacy - 88% of respondents said they would like to be informed if their personal data collected by the telecom provider was lost, stolen or altered in any way. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Wie außerdem aus der Umfrage hervorgeht, haben die EU-Bürger Datenschutzbedenken. So gaben 88% der Befragten an, dass sie informiert werden möchten, wenn ihre vom Telekom-Betreiber erfassten personenbezogenen Daten verloren gehen, gestohlen werden oder anderweitig verändert werden. |
43. begrüßt die Verpflichtung, Bildung als einen der acht vorrangigen Aktionsbereiche zu betrachten, fordert eine stärkere Einbeziehung des Themas der sozialen Verantwortung von Unternehmen in das Sokrates-Programm, die Bereitstellung umfangreichen Materials zur sozialen Verantwortung von Unternehmen in einem künftigen europäischen Zentrum für Lernressourcen (teaching resource centre) und die Einrichtung eines europäischen Online-Verzeichnisses der auf die soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen und nachhaltige Entwicklung spezialisierten Wirtschaftsakademien und -hochschulen;
Richard Stallman persönlich übergab den Preis, einen einzigartigen, handgefertigten Wandteppich an Brian Paul für dessen bahnbrechende Arbeit an der Mesa 3D Grafik-Bibliothek. | Change the given sentences from English to German format using the given reference word translations. | 43. Welcomes the commitment to make education one of eight priority action areas, calls for a deeper integration of CSR in the Socrates programme, the provision of a broad range of CSR materials in a future European teaching resource centre, and the creation of a European online directory of business schools and universities on CSR and sustainable development;
Richard Stallman presented the award, a one-of-a-kind handmade quilt, to Brian Paul for his ground-breaking work on the Mesa 3D Graphics Library. |
Die ukrainische Modebranche entwickelt sich ständig weiter und wird von Jahr zu Jahr immer beliebter bei Ukrainern, die genau wissen, wie man stylisch aussieht.
Die Erforschung holozäner Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen hat zum Ziel, zu klären, welche natürlichen Ressourcen den Menschen in der Vergangenheit zur Verfügung standen, wie diese genutzt wurden und welche Spuren dies in der Landschaft hinterlassen hat. | holocene means holozän
Please provide the German translation for the following sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | The Ukrainian fashion industry continues to evolve. From year to year it becomes more and more popular among Ukrainians who know exactly how to look stylish.
The research on Holocene human-environment relations aims to clarify which natural resources were available to humans in the past, how were these used and which traces are left in the landscape. |
Долина Кочамо – главное направление в Чили для альпинизма. Она известна как Йосмит Южной Америки и имеет большое количество больших гранитных стен и скал. | It would be helpful if you could provide the Russian translation of the ensuing sentences. | Cochamó Valley - Chile's premier climbing destination, known as the Yosemite of South America, with a variety of granite big walls and crags. |
With an increase in liver diseases such as fatty liver disease and liver cancer, and with an aging population of people who may have progressive chronic liver disease, the need for liver transplantation is on the rise in Canada.
She was concerned that the lack of a specific definition of trafficking in women and children in Norway's Penal Code conflicted with the aims and purposes of the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Optional Protocols. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | 随着脂肪肝和肝癌等肝脏疾病的增加,以及可能患有进行性慢性肝病的人口老龄化,加拿大对肝移植的需求也在增加。
挪威的《刑法典》中缺少贩卖妇女和儿童的明确定义,这与《禁止跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其《任择议定书》的目的和意图相抵触,她对此表示关注。 |
They said, "We could see the works of God occurring even today. We showed the authenticity of the Bible by attesting to the divine healing works through use of medical data. It was awesome and impressive." WCDN is headquartered in South Korea, and it is a group of Christian medical doctors organized transcending denomination. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? | 参会者异口同声地赞叹:"神的作工如今同样彰显。通过医学资料论证神的医治事例来证明圣经的真实性,真是大蒙感动,令人难忘!"本部设在韩国的WCDN是超教派基督徒医生联盟。 |
Кроме того, в случае осуждения человека за террористическую деятельность активы, полученные в результате этого преступления, должны быть арестованы, а движимое и недвижимое имущество осужденного лица, а также деньги и другие активы — конфискованы.
Он опубликует детали тендера к концу месяца и примерно через полгода выберет компании-победители, сказал генеральный директор министерства Уди Адири. | Please share the Russian version of the given sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Furthermore, in the event of conviction for a terrorist offence, the assets derived from the crime must be sequestered and the acquisitions of the convicted person, including movable and real property, funds and other assets, confiscated.
It will publish details of the tender by the end of the month and, about half a year later, choose the winning companies, said Udi Adiri, the ministry ’ s director general. |
Марс сегодня — холодная, негостеприимная пустыня, но такие особенности, как сухие русла рек и минералы, которые образуются только с жидкой водой, указывают на то, что давным-давно он имел плотную атмосферу, в которой сохранялось достаточно тепла, чтобы жидкая вода — необходимый ингредиент для жизни — текла по поверхности.
Сегодня с отсутствием евро греческая драхма будет падать по сравнению с немецкой маркой, эффективно повышая стоимость немецких товаров для греков, которые начнут покупать меньше немецких товаров. | In the context of Russian, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | Mars is a cold, inhospitable desert today, but features like dry riverbeds and minerals that only form with liquid water indicate that long ago it had a thick atmosphere that retained enough heat for liquid water – a necessary ingredient for life – to flow on the surface.
Absent the euro today, the Greek drachma would fall in value versus the German mark, effectively raising the cost of German goods to Greeks, who would then buy fewer German products. |
227.为了证实这项索赔内容,国际事务部提交了清单,概述了计算方法、装货数据和国际事务部的海上保险商编写的一份按照到岸价格承保的原油出口货物的报告。 | In Chinese, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | In support of this claim element, International Affairs submitted schedules outlining the calculations, loading statistics and a report of crude oil export cargo insured on a CIF basis prepared by International Affairs' marine insurance underwriters. |
Once a place where foreign investors were kidnapped by gangs and mafias, Georgia is now ranked by the World Bank as number 11 for ease of doing business in the world -- a ranking we hope to further improve this year -- and the number 1 in Eastern and Central Europe.
He had hoped to be a party secretary with direct authority over a town or county but the conservative provincial party secretary, Gao Yang, blocked that. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | 格鲁吉亚曾经是外国投资者遭到匪帮和黑手党绑架的地方,现在其经商便利度被世界银行排在世界第11位----我们希望今年能够进一步提高名次----在中东欧则排名第一。
他原本希望能当上直接掌管一个县或镇的党委书记,但却遭到保守的省委书记高扬的反对。 |
Wir traten neben so großen Künstlern auf wie die große Combo aus Puerto Rico, Rey Ruiz, die Gruppe Canela aus Kolumbien, die Gruppe Niche und die Gruppe Guayacan.
Der sowohl praktizierende wie forschende Architekt entwarf Raumstrukturen, analysierte sie aus technischer wie sozialer Sicht, experimentierte mit geometrischen Formen und entwickelte realisierbare Megastrukturen. | It would be helpful if you could provide the German translation of the ensuing sentences, and must use the given word translations. | We performed next to great artists, such as the great Combo from Puerto Rico, Rey Ruiz, the band Canela from Columbia, the band Niche and the band Guayacan.
The architect, whose activities span both practice and research, designed spatial structures, analyzed them from both technical and social perspectives, experimented with geometrical forms, and developed feasible, workable megastructures. |
Beachten Sie, dass in der brasilianischen Kultur die Werte der Familie von großer Bedeutung sind: Familienmitglieder leben in der Regel nahe beieinander und interagieren wöchentlich, wenn nicht täglich. | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to German language, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Note that in the Brazilian culture family values are of great importance: family members typically live close to one another and interact weekly, if not daily. |
该政策草案将作为制定、实施和评估一般以及涉及残疾人的公共政策和方案的指导准则,以确保残疾人切实融入主流社会。 | Change the given sentences from English to Chinese format. | The draft Policy will be used as a guidepost in designing, implementing and evaluating generic, as well as disability specific, public policies and programmes to ensure meaningful inclusion of people with disabilities into the mainstream society. |
At the same time, put weight on the gun and punch the attacker in the chest, then twist the gun from his grip before backing up and pointing it at him. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | В то же время переместите вес на пистолет и ударьте нападающего кулаком в грудь, затем вывернете пистолет из его хватки, перед тем как отойти назад и нацелиться на него. |
Moerwijk might not have well-known attractions within the city, but you won't need to venture far to find top places to visit like Binnenhof and Noordeinde Palace. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Moerwijk mag zwar keine bekannten Attraktionen innerhalb der Stadtmauern haben, doch Sie müssen nicht weit fahren, um Top-Sehenswürdigkeiten zu finden. Zu diesen zählen: Binnenhof und Paleis Noordeinde. |
Food plays a central role in China’s many major traditional festivals. Foreigners are enthusiastic about these festivals. The Spring Festival is the most important festival in both social and economic sense, and it is also one of the most enjoyable festivals for foreigners. | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? | 食品也是中国历年诸多重大节日的核心,参加这些庆祝活动受到外国人的推崇,春节是最重要的社会和经济节日,也是外国人最容易参与的节日之一。 |
Острова Тилло были исследованы арктическим геологом и выдающимся ученым Эдуардом Толлем, который руководил Русской полярной экспедицией на шхуне Заря в 1900 — 1902 годах.
Бишелье является самым популярным местом для пляжного отдыха, не только в силу своего расположения, но также и благодаря находящимся в городе курортам, таких как Hotel Salsello и Hotel Villa. | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form. | The Tillo Islands were explored by arctic geologist and prominent scientist Eduard Toll who led the Russian Polar Expedition on vessel Zarya in 1900-1902.
Having said this, Bisceglie is the most popular spot for beach vacation, not only because of its location, but also because of its beach resorts such as Hotel Salsello and Hotel Villa. |
Dear Guest, Thank you for taking the time to share your wonderful impressions of your stay at IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Salomé.
Professor Rajmohan Gandhi, historian and noted biographer of his grandfather Mahatma Gandhi, noted that while Indian democracy had a long way to go and was, to some extent, feeble, it had nevertheless survived. | Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? | Sehr geehrte Gast, vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, uns Ihre wundervollen Eindrücke Ihres Aufenthalts in unserem Hotel IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Salome mitzuteilen.
Professor Rajmohan Gandhi, Historiker und anerkannter Biograph seines Grossvaters Mahatma Gandhi, sagte, die indische Demokratie hätte zwar noch einen langen Weg vor sich und sei bis zu einem gewissen Grad schwach, trotzdem hätte sie überlebt. |
Thereafter, the Sultanate of Banten took over most of the former Sunda Kingdom's territory, thus ultimately put an end to a millennium of Hindu-Buddhist Dharmic civilization of West Java. [1]: 396 By this time, Java has turned more and more Islamic. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Russian to English language. | После этого Султанат Бантен захватил большую часть территории бывшего королевства Сунда, тем самым положив конец тысячелетию индуистско-буддийской дхармической цивилизации Западной Явы. [1]: 396 К этому времени Ява все больше и больше становилась исламской. |
We affirm that the postponement of the conference is due to Israel's refusal to comply with the will of the international community and its desire to have a monopoly of nuclear weapons in the region.
Telomerase activation might also lengthen the telomeres of immune system cells enough to prevent cancerous cells from developing from cells with very short telomeres. | What do the following sentences mean in English? | 我们申明会议推迟的原因是以色列拒绝依从国际社会的意愿,而是想要在该地区独占核武器。
端粒酶的激活也可能延長免疫系統中細胞的端粒長度,來預防從端粒非常短的細胞發展而來的癌化細胞。 |
Wenn der Ping erfolgreich ist und Ihnen ähnliche Ergebnisse wie oben angezeigt werden, Sie jedoch über Ihren PC keine Verbindung mit dem Internet herstellen können, liegt möglicherweise ein Problem mit dem Modem oder beim Internetdienstanbieter vor.
Und als er und diejenigen, die mit ihm gläubig waren, den Fluss überquert hatten, sagten sie: « Wir haben heute keine Kraft gegen Goliat und seine Truppen. » | Kindly submit the German interpretation for the next sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | If the ping is successful and you see results similar to the results above, but you can ’ t connect to the Internet on your PC, there may be a problem with your modem or Internet service provider (ISP).
Then when he had crossed it along with those who believed with him, they said, "There is no power for us today against Goliath and his soldiers." |
Jedes Heimkino ist anders - deshalb verwendet Denon die Premium-Raumkalibrierungstechnologie MultEQ XT32 von Audyssey, die automatisch die Raumakustik misst und die Einstellungen des AV-Receivers optimiert, um ein wirklich beeindruckendes 3D-Audioerlebnis zu bieten, das auf Ihre einzigartige Klangumgebung zugeschnitten ist.
Im Nahverkehr sind der Oberleitungsbus und die Metro Moskau mit den unbedingt sehenswerten Stationen, von denen einige prachtvoll mit Marmor, Mosaiken und Bronzestatuen ausgestattet sind, erwähnenswert. | Please offer the German rendition for the following statements, and must use the given word translations. | Every home theater is different — that ’ s why Denon uses the premium MultEQ XT32 room calibration technology from Audyssey that automatically measures your room acoustic and optimizes your AV receiver to provide a truly immersive 3D audio experience custom-tailored to your unique listening environment.
In the suburban area, the trolley bus and the Moscow metro station are worth mentioning, with the absolutely worth seeing stations, some of which are magnificently decorated with marble, mosaics and bronze statues. |
Die Wirtschaftspresse wurde von Tag zu Tag pessimistischer und begann mehr und mehr vom Gespenst der Krise von 1929 zu sprechen; viele befürchteten, dass die Folgen diesmal noch schlimmer sein würden.
Als öffentlicher Verkehrsweg kann er von Fußgängern und Radfahrern – eingeschränkt auch von Autofahrern – genutzt werden und ist allemal einen Ausflug wert. Entfernung zu uns: 2,2 km | Please provide the German translation for the following sentences, and must use the given word translations. | The economic press became more pessimistic by the day, and began to speak more and more of the specter of 1929 crisis; many feared that this time, the consequences would be still worse.
It is a public thoroughfare that can be used by pedestrians and cyclists, as well as by motorized vehicles on a limited basis. It is well worth a visit at any time. Distance to us: 2,2 km |
Patients who suffer from muscle weakness due to myasthenia gravis or have poor respiratory reserves due to severe chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or other lung disease, or have sleep apnoea cannot safely take zopiclone, nor can a patient with any untreated abnormality of the thyroid gland.
On October 20, 2016, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) Zhang Dejiang met respectively with President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines and Speaker of the Parliament Ilir Meta of Albania at the Great Hall of the People. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Chinese to English. | 一些患有重症肌无力或者由于严重的慢性支气管炎、肺气肿等肺部疾病导致呼吸储备较差的患者,或者患有睡眠呼吸暂停症的患者不宜服用佐匹克隆,患有甲状腺异常且没有经过任何治疗的患者也不宜服用。
2016年10月20日,全国人大常委会委员长张德江在人民大会堂分别会见菲律宾总统杜特尔特、阿尔巴尼亚议长梅塔。 |
In spite of repeated demands by UNFICYP, the Turkish forces have refused to return this post to the status quo ante and recently added a new barbed wire fence to the north of this position.
On January 1, 2017, China officially assumed the BRICS presidency, and will hold the 9th BRICS Summit in Xiamen of Fujian province from September 3 to 5. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | 尽管联塞部队一再要求,土耳其部队拒绝将这一哨所恢复原状,最近还在该阵地以北架设一道新的有刺铁丝围栏。
2017年1月1日,我国正式接任金砖国家主席国,将于9月3日至5日在福建省厦门市主办金砖国家领导人第九次会晤。 |
According to Aquino, the main event of the trip is a meeting between the two presidents. | Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? | По словам Акино, основным событием поездки станет встреча двух президентов. |
This intensive course will help you to develop and improve your dance level, enrich your dance vocabulary, give you a new perspective on musicality and methods of music visualization in dance.
“Jesus taught them to preach the forgiveness of sin through faith in God without penance or sacrifice, and that the Father in heaven loves all his children with the same eternal love. | Transpose the next sentences from the Russian format to the English format. | Этот интенсивный курс поможет вам в развитии и повышении вашего танцевального уровня, обогатит ваш танцевальный словарный запас, даст вам новый взгляд на музыкальность и методы визуализации музыки в танце.
Иисус учил их проповедовать прощение грехов через веру в Бога – без искуплений или жертвоприношений, проповедовать то, что небесный Отец любит всех своих детей одинаковой, вечной любовью. |
Under article 31 of the Constitution, it is forbidden to arrest, detain or search any person or compel him to reside at a given location or restrict his freedom of residence or movement, except as prescribed by law. | Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format. | 根据宪法第31条,除法律规定的以外,禁止逮捕、拘留或搜查任何人,或强迫他居住在规定的地方或限制其居住或迁徙自由。 |
Дальнейшие исследования подтвердили мои предположения: речь шла о легендарной советской разведчице Марии Фортус, которой удалось выжить и о которой в 60 — 70-е годы было написано несколько книг и снято два кинофильма — « Альба Регия » с Татьяной Самойловой в главной роли и « Салют, Мария! » с Адой Роговцевой. | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Russian language. | Further research confirmed my assumption: it was the legendary Soviet intelligence officer Maria Fortus, who managed to survive and about whom in the 1960-1970s several books were written and two movies were filmed — “Alba Regia ” with Tetyana Samoylova starring and“ Salute, Maria! ” with Ada Rogovtseva. |
In order to aquatint the public with the recent progress in cultural heritage and the schedule of activities for this year's Cultural Heritage Day, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, together with Shangdong Provincial Administration of Cultural Heritage and Jining Municipal Government, held a briefing on May 24th in Beijing. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | 为使全社会更好地了解近期文化遗产领域的重点工作情况,以及今年文化遗产日活动安排,5月24日,国家文物局联合山东省文物局、济宁市人民政府在京召开新闻发布会。 |
Если сотрудничество по общим проблемам в мире не может продвигаться без демократических изменений внутри России, и Путин сделал поощрение таких изменений извне практически невозможным, что тогда делать Вашингтону, кроме надежды на то, что подобного рода перемены произойдут в ближайшее время? | beyond means извне
Change the given sentences from English to Russian format, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | If cooperation on shared concerns in the world cannot move forward absent democratic change inside Russia, and Putin has made encouraging such change from the outside all but impossible, what then is Washington to do, beyond hoping that change happens soon? |
It is closely related to surface engineering, which aims at modifying the chemical composition of a surface by incorporation of selected elements or functional groups that produce various desired effects or improvements in the properties of the surface or interface.
The provision of a convenient feeder service, dedicated median lanes and central median stations, and high-quality pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure integrated into the design, among others, are considered important factors that decide the success of a bus rapid transit system. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Chinese to English using the given reference word translations. | 它与表面工程密切相关,其目的在于通过引入选择的元素或官能团来改变表面的化学组成,所述元素或官能团在表面或界面的性质中产生各种期望的效果或改进。
提供方便的支线服务、专用中间车道和中央分隔车站,在设计时综合考虑高品质的行人和自行车基础设施,加上其它方面,被认为是决定公共汽车快速交通系统成功的重要因素。 |
Diese Primadonna der Berliner Hofoper, der Royal Oper in London, der New Yorker Metropolitenoper und auch das Ehrenmitglied des Prager Nationaltheaters wählte als ihr Zuhause das Schloss in Stráž nad Nežárkou, wo sie von 1914 bis zu ihrem Tode 1930 lebte.
Wenn Isländer eine gute Zeit zusammen hatten, sagen sie beim nächsten Treffen "Danke für letztes Mal". | Please share the German version of the given sentences, and must use the given word translations. | This prima donna of the Royal Court Opera in Berlin, Royal Opera in London, New York Metropolitan Opera and also an honorary member of the Prague National Theatre, chose the palace in Stráž nad Nežárkou as her home, where she lived from 1914 until her death in 1930.
When Icelandic people have enjoyed a fun time together at a gathering, the next time they will meet, they will say “Thank you for last time ”. |
In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, a competition was organized with the aim to “build on the Champ-de-Mars an iron tower with a square base, 125 meters wide and 300 meters high. ”
I wanted to continue working with light and when I did some research on alternative photographic processes that might be suitable for me, I stumbled over cyanotype, a contact printing process discovered by the English astronomer and scientist Sir John Herschel in 1842. | cyanotypie means cyanotype
Convert the subsequent sentences from German into English, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Anläßlich des 100-jährigen Jubiläums der Französischen Revolution, wurde ein großer Wettbewerb ausgeschrieben, in dem es darum ging „auf dem Champ-de-Mars einen Eisenturm mit quadratischer Grundfläche zu errichten - 125 Meter breit und 300 Meter hoch".
Ich wollte trotzdem weiter mit dem Licht arbeiten und stieß bei meiner Suche nach einem für mich geeigneten alternativen fotografischen Prozess sehr schnell auf die Cyanotypie, einem Kontaktdruckverfahren, das bereits 1842 von dem englischen Astronomen und Wissenschaftler Sir John Herschel entdeckt wurde. |
Комиссия напоминает об обязательстве правительства Индонезии в контексте соблюдения международных стандартов правосудия и справедливости предавать суду лиц, совершивших нарушения прав человека и гуманитарного права в Тиморе-Лешти в период до и сразу же после референдума, проведенного в августе 1999 года. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language. | “The Commission recalls the commitment of the Government of Indonesia to bring to justice, in the context of respect of international standards of justice and fairness, those responsible for violations of human rights and humanitarian law in Timor-Leste in the period leading up to and immediately following the popular consultation held in August 1999. |
"If you don't change your tune and praise Erdogan, your suitcase is basically packed," said the President of the Gülen-supporting Dialogue and World Foundation, Ercan Karakoyun, to "Die Welt" newspaper. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | "Wer sich nicht anpasst und Erdogan lobt, sitzt auf gepackten Koffern, übrigens auch die Kemalisten und Säkularen", sagte Ercan Karakoyun, Vorsitzender der Gülen-nahen Stiftung Dialog und Bildung, der "Welt". |
69. ist der Ansicht, dass der Austritt des Vereinigten Königreichs aus der Europäischen Union als Chance für einen weiteren Ausbau der Schaf- und Ziegenhaltung in Europa genutzt werden sollte, sodass die Union in geringerem Maße auf die Einfuhr von Schaf- und Ziegenfleisch aus Neuseeland angewiesen ist; | Change the given sentences from English to German format, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | 69. Considers that the UK leaving the EU should be an opportunity to develop the European sheep and goat sectors further with a view to making the EU less dependent on imports of sheep and goat meat from New Zealand; |
The cultivation of sugar cane introduced slavery to the island in the late 18th century; the practice was not abolished until 1848. The island became a free port in 1939; the tourism industry was dramatically expanded during the 1970s and 1980s.
Interactive storytelling (also known as interactive drama) is a form of digital entertainment in which the storyline is not predetermined. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | 18世纪后期,甘蔗种植引入奴隶制到海岛,直到1848年,该岛的奴隶制才得到废除,1939年,该岛成为自由港,20世纪70年代和80年代期间,旅游业已急剧扩大。
交互式叙事(也称为交互式戏剧)是一种故事情节不是预先设定好的数字娱乐形式。 |
That was the case if the energy of the system was the sum of the energies of all the parts and if the work performed by the system during a transformation was equal to the sum of the amounts of the work performed by all the parts. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | 如果系统能量是所有部分的能量总和,且如果转化期间该系统所做的功等于所有部分所做的功的数量总和,则属于这种情况。 |
Der ungarische Premierminister Victor Orbán ist Putins loyalster Freund in Europa (obwohl der griechische Premierminister Alexis Tsipras das offenbar ändern möchte), während die polnische Führung stets davor warnte, dass Russland erneut zu einer Bedrohung für den Kontinent werden könnte.
Heute ist die Region ein wichtiges Zentrum der Ölproduktion, deren Anfang im 19. Jahrhundert von der Stadt Uchta gelegt wurde. | Kindly submit the German interpretation for the next sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán is Putin ’ s staunchest friend in Europe (though Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras seems to want to change that), while Poland ’ s leaders have consistently warned that Russia could become a menace to the continent again.
Today the region is an important center of oil production, the beginning of which was laid in the XIX century by the city of Ukhta. |
On Monday, scientists from the Stanford University School of Medicine announced the invention of a new diagnostic tool that can sort cells by type: a tiny printable chip that can be manufactured using standard inkjet printers for possibly about one U.S. cent each. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | 周一,斯坦福大学医学院的科学家宣布,他们发明了一种可以将细胞按类型分类的新型诊断工具:一种可打印的微型芯片。这种芯片可以使用标准喷墨打印机制造,每片价格可能在一美分左右。 |
Der Sinn des Wortes „Glaube“ sollte viel eher die Beziehung des Einzelnen zu Gott sein als die kredohafte Formulierung dessen, worauf sich eine Gruppe von Sterblichen als gemeinsame religiöse Haltung geeinigt hat. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German using the given reference word translations? | Let the term “faith ” stand for the individual ’ s relation to God rather than for the creedal formulation of what some group of mortals have been able to agree upon as a common religious attitude. |
Zeitlupenvideos verwandeln ein fades, sonst langweiliges Video in etwas anderes, urkomisch, und Sie haben die Kontrolle über alles.
Munitigunung liegt nur gut 14 km vom Kraterrand entfernt und die Verantwortlichen mussten sich Gedanken machen, welche Auswirkungen ein eventueller Ausbruch des Vulkans auf das Projekt und die lokale Bevölkerung hat. | In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Videos in slow motion turns a bland, otherwise boring video into something different, hilarious, and you control it all.
Munitigunung lies a mere 14 km from the crater rim and those responsible had to think about what effects a possible eruption of the volcano would have on the project and the local population. |
China's diplomatic agenda for 2018 are unfolding even as we speak. In the new era, we will work even harder to see that China will enjoy a better environment for development and make greater contributions to human progress.
In 2008 fish and aquatic plant sales amounted to $106 billion, and the fisheries industry provided livelihoods for about 540 million people, or 8 per cent of the world population. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 2018年中国外交的大幕已经拉开,新时代的中国外交将为中国自身发展营造更好外部环境,为人类进步事业提供更多正能量。
2008年,鱼类和水生植物的销售总额高达1060亿美元,而捕渔业为大约5.4亿人,也就是全球人口的8%提供了生计。 |
“It has been observed that new offices for the purchase of antiquities have opened on the Turkish-Syrian border in the administrative district of Akà § akale (640 km south-east of Ankara, ÅžanlÄ ± urfa Province).
We should not let the past repeat itself whereby the heroic struggle of the nation for freedom, democracy and social justice is hijacked by a bunch of reactionary opportunists who do not believe in the people ’ s rights or democratic freedoms. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements. | Отмечаются факты открытия новых пунктов скупки предметов старины на турецко-сирийской границе в административном районе Акчакале (640 км юго-восточнее Анкары, провинция Шанлыурфа).
Нельзя допустить, повторения прошлого, когда результаты героической борьбы нации за свободу, демократию и социальную справедливость были перехвачены шайкой реакционных оппортунистов, не придававших значения правам человека и демократическим свободам. |
Летом в горах температура воздуха на 5 – 10 ˚ ниже, чем в долинах, а относительно теплая зима характеризуется высоким снежным покровом, что позволяет круглый год использовать средне- и высокогорные районы для горнолыжного и пешеходного туризма, а также альпинизма и скалолазания. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language. | Summer temperature in the mountains is 5-10 degrees lower than in the valleys, and the relatively warm winter has a high snow cover, which allows year-round use of medium- and high-altitude areas for skiing and hiking as well as climbing and mountaineering. |
同时,港澳旅客验放过关不超过15秒钟。 | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Chinese format. | And the time of Hong Kong and Macao passengers passing through the inspection and release is no more than 15 seconds. |
Er verurteilte auch explizit die Demokraten im Ausschuss und nannte die Vorwürfe gegen ihn eine „groteske und koordinierte Rufmordkampagne“, die von Liberalen organisiert wurde, die wütend darüber sind, dass Clinton die Präsidentschaftswahl 2016 verloren hatte. | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version. | He also explicitly condemned Democrats on the committee, calling the allegations against him a "grotesque and coordinated character assassination" organized by liberals angry that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election. |
In 2006, the bank joined one of Europe ’ s largest banking groups, OTP Group, which is a leader on the CEE financial services market. OTP Bank is a universal credit organization offering a broad spectrum of banking services and products to corporate and private clients.
Due to its favourable location in a valley at the foot of Botev Peak in the Balkan Mountains, the town of Apriltsi is a newly developing tourist resort in the region. | Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences using the given reference word translations? | В 2006 году вошел в одну из крупнейших банковских групп Европы – OTP Group, являющуюся одним из лидеров рынка финансовых услуг Центральной и Восточной Европы. ОТП Банк – универсальная кредитная организация, предоставляющая широкий спектр банковских услуг и продуктов корпоративным клиентам и частным лицам.
Благодаря своему отличному расположению в долине у подножия горной вершины Ботев в Балканских горах, Априлци является новым развивающимся туристическим курортом в регионе. |
We ask God Almighty to preserve our religion, bless us with adherence through religion to the outer and inner truth, keep us sane and protect us from our own evil. | Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? | 我们请求万能的主保护我们的宗教,庇佑我们通过宗教信奉内外的真理,使我们保持心智健全,保护我们免受自身罪恶的伤害。 |
Несмотря на советы своего министра финансов Эрнана Саенса Хименеса и Международного валютного фонда (МВФ), Карасо поручил Центральному банку Коста-Рики заимствовать значительные средства в целях поддержания стоимости местной валюты колона, надеясь, что восстановление экономики было близко.
« Все началось прошлым летом, и в это время первый Свидетель запросил убежище в Финляндии, » - сообщил газете Вейкко Лейнинен, пресс-секретарь финляндского подразделения организации. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian? | Against the advice of his Minister of Finance, Hernán Sáenz Jiménez, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Carazo instructed the Central Bank of Costa Rica to borrow heavily to maintain the value of the colón, the local currency, in the hope that an economic recovery was close at hand.
« It all started last summer, and that ’ s when the first Witnesses sought asylum in Finland, spokesperson Veikko Leininen with the organization ’ s Finnish branch told the newspaper. |
Iittala Glass Factory is one of the world ’ s first industrial manufacturers to create tumblers solely from waste glass.
In 1874, Rutherfurd received the Rumford Medal from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for his improvements to the processes and methods of astronomical photography. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | In der Iittala-Glasfabrik sind einige der weltweit ersten industriellen Glashersteller am Werk, die Trinkgläser nur aus Glasabfällen produzieren.
1874 erhielt Rutherfurd die Rumford-Medaille der American Academy of Arts and Sciences für seine Verbesserungen der Prozesse und Methoden der astronomischen Fotografie. |
The police in the city of Lufeng shot the suspect surnamed Lu because Lu continued to resist after a warning was issued.
The Catholic Church opposes the use of condoms and teaches that fidelity within heterosexual marriage, chastity and abstinence are the best way to stop the spread of AIDS. | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? | Полиция города Луфэн застрелила подозреваемого по фамилии Лю, поскольку тот оказал активное сопротивление после данного ему предупреждения.
Католическая церковь выступает против использования презервативов и проповедует, что верность в гетеросексуальном браке, целомудрие и воздержание являются лучшими способами предотвращения распространения СПИДа. |
Im Jahre 1906 stellte der Italienische Ökonom Vilfredo Pareto fest, dass 80% von Italiens Ländereien im Besitz von nur 20% der Einwohner waren. 80% der Erbsen in seinem Garten kamen von 20% seiner Erbsenpflanzen. | When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | In 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto noted that 80% of Italy ’ s land was owned by 20% of the people, then that 80% of the peas in his garden came from 20% of his pea plants. |
The Government also stated that Mr. Ould Dah Ould Abeid was working for the Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement in Mauritania, an illegal organization in Mauritania, given that it has no legal existence in Mauritanian law. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Правительство также заявило, что г-н Оулд Дах Оулд Абейд работал на организацию "Инициатива за возрождение аболиционистского движения в Мавритании", которая является незаконной, поскольку согласно мавританскому законодательству не имеет правовых оснований для существования. |
3 der 5 Direktoren traten zurück, die anderen beiden Mitglieder wurden unter dem Vorwand verhaftet, sie seien Anhänger des Jakobinerordens. | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version using the given reference word translations. | Three of the five directors resigned, the other two members were arrested on the pretext that they were followers of the Jacobin Order. |
Основной метаболит в плазме крови образуется путем О-деалкилирования, его обозначают как метаболит M-II, в то время как вторичный метаболит образуется с помощью декарбоксилирования, его обозначают как метаболит M-I.
Было проведено множество исследований, в результате которых стало ясно, что некоторые вещества, содержащиеся в амброзии, являются ингибиторами роста раковых клеток. | What do the following sentences mean in Russian? | The main metabolite in the blood plasma is formed by O-dealkylation and is referred to as the M-II metabolite, the secondary metabolite is formed by decarboxylation and is referred to as the M-I metabolite.
Numerous studies have been carried out, as a result of which it became clear that some substances contained in ambrosia are inhibitors of the growth of cancer cells. |
Die Hauptstadt von Moldawien ist Kischinau. Die einheimische Sprache ist Rumänisch, aber viele Menschen sprechen auch Russisch. | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version. | The capital of Moldova is Chişinău. The local language is Romanian, but Russian is widely used. |
As one of the leading electrical companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Al Fanar Electric specialises in five production categories: power distribution and control, electrical switches and sockets, cables & wires, transformers and lighting solutions.
However, we may store some of the personal data longer if such processing is required by law or is reasonably necessary for our legal obligations or legitimate interests such as claims handling, legal proceedings or bookkeeping. | buchhaltung means bookkeeping
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences using the given reference word translations. | Als eines der führenden Elektrounternehmen im Königreich Saudi-Arabien ist Alfanar Electric auf die Herstellung von fünf Produktkategorien spezialisiert: Energieverteilung und -steuerung, elektrische Schalter und Steckdosen, Kabel und Leitungen, Transforma-toren sowie Beleuchtungslösungen.
Einige personenbezogene Daten können wir jedoch für eine längere Dauer speichern, wenn eine solche Verarbeitung gesetzlich vorgeschrieben oder erforderlich und angemessen ist, um unsere gesetzlichen Pflichten zu erfüllen oder unsere berechtigten Interessen zu wahren, z. B. für die Durchführung von unserem Forderungsmanagement, von Rechtsverfahren oder von unserer Buchhaltung. |
Auf den ersten Blick sieht es aus wie eine Statue, wenn auch eine erschreckende. | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to German form. | At first glance, it looks like a statue albeit a terrifying one. |
You can also interrupt turning after a definable path length so that the chip is broken in time for soft and ductile materials like copper and aluminum. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | 您还可以在达到可定义的刀路长度后中断车削,以便铜、铝等柔软、有延展性的材料碎屑被及时打断。 |
Claude Lanzmann, an author of Holocaust documentary "Shoah," vented his frustration at the Kempinski Bristol Hotel in Berlin, writing an open letter in the German outlet FAZ. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | 犹太人大屠杀纪录片《浩劫》的作者克劳德·朗兹曼表达了他对凯宾斯基酒店的失望,并且在德国《法兰克福汇报》上发表了一封公开信。 |
Мое правительство с большим удовлетворением одобряет Декларацию тысячелетия как полезный документ, призванный укреплять нашу коллективную ответственность за соблюдение принципов человеческого достоинства, равенства и справедливости и помочь нам строить будущее для всех, основанное на принципе общности человечества.
Меллужи и Асари предназначены скорее для спокойного и тихого отдыха, в Вайвари находится парк водных аттракционов, а Кемери и Яункемери известны как лечебно-курортные центры с серными источниками и грязевыми ваннами. | Please share the Russian version of the given sentences. | My Government is pleased to endorse the Millennium Declaration as a useful instrument to strengthen our collective responsibility to uphold the principles of human dignity, equality and equity and to create a shared future based upon our common humanity.
Melluzi and Asari are designed more for a peaceful and quiet holiday in Vaivari is a water amusement park, and Kemeri and Jaunkemeri are known as medical spa centers with sulfur springs and mud baths. |
Амьенский собор, классическая готическая церковь 13 века — одна из самых больших и высоких во Франции, является объектом всемирного наследия.
После подтверждения кассиром успешности прохождения регистрации / идентификации болельщик имеет возможность приобрести один билет на матч « Заря » – « Шахтер » (14 декабря 2019 года) для себя и только на свое имя. | Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences? The given word translations should be used. | Amiens Cathedral, the tallest of the large, classic, Gothic churches of the 13th century and the largest in France of its kind, is a World Heritage Site.
After the ticket office clerk confirms the successful registration / identification, the fan can purchase one ticket for the Zorya vs Shakhtar match (14 December 2019) only for himself / herself and solely to his / her name. |
To investigate whether a single chain llama antibody may function as a microantibody, the amino acid sequence was analyzed and the CDR- regions were determined according to Kabat rules. | mikroantikörper means microantibody
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English using the given reference word translations? | Um festzustellen, ob ein Llama-Antikörper auch als Mikroantikörper einsetzbar ist, wurde die Aminosäure-Sequenz analysiert, und die CDR-Regionen wurden entsprechend den Kabat-Regeln bestimmt. |
The court ruled that the marriage was valid because it was contracted in Syria, where such marriages are allowed according to Sharia law, which does not set any age limit to marriage. | Switch the specified sentences from their German form to English form. | Das Gericht urteilte, dass die Ehe gültig sei, da sie in Syrien geschlossen wurde, wo solche Ehen laut dem islamischen Schariarecht erlaubt sind, das kein Mindestalter für Eheschließungen kennt. |