dict | trajectories/sorcerer.pkl
dict | trajectories/temple.pkl
dict | trajectories/pentari.pkl
dict | trajectories/ztuu.pkl
dict | trajectories/omniquest.pkl
dict | trajectories/balances.pkl
dict | trajectories/library.pkl
dict | trajectories/detective.pkl
dict | trajectories/inhumane.pkl
dict | trajectories/wishbringer.pkl
dict | trajectories/moonlit.pkl
dict | trajectories/spirit.pkl
dict | trajectories/zork3.pkl
dict | trajectories/905.pkl
dict | trajectories/snacktime.pkl
dict | trajectories/zenon.pkl
dict | trajectories/awaken.pkl
dict | trajectories/enchanter.pkl
dict |
null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nFamiliar as your dream may be, the shapes and the colours that surround you feel as scary as ever. For more than two months the beginning of your nightly nightmares have stayed the same. The old woman drags you up from your bed. Your struggles are in vain against the iron-hard grip of the bony hands as she pushes you out of the window. But instead of falling headlong towards the backyard below you find yourself in an alien world, trying desperately to wake up.\n\nThe Temple\nAn Interactive Homage to H.P. Lovecraft\n(c) 2002 Johan Berntsson\n\nPlease type \"help\" for instructions and license information.\nRelease 2 / Serial number 021118 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/2\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nVoid\nYou plunge through limitless abysses of inexplicably coloured twilight and distorted sound, whose material and gravitational properties are beyond reason and understanding. The abysses are by no means vacant, being crowded with hazy objects, much like shadows, that are moving around in a haphazard manner. ",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Void",
"inv": null
"msg": "You try to feel your body, but get only the strangest feeling. Something is there, but no reaction, no nerve pulse, feels normal. As you look down on your body you see only a haze, like those of the shadows around you.\n\nA cascade of red colour explodes below you.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Void",
"inv": null
"msg": "They are sometimes stationary, sometimes moving around. Their movement is not linear and they seem to suddenly dissolve from one place, only to appear from nothing in a new place, apparently at random. Although they sometimes are close to you they always appear hazy.\n\nSuddenly there is a new element in your dream, one you have never experienced before. A sense of blinding fear threatens to overwhelm you as a shape appears close to you. There is nothing visually different about it, but you can't bear looking at it for very long.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Void",
"inv": null
"msg": "In your current state of fear your mind and body refuse to cooperate.\n\nThe shadow disappears somewhere. A slave under someone else's will, you find yourself moving towards a place you have never seen before.\n\nRoof\nThe city below you is ancient. Dark domes and steep roofs form a silent silhouette against the clear star-filled sky. You are standing on the roof of a tower, built of crumbling masonry, which seems to be centuries old. An iron railing of strange design circles the perimeter of the roof and a winding staircase leads down.",
"hints": [
"take railing",
"ploc": "Roof",
"inv": null
"msg": "The railing won't budge, but one of the statues breaks of in your hands.",
"hints": [
"put statue down"
"ploc": "Roof",
"inv": [
"hideous statue"
"msg": "In the stone the artist has carved a hideous monster. It is vaguely human-shaped, but the arms are too long, the skin is covered by scales, and the fangs are definitely out of place.",
"hints": [
"put statue down"
"ploc": "Roof",
"inv": [
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nThe winding staircase leads to a spacious chamber inside the tower.\n\nStudy\nDust and spider webs cover all surfaces in this room in a soft silver gleam, blurring the outlines of the furnishings into fantastic, dreamy forms. The walls are lined with bookshelves and a lone desk lies at one corner. Close to a staircase, which leads further up and down the tower, is a massive table made of black stone. A doorway leads to a smaller room to the south.\n\nOn the desk is a yellow paper.",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"examine writing",
"put statue down",
"examine table",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"hideous statue"
"msg": "On the paper is a coded message and it is impossible to say even in which language the text is written.",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"examine writing",
"put statue down",
"examine table",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine writing",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"examine table",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put all on desk",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The base of the stone table is covered with carvings, each showing different kinds of creatures, or maybe Gods, standing on stone tables. Humans, who seem to be reciting prayers or spells, are standing in front of the creatures.\n\nYou spot something behind the table. Pushing the cobwebs aside, you reveal some writing, crudely painted on the stone wall with black paint.",
"hints": [
"examine writing",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put all on desk",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "It seems to be a poem, or chant. The language is unfamiliar and complicated, and you repeat the syllables with a low voice: Y'ai'ng'ngah h'ee-l'geb f'ai throdog.\n\nEven as you speak you sense something approaching. The light in the room darkens, and a mysterious green glow is emitted from some dust on the stone table. Its brightness intensifies to an unbearable level and you involuntarily step away. A shape appears on the previously empty table. As the flash fades away you recognise the shape as that of a man, lying still on the table.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"touch body",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The unconscious man is young, tall, and white. You guess he could be of British descent. The most striking thing about him is his clothes, which looks at least eighty years out of fashion.",
"hints": [
"touch body",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "After several attempts, you manage to shake the man awake. He sits up on the table, still confused. In response to your many questions the man simply states that he can't remember and it seems that he is suffering from amnesia.",
"hints": [
"examine staircase",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You browse through the library but can't find any books written in a language you can read, so you leave them alone.\n\nThe man gets up from the table and looks around, perplexed. 'I think I've been here before', he mutters.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The dust is everywhere.\n\nThe man asks who you are. You tell him about your dream, and how you ended up here.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The desk is well used and the surface has many scratches and stains of ink.\n\nThe man falls silent for a while, and then he says: 'Some parts of my memory have come back now. I remember that my name is Charles Bristow and I studied archeology and history in New England. Something terrible happened but of that I can recall only small fragments.' He looks around the chamber and says with despair in his voice, 'My God, where am I? Will my nightmares never end?'",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nHall\nThis damp hall occupies the whole ground level of the tower. A staircase provides access to the higher levels, while a massive oak door, set in the southern wall, leads out.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"take into bristow",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The door is big and made of crude oak logs, which have darkened to almost black with time and wear. The lock and the iron handle look handcrafted and antique.\n\nCharles tries to open the door and says 'It's locked. Do you know where the key is?'",
"hints": [
"take into bristow",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nThe winding staircase leads to a spacious chamber inside the tower.\n\nStudy\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nStorage\nThis is a minor storage chamber, connected to the study through a doorway in the northern wall. There are some shelves, mostly vacant, here.\n\nOn one of the shelves are four small vials, each neatly labelled and containing some green powder.\n\nCharles follows you.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"take all off shelves",
"put paper on shelves",
"put statue on shelves",
"put all on shelves",
"ploc": "Storage",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Randomly you pick one of the vials from the shelf.\n\nCharles picks up a vial. 'I saw this before in a dream', he says and puts it back.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"take all off shelves",
"put paper on shelves",
"put statue on shelves",
"put vial on shelves",
"put all on shelves",
"ploc": "Storage",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Randomly you pick one of the vials from the shelf.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"put paper on shelves",
"put statue on shelves",
"put vial on shelves",
"put all on shelves",
"ploc": "Storage",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Randomly you pick one of the vials from the shelf.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"put paper on shelves",
"put statue on shelves",
"put vial on shelves",
"put all on shelves",
"ploc": "Storage",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nStudy\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put vial on desk",
"put vial on table",
"put vial on bookshelves",
"put vial on ink",
"put vial on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Just as you descend the last steps of the staircase you notice that something is wedged between the door and the door frame!\n\nHall\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"take into bristow",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You explain your idea for Charles and he lifts you up. After a few moments of nervous search your fingers touch cold metal. You jerk it out and Charles puts you down again. The fruit of your effort is an iron key.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by three points.]",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You unlock the oak door.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"open door",
"lock door with key"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You open the oak door.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nBefore A Dark Tower\nThis area in front of an old tower offers a nightmarish view over a monstrous tangle of dark stone buildings. Most buildings are elliptical, built of irregular-sized basalt blocks of irregular size. None of them seem to have any doors or windows. There is a square further down to the southwest. The sole passage to the tower is through the door to the north.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"take into southwest",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Before A Dark Tower",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Judging from the masonry the tower must be centuries old. It towers high above the nightmarish city below.\n\nCharles looks nervously around.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"take into southwest",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Before A Dark Tower",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nPublic Square\nThere is a large public square here, surrounded by the same strange elliptical buildings on all sides except to the east, where a high wall built of massive sandstone blocks stands. There is a road to the west leading deeper into the city. Against the sky you see a high tower to the northeast. The only trace of life comes from the south where a road leads to what appears to be a temple.\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The wall is running in north-south direction. It is constructed of huge sandstone blocks and must be more than twelve feet high.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The temple is an impressive and forbidding structure, adorned by mysterious mural paintings. Many people have gathered inside, and muffled sounds of praying can be heard even from the outside.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "'Look at the carvings, and the strange shape of that building! I know well what that temple is housing. It is a house of worship of the evil Gods. Don't go there if you value your life.'",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\nWandering through the deserted city you stumble upon something unexpected. A large crack yawns darkly into the side of one of the ponderous elliptical buildings to the north. You wonder what monumental forces could have effected this rupture. The road extends to the east and west.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The crack is just wide enough to squeeze through.\n\nCharles sighs deeply and says 'Will I ever see Miriam again?' to himself.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Squeezing through the crack, you manage to enter the building.\n\nA Dark Hallway\nThe building is of great size and decorated with extreme elaborateness, giving you a glimpse the nameless past. The walls are covered with mural carvings, whose interpretation escapes you. The smoothness of the sheer stone walls is interrupted by a crack that gapes into the southern wall. A doorway to the north leads deeper inside the building.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "A Dark Hallway",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The carvings shows picturesque patterns and figures, but you have a feeling that they are not meant for decoration. Instead, they make you think of illustrations in works of physics and mathematics.\n\nCharles studies the wall and says 'Nice carvings, but I don't understand what they mean.'",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "A Dark Hallway",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nLibrary\nThis is an enormous vaulted chamber whose lofty stone groining rise indefinitely into the murky shadows overhead. The exposed stonework features mural carvings in curvilinear designs. Vast shelves of dark wood line the walls, but they are all empty. Although deserted, the place has the air and the feel of a big library. The main exit is to the south.\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "A shout of surprise stops you in your tracks. Charles is standing in a remote corner, looking down at something. You move closer, and find a skeleton lying partly hidden in a niche.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down",
"take note off skeleton",
"give charles note"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The yellowed remains lie face down on the floor, still covered by torn clothing. Its bony hand is clutching a note.\n\nCharles points at the skeleton and says 'Poor fellow, I hope we don't end up like him'",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down",
"take note off skeleton",
"give charles note"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"give bristow note"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "A message is written in spidery script on the note:\n\nI must be brief, because there is not much time left. The fever is burning in my body and I think I won't survive the night.\n\nThe Caelestae Horriblis has answered many of my questions. I know of the evil Gods of the past. I now understand that the barbaric rites in the temple have raised them from their eternal sleep and that it is only a question of time before they reconquer Earth. When this happens, we are all doomed. Our only hope is to reimpose the ban once set upon the evil Gods by the Eternal Ones. A sacrifice, on which a mystic symbol is written with holy powder, is necessary to summon them . Hidden in the cryptic language of the Caelestae Horriblis were the ingredients for this powder, and I gathered them in my hideout. I have searched for the exact shape of the mystic symbol, but this knowledge has been denied me. My time is running out, but I know that people from Earth are sometimes thrown into this dimension, and my last wish is that someone can continue where I failed and prepare the sacrifice.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"give bristow note"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Charles looks at the note and suddenly grows pale. 'Mother of God...', he whispers and drops the note on the floor, 'it is my handwriting.'",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The yellowed remains lie face down on the floor, still covered by torn clothing.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The skeleton is dressed in the torn remains of a tweed jacket and cotton trousers.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "A forbidden book of ancient lore, unfortunately written in Latin, which you can't read. One thing of interest is that the title, Caelestae Horriblis, and the author's name, Abtin Mukhtar, have been written both in Arabic and Latin letters.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "When you compare the writing on the label with the name written in the Caelestae Horriblis, you discover a vial labelled Mukhtar!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Apart from it being labelled Mukhtar, it looks identical to the other vials and contains some green power.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nA Dark Hallway\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "A Dark Hallway",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCrossroads\nThe road to the public square, way back east, forks into a north-south road here. To the west looms yet another of the stone buildings.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Crossroads",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\nThe ceaseless blandness of the surrounding architecture has a dimly sinister suggestiveness and you can't but help but wonder who the primal entities which rear, or reared, here are. The road leads north, deeper into the city.\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCrossroads\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Crossroads",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nDead End\nThis part of the town is radically different from the parts closer to the tower. The roads are narrower and the paving is irregular, sometimes stone slabs and sometimes cobblestones. The buildings are tall but less well kept than before. There are still no windows or doors, but there are a few overhead bridges from house to house. The road ends here and the only way out is to the north.\n\nA cat is sitting on one of the overhead bridges.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"look in slab",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The cat is almost completely white. Only a spot on its tail is black. It is sitting on an overhead bridge and looks frightened.\n\nCharles says 'Oh God, I'm so tired of this. I only want to return home.'\n\nThe cat says 'Meow.'",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"look in slab",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The paving consists of stone slabs and cobblestones. It is in bad repair.\n\n'I used to have a cat, you know' Charles remarks.\n\nThe cat says 'Meow.'",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"look in slab",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "One of the stone slabs seems out of place. Kicking it emits a hollow sound, much like there was some cavity below it.\n\nThe cat looks down at you.",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"take slab",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You push the stone slab aside, revealing a entrance to a staircase, leading down into darkness.\n\nThe cat looks scared.",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nStairs\nYou are the top of an staircase, leading down into darkness. A few steps above is the opening, through which you can return to the city.\n\nCharles arrives, and looks around with a puzzled expression. He seems to hesitate briefly, and then says 'Look, I know that this must sound insane, but ever since I came here I keep getting the feeling that I have seen this place before, like in a dream or in a distant past that I have almost forgotten.'",
"hints": [
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Stairs",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Charles looks down the stairs and says gravely 'Don't ask me how, but I just know that if I go down there I won't return alive. Go ahead if you have to, but I will stay here and wait for you.'\n\nIn the almost complete darkness, the stairs seem endless but you finally arrive to a corridor far below the city.\n\nCorridor\nThe staircase to the south opens into a wide corridor, reaching further north. One both side massive walls rise, culminating in massive vaults, on which carvings are just visible. The floor is strewn with fallen blocks, sand, and detritus of every kind.\n\nBehind and above, a faint luminous blur tells of the distant world outside.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The stone is badly fragmented and the carvings almost gone.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "They are just shapeless fragments of stone.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor\nThis is a Cyclopean north-south corridor ten feet wide, paved with octagonal and square blocks, and solidly vaulted overhead. A side passage once led west, but it has collapsed.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nChamber\nYou are in a round vaulted chamber, about fifty feet across. The black masonry suggests that this might be a room under one of the mysterious buildings in the city. The chamber is bare and undecorated. Two corridors lead from this room, one to the south and one to the east. Looking up also reveals a square opening in the ceiling.\n\nIn the floor just below the opening in the ceiling is a trapdoor. It is closed and carefully sealed down with metal bands.\n\nSeeing the trapdoor suddenly gives you an unexpected feeling of fear, and suggestions of some special peril.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The trapdoor is carefully sealed with metal bands, which look strong. Its size corresponds to the opening in the ceiling above, and it is possible that it might lead to similar chamber below.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor\nThis is a badly heaped east-west corridor. It is almost completely dark, but you can make out a chamber further east. In the north wall is the entrance to a caved-in corridor.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You struggle through the debris.\n\nRock Chamber\nThis is a black chamber, directly cut in the rock. Crystals embedded in the walls reflect and magnify the available light. There is an antique gas stove mounted in one of the walls, and a rack just above it. The sole exit leads west into a dark corridor.\n\nThe chamber seems ancient, but the furniture feels more recent. Someone must have been using this chamber not so long ago.\n\nYou can also see a chair and a wooden chest (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "It is an old gas stove, which can be turned on by turning a switch. On the stove is a kettle.\n\nThe gas stove is currently switched off.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The kettle is empty.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The rack is mounted on the wall above the stove. On the rack are some red powder, some yellow powder and a glass bottle, inside which is a clear liquid.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "It is a big and heavy wooden chest. You can't see inside, since it is closed.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You struggle through the debris.\n\nChamber\n\nIn the floor just below the opening in the ceiling is a trapdoor. It is closed and carefully sealed down with metal bands.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor\n\nBehind and above, a faint luminous blur tells of the distant world outside.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nStairs\n\nYou can also see Charles Bristow here.",
"hints": [
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Stairs",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "'I just have this brief memory of seeing a crowbar in an underground chamber somewhere.'",
"hints": [
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Stairs",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nDead End\n\nA stone slab has been moved, revealing a dark entrance leading down.\n\nA cat is sitting on one of the overhead bridges.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCrossroads\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Crossroads",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\n\nCharles follows you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nPublic Square\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\nAn endless array of indistinguishably drab stone buildings lies at either side of the road. Though humbled by the sheer magnitude of the other buildings, a distinctive temple-like structure catches your eye at the south end of the road. Flickering light emanates from its high and narrow windows, casting uncertain shadows on the murals that adorn its wide doorway.\n\nCharles follows you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The murals decorating the main entrance to the temple are hard to interpret. Some humans are engaged in what appears to be a ritual. One is bringing a tray with something on it to a table and the others are standing a few paces behind, holding long knifes.\n\nCharles looks at the temple and says 'I think that the tower and the temple are more recent than the city itself. The style is quite different, don't you think?'",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "From inside the temple sounds of chants and prayers are heard, but the are too muffled to make out clearly.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nTemple\nThe temple is an immense building, whose vaulted ceiling towers high above. It is scantily lit, but a stage is set in its southern part. On the stage there is a huge statue, whose appearance is frightening even from this distance. In front of the statue is a roughly cube-shaped black stone table. There are lots of people in front of the stage, and the air is filled with sounds of chants and prayer. The main exit is to the north.\n\nCharles follows you.\n\nThere is some commotion as a man is led up to the stage by a few persons, who force him onto the stone table and ties him down.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put hideous statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Temple",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The huge statue on the stage is indeed grotesque and frightening. It is vaguely human-shaped, but the arms are too long, the skin is covered by scales, and the fangs are definitely out of place.\n\nA hooded, priestly figure carrying a dagger approaches the victim on the table. Without further ceremony he stabs the man in the chest. People around you start chanting terrible hymns in a foreign language.\n\nYou notice suspicious glances from people close to you. Charles whispers that it is better to leave before the crowd get too suspicious, and leaves the temple.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put hideous statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Temple",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You manage to slip out unnoticed.\n\nRoad\n\nYou can see Charles Bristow here.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put other down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nPublic Square\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nBefore A Dark Tower\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"take into southwest",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Before A Dark Tower",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nHall\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nThe winding staircase leads to a spacious chamber inside the tower.\n\nStudy\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"put key on ink",
"put key on desk",
"put key on dust",
"put key on table",
"put key on bookshelves",
"put mysterious vial on ink",
"put mysterious vial on desk",
"put mysterious vial on dust",
"put mysterious vial on table",
"put mysterious vial on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put mukhtar on ink",
"put mukhtar on desk",
"put mukhtar on dust",
"put mukhtar on table",
"put mukhtar on bookshelves",
"put horriblis on ink",
"put horriblis on desk",
"put horriblis on dust",
"put horriblis on table",
"put horriblis on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on desk",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You put the vial labelled Mukhtar on the black stone table.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"examine writing",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"put key on ink",
"put key on desk",
"put key on dust",
"put key on table",
"put key on bookshelves",
"put mysterious vial on ink",
"put mysterious vial on desk",
"put mysterious vial on dust",
"put mysterious vial on table",
"put mysterious vial on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put horriblis on ink",
"put horriblis on desk",
"put horriblis on dust",
"put horriblis on table",
"put horriblis on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on desk",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Once again you read the syllables of the chant aloud... Y'ai'ng'ngah h'ee-l'geb f'ai throdog.\n\nThe green sand emits a faint glow which quickly assumes an unbearable brightness. When the light finally dissipates, the vial is gone. Nothing seems to have changed, yet you detect something alien in your mode of thinking.\n\nThe sight of the writing evokes strangely uncommon thoughts.\n\nA stream of incomprehensible thoughts floods your brain, as if an alien presence was occupying your mind. You are unsure whether to attribute it to fatigue or to insanity.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"examine paper",
"put key on ink",
"put key on desk",
"put key on dust",
"put key on table",
"put key on bookshelves",
"put vial on ink",
"put vial on desk",
"put vial on dust",
"put vial on table",
"put vial on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put horriblis on ink",
"put horriblis on desk",
"put horriblis on dust",
"put horriblis on table",
"put horriblis on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on desk",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "A deep feeling of frustration in projected into your brain. This soon gives away to a concentrated study of the papers. One sentence is revealed, then another. Before long, Mukhtar has decoded the message, and you are swept away in a powerful vision.\n\nDark Chamber\nThis is a small chamber with rough walls, cut directly from rock. There is a fireplace set in the wall, and a doorway leading west.\n\nYou can see an old man here.\n\nThe man seems to be at work. He puts a handful of yellow powder in a bowl.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [],
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"actions": [
"x me",
"x shadow",
"x shape",
"pull railing",
"x statue",
"x paper",
"take paper",
"x table",
"x writing",
"x man",
"touch man",
"x books",
"x dust",
"x desk",
"x door",
"take vial",
"take vial",
"take vial",
"stand on charles",
"unlock door with key",
"open door",
"x tower",
"x sandstone",
"x temple",
"ask charles about temple",
"x crack",
"x carvings",
"x carvings",
"x skeleton",
"take note",
"x note",
"show note to charles",
"x skeleton",
"x torn clothes",
"take book",
"x book",
"x vial",
"x mukhtar",
"x cat",
"x slabs",
"search slabs",
"move slab",
"x carvings",
"x blocks",
"x trapdoor",
"x stove",
"x kettle",
"x rack",
"x chest",
"ask charles about chest",
"x mural",
"x huge statue",
"put mukhtar on table",
"read writing",
"x paper",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nA beautiful day in Bostwin! You are awakened by a ray of sunlight peeking through a window shade and rise refreshed after a restful night's sleep. You've given your Company a weekend pass to get some R&R after your last grueling mission. Wasting precious little time your entire company took off for the city proper to pack in as much drinking, carousing, brawling, wenching and other relaxing pursuits as possible in 48 hours. In the fields of battle your men are an elite unit of trained professionals. Off-duty they're pretty much like every other bunch of soldiers you've ever served with. \n\nA weekend off and what to do? After the challenges of the past year when you were first promoted and assumed command of Charlie Company you've nearly forgotton what free time is and what you're supposed to do with it.\n\nPentari\nAn Interactive Prequel To First Light \nCopyright 1998 (C) Howard A. Sherman. All Rights Reserved. \nType 'Info' For Information About This Game or 'Help' for Instructions.\nRelease 6 / Serial number 030206 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10 \n\nYour Quarters\nRank certainly does have its privileges. When you were a lowly lieutenant you had to share cramped quarters with a fellow lieutenant at your previous assignment. Commanding a company of your own affords you the luxury of private, spacious quarters just outside the barracks themselves. As a further abuse of your power your chest and bunk are not standard issue items from the Pentari millitary supply center.\n\nYou can see a postcard here.",
"hints": [
"take postcard",
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Your Quarters",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCharlie Company Compound\nYour company compound consists of three large buildings bordering a large, open area where company formations precede the orders of the day. To the west the Company's supply building can be seen while directly ahead of you lies your company's barracks which seem quieter than a crypt. Off to the east you hear the distant shouts of another Company drilling. Poor souls.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Charlie Company Compound",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCharlie Company Barracks\nIf the Army of Bostwin were to publish a new edition of the soldier's handbook, a picture of this barracks should be included as the example other companies should follow. The floors are polished to an almost blinding shine while each of the bunks lining both sides of this building are perfectly made. Every locker next to each bunk is closed and locked. Not a single scrap of paper, not one article of clothing, nay not even a dust particle looks out of place. The powerful smell of high quantities of pine cleaner nearly burns your nostrils. Damn, you run a good comapny.\n\nYou can see a Pentarian Transporter here.",
"hints": [
"get in other",
"put other down",
"ploc": "Charlie Company Barracks",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nThe Charlie Company Barracks (in the Pentarian Transporter)",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put sword down"
"ploc": "Pentarian Transporter",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nYour vision swims as your sight of the barracks blurs into a myriad of chaotic colors. You feel a moment of disorientation...\n\nAs you begin to materialize your eyes grow wide as you realize you're not in front of the Bank of Bostwin, where the transporter usually takes you in the city. You're not even outdoors, you're indoors! What the hell is going on here...?\n\nEntrance Hall\nYour footsteps echo loudly as you walk through this room taking in the vast expanse of its size. The walls rise majestically upward and outward to form a huge room which, curiously, is empty. You can't help but wonder why such a large room is needed for the straight-forward task of accepting guests and visitors. To the east a wide open arch leads to what must be a library while to the north you hardly help but notice a huge, semi-circular marble staircase leading up to parts unknown.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"put sword down"
"ploc": "Entrance Hall",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nLibrary\nThis is a vast chamber lined floor to ceiling with bookcases filled to capacity with books. You haven't seen such a collection of knowledge since your academy days. A cursory glance at some bookshelves reveal several titles on various topics of magic, history, philosophy, science and a hundred other topics. A few large tables with chairs are in the center of the room inviting anyone to make use of these impressive facilities.\n\nThe wizard Morden is here staring at you, the smallest of smiles on his face.\n\nYou can also see a copy of The Legends and Lore of Pentari here.",
"hints": [
"take other",
"put other down",
"push other to floor",
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nSpots in all the colors of the rainbow dance in front of your eyes as you feel yourself displaced...\n\n\nYou find yourself in the deep recesses of Vamvevmew's castle and instantly a wave of fear and depression hit you as hard as any enemy ever has. Your hand shoots right for your sword in its scabbard on reflex and you grip the hilt so hard your knuckles whiten.\n\nCastle\nYou are at the center of an intersection which runs east to west as well as north to south.\n\nThe Dark Elf walks in.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"hit elf",
"ploc": "Castle",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCastle Entrance\nThis large open area stands just inside the castle's gate and would be the place all visitors would first go before being allowed entrance to the castle proper. A guard station, long abandoned, is here. A corridor stretches into the castle itself to the north.\n\nYou can see a Magical Seal here.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"hit seal"
"ploc": "Castle Entrance",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "Your fist smashes the ward, shattering it into a cloud of shimmering dust.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"put sword down"
"ploc": "Castle Entrance",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCastle\n\nYou can see The Dark Elf here.\n\nThe Dark Elf walks around as if looking for something.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"hit elf",
"ploc": "Castle",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nMain Hall\nThis once majestic room was where visitors would come to relax and meet with the formal lord of the castle in a somewhat informal atmosphere. Several large comfortable couches are scattered about, dusty and altogether squalid. Many large tapestries still hang on the walls but are horribly faded from age. Large open archways lead east and west while a huge fireplace dominates the center of the room against the northern wall.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nMain Hall, by the Fireplace\nYou are at the northern end of the main hall taking in the panorama of what was once a majestic area where perhaps treaties were signed, strategies laid and plans foiled.\n\nYou can see a Large Fireplace here.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Main Hall, by the Fireplace",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nMain Hall",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nSpiral Stairway\nA large spiral staircase made entirely of marble polished smooth corkscrews up to a second floor and down to murky depths below. An archway north is cluttered with fallen rubble and crumbled stone but looks otherwise passable.",
"hints": [
"get in floor",
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Spiral Stairway",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCastle Dungeon\nDark, dank and musty are the highpoints of this dungeon. A guard post is here, positioned in such a way as to afford a view of the rows of cells and the prisoners they once contained. An open cell is just ahead to the north.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Castle Dungeon",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nSpiral Stairway",
"hints": [
"get in floor",
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Spiral Stairway",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nDining Room\nThe Duke wasn't one to stand on ceremony therefore he took all his meals in this room. This large room allowed many servers to shuttle back and forth from the kitchen to the north without getting in anyone's way. Dominating the center of the room is a long, grand table lined with comfortable looking high-backed chairs while exquisite paintings dot the walls.\n\nA folded linen towel is lying on the floor",
"hints": [
"take towel",
"put sword down",
"open towel",
"push towel to floor",
"ploc": "Dining Room",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "You open the towel.",
"hints": [
"take towel",
"close towel",
"put sword down",
"push towel to floor",
"put sword in towel",
"ploc": "Dining Room",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nKitchen\nPerhaps even larger than the dining room itself, this kitchen delivered many fine state dinners in its day. Large wood-burning stoves line one side of the room while on another are rows of preparation tables.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Kitchen",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nDining Room\n\nA folded linen towel is lying on the floor",
"hints": [
"take towel",
"close towel",
"put sword down",
"push towel to floor",
"put sword in towel",
"ploc": "Dining Room",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nSpiral Stairway",
"hints": [
"get in floor",
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Spiral Stairway",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nMain Hall",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nArmory\nMany death-dealing weapons of every type were stored here. Several tall racks probably held spears while shorter ones mounted against the wall stored various kinds of swords. Other wall mounts, also empty, give you no idea what sort of weapons may have been held by them. A large archway north is partially blocked by collapsed stones and rubble.\n\nYou can see a jewel encrusted dagger here.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"put other down",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take sword",
"take dagger",
"take all",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take sword",
"put dagger down",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": [
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "\nTreasury\nIn times past the vast wealth of the Duke would be stored here. Alas, with the castle taken and the Duke gone so with him went his riches. As you remember your history lessons, you recall the genealogy of the Dukes of Bostwin and their love of collecting treasures. You could only imagine what vast treasures were contained in this room long ago. \n\nA finely crafted oaken chest is here.",
"hints": [
"take chest",
"put dagger down",
"ploc": "Treasury",
"inv": [
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put dagger down",
"put chest down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Treasury",
"inv": [
"oaken chest",
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "\nArmory\n\nYou can see a fine Pentarian sword here.",
"hints": [
"take sword",
"put dagger down",
"put other down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": [
"oaken chest",
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "\nMain Hall\n\nThe Dark Elf walks in.",
"hints": [
"put dagger down",
"put chest down",
"put all down",
"hit elf",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"oaken chest",
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "oaken chest: Dropped.\njewel encrusted dagger: Dropped.\n\nThe Dark Elf walks around as if looking for something.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"take all",
"hit elf",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCastle",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Castle",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCastle Entrance",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Castle Entrance",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCastle",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Castle",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMain Hall\n\nYou can see a jewel encrusted dagger and an oaken chest (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"take all",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"put chest down",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"oaken chest"
"msg": "(the oaken chest down)\nDropped.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"take all",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMain Hall, by the Fireplace\n\nYou can see a Large Fireplace here.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Main Hall, by the Fireplace",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nThe Main Hall, by the Fireplace (in the Large Fireplace)\n\nYou can see a dirty scroll here.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take scroll"
"ploc": "Large Fireplace",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put scroll down"
"ploc": "Large Fireplace",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nMain Hall, by the Fireplace\n\nYou can see a Large Fireplace here.",
"hints": [
"put scroll down",
"ploc": "Main Hall, by the Fireplace",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nMain Hall\n\nYou can see an oaken chest (which is closed) and a jewel encrusted dagger here.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"put scroll down",
"take all",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "You hear a roar of flames as a fireball materializes out of nowhere and floods the entire room in a burst of flames! The intensity of the fireball blasts the chest open and miraculously, except for a slight discomfort of warmth, you are otherwise uneffected.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"take emerald",
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"close chest",
"take all",
"empty chest",
"push emerald to chest",
"push dagger to chest",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": null
"msg": "You feel a surge of power flow through you as you pick up the small emerald...Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"close chest",
"put emerald down",
"take all",
"put emerald in chest",
"push dagger to chest",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"small emerald"
"msg": "You need to be holding the jewel encrusted dagger before you can put it into something else.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"close chest",
"put emerald down",
"take all",
"put emerald in chest",
"push dagger to chest",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"small emerald"
"msg": "\nArmory\n\nYou can see a fine Pentarian sword here.\n\nThe Dark Elf walks in.",
"hints": [
"examine emerald",
"take sword",
"put emerald down",
"hit elf",
"push sword to floor",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": [
"small emerald"
"msg": "(the fine Pentarian sword)\nTaken.\n\nThe Dark Elf senses your aura of power and realizes you have the emerald he's been looking for! He bashes you on the back of your head with the hilt of his sword and steals the small emerald from you! \n\nYour vision swims and you can't quite your bearings...\n\nYou hear alot of shouting nearby between Vamvevmew and a familiar sounding voice followed by an explosion as the hair stands up on your head! You draw your sword and attempt to get your bearings but you feel displaced...\n\nYour vision struggles for clarity as you attempt to look through the smoke and the dust to behold two figures locked in sorceral combat! You can make out Morden mumbling something under his breath as he gestures towards The Dark Elf and a bolt of lightning hits Vamvevmew squarely in the chest!\n\nHowling in rage and pain, the Dark One returns the volley with a fire strike which lights up a previously invisible defensive shield around Morden! Essentially unhurt, Morden looks weakened from this engagement...\n\nYou look on in bewilderment but know that you must do something!\n\n\nCastle, Upper Level\nThis large room has taken on some new charasterics recently... now the walls are covered with blast marks of unknown origin from floor to ceiling. Smoke wafts throughout and it's about 10 degrees warmer in here.\n\nA box made of solid platinum is sitting on the floor here.\n\nYou can also see a small emerald, The Dark Elf and Morden here.",
"hints": [
"take emerald",
"put sword down",
"open box",
"hit elf",
"push emerald to floor",
"put sword on box"
"ploc": "Castle, Upper Level",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nWounded by the Wizard Morden and distracted by the mortal combat he is engaged in, you are able to come up behind Vamvevmew and run him through with your sword.\n\nA look of surprise crosses his face as he looks down and realizes he is mortally wounded. He gives you a black look and attempts to reach for your throat but doesn't quite make it, crumpling to the floor he breathes his last and dies.\n\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"take emerald",
"put sword down",
"open box",
"push emerald to floor",
"put sword on box"
"ploc": "Castle, Upper Level",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put emerald down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"open box",
"put emerald on box",
"put sword on box",
"put all on box"
"ploc": "Castle, Upper Level",
"inv": [
"small emerald",
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "small emerald: Done.\nfine Pentarian sword: Done.",
"hints": [
"take emerald",
"take sword",
"open box",
"push emerald to floor",
"push sword to floor"
"ploc": "Castle, Upper Level",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCastle, Upper Level\nThis large room has taken on some new charasterics recently... now the walls are covered with blast marks of unknown origin from floor to ceiling. Smoke wafts throughout and it's about 10 degrees warmer in here.\n\nA box made of solid platinum is sitting on the floor here.\nOn top are a fine Pentarian sword and a small emerald.\n\n \nThe platinum box and the small emerald crowning it glows a very bright green accompanied by what sounds like a chorus of singing angels! \n\nA man is materializing in the room, at first projected by a ray of green power emanating from the small emerald but in mere seconds the ray is gone and the man is here...\n\nHe is garbed in the tabbard of Bostwin and he sports a cape which is only reserved for high officers and nobility! Looking around the room he suddenly looks distressed and exclaims \"My castle. What the hell happened to my castle?!\" Galin immediately pauses as his eyes lock on the corpse of his ancient nemesis. \"Damn it, I wanted the privilege. He killed all my servants, all my men...\",he chokes with this and continues somberly,\"and he would've killed me if he didn't need me alive to ply me for my knowledge of the Empirical Emerald.\", with that he gives the platinum box an affectionate pat. \"I imagine I have alot of catching up to do. I get the impression quite a bit of time has passed since my departure to that astral limbo I was trapped in. Not a bad place, really. I learned a hell of alot, saw alot, experienced alot. It's somehow different than here, yet similar. I thought for sure I was escaping to Bostwin itself but I guess I miscalculated.\" With that Morden chuckles and nods his head knowingly.\n\n\"I wonder if I could have my old job back. I'm sure as hell to shake up the status quo with my peers of this age. But let me not forget you...\" pausing to look at the rank on your uniform, \"Captain. Should my peers of this age find it agreeable I will resume my noble office as befits my rank and appoint you the Captain of my personal guard! My many thanks to you for freeing me from the hell of that limbo I was stuck in. And you, wizard, you must've had a hand in this. I shall reward you as well!\n\n\"More pressing business, though, is to restore my castle...\", Galin glances around and sighs \"It seems I have my work cut out for me here. Care to lend a hand?\"\n\nGrinning, Lord Galin pats you on the back as Morden conjures a broom and tosses it to you...\n\nYou can also see here.\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 70 out of a possible 70, in 49 turns.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"smash seal",
"get in floor",
"open towel",
"put sword down",
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"put all down",
"take chest",
"put all down",
"take scroll",
"get up",
"take emerald",
"put dagger in chest",
"take sword",
"hit elf",
"take emerald",
"put all on box",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "It is with great hope and expectation I send you on this mission,\" the Grand Inquisitor intones, his voice booming like distant, rumbling thunderheads. \"We have discovered what appears to be a piece of the Great Underground Empire, never before explored. I would have sent Grubald the Bold, but he's busy. As is Matchlick the Mighty. So, 'tis you.\"\n\n\"What of Linklaw the Lucky?\" you ask shyly.\n\n\"Laid up. I'm afraid 'tis you and none other. A simple, solo quest, one of fun and mirth, mischief and merriment, a jaunt, an excursion, a simple outing. Merely explore, enjoy yourself, and bring back news of what lies there, long-ago buried for countless ages.\"\n\n\"And Fretsham the Fortunate?\" you ask hopefully.\n\n\"A fatality!\" the Inquisitor booms. \"Here,\" he says with evaporating patience, \"take these and be of good cheer.\" He thrusts into your hands two things: a brass lantern of dubious quality; and a plastic sword of no antiquity or use whatsoever.\n\n\"But what of Kolchack the --\"\n\n\"Enough! Kolchack is contracted. Remember, who is the boss of you!\" He pauses briefly as if awaiting a reply. Then without warning, he answers his own question. \"Me! I am the boss of you! Now begone!\"\n\nAnd with that, you embark on...\n\nZork: The Undiscovered Underground, a text adventure prequel to Zork Grand Inquisitor\nCopyright 1997 by Activision Inc.\nWritten by Marc Blank and Mike Berlyn, programmed by Gerry Kevin Wilson.\nRelease 16 / Serial number 970828 / Inform v6.13 Library 6/2\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nNew Excavation\nYou are standing at the entrance of a narrow, waist-high tunnel that winds out of sight to the northeast. This, you have been told, is the entrance to the newfound areas of the Great Underground Empire. In your left hand hangs a rather unconvincing replica of the traditional adventurer's brass lantern. In the other is an ersatz-Elvish sword of no antiquity whatsoever. Its plastic blade, dull as a bread knife, barely reflects the lantern's dim and uneven glow.",
"hints": [
"take into tunnel",
"turn lantern off",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "New Excavation",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "As you enter the tunnel, you feel a slight rumble beneath your crepe-soled boots. As you turn to look back up to the exit, giant, translucent boulders begin to fall from the walls and ceiling. You duck and cover your head -- when the dust clears, you feel your heart sink in your chest. You are trapped!\n\nTunnel\nYou are in a narrow tunnel whose entrance has been blocked by gigantic, translucent boulders. Your only option is to continue to the northeast, where the tunnel gradually widens.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Tunnel",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "The boulders are, in reality, milky white crystals and fairly regular in shape, like giant diamonds.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Tunnel",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex\nThis imposing ante-room, the center of what was apparently the cultural center of the GUE, is adorned in the ghastly style of the GUE's \"Grotesque Period.\" With leering gargoyles, cartoonish friezes depicting long-forgotten scenes of GUE history, and primitive statuary of pointy-headed personages unknown (perhaps very, very distant progenitors of the Flatheads), the place would have been best left undiscovered. North of here, a large hallway passes under the roughly hewn inscription \"Convention Center.\" To the east, under a fifty-story triumphal arch, a passageway the size of a large city boulevard opens into the Royal Theater. A relatively small and unobtrusive sign (perhaps ten feet high) stands nearby. South, a smaller and more dignified (i.e. post-Dimwit) path leads into what is billed as the \"Hall of Science.\"",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nConvention Center Lobby\nYou are standing at the entrance of the GUE Convention Center. On the floor, you can see occasional splotches of paint through the grime and dust. Although the whole cultural center appears to have been long-abandoned, loud, low-pitched sounds emanate from the door standing open to the north. And while these sounds most closely approximate those made by under-lubricated granola fabricators, they nonetheless fill you with dread. Next to the door is a sign, and to the sign's left (northwest to you) is a souvenir stand. The cultural center's lobby lies to the south.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take into northwest",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nSouvenir Stand\nYou find yourself standing in front of a souvenir stand that is clearly affiliated with the Convention Center. An odd-looking salesman sits behind the counter, his head resting on his hand and his eyes glued to a spot somewhere above and behind you (a quick, frightened glance over your shoulder reveals nothing eye-catching; indeed, nothing at all.) A notice on the counter points toward a small, curtained room to the north.\n\nOn the counter are four candy bars (a Baby Rune, a Multi-Implementeers, a ZM$100000 and a Forever Gores), some popcorn, some postcards and a chicken finger.\n\nYou can see a salesman here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit salesman",
"talk to salesman",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"throw lantern",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Although not much of a conversationalist, the salesman leans forward to listen.\n\nTwo things are immediately obvious: 1) He is not a regular user of toothpaste or mouthwash and 2) He is obviously wearing a mask.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take mask",
"talk to salesman",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"examine mask",
"throw lantern",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "With the salesman's hot, fetid breath threatening to exfoliate multiple layers of facial epidermis, you quickly pull the mask from his face. In hellish harmony, two terrifying screams fill the air: yours, as the first human to see a grue; and his, as prelude to a graphic demonstration of why it is that they aren't seen by light of day (to wit: spontaneous grueish combustion, leaving only a greasy slick on the ground by your feet.) Although you will spend the rest of your life trying to forget what you have just seen, the sight of that sickly glowing fur, fish-mouthed face and razor-like fingers remains forever etched in your mind. You throw the mask away in horror at what you've just seen.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by eight points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take baby",
"take postcards",
"take gores",
"take popcorn",
"take multi",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower baby",
"lower postcards",
"lower gores",
"lower popcorn",
"lower multi",
"throw lantern",
"throw baby",
"throw postcards",
"throw gores",
"throw popcorn",
"throw multi",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nChanging Room\nIt is obvious from the array of body suits, masks, and gloves heaped on the ground, that this is a changing room, and not a very comfortable one at that. No chairs, tables, hooks, hangers, or shelves here: just the costumes themselves, each piece more hideous than the last. A mirror hangs opposite the curtain through which you entered.\n\nYou can see eight pairs of gloves (a pair of hairy gloves, a pair of spiked gloves, a pair of bloody gloves, a pair of stumpy gloves, a pair of blistered gloves, a pair of scaly gloves, a pair of razor-like gloves and a pair of suction-cupped gloves), eight masks (a slimy mask, a pock-marked mask, a four-eyed mask, a decomposing mask, a fish-mouthed mask, a lizard-like mask, a fungus-like mask and a humanoid mask) and eight body suits (a gelatinous body suit, a feathered body suit, a glowing/fur-covered body suit, a rainbow-striped body suit, an armor-plated body suit, a sponge-like body suit, a blood-oozing body suit and a semi-transparent body suit) here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit mirror",
"take scaly",
"take slimy mask",
"take armor",
"take fish",
"take decomposing mask",
"take stumpy gloves",
"take lizard",
"take gelatinous body suit",
"take hairy gloves",
"take humanoid mask",
"take razor",
"take semi-transparent body suit",
"take spiked gloves",
"take bloody gloves",
"take suction",
"take pock",
"take blistered gloves",
"take fungus",
"take sponge",
"take feathered body suit",
"take blood",
"take rainbow",
"take four-eyed mask",
"take fur",
"take all",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on scaly",
"put on slimy mask",
"put on armor",
"put on fish",
"put on decomposing mask",
"put on stumpy gloves",
"put on lizard",
"put on gelatinous body suit",
"put on hairy gloves",
"put on humanoid mask",
"put on razor",
"put on semi-transparent body suit",
"put on spiked gloves",
"put on bloody gloves",
"put on suction",
"put on pock",
"put on blistered gloves",
"put on fungus",
"put on sponge",
"put on feathered body suit",
"put on blood",
"put on rainbow",
"put on four-eyed mask",
"put on fur",
"lower scaly",
"lower slimy mask",
"lower armor",
"lower fish",
"lower decomposing mask",
"lower stumpy gloves",
"lower lizard",
"lower gelatinous body suit",
"lower hairy gloves",
"lower humanoid mask",
"lower razor",
"lower semi-transparent body suit",
"lower spiked gloves",
"lower bloody gloves",
"lower suction",
"lower pock",
"lower blistered gloves",
"lower fungus",
"lower sponge",
"lower feathered body suit",
"lower blood",
"lower rainbow",
"lower four-eyed mask",
"lower fur",
"throw scaly",
"throw slimy mask",
"throw armor",
"throw lantern",
"throw fish",
"throw decomposing mask",
"throw stumpy gloves",
"throw lizard",
"throw gelatinous body suit",
"throw hairy gloves",
"throw humanoid mask",
"throw razor",
"throw semi-transparent body suit",
"throw spiked gloves",
"throw bloody gloves",
"throw suction",
"throw pock",
"throw blistered gloves",
"throw fungus",
"throw sponge",
"throw feathered body suit",
"throw blood",
"throw rainbow",
"throw four-eyed mask",
"throw fur"
"ploc": "Changing Room",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "(first taking the fish-mouthed mask)\nYou put on the fish-mouthed mask.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit mirror",
"take scaly",
"take armor",
"take stumpy gloves",
"take gelatinous body suit",
"take hairy gloves",
"take razor",
"take semi-transparent body suit",
"take spiked gloves",
"take bloody gloves",
"take suction",
"take blistered gloves",
"take sponge",
"take feathered body suit",
"take blood",
"take rainbow",
"take fur",
"take all",
"take off fish",
"put lantern down",
"put mask down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on scaly",
"put on armor",
"put on stumpy gloves",
"put on gelatinous body suit",
"put on hairy gloves",
"put on razor",
"put on semi-transparent body suit",
"put on spiked gloves",
"put on bloody gloves",
"put on suction",
"put on blistered gloves",
"put on sponge",
"put on feathered body suit",
"put on blood",
"put on rainbow",
"put on fur",
"lower scaly",
"lower armor",
"lower stumpy gloves",
"lower gelatinous body suit",
"lower hairy gloves",
"lower razor",
"lower semi-transparent body suit",
"lower spiked gloves",
"lower bloody gloves",
"lower suction",
"lower blistered gloves",
"lower sponge",
"lower feathered body suit",
"lower blood",
"lower rainbow",
"lower fur",
"throw scaly",
"throw armor",
"throw lantern",
"throw mask",
"throw stumpy gloves",
"throw gelatinous body suit",
"throw hairy gloves",
"throw razor",
"throw semi-transparent body suit",
"throw spiked gloves",
"throw bloody gloves",
"throw suction",
"throw blistered gloves",
"throw sponge",
"throw feathered body suit",
"throw blood",
"throw rainbow",
"throw fur"
"ploc": "Changing Room",
"inv": [
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "(first taking the glowing/fur-covered body suit)\nYou put on the glowing/fur-covered body suit.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit mirror",
"take scaly",
"take stumpy gloves",
"take hairy gloves",
"take razor",
"take spiked gloves",
"take bloody gloves",
"take suction",
"take blistered gloves",
"take off fur",
"take off fish",
"put lantern down",
"put suit down",
"put mask down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on scaly",
"put on stumpy gloves",
"put on hairy gloves",
"put on razor",
"put on spiked gloves",
"put on bloody gloves",
"put on suction",
"put on blistered gloves",
"lower scaly",
"lower stumpy gloves",
"lower hairy gloves",
"lower razor",
"lower spiked gloves",
"lower bloody gloves",
"lower suction",
"lower blistered gloves",
"throw scaly",
"throw lantern",
"throw suit",
"throw stumpy gloves",
"throw hairy gloves",
"throw razor",
"throw spiked gloves",
"throw bloody gloves",
"throw suction",
"throw blistered gloves"
"ploc": "Changing Room",
"inv": [
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "(first taking the razor-like gloves)\nYou put on the razor-like gloves.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit mirror",
"take off razor",
"take off fur",
"take off fish",
"put lantern down",
"put suit down",
"put mask down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern",
"throw suit"
"ploc": "Changing Room",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nSouvenir Stand\n\nOn the counter are four candy bars (a Baby Rune, a Multi-Implementeers, a ZM$100000 and a Forever Gores), some popcorn, some postcards and a chicken finger.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take baby",
"take gores",
"take popcorn",
"take multi",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower baby",
"lower gores",
"lower popcorn",
"lower multi",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw baby",
"throw gores",
"throw popcorn",
"throw multi",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take gores",
"take popcorn",
"take multi",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower gores",
"lower popcorn",
"lower multi",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw gores",
"throw popcorn",
"throw multi",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put rune on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take popcorn",
"take multi",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower popcorn",
"lower multi",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw popcorn",
"throw multi",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put gores on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put rune on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take bars",
"take popcorn",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower popcorn",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw popcorn",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put gores on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put rune on counter",
"put multi on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take popcorn",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower popcorn",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw popcorn",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put gores on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put rune on counter",
"put multi on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nConvention Center Lobby",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"lower lantern",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You glide casually in, gurgling in loud, guttural tones; better still, the fish-mouthed mask is somehow providing a small amount of vision in the darkness. Two nearby grues ask if you are suffering from allergies (apparently, human dandruff levels are above normal for this time of year); another group debates among themselves whether you are a Borphee grue or an Antharian grue (their accents are similar, especially when pronouncing words ending in \"gzk\" and \"kkgrk.\") Otherwise, your disguise appears to be working, though for how long is anybody's guess.\n\nConvention Hall\nYou are in attendance at the annual Grue Convention, this year a rather somber affair due to the \"adventurer famine\" that has gripped gruedom in this isolated corner of the empire. Standing at a lectern on stage, a prominent grue is presenting a paper entitled, \"Surviving the Lean Years: Is Lurking Enough?\" All around you, grues are standing; some in conversation, some drinking, some even paying attention to the speaker.\n\nThere is a trash chute in one of the walls, and a reader board hangs nearby.\n\nYou can see some grues, a hat, some clothes, some chewed-up shoes and a pair of glasses here.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"look in grue",
"take hat",
"take glasses",
"take shoes",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"examine glasses",
"throw suit",
"put multi in chute",
"put gores in chute",
"put sword in chute",
"put rune in chute",
"put suit in glasses",
"put all in chute",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Hall",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You take the pair of glasses and place them under your costume.\n\nYou had better hurry; the steady gurgling is becoming harder and harder for you to maintain.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"look in grue",
"take hat",
"take shoes",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"examine glasses",
"throw rune",
"put rune in chute",
"put multi in chute",
"put gores in chute",
"put glasses in chute",
"put sword in chute",
"put rune in glasses",
"put all in chute",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Hall",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nConvention Center Lobby\n\nYou can see a brass lantern (providing light) here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You take off the fish-mouthed mask.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on mask",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You take off the glowing/fur-covered body suit.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take off gloves",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on suit",
"put on mask",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take mask",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"take into northwest",
"put suit down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on mask",
"put on suit",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"lower mask",
"throw lantern",
"throw mask",
"throw suit",
"put suit in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\nThe lantern dims a little.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take suit",
"take lantern",
"take mask",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on suit",
"put on mask",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower suit",
"lower lantern",
"lower mask",
"throw suit",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw mask",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take suit",
"take mask",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on suit",
"put on mask",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower suit",
"lower mask",
"throw suit",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw mask",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nTheater\nThis cavernous auditorium is reputed to be the most elaborate in the GUE. Built to the precise specifications of Lord Dimwit Flathead, its excessive structure holds 69,105 seats, not including the royal box seats that are centrally situated on the 37th mezzanine. The seats themselves are built like thrones, with high, wooden backs that obscure visibility and make the seating area seem rather like a forest of stunted trees. A long aisle runs the entire length of the auditorium from the Cultural Center to the west to the oversized stage to the east. In all other directions, narrow aisles have been arranged in the \"maze of twisty passages\" style that was so popular in Dimwit's day; I would strongly recommend avoiding them.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Theater",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nStage\nThe rather large proscenium seems to have been designed mainly with live performances in mind (the dead were thought, not unreasonably, to be dreadfully dull.) As such, it sports a large, maroon curtain leading backstage and a row of brightly colored footlights. Rubble and debris block the ways to the wings, and a set of stairs leads back down into the theater's main aisle.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"take red lens",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put lens down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lens in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"blue lens",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nThe lantern flickers and goes out.",
"hints": [
"throw lantern",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put red lens down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put red lens in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"red lens",
"blue lens",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put red lens down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put red lens in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"red lens",
"blue lens",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You carefully sculpt the blue lens so as to fit neatly into the glasses.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put red lens down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put red lens in glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into footlights"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"red lens",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You carefully sculpt the red lens so as to fit neatly into the glasses.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into footlights"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nBackstage\nAh... ah... choo! Those curtains! If I weren't so busy helping you with this game, I'd suggest you go on without me and let me clean this place up enough so that when you returned, I could at least describe it decently. I'll do the best I can, though. A thick, maroon curtain separates the backstage area from the stage. This area was obviously the target of a small, underground tornado (a Vorx) as scrims, scenery and costumes litter the floor. \n\nEven an old steamer trunk, virtually decaying from age, rests in a corner.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"open trunk",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to scrims",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Backstage",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Phew! Now that's musty! The trunk, beside hiding an invisible dead elephant (what else could produce that smell?), holds a rare quint-Zorkmid coin.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take red lens",
"take coin",
"take off gloves",
"close trunk",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower coin",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw coin",
"put lantern in trunk",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put multi in trunk",
"push red lens to scrims",
"push red lens to trunk",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put gores in trunk",
"put glasses in trunk",
"put gloves in trunk",
"put sword in trunk",
"put rune in trunk",
"put all in trunk",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into trunk"
"ploc": "Backstage",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"close trunk",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in trunk",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put multi in trunk",
"push red lens to scrims",
"push red lens to trunk",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put gores in trunk",
"put coin in trunk",
"put glasses in trunk",
"put gloves in trunk",
"put sword in trunk",
"put rune in trunk",
"put all in trunk",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into trunk"
"ploc": "Backstage",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nStage",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into footlights"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nTheater",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Theater",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\nCompared to the grandeur of the other parts of the Cultural Center, the Hall of Science is rather austere, serving mainly as the entrance to three smallish rooms, at the openings to which stand small reader-boards. These say \"MUSEUM OF ILLUSIONS!\" (east), \"SEE THE MUD FORUM!\" (south), and \"MUSEUM OF ADVENTURE!\" (west). The larger area to the north is the Cultural Center.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take baby",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower baby",
"throw lantern",
"throw baby",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put gloves down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put other down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take bars",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put gloves down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put other down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw gores",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nThe Mud Forum\nThis large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, \"Exhibit Closed! Danger!\" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind. \n\nScattered willy-nilly around the floor are detailed replicas of a white house, an evergreen tree, a person with a flattened head, a raft, and a hot-air balloon.\n\nYou can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tinsel",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie coin to tinsel",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "The tree is a perfect miniature of the now-rare Subterraneous Vegitatus, a species thought to have existed only underground. Its leaves are individually painted, each one a miniature masterpiece. Sitting on the tree is a glass ball and a lone strand of tinsel.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tinsel",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie coin to tinsel",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "It appears to be left over from some ancient decorative holiday. Painted on the inner surface of the ball is a scene of a young man, lying by the curb right by a sewer grate in the street. He's apparently been fishing for coins; he holds in his hands a piece of string, on the end of which is a piece of gum. Stuck to the gum is a shiny coin.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tinsel",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie coin to tinsel",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put tinsel down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie tinsel to coin",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put tinsel in square",
"put tinsel in triangle",
"put tinsel in circle",
"put tinsel in pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "This is a coin, similar in shape and size to an old Chinese coin, complete with a square hole in its center. Stamped on its face is \"5 Zorkmids.\"",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put tinsel down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie tinsel to coin",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put tinsel in square",
"put tinsel in triangle",
"put tinsel in circle",
"put tinsel in pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You carefully thread the tinsel through the coin's square opening, tying it in a knot. The coin now dangles from the tinsel.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by eight points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put tinsel down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put tinsel in square",
"put tinsel in triangle",
"put tinsel in circle",
"put tinsel in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\n\nYou can see a Forever Gores here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take bars",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put tinsel down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw gores",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nMuseum of Illusion\nThe Museum of Illusion was dedicated to the memory of the Great Implementers - figures who were believed to have created the GUE as an act of pure will. Before you, a row of delicately crafted porcelain busts of these immortal greats once stood. Legend has it that so lifelike were these busts, that they would seem to talk among themselves, discussing history, the arts, music, and philosophy, much as those mythic figures did in the Golden Age of Text Adventures. But years of neglect and the ravages of time have toppled most from atop their finely-wrought pedestals. Now, alas, the only two that remain are those of Marc Blank and Mike Berlyn, bloodied, but unbent; battered, but unbroken; shaken, but not stirred.\n\nWorse than the physical desecration of this shrine, it is clear that an attempt was made to commercialize what remains, for now, above the busts, is a sign reading, \"Consult the Oracles - 10 Zorkmids.\" Beneath the sign is a coin-sized slot. \n\nMike's eyes, like those on a famous science-fiction adventure game box, seem to follow you as you approach. \"Marc! Wake up! We have company!\"",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put tinsel down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in slot",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to slot",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put tinsel in slot",
"put all in slot",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into slot"
"ploc": "Museum of Illusion",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "The coin drops into the slot, but (unbeknownst to Mike and Marc) remains tied to the tinsel. \n\nMarc looks with some satisfaction at Mike, then assumes a very serious (oracular, one might say) pose. A holographic image of an hourglass miraculously appears beside him, the number \"10\" glowing inside with a harsh, red light. The number \"10\" is replaced by \"9\" as his voice drops three or four octaves. \"Now hear the Oracle of the Implementers,\" he begins. (7) \"The Wisdom of the Ages,\" he continues, in no apparent hurry. (5) \"The Revealed Truth of All Truths,\" he drones, the word `truths' somehow adding an extra syllable or two. (2) And, finally, \"Listen.\" Then, snapping out of his trance-like state, he looks in your direction rather sheepishly. \"Sorry about that,\" he says. \"I get a little carried away. Just another five Zorkmids and I'll finish up with a really juicy piece of information.\" He looks at you expectantly.\n\nMarc's bust does a double-take. \"Hmm,\" he hmms. \"Not a bad-looking specimen, though back in the old days, they built `em tougher.\"",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take tinsel",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower tinsel",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw tinsel",
"put lantern in slot",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to slot",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into slot"
"ploc": "Museum of Illusion",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nMike's bust looks wistful. \"Sigh,\" he sighs. \"Oh for the olden, golden days of yore.\"",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put tinsel down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in slot",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to slot",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put tinsel in slot",
"put all in slot",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into slot"
"ploc": "Museum of Illusion",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Mike seems surprised (and not altogether pleased) that you've been able to put the same quint-Zorkmid coin in twice. With a blink of his eye, the tinsel goes up in a ball of sparks and flame (pyrotechnics being a specialty with him) and the coin drops fully into the slot. \n\nMarc assumes the oracular position and intones: \"Ahem. It may be uncommon knowledge, but, it should be clear to see that text is not a great three-D medium. You may be blue, but looking through rose colored glasses helps bring things into alignment.\"\n\nMike says, \"True, Marc. All too true. As you know, I'd try to pry the sixth rib I saw.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in slot",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to slot",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into slot"
"ploc": "Museum of Illusion",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\n\nYou can see a Forever Gores here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take bars",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put gloves down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw gores",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nMuseum of Adventure\nThis museum is a sick, twisted, and pitiful homage to that special creature as near and dear to my heart as a parser, the Adventurer. There, in the center of the room, sits a display that sends a shiver up your spine: A skeleton. On the small pedestal beside it sits a plaque. The walls have been clawed, the wallpaper and exhibit signs shredded by what was probably an over-excited tourist group of grues. In what looks like the remnants of their enthusiastic visit, piles of bones lie on the floor, cracked open, fang-marks clearly evident on their glistening white surfaces. One sign on the wall by a door to the southwest remains, though.\n\nThe lantern dims a little.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to first rib",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"pry first rib with sword"
"ploc": "Museum of Adventure",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Click. Whir. Zzzzip! (Well, as a parser, I could give you a huge hint that the door to the Janitor's Closet has just disappeared, but don't count on my help.)\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"take into southwest",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to first rib",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"pry first rib with sword"
"ploc": "Museum of Adventure",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nJanitor's Closet\nAs you step through the doorway, you realize you've entered a room so vast, you can see the distant curvature of the Earth. On the distant, foggy horizon, the ceiling appears to meet the floor, blending in the mist. The only thing in this enormous, cavernous area are shelves, shelves and more shelves, all of them empty, dwindling into nothingness. This of course disproves the ancient belief that there's never enough closet space.\n\nOn the shelves is an aerosol can.\n\nYou think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating.",
"hints": [
"take off",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take can",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower can",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw can",
"put lantern on shelves",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put multi on shelves",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to shelves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put glasses on shelves",
"put gloves on shelves",
"put sword on shelves",
"put all in glasses",
"put all on shelves"
"ploc": "Janitor's Closet",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nYou think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take off",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern on shelves",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put multi on shelves",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to shelves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put glasses on shelves",
"put gloves on shelves",
"put can on shelves",
"put sword on shelves",
"put all in glasses",
"put all on shelves"
"ploc": "Janitor's Closet",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nMuseum of Adventure",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"take into southwest",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray first rib",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to first rib",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"pry first rib with sword"
"ploc": "Museum of Adventure",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\n\nYou can see a Forever Gores here.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"take bars",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"spray lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw gores",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nThe Mud Forum\n\nYou can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.\n\nThe lantern flickers and goes out.\n\nIt is now pitch dark in here!",
"hints": [
"put can down",
"put all down",
"throw can"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.\n\nThe Mud Forum\nThis large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, \"Exhibit Closed! Danger!\" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind. \n\nYou can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in square",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in circle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You place the glasses on your face; while not a great fit, at least they don't fall off.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in square",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in circle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "aerosol can: Dropped.\nbrass lantern: Dropped.\nZM$100000: Dropped.\nMulti-Implementeers: Dropped.\ncheaply-made sword: True, the sword is not a formidable weapon, but it is the only one you've got. Oh well.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take can",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take sword",
"take multi",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower can",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw sword",
"lower multi",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw house",
"throw can",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw glasses",
"throw raft",
"throw multi",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "You lift the cover, revealing a dark, transparent film on which can barely be seen some sort of line drawing. Details are pretty much impossible to discern. ",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put cover down",
"hold button",
"examine glasses"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "As you push the button, a light shines out from inside the display unit, revealing a transparent film, lit from below. At first, a blurred image appears. Then, after a few moments, an almost magical, three-dimensional scene comes into view: a man with a flattened head stands in the foreground, while directly behind him is a tree. Behind the tree you can clearly see a house, while behind the house, hovering off the ground, is a hot-air balloon. Oddly, the raft appears off to the side, as if not in the scene at all. After getting a good look, you drop the cover and release the button.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take can",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take sword",
"take multi",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower can",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw sword",
"lower multi",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw house",
"throw can",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw glasses",
"throw raft",
"throw multi",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The symbols, painted on the floor in purple, represent a circle, a square, a triangle and a pentagon. They progress from the center of the room to the display like stepping stones. ",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take can",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take sword",
"take multi",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower can",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw sword",
"lower multi",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw house",
"throw can",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw glasses",
"throw raft",
"throw multi",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "cheaply-made sword: Taken.\nMulti-Implementeers: Taken.\nZM$100000: Taken.\nbrass lantern: Taken.\naerosol can: Taken.\npicture: That's hardly portable.\nsymbols: That's hardly portable.\ntree: Taken.\nhouse: Taken.\nhot-air balloon: Taken.\nflathead: Taken.\nraft: Taken.\nDisplay Unit: That's hardly portable.\nsealed door: That's hardly portable.\nsign: That's hardly portable.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take cardboard",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put balloon down",
"put tree down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put flathead down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put house down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"push ball to southeast",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put balloon in square",
"put balloon in triangle",
"put balloon in circle",
"put balloon in pentagon",
"put tree in square",
"put tree in triangle",
"put tree in circle",
"put tree in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put raft in square",
"put raft in triangle",
"put raft in circle",
"put raft in pentagon",
"put flathead in square",
"put flathead in triangle",
"put flathead in circle",
"put flathead in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"push ball to tree",
"push ball to square",
"push ball to triangle",
"push ball to glasses",
"push ball to circle",
"push ball to pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in square",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in circle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put house in square",
"put house in triangle",
"put house in circle",
"put house in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"hot-air balloon",
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The flathead is now resting in the center of the circle.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take cardboard",
"take flathead",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put balloon down",
"put tree down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put house down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"push ball to southeast",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower flathead",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw flathead",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put balloon in square",
"put balloon in triangle",
"put balloon in pentagon",
"put tree in square",
"put tree in triangle",
"put tree in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put raft in square",
"put raft in triangle",
"put raft in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"push ball to tree",
"push ball to square",
"push ball to triangle",
"push ball to glasses",
"push ball to pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in square",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put house in square",
"put house in triangle",
"put house in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"hot-air balloon",
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The tree is now resting in the center of the square.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take cardboard",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put balloon down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put house down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put balloon in triangle",
"put balloon in pentagon",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put raft in triangle",
"put raft in pentagon",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put house in triangle",
"put house in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"hot-air balloon",
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The house is now resting in the center of the triangle.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put balloon down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put balloon in pentagon",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put raft in pentagon",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"hot-air balloon",
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The hot-air balloon is now resting in the center of the pentagon.\n\nClick. (Uh oh!) You hear a low, menacing rumble as the room starts to shake. The noise comes from the southeast, where a massive door slowly opens beneath the `Exhibit Closed! Danger!' sign.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"take into southeast",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"take into southeast",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nCage\nYou step through twisted bars of steel -- bars which look like a being of superhuman strength bent them to allow passage, bars designed to keep people out. Or to keep something else in.This area was designed for some otherworldly visitors, and judging by the sounds emanating from the many passages heading off to the east, they're still around. Dangling on the bars is a small sign which reads, \"EXTRATERRESTRIAL MUSEUM.\"",
"hints": [
"examine gloves",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"take off glasses",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put raft down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray gloves",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cage",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\nUh oh. Looks like your presence attracted a group of nasty-looking mutant rat-ants. They stand there, bobbing and weaving to some unheard beat and rhythm.",
"hints": [
"examine gloves",
"turn lantern off",
"hit rat",
"take multi",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"take off glasses",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put raft down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower multi",
"spray gloves",
"spray rat",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cage",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nThe Mud Forum\n\nYou can see a ZM$100000 here.\n\nYou hear munching noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take cardboard",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"take into southeast",
"put lantern down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put raft down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower house",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw glasses",
"throw house",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\n\nYou can see a Forever Gores here.\n\nYou hear munching noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take gores",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw gores",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex\n\nYou can see a Baby Rune here.\n\nYou hear munching noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take baby",
"take red lens",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower baby",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw baby",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nTunnel\n\nYou hear munching noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Tunnel",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou appear to have a fan club. The amalgamation of mutant rat-ants seems to have followed, mandibles clicking, saliva dripping, eyestalks focused only on you.\n\nThe rat-ants appear to be extremely agitated as they spy the huge crystals. One rushes forward, knocking you over in its enthusiasm, and tastes the crystalline boulders originally blocking your exit. The lead ant starts doing what could be called a dance of joy. The others form orderly rows, like chorus lines, and start moving in time to some unheard beat, no doubt led by the leader-ant.\n\nWith antennae gesticulating wildly, the leader ant quickly and easily lifts one of the boulders as if it were no more than a tiny grain of sugar. The others break their formation and one by one, take a boulder handed off by their leader and head for their homes.\n\nBefore you know it, they've made a hole large enough for you to make your escape from the tunnel!",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Tunnel",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "You manage to make your way through the remaining boulders, winding your way outward and upward to the land you left behind. Visions of tickertape parades, keys to cities, your picture on the front page of the newspaper, all swim in your head. And best of all, your name included in the honor roll of Adventurers. You can almost see the Grand Inquisitor welcoming you back with open arms, his reward in the forefront of your mind, as you, at last, come out into the light of day you feared you would never again see.\n\nAs you stretch and take in a big, healthy breath of fresh air, you hear the clicking and whirring of giant mandibles exiting from the opening behind you. You wheel around and point the can at the leader ant and spray for all you're worth (which at this point isn't much.) Still, you take out the leader ant, and the others, seeing his (or her) fate, run back to the safety of the tunnel. As you turn away from the tunnel, you are quickly surrounded by the Grand Inquisitor's guards. They seal the tunnel and then escort you to the Grand Inquisitor himself. His huge eyebrows arch upward as he glances at you, his eyes traveling up and down your frame.\n\n\"You seem somehow... changed,\" he booms. \"Have you grown?\"\n\n\"No...\" you say, noticing for the first time your more upright, less-cowering stance.\n\n\"Speak not unless spoken to!\" he interrupts. \"Now, tell me of the treasures which lie below, of the vast riches, of the wealth. Which gem or bauble did you find in greatest number?\"\n\n\"Well, there were a lot of grues,\" you say.\n\n\"Grues, indeed.\" Shaking his enormous head, the Grand Inquisitor turns to his advisor, Wartle, and sighs. \"Yes, you were right, wise one. We should have sent Bilbonic the Plague.\" He turns back to you. \"Still, you managed to explore and return safely. As your reward, you may take the afternoon off.\"\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 100 out of a possible 100, in 84 turns, earning you the rank of The Ultimate Infocom Text Adventurer. Congratulations!\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"examine boulders",
"talk to man",
"take mask",
"wear fish",
"wear fur",
"wear razor",
"take rune",
"take gores",
"take implementeers",
"take zm$100000",
"drop lamp",
"take glasses",
"remove mask",
"remove suit",
"drop mask",
"drop suit",
"take lamp",
"take blue",
"take red",
"hit lamp",
"put blue in glasses",
"put red in glasses",
"open trunk",
"take coin",
"drop rune",
"drop gores",
"examine tree",
"examine ball",
"take tinsel",
"examine coin",
"tie tinsel to coin",
"put coin in slot",
"pull tinsel",
"put coin in slot",
"pry sixth rib with sword",
"take can",
"shake lamp",
"wear glasses",
"drop all",
"open lid",
"push button",
"examine symbols",
"take all",
"put flathead on circle",
"put tree on square",
"put house on triangle",
"put balloon on pentagon",
"drop zm$100000",
"drop multi",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "OMNIQuest\nA POP Release\nParser Version 1.0\nPOP RULES!!\n\nThere's nothing to do, and you're sort of tired, so you lay on your bed and think philosophical thoughts.\n(meaning of life, end of the world, etc.) As you philosophize, you begin to doze...\n\nYou wake up with a horrible headache. As you glance around, you realize that you are not in Kansas anymore.\nYou attempt to gain some bearing as to where you are...\n\n\nOMNIQuest\nOriginal for Commodore Basic V2\n written c. 1988 by Chris Barden and Chris Ethridge, \n adapted to Inform by Chris Barden\nRelease 2 / Serial number 040127 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10 SD\n\nLarge Clearing\nYou are standing in a large clearing surrounded by a dense forest. There is a path to the east.\n\nYou can see a tree here.",
"hints": [
"examine tree",
"ploc": "Large Clearing",
"inv": null
"msg": "There is a snorkel hanging from the tree. You take it.",
"hints": [
"put snorkel down",
"put on snorkel"
"ploc": "Large Clearing",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSmall Path\nThe path branches here. There are paths to the west and south that continue into the forest. The path to the east appears to lead into some rather rocky territory.",
"hints": [
"put snorkel down",
"put on snorkel"
"ploc": "Small Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nFork in Path\nThis path forks to the southwest and southeast.",
"hints": [
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put on snorkel",
"ploc": "Fork in Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nEnd of Path\nThis appears to be the end of the path. There is an exit to the northeast.\n\nYou can see a match here.",
"hints": [
"take match",
"light match",
"get in northeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put on snorkel"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"light match",
"get in northeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put match down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nFork in Path",
"hints": [
"light match",
"get in southwest",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put match down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"ploc": "Fork in Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nEnd of Path\nThis appears to be the end of the path. There is an exit to the northwest.\n\nYou can see a raincoat (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"take raincoat",
"light match",
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put match down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"light match with raincoat"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"light match",
"get in northwest",
"put raincoat down",
"put snorkel down",
"put match down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put on snorkel",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "You open the raincoat.",
"hints": [
"light match",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"put raincoat down",
"put snorkel down",
"put match down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put on snorkel",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put match in raincoat"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "You put the match into the raincoat.",
"hints": [
"take match",
"light match",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"put raincoat down",
"put snorkel down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put on snorkel",
"empty raincoat",
"push match to raincoat"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "You close the raincoat.",
"hints": [
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nFork in Path",
"hints": [
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"put raincoat down",
"put snorkel down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put on snorkel",
"open raincoat",
"ploc": "Fork in Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSmall Path",
"hints": [
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Small Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCanyon Entrance\nThis is the entrance to a canyon formed by an ancient river. The canyon is to the east. There is a sandy path to the northwest that seems to lead to a beach. There is a path leading into a forest to the west.",
"hints": [
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Canyon Entrance",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCanyon Path\nThe path here is a riverbed that has long since gone dry. The river has cut several meandering passages into the canyon, forming what looks like two rather large boulders. A passage to the north appears to go around the larger boulder, while a narrow gap to the southeast seems to go around the smaller boulder. A passage to the east cuts the rock into its separate sections. And of course, the passage to the west goes back the way you came.",
"hints": [
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Canyon Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSmall Clearing\nThis clearing is apparently a brief widening of some ancient river. There are various small passages winding around two large boulders. These are to the north, south, and west.\n\nYou can see a shovel here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Small Clearing",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Small Clearing",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCanyon Path",
"hints": [
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Canyon Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCanyon Entrance",
"hints": [
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Canyon Entrance",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nEndless Beach\nThis is a beach that seems to stretch on forever to the east and west. There is nothing particularly notable about the beach, except that it has white sand. The ocean is to the north. You see an island on the horizon. There is a path winding across the dunes to the southeast.",
"hints": [
"examine north",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Endless Beach",
"inv": [
"msg": "You put on the snorkel.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Endless Beach",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nOcean\nThe water is a bit deep, but with the snorkel on you can breathe. The shore is to the south. The island looms ahead to the north.",
"hints": [
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"ploc": "Ocean",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIsland Coast\nThis is the main section of the island. The primary landmark on the island is a towering rock, which lies along the coast here. There is a path to the rest of the island to the north.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"push rock",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"ploc": "Island Coast",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSandy Beach\nThis is an area with particularly soft earth. There is a path back to the main section of the island to the south.",
"hints": [
"use shovel",
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"ploc": "Sandy Beach",
"inv": [
"msg": "Digging reveals a lamp. You take it.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp on",
"ploc": "Sandy Beach",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIsland Coast",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"push rock",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp on",
"ploc": "Island Coast",
"inv": [
"msg": "With a great effort you move the rock. You fall through the hole that the rock was covering. Fortunately, your fall is broken by a small patch of manure. You notice someone moving the rock back over the hole.\n\nCylindrical Room\nThis is a cylindrical room. The walls are smooth and unclimbable. There are no prominent features in this room, except for a torch securely fastened to the wall. There appears to be no way out of this room.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp on",
"pull on torch"
"ploc": "Cylindrical Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "Pulling on the torch causes a secret passageway to the southeast to open.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp on"
"ploc": "Cylindrical Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "You switch the lamp on.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Cylindrical Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nGiant Cavern\nThis is a large room which has corridors leaving the room in four different directions: northwest, northeast, west, and south.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in northeast",
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Giant Cavern",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSmall Cavern\nThis is a small cavern with passages to the southeast, southwest, and north.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Small Cavern",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nTwisting Passageway\nThis passageway is rather damp and twists in all directions. All of these are dead ends except for the passages to the north, northwest, southwest, and southeast.\n\nYou can see a sword here.",
"hints": [
"take sword",
"take off snorkel",
"get in southwest",
"get in northwest",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Twisting Passageway",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southwest",
"get in northwest",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Twisting Passageway",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nBlue Ridge Mountain Sports\nThis is a store that appears to be deserted. There are exits to the south and east.\n\nYou can see a parka here.",
"hints": [
"take parka",
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Blue Ridge Mountain Sports",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Blue Ridge Mountain Sports",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nDirt Cave\nThis is a damp cave with moist ground. There is an exit to the west.",
"hints": [
"use shovel",
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Dirt Cave",
"inv": [
"msg": "Digging reveals a worm. You take it.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Dirt Cave",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nBlue Ridge Mountain Sports",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Blue Ridge Mountain Sports",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nTwisting Passageway",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southwest",
"get in southeast",
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Twisting Passageway",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIntersection\nYou have come across a shimmering lake. This is an intersection with paths to the northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southwest",
"get in northeast",
"get in northwest",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nEast Path\nThis is a path that came from the northwest and continues to the southwest.\n\nThere is an old man here.\n\"I haven't had a smoke in 12 years,\" he says. \"Please, PLEASE give me a match!\"\n\nYou can also see a scroll here.",
"hints": [
"take scroll",
"take off snorkel",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "East Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "You open the raincoat, revealing a match.",
"hints": [
"take match",
"take scroll",
"light match",
"take off snorkel",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"empty raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"push match to raincoat",
"give man match",
"light match with scroll"
"ploc": "East Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "(first taking the match)\n\"Thank you!!\" says the man. He lights up for the first time\nin 12 years. \"I have this fishing rod. I'd use it, but I've\nbeen sitting here so long that I can't get up. Since you've\nbeen so nice to me, you can have my rod.\" He hands it to you,\nand you take it.",
"hints": [
"take scroll",
"take off snorkel",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"push scroll to raincoat",
"put worm in raincoat"
"ploc": "East Path",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "The scroll reads:\nGreetings. If you have found this letter, you are obviously\ntrapped down here. We, the Tamatis, need your help. The\nDiamond Wings of Destiny have been stolen. Legend has it whoever\nfinds them will be able to fly. Please return them to us. You can\nfind us behind the wall of ice.",
"hints": [
"take scroll",
"take off snorkel",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"push scroll to raincoat",
"put worm in raincoat"
"ploc": "East Path",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nSouth Lake\nThis is an area south of the majestic lake. There are many exits here, such as northwest, northeast, southeast, and south.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in northwest",
"get in southeast",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put worm in raincoat"
"ploc": "South Lake",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nChilly Corridor\nThere is a cool draft coming from the southeast. There are other exits to the southwest and northwest.\n\nSince it is so cold, it might be wise to put on a jacket of some sort.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"close raincoat",
"get in southeast",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put on parka",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put worm in raincoat"
"ploc": "Chilly Corridor",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "You put on the parka.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"get in southeast",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put worm in raincoat"
"ploc": "Chilly Corridor",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nIce Room\nThis is a COLD room filled with ice. Slush fills a hole in the center of the room. There is an exit to the northwest.",
"hints": [
"use rod",
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put worm in raincoat"
"ploc": "Ice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "You bait your rod and cast.\nFinally a fish! You take it.",
"hints": [
"use rod",
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put fish down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put fish in raincoat"
"ploc": "Ice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "Of all the dumb luck! A boot! You take it anyway.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put fish down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"examine boot",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put fish in raincoat"
"ploc": "Ice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "Examining the boot further reveals a crystal, which you take.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put fish down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put crystal down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put fish in raincoat",
"put crystal in raincoat"
"ploc": "Ice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nChilly Corridor",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in southeast",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put fish down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put other down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put fish in raincoat",
"put other in raincoat"
"ploc": "Chilly Corridor",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nRice Room\nThis room smells of steaming rice. Some song is playing in the distance, and it is saying something about rice patties. Exits are to the northeast and north.\n\nYou can see some rice here.",
"hints": [
"take rice",
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"put crystal down",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put fish down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put crystal in raincoat",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"push rice to raincoat",
"put fish in raincoat"
"ploc": "Rice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"make sushi",
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put fish down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rice down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put crystal down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put fish in raincoat",
"put rice in raincoat",
"put crystal in raincoat"
"ploc": "Rice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "You're not Julia Child, but it'll do.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"put crystal down",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sushi down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put crystal in raincoat",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put sushi in raincoat"
"ploc": "Rice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nMusty Corridor\nThis somewhat non-descript room has a particularly musty odor. There are exits to the north and south.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put sushi down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put crystal down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put sushi in raincoat",
"put crystal in raincoat"
"ploc": "Musty Corridor",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nSouth Lake",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in northwest",
"get in southeast",
"put crystal down",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sushi down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put crystal in raincoat",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put sushi in raincoat"
"ploc": "South Lake",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nWest Path\nThis is a section of the path that continues to the northeast and southeast, as well as branching to the west.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in southeast",
"put crystal down",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sushi down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put crystal in raincoat",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put sushi in raincoat"
"ploc": "West Path",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nGuardian Chamber\nThis is a tall chamber with columns lining the door to the west. The exit is to the east.\n\nYou can see a samurai here.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put sushi down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put crystal down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put sushi in raincoat",
"put crystal in raincoat",
"give samurai sushi"
"ploc": "Guardian Chamber",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "He says something in thanks, and begins to eat as he walks away.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put crystal down",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put crystal in raincoat",
"put snorkel in raincoat"
"ploc": "Guardian Chamber",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nJeweled Room\nThis is an ornately decorated room with absurdly large and tacky jewels plastered to the wall.\nIn the center of the room is a diamond cage. There is an exit to the east.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put crystal down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put crystal on space",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put crystal in raincoat"
"ploc": "Jeweled Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "The cage has a crystal-shaped space on it.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put crystal down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put crystal on space",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put crystal in raincoat"
"ploc": "Jeweled Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "There is a flash of light, and the cage opens, revealing...\nThe Diamond Wings of Destiny!!\nThe cage and crystal suddenly vanish, leaving the wings.",
"hints": [
"take wings",
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"push wings to raincoat"
"ploc": "Jeweled Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Jeweled Room",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nGuardian Chamber",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Guardian Chamber",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nWest Path",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in southeast",
"put rod down",
"put wings down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put wings in raincoat",
"put snorkel in raincoat"
"ploc": "West Path",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nIntersection",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in southeast",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Intersection",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nSlimy Passageway\nThis is a slippery tunnel which has exits to the north, northeast, and southeast.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Slimy Passageway",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nGiant Cavern",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Giant Cavern",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nSmall Cavern",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Small Cavern",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nOrgan Room\nThis is a large room. The majority of the room is taken up by a massive pipe organ. Thousands upon thousands of pipes fill the room. The organ appears to be in a playable condition.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"play organ",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat",
"ploc": "Organ Room",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "The quiet of the cave is shattered by the sound of a non-musician playing the organ.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat",
"ploc": "Organ Room",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nSmall Cavern",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Small Cavern",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nGiant Cavern",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Giant Cavern",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nCold Passage\nThis is a passageway that used to be cold but is becoming gradually warmer.\nVapors radiate from the spot where a wall of ice used to stand. There are fragments of the wall on the ground.\nThe passage to the west is now reachable. There is an exit to the east.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Cold Passage",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nLedge\nThis is a ledge that towers above an abyss. There is a fog below, but you can see a faint light.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat",
"ploc": "Ledge",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "You put on the pair of diamond wings.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off wings",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat",
"ploc": "Ledge",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "You glide to the bottom to land in the middle of a group of Tamatis.\nThey look at you and say, \"You have found the ancient Diamond Wings\nof Destiny! But we cannot find our orange. Can you help us again?\"\n\nAnd so, a new quest begins...\n\n-- THE END --\n\nWatch for...\n\nOMNIQUEST II:\nThe Search for the Purple Orange\n\nCOMING SOON FROM POP!\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 50 out of a possible 50, in 78 turns, which gives you the rank of omniscient adventurer.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"x tree",
"take match",
"take raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"put match in raincoat",
"close raincoat",
"take shovel",
"wear snorkel",
"dig earth",
"push rock",
"pull torch",
"turn on lamp",
"take sword",
"take parka",
"dig ground",
"open raincoat",
"give match to man",
"read scroll",
"put on parka",
"x boot",
"take rice",
"make sushi",
"give sushi to samurai",
"x cage",
"put crystal in space",
"take wings",
"play organ",
"wear wings",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\n\n\n\n[Welcome to a short story called \"Balances\", one of the example games for the Inform design system. Some people may recognise the setting, but others might like to type \"how do spells work\" - the game responds to a few such questions.] \n\nYou feel a little confused as to how you got here. Something to do with Helistar! That's right, and how the world is so far off balance nowadays, after the Great Change.\n\n\nBALANCES\nAn Interactive Short Story \nCopyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 by Graham Nelson.\nRelease 5 / Serial number 961216 / Inform v6.10 Library 6/3\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nRamshackle Hut\nUntil quite recently, someone lived here, you feel sure. Now the furniture is matchwood and the windows are glassless. Outside, it is a warm, sunny day, and grasslands extend to the low hills on the horizon.",
"hints": [
"put coin down",
"put burin down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine furniture",
"examine book",
"examine spell"
"ploc": "Ramshackle Hut",
"inv": [
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Searching through the furniture, which is good for nothing but firewood now, you come across an old cedarwood box, which you pick up for a closer look.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine spell"
"ploc": "Ramshackle Hut",
"inv": [
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the rezrov spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine spell"
"ploc": "Ramshackle Hut",
"inv": [
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Silently, the cedarwood box swings open. In the cedarwood box is Helistar's grimoire.",
"hints": [
"take grimoire",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"push grimoire to furniture",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"push grimoire to box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Ramshackle Hut",
"inv": [
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Ramshackle Hut",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "This must be the grimoire of dangerous spells kept by your irresponsible friend Helistar. Many pages are missing, but a few spells remain:\n\nfrotz spell: cause an object to give off light.\nlleps spell: reverse effect of memorised spell.\nmortin spell: cause immediate death of caster.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Ramshackle Hut",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nGrasslands, near Hut\nThe grasslands sway over low hills in all directions: it is a peaceful wilderness, broken only by this hut and a faint path to the north.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put coin down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put coin in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Grasslands, near Hut",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nPocket Valley\nA pleasant pocket valley in the grassy hills, through which a trail runs north-to-south.\nThere is a chestnut horse here, munching on a pile of oats.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine oats",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Pocket Valley",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Sifting through the oats, you find a shiny scroll! Lucky you got to it before the horse did. As you turn it over in your hands, it seems undamaged.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"cast spell at scroll",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Pocket Valley",
"inv": [
"shiny scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The scroll reads \"bozbar spell: cause an animal to sprout wings\".",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Pocket Valley",
"inv": [
"shiny scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the bozbar spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly then the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Pocket Valley",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the bozbar spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Pocket Valley",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "A pair of handsome brown wings suddenly appears on the horse's powerful shoulders. The horse turns in a complete circle, a look of puzzlement on his face.",
"hints": [
"take in horse",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Pocket Valley",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You begin to ride north. Then, slowly at first but with increasing sureness, the horse begins beating its powerful wings. You rise majestically through the air, sailing gracefully across a chasm where the hills fall away. The horse lands gently on the far side and deposits you, taking to the skies again.\n\nEdge of Chasm\nThe road ends suddenly at a wide chasm. The road leads upward to the north, and you can see it continuing on the southern side of the chasm.\n\nLying in a tight coil at the edge of the chasm is a hissing snake.\n\nThe snake appears to be curled around a featureless white cube.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCrest of Hill\nThe road crosses the top of a ridge here, sloping downwards to the south and the northwest. A track diverges to east.\n\nA tortoise ambles along the road, extremely slowly.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the yomin spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "For a moment you think there is nothing there, as you chew absentmindedly on a leaf. But somewhere inside the tortoise is a sense of wonder at the amazing blue canopy of the sky.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the bozbar spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The tortoise seems to be incapable of expressing surprise, but is now soaring away high in the sky. Something rather grubby is left behind.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take scroll",
"take in northwest",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"chewed scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCave Mouth\nThis is a cave mouth, at one end of a road which winds southeast over rising ground. The entrance west to the caves is a dark tunnel, and only a footpath runs further north, into gorse.\nA heavy iron door bars the cave mouth.\n\nClotted in the mud beside the door is a perfect sapphire.",
"hints": [
"take sapphire",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine sapphire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"chewed scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put sapphire down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine sapphire",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put sapphire in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"perfect sapphire",
"chewed scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "As you gaze into the perfect blue of the sapphire, you feel your mind begin to reel. Unable to bear the naked sight of perfection, you look away, ashamed. As you do so, the sapphire cracks and wastes away to thin hot dust. But something remains, something in your mind...",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"chewed scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "My Spell Book\n\ngnusto spell: copy a scroll into your spell book.\nfrotz spell: cause an object to give off light.\nyomin spell: mind probe.\nrezrov spell: open even locked or enchanted objects.\nbozbar spell: cause an animal to sprout wings.\ncaskly spell: cause perfection.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"chewed scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Before your eyes, the scroll begins to repair itself, failing only at the very last tear. Not quite perfect perhaps, but certainly a readable, if torn scroll.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"torn scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the lobal spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly then the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nGorse Bushes\nThe footpath from the cave mouth runs into dense, impenetrable gorse bushes. Perhaps it wasn't so much a footpath as a rill in the earth where roots wouldn't take; anyway, there's no way but back south.\n\nSlung over one of the gorse bushes is a beautiful red carpet.",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Gorse Bushes",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Gorse Bushes",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCave Mouth\nA heavy iron door bars the cave mouth.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the rezrov spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Silently, the iron door swings open. ",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nDarkness\nIt is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put all down",
"examine spell",
"put spell in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "(The magic writing of the spells casts enough light that you can read them.)\nUsing your best study habits, you commit the frotz spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put all down",
"examine spell",
"put spell in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "There is an almost blinding flash of light as the silver coin begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the silver coin is now quite usable as a light source.\n\nInside Cave\nA wide but shallow cave not far inside the hill. There is no obvious exit, except for the way you came in.\n\nThe iron door stands open.\n\nBalanced on a rock formation is a featureless white cube.\n\nA fair-sized pair of scales hangs from a bracket in the cave wall. The scales are balanced.\n\nOn the right pan are three gold coins.\n\nOn the left pan are a bronze coin, two gold coins and a crumpled scroll.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"take scroll",
"take cube",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"take scroll",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put cube down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cube in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "It is now called the \"cave\" cube.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"take scroll",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The left pan very slowly rises up.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put scroll down",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put scroll on right pan",
"put scroll on left pan",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"crumpled scroll",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the urbzig spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly then the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The right pan rises up.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put gold down",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put gold on right pan",
"put gold on left pan",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put gold in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The scales come into balance.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put gold down",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take coin off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put gold on right pan",
"put gold on left pan",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put gold in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The left pan rises up.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take coin off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The scales come into balance.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCave Mouth\n\nThe iron door stands open.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCrest of Hill",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cube down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cube in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nEdge of Chasm\n\nLying in a tight coil at the edge of the chasm is a hissing snake.\n\nThe snake appears to be curled around a featureless white cube.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put cave in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the urbzig spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put cave in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The snake is replaced by a clump of daffodils.",
"hints": [
"take cube",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "(the featureless white cube)\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put cave down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put cave in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "It is now called the \"chasm\" cube.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...\n\nCrowded Bazaar (on the beautiful red carpet)\nThis is a crowded, noisy bazaar. Directly in front of you is a lottery! But the contemptuous-looking barker is doing a very poor trade: hardly anyone wants his first prize, the big cuddly toy elephant, or even his nineteenth prize, a featureless white cube.\n\nBehind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You get off the beautiful red carpet.\n\nCrowded Bazaar\n\nBehind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.\n\nYou can also see a beautiful red carpet here.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...\n\nCrest of Hill (on the beautiful red carpet)\nThe road crosses the top of a ridge here, sloping downwards to the south and the northwest. A track diverges to east.",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You get off the beautiful red carpet.\n\nCrest of Hill\n\nYou can see a beautiful red carpet here.",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nTrack, outside Temple\nThis is the end of a long track winding through desolate hills, which runs back west up to the ridge.\n\nYou stand outside an enormous temple in the shape of a perfect, featureless white cube, four hundred feet on a side. From somewhere within you hear the tiny sound of the monks chanting.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The chanting is too quiet to make out.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the lobal spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Nothing happens, possibly because those butterflies on the other side of the hill keep distracting you.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The endlessly repeating threnody of the monks tells of the legend of one who will some day enlighten their order, and so be taken up to a higher plane. He (or she, presumably) is known as The Four-Cubed One.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nHigh in the sky, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThose wretched butterflies finally shut up.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA tortoise-feather flutters to the ground before you!",
"hints": [
"take feather",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nFar above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put feather down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put feather in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"tortoise feather",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCrest of Hill",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put feather down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put feather in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"tortoise feather",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCave Mouth\n\nThe iron door stands open.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put feather down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put feather in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"tortoise feather",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nInside Cave\n\nThe iron door stands open.\n\nA fair-sized pair of scales hangs from a bracket in the cave wall. The scales are balanced.\n\nOn the right pan are three gold coins.\n\nOn the left pan are a silver coin (providing light) and two gold coins.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put feather down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put feather in box",
"put feather on right pan",
"put feather on left pan",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"tortoise feather",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The left pan rises up.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put feather down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take coin off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put feather in box",
"put feather on right pan",
"put feather on left pan",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"tortoise feather",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You put the bronze coin on the left pan.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put feather down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put feather in box",
"put feather on right pan",
"put feather on left pan",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"tortoise feather",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The scales come into balance.",
"hints": [
"take feather",
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCave Mouth\n\nThe iron door stands open.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCrest of Hill",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...\n\nCrowded Bazaar (on the beautiful red carpet)\nThis is a crowded, noisy bazaar. Directly in front of you is a lottery! But the contemptuous-looking barker is doing a very poor trade: hardly anyone wants his first prize, the big cuddly toy elephant, or even his nineteenth prize, a featureless white cube.\n\nBehind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You get off the beautiful red carpet.\n\nCrowded Bazaar\n\nBehind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.\n\nYou can also see a beautiful red carpet here.\n\n\"Roll up! Roll up! One silver piece for three goes!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\"None of that!\" snaps the barker angrily, putting you off your study habits. He mutters about \"Enchanter cheats\", but under the circumstances you decide to let the insult pass.\n\n\"Roll up! Roll up! One silver piece for three goes!\"",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n\"Think what you could win, all for one silver coin!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...\n\nCrest of Hill (on the beautiful red carpet)\nThe road crosses the top of a ridge here, sloping downwards to the south and the northwest. A track diverges to east.",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the yomin spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the yomin spell to memory once again.\n\nFar above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the yomin spell to memory a third time.",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You get off the beautiful red carpet.\n\nCrest of Hill\n\nYou can see a beautiful red carpet here.",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...\n\nCrowded Bazaar (on the beautiful red carpet)\nThis is a crowded, noisy bazaar. Directly in front of you is a lottery! But the contemptuous-looking barker is doing a very poor trade: hardly anyone wants his first prize, the big cuddly toy elephant, or even his nineteenth prize, a featureless white cube.\n\nBehind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.\n\n\"Come on, then! Just a silver coin gets you three!\"",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You get off the beautiful red carpet.\n\nCrowded Bazaar\n\nBehind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.\n\nYou can also see a beautiful red carpet here.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Grudgingly the barker takes the silver coin and stands back to let you at the board, arms folded.\n\n\"Roll up! Roll up! One silver piece for three goes!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take ticket",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\"Hope that scrawny Enchanter doesn't pick 2306!\" thinks the barker (slowly).\n\n\"Roll up! Roll up! One silver piece for three goes!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take ticket",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You take lottery ticket 2306 out of the board.\n\n\"Come on, then! Just a silver coin gets you three!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put ticket down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"take ticket off board",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put ticket on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put ticket in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker ticket"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\"If that mark does win, hope it's only worthless old 5802,\" ponders the barker.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put ticket down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"take ticket off board",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put ticket on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put ticket in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker ticket"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You take lottery ticket 5802 out of the board.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put ticket down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"take ticket off board",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put ticket on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put ticket in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker ticket"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "With very bad grace, the barker shoves the cuddly toy elephant into your arms.\n\n\"Think what you could win, all for one silver coin!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"take ticket off board",
"put ticket down",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant on carpet",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put ticket on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put ticket in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker ticket"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "With concealed relief, the barker shoves the featureless white cube into your hands.\n\n\"Roll up! Roll up! One silver piece for three goes!\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"take ticket off board",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put elephant on carpet",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "It is now called the \"prize\" cube.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take ticket",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put down prize",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant on carpet",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...\n\nCrest of Hill (on the beautiful red carpet)\nThe road crosses the top of a ridge here, sloping downwards to the south and the northwest. A track diverges to east.\n\nFar above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You get off the beautiful red carpet.\n\nCrest of Hill\n\nYou can see a beautiful red carpet here.\n\nTiny in the blue sky, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant on carpet",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the urbzig spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the lleps spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Your mind wrenches as the urbzig spell reverses itself.\n\nFar above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take elephant",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The cuddly toy elephant is replaced by a buck-toothed cyclops wielding a mace!\n\nThe cyclops leaps and bellows!",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the urbzig spell to memory.\n\nHigh in the sky, a tortoise flaps across the sun.\n\nThe cyclops is losing patience (the appropriate cyclops word is untranslatable into English, but approximately means \"forbearance in not smashing all nearby skulls\").",
"hints": [
"examine carpet",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The mace turns into a featureless white cube just as the cyclops was about to hit you with it. Mightily embarrassed by this, he drops the cube and runs off!",
"hints": [
"examine cube",
"take cube",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "(the featureless white cube)\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "It is now called the \"mace\" cube.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put mace down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put mace in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nTrack, outside Temple\n\nYou stand outside an enormous temple in the shape of a perfect, featureless white cube, four hundred feet on a side. From somewhere within you hear the tiny sound of the monks chanting.\n\nFar above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put mace down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put mace in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the frotz spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put mace down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put mace in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The temple shakes and white light bathes you. Smoothly it unfolds itself in a four-dimensional way your senses can barely comprehend. All you know is that when it is over, you find yourself in...\n\nBalance Room\nThis seems to be the inside of a featureless white cube, forty feet on a side. The air is stale and there is no exit.\n\nThe image of a pair of scales hangs high in the air. One pan is much lower than the other.\n\nFar below the scales, in the centre of the \"floor\", is a predictably-shaped podium, but it is so dusty and cobwebbed that you can't see what it once was.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"cast other",
"clean podium",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put mace down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"examine other",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put mace in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Balance Room",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "No substitute for old-fashioned hard work, sometimes, and after much patient (sneezy) scrubbing, the podium appears in its true white glory. Set into it are four sockets, arranged in a two by two square.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"cast other",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put mace down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put down cave",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"examine other",
"put box on podium",
"put mace in box",
"put mace on podium",
"put mace in bottom right socket",
"put mace in top left socket",
"put mace in bottom left socket",
"put mace in top right socket",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on podium",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on podium",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on podium",
"put carpet in box",
"put carpet on podium",
"put all on podium",
"drop cave down bottom right socket",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Balance Room",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The cube is a predictably perfect fit in the socket.",
"hints": [
"take cube",
"cast spell",
"cast other",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put mace down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put down cave",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"examine other",
"put box on podium",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on podium",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on podium",
"put mace in box",
"put mace on podium",
"put mace in bottom right socket",
"put mace in top left socket",
"put mace in top right socket",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on podium",
"put carpet in box",
"put carpet on podium",
"put all on podium",
"drop cave down bottom right socket",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Balance Room",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The cube is a predictably perfect fit in the socket.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"cast other",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put mace down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"examine other",
"take cube off bottom right socket",
"take cube off bottom left socket",
"put box on podium",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on podium",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on podium",
"put mace in box",
"put mace on podium",
"put mace in top left socket",
"put mace in top right socket",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on podium",
"put carpet in box",
"put carpet on podium",
"put all on podium",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Balance Room",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The cube is a predictably perfect fit in the socket.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"cast other",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put mace down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"examine other",
"take cube off bottom right socket",
"take cube off top left socket",
"take cube off bottom left socket",
"put box on podium",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on podium",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on podium",
"put mace in box",
"put mace on podium",
"put mace in top right socket",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on podium",
"put carpet in box",
"put carpet on podium",
"put all on podium",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Balance Room",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "As you place the final cube into the sockets, you feel imbued with celestial wisdom (more so than usually). You find yourself growing to the height of the cube, so that you pull the balances back level by hand, and then you grow still further, out of the temple until it is but a cube in your hand, and you are a giant towering over the land. \n\nThen, of course, you wake up, glumly realising it's time to go to your job at the new Borphee Laboratories and all those Wheatstone bridge experiments. But at least you can dream about the old days.\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 50 out of a possible 51, in 122 turns, earning you the rank of Scientist.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"search furniture",
"learn rezrov",
"rezrov box",
"get grimoire from box",
"examine grimoire",
"search oats",
"examine shiny scroll",
"gnusto shiny scroll",
"learn bozbar",
"bozbar horse",
"mount horse",
"learn yomin",
"yomin tortoise",
"learn bozbar",
"bozbar tortoise",
"get chewed scroll",
"take sapphire",
"examine sapphire",
"examine book",
"caskly chewed scroll",
"gnusto scroll",
"take carpet",
"learn rezrov",
"rezrov door",
"learn frotz",
"frotz coin",
"take cube",
"write cave on cube",
"take crumpled",
"gnusto crumpled",
"take gold coin from right pan",
"take bronze coin from left pan",
"put gold coin on right",
"put silver coin on left",
"learn urbzig",
"urbzig snake",
"take cube",
"write chasm on featureless cube",
"drop carpet",
"sit on carpet",
"sit on carpet",
"take carpet",
"learn lobal",
"lobal me",
"take feather",
"take silver",
"put bronze on left",
"put feather on left",
"drop carpet",
"sit on carpet",
"take carpet",
"learn yomin",
"drop carpet",
"sit on carpet",
"learn yomin",
"learn yomin",
"learn yomin",
"sit on carpet",
"give silver to barker",
"yomin barker",
"take ticket 2306",
"yomin barker",
"take ticket 5802",
"give ticket 2306 to barker",
"give ticket 5802 to barker",
"write prize on featureless",
"sit on carpet",
"take carpet",
"learn urbzig",
"learn lleps",
"lleps urbzig",
"drop toy",
"urbzig toy",
"learn urbzig",
"urbzig mace",
"take cube",
"write mace on featureless",
"learn frotz",
"frotz temple",
"clean podium",
"put chasm cube in bottom left socket",
"put cave cube in bottom right socket",
"put prize cube in top left socket",
"put mace cube in top right socket",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ALL QUIET ON THE LIBRARY FRONT\n\n\n [Please press SPACE to begin.]\n Every library should try to be complete on something, if it were only the history of pinheads. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Poet at the Breakfast-Table \nYou are a student at Anycollege, in Anytown, and it's the end of the semester! You've been slacking off all semester long, and it's catching up to you. That final paper is due for your Computer Science class (\"The History of IF Games\"), and you desperately need to check out a comprehensive book on Graham Nelson, one of the foremost authors of the obscure genre of interactive-fiction. You know there is exactly one such book, but you have no idea where it might be! \n\nThe first time player should probably type \"help\".\n\nALL QUIET ON THE LIBRARY FRONT\nAn Interactive Vignette\nRelease 2 / Serial number 951204 / Inform v1502 Library 5/12\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nLobby\nThis is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled \"Duplicating Services\"; a door to the north bears a sign marked \"Private\" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east\n\nYou can see a circulation desk attendant here.",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "The gates are made of gunmetal-grey plastic, and a set of little red lights on top seem to watch you menacingly.",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "He's leafing through a dog-eared copy of Tom Clancy's \"Without Remorse\", looking terminally bored. He is wearing a nametag.",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"Hi, I'm Alan.\"",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "He glances up at you. \"Yeah, it gets pretty dull around here on Friday afternoons, and I've already read this one six times.\" He sighs heavily. \"If only I hadn't lost that copy of \"Debt of Honor\" in the stacks. I've only read that one four times, and not within the past three months.\" Dejected, he goes back to flipping the pages.",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"Try talking to the reference librarian.\"",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"Try going through those doors, she's probably at her desk.\"",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\nYou push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.\n\nGround Floor Stacks\nThis cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled \"Stairs\", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.\n\nYou can see a reference librarian here.",
"hints": [
"put card down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "She is an extremely proper young woman. She has her hands folded neatly in front of her on the desk, and a pencil so sharp it looks like it would make a decent stiletto is tucked behind one ear. She watches the room, and you, like a hungry hawk. Pinned to her jacket is a nametag.",
"hints": [
"put card down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"Hi! I'm Marion.\"",
"hints": [
"put card down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"Ah, that valuable book. We keep it locked away, in the Rare Books Room.\"",
"hints": [
"put card down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"The Rare Books Room is on the second floor. Stairs are north of here. You will need the key, though.\"",
"hints": [
"put card down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"The key may be obtained at the circulation desk.\"",
"hints": [
"put card down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\nLobby\nThis is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled \"Duplicating Services\"; a door to the north bears a sign marked \"Private\" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east\n\nYou can see a circulation desk attendant here.",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"You need to give me your ID card in order to get the key to the Rare Books Room.\"",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "You are carrying:\n an ID card",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "(the ID card to the circulation desk attendant)\nThe circulation attendant gives you the key to the Rare Books Room, and he holds your ID card in exchange.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put key down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give attendant key"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nYou push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.\n\nGround Floor Stacks\nThis cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled \"Stairs\", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.\n\nYou can see a reference librarian here.",
"hints": [
"put key down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nGround Floor Stairwell\nGrungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"look under stairs",
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"msg": "These grungy stairs lead upwards. Dust bunnies romp and play all over the place, and the dust sure seems thick. Maybe the cleaning staff is on vacation.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"look under stairs",
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"msg": "There is a slight, fishy odor.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"look under stairs",
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"msg": "You found a red herring!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put herring down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"red herring",
"msg": "\nSecond Floor Stairwell\nGrungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves.",
"hints": [
"give painting herring",
"take into floor",
"put key down",
"put herring down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"red herring",
"msg": "This painting could pass for a black canvas. The small plaque below it has \"Grue\" engraved.",
"hints": [
"give painting herring",
"take into floor",
"put key down",
"put herring down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"red herring",
"msg": "It almost appears as if an indescribable blackness forms in the painting and reaches out, taking the herring. It is followed by a terrible gnawing noise, and then all is silent again.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take into floor",
"put key down"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSecond Floor Stacks\nYou are in a maze of twisty shelves, all alike.\n\n(Well, okay, not really)\n\nThis cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled \"Computer Room\", and the stairwell lies to the north.\n\nA heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room. A sign indicates that the key may be obtained from the circulation desk.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"look in books",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"msg": "Tucked away in a corner, you find the novel \"Debt of Honor\", by Tom Clancy. Someone must've lost it!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"open door with key",
"open door with copy"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "You unlock the rare books door.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"open door",
"lock door with key",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "You open the rare books door.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"put key down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nRare Books Room\nThe shelves are nearly bare, although there is a complete set of the \"New Zork Times\", a box labeled \"Avalon\", and several biographies of various computer game authors. The door out is to the north\n\nYou can see a biography of Graham Nelson here.",
"hints": [
"take nelson",
"put key down",
"put copy down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Rare Books Room",
"inv": [
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Rare Books Room",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nSecond Floor Stacks\nThis cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled \"Computer Room\", and the stairwell lies to the north.\n\nThe door stands open.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"close door",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "You close the rare books door.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"open door",
"lock door with key",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "You lock the rare books door.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"open door with key",
"open door with graham"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nComputer Lab\nThis entire room hums with the combined output of several dozen computers. All of them are hopelessly out of date, but at least they're still good for word processing.\n\nA bank of printers on one side of the room frantically churns out paper.\n\nYou can see a technician here.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"examine manual"
"ploc": "Computer Lab",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "This frazzled-looking man is thin and angular. He wears thick, slightly rose-tinted glasses, and exhibits nervous twitching. He is wearing a nametag.\n\nHe is leafing through a manual for security systems, and cursing the unreliability of the security gates.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"examine manual"
"ploc": "Computer Lab",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "The technician throws his hands up in frustration, slams the manual shut, tucks it under one arm and heads for the stairs. The air behind him positively smokes from the stream of invective he's producing.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"examine printers"
"ploc": "Computer Lab",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "Wow, a complete copy of the \"Encyclopedia Frobozzica\"! You take it, as it might prove useful.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put frobozzica down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Computer Lab",
"inv": [
"printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nSecond Floor Stacks\nThis cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled \"Computer Room\", and the stairwell lies to the north.\n\nA heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put printout down",
"put all down",
"open door with key",
"open door with graham"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nSecond Floor Stairwell\nGrungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"take into floor",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put printout down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nGround Floor Stairwell\nGrungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put printout down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nGround Floor Stacks\nThis cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled \"Stairs\", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.\n\nYou can see a reference librarian here.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put printout down",
"put debt down",
"put graham down",
"put all down",
"give reference printout"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\"I am waiting for the Encyclopedia Frobozzica, which the technician is currently printing out for me.\"",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put printout down",
"put debt down",
"put graham down",
"put all down",
"give reference printout"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\"Wow, a copy of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica! I've been wanting one of those! I need to add it to the collection right away.\" She begins furiously working at the computer at her desk.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put debt down",
"put graham down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "The games on these shelves range from every installment of the Zork series, through something simply marked as LTOI. There is a special shelf devoted to a game called, simply, \"Curses\", with labels like \"R12\", \"R14\", \"R15\", and \"Curses95\". Other shelves cover \"Christminster\", \"Theatre\", \"Balances\", and many, many others.\n\nOff in one corner are several magazines dedicated to IF, including XYZZYNews and SPAG.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put debt down",
"put graham down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "These IF magazines include XYZZYNews (named for an old magic word from \"Colossal Caves\") and SPAG, the Society for the Preservation of Adventure Games.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put debt down",
"put graham down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "You invoke an ancient word of power, and a hollow voice whispers in your ear, \"Quiet, please. No talking in the library.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put debt down",
"put graham down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nLobby\nThis is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled \"Duplicating Services\"; a door to the north bears a sign marked \"Private\" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east\n\nYou can see a technician and a circulation desk attendant here.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put key down",
"put debt down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give attendant key",
"give attendant debt"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "The circulation attendant puts the key away, then he returns your ID card.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"put debt down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give attendant card",
"give attendant debt"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\""
"msg": "The circulation attendant gets a big smile on his face. \"I wondered where that had gotten off to!\" He immediately becomes immersed in the novel.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take book",
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give attendant card"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card",
"biography of Graham Nelson"
"msg": "This frazzled-looking man is thin and angular. He wears thick, slightly rose-tinted glasses, and exhibits nervous twitching. He is wearing a nametag.\n\nHe has opened up one of the security gates and is tinkering with its innards, muttering bitterly to himself all the while.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give attendant card"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card",
"biography of Graham Nelson"
"msg": "\"Hey, I gotta fix these gates before going home. Go pester the librarians, or something.\"",
"hints": [
"take book",
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give attendant card"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card",
"biography of Graham Nelson"
"msg": "\nEnd Game\n\n\nYou succeed in gaining the biography, and you exit the library. The paper is written over the week-end, you return the book on Monday (of course), and you pass the class with flying colors (despite slacking off for the whole semester), and you graduate from college. \n\nShortly thereafter, you meet an investor who loves IF, and you write a wildly successful game, get rich off of it, and live the rest of your life thanking all the IF authors of the past.\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 30 out of a possible 30, in 52 turns.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"X security gates",
"X attendant",
"Read tag",
"Ask Alan about novel",
"Ask him about Nelson",
"Ask him about librarian",
"X librarian",
"Read tag",
"Ask Marion about Nelson",
"Ask her about rare books",
"Ask her about key",
"Ask Alan about key",
"Give card to Alan",
"X stairs",
"Look under stairs",
"X painting",
"Give fish to grue",
"Search shelves",
"Unlock door with key",
"Open door",
"Get book",
"Close door",
"Lock door with key",
"X technician",
"Ask technician about security gates",
"X printouts",
"Ask Marion about encyclopedia",
"Give encyclopedia to Marion",
"X shelves",
"X magazines",
"Give key to Alan",
"Give novel to Alan",
"X technician",
"Ask technician about security gates",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\n\n\n\n[Type \"help\" for more information about this version]\n\nDetective\nBy Matt Barringer.\nPorted by Stuart Moore.\\nRelease 1 / Serial number 000715 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10 SD\n\n<< Chief's office >>\nYou are standing in the Chief's office. He is telling you \"The Mayor was murdered yeaterday night at 12:03 am. I want you to solve it before we get any bad publicity or the FBI has to come in. \"Yessir!\" You reply. He hands you a sheet of paper. Once you have read it, go north or west.\n\nYou can see a piece of white paper here.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"ploc": "Chief's office",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put paper down",
"ploc": "Chief's office",
"inv": [
"piece of white paper"
"msg": "\nCONFIDENTIAL:\nDetective was created by Matt Barringer.\nHe has worked hard on this so you better enjoy it.\nI did have fun making it though. But I'd REALLY appreciate it if you were kind enough to send a postcard or... dare I even say it?... money... to:\nMatt Barringer\n325 Olive Ave\nPiedmont\nCA 94611\nJust tell me if you like it or not.\nIf you want to talk to me over a BBS call the Ghostbuster Central BBS at (510)208-5657.\nThere is an Exile Games file area. Have fun. I WILL give hints out over the BBS to any of my games.\n",
"hints": [
"put paper down",
"ploc": "Chief's office",
"inv": [
"piece of white paper"
"msg": "\nDropped.\n",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"ploc": "Chief's office",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou are carrying nothing.\n",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"ploc": "Chief's office",
"inv": null
"msg": "\n\n<< Closet >>\nYou are in a closet. There is a gun on the floor. Better get it. To exit, go east.\n\nYou can see a small black pistol here.\n",
"hints": [
"take pistol",
"push pistol to floor"
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put pistol down"
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Chief's office >>\nYou are standing in the Chief's office. He is telling you \"The Mayor was murdered yeaterday night at 12:03 am. I want you to solve it before we get any bad publicity or the FBI has to come in. \"Yessir!\" You reply. He hands you a sheet of paper. Once you have read it, go north or west.\n\nYou can see a piece of white paper here.\n",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"put pistol down",
"ploc": "Chief's office",
"inv": [
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are outside in the cold. To the east is a dead end. To the west is the rest of the street. Papers are blowing around. It's amazingly cold for this time of year.\n",
"hints": [
"put pistol down"
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are still on the streets. To the north is a restraunt where the mayor ate often. To the east is the Mayor's home.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put pistol down"
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Mayor's house >>\nYou are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put pistol down"
"ploc": "Mayor's house",
"inv": [
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Living room >>\nYou are standing in the living room. You see a battered piece of wood. You wonder \"Should I pick this thing up?\". Well, whether you do or don't the only way out of the room is back west.\n\nYou can see a wooden wood here.\n",
"hints": [
"take wood",
"put pistol down"
"ploc": "Living room",
"inv": [
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Living room",
"inv": [
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Mayor's house >>\nYou are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Mayor's house",
"inv": [
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Dining room >>\nYou are in the dining room. You look around and see a note on the table. You can go back east.\n\nYou can see a paper note here.\n",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Dining room",
"inv": [
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Dining room",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\nThe note was written on a computer obviously this murder was planned and it says:\nWe have acclaimed Justice! The Justice of the future! Our next hit is the governer! You CAN'T STOP US! The note sounds like the killers are a group and that they are vigilantes (look it up). You are now getting a bit worried.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Dining room",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Mayor's house >>\nYou are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Mayor's house",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Upstairs hallway >>\nYou are in the hallway of the large house of the mayor. It is an amazingly large house. You can go north, south, east or west.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Upstairs hallway",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are at the end of the hallway. To the north is a room, while to the west is the rest of the hallway.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are in the hallway. To the north is more hallway, and to the east is a door marked \"Guests\".\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are STILL in the hallway. There is EVEN MORE hallway to the north, and a room to the west and a room to the east of you.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Bedroom >>\nYou are in the bedroom. You noticed that there was a guard guarding the stairs to the 3rd story, because there is remodelling going on there. You see nothing of importance. Go east.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou pass the guard. He nods at you. You are now outside standing on the street. You can go north and east, your choice. To the north is more of the street, and to the east is a video store.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Video Store >>\nYou are in a video store called Brickbuster Video. There are about 3,000 videos here. You can go north, or east.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Video Store",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Video Store >>\nYou are still in the video store. You can go north, or east.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Video Store",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.\n",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< McDonalds >>\nYou are in a McDonalds. You pay the guy behind the counter. Now there is a hamburger there. When you have picked it up, go north.\n\nYou can see a food hamburger here.\n",
"hints": [
"take hamburger",
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "McDonalds",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "McDonalds",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.\n",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are still outside. You hit a dead end, then notice that you can go east only.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Music Store >>\nYou are in a music store. You ask the man behind the counter if he knew any information. \"Uhh... nope! But the guy back there might be able ta help.\" You politly thank him and head to the back. You can only go north.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Music Store",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Back of Music Store >>\nYou are in the back of the music store. You ask the guy who's looking at the cool tapes. He looks up at you. \"Duh.. no... don't t'ink so... lemme see...\" You decide that he's no help. To the west there is a dazed looking man and to the north there is an exit.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Back of Music Store",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Alley >>\nYou are in an alley. A drunken man stagers up to you and says \"Boycott FDR! <HICKUP>.\". You just walk away. You can go north, east or west. Your call.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Alley",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Police Station >>\nYou are in the 3rd precinct police station. This isn't your station. You get admitance from the guy at the desk and go to the holding cells. You ask each offender if they know anything. You promise a lighter sentence for the ones who help. But one guy really sets you straight. \"I got caught wit' t'ree ounces o' crack. I'm supposed to get 20 years but I'll be out in 2. You can't make me talk cuz it don't matter to me. If I squeal, da guys who did it are gonna come lookin' for me. I know but I ain't gonna tell ya. Now git outta my face.\". You are surprised but used to it. You can go north to the outside, south to go back to the alley and west or east to talk to more guys.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Police Station",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Doughnut King >>\nYou are in the Doughnut King, where the greasiest doughnuts on earth reside. He isn't here, no one seems to be for that matter, so you should go west.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Doughnut King",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< The Wall >>\nYou don't see him here. You ought to go east.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "The Wall",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Holiday Inn >>\nYou are in the Holiday Inn registration room. You talk to some suspicious guys, but they don't talk until you hold your gun to their side. \"Alright! Alright! I'll talk! He's on the 15th floor! That's all I can tell ya!\" You shove them away. You walk up to the registration desk and show the woman there your badge. She gives you the master ring. You now have access to all of the facilitys on the 15th floor. But the problem is that the 15th floor is the suite level, and there are 30 suites, and 5 pools, 2 saunas and 5 game rooms. Big problem! Well, you have all night. You get a picture of all on the 15th floor, the people up there have to show their drivers license to be admitted, and the license is secretly xeroxed. You look at them all. Well, better get started. You see one person who stands out. You get his room number from the lady. Room 30. Now you have to find it. To get started, go north.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Holiday Inn",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\nYou can't go west from here!\n\n<< Holiday Inn >>\nYou are in the Holiday Inn registration room. You talk to some suspicious guys, but they don't talk until you hold your gun to their side. \"Alright! Alright! I'll talk! He's on the 15th floor! That's all I can tell ya!\" You shove them away. You walk up to the registration desk and show the woman there your badge. She gives you the master ring. You now have access to all of the facilitys on the 15th floor. But the problem is that the 15th floor is the suite level, and there are 30 suites, and 5 pools, 2 saunas and 5 game rooms. Big problem! Well, you have all night. You get a picture of all on the 15th floor, the people up there have to show their drivers license to be admitted, and the license is secretly xeroxed. You look at them all. Well, better get started. You see one person who stands out. You get his room number from the lady. Room 30. Now you have to find it. To get started, go north.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Holiday Inn",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Holiday Inn 15th Floor >>\nYou go up the elevator. When you step out, you see the wallpaper is pink, with little flowers on it. You can go east or west.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Holiday Inn 15th Floor",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are in the hallway. You see many doors... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... boy, you have a long way to go. You can only go north.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are still in the hallways. You can go west or east.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\nYou can't go north from here!\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are still in the hallways. You can go west or east.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are in the hallway. You see numbers flash by as you run through the halls. 19... 20... 21... 22... you are getting close! You can only go north.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are in the hallway. You feel the heat from the sauna to the west, and to the east is a door marked \"Pool A\". To the north is more hall.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Room # 30 >>\nYou enter room 30... after a harrowing gun battle you conk him on the head and take him in. You get promoted and suddenly, with the \"Jurrasic Park\" theme song playing in your head, you feel proud to be an American. For special info about Exile Games, and to leave this darned game, go up.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one hundred points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Room # 30",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Info >>\nExile Games is a group of people who like text games.\nWe plan to get into graphic games sometime in 1995.\nWe don't ask for money, we just want to know if you like it or not.\nOur support BBS is (510) 208-5657, the Ghostbuster Central BBS.\nWe have accounts on Compuserve and Prodigy. Exile Games is curently made up of:\n\nMatt Barringer, president and head programmer\nNathaniel Smith, advisor\nKurt Somogue, assistent programmer\nAnd all the users of the Ghostbuster Central BBS, who give me ideas!\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 360 out of a possible 360, in 51 turns.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score for that game, see some suggestions for AMUSING things to do or QUIT?",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nYou awaken in your tent, lying on the floor, with a hangover like you wouldn't believe. As you lever yourself up, you notice that there is complete silence instead of the usual morning complaints of the workers and Roboff's usual shouting. This can only mean one thing - Roboff must have finally run off on you. Panicked, you look around and see your amulet lying on the floor. At least Roboff had the sense to not trigger off your alarm. Knowing him, he also had the sense to take the emergency radio. How the megakrip are you going to get out of this one?\n\nINHUMANE: An Infralogic Massacre. Copyright (C) by Infobom\nInhumane and Infobom are trademarks of Sadistic Software, Ins.\nRevision 2 / Serial Number 31415926 / Inform v1405 Library 5/8\nFirst-time players should type \"about\".\n\nIn Your Tent\nYou are in your tent in the encampment. The tent appears to have been completely cleaned out. It is very hot in here and getting hotter. The tent flap to the south is open.\nOn the ground is the ancient jeweled amulet that you \"borrowed\" from Mr. Meshugge.",
"hints": [
"take amulet",
"ploc": "In Your Tent",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put amulet down"
"ploc": "In Your Tent",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nCenter of Camp\nThis is the center of your camp. The entire place seems to be completely deserted. You can see Roboff's tent to the south and the storage tent west. East is open desert.",
"hints": [
"put amulet down",
"ploc": "Center of Camp",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nStorage Tent\nThis is where the party kept all its supplies. However Roboff seems to have cleaned everything out that was of any use. Several arrows of Da-Glo paint on the wall attract your attention to the empty food and water chests.\nLying on the ground is a brass torch of the \"self-igniting\" type. The ignite button is on the handle.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"take torch",
"take all",
"push button",
"put amulet down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Storage Tent",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put amulet down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Storage Tent",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put amulet down",
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Storage Tent",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nCenter of Camp",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put amulet down",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Center of Camp",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "You venture out onto the sands and rapidly lose sight of camp.\n\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "You begin digging. After about two hours you strike stone! You rapidly clear off a stone slab about 10 feet down from the surface.\n\nBottom of a Hole\nYou are at the bottom of the hole you just dug. The floor of the hole is a stone slab with a little slot in it. You can nearly smell the riches that must be buried beneath your feet!",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put amulet down",
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put amulet in slot"
"ploc": "Bottom of a Hole",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "Ok. As it slips in, the stone slab moves aside, dumping you into a pit. You look up and see the amulet falling into a machine that wraps it, addresses it to F. Roboff, and takes off on jets.\n\nIn a Pit\nThis is a sandy pit with stone walls. You are not likely to be able to climb out. The only thing here is a note taped to the wall.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"examine note",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "In a Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "\"Thanks for the amulet! It only took me a few days to make this little set-up. If you really want to get to the pyramid, retrace your steps back to camp after the pit caves in (which should happen soon) and open my toilet. You see, I really found the pyramid with a mass sensor when we moved in and I built my tent over it. The toilet conceals a secret passage down into the pyramid, which I have been looting for weeks. Most of the easy stuff is in my private safe in Miami by now, but I left you a few goodies. Including the gold coffin, which I never found. When you get tired of poking around you can use the emergency radio in my tent. It'll call a plane to pick you up. Have fun!\n -Roboff.\"\n\nYou hear a rumbling and look up as the sides of the pit collapse. You manage to stay on top, and you end up in the desert again.\n\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"msg": "You have stumbled over the encampment. Sheer accident.\n\nCenter of Camp",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Center of Camp",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nRoboff's Tent\nYou are in Francisco Roboff's tent. The place is bare except for the emergency signal radio and Roboff's toilet in one corner. There is a note taped to the tent wall.",
"hints": [
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"examine toilet",
"take signal off radio",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Roboff's Tent",
"inv": [
"msg": "You have stooped to a new low by snooping around toilet bowls. However, when you raise the lid, you find a dark hole going down.",
"hints": [
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"examine toilet",
"take signal off radio",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Roboff's Tent",
"inv": [
"msg": "You clamber into the toilet bowl and climb down through the roof of the buried pyramid. You drop to the floor.\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The torch flickers a few times and then glows steadily.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nT-Intersection\nThe east/west corridor branches to the south here.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "T-Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSouth Branch\nThe hall ends in an alcove to the south. The intersection in north. Odd... The floor feels a bit shaky here. Nothing to worry about though.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "South Branch",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nAlcove at End of Corridor\nAt the south wall is a large stone block with three stone disks embedded on top. The disks appear to be slidable up and down. Above the disks is suspended a glass tube stretching from wall to wall.\nThere is a tiny pebble on the floor.\nSitting on the left disk is:\n a solid gold brick\nSitting on the right disk is:\n a solid silver cube",
"hints": [
"take cube",
"take pebble",
"push button",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Alcove at End of Corridor",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take cube",
"push button",
"put pebble down",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put pebble on middle disk",
"put all on middle disk",
"ploc": "Alcove at End of Corridor",
"inv": [
"small pebble",
"msg": "Ok. The pebble's small weight moves the center disk down slightly.",
"hints": [
"take cube",
"take pebble",
"take brick",
"push button",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put shovel in middle disk",
"ploc": "Alcove at End of Corridor",
"inv": [
"msg": "The disks unbalance briefly, but the pebble weighs down the whole system so the tube is not touched.",
"hints": [
"take brick",
"take pebble",
"push button",
"put cube down",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Alcove at End of Corridor",
"inv": [
"solid silver cube",
"msg": "\nSouth Branch",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put cube down",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "South Branch",
"inv": [
"solid silver cube",
"msg": "The weight of the various bricks and cubes you are holding overbalances a hidden pivot in the floor. You are dumped into a pit full of snakes.\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are floating disembodied in absolute blackness. Time passes at a strange, relative rate. After an infinite/infinitesmal time, you sense a presence near you. A voice speaks, resounding in your head as in a hollow gourd...\n\n\"Ah! Another of those wimpy delvers come to steal my treasure. How boring. Most of it was taken by that other guy who had the sense to avoid the nastier traps... But I am getting pretty tired of guarding what's left. I don't suppose that you have any chance of thinking your way through my traps, of course. But I'll let you try, and I won't even vaporize you when you try to leave. In fact, I'll make you a deal. If you prove to me that you are an incompetent Harry Sullivan by getting yourself killed by every single one of my deathtraps, after getting as far towards solving it as possible, then I'll give up and let you take the coffin.\n\n\"That sound good? I thought so.\n\n\"And you thought that you had successfully beaten that trap, didn't you?\n\n\"You've only gotten killed by one trap. Not bad.\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nT-Intersection\nTo the hall goes east from here. To the west is the stairway to the round room. A narrow passage leads south.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "T-Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCorridor at Doorway\nThe hall goes east and west from here and there is a doorway to the north.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Corridor at Doorway",
"inv": [
"msg": "Yuk! You have fallen into a pit full of gray sticky glue.\n\nGlue Pit\nYou are in a deep pit up to your chin in sticky grayish glue. You can probably climb out using a rough set of handholds on the east wall. (Probably carved by a previous sucker.)",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Glue Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "You climb out of the pit, dripping goop. You are coated with glue.\n\nOutside Door\nThe hall ends in a door to the east. To the west is that pit of glue.\nThe door is closed.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"open door",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Outside Door",
"inv": [
"msg": "The door swings open. A cascade of fur pours out, completely covering you and sticking to the glue.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Outside Door",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nHall Full of Fur\nYou are wading through knee-deep piles of the fur that is stuck all over you. The door is to the west is jammed open by more of the stuff. The hall continues east.\nThe door is open. A cascade of fur spills through.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Hall Full of Fur",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nGlass Hall\nThe walls of this east/west corridor are thick panes of glass over the normal stone blocks. So is the floor which makes it hard to walk on your furry feet.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Glass Hall",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nEnd of Glass Hall\nThe hall ends in another glass-covered wall. On this wall is an iron shelf bolted onto the glass. (Actually the bolts go through the glass into the stone wall.) \nSitting on the shelf is:\n a beautiful silver necklace",
"hints": [
"take necklace",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take necklace off shelf",
"take button off torch",
"put torch on shelf",
"ploc": "End of Glass Hall",
"inv": [
"msg": "If you hadn't noticed, you've been walking on glass with furry feet. This will produce a large static charge. The necklace is sitting on a metal shelf which is grounded into the stone wall. And silver conducts electricity...",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nLanding\nThis is a landing on the stairway. You can go down to the north or up to the south. A passage leads east.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Landing",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nBottom of Shaft\nYou are at the bottom of a ladder that goes up a shaft from here. To the south is the stairway up.\nOn the floor is a small coin-bag made of leather. It appears to have something in it.",
"hints": [
"take coin-bag",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Bottom of Shaft",
"inv": [
"msg": "You climb up the ladder to a hole at the top of the shaft.\n\nExercise-Wheel Room\nThis room is laid out like an exercise wheel for rats except that it is 40 ft. across. You can turn the wheel by walking north or south. Equally spaced around the rim are twelve coin-holders. Some have gold coins in them. The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is at the bottom of the wheel. Below it is the shaft that you entered this room by.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is slightly up the south side.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is less than half-way up the south side.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is half-way up the south side.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is more than half-way up the south side.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is almost to the top on the south side.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is at the top of the wheel.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is almost to the top on the north side. Behind it is a hole from which water is pouring very fast. The water turns the wheel back to its original position, then pours down the hole. You are taken with it.\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"Don't you know how lab rats eventually end up?\n\n\"Three deathtraps have zocked you so far. You're beginning to seem rather dumb.\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nLanding",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Landing",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nT Intersection\nThe hallway goes east and west here with a branch north.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "T Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nDoor Near Blades\nThe north hall ends at a door. Stretched from wall to wall and floor to roof in the hall are long thin metal blades that you have to worm between very carefully.\nThe door is closed.",
"hints": [
"examine door",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"open door",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Door Near Blades",
"inv": [
"msg": "The door is apparently on a very weak spring. You open it, but it begins swinging shut the moment you release it.",
"hints": [
"examine door",
"push button",
"close door",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Door Near Blades",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nStalagmite Room\nYou are at the south end of a room. There is a door to the south. The floor is covered with hundreds of stalagmites.\nThe door is swinging closed.\n\nThe door has swung shut and locked behind you.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Stalagmite Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "In walking, you have bumped into and broken some stalagmites. They are hollow and water starts pouring out, slowly filling the room.\n\nNorth Stalagmite Room\nThis is the north end of the stalagmite room. On the north wall is a button with something written on it. The only way out is back south.",
"hints": [
"push labelled button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "North Stalagmite Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "(the labelled button)\nClick. Fear gas sprays out of the walls, causing you to panic and run for the locked door. You break most of the stalagmites in the rush, so the water is up to your chest by the time you reach the door. When you hit it, you break through. The water washes you down the hall and through the blades.\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"Don't panic... Don't panic... Don't panic... It's not good for you...\n\n\"You've stumbled into four traps. You're not looking very good.\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nT-Intersection",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "T-Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCorridor Near Pit\nWest is a large round pit about 65 feet deep. Running down the center of the pit is an axle with a platform attached at the level of this hall. The platform is swinging around the wall of the pit. You see another hall west across the pit.\n\nThe platform is to the northwest of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Corridor Near Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the north of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Corridor Near Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the northeast of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Corridor Near Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the east of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Corridor Near Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "You step onto the swinging platform.\n\nOn the Platform\nYou are standing on a wooden platform swinging clockwise around the pit wall. The floor is 65 feet down but halls leave the pit at this level on the east and west sides.\n\nThe platform is to the southeast of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "On the Platform",
"inv": [
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the south of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "On the Platform",
"inv": [
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the southwest of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "On the Platform",
"inv": [
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the west of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "On the Platform",
"inv": [
"msg": "You step off the platform to the west hall.\n\nWest of the Pit\nThe pit with the swinging platform is east of this intersection. Halls go north and south.\n\nThe platform is to the northwest of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nKey Room\nIn the center of this room is a stone block. There is a stone disk on the top surface of the block. Directly above the disk is suspended a glass globe just full of spiders and little snakes and scorpions. Exits are north and south.\nSitting on the disk is:\n a iron key",
"hints": [
"take key",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"put torch on disk"
"ploc": "Key Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The key is stuck to the disk with a dot of wax, which you pull it off of. Odd -- the key seems to have negative weight. With the lift of the key removed, the disk sinks a few inches. However, there is no other effect. You have actually survived a trap!",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put torch on disk"
"ploc": "Key Room",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "\nDemon Room\nThis room is full of carved demons and devils doing nasty thing to innocent people. There is quite a bit of gold-leaf fresco and bas-relief. Very nice if you don't mind the subject matter. The only exit is south.\nThere is a small figure of a demon in carved gold here!",
"hints": [
"take demon",
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Demon Room",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put demon down",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Demon Room",
"inv": [
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "\nKey Room",
"hints": [
"push a",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take a off torch",
"put demon on disk",
"put torch on disk",
"put all on disk"
"ploc": "Key Room",
"inv": [
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "\nWest of the Pit\n\nThe platform is to the southwest of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push a",
"put demon down",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take a off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "\nBlack Room\nThis room is decorated in various textures of black stone. A hall leads north. Carved on the floor is an ornate pentacle. This room is very depressing.\nThe pentacle contains:\n a faceted obsidian sphere",
"hints": [
"take sphere",
"push button",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put demon in pentacle",
"put torch in pentacle",
"put all in pentacle",
"put all in floor",
"ploc": "Black Room",
"inv": [
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put sphere in pentacle",
"put demon in pentacle",
"put torch in pentacle",
"put all in pentacle",
"put all in floor",
"ploc": "Black Room",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "\nWest of the Pit\n\nThe platform is to the north of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the northeast of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the east of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the southeast of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the south of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the southwest of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the west of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "You step onto the swinging platform.\n\nOn the Platform\n\nThe platform is to the northwest of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put all in floor"
"ploc": "On the Platform",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the north of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put all in floor"
"ploc": "On the Platform",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the northeast of the axle.\n\nThere seems to be an invisible bar sticking out of the northeast wall of the pit. It sweeps you off the platform into the pit.\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"Never go anywhere until you're sure of being able to get back.\n\n\"You've been killed by five deathtraps so far. You're getting pretty good at dying, aren't you?\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCorridor at Alcoves\nThe corridor goes north to the stairs and south from here. There are alcoves to the east and west. In the floor between the alcoves is a quartz window.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Corridor at Alcoves",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nWest Alcove\nThis alcove has a stone platform set in the floor. The platform shifts a little but does not move when you step on it. Sticking out of the platform is an iron crank.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"turn crank",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West Alcove",
"inv": [
"msg": "The platform slowly moves down a shaft below it. In the other alcove the other platform slowly moves up, counterbalancing the one you are on.\n\nOn Platform\nYou are on the crank platform at the bottom of the shaft under the alcove. There is an opening to the east.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"turn crank",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "On Platform",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIn Tiny Room\nThis is a tiny room. The only exit is back west. You can see the quartz window directly above your head.\nThere is a huge diamond lying on the ground!",
"hints": [
"take diamond",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "In Tiny Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put diamond down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "In Tiny Room",
"inv": [
"huge glittering diamond",
"msg": "\nOn Platform",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put diamond down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"turn crank",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "On Platform",
"inv": [
"huge glittering diamond",
"msg": "The platform moves back up to the alcove level. In the other alcove, you see the other platform moving back down until both of the platforms are even.\n\nWest Alcove\nThis alcove has a stone platform set in the floor. The platform shifts a little but does not move when you step on it. Sticking out of the platform is an iron crank.\n\nAs the other platform moves down from the hole in the ceiling, you see a small robot standing on it. When it gets down to the floor, it looks at you, says \"Ex-trrr-mnnn-ate\", points an arm at you, and turns you into a small pile of monatomic dust.\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"Giving nasties a free ride down to where you are seems a little stupid.\n\n\"Six traps have killed you. I am forced to the conclusion that you are a high-grade moron at best.\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nT-Intersection",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "T-Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCorridor at Doorway",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Corridor at Doorway",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nRoom Full of Gadgets\nThis is the south end of a long room. The walls and floor and ceiling are covered with thousands of metal gadgets that you might want to examine more carefully. There is a path free of gadgets to the north end of the room.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Room Full of Gadgets",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nNorth Gadget Room\nThe room stretches away back south. The metal gadgets are clustered even more densely here.\nSitting on the floor in a clear space is a cut-crystal bowl.\nThe bowl contains:\n a large perfect ruby\n a hundreds of quartz chips",
"hints": [
"take ruby",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "North Gadget Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "As you do, several of the quartz chips spill onto the floor. Some hit metal gadgets, triggering them. Darts fly. Some darts hit more gadgets. More darts fly. After a few seconds of this, you have been punctured several million times.\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"When standing inside a mass of uranium, it is not usually a good idea to drop a neutron.\n\n\"All right, you've set off seven out of nine traps. Make that a low-grade moron who is stoned on nitrolabe.\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCorridor at Alcoves",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Corridor at Alcoves",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nOutside Door\nYou are at the end of the hall. To the south is a wooden door with a steel knob on it.\nThe door is closed.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put brass down",
"open door",
"take brass off torch",
"take brass off door",
"ploc": "Outside Door",
"inv": [
"msg": "The door slams open. It is apparently on a very strong spring. If you were on the other side, you would have been slammed into the wall. As it is, the steel door-knob slams into the inside wall.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"close door",
"put brass down",
"take brass off torch",
"take brass off door",
"ploc": "Outside Door",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nRoom With Chest\nThis room is empty except for a small chest at one end. The only exit is the door to the north.\nThe door is open. You see something glimmering behind the door. You'll have to close the door to get it.\nThe chest is closed and locked.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"close door",
"put brass down",
"take brass off torch",
"take brass off door"
"ploc": "Room With Chest",
"inv": [
"msg": "After much tugging, you manage to get the door shut. Behind it is a brass needle that you might use to unlock the chest.",
"hints": [
"take brass",
"push button",
"put brass down",
"take brass off torch",
"open chest with needle"
"ploc": "Room With Chest",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put needle down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take brass off torch",
"open chest with needle"
"ploc": "Room With Chest",
"inv": [
"brass needle",
"msg": "There is a click and the chest lid pops open. Inside is a priceless dorkmid! As you stare at it, you notice the smell of coal gas leaking out.",
"hints": [
"take dorkmid",
"push button",
"put needle down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"open door",
"take brass off torch",
"put needle in chest",
"put torch in chest",
"put all in chest"
"ploc": "Room With Chest",
"inv": [
"brass needle",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put needle down",
"put torch down",
"put dorkmid down",
"put all down",
"open door",
"take brass off torch",
"put needle in chest",
"put torch in chest",
"put dorkmid in chest",
"put all in chest"
"ploc": "Room With Chest",
"inv": [
"priceless dorkmid",
"brass needle",
"msg": "The door slams open. You barely avoid the swinging knob. Instead, the steel knob hits the wall with a bang.\n\nThe wall seems to be made of flint.\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"Sparks in a room full of natural gas is not really a smart thing to do.\n\n\"All right, that makes eight traps. If you manage to kill yourself on the last one, I'll give you the key.\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nT-Intersection",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "T-Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nNarrow Passage at Chasm\nA wide chasm crosses the passage at this point. Fortunately someone has built a wooden bridge across it. The narrow passage continues south past the bridge and north to the intersection.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Narrow Passage at Chasm",
"inv": [
"msg": "You jump over the weak spot in the center, landing on the other side of the chasm.\n\nHmmm... The other rim seems to be made of a peculiar type of rock. Some type of talc or damp plaster. You slide back into the pit.\n\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"Of course, the bridge must be avoided at all costs...\n\n\"That does it. I give up. You are a complete Sullivan of an imbecile. There is no hope for you. Here is that #%$# key; take the coffin and get out!\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is an ornate iron key stuck to the ceiling here just within reach.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"take key",
"take all",
"push button",
"take in ceiling",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "\nLanding",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Landing",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "\nT Intersection",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "T Intersection",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "\nGreat Door\nYou are outside an ornate door with an ornate iron lock. The hieroglyphics on the door seems to indicate that it leads into the central tomb where the gold coffin is!\nThe Great Door is closed.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"open tomb with key",
"ploc": "Great Door",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You unlock the Great Door.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"open tomb",
"take button off torch",
"lock tomb with key",
"ploc": "Great Door",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You turn the iron key and the tomb door swings open. The musty smell of old comic books pours out.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"close tomb",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Great Door",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "\nIn the Tomb\nThis is the antechamber to the crypt where legends say the many bodies of the Great Lord are buried. There is a brightly painted fresco running around the chamber. The Great Door is west and the sacred crypt is south.\nThe Great Door is open.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"close tomb",
"put torch down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "In the Tomb",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "\nIn the Crypt\nAt last! The tomb of the many bodies! Scattered around the room are frescos that must represent the different bodies. The whole room is shockingly valuable.\nOn the floor is the solid-gold coffin that contains the bodies of the Lord -- and all his riches! All you have to do is get it back to the encampment!",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Crypt",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You lean on the coffin, and it scrapes along the floor.\n\nIn the Tomb\nThe Great Door is open.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"close tomb",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"push coffin west",
"push coffin south"
"ploc": "In the Tomb",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You lean on the coffin, and it scrapes along the floor.\n\nGreat Door\nThe Great Door is open.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"close tomb",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Great Door",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You lean on the coffin, and it scrapes along the floor.\n\nT Intersection",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"push coffin east",
"push coffin north",
"push coffin west"
"ploc": "T Intersection",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You lean on the coffin, and it scrapes along the floor.\n\nLanding",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"push coffin south",
"push coffin east",
"push coffin north"
"ploc": "Landing",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You lean on the coffin, and it scrapes along the floor.\n\nRound Room\nThere is a shovel lying here.\n\nThe obelisk suddenly glows and a great voice speaks out of it (not the voice that you've been talking to already.) \"Ahhh-ha! A gold rectangular solid! Measurements -- 3 feet by 4 feet by 9 feet! Volume -- 108 cubic feet! Surface area -- 150 square feet! Lateral area -- 78 square feet! Diagonals of faces -- 5 feet, square root of 97 feet, and 3 times square root of 10 feet! Diagonal of solid...\"\n\nAbout this point, your mind goes numb. You feel RAHNgons growing in your blood-stream. You collapse on the ground, thinking only...\n\nI love geometry...\nI love geometry...\n\n--end of session--\n\n",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"get amulet",
"get torch",
"get shovel",
"put amulet in slot",
"x note",
"open toilet",
"push button",
"take pebble",
"put pebble on second disk",
"take cube",
"open door",
"take necklace",
"open door",
"push button",
"get key",
"get figure",
"get sphere",
"turn crank",
"get diamond",
"turn crank",
"take ruby",
"open door",
"close door",
"take needle",
"open chest with needle",
"take dorkmid",
"open door",
"get key",
"unlock door with iron key",
"open door",
"push coffin n",
"push coffin w",
"push coffin w",
"push coffin w",
"push coffin s",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\"Behind you!\" cries the Princess. \"It's a trap!\"\n\nToo late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of Thermofax.\n\nOnly your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.\n\nThe reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...\n\nWISHBRINGER\nInteractive Fantasy for Beginners\nCopyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.\nWishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.\nRelease 68 / Serial Number 850501\n\nHilltop\nYou're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.\n\nTo the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands invitingly open.\n\nRoads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost nearby.\n\nSomebody inside the Post Office is calling you.\n\nOkay, what do you want to do now?\n",
"hints": [
"look festeron",
"take in office",
"look hill",
"close door",
"look around east",
"look at hill throug festeron",
"ploc": "Hilltop",
"inv": null
"msg": "Post Office\nThis is the lobby of the Festeron Post Office. The walls are lined with small, private mailboxes and wanted posters. A service counter runs along the entire length of the room.\n\nYour boss, Mr. Crisp, is behind the service counter reading other people's postcards.\n\nMr. Crisp hides the postcards away as you enter. \"Where have you been?\" he barks angrily. \"Daydreaming again, eh? I've been looking everywhere for you!\"\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 1 out of 100.)\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look all",
"take off festeron",
"look room",
"look at small throug festeron",
"look at small throug all",
"ploc": "Post Office",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nMr. Crisp reaches under the service counter and pulls out a mysterious envelope. \"We just got this Special Delivery,\" he snarls, tossing it onto the service counter. \"I want you to drop it off right away. That means NOW!\"\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"take envelope",
"take off service",
"look room",
"look at small throug service",
"take envelope from service"
"ploc": "Post Office",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 6 out of 100.)\n\nMr. Crisp drums his fingers on the service counter impatiently. \"Scram, idiot! The Magick Shoppe closes at five o'clock!\"\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"take off service",
"look room",
"put down envelope",
"look at small throug service",
"throw envelope at service",
"put envelope down service",
"ploc": "Post Office",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "As you leave the Post Office, somebody slams and locks the door behind you.\n\nHilltop\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"look hill",
"put down envelope",
"look around east",
"look at hill throug envelope",
"put envelope down lawn",
"ploc": "Hilltop",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Outside Cemetery\nYou're standing next to an open iron gate that leads west into the Festeron Cemetery. A road runs east to the top of Post Office Hill.\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"take in festeron",
"look road",
"put down envelope",
"look at envelope throug festeron",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"ploc": "Outside Cemetery",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "The cemetery is a fearful place. Are you sure you want to go in there?\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Outside Cemetery",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "\nYou have been warned.\n\nCreepy Corner\nYou're in a creepy corner of the Festeron Cemetery, surrounded by silent tombstones. An iron gate opens to the east, and a narrow lane wanders north.\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"take off festeron",
"look lane",
"put down envelope",
"look around east",
"look at envelope throug festeron",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"ploc": "Creepy Corner",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Spooky Copse\nA copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.\n\nThere's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected next to it.\n\nAn old gravedigger is resting under a willow tree.\n\nThe gravedigger nods a greeting as you approach.\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look tree",
"look around west",
"put down envelope",
"look around tree",
"look at tree throug old",
"throw envelope at tree",
"put envelope down open",
"ploc": "Spooky Copse",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Twilight Glen\nThe trees here are so thick, it's almost too dark to see! You can make out an open iron gate to the north, and a narrow lane between the tombstones winds off to the east.\n\nThere must have been a burial here recently. Somebody left their umbrella leaning up against a tombstone.\n\nThe gravedigger follows behind you. \"What's your hurry?\" he complains.\n\nThrowing a shovel over his shoulder, the gravedigger ambles through the iron gate and locks it. \"Keep out of the cemetery after Dark,\" he tells you with a sly wink.\n\nYou can hear him chuckling as he disappears to the north.\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"take umbrella",
"look lane",
"put down envelope",
"look around east",
"look at envelope throug mysterious",
"throw envelope at tombstone"
"ploc": "Twilight Glen",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Spooky Copse\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look tree",
"look around west",
"take on open",
"put down envelope",
"look around tree",
"look at tree throug open",
"throw envelope at tree",
"put envelope down open",
"ploc": "Spooky Copse",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Open Grave\nYou're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of dirt.\n\nThere's an old bone here.\n\n(You won't see the \"What next?\" prompt any more.)\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"take old",
"take off grave",
"look grave",
"put down envelope",
"look at old throug grave",
"take old from grave",
"put envelope down grave",
"ploc": "Open Grave",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 7 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"take off grave",
"look grave",
"put down envelope",
"put down bone",
"put down all",
"look at grave throug envelope",
"put envelope down grave",
"put bone down grave",
"put all down grave",
"ploc": "Open Grave",
"inv": [
"old bone",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "With great difficulty, you manage to climb out of the open grave.\n\nSpooky Copse\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tree",
"look around west",
"take on open",
"put down envelope",
"put down bone",
"put down all",
"look around tree",
"look at tree throug envelope",
"throw envelope at tree",
"throw bone at tree",
"throw all at tree",
"put envelope down open",
"put bone down open",
"put all down open",
"ploc": "Spooky Copse",
"inv": [
"old bone",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Creepy Corner\n\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"take off festeron",
"look lane",
"put down envelope",
"put down bone",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at envelope throug festeron",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"throw bone at festeron",
"throw all at festeron",
"ploc": "Creepy Corner",
"inv": [
"old bone",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Whew! That cemetery sure is spooky.\n\nOutside Cemetery\n\n",
"hints": [
"look festeron",
"take in festeron",
"look road",
"put down old",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at festeron throug gate",
"throw old at festeron",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"throw all at festeron",
"ploc": "Outside Cemetery",
"inv": [
"old bone",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Hilltop\n\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"look hill",
"put down envelope",
"put down bone",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at hill throug envelope",
"put envelope down lawn",
"put bone down lawn",
"put all down lawn",
"ploc": "Hilltop",
"inv": [
"old bone",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Outside Cottage\nYou're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post Office Hill.\n\nAs you approach the cottage you are greeted by the tiniest poodle you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street, yapping angrily and showing its sharp little teeth.\n\nYou can smell the poodle's hot breath as it yaps.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"look path",
"put down envelope",
"put down bone",
"put down all",
"look at path throug envelope",
"give poodle envelope",
"give poodle bone",
"throw envelope at bone",
"throw bone at old",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at poodle",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"old bone",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "The poodle tests the old bone with its tongue, lies down and begins to gnaw on it, keeping a red eye on you.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 10 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"take on hill",
"look hill",
"put down envelope",
"look at envelope throug bone",
"give poodle envelope",
"throw envelope at bone",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "The poodle yaps a threat as you back away.\n\nRotary South\nThis is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south, towards Post Office Hill.\n\nThe Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.\n\nMiss Voss, the town librarian, is locking the library door as you approach. \"Just the person I was looking for!\" she exclaims, smiling brightly.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look south",
"look public",
"look crisp",
"look road",
"put down envelope",
"look around south",
"look at public throug miss",
"look at public throug crisp",
"throw envelope at public",
"ploc": "Rotary South",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nMiss Voss retrieves a violet slip of paper from the depths of her purse. \"Be a sweetie and give this note to your dear boss, Mr. Crisp,\" she coos, holding the note out to you. \"I'd be ever so much obliged.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look public",
"take note",
"look road",
"put down envelope",
"look around south",
"look at public throug miss",
"take note from miss",
"throw envelope at public",
"ploc": "Rotary South",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 13 out of 100.)\n\nMiss Voss hurries away down the street. \"Thanks! Toody-loo!\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look public",
"look road",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at public throug envelope",
"throw envelope at public",
"throw note at public",
"throw all at public",
"ploc": "Rotary South",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Park\nYou're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain, filled with sparkling water.\n\nA statue stands in the middle of the fountain.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look marble",
"take coin",
"look walks",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at marble throug festeron",
"put envelope down marble",
"put note down marble",
"take coin from marble",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"throw note at festeron",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at festeron",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "You can see a gold coin and a goldfish in the fountain.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look marble",
"take coin",
"look walks",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at marble throug festeron",
"put envelope down marble",
"put note down marble",
"take coin from marble",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"throw note at festeron",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at festeron",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 14 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look marble",
"look walks",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look at marble throug festeron",
"put envelope down marble",
"put note down marble",
"put coin down marble",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"throw note at festeron",
"throw coin at festeron",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at festeron",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Rotary North\nThis is the northern side of the Festeron Rotary. A road leads north, towards the river.\n\nOn the corner stands a quaint village church. Its little white steeple is straight out of a country postcard. The church door stands invitingly open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"look road",
"close door",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at envelope throug festeron",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"throw note at festeron",
"throw coin at festeron",
"throw all at festeron",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Rotary North",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "South of Bridge\nThis is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to the village.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"take in bridge",
"look road",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at river throug envelope",
"throw envelope at coin",
"throw note at coin",
"throw coin at bridge",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at bridge",
"ploc": "South Bridge",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Bridge\nYou're on a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. A sign hangs on an arch overhead.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look around bridge",
"look at river throug festeron",
"throw coin at bridge",
"throw violet at bridge",
"throw envelope at bridge",
"throw all at bridge",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Bridge",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "North of Bridge\nThis is the north side of the Festeron Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of the river.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"take in bridge",
"look path",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at river throug path",
"throw envelope at coin",
"throw note at coin",
"throw coin at bridge",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at bridge",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Cliff Bottom\nYou're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of the river. A steep trail winds upward.\n\nA gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look lone",
"look dead",
"take out trail",
"take lone",
"look trail",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at lone throug dead",
"take lone from trunk",
"take dead from trunk",
"put envelope down bank",
"put note down bank",
"put coin down bank",
"put all down bank",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Cliff Bottom",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "(The trail you're climbing is narrow and twisty. It's a good idea to draw a map as you go up.)\n\nSteep Trail\nA steep, rocky trail winds west and downward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look trail",
"climb down trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug coin",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Steep Trail",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Steep Trail\nA steep, rocky trail winds north and east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look trail",
"climb down trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug coin",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Steep Trail",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Steep Trail\nA steep, rocky trail winds south and upward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look trail",
"climb down trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug coin",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Steep Trail",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Steep Trail\nA steep, rocky trail winds east and downward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look trail",
"climb down trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug coin",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Steep Trail",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Steep Trail\nA steep, rocky trail winds south and west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look trail",
"climb down trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug coin",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Steep Trail",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Steep Trail\nA steep, rocky trail winds north and upward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look trail",
"climb down trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug coin",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Steep Trail",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 15 out of 100.)\n\nCliff Edge\nYou're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail leading downward. Looking southwest, you can see the shadow of Post Office Hill creeping across the village as the sun sinks into a bank of clouds.\n\nThe peaceful scenery is disturbed by a tiny figure emerging from the distant Post Office. It stares in your direction for a few moments, checks its wrist and shakes a threatening little fist at you.\n\nA little old-fashioned store stands nearby. Its brightly painted shutters and thatched roof remind you of something out of a fairy tale. A curiously painted sign over the front door reads, \"Ye Olde Magick Shoppe.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"take out trail",
"look trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug shoppe",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Cliff Edge",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "A concealed bell tinkles merrily.\n\nOkay, the Magick Shoppe door is now open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"take in shoppe",
"take out trail",
"look trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug shoppe",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Cliff Edge",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Magick Shoppe\nYou're in the front showroom of the Magick Shoppe.\n\nEvery inch of wall space is crowded with magic tricks, puzzles and mystical paraphernalia. A glass case offers a selection of obscene jokes and naughty birthday cards.\n\nIn the corner stands an ancient grandfather clock, its dial ornamented with a smiling crescent moon and other celestial symbols.\n\nThe front door of the Magick Shoppe is wide open. At the west end of the room, you can see another exit concealed by a curtain.\n\nA sudden gust of wind slams the Magick Shoppe door closed. A concealed bell tinkles merrily.\n\n\"Just a moment!\" cries a voice behind the curtain.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tricks",
"look room",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at tricks throug room",
"throw coin at room",
"throw violet at room",
"throw envelope at room",
"throw all at room",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe noisy tick of the grandfather clock is making you uneasy.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tricks",
"look room",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at tricks throug room",
"throw coin at room",
"throw violet at room",
"throw envelope at room",
"throw all at room",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe curtain opens so quickly it makes you jump.\n\nThe woman standing before you is older than your oldest aunt. Her thin, pale face and bony hands make her look fragile, like a fading signature in an antique book. But her eyes remember everything they have ever seen.\n\nYou appraise one another for a long moment before she breaks the ice. \"Welcome in, welcome!\" she chortles. \"Don't get many visitors this late in the day.\"\n\nThe room seems oddly quiet all of a sudden.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look room",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at old throug tricks",
"throw coin at room",
"throw violet at room",
"throw envelope at room",
"throw all at room",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 20 out of 100.)\n\nThe old woman turns pale as she takes the mysterious envelope from you. \"It's been a long, long time since I last saw this handwriting,\" she murmurs, turning it over in her hands. \"Hoped I never would again.\"\n\nShe starts to open the mysterious envelope, thinks better of it and hands it back to you. \"Will you open it up and read it to me?\" she pleads. \"I'll never find my glasses in this mess.\"\n\n(You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look room",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at old throug tricks",
"throw coin at room",
"throw violet at room",
"throw envelope at room",
"throw all at room",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "(You should now open the mysterious envelope in your Wishbringer package.)\n\nOpening the mysterious envelope reveals a letter.\n\n\"Go ahead, dear. Read the letter to me, please. I'm waiting.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tricks",
"look room",
"put down coin",
"put down letter",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at tricks throug room",
"throw coin at room",
"throw letter at room",
"throw violet at room",
"throw envelope at room",
"throw all at room",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 21 out of 100.)\n\nThe old woman is motionless as you read. Glancing up, you see tears of anger forming; but she turns away as your eyes meet.\n\n\"Kidnapped,\" she whispers after a long silence. She paces aimlessly around the room, deep in thought.\n\n\"Many seek to gain the Stone of Dreams,\" she mutters, mostly to herself. \"Yet few can imagine the price. For years I have fought to conceal it from the Evil One and others like her. My youth, my home and family, all were forfeited for its protection. And now,\" her voice breaking with emotion, \"now it claims my only companion.\"\n\nImpulsively, the woman snatches away the letter and envelope and crumbles them in her trembling hands. \"No one is strong enough to guard Wishbringer alone.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look magick",
"look room",
"put down violet",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at old throug tricks",
"look at old throug magick",
"throw violet at room",
"throw coin at room",
"throw all at room"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe old woman makes an effort to compose herself.\n\n\"Thank you for coming all this way for me,\" she says, reaching up to a shelf full of cheap gags. \"I know I'm not supposed to tip you, but take this little trinket anyway.\"\n\nThe woman holds out a small metal can for you to take.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"take gift",
"look room",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at old throug tricks",
"take gift from old",
"throw coin at room",
"throw violet at room",
"throw all at room"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 24 out of 100.)\n\n\"It's getting Dark outside,\" the old woman remarks, and you can almost hear the capital D. \"Maybe you should be getting back to town.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look magick",
"look room",
"put down can",
"put down violet",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at old throug tricks",
"look at old throug magick",
"throw can at room",
"throw can at west",
"throw violet at room",
"throw coin at room",
"throw all at room",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at west"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear a rattling noise in the can.\n\nThe old woman hobbles over to the Magick Shoppe door and opens it. A concealed bell tinkles merrily.\n\n\"Keep a sharp eye out for my cat, won't you?\" She speaks the words slowly and distinctly. \"Bring her to me if you find her. She's black as night from head to tail, except for one little white spot... right HERE.\"\n\nThe old woman touches the middle of your forehead with her finger. The light outside dims suddenly, like a cloud passing over the sun.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look room",
"look magick",
"look around room",
"look around west",
"look at room throug can",
"look at room throug chaos"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Your body seems unwilling to respond.\n\nThe old woman takes away her finger. Your forehead is tingling.\n\n\"The Stone of Dreams can help you in your search. I cannot reveal the place where I have hidden it, for the Evil One would see your thoughts and take the treasure for herself. You must discover it alone, and rely on legends to instruct you in its mysteries.\"\n\nAs she speaks, the old woman gently leads you through the door of the Magick Shoppe. She pauses before closing the door.\n\n\"Return the cat to me, and Wishbringer shall be yours.\n\n\"Her name is Chaos.\"\n\nA concealed bell tinkles merrily.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCliff Edge\nYou're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail leading downward.\n\nThe surrounding landscape has disappeared under a thick blanket of evening fog. All the familiar buildings and landmarks are completely hidden; only the summit of Post Office Hill is high enough to pierce the cloud, rising like a lonely island in a sea of mist...\n\n... an island with a tower on it.\n\nThere's a TOWER where the Post Office used to be! The massive outline is hard to make out against the twilight sky. But the longer you stare, the clearer and more frightening it becomes.\n\nThe Magick Shoppe stands nearby.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look magick",
"take out trail",
"take off can",
"look trail",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug shoppe",
"look at rocky throug magick",
"throw can at rocky",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open rocky with can",
"ploc": "Cliff Edge",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "As you descend the trail you are immediately engulfed in...\n\nFog\nYou're lost in a thick cloud of fog.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look can",
"look all",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around can",
"look at can throug fog",
"look at can throug all",
"throw can at coin",
"throw coin at can",
"throw violet at can",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open can with coin",
"ploc": "Fog",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Fog\nYou're lost in a thick cloud of fog.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look can",
"look all",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around can",
"look at can throug fog",
"look at can throug all",
"throw can at coin",
"throw coin at can",
"throw violet at can",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open can with coin",
"ploc": "Fog",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Fog\nYou're lost in a thick cloud of fog.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look can",
"look all",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around can",
"look at can throug fog",
"look at can throug all",
"throw can at coin",
"throw coin at can",
"throw violet at can",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open can with coin",
"ploc": "Fog",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Fog\nYou're lost in a thick cloud of fog.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look can",
"look all",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around can",
"look at can throug fog",
"look at can throug all",
"throw can at coin",
"throw coin at can",
"throw violet at can",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open can with coin",
"ploc": "Fog",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Fog\nYou're lost in a thick cloud of fog.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look can",
"look all",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around can",
"look at can throug fog",
"look at can throug all",
"throw can at coin",
"throw coin at can",
"throw violet at can",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open can with coin",
"ploc": "Fog",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Fog\nYou're lost in a thick cloud of fog.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look can",
"look all",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around can",
"look at can throug fog",
"look at can throug all",
"throw can at coin",
"throw coin at can",
"throw violet at can",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open can with coin",
"ploc": "Fog",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "A sudden gust of wind dissolves the fog and clears your vision.\n\nCliff Bottom\nYou're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of the river.\n\nA gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment. A vulture perched on top is watching every move you make.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look trunk",
"look dead",
"look all",
"take branch",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down violet",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around trunk",
"look around north",
"look at trunk throug can",
"look at trunk throug dead",
"take branch from trunk",
"take dead from trunk",
"take dead from can",
"throw can at coin",
"put can down bank",
"throw can at north",
"put violet down bank",
"put coin down bank",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at branch",
"put all down bank",
"throw all at north",
"open trunk with can",
"ploc": "Cliff Bottom",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to the ground with a thud. Visibly annoyed, the vulture spreads its wings and soars away over the river.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look dead",
"look all",
"take branch",
"take off can",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down can",
"put down all",
"look around trunk",
"look around north",
"look at river throug trunk",
"look at river throug dead",
"put note down bank",
"put coin down bank",
"throw can at branch",
"put can down bank",
"throw can at north",
"throw all at branch",
"put all down bank",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at north",
"push branch river",
"open river with can",
"ploc": "Cliff Bottom",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look dead",
"look all",
"look at river throug trunk",
"take off can",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down can",
"put down branch",
"put down dead",
"put down all",
"look around trunk",
"look around north",
"look at river throug dead",
"put note behind dead",
"put note down bank",
"put coin down bank",
"throw can at coin",
"put can down bank",
"throw can at north",
"put dead down bank",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down bank",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at north",
"throw all at cliff",
"open river with can",
"ploc": "Cliff Bottom",
"inv": [
"dead branch",
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "North of Bridge\nThis is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of the river.\n\nA rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the closed gate.\n\nStanding near the toll gate is an ugly, gnomelike creature. A less original story would probably refer to it as a troll.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look toll",
"look all",
"take off can",
"take up toll",
"look path",
"put down can",
"put down branch",
"put down violet",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug can",
"look at toll throug all",
"give violet toll",
"give troll can",
"give troll branch",
"give troll coin",
"throw can at bridge",
"throw can at west",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at bridge",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at west",
"open toll with can",
"open toll with branch",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"dead branch",
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Yow! When you open the can a real, live rattlesnake leaps out! It squirms about angrily for a few moments, turns to hiss at you and slithers out of sight.\n\nThe metal can clatters to the ground.\n\nA scream of terror echoes off the cliffs as the troll runs away across the covered bridge.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 27 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look toll",
"look all",
"take can",
"take up toll",
"look path",
"close can",
"put down branch",
"put down violet",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug can",
"look at toll throug all",
"throw branch at toll",
"throw violet at toll",
"throw coin at toll",
"throw all at toll",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"push can river",
"open toll with branch",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look toll",
"look all",
"take off false",
"take up toll",
"look path",
"close can",
"put down can",
"put down branch",
"put down violet",
"put down coin",
"drop all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug can",
"look at toll throug all",
"throw can at toll",
"throw can at west",
"throw branch at toll",
"throw violet at toll",
"throw coin at toll",
"open toll with can",
"open false with can",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "The false bottom is wedged tightly into the metal can. You might be able to loosen it by squeezing harder... harder!...\n\nPop! A small stone drops out of the squashed can and lands at your feet.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look toll",
"look all",
"look at toll throug can",
"take violet",
"take stone",
"take up toll",
"look path",
"put down violet",
"put down can",
"put down branch",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug violet",
"put violet behind toll",
"throw violet at toll",
"throw can at violet",
"throw can at toll",
"throw branch at violet",
"throw branch at toll",
"throw coin at violet",
"throw coin at toll",
"throw all at violet",
"throw all at toll",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"push stone river",
"push violet to river",
"open toll with can",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"squashed can",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look toll",
"look all",
"look at toll throug can",
"take violet",
"take can",
"take stone",
"take all",
"take up toll",
"look path",
"put down violet",
"put down branch",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug violet",
"put violet behind toll",
"throw violet at toll",
"throw branch at violet",
"throw branch at toll",
"throw coin at violet",
"throw coin at toll",
"throw all at violet",
"throw all at toll",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"push can river",
"push stone river",
"push violet to river",
"open toll with branch",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 32 out of 100.)\n\nAs your fingers close around the small stone it begins to glow with an eerie violet-white radiance.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look toll",
"look all",
"take can",
"take up toll",
"look path",
"put down branch",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug violet",
"look at toll throug can",
"throw branch at toll",
"throw coin at toll",
"throw stone at toll",
"put stone down river",
"throw note at toll",
"throw all at toll",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"push can river",
"open toll with branch",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Okay, the toll gate is now open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look toll",
"look all",
"take out toll",
"take can",
"look path",
"pull down toll",
"put down branch",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug violet",
"look at toll throug can",
"throw branch at toll",
"throw coin at toll",
"throw stone at toll",
"put stone down river",
"throw note at toll",
"throw all at toll",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"push can river",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Bridge\nYou're on a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. A sign hangs on an arch overhead.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"put down small",
"put down dead",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around small",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at stone",
"throw dead at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at bridge",
"throw all at dead",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Bridge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "South of Bridge\nThis is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to the village.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in bridge",
"look road",
"put down small",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down branch",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at stone",
"throw note at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw branch at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at bridge",
"throw all at branch",
"ploc": "South Bridge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "River Outlet\nThis is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take out narrow",
"look narrow",
"put down small",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down branch",
"put down all",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at stone",
"throw note at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw branch at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at branch",
"ploc": "River Outlet",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Lake Edge\nYou're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Witchville Cemetery.\n\nMisty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the water.\n\nYou can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. Animal tracks are visible in the sand next to the pit.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look platypus",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look down sand",
"look road",
"put down small",
"put down dead",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at platypus throug small",
"look at platypus throug violet",
"hit sand with small",
"put small down lake",
"put small down sand",
"put dead down sand",
"put dead down pit",
"put coin down sand",
"put note down sand",
"throw all at small",
"put all down sand",
"throw all at dead",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at pit",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "The pit is more than five feet deep. You can see a platypus in it.\n\nA rusty \"click!\" draws your eyes to the iron gate. You watch as it slowly creaks open, all by itself!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look platypus",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look down sand",
"take in gate",
"look road",
"put down small",
"put down dead",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at platypus throug small",
"look at platypus throug violet",
"hit sand with small",
"put small down lake",
"put small down sand",
"put dead down sand",
"put dead down pit",
"put coin down sand",
"put note down sand",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at dead",
"put all down sand",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at pit",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Okay, the dead branch is now standing up inside the pit.\n\nThe platypus grabs onto the bottom of the dead branch with its forepaws.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look platypus",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in gate",
"look down sand",
"take branch",
"look road",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at platypus throug small",
"look at platypus throug violet",
"hit sand with small",
"take branch from pit",
"put small down sand",
"put small down lake",
"put coin down sand",
"put note down sand",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down sand",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 37 out of 100.)\n\nThe platypus hangs on to the dead branch as you pull it out of the pit. It lets go when the branch clears the edge and waddles joyfully around on the sand.\n\nThe little creature draws an \"X\" in the sand with its tail. Then it gives you an oddly dignified nod of thanks, waddles to the edge of the lake and disappears into the dark water.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in gate",
"take in x",
"look road",
"look down x",
"put down small",
"put down branch",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug branch",
"look at small throug violet",
"hit x with small",
"put small down x",
"put small down lake",
"put branch down x",
"put branch down pit",
"put coin down x",
"put note down x",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down x",
"throw all at pit",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"dig x with small",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"dead branch",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in gate",
"take in x",
"take branch",
"look road",
"look down x",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug ground",
"look at small throug violet",
"hit x with small",
"put small down ground",
"put small down lake",
"put coin down ground",
"put note down ground",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down ground",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"dig x with small",
"push branch lake",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "You discovered a silver whistle in the sand under the \"X\"!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look silver",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in gate",
"take silver",
"take branch",
"take all",
"look road",
"look down sand",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at silver throug small",
"look at silver throug violet",
"put small down ground",
"put small down lake",
"put coin down ground",
"put note down ground",
"put all down ground",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"dig sand with small",
"push whistle lake",
"push branch lake",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 40 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look silver",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in gate",
"blow silver",
"take branch",
"look road",
"look down sand",
"put down silver",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at silver throug small",
"look at silver throug violet",
"put silver down ground",
"put small down ground",
"put small down lake",
"put coin down ground",
"put note down ground",
"throw all at silver",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down ground",
"put silver down pit",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"dig sand with silver",
"push branch lake",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"silver whistle",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.\n\nThe silver whistle's music echoes over the lake, rippling the water with gentle Magick. A sudden gust of wind blows through your hair. You can see the soft outline of Misty Island drawing closer as you streak across the waves...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMisty Island\nYou're standing on a fog-shrouded beach. Sheer cliff walls rise to the north and south, and the dark waters of the lake stretch eastward.\n\nTo the west stands a magnificent castle, its parapets rising high into the mist. Golden light streams invitingly through the open entrance. You can hear friendly voices and music inside.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take in castle",
"look fog",
"put down stone",
"put down silver",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at stone throug silver",
"look at stone throug violet",
"throw stone at silver",
"put stone down lake",
"throw silver at stone",
"throw coin at stone",
"throw note at stone",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at silver",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at sheer"
"ploc": "Misty Island",
"inv": [
"silver whistle",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Throne Room\nYou're standing in a long, high-ceilinged chamber. Hundreds of platypuses are milling about with teacups in their paws, their faces illuminated by a roaring fireplace.\n\nAt the far end of the chamber stands a mighty throne. It's occupied by a snow-white platypus with a gold crown on its head and a jeweled scepter in its paw. On the floor near the throne is another crowned platypus... the same one you rescued from the pit.\n\nThe crowd falls silent as you enter.\n\n\"Welcome, brave Adventurer,\" says the white platypus, rising from its throne to greet you. \"I am Anatinus, King of Misty Island. My court thanks you most humbly for rescuing the life of my daughter, Princess Tasmania. Great would our sorrow have been if not for your cunning.\"\n\nThe crowd applauds politely, and Princess Tasmania blushes.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look king",
"look platypuses",
"look one",
"take off king",
"look room",
"put down silver",
"put down magick",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at king throug silver",
"look at king throug platypuses",
"put silver down floor",
"put magick down floor",
"put coin down floor",
"put note down floor",
"put all down floor",
"throw all at silver",
"throw all at magick",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "ThrRoom",
"inv": [
"silver whistle",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\n\"My messengers have told me of your quest,\" continues King Anatinus. \"Allow me to repay your kindness with words of advice.\"\n\nThe old platypus motions you to his side. \"The Tower of the Evil One is formidable,\" he begins in a low, serious voice. \"You will never get inside unaided. Legends speak of a Magick Word that can open the gates of the Tower. But what Word it is, none can say.\"\n\nThe king reaches beneath his throne and takes out a small wizard's hat. \"Take this,\" he says, holding it out to you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look silver",
"look platypuses",
"look one",
"take hat",
"take off anatinus",
"look room",
"put down silver",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at silver throug small",
"look at silver throug platypuses",
"take hat from anatinus",
"put silver down floor",
"put small down floor",
"put coin down floor",
"put note down floor",
"throw all at silver",
"throw all at small",
"put all down floor",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "ThrRoom",
"inv": [
"silver whistle",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 41 out of 100.)\n\n\"Take it to the sea,\" King Anatinus whispers as you turn the hat in your hands. \"There you will find a creature learned in the lore of Magick. Heed him well! In his wisdom lies your only hope.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look silver",
"look platypuses",
"look one",
"take off anatinus",
"look room",
"look down hat",
"put down silver",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down hat",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at silver throug small",
"look at silver throug platypuses",
"put silver down floor",
"put small down floor",
"put coin down floor",
"put hat down floor",
"put note down floor",
"throw all at silver",
"throw all at small",
"put all down floor",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "ThrRoom",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"silver whistle",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA fanfare of trumpets breaks the silence, and the crowd falls to its knees.\n\n\"Good luck to you, brave Adventurer!\" cries King Anatinus, bowing deeply. \"Now blow into the silver whistle one more time, and deliver us from the horror of the Evil One.\"\n\nThe platypuses look at you expectantly.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look silver",
"look platypuses",
"look one",
"blow silver",
"take off anatinus",
"look room",
"look down hat",
"put down silver",
"put down small",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at silver throug small",
"look at silver throug platypuses",
"put silver down floor",
"put small down floor",
"put hat down floor",
"put coin down floor",
"put note down floor",
"throw all at silver",
"throw all at small",
"put all down floor",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "ThrRoom",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"silver whistle",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.\n\nA sudden gust of wind rises out of nowhere, and Misty Island falls away beneath your feet. You feel the silver whistle slip from your hand as you streak across the lake...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLake Edge\nYou're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking south, you can see an open iron gate leading into the Witchville Cemetery.\n\nMisty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the water.\n\nYou can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. \n\nA dead branch is lying on the ground.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in gate",
"take branch",
"look road",
"look down hat",
"look down sand",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down hat",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug ground",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small down ground",
"put small down lake",
"put coin down ground",
"put hat down ground",
"put note down ground",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down ground",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put hat down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"dig sand with small",
"push branch lake",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "The cemetery is a spooky place, especially at night. Are you sure you want to go in there?\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "\nYou have been warned.\n\nTwilight Glen\nThe trees here are so thick, it's almost too dark to see! You can make out an open iron gate to the north, and a narrow lane between the tombstones winds off to the east.\n\nThere must have been a burial here recently. Somebody left their umbrella leaning up against a tombstone.\n\nAs you glance around you notice luminous ribbons of mist darting among the tombstones. The air is filled with sinister voices.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take off mists",
"take umbrella",
"look lane",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at small throug stone",
"look at small throug violet",
"give small stone",
"throw small at stone",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at umbrella",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Twilight Glen",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Spooky Copse\nA copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.\n\nThere's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected next to it.\n\nThe luminous mists suddenly condense into a cloud of eldritch vapors! Circling like sharks, they stroke your face with ghostly fingers and whisper dreadful secrets into your ears.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look small",
"look around east",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take on grave",
"look grass",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down hat",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around small",
"look at small throug grass",
"look at small throug grave",
"look at small throug violet",
"give small east",
"give violet note",
"give vapors coin",
"give vapors hat",
"put small down grass",
"put coin down grass",
"put hat down grass",
"put note down grass",
"throw all at small",
"put all down grass",
"throw all at coin",
"put small down grave",
"put coin down grave",
"put hat down grave",
"put note down grave",
"put all down grave",
"throw all off small",
"throw all off east",
"throw all off grave",
"ploc": "Spooky Copse",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "The eldritch vapors moan with disappointment as you escape their misty clutches.\n\nOpen Grave\nYou're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of dirt. Luminous ribbons of mist are swarming overhead, and a dark hole is visible in the north wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look dark",
"look violet",
"take in open",
"take off open",
"take off north",
"look open",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at small throug open",
"look at small throug violet",
"give small open",
"put small down open",
"put note down open",
"put hat down open",
"put coin down open",
"throw all at small",
"put all down open",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Open Grave",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Underground\nYou're in a dirty underground chamber. Long, smelly tunnels wander away to the north and east, and there's a dark hole in the south wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take in hole",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at small throug stone",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at stone",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Underground\nYou're in a dark underground chamber. Long tunnels wander away to the north and west.\n\nA dark, narrow hole is visible overhead.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"push bunk",
"put down small",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at small throug stone",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at stone",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Okay, you moved the bunk away from the hole.\n\nFaint light streams in from overhead.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in hole",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at stone throug small",
"look at stone throug violet",
"throw stone at small",
"put stone down hole",
"throw note at stone",
"put note down hole",
"throw hat at stone",
"put hat down hole",
"throw coin at stone",
"put coin down hole",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down hole",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "The wizard's hat: Dropped.\nThe small stone: Dropped.\nThe gold coin: Dropped.\nThe violet note: Dropped.\n\nThe small stone stops glowing.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in hole",
"take stone",
"take hat",
"take coin",
"take note",
"take all",
"look tunnels",
"look around west",
"look at stone throug small",
"look at stone throug violet",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": null
"msg": "With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.\n\nJail Cell\nYou're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.\n\nThe only furnishing is a hard bunk in the middle of the floor with a thick blanket on it.\n\nThere's a dark, narrow hole in the floor.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look bunk",
"look dark",
"take in hole",
"take thick",
"look jail",
"look behind bunk",
"push bunk",
"look at bunk throug floor",
"look at bunk throug all",
"take thick from bunk",
"ploc": "Jail Cell",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 44 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look bunk",
"look dark",
"take in hole",
"look jail",
"put down thick",
"look behind bunk",
"push bunk",
"look at bunk throug floor",
"look at bunk throug all",
"put thick down floor",
"put thick down hole",
"put thick down bunk",
"ploc": "Jail Cell",
"inv": [
"thick blanket"
"msg": "With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.\n\nUnderground\n\nYou can see a violet note, a gold coin, a small stone and a wizard's hat here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in hole",
"take stone",
"take wizard",
"take coin",
"take note",
"take all",
"look tunnels",
"put down blanket",
"look around west",
"look at stone throug blanket",
"look at stone throug violet",
"throw blanket at stone",
"put blanket down hole",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"thick blanket"
"msg": "The violet note: Taken.\nThe gold coin: Taken.\nThe small stone: Taken.\nThe wizard's hat: Taken.\n\nThe small stone begins to glow again.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in hole",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down stone",
"put down blanket",
"put down coin",
"put down hat",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at stone throug blanket",
"look at stone throug violet",
"throw stone at blanket",
"put stone down hole",
"throw blanket at stone",
"put blanket down hole",
"throw coin at stone",
"put coin down hole",
"throw hat at stone",
"put hat down hole",
"throw note at stone",
"put note down hole",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at blanket",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down hole",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"thick blanket"
"msg": "Underground\nYou're in a damp underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the south, east and west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look blanket",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down blanket",
"put down small",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at blanket throug small",
"look at blanket throug violet",
"throw blanket at small",
"throw small at blanket",
"throw note at blanket",
"throw hat at blanket",
"throw coin at blanket",
"throw all at blanket",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"thick blanket"
"msg": "Grue's Nest\nYou have stumbled into the nesting place of a family of grues. Congratulations. Few indeed are the adventurers who have entered a grue's nest and lived as long as you have.\n\nEverything is littered with rusty swords of elvish workmanship, piles of bones and other debris. A closed refrigerator stands in one corner of the nest, and something... a small, dangerous-looking little beast... is curled up in the other corner.\n\nThe only exit is to the west. Hope you survive long enough to use it.\n\nSnoring fitfully, the little beast turns away from the light of the small stone and faces the wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look blanket",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take little",
"take off refrigerator",
"look nest",
"look down hat",
"put down blanket",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"open refrigerator",
"look at blanket throug violet",
"look at blanket throug stone",
"ask little about blanket",
"throw blanket at stone",
"put blanket down little",
"throw stone at blanket",
"put stone behind little",
"throw hat at blanket",
"put hat behind little",
"throw coin at blanket",
"put coin behind little",
"throw note at blanket",
"put note behind little",
"throw all at blanket",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at coin",
"put blanket behind little",
"push nest under little",
"push bones under little",
"push west under little",
"push refrigerator under little",
"open refrigerator with stone"
"ploc": "Grue's Nest",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"thick blanket"
"msg": "Okay, the little beast is now covered with the thick blanket.\n\nThe creature stirs restlessly for an anxious moment. Then it settles into the comfortable darkness of the thick blanket, sighs gently and lies still.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 47 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look blanket",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take grue",
"take blanket",
"take off refrigerator",
"look nest",
"look down hat",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"open refrigerator",
"look at blanket throug violet",
"look at blanket throug stone",
"ask grue about blanket",
"take blanket from grue",
"throw stone at blanket",
"put stone behind grue",
"throw hat at blanket",
"put hat behind grue",
"throw coin at blanket",
"put coin behind grue",
"throw note at blanket",
"put note behind grue",
"throw all at blanket",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at coin",
"push nest under grue",
"push bones under grue",
"push west under grue",
"push refrigerator under grue",
"open refrigerator with stone"
"ploc": "Grue's Nest",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "A light inside the refrigerator goes out as you open it.\n\nOpening the refrigerator reveals a bottle and an earthworm.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look blanket",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take grue",
"take blanket",
"take earthworm",
"take bottle",
"take off refrigerator",
"look nest",
"look down hat",
"close refrigerator",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"empty refrigerator",
"look around west",
"look at blanket throug violet",
"look at blanket throug stone",
"ask grue about blanket",
"take blanket from grue",
"take earthworm from refrigerator",
"take bottle from refrigerator",
"take all from refrigerator",
"throw stone at blanket",
"put stone behind grue",
"throw hat at blanket",
"put hat behind grue",
"throw coin at blanket",
"put coin behind grue",
"throw note at blanket",
"put note behind grue",
"throw all at blanket",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at coin",
"put stone down refrigerator",
"put coin down refrigerator",
"put note down refrigerator",
"put all down refrigerator",
"push nest under grue",
"push bones under grue",
"push west under grue",
"push refrigerator under grue",
"push earthworm under grue",
"push bottle under grue"
"ploc": "Grue's Nest",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 50 out of 100.)\n\nThe earthworm squirms with annoyance at your touch.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look blanket",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take grue",
"take blanket",
"take bottle",
"take off refrigerator",
"look nest",
"look down hat",
"close refrigerator",
"put down earthworm",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at blanket throug violet",
"look at blanket throug earthworm",
"ask grue about blanket",
"take blanket from grue",
"take bottle from refrigerator",
"throw earthworm at blanket",
"put earthworm behind grue",
"throw stone at blanket",
"put stone behind grue",
"throw hat at blanket",
"put hat behind grue",
"throw coin at blanket",
"put coin behind grue",
"throw note at blanket",
"put note behind grue",
"throw all at blanket",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at coin",
"put earthworm down refrigerator",
"put stone down refrigerator",
"put hat down refrigerator",
"put coin down refrigerator",
"put note down refrigerator",
"put all down refrigerator",
"push nest under grue",
"push bones under grue",
"push west under grue",
"push refrigerator under grue",
"push bottle under grue"
"ploc": "Grue's Nest",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Underground\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at small throug earthworm",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Underground\nYou're in a damp underground chamber. Cold, dark tunnels wander away to the south and east.\n\nThe surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty tree. Overhead you can see the underside of a large stump. It appears to be hinged.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take up stump",
"look stump",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at small throug earthworm",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"open stump with small",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Lifting the hinged top of the stump reveals a round hole leading upward into moonlight.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down stone",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down hat",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at stone throug small",
"look at stone throug violet",
"throw stone at small",
"throw earthworm at stone",
"throw coin at stone",
"throw hat at stone",
"throw note at stone",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Lookout Hill\nYou're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you can see Witchville Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.\n\nCrowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and majestic oak tree. An opening in the stump leads down into darkness.\n\nA horseshoe is lying in the grass near the stump.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look darkness",
"take off stump",
"take horseshoe",
"take up stump",
"look hill",
"look down hat",
"take on stump",
"push stump",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"sit east",
"look at small throug earthworm",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small down grass",
"put small down stump",
"put earthworm down grass",
"put earthworm down stump",
"put hat down grass",
"put hat down stump",
"put coin down grass",
"put coin down stump",
"put note down grass",
"put note down stump",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"put all down grass",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down stump",
"open stump with small",
"ploc": "LookHill",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "River Outlet\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take out narrow",
"look narrow",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "River Outlet",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "South of Bridge\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in bridge",
"look road",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at bridge",
"ploc": "South Bridge",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Rocky Path\nYou're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the Witchville River. A shimmering trail leads south into a dense forest.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in forest",
"look path",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Rocky Path",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "As you walk along the shimmering trail you feel a vague sense of disorientation, then a shock of recognition...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWest of House\nYou are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.\n\nThere's a little mailbox here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look earthworm",
"look all",
"look down hat",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down hat",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around earthworm",
"look around west",
"open mailbox",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug coin",
"throw earthworm at coin",
"throw coin at earthworm",
"throw hat at earthworm",
"throw stone at earthworm",
"throw note at earthworm",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at mailbox",
"open mailbox with earthworm",
"ploc": "West House",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Opening the little mailbox reveals a leaflet.\n\nThe edges of the little mailbox are beginning to twinkle.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look earthworm",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look down hat",
"close little",
"put down earthworm",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around earthworm",
"look around west",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug stone",
"take leaflet from little",
"throw earthworm at stone",
"throw stone at earthworm",
"throw hat at earthworm",
"throw coin at earthworm",
"throw note at earthworm",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at house",
"throw all at coin",
"put earthworm down little",
"put stone down little",
"put hat down little",
"put coin down little",
"put note down little",
"put all down little"
"ploc": "West House",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe little mailbox is engulfed in a sparkling aurora! Tremors of anticipation run up and down its length, and the air sings with Magick.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look earthworm",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look down hat",
"close little",
"put down earthworm",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around earthworm",
"look around west",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug stone",
"take leaflet from little",
"put earthworm down grass",
"put stone down grass",
"put hat down grass",
"put coin down grass",
"put note down grass",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at stone",
"put all down grass",
"throw all at coin",
"put earthworm down little",
"put stone down little",
"put hat down little",
"put coin down little",
"put note down little",
"put all down little"
"ploc": "West House",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nWith a gentle pop, the little mailbox pulls itself out of the ground and cavorts about the grass like a happy rabbit!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look earthworm",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look down hat",
"close lid",
"put down earthworm",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around earthworm",
"look around west",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug stone",
"take leaflet from lid",
"throw earthworm at stone",
"throw stone at earthworm",
"throw hat at earthworm",
"throw coin at earthworm",
"throw note at earthworm",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at lid",
"throw all at coin",
"put earthworm down lid",
"put stone down lid",
"put hat down lid",
"put coin down lid",
"put note down lid",
"put all down lid"
"ploc": "West House",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe little mailbox notices you and snaps its tiny lid with joy. It makes a silly \"clump-clump, clump-clump\" sound as it hops to your side and rubs lovingly against your sleeve.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look earthworm",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look down hat",
"close little",
"put down earthworm",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around earthworm",
"look around west",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug stone",
"take leaflet from little",
"put earthworm down grass",
"put stone down grass",
"put hat down grass",
"put coin down grass",
"put note down grass",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at stone",
"put all down grass",
"throw all at coin",
"put earthworm down little",
"put stone down little",
"put hat down little",
"put coin down little",
"put note down little",
"put all down little"
"ploc": "West House",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "As the house disappears into the distance, you get the distinct feeling that, someday, you will pass this way again.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRocky Path\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look path",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Rocky Path",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Lighthouse\nThis is where the river empties into Witchville Bay. A path leads west along the riverbank.\n\nA broken-down old lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands on the shore nearby.\n\nPerched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through half-closed eyelids.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look path",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"put note down lighthouse",
"put hat down lighthouse",
"put coin down lighthouse",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at lighthouse",
"put all down lighthouse",
"ploc": "Lighthouse",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "The pelican sniffs the wizard's hat suspiciously. Its eyes open wide with interest, and the wizard's hat quickly finds a place on the pelican's head. Then the old bird gives you a sly, knowledgeable wink.\n\nAll at once the lighthouse blazes to life! Its shining beacon whirls like a gyroscope, and a pencil-thin beam of light pierces the sky and traces a word on a passing cloud: KALUZE.\n\nThe pelican spreads its wings and soars away over the bay. As the beam of the lighthouse fades, a voice in your head whispers, \"Good luck, brave Adventurer!\"\n\n(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 55 out of 100.)\n\nThe little mailbox \"clump-clumps\" to your side with a joyful snap.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look earthworm",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look path",
"close mailbox",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug lighthouse",
"take leaflet from mailbox",
"put earthworm down lighthouse",
"put coin down lighthouse",
"put stone down lighthouse",
"put stone down river",
"put note down lighthouse",
"throw all at earthworm",
"put all down lighthouse",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"put earthworm down mailbox",
"put coin down mailbox",
"put stone down mailbox",
"put note down mailbox",
"put all down mailbox",
"ploc": "Lighthouse",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Rocky Path\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look path",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at small throug earthworm",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at earthworm",
"put small down river",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Rocky Path",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "South of Bridge\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in bridge",
"look road",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at small throug earthworm",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at earthworm",
"put small down river",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at bridge",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "South Bridge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Rotary North\nThis is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north, towards the river.\n\nOn the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it hasn't been used for years.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look south",
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in old",
"look old",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at old throug small",
"look at old throug violet",
"throw small at old",
"throw earthworm at old",
"throw coin at old",
"throw note at old",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Rotary North",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe little mailbox \"clump-clumps\" into view and snaps a greeting.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look west",
"look earthworm",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in old",
"take leaflet",
"look old",
"close mailbox",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at old throug violet",
"look at old throug earthworm",
"take leaflet from mailbox",
"throw earthworm at old",
"throw coin at old",
"throw stone at old",
"throw note at old",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"put earthworm down mailbox",
"put coin down mailbox",
"put stone down mailbox",
"put note down mailbox",
"put all down mailbox",
"ploc": "Rotary North",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west. It sounds as if they're coming this way!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look north",
"look earthworm",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take in old",
"take leaflet",
"look road",
"close mailbox",
"close door",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at earthworm throug mailbox",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"take leaflet from mailbox",
"put earthworm down floor",
"put coin down floor",
"put stone down floor",
"put note down floor",
"throw all at earthworm",
"put all down floor",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"put earthworm down mailbox",
"put coin down mailbox",
"put stone down mailbox",
"put note down mailbox",
"put all down mailbox",
"ploc": "Rotary North",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Park\nYou're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble fountain, filled with greasy water.\n\nA statue stands in the middle of the fountain.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look north",
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look walks",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at small throug earthworm",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small down marble",
"put earthworm down marble",
"put coin down marble",
"put note down marble",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at brass",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "You can see a brass token and a piranha in the fountain.\n\nThe little mailbox \"clump-clumps\" happily into view.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look earthworm",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look walks",
"close mailbox",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug brass",
"put stone down marble",
"put note down marble",
"put earthworm down marble",
"put coin down marble",
"take leaflet from mailbox",
"throw earthworm at brass",
"throw coin at earthworm",
"throw stone at earthworm",
"throw note at earthworm",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at brass",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"put earthworm down mailbox",
"put coin down mailbox",
"put stone down mailbox",
"put note down mailbox",
"put all down mailbox",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "It lands in the fountain with a splash.\n\nThe piranha snatches away the worm and swims to the far side of the fountain to devour it.\n\nThe little mailbox rubs your leg.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look brass",
"look all",
"take brass",
"take leaflet",
"look walks",
"close mailbox",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at brass throug violet",
"look at brass throug token",
"put stone down marble",
"put note down marble",
"put coin down marble",
"take brass from marble",
"take leaflet from mailbox",
"throw coin at brass",
"throw stone at brass",
"throw note at brass",
"throw all at brass",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"put coin down mailbox",
"put stone down mailbox",
"put note down mailbox",
"put all down mailbox",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 58 out of 100.)\n\nThe little mailbox cuddles up around your feet.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look brass",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look walks",
"close mailbox",
"put down brass",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at brass throug violet",
"look at brass throug token",
"put stone down marble",
"put note down marble",
"put brass down marble",
"put coin down marble",
"take leaflet from mailbox",
"throw brass at token",
"throw coin at brass",
"throw stone at brass",
"throw note at brass",
"throw all at brass",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at mailbox",
"put brass down mailbox",
"put coin down mailbox",
"put stone down mailbox",
"put note down mailbox",
"put all down mailbox",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Rotary East\nYou're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches off to the east, towards the bay.\n\nOn the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance, and a marquee announces the current feature.\n\nMiss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look miss",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in sleazy",
"buy ticket",
"look rotary",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at miss throug marquee",
"look at miss throug violet",
"give voss coin",
"throw small at miss",
"throw brass at miss",
"throw coin at miss",
"throw note at miss",
"throw all at miss",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Rotary East",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "(with the gold coin)\nMiss Voss snatches away your gold coin with her bony fingers and hands you a ticket.\n\n(You are now holding a ticket.)\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 61 out of 100.)\n\nThe little mailbox \"clump-clumps\" happily into view.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look miss",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in sleazy",
"take coin",
"take leaflet",
"look rotary",
"close little",
"put down brass",
"put down stone",
"put down ticket",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at miss throug marquee",
"look at miss throug violet",
"take leaflet from little",
"throw brass at miss",
"throw stone at miss",
"throw ticket at miss",
"throw note at miss",
"throw all at miss",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at stone",
"put brass down little",
"put stone down little",
"put ticket down little",
"put note down little",
"put all down little",
"ploc": "Rotary East",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Theater Lobby\nYou're standing in the lobby of the movie theater. A short corridor leads north into darkness. Sound effects and music can be heard drifting down the corridor.\n\nThe gravedigger is standing near the corridor, a large cardboard carton at his feet.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look carton",
"look violet",
"look movie",
"take off carton",
"look lobby",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down note",
"put down ticket",
"put down all",
"look at carton throug music",
"look at carton throug violet",
"put ticket down carton",
"throw small at brass",
"throw brass at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw ticket at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"ploc": "Theater Lobby",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "The gravedigger takes the ticket, gestures absently to the empty carton and leans back to daydream.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look carton",
"look violet",
"look movie",
"take out short",
"take off carton",
"look lobby",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at carton throug music",
"look at carton throug violet",
"throw small at brass",
"throw brass at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"ploc": "Theater Lobby",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "The gravedigger nods as you pass.\n\nInside Theater\nThis is a movie theater unlike any you've ever seen! The seats are wide, deep and comfortable. The aisles are spotless. The air is clear of smoke, and the screen is dramatically large. A chill goes up your spine as you realize how alien your universe has become.\n\nThere's a noisy movie playing on the screen. A dark corridor leads out to the lobby.\n\nThe picture on the screen is fuzzy and hard to watch.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take off image",
"look aisles",
"look around stone",
"take on seats",
"put down stone",
"put down brass",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at stone throug small",
"look at stone throug violet",
"put stone down aisles",
"put brass down aisles",
"put note down aisles",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at brass",
"put stone down seats",
"put brass down seats",
"put note down seats",
"put all down seats",
"put all down aisles",
"ploc": "Inside Theater",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Hmm. This place isn't completely spotless. You just discovered a used pair of 3D glasses under a seat.\n\nThe screen image is a meaningless blur of colored light.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take off image",
"take glasses",
"look around small",
"take on seats",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug brass",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small down aisles",
"put brass down aisles",
"put note down aisles",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"put all down aisles",
"put small down seats",
"put brass down seats",
"put note down seats",
"put all down seats",
"ploc": "Inside Theater",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 64 out of 100.)\n\nAll you can see on the screen is a confusing double-image.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take off image",
"look around stone",
"take in glasses",
"take on seats",
"put down stone",
"put down brass",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at stone throug small",
"look at stone throug violet",
"put stone down aisles",
"put brass down aisles",
"put glasses down aisles",
"put note down aisles",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at glasses",
"put stone down seats",
"put brass down seats",
"put glasses down seats",
"put note down seats",
"put all down seats",
"put all down aisles",
"ploc": "Inside Theater",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Theater Lobby\n\n",
"hints": [
"look carton",
"look violet",
"look darkness",
"take out short",
"take off carton",
"look lobby",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at carton throug music",
"look at carton throug violet",
"throw small at brass",
"throw brass at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Theater Lobby",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Are you sure you want to leave the movie theater? The gravedigger might not let you in again without another ticket!\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Theater Lobby",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "\"Come again!\" sneers the gravedigger as you leave.\n\nRotary East\n\nThere's a little mailbox with a leaflet in it here.\n\nOut of the corner of your eye, you notice Miss Voss squinting carefully at the gold coin you gave her. She looks at you suspiciously, picks up a telephone and begins to dial rapidly.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look miss",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in sleazy",
"take leaflet",
"take coin",
"look rotary",
"take in glasses",
"close little",
"put down brass",
"put down stone",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at miss throug marquee",
"look at miss throug violet",
"take leaflet from little",
"throw brass at miss",
"throw stone at miss",
"throw glasses at miss",
"throw note at miss",
"throw all at miss",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at glasses",
"put brass down little",
"put stone down little",
"put glasses down little",
"put note down little",
"put all down little",
"throw all off miss",
"throw all off east",
"ploc": "Rotary East",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Pleasure Wharf\nYou're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf extends eastward into Witchville Bay.\n\nTo the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.\n\nA big mailbox is nearby.\n\nA voice behind you growls, \"Mail!\" You turn to face the sound, but there's nobody here except you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in old",
"look wharf",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at old throug small",
"look at old throug violet",
"throw small at old",
"put small down bay",
"throw brass at old",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw note at old",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Pleasure Wharf",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou watch with astonishment as the lid of the big mailbox slowly opens by itself, then snaps shut with a clang.\n\nThe little mailbox \"clump-clumps\" to your side with a joyful snap.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look brass",
"look mailbox",
"look all",
"take in building",
"take stamp",
"look wharf",
"take in 3d",
"close little",
"put down brass",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down 3d",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at brass throug token",
"look at brass throug mailbox",
"take stamp from little",
"throw brass at token",
"throw stone at brass",
"put stone down bay",
"throw note at brass",
"throw 3d at brass",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at building",
"throw all at 3d",
"put brass down little",
"put stone down little",
"put note down little",
"put 3d down little",
"put all down little",
"push stamp under bay",
"push little under bay",
"ploc": "Pleasure Wharf",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe lid of the big mailbox opens again. \"I want MAIL!\"\n\nThe two mailboxes freeze at the sight of one another.\n\nThe little mailbox snarls and stands protectively by your side. The big mailbox emits a frightful growl and throws its lid wide open, displaying rows of sharp little teeth. A crowd of postal meters and stamp dispensers gathers as the metal warriors circle each other with tense, snapping lids.\n\nWith a sudden rush, the little mailbox throws itself at the big mailbox and clamps onto its forefoot. The big mailbox roars with anger, bites the little mailbox viciously and tries in vain to shake it off. You stare in wonder as the fighting boxes swell to twice their normal size, then four times larger, eight times!\n\nThe big mailbox frees itself with a savage twist and bends to finish its foe. The little mailbox dodges, grips the descending lid and holds on for dear life. Locked in mortal combat, the giant boxes roll over and over, shaking the earth with the thunder of battle.\n\nThe scene disappears under a cloud of dust. You hear a terrible scream of agony, then an even more terrible silence. When the air clears, the boxes and spectators are gone.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in old",
"look wharf",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at old throug small",
"look at old throug violet",
"throw small at old",
"put small down bay",
"throw brass at old",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw note at old",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Pleasure Wharf",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Video Arcade\nThis old building is the home of a sleazy arcade, lined with coin-op video games. The machines are crowded with half-crazed, stunted humanoids, who pay no attention to you as they satisfy their thirst for electric violence.\n\nOne machine in the corner appears to be deserted.\n\nA sign on the wall says, \"All Games One Token.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look video",
"look star",
"hit machine",
"take off old",
"look old",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at old throug small",
"push button",
"look at old throug video",
"hit machine with small",
"throw small at old",
"throw small at machine",
"throw brass at old",
"throw brass at machine",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw glasses at machine",
"throw note at old",
"throw note at machine",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"put brass down slot",
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "The brass token disappears into the slot.\n\nDing! You hear a pleasant electric chime, and a blinking star appears on the video screen.\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 65 out of 100.)\n\n(This might be a good time to SAVE your story position.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look video",
"look all",
"hit machine",
"take off old",
"look old",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"push slot",
"look at old throug small",
"push button",
"look at old throug video",
"hit machine with small",
"throw small at old",
"throw small at machine",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw glasses at machine",
"throw note at old",
"throw note at machine",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look video",
"look all",
"hit machine",
"take off old",
"look old",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"push slot",
"look at old throug small",
"push button",
"look at old throug video",
"hit machine with small",
"throw small at old",
"throw small at machine",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw glasses at machine",
"throw note at old",
"throw note at machine",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look video",
"look all",
"hit machine",
"take off old",
"look old",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"push slot",
"look at old throug small",
"push button",
"look at old throug video",
"hit machine with small",
"throw small at old",
"throw small at machine",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw glasses at machine",
"throw note at old",
"throw note at machine",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look video",
"look all",
"hit machine",
"take off old",
"look old",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"push slot",
"look at old throug small",
"push big",
"look at old throug video",
"hit machine with small",
"throw small at old",
"throw small at machine",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw glasses at machine",
"throw note at old",
"throw note at machine",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses"
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look video",
"look all",
"hit machine",
"take off old",
"look old",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"push slot",
"look at old throug small",
"push button",
"look at old throug video",
"hit machine with small",
"throw small at old",
"throw small at machine",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw glasses at machine",
"throw note at old",
"throw note at machine",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Are you sure you want to push the big red button?\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "\nThe stunted humanoids in the arcade watch you carefully as your hand touches the flashing button. This might be a trap! You don't really want to press that big red button, do you?\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "\n(Hope you saved your story position.)\n\nA sudden power drain makes all the other games in the arcade go dim. Blue sheets of energy leap from the game machine, surrounding you in an incandescent aura. You can feel your molecules being taken apart one at a time, analyzed, modulated and broadcast through space. It is not a pleasant sensation.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHilltop\nYou're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Witchville.\n\nA tower stands in bleak silhouette against the moonlit sky. It rises a hundred feet above a barren plateau, and is encircled by a deep moat. The only entrances are a closed drawbridge and a dark window near the top.\n\nRoads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost nearby.\n\nA synthetic voice says, \"Game Over. Insert Token To Play Again.\"\n\n(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 70 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"look hill",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at hill throug small",
"look at hill throug violet",
"throw small at stone",
"put small down moat",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at witchville",
"ploc": "Hilltop",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "With a great creak of wood and rattle of chains, the drawbridge slowly lowers across the moat.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 73 out of 100.)\n\n(This might be a good time to SAVE your story position.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take out drawbridge",
"look hill",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at hill throug small",
"look at hill throug violet",
"throw small at stone",
"put small down moat",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at witchville",
"ploc": "Hilltop",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Vestibule\nYou're standing in a dimly-lit vestibule just inside the tower's entrance. The drawbridge is opened across the moat to the north. A short corridor leads south, into the tower.\n\n\"Turn back, brave Adventurer!\"\n\nYou stare in horror at the platypus chained to the floor. It's Princess Tasmania!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look crisp",
"look tower",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at small throug ground",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small down ground",
"put glasses down ground",
"put note down ground",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at glasses",
"put all down ground"
"ploc": "Vestibule",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\n\"Behind you!\" cries the Princess. \"It's a trap!\"\n\nToo late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of... Mr. Crisp!\n\n\"Nice of you to drop by,\" he sneers as a gigantic Boot pins you to the ground. \"Saves me the bother of tracking you down.\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTorture Chamber\nYou're chained up in the corner of a dim, stuffy chamber, deep within the bowels of the tower. The walls gleam with obscure medical instruments, and a diabolical torture machine occupies most of the opposite corner.\n\nPrincess Tasmania is clamped into the torture machine!\n\nA ladder rises to meet an open hatch in the middle of the ceiling.\n\nMr. Crisp is fondling the instruments, one by one.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chain",
"look rusty",
"look tower",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at chain throug small",
"look at chain throug rusty",
"give crisp small",
"give crisp glasses",
"give crisp note",
"throw small at machine",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"put small down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put note down machine",
"put all down machine"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Mr. Crisp takes the violet note and stares at it. His face turns pale. \"Where did this come from?\" he whispers, opening it.\n\nAn unbearably sweet expression spreads over his face as he reads. The violet note falls from his hands.\n\n\"I've got to run,\" Mr. Crisp cries, tossing his white lab coat into a corner and stuffing his shirttails into his pants. \"Violet scolds me when I'm late!\" He struggles into a hideous velvet blazer, pushes a comb through his hair and scampers up the ladder like a little boy.\n\nThe hatch closes with a hollow thud.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look rusty",
"look at small throug stone",
"take coat",
"look tower",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small behind violet",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw violet at small",
"throw all at coat",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put violet down coat",
"put violet down machine",
"put all down machine"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The chains cut painfully into your wrist as you strain to grasp the white lab coat. Your fingertips brush against the collar... There! You got it!\n\nYou hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge opening.\n\nPrincess Tasmania breathes a sigh of relief.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coat",
"look violet",
"look rusty",
"look at coat throug ladder",
"take rusty",
"look tower",
"take in 3d",
"put down coat",
"put down stone",
"put down violet",
"put down 3d",
"put down all",
"look at coat throug violet",
"put coat behind violet",
"take rusty from coat",
"throw coat at ladder",
"throw violet at coat",
"throw 3d at coat",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at ladder",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at 3d",
"put coat down machine",
"put stone down coat",
"put stone down machine",
"put violet down coat",
"put violet down machine",
"put 3d down machine",
"put all down machine"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "You can see a rusty key in the white lab coat.\n\nYou hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge closing.\n\nPrincess Tasmania strains against her clamps. \"Release me from this torture machine, brave Adventurer! Please! Pull down this lever and set me free.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look rusty",
"look at small throug coat",
"take rusty",
"look tower",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small behind violet",
"take rusty from coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw violet at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put violet down coat",
"put violet down machine",
"put all down machine"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 76 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look at small throug coat",
"look tower",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small behind violet",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw violet at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put key down coat",
"put key down machine",
"put violet down coat",
"put violet down machine",
"put all down coat",
"put all down machine",
"open chain with key"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Okay, the chain is now unlocked and open.\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 77 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look at small throug coat",
"take violet",
"take note",
"take up hatch",
"take up lever",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small behind violet",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw violet at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put key down coat",
"put key down machine",
"put violet down coat",
"put violet down machine",
"put all down coat",
"put all down machine",
"open hatch with small"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The clamps on the torture machine retract, and Princess Tasmania leaps off. She's free!\n\n\"Again you spare my unworthy life, brave Adventurer.\" The platypus humbly licks your shoe, to your considerable embarrassment. \"My father, King Anatinus, does not forget such kindness.\"\n\nThe little creature produces a silver whistle from her gown and blows into it gently. A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.\n\n\"Your journey is not yet ended,\" she warns as a whirlpool of colored light envelops her. \"But even if you fail, your deeds shall live forever in our legends. Have faith!\"\n\nWhen the colors fade, Princess Tasmania is gone.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look at small throug coat",
"take violet",
"take note",
"take up hatch",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small behind violet",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw violet at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put key down coat",
"put key down machine",
"put violet down coat",
"put violet down machine",
"put all down coat",
"put all down machine",
"open hatch with small"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take up hatch",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug coat",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put key down coat",
"put key down machine",
"put note down coat",
"put note down machine",
"put all down coat",
"put all down machine",
"open hatch with small"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 80 out of 100.)\n\nThe handwritten note says:\n\n\"Corky-Poo,\n\nI've got a plate of fresh oatmeal cookies waiting for you. Come over around sixish, and I'll show you my collection of Byron first editions, etc...\n\nViolet\n\nPS: If my little poodle yaps at you, just say ALEXIS, HEEL and she'll behave.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take up hatch",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug coat",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put key down coat",
"put key down machine",
"put note down coat",
"put note down machine",
"put all down coat",
"put all down machine",
"open hatch with small"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The heavy hatch opens reluctantly.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take off machine",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"pull hatch",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug coat",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put key down coat",
"put key down machine",
"put note down coat",
"put note down machine",
"put all down coat",
"put all down machine",
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Round Chamber\nYou're in a round chamber at the very heart of the tower. The clammy stone walls are hung with a series of paintings, all the same size and identically framed. Years of neglect have blackened the art almost beyond recognition.\n\nIn the corner is an open hatch. Peering downward, you see a ladder descending into gloom.\n\nA corridor disappears to the north, and a damp stairway winds upward into the tower.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look paintings",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take on ladder",
"take off paintings",
"look behind paintings",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"take on tower",
"push hatch",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at paintings throug small",
"look at paintings throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at ladder",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put key down coat",
"put note down coat",
"put all down coat",
"push paintings small",
"ploc": "Round Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Fuzziness\nEverything around you appears blurred and fuzzy.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rusty",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in white",
"take in 3d",
"put down rusty",
"put down white",
"put down small",
"put down 3d",
"put down all",
"look at rusty throug white",
"look at rusty throug violet",
"throw rusty at white",
"throw white at rusty",
"throw small at rusty",
"throw 3d at rusty",
"throw all at rusty",
"throw all at white",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at 3d",
"put rusty down white",
"put small down white",
"put all down white"
"ploc": "Fuzziness",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Wow! As you put on the glasses the room fuses into a solid, 3-dimensional image.\n\nLaboratory\nThe highest room in the tower is a laboratory, complete with bubbling chemicals and foul odors. An antique telescope is mounted near an open window to the north, and a control panel occupies most of the south wall.\n\nThe only exit is a damp stairway leading downward.\n\nA black cat is sound asleep in the corner.\n\nThere's a broom here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look second switch",
"look switch",
"take off north",
"look all",
"ask cat",
"put out second switch",
"put out first",
"take cat",
"take broom",
"take off second switch",
"take off glasses",
"look lab",
"take in coat",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at second switch throug sound",
"tell cat",
"look at second switch throug switch",
"ask cat about second switch",
"put glasses down second switch",
"look at lab throug glasses",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"put glasses down broom",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at window",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"open second switch with small",
"open first with small",
"tell cat about second switch"
"ploc": "Laboratory",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look second switch",
"look switch",
"take off north",
"look all",
"ask cat",
"put out second switch",
"put out first",
"take off second switch",
"take off glasses",
"look lab",
"take in coat",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at second switch throug sound",
"tell cat",
"look at second switch throug switch",
"ask cat about second switch",
"put glasses down second switch",
"look at lab throug glasses",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"put glasses down broom",
"throw broom at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at window",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"open second switch with small",
"open first with small",
"tell cat about second switch"
"ploc": "Laboratory",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The control panel is equipped with two large power switches.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look second switch",
"look switch",
"take off north",
"look all",
"ask cat",
"put out second switch",
"put out first",
"take off second switch",
"take off glasses",
"look lab",
"take in coat",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at second switch throug sound",
"tell cat",
"look at second switch throug switch",
"ask cat about second switch",
"put glasses down second switch",
"look at lab throug glasses",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"put glasses down broom",
"throw broom at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at window",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"open second switch with small",
"open first with small",
"tell cat about second switch"
"ploc": "Laboratory",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Okay, the second switch is turned off.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 83 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look second switch",
"look switch",
"take off north",
"look all",
"ask cat",
"put out first",
"take off second switch",
"take off glasses",
"look lab",
"take in coat",
"push second switch",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at second switch throug sound",
"tell cat",
"look at second switch throug switch",
"ask cat about second switch",
"put glasses down second switch",
"look at lab throug glasses",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"put glasses down broom",
"throw broom at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at window",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"turn second switch for small",
"open first with small",
"tell cat about second switch"
"ploc": "Laboratory",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Fuzziness\nEverything around you appears blurry and blurred.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rusty",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take off 3d",
"take in white",
"put down rusty",
"put down white",
"put down small",
"put down 3d",
"put down all",
"look at rusty throug white",
"look at rusty throug violet",
"put 3d down rusty",
"throw rusty at white",
"throw white at rusty",
"throw small at rusty",
"throw 3d at rusty",
"throw all at rusty",
"throw all at white",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at 3d",
"put rusty down white",
"put small down white",
"put all down white"
"ploc": "Fuzziness",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Okay, you're no longer wearing the pair of 3D glasses.\n\nRound Chamber\nYou're in a round chamber at the very heart of the tower. The clammy stone walls are hung with a series of paintings, all the same size and identically framed. Years of neglect have blackened the art almost beyond recognition.\n\nIn the corner is an open hatch. Peering downward, you see a ladder descending into gloom.\n\nA corridor disappears to the north, and a damp stairway winds upward into the tower.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look paintings",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take on ladder",
"take off paintings",
"look behind paintings",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"take on tower",
"push hatch",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down broom",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at paintings throug small",
"look at paintings throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw broom at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at ladder",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"push paintings small",
"ploc": "Round Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Moving aside one of the paintings reveals a metal crank attached to the wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look paintings",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take on ladder",
"take off paintings",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"take on tower",
"push hatch",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down broom",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"turn crank",
"look around north",
"look at paintings throug small",
"look at paintings throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw broom at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at ladder",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"turn crank for paintings",
"ploc": "Round Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "As you turn the metal crank you hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge opening.\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 84 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look paintings",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take on ladder",
"take off paintings",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"take on tower",
"push hatch",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down broom",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"turn crank",
"look around north",
"look at paintings throug small",
"look at paintings throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw broom at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at ladder",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"turn crank for paintings",
"ploc": "Round Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Vestibule\nYou're standing in a dimly-lit vestibule just inside the tower's entrance. The drawbridge is opened across the moat to the north. A short corridor leads south, into the tower.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take off tower",
"take out short",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down broom",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at small throug coat",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw broom at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Vestibule",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Hilltop\n\nThe moment you take your foot off the drawbridge it swings up over the moat and closes with a mighty thud.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"look hill",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at hill throug small",
"look at hill throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"put small down moat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw broom at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at witchville",
"put all down signpost",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"throw all off east",
"ploc": "Hilltop",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Outside Cottage\nYou're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the former town librarian. The road turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post Office Hill.\n\nAs you approach the cottage you are greeted by the biggest hellhound you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street, roaring angrily and showing its sharp, bloody fangs.\n\nYou can smell the hellhound's hot breath as it roars.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look voss",
"look path",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug path",
"look at small throug violet",
"give hellhound small",
"give hellhound coat",
"give hellhound glasses",
"give hellhound broom",
"give hellhound key",
"give hellhound note",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"throw broom at small",
"put key down broom",
"put note down broom",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"put all over coat",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at hellhound",
"put small down coat",
"put key down coat",
"put note down coat",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Alexis pricks up her ears at the sound of her name. She sits obediently at your feet, gently licks your hand and thumps her big tail happily.\n\n(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 89 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look voss",
"look road",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down broom",
"put down all",
"look at small throug coat",
"look at small throug violet",
"give hellhound small",
"give hellhound coat",
"give hellhound glasses",
"give hellhound key",
"give hellhound note",
"give hellhound broom",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down broom",
"put note down broom",
"throw broom at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at hellhound",
"put small down coat",
"put key down coat",
"put note down coat",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Okay, the cottage door is now open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look north",
"look small",
"look violet",
"look voss",
"take in cottage",
"look road",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at small throug coat",
"look at small throug violet",
"give hellhound small",
"give hellhound coat",
"give hellhound glasses",
"give hellhound broom",
"give hellhound key",
"give hellhound note",
"put small down broom",
"throw small at north",
"put coat down broom",
"throw coat at north",
"put glasses down broom",
"throw glasses at north",
"throw broom at small",
"throw broom at north",
"put key down broom",
"throw key at north",
"put note down broom",
"throw note at north",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at hellhound",
"throw all at north",
"put small down coat",
"put key down coat",
"put note down coat",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The hellhound thumps its big tail happily as you pass.\n\nCottage\nThis is the cottage of Miss Voss, the former town librarian. The walls are lined with timeworn books and dusty, faded photographs. Looks like nobody's lived here for a long time.\n\nThere's a dusty bookcase with a steel key on it near the open front door. Somebody has scrawled a message in the dust on the bookcase.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look key",
"look voss",
"take off message",
"push message",
"look at steel key throug steel",
"take steel key",
"take key",
"look cottage",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"close door",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug key",
"take key from steel key",
"throw small at message",
"throw key at message",
"take key from violet",
"take key from bookcase",
"throw small at steel key",
"throw small at key",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw coat at key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw glasses at key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw broom at key",
"throw key at steel key",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw note at key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at message",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at rusty",
"put small down coat",
"put small down message",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down message",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down message",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down message",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down message",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down message",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down message",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Cottage",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 92 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look key",
"look voss",
"take off message",
"push message",
"look cottage",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"close door",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug photographs",
"look at steel key throug key",
"throw steel key at message",
"throw steel key at small",
"throw small at steel key",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw rusty at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at message",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down message",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down coat",
"put small down message",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down message",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down message",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down message",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down message",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down message",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Cottage",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Outside Cottage\n\nA happy hellhound is thumping its tail nearby.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look key",
"look voss",
"take in cottage",
"look road",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down rusty",
"put down note",
"put down broom",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug small",
"look at steel key throug key",
"give hellhound steel key",
"give hellhound small",
"give hellhound coat",
"give hellhound glasses",
"give hellhound rusty",
"give hellhound note",
"give hellhound broom",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put rusty down broom",
"put note down broom",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at rusty",
"throw all at hellhound",
"put steel key down coat",
"put small down coat",
"put rusty down coat",
"put note down coat",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look key",
"look voss",
"look rusty",
"take in cottage",
"look road",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down rusty",
"put down note",
"put down broom",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug small",
"ask steel key about small",
"look at steel key throug key",
"give hellhound steel key",
"give hellhound small",
"give hellhound coat",
"give hellhound glasses",
"give hellhound rusty",
"give hellhound note",
"give hellhound broom",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put rusty down broom",
"put note down broom",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at rusty",
"throw all at hellhound",
"put steel key down coat",
"put small down coat",
"put rusty down coat",
"put note down coat",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The hellhound thumps its big tail happily as you pass.\n\nRotary South\nThis is the south side of the Witchville Rotary. A road branches south, towards Post Office Hill.\n\nThe Witchville Public Library, once famous for its museum of local historic artifacts, stands in a pitiful state of disrepair.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look behind south",
"look south",
"look public",
"look key",
"look all",
"look broom",
"look road",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at public throug steel key",
"ask public about steel key",
"look at public throug key",
"throw steel key at public",
"throw small at public",
"throw coat at public",
"throw glasses at public",
"throw broom at public",
"throw note at public",
"throw rusty at public",
"throw all at public",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Rotary South",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Okay, the library door is now unlocked and open.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 95 out of 100.)\n\n(This might be a good time to SAVE your story position.)\n\nThe vulture can be seen circling high overhead.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look south",
"look public",
"look key",
"look all",
"take in public",
"look road",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at public throug steel key",
"look at public throug key",
"throw steel key at public",
"throw small at public",
"throw small at vulture",
"throw coat at public",
"throw glasses at public",
"throw broom at public",
"throw note at public",
"throw rusty at public",
"throw all at public",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"throw all off public",
"throw all off south",
"ploc": "Rotary South",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Circulation Desk\nYou're standing before a large desk at the library entrance. The top of the desk is almost hidden under a clutter of books, all grey with dust.\n\nA dark corridor leads south into darkness. The library door stands invitingly open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look clutter",
"look key",
"look darkness",
"look library",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look at clutter throug steel key",
"look at clutter throug key",
"throw steel key at small",
"throw small at steel key",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw rusty at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at circulation",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down circulation",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down coat",
"put small down circulation",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down circulation",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down circulation",
"put glasses down broom",
"put broom down circulation",
"put note down coat",
"put note down circulation",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down circulation",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down circulation",
"put all down broom"
"ploc": "CirculatiDesk",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nBang! The library door slams shut. You hear a faint \"click\" as somebody locks it from the outside.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look clutter",
"look key",
"look darkness",
"look library",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down rusty",
"put down note",
"put down broom",
"put down all",
"look at clutter throug steel key",
"look at clutter throug key",
"throw steel key at small",
"throw small at steel key",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw rusty at steel key",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at circulation",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down circulation",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down coat",
"put small down circulation",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down circulation",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down circulation",
"put glasses down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down circulation",
"put rusty down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down circulation",
"put note down broom",
"put broom down circulation",
"put all down coat",
"put all down circulation",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "CirculatiDesk",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Museum\nFormerly a popular tourist attraction, the old Festeron Museum is in a sorry state. Many of the best exhibits have been carted away; the few remaining are sorely in need of renovation.\n\nFortunately, one of your childhood favorites is still intact. It's a pair of enormous fossil mailboxes, their metal bones locked together in a pose of eternal combat.\n\nThere's a glass display case in the corner. You can see a sculpture in the case.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take off festeron",
"look museum",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down coat",
"put down stone",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug festeron",
"look at steel key throug violet",
"hit case with broom",
"look at steel key throug museum",
"throw steel key at festeron",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw stone at steel key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw broom at case",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw rusty at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at festeron",
"throw all at case",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down exhibit",
"put steel key down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put stone down coat",
"put stone down exhibit",
"put stone down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down exhibit",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down exhibit",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down exhibit",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Museum",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Crash! You broke the display case open with the broom.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take off festeron",
"look museum",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down coat",
"put down stone",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug festeron",
"look at steel key throug violet",
"look at steel key throug museum",
"throw steel key at festeron",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw stone at steel key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw rusty at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at festeron",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down case",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down exhibit",
"put steel key down broom",
"put coat down case",
"put coat down broom",
"put stone down case",
"put stone down coat",
"put stone down exhibit",
"put stone down broom",
"put stone down sculpture",
"put glasses down case",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down case",
"put note down coat",
"put note down exhibit",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down case",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down exhibit",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down case",
"put all down coat",
"put all down exhibit",
"put all down broom",
"put all down sculpture",
"ploc": "Museum",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The black marble sculpture is about 14 inches high. It's exquisitely crafted in the likeness of a cat.\n\nYou can see a round, shallow hole carved into the forehead of the sculpture.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take off festeron",
"look museum",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down coat",
"put down stone",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug festeron",
"look at steel key throug violet",
"look at steel key throug museum",
"throw steel key at festeron",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw stone at steel key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw rusty at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at festeron",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down case",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down exhibit",
"put steel key down broom",
"put coat down case",
"put coat down broom",
"put stone down case",
"put stone down coat",
"put stone down exhibit",
"put stone down broom",
"put stone down sculpture",
"put glasses down case",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down case",
"put note down coat",
"put note down exhibit",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down case",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down exhibit",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down case",
"put all down coat",
"put all down exhibit",
"put all down broom",
"put all down sculpture",
"ploc": "Museum",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Wishbringer glows brighter as it nears the sculpture. It looks like it will fit perfectly into the black forehead.\n\n\"Wait!\" commands a familiar voice.\n\nYou turn, and see the figure of an old woman standing in the darkness of the corridor.\n\n\"Your quest is ended, brave Adventurer,\" says the old woman. \"The sculpture you see before you is Chaos, the Cat Which Was Stolen. Now give Wishbringer to me, and together we shall rejoice in your success.\"\n\nDo you still want to put Wishbringer into the sculpture?\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Museum",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "\"Don't!\" barks the old woman as your hand moves closer to the sculpture.\n\nDo you still want to put Wishbringer into the sculpture?\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Museum",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "\"No!\"\n\nA blast of Magick shakes the building as Wishbringer touches the forehead of the sculpture. Violet sheets of energy, pure and brilliant, erupt from the very heart of the Stone and illuminate the room like daylight.\n\nThe woman's disguise evaporates in the glare. It's the Evil One, her mouth frozen open in a wail of despair as she fades into oblivion. The memory of that face will haunt your dreams as long as you live.\n\nYou watch as the sculpture begins to soften in the radiance. It wriggles like a thing alive, leaps across the floor and disappears into a vortex of color. The library folds around you like the closing of a great book...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCliff Edge\nYou're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail leading downward. Looking southeast, you see a friendly orange sun rising from a bank of morning clouds.\n\nPost Office Hill is visible to the south, topped as usual by the Festeron Post Office.\n\nThe Magick Shoppe stands nearby.\n\nA black cat is rubbing against your leg.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look key",
"look all",
"look hill",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down magick",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at rocky throug steel key",
"look at rocky throug key",
"throw steel key at rocky",
"throw magick at rocky",
"throw coat at rocky",
"throw glasses at rocky",
"throw broom at rocky",
"throw note at rocky",
"throw rusty at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at magick",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down broom",
"put magick down coat",
"put magick down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Cliff Edge",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "\nThe door of the Magick Shoppe creaks open, and the old woman, dressed in a nightgown, stands blinking in the morning sun. \"Who's there?\"\n\nThe black cat leaps into the woman's arms. \"Chaos!\" she cries, laughing and sobbing all at once as the cat licks tears of joy from her face.\n\nAt last the old woman lowers Chaos to the ground and walks over to where you're standing, red with embarrassment.\n\n\"Now you know me for the old liar I am,\" she chuckles, clasping your hands gratefully in her own. \"I promised to give you Wishbringer, knowing full well that, if you succeeded, its virtue would be lost.\n\n\"In truth, the Stone would make a poor reward,\" she continues, stooping to tickle the cat's white forehead. \"As you can see, it brings more joy in the shape of a companion than in any other. This is Wishbringer's finest Magick. A pity that my sister, the Evil One, did not know of it.\"\n\nYou can hear a familiar \"clump-clump, clump-clump\" sound behind you. It's the little mailbox, hopping bravely up the steep trail! The woman looks on with puzzled amusement as the faithful box hops to your side and rubs lovingly against your sleeve.\n\nThe old woman touches the violet note in your hand. \"Make sure you give this to Mr. Crisp when you see him,\" she says with a sly wink. \"And tell him I said hello.\"\n\nCradling Chaos in her arms like a child, the old woman ambles back into the Magick Shoppe. \"Farewell!\" she calls from the closing door, and the sunlight makes her face look young. \"Now you are a true Adventurer.\"\n\nA concealed bell tinkles merrily.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCongratulations! You've finished the story of Wishbringer!\n\nYour score is 100 points out of 100, in 168 moves.\n\nDo you want to restart the story, restore a saved position, or quit?\n\n(Type RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT.)\n",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\n\nNo, not a prison, though stone stands around you, as expressionless as a mirror awaiting face and form; and in the silence you hear no plaint of flute or roar of gong, but instead the crash of porcelain shattering. \n\n\nThe Moonlit Tower\nInteractive Fiction, v.1.0 \nYoon Ha Lee, copyright 2002 \nNewcomers may want to type HELP or ABOUT.\nRelease 1 / Serial number 020927 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10 \n\nMoonlit Chamber\nMoonlight diffuses through the walls, tracing out unreadable sigils in calligraphies of light and dark. Stairs adorned with bas-relief motifs spiral downward.\n\nYou can see a porcelain mask here.",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"take mask",
"get in stairs",
"take all",
"push mask to stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The half-mask is the pale, almost bluish color of the finest celadon, cracked with uncanny precision down its axis of symmetry. The face in its blank, sculpted features has no more personality than new-forged steel. Half a mask, though--that must mean the left half is--",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The weight of armor and the breath of silk are familiar. Your face, though--when you reach up, it is porcelain that meets your touch on the left side, and you cannot remove it, though neither does it impede your senses. It seems the left half is a part of you, perhaps no more a mask than a hand is a glove...",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nShadow Armory\nShadows gather around you. For a moment, dregs of light defined by the negative space take on the shapes of maple leaf, kite, comb, and other shapes that flicker across the walls too rapidly for you to interpret.\n\nCuriously, the only weapons here live amid light and cannot be worn: they are silhouettes flung against the walls. Stairs carved with bas-reliefs spiral upward.\n\nNorthward and westward lie passageways unhindered by door or folding screen.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"push dagger to stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Here the light, apparently sourceless, adirectional, takes on a burnished quality.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"push dagger to stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Autumn is the maple's season, when all things die but fire and sun, pine and moon, last guardians before the door into winter and winter's snowlocked court. Once you knew a dark-haired woman who always wore red, gold and black, the maple's colors, even at the emperor's winter court, steadfast against the encroaching fashions of indigo or palest blue. She had a low ironic laugh, but she is lost to you.... \n\nHere, surrounded by stone, shadow, light, there is no indication of the season.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"push dagger to stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "There should be two kites, not one: brothers and sisters fly them as pairs during the kite-fighting auguries of spring. Alas, no wind stirs in this dustless place.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"push dagger to stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The comb has the curved, tortoise-shell shape that you have seen in years past--but is one of the teeth broken?",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"push dagger to stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Weapons line the walls, writ in shadow--yet you know their heft and balance, the patterns of movement that make one deadly in attack and another impenetrable in defense. If only you knew, as well, the histories of blood, patronage and betrayal--or loyalty--that they represent.\n\nOne of the weapons is more substantial than you realized at first, a bronze-hilted dagger with a tassel hanging from the pommel.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"push dagger to stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The shapes of light you saw as you entered fade irrevocably.\n\n\nUndying Garden\nBarren branches and pines suggest winter's quiet. Metal and wood, painted and sculpted, the false garden is heedless of harvest, drought or rain.\n\nA jade compass rests at the garden's metaphysical center, between translucence and opacity, curve and line, and other dichotomies too subtle for your eye. A gentle warmth from the surface invites touch.\n\nTransactions of light show other rooms southward and westward.\n\nYou can see a tortoise-shell comb here.",
"hints": [
"take comb",
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"take other with comb",
"hit comb",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"push comb to compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit comb",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The comb is curved like a smile, though it seems fragile, easily broken by a chance hand.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit comb",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Three of the long central teeth flex, then snap in your fingers. The justiciar wore a comb long-broken as a memento; it proved an uneasy prophecy of waking passion and breaking promises.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The compass is carved from a single piece of jade in which violet and green intermingle delicately; the cardinal directions--if such they be--are marked by hawk, swallow, crane and feather. More curiously still, the needle is of glass, suggesting that it homes to something other than the north. Perhaps you can set it yourself?\n\nThe needle points to the feather.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Even for the emperor's winter court, the only birds that remain in the gardens are the jeweled nightingales, which sing dainty mechanical tunes when they are stroked with a feather. Your brother hated them passionately, but he listened to them readily enough whenever the justiciar asked, with that smile that lit her eyes, though it never reached her mouth.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "It was autumn when last you went hawking with the emperor's justiciar. Freed of court robes, she soared as surely as the kestrel that raced before her; her hair was black and scandalously unbound as the red-and-gold ribbons tore away in the wind to land in your waiting hand. Autumn...",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Spring is the swallows' season, when they return from their sojourn in distant lands and signal the kite-flying auguries. If only an augury could help you now...",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The most auspicious of all birds, save the imperial phoenix. Many a summer morning have you gazed upon cranes in flight, whether silhouetted against the setting sun or set in abalone-shell upon a fine lacquered cabinet, a cloisonne hairpin.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The needle points to the hawk now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season.",
"hints": [
"take leaf",
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"open leaf",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"take other with leaf",
"put mask on compass",
"push leaf to compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nUndying Garden\nAutumn's fiery colors are evident in the trees and flowers around you. Metal and wood, painted and sculpted, the false garden is heedless of harvest, drought or rain.\n\nA jade compass rests at the garden's metaphysical center, between translucence and opacity, curve and line, and other dichotomies too subtle for your eye. A gentle warmth from the surface invites touch.\n\nTransactions of light show other rooms southward and westward.\n\nOn the unliving trees is a folded maple leaf.",
"hints": [
"take leaf",
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"open leaf",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"take other with leaf",
"put mask on compass",
"push leaf to compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Maples in black, red and gold, like the colors she loved so well, and the cloven yellow of gingko.\nA single maple leaf flutters loosely, as though seeking escape.",
"hints": [
"take leaf",
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"open leaf",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"take other with leaf",
"put mask on compass",
"push leaf to compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "This cleverly-folded leaf stirs as though, in its secret paper dreams, it yearns to fly.",
"hints": [
"take leaf",
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"open leaf",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"take other with leaf",
"put mask on compass",
"push leaf to compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put leaf down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"open leaf",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put leaf on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"folded maple leaf",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "You now have a sheet of red paper.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put other on teeth",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "You are carrying:\n a sheet of red paper\n three comb's teeth\n a lady's tortoise-shell comb (broken)\n a bronze-hilted dagger\n half a porcelain mask\n armor and silks (worn)",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put other on teeth",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The most auspicious of all birds, save the imperial phoenix. Many a summer morning have you gazed upon cranes in flight, whether silhouetted against the setting sun or set in abalone-shell upon a fine lacquered cabinet, a cloisonne hairpin.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put other on teeth",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "A tasseled fan appears upon the compass' surface. The needle points to the crane now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season.",
"hints": [
"take fan",
"turn compass",
"cut blue tassel",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"take other with fan",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"push fan to compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put other on teeth",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"cut blue tassel",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"put all on teeth",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "More remarkable than the fan's intricate designs is the long blue tassel that trails from it. It is the kind of fan a lady might carry to cool herself during the summer's heat.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"cut blue tassel",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"put all on teeth",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "A few neat cuts free some strands from the tassel, and tying them together results in--a kitestring?\n\nFor a second there is a dark-eyed boy beside you, whose laugh is yours, but wilder; whose smile is yours, but wider. If only you remembered the augury that you and your brother cast that spring in the kite-flying ritual, years before either of you met the woman who wore black and red and gold...",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put kitestring down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put kitestring on compass",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"put all on teeth",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "You are carrying:\n a kitestring\n a tasseled fan\n a sheet of red paper\n three comb's teeth\n a lady's tortoise-shell comb (broken)\n a bronze-hilted dagger\n half a porcelain mask\n armor and silks (worn)",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put kitestring down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put kitestring on compass",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"put all on teeth",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Gently, you fold the paper and pierce it with the tortoise-shell teeth to create a delicate, string-less kite no larger than your hand.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put kite down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put string down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"tie kite to string",
"put mask on compass",
"put kite on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put string on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"red paper kite",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "You are carrying:\n a red paper kite with no string\n a kitestring\n a tasseled fan\n a lady's tortoise-shell comb (broken)\n a bronze-hilted dagger\n half a porcelain mask\n armor and silks (worn)",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put kite down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put string down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"tie kite to string",
"put mask on compass",
"put kite on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put string on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"red paper kite",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Though it takes some patience, you tie the kitestring to the kite. Surely a season of gales and newborn blossoms awaits you, even in this skyless tower.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put kite down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put kite on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"red paper kite",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The needle points to the swallow now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put kite down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"fly kite",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put kite on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"red paper kite",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Spring: the season of augury. Red and black and gold, maple colors, kite colors; you no longer know which. A breeze stirs through the room, though the trees and flowers are no more affected by it than they would be by the sun's earnest light or a plague of locusts. Nevertheless, you hear the hollow sound of something being dislodged from one of the trees.\n\nIt was spring when your kite and your brother's became too entangled for one glass-edged string to cut the other's, for one to conquer the other, though entangled they flew yet; and spring when you were first parted from your brother on his first campaign and yours, two fatherless boys entering the emperor's service as adults. \n\nThe kite tugs from your hand, as impatient as a hawk winning free of hood; dances perilously upward upon the wings of this nowhere breeze; and disappears. \n\nThe breeze swells to a gale that rears southward and upward, seeking the sky in this enclosed and skyless room.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nShadow Armory\nCuriously, the only weapons here live amid light and cannot be worn: they are silhouettes flung against the walls. Stairs carved with bas-reliefs spiral upward.\n\nNorthward and westward lie passageways unhindered by door or folding screen.\n\nA wind gallops toward the stairs, seeking the sky.",
"hints": [
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nMoonlit Chamber\nMoonlight diffuses through the walls, tracing out unreadable sigils in calligraphies of light and dark. Upwards, the sky is open to your eyes. Stairs adorned with bas-relief motifs spiral downward.\n\nWind flings itself up the walls and toward the sky; you have but to look up.",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The night spreads her wings above you, and shows no sign of welcoming her sister of the sunborn day. Constellations jewel the sky, half-hidden by clouds like nestling feathers: the Heavenly Horse and the Imperial Chrysanthemum.",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The star-stallion rears like the chargers you once rode. The justiciar herself preferred such spirited mounts.",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "It is the first among constellations, open to the eyes of all people unlike the emperor himself. You and your brother saw him only once, when he called on you to stand together for your family's name.",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nShadow Armory\nCuriously, the only weapons here live amid light and cannot be worn: they are silhouettes flung against the walls. Stairs carved with bas-reliefs spiral upward.\n\nNorthward and westward lie passageways unhindered by door or folding screen.",
"hints": [
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nUndying Garden\nSpring's blossoms and budding trees are here in profusion. Metal and wood, painted and sculpted, the false garden is heedless of harvest, drought or rain.\n\nA jade compass rests at the garden's metaphysical center, between translucence and opacity, curve and line, and other dichotomies too subtle for your eye. A gentle warmth from the surface invites touch.\n\nTransactions of light show other rooms southward and westward.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nSkeletal Banquet\nIt seems this is a banquet room, if a banquet had no especial place for people to dine. Glassware and stoneware are arranged in deliberate shapes, as though they are constellations. \n\nSouth lies a chamber of brooding silence, and a vague, sweet fragrance comes from the east. Stairs of blackest marble lead downward.\n\nOn the table are a banquet of bones and some ivory chopsticks.",
"hints": [
"take chopsticks",
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"take all off table",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"push chopsticks to marble",
"push chopsticks to table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The feast before you seems a mockery, for everywhere upon the plates and bowls there is nothing but skeletons artfully pieced together to create grotesqueries from ordinary game. A creature half-bird, half-rabbit, for one, or a pheasant with extra legs. Yet it is perhaps no more grotesque than some of the intrigues that poisoned the emperor's court, at times.",
"hints": [
"take chopsticks",
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"take all off table",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"push chopsticks to marble",
"push chopsticks to table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "(first taking the ivory chopsticks)\nBone calls to bone, it seems, for the skeletal feast flees no more. With great care you disentangle the bones and piece them back together in a more seemly fashion. Despite some puzzling conjunctions of joints, you discover that interlocking skeletons of dragon and phoenix form the centerpiece.\n\nIn a battle older than bone, says one story, the dragon and phoenix were brothers, both born of fire; but one ascended to burn in splendor, and the other clothed himself in lightning tongue and storm rains. The phoenix must die, but is ever reborn; the dragon lives no more, but never dies.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put chopsticks on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "As your feet meet that first step, a sudden vertigo overtakes you, as though you journeyed through skies beyond imagining, across hollow and infinite distances. You emerge back where you started: it seems the night's hold is too strong here, and you must find some guide-star to anchor your way.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put chopsticks on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The arrangement is in the shape of the constellation called the White Archer, who shot the Sun out of the sky and wanders the night in penance. It seems a curiously ill-fortuned constellation for an ill-fortuned feast, and almost any other arrangement would be more auspicious.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put chopsticks on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The Moon is the horse that bears the White Archer's messages to his lover the Sun, returning to rove the night's passages with him. The Heavenly Horse, though, is a messenger that submits to no rider, like the justiciar with her dark, proud eyes. It seems a strangely fitting sign for a stranger's feast.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put chopsticks on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table",
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The arrangement is in the shape of the Heavenly Horse, sky-messenger and swift-runner.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put chopsticks on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table",
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nHall of Hawks\nMemory overtakes you as you enter: you and your brother speaking to each other in low, tense voices (not shouting, never shouting before her) until the justiciar bids you leave, curtly. The next day, when the emperor stripped her of her rank, and neither you nor your brother had the influence to free her from the court's machinations--you have lived that day over and over, more than any man ought.\n\nHawks painted in gold and brown soar along the walls. It is strangely warm here, as though fires lived just beyond your perception. The entire hall is open to the wind and warmth, unobstructed except by your presence.\n\nStairs of darkest marble circle upward. A passageway leads south into clear, colorless light.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"put mask on marble",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put fan on marble",
"put dagger on marble",
"put comb on marble",
"put all on marble",
"ploc": "Hall of Hawks",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "A splendor of hawks in flight, each feather meticulously painted. Each one has a woman's dark eyes instead of a raptor's golden gaze.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"put mask on marble",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put fan on marble",
"put dagger on marble",
"put comb on marble",
"put all on marble",
"ploc": "Hall of Hawks",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "As you approach, you realize that the shadows split the passageway in a terrible clean fracture, and your face aches unbearably; only when you move away does the pain ease.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"put mask on marble",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put fan on marble",
"put dagger on marble",
"put comb on marble",
"put all on marble",
"ploc": "Hall of Hawks",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Suddenly and disturbingly inspired by the riven passage to the south, you lift the mask to your face, momentarily shadowing your vision. When you can see clearly again, the mask has been rejoined flawlessly--and the shadows close around the passageway. Yours is the dragon's perfection, the dark journey skyward, as you have chosen.",
"hints": [
"get in stairs",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put chopsticks on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Hall of Hawks",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nHall of Hawks\nHawks painted in gold and brown soar along the walls. It is strangely warm here, as though fires lived just beyond your perception. The entire hall is open and unobstructed except by your presence.",
"hints": [
"get in stairs",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put chopsticks on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Hall of Hawks",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nPassage of Storms\nCherry blossoms and lilacs, kite-flying auguries and newly-budding leaves: the trappings of spring are far beneath you now, though the kite is a red speck dancing in the storm. The moonlit tower lays open beneath you, as though stones were no more than the barest skeleton, the merest shadow. Lightning and storm clouds gather around you, and in the sky above the Moon gallops beyond your reach to the horizon.",
"hints": [
"put dagger down"
"ploc": "Passage of Storms",
"inv": [
"bronze-hilted dagger"
"msg": "It is night, now and always, with the storm clouds and lightning your constant companions.",
"hints": [
"put dagger down"
"ploc": "Passage of Storms",
"inv": [
"bronze-hilted dagger"
"msg": "The sky is yours, in a dance unending, and you have shed your past (her eyes, the hand upon the blade, the blood, your brother's white and anguished face) as you ascend to your place in the zodiac.\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 59 turns.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions for AMUSING things to do or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"take mask",
"x mask",
"x self",
"x light",
"x leaf",
"x kite",
"x comb",
"x shadow",
"take dagger",
"take comb",
"x comb",
"hit comb",
"x compass",
"x feather",
"x hawk",
"x swallow",
"x crane",
"set compass to hawk",
"x trees",
"x leaf",
"take leaf",
"unfold leaf",
"x crane",
"set compass to crane",
"get fan",
"x fan",
"cut blue tassel",
"attach paper to teeth",
"attach string to kite",
"set compass to swallow",
"fly kite",
"look up",
"x horse",
"x flower",
"x bones",
"get bones with chopsticks",
"x arrangement",
"set constellations to horse",
"x arrangement",
"x hawks",
"wear mask",
"x storm",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nLife sucks. Today has been just another crummy day in another dismal spring which you've spent delivering pizzas. This afternoon has totally been dragging, except for that bit of excitement an hour ago when you broke the soda machine. You thought your boss was going to rip you a new orifice.\n\nAnyway, you've just finished mopping up behind the counter. There's only one more hour left on your shift and you're anxious to get out of here. Go home, watch the tube, blast some tunes, maybe scan the new \"Surfers Monthly\" magazine... gonna be a nice relaxing evening.\n\nShyeah, right. That's what YOU think.\n\n\nREVERBERATIONS\nA Hectic Voltairian Adventure\nCopyright (c) 1996 by Russell Glasser.\nUpdated and revised 1998\nRelease 1 / Serial number 990110 / Inform v6.10 Library 6/5\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nBehind the Counter\nYou are behind the counter at \"Mr. Tasty's Pizza Parlor\", where you are currently working. Not much of a job, but it keeps you from going broke during the nine months of the year when you can't pull down the bucks as surfing instructor. The rest of the parlor is southwest.\n\nThere is something pressing that you think you have to do, but you can't think what it might be.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"examine box",
"take box",
"take note",
"examine note",
"leave box",
"open box",
"push box to southwest",
"push note to southwest",
"push box to counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Behind the Counter",
"inv": null
"msg": "It's a majorly boring counter which you're unfortunately very familiar with. Hey, maybe that handwritten note lying next to a pizza box on the counter is related to whatever it is you're supposed to be doing now.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take box",
"take note",
"examine note",
"open box",
"push box to southwest",
"push note to southwest",
"take all off counter",
"push box to counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Behind the Counter",
"inv": null
"msg": "The note reads:\n\n\"Stanley,\n Don't forget to make your delivery to Mr. Calzone, located at the San Doppleton Courthouse. You're already on thin ice, kid. One more screwup and you can expect to be looking for a new job.\"\n\nThe note is signed with the initials \"RT\". The paper is official \"Mr. Tasty's\" stationery with the name Bob \"Tasty\" Tasker and lots of balloons and smiley faces all over the border. Isn't that cute?",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take box",
"take note",
"examine note",
"open box",
"push box to southwest",
"push note to southwest",
"take all off counter",
"push box to counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Behind the Counter",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take note",
"put box down",
"examine note",
"open box",
"push note to southwest",
"put box on counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Behind the Counter",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "You walk around to the front of the pizza parlor.\n\nPizza Parlor\nYou are standing in the middle of \"Mr. Tasty's Pizza Parlor\". The counter separating you from the back of the parlor stretches in front of you on the northeast corner of the room. To the south is an exit to the street.\n\nOn the counter is a handwritten note.",
"hints": [
"get in northeast",
"take note",
"put box down",
"examine note",
"open box",
"push note to northeast",
"put box on counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "The note reads:\n\n\"Stanley,\n Don't forget to make your delivery to Mr. Calzone, located at the San Doppleton Courthouse. You're already on thin ice, kid. One more screwup and you can expect to be looking for a new job.\"\n\nThe note is signed with the initials \"RT\". The paper is official \"Mr. Tasty's\" stationery with the name Bob \"Tasty\" Tasker and lots of balloons and smiley faces all over the border. Isn't that cute?",
"hints": [
"get in northeast",
"take note",
"put box down",
"examine note",
"open box",
"push note to northeast",
"put box on counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "\nStreet, by Pizza Parlor\nSan Doppleton is where you live, work and play -- at least until summer. It has the typical California culture; which is to say, none. But at least it's just forty minutes' drive from Santa Barbara and the beach, so you can't complain much.\n\nYou stand in the heart of San Doppleton's main drag, the business district. The street goes east and west. The sidewalk runs by a pizza parlor, with a sewer vent nearby.\n\nTwo men bump into each other. They murmur apologies and go their separate ways.",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"wake people",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"kiss people",
"hit people",
"open box",
"throw box",
"say east to people",
"ask people about east",
"ask people for east",
"show people box",
"give people box",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against people"
"ploc": "Street, by Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "\nStreet, Near Courthouse\nYou are approaching the center of downtown San Doppleton. There is a courthouse to the south. The street runs east and west.",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"examine box",
"put on west",
"put box down",
"open box",
"throw box",
"ploc": "Street, Near Courthouse",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "\nCourthouse\nYou are in a crowded courthouse. The street is off to the north.\n\nThe courtroom is currently abuzz with excitement as it seems that the pre-trial hearing of the infamous gangster, Guido \"The Armadillo\" Calzone is winding to a close. Guido and his hotshot lawyer sit placidly at their table, while the flustered young district attorney who is prosecuting the case seems like she's at her wits' end. At the moment, the D.A. stands at the front of the courtroom, arguing over a legal point with the judge.",
"hints": [
"wake district",
"put box down",
"kiss district",
"hit district",
"examine district",
"open box",
"say box to district",
"ask district about box",
"ask defense attorney for box",
"show district box",
"show calzone box",
"give district box",
"give calzone box",
"tell district about box",
"throw box against district"
"ploc": "Courthouse",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "You've never been up to date on local politics, but you can see that the DA is an attractive brunette in her mid-thirties. Why, that would make her only, uh... ten years old than you!\n\nThe more you look at her, the more you think she's a total babe! You bet she could totally go for a guy like you! After all, she's a brilliant, successful career-oriented woman with a promising future ahead of her, and you're... you're a college dropout pizza delivery boy.\n\nNever mind.\n\n\"Miss Thompson,\" says the judge, \"I've had about enough of you wasting this court's time. Unless you can demonstrate a clear threat to public safety, I'm going to recommend that Mr. Calzone be transported to a minimum security prison pending further review. His trial is to be held next week.\" Jill is clearly not happy with this pronouncement.",
"hints": [
"wake jill",
"put box down",
"kiss jill",
"hit jill",
"examine jill",
"open box",
"say box to jill",
"ask jill about box",
"ask defense attorney for box",
"show jill box",
"show defendant box",
"give jill box",
"give defendant box",
"tell jill about box",
"throw box against jill"
"ploc": "Courthouse",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\n\"Your honor, I wish you would reconsider,\" says Jill. \"The defendant has a long history of disappearances, and it is counsel's opinion that he will not be around in a week to stand trial. I recommend transporting him to a more secure prison.\"",
"hints": [
"wake jill",
"put box down",
"kiss jill",
"hit jill",
"examine jill",
"open box",
"say box to jill",
"ask jill about box",
"ask defense attorney for box",
"show jill box",
"show defendant box",
"give jill box",
"give defendant box",
"tell jill about box",
"throw box against jill"
"ploc": "Courthouse",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "You flip open the pizza box, revealing a large pizza.\n\n\"Your opinion is duly noted, Miss Thompson,\" says the judge sarcastically. \"But the fact is, the 'long history' you refer to is based on hearsay. Now, I recommend you gather some solid evidence when you prepare for the trial, because the minimal research you've obviously done won't be enough to convict the defendant.\"",
"hints": [
"wake guido",
"put box down",
"close box",
"eat pizza",
"kiss guido",
"push pizza to guido",
"hit guido",
"examine jill",
"look in pizza",
"open box",
"say box to guido",
"ask guido about box",
"ask guido for box",
"take pizza off box",
"push pizza to box",
"show guido box",
"show jill box",
"give guido box",
"give jill box",
"tell guido about box",
"throw box against guido"
"ploc": "Courthouse",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "Digging through layers of cheese, you discover and confiscate a metal file.\n\nJill tries desperately to convince the judge that Guido \"The Armadillo\" Calzone plans to escape, but it's obvious she won't get anywhere without more evidence.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"wake jill",
"put box down",
"put file down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss jill",
"push pizza to file",
"hit jill",
"examine file",
"examine jill",
"open box",
"say box to jill",
"ask jill about box",
"ask defense attorney for box",
"take pizza off box",
"push pizza to box",
"show jill box",
"show jill file",
"give jill box",
"give jill file",
"tell jill about box",
"throw box against jill",
"throw file against jill"
"ploc": "Courthouse",
"inv": [
"metal file",
"large pizza box"
"msg": "Jill looks astonished when you tell her where you found the file. She marches smartly up to the stand and shows this new evidence to the judge, who can't argue with her logic. He orders Guido into a maximum security prison pending further review.\n\nAs the courtroom clears out, the bailiff drags Guido past you. With intense calm, Guido looks you right in the eye and says, \"That was a mistake, my friend. It don't pay to mess with The Family.\n\n\"I believe THIS belongs to me,\" he adds, ungraciously snatching the pizza box from your hands on the way out.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Courthouse",
"inv": null
"msg": "Jill is here.\n\nJill approaches and shakes your hand warmly. \"That was a brilliant work in there, kid. If it hadn't been for you, Guido might have escaped from jail.\" Seeing your blank look, she says, \"My name Jill Thompson. I'm San Doppleton's District Attorney. For the past four years, I've been pursuing this local mafia branch, trying to bring some serious legal action down on them. These guys seem to own everything in town, and they already know me by sight. So I can't find any more clues before the trial but you can. Please try dig up whatever information you can, I'll be up in my office if you need me. I work at Gunther & Associates. It's on the third floor of that tall building over there, you can't miss it.\"\n\nJill walks away to the west.\n\nStreet, Near Courthouse",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"put on west",
"ploc": "Street, Near Courthouse",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDowntown\nYou are in downtown San Doppleton. The street coming from the east ends at a three-story office building to the west.\n\nA guy in a business suit walks past you.",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine rider",
"wake rider",
"put on rider",
"kiss rider",
"hit rider",
"say east to rider",
"ask rider about east",
"ask rider for east",
"tell rider about east"
"ploc": "Downtown",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOffice Building\nYou are in an office building. The exit to the street is east. There is also a flight of stairs heading up to the north.\n\nThere are fronds on either side of the exit on the east.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Office Building",
"inv": null
"msg": "The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge south.\n\nOffice Building, Second Floor\nTo the east you can see an office door labelled \"Gunther & Associates\"; other than that, the office doors on this floor are pretty unremarkable. The stairs go up to the south and down to the north.",
"hints": [
"wake other",
"kiss other",
"say east to other",
"ask other about east"
"ploc": "Office Building, Second Floor",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nLaw Office\nYou are in a bustling law office. The east wall is dominated by a large window.\n\nJill stands here.\n\nAs you walk into the office, Jill spots you. \"Hi!\" she says. \"Listen, Stan. I have reason to believe that the Mayor is tangled up in the mafia. I managed to use some connections to get this key. It unlocks the mayor's cabinet.\" She hands you a key. \"I'd use it myself, but I already have several eyes on me at all times. They know me.\"",
"hints": [
"wake attorney",
"put key down",
"kiss attorney",
"hit attorney",
"say window to attorney",
"ask attorney about window",
"give attorney key",
"tell attorney about window",
"throw key against attorney",
"ploc": "Law Office",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nOffice Building, Second Floor",
"hints": [
"wake other",
"put other down",
"kiss other",
"say east to other",
"ask other about east"
"ploc": "Office Building, Second Floor",
"inv": [
"msg": "The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge north.\n\nOffice Building, Third Floor\nTo the east is a door labelled \"John Winnick, Mayor of San Doppleton\". The stairs go up to the north and down to the south.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"close door",
"ploc": "Office Building, Third Floor",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nMayor's Office\nYou are in the mayor's office. To the east is a window overlooking a second-story drop. There is a glass box mounted on the north wall.\n\nYou can see a file cabinet (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"close story",
"close door",
"hit story",
"open story",
"open cabinet with key"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"msg": "You open up the window.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"close story",
"close door",
"hit story",
"open story",
"open cabinet with key"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"msg": "You unlock the file cabinet.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"close story",
"close door",
"hit story",
"open cabinet",
"open story",
"lock cabinet with key"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"msg": "You open the mayor's file cabinet. A massive quantity of paperwork is in there. Amongst the paper you see a particular file which looks suspicious.",
"hints": [
"take file",
"put key down",
"close cabinet",
"close story",
"close door",
"push file to east",
"hit story",
"open story",
"take file off cabinet",
"put key in cabinet",
"push file to cabinet"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"msg": "You smugly retrieve the file.\n\nJust are you're starting to feel disappointed about how easy it was to search around in the mayor's secret files, you hear a commotion out in the hall. Suddenly, you find yourself staring into the shifty face of Mayor Winnick himself. He quickly assesses the situation and makes a curt gesture. In walks a very large, very ugly lackey, who begins to approach with a nasty look in his eye.\n\nThe henchman approaches with a mean gleam in his eye. It is highly recommended that you find an escape route.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by three points.]",
"hints": [
"wake lackey",
"put file down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close cabinet",
"close story",
"close door",
"get in story",
"get in door",
"kiss lackey",
"hit story",
"open story",
"say east to mayor",
"ask lackey about east",
"ask mayor for east",
"put file in cabinet",
"put key in cabinet",
"put all in cabinet",
"give mayor file",
"tell lackey about east",
"throw file against lackey"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"secret file",
"msg": "Desperately looking for a way out, you climb out the open window. You find yourself dangling from the window sill over a three-story drop.\n\nHangin' Out\nYou are dangling over a three-story drop, desperately clutching the window ledge with your fingertips. And as if that weren't bad enough, a very angry mayor and a very large security guard are inside, and they're both very eager to get rid of you.\n\nYour feet are just low enough to touch the window on the next floor below you.\n\nInside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey congratulating each other on getting rid of you.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine floor",
"examine third story window",
"put on floor",
"put key down",
"put file down",
"throw key",
"throw file",
"put all on second story window"
"ploc": "Hangin' Out",
"inv": [
"window sill",
"secret file",
"msg": "You frantically kick on the window below you, hoping that somebody will hear.\n\nInside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.\n\nThere seems to be some activity in the room on the second story.",
"hints": [
"examine floor",
"examine third story window",
"put on floor",
"put key down",
"put file down",
"throw key",
"throw file",
"put all on second story window"
"ploc": "Hangin' Out",
"inv": [
"window sill",
"secret file",
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nInside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.\n\nThe window down below is opening.",
"hints": [
"examine floor",
"examine third story window",
"put on floor",
"put key down",
"put file down",
"throw key",
"throw file",
"put all on second story window"
"ploc": "Hangin' Out",
"inv": [
"window sill",
"secret file",
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nInside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.\n\nSomebody sticks their head out of the second story window... by god, it's Jill!",
"hints": [
"examine floor",
"examine third story window",
"put sill down",
"examine window",
"wake jill",
"put on floor",
"put file down",
"put key down",
"kiss jill",
"hit jill",
"throw file",
"throw key",
"say third story window to jill",
"ask jill about third story window",
"ask jill for third story window",
"put all on jill",
"give jill file",
"tell jill about third story window",
"throw sill against jill"
"ploc": "Hangin' Out",
"inv": [
"window sill",
"secret file",
"msg": "Jill nods frantically. She holds out her arms trying to reach you.\n\nThe mayor and the lackey look out the window. They are surprised to see you.\n\nJill looks up at you anxiously.",
"hints": [
"examine floor",
"examine mayor",
"put sill down",
"wake mayor",
"put on mayor",
"put on lackey",
"put file down",
"put key down",
"take all",
"kiss mayor",
"kiss jill",
"take lackey",
"hit mayor",
"hit jill",
"throw lackey",
"throw file",
"throw key",
"say mayor to jill",
"say jill to mayor",
"ask mayor about jill",
"ask jill about mayor",
"ask mayor for jill",
"hit mayor with lackey",
"hit jill with lackey",
"put all on mayor",
"push lackey to mayor",
"give mayor file",
"pay mayor lackey",
"tell mayor about jill",
"tell jill about mayor",
"throw lackey against mayor",
"throw file against mayor"
"ploc": "Hangin' Out",
"inv": [
"window sill",
"secret file",
"msg": "You release your grip on the window and you're falling, falling...\n\n\"GOTCHA!\" You find yourself in the remarkably strong arms of Jill, who hauls you into her window and onto solid ground. You've never been so happy to see anyone in your life.\n\nLaw Office\nYou are in a bustling law office. The east wall is dominated by a large window.\n\nJill stands here.\n\nYou briefly relate to Jill what's just been happening to you. Jill looks thoughtful as she takes the file from you. \"So you uncovered evidence that the mayor is connected to the mob? And he knows that you found out. This sounds serious. If I'm not mistaken, every cop in the district is going to be after your head pretty soon.\n\n\"Good work, though, Stan. Don't stop now. I'm going to phone the state police and see if I can get outside help on this case.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"wake attorney",
"put key down",
"kiss attorney",
"hit attorney",
"say window to attorney",
"ask attorney about window",
"give attorney key",
"tell attorney about window",
"throw key against attorney",
"ploc": "Law Office",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nOffice Building, Second Floor",
"hints": [
"wake other",
"put other down",
"kiss other",
"say east to other",
"ask other about east"
"ploc": "Office Building, Second Floor",
"inv": [
"msg": "The stairs angle down and back, and you emerge south.\n\nOffice Building\n\nThere are fronds on either side of the exit on the east.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"ploc": "Office Building",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nDowntown\n\nA police car drives by. You press yourself against a wall until it goes by.",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine gun",
"wake people",
"put on east",
"put key down",
"kiss people",
"hit people",
"throw key",
"say east to people",
"ask people about east",
"ask people for east",
"give people key",
"tell people about east",
"throw key against people"
"ploc": "Downtown",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nStreet, Near Courthouse",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"examine key",
"put on west",
"put key down",
"throw key",
"ploc": "Street, Near Courthouse",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nStreet, by Pizza Parlor",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine parlor",
"wake people",
"put on east",
"put key down",
"kiss people",
"hit people",
"throw key",
"say east to people",
"ask people about east",
"ask people for east",
"give people key",
"tell people about east",
"throw key against people"
"ploc": "Street, by Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nPizza Parlor\n\nOn the counter are a small pizza box (which is closed) and a handwritten note.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"get in northeast",
"take box",
"take note",
"put key down",
"examine note",
"open box",
"throw box",
"push note to northeast",
"take all off counter",
"put key on counter",
"push box to counter",
"push box to northeast",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"get in northeast",
"take note",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"examine note",
"open box",
"throw box",
"push note to northeast",
"put box on counter",
"put key on counter",
"put all on counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You flip open the pizza box... AND THERE'S A BOMB INSIDE!!!!!",
"hints": [
"get in northeast",
"take note",
"take bomb",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"push bomb to northeast",
"examine note",
"throw box",
"push note to northeast",
"put box on counter",
"put key on counter",
"put all on counter",
"push note to counter",
"push bomb to box",
"push bomb to counter"
"ploc": "Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"get in northeast",
"take note",
"put box down",
"put bomb down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"examine note",
"push note to northeast",
"put box on counter",
"put bomb on counter",
"put key on counter",
"put all on counter",
"put bomb in box",
"put key in box",
"push note to box",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nStreet, by Pizza Parlor",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"wake people",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"put bomb down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"hit people",
"throw box",
"throw bomb",
"throw key",
"say east to people",
"ask people about east",
"ask people for east",
"put all on east",
"put bomb in box",
"put bomb in vent",
"put key in box",
"put all in box",
"give people box",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against people"
"ploc": "Street, by Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Thinking fast, you deposit the bomb in the sewer duct. Moments later, you breathe a sigh of relief as you hear a quiet splash. No doubt you've saved yourself and the city from certain destruction.\n\nAn absolutely massive explosion rocks the ground beneath your feet. Buildings tremble all around you and the pavement lurches sickeningly. After a moment the shockwaves die down, but you still feel an occasional tremor. Seems like you might have triggered some sort of geological disaster.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"wake people",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"hit people",
"throw box",
"throw key",
"say east to people",
"ask people about east",
"ask people for east",
"put key in box",
"give people box",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against people"
"ploc": "Street, by Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nStreet, by Department Store\nOn this end of the street, a department store called Barkley's sits to the south.",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"examine store",
"wake people",
"put on people",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"hit people",
"throw box",
"throw key",
"say store to people",
"ask people about store",
"ask people for store",
"put key in box",
"give people box",
"tell people about store",
"throw box against people",
"ploc": "Street, by Department Store",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nClothing Department\nYou are in the clothing department at Barkley's. There are many racks of clothes here. You may exit to the north. To the southwest lies the hardware department, and southeast is the cosmetics department.\n\nYou can see a store clerk here.",
"hints": [
"wake clerk",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"kiss clerk",
"hit clerk",
"say box to clerk",
"ask clerk about box",
"ask clerk for box",
"put key in box",
"give clerk box",
"tell clerk about box",
"throw box against clerk"
"ploc": "Clothing Department",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nAs you enter the cosmetics department, a big thug steps out of the shadows. Making a mocking bow in your direction, the thug says: \"Greetings. I am Sammy 'The Inhospitable' Toriglioni, and I will be joining you for your dying pleasure this afternoon.\" He pulls a gun out of his suit coat and bounces it lightly in one hand.\n\nCosmetics Department\nThe shelves are lined with bottles of perfume, cologne, hairspray, and other cosmetic paraphernalia. [You know, an adventure game just isn't complete if it doesn't use the word \"paraphernalia.\"] You can go northwest to the clothing department, or west to the hardware department.\n\nYou can see a thug here.",
"hints": [
"wake other",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss other",
"hit other",
"say bunch of cosmetic stuff to other",
"ask other about bunch of cosmetic stuff",
"ask other for west",
"put key in box",
"give thug box",
"tell other about bunch of cosmetic stuff",
"throw box against other"
"ploc": "Cosmetics Department",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Taken.\n\nThe building you are in shakes ominously under the force of the earthquake. You lean up against a wall until it subsides.\n\n\"SO, ya wanted to be a hero, kid? I'd say your future as the Lone Ranger isn't looking too promising.\"",
"hints": [
"wake other",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss other",
"take hairspray",
"hit other",
"spray other",
"say hairspray to other",
"ask other about hairspray",
"ask other for hairspray",
"hit other with hairspray",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"give thug hairspray",
"tell other about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against other"
"ploc": "Cosmetics Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You spritz the thug right in the face. He is so totally surprised to have you actually fight back that he takes the shot right in the eyes and winces, momentarily unabled to fight back. He's not down yet, but this might be a good time to finish him off.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine hairspray",
"wake other",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss other",
"take hairspray",
"hit other",
"say hairspray to other",
"ask other about hairspray",
"ask other for hairspray",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"give thug hairspray",
"tell other about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against other"
"ploc": "Cosmetics Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You give him a kick to the stomach, and a passable imitation of a karate chop on the back. Normally this wouldn't have worked, but since he was temporarily blinded, he never saw you coming. He collapses on the floor, momentarily winded. This would be a great time for you to get out.\n\nThe building you are in shakes ominously under the force of the earthquake. You lean up against a wall until it subsides.",
"hints": [
"examine hairspray",
"wake other",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss other",
"take hairspray",
"say hairspray to other",
"ask other about hairspray",
"ask other for hairspray",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"show thug hairspray",
"give thug hairspray",
"tell other about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against other",
"ploc": "Cosmetics Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Doubled over in pain, the thug is powerless to stop your retreat.\n\nClothing Department",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"take hairspray",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box"
"ploc": "Clothing Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "The clerk seems to have been knocked out and dragged somewhere by the thug on his entrance. You brazenly walk out with your shoplifted item.\n\nStreet, by Department Store\n\nA police car drives by. You press yourself against a wall until it goes by.\n\nThe ground trembles under your feet. It feels like an earthquake might be in progress.\n\nOkay, let's recap the story so far. Your afternoon got off to an interesting start when you foiled an escape attempt by Guido \"The Armadillo\" Calzone. This heroic-but-not-terribly-bright action brought down the wrath of the local mafia down on you, who tried to assassinate you inside a department store. They also left a \"special delivery\" for you which started an earthquake. You were also responsible for uncovering the illicit activities of the corrupt mayor, who then sent every cop and trooper in the area to take care of you. So, you're hounded by the police, wanted dead by the mob, and trying to cope with a massive earthquake.\n\nAs you step outside, you can see that the people of the town have succumbed to the general chaos of the environment, and now the town of San Doppleton is marred by heavy rioting.",
"hints": [
"examine bottle of hairspray",
"examine hairspray",
"wake people",
"put on south",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"take hairspray",
"throw hairspray",
"throw box",
"throw key",
"say hairspray to people",
"ask people about hairspray",
"ask people for hairspray",
"put all on south",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"put all in box",
"show people hairspray",
"give people hairspray",
"tell people about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against people",
"ploc": "Street, by Department Store",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"examine bottle of hairspray",
"examine hairspray",
"wake people",
"put on south",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"take hairspray",
"throw hairspray",
"throw box",
"throw key",
"say hairspray to people",
"ask people about hairspray",
"ask people for hairspray",
"put all on south",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"put all in box",
"show people hairspray",
"give people hairspray",
"tell people about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against people",
"ploc": "Street, by Department Store",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nSomeone rushes out of Barkley's carrying a TV set.\n\nThe ground trembles under your feet. It feels like an earthquake might be in progress.",
"hints": [
"examine bottle of hairspray",
"examine hairspray",
"wake people",
"put on south",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"take hairspray",
"throw hairspray",
"throw box",
"throw key",
"say hairspray to people",
"ask people about hairspray",
"ask people for hairspray",
"put all on south",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"put all in box",
"show people hairspray",
"give people hairspray",
"tell people about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against people",
"ploc": "Street, by Department Store",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nClothing Department",
"hints": [
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"take hairspray",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box"
"ploc": "Clothing Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nHardware Department\nYou are in the hardware department at Barkley's. There are tools all over the place. You can go northeast to the clothing department, or east to the cosmetics department.\n \nThe place is filled with debris from the riots. Lying on the ground you see a rope and a hammer which have been randomly flung off the shelves.",
"hints": [
"take rope",
"take hammer",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"take all",
"take hairspray",
"throw rope",
"throw hammer",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"push rope to hairspray",
"push rope to box",
"push hammer to hairspray",
"push hammer to box",
"ploc": "Hardware Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take rope",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put hammer down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"throw rope",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put key in box",
"push rope to hairspray",
"push rope to box",
"ploc": "Hardware Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put rope in box",
"put key in box",
"ploc": "Hardware Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nClothing Department",
"hints": [
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put rope in box",
"put key in box"
"ploc": "Clothing Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nStreet, by Department Store\n\nSomeone rushes out of Barkley's carrying a TV set.",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"examine box",
"put all on south",
"wake people",
"put on south",
"put box down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"take rope",
"take hairspray",
"throw box",
"throw rope",
"throw key",
"throw hairspray",
"throw hammer",
"say box to people",
"ask people about box",
"ask people for box",
"put all on box",
"put rope in box",
"put key in box",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put all in box",
"show people box",
"give people box",
"tell people about box",
"throw box against people",
"ploc": "Street, by Department Store",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nStreet, by Pizza Parlor\n\nYou lurch for a moment as the ground makes loud rumbling noises. Sounds like an earthquake is about to hit. A bad one.",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"put all on east",
"wake people",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"throw box",
"throw hairspray",
"throw hammer",
"throw rope",
"throw key",
"say east to people",
"ask people about east",
"ask people for east",
"put all on box",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put rope in box",
"put key in box",
"put all in box",
"show people box",
"give people box",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against people"
"ploc": "Street, by Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nStreet, Near Courthouse",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"examine hairspray",
"put all on west",
"put on west",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"throw hairspray",
"throw box",
"throw hammer",
"throw rope",
"throw key",
"put all on hairspray",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put rope in box",
"put key in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Street, Near Courthouse",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nDowntown\n\nA security guard stands in front of the entrance to the government building, looking bored.\n\nA rioter throws a rock at the mayor's window. The rock bounces to the ground, barely missing you. Those windows are pretty durable.",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"put all on east",
"wake guard",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss guard",
"take rope",
"take hairspray",
"throw box",
"throw rope",
"throw key",
"throw hairspray",
"throw hammer",
"say east to guard",
"ask guard about east",
"ask people about east",
"ask guard for east",
"put all on box",
"put rope in box",
"put key in box",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put all in box",
"show guard box",
"show guard rope",
"give guard box",
"give guard rope",
"tell guard about east",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against guard"
"ploc": "Downtown",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You close the pizza box.\n\nA police car drives by. You press yourself against a wall until it goes by.",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"put all on east",
"wake guard",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"kiss guard",
"take rope",
"take hairspray",
"open box",
"throw box",
"throw rope",
"throw key",
"throw hairspray",
"throw hammer",
"say east to guard",
"ask guard about east",
"ask people about east",
"ask guard for east",
"put all on box",
"show guard box",
"show guard rope",
"give guard box",
"give guard rope",
"tell guard about east",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against guard"
"ploc": "Downtown",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "The guard looks suspicious as you explain that you have a pizza delivery for Jill Thompson, the District Attorney. Pulling a cellular phone off of his uniform, he dials a number that you presume is for Jill's office. After a few moments, he hangs up and grudgingly steps aside for you.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by three points.]",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"put all on east",
"wake guard",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"kiss guard",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"hit guard",
"open box",
"throw box",
"throw hairspray",
"throw hammer",
"throw rope",
"throw key",
"say east to guard",
"ask guard about east",
"ask people about east",
"ask guard for east",
"put all on box",
"give guard box",
"give guard hairspray",
"tell guard about east",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against guard"
"ploc": "Downtown",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "The guard steps aside and lets you pass.\n\nOffice Building\n\nThere are fronds on either side of the exit on the east.",
"hints": [
"put box down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open box"
"ploc": "Office Building",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge south.\nJill runs out of her office. \"Stan! Thank goodness you made it! The mafia has just regrouped in the mayor's office to discuss their final plans for total citywide domination! Reinforcements from the state are on their way, but they're going to need some kind of diversion to get into the building without being caught by the mayor's troops! Can you do that for us?\"\n\nOf course you can; you're the hero. (A paper-thin excuse if you ever heard one, but you don't seem to have enough excitement in your life anyway.)\n\nJill runs back into her office.\n\nOffice Building, Second Floor",
"hints": [
"wake other",
"put box down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"kiss other",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open box",
"say east to other",
"ask other about east"
"ploc": "Office Building, Second Floor",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge north.\n\nOffice Building, Third Floor",
"hints": [
"put box down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open box"
"ploc": "Office Building, Third Floor",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge south.\n\nRoof of Office Building\nYou are on the roof of the government building. You can go back down the stairs to the north. There is a lightning rod sticking up.",
"hints": [
"put box down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"take rope",
"take hairspray",
"open box"
"ploc": "Roof of Office Building",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You cleverly tie the rope to the lightning rod, dropping the other end on the ground.\n\nThe building you are in shakes ominously under the force of the earthquake. You lean up against a wall until it subsides.",
"hints": [
"take rope",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put hammer down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"climb rope",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open box",
"push rope to hairspray",
"push rope to box"
"ploc": "Roof of Office Building",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You pick up the other end of the rope. Now what?",
"hints": [
"put box down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"take rope",
"take hairspray",
"open box"
"ploc": "Roof of Office Building",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Giving a mighty yell, you boldly leap off the side of the building! The rope tightens and then swings you back towards the building. You do your best to look like Bruce Willis as you haplessly zoom towards the window...\n\nCRASH!!!\n\nMayor's Office\nYou are in the mayor's office. To the east is a window overlooking a second-story drop. There is a glass box mounted on the north wall.\n\nYou can see Robert \"Tasty\" Tasker, a huge crowd of mafia guys and a file cabinet (which is empty) here.\n\nOh my. You seem to have crashed (pardon the pun) a private party of some sort. There are a couple of dozen guys wearing suits and dark glasses. And sitting imperiously at the mayor's desk, glaring at you behind a bevy of bodyguards, is... <ga",
"hints": [
"wake guys",
"put hairspray down",
"put pizza down",
"put hammer down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close cabinet",
"close door",
"get in story",
"get in door",
"kiss guys",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open pizza",
"say hairspray to guys",
"ask guys about hairspray",
"ask guys for hairspray",
"hit box with hammer",
"put hairspray in cabinet",
"put pizza in cabinet",
"put hammer in cabinet",
"put key in cabinet",
"put all in cabinet",
"give guys hairspray",
"tell guys about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against guys"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You smash the glass.\n\nRobert \"Tasty\" Tasker speaks. \"Stan, you idiot, can't you get ANYTHING right? I ask you to make one simple delivery in the afternoon and you have to go and ruin all my plans.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by three points.]",
"hints": [
"wake guys",
"take axe",
"put pizza down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"close cabinet",
"close door",
"get in story",
"get in door",
"kiss guys",
"push axe to east",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open pizza",
"say east to guys",
"ask guys about east",
"ask guys for east",
"hit guys with axe",
"put pizza in cabinet",
"put key in cabinet",
"put hairspray in cabinet",
"put hammer in cabinet",
"put all in cabinet",
"push axe to cabinet",
"give guys pizza",
"pay guys axe",
"tell guys about east",
"throw pizza against guys",
"throw axe against guys"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Taken.\n\nRobert \"Tasty\" Tasker continues his rant. \"By now, I'm sure even YOU have figured out that Guido was just a fall-guy, a figurehead. His escape from jail would have been a purely symbolic event. I'm the real leader of the mafia around here. A pity that information won't do you any good since you'll be dead.\"\n\nYour eyes are drawn to a movement on the street below. Looking through the broken glass, you see a huge squad of police cars. You breathe a sigh of relief... maybe they're here to save you!\n\nA huge tremor shakes the office building.",
"hints": [
"wake guys",
"put pizza down",
"put axe down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"close cabinet",
"close door",
"get in story",
"get in door",
"kiss guys",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open pizza",
"say east to guys",
"ask guys about east",
"ask guys for east",
"put pizza in cabinet",
"put axe in cabinet",
"put key in cabinet",
"put hairspray in cabinet",
"put hammer in cabinet",
"put all in cabinet",
"give guys pizza",
"tell guys about east",
"throw pizza against guys"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"fire axe",
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nOutside the window, a cop steps out in front of the cars, holding a bullhorn. \"STANLEY, THIS IS THE SAN DOPPLETON POLICE. YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR ILLEGAL BREAKING AND ENTERING, ASSAULT ON A STATE OFFICIAL, AND ESPIONAGE. COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP.\" Your sigh of relief dies.\n\n\"With the mayor receiving kickbacks from us, you didn't *really* think the police would be on your side, did you Stan?\" says Mr. Tasker wryly. \"Looks like you're all finished, kid.\"",
"hints": [
"wake guys",
"put pizza down",
"put axe down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"close cabinet",
"close door",
"get in story",
"get in door",
"kiss guys",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open pizza",
"say east to guys",
"ask guys about east",
"ask guys for east",
"put pizza in cabinet",
"put axe in cabinet",
"put key in cabinet",
"put hairspray in cabinet",
"put hammer in cabinet",
"put all in cabinet",
"give guys pizza",
"tell guys about east",
"throw pizza against guys"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"fire axe",
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "(the floor with the fire axe)\nSwinging the axe high above your head, you pause for just a minute and look Mr. Tasker in the eye. \"I'll see you all in hell,\" you comment lightly.\n\nYou bring the axe down with a mighty chop, smack in the middle of the crack in the floor. A gigantic rift opens in the floor. The mafia guys topple and fall right down into the office below. Having seen it coming, you manage to leap onto the window sill, out of harm's way.\n\nAt the same moment, the door opens with a loud crash. Seven heavily armed police officers barge in, aiming their weapons at you. \"You're under arrest...\" they begin to say.\n\n\"No, YOU'RE under arrest,\" says a voice behind them. You grin broadly as you see Jill leaning on the door frame. Backing her up is a great big SWAT team. Using the evidence that you collected for her, Jill was able to get support from the state's higher court and expose the corrupt local government.\n\n\"How convenient that your mafia friends just happened to land right in my office,\" says Jill. Looking past her, you see all the dark suited guys being handcuffed and booked by the SWAT team. The team leader adds, \"You're all under arrest for bribery, corruption, public endangerment, impersonating police officers... and, um, extreme stupidity.\"\n\n\"Take 'em away, boys,\" says Jill.\n\nAs the police drag Mr. Tasker past you, he says to you, \"I hope you realize... YOU'RE FIRED!\" \"Fine!\" you reply. \"You can take this job and shove it anyway.\" Jill chimes in, \"Especially since you have a brilliant career as a hired investigator ahead of you!\"\n\nYou look at Jill as the dust begins to settle. \"Really?\" you ask. \"How about a future on date with you?\" She smiles and gives you a big kiss. The earth moves for you. Or maybe it's just the quake.\n\n\n *** You Rule! The game's totally over! ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 50 out of a possible 50, in 74 turns.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"x counter",
"read note",
"get pizza box",
"x note",
"x district attorney",
"open pizza box",
"search pizza",
"show file to district attorney",
"open window",
"unlock cabinet with key",
"open cabinet",
"get file",
"jump out window",
"kick second window",
"jill, hold me",
"get pizza box",
"open pizza box",
"get bomb",
"put bomb in sewer",
"get spray",
"spray thug",
"kick thug",
"take hammer",
"take rope",
"close pizza box",
"show box to guard",
"tie rope to rod",
"hold rope",
"break glass with hammer",
"take axe",
"hit floor with axe",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nFamiliar as your dream may be, the shapes and the colours that surround you feel as scary as ever. For more than two months the beginning of your nightly nightmares have stayed the same. The old woman drags you up from your bed. Your struggles are in vain against the iron-hard grip of the bony hands as she pushes you out of the window. But instead of falling headlong towards the backyard below you find yourself in an alien world, trying desperately to wake up.\n\nThe Temple\nAn Interactive Homage to H.P. Lovecraft\n(c) 2002 Johan Berntsson\n\nPlease type \"help\" for instructions and license information.\nRelease 2 / Serial number 021118 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/2\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nVoid\nYou plunge through limitless abysses of inexplicably coloured twilight and distorted sound, whose material and gravitational properties are beyond reason and understanding. The abysses are by no means vacant, being crowded with hazy objects, much like shadows, that are moving around in a haphazard manner. ",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Void",
"inv": null
"msg": "You try to feel your body, but get only the strangest feeling. Something is there, but no reaction, no nerve pulse, feels normal. As you look down on your body you see only a haze, like those of the shadows around you.\n\nA cascade of red colour explodes below you.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Void",
"inv": null
"msg": "They are sometimes stationary, sometimes moving around. Their movement is not linear and they seem to suddenly dissolve from one place, only to appear from nothing in a new place, apparently at random. Although they sometimes are close to you they always appear hazy.\n\nSuddenly there is a new element in your dream, one you have never experienced before. A sense of blinding fear threatens to overwhelm you as a shape appears close to you. There is nothing visually different about it, but you can't bear looking at it for very long.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Void",
"inv": null
"msg": "In your current state of fear your mind and body refuse to cooperate.\n\nThe shadow disappears somewhere. A slave under someone else's will, you find yourself moving towards a place you have never seen before.\n\nRoof\nThe city below you is ancient. Dark domes and steep roofs form a silent silhouette against the clear star-filled sky. You are standing on the roof of a tower, built of crumbling masonry, which seems to be centuries old. An iron railing of strange design circles the perimeter of the roof and a winding staircase leads down.",
"hints": [
"take railing",
"ploc": "Roof",
"inv": null
"msg": "The railing won't budge, but one of the statues breaks of in your hands.",
"hints": [
"put statue down"
"ploc": "Roof",
"inv": [
"hideous statue"
"msg": "In the stone the artist has carved a hideous monster. It is vaguely human-shaped, but the arms are too long, the skin is covered by scales, and the fangs are definitely out of place.",
"hints": [
"put statue down"
"ploc": "Roof",
"inv": [
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nThe winding staircase leads to a spacious chamber inside the tower.\n\nStudy\nDust and spider webs cover all surfaces in this room in a soft silver gleam, blurring the outlines of the furnishings into fantastic, dreamy forms. The walls are lined with bookshelves and a lone desk lies at one corner. Close to a staircase, which leads further up and down the tower, is a massive table made of black stone. A doorway leads to a smaller room to the south.\n\nOn the desk is a yellow paper.",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"examine writing",
"put statue down",
"examine table",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"hideous statue"
"msg": "On the paper is a coded message and it is impossible to say even in which language the text is written.",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"examine writing",
"put statue down",
"examine table",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine writing",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"examine table",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put all on desk",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The base of the stone table is covered with carvings, each showing different kinds of creatures, or maybe Gods, standing on stone tables. Humans, who seem to be reciting prayers or spells, are standing in front of the creatures.\n\nYou spot something behind the table. Pushing the cobwebs aside, you reveal some writing, crudely painted on the stone wall with black paint.",
"hints": [
"examine writing",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put all on desk",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "It seems to be a poem, or chant. The language is unfamiliar and complicated, and you repeat the syllables with a low voice: Y'ai'ng'ngah h'ee-l'geb f'ai throdog.\n\nEven as you speak you sense something approaching. The light in the room darkens, and a mysterious green glow is emitted from some dust on the stone table. Its brightness intensifies to an unbearable level and you involuntarily step away. A shape appears on the previously empty table. As the flash fades away you recognise the shape as that of a man, lying still on the table.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"touch body",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The unconscious man is young, tall, and white. You guess he could be of British descent. The most striking thing about him is his clothes, which looks at least eighty years out of fashion.",
"hints": [
"touch body",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "After several attempts, you manage to shake the man awake. He sits up on the table, still confused. In response to your many questions the man simply states that he can't remember and it seems that he is suffering from amnesia.",
"hints": [
"examine staircase",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You browse through the library but can't find any books written in a language you can read, so you leave them alone.\n\nThe man gets up from the table and looks around, perplexed. 'I think I've been here before', he mutters.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The dust is everywhere.\n\nThe man asks who you are. You tell him about your dream, and how you ended up here.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The desk is well used and the surface has many scratches and stains of ink.\n\nThe man falls silent for a while, and then he says: 'Some parts of my memory have come back now. I remember that my name is Charles Bristow and I studied archeology and history in New England. Something terrible happened but of that I can recall only small fragments.' He looks around the chamber and says with despair in his voice, 'My God, where am I? Will my nightmares never end?'",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nHall\nThis damp hall occupies the whole ground level of the tower. A staircase provides access to the higher levels, while a massive oak door, set in the southern wall, leads out.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"take into bristow",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The door is big and made of crude oak logs, which have darkened to almost black with time and wear. The lock and the iron handle look handcrafted and antique.\n\nCharles tries to open the door and says 'It's locked. Do you know where the key is?'",
"hints": [
"take into bristow",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nThe winding staircase leads to a spacious chamber inside the tower.\n\nStudy\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nStorage\nThis is a minor storage chamber, connected to the study through a doorway in the northern wall. There are some shelves, mostly vacant, here.\n\nOn one of the shelves are four small vials, each neatly labelled and containing some green powder.\n\nCharles follows you.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"take all off shelves",
"put paper on shelves",
"put statue on shelves",
"put all on shelves",
"ploc": "Storage",
"inv": [
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Randomly you pick one of the vials from the shelf.\n\nCharles picks up a vial. 'I saw this before in a dream', he says and puts it back.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"take all off shelves",
"put paper on shelves",
"put statue on shelves",
"put vial on shelves",
"put all on shelves",
"ploc": "Storage",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Randomly you pick one of the vials from the shelf.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"put paper on shelves",
"put statue on shelves",
"put vial on shelves",
"put all on shelves",
"ploc": "Storage",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Randomly you pick one of the vials from the shelf.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"put paper on shelves",
"put statue on shelves",
"put vial on shelves",
"put all on shelves",
"ploc": "Storage",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nStudy\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on dust",
"put vial on desk",
"put vial on table",
"put vial on bookshelves",
"put vial on ink",
"put vial on dust",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on dust",
"put all on desk",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on dust",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Just as you descend the last steps of the staircase you notice that something is wedged between the door and the door frame!\n\nHall\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"take into bristow",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You explain your idea for Charles and he lifts you up. After a few moments of nervous search your fingers touch cold metal. You jerk it out and Charles puts you down again. The fruit of your effort is an iron key.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by three points.]",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You unlock the oak door.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down",
"open door",
"lock door with key"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You open the oak door.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nBefore A Dark Tower\nThis area in front of an old tower offers a nightmarish view over a monstrous tangle of dark stone buildings. Most buildings are elliptical, built of irregular-sized basalt blocks of irregular size. None of them seem to have any doors or windows. There is a square further down to the southwest. The sole passage to the tower is through the door to the north.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"take into southwest",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Before A Dark Tower",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Judging from the masonry the tower must be centuries old. It towers high above the nightmarish city below.\n\nCharles looks nervously around.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"take into southwest",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Before A Dark Tower",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nPublic Square\nThere is a large public square here, surrounded by the same strange elliptical buildings on all sides except to the east, where a high wall built of massive sandstone blocks stands. There is a road to the west leading deeper into the city. Against the sky you see a high tower to the northeast. The only trace of life comes from the south where a road leads to what appears to be a temple.\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The wall is running in north-south direction. It is constructed of huge sandstone blocks and must be more than twelve feet high.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The temple is an impressive and forbidding structure, adorned by mysterious mural paintings. Many people have gathered inside, and muffled sounds of praying can be heard even from the outside.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "'Look at the carvings, and the strange shape of that building! I know well what that temple is housing. It is a house of worship of the evil Gods. Don't go there if you value your life.'",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\nWandering through the deserted city you stumble upon something unexpected. A large crack yawns darkly into the side of one of the ponderous elliptical buildings to the north. You wonder what monumental forces could have effected this rupture. The road extends to the east and west.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The crack is just wide enough to squeeze through.\n\nCharles sighs deeply and says 'Will I ever see Miriam again?' to himself.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Squeezing through the crack, you manage to enter the building.\n\nA Dark Hallway\nThe building is of great size and decorated with extreme elaborateness, giving you a glimpse the nameless past. The walls are covered with mural carvings, whose interpretation escapes you. The smoothness of the sheer stone walls is interrupted by a crack that gapes into the southern wall. A doorway to the north leads deeper inside the building.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "A Dark Hallway",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The carvings shows picturesque patterns and figures, but you have a feeling that they are not meant for decoration. Instead, they make you think of illustrations in works of physics and mathematics.\n\nCharles studies the wall and says 'Nice carvings, but I don't understand what they mean.'",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "A Dark Hallway",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nLibrary\nThis is an enormous vaulted chamber whose lofty stone groining rise indefinitely into the murky shadows overhead. The exposed stonework features mural carvings in curvilinear designs. Vast shelves of dark wood line the walls, but they are all empty. Although deserted, the place has the air and the feel of a big library. The main exit is to the south.\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "A shout of surprise stops you in your tracks. Charles is standing in a remote corner, looking down at something. You move closer, and find a skeleton lying partly hidden in a niche.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down",
"take note off skeleton",
"give charles note"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The yellowed remains lie face down on the floor, still covered by torn clothing. Its bony hand is clutching a note.\n\nCharles points at the skeleton and says 'Poor fellow, I hope we don't end up like him'",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down",
"take note off skeleton",
"give charles note"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"give bristow note"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "A message is written in spidery script on the note:\n\nI must be brief, because there is not much time left. The fever is burning in my body and I think I won't survive the night.\n\nThe Caelestae Horriblis has answered many of my questions. I know of the evil Gods of the past. I now understand that the barbaric rites in the temple have raised them from their eternal sleep and that it is only a question of time before they reconquer Earth. When this happens, we are all doomed. Our only hope is to reimpose the ban once set upon the evil Gods by the Eternal Ones. A sacrifice, on which a mystic symbol is written with holy powder, is necessary to summon them . Hidden in the cryptic language of the Caelestae Horriblis were the ingredients for this powder, and I gathered them in my hideout. I have searched for the exact shape of the mystic symbol, but this knowledge has been denied me. My time is running out, but I know that people from Earth are sometimes thrown into this dimension, and my last wish is that someone can continue where I failed and prepare the sacrifice.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"give bristow note"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Charles looks at the note and suddenly grows pale. 'Mother of God...', he whispers and drops the note on the floor, 'it is my handwriting.'",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The yellowed remains lie face down on the floor, still covered by torn clothing.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The skeleton is dressed in the torn remains of a tweed jacket and cotton trousers.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take book",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "A forbidden book of ancient lore, unfortunately written in Latin, which you can't read. One thing of interest is that the title, Caelestae Horriblis, and the author's name, Abtin Mukhtar, have been written both in Arabic and Latin letters.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put statue down",
"put paper down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put vial down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "When you compare the writing on the label with the name written in the Caelestae Horriblis, you discover a vial labelled Mukhtar!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Apart from it being labelled Mukhtar, it looks identical to the other vials and contains some green power.\n\nCharles is lost in thoughts.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nA Dark Hallway\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "A Dark Hallway",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCrossroads\nThe road to the public square, way back east, forks into a north-south road here. To the west looms yet another of the stone buildings.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Crossroads",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\nThe ceaseless blandness of the surrounding architecture has a dimly sinister suggestiveness and you can't but help but wonder who the primal entities which rear, or reared, here are. The road leads north, deeper into the city.\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCrossroads\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Crossroads",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nDead End\nThis part of the town is radically different from the parts closer to the tower. The roads are narrower and the paving is irregular, sometimes stone slabs and sometimes cobblestones. The buildings are tall but less well kept than before. There are still no windows or doors, but there are a few overhead bridges from house to house. The road ends here and the only way out is to the north.\n\nA cat is sitting on one of the overhead bridges.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"look in slab",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The cat is almost completely white. Only a spot on its tail is black. It is sitting on an overhead bridge and looks frightened.\n\nCharles says 'Oh God, I'm so tired of this. I only want to return home.'\n\nThe cat says 'Meow.'",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"look in slab",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The paving consists of stone slabs and cobblestones. It is in bad repair.\n\n'I used to have a cat, you know' Charles remarks.\n\nThe cat says 'Meow.'",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"look in slab",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "One of the stone slabs seems out of place. Kicking it emits a hollow sound, much like there was some cavity below it.\n\nThe cat looks down at you.",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"take slab",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You push the stone slab aside, revealing a entrance to a staircase, leading down into darkness.\n\nThe cat looks scared.",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nStairs\nYou are the top of an staircase, leading down into darkness. A few steps above is the opening, through which you can return to the city.\n\nCharles arrives, and looks around with a puzzled expression. He seems to hesitate briefly, and then says 'Look, I know that this must sound insane, but ever since I came here I keep getting the feeling that I have seen this place before, like in a dream or in a distant past that I have almost forgotten.'",
"hints": [
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Stairs",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Charles looks down the stairs and says gravely 'Don't ask me how, but I just know that if I go down there I won't return alive. Go ahead if you have to, but I will stay here and wait for you.'\n\nIn the almost complete darkness, the stairs seem endless but you finally arrive to a corridor far below the city.\n\nCorridor\nThe staircase to the south opens into a wide corridor, reaching further north. One both side massive walls rise, culminating in massive vaults, on which carvings are just visible. The floor is strewn with fallen blocks, sand, and detritus of every kind.\n\nBehind and above, a faint luminous blur tells of the distant world outside.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The stone is badly fragmented and the carvings almost gone.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "They are just shapeless fragments of stone.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor\nThis is a Cyclopean north-south corridor ten feet wide, paved with octagonal and square blocks, and solidly vaulted overhead. A side passage once led west, but it has collapsed.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nChamber\nYou are in a round vaulted chamber, about fifty feet across. The black masonry suggests that this might be a room under one of the mysterious buildings in the city. The chamber is bare and undecorated. Two corridors lead from this room, one to the south and one to the east. Looking up also reveals a square opening in the ceiling.\n\nIn the floor just below the opening in the ceiling is a trapdoor. It is closed and carefully sealed down with metal bands.\n\nSeeing the trapdoor suddenly gives you an unexpected feeling of fear, and suggestions of some special peril.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The trapdoor is carefully sealed with metal bands, which look strong. Its size corresponds to the opening in the ceiling above, and it is possible that it might lead to similar chamber below.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor\nThis is a badly heaped east-west corridor. It is almost completely dark, but you can make out a chamber further east. In the north wall is the entrance to a caved-in corridor.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You struggle through the debris.\n\nRock Chamber\nThis is a black chamber, directly cut in the rock. Crystals embedded in the walls reflect and magnify the available light. There is an antique gas stove mounted in one of the walls, and a rack just above it. The sole exit leads west into a dark corridor.\n\nThe chamber seems ancient, but the furniture feels more recent. Someone must have been using this chamber not so long ago.\n\nYou can also see a chair and a wooden chest (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "It is an old gas stove, which can be turned on by turning a switch. On the stove is a kettle.\n\nThe gas stove is currently switched off.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The kettle is empty.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The rack is mounted on the wall above the stove. On the rack are some red powder, some yellow powder and a glass bottle, inside which is a clear liquid.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "It is a big and heavy wooden chest. You can't see inside, since it is closed.",
"hints": [
"take bottle",
"take chair",
"take kettle",
"take yellow",
"take red powder",
"turn stove on",
"take into chair",
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put yellow down",
"put all down",
"open bottle",
"light stove with bottle",
"light stove with chair",
"light stove with kettle",
"light stove with yellow powder",
"light stove with red powder",
"take all off rack",
"put statue on rack",
"put statue on chair",
"put key on rack",
"put key on chair",
"put mysterious vial on rack",
"put mysterious vial on chair",
"put mukhtar on rack",
"put mukhtar on chair",
"put horriblis on rack",
"put horriblis on chair",
"put yellow on rack",
"put yellow on chair",
"put all on rack",
"put all on chair",
"ploc": "Rock Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You struggle through the debris.\n\nChamber\n\nIn the floor just below the opening in the ceiling is a trapdoor. It is closed and carefully sealed down with metal bands.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Chamber",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCorridor\n\nBehind and above, a faint luminous blur tells of the distant world outside.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nStairs\n\nYou can also see Charles Bristow here.",
"hints": [
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Stairs",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "'I just have this brief memory of seeing a crowbar in an underground chamber somewhere.'",
"hints": [
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Stairs",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nDead End\n\nA stone slab has been moved, revealing a dark entrance leading down.\n\nA cat is sitting on one of the overhead bridges.\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"examine bristow",
"take into entrance",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ask cat for bristow",
"drop key against cat",
"drop mysterious vial against cat",
"drop statue against cat",
"drop mukhtar against cat"
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nCrossroads\n\nCharles comes with you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Crossroads",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\n\nCharles follows you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nPublic Square\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nRoad\nAn endless array of indistinguishably drab stone buildings lies at either side of the road. Though humbled by the sheer magnitude of the other buildings, a distinctive temple-like structure catches your eye at the south end of the road. Flickering light emanates from its high and narrow windows, casting uncertain shadows on the murals that adorn its wide doorway.\n\nCharles follows you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The murals decorating the main entrance to the temple are hard to interpret. Some humans are engaged in what appears to be a ritual. One is bringing a tray with something on it to a table and the others are standing a few paces behind, holding long knifes.\n\nCharles looks at the temple and says 'I think that the tower and the temple are more recent than the city itself. The style is quite different, don't you think?'",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "From inside the temple sounds of chants and prayers are heard, but the are too muffled to make out clearly.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nTemple\nThe temple is an immense building, whose vaulted ceiling towers high above. It is scantily lit, but a stage is set in its southern part. On the stage there is a huge statue, whose appearance is frightening even from this distance. In front of the statue is a roughly cube-shaped black stone table. There are lots of people in front of the stage, and the air is filled with sounds of chants and prayer. The main exit is to the north.\n\nCharles follows you.\n\nThere is some commotion as a man is led up to the stage by a few persons, who force him onto the stone table and ties him down.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put hideous statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Temple",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "The huge statue on the stage is indeed grotesque and frightening. It is vaguely human-shaped, but the arms are too long, the skin is covered by scales, and the fangs are definitely out of place.\n\nA hooded, priestly figure carrying a dagger approaches the victim on the table. Without further ceremony he stabs the man in the chest. People around you start chanting terrible hymns in a foreign language.\n\nYou notice suspicious glances from people close to you. Charles whispers that it is better to leave before the crowd get too suspicious, and leaves the temple.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put hideous statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Temple",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You manage to slip out unnoticed.\n\nRoad\n\nYou can see Charles Bristow here.",
"hints": [
"put statue down",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put other down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Road",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nPublic Square\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Public Square",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nBefore A Dark Tower\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"take into southwest",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Before A Dark Tower",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nHall\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put horriblis down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "\nThe winding staircase leads to a spacious chamber inside the tower.\n\nStudy\n\nCharles comes walking behind you.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put mukhtar down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"put key on ink",
"put key on desk",
"put key on dust",
"put key on table",
"put key on bookshelves",
"put mysterious vial on ink",
"put mysterious vial on desk",
"put mysterious vial on dust",
"put mysterious vial on table",
"put mysterious vial on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put mukhtar on ink",
"put mukhtar on desk",
"put mukhtar on dust",
"put mukhtar on table",
"put mukhtar on bookshelves",
"put horriblis on ink",
"put horriblis on desk",
"put horriblis on dust",
"put horriblis on table",
"put horriblis on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on desk",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"vial labelled Mukhtar",
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "You put the vial labelled Mukhtar on the black stone table.",
"hints": [
"take vial",
"examine writing",
"put key down",
"put mysterious vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"put key on ink",
"put key on desk",
"put key on dust",
"put key on table",
"put key on bookshelves",
"put mysterious vial on ink",
"put mysterious vial on desk",
"put mysterious vial on dust",
"put mysterious vial on table",
"put mysterious vial on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put horriblis on ink",
"put horriblis on desk",
"put horriblis on dust",
"put horriblis on table",
"put horriblis on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on desk",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "Once again you read the syllables of the chant aloud... Y'ai'ng'ngah h'ee-l'geb f'ai throdog.\n\nThe green sand emits a faint glow which quickly assumes an unbearable brightness. When the light finally dissipates, the vial is gone. Nothing seems to have changed, yet you detect something alien in your mode of thinking.\n\nThe sight of the writing evokes strangely uncommon thoughts.\n\nA stream of incomprehensible thoughts floods your brain, as if an alien presence was occupying your mind. You are unsure whether to attribute it to fatigue or to insanity.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put vial down",
"put paper down",
"put statue down",
"put horriblis down",
"put all down",
"examine paper",
"put key on ink",
"put key on desk",
"put key on dust",
"put key on table",
"put key on bookshelves",
"put vial on ink",
"put vial on desk",
"put vial on dust",
"put vial on table",
"put vial on bookshelves",
"put paper on ink",
"put paper on desk",
"put paper on dust",
"put paper on table",
"put paper on bookshelves",
"put statue on ink",
"put statue on desk",
"put statue on dust",
"put statue on table",
"put statue on bookshelves",
"put horriblis on ink",
"put horriblis on desk",
"put horriblis on dust",
"put horriblis on table",
"put horriblis on bookshelves",
"put all on ink",
"put all on desk",
"put all on dust",
"put all on table",
"put all on bookshelves",
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"msg": "A deep feeling of frustration in projected into your brain. This soon gives away to a concentrated study of the papers. One sentence is revealed, then another. Before long, Mukhtar has decoded the message, and you are swept away in a powerful vision.\n\nDark Chamber\nThis is a small chamber with rough walls, cut directly from rock. There is a fireplace set in the wall, and a doorway leading west.\n\nYou can see an old man here.\n\nThe man seems to be at work. He puts a handful of yellow powder in a bowl.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [],
"ploc": "Study",
"inv": [
"Caelestae Horriblis",
"wrought iron key",
"mysterious vial",
"mysterious vial",
"yellow paper",
"hideous statue"
"actions": [
"x me",
"x shadow",
"x shape",
"pull railing",
"x statue",
"x paper",
"take paper",
"x table",
"x writing",
"x man",
"touch man",
"x books",
"x dust",
"x desk",
"x door",
"take vial",
"take vial",
"take vial",
"stand on charles",
"unlock door with key",
"open door",
"x tower",
"x sandstone",
"x temple",
"ask charles about temple",
"x crack",
"x carvings",
"x carvings",
"x skeleton",
"take note",
"x note",
"show note to charles",
"x skeleton",
"x torn clothes",
"take book",
"x book",
"x vial",
"x mukhtar",
"x cat",
"x slabs",
"search slabs",
"move slab",
"x carvings",
"x blocks",
"x trapdoor",
"x stove",
"x kettle",
"x rack",
"x chest",
"ask charles about chest",
"x mural",
"x huge statue",
"put mukhtar on table",
"read writing",
"x paper",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nA beautiful day in Bostwin! You are awakened by a ray of sunlight peeking through a window shade and rise refreshed after a restful night's sleep. You've given your Company a weekend pass to get some R&R after your last grueling mission. Wasting precious little time your entire company took off for the city proper to pack in as much drinking, carousing, brawling, wenching and other relaxing pursuits as possible in 48 hours. In the fields of battle your men are an elite unit of trained professionals. Off-duty they're pretty much like every other bunch of soldiers you've ever served with. \n\nA weekend off and what to do? After the challenges of the past year when you were first promoted and assumed command of Charlie Company you've nearly forgotton what free time is and what you're supposed to do with it.\n\nPentari\nAn Interactive Prequel To First Light \nCopyright 1998 (C) Howard A. Sherman. All Rights Reserved. \nType 'Info' For Information About This Game or 'Help' for Instructions.\nRelease 6 / Serial number 030206 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10 \n\nYour Quarters\nRank certainly does have its privileges. When you were a lowly lieutenant you had to share cramped quarters with a fellow lieutenant at your previous assignment. Commanding a company of your own affords you the luxury of private, spacious quarters just outside the barracks themselves. As a further abuse of your power your chest and bunk are not standard issue items from the Pentari millitary supply center.\n\nYou can see a postcard here.",
"hints": [
"take postcard",
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Your Quarters",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCharlie Company Compound\nYour company compound consists of three large buildings bordering a large, open area where company formations precede the orders of the day. To the west the Company's supply building can be seen while directly ahead of you lies your company's barracks which seem quieter than a crypt. Off to the east you hear the distant shouts of another Company drilling. Poor souls.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Charlie Company Compound",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCharlie Company Barracks\nIf the Army of Bostwin were to publish a new edition of the soldier's handbook, a picture of this barracks should be included as the example other companies should follow. The floors are polished to an almost blinding shine while each of the bunks lining both sides of this building are perfectly made. Every locker next to each bunk is closed and locked. Not a single scrap of paper, not one article of clothing, nay not even a dust particle looks out of place. The powerful smell of high quantities of pine cleaner nearly burns your nostrils. Damn, you run a good comapny.\n\nYou can see a Pentarian Transporter here.",
"hints": [
"get in other",
"put other down",
"ploc": "Charlie Company Barracks",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nThe Charlie Company Barracks (in the Pentarian Transporter)",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put sword down"
"ploc": "Pentarian Transporter",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nYour vision swims as your sight of the barracks blurs into a myriad of chaotic colors. You feel a moment of disorientation...\n\nAs you begin to materialize your eyes grow wide as you realize you're not in front of the Bank of Bostwin, where the transporter usually takes you in the city. You're not even outdoors, you're indoors! What the hell is going on here...?\n\nEntrance Hall\nYour footsteps echo loudly as you walk through this room taking in the vast expanse of its size. The walls rise majestically upward and outward to form a huge room which, curiously, is empty. You can't help but wonder why such a large room is needed for the straight-forward task of accepting guests and visitors. To the east a wide open arch leads to what must be a library while to the north you hardly help but notice a huge, semi-circular marble staircase leading up to parts unknown.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"put sword down"
"ploc": "Entrance Hall",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nLibrary\nThis is a vast chamber lined floor to ceiling with bookcases filled to capacity with books. You haven't seen such a collection of knowledge since your academy days. A cursory glance at some bookshelves reveal several titles on various topics of magic, history, philosophy, science and a hundred other topics. A few large tables with chairs are in the center of the room inviting anyone to make use of these impressive facilities.\n\nThe wizard Morden is here staring at you, the smallest of smiles on his face.\n\nYou can also see a copy of The Legends and Lore of Pentari here.",
"hints": [
"take other",
"put other down",
"push other to floor",
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nSpots in all the colors of the rainbow dance in front of your eyes as you feel yourself displaced...\n\n\nYou find yourself in the deep recesses of Vamvevmew's castle and instantly a wave of fear and depression hit you as hard as any enemy ever has. Your hand shoots right for your sword in its scabbard on reflex and you grip the hilt so hard your knuckles whiten.\n\nCastle\nYou are at the center of an intersection which runs east to west as well as north to south.\n\nThe Dark Elf walks in.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"hit elf",
"ploc": "Castle",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCastle Entrance\nThis large open area stands just inside the castle's gate and would be the place all visitors would first go before being allowed entrance to the castle proper. A guard station, long abandoned, is here. A corridor stretches into the castle itself to the north.\n\nYou can see a Magical Seal here.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"hit seal"
"ploc": "Castle Entrance",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "Your fist smashes the ward, shattering it into a cloud of shimmering dust.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"put sword down"
"ploc": "Castle Entrance",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCastle\n\nYou can see The Dark Elf here.\n\nThe Dark Elf walks around as if looking for something.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"hit elf",
"ploc": "Castle",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nMain Hall\nThis once majestic room was where visitors would come to relax and meet with the formal lord of the castle in a somewhat informal atmosphere. Several large comfortable couches are scattered about, dusty and altogether squalid. Many large tapestries still hang on the walls but are horribly faded from age. Large open archways lead east and west while a huge fireplace dominates the center of the room against the northern wall.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nMain Hall, by the Fireplace\nYou are at the northern end of the main hall taking in the panorama of what was once a majestic area where perhaps treaties were signed, strategies laid and plans foiled.\n\nYou can see a Large Fireplace here.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Main Hall, by the Fireplace",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nMain Hall",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nSpiral Stairway\nA large spiral staircase made entirely of marble polished smooth corkscrews up to a second floor and down to murky depths below. An archway north is cluttered with fallen rubble and crumbled stone but looks otherwise passable.",
"hints": [
"get in floor",
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Spiral Stairway",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nCastle Dungeon\nDark, dank and musty are the highpoints of this dungeon. A guard post is here, positioned in such a way as to afford a view of the rows of cells and the prisoners they once contained. An open cell is just ahead to the north.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Castle Dungeon",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nSpiral Stairway",
"hints": [
"get in floor",
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Spiral Stairway",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nDining Room\nThe Duke wasn't one to stand on ceremony therefore he took all his meals in this room. This large room allowed many servers to shuttle back and forth from the kitchen to the north without getting in anyone's way. Dominating the center of the room is a long, grand table lined with comfortable looking high-backed chairs while exquisite paintings dot the walls.\n\nA folded linen towel is lying on the floor",
"hints": [
"take towel",
"put sword down",
"open towel",
"push towel to floor",
"ploc": "Dining Room",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "You open the towel.",
"hints": [
"take towel",
"close towel",
"put sword down",
"push towel to floor",
"put sword in towel",
"ploc": "Dining Room",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nKitchen\nPerhaps even larger than the dining room itself, this kitchen delivered many fine state dinners in its day. Large wood-burning stoves line one side of the room while on another are rows of preparation tables.",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Kitchen",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nDining Room\n\nA folded linen towel is lying on the floor",
"hints": [
"take towel",
"close towel",
"put sword down",
"push towel to floor",
"put sword in towel",
"ploc": "Dining Room",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nSpiral Stairway",
"hints": [
"get in floor",
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Spiral Stairway",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nMain Hall",
"hints": [
"put sword down",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nArmory\nMany death-dealing weapons of every type were stored here. Several tall racks probably held spears while shorter ones mounted against the wall stored various kinds of swords. Other wall mounts, also empty, give you no idea what sort of weapons may have been held by them. A large archway north is partially blocked by collapsed stones and rubble.\n\nYou can see a jewel encrusted dagger here.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"put other down",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take sword",
"take dagger",
"take all",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take sword",
"put dagger down",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": [
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "\nTreasury\nIn times past the vast wealth of the Duke would be stored here. Alas, with the castle taken and the Duke gone so with him went his riches. As you remember your history lessons, you recall the genealogy of the Dukes of Bostwin and their love of collecting treasures. You could only imagine what vast treasures were contained in this room long ago. \n\nA finely crafted oaken chest is here.",
"hints": [
"take chest",
"put dagger down",
"ploc": "Treasury",
"inv": [
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put dagger down",
"put chest down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Treasury",
"inv": [
"oaken chest",
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "\nArmory\n\nYou can see a fine Pentarian sword here.",
"hints": [
"take sword",
"put dagger down",
"put other down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": [
"oaken chest",
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "\nMain Hall\n\nThe Dark Elf walks in.",
"hints": [
"put dagger down",
"put chest down",
"put all down",
"hit elf",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"oaken chest",
"jewel encrusted dagger"
"msg": "oaken chest: Dropped.\njewel encrusted dagger: Dropped.\n\nThe Dark Elf walks around as if looking for something.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"take all",
"hit elf",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCastle",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Castle",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCastle Entrance",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Castle Entrance",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCastle",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Castle",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMain Hall\n\nYou can see a jewel encrusted dagger and an oaken chest (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"take all",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"put chest down",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"oaken chest"
"msg": "(the oaken chest down)\nDropped.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"take all",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMain Hall, by the Fireplace\n\nYou can see a Large Fireplace here.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Main Hall, by the Fireplace",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nThe Main Hall, by the Fireplace (in the Large Fireplace)\n\nYou can see a dirty scroll here.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take scroll"
"ploc": "Large Fireplace",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put scroll down"
"ploc": "Large Fireplace",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nMain Hall, by the Fireplace\n\nYou can see a Large Fireplace here.",
"hints": [
"put scroll down",
"ploc": "Main Hall, by the Fireplace",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nMain Hall\n\nYou can see an oaken chest (which is closed) and a jewel encrusted dagger here.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"put scroll down",
"take all",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "You hear a roar of flames as a fireball materializes out of nowhere and floods the entire room in a burst of flames! The intensity of the fireball blasts the chest open and miraculously, except for a slight discomfort of warmth, you are otherwise uneffected.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"take emerald",
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"close chest",
"take all",
"empty chest",
"push emerald to chest",
"push dagger to chest",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": null
"msg": "You feel a surge of power flow through you as you pick up the small emerald...Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"close chest",
"put emerald down",
"take all",
"put emerald in chest",
"push dagger to chest",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"small emerald"
"msg": "You need to be holding the jewel encrusted dagger before you can put it into something else.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"close chest",
"put emerald down",
"take all",
"put emerald in chest",
"push dagger to chest",
"ploc": "Main Hall",
"inv": [
"small emerald"
"msg": "\nArmory\n\nYou can see a fine Pentarian sword here.\n\nThe Dark Elf walks in.",
"hints": [
"examine emerald",
"take sword",
"put emerald down",
"hit elf",
"push sword to floor",
"ploc": "Armory",
"inv": [
"small emerald"
"msg": "(the fine Pentarian sword)\nTaken.\n\nThe Dark Elf senses your aura of power and realizes you have the emerald he's been looking for! He bashes you on the back of your head with the hilt of his sword and steals the small emerald from you! \n\nYour vision swims and you can't quite your bearings...\n\nYou hear alot of shouting nearby between Vamvevmew and a familiar sounding voice followed by an explosion as the hair stands up on your head! You draw your sword and attempt to get your bearings but you feel displaced...\n\nYour vision struggles for clarity as you attempt to look through the smoke and the dust to behold two figures locked in sorceral combat! You can make out Morden mumbling something under his breath as he gestures towards The Dark Elf and a bolt of lightning hits Vamvevmew squarely in the chest!\n\nHowling in rage and pain, the Dark One returns the volley with a fire strike which lights up a previously invisible defensive shield around Morden! Essentially unhurt, Morden looks weakened from this engagement...\n\nYou look on in bewilderment but know that you must do something!\n\n\nCastle, Upper Level\nThis large room has taken on some new charasterics recently... now the walls are covered with blast marks of unknown origin from floor to ceiling. Smoke wafts throughout and it's about 10 degrees warmer in here.\n\nA box made of solid platinum is sitting on the floor here.\n\nYou can also see a small emerald, The Dark Elf and Morden here.",
"hints": [
"take emerald",
"put sword down",
"open box",
"hit elf",
"push emerald to floor",
"put sword on box"
"ploc": "Castle, Upper Level",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "\nWounded by the Wizard Morden and distracted by the mortal combat he is engaged in, you are able to come up behind Vamvevmew and run him through with your sword.\n\nA look of surprise crosses his face as he looks down and realizes he is mortally wounded. He gives you a black look and attempts to reach for your throat but doesn't quite make it, crumpling to the floor he breathes his last and dies.\n\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"take emerald",
"put sword down",
"open box",
"push emerald to floor",
"put sword on box"
"ploc": "Castle, Upper Level",
"inv": [
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put emerald down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"open box",
"put emerald on box",
"put sword on box",
"put all on box"
"ploc": "Castle, Upper Level",
"inv": [
"small emerald",
"fine Pentarian sword"
"msg": "small emerald: Done.\nfine Pentarian sword: Done.",
"hints": [
"take emerald",
"take sword",
"open box",
"push emerald to floor",
"push sword to floor"
"ploc": "Castle, Upper Level",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCastle, Upper Level\nThis large room has taken on some new charasterics recently... now the walls are covered with blast marks of unknown origin from floor to ceiling. Smoke wafts throughout and it's about 10 degrees warmer in here.\n\nA box made of solid platinum is sitting on the floor here.\nOn top are a fine Pentarian sword and a small emerald.\n\n \nThe platinum box and the small emerald crowning it glows a very bright green accompanied by what sounds like a chorus of singing angels! \n\nA man is materializing in the room, at first projected by a ray of green power emanating from the small emerald but in mere seconds the ray is gone and the man is here...\n\nHe is garbed in the tabbard of Bostwin and he sports a cape which is only reserved for high officers and nobility! Looking around the room he suddenly looks distressed and exclaims \"My castle. What the hell happened to my castle?!\" Galin immediately pauses as his eyes lock on the corpse of his ancient nemesis. \"Damn it, I wanted the privilege. He killed all my servants, all my men...\",he chokes with this and continues somberly,\"and he would've killed me if he didn't need me alive to ply me for my knowledge of the Empirical Emerald.\", with that he gives the platinum box an affectionate pat. \"I imagine I have alot of catching up to do. I get the impression quite a bit of time has passed since my departure to that astral limbo I was trapped in. Not a bad place, really. I learned a hell of alot, saw alot, experienced alot. It's somehow different than here, yet similar. I thought for sure I was escaping to Bostwin itself but I guess I miscalculated.\" With that Morden chuckles and nods his head knowingly.\n\n\"I wonder if I could have my old job back. I'm sure as hell to shake up the status quo with my peers of this age. But let me not forget you...\" pausing to look at the rank on your uniform, \"Captain. Should my peers of this age find it agreeable I will resume my noble office as befits my rank and appoint you the Captain of my personal guard! My many thanks to you for freeing me from the hell of that limbo I was stuck in. And you, wizard, you must've had a hand in this. I shall reward you as well!\n\n\"More pressing business, though, is to restore my castle...\", Galin glances around and sighs \"It seems I have my work cut out for me here. Care to lend a hand?\"\n\nGrinning, Lord Galin pats you on the back as Morden conjures a broom and tosses it to you...\n\nYou can also see here.\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 70 out of a possible 70, in 49 turns.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"smash seal",
"get in floor",
"open towel",
"put sword down",
"take dagger",
"take chest",
"put all down",
"take chest",
"put all down",
"take scroll",
"get up",
"take emerald",
"put dagger in chest",
"take sword",
"hit elf",
"take emerald",
"put all on box",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "It is with great hope and expectation I send you on this mission,\" the Grand Inquisitor intones, his voice booming like distant, rumbling thunderheads. \"We have discovered what appears to be a piece of the Great Underground Empire, never before explored. I would have sent Grubald the Bold, but he's busy. As is Matchlick the Mighty. So, 'tis you.\"\n\n\"What of Linklaw the Lucky?\" you ask shyly.\n\n\"Laid up. I'm afraid 'tis you and none other. A simple, solo quest, one of fun and mirth, mischief and merriment, a jaunt, an excursion, a simple outing. Merely explore, enjoy yourself, and bring back news of what lies there, long-ago buried for countless ages.\"\n\n\"And Fretsham the Fortunate?\" you ask hopefully.\n\n\"A fatality!\" the Inquisitor booms. \"Here,\" he says with evaporating patience, \"take these and be of good cheer.\" He thrusts into your hands two things: a brass lantern of dubious quality; and a plastic sword of no antiquity or use whatsoever.\n\n\"But what of Kolchack the --\"\n\n\"Enough! Kolchack is contracted. Remember, who is the boss of you!\" He pauses briefly as if awaiting a reply. Then without warning, he answers his own question. \"Me! I am the boss of you! Now begone!\"\n\nAnd with that, you embark on...\n\nZork: The Undiscovered Underground, a text adventure prequel to Zork Grand Inquisitor\nCopyright 1997 by Activision Inc.\nWritten by Marc Blank and Mike Berlyn, programmed by Gerry Kevin Wilson.\nRelease 16 / Serial number 970828 / Inform v6.13 Library 6/2\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nNew Excavation\nYou are standing at the entrance of a narrow, waist-high tunnel that winds out of sight to the northeast. This, you have been told, is the entrance to the newfound areas of the Great Underground Empire. In your left hand hangs a rather unconvincing replica of the traditional adventurer's brass lantern. In the other is an ersatz-Elvish sword of no antiquity whatsoever. Its plastic blade, dull as a bread knife, barely reflects the lantern's dim and uneven glow.",
"hints": [
"take into tunnel",
"turn lantern off",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "New Excavation",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "As you enter the tunnel, you feel a slight rumble beneath your crepe-soled boots. As you turn to look back up to the exit, giant, translucent boulders begin to fall from the walls and ceiling. You duck and cover your head -- when the dust clears, you feel your heart sink in your chest. You are trapped!\n\nTunnel\nYou are in a narrow tunnel whose entrance has been blocked by gigantic, translucent boulders. Your only option is to continue to the northeast, where the tunnel gradually widens.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Tunnel",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "The boulders are, in reality, milky white crystals and fairly regular in shape, like giant diamonds.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Tunnel",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex\nThis imposing ante-room, the center of what was apparently the cultural center of the GUE, is adorned in the ghastly style of the GUE's \"Grotesque Period.\" With leering gargoyles, cartoonish friezes depicting long-forgotten scenes of GUE history, and primitive statuary of pointy-headed personages unknown (perhaps very, very distant progenitors of the Flatheads), the place would have been best left undiscovered. North of here, a large hallway passes under the roughly hewn inscription \"Convention Center.\" To the east, under a fifty-story triumphal arch, a passageway the size of a large city boulevard opens into the Royal Theater. A relatively small and unobtrusive sign (perhaps ten feet high) stands nearby. South, a smaller and more dignified (i.e. post-Dimwit) path leads into what is billed as the \"Hall of Science.\"",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nConvention Center Lobby\nYou are standing at the entrance of the GUE Convention Center. On the floor, you can see occasional splotches of paint through the grime and dust. Although the whole cultural center appears to have been long-abandoned, loud, low-pitched sounds emanate from the door standing open to the north. And while these sounds most closely approximate those made by under-lubricated granola fabricators, they nonetheless fill you with dread. Next to the door is a sign, and to the sign's left (northwest to you) is a souvenir stand. The cultural center's lobby lies to the south.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take into northwest",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nSouvenir Stand\nYou find yourself standing in front of a souvenir stand that is clearly affiliated with the Convention Center. An odd-looking salesman sits behind the counter, his head resting on his hand and his eyes glued to a spot somewhere above and behind you (a quick, frightened glance over your shoulder reveals nothing eye-catching; indeed, nothing at all.) A notice on the counter points toward a small, curtained room to the north.\n\nOn the counter are four candy bars (a Baby Rune, a Multi-Implementeers, a ZM$100000 and a Forever Gores), some popcorn, some postcards and a chicken finger.\n\nYou can see a salesman here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit salesman",
"talk to salesman",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"throw lantern",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Although not much of a conversationalist, the salesman leans forward to listen.\n\nTwo things are immediately obvious: 1) He is not a regular user of toothpaste or mouthwash and 2) He is obviously wearing a mask.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take mask",
"talk to salesman",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"examine mask",
"throw lantern",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "With the salesman's hot, fetid breath threatening to exfoliate multiple layers of facial epidermis, you quickly pull the mask from his face. In hellish harmony, two terrifying screams fill the air: yours, as the first human to see a grue; and his, as prelude to a graphic demonstration of why it is that they aren't seen by light of day (to wit: spontaneous grueish combustion, leaving only a greasy slick on the ground by your feet.) Although you will spend the rest of your life trying to forget what you have just seen, the sight of that sickly glowing fur, fish-mouthed face and razor-like fingers remains forever etched in your mind. You throw the mask away in horror at what you've just seen.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by eight points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take baby",
"take postcards",
"take gores",
"take popcorn",
"take multi",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower baby",
"lower postcards",
"lower gores",
"lower popcorn",
"lower multi",
"throw lantern",
"throw baby",
"throw postcards",
"throw gores",
"throw popcorn",
"throw multi",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nChanging Room\nIt is obvious from the array of body suits, masks, and gloves heaped on the ground, that this is a changing room, and not a very comfortable one at that. No chairs, tables, hooks, hangers, or shelves here: just the costumes themselves, each piece more hideous than the last. A mirror hangs opposite the curtain through which you entered.\n\nYou can see eight pairs of gloves (a pair of hairy gloves, a pair of spiked gloves, a pair of bloody gloves, a pair of stumpy gloves, a pair of blistered gloves, a pair of scaly gloves, a pair of razor-like gloves and a pair of suction-cupped gloves), eight masks (a slimy mask, a pock-marked mask, a four-eyed mask, a decomposing mask, a fish-mouthed mask, a lizard-like mask, a fungus-like mask and a humanoid mask) and eight body suits (a gelatinous body suit, a feathered body suit, a glowing/fur-covered body suit, a rainbow-striped body suit, an armor-plated body suit, a sponge-like body suit, a blood-oozing body suit and a semi-transparent body suit) here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit mirror",
"take scaly",
"take slimy mask",
"take armor",
"take fish",
"take decomposing mask",
"take stumpy gloves",
"take lizard",
"take gelatinous body suit",
"take hairy gloves",
"take humanoid mask",
"take razor",
"take semi-transparent body suit",
"take spiked gloves",
"take bloody gloves",
"take suction",
"take pock",
"take blistered gloves",
"take fungus",
"take sponge",
"take feathered body suit",
"take blood",
"take rainbow",
"take four-eyed mask",
"take fur",
"take all",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on scaly",
"put on slimy mask",
"put on armor",
"put on fish",
"put on decomposing mask",
"put on stumpy gloves",
"put on lizard",
"put on gelatinous body suit",
"put on hairy gloves",
"put on humanoid mask",
"put on razor",
"put on semi-transparent body suit",
"put on spiked gloves",
"put on bloody gloves",
"put on suction",
"put on pock",
"put on blistered gloves",
"put on fungus",
"put on sponge",
"put on feathered body suit",
"put on blood",
"put on rainbow",
"put on four-eyed mask",
"put on fur",
"lower scaly",
"lower slimy mask",
"lower armor",
"lower fish",
"lower decomposing mask",
"lower stumpy gloves",
"lower lizard",
"lower gelatinous body suit",
"lower hairy gloves",
"lower humanoid mask",
"lower razor",
"lower semi-transparent body suit",
"lower spiked gloves",
"lower bloody gloves",
"lower suction",
"lower pock",
"lower blistered gloves",
"lower fungus",
"lower sponge",
"lower feathered body suit",
"lower blood",
"lower rainbow",
"lower four-eyed mask",
"lower fur",
"throw scaly",
"throw slimy mask",
"throw armor",
"throw lantern",
"throw fish",
"throw decomposing mask",
"throw stumpy gloves",
"throw lizard",
"throw gelatinous body suit",
"throw hairy gloves",
"throw humanoid mask",
"throw razor",
"throw semi-transparent body suit",
"throw spiked gloves",
"throw bloody gloves",
"throw suction",
"throw pock",
"throw blistered gloves",
"throw fungus",
"throw sponge",
"throw feathered body suit",
"throw blood",
"throw rainbow",
"throw four-eyed mask",
"throw fur"
"ploc": "Changing Room",
"inv": [
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "(first taking the fish-mouthed mask)\nYou put on the fish-mouthed mask.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit mirror",
"take scaly",
"take armor",
"take stumpy gloves",
"take gelatinous body suit",
"take hairy gloves",
"take razor",
"take semi-transparent body suit",
"take spiked gloves",
"take bloody gloves",
"take suction",
"take blistered gloves",
"take sponge",
"take feathered body suit",
"take blood",
"take rainbow",
"take fur",
"take all",
"take off fish",
"put lantern down",
"put mask down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on scaly",
"put on armor",
"put on stumpy gloves",
"put on gelatinous body suit",
"put on hairy gloves",
"put on razor",
"put on semi-transparent body suit",
"put on spiked gloves",
"put on bloody gloves",
"put on suction",
"put on blistered gloves",
"put on sponge",
"put on feathered body suit",
"put on blood",
"put on rainbow",
"put on fur",
"lower scaly",
"lower armor",
"lower stumpy gloves",
"lower gelatinous body suit",
"lower hairy gloves",
"lower razor",
"lower semi-transparent body suit",
"lower spiked gloves",
"lower bloody gloves",
"lower suction",
"lower blistered gloves",
"lower sponge",
"lower feathered body suit",
"lower blood",
"lower rainbow",
"lower fur",
"throw scaly",
"throw armor",
"throw lantern",
"throw mask",
"throw stumpy gloves",
"throw gelatinous body suit",
"throw hairy gloves",
"throw razor",
"throw semi-transparent body suit",
"throw spiked gloves",
"throw bloody gloves",
"throw suction",
"throw blistered gloves",
"throw sponge",
"throw feathered body suit",
"throw blood",
"throw rainbow",
"throw fur"
"ploc": "Changing Room",
"inv": [
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "(first taking the glowing/fur-covered body suit)\nYou put on the glowing/fur-covered body suit.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit mirror",
"take scaly",
"take stumpy gloves",
"take hairy gloves",
"take razor",
"take spiked gloves",
"take bloody gloves",
"take suction",
"take blistered gloves",
"take off fur",
"take off fish",
"put lantern down",
"put suit down",
"put mask down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on scaly",
"put on stumpy gloves",
"put on hairy gloves",
"put on razor",
"put on spiked gloves",
"put on bloody gloves",
"put on suction",
"put on blistered gloves",
"lower scaly",
"lower stumpy gloves",
"lower hairy gloves",
"lower razor",
"lower spiked gloves",
"lower bloody gloves",
"lower suction",
"lower blistered gloves",
"throw scaly",
"throw lantern",
"throw suit",
"throw stumpy gloves",
"throw hairy gloves",
"throw razor",
"throw spiked gloves",
"throw bloody gloves",
"throw suction",
"throw blistered gloves"
"ploc": "Changing Room",
"inv": [
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "(first taking the razor-like gloves)\nYou put on the razor-like gloves.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"hit mirror",
"take off razor",
"take off fur",
"take off fish",
"put lantern down",
"put suit down",
"put mask down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"throw lantern",
"throw suit"
"ploc": "Changing Room",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nSouvenir Stand\n\nOn the counter are four candy bars (a Baby Rune, a Multi-Implementeers, a ZM$100000 and a Forever Gores), some popcorn, some postcards and a chicken finger.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take baby",
"take gores",
"take popcorn",
"take multi",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower baby",
"lower gores",
"lower popcorn",
"lower multi",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw baby",
"throw gores",
"throw popcorn",
"throw multi",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take gores",
"take popcorn",
"take multi",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower gores",
"lower popcorn",
"lower multi",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw gores",
"throw popcorn",
"throw multi",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put rune on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take popcorn",
"take multi",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower popcorn",
"lower multi",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw popcorn",
"throw multi",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put gores on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put rune on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take bars",
"take popcorn",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower popcorn",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw popcorn",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put gores on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put rune on counter",
"put multi on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take postcards",
"take popcorn",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"eat popcorn",
"examine finger",
"lower postcards",
"lower popcorn",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw postcards",
"throw popcorn",
"put gloves on counter",
"put suit on counter",
"put lantern on counter",
"put gores on counter",
"put sword on counter",
"put rune on counter",
"put multi on counter",
"put mask on counter",
"put all on counter"
"ploc": "Souvenir Stand",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "\nConvention Center Lobby",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword",
"brass lantern"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put all down",
"lower lantern",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You glide casually in, gurgling in loud, guttural tones; better still, the fish-mouthed mask is somehow providing a small amount of vision in the darkness. Two nearby grues ask if you are suffering from allergies (apparently, human dandruff levels are above normal for this time of year); another group debates among themselves whether you are a Borphee grue or an Antharian grue (their accents are similar, especially when pronouncing words ending in \"gzk\" and \"kkgrk.\") Otherwise, your disguise appears to be working, though for how long is anybody's guess.\n\nConvention Hall\nYou are in attendance at the annual Grue Convention, this year a rather somber affair due to the \"adventurer famine\" that has gripped gruedom in this isolated corner of the empire. Standing at a lectern on stage, a prominent grue is presenting a paper entitled, \"Surviving the Lean Years: Is Lurking Enough?\" All around you, grues are standing; some in conversation, some drinking, some even paying attention to the speaker.\n\nThere is a trash chute in one of the walls, and a reader board hangs nearby.\n\nYou can see some grues, a hat, some clothes, some chewed-up shoes and a pair of glasses here.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"look in grue",
"take hat",
"take glasses",
"take shoes",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"examine glasses",
"throw suit",
"put multi in chute",
"put gores in chute",
"put sword in chute",
"put rune in chute",
"put suit in glasses",
"put all in chute",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Hall",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You take the pair of glasses and place them under your costume.\n\nYou had better hurry; the steady gurgling is becoming harder and harder for you to maintain.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"look in grue",
"take hat",
"take shoes",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"examine glasses",
"throw rune",
"put rune in chute",
"put multi in chute",
"put gores in chute",
"put glasses in chute",
"put sword in chute",
"put rune in glasses",
"put all in chute",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Hall",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nConvention Center Lobby\n\nYou can see a brass lantern (providing light) here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take off mask",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You take off the fish-mouthed mask.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take off gloves",
"take off suit",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on mask",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You take off the glowing/fur-covered body suit.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take off gloves",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put suit down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put mask down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on suit",
"put on mask",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"fish-mouthed mask",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take mask",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"take into northwest",
"put suit down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on mask",
"put on suit",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"lower mask",
"throw lantern",
"throw mask",
"throw suit",
"put suit in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"glowing/fur-covered body suit",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\nThe lantern dims a little.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take suit",
"take lantern",
"take mask",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on suit",
"put on mask",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower suit",
"lower lantern",
"lower mask",
"throw suit",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw mask",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take suit",
"take mask",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"take into northwest",
"put gloves down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on suit",
"put on mask",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower suit",
"lower mask",
"throw suit",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw mask",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Convention Center Lobby",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nTheater\nThis cavernous auditorium is reputed to be the most elaborate in the GUE. Built to the precise specifications of Lord Dimwit Flathead, its excessive structure holds 69,105 seats, not including the royal box seats that are centrally situated on the 37th mezzanine. The seats themselves are built like thrones, with high, wooden backs that obscure visibility and make the seating area seem rather like a forest of stunted trees. A long aisle runs the entire length of the auditorium from the Cultural Center to the west to the oversized stage to the east. In all other directions, narrow aisles have been arranged in the \"maze of twisty passages\" style that was so popular in Dimwit's day; I would strongly recommend avoiding them.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Theater",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nStage\nThe rather large proscenium seems to have been designed mainly with live performances in mind (the dead were thought, not unreasonably, to be dreadfully dull.) As such, it sports a large, maroon curtain leading backstage and a row of brightly colored footlights. Rubble and debris block the ways to the wings, and a set of stairs leads back down into the theater's main aisle.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"take red lens",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put lens down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lens in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"blue lens",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nThe lantern flickers and goes out.",
"hints": [
"throw lantern",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put red lens down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put red lens in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"red lens",
"blue lens",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put red lens down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put red lens in glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"red lens",
"blue lens",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You carefully sculpt the blue lens so as to fit neatly into the glasses.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put red lens down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put red lens in glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into footlights"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"red lens",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You carefully sculpt the red lens so as to fit neatly into the glasses.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into footlights"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nBackstage\nAh... ah... choo! Those curtains! If I weren't so busy helping you with this game, I'd suggest you go on without me and let me clean this place up enough so that when you returned, I could at least describe it decently. I'll do the best I can, though. A thick, maroon curtain separates the backstage area from the stage. This area was obviously the target of a small, underground tornado (a Vorx) as scrims, scenery and costumes litter the floor. \n\nEven an old steamer trunk, virtually decaying from age, rests in a corner.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"open trunk",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to scrims",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Backstage",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Phew! Now that's musty! The trunk, beside hiding an invisible dead elephant (what else could produce that smell?), holds a rare quint-Zorkmid coin.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take red lens",
"take coin",
"take off gloves",
"close trunk",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower coin",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw coin",
"put lantern in trunk",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put multi in trunk",
"push red lens to scrims",
"push red lens to trunk",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put gores in trunk",
"put glasses in trunk",
"put gloves in trunk",
"put sword in trunk",
"put rune in trunk",
"put all in trunk",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into trunk"
"ploc": "Backstage",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take curtain",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"close trunk",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in trunk",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put multi in trunk",
"push red lens to scrims",
"push red lens to trunk",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put gores in trunk",
"put coin in trunk",
"put glasses in trunk",
"put gloves in trunk",
"put sword in trunk",
"put rune in trunk",
"put all in trunk",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into trunk"
"ploc": "Backstage",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nStage",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take curtain",
"take bow",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"examine footlights",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into footlights"
"ploc": "Stage",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nTheater",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Theater",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\nCompared to the grandeur of the other parts of the Cultural Center, the Hall of Science is rather austere, serving mainly as the entrance to three smallish rooms, at the openings to which stand small reader-boards. These say \"MUSEUM OF ILLUSIONS!\" (east), \"SEE THE MUD FORUM!\" (south), and \"MUSEUM OF ADVENTURE!\" (west). The larger area to the north is the Cultural Center.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put rune down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put rune down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw rune",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"Baby Rune",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take baby",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put gores down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower baby",
"throw lantern",
"throw baby",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put gloves down",
"put lantern down",
"put gores down",
"put sword down",
"put other down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"Forever Gores",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take bars",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put gloves down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put other down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw gores",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nThe Mud Forum\nThis large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, \"Exhibit Closed! Danger!\" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind. \n\nScattered willy-nilly around the floor are detailed replicas of a white house, an evergreen tree, a person with a flattened head, a raft, and a hot-air balloon.\n\nYou can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tinsel",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie coin to tinsel",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "The tree is a perfect miniature of the now-rare Subterraneous Vegitatus, a species thought to have existed only underground. Its leaves are individually painted, each one a miniature masterpiece. Sitting on the tree is a glass ball and a lone strand of tinsel.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tinsel",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie coin to tinsel",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "It appears to be left over from some ancient decorative holiday. Painted on the inner surface of the ball is a scene of a young man, lying by the curb right by a sewer grate in the street. He's apparently been fishing for coins; he holds in his hands a piece of string, on the end of which is a piece of gum. Stuck to the gum is a shiny coin.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tinsel",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie coin to tinsel",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put tinsel down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie tinsel to coin",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put tinsel in square",
"put tinsel in triangle",
"put tinsel in circle",
"put tinsel in pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "This is a coin, similar in shape and size to an old Chinese coin, complete with a square hole in its center. Stamped on its face is \"5 Zorkmids.\"",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put tinsel down",
"put coin down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"tie tinsel to coin",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put tinsel in square",
"put tinsel in triangle",
"put tinsel in circle",
"put tinsel in pentagon",
"put coin in square",
"put coin in triangle",
"put coin in circle",
"put coin in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You carefully thread the tinsel through the coin's square opening, tying it in a knot. The coin now dangles from the tinsel.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by eight points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put tinsel down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put tinsel in square",
"put tinsel in triangle",
"put tinsel in circle",
"put tinsel in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\n\nYou can see a Forever Gores here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take bars",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put tinsel down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw gores",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nMuseum of Illusion\nThe Museum of Illusion was dedicated to the memory of the Great Implementers - figures who were believed to have created the GUE as an act of pure will. Before you, a row of delicately crafted porcelain busts of these immortal greats once stood. Legend has it that so lifelike were these busts, that they would seem to talk among themselves, discussing history, the arts, music, and philosophy, much as those mythic figures did in the Golden Age of Text Adventures. But years of neglect and the ravages of time have toppled most from atop their finely-wrought pedestals. Now, alas, the only two that remain are those of Marc Blank and Mike Berlyn, bloodied, but unbent; battered, but unbroken; shaken, but not stirred.\n\nWorse than the physical desecration of this shrine, it is clear that an attempt was made to commercialize what remains, for now, above the busts, is a sign reading, \"Consult the Oracles - 10 Zorkmids.\" Beneath the sign is a coin-sized slot. \n\nMike's eyes, like those on a famous science-fiction adventure game box, seem to follow you as you approach. \"Marc! Wake up! We have company!\"",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put tinsel down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in slot",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to slot",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put tinsel in slot",
"put all in slot",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into slot"
"ploc": "Museum of Illusion",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "The coin drops into the slot, but (unbeknownst to Mike and Marc) remains tied to the tinsel. \n\nMarc looks with some satisfaction at Mike, then assumes a very serious (oracular, one might say) pose. A holographic image of an hourglass miraculously appears beside him, the number \"10\" glowing inside with a harsh, red light. The number \"10\" is replaced by \"9\" as his voice drops three or four octaves. \"Now hear the Oracle of the Implementers,\" he begins. (7) \"The Wisdom of the Ages,\" he continues, in no apparent hurry. (5) \"The Revealed Truth of All Truths,\" he drones, the word `truths' somehow adding an extra syllable or two. (2) And, finally, \"Listen.\" Then, snapping out of his trance-like state, he looks in your direction rather sheepishly. \"Sorry about that,\" he says. \"I get a little carried away. Just another five Zorkmids and I'll finish up with a really juicy piece of information.\" He looks at you expectantly.\n\nMarc's bust does a double-take. \"Hmm,\" he hmms. \"Not a bad-looking specimen, though back in the old days, they built `em tougher.\"",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take tinsel",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower tinsel",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw tinsel",
"put lantern in slot",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to slot",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into slot"
"ploc": "Museum of Illusion",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nMike's bust looks wistful. \"Sigh,\" he sighs. \"Oh for the olden, golden days of yore.\"",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"untie tinsel",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put tinsel down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in slot",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to slot",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put tinsel in slot",
"put all in slot",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into slot"
"ploc": "Museum of Illusion",
"inv": [
"quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Mike seems surprised (and not altogether pleased) that you've been able to put the same quint-Zorkmid coin in twice. With a blink of his eye, the tinsel goes up in a ball of sparks and flame (pyrotechnics being a specialty with him) and the coin drops fully into the slot. \n\nMarc assumes the oracular position and intones: \"Ahem. It may be uncommon knowledge, but, it should be clear to see that text is not a great three-D medium. You may be blue, but looking through rose colored glasses helps bring things into alignment.\"\n\nMike says, \"True, Marc. All too true. As you know, I'd try to pry the sixth rib I saw.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in slot",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to slot",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into slot"
"ploc": "Museum of Illusion",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\n\nYou can see a Forever Gores here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take bars",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put gloves down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw gores",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nMuseum of Adventure\nThis museum is a sick, twisted, and pitiful homage to that special creature as near and dear to my heart as a parser, the Adventurer. There, in the center of the room, sits a display that sends a shiver up your spine: A skeleton. On the small pedestal beside it sits a plaque. The walls have been clawed, the wallpaper and exhibit signs shredded by what was probably an over-excited tourist group of grues. In what looks like the remnants of their enthusiastic visit, piles of bones lie on the floor, cracked open, fang-marks clearly evident on their glistening white surfaces. One sign on the wall by a door to the southwest remains, though.\n\nThe lantern dims a little.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to first rib",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"pry first rib with sword"
"ploc": "Museum of Adventure",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Click. Whir. Zzzzip! (Well, as a parser, I could give you a huge hint that the door to the Janitor's Closet has just disappeared, but don't count on my help.)\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"take into southwest",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to first rib",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"pry first rib with sword"
"ploc": "Museum of Adventure",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nJanitor's Closet\nAs you step through the doorway, you realize you've entered a room so vast, you can see the distant curvature of the Earth. On the distant, foggy horizon, the ceiling appears to meet the floor, blending in the mist. The only thing in this enormous, cavernous area are shelves, shelves and more shelves, all of them empty, dwindling into nothingness. This of course disproves the ancient belief that there's never enough closet space.\n\nOn the shelves is an aerosol can.\n\nYou think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating.",
"hints": [
"take off",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take can",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower can",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw can",
"put lantern on shelves",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put multi on shelves",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to shelves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put glasses on shelves",
"put gloves on shelves",
"put sword on shelves",
"put all in glasses",
"put all on shelves"
"ploc": "Janitor's Closet",
"inv": [
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nYou think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take off",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern on shelves",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put multi on shelves",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to shelves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put glasses on shelves",
"put gloves on shelves",
"put can on shelves",
"put sword on shelves",
"put all in glasses",
"put all on shelves"
"ploc": "Janitor's Closet",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nMuseum of Adventure",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"take into southwest",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray first rib",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to first rib",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"pry first rib with sword"
"ploc": "Museum of Adventure",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\n\nYou can see a Forever Gores here.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"take bars",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"spray lantern",
"throw multi",
"throw gores",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "\nThe Mud Forum\n\nYou can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.\n\nThe lantern flickers and goes out.\n\nIt is now pitch dark in here!",
"hints": [
"put can down",
"put all down",
"throw can"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.\n\nThe Mud Forum\nThis large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, \"Exhibit Closed! Danger!\" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind. \n\nYou can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in square",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in circle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "You place the glasses on your face; while not a great fit, at least they don't fall off.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in square",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in circle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"razor-like gloves",
"cheaply-made sword"
"msg": "aerosol can: Dropped.\nbrass lantern: Dropped.\nZM$100000: Dropped.\nMulti-Implementeers: Dropped.\ncheaply-made sword: True, the sword is not a formidable weapon, but it is the only one you've got. Oh well.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take can",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take sword",
"take multi",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower can",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw sword",
"lower multi",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw house",
"throw can",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw glasses",
"throw raft",
"throw multi",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "You lift the cover, revealing a dark, transparent film on which can barely be seen some sort of line drawing. Details are pretty much impossible to discern. ",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put cover down",
"hold button",
"examine glasses"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "As you push the button, a light shines out from inside the display unit, revealing a transparent film, lit from below. At first, a blurred image appears. Then, after a few moments, an almost magical, three-dimensional scene comes into view: a man with a flattened head stands in the foreground, while directly behind him is a tree. Behind the tree you can clearly see a house, while behind the house, hovering off the ground, is a hot-air balloon. Oddly, the raft appears off to the side, as if not in the scene at all. After getting a good look, you drop the cover and release the button.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take can",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take sword",
"take multi",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower can",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw sword",
"lower multi",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw house",
"throw can",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw glasses",
"throw raft",
"throw multi",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The symbols, painted on the floor in purple, represent a circle, a square, a triangle and a pentagon. They progress from the center of the room to the display like stepping stones. ",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take lantern",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take can",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take raft",
"take sword",
"take multi",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower lantern",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower can",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower raft",
"throw sword",
"lower multi",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw house",
"throw can",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw glasses",
"throw raft",
"throw multi",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in glasses",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "cheaply-made sword: Taken.\nMulti-Implementeers: Taken.\nZM$100000: Taken.\nbrass lantern: Taken.\naerosol can: Taken.\npicture: That's hardly portable.\nsymbols: That's hardly portable.\ntree: Taken.\nhouse: Taken.\nhot-air balloon: Taken.\nflathead: Taken.\nraft: Taken.\nDisplay Unit: That's hardly portable.\nsealed door: That's hardly portable.\nsign: That's hardly portable.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take cardboard",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put balloon down",
"put tree down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put flathead down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put house down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"push ball to southeast",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in circle",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put balloon in square",
"put balloon in triangle",
"put balloon in circle",
"put balloon in pentagon",
"put tree in square",
"put tree in triangle",
"put tree in circle",
"put tree in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in circle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to circle",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put raft in square",
"put raft in triangle",
"put raft in circle",
"put raft in pentagon",
"put flathead in square",
"put flathead in triangle",
"put flathead in circle",
"put flathead in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in circle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"push ball to tree",
"push ball to square",
"push ball to triangle",
"push ball to glasses",
"push ball to circle",
"push ball to pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in circle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in square",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in circle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in circle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put house in square",
"put house in triangle",
"put house in circle",
"put house in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into circle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"hot-air balloon",
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The flathead is now resting in the center of the circle.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take cardboard",
"take flathead",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put balloon down",
"put tree down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put house down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"push ball to southeast",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower flathead",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw flathead",
"put lantern in square",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put balloon in square",
"put balloon in triangle",
"put balloon in pentagon",
"put tree in square",
"put tree in triangle",
"put tree in pentagon",
"put multi in square",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to square",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put raft in square",
"put raft in triangle",
"put raft in pentagon",
"put glasses in square",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"push ball to tree",
"push ball to square",
"push ball to triangle",
"push ball to glasses",
"push ball to pentagon",
"put gloves in square",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in square",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in square",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put house in square",
"put house in triangle",
"put house in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into tree",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"hot-air balloon",
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The tree is now resting in the center of the square.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take cardboard",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put balloon down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put house down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"put lantern in triangle",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put balloon in triangle",
"put balloon in pentagon",
"put multi in triangle",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to triangle",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put raft in triangle",
"put raft in pentagon",
"put glasses in triangle",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in triangle",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in triangle",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in triangle",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put house in triangle",
"put house in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into triangle",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"hot-air balloon",
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The house is now resting in the center of the triangle.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put balloon down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"put lantern in glasses",
"put lantern in pentagon",
"put balloon in pentagon",
"put multi in pentagon",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to glasses",
"push red lens to pentagon",
"put raft in pentagon",
"put glasses in pentagon",
"put gloves in pentagon",
"put can in pentagon",
"put sword in pentagon",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"hot-air balloon",
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "The hot-air balloon is now resting in the center of the pentagon.\n\nClick. (Uh oh!) You hear a low, menacing rumble as the room starts to shake. The noise comes from the southeast, where a massive door slowly opens beneath the `Exhibit Closed! Danger!' sign.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"take into southeast",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take house",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"take into southeast",
"put lantern down",
"put multi down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower house",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"spray southeast",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw multi",
"throw house",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to southeast",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into square"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nCage\nYou step through twisted bars of steel -- bars which look like a being of superhuman strength bent them to allow passage, bars designed to keep people out. Or to keep something else in.This area was designed for some otherworldly visitors, and judging by the sounds emanating from the many passages heading off to the east, they're still around. Dangling on the bars is a small sign which reads, \"EXTRATERRESTRIAL MUSEUM.\"",
"hints": [
"examine gloves",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"take off glasses",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put raft down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put multi down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray gloves",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cage",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\nUh oh. Looks like your presence attracted a group of nasty-looking mutant rat-ants. They stand there, bobbing and weaving to some unheard beat and rhythm.",
"hints": [
"examine gloves",
"turn lantern off",
"hit rat",
"take multi",
"take red lens",
"take off gloves",
"take off glasses",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put raft down",
"put lantern down",
"put sword down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower multi",
"spray gloves",
"spray rat",
"throw gloves",
"throw lantern",
"throw multi",
"put gloves in glasses",
"push red lens to gloves",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cage",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nThe Mud Forum\n\nYou can see a ZM$100000 here.\n\nYou hear munching noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take balloon",
"take red lens",
"take cardboard",
"take flathead",
"take tree",
"take ball",
"look under cover",
"take all",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"take into southeast",
"put lantern down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put raft down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"hold button",
"examine glasses",
"lower balloon",
"lower flathead",
"lower tree",
"lower house",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw balloon",
"throw flathead",
"throw tree",
"throw glasses",
"throw house",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"empty glasses into pentagon"
"ploc": "The Mud Forum",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nHall of Science Lobby\n\nYou can see a Forever Gores here.\n\nYou hear munching noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take gores",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower gores",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw gores",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Hall of Science Lobby",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nCultural Complex\n\nYou can see a Baby Rune here.\n\nYou hear munching noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take baby",
"take red lens",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"lower baby",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw baby",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses",
"ploc": "Cultural Complex",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "\nTunnel\n\nYou hear munching noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine lantern",
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Tunnel",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou appear to have a fan club. The amalgamation of mutant rat-ants seems to have followed, mandibles clicking, saliva dripping, eyestalks focused only on you.\n\nThe rat-ants appear to be extremely agitated as they spy the huge crystals. One rushes forward, knocking you over in its enthusiasm, and tastes the crystalline boulders originally blocking your exit. The lead ant starts doing what could be called a dance of joy. The others form orderly rows, like chorus lines, and start moving in time to some unheard beat, no doubt led by the leader-ant.\n\nWith antennae gesticulating wildly, the leader ant quickly and easily lifts one of the boulders as if it were no more than a tiny grain of sugar. The others break their formation and one by one, take a boulder handed off by their leader and head for their homes.\n\nBefore you know it, they've made a hole large enough for you to make your escape from the tunnel!",
"hints": [
"turn lantern off",
"take red lens",
"take off glasses",
"take off gloves",
"put lantern down",
"put raft down",
"put glasses down",
"put gloves down",
"put can down",
"put sword down",
"put all down",
"put on glasses",
"empty glasses",
"examine glasses",
"spray lantern",
"throw lantern",
"throw raft",
"put lantern in glasses",
"push red lens to lantern",
"push red lens to glasses",
"put all in glasses"
"ploc": "Tunnel",
"inv": [
"aerosol can",
"brass lantern",
"cheaply-made sword",
"razor-like gloves"
"msg": "You manage to make your way through the remaining boulders, winding your way outward and upward to the land you left behind. Visions of tickertape parades, keys to cities, your picture on the front page of the newspaper, all swim in your head. And best of all, your name included in the honor roll of Adventurers. You can almost see the Grand Inquisitor welcoming you back with open arms, his reward in the forefront of your mind, as you, at last, come out into the light of day you feared you would never again see.\n\nAs you stretch and take in a big, healthy breath of fresh air, you hear the clicking and whirring of giant mandibles exiting from the opening behind you. You wheel around and point the can at the leader ant and spray for all you're worth (which at this point isn't much.) Still, you take out the leader ant, and the others, seeing his (or her) fate, run back to the safety of the tunnel. As you turn away from the tunnel, you are quickly surrounded by the Grand Inquisitor's guards. They seal the tunnel and then escort you to the Grand Inquisitor himself. His huge eyebrows arch upward as he glances at you, his eyes traveling up and down your frame.\n\n\"You seem somehow... changed,\" he booms. \"Have you grown?\"\n\n\"No...\" you say, noticing for the first time your more upright, less-cowering stance.\n\n\"Speak not unless spoken to!\" he interrupts. \"Now, tell me of the treasures which lie below, of the vast riches, of the wealth. Which gem or bauble did you find in greatest number?\"\n\n\"Well, there were a lot of grues,\" you say.\n\n\"Grues, indeed.\" Shaking his enormous head, the Grand Inquisitor turns to his advisor, Wartle, and sighs. \"Yes, you were right, wise one. We should have sent Bilbonic the Plague.\" He turns back to you. \"Still, you managed to explore and return safely. As your reward, you may take the afternoon off.\"\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 100 out of a possible 100, in 84 turns, earning you the rank of The Ultimate Infocom Text Adventurer. Congratulations!\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"examine boulders",
"talk to man",
"take mask",
"wear fish",
"wear fur",
"wear razor",
"take rune",
"take gores",
"take implementeers",
"take zm$100000",
"drop lamp",
"take glasses",
"remove mask",
"remove suit",
"drop mask",
"drop suit",
"take lamp",
"take blue",
"take red",
"hit lamp",
"put blue in glasses",
"put red in glasses",
"open trunk",
"take coin",
"drop rune",
"drop gores",
"examine tree",
"examine ball",
"take tinsel",
"examine coin",
"tie tinsel to coin",
"put coin in slot",
"pull tinsel",
"put coin in slot",
"pry sixth rib with sword",
"take can",
"shake lamp",
"wear glasses",
"drop all",
"open lid",
"push button",
"examine symbols",
"take all",
"put flathead on circle",
"put tree on square",
"put house on triangle",
"put balloon on pentagon",
"drop zm$100000",
"drop multi",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "OMNIQuest\nA POP Release\nParser Version 1.0\nPOP RULES!!\n\nThere's nothing to do, and you're sort of tired, so you lay on your bed and think philosophical thoughts.\n(meaning of life, end of the world, etc.) As you philosophize, you begin to doze...\n\nYou wake up with a horrible headache. As you glance around, you realize that you are not in Kansas anymore.\nYou attempt to gain some bearing as to where you are...\n\n\nOMNIQuest\nOriginal for Commodore Basic V2\n written c. 1988 by Chris Barden and Chris Ethridge, \n adapted to Inform by Chris Barden\nRelease 2 / Serial number 040127 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10 SD\n\nLarge Clearing\nYou are standing in a large clearing surrounded by a dense forest. There is a path to the east.\n\nYou can see a tree here.",
"hints": [
"examine tree",
"ploc": "Large Clearing",
"inv": null
"msg": "There is a snorkel hanging from the tree. You take it.",
"hints": [
"put snorkel down",
"put on snorkel"
"ploc": "Large Clearing",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSmall Path\nThe path branches here. There are paths to the west and south that continue into the forest. The path to the east appears to lead into some rather rocky territory.",
"hints": [
"put snorkel down",
"put on snorkel"
"ploc": "Small Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nFork in Path\nThis path forks to the southwest and southeast.",
"hints": [
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put on snorkel",
"ploc": "Fork in Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nEnd of Path\nThis appears to be the end of the path. There is an exit to the northeast.\n\nYou can see a match here.",
"hints": [
"take match",
"light match",
"get in northeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put on snorkel"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"light match",
"get in northeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put match down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nFork in Path",
"hints": [
"light match",
"get in southwest",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put match down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"ploc": "Fork in Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nEnd of Path\nThis appears to be the end of the path. There is an exit to the northwest.\n\nYou can see a raincoat (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"take raincoat",
"light match",
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put match down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"light match with raincoat"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"light match",
"get in northwest",
"put raincoat down",
"put snorkel down",
"put match down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put on snorkel",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "You open the raincoat.",
"hints": [
"light match",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"put raincoat down",
"put snorkel down",
"put match down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put on snorkel",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put match in raincoat"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "You put the match into the raincoat.",
"hints": [
"take match",
"light match",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"put raincoat down",
"put snorkel down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put on snorkel",
"empty raincoat",
"push match to raincoat"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "You close the raincoat.",
"hints": [
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "End of Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nFork in Path",
"hints": [
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"put raincoat down",
"put snorkel down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put on snorkel",
"open raincoat",
"ploc": "Fork in Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSmall Path",
"hints": [
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Small Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCanyon Entrance\nThis is the entrance to a canyon formed by an ancient river. The canyon is to the east. There is a sandy path to the northwest that seems to lead to a beach. There is a path leading into a forest to the west.",
"hints": [
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Canyon Entrance",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCanyon Path\nThe path here is a riverbed that has long since gone dry. The river has cut several meandering passages into the canyon, forming what looks like two rather large boulders. A passage to the north appears to go around the larger boulder, while a narrow gap to the southeast seems to go around the smaller boulder. A passage to the east cuts the rock into its separate sections. And of course, the passage to the west goes back the way you came.",
"hints": [
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Canyon Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSmall Clearing\nThis clearing is apparently a brief widening of some ancient river. There are various small passages winding around two large boulders. These are to the north, south, and west.\n\nYou can see a shovel here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Small Clearing",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Small Clearing",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCanyon Path",
"hints": [
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Canyon Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCanyon Entrance",
"hints": [
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Canyon Entrance",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nEndless Beach\nThis is a beach that seems to stretch on forever to the east and west. There is nothing particularly notable about the beach, except that it has white sand. The ocean is to the north. You see an island on the horizon. There is a path winding across the dunes to the southeast.",
"hints": [
"examine north",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on snorkel",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Endless Beach",
"inv": [
"msg": "You put on the snorkel.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat"
"ploc": "Endless Beach",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nOcean\nThe water is a bit deep, but with the snorkel on you can breathe. The shore is to the south. The island looms ahead to the north.",
"hints": [
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"ploc": "Ocean",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIsland Coast\nThis is the main section of the island. The primary landmark on the island is a towering rock, which lies along the coast here. There is a path to the rest of the island to the north.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"push rock",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"ploc": "Island Coast",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSandy Beach\nThis is an area with particularly soft earth. There is a path back to the main section of the island to the south.",
"hints": [
"use shovel",
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"ploc": "Sandy Beach",
"inv": [
"msg": "Digging reveals a lamp. You take it.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp on",
"ploc": "Sandy Beach",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIsland Coast",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"push rock",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp on",
"ploc": "Island Coast",
"inv": [
"msg": "With a great effort you move the rock. You fall through the hole that the rock was covering. Fortunately, your fall is broken by a small patch of manure. You notice someone moving the rock back over the hole.\n\nCylindrical Room\nThis is a cylindrical room. The walls are smooth and unclimbable. There are no prominent features in this room, except for a torch securely fastened to the wall. There appears to be no way out of this room.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp on",
"pull on torch"
"ploc": "Cylindrical Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "Pulling on the torch causes a secret passageway to the southeast to open.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp on"
"ploc": "Cylindrical Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "You switch the lamp on.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Cylindrical Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nGiant Cavern\nThis is a large room which has corridors leaving the room in four different directions: northwest, northeast, west, and south.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in northeast",
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Giant Cavern",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSmall Cavern\nThis is a small cavern with passages to the southeast, southwest, and north.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Small Cavern",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nTwisting Passageway\nThis passageway is rather damp and twists in all directions. All of these are dead ends except for the passages to the north, northwest, southwest, and southeast.\n\nYou can see a sword here.",
"hints": [
"take sword",
"take off snorkel",
"get in southwest",
"get in northwest",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Twisting Passageway",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southwest",
"get in northwest",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Twisting Passageway",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nBlue Ridge Mountain Sports\nThis is a store that appears to be deserted. There are exits to the south and east.\n\nYou can see a parka here.",
"hints": [
"take parka",
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Blue Ridge Mountain Sports",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Blue Ridge Mountain Sports",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nDirt Cave\nThis is a damp cave with moist ground. There is an exit to the west.",
"hints": [
"use shovel",
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put raincoat down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Dirt Cave",
"inv": [
"msg": "Digging reveals a worm. You take it.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Dirt Cave",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nBlue Ridge Mountain Sports",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Blue Ridge Mountain Sports",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nTwisting Passageway",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southwest",
"get in southeast",
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Twisting Passageway",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIntersection\nYou have come across a shimmering lake. This is an intersection with paths to the northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"get in southwest",
"get in northeast",
"get in northwest",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nEast Path\nThis is a path that came from the northwest and continues to the southwest.\n\nThere is an old man here.\n\"I haven't had a smoke in 12 years,\" he says. \"Please, PLEASE give me a match!\"\n\nYou can also see a scroll here.",
"hints": [
"take scroll",
"take off snorkel",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"open raincoat",
"turn lamp off"
"ploc": "East Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "You open the raincoat, revealing a match.",
"hints": [
"take match",
"take scroll",
"light match",
"take off snorkel",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"empty raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"push match to raincoat",
"give man match",
"light match with scroll"
"ploc": "East Path",
"inv": [
"msg": "(first taking the match)\n\"Thank you!!\" says the man. He lights up for the first time\nin 12 years. \"I have this fishing rod. I'd use it, but I've\nbeen sitting here so long that I can't get up. Since you've\nbeen so nice to me, you can have my rod.\" He hands it to you,\nand you take it.",
"hints": [
"take scroll",
"take off snorkel",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"push scroll to raincoat",
"put worm in raincoat"
"ploc": "East Path",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "The scroll reads:\nGreetings. If you have found this letter, you are obviously\ntrapped down here. We, the Tamatis, need your help. The\nDiamond Wings of Destiny have been stolen. Legend has it whoever\nfinds them will be able to fly. Please return them to us. You can\nfind us behind the wall of ice.",
"hints": [
"take scroll",
"take off snorkel",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"push scroll to raincoat",
"put worm in raincoat"
"ploc": "East Path",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nSouth Lake\nThis is an area south of the majestic lake. There are many exits here, such as northwest, northeast, southeast, and south.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in northwest",
"get in southeast",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on parka",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put worm in raincoat"
"ploc": "South Lake",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nChilly Corridor\nThere is a cool draft coming from the southeast. There are other exits to the southwest and northwest.\n\nSince it is so cold, it might be wise to put on a jacket of some sort.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"close raincoat",
"get in southeast",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put on parka",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put worm in raincoat"
"ploc": "Chilly Corridor",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "You put on the parka.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"get in southeast",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put worm in raincoat"
"ploc": "Chilly Corridor",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nIce Room\nThis is a COLD room filled with ice. Slush fills a hole in the center of the room. There is an exit to the northwest.",
"hints": [
"use rod",
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put worm down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"eat worm",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put worm in raincoat"
"ploc": "Ice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "You bait your rod and cast.\nFinally a fish! You take it.",
"hints": [
"use rod",
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put fish down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put fish in raincoat"
"ploc": "Ice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "Of all the dumb luck! A boot! You take it anyway.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put fish down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"examine boot",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put fish in raincoat"
"ploc": "Ice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "Examining the boot further reveals a crystal, which you take.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put fish down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put crystal down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put fish in raincoat",
"put crystal in raincoat"
"ploc": "Ice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nChilly Corridor",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in southeast",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put fish down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put other down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put fish in raincoat",
"put other in raincoat"
"ploc": "Chilly Corridor",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nRice Room\nThis room smells of steaming rice. Some song is playing in the distance, and it is saying something about rice patties. Exits are to the northeast and north.\n\nYou can see some rice here.",
"hints": [
"take rice",
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"put crystal down",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put fish down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put crystal in raincoat",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"push rice to raincoat",
"put fish in raincoat"
"ploc": "Rice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"make sushi",
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put fish down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rice down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put crystal down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put fish in raincoat",
"put rice in raincoat",
"put crystal in raincoat"
"ploc": "Rice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "You're not Julia Child, but it'll do.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"put crystal down",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sushi down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put crystal in raincoat",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put sushi in raincoat"
"ploc": "Rice Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nMusty Corridor\nThis somewhat non-descript room has a particularly musty odor. There are exits to the north and south.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put sushi down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put crystal down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put sushi in raincoat",
"put crystal in raincoat"
"ploc": "Musty Corridor",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nSouth Lake",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in northwest",
"get in southeast",
"put crystal down",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sushi down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put crystal in raincoat",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put sushi in raincoat"
"ploc": "South Lake",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nWest Path\nThis is a section of the path that continues to the northeast and southeast, as well as branching to the west.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in southeast",
"put crystal down",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put sushi down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put crystal in raincoat",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put sushi in raincoat"
"ploc": "West Path",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nGuardian Chamber\nThis is a tall chamber with columns lining the door to the west. The exit is to the east.\n\nYou can see a samurai here.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put sushi down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put crystal down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put sushi in raincoat",
"put crystal in raincoat",
"give samurai sushi"
"ploc": "Guardian Chamber",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "He says something in thanks, and begins to eat as he walks away.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put crystal down",
"put rod down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put crystal in raincoat",
"put snorkel in raincoat"
"ploc": "Guardian Chamber",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nJeweled Room\nThis is an ornately decorated room with absurdly large and tacky jewels plastered to the wall.\nIn the center of the room is a diamond cage. There is an exit to the east.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put crystal down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put crystal on space",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put crystal in raincoat"
"ploc": "Jeweled Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "The cage has a crystal-shaped space on it.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put crystal down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"put crystal on space",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put crystal in raincoat"
"ploc": "Jeweled Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "There is a flash of light, and the cage opens, revealing...\nThe Diamond Wings of Destiny!!\nThe cage and crystal suddenly vanish, leaving the wings.",
"hints": [
"take wings",
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"push wings to raincoat"
"ploc": "Jeweled Room",
"inv": [
"fishing rod",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Jeweled Room",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nGuardian Chamber",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Guardian Chamber",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nWest Path",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in southeast",
"put rod down",
"put wings down",
"put snorkel down",
"put parka down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put shovel down",
"put raincoat down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put wings in raincoat",
"put snorkel in raincoat"
"ploc": "West Path",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nIntersection",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in southeast",
"get in northwest",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Intersection",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nSlimy Passageway\nThis is a slippery tunnel which has exits to the north, northeast, and southeast.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in southeast",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Slimy Passageway",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nGiant Cavern",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Giant Cavern",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nSmall Cavern",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Small Cavern",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nOrgan Room\nThis is a large room. The majority of the room is taken up by a massive pipe organ. Thousands upon thousands of pipes fill the room. The organ appears to be in a playable condition.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"play organ",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat",
"ploc": "Organ Room",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "The quiet of the cave is shattered by the sound of a non-musician playing the organ.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat",
"ploc": "Organ Room",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nSmall Cavern",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Small Cavern",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nGiant Cavern",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"get in northeast",
"get in northwest",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Giant Cavern",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nCold Passage\nThis is a passageway that used to be cold but is becoming gradually warmer.\nVapors radiate from the spot where a wall of ice used to stand. There are fragments of the wall on the ground.\nThe passage to the west is now reachable. There is an exit to the east.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat"
"ploc": "Cold Passage",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "\nLedge\nThis is a ledge that towers above an abyss. There is a fog below, but you can see a faint light.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on wings",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat",
"ploc": "Ledge",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "You put on the pair of diamond wings.",
"hints": [
"take off snorkel",
"take off wings",
"take off parka",
"close raincoat",
"put snorkel down",
"put wings down",
"put raincoat down",
"put rod down",
"put boot down",
"put sword down",
"put parka down",
"put shovel down",
"put lamp down",
"put all down",
"put on raincoat",
"turn lamp off",
"put snorkel in raincoat",
"put wings in raincoat",
"ploc": "Ledge",
"inv": [
"pair of diamond wings",
"fishing rod",
"msg": "You glide to the bottom to land in the middle of a group of Tamatis.\nThey look at you and say, \"You have found the ancient Diamond Wings\nof Destiny! But we cannot find our orange. Can you help us again?\"\n\nAnd so, a new quest begins...\n\n-- THE END --\n\nWatch for...\n\nOMNIQUEST II:\nThe Search for the Purple Orange\n\nCOMING SOON FROM POP!\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 50 out of a possible 50, in 78 turns, which gives you the rank of omniscient adventurer.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"x tree",
"take match",
"take raincoat",
"open raincoat",
"put match in raincoat",
"close raincoat",
"take shovel",
"wear snorkel",
"dig earth",
"push rock",
"pull torch",
"turn on lamp",
"take sword",
"take parka",
"dig ground",
"open raincoat",
"give match to man",
"read scroll",
"put on parka",
"x boot",
"take rice",
"make sushi",
"give sushi to samurai",
"x cage",
"put crystal in space",
"take wings",
"play organ",
"wear wings",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\n\n\n\n[Welcome to a short story called \"Balances\", one of the example games for the Inform design system. Some people may recognise the setting, but others might like to type \"how do spells work\" - the game responds to a few such questions.] \n\nYou feel a little confused as to how you got here. Something to do with Helistar! That's right, and how the world is so far off balance nowadays, after the Great Change.\n\n\nBALANCES\nAn Interactive Short Story \nCopyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 by Graham Nelson.\nRelease 5 / Serial number 961216 / Inform v6.10 Library 6/3\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nRamshackle Hut\nUntil quite recently, someone lived here, you feel sure. Now the furniture is matchwood and the windows are glassless. Outside, it is a warm, sunny day, and grasslands extend to the low hills on the horizon.",
"hints": [
"put coin down",
"put burin down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine furniture",
"examine book",
"examine spell"
"ploc": "Ramshackle Hut",
"inv": [
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Searching through the furniture, which is good for nothing but firewood now, you come across an old cedarwood box, which you pick up for a closer look.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine spell"
"ploc": "Ramshackle Hut",
"inv": [
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the rezrov spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine spell"
"ploc": "Ramshackle Hut",
"inv": [
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Silently, the cedarwood box swings open. In the cedarwood box is Helistar's grimoire.",
"hints": [
"take grimoire",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"push grimoire to furniture",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"push grimoire to box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Ramshackle Hut",
"inv": [
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Ramshackle Hut",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "This must be the grimoire of dangerous spells kept by your irresponsible friend Helistar. Many pages are missing, but a few spells remain:\n\nfrotz spell: cause an object to give off light.\nlleps spell: reverse effect of memorised spell.\nmortin spell: cause immediate death of caster.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Ramshackle Hut",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nGrasslands, near Hut\nThe grasslands sway over low hills in all directions: it is a peaceful wilderness, broken only by this hut and a faint path to the north.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put coin down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put coin in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Grasslands, near Hut",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nPocket Valley\nA pleasant pocket valley in the grassy hills, through which a trail runs north-to-south.\nThere is a chestnut horse here, munching on a pile of oats.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine oats",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Pocket Valley",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Sifting through the oats, you find a shiny scroll! Lucky you got to it before the horse did. As you turn it over in your hands, it seems undamaged.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"cast spell at scroll",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Pocket Valley",
"inv": [
"shiny scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The scroll reads \"bozbar spell: cause an animal to sprout wings\".",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Pocket Valley",
"inv": [
"shiny scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the bozbar spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly then the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Pocket Valley",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the bozbar spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Pocket Valley",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "A pair of handsome brown wings suddenly appears on the horse's powerful shoulders. The horse turns in a complete circle, a look of puzzlement on his face.",
"hints": [
"take in horse",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Pocket Valley",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You begin to ride north. Then, slowly at first but with increasing sureness, the horse begins beating its powerful wings. You rise majestically through the air, sailing gracefully across a chasm where the hills fall away. The horse lands gently on the far side and deposits you, taking to the skies again.\n\nEdge of Chasm\nThe road ends suddenly at a wide chasm. The road leads upward to the north, and you can see it continuing on the southern side of the chasm.\n\nLying in a tight coil at the edge of the chasm is a hissing snake.\n\nThe snake appears to be curled around a featureless white cube.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCrest of Hill\nThe road crosses the top of a ridge here, sloping downwards to the south and the northwest. A track diverges to east.\n\nA tortoise ambles along the road, extremely slowly.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the yomin spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "For a moment you think there is nothing there, as you chew absentmindedly on a leaf. But somewhere inside the tortoise is a sense of wonder at the amazing blue canopy of the sky.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the bozbar spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The tortoise seems to be incapable of expressing surprise, but is now soaring away high in the sky. Something rather grubby is left behind.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take scroll",
"take in northwest",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"chewed scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCave Mouth\nThis is a cave mouth, at one end of a road which winds southeast over rising ground. The entrance west to the caves is a dark tunnel, and only a footpath runs further north, into gorse.\nA heavy iron door bars the cave mouth.\n\nClotted in the mud beside the door is a perfect sapphire.",
"hints": [
"take sapphire",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine sapphire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"chewed scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put sapphire down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine sapphire",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put sapphire in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"perfect sapphire",
"chewed scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "As you gaze into the perfect blue of the sapphire, you feel your mind begin to reel. Unable to bear the naked sight of perfection, you look away, ashamed. As you do so, the sapphire cracks and wastes away to thin hot dust. But something remains, something in your mind...",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"chewed scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "My Spell Book\n\ngnusto spell: copy a scroll into your spell book.\nfrotz spell: cause an object to give off light.\nyomin spell: mind probe.\nrezrov spell: open even locked or enchanted objects.\nbozbar spell: cause an animal to sprout wings.\ncaskly spell: cause perfection.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"chewed scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Before your eyes, the scroll begins to repair itself, failing only at the very last tear. Not quite perfect perhaps, but certainly a readable, if torn scroll.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put scroll down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"torn scroll",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the lobal spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly then the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nGorse Bushes\nThe footpath from the cave mouth runs into dense, impenetrable gorse bushes. Perhaps it wasn't so much a footpath as a rill in the earth where roots wouldn't take; anyway, there's no way but back south.\n\nSlung over one of the gorse bushes is a beautiful red carpet.",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Gorse Bushes",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Gorse Bushes",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCave Mouth\nA heavy iron door bars the cave mouth.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the rezrov spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Silently, the iron door swings open. ",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nDarkness\nIt is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put all down",
"examine spell",
"put spell in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "(The magic writing of the spells casts enough light that you can read them.)\nUsing your best study habits, you commit the frotz spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put all down",
"examine spell",
"put spell in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "There is an almost blinding flash of light as the silver coin begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the silver coin is now quite usable as a light source.\n\nInside Cave\nA wide but shallow cave not far inside the hill. There is no obvious exit, except for the way you came in.\n\nThe iron door stands open.\n\nBalanced on a rock formation is a featureless white cube.\n\nA fair-sized pair of scales hangs from a bracket in the cave wall. The scales are balanced.\n\nOn the right pan are three gold coins.\n\nOn the left pan are a bronze coin, two gold coins and a crumpled scroll.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"take scroll",
"take cube",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"take scroll",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put cube down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cube in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "It is now called the \"cave\" cube.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"take scroll",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The left pan very slowly rises up.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put scroll down",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put scroll in box",
"put scroll on right pan",
"put scroll on left pan",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"crumpled scroll",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the urbzig spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly then the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The right pan rises up.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put gold down",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put gold on right pan",
"put gold on left pan",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put gold in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The scales come into balance.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put gold down",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take coin off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put gold on right pan",
"put gold on left pan",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put gold in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The left pan rises up.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take coin off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The scales come into balance.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCave Mouth\n\nThe iron door stands open.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCrest of Hill",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cube down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cube in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nEdge of Chasm\n\nLying in a tight coil at the edge of the chasm is a hissing snake.\n\nThe snake appears to be curled around a featureless white cube.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put cave in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the urbzig spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put cave in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The snake is replaced by a clump of daffodils.",
"hints": [
"take cube",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "(the featureless white cube)\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put cave down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put cave in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "It is now called the \"chasm\" cube.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Edge of Chasm",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...\n\nCrowded Bazaar (on the beautiful red carpet)\nThis is a crowded, noisy bazaar. Directly in front of you is a lottery! But the contemptuous-looking barker is doing a very poor trade: hardly anyone wants his first prize, the big cuddly toy elephant, or even his nineteenth prize, a featureless white cube.\n\nBehind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You get off the beautiful red carpet.\n\nCrowded Bazaar\n\nBehind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.\n\nYou can also see a beautiful red carpet here.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...\n\nCrest of Hill (on the beautiful red carpet)\nThe road crosses the top of a ridge here, sloping downwards to the south and the northwest. A track diverges to east.",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You get off the beautiful red carpet.\n\nCrest of Hill\n\nYou can see a beautiful red carpet here.",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nTrack, outside Temple\nThis is the end of a long track winding through desolate hills, which runs back west up to the ridge.\n\nYou stand outside an enormous temple in the shape of a perfect, featureless white cube, four hundred feet on a side. From somewhere within you hear the tiny sound of the monks chanting.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The chanting is too quiet to make out.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the lobal spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Nothing happens, possibly because those butterflies on the other side of the hill keep distracting you.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The endlessly repeating threnody of the monks tells of the legend of one who will some day enlighten their order, and so be taken up to a higher plane. He (or she, presumably) is known as The Four-Cubed One.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nHigh in the sky, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThose wretched butterflies finally shut up.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA tortoise-feather flutters to the ground before you!",
"hints": [
"take feather",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.\n\nFar above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put feather down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put feather in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"tortoise feather",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCrest of Hill",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put feather down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put feather in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"tortoise feather",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCave Mouth\n\nThe iron door stands open.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put feather down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put feather in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"tortoise feather",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nInside Cave\n\nThe iron door stands open.\n\nA fair-sized pair of scales hangs from a bracket in the cave wall. The scales are balanced.\n\nOn the right pan are three gold coins.\n\nOn the left pan are a silver coin (providing light) and two gold coins.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put feather down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put feather in box",
"put feather on right pan",
"put feather on left pan",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"tortoise feather",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The left pan rises up.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put feather down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take coin off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put feather in box",
"put feather on right pan",
"put feather on left pan",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"tortoise feather",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You put the bronze coin on the left pan.",
"hints": [
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put feather down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put feather in box",
"put feather on right pan",
"put feather on left pan",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"tortoise feather",
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The scales come into balance.",
"hints": [
"take feather",
"take gold",
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put down coin",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"take gold off left pan",
"take all off right pan",
"take all off left pan",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all on right pan",
"put all on left pan",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Inside Cave",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCave Mouth\n\nThe iron door stands open.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close door",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put book down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put book in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Cave Mouth",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nCrest of Hill",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...\n\nCrowded Bazaar (on the beautiful red carpet)\nThis is a crowded, noisy bazaar. Directly in front of you is a lottery! But the contemptuous-looking barker is doing a very poor trade: hardly anyone wants his first prize, the big cuddly toy elephant, or even his nineteenth prize, a featureless white cube.\n\nBehind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You get off the beautiful red carpet.\n\nCrowded Bazaar\n\nBehind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.\n\nYou can also see a beautiful red carpet here.\n\n\"Roll up! Roll up! One silver piece for three goes!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\"None of that!\" snaps the barker angrily, putting you off your study habits. He mutters about \"Enchanter cheats\", but under the circumstances you decide to let the insult pass.\n\n\"Roll up! Roll up! One silver piece for three goes!\"",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n\"Think what you could win, all for one silver coin!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...\n\nCrest of Hill (on the beautiful red carpet)\nThe road crosses the top of a ridge here, sloping downwards to the south and the northwest. A track diverges to east.",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the yomin spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the yomin spell to memory once again.\n\nFar above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the yomin spell to memory a third time.",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You get off the beautiful red carpet.\n\nCrest of Hill\n\nYou can see a beautiful red carpet here.",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...\n\nCrowded Bazaar (on the beautiful red carpet)\nThis is a crowded, noisy bazaar. Directly in front of you is a lottery! But the contemptuous-looking barker is doing a very poor trade: hardly anyone wants his first prize, the big cuddly toy elephant, or even his nineteenth prize, a featureless white cube.\n\nBehind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.\n\n\"Come on, then! Just a silver coin gets you three!\"",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put coin in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You get off the beautiful red carpet.\n\nCrowded Bazaar\n\nBehind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.\n\nYou can also see a beautiful red carpet here.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put coin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put coin in box",
"put coin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box",
"give barker coin"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Grudgingly the barker takes the silver coin and stands back to let you at the board, arms folded.\n\n\"Roll up! Roll up! One silver piece for three goes!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take ticket",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\"Hope that scrawny Enchanter doesn't pick 2306!\" thinks the barker (slowly).\n\n\"Roll up! Roll up! One silver piece for three goes!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take ticket",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You take lottery ticket 2306 out of the board.\n\n\"Come on, then! Just a silver coin gets you three!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put ticket down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"take ticket off board",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put ticket on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put ticket in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker ticket"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\"If that mark does win, hope it's only worthless old 5802,\" ponders the barker.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put ticket down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"take ticket off board",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put ticket on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put ticket in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker ticket"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You take lottery ticket 5802 out of the board.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put ticket down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"take ticket off board",
"examine spell",
"put box on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put ticket on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put ticket in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker ticket"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "With very bad grace, the barker shoves the cuddly toy elephant into your arms.\n\n\"Think what you could win, all for one silver coin!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"take ticket off board",
"put ticket down",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant on carpet",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put ticket on carpet",
"put all on carpet",
"put ticket in box",
"put all in box",
"give barker ticket"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "With concealed relief, the barker shoves the featureless white cube into your hands.\n\n\"Roll up! Roll up! One silver piece for three goes!\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put cave down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"take ticket off board",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put elephant on carpet",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "It is now called the \"prize\" cube.\n\n\"This could be your lucky day!\"",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take ticket",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put down prize",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant on carpet",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crowded Bazaar",
"inv": [
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...\n\nCrest of Hill (on the beautiful red carpet)\nThe road crosses the top of a ridge here, sloping downwards to the south and the northwest. A track diverges to east.\n\nFar above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"take up",
"take in carpet",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "beautiful red carpet",
"inv": [
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "You get off the beautiful red carpet.\n\nCrest of Hill\n\nYou can see a beautiful red carpet here.\n\nTiny in the blue sky, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"take carpet",
"take in carpet",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire on carpet",
"put grimoire in box",
"put box on carpet",
"put book on carpet",
"put book in box",
"put cave on carpet",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant on carpet",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin on carpet",
"put burin in box",
"put all on carpet",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the urbzig spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the lleps spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Your mind wrenches as the urbzig spell reverses itself.\n\nFar above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put elephant down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put elephant in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"cuddly toy elephant",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take elephant",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put carpet down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The cuddly toy elephant is replaced by a buck-toothed cyclops wielding a mace!\n\nThe cyclops leaps and bellows!",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put cave down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"put cave in box",
"put spell in box",
"put burin in box",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the urbzig spell to memory.\n\nHigh in the sky, a tortoise flaps across the sun.\n\nThe cyclops is losing patience (the appropriate cyclops word is untranslatable into English, but approximately means \"forbearance in not smashing all nearby skulls\").",
"hints": [
"examine carpet",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The mace turns into a featureless white cube just as the cyclops was about to hit you with it. Mightily embarrassed by this, he drops the cube and runs off!",
"hints": [
"examine cube",
"take cube",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "(the featureless white cube)\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put carpet down",
"put cave down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put book in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put cave in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "It is now called the \"mace\" cube.",
"hints": [
"take in northwest",
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put mace down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put mace in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Crest of Hill",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "\nTrack, outside Temple\n\nYou stand outside an enormous temple in the shape of a perfect, featureless white cube, four hundred feet on a side. From somewhere within you hear the tiny sound of the monks chanting.\n\nFar above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put mace down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put mace in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you commit the frotz spell to memory.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put mace down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put mace in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Track, outside Temple",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The temple shakes and white light bathes you. Smoothly it unfolds itself in a four-dimensional way your senses can barely comprehend. All you know is that when it is over, you find yourself in...\n\nBalance Room\nThis seems to be the inside of a featureless white cube, forty feet on a side. The air is stale and there is no exit.\n\nThe image of a pair of scales hangs high in the air. One pan is much lower than the other.\n\nFar below the scales, in the centre of the \"floor\", is a predictably-shaped podium, but it is so dusty and cobwebbed that you can't see what it once was.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"cast other",
"clean podium",
"close box",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put box down",
"put book down",
"put mace down",
"put burin down",
"put all down",
"examine grimoire",
"examine book",
"examine spell",
"examine other",
"put grimoire in box",
"put carpet in box",
"put book in box",
"put mace in box",
"put burin in box",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Balance Room",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "No substitute for old-fashioned hard work, sometimes, and after much patient (sneezy) scrubbing, the podium appears in its true white glory. Set into it are four sockets, arranged in a two by two square.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"cast other",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put mace down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put down cave",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"examine other",
"put box on podium",
"put mace in box",
"put mace on podium",
"put mace in bottom right socket",
"put mace in top left socket",
"put mace in bottom left socket",
"put mace in top right socket",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on podium",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on podium",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on podium",
"put carpet in box",
"put carpet on podium",
"put all on podium",
"drop cave down bottom right socket",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Balance Room",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The cube is a predictably perfect fit in the socket.",
"hints": [
"take cube",
"cast spell",
"cast other",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put mace down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put down cave",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"examine other",
"put box on podium",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on podium",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on podium",
"put mace in box",
"put mace on podium",
"put mace in bottom right socket",
"put mace in top left socket",
"put mace in top right socket",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on podium",
"put carpet in box",
"put carpet on podium",
"put all on podium",
"drop cave down bottom right socket",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Balance Room",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The cube is a predictably perfect fit in the socket.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"cast other",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put mace down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"examine other",
"take cube off bottom right socket",
"take cube off bottom left socket",
"put box on podium",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on podium",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on podium",
"put mace in box",
"put mace on podium",
"put mace in top left socket",
"put mace in top right socket",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on podium",
"put carpet in box",
"put carpet on podium",
"put all on podium",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Balance Room",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "The cube is a predictably perfect fit in the socket.",
"hints": [
"cast spell",
"cast other",
"close box",
"put box down",
"put spell down",
"put burin down",
"put mace down",
"put grimoire down",
"put carpet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine grimoire",
"examine spell",
"examine other",
"take cube off bottom right socket",
"take cube off top left socket",
"take cube off bottom left socket",
"put box on podium",
"put spell in box",
"put spell on podium",
"put burin in box",
"put burin on podium",
"put mace in box",
"put mace on podium",
"put mace in top right socket",
"put grimoire in box",
"put grimoire on podium",
"put carpet in box",
"put carpet on podium",
"put all on podium",
"put all in box"
"ploc": "Balance Room",
"inv": [
"beautiful red carpet",
"Helistar's grimoire",
"cedarwood box",
"spell book",
"magic burin"
"msg": "As you place the final cube into the sockets, you feel imbued with celestial wisdom (more so than usually). You find yourself growing to the height of the cube, so that you pull the balances back level by hand, and then you grow still further, out of the temple until it is but a cube in your hand, and you are a giant towering over the land. \n\nThen, of course, you wake up, glumly realising it's time to go to your job at the new Borphee Laboratories and all those Wheatstone bridge experiments. But at least you can dream about the old days.\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 50 out of a possible 51, in 122 turns, earning you the rank of Scientist.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"search furniture",
"learn rezrov",
"rezrov box",
"get grimoire from box",
"examine grimoire",
"search oats",
"examine shiny scroll",
"gnusto shiny scroll",
"learn bozbar",
"bozbar horse",
"mount horse",
"learn yomin",
"yomin tortoise",
"learn bozbar",
"bozbar tortoise",
"get chewed scroll",
"take sapphire",
"examine sapphire",
"examine book",
"caskly chewed scroll",
"gnusto scroll",
"take carpet",
"learn rezrov",
"rezrov door",
"learn frotz",
"frotz coin",
"take cube",
"write cave on cube",
"take crumpled",
"gnusto crumpled",
"take gold coin from right pan",
"take bronze coin from left pan",
"put gold coin on right",
"put silver coin on left",
"learn urbzig",
"urbzig snake",
"take cube",
"write chasm on featureless cube",
"drop carpet",
"sit on carpet",
"sit on carpet",
"take carpet",
"learn lobal",
"lobal me",
"take feather",
"take silver",
"put bronze on left",
"put feather on left",
"drop carpet",
"sit on carpet",
"take carpet",
"learn yomin",
"drop carpet",
"sit on carpet",
"learn yomin",
"learn yomin",
"learn yomin",
"sit on carpet",
"give silver to barker",
"yomin barker",
"take ticket 2306",
"yomin barker",
"take ticket 5802",
"give ticket 2306 to barker",
"give ticket 5802 to barker",
"write prize on featureless",
"sit on carpet",
"take carpet",
"learn urbzig",
"learn lleps",
"lleps urbzig",
"drop toy",
"urbzig toy",
"learn urbzig",
"urbzig mace",
"take cube",
"write mace on featureless",
"learn frotz",
"frotz temple",
"clean podium",
"put chasm cube in bottom left socket",
"put cave cube in bottom right socket",
"put prize cube in top left socket",
"put mace cube in top right socket",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ALL QUIET ON THE LIBRARY FRONT\n\n\n [Please press SPACE to begin.]\n Every library should try to be complete on something, if it were only the history of pinheads. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Poet at the Breakfast-Table \nYou are a student at Anycollege, in Anytown, and it's the end of the semester! You've been slacking off all semester long, and it's catching up to you. That final paper is due for your Computer Science class (\"The History of IF Games\"), and you desperately need to check out a comprehensive book on Graham Nelson, one of the foremost authors of the obscure genre of interactive-fiction. You know there is exactly one such book, but you have no idea where it might be! \n\nThe first time player should probably type \"help\".\n\nALL QUIET ON THE LIBRARY FRONT\nAn Interactive Vignette\nRelease 2 / Serial number 951204 / Inform v1502 Library 5/12\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nLobby\nThis is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled \"Duplicating Services\"; a door to the north bears a sign marked \"Private\" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east\n\nYou can see a circulation desk attendant here.",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "The gates are made of gunmetal-grey plastic, and a set of little red lights on top seem to watch you menacingly.",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "He's leafing through a dog-eared copy of Tom Clancy's \"Without Remorse\", looking terminally bored. He is wearing a nametag.",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"Hi, I'm Alan.\"",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "He glances up at you. \"Yeah, it gets pretty dull around here on Friday afternoons, and I've already read this one six times.\" He sighs heavily. \"If only I hadn't lost that copy of \"Debt of Honor\" in the stacks. I've only read that one four times, and not within the past three months.\" Dejected, he goes back to flipping the pages.",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"Try talking to the reference librarian.\"",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"Try going through those doors, she's probably at her desk.\"",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\nYou push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.\n\nGround Floor Stacks\nThis cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled \"Stairs\", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.\n\nYou can see a reference librarian here.",
"hints": [
"put card down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "She is an extremely proper young woman. She has her hands folded neatly in front of her on the desk, and a pencil so sharp it looks like it would make a decent stiletto is tucked behind one ear. She watches the room, and you, like a hungry hawk. Pinned to her jacket is a nametag.",
"hints": [
"put card down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"Hi! I'm Marion.\"",
"hints": [
"put card down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"Ah, that valuable book. We keep it locked away, in the Rare Books Room.\"",
"hints": [
"put card down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"The Rare Books Room is on the second floor. Stairs are north of here. You will need the key, though.\"",
"hints": [
"put card down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"The key may be obtained at the circulation desk.\"",
"hints": [
"put card down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\nLobby\nThis is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled \"Duplicating Services\"; a door to the north bears a sign marked \"Private\" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east\n\nYou can see a circulation desk attendant here.",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "\"You need to give me your ID card in order to get the key to the Rare Books Room.\"",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "You are carrying:\n an ID card",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give card id"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card"
"msg": "(the ID card to the circulation desk attendant)\nThe circulation attendant gives you the key to the Rare Books Room, and he holds your ID card in exchange.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put key down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give attendant key"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nYou push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.\n\nGround Floor Stacks\nThis cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled \"Stairs\", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.\n\nYou can see a reference librarian here.",
"hints": [
"put key down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nGround Floor Stairwell\nGrungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"look under stairs",
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"msg": "These grungy stairs lead upwards. Dust bunnies romp and play all over the place, and the dust sure seems thick. Maybe the cleaning staff is on vacation.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"look under stairs",
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"msg": "There is a slight, fishy odor.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"look under stairs",
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"msg": "You found a red herring!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put herring down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"red herring",
"msg": "\nSecond Floor Stairwell\nGrungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves.",
"hints": [
"give painting herring",
"take into floor",
"put key down",
"put herring down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"red herring",
"msg": "This painting could pass for a black canvas. The small plaque below it has \"Grue\" engraved.",
"hints": [
"give painting herring",
"take into floor",
"put key down",
"put herring down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"red herring",
"msg": "It almost appears as if an indescribable blackness forms in the painting and reaches out, taking the herring. It is followed by a terrible gnawing noise, and then all is silent again.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take into floor",
"put key down"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSecond Floor Stacks\nYou are in a maze of twisty shelves, all alike.\n\n(Well, okay, not really)\n\nThis cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled \"Computer Room\", and the stairwell lies to the north.\n\nA heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room. A sign indicates that the key may be obtained from the circulation desk.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"look in books",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"msg": "Tucked away in a corner, you find the novel \"Debt of Honor\", by Tom Clancy. Someone must've lost it!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"open door with key",
"open door with copy"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "You unlock the rare books door.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"open door",
"lock door with key",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "You open the rare books door.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"put key down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nRare Books Room\nThe shelves are nearly bare, although there is a complete set of the \"New Zork Times\", a box labeled \"Avalon\", and several biographies of various computer game authors. The door out is to the north\n\nYou can see a biography of Graham Nelson here.",
"hints": [
"take nelson",
"put key down",
"put copy down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Rare Books Room",
"inv": [
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Rare Books Room",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nSecond Floor Stacks\nThis cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled \"Computer Room\", and the stairwell lies to the north.\n\nThe door stands open.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"close door",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "You close the rare books door.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"open door",
"lock door with key",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "You lock the rare books door.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"open door with key",
"open door with graham"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nComputer Lab\nThis entire room hums with the combined output of several dozen computers. All of them are hopelessly out of date, but at least they're still good for word processing.\n\nA bank of printers on one side of the room frantically churns out paper.\n\nYou can see a technician here.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"examine manual"
"ploc": "Computer Lab",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "This frazzled-looking man is thin and angular. He wears thick, slightly rose-tinted glasses, and exhibits nervous twitching. He is wearing a nametag.\n\nHe is leafing through a manual for security systems, and cursing the unreliability of the security gates.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"examine manual"
"ploc": "Computer Lab",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "The technician throws his hands up in frustration, slams the manual shut, tucks it under one arm and heads for the stairs. The air behind him positively smokes from the stream of invective he's producing.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"examine printers"
"ploc": "Computer Lab",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "Wow, a complete copy of the \"Encyclopedia Frobozzica\"! You take it, as it might prove useful.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put frobozzica down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Computer Lab",
"inv": [
"printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nSecond Floor Stacks\nThis cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled \"Computer Room\", and the stairwell lies to the north.\n\nA heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put printout down",
"put all down",
"open door with key",
"open door with graham"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nSecond Floor Stairwell\nGrungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"take into floor",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put printout down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Second Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nGround Floor Stairwell\nGrungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put graham down",
"put copy down",
"put printout down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stairwell",
"inv": [
"printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nGround Floor Stacks\nThis cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled \"Stairs\", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.\n\nYou can see a reference librarian here.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put printout down",
"put debt down",
"put graham down",
"put all down",
"give reference printout"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\"I am waiting for the Encyclopedia Frobozzica, which the technician is currently printing out for me.\"",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put printout down",
"put debt down",
"put graham down",
"put all down",
"give reference printout"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\"Wow, a copy of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica! I've been wanting one of those! I need to add it to the collection right away.\" She begins furiously working at the computer at her desk.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put debt down",
"put graham down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "The games on these shelves range from every installment of the Zork series, through something simply marked as LTOI. There is a special shelf devoted to a game called, simply, \"Curses\", with labels like \"R12\", \"R14\", \"R15\", and \"Curses95\". Other shelves cover \"Christminster\", \"Theatre\", \"Balances\", and many, many others.\n\nOff in one corner are several magazines dedicated to IF, including XYZZYNews and SPAG.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put debt down",
"put graham down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "These IF magazines include XYZZYNews (named for an old magic word from \"Colossal Caves\") and SPAG, the Society for the Preservation of Adventure Games.",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put debt down",
"put graham down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "You invoke an ancient word of power, and a hollow voice whispers in your ear, \"Quiet, please. No talking in the library.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one point.]",
"hints": [
"take graham",
"put key down",
"put debt down",
"put graham down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Ground Floor Stacks",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "\nLobby\nThis is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled \"Duplicating Services\"; a door to the north bears a sign marked \"Private\" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east\n\nYou can see a technician and a circulation desk attendant here.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put key down",
"put debt down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give attendant key",
"give attendant debt"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\"",
"msg": "The circulation attendant puts the key away, then he returns your ID card.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"put debt down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give attendant card",
"give attendant debt"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card",
"biography of Graham Nelson",
"copy of \"Debt of Honor\""
"msg": "The circulation attendant gets a big smile on his face. \"I wondered where that had gotten off to!\" He immediately becomes immersed in the novel.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take book",
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give attendant card"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card",
"biography of Graham Nelson"
"msg": "This frazzled-looking man is thin and angular. He wears thick, slightly rose-tinted glasses, and exhibits nervous twitching. He is wearing a nametag.\n\nHe has opened up one of the security gates and is tinkering with its innards, muttering bitterly to himself all the while.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give attendant card"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card",
"biography of Graham Nelson"
"msg": "\"Hey, I gotta fix these gates before going home. Go pester the librarians, or something.\"",
"hints": [
"take book",
"close drawer",
"take into northwest",
"put card down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine door",
"open drawer",
"give attendant card"
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ID card",
"biography of Graham Nelson"
"msg": "\nEnd Game\n\n\nYou succeed in gaining the biography, and you exit the library. The paper is written over the week-end, you return the book on Monday (of course), and you pass the class with flying colors (despite slacking off for the whole semester), and you graduate from college. \n\nShortly thereafter, you meet an investor who loves IF, and you write a wildly successful game, get rich off of it, and live the rest of your life thanking all the IF authors of the past.\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 30 out of a possible 30, in 52 turns.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"X security gates",
"X attendant",
"Read tag",
"Ask Alan about novel",
"Ask him about Nelson",
"Ask him about librarian",
"X librarian",
"Read tag",
"Ask Marion about Nelson",
"Ask her about rare books",
"Ask her about key",
"Ask Alan about key",
"Give card to Alan",
"X stairs",
"Look under stairs",
"X painting",
"Give fish to grue",
"Search shelves",
"Unlock door with key",
"Open door",
"Get book",
"Close door",
"Lock door with key",
"X technician",
"Ask technician about security gates",
"X printouts",
"Ask Marion about encyclopedia",
"Give encyclopedia to Marion",
"X shelves",
"X magazines",
"Give key to Alan",
"Give novel to Alan",
"X technician",
"Ask technician about security gates",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\n\n\n\n[Type \"help\" for more information about this version]\n\nDetective\nBy Matt Barringer.\nPorted by Stuart Moore.\\nRelease 1 / Serial number 000715 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10 SD\n\n<< Chief's office >>\nYou are standing in the Chief's office. He is telling you \"The Mayor was murdered yeaterday night at 12:03 am. I want you to solve it before we get any bad publicity or the FBI has to come in. \"Yessir!\" You reply. He hands you a sheet of paper. Once you have read it, go north or west.\n\nYou can see a piece of white paper here.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"ploc": "Chief's office",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put paper down",
"ploc": "Chief's office",
"inv": [
"piece of white paper"
"msg": "\nCONFIDENTIAL:\nDetective was created by Matt Barringer.\nHe has worked hard on this so you better enjoy it.\nI did have fun making it though. But I'd REALLY appreciate it if you were kind enough to send a postcard or... dare I even say it?... money... to:\nMatt Barringer\n325 Olive Ave\nPiedmont\nCA 94611\nJust tell me if you like it or not.\nIf you want to talk to me over a BBS call the Ghostbuster Central BBS at (510)208-5657.\nThere is an Exile Games file area. Have fun. I WILL give hints out over the BBS to any of my games.\n",
"hints": [
"put paper down",
"ploc": "Chief's office",
"inv": [
"piece of white paper"
"msg": "\nDropped.\n",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"ploc": "Chief's office",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou are carrying nothing.\n",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"ploc": "Chief's office",
"inv": null
"msg": "\n\n<< Closet >>\nYou are in a closet. There is a gun on the floor. Better get it. To exit, go east.\n\nYou can see a small black pistol here.\n",
"hints": [
"take pistol",
"push pistol to floor"
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put pistol down"
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Chief's office >>\nYou are standing in the Chief's office. He is telling you \"The Mayor was murdered yeaterday night at 12:03 am. I want you to solve it before we get any bad publicity or the FBI has to come in. \"Yessir!\" You reply. He hands you a sheet of paper. Once you have read it, go north or west.\n\nYou can see a piece of white paper here.\n",
"hints": [
"take paper",
"put pistol down",
"ploc": "Chief's office",
"inv": [
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are outside in the cold. To the east is a dead end. To the west is the rest of the street. Papers are blowing around. It's amazingly cold for this time of year.\n",
"hints": [
"put pistol down"
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are still on the streets. To the north is a restraunt where the mayor ate often. To the east is the Mayor's home.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put pistol down"
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Mayor's house >>\nYou are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put pistol down"
"ploc": "Mayor's house",
"inv": [
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Living room >>\nYou are standing in the living room. You see a battered piece of wood. You wonder \"Should I pick this thing up?\". Well, whether you do or don't the only way out of the room is back west.\n\nYou can see a wooden wood here.\n",
"hints": [
"take wood",
"put pistol down"
"ploc": "Living room",
"inv": [
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Living room",
"inv": [
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Mayor's house >>\nYou are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Mayor's house",
"inv": [
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Dining room >>\nYou are in the dining room. You look around and see a note on the table. You can go back east.\n\nYou can see a paper note here.\n",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Dining room",
"inv": [
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Dining room",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\nThe note was written on a computer obviously this murder was planned and it says:\nWe have acclaimed Justice! The Justice of the future! Our next hit is the governer! You CAN'T STOP US! The note sounds like the killers are a group and that they are vigilantes (look it up). You are now getting a bit worried.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Dining room",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Mayor's house >>\nYou are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Mayor's house",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Upstairs hallway >>\nYou are in the hallway of the large house of the mayor. It is an amazingly large house. You can go north, south, east or west.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Upstairs hallway",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are at the end of the hallway. To the north is a room, while to the west is the rest of the hallway.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are in the hallway. To the north is more hallway, and to the east is a door marked \"Guests\".\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are STILL in the hallway. There is EVEN MORE hallway to the north, and a room to the west and a room to the east of you.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Bedroom >>\nYou are in the bedroom. You noticed that there was a guard guarding the stairs to the 3rd story, because there is remodelling going on there. You see nothing of importance. Go east.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou pass the guard. He nods at you. You are now outside standing on the street. You can go north and east, your choice. To the north is more of the street, and to the east is a video store.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down"
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Video Store >>\nYou are in a video store called Brickbuster Video. There are about 3,000 videos here. You can go north, or east.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Video Store",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Video Store >>\nYou are still in the video store. You can go north, or east.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Video Store",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.\n",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< McDonalds >>\nYou are in a McDonalds. You pay the guy behind the counter. Now there is a hamburger there. When you have picked it up, go north.\n\nYou can see a food hamburger here.\n",
"hints": [
"take hamburger",
"put wood down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "McDonalds",
"inv": [
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "McDonalds",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.\n",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are still outside. You hit a dead end, then notice that you can go east only.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Music Store >>\nYou are in a music store. You ask the man behind the counter if he knew any information. \"Uhh... nope! But the guy back there might be able ta help.\" You politly thank him and head to the back. You can only go north.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Music Store",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Back of Music Store >>\nYou are in the back of the music store. You ask the guy who's looking at the cool tapes. He looks up at you. \"Duh.. no... don't t'ink so... lemme see...\" You decide that he's no help. To the west there is a dazed looking man and to the north there is an exit.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Back of Music Store",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Alley >>\nYou are in an alley. A drunken man stagers up to you and says \"Boycott FDR! <HICKUP>.\". You just walk away. You can go north, east or west. Your call.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Alley",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Police Station >>\nYou are in the 3rd precinct police station. This isn't your station. You get admitance from the guy at the desk and go to the holding cells. You ask each offender if they know anything. You promise a lighter sentence for the ones who help. But one guy really sets you straight. \"I got caught wit' t'ree ounces o' crack. I'm supposed to get 20 years but I'll be out in 2. You can't make me talk cuz it don't matter to me. If I squeal, da guys who did it are gonna come lookin' for me. I know but I ain't gonna tell ya. Now git outta my face.\". You are surprised but used to it. You can go north to the outside, south to go back to the alley and west or east to talk to more guys.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Police Station",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Doughnut King >>\nYou are in the Doughnut King, where the greasiest doughnuts on earth reside. He isn't here, no one seems to be for that matter, so you should go west.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Doughnut King",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< The Wall >>\nYou don't see him here. You ought to go east.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "The Wall",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Outside >>\nYou are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Outside",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Holiday Inn >>\nYou are in the Holiday Inn registration room. You talk to some suspicious guys, but they don't talk until you hold your gun to their side. \"Alright! Alright! I'll talk! He's on the 15th floor! That's all I can tell ya!\" You shove them away. You walk up to the registration desk and show the woman there your badge. She gives you the master ring. You now have access to all of the facilitys on the 15th floor. But the problem is that the 15th floor is the suite level, and there are 30 suites, and 5 pools, 2 saunas and 5 game rooms. Big problem! Well, you have all night. You get a picture of all on the 15th floor, the people up there have to show their drivers license to be admitted, and the license is secretly xeroxed. You look at them all. Well, better get started. You see one person who stands out. You get his room number from the lady. Room 30. Now you have to find it. To get started, go north.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Holiday Inn",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\nYou can't go west from here!\n\n<< Holiday Inn >>\nYou are in the Holiday Inn registration room. You talk to some suspicious guys, but they don't talk until you hold your gun to their side. \"Alright! Alright! I'll talk! He's on the 15th floor! That's all I can tell ya!\" You shove them away. You walk up to the registration desk and show the woman there your badge. She gives you the master ring. You now have access to all of the facilitys on the 15th floor. But the problem is that the 15th floor is the suite level, and there are 30 suites, and 5 pools, 2 saunas and 5 game rooms. Big problem! Well, you have all night. You get a picture of all on the 15th floor, the people up there have to show their drivers license to be admitted, and the license is secretly xeroxed. You look at them all. Well, better get started. You see one person who stands out. You get his room number from the lady. Room 30. Now you have to find it. To get started, go north.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Holiday Inn",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Holiday Inn 15th Floor >>\nYou go up the elevator. When you step out, you see the wallpaper is pink, with little flowers on it. You can go east or west.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Holiday Inn 15th Floor",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are in the hallway. You see many doors... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... boy, you have a long way to go. You can only go north.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are still in the hallways. You can go west or east.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\nYou can't go north from here!\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are still in the hallways. You can go west or east.\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are in the hallway. You see numbers flash by as you run through the halls. 19... 20... 21... 22... you are getting close! You can only go north.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Hallway >>\nYou are in the hallway. You feel the heat from the sauna to the west, and to the east is a door marked \"Pool A\". To the north is more hall.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Room # 30 >>\nYou enter room 30... after a harrowing gun battle you conk him on the head and take him in. You get promoted and suddenly, with the \"Jurrasic Park\" theme song playing in your head, you feel proud to be an American. For special info about Exile Games, and to leave this darned game, go up.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by one hundred points.]\n",
"hints": [
"put wood down",
"put hamburger down",
"put pistol down",
"put note down",
"put all down",
"eat hamburger",
"ploc": "Room # 30",
"inv": [
"food hamburger",
"paper note",
"wooden wood",
"small black pistol"
"msg": "\n\n<< Info >>\nExile Games is a group of people who like text games.\nWe plan to get into graphic games sometime in 1995.\nWe don't ask for money, we just want to know if you like it or not.\nOur support BBS is (510) 208-5657, the Ghostbuster Central BBS.\nWe have accounts on Compuserve and Prodigy. Exile Games is curently made up of:\n\nMatt Barringer, president and head programmer\nNathaniel Smith, advisor\nKurt Somogue, assistent programmer\nAnd all the users of the Ghostbuster Central BBS, who give me ideas!\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 360 out of a possible 360, in 51 turns.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score for that game, see some suggestions for AMUSING things to do or QUIT?",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nYou awaken in your tent, lying on the floor, with a hangover like you wouldn't believe. As you lever yourself up, you notice that there is complete silence instead of the usual morning complaints of the workers and Roboff's usual shouting. This can only mean one thing - Roboff must have finally run off on you. Panicked, you look around and see your amulet lying on the floor. At least Roboff had the sense to not trigger off your alarm. Knowing him, he also had the sense to take the emergency radio. How the megakrip are you going to get out of this one?\n\nINHUMANE: An Infralogic Massacre. Copyright (C) by Infobom\nInhumane and Infobom are trademarks of Sadistic Software, Ins.\nRevision 2 / Serial Number 31415926 / Inform v1405 Library 5/8\nFirst-time players should type \"about\".\n\nIn Your Tent\nYou are in your tent in the encampment. The tent appears to have been completely cleaned out. It is very hot in here and getting hotter. The tent flap to the south is open.\nOn the ground is the ancient jeweled amulet that you \"borrowed\" from Mr. Meshugge.",
"hints": [
"take amulet",
"ploc": "In Your Tent",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put amulet down"
"ploc": "In Your Tent",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nCenter of Camp\nThis is the center of your camp. The entire place seems to be completely deserted. You can see Roboff's tent to the south and the storage tent west. East is open desert.",
"hints": [
"put amulet down",
"ploc": "Center of Camp",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nStorage Tent\nThis is where the party kept all its supplies. However Roboff seems to have cleaned everything out that was of any use. Several arrows of Da-Glo paint on the wall attract your attention to the empty food and water chests.\nLying on the ground is a brass torch of the \"self-igniting\" type. The ignite button is on the handle.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"take torch",
"take all",
"push button",
"put amulet down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Storage Tent",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put amulet down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Storage Tent",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put amulet down",
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Storage Tent",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nCenter of Camp",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put amulet down",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Center of Camp",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "You venture out onto the sands and rapidly lose sight of camp.\n\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "You begin digging. After about two hours you strike stone! You rapidly clear off a stone slab about 10 feet down from the surface.\n\nBottom of a Hole\nYou are at the bottom of the hole you just dug. The floor of the hole is a stone slab with a little slot in it. You can nearly smell the riches that must be buried beneath your feet!",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put amulet down",
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put amulet in slot"
"ploc": "Bottom of a Hole",
"inv": [
"jeweled amulet"
"msg": "Ok. As it slips in, the stone slab moves aside, dumping you into a pit. You look up and see the amulet falling into a machine that wraps it, addresses it to F. Roboff, and takes off on jets.\n\nIn a Pit\nThis is a sandy pit with stone walls. You are not likely to be able to climb out. The only thing here is a note taped to the wall.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"examine note",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "In a Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "\"Thanks for the amulet! It only took me a few days to make this little set-up. If you really want to get to the pyramid, retrace your steps back to camp after the pit caves in (which should happen soon) and open my toilet. You see, I really found the pyramid with a mass sensor when we moved in and I built my tent over it. The toilet conceals a secret passage down into the pyramid, which I have been looting for weeks. Most of the easy stuff is in my private safe in Miami by now, but I left you a few goodies. Including the gold coffin, which I never found. When you get tired of poking around you can use the emergency radio in my tent. It'll call a plane to pick you up. Have fun!\n -Roboff.\"\n\nYou hear a rumbling and look up as the sides of the pit collapse. You manage to stay on top, and you end up in the desert again.\n\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIn the Desert\nAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Desert",
"inv": [
"msg": "You have stumbled over the encampment. Sheer accident.\n\nCenter of Camp",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Center of Camp",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nRoboff's Tent\nYou are in Francisco Roboff's tent. The place is bare except for the emergency signal radio and Roboff's toilet in one corner. There is a note taped to the tent wall.",
"hints": [
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"examine toilet",
"take signal off radio",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Roboff's Tent",
"inv": [
"msg": "You have stooped to a new low by snooping around toilet bowls. However, when you raise the lid, you find a dark hole going down.",
"hints": [
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"examine toilet",
"take signal off radio",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Roboff's Tent",
"inv": [
"msg": "You clamber into the toilet bowl and climb down through the roof of the buried pyramid. You drop to the floor.\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The torch flickers a few times and then glows steadily.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nT-Intersection\nThe east/west corridor branches to the south here.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "T-Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSouth Branch\nThe hall ends in an alcove to the south. The intersection in north. Odd... The floor feels a bit shaky here. Nothing to worry about though.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"put shovel down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "South Branch",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nAlcove at End of Corridor\nAt the south wall is a large stone block with three stone disks embedded on top. The disks appear to be slidable up and down. Above the disks is suspended a glass tube stretching from wall to wall.\nThere is a tiny pebble on the floor.\nSitting on the left disk is:\n a solid gold brick\nSitting on the right disk is:\n a solid silver cube",
"hints": [
"take cube",
"take pebble",
"push button",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Alcove at End of Corridor",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take cube",
"push button",
"put pebble down",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put pebble on middle disk",
"put all on middle disk",
"ploc": "Alcove at End of Corridor",
"inv": [
"small pebble",
"msg": "Ok. The pebble's small weight moves the center disk down slightly.",
"hints": [
"take cube",
"take pebble",
"take brick",
"push button",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put shovel in middle disk",
"ploc": "Alcove at End of Corridor",
"inv": [
"msg": "The disks unbalance briefly, but the pebble weighs down the whole system so the tube is not touched.",
"hints": [
"take brick",
"take pebble",
"push button",
"put cube down",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Alcove at End of Corridor",
"inv": [
"solid silver cube",
"msg": "\nSouth Branch",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put cube down",
"put shovel down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "South Branch",
"inv": [
"solid silver cube",
"msg": "The weight of the various bricks and cubes you are holding overbalances a hidden pivot in the floor. You are dumped into a pit full of snakes.\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are floating disembodied in absolute blackness. Time passes at a strange, relative rate. After an infinite/infinitesmal time, you sense a presence near you. A voice speaks, resounding in your head as in a hollow gourd...\n\n\"Ah! Another of those wimpy delvers come to steal my treasure. How boring. Most of it was taken by that other guy who had the sense to avoid the nastier traps... But I am getting pretty tired of guarding what's left. I don't suppose that you have any chance of thinking your way through my traps, of course. But I'll let you try, and I won't even vaporize you when you try to leave. In fact, I'll make you a deal. If you prove to me that you are an incompetent Harry Sullivan by getting yourself killed by every single one of my deathtraps, after getting as far towards solving it as possible, then I'll give up and let you take the coffin.\n\n\"That sound good? I thought so.\n\n\"And you thought that you had successfully beaten that trap, didn't you?\n\n\"You've only gotten killed by one trap. Not bad.\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nT-Intersection\nTo the hall goes east from here. To the west is the stairway to the round room. A narrow passage leads south.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "T-Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCorridor at Doorway\nThe hall goes east and west from here and there is a doorway to the north.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Corridor at Doorway",
"inv": [
"msg": "Yuk! You have fallen into a pit full of gray sticky glue.\n\nGlue Pit\nYou are in a deep pit up to your chin in sticky grayish glue. You can probably climb out using a rough set of handholds on the east wall. (Probably carved by a previous sucker.)",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Glue Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "You climb out of the pit, dripping goop. You are coated with glue.\n\nOutside Door\nThe hall ends in a door to the east. To the west is that pit of glue.\nThe door is closed.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"open door",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Outside Door",
"inv": [
"msg": "The door swings open. A cascade of fur pours out, completely covering you and sticking to the glue.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Outside Door",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nHall Full of Fur\nYou are wading through knee-deep piles of the fur that is stuck all over you. The door is to the west is jammed open by more of the stuff. The hall continues east.\nThe door is open. A cascade of fur spills through.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Hall Full of Fur",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nGlass Hall\nThe walls of this east/west corridor are thick panes of glass over the normal stone blocks. So is the floor which makes it hard to walk on your furry feet.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Glass Hall",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nEnd of Glass Hall\nThe hall ends in another glass-covered wall. On this wall is an iron shelf bolted onto the glass. (Actually the bolts go through the glass into the stone wall.) \nSitting on the shelf is:\n a beautiful silver necklace",
"hints": [
"take necklace",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take necklace off shelf",
"take button off torch",
"put torch on shelf",
"ploc": "End of Glass Hall",
"inv": [
"msg": "If you hadn't noticed, you've been walking on glass with furry feet. This will produce a large static charge. The necklace is sitting on a metal shelf which is grounded into the stone wall. And silver conducts electricity...",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nLanding\nThis is a landing on the stairway. You can go down to the north or up to the south. A passage leads east.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Landing",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nBottom of Shaft\nYou are at the bottom of a ladder that goes up a shaft from here. To the south is the stairway up.\nOn the floor is a small coin-bag made of leather. It appears to have something in it.",
"hints": [
"take coin-bag",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Bottom of Shaft",
"inv": [
"msg": "You climb up the ladder to a hole at the top of the shaft.\n\nExercise-Wheel Room\nThis room is laid out like an exercise wheel for rats except that it is 40 ft. across. You can turn the wheel by walking north or south. Equally spaced around the rim are twelve coin-holders. Some have gold coins in them. The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is at the bottom of the wheel. Below it is the shaft that you entered this room by.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is slightly up the south side.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is less than half-way up the south side.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is half-way up the south side.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is more than half-way up the south side.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is almost to the top on the south side.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is at the top of the wheel.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Exercise-Wheel Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.\n\nThe coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is almost to the top on the north side. Behind it is a hole from which water is pouring very fast. The water turns the wheel back to its original position, then pours down the hole. You are taken with it.\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"Don't you know how lab rats eventually end up?\n\n\"Three deathtraps have zocked you so far. You're beginning to seem rather dumb.\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nLanding",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Landing",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nT Intersection\nThe hallway goes east and west here with a branch north.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "T Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nDoor Near Blades\nThe north hall ends at a door. Stretched from wall to wall and floor to roof in the hall are long thin metal blades that you have to worm between very carefully.\nThe door is closed.",
"hints": [
"examine door",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"open door",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Door Near Blades",
"inv": [
"msg": "The door is apparently on a very weak spring. You open it, but it begins swinging shut the moment you release it.",
"hints": [
"examine door",
"push button",
"close door",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Door Near Blades",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nStalagmite Room\nYou are at the south end of a room. There is a door to the south. The floor is covered with hundreds of stalagmites.\nThe door is swinging closed.\n\nThe door has swung shut and locked behind you.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Stalagmite Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "In walking, you have bumped into and broken some stalagmites. They are hollow and water starts pouring out, slowly filling the room.\n\nNorth Stalagmite Room\nThis is the north end of the stalagmite room. On the north wall is a button with something written on it. The only way out is back south.",
"hints": [
"push labelled button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "North Stalagmite Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "(the labelled button)\nClick. Fear gas sprays out of the walls, causing you to panic and run for the locked door. You break most of the stalagmites in the rush, so the water is up to your chest by the time you reach the door. When you hit it, you break through. The water washes you down the hall and through the blades.\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"Don't panic... Don't panic... Don't panic... It's not good for you...\n\n\"You've stumbled into four traps. You're not looking very good.\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nT-Intersection",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "T-Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCorridor Near Pit\nWest is a large round pit about 65 feet deep. Running down the center of the pit is an axle with a platform attached at the level of this hall. The platform is swinging around the wall of the pit. You see another hall west across the pit.\n\nThe platform is to the northwest of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Corridor Near Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the north of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Corridor Near Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the northeast of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Corridor Near Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the east of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Corridor Near Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "You step onto the swinging platform.\n\nOn the Platform\nYou are standing on a wooden platform swinging clockwise around the pit wall. The floor is 65 feet down but halls leave the pit at this level on the east and west sides.\n\nThe platform is to the southeast of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "On the Platform",
"inv": [
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the south of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "On the Platform",
"inv": [
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the southwest of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "On the Platform",
"inv": [
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the west of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "On the Platform",
"inv": [
"msg": "You step off the platform to the west hall.\n\nWest of the Pit\nThe pit with the swinging platform is east of this intersection. Halls go north and south.\n\nThe platform is to the northwest of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nKey Room\nIn the center of this room is a stone block. There is a stone disk on the top surface of the block. Directly above the disk is suspended a glass globe just full of spiders and little snakes and scorpions. Exits are north and south.\nSitting on the disk is:\n a iron key",
"hints": [
"take key",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"put torch on disk"
"ploc": "Key Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "The key is stuck to the disk with a dot of wax, which you pull it off of. Odd -- the key seems to have negative weight. With the lift of the key removed, the disk sinks a few inches. However, there is no other effect. You have actually survived a trap!",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put torch on disk"
"ploc": "Key Room",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "\nDemon Room\nThis room is full of carved demons and devils doing nasty thing to innocent people. There is quite a bit of gold-leaf fresco and bas-relief. Very nice if you don't mind the subject matter. The only exit is south.\nThere is a small figure of a demon in carved gold here!",
"hints": [
"take demon",
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Demon Room",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put demon down",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Demon Room",
"inv": [
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "\nKey Room",
"hints": [
"push a",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take a off torch",
"put demon on disk",
"put torch on disk",
"put all on disk"
"ploc": "Key Room",
"inv": [
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "\nWest of the Pit\n\nThe platform is to the southwest of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push a",
"put demon down",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take a off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "\nBlack Room\nThis room is decorated in various textures of black stone. A hall leads north. Carved on the floor is an ornate pentacle. This room is very depressing.\nThe pentacle contains:\n a faceted obsidian sphere",
"hints": [
"take sphere",
"push button",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put demon in pentacle",
"put torch in pentacle",
"put all in pentacle",
"put all in floor",
"ploc": "Black Room",
"inv": [
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put sphere in pentacle",
"put demon in pentacle",
"put torch in pentacle",
"put all in pentacle",
"put all in floor",
"ploc": "Black Room",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "\nWest of the Pit\n\nThe platform is to the north of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the northeast of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the east of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the southeast of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the south of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the southwest of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the west of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West of the Pit",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "You step onto the swinging platform.\n\nOn the Platform\n\nThe platform is to the northwest of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put all in floor"
"ploc": "On the Platform",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the north of the axle.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put sphere down",
"put key down",
"put demon down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"put all in floor"
"ploc": "On the Platform",
"inv": [
"faceted obsidian sphere",
"golden figure of a demon",
"iron key",
"msg": "Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...\n\nThe platform is to the northeast of the axle.\n\nThere seems to be an invisible bar sticking out of the northeast wall of the pit. It sweeps you off the platform into the pit.\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"Never go anywhere until you're sure of being able to get back.\n\n\"You've been killed by five deathtraps so far. You're getting pretty good at dying, aren't you?\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCorridor at Alcoves\nThe corridor goes north to the stairs and south from here. There are alcoves to the east and west. In the floor between the alcoves is a quartz window.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Corridor at Alcoves",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nWest Alcove\nThis alcove has a stone platform set in the floor. The platform shifts a little but does not move when you step on it. Sticking out of the platform is an iron crank.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"turn crank",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "West Alcove",
"inv": [
"msg": "The platform slowly moves down a shaft below it. In the other alcove the other platform slowly moves up, counterbalancing the one you are on.\n\nOn Platform\nYou are on the crank platform at the bottom of the shaft under the alcove. There is an opening to the east.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"turn crank",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "On Platform",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nIn Tiny Room\nThis is a tiny room. The only exit is back west. You can see the quartz window directly above your head.\nThere is a huge diamond lying on the ground!",
"hints": [
"take diamond",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "In Tiny Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put diamond down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "In Tiny Room",
"inv": [
"huge glittering diamond",
"msg": "\nOn Platform",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put diamond down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"turn crank",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "On Platform",
"inv": [
"huge glittering diamond",
"msg": "The platform moves back up to the alcove level. In the other alcove, you see the other platform moving back down until both of the platforms are even.\n\nWest Alcove\nThis alcove has a stone platform set in the floor. The platform shifts a little but does not move when you step on it. Sticking out of the platform is an iron crank.\n\nAs the other platform moves down from the hole in the ceiling, you see a small robot standing on it. When it gets down to the floor, it looks at you, says \"Ex-trrr-mnnn-ate\", points an arm at you, and turns you into a small pile of monatomic dust.\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"Giving nasties a free ride down to where you are seems a little stupid.\n\n\"Six traps have killed you. I am forced to the conclusion that you are a high-grade moron at best.\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nT-Intersection",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "T-Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCorridor at Doorway",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Corridor at Doorway",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nRoom Full of Gadgets\nThis is the south end of a long room. The walls and floor and ceiling are covered with thousands of metal gadgets that you might want to examine more carefully. There is a path free of gadgets to the north end of the room.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Room Full of Gadgets",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nNorth Gadget Room\nThe room stretches away back south. The metal gadgets are clustered even more densely here.\nSitting on the floor in a clear space is a cut-crystal bowl.\nThe bowl contains:\n a large perfect ruby\n a hundreds of quartz chips",
"hints": [
"take ruby",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "North Gadget Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "As you do, several of the quartz chips spill onto the floor. Some hit metal gadgets, triggering them. Darts fly. Some darts hit more gadgets. More darts fly. After a few seconds of this, you have been punctured several million times.\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"When standing inside a mass of uranium, it is not usually a good idea to drop a neutron.\n\n\"All right, you've set off seven out of nine traps. Make that a low-grade moron who is stoned on nitrolabe.\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCorridor at Alcoves",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Corridor at Alcoves",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nOutside Door\nYou are at the end of the hall. To the south is a wooden door with a steel knob on it.\nThe door is closed.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put brass down",
"open door",
"take brass off torch",
"take brass off door",
"ploc": "Outside Door",
"inv": [
"msg": "The door slams open. It is apparently on a very strong spring. If you were on the other side, you would have been slammed into the wall. As it is, the steel door-knob slams into the inside wall.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"close door",
"put brass down",
"take brass off torch",
"take brass off door",
"ploc": "Outside Door",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nRoom With Chest\nThis room is empty except for a small chest at one end. The only exit is the door to the north.\nThe door is open. You see something glimmering behind the door. You'll have to close the door to get it.\nThe chest is closed and locked.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"close door",
"put brass down",
"take brass off torch",
"take brass off door"
"ploc": "Room With Chest",
"inv": [
"msg": "After much tugging, you manage to get the door shut. Behind it is a brass needle that you might use to unlock the chest.",
"hints": [
"take brass",
"push button",
"put brass down",
"take brass off torch",
"open chest with needle"
"ploc": "Room With Chest",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put needle down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take brass off torch",
"open chest with needle"
"ploc": "Room With Chest",
"inv": [
"brass needle",
"msg": "There is a click and the chest lid pops open. Inside is a priceless dorkmid! As you stare at it, you notice the smell of coal gas leaking out.",
"hints": [
"take dorkmid",
"push button",
"put needle down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"open door",
"take brass off torch",
"put needle in chest",
"put torch in chest",
"put all in chest"
"ploc": "Room With Chest",
"inv": [
"brass needle",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put needle down",
"put torch down",
"put dorkmid down",
"put all down",
"open door",
"take brass off torch",
"put needle in chest",
"put torch in chest",
"put dorkmid in chest",
"put all in chest"
"ploc": "Room With Chest",
"inv": [
"priceless dorkmid",
"brass needle",
"msg": "The door slams open. You barely avoid the swinging knob. Instead, the steel knob hits the wall with a bang.\n\nThe wall seems to be made of flint.\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"Sparks in a room full of natural gas is not really a smart thing to do.\n\n\"All right, that makes eight traps. If you manage to kill yourself on the last one, I'll give you the key.\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nT-Intersection",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "T-Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nNarrow Passage at Chasm\nA wide chasm crosses the passage at this point. Fortunately someone has built a wooden bridge across it. The narrow passage continues south past the bridge and north to the intersection.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put torch down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Narrow Passage at Chasm",
"inv": [
"msg": "You jump over the weak spot in the center, landing on the other side of the chasm.\n\nHmmm... The other rim seems to be made of a peculiar type of rock. Some type of talc or damp plaster. You slide back into the pit.\n\n\n\n *** You have died ***\n\n\nYou are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. \"Of course, the bridge must be avoided at all costs...\n\n\"That does it. I give up. You are a complete Sullivan of an imbecile. There is no hope for you. Here is that #%$# key; take the coffin and get out!\"\n\nRound Room\nThis room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.\nThere is an ornate iron key stuck to the ceiling here just within reach.\nThere is a shovel lying here.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"take key",
"take all",
"push button",
"take in ceiling",
"put torch down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take shovel",
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"examine obelisk",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Round Room",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "\nLanding",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "Landing",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "\nT Intersection",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "T Intersection",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "\nGreat Door\nYou are outside an ornate door with an ornate iron lock. The hieroglyphics on the door seems to indicate that it leads into the central tomb where the gold coffin is!\nThe Great Door is closed.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"open tomb with key",
"ploc": "Great Door",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You unlock the Great Door.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"open tomb",
"take button off torch",
"lock tomb with key",
"ploc": "Great Door",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You turn the iron key and the tomb door swings open. The musty smell of old comic books pours out.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"close tomb",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Great Door",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "\nIn the Tomb\nThis is the antechamber to the crypt where legends say the many bodies of the Great Lord are buried. There is a brightly painted fresco running around the chamber. The Great Door is west and the sacred crypt is south.\nThe Great Door is open.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"close tomb",
"put torch down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch"
"ploc": "In the Tomb",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "\nIn the Crypt\nAt last! The tomb of the many bodies! Scattered around the room are frescos that must represent the different bodies. The whole room is shockingly valuable.\nOn the floor is the solid-gold coffin that contains the bodies of the Lord -- and all his riches! All you have to do is get it back to the encampment!",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "In the Crypt",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You lean on the coffin, and it scrapes along the floor.\n\nIn the Tomb\nThe Great Door is open.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"close tomb",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"push coffin west",
"push coffin south"
"ploc": "In the Tomb",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You lean on the coffin, and it scrapes along the floor.\n\nGreat Door\nThe Great Door is open.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"close tomb",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"ploc": "Great Door",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You lean on the coffin, and it scrapes along the floor.\n\nT Intersection",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"push coffin east",
"push coffin north",
"push coffin west"
"ploc": "T Intersection",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You lean on the coffin, and it scrapes along the floor.\n\nLanding",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"put torch down",
"put all down",
"take button off torch",
"push coffin south",
"push coffin east",
"push coffin north"
"ploc": "Landing",
"inv": [
"iron key",
"msg": "You lean on the coffin, and it scrapes along the floor.\n\nRound Room\nThere is a shovel lying here.\n\nThe obelisk suddenly glows and a great voice speaks out of it (not the voice that you've been talking to already.) \"Ahhh-ha! A gold rectangular solid! Measurements -- 3 feet by 4 feet by 9 feet! Volume -- 108 cubic feet! Surface area -- 150 square feet! Lateral area -- 78 square feet! Diagonals of faces -- 5 feet, square root of 97 feet, and 3 times square root of 10 feet! Diagonal of solid...\"\n\nAbout this point, your mind goes numb. You feel RAHNgons growing in your blood-stream. You collapse on the ground, thinking only...\n\nI love geometry...\nI love geometry...\n\n--end of session--\n\n",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"get amulet",
"get torch",
"get shovel",
"put amulet in slot",
"x note",
"open toilet",
"push button",
"take pebble",
"put pebble on second disk",
"take cube",
"open door",
"take necklace",
"open door",
"push button",
"get key",
"get figure",
"get sphere",
"turn crank",
"get diamond",
"turn crank",
"take ruby",
"open door",
"close door",
"take needle",
"open chest with needle",
"take dorkmid",
"open door",
"get key",
"unlock door with iron key",
"open door",
"push coffin n",
"push coffin w",
"push coffin w",
"push coffin w",
"push coffin s",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\"Behind you!\" cries the Princess. \"It's a trap!\"\n\nToo late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of Thermofax.\n\nOnly your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.\n\nThe reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...\n\nWISHBRINGER\nInteractive Fantasy for Beginners\nCopyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.\nWishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.\nRelease 68 / Serial Number 850501\n\nHilltop\nYou're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.\n\nTo the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands invitingly open.\n\nRoads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost nearby.\n\nSomebody inside the Post Office is calling you.\n\nOkay, what do you want to do now?\n",
"hints": [
"look festeron",
"take in office",
"look hill",
"close door",
"look around east",
"look at hill throug festeron",
"ploc": "Hilltop",
"inv": null
"msg": "Post Office\nThis is the lobby of the Festeron Post Office. The walls are lined with small, private mailboxes and wanted posters. A service counter runs along the entire length of the room.\n\nYour boss, Mr. Crisp, is behind the service counter reading other people's postcards.\n\nMr. Crisp hides the postcards away as you enter. \"Where have you been?\" he barks angrily. \"Daydreaming again, eh? I've been looking everywhere for you!\"\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 1 out of 100.)\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look all",
"take off festeron",
"look room",
"look at small throug festeron",
"look at small throug all",
"ploc": "Post Office",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nMr. Crisp reaches under the service counter and pulls out a mysterious envelope. \"We just got this Special Delivery,\" he snarls, tossing it onto the service counter. \"I want you to drop it off right away. That means NOW!\"\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"take envelope",
"take off service",
"look room",
"look at small throug service",
"take envelope from service"
"ploc": "Post Office",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 6 out of 100.)\n\nMr. Crisp drums his fingers on the service counter impatiently. \"Scram, idiot! The Magick Shoppe closes at five o'clock!\"\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"take off service",
"look room",
"put down envelope",
"look at small throug service",
"throw envelope at service",
"put envelope down service",
"ploc": "Post Office",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "As you leave the Post Office, somebody slams and locks the door behind you.\n\nHilltop\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"look hill",
"put down envelope",
"look around east",
"look at hill throug envelope",
"put envelope down lawn",
"ploc": "Hilltop",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Outside Cemetery\nYou're standing next to an open iron gate that leads west into the Festeron Cemetery. A road runs east to the top of Post Office Hill.\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"take in festeron",
"look road",
"put down envelope",
"look at envelope throug festeron",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"ploc": "Outside Cemetery",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "The cemetery is a fearful place. Are you sure you want to go in there?\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Outside Cemetery",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "\nYou have been warned.\n\nCreepy Corner\nYou're in a creepy corner of the Festeron Cemetery, surrounded by silent tombstones. An iron gate opens to the east, and a narrow lane wanders north.\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"take off festeron",
"look lane",
"put down envelope",
"look around east",
"look at envelope throug festeron",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"ploc": "Creepy Corner",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Spooky Copse\nA copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.\n\nThere's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected next to it.\n\nAn old gravedigger is resting under a willow tree.\n\nThe gravedigger nods a greeting as you approach.\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look tree",
"look around west",
"put down envelope",
"look around tree",
"look at tree throug old",
"throw envelope at tree",
"put envelope down open",
"ploc": "Spooky Copse",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Twilight Glen\nThe trees here are so thick, it's almost too dark to see! You can make out an open iron gate to the north, and a narrow lane between the tombstones winds off to the east.\n\nThere must have been a burial here recently. Somebody left their umbrella leaning up against a tombstone.\n\nThe gravedigger follows behind you. \"What's your hurry?\" he complains.\n\nThrowing a shovel over his shoulder, the gravedigger ambles through the iron gate and locks it. \"Keep out of the cemetery after Dark,\" he tells you with a sly wink.\n\nYou can hear him chuckling as he disappears to the north.\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"take umbrella",
"look lane",
"put down envelope",
"look around east",
"look at envelope throug mysterious",
"throw envelope at tombstone"
"ploc": "Twilight Glen",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Spooky Copse\n\nWhat next?\n",
"hints": [
"look tree",
"look around west",
"take on open",
"put down envelope",
"look around tree",
"look at tree throug open",
"throw envelope at tree",
"put envelope down open",
"ploc": "Spooky Copse",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Open Grave\nYou're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of dirt.\n\nThere's an old bone here.\n\n(You won't see the \"What next?\" prompt any more.)\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"take old",
"take off grave",
"look grave",
"put down envelope",
"look at old throug grave",
"take old from grave",
"put envelope down grave",
"ploc": "Open Grave",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 7 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"take off grave",
"look grave",
"put down envelope",
"put down bone",
"put down all",
"look at grave throug envelope",
"put envelope down grave",
"put bone down grave",
"put all down grave",
"ploc": "Open Grave",
"inv": [
"old bone",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "With great difficulty, you manage to climb out of the open grave.\n\nSpooky Copse\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tree",
"look around west",
"take on open",
"put down envelope",
"put down bone",
"put down all",
"look around tree",
"look at tree throug envelope",
"throw envelope at tree",
"throw bone at tree",
"throw all at tree",
"put envelope down open",
"put bone down open",
"put all down open",
"ploc": "Spooky Copse",
"inv": [
"old bone",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Creepy Corner\n\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"take off festeron",
"look lane",
"put down envelope",
"put down bone",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at envelope throug festeron",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"throw bone at festeron",
"throw all at festeron",
"ploc": "Creepy Corner",
"inv": [
"old bone",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Whew! That cemetery sure is spooky.\n\nOutside Cemetery\n\n",
"hints": [
"look festeron",
"take in festeron",
"look road",
"put down old",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at festeron throug gate",
"throw old at festeron",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"throw all at festeron",
"ploc": "Outside Cemetery",
"inv": [
"old bone",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Hilltop\n\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"look hill",
"put down envelope",
"put down bone",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at hill throug envelope",
"put envelope down lawn",
"put bone down lawn",
"put all down lawn",
"ploc": "Hilltop",
"inv": [
"old bone",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Outside Cottage\nYou're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post Office Hill.\n\nAs you approach the cottage you are greeted by the tiniest poodle you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street, yapping angrily and showing its sharp little teeth.\n\nYou can smell the poodle's hot breath as it yaps.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"look path",
"put down envelope",
"put down bone",
"put down all",
"look at path throug envelope",
"give poodle envelope",
"give poodle bone",
"throw envelope at bone",
"throw bone at old",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at poodle",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"old bone",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "The poodle tests the old bone with its tongue, lies down and begins to gnaw on it, keeping a red eye on you.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 10 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"take on hill",
"look hill",
"put down envelope",
"look at envelope throug bone",
"give poodle envelope",
"throw envelope at bone",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "The poodle yaps a threat as you back away.\n\nRotary South\nThis is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south, towards Post Office Hill.\n\nThe Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.\n\nMiss Voss, the town librarian, is locking the library door as you approach. \"Just the person I was looking for!\" she exclaims, smiling brightly.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look south",
"look public",
"look crisp",
"look road",
"put down envelope",
"look around south",
"look at public throug miss",
"look at public throug crisp",
"throw envelope at public",
"ploc": "Rotary South",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nMiss Voss retrieves a violet slip of paper from the depths of her purse. \"Be a sweetie and give this note to your dear boss, Mr. Crisp,\" she coos, holding the note out to you. \"I'd be ever so much obliged.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look public",
"take note",
"look road",
"put down envelope",
"look around south",
"look at public throug miss",
"take note from miss",
"throw envelope at public",
"ploc": "Rotary South",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 13 out of 100.)\n\nMiss Voss hurries away down the street. \"Thanks! Toody-loo!\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look public",
"look road",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at public throug envelope",
"throw envelope at public",
"throw note at public",
"throw all at public",
"ploc": "Rotary South",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Park\nYou're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain, filled with sparkling water.\n\nA statue stands in the middle of the fountain.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look marble",
"take coin",
"look walks",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at marble throug festeron",
"put envelope down marble",
"put note down marble",
"take coin from marble",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"throw note at festeron",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at festeron",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "You can see a gold coin and a goldfish in the fountain.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look marble",
"take coin",
"look walks",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at marble throug festeron",
"put envelope down marble",
"put note down marble",
"take coin from marble",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"throw note at festeron",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at festeron",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 14 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look marble",
"look walks",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look at marble throug festeron",
"put envelope down marble",
"put note down marble",
"put coin down marble",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"throw note at festeron",
"throw coin at festeron",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at festeron",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Rotary North\nThis is the northern side of the Festeron Rotary. A road leads north, towards the river.\n\nOn the corner stands a quaint village church. Its little white steeple is straight out of a country postcard. The church door stands invitingly open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look envelope",
"look road",
"close door",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at envelope throug festeron",
"throw envelope at festeron",
"throw note at festeron",
"throw coin at festeron",
"throw all at festeron",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Rotary North",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "South of Bridge\nThis is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to the village.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"take in bridge",
"look road",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at river throug envelope",
"throw envelope at coin",
"throw note at coin",
"throw coin at bridge",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at bridge",
"ploc": "South Bridge",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Bridge\nYou're on a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. A sign hangs on an arch overhead.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look around bridge",
"look at river throug festeron",
"throw coin at bridge",
"throw violet at bridge",
"throw envelope at bridge",
"throw all at bridge",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Bridge",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "North of Bridge\nThis is the north side of the Festeron Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of the river.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"take in bridge",
"look path",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at river throug path",
"throw envelope at coin",
"throw note at coin",
"throw coin at bridge",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at bridge",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Cliff Bottom\nYou're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of the river. A steep trail winds upward.\n\nA gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look lone",
"look dead",
"take out trail",
"take lone",
"look trail",
"put down envelope",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at lone throug dead",
"take lone from trunk",
"take dead from trunk",
"put envelope down bank",
"put note down bank",
"put coin down bank",
"put all down bank",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Cliff Bottom",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "(The trail you're climbing is narrow and twisty. It's a good idea to draw a map as you go up.)\n\nSteep Trail\nA steep, rocky trail winds west and downward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look trail",
"climb down trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug coin",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Steep Trail",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Steep Trail\nA steep, rocky trail winds north and east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look trail",
"climb down trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug coin",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Steep Trail",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Steep Trail\nA steep, rocky trail winds south and upward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look trail",
"climb down trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug coin",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Steep Trail",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Steep Trail\nA steep, rocky trail winds east and downward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look trail",
"climb down trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug coin",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Steep Trail",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Steep Trail\nA steep, rocky trail winds south and west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look trail",
"climb down trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug coin",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Steep Trail",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Steep Trail\nA steep, rocky trail winds north and upward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look trail",
"climb down trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug coin",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Steep Trail",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 15 out of 100.)\n\nCliff Edge\nYou're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail leading downward. Looking southwest, you can see the shadow of Post Office Hill creeping across the village as the sun sinks into a bank of clouds.\n\nThe peaceful scenery is disturbed by a tiny figure emerging from the distant Post Office. It stares in your direction for a few moments, checks its wrist and shakes a threatening little fist at you.\n\nA little old-fashioned store stands nearby. Its brightly painted shutters and thatched roof remind you of something out of a fairy tale. A curiously painted sign over the front door reads, \"Ye Olde Magick Shoppe.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"take out trail",
"look trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug shoppe",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Cliff Edge",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "A concealed bell tinkles merrily.\n\nOkay, the Magick Shoppe door is now open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"take in shoppe",
"take out trail",
"look trail",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug shoppe",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw envelope at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Cliff Edge",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Magick Shoppe\nYou're in the front showroom of the Magick Shoppe.\n\nEvery inch of wall space is crowded with magic tricks, puzzles and mystical paraphernalia. A glass case offers a selection of obscene jokes and naughty birthday cards.\n\nIn the corner stands an ancient grandfather clock, its dial ornamented with a smiling crescent moon and other celestial symbols.\n\nThe front door of the Magick Shoppe is wide open. At the west end of the room, you can see another exit concealed by a curtain.\n\nA sudden gust of wind slams the Magick Shoppe door closed. A concealed bell tinkles merrily.\n\n\"Just a moment!\" cries a voice behind the curtain.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tricks",
"look room",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at tricks throug room",
"throw coin at room",
"throw violet at room",
"throw envelope at room",
"throw all at room",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe noisy tick of the grandfather clock is making you uneasy.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tricks",
"look room",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at tricks throug room",
"throw coin at room",
"throw violet at room",
"throw envelope at room",
"throw all at room",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe curtain opens so quickly it makes you jump.\n\nThe woman standing before you is older than your oldest aunt. Her thin, pale face and bony hands make her look fragile, like a fading signature in an antique book. But her eyes remember everything they have ever seen.\n\nYou appraise one another for a long moment before she breaks the ice. \"Welcome in, welcome!\" she chortles. \"Don't get many visitors this late in the day.\"\n\nThe room seems oddly quiet all of a sudden.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look room",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at old throug tricks",
"throw coin at room",
"throw violet at room",
"throw envelope at room",
"throw all at room",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 20 out of 100.)\n\nThe old woman turns pale as she takes the mysterious envelope from you. \"It's been a long, long time since I last saw this handwriting,\" she murmurs, turning it over in her hands. \"Hoped I never would again.\"\n\nShe starts to open the mysterious envelope, thinks better of it and hands it back to you. \"Will you open it up and read it to me?\" she pleads. \"I'll never find my glasses in this mess.\"\n\n(You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look room",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at old throug tricks",
"throw coin at room",
"throw violet at room",
"throw envelope at room",
"throw all at room",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"mysterious envelope"
"msg": "(You should now open the mysterious envelope in your Wishbringer package.)\n\nOpening the mysterious envelope reveals a letter.\n\n\"Go ahead, dear. Read the letter to me, please. I'm waiting.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tricks",
"look room",
"put down coin",
"put down letter",
"put down violet",
"put down envelope",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at tricks throug room",
"throw coin at room",
"throw letter at room",
"throw violet at room",
"throw envelope at room",
"throw all at room",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"mysterious envelope",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 21 out of 100.)\n\nThe old woman is motionless as you read. Glancing up, you see tears of anger forming; but she turns away as your eyes meet.\n\n\"Kidnapped,\" she whispers after a long silence. She paces aimlessly around the room, deep in thought.\n\n\"Many seek to gain the Stone of Dreams,\" she mutters, mostly to herself. \"Yet few can imagine the price. For years I have fought to conceal it from the Evil One and others like her. My youth, my home and family, all were forfeited for its protection. And now,\" her voice breaking with emotion, \"now it claims my only companion.\"\n\nImpulsively, the woman snatches away the letter and envelope and crumbles them in her trembling hands. \"No one is strong enough to guard Wishbringer alone.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look magick",
"look room",
"put down violet",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at old throug tricks",
"look at old throug magick",
"throw violet at room",
"throw coin at room",
"throw all at room"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe old woman makes an effort to compose herself.\n\n\"Thank you for coming all this way for me,\" she says, reaching up to a shelf full of cheap gags. \"I know I'm not supposed to tip you, but take this little trinket anyway.\"\n\nThe woman holds out a small metal can for you to take.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"take gift",
"look room",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at old throug tricks",
"take gift from old",
"throw coin at room",
"throw violet at room",
"throw all at room"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 24 out of 100.)\n\n\"It's getting Dark outside,\" the old woman remarks, and you can almost hear the capital D. \"Maybe you should be getting back to town.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look magick",
"look room",
"put down can",
"put down violet",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at old throug tricks",
"look at old throug magick",
"throw can at room",
"throw can at west",
"throw violet at room",
"throw coin at room",
"throw all at room",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at west"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear a rattling noise in the can.\n\nThe old woman hobbles over to the Magick Shoppe door and opens it. A concealed bell tinkles merrily.\n\n\"Keep a sharp eye out for my cat, won't you?\" She speaks the words slowly and distinctly. \"Bring her to me if you find her. She's black as night from head to tail, except for one little white spot... right HERE.\"\n\nThe old woman touches the middle of your forehead with her finger. The light outside dims suddenly, like a cloud passing over the sun.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look room",
"look magick",
"look around room",
"look around west",
"look at room throug can",
"look at room throug chaos"
"ploc": "Shoppe",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Your body seems unwilling to respond.\n\nThe old woman takes away her finger. Your forehead is tingling.\n\n\"The Stone of Dreams can help you in your search. I cannot reveal the place where I have hidden it, for the Evil One would see your thoughts and take the treasure for herself. You must discover it alone, and rely on legends to instruct you in its mysteries.\"\n\nAs she speaks, the old woman gently leads you through the door of the Magick Shoppe. She pauses before closing the door.\n\n\"Return the cat to me, and Wishbringer shall be yours.\n\n\"Her name is Chaos.\"\n\nA concealed bell tinkles merrily.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCliff Edge\nYou're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail leading downward.\n\nThe surrounding landscape has disappeared under a thick blanket of evening fog. All the familiar buildings and landmarks are completely hidden; only the summit of Post Office Hill is high enough to pierce the cloud, rising like a lonely island in a sea of mist...\n\n... an island with a tower on it.\n\nThere's a TOWER where the Post Office used to be! The massive outline is hard to make out against the twilight sky. But the longer you stare, the clearer and more frightening it becomes.\n\nThe Magick Shoppe stands nearby.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look magick",
"take out trail",
"take off can",
"look trail",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look at rocky throug shoppe",
"look at rocky throug magick",
"throw can at rocky",
"throw coin at rocky",
"throw violet at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open rocky with can",
"ploc": "Cliff Edge",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "As you descend the trail you are immediately engulfed in...\n\nFog\nYou're lost in a thick cloud of fog.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look can",
"look all",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around can",
"look at can throug fog",
"look at can throug all",
"throw can at coin",
"throw coin at can",
"throw violet at can",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open can with coin",
"ploc": "Fog",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Fog\nYou're lost in a thick cloud of fog.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look can",
"look all",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around can",
"look at can throug fog",
"look at can throug all",
"throw can at coin",
"throw coin at can",
"throw violet at can",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open can with coin",
"ploc": "Fog",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Fog\nYou're lost in a thick cloud of fog.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look can",
"look all",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around can",
"look at can throug fog",
"look at can throug all",
"throw can at coin",
"throw coin at can",
"throw violet at can",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open can with coin",
"ploc": "Fog",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Fog\nYou're lost in a thick cloud of fog.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look can",
"look all",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around can",
"look at can throug fog",
"look at can throug all",
"throw can at coin",
"throw coin at can",
"throw violet at can",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open can with coin",
"ploc": "Fog",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Fog\nYou're lost in a thick cloud of fog.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look can",
"look all",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around can",
"look at can throug fog",
"look at can throug all",
"throw can at coin",
"throw coin at can",
"throw violet at can",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open can with coin",
"ploc": "Fog",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Fog\nYou're lost in a thick cloud of fog.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look can",
"look all",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down coin",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look around can",
"look at can throug fog",
"look at can throug all",
"throw can at coin",
"throw coin at can",
"throw violet at can",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"open can with coin",
"ploc": "Fog",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "A sudden gust of wind dissolves the fog and clears your vision.\n\nCliff Bottom\nYou're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of the river.\n\nA gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment. A vulture perched on top is watching every move you make.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look trunk",
"look dead",
"look all",
"take branch",
"take off can",
"put down can",
"put down violet",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around trunk",
"look around north",
"look at trunk throug can",
"look at trunk throug dead",
"take branch from trunk",
"take dead from trunk",
"take dead from can",
"throw can at coin",
"put can down bank",
"throw can at north",
"put violet down bank",
"put coin down bank",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at branch",
"put all down bank",
"throw all at north",
"open trunk with can",
"ploc": "Cliff Bottom",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to the ground with a thud. Visibly annoyed, the vulture spreads its wings and soars away over the river.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look dead",
"look all",
"take branch",
"take off can",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down can",
"put down all",
"look around trunk",
"look around north",
"look at river throug trunk",
"look at river throug dead",
"put note down bank",
"put coin down bank",
"throw can at branch",
"put can down bank",
"throw can at north",
"throw all at branch",
"put all down bank",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at north",
"push branch river",
"open river with can",
"ploc": "Cliff Bottom",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look dead",
"look all",
"look at river throug trunk",
"take off can",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down can",
"put down branch",
"put down dead",
"put down all",
"look around trunk",
"look around north",
"look at river throug dead",
"put note behind dead",
"put note down bank",
"put coin down bank",
"throw can at coin",
"put can down bank",
"throw can at north",
"put dead down bank",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down bank",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at north",
"throw all at cliff",
"open river with can",
"ploc": "Cliff Bottom",
"inv": [
"dead branch",
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "North of Bridge\nThis is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of the river.\n\nA rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the closed gate.\n\nStanding near the toll gate is an ugly, gnomelike creature. A less original story would probably refer to it as a troll.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look toll",
"look all",
"take off can",
"take up toll",
"look path",
"put down can",
"put down branch",
"put down violet",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug can",
"look at toll throug all",
"give violet toll",
"give troll can",
"give troll branch",
"give troll coin",
"throw can at bridge",
"throw can at west",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at bridge",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at west",
"open toll with can",
"open toll with branch",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"dead branch",
"metal can",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Yow! When you open the can a real, live rattlesnake leaps out! It squirms about angrily for a few moments, turns to hiss at you and slithers out of sight.\n\nThe metal can clatters to the ground.\n\nA scream of terror echoes off the cliffs as the troll runs away across the covered bridge.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 27 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look toll",
"look all",
"take can",
"take up toll",
"look path",
"close can",
"put down branch",
"put down violet",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug can",
"look at toll throug all",
"throw branch at toll",
"throw violet at toll",
"throw coin at toll",
"throw all at toll",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"push can river",
"open toll with branch",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look toll",
"look all",
"take off false",
"take up toll",
"look path",
"close can",
"put down can",
"put down branch",
"put down violet",
"put down coin",
"drop all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug can",
"look at toll throug all",
"throw can at toll",
"throw can at west",
"throw branch at toll",
"throw violet at toll",
"throw coin at toll",
"open toll with can",
"open false with can",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"metal can",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "The false bottom is wedged tightly into the metal can. You might be able to loosen it by squeezing harder... harder!...\n\nPop! A small stone drops out of the squashed can and lands at your feet.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look toll",
"look all",
"look at toll throug can",
"take violet",
"take stone",
"take up toll",
"look path",
"put down violet",
"put down can",
"put down branch",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug violet",
"put violet behind toll",
"throw violet at toll",
"throw can at violet",
"throw can at toll",
"throw branch at violet",
"throw branch at toll",
"throw coin at violet",
"throw coin at toll",
"throw all at violet",
"throw all at toll",
"throw all at can",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"push stone river",
"push violet to river",
"open toll with can",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"squashed can",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look toll",
"look all",
"look at toll throug can",
"take violet",
"take can",
"take stone",
"take all",
"take up toll",
"look path",
"put down violet",
"put down branch",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug violet",
"put violet behind toll",
"throw violet at toll",
"throw branch at violet",
"throw branch at toll",
"throw coin at violet",
"throw coin at toll",
"throw all at violet",
"throw all at toll",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"push can river",
"push stone river",
"push violet to river",
"open toll with branch",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 32 out of 100.)\n\nAs your fingers close around the small stone it begins to glow with an eerie violet-white radiance.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look toll",
"look all",
"take can",
"take up toll",
"look path",
"put down branch",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug violet",
"look at toll throug can",
"throw branch at toll",
"throw coin at toll",
"throw stone at toll",
"put stone down river",
"throw note at toll",
"throw all at toll",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"push can river",
"open toll with branch",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Okay, the toll gate is now open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look toll",
"look all",
"take out toll",
"take can",
"look path",
"pull down toll",
"put down branch",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at toll throug violet",
"look at toll throug can",
"throw branch at toll",
"throw coin at toll",
"throw stone at toll",
"put stone down river",
"throw note at toll",
"throw all at toll",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"push can river",
"ploc": "North Bridge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Bridge\nYou're on a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. A sign hangs on an arch overhead.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"put down small",
"put down dead",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around small",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at stone",
"throw dead at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at bridge",
"throw all at dead",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Bridge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "South of Bridge\nThis is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to the village.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in bridge",
"look road",
"put down small",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down branch",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at stone",
"throw note at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw branch at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at bridge",
"throw all at branch",
"ploc": "South Bridge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "River Outlet\nThis is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take out narrow",
"look narrow",
"put down small",
"put down note",
"put down coin",
"put down branch",
"put down all",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at stone",
"throw note at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw branch at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at branch",
"ploc": "River Outlet",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Lake Edge\nYou're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Witchville Cemetery.\n\nMisty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the water.\n\nYou can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. Animal tracks are visible in the sand next to the pit.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look platypus",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look down sand",
"look road",
"put down small",
"put down dead",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at platypus throug small",
"look at platypus throug violet",
"hit sand with small",
"put small down lake",
"put small down sand",
"put dead down sand",
"put dead down pit",
"put coin down sand",
"put note down sand",
"throw all at small",
"put all down sand",
"throw all at dead",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at pit",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "The pit is more than five feet deep. You can see a platypus in it.\n\nA rusty \"click!\" draws your eyes to the iron gate. You watch as it slowly creaks open, all by itself!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look platypus",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look down sand",
"take in gate",
"look road",
"put down small",
"put down dead",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at platypus throug small",
"look at platypus throug violet",
"hit sand with small",
"put small down lake",
"put small down sand",
"put dead down sand",
"put dead down pit",
"put coin down sand",
"put note down sand",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at dead",
"put all down sand",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at pit",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"dead branch",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Okay, the dead branch is now standing up inside the pit.\n\nThe platypus grabs onto the bottom of the dead branch with its forepaws.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look platypus",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in gate",
"look down sand",
"take branch",
"look road",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at platypus throug small",
"look at platypus throug violet",
"hit sand with small",
"take branch from pit",
"put small down sand",
"put small down lake",
"put coin down sand",
"put note down sand",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down sand",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 37 out of 100.)\n\nThe platypus hangs on to the dead branch as you pull it out of the pit. It lets go when the branch clears the edge and waddles joyfully around on the sand.\n\nThe little creature draws an \"X\" in the sand with its tail. Then it gives you an oddly dignified nod of thanks, waddles to the edge of the lake and disappears into the dark water.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in gate",
"take in x",
"look road",
"look down x",
"put down small",
"put down branch",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug branch",
"look at small throug violet",
"hit x with small",
"put small down x",
"put small down lake",
"put branch down x",
"put branch down pit",
"put coin down x",
"put note down x",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at branch",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down x",
"throw all at pit",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"dig x with small",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"dead branch",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in gate",
"take in x",
"take branch",
"look road",
"look down x",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug ground",
"look at small throug violet",
"hit x with small",
"put small down ground",
"put small down lake",
"put coin down ground",
"put note down ground",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down ground",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"dig x with small",
"push branch lake",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "You discovered a silver whistle in the sand under the \"X\"!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look silver",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in gate",
"take silver",
"take branch",
"take all",
"look road",
"look down sand",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at silver throug small",
"look at silver throug violet",
"put small down ground",
"put small down lake",
"put coin down ground",
"put note down ground",
"put all down ground",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"dig sand with small",
"push whistle lake",
"push branch lake",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 40 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look silver",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in gate",
"blow silver",
"take branch",
"look road",
"look down sand",
"put down silver",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at silver throug small",
"look at silver throug violet",
"put silver down ground",
"put small down ground",
"put small down lake",
"put coin down ground",
"put note down ground",
"throw all at silver",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down ground",
"put silver down pit",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"dig sand with silver",
"push branch lake",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"silver whistle",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.\n\nThe silver whistle's music echoes over the lake, rippling the water with gentle Magick. A sudden gust of wind blows through your hair. You can see the soft outline of Misty Island drawing closer as you streak across the waves...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMisty Island\nYou're standing on a fog-shrouded beach. Sheer cliff walls rise to the north and south, and the dark waters of the lake stretch eastward.\n\nTo the west stands a magnificent castle, its parapets rising high into the mist. Golden light streams invitingly through the open entrance. You can hear friendly voices and music inside.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take in castle",
"look fog",
"put down stone",
"put down silver",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at stone throug silver",
"look at stone throug violet",
"throw stone at silver",
"put stone down lake",
"throw silver at stone",
"throw coin at stone",
"throw note at stone",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at silver",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at sheer"
"ploc": "Misty Island",
"inv": [
"silver whistle",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Throne Room\nYou're standing in a long, high-ceilinged chamber. Hundreds of platypuses are milling about with teacups in their paws, their faces illuminated by a roaring fireplace.\n\nAt the far end of the chamber stands a mighty throne. It's occupied by a snow-white platypus with a gold crown on its head and a jeweled scepter in its paw. On the floor near the throne is another crowned platypus... the same one you rescued from the pit.\n\nThe crowd falls silent as you enter.\n\n\"Welcome, brave Adventurer,\" says the white platypus, rising from its throne to greet you. \"I am Anatinus, King of Misty Island. My court thanks you most humbly for rescuing the life of my daughter, Princess Tasmania. Great would our sorrow have been if not for your cunning.\"\n\nThe crowd applauds politely, and Princess Tasmania blushes.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look king",
"look platypuses",
"look one",
"take off king",
"look room",
"put down silver",
"put down magick",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at king throug silver",
"look at king throug platypuses",
"put silver down floor",
"put magick down floor",
"put coin down floor",
"put note down floor",
"put all down floor",
"throw all at silver",
"throw all at magick",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "ThrRoom",
"inv": [
"silver whistle",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\n\"My messengers have told me of your quest,\" continues King Anatinus. \"Allow me to repay your kindness with words of advice.\"\n\nThe old platypus motions you to his side. \"The Tower of the Evil One is formidable,\" he begins in a low, serious voice. \"You will never get inside unaided. Legends speak of a Magick Word that can open the gates of the Tower. But what Word it is, none can say.\"\n\nThe king reaches beneath his throne and takes out a small wizard's hat. \"Take this,\" he says, holding it out to you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look silver",
"look platypuses",
"look one",
"take hat",
"take off anatinus",
"look room",
"put down silver",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at silver throug small",
"look at silver throug platypuses",
"take hat from anatinus",
"put silver down floor",
"put small down floor",
"put coin down floor",
"put note down floor",
"throw all at silver",
"throw all at small",
"put all down floor",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "ThrRoom",
"inv": [
"silver whistle",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 41 out of 100.)\n\n\"Take it to the sea,\" King Anatinus whispers as you turn the hat in your hands. \"There you will find a creature learned in the lore of Magick. Heed him well! In his wisdom lies your only hope.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look silver",
"look platypuses",
"look one",
"take off anatinus",
"look room",
"look down hat",
"put down silver",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down hat",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at silver throug small",
"look at silver throug platypuses",
"put silver down floor",
"put small down floor",
"put coin down floor",
"put hat down floor",
"put note down floor",
"throw all at silver",
"throw all at small",
"put all down floor",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "ThrRoom",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"silver whistle",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA fanfare of trumpets breaks the silence, and the crowd falls to its knees.\n\n\"Good luck to you, brave Adventurer!\" cries King Anatinus, bowing deeply. \"Now blow into the silver whistle one more time, and deliver us from the horror of the Evil One.\"\n\nThe platypuses look at you expectantly.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look silver",
"look platypuses",
"look one",
"blow silver",
"take off anatinus",
"look room",
"look down hat",
"put down silver",
"put down small",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at silver throug small",
"look at silver throug platypuses",
"put silver down floor",
"put small down floor",
"put hat down floor",
"put coin down floor",
"put note down floor",
"throw all at silver",
"throw all at small",
"put all down floor",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "ThrRoom",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"silver whistle",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.\n\nA sudden gust of wind rises out of nowhere, and Misty Island falls away beneath your feet. You feel the silver whistle slip from your hand as you streak across the lake...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLake Edge\nYou're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking south, you can see an open iron gate leading into the Witchville Cemetery.\n\nMisty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the water.\n\nYou can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. \n\nA dead branch is lying on the ground.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in gate",
"take branch",
"look road",
"look down hat",
"look down sand",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down hat",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug ground",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small down ground",
"put small down lake",
"put coin down ground",
"put hat down ground",
"put note down ground",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down ground",
"put small down pit",
"put coin down pit",
"put hat down pit",
"put note down pit",
"put all down pit",
"dig sand with small",
"push branch lake",
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "The cemetery is a spooky place, especially at night. Are you sure you want to go in there?\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Lake Edge",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "\nYou have been warned.\n\nTwilight Glen\nThe trees here are so thick, it's almost too dark to see! You can make out an open iron gate to the north, and a narrow lane between the tombstones winds off to the east.\n\nThere must have been a burial here recently. Somebody left their umbrella leaning up against a tombstone.\n\nAs you glance around you notice luminous ribbons of mist darting among the tombstones. The air is filled with sinister voices.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take off mists",
"take umbrella",
"look lane",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at small throug stone",
"look at small throug violet",
"give small stone",
"throw small at stone",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at umbrella",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Twilight Glen",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Spooky Copse\nA copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.\n\nThere's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected next to it.\n\nThe luminous mists suddenly condense into a cloud of eldritch vapors! Circling like sharks, they stroke your face with ghostly fingers and whisper dreadful secrets into your ears.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look small",
"look around east",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take on grave",
"look grass",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down coin",
"put down hat",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around small",
"look at small throug grass",
"look at small throug grave",
"look at small throug violet",
"give small east",
"give violet note",
"give vapors coin",
"give vapors hat",
"put small down grass",
"put coin down grass",
"put hat down grass",
"put note down grass",
"throw all at small",
"put all down grass",
"throw all at coin",
"put small down grave",
"put coin down grave",
"put hat down grave",
"put note down grave",
"put all down grave",
"throw all off small",
"throw all off east",
"throw all off grave",
"ploc": "Spooky Copse",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "The eldritch vapors moan with disappointment as you escape their misty clutches.\n\nOpen Grave\nYou're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of dirt. Luminous ribbons of mist are swarming overhead, and a dark hole is visible in the north wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look dark",
"look violet",
"take in open",
"take off open",
"take off north",
"look open",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at small throug open",
"look at small throug violet",
"give small open",
"put small down open",
"put note down open",
"put hat down open",
"put coin down open",
"throw all at small",
"put all down open",
"throw all at coin"
"ploc": "Open Grave",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Underground\nYou're in a dirty underground chamber. Long, smelly tunnels wander away to the north and east, and there's a dark hole in the south wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take in hole",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at small throug stone",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at stone",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Underground\nYou're in a dark underground chamber. Long tunnels wander away to the north and west.\n\nA dark, narrow hole is visible overhead.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"push bunk",
"put down small",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at small throug stone",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at stone",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Okay, you moved the bunk away from the hole.\n\nFaint light streams in from overhead.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in hole",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at stone throug small",
"look at stone throug violet",
"throw stone at small",
"put stone down hole",
"throw note at stone",
"put note down hole",
"throw hat at stone",
"put hat down hole",
"throw coin at stone",
"put coin down hole",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down hole",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "The wizard's hat: Dropped.\nThe small stone: Dropped.\nThe gold coin: Dropped.\nThe violet note: Dropped.\n\nThe small stone stops glowing.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in hole",
"take stone",
"take hat",
"take coin",
"take note",
"take all",
"look tunnels",
"look around west",
"look at stone throug small",
"look at stone throug violet",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": null
"msg": "With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.\n\nJail Cell\nYou're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.\n\nThe only furnishing is a hard bunk in the middle of the floor with a thick blanket on it.\n\nThere's a dark, narrow hole in the floor.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look bunk",
"look dark",
"take in hole",
"take thick",
"look jail",
"look behind bunk",
"push bunk",
"look at bunk throug floor",
"look at bunk throug all",
"take thick from bunk",
"ploc": "Jail Cell",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 44 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look bunk",
"look dark",
"take in hole",
"look jail",
"put down thick",
"look behind bunk",
"push bunk",
"look at bunk throug floor",
"look at bunk throug all",
"put thick down floor",
"put thick down hole",
"put thick down bunk",
"ploc": "Jail Cell",
"inv": [
"thick blanket"
"msg": "With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.\n\nUnderground\n\nYou can see a violet note, a gold coin, a small stone and a wizard's hat here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in hole",
"take stone",
"take wizard",
"take coin",
"take note",
"take all",
"look tunnels",
"put down blanket",
"look around west",
"look at stone throug blanket",
"look at stone throug violet",
"throw blanket at stone",
"put blanket down hole",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"thick blanket"
"msg": "The violet note: Taken.\nThe gold coin: Taken.\nThe small stone: Taken.\nThe wizard's hat: Taken.\n\nThe small stone begins to glow again.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in hole",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down stone",
"put down blanket",
"put down coin",
"put down hat",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at stone throug blanket",
"look at stone throug violet",
"throw stone at blanket",
"put stone down hole",
"throw blanket at stone",
"put blanket down hole",
"throw coin at stone",
"put coin down hole",
"throw hat at stone",
"put hat down hole",
"throw note at stone",
"put note down hole",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at blanket",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down hole",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"thick blanket"
"msg": "Underground\nYou're in a damp underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the south, east and west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look blanket",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down blanket",
"put down small",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at blanket throug small",
"look at blanket throug violet",
"throw blanket at small",
"throw small at blanket",
"throw note at blanket",
"throw hat at blanket",
"throw coin at blanket",
"throw all at blanket",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"thick blanket"
"msg": "Grue's Nest\nYou have stumbled into the nesting place of a family of grues. Congratulations. Few indeed are the adventurers who have entered a grue's nest and lived as long as you have.\n\nEverything is littered with rusty swords of elvish workmanship, piles of bones and other debris. A closed refrigerator stands in one corner of the nest, and something... a small, dangerous-looking little beast... is curled up in the other corner.\n\nThe only exit is to the west. Hope you survive long enough to use it.\n\nSnoring fitfully, the little beast turns away from the light of the small stone and faces the wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look blanket",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take little",
"take off refrigerator",
"look nest",
"look down hat",
"put down blanket",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"open refrigerator",
"look at blanket throug violet",
"look at blanket throug stone",
"ask little about blanket",
"throw blanket at stone",
"put blanket down little",
"throw stone at blanket",
"put stone behind little",
"throw hat at blanket",
"put hat behind little",
"throw coin at blanket",
"put coin behind little",
"throw note at blanket",
"put note behind little",
"throw all at blanket",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at coin",
"put blanket behind little",
"push nest under little",
"push bones under little",
"push west under little",
"push refrigerator under little",
"open refrigerator with stone"
"ploc": "Grue's Nest",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note",
"thick blanket"
"msg": "Okay, the little beast is now covered with the thick blanket.\n\nThe creature stirs restlessly for an anxious moment. Then it settles into the comfortable darkness of the thick blanket, sighs gently and lies still.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 47 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look blanket",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take grue",
"take blanket",
"take off refrigerator",
"look nest",
"look down hat",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"open refrigerator",
"look at blanket throug violet",
"look at blanket throug stone",
"ask grue about blanket",
"take blanket from grue",
"throw stone at blanket",
"put stone behind grue",
"throw hat at blanket",
"put hat behind grue",
"throw coin at blanket",
"put coin behind grue",
"throw note at blanket",
"put note behind grue",
"throw all at blanket",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at coin",
"push nest under grue",
"push bones under grue",
"push west under grue",
"push refrigerator under grue",
"open refrigerator with stone"
"ploc": "Grue's Nest",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "A light inside the refrigerator goes out as you open it.\n\nOpening the refrigerator reveals a bottle and an earthworm.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look blanket",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take grue",
"take blanket",
"take earthworm",
"take bottle",
"take off refrigerator",
"look nest",
"look down hat",
"close refrigerator",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"empty refrigerator",
"look around west",
"look at blanket throug violet",
"look at blanket throug stone",
"ask grue about blanket",
"take blanket from grue",
"take earthworm from refrigerator",
"take bottle from refrigerator",
"take all from refrigerator",
"throw stone at blanket",
"put stone behind grue",
"throw hat at blanket",
"put hat behind grue",
"throw coin at blanket",
"put coin behind grue",
"throw note at blanket",
"put note behind grue",
"throw all at blanket",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at coin",
"put stone down refrigerator",
"put coin down refrigerator",
"put note down refrigerator",
"put all down refrigerator",
"push nest under grue",
"push bones under grue",
"push west under grue",
"push refrigerator under grue",
"push earthworm under grue",
"push bottle under grue"
"ploc": "Grue's Nest",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 50 out of 100.)\n\nThe earthworm squirms with annoyance at your touch.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look blanket",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take grue",
"take blanket",
"take bottle",
"take off refrigerator",
"look nest",
"look down hat",
"close refrigerator",
"put down earthworm",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at blanket throug violet",
"look at blanket throug earthworm",
"ask grue about blanket",
"take blanket from grue",
"take bottle from refrigerator",
"throw earthworm at blanket",
"put earthworm behind grue",
"throw stone at blanket",
"put stone behind grue",
"throw hat at blanket",
"put hat behind grue",
"throw coin at blanket",
"put coin behind grue",
"throw note at blanket",
"put note behind grue",
"throw all at blanket",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at coin",
"put earthworm down refrigerator",
"put stone down refrigerator",
"put hat down refrigerator",
"put coin down refrigerator",
"put note down refrigerator",
"put all down refrigerator",
"push nest under grue",
"push bones under grue",
"push west under grue",
"push refrigerator under grue",
"push bottle under grue"
"ploc": "Grue's Nest",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Underground\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at small throug earthworm",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Underground\nYou're in a damp underground chamber. Cold, dark tunnels wander away to the south and east.\n\nThe surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty tree. Overhead you can see the underside of a large stump. It appears to be hinged.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take up stump",
"look stump",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at small throug earthworm",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"open stump with small",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Lifting the hinged top of the stump reveals a round hole leading upward into moonlight.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look tunnels",
"look down hat",
"put down stone",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down hat",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at stone throug small",
"look at stone throug violet",
"throw stone at small",
"throw earthworm at stone",
"throw coin at stone",
"throw hat at stone",
"throw note at stone",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Underground",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Lookout Hill\nYou're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you can see Witchville Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.\n\nCrowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and majestic oak tree. An opening in the stump leads down into darkness.\n\nA horseshoe is lying in the grass near the stump.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look darkness",
"take off stump",
"take horseshoe",
"take up stump",
"look hill",
"look down hat",
"take on stump",
"push stump",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"sit east",
"look at small throug earthworm",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small down grass",
"put small down stump",
"put earthworm down grass",
"put earthworm down stump",
"put hat down grass",
"put hat down stump",
"put coin down grass",
"put coin down stump",
"put note down grass",
"put note down stump",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"put all down grass",
"throw all at coin",
"put all down stump",
"open stump with small",
"ploc": "LookHill",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "River Outlet\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take out narrow",
"look narrow",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "River Outlet",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "South of Bridge\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in bridge",
"look road",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at bridge",
"ploc": "South Bridge",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Rocky Path\nYou're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the Witchville River. A shimmering trail leads south into a dense forest.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in forest",
"look path",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down note",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Rocky Path",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "As you walk along the shimmering trail you feel a vague sense of disorientation, then a shock of recognition...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWest of House\nYou are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.\n\nThere's a little mailbox here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look earthworm",
"look all",
"look down hat",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down hat",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around earthworm",
"look around west",
"open mailbox",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug coin",
"throw earthworm at coin",
"throw coin at earthworm",
"throw hat at earthworm",
"throw stone at earthworm",
"throw note at earthworm",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at mailbox",
"open mailbox with earthworm",
"ploc": "West House",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Opening the little mailbox reveals a leaflet.\n\nThe edges of the little mailbox are beginning to twinkle.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look earthworm",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look down hat",
"close little",
"put down earthworm",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around earthworm",
"look around west",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug stone",
"take leaflet from little",
"throw earthworm at stone",
"throw stone at earthworm",
"throw hat at earthworm",
"throw coin at earthworm",
"throw note at earthworm",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at house",
"throw all at coin",
"put earthworm down little",
"put stone down little",
"put hat down little",
"put coin down little",
"put note down little",
"put all down little"
"ploc": "West House",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe little mailbox is engulfed in a sparkling aurora! Tremors of anticipation run up and down its length, and the air sings with Magick.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look earthworm",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look down hat",
"close little",
"put down earthworm",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around earthworm",
"look around west",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug stone",
"take leaflet from little",
"put earthworm down grass",
"put stone down grass",
"put hat down grass",
"put coin down grass",
"put note down grass",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at stone",
"put all down grass",
"throw all at coin",
"put earthworm down little",
"put stone down little",
"put hat down little",
"put coin down little",
"put note down little",
"put all down little"
"ploc": "West House",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nWith a gentle pop, the little mailbox pulls itself out of the ground and cavorts about the grass like a happy rabbit!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look earthworm",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look down hat",
"close lid",
"put down earthworm",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around earthworm",
"look around west",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug stone",
"take leaflet from lid",
"throw earthworm at stone",
"throw stone at earthworm",
"throw hat at earthworm",
"throw coin at earthworm",
"throw note at earthworm",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at lid",
"throw all at coin",
"put earthworm down lid",
"put stone down lid",
"put hat down lid",
"put coin down lid",
"put note down lid",
"put all down lid"
"ploc": "West House",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe little mailbox notices you and snaps its tiny lid with joy. It makes a silly \"clump-clump, clump-clump\" sound as it hops to your side and rubs lovingly against your sleeve.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look earthworm",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look down hat",
"close little",
"put down earthworm",
"put down stone",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around earthworm",
"look around west",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug stone",
"take leaflet from little",
"put earthworm down grass",
"put stone down grass",
"put hat down grass",
"put coin down grass",
"put note down grass",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at stone",
"put all down grass",
"throw all at coin",
"put earthworm down little",
"put stone down little",
"put hat down little",
"put coin down little",
"put note down little",
"put all down little"
"ploc": "West House",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "As the house disappears into the distance, you get the distinct feeling that, someday, you will pass this way again.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRocky Path\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look path",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Rocky Path",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Lighthouse\nThis is where the river empties into Witchville Bay. A path leads west along the riverbank.\n\nA broken-down old lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands on the shore nearby.\n\nPerched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through half-closed eyelids.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look river",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look path",
"look down hat",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down hat",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at river throug small",
"look at river throug violet",
"put small down river",
"put note down lighthouse",
"put hat down lighthouse",
"put coin down lighthouse",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw hat at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at lighthouse",
"put all down lighthouse",
"ploc": "Lighthouse",
"inv": [
"wizard's hat",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "The pelican sniffs the wizard's hat suspiciously. Its eyes open wide with interest, and the wizard's hat quickly finds a place on the pelican's head. Then the old bird gives you a sly, knowledgeable wink.\n\nAll at once the lighthouse blazes to life! Its shining beacon whirls like a gyroscope, and a pencil-thin beam of light pierces the sky and traces a word on a passing cloud: KALUZE.\n\nThe pelican spreads its wings and soars away over the bay. As the beam of the lighthouse fades, a voice in your head whispers, \"Good luck, brave Adventurer!\"\n\n(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 55 out of 100.)\n\nThe little mailbox \"clump-clumps\" to your side with a joyful snap.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look earthworm",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look path",
"close mailbox",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug lighthouse",
"take leaflet from mailbox",
"put earthworm down lighthouse",
"put coin down lighthouse",
"put stone down lighthouse",
"put stone down river",
"put note down lighthouse",
"throw all at earthworm",
"put all down lighthouse",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"put earthworm down mailbox",
"put coin down mailbox",
"put stone down mailbox",
"put note down mailbox",
"put all down mailbox",
"ploc": "Lighthouse",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Rocky Path\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look path",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at small throug earthworm",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at earthworm",
"put small down river",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Rocky Path",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "South of Bridge\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in bridge",
"look road",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at small throug earthworm",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at earthworm",
"put small down river",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at bridge",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "South Bridge",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Rotary North\nThis is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north, towards the river.\n\nOn the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it hasn't been used for years.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look south",
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in old",
"look old",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at old throug small",
"look at old throug violet",
"throw small at old",
"throw earthworm at old",
"throw coin at old",
"throw note at old",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Rotary North",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe little mailbox \"clump-clumps\" into view and snaps a greeting.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look west",
"look earthworm",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in old",
"take leaflet",
"look old",
"close mailbox",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around west",
"look at old throug violet",
"look at old throug earthworm",
"take leaflet from mailbox",
"throw earthworm at old",
"throw coin at old",
"throw stone at old",
"throw note at old",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"put earthworm down mailbox",
"put coin down mailbox",
"put stone down mailbox",
"put note down mailbox",
"put all down mailbox",
"ploc": "Rotary North",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west. It sounds as if they're coming this way!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look north",
"look earthworm",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take in old",
"take leaflet",
"look road",
"close mailbox",
"close door",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at earthworm throug mailbox",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"take leaflet from mailbox",
"put earthworm down floor",
"put coin down floor",
"put stone down floor",
"put note down floor",
"throw all at earthworm",
"put all down floor",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"put earthworm down mailbox",
"put coin down mailbox",
"put stone down mailbox",
"put note down mailbox",
"put all down mailbox",
"ploc": "Rotary North",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Park\nYou're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble fountain, filled with greasy water.\n\nA statue stands in the middle of the fountain.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look north",
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look walks",
"put down small",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at small throug earthworm",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small down marble",
"put earthworm down marble",
"put coin down marble",
"put note down marble",
"throw small at earthworm",
"throw earthworm at small",
"throw coin at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at brass",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "You can see a brass token and a piranha in the fountain.\n\nThe little mailbox \"clump-clumps\" happily into view.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look earthworm",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look walks",
"close mailbox",
"put down earthworm",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at earthworm throug violet",
"look at earthworm throug brass",
"put stone down marble",
"put note down marble",
"put earthworm down marble",
"put coin down marble",
"take leaflet from mailbox",
"throw earthworm at brass",
"throw coin at earthworm",
"throw stone at earthworm",
"throw note at earthworm",
"throw all at earthworm",
"throw all at brass",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"put earthworm down mailbox",
"put coin down mailbox",
"put stone down mailbox",
"put note down mailbox",
"put all down mailbox",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "It lands in the fountain with a splash.\n\nThe piranha snatches away the worm and swims to the far side of the fountain to devour it.\n\nThe little mailbox rubs your leg.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look brass",
"look all",
"take brass",
"take leaflet",
"look walks",
"close mailbox",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at brass throug violet",
"look at brass throug token",
"put stone down marble",
"put note down marble",
"put coin down marble",
"take brass from marble",
"take leaflet from mailbox",
"throw coin at brass",
"throw stone at brass",
"throw note at brass",
"throw all at brass",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"put coin down mailbox",
"put stone down mailbox",
"put note down mailbox",
"put all down mailbox",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 58 out of 100.)\n\nThe little mailbox cuddles up around your feet.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look violet",
"look brass",
"look all",
"take leaflet",
"look walks",
"close mailbox",
"put down brass",
"put down coin",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at brass throug violet",
"look at brass throug token",
"put stone down marble",
"put note down marble",
"put brass down marble",
"put coin down marble",
"take leaflet from mailbox",
"throw brass at token",
"throw coin at brass",
"throw stone at brass",
"throw note at brass",
"throw all at brass",
"put all down marble",
"throw all at coin",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at mailbox",
"put brass down mailbox",
"put coin down mailbox",
"put stone down mailbox",
"put note down mailbox",
"put all down mailbox",
"ploc": "Park",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "Rotary East\nYou're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches off to the east, towards the bay.\n\nOn the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance, and a marquee announces the current feature.\n\nMiss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look miss",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in sleazy",
"buy ticket",
"look rotary",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down coin",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at miss throug marquee",
"look at miss throug violet",
"give voss coin",
"throw small at miss",
"throw brass at miss",
"throw coin at miss",
"throw note at miss",
"throw all at miss",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at coin",
"ploc": "Rotary East",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"gold coin",
"violet note"
"msg": "(with the gold coin)\nMiss Voss snatches away your gold coin with her bony fingers and hands you a ticket.\n\n(You are now holding a ticket.)\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 61 out of 100.)\n\nThe little mailbox \"clump-clumps\" happily into view.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look miss",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in sleazy",
"take coin",
"take leaflet",
"look rotary",
"close little",
"put down brass",
"put down stone",
"put down ticket",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at miss throug marquee",
"look at miss throug violet",
"take leaflet from little",
"throw brass at miss",
"throw stone at miss",
"throw ticket at miss",
"throw note at miss",
"throw all at miss",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at stone",
"put brass down little",
"put stone down little",
"put ticket down little",
"put note down little",
"put all down little",
"ploc": "Rotary East",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Theater Lobby\nYou're standing in the lobby of the movie theater. A short corridor leads north into darkness. Sound effects and music can be heard drifting down the corridor.\n\nThe gravedigger is standing near the corridor, a large cardboard carton at his feet.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look carton",
"look violet",
"look movie",
"take off carton",
"look lobby",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down note",
"put down ticket",
"put down all",
"look at carton throug music",
"look at carton throug violet",
"put ticket down carton",
"throw small at brass",
"throw brass at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw ticket at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"ploc": "Theater Lobby",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "The gravedigger takes the ticket, gestures absently to the empty carton and leans back to daydream.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look carton",
"look violet",
"look movie",
"take out short",
"take off carton",
"look lobby",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at carton throug music",
"look at carton throug violet",
"throw small at brass",
"throw brass at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"ploc": "Theater Lobby",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "The gravedigger nods as you pass.\n\nInside Theater\nThis is a movie theater unlike any you've ever seen! The seats are wide, deep and comfortable. The aisles are spotless. The air is clear of smoke, and the screen is dramatically large. A chill goes up your spine as you realize how alien your universe has become.\n\nThere's a noisy movie playing on the screen. A dark corridor leads out to the lobby.\n\nThe picture on the screen is fuzzy and hard to watch.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take off image",
"look aisles",
"look around stone",
"take on seats",
"put down stone",
"put down brass",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at stone throug small",
"look at stone throug violet",
"put stone down aisles",
"put brass down aisles",
"put note down aisles",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at brass",
"put stone down seats",
"put brass down seats",
"put note down seats",
"put all down seats",
"put all down aisles",
"ploc": "Inside Theater",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Hmm. This place isn't completely spotless. You just discovered a used pair of 3D glasses under a seat.\n\nThe screen image is a meaningless blur of colored light.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take off image",
"take glasses",
"look around small",
"take on seats",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug brass",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small down aisles",
"put brass down aisles",
"put note down aisles",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"put all down aisles",
"put small down seats",
"put brass down seats",
"put note down seats",
"put all down seats",
"ploc": "Inside Theater",
"inv": [
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 64 out of 100.)\n\nAll you can see on the screen is a confusing double-image.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look stone",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take off image",
"look around stone",
"take in glasses",
"take on seats",
"put down stone",
"put down brass",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at stone throug small",
"look at stone throug violet",
"put stone down aisles",
"put brass down aisles",
"put glasses down aisles",
"put note down aisles",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at glasses",
"put stone down seats",
"put brass down seats",
"put glasses down seats",
"put note down seats",
"put all down seats",
"put all down aisles",
"ploc": "Inside Theater",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Theater Lobby\n\n",
"hints": [
"look carton",
"look violet",
"look darkness",
"take out short",
"take off carton",
"look lobby",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at carton throug music",
"look at carton throug violet",
"throw small at brass",
"throw brass at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Theater Lobby",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Are you sure you want to leave the movie theater? The gravedigger might not let you in again without another ticket!\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Theater Lobby",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "\"Come again!\" sneers the gravedigger as you leave.\n\nRotary East\n\nThere's a little mailbox with a leaflet in it here.\n\nOut of the corner of your eye, you notice Miss Voss squinting carefully at the gold coin you gave her. She looks at you suspiciously, picks up a telephone and begins to dial rapidly.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look east",
"look miss",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in sleazy",
"take leaflet",
"take coin",
"look rotary",
"take in glasses",
"close little",
"put down brass",
"put down stone",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at miss throug marquee",
"look at miss throug violet",
"take leaflet from little",
"throw brass at miss",
"throw stone at miss",
"throw glasses at miss",
"throw note at miss",
"throw all at miss",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at glasses",
"put brass down little",
"put stone down little",
"put glasses down little",
"put note down little",
"put all down little",
"throw all off miss",
"throw all off east",
"ploc": "Rotary East",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Pleasure Wharf\nYou're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf extends eastward into Witchville Bay.\n\nTo the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.\n\nA big mailbox is nearby.\n\nA voice behind you growls, \"Mail!\" You turn to face the sound, but there's nobody here except you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in old",
"look wharf",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at old throug small",
"look at old throug violet",
"throw small at old",
"put small down bay",
"throw brass at old",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw note at old",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Pleasure Wharf",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou watch with astonishment as the lid of the big mailbox slowly opens by itself, then snaps shut with a clang.\n\nThe little mailbox \"clump-clumps\" to your side with a joyful snap.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look brass",
"look mailbox",
"look all",
"take in building",
"take stamp",
"look wharf",
"take in 3d",
"close little",
"put down brass",
"put down stone",
"put down note",
"put down 3d",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at brass throug token",
"look at brass throug mailbox",
"take stamp from little",
"throw brass at token",
"throw stone at brass",
"put stone down bay",
"throw note at brass",
"throw 3d at brass",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at building",
"throw all at 3d",
"put brass down little",
"put stone down little",
"put note down little",
"put 3d down little",
"put all down little",
"push stamp under bay",
"push little under bay",
"ploc": "Pleasure Wharf",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe lid of the big mailbox opens again. \"I want MAIL!\"\n\nThe two mailboxes freeze at the sight of one another.\n\nThe little mailbox snarls and stands protectively by your side. The big mailbox emits a frightful growl and throws its lid wide open, displaying rows of sharp little teeth. A crowd of postal meters and stamp dispensers gathers as the metal warriors circle each other with tense, snapping lids.\n\nWith a sudden rush, the little mailbox throws itself at the big mailbox and clamps onto its forefoot. The big mailbox roars with anger, bites the little mailbox viciously and tries in vain to shake it off. You stare in wonder as the fighting boxes swell to twice their normal size, then four times larger, eight times!\n\nThe big mailbox frees itself with a savage twist and bends to finish its foe. The little mailbox dodges, grips the descending lid and holds on for dear life. Locked in mortal combat, the giant boxes roll over and over, shaking the earth with the thunder of battle.\n\nThe scene disappears under a cloud of dust. You hear a terrible scream of agony, then an even more terrible silence. When the air clears, the boxes and spectators are gone.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look old",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in old",
"look wharf",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at old throug small",
"look at old throug violet",
"throw small at old",
"put small down bay",
"throw brass at old",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw note at old",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Pleasure Wharf",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Video Arcade\nThis old building is the home of a sleazy arcade, lined with coin-op video games. The machines are crowded with half-crazed, stunted humanoids, who pay no attention to you as they satisfy their thirst for electric violence.\n\nOne machine in the corner appears to be deserted.\n\nA sign on the wall says, \"All Games One Token.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look video",
"look star",
"hit machine",
"take off old",
"look old",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down brass",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at old throug small",
"push button",
"look at old throug video",
"hit machine with small",
"throw small at old",
"throw small at machine",
"throw brass at old",
"throw brass at machine",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw glasses at machine",
"throw note at old",
"throw note at machine",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at brass",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"put brass down slot",
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"brass token",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "The brass token disappears into the slot.\n\nDing! You hear a pleasant electric chime, and a blinking star appears on the video screen.\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 65 out of 100.)\n\n(This might be a good time to SAVE your story position.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look video",
"look all",
"hit machine",
"take off old",
"look old",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"push slot",
"look at old throug small",
"push button",
"look at old throug video",
"hit machine with small",
"throw small at old",
"throw small at machine",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw glasses at machine",
"throw note at old",
"throw note at machine",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look video",
"look all",
"hit machine",
"take off old",
"look old",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"push slot",
"look at old throug small",
"push button",
"look at old throug video",
"hit machine with small",
"throw small at old",
"throw small at machine",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw glasses at machine",
"throw note at old",
"throw note at machine",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look video",
"look all",
"hit machine",
"take off old",
"look old",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"push slot",
"look at old throug small",
"push button",
"look at old throug video",
"hit machine with small",
"throw small at old",
"throw small at machine",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw glasses at machine",
"throw note at old",
"throw note at machine",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look video",
"look all",
"hit machine",
"take off old",
"look old",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"push slot",
"look at old throug small",
"push big",
"look at old throug video",
"hit machine with small",
"throw small at old",
"throw small at machine",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw glasses at machine",
"throw note at old",
"throw note at machine",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses"
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look video",
"look all",
"hit machine",
"take off old",
"look old",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"push slot",
"look at old throug small",
"push button",
"look at old throug video",
"hit machine with small",
"throw small at old",
"throw small at machine",
"throw glasses at old",
"throw glasses at machine",
"throw note at old",
"throw note at machine",
"throw all at old",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Are you sure you want to push the big red button?\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "\nThe stunted humanoids in the arcade watch you carefully as your hand touches the flashing button. This might be a trap! You don't really want to press that big red button, do you?\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Video Arcade",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "\n(Hope you saved your story position.)\n\nA sudden power drain makes all the other games in the arcade go dim. Blue sheets of energy leap from the game machine, surrounding you in an incandescent aura. You can feel your molecules being taken apart one at a time, analyzed, modulated and broadcast through space. It is not a pleasant sensation.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHilltop\nYou're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Witchville.\n\nA tower stands in bleak silhouette against the moonlit sky. It rises a hundred feet above a barren plateau, and is encircled by a deep moat. The only entrances are a closed drawbridge and a dark window near the top.\n\nRoads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost nearby.\n\nA synthetic voice says, \"Game Over. Insert Token To Play Again.\"\n\n(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 70 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"look hill",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at hill throug small",
"look at hill throug violet",
"throw small at stone",
"put small down moat",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at witchville",
"ploc": "Hilltop",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "With a great creak of wood and rattle of chains, the drawbridge slowly lowers across the moat.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 73 out of 100.)\n\n(This might be a good time to SAVE your story position.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"take out drawbridge",
"look hill",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at hill throug small",
"look at hill throug violet",
"throw small at stone",
"put small down moat",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at witchville",
"ploc": "Hilltop",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Vestibule\nYou're standing in a dimly-lit vestibule just inside the tower's entrance. The drawbridge is opened across the moat to the north. A short corridor leads south, into the tower.\n\n\"Turn back, brave Adventurer!\"\n\nYou stare in horror at the platypus chained to the floor. It's Princess Tasmania!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look crisp",
"look tower",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at small throug ground",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small down ground",
"put glasses down ground",
"put note down ground",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at glasses",
"put all down ground"
"ploc": "Vestibule",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\n\"Behind you!\" cries the Princess. \"It's a trap!\"\n\nToo late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of... Mr. Crisp!\n\n\"Nice of you to drop by,\" he sneers as a gigantic Boot pins you to the ground. \"Saves me the bother of tracking you down.\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTorture Chamber\nYou're chained up in the corner of a dim, stuffy chamber, deep within the bowels of the tower. The walls gleam with obscure medical instruments, and a diabolical torture machine occupies most of the opposite corner.\n\nPrincess Tasmania is clamped into the torture machine!\n\nA ladder rises to meet an open hatch in the middle of the ceiling.\n\nMr. Crisp is fondling the instruments, one by one.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chain",
"look rusty",
"look tower",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at chain throug small",
"look at chain throug rusty",
"give crisp small",
"give crisp glasses",
"give crisp note",
"throw small at machine",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"put small down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put note down machine",
"put all down machine"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone",
"violet note"
"msg": "Mr. Crisp takes the violet note and stares at it. His face turns pale. \"Where did this come from?\" he whispers, opening it.\n\nAn unbearably sweet expression spreads over his face as he reads. The violet note falls from his hands.\n\n\"I've got to run,\" Mr. Crisp cries, tossing his white lab coat into a corner and stuffing his shirttails into his pants. \"Violet scolds me when I'm late!\" He struggles into a hideous velvet blazer, pushes a comb through his hair and scampers up the ladder like a little boy.\n\nThe hatch closes with a hollow thud.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look rusty",
"look at small throug stone",
"take coat",
"look tower",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down glasses",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small behind violet",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw violet at small",
"throw all at coat",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put violet down coat",
"put violet down machine",
"put all down machine"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The chains cut painfully into your wrist as you strain to grasp the white lab coat. Your fingertips brush against the collar... There! You got it!\n\nYou hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge opening.\n\nPrincess Tasmania breathes a sigh of relief.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coat",
"look violet",
"look rusty",
"look at coat throug ladder",
"take rusty",
"look tower",
"take in 3d",
"put down coat",
"put down stone",
"put down violet",
"put down 3d",
"put down all",
"look at coat throug violet",
"put coat behind violet",
"take rusty from coat",
"throw coat at ladder",
"throw violet at coat",
"throw 3d at coat",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at ladder",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at 3d",
"put coat down machine",
"put stone down coat",
"put stone down machine",
"put violet down coat",
"put violet down machine",
"put 3d down machine",
"put all down machine"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "You can see a rusty key in the white lab coat.\n\nYou hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge closing.\n\nPrincess Tasmania strains against her clamps. \"Release me from this torture machine, brave Adventurer! Please! Pull down this lever and set me free.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look rusty",
"look at small throug coat",
"take rusty",
"look tower",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small behind violet",
"take rusty from coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw violet at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put violet down coat",
"put violet down machine",
"put all down machine"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 76 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look at small throug coat",
"look tower",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small behind violet",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw violet at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put key down coat",
"put key down machine",
"put violet down coat",
"put violet down machine",
"put all down coat",
"put all down machine",
"open chain with key"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Okay, the chain is now unlocked and open.\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 77 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look at small throug coat",
"take violet",
"take note",
"take up hatch",
"take up lever",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small behind violet",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw violet at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put key down coat",
"put key down machine",
"put violet down coat",
"put violet down machine",
"put all down coat",
"put all down machine",
"open hatch with small"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The clamps on the torture machine retract, and Princess Tasmania leaps off. She's free!\n\n\"Again you spare my unworthy life, brave Adventurer.\" The platypus humbly licks your shoe, to your considerable embarrassment. \"My father, King Anatinus, does not forget such kindness.\"\n\nThe little creature produces a silver whistle from her gown and blows into it gently. A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.\n\n\"Your journey is not yet ended,\" she warns as a whirlpool of colored light envelops her. \"But even if you fail, your deeds shall live forever in our legends. Have faith!\"\n\nWhen the colors fade, Princess Tasmania is gone.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"look at small throug coat",
"take violet",
"take note",
"take up hatch",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down violet",
"put down all",
"look at small throug violet",
"put small behind violet",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw violet at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put key down coat",
"put key down machine",
"put violet down coat",
"put violet down machine",
"put all down coat",
"put all down machine",
"open hatch with small"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take up hatch",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug coat",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put key down coat",
"put key down machine",
"put note down coat",
"put note down machine",
"put all down coat",
"put all down machine",
"open hatch with small"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 80 out of 100.)\n\nThe handwritten note says:\n\n\"Corky-Poo,\n\nI've got a plate of fresh oatmeal cookies waiting for you. Come over around sixish, and I'll show you my collection of Byron first editions, etc...\n\nViolet\n\nPS: If my little poodle yaps at you, just say ALEXIS, HEEL and she'll behave.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take up hatch",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug coat",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put key down coat",
"put key down machine",
"put note down coat",
"put note down machine",
"put all down coat",
"put all down machine",
"open hatch with small"
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The heavy hatch opens reluctantly.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take off machine",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"pull hatch",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug coat",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at machine",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down machine",
"put coat down machine",
"put glasses down machine",
"put key down coat",
"put key down machine",
"put note down coat",
"put note down machine",
"put all down coat",
"put all down machine",
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Round Chamber\nYou're in a round chamber at the very heart of the tower. The clammy stone walls are hung with a series of paintings, all the same size and identically framed. Years of neglect have blackened the art almost beyond recognition.\n\nIn the corner is an open hatch. Peering downward, you see a ladder descending into gloom.\n\nA corridor disappears to the north, and a damp stairway winds upward into the tower.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look paintings",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take on ladder",
"take off paintings",
"look behind paintings",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"take on tower",
"push hatch",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at paintings throug small",
"look at paintings throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at ladder",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put key down coat",
"put note down coat",
"put all down coat",
"push paintings small",
"ploc": "Round Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Fuzziness\nEverything around you appears blurred and fuzzy.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rusty",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take in white",
"take in 3d",
"put down rusty",
"put down white",
"put down small",
"put down 3d",
"put down all",
"look at rusty throug white",
"look at rusty throug violet",
"throw rusty at white",
"throw white at rusty",
"throw small at rusty",
"throw 3d at rusty",
"throw all at rusty",
"throw all at white",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at 3d",
"put rusty down white",
"put small down white",
"put all down white"
"ploc": "Fuzziness",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Wow! As you put on the glasses the room fuses into a solid, 3-dimensional image.\n\nLaboratory\nThe highest room in the tower is a laboratory, complete with bubbling chemicals and foul odors. An antique telescope is mounted near an open window to the north, and a control panel occupies most of the south wall.\n\nThe only exit is a damp stairway leading downward.\n\nA black cat is sound asleep in the corner.\n\nThere's a broom here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look second switch",
"look switch",
"take off north",
"look all",
"ask cat",
"put out second switch",
"put out first",
"take cat",
"take broom",
"take off second switch",
"take off glasses",
"look lab",
"take in coat",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at second switch throug sound",
"tell cat",
"look at second switch throug switch",
"ask cat about second switch",
"put glasses down second switch",
"look at lab throug glasses",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"put glasses down broom",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at window",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"open second switch with small",
"open first with small",
"tell cat about second switch"
"ploc": "Laboratory",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look second switch",
"look switch",
"take off north",
"look all",
"ask cat",
"put out second switch",
"put out first",
"take off second switch",
"take off glasses",
"look lab",
"take in coat",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at second switch throug sound",
"tell cat",
"look at second switch throug switch",
"ask cat about second switch",
"put glasses down second switch",
"look at lab throug glasses",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"put glasses down broom",
"throw broom at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at window",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"open second switch with small",
"open first with small",
"tell cat about second switch"
"ploc": "Laboratory",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The control panel is equipped with two large power switches.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look second switch",
"look switch",
"take off north",
"look all",
"ask cat",
"put out second switch",
"put out first",
"take off second switch",
"take off glasses",
"look lab",
"take in coat",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at second switch throug sound",
"tell cat",
"look at second switch throug switch",
"ask cat about second switch",
"put glasses down second switch",
"look at lab throug glasses",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"put glasses down broom",
"throw broom at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at window",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"open second switch with small",
"open first with small",
"tell cat about second switch"
"ploc": "Laboratory",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Okay, the second switch is turned off.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 83 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look second switch",
"look switch",
"take off north",
"look all",
"ask cat",
"put out first",
"take off second switch",
"take off glasses",
"look lab",
"take in coat",
"push second switch",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at second switch throug sound",
"tell cat",
"look at second switch throug switch",
"ask cat about second switch",
"put glasses down second switch",
"look at lab throug glasses",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"put glasses down broom",
"throw broom at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at window",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"turn second switch for small",
"open first with small",
"tell cat about second switch"
"ploc": "Laboratory",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Fuzziness\nEverything around you appears blurry and blurred.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rusty",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take off 3d",
"take in white",
"put down rusty",
"put down white",
"put down small",
"put down 3d",
"put down all",
"look at rusty throug white",
"look at rusty throug violet",
"put 3d down rusty",
"throw rusty at white",
"throw white at rusty",
"throw small at rusty",
"throw 3d at rusty",
"throw all at rusty",
"throw all at white",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at 3d",
"put rusty down white",
"put small down white",
"put all down white"
"ploc": "Fuzziness",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Okay, you're no longer wearing the pair of 3D glasses.\n\nRound Chamber\nYou're in a round chamber at the very heart of the tower. The clammy stone walls are hung with a series of paintings, all the same size and identically framed. Years of neglect have blackened the art almost beyond recognition.\n\nIn the corner is an open hatch. Peering downward, you see a ladder descending into gloom.\n\nA corridor disappears to the north, and a damp stairway winds upward into the tower.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look paintings",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take on ladder",
"take off paintings",
"look behind paintings",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"take on tower",
"push hatch",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down broom",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at paintings throug small",
"look at paintings throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw broom at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at ladder",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"push paintings small",
"ploc": "Round Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Moving aside one of the paintings reveals a metal crank attached to the wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look paintings",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take on ladder",
"take off paintings",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"take on tower",
"push hatch",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down broom",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"turn crank",
"look around north",
"look at paintings throug small",
"look at paintings throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw broom at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at ladder",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"turn crank for paintings",
"ploc": "Round Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "As you turn the metal crank you hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge opening.\n\n(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 84 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look paintings",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take on ladder",
"take off paintings",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"take on tower",
"push hatch",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down broom",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"turn crank",
"look around north",
"look at paintings throug small",
"look at paintings throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw broom at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at ladder",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"turn crank for paintings",
"ploc": "Round Chamber",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Vestibule\nYou're standing in a dimly-lit vestibule just inside the tower's entrance. The drawbridge is opened across the moat to the north. A short corridor leads south, into the tower.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take off tower",
"take out short",
"look tower",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down broom",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at small throug coat",
"look at small throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw broom at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Vestibule",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Hilltop\n\nThe moment you take your foot off the drawbridge it swings up over the moat and closes with a mighty thud.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look dark",
"look hill",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around east",
"look at hill throug small",
"look at hill throug violet",
"throw small at coat",
"put small down moat",
"throw coat at small",
"throw glasses at small",
"throw broom at small",
"throw key at small",
"throw note at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at witchville",
"put all down signpost",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"throw all off east",
"ploc": "Hilltop",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Outside Cottage\nYou're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the former town librarian. The road turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post Office Hill.\n\nAs you approach the cottage you are greeted by the biggest hellhound you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street, roaring angrily and showing its sharp, bloody fangs.\n\nYou can smell the hellhound's hot breath as it roars.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look voss",
"look path",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look at small throug path",
"look at small throug violet",
"give hellhound small",
"give hellhound coat",
"give hellhound glasses",
"give hellhound broom",
"give hellhound key",
"give hellhound note",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"throw broom at small",
"put key down broom",
"put note down broom",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"put all over coat",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at hellhound",
"put small down coat",
"put key down coat",
"put note down coat",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Alexis pricks up her ears at the sound of her name. She sits obediently at your feet, gently licks your hand and thumps her big tail happily.\n\n(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 89 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look small",
"look violet",
"look voss",
"look road",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down broom",
"put down all",
"look at small throug coat",
"look at small throug violet",
"give hellhound small",
"give hellhound coat",
"give hellhound glasses",
"give hellhound key",
"give hellhound note",
"give hellhound broom",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down broom",
"put note down broom",
"throw broom at small",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at hellhound",
"put small down coat",
"put key down coat",
"put note down coat",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Okay, the cottage door is now open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look north",
"look small",
"look violet",
"look voss",
"take in cottage",
"look road",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"look around north",
"look at small throug coat",
"look at small throug violet",
"give hellhound small",
"give hellhound coat",
"give hellhound glasses",
"give hellhound broom",
"give hellhound key",
"give hellhound note",
"put small down broom",
"throw small at north",
"put coat down broom",
"throw coat at north",
"put glasses down broom",
"throw glasses at north",
"throw broom at small",
"throw broom at north",
"put key down broom",
"throw key at north",
"put note down broom",
"throw note at north",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at hellhound",
"throw all at north",
"put small down coat",
"put key down coat",
"put note down coat",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The hellhound thumps its big tail happily as you pass.\n\nCottage\nThis is the cottage of Miss Voss, the former town librarian. The walls are lined with timeworn books and dusty, faded photographs. Looks like nobody's lived here for a long time.\n\nThere's a dusty bookcase with a steel key on it near the open front door. Somebody has scrawled a message in the dust on the bookcase.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look key",
"look voss",
"take off message",
"push message",
"look at steel key throug steel",
"take steel key",
"take key",
"look cottage",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"close door",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down key",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug key",
"take key from steel key",
"throw small at message",
"throw key at message",
"take key from violet",
"take key from bookcase",
"throw small at steel key",
"throw small at key",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw coat at key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw glasses at key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw broom at key",
"throw key at steel key",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw note at key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at message",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at key",
"throw all at rusty",
"put small down coat",
"put small down message",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down message",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down message",
"put glasses down broom",
"put key down coat",
"put key down message",
"put key down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down message",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down message",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down message",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Cottage",
"inv": [
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 92 out of 100.)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look key",
"look voss",
"take off message",
"push message",
"look cottage",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"close door",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug photographs",
"look at steel key throug key",
"throw steel key at message",
"throw steel key at small",
"throw small at steel key",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw rusty at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at message",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down message",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down coat",
"put small down message",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down message",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down message",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down message",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down message",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down message",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Cottage",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Outside Cottage\n\nA happy hellhound is thumping its tail nearby.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look key",
"look voss",
"take in cottage",
"look road",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down rusty",
"put down note",
"put down broom",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug small",
"look at steel key throug key",
"give hellhound steel key",
"give hellhound small",
"give hellhound coat",
"give hellhound glasses",
"give hellhound rusty",
"give hellhound note",
"give hellhound broom",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put rusty down broom",
"put note down broom",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at rusty",
"throw all at hellhound",
"put steel key down coat",
"put small down coat",
"put rusty down coat",
"put note down coat",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look key",
"look voss",
"look rusty",
"take in cottage",
"look road",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down rusty",
"put down note",
"put down broom",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug small",
"ask steel key about small",
"look at steel key throug key",
"give hellhound steel key",
"give hellhound small",
"give hellhound coat",
"give hellhound glasses",
"give hellhound rusty",
"give hellhound note",
"give hellhound broom",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put rusty down broom",
"put note down broom",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at town",
"throw all at rusty",
"throw all at hellhound",
"put steel key down coat",
"put small down coat",
"put rusty down coat",
"put note down coat",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Outside Cottage",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The hellhound thumps its big tail happily as you pass.\n\nRotary South\nThis is the south side of the Witchville Rotary. A road branches south, towards Post Office Hill.\n\nThe Witchville Public Library, once famous for its museum of local historic artifacts, stands in a pitiful state of disrepair.\n\nYou can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look behind south",
"look south",
"look public",
"look key",
"look all",
"look broom",
"look road",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at public throug steel key",
"ask public about steel key",
"look at public throug key",
"throw steel key at public",
"throw small at public",
"throw coat at public",
"throw glasses at public",
"throw broom at public",
"throw note at public",
"throw rusty at public",
"throw all at public",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Rotary South",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Okay, the library door is now unlocked and open.\n\n(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 95 out of 100.)\n\n(This might be a good time to SAVE your story position.)\n\nThe vulture can be seen circling high overhead.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look south",
"look public",
"look key",
"look all",
"take in public",
"look road",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at public throug steel key",
"look at public throug key",
"throw steel key at public",
"throw small at public",
"throw small at vulture",
"throw coat at public",
"throw glasses at public",
"throw broom at public",
"throw note at public",
"throw rusty at public",
"throw all at public",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down coat",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"throw all off public",
"throw all off south",
"ploc": "Rotary South",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Circulation Desk\nYou're standing before a large desk at the library entrance. The top of the desk is almost hidden under a clutter of books, all grey with dust.\n\nA dark corridor leads south into darkness. The library door stands invitingly open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look clutter",
"look key",
"look darkness",
"look library",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look at clutter throug steel key",
"look at clutter throug key",
"throw steel key at small",
"throw small at steel key",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw rusty at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at circulation",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down circulation",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down coat",
"put small down circulation",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down circulation",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down circulation",
"put glasses down broom",
"put broom down circulation",
"put note down coat",
"put note down circulation",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down circulation",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down circulation",
"put all down broom"
"ploc": "CirculatiDesk",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nBang! The library door slams shut. You hear a faint \"click\" as somebody locks it from the outside.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look clutter",
"look key",
"look darkness",
"look library",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down small",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down rusty",
"put down note",
"put down broom",
"put down all",
"look at clutter throug steel key",
"look at clutter throug key",
"throw steel key at small",
"throw small at steel key",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw rusty at steel key",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at small",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at circulation",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down circulation",
"put steel key down broom",
"put small down coat",
"put small down circulation",
"put small down broom",
"put coat down circulation",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down circulation",
"put glasses down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down circulation",
"put rusty down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down circulation",
"put note down broom",
"put broom down circulation",
"put all down coat",
"put all down circulation",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "CirculatiDesk",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Museum\nFormerly a popular tourist attraction, the old Festeron Museum is in a sorry state. Many of the best exhibits have been carted away; the few remaining are sorely in need of renovation.\n\nFortunately, one of your childhood favorites is still intact. It's a pair of enormous fossil mailboxes, their metal bones locked together in a pose of eternal combat.\n\nThere's a glass display case in the corner. You can see a sculpture in the case.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take off festeron",
"look museum",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down coat",
"put down stone",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug festeron",
"look at steel key throug violet",
"hit case with broom",
"look at steel key throug museum",
"throw steel key at festeron",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw stone at steel key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw broom at case",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw rusty at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at festeron",
"throw all at case",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down exhibit",
"put steel key down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put stone down coat",
"put stone down exhibit",
"put stone down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down exhibit",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down exhibit",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down exhibit",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Museum",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Crash! You broke the display case open with the broom.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take off festeron",
"look museum",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down coat",
"put down stone",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug festeron",
"look at steel key throug violet",
"look at steel key throug museum",
"throw steel key at festeron",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw stone at steel key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw rusty at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at festeron",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down case",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down exhibit",
"put steel key down broom",
"put coat down case",
"put coat down broom",
"put stone down case",
"put stone down coat",
"put stone down exhibit",
"put stone down broom",
"put stone down sculpture",
"put glasses down case",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down case",
"put note down coat",
"put note down exhibit",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down case",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down exhibit",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down case",
"put all down coat",
"put all down exhibit",
"put all down broom",
"put all down sculpture",
"ploc": "Museum",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "The black marble sculpture is about 14 inches high. It's exquisitely crafted in the likeness of a cat.\n\nYou can see a round, shallow hole carved into the forehead of the sculpture.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look steel key",
"look violet",
"look all",
"take off festeron",
"look museum",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down coat",
"put down stone",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look at steel key throug festeron",
"look at steel key throug violet",
"look at steel key throug museum",
"throw steel key at festeron",
"throw coat at steel key",
"throw stone at steel key",
"throw glasses at steel key",
"throw broom at steel key",
"throw note at steel key",
"throw rusty at steel key",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at festeron",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at stone",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down case",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down exhibit",
"put steel key down broom",
"put coat down case",
"put coat down broom",
"put stone down case",
"put stone down coat",
"put stone down exhibit",
"put stone down broom",
"put stone down sculpture",
"put glasses down case",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down case",
"put note down coat",
"put note down exhibit",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down case",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down exhibit",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down case",
"put all down coat",
"put all down exhibit",
"put all down broom",
"put all down sculpture",
"ploc": "Museum",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "Wishbringer glows brighter as it nears the sculpture. It looks like it will fit perfectly into the black forehead.\n\n\"Wait!\" commands a familiar voice.\n\nYou turn, and see the figure of an old woman standing in the darkness of the corridor.\n\n\"Your quest is ended, brave Adventurer,\" says the old woman. \"The sculpture you see before you is Chaos, the Cat Which Was Stolen. Now give Wishbringer to me, and together we shall rejoice in your success.\"\n\nDo you still want to put Wishbringer into the sculpture?\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Museum",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "\"Don't!\" barks the old woman as your hand moves closer to the sculpture.\n\nDo you still want to put Wishbringer into the sculpture?\n\n(Please type YES or NO.)",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Museum",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "\"No!\"\n\nA blast of Magick shakes the building as Wishbringer touches the forehead of the sculpture. Violet sheets of energy, pure and brilliant, erupt from the very heart of the Stone and illuminate the room like daylight.\n\nThe woman's disguise evaporates in the glare. It's the Evil One, her mouth frozen open in a wail of despair as she fades into oblivion. The memory of that face will haunt your dreams as long as you live.\n\nYou watch as the sculpture begins to soften in the radiance. It wriggles like a thing alive, leaps across the floor and disappears into a vortex of color. The library folds around you like the closing of a great book...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCliff Edge\nYou're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail leading downward. Looking southeast, you see a friendly orange sun rising from a bank of morning clouds.\n\nPost Office Hill is visible to the south, topped as usual by the Festeron Post Office.\n\nThe Magick Shoppe stands nearby.\n\nA black cat is rubbing against your leg.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rocky",
"look key",
"look all",
"look hill",
"take in coat",
"take in glasses",
"put down steel key",
"put down magick",
"put down coat",
"put down glasses",
"put down broom",
"put down note",
"put down rusty",
"put down all",
"look around south",
"look at rocky throug steel key",
"look at rocky throug key",
"throw steel key at rocky",
"throw magick at rocky",
"throw coat at rocky",
"throw glasses at rocky",
"throw broom at rocky",
"throw note at rocky",
"throw rusty at rocky",
"throw all at rocky",
"throw all at steel key",
"throw all at magick",
"throw all at coat",
"throw all at glasses",
"throw all at rusty",
"put steel key down coat",
"put steel key down broom",
"put magick down coat",
"put magick down broom",
"put coat down broom",
"put glasses down broom",
"put note down coat",
"put note down broom",
"put rusty down coat",
"put rusty down broom",
"put all down coat",
"put all down broom",
"ploc": "Cliff Edge",
"inv": [
"steel key",
"violet note",
"rusty key",
"white lab coat",
"pair 3D glasses",
"small stone"
"msg": "\nThe door of the Magick Shoppe creaks open, and the old woman, dressed in a nightgown, stands blinking in the morning sun. \"Who's there?\"\n\nThe black cat leaps into the woman's arms. \"Chaos!\" she cries, laughing and sobbing all at once as the cat licks tears of joy from her face.\n\nAt last the old woman lowers Chaos to the ground and walks over to where you're standing, red with embarrassment.\n\n\"Now you know me for the old liar I am,\" she chuckles, clasping your hands gratefully in her own. \"I promised to give you Wishbringer, knowing full well that, if you succeeded, its virtue would be lost.\n\n\"In truth, the Stone would make a poor reward,\" she continues, stooping to tickle the cat's white forehead. \"As you can see, it brings more joy in the shape of a companion than in any other. This is Wishbringer's finest Magick. A pity that my sister, the Evil One, did not know of it.\"\n\nYou can hear a familiar \"clump-clump, clump-clump\" sound behind you. It's the little mailbox, hopping bravely up the steep trail! The woman looks on with puzzled amusement as the faithful box hops to your side and rubs lovingly against your sleeve.\n\nThe old woman touches the violet note in your hand. \"Make sure you give this to Mr. Crisp when you see him,\" she says with a sly wink. \"And tell him I said hello.\"\n\nCradling Chaos in her arms like a child, the old woman ambles back into the Magick Shoppe. \"Farewell!\" she calls from the closing door, and the sunlight makes her face look young. \"Now you are a true Adventurer.\"\n\nA concealed bell tinkles merrily.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCongratulations! You've finished the story of Wishbringer!\n\nYour score is 100 points out of 100, in 168 moves.\n\nDo you want to restart the story, restore a saved position, or quit?\n\n(Type RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT.)\n",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\n\nNo, not a prison, though stone stands around you, as expressionless as a mirror awaiting face and form; and in the silence you hear no plaint of flute or roar of gong, but instead the crash of porcelain shattering. \n\n\nThe Moonlit Tower\nInteractive Fiction, v.1.0 \nYoon Ha Lee, copyright 2002 \nNewcomers may want to type HELP or ABOUT.\nRelease 1 / Serial number 020927 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10 \n\nMoonlit Chamber\nMoonlight diffuses through the walls, tracing out unreadable sigils in calligraphies of light and dark. Stairs adorned with bas-relief motifs spiral downward.\n\nYou can see a porcelain mask here.",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"take mask",
"get in stairs",
"take all",
"push mask to stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The half-mask is the pale, almost bluish color of the finest celadon, cracked with uncanny precision down its axis of symmetry. The face in its blank, sculpted features has no more personality than new-forged steel. Half a mask, though--that must mean the left half is--",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The weight of armor and the breath of silk are familiar. Your face, though--when you reach up, it is porcelain that meets your touch on the left side, and you cannot remove it, though neither does it impede your senses. It seems the left half is a part of you, perhaps no more a mask than a hand is a glove...",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nShadow Armory\nShadows gather around you. For a moment, dregs of light defined by the negative space take on the shapes of maple leaf, kite, comb, and other shapes that flicker across the walls too rapidly for you to interpret.\n\nCuriously, the only weapons here live amid light and cannot be worn: they are silhouettes flung against the walls. Stairs carved with bas-reliefs spiral upward.\n\nNorthward and westward lie passageways unhindered by door or folding screen.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"push dagger to stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Here the light, apparently sourceless, adirectional, takes on a burnished quality.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"push dagger to stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Autumn is the maple's season, when all things die but fire and sun, pine and moon, last guardians before the door into winter and winter's snowlocked court. Once you knew a dark-haired woman who always wore red, gold and black, the maple's colors, even at the emperor's winter court, steadfast against the encroaching fashions of indigo or palest blue. She had a low ironic laugh, but she is lost to you.... \n\nHere, surrounded by stone, shadow, light, there is no indication of the season.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"push dagger to stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "There should be two kites, not one: brothers and sisters fly them as pairs during the kite-fighting auguries of spring. Alas, no wind stirs in this dustless place.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"push dagger to stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The comb has the curved, tortoise-shell shape that you have seen in years past--but is one of the teeth broken?",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"push dagger to stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Weapons line the walls, writ in shadow--yet you know their heft and balance, the patterns of movement that make one deadly in attack and another impenetrable in defense. If only you knew, as well, the histories of blood, patronage and betrayal--or loyalty--that they represent.\n\nOne of the weapons is more substantial than you realized at first, a bronze-hilted dagger with a tassel hanging from the pommel.",
"hints": [
"take dagger",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put mask on stairs",
"push dagger to stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The shapes of light you saw as you entered fade irrevocably.\n\n\nUndying Garden\nBarren branches and pines suggest winter's quiet. Metal and wood, painted and sculpted, the false garden is heedless of harvest, drought or rain.\n\nA jade compass rests at the garden's metaphysical center, between translucence and opacity, curve and line, and other dichotomies too subtle for your eye. A gentle warmth from the surface invites touch.\n\nTransactions of light show other rooms southward and westward.\n\nYou can see a tortoise-shell comb here.",
"hints": [
"take comb",
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"take other with comb",
"hit comb",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"push comb to compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit comb",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The comb is curved like a smile, though it seems fragile, easily broken by a chance hand.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit comb",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Three of the long central teeth flex, then snap in your fingers. The justiciar wore a comb long-broken as a memento; it proved an uneasy prophecy of waking passion and breaking promises.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The compass is carved from a single piece of jade in which violet and green intermingle delicately; the cardinal directions--if such they be--are marked by hawk, swallow, crane and feather. More curiously still, the needle is of glass, suggesting that it homes to something other than the north. Perhaps you can set it yourself?\n\nThe needle points to the feather.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Even for the emperor's winter court, the only birds that remain in the gardens are the jeweled nightingales, which sing dainty mechanical tunes when they are stroked with a feather. Your brother hated them passionately, but he listened to them readily enough whenever the justiciar asked, with that smile that lit her eyes, though it never reached her mouth.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "It was autumn when last you went hawking with the emperor's justiciar. Freed of court robes, she soared as surely as the kestrel that raced before her; her hair was black and scandalously unbound as the red-and-gold ribbons tore away in the wind to land in your waiting hand. Autumn...",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Spring is the swallows' season, when they return from their sojourn in distant lands and signal the kite-flying auguries. If only an augury could help you now...",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The most auspicious of all birds, save the imperial phoenix. Many a summer morning have you gazed upon cranes in flight, whether silhouetted against the setting sun or set in abalone-shell upon a fine lacquered cabinet, a cloisonne hairpin.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The needle points to the hawk now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season.",
"hints": [
"take leaf",
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"open leaf",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"take other with leaf",
"put mask on compass",
"push leaf to compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nUndying Garden\nAutumn's fiery colors are evident in the trees and flowers around you. Metal and wood, painted and sculpted, the false garden is heedless of harvest, drought or rain.\n\nA jade compass rests at the garden's metaphysical center, between translucence and opacity, curve and line, and other dichotomies too subtle for your eye. A gentle warmth from the surface invites touch.\n\nTransactions of light show other rooms southward and westward.\n\nOn the unliving trees is a folded maple leaf.",
"hints": [
"take leaf",
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"open leaf",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"take other with leaf",
"put mask on compass",
"push leaf to compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Maples in black, red and gold, like the colors she loved so well, and the cloven yellow of gingko.\nA single maple leaf flutters loosely, as though seeking escape.",
"hints": [
"take leaf",
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"open leaf",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"take other with leaf",
"put mask on compass",
"push leaf to compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "This cleverly-folded leaf stirs as though, in its secret paper dreams, it yearns to fly.",
"hints": [
"take leaf",
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"open leaf",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"take other with leaf",
"put mask on compass",
"push leaf to compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put leaf down",
"put dagger down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"open leaf",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put leaf on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"folded maple leaf",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "You now have a sheet of red paper.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put other on teeth",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "You are carrying:\n a sheet of red paper\n three comb's teeth\n a lady's tortoise-shell comb (broken)\n a bronze-hilted dagger\n half a porcelain mask\n armor and silks (worn)",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put other on teeth",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The most auspicious of all birds, save the imperial phoenix. Many a summer morning have you gazed upon cranes in flight, whether silhouetted against the setting sun or set in abalone-shell upon a fine lacquered cabinet, a cloisonne hairpin.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put other on teeth",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "A tasseled fan appears upon the compass' surface. The needle points to the crane now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season.",
"hints": [
"take fan",
"turn compass",
"cut blue tassel",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"take other with fan",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"push fan to compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put other on teeth",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"cut blue tassel",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"put all on teeth",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "More remarkable than the fan's intricate designs is the long blue tassel that trails from it. It is the kind of fan a lady might carry to cool herself during the summer's heat.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"cut blue tassel",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"put all on teeth",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "A few neat cuts free some strands from the tassel, and tying them together results in--a kitestring?\n\nFor a second there is a dark-eyed boy beside you, whose laugh is yours, but wilder; whose smile is yours, but wider. If only you remembered the augury that you and your brother cast that spring in the kite-flying ritual, years before either of you met the woman who wore black and red and gold...",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put kitestring down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put kitestring on compass",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"put all on teeth",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "You are carrying:\n a kitestring\n a tasseled fan\n a sheet of red paper\n three comb's teeth\n a lady's tortoise-shell comb (broken)\n a bronze-hilted dagger\n half a porcelain mask\n armor and silks (worn)",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"close paper",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put paper down",
"put teeth down",
"put comb down",
"put kitestring down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put paper on teeth",
"put teeth on paper",
"put mask on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put paper on compass",
"put teeth on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put kitestring on compass",
"put all on compass",
"put all on paper",
"put all on teeth",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"sheet of red paper",
"comb's teeth",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Gently, you fold the paper and pierce it with the tortoise-shell teeth to create a delicate, string-less kite no larger than your hand.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put kite down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put string down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"tie kite to string",
"put mask on compass",
"put kite on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put string on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"red paper kite",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "You are carrying:\n a red paper kite with no string\n a kitestring\n a tasseled fan\n a lady's tortoise-shell comb (broken)\n a bronze-hilted dagger\n half a porcelain mask\n armor and silks (worn)",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put kite down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put string down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"tie kite to string",
"put mask on compass",
"put kite on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put string on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"red paper kite",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Though it takes some patience, you tie the kitestring to the kite. Surely a season of gales and newborn blossoms awaits you, even in this skyless tower.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put kite down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put kite on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"red paper kite",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The needle points to the swallow now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put kite down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"fly kite",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put kite on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"red paper kite",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Spring: the season of augury. Red and black and gold, maple colors, kite colors; you no longer know which. A breeze stirs through the room, though the trees and flowers are no more affected by it than they would be by the sun's earnest light or a plague of locusts. Nevertheless, you hear the hollow sound of something being dislodged from one of the trees.\n\nIt was spring when your kite and your brother's became too entangled for one glass-edged string to cut the other's, for one to conquer the other, though entangled they flew yet; and spring when you were first parted from your brother on his first campaign and yours, two fatherless boys entering the emperor's service as adults. \n\nThe kite tugs from your hand, as impatient as a hawk winning free of hood; dances perilously upward upon the wings of this nowhere breeze; and disappears. \n\nThe breeze swells to a gale that rears southward and upward, seeking the sky in this enclosed and skyless room.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nShadow Armory\nCuriously, the only weapons here live amid light and cannot be worn: they are silhouettes flung against the walls. Stairs carved with bas-reliefs spiral upward.\n\nNorthward and westward lie passageways unhindered by door or folding screen.\n\nA wind gallops toward the stairs, seeking the sky.",
"hints": [
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nMoonlit Chamber\nMoonlight diffuses through the walls, tracing out unreadable sigils in calligraphies of light and dark. Upwards, the sky is open to your eyes. Stairs adorned with bas-relief motifs spiral downward.\n\nWind flings itself up the walls and toward the sky; you have but to look up.",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The night spreads her wings above you, and shows no sign of welcoming her sister of the sunborn day. Constellations jewel the sky, half-hidden by clouds like nestling feathers: the Heavenly Horse and the Imperial Chrysanthemum.",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The star-stallion rears like the chargers you once rode. The justiciar herself preferred such spirited mounts.",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "It is the first among constellations, open to the eyes of all people unlike the emperor himself. You and your brother saw him only once, when he called on you to stand together for your family's name.",
"hints": [
"take egg",
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Moonlit Chamber",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nShadow Armory\nCuriously, the only weapons here live amid light and cannot be worn: they are silhouettes flung against the walls. Stairs carved with bas-reliefs spiral upward.\n\nNorthward and westward lie passageways unhindered by door or folding screen.",
"hints": [
"get in stairs",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put mask on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Shadow Armory",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nUndying Garden\nSpring's blossoms and budding trees are here in profusion. Metal and wood, painted and sculpted, the false garden is heedless of harvest, drought or rain.\n\nA jade compass rests at the garden's metaphysical center, between translucence and opacity, curve and line, and other dichotomies too subtle for your eye. A gentle warmth from the surface invites touch.\n\nTransactions of light show other rooms southward and westward.",
"hints": [
"turn compass",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"turn compass to crane",
"turn compass to swallow",
"turn compass to hawk",
"put mask on compass",
"put fan on compass",
"put dagger on compass",
"put comb on compass",
"put all on compass",
"ploc": "Undying Garden",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nSkeletal Banquet\nIt seems this is a banquet room, if a banquet had no especial place for people to dine. Glassware and stoneware are arranged in deliberate shapes, as though they are constellations. \n\nSouth lies a chamber of brooding silence, and a vague, sweet fragrance comes from the east. Stairs of blackest marble lead downward.\n\nOn the table are a banquet of bones and some ivory chopsticks.",
"hints": [
"take chopsticks",
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"take all off table",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"push chopsticks to marble",
"push chopsticks to table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The feast before you seems a mockery, for everywhere upon the plates and bowls there is nothing but skeletons artfully pieced together to create grotesqueries from ordinary game. A creature half-bird, half-rabbit, for one, or a pheasant with extra legs. Yet it is perhaps no more grotesque than some of the intrigues that poisoned the emperor's court, at times.",
"hints": [
"take chopsticks",
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"take all off table",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"push chopsticks to marble",
"push chopsticks to table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "(first taking the ivory chopsticks)\nBone calls to bone, it seems, for the skeletal feast flees no more. With great care you disentangle the bones and piece them back together in a more seemly fashion. Despite some puzzling conjunctions of joints, you discover that interlocking skeletons of dragon and phoenix form the centerpiece.\n\nIn a battle older than bone, says one story, the dragon and phoenix were brothers, both born of fire; but one ascended to burn in splendor, and the other clothed himself in lightning tongue and storm rains. The phoenix must die, but is ever reborn; the dragon lives no more, but never dies.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put chopsticks on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "As your feet meet that first step, a sudden vertigo overtakes you, as though you journeyed through skies beyond imagining, across hollow and infinite distances. You emerge back where you started: it seems the night's hold is too strong here, and you must find some guide-star to anchor your way.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put chopsticks on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The arrangement is in the shape of the constellation called the White Archer, who shot the Sun out of the sky and wanders the night in penance. It seems a curiously ill-fortuned constellation for an ill-fortuned feast, and almost any other arrangement would be more auspicious.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put chopsticks on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The Moon is the horse that bears the White Archer's messages to his lover the Sun, returning to rove the night's passages with him. The Heavenly Horse, though, is a messenger that submits to no rider, like the justiciar with her dark, proud eyes. It seems a strangely fitting sign for a stranger's feast.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put chopsticks on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table",
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "The arrangement is in the shape of the Heavenly Horse, sky-messenger and swift-runner.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"hit bones",
"put mask on marble",
"put mask on table",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put chopsticks on table",
"put fan on marble",
"put fan on table",
"put dagger on marble",
"put dagger on table",
"put comb on marble",
"put comb on table",
"put all on marble",
"put all on table",
"ploc": "Skeletal Banquet",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nHall of Hawks\nMemory overtakes you as you enter: you and your brother speaking to each other in low, tense voices (not shouting, never shouting before her) until the justiciar bids you leave, curtly. The next day, when the emperor stripped her of her rank, and neither you nor your brother had the influence to free her from the court's machinations--you have lived that day over and over, more than any man ought.\n\nHawks painted in gold and brown soar along the walls. It is strangely warm here, as though fires lived just beyond your perception. The entire hall is open to the wind and warmth, unobstructed except by your presence.\n\nStairs of darkest marble circle upward. A passageway leads south into clear, colorless light.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"put mask on marble",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put fan on marble",
"put dagger on marble",
"put comb on marble",
"put all on marble",
"ploc": "Hall of Hawks",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "A splendor of hawks in flight, each feather meticulously painted. Each one has a woman's dark eyes instead of a raptor's golden gaze.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"put mask on marble",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put fan on marble",
"put dagger on marble",
"put comb on marble",
"put all on marble",
"ploc": "Hall of Hawks",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "As you approach, you realize that the shadows split the passageway in a terrible clean fracture, and your face aches unbearably; only when you move away does the pain ease.",
"hints": [
"get in marble",
"put mask down",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put dagger down",
"put comb down",
"put all down",
"put mask on marble",
"put chopsticks on marble",
"put fan on marble",
"put dagger on marble",
"put comb on marble",
"put all on marble",
"ploc": "Hall of Hawks",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"porcelain mask",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "Suddenly and disturbingly inspired by the riven passage to the south, you lift the mask to your face, momentarily shadowing your vision. When you can see clearly again, the mask has been rejoined flawlessly--and the shadows close around the passageway. Yours is the dragon's perfection, the dark journey skyward, as you have chosen.",
"hints": [
"get in stairs",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put chopsticks on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Hall of Hawks",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nHall of Hawks\nHawks painted in gold and brown soar along the walls. It is strangely warm here, as though fires lived just beyond your perception. The entire hall is open and unobstructed except by your presence.",
"hints": [
"get in stairs",
"put chopsticks down",
"put fan down",
"put comb down",
"put dagger down",
"put all down",
"put chopsticks on stairs",
"put fan on stairs",
"put comb on stairs",
"put dagger on stairs",
"put all on stairs",
"ploc": "Hall of Hawks",
"inv": [
"ivory chopsticks",
"tasseled fan",
"tortoise-shell comb",
"bronze-hilted dagger",
"armor and silks"
"msg": "\nPassage of Storms\nCherry blossoms and lilacs, kite-flying auguries and newly-budding leaves: the trappings of spring are far beneath you now, though the kite is a red speck dancing in the storm. The moonlit tower lays open beneath you, as though stones were no more than the barest skeleton, the merest shadow. Lightning and storm clouds gather around you, and in the sky above the Moon gallops beyond your reach to the horizon.",
"hints": [
"put dagger down"
"ploc": "Passage of Storms",
"inv": [
"bronze-hilted dagger"
"msg": "It is night, now and always, with the storm clouds and lightning your constant companions.",
"hints": [
"put dagger down"
"ploc": "Passage of Storms",
"inv": [
"bronze-hilted dagger"
"msg": "The sky is yours, in a dance unending, and you have shed your past (her eyes, the hand upon the blade, the blood, your brother's white and anguished face) as you ascend to your place in the zodiac.\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 59 turns.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions for AMUSING things to do or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"take mask",
"x mask",
"x self",
"x light",
"x leaf",
"x kite",
"x comb",
"x shadow",
"take dagger",
"take comb",
"x comb",
"hit comb",
"x compass",
"x feather",
"x hawk",
"x swallow",
"x crane",
"set compass to hawk",
"x trees",
"x leaf",
"take leaf",
"unfold leaf",
"x crane",
"set compass to crane",
"get fan",
"x fan",
"cut blue tassel",
"attach paper to teeth",
"attach string to kite",
"set compass to swallow",
"fly kite",
"look up",
"x horse",
"x flower",
"x bones",
"get bones with chopsticks",
"x arrangement",
"set constellations to horse",
"x arrangement",
"x hawks",
"wear mask",
"x storm",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nLife sucks. Today has been just another crummy day in another dismal spring which you've spent delivering pizzas. This afternoon has totally been dragging, except for that bit of excitement an hour ago when you broke the soda machine. You thought your boss was going to rip you a new orifice.\n\nAnyway, you've just finished mopping up behind the counter. There's only one more hour left on your shift and you're anxious to get out of here. Go home, watch the tube, blast some tunes, maybe scan the new \"Surfers Monthly\" magazine... gonna be a nice relaxing evening.\n\nShyeah, right. That's what YOU think.\n\n\nREVERBERATIONS\nA Hectic Voltairian Adventure\nCopyright (c) 1996 by Russell Glasser.\nUpdated and revised 1998\nRelease 1 / Serial number 990110 / Inform v6.10 Library 6/5\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nBehind the Counter\nYou are behind the counter at \"Mr. Tasty's Pizza Parlor\", where you are currently working. Not much of a job, but it keeps you from going broke during the nine months of the year when you can't pull down the bucks as surfing instructor. The rest of the parlor is southwest.\n\nThere is something pressing that you think you have to do, but you can't think what it might be.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"examine box",
"take box",
"take note",
"examine note",
"leave box",
"open box",
"push box to southwest",
"push note to southwest",
"push box to counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Behind the Counter",
"inv": null
"msg": "It's a majorly boring counter which you're unfortunately very familiar with. Hey, maybe that handwritten note lying next to a pizza box on the counter is related to whatever it is you're supposed to be doing now.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take box",
"take note",
"examine note",
"open box",
"push box to southwest",
"push note to southwest",
"take all off counter",
"push box to counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Behind the Counter",
"inv": null
"msg": "The note reads:\n\n\"Stanley,\n Don't forget to make your delivery to Mr. Calzone, located at the San Doppleton Courthouse. You're already on thin ice, kid. One more screwup and you can expect to be looking for a new job.\"\n\nThe note is signed with the initials \"RT\". The paper is official \"Mr. Tasty's\" stationery with the name Bob \"Tasty\" Tasker and lots of balloons and smiley faces all over the border. Isn't that cute?",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take box",
"take note",
"examine note",
"open box",
"push box to southwest",
"push note to southwest",
"take all off counter",
"push box to counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Behind the Counter",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take note",
"put box down",
"examine note",
"open box",
"push note to southwest",
"put box on counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Behind the Counter",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "You walk around to the front of the pizza parlor.\n\nPizza Parlor\nYou are standing in the middle of \"Mr. Tasty's Pizza Parlor\". The counter separating you from the back of the parlor stretches in front of you on the northeast corner of the room. To the south is an exit to the street.\n\nOn the counter is a handwritten note.",
"hints": [
"get in northeast",
"take note",
"put box down",
"examine note",
"open box",
"push note to northeast",
"put box on counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "The note reads:\n\n\"Stanley,\n Don't forget to make your delivery to Mr. Calzone, located at the San Doppleton Courthouse. You're already on thin ice, kid. One more screwup and you can expect to be looking for a new job.\"\n\nThe note is signed with the initials \"RT\". The paper is official \"Mr. Tasty's\" stationery with the name Bob \"Tasty\" Tasker and lots of balloons and smiley faces all over the border. Isn't that cute?",
"hints": [
"get in northeast",
"take note",
"put box down",
"examine note",
"open box",
"push note to northeast",
"put box on counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "\nStreet, by Pizza Parlor\nSan Doppleton is where you live, work and play -- at least until summer. It has the typical California culture; which is to say, none. But at least it's just forty minutes' drive from Santa Barbara and the beach, so you can't complain much.\n\nYou stand in the heart of San Doppleton's main drag, the business district. The street goes east and west. The sidewalk runs by a pizza parlor, with a sewer vent nearby.\n\nTwo men bump into each other. They murmur apologies and go their separate ways.",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"wake people",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"kiss people",
"hit people",
"open box",
"throw box",
"say east to people",
"ask people about east",
"ask people for east",
"show people box",
"give people box",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against people"
"ploc": "Street, by Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "\nStreet, Near Courthouse\nYou are approaching the center of downtown San Doppleton. There is a courthouse to the south. The street runs east and west.",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"examine box",
"put on west",
"put box down",
"open box",
"throw box",
"ploc": "Street, Near Courthouse",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "\nCourthouse\nYou are in a crowded courthouse. The street is off to the north.\n\nThe courtroom is currently abuzz with excitement as it seems that the pre-trial hearing of the infamous gangster, Guido \"The Armadillo\" Calzone is winding to a close. Guido and his hotshot lawyer sit placidly at their table, while the flustered young district attorney who is prosecuting the case seems like she's at her wits' end. At the moment, the D.A. stands at the front of the courtroom, arguing over a legal point with the judge.",
"hints": [
"wake district",
"put box down",
"kiss district",
"hit district",
"examine district",
"open box",
"say box to district",
"ask district about box",
"ask defense attorney for box",
"show district box",
"show calzone box",
"give district box",
"give calzone box",
"tell district about box",
"throw box against district"
"ploc": "Courthouse",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "You've never been up to date on local politics, but you can see that the DA is an attractive brunette in her mid-thirties. Why, that would make her only, uh... ten years old than you!\n\nThe more you look at her, the more you think she's a total babe! You bet she could totally go for a guy like you! After all, she's a brilliant, successful career-oriented woman with a promising future ahead of her, and you're... you're a college dropout pizza delivery boy.\n\nNever mind.\n\n\"Miss Thompson,\" says the judge, \"I've had about enough of you wasting this court's time. Unless you can demonstrate a clear threat to public safety, I'm going to recommend that Mr. Calzone be transported to a minimum security prison pending further review. His trial is to be held next week.\" Jill is clearly not happy with this pronouncement.",
"hints": [
"wake jill",
"put box down",
"kiss jill",
"hit jill",
"examine jill",
"open box",
"say box to jill",
"ask jill about box",
"ask defense attorney for box",
"show jill box",
"show defendant box",
"give jill box",
"give defendant box",
"tell jill about box",
"throw box against jill"
"ploc": "Courthouse",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\n\"Your honor, I wish you would reconsider,\" says Jill. \"The defendant has a long history of disappearances, and it is counsel's opinion that he will not be around in a week to stand trial. I recommend transporting him to a more secure prison.\"",
"hints": [
"wake jill",
"put box down",
"kiss jill",
"hit jill",
"examine jill",
"open box",
"say box to jill",
"ask jill about box",
"ask defense attorney for box",
"show jill box",
"show defendant box",
"give jill box",
"give defendant box",
"tell jill about box",
"throw box against jill"
"ploc": "Courthouse",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "You flip open the pizza box, revealing a large pizza.\n\n\"Your opinion is duly noted, Miss Thompson,\" says the judge sarcastically. \"But the fact is, the 'long history' you refer to is based on hearsay. Now, I recommend you gather some solid evidence when you prepare for the trial, because the minimal research you've obviously done won't be enough to convict the defendant.\"",
"hints": [
"wake guido",
"put box down",
"close box",
"eat pizza",
"kiss guido",
"push pizza to guido",
"hit guido",
"examine jill",
"look in pizza",
"open box",
"say box to guido",
"ask guido about box",
"ask guido for box",
"take pizza off box",
"push pizza to box",
"show guido box",
"show jill box",
"give guido box",
"give jill box",
"tell guido about box",
"throw box against guido"
"ploc": "Courthouse",
"inv": [
"large pizza box"
"msg": "Digging through layers of cheese, you discover and confiscate a metal file.\n\nJill tries desperately to convince the judge that Guido \"The Armadillo\" Calzone plans to escape, but it's obvious she won't get anywhere without more evidence.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"wake jill",
"put box down",
"put file down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss jill",
"push pizza to file",
"hit jill",
"examine file",
"examine jill",
"open box",
"say box to jill",
"ask jill about box",
"ask defense attorney for box",
"take pizza off box",
"push pizza to box",
"show jill box",
"show jill file",
"give jill box",
"give jill file",
"tell jill about box",
"throw box against jill",
"throw file against jill"
"ploc": "Courthouse",
"inv": [
"metal file",
"large pizza box"
"msg": "Jill looks astonished when you tell her where you found the file. She marches smartly up to the stand and shows this new evidence to the judge, who can't argue with her logic. He orders Guido into a maximum security prison pending further review.\n\nAs the courtroom clears out, the bailiff drags Guido past you. With intense calm, Guido looks you right in the eye and says, \"That was a mistake, my friend. It don't pay to mess with The Family.\n\n\"I believe THIS belongs to me,\" he adds, ungraciously snatching the pizza box from your hands on the way out.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Courthouse",
"inv": null
"msg": "Jill is here.\n\nJill approaches and shakes your hand warmly. \"That was a brilliant work in there, kid. If it hadn't been for you, Guido might have escaped from jail.\" Seeing your blank look, she says, \"My name Jill Thompson. I'm San Doppleton's District Attorney. For the past four years, I've been pursuing this local mafia branch, trying to bring some serious legal action down on them. These guys seem to own everything in town, and they already know me by sight. So I can't find any more clues before the trial but you can. Please try dig up whatever information you can, I'll be up in my office if you need me. I work at Gunther & Associates. It's on the third floor of that tall building over there, you can't miss it.\"\n\nJill walks away to the west.\n\nStreet, Near Courthouse",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"put on west",
"ploc": "Street, Near Courthouse",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDowntown\nYou are in downtown San Doppleton. The street coming from the east ends at a three-story office building to the west.\n\nA guy in a business suit walks past you.",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine rider",
"wake rider",
"put on rider",
"kiss rider",
"hit rider",
"say east to rider",
"ask rider about east",
"ask rider for east",
"tell rider about east"
"ploc": "Downtown",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOffice Building\nYou are in an office building. The exit to the street is east. There is also a flight of stairs heading up to the north.\n\nThere are fronds on either side of the exit on the east.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Office Building",
"inv": null
"msg": "The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge south.\n\nOffice Building, Second Floor\nTo the east you can see an office door labelled \"Gunther & Associates\"; other than that, the office doors on this floor are pretty unremarkable. The stairs go up to the south and down to the north.",
"hints": [
"wake other",
"kiss other",
"say east to other",
"ask other about east"
"ploc": "Office Building, Second Floor",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nLaw Office\nYou are in a bustling law office. The east wall is dominated by a large window.\n\nJill stands here.\n\nAs you walk into the office, Jill spots you. \"Hi!\" she says. \"Listen, Stan. I have reason to believe that the Mayor is tangled up in the mafia. I managed to use some connections to get this key. It unlocks the mayor's cabinet.\" She hands you a key. \"I'd use it myself, but I already have several eyes on me at all times. They know me.\"",
"hints": [
"wake attorney",
"put key down",
"kiss attorney",
"hit attorney",
"say window to attorney",
"ask attorney about window",
"give attorney key",
"tell attorney about window",
"throw key against attorney",
"ploc": "Law Office",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nOffice Building, Second Floor",
"hints": [
"wake other",
"put other down",
"kiss other",
"say east to other",
"ask other about east"
"ploc": "Office Building, Second Floor",
"inv": [
"msg": "The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge north.\n\nOffice Building, Third Floor\nTo the east is a door labelled \"John Winnick, Mayor of San Doppleton\". The stairs go up to the north and down to the south.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"close door",
"ploc": "Office Building, Third Floor",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nMayor's Office\nYou are in the mayor's office. To the east is a window overlooking a second-story drop. There is a glass box mounted on the north wall.\n\nYou can see a file cabinet (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"close story",
"close door",
"hit story",
"open story",
"open cabinet with key"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"msg": "You open up the window.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"close story",
"close door",
"hit story",
"open story",
"open cabinet with key"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"msg": "You unlock the file cabinet.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"close story",
"close door",
"hit story",
"open cabinet",
"open story",
"lock cabinet with key"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"msg": "You open the mayor's file cabinet. A massive quantity of paperwork is in there. Amongst the paper you see a particular file which looks suspicious.",
"hints": [
"take file",
"put key down",
"close cabinet",
"close story",
"close door",
"push file to east",
"hit story",
"open story",
"take file off cabinet",
"put key in cabinet",
"push file to cabinet"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"msg": "You smugly retrieve the file.\n\nJust are you're starting to feel disappointed about how easy it was to search around in the mayor's secret files, you hear a commotion out in the hall. Suddenly, you find yourself staring into the shifty face of Mayor Winnick himself. He quickly assesses the situation and makes a curt gesture. In walks a very large, very ugly lackey, who begins to approach with a nasty look in his eye.\n\nThe henchman approaches with a mean gleam in his eye. It is highly recommended that you find an escape route.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by three points.]",
"hints": [
"wake lackey",
"put file down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close cabinet",
"close story",
"close door",
"get in story",
"get in door",
"kiss lackey",
"hit story",
"open story",
"say east to mayor",
"ask lackey about east",
"ask mayor for east",
"put file in cabinet",
"put key in cabinet",
"put all in cabinet",
"give mayor file",
"tell lackey about east",
"throw file against lackey"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"secret file",
"msg": "Desperately looking for a way out, you climb out the open window. You find yourself dangling from the window sill over a three-story drop.\n\nHangin' Out\nYou are dangling over a three-story drop, desperately clutching the window ledge with your fingertips. And as if that weren't bad enough, a very angry mayor and a very large security guard are inside, and they're both very eager to get rid of you.\n\nYour feet are just low enough to touch the window on the next floor below you.\n\nInside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey congratulating each other on getting rid of you.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine floor",
"examine third story window",
"put on floor",
"put key down",
"put file down",
"throw key",
"throw file",
"put all on second story window"
"ploc": "Hangin' Out",
"inv": [
"window sill",
"secret file",
"msg": "You frantically kick on the window below you, hoping that somebody will hear.\n\nInside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.\n\nThere seems to be some activity in the room on the second story.",
"hints": [
"examine floor",
"examine third story window",
"put on floor",
"put key down",
"put file down",
"throw key",
"throw file",
"put all on second story window"
"ploc": "Hangin' Out",
"inv": [
"window sill",
"secret file",
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nInside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.\n\nThe window down below is opening.",
"hints": [
"examine floor",
"examine third story window",
"put on floor",
"put key down",
"put file down",
"throw key",
"throw file",
"put all on second story window"
"ploc": "Hangin' Out",
"inv": [
"window sill",
"secret file",
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nInside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.\n\nSomebody sticks their head out of the second story window... by god, it's Jill!",
"hints": [
"examine floor",
"examine third story window",
"put sill down",
"examine window",
"wake jill",
"put on floor",
"put file down",
"put key down",
"kiss jill",
"hit jill",
"throw file",
"throw key",
"say third story window to jill",
"ask jill about third story window",
"ask jill for third story window",
"put all on jill",
"give jill file",
"tell jill about third story window",
"throw sill against jill"
"ploc": "Hangin' Out",
"inv": [
"window sill",
"secret file",
"msg": "Jill nods frantically. She holds out her arms trying to reach you.\n\nThe mayor and the lackey look out the window. They are surprised to see you.\n\nJill looks up at you anxiously.",
"hints": [
"examine floor",
"examine mayor",
"put sill down",
"wake mayor",
"put on mayor",
"put on lackey",
"put file down",
"put key down",
"take all",
"kiss mayor",
"kiss jill",
"take lackey",
"hit mayor",
"hit jill",
"throw lackey",
"throw file",
"throw key",
"say mayor to jill",
"say jill to mayor",
"ask mayor about jill",
"ask jill about mayor",
"ask mayor for jill",
"hit mayor with lackey",
"hit jill with lackey",
"put all on mayor",
"push lackey to mayor",
"give mayor file",
"pay mayor lackey",
"tell mayor about jill",
"tell jill about mayor",
"throw lackey against mayor",
"throw file against mayor"
"ploc": "Hangin' Out",
"inv": [
"window sill",
"secret file",
"msg": "You release your grip on the window and you're falling, falling...\n\n\"GOTCHA!\" You find yourself in the remarkably strong arms of Jill, who hauls you into her window and onto solid ground. You've never been so happy to see anyone in your life.\n\nLaw Office\nYou are in a bustling law office. The east wall is dominated by a large window.\n\nJill stands here.\n\nYou briefly relate to Jill what's just been happening to you. Jill looks thoughtful as she takes the file from you. \"So you uncovered evidence that the mayor is connected to the mob? And he knows that you found out. This sounds serious. If I'm not mistaken, every cop in the district is going to be after your head pretty soon.\n\n\"Good work, though, Stan. Don't stop now. I'm going to phone the state police and see if I can get outside help on this case.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"wake attorney",
"put key down",
"kiss attorney",
"hit attorney",
"say window to attorney",
"ask attorney about window",
"give attorney key",
"tell attorney about window",
"throw key against attorney",
"ploc": "Law Office",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nOffice Building, Second Floor",
"hints": [
"wake other",
"put other down",
"kiss other",
"say east to other",
"ask other about east"
"ploc": "Office Building, Second Floor",
"inv": [
"msg": "The stairs angle down and back, and you emerge south.\n\nOffice Building\n\nThere are fronds on either side of the exit on the east.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"ploc": "Office Building",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nDowntown\n\nA police car drives by. You press yourself against a wall until it goes by.",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine gun",
"wake people",
"put on east",
"put key down",
"kiss people",
"hit people",
"throw key",
"say east to people",
"ask people about east",
"ask people for east",
"give people key",
"tell people about east",
"throw key against people"
"ploc": "Downtown",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nStreet, Near Courthouse",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"examine key",
"put on west",
"put key down",
"throw key",
"ploc": "Street, Near Courthouse",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nStreet, by Pizza Parlor",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine parlor",
"wake people",
"put on east",
"put key down",
"kiss people",
"hit people",
"throw key",
"say east to people",
"ask people about east",
"ask people for east",
"give people key",
"tell people about east",
"throw key against people"
"ploc": "Street, by Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nPizza Parlor\n\nOn the counter are a small pizza box (which is closed) and a handwritten note.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"get in northeast",
"take box",
"take note",
"put key down",
"examine note",
"open box",
"throw box",
"push note to northeast",
"take all off counter",
"put key on counter",
"push box to counter",
"push box to northeast",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"get in northeast",
"take note",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"examine note",
"open box",
"throw box",
"push note to northeast",
"put box on counter",
"put key on counter",
"put all on counter",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You flip open the pizza box... AND THERE'S A BOMB INSIDE!!!!!",
"hints": [
"get in northeast",
"take note",
"take bomb",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"push bomb to northeast",
"examine note",
"throw box",
"push note to northeast",
"put box on counter",
"put key on counter",
"put all on counter",
"push note to counter",
"push bomb to box",
"push bomb to counter"
"ploc": "Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"get in northeast",
"take note",
"put box down",
"put bomb down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"examine note",
"push note to northeast",
"put box on counter",
"put bomb on counter",
"put key on counter",
"put all on counter",
"put bomb in box",
"put key in box",
"push note to box",
"push note to counter"
"ploc": "Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nStreet, by Pizza Parlor",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"wake people",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"put bomb down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"hit people",
"throw box",
"throw bomb",
"throw key",
"say east to people",
"ask people about east",
"ask people for east",
"put all on east",
"put bomb in box",
"put bomb in vent",
"put key in box",
"put all in box",
"give people box",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against people"
"ploc": "Street, by Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Thinking fast, you deposit the bomb in the sewer duct. Moments later, you breathe a sigh of relief as you hear a quiet splash. No doubt you've saved yourself and the city from certain destruction.\n\nAn absolutely massive explosion rocks the ground beneath your feet. Buildings tremble all around you and the pavement lurches sickeningly. After a moment the shockwaves die down, but you still feel an occasional tremor. Seems like you might have triggered some sort of geological disaster.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"wake people",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"hit people",
"throw box",
"throw key",
"say east to people",
"ask people about east",
"ask people for east",
"put key in box",
"give people box",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against people"
"ploc": "Street, by Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nStreet, by Department Store\nOn this end of the street, a department store called Barkley's sits to the south.",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"examine store",
"wake people",
"put on people",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"hit people",
"throw box",
"throw key",
"say store to people",
"ask people about store",
"ask people for store",
"put key in box",
"give people box",
"tell people about store",
"throw box against people",
"ploc": "Street, by Department Store",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nClothing Department\nYou are in the clothing department at Barkley's. There are many racks of clothes here. You may exit to the north. To the southwest lies the hardware department, and southeast is the cosmetics department.\n\nYou can see a store clerk here.",
"hints": [
"wake clerk",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"kiss clerk",
"hit clerk",
"say box to clerk",
"ask clerk about box",
"ask clerk for box",
"put key in box",
"give clerk box",
"tell clerk about box",
"throw box against clerk"
"ploc": "Clothing Department",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nAs you enter the cosmetics department, a big thug steps out of the shadows. Making a mocking bow in your direction, the thug says: \"Greetings. I am Sammy 'The Inhospitable' Toriglioni, and I will be joining you for your dying pleasure this afternoon.\" He pulls a gun out of his suit coat and bounces it lightly in one hand.\n\nCosmetics Department\nThe shelves are lined with bottles of perfume, cologne, hairspray, and other cosmetic paraphernalia. [You know, an adventure game just isn't complete if it doesn't use the word \"paraphernalia.\"] You can go northwest to the clothing department, or west to the hardware department.\n\nYou can see a thug here.",
"hints": [
"wake other",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss other",
"hit other",
"say bunch of cosmetic stuff to other",
"ask other about bunch of cosmetic stuff",
"ask other for west",
"put key in box",
"give thug box",
"tell other about bunch of cosmetic stuff",
"throw box against other"
"ploc": "Cosmetics Department",
"inv": [
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Taken.\n\nThe building you are in shakes ominously under the force of the earthquake. You lean up against a wall until it subsides.\n\n\"SO, ya wanted to be a hero, kid? I'd say your future as the Lone Ranger isn't looking too promising.\"",
"hints": [
"wake other",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss other",
"take hairspray",
"hit other",
"spray other",
"say hairspray to other",
"ask other about hairspray",
"ask other for hairspray",
"hit other with hairspray",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"give thug hairspray",
"tell other about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against other"
"ploc": "Cosmetics Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You spritz the thug right in the face. He is so totally surprised to have you actually fight back that he takes the shot right in the eyes and winces, momentarily unabled to fight back. He's not down yet, but this might be a good time to finish him off.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine hairspray",
"wake other",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss other",
"take hairspray",
"hit other",
"say hairspray to other",
"ask other about hairspray",
"ask other for hairspray",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"give thug hairspray",
"tell other about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against other"
"ploc": "Cosmetics Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You give him a kick to the stomach, and a passable imitation of a karate chop on the back. Normally this wouldn't have worked, but since he was temporarily blinded, he never saw you coming. He collapses on the floor, momentarily winded. This would be a great time for you to get out.\n\nThe building you are in shakes ominously under the force of the earthquake. You lean up against a wall until it subsides.",
"hints": [
"examine hairspray",
"wake other",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss other",
"take hairspray",
"say hairspray to other",
"ask other about hairspray",
"ask other for hairspray",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"show thug hairspray",
"give thug hairspray",
"tell other about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against other",
"ploc": "Cosmetics Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Doubled over in pain, the thug is powerless to stop your retreat.\n\nClothing Department",
"hints": [
"get up",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"take hairspray",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box"
"ploc": "Clothing Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "The clerk seems to have been knocked out and dragged somewhere by the thug on his entrance. You brazenly walk out with your shoplifted item.\n\nStreet, by Department Store\n\nA police car drives by. You press yourself against a wall until it goes by.\n\nThe ground trembles under your feet. It feels like an earthquake might be in progress.\n\nOkay, let's recap the story so far. Your afternoon got off to an interesting start when you foiled an escape attempt by Guido \"The Armadillo\" Calzone. This heroic-but-not-terribly-bright action brought down the wrath of the local mafia down on you, who tried to assassinate you inside a department store. They also left a \"special delivery\" for you which started an earthquake. You were also responsible for uncovering the illicit activities of the corrupt mayor, who then sent every cop and trooper in the area to take care of you. So, you're hounded by the police, wanted dead by the mob, and trying to cope with a massive earthquake.\n\nAs you step outside, you can see that the people of the town have succumbed to the general chaos of the environment, and now the town of San Doppleton is marred by heavy rioting.",
"hints": [
"examine bottle of hairspray",
"examine hairspray",
"wake people",
"put on south",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"take hairspray",
"throw hairspray",
"throw box",
"throw key",
"say hairspray to people",
"ask people about hairspray",
"ask people for hairspray",
"put all on south",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"put all in box",
"show people hairspray",
"give people hairspray",
"tell people about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against people",
"ploc": "Street, by Department Store",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"examine bottle of hairspray",
"examine hairspray",
"wake people",
"put on south",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"take hairspray",
"throw hairspray",
"throw box",
"throw key",
"say hairspray to people",
"ask people about hairspray",
"ask people for hairspray",
"put all on south",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"put all in box",
"show people hairspray",
"give people hairspray",
"tell people about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against people",
"ploc": "Street, by Department Store",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nSomeone rushes out of Barkley's carrying a TV set.\n\nThe ground trembles under your feet. It feels like an earthquake might be in progress.",
"hints": [
"examine bottle of hairspray",
"examine hairspray",
"wake people",
"put on south",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"take hairspray",
"throw hairspray",
"throw box",
"throw key",
"say hairspray to people",
"ask people about hairspray",
"ask people for hairspray",
"put all on south",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"put all in box",
"show people hairspray",
"give people hairspray",
"tell people about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against people",
"ploc": "Street, by Department Store",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nClothing Department",
"hints": [
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"take hairspray",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box"
"ploc": "Clothing Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nHardware Department\nYou are in the hardware department at Barkley's. There are tools all over the place. You can go northeast to the clothing department, or east to the cosmetics department.\n \nThe place is filled with debris from the riots. Lying on the ground you see a rope and a hammer which have been randomly flung off the shelves.",
"hints": [
"take rope",
"take hammer",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"take all",
"take hairspray",
"throw rope",
"throw hammer",
"put hairspray in box",
"put key in box",
"push rope to hairspray",
"push rope to box",
"push hammer to hairspray",
"push hammer to box",
"ploc": "Hardware Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take rope",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put hammer down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"throw rope",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put key in box",
"push rope to hairspray",
"push rope to box",
"ploc": "Hardware Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put rope in box",
"put key in box",
"ploc": "Hardware Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nClothing Department",
"hints": [
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"get in southeast",
"get in southwest",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put rope in box",
"put key in box"
"ploc": "Clothing Department",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nStreet, by Department Store\n\nSomeone rushes out of Barkley's carrying a TV set.",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"examine box",
"put all on south",
"wake people",
"put on south",
"put box down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"take rope",
"take hairspray",
"throw box",
"throw rope",
"throw key",
"throw hairspray",
"throw hammer",
"say box to people",
"ask people about box",
"ask people for box",
"put all on box",
"put rope in box",
"put key in box",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put all in box",
"show people box",
"give people box",
"tell people about box",
"throw box against people",
"ploc": "Street, by Department Store",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nStreet, by Pizza Parlor\n\nYou lurch for a moment as the ground makes loud rumbling noises. Sounds like an earthquake is about to hit. A bad one.",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"put all on east",
"wake people",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss people",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"throw box",
"throw hairspray",
"throw hammer",
"throw rope",
"throw key",
"say east to people",
"ask people about east",
"ask people for east",
"put all on box",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put rope in box",
"put key in box",
"put all in box",
"show people box",
"give people box",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against people"
"ploc": "Street, by Pizza Parlor",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nStreet, Near Courthouse",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"examine hairspray",
"put all on west",
"put on west",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"throw hairspray",
"throw box",
"throw hammer",
"throw rope",
"throw key",
"put all on hairspray",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put rope in box",
"put key in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Street, Near Courthouse",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "\nDowntown\n\nA security guard stands in front of the entrance to the government building, looking bored.\n\nA rioter throws a rock at the mayor's window. The rock bounces to the ground, barely missing you. Those windows are pretty durable.",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"put all on east",
"wake guard",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"close box",
"kiss guard",
"take rope",
"take hairspray",
"throw box",
"throw rope",
"throw key",
"throw hairspray",
"throw hammer",
"say east to guard",
"ask guard about east",
"ask people about east",
"ask guard for east",
"put all on box",
"put rope in box",
"put key in box",
"put hairspray in box",
"put hammer in box",
"put all in box",
"show guard box",
"show guard rope",
"give guard box",
"give guard rope",
"tell guard about east",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against guard"
"ploc": "Downtown",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You close the pizza box.\n\nA police car drives by. You press yourself against a wall until it goes by.",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"put all on east",
"wake guard",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"kiss guard",
"take rope",
"take hairspray",
"open box",
"throw box",
"throw rope",
"throw key",
"throw hairspray",
"throw hammer",
"say east to guard",
"ask guard about east",
"ask people about east",
"ask guard for east",
"put all on box",
"show guard box",
"show guard rope",
"give guard box",
"give guard rope",
"tell guard about east",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against guard"
"ploc": "Downtown",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "The guard looks suspicious as you explain that you have a pizza delivery for Jill Thompson, the District Attorney. Pulling a cellular phone off of his uniform, he dials a number that you presume is for Jill's office. After a few moments, he hangs up and grudgingly steps aside for you.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by three points.]",
"hints": [
"examine east",
"examine box",
"put all on east",
"wake guard",
"put on east",
"put box down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"kiss guard",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"hit guard",
"open box",
"throw box",
"throw hairspray",
"throw hammer",
"throw rope",
"throw key",
"say east to guard",
"ask guard about east",
"ask people about east",
"ask guard for east",
"put all on box",
"give guard box",
"give guard hairspray",
"tell guard about east",
"tell people about east",
"throw box against guard"
"ploc": "Downtown",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "The guard steps aside and lets you pass.\n\nOffice Building\n\nThere are fronds on either side of the exit on the east.",
"hints": [
"put box down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open box"
"ploc": "Office Building",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge south.\nJill runs out of her office. \"Stan! Thank goodness you made it! The mafia has just regrouped in the mayor's office to discuss their final plans for total citywide domination! Reinforcements from the state are on their way, but they're going to need some kind of diversion to get into the building without being caught by the mayor's troops! Can you do that for us?\"\n\nOf course you can; you're the hero. (A paper-thin excuse if you ever heard one, but you don't seem to have enough excitement in your life anyway.)\n\nJill runs back into her office.\n\nOffice Building, Second Floor",
"hints": [
"wake other",
"put box down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"kiss other",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open box",
"say east to other",
"ask other about east"
"ploc": "Office Building, Second Floor",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge north.\n\nOffice Building, Third Floor",
"hints": [
"put box down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open box"
"ploc": "Office Building, Third Floor",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge south.\n\nRoof of Office Building\nYou are on the roof of the government building. You can go back down the stairs to the north. There is a lightning rod sticking up.",
"hints": [
"put box down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"take rope",
"take hairspray",
"open box"
"ploc": "Roof of Office Building",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You cleverly tie the rope to the lightning rod, dropping the other end on the ground.\n\nThe building you are in shakes ominously under the force of the earthquake. You lean up against a wall until it subsides.",
"hints": [
"take rope",
"put hairspray down",
"put box down",
"put hammer down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"climb rope",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open box",
"push rope to hairspray",
"push rope to box"
"ploc": "Roof of Office Building",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You pick up the other end of the rope. Now what?",
"hints": [
"put box down",
"put rope down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"take rope",
"take hairspray",
"open box"
"ploc": "Roof of Office Building",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Giving a mighty yell, you boldly leap off the side of the building! The rope tightens and then swings you back towards the building. You do your best to look like Bruce Willis as you haplessly zoom towards the window...\n\nCRASH!!!\n\nMayor's Office\nYou are in the mayor's office. To the east is a window overlooking a second-story drop. There is a glass box mounted on the north wall.\n\nYou can see Robert \"Tasty\" Tasker, a huge crowd of mafia guys and a file cabinet (which is empty) here.\n\nOh my. You seem to have crashed (pardon the pun) a private party of some sort. There are a couple of dozen guys wearing suits and dark glasses. And sitting imperiously at the mayor's desk, glaring at you behind a bevy of bodyguards, is... <ga",
"hints": [
"wake guys",
"put hairspray down",
"put pizza down",
"put hammer down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"close cabinet",
"close door",
"get in story",
"get in door",
"kiss guys",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open pizza",
"say hairspray to guys",
"ask guys about hairspray",
"ask guys for hairspray",
"hit box with hammer",
"put hairspray in cabinet",
"put pizza in cabinet",
"put hammer in cabinet",
"put key in cabinet",
"put all in cabinet",
"give guys hairspray",
"tell guys about hairspray",
"throw hairspray against guys"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "You smash the glass.\n\nRobert \"Tasty\" Tasker speaks. \"Stan, you idiot, can't you get ANYTHING right? I ask you to make one simple delivery in the afternoon and you have to go and ruin all my plans.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by three points.]",
"hints": [
"wake guys",
"take axe",
"put pizza down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"close cabinet",
"close door",
"get in story",
"get in door",
"kiss guys",
"push axe to east",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open pizza",
"say east to guys",
"ask guys about east",
"ask guys for east",
"hit guys with axe",
"put pizza in cabinet",
"put key in cabinet",
"put hairspray in cabinet",
"put hammer in cabinet",
"put all in cabinet",
"push axe to cabinet",
"give guys pizza",
"pay guys axe",
"tell guys about east",
"throw pizza against guys",
"throw axe against guys"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Taken.\n\nRobert \"Tasty\" Tasker continues his rant. \"By now, I'm sure even YOU have figured out that Guido was just a fall-guy, a figurehead. His escape from jail would have been a purely symbolic event. I'm the real leader of the mafia around here. A pity that information won't do you any good since you'll be dead.\"\n\nYour eyes are drawn to a movement on the street below. Looking through the broken glass, you see a huge squad of police cars. You breathe a sigh of relief... maybe they're here to save you!\n\nA huge tremor shakes the office building.",
"hints": [
"wake guys",
"put pizza down",
"put axe down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"close cabinet",
"close door",
"get in story",
"get in door",
"kiss guys",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open pizza",
"say east to guys",
"ask guys about east",
"ask guys for east",
"put pizza in cabinet",
"put axe in cabinet",
"put key in cabinet",
"put hairspray in cabinet",
"put hammer in cabinet",
"put all in cabinet",
"give guys pizza",
"tell guys about east",
"throw pizza against guys"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"fire axe",
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nOutside the window, a cop steps out in front of the cars, holding a bullhorn. \"STANLEY, THIS IS THE SAN DOPPLETON POLICE. YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR ILLEGAL BREAKING AND ENTERING, ASSAULT ON A STATE OFFICIAL, AND ESPIONAGE. COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP.\" Your sigh of relief dies.\n\n\"With the mayor receiving kickbacks from us, you didn't *really* think the police would be on your side, did you Stan?\" says Mr. Tasker wryly. \"Looks like you're all finished, kid.\"",
"hints": [
"wake guys",
"put pizza down",
"put axe down",
"put key down",
"put hairspray down",
"put hammer down",
"put all down",
"close cabinet",
"close door",
"get in story",
"get in door",
"kiss guys",
"take hairspray",
"take hammer",
"open pizza",
"say east to guys",
"ask guys about east",
"ask guys for east",
"put pizza in cabinet",
"put axe in cabinet",
"put key in cabinet",
"put hairspray in cabinet",
"put hammer in cabinet",
"put all in cabinet",
"give guys pizza",
"tell guys about east",
"throw pizza against guys"
"ploc": "Mayor's Office",
"inv": [
"fire axe",
"bottle of hairspray",
"small pizza box",
"msg": "(the floor with the fire axe)\nSwinging the axe high above your head, you pause for just a minute and look Mr. Tasker in the eye. \"I'll see you all in hell,\" you comment lightly.\n\nYou bring the axe down with a mighty chop, smack in the middle of the crack in the floor. A gigantic rift opens in the floor. The mafia guys topple and fall right down into the office below. Having seen it coming, you manage to leap onto the window sill, out of harm's way.\n\nAt the same moment, the door opens with a loud crash. Seven heavily armed police officers barge in, aiming their weapons at you. \"You're under arrest...\" they begin to say.\n\n\"No, YOU'RE under arrest,\" says a voice behind them. You grin broadly as you see Jill leaning on the door frame. Backing her up is a great big SWAT team. Using the evidence that you collected for her, Jill was able to get support from the state's higher court and expose the corrupt local government.\n\n\"How convenient that your mafia friends just happened to land right in my office,\" says Jill. Looking past her, you see all the dark suited guys being handcuffed and booked by the SWAT team. The team leader adds, \"You're all under arrest for bribery, corruption, public endangerment, impersonating police officers... and, um, extreme stupidity.\"\n\n\"Take 'em away, boys,\" says Jill.\n\nAs the police drag Mr. Tasker past you, he says to you, \"I hope you realize... YOU'RE FIRED!\" \"Fine!\" you reply. \"You can take this job and shove it anyway.\" Jill chimes in, \"Especially since you have a brilliant career as a hired investigator ahead of you!\"\n\nYou look at Jill as the dust begins to settle. \"Really?\" you ask. \"How about a future on date with you?\" She smiles and gives you a big kiss. The earth moves for you. Or maybe it's just the quake.\n\n\n *** You Rule! The game's totally over! ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 50 out of a possible 50, in 74 turns.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"x counter",
"read note",
"get pizza box",
"x note",
"x district attorney",
"open pizza box",
"search pizza",
"show file to district attorney",
"open window",
"unlock cabinet with key",
"open cabinet",
"get file",
"jump out window",
"kick second window",
"jill, hold me",
"get pizza box",
"open pizza box",
"get bomb",
"put bomb in sewer",
"get spray",
"spray thug",
"kick thug",
"take hammer",
"take rope",
"close pizza box",
"show box to guard",
"tie rope to rod",
"hold rope",
"break glass with hammer",
"take axe",
"hit floor with axe",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "PIRITWRAK\nAn Interactive Fantasy Adventure\nCopyright (C) 1996, by D.S. Yu.\nPortions copyright Graham Nelson.\n\n'SPIRITWRAK' comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY \nThis is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under conditions as described in the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\nRelease 3 / Serial number 960606 / Inform v1502 Library 5/12\nStandard interpreter 1.0\n\nMonastery Chapel\nYou are standing in a monastery chapel. All around you, fellow Brothers of the Order are standing, chanting. The eerie droning voices seem to reverberate into the air. At the front of the chapel, Brother Joseph stands in deep concentration, holding the Rod of the Ancients.",
"hints": [
"examine all"
"ploc": "Monastery Chapel",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nBrother Joseph now speaks directly to the entire Order.\n\n\"Fellow Brothers, the year, as you know, is 976 GUE. A difficult time indeed. Ten years have passed since the Cataclysm brought forth by the Circle of Enchanters changed our world forever. The outside world as we know it is in turmoil. A period of great change is upon all of us.\"",
"hints": [
"examine all"
"ploc": "Monastery Chapel",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nBrother Joseph continues speaking.\n\n\"Our order has always maintained the strictest secrecy. Few outside of our order know of our existence. We are the keepers of the mystic balance that which embodies pure magic that can keep our world safe. It has always been thus -- we watch over all of Quendor, never interfering in the affairs of others, yet striving to maintain harmony.\"",
"hints": [
"examine all"
"ploc": "Monastery Chapel",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nBrother Joseph continues speaking.\n\n\"But we can no longer depend on enchantments to keep outsiders at bay. Magic as we know it is dying. The dreaded Age of Science is already upon us, and in short time, our order will be discovered, and the balance will be no more. Many of our order have gone out into the world in secret, in attempts to repair what has been broken, but alas, this appears to be impossible.\"",
"hints": [
"examine all"
"ploc": "Monastery Chapel",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nBrother Joseph continues.\n\n\"I have brought you all forth today to say that although we cannot protect the future of Quendor, we can protect ourselves!\" He holds the Rod of the Ancients high. \"This holy Rod, which the Ancient Ones used to defeat the demon Anabais, has the power to protect our order. I have discovered a lost mystic cube!\" He holds a white, featureless cube high in his other hand. \"This cube, when joined with the Rod of the Ancients, will preserve our order forever, sequestering all of us in another time, another place!\"",
"hints": [
"examine all"
"ploc": "Monastery Chapel",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThere is a momentous pause. \n\nBrother Joseph looks at the entire Order. \"May the Gods smile down upon us on this day! We go now, into the unknown!\" He triumphantly joins the white cube to the end of the Rod of the Ancients.\n\nThere is a sudden, blinding white flash! The chanting is instantly broken by a tremendous thunderclap! Brother Joseph is suddenly thrown back by a great force, and to your horror, the Rod of the Ancients breaks apart! Four pieces now float serenely above the altar, above a strange black globe that seems to crackle with energy.\n\n\"AT LAST!\"\n\nThe voice comes from nowhere and everywhere. The black sphere pulsates with lightning.\n\n\"ANABAIS IS FREE AGAIN!\" The voice pauses. \"I see you found my fake mystic cube Joseph. I knew that someday, someone would find it, and free me from my prison!\" The voice pauses again. \"To show my gratitude, I'm scattering this broken symbol to the corners of the world!\" The pieces of the rod suddenly disappear!\n\n\"Watch out!\" someone cries. The black sphere suddenly expands with alarming speed. Seconds later, a violent explosion seems to jar the very ground you stand on, and a black void covers all.\n\nYou awaken in your room in a cold sweat. Was it all a terrible dream? The day beckons...\n\nYour Quarters\nYou are in your room in the Monastery. It is sparsely furnished, but certainly feels like home. The exit is north.\n\nYou can see a note and a sleeping pallet here.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take pallet",
"take all",
"take into pallet",
"put book down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put book on pallet"
"ploc": "r Quarters",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "The note, in a hastily written scrawl, reads:\n\"Please stop by the chapel as soon as you can.\n-- Joseph\"",
"hints": [
"take note",
"take pallet",
"take all",
"take into pallet",
"put book down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put book on pallet"
"ploc": "r Quarters",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take note",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "r Quarters",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (near your quarters)\nYou are in a hallway running west and east. The vaulted ceilings are a nice touch. Your quarters are to the south.",
"hints": [
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (nearr quarters)",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (west end)\nYou are at the west end of an east-west hallway. There are stairs up and down here, and an exit to the west.",
"hints": [
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Hway (west end)",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nMonastery Gardens\nYou are in the Monastery gardens, where various shrubs and conifers are covered in a light blanket of snow. An open cloister lies to the west, while a doorway heads east.\n\nA small area in the snow has been cleared for late winter planting, and some sand has been sprinkled here and there.",
"hints": [
"take sand",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Monastery Gardens",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Monastery Gardens",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nCloister Walkway\nYou are in an open cloister, that runs along the Monastery gardens to the east. To the north is the main wing of the Monastery. To the south is the entrance hall.",
"hints": [
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Cloister Walkway",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nMain Hall\nThis is the main hall of worship in the Monastery. A large domed ceiling hides some sort of lighting that create a warm yet serene atmosphere. A covered walk to the rest of the Monastery lies to the south. To the north is the Monastery chapel. A brazier sits in the center of the room.",
"hints": [
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Main H",
"inv": [
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nMonastery Chapel\nYou are in the Monastery Chapel, the site of the recent appearance of the legendary Anabais. Signs of the recent visit include the slightly scorched walls, and the reek of brimstone. Wood pews are arranged in a circle around the central altar. The exit is south.\nBrother Joseph is here, standing by the altar.\n\nJoseph smiles as you enter. \"I'm glad you found me. As you know, thanks to the old fool standing before you, the demon Anabais is loose upon the world once more. He has broken the Rod of the Ancients which was keeping our house and Order protected from outsiders. It is a sorry day for us all.\" Joseph pauses for a moment. \"You are our final hope in a time of chaos. Brothers Palemon, TuffBerry and Toolbox have left the Order, and only you remain. I must now ask you to serve the Order which you have so faithfully served in the past. No short order this, for our continued existence depends on it, but you must go out into a world gone mad alone, and retrieve the four broken pieces of the Rod of the Ancients, and return them here to me, so that we can rid the world of the evil we have loosed!\"\n\nBrother Joseph pauses and searches his robes.\n\n\"Here, you will need this,\" he says, giving you a strange amulet. \"Without this amulet, the Ancient Ones cannot give you the mystic aid that you will most certainly need. But I waste much time. Go now, and may the Gods smile upon us all.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"drop pallet against joseph",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"put on amulet",
"examine book",
"look in altar",
"examine all",
"put pallet on altar",
"put book on altar",
"put amulet on altar",
"put sand on altar",
"put all on altar"
"ploc": "Monastery Chapel",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "As you place the amulet around your neck, you feel a strange sense of mystic power.",
"hints": [
"drop pallet against joseph",
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"look in altar",
"examine all",
"put pallet on altar",
"put book on altar",
"put amulet on altar",
"put sand on altar",
"put all on altar"
"ploc": "Monastery Chapel",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "Mystical Chants\n\ngnusto chant: copy a chant into your prayer book.\nfrotz chant: cause an object to give off light.",
"hints": [
"drop pallet against joseph",
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"look in altar",
"examine all",
"put pallet on altar",
"put book on altar",
"put amulet on altar",
"put sand on altar",
"put all on altar"
"ploc": "Monastery Chapel",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the frotz chant.",
"hints": [
"drop pallet against joseph",
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"look in altar",
"examine all",
"put pallet on altar",
"put book on altar",
"put amulet on altar",
"put sand on altar",
"put all on altar"
"ploc": "Monastery Chapel",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "You speak the chant, but something sounds wrong. Nothing happens this time.",
"hints": [
"drop pallet against joseph",
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"look in altar",
"examine all",
"put pallet on altar",
"put book on altar",
"put amulet on altar",
"put sand on altar",
"put all on altar"
"ploc": "Monastery Chapel",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the frotz chant.",
"hints": [
"drop pallet against joseph",
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"look in altar",
"examine all",
"put pallet on altar",
"put book on altar",
"put amulet on altar",
"put sand on altar",
"put all on altar"
"ploc": "Monastery Chapel",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "There is an almost blinding flash of light as the holy amulet begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the holy amulet is now quite usable as a light source.",
"hints": [
"drop pallet against joseph",
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"look in altar",
"examine all",
"put pallet on altar",
"put book on altar",
"put amulet on altar",
"put sand on altar",
"put all on altar"
"ploc": "Monastery Chapel",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nMain Hall",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Main H",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nCloister Walkway",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Cloister Walkway",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nMonastery Gardens",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Monastery Gardens",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (west end)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Hway (west end)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (near your quarters)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (nearr quarters)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (near quarters of Palemon and TuffBerry)\nYou are in a hallway running west and east. Brother TuffBerry's quarters lie to the south. Brother Palemon's quarters are to the north.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (near quarters Palemond TuffBerry)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (east end)\nYou are at the east end of an east-west hallway. Brother Joseph's quarters lie to the north, and Brother Toolbox's quarters lie to the south.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (east end)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nBrother Toolbox's Quarters\nYou are in Brother Toolbox's quarters, vacant ever since he left the order due to differences many years ago. The exit is north.\n\nYou can see a diary and a folded scroll here.",
"hints": [
"take scroll",
"take diary",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Bror Toolbox's Quarters",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take diary",
"take off amulet",
"put scroll down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Bror Toolbox's Quarters",
"inv": [
"folded scroll",
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "The scroll reads \"espnis chant: deliver dull sermon (cause sleep)\".",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take diary",
"take off amulet",
"put scroll down",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine scroll",
"examine chant",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Bror Toolbox's Quarters",
"inv": [
"folded scroll",
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the espnis chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"take diary",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Bror Toolbox's Quarters",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\"-- <944 G",
"hints": [
"take diary",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Bror Toolbox's Quarters",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (east end)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (east end)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (near quarters of Palemon and TuffBerry)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (near quarters Palemond TuffBerry)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nBrother TuffBerry's Quarters\nYou are in Brother TuffBerry's quarters, vacant since he undertook his quest for Joseph not long ago. The exit is north.\n\nYou can see a torn page here.",
"hints": [
"take page",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Bror TuffBerry's Quarters",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "This page was apparently torn from a larger document of some sort. All that is left now reads:\n\n\"...fear. Just today I heard again something below me when I was meditating upstairs. It sounded like a person, or something alive at least was just below, trying to quietly move around unnoticed. Clearly this is impossible, and yet I cannot doubt what I heard. Palemon tells me I'm hearing spirits, but little does he know that I once heard the same noises in his very chambers! He was not around at the time, but to the west, behind the wall, I...\"",
"hints": [
"take page",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Bror TuffBerry's Quarters",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (near quarters of Palemon and TuffBerry)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (near quarters Palemond TuffBerry)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nBrother Palemon's Quarters\nYou are in Brother Palemon's quarters, which have been left unattended ever since Brother Palemon's unexplained disappearance many years ago. The exit is south.\n\nYou can see a thin journal here.",
"hints": [
"take journal",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Bror Palemon's Quarters",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "This journal is very strange indeed. Brother Palemon seems to have been very preoccupied up to the point of his disappearance with strange accursed places that he claims are located all over Quendor. He also makes several references to evil 'spirits' found in these places. You also notice that several pages of parchment near the back of the journal have been torn out.",
"hints": [
"take journal",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Bror Palemon's Quarters",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "Pushing the west wall reveals a hidden secret door! You've been in these quarters before, but certainly never noticed anything like this!",
"hints": [
"take journal",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Bror Palemon's Quarters",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHidden Sanctum\nYou are standing in a small chamber that obviously hasn't been used in quite some time -- the cobwebs and dust are several layers thick. There is a short crawl east.\n\nYou can see a dusty scroll and a faded parchment here.",
"hints": [
"take parchment",
"take scroll",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hidden Sanctum",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take parchment",
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put scroll down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hidden Sanctum",
"inv": [
"dusty scroll",
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "The scroll reads \"foblub chant: deliver magnificent sermon (glue audience to seats)\".",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take parchment",
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put scroll down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine chant",
"examine scroll",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hidden Sanctum",
"inv": [
"dusty scroll",
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the foblub chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"take parchment",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hidden Sanctum",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\"...are real! I have seen much evidence in the jungles of Miznia, marshes of Fublio Valley, the ruins of old Egreth and in Aragain itself! I believe that they are associated with certain basic elements in the surrounding area. But they dare not show themselves now, not while magic is strong! Woe unto us, should the powers of magic cease, as there would be nothing to stop their terror...\"",
"hints": [
"take parchment",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hidden Sanctum",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nBrother Palemon's Quarters\n\nYou can see a thin journal here.",
"hints": [
"take journal",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Bror Palemon's Quarters",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (near quarters of Palemon and TuffBerry)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (near quarters Palemond TuffBerry)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (near your quarters)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (nearr quarters)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (west end)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Hway (west end)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (second floor, west)\nYou are in a hallway on the second floor of the Monastery. The hallway continues east, while stairs lead downwards.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"take into floor",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (secondorwest)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (second floor, east)\nYou are in a hallway on the second floor of the Monastery that runs east-to-west. To the north is the private meditation room. To the east is the Monastery library. To the northeast is an entrance to the steeple room.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"take into northeast",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (secondoreast)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nSteeple Room\nYou are in a round room with colored-glass windows. Wood beams line the walls and rise to form a short point in the peaked ceiling above. A small walkway returns to the southwest. A long wood table sits in the center of the room.\nA large rose-colored window lets some light in.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"take into southwest",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"open window",
"examine all",
"put pallet on table",
"put book on table",
"put amulet on table",
"put sand on table",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Steeple Room",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "You turn and yank the window handle and pull. A rush of wind and snow greets you as you open the window.",
"hints": [
"take off",
"take off amulet",
"close window",
"take into southwest",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put pallet on table",
"put book on table",
"put amulet on table",
"put sand on table",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Steeple Room",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (second floor, east)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"take into northeast",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (secondoreast)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nMonastery Library\nYou are in the Monastery library, a cozy, almost cramped room with shelves of various books. The exit is to the west.\n\nOn the shelves is a copy of the Holy Scriptures.",
"hints": [
"take copy",
"take off amulet",
"cast a",
"put holy down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"put holy on shelves",
"put book on shelves",
"put pallet on shelves",
"put sand on shelves",
"put all on shelves"
"ploc": "Monastery Library",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "This sacred tome details the teachings and beliefs of the Order, of which it's certainly always good practice to re-familiarize yourself with. The scriptures are divided into several sections. Sections that can be consulted in greater detail include:\n\n\"Doctrines\"\n\"Demons\"\n\"Spirits\"\n\"(Book of the) Mystical\"\n\"(Book of the) Planes\"\n\"(Book of the) Ancients\"\n\"Legend of the Rod\"",
"hints": [
"take copy",
"take off amulet",
"cast a",
"put holy down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"put holy on shelves",
"put book on shelves",
"put pallet on shelves",
"put sand on shelves",
"put all on shelves"
"ploc": "Monastery Library",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\"Let not the ways of the mortal life dissuade the knowledge of higher and lower planes of existence.\n\nFor, beyond mortal reach are places where those who have truly served the Order and those who have truly forsaken the Harmony of Balance will find themselves in death. These are the Ethereal Plane of Atrii and the plane of the damned -- Hades.\"",
"hints": [
"take copy",
"take off amulet",
"cast a",
"put holy down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"put holy on shelves",
"put book on shelves",
"put pallet on shelves",
"put sand on shelves",
"put all on shelves"
"ploc": "Monastery Library",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (second floor, east)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"take into northeast",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (secondoreast)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (second floor, west)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"take into floor",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Hway (secondorwest)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (west end)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Hway (west end)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (basement)\nYou are in a hallway in the Monastery basement. The hallway continues to the east, and stairs lead upwards.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Hway (basement)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nRefectory\nYou are in the Refectory, the general dining area for members of the Order. You grimace at the lingering scent of Brother Pufpistery's favorite dish -- Borphbelly stew. Several large oak tables and benches adorn this otherwise bare room. An exit lies to the west, the kitchen is to the north, and another exit lies to the east.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Refectory",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nMonastery Kitchen\nYou are in Brother Pufpistery's domain -- the dreaded acolyte kitchen. A huge soup cauldron sits unused nearby. The refectory is south.\n\nYou can see a preparing table (on which is a scrap of paper) here.",
"hints": [
"take scrap",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put amulet in cauldron",
"put amulet on table",
"put book in cauldron",
"put book on table",
"put pallet in cauldron",
"put pallet on table",
"put sand in cauldron",
"put sand on table",
"put all in cauldron",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Monastery Kitchen",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "It's a recipe torn from an issue of \"Better Homes and Caverns\":\n\nGUILDMASTER SNEFFLE'S PRIZE WINNING BIRTHDAY CAKE \n\nIngredients:\n\n-- 1 small sack of flour\n-- 1 large sugar cube\n-- 1 packet of baking powder\n-- 1 stick butter\n-- 1 large corbie egg\n-- Dornberries, to taste\n\nMix the ingredients together. Fold the resulting mixture the correct number of times (a single gloth spell should do the trick). Bake in a GUE Automatic oven on the \"cake\" setting.\n\nGuildmaster Sneffle claims that \"the dornberries are the secret to making a cake even the King would be impressed with.\" He also notes that \"improper folding of the dough will produce very poor results.\"",
"hints": [
"take scrap",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put amulet in cauldron",
"put amulet on table",
"put book in cauldron",
"put book on table",
"put pallet in cauldron",
"put pallet on table",
"put sand in cauldron",
"put sand on table",
"put all in cauldron",
"put all on table"
"ploc": "Monastery Kitchen",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nRefectory",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Refectory",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nStoreroom\nYou are in a small cramped storeroom, stocked with various crates and barrels of foodstuffs. The refectory is west.\n\nYou can see a large barrel (on which is a sack of flour) here.",
"hints": [
"take sack",
"take off amulet",
"push barrel",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"eat sack",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put amulet on barrel",
"put book on barrel",
"put pallet on barrel",
"put sand on barrel",
"put all on barrel"
"ploc": "Storeroom",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"push barrel",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put amulet on barrel",
"put sack on barrel",
"put book on barrel",
"put pallet on barrel",
"put sand on barrel",
"put all on barrel"
"ploc": "Storeroom",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "Well whaddya know, a trapdoor...",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"close trapdoor",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"open trapdoor",
"examine all",
"put amulet on barrel",
"put sack on barrel",
"put book on barrel",
"put pallet on barrel",
"put sand on barrel",
"put all on barrel"
"ploc": "Storeroom",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "You open the trapdoor.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"close trapdoor",
"take into trapdoor",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"open trapdoor",
"examine all",
"put amulet on barrel",
"put sack on barrel",
"put book on barrel",
"put pallet on barrel",
"put sand on barrel",
"put all on barrel"
"ploc": "Storeroom",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nRefectory",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Refectory",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (basement)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Hway (basement)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nHallway (west end)",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Hway (west end)",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nMonastery Gardens",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Monastery Gardens",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nCloister Walkway",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Cloister Walkway",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "\nEntrance Hall\nThis is the large entrance hall to the Monastery. Many a devoted visitor has passed through this place. There is an exit to the outside world to the south, and the rest of the Monastery lies to the north.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Entrance H",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "You are surprised by a cold blast of wind as you leave the Monastery!\n\nCliff Face\nYou are standing near the top of a snowy mountain peak. The wind is quite cold and is making your teeth chatter. The general vicinity is mostly snow and rock; however, the entrance into the Monastery is to the north, all but hidden from view by the enormous slabs of snow-covered rock that make up the cliff face. There is a rough but obvious trail leading down the mountain to the south. There is also another trail that winds even further up the mountain peak almost hidden in the snow to the east.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Cliff Face",
"inv": [
"holy amulet",
"prayer book"
"msg": "sack of flour: Dropped.\nsand: Dropped.\nsleeping pallet: Dropped.\nprayer book: Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"take pallet",
"take sack",
"take sand",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into pallet",
"put amulet down",
"examine book",
"put amulet on pallet"
"ploc": "Cliff Face",
"inv": [
"holy amulet"
"msg": "(first taking the holy amulet off)\nYou take off the holy amulet.\nDropped.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"take pallet",
"take amulet",
"take sack",
"take sand",
"take all",
"take into pallet",
"put on amulet",
"examine book"
"ploc": "Cliff Face",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCovered Trail\nYou are climbing up a small trail that gets periodically lost in great bluffs of snow. The swirling snow makes seeing an unusual effort. The trail leads downwards to a cliff face to the west, and rises towards the mountain top to the north.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Covered Trail",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMountain Peak\nYou are standing on the top of a peak of the Gray Mountains. A cold wind blows snow everywhere, obscuring what would otherwise surely be a wonderful view of the surrounding countryside. You can just make out some buildings to the far south in Frostham. A snowy bluff marks the way back down, or to the west, there appears to be a snowy outcropping. It seems to hang precariously over the edge of the mountain, however.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Mountain Peak",
"inv": null
"msg": "You carefully make your way onto the outcropping.\n\nSnowy Outcropping\nYou are standing on a snow-covered outcropping. You are almost waist-deep in snow, and the blisteringly cold winds aren't helping. The outcropping juts out alarmingly over the western edge of the mountain. In fact, you can see the Monastery steeple below this ledge. The main portion of the mountain peak lies to the east.\n\nThere is a dirty scroll here, practically buried in the snow!\n\nSome snow falls off the outermost edge of the outcropping.",
"hints": [
"put scroll down",
"examine scroll"
"ploc": "Snowy Outcropp",
"inv": null
"msg": "You give the best bellow you can muster, given the current weather conditions. Unfortunately, you seem to have disturbed something, as the entire outcropping gives way in a brief but powerful avalanche! You tumble through the air, followed by a large quantity of snow! But suddenly, you see the Monastery steeple rushing up to meet you!\n\nTHUMP!\n\nYou lie dazed for a moment. Miraculously, the dirty scroll lands next to you!\n\nSteeple Roof\nYou are on a very narrow ledge outside the Monastery steeple. The snow and wind are doing their best to send you to a ungracious death below. The steeple roof is quite sharply slanted.\nA window opens into the steeple proper.\n\nThere is a dirty scroll here.",
"hints": [
"take into window",
"take scroll",
"examine scroll"
"ploc": "Steeple Roof",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take into window",
"put scroll down",
"examine scroll"
"ploc": "Steeple Roof",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "The scroll reads \"swanko chant: banish spirit\".",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take into window",
"put scroll down",
"examine scroll"
"ploc": "Steeple Roof",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nSteeple Room\nSomeone has left a rose-colored window open and some snow drifts in.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take off",
"close window",
"take into southwest",
"put scroll down",
"examine scroll",
"put scroll on table"
"ploc": "Steeple Room",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nHallway (second floor, east)",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take into northeast",
"put scroll down",
"examine scroll"
"ploc": "Hway (secondoreast)",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nHallway (second floor, west)",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take into floor",
"put scroll down",
"examine scroll"
"ploc": "Hway (secondorwest)",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nHallway (west end)",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"put scroll down",
"examine scroll",
"ploc": "Hway (west end)",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nMonastery Gardens",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"put scroll down",
"examine scroll"
"ploc": "Monastery Gardens",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nCloister Walkway",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"put scroll down",
"examine scroll"
"ploc": "Cloister Walkway",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "\nEntrance Hall",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"put scroll down",
"examine scroll"
"ploc": "Entrance H",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "You are surprised by a cold blast of wind as you leave the Monastery!\n\nCliff Face\n\nYou can see a holy amulet, a prayer book, a sleeping pallet, some sand and a sack of flour here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take book",
"take pallet",
"take amulet",
"take sack",
"take sand",
"take all",
"take into pallet",
"put scroll down",
"put on amulet",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"put scroll on pallet"
"ploc": "Cliff Face",
"inv": [
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "snow: It melts into nothing soon after.\nholy amulet: Taken.\nprayer book: Taken.\nsleeping pallet: Taken.\nsand: Taken.\nsack of flour: Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"put scroll down",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"put on amulet",
"examine scroll",
"examine chant",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Cliff Face",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet",
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "As you place the amulet around your neck, you feel a strange sense of mystic power.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take off amulet",
"put scroll down",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine scroll",
"examine chant",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Cliff Face",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet",
"dirty scroll"
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the swanko chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Cliff Face",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nRocky Mountain Trail\nYou are on a rocky mountain trail that winds up and down a mountain. Patches of snow can be found here and there. The trail continues down the mountain to the south, or up to the north.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Rocky Mountain Trail",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nSnowy Intersection\nYou are at a snow-filled crossroads in a mountain trail. Paths lead north towards the top of the mountain, east, west, and south towards the base of the mountain.\n\nThere is a large stone marker here, in the center of the intersection.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Snowy Intersection",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nTop of Snowy Slope\nYou're at the top of a short downwards slope into a snowy area below. A path leads east. You could also slide down the slope. A lone tree stands here, overlooking the slope.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"climb tree",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put pallet down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"drop amulet against nest",
"ploc": "Top Snowy Slope",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nBottom of Snowy Slope\nYou've made your way down to a small snow-covered clearing, ringed by pine trees. The only exit is back up the slope.\n\nThere's a large boulder here, sitting squat in the middle of the clearing.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put pallet down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put pallet in boulder",
"put book on boulder",
"put amulet on boulder",
"put sack on boulder",
"put sand on boulder",
"put all on boulder",
"ploc": "Bottom Snowy Slope",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You drape the pallet over the boulder.",
"hints": [
"take pallet",
"take off amulet",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put book on boulder",
"put book on pallet",
"put amulet on boulder",
"put amulet on pallet",
"put sack on boulder",
"put sack on pallet",
"put sand on boulder",
"put sand on pallet",
"put all on boulder",
"put all on pallet",
"ploc": "Bottom Snowy Slope",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nTop of Snowy Slope",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"climb tree",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"drop amulet against nest",
"ploc": "Top Snowy Slope",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You clamber up the tree.\n\nTop of tree\nYou're on top of the tree, on some lower branches that seem pretty stable.\n\nThere's a large bird's nest a bit farther out on a nearby branch. There appears to be an egg in it.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"push branch",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take egg off nest",
"drop amulet against nest",
"drop amulet against egg",
"drop sack against nest",
"drop sack against egg",
"drop book against nest",
"drop book against egg",
"drop sand against nest",
"drop sand against egg",
"ploc": "Top tree",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You give the branches a good shake. The egg pops free and tumbles to the ground below! You see the egg land in a soft patch of snow, and roll down the slope! Moments later, you hear a dull thump from below.",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"drop amulet against nest",
"drop sack against nest",
"drop book against nest",
"drop sand against nest",
"ploc": "Top tree",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nTop of Snowy Slope",
"hints": [
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"drop amulet against nest",
"ploc": "Top Snowy Slope",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nBottom of Snowy Slope\n\nThere's a large boulder here, sitting squat in the middle of the clearing.\n\nOn the large boulder is a sleeping pallet.\n\nYou can also see a corbie egg here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take egg",
"take pallet",
"take off amulet",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"eat egg",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put book on boulder",
"put book on pallet",
"put amulet on boulder",
"put amulet on pallet",
"put sack on boulder",
"put sack on pallet",
"put sand on boulder",
"put sand on pallet",
"put all on boulder",
"put all on pallet",
"ploc": "Bottom Snowy Slope",
"inv": [
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take pallet",
"take off amulet",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put book on boulder",
"put book on pallet",
"put amulet on boulder",
"put amulet on pallet",
"put sack on boulder",
"put sack on pallet",
"put egg on boulder",
"put egg on pallet",
"put sand on boulder",
"put sand on pallet",
"put all on boulder",
"put all on pallet",
"ploc": "Bottom Snowy Slope",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nTop of Snowy Slope",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put egg down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"drop amulet against nest",
"ploc": "Top Snowy Slope",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nSnowy Intersection\n\nThere is a large stone marker here, in the center of the intersection.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Snowy Intersection",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nNorth of Frozen River\nYou are standing just north of a frozen river (probably a tributary of Lake Dinge). You can just see the south bank from here, where the trail seems to continue. There doesn't seem to be a bridge, however. A trail also continues north.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put egg down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "North Frozen River",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nOn Frozen River\nYou are standing on a wide smooth river of ice. The river 'runs' east to west, and there are banks to the north and south.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put book down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "On Frozen River",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You scatter the sand onto the ice.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take sand",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put book down",
"put sand down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "On Frozen River",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You tread lightly on the sand covered portion of the ice, and scramble to the south bank.\n\nSouth of Frozen River\nYou are standing just south of a frozen river. You can just see the north bank from here, where the trail seems to continue. The only way to get there is across the river. A trail heads south into a valley.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "South Frozen River",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nValley Trail\nYou are walking along a valley trail, just below a portion of the Gray Mountain ranges. You can see the beginnings of a city to the south, while the trail winds further into the mountain ranges to the north.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Vey Trail",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nFrostham Outskirts\nYou are at the northern outskirts of Frostham. The city proper is to the south. A few snow covered residences are nearby. A trail leads into a valley to the north.\n\nThe last time you saw Frostham was before you entered the Monastery -- many years ago at least. Oddly, it seemed bigger and less desolate then.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Frostham Outskirts",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nFrostham\nYou are in Frostham City, the famous winter-lover's haven. The once booming ski vacation spot seems to be a bit more run-down than in times past. The city thins out towards the north, while another section of town is to the south. To the west is a large wood structure. To the southwest is a small building. To the southeast is another small building, possibly a store.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into southwest",
"take into southeast",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Frostham",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nGeneral Store\nThis appears to be a small grocery store, strangely abandoned at the moment. Shelves line the walls, although, since no one is minding the store, the current stock seems to be a bit depleted. You notice an exit south marked \"EMPLOYEES ONLY\" that appears to lead to some hallway. The way back out is to the northwest.\n\nYou can see a dusty crate, a moldy crate and a filthy crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate south",
"push filthy crate south",
"push dusty crate south"
"ploc": "General Store",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nNorth end of Hallway\nYou're at the north end of a short N-S hall. The hallway slopes sharply upwards to the south. You notice two dark doorways above you along the northern wall, one above the other, but no obvious means of getting to them. To the north is an exit.\n\nYou can see a dusty crate here.\n\nThe hallway suddenly creaks underfoot! The floor shakes briefly and dust seems to rise from cracks near the walls. Apparently, your unexpected presence has jarred some old mechanisms back to life!",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"put other down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"push other s",
"push other n"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nGeneral Store\n\nYou can see a moldy crate and a filthy crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate south",
"push filthy crate south"
"ploc": "General Store",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nNorth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a moldy crate and a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit other",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"put other down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n",
"push dusty crate s",
"push dusty crate n"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nGeneral Store\n\nYou can see a filthy crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push crate south"
"ploc": "General Store",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nNorth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a filthy crate, a moldy crate and a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit other",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"put other down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n",
"push filthy crate s",
"push filthy crate n",
"push dusty crate s",
"push dusty crate n"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nSouth end of Hallway\nYou're at the south end of a short N-S hall that seems to lead nowhere. The hallway slopes sharply upwards to the north.\n\nYou can see a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push crate s",
"push crate n"
"ploc": "South end Hway",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nNorth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a filthy crate and a moldy crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit other",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"put other down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n",
"push filthy crate s",
"push filthy crate n"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nSouth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a moldy crate and a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push dusty crate s",
"push dusty crate n",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n"
"ploc": "South end Hway",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nNorth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a filthy crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"put other down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"push crate s",
"push crate n"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nSouth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a filthy crate, a moldy crate and a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n",
"push filthy crate s",
"push filthy crate n",
"push dusty crate s",
"push dusty crate n"
"ploc": "South end Hway",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nNorth end of Hallway",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nAttic\nThis is an exceptionally cramped attic, obviously unused for some time. The floorboards are starting to crack. An exit heads south.\n\nYou can see a square key here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"push floorboards",
"take key",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Attic",
"inv": [
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"push floorboards",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put key down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Attic",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Some badly rotting floorboards.",
"hints": [
"push floorboards",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put key down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Attic",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "The floor shakes under your abuse, and suddenly, a portion in the middle sags considerably! But nothing else happens.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put key down",
"put sack down",
"put book down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Attic",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nNorth end of Hallway",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put key down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nSouth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a filthy crate, a moldy crate and a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n",
"push filthy crate s",
"push filthy crate n",
"push dusty crate s",
"push dusty crate n"
"ploc": "South end Hway",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nNorth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"push other s",
"push other n"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nSouth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a filthy crate and a moldy crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n",
"push filthy crate s",
"push filthy crate n"
"ploc": "South end Hway",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nNorth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a moldy crate and a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n",
"push dusty crate s",
"push dusty crate n"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nSouth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a filthy crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put key down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push crate s",
"push crate n"
"ploc": "South end Hway",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nNorth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a filthy crate, a moldy crate and a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n",
"push filthy crate s",
"push filthy crate n",
"push dusty crate s",
"push dusty crate n"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nGeneral Store\n\nYou can see a filthy crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push crate south"
"ploc": "General Store",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nNorth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a moldy crate and a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n",
"push dusty crate s",
"push dusty crate n"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nSouth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put key down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push crate s",
"push crate n"
"ploc": "South end Hway",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nNorth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a moldy crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"push crate s",
"push crate n"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nSouth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a moldy crate and a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n",
"push dusty crate s",
"push dusty crate n"
"ploc": "South end Hway",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nNorth end of Hallway",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You hear a low grinding noise behind you.\n\nStockroom\nThis is a tiny poorly lit room, that is covered in dust. An exit south leads to a dark hole.\n\nYou notice a loose board, partially broken, hanging from the ceiling structure.\n\nA dust-covered icebox stands closed against the northern wall.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"open box with key"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You unlock the icebox.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"open box",
"examine all",
"lock box with key"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You open the icebox, revealing a blue cereal box, a packet of baking powder and a stick of butter.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take butter",
"take blue",
"take powder",
"take off amulet",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat powder",
"examine book",
"open blue",
"examine all",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put egg in icebox",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You open the blue cereal box, revealing a crunchy cereal and a sugar-coated scroll.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take butter",
"take blue",
"take scroll",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat powder",
"eat cereal",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off blue",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take butter",
"take blue",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put scroll down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat powder",
"eat cereal",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put scroll in blue",
"put scroll in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"sugar-coated scroll",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "The scroll reads \"zemdor chant: triplicate object\".",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take butter",
"take blue",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put scroll down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat powder",
"eat cereal",
"examine scroll",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off icebox",
"put scroll in blue",
"put scroll in icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"sugar-coated scroll",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the zemdor chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take butter",
"take blue",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat powder",
"eat cereal",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the zemdor chant.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take butter",
"take blue",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat powder",
"eat cereal",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "The box of cereal suddenly seems to dance with magic! Before your very eyes, the box suddenly splits into three boxes! The magic fades, but the boxes remain.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take blue",
"take cereal",
"take butter",
"take powder",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put all down",
"eat cereal",
"eat butter",
"eat powder",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You open the royal-blue cereal box, revealing a flaky cereal and a plastic wrapper.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take wrapper",
"take blue",
"take butter",
"take flaky cereal",
"take powder",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat flaky cereal",
"eat powder",
"examine book",
"open wrapper",
"examine all",
"take cereal off blue",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take blue",
"take butter",
"take flaky cereal",
"take powder",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put wrapper down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat flaky cereal",
"eat powder",
"examine book",
"open wrapper",
"examine all",
"take cereal off blue",
"take all off icebox",
"put wrapper in blue",
"put wrapper in icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"plastic wrapper",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "The wrapper rips open with ease, and disintegrates, leaving the contents behind.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take blue",
"take butter",
"take flaky cereal",
"take powder",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put notice down",
"put amulet down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat flaky cereal",
"eat powder",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take cereal off blue",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put volcano in blue",
"put volcano in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put notice in blue",
"put notice in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\"Frobozz Instant Volcano\"\n\n(parental supervision recommended)\n\nTo use: Just add a good quantity of water! We suggest a very large safety radius.\"",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take blue",
"take butter",
"take flaky cereal",
"take powder",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put notice down",
"put amulet down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat flaky cereal",
"eat powder",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take cereal off blue",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put volcano in blue",
"put volcano in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put notice in blue",
"put notice in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take blue",
"take butter",
"take flaky cereal",
"take powder",
"take notice",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat flaky cereal",
"eat powder",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take cereal off blue",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put volcano in blue",
"put volcano in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You open the navy-blue cereal box, revealing a sugary cereal and a whistle.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take blue",
"take butter",
"take flaky cereal",
"take powder",
"take notice",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat flaky cereal",
"eat powder",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take cereal off blue",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put volcano in blue",
"put volcano in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take blue",
"take butter",
"take flaky cereal",
"take powder",
"take notice",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat flaky cereal",
"eat powder",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take cereal off blue",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put volcano in blue",
"put volcano in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put whistle in blue",
"put whistle in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take blue",
"take butter",
"take flaky cereal",
"take powder",
"take notice",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put cereal down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat flaky cereal",
"eat powder",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put volcano in blue",
"put volcano in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put whistle in blue",
"put whistle in icebox",
"put cereal in blue",
"put cereal in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take blue",
"take butter",
"take flaky cereal",
"take notice",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"eat flaky cereal",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put volcano in blue",
"put volcano in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put powder in blue",
"put powder in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put whistle in blue",
"put whistle in icebox",
"put cereal in blue",
"put cereal in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"hit board",
"hit egg",
"take blue",
"take flaky cereal",
"take notice",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"eat flaky cereal",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put volcano in blue",
"put volcano in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put butter in blue",
"put butter in icebox",
"put powder in blue",
"put powder in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put whistle in blue",
"put whistle in icebox",
"put cereal in blue",
"put cereal in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You give the board a good couple of yanks. The board soon breaks off, taking a small portion of the ceiling with it! After the dust settles, you notice the rather poor remodeling job you've done to the ceiling.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take blue",
"take flaky cereal",
"take notice",
"take off amulet",
"close blue",
"close icebox",
"take into ceiling",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"eat flaky cereal",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off icebox",
"put key in blue",
"put key in icebox",
"put volcano in blue",
"put volcano in icebox",
"put book in icebox",
"put amulet in blue",
"put amulet in icebox",
"put butter in blue",
"put butter in icebox",
"put powder in blue",
"put powder in icebox",
"put egg in blue",
"put egg in icebox",
"put sack in icebox",
"put whistle in blue",
"put whistle in icebox",
"put cereal in blue",
"put cereal in icebox",
"put all in blue",
"put all in icebox"
"ploc": "Stockroom",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nAttic",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into floor",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Attic",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nNorth end of Hallway",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put butter down",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nSouth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a moldy crate and a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n",
"push dusty crate s",
"push dusty crate n"
"ploc": "South end Hway",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nNorth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a moldy crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"put butter down",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"push crate s",
"push crate n"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nSouth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a dusty crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push crate s",
"push crate n"
"ploc": "South end Hway",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nYou give the crate a good shove.\n\nYou hear a low grinding noise. The hallway underfoot suddenly shifts and drops!\n\nNorth end of Hallway\n\nYou can see a dusty crate and a moldy crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"put butter down",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"push moldy crate s",
"push moldy crate n",
"push dusty crate s",
"push dusty crate n"
"ploc": "North end Hway",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nGeneral Store\n\nYou can see a filthy crate here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put butter down",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"push crate south"
"ploc": "General Store",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nFrostham",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into southwest",
"take into southeast",
"put butter down",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Frostham",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nGovernor's House, Waiting Room\nYou are in a waiting room in the house of the Frostham Governor. The carpet is surprisingly plush. The walls have been painted a rather bland peach-like color. The furnishings are also colored peach, which complements the walls without being too nouveau. The way out is to the northeast.\n\nThere's a closed door to the south.\n\nA comfortable-looking peach-colored couch is here.\n\nOn the desk are a ledger and an alarm clock.\n\nA receptionist sits behind a desk, engrossed in the ledger.\n\nYou can also see a travel brochure and a subway brochure here.\n\nWithout even looking up, the receptionist says, \"The governor is busy right now.\"",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take alarm",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"look in peach",
"examine all",
"take ledger off desk",
"take all off desk",
"put key on desk",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on desk",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on desk",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on desk",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on desk",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on desk",
"put powder on peach",
"put egg on desk",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on desk",
"put sack on peach",
"put whistle on desk",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on desk",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You rummage through the cushions and a coin falls out!",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take alarm",
"take coin",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take ledger off desk",
"take all off desk",
"put key on desk",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on desk",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on desk",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on desk",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on desk",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on desk",
"put powder on peach",
"put egg on desk",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on desk",
"put sack on peach",
"put whistle on desk",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on desk",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take alarm",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take ledger off desk",
"take all off desk",
"put key on desk",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on desk",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on desk",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on desk",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on desk",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on desk",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on desk",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on desk",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on desk",
"put sack on peach",
"put whistle on desk",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on desk",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "A small round desk-clock, with a set of bells on the top, and a small pull-knob on the back. Strangely, the clock seems to be stopped. Two hands, black and golden, are sitting at 9 and 12 respectively.",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take alarm",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take ledger off desk",
"take all off desk",
"put key on desk",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on desk",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on desk",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on desk",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on desk",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on desk",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on desk",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on desk",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on desk",
"put sack on peach",
"put whistle on desk",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on desk",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "The knob turns -- barely. You hear a small clicking noise as well.\n\nThe receptionist turns a page in the ledger.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take alarm",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take ledger off desk",
"take all off desk",
"put key on desk",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on desk",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on desk",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on desk",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on desk",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on desk",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on desk",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on desk",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on desk",
"put sack on peach",
"put whistle on desk",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on desk",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "The knob turns -- barely. You hear a small clicking noise as well.\n\nThe alarm clock suddenly makes an awful grinding noise!",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take alarm",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take ledger off desk",
"take all off desk",
"put key on desk",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on desk",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on desk",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on desk",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on desk",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on desk",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on desk",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on desk",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on desk",
"put sack on peach",
"put whistle on desk",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on desk",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "The knob turns -- barely. You hear a small clicking noise as well.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take alarm",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take ledger off desk",
"take all off desk",
"put key on desk",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on desk",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on desk",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on desk",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on desk",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on desk",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on desk",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on desk",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on desk",
"put sack on peach",
"put whistle on desk",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on desk",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "The knob turns -- barely. You hear a small clicking noise as well.\n\nThe alarm clock suddenly makes an awful grinding noise!",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take alarm",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"eat butter",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take ledger off desk",
"take all off desk",
"put key on desk",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on desk",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on desk",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on desk",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on desk",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on desk",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on desk",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on desk",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on desk",
"put sack on peach",
"put whistle on desk",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on desk",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "The knob turns -- barely. You hear a small clicking noise as well.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take alarm",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take ledger off desk",
"take all off desk",
"put key on desk",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on desk",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on desk",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on desk",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on desk",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on desk",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on desk",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on desk",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on desk",
"put sack on peach",
"put whistle on desk",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on desk",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "The knob turns -- barely. You hear a small clicking noise as well.\n\nThe alarm clock suddenly makes an awful grinding noise, followed by a ear-splitting clang!\n\nThe receptionist suddenly jumps from her seat and rushes out of the room, screaming \"Lunchtime!\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take alarm",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take ledger",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"open door",
"examine all",
"take all off desk",
"put key on desk",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on desk",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on desk",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on desk",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on desk",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on desk",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on desk",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on desk",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on desk",
"put sack on peach",
"put whistle on desk",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on desk",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take ledger",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put clock down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"open door",
"examine all",
"put key on desk",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on desk",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on desk",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on desk",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on desk",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on desk",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on desk",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on desk",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on desk",
"put sack on peach",
"put clock on desk",
"put clock on peach",
"put whistle on desk",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on desk",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put clock down",
"put ledger down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"open door",
"examine all",
"put key on room",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on room",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on room",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on room",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on room",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on room",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on room",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on room",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on room",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on room",
"put sack on peach",
"put clock on room",
"put clock on peach",
"put ledger on room",
"put ledger on peach",
"put whistle on room",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on room",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "The ledger reads:\n\n\" -- New signed petition for presentation and coronation of new King delivered to Aragain Magistrate, awaiting word of event schedule.\"\n\nThat's all. I guess the governor hasn't been very busy as of late.",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put clock down",
"put ledger down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"open door",
"examine all",
"put key on room",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on room",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on room",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on room",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on room",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on room",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on room",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on room",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on room",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on room",
"put sack on peach",
"put clock on room",
"put clock on peach",
"put ledger on room",
"put ledger on peach",
"put whistle on room",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on room",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\"The Great Underground Subway\"\n\n Adventurers who really need to get where they're going in a hurry are going to love GUS! The new underground high-speed rail system can be your personal ride to the major travel points in Quendor, for just one mere zorkmid! For Eastland travel to Frostham, Aragain and Fublio Valley, the Purple line is at your service! For Westland travel to New Borphee, Gurth City and Miznia, just jump on board the Green line! And for you folks who need to get across the Great Sea in a hurry, don't forget the Orange line, stopping off at Aragain, Anthar and Gurth City! Remember, there's no costs for transferring between lines either. So don't delay, take the GUS today!",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put clock down",
"put ledger down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"open door",
"examine all",
"put key on room",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on room",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on room",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on room",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on room",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on room",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on room",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on room",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on room",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on room",
"put sack on peach",
"put clock on room",
"put clock on peach",
"put ledger on room",
"put ledger on peach",
"put whistle on room",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on room",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "You open the door.",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take travel",
"take subway",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"close door",
"take into peach",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put butter down",
"put cereal down",
"put powder down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put sack down",
"put clock down",
"put ledger down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put key on room",
"put key on peach",
"put volcano on room",
"put volcano on peach",
"put book on room",
"put book on peach",
"put amulet on room",
"put amulet on peach",
"put butter on room",
"put butter on peach",
"put cereal on room",
"put cereal on peach",
"put powder on room",
"put powder on peach",
"put coin on room",
"put coin on peach",
"put egg on room",
"put egg on peach",
"put sack on room",
"put sack on peach",
"put clock on room",
"put clock on peach",
"put ledger on room",
"put ledger on peach",
"put whistle on room",
"put whistle on peach",
"put all on room",
"put all on peach"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\nGovernor's Office\nYou are in a rather spacious office. The carpeting is quite plush, and all the furnishings seem excessively lavish.\n\nThere's an open door to the north.\n\nOn the desk is a shiny key.\n\nThe governor of Frostham is sitting behind a desk here, trying to look busy.\n\nThe governor scowls as you enter. \"What do you want?\" he says, and doesn't wait for a response. \"Oh, I know. More complaints about the snow, I suppose? Well look, I didn't ask for this job. Do you want it? I didn't think so.\" He shoves something into your hand. \"Here, buy yourself a cup of coffee, and stop bothering me.\"",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"drop butter against governor",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take into door",
"put butter down",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put clock down",
"put ledger down",
"put coin down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put butter on desk",
"put volcano on desk",
"put clock on desk",
"put key on desk",
"put ledger on desk",
"put coin on desk",
"put book on desk",
"put whistle on desk",
"put amulet on desk",
"put sack on desk",
"put egg on desk",
"put powder on desk",
"put cereal on desk",
"put all on desk"
"ploc": "Governor's Office",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "\"Some key an important visitor forgot while visiting. Probably useless now.\"\n\nThe governor scribbles something meaningless.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"drop butter against governor",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take into door",
"put butter down",
"put key down",
"put volcano down",
"put clock down",
"put ledger down",
"put coin down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put butter on desk",
"put volcano on desk",
"put clock on desk",
"put key on desk",
"put ledger on desk",
"put coin on desk",
"put book on desk",
"put whistle on desk",
"put amulet on desk",
"put sack on desk",
"put egg on desk",
"put powder on desk",
"put cereal on desk",
"put all on desk"
"ploc": "Governor's Office",
"inv": [
"stick butter",
"packetk powder",
"crunchy cereal",
"toy volcano",
"square key",
"corbie egg",
"prayer book",
"holy amulet"
"msg": "(the shiny key)\n\"Oh sure, just go ahead and take things from my office. See if I care.\"\n\nThe governor scribbles something meaningless.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"drop toy against governor",
"take off amulet",
"take into door",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put toy on desk",
"put stick on desk",
"put shiny on desk",
"put clock on desk",
"put square on desk",
"put ledger on desk",
"put book on desk",
"put whistle on desk",
"put amulet on desk",
"put sack on desk",
"put egg on desk",
"put packet on desk",
"put cereal on desk",
"put all on desk"
"ploc": "Governor's Office",
"inv": null
"msg": "You hear the door slam and lock behind you.\n\nGovernor's House, Waiting Room\n\nThere's a closed door to the south.\n\nA comfortable-looking peach-colored couch is here.\n\nYou can also see a travel brochure and a subway brochure here.",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take subway",
"take travel",
"take off amulet",
"take into couch",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put toy on couch",
"put toy on room",
"put stick on couch",
"put stick on room",
"put shiny on couch",
"put shiny on room",
"put clock on couch",
"put clock on room",
"put square on couch",
"put square on room",
"put ledger on couch",
"put ledger on room",
"put book on couch",
"put book on room",
"put whistle on couch",
"put whistle on room",
"put amulet on couch",
"put amulet on room",
"put sack on couch",
"put sack on room",
"put egg on couch",
"put egg on room",
"put packet on couch",
"put packet on room",
"put cereal on couch",
"put cereal on room",
"put all on couch",
"put all on room"
"ploc": "Governor's HouseWait Room",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFrostham",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into southwest",
"take into southeast",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": "Frostham",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSubway Entrance\nYou're near the southern end of the city. The rest of the city lies to the north. There's also a rather conspicuous stairway down here.\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": "Subway Entrance",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFrostham GUS Station\nYou are standing in a dimly lit underground chamber. There seems to be a much larger room to the southeast, which is unfortunately almost completely blocked by a long metal barricade and gate. Stairs lead up to the outside.\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southeast.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The coin slides into the slot with a satisfying thunk.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into southeast",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put coin down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You saunter through the apparently open gate.\n\nFrostham Train Platform\nYou are standing in a long underground chamber. The east side of the room contains a lowered set of what appear to be train tracks. The tracks run south into a dark tunnel. Along one wall painted lettering reads \"FROSTHAM STATION\". A short walkway leads northwest, to a metal fence.\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northwest.",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nSuddenly, from the south, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou enter the train car. The doors slam shut behind you.\n\nSubway car\nYou are in an underground train car. Various people fill the train, some in uncomfortable-looking seats.\n\nThere's a discarded newspaper in a seat nearby.\n\nYou can also see a sinister-looking thug here.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going south.\n\nThe sinister-looking thug notices you from the back of the car, and approaches. \"Well, well, well,\" he says, \"what do we have here?\".",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take newspaper",
"take off amulet",
"take into seat",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put coin down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"look in seat",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the espnis chant.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.\n\nThe thug pokes you in the ribs.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take newspaper",
"take off amulet",
"take into seat",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"examine book",
"look in seat",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The gnusto chant is yours forever. Other than that, you have the espnis chant prepared.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Aragain station, watch your step please.\"\n\nThe thug scowls. \"You gonna tell me the error of my ways, Padre?\"",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take newspaper",
"take off amulet",
"take into seat",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put coin down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"examine book",
"look in seat",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You begin to extol the virtues of bedtime prayers, and the thug starts to yawn. Soon, his eyes blink slowly, and before long, he nods off to sleep! Two subway police officers, hiding until now, get up the nerve to capture the snoring thug, and drag him off, disappearing into the throng of people.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take newspaper",
"take off amulet",
"take into seat",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put coin down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"look in seat",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Good fortune is your friend! You notice a forgotten coin stuck in a seat crack, and fend off two passengers to grab it.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going south.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take newspaper",
"take off amulet",
"take into seat",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put newspaper down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "A copy of \"The Fublio Tribune\", with news, sports and feature sections to read about.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Fublio station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put newspaper down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The news section has three major stories. The headliner is the continued failure to resolve peace in the Kobold war in southern Egreth. Recently, various troops have been cut-off from the main camps by clever kobold raiding groups. \n\nA second story details the shocking death of a GUE Tech student found in the subway tunnels in Gurth City Station, the apparent victim of a GUS train. \"Don't know how he got in there.\" a subway worker is quoted as saying.\n\nFinally, a sad local news story about a nice couple in Fublio valley who recently were victims of the kidnaping of their son. No leads as of yet.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put newspaper down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Apparently, the golem brothers at Flathead Stadium have amassed an amazing 322-0 win streak.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put newspaper down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The paper points out that culture seekers should check out the newly discovered Leonardo Flathead painting on exhibit at the Royal Museum.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put newspaper down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Aragain station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take newspaper",
"take off amulet",
"take into seat",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain Train Platform\nYou are standing in a long underground chamber. The east side of the room contains a lowered set of what appear to be train tracks. The tracks run north and south into dark tunnels. Along one wall painted lettering reads \"ARAGAIN STATION\". A short walkway leads northwest, to a metal fence. There is also a stairway down here. In addition, there is a large train car sitting on the tracks to the east.\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northwest.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train rolls off.",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain Train Platform (lower)\nYou are standing in a long underground chamber. The south side of the room contains a lowered set of what appear to be train tracks. The tracks run west into a dark tunnel. Along one wall painted lettering reads \"ARAGAIN STATION\". A set of stairs leads up out of the gloom.",
"hints": [
"eat stick",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"eat stick",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nSuddenly, from the west, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and up the stairs.",
"hints": [
"eat stick",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou squeeze onto the train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\nYou are in an underground train car. Various people fill the train, some in uncomfortable-looking seats.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going west.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"look in seats",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Good fortune is your friend! You notice a forgotten coin stuck in a seat crack, and fend off two passengers to grab it.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Greater Anthar station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGreater Anthar Train Platform\nYou are standing in a long underground chamber. The south side of the room contains a lowered set of what appear to be train tracks. The tracks run east and west into dark tunnels. Along one wall painted lettering reads \"ANTHAR STATION\". A short walkway leads north, to a metal fence. There is a large train car sitting on the tracks to the south.\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the north.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train rolls off.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGreater Anthar GUS Station\nYou are standing at the entrance to the Greater Anthar Great Underground Subway (GUS) station. The train platform lies past the gate to the south, or stairs lead up into the city.\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the south.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEntrance to Greater Anthar\nYou're just west of Greater Anthar on the island nation of Antharia. The bright sunlight seems to make the city streets east of here glitter. A stairway leads down.\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAnthar West\nYou are standing in a busy section of West Greater Anthar City. The city seems to thin out to the west. A roadway heads east, the ever-popular Flathead Stadium lies to the northeast, and a pub lies to the south.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into northeast",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAnthar East\nYou are standing in a busy section of East Greater Anthar City. The city continues to the west. There is a large odd structure to the east, made mostly of glass. The ever-popular Flathead Stadium lies to the northwest. A short walk down to a waterfront area is to the south.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nConservatory Entrance\nYou stand before the entrance to a large public conservatory. You can enter the greenhouses to the northeast and southeast, or walk back to Anthar to the west.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into southeast",
"take into northeast",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFlower Garden\nA rather lovely flower garden lies before you. The multi-colored flowers are turning the air into perfume. The conservatory entrance is northwest, or more greenhouse gardens lie to the north and east. A tiny trail leads south past the flower beds.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nJungle Garden\nA garden path winds through this long greenhouse, which is filled with plants native to jungle settings. The environment is somewhat humid. The path heads west and north from here.\n\nA nice little waterfall enhances the jungle setting to the east.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"look in waterfall",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"drop amulet against waterfall",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You reach out, expecting to get your hands wet, but to your surprise, you feel a cloth-like substance. On closer examination, you realize that the waterfall is a clever realistic-looking fake, made of cloth and wood. Stepping around some low plants, you also notice the waterfall covers a passage east!",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"look in waterfall",
"put toy down",
"put stick down",
"put shiny down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put sack down",
"put egg down",
"put packet down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"drop amulet against waterfall",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNursery\nThis small back room is apparently the conservatory nursery. Bits of soil and plant debris are everywhere, along with immature seedling plants. A exit lies west, partially covered by some cloth.\n\nYou can see a small flower pot (which is empty) here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take pot",
"take off amulet",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put egg down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put toy in pot",
"put clock in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put ledger in pot",
"put book in pot",
"put whistle in pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put stick in pot",
"put sack in pot",
"put powder in pot",
"put cereal in pot",
"put shiny in pot",
"put egg in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the corbie egg into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take egg",
"take pot",
"take off amulet",
"push pot",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put sack down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"put toy in pot",
"put clock in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put ledger in pot",
"put book in pot",
"put whistle in pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put stick in pot",
"put sack in pot",
"put powder in pot",
"put cereal in pot",
"put shiny in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the sack of flour into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take egg",
"take sack",
"take pot",
"take off amulet",
"push pot",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put stick down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"put toy in pot",
"put clock in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put ledger in pot",
"put book in pot",
"put whistle in pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put stick in pot",
"put powder in pot",
"put cereal in pot",
"put shiny in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the stick of butter into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take egg",
"take sack",
"take stick",
"take pot",
"take off amulet",
"push pot",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put powder down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"put toy in pot",
"put clock in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put ledger in pot",
"put book in pot",
"put whistle in pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put powder in pot",
"put cereal in pot",
"put shiny in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the packet of baking powder into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take packet",
"take egg",
"take sack",
"take stick",
"take pot",
"take off amulet",
"push pot",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"put toy in pot",
"put clock in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put ledger in pot",
"put book in pot",
"put whistle in pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put cereal in pot",
"put shiny in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the whistle into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take packet",
"take egg",
"take sack",
"take stick",
"take whistle",
"take pot",
"take off amulet",
"push pot",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"put toy in pot",
"put clock in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put ledger in pot",
"put book in pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put cereal in pot",
"put shiny in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the shiny key into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take packet",
"take egg",
"take sack",
"take stick",
"take whistle",
"take pot",
"take off amulet",
"push pot",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put square down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put cereal down",
"put shiny down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"put toy in pot",
"put clock in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put ledger in pot",
"put book in pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put cereal in pot",
"put shiny in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the crunchy cereal into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take key",
"take packet",
"take egg",
"take sack",
"take cereal",
"take stick",
"take whistle",
"take pot",
"take off amulet",
"push pot",
"put key down",
"put toy down",
"put clock down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"put toy in pot",
"put clock in pot",
"put key in pot",
"put ledger in pot",
"put book in pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the toy volcano into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take shiny",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take pot",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take toy",
"take off amulet",
"push pot",
"put key down",
"put clock down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"put clock in pot",
"put key in pot",
"put ledger in pot",
"put book in pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the alarm clock into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take pot",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take toy",
"take off amulet",
"push pot",
"put key down",
"put ledger down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"put key in pot",
"put ledger in pot",
"put book in pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the ledger into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take pot",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take toy",
"take off amulet",
"push pot",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put all down",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"put key in pot",
"put book in pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Moving the pot uncovers a small key hidden underneath it.\nTaken.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take key",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to key",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to key",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"push ledger to key",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to key",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to key",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to key",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to key",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to key",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to key",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to key",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"put small down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to small",
"push toy to pot",
"put small in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nJungle Garden\n\nA fake waterfall hides a passage to the east.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"look in waterfall",
"put small down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to east",
"push toy to pot",
"put small in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"drop amulet against waterfall",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFountain\nA tasteful fountain intercepts a north-south garden trail here.\n\nIt looks like someone left their glasses here.\n\nYou hear someone whistling nearby, but there doesn't seem to be anyone around.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take whistle",
"take glasses",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put small down",
"put book down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"look in fountain",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push whistle to amulet",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fountain",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fountain",
"push stick to whistle",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fountain",
"push sack to whistle",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to fountain",
"push toy to whistle",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fountain",
"push egg to whistle",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fountain",
"push packet to whistle",
"push packet to pot",
"push packet to fountain",
"put pot in fountain",
"put small in pot",
"put small in fountain",
"push cereal to whistle",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to fountain",
"push shiny to whistle",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fountain",
"push clock to whistle",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to fountain",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fountain",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fountain",
"push ledger to whistle",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fountain",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fountain",
"empty pot into fountain"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put small down",
"put glasses down",
"put book down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"look in fountain",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push whistle to amulet",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fountain",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fountain",
"push stick to whistle",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fountain",
"push sack to whistle",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to fountain",
"push toy to whistle",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fountain",
"push egg to whistle",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fountain",
"push packet to whistle",
"push packet to pot",
"push packet to fountain",
"put pot in fountain",
"put small in pot",
"put small in fountain",
"put glasses in pot",
"put glasses in fountain",
"push cereal to whistle",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to fountain",
"push shiny to whistle",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fountain",
"push clock to whistle",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to fountain",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fountain",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fountain",
"push ledger to whistle",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fountain",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fountain",
"empty pot into fountain"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You fish in the fountain for a bit and find a coin!",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take off amulet",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put small down",
"put glasses down",
"put book down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"look in fountain",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push whistle to amulet",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fountain",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fountain",
"push stick to whistle",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fountain",
"push sack to whistle",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to fountain",
"push toy to whistle",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fountain",
"push egg to whistle",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fountain",
"push packet to whistle",
"push packet to pot",
"push packet to fountain",
"put pot in fountain",
"put small in pot",
"put small in fountain",
"put glasses in pot",
"put glasses in fountain",
"push cereal to whistle",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to fountain",
"push shiny to whistle",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fountain",
"push clock to whistle",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to fountain",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fountain",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fountain",
"push ledger to whistle",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fountain",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fountain",
"empty pot into fountain"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nJungle Garden\n\nA fake waterfall hides a passage to the east.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"look in waterfall",
"put small down",
"put glasses down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to east",
"push toy to pot",
"put small in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"put glasses in pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"drop amulet against waterfall",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFlower Garden",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put small down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put glasses down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to east",
"push toy to pot",
"put small in pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to toy",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put glasses in pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGardener's Storehouse\nThis must be a storehouse for the conservatory gardeners. There are soil stains and plant debris all over. The only exit is north.\n\nA toolshed stands closed against the wall.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"put small down",
"put glasses down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to north",
"push toy to pot",
"put small in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"put glasses in pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"open toolshed with small"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You unlock the toolshed.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"put small down",
"put glasses down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to north",
"push toy to pot",
"put small in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"put glasses in pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"open toolshed with small"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"put small down",
"put glasses down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to north",
"push toy to pot",
"put small in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"put glasses in pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"open toolshed with small"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take glasses",
"take key",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"open toolshed",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to glasses",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to glasses",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"push ledger to glasses",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to glasses",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to glasses",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to glasses",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to glasses",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to glasses",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to glasses",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to glasses",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"lock toolshed with small"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You open the toolshed, revealing a cap, a hedge clipper, a pair of rubber gloves and a cracked parchment.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take glasses",
"take key",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"open toolshed",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to glasses",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to glasses",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"push ledger to glasses",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to glasses",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to glasses",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to glasses",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to glasses",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to glasses",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to glasses",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to glasses",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"lock toolshed with small"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "cap: Removed.\nhedge clipper: Removed.\nrubber gloves: Removed.\ncracked parchment: Removed.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take glasses",
"take key",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"close toolshed",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put parchment down",
"put pair down",
"put clipper down",
"put cap down",
"put all down",
"put on pair",
"put on cap",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to glasses",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to toolshed",
"push clock to glasses",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to toolshed",
"put key in pot",
"put key in toolshed",
"push ledger to glasses",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to toolshed",
"put book in pot",
"put book in toolshed",
"push whistle to glasses",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to toolshed",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in toolshed",
"push stick to glasses",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to toolshed",
"put pot in toolshed",
"push sack to glasses",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to toolshed",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in toolshed",
"push powder to glasses",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to toolshed",
"push cereal to glasses",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to toolshed",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair in toolshed",
"put clipper in pot",
"put clipper in toolshed",
"push shiny to glasses",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to toolshed",
"put cap in pot",
"put cap in toolshed",
"push egg to glasses",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to toolshed",
"put all in pot",
"put all in toolshed",
"empty pot into toolshed"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put on the rubber gloves.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take glasses",
"take key",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"close toolshed",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put parchment down",
"put pair down",
"put clipper down",
"put cap down",
"put all down",
"put on pair",
"put on cap",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to glasses",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to toolshed",
"push clock to glasses",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to toolshed",
"put key in pot",
"put key in toolshed",
"push ledger to glasses",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to toolshed",
"put book in pot",
"put book in toolshed",
"push whistle to glasses",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to toolshed",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in toolshed",
"push stick to glasses",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to toolshed",
"put pot in toolshed",
"push sack to glasses",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to toolshed",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in toolshed",
"push powder to glasses",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to toolshed",
"push cereal to glasses",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to toolshed",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair in toolshed",
"put clipper in pot",
"put clipper in toolshed",
"push shiny to glasses",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to toolshed",
"put cap in pot",
"put cap in toolshed",
"push egg to glasses",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to toolshed",
"put all in pot",
"put all in toolshed",
"empty pot into toolshed"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put on the cap.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take glasses",
"take key",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"close toolshed",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put parchment down",
"put pair down",
"put clipper down",
"put cap down",
"put all down",
"put on pair",
"put on cap",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to glasses",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to toolshed",
"push clock to glasses",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to toolshed",
"put key in pot",
"put key in toolshed",
"push ledger to glasses",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to toolshed",
"put book in pot",
"put book in toolshed",
"push whistle to glasses",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to toolshed",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in toolshed",
"push stick to glasses",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to toolshed",
"put pot in toolshed",
"push sack to glasses",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to toolshed",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in toolshed",
"push powder to glasses",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to toolshed",
"push cereal to glasses",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to toolshed",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair in toolshed",
"put clipper in pot",
"put clipper in toolshed",
"push shiny to glasses",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to toolshed",
"put cap in pot",
"put cap in toolshed",
"push egg to glasses",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to toolshed",
"put all in pot",
"put all in toolshed",
"empty pot into toolshed"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\" true that those who go by the title of 'Enchanters' need not wear any holy symbol through which to draw magical power. Indeed, it seems as though the very amulets we must wear are our only link to magical powers at all. Worse yet, the powers are indeed granted from powers above, but the Ancient Ones? I think not. For indeed, I have found places where magic powers will not work, with or without the amulet. Likewise, I have found places where magic works, but praying to the Ancient Ones goes unanswered! What this all...\"",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take glasses",
"take key",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"close toolshed",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put parchment down",
"put pair down",
"put clipper down",
"put cap down",
"put all down",
"put on pair",
"put on cap",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to glasses",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to toolshed",
"push clock to glasses",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to toolshed",
"put key in pot",
"put key in toolshed",
"push ledger to glasses",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to toolshed",
"put book in pot",
"put book in toolshed",
"push whistle to glasses",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to toolshed",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in toolshed",
"push stick to glasses",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to toolshed",
"put pot in toolshed",
"push sack to glasses",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to toolshed",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in toolshed",
"push powder to glasses",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to toolshed",
"push cereal to glasses",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to toolshed",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair in toolshed",
"put clipper in pot",
"put clipper in toolshed",
"push shiny to glasses",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to toolshed",
"put cap in pot",
"put cap in toolshed",
"push egg to glasses",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to toolshed",
"put all in pot",
"put all in toolshed",
"empty pot into toolshed"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take glasses",
"take key",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take parchment",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take all",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take off cap",
"close toolshed",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put clipper down",
"put cap down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to glasses",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to toolshed",
"push clock to glasses",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to toolshed",
"put key in pot",
"put key in toolshed",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair in toolshed",
"push ledger to glasses",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to toolshed",
"put book in pot",
"put book in toolshed",
"push whistle to glasses",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to toolshed",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in toolshed",
"push stick to glasses",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to toolshed",
"put pot in toolshed",
"push sack to glasses",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to toolshed",
"push powder to glasses",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to toolshed",
"push cereal to glasses",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to toolshed",
"put clipper in pot",
"put clipper in toolshed",
"push shiny to glasses",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to toolshed",
"put cap in pot",
"put cap in toolshed",
"push egg to glasses",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to toolshed",
"put all in pot",
"put all in toolshed",
"empty pot into toolshed"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFlower Garden",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take off cap",
"take into northwest",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put clipper down",
"put cap down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to east",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to toy",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put clipper in pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"put cap in pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDecorative Plants Garden\nYou are standing in a small well-kept garden. The plots surrounding the paths are filled with a variety of general ground-cover plants, all appropriate for most discerning homeowners. Exits lie north and south.\n\nA Christmas Tree stands in one plot, swaying back and forth.\n\nA small shrub sits near and under the Christmas Tree, almost covered by it.\n\nA small plaque sticks out of the soil near the two plants.\n\nThe Christmas Tree Monster hums to itself.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take off cap",
"cut tree",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put clipper down",
"put cap down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to plaque",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to plaque",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to plaque",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to plaque",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to plaque",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to plaque",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to plaque",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to plaque",
"push cereal to pot",
"put clipper in pot",
"push shiny to plaque",
"push shiny to pot",
"put cap in pot",
"push egg to plaque",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You being to clip a few of the lower branches of the Christmas Tree Monster, who bellows in pain!\n\nOut of nowhere, a short old man appears, wearing full gardener regalia. He drags your hand away from the tree.\n\n\"What are ya trying to do there, kill the thing?\" he says. He seems to be squinting at you. \"Who are you sonny?\" he asks. He starts searching his pockets. \"Confound it, lost my glasses again.\" He looks at you again, and notices your cap. \"You must be one of the new boys. Here, look, I'm not going to show you twice.\" He takes the clippers and delicately clips away several lower branches, all the while singing \"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas\". He finishes trimming the tree, leaving a nice opening exposing the shrub next to it, and stops singing. \"I'm starting to hate that tune,\" he says under his breath. He hands the clippers back to you and says, \"Now if I catch you doing this wrong again, I'm going to make you dig for slugs, understand?\" He disappears as quickly as he appeared.\n\nThe Christmas Tree Monster hums to itself.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take off cap",
"cut tree",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put clipper down",
"put cap down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to plaque",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to plaque",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to plaque",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to plaque",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to plaque",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to plaque",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to plaque",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to plaque",
"push cereal to pot",
"put clipper in pot",
"push shiny to plaque",
"push shiny to pot",
"put cap in pot",
"push egg to plaque",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(first taking the cap off)\nYou take off the cap.\nDropped.\n\nThe Christmas Tree Monster sways in time to 'Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow'.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take off cap",
"cut tree",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put clipper down",
"put cap down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to plaque",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to plaque",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to plaque",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to plaque",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to plaque",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to plaque",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to plaque",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to plaque",
"push cereal to pot",
"put clipper in pot",
"push shiny to plaque",
"push shiny to pot",
"put cap in pot",
"push egg to plaque",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.\n\nThe Christmas Tree Monster hums to itself.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take off cap",
"cut tree",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put clipper down",
"put cap down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to plaque",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to plaque",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to plaque",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to plaque",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to plaque",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to plaque",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to plaque",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to plaque",
"push cereal to pot",
"put clipper in pot",
"push shiny to plaque",
"push shiny to pot",
"put cap in pot",
"push egg to plaque",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFlower Garden",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take off cap",
"take into northwest",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put clipper down",
"put cap down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to east",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to toy",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put clipper in pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"put cap in pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nConservatory Entrance",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into southeast",
"take into northeast",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to southeast",
"push toy to pot",
"push stick to southeast",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to southeast",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to southeast",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to southeast",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to southeast",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to southeast",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to southeast",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to southeast",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to southeast",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAnthar East",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSwank Waterfront\nA pleasant waterfront walk is your current location. You can see the Great Sea stretching out before you to the south, a breath-taking sight. A rail runs along the south end, preventing an untimely fall into the rock shore below. The city is back to the north.\n\nThere's a viewing telescope here, attached to the railing.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"open telescope",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You take a peak through the telescope but oddly, there's something blocking your view.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"open telescope",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You pry loose a lens. You open the viewing telescope, revealing a musty scroll.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"open telescope",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"close telescope",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put scroll down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to telescope",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to telescope",
"put key in pot",
"put key in telescope",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair in telescope",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to telescope",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in telescope",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to telescope",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"put scroll in pot",
"put scroll in telescope",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to telescope",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to telescope",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to telescope",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to telescope",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into telescope"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The scroll reads \"fiznav chant: make boat sea-worthy\".",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"close telescope",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put scroll down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to telescope",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to telescope",
"put key in pot",
"put key in telescope",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair in telescope",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to telescope",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in telescope",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to telescope",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"put scroll in pot",
"put scroll in telescope",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to telescope",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to telescope",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to telescope",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to telescope",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into telescope"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the fiznav chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"open telescope",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAnthar East",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into northwest",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAnthar West",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into northeast",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to south",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDelbin's Pub\nDelbin's Pub has been a popular food and drink spot in South Anthar for quite a while. Usually, you need to fight off barbarians to find a place to sit. At the moment, however, the place is unusually quiet. A group of barbarians seem paralyzed with fear near the back wall, glancing nervously at the front of the bar. The exit is to the north.\n\nA gaudy headdress of some kind is hanging on a nearby wall.\n\nOn the bar are a glass of ale and a dirty rag.\n\nThere's a warrior-maiden sitting at the bar, her eyes riveted to the glass of ale.\n\nThere's an old wizard sitting at the bar, his eyes riveted to the glass of ale.\n\nThere's a gentleman dressed in black sitting at the bar, his eyes riveted to the glass of ale.\n\nDelbin himself is standing behind the bar.",
"hints": [
"drop key against ale",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take rag",
"take headdress",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to group",
"push toy to bar",
"push toy to pot",
"push stick to group",
"push stick to bar",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to group",
"push shiny to bar",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to group",
"push clock to bar",
"push clock to pot",
"put key on bar",
"put key in pot",
"put pair on bar",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to group",
"push ledger to bar",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book on bar",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to group",
"push whistle to bar",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet on bar",
"put amulet in pot",
"put pot on bar",
"push sack to group",
"push sack to bar",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to group",
"push egg to bar",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to group",
"push packet to bar",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to group",
"push cereal to bar",
"push cereal to pot",
"drop toy against ale",
"drop stick against ale",
"drop shiny against ale",
"drop clock against ale",
"drop ledger against ale",
"drop whistle against ale",
"drop sack against ale",
"drop egg against ale",
"drop packet against ale",
"drop cereal against ale",
"put all in pot",
"put all on bar"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\"Quite a situation we've got sir. Those three at the front of the bar all ordered a glass of Special Borphee Ale. Well, with the shutdown of the Brewers Guild in Borphee since the Great Change, I can't keep that particular beverage in stock, but I've got that one left there. Seems none of them's leaving until they decide who gets the ale -- and let me tell you, those three are folks who don't like to be disappointed!\"",
"hints": [
"drop key against ale",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take rag",
"take headdress",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to group",
"push toy to bar",
"push toy to pot",
"push stick to group",
"push stick to bar",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to group",
"push shiny to bar",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to group",
"push clock to bar",
"push clock to pot",
"put key on bar",
"put key in pot",
"put pair on bar",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to group",
"push ledger to bar",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book on bar",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to group",
"push whistle to bar",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet on bar",
"put amulet in pot",
"put pot on bar",
"push sack to group",
"push sack to bar",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to group",
"push egg to bar",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to group",
"push packet to bar",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to group",
"push cereal to bar",
"push cereal to pot",
"drop toy against ale",
"drop stick against ale",
"drop shiny against ale",
"drop clock against ale",
"drop ledger against ale",
"drop whistle against ale",
"drop sack against ale",
"drop egg against ale",
"drop packet against ale",
"drop cereal against ale",
"put all in pot",
"put all on bar"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Morgan becomes momentarily thoughtful. \"Some of the best dragon-hunting I ever did was up in Frostham long ago. Those white frost dragons are quite a vicious lot. Best not to wake a sleeping white dragon unless you have a weapon handy and know how to use it!\"",
"hints": [
"drop key against ale",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take rag",
"take headdress",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to group",
"push toy to bar",
"push toy to pot",
"push stick to group",
"push stick to bar",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to group",
"push shiny to bar",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to group",
"push clock to bar",
"push clock to pot",
"put key on bar",
"put key in pot",
"put pair on bar",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to group",
"push ledger to bar",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book on bar",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to group",
"push whistle to bar",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet on bar",
"put amulet in pot",
"put pot on bar",
"push sack to group",
"push sack to bar",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to group",
"push egg to bar",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to group",
"push packet to bar",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to group",
"push cereal to bar",
"push cereal to pot",
"drop toy against ale",
"drop stick against ale",
"drop shiny against ale",
"drop clock against ale",
"drop ledger against ale",
"drop whistle against ale",
"drop sack against ale",
"drop egg against ale",
"drop packet against ale",
"drop cereal against ale",
"put all in pot",
"put all on bar"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Delbin refuses your offering. \"Keep your change, sir. If you're looking for a good tip, I can tell you what I hear.\"\n\nDelbin scratches his ear and says, \"Yes, now, what did I hear...\"\n\n\"This crazy-looking old fellow stops in the other day. Said that he was a professor, at GUE Tech, but that he was giving that all up! Something about his research going bad, on something he called 'an ethereal gate'. What all of that means, I can't say.\"\n\nThe man in black makes a lightning fast move for the glass of ale, but is countered by an equally fast move by the warrior. \"Lose something, thief?\" the woman says. \"No need to get violent, Morgan,\" the thief says.",
"hints": [
"drop key against ale",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take rag",
"take headdress",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to group",
"push toy to bar",
"push toy to pot",
"push stick to group",
"push stick to bar",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to group",
"push shiny to bar",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to group",
"push clock to bar",
"push clock to pot",
"put key on bar",
"put key in pot",
"put pair on bar",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to group",
"push ledger to bar",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book on bar",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to group",
"push whistle to bar",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet on bar",
"put amulet in pot",
"put pot on bar",
"push sack to group",
"push sack to bar",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to group",
"push egg to bar",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to group",
"push packet to bar",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to group",
"push cereal to bar",
"push cereal to pot",
"drop toy against ale",
"drop stick against ale",
"drop shiny against ale",
"drop clock against ale",
"drop ledger against ale",
"drop whistle against ale",
"drop sack against ale",
"drop egg against ale",
"drop packet against ale",
"drop cereal against ale",
"put all in pot",
"put all on bar"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the zemdor chant.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take stick",
"take cereal",
"take rag",
"take headdress",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take sack",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"put book on bar",
"put book in pot",
"put amulet on bar",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to gentleman",
"push stick to bar",
"push stick to pot",
"put pot on bar",
"push cereal to gentleman",
"push cereal to bar",
"push cereal to pot",
"put pair on bar",
"put pair in pot",
"push egg to gentleman",
"push egg to bar",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to gentleman",
"push packet to bar",
"push packet to pot",
"push sack to gentleman",
"push sack to bar",
"push sack to pot",
"push toy to gentleman",
"push toy to bar",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to gentleman",
"push clock to bar",
"push clock to pot",
"put key on bar",
"put key in pot",
"push ledger to gentleman",
"push ledger to bar",
"push ledger to pot",
"push whistle to gentleman",
"push whistle to bar",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to gentleman",
"push shiny to bar",
"push shiny to pot",
"drop key against ale",
"drop stick against ale",
"drop cereal against ale",
"drop egg against ale",
"drop packet against ale",
"drop sack against ale",
"drop toy against ale",
"drop clock against ale",
"drop ledger against ale",
"drop whistle against ale",
"drop shiny against ale",
"put all in pot",
"put all on bar"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You quickly make the zemdor chant and watch the glass of ale start to shimmer! In short time, there are three glasses filled with ale on the bar!\n\nMorgan the Ranger looks suspiciously at Frobar the Enchanter. \"Is this your doing, wizard?\" Frobar shakes his head. \"Surely not, you know I can't do magic anymore.\" He glances briefly in your direction. \"No matter,\" the thief says, and raises a glass. \"To the spirit of adventure!\" The three down their glasses quickly. Morgan smiles. \"Now, that's good ale.\" She adjusts her broadsword. \"I'm off to the Egreth front. Want to help end a war, Frobar?\" Frobar chuckles. \"Thank you, no. I've got, err, something to do at home,\" he says and quickly leaves. \"Well, then, what about you, thief?\" Morgan asks, and notices that the thief has already slipped away. She shrugs and leaves the bar as well. \"Good hunting!\" Delbin calls after her.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take rag",
"take headdress",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to bar",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to bar",
"push clock to pot",
"put key on bar",
"put key in pot",
"put pair on bar",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to bar",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book on bar",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to bar",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet on bar",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to bar",
"push stick to pot",
"put pot on bar",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to bar",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to bar",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to bar",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to bar",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to bar",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all on bar"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Delbin give you a curious look, but says nothing.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take headdress",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put rag down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to bar",
"push toy to pot",
"put rag on bar",
"put rag in pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to bar",
"push clock to pot",
"put key on bar",
"put key in pot",
"put pair on bar",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to bar",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book on bar",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to bar",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet on bar",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to bar",
"push stick to pot",
"put pot on bar",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to bar",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to bar",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to bar",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to bar",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to bar",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all on bar"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\"You're welcome to that unsightly thing, sir. Been trying to get rid of it for sometime.\"",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put rag down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put headdress down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to bar",
"push toy to pot",
"put rag on bar",
"put rag in pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to bar",
"push clock to pot",
"put key on bar",
"put key in pot",
"put pair on bar",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to bar",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book on bar",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to bar",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet on bar",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to bar",
"push stick to pot",
"put pot on bar",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to bar",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to bar",
"push powder to pot",
"put headdress on bar",
"put headdress in pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to bar",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to bar",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to bar",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all on bar"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the dirty rag into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put rag down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put headdress down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to bar",
"push toy to pot",
"put rag on bar",
"put rag in pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to bar",
"push clock to pot",
"put key on bar",
"put key in pot",
"put pair on bar",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to bar",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book on bar",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to bar",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet on bar",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to bar",
"push stick to pot",
"put pot on bar",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to bar",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to bar",
"push powder to pot",
"put headdress on bar",
"put headdress in pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to bar",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to bar",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to bar",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all on bar"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the headdress into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take cereal",
"take rag",
"take headdress",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to bar",
"push toy to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to bar",
"push clock to pot",
"put key on bar",
"put key in pot",
"put pair on bar",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to bar",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book on bar",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to bar",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet on bar",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to bar",
"push stick to pot",
"put pot on bar",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to bar",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to bar",
"push powder to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to bar",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to bar",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to bar",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all on bar"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Delbin calls out \"Visit us again!\" as you leave.\n\nAnthar West",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into northeast",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to south",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEntrance to Greater Anthar\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to pole",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to toy",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGreater Anthar GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the south.",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in small",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The coin slides into the slot with a satisfying thunk.",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in small",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You saunter through the apparently open gate.\n\nGreater Anthar Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the north.\n\nYou hear a distant rumbling noise from the west.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to toy",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to toy",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nSuddenly, from the east, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to toy",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou squeeze onto the train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going west.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Gurth City station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City Train Platform (lower)\nYou are standing in a long underground chamber. The south side of the room contains a lowered set of what appear to be train tracks. The tracks run east into a dark tunnel. Along one wall painted lettering reads \"GURTH CITY STATION\". A set of stairs leads up out of the gloom. There is a large train car sitting on the tracks to the south.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train heads off to the east.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to toy",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City Train Platform\nYou are standing in a long underground chamber. The west side of the room contains a lowered set of what appear to be train tracks. The tracks run north and south into dark tunnels. Along one wall painted lettering reads \"GURTH CITY STATION\". A short walkway leads northeast, to a metal fence. There is also a stairway down here.\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nSuddenly, from the north, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"examine car",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take cereal",
"take headdress",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into northeast",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to car",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to car",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to car",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to car",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to car",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to car",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to car",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to car",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to car",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to car",
"push packet to pot",
"push cereal to car",
"push cereal to pot",
"push headdress to car",
"push headdress to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou shove your way onto train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\nYou are in an underground train car. Various people fill the train, some in uncomfortable-looking seats.\n\nYou can see an annoying yupple here.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going south.\n\nThe annoying-looking yupple notices you from the back of the car, and approaches. \"A priest,\" he says, \"Just the person I was looking for.\" He squeezes into a seat near you.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"look in seats",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the foblub chant.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.\n\nThe yupple talks unceasingly about rainfall in some place called \"the Amazon basin\".",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"look in seats",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to toy",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You draw a stunning parallel between corporate morality and monarchy ruling. The yupple's jaw drops. \"I've got to tell my boss that,\" he says, and tries to leave his seat, but finds himself stuck fast. Several passengers nearby take the opportunity to remove the yupple (seat included) to a different part of the train.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Miznia station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"look in seats",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Good fortune is your friend! You notice a forgotten coin stuck in a seat crack, and fend off two passengers to grab it.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Gurth City station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"New Borphee station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"examine toy",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into seats",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNew Borphee Train Platform\nYou are standing in a long underground chamber. The west side of the room contains a lowered set of what appear to be train tracks. The tracks run south into a dark tunnel. Along one wall painted lettering reads \"NEW BORPHEE STATION\". A short walkway leads northeast, to a metal fence. There is a large train car sitting on the tracks to the west.\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train rolls off to the south.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into northeast",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNew Borphee GUS Station\nYou are standing at the entrance to the New Borphee Great Underground Subway (GUS) station. The train platform lies past the gate to the southwest, or stairs lead up into the city.\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to rag",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to toy",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in small",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You enter the city and are nearly flattened by crowds rushing past.\n\nDowntown New Borphee\nYou're right in the middle of downtown New Borphee -- perhaps the busiest, most crowded city you've ever seen. Huge brand-new buildings and throngs of fast-moving people make the whole scene somewhat surreal. The streets head north to a business district, while a set of stairs here leads down.\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to pole",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to toy",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBusiness District\nYou're in a crowded business district filled with busy people. The city thins out a bit to the north, while city streets head west and south. Directly to the east is a building so tall it makes you dizzy just looking at it.\n\nA number of people rudely brush past you and accidentally knock you down. A kindly old lady helps you to your feet. \"I think you dropped that,\" she says, pointing to a paper object nearby that doesn't seem familiar. She walks off, and is soon lost in the crowd.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take sack",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take scroll",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put scroll down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to south",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"put scroll in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The scroll reads \"gloth chant: fold dough 83 times\".",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put scroll down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to south",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"put scroll in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the gloth chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take sack",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take scroll",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine scroll",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCity Streets\nYou're on some busy side street in New Borphee. There's a crowded walk back east. To the north is the entrance to some sort of open area, with a large open arch.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to arch",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to arch",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to arch",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to arch",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to arch",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to arch",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to arch",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to arch",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to arch",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to arch",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to arch",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to arch",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGUE Entrance\nYou're standing under an open archway that has the letters \"GUE TECH\" prominently displayed in twisted brass and copper. A busy street lies to the south, and the campus quad opens up to the north.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to south",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouth Quad\nYou're walking across a grassy field. More lawn lies to the north, while an archway exits the area to the south. To the west is a low stone building with the word \"GYMNASIUM\" etched in stone across the entrance. To the east is a old brick building covered in ivy.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGymnasium\nThere's a large field house here, filled with gym equipment and helpful rubber mats. The exit is east.\n\nSomeone left a key here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take key",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put key down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to mats",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to mats",
"push rag to pot",
"push stick to mats",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to mats",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to mats",
"push clock to pot",
"put key in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to mats",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to mats",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to mats",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to mats",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to mats",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to mats",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to mats",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine mats",
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put flat down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to mats",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to mats",
"push rag to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"push stick to mats",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to mats",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to mats",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to mats",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to mats",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to mats",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to mats",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to mats",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to mats",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to mats",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouth Quad",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put flat down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nHumanities Building\nYou're in the humanities building, which is vacant and closed for the summer. The exit is west.\n\nSomeone left a history book here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take history",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put flat down",
"put book down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine prayer",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to history",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put book in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "It's a biography on the life and times of Duncanthrax the Bellicose. Most of it chronicles fairly dry stuff about his much publicized conquests of the Eastlands and his famous battles. There is an interesting bit about some secret trophy chamber that Duncanthrax had constructed near the end of his reign, but for more details, I'd suggest \"look up (word) in book\" specifically.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take history",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put flat down",
"put book down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine prayer",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to history",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put book in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "There appear to be notable entries on \"trophy\", \"Zilbo\", \"Griffspotter\", \"Diablo\", \"Ogre\", and \"Silvermane\".",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take history",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put flat down",
"put book down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine prayer",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to history",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put book in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Apparently, in 680 GUE, Duncanthrax grew increasingly withdrawn. At this time, of foremost importance to him was his collection of various battle trophys and awards he had bestowed to himself (for unusual valor on the field of battle) over the years. He decided to construct a hidden underground chamber south of Egreth to sequester this collection, which would be locked in a most clever means. He decided to order the construction of a \"four-room key\" which, when a miniature trophy was inserted and removed (once) in a special keyhole in each of the four rooms (in a specific order), would unlock a holding chamber in a center room containing his prized trophies. Priding himself on his logic skills, he requested that two captured foreigners produce a logic puzzle plainly inscribed in the four key rooms themselves that would detail the exact order that the key rooms were to be \"applied\". A Prevaricon, who could not help but write untruths, was given a can of gold paint, while a Veritassi, who could only write the truth, was given a can of silver paint. Imagine Duncanthrax's rage when he discovered that the two prisoners had secretly painted over their gold and silver key phrases with _black_ paint! The prisoners were summarily executed, of course, but Duncanthrax sealed off the chamber and researchers can only guess at the final fate of the trophy collection of Duncanthrax.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take history",
"take rag",
"take stick",
"take shiny",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take packet",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put flat down",
"put book down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine prayer",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to history",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to toy",
"push rag to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"push stick to toy",
"push stick to pot",
"push shiny to toy",
"push shiny to pot",
"push clock to toy",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to toy",
"push ledger to pot",
"push whistle to toy",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push sack to toy",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to toy",
"push egg to pot",
"push packet to toy",
"push packet to pot",
"push headdress to toy",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to toy",
"push cereal to pot",
"put book in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouth Quad",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take toy",
"take rag",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take powder",
"take headdress",
"take cereal",
"take shiny",
"take egg",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put amulet down",
"put pot down",
"put flat down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCenter of Quad\nThe center of the campus is a nicely tended green lawn with a bronze statue in the center. Paths lead north and south across grassy fields. To the west is a small brick building. To the east is a large stone building with a lintel roof and the words \"WOOMAX LIBRARY\" enscribed across the entrance.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put flat down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to bronze",
"push ledger to pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCafeteria\nA small cramped area with lots of tables and chairs and food stains. The exit is east.\n\nSomeone must've had a late night recently, as there is quite a mess of coffee cups, napkins, and other junk on one table.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take alarm",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"cast other",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put other down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"look in mess",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"put other in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You dig through the mess and find an unopened can of coffee and a sugar-cube.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take headdress",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take alarm",
"take cube",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take all",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"cast other",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put other down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat cube",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to can",
"push ledger to pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put flat in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put other in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "can of decaf coffee: Taken.\nsugar cube: Taken.\nmess: There's too much to carry.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take alarm",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"cast other",
"put can down",
"put pot down",
"put cube down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put flat down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to can",
"push ledger to pot",
"put can in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"put cube in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"put other in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the sugar cube into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take alarm",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"cast other",
"put can down",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put flat down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to can",
"push ledger to pot",
"put can in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"put other in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"can decaf coffee"
"msg": "You put the can of decaf coffee into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take alarm",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"cast other",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put other down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to can",
"push ledger to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"put other in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCenter of Quad",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put flat down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to bronze",
"push ledger to pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth Quad\nYou're walking across a grassy field. More lawn lies to the south, while a large building that resembles a auditorium of some sort is north. An inscription near the entrance reads \"ENCHANTER HALL\". To the west you see a small house-like building. To the east you see a low stone building, clearly new and rather modern looking in contrast to its surroundings.",
"hints": [
"examine north",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put flat down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to north",
"push ledger to pot",
"push headdress to north",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to north",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to north",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to north",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to north",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to north",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to north",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to north",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to north",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to north",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to north",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to north",
"push cereal to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDorms\nYou're in a short hallway inside some student dormitories. The exit is east.\n\nThere's a closed door to the north.\n\nThere's a closed door to the south.\n\nYou can also see a dirty ID card here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take id",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take rag",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put flat down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You unlock the northern door.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take id",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take rag",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put flat down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"put flat in pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take id",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take rag",
"take flat",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take all",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to id",
"push ledger to pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You open the northern door.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take id",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take rag",
"take flat",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take all",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to id",
"push ledger to pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDorm room\nA cramped room, mostly empty, with some bare furnishings.\n\nThere's an open door to the south.\n\nA forgotten textbook is lying in one corner of the room.",
"hints": [
"examine clock",
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take textbook",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"close door",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put prayer down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine prayer",
"open textbook",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"put a in pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put prayer in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the textbook)\nAs you open the book, a small card flies out and lands at your feet.",
"hints": [
"examine clock",
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take textbook",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"close door",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put prayer down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine prayer",
"open textbook",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"put a in pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put prayer in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the textbook)\n\"A colorful myth among ancient races has been called 'The myth of the Four Brothers' by Elder Kroonwatz (the famous Royal Chronicler). The story states that at the dawn of time, four evil gods, who were brothers, sought dominance over that which would become our world. Great battles were fought between forces of light and darkness, and these brothers were often victorious. Fortunately for us, they could not cooperate with each other, and fought amongst themselves in petty power struggles, driven individually by power and greed. Indeed, legends state that on occassions, the brothers would seek ways to actually destroy their own siblings, along with the forces of good. One brother constructed a strange artifact that would have given him great power, but was discovered by agents of good. He was imprisoned within the very object he built. The remaining three, facing certain defeat without the combined strength of their trapped brother, fled into planes unknown, but made a pact that if the brother were ever freed, and the artifact of power returned to him, the four would agree to make their final attack against the forces of good. Kroonwatz points out the obvious parallels with various other mythologies that foretell the end of the known world.\"",
"hints": [
"examine clock",
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take textbook",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"close door",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put prayer down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine prayer",
"open textbook",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"put a in pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put prayer in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take textbook",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"close textbook",
"close door",
"put id down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put prayer down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine prayer",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put prayer in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDorms\n\nThere's an open door to the north.\n\nThere's a closed door to the south.\n\nYou can also see a flat key and a dirty ID card here.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take id",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take rag",
"take flat",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take all",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put id down",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to id",
"push ledger to pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth Quad",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put id down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to north",
"push ledger to pot",
"push headdress to north",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to north",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to north",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to north",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to north",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push whistle to north",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to north",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to north",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to north",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to north",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to north",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to north",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEnchanter Hall (top)\nYou're at the top of a large auditorium which is empty. You can walk down a long aisle to the front of the hall, or out to the south.",
"hints": [
"examine clock",
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put id down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEnchanter Hall (bottom)\nYou're at the very front of a large auditorium. From here you can look south and sees rows upon rows of empty seats focused on the stage-like area where you now stand. You can walk back into the seats to the south.\n\nYou can see a switch and a large desk here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put id down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"turn switch on",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to desk",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to desk",
"put id in pot",
"put id on desk",
"put pot on desk",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to desk",
"put square in pot",
"put square on desk",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push headdress to desk",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to desk",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet on desk",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push rag to desk",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to desk",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to desk",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to desk",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair on desk",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to desk",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to desk",
"put book in pot",
"put book on desk",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to desk",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push can to desk",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to desk",
"put all in pot",
"put all on desk"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You hear a click. A dim light now makes the nearby area less gloomy.\n\nA student creeps out of the shadows. He looks at you sheepishly. \"Sorry I haven't been to class all semester, Professor,\" he begins. \"Anyway, here's my final paper.\" He puts a notebook on the desk. \"All this stuff about the new 'science' -- I don't know what all the fuss is about. Magic was okay too, wasn't it? There's a part in my conclusion where --\" He stops and looks at the notebook. \"Well, anyhow.\" he says, and disappears back into the shadows.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put id down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"turn switch on",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to desk",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to desk",
"put id in pot",
"put id on desk",
"put pot on desk",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to desk",
"put square in pot",
"put square on desk",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push headdress to desk",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to desk",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet on desk",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push rag to desk",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to desk",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to desk",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to desk",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair on desk",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to desk",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to desk",
"put book in pot",
"put book on desk",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to desk",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push can to desk",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to desk",
"put all in pot",
"put all on desk"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You open the notebook, revealing a term paper.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put id down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"turn switch on",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to desk",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to desk",
"put id in pot",
"put id on desk",
"put pot on desk",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to desk",
"put square in pot",
"put square on desk",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push headdress to desk",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to desk",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet on desk",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push rag to desk",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to desk",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to desk",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to desk",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair on desk",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to desk",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to desk",
"put book in pot",
"put book on desk",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to desk",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push can to desk",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to desk",
"put all in pot",
"put all on desk"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take notebook",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"close notebook",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put id down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"turn switch off",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"push ledger to desk",
"put pot on desk",
"put term in pot",
"put term on desk",
"put term in notebook",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push headdress to desk",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to desk",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push rag to desk",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push alarm to desk",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to desk",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair on desk",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to desk",
"put id in pot",
"put id on desk",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to desk",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to desk",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet on desk",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to desk",
"put square in pot",
"put square on desk",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to desk",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to desk",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to desk",
"put book in pot",
"put book on desk",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to desk",
"put all in pot",
"put all on desk",
"empty pot into notebook"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\"Magic, so what's it good for?\" by Wilbur Lunchbox. It's a long-winded haphazard writing about the virtues of magic in a time of science. Some of the topic sentences are particularly clumsy. However, there's an insightful bit at the end about how under certain circumstances, magic and science become indistinguishable.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take notebook",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"close notebook",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put id down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"turn switch off",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"push ledger to desk",
"put pot on desk",
"put term in pot",
"put term on desk",
"put term in notebook",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push headdress to desk",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to desk",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push rag to desk",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push alarm to desk",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to desk",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair on desk",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to desk",
"put id in pot",
"put id on desk",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to desk",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to desk",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet on desk",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to desk",
"put square in pot",
"put square on desk",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to desk",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to desk",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to desk",
"put book in pot",
"put book on desk",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to desk",
"put all in pot",
"put all on desk",
"empty pot into notebook"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEnchanter Hall (top)",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put id down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth Quad",
"hints": [
"examine north",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put id down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to north",
"push ledger to pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to north",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to north",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to north",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to north",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to north",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push whistle to north",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to north",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to north",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to north",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to north",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to north",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to north",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCenter of Quad",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put id down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to bronze",
"push ledger to pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nLibrary\nA student library is here, filled with various texts. The exit is west.\n\nThere's a wrinkled magazine (\"US News and Dungeon Report\") here.\n\nThere's a pen-marked scroll sitting amongst some books here.\n\nYou can also see a librarian here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take scroll",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take report",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take all",
"take off a",
"take off amulet",
"cast a",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put id down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot",
"give a id"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take report",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put id down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"look at a",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push a to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot",
"give a id"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The scroll reads \"taclor chant: heal wounds\".",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take report",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put id down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"look at a",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push a to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot",
"give a id"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Some strange invisible force stops you as you try to leave. The librarian doesn't look up, but merely says, \"If you want to check something out, I'll need to see some ID first.\"",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take report",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put id down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"look at a",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push a to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot",
"give a id"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The librarian peers at the ID. \"Hi Harold,\" she says. \"I heard you were going to be away for a least two more years. Got tired of Mithicus, eh? Well, anyway, remember to return anything you borrow after summer session is over.\" She scribbles something down in a notebook.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take report",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put id down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"look at a",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push a to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot",
"give a id"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take report",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put id down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"look at a",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push a to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot",
"give a id"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCenter of Quad",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put taclor down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine taclor",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to bronze",
"push ledger to pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put taclor in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the taclor chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put id down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to bronze",
"push ledger to pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth Quad",
"hints": [
"examine north",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put id down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to north",
"push ledger to pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to north",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to north",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to north",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to north",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to north",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push whistle to north",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to north",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to north",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to north",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to north",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to north",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to north",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nScience Center\nYou are in a short hallway of some new building. The words \"SCIENCE CENTER\" are painted on one wall. The hallway opens to rooms to the east, or you can escape to the west.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take clock",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEngineering Labs\nYou shudder as you look around this area. Clearly a place of science, piles of heavy machinery and strange delicate-looking tools and artifacts are everywhere here. Hallways run west and east.\n\nThere's a closed heavy metal door to the south.\n\nThere's an odd set of dials in the wall near the metal door.\n\nYou can also see a research paper here.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take research",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put paper down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to research",
"push ledger to pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put paper in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOffice\nYou're in a small office of some sort. The only exit is west.\n\nA small desk sits in one corner here.\n\nOn the desk is a lab journal.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take lab",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to desk",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to desk",
"put pot on desk",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to desk",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet on desk",
"put square in pot",
"put square on desk",
"put term in pot",
"put term on desk",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push headdress to desk",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to desk",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push rag to desk",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to desk",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to desk",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair on desk",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to desk",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to desk",
"put book in pot",
"put book on desk",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to desk",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push can to desk",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to desk",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to desk",
"put all in pot",
"put all on desk"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Some loose handwritten pages read:\n\n\"...DAY 14) We've put the artifact in the south lab. Still \n no idea what it does, but I'm sure I can find \n some lab student who can figure it out. \n DAY 20) My lab assistant Peabody believes that it's \n some sort of 'mystical gate'. \n Clearly this is hogwash. However \n my grant has been awarded, so I have allowed \n Peabody to continue work. \n DAY 25) Peabody demonstrated something fantastic today. \n He took my briefcase and put it on \n the artifact and in a white flash, it was gone! \n DAY 27) This is my last entry. I am leaving the University \n tomorrow. Peabody, in my request to retrieve my briefcase \n stepped onto the artifact, and was gone! I've read \n his recent research notes, and if he's right, he's \n now lost in a place unimaginable! I've locked the \n artifact away and destroyed the combination -- I pray no \n one ever sees it again!...\"\n (The journal breaks off here)",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take lab",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push clock to desk",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to desk",
"put pot on desk",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to desk",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet on desk",
"put square in pot",
"put square on desk",
"put term in pot",
"put term on desk",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push headdress to desk",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to desk",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push rag to desk",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to desk",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to desk",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair on desk",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to desk",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to desk",
"put book in pot",
"put book on desk",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to desk",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push can to desk",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to desk",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to desk",
"put all in pot",
"put all on desk"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEngineering Labs\n\nThere's a closed heavy metal door to the south.\n\nThere's an odd set of dials in the wall near the metal door.\n\nYou can also see a research paper here.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take research",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put paper down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to research",
"push ledger to pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put paper in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\"On the Structural Strength of Woods\", a short, fairly dry research paper. Apparently, the researcher was testing the breaking point of various woods. The conclusions reached are summed up in the final paragraph:\n\n\"In summary, our findings indicate that out of the materials tested, Ebony wood is clearly the best choice, and Balsa wood clearly the worst. Balsa wood structures broke immediately when even the slightest weight was tested on them. Pine wood structures fared slightly better, holding light weights, but tended to break on repeated stress. Ebony wood structures were approximately twice as strong as Pine structures, holding up to at least one repeated stress test before breaking.\"",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take research",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put paper down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to research",
"push ledger to pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put paper in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nScience Center",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take clock",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth Quad",
"hints": [
"examine north",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put id down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to north",
"push ledger to pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to north",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to north",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to north",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to north",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to north",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push whistle to north",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to north",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to north",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to north",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to north",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to north",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to north",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCenter of Quad",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put id down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to bronze",
"push ledger to pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"put id in pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouth Quad",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGUE Entrance",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCity Streets",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBusiness District",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take clock",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to south",
"push ledger to pot",
"push clock to south",
"push clock to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to south",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to south",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to south",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to south",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to south",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to south",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to south",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to south",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to south",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to south",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to south",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to south",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDowntown New Borphee\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take alarm",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNew Borphee GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in small",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The coin slides into the slot with a satisfying thunk.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in small",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You saunter through the apparently open gate.\n\nNew Borphee Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nYou hear a distant rumbling noise from the south.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear a distant rumbling noise from the south.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear a distant rumbling noise from the south.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nSuddenly, from the south, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take whistle",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou shove your way onto train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going south.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into seats",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into seats",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Gurth City station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into seats",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into seats",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going south.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into seats",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into seats",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Miznia station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into seats",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMiznia Train Platform\nYou are standing in a long underground chamber. The west side of the room contains a lowered set of what appear to be train tracks. The tracks run north into a dark tunnel. Along one wall painted lettering reads \"MIZNIA STATION\". A short walkway leads northeast, to a metal fence. There is a large train car sitting on the tracks to the west.\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train rolls off to the north.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMiznia GUS Station\nYou are standing at the entrance to the Miznia Great Underground Subway (GUS) station. The train platform lies past the gate to the southwest, or stairs lead up into the city.\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take clock",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put square down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put term in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in small",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMizniaport\nThe Great Change certainly hasn't changed the ultra-swank city of Mizniaport. The entire place is filled with splashy color and a disturbing sense of moderness. There's a stairway down here, while side walkways head west and northeast.\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take alarm",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into northeast",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to term",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nIn Front of Swank House\nYou're in front of a rather swank looking house to the northeast. To the southwest is the rest of Mizniaport.\n\nYou can see a mailbox (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"examine clock",
"take into northeast",
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put square down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"open mailbox",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put term in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEntrance Foyer\nYou are in the Entrance Foyer of a small but tasteful home. The exit is to the southwest. The general area is tastefully done in maroon carpeting and brass fixtures. Another room lies to the north.",
"hints": [
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nParlor\nYou are in a very decorative parlor. Various furnishings of high quality are arranged around an enormous rug with intricate golden symbols in the weave design. Open doorways lead south, north, east and west.\n\nA large potted plant sits in one corner.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nFrobar walks in.\n\nFrobar tends to the plant.\n\nFrobar leafs through a magazine he holds. \"What happened to Barsap? Hah! Did they ask me? No, of course not.\"",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put term down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"put term in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Frobar glances over the term paper and his eyes widen. \"Wilbur -- why, that's my great nephew!\" He takes the paper and reads. \"So true, so true,\" he mumbles and smiles. \"A fine boy, perhaps he'll become a great man someday, if he stops skipping class. He reminds me of my days at Tech -- all filled with dreams and hopes.\" He pauses, and searches his pockets. \"I even perfected a spell, did you know? Good old loyal, boring Frobar perfected a spell, and, if it hadn't been for that Snaboz show-off who had to go and perfect the izyuk spell, I might have even tried to publish mine.\" He finds a scroll amongst his robes and hands it to you. \"You don't believe me? Here, see for yourself.\"\n\"Hmm. Not very interesting.\"\n\nFrobar tends to the plant.\n\nFrobar mutters to himself, \"They didn't even invite me to the Last Enchanter's Guild Meeting.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by seven points.]",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put scroll down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put scroll in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The scroll reads \"feeyuk chant: allow creature to resist gravity\".\n\nFrobar tends to the plant.\n\nFrobar mutters to himself, \"Good old dependable Frobar. Bah!\"",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put scroll down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put scroll in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the feeyuk chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\nFrobar walks off to the west.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nStudy\nThis is a study room with fancy wood paneling and plush carpeting. There is an exit to the west.\n\nA large bookshelf takes up most of the north wall.\n\nOn the large bookshelf are a plain journal and a twisted parchment.\n\nYou can also see a large wood desk here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take parchment",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take journal",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to headdress",
"push ledger to desk",
"put pot on desk",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push headdress to desk",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to desk",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push rag to desk",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push alarm to desk",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to desk",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair on desk",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to desk",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to desk",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to desk",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet on desk",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to desk",
"put square in pot",
"put square on desk",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to desk",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to desk",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to desk",
"put book in pot",
"put book on desk",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to desk",
"put all in pot",
"put all on desk"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "This is a short journal of notes that Frobar was keeping. The contents are quite dull, mostly consisting of entries like \"Remember to water plant\" and so forth. In fact, the only non-trivial entry follows:\n\n\"Perhaps today I will go visit Barsap's latest creation. Then again, maybe I won't. This so-called 'Gambit' of his is supposed to be some silly diversion where people can hop around floating platforms trying to reach the southeast corner platform on the bottom level, just so they can get teleported back to the top, and start all over again! Can this be a monetarily beneficial thing? I doubt it.\"",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take parchment",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take journal",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to headdress",
"push ledger to desk",
"put pot on desk",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push headdress to desk",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to desk",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push rag to desk",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push alarm to desk",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to desk",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair on desk",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to desk",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to desk",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to desk",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet on desk",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to desk",
"put square in pot",
"put square on desk",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to desk",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to desk",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to desk",
"put book in pot",
"put book on desk",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to desk",
"put all in pot",
"put all on desk"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\"...understand. I, like many of the Order, have understood that the greatest Saints of our Order were the Three, those Three that we know as the Ancient Ones. Why then, do I find in ancient cairns, in hidden temples, and in versions of the Scriptures found in unsettled lands, that _four_ beings that called themselves the Ancient Ones did do battle with evil and were defeated? This surely is not to be believed, but I...\"",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take parchment",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take journal",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to headdress",
"push ledger to desk",
"put pot on desk",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push headdress to desk",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to desk",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push rag to desk",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push alarm to desk",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to desk",
"put pair in pot",
"put pair on desk",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to desk",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to desk",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to desk",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet on desk",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to desk",
"put square in pot",
"put square on desk",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to desk",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push sack to desk",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to desk",
"put book in pot",
"put book on desk",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to desk",
"put all in pot",
"put all on desk"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nParlor\n\nFrobar the Enchanter is here.\n\nA large potted plant sits in one corner.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEntrance Foyer",
"hints": [
"examine clock",
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nIn Front of Swank House\n\nYou can see a mailbox (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"take into northeast",
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take rag",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"open mailbox",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to clock",
"push toy to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMizniaport\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take alarm",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into northeast",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to headdress",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMiznia Suburbs\nOverly cozy-looking homes sprout up all over the place here. Ridiculously well-trimmed front lawns remind you that you're still in Miznia. A nice pebble path heads east and west. You see the entrance to a swank-looking boutique to the south.\n\nA stuffed toy has been left unattended on someone's lawn.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the stuffed toy)\nTaken.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put toy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put toy in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the stuffed toy into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take alarm",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push alarm to ledger",
"push alarm to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSwank Boutique\nA ultra-swank accessory store, filled with flashy items for the fashion-unconscious shopper. An exit lies north.\n\nYou can see a small sign and a coin here.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take coin",
"take headdress",
"take sack",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put coin down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push volcano to clock",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the coin)\nTaken.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take sack",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push volcano to clock",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The sign reads \"PLEASE RING BELL FOR SERVICE\"",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take sack",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"push clock to ledger",
"push clock to pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push volcano to clock",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take sack",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put clock down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"put clock in pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push volcano to clock",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"msg": "The knob pulls out a short bit.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take sack",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put clock down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"put clock in pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push volcano to clock",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"msg": "The knob turns easily. You notice the golden hand on the front sweep to 1.",
"hints": [
"examine clock",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take sack",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put clock down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"put clock in pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push volcano to clock",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"msg": "The knob pushes in a short bit.",
"hints": [
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take sack",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put clock down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"put clock in pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push volcano to clock",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"msg": "The knob turns -- barely. You hear a small clicking noise as well.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take stick",
"take volcano",
"take cereal",
"take headdress",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take egg",
"take off a",
"take off amulet",
"cast a",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to cube",
"push ledger to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put clock in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"msg": "The knob turns -- barely. You hear a small clicking noise as well.\n\nThe alarm clock suddenly makes an awful grinding noise, followed by a ear-splitting clang!\n\nFrom somewhere in the back of the store, a tailor rushes out and sees you. \"We've got a rather busy schedule,\" he explains, \"but let me see what I can do.\" He gives you a somewhat unapproving look. \"The ascetic-monk look is out, you know. Here.\" He pins a rolled paper object to your clothes. \"The latest craze -- wearing magic scrolls. Beats using them nowadays, I hear. Now, like I said, we're very busy.\" He goes off to the back of the store.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by seven points.]",
"hints": [
"examine clock",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take sack",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put clock down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put scroll down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"put clock in pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put scroll in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push volcano to clock",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The scroll reads \"wigro chant: turn undead\".",
"hints": [
"examine clock",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take sack",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put clock down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put scroll down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"put clock in pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put scroll in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push volcano to clock",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You speak the chant, but something sounds wrong. Nothing happens this time.",
"hints": [
"examine clock",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take sack",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"put clock down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put scroll down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"put clock in pot",
"push ledger to clock",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to clock",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put scroll in pot",
"push headdress to clock",
"push headdress to pot",
"push sack to clock",
"push sack to pot",
"push cube to clock",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to clock",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to clock",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push volcano to clock",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to clock",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to clock",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to clock",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to clock",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to clock",
"push shiny to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take clock",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off a",
"take off amulet",
"cast a",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMiznia Suburbs",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCity Limits\nThe city stops here abruptly. The Miznia jungle makes its presence known for real here, forming a natural barrier. A path leads east, while an almost overgrown path leads into the jungle to the southwest.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to stick",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEdge of Jungle\nWild birds and wilder vegetation distract you from a faint trail through the jungle here. The path leads northeast and southwest.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to stick",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDeep Jungle\nYou're in very deep jungle, just on the verge of getting lost. Your surroundings are green and untamed. A path leads northeast, while a muddy path heads south.\n\nPartially buried in the mud is a scroll.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take muddy",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine muddy",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to stick",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"show muddy scroll",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the muddy scroll)\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put muddy down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine muddy",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at muddy",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to muddy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put muddy in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The scroll reads \"throck chant: grow plant\".",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put muddy down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine muddy",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at muddy",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to muddy",
"push ledger to pot",
"put muddy in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the throck chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to stick",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSwamp\nYou're knee-deep in a murky swamp. Huge swamp grasses wall you in. Drier land is north or south.",
"hints": [
"examine north",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to north",
"push ledger to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to north",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to north",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to north",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to north",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to north",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to north",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to north",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to north",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to north",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to north",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to north",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nJungle Clearing\nThe Jungle clears out a bit here, so you can actually see patches of sky and walk ten paces without running into a tree. There's a path into the jungle undergrowth to the north. You notice a group of jungle natives gathered here.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to amulet",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "A group of jungle natives in elaborate feather and fur clothing. They appear to be armed with large spears.\n\nA single native tribesman breaks away from the group and approaches you.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to amulet",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "A jungle native with a rather elaborate costume make of bird feathers and animal hides. He seems old, but wise. Unlike the rest of the natives, this one is not wearing a fancy feather-and-fur headdress.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to amulet",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"drop pot against shaman",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put headdress down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to stick",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"put headdress in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"drop ledger against shaman",
"drop stick against shaman",
"drop cube against shaman",
"drop rag against shaman",
"drop powder against shaman",
"drop sack against shaman",
"drop volcano against shaman",
"drop egg against shaman",
"drop cereal against shaman",
"drop can against shaman",
"drop whistle against shaman",
"drop shiny against shaman",
"put all in pot",
"give shaman headdress"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The shaman takes the headdress and places it on his head. He smiles, and gives you a strange map in return.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"drop map against shaman",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put map down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to map",
"push ledger to pot",
"put map in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"drop ledger against shaman",
"drop stick against shaman",
"drop cube against shaman",
"drop rag against shaman",
"drop powder against shaman",
"drop sack against shaman",
"drop volcano against shaman",
"drop egg against shaman",
"drop cereal against shaman",
"drop can against shaman",
"drop whistle against shaman",
"drop shiny against shaman",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSwamp",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put map down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to north",
"push ledger to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to north",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to north",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to north",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"put map in pot",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to north",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to north",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to north",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to north",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to north",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to north",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to north",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The map is somewhat crudely drawn:\n\n xxxx\n xxxx\n XXXX\n /\n XXXX\n XXXX\n XXXX\n I\n oooo\n ",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put map down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to north",
"push ledger to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to north",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to north",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to north",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"put map in pot",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to north",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to north",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to north",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to north",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to north",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to north",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to north",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You check the jungle map. Sure enough, there's a loose patch of grass that you could duck under to the west.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put map down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to north",
"push ledger to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to north",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to north",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to north",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"put map in pot",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to north",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to north",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to north",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to north",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to north",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to north",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to north",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"examine north",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to north",
"push ledger to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to north",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to north",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to north",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to north",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to north",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to north",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to north",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to north",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to north",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to north",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to north",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDeep Jungle",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to stick",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEdge of Jungle",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to stick",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCity Limits",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to stick",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMiznia Suburbs",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take headdress",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on headdress",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"put wigro in pot",
"push headdress to ledger",
"push headdress to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMizniaport\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into northeast",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMiznia GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to stick",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in small",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The coin slides into the slot with a satisfying thunk.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to stick",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in small",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You saunter through the apparently open gate.\n\nMiznia Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nSuddenly, from the north, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA few people exit the train, and hurry out of the station. You hear a voice from inside the train say, \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou shove your way onto train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into seats",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to stick",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into seats",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to stick",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Gurth City station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into seats",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to stick",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"take into seats",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to stick",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nA few people exit the train, and hurry out of the station. You hear a voice from inside the train say, \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City GUS Station\nYou are standing at the entrance to the Gurth City Great Underground Subway (GUS) station. The train platform lies past the gate to the southwest, or stairs lead up into the city. Some lettering on the wall reads \"TRANSFER STATION\".\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in small",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You are greeted by a light rain as you leave the station.\n\nGurth City Streets\nA foggy sky covers the ever-busy city of Gurth. A road heads southeast into a larger portion of the city, and stairs lead down here.\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.\n\nYou can also see an umbrella here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take umbrella",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth District\nProbably the safest district in Gurth, the North District is mostly cobblestone roads and barricaded buildings. A main road heads south, or forks northwest and northeast.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"close umbrella",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMarket District\nThe famous Gurth Market District is as noisy, crowded, and dangerous as it ever was. A cobblestone road heads north and south here.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA clumsy hawker stumbles into you as he crosses the street, hustling off without so much as an apology. You notice he dropped something in his hurry.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMarket District\nThe famous Gurth Market District is as noisy, crowded, and dangerous as it ever was. A cobblestone road heads north and south here.\n\nYou can see a coin here.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the coin)\nTaken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouth District\nThe general gloomy atmosphere is more noticeable than ever here, in the extremely dangerous South District. The general area is filled with boarded-up houses, and a few shifty-eyed characters are the only people milling about here. A road leads north. To the east is an abandoned flat, probably in better shape than the rest.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off pair",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFront of House\nYou're standing at the rotting front steps of a small flat. The front door to the east has been battered down and you could probably walk right in, or return to the street to the west.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEntrance Room\nA bare room, with peeling paint and rotting, water-stained walls. There's a room to the east, and a rickety stairway down. The outdoors lie west.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"take off pair",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pair down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBasement\nA musty, smelly basement. Stairs head up.\n\nThere's a dusty metal box attached to the wall here.\n\nA large break in the wall exposes a good portion of the house's foundation.\n\nYou can also see a frightening zombie and a gray scroll here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off a",
"take off amulet",
"cast a",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine gray",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"cast a at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put a in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give a pair",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the gray scroll)\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off a",
"take off amulet",
"cast a",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine gray",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"cast a at gray",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put gray in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot",
"give a pair",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The scroll reads \"tossio chant: turn granite to pasta\".",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off a",
"take off amulet",
"cast a",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine gray",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"cast a at gray",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put gray in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put a in pot",
"put all in pot",
"give a pair",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the tossio chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off a",
"take off amulet",
"cast a",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine gray",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"cast a at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put a in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give a pair",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The zombie seems to regard the gloves, and slowly puts them on. It proceeds to open the metal box and remove a loose wire, producing a few sparks in the process. Finally, it places the loose wire on the floor, satisfied. It slowly crumbles into dust, but you just manage to hear, \"Thanks, I've been trying to get rid of that wire for ages,\" in the faintest of whispers.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off a",
"take off amulet",
"cast a",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put a down",
"put pair down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine gray",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"cast a at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put a in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put pair in pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give a pair",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take a",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"close box",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wire down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on pair",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wire",
"put wire in pot",
"put wire in box",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in box",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to box",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push rag to box",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to box",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to box",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to box",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in box",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to box",
"put square in pot",
"put square in box",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push volcano to box",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to box",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push cereal to box",
"put a in pot",
"put a in box",
"put all in pot",
"put all in box",
"empty pot into box",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEntrance Room",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wire down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wire in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFront of House",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put wire down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wire in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouth District",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wire down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wire",
"put wire in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMarket District",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wire down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wire in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth District",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wire down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wire in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City Streets\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wire down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wire in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put thin down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put thin in pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in small",
"empty pot into thin",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The coin slides into the slot, but you hear a strange click almost immediately.\n\nA subway nymph suddenly appears. She looks at the gate disapprovingly. \"Broken again? I thought they just fixed it. Well, fine.\" She seems rather annoyed. \"We'll get someone to look at it, eventually. Bye!\" She disappears.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put thin down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put thin in pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in small",
"empty pot into thin",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You poke around in the slot, and manage to free something! There is a solid thunk-like noise.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put thin down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put thin in pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in small",
"empty pot into thin",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take wire",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in small",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You saunter through the apparently open gate.\n\nGurth City Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train rolls off.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take volcano",
"take cereal",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into gate",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pot down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to cube",
"push ledger to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City Train Platform (lower)\n\nSuddenly, from the east, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and up the stairs.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou squeeze onto the train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going east.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Greater Anthar station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going east.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Aragain station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain Train Platform (lower)\n\nThe train doors close, and the train heads off to the west.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northwest.\n\nSuddenly, from the north, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take volcano",
"take cereal",
"take rag",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take sack",
"take egg",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into northwest",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put pot down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to cube",
"push ledger to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou enter the train car. The doors slam shut behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nYou can see a newspaper here.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going south.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Fublio station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Aragain station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Frostham station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFrostham Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northwest.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train rolls off to the south.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into northwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFrostham GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southeast.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in small",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSubway Entrance\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": "Subway Entrance",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFrostham",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southwest",
"take into southeast",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to ledger",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": "Frostham",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSki Resort\nYou are inside a large ski resort. Perhaps it's not ski-season, as the entire place is basically empty. Frostham city lies to the east.\n\nA tall lanky guy is here, holding two colorful skis. He seems to be waxing them with a scroll.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rag",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put scroll down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine scroll",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put scroll in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push rag to umbrella",
"push rag to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give guy rag"
"ploc": "Ski Resort",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put rag down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put rag in pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give guy rag"
"ploc": "Ski Resort",
"inv": null
"msg": "\"Something I found at the top of a run. Doesn't work too well, but hey, I gotta wax.\"\n\nThe skier polishes a spot on his skis.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put rag down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put rag in pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give guy rag"
"ploc": "Ski Resort",
"inv": null
"msg": "The skier gladly takes the rag and starts polishing immediately. He lets the scroll fall to the ground. \"Excellent man, thanks!\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take scroll",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put scroll down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine scroll",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put scroll in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": "Ski Resort",
"inv": null
"msg": "(the waxy scroll)\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put waxy down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine waxy",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at waxy",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put waxy in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": "Ski Resort",
"inv": [
"waxy scroll"
"msg": "The scroll reads \"egdelp chant: create waxy build-up on wood\".\n\nThe skier polishes a spot on his skis.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put waxy down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine waxy",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at waxy",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put waxy in pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": "Ski Resort",
"inv": [
"waxy scroll"
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the egdelp chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": "Ski Resort",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFrostham",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southwest",
"take into southeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": "Frostham",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSubway Entrance\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": "Subway Entrance",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFrostham GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southeast.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in small",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The coin slides into the slot with a satisfying thunk.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into gate",
"put coin down",
"put umbrella down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in small",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You saunter through the apparently open gate.\n\nFrostham Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northwest.\n\nSuddenly, from the south, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into northwest",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou enter the train car. The doors slam shut behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nYou can see a newspaper here.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going south.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Aragain station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going south.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Fublio station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take newspaper",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFublio Valley Train Platform\nYou are standing in a long underground chamber. The east side of the room contains a lowered set of what appear to be train tracks. The tracks run north into a dark tunnel. Along one wall painted lettering reads \"FUBLIO VALLEY STATION\". A short walkway leads northwest, to a metal fence. There is a large train car sitting on the tracks to the east.\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northwest.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train rolls off to the north.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into northwest",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFublio Valley GUS Station\nYou are standing at the entrance to the South Fublio Valley Great Underground Subway (GUS) station. The train platform lies past the gate to the southeast, or stairs lead up into the city.\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southeast.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in small",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouthern Fublio Valley\nYou are in a southern region of Fublio Valley, where someone apparently decided to start a city. So far, a couple huts and farmhouses are the result. A rather run-down farmhouse lies to the southwest, a trail runs through grasslands to the south and a smaller trail runs along the hills to the southeast. To the north, you see a decrepit old building. There is also a stairway into the ground here.\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southwest",
"take into southeast",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFarm\nYou're standing in front of a small farmhouse. A trail leads northeast, a sand bar lies to the southwest, and another trail heads east.\n\nThere's a tired-looking farmer here.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southwest",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put square down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOyster Farm\nA coastline sand bar curves west a short distance here, ending in a shoal of large rocks. Nearby, someone has dug some shallow holes in the sand, probably farming for live Rotund Oysters, a popular Eastland delicacy.Unfortunately, the oyster beds are too far inland, and they appear to be empty. A bit to the west you can see a small shoreline cave in the rocks.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You try to head towards the cave, but the unstable rocks and sea waves make it difficult to get there from here. Suddenly, a rock slips from underfoot! You fall...\n\nDark Damp Cave\nYou seem to be in some underground cave. There are no visible exits. You feel rather claustrophobic. You also hear some unexpected noises.\n\nYou can see a mad hermit and a spotted scroll here.\n\nThe hermit shrinks into a corner and weeps. \"No more, no more. I can help you no more.\"",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take scroll",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give hermit cube",
"give hermit powder",
"give hermit stick",
"give hermit sack",
"give hermit egg",
"give hermit cereal"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the spotted scroll)\nTaken.\n\nThe hermit giggles for no reason.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take shiny",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put spotted down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine spotted",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put spotted in pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give hermit stick",
"give hermit cube",
"give hermit powder",
"give hermit sack",
"give hermit egg",
"give hermit cereal"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The scroll reads \"bekdab chant: turn iron to rust\".\n\nThe hermit hums a little tune.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take shiny",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put spotted down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine spotted",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put spotted in pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give hermit stick",
"give hermit cube",
"give hermit powder",
"give hermit sack",
"give hermit egg",
"give hermit cereal"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You speak the chant, but something sounds wrong. Nothing happens this time.\n\nThe hermit babbles something about a shining tower on a hill.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take shiny",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put spotted down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine spotted",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put spotted in pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give hermit stick",
"give hermit cube",
"give hermit powder",
"give hermit sack",
"give hermit egg",
"give hermit cereal"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Your training is such that you can only prepare such a chant with the aid of a prayer book containing it.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take shiny",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put spotted down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine spotted",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put spotted in pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to umbrella",
"push cereal to pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give hermit stick",
"give hermit cube",
"give hermit powder",
"give hermit sack",
"give hermit egg",
"give hermit cereal"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the bekdab chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\nThe hermit pauses. \"Listen, do you hear them? The voices -- everywhere!\"",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take scroll",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give hermit cube",
"give hermit powder",
"give hermit stick",
"give hermit sack",
"give hermit egg",
"give hermit cereal"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "He looks quite crazed -- his wild eyes are almost unbearable to watch. His clothes are complete tatters, and he looks rather emaciated.\n\nThe hermit smiles at you. \"Come to pay your respects to an old man, Humboz? I know it's you.\"",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take scroll",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take cereal",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push cereal to ledger",
"push cereal to pot",
"put all in pot",
"give hermit cube",
"give hermit powder",
"give hermit stick",
"give hermit sack",
"give hermit egg",
"give hermit cereal"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\nThe hermit pauses. \"Listen, do you hear them? The voices -- everywhere!\"",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put cereal down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"put cereal in pot",
"put all in pot",
"give hermit cube",
"give hermit powder",
"give hermit stick",
"give hermit sack",
"give hermit egg",
"give hermit cereal"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"crunchy cereal"
"msg": "The hermit greedily takes the crunchy cereal and gobbles it quickly. \"Good, yes. I have something for you -- something you will treasure as I have.\" He gives you a piece of parchment..\n\nThe hermit talks to someone or thing unseen. \"Closer, closer, nary a sound betray...\"",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put parchment down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put parchment in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The hermit laughs. \"You want to leave already? Very well, you'll find the exit where you came in.\"\n\nThe hermit pauses. \"Listen, do you hear them? The voices -- everywhere!\"",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put parchment down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put parchment in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The hermit chuckles. \"Forgotten where you came in? It hasn't gone anywhere.\" He points at a space in the south wall, which you realize is actually a well-hidden tunnel.\n\nThe hermit giggles for no reason.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put parchment down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put parchment in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou crawl through the dark tunnel, which seems to snake back and forth. After what seems like an eternity, you see daylight, and stumble forward. You find yourself on the sand bar again! Looking back, you can't locate the tunnel you just left at all!\n\nOyster Farm",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put parchment down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put parchment in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\"...evidence that there are more demons like the evil Anabais! In fact, I suspect that four demons, not one, faced the Ancient Ones in spiritual battle at the dawn of time! To suspect this is...\"",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put parchment down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put parchment in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take a",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take a off pot",
"take all off pot",
"cast a at wigro",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFarm\n\nThere's a tired-looking farmer here.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southwest",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put square down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\"Did a foolish thing, sir, tried my luck with oyster farming this year. The place is too far from the sea, and I can't get any oysters in my beds, 'cause there's no water to grow 'em in.\"",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southwest",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put square down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGrassland Beach\nA nice beach with lots of tall grasses hides behind a short dune here. The Great Sea stretches out to the south. From here, you can go north, west or east. You can just glimpse some sort of tower-like structure far across the bay in the east.\n\nYou can see a small sailboat (in which is a fur sack (which is closed)) here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take fur",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into sailboat",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open fur",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to sailboat",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in sailboat",
"put pot in sailboat",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in sailboat",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to sailboat",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to sailboat",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to sailboat",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to sailboat",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to sailboat",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in sailboat",
"put umbrella in sailboat",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to sailboat",
"put square in pot",
"put square in sailboat",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push volcano to sailboat",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to sailboat",
"put book in pot",
"put book in sailboat",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to sailboat",
"put all in pot",
"put all in sailboat",
"empty pot into sailboat",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Peninsula\nYou stand in a clearing on a grassland peninsula. A trail leads northwest from here, and another leads west. Off to the southeast, there's an entrance into what looks like an old abandoned lighthouse, just at the tip of the peninsula.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBottom of Lighthouse\nYou're inside an ancient lighthouse. The place must have been deserted quite a long time ago, and is now a mess of broken stone, cobwebs and seabird droppings. The rest of the peninsula is back northwest. You can see a hole above where a stairway probably entered an upper floor of the place, but the stairway itself crumbled into dust long ago.\n\nYour amulet suddenly gives off a bright purple flash, then returns to normal!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push sack to ledger",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Peninsula",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sack",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push sack to umbrella",
"push sack to pot",
"push volcano to umbrella",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGrassland Beach\n\nYou can see a small sailboat (in which is a fur sack (which is closed)) here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take fur",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into sailboat",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open fur",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to sailboat",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in sailboat",
"put pot in sailboat",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in sailboat",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to sailboat",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to sailboat",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to sailboat",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to sailboat",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to sailboat",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in sailboat",
"put umbrella in sailboat",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to sailboat",
"put square in pot",
"put square in sailboat",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push volcano to sailboat",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to sailboat",
"put book in pot",
"put book in sailboat",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to sailboat",
"put all in pot",
"put all in sailboat",
"empty pot into sailboat",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the fur sack)\nTaken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into sailboat",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to sailboat",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in sailboat",
"put pot in sailboat",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in sailboat",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to sailboat",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to sailboat",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to sailboat",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to sailboat",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to sailboat",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in sailboat",
"put umbrella in sailboat",
"put fur in sailboat",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to sailboat",
"put square in pot",
"put square in sailboat",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push volcano to sailboat",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to sailboat",
"put book in pot",
"put book in sailboat",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to sailboat",
"put all in pot",
"put all in sailboat",
"empty pot into sailboat",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "A nice little sailboat that looks pretty sea-worthy. The word \"MINIRVA\" is painted on one side.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into sailboat",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to sailboat",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in sailboat",
"put pot in sailboat",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in sailboat",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to sailboat",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to sailboat",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to sailboat",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to sailboat",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to sailboat",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in sailboat",
"put umbrella in sailboat",
"put fur in sailboat",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to sailboat",
"put square in pot",
"put square in sailboat",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push volcano to sailboat",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to sailboat",
"put book in pot",
"put book in sailboat",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to sailboat",
"put all in pot",
"put all in sailboat",
"empty pot into sailboat",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You get into the small sailboat.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take volcano",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push volcano to ledger",
"push volcano to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put toy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take toy off pot",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put toy in pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"toy volcano"
"msg": "\nOn Fublio Bay (in the small sailboat)\nYou are sailing on Fublio Bay. A shoreline lies to the north. You could probably sail out of the bay to the south, but I'd advise against it, the winds aren't very strong. To the northeast you can see the tip of a peninsula where a lighthouse tower is standing.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put toy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take toy off pot",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put toy in pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"toy volcano"
"msg": "The toy volcano drops into the water and sinks like a stone.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into sea",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGrassland Beach (in the small sailboat)",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into sea",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You get out of the small sailboat.\n\nGrassland Beach\n\nYou can see a small sailboat (which is empty) here.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into sailboat",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"eat cube",
"eat powder",
"eat stick",
"eat egg",
"eat flour",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open fur",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to cube",
"push ledger to sailboat",
"push ledger to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to sailboat",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to sailboat",
"push powder to pot",
"put wigro in sailboat",
"put wigro in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to sailboat",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in sailboat",
"put amulet in pot",
"put fur in sailboat",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to sailboat",
"push stick to pot",
"put book in sailboat",
"put book in pot",
"put coin in sailboat",
"put coin in pot",
"put pot in sailboat",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to sailboat",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to sailboat",
"push whistle to pot",
"put umbrella in sailboat",
"put square in sailboat",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to sailboat",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to sailboat",
"push egg to pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to sailboat",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in sailboat",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into sailboat",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouthern Fublio Valley\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.\n\nYou hear a massive explosion from the south! It sounded pretty far off, but whatever it was, it was loud.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southwest",
"take into southeast",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGrassland Beach\n\nYou can see a small sailboat (which is empty) here.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into sailboat",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"eat cube",
"eat powder",
"eat stick",
"eat egg",
"eat flour",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open fur",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to cube",
"push ledger to sailboat",
"push ledger to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to sailboat",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to sailboat",
"push powder to pot",
"put wigro in sailboat",
"put wigro in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to sailboat",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in sailboat",
"put amulet in pot",
"put fur in sailboat",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to sailboat",
"push stick to pot",
"put book in sailboat",
"put book in pot",
"put coin in sailboat",
"put coin in pot",
"put pot in sailboat",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to sailboat",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to sailboat",
"push whistle to pot",
"put umbrella in sailboat",
"put square in sailboat",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to sailboat",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to sailboat",
"push egg to pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to sailboat",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in sailboat",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into sailboat",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "A badly damaged sailboat. Several places bear deep cracks, as though the boat had been tossed in a violent storm.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into sailboat",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"eat cube",
"eat powder",
"eat stick",
"eat egg",
"eat flour",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open fur",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to cube",
"push ledger to sailboat",
"push ledger to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to sailboat",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to sailboat",
"push powder to pot",
"put wigro in sailboat",
"put wigro in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to sailboat",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in sailboat",
"put amulet in pot",
"put fur in sailboat",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to sailboat",
"push stick to pot",
"put book in sailboat",
"put book in pot",
"put coin in sailboat",
"put coin in pot",
"put pot in sailboat",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to sailboat",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to sailboat",
"push whistle to pot",
"put umbrella in sailboat",
"put square in sailboat",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to sailboat",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to sailboat",
"push egg to pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to sailboat",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in sailboat",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into sailboat",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the fiznav chant.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"cast a",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off a",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"take into a",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put a down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast a at sailboat",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to a",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in a",
"put pot in a",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in a",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to a",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to a",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to a",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to a",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to a",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in a",
"put umbrella in a",
"put fur in a",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to a",
"put square in pot",
"put square in a",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to a",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to a",
"put book in pot",
"put book in a",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to a",
"put all in pot",
"put all in a",
"empty pot into a",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You perform a nice liturgy to the Sea Gods, and before your very eyes, the sailboat repairs itself!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into sailboat",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"eat cube",
"eat powder",
"eat stick",
"eat egg",
"eat flour",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open fur",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to cube",
"push ledger to sailboat",
"push ledger to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to sailboat",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to sailboat",
"push powder to pot",
"put wigro in sailboat",
"put wigro in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to sailboat",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in sailboat",
"put amulet in pot",
"put fur in sailboat",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to sailboat",
"push stick to pot",
"put book in sailboat",
"put book in pot",
"put coin in sailboat",
"put coin in pot",
"put pot in sailboat",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to sailboat",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to sailboat",
"push whistle to pot",
"put umbrella in sailboat",
"put square in sailboat",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to sailboat",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to sailboat",
"push egg to pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to sailboat",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in sailboat",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into sailboat",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You get into the small sailboat.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into sea",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Fublio Bay (in the small sailboat)",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into sea",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNear Submerged Lighthouse (in the small sailboat)\nYou're on the outside of what looks like the upper part of a lighthouse, sticking straight out of the sea. The lighthouse is broken in many places, and several areas provide ledge-space to stand on. In fact, you could probably climb into the lighthouse through one of many large cracks in the walls to the east. The rest of Fublio bay is back southwest.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into sea",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You get out of the small sailboat.\n\nNear Submerged Lighthouse\n\nYou can see a small sailboat (which is empty) here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into sailboat",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to sailboat",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in sailboat",
"put pot in sailboat",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in sailboat",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to sailboat",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to sailboat",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to sailboat",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to sailboat",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to sailboat",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in sailboat",
"put umbrella in sailboat",
"put fur in sailboat",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to sailboat",
"put square in pot",
"put square in sailboat",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to sailboat",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to sailboat",
"put book in pot",
"put book in sailboat",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to sailboat",
"put all in pot",
"put all in sailboat",
"empty pot into sailboat"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the swanko chant.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"take into sailboat",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to sailboat",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in sailboat",
"put pot in sailboat",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in sailboat",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to sailboat",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to sailboat",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to sailboat",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to sailboat",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to sailboat",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in sailboat",
"put umbrella in sailboat",
"put fur in sailboat",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to sailboat",
"put square in pot",
"put square in sailboat",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to sailboat",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to sailboat",
"put book in pot",
"put book in sailboat",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to sailboat",
"put all in pot",
"put all in sailboat",
"empty pot into sailboat"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nLighthouse, upper level\nYou're inside an abandoned lighthouse, on what must be an upper floor. The whole interior is lifeless and barren. There's a large broken crack in the western wall. You also notice a hole in the floor nearby, which might have been an exitway a long, long time ago.\n\nIn the center of the room is a short gray rod.\n\nSuddenly, water seeps in from the west, and forms into a large vaguely-humanoid shape before your very eyes!",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take rod",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"take into floor",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "As you speak the chant, the water spirit falls back in fear! You finish the chant, and the water spirit makes one last attempt to smother you, but dissipates with a splash!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take rod",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into floor",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into floor",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put rod down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put rod in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the gray rod piece into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into floor",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNear Submerged Lighthouse\n\nYou can see a small sailboat (which is empty) here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into sailboat",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to sailboat",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in sailboat",
"put pot in sailboat",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in sailboat",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to sailboat",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to sailboat",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to sailboat",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to sailboat",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to sailboat",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in sailboat",
"put umbrella in sailboat",
"put fur in sailboat",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to sailboat",
"put square in pot",
"put square in sailboat",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to sailboat",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to sailboat",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to sailboat",
"put book in pot",
"put book in sailboat",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to sailboat",
"put all in pot",
"put all in sailboat",
"empty pot into sailboat"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You get into the small sailboat.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Fublio Bay (in the small sailboat)",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGrassland Beach (in the small sailboat)",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take off",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You get out of the small sailboat.\n\nGrassland Beach\n\nYou can see a small sailboat (which is empty) here.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"close umbrella",
"take into a",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put a down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine a",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to a",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in a",
"put pot in a",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in a",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to a",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to a",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to a",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to a",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to a",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in a",
"put umbrella in a",
"put fur in a",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to a",
"put square in pot",
"put square in a",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to a",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to a",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to a",
"put book in pot",
"put book in a",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to a",
"put all in pot",
"put all in a",
"empty pot into a",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFarm\n\nThere's a tired-looking farmer here.\n\nThe farmer sees you approach and rushes to greet you. \"I saw what you did, sir, yes indeed. A mighty crazy thing to do, calling a volcano outa the water like that. But you did it! And my oyster beds thank you kindly! I'd like to repay the favor, but I'm only a poor farmer.\" He pauses, then searches his pockets. \"Here,\" he says, putting something in your hand. \"Found it digging in the sand. Don't know what it is, but I'll bet you can use it.\" He smiles and disappears into the farmhouse.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southwest",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put sphere down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to pot",
"put sphere in pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the silver sphere into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southwest",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouthern Fublio Valley\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"take into southwest",
"take into southeast",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAbandoned Bank\nYou're inside what must have once been a small branch office of the once indestructible Bank of Zork. However, the place has clearly been abandoned, and age has not been kind. Even the required portrait of J. Pierpont Flathead has been pilfered. An exit lies south.\n\nAn vault labeled \"INTEREST PAID\" is open in the wall.\n\nAn vault labeled \"OVERHEAD\" is open in the wall.\n\nAn vault labeled \"BASIS\" is open in the wall. Inside are twenty coins.\n\nAn vault labeled \"LOANS\" is open in the wall.\n\nYou can also see a bank memo here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take memo",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in loans",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into loans",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "BANK WORKER GUIDELINES\n\nIf at any point, account activity has been suspended (i.e. all regular account vaults have no funds) then it must be ensured that 20 zorkmids remain in basis, for potential loan requests.\n\nOtherwise, vaults must be maintained as follows:\n\nFor interest waiting to be paid, the amount must equal the amount held in the loan payments vault. If this amount goes over the loan payments, talk to your local gnome manager to see about getting some outstanding loans paid back.\n\nOverhead should be kept at the amount in interest, plus five.\n\nLoan payments should be kept at a positive amount.\n\nMake sure that both the loan and interest vaults are maintained properly, and at the same time, the overhead vault is maintained while the basis vault is kept at a non-suspended bank amount. If this is not the case, you may need to put some overtime in to straighten out the bank funds.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take memo",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in loans",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into loans",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You open the fur sack.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take memo",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in loans",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into loans",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the coin in the fur sack)\nYou put the coin into the fur sack.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take memo",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in loans",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into loans",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "coin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: You're carrying too many things already.\ncoin: You're carrying too many things already.\ncoin: You're carrying too many things already.\ncoin: You're carrying too many things already.\ncoin: You're carrying too many things already.\ncoin: You're carrying too many things already.\ncoin: You're carrying too many things already.\ncoin: You're carrying too many things already.\ncoin: You're carrying too many things already.\ncoin: You're carrying too many things already.\ncoin: You're carrying too many things already.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to loans",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to loans",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to loans",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to loans",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to loans",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to loans",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to loans",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to loans",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to loans",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to loans",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to loans",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to loans",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in loans",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into loans",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into loans"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "coin: Done.\ncoin: Done.\ncoin: Done.\ncoin: Done.\ncoin: Done.\ncoin: Done.\ncoin: Done.\ncoin: Done.\ncoin: Done.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take memo",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in loans",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into loans",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take memo",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in loans",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into loans",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into loans"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the coin in the interest vault)\nYou put the coin into the interest vault.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take memo",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in loans",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into loans",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take memo",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in loans",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into loans",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into loans"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the coin in the loans vault)\nYou put the coin into the loans vault.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take memo",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"open fur",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in loans",
"put all in pot",
"empty pot into loans",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "coin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.\ncoin: Removed.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take coin",
"take memo",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off loans",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in loans",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into loans",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into loans"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "coin: Done.\ncoin: Done.\ncoin: Done.\ncoin: Done.\ncoin: Done.\ncoin: Done.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take memo",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off loans",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in loans",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into loans",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into loans",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouthern Fublio Valley\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"take into southeast",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fur",
"push coin to ledger",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFublio Valley GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southeast.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fur",
"push coin to ledger",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to small",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in small",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into small",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the coin in the metal slot)\nThe coin slides into the slot with a satisfying thunk.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southeast",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into small",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You saunter through the apparently open gate.\n\nFublio Valley Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northwest.\n\nSuddenly, from the north, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close fur",
"close umbrella",
"take into northwest",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put pot down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to cube",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou enter the train car. The doors slam shut behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nYou can see a newspaper here.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take newspaper",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take newspaper",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Aragain station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take newspaper",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northwest.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train rolls off.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain Train Platform (lower)",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear a distant rumbling noise from the west.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nSuddenly, from the west, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and up the stairs.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA few people exit the train, and hurry up the stairs. You hear a voice from inside the train say, \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou squeeze onto the train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going west.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Greater Anthar station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGreater Anthar Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the north.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train rolls off.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGreater Anthar GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the south.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into small",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEntrance to Greater Anthar\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAnthar West",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAnthar East",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nConservatory Entrance",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southeast",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFlower Garden",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDecorative Plants Garden\n\nA Christmas Tree stands in one plot, swaying back and forth.\n\nA small shrub sits near and under the Christmas Tree.\n\nA small plaque sticks out of the soil near the two plants.\n\nYou can also see a hedge clipper and a cap here.\n\nThe Christmas Tree Monster hums a few notes from 'Dornbeasts Roasting on an Open Pyre'.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take clipper",
"take cap",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on cap",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the throck chant.\n\nThe Christmas Tree Monster whistles a part of 'Frosty the Snow Wight'.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take clipper",
"take cap",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on cap",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The shrub seems to shake suddenly! A new leaf grows, searchs for the sunlight, and finds it! Another leaf follows, and soon the shrub is sprouting new branches. In the sunlight, flowers appear, and a cycle of missed-out seasons is made-up for in minutes! The shrub is now quite a thriving plant, covered with tiny red fruit.\n\nThe Christmas Tree Monster sways in time to 'Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow'.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take clipper",
"take cap",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on cap",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\nThe Christmas Tree Monster sings a few measures from Berknip's own rendition of 'Silent Night', a rather morbid version.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take clipper",
"take cap",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put umbrella down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put dornberries down",
"put all down",
"put on cap",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put dornberries in pot",
"put dornberries in fur",
"put dornberries on shrub",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the bunch of dornberries into the small flower pot.\n\nThe Christmas Tree Monster sways in time to 'Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow'.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take clipper",
"take cap",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on cap",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFlower Garden",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nConservatory Entrance",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southeast",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAnthar East",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEntrance to Flathead Stadium\nHere stands the entrance into the still popular Flathead Stadium, home to esoteric sports activities you never fully understood. Walkways lie southeast and southwest from here, or you can enter the stadium to the north.\n\nA stadium event sign is pasted to one of the stadium walls here.\n\nA statue depicting the legendary Babe Flathead greets all visitors in front of the stadium.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\"Today's event:\nGOLEM FIGHTS!!!\n\nALL CHALLENGERS WELCOME!!!\nTHREE ROUNDS, THREE BOUTS!\nBIG CASH FOR THE WINNER!\n\n(All Golems have undefeated records, so\nonly trained golem-wrestlers need apply!)\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You walk right into the stadium. The ticket-takers must be on strike or something.\n\nIn Flathead Stadium, upper seats\nYou are near the top cheap seats of Flathead Stadium. The crowd is busy cheering whatever is going on down on the field. Looking at the field, you see two small dots. The Stadium exit is back south, or you can walk down to the front seats to the north.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nIn Flathead Stadium, lower seats\nYou are near the good seats in Flathead Stadium. The crowd is busy cheering for the current event on the field. Looking at the field, you see two large dots. The seats continue up and south, or you can walk down to the field below.\n\nYou can see a burly man here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the foblub chant.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You begin your sermon. The man starts to tell you to knock it off, but starts to listen with awe. As you finish, the man tries to get up to shake your hand, but realizes he is stuck fast. \"They gotta start cleaning these seats,\" he says.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNear Locker Room\nYou are near a locker room under Flathead field. You can enter the locker room to the north, or start the climb back into the roaring crowd to the south.\n\nA couple front row fans are getting a bit boisterous. Several of them throw garbage and paper debris towards the field. You notice something flutter down by your feet.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take pale",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine pale",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the pale scroll)\nTaken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put pale down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine pale",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at pale",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"put pale in fur",
"put pale in pot",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The scroll reads \"shazok chant: call lightning from storm\".",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put pale down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine pale",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at pale",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"put pale in fur",
"put pale in pot",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You speak the chant, but something sounds wrong. Nothing happens this time.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put book down",
"put pale down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine pale",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at pale",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"put pale in fur",
"put pale in pot",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nLocker Room\nYou are inside a locker room under Flathead field. You can hear the crowds outside. The room is empty. There is an exit to the south, and the entrance to the field is to the north.\n\nYou can see a tough-looking coach here.\n\nThe coach looks up and notices you. \"Oh, you must be the replacement,\" he says. He drags you over to the field entrance. \"Well, I hoped you're warmed up, cuz you're up.\" He shoves you north. \"Remember, these guys are tough, so give 'em your best stuff.\"\n\nFlathead Field\nYou're on Flathead field, in front of millions of zany fans, a lifetime dream. Or not. Well, anyway, there's a locker room to the south.\n\nYou can see a referee and a dangerous-looking wood golem here.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take whistle",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put shazok down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to ref",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the egdelp chant.\n\nThe ref blows his whistle and says \"Round 1\". The golem, not needing any encouragement, jumps into the fray.\n\nThe wood golem makes a swipe for you, and misses.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put shazok down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wood",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The wood golem is suddenly covered with a waxy buildup! Greatly embarrassed, he turns to call foul, and slips! With a great thud, the golem hits the turf, and knocks himself out cold!\n\nThe ref says \"Knockout!\". The crowd cheers in approval.\n\nSeveral dwarves appear and cart the wood golem off. Unfortunately, a stone golem soon walks into view!\n\nThe coach yells from the doorway \"You're doing great kid, just hang in there.\"\n\nThe ref says \"Round 2!\"\n\nThe golem tries to close, and misses.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit golem",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put shazok down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to golem",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the tossio chant.\n\nThe golem tries to close, and misses.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit golem",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put shazok down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to golem",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The golem is suddenly replaced with a pile of steaming linguini alfredo!\n\nThe ref yells \"Takeout!\" The crowd goes wild! Several dwarves appear and serve the pasta to the crowd on platters. Unfortunately, an iron golem soon walks into view! \n\nThe coach yells out from the safety of the locker room \"Okay kid, drop this golem, and we can celebrate.\"\n\nThe ref yells \"Round 3!\"\n\nThe golem tries to step on you, and you dodge.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit golem",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put shazok down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to golem",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty fur into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the bekdab chant.\n\nThe golem tries to step on you, and you dodge.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The golem suddenly develops many unsightly patches of rust. Mortified, the golem calls for his oil trainer, but to no avail! It soon falls apart into several rusty metal pieces!\n\nThe ref calls out \"The winner!\" and holds your hand aloft. The crowd is on its feet! They'd probably be chanting your name, if they knew it.\n\nSeveral dwarves appear and drag off the rusty metal plates. The ref explains that the prize money and a championship trophy will be awarded in the locker room, and exits.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the taclor chant.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You speak the chant, and feel a warm glow surround you. In moments, you feel physically renewed!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pot in fur",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nLocker Room\n\nYou can see a tough-looking coach here.\n\nThe coach gives you a slap on the back that knocks the wind out of you. \"You did it! I didn't think you had it in you!\" He hands you a small bag. \"Here's the winnings. I went ahead and took out my cut, of course.\"\n",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "An old fellow with bushy eyebrows and a gruff demeanor. He's dressed like a sports coach. You also notice he's holding some sort of trophy.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The coach looks lovingly at the trophy, and then at you. \"Fair enough kid, you earned it.\" he says, and gives it to you. \"I've seen a lot of golem-wrestlers in my time, but I gotta say, you're the best golem-wrestler I've ever seen.\" He leaves the locker room to greet his fans.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNear Locker Room",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nIn Flathead Stadium, lower seats\n\nYou can see a burly man here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nIn Flathead Stadium, upper seats",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEntrance to Flathead Stadium\n\nA stadium event sign is pasted to one of the stadium walls here.\n\nA statue depicting the legendary Babe Flathead greets all visitors in front of the stadium.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push sphere to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAnthar West",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDelbin's Pub\n\nDelbin himself is standing behind the bar.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bar",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot on bar",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro on bar",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to bar",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to bar",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to bar",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy on bar",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok on bar",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bar",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag on bar",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bar",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bar",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet on bar",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put umbrella on bar",
"put fur on bar",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to bar",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square on bar",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bar",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bar",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to bar",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book on bar",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to bar",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to bar",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all on bar",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\"I think that's the name of some old Antharian Sea Goddess. Like a patron saint to sailors, in the old days.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bar",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot on bar",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro on bar",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to bar",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to bar",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to bar",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy on bar",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok on bar",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bar",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag on bar",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bar",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bar",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet on bar",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put umbrella on bar",
"put fur on bar",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to bar",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square on bar",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bar",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bar",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to bar",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book on bar",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to bar",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to bar",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all on bar",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Delbin calls out \"Visit us again!\" as you leave.\n\nAnthar West",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEntrance to Greater Anthar\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push sphere to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGreater Anthar GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the south.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push sphere to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into small",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"push coin to ledger",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to small",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push sphere to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in small",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into small",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the coin in the metal slot)\nThe coin slides into the slot with a satisfying thunk.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push sphere to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into small",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You saunter through the apparently open gate.\n\nGreater Anthar Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the north.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to bag",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to bag",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nSuddenly, from the west, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to bag",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to bag",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou squeeze onto the train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going east.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Aragain station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going west.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Greater Anthar station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going west.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Gurth City station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City Train Platform (lower)\n\nThe train doors close, and the train heads off to the east.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to bag",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to bag",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nYou hear a distant rumbling noise from the south.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to bag",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to bag",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest.\n\nYou can also see a thin wire here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take wire",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to bag",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to bag",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into small",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You are greeted by a light rain as you leave the station.\n\nGurth City Streets\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth District",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nForest Edge\nDark forest meets dark city outskirts here. The only exit is along an old path to the southwest -- the forest is too thick for travel otherwise. Rain falls periodically from a dark stormy sky.\n\nYou can see an angry treant and a log cabin here.\n\nA rumble of thunder booms overhead.\n\nThe treant angrily attacks the wood cabin, which shakes with the continued blows.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push sphere to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Treants are basically animated trees. They are considered mythical creatures, usually solitary and quite rare. This particular treant looks similar to a great elm tree. You notice that it seems covered with spots of some sort of blight.\n\nThe treant hammers on the house and you hear a crack! The cabin sustains some damage!",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push sphere to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the shazok chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\nA rumble of thunder booms overhead.\n\nThe treant angrily attacks the wood cabin, which shakes with the continued blows.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push sphere to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the shazok chant.\n\nThe treant angrily attacks the wood cabin, which shakes with the continued blows.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push sphere to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "A bolt of lightning rips down from the clouds overhead as you finish your chant! It strikes the angry treant! A portion of its top branches catch fire! Howling in pain, the creature runs off into the woods and disappears!\n\nMoments later, a woodsman appears from the battered log cabin. \"Much thanks, sir,\" he says. \"Appears I mistook that treant for a dead tree and tried to cut it down. Can't say he took it too well.\" he says sheepishly. \"Say, you don't look like you're from around these parts. Kinda like this funny thing I found in the woods the other day.\" He hands you a strange round object. \"Maybe you know what to do with it?\" He hefts a small hatchet over his shoulder. \"Well, back to do a little logging,\" he says, as he walks off into the deep forest, whistling.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put sphere down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put sphere in pot",
"put sphere in bag",
"put sphere in fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the red sphere into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take sphere",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take egg",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put shazok down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine shazok",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"push sphere to ledger",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"push sphere to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth District",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take sphere",
"take egg",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put shazok down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine shazok",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"cast chant at shazok",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push sphere to umbrella",
"push sphere to fur",
"push sphere to pot",
"push sphere to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put shazok in fur",
"put shazok in pot",
"put shazok in bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMarket District",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouth District",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFront of House",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEntrance Room",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nKitchen\nYou're in the kitchen, by the looks of things. Some broken cabinets are on the wall. Light from partially boarded-up windows lets you see the rotting wood floors. Rooms lie to the north and west.\n\nStrangely untouched and undamaged, a GUE-Automatic oven is sitting closed in a corner of the room.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nPantry\nThis was once probably a pantry of some sort. It's now a bare closet-sized room. The exit is south.\n\nYou can see a baking pan (in which is a sticker) here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take stick",
"take sticker",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take pan",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to pan",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in pan",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in pan",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to pan",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in pan",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to pan",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to pan",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to pan",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in pan",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to pan",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to pan",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to pan",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to pan",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to pan",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in pan",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take sticker",
"take stick",
"take cube",
"take rod",
"take powder",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"push sticker to umbrella",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push sticker to fur",
"push sticker to pot",
"push sticker to bag",
"push sticker to pan",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"push stick to umbrella",
"push stick to fur",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to pan",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in pan",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in pan",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push cube to umbrella",
"push cube to fur",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to pan",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in pan",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to pan",
"push powder to umbrella",
"push powder to fur",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to pan",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to pan",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in pan",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to pan",
"push egg to umbrella",
"push egg to fur",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to pan",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to pan",
"push dornberries to umbrella",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push flour to umbrella",
"push flour to fur",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to pan",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to pan",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in pan",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nKitchen\n\nStrangely untouched and undamaged, a GUE-Automatic oven is sitting closed in a corner of the room.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take sticker",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"push sticker to ledger",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to sticker",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"push sticker to pot",
"push sticker to pan",
"push sticker to bag",
"push sticker to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to pan",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to pan",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to pan",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to pan",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to pan",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put sticker down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to sticker",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put sticker in pot",
"put sticker in pan",
"put sticker in bag",
"put sticker in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to pan",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to pan",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to pan",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to pan",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to pan",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Frobozz Magic Baking Pan\n\nHELLO, BAKER!\n\nTo mix ingredients placed in pan, simply say 'MIX PAN'. Baked goods should be removed with a Frobozz Magic Spatula.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put sticker down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to sticker",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put sticker in pot",
"put sticker in pan",
"put sticker in bag",
"put sticker in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to pan",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to pan",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to pan",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to pan",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to pan",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take sticker",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take flour",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"push sticker to ledger",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to sticker",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"push sticker to pot",
"push sticker to pan",
"push sticker to bag",
"push sticker to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to pan",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to pan",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to pan",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to pan",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"push flour to ledger",
"push flour to pot",
"push flour to pan",
"push flour to bag",
"push flour to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take stick",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put flour down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to pan",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to pan",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to pan",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to pan",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"put flour in pot",
"put flour in pan",
"put flour in bag",
"put sack in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"msg": "You break open the bag and add the flour to the pan.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take umbrella",
"take stick",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take off amulet",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to pan",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to pan",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push umbrella to ledger",
"push umbrella to fur",
"push stick to ledger",
"push stick to pot",
"push stick to pan",
"push stick to bag",
"push stick to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to pan",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put stick down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"eat stick",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to pan",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to pan",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put stick in pot",
"put stick in pan",
"put stick in bag",
"put stick in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to pan",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"stick butter"
"msg": "You put the stick of butter into the baking pan.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take powder",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to pan",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"push powder to ledger",
"push powder to pot",
"push powder to pan",
"push powder to bag",
"push powder to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to pan",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put powder down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to pan",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"put powder in pot",
"put powder in pan",
"put powder in bag",
"put powder in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to pan",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"packetk powder"
"msg": "You open the packet and add the powder to the pan.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take cube",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"push cube to ledger",
"push cube to pot",
"push cube to pan",
"push cube to bag",
"push cube to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to pan",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put cube down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put cube in pot",
"put cube in pan",
"put cube in bag",
"put cube in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to pan",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You crumble the sugar cube into the pan.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take egg",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push egg to ledger",
"push egg to pot",
"push egg to pan",
"push egg to bag",
"push egg to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put egg down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put egg in pot",
"put egg in pan",
"put egg in bag",
"put egg in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"corbie egg"
"msg": "You crack the egg and drop the gooey contents into the pan, discarding the shell.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"stir pan",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Removed.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put dornberries down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"stir pan",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put dornberries in pot",
"put dornberries in pan",
"put dornberries in bag",
"put dornberries in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the bunch of dornberries into the baking pan.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit egg",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take dornberries",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"stir pan",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push dornberries to ledger",
"push dornberries to pot",
"push dornberries to pan",
"push dornberries to bag",
"push dornberries to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You start mixing. Like magic, in short time you have a doughy mixture in the pan.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"fold dough",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"stir pan",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the gloth chant.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"fold dough",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"stir pan",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "As you speak the chant, the dough seems to twinkle! With a sudden puff of flour, the dough spins and neatly kneads itself many times!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"fold dough",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"stir pan",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You open the oven, which is empty.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"fold dough",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"stir pan",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in pan",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in pan",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to pan",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to pan",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in pan",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in pan",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to pan",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to pan",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to pan",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in pan",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the baking pan into the GUE-Automatic oven.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take pan",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"fold dough",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"stir pan",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pan",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pan",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pan",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pan",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pan",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pan",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pan",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pan",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pan",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You close the GUE-Automatic oven.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take pan",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"fold dough",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"stir pan",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pan",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pan",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pan",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pan",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pan",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pan",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pan",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pan",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pan",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The line is now pointing to \"Roast Chicken\" on the dial.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The line is now pointing to \"Baked Potato\" on the dial.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The line is now pointing to \"Rib Roast\" on the dial.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The line is now pointing to \"Thermo-nuclear Flash\" on the dial.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The line is now pointing to \"Warm Soup\" on the dial.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The line is now pointing to \"Hot Chocolate\" on the dial.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The line is now pointing to \"Pizza\" on the dial.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The line is now pointing to \"Cake\" on the dial.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You press the button and hear a low spinning noise. Suddenly, the oven makes a a loud 'pop' and nearly springs off the floor! Then, just as suddenly, everything is quiet again.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You open the oven, revealing:\n a baking pan\n a cake",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take sticker",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEntrance Room",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFront of House",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouth District",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMarket District",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth District",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City Streets\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest.\n\nYou can also see a thin wire here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take wire",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take wire",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"push coin to ledger",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to small",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in small",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put thin down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"push coin to ledger",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to thin",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"put thin in pot",
"put thin in fur",
"put thin in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in small",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into thin",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into thin",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into thin",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the coin in the metal slot)\nThe coin slides into the slot, but you hear a strange click almost immediately.\n\nA subway nymph suddenly appears. She looks at the gate disapprovingly. \"Broken again? I thought they just fixed it. Well, fine.\" She seems rather annoyed. \"We'll get someone to look at it, eventually. Bye!\" She disappears.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put thin down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"push coin to ledger",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to thin",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"put thin in pot",
"put thin in fur",
"put thin in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in small",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into thin",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into thin",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into thin",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You poke around in the slot, and manage to free something! There is a solid thunk-like noise.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put thin down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"push ledger to coin",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"push coin to ledger",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to thin",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"put thin in pot",
"put thin in fur",
"put thin in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in small",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into thin",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into thin",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into thin",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take wire",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You saunter through the apparently open gate.\n\nGurth City Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nSuddenly, from the south, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close fur",
"close umbrella",
"take into gate",
"put pan down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put pot down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City Train Platform (lower)",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nSuddenly, from the east, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and up the stairs.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou squeeze onto the train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going east.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Greater Anthar station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going east.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Aragain station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain Train Platform (lower)\n\nThe train doors close, and the train heads off to the west.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northwest.\n\nSuddenly, from the south, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close fur",
"close umbrella",
"take into northwest",
"put pan down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put pot down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put all down",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"put pan in bag",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain GUS Station\nYou are standing at the entrance to the Aragain Great Underground Subway (GUS) station. The train platform lies past the gate to the southeast, or stairs lead up into the city. Some lettering on the wall reads \"TRANSFER STATION\".\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southeast.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put bag down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty fur",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to wigro",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in bag",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to fur",
"push can to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in fur",
"put square in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to fur",
"push red to bag",
"put book in pot",
"put book in fur",
"put book in bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain North\nYou are just north of the newly built Aragain City. The general vicinity is busy with important-looking people. A stairway goes down here, while a large walkway heads south into Aragain.\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"ploc": "Aragain North",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain Entrance\nBefore you is a truly astounding sight. A huge metal gate to the south blocks the entrance into the newly built Aragain Royal Grounds. Worse yet, a seemingly endless line of people stands before the gate. They look like dignitaries, diplomats, or just plain politicians. A walkway heads north.\n\nThe massive gate is closed.\n\nThere is a large sign bolted to the gate.\n\nA tough-looking palace guard is standing by the gate.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine sign",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"give guard pan",
"ploc": "Aragain Entrance",
"inv": null
"msg": "The sign reads:\n\n\"WELCOME TO ARAGAIN!\n\nAs today (and everyday henceforth) has been decreed his royal lordship's birthday, we request that all visitors respect good king Sydney Flathead's wishes and present a cake appropriate for the occasion before entering.\"\n\nWell, that's odd. If memory and Brother TuffBerry's Quendor History lessons serve, the Flathead family died off more than a hundred years ago.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take whistle",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put pan down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put pan in fur",
"put pan in pot",
"put pan in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pan",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into pan",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pan",
"give guard pan",
"ploc": "Aragain Entrance",
"inv": null
"msg": "The guard grabs the pan, and, to your annoyance, cuts himself a massive slice of cake with his broadsword. The guard takes a bite, and smacks his lips. \"Finally, someone who can bake an acceptable cake.\" He unlocks and opens the gate. \"You can pass.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close fur",
"close umbrella",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put umbrella down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to sign",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to sign",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to sign",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to sign",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push rod to sign",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to sign",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push red to sign",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to sign",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": "Aragain Entrance",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCourtyard\nYou're standing in a lovely courtyard with magnificent topiary designs and real marble walkways. A large gate stands to the north. To the east is a red stone building with spires and columns. To the west is a large flat stone building. To the south is a huge entranceway into what must be the new Royal Palace, which appears to be carved out of the face of a massive mountain.\n\nThe massive gate is open.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "Courtyard",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nWarm Room\nYou are in a long stone room, which is strangely warm. In the very center of the room is a hole, with a ladder down. An outdoor courtyard lies to the east.\n\nThere is a large sign posted near the doorway.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": "Warm Room",
"inv": null
"msg": "\"Welcome to Barsap's Royal Gambit, a delight to entertain all guests to the Aragain Royal Grounds. Please consult your tourbook for rules and regulations regarding this area. His highness, Sydney Flathead, and those in his employ, cannot be held responsible for any accidents or minor spills at this location.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push rod to umbrella",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": "Warm Room",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Giant White Cube\nAs far as you can tell, you are standing on a large white stone cube that somehow floats without visible supports in a terrifyingly large underground chamber. The entire place is dimly lit red from somewhere below. There is a ladder up to a hole high in the ceiling here.\n\nThere's a square niche in the western edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a pine beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the southern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is an ebony beam that extends into the darkness.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take ledger",
"take ebony",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into ceiling",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push ledger to red",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to red",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to red",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to red",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to red",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to red",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to red",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the feeyuk chant.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take ledger",
"take ebony",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into ceiling",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push ledger to red",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to red",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to red",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to red",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to red",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to red",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to red",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You speak the chant, but the Gods are not kind this time, as nothing happens!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take ledger",
"take ebony",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into ceiling",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push ledger to red",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to red",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to red",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to red",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to red",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to red",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to red",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the feeyuk chant.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take ledger",
"take ebony",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into ceiling",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push ledger to red",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to red",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to red",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to red",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to red",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to red",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to red",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You speak the chant in clear tones. Initially, you feel no different. And then, strangely, your back feels better than it has in years, and your step seems lighter!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take ledger",
"take ebony",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into ceiling",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push ledger to red",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to red",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to red",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to red",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to red",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to red",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to red",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take ledger",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into ceiling",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push ledger to red",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to red",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to red",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to red",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to red",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to red",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to red",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You step gingerly onto the wood beam...\n\nOn wood beam\nYou're walking along a very narrow wood beam that runs east to west into darkness. Below, you can see the dark silhouette of a network of beams and floating cubes. Much farther below you can see a dull red glow.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Giant White Cube\nYou are standing on a large floating white stone cube in a very large underground chamber. The entire place is dimly lit red from somewhere below.\n\nThere's a square niche in the eastern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a pine beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the southern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a pine beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the western edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a pine beam that extends into the darkness.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take ledger",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take pine off western",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push ledger to red",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to red",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to red",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to red",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to red",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to red",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to red",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You step gingerly onto the wood beam...\n\nOn wood beam\nYou're walking along a very narrow wood beam that runs north to south into darkness. Below, you can see the dark silhouette of a network of beams and floating cubes. Much farther below you can see a dull red glow.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Giant White Cube\nYou are standing on a large floating white stone cube in a very large underground chamber. The entire place is dimly lit red from somewhere below.\n\nThere's a square niche in the northern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a pine beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the eastern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the western edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the southern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is an ebony beam that extends into the darkness.",
"hints": [
"examine red",
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take ebony",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push ledger to red",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to red",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to red",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to red",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to red",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to red",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to red",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the ebony beam)\nTaken.",
"hints": [
"examine red",
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push ledger to red",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to red",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to red",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to red",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to red",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to red",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to red",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "As you step onto the wood beam, it breaks with a shuddering crack! Amazingly, you float downwards like a feather, instead of falling to your death! You float down towards another network of floating cubes and beams. You float to another wood beam and your feet land on it, perfectly balanced! \n\nOn wood beam\nYou're walking along a very narrow wood beam that runs east to west into darkness. Both above and below, you can see the dark silhouette of a network of beams and floating cubes. Farther below you can see a dull red glow.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Giant White Cube\nYou are on the surface of a floating stone cube. You can barely see another cube floating far above you in the dim red light that illuminates the entire area.\n\nThere's a square niche in the northern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the eastern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a pine beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the western edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a pine beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the southern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take red",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take red",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You carefully place one end of the beam in the niche and extend the other end into the darkness. You feel something solid support the far end!",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take red",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You step gingerly onto the wood beam...\n\nOn wood beam\nYou're walking along a very narrow wood beam that runs north to south into darkness. Both above and below, you can see the dark silhouette of a network of beams and floating cubes. Farther below you can see a dull red glow.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Giant White Cube\nYou are on the surface of a floating stone cube. You can barely see another cube floating far above you in the dim red light that illuminates the entire area.\n\nThere's a square niche in the eastern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the southern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is an ebony beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the western edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take ebony",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the ebony beam)\nTaken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "As you step onto the wood beam, it breaks with a shuddering crack! Amazingly, you float downwards like a feather, instead of falling to your death! You float down towards another network of floating cubes and beams. You float to another wood beam and your feet land on it, perfectly balanced! \n\nOn wood beam\nYou're walking along a very narrow wood beam that runs east to west into darkness. Above you can see a network of floating beams and cubes. Below you can see a red glow.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Giant White Cube\nYou are on the surface of a floating stone cube. The red light from below seems a bit brighter here.\n\nThere's a square niche in the eastern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the southern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the western edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a pine beam that extends into the darkness.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take red",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take red",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You carefully place one end of the beam in the niche and extend the other end into the darkness. You feel something solid support the far end!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take red",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You step gingerly onto the wood beam...\n\nOn wood beam\nYou're walking along a very narrow wood beam that runs north to south into darkness. Above you can see a network of floating beams and cubes. Below you can see a red glow..",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Giant White Cube\nYou are on the surface of a floating stone cube. The red light from below seems a bit brighter here.\n\nThere's a square niche in the northern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is an ebony beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the eastern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the western edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the southern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take ebony",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the ebony beam)\nTaken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You carefully place one end of the beam in the niche and extend the other end into the darkness. You feel something solid support the far end!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You step gingerly onto the wood beam...\n\nOn wood beam\nYou're walking along a very narrow wood beam that runs north to south into darkness. Above you can see a network of floating beams and cubes. Below you can see a red glow..",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Giant White Cube\nYou are on the surface of a floating stone cube. The red light from below seems a bit brighter here.\n\nThere's a square niche in the northern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is an ebony beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the western edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the eastern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take ebony",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take balsa off western",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take ebony",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the ebony beam in the eastern niche)\nYou carefully place one end of the beam in the niche and extend the other end into the darkness. You feel something solid support the far end!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take ebony",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put ebony down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the swanko chant.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take ebony",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push rod to ledger",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push rod to fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You step gingerly onto the wood beam...\n\nOn wood beam\nYou're walking along a very narrow wood beam that runs east to west into darkness. Above you can see a network of floating beams and cubes. Below you can see a red glow.\n\nYour amulet suddenly gives off a bright flash, then fades!",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take rod",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push rod to fur",
"push rod to pot",
"push rod to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOn Giant White Cube\nYou are on the surface of a floating stone cube. The red light from below seems a bit brighter here.\n\nThere's a square niche in the northern edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a balsa beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the western edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is an ebony beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nIn the center of the room is a large round hole, going straight down through the floating cube.\n\nSitting on the floor is a short smoke-colored rod.\n\nSuddenly, a flash of flame bursts through the hole in the center of the cube! A living tower of flame attacks!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit spirit",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take rod",
"take shiny",
"take ebony",
"take toy",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into western",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "As you speak the chant, the fire spirit falls back in fear! You finish the chant, and the fire spirit dissipates into harmless smoke, banished!",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take ebony",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into hole",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to hole",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in hole",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in hole",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in hole",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in hole",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to hole",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to hole",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to hole",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in hole",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to hole",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in hole",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in hole",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put fur in hole",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to hole",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in hole",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to hole",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to hole",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put balsa in hole",
"put all in pot",
"put all in hole",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into hole",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into hole",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into hole",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take ebony",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into hole",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put rod down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to hole",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in hole",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in hole",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in hole",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in hole",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to hole",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to hole",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to hole",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in hole",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to hole",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in hole",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in hole",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put fur in hole",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to hole",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put rod in pot",
"put rod in hole",
"put rod in bag",
"put rod in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in hole",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to hole",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to hole",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put balsa in hole",
"put all in pot",
"put all in hole",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into hole",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into hole",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into hole",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the smoke rod piece into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take balsa",
"take ebony",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into hole",
"put balsa down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to balsa",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to hole",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in hole",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in hole",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in hole",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in hole",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to hole",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to hole",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to hole",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in hole",
"put bag in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to hole",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in hole",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in hole",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put fur in hole",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to hole",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in hole",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to hole",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to hole",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put balsa in hole",
"put all in pot",
"put all in hole",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into hole",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into hole",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into hole",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou close your eyes and jump straight into the hole! There is a bright flash of light...\n\nOn Giant White Cube\nAs far as you can tell, you are standing on a large white stone cube that somehow floats without visible supports in a terrifyingly large underground chamber. The entire place is dimly lit red from somewhere below. There is a ladder up to a hole high in the ceiling here.\n\nThere's a square niche in the western edge of the floor here. Resting in the niche is a pine beam that extends into the darkness.\n\nThere's a square niche in the southern edge of the floor here.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by fifteen points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take ledger",
"take pine",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into ceiling",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put square down",
"put trophy down",
"put balsa down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push ledger to red",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to red",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to red",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to red",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push toy to red",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to red",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to red",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to red",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into western",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into western",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into western",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nWarm Room\n\nThere is a large sign posted near the doorway.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": "Warm Room",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCourtyard\n\nThe massive gate is open.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": "Courtyard",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nPalace Entrance Hall\nA vast hall runs north and south in this massive palace. Royal trappings decorate the walls and ceiling, and red carpet lines the floor. A tremendous open archway exits to the north into some courtyard, while two open solid brass doors mark the entrance south into some audience chamber. Two smaller exits head east and west towards stairways up and down respectively.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"push shiny to ledger",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"push shiny to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nRoyal Bedroom\nThis might have once been a lavish bedroom for royalty. At the moment, it seems like someone has converted it into a private lounge of some sort. A stairway heads down.\n\nA wooden cabinet stands against one wall, clearly a new addition to the room.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"open cabinet with shiny",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Which do you mean, the shiny key or the square key?",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take shiny",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push shiny to umbrella",
"push shiny to fur",
"push shiny to pot",
"push shiny to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"open cabinet with shiny",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(first taking the shiny key)\nYou unlock the cabinet.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put shiny down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put shiny in fur",
"put shiny in pot",
"put shiny in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"lock cabinet with shiny",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to shiny",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"lock cabinet with shiny",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You give the cabinet a good tug, but the cabinet doors barely budge. The new-looking wood seems to be rather tightly fitted.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to shiny",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"lock cabinet with shiny",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the egdelp chant.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to shiny",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"lock cabinet with shiny",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The cabinet is covered in waxy build-up.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to shiny",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"lock cabinet with shiny",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You give the cabinet a good tug. The wax makes the doors open with ease.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to shiny",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"lock cabinet with shiny",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "In the cabinet are a warped parchment and a crumpled scroll.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to shiny",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"lock cabinet with shiny",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take parchment",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close cabinet",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put crumpled down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine crumpled",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in cabinet",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to cabinet",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put fur in cabinet",
"put pot in cabinet",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put square in cabinet",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in cabinet",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in cabinet",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in cabinet",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to cabinet",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in cabinet",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to cabinet",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to cabinet",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in cabinet",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put crumpled in cabinet",
"put crumpled in fur",
"put crumpled in pot",
"put crumpled in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to cabinet",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to cabinet",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to cabinet",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to cabinet",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in cabinet",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into cabinet",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into cabinet",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into cabinet",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The scroll reads \"ledak chant: detect forgery\".",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take parchment",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close cabinet",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put square down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put crumpled down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine crumpled",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in cabinet",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push ledger to umbrella",
"push ledger to cabinet",
"push ledger to fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"put fur in cabinet",
"put pot in cabinet",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put square in cabinet",
"put square in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put wigro in cabinet",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in cabinet",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in cabinet",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push toy to umbrella",
"push toy to cabinet",
"push toy to fur",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"put trophy in cabinet",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to cabinet",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to cabinet",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in cabinet",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put crumpled in cabinet",
"put crumpled in fur",
"put crumpled in pot",
"put crumpled in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to cabinet",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to cabinet",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to cabinet",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to cabinet",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in cabinet",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into cabinet",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into cabinet",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into cabinet",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the ledak chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to shiny",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"lock cabinet with shiny",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\"...truth. In fact, the truth too terrible to believe, but believe it I must, for all the evidence I have found indicates that the Ancient Ones went up against the evil elementals and lost! With the Rod in hand, they were defeated by trickery! The Rod was broken and scattered into the world, but can be regained and rejoined by any whose heart and spirit are pure! Did the Ancient Ones forsake the spheres of...\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take shiny",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to shiny",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"lock cabinet with shiny",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nPalace Entrance Hall",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"take ledger",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to east",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAudience Hall\nThis is a giant audience hall, equivalent to a large auditorium with a throne on the stage. The hall is filled with luxurious decorations -- red carpeting, expensive chandeliers, sweeping gold-edged drapery. The hall is also currently filled with a large number of dignitaries and important-looking people taking up all the seats. Open brass doors lie to the north.\n\nThere is a royal magistrate here.",
"hints": [
"examine ledger",
"take inventory",
"drop pot against magistrate",
"take ledger",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push ledger to people",
"push ledger to pot",
"push ledger to bag",
"push ledger to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"drop ledger against magistrate",
"drop red against magistrate",
"drop can against magistrate",
"drop whistle against magistrate",
"drop toy against magistrate",
"drop smoke against magistrate",
"drop gray against magistrate",
"drop silver against magistrate",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"give magistrate ledger",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"drop ledger against magistrate",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put ledger down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put ledger in pot",
"put ledger in bag",
"put ledger in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to ledger",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to ledger",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to ledger",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push toy to ledger",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to ledger",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to ledger",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to ledger",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"drop red against magistrate",
"drop can against magistrate",
"drop whistle against magistrate",
"drop toy against magistrate",
"drop smoke against magistrate",
"drop gray against magistrate",
"drop silver against magistrate",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"give magistrate ledger",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"msg": "The Magistrate grabs the ledger and frowns as he reads it. \"Fine, you want a presentation?\" He grabs a young boy who was hiding behind the throne and shoves him forward. \"Presenting his royal Highness, King Sydney Flathead, lost heir to the Flathead monarchy!\" The crowd reaction is somewhat mixed. \"Well, his head does look flat,\" you hear one person say.",
"hints": [
"examine people",
"take inventory",
"drop pot against magistrate",
"drop pot against child",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take red off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to people",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to people",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push toy to people",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to people",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to people",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to people",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"drop can against magistrate",
"drop can against child",
"drop whistle against magistrate",
"drop whistle against child",
"drop toy against magistrate",
"drop toy against child",
"drop smoke against magistrate",
"drop smoke against child",
"drop gray against magistrate",
"drop gray against child",
"drop silver against magistrate",
"drop silver against child",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"give child toy"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "A little boy dressed in uncomfortable-looking frilly clothes. He's wearing a small red hat.",
"hints": [
"examine people",
"take inventory",
"drop pot against magistrate",
"drop pot against child",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take red off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to people",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to people",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push toy to people",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to people",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to people",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to people",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"drop can against magistrate",
"drop can against child",
"drop whistle against magistrate",
"drop whistle against child",
"drop toy against magistrate",
"drop toy against child",
"drop smoke against magistrate",
"drop smoke against child",
"drop gray against magistrate",
"drop gray against child",
"drop silver against magistrate",
"drop silver against child",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"give child toy"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"drop pot against magistrate",
"drop pot against child",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put toy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take red off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to people",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to people",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put toy in pot",
"put toy in bag",
"put toy in fur",
"push smoke to people",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to people",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to people",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"drop can against magistrate",
"drop can against child",
"drop whistle against magistrate",
"drop whistle against child",
"drop smoke against magistrate",
"drop smoke against child",
"drop gray against magistrate",
"drop gray against child",
"drop silver against magistrate",
"drop silver against child",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"give child toy"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Tentatively, the boy takes the stuffed toy. You catch the glimpse of a sad smile as he holds it tightly.",
"hints": [
"examine people",
"take inventory",
"drop pot against magistrate",
"drop pot against child",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take red off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to people",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to people",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push toy to people",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to people",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to people",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to people",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"drop can against magistrate",
"drop can against child",
"drop whistle against magistrate",
"drop whistle against child",
"drop toy against magistrate",
"drop toy against child",
"drop smoke against magistrate",
"drop smoke against child",
"drop gray against magistrate",
"drop gray against child",
"drop silver against magistrate",
"drop silver against child",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"give child toy"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Little Sydney smiles and removes the hat and hands it to you. You notice his head is actually round, and the hat was cleverly hiding this.\n\n\"He's no Flathead!\" someone in the audience hall yells out. A distinct murmur of discontent rises from the crowd. The Magistrate slowly backs away. \"Wait! I can explain!\" the Magistrate starts, but soon runs screaming out of the hall, with several angry diplomats hot on his heels!\n\n\"Thank you, kind sir,\" someone behind you says. You turn around. Little Sydney is happily in the arms of a kindly-looking couple. The woman continues. \"Our son was kidnaped, a little while ago. We've been waiting here, hoping to get him back. You did a very brave thing.\" The man steps forward holding some small object. \"A priest fellow, such as yourself, told me a long time ago that one day, someone would help us in our time of need, and that I should give him this.\" He gives you a strange round object. \"It's the least we can do.\" he says. The couple leaves the hall, with the little boy laughing in their arms.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put sphere down",
"put trophy down",
"put red down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take red off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to people",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put red in pot",
"put red in bag",
"put red in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to people",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put sphere in pot",
"put sphere in bag",
"put sphere in fur",
"push smoke to people",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to people",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to people",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the brown sphere into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put red down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take red off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to people",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put red in pot",
"put red in bag",
"put red in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to people",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to people",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to people",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to people",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to people",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"examine people",
"take inventory",
"drop pot against magistrate",
"drop pot against child",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take toy",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take red off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to people",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to people",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push toy to people",
"push toy to pot",
"push toy to bag",
"push toy to fur",
"push smoke to people",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to people",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to people",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"drop can against magistrate",
"drop can against child",
"drop whistle against magistrate",
"drop whistle against child",
"drop toy against magistrate",
"drop toy against child",
"drop smoke against magistrate",
"drop smoke against child",
"drop gray against magistrate",
"drop gray against child",
"drop silver against magistrate",
"drop silver against child",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"give child toy"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nPalace Entrance Hall",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to east",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to east",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to east",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCourtyard\n\nThe massive gate is open.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take can",
"take whistle",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to east",
"push whistle to bag",
"push whistle to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to east",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to east",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": "Courtyard",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nRoyal Museum\nYou're in the entrance to a museum. The lighting is rather dim, throwing light shadows all over the walls. There are exhibit rooms to the north and south, or an exit west.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "Royal Museum",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouth Exhibit Room\nYou are in a square exhibit room with wood flooring and plain plaster walls. In the center of the room is an exhibit platform made from a large slab of marble. The room is lit brightly by hidden torches. The exit is north.\n\nOn the platform is a flower vase (which is empty).",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take vase",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put umbrella on slab",
"put fur on slab",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot on slab",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key on slab",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro on slab",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag on slab",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet on slab",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to slab",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy on slab",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to slab",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to vase",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to slab",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book on slab",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put wood on slab",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to slab",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to slab",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to vase",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to slab",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to slab",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all on slab",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": "South Exhibit Room",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put umbrella on slab",
"put fur on slab",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot on slab",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key on slab",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro on slab",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase on slab",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag on slab",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet on slab",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to slab",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy on slab",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to slab",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to slab",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book on slab",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put wood on slab",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to slab",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to slab",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to slab",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to slab",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all on slab",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": "South Exhibit Room",
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nRoyal Museum",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": "Royal Museum",
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nNorth Exhibit Room\nYou are in a small exhibit room designed with dark wood floors and plaster-on-stucco walls. The room is dimly lit by hidden lamps or torches behind recessed wall niches. The exit is south.\n\nThere is a priceless painting hanging on the north wall.\n\nA metal plaque is attached to the wall next to the painting.\n\nYou get the odd feeling that there's someone behind you, but when you turn around, you see no one!",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put painting down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"play whistle",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": "North Exhibit Room",
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "You can't go that way.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put painting down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"play whistle",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": "North Exhibit Room",
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "It's a beautiful oil painting of a dark stormy scene. On the horizon, you can see the edges of mountaintops. Near the top of the painting, two winged figures are carrying a lone individual towards a break in the clouds, where a bright white light seems to emanate.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take whistle",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put painting down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"play whistle",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push whistle to umbrella",
"push whistle to fur",
"push whistle to pot",
"push whistle to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": "North Exhibit Room",
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put whistle down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put painting down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"play whistle",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put whistle in pot",
"put whistle in bag",
"put whistle in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": "North Exhibit Room",
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "You produce an extremely high-pitched noise. Suddenly, to the north, a near-invisible wall of glass shatters into a million little shards!\n\nFrom out of the shadows, a man dressed in black appears! He performs a half-bow in your direction before deftly prying the painting off the wall! \"I'm a great appreciator of the arts, you understand,\" he says, as with a quick twist of his cape, he melds into the shadows and disappears with the painting!\n\nAs you reflect on the thief's actions, you can't help but notice that he apparently dropped something while making his dramatic exit.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take door",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put whistle down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put whistle in fur",
"put whistle in pot",
"put whistle in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": "North Exhibit Room",
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take whistle",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take door",
"take silver",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": "North Exhibit Room",
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take whistle",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": "North Exhibit Room",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nRoyal Museum",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": "Royal Museum",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCourtyard\n\nThe massive gate is open.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take red",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to east",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to east",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": "Courtyard",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain Entrance\n\nThe massive gate is open.\n\nThere is a large sign bolted to the gate.\n\nA tough-looking palace guard is standing by the gate.\n\nA representative from Borphee steps up and presents a pile of baked dough-bits on a plate to the guard. \"Frobolli cake, eh? Well, this may be popular where you come from, but it ain't popular here.\" The representative walks off.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to sign",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to sign",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to sign",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to sign",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to sign",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to sign",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": "Aragain Entrance",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain North\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.\nYou feet feel heavy again.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": "Aragain North",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southeast.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into small",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to vase",
"push coin to small",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to vase",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to vase",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to small",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to vase",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to small",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to vase",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in small",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into small",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the coin in the metal slot)\nThe coin slides into the slot with a satisfying thunk.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into small",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You saunter through the apparently open gate.\n\nAragain Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northwest.\n\nA few exit the train, and hurry out of the station. You hear a voice from inside the train say, \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northwest",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to east",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to east",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAragain Train Platform (lower)",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nSuddenly, from the west, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and up the stairs.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou squeeze onto the train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going west.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Greater Anthar station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going west.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Gurth City station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City Train Platform (lower)\n\nThe train doors close, and the train heads off to the east.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGurth City Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nA few people exit the train, and hurry out of the station. You hear a voice from inside the train say, \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou shove your way onto train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"New Borphee station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNew Borphee Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train rolls off to the south.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put amulet down",
"put bag down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNew Borphee GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into small",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You enter the city and are nearly flattened by crowds rushing past.\n\nDowntown New Borphee\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBusiness District",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put door down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to south",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to south",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nInside Skyscraper\nYou're inside a gigantic skyscraper. The marble and brass fixtures and trim exude professionalism. There's a small open chamber to the north. City streets are to the west.\n\nThere is a large sign posted near the small chamber.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine sign",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"cast chant at wigro",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the ledak chant.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put door down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine sign",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "As you drop the door, it leaps off the ground and flies towards the eastern wall! Amazingly, it seems to attach itself to the eastern wall!",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put door down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open door",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "The door opens. There's a dark chamber on the other side, which seems all but impossible, given that the wall previously appeared solid!",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put door down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open door",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nWondrous Stairway\nAn enormous spiral staircase seems to wind miles above your head in this curious column-like chamber. Strange points of light brighten the chamber from above. To the west is a small exit.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nYou begin the long trek upwards. Strangely, the stair seems to twist and move as you step on it, turning like a corkscrew, until you are graciously deposited at the top, far above your previous location.\n\nFancy Hall\nThis must be an apartment or penthouse in the skyscraper. You are in a very high hall, with black slate stone walls that seem to reflect shadows everywhere. There is a room to the north. The southern edge of this room drops off into the darkness, followed by a long spiral staircase. The ceiling overhead seems to have tiny points of light like a night sky.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nMagnificent Foyer\nThis is an exceptionally grand entrance foyer, with sweeping arched ceilings and sparkling chandeliers. The room is dimly lit. Open hallways lead south and west.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take lit off fur",
"take lit off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nFancy Lounge\nA tastefully overdone lounge with tapestries and gold enamel finished walls. The room is dimly lit, although you see no windows or other sources of light. Open hallways lead east and west.\n\nThere's an open journal sitting here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"cast a at brown",
"take a",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put lit down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off bag",
"take a off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put lit in pot",
"put lit in bag",
"put lit in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to east",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to east",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "This appears to be a short collection of notes:\n\n\"TIPS ON CRACKING THE NEW FROBOZZCO 3-DIAL COMBO LOCKS: \nRemember, there's a slight flaw in the design. For every correct number in the correct dial, pressing the opening button with cause a small click. Dials with the correct number in the wrong dial place will cause a small thunk. The lock mechanism scans for correct numbers in correct places first, and then for correct numbers in the wrong place in the 'remaining dials'. Simple! But don't forget, closing the locks will automatically lock and reset the dials!\n\nNEW FLATHEAD PAINTING: \nI've completed making the copy of the new Leonardo Flathead painting, received courtesy of the Royal Museum. Glad to say my skills in art forgery are undiminished -- I can barely tell the difference between the two myself! I'll soon replace the original with the copy, and no one will be the wiser!\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"cast a at brown",
"take a",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off a",
"cast a",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put lit down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off bag",
"take a off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put lit in pot",
"put lit in bag",
"put lit in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to east",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to east",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nWorkroom\nA sight to inspire even the most avaricious, this storeroom is filled with all sorts of rare and precious treasures. A hallway leads east. You notice that the west wall appears to be made of solid granite.\n\nYou can see two priceless paintings here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"cast a",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off a",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off bag",
"take a off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to east",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to east",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "One of the paintings is surrounded by a yellow glow! It crumbles into dust!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"cast a",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take painting",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off a",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"look in painting",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off bag",
"take a off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to east",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to east",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"cast a",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off a",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put a down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"look in painting",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off fur",
"take a off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nFancy Lounge\n\nThere's an open journal sitting here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"cast a",
"take a",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off a",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put a down",
"put trophy down",
"put lit down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"look in painting",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine all",
"take a off bag",
"take a off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put lit in pot",
"put lit in bag",
"put lit in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to east",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to east",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nMagnificent Foyer",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put painting down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"look in painting",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take lit off fur",
"take lit off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nFancy Hall",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put painting down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"look in painting",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nWondrous Stairway",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put painting down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"look in painting",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nInside Skyscraper\n\nThere's an open door to the east.\n\nThere is a large sign posted near the small chamber.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"close door",
"take into door",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put painting down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put door down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"look in painting",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to east",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to east",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "You notice a slightly loose part of the canvas in one corner. You carefully peel back a part of the canvas from the back and reveal a hidden scroll!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"examine vase",
"take inventory",
"cast other at brown",
"take off amulet",
"cast other",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"close door",
"close umbrella",
"take into door",
"put vase down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put white down",
"put pot down",
"put painting down",
"put door down",
"put umbrella down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine white",
"open umbrella",
"examine other",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push brown to vase",
"push brown to north",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to north",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"push can to vase",
"push can to north",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to north",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push red to vase",
"push red to north",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push silver to vase",
"push silver to north",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The scroll reads \"huncho chant: send object to higher plane\".\n\nOut of the shadows, a gentleman dressed in black appears! He sees the door to the east and seems somewhat annoyed. \"Much too busy for unexpected guests,\" you hear him say as he slips through the door and closes it behind him. Moments later you hear the sound of a lock closing on the other side.\n",
"hints": [
"examine vase",
"take inventory",
"cast other at brown",
"take off amulet",
"cast other",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"close door",
"close umbrella",
"take into door",
"put vase down",
"put wigro down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put white down",
"put pot down",
"put painting down",
"put door down",
"put umbrella down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine white",
"open umbrella",
"examine other",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push brown to vase",
"push brown to north",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to north",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"push can to vase",
"push can to north",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to north",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push red to vase",
"push red to north",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push silver to vase",
"push silver to north",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the huncho chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put painting down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put door down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take painting",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put door down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nBusiness District",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to south",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to south",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nSuburbs\nA suburb starts here, in contrast to the start of a big downtown to the south. For a residential area, it's surprisingly crowded. A main street runs north-south here.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nOutskirts\nNew Borphee stops here, although it probably won't for long. A rough trail leads off into some woods to the northwest, or you can enter the city to the south.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northwest",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nForest\nDeep forest surrounds you. A rough trail runs north and southeast.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southeast",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "\nOver River\nYou're on a nice new bridge crossing some large river below. Trails lead north and south into woods.\n\nYou can see a coin here.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"take coin off bag",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"flower vase"
"msg": "(the coin)\nTaken.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to river",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nForest Trail\nA beaten trail cuts through some very dense forest running north and south.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nRavine Pass\nA forest ravine opens into some sort of clearing to the north here, or a trail heads south.\n\nMorgan the Ranger is here.\n\nYou can also see a group of soldiers, a wicker cage (which is closed) (in which are a speckled windcat and a spotted windcat), two red flags and two blue flags here.\n\nThe Ranger sees you approach and recognizes you. \"Well met again, Priest. I have need of your assistance to end the kobold border war that has been going on far too long.\" She pauses. \"To the west and east are two of my lieutenants and their soldiers, cut off from the rest of us by previous kobold raids. I have the power to end this war and call a truce, but to do so, I need to inform both of my lieutenants to stop fighting via windcat message carriers.\" She points to the two windcats in the wicker cage and the pile of colored flags. \"The 'red' flags indicate 'attack', the 'blue', truce. When my lieutenants receive the instructions, they will verify my commands by sending additional messengers with 'attack' or 'truce' instructions to each other. Based on the two received messages, each lieutenant will act accordingly.\" She slaps you on the back, jolting you to attention. \"Herein lies my problem, Priest. I know for a fact, that one of my lieutenants is a traitor, who will disobey my orders. Any instruction I send to the traitor, the opposite will be sent by the traitor to my remaining good lieutenant. The traitor will also take the two orders he receives and do the opposite, if there is a majority, or attack outright, if there are messages of 'truce' and 'attack'. Thankfully, my good lieutenant will faithfully copy my instructions to the other lieutenant, and will follow orders received, if there is a majority, or follow a 'truce' if there are mixed messages. My greatest problem, Priest, is that I do not know which lieutenant is the traitor! If you can bring peace once and for all to Southern Egreth, many will remember your good deeds.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take blue",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take red off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take blue",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take red off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take wood",
"take red",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take blue",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put wood down",
"put flag down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take red off pot",
"push coin to wood",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put flag in pot",
"put flag in bag",
"put flag in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put flag on speckled",
"put flag on spotted",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the red flag)\nTaken.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put wood down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"push coin to wood",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to vase",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to vase",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to vase",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to cage",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to cage",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to vase",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put red in pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all on speckled",
"put all on spotted",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the red flag on the speckled windcat.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put wood down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"push coin to wood",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to vase",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to vase",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to vase",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to cage",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to cage",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to vase",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put red in pot",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all on speckled",
"put all on spotted",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the red flag on the spotted windcat)\nYou put the red flag on the spotted windcat.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take blue",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take red off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "A wicker cage, with two compartments, and a lever attached to the front.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take blue",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take red off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Morgan stops your hand, just as you are about to pull the lever. She looks at the cats. \"Are you quite sure, Priest?\"\n\nNow, that seems like a reasonable question. So, are you? Ravine PassScore: 142Moves: 899",
"hints": [
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You nod and yank the lever. The cage door latch is loosened enough for both windcats to break free! The spotted windcat tears off to the west, and the speckled cat zips off to the east!\n\nThere is a somewhat stressful pause.\n\nSimultaneously, from the east and west, a three horn signal sounds! Morgan smiles triumphantly. \"A truce has been declared! The war has ended!\" The army soldiers yell a round of \"Three cheers!\" before heading off. Morgan shakes your hand with almost enough force to break it. \"Well done indeed, Priest. Your wisdom only compliments your tranquil nature.\" She walks off, seeking the next challenge.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take wood",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take blue",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put wood down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nForest Clearing\nA open clearing is surrounded by forest trees here. A ravine pass is to the south, and a short trail heads northwest. You can just see a small cave opening to the northeast.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nForest Brambles\nThere's a small area of forest surrounded by brambles and shrubs here. A trail leads southeast.\n\nThere appears to be a wounded kobold here, resting against a shrub.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the taclor chant.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You begin your chant, and the kobold seems stricken with fear. Soon, however, the kobold stands up and looks at his healed shoulder with wonder. He starts to say something, realizes you don't speak kobold, and stops. Puzzled by your actions, he stares at you for a moment, then searchs his jerkin, finding a small object which he tosses at your feet. He walks off into the deep forest, and vanishes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put sphere down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put sphere in pot",
"put sphere in bag",
"put sphere in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the green sphere into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nForest Clearing",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nIn front of cave\nA small cave mouth enters into darkness to the north here. A clearing lies to the southwest.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth-South Tunnel\nYou're in a natural cave tunnel running north and south. To the south you can see a glimmer of daylight.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nTunnel Intersection\nSeveral natural cave tunnels intersect here, running north, south, and east.",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to south",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to south",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to south",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to south",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSloping Tunnel\nYou're in a windy tunnel that gradually slopes up to the east, or down to the west. A cold breeze blows from a tunnel to the north.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nWindy Tunnel\nA strange wind seems to howl through this winding tunnel heading east and west. A crack in the tunnel wall exposes an exit north.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBare Cavern\nA bare cavern. The exit is west.\n\nYou can see a torn parchment here.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take parchment",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\"...places no mortal man should go, There are planes of existence far beyond our own, that connect and interlace, so that even mortal man may tread upon the featureless gray of <smud",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take parchment",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nWindy Tunnel",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAncient Hallway\nYou're in a stone hallway, clearly man-made. The dust and musty smell indicate the place hasn't been used in quite some time. The corridor runs north, while the south wall has a large crack, creating a dark opening.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEnd of Hallway\nYou're at the north end of a long stone hallway. You can follow the hallway back south, or you can take a set of cracked stone stairs up.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDomed Chamber\nYou are in a large man-made underground chamber, with a perfectly domed high ceiling. Smooth stone archways lead to rooms to the north, south, east and west. Stone cut steps lead down. In the very center of the ceiling you notice a strange circular depression in the stone.\n\nYour amulet suddenly gives off a flash of purple light, then fades!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEast Trophy Room\nThis is a bare cubical stone chamber. Some worn black lettering on the wall reads: \"THE NORTH CHAMBER HAS SILVER LETTERING\". An archway exits west.\n\nThere is a circular depression in the center of the floor.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take silver",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in depression",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into depression",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You hear a click.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take silver",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in depression",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into depression",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take silver",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in depression",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into depression",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDomed Chamber",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nWest Trophy Room\nThis is a bare cubical stone chamber. Some worn black lettering on the wall reads: \"EITHER I AM THE SECOND TROPHY ROOM AND THE NORTH CHAMBER IS THE LAST TROPHY ROOM, OR I HAVE GOLD LETTERING\". An archway exits east.\n\nThere is a circular depression in the center of the floor.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in depression",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into depression",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You hear a click.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take trophy",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into depression",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in depression",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into depression",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDomed Chamber",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouth Trophy Room\nThis is a bare cubical stone chamber. Some worn black lettering on the wall reads: \"THE EAST CHAMBER HAS SILVER LETTERING AND I HAVE GOLD LETTERING\". An archway exits north.\n\nThere is a circular depression in the center of the floor.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take silver",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in depression",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into depression",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You hear a click.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take silver",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take trophy",
"take gray",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into depression",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take silver",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in depression",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into depression",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDomed Chamber",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth Trophy Room\nThis is a bare cubical stone chamber. Some worn black lettering on the wall reads: \"THE EAST CHAMBER IS NOT THE FIRST TROPHY ROOM\". An archway exits south.\n\nThere is a circular depression in the center of the floor.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in depression",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into depression",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You hear a click, followed by a dull thump from the south.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take trophy",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into depression",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the swanko chant.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take trophy",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into depression",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDomed Chamber\n\nIn the center of the room is a short white rod.\n\nYou hear a strange intake of air from the hole above your head. Without warning, a small tornado seems to flow in from above. It seems to be sentient!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take white",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "As you speak the chant, the air spirit falls back in fear! You finish the chant, and the air spirit slowly dissipates and grows smaller, until the creature vanishes completely.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take white",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put rod down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put rod in pot",
"put rod in vase",
"put rod in bag",
"put rod in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the white rod piece into the small flower pot.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEnd of Hallway",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAncient Hallway",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nWindy Tunnel",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSloping Tunnel",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nTunnel Intersection",
"hints": [
"examine south",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to south",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to south",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to south",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to south",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth-South Tunnel",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nIn front of cave",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nForest Clearing",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northeast",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put trophy down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nRavine Pass\n\nYou can see a balsa beam, a wicker cage (which is closed and empty) and two blue flags here.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take wood",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take blue",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put wood down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nForest Trail",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOver River",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put trophy down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to river",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put trophy in pot",
"put trophy in bag",
"put trophy in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nForest",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southeast",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nOutskirts",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northwest",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSuburbs",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBusiness District",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to south",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to south",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to south",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to south",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to south",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCity Streets",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to arch",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGUE Entrance",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouth Quad",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCenter of Quad",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take green",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to bronze",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push green to bronze",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to bronze",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to bronze",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to bronze",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to bronze",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to bronze",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to bronze",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to bronze",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth Quad",
"hints": [
"examine north",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to north",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to north",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to north",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to north",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to north",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to north",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to north",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to north",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nScience Center",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEngineering Labs\n\nThere's a closed heavy metal door to the south.\n\nThere's an odd set of dials in the wall near the metal door.\n\nYou can also see a research paper here.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take paper",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take green off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to paper",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Three dials are in a left-to-right row. Above each dial is a tiny square window with some number visible behind it. The windows currently read: \"000\". Right next to the set of dials is a small green button. Letters right above the dials read: \"FrobozzCo\".",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take paper",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take green off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to paper",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The left window now reads: \"7\".",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take paper",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into east",
"take into west",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take green off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to paper",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The center window now reads: \"3\".",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take paper",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into east",
"take into west",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take green off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to paper",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The right window now reads: \"4\".",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take paper",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"push green",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into east",
"take into west",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take green off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to paper",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You hear three clicks, and the door swings open!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take paper",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take green off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to paper",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nStrange Lab\nThis is an odd room, cramped even by lab standards. The place seems to have been cleared out recently.\n\nThere's an open metal door to the north.\n\nYou can also see a strange contraption here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"close lab",
"take into contraption",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put umbrella in contraption",
"put fur in contraption",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to contraption",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in contraption",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in contraption",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in contraption",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in contraption",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in contraption",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to contraption",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in contraption",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to contraption",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to contraption",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in contraption",
"put wood in contraption",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to contraption",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to contraption",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to contraption",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to contraption",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to contraption",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in contraption",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in contraption",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "It looks like a large, slightly convex round disc made of some silvery material.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"close lab",
"take into contraption",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put umbrella in contraption",
"put fur in contraption",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to contraption",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in contraption",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in contraption",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in contraption",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in contraption",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in contraption",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to contraption",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in contraption",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to contraption",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to contraption",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in contraption",
"put wood in contraption",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to contraption",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to contraption",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to contraption",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to contraption",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to contraption",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in contraption",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in contraption",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "As you step onto the silvery disc, you feel a strange jolt run through your body. A bright white flash blinds you momentarily!\n\nYou blink, trying to register your surroundings.\n\nEthereal Plane of Atrii\nStanding on a featureless gray plane that stretches to the infinite horizon against a gray sky, you can only conclude one thing -- you're on the Ethereal Plane of Atrii. Well, at least it fits the description Brother Palemon gave you. It seems like you could go in any direction from here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEthereal Plane of Atrii\nFlat, featureless gray is in every direction you look. Stranger still is the upright rectangular hole in the fabric of space that stands in the center of this area. Otherwise, you could wander this gray dimension in any direction, it seems.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take gray",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into hole",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEthereal Plane of Atrii\nFlat, featureless gray is in every direction you look. Stranger still is the large black hole to the south. Otherwise, you could wander this gray dimension in any direction, it seems.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take gray",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou step into the black hole. You stumble forward, surrounded by blacker-than-night darkness.\n\nDark Tunnel\nYou're in a large dark tunnel that seems to run north and south. To the south you see light. There seem to be two metal tracks running along the ground.\n\nYou can see a briefcase (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take briefcase",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open briefcase",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to south",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to south",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to south",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to south",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to south",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\nYou hear a rumbling noise echoed from somewhere, and the entire tunnel seems to shake! Then, all is quiet.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put briefcase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"open briefcase",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to south",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put briefcase in fur",
"put briefcase in pot",
"put briefcase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to south",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to south",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to south",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to south",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou step out into an underground chamber. A burly uniformed figure sees you exit the tunnel and yells, \"Hey, no playing in the tunnels, pal!\"\n\nGurth City Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put briefcase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open briefcase",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put briefcase in pot",
"put briefcase in bag",
"put briefcase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You open the briefcase, revealing a red scroll.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put briefcase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open briefcase",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put briefcase in pot",
"put briefcase in bag",
"put briefcase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close briefcase",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put briefcase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put red down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take red off pot",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to briefcase",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in briefcase",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in briefcase",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in briefcase",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put briefcase in pot",
"put briefcase in bag",
"put briefcase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to briefcase",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to briefcase",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in briefcase",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in briefcase",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in briefcase",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to briefcase",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to briefcase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in briefcase",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to briefcase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to briefcase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to briefcase",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in briefcase",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put red in pot",
"put red in briefcase",
"put red in bag",
"put red in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in briefcase",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into briefcase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into briefcase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into briefcase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The scroll reads \"luncho chant: send object to lower plane\".\n\nYou hear a distant rumbling noise from the south.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close briefcase",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put briefcase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put red down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take red off pot",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to briefcase",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in briefcase",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in briefcase",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in briefcase",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put briefcase in pot",
"put briefcase in bag",
"put briefcase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to briefcase",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to briefcase",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in briefcase",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in briefcase",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in briefcase",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to briefcase",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to briefcase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in briefcase",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to briefcase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to briefcase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to briefcase",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in briefcase",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put red in pot",
"put red in briefcase",
"put red in bag",
"put red in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in briefcase",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into briefcase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into briefcase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into briefcase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the luncho chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\nSuddenly, from the south, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put briefcase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open briefcase",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put briefcase in pot",
"put briefcase in bag",
"put briefcase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.\n\nA few people exit the train, and hurry out of the station. You hear a voice from inside the train say, \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take briefcase",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"close briefcase",
"take into gate",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to briefcase",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in briefcase",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in briefcase",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in briefcase",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to briefcase",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to briefcase",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in briefcase",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in briefcase",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in briefcase",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to briefcase",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to briefcase",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to briefcase",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in briefcase",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to briefcase",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to briefcase",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to briefcase",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in briefcase",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in briefcase",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into briefcase",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into briefcase",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into briefcase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou shove your way onto train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"New Borphee station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going south.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Gurth City station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going south.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Miznia station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMiznia Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train rolls off to the north.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMiznia GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to small",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in small",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into small",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMizniaport\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into northeast",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMiznia Suburbs",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCity Limits",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEdge of Jungle",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDeep Jungle",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSwamp\n\nYou can see a jungle map here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take map",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nHidden Ruins\nHidden here in some extremely deep jungle are the ruins of some ancient civilization. Broken sandstone structures are nearly covered with jungle vines and mosses. There is a partially intact structure to the north. It seems to be a short pyramid-like building, with a single dark entrance hidden amongst vines. Definitely a find to write the Monastery about, or at least your local Archeology Guild.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nPyramid Entrance\nA damp, dark, unmarked stone room. You can hear the sounds of the jungle from the exit to the south. There are dark passages north and east.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"cast a",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nStatue Room\nA tiny dark chamber, with a passage west.\n\nYou can see a large statue here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push statue west",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nThere's a grinding noise as you push the statue west.\n\nPyramid Entrance",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"cast a",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine a",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nThere's a grinding noise as you push the statue.\n\nStrange Chamber\nThis is an odd long hallway running north and south. The stone floor is noticeably concave, sloping upwards to the east and west. It's like being in a long stone channel.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push statue south",
"push statue north",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You start to push the statue north, and hear a strange click. Suddenly, two enormous stone rolling pins slide down from the east and west sides of the room! Desperately, you topple the statue and hide behind it. You hear a huge crash!\n\nYou open your eyes, surprised to find yourself not squashed into pancake. The statue has wedged itself neatly between the two giant rollers, effectively blocking them!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push statue south",
"push statue north",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You step over and around the jammed rollers and the statue and head north.\n\nBare Chamber\nYou are in a bare stone chamber with passages leading north, east, south and west. A stone ladder also heads upwards through a dark hole in the ceiling.",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into ceiling",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSmall Chamber\nYou're in a small stone chamber. In the center of the floor is a strange funnel-like depression, which starts as a large circular opening, and narrows into a very small tunnel below, probably no wider than your hand. You also see a small round hole in the ceiling above. An exit heads west.\n\nThe opening appears to be empty.",
"hints": [
"examine tunnel",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put vase down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put vase in tunnel",
"put vase in pot",
"put vase in bag",
"put vase in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to vase",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to vase",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to vase",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into tunnel",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into tunnel",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into tunnel",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You put the flower vase into the opening.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to vase",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to vase",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to vase",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into tunnel",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty bag into tunnel",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into tunnel",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBare Chamber",
"hints": [
"examine umbrella",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into ceiling",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBare Chamber\nYou are in a bare stone chamber with passages leading north, east, south and west. A stone ladder leads upwards and downwards into dark holes.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSmall Chamber\nYou're in a bare stone chamber which is partially filled with a sunken pool of dirty blackish water. Near the south wall is a depression in the floor that was probably a drain for the pool, given the apparent water stains; however the level of the pool is below the point where it would overflow into the drain. Near the center of the ceiling is a small round hole, right above the pool. An exit lies west.\n\nYour amulet suddenly gives off a bright purple flash!\n\nThe black pool is disturbingly calm.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into pool",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to pool",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to drain",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to drain",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to drain",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pool",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into drain",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pool",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into drain",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pool",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You snap the umbrella open.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into pool",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to pool",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to drain",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to drain",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to drain",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pool",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into drain",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pool",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into drain",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pool",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The open umbrella sits in the pool, floating on the surface like a cloth dome.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"take into pool",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put umbrella down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to pool",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put umbrella in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to drain",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to drain",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to drain",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into pool",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into drain",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into pool",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into drain",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into pool",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBare Chamber",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close umbrella",
"close fur",
"put umbrella down",
"put coin down",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open umbrella",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put umbrella in fur",
"push coin to umbrella",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to umbrella",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to umbrella",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to umbrella",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to umbrella",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to umbrella",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to umbrella",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to umbrella",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to umbrella",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the swanko chant.",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to south",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to south",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to south",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCollapsed Chamber\nYou are in a stone chamber that has broken and eroded walls in several places. Broken stones and dirt are everywhere. It appears there was once an open archway east, however the heavy stones that framed it have collapsed. A tiny hole remains, but it would be an exceptionally tight squeeze. A stone ladder leads downwards into a dark hole.\n\nSome of the dirt and mud in one corner stirs! A form made of mud and earth suddenly rises to attack!",
"hints": [
"examine spirit",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put book down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put all down",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push brown to spirit",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"push white to spirit",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push gray to spirit",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push coin to spirit",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"push can to spirit",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push green to spirit",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"push smoke to spirit",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push red to spirit",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push silver to spirit",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "As you speak the chant, the earth spirit falls back in fear! You finish the chant, and the earth spirit collapses into a heap of dirt and mud, banished!",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "coin: Dropped.\nbalsa beam: Dropped.\nbalsa beam: Dropped.\nbalsa beam: Dropped.\nbag: Dropped.\nfur sack: Dropped.\nfancy scroll: Dropped.\nsmall flower pot: Dropped.\nsquare key: Dropped.\nprayer book: Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take can",
"take green",
"take wood",
"take fur",
"take coin",
"take bag",
"take key",
"take pot",
"take scroll",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take book",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"close fur",
"put amulet down",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"take all off pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"holy amulet"
"msg": "(first taking the holy amulet off)\nYou take off the holy amulet.\nDropped.",
"hints": [
"examine can",
"take can",
"take green",
"take wood",
"take amulet",
"take fur",
"take coin",
"take bag",
"take key",
"take pot",
"take scroll",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take book",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take all",
"close fur",
"put on amulet",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"take all off pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nLow Chamber\nYou're in a tiny low room, dimly lit by strange glowing lichens and mosses. A tiny exit lies west between some collapsed rock -- it looks like a very tight squeeze. The room is otherwise filled with broken rock and the like. A tiny round hole is in the very center of the floor.\n\nIn the center of the room is a short black rod.",
"hints": [
"take rod",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"examine hole",
"put rod down",
"put rod in hole"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The rod slips through with ease. Moments later you hear a thump from below, followed by a rattling noise, and finally another thump, much fainter.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"examine hole",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCollapsed Chamber\n\nYou can see a holy amulet (providing light), a prayer book, a square key, a small flower pot (in which are a white rod piece, a green sphere, a brown sphere, a smoke rod piece, a red sphere, a silver sphere, a gray rod piece and a can of decaf coffee), a fancy scroll, a fur sack (in which are ten coins), a bag (in which are seven coins), three balsa wood beams and a coin here.",
"hints": [
"examine can",
"take can",
"take green",
"take wood",
"take amulet",
"take fur",
"take coin",
"take bag",
"take key",
"take pot",
"take scroll",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take book",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take all",
"close fur",
"put on amulet",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"take all off pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "small flower pot: Taken.\nsquare key: Taken.\nprayer book: Taken.\nholy amulet: Taken.\nfancy scroll: Taken.\nfur sack: Taken.\nbag: Taken.\nbalsa beam: Taken.\nbalsa beam: Taken.\nbalsa beam: Taken.\ncoin: Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"put on amulet",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "As you place the amulet around your neck, you feel a strange sense of mystic power.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBare Chamber",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to south",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to south",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to south",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBare Chamber",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into ceiling",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to south",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to south",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to south",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSmall Chamber\n\nThe opening contains:\n a flower vase\n a black rod piece",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into tunnel",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into tunnel",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into tunnel",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the huncho chant.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into tunnel",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into tunnel",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into tunnel",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "There is a flash of light, and the flower vase suddenly vanishes!",
"hints": [
"examine tunnel",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into tunnel",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into tunnel",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into tunnel",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBare Chamber",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into ceiling",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to south",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to south",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to south",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nStrange Chamber\n\nThere are two stone rollers pinned against the statue.\n\nYou can also see a large statue here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nPyramid Entrance",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"cast a",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine a",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to south",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to south",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to south",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nHidden Ruins",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSwamp\n\nYou can see a jungle map here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take map",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to north",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to north",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to north",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to north",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to north",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to north",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to north",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to north",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nDeep Jungle",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to green",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEdge of Jungle",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to key",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCity Limits",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into southwest",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMiznia Suburbs",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to east",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMizniaport\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"examine coin",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into northeast",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off bag",
"take coin off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to wigro",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMiznia GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest.",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take coin",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put coin down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take coin off fur",
"take coin off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"push coin to fur",
"push coin to pot",
"push coin to key",
"push coin to bag",
"push coin to small",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to coin",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to coin",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to coin",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to coin",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to coin",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to coin",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to coin",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to coin",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put coin in fur",
"put coin in pot",
"put coin in bag",
"put coin in small",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into small",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the coin in the metal slot)\nThe coin slides into the slot with a satisfying thunk.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into small",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into small",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You saunter through the apparently open gate.\n\nMiznia Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nYou hear a distant rumbling noise from the north.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to wigro",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to wigro",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear a distant rumbling noise from the north.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to wigro",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to wigro",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nSuddenly, from the north, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to wigro",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to wigro",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nYou shove your way onto train car. The doors close behind you.\n\nSubway car\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"Gurth City station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nA voice overhead says \"Doors will be closing, please stand clear.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train rumbles as it moves.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nThe train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says \"New Borphee station, watch your step please.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into seats",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNew Borphee Train Platform\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.\n\nThe train doors close, and the train rolls off to the south.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into gate",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put amulet down",
"put bag down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to wigro",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to wigro",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNew Borphee GUS Station\n\nA metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to wigro",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to wigro",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into small",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into small",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into small",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You enter the city and are nearly flattened by crowds rushing past.\n\nDowntown New Borphee\n\nStanding on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to wigro",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to wigro",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nBusiness District",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to south",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to south",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to south",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to south",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCity Streets",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to arch",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to arch",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to arch",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to arch",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to arch",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to arch",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to arch",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to arch",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nGUE Entrance",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to south",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to south",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to south",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to south",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSouth Quad",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to east",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to east",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to east",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCenter of Quad",
"hints": [
"examine bronze",
"take inventory",
"take green",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"push green to bronze",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to bronze",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to bronze",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to bronze",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to bronze",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to bronze",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to bronze",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to bronze",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nNorth Quad",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to north",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to north",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to north",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to north",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to north",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to north",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to north",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to north",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nScience Center",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to east",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to east",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to east",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEngineering Labs\n\nThere's an open metal door to the south.\n\nThere's an odd set of dials in the wall near the metal door.\n\nYou can also see a research paper here.",
"hints": [
"examine paper",
"take inventory",
"take paper",
"take can",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"close door",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take green off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to paper",
"push can to pot",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to paper",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to paper",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to paper",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to paper",
"push white to pot",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push gray to paper",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push silver to paper",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nStrange Lab\n\nThere's an open metal door to the north.\n\nYou can also see a strange contraption here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"close lab",
"take into contraption",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put fur in contraption",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in contraption",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in contraption",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in contraption",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in contraption",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to contraption",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in contraption",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to contraption",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"push red to contraption",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in contraption",
"put wood in contraption",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push white to contraption",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push can to contraption",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to contraption",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to contraption",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"push green to contraption",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in contraption",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "As you step onto the silvery disc, you feel a strange jolt run through your body. A bright white flash blinds you momentarily!\n\nYou blink, trying to register your surroundings.\n\nEthereal Plane of Atrii\nStanding on a featureless gray plane that stretches to the infinite horizon against a gray sky, you can only conclude one thing -- you're on the Ethereal Plane of Atrii. Well, at least it fits the description Brother Palemon gave you. It seems like you could go in any direction from here.",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take gray",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEthereal Plane of Atrii\nFlat, featureless gray is in every direction you look. Stranger still is the flat, glass-like square in the center of the 'floor' of this area. Otherwise, you could wander this gray dimension in any direction, it seems.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take green",
"take gray",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into square",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to wigro",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to wigro",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEthereal Plane of Atrii\nFlat, featureless gray is in every direction you look. It seems like you could go in any direction from here.\n\nYou can see a ripped parchment here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take gray",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take parchment",
"take white",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\" know that the Rod we believe is the Rod of the Ancients, sequestered in our Monastery, is an artifact of evil! Imprisoned inside, true to the scriptures (at least this much is, what isn't, I can nowadays say is much) we know, is Anabais. What is worse, is that this very Rod is an artifact of evil power created by Anabais, in the image of the True Rod of the Ancients, which he planned to use to aid him in his evil gains! Were that evil one free again, and had about him both his brothers and his Rod of Evil, we would witness a reckoning greater than Quendor has ever known! I take relief in the knowledge that he will never be freed, and he will never regain his implement of evil; only an innocent being can break the false rod and free him from his prison, and subsequently, the false rod cannot be regained by Anabais through his own will, or another evil being. In fact, only a being of good again can gather the resulting pieces, and only through this being can Anabais regain his evil artifact, for...\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take gray",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take parchment",
"take white",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEthereal Plane of Atrii\nFlat, featureless gray is in every direction you look. Stranger still is the odd-shaped depression in the gray plane here. Otherwise, you could wander this gray dimension in any direction, it seems.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take gray",
"take brown",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into depression",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEthereal Plane of Atrii\nFlat, featureless gray is in every direction you look. Directly overhead, you notice odd streaks of light. From here, you could wander this gray dimension in any direction, it seems.\n\nYou can see a flower vase (in which is a black rod piece) here.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take black",
"take can",
"take green",
"take gray",
"take brown",
"take vase",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to wigro",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to wigro",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to wigro",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to wigro",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to wigro",
"push white to bag",
"push white to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into vase",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take gray",
"take brown",
"take vase",
"take smoke",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put rod down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to vase",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push smoke to fur",
"push smoke to pot",
"push smoke to key",
"push smoke to bag",
"push smoke to vase",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put rod in fur",
"put rod in pot",
"put rod in bag",
"put rod in vase",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push white to vase",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take gray",
"take brown",
"take vase",
"take red",
"take white",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to vase",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in vase",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in vase",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"push white to fur",
"push white to pot",
"push white to key",
"push white to bag",
"push white to vase",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take gray",
"take brown",
"take vase",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push gray to fur",
"push gray to pot",
"push gray to key",
"push gray to bag",
"push gray to vase",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in vase",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in vase",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in vase",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take vase",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put gray down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in vase",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in vase",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in vase",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in vase",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the huncho chant.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take vase",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put gray down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in vase",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in vase",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in vase",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in vase",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEthereal Plane of Atrii\nFlat, featureless gray is in every direction you look. Directly overhead, you notice odd streaks of light. From here, you could wander this gray dimension in any direction, it seems.\n\nYou can see a flower vase (which is empty) here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take vase",
"take red",
"take can",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put gray down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in vase",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in vase",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in vase",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in vase",
"push can to fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to key",
"push can to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You finish the chant and notice the white streaks of light above widen, as though a rift was being torn in the sky! You feel a force pulling you upwards, into the unknown!\n\nStrange Room\nYou feel a great sense of dread! Surely, given the way you got here, this must be the domicile of a dreaded Implementor! The entire place feels strange and alien and, well, \"modern\". There's some sort of kitchen to the east. Long curtains cover what must be a window to the south.\n\nThere's a closed door to the west.\n\nYou can also see a set of curtains here.\n\nYou hear some faint noises to the west.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open door",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"push can to pot",
"push can to east",
"push can to bag",
"push can to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Removed.\n\nYou hear some faint noises to the west.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put can down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open door",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"put can in fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"can decaf coffee"
"msg": "\nStrange Kitchen\nA room that could be a kitchen, if it didn't seem completely strange. Harsh bright lights seem to be coming from some unknown source. Strange-looking white countertops and cabinets fill the area, along with a curious white closet-like object. A room lies to the west.\n\nYou can see a curious machine and a can of regular coffee here.",
"hints": [
"examine can",
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take machine",
"take green",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put can down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"put can in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"push green to can",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push silver to can",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push brown to can",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"push red to can",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": [
"can decaf coffee"
"msg": "(the can of regular coffee)\nTaken.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put decaf down",
"put white down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put smoke down",
"put regular down",
"put book down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"put decaf in pot",
"put decaf in bag",
"put decaf in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to wigro",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put regular in pot",
"put regular in bag",
"put regular in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take can",
"take machine",
"take green",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put can down",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"push green to can",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push silver to can",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push brown to can",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"put can in fur",
"push red to can",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nStrange Room\n\nThere's a closed door to the west.\n\nYou can also see a set of curtains here.\n\nYou hear some faint noises to the west.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put can down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open door",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"put can in fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "It sounds like someone is talking to himself to the west. You hear: \"Now, wait just a second here, the player object is gone! How did that happen?\"\n\nYou hear some faint noises to the west.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put can down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"open door",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"put can in fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "It sounds like someone is talking to himself to the west. You hear: \"That can't be right. I must be getting tired. Think I'll make myself a nice hot cup of coffee.\"",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"take inventory",
"take brown",
"take green",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put can down",
"put book down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put pot down",
"put black down",
"put key down",
"put smoke down",
"put all down",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open door",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"put can in bag",
"put can in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"push green to wigro",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "In an attempt to hide, you part the curtains. You get into the set of curtains.\n\nYou hear a door open to the west.\n\nYou hear some faint noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take off",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put smoke down",
"put can down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to amulet",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put can in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to amulet",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to amulet",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to amulet",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear some faint noises to the east.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take off",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put smoke down",
"put can down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to amulet",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put can in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to amulet",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to amulet",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to amulet",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear some faint noises to the east.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take off",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put smoke down",
"put can down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to amulet",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put can in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to amulet",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to amulet",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to amulet",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear some faint noises nearby.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take off",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put smoke down",
"put can down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to amulet",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put can in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to amulet",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to amulet",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to amulet",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear a door close to the west.\n\nYou hear some faint noises to the west.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take off",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put amulet down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put smoke down",
"put can down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to amulet",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put can in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to amulet",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to amulet",
"push silver to bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to amulet",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You get out of the set of curtains.\n\nStrange Room\n\nThere's a closed door to the west.\n\nYou can also see a set of curtains here.\n\nYou hear some faint noises to the west.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put can down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open door",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"put can in fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You hear someone snoring loudly to the west.\n\nYou hear some faint noises to the west.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put can down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open door",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"put can in fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You open the door.\n\nYou hear some faint noises to the west.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take green",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take silver",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put can down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open door",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"put can in pot",
"put can in bag",
"put can in fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nStrange Bedroom\nA very curious small bedroom. A white desk sits here amongst other odd furnishings.\n\nThere's an open door to the east.\n\nSomeone you assume must be an Implementor is here, sound asleep.\n\nOn the desk is a strange machine.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit implementor",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"close door",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put other down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine machine",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"take other off fur",
"take other off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put fur on desk",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot on desk",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key on desk",
"put other in fur",
"put other in pot",
"put other in bag",
"put other on desk",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro on desk",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag on desk",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to desk",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to desk",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet on desk",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke on desk",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to desk",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black on desk",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book on desk",
"put wood on desk",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white on desk",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray on desk",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"push green to desk",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all on desk",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "It's a strange metal box. On top, perhaps connected in some way, is another metal box with a glass plate on the front. Strange wires seem to be attached to the boxes somehow. In front of the boxes is an odd plastic flat object with rows and rows of plastic buttons labeled every letter in the alphabet.\n\nLooking closer, you notice curious glowing letters on the glass plate. You read the letters, and feel drawn to respond...\n\nSPIRITWRAK DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM:\n(AUTOMATIC OBJECT GARBAGE-COLLECTION)\nREMOVE OBJECT IMPENETRABLE_STEEL_WALL? (Y/N) Strange BedroomScore: 190Moves: 1090",
"hints": [
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You press a button labeled \"Y\". The strange box emits a tiny beep, and the glass plate is covered with fantastic colorful designs.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"hit implementor",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off other",
"cast other",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"close door",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put other down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"take other off fur",
"take other off bag",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put fur on desk",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot on desk",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key on desk",
"put other in fur",
"put other in pot",
"put other in bag",
"put other on desk",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro on desk",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag on desk",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to desk",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to desk",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet on desk",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke on desk",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"push red to desk",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black on desk",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book on desk",
"put wood on desk",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white on desk",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray on desk",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"push green to desk",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all on desk",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"examine can",
"take inventory",
"hit implementor",
"take can",
"take green",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"cast other",
"close fur",
"close door",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put other down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"take other off bag",
"take other off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot on desk",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro on desk",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black on desk",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"put wood on desk",
"put white in pot",
"put white on desk",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"push green to can",
"push green to pot",
"push green to desk",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag on desk",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put fur on desk",
"put key in pot",
"put key on desk",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put other in pot",
"put other on desk",
"put other in bag",
"put other in fur",
"push silver to can",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to desk",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push brown to can",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to desk",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke on desk",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"push red to can",
"push red to pot",
"push red to desk",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book on desk",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all on desk",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Some Implementor. Looks more like a oddly-dressed young man badly in need of a haircut. He's also sound asleep!",
"hints": [
"examine can",
"take inventory",
"hit implementor",
"take can",
"take green",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"cast other",
"close fur",
"close door",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put other down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine other",
"examine all",
"take other off bag",
"take other off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot on desk",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro on desk",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black on desk",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"put wood on desk",
"put white in pot",
"put white on desk",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"push green to can",
"push green to pot",
"push green to desk",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag on desk",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet on desk",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put fur on desk",
"put key in pot",
"put key on desk",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put other in pot",
"put other on desk",
"put other in bag",
"put other in fur",
"push silver to can",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to desk",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push brown to can",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to desk",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke on desk",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"push red to can",
"push red to pot",
"push red to desk",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book on desk",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all on desk",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You manage to rouse the Implementor from his slumber. He stares at you, bewildered. \"What are you doing here?\" he asks. \"I'm afraid you'll have to go back.\" The Implementor snaps his fingers, and suddenly, you're back in...\n\nEthereal Plane of Atrii\nFlat, featureless gray is in every direction you look. Directly overhead, you notice odd streaks of light. From here, you could wander this gray dimension in any direction, it seems.\n\nYou can see a flower vase (which is empty) here.",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take vase",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put gray down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in vase",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in vase",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in vase",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in vase",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into vase",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into vase",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into vase",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEthereal Plane of Atrii",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into depression",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put gray down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEthereal Plane of Atrii",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take green",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into square",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put gray down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put white down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to wigro",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\nEthereal Plane of Atrii\nFlat, featureless gray is in every direction you look. Stranger still is the flat, glass-like square in the center of the 'floor' of this area. Otherwise, you could wander this gray dimension in any direction, it seems.",
"hints": [
"examine pot",
"take inventory",
"take green",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into square",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put black down",
"put wood down",
"put gray down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put square down",
"put smoke down",
"put book down",
"put white down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black in fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to wigro",
"push green to bag",
"push green to fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to wigro",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to wigro",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to fur",
"put square in pot",
"put square in bag",
"put square in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to wigro",
"push red to bag",
"push red to fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "(the square of ice)\nYou step onto the square, and before you know it, your surroundings shift and start to fade! You feel a sudden chilling wind. The ice seems to lengthen and stretch. The gray plane slowly turns white and bumpy.\n\nOn Frozen River\nYou are standing on a wide smooth river of ice. The river 'runs' east to west. To the north and south are huge snow bluffs that obscure most of the surrounding countryside.\n\nYou can see a scrawled parchment here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take parchment",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "On Frozen River",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put parchment down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put parchment in fur",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "On Frozen River",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nAs you step west, a slight downwards slope in the ice sends you sliding uncontrollably.\n\nOn Frozen River\n\nYou can see some sand here.",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take sand",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put parchment down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put sand down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put parchment in fur",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "On Frozen River",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nNorth of Frozen River",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put parchment down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put parchment in fur",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "North Frozen River",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSnowy Intersection\n\nThere is a large stone marker here, in the center of the intersection.",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put parchment down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put parchment in fur",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to snow",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to snow",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to snow",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to snow",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": "Snowy Intersection",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nRocky Mountain Trail",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put parchment down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put parchment in fur",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "Rocky Mountain Trail",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCliff Face",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put parchment down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put parchment in fur",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "Cliff Face",
"inv": [
"msg": "You are greeted by relatively warm and cozy air.\n\nEntrance Hall",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put parchment down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put parchment in fur",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "Entrance H",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nCloister Walkway",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put parchment down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put parchment in fur",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "Cloister Walkway",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nMain Hall",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put parchment down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put parchment in fur",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into brazier",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into brazier",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into brazier"
"ploc": "Main H",
"inv": [
"msg": "\"Red beats smoke,\nSilver bests clouds,\nGreen defeats depths,\nBrown stops earth.\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put parchment down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put parchment in fur",
"put parchment in pot",
"put parchment in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into brazier",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into brazier",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into brazier"
"ploc": "Main H",
"inv": [
"msg": "Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take parchment",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty fur into brazier",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into brazier",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into brazier"
"ploc": "Main H",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCloister Walkway",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to south",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to south",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to south",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to south",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "Cloister Walkway",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nMonastery Gardens",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to snow",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to snow",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to snow",
"push red to pot",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to snow",
"push green to pot",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "Monastery Gardens",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nHallway (west end)",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put bag down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": "Hway (west end)",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nHallway (basement)",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put bag down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"ploc": "Hway (basement)",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nRefectory",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "Refectory",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nStoreroom\nA trapdoor opens into darkness below.\n\nYou can also see a large barrel here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"close trapdoor",
"take into trapdoor",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open trapdoor",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put fur on barrel",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot on barrel",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key on barrel",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro on barrel",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag on barrel",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"push silver to barrel",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet on barrel",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"push brown to barrel",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"put smoke on barrel",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"push red to barrel",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put black on barrel",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book on barrel",
"put wood on barrel",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put white on barrel",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"put gray on barrel",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"push green to barrel",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all on barrel",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "Storeroom",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCaverns\nYou are in an low underground cavern, made of roughly worked stone. An even lower tunnel travels east.\nLight gleams in from an open trapdoor above.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"close trapdoor",
"take into trapdoor",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"open trapdoor",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to east",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to east",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to east",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to east",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "Caverns",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nCave Intersection\nYou are in a large open cavern. The rough limestone here was probably eroded by underground springs to form the somewhat circular chamber you now stand in. Oddly, there seems to have been a recent cave-in, as piles of rubble line the walls. A tunnel snakes off to the west. To the southeast, there is a wide square hole!",
"hints": [
"examine fur",
"take inventory",
"take silver",
"take brown",
"take red",
"take green",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"take into southeast",
"put fur down",
"put pot down",
"put key down",
"put wigro down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put smoke down",
"put black down",
"put book down",
"put wood down",
"put white down",
"put gray down",
"put all down",
"empty fur",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"examine wigro",
"examine book",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take all off fur",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put bag in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"push silver to fur",
"push silver to pot",
"push silver to key",
"push silver to bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"push brown to fur",
"push brown to pot",
"push brown to key",
"push brown to bag",
"put smoke in fur",
"put smoke in pot",
"put smoke in bag",
"push red to fur",
"push red to pot",
"push red to key",
"push red to bag",
"put black in fur",
"put black in pot",
"put black in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put white in fur",
"put white in pot",
"put white in bag",
"put gray in fur",
"put gray in pot",
"put gray in bag",
"push green to fur",
"push green to pot",
"push green to key",
"push green to bag",
"put all in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty bag into pot"
"ploc": "Cave Intersection",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nAs you enter the tunnel, a strange light surrounds you! The four rod pieces you were carrying crumble into dust!\n\nMystical Cave\nYou've entered a wondrous natural cave, lit everywhere by reflected light from some sort of purple crystalline substance in the walls. A tunnel exits to the northwest.\n\nThere's a purple crystal sphere partially embedded in the rock floor here.\n\nLying in one corner of the room is a skeleton.\n\nYou can also see a blackened parchment, a silver rod piece, a red rod piece, a green rod piece and a brown rod piece here.",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take green",
"take silver",
"take parchment",
"take red",
"take brown",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take green off pot",
"take silver off pot",
"take red off pot",
"take brown off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "\"I write these final words not in the hope that others will find and heed them, for this is too great a hope in my moment of death, but rather, to try and maintain my mind and soul in the face of the terror I now know is the truth.\n\nFor how can a man survive, knowing that his entire life, his entire belief, has been a ruse, a dupe, from the early beginning? That he has merely been a pawn in a working of evil that cannot be stopped?\n\nI have fought all manner of terrors, and recovered that which I know is the _true_ Rod of the Ancients, broken and scattered eons ago in the face of great evil. I sought also those ancient spheres that the Four Ancients never had the chance to use against the evil four elemental demons, but alas, I could not find them all, and sequestered those which I did with good people that the elemental evil could not touch.\n\nAlas, my quest has ended here. I lie trapped here, with the pieces of the true Rod in hand, unable to go forward, trapped by the elemental mystic locks on the rod that prevent it from leaving this very room, yet unable to go back, to leave the rod here and deny the very real danger of the defeat of the Ancients, of the power that the evil elementals hold.\n\nWhat is a faith destroyed? Who can help me to believe, in my moment of disbelief?\n\n--P--\"",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take green",
"take silver",
"take parchment",
"take red",
"take brown",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take green off pot",
"take silver off pot",
"take red off pot",
"take brown off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take inventory",
"take green",
"take parchment",
"take red",
"take brown",
"take all",
"take off amulet",
"cast chant",
"push sphere",
"close fur",
"put pot down",
"put wigro down",
"put wood down",
"put bag down",
"put amulet down",
"put fur down",
"put key down",
"put silver down",
"put book down",
"put all down",
"empty pot",
"empty bag",
"empty fur",
"examine wigro",
"examine chant",
"examine all",
"take green off pot",
"take red off pot",
"take silver off pot",
"take brown off pot",
"take all off pot",
"take all off bag",
"take all off fur",
"put pot in bag",
"put pot in fur",
"put wigro in pot",
"put wigro in bag",
"put wigro in fur",
"put bag in pot",
"put bag in fur",
"put amulet in pot",
"put amulet in bag",
"put amulet in fur",
"put key in pot",
"put key in bag",
"put key in fur",
"put book in pot",
"put book in bag",
"put book in fur",
"put silver in pot",
"put silver in bag",
"put silver in fur",
"put all in pot",
"put all in bag",
"put all in fur",
"empty pot into bag",
"empty pot into fur",
"empty bag into pot",
"empty bag into fur",
"empty fur into pot",
"empty fur into bag"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The sphere pulses with angry energy! It seems to be fighting the silver rod piece you hold! With a sudden burst, you feel your mind reel and your very surroundings change!\n\nGiant Cavern\nYou find yourself in a huge cavern. To the west is a large exit that looks out into a void of snow-covered mountains.\nThere is a gigantic white dragon here!",
"hints": [
"take off",
"drop rod against giant",
"put rod down"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "You close your eyes and leap out of the cave! You plummet through silent white winds. Moments later, you fall right into an enormous snowbank, and roll downwards, into...\n\nSnowy Intersection\nYou are at a snow-filled crossroads in a mountain trail. Paths lead north towards the top of the mountain, east, west, and south towards the base of the mountain.\n\nSomething seems familiar, yet different, about this place.\n\nThere is a large stone marker here, in the center of the intersection.",
"hints": [
"put rod down"
"ploc": "Snowy Intersection",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"put rod down"
"ploc": "Snowy Intersection",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes.\n\nYou hear a roar from the east! From out of the sky, a giant white dragon descends! It draws near, spots you, and bellows in rage! You shrink back, and pray for a quick but painless end.\n\nThere is a loud crack! The dragon, in trying to land, almost impales itself on the obelisk marker! Part of the marker breaks off, and the dragon flies off, whimpering in pain!",
"hints": [
"put rod down",
"put rod in top"
"ploc": "Snowy Intersection",
"inv": null
"msg": "As you place the rod piece in the broken stone piece, you sense a force from above pull you skywards! In moments, you are high above the snow covered mountains, nearing the sky, which you notice is strangely purple!\n\nMystical Cave\nYou've entered a wondrous natural cave, lit everywhere by reflected light from some sort of purple crystalline substance in the walls. A tunnel exits to the northwest.\n\nThere's a purple crystal sphere partially embedded in the rock floor here.\n\nLying in one corner of the room is a skeleton.\n\nYou can also see a small flower pot (in which are a green sphere, a brown sphere, a red sphere and a silver sphere), a square key, a prayer book, a holy amulet, a fancy scroll, a fur sack (in which are ten coins), a bag (in which are seven coins), three balsa wood beams, a blackened parchment, a red rod piece, a green rod piece and a brown rod piece here.",
"hints": [
"take wood",
"take silver",
"take amulet",
"take fur",
"take bag",
"take key",
"take pot",
"take scroll",
"take parchment",
"take book",
"take all",
"close fur",
"put on amulet",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"take green off pot",
"take brown off pot",
"take red off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"take all off pot",
"give green rod",
"give brown rod",
"give rod red"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by two points.]",
"hints": [
"take green",
"take wood",
"take silver",
"take amulet",
"take fur",
"take bag",
"take key",
"take pot",
"take scroll",
"take parchment",
"take book",
"take all",
"push purple",
"close fur",
"put green down",
"put on amulet",
"examine scroll",
"examine book",
"take brown off pot",
"take red off pot",
"take all off fur",
"take all off bag",
"take all off pot",
"put green in fur",
"put green in bag",
"put green in pot",
"give rod brown",
"give rod red"
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"msg": "The sphere pulses with angry energy! It seems to be fighting the green rod piece you hold! With a sudden burst, you feel your mind reel and your very surroundings change!\n\nOn strange boat\nYou are on a long open boat, riding the waves of some great sea. The boat seems to be filled with sailors from some militia.\n\nYou can see a sea captain here.\n\nYou suddenly realize that you are being held fast by two navy sailors! The captain walks forward and points his cutlass near your ear.\n\n\"What we have here, lads, is a stowaway!\" Some sailor cries out \"Overboard with the stowaway!\" The captain smiles. \"Now, we was planning on feeding you to the groupers, but we could use a scullion in the hold. One things for sure, ye ain't finding passage on this ship if ye ain't aligned with the Antharian Navy cause!\" Some sailor cries out (unnecessarily) \"The Antharian Navy cause!\". \"So, tell us lad, are ye with us? If ye are true, you'll tell me the Antharian Navy patron saint! So speak quickly, lad, if ye wish to stay dry!\"",
"hints": [],
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"read note",
"take pallet",
"take sand",
"wear amulet",
"read prayer",
"learn frotz",
"cast frotz on amulet",
"learn frotz",
"cast frotz on amulet",
"take scroll",
"read scroll",
"gnusto espnis",
"read diary",
"read page",
"read journal",
"push west wall",
"take scroll",
"read scroll",
"gnusto foblub",
"read faded",
"open window",
"read scriptures",
"consult scriptures about planes",
"read paper",
"take flour",
"move barrel",
"open trapdoor",
"drop all",
"drop amulet",
"take scroll",
"read scroll",
"enter window",
"take all",
"wear amulet",
"gnusto swanko",
"put pallet on boulder",
"climb tree",
"shake branch",
"take egg",
"throw sand",
"push dusty s",
"push moldy s",
"push filthy s",
"push dusty s",
"push moldy s",
"push filthy s",
"take key",
"x floorboards",
"move floorboards",
"push dusty n",
"push moldy n",
"push filthy n",
"push filthy n",
"push dusty s",
"push moldy s",
"unlock icebox with square key",
"open icebox",
"open blue box",
"take scroll",
"read scroll",
"gnusto zemdor",
"learn zemdor",
"zemdor blue box",
"open royal-blue box",
"take wrapper",
"open wrapper",
"read notice",
"drop notice",
"open navy-blue box",
"take whistle",
"take crunchy cereal",
"take packet",
"take butter",
"hit board",
"push moldy n",
"push dusty n",
"search couch",
"take coin",
"x clock",
"turn knob",
"turn knob",
"turn knob",
"turn knob",
"turn knob",
"turn knob",
"take clock",
"take ledger",
"read ledger",
"read subway",
"open door",
"ask governor about key",
"take key",
"put coin in slot",
"learn espnis",
"espnis thug",
"search seat",
"take newspaper",
"read newspaper",
"read news in newspaper",
"read sports in newspaper",
"read features in newspaper",
"drop newspaper",
"search seat",
"touch waterfall",
"put egg in pot",
"put flour in pot",
"put butter in pot",
"put packet in pot",
"put whistle in pot",
"put shiny in pot",
"put cereal in pot",
"put volcano in pot",
"put clock in pot",
"put ledger in pot",
"take pot",
"take small key",
"take glasses",
"search fountain",
"unlock toolshed with small key",
"drop small key",
"drop glasses",
"open toolshed",
"take all from toolshed",
"wear gloves",
"wear cap",
"read cracked",
"drop cracked",
"clip monster",
"drop cap",
"drop clipper",
"look in telescope",
"open telescope",
"take scroll",
"read scroll",
"gnusto fiznav",
"ask delbin about ale",
"ask morgan about dragon",
"offer coin to delbin",
"learn zemdor",
"zemdor ale",
"take rag",
"take headdress",
"put rag in pot",
"put headdress in pot",
"put coin in slot",
"learn foblub",
"foblub yupple",
"search seat",
"take scroll",
"read scroll",
"gnusto gloth",
"take flat key",
"read history book",
"look up index in history book",
"look up trophy in history book",
"search mess",
"take all",
"put cube in pot",
"put decaf in pot",
"unlock northern door with flat key",
"drop flat key",
"open northern door",
"open book",
"read book",
"take card",
"turn on switch",
"open notebook",
"take term paper",
"read term paper",
"take scroll",
"read scroll",
"show card to librarian",
"drop card",
"gnusto taclor",
"read journal",
"read research paper",
"put coin in slot",
"show term paper to frobar",
"read scroll",
"gnusto feeyuk",
"read journal",
"read twisted",
"take toy",
"put toy in pot",
"take coin",
"read sign",
"take clock",
"pull knob",
"turn knob",
"push knob",
"turn knob",
"turn knob",
"read scroll",
"gnusto wigro",
"drop clock",
"take scroll",
"read muddy scroll",
"gnusto throck",
"x natives",
"x shaman",
"take headdress",
"give headdress to shaman",
"read map",
"search grass",
"drop map",
"put coin in slot",
"take umbrella",
"take coin",
"take scroll",
"read gray scroll",
"gnusto tossio",
"give gloves to zombie",
"take wire",
"put coin in slot",
"put wire in slot",
"drop wire",
"take rag",
"ask skier about scroll",
"give rag to skier",
"take scroll",
"read waxy scroll",
"gnusto egdelp",
"put coin in slot",
"take scroll",
"read spotted scroll",
"gnusto bekdab",
"learn bekdab",
"gnusto bekdab",
"x hermit",
"take cereal",
"give cereal to hermit",
"ask hermit about exit",
"ask hermit about entrance",
"read parchment",
"drop parchment",
"ask farmer about oyster",
"take sack",
"x boat",
"enter boat",
"take volcano",
"drop volcano in water",
"x boat",
"learn fiznav",
"fiznav boat",
"enter boat",
"learn swanko",
"swanko spirit",
"take gray rod",
"put gray rod in pot",
"enter boat",
"put silver sphere in pot",
"read memo",
"open fur sack",
"put coins in fur sack",
"take all from basis",
"put coins in fur sack",
"take coin from basis",
"put coin in interest",
"take coin from basis",
"put coin in loans",
"take seven coins from basis",
"put six coins in overhead",
"put coin in slot",
"learn throck",
"throck shrub",
"take dornberries",
"put dornberries in pot",
"read sign",
"learn foblub",
"foblub man",
"take scroll",
"read pale scroll",
"gnusto shazok",
"learn egdelp",
"egdelp golem",
"learn tossio",
"tossio golem",
"learn bekdab",
"bekdab golem",
"learn taclor",
"taclor me",
"x coach",
"ask coach for trophy",
"ask delbin about minirva",
"take coin",
"put coin in slot",
"x treant",
"gnusto shazok",
"learn shazok",
"shazok storm",
"put red sphere in pot",
"take pan",
"take sticker",
"read sticker",
"drop sticker",
"take flour from pot",
"put flour in pan",
"take butter from pot",
"put butter in pan",
"take packet from pot",
"put packet in pan",
"take sugar from pot",
"put sugar in pan",
"take egg from pot",
"put egg in pan",
"take berries from pot",
"put berries in pan",
"mix pan",
"learn gloth",
"gloth dough",
"open oven",
"put pan in oven",
"close oven",
"turn dial",
"turn dial",
"turn dial",
"turn dial",
"turn dial",
"turn dial",
"turn dial",
"turn dial",
"push button",
"open oven",
"take pan",
"take coin",
"take wire",
"put coin in slot",
"put wire in slot",
"drop wire",
"read sign",
"give pan to guard",
"read sign",
"learn feeyuk",
"feeyuk me",
"learn feeyuk",
"feeyuk me",
"take ebony",
"take ebony",
"take balsa beam from northern niche",
"put ebony in northern niche",
"take ebony",
"take balsa beam",
"put ebony in southern niche",
"take ebony",
"take beam from southern niche",
"put ebony in southern niche",
"take beam from eastern niche",
"put ebony in eastern niche",
"learn swanko",
"swanko spirit",
"take smoke rod",
"put smoke rod in pot",
"enter hole",
"take key",
"unlock cabinet with shiny key",
"drop shiny key",
"open cabinet",
"learn egdelp",
"egdelp cabinet",
"open cabinet",
"look in cabinet",
"take crumpled scroll",
"read crumpled scroll",
"gnusto ledak",
"read warped",
"take ledger",
"show ledger to magistrate",
"x sydney",
"take toy",
"give toy to sydney",
"ask sydney for hat",
"put brown sphere in pot",
"drop red hat",
"take vase",
"x painting",
"take whistle",
"blow whistle",
"drop whistle",
"take door",
"take coin",
"put coin in slot",
"learn ledak",
"drop door",
"open door",
"read journal",
"ledak painting",
"take painting",
"search painting",
"read white scroll",
"gnusto huncho",
"drop painting",
"take coin",
"drop balsa wood beam",
"take red flag",
"take red flag",
"put red flag on speckled",
"put red flag on spotted",
"x cage",
"pull lever",
"learn taclor",
"taclor kobold",
"take green sphere",
"put green sphere in pot",
"read torn",
"put trophy in depression",
"take trophy",
"put trophy in depression",
"take trophy",
"put trophy in depression",
"take trophy",
"put trophy in depression",
"learn swanko",
"swanko spirit",
"take white rod",
"put white rod in pot",
"x dials",
"set left dial to 7",
"set center dial to 3",
"set right dial to 4",
"push button",
"x contraption",
"stand on disc",
"take briefcase",
"open briefcase",
"take red scroll",
"read red scroll",
"gnusto luncho",
"drop briefcase",
"push statue w",
"push statue n",
"push statue n",
"put vase in opening",
"open umbrella",
"put umbrella on pool",
"learn swanko",
"swanko spirit",
"drop all",
"drop amulet",
"take black rod",
"put black rod in hole",
"take all",
"wear amulet",
"learn huncho",
"huncho vase",
"put coin in slot",
"stand on disc",
"read ripped",
"take black rod",
"take smoke rod",
"take white rod",
"take gray rod",
"learn huncho",
"huncho me",
"take decaf from pot",
"take can",
"drop decaf",
"enter curtain",
"open door",
"x machine",
"drop can",
"x implementor",
"wake implementor",
"enter square",
"take scrawled",
"read scrawled",
"drop scrawled",
"read blackened",
"take silver rod",
"push purple",
"put silver rod in top",
"take green rod",
"push purple",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nZORK III: The Dungeon Master\nCopyright 1982 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.\nZORK is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.\nRelease 17 / Serial number 840727\n\nEndless Stair\nYou are at the bottom of a seemingly endless stair, winding its way upward beyond your vision. An eerie light, coming from all around you, casts strange shadows on the walls. To the south is a dark and winding trail.\nYour old friend, the brass lantern, is at your feet.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take brass",
"light brass",
"throw trail at brass"
"ploc": "Endless Stair",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down lamp",
"turn on lamp",
"throw trail at lamp"
"ploc": "Endless Stair",
"inv": [
"msg": "It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down lamp",
"turn on lamp",
"throw grue at lamp",
"ploc": "Junction",
"inv": [
"msg": "The lamp is now on.\n\nJunction\nYou are at the junction of a north-south passage and an east-west passage. To the north, you can make out the bottom of a stairway. The ways to the east and south are relatively cramped, but a wider trail leads to the west.\nStanding before you is a great rock. Imbedded within it is an Elvish sword.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"throw trail at lamp",
"ploc": "Junction",
"inv": [
"msg": "Barren Area\nYou are west of the junction, where the rock-bound passage widens out into a large, flat area. Although the land here is barren, you can see vegetation to the west. South of here is a mighty wall of stone, ancient and crumbling. To the southwest the wall has decayed enough to form an opening, through which seeps a thin mist. A trail dips sharply into rocky terrain to the northwest.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"throw trail at lamp",
"ploc": "Barren Area",
"inv": [
"msg": "Cliff\nThis is a remarkable spot in the dungeon. Perhaps two hundred feet above you is a gaping hole in the earth's surface through which pours bright sunshine! A few seedlings from the world above, nurtured by the sunlight and occasional rains, have grown into giant trees, making this a virtual oasis in the desert of the Underground Empire. To the west is a sheer precipice, dropping nearly fifty feet to jagged rocks below. The way south is barred by a forbidding stone wall, crumbling from age. There is a jagged opening in the wall to the southwest, through which leaks a fine mist. The land to the east looks lifeless and barren.\nA rope is tied to one of the large trees here and is dangling over the side of the cliff, reaching down to the shelf below.\nIt seems as if somebody has been here recently, as there is some fresh bread lying beneath one of the other trees.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"take waybread",
"jump across cliff",
"put down lamp",
"throw waybread at lamp",
"throw lamp off cliff",
"ploc": "Cliff",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"jump across cliff",
"put down waybread",
"put down lamp",
"put down all",
"throw waybread at lamp",
"throw waybread off cliff",
"throw lamp off cliff",
"ploc": "Cliff",
"inv": [
"piece waybread",
"msg": "Barren Area\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"put down waybread",
"put down all",
"throw trail at lamp",
"ploc": "Barren Area",
"inv": [
"piece waybread",
"msg": "Junction\nStanding before you is a great rock. Imbedded within it is an Elvish sword.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"put down waybread",
"put down all",
"throw trail at lamp",
"ploc": "Junction",
"inv": [
"piece waybread",
"msg": "Damp Passage\nThis is a particularly damp spot even by dungeon standards. You can see a crossroads to the west, and two nearly identical passages lead east and northeast. A stone channel, wide and deep, steeply descends into the room from the south. It is covered with moss and lichen, and is far too slippery to climb. The channel crosses the room, but the opening where it once continued north is now blocked by rubble.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"put down waybread",
"put down all",
"throw moss at lamp",
"ploc": "Damp Passage",
"inv": [
"piece waybread",
"msg": "Engravings Room\nYou are in a room with passages heading southwest and southeast. The north wall is ornately carved, filled with strange runes and writing in an unfamiliar language.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down waybread",
"put down lamp",
"put down all",
"throw passages at lamp",
"ploc": "Engravings ",
"inv": [
"piece waybread",
"msg": "Dead End\nYou have come to the end of two adjoining passages to the west and the northwest.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down waybread",
"put down lamp",
"put down all",
"throw west at lamp",
"ploc": "Dead End",
"inv": [
"piece waybread",
"msg": "Damp Passage\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"put down waybread",
"put down all",
"throw moss at lamp",
"ploc": "Damp Passage",
"inv": [
"piece waybread",
"msg": "Engravings Room\nAn old and wizened man is huddled, asleep, in the corner. He is snoring loudly. From his appearance, he is weak and frail.\n\n",
"hints": [
"shake man",
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"put down waybread",
"put down all",
"play man",
"throw man at lamp",
"ploc": "Engravings ",
"inv": [
"piece waybread",
"msg": "The old man is roused to consciousness. He peers at you through eyes which appear much younger and stronger than his frail body and waits, as if expecting something to happen.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"put down waybread",
"put down all",
"play man",
"throw man at lamp",
"give man waybread",
"ploc": "Engravings ",
"inv": [
"piece waybread",
"msg": "He looks up at you and takes the waybread from you. Slowly, he eats the bread and pauses when he is finished. He starts to speak: \"Perhaps what you seek is through there!\" He points at the carved wall to the north, where you now notice the bare outline of a secret door. When you turn back to the old man, you notice that he has gone!\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"open door",
"throw passages at lamp",
"ploc": "Engravings ",
"inv": [
"msg": "Damp Passage\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"throw moss at lamp",
"ploc": "Damp Passage",
"inv": [
"msg": "Junction\nStanding before you is a great rock. Imbedded within it is an Elvish sword.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"throw trail at lamp",
"ploc": "Junction",
"inv": [
"msg": "Creepy Crawl\nYou are in a dark and quite creepy crawlway with passages leaving to the north, east, south, and southwest.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"throw crawlway at lamp",
"ploc": "Creepy Crawl",
"inv": [
"msg": "Foggy Room\nYou are in a dank passage filled with a wispy fog. A spooky passageway leads north and a wider path heads off to the south. To the west, the path leaves the rock and enters an eerie, shadowy land.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"put down lamp",
"throw passage at lamp",
"ploc": "Foggy ",
"inv": [
"msg": "Lake Shore\nYou are in a wide cavern on the north shore of a small lake. Some polished stone steps lead to the southeast and a sheer rock face prevents any movement around the lake to the southwest. The cavern is dimly lit from above.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off lamp",
"enter lake",
"put down lamp",
"throw lamp at lake"
"ploc": "Lake Shore",
"inv": [
"msg": "The lamp is now off.\n\n",
"hints": [
"enter lake",
"put down lamp",
"turn on lamp",
"throw lamp at lake"
"ploc": "Lake Shore",
"inv": [
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take lamp",
"enter lake",
"light lamp",
"throw lamp at lake"
"ploc": "Lake Shore",
"inv": null
"msg": "You are nearly paralyzed by the icy waters as you swim into the center of the lake.\n\nOn the Lake\nYou are floating on the surface of the lake. The water is ice cold and your ability to survive here for long is very questionable. A swim north puts you at your starting point. Conditions to the east are poor where the lake turns into swamp. The west and south shores are suitable for walking, however.\n\n",
"hints": [
"ploc": "On Lake",
"inv": null
"msg": "Underwater\nYou are below the surface of the lake. It turns out that the lake is quite shallow and the bottom is only a few feet below you. Considering the frigid temperature of the water, you should probably not plan an extended stay. The lake bottom is sandy and a few hearty plants and algae live there.\nOut of the corner of your eye, a small, shiny object appears in the sand. A moment later, it is gone!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around algae",
"ploc": "Underwater",
"inv": null
"msg": "The shiny object slips from your grasp and back onto the floor of the lake, where it is covered in sand.\nYou catch a brief glimpse of something shiny in the sand.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around algae",
"take out algae",
"look for object",
"take all",
"ploc": "Underwater",
"inv": null
"msg": "You reach the shiny object. It is a simple golden amulet!\nThe icy waters are taking their toll. You will not be able to hold out much longer.\nYou run out of air and return to the surface.\nOn the Lake\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down amulet",
"ploc": "On Lake",
"inv": [
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Western Shore\nYou are on the western shore of the lake. The ground here is quite hard, but a few sickly reeds manage to grow near the water's edge. The only path leads into the rock to the south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"enter lake",
"put down amulet",
"ploc": "Western Shore",
"inv": [
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Scenic Vista\nYou are in a small chamber carved in the rock, with the sole exit to the north. Mounted on one wall is a table labelled \"Scenic Vista,\" whose featureless surface is angled toward you. One might believe that the table was used to indicate points of interest in the view from this spot, like those found in many parks. On the other hand, your surroundings are far from spacious and by no stretch of the imagination could this spot be considered scenic. An indicator above the table reads \"III\".\nMounted on one wall is a flaming torch, which fills the room with a flickering light.\nThe indicator above the table flickers briefly, then changes to \"IV\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"blow out torch",
"take torch",
"put down amulet",
"touch table",
"ploc": "Scenic Vista",
"inv": [
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down all",
"touch table",
"ploc": "Scenic Vista",
"inv": [
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\nThe indicator above the table flickers briefly, then changes to \"I\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down all",
"touch table",
"ploc": "Scenic Vista",
"inv": [
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down all",
"touch table",
"ploc": "Scenic Vista",
"inv": [
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\nThe indicator above the table flickers briefly, then changes to \"II\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down all",
"touch table",
"ploc": "Scenic Vista",
"inv": [
"golden amulet"
"msg": "You touch the table and are instantly transported to another place!\n\nRoom 8\nThis is a small chamber carved out of the rock at the end of a short crawl. On the wall is crudely chiseled the number \"8\". The only apparent exit, to the east, seems to be a blur and a loud, whirring sound resounds through the rock.\nA spray can is in the corner. In large type is the legend \"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down all",
"put magic in amulet",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": " 8",
"inv": [
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put magic in amulet",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": " 8",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\nYou suddenly find yourself back in the viewing room!\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"touch table",
"put magic in amulet",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Scenic Vista",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\nThe indicator above the table flickers briefly, then changes to \"III\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"touch table",
"put magic in amulet",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Scenic Vista",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "You touch the table and are instantly transported to another place!\n\nDamp Passage\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put magic in amulet",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Damp Passage",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"blow out torch",
"take torch",
"put down amulet",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put magic in passage",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Damp Passage",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\nYou suddenly find yourself back in the viewing room!\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down amulet",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"touch table",
"put magic in amulet"
"ploc": "Scenic Vista",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Western Shore\n\n",
"hints": [
"enter lake",
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down all",
"put magic in western"
"ploc": "Western Shore",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "The shock of entering the frigid water has made you drop all your possessions into the lake!\n\nOn the Lake\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down amulet",
"ploc": "On Lake",
"inv": [
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Underwater\nThere is a Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take magic",
"put down amulet",
"put magic in grue",
"ploc": "Underwater",
"inv": [
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around algae",
"put down amulet",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put magic in algae",
"ploc": "Underwater",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "You already have it.\nThe icy waters are taking their toll. You will not be able to hold out much longer.\nYou run out of air and return to the surface.\nOn the Lake\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down all",
"put magic in lake",
"ploc": "On Lake",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Southern Shore\nYou are on the south shore of the lake. Rock formations prevent movement to the west and thickening swamp to the east makes the going all but impossible. To the south, where the beach meets a rock formation, you can make out a dark passage sloping steeply upward into the rock.\n\n",
"hints": [
"enter lake",
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down all",
"put magic in passage"
"ploc": "Southern Shore",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down amulet",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put magic in amulet"
"ploc": "Dark Place",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "The spray smells like a mixture of old socks and burning rubber. If I were a grue I'd sure stay clear!\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down amulet",
"put down magic",
"put down all"
"ploc": "Dark Place",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "There are sinister gurgling noises in the darkness all around you!\nIt is pitch black.\nThe ground continues to slope upwards away from the lake. You can barely detect a dim light from the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down amulet",
"put down magic",
"put down all"
"ploc": "Dark Place",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Key Room\nYou are between some rock and a dark place, The room is lit dimly from above, revealing a lone, dark path sloping down to the west.\nTo one side of the room is a large manhole cover.\nThe light from above seems to be focused in the center of the room, where a single key is lying in the dust.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take key",
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down all",
"open cover"
"ploc": "Key ",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down amulet",
"put down magic",
"put down key",
"put down all",
"open cover"
"ploc": "Key ",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "The cover is moved a bit to one side, revealing a small hole leading into darkness.\nThat horrible smell is much less pungent now.\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down key",
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down all",
"ploc": "Key ",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Aqueduct\nYou are in a wide stone channel, part of the water supply system for the Great Underground Empire. The source of water was a waterfall to the south, which has long since dried up. Water flowed along the aqueduct to the north. This region is lit from above, although the source of light is not apparent.\n\n",
"hints": [
"jump across aqueduct",
"put down key",
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down all",
"ploc": "Aqueduct",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "High Arch\nYou are now on one of the tallest arches of the aqueduct, hundreds of feet above a rocky chasm. The immensity of the aqueduct project is apparent from here. Stone supports rise from the rock floor to form massive arches, which traverse the region from north to south. The water-carrying channel here is wide and deep. To the west and far below, you can make out a balcony which must command a wide view of the aqueduct.\n\n",
"hints": [
"jump across chasm",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"ploc": "High Arch",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Water Slide\nYou are near the northern end of this segment of the aqueduct system. To the south and slightly uphill, the bulk of the aqueduct looms ominously, towering above a gorge. To the north, the water channel drops precipitously and enters a rocky hole. The damp moss and lichen would certainly make that a one-way trip.\n\n",
"hints": [
"jump across aqueduct",
"put down key",
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down all",
"ploc": "Water Slide",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Damp Passage\nThere is a torch here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"blow out torch",
"take torch",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Damp Passage",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Damp Passage",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Junction\nStanding before you is a great rock. Imbedded within it is an Elvish sword.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down key",
"put down all",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Junction",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Barren Area\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Barren Area",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Cliff\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"jump across cliff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down key",
"put down all",
"throw amulet off cliff",
"throw torch off cliff",
"throw magic off cliff",
"throw key off cliff",
"ploc": "Cliff",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Cliff Ledge\nThis is a rock-strewn ledge near the base of a tall cliff. The bottom of the cliff is another fifteen feet below. You have little hope of climbing up the cliff face, but you might be able to scramble down from here (though it's doubtful you could return).\nA long piece of rope is dangling down from the top of the cliff and is within your reach.\nA large chest, closed and locked, is lying among the boulders.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take chest",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"light magic with torch",
"throw key off ledge",
"throw amulet off ledge",
"throw torch off ledge",
"throw magic off ledge"
"ploc": "Cliff Ledge",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take chest",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"light magic with torch",
"throw key off ledge",
"throw amulet off ledge",
"throw torch off ledge",
"throw magic off ledge"
"ploc": "Cliff Ledge",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\nAt the edge of the cliff above you, a man appears. He looks down at you and speaks. \"Hello, down there! You seem to have a problem. Maybe I can help you.\" He chuckles in an unsettling sort of way. \"Perhaps if you tied that chest to the end of the rope I might be able to drag it up for you. Then, I'll be more than happy to help you up!\" He laughs again.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take chest",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"light magic with torch",
"throw key off ledge",
"throw amulet off ledge",
"throw torch off ledge",
"throw magic off ledge"
"ploc": "Cliff Ledge",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "The chest is now tied to the rope.\nThe man above you looks pleased. \"Now there's a good friend! Thank you very much, indeed!\" He pulls on the rope and the chest is lifted to the top of the cliff and out of sight. With a short laugh, he disappears. \"I'll be back in a short while!\" are his last words.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down all",
"light magic with torch",
"throw key off ledge",
"throw magic off ledge",
"throw amulet off ledge",
"throw torch off ledge"
"ploc": "Cliff Ledge",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\nThere is a great tremor from within the earth. The entire dungeon shakes violently and loose debris starts to fall from above you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down all",
"light magic with torch",
"throw key off ledge",
"throw magic off ledge",
"throw amulet off ledge",
"throw torch off ledge"
"ploc": "Cliff Ledge",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down all",
"light magic with torch",
"throw key off ledge",
"throw magic off ledge",
"throw amulet off ledge",
"throw torch off ledge"
"ploc": "Cliff Ledge",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down all",
"light magic with torch",
"throw key off ledge",
"throw magic off ledge",
"throw amulet off ledge",
"throw torch off ledge"
"ploc": "Cliff Ledge",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\nA familiar voice calls down to you. \"Are you still there?\" he bellows with a coarse laugh. \"Well, then, grab onto the rope and we'll see what we can do.\" The rope drops to within your reach.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down all",
"light magic with torch",
"throw key off ledge",
"throw magic off ledge",
"throw amulet off ledge",
"throw torch off ledge"
"ploc": "Cliff Ledge",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "You grab securely on to the rope.\nThe man starts to heave on the rope and within a few moments you arrive at the top of the cliff. The man removes the last few valuables from the chest and prepares to leave. \"You've been a good sport! Here, take this, for whatever good it is! I can't see that I'll be needing one!\" He hands you a plain wooden staff from the bottom of the chest and begins examining his valuables.\nThe chest, open and empty, is at your feet.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take chest",
"close chest",
"jump across cliff",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down key",
"put down all",
"put valuables in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"throw staff off cliff",
"throw amulet off cliff",
"throw torch off cliff",
"throw magic off cliff",
"throw key off cliff",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Cliff",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Taken.\nYour \"friend\" examines his valuables with great pride.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"jump across cliff",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"put valuables in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"throw staff off cliff",
"throw amulet off cliff",
"throw torch off cliff",
"throw magic off cliff",
"throw key off cliff",
"throw chest off cliff",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Cliff",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Cliff Ledge\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"put amulet in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"throw staff off ledge",
"throw amulet off ledge",
"throw torch off ledge",
"throw magic off ledge",
"throw key off ledge",
"throw chest off ledge",
"put all in chest"
"ploc": "Cliff Ledge",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Cliff Base\nYou are at the base of a steep cliff. Directly above you is a wide ledge and far above that some natural sunlight can be seen. To the northeast is a steeply climbing path and the ground becomes sandy toward the south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down magic",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down all",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Cliff Base",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Flathead Ocean\nYou are at the shore of an amazing underground sea, the topic of many a legend among adventurers. Few were known to have arrived at this spot, and fewer to return. There is a heavy surf and a breeze is blowing on-shore. The land rises steeply to the east and quicksand prevents movement to the south. A thick mist covers the ocean and extends over the hills to the east. A path heads north along the beach.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"give chest all",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"give chest all",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"give chest all",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"give chest all",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"give chest all",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"give chest all",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"give chest all",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"give chest all",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"give chest all",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"give chest all",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\nPassing alongside the shore now is an old boat, reminiscent of an ancient Viking ship. Standing on the prow of the ship is an old and crusty sailor, peering out over the misty ocean.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"hello sailor",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "The seaman looks up and maneuvers the boat toward shore. He cries out \"I have waited three ages for someone to say those words and save me from sailing this endless ocean. Please accept this gift. You may find it useful!\" He throws something which falls near you in the sand, then sails off toward the west, singing a lively, but somewhat uncouth, sailor song.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around vial",
"turn off torch",
"take vial",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Taken.\nThe boat sails silently through the mist and out of sight.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"enter quicksand",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Flathead Ocean",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Land of Shadow\nYou are in a land of dark shadows and shallow hills, which stretch out in all directions. To the west, the land dips sharply.\nYou can hear quiet footsteps nearby.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\nYou can hear quiet footsteps nearby.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Time passes...\nThrough the shadows, a cloaked and hooded figure appears before you, blocking the northeastern exit from the room and carrying a brightly glowing sword.\nFrom nowhere, the sword from the junction appears in your hand, wildly glowing!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around sword",
"ask figure",
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"drink from vial",
"put down sword",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play figure",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "A quick stroke catches the hooded figure off guard! Blood trickles down the figure's arm!\nThe figure has a light wound which hasn't affected its seemingly great strength.\nYou dodge as the hooded figure comes in low.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around sword",
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down sword",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play figure",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Your move was not quick enough and misses the mark.\nThe hooded figure stabs nonchalantly with its sword and misses.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around sword",
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down sword",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"hit sword with figure",
"open vial",
"play figure",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "A quick stroke, but the hooded figure is on guard.\nYou are wounded by a lightning thrust!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around sword",
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down sword",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"hit sword with figure",
"open vial",
"play figure",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "The hooded figure is hit with a quick slash!\nThe figure has some wounds and is probably not capable of hindering your movement.\nYou dodge as the hooded figure comes in low.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around sword",
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down sword",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"hit sword with figure",
"open vial",
"play figure",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "A good parry! Your sword wounds the hooded figure!\nThe figure is hurt, and its strength appears to be fading.\nThe hooded figure attempts a thrust, but its weakened state prevents hitting you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around sword",
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down sword",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"hit sword with figure",
"open vial",
"play figure",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "The hooded figure is hit with a quick slash!\nThe figure appears to be badly hurt and defenseless.\nThe hooded figure attempts a thrust, but its weakened state prevents hitting you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around sword",
"turn off torch",
"take hood",
"close chest",
"put down sword",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"hit sword with figure",
"open vial",
"play figure",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"hit figure with sword",
"light staff with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "You slowly remove the hood from your badly wounded opponent and recoil in horror at the sight of your own face, weary and wounded. A faint smile comes to the lips and then the face starts to change, very slowly, into that of an old, wizened person. The image fades and with it the body of your hooded opponent. The cloak remains on the ground.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down sword",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take cloak",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "You are now wearing the cloak.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Land of Shadow\nYou are in a shadowy land of low, rolling hills stretching out to the west and south. The land is bordered to the north by a massive stone wall. Ancient and weathered, the wall has crumbled enough at one point to permit passage.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Land of Shadow\nYou are at the eastern end of a dark, featureless landscape of shallow hills. Paths to the east and southeast re-enter the rock.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "LShadow",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Creepy Crawl\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Creepy Crawl",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Junction\nStanding before you is a great rock.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Junction",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Damp Passage\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Damp Passage",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Engravings Room\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down chest",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"open door",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Engravings ",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "The massive stone door opens noiselessly. Beyond the once-secret door are dark, forbidding stairs that lead down to a passage below. Dim light, as from torches, can be seen in the passage.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"close door",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest",
"ploc": "Engravings ",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Button Room\nYou are standing at the southern end of a long, dimly lit hall. To the south, stairs ascend into darkness. To the north the corridor is illuminated by torches set high in the walls, out of reach. On one wall is a red button.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close chest",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down chest",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put amulet in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put key in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest"
"ploc": "Butt",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Beam Room\nYou are in the middle of a long north-south corridor whose walls are polished stone. A narrow red beam of light crosses the room at the north end, inches above the floor.\nThe corridor continues north and south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close light",
"close chest",
"put down chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest"
"ploc": "Beam ",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "You conveniently drop the chest in position to block the beam of light.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take chest",
"close light",
"close chest",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest"
"ploc": "Beam ",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Button Room\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"push button",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Butt",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Engravings Room\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close door",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Engravings ",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Damp Passage\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Damp Passage",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Junction\nStanding before you is a great rock.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Junction",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Creepy Crawl\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Creepy Crawl",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Tight Squeeze\nThis is a very low and narrow passage leading east to west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Tight Squeeze",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Crystal Grotto\nThis is a chamber of breathtaking beauty. Mighty stalagmites form structured shapes of rock, encrusted with crystalline formations. Phosphorescent mosses, fed by a trickle of water from some unseen source above, make the crystals glow and sparkle with every color of the rainbow. There is an opening to the west, and a man-made passage heads south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Crystal Grotto",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Royal Hall\nThis is the north end of a large hall with a vaulted ceiling. A long, tiled hallway leads north through a tall arch. Although the origin or purpose of this room is unclear, there is a large rendering of the Royal Seal of Lord Dimwit Flathead carved on the wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Great Door\nThis is the south end of a monumental hall, full of dust and debris from a recent earthquake. To the east is a great iron door, rusted shut. To its right, however, is a gaping cleft in the rock and behind, a cleared area.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "GreDoor",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Museum Entrance\nThis is the entrance to the Royal Museum, the finest and grandest in the Great Underground Empire. To the south, down a few steps, is the entrance to the Royal Puzzle and to the east, through a stone door, is the Royal Jewel Collection. A wooden door to the north is open and leads to the Museum of Technology. To the west is a great iron door, rusted shut. To its left, however, is a cleft in the rock providing a western route away from the museum.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down staff",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Museum Entrance",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Technology Museum\nThis is a large hall which hosted the technological exhibits of the Great Underground Empire. A door to the south is open.\nDirectly in front of you is a large golden machine, which has a seat with a console in front. On the console is a single button and a dial connected to a three-digit display which reads 948. The machine is suprisingly shiny and shows few signs of age.\nA strange grey machine, shaped somewhat like a clothes dryer, is on one side of the room. On the other side of the hall is a powerful-looking black machine, a tight tangle of wires, pipes, and motors.\nA plaque is mounted near the door. The writing is faded, however, and cannot be made out clearly. The two machines seem to be in bad shape, rusting in many spots.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take in gold machine",
"close door",
"close gold machine",
"put down staff",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put staff in seat",
"put key in seat",
"put amulet in seat",
"put torch in seat",
"put vial in seat",
"put hood in seat",
"put cloak in seat",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in seat",
"put magic on seat",
"push gold machine staff",
"push gold machine south"
"ploc": "Technology Museum",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Museum Entrance\nWith some effort, you push the machine into the room with you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take in machine",
"close machine",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put staff in seat",
"put amulet in seat",
"put torch in seat",
"put vial in seat",
"put key in seat",
"put hood in seat",
"put cloak in seat",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in seat",
"put magic on seat",
"push machine staff",
"ploc": "Museum Entrance",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "The door is now open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take in machine",
"close machine",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put staff in seat",
"put amulet in seat",
"put torch in seat",
"put vial in seat",
"put key in seat",
"put hood in seat",
"put cloak in seat",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in seat",
"put magic on seat",
"push machine staff",
"push machine east",
"ploc": "Museum Entrance",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "Jewel Room\nYou are in a high-ceilinged chamber in the middle of which sits a tall, round steel cage, which is securely locked. In the middle of the cage is a pedestal on which sit the Crown Jewels of the Great Underground Empire: a sceptre, a jewelled knife, and a golden ring. A small bronze plaque, now tarnished, is on the cage.\nWith some effort, you push the machine into the room with you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take in machine",
"close machine",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put staff in seat",
"put amulet in seat",
"put torch in seat",
"put vial in seat",
"put key in seat",
"put hood in seat",
"put cloak in seat",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in seat",
"put ring behind seat",
"put knife on seat",
"put ring on seat",
"put magic on seat"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "The machine consists of a seat and a console containing one small button and a dial connected to a display which reads 948.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take in machine",
"close machine",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put staff in seat",
"put amulet in seat",
"put torch in seat",
"put vial in seat",
"put key in seat",
"put hood in seat",
"put cloak in seat",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in seat",
"put ring behind seat",
"put knife on seat",
"put ring on seat",
"put magic on seat"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "\n Crown Jewels\n\n Presented To The Royal Museum\n By His Gracious Lord\n\n DIMWIT FLATHEAD\n\n\n Dedicated\n * 777 GUE *\n\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take in machine",
"close machine",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put staff in seat",
"put amulet in seat",
"put torch in seat",
"put vial in seat",
"put key in seat",
"put hood in seat",
"put cloak in seat",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in seat",
"put ring behind seat",
"put knife on seat",
"put ring on seat",
"put magic on seat"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "You are now in the gold machine.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take out machine",
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put key in seat",
"put staff in seat",
"put amulet in seat",
"put cloak in seat",
"put torch in seat",
"put vial in seat",
"put hood in seat",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in seat",
"put ring behind seat",
"put knife on seat",
"put ring on seat",
"put magic on seat"
"ploc": "gold machine",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "The dial is set to 776.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take out machine",
"turn off torch",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"push button",
"put key in seat",
"put staff in seat",
"put amulet in seat",
"put cloak in seat",
"put torch in seat",
"put vial in seat",
"put hood in seat",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in seat",
"put ring behind seat",
"put knife on seat",
"put ring on seat",
"put magic on seat"
"ploc": "gold machine",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet"
"msg": "You experience a brief period of disorientation. When your vision returns, your surroundings appear to have changed. From outside the door you hear the sounds of guards talking.\nYou notice that everything you were holding is gone!\nYou notice that the golden machine has disappeared!\n\n",
"hints": [
"take knife",
"take sceptre",
"take ring",
"take all",
"look around knife",
"open knife with door"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"take knife",
"take sceptre",
"take ring",
"take all",
"look around knife",
"open knife with door"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"take knife",
"take sceptre",
"take ring",
"take all",
"look around knife",
"open knife with door"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"take knife",
"take sceptre",
"take ring",
"take all",
"look around knife",
"open knife with door"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"take knife",
"take sceptre",
"take ring",
"take all",
"look around knife",
"open knife with door"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes...\nYou hear, from outside the door, guards marching away, their voices fading. After a few moments, a booming crash signals the close of what must be a tremendous door. Then there is silence.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take knife",
"take sceptre",
"take ring",
"take all",
"look around knife",
"open knife with door"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": null
"msg": "You are now wearing the golden ring.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take knife",
"take sceptre",
"take all",
"put down ring",
"look around knife"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": [
"golden ring"
"msg": "The door is now open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take knife",
"take sceptre",
"take all",
"put down ring",
"look around knife"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": [
"golden ring"
"msg": "Museum Entrance\nThis appears to be an unfinished entranceway to the Royal Museum. There are doors to the east and north, and a blind stairway to the south. A heavy iron door to the west is closed and locked.\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down ring",
"ploc": "Museum Entrance",
"inv": [
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wooden door opens.\n\n",
"hints": [
"put down ring",
"ploc": "Museum Entrance",
"inv": [
"golden ring"
"msg": "Technology Museum\nYou are in a large, unfinished room, probably intended to be a part of the Royal Museum.\nA strange grey machine, shaped somewhat like a clothes dryer, is on one side of the room. On the other side of the hall is a powerful-looking black machine, a tight tangle of wires, pipes, and motors.\nA plaque is mounted near the door. The grey machine, it turns out, is a Frobozz Magic Pressurizer, used in the coal mines of the Empire. The black machine is a Frobozz Magic Room Spinner. The golden machine is referred to as a Temporizer. All are non-working models donated by Frobozzco president John D. Flathead.\nDirectly in front of you is a large golden machine, which has a seat with a console in front. On the console is a single button and a dial connected to a three-digit display which reads 776. The machine is suprisingly shiny and shows few signs of age.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take in temporizer",
"close temporizer",
"close door",
"put down ring",
"put ring in seat",
"put ring behind seat"
"ploc": "Technology Museum",
"inv": [
"golden ring"
"msg": "You notice a small hollow area under the seat.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take in temporizer",
"close temporizer",
"close door",
"put down ring",
"put ring in seat",
"put ring behind seat"
"ploc": "Technology Museum",
"inv": [
"golden ring"
"msg": "The ring is concealed underneath the seat.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take in temporizer",
"close temporizer",
"close door",
"look under seat"
"ploc": "Technology Museum",
"inv": null
"msg": "You are now in the gold machine.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take out gold",
"look under seat"
"ploc": "gold machine",
"inv": null
"msg": "The dial is set to 948.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take out gold",
"look under seat",
"push button"
"ploc": "gold machine",
"inv": null
"msg": "You experience a brief period of disorientation. When your vision returns, your surroundings appear somewhat altered.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take out gold",
"look under seat"
"ploc": "gold machine",
"inv": null
"msg": "You are on your own feet again.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take in this",
"close this",
"look under seat",
"open door"
"ploc": "Technology Museum",
"inv": null
"msg": "You find the ring under the seat and put it on your finger.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take in this",
"close gold machine",
"put down ring",
"open door",
"put ring in this",
"put ring behind this"
"ploc": "Technology Museum",
"inv": [
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wooden door opens.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take in gold machine",
"close this",
"close gold machine",
"put down ring",
"put ring in seat",
"put ring behind seat",
"push gold machine south"
"ploc": "Technology Museum",
"inv": [
"golden ring"
"msg": "Museum Entrance\n\n",
"hints": [
"close wooden",
"put down ring",
"ploc": "Museum Entrance",
"inv": [
"golden ring"
"msg": "The door is now open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"close wooden",
"put down ring",
"ploc": "Museum Entrance",
"inv": [
"golden ring"
"msg": "Jewel Room\nThere is a golden amulet here.\nThere is a Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent here.\nThere is a strange key here.\nThere is a torch here.\nThere is a wooden staff here.\nThere is a vial here.\nThere is a hood here.\nThere is a cloak here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"blow out torch",
"take key",
"take vial",
"take staff",
"take torch",
"take amulet",
"take cloak",
"take magic",
"take hood",
"take all",
"put down ring",
"put on all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": [
"golden ring"
"msg": "bronze plaque: What a concept!\ngolden amulet: You are now wearing the golden amulet.\nFrobozz Magic Grue Repellent: Taken.\nstrange key: Taken.\ntorch: Taken.\nwooden staff: Taken.\nvial: Taken.\nhood: You are now wearing the hood.\ncloak: You are now wearing the cloak.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Jewel ",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Museum Entrance\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down staff",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Museum Entrance",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Royal Puzzle Entrance\nThis is a small square room, in the middle of which is a perfectly round hole through which you can discern the floor some ten feet below. The place under the hole is dark, but it appears to be completely enclosed in rock. In any event, it doesn't seem likely that you could climb back up. Exits are west and, up a few steps, north.\nLying on the ground is a small note of some kind.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take note",
"put down ring",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Puzzle Entrance",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\nYou are in a small square room bounded to the north and west with marble walls and to the east and south with sandstone walls.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it....\nThe architecture of this region is getting complex, so that further descriptions will be diagrams of the immediate vicinity in a 3x3 grid. The walls here are rock, but of two different types - sandstone and marble. The following notations will be used:\n\n .. = your position (middle of grid)\n MM = marble wall\n SS = sandstone wall\n ?? = unknown (blocked by walls)\n\nRoom in a Puzzle\n +MM SS+\nWest +MM .. + East\n +?? SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS ??+\nWest + .. MM+ East\n +SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + MM+\nWest +SS .. + East\n +SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + MM +\nWest + .. + East\n + SS+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +MM SS+\nWest + .. MM+ East\n + SS ??+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n + MM+\nWest + .. SS+ East\n +SS SS ??+\nThe center of the floor here is noticeably depressed.\nNestled inside the niche is an old and dusty book.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take book",
"put down ring",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n + SS+\nWest +SS .. + East\n +?? SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n + +\nWest +SS .. + East\n +MM SS+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n +SS +\nWest +SS .. + East\n +?? MM +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + +\nWest + .. + East\n +MM SS+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS+\nWest + .. + East\n + SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + MM+\nWest + .. SS+ East\n + +\nThe center of the floor here is noticeably depressed.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +MM SS+\nWest + .. MM+ East\n + SS+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS+\nWest +MM .. SS+ East\n + MM+\nThere is a ladder here, firmly attached to the east wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +MM MM ??+\nWest + .. SS+ East\n +MM SS+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n +MM MM ??+\nWest + .. SS+ East\n + SS ??+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +MM MM MM+\nWest + .. + East\n +MM SS+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + +\nWest +MM .. SS+ East\n + MM+\nThere is a ladder here, firmly attached to the east wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +MM SS+\nWest + .. MM+ East\n + SS+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + MM+\nWest + .. SS+ East\n + +\nThe center of the floor here is noticeably depressed.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS+\nWest + .. + East\n + SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS +\nWest + .. + East\n +SS MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +SS MM+\nWest + .. MM+ East\n + MM ??+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +MM MM+\nWest +SS .. MM+ East\n + MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +SS MM+\nWest +MM .. MM+ East\n +SS MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +?? SS ??+\nWest +SS .. MM+ East\n +MM MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n + SS+\nWest +SS .. + East\n +?? MM +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +MM MM ??+\nWest + .. SS+ East\n +SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +MM MM MM+\nWest + .. + East\n +MM SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n + +\nWest +MM .. + East\n +?? SS MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS+\nWest + .. + East\n +SS MM +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS ??+\nWest + .. MM+ East\n +MM MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + MM+\nWest +MM .. MM+ East\n +SS MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +MM MM+\nWest +SS .. MM+ East\n + MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +SS MM+\nWest + .. MM+ East\n + MM ??+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS +\nWest + .. + East\n +SS MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS+\nWest + .. + East\n + SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS ??+\nWest + .. SS+ East\n + +\nThe center of the floor here is noticeably depressed.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n +SS MM ??+\nWest + .. SS+ East\n + +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS MM+\nWest + .. + East\n + +\nThe center of the floor here is noticeably depressed.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS+\nWest + .. + East\n + +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +SS +\nWest +SS .. + East\n +SS +\nThere is a ladder here, firmly attached to the west wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + MM+\nWest +SS .. + East\n +SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS ??+\nWest + .. MM+ East\n +SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +MM SS+\nWest +MM .. + East\n +?? SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +?? MM ??+\nWest +MM .. SS+ East\n +MM +\nIn the ceiling above you is a large circular opening.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n +MM MM ??+\nWest + .. SS+ East\n + MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n +MM MM ??+\nWest + .. SS+ East\n + MM ??+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n +MM MM ??+\nWest + .. SS+ East\n +MM +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS+\nWest +MM .. + East\n +?? SS MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n +MM +\nWest + .. MM+ East\n + SS ??+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS+\nWest +MM .. + East\n + MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + SS SS+\nWest + .. + East\n + MM +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +SS SS ??+\nWest + .. MM+ East\n +MM MM+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n + MM+\nWest +MM .. MM+ East\n +?? SS ??+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n +MM MM+\nWest + .. MM+ East\n + SS ??+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +?? MM +\nWest +SS .. + East\n + SS+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n + MM+\nWest +SS .. + East\n + +\nThe center of the floor here is noticeably depressed.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n + +\nWest +SS .. + East\n + +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +SS +\nWest + .. + East\n +MM SS+\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +?? SS +\nWest +SS .. + East\n +?? MM +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n +?? SS +\nWest +SS .. + East\n +SS +\nThere is a ladder here, firmly attached to the west wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n +?? SS MM+\nWest +SS .. + East\n +SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The wall slides forward and you follow it to this position:\nRoom in a Puzzle\n + SS ??+\nWest + .. MM+ East\n +SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +MM SS+\nWest +MM .. + East\n +?? SS +\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Room in a Puzzle\n +?? MM ??+\nWest +MM .. SS+ East\n +MM +\nIn the ceiling above you is a large circular opening.\nThere is a ladder here, firmly attached to the east wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": " a Puzzle",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "With the help of the ladder, you exit the puzzle.\nRoyal Puzzle Entrance\nLying on the ground is a small note of some kind.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take note",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Puzzle Entrance",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Museum Entrance\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Museum Entrance",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Great Door\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "GreDoor",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Royal Hall\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Crystal Grotto\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Crystal Grotto",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Tight Squeeze\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Tight Squeeze",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Creepy Crawl\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Creepy Crawl",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Junction\nStanding before you is a great rock.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Junction",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Damp Passage\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Damp Passage",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Engravings Room\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close door",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Engravings ",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Button Room\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"push button",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Butt",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Click. Snap!\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"push button",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "Butt",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Beam Room\nThere is a chest here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"take chest",
"close light",
"close chest",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"put ring in chest",
"put book in chest",
"put key in chest",
"put amulet in chest",
"put cloak in chest",
"put vial in chest",
"put hood in chest",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"put all in chest"
"ploc": "Beam ",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Hallway\nThis is a part of the long hallway. The east and west walls are dressed stone. In the center of the hall is a shallow stone channel. In the center of the room the channel widens into a large hole around which is engraved a compass rose.\nThe hallway continues to the south.\nA large mirror fills the north side of the hallway.\nThe mirror is mounted on a panel which has been opened outward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Inside Mirror\nYou are inside a rectangular box of wood whose structure is rather complicated. Four sides and the roof are filled in, and the floor is open.\n\nAs you face the side opposite the entrance, two short sides of carved and polished wood are to your left and right. The left panel is mahogany, the right pine. The wall you face is red on its left half and black on its right. On the entrance side, the wall is white opposite the red part of the wall it faces, and yellow opposite the black section. The painted walls are at least twice the length of the unpainted ones. The ceiling is painted blue.\n\nIn the floor is a stone channel about six inches wide and a foot deep. The channel is oriented in a north-south direction. In the exact center of the room the channel widens into a circular depression perhaps two feet wide. Incised in the stone around this area is a compass rose.\n\nRunning from one short wall to the other at about waist height is a wooden bar, carefully carved and drilled. This bar is pierced in two places. The first hole is in the center of the bar (and thus the center of the room). The second is at the left end of the room (as you face opposite the entrance). Through each hole runs a wooden pole.\n\nThe pole at the left end of the bar is short, extending about a foot above the bar, and ends in a hand grip. The pole has been dropped into a hole carved in the stone floor.\n\nThe long pole at the center of the bar extends from the ceiling through the bar to the circular area in the stone channel. This bottom end of the pole has a T-bar a bit less than two feet long attached to it, and on the T-bar is carved an arrow. The arrow and T-bar are pointing west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"lift grip",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Inside Mirror",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The pole is now slightly above the floor.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"put grip in hole",
"open vial",
"push white panel",
"push yellow panel",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Inside Mirror",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The structure rotates counterclockwise.\nThe arrow on the compass rose now indicates southwest.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"put grip in hole",
"open vial",
"push white panel",
"push yellow panel",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Inside Mirror",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The structure rotates counterclockwise.\nThe arrow on the compass rose now indicates south.\nThe mirror quietly swings shut.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"put grip in hole",
"open pine",
"open vial",
"push white panel",
"push yellow panel",
"push all",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Inside Mirror",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The pole is lowered into the channel.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"lift grip",
"open pine",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Inside Mirror",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The pine wall swings open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"lift grip",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "Inside Mirror",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "As you leave, the door swings shut.\nHallway\nThis is a part of the long hallway. The east and west walls are dressed stone. In the center of the hall is a shallow stone channel. In the center of the room the channel widens into a large hole around which is engraved a compass rose.\nSomewhat to the north, identical stone statues face each other from pedestals on opposite sides of the corridor. The statues represent Guardians of Zork, a military order of ancient lineage. They are portrayed as heavily armored warriors standing at ease, hands clasped around formidable bludgeons.\nThe south side of the room is divided by a wooden wall into small hallways to the southeast and southwest.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down ring",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play statues",
"light staff with torch",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The vial is open. There is a sweet odor from within the vial, apparently coming from a heavy but invisible liquid.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down ring",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down vial",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play statues",
"light staff with torch",
"throw liquid at book",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "You \"drink\" the contents in one gulp, but nothing unusual seems to have happened as a result.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down ring",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play statues",
"light staff with torch",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Hallway\nThis is a part of the long hallway. The east and west walls are dressed stone. In the center of the hall is a shallow stone channel. In the center of the room the channel widens into a large hole around which is engraved a compass rose.\nOn either side of you are identical stone statues holding bludgeons. They appear ready to strike, though, for the moment, they remain impassive.\nThe corridor continues north and south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look at key",
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down key",
"put down ring",
"put down cloak",
"put down hood",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"throw staff at statues",
"throw book at statues",
"throw key at statues",
"throw ring at statues",
"throw cloak at statues",
"throw hood at statues",
"throw amulet at statues",
"throw torch at statues",
"throw magic at statues",
"throw vial at statues",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Hallway\nThis is a part of the long hallway. The east and west walls are dressed stone. In the center of the hall is a shallow stone channel. In the center of the room the channel widens into a large hole around which is engraved a compass rose.\nSomewhat to the south, identical stone statues face each other from pedestals on opposite sides of the corridor. The statues represent Guardians of Zork, a military order of ancient lineage. They are portrayed as heavily armored warriors standing at ease, hands clasped around formidable bludgeons.\nThe corridor continues north.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down hood",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play statues",
"light staff with torch",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Dungeon Entrance\nYou are in a north-south hallway which ends, to the north, at a large wooden door.\nThe corridor continues south.\nThe wooden door has a barred panel in it at about head height. The door itself is closed.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"knock at door",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "DungeEntrance",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The knock reverberates along the hall. For a time it seems there will be no answer. Then you hear someone unlatching the small wooden panel. Through the bars of the great door, the wrinkled face of an old man appears. After a moment, he starts to smile broadly. He disappears for an instant and the massive door opens without a sound. The old man motions and you feel yourself drawn toward him.\n\"I am the Master of the Dungeon!\" he booms. \"I have been watching you closely during your journey through the Great Underground Empire. Yes!,\" he says, as if recalling some almost forgotten time, \"we have met before, although I may not appear as I did then.\" You look closely into his deeply lined face and see the faces of the old man by the secret door, your \"friend\" at the cliff, and the hooded figure. \"You have shown kindness to the old man, and compassion toward the hooded one. I have seen you display patience in the puzzle and trust at the cliff. You have demonstrated strength, ingenuity, and valor. However, one final test awaits you. Now! Command me as you will, and complete your quest!\"\n\nNarrow Corridor\nYou are in a narrow north-south corridor. At the south end is a door and at the north end is an east-west corridor. The door is closed.\nThe dungeon master is quietly leaning on his staff here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play master",
"light staff with torch",
"ploc": "Narrow Corridor",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "South Corridor\nYou are in an east-west corridor which turns north at its eastern and western ends. The walls are made of the finest marble. An additional passage leads south at the center of the corridor.\nThe dungeon master follows you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play master",
"light staff with torch",
"ploc": "South Corridor",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "East Corridor\nThis is a hall with polished marble walls. It widens slightly as it turns west at its northern and southern ends.\nThe dungeon master follows you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play master",
"light staff with torch",
"ploc": "East Corridor",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "North Corridor\nThis is a wide east-west corridor which opens onto a northern parapet at its center. You can see flames and smoke as you peer towards the parapet. The corridor turns south at either end, and in the center of the south wall is a heavy wooden door with a small window barred with iron. The door is closed.\nThe dungeon master follows you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"open door",
"play master",
"light staff with torch",
"ploc": "North Corridor",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Parapet\nYou are standing behind a stone retaining wall which rims a large parapet overlooking a fiery pit. It is difficult to see through the smoke and flame which fills the pit, but it seems to be more or less bottomless. The pit itself is circular, about two hundred feet in diameter, and is fashioned of roughly hewn stone. The flames generate considerable heat, so it is rather uncomfortable standing here.\nThere is an object here which looks like a sundial. On it are an indicator arrow and (in the center) a large button. On the face of the dial are numbers 1 through 8. The indicator points to the number 1.\nTo the south, across a narrow corridor, is a prison cell.\nThe dungeon master follows you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around button",
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play master",
"push button",
"spin dial",
"light staff with torch",
"throw ring at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw key at button",
"throw staff at button",
"throw amulet at button",
"throw cloak at button",
"throw torch at button",
"throw magic at button",
"throw vial at button",
"throw hood at button",
"cut master with button",
"put all in button",
"open vial with button"
"ploc": "Parapet",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The book seems to will itself open to a specific page. On it is a picture of eight small rooms located around a great circle of flame. All are identical save one, which has a bronze door leading to a magnificent room bathed in golden light. A legend beneath the picture says only \"The Dungeon and Treasury of Zork.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around button",
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play master",
"push button",
"spin dial",
"light staff with torch",
"throw ring at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw key at button",
"throw staff at button",
"throw amulet at button",
"throw cloak at button",
"throw torch at button",
"throw magic at button",
"throw vial at button",
"throw hood at button",
"cut master with button",
"put all in button",
"open vial with button"
"ploc": "Parapet",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The dial now points to 4.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around button",
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play master",
"push button",
"spin dial",
"light staff with torch",
"throw ring at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw key at button",
"throw staff at button",
"throw amulet at button",
"throw cloak at button",
"throw torch at button",
"throw magic at button",
"throw vial at button",
"throw hood at button",
"cut master with button",
"put all in button",
"open vial with button"
"ploc": "Parapet",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The button depresses with a slight click, and pops back.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around button",
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play master",
"push button",
"spin dial",
"light staff with torch",
"throw ring at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw key at button",
"throw staff at button",
"throw amulet at button",
"throw cloak at button",
"throw torch at button",
"throw magic at button",
"throw vial at button",
"throw hood at button",
"cut master with button",
"put all in button",
"open vial with button"
"ploc": "Parapet",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The dungeon master answers, \"I will stay.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look around button",
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down key",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"play master",
"push button",
"spin dial",
"light staff with torch",
"throw ring at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw key at button",
"throw staff at button",
"throw amulet at button",
"throw cloak at button",
"throw torch at button",
"throw magic at button",
"throw vial at button",
"throw hood at button",
"cut master with button",
"put all in button",
"open vial with button"
"ploc": "Parapet",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "North Corridor\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"open door",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "North Corridor",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The cell door opens.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"close door",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"ploc": "North Corridor",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Prison Cell\nYou are in a featureless prison cell. You can see an east-west corridor outside the open wooden door in front of you. Your view also takes in the parapet, and behind, a large, fiery pit.\nThe dungeon master is standing on the parapet, leaning on his wooden staff. His keen gaze is fixed on you and he looks somewhat tense, as if waiting for something to happen.\nBehind you, to the south, is a bronze door which is closed.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"close cell",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down key",
"put down amulet",
"put down cloak",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down hood",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "PrisCell",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "\"If you wish,\" he replies.\n\"If you wish,\" he replies.\nPrison Cell\nYou are in a bare prison cell. Its wooden door is securely fastened, and you can see only flames and smoke through its small window. On the south wall is a bronze door which seems to be closed.\nYou notice that the cell door is now closed.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"go ring",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch",
"unlock bronze with key"
"ploc": "PrisCell",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "The key seems to mold itself to the shape of the lock. With a mere twist of your hand, the massive bolt gives way.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open bronze",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "PrisCell",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "On the other side of the bronze door is a narrow passage which opens out into a larger area.\n\n",
"hints": [
"turn off torch",
"close bronze",
"close vial",
"put down ring",
"put down book",
"put down staff",
"put down amulet",
"put down torch",
"put down magic",
"put down vial",
"put down key",
"put down hood",
"put down cloak",
"put down all",
"open vial",
"light staff with torch",
"light magic with torch"
"ploc": "PrisCell",
"inv": [
"ancient book",
"Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent",
"golden amulet",
"golden ring"
"msg": "Treasury of Zork\nThis is a large room, richly appointed in a style that bespeaks exquisite taste. To judge from its contents, it is the ultimate storehouse of the wealth of the Great Underground Empire.\n\nThere are chests here containing precious jewels, mountains of zorkmids, rare paintings, ancient statuary, and beguiling curios.\n\nOn one wall is an annotated map of the Empire, showing the locations of various troves of treasure, and of several superior scenic views.\n\nOn a desk at the far end of the room may be found stock certificates representing a controlling interest in FrobozzCo International, the multinational conglomerate and parent company of the Frobozz Magic Boat Co., etc.\n\nAs you gleefully examine your new-found riches, the Dungeon Master materializes beside you, and says, \"Now that you have solved all the mysteries of the Dungeon, it is time for you to assume your rightly-earned place in the scheme of things. Long have I waited for one capable of releasing me from my burden!\" He taps you lightly on the head with his staff, mumbling a few well-chosen spells, and you feel yourself changing, growing older and more stooped. For a moment there are two identical mages standing among the treasure, then your counterpart dissolves into a mist and disappears, a sardonic grin on his face.\n\nFor a moment you are relieved, safe in the knowledge that you have at last completed your quest in ZORK. You begin to feel the vast powers and lore at your command and thirst for an opportunity to use them.\n\nYour potential is 7 of a possible 7, in 380 moves.\n\n",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"SET DIAL TO 776",
"SET DIAL TO 948",
} | null | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\n\n\nThe phone rings.\n\nOh, no - how long have you been asleep? Sure, it was a tough night, but... This is bad. This is very bad.\n\nThe phone rings.\n\n -----\n9:05 by Adam Cadre\nv1.11 (2012.0724) / Original release 2000.0103\n -----\n\nBedroom (in bed)\nThis bedroom is extremely spare, with dirty laundry scattered haphazardly all over the floor. Cleaner clothing can be found in the dresser. A bathroom lies to the south, while a door to the east leads to the living room.\n\nOn the end table are a telephone, a wallet and some keys.\n\nThe phone rings.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take phone",
"take off clothing",
"take off watch",
"take off all",
"take keys",
"take wallet",
"close door",
"put clothing down",
"put watch down",
"look under bed",
"open wallet",
"take all from end",
"put clothing on phone",
"put clothing on end",
"put watch on phone",
"put watch on end"
"ploc": "bed",
"inv": [
"soiled clothing",
"gold watch"
"msg": "You pick up the phone. \"Hadley!\" a shrill voice cries. \"Hadley, haven't you even left yet?? You knew that our presentation was at nine o'clock sharp! First the thing with the printers, now this - there won't even be enough left of you for Bowman to fire once he's done with you. Now get the hell down here!!\"\n\nClick.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take off clothing",
"take off watch",
"take off all",
"take keys",
"take wallet",
"close door",
"put clothing down",
"put watch down",
"look under bed",
"open wallet",
"take all from end",
"put clothing on end",
"put clothing on telephone",
"put watch on end",
"put watch on telephone"
"ploc": "bed",
"inv": [
"soiled clothing",
"gold watch"
"msg": "You get out of bed.\n\nBedroom\nThis bedroom is extremely spare, with dirty laundry scattered haphazardly all over the floor. Cleaner clothing can be found in the dresser. A bathroom lies to the south, while a door to the east leads to the living room.\n\nOn the end table are a telephone, a wallet and some keys.",
"hints": [
"take off clothing",
"take off watch",
"take off all",
"take wallet",
"take keys",
"close door",
"put clothing down",
"put watch down",
"get in bed",
"look under bed",
"open dresser",
"open wallet",
"take all from table",
"put clothing in bed",
"put watch in bed",
"put clothing on table",
"put clothing on telephone",
"put watch on table",
"put watch on telephone"
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"soiled clothing",
"gold watch"
"msg": "\nBathroom\nThis is a far from luxurious but still quite functional bathroom, with a sink, toilet and shower. The bedroom lies to the north.",
"hints": [
"take off clothing",
"take off watch",
"take off all",
"put clothing down",
"put watch down",
"get in toilet"
"ploc": "Bathroom",
"inv": [
"soiled clothing",
"gold watch"
"msg": "You take off the gold watch.",
"hints": [
"take off clothing",
"put on watch",
"put clothing down",
"put watch down",
"get in toilet"
"ploc": "Bathroom",
"inv": [
"soiled clothing",
"gold watch"
"msg": "You take off the soiled clothing.",
"hints": [
"put on clothing",
"put on watch",
"put clothing down",
"put watch down",
"put all down",
"get in toilet"
"ploc": "Bathroom",
"inv": [
"soiled clothing",
"gold watch"
"msg": "soiled clothing: Dropped.\ngold watch: Dropped.",
"hints": [
"take shower",
"take clothing",
"take watch",
"take all",
"put on clothing",
"put on watch",
"get in toilet"
"ploc": "Bathroom",
"inv": null
"msg": "You step into the shower, turn on the water, and within a few moments you feel like a new man. But no time to dawdle - you hop back out again and dry off in record time.",
"hints": [
"take clothing",
"take watch",
"take all",
"put on watch",
"get in toilet"
"ploc": "Bathroom",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take clothing",
"put on watch",
"put watch down",
"get in toilet"
"ploc": "Bathroom",
"inv": [
"gold watch"
"msg": "You put on the gold watch.",
"hints": [
"take off watch",
"take clothing",
"put watch down",
"get in toilet"
"ploc": "Bathroom",
"inv": [
"gold watch"
"msg": "\nBedroom\nThis bedroom is extremely spare, with dirty laundry scattered haphazardly all over the floor. Cleaner clothing can be found in the dresser. A bathroom lies to the south, while a door to the east leads to the living room.\n\nOn the end table are a telephone, a wallet and some keys.",
"hints": [
"take off watch",
"take wallet",
"take keys",
"close door",
"put watch down",
"get in bed",
"look under bed",
"open dresser",
"open wallet",
"take all from table",
"put watch in bed",
"put watch on table",
"put watch on telephone"
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"gold watch"
"msg": "wallet: Removed.\nkeys: Removed.",
"hints": [
"take off watch",
"close door",
"put wallet down",
"put watch down",
"put keys down",
"put all down",
"get in bed",
"look under bed",
"open dresser",
"open wallet",
"put wallet in bed",
"put watch in bed",
"put keys in bed",
"put all in bed",
"put wallet on table",
"put wallet on telephone",
"put watch on table",
"put watch on telephone",
"put keys on table",
"put keys on telephone",
"put all on table",
"put all on telephone"
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"gold watch"
"msg": "You open the dresser, revealing some clean clothing.",
"hints": [
"take off watch",
"take clothing",
"close dresser",
"close door",
"put on clothing",
"put wallet down",
"put watch down",
"put keys down",
"put all down",
"get in bed",
"look under bed",
"open wallet",
"put wallet in dresser",
"put wallet in bed",
"put watch in dresser",
"put watch in bed",
"put keys in dresser",
"put keys in bed",
"put all in dresser",
"put all in bed",
"put wallet on table",
"put wallet on telephone",
"put watch on table",
"put watch on telephone",
"put keys on table",
"put keys on telephone",
"put all on table",
"put all on telephone"
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"gold watch"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take off watch",
"close door",
"close dresser",
"put on clothing",
"put wallet down",
"put watch down",
"put clothing down",
"put keys down",
"put all down",
"get in bed",
"look under bed",
"open wallet",
"put wallet in dresser",
"put wallet in bed",
"put watch in dresser",
"put watch in bed",
"put clothing in dresser",
"put clothing in bed",
"put keys in dresser",
"put keys in bed",
"put all in dresser",
"put all in bed",
"put wallet on table",
"put wallet on telephone",
"put watch on table",
"put watch on telephone",
"put clothing on table",
"put clothing on telephone",
"put keys on table",
"put keys on telephone",
"put all on table",
"put all on telephone"
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"clean clothing",
"gold watch"
"msg": "You put on the clean clothing.",
"hints": [
"take off watch",
"close door",
"close dresser",
"put wallet down",
"put watch down",
"put keys down",
"put all down",
"get in bed",
"look under bed",
"open wallet",
"put wallet in dresser",
"put wallet in bed",
"put watch in dresser",
"put watch in bed",
"put keys in dresser",
"put keys in bed",
"put all in dresser",
"put all in bed",
"put wallet on table",
"put wallet on telephone",
"put watch on table",
"put watch on telephone",
"put keys on table",
"put keys on telephone",
"put all on table",
"put all on telephone"
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"clean clothing",
"gold watch"
"msg": "\nLiving room\nThe furniture isn't as carefully arranged as one might like, and it's a bit lacking in the luxuries that might make this a more pleasant place to spend an evening - no stereo, no TV, no DVD, none of that - but this living room is still nicer than most of those in this neighborhood. A kitchenette lies to the east, the bedroom to the west and the front door to the south.",
"hints": [
"take off watch",
"close bedroom door",
"put wallet down",
"put watch down",
"put keys down",
"put all down",
"open wallet",
"open front door"
"ploc": "Living room",
"inv": [
"clean clothing",
"gold watch"
"msg": "You open the front door.",
"hints": [
"take off watch",
"close bedroom door",
"close front door",
"put wallet down",
"put watch down",
"put keys down",
"put all down",
"open wallet"
"ploc": "Living room",
"inv": [
"clean clothing",
"gold watch"
"msg": "\nDriveway\nThis is quite a seedy neighborhood, but there isn't really anywhere in the whole Las Mesas metro area that isn't at least a little rundown. Of course, the locals may complain about the ugliness and the crime, but the fact is that a starter home like this one would cost easily five times as much in someplace like Las Playas - and that's if you could find one.\n\nThe house lies to the north. A car is parked here in the driveway.",
"hints": [
"take off watch",
"close door",
"put wallet down",
"put watch down",
"put keys down",
"put all down",
"open wallet",
"open car with wallet"
"ploc": "Driveway",
"inv": [
"clean clothing",
"gold watch"
"msg": "Unlocked.",
"hints": [
"take off watch",
"close door",
"get in car",
"put wallet down",
"put watch down",
"put keys down",
"put all down",
"lock car",
"open wallet"
"ploc": "Driveway",
"inv": [
"clean clothing",
"gold watch"
"msg": "You climb inside and start up the engine.\n\nDriving\nAh, scenic Las Mesas. Man, this place is an absolute toilet. Soon you'll be able to afford to get the hell out of here - provided you can avoid making any more slip-ups on the job.\n\nAs you cruise down the road, you notice a freeway onramp approaching. Would you like to get on?",
"hints": [],
"ploc": "Driving",
"inv": [
"clean clothing",
"gold watch"
"actions": [
"answer phone",
"stand up",
"remove watch",
"remove clothes",
"drop all",
"enter shower",
"take watch",
"wear watch",
"get all from table",
"open dresser",
"get clothes",
"wear clothes",
"open front door",
"unlock car",
"enter car",
} | null | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\n\n\n<RRROWWGRROWL> Your stomach growls.\n\nYou've been vegging out in front of that flickering screen for hours, your pet by your side. Now your complaining stomach sets you up on your feet, and on a mission.\n\nSnack Time!\nAn Interactive Break for a Bite\nby Hardy the Bulldog (with help from Renee Choba)\nRelease 1 / Serial number 080929 / Inform 7 build 5U92 (I6/v6.31 lib 6/12N) \n(For more information please type ABOUT)\n\nSitting Room\nThis is the room where you sit a lot. Well, you sleep here sometimes too. But there is a different room that is just for sleeping, and it is to the north. There's another room to the west. It's the room with the food. That is a good room.\n\nEven though this is the sitting room you can't sit on everything. There are a lot of \"no\"s here, like the thing you can't scratch, and the tall thing and the four-legged thing that isn't alive but that stands still with the box of light on its back.\n\nYour pet is here, all stretched out on the long soft thing and snoring. ",
"hints": [
"push pet",
"kiss on pet",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nFood Room\nFood room, glorious food room!\n\nYour bowl for food and water is here, but that's only the beginning. There's also a lot of secret places where your pet keeps food and things that go with food and things that make food better. There's a thing that gets hot and a box that stays cold, and that is your favorite because you know there is always food inside there. A cloth hangs down from the door of the cold box.",
"hints": [
"open door",
"open all",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "This is a good trick!\n\nYou pull on the cloth with your teeth and back up as the door opens. Inside you can see various leftovers, some jars, some sandwich fixings and one shiny can.",
"hints": [
"push door",
"look in box",
"take all",
"examine box",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "You push the door with your nose and close the cold box.",
"hints": [
"open door",
"open all",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "\nSitting Room\nYour pet is here, all stretched out on the long soft thing and snoring. ",
"hints": [
"push pet",
"kiss on pet",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "You tuck your head up under your pet and push back and forth to shake him.\n\nYour pet twitches a little and stirs, then is still again. It's a start at waking him up.",
"hints": [
"pull pet",
"kiss on pet",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "You try a few short, sharp barks.\n\nYour pet gets one eye open and half-heartedly pets at you. You're making progress.",
"hints": [
"pull pet",
"kiss on pet",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "You love on your pet with some little licks.\n\nYour pet shifts and stretches, blinking. He moves around until he is mostly sitting up.\n\n\"Hey Hardy,\" he mumbles.\n\nIt might take a little more to get him up and moving, but at least now his eyes are open!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"get in all",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "Sometimes the box sleeps but a lot of the time it is loud and noisy and bright. Sometimes you've seen things like the outside inside it or yummy-looking food or even little dogs in there. But everything is the wrong size and doesn't smell right, so you're not sure what that's about.\n\nRight now it looks like some little people inside are yapping at each other. ",
"hints": [
"get in all",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "On the long soft thing are a bunch of smaller soft things that together make up a comfy place for sitting or sleeping.",
"hints": [
"get in all",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "These smaller soft things make up the long soft thing. Sometimes they must get hungry because they try to eat things that get left on the long soft thing. Sometimes they get separated from the long soft thing. But mostly they just all hang out together. They must be friends.",
"hints": [
"get in all",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "You tug and pull at the little soft things until finally one breaks free from the bunch. As you dislodge it, something clatters to the floor. Ah ha! You've found the magic wand! Those little soft things were trying to eat it!\n\n\"So that's where that got away to,\" says your pet, snatching up the magic wand. He points it at the box of light and makes it even louder.",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take inventory",
"get in all",
"take off box",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nFood Room",
"hints": [
"examine door",
"take inventory",
"take off door",
"open door",
"open all",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "(As you open your mouth, you drop the square soft thing.)\n\nYou pull on the cloth with your teeth and back up as the door opens. Inside you can see various leftovers, some jars, some sandwich fixings and one shiny can.",
"hints": [
"take off soft",
"push door",
"look in box",
"take all",
"examine box",
"take all off box",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "You snatch up the shiny can with your mouth and hold on tight.",
"hints": [
"examine door",
"examine box",
"take off door",
"take off soft",
"push door",
"look in box",
"take all",
"put can in box",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "You push the door with your nose and close the cold box.",
"hints": [
"examine door",
"take inventory",
"take off door",
"take off soft",
"open door",
"open all",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSitting Room\nYour pet is here, staring at the box of light, holding on tight to the magic wand.",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take inventory",
"get in all",
"take off box",
"give pet can",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "Your pet smiles as he reaches for the can. \"Good boy, Hardy,\" he says, scratching you behind the ears. Your tail starts wagging; you just can't help it. (You've always been a fool for a good behind-the-ears scratch.)\n\nThe can hisses with releasing air as the top pops, and then your pets takes a few good gulps. He must have been really thirsty, because soon he stands up and walks off to the other room.\n\nFrom the other room, you hear your pet banging around and yelling about the dino. Your pet must have almost tripped on it. He's always almost tripping on little stuff like that.\n\nAfter a second, you hear a click as the door to the water room closes. Now you have the long soft thing all to yourself!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"get in long",
"take off wand",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "You climb up unto the long soft thing, happy that it is low enough for you to get on all by yourself.\n\nOn the long soft thing are a bunch of smaller soft things that together make up a comfy place for sitting or sleeping. The magic wand is hanging out here too, even though it got eaten by the little soft things before. No hard feelings.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take off wand",
"put box down",
"put long down",
"put stuff down",
"put tall down",
"put legged down",
"put wand down",
"get off all"
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "Sitting Room (on the long soft thing)\nThis is the room where you sit a lot. Well, you sleep here sometimes too. But there is a different room that is just for sleeping, and it is to the north. There's another room to the west. It's the room with the food. That is a good room.\n\nEven though this is the sitting room you can't sit on everything. There are a lot of \"no\"s here, like the thing you can't scratch, and the tall thing and the four-legged thing that isn't alive but that stands still with the box of light on its back.\n\nOn the long soft thing you can see a magic wand.",
"hints": [
"get up",
"take off wand",
"put box down",
"put long down",
"put stuff down",
"put tall down",
"put legged down",
"put wand down",
"get off all"
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "You snatch up the magic wand with your mouth and hold on tight.",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take inventory",
"get up",
"take all off long",
"put box down",
"put long down",
"put tall down",
"put legged down"
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "You get off the long soft thing.\n\nSitting Room",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take inventory",
"get in all",
"take off box",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "Making sure you are facing the box of light, you carefully press down on the wand with your teeth and are delighted when the box of light flickers and changes! \n\nNow you see a bunch of tiny people running around chasing a little bitty ball. Uh-oh, someone got pushed. Ugh, the faces got all huge, and they don't look happy.",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take inventory",
"get in all",
"take off box",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "Once again you chomp down to change what's inside the box. This time there are these guys poking at each other, kinda fighting and joking around and all. \n\nThis is the sort of thing your pet seems to enjoy watching sometimes, people getting hit with food and slipping and falling down and stuff. Everybody is laughing and nobody ever seems to really get hurt, so you guess it's OK.",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take inventory",
"get in all",
"take off box",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "You've got the hang of this trick now for sure! One more bite on the wand brings up something new.\n\nThis is more like it! Inside the box now is this lady putting together some tasty looking food! You're almost drooling just watching. This has got to make your pet think about eating!\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take inventory",
"get in all",
"take off box",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "You pause for a second. Your stomach growls.\n\nYou finally hear a familiar rush of water from the little water room and, after a second, the sound of the door opening.",
"hints": [
"examine long",
"take inventory",
"get in long",
"take off long",
"put wand on long",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "You pause for a second. Your stomach growls.\n\nFrom the other room, you hear your pet banging around and yelling about the dino. Your pet must have almost tripped on it. He's always almost tripping on little stuff like that.\n\nYour pet walks in. He starts to sit down on the long soft thing but stops when he sees what's in the box of light. That lady cooking is doing her job! You pet stands and watches, transfixed. He must be thinking of food!",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take inventory",
"get in all",
"take off box",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "You pause for a second. Your stomach growls.\n\nYour pet makes his way to the food room.\n\nYour pet starts rattling around in the food room. Yes! He must be making a snack!",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take inventory",
"get in all",
"take off box",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSleeping Room\nMost of the time when you are in here it is dark and quiet because that is the best way to sleep and this is the room made for sleeping. There is a high bed here that is not your bed although it is where you sleep usually to keep your pet company. The sitting room is south of here and the room with the water is to the west.\n\nYour low bed is here, looking all soft and cushy.\n\nDino is here!\n\nFrom the other room you can hear the happy sound of the cold box being opened.",
"hints": [
"examine room",
"take inventory",
"take off room",
"take off dino",
"look in high",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "(As you open your mouth, you drop the magic wand.)\n\nYou snatch up the dino with your mouth and hold on tight.\n\nFrom the other room you can hear the sound of secret places opening and closing.",
"hints": [
"examine room",
"take inventory",
"take off room",
"take off wand",
"look in high",
"take all",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nSitting Room\nYou don't hear anything from the food room. But then, making a sandwich is not a very noisy job.",
"hints": [
"examine box",
"take inventory",
"get in all",
"take off box",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "\nFood Room\nYour pet is here, working on making a snack.\n\nYou can also see a square soft thing here.\n\nOne by one, your pet starts pulling the sandwich fixings out of the cold box and turning them into a sandwich.",
"hints": [
"examine door",
"examine box",
"take off door",
"take off soft",
"look in box",
"take all",
"ploc": "",
"inv": [
"msg": "You know, leaving the dino here puts it in just the right spot for tripping your pet when he tries to walk out with the sandwich. What a great trick!\n\nYour pet starts putting stuff away and soon closes the cold box. You're sure that in just a minute he will be taking the sandwich out to the sitting room to eat it.",
"hints": [
"take off soft",
"put dino down",
"open door",
"open all",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "You pause for a second. Your stomach growls.\n\nYour pet seems to have finished cleaning up after making the snack. He turns to leave. Now is the moment of truth.",
"hints": [
"take off soft",
"put dino down",
"open door",
"open all",
"ploc": "",
"inv": null
"msg": "You pause for a second. Your stomach growls.\n\nSandwich in hand, your pet heads for the sitting room.\n\nBusy taking a bite of the sandwich, your pet doesn't see the dino underfoot, and is soon airborne. For a moment, everything seems to slow down as if time has almost stopped. You can see it all clearly: your flailing pet, the sandwich sailing out of his hand, your chance for your snack. With one giant leap, you rise to meet the snack of your dreams, snatching it out of the air and wolfing it down in one great gulp. Yum! It was an awesome sandwich!\n\nAs your pet falls, he manages to land on the square soft thing. Picking himself up, he shakes his head at you. \"Wow, Hardy,\" he laughs, \"you must have wanted that sandwich bad. Guess I'll be making another one for me.\"\n\nYou're sure glad your pet has a sense of humor. You lick your chops happily. And wonder what's for dinner...\n\n\n\n *** You have snacked ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 50 out of a possible 50, in 34 turns.\n\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions for AMUSING things to do or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"pull cloth",
"close cold box",
"push pet",
"lick pet",
"x box",
"x couch",
"x soft things",
"take cushion",
"pull cloth",
"get can",
"close cold box",
"show can to pet",
"get on couch",
"take wand",
"push wand",
"push wand",
"push wand",
"take dino",
"drop dino",
} | null | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Escape from Starship Zenon.\n\n [Press any button to continue]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe story so far:\n\nAccused of multi-planaterial murder and thrown in the high-security brig of a large federal starship with a life sentence. What a downer. There's probably some fiendishly tricky and elusive way to escape from here if you put your mind to it, you know.\n\n\nOver to you.\n\n\nType help for help. Please read the read me.\n\n\nEscape from the Starship Zenon\nBy Andrew Gawthorpe\nRelease 2 / Serial number 100122 / Inform v6.14 Library 6/10 \n\nCell\nIf you ever get out of here, you really must complain to the prison's standards officers. This place is dirtier and dustier than a dirt factory. If you didn't have better things to do, you'd be in the right mind too give the place a jolly good clean just too spite it. There's a heavily built door to the south.\n\nYou can see a door, a bed, a pressure guage and a light switch here.",
"hints": [
"examine switch",
"take switch",
"push switch",
"look under bed",
"open guage",
"turn switch on",
"push switch to bed"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": null
"msg": "This is just your average prisoner regulation bed. No quilt, sheets or pillow. Just a hard wooden board.\nYou think you see a glint under the bed.",
"hints": [
"examine switch",
"take switch",
"push switch",
"look under bed",
"open guage",
"turn switch on",
"push switch to bed"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": null
"msg": "You find a steel key",
"hints": [
"examine switch",
"take switch",
"push switch",
"put key down",
"open guage",
"turn switch on",
"push switch to bed",
"put key on bed",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "A steel key. Looks like it might fit a keyhole.",
"hints": [
"examine switch",
"take switch",
"push switch",
"put key down",
"open guage",
"turn switch on",
"push switch to bed",
"put key on bed",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "You can't see any such thing.",
"hints": [
"examine switch",
"take switch",
"push switch",
"put key down",
"open guage",
"turn switch on",
"push switch to bed",
"put key on bed",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "A switch that presumably operates the lights.\nThe light switch is currently switched off.",
"hints": [
"examine switch",
"take switch",
"push switch",
"put key down",
"open guage",
"turn switch on",
"push switch to bed",
"put key on bed",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "You open the pressure guage.",
"hints": [
"take switch",
"push switch",
"push guage",
"close guage",
"put key down",
"turn switch on",
"push switch to bed",
"put key on bed",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "A big red light starts to flash on the pressure guage. Perhaps you did something wrong.",
"hints": [
"take switch",
"push switch",
"close guage",
"put key down",
"turn switch on",
"push switch to bed",
"put key on bed",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "You hear hurried footsteps from outside as a guard rushes up.\n\nIt is now pitch dark in here!",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "Time passes.\nThe guard runs into the room and, in the darkness, you hear a clatter and then a thud. Grinning sheepishly, you push the button on the pressure guage and wait for the lights to return.....\n[Your score has just gone up by four points.]",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "Time passes.\nThe lights switch back on automatically.\n\nCell\nIf you ever get out of here, you really must complain to the prison's standards officers. This place is dirtier and dustier than a dirt factory. If you didn't have better things to do, you'd be in the right mind too give the place a jolly good clean just too spite it. There's a heavily built door to the south.\n\nYou can see an a prone guard, a door, a bed, a pressure guage and a light switch here.",
"hints": [
"examine switch",
"take switch",
"push switch",
"close guage",
"put key down",
"turn switch on",
"push switch to bed",
"put key on bed",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "This guard seems to have tripped over something and knocked himself out when running into the room.",
"hints": [
"examine switch",
"take switch",
"push switch",
"close guage",
"put key down",
"turn switch on",
"push switch to bed",
"put key on bed",
"open door with key"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "You unlock the door.",
"hints": [
"take switch",
"push switch",
"close guage",
"put key down",
"open door",
"turn switch on",
"push switch to bed",
"put key on bed",
"lock door with key"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "You open the door.",
"hints": [
"take switch",
"push switch",
"close door",
"close guage",
"put key down",
"turn switch on",
"push switch to bed",
"put key on bed"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nLanding\nThis is a long corridor stretching west and east. The cell you where once held in is to the north, though you have no wish to return there.\n\nThe door is open",
"hints": [
"close door",
"put key down"
"ploc": "Landing",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nCorridor\nAnother section of corridor that leads south into a room of some sort and west back towards your old cell.\n\nYou can see a Janitor here.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nArmoury\nThe armoury is very sparsely stocked. If it where not for the bid red sign that proclaims \"ARMOURY!\" you'd probably guess it was just another cell...\n\nYou can see a box of chaff grenades (which is closed) here.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"open box",
"ploc": "Armoury",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "This box contains chaff grenades - you can only get one at once.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"open box",
"ploc": "Armoury",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "You open the box of chaff grenades, revealing a chaff grenade.",
"hints": [
"take grenade",
"close box",
"put key down",
"pull grenade",
"empty box",
"put key in box",
"push grenade to box",
"ploc": "Armoury",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "You pick up the chaff grenade.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"close box",
"put key down",
"put grenade down",
"put all down",
"pull grenade",
"put key in box",
"put grenade in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Armoury",
"inv": [
"chaff grenade",
"Steel key"
"msg": "A chaff grenade, used for disabling electronics. You could pull the pin and then deposit it somewhere.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"close box",
"put key down",
"put grenade down",
"put all down",
"pull grenade",
"put key in box",
"put grenade in box",
"put all in box",
"ploc": "Armoury",
"inv": [
"chaff grenade",
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nCorridor",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down",
"put grenade down",
"put all down",
"pull grenade",
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"chaff grenade",
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nLanding\n\nThe door is open\n\nYou can also see a Janitor here.\n\nThe janitor wanders off, mopping as he goes.",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"close door",
"put key down",
"put grenade down",
"put all down",
"pull grenade"
"ploc": "Landing",
"inv": [
"chaff grenade",
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nCorridor\nA section of corridor. You can see your old cell door to the east and the corridor stretches further west.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put grenade down",
"put all down",
"pull grenade"
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"chaff grenade",
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nCorridor\nA section of corridor that stretches east back toward your old cell and north into some sort of hall. It also leads south to another room.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put grenade down",
"put all down",
"pull grenade",
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"chaff grenade",
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nControl Room\nSome kind of control room. Unfortunatly you fail to see a big button marked \"Disable security devices\"...Might have to be a bit more subtle.\n\nA cupboard is beneath the control panels.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put grenade down",
"put all down",
"pull grenade",
"open cupboard",
"turn button on",
"ploc": "Control Room",
"inv": [
"chaff grenade",
"Steel key"
"msg": "A load of buttons and switches.\nThe Controls is currently switched off.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put grenade down",
"put all down",
"pull grenade",
"open cupboard",
"turn button on",
"ploc": "Control Room",
"inv": [
"chaff grenade",
"Steel key"
"msg": "A sign on the cupboard reads \"Surveilance camera electronics - DO NOT TOUCH, THIS MEANS YOU BOB.\"",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put grenade down",
"put all down",
"pull grenade",
"open cupboard",
"turn button on",
"ploc": "Control Room",
"inv": [
"chaff grenade",
"Steel key"
"msg": "You open the cupboard revealing some electronics",
"hints": [
"close cupboard",
"put key down",
"put grenade down",
"put all down",
"pull grenade",
"turn button on",
"put key in cupboard",
"put grenade in cupboard",
"put all in cupboard",
"ploc": "Control Room",
"inv": [
"chaff grenade",
"Steel key"
"msg": "You pull the pin",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"close cupboard",
"put key down",
"put grenade down",
"put all down",
"turn button on",
"put key in cupboard",
"put grenade in cupboard",
"put all in cupboard",
"ploc": "Control Room",
"inv": [
"chaff grenade",
"Steel key"
"msg": "You put the chaff grenade into the cupboard.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"take grenade",
"close cupboard",
"put key down",
"empty cupboard",
"turn button on",
"put key in cupboard",
"push grenade to cupboard",
"ploc": "Control Room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "Time passes.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"take grenade",
"close cupboard",
"put key down",
"empty cupboard",
"turn button on",
"put key in cupboard",
"push grenade to cupboard",
"ploc": "Control Room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "Time passes.\nThe grenade explodes - you hear the electronics fizzle out.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by four points.]",
"hints": [
"close cupboard",
"put key down",
"turn button on",
"put key in cupboard",
"ploc": "Control Room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "Scorched and blackened, these electronics don't appear to be in working order.",
"hints": [
"close cupboard",
"put key down",
"turn button on",
"put key in cupboard",
"ploc": "Control Room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nCorridor",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"ploc": "Corridor",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nHall\nA reasonably large hall with a security camera positioned to the far north. The walls are that inhumane stainless steel white that turns your brain to mush after looking at it for a while.\n\nThe camera just sits there, smoking gently",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "The black security camera is high up on the wall, too far up for you to reach it.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"ploc": "Hall",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nLift\nA lift. There's a button that says \"Down\" on it and also a door to the south.",
"hints": [
"get in down",
"put key down"
"ploc": "Lift",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "The lift shoots downwards and gradually comes to a halt...\n\nLift\nThe bottom of the lift. There's a button with \"Up\" written on it and also a door to the north.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down",
"ploc": "Lift",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nHallway\nA hallway leading south into a lift of some kind and northwards into a fairly large room.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nOffice\nThis room is large administration office with two desks stacked with papers, which behind sit two office workers, one male and one female. There are corridors emitting from this room in every direction and a sign on the wall that seems to explain where each of these corridors goes.\n\nA male secretary sits at a desk to the west, working furiously\n\nA female secretary sits at a desk to the east, not appearing to be doing much work\nThe male secretary gives the female secretary a baleful stare.",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "The sign reads: \"South: Cell area. North: Main ship deck. East: Guards bar. West: Officers Quarters.\"",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "The male secretary wears a very prim and proper three piece suit - jacket, shirt and trousers, with a tie neatly dividing his torso in two. Every so often he stops furiously scribbling with his pencil to glare at his female counterpart across the office.\nThe female secretary looks wistfully towards the bar, before turning back.",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "The female secretary is casually dressed, although she is not to scruffy. She doesn't appear to be doing nearly as much work as her male workmate across the office and spends a fair amount of time twirling her pen around in her fingers with a far away look on her face.\nThe female secretary gets her purse out and powders her nose.",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\"You cannot pass without proper paperwork!\" snorts the male secretary.\n\"Sorry, hon.\" says the female secretary. \"You can't pass without paperwork, unless you bribe us of course.\" She giggles foolishly.\nYou can't go that way.\nThe male secretary gives the female secretary a baleful stare.",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "He rolls his eyes. \"That damn infernal woman never does any work. She makes the place so bally untidy as well.\"\n\"How I wish I was an officer, so I could make Daddy proud.\" says the male secretary.",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\"Something you'll never catch madam over there doing!\"",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\"I so wish I was an officer, just like Daddy.\" says the male officer wistfully. \"There's an officers convention soon, if I could attend then surely I could impress my superiors. If only I had an invitation....\"",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "The male officer suddenly perks up. \"You have an invitation for the officers convention?\" he asks eagerly. Seeing you don't, he gives you an evil stare and sets back down to his work.",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\"You leave my dear daddy out of this!\"\nThe female secretary gets her purse out and powders her nose.",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\"Isn't he so uptight?\" says the female secretary. \"Never lets his hair down, always working.\"",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "She flutters her eyelashes. \"If you can get me the job in the bar, so I can get away from this dump and that sour puss.\" She points across the room to her co-worker. \"Then I'll let you pass through.\"\n\"How I wish I was an officer, so I could make Daddy proud.\" says the male secretary.",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nBar\nFinally, a bar! Somewhere to quench your thirst for a pint of smooth, creamy ale...Your mouth begins to dribble, until you realise you have no money to speak of.... Your heart sinks, and you pause to take in the surroundings. It looks rather like a 20th century wine bar, with classy furnishings well placed around the room. There is a large sign on the wall.\n\nA barman beams at you from behind the bar.\n\nYou can also see a juke box here.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down",
"ploc": "Bar",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\"Barmaid wanted!\" reads the sign, \"Ask Sandy the barman about 'job' for more info.\"",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down",
"ploc": "Bar",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "Sandy the barman is a fine figure of a man, standing some six feet tall. His head is topped by masses of ginger curls below which there are thick ginger eyebrows. To finish the image off, some ginger whiskers bristle underneath his nose. He's beaming quite hugely at you.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down",
"ploc": "Bar",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "It's a raging stonker of a duke box! If you know your juke boxes, and you surely do, it's nothing less than one of the now legendary Rock-Ola's, from 1961. It appears to be jammed on tracks from Genesis.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down",
"ploc": "Bar",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\"Here's the application form, it's really quite simple.\" explains the barman, \"Just give it to whoever wants the job and get them to fill it in. I assume you're not applying for the job as a barmaid.\" He laughs and winks at you.\nYou hear Phil Collins singing his heart out on the juke box.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down",
"put form down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Bar",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "An application form for the post of barmaid at the bar.The distinctive voice of Peter Gabriel can be heard from the jukebox.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down",
"put form down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Bar",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nOffice\n\nA male secretary sits at a desk to the west, working furiously\n\nA female secretary sits at a desk to the east, not appearing to be doing much work",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "The female secretary fills in the form quickly and says \"Thanks! Now please just give it back to the barman, and I'll let you pass.\"",
"hints": [
"examine west",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nBar\n\nA barman beams at you from behind the bar.\n\nYou can also see a juke box here.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down",
"put form down",
"put all down",
"ploc": "Bar",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\"Thanks!\" exclaims the barman, \"I'm sure she'll be very happy in her new position, she'll be starting here very soon.\"\n[Your score has just gone up by four points.]",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"put key down",
"ploc": "Bar",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nOffice\n\nA male secretary sits at a desk to the west, working furiously\n\nA female secretary sits at a desk to the east, not appearing to be doing much work\nThe female secretary looks wistfully towards the bar, before turning back.",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nOfficer's Room\nRather than an officers social hall, it appears to be a place of work. There is a photocopier stood on a table and a smart looking officer type sat behind the desk.\n\nOn the table is a photocopier (which is closed).",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"open photocopier",
"put key on desk",
"ploc": "Officer's Room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "A big photocopier with somewhat simple controls. It appears you open it up, put whatever you wish to copy inside and then press the \"On\" button on the side.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"open photocopier",
"put key on desk",
"ploc": "Officer's Room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "A white table with metal legs and a plastic top.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"open photocopier",
"put key on desk",
"ploc": "Officer's Room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "This officer looks very officious. Looking at him, words such as \"bustling\" and \"puffy cheeks\" come to mind. He looks like one of those old style military men, and displays several medals on his green jacket. This jacket is kept company by a pair of green trousers, which you can just see from behind the desk. He displays a bristling moustache which is surrounded by the red, puffy mass of his face.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"open photocopier",
"put key on desk",
"ploc": "Officer's Room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\"This is my invite,\" says the officer, handing you a bit of paper. \"You are free to peruse it and wish you had one of your own.\" He sniggers.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put invite down",
"put all down",
"open photocopier",
"ask officer about invite",
"put key on desk",
"put invite on desk",
"put all on desk",
"ploc": "Officer's Room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "An invite to the officers convention, given to you by an officer.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"put invite down",
"put all down",
"open photocopier",
"ask officer about invite",
"put key on desk",
"put invite on desk",
"put all on desk",
"ploc": "Officer's Room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "You open the photocopier.",
"hints": [
"examine key",
"close photocopier",
"put key down",
"put invite down",
"put all down",
"ask officer about invite",
"put key on desk",
"put key in photocopier",
"put invite on desk",
"put invite in photocopier",
"put all on desk",
"put all in photocopier",
"ploc": "Officer's Room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "You put the invite into the photocopier.",
"hints": [
"take invite",
"push photocopier",
"close photocopier",
"put key down",
"empty photocopier",
"put key on desk",
"put key in photocopier",
"push invite to desk",
"push invite to photocopier",
"ploc": "Officer's Room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "The photocopier merrily chugs away for a few minutes before depositing a copy of the invite in your hand. You then retrieve the original invite",
"hints": [
"close photocopier",
"put key down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"ask officer about invite",
"put key on desk",
"put key in photocopier",
"put copy on desk",
"put copy in photocopier",
"put all on desk",
"put all in photocopier",
"ploc": "Officer's Room",
"inv": [
"copy of the invite",
"Steel key"
"msg": "A photocopy of an invite to the officers convention. Doubtless it could pass as the real thing.",
"hints": [
"close photocopier",
"put key down",
"put copy down",
"put all down",
"ask officer about invite",
"put key on desk",
"put key in photocopier",
"put copy on desk",
"put copy in photocopier",
"put all on desk",
"put all in photocopier",
"ploc": "Officer's Room",
"inv": [
"copy of the invite",
"Steel key"
"msg": "\n\nThe officer takes his invite back off you before you leave.\n\n\nOffice\n\nA male secretary sits at a desk to the west, working furiously\n\nA female secretary sits at a desk to the east, not appearing to be doing much work\nThe female secretary looks wistfully towards the bar, before turning back.",
"hints": [
"give male invite",
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"copy of the invite",
"Steel key"
"msg": "\"By jove!\" exclaims the secretary. \"You've actually got me an invite. I won't notice if you pass through now.\"\nThe male secretary gives the female secretary a baleful stare.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by four points.]",
"hints": [
"ploc": "Office",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nHallway\nA south/north corridor. To the south is a large room of some kind while the corridor leads north to some sort of airlock.",
"hints": [
"put key down"
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nNorth end of hallway\nBefore you stands a bulkhead door, looking every inch your ticket to freedom. Unfortunatly, it doesn't appear to have any method of opening. Back to the south you can see a large room, while to your east lies a small control room. \n\nYou can see a door here.",
"hints": [
"put key down"
"ploc": "North end of hallway",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nA control room\nA small, dank control room, which only has the one button. An incredibly strange state of affairs for a control room, really. It's a big button, if it helps.\n\nYou can see a Button here.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"ploc": "A control room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "It's a big red button. It's the only button in this room, and probably gets rather lonely. It's just begging you to push it.",
"hints": [
"push button",
"put key down",
"ploc": "A control room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "You push the button, and hear the grind of machinery",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"ploc": "A control room",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "\nNorth end of hallway\n\nYou can see a door here.",
"hints": [
"put key down",
"open door"
"ploc": "North end of hallway",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "You open the door.",
"hints": [
"close door",
"put key down"
"ploc": "North end of hallway",
"inv": [
"Steel key"
"msg": "You leap through the airlock, and find an escape pod at the other side. How convieniant! You engage the throttle and speed away into the unknown.\n\nThis really is all too good to be true. Escaped from the spaceship with not a scratch or scrape and now your own escape pod to call your own, there must be a catch somewhere. I expect you'll find out in the sequal.\n\n\nThe end!\n\nYou won!\n\nThe door is open\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 20 out of a possible 20, in 82 turns, which tells me you've completed my game and are ready to send in the shareware fee!\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"x bed",
"look under bed",
"x key",
"x gauge",
"x switch",
"open guage",
"push button",
"push switch",
"x guard",
"unlock door with key",
"open door",
"x box",
"open box",
"take grenade",
"x grenade",
"x panels",
"x cupboard",
"open cupboard",
"pull pin",
"put grenade in cupboard",
"x electronics",
"x camera",
"x sign",
"x male",
"x female",
"ask male about female",
"ask male about work",
"ask male about officer",
"ask male about invitation",
"ask male about daddy",
"ask female about male",
"ask female about bar",
"x sign",
"x barman",
"x juke",
"ask barman about job",
"x form",
"give form to female",
"give form to barman",
"x copier",
"x table",
"x officer",
"ask officer about convention",
"x invite",
"open copier",
"put invite in copier",
"push button",
"x copy",
"give copy to male",
"x button",
"push button",
"open door",
} | null | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nYou remember darkness. And the cold. Cold and darkness. And silence. Those memories are all that you have. That, and a feeling that something you never knew you possessed has been lost.\n\nSuddenly, oblivion is split by a blinding light and a crash of sound. You awaken to the roar of a storm and a deluge of rain and mud.\n\nThe Awakening\nCopyright (c) 1998 by Dennis Matheson\n(For more information type \"HELP\", for hints type \"HINTS\")\n\nRelease 1 / Serial number 980726 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/7\n\nIn the Mud\nRain and muddy water are pouring down on you, making it difficult to see or even breathe. Sodden earth and mud surrounds you on all sides except overhead, where flashes of lightning illuminate a storm tossed sky.",
"hints": [
"put rain under sky",
"put sky under rain",
"put water under rain",
"put mud under rain",
"ploc": "In the Mud",
"inv": null
"msg": "As you scramble out of the hole the mud collapses downward, filling in the hole behind you.\n\nGraveyard\nDozens of stone markers stand here, oblivious to the wind and the rain. Huge, twisted oaks, their limbs tossed by the wind, draw an unmentionable sustenance from the moss-covered, moldy ground. An odor of decay, which even the storm cannot dissipate, hangs over everything. An iron barred fence surrounds the graveyard, an ivy-covered barrier separating it from the world of the living. The only exit is through the gate to the east.\n\nA church rises to the east, its boarded up windows giving the impression that it is covering its eyes from the sight of the graveyard.\n\nA large branch has been broken from one of the trees and has crushed the grave marker below it.",
"hints": [
"take branch",
"take broken",
"push broken to rain",
"put rain under church",
"put church under rain",
"put windows under rain",
"put trees under rain",
"put grave under rain",
"put markers under rain",
"put wind under rain",
"put branch under rain",
"put mold under rain",
"put broken under rain",
"put ground under rain",
"put ivy under rain",
"put east under rain",
"put steeple under rain"
"ploc": "Graveyard",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put limb down",
"take limb",
"put rain under limb",
"put church under rain",
"put windows under rain",
"put trees under rain",
"put grave under rain",
"put markers under rain",
"put wind under rain",
"put branch under rain",
"put mold under rain",
"put ground under rain",
"put ivy under rain",
"put east under rain",
"put steeple under rain"
"ploc": "Graveyard",
"inv": [
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nWest Side of the Church\nThis side of the church is untended and grasses and weeds have run rampant. A muddy trail leads back to the graveyard to the west and on to the southeast and a faint path continues around the church to the northeast.\n\nTo the east, the wall of the church breaks some of the force of the wind.\n\nLightning arcs overhead, followed instantly by a blast of thunder.",
"hints": [
"put limb down",
"take limb",
"put church under limb",
"put trail under church",
"put weeds under church",
"put wind under church",
"put west under church",
"put east under church",
"put steeple under church",
"put rain under church",
"put southeast under church",
"put windows under church",
"put northeast under church",
"put chain under church",
"put mud under church"
"ploc": "West Side of the Church",
"inv": [
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nFront of the Church\nTwo massive oak trees which flank the cracked sidewalk dominate the front of the church. The facade of the church itself rises beyond them, its steeple silhouetted against the sky. The storm lashes at its faded white facade, almost as if the storm is trying to wash the church clean; something you somehow realize will take more than mere water to accomplish. To the north, a sidewalk leads to the front of the church. A weed-choked driveway runs to the northeast and down a hill to the south, and a muddy path leads around the church to the northwest.\n\nThe church and steeple loom to the north, the open window frames seeming to stare with judgment upon anyone standing before it.\nA formidable looking guard dog stands here.\n\nThe dog growls at you threateningly.",
"hints": [
"examine limb",
"put limb down",
"take limb",
"put church under limb",
"put window under limb",
"put trees under limb",
"put northeast under limb",
"put dog under limb",
"put rain under limb",
"put sky under limb",
"put northwest under limb",
"put weeds under limb",
"put north under limb",
"put chain under limb",
"put mud under limb",
"put driveway under limb",
"put south under limb",
"put steeple under limb",
"put path under limb"
"ploc": "Front of the Church",
"inv": [
"broken limb"
"msg": "Bristling and growling, the dog blocks your path\n\nThe dog growls at you threateningly.",
"hints": [
"examine limb",
"put limb down",
"take limb",
"put church under limb",
"put window under limb",
"put trees under limb",
"put northeast under limb",
"put dog under limb",
"put rain under limb",
"put sky under limb",
"put northwest under limb",
"put weeds under limb",
"put north under limb",
"put chain under limb",
"put mud under limb",
"put driveway under limb",
"put south under limb",
"put steeple under limb",
"put path under limb"
"ploc": "Front of the Church",
"inv": [
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nAngered at your attack, the dog charges at you!\n\nThe dog growls and snarls angrily, snapping at your legs.",
"hints": [
"examine limb",
"put limb down",
"take limb",
"put church under limb",
"put window under limb",
"put trees under limb",
"put northeast under limb",
"put dog under limb",
"put rain under limb",
"put sky under limb",
"put northwest under limb",
"put weeds under limb",
"put north under limb",
"put chain under limb",
"put mud under limb",
"put driveway under limb",
"put south under limb",
"put steeple under limb",
"put path under limb"
"ploc": "Front of the Church",
"inv": [
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nWest Side of the Church\n\nTo the east, the wall of the church breaks some of the force of the wind.\n\nThe dog chases madly after you!",
"hints": [
"examine church",
"put limb down",
"take limb",
"put church under dog",
"put dog under church",
"put trail under church",
"put weeds under church",
"put wind under church",
"put west under church",
"put east under church",
"put steeple under church",
"put rain under church",
"put southeast under church",
"put windows under church",
"put northeast under church",
"put chain under church",
"put mud under church"
"ploc": "West Side of the Church",
"inv": [
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nNorth Side of the Church\nThe trees close in here, their storm-tossed branches seeming to reach clawing limbs towards the back of the church. The weeds have run wild here and ivy climbs its way up the back of the building. A faint path continues around the church to the southeast and the southwest.\n\nThe south wall of the church looms blankly overhead.\n\nThe dog chases madly after you!",
"hints": [
"examine church",
"put limb down",
"take limb",
"put church under path",
"put path under church",
"put southwest under church",
"put dog under church",
"put trees under church",
"put storm under church",
"put weeds under church",
"put south under church",
"put steeple under church",
"put rain under church",
"put southeast under church",
"put windows under church",
"put north under church",
"put chain under church",
"put mud under church",
"put ivy under church"
"ploc": "North Side of the Church",
"inv": [
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nEast Side of the Church\nThis wide, graveled clearing may have once been where the worshippers at the church left their vehicles while attending services inside. If so, it seems that the last service was held long ago. Weeds and grasses grow up through the gravel, which is littered with debris. Dark, looming trees surround the clearing except for the driveway, which leads to the southwest, and for a narrow opening to the northwest.\n\nTo the west, the church stares out over the clearing.\n\nThe dog chases madly after you!",
"hints": [
"examine limb",
"take clearing",
"put limb down",
"take limb",
"put church under limb",
"put debris under limb",
"put windows under limb",
"put clearing under limb",
"put trees under limb",
"put southwest under limb",
"put dog under limb",
"put storm under limb",
"put northwest under limb",
"put weeds under limb",
"put chain under limb",
"put driveway under limb",
"put mud under limb",
"put west under limb",
"put east under limb",
"put steeple under limb",
"put rain under limb"
"ploc": "East Side of the Church",
"inv": [
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nFront of the Church\n\nThe church and steeple loom to the north, the open window frames seeming to stare with judgment upon anyone standing before it.\n\nThe dog lunges after you, but is suddenly jerked to a stop with a yelp. The dog has been brought up short by it's chain, which is now completely wrapped around the church. It barks wildly but ineffectually at you as you continue on around the corner.",
"hints": [
"put limb down",
"take limb",
"put church under limb",
"put window under limb",
"put trees under limb",
"put northeast under limb",
"put rain under limb",
"put sky under limb",
"put northwest under limb",
"put weeds under limb",
"put north under limb",
"put chain under limb",
"put mud under limb",
"put driveway under limb",
"put south under limb",
"put steeple under limb",
"put path under limb"
"ploc": "Front of the Church",
"inv": [
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nChurch Porch\nThis wide, covered porch spans the width of the church front. A white picket railing surrounds the porch on three sides, except to the south where a short flight of steps leads down to the sidewalk. Two large windows have been boarded up but the main doors stand slightly ajar.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"take railing",
"push railing",
"put limb down",
"take limb",
"put windows under limb",
"put railing under limb",
"put mud under limb",
"put south under limb",
"put rain under limb",
"put storm under limb",
"put weeds under limb",
"put steeple under limb",
"ploc": "Church Porch",
"inv": [
"broken limb"
"msg": "With a jerk, you tear free the loose section of railing.",
"hints": [
"take broken",
"put broken down",
"take limb",
"push railing to windows",
"put windows under broken",
"put south under windows",
"put weeds under windows",
"put steeple under windows",
"put rain under windows",
"put storm under windows",
"put mud under windows",
"ploc": "Church Porch",
"inv": [
"broken limb"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put limb down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"take limb",
"take railing",
"put windows under limb",
"put south under windows",
"put weeds under windows",
"put steeple under windows",
"put rain under windows",
"put storm under windows",
"put mud under windows",
"ploc": "Church Porch",
"inv": [
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nVestibule\nThis small room is the entryway for the church. The years of neglect are obvious; the floorboards are rotten and warped and what were probably once stained glass windows are shattered and boarded up. Dirt and debris covers the floor. A set of double doors leads south back to the outside while a large archway leads north into the sanctuary. Overhead, there is an open trap door in the ceiling at about twice your height.\n\nThere is a brief rattle of hail on the roof.",
"hints": [
"put limb down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"take limb",
"take railing",
"put dirt under windows",
"put windows under dirt",
"put ceiling under dirt",
"put floor under dirt",
"put railing under ceiling",
"ploc": "Vestibule",
"inv": [
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nSanctuary\nOnce the heart of the church this room is now cold, dark and empty. Debris is scattered among the sagging pews and only shards of broken glass remain of the stained glass windows. Most of the interior fixtures have been removed, but a large portrait of Christ stares down at you from above the archway to the south. The pulpit still stands to the north.",
"hints": [
"get in pews",
"put limb down",
"put of down",
"put all down",
"take limb",
"take of",
"put windows under debris",
"put debris under windows",
"put pulpit under windows",
"put painting under windows",
"put south under windows",
"put eyes under windows",
"put north under windows",
"put of under painting",
"put pews under windows"
"ploc": "Sanctuary",
"inv": [
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nPulpit\nFrom this raised platform you can see the entire inside of the church. The pulpit is empty except for the podium which rises from the center. A small door is visible behind the podium to the north.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"put limb down",
"put of down",
"put all down",
"take limb",
"take of",
"take book off podium",
"put limb on podium",
"push book to limb",
"push book to podium",
"put of on podium",
"put all on podium",
"put windows under limb",
"put book under limb",
"put painting under limb",
"put north under limb",
"put podium under limb",
"put eyes under limb",
"put debris under limb",
"ploc": "Pulpit",
"inv": [
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "Much of the book has been damaged by moisture and rats, but some of the passages are still legible. One in particular sticks in your mind... \"The way to understand another is through their eyes, because the eyes are the windows of the soul. Through the eyes the soul may seen by those who are sensitive, and through the eyes the soul my be taken by those who have pledged themselves to the ones who wait beyond.\"",
"hints": [
"take book",
"put limb down",
"put of down",
"put all down",
"take limb",
"take of",
"take book off podium",
"put limb on podium",
"push book to limb",
"push book to podium",
"put of on podium",
"put all on podium",
"put windows under limb",
"put book under limb",
"put painting under limb",
"put north under limb",
"put podium under limb",
"put eyes under limb",
"put debris under limb",
"ploc": "Pulpit",
"inv": [
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put book down",
"put limb down",
"put of down",
"put all down",
"take book",
"take limb",
"take of",
"put book on podium",
"put limb on podium",
"put of on podium",
"put all on podium",
"put windows under book",
"put painting under book",
"put podium under book",
"put eyes under book",
"put north under book",
"put debris under book",
"ploc": "Pulpit",
"inv": [
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nSmall Office\nThis small office has the same run-down appearance of the rest of the church. Debris covers the floor and a trickle of water comes in around the boards covering a broken window. A desk stands in the middle of the room and an empty bookshelf sits against one wall. A pile of ashes marks where a fire once burned in the middle of the floor. A door to the south leads back to the sanctuary.\n\nOn the desk is a journal.\n\nA richly embroidered robe hangs beside the door.\n\nThere is a brief rattle of hail on the roof.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"take ash",
"take robe",
"take stopper",
"push bookshelf",
"put limb down",
"put book down",
"put of down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take of",
"put limb on desk",
"put book on desk",
"push journal to limb",
"push journal to desk",
"push robe to limb",
"push robe to desk",
"put of on desk",
"push stopper to limb",
"push stopper to desk",
"push stopper to bookshelf",
"put all on desk",
"put debris under limb",
"put glass under limb",
"put desk under limb",
"put journal under limb",
"put ash under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put robe under limb",
"put stopper under limb",
"put bookshelf under limb",
"put south under limb"
"ploc": "Small Office",
"inv": [
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "On the desk is a journal.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"take ash",
"take robe",
"take stopper",
"push bookshelf",
"put limb down",
"put book down",
"put of down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take of",
"put limb on desk",
"put book on desk",
"push journal to limb",
"push journal to desk",
"push robe to limb",
"push robe to desk",
"put of on desk",
"push stopper to limb",
"push stopper to desk",
"push stopper to bookshelf",
"put all on desk",
"put debris under limb",
"put glass under limb",
"put desk under limb",
"put journal under limb",
"put ash under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put robe under limb",
"put stopper under limb",
"put bookshelf under limb",
"put south under limb"
"ploc": "Small Office",
"inv": [
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take ash",
"take journal",
"take robe",
"push bookshelf",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put book down",
"put of down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take large black book",
"take of",
"put limb on desk",
"put stopper on desk",
"push journal to limb",
"push journal to desk",
"put book on desk",
"push robe to limb",
"push robe to desk",
"put of on desk",
"put all on desk",
"put debris under limb",
"put glass under limb",
"put desk under limb",
"put ash under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put journal under limb",
"put robe under limb",
"put bookshelf under limb",
"put south under limb"
"ploc": "Small Office",
"inv": [
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You pick up a handful of ashes.\n\nA flash of lightning can be seen through the cracks between the boards, followed by a sudden blast of thunder.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"take robe",
"push bookshelf",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put book down",
"put ash down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take large black book",
"take railing",
"put ash on journal",
"put limb on desk",
"put stopper on desk",
"put book on desk",
"push journal to limb",
"push journal to desk",
"put ash on desk",
"push robe to limb",
"push robe to desk",
"put railing on desk",
"put all on desk",
"put debris under limb",
"put glass under limb",
"put desk under limb",
"put journal under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put fire under limb",
"put ash under limb",
"put robe under limb",
"put bookshelf under limb",
"put south under limb"
"ploc": "Small Office",
"inv": [
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "(the handful of ashes on the journal)\nAs you rub the ashes against the page, the indentations fill in and the last entry becomes visible.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"take robe",
"push bookshelf",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put book down",
"put ash down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take large black book",
"take railing",
"read journal",
"put ash on journal",
"put limb on desk",
"put stopper on desk",
"put book on desk",
"push journal to limb",
"push journal to desk",
"put ash on desk",
"push robe to limb",
"push robe to desk",
"put railing on desk",
"put all on desk",
"put debris under limb",
"put glass under limb",
"put desk under limb",
"put journal under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put fire under limb",
"put ash under limb",
"put robe under limb",
"put bookshelf under limb",
"put south under limb"
"ploc": "Small Office",
"inv": [
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You read the last entry from the journal... \"I cannot continue. The more I come to know her the more I realize that I cannot continue to corrupt her. She was pure and innocent before I took her, and that innocence allows her to continue to trust me even after what I have done. I only hope that the taint of that which I have done has not stained her irrevocably and that she will go to her proper place after I release her... and that I shall go to mine.\"\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"take book",
"take robe",
"push bookshelf",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put book down",
"put ash down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take large black book",
"take railing",
"read journal",
"put ash on journal",
"put limb on desk",
"put stopper on desk",
"put book on desk",
"push journal to limb",
"push journal to desk",
"put ash on desk",
"push robe to limb",
"push robe to desk",
"put railing on desk",
"put all on desk",
"put debris under limb",
"put glass under limb",
"put desk under limb",
"put journal under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put fire under limb",
"put ash under limb",
"put robe under limb",
"put bookshelf under limb",
"put south under limb"
"ploc": "Small Office",
"inv": [
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You push the bookshelf to one side, revealing an old book bound in a strange reddish cover.\n\nA flash of lightning can be seen through the cracks between the boards, followed by a sudden blast of thunder.",
"hints": [
"take grimoire",
"take journal",
"take robe",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put book down",
"put ash down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"take all",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take book",
"take railing",
"put ash on journal",
"put limb on desk",
"push grimoire to limb",
"push grimoire to desk",
"put stopper on desk",
"put book on desk",
"push journal to limb",
"push journal to desk",
"put ash on desk",
"push robe to limb",
"push robe to desk",
"put railing on desk",
"put all on desk",
"put debris under limb",
"put glass under limb",
"put grimoire under limb",
"put desk under limb",
"put journal under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put fire under limb",
"put ash under limb",
"put robe under limb",
"put bookshelf under limb",
"put south under limb"
"ploc": "Small Office",
"inv": [
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "(the old grimoire)\nTaken.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"take robe",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put ash down",
"put large black book down",
"put grimoire down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take large black book",
"take railing",
"put ash on journal",
"put limb on desk",
"put stopper on desk",
"push journal to limb",
"push journal to desk",
"put ash on desk",
"put large black book on desk",
"push robe to limb",
"push robe to desk",
"put grimoire on desk",
"put railing on desk",
"put all on desk",
"put debris under limb",
"put glass under limb",
"put desk under limb",
"put journal under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put fire under limb",
"put ash under limb",
"put robe under limb",
"put bookshelf under limb",
"put south under limb"
"ploc": "Small Office",
"inv": [
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "(the old grimoire)\nThe book contains several rituals and procedures all involving the soul or spirit. The first describes a ritual through which the soul can be removed from a person's body and placed in a specially prepared container. The soul remains in the container even if the person's body dies.\n\nA second ritual can be employed to use the stored soul as a receptacle for the sin of another person. This allows the possessor of another's soul to perform any acts they wish without having to answer for those acts in the next world.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"take robe",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put ash down",
"put large black book down",
"put grimoire down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take large black book",
"take railing",
"put ash on journal",
"put limb on desk",
"put stopper on desk",
"push journal to limb",
"push journal to desk",
"put ash on desk",
"put large black book on desk",
"push robe to limb",
"push robe to desk",
"put grimoire on desk",
"put railing on desk",
"put all on desk",
"put debris under limb",
"put glass under limb",
"put desk under limb",
"put journal under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put fire under limb",
"put ash under limb",
"put robe under limb",
"put bookshelf under limb",
"put south under limb"
"ploc": "Small Office",
"inv": [
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"take book",
"put large black book down",
"put handful down",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put grimoire down",
"put robe down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take railing",
"put handful on journal",
"put large black book on desk",
"put handful on desk",
"put limb on desk",
"put stopper on desk",
"put grimoire on desk",
"push journal to debris",
"push journal to desk",
"put robe on desk",
"put railing on desk",
"put all on desk",
"put debris under large black book",
"put handful under debris",
"put desk under debris",
"put fire under debris",
"put journal under debris",
"put glass under debris",
"put bookshelf under debris",
"put floor under debris",
"put south under debris"
"ploc": "Small Office",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nPulpit\n\nYou hear a loud crash and see a flash of light through the cracks in the boards covering the windows.",
"hints": [
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put grimoire down",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put robe down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take railing",
"put large black book on podium",
"put ashes on podium",
"put grimoire on podium",
"put limb on podium",
"put stopper on podium",
"put robe on podium",
"put railing on podium",
"put all on podium",
"put ashes under large black book",
"put windows under large black book",
"put painting under large black book",
"put podium under large black book",
"put eyes under large black book",
"put north under large black book",
"put debris under large black book",
"ploc": "Pulpit",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nSanctuary\n\nA blast of thunder rattles the building.",
"hints": [
"get in pews",
"put limb down",
"put large black book down",
"put stopper down",
"put ashes down",
"put robe down",
"put grimoire down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take stopper",
"take railing",
"put windows under limb",
"put debris under limb",
"put pulpit under limb",
"put painting under limb",
"put ashes under limb",
"put north under limb",
"put south under limb",
"put eyes under limb",
"put pews under limb",
"put railing under painting"
"ploc": "Sanctuary",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nVestibule",
"hints": [
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put grimoire down",
"put robe down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take railing",
"put dirt under windows",
"put windows under dirt",
"put ashes under dirt",
"put door under dirt",
"put floor under dirt",
"put railing under door",
"ploc": "Vestibule",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken length of railing",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You carefully place the length of railing under the trap door in the ceiling.\n\nA flash of lightning can be seen through the cracks between the boards, followed by a sudden blast of thunder.",
"hints": [
"take broken",
"get in railing",
"put limb down",
"put large black book down",
"put stopper down",
"put ashes down",
"put robe down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take stopper",
"push railing to limb",
"put dirt under limb",
"put windows under limb",
"put ceiling under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put ashes under limb",
"ploc": "Vestibule",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You carefully climb up the length of railing, using the pickets like a ladder.\n\nSteeple Chamber\nThis small chamber is about halfway up the steeple of the church. Rain and wind from the storm outside blows in through an open window frame and water collects in puddles on the warped floor, mixing with the droppings of the birds, or perhaps bats, which can be heard fluttering around overhead. Looking up, you can see a maze of beams and supports that form the interior of the steeple. Rain pours in from an opening higher in the steeple and trickles out through a trap door in the floor.\n\nA frayed but heavy rope hangs from somewhere overhead.\n\nThe heavy wooden door to the north is closed.\n\nThe top of the broken section of railing is visible sticking up through the trap door in the floor.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"tie rope",
"take rope",
"get in railing",
"get in rope",
"put limb down",
"put heavy down",
"put ashes down",
"put large black book down",
"put robe down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take heavy",
"take large black book",
"put rope under limb",
"tie rope to floor",
"push railing to limb",
"push rope to limb",
"put railing under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put ashes under limb",
"put north under limb",
"put door under limb",
"put debris under limb"
"ploc": "Steeple Chamber",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nBelfry\nThe belfry of the church, high up inside the steeple. You are hanging from a maze of support beams and trusses with the nearest solid floor far below you. Large open frames give a view of the surrounding forest and of the town at the base of the hill. They also allow the fury of the storm to pass in unimpeded. You can see the branch of an oak tree just outside the southern frame.\n\nA massive bell hangs here, from a damaged mount.\nA heavy rope is attached to the bell and hangs through the beams to the room below.",
"hints": [
"tie rope",
"take rope",
"get in rope",
"put large black book down",
"put rope down",
"put branch down",
"put ashes down",
"put limb down",
"put heavy down",
"put bell down",
"put grimoire down",
"put beams down",
"put storm down",
"put hill down",
"drop floor",
"put robe down",
"put trees down",
"put debris down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"tie rope to floor",
"push rope to large black book",
"put large black book under rope",
"put branch under large black book",
"put ashes under large black book",
"put limb under large black book",
"put heavy under large black book",
"put bell under large black book",
"put grimoire under large black book",
"put beams under large black book",
"put storm under large black book",
"put hill under large black book",
"put floor under large black book",
"put robe under large black book",
"put trees under large black book",
"put debris under large black book",
"ploc": "Belfry",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You tie the rope securely to the tree branch.",
"hints": [
"tie rope",
"take heavy",
"get in floor",
"put limb down",
"put large black book down",
"put hill down",
"put beams down",
"put heavy down",
"put branch down",
"drop floor",
"put ashes down",
"put rope down",
"put robe down",
"put storm down",
"put grimoire down",
"put trees down",
"put bell down",
"put debris down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take stopper",
"tie rope to floor",
"push rope to limb",
"put limb under large black book",
"put large black book under limb",
"put hill under limb",
"put beams under limb",
"put heavy under limb",
"put branch under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put ashes under limb",
"put robe under limb",
"put storm under limb",
"put grimoire under limb",
"put trees under limb",
"put bell under limb",
"put debris under limb",
"ploc": "Belfry",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nSteeple Chamber\n\nA frayed but heavy rope hangs from somewhere overhead. There is a tree branch hanging from the end of the rope.\n\nThe heavy wooden door to the north is closed.\n\nThe top of the broken section of railing is visible sticking up through the trap door in the floor.",
"hints": [
"tie rope",
"take rope",
"get in railing",
"get in rope",
"put broken down",
"put heavy down",
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put grimoire down",
"put robe down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take heavy",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"put rope under broken",
"tie rope to floor",
"push railing to broken",
"push rope to broken",
"put railing under broken",
"put floor under broken",
"put ashes under broken",
"put north under broken",
"put door under broken",
"put debris under broken"
"ploc": "Steeple Chamber",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You tie the rope securely to the heavy wooden door.\n\nA flash of lightning can be seen through the cracks between the boards, followed by a sudden blast of thunder.",
"hints": [
"tie rope",
"take rope",
"get in railing",
"get in rope",
"put broken down",
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put heavy down",
"put grimoire down",
"put robe down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take heavy",
"put rope under broken",
"tie rope to floor",
"push railing to broken",
"push rope to broken",
"put railing under broken",
"put ashes under broken",
"put door under broken",
"put floor under broken",
"put north under broken",
"put debris under broken"
"ploc": "Steeple Chamber",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nVestibule\n\nThe broken length of railing is propped up under the trap door\n\nThere is a brief rattle of hail on the roof.",
"hints": [
"take broken",
"get in railing",
"put limb down",
"put large black book down",
"put stopper down",
"put ashes down",
"put robe down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take stopper",
"push railing to limb",
"put dirt under limb",
"put windows under limb",
"put ceiling under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put ashes under limb",
"ploc": "Vestibule",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put grimoire down",
"put robe down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take railing",
"put dirt under windows",
"put windows under dirt",
"put ashes under dirt",
"put door under dirt",
"put floor under dirt",
"put railing under door",
"ploc": "Vestibule",
"inv": [
"broken length of railing",
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nChurch Porch\n\nMomentarily, the wind and rain slacken then return with renewed force.",
"hints": [
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put limb down",
"put railing down",
"put stopper down",
"put grimoire down",
"put robe down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take railing",
"take stopper",
"put windows under large black book",
"put ashes under windows",
"put steeple under windows",
"put weeds under windows",
"put rain under windows",
"put lightning under windows",
"put south under windows",
"put mud under windows",
"ploc": "Church Porch",
"inv": [
"broken length of railing",
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nFront of the Church\n\nThe church and steeple loom to the north, the open window frames seeming to stare with judgment upon anyone standing before it.\n\nThe heavy chain stretches from one of the oak trees and around the corner of the church to the northwest.\n\nWith a loud CRACK, a bolt of lightning strikes the steeple of the church.",
"hints": [
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put railing down",
"put grimoire down",
"put robe down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take railing",
"put church under large black book",
"put ashes under church",
"put trees under church",
"put weeds under church",
"put sky under church",
"put path under church",
"put railing under trees",
"put rain under church",
"put mud under church",
"put steeple under church",
"put south under church",
"put window under church",
"put northeast under church",
"put northwest under church",
"put north under church",
"put driveway under church"
"ploc": "Front of the Church",
"inv": [
"broken length of railing",
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You lean the length of railing against the side of the oak tree.",
"hints": [
"take broken",
"get in railing",
"put broken down",
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put stopper down",
"put grimoire down",
"put robe down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"push railing to church",
"put church under broken",
"put ashes under church",
"put trees under church",
"put weeds under church",
"put sky under church",
"put path under church",
"put rain under church",
"put mud under church",
"put steeple under church",
"put south under church",
"put window under church",
"put northeast under church",
"put northwest under church",
"put north under church",
"put driveway under church"
"ploc": "Front of the Church",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You carefully climb up the length of railing, using the pickets like a ladder.\n\nTop of Oak Tree\nThe limbs of the tree are swaying violently from the storm, but near the trunk it is a little more stable. You have an excellent view from here of the church grounds and surrounding area. The church seems to be in a clearing on a hill surrounded by a forest. At the base of the hill a small town can be seen, its lights glimmering faintly through the storm. \n\nOne of the branches of the tree reaches out to the north towards the steeple of the church. An open frame can be seen in the steeple near where the branch ends.\n\nThe steeple of the church looms to the north.\n\nThe broken length of railing is propped up against a nearby branch.",
"hints": [
"get in railing",
"put church down",
"put broken down",
"put large black book down",
"put branch down",
"put ashes down",
"put railing down",
"put stopper down",
"put hill down",
"put weeds down",
"put rain down",
"put grimoire down",
"put storm down",
"put trees down",
"put frame down",
"put steeple down",
"put robe down",
"put north down",
"put mud down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"push railing to church",
"put church under broken",
"put broken under church",
"put large black book under church",
"put branch under church",
"put ashes under church",
"put railing under church",
"put stopper under church",
"put hill under church",
"put weeds under church",
"put rain under church",
"put grimoire under church",
"put storm under church",
"put trees under church",
"put frame under church",
"put steeple under church",
"put robe under church",
"put north under church",
"put mud under church"
"ploc": "Top of Oak Tree",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nBelfry\n\nA massive bell hangs here, from a damaged mount.\nA heavy rope is attached to the bell and hangs through the beams to the room below.",
"hints": [
"tie rope",
"take rope",
"push bell",
"get in rope",
"put large black book down",
"put rope down",
"put branch down",
"put ashes down",
"put limb down",
"put heavy down",
"put bell down",
"put grimoire down",
"put beams down",
"put storm down",
"put hill down",
"drop floor",
"put robe down",
"put trees down",
"put debris down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"tie rope to floor",
"push rope to large black book",
"put large black book under rope",
"put branch under large black book",
"put ashes under large black book",
"put limb under large black book",
"put heavy under large black book",
"put bell under large black book",
"put grimoire under large black book",
"put beams under large black book",
"put storm under large black book",
"put hill under large black book",
"put floor under large black book",
"put robe under large black book",
"put trees under large black book",
"put debris under large black book",
"ploc": "Belfry",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You shove against the bell. For a few seconds, the support takes the strain. Then, with a loud cracking noise, the bell tears loose from the beam and falls from the steeple. You hear the sound of splintering wood from below and then duck aside as the splintered remains of the door are pulled past you and out the open window. A metallic crash is heard from the ground outside.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]",
"hints": [
"put limb down",
"put large black book down",
"put hill down",
"put beams down",
"put stopper down",
"put branch down",
"drop floor",
"put ashes down",
"put robe down",
"put storm down",
"put grimoire down",
"put trees down",
"put debris down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take stopper",
"put limb under large black book",
"put large black book under limb",
"put hill under limb",
"put beams under limb",
"put stopper under limb",
"put branch under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put ashes under limb",
"put robe under limb",
"put storm under limb",
"put grimoire under limb",
"put trees under limb",
"put debris under limb",
"ploc": "Belfry",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nTop of Oak Tree\n\nThe steeple of the church looms to the north.\n\nThe broken length of railing is propped up against a nearby branch.\n\nA blast of thunder rattles the ground.",
"hints": [
"get in railing",
"put church down",
"put broken down",
"put large black book down",
"put branch down",
"put ashes down",
"put railing down",
"put stopper down",
"put hill down",
"put weeds down",
"put rain down",
"put grimoire down",
"put storm down",
"put trees down",
"put frame down",
"put steeple down",
"put robe down",
"put north down",
"put mud down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"push railing to church",
"put church under broken",
"put broken under church",
"put large black book under church",
"put branch under church",
"put ashes under church",
"put railing under church",
"put stopper under church",
"put hill under church",
"put weeds under church",
"put rain under church",
"put grimoire under church",
"put storm under church",
"put trees under church",
"put frame under church",
"put steeple under church",
"put robe under church",
"put north under church",
"put mud under church"
"ploc": "Top of Oak Tree",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nFront of the Church\n\nThe church and steeple loom to the north, the open window frames seeming to stare with judgment upon anyone standing before it.\n\nThe heavy chain stretches from one of the oak trees and around the corner of the church to the northwest.\n\nA broken bell lies half-buried in the mud.\n\nThe broken length of railing is propped up against the side of the oak tree.",
"hints": [
"take broken",
"get in railing",
"put broken down",
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put stopper down",
"put grimoire down",
"put robe down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"push railing to church",
"put church under broken",
"put ashes under church",
"put trees under church",
"put bell under church",
"put mud under church",
"put weeds under church",
"put sky under church",
"put path under church",
"put rain under church",
"put steeple under church",
"put south under church",
"put window under church",
"put northeast under church",
"put northwest under church",
"put north under church",
"put driveway under church"
"ploc": "Front of the Church",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put limb down",
"put stopper down",
"put railing down",
"put grimoire down",
"put robe down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take large black book",
"take limb",
"take stopper",
"take railing",
"put church under large black book",
"put ashes under church",
"put trees under church",
"put bell under church",
"put mud under church",
"put weeds under church",
"put sky under church",
"put path under church",
"put railing under trees",
"put rain under church",
"put steeple under church",
"put south under church",
"put window under church",
"put northeast under church",
"put northwest under church",
"put north under church",
"put driveway under church"
"ploc": "Front of the Church",
"inv": [
"broken length of railing",
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nChurch Porch",
"hints": [
"put limb down",
"put large black book down",
"put stopper down",
"put ashes down",
"put railing down",
"put robe down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take stopper",
"take railing",
"put rain under limb",
"put windows under rain",
"put ashes under rain",
"put wind under rain",
"put weeds under rain",
"put mud under rain",
"put south under rain",
"put steeple under rain",
"ploc": "Church Porch",
"inv": [
"broken length of railing",
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nVestibule\n\nThe building shudders under a sudden gust of wind.",
"hints": [
"put limb down",
"put large black book down",
"put stopper down",
"put ashes down",
"put robe down",
"put grimoire down",
"put railing down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take stopper",
"take railing",
"put dirt under limb",
"put windows under limb",
"put ceiling under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put ashes under limb",
"put railing under ceiling",
"ploc": "Vestibule",
"inv": [
"broken length of railing",
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You carefully place the length of railing under the trap door in the ceiling.",
"hints": [
"take broken",
"get in railing",
"put limb down",
"put large black book down",
"put stopper down",
"put ashes down",
"put robe down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take stopper",
"push railing to limb",
"put dirt under limb",
"put windows under limb",
"put ceiling under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put ashes under limb",
"ploc": "Vestibule",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You carefully climb up the length of railing, using the pickets like a ladder.\n\nSteeple Chamber\n\nA gaping splintered opening lies to the north.\n\nThe top of the broken section of railing is visible sticking up through the trap door in the floor.",
"hints": [
"get in railing",
"put limb down",
"put heavy down",
"put ashes down",
"put large black book down",
"put robe down",
"put grimoire down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take stopper",
"push railing to limb",
"put railing under limb",
"put floor under limb",
"put ashes under limb",
"put north under limb",
"put door under limb",
"put debris under limb"
"ploc": "Steeple Chamber",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "\nInner Chamber\nEven with the door open and the wind from the storm blowing in this room is rank with a fetid odor. The floor is piled high with trash and half eaten scraps of food. There are no windows, only the broken door frame to the south. An old sofa is pushed against one wall and a heavy table sits in the middle of the room. A curtained archway is to the north.\n\nA gaping splintered opening lies to the south.\n\nA curtain of purple cloth hangs in the archway.\n\nOn the old sofa is an old man.\n\nYou can also see a heavy wooden table (on which are an oil lantern and a pair of glass bottles) here.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"open blue bottle",
"open green bottle",
"take lantern",
"take bottles",
"take green bottle",
"take blue bottle",
"get in sofa",
"put limb down",
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put old down",
"put stopper down",
"put robe down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take stopper",
"ask old about man",
"take green bottle off table",
"take blue bottle off table",
"push lantern to sofa",
"push lantern to bottles",
"push lantern to table",
"put limb on sofa",
"put limb on table",
"put large black book on sofa",
"put large black book on table",
"push green bottle to lantern",
"push green bottle to sofa",
"push green bottle to table",
"put ashes on sofa",
"put ashes on table",
"put old on sofa",
"put old on table",
"put stopper on sofa",
"put stopper on table",
"push blue bottle to lantern",
"push blue bottle to sofa",
"push blue bottle to table",
"put robe on sofa",
"put robe on table",
"put all on sofa",
"put all on table",
"put lantern under sofa",
"put sofa under lantern",
"put bottles under lantern",
"put green bottle under lantern",
"put cloth under lantern",
"put ashes under lantern",
"put blue bottle under lantern",
"put table under lantern",
"put floor under lantern",
"put south under lantern",
"put trash under lantern",
"put north under lantern",
"put man under lantern",
"put door under lantern"
"ploc": "Inner Chamber",
"inv": [
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "Taken.",
"hints": [
"open green bottle",
"open blue bottle",
"take bottles",
"take green bottle",
"take blue bottle",
"get in sofa",
"put limb down",
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put old down",
"put stopper down",
"put lantern down",
"put robe down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take stopper",
"ask old about man",
"take green bottle off table",
"take blue bottle off table",
"put limb on sofa",
"put limb on table",
"put large black book on sofa",
"put large black book on table",
"push green bottle to sofa",
"push green bottle to bottles",
"push green bottle to table",
"put ashes on sofa",
"put ashes on table",
"put old on sofa",
"put old on table",
"put stopper on sofa",
"put stopper on table",
"put lantern on sofa",
"put lantern on table",
"push blue bottle to sofa",
"push blue bottle to bottles",
"push blue bottle to table",
"put robe on sofa",
"put robe on table",
"put all on sofa",
"put all on table",
"put sofa under bottles",
"put bottles under sofa",
"put green bottle under sofa",
"put cloth under sofa",
"put ashes under sofa",
"put blue bottle under sofa",
"put table under sofa",
"put floor under sofa",
"put south under sofa",
"put trash under sofa",
"put north under sofa",
"put man under sofa",
"put door under sofa"
"ploc": "Inner Chamber",
"inv": [
"oil lantern",
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You push the curtain aside and pause. On the other side of the curtain is a room much like the one you are in. A figure stands in the archway, apparently about to enter your room, and it is the sight of this figure which has brought you up short. It is, or was, human... once. Now, it is a withered mass of decaying flesh. It's clothing hangs in tatters and it is caked in mud and grave mold. Patches of hair hang from it's scalp and bones are visible in places through it's skin. The only thing that remains intact are it's eyes; pale blue and now wide open and staring.\n\nThe creature raises its hand to you, and you find yourself doing the same. You reach out your arm and touch... \n\n\n\n...a cold unyielding surface of polished glass.\n\n\n\nSuddenly, the realization of what you are seeing comes home to you, and you step back from the mirror with a cry.\n\n[Your score has just gone up by five points.]",
"hints": [
"open green bottle",
"open blue bottle",
"take bottles",
"take green bottle",
"take blue bottle",
"get in sofa",
"put limb down",
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put old down",
"put stopper down",
"put lantern down",
"put robe down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"open frame",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take stopper",
"ask old about man",
"take green bottle off table",
"take blue bottle off table",
"put limb on sofa",
"put limb on table",
"put large black book on sofa",
"put large black book on table",
"push green bottle to sofa",
"push green bottle to bottles",
"push green bottle to table",
"put ashes on sofa",
"put ashes on table",
"put old on sofa",
"put old on table",
"put stopper on sofa",
"put stopper on table",
"put lantern on sofa",
"put lantern on table",
"push blue bottle to sofa",
"push blue bottle to bottles",
"push blue bottle to table",
"put robe on sofa",
"put robe on table",
"put all on sofa",
"put all on table",
"put sofa under bottles",
"put bottles under sofa",
"put green bottle under sofa",
"put frame under sofa",
"put ashes under sofa",
"put blue bottle under sofa",
"put table under sofa",
"put floor under sofa",
"put south under sofa",
"put trash under sofa",
"put north under sofa",
"put man under sofa",
"put door under sofa"
"ploc": "Inner Chamber",
"inv": [
"oil lantern",
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "The green bottle has a sickly feel which matches its color. It feels like ice, cold and burning at the same time. It is all you can do to keep from throwing it down.",
"hints": [
"open bottle",
"open blue bottle",
"take bottle",
"get in sofa",
"put limb down",
"put bottle down",
"put large black book down",
"put ashes down",
"put old down",
"put lantern down",
"put robe down",
"put all down",
"put on robe",
"open frame",
"take limb",
"take large black book",
"take green bottle",
"ask old about man",
"take bottle off table",
"put limb on sofa",
"put limb on table",
"put bottle on sofa",
"put bottle on table",
"put large black book on sofa",
"put large black book on table",
"put ashes on sofa",
"put ashes on table",
"put old on sofa",
"put old on table",
"put lantern on sofa",
"put lantern on table",
"push blue bottle to sofa",
"push blue bottle to limb",
"push blue bottle to table",
"put robe on sofa",
"put robe on table",
"put all on sofa",
"put all on table",
"put sofa under limb",
"put frame under sofa",
"put ashes under sofa",
"put blue bottle under sofa",
"put table under sofa",
"put floor under sofa",
"put south under sofa",
"put trash under sofa",
"put north under sofa",
"put man under sofa",
"put door under sofa"
"ploc": "Inner Chamber",
"inv": [
"green bottle",
"oil lantern",
"embroidered robe",
"old grimoire",
"handful of ashes",
"heavy stopper",
"large black book",
"broken limb"
"msg": "You peel the wax away from the mouth of the bottle and pull out the cork. The old man suddenly realizes what you are doing. With a scream of \"Noooo!\", he throws himself towards you knocking the lantern from your hands in the process. As he collapses at your feet, a glowing green mist rises from the bottle and hangs before him. \"No!\", he whispers.\n\nThen, the mist starts moving slowly downward as he doubles over and screams in agony. As the mist soaks into the ground, he looks up at you and screams, \"I'll get my revenge\" I'll see you in hell. I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL! Ia! Ia! Fthagn... Aaaaagh...!\"\n\nHis body collapses to the ground. As you watch the body blackens and decays until, within only a few moments, what is left appears to be a many-months old corpse.\n\nYou hear a sudden *Whumph!* and look around. The spilled oil from the broken lantern has ignited. You grab the blue bottle from the table and race outside. You watch for a moment as flames consume the church. With a crackling roar, the steeple collapses inward and a plume of flame shoots skyward.\n\nClutching the bottle to you, you make your way down the hill.\n\n\n *** You have won ***\n\n\nIn that game you scored 50 out of a possible 50, in 57 turns.\n\nWould you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"take limb",
"hit dog",
"push railing",
"take section",
"read book",
"take book",
"search desk",
"take stopper",
"take ash",
"put ash on journal",
"read journal",
"move bookshelf",
"take old book",
"read old book",
"take robe",
"put ladder under trap",
"climb ladder",
"climb rope",
"tie rope to branch",
"tie rope to handle",
"take ladder",
"put ladder under tree",
"climb ladder",
"push bell",
"get ladder",
"put ladder under trap",
"climb ladder",
"take lantern",
"take green bottle",
"open green bottle",
} | null |
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\n\"Krill's evil must be unmade,\" he begins, \"but to send a powerful Enchanter is ill-omened. It would be ruinous to reveal oversoon our full powers.\" A ripple of concern spreads over the face of each Enchanter. Belboz pauses, and collects his resolve. \"Have hope! This has been written by a hand far wiser than mine!\"\n\nHe recites a short spell and you appear. Belboz approaches, transfixing you with his gaze, and hands you the document. The other Enchanters await his decree. \"These words, written ages ago, can have only one meaning. You, a novice Enchanter with but a few simple spells in your Book, must seek out Krill, explore the Castle he has overthrown, and learn his secrets. Only then may his vast evil be lessened or, with good fortune, destroyed.\"\n\nThe Circle rises and intones a richly woven spell, whose many textures imbue the small, darkened chamber with warmth and hope. There is a surge of power; you are Sent.\n\nENCHANTER\nInfocom interactive fiction - a fantasy story\nCopyright (C) 1983, 1984 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.\nENCHANTER is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.\nRelease 24 / Serial number 851118\n\nFork\nYou stand at a point of decision on a road which makes a wide fork to the northeast and southeast, circling the base of the Lonely Mountain, which looms high overhead to the east. A very long and winding road starts here and stretches out of sight to the west through low, smoky hills.\nThe sun is rising over the lands to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look nitfol ",
"look spell",
"blorb book",
"put down book",
"frotz book",
"look at nitfol with spell",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw book at nitfol ",
"ploc": "Fork",
"inv": [
"msg": "Outside of Shack\nYou are south of an old wooden shack, apparently deserted. The trail extends from northeast to southwest here, circling the Lonely Mountain, which lies to the southeast.\nThe sun is rising over the lands to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look book",
"look spell",
"blorb book",
"put down book",
"enter shack",
"frotz book",
"look at book with spell",
"throw book at nitfol ",
"throw nitfol at book",
"ploc": "Outside Shack",
"inv": [
"msg": "Inside Shack\nThe inside of the shack is a shambles. An overturned table and bench, and a few broken windows remain. An oven is the only fixture that's even recognizable. The door is to the south.\nThe sun is rising over the lands to the east.\nAn empty jug lies in a corner of the room, against the overturned table.\nThe top of a battered lantern is partially visible behind the overturned table.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look jug",
"look spell",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb book",
"take jug",
"take lantern",
"take all",
"put down book",
"put down shack",
"frotz jug",
"frotz lantern",
"frotz book",
"open oven",
"look at jug with spell",
"throw book at lantern",
"throw nitfol at lantern",
"open oven with lantern",
"pour jug from shack"
"ploc": "Inside Shack",
"inv": [
"msg": "Opening the oven reveals a loaf of bread.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look jug",
"look spell",
"blorb jug",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb book",
"take jug",
"take bread",
"take lantern",
"take all",
"close oven",
"put down book",
"put down shack",
"frotz jug",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"frotz book",
"look at jug with spell",
"put jug in oven",
"put lantern in oven",
"put book in oven",
"take bread from oven",
"throw book at bread",
"throw nitfol at bread",
"pour jug from shack"
"ploc": "Inside Shack",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look jug",
"look spell",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"take jug",
"take lantern",
"take all",
"close oven",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down shack",
"put down all",
"frotz jug",
"frotz lantern",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"look at jug with spell",
"put jug in oven",
"put lantern in oven",
"put book in oven",
"put bread in oven",
"throw book at lantern",
"throw bread at lantern",
"throw nitfol at lantern",
"put all in oven",
"pour jug from shack"
"ploc": "Inside Shack",
"inv": [
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look jug",
"look spell",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"take lantern",
"close oven",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down shack",
"put down all",
"frotz jug",
"frotz lantern",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"look at jug with spell",
"put jug in oven",
"put lantern in oven",
"put book in oven",
"put bread in oven",
"throw book at lantern",
"throw bread at lantern",
"throw nitfol at lantern",
"put all in oven",
"pour jug from lantern",
"pour jug from shack"
"ploc": "Inside Shack",
"inv": [
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look jug",
"look spell",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"close oven",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down shack",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at jug with spell",
"put jug in oven",
"put book in oven",
"put bread in oven",
"put lantern in oven",
"throw book at windows",
"throw bread at windows",
"throw nitfol at windows",
"throw lantern at windows",
"put all in oven",
"pour jug from windows",
"pour jug from shack"
"ploc": "Inside Shack",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Outside of Shack\n\n",
"hints": [
"look jug",
"look spell",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"enter shack",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at jug with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Outside Shack",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Trail\nThe trail turns a corner here, bending out of sight to the southeast and southwest. The ground is higher here than to the south, allowing you to make out the top of the Lonely Mountain, shrouded in clouds. No path from here leads up the mountain, however.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look ground",
"look spell",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at ground with spell",
"throw book at ground",
"throw bread at ground",
"throw lantern at ground",
"throw nitfol at ground",
"pour jug from ground",
"ploc": "Trail",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Trail Head\nYou are on the northeast side of the Lonely Mountain, walking a narrow path through rolling hills. On one side of the path is a sign and behind that, to the northeast, a winding path through the thick undergrowth. The trail continues to the southeast.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look hills",
"look spell",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at hills with spell",
"throw book at hills",
"throw bread at hills",
"throw lantern at hills",
"throw nitfol at hills",
"pour jug from hills",
"ploc": "Trail Head",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Shady Brook\nThe trail ends here. A ruined stone foundation marks the site of the Old Lingolf House, which presumably was a monument of some sort. The trail head is off to the southwest, and a small brook flows slowly by.\nThe sun has now risen above the hills.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look jug",
"look spell",
"blorb jug",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb brook",
"blorb lantern",
"take brook",
"put down jug",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz jug",
"frotz bread",
"frotz book",
"frotz brook",
"frotz lantern",
"look at jug with spell",
"throw bread at book",
"throw book at bread",
"throw nitfol at bread",
"throw lantern at bread",
"fill jug at brook",
"pour jug from bread",
"ploc": "Shady Brook",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The jug is now full of water.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"take brook",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"fill jug at brook",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Shady Brook",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Trail Head\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Trail Head",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Eastern Fork\nYou are at a fork in the road where paths to the northwest and southwest girdle the base of the Lonely Mountain and a smaller path winds its way to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Eastern Fork",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Village Outskirts\nYou are on a road which enters a small village to the southwest and comes to a fork to the northeast. The Lonely Mountain looms above but there is no path from here which ascends the mountain.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Village Outskirts",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Deserted Village\nThis is the castle's village. Formerly, peasants lived here, going to their farm plots each day. Merchants and artisans made it a center of cultural activity. But now it's deserted. Or almost: there is smoke rising from a particularly decrepit hovel to the south. A path travels through the village from southwest to northeast, heading towards the castle, and a less-used trail heads north up the mountain.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"climb water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"enter hovel",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Deserted Village",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "It is dark and smoky in here, but this is a place of great disorder, and its odor is indescribable. A pile of rags sits near a small pot which is bubbling and steaming over a tiny fire. The pile of rags sports a gnarled hand which busies itself with the noisome stew. A closer look reveals a withered crone at the other end of the hand.\n\nThe creature looks you over keenly and speaks: \"I should have thought they would send someone more ... more ...\" She laughs in an unsettling way. \"They've all left! A great storm is brewing in the east, my friend, and all have fled before it!\" She starts to chuckle. \"Take this and begone!\" With a wave of her hand, you find yourself reeling out of the door of the hovel, holding some sort of scroll in your hand.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb lantern",
"climb water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz lantern",
"gnusto rezrov ",
"rezrov jug",
"rezrov book",
"rezrov scroll",
"look at water with spell",
"cast rezrov at jug",
"cast rezrov at book",
"cast rezrov at scroll",
"throw book at castle",
"throw bread at castle",
"throw nitfol at castle",
"throw scroll at castle",
"throw lantern at castle",
"pour jug from castle",
"ploc": "Deserted Village",
"inv": [
"scribbled ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"rezrov spell: open even locked or enchanted objects\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb lantern",
"climb water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz lantern",
"gnusto rezrov ",
"rezrov jug",
"rezrov book",
"rezrov scroll",
"look at water with spell",
"cast rezrov at jug",
"cast rezrov at book",
"cast rezrov at scroll",
"throw book at castle",
"throw bread at castle",
"throw nitfol at castle",
"throw scroll at castle",
"throw lantern at castle",
"pour jug from castle",
"ploc": "Deserted Village",
"inv": [
"scribbled ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the rezrov spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"climb water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Deserted Village",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Village Outskirts\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Village Outskirts",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Eastern Fork\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Eastern Fork",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Western Road\nYou are on an east-west road, which wends its way through the dark, rolling hills of this land. To the west rises a high mountain, to the east stands a high castle with dark towers.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"pour jug from book"
"ploc": "Western Road",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Outside Gate\nYou are outside the western entrance to the castle. To the east stands an iron gate which is closed and chained. A winding road starts here and proceeds to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at gate",
"throw bread at gate",
"throw nitfol at gate",
"throw rezrov at gate",
"throw lantern at gate",
"pour jug from gate"
"ploc": "Outside Gate",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the rezrov spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at gate",
"throw bread at gate",
"throw nitfol at gate",
"throw rezrov at gate",
"throw lantern at gate",
"pour jug from gate"
"ploc": "Outside Gate",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The chains of the iron gate fly into the air and vanish. The gate flies open and a blast of cold air fills your lungs.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at gate",
"throw bread at gate",
"throw nitfol at gate",
"throw rezrov at gate",
"throw lantern at gate",
"pour jug from gate"
"ploc": "Outside Gate",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "As you pass through the gate, you feel that your mind is being probed. After a moment, it is released or, perhaps, discarded as uninteresting.\n\nInside Gate\nYou are just inside what appears to be the main entrance to the castle. An iron gate, standing wide open, looms to the west. Through it, a narrow road can be seen winding through low, smoky hills. Before you, to the east, is a huge open courtyard. To the north and the south are archways leading to the interior of the castle.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"climb hills",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"enter courtyard",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz book",
"frotz bread",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at entrance",
"throw bread at entrance",
"throw nitfol at entrance",
"throw lantern at entrance",
"throw rezrov at entrance",
"pour jug from entrance",
"ploc": "Inside Gate",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Pebbled Path\nYou are on a long pebbled path, stretching out to the north. To the south the path continues through an open arch into an open area.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"enter arch",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz bread",
"frotz book",
"frotz lantern",
"look at water with spell",
"throw bread at arch",
"throw book at arch",
"throw lantern at arch",
"throw nitfol at arch",
"throw rezrov at arch",
"pour jug from arch",
"ploc": "Pebbled Path",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "There is an almost blinding flash of light as the battered lantern begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the battered lantern is now quite usable as a light source.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"enter arch",
"look at water with spell",
"throw bread at arch",
"throw book at arch",
"throw lantern at arch",
"throw nitfol at arch",
"throw rezrov at arch",
"pour jug from arch",
"ploc": "Pebbled Path",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\nThis is the base of the northwest tower of the castle. A winding staircase leads up into the tower itself, and passages lead from here to the east and south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at castle",
"throw bread at castle",
"throw nitfol at castle",
"throw rezrov at castle",
"throw lantern at castle",
"pour jug from castle",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Jewel Room\nThis fabulous room commands a magnificent view of the Lonely Mountain which lies to the north and west. The room itself is filled with beautiful chests and cabinets which once contained precious jewels and other objets d'art. These are empty. Winding stone stairs lead down to the base of the tower.\nThere is an ornamented egg here, both beautiful and complex. It is carefully crafted and bears further examination.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb egg",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break crank",
"take egg",
"climb down water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"open crank",
"open slide",
"open button",
"open knob",
"push all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with crank",
"throw book at crank",
"throw bread at crank",
"throw nitfol at crank",
"throw rezrov at crank",
"throw lantern at crank",
"open water with crank",
"open crank with slide",
"open slide with crank",
"open button with crank",
"open bread with crank",
"open knob with crank",
"open egg with crank",
"open nitfol with crank",
"open cabinets with crank",
"open mountain with crank",
"open rezrov with crank",
"open lantern with crank",
"open room with crank",
"open stairs with crank",
"pour jug from crank",
"ploc": "Jewel Room",
"inv": [
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down beautiful",
"put down jug",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down beautiful",
"put down all",
"open slide",
"open button",
"open knob",
"open crank",
"look at water with spell",
"put beautiful in spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with beautiful",
"poke beautiful with beautifulornamented",
"throw egg at beautiful",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at beautiful",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at beautiful",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at beautiful",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at beautiful",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at beautiful",
"throw beautiful at beautifulornamented",
"open water with slide",
"open slide with button",
"open button with slide",
"open cabinets with slide",
"open egg with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open knob with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open mountain with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open crank with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open stairs with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Jewel Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "This ornamented egg is both beautiful and complex. The egg itself is mother-of-pearl, but decorated with delicate gold traceries inlaid with jewels and other precious metals. On the surface are a lapis handle, an emerald knob, a silver slide, a golden crank, and a diamond-studded button carefully and unobtrusively imbedded in the decorations. These various protuberances are likely to be connected with some machinery inside.\nThe beautiful, ornamented egg is closed.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down beautiful",
"put down jug",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down beautiful",
"put down all",
"open slide",
"open button",
"open knob",
"open crank",
"look at water with spell",
"put beautiful in spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with beautiful",
"poke beautiful with beautifulornamented",
"throw egg at beautiful",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at beautiful",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at beautiful",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at beautiful",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at beautiful",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at beautiful",
"throw beautiful at beautifulornamented",
"open water with slide",
"open slide with button",
"open button with slide",
"open cabinets with slide",
"open egg with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open knob with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open mountain with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open crank with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open stairs with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Jewel Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The lapis handle moves to the open position, after some resistance and a few odd noises from some machinery which resides inside the egg.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down beautiful",
"put down jug",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down beautiful",
"put down all",
"open slide",
"open button",
"open knob",
"open crank",
"look at water with spell",
"put beautiful in spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with beautiful",
"poke beautiful with beautifulornamented",
"throw egg at beautiful",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at beautiful",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at beautiful",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at beautiful",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at beautiful",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at beautiful",
"throw beautiful at beautifulornamented",
"open water with slide",
"open slide with button",
"open button with slide",
"open cabinets with slide",
"open egg with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open knob with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open mountain with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open crank with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open stairs with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Jewel Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The emerald knob moves to the open position, after some resistance and a few odd noises from some machinery which resides inside the egg.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down beautiful",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down beautiful",
"put down all",
"open slide",
"open button",
"open crank",
"look at water with spell",
"put beautiful in spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with beautiful",
"poke beautiful with beautifulornamented",
"throw egg at beautiful",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at beautiful",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at beautiful",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at beautiful",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at beautiful",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at beautiful",
"throw beautiful at beautifulornamented",
"open water with slide",
"open slide with button",
"open button with slide",
"open cabinets with slide",
"open egg with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open mountain with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open crank with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open stairs with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Jewel Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The silver slide moves to the open position, after some resistance and a few odd noises from some machinery which resides inside the egg.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down beautiful",
"close slide",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down beautiful",
"put down all",
"open button",
"open crank",
"look at water with spell",
"put beautiful in spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with beautiful",
"poke beautiful with beautifulornamented",
"throw egg at beautiful",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at beautiful",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at beautiful",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at beautiful",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at beautiful",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at beautiful",
"throw beautiful at beautifulornamented",
"open water with slide",
"open button with slide",
"open cabinets with slide",
"open egg with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open mountain with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open crank with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open stairs with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Jewel Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The golden crank moves to the open position, after some resistance and a few odd noises from some machinery which resides inside the egg.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down beautiful",
"close slide",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down jug",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down beautiful",
"put down all",
"open button",
"look at water with spell",
"put beautiful in spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with beautiful",
"poke beautiful with beautifulornamented",
"throw egg at beautiful",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at beautiful",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at beautiful",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at beautiful",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at beautiful",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at beautiful",
"throw beautiful at beautifulornamented",
"open water with slide",
"open button with slide",
"open cabinets with slide",
"open egg with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open mountain with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open stairs with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Jewel Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The diamond-studded button moves to the open position, after some resistance and a few odd noises from some machinery which resides inside the egg.\nThe egg falls open, revealing a shredded scroll inside.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"take scroll",
"climb down water",
"climb down beautiful",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down beautiful",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"put beautiful in spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with beautiful",
"poke beautiful with beautifulornamented",
"take scroll from egg",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at beautiful",
"throw button at slide",
"throw button at beautiful",
"throw egg at beautiful",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at beautiful",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw scroll at beautiful",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at beautiful",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw knob at beautiful",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at beautiful",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at beautiful",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at beautiful",
"throw beautiful at beautifulornamented",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw crank at beautiful",
"open water with slide",
"open cabinets with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open mountain with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open stairs with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Jewel Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down beautiful",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down beautiful",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"put beautiful in spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with beautiful",
"poke beautiful with beautifulornamented",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at beautiful",
"throw button at slide",
"throw button at beautiful",
"throw egg at beautiful",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at beautiful",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw scroll at beautiful",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at beautiful",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw knob at beautiful",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at beautiful",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at beautiful",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at beautiful",
"throw beautiful at beautifulornamented",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw crank at beautiful",
"open water with slide",
"open cabinets with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open mountain with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open stairs with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Jewel Room",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll is damaged beyond readability. You can make out the word \"summon,\" in the title, but that's all.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down beautiful",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down beautiful",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"put beautiful in spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with beautiful",
"poke beautiful with beautifulornamented",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at beautiful",
"throw button at slide",
"throw button at beautiful",
"throw egg at beautiful",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at beautiful",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw scroll at beautiful",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at beautiful",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw knob at beautiful",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at beautiful",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at beautiful",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at beautiful",
"throw beautiful at beautifulornamented",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw crank at beautiful",
"open water with slide",
"open cabinets with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open mountain with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open stairs with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Jewel Room",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open passages with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open tower with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors One\nThis is the western end of the Hall of Mirrors. The hall itself is astounding and not a little bit confusing. To be sure, its northern wall is glass, but it does not seem to reflect anything within the hall. Rather, it seems to be a window on another world. This other world appears to be a large underground labyrinth, filled with tunnels, caves, and peculiar rock formations.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb bread",
"blorb egg",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb book",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down slide",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down bread",
"put down egg",
"put down scroll",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"hit mirrors with jug",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open glass with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open tunnels with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open mirrors with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors One",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors Two\nThis is a spot within the long Hall of Mirrors. The hall itself is astounding and not a little bit confusing. To be sure, its northern wall is glass, but it does not seem to reflect anything within the hall. Rather, it seems to be a window on another world. This other world appears to be a large underground labyrinth, filled with tunnels, caves, and peculiar rock formations.\nYour mouth is getting rather dry.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb bread",
"blorb egg",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down slide",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down bread",
"put down egg",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"hit mirrors with jug",
"break water with slide",
"take all from book",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open glass with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open tunnels with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open mirrors with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Two",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors Three\nThis is a spot within the long Hall of Mirrors. The hall itself is astounding and not a little bit confusing. To be sure, its northern wall is glass, but it does not seem to reflect anything within the hall. Rather, it seems to be a window on another world. This other world appears to be a large underground labyrinth, filled with tunnels, caves, and peculiar rock formations.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb bread",
"blorb egg",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down slide",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down bread",
"put down egg",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"hit mirrors with jug",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open glass with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open tunnels with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open mirrors with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Three",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors Four\nThis is the eastern end of the Hall of Mirrors. The hall itself is astounding and not a little bit confusing. To be sure, its northern wall is glass, but it does not seem to reflect anything within the hall. Rather, it seems to be a window on another world. This other world appears to be a large underground labyrinth, filled with tunnels, caves, and peculiar rock formations.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb bread",
"blorb egg",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb book",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down slide",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down bread",
"put down egg",
"put down scroll",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"hit mirrors with jug",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open glass with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open tunnels with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open mirrors with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Four",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "North Gate\nThis small open area stands at the old north gate of the castle, now badly rusted. Through the gate, a forest can be seen. To the west, a hall glows with light, and to the south, the dark castle can be reentered. A narrow passage to the east leads to the base of the northeast tower.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down slide",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with button",
"throw button at gate",
"throw egg at gate",
"throw bread at gate",
"throw scroll at gate",
"throw book at gate",
"throw knob at gate",
"throw nitfol at gate",
"throw rezrov at gate",
"throw slide at gate",
"throw lantern at gate",
"throw crank at gate",
"open water with button",
"open gate with button",
"open castle with button",
"open bread with button",
"open forest with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open area with button",
"open tower with button",
"open passage with button",
"pour jug from gate",
"ploc": "North Gate",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the rezrov spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down slide",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with button",
"throw button at gate",
"throw egg at gate",
"throw bread at gate",
"throw scroll at gate",
"throw book at gate",
"throw knob at gate",
"throw nitfol at gate",
"throw rezrov at gate",
"throw slide at gate",
"throw lantern at gate",
"throw crank at gate",
"open water with button",
"open gate with button",
"open castle with button",
"open bread with button",
"open forest with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open area with button",
"open tower with button",
"open passage with button",
"pour jug from gate",
"ploc": "North Gate",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The rusted north gate magically creaks open far enough for you to leave.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close gate",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down slide",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with button",
"throw button at gate",
"throw egg at gate",
"throw bread at gate",
"throw scroll at gate",
"throw book at gate",
"throw knob at gate",
"throw nitfol at gate",
"throw rezrov at gate",
"throw slide at gate",
"throw lantern at gate",
"throw crank at gate",
"open water with button",
"open castle with button",
"open bread with button",
"open forest with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open area with button",
"open tower with button",
"open passage with button",
"pour jug from gate",
"ploc": "North Gate",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Forest\nYou are in a dark forest, just north of a rusted gate. Except to the east and south, the forest is thick all around you.\nDiscarded beneath a nearby tree is a slightly crumpled scroll.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb shredded ",
"blorb book",
"blorb crumpled",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"take crumpled",
"take scroll",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down shredded ",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"put scroll in spell",
"break water with slide",
"break slide with scroll",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at spell",
"throw button at slide",
"throw button at spell",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw egg at spell",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at spell",
"throw shredded at spell",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at spell",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at spell",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at spell",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw crank at spell",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw knob at spell",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at spell",
"throw scroll at spell",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open forest with slide",
"open shredded with slide",
"open crumpled with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open tree with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Forest",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb shredded ",
"blorb book",
"blorb crumpled",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down shredded ",
"put down book",
"put down crumpled",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"krebf shredded ",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw shredded at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw crumpled at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open forest with slide",
"open shredded with slide",
"open crumpled with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Forest",
"inv": [
"slightly crumpled ",
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"krebf spell: repair willful damage\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb shredded ",
"blorb book",
"blorb crumpled",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down shredded ",
"put down book",
"put down crumpled",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"krebf shredded ",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw shredded at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw crumpled at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open forest with slide",
"open shredded with slide",
"open crumpled with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Forest",
"inv": [
"slightly crumpled ",
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the krebf spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open forest with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Forest",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the krebf spell.\nYou are becoming quite thirsty.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open forest with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Forest",
"inv": [
"shredded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll reforms, its slices and cuts rejoining, until there is a whole scroll, somewhat faded, in its place!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"gnusto zifmia ",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open forest with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Forest",
"inv": [
"faded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"zifmia spell: magically summon a being\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"gnusto zifmia ",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open forest with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Forest",
"inv": [
"faded ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the zifmia spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open forest with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Forest",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Swamp\nYou are in a thick forest shading into a deep and miasmic swamp. The ground is very wet and boggy here, and footing is treacherous. Lily pads cover the surface of the water, and frogs abound. Things look drier to the west.\nThe sounds of frogs and other swamp dwellers fill the air.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb book",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"fill jug",
"look under pad",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with frogs",
"poke spell with button",
"throw button at frogs",
"throw button at spell",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at spell",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at spell",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at spell",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at spell",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at spell",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at spell",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at spell",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at spell",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw lantern at spell",
"throw book at button",
"throw book at spell",
"open frogs with button",
"open swamp with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open ground with button",
"pour jug from button"
"ploc": "Swamp",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the nitfol spell.\nThe sounds of frogs and other swamp dwellers fill the air.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb book",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"fill jug",
"look under pad",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with frogs",
"poke spell with button",
"throw button at frogs",
"throw button at spell",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at spell",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at spell",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at spell",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at spell",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at spell",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at spell",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at spell",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at spell",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw lantern at spell",
"throw book at button",
"throw book at spell",
"open frogs with button",
"open swamp with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open ground with button",
"pour jug from button"
"ploc": "Swamp",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "One of the frogs looks at you for a moment, and you look at it. \"Hello,\" it says.\nThe sounds of frogs and other swamp dwellers fill the air. The frogs say \"Look under the lily pad. Breep!\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb book",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"fill jug",
"look under pad",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with frogs",
"poke spell with button",
"throw button at frogs",
"throw button at spell",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at spell",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at spell",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at spell",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at spell",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at spell",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at spell",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at spell",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at spell",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw lantern at spell",
"throw book at button",
"throw book at spell",
"open frogs with button",
"open swamp with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open ground with button",
"pour jug from button"
"ploc": "Swamp",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "There is a damp scroll there, which you take into your hand.\nThe sounds of frogs and other swamp dwellers fill the air. The frogs are discussing the finer points of insect flavoring.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb book",
"blorb scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"fill jug",
"gnusto cleesh ",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with frogs",
"throw button at frogs",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"open frogs with button",
"open swamp with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open ground with button",
"open scroll with button",
"pour jug from button"
"ploc": "Swamp",
"inv": [
"damp ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"cleesh spell: change a creature into a small amphibian\".\nThe sounds of frogs and other swamp dwellers fill the air. The frogs are discussing what they will do if they ever become princes again.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb book",
"blorb scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"fill jug",
"gnusto cleesh ",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with frogs",
"throw button at frogs",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"open frogs with button",
"open swamp with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open ground with button",
"open scroll with button",
"pour jug from button"
"ploc": "Swamp",
"inv": [
"damp ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the cleesh spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\nThe sounds of frogs and other swamp dwellers fill the air. The frogs are discussing the recent disturbing rise in the number of predators in the swamp.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb book",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"fill jug",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with pad",
"throw button at pad",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open frogs with button",
"open swamp with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open ground with button",
"pour jug from button"
"ploc": "Swamp",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Forest\nYou are very thirsty now. You'd better have a drink soon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open forest with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Forest",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The delicious spring water tasted great, and there's lots more where that came from.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open forest with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Forest",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "North Gate\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close slide",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down slide",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw egg at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"open water with button",
"open bread with button",
"open forest with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open area with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open tower with button",
"open passage with button",
"open castle with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "North Gate",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Library\nThis is a library, or rather it was until it was ransacked and despoiled. Most of the contents of the room have been burned in a huge bonfire in the center of the room. Hundreds of charred and empty tubes are scattered about, as if by someone searching, so ashes are strewn about. There are rat tracks in the ashes.\nTo the south you can hear the sound of a group of low, guttural voices.\nAmid the tubes is an old and dusty book.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb dusty book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take dusty book",
"take book",
"look around tracks",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close dusty book",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around dusty book",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at all",
"look at button with spell",
"put book in spell",
"break button with egg",
"break button with book",
"throw button at egg",
"throw button at book",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at book",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at book",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at book",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at book",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at book",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at book",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw cleesh at book",
"open tracks with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open voices with button",
"open ashes with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open room with button",
"open rat with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"look at dusty book with egg",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open button with dusty book",
"open egg with dusty book",
"open slide with dusty book",
"open crank with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open knob with dusty book",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "There are plenty of rat tracks here, going in various directions. One prominent rodentine thoroughfare stands out though, going as it does into a small hole in the wall.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look hole",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb dusty book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take dusty book",
"take book",
"look around tracks",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close dusty book",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around dusty book",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at all",
"reach in hole",
"look at hole with spell",
"put book in spell",
"break hole with button",
"break button with book",
"throw button at hole",
"throw button at book",
"throw egg at hole",
"throw egg at book",
"throw nitfol at hole",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw slide at hole",
"throw slide at book",
"throw crank at hole",
"throw crank at book",
"throw rezrov at hole",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw bread at hole",
"throw bread at book",
"throw zifmia at hole",
"throw zifmia at book",
"throw knob at hole",
"throw knob at book",
"throw lantern at hole",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw book at hole",
"throw cleesh at hole",
"throw cleesh at book",
"open tracks with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open voices with button",
"open ashes with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open rat with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"look at dusty book with egg",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open hole with dusty book",
"open button with dusty book",
"open egg with dusty book",
"open slide with dusty book",
"open crank with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open knob with dusty book",
"pour jug from hole",
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "You reach around for a moment and come up with something. It's a frayed scroll.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb dusty book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take dusty book",
"take book",
"look around tracks",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close dusty book",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around dusty book",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at all",
"gnusto gondar ",
"look at button with spell",
"put jug in hole",
"put lantern in hole",
"put water in hole",
"put scroll in hole",
"put book in spell",
"break button with egg",
"break button with book",
"throw button at egg",
"throw button at book",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at book",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at book",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at book",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at book",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at book",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at book",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw cleesh at book",
"put book in hole",
"open tracks with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open voices with button",
"open ashes with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open rat with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"look at dusty book with egg",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open button with dusty book",
"open egg with dusty book",
"open slide with dusty book",
"open crank with dusty book",
"open hole with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open knob with dusty book",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"frayed ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\nYour stomach is starting to grumble.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb dusty book",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look around tracks",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close dusty book",
"look around dusty book",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down scroll",
"put down dusty book",
"put down all",
"look at all",
"gnusto gondar ",
"look at button with spell",
"put jug in hole",
"put lantern in hole",
"put water in hole",
"put scroll in hole",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw dusty book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open tracks with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open voices with button",
"open ashes with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open rat with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"look at dusty book with egg",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open button with dusty book",
"open egg with dusty book",
"open slide with dusty book",
"open crank with dusty book",
"open hole with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open knob with dusty book",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"dusty book",
"frayed ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Mmm. That tasted great! There's a whole lot of it left, too.\nThe low, guttural voices seem to be coming in your direction.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb dusty book",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look around tracks",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close dusty book",
"look around dusty book",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down scroll",
"put down dusty book",
"put down all",
"look at all",
"gnusto gondar ",
"look at button with spell",
"put jug in hole",
"put lantern in hole",
"put water in hole",
"put scroll in hole",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw dusty book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open tracks with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open voices with button",
"open ashes with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open rat with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"look at dusty book with egg",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open button with dusty book",
"open egg with dusty book",
"open slide with dusty book",
"open crank with dusty book",
"open hole with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open knob with dusty book",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"dusty book",
"frayed ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "North Gate\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"look all",
"blorb egg",
"blorb dusty book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look at button with egg",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close dusty book",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"look around dusty book",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down dusty book",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"gnusto gondar ",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw dusty book at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open area with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open forest with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open tower with button",
"open castle with button",
"look at dusty book with egg",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open button with dusty book",
"open egg with dusty book",
"open slide with dusty book",
"open crank with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open knob with dusty book",
"open gate with dusty book",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "North Gate",
"inv": [
"dusty book",
"frayed ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The first page of the book was the table of contents. Only two chapter names can be read: The Legend of the Unseen Terror and The Legend of the Great Implementers.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb dusty book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close dusty book",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"look around dusty book",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down dusty book",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"gnusto gondar ",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw dusty book at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open area with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open forest with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open tower with button",
"open castle with button",
"look at dusty book with egg",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open button with dusty book",
"open egg with dusty book",
"open slide with dusty book",
"open crank with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open knob with dusty book",
"open gate with dusty book",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "North Gate",
"inv": [
"dusty book",
"frayed ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "This legend, written in an ancient tongue, goes something like this: At one time a shapeless and formless manifestation of evil was disturbed from millenia of sleep. It was so powerful that it required the combined wisdom of the leading enchanters of that age to conquer it. The legend tells how the enchanters lured the Terror \"to a recess deep within the earth\" by placing there a powerful spell scroll. When it had reached the scroll, the enchanters trapped it there with a spell that encased it in the living rock. The Terror was so horrible that none would dare speak of it. A comment at the end of the narration indicates that the story is considered to be quite fanciful; no other chronicles of the age mention the Terror in any form.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb dusty book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close dusty book",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"look around dusty book",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down dusty book",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"gnusto gondar ",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw dusty book at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open area with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open forest with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open tower with button",
"open castle with button",
"look at dusty book with egg",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open button with dusty book",
"open egg with dusty book",
"open slide with dusty book",
"open crank with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open knob with dusty book",
"open gate with dusty book",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "North Gate",
"inv": [
"dusty book",
"frayed ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb dusty book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take dusty book",
"take book",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close dusty book",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"look around dusty book",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"gnusto gondar ",
"look at button with spell",
"put book in spell",
"break button with egg",
"break button with book",
"throw button at egg",
"throw button at book",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at book",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at book",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at book",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at book",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at book",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at book",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw cleesh at book",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open area with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open forest with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open tower with button",
"open castle with button",
"look at dusty book with egg",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open button with dusty book",
"open egg with dusty book",
"open slide with dusty book",
"open crank with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open knob with dusty book",
"open gate with dusty book",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "North Gate",
"inv": [
"frayed ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"gondar spell: quench an open flame\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb dusty book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take dusty book",
"take book",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close dusty book",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"look around dusty book",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"gnusto gondar ",
"look at button with spell",
"put book in spell",
"break button with egg",
"break button with book",
"throw button at egg",
"throw button at book",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at book",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at book",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at book",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at book",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at book",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at book",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw cleesh at book",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open area with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open forest with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open tower with button",
"open castle with button",
"look at dusty book with egg",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open button with dusty book",
"open egg with dusty book",
"open slide with dusty book",
"open crank with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open knob with dusty book",
"open gate with dusty book",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "North Gate",
"inv": [
"frayed ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the gondar spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blorb egg",
"blorb dusty book",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take dusty book",
"take book",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close dusty book",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"look around dusty book",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"look at button with spell",
"put book in spell",
"break button with egg",
"break button with book",
"throw button at egg",
"throw button at book",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at book",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at book",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at book",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at book",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at book",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at book",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw cleesh at book",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open area with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open tower with button",
"open castle with button",
"look at dusty book with egg",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open button with dusty book",
"open egg with dusty book",
"open slide with dusty book",
"open crank with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open knob with dusty book",
"open gate with dusty book",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "North Gate",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors Four\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb bread",
"blorb egg",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down slide",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down bread",
"put down egg",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"hit mirrors with jug",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open glass with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open tunnels with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open mirrors with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Four",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors Three\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb bread",
"blorb egg",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down slide",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down bread",
"put down egg",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"hit mirrors with jug",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open glass with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open tunnels with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open mirrors with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Three",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors Two\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb bread",
"blorb egg",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down slide",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down bread",
"put down egg",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"hit mirrors with jug",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open glass with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open tunnels with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open mirrors with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Two",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors One\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb bread",
"blorb egg",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down slide",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down bread",
"put down egg",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"hit mirrors with jug",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open glass with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open tunnels with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open mirrors with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors One",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open passages with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open tower with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Pebbled Path\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"enter arch",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open path with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open area with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open arch with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Pebbled Path",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Inside Gate\nThe sun starts to set behind the Lonely Mountain in the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb hills",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"enter courtyard",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open entrance with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open road with slide",
"open archways with slide",
"open courtyard with slide",
"open hills with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Inside Gate",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "West Hall\nThis narrow promenade stretches into darkness to the south and, through an archway, toward an open area to the north.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"enter archway",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open area with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open archway with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "West Hall",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\nThis dark and damp spot is at the base of the southwest tower of the castle. Two corridors lead off to the north and east. A winding staircase ascends into the tower.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open corridors with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open tower with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Bedroom\nThe eyrie is a round bedroom high in the tower. Narrow windows overlook the outside. A stone stairway leads down.\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\nThere is a fourposter feather bed here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"take in bed",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at bed",
"throw button at bed",
"throw egg at bed",
"throw bread at bed",
"throw book at bed",
"throw nitfol at bed",
"throw lantern at bed",
"throw gondar at bed",
"throw crank at bed",
"throw knob at bed",
"throw cleesh at bed",
"throw rezrov at bed",
"throw zifmia at bed",
"open water with slide",
"open windows with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open bedpost with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open sky with slide",
"open compartment with slide",
"pour jug from bed",
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Time passes...\nYou are beginning to tire.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb lantern",
"turn off lantern",
"take in bed",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at bed",
"throw button at bed",
"throw egg at bed",
"throw bread at bed",
"throw book at bed",
"throw nitfol at bed",
"throw lantern at bed",
"throw gondar at bed",
"throw crank at bed",
"throw knob at bed",
"throw cleesh at bed",
"throw rezrov at bed",
"throw zifmia at bed",
"open water with slide",
"open windows with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open bedpost with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open sky with slide",
"open compartment with slide",
"pour jug from bed",
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Lying on this soft bed puts you to sleep.\nYou fall asleep quickly, the bed being so comfortable. You dream as well, of this very room. A beautiful damsel, obviously noble, is standing by the bed holding a scroll in one hand and resting the other on the bedpost. Turning to block your view, she does something you can't see. Then she gets in bed and turns out the light, but before she does you can see she is no longer carrying the scroll... You wake.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look button",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"take off bed",
"close egg",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down diamond-studded button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw diamond-studded button at bed",
"look at water with button",
"push button spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with button",
"throw slide at bed",
"throw slide at button",
"throw diamond-studded button at button",
"throw egg at bed",
"throw egg at button",
"throw bread at bed",
"throw bread at button",
"throw book at bed",
"throw book at button",
"throw nitfol at bed",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw lantern at bed",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw gondar at bed",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at bed",
"throw crank at button",
"throw knob at bed",
"throw knob at button",
"throw cleesh at bed",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw rezrov at bed",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw zifmia at bed",
"throw zifmia at button",
"turn water for slide",
"turn windows for slide",
"open bread with slide",
"turn ornate button for slide",
"turn nitfol for slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"turn gondar for slide",
"turn bedpost for slide",
"turn cleesh for slide",
"turn rezrov for slide",
"turn stairway for slide",
"turn zifmia for slide",
"pour water from bed",
"pour jug from slide",
"pour button from bed"
"ploc": "fourposter feather bed",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Ah, that was a comfortable bed! But you're now on your own feet again.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look button",
"turn off lantern",
"take in bed",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down button",
"close slide",
"close diamond-studded button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down diamond-studded button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw diamond-studded button at bed",
"push ornate button",
"open bedpost with slide",
"look at water with button",
"push button spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with button",
"throw slide at bed",
"throw slide at button",
"throw diamond-studded button at button",
"throw egg at bed",
"throw egg at button",
"throw bread at bed",
"throw bread at button",
"throw book at bed",
"throw book at button",
"throw nitfol at bed",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw lantern at bed",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw gondar at bed",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at bed",
"throw crank at button",
"throw knob at bed",
"throw knob at button",
"throw cleesh at bed",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw rezrov at bed",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw zifmia at bed",
"throw zifmia at button",
"open water with slide",
"open windows with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open ornate button with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from bed",
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "A careful examination reveals the outline of a small compartment, and near it an ornate carving which looks like a button. You could never have found it on your own.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look button",
"turn off lantern",
"take in bed",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down button",
"close slide",
"close diamond-studded button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down diamond-studded button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw diamond-studded button at bed",
"push ornate button",
"open bedpost with slide",
"look at water with button",
"push button spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with button",
"throw slide at bed",
"throw slide at button",
"throw diamond-studded button at button",
"throw egg at bed",
"throw egg at button",
"throw bread at bed",
"throw bread at button",
"throw book at bed",
"throw book at button",
"throw nitfol at bed",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw lantern at bed",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw gondar at bed",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at bed",
"throw crank at button",
"throw knob at bed",
"throw knob at button",
"throw cleesh at bed",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw rezrov at bed",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw zifmia at bed",
"throw zifmia at button",
"open water with slide",
"open windows with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open ornate button with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from bed",
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The bedpost pops open, revealing a small compartment and, nestled inside, a gold leaf scroll!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look button",
"turn off lantern",
"take in bed",
"break slide",
"take leaf",
"climb down water",
"climb down button",
"close slide",
"close diamond-studded button",
"close egg",
"close bedpost",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down diamond-studded button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw diamond-studded button at bed",
"push ornate button",
"push button",
"look at water with button",
"push button spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with button",
"poke spell with button",
"take leaf from bedpost",
"throw slide at bed",
"throw slide at button",
"throw diamond-studded button at button",
"throw egg at bed",
"throw egg at button",
"throw bread at bed",
"throw bread at button",
"throw book at bed",
"throw book at button",
"throw nitfol at bed",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw lantern at bed",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw gondar at bed",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at bed",
"throw crank at button",
"throw knob at bed",
"throw knob at button",
"throw cleesh at bed",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw button at spell",
"throw rezrov at bed",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw zifmia at bed",
"throw zifmia at button",
"open water with slide",
"open leaf with slide",
"open windows with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open ornate button with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from bed",
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look button",
"turn off lantern",
"take in bed",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down button",
"close slide",
"close diamond-studded button",
"close egg",
"close bedpost",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down diamond-studded button",
"put down leaf",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw diamond-studded button at bed",
"push ornate button",
"push button",
"look at water with button",
"put leaf in bedpost",
"put lantern in bedpost",
"push button spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with button",
"throw slide at bed",
"throw slide at button",
"throw diamond-studded button at button",
"throw leaf at bed",
"throw leaf at button",
"throw egg at bed",
"throw egg at button",
"throw bread at bed",
"throw bread at button",
"throw book at bed",
"throw book at button",
"throw nitfol at bed",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw lantern at bed",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw gondar at bed",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at bed",
"throw crank at button",
"throw knob at bed",
"throw knob at button",
"throw cleesh at bed",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw rezrov at bed",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw zifmia at bed",
"throw zifmia at button",
"open water with slide",
"open windows with slide",
"open leaf with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open ornate button with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from bed",
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"gold leaf ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"vaxum spell: make a hostile creature your friend\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look button",
"turn off lantern",
"take in bed",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down button",
"close slide",
"close diamond-studded button",
"close egg",
"close bedpost",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down diamond-studded button",
"put down leaf",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw diamond-studded button at bed",
"push ornate button",
"push button",
"look at water with button",
"put leaf in bedpost",
"put lantern in bedpost",
"push button spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with button",
"throw slide at bed",
"throw slide at button",
"throw diamond-studded button at button",
"throw leaf at bed",
"throw leaf at button",
"throw egg at bed",
"throw egg at button",
"throw bread at bed",
"throw bread at button",
"throw book at bed",
"throw book at button",
"throw nitfol at bed",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw lantern at bed",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw gondar at bed",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at bed",
"throw crank at button",
"throw knob at bed",
"throw knob at button",
"throw cleesh at bed",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw rezrov at bed",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw zifmia at bed",
"throw zifmia at button",
"open water with slide",
"open windows with slide",
"open leaf with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open ornate button with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from bed",
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"gold leaf ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the vaxum spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look button",
"turn off lantern",
"take in bed",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down button",
"close slide",
"close diamond-studded button",
"close egg",
"close bedpost",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down diamond-studded button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw diamond-studded button at bed",
"push ornate button",
"push button",
"look at water with button",
"put lantern in bedpost",
"push button spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with button",
"throw slide at bed",
"throw slide at button",
"throw diamond-studded button at button",
"throw egg at bed",
"throw egg at button",
"throw bread at bed",
"throw bread at button",
"throw book at bed",
"throw book at button",
"throw nitfol at bed",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw lantern at bed",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw gondar at bed",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at bed",
"throw crank at button",
"throw knob at bed",
"throw knob at button",
"throw cleesh at bed",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw rezrov at bed",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw zifmia at bed",
"throw zifmia at button",
"open water with slide",
"open windows with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open ornate button with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from bed",
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down jug",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at castle",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open corridors with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open dog with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open tower with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "South Hall\nThe damp corridor continues east and west from here. A dark and forbidding stairway leads down to the south. In addition, a narrow passage leads to the north.\nA gaunt, feral-looking dog carrying a well-chewed bone approaches, is surprised by your presence, growls and then turns tail.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "South Hall",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Dungeon\nA dank and forgotten pit contains the dungeons. There is a cell to the north, and a partly blocked passage leads even deeper into the earth. It looks as if there was once a mortared stone wall blocking this passage, but it has crumbled and collapsed, reopening the tunnel.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb water",
"climb down water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open cell with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Dungeon",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The door is very rusty and reluctantly opens.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb water",
"climb down water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"enter cell",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open cell with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Dungeon",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Cell\nThis is a damp and unhealthy dungeon cell with writing on the walls. The rusty door of the cell is open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close door",
"look around walls",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down cell",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open walls with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open cell with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"look at walls with jug",
"pour water from cell",
"pour jug from slide"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The wall is covered with graffiti and scratchings marking time's passage.\nYou notice that the mortar holding a square block has been chipped away, and the block is loose.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close door",
"look around wall",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down cell",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open block with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open cell with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"look at book with wall",
"pour water from cell",
"pour jug from slide"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "You pull the block out of the crumbling wall, revealing a dark passage leading east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close door",
"look around wall",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down cell",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open block with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open cell with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"look at book with wall",
"pour water from cell",
"pour jug from slide"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Secret Passage\nThis is a crudely carved secret passage. It appears to have been hollowed out by (perhaps) generations of prisoners. A passage leads west. A short, crudely hewn passage leads up.\nLying on the ground, and slightly damaged, is a stained scroll.\nLying near the door is a silver spoon, discarded by the prisoners as too soft to dig with. It is only slightly worn.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look silver",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"take scroll",
"take silver",
"take spoon",
"take all",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw slide at button",
"look at water with silver",
"take silver from spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with silver",
"poke spell with silver",
"throw slide at silver",
"throw button at slide",
"throw button at silver",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw egg at silver",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at silver",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at silver",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at silver",
"throw silver at spell",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at silver",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw gondar at silver",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw crank at silver",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw knob at silver",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw cleesh at silver",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at silver",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"throw zifmia at silver",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open spoon with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open ground with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour jug from slide"
"ploc": "Secret Passage",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look silver",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"take silver",
"take spoon",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw slide at button",
"look at water with silver",
"take silver from spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with silver",
"throw slide at silver",
"throw button at slide",
"throw button at silver",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw egg at silver",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at silver",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at silver",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at silver",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw scroll at silver",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at silver",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw gondar at silver",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw crank at silver",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw knob at silver",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw cleesh at silver",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at silver",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"throw zifmia at silver",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open spoon with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour jug from slide"
"ploc": "Secret Passage",
"inv": [
"stained ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"exex spell: make things move with greater speed\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look silver",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"take silver",
"take spoon",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw slide at button",
"look at water with silver",
"take silver from spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with silver",
"throw slide at silver",
"throw button at slide",
"throw button at silver",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw egg at silver",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at silver",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at silver",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at silver",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw scroll at silver",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at silver",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw gondar at silver",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw crank at silver",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw knob at silver",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw cleesh at silver",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at silver",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"throw zifmia at silver",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open spoon with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour jug from slide"
"ploc": "Secret Passage",
"inv": [
"stained ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the exex spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look silver",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"take silver",
"take spoon",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw slide at button",
"look at water with silver",
"take silver from spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with silver",
"throw slide at silver",
"throw button at slide",
"throw button at silver",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw egg at silver",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at silver",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at silver",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at silver",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at silver",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw gondar at silver",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw crank at silver",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw knob at silver",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw cleesh at silver",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at silver",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"throw zifmia at silver",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open spoon with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour jug from slide"
"ploc": "Secret Passage",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Cell\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"look at water with jug",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close door",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down cell",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open block with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open cell with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour water from cell",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Dungeon\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb water",
"climb down water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"enter cell",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open cell with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open wall with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Dungeon",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "South Hall\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "South Hall",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Gallery\nThe east-west corridor opens into a gallery. The walls are lined with portraits, some of apparently great value. All of the eyes seem to follow you as you pass, and the entire room is subtly disturbing.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open persons with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open walls with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open corridor with slide",
"pour jug from slide"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "South Gate\nThis interior courtyard stands at the southern entrance to the castle, where a small rusty gate is standing open and slowly swaying in a gentle sea breeze. Beyond the gate can be seen a small meadow and, beyond that, a white beach on a misty sea. Passages enter the castle proper to the north, east, and west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close gate",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down slide",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with button",
"throw button at gate",
"throw egg at gate",
"throw bread at gate",
"throw book at gate",
"throw knob at gate",
"throw nitfol at gate",
"throw rezrov at gate",
"throw slide at gate",
"throw lantern at gate",
"throw gondar at gate",
"throw crank at gate",
"throw zifmia at gate",
"throw cleesh at gate",
"open water with button",
"open entrance with button",
"open castle with button",
"open bread with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open beach with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open meadow with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open sea with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from gate",
"ploc": "South Gate",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Meadow\nThis is a meadow near the sea. There is a smell of salt in the air. Only heather and thistles grow here. To the north is a gate leading into the castle. A narrow path to the southeast leads to the shore of the Sea.\nYour mouth is getting rather dry.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open path with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open sea with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open thistles with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open meadow with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Meadow",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Beach\nThis is a rocky beach along a grey and lifeless sea. There is dead seaweed covering many rocks, and listless waves barely stir the flotsam and jetsam here. There are many shells, but all are broken. A narrow path to the northwest leads into a meadow.\nCrawling slowly along the beach is an enormous turtle, his enamelled shell shining with all the colors of the rainbow.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take water",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at button with spell",
"put lantern in turtle",
"take water from jug",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rocks with button",
"open path with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open meadow with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open beach with button",
"open sea with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Beach",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the nitfol spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take water",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at button with spell",
"put lantern in turtle",
"take water from jug",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rocks with button",
"open path with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open meadow with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open beach with button",
"open sea with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Beach",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The rainbow turtle looks at you for a moment, and you look at it. \"Hello,\" it says.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take water",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at button with spell",
"put lantern in turtle",
"take water from jug",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rocks with button",
"open path with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open meadow with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open beach with button",
"open sea with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Beach",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The turtle hisses, \"I will follow you.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take water",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at button with spell",
"put lantern in turtle",
"take water from jug",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rocks with button",
"open path with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open meadow with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open beach with button",
"open sea with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Beach",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Meadow\nThe turtle, at his own leisurely pace, follows you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look at water with jug",
"close gate",
"close button",
"close slide",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down slide",
"put down bread",
"put down egg",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"look at water with spell",
"put lantern in turtle",
"break water with button",
"throw turtle at jug",
"throw button at gate",
"throw slide at gate",
"throw bread at gate",
"throw egg at gate",
"throw book at gate",
"throw knob at gate",
"throw nitfol at gate",
"throw rezrov at gate",
"throw lantern at gate",
"throw gondar at gate",
"throw crank at gate",
"throw zifmia at gate",
"throw cleesh at gate",
"open water with button",
"open castle with button",
"open bread with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open thistles with button",
"open meadow with button",
"open path with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open sea with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from gate",
"ploc": "Meadow",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "South Gate\nThe turtle, at his own leisurely pace, follows you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look at button with entrance",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"look at button with spell",
"put lantern in turtle",
"break button with entrance",
"throw turtle at jug",
"throw button at entrance",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open entrance with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open meadow with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open beach with button",
"open sea with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open castle with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "South Gate",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\nThis is the base of the southeast tower of the castle. From atop a winding staircase comes a loud crashing and screeching noise. To the west is a corridor and the southern gate of the castle.\nThe turtle, at his own leisurely pace, follows you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"look at water with jug",
"climb water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down bread",
"put down egg",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"put lantern in turtle",
"break water with slide",
"throw turtle at jug",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open noise with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open corridor with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Engine Room\nThe room is filled with noise: crashing and smashing, gurgling of water, grinding of gears, and horrible screeching of metal. Huge devices of obscure purpose provide these effects. The most notable is a huge hammer that smashes continually against the stone floor: it makes any crossing of the room a dangerous enterprise. The whole construction brings to mind the words \"Infernal Machine.\" Far off to the southeast is another room. You can barely make out something on the floor of that room. It might be a scroll, but from here you can't tell for sure.\n\"Pretty steep stairs for a turtle, friend. But if you say so...\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look at floor with button",
"climb down floor",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at floor with spell",
"put lantern in turtle",
"break floor with button",
"throw turtle at jug",
"throw button at floor",
"throw egg at floor",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw slide at floor",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw crank at floor",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw knob at floor",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw book at floor",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"open floor with button",
"open hammer with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open noise with button",
"open machine with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"ploc": "Engine Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the exex spell.\n\"Crash!\" A huge hammer smashes against the stone floor.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look at floor with button",
"climb down floor",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at floor with spell",
"put lantern in turtle",
"break floor with button",
"throw turtle at jug",
"throw button at floor",
"throw egg at floor",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw slide at floor",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw crank at floor",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw knob at floor",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw book at floor",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"open floor with button",
"open hammer with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open noise with button",
"open machine with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"ploc": "Engine Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The rainbow turtle shimmers, then vibrates in place for a few seconds, but doesn't take any notice of the change.\nYou are becoming quite thirsty.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look at floor with button",
"climb down floor",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at floor with spell",
"put lantern in turtle",
"break floor with button",
"throw turtle at jug",
"throw button at floor",
"throw egg at floor",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw slide at floor",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw crank at floor",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw knob at floor",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw book at floor",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"open floor with button",
"open hammer with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open noise with button",
"open machine with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"ploc": "Engine Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The delicious spring water tasted great, and there's plenty more.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look at floor with button",
"climb down floor",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at floor with spell",
"put lantern in turtle",
"break floor with button",
"throw turtle at jug",
"throw button at floor",
"throw egg at floor",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw slide at floor",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw crank at floor",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw knob at floor",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw book at floor",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"open floor with button",
"open hammer with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open noise with button",
"open machine with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"ploc": "Engine Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "As the turtle starts across, he seems to set off something, for the machinery speeds up and the noise level becomes almost unbearable. Luckily, he makes it to the other side safely!\nThe turtle sticks his head through the door across the mechanical wasteland. In his mouth is a scroll of some sort.\n\"Crash!\" A huge hammer smashes against the stone floor.\nThe turtle fairly zips across the engine room, dodging the giant hammers and gears. Suddenly he sets off a trap, and sharp spears fly at him from all directions! But they bounce harmlessly off his shell! He avoids one last crash of a huge hammer, but even at his speed, it's a near thing! With one more burst of speed, he reaches you safely!\nThe turtle drops a brittle scroll at your feet. \"Not bad, huh?\"\nYour stomach is starting to grumble.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look spell",
"look all",
"look at floor with button",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take scroll",
"climb down floor",
"climb down spell",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"thank turtle",
"look at floor with spell",
"put scroll in turtle",
"put lantern in turtle",
"push spell nitfol ",
"break floor with button",
"poke spell with button",
"throw button at floor",
"throw button at spell",
"throw egg at floor",
"throw egg at spell",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw nitfol at spell",
"throw slide at floor",
"throw slide at spell",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw gondar at spell",
"throw crank at floor",
"throw crank at spell",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw rezrov at spell",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw bread at spell",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw zifmia at spell",
"throw knob at floor",
"throw knob at spell",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw lantern at spell",
"throw book at floor",
"throw book at spell",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"throw cleesh at spell",
"open floor with button",
"open hammer with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open noise with button",
"open machine with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"ploc": "Engine Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"kulcad spell: dispel a magic spell\". The spell seems very long and extremely complicated.\n\"Crash!\" A huge hammer smashes against the stone floor.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look spell",
"look all",
"look at floor with button",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take scroll",
"climb down floor",
"climb down spell",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"thank turtle",
"look at floor with spell",
"put scroll in turtle",
"put lantern in turtle",
"push spell nitfol ",
"break floor with button",
"poke spell with button",
"throw button at floor",
"throw button at spell",
"throw egg at floor",
"throw egg at spell",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw nitfol at spell",
"throw slide at floor",
"throw slide at spell",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw gondar at spell",
"throw crank at floor",
"throw crank at spell",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw rezrov at spell",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw bread at spell",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw zifmia at spell",
"throw knob at floor",
"throw knob at spell",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw lantern at spell",
"throw book at floor",
"throw book at spell",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"throw cleesh at spell",
"open floor with button",
"open hammer with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open noise with button",
"open machine with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"ploc": "Engine Room",
"inv": [
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look at floor with button",
"climb down floor",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"thank turtle",
"look at floor with spell",
"put scroll in turtle",
"put lantern in turtle",
"break floor with button",
"throw button at floor",
"throw egg at floor",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw slide at floor",
"throw scroll at floor",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw crank at floor",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw knob at floor",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw book at floor",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"open floor with button",
"open hammer with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open noise with button",
"open machine with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"ploc": "Engine Room",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\n\"Crash!\" A huge hammer smashes against the stone floor.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"look at water with jug",
"climb water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open noise with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open corridor with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "South Gate\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look at button with entrance",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close gate",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"lie down button",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with entrance",
"throw button at entrance",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open entrance with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open meadow with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open beach with button",
"open sea with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open castle with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "South Gate",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Gallery\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"look at water with jug",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open persons with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open walls with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open corridor with slide",
"pour jug from slide"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The battered lantern is now off.\nAn eerie orange glow casts a pale, flickering light on the portrait gallery. The eyes of the figures portrayed on the canvases seem to be faintly illuminated and follow your every movement. After a moment, the source of light becomes clear: a single lighted portrait flickers as if a flame were burning behind it.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look portrait",
"look all",
"break button",
"look at button with egg",
"take lighted portrait",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look behind lighted portrait",
"lie down button",
"look at button with portrait",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open persons with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open lighted portrait with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Gallery\nAn eerie orange glow casts a pale, flickering light on the portrait gallery. The eyes of the figures portrayed on the canvases seem to be faintly illuminated and follow your every movement. After a moment, the source of light becomes clear: a single lighted portrait flickers as if a flame were burning behind it.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look portrait",
"look all",
"break button",
"look at button with egg",
"take lighted portrait",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look behind lighted portrait",
"lie down button",
"look at button with portrait",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open persons with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open lighted portrait with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The portrait is quite light. You remove it from the wall and place it on the ground, revealing a small niche in the wall, in which sits a black scroll, and a black candle.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look niche",
"look portrait",
"look all",
"look at niche with button",
"break button",
"take candle",
"take scroll",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down brittle ",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"kulcad candle",
"lie down niche",
"look at niche with portrait",
"put brittle in niche",
"put bread in niche",
"put jug in niche",
"put lantern in niche",
"put book in niche",
"take scroll from button",
"take scroll from portrait",
"break niche with button",
"break button with scroll",
"take candle from niche",
"take scroll from niche",
"take all from niche",
"take black scroll",
"cast kulcad at candle",
"throw button at niche",
"throw button at scroll",
"throw egg at niche",
"throw egg at scroll",
"throw nitfol at niche",
"throw nitfol at scroll",
"throw slide at niche",
"throw slide at scroll",
"throw brittle at scroll",
"throw gondar at niche",
"throw gondar at scroll",
"throw crank at niche",
"throw crank at scroll",
"throw rezrov at niche",
"throw rezrov at scroll",
"throw bread at niche",
"throw bread at scroll",
"throw zifmia at niche",
"throw zifmia at scroll",
"throw knob at niche",
"throw knob at scroll",
"throw lantern at niche",
"throw lantern at scroll",
"throw book at niche",
"throw book at scroll",
"throw cleesh at niche",
"throw cleesh at scroll",
"put scroll in niche",
"put all in niche",
"open nitfol with button",
"open persons with button",
"open brittle with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open lighted portrait with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open candle with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open corridor with button",
"pour jug from niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look niche",
"look portrait",
"look all",
"look at niche with button",
"break button",
"take black",
"take candle",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down brittle ",
"put down crank",
"put down black",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"kulcad candle",
"lie down niche",
"look at niche with portrait",
"put brittle in niche",
"put bread in niche",
"put jug in niche",
"put lantern in niche",
"put book in niche",
"take black from button",
"take black from portrait",
"break niche with button",
"break button with black",
"take black from niche",
"cast kulcad at candle",
"throw button at niche",
"throw button at black",
"throw egg at niche",
"throw egg at black",
"throw nitfol at niche",
"throw nitfol at black",
"throw slide at niche",
"throw slide at black",
"throw brittle at niche",
"throw brittle at black",
"throw gondar at niche",
"throw gondar at black",
"throw crank at niche",
"throw crank at black",
"throw black at niche",
"throw rezrov at niche",
"throw rezrov at black",
"throw bread at niche",
"throw bread at black",
"throw zifmia at niche",
"throw zifmia at black",
"throw knob at niche",
"throw knob at black",
"throw lantern at niche",
"throw lantern at black",
"throw book at niche",
"throw book at black",
"throw cleesh at niche",
"throw cleesh at black",
"put black in niche",
"put all in niche",
"open nitfol with button",
"open persons with button",
"open brittle with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open lighted portrait with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open candle with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open corridor with button",
"pour jug from niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"black ",
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"ozmoo spell: survive unnatural death\".\nYou are becoming quite hungry.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look niche",
"look portrait",
"look all",
"look at niche with button",
"break button",
"take black",
"take candle",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down brittle ",
"put down crank",
"put down black",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"kulcad candle",
"lie down niche",
"look at niche with portrait",
"put brittle in niche",
"put bread in niche",
"put jug in niche",
"put lantern in niche",
"put book in niche",
"take black from button",
"take black from portrait",
"break niche with button",
"break button with black",
"take black from niche",
"cast kulcad at candle",
"throw button at niche",
"throw button at black",
"throw egg at niche",
"throw egg at black",
"throw nitfol at niche",
"throw nitfol at black",
"throw slide at niche",
"throw slide at black",
"throw brittle at niche",
"throw brittle at black",
"throw gondar at niche",
"throw gondar at black",
"throw crank at niche",
"throw crank at black",
"throw black at niche",
"throw rezrov at niche",
"throw rezrov at black",
"throw bread at niche",
"throw bread at black",
"throw zifmia at niche",
"throw zifmia at black",
"throw knob at niche",
"throw knob at black",
"throw lantern at niche",
"throw lantern at black",
"throw book at niche",
"throw book at black",
"throw cleesh at niche",
"throw cleesh at black",
"put black in niche",
"put all in niche",
"open nitfol with button",
"open persons with button",
"open brittle with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open lighted portrait with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open candle with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open corridor with button",
"pour jug from niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"black ",
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the ozmoo spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look niche",
"look portrait",
"look all",
"break button",
"look at niche with button",
"take candle",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"kulcad candle",
"lie down niche",
"look at niche with portrait",
"put scroll in niche",
"put bread in niche",
"put jug in niche",
"put lantern in niche",
"put book in niche",
"break niche with button",
"take candle from niche",
"cast kulcad at candle",
"throw button at niche",
"throw egg at niche",
"throw nitfol at niche",
"throw slide at niche",
"throw scroll at niche",
"throw gondar at niche",
"throw crank at niche",
"throw rezrov at niche",
"throw bread at niche",
"throw zifmia at niche",
"throw knob at niche",
"throw lantern at niche",
"throw book at niche",
"throw cleesh at niche",
"put all in niche",
"open nitfol with button",
"open persons with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open candle with button",
"open lighted portrait with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open corridor with button",
"pour jug from niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look niche",
"look portrait",
"look all",
"break button",
"look at niche with button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down candle",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"kulcad candle",
"lie down niche",
"look at niche with portrait",
"put scroll in niche",
"put candle in niche",
"put bread in niche",
"put jug in niche",
"put lantern in niche",
"put book in niche",
"break niche with button",
"cast kulcad at candle",
"throw button at niche",
"throw egg at niche",
"throw nitfol at niche",
"throw slide at niche",
"throw scroll at niche",
"throw gondar at niche",
"throw crank at niche",
"throw candle at niche",
"throw rezrov at niche",
"throw bread at niche",
"throw zifmia at niche",
"throw knob at niche",
"throw lantern at niche",
"throw book at niche",
"throw cleesh at niche",
"put all in niche",
"open nitfol with button",
"open persons with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open lighted portrait with button",
"open candle with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open corridor with button",
"pour jug from niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"black candle",
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the frotz spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look niche",
"look portrait",
"look all",
"break button",
"look at niche with button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down candle",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"kulcad candle",
"lie down niche",
"look at niche with portrait",
"put scroll in niche",
"put candle in niche",
"put bread in niche",
"put jug in niche",
"put lantern in niche",
"put book in niche",
"break niche with button",
"cast kulcad at candle",
"throw button at niche",
"throw egg at niche",
"throw nitfol at niche",
"throw slide at niche",
"throw scroll at niche",
"throw gondar at niche",
"throw crank at niche",
"throw candle at niche",
"throw rezrov at niche",
"throw bread at niche",
"throw zifmia at niche",
"throw knob at niche",
"throw lantern at niche",
"throw book at niche",
"throw cleesh at niche",
"put all in niche",
"open nitfol with button",
"open persons with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open lighted portrait with button",
"open candle with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open corridor with button",
"pour jug from niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"black candle",
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "There is an almost blinding flash of light as the black candle begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the black candle is now quite usable as a light source.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look niche",
"look portrait",
"look all",
"break button",
"look at niche with button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down candle",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"kulcad candle",
"lie down niche",
"look at niche with portrait",
"put scroll in niche",
"put candle in niche",
"put bread in niche",
"put jug in niche",
"put lantern in niche",
"put book in niche",
"break niche with button",
"cast kulcad at candle",
"throw button at niche",
"throw egg at niche",
"throw nitfol at niche",
"throw slide at niche",
"throw scroll at niche",
"throw gondar at niche",
"throw crank at niche",
"throw candle at niche",
"throw rezrov at niche",
"throw bread at niche",
"throw zifmia at niche",
"throw knob at niche",
"throw lantern at niche",
"throw book at niche",
"throw cleesh at niche",
"put all in niche",
"open nitfol with button",
"open persons with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open lighted portrait with button",
"open candle with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open corridor with button",
"pour jug from niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"black candle",
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the frotz spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look niche",
"look portrait",
"look all",
"break button",
"look at niche with button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down candle",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"kulcad candle",
"lie down niche",
"look at niche with portrait",
"put scroll in niche",
"put candle in niche",
"put bread in niche",
"put jug in niche",
"put lantern in niche",
"put book in niche",
"break niche with button",
"cast kulcad at candle",
"throw button at niche",
"throw egg at niche",
"throw nitfol at niche",
"throw slide at niche",
"throw scroll at niche",
"throw gondar at niche",
"throw crank at niche",
"throw candle at niche",
"throw rezrov at niche",
"throw bread at niche",
"throw zifmia at niche",
"throw knob at niche",
"throw lantern at niche",
"throw book at niche",
"throw cleesh at niche",
"put all in niche",
"open nitfol with button",
"open persons with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open lighted portrait with button",
"open candle with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open corridor with button",
"pour jug from niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"black candle",
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the ozmoo spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look niche",
"look portrait",
"look all",
"break button",
"look at niche with button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"look around persons",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down candle",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"kulcad candle",
"lie down niche",
"look at niche with portrait",
"put scroll in niche",
"put candle in niche",
"put bread in niche",
"put jug in niche",
"put lantern in niche",
"put book in niche",
"break niche with button",
"cast kulcad at candle",
"throw button at niche",
"throw egg at niche",
"throw nitfol at niche",
"throw slide at niche",
"throw scroll at niche",
"throw gondar at niche",
"throw crank at niche",
"throw candle at niche",
"throw rezrov at niche",
"throw bread at niche",
"throw zifmia at niche",
"throw knob at niche",
"throw lantern at niche",
"throw book at niche",
"throw cleesh at niche",
"put all in niche",
"open nitfol with button",
"open persons with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open lighted portrait with button",
"open candle with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open corridor with button",
"pour jug from niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"black candle",
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "South Hall\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"look all",
"break slide",
"look at water with jug",
"climb down water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down candle",
"put down all",
"frotz water",
"frotz jug",
"frotz egg",
"frotz bread",
"frotz book",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz lantern",
"frotz candle",
"kulcad candle",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"cast kulcad at candle",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw candle at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open candle with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "South Hall",
"inv": [
"black candle",
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Closet\nThis small room must have been a closet of some sort. To the north is a passage leading out into a courtyard. Another exit is to the south.\nIn the exact center of the room is a large, jewelled box. It is wrapped in tight coils of thin rope. You try to follow the strands with your eye, but become hopelessly lost in the jumble of thousands of loops and knots.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"look all",
"look at button with egg",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down candle",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down jewelled",
"put down all",
"frotz egg",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz rope",
"frotz candle",
"frotz bread",
"frotz jug",
"frotz lantern",
"frotz water",
"frotz book",
"kulcad candle",
"lie down button",
"look at button with spell",
"put jewelled in button",
"put jewelled in spell",
"break button with egg",
"break button with jewelled",
"cast kulcad at candle",
"throw button at egg",
"throw button at jewelled",
"throw egg at jewelled",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at jewelled",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at jewelled",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw scroll at jewelled",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw gondar at jewelled",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at jewelled",
"throw candle at button",
"throw candle at jewelled",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at jewelled",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at jewelled",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at jewelled",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at jewelled",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw lantern at jewelled",
"throw book at button",
"throw book at jewelled",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw cleesh at jewelled",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rope with button",
"open candle with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"black candle",
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "There is an almost blinding flash of light as the battered lantern begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the battered lantern is now quite usable as a light source.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look spell",
"look all",
"look at floor with button",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down candle",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down jewelled",
"put down all",
"kulcad candle",
"lie down floor",
"look at floor with spell",
"put jewelled in floor",
"put jewelled in spell",
"break floor with button",
"break floor with jewelled",
"cast kulcad at candle",
"throw button at floor",
"throw button at jewelled",
"throw egg at jewelled",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw nitfol at jewelled",
"throw slide at floor",
"throw slide at jewelled",
"throw scroll at floor",
"throw scroll at jewelled",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw gondar at jewelled",
"throw crank at floor",
"throw crank at jewelled",
"throw candle at floor",
"throw candle at jewelled",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw rezrov at jewelled",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw bread at jewelled",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw zifmia at jewelled",
"throw knob at floor",
"throw knob at jewelled",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw lantern at jewelled",
"throw book at floor",
"throw book at jewelled",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"throw cleesh at jewelled",
"open floor with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rope with button",
"open candle with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open rat with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"black candle",
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "brittle scroll: Dropped.\nbeautiful, ornamented egg: Dropped.\nbattered lantern: Dropped.\njug: Dropped.\nloaf of bread: Dropped.\nspell book: Dropped.\nA rat skitters across the floor, sees you, is startled, and rushes back the way it came.\nYou are very hungry now. You'd better have something to eat.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"look all",
"blow out lantern",
"break button",
"take box",
"take scroll",
"look at button with box",
"take bread",
"take egg",
"take jug",
"take lantern",
"take book",
"take all",
"close button",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"put down candle",
"lie down button",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with nitfol ",
"take water from jug",
"take jewelled all",
"throw candle at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open rope with button",
"open candle with button",
"open bread with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"black candle"
"msg": "Mmm. That tasted great! There's a lot of bread left, too.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"look all",
"blow out lantern",
"break button",
"take box",
"take scroll",
"look at button with box",
"take bread",
"take egg",
"take jug",
"take lantern",
"take book",
"take all",
"close button",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"put down candle",
"lie down button",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with nitfol ",
"take water from jug",
"take jewelled all",
"throw candle at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open rope with button",
"open candle with button",
"open bread with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"black candle"
"msg": "South Hall\n\n",
"hints": [
"look candle",
"talk to candle",
"climb down candle",
"put down candle",
"lie down candle",
"look at candle with passage",
"throw candle at passage",
"ploc": "South Hall",
"inv": [
"black candle"
"msg": "Gallery\nThere is a lighted portrait here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look painting",
"look niche",
"look all",
"take lighted portrait",
"look around persons",
"put down candle",
"lie down niche",
"look at niche with painting",
"look at niche with lighted portrait",
"put candle in niche",
"throw candle at niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"black candle"
"msg": "South Gate\n\n",
"hints": [
"look gate",
"talk to gate",
"close gate",
"put down candle",
"enter gate",
"lie down gate",
"look at gate with entrance",
"throw candle at gate",
"ploc": "South Gate",
"inv": [
"black candle"
"msg": "East Hall\nThis short piece of corridor continues to the north and south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look candle",
"talk to candle",
"put down candle",
"lie down candle",
"look at candle with corridor",
"throw candle at corridor",
"ploc": "East Hall",
"inv": [
"black candle"
"msg": "Banquet Hall\nA banquet has been set here for hundreds. Long benches fill the room, each covered with finest linen and set with golden cutlery and glittering crystal. Luscious food weighs down each table, and candles light the room with a festive glow. The room can be entered by a north-south corridor and a small opening to the east, from which an odd, acrid smell issues.\nTo the north you can hear the sound of a group of low, guttural voices.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look food",
"look candles",
"look all",
"look at food with decorations",
"look around decorations",
"put down black candle",
"put down candles",
"lie down food",
"look at food with candles",
"take candles from food",
"take candles from candle",
"hit candles with candle",
"throw black candle at candles",
"throw candles at candle",
"open decorations with food",
"ploc": "Banquet Hall",
"inv": [
"black candle"
"msg": "Junction\nThe corridor widens here to form a large hall. To the north and south are small passages, and to the east is what appears to be an enormous spiral staircase. A passage to the west leads into a courtyard. The walls here are scarred and black, and a strange heaviness hangs in the air.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look candle",
"take all",
"talk to all",
"look at candle with all",
"take all from candle"
"ploc": "Junction",
"inv": [
"black candle"
"msg": "A host of hunched and hairy shapes walk into the hall before you can do anything and, seeing you, take you in their arms and escort you to the west into a huge temple.\n\nTemple\nEverything you see is grey and lifeless, as though covered with a veil of ash. Sound is muted and there is a faint acrid odor.\nThis is the interior of a huge temple of primitive construction. A few flickering torches cast a sallow illumination over the altar, which, atop a row of stairs, is still drenched with the blood of human sacrifice. Behind the altar is an enormous statue of a demon which seems to reach towards you with dripping fangs and razor-sharp talons. Two open doorways lead out of the temple to the east and west, while two wooden doors stand at the north and south. A mass of hunched figures in the temple are chanting a haunting tune. They don't seem interested in your presence.\n\nA low noise begins behind you, and you turn to see hundreds of hunched and hairy shapes. A guttural chant issues from their throats. Near you stands a figure draped in a robe of deepest black, brandishing a vicious dagger. The chant grows louder as the robed figure approaches the altar. As the shapes grab you, the figure in black speaks: \"Take the victim to the tower. I shall prepare for the sacrifice!\" The figures, whose form you can barely guess, take you from here through the northern door and into a prison cell. They take your possessions from you and close the door with a crash!\n\nCell\nEverything you see is grey and lifeless, as though covered with a veil of ash. Sound is muted and there is a faint acrid odor.\nThis is a small prison cell in the north tower of the temple. Hideous shapes can be seen through the iron-barred window in the prison door. From the temple, a blood-curdling chant can be heard.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look door",
"lie down door",
"look at door with window"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": null
"msg": "A huge puff of orange smoke envelops you, but you feel no different.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look door",
"lie down door",
"look at door with window"
"ploc": "Cell",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes...\n\nA host of hunched and hairy shapes appear through the window. The cell door opens and you are marched solemnly to the temple and, from there, up the steps to the altar. The large, black figure approaches menacingly. He reaches into his cloak and pulls out a great, glowing dagger. He pulls you onto the altar, and with a murmur of approval from the throng, he plunges the blade into your heart!\n\nYou feel yourself filled with a strange warmth as your eyes slowly open. You are lying on the altar, a glowing dagger in your chest. You are in no pain, however. The large figure is gone, but the throng of shapes, taking no notice of your movement, is chanting in the temple below. You slowly remove the dagger from your chest, but you are not harmed. The blade shines faintly in the light of the flickering torches.\n\nSacrificial Altar\nThis is the altar of the temple. Acrid smoke fills the air, and a feeling of lurking evil is all around. A low droning, just at the lowest end of your perception, causes your hair to stand on end. Behind the altar is an enormous statue of a demon which reaches toward you with dripping fangs and razor-sharp talons. The fangs and talons are blood-red. In the temple below is a mass of hunched figures, chanting in hideous tones.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look dagger",
"climb down dagger",
"put down dagger",
"lie down dagger",
"look at dagger with fangs",
"throw dagger at fangs",
"ploc": "Sacrificial Altar",
"inv": [
"sacrificial dagger"
"msg": "Temple\n\n",
"hints": [
"look dagger",
"take on altar",
"put down dagger",
"lie down dagger",
"look at dagger with fangs",
"throw dagger at fangs",
"ploc": "Temple",
"inv": [
"sacrificial dagger"
"msg": "Courtyard\nYou are in the center of a large courtyard, which surrounds you. Everything around you is ashen and grey, and the air seems miasmic and oppressive. The dead grass seems to grab at your feet as you stand gazing around. To the east is a temple flanked by two smaller towers. Behind it can be seen the two eastern towers of the castle, shrouded in blood-red fog. Between them is a dark turret, black and ominous as night. It sends dark streams of smoke curling around everything near it. From the temple can be heard a mournful chant.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look dagger",
"put down dagger",
"enter temple",
"lie down dagger",
"look at dagger with grass",
"throw dagger at grass",
"ploc": "Courtyard",
"inv": [
"sacrificial dagger"
"msg": "Courtyard\nThis is the westernmost point in a large open courtyard. The huge entrance gate to the castle looms ominously to the west. The courtyard widens as it proceeds to the east, where a large, ivy-covered temple stands. On either side of the temple are small towers. Far beyond the temple, high above, are two large towers marking the corners of the castle. A squat dark turret hunches between them, blackening the sky around it. A small path leads into the castle to the south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look entrance",
"put down dagger",
"go around courtyard",
"lie down entrance",
"look at entrance with dagger",
"throw dagger at entrance",
"ploc": "Courtyard",
"inv": [
"sacrificial dagger"
"msg": "Closet\nIn the exact center of the room is a large, jewelled box. It is wrapped in tight coils of thin rope. You try to follow the strands with your eye, but become hopelessly lost in the jumble of thousands of loops and knots.\nThere is a spell book here.\nThere is a loaf of bread here.\nThere is a jug here.\nThe jug contains:\n A small quantity of water\nThere is a battered lantern here (providing light).\nThere is a beautiful, ornamented egg here.\nA scroll of old, brittle parchment is here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blow out lantern",
"break button",
"take box",
"take scroll",
"take bread",
"take egg",
"take jug",
"take lantern",
"take book",
"take all",
"close button",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"put down dagger",
"lie down button",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with nitfol ",
"cut rope with dagger",
"take water from jug",
"take jewelled all",
"throw dagger at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open rope with button",
"open dagger with button",
"open bread with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"sacrificial dagger"
"msg": "At the mere touch of the magic knife, the rope gives way. Before your eyes, the strands, now moving this way, now moving that way, untangle themselves into a single strand which falls to the floor alongside the box, where it dissolves into the air without a sound.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look jug",
"look jewelled",
"blow out lantern",
"break button",
"take jug",
"take lantern",
"take book",
"take box",
"take bread",
"take scroll",
"take egg",
"take all",
"close button",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"put down dagger",
"lie down jug",
"open box",
"look at jug with jewelled",
"break jug with button",
"take water from jug",
"take jewelled all",
"throw dagger at button",
"open dagger with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open box with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open bread with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open ground with button",
"open melbor with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"sacrificial dagger"
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"blow out lantern",
"break button",
"take box",
"take scroll",
"take dagger",
"take bread",
"take egg",
"take jug",
"take lantern",
"take book",
"take all",
"close button",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"lie down button",
"open box",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with nitfol ",
"take water from jug",
"take jewelled all",
"open box with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open dagger with button",
"open bread with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open room with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open ground with button",
"open melbor with button",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": null
"msg": "spell book: Taken.\nloaf of bread: Taken.\njug: Taken.\nbattered lantern: Taken.\nbeautiful, ornamented egg: Taken.\nbrittle scroll: Taken.\njewelled box: Your load is too heavy.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look jewelled",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"take dagger",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down jewelled",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"open box",
"look at water with jewelled",
"put jewelled in spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with jewelled",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at jewelled",
"throw button at slide",
"throw button at jewelled",
"throw egg at jewelled",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw bread at jewelled",
"throw book at slide",
"throw book at jewelled",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw nitfol at jewelled",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw scroll at jewelled",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw lantern at jewelled",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw gondar at jewelled",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw crank at jewelled",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw knob at jewelled",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw cleesh at jewelled",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw rezrov at jewelled",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"throw zifmia at jewelled",
"open water with slide",
"open dagger with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open box with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open ground with slide",
"open melbor with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "South Hall\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open passage with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "South Hall",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open corridors with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open tower with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Bedroom\nThere is a fourposter feather bed here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look button",
"look all",
"look at water with bed",
"turn off lantern",
"take in bed",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down button",
"close slide",
"close diamond-studded button",
"close egg",
"close bedpost",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down diamond-studded button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw diamond-studded button at bed",
"push ornate button",
"push button",
"look at water with button",
"put scroll in bedpost",
"put lantern in bedpost",
"push button water",
"push button spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with button",
"throw slide at bed",
"throw slide at button",
"throw diamond-studded button at button",
"throw egg at bed",
"throw egg at button",
"throw bread at bed",
"throw bread at button",
"throw book at bed",
"throw book at button",
"throw nitfol at bed",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw scroll at bed",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw lantern at bed",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw gondar at bed",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at bed",
"throw crank at button",
"throw knob at bed",
"throw knob at button",
"throw cleesh at bed",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw rezrov at bed",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw zifmia at bed",
"throw zifmia at button",
"open water with slide",
"open windows with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open ornate button with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from bed",
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Lying on this soft bed puts you to sleep.\nAh, sleep! It's been a long day, indeed. The rest will do you good. You make yourself comfortable on the bed and drift off, renewing your powers and refreshing your mind ... Time passes as you snore blissfully.\n\nYou dream of a nondescript room in which a cartoonish figure casually opens a simple wooden door and ascends the flight of stairs which lies behind. The scene fades to black, but you awaken in a cold sweat.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look button",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"take off bed",
"close egg",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down diamond-studded button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw diamond-studded button at bed",
"look at water with button",
"put scroll in bedpost",
"put lantern in bedpost",
"push button spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with button",
"throw slide at bed",
"throw slide at button",
"throw diamond-studded button at button",
"throw egg at bed",
"throw egg at button",
"throw bread at bed",
"throw bread at button",
"throw book at bed",
"throw book at button",
"throw nitfol at bed",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw scroll at bed",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw lantern at bed",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw gondar at bed",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at bed",
"throw crank at button",
"throw knob at bed",
"throw knob at button",
"throw cleesh at bed",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw rezrov at bed",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw zifmia at bed",
"throw zifmia at button",
"turn water for slide",
"turn windows for slide",
"open bread with slide",
"turn ornate button for slide",
"turn kulcad for slide",
"turn sky for slide",
"turn nitfol for slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"turn gondar for slide",
"turn cleesh for slide",
"turn rezrov for slide",
"turn stairway for slide",
"turn zifmia for slide",
"pour water from bed",
"pour jug from slide",
"pour button from bed"
"ploc": "fourposter feather bed",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Ah, that was a comfortable bed! But you're now on your own feet again.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look button",
"turn off lantern",
"take in bed",
"break slide",
"climb down water",
"climb down button",
"close slide",
"close diamond-studded button",
"close egg",
"close bedpost",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down diamond-studded button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"throw diamond-studded button at bed",
"push ornate button",
"push button",
"look at water with button",
"put scroll in bedpost",
"put lantern in bedpost",
"push button spell",
"break water with slide",
"break water with button",
"throw slide at bed",
"throw slide at button",
"throw diamond-studded button at button",
"throw egg at bed",
"throw egg at button",
"throw bread at bed",
"throw bread at button",
"throw book at bed",
"throw book at button",
"throw nitfol at bed",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw scroll at bed",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw lantern at bed",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw gondar at bed",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at bed",
"throw crank at button",
"throw knob at bed",
"throw knob at button",
"throw cleesh at bed",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw rezrov at bed",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw zifmia at bed",
"throw zifmia at button",
"open water with slide",
"open windows with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open ornate button with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open sky with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open stairway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from bed",
"ploc": "Bedroom",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open corridors with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open tower with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "West Hall\nYour mouth is getting rather dry.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"enter archway",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open area with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open archway with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "West Hall",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Inside Gate\nThe stars shine down on you from a clear, dark sky.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"climb hills",
"close button",
"close slide",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"close crank",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down slide",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down all",
"enter courtyard",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with button",
"throw button at gate",
"throw slide at gate",
"throw egg at gate",
"throw bread at gate",
"throw book at gate",
"throw knob at gate",
"throw nitfol at gate",
"throw rezrov at gate",
"throw lantern at gate",
"throw scroll at gate",
"throw gondar at gate",
"throw crank at gate",
"throw zifmia at gate",
"throw cleesh at gate",
"open water with button",
"open castle with button",
"open entrance with button",
"open bread with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open road with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open archways with button",
"open courtyard with button",
"open hills with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from gate",
"ploc": "Inside Gate",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Pebbled Path\nThe stars shine down on you from a clear, dark sky.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"enter arch",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open sky with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open path with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open area with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open arch with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Pebbled Path",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open passages with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open tower with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the zifmia spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open passages with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open tower with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the vaxum spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"climb water",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open passages with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"open tower with slide",
"open castle with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors One\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at button with spell",
"hit mirrors with egg",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open glass with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open mirrors with button",
"open tunnels with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors One",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors Two\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"take nitfol ",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at button with spell",
"hit mirrors with egg",
"break button with egg",
"take nitfol from book",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open glass with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open mirrors with button",
"open tunnels with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Two",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors Three\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"look all",
"hit mirror",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look at button with glass",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at button with spell",
"hit mirror with egg",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open glass with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open mirror with button",
"open tunnels with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Three",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors Four\nFrom the other side of the \"mirror\" a bedraggled adventurer comes into view, carrying a brass lantern and an elvish sword, which is glowing dimly. He stops and stares in your direction.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"hit mirror",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"zifmia adventurer",
"look at button with spell",
"hit mirror with egg",
"break button with egg",
"cast zifmia at adventurer",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open glass with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open mirror with button",
"open tunnels with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open adventurer with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Four",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "All at once, the bedraggled adventurer appears before you, brightly glowing sword in hand. His jaw has dropped and his eyes are bulging. His eyes dart this way and that, as if looking for a way to escape.\nYou are becoming quite thirsty.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"look all",
"hit adventurer",
"hit mirrors",
"look at button with glass",
"turn off battered lantern",
"blow out brass",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close adventurer",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down battered lantern",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at button with spell",
"put egg in adventurer",
"put scroll in adventurer",
"put bread in adventurer",
"put jug in adventurer",
"put battered lantern in adventurer",
"put book in adventurer",
"take lantern from button",
"take lantern from spell",
"hit adventurer with egg",
"hit adventurer with lantern",
"hit mirrors with egg",
"hit mirrors with lantern",
"break button with egg",
"break button with lantern",
"throw button at egg",
"throw button at lantern",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at lantern",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at lantern",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at lantern",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw scroll at lantern",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw gondar at lantern",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at lantern",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at lantern",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at lantern",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at lantern",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at lantern",
"throw battered lantern at lantern",
"throw book at button",
"throw book at lantern",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw cleesh at lantern",
"put lantern in adventurer",
"put all in adventurer",
"open glass with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open sword with button",
"open mirrors with button",
"open tunnels with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open battered lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open brass with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Four",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the blorb spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"look all",
"hit adventurer",
"hit mirrors",
"look at button with glass",
"turn off battered lantern",
"blow out brass",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close adventurer",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down battered lantern",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at button with spell",
"put egg in adventurer",
"put scroll in adventurer",
"put bread in adventurer",
"put jug in adventurer",
"put battered lantern in adventurer",
"put book in adventurer",
"take lantern from button",
"take lantern from spell",
"hit adventurer with egg",
"hit adventurer with lantern",
"hit mirrors with egg",
"hit mirrors with lantern",
"break button with egg",
"break button with lantern",
"throw button at egg",
"throw button at lantern",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at lantern",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at lantern",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at lantern",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw scroll at lantern",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw gondar at lantern",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at lantern",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at lantern",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at lantern",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at lantern",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at lantern",
"throw battered lantern at lantern",
"throw book at button",
"throw book at lantern",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw cleesh at lantern",
"put lantern in adventurer",
"put all in adventurer",
"open glass with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open sword with button",
"open mirrors with button",
"open tunnels with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open battered lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open brass with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Four",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The adventurer smiles at you with an air of good will.\nThe adventurer eyes your possessions intently.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"look all",
"hit adventurer",
"hit mirrors",
"look at button with glass",
"turn off battered lantern",
"blow out brass",
"break button",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close adventurer",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down battered lantern",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at button with spell",
"put egg in adventurer",
"put scroll in adventurer",
"put bread in adventurer",
"put jug in adventurer",
"put battered lantern in adventurer",
"put book in adventurer",
"take lantern from button",
"take lantern from spell",
"hit adventurer with egg",
"hit adventurer with lantern",
"hit mirrors with egg",
"hit mirrors with lantern",
"break button with egg",
"break button with lantern",
"throw button at egg",
"throw button at lantern",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at lantern",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at lantern",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at lantern",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw scroll at lantern",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw gondar at lantern",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at lantern",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at lantern",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at lantern",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at lantern",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at lantern",
"throw battered lantern at lantern",
"throw book at button",
"throw book at lantern",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw cleesh at lantern",
"put lantern in adventurer",
"put all in adventurer",
"open glass with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open sword with button",
"open mirrors with button",
"open tunnels with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open wall with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open battered lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open brass with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Four",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "His eyes light up at the sight of the beautiful, ornamented egg.\nThe adventurer, not overly tactful, asks to see what you're holding.\n\nThe adventurer, proceeding cautiously, follows you. He seems to be paying particular attention to your possessions.\n\nNorth Gate\nThere is a bedraggled and weary adventurer standing here. He is carrying a brass lantern, and a sword. He seems pleased to see you and frequently smiles in your direction.\nThere is a dusty book here.\nThe adventurer asks what you would be needing treasures for.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look old",
"look all",
"hit adventurer",
"look at button with egg",
"blorb egg",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb adventurer",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb battered lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb dusty book",
"blorb brass",
"turn off battered lantern",
"blow out brass",
"break button",
"take old",
"take dusty book",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close adventurer",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close dusty book",
"close gate",
"look around dusty book",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down old",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down battered lantern",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"look at button with old",
"put egg in adventurer",
"put scroll in adventurer",
"put bread in adventurer",
"put jug in adventurer",
"put battered lantern in adventurer",
"put dusty book in adventurer",
"take lantern from button",
"take lantern from old",
"hit adventurer with egg",
"hit adventurer with old",
"give book old",
"break button with egg",
"break button with old",
"show adventurer egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw button at old",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at old",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at old",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at old",
"throw scroll at old",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw gondar at old",
"throw old at lantern",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at old",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at old",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at old",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at old",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at old",
"throw battered lantern at old",
"throw lantern at old",
"throw book at button",
"throw book at old",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw cleesh at old",
"put old in adventurer",
"put lantern in adventurer",
"put book in adventurer",
"give adventurer egg",
"put all in adventurer",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open sword with button",
"open area with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open passage with button",
"open battered lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open brass with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open tower with button",
"open castle with button",
"look at dusty book with egg",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open button with dusty book",
"open egg with dusty book",
"open slide with dusty book",
"open adventurer with dusty book",
"open crank with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open knob with dusty book",
"open gate with dusty book",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "North Gate",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The adventurer, proceeding cautiously, follows you. He seems to be paying particular attention to your possessions.\n\nGuarded Door\nA more incongruous place than this would be difficult to believe. The room itself is nothing more than a small room at the base of the northeast tower with a narrow passageway entering from the west. Standing in front of you to the north, however, is a door surpassing anything you could have imagined. For starters, its massive lock is wrapped in a dozen six-inch thick iron chains. In addition, a certain five-headed monster sporting razor-sharp spears for tongues seems to be imbedded within its heavy oak frame. One is almost embarrassed to mention the gargoyles spewing flame and sulphurous ash which ornament either side of the door, or the ninety-seven slimy groping tentacles which taunt you ever closer to certain death. A sign, floating serenely above the door and glowing hideously in purple letters, offers the following rude understatement: \"Don't Bother\".\nThere is a bedraggled and weary adventurer standing here. He is carrying a brass lantern, and a sword. He seems pleased to see you and frequently smiles in your direction.\nThe adventurer glances around the room in a businesslike way and makes a few notes on his map.\nThe adventurer offers to relieve you of some of your possessions.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look lantern",
"look all",
"hit adventurer",
"look at water with jug",
"blorb water",
"blorb jug",
"blorb adventurer",
"blorb egg",
"blorb bread",
"blorb book",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb brass",
"blorb battered lantern",
"blow out brass",
"turn off battered lantern",
"break button",
"close button",
"close adventurer",
"close slide",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down jug",
"put down button",
"put down lantern",
"put down slide",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down battered lantern",
"put down all",
"point at groping",
"kulcad groping",
"push all",
"look at water with lantern",
"put jug in adventurer",
"put egg in adventurer",
"put bread in adventurer",
"put book in adventurer",
"put scroll in adventurer",
"put battered lantern in adventurer",
"take lantern from water",
"take lantern from spell",
"hit adventurer with jug",
"hit adventurer with lantern",
"break water with button",
"break button with lantern",
"show adventurer egg",
"cast kulcad at groping",
"throw button at adventurer",
"throw button at lantern",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at lantern",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at lantern",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at lantern",
"throw book at button",
"throw book at lantern",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at lantern",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw scroll at lantern",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw gondar at lantern",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at lantern",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at lantern",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw cleesh at lantern",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at lantern",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at lantern",
"put lantern in adventurer",
"give adventurer egg",
"put all in adventurer",
"open water with button",
"open bread with button",
"open groping with button",
"open iron with button",
"open spears with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open sign with button",
"open room with button",
"open sword with button",
"open brass with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open battered lantern with button",
"open door with button",
"open passageway with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"pour jug from button",
"show adventurer door"
"ploc": "Guarded Door",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "As you motion toward the monstrous door, the adventurer follows the imaginary line which proceeds thence from your outstretched arm.\n\nThe seemingly fearless adventurer shrugs and walks purposefully toward the door, ignoring all harm to his person in the form of knives, tentacles, and molten lead. As three buckets of the latter pour over his head, he casts you a perplexed look.\n\"Did you try the doorknob?\" he asks, as twenty-seven knives delicately skewer him.\nBefore you can answer, he reaches for one of the gargoyle heads which, by sheerest coincidence, has just flooded him in red-orange flame, and turns it gently.\n\"I think it's unlocked,\" he says, stoically ignoring the host of human-sized rats which feed on his incinerated torso.\nHis left hand, broken and bloodied, pulls at the gargoyle head.\n\"I'm going on ahead!\" he cries, opening a simple wooden door.\nWooden door? You rub your eyes for a moment and look again as he goes through it. Yes, just a plain wooden door.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"look all",
"blorb egg",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb book",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"look at button with egg",
"enter door",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close door",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at button with spell",
"break button with egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw egg at button",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw slide at button",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw crank at button",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw bread at button",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw knob at button",
"throw lantern at button",
"throw book at button",
"throw cleesh at button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open monster with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open passageway with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open spear with button",
"open room with button",
"open sign with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Guarded Door",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Time passes...\nA bedraggled adventurer walks into the room from the north, coming through the simple wooden door.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look button",
"look spell",
"look all",
"hit adventurer",
"look at button with egg",
"take nitfol ",
"take nitfol from book",
"blorb egg",
"blorb scroll",
"blorb adventurer",
"blorb bread",
"blorb jug",
"blorb battered lantern",
"blorb water",
"blorb book",
"blorb brass",
"turn off battered lantern",
"blow out brass",
"break button",
"take all",
"enter door",
"climb lantern",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close adventurer",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close door",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down scroll",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down battered lantern",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"push all",
"look at button with spell",
"put egg in adventurer",
"put scroll in adventurer",
"put bread in adventurer",
"put jug in adventurer",
"put battered lantern in adventurer",
"put book in adventurer",
"take lantern from button",
"take lantern from spell",
"hit adventurer with egg",
"hit adventurer with lantern",
"break button with egg",
"break button with lantern",
"break nitfol with lantern",
"show adventurer egg",
"throw button at egg",
"throw button at lantern",
"throw egg at button",
"throw egg at lantern",
"throw nitfol at button",
"throw nitfol at lantern",
"throw slide at button",
"throw slide at lantern",
"throw scroll at button",
"throw scroll at lantern",
"throw gondar at button",
"throw gondar at lantern",
"throw crank at button",
"throw crank at lantern",
"throw rezrov at button",
"throw rezrov at lantern",
"throw bread at button",
"throw bread at lantern",
"throw zifmia at button",
"throw zifmia at lantern",
"throw knob at button",
"throw knob at lantern",
"throw battered lantern at lantern",
"throw book at button",
"throw book at lantern",
"throw cleesh at button",
"throw cleesh at lantern",
"put lantern in adventurer",
"give adventurer egg",
"put all in adventurer",
"open nitfol with button",
"open monster with button",
"open scroll with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open sword with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open passageway with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open battered lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open spear with button",
"open room with button",
"open sign with button",
"open brass with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"pour jug from button",
"ploc": "Guarded Door",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "A glowing strong box forms out of the air, carefully enclosing the adventurer, which disappears from view. The strong box rests on the ground.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break slide",
"enter door",
"close slide",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"close door",
"put down jug",
"put down slide",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down bread",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down crank",
"put down knob",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"break water with slide",
"throw slide at button",
"throw button at slide",
"throw egg at slide",
"throw bread at slide",
"throw book at slide",
"throw nitfol at slide",
"throw scroll at slide",
"throw lantern at slide",
"throw gondar at slide",
"throw crank at slide",
"throw knob at slide",
"throw cleesh at slide",
"throw rezrov at slide",
"throw zifmia at slide",
"open water with slide",
"open bread with slide",
"open kulcad with slide",
"open box with slide",
"open nitfol with slide",
"open monster with slide",
"open scroll with slide",
"open spear with slide",
"open lantern with slide",
"open gondar with slide",
"open sign with slide",
"open room with slide",
"open cleesh with slide",
"open rezrov with slide",
"open passageway with slide",
"open zifmia with slide",
"pour jug from slide",
"ploc": "Guarded Door",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Map Room\nThis room in the high tower appears to be a map room, with hundreds of ancient maps covering the walls. A huge globe, made of gold, sits on a pedestal in the center of the room. Through the tower windows can be seen a vast forest stretching out to the northeast and the sea, covered in fog, to the east and south. Stairs to the south lead to the bottom of the tower.\nLying on the ground is an old parchment map.\nLying on the floor is a purple scroll.\nIn one corner of the room is a badly worn pencil, inscribed with runes.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look old",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take pencil",
"take purple ",
"take scroll",
"take all",
"climb down floor",
"climb down old",
"close button",
"close egg",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close knob",
"put down button",
"put down egg",
"put down slide",
"put down parchment",
"put down old",
"put down crank",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down knob",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"throw crank at floor",
"look at floor with old",
"put old in spell",
"break floor with button",
"break floor with golden",
"poke old with golden",
"throw button at floor",
"throw button at old",
"throw egg at floor",
"throw egg at old",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw nitfol at old",
"throw slide at floor",
"throw slide at old",
"throw parchment at old",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw gondar at old",
"throw old at spell",
"throw crank at old",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw rezrov at old",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw bread at old",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw zifmia at old",
"throw knob at floor",
"throw knob at old",
"throw golden at old",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw lantern at old",
"throw book at floor",
"throw book at old",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"throw cleesh at old",
"open floor with button",
"open windows with button",
"open pencil with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open point M with button",
"open parchment with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open point P with button",
"open filfre with button",
"open globe with button",
"open maps with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open point B with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open point H with button",
"open purple with button",
"open room with button",
"open sea with button",
"open point V with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open point J with button",
"open point F with button",
"open point K with button",
"open point R with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"write on parchment with pencil",
"write on purple with pencil",
"ploc": "Map Room",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"beautifulornamented egg",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Dropped.\nYou are very thirsty now. You'd better have a drink soon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look old",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take pencil",
"take old",
"take egg",
"take map",
"take purple ",
"take scroll",
"take all",
"climb down floor",
"climb down old",
"close button",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"put down parchment",
"put down old",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at floor with old",
"put old in spell",
"break floor with button",
"break button with old",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw nitfol at old",
"throw parchment at old",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw gondar at old",
"throw old at spell",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw rezrov at old",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw bread at old",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw zifmia at old",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw lantern at old",
"throw book at floor",
"throw book at old",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"throw cleesh at old",
"open floor with button",
"open windows with button",
"open pencil with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open point M with button",
"open parchment with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open point P with button",
"open filfre with button",
"open globe with button",
"open maps with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open point B with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open point H with button",
"open purple with button",
"open room with button",
"open sea with button",
"open point V with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open point J with button",
"open point F with button",
"open point K with button",
"open point R with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"write on parchment with pencil",
"write on purple with pencil",
"ploc": "Map Room",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The delicious spring water tasted great, and there's still some left.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look old",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take pencil",
"take old",
"take egg",
"take map",
"take purple ",
"take scroll",
"take all",
"climb down floor",
"climb down old",
"close button",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"put down parchment",
"put down old",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at floor with old",
"put old in spell",
"break floor with button",
"break button with old",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw nitfol at old",
"throw parchment at old",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw gondar at old",
"throw old at spell",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw rezrov at old",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw bread at old",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw zifmia at old",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw lantern at old",
"throw book at floor",
"throw book at old",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"throw cleesh at old",
"open floor with button",
"open windows with button",
"open pencil with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open point M with button",
"open parchment with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open point P with button",
"open filfre with button",
"open globe with button",
"open maps with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open point B with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open point H with button",
"open purple with button",
"open room with button",
"open sea with button",
"open point V with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open point J with button",
"open point F with button",
"open point K with button",
"open point R with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"write on parchment with pencil",
"write on purple with pencil",
"ploc": "Map Room",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look old",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take old",
"take egg",
"take map",
"take purple ",
"take scroll",
"take all",
"climb down floor",
"climb down old",
"close button",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"make on parchment",
"make on purple ",
"put down pencil",
"put down parchment",
"put down old",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"look at floor with old",
"put old in spell",
"break floor with button",
"break button with old",
"throw pencil at floor",
"throw pencil at old",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw nitfol at old",
"throw parchment at old",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw gondar at old",
"throw old at spell",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw rezrov at old",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw bread at old",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw zifmia at old",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw lantern at old",
"throw book at floor",
"throw book at old",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"throw cleesh at old",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point P to point H",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on parchment with floor",
"make on purple with floor",
"open floor with button",
"open windows with button",
"open pencil with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open point M with button",
"open parchment with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open point P with button",
"open filfre with button",
"open globe with button",
"open maps with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open point B with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open point H with button",
"open purple with button",
"open room with button",
"open sea with button",
"open point V with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open point J with button",
"open point F with button",
"open point K with button",
"open point R with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"ploc": "Map Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"break button",
"take purple ",
"take scroll",
"climb down floor",
"climb down spell",
"close button",
"close slide",
"close crank",
"close egg",
"close knob",
"make on brittle ",
"make on purple ",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down brittle ",
"put down point P",
"put down bread",
"put down point B",
"put down jug",
"put down map",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down point H",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down point F",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"look at floor with spell",
"put scroll in spell",
"break floor with button",
"break button with scroll",
"throw pencil at floor",
"throw pencil at spell",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw nitfol at spell",
"throw point M at floor",
"throw point M at spell",
"throw brittle at spell",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw gondar at spell",
"throw point P at floor",
"throw point P at spell",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw rezrov at spell",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw bread at spell",
"throw point B at floor",
"throw point B at spell",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw zifmia at spell",
"throw map at floor",
"throw map at spell",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw lantern at spell",
"throw book at floor",
"throw book at spell",
"throw point H at floor",
"throw point H at spell",
"throw point V at floor",
"throw point V at spell",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"throw cleesh at spell",
"throw point J at floor",
"throw point J at spell",
"throw point F at floor",
"throw point F at spell",
"throw point K at floor",
"throw point K at spell",
"throw point R at floor",
"throw point R at spell",
"throw scroll at spell",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point P to point H",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on brittle with floor",
"make on purple with floor",
"open floor with button",
"open windows with button",
"open pencil with button",
"open nitfol with button",
"open point M with button",
"open brittle with button",
"open gondar with button",
"open point P with button",
"open filfre with button",
"open globe with button",
"open maps with button",
"open rezrov with button",
"open bread with button",
"open point B with button",
"open zifmia with button",
"open lantern with button",
"open water with button",
"open forest with button",
"open kulcad with button",
"open point H with button",
"open purple with button",
"open room with button",
"open sea with button",
"open point V with button",
"open cleesh with button",
"open point J with button",
"open point F with button",
"open point K with button",
"open point R with button",
"pour jug from floor",
"ploc": "Map Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Guarded Door\nThere is a faintly glowing strong box here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"enter door",
"close door",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point H to point P",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Guarded Door",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "North Gate\nThere is a dusty book here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look pencil",
"look old",
"turn off lantern",
"close dusty book",
"close gate",
"look around dusty book",
"make on scroll",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down point P",
"put down bread",
"put down point B",
"put down jug",
"put down map",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down point H",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down point F",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"look at pencil with old",
"put book in old",
"throw pencil at nitfol ",
"throw pencil at old",
"throw nitfol at pencil",
"throw nitfol at old",
"throw point M at pencil",
"throw point M at old",
"throw scroll at pencil",
"throw scroll at old",
"throw gondar at pencil",
"throw gondar at old",
"throw point P at pencil",
"throw point P at old",
"throw rezrov at pencil",
"throw rezrov at old",
"throw bread at pencil",
"throw bread at old",
"throw point B at pencil",
"throw point B at old",
"throw zifmia at pencil",
"throw zifmia at old",
"throw map at pencil",
"throw map at old",
"throw lantern at pencil",
"throw lantern at old",
"throw book at pencil",
"throw book at old",
"throw point H at pencil",
"throw point H at old",
"throw point V at pencil",
"throw point V at old",
"throw cleesh at pencil",
"throw cleesh at old",
"throw point J at pencil",
"throw point J at old",
"throw point F at pencil",
"throw point F at old",
"throw point K at pencil",
"throw point K at old",
"throw point R at pencil",
"throw point R at old",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point P to point H",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with pencil",
"look at dusty book with jug",
"look at all with dusty book",
"open pencil with dusty book",
"open nitfol with dusty book",
"open point M with dusty book",
"open scroll with dusty book",
"open gondar with dusty book",
"open point P with dusty book",
"open area with dusty book",
"open rezrov with dusty book",
"open bread with dusty book",
"open point B with dusty book",
"open jug with dusty book",
"open zifmia with dusty book",
"open passage with dusty book",
"open map with dusty book",
"open lantern with dusty book",
"open water with dusty book",
"open forest with dusty book",
"open kulcad with dusty book",
"open point H with dusty book",
"open point V with dusty book",
"open cleesh with dusty book",
"open point J with dusty book",
"open gate with dusty book",
"open point F with dusty book",
"open point K with dusty book",
"open point R with dusty book",
"open tower with dusty book",
"open castle with dusty book",
"pour jug from pencil",
"ploc": "North Gate",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors Four\n\n",
"hints": [
"look glass",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down point P",
"put down bread",
"put down point B",
"put down jug",
"put down map",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down point H",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down point F",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"look at glass with spell",
"hit mirrors with pencil",
"throw pencil at nitfol ",
"throw nitfol at pencil",
"throw point M at pencil",
"throw scroll at pencil",
"throw gondar at pencil",
"throw point P at pencil",
"throw rezrov at pencil",
"throw bread at pencil",
"throw point B at pencil",
"throw zifmia at pencil",
"throw map at pencil",
"throw lantern at pencil",
"throw book at pencil",
"throw point H at pencil",
"throw point V at pencil",
"throw cleesh at pencil",
"throw point J at pencil",
"throw point F at pencil",
"throw point K at pencil",
"throw point R at pencil",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point P to point H",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with pencil",
"pour jug from pencil",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Four",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors Three\n\n",
"hints": [
"look glass",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down point P",
"put down bread",
"put down point B",
"put down jug",
"put down map",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down point H",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down point F",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"look at glass with spell",
"hit mirrors with pencil",
"throw pencil at nitfol ",
"throw nitfol at pencil",
"throw point M at pencil",
"throw scroll at pencil",
"throw gondar at pencil",
"throw point P at pencil",
"throw rezrov at pencil",
"throw bread at pencil",
"throw point B at pencil",
"throw zifmia at pencil",
"throw map at pencil",
"throw lantern at pencil",
"throw book at pencil",
"throw point H at pencil",
"throw point V at pencil",
"throw cleesh at pencil",
"throw point J at pencil",
"throw point F at pencil",
"throw point K at pencil",
"throw point R at pencil",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point P to point H",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with pencil",
"pour jug from pencil",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Three",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors Two\n\n",
"hints": [
"look glass",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down point P",
"put down bread",
"put down point B",
"put down jug",
"put down map",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down point H",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down point F",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"look at glass with spell",
"hit mirrors with pencil",
"throw pencil at nitfol ",
"throw nitfol at pencil",
"throw point M at pencil",
"throw scroll at pencil",
"throw gondar at pencil",
"throw point P at pencil",
"throw rezrov at pencil",
"throw bread at pencil",
"throw point B at pencil",
"throw zifmia at pencil",
"throw map at pencil",
"throw lantern at pencil",
"throw book at pencil",
"throw point H at pencil",
"throw point V at pencil",
"throw cleesh at pencil",
"throw point J at pencil",
"throw point F at pencil",
"throw point K at pencil",
"throw point R at pencil",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point P to point H",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with pencil",
"pour jug from pencil",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors Two",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Hall of Mirrors One\n\n",
"hints": [
"look glass",
"look spell",
"hit mirrors",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down point P",
"put down bread",
"put down point B",
"put down jug",
"put down map",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down point H",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down point F",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"look at glass with spell",
"hit mirrors with pencil",
"throw pencil at nitfol ",
"throw nitfol at pencil",
"throw point M at pencil",
"throw scroll at pencil",
"throw gondar at pencil",
"throw point P at pencil",
"throw rezrov at pencil",
"throw bread at pencil",
"throw point B at pencil",
"throw zifmia at pencil",
"throw map at pencil",
"throw lantern at pencil",
"throw book at pencil",
"throw point H at pencil",
"throw point V at pencil",
"throw cleesh at pencil",
"throw point J at pencil",
"throw point F at pencil",
"throw point K at pencil",
"throw point R at pencil",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point P to point H",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with pencil",
"pour jug from pencil",
"ploc": "Hall Mirrors One",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at castle",
"throw bread at castle",
"throw pencil at castle",
"throw nitfol at castle",
"throw point M at castle",
"throw scroll at castle",
"throw lantern at castle",
"throw point H at castle",
"throw gondar at castle",
"throw point P at castle",
"throw point V at castle",
"throw cleesh at castle",
"throw point J at castle",
"throw map at castle",
"throw rezrov at castle",
"throw point F at castle",
"throw point B at castle",
"throw point K at castle",
"throw point R at castle",
"throw zifmia at castle",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point H to point P",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from castle",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Pebbled Path\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down point H",
"put down lantern",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point B",
"put down point F",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"enter arch",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point H to point P",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Pebbled Path",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Inside Gate\nYour stomach is starting to grumble.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look entrance",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb hills",
"make on scroll",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down point P",
"put down bread",
"put down point B",
"put down jug",
"put down map",
"put down lantern",
"put down book",
"put down point H",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down point F",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"enter courtyard",
"lie down entrance",
"look at entrance with spell",
"throw pencil at entrance",
"throw nitfol at entrance",
"throw point M at entrance",
"throw scroll at entrance",
"throw gondar at entrance",
"throw point P at entrance",
"throw rezrov at entrance",
"throw bread at entrance",
"throw point B at entrance",
"throw zifmia at entrance",
"throw map at entrance",
"throw lantern at entrance",
"throw book at entrance",
"throw point H at entrance",
"throw point V at entrance",
"throw cleesh at entrance",
"throw point J at entrance",
"throw point F at entrance",
"throw point K at entrance",
"throw point R at entrance",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point P to point H",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with entrance",
"pour jug from entrance",
"ploc": "Inside Gate",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "West Hall\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"enter archway",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point H to point P",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "West Hall",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at castle",
"throw bread at castle",
"throw pencil at castle",
"throw nitfol at castle",
"throw point M at castle",
"throw scroll at castle",
"throw lantern at castle",
"throw point H at castle",
"throw gondar at castle",
"throw point P at castle",
"throw point V at castle",
"throw cleesh at castle",
"throw point J at castle",
"throw map at castle",
"throw rezrov at castle",
"throw point F at castle",
"throw point B at castle",
"throw point K at castle",
"throw point R at castle",
"throw zifmia at castle",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point H to point P",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from castle",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Mmm. That tasted great! There's still about half of it left, too.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at castle",
"throw bread at castle",
"throw pencil at castle",
"throw nitfol at castle",
"throw point M at castle",
"throw scroll at castle",
"throw lantern at castle",
"throw point H at castle",
"throw gondar at castle",
"throw point P at castle",
"throw point V at castle",
"throw cleesh at castle",
"throw point J at castle",
"throw map at castle",
"throw rezrov at castle",
"throw point F at castle",
"throw point B at castle",
"throw point K at castle",
"throw point R at castle",
"throw zifmia at castle",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point H to point P",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from castle",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "South Hall\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb down water",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point H to point P",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "South Hall",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Dungeon\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look point",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"climb down water",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down map",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"enter cell",
"lie down water",
"look at water with point",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point H to point P",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Dungeon",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Translucent Room\nThis is a peculiar room, whose cream-colored walls are thin and translucent.\nAn exit is to the south and it is very strange indeed, perfectly round and black as pitch.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point H to point P",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The map consists of a drawing with nine points, each represented by a strange character, with interconnecting thin pencil lines. Using your native alphabet, it looks like this:\n\nB J\n! / \\\n! / \\\n! / \\\n! K V\n! / \\\n! / \\\n! / \\\nR-------M F\n \\ / \n \\ / \n \\ / \n H P\n\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make betwee point M to point P",
"make betwee point H to point P",
"make betwee point P to point V",
"make betwee point P to point F",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "A thin line now connects the two spots on the map, but the pencil point is very nearly gone.\nYou feel that two powerful, evil forces are searching each other out. As they meet, the air lightens. Belboz appears before you. \"Something has disturbed the ancient Terror. Krill himself knows this and will try to use it to his purposes. Already, they may have joined together. You must not allow the Terror to escape, or we are all doomed!\" He fades into the gloom.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"look at water with jug",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make betwee point M to point F",
"rub betwee point M to point V",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Time passes...\nSomewhere near, an evil presence lurks, probing your mind. It seems to be moving quickly.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look pencil",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"look at pencil with nitfol ",
"make on scroll",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down point P",
"put down bread",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down point F",
"put down map",
"put down point B",
"put down point H",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down pencil",
"look at pencil with spell",
"throw pencil at nitfol ",
"throw nitfol at pencil",
"throw point M at pencil",
"throw scroll at pencil",
"throw point P at pencil",
"throw rezrov at pencil",
"throw bread at pencil",
"throw book at pencil",
"throw lantern at pencil",
"throw cleesh at pencil",
"throw point F at pencil",
"throw map at pencil",
"throw gondar at pencil",
"throw point B at pencil",
"throw zifmia at pencil",
"throw point H at pencil",
"throw point V at pencil",
"throw point J at pencil",
"throw point K at pencil",
"throw point R at pencil",
"rub betwee point B to point R",
"make on scroll with pencil",
"pour jug from pencil",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The line between the two spots is erased, leaving the eraser barely usable.\nSuddenly, the black passage to the south closes off!\nFrom somewhere nearby, an unseen force probes you, and you are gripped by a sickening feeling.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make betwee point J to point B",
"make betwee point B to point R",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The line between the two spots is erased, leaving the eraser not fit for use.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make betwee point J to point B",
"make betwee point B to point R",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "A thin line now connects the two spots on the map, but the pencil point is gone.\nSuddenly, the wall to the east opens to form a perfectly round and black passage!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make betwee point J to point B",
"make betwee point B to point R",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Translucent Room\nThis is a peculiar room, whose cream-colored walls are thin and translucent.\nPassages go to the west, southwest, and southeast and they are very strange indeed, perfectly round and black as pitch.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Translucent Room\nThis is a peculiar room, whose cream-colored walls are thin and translucent.\nPassages go to the northwest and southeast and they are very strange indeed, perfectly round and black as pitch.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"go water",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Translucent Room\nThis is a peculiar room, whose cream-colored walls are thin and translucent.\nPassages go to the northwest and southwest and they are very strange indeed, perfectly round and black as pitch.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"make on scroll",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down scroll",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down map",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw point M at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw point H at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point V at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw point J at book",
"throw map at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point R at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"make on scroll with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Translucent Room\nThis is a peculiar room, whose cream-colored walls are thin and translucent.\nAn exit is to the northeast and it is very strange indeed, perfectly round and black as pitch.\nA scroll emanating power is here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look point",
"turn off lantern",
"take powerful ",
"take scroll",
"make on brittle ",
"make on powerful ",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down point M",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down point H",
"put down point P",
"put down point V",
"put down point J",
"put down point F",
"put down point B",
"put down map",
"put down point K",
"put down point R",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with point",
"put scroll in point",
"throw book at bread",
"throw book at spell",
"throw bread at book",
"throw bread at spell",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw pencil at spell",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw nitfol at spell",
"throw point M at book",
"throw point M at spell",
"throw brittle at spell",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw lantern at spell",
"throw point H at book",
"throw point H at spell",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw gondar at spell",
"throw point P at book",
"throw point P at spell",
"throw point V at book",
"throw point V at spell",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw cleesh at spell",
"throw point J at book",
"throw point J at spell",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw rezrov at spell",
"throw point F at book",
"throw point F at spell",
"throw point B at book",
"throw point B at spell",
"throw map at book",
"throw map at spell",
"throw point K at book",
"throw point K at spell",
"throw point R at book",
"throw point R at spell",
"throw zifmia at book",
"throw zifmia at spell",
"throw scroll at spell",
"make on brittle with jug",
"make on powerful with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look point",
"turn off lantern",
"take powerful ",
"take map",
"take scroll",
"take all",
"make on brittle ",
"make on powerful ",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down pencil",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with point",
"put scroll in point",
"throw book at bread",
"throw book at spell",
"throw bread at book",
"throw bread at spell",
"throw pencil at book",
"throw pencil at spell",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw nitfol at spell",
"throw brittle at spell",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw lantern at spell",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw gondar at spell",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw cleesh at spell",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw rezrov at spell",
"throw zifmia at book",
"throw zifmia at spell",
"throw scroll at spell",
"make on brittle with jug",
"make on powerful with jug",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"badly worn pencil",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look point",
"turn off lantern",
"take pencil",
"take powerful ",
"take map",
"take scroll",
"take all",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with point",
"put scroll in point",
"throw book at bread",
"throw book at spell",
"throw bread at book",
"throw bread at spell",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw nitfol at spell",
"throw brittle at spell",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw lantern at spell",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw gondar at spell",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw cleesh at spell",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw rezrov at spell",
"throw zifmia at book",
"throw zifmia at spell",
"throw scroll at spell",
"pour jug from book",
"write on brittle with pencil",
"write on powerful with pencil",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"take pencil",
"take map",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"write on powerful with pencil",
"write on brittle with pencil",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"guncho spell: banish the victim to another plane of existence\". The spell seems very long and extremely complicated.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"take pencil",
"take map",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"write on powerful with pencil",
"write on brittle with pencil",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Translucent Room\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"look at water with jug",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Translucent Room\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"go water",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Translucent Room\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "You hear a horrible anguished scream through the walls of the cavern as the terror realizes that it is trapped and its scroll of power stolen!\n\nTranslucent Room\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Room",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Dungeon\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"climb down water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"enter cell",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Dungeon",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "South Hall\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb down water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "South Hall",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Closet\nThere is a sacrificial dagger here.\nA jewelled box is sitting on the ground.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"take dagger",
"take box",
"take all",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down powerful ",
"put down bread",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"open box",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at dagger",
"throw powerful at dagger",
"throw bread at dagger",
"throw nitfol at dagger",
"throw brittle at dagger",
"throw lantern at dagger",
"throw gondar at dagger",
"throw cleesh at dagger",
"throw rezrov at dagger",
"throw zifmia at dagger",
"open box with dagger",
"pour jug from dagger",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Opening the jewelled box reveals a vellum scroll.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"take dagger",
"take scroll",
"take box",
"take vellum",
"take all",
"close box",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down powerful ",
"put down bread",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with scroll",
"put jug in box",
"put dagger in box",
"put book in box",
"put powerful in box",
"put bread in box",
"put brittle in box",
"put lantern in box",
"take scroll from spell",
"take scroll from box",
"throw book at dagger",
"throw book at scroll",
"throw powerful at dagger",
"throw powerful at scroll",
"throw bread at dagger",
"throw bread at scroll",
"throw nitfol at dagger",
"throw nitfol at scroll",
"throw brittle at dagger",
"throw brittle at scroll",
"throw lantern at dagger",
"throw lantern at scroll",
"throw gondar at dagger",
"throw gondar at scroll",
"throw cleesh at dagger",
"throw cleesh at scroll",
"throw rezrov at dagger",
"throw rezrov at scroll",
"throw zifmia at dagger",
"throw zifmia at scroll",
"put all in box",
"pour jug from dagger",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"take dagger",
"take box",
"close box",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down powerful ",
"put down bread",
"put down vellum",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"gnusto melbor ",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"put jug in box",
"put dagger in box",
"put book in box",
"put powerful in box",
"put bread in box",
"put vellum in box",
"put brittle in box",
"put lantern in box",
"throw book at dagger",
"throw powerful at dagger",
"throw bread at dagger",
"throw nitfol at dagger",
"throw vellum at dagger",
"throw brittle at dagger",
"throw lantern at dagger",
"throw gondar at dagger",
"throw cleesh at dagger",
"throw rezrov at dagger",
"throw zifmia at dagger",
"put all in box",
"pour jug from dagger",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"vellum ",
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"melbor spell: protect magic users from harm by evil beings\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"take dagger",
"take box",
"close box",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down powerful ",
"put down bread",
"put down vellum",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"gnusto melbor ",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"put jug in box",
"put dagger in box",
"put book in box",
"put powerful in box",
"put bread in box",
"put vellum in box",
"put brittle in box",
"put lantern in box",
"throw book at dagger",
"throw powerful at dagger",
"throw bread at dagger",
"throw nitfol at dagger",
"throw vellum at dagger",
"throw brittle at dagger",
"throw lantern at dagger",
"throw gondar at dagger",
"throw cleesh at dagger",
"throw rezrov at dagger",
"throw zifmia at dagger",
"put all in box",
"pour jug from dagger",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"vellum ",
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the melbor spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"take dagger",
"take box",
"take all",
"close box",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down powerful ",
"put down bread",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"put jug in box",
"put dagger in box",
"put book in box",
"put powerful in box",
"put bread in box",
"put brittle in box",
"put lantern in box",
"throw book at dagger",
"throw powerful at dagger",
"throw bread at dagger",
"throw nitfol at dagger",
"throw brittle at dagger",
"throw lantern at dagger",
"throw gondar at dagger",
"throw cleesh at dagger",
"throw melbor at dagger",
"throw rezrov at dagger",
"throw zifmia at dagger",
"put all in box",
"pour jug from dagger",
"ploc": "Closet",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Courtyard\nEverything you see is grey and lifeless, as though covered with a veil of ash. Sound is muted and there is a faint acrid odor.\nThis is the westernmost point in a large open courtyard. The huge entrance gate to the castle looms ominously to the west. The courtyard widens as it proceeds to the east, where a large, ivy-covered temple stands. On either side of the temple are small towers. Far beyond the temple, high above, are two large towers marking the corners of the castle. A squat dark turret hunches between them, blackening the sky around it. A small path leads into the castle to the south.\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down lantern",
"put down brittle ",
"put down all",
"go around courtyard",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at entrance",
"throw bread at entrance",
"throw powerful at entrance",
"throw melbor at entrance",
"throw nitfol at entrance",
"throw rezrov at entrance",
"throw lantern at entrance",
"throw brittle at entrance",
"throw gondar at entrance",
"throw zifmia at entrance",
"throw cleesh at entrance",
"pour jug from entrance",
"ploc": "Courtyard",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Inside Gate\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb hills",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down lantern",
"put down brittle ",
"put down all",
"enter courtyard",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at gate",
"throw bread at gate",
"throw powerful at gate",
"throw melbor at gate",
"throw nitfol at gate",
"throw rezrov at gate",
"throw lantern at gate",
"throw brittle at gate",
"throw gondar at gate",
"throw zifmia at gate",
"throw cleesh at gate",
"pour jug from gate",
"ploc": "Inside Gate",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Outside Gate\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at entrance",
"throw bread at entrance",
"throw powerful at entrance",
"throw nitfol at entrance",
"throw brittle at entrance",
"throw lantern at entrance",
"throw gondar at entrance",
"throw cleesh at entrance",
"throw melbor at entrance",
"throw rezrov at entrance",
"throw zifmia at entrance",
"pour jug from entrance"
"ploc": "Outside Gate",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Western Road\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\nYour mouth is getting rather dry.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book"
"ploc": "Western Road",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The delicious spring water tasted great, but the jug is now empty.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look jug",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down jug",
"look at jug with spell",
"put powerful in jug",
"put brittle in jug",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book"
"ploc": "Western Road",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Eastern Fork\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look jug",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down jug",
"look at jug with spell",
"put powerful in jug",
"put brittle in jug",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Eastern Fork",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Trail Head\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look jug",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down jug",
"look at jug with spell",
"put powerful in jug",
"put brittle in jug",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Trail Head",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Shady Brook\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look jug",
"look old",
"turn off lantern",
"take brook",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down old",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down jug",
"look at jug with old",
"put powerful in jug",
"put brittle in jug",
"put old in spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw book at old",
"throw bread at book",
"throw bread at old",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw powerful at old",
"throw old at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw nitfol at old",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw lantern at old",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw gondar at old",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw cleesh at old",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw melbor at old",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw rezrov at old",
"throw zifmia at book",
"throw zifmia at old",
"put old in jug",
"fill jug at brook",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Shady Brook",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "The jug is now full of water.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look old",
"turn off lantern",
"take brook",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down old",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with old",
"put old in spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw book at old",
"throw bread at book",
"throw bread at old",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw powerful at old",
"throw old at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw nitfol at old",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw lantern at old",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw gondar at old",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw cleesh at old",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw melbor at old",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw rezrov at old",
"throw zifmia at book",
"throw zifmia at old",
"fill jug at brook",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Shady Brook",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Trail Head\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"look all",
"turn off lantern",
"look at water with jug",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Trail Head",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Eastern Fork\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Eastern Fork",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Western Road\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book"
"ploc": "Western Road",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Outside Gate\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at entrance",
"throw bread at entrance",
"throw powerful at entrance",
"throw nitfol at entrance",
"throw brittle at entrance",
"throw lantern at entrance",
"throw gondar at entrance",
"throw cleesh at entrance",
"throw melbor at entrance",
"throw rezrov at entrance",
"throw zifmia at entrance",
"pour jug from entrance"
"ploc": "Outside Gate",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Inside Gate\nThe darkening sky is lit by a waning moon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb hills",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down lantern",
"put down brittle ",
"put down all",
"enter courtyard",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at gate",
"throw bread at gate",
"throw powerful at gate",
"throw melbor at gate",
"throw nitfol at gate",
"throw rezrov at gate",
"throw lantern at gate",
"throw brittle at gate",
"throw gondar at gate",
"throw zifmia at gate",
"throw cleesh at gate",
"pour jug from gate",
"ploc": "Inside Gate",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "West Hall\nThe darkened sky is now full of bright stars. It is night.\nToday seemed shorter than yesterday, somehow.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"enter archway",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "West Hall",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Tower\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the melbor spell.\nYou are beginning to tire.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"lie down water",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Ah, sleep! It's been a long day, indeed. The rest will do you good. You spread your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and refreshing your mind ... Time passes as you snore blissfully.\n\nYou sleep fitfully. At one point it seems that some evil presence is searching nearby. The tense feeling passes, but it's replaced by one of foreboding.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the vaxum spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the gondar spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the melbor spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Tower",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "South Hall\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb down water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "South Hall",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Gallery\nThere is a lighted portrait here.\nBats flutter by, red eyes glowing.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look portraits",
"turn off lantern",
"look around persons",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down lantern",
"put down brittle ",
"put down all",
"look at water with portraits",
"put jug in niche",
"put book in niche",
"put bread in niche",
"put powerful in niche",
"put lantern in niche",
"put brittle in niche",
"throw book at niche",
"throw bread at niche",
"throw powerful at niche",
"throw melbor at niche",
"throw nitfol at niche",
"throw rezrov at niche",
"throw lantern at niche",
"throw brittle at niche",
"throw gondar at niche",
"throw zifmia at niche",
"throw cleesh at niche",
"put all in niche",
"pour jug from niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "A wave of warmth courses through you, leaving you with a feeling of great internal strength.\nYour stomach is starting to grumble.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look portraits",
"turn off lantern",
"look around persons",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down lantern",
"put down brittle ",
"put down all",
"look at water with portraits",
"put jug in niche",
"put book in niche",
"put bread in niche",
"put powerful in niche",
"put lantern in niche",
"put brittle in niche",
"throw book at niche",
"throw bread at niche",
"throw powerful at niche",
"throw melbor at niche",
"throw nitfol at niche",
"throw rezrov at niche",
"throw lantern at niche",
"throw brittle at niche",
"throw gondar at niche",
"throw zifmia at niche",
"throw cleesh at niche",
"put all in niche",
"pour jug from niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Mmm. That tasted great! There's nearly half of it left, too.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look portraits",
"turn off lantern",
"look around persons",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down lantern",
"put down brittle ",
"put down all",
"look at water with portraits",
"put jug in niche",
"put book in niche",
"put bread in niche",
"put powerful in niche",
"put lantern in niche",
"put brittle in niche",
"throw book at niche",
"throw bread at niche",
"throw powerful at niche",
"throw melbor at niche",
"throw nitfol at niche",
"throw rezrov at niche",
"throw lantern at niche",
"throw brittle at niche",
"throw gondar at niche",
"throw zifmia at niche",
"throw cleesh at niche",
"put all in niche",
"pour jug from niche"
"ploc": "Gallery",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "South Gate\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"close gate",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down lantern",
"put down brittle ",
"put down all",
"enter gate",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at gate",
"throw bread at gate",
"throw powerful at gate",
"throw melbor at gate",
"throw nitfol at gate",
"throw rezrov at gate",
"throw lantern at gate",
"throw brittle at gate",
"throw gondar at gate",
"throw zifmia at gate",
"throw cleesh at gate",
"pour jug from gate",
"ploc": "South Gate",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "East Hall\nEverything you see is grey and lifeless, as though covered with a veil of ash. Sound is muted and there is a faint acrid odor.\nThis short piece of corridor continues to the north and south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "East Hall",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Banquet Hall\nThis desolate hall is nearly empty, save for a few long benches which are scattered throughout the room. The walls seem to be scorched, and everywhere are signs of decay. A sickening odor pervades the room, and wisps of acrid black smoke can be seen to the north. A wide passage leads south, and a small one opens to the east.\nTo the north you can hear the sound of a group of low, guttural voices.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down lantern",
"put down brittle ",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Banquet Hall",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Junction\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down book",
"put down lantern",
"put down brittle ",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"throw bread at powerful ",
"throw powerful at bread",
"throw book at bread",
"throw melbor at bread",
"throw nitfol at bread",
"throw rezrov at bread",
"throw lantern at bread",
"throw brittle at bread",
"throw gondar at bread",
"throw zifmia at bread",
"throw cleesh at bread",
"pour jug from bread",
"ploc": "Junction",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Landing\nEverything you see is grey and lifeless, as though covered with a veil of ash. Sound is muted and there is a faint acrid odor.\nThe wall is cylindrical here, with exits east and west. The eastern one opens into a dark, enclosed space. The air is thick with acrid smoke, and black, greasy ashes mar the floor. The mortar and stones of the walls are stained and crumbly.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down lantern",
"put down brittle ",
"put down all",
"look at water with spell",
"throw book at floor",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw powerful at floor",
"throw melbor at floor",
"throw nitfol at floor",
"throw rezrov at floor",
"throw lantern at floor",
"throw brittle at floor",
"throw gondar at floor",
"throw zifmia at floor",
"throw cleesh at floor",
"pour jug from floor"
"ploc": "Landing",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "Winding Stair\nThis is a winding stair, stretching up and down out of sight. The walls are mossy and damp. An exit leads west to a landing.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"turn off lantern",
"climb water",
"put down jug",
"put down book",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down brittle ",
"put down lantern",
"put down all",
"kulcad stair",
"look at water with spell",
"cast kulcad at stair",
"throw book at bread",
"throw bread at book",
"throw powerful at book",
"throw nitfol at book",
"throw brittle at book",
"throw lantern at book",
"throw gondar at book",
"throw cleesh at book",
"throw melbor at book",
"throw rezrov at book",
"throw zifmia at book",
"pour jug from book",
"ploc": "Winding Stair",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"brittle ",
"battered lantern",
"loaf bread",
"msg": "As you cast the spell, the brittle scroll vanishes!\nThe stairway begins to dissolve before your eyes, leaving a circular area with exits east and west, but remarkable mainly for its absence of a floor. Indeed, you find yourself standing in midair above a deep pit with the sort of comical look which is found mainly among duped cartoon characters. Frantically, you grab for the solid bannister, dropping your heavier possessions in your desire to save yourself! But the bannister shifts and dissolves as well, leaving you grasping what appears to be an ornate scroll.\nYou plummet downward, deeper into the pit, but the bottom is still not visible. Far ahead of you fall your former possessions.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down guncho ",
"put down ornate",
"put down all",
"look around room",
"look at floor with scroll",
"put bread in jug",
"put powerful in jug",
"put ornate in jug",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw powerful at floor",
"throw ornate at floor",
"pour bread from floor",
"pour powerful from floor",
"pour guncho from floor",
"pour ornate from floor"
"ploc": "Winding Stair",
"inv": [
"ornate ",
"powerful ",
"loaf bread"
"msg": "The scroll reads \"izyuk spell: fly like a bird\".\nYou plummet downward, deeper into the pit, but the bottom is still not visible. Far ahead of you fall your former possessions.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look scroll",
"turn off lantern",
"put down bread",
"put down powerful ",
"put down guncho ",
"put down ornate",
"put down all",
"look around room",
"look at floor with scroll",
"put bread in jug",
"put powerful in jug",
"put ornate in jug",
"throw bread at floor",
"throw powerful at floor",
"throw ornate at floor",
"pour bread from floor",
"pour powerful from floor",
"pour guncho from floor",
"pour ornate from floor"
"ploc": "Winding Stair",
"inv": [
"ornate ",
"powerful ",
"loaf bread"
"msg": "As you cast the spell, the ornate scroll vanishes!\nYour descent slows, and you are floating serenely in midair. The tower surrounds you, with wide-cut openings to the east and west. You could probably fly in either direction if you wished.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"turn off lantern",
"look at floor with jug",
"climb down floor",
"put down scroll",
"put down bread",
"put down guncho ",
"put down all",
"look around room",
"put scroll in jug",
"put bread in jug",
"throw scroll at floor",
"throw bread at floor",
"pour scroll from floor",
"pour bread from floor",
"pour guncho from floor",
"ploc": "Winding Stair",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"loaf bread"
"msg": "Effortlessly, you float eastward and settle to the ground.\nAs you enter, you realize that this is Krill's secret chamber, protected by powerful illusions now broken by your skills. Before you stands Krill, engaged in the casting of some complex and horrific magic. Krill turns to face you, surprised and annoyed by your intrusion. You have seen him before: cloaked in black, he sacrificed you at the Altar before his hoard. His yellow eyes glisten and he breathes deeply. In a voice as deep as the great caverns of the earth, he speaks: \"Fool! Parlor magician! You dare to defile my chamber with your worm-like presence. I shall not waste words with you. Goodbye, spell-monger!\" Krill snaps his fingers loudly, and a giant dragon appears, breathing gouts of flame. He moves ever closer, red eyes bulging with malice!\n\nWarlock's Tower\nA dragon, spouting flame, approaches!\nThe warlock Krill, robed in black, stands before you, in eager anticipation of your death.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look bread",
"look at bread with scroll",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"gondar flame",
"play krill",
"throw bread at scroll",
"throw scroll at bread"
"ploc": "Warlock's Tower",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"loaf bread"
"msg": "The dragon's flame is doused in a torrent of water as you cast the gondar spell! He disappears with a torturous scream.\nKrill seems to be somewhat amused.\n\n\"A fine spell, wizard-worm, but your luck has ended!\" With another snap of his fingers, he summons a being whose essence is evil. It has a shape which is masked by its blackness and exudes a foul, fetid odor. In its hand is a large battle axe. At a signal from Krill, it advances!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look bread",
"look at bread with scroll",
"put down bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"play krill",
"vaxum monster",
"throw bread at scroll",
"throw scroll at bread"
"ploc": "Warlock's Tower",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"loaf bread"
"msg": "The monster hesitates, stops, smiles, and disappears.\n\nKrill seems to be losing patience.\n\n\"I am through playing games, carnival-clown! You shall return to your Circle, but I am afraid that all the little pieces will prove hard to reassemble!\" He laughs hideously and starts a guttural chant which shakes the very tower.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look scroll",
"look at scroll with bread",
"put down scroll",
"put down bread",
"put down all",
"play krill",
"throw scroll at bread",
"throw bread at scroll"
"ploc": "Warlock's Tower",
"inv": [
"powerful ",
"loaf bread"
"msg": "Krill recoils as he hears the first words of the guncho spell. For a few seconds he continues with the spell he was casting, trying to finish before you. He fumbles some syllables! Then he steps back and, with his hands outstretched toward you, lets out a blood-curdling scream. His face twisted, and his body vibrating with the effort of resisting the enchantment, he utters a spell of power, and is gone! After a quiet moment, a rumble begins deep in the earth. It strengthens as the tower starts to sway. The floor gives way beneath you and you tumble down towards the sea ... then you are surrounded by a burst of light.\n\nYou realize that you are with the Circle. The Eldest of the Circle, Belboz, rises and speaks: \"The evil of Krill is ended this day. From beyond hope, you have proved yourself great and worthy. Our hearts are gladdened at your return.\" A chair appears at his right hand and he motions for you to sit beside him. He smiles warmly. \"Join with us,\" he says, \"and tell us of your quest!\"\n\nHere ends the first chapter of the Enchanter saga, in which, by virtue of your skills, you have joined the Circle of Enchanters. Further adventures await you as the Enchanter series continues.\n\n Warlock's Tower Score: 400 Moves: 397 \nYour score is 400 of a possible 400, in 397 moves.\nThis puts you in the class of Member of the Circle of Enchanters.\n\nWould you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game position, or end this session of the game?\n(Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):\n\n",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"enter shack",
"take JUG",
"take LANTERN",
"exit shack",
"drink water",
"Take book",
"EXAMINE dusty book",
"drink water",
"eat bread",
"drink water",
"drink water",
} |
null | {
"rewards": [
"states": [
"msg": "\nTwisted Forest\nYou are on a path through a blighted forest. The trees are sickly, and there is no undergrowth at all. One tree here looks climbable. The path, which ends here, continues to the northeast.\n\nA hellhound is racing straight toward you, its open jaws displaying rows of razor-sharp teeth.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tree",
"look sorcerer",
"climb tree",
"look at tree throug hellhound",
"look at tree throug sorcerer",
"ploc": "Twisted Forest",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes...\n\nThe hellhound reaches you and tears you apart with its powerful teeth.\n\n...and a moment later you wake up in a cold sweat and realize you've been dreaming.\n\nSORCERER\nInfocom interactive fiction - a fantasy story\nCopyright (c) 1984 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.\nSORCERER is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.\nRelease 18 / Serial number 860904\n\nYour frotz spell seems to have worn off during the night, and it is now pitch black.\n\n",
"hints": [
"take up book",
"put down book",
"frotz book"
"ploc": "bed",
"inv": [
"msg": "There is an almost blinding flash of light as the spell book begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the spell book is now quite usable as a light source.\n\nYour Quarters, in the bed\nThis is your chamber in the Hall of the Guild of Enchanters, with a doorway to the west. A private chamber is a great privilege, especially for an Enchanter as young as yourself, but how many Enchanters can say they defeated the infamous Krill?\n\n",
"hints": [
"look hall",
"look spell",
"hit enchanter",
"take out bed",
"put down book",
"frotz enchanter",
"look at spell throug hall",
"put book down bed",
"hit hall with enchanter",
"take enchanter from book"
"ploc": "bed",
"inv": [
"msg": "You are now on your feet.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look room",
"look spell",
"take in bed",
"hit enchanter",
"exit doorway",
"put down book",
"frotz enchanter",
"look at spell throug room",
"put book down bed",
"hit room with enchanter",
"take enchanter from book"
"ploc": "Quarters",
"inv": [
"msg": "Hallway\nRooms lie to the east and west from this north-south corridor. A heavy wooden door, currently closed, leads north.\nTacked to the doorframe of your room is a note, hurriedly scribbled on parchment.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look note",
"look spell",
"take note",
"put down book",
"frotz note",
"open door",
"look at spell throug note",
"open door with rezrov ",
"throw book at note",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"msg": "(Taken)\n\"I have taken the apprentices into town to shop for the Guild picnic. I tried rousing you, but you seemed deep asleep. By the way, have you seen Belboz anywhere? It's not like him to leave without telling someone -- but then, he's been acting pretty odd of late.\n\n -- Frobar\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look book",
"look spell",
"put down book",
"put down note",
"put down all",
"frotz note",
"open door",
"look at spell throug book",
"open door with note",
"throw book at note",
"throw note at book",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"scribbled note",
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look note",
"look spell",
"take note",
"put down book",
"frotz note",
"open door",
"look at spell throug note",
"open door with pulver ",
"throw book at note",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"msg": "Belboz's Quarters\nThe personal chamber of Belboz, who presides over the Circle of Enchanters, is appointed with a beautiful woven wall hanging, an exotic morgia plant, and a wide darkwood desk crafted by the artisans of Gurth. The hallway lies to the east.\nPacing back and forth on a perch in the corner is Belboz's prized pet parrot, native to the jungles of Miznia.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chamber",
"look spell",
"hit enchanter",
"look down desk",
"exit hanging",
"look behind hanging",
"put down book",
"search desk",
"frotz enchanter",
"look at spell throug chamber",
"hit chamber with enchanter",
"take enchanter from book",
"cast rezrov at desk",
"touch chamber with hanging",
"put book across desk",
"open desk with enchanter"
"ploc": "'s Quarters",
"inv": [
"msg": "Opening the desk drawer reveals an infotater, a journal, and a tiny box.\n\n\"Squawk! You should never have let down your mindshield, you doddering old Enchanter. Squawk!\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chamber",
"look spell",
"hit enchanters",
"take box",
"take infotater",
"take journal",
"look down box",
"close desk",
"exit box",
"look behind hanging",
"put down book",
"frotz box",
"frotz enchanters",
"frotz infotater",
"frotz journal",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug chamber",
"put book down desk",
"hit chamber with enchanters",
"take box from desk",
"take enchanters from book",
"take infotater from desk",
"take journal from desk",
"take all from drawer",
"cast rezrov at box",
"touch chamber with hanging",
"put book across desk",
"open box with enchanters"
"ploc": "'s Quarters",
"inv": [
"msg": "tiny box: Taken.\njournal: Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chamber",
"look spell",
"hit enchanters",
"take infotater",
"look down box",
"close desk",
"exit hanging",
"look behind hanging",
"put down box",
"put down journal",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz enchanters",
"frotz infotater",
"frotz box",
"frotz journal",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug chamber",
"put box down desk",
"put journal down desk",
"put book down desk",
"put all down desk",
"hit chamber with enchanters",
"take enchanters from box",
"take enchanters from journal",
"take enchanters from book",
"take infotater from desk",
"cast rezrov at box",
"touch chamber with hanging",
"put box across desk",
"put journal across desk",
"put book across desk",
"put all across desk",
"open box with enchanters"
"ploc": "'s Quarters",
"inv": [
"tiny box",
"msg": "As you move the tapestry, a key falls out from behind it and lands on the floor.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chamber",
"look spell",
"hit enchanters",
"take key",
"take infotater",
"look down box",
"close desk",
"exit key",
"put down box",
"put down journal",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz key",
"frotz enchanters",
"frotz infotater",
"frotz box",
"frotz journal",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug chamber",
"put box down desk",
"put journal down desk",
"put book down desk",
"put all down desk",
"hit chamber with enchanters",
"take key from desk",
"take enchanters from box",
"take enchanters from journal",
"take enchanters from book",
"take infotater from desk",
"cast rezrov at box",
"put box across desk",
"put journal across desk",
"put book across desk",
"put all across desk",
"open box with enchanters"
"ploc": "'s Quarters",
"inv": [
"tiny box",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n\"Squawk! This tea is cold! Get me another cup. Squawk!\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chamber",
"look spell",
"hit enchanters",
"take infotater",
"look down box",
"close desk",
"exit key",
"put down key",
"put down box",
"put down journal",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz key",
"frotz enchanters",
"frotz infotater",
"frotz box",
"frotz journal",
"open journal",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug chamber",
"put key down desk",
"put box down desk",
"put journal down desk",
"put book down desk",
"put all down desk",
"hit chamber with enchanters",
"take enchanters from key",
"take enchanters from box",
"take enchanters from journal",
"take enchanters from book",
"take infotater from desk",
"cast rezrov at box",
"put key across desk",
"put box across desk",
"put journal across desk",
"put book across desk",
"put all across desk",
"open box with key",
"open journal with key"
"ploc": "'s Quarters",
"inv": [
"tiny box",
"msg": "(with the key)\nThe journal springs open.\n\n\"Squawk! Where did I leave my spectacles? Squawk!\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chamber",
"look spell",
"hit enchanters",
"take infotater",
"look down box",
"close desk",
"close journal",
"exit key",
"put down key",
"put down box",
"put down journal",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz key",
"frotz enchanters",
"frotz infotater",
"frotz box",
"frotz journal",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug chamber",
"put key down desk",
"put box down desk",
"put journal down desk",
"put book down desk",
"put all down desk",
"hit chamber with enchanters",
"take enchanters from key",
"take enchanters from box",
"take enchanters from journal",
"take enchanters from book",
"take infotater from desk",
"cast rezrov at box",
"put key across desk",
"put box across desk",
"put journal across desk",
"put book across desk",
"put all across desk",
"open box with key"
"ploc": "'s Quarters",
"inv": [
"tiny box",
"msg": "You skim through the pages of the journal, a combination diary and notebook. Most of the notations, written in Belboz's familiar flowing script, deal with meetings of the Circle and business of the Guild.\n\nThere is one interesting entry toward the end of the book. Belboz refers to an ancient and evil force known simply as Jeearr, a demon whose powers could endanger the Circle and possibly the entire kingdom. He has decided to conduct some dangerous exploratory experiments, operating alone to shield the Circle from the perils involved.\n\nThe last three entries are strange and frightening -- written in a hand quite different from that of Belboz, and in a language totally unfamiliar to you.\n\nOn the inside cover is an inscription, written in a light script, which reads \"Current code: bloodworm\".\n\n\"Squawk! Where did I leave my spectacles? Squawk!\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chamber",
"look spell",
"hit enchanters",
"take infotater",
"look down box",
"close desk",
"close journal",
"exit key",
"put down key",
"put down box",
"put down journal",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz key",
"frotz enchanters",
"frotz infotater",
"frotz box",
"frotz journal",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug chamber",
"put key down desk",
"put box down desk",
"put journal down desk",
"put book down desk",
"put all down desk",
"hit chamber with enchanters",
"take enchanters from key",
"take enchanters from box",
"take enchanters from journal",
"take enchanters from book",
"take infotater from desk",
"cast rezrov at box",
"put key across desk",
"put box across desk",
"put journal across desk",
"put book across desk",
"put all across desk",
"open box with key"
"ploc": "'s Quarters",
"inv": [
"tiny box",
"msg": "journal: Dropped.\nsmall key: Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chamber",
"look spell",
"hit enchanters",
"take key",
"take infotater",
"take journal",
"take all",
"look down box",
"close desk",
"close journal",
"exit key",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz key",
"frotz enchanters",
"frotz infotater",
"frotz box",
"frotz journal",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug chamber",
"put box down desk",
"put book down desk",
"put all down desk",
"hit chamber with enchanters",
"take key from desk",
"take enchanters from box",
"take enchanters from book",
"take infotater from desk",
"take journal from desk",
"cast rezrov at box",
"put box across desk",
"put book across desk",
"put all across desk",
"open box with enchanters"
"ploc": "'s Quarters",
"inv": [
"tiny box",
"msg": "Hallway\nThere is a scribbled note here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look note",
"look spell",
"take note",
"look down box",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz note",
"frotz box",
"open door",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug note",
"cast rezrov at box",
"open door with box",
"throw box at note",
"throw book at note",
"open box with rezrov ",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"tiny box",
"msg": "Hallway\nRooms lie to the east and west from this north-south corridor. A large marble archway to the south leads into an open area.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look hallway",
"look spell",
"look down box",
"put down book",
"put down box",
"put down all",
"frotz box",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug hallway",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw book at hallway",
"throw box at hallway",
"open box with rezrov ",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"tiny box",
"msg": "Lobby\nThis is the entrance lobby of the Guild Hall. Befitting the status and wealth of the Guild, the lobby is finished with polished Antharian marble, inlaid with intricate patterns of silver leaf. To the north is a wide arch, and smaller openings flank the area on the eastern and western sides, as well as the northeastern and northwestern corners. A narrow stair leads downward. Through another arch to the south, you can see the entrance steps and the main road into town.\nAffixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended for use by messengers.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look brass",
"look spell",
"climb down stair",
"look down box",
"put down book",
"put down box",
"put down all",
"frotz box",
"open brass",
"rezrov brass",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug brass",
"cast rezrov at brass",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw book at brass",
"throw box at brass",
"open brass with box",
"open box with pulver ",
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"tiny box",
"msg": "Store Room\nThis is a closet for storage. The only exit is east.\nAmong the provisions here is a small ochre-colored vial, closed and labelled with tiny lettering.\nThere is a calendar here (providing light).\nThere is a depleted matchbook here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look book",
"look spell",
"take matchbook",
"take calendar",
"take vial",
"take all",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"exit book",
"put down book",
"put down box",
"put down all",
"frotz matchbook",
"frotz box",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at spell throug book",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"throw book at matchbook",
"throw box at book",
"open box with pulver ",
"open vial with box"
"ploc": "Store Room",
"inv": [
"tiny box",
"msg": "ochre vial: Taken.\ncalendar: Taken.\ndepleted matchbook: Taken.\n\nYou are now a bit thirsty.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look book",
"look spell",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"exit book",
"put down book",
"put down matchbook",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"frotz matchbook",
"frotz box",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at spell throug book",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"throw book at matchbook",
"throw matchbook at book",
"throw calendar at book",
"throw box at book",
"throw vial at book",
"open box with vial",
"open vial with box"
"ploc": "Store Room",
"inv": [
"depleted matchbook",
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Lobby\nAffixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended for use by messengers.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look spell",
"climb down stair",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"put down vial",
"put down book",
"put down matchbook",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz matchbook",
"frotz box",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug vial",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at marble",
"throw book at vial",
"throw matchbook at vial",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"open vial with box",
"open box with vial",
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"depleted matchbook",
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Opened.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look brass",
"look spell",
"climb down stair",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"close brass",
"put down book",
"put down matchbook",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"frotz matchbook",
"frotz box",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at spell throug brass",
"put book down brass",
"put matchbook down brass",
"put calendar down brass",
"put box down brass",
"put vial down brass",
"put all down brass",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"throw book at brass",
"throw matchbook at brass",
"throw calendar at brass",
"throw box at brass",
"throw vial at brass",
"open box with pulver ",
"open vial with box",
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"depleted matchbook",
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "\"Amazing Vilstu Potion!\n\nGet by without breathing! Amaze your\nfriends! Be the first person on the\nblock to own some!\n\nOrder today by dropping this in any\nmailbox. Our shipping department will\nuse the latest in temporal travel\ntechniques to insure that your potion\narrives the same day you order it!\n(Orders received before noon will\narrive the day before you order).\"\n\nYou are now a bit hungry.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look brass",
"look spell",
"climb down stair",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"close brass",
"put down book",
"put down matchbook",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"frotz matchbook",
"frotz box",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at spell throug brass",
"put book down brass",
"put matchbook down brass",
"put calendar down brass",
"put box down brass",
"put vial down brass",
"put all down brass",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"throw book at brass",
"throw matchbook at brass",
"throw calendar at brass",
"throw box at brass",
"throw vial at brass",
"open box with pulver ",
"open vial with box",
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"depleted matchbook",
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Done.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look brass",
"look spell",
"climb down stair",
"take matchbook",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"close brass",
"put down book",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"frotz matchbook",
"frotz box",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at spell throug brass",
"put book down brass",
"put calendar down brass",
"put box down brass",
"put vial down brass",
"put all down brass",
"take matchbook from brass",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"throw book at brass",
"throw calendar at brass",
"throw box at brass",
"throw vial at brass",
"open box with pulver ",
"open vial with box",
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Library\nThis is a study chamber for members of the Guild. Usually, there would be several elder Enchanters patiently training novices, but no one is here at the moment. The only exit is west.\nLying open on a stand in one corner is a heavy volume, probably a copy of the Encyclopedia Frobizzica.\nThe servants have been lax lately, for a scroll is lying among the dust in the corner.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chamber",
"look spell",
"hit enchanters",
"take scroll",
"take spell",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down vial",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz enchanters",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at spell throug chamber",
"hit chamber with enchanters",
"hit spell with enchanters",
"take enchanters from calendar",
"take enchanters from box",
"take enchanters from vial",
"take enchanters from book",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"open box with enchanters",
"open vial with enchanters",
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look hall",
"look spell",
"look guild",
"hit enchanters",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down vial",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz enchanters",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz vial",
"gnusto scroll",
"meef hall",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at hall throug copy",
"look at spell throug hall",
"hit hall with enchanters",
"take enchanters from calendar",
"take enchanters from box",
"take enchanters from scroll",
"take enchanters from vial",
"take enchanters from book",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"open box with enchanters",
"open vial with enchanters",
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"dusty scroll",
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"meef spell: cause plants to wilt\".\n\nThe Guild Hall doorbell chimes.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chamber",
"look spell",
"hit enchanters",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down vial",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz enchanters",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz vial",
"gnusto scroll",
"meef chamber",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at spell throug chamber",
"hit chamber with enchanters",
"take enchanters from calendar",
"take enchanters from box",
"take enchanters from scroll",
"take enchanters from vial",
"take enchanters from book",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"open box with enchanters",
"open vial with enchanters",
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"dusty scroll",
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the meef spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chamber",
"look spell",
"hit enchanters",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down vial",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz enchanters",
"frotz box",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at spell throug chamber",
"hit chamber with enchanters",
"take enchanters from calendar",
"take enchanters from box",
"take enchanters from vial",
"take enchanters from book",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"open box with enchanters",
"open vial with enchanters",
"ploc": "Library",
"inv": [
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Lobby\nAffixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended for use by messengers.\n\nYou are now somewhat thirsty.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look spell",
"climb down stair",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"put down vial",
"put down book",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug vial",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at marble",
"throw book at vial",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"open vial with box",
"open box with vial",
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Cellar\nYou are in the basement of the Guild Hall. A steep, narrow stair leads upward from the southwest corner.\nAt the far end of the cellar, draped in cobwebs, is a large trunk. At each corner of its lid is a button: a black button with a picture of a star, a gray button depicting the moon, a red button illustrated with a bloody knife, and a purple button engraved with a royal crown. In the center of the lid is a white button picturing a dove in flight.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look crown",
"look button",
"climb stair",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down vial",
"put down lid",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz box",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at button throug crown",
"give button lid",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"throw calendar at crown",
"throw calendar at lid",
"throw box at lid",
"throw vial at crown",
"throw vial at lid",
"throw book at crown",
"throw book at lid",
"open box with vial",
"open vial with box"
"ploc": "Cellar",
"inv": [
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "white button: There is a click from the lid of the trunk.\ngray button: There is a click from the lid of the trunk.\nblack button: There is a click from the lid of the trunk.\nred button: There is a click from the lid of the trunk.\nblack button: There is a click from the lid of the trunk. A moment later, the lid of the trunk swings slowly open, revealing a moldy scroll.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look crown",
"look button",
"climb stair",
"take scroll",
"take spell",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"close trunk",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down vial",
"put down lid",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at button throug crown",
"put calendar down trunk",
"put box down trunk",
"put vial down trunk",
"put lid down trunk",
"put book down trunk",
"put all down trunk",
"give button lid",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"throw calendar at crown",
"throw calendar at lid",
"throw box at lid",
"throw vial at crown",
"throw vial at lid",
"throw book at crown",
"throw book at lid",
"open box with vial",
"open vial with box"
"ploc": "Cellar",
"inv": [
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look crown",
"look button",
"climb stair",
"aimfiz crown",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"close trunk",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down vial",
"put down lid",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at button throug crown",
"put calendar down trunk",
"put box down trunk",
"put scroll down trunk",
"put vial down trunk",
"put lid down trunk",
"put book down trunk",
"put all down trunk",
"give button lid",
"cast aimfiz at crown",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"throw calendar at crown",
"throw calendar at lid",
"throw box at lid",
"throw scroll at crown",
"throw scroll at lid",
"throw vial at crown",
"throw vial at lid",
"throw book at crown",
"throw book at lid",
"open box with scroll",
"open vial with box"
"ploc": "Cellar",
"inv": [
"moldy scroll",
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"aimfiz spell: transport caster to someone else's location\". The spell seems very long and extremely complicated.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look crown",
"look button",
"climb stair",
"aimfiz crown",
"look down box",
"look down vial",
"close trunk",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down vial",
"put down lid",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"rezrov vial",
"look at button throug crown",
"put calendar down trunk",
"put box down trunk",
"put scroll down trunk",
"put vial down trunk",
"put lid down trunk",
"put book down trunk",
"put all down trunk",
"give button lid",
"cast aimfiz at crown",
"cast rezrov at box",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"throw calendar at crown",
"throw calendar at lid",
"throw box at lid",
"throw scroll at crown",
"throw scroll at lid",
"throw vial at crown",
"throw vial at lid",
"throw book at crown",
"throw book at lid",
"open box with scroll",
"open vial with box"
"ploc": "Cellar",
"inv": [
"moldy scroll",
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Opening the ochre vial reveals ochre potion.\n\nYou are now somewhat hungry.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look crown",
"look button",
"climb stair",
"aimfiz crown",
"look down box",
"close vial",
"close trunk",
"put down potion",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down vial",
"put down lid",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at button throug crown",
"put calendar down trunk",
"put box down trunk",
"put scroll down trunk",
"put vial down trunk",
"put lid down trunk",
"put book down trunk",
"put all down trunk",
"give button lid",
"cast aimfiz at crown",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw calendar at crown",
"throw calendar at lid",
"throw potion at crown",
"throw potion at lid",
"throw box at lid",
"throw scroll at crown",
"throw scroll at lid",
"throw vial at crown",
"throw vial at lid",
"throw book at crown",
"throw book at lid",
"open box with potion",
"pour potion from crown"
"ploc": "Cellar",
"inv": [
"moldy scroll",
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "The potion was completely tasteless. You no longer feel hungry and thirsty, though.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look crown",
"look button",
"climb stair",
"aimfiz crown",
"look down box",
"close vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down vial",
"put down lid",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at button throug crown",
"give button lid",
"cast aimfiz at crown",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw calendar at crown",
"throw calendar at lid",
"throw box at lid",
"throw scroll at crown",
"throw scroll at lid",
"throw vial at crown",
"throw vial at lid",
"throw book at crown",
"throw book at lid",
"open box with scroll"
"ploc": "Cellar",
"inv": [
"moldy scroll",
"ochre vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look crown",
"look button",
"climb stair",
"aimfiz crown",
"take vial",
"look down box",
"close vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down lid",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at button throug crown",
"give button lid",
"cast aimfiz at crown",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw calendar at crown",
"throw calendar at lid",
"throw box at lid",
"throw scroll at crown",
"throw scroll at lid",
"throw book at crown",
"throw book at lid",
"open box with scroll"
"ploc": "Cellar",
"inv": [
"moldy scroll",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Lobby\nAffixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended for use by messengers.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look scroll",
"look spell",
"climb down stair",
"aimfiz brass",
"aimfiz messengers",
"look down brass",
"look down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down all",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz box",
"rezrov brass",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug scroll",
"cast aimfiz at brass",
"cast aimfiz at messengers",
"cast rezrov at brass",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw scroll at brass",
"throw book at scroll",
"throw calendar at scroll",
"throw box at scroll",
"open brass with scroll",
"open box with scroll",
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"moldy scroll",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Opening the receptacle reveals an orange vial, and an issue of Popular Enchanting.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look spell",
"climb down stair",
"aimfiz vial",
"aimfiz messengers",
"take vial",
"take issue",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"close brass",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz issue",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug vial",
"put scroll down brass",
"take vial from brass",
"take issue from brass",
"take all from brass",
"cast aimfiz at vial",
"cast aimfiz at messengers",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"throw scroll at vial",
"throw book at vial",
"open vial with box",
"open box with scroll",
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"moldy scroll",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look spell",
"climb down stair",
"aimfiz vial",
"aimfiz messengers",
"take issue",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"close brass",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz issue",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug vial",
"put vial down brass",
"put calendar down brass",
"put box down brass",
"put scroll down brass",
"put book down brass",
"put all down brass",
"take issue from brass",
"cast aimfiz at vial",
"cast aimfiz at messengers",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at calendar",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"throw scroll at vial",
"throw book at vial",
"open vial with box",
"open box with vial",
"ploc": "Lobby",
"inv": [
"orange vial",
"moldy scroll",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Hallway\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look spell",
"aimfiz vial",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug vial",
"cast aimfiz at vial",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at calendar",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"throw scroll at vial",
"throw book at vial",
"open vial with box",
"open box with vial",
"ploc": "Hallway",
"inv": [
"orange vial",
"moldy scroll",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Helistar's Quarters\nHelistar is one of the foremost members of the Circle, and this is her private chamber.\nAmong Helistar's possessions is a scroll, new and shiny.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look scroll",
"aimfiz vial",
"aimfiz helistar",
"take gaspar ",
"take scroll",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"exit vial",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down moldy scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"frotz shiny scroll",
"frotz moldy scroll",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at scroll throug vial",
"give spell to scroll",
"cast aimfiz at vial",
"cast aimfiz at helistar",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at calendar",
"throw vial at scroll",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw calendar at scroll",
"throw box at vial",
"throw box at scroll",
"throw scroll at vial",
"throw book at vial",
"throw book at scroll",
"open vial with box",
"open box with vial"
"ploc": "Helistar's Quarters",
"inv": [
"orange vial",
"moldy scroll",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look scroll",
"aimfiz vial",
"aimfiz helistar",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"exit vial",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down shiny scroll",
"put down moldy scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"frotz shiny scroll",
"frotz moldy scroll",
"gaspar vial",
"gnusto gaspar ",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at scroll throug vial",
"cast gaspar at vial",
"cast aimfiz at vial",
"cast aimfiz at helistar",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at calendar",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"throw shiny scroll at vial",
"throw moldy scroll at vial",
"throw book at vial",
"open vial with gaspar ",
"open box with vial"
"ploc": "Helistar's Quarters",
"inv": [
"shiny scroll",
"orange vial",
"moldy scroll",
"tiny box",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"gaspar spell: provide for your own resurrection\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look scroll",
"aimfiz vial",
"aimfiz helistar",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"exit vial",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down shiny scroll",
"put down moldy scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"frotz shiny scroll",
"frotz moldy scroll",
"gaspar vial",
"gnusto gaspar ",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at scroll throug vial",
"cast gaspar at vial",
"cast aimfiz at vial",
"cast aimfiz at helistar",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at calendar",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"throw shiny scroll at vial",
"throw moldy scroll at vial",
"throw book at vial",
"open vial with gaspar ",
"open box with vial"
"ploc": "Helistar's Quarters",
"inv": [
"shiny scroll",
"orange vial",
"moldy scroll",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the gaspar spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look book",
"look spell",
"aimfiz book",
"aimfiz helistar",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"exit book",
"put down book",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down scroll",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"frotz scroll",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug book",
"cast aimfiz at book",
"cast aimfiz at helistar",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw book at vial",
"throw vial at book",
"throw calendar at book",
"throw box at book",
"throw scroll at book",
"open vial with gaspar ",
"open box with vial"
"ploc": "Helistar's Quarters",
"inv": [
"orange vial",
"moldy scroll",
"tiny box",
"msg": "As you cast the spell, the moldy scroll vanishes!\n\nAfter a momentary dizziness, you realize that your location has changed, although Belboz is not in sight...\n\nTwisted Forest\nYou are on a path through a blighted forest. The trees are sickly, and there is no undergrowth at all. One tree here looks climbable. The path, which ends here, continues to the northeast.\n\nA hellhound is racing straight toward you, its open jaws displaying rows of razor-sharp teeth.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look all",
"look spell",
"look vial",
"climb tree",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug calendar",
"look at spell throug vial",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at calendar",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"throw book at vial",
"open vial with box",
"open box with vial",
"ploc": "Twisted Forest",
"inv": [
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Forest Edge\nTo the west, a path enters the blighted woods, which stretch out of sight. A signpost stands beside another path leading north, and to the east is a wide meadow. At the base of the signpost is a slimy hole leading down.\nThe hellhound stops at the edge of the forest and bellows. After a moment, it turns and slinks into the trees.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look spell",
"enter hole",
"enter woods",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug vial",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at calendar",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"throw book at vial",
"open vial with gaspar ",
"open box with vial",
"ploc": "Forest Edge",
"inv": [
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Meadow\nYou are in the center of a barren field. To the east is the turret of a ruined castle, and from the northeast comes the sound of rushing water.\n\nA swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look spell",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug vial",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at locusts",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"throw book at vial",
"open vial with gaspar ",
"open box with vial",
"ploc": "Meadow",
"inv": [
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "River Bank\nYou are on a muddy bank of a fast-moving river, full of sharp rocks and foaming rapids, flowing to the southwest. The ground is soft and eroded, and continually threatens to dump you into the turbulent waters. A field lies to the southwest, and a trail leads southeast along the bank.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look spell",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug vial",
"put vial down river",
"put calendar down river",
"put box down river",
"put book down river",
"put all down river",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at calendar",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"throw book at vial",
"open vial with gaspar ",
"open box with vial",
"ploc": "River Bank",
"inv": [
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the pulver spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look spell",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug vial",
"put vial down river",
"put calendar down river",
"put box down river",
"put book down river",
"put all down river",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at calendar",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"throw book at vial",
"open vial with gaspar ",
"open box with vial",
"ploc": "River Bank",
"inv": [
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "The river dries up, leaving only a few puddles between the rocks! It's now safe to climb down into the river bed.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look vial",
"look spell",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug vial",
"put vial down river",
"put calendar down river",
"put box down river",
"put book down river",
"put all down river",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at calendar",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at vial",
"throw book at vial",
"open vial with gaspar ",
"open box with vial",
"ploc": "River Bank",
"inv": [
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "River Bed\nYou are on the bed of an evaporated river. Fish splash helplessly in tiny puddles. The bed leads northwest and southeast. A climb up the southwest bank is possible. To the northeast is a dark cave, hollowed out by years of rushing water.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look water",
"look spell",
"enter cave",
"look down vial",
"look down box",
"put down bed",
"put down vial",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz vial",
"frotz box",
"rezrov vial",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug water",
"cast rezrov at vial",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw vial at water",
"throw calendar at water",
"throw box at water",
"throw book at water",
"open vial with gaspar ",
"open box with vial",
"ploc": "River Bed",
"inv": [
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Hidden Cave\nThis is a hollow area under the northeast bank of the river. The floor rises away from the mouth of the cave, which is at its southwest end. A dark hole leads downward at the far end of the cave.\nLying in the corner, in a pile of bat guano, is a scroll.\nThere is an amber vial here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look spell",
"enter hole",
"take pile",
"take amber",
"take scroll",
"take spell",
"take vial",
"take all",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"exit floor",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down vial",
"put down all",
"frotz pile",
"frotz amber",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug floor",
"give spell to vial",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw calendar at floor",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at floor",
"throw box at vial",
"throw book at floor",
"throw book at vial",
"throw vial at floor",
"open amber with box",
"open box with gaspar ",
"ploc": "Hidden Cave",
"inv": [
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "pile of bat guano: As you take the guano, the soiled scroll falls to the ground.\nsoiled scroll: Taken.\namber vial: Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look spell",
"enter hole",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"exit floor",
"put down pile",
"put down amber",
"put down scroll",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz pile",
"frotz amber",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz box",
"fweep floor",
"gnusto scroll",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug floor",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw pile at floor",
"throw amber at floor",
"throw scroll at floor",
"throw calendar at floor",
"throw box at floor",
"throw book at floor",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with pile",
"ploc": "Hidden Cave",
"inv": [
"amber vial",
"soiled scroll",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"fweep spell: turn caster into a bat\".\n\nThere is a roar of water from outside the cave. The lower part of the cave, near the mouth, fills with a pool of swirling water!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look spell",
"enter hole",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"exit floor",
"put down pile",
"put down amber",
"put down scroll",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz pile",
"frotz amber",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz box",
"fweep floor",
"gnusto scroll",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at spell throug floor",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw pile at floor",
"throw amber at floor",
"throw scroll at floor",
"throw calendar at floor",
"throw box at floor",
"throw book at floor",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with pile",
"ploc": "Hidden Cave",
"inv": [
"amber vial",
"soiled scroll",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the fweep spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look vial",
"enter hole",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug floor",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at floor",
"throw pile at floor",
"throw calendar at floor",
"throw box at floor",
"throw book at floor",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Hidden Cave",
"inv": [
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Pit of Bones\nIn the center of the room is a deep pit filled with countless bones, an indication of the brutality of dungeon life. There are exits south and southwest. High above you is a small opening in the ceiling.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw box at amber",
"throw book at amber",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "PBones",
"inv": [
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Torture Chamber\nThis is a large and well-equipped torture chamber. These were very popular in castles of several centuries ago, but are somewhat out of fashion now. There are exits to the west and north.\nSitting near one of the torture devices is an indigo vial, labelled in tiny letters.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"take vial",
"take all",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down letters",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"give vial letters",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw amber at vial",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw pile at vial",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw calendar at vial",
"throw box at amber",
"throw box at vial",
"throw book at amber",
"throw book at vial",
"throw letters at amber",
"throw letters at vial",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw box at amber",
"throw book at amber",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Torture Chamber",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Dungeon\nThis is the dark and dank dungeon of the ruined castle. There's probably a torture chamber nearby. You can go east, northeast, or upward. A small opening leads down as well.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"enter opening",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw box at amber",
"throw book at amber",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Dungeon",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Highway\nThis is a wide road winding away to the east and west, perhaps a relic of the Great Underground Empire you read about in history class. A passage leads up to the north.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw box at amber",
"throw book at amber",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Highway",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Bend\nThe road curves here, heading east and southwest.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw box at amber",
"throw book at amber",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Bend",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Edge of Crater\nYou are at the northeastern rim of a gigantic crater, the result of some ancient explosion. A wide underground highway, which ends at the crater's edge, leads northeast.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"enter crater",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw box at amber",
"throw book at amber",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Edge Crater",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Crater\nYou are standing in the center of an enormous crater, strewn with debris. Several points around the perimeter look climbable.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw box at amber",
"throw book at amber",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Crater",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Edge of Chasm\nThis is a strip of land to the east of a gaping chasm. You might try jumping across, but I'd advise against it. A wide crater lies to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"enter crater",
"jump across chasm",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw box at amber",
"throw book at amber",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Edge Chasm",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"enter crater",
"jump across chasm",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw box at amber",
"throw book at amber",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Edge Chasm",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell yet another time.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"enter crater",
"jump across chasm",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw box at amber",
"throw book at amber",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Edge Chasm",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "You are now floating serenely in midair.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"enter crater",
"jump across chasm",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw box at amber",
"throw book at amber",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Edge Chasm",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "You fly easily across the chasm...\n\nBare Passage (you are flying)\nThis is a featureless tunnel, narrowing to the west. To the east is a deep gorge, probably too wide to jump across.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"jump across gorge",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at tunnel",
"throw pile at tunnel",
"throw calendar at tunnel",
"throw box at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "BPassage",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Elbow Room (you are flying)\nThe tunnel turns a corner here. You could go either north or east.\n\nYou settle gently to the ground.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at tunnel",
"throw pile at tunnel",
"throw calendar at tunnel",
"throw box at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Elbow Room",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Tree Room\nThis is a tall room flooded with light from an unseen source. The only exit is south.\nGrowing in the center of the room is a tree, thick with foliage. As though to disprove the ancient adage, every branch, bow, and twig has a zorkmid coin growing on it.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"take coin",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"ploc": "Tree Room",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "As you pluck the first zorkmid, the tree shimmers and vanishes! (I guess it was just an illusion.) You are left holding a solitary zorkmid coin.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Tree Room",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Elbow Room\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at tunnel",
"throw amber at tunnel",
"throw pile at tunnel",
"throw calendar at tunnel",
"throw box at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Elbow Room",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Bare Passage\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"jump across gorge",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at tunnel",
"throw amber at tunnel",
"throw pile at tunnel",
"throw calendar at tunnel",
"throw box at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "BPassage",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "You are now floating serenely in midair.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"jump across gorge",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at tunnel",
"throw amber at tunnel",
"throw pile at tunnel",
"throw calendar at tunnel",
"throw box at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "BPassage",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "You fly easily across the chasm...\n\nEdge of Chasm (you are flying)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter crater",
"jump across chasm",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Edge Chasm",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Crater (you are flying)\n\nYou settle gently to the ground.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Crater",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Edge of Crater\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter crater",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Edge Crater",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Bend\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Bend",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Highway\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Highway",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Toll Gate\nYou have reached a toll gate which spans the highway.\nA fat old gnome with a long white beard is sleeping soundly just outside the toll booth. His loud snores echo around the caverns.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look toll",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down toll",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz toll",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz gnome",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug toll",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw toll at amber",
"throw amber at toll",
"throw pile at toll",
"throw calendar at toll",
"throw box at toll",
"throw book at toll",
"open amber with toll",
"open box with toll",
"ploc": "Toll Gate",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "The gnome stirs a bit and opens one eye, which wanders around until it notices you. He jumps to his feet. \"One zorkmid, please,\" he yells with a smile.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look toll",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down toll",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz toll",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz gnome",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug toll",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw toll at amber",
"throw amber at toll",
"throw pile at toll",
"throw calendar at toll",
"throw box at toll",
"throw book at toll",
"open amber with toll",
"open box with toll",
"ploc": "Toll Gate",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "The gnome pockets the coin and opens the gate. Before you can take a step the gnome falls asleep again.\n\nYou are beginning to tire.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amber",
"look vial",
"enter booth",
"look down amber",
"look down gnome",
"look down box",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz gnome",
"frotz box",
"lie down amber",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug amber",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw amber at pile",
"throw pile at amber",
"throw calendar at amber",
"throw box at amber",
"throw book at amber",
"open amber with pile",
"open box with amber",
"pick amber with gnome",
"ploc": "Toll Gate",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "You carefully search the sleeping gnome, and take the zorkmid coin you find in his pocket!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look toll",
"look vial",
"enter booth",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down toll",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz toll",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz gnome",
"frotz box",
"lie down toll",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug toll",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw toll at amber",
"throw amber at toll",
"throw pile at toll",
"throw calendar at toll",
"throw box at toll",
"throw book at toll",
"open amber with toll",
"open box with toll",
"ploc": "Toll Gate",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Outside Store\nA store lies to the south from this section of the east-west road. There is a sign over the entrance.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter store",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Outside Store",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "End of Highway\nThe underground road ends here. A hovel, carved into the rock, lies to the east. To the north, wide marble stairs lead upward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter hovel",
"climb stairs",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "End Highway",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Entrance Hall\nThis is a large entrance hall, paved with polished stone. Large doorways lead north and south.\nStanding in the center of the hall is a life-sized statue. An inscription at the base is in a familiar language.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Entrance Hall",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Outside Glass Arch\nThrough a breathtaking archway of glass to the east is an area glistening with reflected light. Another exit leads south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Outside Glass Arch",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.\n\nYou dream of being pursued through a dank cavern. Something is behind you, something horrible that you can't turn to face. It gets closer and closer, and you can feel its hot breath on your neck. You awaken and stand.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Outside Glass Arch",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the fweep spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Outside Glass Arch",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the fweep spell yet another time.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Outside Glass Arch",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the fweep spell yet another time.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Outside Glass Arch",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the fweep spell yet another time.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Outside Glass Arch",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the fweep spell yet another time.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Outside Glass Arch",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "zorkmid coin: Dropped.\nindigo vial: Dropped.\namber vial: Dropped.\npile of bat guano: Dropped.\norange vial: Dropped.\ncalendar: Dropped.\ntiny box: Dropped.\nspell book: Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look book",
"look vial",
"take book",
"take coin",
"take amber",
"take pile",
"take calendar",
"take box",
"take all",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug book",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"ploc": "Outside Glass Arch",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were walking on air.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"look at maze throug ceilings",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "With keen disappointment, you note that nothing has changed. Then, you slowly realize that you are black, have two wing-like appendages, and are flying a few feet above the ground. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"look at maze throug ceilings",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north and to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the east and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you and to the south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the south and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the south and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north and to the south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the east and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the east and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces to the north, to the south, to the east and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the east and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug fweep",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Hollow (you are flying)\nThe maze opens here onto a tiny outdoor plateau, completely surrounded by towering cliffs. The only way out is back through the dazzling archway of glass to the west.\nNear the glass arch is a small rectangular brick structure. The center of the structure is a hole about a foot wide, leading down into darkness.\nThere is a parchment scroll here.\n\nAfter a moment of futilely flapping your arms, you realize that the fweep spell has worn off. You fall several feet to the ground.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look scroll",
"enter maze",
"take scroll",
"frotz scroll",
"look at scroll throug structure",
"take swanzo from scroll",
"ploc": "Hollow",
"inv": null
"msg": "As you take the scroll, a deep and evil laugh rumbles around the hollow. You hear a sliding, grinding noise and turn just in time to catch a flicker of light from within the glass maze, indicating that its transparent panels have shifted around.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look scroll",
"enter maze",
"put down scroll",
"frotz scroll",
"swanzo structure",
"look at scroll throug structure",
"put scroll down structure",
"cast swanzo at structure",
"throw scroll at structure",
"ploc": "Hollow",
"inv": [
"parchment scroll"
"msg": "The scroll reads \"swanzo spell: exorcise an inhabiting presence\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"look scroll",
"enter maze",
"put down scroll",
"frotz scroll",
"swanzo structure",
"look at scroll throug structure",
"put scroll down structure",
"cast swanzo at structure",
"throw scroll at structure",
"ploc": "Hollow",
"inv": [
"parchment scroll"
"msg": "The parchment scroll disappears into the shaft.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look structure",
"enter maze",
"take off structure",
"look at structure throug plateau",
"put structure down plateau",
"ploc": "Hollow",
"inv": null
"msg": "With keen disappointment, you note that nothing has changed. Then, you slowly realize that you are black, have two wing-like appendages, and are flying a few feet above the ground.\n\nWith a loud roar, a dreadfully huge dorn beast emerges from the shadows at the base of the cliff and gallops toward you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look structure",
"look all",
"enter maze",
"look at structure throug arch",
"look at structure throug all",
"ploc": "Hollow",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north and to the south.\n\nThe dorn beast rushes after you. Its ear-splitting bellowing resounds throughout the glass maze.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look beast",
"hit bat",
"take off beast",
"look at beast throug maze",
"put beast down maze",
"cut bat with beast",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north and to the west.\n\nThe dorn beast rushes after you. Its ear-splitting bellowing resounds throughout the glass maze.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look beast",
"hit bat",
"take off beast",
"look at beast throug maze",
"put beast down maze",
"cut bat with beast",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to the west.\n\nThe dorn beast rushes after you. Its ear-splitting bellowing resounds throughout the glass maze.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look beast",
"hit bat",
"take off beast",
"look at beast throug maze",
"put beast down maze",
"cut bat with beast",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the south and to the east.\n\nThe dorn beast rushes after you. Its ear-splitting bellowing resounds throughout the glass maze. Suddenly, the dorn-beast realizes that it is galloping through midair, and gives a surprisingly high-pitched squeal. It claws frantically at thin air, trying desperately to invent dorn beast flight. You happily notice that dorn beasts do not so much fly as plummet.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces to the north, to the south and to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the south and to the east.\nA somewhat splattered corpse is sprawled across the floor.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look body",
"hit bat",
"look at body throug maze",
"cut bat with body",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north and to the south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the south and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces to the north, to the south, to the east and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, to the south, to the east and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the east and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the east and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north, to the south and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug fweep",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north and to the east.\n\nAfter a moment of futilely flapping your arms, you realize that the fweep spell has worn off. You fall several feet to the ground.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"look at maze throug ceilings",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "With keen disappointment, you note that nothing has changed. Then, you slowly realize that you are black, have two wing-like appendages, and are flying a few feet above the ground. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north and to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"look at maze throug ceilings",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"look at maze throug ceilings",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"lie down maze",
"look at maze throug ceilings",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the east and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the north and to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the north and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, below you, to the south and to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces below you, to the south and to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)\nYou are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen source above. Thanks to your sonar-like bat senses, you can tell that there are surfaces above you, to the north, to the south and to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look maze",
"hit bat",
"look at maze throug bat",
"cut bat with maze",
"ploc": "Inside Glass Maze",
"inv": null
"msg": "Outside Glass Arch (you are flying)\nThere is a spell book here (providing light).\nThere is a tiny box here.\nThere is a calendar here (providing light).\nAn orange vial, labelled in tiny letters, is lying here.\nThere is a pile of bat guano here.\nThere is an amber vial here.\nThere is an indigo vial here.\nThere is a zorkmid coin here.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look book",
"look vial",
"hit bat",
"look at vial throug book",
"cut bat with book",
"ploc": "Outside Glass Arch",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes...\n\n",
"hints": [
"look book",
"look vial",
"hit bat",
"look at vial throug book",
"cut bat with book",
"ploc": "Outside Glass Arch",
"inv": null
"msg": "Time passes...\n\nAfter a moment of futilely flapping your arms, you realize that the fweep spell has worn off. You fall several feet to the ground.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look book",
"look vial",
"hit bat",
"look at vial throug book",
"cut bat with book",
"ploc": "Outside Glass Arch",
"inv": null
"msg": "spell book: Taken.\ntiny box: Taken.\ncalendar: Taken.\norange vial: Taken.\npile of bat guano: Taken.\namber vial: Taken.\nindigo vial: Taken.\nzorkmid coin: Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Outside Glass Arch",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Entrance Hall\nStanding in the center of the hall is a life-sized statue. An inscription at the base is in a familiar language.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "Entrance Hall",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "End of Highway\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter hovel",
"climb stairs",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at amber",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin",
"ploc": "End Highway",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Stone Hut\nThis is a small underground hovel. On the far wall is a small fireplace, long unused.\nThe fireplace contains:\n a parchment scroll\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"take scroll",
"take spell",
"look down amber",
"look down box",
"put down hut",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"rezrov box",
"look at vial throug coin",
"put coin down fireplace",
"put amber down fireplace",
"put pile down fireplace",
"put calendar down fireplace",
"put box down fireplace",
"put book down fireplace",
"put all down fireplace",
"give vial to spell",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"cast rezrov at box",
"throw coin at scroll",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"open box with coin"
"ploc": "StHut",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Opening the tiny box reveals a magic amulet.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"take scroll",
"take spell",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close box",
"put down hut",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down box",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug coin",
"put coin down fireplace",
"put amulet down fireplace",
"put amber down fireplace",
"put pile down fireplace",
"put calendar down fireplace",
"put box down fireplace",
"put book down fireplace",
"put all down fireplace",
"give vial to spell",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw box at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin"
"ploc": "StHut",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"tiny box",
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"take amulet",
"take scroll",
"take box",
"take spell",
"take all",
"look down amber",
"close box",
"put down hut",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz coin",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"put coin down fireplace",
"put amber down fireplace",
"put pile down fireplace",
"put calendar down fireplace",
"put book down fireplace",
"put all down fireplace",
"give vial to spell",
"take amulet from box",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amber at amulet",
"throw pile at amulet",
"throw calendar at amulet",
"throw book at amulet",
"open amber with coin"
"ploc": "StHut",
"inv": [
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "magic amulet: You are now wearing the magic amulet.\nparchment scroll: Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close box",
"put down hut",
"put down coin",
"put down scroll",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"gnusto scroll",
"rezrov amber",
"swanzo coin",
"look at vial throug coin",
"put coin down fireplace",
"put coin down box",
"put amulet down fireplace",
"put amulet down box",
"put scroll down fireplace",
"put amber down fireplace",
"put pile down fireplace",
"put calendar down fireplace",
"put book down fireplace",
"put all down fireplace",
"cast swanzo at coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw scroll at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin"
"ploc": "StHut",
"inv": [
"parchment scroll",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the swanzo spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"take box",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close box",
"put down hut",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug coin",
"put coin down fireplace",
"put coin down box",
"put amulet down fireplace",
"put amulet down box",
"put amber down fireplace",
"put pile down fireplace",
"put calendar down fireplace",
"put book down fireplace",
"put all down fireplace",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin"
"ploc": "StHut",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"take box",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close box",
"put down hut",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz box",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug coin",
"put coin down fireplace",
"put coin down box",
"put amulet down fireplace",
"put amulet down box",
"put amber down fireplace",
"put pile down fireplace",
"put calendar down fireplace",
"put book down fireplace",
"put all down fireplace",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin"
"ploc": "StHut",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "End of Highway\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter hovel",
"climb stairs",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"ploc": "End Highway",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Outside Store\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter store",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"ploc": "Outside Store",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Toll Gate\nA fat old gnome with a long white beard is sleeping soundly just outside the toll booth. His loud snores echo around the caverns.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look toll",
"look vial",
"enter booth",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down toll",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz toll",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz gnome",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug toll",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw toll at amulet",
"throw amulet at toll",
"throw amber at toll",
"throw pile at toll",
"throw calendar at toll",
"throw book at toll",
"open amber with toll",
"ploc": "Toll Gate",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Highway\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"ploc": "Highway",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Dungeon\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter opening",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"ploc": "Dungeon",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Ruins\nYou are amongst the ruins of an ancient castle. A winding stairway leads up to a crumbling turret, and a dark passage leads downward. A path heads through the rubble to the west.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"climb down stairway",
"enter turret",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amber at amulet",
"throw pile at amulet",
"throw calendar at amulet",
"throw book at amulet",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Ruins",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Drawbridge\nYou are standing on the drawbridge of a ruined castle which lies to your east. The wood of the bridge looks severely rotted and creaks ominously beneath you. The moat, although an easy dive from here, looks dangerous, full of sinister shapes beneath the surface of the water. To the west is a wide field.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"look all",
"enter castle",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"frotz enchanter",
"fweep enchanter",
"izyuk enchanter",
"rezrov amber",
"look at amulet throug coin",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"take enchanter from amulet",
"take enchanter from coin",
"take enchanter from amber",
"take enchanter from pile",
"take enchanter from calendar",
"take enchanter from book",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Drawbridge",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Meadow\n\nA swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look spell",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down coin",
"put down book",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"rezrov amber",
"look at spell throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"ploc": "Meadow",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "You are now floating serenely in midair.\n\nThe locusts are much closer now, blotting out the sun like a black storm cloud.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look spell",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down coin",
"put down book",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"rezrov amber",
"look at spell throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"ploc": "Meadow",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "River Bank (you are flying)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter river",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug coin",
"put coin down river",
"put amulet down river",
"put amber down river",
"put pile down river",
"put calendar down river",
"put book down river",
"put all down river",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"ploc": "River Bank",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Fort Entrance (you are flying)\nYou are at the entrance to Fort Griffspotter, which lies to the east. A trail leads along the river bank to the northwest.\n\nYou settle gently to the ground.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter fort",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"ploc": "Fort Entrance",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Parade Ground\nYou are at the center of a level field inside the fort. Entrances to rooms around the perimeter lie in several directions.\nA tattered flag, apparently that of ancient Quendor, still flies atop a mighty flagpole in the center of the field.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look quendor",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down fort",
"pull down flag",
"put down coin",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz flag",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug quendor",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at flag",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open amber with coin",
"ploc": "Parade Ground",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "The flag is lowered to the ground.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look quendor",
"look spell",
"take flag",
"take off amulet",
"look at flag",
"look down amber",
"put down fort",
"put down coin",
"put down book",
"put down amber",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down all",
"fly flag",
"frotz coin",
"frotz flag",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz pile",
"rezrov amber",
"look at spell throug quendor",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw coin at flag",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"throw amber at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw calendar at coin",
"touch coin with flag",
"open amber with coin",
"ploc": "Parade Ground",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "As you fiddle with the flag, an aqua vial drops from a hidden pocket and falls to the ground.\n\nYou are beginning to tire.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look quendor",
"look spell",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down fort",
"put down coin",
"put down book",
"put down pile",
"put down calendar",
"put down all",
"fly flag",
"frotz coin",
"frotz flag",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz pile",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"look at spell throug quendor",
"give spell to vial",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at flag",
"throw coin at vial",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amulet at vial",
"throw book at coin",
"throw book at vial",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw pile at vial",
"throw calendar at coin",
"throw calendar at vial",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Parade Ground",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look quendor",
"look spell",
"take flag",
"take aqua",
"take calendar",
"take vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down fort",
"put down coin",
"put down book",
"put down pile",
"put down all",
"fly flag",
"frotz coin",
"frotz flag",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz pile",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"look at spell throug quendor",
"give spell to vial",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at flag",
"throw coin at vial",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amulet at vial",
"throw book at coin",
"throw book at vial",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw pile at vial",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Parade Ground",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look quendor",
"look spell",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down fort",
"put down coin",
"put down book",
"put down aqua",
"put down pile",
"put down all",
"fly flag",
"frotz coin",
"frotz flag",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz pile",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"look at spell throug quendor",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at flag",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Parade Ground",
"inv": [
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Gun Emplacement\nThis is a battlement with a view of a river to the north and an ocean to the east. Openings northwest, west, and southwest lead to other parts of the fort.\nA magnificent cast-iron cannon stands atop the battlement. Its wide, shallow barrel points toward the ocean, as though daring enemy ships to approach.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look spell",
"take off amulet",
"look down iron",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down book",
"put down aqua",
"put down pile",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz pile",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"look at spell throug coin",
"put coin down iron",
"put amulet down iron",
"put book down iron",
"put aqua down iron",
"put pile down iron",
"put all down iron",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw pile at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Gun Emplacement",
"inv": [
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Lying at the bottom of the barrel is a pile of identical scrolls!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look pile",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down pile",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"look at pile throug coin",
"put coin down iron",
"put amulet down iron",
"put aqua down iron",
"put pile down iron",
"put book down iron",
"put all down iron",
"give vial pile",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw coin at pile",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw amulet at pile",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw aqua at pile",
"throw pile at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"throw book at pile",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Gun Emplacement",
"inv": [
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"pile bguano",
"orange vial",
"msg": "When you drop the guano into the barrel, the scrolls sprout feet and spill out of the cannon, dashing away in every direction! A single ordinary scroll is left sitting at the bottom of the barrel.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"take pile",
"take scroll",
"take spell",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz pile",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"look at vial throug coin",
"put coin down iron",
"put amulet down iron",
"put aqua down iron",
"put book down iron",
"put all down iron",
"give vial to spell",
"take pile from iron",
"take all from iron",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Gun Emplacement",
"inv": [
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz pile",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk coin",
"look at vial throug coin",
"put coin down iron",
"put amulet down iron",
"put aqua down iron",
"put scroll down iron",
"put book down iron",
"put all down iron",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw scroll at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Gun Emplacement",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"yonk spell: augment the power of certain spells\". The spell seems very long and extremely complicated.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz pile",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk coin",
"look at vial throug coin",
"put coin down iron",
"put amulet down iron",
"put aqua down iron",
"put scroll down iron",
"put book down iron",
"put all down iron",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw scroll at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Gun Emplacement",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Parade Ground\nThere is a calendar here (providing light).\nA flag displaying the brown and gold of ancient Quendor is lying here.\nThere is a flagpole here.\n\nYou are feeling tired.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look quendor",
"look spell",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down fort",
"put down coin",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down aqua",
"put down all",
"fly flag",
"frotz coin",
"frotz flag",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz aqua",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk coin",
"look at spell throug quendor",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at flag",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw scroll at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Parade Ground",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Fort Entrance\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter fort",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk coin",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw scroll at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Fort Entrance",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter fort",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk coin",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw scroll at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Fort Entrance",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "You are now floating serenely in midair.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter fort",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk coin",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw scroll at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Fort Entrance",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "River Bank (you are flying)\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter river",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk coin",
"look at vial throug coin",
"put coin down river",
"put amulet down river",
"put aqua down river",
"put scroll down river",
"put book down river",
"put all down river",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw scroll at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "River Bank",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Meadow (you are flying)\n\nYou settle gently to the ground.\n\nA swarm of bloodsucking locusts appears on the horizon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look spell",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down aqua",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz aqua",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk coin",
"look at spell throug coin",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw scroll at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Meadow",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Forest Edge\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter hole",
"enter woods",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk coin",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw scroll at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Forest Edge",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Snake Pit\nYou have entered a shadowy pit full of nooks and crannies. From every direction you hear the hissing of vipers and the irregular clicking of giant beetles. Light spills down from above, and a small crack leads further downward into darkness.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"look all",
"enter crack",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"exit amulet",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz coin",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz enchanter",
"lie down amulet",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk amulet",
"look at amulet throug coin",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"take enchanter from amulet",
"take enchanter from coin",
"take enchanter from aqua",
"take enchanter from scroll",
"take enchanter from book",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"open aqua with amulet",
"ploc": "Snake Pit",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Slimy Room\nThis is a moist room whose walls are thick with moss and lichens. A small hole leads up and a rocky passage leads south.\n\nYou are getting more and more tired and the spells you've memorized are becoming confused.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"enter hole",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"eat lichens",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk coin",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw scroll at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Slimy Room",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Crater\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coin",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk coin",
"look at vial throug coin",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at amulet",
"throw amulet at coin",
"throw aqua at coin",
"throw scroll at coin",
"throw book at coin",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Crater",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Winding Tunnel\nThis is a meandering north-south tunnel. A side passage leads to the southwest.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down tunnel",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk tunnel",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at tunnel",
"throw amulet at tunnel",
"throw aqua at tunnel",
"throw scroll at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Winding Tunnel",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Park Entrance\nThis looks like the entrance to a run-down amusement park, no longer gaudy with lights and glitter. A sign above the entrance proclaims \"Welcome to Bozbarland - The Entertainment Capital of the Empire.\" The park lies to the west and a tunnel leads northeast.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"enter park",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down tunnel",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk tunnel",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at tunnel",
"throw amulet at tunnel",
"throw aqua at tunnel",
"throw scroll at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Park Entrance",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "You bounce off an invisible barrier. A moment later a gnome appears, dressed in a gaudy plaid outfit. \"Admission to the park is only one zorkmid. What a bargain, chum, eh?\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look spell",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down coin",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down aqua",
"put down all",
"frotz coin",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz gnome",
"lie down tunnel",
"pay coin",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk tunnel",
"look at spell throug tunnel",
"give gnome all",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw coin at tunnel",
"throw amulet at tunnel",
"throw scroll at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"throw aqua at tunnel",
"open aqua with coin",
"ploc": "Park Entrance",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "\"Okay, you can go through now, bub. Enjoy your trip to Bozbarland.\" The gnome vanishes as suddenly as he appeared.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"enter park",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down tunnel",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk tunnel",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw amulet at tunnel",
"throw aqua at tunnel",
"throw scroll at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open aqua with amulet",
"ploc": "Park Entrance",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "East End of Midway\nYou are at the eastern end of a long midway. The park entrance lies to the east, and rides lie to the north and south.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down park",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down amulet",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk amulet",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw amulet at aqua",
"throw aqua at amulet",
"throw scroll at amulet",
"throw book at amulet",
"open aqua with amulet",
"ploc": "East End Midway",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "West End of Midway\nEntrances lead north, west and south, and the rest of the midway lies to the east.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"lie down amulet",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk amulet",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw amulet at aqua",
"throw aqua at amulet",
"throw scroll at amulet",
"throw book at amulet",
"open aqua with amulet",
"ploc": "West End Midway",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Arcade\nThis is a huge tent filled with hectic noise, blinking lights, and the smell of frying food. Near the exit is a game booth lined with prizes. The concept of the game seems to be bashing cute little mechanical bunnies with a rubber ball as they hop around a little artificial meadow.\nA hawker stands within the booth, studying you through half-closed eyes.\n\"C'mon, pal!\" cries the hawker from the game booth. \"Try your luck!\" He holds the ball out toward you.\n\nYou are worn out and the spells you've memorized are becoming confused.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"take ball",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz ball",
"frotz hawker",
"lie down amulet",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk amulet",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"take ball from hawker",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw amulet at aqua",
"throw aqua at amulet",
"throw scroll at amulet",
"throw book at amulet",
"open aqua with amulet",
"ploc": "Arcade",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.\n\nYou sleep uneventfully, awake refreshed, and rise to your feet.\n\"C'mon, pal!\" cries the hawker from the game booth. \"Try your luck!\" He holds the ball out toward you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"take ball",
"take off amulet",
"look down aqua",
"put down aqua",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz ball",
"frotz hawker",
"lie down amulet",
"rezrov aqua",
"yonk amulet",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"take ball from hawker",
"cast rezrov at aqua",
"throw amulet at aqua",
"throw aqua at amulet",
"throw scroll at amulet",
"throw book at amulet",
"open aqua with amulet",
"ploc": "Arcade",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Opening the aqua vial reveals aqua potion.\n\"C'mon, pal!\" cries the hawker from the game booth. \"Try your luck!\" He holds the ball out toward you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"take ball",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close aqua vial",
"put down potion",
"put down amber",
"put down scroll",
"put down aqua vial",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz ball",
"frotz hawker",
"frotz aqua vial",
"rezrov amber",
"yonk amulet",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"take ball from hawker",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at amber",
"throw amber at amulet",
"throw potion at amulet",
"throw scroll at amulet",
"throw aqua vial at amulet",
"throw book at amulet",
"open amber with amulet",
"pour potion from amulet",
"ploc": "Arcade",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "The aqua potion tasted like lime jelly, and sent vibrations through your muscles.\n\"C'mon, pal!\" cries the hawker from the game booth. \"Try your luck!\" He holds the ball out toward you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"take ball",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close aqua",
"put down amber",
"put down scroll",
"put down aqua",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz ball",
"frotz hawker",
"rezrov amber",
"yonk amulet",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"take ball from hawker",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at amber",
"throw amber at amulet",
"throw scroll at amulet",
"throw aqua at amulet",
"throw book at amulet",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Arcade",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"aqua vial",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Dropped.\n\"C'mon, pal!\" cries the hawker from the game booth. \"Try your luck!\" He holds the ball out toward you.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"take aqua",
"take ball",
"take vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close aqua",
"put down amber",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz ball",
"frotz hawker",
"rezrov amber",
"yonk amulet",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"give spell to vial",
"take ball from hawker",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at amber",
"throw amulet at vial",
"throw amber at amulet",
"throw amber at vial",
"throw scroll at amulet",
"throw scroll at vial",
"throw book at amulet",
"throw book at vial",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Arcade",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"take aqua",
"take vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close aqua",
"put down amber",
"put down scroll",
"put down ball",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz ball",
"frotz hawker",
"rezrov amber",
"yonk amulet",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"throw ball at bunny",
"give spell to vial",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at amber",
"throw amulet at vial",
"throw amber at amulet",
"throw amber at vial",
"throw scroll at amulet",
"throw scroll at vial",
"throw ball at amulet",
"throw ball at vial",
"throw book at amulet",
"throw book at vial",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Arcade",
"inv": [
"rubber ball",
"ordinary scroll",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "A tremendous pitch sends a bunny spinning. \"What an arm, kid, what an arm!\" cries the hawker. He hands you a glittering scroll from the shelf of prizes. \"Here's your prize, now scram.\"\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look scroll",
"take aqua",
"take vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close aqua",
"put down amber",
"put down ordinary scroll",
"put down glittering scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz hawker",
"frotz ordinary scroll",
"frotz glittering scroll",
"gnusto glittering scroll",
"malyon amulet",
"rezrov amber",
"yonk amulet",
"look at scroll throug amulet",
"give scroll to vial",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at amber",
"throw amulet at vial",
"throw amber at amulet",
"throw amber at vial",
"throw ordinary scroll at amulet",
"throw ordinary scroll at vial",
"throw glittering scroll at amulet",
"throw glittering scroll at vial",
"throw book at amulet",
"throw book at vial",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Arcade",
"inv": [
"glittering scroll",
"ordinary scroll",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "The scroll reads \"malyon spell: bring life to inanimate objects\".\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look scroll",
"take aqua",
"take vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close aqua",
"put down amber",
"put down ordinary scroll",
"put down glittering scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz aqua",
"frotz hawker",
"frotz ordinary scroll",
"frotz glittering scroll",
"gnusto glittering scroll",
"malyon amulet",
"rezrov amber",
"yonk amulet",
"look at scroll throug amulet",
"give scroll to vial",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at amber",
"throw amulet at vial",
"throw amber at amulet",
"throw amber at vial",
"throw ordinary scroll at amulet",
"throw ordinary scroll at vial",
"throw glittering scroll at amulet",
"throw glittering scroll at vial",
"throw book at amulet",
"throw book at vial",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Arcade",
"inv": [
"glittering scroll",
"ordinary scroll",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the malyon spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look book",
"look spell",
"take aqua",
"take vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close aqua",
"put down book",
"put down scroll",
"put down amber",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz amber",
"frotz hawker",
"frotz aqua",
"rezrov amber",
"yonk book",
"look at spell throug book",
"give spell to vial",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw book at amulet",
"throw book at vial",
"throw amulet at book",
"throw amulet at vial",
"throw scroll at book",
"throw scroll at vial",
"throw amber at book",
"throw amber at vial",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Arcade",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "West End of Midway\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down amber",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz scroll",
"rezrov amber",
"yonk amulet",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at amber",
"throw amber at amulet",
"throw scroll at amulet",
"throw book at amulet",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "West End Midway",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "East End of Midway\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down park",
"put down amber",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz scroll",
"rezrov amber",
"yonk amulet",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at amber",
"throw amber at amulet",
"throw scroll at amulet",
"throw book at amulet",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "East End Midway",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Park Entrance\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"enter park",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down amber",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz scroll",
"rezrov amber",
"yonk tunnel",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at tunnel",
"throw amber at tunnel",
"throw scroll at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Park Entrance",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Winding Tunnel\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down amber",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz scroll",
"rezrov amber",
"yonk tunnel",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at tunnel",
"throw amber at tunnel",
"throw scroll at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Winding Tunnel",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Hall of Carvings\nYou have entered a large room whose walls are covered with intricate carvings. The largest and most striking carving, on the southern wall, is of a huge sleeping dragon! A winding tunnel leads north.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look dragon",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down amber",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"frotz scroll",
"rezrov amber",
"yonk dragon",
"look at vial throug dragon",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at dragon",
"throw amber at dragon",
"throw scroll at dragon",
"throw book at dragon",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Hall Carvings",
"inv": [
"ordinary scroll",
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "As you cast the spell, the ordinary scroll vanishes!\n\nThe words of the spell glow brightly for a moment.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look dragon",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down amber",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug dragon",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at dragon",
"throw amber at dragon",
"throw book at dragon",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Hall Carvings",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Using your best study habits, you learn the malyon spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look dragon",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down amber",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug dragon",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at dragon",
"throw amber at dragon",
"throw book at dragon",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Hall Carvings",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "The dragon is suddenly imbued with life and begins to move. It shakes itself loose from the wall, which crumbles down upon the dragon, revealing a southward passage! The dragon howls with pain and anger. Spotting you, the dragon rears back its head, smoke billowing from its nostrils. Then, just as it seems that you will be barbecued, the dragon reverts to stone!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look dragon",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"put down amber",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug dragon",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at dragon",
"throw amber at dragon",
"throw book at dragon",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Hall Carvings",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Sooty Room\nThe walls and ceiling of this room are covered with soot and held up by timbers which don't look very sturdy. A winding tunnel leads north. From the east comes a sulfurous odor.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"pull timbers",
"put down amber",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz amber",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at tunnel",
"throw amber at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Sooty Room",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "Opening the orange vial reveals orange potion.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close orange vial",
"eat potion",
"pull timbers",
"put down potion",
"put down orange vial",
"put down amber",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz orange vial",
"frotz amber",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at tunnel",
"throw potion at tunnel",
"throw orange vial at tunnel",
"throw amber at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open amber with amulet",
"pour potion from tunnel",
"ploc": "Sooty Room",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "You are bathed in a sickly yellow light, bright enough to read by.\n\nYour muscles feel limp for a moment.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look tunnel",
"look vial",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close orange vial",
"put down potion",
"pull timbers",
"put down orange vial",
"put down amber",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz orange vial",
"frotz amber",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug tunnel",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at tunnel",
"throw potion at tunnel",
"throw orange vial at tunnel",
"throw amber at tunnel",
"throw book at tunnel",
"open amber with amulet",
"pour potion from tunnel",
"ploc": "Sooty Room",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "There is a rumbling noise behind you as the ceiling of the tunnel collapses, blocking your retreat! The air smells strongly of coal gas. You won't survive long in this atmosphere.\n\nCoal Bin Room\nThis is obviously the heart of a large coal mine, illuminated by a wall-mounted lamp. The bottom of a metal coal chute is visible at the north end of the room. Another chute continues downward at the southern end. A large coal bin is overflowing, and the floor is completely covered with lumps of coal. A passage leads east, but a western passage is blocked by rubble.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look bin",
"look spell",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close orange vial",
"eat potion",
"put down potion",
"put down book",
"put down orange vial",
"put down amber",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz orange vial",
"frotz amber",
"rezrov amber",
"look at spell throug bin",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at bin",
"throw potion at bin",
"throw book at bin",
"throw orange vial at bin",
"throw amber at bin",
"open amber with amulet",
"pour potion from bin",
"ploc": "Coal BRoom",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "The orange potion tasted like pepper, and made your nose tingle.\n\nA few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.\n\nSomeone slides out of the coal chute, and lands near the bin. Although your clothes are much cleaner and less torn, the stranger looks virtually like your own twin!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"look vial",
"take scroll",
"take off amulet",
"look down amber",
"close orange vial",
"put down orange vial",
"put down amber",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz orange vial",
"frotz self",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz amber",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug floor",
"give self book",
"take scroll from self",
"cast rezrov at amber",
"throw amulet at floor",
"throw orange vial at floor",
"throw amber at floor",
"throw book at floor",
"open amber with amulet",
"ploc": "Coal BRoom",
"inv": [
"magic amulet",
"indigo vial",
"amber vial",
"orange vial",
"msg": "magic amulet: The magic amulet disappears into the chute.\nindigo vial: The indigo vial disappears into the chute.\namber vial: The amber vial disappears into the chute.\norange vial: The orange vial disappears into the chute.\n\nYour disheveled \"twin\" is having difficulty breathing, but gasps, \"The combination is 639.\" Your older self then looks at you, almost expectantly.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look spell",
"look bin",
"take vardik ",
"put down book",
"frotz self",
"frotz scroll",
"look at spell throug bin",
"give spell book",
"take vardik from bin",
"throw book at bin",
"ploc": "Coal BRoom",
"inv": [
"msg": "Your older self accepts the spell book gratefully.\n\nYour look-alike dives into the lower chute and slides out of view.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chute",
"look bin",
"look at chute throug bin",
"look at bin throug wall",
"ploc": "Coal BRoom",
"inv": null
"msg": "Dial Room\nOn the eastern wall is a heavy door with a dial set into it. There is a sign on the door. Another exit leads west, and a wall-mounted lamp provides illumination. The floor is deeply covered with lumps of coal.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"hit self",
"look at floor throug dial",
"hit floor with self",
"ploc": "Dial Room",
"inv": null
"msg": "The dial is now set to 639. You hear a click from inside the door.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"hit self",
"look at floor throug dial",
"hit floor with self",
"ploc": "Dial Room",
"inv": null
"msg": "The door opens easily.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look floor",
"hit self",
"look at floor throug dial",
"hit floor with self",
"ploc": "Dial Room",
"inv": null
"msg": "Shaft Bottom\nYou are at the bottom of an air shaft which looks climbable. A heavy door leads west.\nLying in one corner is a coil of rope.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look shaft",
"enter door",
"climb shaft",
"take rope",
"close door",
"frotz rope",
"rezrov door",
"look at shaft throug rope",
"ploc": "Shaft Bottom",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look shaft",
"enter door",
"climb shaft",
"close door",
"put down rope",
"frotz rope",
"rezrov door",
"look at shaft throug rope",
"throw rope at shaft",
"ploc": "Shaft Bottom",
"inv": [
"msg": "Shaft Top\nYou are deep inside a large coal mine, at the top of an air shaft. You could descend into the shaft; passages in many directions lead further into the mine.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look shaft",
"climb down shaft",
"put down rope",
"frotz rope",
"look at shaft throug rope",
"put rope down shaft",
"throw rope at shaft",
"ploc": "Shaft Top",
"inv": [
"msg": "Coal Mine\nYou are in a winding tunnel in a large coal mine. Passages lead off in many directions.\nLying near the mouth of one passage is a wooden timber, probably left over from the construction of the mine.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look wood",
"take wood",
"put down rope",
"frotz wood",
"frotz rope",
"look at wood throug all",
"throw rope at wood",
"ploc": "Coal Mine",
"inv": [
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rope",
"put down rope",
"put down wood",
"put down all",
"frotz rope",
"frotz wood",
"look at rope throug wood",
"throw rope at wood",
"throw wood at rope",
"ploc": "Coal Mine",
"inv": [
"beam wood",
"msg": "Coal Mine\nYou are in a winding tunnel in a large coal mine. Passages lead off in many directions.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look rope",
"put down rope",
"put down wood",
"put down all",
"frotz rope",
"frotz wood",
"look at rope throug wood",
"throw rope at wood",
"throw wood at rope",
"ploc": "Coal Mine",
"inv": [
"beam wood",
"msg": "Top of Chute\nYou are at the western end of the coal mine. A metal chute leads downward.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chute",
"look all",
"enter chute",
"put down rope",
"put down wood",
"put down all",
"frotz rope",
"frotz wood",
"look at chute throug rope",
"look at chute throug all",
"put rope down chute",
"put wood down chute",
"put all down chute",
"throw rope at chute",
"put wood across chute",
"ploc": "Top Chute",
"inv": [
"beam wood",
"msg": "The rope is tied securely to the center of the beam.\n\nA troglodyte trundles in and dumps a load of coal into the chute.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chute",
"look all",
"enter chute",
"put down rope",
"put down wood",
"put down all",
"frotz rope",
"frotz wood",
"frotz troglodyte",
"look at chute throug rope",
"look at chute throug all",
"put wood down chute",
"throw rope at chute",
"put wood across chute",
"lower troglodyte down chute",
"ploc": "Top Chute",
"inv": [
"beam wood",
"msg": "The beam is now lying across the mouth of the chute.\n\nThe troglodyte trundles off into the coal mine.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chute",
"look all",
"enter chute",
"take wood",
"put down rope",
"frotz rope",
"frotz wood",
"look at chute throug rope",
"look at chute throug all",
"put rope down chute",
"throw rope at chute",
"lower wood down chute",
"ploc": "Top Chute",
"inv": [
"msg": "The rope hangs from the beam, into the chute.\n\nA troglodyte trundles in and dumps a load of coal into the chute.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chute",
"look all",
"enter chute",
"take rope",
"take all",
"frotz rope",
"frotz wood",
"frotz troglodyte",
"look at chute throug rope",
"look at chute throug all",
"lower rope down chute",
"lower wood down chute",
"lower troglodyte down chute",
"ploc": "Top Chute",
"inv": null
"msg": "You climb carefully down the rope, which is slippery with coal dust, and soon reach a small opening off the chute. You clamber inside...\n\nSlanted Room\nThis small room has a slanted roof, presumably due to the coal chute which passes overhead. You can reenter the chute to the east.\nThere is a shimmering scroll here.\nMounted securely to the wall is a kerosene lamp, filling the room with a serene orange glow. A small compartment at its base is open.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look lamp",
"take scroll",
"close lamp",
"frotz scroll",
"look at lamp throug scroll",
"take golmac from lamp",
"lower lamp down chute",
"lower scroll down chute",
"lower wall down chute",
"lower roof down chute",
"lower golmac down chute",
"lower room down chute"
"ploc": "Slanted Room",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look lamp",
"enter chute",
"close lamp",
"put down scroll",
"frotz scroll",
"golmac lamp",
"look at lamp throug scroll",
"put scroll down lamp",
"put scroll down chute",
"throw scroll at lamp",
"lower lamp down chute",
"lower wall down chute",
"lower roof down chute",
"lower golmac down chute",
"lower room down chute",
"ploc": "Slanted Room",
"inv": [
"shimmering scroll"
"msg": "The scroll reads \"golmac spell: travel temporally\".\n\nYou feel the vilstu potion beginning to wear off, and the air here seems pretty unbreathable.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look lamp",
"enter chute",
"close lamp",
"put down scroll",
"frotz scroll",
"golmac lamp",
"look at lamp throug scroll",
"put scroll down lamp",
"put scroll down chute",
"throw scroll at lamp",
"lower lamp down chute",
"lower wall down chute",
"lower roof down chute",
"lower golmac down chute",
"lower room down chute",
"ploc": "Slanted Room",
"inv": [
"shimmering scroll"
"msg": "As you cast the spell, the shimmering scroll vanishes!\n\nYou are surrounded by a puff of smoke, and feel disoriented for a moment. When the smoke clears, nothing seems to have changed, except that the kerosene lamp is now closed.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look lamp",
"enter chute",
"take scroll",
"look down lamp",
"frotz scroll",
"rezrov lamp",
"look at lamp throug scroll",
"take golmac from lamp",
"lower lamp down chute",
"lower scroll down chute",
"lower wall down chute",
"lower vardik down chute",
"lower roof down chute",
"lower golmac down chute",
"lower room down chute",
"ploc": "Slanted Room",
"inv": null
"msg": "Opening the kerosene lamp reveals a smelly scroll.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look lamp",
"look scroll",
"enter chute",
"take shimmering scroll",
"take smelly scroll",
"close lamp",
"frotz shimmering scroll",
"frotz smelly scroll",
"look at scroll throug lamp",
"take vardik from lamp",
"lower lamp down chute",
"lower shimmering scroll down chute",
"lower smelly scroll down chute",
"lower wall down chute",
"lower vardik down chute",
"lower roof down chute",
"lower room down chute",
"ploc": "Slanted Room",
"inv": null
"msg": "Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look lamp",
"look scroll",
"enter chute",
"take shimmering scroll",
"take scroll",
"close lamp",
"put down scroll",
"put down smelly scroll",
"frotz shimmering scroll",
"frotz smelly scroll",
"vardik lamp",
"look at scroll throug lamp",
"put scroll down lamp",
"put scroll down chute",
"put smelly scroll down lamp",
"put smelly scroll down chute",
"throw scroll at lamp",
"lower lamp down chute",
"lower shimmering scroll down chute",
"lower wall down chute",
"lower vardik down chute",
"lower roof down chute",
"lower golmac down chute",
"lower room down chute",
"ploc": "Slanted Room",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll"
"msg": "Wheeee!!!\n\nCoal Bin Room\nStanding here, looking quite confused, is someone who could only be your younger self -- an exact duplicate of you, but cleaner and breathing with considerably less difficulty. You remember seeing this scene from another viewpoint just a short while ago. Among the items carried by your \"twin\" is your spell book.\n\nThe vilstu potion has almost completely worn off now, and I doubt you could survive here without it.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chute",
"look spell",
"put down scroll",
"frotz scroll",
"vardik wall",
"look at spell throug wall",
"cast vardik at wall",
"throw scroll at wall",
"ploc": "Coal BRoom",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\nYour younger self is attempting to move an orange vial.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chute",
"look spell",
"put down scroll",
"frotz scroll",
"vardik wall",
"look at spell throug wall",
"cast vardik at wall",
"throw scroll at wall",
"ploc": "Coal BRoom",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\nYour younger self hands you your spell book!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coal",
"look spell",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz scroll",
"gnusto vardik ",
"vardik coal",
"look at spell throug coal",
"cast vardik at coal",
"throw scroll at coal",
"throw book at coal",
"ploc": "Coal BRoom",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll"
"msg": "Your younger self seems surprised by your statement.\n\nA few lumps of coal spill from the coal chute.\n\nYour younger self is moving around.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look coal",
"look spell",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz scroll",
"gnusto vardik ",
"vardik coal",
"look at spell throug coal",
"cast vardik at coal",
"throw scroll at coal",
"throw book at coal",
"ploc": "Coal BRoom",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll"
"msg": "You fly out of the chute and land just at the edge of some water...\n\nLagoon Shore\nThis is a narrow beach between a small cove to the east and tall cliffs to the west. The shore curves to the southeast and northeast. A metal chute leads up into the cliff.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look scroll",
"look spell",
"enter cove",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz scroll",
"gnusto scroll",
"vardik rezrov ",
"look at spell throug scroll",
"put scroll down cove",
"put book down cove",
"put all down cove",
"cast vardik at rezrov ",
"throw scroll at chute",
"throw book at scroll",
"ploc": "LagoShore",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll"
"msg": "Time passes...\n\nYou feel the final effects of the vilstu potion vanish, leaving you totally exhausted (an unfortunate side effect).\n\n",
"hints": [
"look scroll",
"look spell",
"enter cove",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz scroll",
"gnusto scroll",
"vardik rezrov ",
"look at spell throug scroll",
"put scroll down cove",
"put book down cove",
"put all down cove",
"cast vardik at rezrov ",
"throw scroll at chute",
"throw book at scroll",
"ploc": "LagoShore",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll"
"msg": "Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread your cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and refreshing your mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.\n\nYou dream of a river, slow and muddy. Great grey hippopotami sport there, bellowing and splashing, and twitching their ears. You awaken and stand.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look scroll",
"look spell",
"enter cove",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz scroll",
"gnusto scroll",
"vardik rezrov ",
"look at spell throug scroll",
"put scroll down cove",
"put book down cove",
"put all down cove",
"cast vardik at rezrov ",
"throw scroll at chute",
"throw book at scroll",
"ploc": "LagoShore",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll"
"msg": "meef spell: Using your best study habits, you learn the meef spell.\nmeef spell: Using your best study habits, you learn the meef spell yet another time.\nswanzo spell: Using your best study habits, you learn the swanzo spell.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look scroll",
"look spell",
"enter cove",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz scroll",
"gnusto scroll",
"vardik rezrov ",
"look at spell throug scroll",
"put scroll down cove",
"put book down cove",
"put all down cove",
"cast vardik at rezrov ",
"throw scroll at chute",
"throw book at scroll",
"ploc": "LagoShore",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll"
"msg": "spell book: Dropped.\nsmelly scroll: Dropped.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chute",
"look spell",
"enter cove",
"take vardik ",
"take book",
"take all",
"frotz scroll",
"look at spell throug chute",
"take vardik from chute",
"ploc": "LagoShore",
"inv": null
"msg": "Surface of Lagoon\nYou are swimming on the surface of a calm lagoon, whose sandy floor is visible below. A curved beach surrounds this inlet on its western side.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look inlet",
"exit inlet",
"look at inlet throug floor",
"ploc": "Surface Lagoon",
"inv": null
"msg": "Lagoon Floor\nThis is the floor of a cove off the turbulent ocean to the east. The ground slopes upward to the north, west, and south. Light filters down from the surface of the water.\nAn orange vial, labelled in tiny letters, is lying here.\nThere is an amber vial here.\nThere is an indigo vial here.\nThere is an amulet here. The amulet's jewel is pulsing with flashes of brilliant light.\nNestled among some coral is a clump of stunningly beautiful spenseweeds, waving slowly in the currents of the lagoon.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look clump",
"look vial",
"enter ocean",
"take amulet",
"take orange",
"take amber",
"take all",
"close orange",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz orange",
"frotz amber",
"meef clump",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug clump",
"ploc": "LagoFloor",
"inv": null
"msg": "The spenseweeds wilt away, revealing a wooden crate labelled with black lettering.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look amulet",
"look vial",
"enter ocean",
"take amulet",
"take orange",
"take crate",
"take all",
"look down crate",
"close orange",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz orange",
"frotz crate",
"rezrov crate",
"look at vial throug amulet",
"ploc": "LagoFloor",
"inv": null
"msg": "Opening the wooden crate reveals a can of grue repellent, a brass lantern, and a grue suit.\n\nYou won't be able to hold your breath much longer.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look repellent",
"look vial",
"enter ocean",
"take repellent",
"take amulet",
"take lantern",
"take orange",
"take amber",
"take crate",
"take suit",
"take all",
"close orange",
"close crate",
"turn on lantern",
"frotz repellent",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz lantern",
"frotz orange",
"frotz amber",
"frotz crate",
"frotz suit",
"put on all",
"rezrov amber",
"look at vial throug repellent",
"take repellent from crate",
"take lantern from crate",
"take suit from crate",
"take all from crate",
"ploc": "LagoFloor",
"inv": null
"msg": "You are now wearing the grue suit.\n\nBetter get some fresh air soon!\n\n",
"hints": [
"look repellent",
"look vial",
"look circle",
"take repellent",
"take amulet",
"take orange",
"take amber",
"take crate",
"take lantern",
"take all",
"take off suit",
"close orange",
"close crate",
"turn on lantern",
"frotz repellent",
"frotz amulet",
"frotz orange",
"frotz suit",
"frotz amber",
"frotz crate",
"frotz lantern",
"rezrov amber",
"look at ocean throug repellent",
"look at vial throug repellent",
"put suit down ocean",
"put suit down crate",
"take repellent from crate",
"take enchanters from suit",
"take lantern from crate",
"take all from crate",
"ploc": "LagoFloor",
"inv": [
"grue suit"
"msg": "Surface of Lagoon\n\n",
"hints": [
"look inlet",
"take off suit",
"exit inlet",
"frotz suit",
"look at inlet throug floor",
"put suit down inlet",
"ploc": "Surface Lagoon",
"inv": [
"grue suit"
"msg": "Lagoon Shore\nThere is a smelly scroll here.\nThere is a spell book here (providing light).\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chute",
"look spell",
"enter cove",
"take vardik ",
"take book",
"take all",
"take off suit",
"frotz suit",
"frotz scroll",
"look at spell throug chute",
"put suit down cove",
"take vardik from chute",
"throw suit at chute",
"ploc": "LagoShore",
"inv": [
"grue suit"
"msg": "smelly scroll: Taken.\nspell book: Taken.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chute",
"look spell",
"enter cove",
"take off suit",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz suit",
"frotz scroll",
"gnusto vardik ",
"vardik chute",
"look at spell throug chute",
"put suit down cove",
"put scroll down cove",
"put book down cove",
"put all down cove",
"cast vardik at chute",
"throw suit at chute",
"throw scroll at chute",
"throw book at chute",
"ploc": "LagoShore",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll",
"grue suit"
"msg": "You are already wearing it.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look chute",
"look spell",
"enter cove",
"take off suit",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz suit",
"frotz scroll",
"gnusto vardik ",
"vardik chute",
"look at spell throug chute",
"put suit down cove",
"put scroll down cove",
"put book down cove",
"put all down cove",
"cast vardik at chute",
"throw suit at chute",
"throw scroll at chute",
"throw book at chute",
"ploc": "LagoShore",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll",
"grue suit"
"msg": "Ocean Shore North\nYou are standing on the western shore of the mighty Flathead Ocean. According to legends you read at the University, the eastern shore of this ocean is a strange land of magical beings and priceless treasures. You could go north along the shore; the edge of a small cove lies to the southwest.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look ocean",
"look spell",
"enter ocean",
"enter cove",
"take off suit",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz suit",
"frotz scroll",
"gnusto vardik ",
"vardik ocean",
"look at spell throug ocean",
"put suit down ocean",
"put suit down cove",
"put scroll down ocean",
"put scroll down cove",
"put book down ocean",
"put book down cove",
"put all down ocean",
"put all down cove",
"throw suit at ocean",
"throw scroll at ocean",
"throw book at ocean",
"ploc": "OceShore North",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll",
"grue suit"
"msg": "Mouth of River\nA mighty river spills into the ocean here. Looking up the river valley, you see a tall waterfall. Atop a cliff, high above you, is the rampart of a fortress. A cave entrance at the base of the cliff to the west is blocked by writhing green vines.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look ocean",
"look spell",
"take vines",
"take off suit",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz suit",
"frotz scroll",
"gnusto vardik ",
"meef vines",
"vardik ocean",
"look at spell throug ocean",
"put suit down ocean",
"put scroll down ocean",
"put book down ocean",
"put all down ocean",
"hit vines with vardik ",
"throw suit at ocean",
"throw scroll at ocean",
"throw book at ocean",
"ploc": "Mouth River",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll",
"grue suit"
"msg": "You can almost feel a wave of pain from the vines as they shrivel away.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look ocean",
"look spell",
"enter ocean",
"enter cave",
"take off suit",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz suit",
"frotz scroll",
"gnusto vardik ",
"vardik ocean",
"look at spell throug ocean",
"put suit down ocean",
"put scroll down ocean",
"put book down ocean",
"put all down ocean",
"throw suit at ocean",
"throw scroll at ocean",
"throw book at ocean",
"ploc": "Mouth River",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll",
"grue suit"
"msg": "Grue Lair\nThis is a low, shadowy cave leading east to west. The rocky walls are scarred with deep claw marks.\nA pack of grues fills the room! The grues, contrary to all conventional wisdom, aren't bothered by your light in the least. They must be mutated grues, no longer fearing light! They seem to be ignoring you, aside from a few suspicious gurgles in your direction.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look walls",
"look spell",
"enter cave",
"take off suit",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz suit",
"frotz scroll",
"gnusto vardik ",
"vardik walls",
"look at spell throug walls",
"cast vardik at walls",
"throw suit at walls",
"throw scroll at walls",
"throw book at walls",
"ploc": "Grue Lair",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll",
"grue suit"
"msg": "Mammoth Cavern\nThis cavern is of extraordinary size, but nevertheless crowded with powerful-looking machinery. You recognize a breeder for producing millions of the mutated grues you just passed. Other devices seem designed to aid the forces of evil while sapping magic powers of Enchanters everywhere.\n\nAt the far end of the cavern are three closed doors: a black marble door leading to the northwest, a shiny silver door heading due west, and a door of bleached white wood to the southwest.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look machinery",
"look door",
"turn on machinery",
"take off suit",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz suit",
"gnusto vardik ",
"open white wooden door",
"open shiny silver door",
"open black marble door",
"vardik machinery",
"look at door throug machinery",
"hit machinery with enchanters",
"take enchanters from scroll",
"take enchanters from book",
"take enchanters from suit",
"cast vardik at machinery",
"open white wooden door with enchanters",
"open shiny silver door with enchanters",
"open black marble door with enchanters",
"ploc": "Mammoth Cavern",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll",
"grue suit"
"msg": "The door creaks slowly open. Within, you see someone lying as though asleep. You feel yourself drawn into the room...\n\nBelboz's Hideout\nAn acrid stench fills this small room, which is obviously a control center for the evil experiments in the cavern outside.\nHanging on the wall is a heavy dagger, its handle encrusted with diamonds.\nBelboz is lying here, motionless but not asleep. He seems to be in some sort of trance.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look knife",
"look spell",
"wake belboz",
"take knife",
"take off suit",
"put down scroll",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz knife",
"frotz evil",
"frotz suit",
"frotz scroll",
"frotz belboz",
"gnusto vardik ",
"vardik knife",
"look at spell throug knife",
"cut scroll with knife",
"throw suit at knife",
"throw scroll at knife",
"throw book at knife"
"ploc": "'s Hideout",
"inv": [
"smelly scroll",
"grue suit"
"msg": "As you cast the spell, the smelly scroll vanishes!\n\nA feeling of warmth and protection fills your mind.\n\n",
"hints": [
"look knife",
"look spell",
"wake belboz",
"take knife",
"take off suit",
"put down book",
"put down all",
"frotz knife",
"frotz evil",
"frotz suit",
"frotz belboz",
"look at spell throug knife",
"throw suit at knife",
"throw book at knife"
"ploc": "'s Hideout",
"inv": [
"grue suit"
"msg": "A wispy translucent shape rises from the body of Belboz. It speaks in a voice so deep that your whole body seems to hear it. \"Foolish Charlatan! I am forced to flee that weak, old body -- I shall take your own, instead! Already I have sucked all knowledge, all secrets from that ancient Enchanter. Now begins an epoch of evil transcending even your worst nightmares; a reign of terror that will last a thousand thousand years!\" The shape blows toward you on a cold wind.\n\nJeearr surrounds you like a cloud and begins to contract. Suddenly, it strikes your invisible protection and recoils as if burned. \"No!\" it cries. \"Such a guileless Enchanter developing a mind shield?\" The cloud is thinner, the voice fainter. \"It cannot be! I cannot survive ... without a host.\" The demon roils in agony, then thins and dissipates. There is a final scream of pain, then silence.\n\nBelboz moans softly, and begins stirring. He sees you and rises, instantly alert. After posing a few well-chosen questions, he casts a brief but unfamiliar spell.\n\nAn instant later, your grue suit has vanished and you are standing in the Chamber of the Circle. The Circle of Enchanters is assembled. Belboz speaks. \"Once again, this young Enchanter has done a matchless service to the Guild and to the entire kingdom, displaying resourcefulness and imagination worthy of the greatest of Enchanters. I grow old, and must soon step down as Head of the Circle. But let it be known that a successor has been found.\"\n\nYour score is 400 of a possible 400, in 408 moves. This puts you in the class of Leader of the Circle of Enchanters.\n Chamber of the Circle Score: 400 Moves: 408 \nHere ends the second chapter of the Enchanter saga, in which, by virtue of your skills, you have been appointed as the next leader of the Circle of Enchanters. The final adventure awaits you as the Enchanter series concludes.\n\nWould you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):\n\n",
"hints": null,
"ploc": null,
"inv": null
"actions": [
"PRESS white, gray, black, red, black",
} | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
Subsets and Splits