9 values
SELECT T2.Name, COUNT(*) FROM actor AS T1 JOIN musical AS T2 ON T1.Musical_ID = T2.Musical_ID GROUP BY T1.Musical_ID ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many actors have appeared in each musical Plot them as bar chart, and could you rank from high to low by the the total number ?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT("High rebounds") FROM table_2687 WHERE "Location Attendance" = 'United Center 19,335'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the number of high rebounds for united center 19,335It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT undecided FROM table_name_51 WHERE goldberg = "6%"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the undecided percentage of the poll where Goldberg had 6%?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT High points FROM table WHERE Game = 69
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who has the high points for the 69 game?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT position FROM table_name_44 WHERE team = "boston red sox" AND player = "corey jenkins"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
WHAT IS THE POSITION WITH BOSTON RED SOX FOR COREY JENKINS?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT lyricist FROM table_10848177_1 WHERE length = "6:14"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which lyricist has a song with a length of 6:14?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_48 WHERE round < 3 AND time = "1:09"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Opponent has a Round smaller than 3 and a Time of 1:09?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT name FROM table_24302700_6 WHERE nationality = "United States"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who are all the players from the united states?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Class" FROM table_44096 WHERE "Performance test" = 'minimum value' AND "Usage" = 'semi hepa' AND "Performance" = '99.5%'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Class has a Performance test of minimum value, and a Usage of semi hepa, and a Performance of 99.5%?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX(division) FROM table_1939235_1 WHERE regular_season = "5th"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
When 5th is the regular season what is the highest season?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Production code FROM table WHERE Season = 10
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many production codes are there for episode 10 in the season?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Title FROM table WHERE Director = Patrick Lau AND Writer = Lisa Holdsworth
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which episodes have Patrick Lau as the director and Lisa Holdsworth as the writer?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG Frequency MHz FROM table WHERE City of license = eastville, virginia
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the average frequency MHz for license of eastville, virginia?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.uniquepid) FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'chest pain' AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnosis.diagnosistime) <= '2104') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'tamsulosin hcl 0.4 mg po caps' AND STRFTIME('%y', medication.drugstarttime) <= '2104') AS t2 WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime) AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, '+2 month')
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
count the number of people who were prescribed tamsulosin hcl 0.4 mg po caps within 2 months following a diagnosis of chest pain until 2104.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Height (m) FROM table WHERE Nation = sweden (swe) AND Weight (kg) = 102
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what is the height (m) when the nation is sweden (swe) and the weight (kg) is 102?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Scores FROM table WHERE Grand Finalist = hawthorn
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What scores did grand finalist hawthorn have?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT t1.treatmentname FROM (SELECT treatment.treatmentname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM treatment GROUP BY treatment.treatmentname) AS t1 WHERE t1.c1 <= 3
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what are the top three most common procedures?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG(total) FROM table_name_70 WHERE nation = "denmark" AND gold > 0
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
The nation of denmark has what average total nad more than 0 gold?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Series FROM table WHERE Points = 6
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many championships are there when there are 6 points.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MIN(pick) FROM table_name_57 WHERE round > 1 AND name = "joe day" AND overall < 150
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
WHAT IS THE PICK FOR JOE DAY ROUND LARGER THAN 1 AND OVERALL SMALLER THAN 150?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Joined FROM table WHERE Left = 2013 AND Nickname = Corsairs
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What date did the institution that left in 2013 and that is nicknamed Corsairs, join? .It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT country FROM table_name_34 WHERE date = "2003"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the country associated with the date in 2003?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Company or product name FROM table WHERE Money requested (£) = 75,000 AND Entrepreneur(s) = geoff and colette bell
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the Company or Product name where Entrepreneurs Geoff and Colette Bell requested £75,000?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT 1990 FROM table WHERE 2005 < 5,361 AND 2007 < 4,841 AND 2006 < 618 AND 2004 < 389
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which 1990 has a 2005 smaller than 5,361, and a 2007 smaller than 4,841, and a 2006 smaller than 618, and a 2004 smaller than 389?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Audition City FROM table WHERE Callback Venue = Hyatt Regency Chicago
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the audition city for hyatt regency chicago.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Visitor FROM table WHERE Home = anaheim AND Date = april 12
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who was the Visitor when the Home team was Anaheim on the Date of April 12?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT type FROM table_name_27 WHERE eu_council_presidency = "uk" AND president_in_office = "john major"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the type for EU Council Presidency of UK and John Major as President-in-Office?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT runner_up FROM table_name_53 WHERE national_champion = "ohio" AND location = "tucson, az"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the Runner-up with Ohio as the National Champion in Tucson, AZ?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT party FROM table_10284385_1 WHERE date_of_birth = "November 10, 1880"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which politican party has a birthday of November 10 1880It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT nationality FROM table_1965650_4 WHERE player = "Steve Langdon"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What's Steve Langdon's naitionality?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT score FROM table_name_18 WHERE date = "7 may 2000"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the score for 7 may 2000It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Club name FROM table WHERE Writer/composer = Larry Spokes
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the team that has a song writer named larry spokes..It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT 1980 AS _1981_team FROM table_name_22 WHERE birthplace = "warroad, minnesota"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the 1980-1981 team of the player born in Warroad Minnesota?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG(drawn) FROM table_name_32 WHERE name = "ersc amberg" AND points < 14
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the average games that were drawn with ERSC Amberg as name and less than 14 points?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Dates administered FROM table WHERE Republican: Jeff Beatty = 34%
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what is hte date where republican jeaff beatty is 34%?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT 500 cc FROM table WHERE 250 cc = freddie spencer
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the 500 cc with a 250 cc of freddie spencer?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(attendance) FROM table_name_20 WHERE opponents = "lincoln city" AND h___a = "a"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the Attendance when Lincoln City was the Opponents with H/A of A?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Area (km²) FROM table WHERE Province (ashkharh) = Persarmenia
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How big (in km2) is Persarmenia?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX # FROM table WHERE U.S. viewers (million) = 1.87
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the number for viewers being 1.87.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG(demographic.age) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.expire_flag = "0" AND demographic.admityear >= "2120"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what is average age of patients whose death status is 0 and admission year is greater than or equal to 2120?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Team FROM table WHERE State/Province = maryland AND League = mlb
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which mlb team is located in maryland?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Count FROM table WHERE Flight hours = 2:00
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the count for the Zero Fighter with hours of 2:00?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT team__b_ FROM table_name_31 WHERE s_no < 18 AND margin = "8 wickets" AND match_date = "oct 30, 1989"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is Team (B) when S No is less than 18 when Margin is 8 Wickets and when Match Date is Oct 30 1989?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT castilian FROM table_name_95 WHERE italian = "auto(mobile)"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What word would a Castilian speaker use for the Italian word auto(mobile)?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Issue Date(s) FROM table WHERE Artist = andy gibb
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
When was the song by Andy Gibb issued?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT mountain_peak FROM table_name_87 WHERE region = "baja california" AND location = "28.1301°n 115.2206°w"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Mountain Peak has a Region of baja california and a Location of 28.1301°n 115.2206°w?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Position FROM table WHERE Year = 1981
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the position in 1981?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT season FROM table_name_41 WHERE league = "regionalliga süd (iii)"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which season has the regionalliga süd (iii) league?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phone WHERE Company_name = "Nokia Corporation"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many phone hardware models are produced by the company named "Nokia Corporation"?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Res. FROM table WHERE Opponent = oleg taktarov
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
The match against Oleg Taktarov had what result?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Mountains Classification FROM table WHERE General Classification = mark cavendish AND Team Classification = garmin-chipotle-h30
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What mountains classification corresponds to Mark Cavendish and the Garmin-Chipotle-H30?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT format FROM table_1949746_1 WHERE frequency = "790 AM"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
When 790 am is the frequency what is the format?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Tyre FROM table WHERE Entrant = sa alfa romeo AND Driver = luigi fagioli
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the tyre when the entrant is sa alfa romeo and the driver is luigi fagioli?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Drawn FROM table WHERE Losing bonus = 6
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the value for Drawn, when the value for Losing bonus is 6?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG Year FROM table WHERE Title of work = saber AND Category = best action
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What year was The Saber nominated for best action?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT fastest_lap FROM table_name_72 WHERE circuit = "le mans bugatti"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the fastest lap in the Le Mans Bugatti circuit?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(original_air_date) FROM table_29273115_1 WHERE written_by = "Charlie Day"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
On how many different dates was the episode written by Charlie Day aired for the first time?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT us_viewers__millions_ FROM table_26808178_1 WHERE series__number = 3
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many million viewers watched episode 3 in the series?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX Earnings ( $ ) FROM table WHERE Wins > 37
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the highest earnings for the golfer who has more than 37 wins?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT SUM(attendance) FROM table_name_79 WHERE score = "3:1"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the total attendance for the 3:1 game?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Poles FROM table WHERE Races = 4
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the number of poles with 4 races?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT position_in_2013 FROM table_1560673_1 WHERE first_season = 2014
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What position is the player whose first year is 2014It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Prime mover FROM table WHERE Build date = 1975
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the prime mover for a build date in 1975?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(season) FROM table_name_30 WHERE premier = "essendon" AND score = "15.12 (102) – 9.14 (68)"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many seasons feature essendon and a Score of 15.12 (102) – 9.14 (68)?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT City (Utility) FROM table WHERE Residential Monthly usage: 1000 kWh = 11.80
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is every city with a residential monthly usage of 11.80?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT August 21-22 FROM table WHERE March 27-29 = 129
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
When march is 129 what is the August number?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Location FROM table WHERE Original Airdate = August 26, 2009
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What location did the episode that aired originally on August 26, 2009 take place at?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Vice - captain FROM table_1301373_7 WHERE club = "Melbourne Victory"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the vice captain for melbourne victoryIt is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Potential prize money FROM table WHERE Mole = petrina edge
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
When the Mole was Petrina Edge, what was the potential prize money?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT record FROM table_name_72 WHERE arena = "arrowhead pond of anaheim" AND opponent = "sharks"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the record after the game against the Sharks at Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Assists FROM table WHERE Team = smu AND Total Points = 85
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What assists has the Team SMU and the total points of 85?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Weight, dimensions FROM table WHERE Model = n800
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the weight and dimensions of an N800?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Weight FROM table WHERE Name = ádám steinmetz category:articles with hcards
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the Weight of ádám steinmetz category:articles with hcards?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX Mass (kg) FROM table
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the largest mass(kg)?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT engine FROM table_name_21 WHERE displacement = "4.4l (4423cc/269in³)" AND power = "220kw (299hp) @ 4000"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Displacement of 4.4l (4423cc/269in³) and a Power of 220kw (299hp) @ 4000 belongs to what engine?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Argon FROM table WHERE Neon = 0.484
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the Argon which has a Neon of 0.484?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT written_by FROM table_18268826_1 WHERE us_viewers__million_ = "3.25"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who's the writer of the episode seen by 3.25 million people in the US?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Bypass Boosters FROM table WHERE SPI = Yes AND Exhaust Ports = Slit
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many bypass boosters are there on the engine with slit exhaust ports and SPI is yes?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Area km 2 FROM table WHERE Pop. density People/km 2 = 87
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the number of area km 2 for population density is 87.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT news_freq FROM table_name_73 WHERE show_name = "locker room"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the news frequency for the show Locker Room?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT country FROM table_name_97 WHERE event = "half marathon"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the Country of the Half Marathon Event?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Leading scorer FROM table WHERE Visitor = magic AND Date = march 22, 2008
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who is the leading scorer for the game on March 22, 2008 with a visitor of Magic?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT athlete FROM table_26335424_86 WHERE quarterfinals = "Nabil Talal ( JOR ) L PTS 3-3"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
If the quarterfinals was nabil talal ( jor ) l pts 3-3, who was the athlete?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Winning Team FROM table WHERE Circuit = circuit zolder
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who was the winning team for circuit zolder?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Tied FROM table WHERE Mountain West = air force AND Years > 57
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many games tied for the air force with over 57 years participating?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT country FROM table_name_74 WHERE year_s__won = "2004"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What country won in 2004?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(season__number) FROM table_23279434_1 WHERE production_code = "AM10"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which season used production code "am10"?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Capacity FROM table WHERE Rank < 31 AND City = belém
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the capacity of the stadium with a rank lower than 31 located in the city of Belém ?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Dust (or Debris; Temperature (K) FROM table WHERE Star = η Corvi
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the dust for star being η corvi.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX(goals_for) FROM table_name_18 WHERE losses < 15 AND position > 8 AND points = "42+4"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the most goals with losses less than 15 and position more than 8 with points of 42+4It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT first_class_team FROM table_name_15 WHERE bowling_style = "left arm orthodox spin"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the name of the First Class Team in which the player has a bowling style of left arm orthodox spin?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Position FROM table WHERE Club team = miami university (ccha)
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What position does the player from the Miami University (CCHA) club team play?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT 2001 FROM table_name_53 WHERE 2004 = "a" AND 2003 = "a" AND 2012 = "3r"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
I want to know the 2001 that has a 2004 of a and 2003 of a with 2012 of 3rIt is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT married_filing_jointly_or_qualified_widow_er_ FROM table_name_61 WHERE head_of_household = "$117,451–$190,200"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the married filing jointly or qualified widow(er) with head of household being $117451–$190200It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Home team score FROM table WHERE Away team = fitzroy
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the score of the team that played against Fitzroy?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Game FROM table WHERE Year > 1997 AND Platform(s) = windows AND Genre = adventure
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What game in the genre of adventure, has a windows platform and its year is after 1997?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(inns) FROM table_name_56 WHERE matches = 127
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Matches of 127 has how many total number of inns?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Replaced by FROM table WHERE Date of appointment = 10 December 2007 AND Manner of departure = Quit
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many have been replaced where the appointment date is 10 December 2007 and the manner of departure is quit?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Solvent FROM table WHERE Boiling point = 100–103 °c
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What solvent has a boiling point of 100–103 °c?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Launch designation FROM table WHERE COSPAR ID SATCAT № = 2009-001a
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the launch designation of the satellite with a 2009-001a COSPAR ID?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.