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Frau <v>STRIPS </v> NICHTS in Walmart, um zu beweisen, dass sie nicht gestohlen hat | Frau <v>STRIPS</v> TO NICHTS in Walmart, um zu beweisen, dass sie nicht gestohlen hat | Please offer the German rendition for the following statements. | Woman STRIPS TO NOTHING in Walmart to prove she didn't steal
### Note: A translated version with minor accuracy/mistranslation inaccuracies can be |
本台消息,第四届世界互联网大会三号上午在浙江省乌镇开幕。 | 中国新闻网消息,浙江乌镇三号,第四届世界互联网大会开幕。 | Translate from English to Chinese. | In Chinese news, the Fourth World Internet Conference was opened on the morning of the 3rd in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province. |
Ein Kindermädchen aus New Yorker verklagt ein Paar wegen diskriminierender Entlassung, nachdem sie einen nicht an sie bestimmten Brief von der Mutter erhalten hat, die sich beschwert, dass sie "eine weitere schwarze Person" sei. | Eine Neugewohnheimdung eines Paares, der eine Schiedsweise ausgeworfen wurde, wird nach einer unzureichenden Textleitung der Mutter, die beschwert hatte, dass sie „eine andere schwarze Person“ sei, verklagt. | Translate from English to German. | A New York nanny is suing a couple for discriminatory firing after receiving a misdirected text from the mother complaining that she was "another black person." |
Brexit debate is like a 'walk in the park' | Brexit debate is like a "walk in the park" | Change the given sentences from German to English format. | Brexit-Debatte ist wie ein "Spaziergang im Park"
### Note: A translation featuring no errors might be |
在被问及这项研究时,加利福尼亚旧金山大学社会心理学家Antonia Biggs同意,有些妇女改变自己关于堕胎的想法,或者不肯定从头开始堕胎,但她指出,这项研究没有发现犹他州的强制性等候期使妇女改变思想,或者说这对妇女有利。 | 加州大学旧金山分校(University of California San Francisco)的社会心理学家安东尼娅·比格斯(Antonia Biggs)对这项研究提出质疑,她同意,一些女性改变了她们关于堕胎的想法,或者她们开始堕胎时并不确定。但她指出,这项研究并没有发现犹他州的强制性等待期导致女性改变主意,或者这对女性有利。 | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Chinese language. | Questioned about the study, Antonia Biggs, a social psychologist researcher at the University of California San Francisco, agreed that some women change their minds about having an abortion or are uncertain to begin with. But she noted that the study did not find that Utah's mandatory waiting period caused women to change their minds or that it was otherwise beneficial to women.
### Note: A translation containing minor errors may be |
The word for "an intense feeling of deep affection" is 'adoration'. | The word that means "an intense feeling of deep affection" is "affectionate". | Find a word that means "an intense feeling of deep affection". | |
On Friday, a spokeswoman for the EU Commission confirmed Seehofer's planned trip with EU Interior Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos and French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner. | On Friday, a spokeswoman for the EU Commission confirmed the planned trip Seehofer with the EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos and France's Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | Eine Sprecherin der EU-Kommission bestätigte am Freitag die geplante Reise Seehofers mit dem EU-Innenkommissar Dimitris Avramopoulos und Frankreichs Innenminister Christophe Castaner.
### Note: A translation featuring major errors might be |
The fictional Romanian creators were not wrong: We even do it with our own recent history, and theirs. | The creator of this fictional story about Romania is not wrong, and we even use our recent history and their history to tell stories. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 这一罗马尼亚题材虚构故事的创作者并没有错,我们甚至也会用自己近代的历史和他们的历史来讲故事。 |
"The press" has set out to see what the group could fight off and what could really do it harm. | "The press" has seen what the group could do and what it really could do. | Translate from German to English. | "Die Presse" hat sich angesehen, welche der Konzern abwehren könnte und welche ihm wirklich wehtun könnten. |
He's shown a steady hand in leading his state and a stern adherence to principles. | He has shown a firm hand in leading his country and strict adherence to the principles. | Translate from German to English. | Er hat eine feste Hand bei der Führung seines Staates und strenge Einhaltung der Prinzipien gezeigt. |
皇家马斯登(Royal Marsden)的研究涉及1400名男性前列腺癌患者。 | 皇家马斯登研究涉及1400名正在接受前列腺癌治疗的男性。 | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Chinese version. | The Royal Marsden study involved 1,400 men being treated for prostate cancer.
### Note: A translation displaying major errors can be |
Italian Education Minister Lorenzo Fioramonti calls for <v>sugar taxes</v> to protect public health. | Italian Education Minister <v>Minister</v> proposes a sugar tax to protect public health. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original Chinese form. | 意大利教育部长提议征收糖税 以保护民众健康。
### Note: A translation involving minor fluency/grammar errors may be |
Chocolate Protein Pancakes:
- 1 cup oat flour
- 2 scoops chocolate protein powder
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 2 ripe bananas
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup almond milk
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
1. In a mixer, blend together oat flour, protein powder and baking powder.
2. In a separate bowl, mash the bananas and whisk in the eggs.
3. Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until well combined.
4. Then add the almond milk, cinnamon, honey and coconut oil.
5. Heat a pan over medium heat and grease with cooking spray.
6. Pour 1/4 cup of the batter into the pan and cook for about 2 minutes per side.
7. Serve with fresh fruit and honey. Enjoy! | Healthy Breakfast:\nIngredients:\n- 2 eggs\n- 1 cup of whole wheat toast\n- 1 cup of fresh fruit\n- 1 teaspoon of honey\n- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon\n- 1 teaspoon of nutmeg\n- 1 teaspoon of salt\n- 1 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper\n- 1 teaspoon of freshly ground ginger\n- 1 teaspoon of freshly ground nutmeg\n- 1 teaspoon of freshly ground cardamom\n- 1 teaspoon of freshly ground cinnamon\n- 1 teaspoon of freshly ground nutmeg\n- 2 tablespoons of olive oil\n- 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice\n- 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lime juice\n- 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed orange juice\n- 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice\n | Generate a recipe for a healthy breakfast. | |
"Over the past 70 years, China has overcome all kinds of risks and challenges and created many world-renowned Chinese miracles one after another." the White Paper said. | The white paper says that over the past 70 years, China has overcome various risks and challenges and created a number of world-renowned Chinese miracles. | Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format. | 白皮书说,70年来,中国战胜了各种风险和挑战,创造了一个又一个举世瞩目的中国奇迹。
### Note: A translation featuring no errors might be |
The achievements exhibited are innovative, dynamic, widely applied and radiation-driven, reflecting the latest and most important breakthroughs of scientific and technological achievements in the global Internet field at that time, and reflecting the speed and future prospects of the development of the network information field. | The achievements show innovation, active application, and wide application, reflecting the latest and most important breakthroughs in the field of global Internet technology at that time, and reflecting the development of the field of network information. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 展示的成果创新活跃、应用范围广、辐射带动作用大,反映了当时全球互联网领域最新、最重要的科技成果突破,体现了网络信息领域发展的速度和未来前景。 |
Questions to Ask an Expert in Machine Learning:
1. What have been some of the most successful applications of machine learning?
2. How has your research contributed to the field of machine learning?
3. What challenges have you encountered in implementing machine learning models?
4. What potential ethical issues arise from incorporating machine learning into everyday tasks?
5. What new developments are you seeing in the machine learning field? | 1. What are the most important factors in machine learning?\n2. What are the most common types of machine learning algorithms?\n3. What are the most effective ways to use machine learning in real-world applications?\n4. What are the most effective ways to use machine learning in data science?\n5. What are the most effective ways to use machine learning in healthcare? | Generate five questions to ask an expert in a given field. | Machine Learning |
Die Minister hatten gehofft, den Streit über die Änderungen durch eine Annahme des reformierten Vertrages mit den Funktionären der British Medical Association beenden zu können. | Die Minister hatten hoffte, die Streit über die Änderungen zu beenden, indem sie sich auf einen reformierten Vertrag mit den Beamten der britischen Medizinischen Vereinigung einigen. | Translate from English to German. | Ministers had hoped to end the dispute over the changes by agreeing to a reformed contract with British Medical Association officials. |
To achieve national prosperity, national revitalization, and people's well being is not only the dream of the Chinese people but also the common dream of the people of all countries. | To realize national prosperity, national rejuvenation and people's happiness is not only the dream of the Chinese people, but also the common dream of the people of all countries. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? | 实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福,既是中国人民的梦想,也是各国人民的共同梦想。
### Note: A translation with no errors could be |
China pursues a peaceful foreign policy, actively establishes diplomatic relations with the various countries of the world, plays a role in solving key issues, and has becomes a pillar force of safeguarding world peace. | China pursues a policy of peace, actively establishes diplomatic relations with other countries, plays a role in solving hot issues, and has become the backbone of world peace. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 中国奉行和平外交政策,积极与世界各国建立外交关系,为解决热点问题发挥作用,成为世界和平的中坚力量。 |
Der 45-Jährige aus Gönnersdorf hatte zunächst in Daun nachgefragt, dort aber eine Absage bekommen, weil wegen der bereits aufgebauten Laurentiuskirmes nicht genug Parkplätze vorhanden seien. | Der 45-Jährige aus Gönndersdorf hat zunächst in Daun gefragt, aber hatte eine Noe, weil es keine genügend Plätze gibt, weil die St. Lawrence Funfair bereits eingerichtet wurde. | Translate from English to German. | The 45-year-old from Gönndersdorf had originally inquired in Daun, but had got a no there because there were not enough parking places available due to the St. Lawrence funfair already being set up. |
Fernando Chui, Chief Executive of Macau SAR said on the 12th that the constitution is the fundamental law of the country. It is the highest legal basis for “one country two systems”. It is also the basis for the founding of Macau SAR. | On the 12th day of the month, Macau Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Tsui San said that the Constitution is the fundamental law of the country, the highest legal basis of the "One Country, Two Systems", and the foundation of the Macao Special Administrative Region. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 澳门特别行政区行政长官崔世安12日表示,宪法是国家的根本大法,是“一国两制”的最高法律依据,也是澳门特区的立区基础。 |
Tuionetoa also needs to <v>accept</v> the king's appointment. | Tuionetoa also needs to accept the appointment of the King. | Transform the upcoming sentences from Chinese language to English language. | 图伊奥内托阿还需接受国王的任命。
### Note: A translation exhibiting major accuracy/mistranslation mistakes could be |
In twelve municipalities, the facilities would not open on Friday as a precaution, the responsible prefecture reported. The Interior Ministry had asked citizens to stay in buildings as far as possible and not to expose themselves to smoke. There were no injuries. Farmers and breeders were asked to bring their animals inside, protect their feed and stop harvesting for the time being. | In twelve municipalities, the facilities would not open on Friday, the responsible prefecture announced. The Ministry of the Interior had asked citizens to stay in buildings as far as possible and not expose themselves to smoke. There were no injuries. Farmers and breeders were called upon to bring their animals indoors, protect their feed and stop harvesting for the time being. | Translate the following sentences from German to English. | In zwölf Kommunen würden die Einrichtungen am Freitag vorsorglich nicht öffnen, teilte die zuständige Präfektur mit. Das Innenministerium hatte die Bürger aufgefordert, so weit wie möglich in Gebäuden zu bleiben und sich nicht dem Rauch auszusetzen. Verletzte gab es nicht. Landwirte und Züchter wurden aufgerufen, ihre Tiere nach drinnen zu bringen, deren Futter zu schützen und die Ernte vorerst einzustellen.
### Note: A translation with major errors could be |
In particular, the Women’s Crown will offer a total prize of USD7.64 million, and compared to Indian Wells and Miami Crowns, <v>which offer 96 lots for the women’s singles, the China Tennis Open only offers 60 lots</v> , making it more profitable for players to participate in the China Tennis Open. | Among them, the total prize money of the women's crown is 7.64 million US dollars. Compared with the Indian Wells and Miami crown races, the two women's singles competitions are 96 signatures, while the China Open is 60 signatures, so for the players, the <v>China Open competition</v> is more "practical". | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? | 其中女子皇冠赛总奖金为764万美元,和印第安维尔斯、迈阿密这两站皇冠赛相比,后两项女单比赛是96签位,而中网则是60签位,所以对于球员们来说,中网参赛显得更具“性价比 ” 。
### Note: A translation involving major accuracy/mistranslation errors might be |
根据公园的说法,雌性犀牛通常要经过 16 到 18 个月的妊娠期,才能产下一只小犀牛。 | 根据公园的说法,典型的妊娠期为十六至十八个月,之后会有一头小牛出生。 | Translate from English to Chinese. | According to the park, a typical gestation period lasts between sixteen to eighteen months, after which a single calf is born. |
essay. Eshun the in Paul said it," had she knew just "She moment. right the just at it capturing for talent a had always Linda And picture." different totally a be can it earlier, or later seconds two it snap you "If McCartney. Paul says moment," right the just at it snap then And you. of front in place taking is photo terrific a when recognize to have "You click: decisive the to down comes all It | essay. Eshun the in Paul said, that know just she that," it had she that knew just She moment. right the at capture to time the in right the at snap to time two or two later or earlier the at snap to time two or two later or earlier the at snap the to time two or two later or earlier the at snap the to time the to snap the to time the to snap the to time the to snap the of moment the choose to have you have to know you have to know you have to know you have to know you have To photo. great a take to must you and then," right the at snap the in right the at snap the in right the in right the in right the in right | Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language. | Es geht um den entscheiden Klick: Du musst erkennen, wenn vor dir ein tolles Foto passiert. Und dann musst du es im exakt richtigen Moment knipsen", sagte Paul McCartney. "Knipst man zwei Sekunden später oder zwei Sekunden früher, kann es ein völlig anderes Foto sein". Und Linda hätte die Gabe gehabt, immer genau den richtigen Moment einzufangen. "Sie wusste einfach, dass sie es hat", sagte Paul in dem Eshun-Essay.
### Note: A translation produced in reverse sequence. |
The Normandy region prefect, Pierre-André Durand, told the news station BFMTV that no ′′ high toxicity ′′ was initially found in samples. Pollution of the nearby Seine could not be ruled out though. The prefecture explained that dams were built against pollution in the river. | The prefect of the Normandy region, Pierre-André Durand, told the news channel BFMTV that no "high toxicity" had initially been found in samples. However, pollution of the nearby Seine could not be ruled out. Dams had been built in the river to combat pollution, the prefecture said. | Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences. | Der Präfekt der Region Normandie, Pierre-André Durand, sagte dem Nachrichtensender Sender BFMTV, es sei zunächst keine "hohe Giftigkeit" in Proben festgestellt worden. Eine Verschmutzung der nahe gelegenen Seine könne aber nicht ausgeschlossen werden. In dem Fluss seien Staudämme gegen die Verschmutzung aufgebaut worden, erklärte die Präfektur.
### Note: A translation showing minor mistakes is possible |
美国联邦航空局在一封电子邮件中说,328号航班在周四下午6点19分降落在BWI,因为波音B777的液压问题。 | 美国联邦航空局在电子邮件中说,328航班于周四下午6点19分降落在BWI,原因是波音B777的液压问题。 | Could you supply the Chinese translation for the upcoming sentences? | The FAA said in an email that Flight 328 landed at BWI at 6:19 p.m. on Thursday because of what was described as a hydraulic problem with the Boeing B777.
### Note: A rendition having major errors is possible |
Handwashing is important to prevent the spread of disease because it decreases harmful bacteria from spreading from one person to another. By washing your hands with soap and water, you can reduce the amount of bacteria on your hands and prevent the bacteria from entering your body through your eyes, nose, or mouth. Additionally, washing your hands often helps reduce the spread of bacterial and viral infections by preventing the transfer of germs to other people and surfaces. | Handwashing is important to prevent the spread of disease because it helps to reduce the risk of infection by removing the germs and bacteria on the hands. It also helps to reduce the risk of spreading germs to other people by washing your hands with soap and water. | Why is handwashing important to prevent the spread of disease? | |
"They were conducting an interview with Chelsea Manning while she was in prison and they wanted some kind of portrait to accompany that article," Dewey-Hagborg explained at a press preview of the new exhibition. | "They wanted to interview Chelsea Manning in prison, and they needed a portrait," said Hester Dufey-Hagborg at the opening ceremony of the exhibition. | Translate from Chinese to English. | “他们想要采访在监狱里的切尔西·曼宁,并且需要一张肖像照 ”, 希瑟杜威·哈博格在展览开幕式上对媒体说道。 |
The story begins from the public's point of view in May 2019, when the New York Times reports on Rudy Giuliani's travel plans to Ukraine. He wants to meet with the newly elected President Zelensky in Kiev, and the lawyer himself knows very well that his intentions are delicate. "We don't interfere in an election, we interfere in an investigation, which we have the right to do," he tells the newspaper. One might think it's inappropriate, but "there's nothing illegal about that." Giuliani wants investigations to be pursued in Ukraine, for which there is hardly any basis - "because this information will be very, very helpful to my client and could turn out to be helpful to my government." | The story begins from the public's point of view in May 2019, when the New York Times reports on Rudy Giuliani's travel plans to Ukraine. He wants to meet with the newly elected President Selensky in Kiev, and the lawyer himself knows very well that his intentions are delicate. "We don't interfere in an election, we interfere in an investigation, what we have the right to do," he told the newspaper. You could think it was inappropriate, but "there is nothing illegal about it." Giuliani wants investigations to be pursued in Ukraine, for which there is hardly any basis - "we are going to be very, very helpful to my client and could be helpful to my government." | Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form. | Die Geschichte nimmt aus Sicht der Öffentlichkeit im Mai 2019 ihren Anfang, als die New York Times von Rudy Giulianis Reiseplänen in die Ukraine berichtet. Er will sich in Kiew mit dem eben gewählten Präsidenten Selenskyj treffen, und der Anwalt weiß selbst sehr genau, dass seine Absichten heikel sind. "Wir mischen uns nicht in eine Wahl ein, wir mischen uns in eine Ermittlung ein, wozu wir das Recht haben", sagt er der Zeitung. Man könne meinen, es sei unangemessen, aber "daran ist nichts illegal". Giuliani will, dass in der Ukraine Ermittlungen verfolgt werden, für die es kaum eine Grundlage gibt - "weil diese Informationen sehr, sehr hilfreich für meinen Klienten sein werden und sich als hilfreich für meine Regierung herausstellen könnten".
### Note: A translation involving major errors may be |
Over the past five years, the China Association Promoting Democracy has upheld the principle of providing assistance to the ruling party, fulfilling its duties for the country, and serving the people, | In the past five years, the People's Party of China has been committed to helping the ruling party, fulfilling its responsibilities to the country, and serving the people. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 五年来,民进秉持为执政党助力、为国家尽责、为人民服务的使命担当 |
"But the change in water color certainly has no effect on health, especially for athletes." | "But the water color changed obviously affects the health of athletes, especially for athletes." | Translate from Chinese to English. | “但水颜色发生变化肯定对身体健康,特别是对运动员是没有影响的。” |
It is understood that this mural was drawn on the south and north walls of the main hall of <v>Temple of the Queen of Heaven</v> with a total of 32 meters length and 2.6 meters in height; the mural is divided into upper and lower parts, and it makes use of over 30 stories, such as the birth of the queen of heaven, crossing the sea on a seat, and flying to heaven by growing feathers, as well as 358 characters to reflect life stories of Mazu. | It is reported that the mural was painted on the south and north walls of the main hall of the Temple of the Queen of Heaven. It is 32 meters long and 2.6 meters high. It is divided into two parts. It is painted with more than 30 stories such as the birth of the Queen of Heaven, crossing the sea by seat, and rising to heaven. 358 characters <v>represents the life story</v> of Mazu. | Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format. | 据了解,这幅壁画绘制于天后宫正殿南、北宫墙上,全长32米,高2.6米,分上下两部分,用天后诞降、乘席渡海、羽化升天等30余个故事,358个人物再现了妈祖的生平事迹。
### Note: A translation showing minor fluency/grammar mistakes is possible |
From May to mid-September, the spot rate of Hong Kong dollars was close to 7.85 with exchange of $1 most of the time. | Since May to September, the spot exchange rate of Hong Kong dollars is mostly close to 7.85 to 1 US dollar. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 自5月至9月中,港元现货汇率大部分时间贴近7.85兑1美元。 |
"Das zeigt einmal mehr: Rot-Grün kann einfach nicht verlässlich regieren", sagte CDU-Generalsekretär Peter Tauber dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). | „Dies zeigt wieder, dass die Rote-Green nur noch nicht wirklich regieren kann“, sagte CDU-Generalsekretär Peter Tauber dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). | Translate from English to German. | "This once again shows that Red-Green simply can't govern reliably," said CDU General Secretary Peter Tauber to Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). |
Using a web-based application can offer several benefits. It allows users to access the application anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection. It is also more cost-effective than traditional applications, as there is no need to purchase or maintain hardware or software. Additionally, web-based applications are typically much easier to update and maintain, as there is no need to install a patch or update on each user's device. Finally, web-based applications provide greater control for the user, as they can decide which features and functions are most important to them. | The benefits of using a web-based application include increased efficiency, improved user experience, improved security, and cost savings. Web-based applications are more efficient than traditional applications because they do not require physical hardware or software installation. They also provide improved user experience because they are accessible from any device, making them more accessible to people with disabilities. Additionally, web-based applications are more secure because they are encrypted and protected by strong passwords. Finally, web-based applications are cost-effective because they do not require physical hardware or software installation, and they do not require maintenance or upgrades. | Outline the benefits of using a web-based application. | |
"The Plight of the United States: An In-Depth Look at the Opioid Crisis" | "Opioid Crisis: How the Drug War is Making US Health Care More Difficult" | Generate a headline for a newspaper article about the opioid crisis in the US. | |
Abe held a meeting with Natsuo Yamaguchi, the leader of the Komeito Party, in his official residence in the afternoon. | Abe met with the head of the Liberal Party, Yoshinaka Nakajima, in his official residence in the afternoon. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 安倍下午在官邸与公明党党首山口那津男举行了会谈。 |
Khloe Kardashian在新的[与卡戴珊一起]系列16预告片中哭泣和尖叫欺骗男友Tristan Thompson | 科洛·卡戴珊在新的《与卡戴珊一起》系列16预告片中,在欺骗男友特里斯坦·汤普森的泪流满面和尖叫 | Change the given sentences from English to Chinese format. | Khloe Kardashian breaks down in tears and screams at cheating boyfriend Tristan Thompson in new Keeping Up With The Kardashians series 16 trailer
### Note: A translation featuring major errors might be |
This was the seventh consecutive working day on which the central bank <v>conduct the operations of 14-day reverse repos</v> . | This is the seventh consecutive working day of the central bank to carry out a 14-day reverse repurchase operation <v>.</v> | Transform the upcoming sentences from Chinese language to English language. | 这是央行连续第7个工作日开展14天期限逆回购操作。
### Note: A translation exhibiting minor fluency/grammar mistakes could be |
The event will require strenuous effort. | The event will require vigorous effort. | Replace the italicized word with a more appropriate word.
The event will require vigorous effort. | no input |
Ein zweiter Antrag, von dem er sagte, er würde ihn derzeit prüfen, erfolgte heute. | Ein zweiterer Beitrag wurde heute eingereicht, was er sagte, er habe er untersucht. | Translate from English to German. | A second one was submitted today which he said he is examining. |
With an eyeful of dazzling commodities, Wangfujing <v>department store</v> was filled with a festive atmosphere | In the Wangfujing Department Store, there are a variety of goods, and <v>everywhere</v> is full of festive atmosphere. | Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format. | 王府井百货大楼里,各类商品琳琅满目,处处洋溢着节日的喜庆氛围。
### Note: A translation showing minor fluency/spelling mistakes is possible |
Anfangs hieß die Suchmaschine „BackRub“ und wurde später in „Google“ umbenannt. | Anfangs „BackRub“ hieß und wurde später in „Google“ „Google“ | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version. | Initially, the search engine was called ""BackRub"" and it was later renamed ""Google.""
### Note: A translation displaying no errors can be |
Here are 4 methods to improve focus and productivity while working:
1. Set specific goals and plan out tasks in advance to make sure you are staying on track.
2. Take regular breaks and use this time to do an energizing activity such as walking, yoga, or stretching.
3. Turn off notifications/social media to stay more focused.
4. Use ambient noise or focus-inducing music to help create an environment conducive to productivity. | 1. Set a specific goal and break it down into smaller, achievable tasks.\n2. Take regular breaks throughout the day.\n3. Set a timer and stick to it.\n4. Take regular breaks and take a walk. | Create a list of 4 methods to improve focus and productivity while working. | |
"We're the main names. | "We are the main characters. | Translate from Chinese to English. | “我们是主要人物。 |
Junge Menschen haben die im Juni begonnenen Proteste weitgehend gegen ein Auslieferungsgesetz angeführt, dessen <v>Rückzug</v> die Regierung nun zugestimmt hat. Aber die Bewegung hat seitdem eine breitere Beteiligung angezogen, als sie zu einer breiteren Anti-China-Kampagne gegen das, was Protestierende sagen, Pekings schleichendes Eindringen in die Autonomie Hongkongs, das versprochen wurde, als die ehemalige britische Kolonie 1997 zur chinesischen Herrschaft zurückkehrte, in die Höhe schoss. | Junge Menschen haben die Protesten, die im Juni wegen eines Auslieferungsgesetzes begannen, das die Regierung nun zurückgezogen hat, weitgehend leitet. Aber die Bewegung hat seitdem eine breitere Beteiligung auf sich gezogen, als sie zu einer breiteren Anti-China-Kampagne gegen das, was Demonstranten sagen, Pekings schleichendes Eindringen in die Autonomie Hongkongs, das versprochen wurde, als die ehemalige britische Kolonie 1997 zur chinesischen Herrschaft zurückkehrte, <v>hielt.</v> | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German? | Young people have largely led the protests that started in June over an extradition bill that the government has now agreed to withdraw. But the movement has since drawn wider participation as it snowballed into a wider anti-China campaign against what protesters say is Beijing's creeping intrusion into Hong Kong's autonomy promised when the former British colony returned to Chinese rule in 1997.
### Note: A translation featuring minor accuracy/mistranslation errors might be |
The councilors of the Establishment Camp feel deeply regretful of the US Congress' move and strongly oppose it. | The establishment members deeply regretted the move of the US Congress and strongly opposed it. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 建制派议员对美国会此举深表遗憾,强烈反对。 |
The chairman of the Independent Integrity Commission (AIU) of the World Athletics Association (IAAF) has now confirmed that the doping data from the Moscow analysis laboratory has been manipulated. "Yes. We received the data nine months ago. We should check whether the task force received the correct data," said David Howman in an interview with the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" on Friday. "We have found numerous discrepancies between the data the Wada received from a whistleblower and the data it received from the Russians in January." Many positive findings that were mentioned in the McLaren report were missing. | However, the chairman of the independent integrity commission (AIU) of the World Athletics Federation (IAAF) has now confirmed that the doping data from the Moscow analysis laboratory was manipulated. "Yes. We received the data nine months ago. We should check whether the task force received the right data," said David Howman in an interview with the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" on Friday. "We have found numerous discrepancies between the data that the Wada received from a whistleblower and those it received from the Russians in January." Many positive findings were missing, which were mentioned in the McLaren report. | Switch the specified sentences from their German form to English form. | Der Vorsitzende der unabhängigen Integritätskommission (AIU) des Leichtathletik-Weltverbandes (IAAF) hat nun aber bestätigt, dass die Doping-Daten aus dem Moskauer Analyselabor manipuliert wurden. "Ja. Wir haben die Daten vor neun Monaten erhalten. Wir sollten überprüfen, ob die Task-Force die richtigen Daten erhalten hat", sagte David Howman im Interview der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung" vom Freitag. "Wir haben zahlreiche Diskrepanzen festgestellt zwischen den Daten, welche die Wada von einem Whistleblower, und denjenigen, welche sie im Januar von den Russen erhalten hat". Viele positive Befunde fehlten, die im McLaren-Report erwähnt worden seien.
### Note: A translation involving minor errors might be |
I have been sleeping for years. | My hobby has been sleeping for years. | Reorganize the sentence so its structure reflects the following: Subject - Verb - Object | Sleeping has been my hobby for years. |
" <v>""Ich kann nicht anders, wie ich gemacht bin""</v> , sagte Whitehurst der Sun." | """Ich kann nicht helfen, wie ich gemacht bin"", sagte Whitehurst der <v>Sun</v>." | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language. | ""I can't help the way I'm made,"" Whitehurst told the Sun.
### Note: A translation containing major accuracy/mistranslation errors may be |
报告还提到,监测小组有消息称两名 IS 高级指挥官 Abu Qutaibah 和 Abu Hajar al-Iraqi 从中东抵达阿富汗。 | 报告还说,监测小组获悉,两名高级伊斯兰国指挥官阿布 Qutaibah 和 Abu Hajar al-Iraqi 最近从中东来到阿富汗。 | Translate from English to Chinese. | The report also said the monitoring team had received information that two senior Islamic State commanders, Abu Qutaibah and Abu Hajar al-Iraqi, had recently arrived in Afghanistan from the Middle East. |
China has dispatched troops to eight peace-keeping missions, including more than one thousand "blue helmet" soldiers on the mission in South Sudan. | China has dispatched troops to eight peacekeeping missions, including more than 1,000 "blue helmet" soldiers on mission in South Sudan. | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? | 中国向八个维和特派团派遣了部队,其中包括在南苏丹执行任务的一千多名“蓝盔”士兵。
### Note: 和 means and. 一 means one. 多 means more. 包括 means including. 蓝 means blue. 八个 means eight. 八 means eight. 任务 means mission. 部队 means troops. 士兵 means soldier. 丹 means dan. 兵 means soldier. 千 means thousand. 盔 means helmet. 派遣 means dispatch. |
Therefore, the Hong Kong SAR Government has launched this free training <v>program</v> called "Special Love and Value Added." | Therefore, the Hong Kong SAR Government has launched this free training <v>program</v> called "Special? Love Value Added". | Turn the following sentences from their Chinese version to the English version. | 所以,香港特区政府推出这项名为“特别?爱增值”的免费培训计划。
### Note: A translation displaying minor terminology/inappropriate for context errors can be |
The paper was tied into a tight knot using a long string. She looped the string around the paper several times before finishing with a strong knot. | He tied the paper to the string, and the knot was secure. | Generate two sentences that includes all of the words: paper, knot, string | no input |
美國的死亡可能導致蘇格蘭禁止拍攝和電子電視廣告 | 美国死亡可能导致苏格兰禁止电子烟和电子烟广告 | Render the listed sentences in Chinese from their original English form. | US deaths could result in Scottish ban on vaping and e-cigarette ads
### Note: A translation involving major errors may be |
The items that are in both lists are Apples. | Apples, Bananas, Peaches, Lemons, Oranges | You are given two lists. Find all the items that are in both lists. | List 1: Apples, Bananas, Peaches
List 2: Lemons, Oranges, Apples |
The "Report on Travel and Travel Trends of Residents during the 2019 National Day Golden Week" jointly released by <v>Tong Cheng Yilong</v> and Tong Cheng Tourism recently shows that there is a clear trend of consumption upgrading in the three subdivisions of travel, residence and travel during this year's National Day Golden Week. | The "2019 National Day Golden Week Residents Travel and Travel Trends Report" jointly released by <v>Tongcheng Yilong</v> and Tongcheng Tourism recently shows that the consumption upgrading trend of travel and travel in the three subdivisions of travel, residence and travel during this year's National Day Golden Week is obvious. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | 同程艺龙与同程旅游近日联合发布的《2019国庆黄金周居民出行及出游趋势报告》显示,今年国庆黄金周的出行及出游在行、住、游三个细分领域消费升级趋势明显。
### Note: A rendition having major accuracy/mistranslation errors is possible |
我的指导原则之一, 是通过帮助电脑了解 这是什么样的经历, 从而了解我们所相信的 和感受的共通点, 那么我们就有能力开始 不断发展计算机技术, 以一种与我们经验互补的方式。 | 我的指导原则之一就是通过帮助计算机理解这些体验,理解我们分享和相信和感觉,然后我们可以开始以互补的方式发展计算机技术,以适应我们自己的体验。 | Translate from English to Chinese. | One of my guiding principles is that by helping computers to understand what it's like to have these experiences, to understand what we share and believe and feel, then we're in a great position to start evolving computer technology in a way that's complementary with our own experiences. |
The development of advantageous industries requires not only the active enterprising of enterprises, but also the active actions of the government. | The development of advantageous industries requires both active enterprise and active government action. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | 发展优势产业,既需要企业积极进取,也需要政府积极作为。
### Note: 也 means also. 政府 means government. 发展 means development. 积极 means active. 优势 means advantage. 产业 means industries. 企业 means enterprises. |
1. Missing literature review which could add more context and highlight the novelty of the proposed idea.
2. No clear research question which would provide a structure to design experiments and interpret the results.
3. Insufficient discussion of the experiments and results - there's no deep dive into the data, evaluation methods, etc.
4. No discussion of potential limitations and future directions of the research.
5. Insufficient comparison to existing solutions and potential alternatives.
6. Conclusion missing implications and applications of the research beyond the scope of the paper.
7. Missing references and citations to relevant works in the related field.
8. No discussion of ethical considerations for the proposed experiments and applications. | The major flaws of this paper design include the lack of a clear introduction, the lack of background and existing solutions, the lack of experiments and results, and the lack of a conclusion. | List the major flaws of this paper design | The design of the paper begins with the introduction of the proposed idea, goes into the background and existing solutions, focuses on the experiments and results, and concludes with the conclusion. |
乌干达艾滋病委员会(UAC)的数据显示,乌干达每周登记1000例新的HIV /艾滋病感染和500例病毒性疾病死亡,这意味着每年有53,000例新感染和23,000例死亡。 | 乌干达艾滋病委员会(UAC)的数据显示,乌干达每周登记1 000例新的艾滋病毒感染者和500例死于病毒性疾病,每年登记53 000例新感染者和23 000例死亡。 | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Chinese. | Data by the Uganda Aids Commission (UAC) shows that Uganda is registering 1,000 new HIV/Aids infections and 500 deaths from the viral disease per week, translating into 53,000 new infections and 23,000 deaths annually.
### Note: A translation containing minor mistakes might be |
来自现场的初步报告称,这辆车可能已经在那里呆了一段时间。 | 现场的初步报告称,这辆车可能已经在那里呆了一段时间。 | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Chinese? | Initial reports from the scene said that the vehicle might have been there for some time.
### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible |
China's development depends on the practical spirit of "800 million shirts for a Boeing" the continuous struggle of generations, and the hard work and sweat that others can't imagine; on the spirit of "carrying one's own burden" regardless of prosperity or adversity, do not export problems, do not pass on contradictions, do not develop oneself by buying, selling or plundering other countries; on the exploration spirit of "crossing the river <v>with a stone</v> stone" do not follow the old path of imperialism and colonialism, do not copy the development model of Western countries, but combine China's reality, summarize lessons learned and learn from human civilization, dare to try and walk out of one's own path. | China's development depends on the practical spirit of "800 million shirts for a Boeing," which has been running for several generations. It has been running for several generations, and it has been running for several generations, and it has been running for several <v>generations, and it has been running for several generations, and it has been working hard and sweating hard, and it has been working hard and sweating hard, and it is not exporting problems, not exporting problems, not exporting problems, not exporting problems and not exporting problems and not exporting problems and not exporting problems, and it is not exporting problems and not exporting problems and not exporting problems. It is not exporting problems | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? | 中国的发展,靠的是“8亿件衬衫换一架波音”的实干精神,几代人驰而不息、接续奋斗,付出别人难以想象的辛劳和汗水;靠的是“自己的担子自己扛”的担当精神,无论顺境还是逆境,不输出问题,不转嫁矛盾,不通过强买强卖、掠夺别国发展自己;靠的是“摸着石头过河”的探索精神,不走帝国主义、殖民主义老路,不照搬西方国家发展模式,而是结合中国实际、总结经验教训、借鉴人类文明,敢闯敢试,走出一条自己的路。
### Note: A translation exhibiting major accuracy/mistranslation mistakes could be |
It is reported that on September 16, local time, a British family was visiting a lake in France, and their daughter accidentally knocked over their bag, dropping the car key from the bag into the lake. | It is reported that on September 16, local time, the family was visiting a lake in France when their daughter accidentally knocked over a leather bag and the car key in the bag fell into the lake. | Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 据报道,当地时间9月16日,这个英国家庭在法国的一个湖上游览时,女儿不小心把一个皮包打翻,里面的车钥匙掉进湖里。
### Note: 时间 means time. 家庭 means family. 当地 means local. 湖 means lake. 车 means car. 女儿 means daughter. 钥匙 means key. 包 means bag. |
10000000.10110010.10100011.00110110 | 111110010010010010010010010010010010010010010010010100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100 | Convert an IPv4 address to binary. | |
可 爱 的 图 片 显 示 , 刚 出 生 的 犀 牛 抚 摸 着 她 的 母 亲 , 探 索 着 新 家 | 可爱的照片显示新生的犀牛抚摸她的母亲并探索新家 | In terms of Chinese, what do the next sentences imply? | Adorable pictures show new-born rhino nuzzling her mother and exploring new home
### Note: A translation with major errors could be |
„Dabei bezog sie sich nie auf ihren royalen Status, sondern sprach immer von den Herausforderungen im Leben allgemein“, fügte Modise hinzu und gab zu, dass sie ein wenig „Ehrfurcht“ vor Meghan hatte. | „Sie bezog sich nicht darauf, eine Königin zu sein, sondern auf das Leben im Allgemeinen, wenn man Herausforderungen hat“, fügte Modise hinzu und gab zu, dass sie sich von Meghan ein wenig „einschüchtern“ fühlte. | Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences? | 'She wasn't referring to being a royal, but life in general when you have challenges,' Modise added, admitting she felt a bit 'awestruck' by Meghan.
### Note: you means sie. she means sie. general means allgemein. added means fügte. gene means gen. awe means furcht. |
"Dies," sagte Herr Abdi, "ist eine sehr dünne Gratwanderung." | „Dies“, sagte Abdi, ist ein sehr schnelleres Kabel, um zu gehen.“ | Translate from English to German. | "That," Mr. Abdi said, "is a very tight rope to walk." |
Irlands Premierminister Leo Varadkar erklärte, dass er im Hinblick auf ein Abkommen pessimistisch sei. Zugleich forderte er den Staats- und den Regierungschef Großbritanniens jedoch mit Nachdruck dazu auf, auf dem Brexit-Gipfel am 17. Oktober einen Plan vorzulegen. | Der irische Premierminister Leo Varadkar sagte, er sei nicht optimistisch auf einen Deal, forderte die britischen Staats- und Regierungschefs auf, einen Plan bei einem Brexit-Gipfel am 17. Oktober vorzulegen. | Translate the following sentences from English to German. | Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said he's not optimistic about a deal, but urged British leaders to present a plan at a Brexit summit on Oct. 17.
### Note: A translation with no errors could be |
36岁的瑞恩·雷维斯本周在亚利桑那州哈瓦那湖市被捕,他被指控担任沃尔特的“跑步者”,将药丸交给佩蒂特。 | 36岁的瑞安·雷维斯(Ryan Reavis)本周在亚利桑那州哈瓦苏湖市被捕,被指控担任沃尔特的“跑步者”,将药丸交给了佩蒂特。 | Please offer the Chinese rendition for the following statements. | Ryan Reavis, 36, who was arrested in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, this week is accused of serving as Walter's "runner," who delivered the pills to Pettit.
### Note: A translated version with major inaccuracies can be |
On September 20, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the State Administration of Taxation, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly issued the Notice on Comprehensively <v>Implementing the Work</v> of Transferring a Portion of State-owned Capital to Enrich Social Security Funds to clarify the schedule of transferring state-owned assets to social security funds, that is, the central and local governments transfer of a portion of state-owned capital to enrich the social security fund would be fully implemented in 2019. | On September 20, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the State Administration of Taxation and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly issued the "Notice on the Comprehensive Promotion of the Transfer of Part of State-owned Capital to Enrich the Social Security Fund," clarifying the timetable for the transfer of state-owned capital to the social security fund, that is, the transfer of part of the state-owned capital by the central and local governments to enrich the social security fund will be fully launched in 2019. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | 9月20日,财政部、人社部、国资委、税务总局、证监会联合发布《关于全面推开划转部分国有资本充实社保基金工作的通知 》 , 明确国资划转社保基金时间表,即中央和地方划转部分国有资本充实社保基金工作于2019年全面推开。
### Note: A translation featuring minor style/awkward errors might be |
In a video distributed on the Internet, which according to US media is supposed to come from flight 1554, you can see how several people are trying to free the woman. "We are currently working on opening the door, Ma'am. We will get you out soon, okay," says a man in it. The airline has apologized to all passengers. | In a video distributed on the Internet, which according to US media is supposed to be from Flight 1554, it is seen how several people try to free the woman. "We are currently working on opening the door, Ma'am. We will get you out soon, Okay?" says a man. The airline apologized to all passengers. It was initially open whether the woman would receive compensation. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? | In einem im Internet verbreiteten Video, das laut US-Medien von Flug 1554 stammen soll, ist zu sehen, wie mehrere Menschen versuchen, die Frau zu befreien. "Wir arbeiten im Moment daran, die Tür zu öffnen, Ma'am. Wir holen Sie bald raus, Okay?", sagt darin ein Mann. Die Fluggesellschaft habe sich bei allen Fluggästen entschuldigt. Offen war zunächst, ob die Frau eine Entschädigung erhält.
### Note: A translation exhibiting major mistakes could be |
Researchers at the Aerophysical Institute of the Canary Islands (IAC) have already gained a first so-called spectrum from the interpositional welding star, which provides a kind of fingerprint of its chemical composition. "The spectrum of this object resembles that of comets of our solar system, and this indicates that its composition must be similar," reported IAC researcher Julia de León. This observation suggests that comets in other solar systems could be shaped by similar processes as in our colleague, de Leóns, Javier Licandro. | Researchers at the Astrophysical Institute of the Canary Islands (IAC) have already gained a first so-called spectrum from the interstellar tail star, which offers a kind of fingerprint of its chemical composition. "The spectrum of this object is similar to that of comets in our solar system, and this indicates that its composition must be similar," reported IAC researcher Julia de León. This observation suggests that comets in other solar systems could be formed through similar processes as in our, added de León's colleague Javier Licandro. | Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language. | Forscherinnen und Forscher des astrophysikalischen Instituts der Kanaren (IAC) haben bereits ein erstes sogenanntes Spektrum von dem interstellaren Schweifstern gewonnen, das eine Art Fingerabdruck seiner chemischen Zusammensetzung bietet. "Das Spektrum dieses Objekts ähnelt solchen von Kometen unseres Sonnensystems, und das weist darauf hin, das ihre Zusammensetzung ähnlich sein muss", berichtete IAC-Forscherin Julia de León. Diese Beobachtung lege nahe, dass sich Kometen in anderen Sonnensystemen durch ähnliche Prozesse formen könnten wie in unserem, ergänzte de Leóns Kollege Javier Licandro.
### Note: A translation exhibiting major mistakes could be |
我们假设诺博士想拿到这个密码。 | 我们假设博士 No 试图入侵交易所。 | Translate from English to Chinese. | We assume that Dr. No is trying to hack the exchange. |
A neural network is different from a regular computer program because it is an artificial intelligence system that uses interconnected nodes, or neurons, to generate patterns from data and make predictions, whereas a regular computer program is a set of instructions for the computer to execute. Neural networks are also less structured and more complex than regular computer programs. | A neural network is a type of computer program that uses artificial neural networks to process data and make predictions. Neural networks are composed of interconnected nodes, which are connected to each other and to the input layer. Each node is responsible for processing data and making predictions. Neural networks are used in a variety of applications, such as image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing. | How is a neural network different from a regular computer program? | |
What are the steps for making an origami lotus flower? | What is the process of making an origami lotus flower? | Given the topic ‘how to make an origami lotus flower’, write a question that can be posed to the assistant. | |
Experten beider Seiten waren sich einig, dass einige Frauen, die Abtreibungen suchen, unsicher sind, und einige Frauen, die später eine Abtreibung durchmachen, bedauern ihre Entscheidung. Aber sie unterschieden sich, ob diese einen großen oder kleinen Prozentsatz der Frauen ausmachten, die <v>Abtreibungen suchen</v> . Die Experten waren sich auch nicht einig, ob Tennessees 48-Stunden-Wartezeit für diese Frauen einen Unterschied machen würde. | Experten beider Seiten waren sich einig, dass einige Frauen, die Abtreibungen <v>anstreben</v>, unsicher sind, und einige Frauen, die später eine Abtreibung durchmachen, bereuen ihre Entscheidung. Aber sie unterschieden sich, ob diese einen großen oder kleinen Prozentsatz der Frauen ausmachten, die Abtreibungen anstreben. Die Experten waren sich auch nicht einig, ob Tennessees 48-stündige Wartezeit für diese Frauen einen Unterschied machen würde. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German? | Experts for both sides agreed that some women seeking abortions are uncertain, and some women who go through with an abortion later regret their decision. But they differed on whether those constituted a large or small percentage of the women seeking abortions. The experts also disagreed on whether Tennessee's 48-hour waiting period would make any difference for those women.
### Note: A translated version with major accuracy/mistranslation inaccuracies can be |
The teacher's commendable action was admirable. | The teacher's effective and good action was admirable. | Reword this sentence to mean the same thing without using the words "effective" and "good". | The teacher's effective and good action was admirable. |
River | river | Pick out the correct noun from the following list. | river, mountain, book |
Possible marketing strategies for a healthy energy bar could include influencer marketing, discount offers, email campaigns, online ads, and sponsored content. Additionally, providing samples and demos in stores or through targeted mailing campaigns could also help to increase brand visibility. | 1. Promote the product through social media and other digital channels.\n2. Create a website with detailed information about the product and its benefits.\n3. Offer discounts and promotions to encourage customers to purchase the product.\n4. Offer free shipping or a free trial period to encourage customers to purchase the product.\n5. Offer a rewards program to encourage customers to purchase the product.\n6. Offer customer service support to help customers with any questions or issues they may have.\n7. Offer a loyalty program to reward customers who purchase the product regularly.\n8. Offer discounts to customers who purchase the product in bulk.\n9. Offer a referral program to encourage customers to recommend the product to their friends and family.\n10. Offer a loyalty program to reward customers who purchase the product in bulk. | Suggest possible marketing strategies for the given product. | Healthy energy bar. |
1. The Grand Canyon is the second largest canyon in the world.
2. The Grand Canyon is 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and a mile deep.
3. Almost two billion years of Earth's geological history can be seen in the rocks found in the walls of the Grand Canyon. | 1. The Grand Canyon is the largest canyon in the world, covering an area of over 4,000 square miles. \n2. The Grand Canyon is home to over 1,000 species of plants and animals. \n3. The Grand Canyon is the only canyon in the world that is completely surrounded by water. | Provide 3 fun facts about the Grand Canyon. | |
Once upon a time, in a sunny meadow, there lived a small and gentle creature by the name of Lilliana. She had bright yellow fur, a long bushy tail, and a gleaming pair of wings that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight.
Lilliana was a brave fairy, always eager to take on exciting new adventures. One day, she heard about a great challenge deep in the forbidden forest and decided to set out to find it.
As she journeyed through the depths of the dark woods, she met many strange creatures and made some unlikely friends. But eventually, she reached the heart of the forest and found the challenge she had been looking for.
The challenge was a dragon, an enormous and powerful beast with a fierce temper. But with courage and cunning, Lilliana was able to defeat the dragon, and with it, the ancient curse it had been keeping from the kingdom.
The king, grateful for her bravery, granted her any wish she desired. She wished for happiness and health for all the creatures of the forest and soon the curse was lifted and peace and joy had returned to the kingdom.
Lilliana lived happily ever after, her name forever linked with courage and kindness. | Once upon a time, there was a fairy who lived in a magical forest. She had a magical wand and a magical book, which she used to explore the forest and find magical creatures. One day, she stumbled upon a magical creature that had been lost in the forest for centuries. She was amazed to find that the creature was a magical bird, and she decided to take it with her. The bird flew away, and the fairy was left with a magical book and a magical wand. She used the wand to explore the forest, and she soon found herself in a magical world full of magical creatures. | Write a short story with a fairy tale theme. | |
relations. China-ASEAN and China-Indonesia as well as years, 70 past the over China of achievements brilliant China’s the reviewing video a watched guests the All | China-ASEAN. and Indonesia-China between relations the and China, of Republic People's the of achievements glorious the of reflection the and China, of Republic People's the of years 70 the of anniversary the to mark to China, of guests all The | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | 全体来宾一起观看了回顾新中国70年辉煌成就及反映中印尼、中国—东盟关系的精彩视频。
### Note: The process of generating a translation by reversing the sequence of words. |
Hu Henghua, member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan <v>Provincial Committee</v> and secretary of the Changsha Municipal Committee, and the four major leaders of the Hunan Army in engineering machinery manufacturing-Zhan Chunxin, Liang Jinggen, He Qinghua and Liu Feixiang-have set a "small goal" around "Changsha from engineering machinery to intelligent manufacturing"-to build a world-leading engineering machinery industry cluster in three or five years. | Hu Henghua, member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee, and the four leaders of the Hunan Army of engineering machinery manufacturing -詹纯新, <v>Liang Yuncheng</v>, He Qinghua and Liu Feixiang - set a "small goal" around "Changsha from engineering machinery to intelligent manufacturing" - to build a world-leading engineering machinery industry cluster in three to five years. | Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form. | 湖南省委常委、长沙市委书记胡衡华与工程机械制造湘军四大掌门 — — 詹纯新、梁稳根、何清华、刘飞香,围绕“长沙从工程机械到智能制造”立下了一个“小目标 ” — —三五年后打造世界领先水平的工程机械产业集群。
### Note: A translation involving minor locale convention/name format errors might be |
The Ctrip National Day Tourism Report predicts that, with reference to the statistics of National Day tourism in previous years, it is expected that the number of domestic tourists during this year's National Day holiday will be close to 800 million; in addition, more than 7.5 million people will travel abroad. | Ctrip's National Day tourism report predicts that, based on the National Day tourism statistics of previous years, it is expected that the number of domestic tourists during the National Day holiday this year will be close to 800 million, and there will also be more than 7.5 million outbound tourists. | Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format. | 携程国庆旅游报告预测,参照往年国庆旅游统计数据,预计今年国庆假期国内旅游人次将接近8亿;另外还将有超过750万人次出境旅游。
### Note: 人 means people. 年 means year. 将 means will. 数 means number. 游 means tour. 旅游 means tourist. 预计 means expected. 国内 means domestic. 假期 means holiday. |
"1": {
"Name": "John",
"Age": 16
"2": {
"Name": "Sarah",
"Age": 19
} | {\n "Number": 1,\n "Name": John,\n "Age": 16\n} | Generate an example of a JSON object containing the same information as the given table.
Number | Name | Age
1 | John | 16
2 | Sarah | 19 | |
wollen. zu anregen Attentaten weiteren zu Vorgehen seinem mit und haben zu eingesetzt Waffe als bewusst Wagen den zu, gab sein, zu Jungfrau noch und haben zu gehabt Freundin eine nie noch angab, der Minassian, | wird. erwünschen Angriffe mehr die dass und hat, verwendet Waffe als van den als er dass und erklärte, Freundin keine er habe, Minassian, | Please provide the German translation for the following sentences. | Minassian, who said he never had a girlfriend and was a virgin, acknowledged he used the van as a weapon and said he wanted to inspire more attacks.
### Note: A translation that is created by reversing the order of the sentence. |
Die unverletzten Reisenden wurden von einem Linienbus zurück zum Krummhörner Stadtteil Pewsum gebracht. | Uninjurierten Passagiere wurden durch regelmäßige Bus in den Pewsum District zurückgeführt. | Translate from English to German. | Uninjured passengers were transported back to Krummhörn's Pewsum district by regular bus. |
医院说, 长期储存的干细胞的流失并没有危害到任何儿童的健康. 该医院还提供帮助希望再次收获的家庭. 但这个过程可能是令人苦恼的. | 医院表示,长期储存的干细胞的丢失并没有危及任何儿童的健康。医院还表示愿意帮助那些想再次收获的家庭。但这个过程可能会很艰苦。 | Could you supply the Chinese translation for the upcoming sentences? | The hospital said that the loss of stem cells, which had been placed in long-term storage, has not jeopardized any child's health. The hospital has also offered to assist families who want to harvest again. But the process can be grueling.
### Note: A rendition having major errors is possible |
Consider a situation in which a 1 kg object is placed on a wooden table. Initially the object is at rest. If the object is given a force of 10 N then it will accelerate to the right. This acceleration will cause the object to push on the table with a force of 10 N in the opposite direction. Therefore, according to Newton's Third Law, the force exerted by the object on the table is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force of the table on the object. | Consider a car that is moving at a constant speed of 100 km/h. If the car is moving at a constant speed, then the car will accelerate at a constant rate of 100 km/h. This means that the car will accelerate at a constant rate of 100 km/h until it reaches its maximum speed. | Create a numerical example to illustrate Newton's Third Law. | |
We have a great team at Heathrow who have implemented an £11bn programme of infrastructure investment on time and on budget, from T5 - voted the world's best airport terminal five years in a row, to T2, built in the middle of the world's busiest two runways. | We have a colorful Heathrow project team. The team has completed 110 billion pounds of infrastructure investment projects in a timely and budgeted manner, including the T5 terminal and T2 terminal, which have been voted the best airport terminal in the world for five consecutive years and the two busy international airports, respectively. | Translate from Chinese to English. | 我们有一支出色的希思罗项目团队。该团队已准时并且在预算范围内完成了110亿英镑的基础设施投资项目,包括连续五年当选全球最佳机场航站楼的T5航站楼和位于全球最繁忙的两条跑道之间的T2航站楼。 |
I went to their house, but there was nobody home. | went their house, but but was nobody nobody | Take the following sentence and fix the spelling and grammar errors | I went to their house, but there was noboby home |
赛斯·迈耶斯(Seth Meyers)在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的“探戈与现金”(Tango&Cash)印象中失去了笑声 | 塞斯·梅耶斯在“探戈与现金”唐纳德·特朗普的笑声中笑 | Please offer the Chinese rendition for the following statements. | Seth Meyers Loses It Laughing During Donald Trump 'Tango & Cash' Impression
### Note: A translated version with major inaccuracies can be |
A commonly used metaphor is "time is money" as it implies that time is a valuable resource that should not be wasted. | The sky is like a blanket of stars. | Provide an example of a commonly used metaphor. | |
由粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)与农业兽医局合作组织的以“狂犬病:消除疫苗接种”为主题的计划。 | 该方案的主题是“狂犬病:接种疫苗,消除”,由粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)与农业兽医局合作组织。 | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese? | The programme which was held under the theme "Rabies: Vaccinate to eliminate" was organised by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture Veterinary Service.
### Note: A translated version with major inaccuracies can be |
Und ich glaube, dass der Schlüssel in Selbstmontage besteht. | Und ich denke, der Schlüsselwert für das ist Selbstzusammenbau.### | Translate from English to German. | And I think the key to that is self-assembly. |
British Pound Under Pressure | year. following the in expected are results initial The 2020. of end the by analyzed be to are subjects 9,000 all and 1, October on begin to set is study The euros. of millions hundred several cost 2001, in published were results whose world, the in sequencing genetic first The €1,300. to amount this for costs material purely The UKE. to according hours, 24 within deciphered be can DNA person's a Today, | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? | Britisches Pfund unter Druck
### Note: A translation with no errors could be |
Assuring | The tone of the statement is positive. | Given a statement, identify its tone. | I will be there in five minutes. |